#askbox replies
himitsusentaiblog · 27 days
Did you ever find lucky from kyuranger annoying? I ask because I either people say they love lucky or they hate him
I did at first but as the series went on, I grew to like him.
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Not love mind you, but like. He became way more complex and interesting as his story was slowly revealed and that helped a lot. I feel he's one of those Reds who pretty much comes to dominate the entire series, much like Diago from Kyoryuger.
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Now, that doesn't mean I hate either of those shows (my Sentai toy shelf has so many Kyoryuger transformation toys and gimmicks) but I do wish other characters had gotten some focus. Then again, some guys get all the luck.
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I absolutely love your conclange for the Kel Dor first of all. I have difficulties with language (so its just a VERY hard subject) but also love learning about linguistics. I have been working on one for my own alien species. But also! again "Where Angels Fear To Tread" is fucking amazing every time it updates, I get so excited! pass on my regards to your other writers too! and your time travel fix it with Plo is also my life blood. <3
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kshdfgdsjhk thank you so much!!!! <3333333 All of this is so much self-indulgent fun for me and I'm SO HAPPY to hear that others find it fun as well!! <333333
r.e. the kel dor conlang, I've taken exactly two linguistics classes in my life and one of them was ten years ago so I've also been sort of teaching myself as I go along, lol. It's terribly fascinating, and I've ended up with like. four or five other starwars conlangs on my to-do list lol. I see what tolkien was on about now! XDD
(also: 👀👀 starwars species or original story?)
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thecrowsxiv · 2 years
☿ :  A trope you dislike?
☿ :  A trope you dislike?
I absolutely hate the whole 'Beauty Equals Goodness' thing. It's a whole load of crock, and I wanna yeet it out the window.
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zaruba-needslove · 1 year
A but different from other Riders, Keiwa doesnt seem to be the type forgive and forget.
And this is also the same person who's constantly getting himself fooled by a certain 'sparrow'. 🤣
While for now it's just me with my own headcanons, I do believe that Keiwa CAN actually be reasoned with once someone provided a good argument to counter his earlier sentiment.
Like I felt the only reason Keiwa was being really hostile to Ace atm was because Ace was really a precious friend to him, thus he's being on a tantrum rn. Plus, he still wasn't privy to a lot of information, and information can ALWAYS be manipulated. I mean rn if he knew that Mitsume was forced to become the game's Goddess (right after I assumed the admins found out how Mitsume got Ace) alongside a few other unknown facts of how actually the Goddess create her miracles, he should be able to change his tune. Because honestly, I don't see Keiwa being the unreasonable person if... say he found out that actually--every time Mitsume grant a wish, the cost for it was actually her life force being drained out like some infinity fountain.
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simblrnova · 2 years
First I have to say I love your edits! I've got an Idea for an addon/maxis mesh edit. Mesh edits of the Maxis showers to have solid walls. It always bothered me that most Maxis showers have glass sides that touch walls.
The glass shower setups are kind of pretty, but I just don't feel a need to edit them as I don't use 1 tile showers like that. If I do use that kind of shower in a build, I'm using the one from DU that stands alone or the one from Snowy that has the mirror and building a shower stall around them.
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soosdraws · 1 year
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starting w/ red!! i got prompted both jason and miles but i couldn’t choose so i drew both 
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mycoblogg · 9 months
Whats the difference between lichen, moss, mould and mushrooms if they're all fungus? Aren't they all the same sorta thing?
so, interestingly, all of these groups are very different !! instead of naming the differences, let me quickly explain what exactly these organisms are.
lichen :
lichens are symbiotic organisms, meaning they are in themselves the product of a relationship between different organisms. to simplify it, lichens are big part fungus, & smaller part algae (protista) or cyanobacteria (monera). these different forms of life together create lichen, which grows on trees, rocks, leaves, mosses & sometimes other lichens !! to read more about lichens, check out @/lichenaday's blog :-)
moss :
mosses are actually not fungi at all !! they are small, flowerless plants. they grow on trees & in soil. :-)
mould :
mould is a type of structure that fungi can form - it is entirely fungal. it reproduces through airborne spores :-) there are many different types of mould ; some are toxic, some are used medicinally, & some are saprotrophs. (note : slime moulds & water moulds are unrelated to fungal moulds !!)
mushrooms :
so, lots of people think mushrooms are a species of fungus, but they are not. "mushroom" refers to the fruiting body of a fungus ; what a mushroom is to a fungus is comparable to what a flower is to a tree - the part that reproduces !! not all fungi produce mushrooms (e.g. moulds, which do not have fruiting bodies as the entire organism is able to release spores). there are currently only 14 000 discovered fungi that produce mushrooms !! more fungi that don't produce mushrooms include mildew, yeast & lichen.
so, yes !! they're all quite different in structure, cells & function in the ecosystem.
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what if we replace fuck marry kill with hug adopt slap for underage characters. better version
How about hug, adopt, therapy? H.A.T for short
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galoogamelady · 5 months
Hi, how are you?, I'm begging for NSFW from your male OC, why?, I don't know either!, just please do it! :’(
Hello, empty blog! There is! I hope that helps!
