#ask zy
zykamiliah · 4 months
"corporal punishment=/=sending a child to fight against a demon elder"
Except SJ had a reason to sent him there... Like LBH was his strongest student and SJ needed someone capable to win this match also both SJ and LBH were cultivators and face and defeat demons was their job
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Yes this is definitely the thoughts one has about their strongest, most capable disciple
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lesbonym · 2 months
Would love to pick you up btw, manhandling you on my cock while holding you up by the thighs 🤭
The way I giggled and squealed reading this
That would be so so hot. I deserve to be manhandled more and my thighs need some hot hands holding them
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skye707 · 8 months
glad to see your back
Yes, I am back!
Thank you to everyone who sent messages asking how I was doing. I’m sincerely sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth there for a second. Started a new job and it’s been keeping my brain extra busy. That and I don’t currently have my art supplies on my person.
I’ve been trying my hand at digital art, so hopefully I can get some more content out soon. In the meantime, everyone please remember that you are special and kind and a wonderful example of life on this planet 💙
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orderandcollosal · 4 months
Hey. Out of curiosity, what would you say is the most difficult thing about having your abilities? I’m asking both of you, if it isn’t clear. :}
The most difficult thing, hm?
Having to limit myself. And to not use too much energy. It takes a lot sometimes. I cut my original strength in half because my body just couldn’t fully handle it.
Knowing when it’s necessary for certain abilities, and what to use. I don’t want to abuse my power just because i’m one of the more powerful legendaries..
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the-friendly-warden · 10 months
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Had a random mental image and had to draw it Zy's cub keeps running off, keeping the poor thing on edge and exhausted and unable to get a moment of rest. This time, the cub has found a massive warden to growl at... Ever heard a warden squeak? Because that was the sound Zy made the instant they realized just how BIG the warden they were facing was. Before scooping up the cub and running like HELL. Wretched is damn near twice Zy's size LOL (Zy's between 10 and 11 feet tall... a little small for a Warden, and kiiind of a wuss lmfao) Wretched belongs to @ask-wretched
(If you wanna turn this into an interaction, feel free to, but ya don't have to LOL I just wanted to draw it)
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zylian · 1 year
So with unhinged zam, how does castle arc really go down ^-^
Like if mapicc knows what zam is really like why chase after him? Maybe to keep an eye on him, to not let him have an escape and go after mapicc somehow. It definitely would be advantageous for him but I'm curious about your thoughts
And does zam see it as a game like mapicc does in canon
Gaahh devotion duo but Worse :33
Castle arc hurts my brain- too many thoughts: (Rambling answer SORRY I got carried away!)
At the core of it, yes, Mapicc is keeping an eye on Zam originally because of what Zam may be up to.
Zam wants to play fair without dupes and so he forced Mapicc down to play fair. When the fighting was no longer fun he turned to fight his teammate to make it fun.
Unhinged Zams “fairness” is being on the same playing field which means no one uses cheats and plays within the rules. That’s the only way he has fun.
Zam knew it would make Mapicc mad, that’s why he didn’t bother talking it out on the nether roof. He painted his picture and made Mapicc a monster. When Mapicc first showed up to the castle, Zam said he felt like it was over for him. He said his last goodbyes and essentially said that because Mapicc found him he was going to be banned.
Zam expected it, yknow since Zam loves playing with death.
Mapicc witnessed Zam blow up new silvington just because Pangi found it despite all of his attachments to it just so he wouldn’t be a sitting duck waiting to die. Yet in the castle arc, Zam knows he’s going to die, Mapicc knows Zam is going to die and Zam chooses to stay.
Zam made Mapicc his enemy so his existence at that point was an issue Mapicc couldn’t ignore. Mapicc is always looking for Zam, it’s ingrained in him since he practically babysitted Zam in s2 so I think Mapicc realized he screwed up the second he found Zams castle.
Mapicc even accidentally messaged Zam “I think I found his base” whether accidental or not, even if he wasn’t going to kill Zam, Zam stayed there and Mapicc realized he expected him.
Despite Zam cutting ties, Mapicc knew at that moment if he didn’t do anything it was going to come back to bite him since Zam has a history of never giving up unless it’s with a ban.
