#babysitter bloodbath
superbeth18 · 3 months
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Unmasked killers
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russellwynn · 1 year
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had to draw the faves today + my thoughts on how some of the slashers might look… ehehe<3
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fullsaw · 1 month
The world goes on with or without me
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[Ref Below Cut]
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pelagiathedeathseeker · 2 months
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knife lovers maniacs
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airyesart · 2 years
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wee oo i look just like puppet combo
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creepycombo · 2 years
FUCK your starsign.
Which Puppet Combo protagonist do you kin?
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chompplant · 1 year
What do you suppose happens if the vamps are left without food for too long? Bc we know blood keeps them fed for a few days and drinking too much makes them ill, but also not drinking when they need it makes them irritable..
What happens if they don’t drink for weeks on end maybe if they’re trapped or something! Would they “die” again? Go poof!!
Or just go absolutely rabid if they were set loose.
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sawinsanity · 2 years
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BLOODWASH: An Fantastic Analog Horror Game By Torture Star Video / Puppet Combo
Out Now On Nintendo Switch
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Red Rover - @red-rover-au
The Little Prince - @beannary
Hueso Raised Leo - @shardkn1ght
Empyrean Weeping - @cupcakeslushie
Bloodbath - @bloodbath-au
Life Mission - @daedelweiss
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puppetcombo · 1 year
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The SUMMER SALE ends tomorrow!
 Grab it here: https://itch.io/b/1853/puppet-combo-torture-star-combo-summer-sale
Save over 70% on Puppet Combo and Torture Star games!     
Babysitter Bloodbath  Nun Massacre Bloodwash Murder House and more!
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awesomegalaxysavior · 8 months
Starbula Week Day 4 Parents
Thanks to the song Guardians Inferno and opening scene for GOTG VOL 2, I can picture Peter and Nebula being forced to bring their son to a mission that goes wrong and now they have to play toss and catch with their baby.
"Baby!" He nonchalantly tossed his 8-month-old child to Drax, narrowly evading the incoming energy blast. The Destroyer deftly caught the baby, securing him against his massive chest as he rolled and, with a swift, powerful move, used his shoulders to tackle a group of Saakaran soldiers to the ground.
Zed, the baby, giggled in delight. The chaos of battle seemed to have no impact on him. If anything, it was like having a playdate with his parents, uncles, and aunts— even though bringing a baby into a battle was both illegal and highly irresponsible.
Drax roared in triumph, his laughter ringing out. "Did you enjoy that, little Quill? Let's tear someone's spine out!"
"Drax, if I see a single drop of blood on my child, I'll personally ensure your spine is ripped out," Nebula warned through the comms, Peter repeating her words.
"When my daughter was this small, she helped me slay a beast and her clothes got stained with its blood like a true warrior!—Haaaaaaa!" Zed's laughter rang out again as Drax lifted a soldier off his face, held him aloft, and then unceremoniously dropped him to the ground, bones cracking in the process.
“That doesn’t sound credible at all” Rocket commented.
"Hey, Glowing Gilt!" Peter yelled as he bopped a guy on the head with the back of his blaster, narrowly dodging a punch from another assailant. "Get the kid before Drax turns MY Baby into a bloodbath!"
"You two are growing soft! Groot was raised like this and turned out just fine!"
"I am Groot!"
"Oh, really? Shall I remind you when he got arrested by Nova Corps for blowing up an ice cream truck?"
"I am Groot!"
"I've never killed an innocent civilian over ice cream!"
"The baby's airborne!" Kraglin interjected, and both parents watched in horror as their son descended toward the ground.
"Oh, hell!" Peter powered through another group of soldiers, using his jet boots to boost himself towards his firstborn. Nebula, however, reached their son first, gracefully cradling him in her arms.
"Oh, Hala!" Peter breathed out, his heart lodged in his throat. Yeah, next time, they were definitely hiring a babysitter, or someone would have to stay behind.
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drylan · 14 days
for rylan prompts,
at home movie night fluff!:3
It had been a long, draining week. From exams in his classes to portfolio projects to shitty shifts at this part-time job dealing with the dreadful general public, Ryan was just done. Sure, he only had a couple months of college left, but he was absolutely hitting his limit.
Apparently Dylan had been picking up Ryan's vibe with ease even though they barely saw each other the entire week, despite living together.
"Hey, babe. Ready for the weekend?" Dylan and Schrodinger greeted him as he came home and Ryan almost felt faint with how much more relaxed he felt as soon as he came back into their apartment.
"Yeah, I could take like, 60 weekends in a row, please."
"Aw, babe." Dylan cooed sympathetically, kissing his forehead. He was a goddam nerd through and through. He thrived in college and was going to be starting his master's in the fall and had jobs tutoring on campus. But he knew for Ryan was just ready to be done with the whole college thing.
As he settled in, though, Ryan really let the fact it was a free weekend soak into him. Begone, shitty barista uniform. Peace out, fake customer service smile.
When he came back downstairs, a pizza had already been delivered and Dylan was fetching their favorite brand of shitty, cheap beer out of the fridge.
"Wow, what's the occasion?" He tugged the sweatshirt he'd stolen from Dylan down lower, helping by bringing the pizza to the coffee table in the living room.
"Well, for starters, I love you and you deserve to kick back and relax." Ryan blushed at that, whispering 'Love you, too' before Dylan continued. "Aaaand, Babysitter Bloodbath 7 is on streaming."
"Wait, what?! I thought the release got canceled!" He jumped excitedly onto the couch, Dylan flopping down next to him.