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himitsusentaiblog · 4 months
hello friend!! i have a couple of things to say today! <3
firstly, i never knew you were trans!! that's so exciting, as i'm also a trans person! (i ID as nonbinary!) glad to see my fellow trans people in spaces and fandoms for things i love!!
and secondly, i was wondering what your thoughts were on Lupinranger vs. Patranger. i remember this series being announced when i last followed ur account on my now-dead blog and i was really curious to see how they managed it and if it was a good series or not
hope ur having a good day !! <3
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs. Keisatsu Sentai Patranger was a really, really fun series.
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They did a really good job balancing things between the two teams and building relationships between them out of costume. The fact that the Patrangers were known to the Lupinrangers out of costume but not the other way around made for an interesting dynamic and some tension I just adored.
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This lead to a LOT of shipping and the show did NOTHING to stop it. I personally shipped Lupin Yellow and Patren Sangou
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And the show itself made it pretty clear that there was something going on between LupinRed and PatrenIchigo.
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However, the focus on the two teams did have one small side effect, the villains came across as afterthoughts at best at times. It's not that they were bad villains, they were just rather unmemorable. This wasn't really a problem in my opinion because the story of the two teams was so engaging that the villains didn't NEED to be all that in focus. This series also has some of my favorite humorous episodes including one of my new favorite Christmas episodes ever! This is maybe my second favorite modern Sentai series after Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (but that show is SO hard to beat). As for me, I've only been publicly out as Trans since September 2021 and I could not be happier! I'm a Trans Femme (She/Her) and just celebrated my second anniversary of being on HRT. Thank you for the question and Happy Viewing!
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bobparkhurst · 1 month
OC creators of my acquaintance, longtime or new (as either acquaintances or OC creators), a question.
If there was one (1) piece of advice you'd give to someone creating an OC or multiple OCs, for a fandom property (ie not original fiction), what would it be?
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thecrowsxiv · 1 year
I don't know who this anon is?
Do you?
(I am doing mischief)
I'm not really sure, myself...
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zaruba-needslove · 1 year
opinions on the Geats cast now and what are your hopes for the endgame.
I love the whole cast, really. They're so wholesome. Ace and Keiwa made a good pair... I hope they'll make up soon cos it's obvious that both of them were hurting due to their current 'divorce' 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Miichi is such a tsundere... I love him (come into my collection my dear... I got plenty of tsunderes in my vault wwww)
Neon is a dear too... I just wish she had more roles to play in series, I mean, I liked to see more growth for her character~ Hopes for the Endgame huh? More angst muahahahaha Considering that I did have that Imperfect AU going rn, I'm mostly open to anything tbh. Because as long as we got a proper good end for all of the characters, I'll be happy. But then... the budding writer in me at least hope that the endgame concludes satisfactorily while also leaving some leeways to allow (at least the main 4) characters to still retain their Kamen Rider abilities (and memories) even after they defeated the DGP people. Also please don't let my baby Ace be alone while everyone's memories are reset. Look at how happy he was with Keiwa and Neon and Sara (and even Miichi too)...
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simblrnova · 2 years
your cc is SO good, thank you for sharing it
Thanks :)
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mycoblogg · 10 months
Tell me a shroom fact please
a recently-found amber fossil (dating to ~100 million years ago) suggests that dinosaurs ingested psychotropic fungi !!
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in this fossil, we see some of the earliest recorded evidence of grass. atop the grass? a fungal parasite. in comparison with our fungi today, this fungus is most similar to ergot - fungi that grow on rye & produce alkaloids. ergot has been used as a medicine, a poison & a hallucinogen by humans for thousand of years.
"there’s no doubt in my mind that it would have been eaten by sauropod dinosaurs, although we can’t know what exact effect it had on them." - george poinar jr, of the oregon state university's college of science.
the small chance that dinosaurs tripped on psychedelics keeps me going, tbh.
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outrogi · 1 year
hii, i was wondering if you know this jk x yn fic where theyre both inexperienced and wanted to learn more abt sexual experiences before they go off to college…ive read it before but i cant seem to remember if the author deactivated or changed users T.T
hi anon! I've read a fair share of virginity loss fics, but I'm not sure I've read this one you're looking for :(
regardless! here's a few that come really close with what you're looking for:
first we have card swiped by @1kook, an ongoing series where jungkook (a virgin) offers to sleep with reader as her first time, making her believe he has experience. They're childhood best friends in college already and it has yet to get smutty, but it's really funny and endearing watching him navigate the before part of their first night together and gather enough courage to pull it off
up next is first & last by @kookiesjoonies, a night where best friends mc and jungkook play truth or dare and she admits she’s never been kissed, and jungkook wastes no time offering to be her first. It’s hot, it’s cute, it’s a great read so hope you like it as much as I did 🫶🏻
coming right up is the virgin volume by @kpopfanfictrash, this is set in the universe of rich man’s crochet club (highly recommend this joon fic too oh my god). It tells the story of how jungkook lost his virginity. It’s a friends to lovers story, but there’s ANGST, I won’t spoil.. But! This jungkook’s story continues in the monogamy monologues 
and last but definitely not least, one of the first jk fics I read here! I still hold it close to my heart. It's for science by @boymeetsweevil, I can't recall if either are virgins, but nerd!jk asks the mc to let him observe her... for science. There's angst, there's fluff, there's 'science' and there's smut. It's a great fic and I highly recommend it 💜
hopefully someone that knows exactly the fic you're looking for will leave a reply, so keep an eye out <3
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