Zams feelings are fickle. Mapicc knows this is what Zam wants and won’t give it to him. He also knows what Zams capable of if he ignores him. When Mapicc attacked Zam before they were even teamed, Zam geared up 5 ppl to attack back. Zam is persuasive, he has a reputation and it’s proven time and time again when other server members put Zam in a separate view than his teammates despite all of the stuff he’s done with them.
Banning Zam wouldn’t solve it if someone else would just bring him back and Zam would target him again so Mapicc couldn’t afford to let Zam get stronger.
Zam doesn’t think of it as a game. Zam takes everything seriously. To him he can find “fun” in anything so there’s no reason to play games. He just needs a good reason and that’s enough for him whether he’s winning or losing.
It’s why Zam got so upset finding Mapiccs room in the castle. Zam found out that Mapicc was going to keep him in this loop as Zams fun/purpose was slowly dying (Pearl dupes/time glitch popped up)
((Castle arc Zam says words but since his actions counteract it, his words aren’t true))
Zam made Mapicc his enemy cause there was never a day he wasn’t bored. His adrenaline was high and he thrived off of it. Zam only feels confident when fighting and when he fights against Mapicc nothing is guaranteed
I hope this makes sense-
So it’s always a game when Zams involved in Mapiccs eyes cause he can’t leave Zam alone without Zam causing something to happen that effects him and Zam doesn’t think it’s a game, since his “fun” is taking it seriously and Mapiccs existence is fun to him.
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zystarsun · 10 months
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been forgetting to post this because i was getting through the last of my finals of the semester but! artfight atk #6 iirc! this time depicting my friend's earthy's oc (left) and mine (right). they're revue star girls!
BASED ON THIS MOMENT ALSO. let everyone know this revue has been living in my head rent free since i saw the movie in january
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a4g · 1 year
I saw this and immediately associated it to u
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OMG. in the dark. . . . is it me or is it cause of spokesuhere
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images of guys in quesiotn
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grassbreads · 10 months
I've been speed-rereading through a bunch of Tai Sui excerpts because I'm making a post that requires a bunch of quote screenshots, and dear lord I forgot how many scenes in this novel give me fucking shrimp emotions.
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zykamiliah · 3 months
Hey, sorry to bother you, but I've been seeing something in the fandom that kind of confuses me, so I'm leaving this ask to my favorite svsss blogs.
I've been trying to get more into Shen Jiu's character, as he is pretty interesting and arguably a fan favorite, and I've noticed that, so far of the fanfics I've read, he is more often than not depicted as a good teacher. A harsh one, but still good? Or not terrible?
One that likes teaching, is involved with his students, taking the little of what we've seen of Shen Yuan's teaching methods and just, giving them a twist, "improving" them even sometimes.
Often it ends up being a show of how Shen Yuan was clumsy, not that good of a teacher (or of a Shen Qingqiu) and I'm... Kind of confused by this trend? Like, is it rooted in canon? Obviously this is still more interesting to read than the "SJ is just a tsundere that never did anything wrong ever" thing, but it feels kind of similar.
I cannot imagine a character as genuinely bitter and angry as Shen Jiu enjoying being a teacher, having a nurturing bone in his body or even being hands on in the teaching of his disciples, several of which he literally bullied out of his peak. But maybe it's just me and I'm wrong?
Was Shen Jiu a good teacher?
I guess I'm just curious of where it comes from. I like Shen Yuan's character, and it often feels like people take Shen Jiu's to show how bad at everything SY is, even if it isn't consistent with SJ's character and often lack nuances, in my opinion.
(Or even if the story claims loving SY while also stripping him away of everything that makes him interesting other than his obliviousness, but that's a whole other thing.)
Sorry again, and I also apologize for the long ask, I'd just figured you or someone that follows you might have an answer.