"Apparently not! They literally just dropped it today, dude. Outta nowhere." Dylan could feel his heart warm as Ryan fell more and more back into himself, finally letting go after a difficult week.
As they nibbled on their pizza, drank their beers, and settled in for some direct to streaming C-horror garbage, they cuddled up close to each other.
Ryan laid his head heavily on Dylan's chest, listening to his slow, calming heartbeat. Dylan kissed the top of his head between eating and drinking, loving the weight of his lover on his chest.
They couldn't think of a better way to kick-off a much needed and deserved weekend.
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tothepointofinsanity · 9 months
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Generic favourite video games list (new favourites + all time) because my friends (and Twitter) enticed me into doing it. I feel as though looking at this, it's pretty clear I don't play enough games. Luckily, I got some recommendations, so I'm excited for the holidays where I can Do Nothing and Game again. Below are some of my notes, but there is one mention of child death and some spoilers for these games, so please be careful.
• There were some others I didn't add but also liked, such as Alice: Madness Returns, Little Misfortune, Nun Massacre, Babysitter Bloodbath, Mad Father and Paranormal HK.
• Detention and Devotion both had immense impact on me back then because it was the first time I saw others interact with a Chinese game on mainstream media. It was interesting to see how others reacted to the cultural aspects and storytelling of these two games, and it was actually my first ever look at something that made me feel represented, in a way. Detention also helped me learn about Taiwanese history. On this list, Devotion is the scariest horror game to me. It wasn't about monsters or evil spirits that scared me. It was the protagonist's desperation and obsession tied in with religious themes that ultimately killed his child which made me upset and haunted until even now. Horror based in reality feels tangible. It's very real. I've seen such incidents occur in this culture. Even now, I relate to the child of the story: a girl with panic attacks overlooked.
• Nowhere, MI is a demo game that is still continued being worked on by the developer. However, the demo was fulfilling and very fun. Also, the protagonist is a weirdo that wields a cool sentient gun.
• Underworld Capital Incident wasn't really that old of a game, but the graphics make it seem that way. It's quite niche, but has a unique premise where you play as one of Hell's escort demons. I wish it was more popular.
• Bloodborne is on this list but not Dark Souls solely because Bloodborne has Micolash.
• Taylor Swietanski games (caged bird don't fly; that night steeped by blood river) are pieces of media that will be projected onto a sloppy PowerPoint slide on the day of my funeral. My threshold for what constitutes as boring is very different from the common soldiery because while I may not know what these games are about, the music is nice and it makes me feel something.
• Pearl grabber (made by yatoimtop, the same dev behind Greener Grass Awaits) was sadly not in the database because if it had been, I would have added it.
• Gohome was a weird weird game that combines surreal and horror elements into the familiarity of walking back home. This is similar to "Walk" as well. In both games, strange eldritch beings stalk you. I think I like games that are based on how a home is no longer a home once invaded by your own presence. There's something ironic about it.
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fullsaw · 26 days
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Cutouts of Nick & Dillion :]
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dalekofchaos · 9 months
Scream 7 needs to take risks, take the kid gloves off and be a blood bath
So I've counted all the people that have survived the Scream franchise. 9 in total
Mark Kincaid
This is bad. You play it too safe and it's going to hurt the next movie, ESPECIALLY if it's the final movie in the franchise.
So Scream 7 has to be a bloodbath. Scream 6 while enjoyable, played it too safe. People actually have to die. It is so fucking ridiculous that Scream 6 was so afraid to take risks.
Chad survived despite surviving shit that would make Dewey go "seriously?" Gale survived despite this being her time to die. I mean COME ON the movie has been telling her that she is facing karma for profiting and CONTINUING to profit off of Ghostface.
This is why I would've preferred the Ghostface subreddit cult plot that was teased with Jason and Greg.
To me I felt like there was a lot of potential with Jason and Greg and potentially a cult from the subreddit group Richie and Amber were from to complete Richie's movie, especially since there was a True Crime feeling when it came to Jason. If they went with this direction, I honestly think Scream 6 would be more better received. Because instead of doing something different, they just redid Scream 2 and instead of a Nancy and Mickey, we have a family of idiots who couldn't kill anyone of importance. At least Nancy killed Randy.
And honestly? if they went with the Ghostface cult, the whole cut Gale dialogue of You’ve been in my life so fucking long,” she tells Ghostface. “I made you. And you made me.” After another beat, she says, “You want to try and finish this? Go ahead if you’ve got the guts.” SO much more better. If they went with that route for Scream 6, the perfect way to send Gale out. Dying with the cult and making sure Ghostface died with her. But no, she somehow survived and just made the entire family look incompetent(they are).
Bottom line is. Whatever they do in Scream 7 whether it be Stu returning as the mastermind behind the cult, Christina returning as the mastermind or one of the Core Four being in on it or anything new. There needs to be a blood bath.
There should be multiple opening kills to bring everyone back.
The babysitter to Sidney's kids, to draw out Sidney and Mark(and by extension Gale now that she knows that not even Sidney's kids are not safe)
Martha Meeks, to bring out Chad and Mindy
Mr Carpenter to bring out Sam and Tara
"This ends once and for all. No more books. No more movies. No more Stab. No more Ghostface. Whoever this is or whoever they are. This all ends tonight."
Chad or Mindy should die. Gale definitely needs to die. Danny is most likely a Ghostface and could die by Sam/Sidney's hand. Kirby, I love you but I don't mind you biting the dust or being apart of the cult(also STILL bitter she took Tara's kill) and if it were up to me the sole survivors should be Sidney and the Carpenter Twins.
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creepycombo · 2 years
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