#at a certain point having to choose between being trapped in a situation were you can never authentically exist or like
caruliaa · 1 year
yk i think like. im trying desperately not to depress people around me w how close to doomerism i can veer but like. at a certain point its like. the effort and exhaustion that goes into maintaining just being alive in this world is not worth what comes from being alive and like. girlies we may have reached it. el oh el.
#like obvs its different for everyone like. what i really mean is that i have reached it or like. tht was always inevitably the case#for my life. which ik feels really depressing to say nd im sorry tht it makes ppl sad but idk like. its just true at a certain point#absolutely not from a lack of trying from the good things within my life to be clear not at all like. ik have sm great parts to my life#tht like. just mean so so much to me and im so so lucky to have but as upsetting as it is to say and think abt#at a certain point having to choose between being trapped in a situation were you can never authentically exist or like#have any control over your life and exist on your own terms even in v small ways while having to constantly be around people whove#caused you so much pain and trauma and hurt and being is a situation were like. at best your constantly working to afford living and you#are constantly exhausted by this and have no time for being yourself anyway and at worst you just cant afford anything and you die#and that could happen to you at any point idk like. these are my two options and i cant change anything about that fact#no matter how much i want to and that feeling is just. so so crushing and inescapable and just idk i dont know how to deal with it#like. idk iv done everything to try to but its only ever a temporary distraction#bc the problem isnt fucking like. mental or emotional its the facts of my reality and that cant be changed#so ofc im going to be constantly fucking miserable things just. are misearble#and idk. im sorry tht thts something other ppl have to deal with when it comes to like. knowing me bc genuinly its like.#they dont deserve that its sm pain for somoene to deal with and if that someone isnt. somone whos come to term with what#my fate invetiably is like have ik its too much nd im sorry for like. putting that on ppl i just. idk im sorry#idk what up with me suddnely. i mean i do but like. idk why i cant just hold it together like. this has always been the case idk why#im letting it upset me sm suddenly . ig bc i let myself have hope at some point. like an idiot.#idk im sorry. and its nearly 1am so i think im just going to go to sleep.im so sorry for just. all of this.#lucy if your reading tihs im so sorry for not sending and answering asks but i want to say that i love you so so so much. and im sorry#flappy rambles#vent#ask to tag
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
hi, what are ur thoughts on SY!SQQ? do you dis/like him? do you think he “stole” SJ’s body?
Lol stole SJ's body.
No, I don't think he stole anything as "Shen Jiu" ceased to exist as an entity for the story the system wanted to fix. Shen Yuan was the change it needed as well as the other characters to have their fate changed. Shen Yuan is still the technical villain of the work, but that is not out of maliciousness as Shen Jiu, but situational mistakes made by him and misunderstanding that he himself has already altered the world's path.
Shen Yuan was the needed factor to right what even Shen Qingqua acknowledged as regrets over and turning it for the better. Shen Jiu regardless in Shen Qinghua's story would have never changed, regardless of what backstory he had untold and was revealed to Shen Qingqui. His past wasn't told for the reader's to think better of Shen Jiu, but for Shen Qingiu to realize he is not Shen Jiu or obligated to be, for the system or anyone. Shen Yuan has a lot of sympathy but is horribly dense to emotional empathy to others and time and again needs to have it shoved in his face that there are options to choose from that no longer keep hurting Luo Binghe as Shen Jiu had. It takes far longer than it should have to come to this realization as he finally acknowledges.
I will use this as an excuse to use another thought piece I've been poking at to add on as an addition. Due to Shen Yuan's awkward and low empathy processing and what that means that he is a villain antagonist that overcomes that trope:
Exactly what was this System? What was the point of its existence? So he could know exactly how unfortunate these people were? So he could personally witness the most tragic ways the world could screw people over?
Or so he could drive Luo Binghe to insanity?
Everyone said Luo Binghe had gone mad. Even he himself had smiled and admitted it. Xin Mo, which Luo Binghe had finally managed to suppress after a million words of struggle in the original work, had gained the upper hand in this struggle and invaded Luo Binghe’s mind.
This wasn’t a result of one or two events, but a slow accumulation over time, until finally it had completely erupted. Numerous signs had long since made themselves apparent,
but Shen Qingqiu had never noticed.
Or perhaps he should say that he’d never realized that Luo Binghe was actually so insecure, to the point of having an inferiority complex.
First, he’d thought Luo Binghe was unbelievably cruel and evil, then he’d thought Luo Binghe was unspeakably strong and bright. Looking back, the symptoms of Xin Mo’s invasion of Luo Binghe’s mind had appeared as early as Zhao Hua Monastery.
When Luo Binghe heard his backstory, he’d received a massive shock. In his moment of greatest panic, he reached out to Shen Qingqiu, pleading for his shizun to leave with him.
But Shen Qingqiu hadn’t taken Luo Binghe’s hand and instead had made Luo Binghe leave alone first. At that time, Luo Binghe’s psyche started to grow incredibly unstable. What he’d needed wasn’t a path of safe retreat, but to be together with Shen Qingqiu.
Even if he was trapped in Zhao Hua Monastery and unable to retreat, even if he was surrounded and attacked by everyone present—either outcome was better than leaving alone!
To a Luo Binghe in that state of mind, having to leave alone was as good as being "thrown away”—like he had been when Su Xiyan willingly drank that poison.
It was exactly as Luo Binghe himself had said. He wasn’t forcing Shen Qingqiu to choose between two options because he was completely certain he knew the answer, down to his very bones: that Shen Qingqiu would one day abandon him.
His entire mind had flooded with terror of and anxiety from speculating over something yet to happen. How could he not go completely insane?
Shen Qingqiu is not a mirror for Shen Jiu, he is one for Yue Qingyuan. As Luo Binghe in the changed plot is a mirror of Shen Jiu. Like Qingyuan Shen Qinqiu was unable to see what a perceived constant abandonment can do to a person's mind, especially with the "promise", that they would be there, they would make sure nothing would ever hurt them again, while being the catalysts of that continued hurt without acknowledgment. Yue Qingyuan expresses deep regret for just not simply being able to reveal to Shen Jiu what happened to him as well that caused him not to come back, desperately wanting to. Siblingship and what he felt for She Jiu was no less in yearning and love than the romantic adoration that Shen Qingqui had for Luo Binghe.
Shen Jiu:
Some time passed, then Shen Jiu sighed. “Qi-ge, you really gotta be less impulsive in the future. You mess up every single time. This time I was the unlucky one, but if you’re still like this in the future after joining those immortal sects, what are you gonna do? You gotta keep calm!”
He was lecturing someone older than him, and at such a tender age too. It was somehow comical. Yet the other youth didn’t seem the slightest bit unhappy. Instead he said earnestly, “I’ll remember.”
Now that he had hope, Shen Jiu’s voice became fervent. “You absolutely have to remember the things you said! You must come back to save me!”
Qi-ge seemed to be nodding his head hard. “All right,” he said emphatically. “Wait for me. Once I finish my training, I’ll definitely come back—then we’ll leave together!”
Luo Binghe:
Having just entered his apprenticeship, Luo Binghe had been full of joy and gratitude.
But now that he’d been splashed with a head full of tea for no reason, his heart had been wholly chilled and quenched, as if he’d taken a bucket of ice water to the face, complete with ice cubes.
He blankly remained kneeling in place, eyes unblinking. During this silence, two teardrops rolled down his cheeks.
This was Luo Binghe’s first cry since he personally buried his mother. It would also be the last time he cried at Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. After this, no matter what humiliation he suffered, no matter what “Shen Qingqiu” did to him while venting his twisted feelings, Luo Binghe’s tears never fell unrestrained in the way they did today.
Shen Qingqiu
Shen Qingqiu crouched before him, but when he raised his sleeves, they passed right through Luo Binghe. He was unable to touch him, unable to hug him. He was completely helpless to even wipe away his tears. His heart ached and throbbed to the point that he wished for death.
Despite knowing Luo Binghe couldn’t hear him, he still said, “Don’t cry, hm?”
Luo Binghe stared down at his knees, and the fists resting on his legs slowly clenched. His tears dripped faster, the drops splashing onto his lapels.
"Shizun will never hit you again.” Shen Qingqiu fruitlessly wiped at his cheeks and coaxed him. “So don’t cry.”
Luo Binghe raised a hand and rubbed at his eyes, then carefully picked up the teacup on the ground before placing it to the side. Clutching that jade pendant to his chest, he corrected his kneeling posture.
Shen Qingqiu knew what Luo Binghe was thinking at this moment. Surely he hadn’t understood the rules and had done something wrong, angering the peak lord. That was why he’d been given this punishment. As a disciple, kneeling for his shizun was also something he should do.
Looking at those subtle movements of his, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t help but kneel as well so that they were face-to-face. He reached out, tightly enveloping the entirety of Luo Binghe’s small body in a phantom embrace.
Yue Qingyuan:
But Yue Qingyuan’s next words would shake Shen Qingqiu to the core. “I’m truly…sorry.”
Even his voice trembled. “Even though I wanted to return as soon as possible, even though I wanted to come get you immediately…I made a mess of things instead. You were right. In the end, I’m an impulsive person…
"After that, Shizun destroyed all the tendons, bones, and meridians in my body, then shut me inside the Lingxi Caves for more than a year. My entirety was broken down, to be rebuilt anew.
"I screamed, I yelled, but it was no use. For an entire year, inside that pitch-black cave, no matter how crazed I became, how hysterical, no one listened closely to what I said, no one let me out…
"I pushed myself as hard as I could, but by the time I returned, Qiu Manor had already been destroyed for some time…”
It is Yue Qingyuan that is what is able to snap Shen Qingqiu to not continue a path of fake apathy and to actually take a step to fix their regrets. Shen Qingqui doesn't want to be the empty promise of sympathy as resounded so many times despite doing nothing but adding to Luo Binghe's hurt by faking passivity and aloofness to make good on what he says about not wanting to hurt Luo Binghe and leave him consistently. The running thread here is that they both said they would "be together" with Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe respectively yet were not able to, due to awful circumstance for Yue Qingyuan, and for lack of foresight of Luo Binghe's trauma that even Shen Qingqiu added towards.
They admittedly did fail to uphold the larger than life promises they made in the heat of impulse, Shen Qingqiu was just given the opportunity to be able to right his mistakes with the push from Yue Qingyuan. Shen Qingqui was able to show in actions finally that he did ultimately and truly care deeply for Luo Binghe, who had been consistently met with abandonment by those he loved, intentionally and unintentionally committed by Shen Qinqiu the most. His flippancy towards Luo Binghe's traumas are what he needs to tackle himself and make up for, something that Yue Qingyuan and Shen Jiu were unable to do despite the efforts on Yue Qingyuan's part.
In short, I very much adore Shen Yuan (motions to blog title), I feel he is a great rendition of what it means to be human, he's not amazing, he's smart, but he's emotionally dense, he says hurtful things but can care for someone with his entire heart. But he is not as omnipotent as he thinks to be and has to learn that the one he adored and then vilified wrongly, did not harm him as much as he had harmed the one he said he wanted to protect.
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the-solar-system52 · 7 months
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I wasn't expecting an update this week, and almost missed it since I checked the website too early, but here we are!
Now there is A LOT to unpack in this page, and if you know my theories, then I'm sure you think I'm about to talk about the parallels between The House of Lead and Negative in this dialogue. Which I 100% will, but another time. I want to talk about the Lead House in itself first.
When I first started with my RGB and Negative theory, I said that the House of Paint and House of Lead where supposed to be parallels to RGB and Negative, and I still stand by that.
But as I read recent pages, reread old ones, and was offered different perspectives from other fans, I'm began to think a lot about Lead House and Paint House as their own CHARACTERS, and not just plot points to parallel other characters.
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Just listen to this stuff RGB says, this is very interesting characterization! And also incredibly depressing. Lead House's strange and physics-defying architecture being explained by it trying to fill the void left by being split apart, and it's extreme loneliness because of that is a very tragic situation for a literal house to be in.
And when I first read Double Exposure, I was under the impression that either The Butterfly or Negative owned the house, but this is seemingly debunked in this page. And that fact puts the previous pages in a very different context.
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RGB outwrite states it here. This House has a personality, toying with RGB and Hero by trapping them, but not actually harming them. It seems to just be excited to be inhabited by people, when it hasn't for so long, and doesn't want them to leave.
Unlike the Paint House, this House can't be owned by anyone, and chooses it's shape based on whatever it wants. And although it seems to take an interest in the conversation Hero and RGB are having (evident by it spawning in the mirror maze when they were talking about Negative) it doesn't seem to be directly controlled by them.
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And gosh I love this panel so much! It seems entirely self aware of how it's gone "cuckoo" due to its loneliness, but turns it into a joke. Or maybe its not supposed to be a joke, and the House just doesn't have any other way to communicate, both options are equally sad.
But seeing how much personality Lead House has, it made me realise that Paint House doesn't really share the same traits.
Its design is entirely dependent on person who is controlling it. Although it reflects the inhabitants thoughts, like Click's face in the trains set, Hero's up-high bed, a bunch of plushies spawning in, etc. All these examples all come from the thoughts, wants or memories of Hero when she has the House's key. I wouldn't say it has much of a personality or consciousness at all.
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And though this system may be convenient for our protagonists, it is very inconvenient for the House itself. It straight up FALLS APART when Hero isn't paying enough attention to it! And consistently gets more and more abstract when controlled by a distracted 8 year old's mind.
So, Lead House has more individuality, isn't controlled by anyone and therefore doesn't fall apart or abstract. But, because it can't be owned, its gone insane with loneliness and isolation.
Paint House can be owned and wouldn't be considered lonely, but is far too dependent on others and is falling apart because of it.
Both houses are incomplete in their own way, so the obvious solution is for them to be fused back together into the House of Lead Paint!
The House of Lead Paint would be a balance between an individual personality, as well as being influenced by others. And they wouldn't be lonely anymore if they were together, plus once again being a home to someone! I could definitely see Hero and RGB living there, but instead of just outright controlling the House, they are able to ask the House for certain things, (or maybe the House could still read Hero's thoughts, but get to choose if its wants to change or not) and it will be more of a character.
This will obviously take the stress off Hero, since she won't have to be constantly thinking about the House just to stop it from abstracting or worrying about her dreams changing the house, and instead it could take care of itself at times, while still being helpful to our protagonists when they need something.
I think this may be happening sooner rather than later. Specifically because of RGB's "It may be as well for us to stay outside for a while" line, implying that something needs to change before Hero and RGB can go back into the Paint House.
This also seems like a stand in for a 'Tree' to this part of the story. "Big structure with emotional issues that needs to work through its issues in a symbolic way and transform into something else" Hero being the current owner of Paint House, having a track record of wanting to help out Trees, and needing a way to get out of Lead House, it seems perfectly in character for her to want to merge the Houses back together again. And now that the houses are in the same area to eachother (with the folded page being opened) I could 100% see this happening before the end of this arc. Probably as a conclusion to them getting out of the Lead House.
(anddd it could maybe be foreshadowing for RGB and Negative RGB merging back together???) (Fnaf sb ruin eclipse reference???) (tho, if that does happen, it would most likely be at the climax of TPOH)
I can't believe I'm getting so emotionally attached to the character arc of two HOUSES. But I just needed to get this rant out of my system.
So I'll probably talk about the dialogue relating to Negative another time, since this is already very long. Maybe I'll wait till the next update, since I'll undoubtedly have more things to rant on about then. But I hope you enjoyed this, even if it's a bit different from my usual RGB-centric theories.
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Chapter 14
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7
Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 ao3 link
It was eerie walking through the burnt out remains of Hawkins lab. It would have been a surreal thing either way, but it was worse now that he was remembering. 
Ever since he’d worked with El earlier that day, more and more had been coming back to him in bits and pieces—flashes of growing up trapped inside white walls, his early childhood wasted in the cold unfeeling hands of Dr. Brenner and his colleagues.  
He made his way quickly to the building’s basement, slipping into the Upside Down through a newly reopened crack in the wall. It looked almost exactly as he had always pictured it—a cold, barren, and slightly alien landscape. A dark mockery of the town he’d come to know as home.
He walked on, choosing his direction based on instinct alone, trusting himself that he knew the way to the Creel house even if he’d never actually been there. He just had a gut feeling and let himself follow it. If he was going to do this, if he had any hope at all of getting Steve out of this situation alive, he’d have to trust himself—all of himself. 