(Also, I get that fandoms gotta fandom, and I'm not saying people shouldn't write it or anything, I may be a strickler for canon but I'm not the police. Write what you want. I just wonder where it comes from, as I figure that knowing its origins might help me in the future, but I promise I'm not trying to start discourse or anything, so I hope I've made my point clear enough without offending anyone.)
hello!! :DD
well sj being ooc in fics is a common thing by now. people tend to portray him softer than he's in canon, to the point it sometimes turns his whole character upside down. in extreme cases, you'll be dealing with a bitter, more tsundere version of sy with sj's backstory, which is secretly what many people want IMO lol often this people also perceive sy as an incompetent dumb nerd that only knows about monster lore and has no other skills or abilities aside from that-- essentially, they fall for the unreliable narrator's trap of believing every lie he tells about himself.
it's never outright stated, but sj didn't like children, so is fair to assume he didn't like teaching or caring for them either. taking into account qing jing peak's toxic atmosphere pre sy's transmigration, AND the fact that sj was paranoid about being overthrown since he hadn't developed a golden core even after becoming a peak lord and taking lbh in, I don't think he'd be interested in teaching anyone anything. in a lot of cultivation novels, disciples are just given manuals and left to self-study them (like he let lbh use the fake manual, expecting lbh would die from using it. haha. such a good teacher!). this could be the case. aside from that, I don't personally think sj would want to provide any kid guidance. and that's not mentioning how he allowed and enabled bullying, targeted talented disciples, and overall was more worried about his own cultivation and survival and reputation than other things or people.
so where this fanon sj comes from? I'm not sure, really, but I think some people just want a version of him that's palatable AND defensible, like my friend furby says, a declawed sj that's just a poor misunderstood meowmeow who deep inside is secretly good and nice. it's a thing that people who struggle with liking "villainous" or "morally bad" characters do: twisting the narrative around to justify this character's actions. It doesn't help that he's SO complicated, and people who have very black-and-white thinking struggle to place him in either side of the spectrum-- it's the problem mxtx outlined through sqh and sqq's voices
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ch.14 house arrest
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ch.19 shen jiu
really, the fandom has just proved mxtx's point xD
anyway, there's a lot of misconceptions about sj. there are some pretty wild theories around. some fans also treat his abuse as The Worst Abuse in comparison to the Child Abuse he did, because of the (unconfirmed) hints that sj was sexually assaulted by qiu jianluo, as if SA is the worst kind of abuse and child abuse falls back on the tier-list ¯_(ツ)_/¯ because obviously anything that involves sex in inherently worse, apparently
in other cases, people are simply more familiar with the fanon version of the characters, and that's who they portray in their writing. after all, many people read the novel once and then go on to read dozen of fics; it's normal the fanon sticks more on the brain than canon (not judging! it happens to me as well lol) and those fanon versions are more popular because, as i said, this version of sj is more morally palatable (and bland and less fun ���(︶▽︶)┌)
thank you for the ask!! :DDDD ❤️❤️❤️ i love receiving asks~
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lesbonym · 2 months
Loving the accidental matching blog headers lol
Hehehe, I noticed that when I was curious to check out your blog after seeing it in my activity. We both just have such cool matching vibes
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skye707 · 1 year
We should so be best friends (I will reveal my identity soon)
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Okay, cool! And not stated in a threatening way at all! (jk lol) Looking forward to the identity reveal 💙
ngl I've been on the hunt for one (or multiple) of those.
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orderandcollosal · 4 months
Pelipper mail! A plushie! It appears to be of a Pikachu/Jigglypuff hybrid and is entirely hex code ffcc00 coloured. 
Huh.. Interesting! (/pos)
I’m gonna throw it across the region.
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the-friendly-warden · 9 months
((Finished the main part of this story about how Azraketh's life was saved, and the first steps of Zy getting used to people when they were a little cub! I might add more to it as well as a few little one-shots about Azraketh and Zy when they were young. Azraketh is askable! You can also ask Keira things too, especially about her bond with the warden. She's in her 40's now, but it seems having a bond with an Eldritch creature has had some sort of effect on her because she seems to be aging a little slower. Azraketh is a bit territorial and very protective of the town. They saved her life and take care of her now that she's lost her tendrils, she returns that by quickly dispatching anything that threatens her rather odd "pride"))
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[ -@cryptid-artha
Sorry it took so long to get to this ask, I honestly kept forgetting about it because of IRL stuff!
I love your Wardens, Artha, the cub is such a cute bitey little shit. 🤣]
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supertinytins · 9 months
show me. cube. and. zylenoc
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yeah uh. when i said "either way higher or way lower than expected" i mostly meant lower
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