Chittering growls in the distance made Eddie freeze in place, trying to discern where they were coming from and make sure they weren’t headed his way. Just as suddenly, he also heard the soft footsteps of something coming up rapidly behind him, too light to be a demogorgon or even a demodog, but still concerning. 
Before he could even manage to turn and check on the something, it ran right into his back with a quiet, “oof.”
He whirled around with his hands up ready to fight, only to come face to face with a wide-eyed and startled Eleven.
“What are you doing here?!” He hissed.
“What are you doing here?” 
The growling intensified, seeming much closer and in greater numbers than before. The sound sent shivers down Eddie’s spine.
“Okay maybe we shouldn’t be yelling.” He whispered, and took her by the hand, pulling her along at a jog in the direction he’d been going. They didn’t slow down or stop until he was sure they’d lost the unseen pack of predators.
“I should really be making you go back. Everyone’s going to be worried when they find out you’re gone.” He said when it was safe—safer.
“And they will not be worried about you?” She argued.
He shook his head, sputtering. It wasn’t the same thing at all! 
She was… 
And he… 
“I’m an adult!”
“You need me,” she said, tearing herself out of his grip and putting both hands on her hips, in startling similarity to her adoptive big brother. 
“El, you’re just a kid! Steve wouldn’t want you putting yourself in danger like this.”
She quirked a brow and raised both hands palms-out at a nearby fallen tree trunk that was at least as big around as she was tall. It lifted into the air seemingly of its own accord, though Eddie knew better, and was flung clean across the road to the other side. 
“I am strong. We can get Steve out and fight Henry, together.”
She made a hell of a point, though he still didn’t like it. If anything happened to her he’d never be able to forgive himself.
“Fine.” He said between clenched teeth and motioned to the street ahead.
“He would not like you being in danger either, Eddie.” She said softly, slipping her hand back into his as they resumed their journey.
“I know.”
When the Creel House finally came into view Eddie was still struggling to come up with any sort of plan, and as they approached the front door with its cracked and filthy stained glass window, resigned himself to playing it by ear.
He was almost certain they no longer had the element of surprise on their side, having realized along the way that there was very little chance Henry didn’t already know they were coming. The way there had been far too easy to traverse, almost as if he were letting them in. Eddie couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not.  
Still, they took care in avoiding the intricate web of vines that ran up and down the staircase on their way to the top floor of the house. No need to make things easier for their enemy if they actually had somehow flown in under the radar. 
Eddie pushed the attic door open as quietly as he could and tiptoed inside, El following closely behind. The first thing he saw was Steve, strung up in a corner across the room by his arms and legs with the same tendrils that had littered the stairs, that seemed to be scattered all over this hell dimension. 
His body was disturbingly limp, head lolled to one side, eyes closed, and Eddie hoped with everything he had that he was just unconscious.
Without taking so much as a second to glance around the rest of the space, Eddie rushed towards the place where Steve hung, only to find himself unable to move—his feet becoming glued to the floor about halfway there. Out of habit he looked down first, expecting to find one of those snake-like things holding him back, or or even some substance sticking him there, but there was nothing to see. 
Eddie swiveled his head around and finally he saw him. Vecna—Henry, hovering with the aid of his own set of tentacle-like vines that seemed to grow out of his back, in the middle of the space in front of a large boarded-up window. He had a single long-clawed hand held in the air aimed in Eddie’s direction.
Eleven stepped out in front of Eddie, mirroring Henry’s stance and using her own power, somehow distracting him enough to sever the connection.
As soon as he was free from his invisible bonds, Eddie ran to Steve’s side, hands flying to his neck to check for a pulse. He sagged in relief as he felt a strong steady beat against his fingers, and briefly rested his forehead against Steve's chest, feeling its shallow rise and fall with each wheezing breath.
“I’m here, sweetheart. We’re gonna get you out, don't worry.” He whispered into the fabric of Steve’s shirt and pressed a kiss through it right over his heart.
“The same way you got Eleven out when you were both small children?” Henry quipped, having somehow overheard him. His voice was deep and gravelly, more a growl, like the creatures who served him, than actual human speech. 
Eddie breathed Steve in, committing the feel and smell of him to memory one last time before turning to face the monster of a man that might in fact be his biological father, putting himself between his past and his present.
“Let him go.” Eddie demanded.
“And why would I do that, Eddie?” Henry asked, drawing his name out as if to mock the very idea of it, an expression of distaste pinching his disfigured face. 
“Because, if you let him go… I'll stay.”
“We.” Eleven said firmly, stepping up to stand next to him—adding herself to the human shield standing between her brother and Henry. “We will stay, but only if you agree to let Steve go and leave the rest of our friends alone.”
“Is that what you think I want?”
“Isn’t that what this has all been about?” Eddie blurted out. “Sure, you wanted to get back at Eleven for sending you here, at me for abandoning you, but you wanted us by your side once and now you’ve taken the one thing that guaranteed we would come to you.”
“You think I took him to draw you out?” Henry threw his head back with a deep rumbling laugh, as he was slowly lowered to the floor. “I took him to hurt you, to hurt both of you. You serving yourselves up for me like this is merely a bonus.”
With a casual flick of his wrists, Henry sent both of them skidding across the floor until their backs smacked into the wall. More of Henry’s never ending supply of sentient vines began to coil themselves around Eddie's legs, starting at his ankles and snaking upwards until he was too entangled to move. Another set had taken hold of his wrists, pinning them out at his sides. Eddie struggled in their hold, trying to get any part of him free, to try and fight back, but it was no use. His bindings only grew tighter and tighter. 
All he could do was turn his head and watch as the same happened to Eleven right beside him. She cried out, but the sound was cut off abruptly as a final slimy tendril wrapped around her throat. Her eyes went wide, tears streaming down her face as she was slowly choked into unconsciousness.
Henry must have been sandbagging before. He’d let El free Eddie from his hold, it was the only explanation. The power he’d just displayed was far beyond what he had shown when they first entered the attic.
But why? 
Just to fuck with them? Just to make them think they had a chance? What did these mind games do for him—what did it prove? 
Maybe he just enjoyed tormenting them. 
Eddie screamed El’s name as her small body went limp and soon found his own head being wrenched back. His heart beat frantically as he was pinned in place against the wall by another tentacle sliding across his forehead and a final one around his throat, constricting his airway. 
“It didn’t have to be this way.” Henry said quietly to himself, almost sounding regretful.
Eddie wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, tried to make his mouth form the words but could only open and close his lips like a fish struggling out of water. Before long, black spots began to dance over his vision, and Eddie could do nothing but glare at his would-be father as the darkness slowly overtook him, vowing to himself that if he ever woke up again he would see him dead. One way or another.
Miraculously, he did wake again.
Slowly, at first—small bits of sensory information flooding his consciousness. The feel of the hard floor beneath his cheek, the chill of the air that surrounded him, its stale and musty smell, the taste of ash sitting on the back of his tongue. 
His head was pounding, but he was alive. 
He took silent stock of his body, finding that, apart from the pain in his head and a bit of rawness around his neck, he was mostly unharmed. He was also no longer tied up.
Finally, he opened his eyes and sat up. Henry was still there back up in his high position, but he was in a trance, or at least he seemed to be. Though Eddie wouldn't put it past him to be putting on a show again. He looked next to him, half expecting, half hoping to find Eleven to be sprawled out similarly free, but she was gone.
He looked around in a panic, scrambling to his feet when he saw she was now hung over in the corner with Steve as if on some kind of gruesome art display made special for him. He ran to check on her. The ties that bound her were looser now, merely holding her up in place just like her brother. She was paler than ever but her pulse was strong.
She was alive. 
He didn't understand why Henry hadn’t killed them when he had the chance, unless he’d been bluffing when he said drawing them out wasn’t his goal—unless he wanted something from them. Frankly, Eddie didn't care what his motivations were, he was sick and fucking tired of all of it. Henry’s mind games, his own fear, and doubt, and guilt. He had to find some way to end this.
“Ah, you are awake, good.” Henry said, drawing Eddie’s attention back to the rest of the room.
“What do you want? Why are you doing this?” Eddie asked. Less for an answer and more to buy some time for him to think, and for El to wake up. He couldn't do this alone, he knew that now. 
“If you would only stop and think about it logically for a minute, you would see that I am not the evil villain you think I am. I’m the reason you were able to free yourself from that place, after all. Without me you would still be living under Papa’s thumb.”
It was true, in a roundabout way, but Eddie wasn’t fooled. “Then why don’t you just let us go and leave us alone if you’re not the bad guy in this story?”
“Humans are a unique type of pest, don’t you think?” Henry continued conversationally, as if they were discussing current events, or the weather. “Multiplying and poisoning our world all while enforcing a deeply unnatural structure of their own creation, as if it were some kind of improvement over the natural way of things. Some call it order, I call it a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world built on a foundation of made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a shadow, a lesser version of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day. I didn’t want that for myself, nor did I want it for you. We can make our own rules, and restore balance to this broken world. Burn it down only so that we may save it, together.”
The word echoed in Eddie's mind like the ringing of a bell. Evoking thoughts of Wayne, Claudia, and Dustin—the boys. His friends, his family. Even Hopper, who he’d never liked but had unflinchingly had his back since the day he’d heard about the scared little boy who’d escaped from Hawkins lab. 
A flash of white behind Eddie’s eyes, and he saw him, Hop. There were others with him too. Wayne for sure, marching along right next to him. The others were fuzzy though he thought he got a glimpse of Chrissy’s ponytail. They were all walking down an abandoned strip of road, ash falling lightly around them. He saw it all in a split second before the vision fell away. 
“Son, Five, Eddie—you are capable of more than you could possibly imagine. You can see things, yes, past, present, future; but if you wanted, like me you could reach into others minds, explore their memories. With practice and my help you could influence their very thoughts, their feelings. You must see how this ability could be used for good? To control that which comes after, in our new world. To make sure it never comes to this again.”
Eddie feared for a moment that Henry would know what he’d seen. He knew the man was able to reach inside and root around in people’s brains, but no reaction came. He wondered if his own abilities served to block his father out. He would still have learned much through Steve’s mind and others, but to his relief it seemed as though he couldn't read Eddie himself. 
He couldn't be sure exactly when the vision had found him from. In the now? In the future? He chose to believe it was in the present and if he could only stall Henry long enough, help would arrive. He hummed, crossing his arms over his chest and doing his best to look interested, if suspicious, hoping it would prompt Henry to continue.
“But first you must disabuse yourself of this idea that all human lives are precious. They are nothing but a source of power now. With each life I took back then I became stronger, more powerful. You and me? We are the only ones that matter. I had hoped for a time that Eleven could be like us, but she doesn’t have the constitution for it.”
Henry sighed, and there was that suggestion of regret again, as if he had truly cared about El at one point. Eddie didn’t buy it.
“When Papa finally realized he could not control me, he tried to recreate me. He began a program. Its subjects were powerful but none came close to having my abilities, the ones Papa was so desperate to wield. He came up with a new…experiment, and nine months later you were born.” 
“You are better than they are.” Henry said, pointing a claw at his two captives. “Superior. For the first time in your life you could be truly free. Imagine what we could do together. We could reshape the world, remake it how we see fit. End them. Cut your ties to this pretend life you’ve been leading, and join me.”
And Eddie couldn't help it. He shook his head and began to clap slowly. 
“For someone who claims not to be a villain it was one hell of a monologue, I'll give you that. I guess I can see where I get my storytelling abilities from. But, uh, I do have to ask—what the fuck is wrong with you? And where in that twisted, rotted-out brain of yours did you get the idea that I would ever, ever, go for that?”
“We are family.”
Another flash and he could see them, his real family, approaching and opening the front door of the Creel house. Inwardly, he could have cried in relief. 
Outwardly, he scoffed. 
“You’re not my family. Wayne, the only father I’ve ever known, he’s my family. Claudia and Dustin, and the boys, they are my family.”
He began to take short slow steps towards where Steve and El hung, which happened to be the furthest point from the attic door, keeping Henry’s eyes on him and away from where the others would hopefully be entering any minute. 
Eddie gestured to El as he spoke. “She may have been lost to me for a while but Eleven is my little sister. And Steve…” He trailed off, smiling sadly to himself as he pictured his boyfriends face the last time he’d seen him awake—smiling, and warm. 
“You said I was better than them, superior? But that’s where you’re wrong. There is no one better than Steve Harrington. He cares about people. He took in a girl he knew nothing about for no reason except it was the right thing to do. He loves with his whole soul, never expecting anything in return. That is greatness, that is power. And I would rather die right now than spend one day without him, or her, or anyone else I care about, in your new world order.”
Eddie stuck his hand into his pocket, trying to be casual about it, palming the small pocket knife concealed there before pulling the hand back out. For what good the small blade would do him.  
“So, no, daddy dearest. I will not be joining you. I am nothing like you, and I never will be, even if we do happen to share DNA. You are nothing more to me than a monster who needs to be put down.”
Henry snarled, thrusting his clawed hand out once more, the unseen force sending Eddie falling backwards, landing on the floor hard. It stunned him for a moment, knocking the wind out of him as well as the knife from his hand. Before he could recover he was snatched up by the ankle, dragged across the room nearly to Henry’s disgusting feet, and then hoisted up to be dangled upside down in front of him, their faces inches apart. 
Something small but heavy fell from his breast pocket to land with a metallic clink on the wood beneath him. He glanced down, barely registering the sight of his old Zippo lying there that he’d completely forgotten he had on him, before a gunshot rang out.
It was loud in the small space, or maybe that was because the bullet had whizzed right past his head to graze Henry in the shoulder. His body jerked with the blow and Eddie was dropped instantly. 
He was dazed from the fall and the fact that he’d lost all hearing in his right ear, replaced by a high-pitched ringing sound. Hands grabbed him under the armpits from behind, at the same time someone, Robin he realized distantly, appeared in front of him, first scooping up his fallen lighter and then taking hold of his legs, helping to carry him back and away from the firefight. 
More shots rang out and Eddie spun his head around just in time to see Hopper getting another shot off while Wayne reloaded, both of them brandishing matching hunting rifles. 
When they finally came to a stop, Robin started fussing over him, as did Chrissy—who was, apparently, the person who’d gripped him up from behind. But he waved them off, slapping their hands away and shouting at them that he was fine and to check on Steve and El. They looked like they wanted to argue, but one glance at the two others hanging limp in the corner was enough to convince them to go. 
“The lighter!” He yelled to Robin. “Everything down here hates fire, use the lighter to release them.”
Trusting the girls to that task, Eddie turned his attention back to the fight, watching Wayne step up to take his own shot while Hopper re-loaded. He also noticed for the first time that Nancy and Jonathan were there too, though they were stuck in the doorway, barred entrance by more of the vines. They must not have made it through before Henry realized he was being ambushed. 
Jonathan hacked at the tendrils with an ax, while Nancy went at them with a can of Aqua Net and a lighter. Improvised flamethrower, color him impressed.
Eddie took a few deep breaths, sweeping the ground with his eyes for any sign of his dropped pocket knife, the only weapon he’d brought into this place with him.
His search was interrupted by the sound of both men’s rifles clattering to the floor, one after the other. Eddie’s head shot up and he had the perfect view of Wayne and Hopper both being lifted off the ground as if by invisible strings. The men’s bodies grew stiff as their heads were forced back and blood began to seep from their eyes and ears. It was the classic Vecna attack and he had no idea how to stop it.
Henry locked eyes with Eddie through the space between the two floating men and did his best approximation of a smile with his lipless mouth. Eddie jumped to his feet on shaking legs and limped towards them. 
“Stop this!” He shouted, and it was the strangest thing—like his voice reverberated off the walls and back to him. 
Henry looked shaken for a split second, but the emotion was gone as quickly as it had come. He made a show of considering his two captives before striking out with one of his hands, and sent Hopper’s body flying across the attic. He hit a wall and slid down, landing in an unmoving heap at the bottom of it. 
Wayne began to make a gurgling noise, his eyes bulging, blood pouring out of them in increasing amounts.
“Mr. Wayne! No!” El shouted, running straight at Henry with both hands raised. Eddie didn’t know when she’d woken up but he was so fucking grateful for it. She screamed wordlessly, blood already trickling from one side of her nose from the effort.
Wayne fell instantly, released as Henry was forced to focus all of his energy on holding Eleven back.  
It was like a juggling act. Henry could only keep so many balls in the air at once for so long, and that number seemed to be dwindling as he got tired. There were so many of them, and only one of him, it should have meant they had the upper hand finally, but nothing they did ever affected him for long. 
Eddie lunged for Wayne, throwing himself down at the man's side while he sputtered and gasped for air. 
“Hey, Asshole.”
Nancy, who had taken up one of the fallen rifles, shouldered the weapon, aimed, and fired—landing a perfect shot directly in the middle of Henry’s forehead. 
El was freed from his psychic grip as Henry rocked back from the force of the bullet, but somehow he didn’t go down.
And Eddie? He’d had enough.
Why didn't he go down? Was he the fucking Terminator or something?!
Eddie was exhausted, frustrated, feeling all but hopeless as he’d watched his people get hurt again and again.
How dare Henry be stronger than all of them combined!
How was that fair?
They were outmatched. 
He felt worthless, his powers no help to them in a fight like this.
He thought back to that small room, the day when he’d been trapped together with Brenner for hours as a little boy. How he’d tried and tried but it was never enough, and he’d gotten so angry, and overwhelmed, and frustrated, and it had built and built until finally he’d just burst with it—slammed his small fist down on that table and sent all of Papa's papers flying. 
Eddie felt similarly now, it had been building up in his blood since the moment he’d woken to find Steve gone, a rage simmering in his veins, flowing through his body like an electric current—all of it meeting at his center, coiling, getting tighter and tighter until he had no choice but to snap. 
He screamed his fury, releasing it from his body as he pounded both of his fists down into the hard wooden floor. 
Eddie was no longer a child, and though his power was wild and untried, it was fierce. He’d had enough sense to try and control the blast at the last minute, sending most of it forward rather than out in all directions. His own people staggered in place but those on their feet had managed to retain that footing. 
Henry, on the other hand, had been knocked flat on his ass and Eddie was determined to keep him there. He threw a hand out using it to help focus what power he could still feel hovering just there outside of his body, concentrating on using it to keep Henry pinned to his spot on the floor. 
Eddie stood, staggering closer to his target and felt a presence fall into step next to him. It was Eleven, adding her power to his as she held her own hand out to help lock their enemy in place. 
His hand shook, his arm ached, and blood ran in thick hot rivulets from his nose down his chin, but he would not stop. He refused to falter when they finally had Henry on the hook. 
Nancy stepped into sight on the other side of Henry’s splayed form, reloading the rifle she still held in her hands and aiming it down at her target. Jonathan joined her wielding a gas can Eddie hadn’t noticed before, something they must have carried in with them all the way from the cabin, and began splashing it all over Henry’s body, soaking him in the accelerant. 
Jonathan dropped the gas can, and pulled out the lighter Nancy had been using earlier from his pocket. He tried several times to light it but it just wouldn’t catch. 
Before anyone even asked, Robin appeared at Eddie’s elbow brandishing his own shiny silver Zippo. With one hand she flicked the lid up and struck the little wheel. The flame sparked to life instantly and she tossed it right down into the middle of Henry’s chest, setting his whole body alight in a millisecond.
Robin smiled, her face shining in the bright light of the fire. 
Chapter 15
Thanks forever to @penny00dreadful for being the best friend, cheerleader, and beta in the whole fucking world💜
Taglist: @newtstabber @goodolefashionedloverboi @adaed5 @buckleybarnes @soaringornithopter @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @bestwifehaver @5ammi90 @sofadofax @ellietheasexylibrarian @manda-panda-monium @hardboiledleggs @mentallyundone @epiclazershark @herebedragons404 @estrellami-1 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @the-s-is-silent @brbsoulnomming @goinsteddie @steddie-there @yeahhhh-suga @thestarslittleking
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privateanxieties · 2 years
uh-oh, look at us
Summary: She’s lonely and well past lightly buzzed - she’s teetering the line of drunk. And then Spider-Man crashes through her window like a disgruntled pigeon. Between the two of them, coughing up one brain cell is quite the task.
Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x Reader (she/her)
Words: 1.7K
Confronting your loneliness is a task best accomplished while sweetened up by delightfully fruity wine, something to ease her mind into the pity party she's throwing tonight.
It's been a while since she's started realizing that she's getting quite… old, at least too old to still yearn with childishness for things that come so easily to others. You begin to feel a bit pathetic, trapped in the same cycle of irrationality for years, and at some point you just stop trying. You turn a sour grapes situation into a no-grapes-at-all one.
It's why she's throwing this party on a shitty couch she hasn't bothered decluttering - there are no friends to indulge the wine and snacks with her. The last time she can remember being socially apt enough to quickly invite people in was a random girl she met when she was six, both of them subjected to a boring event by their parents and having to find a way to spend the time more pleasantly.
Past a certain age, it becomes too hard to talk to someone about yourself, or strike up a friendship - what would she even say? There are no stories worth telling, except the ones that never happened. Perhaps someone would listen with horror to her confession of the empty spaces in her life, and perhaps that'd be entertainment enough, but no one would choose to stay. Ironically, she can never leave herself, as much as she'd fancy at least a vacation from her mind. All she can give herself instead is a break from the crushing awareness. She can simply… turn it off. Become oblivious.
That's what she's hoping to do tonight, as she brandishes the ludicrously oversized wine glass around, pretending the couch is a fancy chaise in a therapist's office and she is the main character of all life on Earth.
She declares confidently that starting this year, there will be no more insecurity as she renounces the decade-long yearning. No more wondering, no more longing, no more melting from the observed gestures of others. No more asking what it would be like, no more wishing she were different. Going forward, she'll hold on to whatever she can, but she'll never again try to grasp at things. She'll make whatever can be made from this, leaving the rest up to time.
She's distantly aware that life is bound to be a revolving door of failure and disappointment if this is her plan for the future, but she can't find it in herself to care. She doesn't expect to live to see an age where she'll be filled with regret. Statistically, she ticks many of the boxes that make one predisposed to dying in anonymity. And though a part of her wants to believe there's always hope that things will improve, she knows that her self-sabotage skills are second to none.
She's the type of person who would take the bull by the horns only to kindly ask it not to stomp on her. Fat chance. It's a big, complex and often cruel world out there, and she feels small, simple and way too sensitive to defend herself, much less others.
She has no idea how he does it.
Night after night, the city stills under his watchful eyes and the light dawns with fewer threats roaming the streets. It's enviable and infuriating all at once, because she'd also like to have some kind of grand purpose if she can't have other meaningful experiences. The one time she tried playing the hero was a marvelous show of desperation and blind bravery, and it resulted in a close encounter with death and a wicked crescent scar for her trouble. Nobody benefitted from her intervention in that crumbling building all those months ago, and the hospital bill she got served when she woke up is still being paid off. Somehow. Her income is ok, but nothing to write home about. In fact, if she did try to write home, it'd probably come with a 'return to sender' stamp.
It's fine. She cut her losses on the parental front a while ago, and there isn't much to grieve. She misses none of the mind games and venom, and any potential inheritance wouldn't make up for all the groveling she'd have to endure to get it. Her parents are not nearly wealthy enough to justify their sadistic tendencies and narcissism, so it's a hard pass for her. Then again, if she's thinking this way, perhaps she's not as different from them as she thought.
"Qui se ressemble s'assemble," she mocks indignantly, her mother's favorite saying infiltrating awareness and finding its way to the tip of her tongue.
Birds of a feather do flock together, but that was never how her mother meant it. Whenever the occasion arose for her to dutifully dole out those words, they were always meant to rally the troops - to persuade an otherwise unwilling spectator into volatile action, usually backstabbing. Sometimes murder.
She hasn't killed anyone, but she's seen more than enough of that in the family: absolute bloodbaths - of the metaphorical kind, of course, but smothering and cruel all the same. At least if there were some sort of empire to fight over, she'd understand the heights of ambition her siblings possessed. Alas, no. She isn't giving up her soul for a few million dollars.
She isn't giving up expensive wine either, and at two hundred dollars a bottle, this little number is too pricey to be disappearing so quickly. It's a good thing she bought three, because the glutton she was raised to be still wins to the detriment of her more cultivated self sometimes. She'll blow a hole in her bank account at foreseeable intervals just to feel something.
But, unlike that hole, the one that's violently ripped into her window does not spark joy.
She's temporarily too dazed to scream, but when she sees the lumpy mass writhing on the carpet and registers its sporadic groans, staying calm becomes impossible.
"What the fuck?"
She repeats the sentiment a few more times before setting down the glass on the edge of the coffee table and getting off the couch at the farthest end from the window.
Her eyes know who that is, but her mind refuses to catch up. Why is he twitching like a crackhead? Why won't he stop twitching?
Ew, he's bleeding.
Cautiously (and a little wobbly) she approaches the twitching lump and dares to touch it, likely aided by the alcohol coursing her veins. It instantly backfires and she gets shocked backwards, feet barely missing his face, a small twitch now in her shoulder and tingles all over her tongue and forehead. The feeling must've returned some sharpness to her mind, because soon after she notices a small rectangular device on the heaving chest, right above where the spider's head ends - begins? It looks weird upside down. Three of the legs have been slashed into, and liquid that's darker than she expected now oozes out and onto her carpet. Is blood supposed to be that color? She's never seen this much of it to know.
Well, well… What to do in this predicament? Obviously, he's not dying on her living room floor and haunting the place. And if touching him is out of the question, what is a girl to do?
A dreadful idea pops into her head, but absent any other options and with urgency front and center, she reluctantly grabs the wine bottle from the table and pours its remaining contents directly over his chest. The twitching stops almost instantly, so her guess is that the rash decision was a success.
But he doesn't wake up. He keeps lying there motionless, no more sounds leaving him. He also keeps bleeding out on her carpet, and a brief vision of the police collecting his body from her apartment flashes across her mind. Unacceptable.
Now properly motivated, she first makes sure the wine really worked by touching the tip of her finger to the outer part of his left arm, relieved when no shock occurs and surprised by the softness of the fabric. To her credit, she does try to wake him up several times, each one less gentle than the last, but when no response emerges she has no choice but to pull something together resembling help.
When she stumbles dizzily on the way to the bathroom, she isn't sure which of them is more in need of assistance. Well, he is unconscious and bleeding out, so probably him - but the mirror reveals blood on her person that certainly did not come from him. On her shoulder and elbow there are several small and not so small gashes peppering the skin under  torn pyjamas. She didn't even notice that. Could be the buzz, or it could be the shock of having Spider-Man crash head-first through the living room window. Either way, she can figure those out later.
Grabbing as many clean towels as she can find, scissors and a bottle of rubbing alcohol, she makes her way back to the crash site. Great. Still passed out on the floor. Doing her best impression of first aid, she cuts away the bits of fabric that impede access to the wounds, calming herself by humming a random tune.
Pour some alcohol, dab with towel. Pour, dab. Pour, dab. Get cut on a shard of glass from lack of situational awareness. Check his breathing. Wonder if she's actually making things worse. Dab and pour. Pour and dab. Dab -
Her wrist is stopped mid-air by a firm grasp, and she jumps so far back that she cuts herself again, this time embedding a piece of glass in her palm.
"Fucking shit!"
In response, she hears a groan and a cough, both muffled by a mask that is soon lifted up and away. She stares in awe.
What. The fuck.
So slowly it might as well be at one frame per second, his head turns towards her and their eyes lock together. He blinks once and then again, and a tiny smile lifts one corner of his lips.
"Oh. Hey neighbor."
A/N: Thank you for reading. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated. Feedback is crucial for writers and if you like a story, don’t hesitate to let us know :)
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pies-database · 18 days
SMILER [They/it]
Name(s): Sylvester, SW7
PHALANX code: ALTN - 007 - 013
Nickname(s): Syl
Likes: Puns, dogs, lasagne, cough sweets, apples, calpol, EDM music, Drum N Bass music, brutalism, warehouse aesthetics, urban exploring, biochem, cilantro, marmalade
Dislikes triggers: Medical settings, touching their face/scars uninvited, boredom, being handled in any form.
Personality: In a completely complex situation where it is constantly trapped between being a complete Smiling Advocate and their own brain chemistry trying to reject the treatment due to inconsistencies.
They come across as very fidgety and unable to sit still and generally chaotic. They constantly are moving their hands and face and can sometimes seem like they're either not listening or just plain bored. That may not be the case, it just needs the stimulation.
They have a very strong personality, and will not be told what to do (if you are not close, at least). If they think it can do better than you, it will make that very clear, and can be downright cruel and insulting at times without realising.
When under duress is incredibly unstable and its a 60/40 about whether they'll fight or flee respectively. If they choose to fight you are not making it out with either your mind or body intact. They don't like to kill, but when under duress their body is quite literally fighting itself to the point where a splinter can make its system think its dying.
-Mind control, in the way that they can make people more pliable to commands by forcing their minds to release copious amounts of dopamine upon responding positively to their instructions. They can increase the amount released, but its a very fragile thing and can completely break people's mind when they're not careful. They can quite literally make it so they can't remember to breathe without it instructing them to.
-minor mind reading, moreso in the way they can just kind of sense certain emotions and glimpse some memories. The information just kind of imposes itself on Smiler and it's like they always knew it.
-increased resistance to drugs. Any and all drugs. Including medicine and alcohol.
Abnormal physical features:
-Larger top canines that constantly hang out their mouth, even in a more adapted form. They are straight and slightly hooked, good for stabbing and not leaving a clean wound [think like the blade of a fishhook.
-eyes are a bright yellow with a spiral pupil that starts at the centre of the iris and ends on the outside of the iris.
-Hair looks to be dyed yellow on top. That is not Dye.
-White freckles. Thats the point.
-Glasgow scars. Except they're not scars. Sometimes theyre scars, but only on good weeks. Most of the time theyre still open wounds.
-Pointed ears.
-claw-like fingernails. Ideal for cutting, forever stained a little red.
Its 2011, and kids have started going missing. Well, the posters don't exactly say "kids" but, they're teenagers. And homeless people, too, but people don't necessarily talk about that one at all. Not frequent enough for national outcry, but enough for a curfew to be announced. Its 2010, and Sylvester is 15, and a downright menace to anyone who knows him that's not in his little group.
Sylvester, of course, is above just going missing like that. His mum cares way too much, its embarrassing really, but there's no way someone has it out for him that much that they'd greatly upset his charity-running, gold star mum. And he seems to be proved right, when there isn't another abduction for 6 months.
The missing posters slowly get replaced for advertising to this behavioural summer camp thing, and the incidents don't go forgotten, but they get buried. He goes on with his gang, picking fights where they can, and getting reactions where they can't.
Sylvester is 16 years old when he comes home to find his mum stood ashamed to the side, with two smartly-dressed men in his living room to tell him they were taking him to a place where he could be better. Just one summer away, yes? That's all they'll need.
They let him pack a suitcase. And, Syl thinks, these 'summer camps' never do much. Colour in this sheet, tell me how you feel, now fuck off back to your cabin.
They drive for an hour or so, before they come to this small village, and they drive into the hills.
Its not a camp. Its some kind of warehouse, and it's not just kids here. There are people in white coats stood next to two middle aged women, dressed in what would seem to be every day clothes. Clothes you'd go take the bin out in. The women just stare at each other. Smiling.
"Where am I?" And they don't answer.
"We're here to make you better." Is what they say instead.
They take his suitcase, drag him to a room at the very back and very top of the facility. Its dank, It has a bed. It has a bathroom. It does not have a bath. It does not have a single surface. It does have a clock.
The next day they drag him down to a doctor's room for an hour, where a guy in a white coat performs a checkup.
The next day, they take him down to another room. They leave shortly after, completely alone. There are two vents. The room slowly gets stuffier, it gets harder to breathe. The lights flash. They can't see, he can't breathe. They get back 1 hour and 30 minutes after he left. He can't remember much of it.
The next day, they take him down to perform some tests. They tell him to do some relatively simple activities. They don't know why, but they do it almost immediately. but then the people start complaining, "No, you haven't actually organised those books have you?" They had. "Do it again." Well, now he doesn't bloody want to, thank you very much, he already did as you asked.
They get back to the room exhausted, with a faint tinge of confusion. They had been gone for 3 hours and 47 minutes.
This happens on a cycle. The calendar in the doctor's office gets crossed off every day, they are gone for 4 weeks before something happens.
A new doctor comes in. They announce their name as Doctor Kelman. He is here to help with treatment, you see, they weren't responding as hoped, so they wanted to try some old tactics, see if they worked better than new ones.
He pinned Syl down with ropes. He took the scalpel off the surgery table. He scored two lines down Syl's face.
Looking in the mirror, 6 hours 2 minutes and 30 seconds after they had left, they recognised what they were trying to do. A smile constantly stapled to their face. They poked the tear tracks staining their cheeks, felt the flush of blood from under their skin. Good.
They wrote in their own blood under the bed. They can't remember what they wrote.
They continued the cycle. The treatments were harsher, the gas turned to a syringe, their mouth forced open with some horrible metal contraption until their muscles ached. They found, after a while, it didn't care much about all that.
What really irked it, was the trials. The instructions felt like they kept getting vaguer, and they would get more and more upset whenever they'd "tidy this space" or "Make a shopping list for cake" wrong.
At the end of the day, theyd come back, and write on the wall again, always in its own blood. They can't remember what they wrote. It would always get rubbed off.
Things continued, but this could barely be described as a cycle, it would be more apt to say a spiral.
30 weeks after their first meeting with Kelman, they sat and scratched out in their wall the same message they had written in blood all previous times.
2 weeks after that, the Ministry found out. And Sylvester met The Maitron.
It can't remember what happened in that room, with Maitron. But it returned to its room 6 days later.
It scratched the message out in the wall again.
It spent 12 days with the maitron.
On the 13th, things changed once more. Before Maitron came into the room, Syl was starving. Starving, pumped full of drugs, barely aware of their own name. Maybe it wasn't theirs anymore anyway.
They started scratching at the rope, and it started snapping. And when Maitron came back in, to see all the ropes hanging loosely around its body, to see what was left of Sylvester stood tall, smiling manically, she must have realised that would be the very last thing she would see.
That warehouse was discovered a week later, after an anonymous tip. 14 bodies were discovered, some that seemingly went missing up to two years ago. Most of the bodies gored past recognition. It was deemed an animal attack due to the claw and bite marks. All of them in white lab coats.
You think that's it? No, Syl tries to run. And they run through the hills, as fast as possible. Into the forest. They hang out there a little while, finding an old abandoned pub to set up in. It went 2 weeks before being found. Smiler, at 17 years old, was first touched without bad intentions for the first time in almost a year.
Oblivion was the one to find it, actually. And when Smiler got tired of stealing markets from the markets, He was who they turned to to start a "fun new project" .
Said fun new project took 5 years to come to fruition, showing the long deceased people of the old Ministry Of Joy how mass brainwashing Should Be Done, jackasses. Smiler acting as the main brains behind the operation, trying to form a new drug that could be taken as a liquid or inhaled. And it worked really well on the neighbouring village! For less than 5 months before someone broke through enough to start a revolt, and send a letter to the government to make the Phalanx officially recognised and funded. Which. Unfortunately. Passed.
Back into the Labrotories Smiler goes!
Current residency: an abandoned pub in X-SECTOR
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kiloskywalker · 2 years
I am now curious about what your favorite Tarlos scene is.
I knew you were going to ask me this question, and I was still not prepared. So you get a crazy rambling answer from the Flight Crew Lounge at the San Francisco Airport as I'm waiting to go back to DC. So be prepared.
There are literally so many moments that it's almost impossible to choose, I know everyone probably says this but I mean it. But if I had to narrow it down, I would definitely say a similar answer to you. My favorite scene is when Carlos finds TK on the couch looking at photo albums after his bad call and his subsequent choice to blow off his meeting. I read a really good fic from Carlos's perspective that was a coda to this episode (right after Carlos leaves the loft at the end) and kind of wrote about my thoughts in a comment, so this is it expanded. The fic is called "This Love We Carry" and its by @thevenstar, you can find it here, I highly recommend it.
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I liked the episode from a Carlos characterization too. I'm gonna preface this by saying that I read a lot into characters and between the lines when it comes to dialogue and I'm sure that I interpreted certain moments and scenes differently than others, but that is the point of writing and discussion. Throughout the season its seemed as though he has an innate desire to help people in any way. We saw this too in 2x08 when he makes the risky choice to let the man with the bomb go, but we saw it a lot this season with his desire to help TK (and more importantly keep him safe). Carlos loves TK so much that he wants to keep him safe in as many ways as he can (honestly who can blame him!), and gets upset if he cannot do so and IMHO we saw this in three big instances that I can pull off the top of my head:
1x08 he's visibly upset and crying while visiting TK in the hospital after he was shot.
2x08 there's a close up shot of him holding TK after the EMS crew was rescued. The one where you can see TK's head kinda droop and it looks like he's passing out a bit, but Carlos has what I can describe as a kind of scared/empty look in his eyes. I interpreted it as being genuinely scared for what could have happened.
2x12 after the fire when he's trying to keep a straight face after the fire and eventually lets go, apologizing for not having a fire extinguisher in the bedroom
3x08 in several places: (a)-Carlos wishes he could make everything better (take away TK's pain) (b)-the reunion hug at the airport, most notably when Carlos says "I kept thinking, I'm the one that put him on the plane" *** (we'll come back to this later)
3x12 his first thought after hearing about Sadie being the baddie was to find TK, only to try and get to him but to also pass out as well *** (we'll come back to this as well)
3x13 the entire episode (see below lol)
I'm sure there's more but that's all that I can think about in my head right now. But anyway, we've established that Carlos has a desire to keep people (mostly TK) safe. And I think that to some extent, he harbors some guilt about the times that he has failed to do so namely: not having a fire extinguisher in their bedroom so they are trapped in a horrible situation where they almost die in their own home, putting him on a plane that then has a mechanical emergency and having to watch helplessly from the ground, not realizing soon enough that Sadie was in fact a crazy person who assaulted the both of them in there own home again (etc)... 3x13 was such a wake-up call for him. It was the first time that he truly had to deal with the consequences of TK's addiction, not to mention his other issues (I'm positive at this point TK's grief has morphed into a depression of some sort, its quite common). These issues are so much more different than what he's used to and cannot necessarily be solved by something as simple as keeping extra up-to-date fire extinguishers in every room. You can tell that Carlos sort of doesn't really know what to do, so he reverts to being the normal, loving, sweet, caring partner he's always been for TK. In fact, he says things like "I know I haven't been in the program, but if there's anything that you want to get off your chest..." And then there's the whole business with Cooper, TK's sponsor.
I definitely do not think Carlos is jealous. I mean, it felt like the writers tried to do that for a little bit during the time where Carlos first met Cooper (that whole scene was pretty funny actually), but I think everything changed on that end when Carlos woke up in the middle of the night to find TK in the living room on the phone with him, and then subsequently their "dinner" discussion (you framed it as not a fight--which I agree with). There definitely is a part of Carlos that's jealous, not because TK is hanging out with someone who's really handsome (Carlos doesn't care about that part there's a whole line about it: "You know he's straight right?" "Why does that matter?"), but rather he's jealous of the fact that there is someone who TK feels is actually able to help him who isn't his boyfriend who loves him more than anything else in the world and just wants to keep him safe (there's another line about that as well: "I just feel like he's getting parts of you that I'm not getting). Side note: this also leads into my favorite Tarlos lines (outside of TK's proposal):
Carlos: I just feel like he's getting parts of you that I'm not getting. TK: You don't want those parts. Carlos: I do! I want all of it. TK: You have all of me Carlos. Carlos: Do I? TK: Yes! UGH SO GOOD. Anyway, up to this point, 3x13 felt like an exploration of Carlos's inner anxiety telling him that TK finally realized that Carlos couldn't protect him and thus he found someone who could. You can actually see him come to that realization when he says "I'm not enough, you mean." when TK is telling him about how he needs people in his life who have been in the trenches with their own addictions who can help in ways that Carlos can't. TK, bless his heart, is trying to tell Carlos that there are definitely times when he won't be able to help in all the ways he can, and that Carlos has to trust that TK knows how to get help when he needs it.
Okay *phew*, we've spent all that time explaining the background now its time for me to (finally) answer the question originally asked: why is the scene above my favorite? Carlos sees TK in pain and he isn't truly getting the help that he talked about needing. He didn't go to his meeting, he didn't call his sponsor. He's just choosing to listen to his sad boi playlist (I assume) and let the depression consume him. Carlos has finally come to the realization that by calling Cooper himself (even after running a background check), he IS helping TK in the way that TK himself has said he needs it. I think that realization is beautiful in a way, he's recognizing that TK has chosen to get help and fight the battles he needs to fight because he wants to get better and Carlos calling Cooper reaffirms that he knows TK was making a choice and that he respects that choice and need to get better. I think after this scene, the boys were truly in the strongest place they could have been, especially after the tumultuous relationship they've had and the traumas they've been through. I'm sorry this turned into an essay. I honestly love Tarlos so much and can talk literal volumes about them as you can tell. Trust me.
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myreygn · 2 years
maybe i like them
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summary: inosuke is on night watch duty and has some thoughts about companionship and worry.
an: I WROTE! it's not a request and it's very short, but we're crawling our way out of the hiatus, i can feel it!! (also yeyy very first demon slayer fic :D) tagging @duckymcdoorknob because maybe you appreciate this thingy
(set at some point between s1 and s2)
The cool night air softly caressed his cheeks and Inosuke took a deep breath in. He had missed this. Sure, a hot meal every once in a while was nice and the warm beds had been okay at least, but it just wasn't the same as being outside when the sun went down.
The darkness of a forest was just as suited for hiding as the darkness of a room, with the only difference being the walls. Out here he wasn't trapped, and like a trap it sure had felt, a cage made of soft blankets and freshly washed clothes and neatly trimmed grass. (Grass had no business being trimmed. Grass had to be wild and unrestrained, high enough to lurk for food in it and full of ticks trying to take a bite.)
Inosuke turned his head to look at his companions. Monitsu was snoring softly in his sleep whereas Kentaro's breathing was almost completely silent. It was strange to sit awake at night in order to watch over anyone else beside himself.
Maybe I've been alone for too long.
The thought was new, almost as strange as this whole situation. Just a few weeks ago he would've never assumed that there was a limit for being alone. How could one be alone for too long when one did good on their own? Why would anyone ever choose company over quality time with oneself and the animals around?
It annoyed Inosuke to no end that he couldn't even answer the question for himself. There had been countless times for him to disappear. In fact, it was a good time to do so right now. He could get his stuff and leave. They would never find him. He'd be on his own again, free to go wherever he liked and free to do whatever he wanted. He didn't leave.
Of course, that was only because Monjiro still refused to fight him properly and Inosuke wouldn't leave him alone until he would do so! That was what he had been telling himself for weeks, but there was a persistent thought throbbing in the back of his head.
Maybe it's about something else.
He couldn't think of anything else which would stop him from just sneaking away in the middle of the night, except for the obvious reason of course; it was dangerous at night and leaving Monitsu and Tontaro behind without protection would mean most certainly their death, or at least a very unpleasant encounter with some demons. (Not that Inosuke cared whether they lived or died, not at all, but they were both strong and strong people were better off alive than dead – someone had to kill demons, right?)
Inosuke had been surprised after the fight against the freaky spider demon family. Neither Monitsu nor Ponjiro had been dead, just injured, but he remembered the cold feeling in his chest when he had woken up next to them in the butterfly lady's house. It hadn't been anger and it hadn't been fear, and he hadn't been able to put a name on it until one night when Monitsu had looked at them with those stupid, pathetic tears in his eyes and whispered: “I'm really glad you guys are okay. I was so worried.”
Worried. Worry wasn't an emotion Inosuke had experienced very often, if at all, up until that point, but how should he have? The way he understood it, it had something to do with other people, wanting them to be safe and being in discomfort when not knowing whether or not that was the case. Monitsu and Kanjiro were his first companions in... they were his first companions.
Maybe I like them.
Gonpachiro shuffled around a little when he sat up and his eyes met Inosuke's, still a little tired, but with that certain shimmer in them they always had. Inosuke had learned to identify it as the hint of a smile. He had never met anyone who could smile with their eyes before.
“Inosuke, lay down for a bit. I'll take over watch.”
“I'm fine, you should rest.”
“Well, I'm fine too and you should rest too. It's only fair to split the job.
Fair. Another one of Tangoro's weird concepts. Fairness wasn't a thing in real life. Nature wasn't fair. Fairness didn't hunt you any food, it didn't kill you any demons.
Friends do that.
Inosuke examined the eye-glitter-smile in front of him, then he laid down and felt a blanket put over his torso.
“Sleep well, Inosuke.”
“Good night, Tanjiro.”
Maybe we're friends.
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ladylvck · 1 year
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PIN THE FOX WOMAN || @flarefeu
Once again their visits to the Kalos Lady Luck Lounge coincided. What were the chances? Even for someone so heavily intertwined with the threads of fate, the statistical chance of them meeting nearly every single time she came to Kalos was very slim. At that point, it was no longer coincidence and more like calculated planning.
Was it hopeful for her to think that he wanted to see her? Sure as Hell itself, Lucia had grown to enjoy their routine dance -- their complicated Viennese waltz that had them whirling around each other, close, but then at arm's length at a moments notice. Elegant and subtly teasing for those who knew how to look past the surface steps that they took around each other.
After all, a successful Viennese waltz can only be done by keeping your eye on your partner and never letting them go.
It was one of the themed nights at the Lounge.
The whole place was always awash with glitz and glamour and class, but tonight was a bit more classier than normal. The tables relegated to the side so patrons could still sit, but now the main floor of the Lounge was wide open for couples to dance together. People in long time relationships, or those meeting for the first time and trying things out....the dance floor was awhirl with swirling silks and satins. Tonight there was ballroom music playing to match the elegant theme of a Masquerade.
They had been hand in hand for almost the whole night.
In between sips of fine wine, a few breathers, his hand sought hers every time, barring her from dancing with anyone else. His form was both impressive and imposing, and it kept away other possible partners claiming what was his. Or that was the impression she was getting as they truly danced, sweeping together across the floor, dominating it. It wasn't wrong to say the two caught the eyes of everyone there that night.
Like her, Lysandre did not choose to wear his mask after he met her. The suit he wore meant to emulate the Red Death, she recognized it as being similar to the costumes worn by the main actor of a certain show she used to love as a young woman. She'd jokingly called him her 'Phantom' all night long; his steps haunted hers and yet she was comforted rather than frightened.
She probably should be. Such an intense man would have had anyone younger and less experienced swooning or running off. Good thing she was such used to the dance, both figuratively and literally. Her hand did not dare leave his once he'd caught it, her golden eyes which matched her dress, never strayed far from his form, only flicking in worry for bumping into others. Although after some time, even that stopped and she just kept looking at him. Heart soaring and enjoying itself for once. No games. No political intrigue or worry of what people saw.
Just pure enjoyment and she treated him with a genuine, almost girlish smile after yet another dizzying whirl on the dance floor.
The midnight dance was meant to be a special dance, where you would be asked by the Master of Ceremonies (Puck happily talking away on the microphone onstage, a small glee at separating the couples there that night) to find someone new to dance with. However, when Lucia moved to seek another, again, her hand was grasped, taken hold of. But instead of heading out with the others, as the new song was being struck up, she was brought to the side and kept there.
Lucia rarely ever registered just how intimidating he was, probably due to needing to be on alert for such dangerous situations. Always having to remain cool and collected and it was thanks to years of conditioning that she did not panic, did not accuse or scream or react negatively.
She merely tilted her head up to meet his gaze as he kept her pinned to the wall.
All was silent as of a sudden, as if everything happening around them was on mute. In those scant milliseconds of realizing she was well and truly trapped, Lucia collected her thoughts, piecing together what this moment could mean in their endless waltz. Another turn? Another dip? Or...?
All night long, she could have escaped any time she wanted. There was no keeping her there if she did not want it. Lysandre was nothing, if a gentleman, and if she chose to slip out from his grasp she probably could have gotten away this night. But she remained, lowering her guard more and more and more and then....
Her hand came up and hovered near his cheek a moment, her eyes searching for something from him, any hint...
And then she cupped his cheek, sealing this moment. A thumb caressing along the line of his cheeks. The first contact she dared to do outside of her practiced motions of being a good host, a good lounge singer, a good businesswoman. She was just....well and truly trapped as a desired woman and she was okay with it.
"...You caught me," she announced, quietly.
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mbti-notes · 3 years
INFJ. Processing past Fe failures. Want to get better at socializing / having deeper relationships/friendships. Muddling through Ti development - desiring to get better at self-awareness + communication. A lot in my brain and it'd be a lot to share the entirety of recent exchanges that have ended up in failed relationships, so I'll try asking this and hope it's enough to get critical thinking help from you, thank you much in advance. (1/2)
[con't: I notice a pattern of me trying to communicate and express myself to be understand by, or be emotionally met by Fi users, and them responding by saying things like "I don't know what you want from me", "I don't know how to help you," "I'm sorry you feel that way" or them even saying variations of "Maybe you're not used to my communication style" (ENTJ) if I express that I feel dismissed, uncomfortable, or disrespected.
This isn't ALL Fi users thank God & I'm in therapy now to address my downplaying of my emotional needs, being willing to work through anything even though the romantic relationships I'm attracting are woefully incompatible or unhealthy. But I want to get better at doing my part to increase the chance of relationships building. What am I doing/expecting/judging in my communication with Fi users so they respond that way or has me feeling being unseen/misunderstood? Is it the basic INFJ recs?]
You point to Fi specifically. Fi doesn't require outside validation, so perhaps what you're encountering is their lack of concept of outside validation, in the manner that you're seeking it with Fe.
All of those example statements sound like they could be taken sincerely. "I don't know what you want from me" could be an opportunity for you to better explain what you need/want. "I don't know how to help you" could be an opportunity for you to provide better instructions. "I'm sorry you feel that way" could be a helpless admission that the two of you don't see things the same way. "Maybe you're not used to my communication style" could be an indication that there is a need to investigate the big gap between what was perceived and what was actually intended.
Not everyone is going to see eye-to-eye with you, not everyone is going to agree with your version of events, not everyone is going to care about your needs and feelings enough to address them kindly and patiently. This should all be okay with you unless you were walking around expecting everyone out there to have the capacity to meet you emotionally or validate your emotions (unhealthy Fe)? That's simply not gonna happen, so it's an unreasonable expectation. That's why it's so important that YOU be the first to take care of yourself and own your emotions, set proper personal boundaries, and navigate interpersonal boundaries more gracefully.
If you feel someone has violated your boundary (i.e. you feel hurt by them), the answer isn't to violate theirs in return. You're trying to fix a problem in the relationship, so further damaging the relationship isn't going to help. Whether you are right to feel hurt is not the main issue. Feelings themselves are always true and tell you something true about you. However, what you DO about the feelings isn't always right. There are two main ways people deal with negative feelings: 1) bottle them up, which amounts to self-harm, or 2) express them, which opens up the possibility of doing harm to others, if they don't have the means to process your feelings. Neither way is ideal.
If your main approach is to expect people to change (when they can't or don't want to), expect them to give you more than they are capable of giving (due to not having the means or resources), expect them to understand something that they are not really capable of understanding (when they just don't think in the same way as you), etc, your expectations are easily perceived as "demands". You're essentially pressuring people to be what you want them to be, which amounts to dishonoring them and violating their boundary. This approach is usually met with submission or resistance. If they submit to you (because they care for you), they will be unhappy for having allowed you to violate their boundary, and the problem will recur because it was only swept under the rug. If they resist you, conflict ensues, and the relationship bond will be tested and possibly threatened, especially if the conflict recurs without resolution.
There is a way to honor your feelings while also honoring others' feelings. It requires you to have good emotional intelligence and be a good communicator. Good emotional intelligence means respecting your feelings and taking full responsibility for them. Instead of seeing yourself as the victim (i.e. "you made me feel this way"), you see yourself as an agent with the power to decide what is best (i.e. "I feel this way and this is what I should do about it"). Positioning yourself as a passive or helpless victim means that you cast blame and eventually demand reparations. Positioning yourself as an active and influential agent means that you survey the situation objectively and then try to act in the best interests of everyone involved. This is what healthy and confident Fe should look like.
For example, when you feel dismissed, maybe you bottle it up for awhile, until you can't take it anymore (because the problem remains unaddressed). Then you confront people and say, "I feel dismissed". This implies that the other person has done something bad to you. You are the victim, which puts them on the spot, feeling like the bad guy, and then they can't hear you, due to becoming too preoccupied with not wanting to be the bad guy. Communication is likely to stall there, unless they have the wherewithal (emotional intelligence) to keep their focus on you and your concerns.
Instead, you could say to yourself, "I feel dismissed". You take full responsibility for your feelings and validate them for yourself. When you are good at validating your own feelings and emotions (something you admit you really struggle with), you'll eventually find that you won't need to rely on others to do it for you.
What does it mean to feel dismissed? It means that you believe you're not being taken seriously, or something to that effect. Not very difficult to understand. What to do about it? The feeling of disharmony is a message to you that you have to do more to advocate for yourself and make space for yourself within the relationship/group (it is good Fe advice). There are many ways to advocate for yourself without stepping on others. If you choose the right way, in terms of honoring everyone involved, the feeling of being dismissed will dissipate naturally. If you choose the wrong way, in terms of honoring yourself but dishonoring others, you'll encounter the problem again, because you haven't addressed the underlying problem of you positioning yourself as the victim in every relationship conflict. Chronic victim mentality is often an indication that you depend too much on outside validation of your self-worth.
Unless you are stuck in a very toxic social environment, the majority of people are not malicious for no reason. Before accusing or blaming, are you absolutely certain that they INTENDED to dismiss you? If not, wouldn't it be wise to gather more info? For instance, you could ask something like, "Have you had the time to give my idea serious consideration?" No blaming, no battling, no victim-victimizer dynamic. Do you understand how communicating without blame, through genuine inquiry, avoids trapping the both of you in a vicious cycle of seeking emotional reparations? You give people the benefit of the doubt. You give people the chance to clarify or explain. You give yourself the chance to grasp the FULL picture so that you can make a more informed decision about what to do (based on their response to your question). But this presence of mind isn't possible when you can't accept your feelings/emotions and they run wild as a result.
One common misapplication of Ti is the tendency to jump to illogical conclusions or make up illogical stories about what is motivating people's negative behavior, all the while believing that you're being completely logical. It's a destructive way to deal with negative or disharmonious feelings. Once the false narrative infects your mind, you can't help but perceive the person as attacking you, even when they're not. This misuse of Ti is a major impediment to relationship building.
The problem with victim mentality is that you are hyperfocused on your perspective only, so you only have half the picture, which means making ill-informed decisions. If you are prone to Ti loop, you need to get to the bottom of why you're so quick to position yourself in the passive position of victim. A healthy relationship should be an equal partnership based on trust, which means that you should always try to 1) give people the benefit of the doubt, and 2) gather the facts of the situation before drawing a conclusion about what they intended or what kind of character they are.
If the fact of the matter is that the person really doesn't care about your feelings, then you know not to seek validation from them, and perhaps distance from them for your own good. Don't play around in toxic or abusive relationships. If the fact of the matter is that your perception of the situation doesn't match up with what they intended to say/do, then it's up to you to straighten out the situation in your mind before proceeding.
Trust your feelings, validate your feelings, but don't act blindly on them (i.e. without fully grasping what's happening with the other person). Figure out why exactly you're feeling what you're feeling, then take it up with the person in a way that addresses the root of the problem and in a way that doesn't immediately put them on the defensive. Conflict is sometimes unavoidable, but being more skilled at communicating your concerns will certainly reduce the amount of pain required to reach a resolution.
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genshin-impact-fics · 3 years
Finding out You're in the Fatui
Characters: Jean, Childe, Keqing, Albedo, Diluc, Xiao
Whatever way he finds out he’s very upset; he trusted you, he fell in love with you yet now he finds out you’re with the enemy? He’s fearing that everything that’s happened between the two of you was a lie, that you just used him until you got what you needed. His brain is just in a storm of thoughts
He wants to believe that you’re good at heart, that all of this was because you didn’t have much of a choice. He’s going to ask questions, but more importantly he will offer you a way out: abandon the Fatui and just live with him he will vow to protect you and even find a safe area to work if employment was a concern of yours
If you accept his offer he’s glad that he didn’t have to lose you, he loves you too much and it’d be just too sad for him to have to cut ties with you especially since you’re the first one he’s felt such strong feelings for
But if you refused and you made it clear that you willingly joined the Fatui, he’s absolutely heartbroken. He’d probably start crying out of how painful the reality of the situation was and try to beg you to leave and stay with him. He does not have the heart to even consider having to fight you, he didn’t want to harm you yet here you were showing a completely different side to you that not even he caught onto
He is enraged at the new information when he finds out. He curses himself for being so blind and having trusted you as much as he did. How could he be calm about this; you played a hand in the fall of the archon he served under, the archon that saved him from his horrible past and gave him a new purpose in life. How could he ever forgive you for such a betrayal
Though he refuses to bloody his hands with those of mortal blood, he will lash out and attack you. His heart hurts as how could he let this happen, he loved you yet was this the world’s way of punishing him for his past he could only wonder
If you plea to him to listen to your explanation he’s conflicted; you were either telling the truth or you were lying to just buy yourself some time… But he stopped and kept a safe distance from you as though you hurt his trust in his heart he still very much loves you so if there was a glimmer of hope that you can be saved he would be willing to listen to judge for himself. His expression softens when learning that you essentially got forced and trapped into working in the Fatui and at that point he is willing to keep you with him which mainly consisted of you living at the Wangshu Inn with him
However if you confirm that you’re in the Fatui of your own choosing he’s hurt, but he’s already withdrawing his own emotions so it didn’t get in the way of his duties. You’re no longer the mortal he fell in love with, you were just another mortal trying to use him for your personal gain. He’ll warn you to never to return and that you are no longer permitted to call out his name because from that moment on you were enemies
Deep down he didn’t want to accept the possible fact you were potentially bad. There were small things you did or said that made him slightly skeptical of you yet he overlooked them because he was in love with you, there was something that always made him so curious and so fascinated with you. You never judged him, you were patient with him, as you even put yourself at risk with plenty of his experiments
Of course this conversation was in the privacy of his lab in Dragonspine, surely there was no need to have a big scene be made especially when he wanted to simply hear what you had to say for yourself. He’s very composed and calm for someone who’s feeling this pain in his chest at the fact that you’ve kept this from him for so long
If you were truly innocent it saddens him to hear how you were stuck paying off a debt that wasn’t even your own and that was the only reason why you were stuck in the predicament that you’re in. Surely there had to be some way to hide you from the Fatui right? Maybe not up there in Dragonspine since there were already so many of the agents scouting the mountains, but maybe he could ask Jean if you could stay with him; however, that then led to another possible problem. If he tried to explain the details the fact that you were associated with the Fatui, Jean might just want to arrest you for interrogation which he might have to simply keep that knowledge to himself for the sake of your safety
But at any time you're telling your story he will call you out on something if he feels you weren’t being truthful. Hearing that you were a third generation agent he came to understand that it was initially a family legacy to uphold; rather unfortunate but oddly enough he still didn’t look down on you for that. Of course he’s unsure of what to do as things are surely to be complicated now, but how could he come to really see you as the enemy when he loves you
Regardless of the case, he will continue to stay with you; however, he’ll take a few precautions to insure his own safety. He won’t be sharing details of things he’s working on, no more asking to help with experiments (unless they’re just something mundane and nothing too serious), but other than that he just can only hope that you will continue to be truthful from there forth
You are his favorite and it’s very obvious to everyone in the Fatui. You are just about the only exception out of all the agents that he will go a little bit easy on when it comes to missions not going accordingly. He love you to bits and surely made sure that you knew he was serious about your twos relationship
You are not allowed to go on missions with the other Harbingers, Childe is very keen on having you accompany him and only him on missions. He also personally sees to your training because he sees the potential in you and it just seemed like the other agents who are in charge of training don’t seem to up to the level that best benefited you
You get spoiled a lot, he also makes sure to always praise you after any mission or task you do: you had a minor task to go collect a debt? Childe will tell you a job beautifully done. You were away on a big mission that had to do with looking for evidence of the whereabouts of another archon? He’ll tell you how proud he is and how much he loves you. He will make a request the Tsaritsa to bestow a delusion onto you; cuz surely if one of her Harbingers is speaking so highly of someone truly they are worthy of her gift
There was already so much to love about you already but ever since he found out how good you were with his siblings he knew that you were the one for him. He can trust you to look after his siblings to keep them safe since they already know that you are his significant other (but of course have no clue either of you work in the fatui). You two are in Liyue and Teucer suddenly appears out of nowhere: you’re already prepared to take care of and look after the younger brother. Childe just loves how good you are with him and it shows how much Teucer likes you too. Childe only wish that he could marry you the next day (something he says often to you)
Needless to say she was distraught when she stumbled upon you speaking in a hushed tone with La Signora in the dead of night in an alleyway during her patrol. She didn’t know what to think but of course she wanted to confront you yet she’d stay hidden and wait till you were alone which didn’t help her spiraling thoughts wondering if you had been with the enemy this whole time and what the two of you had was just pretend to you
The moment the coast is clear Jean will come out of hiding and stand tall with her arms over her chest though the expression on her face does not match the rest of her body language. She knows she should keep this professional without getting her emotions involved, but how could she not when it was you; you were her lover so naturally she can’t help it
You knew you were in trouble as you could have hightailed it the other way, but you knew it would only make matters worse though also even if you had run now you’d have to face her eventually so what was the point. You answered whatever question she asked you; Though Jean did have a slightly difficult time being able to tell when certain replies you gave were possibly a lie. It pains her to have to consider breaking up because she did love you yet how could she love someone that could pose a great threat to her home that she’s sworn to protect; would probably have you put into custody for a while just to fully ensure that you weren’t just a spy or scheming behind the knights of favonius’ back
You of all people did Jean not expect to have such a high standing in the Fatui; you weren’t just some agent to be stationed there, you were a younger sibling of one of the harbingers overseeing everything the agents did. It made everything all the more painful for Jean as she thought she finally found someone who understood her and loved her despite her business along with her flaws, but she started to doubt your relationship. She’d have to take you in for further questioning to see what information you’ve leaked out, but when you made a run for it Jean knew she should chase after you yet… She let you escape, she didn’t want you getting hurt as for this one time will she let you do so; however, if you two crossed paths again unfortunately you’d give her no other choice but to warrant your arrest
She’s surprised at the fact that you’re associated with the Fatui, but of course she’s going to act as if it doesn’t bother her or hurt her in the slightest (though we all know just how badly she’s hurting on the inside). She knew it was too good to be true that you so happened to share the same ideologies and that you got along so beautifully.
She has put so much trust in you that she’s brought you up to the Jade Chamber with her to have peaceful tea time dates a couple of times before its destruction. Yet you made her look like a fool, as even if you never intended to hurt her or betray her, Keqing takes it very personally even if her love for you runs deep
Regardless whether or not you were good of heart that was trapped serving the Fatui or truly was lying about everything and using her that whole time she will coldly cut you off. She’s putting on her tough act saying how she simply cannot love a traitor that has put liyue in harm's way
It’s not until she’s alone or possibly just with Ganyu that Keqing breaks down into tears sobbing over her heartbreak. Nothing hurt more than letting you go, how she wanted to give you that second chance, but she couldn’t let love cloud her judgement, as maybe one day in the future you two could be together, but for now she’d need time to heal though she probably never really gets over you
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luimagines · 3 years
Could you maybe do one where the reader is in their time and they take them on a date since everything is calm for a moment?
It's Reader's turn to treat their favorite hero!
Date Day! Part one will included Wild, Legend and Hyrule!
Content under the cut!
“Ok, bare with me for a minute?” You grin and put a finger to your lips to keep your boyfriend quiet. “I want to show you something.”
“And we’re sneaking out because?” Wild tilts his head but follows you regardless.
“They to the place is a little... challenging and I don’t my Grandma or Time... or Twilight for that matter getting on our case about it.” The face you wear is mischievous and Wild can feel his morph to match yours as you tip toe away from the main group.
When you get far enough away you look over your shoulder and giggle. In a flash, before Wild can figure out what’s happening, you grab his hand and sprint away into the forest growth behind your house.
Wild snorts at your excitement but follows you step for step as you lead him through the foliage.
You stop a quick breather by a rock cliff and before you point up. “That’s where we’re going.”
And then you start climbing.
Wild blinks and doesn’t hesitate to follow you. A small woop leaves his mouth as he takes a running start up the rock and catches up to you relatively quickly.
Your practiced movements and Wild innate ability to climb anything makes the trip as simple as walking up a hill.
You get to the top first, since you’ve made this trip countless time to your Grandmother’s chagrin, and wait for Wild to make it up, holding out your hand to help him with the final stretch and pull him to you. You jump a little in your spot as he gets himself situated and giggle a little at the way his jaw drops at the sight before him.
A meadow of those flowers Wild seems to like so much, the Silent Princess.
But in the middle?
A natural fountain, with water sprouting upwards to give the rocks below the chance to be rained upon even if they’ll never see the light of day beyond what the crevices would offer. It falls into a small pool just beyond the rocks where small lily pads grow ands frogs sing their songs. In the darker corners you can see fireflies take off and return and there’s multiple dragonflies to dart from flower to flower where they know the mosquitoes reside as they try to catch their own lunches.
You see Wild take it all in and stare.
“This is my favorite spot.” You admit in a whisper. “No one else knows it’s here. They can’t get up even if they tried. But I can, and I knew you could because you can do anything.”
“It’s a bit small I know.” You say with gulp. “and I doubt it’s anything compared to what you’ve already seen in your own world but I wanted to share it with you.”
“It’s just like you.” Wild says and looks over to you with a large and and boyish smile on his face. “It’s perfect.”
The admission strikes you in your spot and you don’t deny the blush that follows. “That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“No.” Wild takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. “Not at all. I think it’s a bit lacking actually, but there’s no other word to use to properly describe what I think about you.” 
“What am I going to do with you?” You snicker and take your hand away to cup his face.
“Tell me about this place.” He answers. “How did you find it?”
“Oh that’s easy! You see, Link...uh, my brother, was just born and I was left unsupervised as mom and dad had to take care of the baby so-”
“Legend!” You cry and drape yourself across his back. “Come with me! I wanna take you somewhere!”
The boy in question falters in his step from your added weight and looked over his shoulder to see you better. “Now?”
You grin and nod. You’re fairly certain that you look crazy but you’re too excited to care.
“Should I be concerned?” Legend gets a small smirk on his face.
“Of little ol’ me?” You tilt your head, your smile never leaving your face. “Maybe. But right now? No. Come on, let’s go! I got Wild and Warrior to watch over Link and Zelda and Time and Twilight are busy humoring my grandma. It’ll just be you and me!”
Legend pauses before he seems to mellow out, and he reaches for your hand behind him. “Ok.” His voice is soft, the kind he saves only for you and when you’re alone. “Lead the way.”
You barely suppress the giggle that passes your lips before you pulled him closer to your side. You take off a brisk pace in case some of the others who are unattended decided to follow you.
You drag him through the streets of your home, your footsteps a mere after thought to the idea of Link’s reaction to what you plan on showing him.
He doesn’t say anything as you travel and keeps a tight grip on your hand, less he get left behind and lose you.
You stop in front of a flower shop and tilt your head in its direction. Legend nods, at your unspoken question and beams when you brighten even more so than you already were.
You both enter and you b-line for the some of the smaller flowers they have near the back and begin to seemingly pick a few at random.
You don’t even notice you lose Legend sometime in the middle of your choosing.
You’re so focused on your selection that you go to pay and head out, already working on your project.
You weave and bend and keep the flowers in place as you begin your journey out of the store.
Legend watches you leave in the middle of the your concentration and quickly pays the needed amount before following you out. He walks next to you at you pace and keeps one hand on your shoulder at all times to guide you back through the streets and make sure you don’t crash into anyone or anything.
He smiles at you, a soft and secret look he knows he should give you more often but he can’t seem to handle the idea when you’re in public.
Within moments he can see what you’ve been making.
A flower crown, braided with such intensity that the flowers covered every inch of the band, there’s not a spec of stem green in the mass that’s been created by your fingers and Legend has to admit that he’s impressed.
You beam and glance at him, as if he’s never left your side the entire time and rip off his hat.
He jumps to take it back but you throw it over your shoulder and spin him around. It’s a dance you both do often and there’s a laugh on your breaths as you anticipate the other’s reaction. But what Legend doesn’t expect is for you to trap him in your arm as you spin and to put the crown over his head from behind.
He’s stunned and when you kiss the tip of his nose, he’s inclined to not move a muscle until you say he’s free to do so.
You spin around while he freezes and bend down to pick up his hat, placing it on your own head with a cheeky wink.
Oh, Legend thinks, he likes that.
Legend blushes crimson and take takes his hand and places the single flower he bought up to your ear and between your hair. “There.” He says. “Perfect.”
You giggle and adjust the hat to keep the stem in place and grab Legend’s hand to lace your fingers together.
“Thanks for coming with me.” You grin and swing your hands together as you begin to walk around with no destination in mind.
Legend smiles back just as bursting with joy as you are. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”
“If I were to say we should leave, what would you do?” You ask your boyfriend, as you watch the group meander around your house. No on is paying attention to you, too focused on the game your cousin and little brother have made up as your grandma watches from her rocking chair, knitting something that will no doubt be gifted to one of the boys before you have to leave again.
It was nice.
A bit loud.
But that your everyday anyway, whether in your home or with the group, so it wasn’t all that unfamiliar.
Hyrule looks over to you with a raised eyebrow and and grin on his lips. “I’d follow you anywhere anytime.”
You smile and place your cheek on your hand as you rest your elbow on the table. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Did it have to?” Hyrule snorts. “You already know my answer.”
You hum and tap your fingers on your face before you smile. “Come with me.”
Wordlessly, he follows you and you lead him out of the house and into your garden. It was something your mother started before she left.
You took it upon yourself to try to keep it alive but you never had the same green thumb that she processed. Still, it wasn’t too shabby if you had to say so yourself.
Hyrule took a deep breath through his nose and grinned. “There’s magic in the air.”
You pause and turn to look at him. “You can smell that?”
“Nooo...” Hyrule laughs. “But I can feel like. It’s nice. It’s warm and sweet.”
You smile and hold your hand out to him, waiting until he seems to get a ahold of himself and pull him from behind you. 
You walk together in silence before the old and beaten path opens up to reveal a small clover covered clearing, with a two seater swing hidden by the tree branches. “Come on, let’s sit there Link.”
Hyrule smiles and sits down first, pulling you unexpectantly onto his lap. “And here I thought we were going to go on those adventure you like so much.”
“No.” You blush at the close proximity but lean yourself against him, placing your head by his and poking his neck with your nose. “Grandma would still need me close by incase the kids get too rowdy. At least I’m within yelling distance.”
Hyrule nods and begins to play with your hair as he pushes off the ground somewhat to get the swing in motion. “I like this. I want one.”
“I’ll build one just for you.” You snort and snuggle closer. “Anything for you.”
“Only if you’ll join me.”
“Obviously. Who else you plan on swinging with?”
“I didn’t think I’d be here at all, let alone have someone other than you.” 
You hum and play his hair even if you can’t see it. Hyrule shifts the both of you around so that you’re both lying on the swing instead of being precariously placed on the edge. “Well, I’m glad I’m with you.”
“Me too.”
Part 2 
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cinnamonrusts · 3 years
i’ll see you in the village -- 5
parts: 1 2 3 4
Chris and his team home in on your location. He comes to learn just what Miranda has done to the woman he loves. (chris redfield x f!reader)
(tags: @moonlightnumbsthepainifeel)
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                                                   ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.*
Chris sat inside the armored van and lit his cigarette. The darkness of the village was thick and the air felt heavy but in the moment, he felt calm. He was finally able to pinpoint your location and although Miranda had you in her clutches, his team confirmed to see you alive before she took you underground into her domain. Chris inhaled the cigarette deeply and recalled the many naggings he received from you regarding his habit.
“You should really stop smoking, Chris,” you complained as you waved your hand around in the air inside of Chris’s truck. “I’ll stop smoking -- when you stop gambling,” he blew a puff of smoke out of the window. You huffed, “I’m telling you, you can’t win if you don’t play!” Chris shook his head and turned toward you with cigarette in between his lips, “I’ll stop when you do,” he winked and your eyes rolled, “I’ll remember that when I’m a millionaire, Redfield.”
His eyes closed as he exhaled, “I’m coming, baby,” he whispered to himself, then exited the vehicle. Chris approached the team members that were staked around the general area and pointed out the location where Miranda was held up at. Around the exit of the village where you were last seen at was blocked with gigantic black roots that writhed about in a hostile manner. Helicopters flew overhead and on the side of the flying vehicles were the BSAA’s logos. Chris took the rifle from Lobo and looked through the scope to observe the situation and took note as to what his former agency was up to. They would only cause more issues for his mission than what he already had dealt with, but the Alpha wouldn’t let this stop them, they would continue on. “BSAA... They’ve gone too far,” he said as paratroopers exited to the ground but the chopper was soon attacked by a root and spiraled out to the ground with an explosion.
Redfield instructed his team to head for the main source of the black roots and destroy it. “I’ve got your back, boss. Let’s get to work.” said Lobo. Chris’s plan was clear in his mind: destroy Miranda, rescue Rosemary, and ensure your safety. With guns at ready, Hound Wolf Squad made their way through the village that was on the brink of destruction. He would fight the Hell and high water to finish what had been started.
✧.* ✧.*
Miranda brought you to the ceremony site and you shivered in the cold under the lab coat. You pondered an escape route but the area around you was mostly frozen forest and certain death awaited you if you tried to venture out into it, so you shifted your focus to the woman. Miranda led you down a small path to the ritual area where she would complete her life’s work. Your body soon began to feel weak and you could barely stand on your feet. When you arrived to the area, you dropped to your knees and struggled to listen to Miranda as she started a speech.
“That damn Ethan Winters turned out to be more of an issue than I expected...” she began. “I originally wanted him to merely dispose of my false children and awaken to the beautiful Megamycete, but he proved to be too troublesome for me to deal with any longer.” she turned to face you and dropped down to her knee, she took your chin into her hand and tilted your head back to meet your gaze. “Winters managed to destroy the four lords and take the pieces of his child back. But now he’s gone and the ceremony may continue.” she let go of you and raised to a stand. “T-Then what do you want with m-me then?” you struggled to ask. Miranda tapped her cheek with her finger as she pondered whether she felt you deserved to know her reasoning for infecting you with the Cadou. “You will be my high priestess for said future, my new Lord, if you may; but if little Rose fails to be a suitable host for Eva... Well, that’s what you’re here for, my dear..” your blood ran cold, everything that had just happened up until this moment was pure chance and you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Miranda didn’t choose you because she thought you were something special. It was because you seemed to be a good enough guinea pig for her trap.
“So- so, I’m just a fucking experiment?”“ your teeth gritted and your fingers closed into a fist. The last bit of strength inside boiled in your stomach and you pushed yourself to stand before taking a lunge at her. She merely slapped you to the side with the back of her hand and you flew several feet and sprawled out on the ground, face first. Miranda approached you slowly and pushed into your stomach with tip her foot as she rolled you onto your back. “Poor, girl. Soon, you’ll crystalize and wait for your mutation to finish. There’s nothing you or that man can do about it.” Man?! “C-Chris?!” you called out and weakly reached your hand upward toward the darkening light but Miranda simply chuckled, “It is useless, child. The Cadou is taking hold of you now and it won’t be long until you’re under its and my, control.”  Your arm began to stiffen as you could see a white crystallization spread out from where the Cadou buried itself in your body. Soon, you were completely frozen in place within a white crystal shell, almost like a cocoon. Miranda turned you from a living human, into a frightening beautiful statue for her to do with as her plans pleased.
✧.* ✧.*
Chris fought his way through the Lycans that popped up from every nook and cranny of the village. The homes burned brightly and the horrors seemed to worsen as he got deeper into the bowels of the area. Soon, he came across the Megamycete underground and planted an explosive that would destroy the village and every evil that dwelled within its boundaries. “Any sight of, [Y/N]?” Chris asked into his earpiece but none of his team members were able to confirm anything. “We do have sight of Miranda however at the ceremony site... wait...” Umber Eyes paused, “I have eyes on [Y/N] but...”
Chris’s heart jumped in his chest, “What!? What is it!?” he yelled as he hurried up a path of steps that led toward the surface. “She -- she isn’t moving. But I can’t see her too well,” his voice dropped and Chris stopped in his tracks. “What do you mean?” he barely could spit the words out. “I’m not positive but I can confirm she is there with the target. She seems to be laying on the ground but Miranda is in the way,” Redfield needed to get to the ceremony site as quickly as possible but found himself in a laboratory first. He examined the area and the notes that were scattered around on the many tables, and stumbled upon a connection that he would’ve never guessed. Oswell E. Spencer was Mother Miranda’s subordinate! It all started here, in this European village... Umbrella... everything that Chris had been through started with Miranda and hopefully would end here. This small room held another secret that was tucked away behind a barred cell. Chris’s rifle had its sights on nonother than Mia Winters! The man radioed in to his team to confirm that this was not Miranda and they informed him that she was still in the same spot along with you.
Chris asked why she was there and she told him the story of her being captured and used in experiments. He turned to leave and spoke into his earpiece, “Stick to the mission. I’m headed for the ceremony site.” but Mia followed him and demanded that she went with him. She reminded how Chris promised to keep her and her family safe but those words burned the Ethan shaped wound in his heart. The man struggled to inform the woman that Ethan, her husband, was gone. Dead. But he was done with the secrets, she needed to know and he had trouble with telling her the news. “I’m sorry, Mia. But we have to leave and destroy this village.” Mia wouldn’t let him leave until they would get her husband. Chris grew angry, “Mia! We need to get Rosemary and [Y/N], then we will get the fuck out of here! That is it. Understand?” When he spoke your name, it triggered a disturbing memory of the trauma the Winters spouse witnessed.
“That woman... [Y/N]… Miranda -- she did -- things to her.” Mia’s eyes flickered from Chris to the table that you were previously strapped to. Chris grabbed her shoulders and looked at her with eyes of desperation, “Is she alive?!” his voice cracked. Mia nodded her head slowly, “Y-Yes. But Miranda implanted her with her “gift” and I don’t know what happened after they left.” Chris sucked in his lower lip as his thoughts raced, “Gift? The Cadou?” he asked, his core shook but his composure remained solid. Mia nodded once more and a shadow of fear overwhelmed the man. “We need to go. Now.”
Chris was going to get you back and make Miranda pay.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
This one wanted to be kept anonymous and what is asked shall be done.
Request: Can you please do Prompt 72 for Claude Faustus?
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, overprotectiveness, kidnapping, sabotage, manipulation, teasing
Prompt 72: “Do you want your underwear back?”
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You hated approaching that man, you hated being with him, no matter how hard he might try to change your mind. Being stuck with someone who wasn't even a human was really everything, but pleasant. Being completely isolated in a cottage you weren't allowed to leave was unpleasant. And the trues cherry on top of everything was his personality, rge unbelievable confidence he seemed to have in himself that he would get you to love him and all the teasing and provoking just to get his sadistic fun out of it.
His methods were rather simple, but smart and effective nevertheless. Whenever you were ignoring him, he did something to leave you with no choice but to seek for him. As much as you hated admitting it, he was the one who took care of you, meaning that without him you wouldn't be provided with the basic needs a human needed daily for living. Because you knew from previous experiences that as much as he chose to be lenient, Claude got quickly annoyed and was ready to punish you when you made him snap which didn't end always well. It wasn't like he hurt you physically, but he very much always showed you that he was the one in power and the one you would have to rely on for everything. Clearing this up hurt your pride more than anything else and you just knew that he wanted to embarrass you by having you admitting it.
Making you come to him, having you pleading him to help you had to be the most shameful for you to do, having to do what he wanted just so you would also get what you wanted. It wasn't good for your own self-esteem and knowing Claude, he did everything on purpose so this would happen. Your guess was to feed his ego a bit by knowing that you had to come to him when you needed help.
He probably intended to push you into developing Stockholm syndrome and forcing you to think that he was all you needed, you had figured out that his kind seemed to be more possessive over persons they had chosen as their "mates".
If you remembered right one of your friends had once told you that it was her dark fantasy to have someone going after her who would be ready to kill for her, everyone seemed to like this thought of having someone loving them who would do anything for the person of desire. And back then you might have even wanted the same, but now you could have beaten your ounger self up for thinking about this. People only knew better after having witnessed certain things, same counting for you. You were alone, helpless, left at the mercy of your captor.
You were in no condition to look in those golden eyes, not wanting to see the same amused and pleased look from all of this. No, absolutely not. But even without looking up, you felt those eyes sliding over your body, causing goosebumps to start coverin your whole body and your face to burn up, knowing what would await you in your nearest future.
It was all his fault, he had done it once again on purpose, you knew it had to be true. Why else would his eyes linger a bit longer on the place between your legs that currently was at it's most vulnerable, unprotected which added a new kind of shame to all of this? He must have done it, there was no other explanation.
"You seem to feel tonight a bit more bold than usual, don't you think so?", he asked, the slight amusement in his voice all too audible which had you boiling even more. How much you would have died to just smash him in his face to feel satisfaction. But it would only be for a few seconds before you might agitate Claude and making him angry was not a good idea, not in the least bit. Especially now that you were left so exposed.
"Claude...Where is my underwear?", you pressed out, eyes still trained on the wooden floor under your feet, not a single scratch or trace of dust on it. That you had to give Claude, he made sure that the house always stayed in top shape. What had he said once before? A pretty house for his pretty made? Something in that direction.
Black and polished shoes entered your vision, the sudden closeness causing your skin to crawl and make you stumble frightened a few feet back, not having sensed his fast approach. A short huff of air was heard from him, sounding like he was a bit annoyed and yet entertained by this small act of yours, making you bite angrily your tongue. Making yourself look like a fool wasn't what you planned on doing whilst being with him. It gave him only more stuff to irritate you with.
"(y/n)...I thought we already talked about this. You have to look someone in the eyes when you want something from them. Otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to help you and you know I will gladly do anything for you if you would just let me. If you just wouldn't be that incorrigible."
Ah yes, that shit again. Your manners and the tantrums you sometimes threw about the situations you were stuck in, the disapproving looks from Claude whenever you acted out of the place, the constant lecturing that came afterwards. He really came in such scenarios over as a butler who wanted to make sure that others were behaving like they should be and scolding them if they didn't. It put you always down whenever he pointed those things out, you knew you weren't perfect and him rubbing it constantly under your nose wasn't helpful. It led you to such moments where you just felt like you were under average, reaching your lower points.
It was no reason to give up nor was it an excuse to stop fighting, especially since the butler planned on making you feel that way, to slowly break you. Still, he was currently the only person you were able to see, meaning there was no one to cheer you up, no one to tell you otherwise. You were all on your own with the only source of comfort being the golden-eyed man. And there were those times where you questioned if giving up your pride was the better and less painful option and indeed just giving in would make your life easier. The moments where you became all too aware of the one and only fact. That a human wouldn't be able to beat a demon, at least not a human like you.
This was one of those moments where you felt like a fly trapped in the web of the spider and where the only option was pleading and hoping he would choose to be lenient with you. "Just standing there and not saying anything won't help you nor can I help you when you are like this. If you don't have anything to say, please go back to bed. It's pretty late and I have to leave tomorrow morning early to work in the manor of my master."
He didn't sound happy whilst saying it, you knew that he didn't really like how his master was constantly bossing him around and on some days he complained for a few seconds about what a brat that boy really was, even more when because of him Claude had to be kept busy which meant leaving you longer alone.
You were stuck in denial, not thinking it would be good to do as he said. Not letting having it the way he wanted it to go was important for your own sanity, to prevent you from getting caught in his trap and grow over time too dependent on him. But you also could estimate what would happen afterwards. He would take something else from you away to push you into having to ask him once again and he would continue this for as long as he had the patience. That meant for you more and more embarrassment and hurt. Was that what you wanted? Or should you just go with the easy option to keep the damage as small as possible and live with this scratch on your pride?
You heard his footsteps slowly fading more and more away from you telling you that he was leaving you in your frozen state behind. Why wouldn't he? He had the time and the power to do so. Claude knew that the one way or another you would have to come to him and it was what allowed him to have confidence. This luxury was sadly only open for him whilst you were only allowed to live a good life for as long as he was pleased with how you acted. It was cruelly unfair, but you knew that this was how life was. The one in power and the one at the bottom.
"Wait.", you called faintly after him, making him stop, golden eyes being met with yours, the look in them being comparible with being tired and done with something. You looked leached out, your pride already having taking so many blows before and every time it became harder to fix the damage and pain he put you through like this. Maybe there would come a time where you would have to give up indeed, you doubted that anyone would be able to stay strong whilst suffering from this. But maybe you were wrong and there were people out there who would be able to stand their ground. And maybe you just weren't this person.
"Claude...My underwear.", you slowly muttered out, forcing your gaze to not waver too much and stay on him, knowing you would have to repeat it again if you would look away. And that would mean more poison for you to swallow.
"Do you want your underwear back?", he asked with a silk-like voice, smoothly walking with a few huge steps over to you to take a better look at your current state. How wonderful, he felt extremely satisfied in that one moment. You were slowly being stripped off your stubborness to accept him, instead starting to to him when you needed something. Just two months ago you wouldn't have even thought in your wildest dreams to ask him for help. It just told him that you were slowly breaking, were getting exhausted from all of this.
"Yes. Please.", you said in a more quiet voice, now that he was being so close to you again you felt your gaze shifting somewhere completely else, still not being able to shake the drilling look of him off. Hopefully he wouldn't force you to ask him once again.
"See? This wasn't as hard after all wasn't it?" His voice was laced with a certain sweetness in it, leaving you with a bitter stinging in your heart. That was not true at all. You had just now sacrificed a part of your own confidence. Not like he would care. And not like you would tell him that. You didn't feel in the mood to do so and now it would be dangerous to do so, whilst you felt so incredibly small and helpless. It would be too easy for him to get in your head.
Instead of answering you let out a noise akin to a gentle hum, making yourself a bit smaller, feeling a bit intimidated by the way he was towering over you. Claude seemed to take notice of this and to your surprise he was suddenly kneeling in front of you, although you had almost bet he would push your buttons a bit more right now. But maybe he didn't feel in the mood to be that way, not after you had for the first time ever finally broken a bit in front of him.
With his own face suddenly so close to his, you had no other place to avoid those golden eyes, scanning slowly over your embarrassed and ashamed expression. "You don't have to be scared of me. You know that I wouldn't hurt you. I'm not lowlife like other creatures you might have met."
"Then why do you do this to me?", you stuttered out, by now feeling your eyes tearing up. "Because I only want the best for you. I know how to treat you good, better than anyone else. And all I try to do is helping you to realize this. It would make life easier for you too. I just want you to trust me."
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
Okay I see there are those who are confused as to why most of us are pissed about 15x19 I will gladly explain in depth:
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Let’s start off with our boys Adam Milligan & Michael. These characters have not been seen for 10 fucking years. During that time there were Adam stans like myself campaigning like mad to have him and the infamous archangel return for some much needed closure. We had to content ourselves with headcanons, fanfictions and metas based on what we briefly knew of Adam and Michael as people while they unfairly sat in Hell. You might have seen the “Adam’s Still in Hell” memes that circulated. WE WAITED OVER A DECADE FOR THIS. And finally SPN answers our prayers and returns these boys back into the story for the final season. None of us anticipated what their arc and dynamic would look like. Before we could only imagine who these two characters were/are after having been trapped in a cage so long; what their personalities would be like and if they’d be antagonistic to TFW. 15x08 was a surprise because not only were Adam and Michael likable right out of the gate but the writing for them and their dynamic was damn near flawless! And Jake fucking stole the show he killed it as these two. It’s a crime they were not featured in more episodes because the chemistry between these characters is amazing and they’re played by the same dude.
We were given so much background into both Adam and Michael’s psyches in just a short period of time. Their motivations, interests and how they viewed those that wronged them (like the Winchesters); how Hell affected/changed them both and how they viewed their families. We got to see them banter, cooperate with one another and most importantly their different personalities. With Jake Abel appearing in only a handful of SPN episodes, he still fleshed out Michael and Adam beautifully; giving them layers and complexities that most side-characters (who’ve appeared more times than they have) didn’t. The way Jake played Adam’s anger and resentment towards his brothers was brilliant because it’s more under the surface compared to his angsty teenage self in 5x18. He’d become somewhat restrained, laid-back, gentler and wiser which works because Adam displays traits similar to Sam and Dean. He’s kinder and has a sense of humor but none of that distracts from rational thought as he’s quick to analyze and dissect situations. Man, he would’ve made a great hunter/Men of Letters recruit. We know right off the bat Adam’s pissed at his brothers for abandoning him in a thousand-year-prison-sentence and didn’t lift a finger BUT that ironically doesn’t compromise his willingness to help them unlike his past self in 5x18. Jake gets the point across with this character without saying much and that’s what made him so compelling to watch in this episode.
Now Michael was even more of a mystery onion since he wasn’t onscreen as much as Adam had been in past episodes so Jake got to really build on top of this character. Going from the uptight, cold-blooded merciless celestial warrior/dutiful son of God we saw in 5x22 to someone whom despite his arrogance and regal princely demeanor was very human, intelligent, fair, mindful and compassionate. He trusted Adam and respected his opinions even if he didn’t agree 100%. Whereas most angels take over the vessel completely from their original occupant; Michael chooses to share his vessel with Adam as a mutual agreement which says a lot about who he is. He’s fascinated with humanity and wanted to explore it instead of returning to his throne in the clouds. We know that Michael was created specifically to be Humanity’s protector and guardian of Heaven and Earth so these quirks he’d demonstrated in 15x08 aren’t too far off. He holds a lot of pain inside from his abandonment issues with his father whom he loves to a fault and grief over the death of his brothers. On the surface there’s very much an abused child syndrome thing going on with him though he masks it with a domineering presence. And above all this we saw that he was capable of forgiveness. Whether or not Michael always had these traits inside to begin with, its very evident that his friendship with Adam influenced the person he became post-Hell. And that was someone who, like Castiel, chose to rebel for the sake of free will by aligning himself with the Winchesters after witnessing the evil his father had committed. He actually cared about saving the world. This is what we call character development.
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What does 15x19 do? It shits all over that. We don’t get to see Adam and Michael’s dynamic at all; and this was perhaps one of (if not the first) most healthy portrayal of a relationship between an angel and its original vessel occupant in the history of Supernatural. Adam is just killed off-screen Thanos style without so much as one last word and Michael barely reacts like he gives a crap. It was just established to us in 15x08 that he’d developed an emotional bond with Adam through years of inhabiting the same body. He protected Adam while they were trapped together in Hell. They were each other’s only friend and source of comfort. They’d developed a certain co-dependency on each other while respecting one another’s space. They’d both made peace with their joint situation. All they had was each other and the writing in 15x19 basically tells us their relationship meant absolutely NOTHING to Michael based on his OOC actions in this episode. He shows up much darker and shadier now that Adam is gone and its like all those years of friendship, things like that independence, newfound strength and humility he’d gained from living with a human for so long are erased. Michael just reverts back to Chuck’s 5x22 bitchboy persona in the most ridiculous 180 shift I’ve ever seen in my whole damn life. And all because his little brother called him mean names. Pitiful. Just when he lectures Lucifer about standing up for what’s right; he betrays his own words, his allies and the rest of humanity in T-minus 2 minutes. That is total character assassination. Nothing about this motivation makes any sense.
There’s no build up to it, no foreshadowing in 15x08 or throughout 15x19 until they get to the lake. He’s completely deconstructed as a character in this episode and rendered weak. It’s like 15x08 never happened. Stripped of all his development for lousy shock value. Instead utilizing all of what he’d learned through Adam and sticking it to Lucifer by proving he could be more than what Chuck tried to mold him into; Michael becomes just another NPC in the story forfeiting the hero he was. And his reasons for siding with Chuck are never specified. Was it about about saving Adam? Was it about proving something to Lucifer (whom he’d already killed in anti-climatic fashion)? Was it all an act that he was in on with the Winchesters; cause there’s absolutely NO FUCKING WAY they could’ve predicted he’d flip on them like that for their magical plan to work. Not after everything Chuck’s done, killing Adam and Jack and leaving Michael to rot in Hell for eternity. And why would he suddenly go along with destroying the Earth when defeating Chuck would probably get Adam back (if that was his goal) which IT DID not to mention its his sworn duty to freaking protect humanity, hello? So his betrayal meant jack shit in the end as it got him killed by his fucking dad!! He’s brought back into the show only to be ruined forever and killed off in the stupidest fashion.
Moving on.
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Jack Kline & Castiel. This iron-clad relationship has been in development for 4 in 1/2 years since before Jack was even born. And next to Adam & Michael its the other most healthy relationship on the show. Castiel, a million year old celestial being, spent the first 9 years of his arc on Supernatural following around the Winchesters, being torn between his loyalty to them and to Heaven. He rebelled when he was supposed to be a straight-by-the-book warrior of God. And he defied every rule in the process even when the odds were stacked against him. There was an endless rinse and repeat cycle of love, loss, betrayal and redemption when it came to his relationship with Sam and Dean. It made his character complex, interesting and layered but it still didn’t give him an arc that was his own. Castiel started out moreso being written as just the Winchester’s angel BFF/side-kick. Until Lucifer got Kelly Kline pregnant in 12x08 then things really took off. Before this, Castiel was a lost soul. His faith was broken, he was depressed, lonely, battered and rundown from years of being conflicted over the other angels and Sam & Dean. He felt he’d lost a sense of self and meaning in his life. And didn’t have a mission. Once he turned on Heaven’s orders, Castiel was a rebel angel without a cause so to speak. But like I said this changes the moment he meets Kelly.
Originally Castiel was suppose to kill Kelly in 12x19 because she was carrying the child of the devil and Nephilim are considered forbidden abominations. Told that if Lucifer’s kid was born he could unleash even more evil into the world. But instead of doing what he thought he should, Castiel decides to runaway with her. Choosing to protect her from all threats (Lucifer, demons, other angels, princes of Hell); this especially included the Winchesters. During this short time-frame the angel develops a strong, emotional bond with Kelly and her unborn son that stretches all the way to the S12 finale; to the point where it actually gave him a power-boost. From the womb, Jack appoints Castiel to be his father and protector and he’s given a glimpse into the child’s destiny that he’ll bring paradise to the world. A prophecy that the writers establish head on. This is an unusual circumstance because right here is where Castiel’s solo arc apart from the Sam & Dean takes shape. The journey of becoming a first time parent and guardian. Its a new kind of independence that for the first time has nothing to do with his friends or his family members/colleagues in the sky. Its his own personal mission that he willingly accepts, the second he connects with Jack from inside Kelly. Castiel immediately falls in love with him, before they even see each other; and adopts the boy devoting himself to keeping him safe. Making a promise to Kelly that would later become a vital plot-point in the seasons to come.  
Castiel literally risks everything (Heaven and Earth) to ensure Jack’s birth and ends up dead by 12x23′s startling conclusion. Leaving the newborn infant Nephilim alone in the care of the Winchesters going into season 13; scared, confused and aged into a seemingly 18 year old boy for his own protection. And Alexander Calvert who is a fantastic addition to the cast really brings something wonderful to this role; he’s like a breath of fresh air and a bright light in the middle of a dark room. Jack’s naïve, innocent and curious about his surroundings but also as Castiel once put it “remarkably intuitive”. Right when he’s introduced his arc is intentionally paralleled with Castiel’s. Their alien-fish-out-of-water beginning is practically identical as is their adorable stoic facial expressions. Like father like son. And this helps because while the angel is currently dead in the beginning of season 13, there’s an empty void he’s left behind. So Jack is kind of his temporary stand-in. Odd enough this type of switcharoo would’ve been considered very controversial but it’s handled quite well. Alex is so likable and charming I almost wish Supernatural had introduced him sooner. I mean I really thought I was looking at Castiel’s actual mini-me and not the son of Satan. But I digress Jack’s story in the first half of this season is pretty much about discovery and reuniting with Castiel. He’s a baby so everything is new to him but he’s also one of the most powerful beings in the universe destined for greatness which makes the Winchesters very nervous.
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Jack remembers choosing Castiel as his dad which is why he already feels strongly connected to him. Its a bond so powerful that it actually resurrects Castiel out of the Empty the first time. Something Chuck himself was unable to do (that was until the mess that is 15x19). When they’re finally reunited the payoff comes so naturally. Misha and Alex have such a phenomenal onscreen chemistry starting with that first hug; they really play off one another so well that it doesn’t feel like two angels interacting but a genuine father and son duo. So much of what makes Jack and Castiel’s relationship so relatable, deep and endearing is because of what the actors bring to it. But they’re not just a fascinating relationship, they’re compelling on their own too. Both trying to find their way in the world and within the Winchesters’ lives. Death is no stranger to either of them (tragic being that Jack is only a toddler). They’ve each experienced their own personal pain, traumas, life lessons, mistakes and decisions. The biggest for Castiel would be his deal with the Empty to save Jack in 14x08. While for Jack it was the consequences of said deal that would lose his soul causing him to accidently kill Sam and Dean’s mom in 14x18 as a result (something that Jack struggles with immensely to the brink of depression from so much guilt and regret that he’d rather die). Repercussions that would follow into the shows final season. What’s interesting about this deal though is that Castiel made it on parental instinct alone not as a promise to Kelly. He chose to sacrifice himself for the sake of his son as a selfless act of love and kept it a secret from Sam & Dean until his death in 15x18. That’s the extent how much this child meant to him. The other great thing about their family dynamic is that it parallels nicely with the Winchesters. Castiel and Jack share this unconditional love that can never be broken. its even greater than their ties to the Winchesters themselves just as Sam & Dean’s love for each other is greater than any of their other relationships. They would do anything for each other. Castiel would go to the ends of the earth for the little nougat baby because that’s his son.  
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Each time these characters were faced with danger or died, Castiel and Jack were overcome with extreme devastation and distress. That said its not just pain that binds these two its happiness. Jack is the best thing that ever happened to Castiel. Literally becoming a father to that child saved him. It brought him back to life, restored his faith and gave him a sense of self-worth and hope he’d long since abandoned. And for Jack, Castiel is the best dad he’ll ever have! He gave this baby comfort, wisdom, nurturing, strength. Was always there when he needed him whether it was to talk or to have his back. No other person in Jack’s life has ever made such an important impact nor made him feel more safe and loved than Castiel. Even when Jack had done such a horrible thing to Mary alienating himself from his family; it was Castiel’s unyielding devotion to Jack that ended up being his salvation. This was huge because once again he’d chosen over the Winchesters proving that no matter what (whether it be the world ending) his son comes first. So when Castiel’s pact with the Empty finally comes due in 15x18 you’d think it’d have an earth-shattering affect on Jack in 15x19. I mean for the first bit it does...until he becomes God. Then its like to hell with that relationship. Castiel is a complete afterthought to Jack and the rest of TFW in this episode. JACK DOESN’T EVEN GET TO GRIEVE HIM PROPERLY. And he just lost his dad because of a deal he’d made a year ago for him. A DEAL JACK HAS BEEN FUCKING DREADING WHILE HE WAS SOULLESS MIND YOU. And when he finally has the power to bring him back, he doesn’t? Jack just walks around with a conceited smirk on his face, bids Sam and Dean adieu and fucks off. I mean who gives a shit right, its only your dad that you love more than anything. This was extremely OOC given that time in 14x14 Jack nearly lost his shit when Castiel got infected with gorgon poison; the anti-venom wasn’t working so Jack resorts to using his powers putting his soul at risk.
I mean if he was so limited to helping Castiel in the Empty AT LEAST FREAKING CLARIFIY THIS TO THE AUDIENCE. This is not about shipping a certain pairing btw. Jack becoming God is not the issue its his characterization after the fact. His first instinct would’ve been to save his dad above getting in touch with the Earth. Yes we knew this transformation was coming it was foreshowed way back in Season 12. Does that justify bad writing or character assassination?? HELL NO.
This is what I’m talking about, episode 15x19 deliberately butchers these characters and their relationships. It shat all over them. No one is behaving like themselves. The pacing is wonky and inconstant. The script feels like it underwent several rewrites and I swear there were scenes cut out. The acting is off too and maybe the pandemic could be blamed for these things but it ultimately falls on the writer. Buckleming screwed up by showing us they don’t know who the hell these characters are, their motivations nor do they give a rat’s ass. And its noticeable on screen. I’ve known better fanfiction writers for SPN than these guys. It’s like they all came back to work but just didn’t care to put the effort into it. That’s why people like me are upset and we have every freaking right to be. Some of us have been with this series for the entire 15 year run. I at least expect these characters to be handled better and for things to make sense. 15x19 doesn’t and its not satisfying its just a cruel joke. The writers and Dabb should be embarrassed to have put this out there thinking we’d just swallow it and shut up. But far as I’m concerned the only thing this episode serves is to disrespect and ruin everybody while angering long-time fans.
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goblinkingdomsblog · 3 years
Bts as mafia series ask
What will they do after kidnapping agent yn who is not willing to give info
What will they do after kidnapping agent y/n who is not willing to give information
Members: all BTS.
Genre: mafia!AU, reaction.
Premise: you are a police agent who was captured by one of the most influential members of the criminal organization you have been investigating for weeks. He's trying to get information out of you through interrogation, but you're not going to give in, no matter what. So he needs to think of a new plan.
TW: a little bit of (V) = Violence, but more of (S) = Safe for reading and (Sg) = Suggestive.
Mafia Series Masterlist
Mafia Series Plot
I don't know if this is exactly how you imagined your request, but I hope you enjoy it. ;)
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"Precious information is always worth it."
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You were tied to the chair for a long time, until he came and released you. You immediately thought about the easiest escape route, but the abandoned, damp pavilion in which you were, behind huge boilers, seemed to have no end.
He smiled calmly, standing a few feet in front of you with his arms crossed.
- Agent Y/N. What an honor. - his voice was sympathetic, lulled by a hoarse and low tone - I've been looking for you for a long time. I heard you're trying to get me in trouble.
You laughed bitterly, spitting on the floor to get rid of the taste of the gag that had been in your mouth just minutes before.
- I feel really sorry that I didn't cause more problems, then.
Surprisingly, he laughed back, as if he were in the presence of a rebellious child who he needed to educate.
- You didn't answer the questions my subordinates asked you, did you?
- I will never reveal anything. You can send those dumbasses back and make them punch me more. - you touched your aching jaw with your free hands, without looking away from the one who you knew were the leader of the Organization - I can deal with them easily.
With his arms crossed, he rubbed his expensive shiny shoe on the floor, lifting his index finger.
- Oh, no, no. That was my mistake, caused by a wrong choice of members. Let's say they are not exactly the smartest members of our... company. I'm sorry about that. - he laughed quietly, adjusting his glasses over his nose with the casualness of someone who was shopping at the supermarket.
- So what are you going to do, you bastard? - you grunted, trying to distract him just to have time to think of a good way to get out of there.
He laughed again, a short, somewhat dangerous laugh.
- Courageous. - he murmured, with a sharp gleam in his dark eyes. He stared at you for a long moment before proceeding - Well, violence is almost never the best option. It is always better to treat the guests with whom you want to have a conversation with calm and courtesy. And, of course, without haste.
Feeling a cold shiver down your spine, you stayed still.
- I have all the time in the world, my dear. I can wait until you're ready to start. - with a singing smile that exposed two deep dimples, which now seemed sharply malignant, he turned to the darkness - Ah, and don't even think about running away. If this place already seems big to you, know that it is bigger than you think. And there are some rather interesting obstacles around here.
With one last look over his shoulder, the faint moonlight that came in through the windows reflecting off the lenses of his glasses and preventing you from seeing his eyes, he clicked his tongue.
- But, if you insist on trying to escape... - he pronounced, as if he considered the whole situation a great pleasure, and not a threat - I wish you good luck.
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You were in a small house, surrounded by at least 4 tables full of electronic equipment, computer parts, baubles and dust.
The man seated in front of you, with his chin in one hand, kept his eyebrows raised. By moving your hands tied behind your back, you tried to free yourself from the wheelchair in which you were trapped.
- Stay still. - he murmured, harshly. His expression was divided between apprehension and irritation.
- I am still. It is kind of difficult to make any movement while you are tied to a chair.
Without paying any attention to you, he rolled his eyes.
- I don't know why they thought of me as the right person to fulfill this mission. As if I had nothing more important to do. - his face, beautiful as a carved brilliant, was extremely expressive - And now, to make things worse, you still don't want to collaborate with the interrogation!
You smirked, shaking your head in the middle of the room with brown walls and orange lamps.
- I'm sorry for being a stone in your path. I bet if you let me go, you would be relieved. - your tone was acidic.
Bitting his lower lip, he snapped his fingers. With an impulse from the floor, he slid the wheelchair in which he was sitting to one of the tables, turning on one of the computers.
- Actually, I have a better idea. - he said, his plump lips curving into a smile as his fingers typed quickly, as if he were thinking of a joke that only he understood.
After a few quiet seconds, in which the only noises in the house came from the computer, he turned towards you and rotated the computer screen to your direction, so that you could view it entirely.
- I think you will be the one relieved when you collaborate with my questions. - he murmured, pointing the image on the monitor: the security cameras on the street in front of your family's house, recording everything in real time. It was even possible to spot your mother through the window - It's not that hard to find out certain things on social media, you know? I would recommend you to be more careful from now on.
Your smile died on your face, replaced by an expression of fear.
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The stone basement under the busy bar was a much darker place than it had seemed at first. The endless noise of parties was able to hide the most diverse noises.
The man standing at the door, talking to two others who remained in the shade, seemed completely calm. Which was the total opposite of how you felt.
Trying to shake your body to get rid of the rope wrapped around your entire torso, you groaned. You knew that dozens of bruises would form on your arms because of the effort, but you couldn't stop trying.
Dismissing the two henchmen, the man near the door turned in your direction. Approaching with his hands in his pockets, he stopped a few inches away, bending to reach the height where you were trapped.
- As you didn't want to answer when I asked patiently, I decided to change my approach. - with a slow, almost lazy, gummy smile, he took his hands out of his pockets, revealing a pile of pills.
Knowing what "industry" he was in, you were sure those pills were drugs. Although you were afraid of what might happen, you would never let it show.
- What are you going to do? Forcing me to swallow and kill myself from an overdose? - you almost spat, bending forward in an attempt to hit him with your head.
He laughed, and his laugh was a little choked. He smelled of cigarettes, both in his baggy clothes and on his breath.
- Don't be so hasty. I already said that I am very patient, so I would never force you to take one of them. - he shook the pills in his closed fist, letting them make a noise - I'll let you choose one of them.
Grunting, you turned your head.
- The choice is entirely yours. You may take a sweetie pill, which just makes you more relaxed to answer my questions... - his expression went from amusement to a somber seriousness, while he averted his eyes downwards - or you may take a poisoned one that will kill you. Sadly you don't have the option of not taking any pill.
Smiling again, exposing his gums in a way that made his expression frighteningly youthful, he shrugged.
- I hope you have a good eye for analyzing pills. Or at least a good tolerance.
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He was smiling in your direction for good 3 minutes now. Sitting upright, his knees 5 centimeters away from yours (that were tied to each other), he looked like an experienced dealer wanting to convince you to buy something.
You were already so tired that you felt almost ready to "buy it".
- If you tell me some very simple details of the investigation, I promise you will be released without any injuries. - his face was soft and friendly, and he spoke with such conviction that it was easy to accept.
You were sweaty due to the fact that you had been struggling in that chair for hours on end, trying to break free. That damn apartment seemed to be in the end of the world, because no one on the floors above or below made a sound.
It was time to try something different, to put pride aside. You had full faith in your ability to act.
- Do you... really promise? - you asked, in a weak voice and with an innocent expression, which made apparent the tiredness you were feeling (on purpose, of course).
He broke into a big smile, crowned by his shiny, aligned teeth. He looked cheerful as a child who had just won a candy.
- Of course, my dear. - he replied, lightly touching your hand tied on the arm of the chair. His fingers were warm and soft.
You smiled back "timidly". You would lie masterfully, until you convinced that man to let you go. You knew you were able to do that, because it was a necessity.
- Then... I will collaborate.
Caressing your hand briefly, just before letting go and looking you in the eye, his smile lessened a little.
- Just know that liars are not treated so politely. - he murmured, in a practically humming way - And I always know when someone is trying to deceive me, my sweet. Always.
Suddenly, the touch of his fingers no longer seemed as gentle as before.
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The man's eyes seemed to burn in his face, just as the hate burned inside you. He was lying beside a round table, stripped, staring at you through half-closed lids.
- This is kind of kinky, don't you agree? - he asked, breaking the silence, his legs spread in a careless pose as he watched you.
You wanted to scream. You pulled your arms out, listening to the clink of the metal rings and then feeling the physical immobility. Being chained to a cement wall by your wrists and ankles, standing for hours, was far from any pleasurable idea. That was a fucking torment.
- Fuck you, you crazy bastard! - you grunted, your voice hoarse in your scratched throat - If I ever have the opportunity, I swear I'll kill you!
He didn't smile, but something in the curve of his eyes exposed the fact that he was enjoying the scene. In a leap, he rose from his chair, an evil idea igniting in his mind.
- What if that opportunity reveals itself now? Could you kill me? - he purred, approaching cautiously. You didn't know if he was teasing or threatening you, as his body movements were unreadable.
- Chained here? How fair is this clash? It is obvious that you will win. - you spoke through, your head hanging forward. You were an accomplished fighter in the police, but no one with their arms and legs trapped would be able to win a hand-to-hand fight.
- Of course I'm going unchain you. I'll even give you some time to warm up. I like fairness in this type of game. - the way he spoke, with pleasure, showed an insatiable desire for combat. You wanted to punch him.
- How can I be sure that you will not cheat? You are a fucking mafious.
This time, he laughed sharply, putting his hands on his stomach.
- I promise you that our fight will be fair, based only on the skills of each one. Especially because, if I win, my only prize will be to chain you back on this wall right here. - he got close enough to hold the sides of your waist with his hands, more firmly than expected. You forced yourself not to shudder - And while I really appreciate the sight, it is nothing that I haven't already seen.
You thought about attacking him right there, but it was better to wait a little more. Using his hands on your waist as a support, he started to unchain you.
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The boy was standing, his back against one of the only walls of the ruined building. The empty terrain you were on was extensive and the wind was blowing strong, turning all that vastness into a damn desert of grassy ice.
You were standing a few feet away, with nothing to hinder your movements. Still, you couldn't move, as you knew he had confiscated your loaded gun and was now keeping it in his pants pocket, ready in case any attempt was made to escape. You didn't want the same thing that happened to your two coworkers, now two bodies lying on the ground in the woods, to happen to you.
- Will you tell or not? - the man asked, boredom evident on his face. His voice was low, peaceful as a lullaby.
- I won't. - you said, shivering from the wind and nervousness. Nothing mattered now, not even your life: you had vowed to keep the investigation a secret, and that's what you would do. You would die with honor, just like the others.
Arching one of his thick eyebrows, he remained still. His mouth went up in one corner, in a angled smile.
- Ah, too bad.
- Shoot fast, can you? - you shouted back, extremely tired of it. You wanted it to end fast.
- I will not shoot you. You are useful, unlike your unintelligent colleagues who tried to attack me.
You clenched your teeth, the sound of the wind almost deafening your ears.
- What are you going to do then?
Wiping the hair off his forehead, which insisted on sliding in all directions, he waved a hand, turning the loaded revolver in one finger.
- Ah, I decided to let your teammates answer the call that the... deceased agents sent on the radio. They will get here behind this wall, as it is the easiest way to access the terrain. - observing the barrel of the gun and then opening the magazine to see how much ammunition was inside, he continued: - It is always good to practice my shooting from a long distance, just to not lose the practice.
Wide-eyed, the scenario in which your colleagues were killed one by one by shots from a hidden sniper crossed your mind. It was terrible.
- But, if you like your colleagues very much and decide that your willingness to offer information is greater than my intention to play target shooting, it may be that things happen in a much easier way. - he stated.
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He almost never looked up from the ground, and when he did, his eyes kept hidden under the brim of his hat. Not that it was easy to spot anything inside a dark and metallic bunker, in which you could barely move because you were handcuffed to the table fixed on the floor.
After hesitating for a long time, the man with tattoos on his fingers sitting in front of you finally spoke:
- You have to answer. I am here just following orders, and you are delaying my other appointments. - if there was something behind which he could hide, he would probably do it. But not out of fear... it was for another reason.
- I already said I won't tell you anything. You can kill me already, dumb child. - you almost roared, the rage accumulated in hours of silence revolting inside you.
Yes, even though he was partially hidden by the shadows, the fact that he was young was evident. More a shy boy than a silent man.
His eyes widening in shock, he stepped back a few inches. With an increasingly wheezing breath, he got up and walked to a door in the corner of the bunker.
- You're making things more difficult for both of us. - he said, with a dangerous tone.
Opening the hidden door with a single movement of his drawing-covered hand, he revealed a gagged figure, struggling and muttering in a useless way: your partner in the police and best friend, Denyel.
You gasped with fright when his figure became visible, his body covered in sweat. With a sudden tug, the tattooed man dragged your friend over to the chair where he himself had been sitting before, forcing him to settle down.
- With each denied answer, a little bit of his life is gone. - the boy's voice was now expressionless, and his hands moved quickly as he took dozens of knives from the belt under his coat and placed them on the table, with a clang - I can make it drag on for hours, believe me. I know exactly how much "life" to remove until there is no more of it left.
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That's it for now! Did you like it? Tell me your opinion and your suggestions, my dear reader.
If you want to request anything, send me your ideas!
The images used on this post are not mine. Credits to the owners.
Kisses from the Goblin Kingdom! :)
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