#barty crouch junior is a little shit
chasingthestarss · 1 month
Barty: I feel like I’m forgetting something
Evan: Morals?
Barty: No, it’s something important
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SOME of you in this fandom, and I won't say names, are tainting my babygirl's reputation.
Sleep with one eye open... We're coming for you.
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not-rab · 2 months
Barty: Why do you look like that?
Regulus: Like what
Barty: Like you’re dead
Regulus: It’s because I’m dying, leave me here to perish
Pandora: Regulus accidentally called Potter “James” in front of everyone today
Regulus: *sobs on the floor*
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moondustinfj · 4 months
*Regulus fake dating Barty to make James jealous*
Barty *in a fake accent* : Regulus, love, you'll have to introduce me
Barty: *wraps his arms around Regulus' neck*
Regulus: Of course. This is James
James *looking between them* : Hi
Barty * taking James' hand* : Sorry, Jim?
James *annoyed*: It's James.
Barty: Jacob? Jacques? Giacomo?
Regulus: James
Barty: Ooooh ok, fancy
James: It was...nice to meet you
Barty: So nice to meet you too Hamish
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yourgalgremlin · 24 days
How the Slytherlin Groupchat Reacted to Pandora’s New Boyfriend’s Name:
Pandora: Can I bring Xenophilius? <3
Evan: idgaf wut it is as long as we can smoke it
Regulus: I’d say “bless you” but I’m certain whatever’s possessing you would object.
Barty: Is this a wizard? Or some magical woodland creature?
Dorcas: I’m Xeno-feelin’-it.
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regglilbean · 4 months
TW : blood ?
insane love
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close ups
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reggies-fake-horcrux · 5 months
regulus @ james
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marauderswhore4 · 1 year
Unofficial Conversations the Marauders have definitely had:
Regulus: I mean, two people can be right at the same time, but I'm always more right than them.
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vickachicken · 8 months
Regulus: Well, aren’t you sugar and spice and everything nice?
Barty: Well, aren’t you rudeness and sarcasm and everything... uh...
Regulus: No, go on. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and makes sense and I’ll stop acting like an asshole.
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star4daisy · 11 months
rosekiller my beloveds
Regulus hears Barty say sharply, “If you ever let anyone else touch you again I’m killing you both.” he has one hand on Evan’s throat and the other on his hair pulling it as harshly as he had done with Emma’s as he dragged her around.
Evan laughed delightedly, Regulus can’t help but notice there is blood on his teeth and a dangerous glint in his dark eyes. “You promise?”
Regulus tilted his head as he studied them, he was deeply interested in the interaction in front of him, Evan gave off the feeling that he always liked to be in control, but now he was gladly surrendering it to Barty.
It seemed weird to him, but Barty still looked murderous from the previous encounter, maybe Evan was giving him leeway due to all the dark energy he had to hold inside of himself. And now Evan was allowing Barty to release it on him. If the smile on his face was anything to go by he was more than happy with the situation.
“Hurry up, you voyeur.” Pandora teased him.
“Oh fuck off.” Regulus followed her, hearing a grunt behind him and the bang of a body hitting the wall. He has to restrain himself from taking a peak behind his shoulders.
From the new chapter of Arsonist's Lullabye
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loonylupinblack3 · 1 year
Paring: Barty Crouch Jr x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: barty crouch jr is wretched
Word count: 0.6k
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“Looking for this?”
I turned around reluctantly, none too thrilled to find Barty Crouch Jr staring at me with that wicked amusement in his eyes, a book in hand. Not just any book. My book. The one I needed to complete my Charms essay, and the one Barty knew I needed.
I held my hand out, not in the mood for his shenanigans. “Give it here.”
Barty raised his eyebrows at my tone, a wretched grin making its way onto his face. “You sound grumpy.”
I gritted my teeth. “I’m not grumpy.”
Barty hummed. “I think you are.”
I scowled, lunging forwards in the hopes to catch the Slytherin by surprise. Barty was too quick though, or maybe he was just suspecting the attack, because he moved smoothly out of my way, holding the book at a distance. My scowl deepened and I crossed my arms.
“What do you want then?”
Barty feigned confusion, going so far as to scratch the side of his head in puzzlement. “What do you mean?”
I took a deep breath, glancing around the quiet library. There were only a few students in there; the sound of turning pages and the scratching of quills on parchment the only noise in the place. Aside from Barty and I, in a little nook in the back of the library. It was a sunny day, unusual for November, which was why the library was so empty; most wanted to enjoy the sunshine while it lasted.
Noticing my surroundings was a tactic I used to calm down, one I’d found myself using a lot more once Barty Crouch noticed my existence. He went from not even knowing my name last year to constantly badgering me every chance he could. It was infuriating.
“Why don’t you go outside like everyone else and just give me my book?” I demanded.
Barty tilted his head, looking at me like I was something he couldn’t quite figure out. A puzzle he couldn’t solve. I glowered at the thought, surging forward to try once again to get my hands on the book.
The wretched boy was too fast again, this time grabbing both my wrists with one hand and pining them above my head against the bookshelf he pressed me against. Heat rushed to my cheeks, but I refused to look away as the Slytherin leaned in closer, his eyes boring into mine.
He tilted his head, moving forward until I could feel his breath against my ear, sending tingles down my spine.
“Why don’t you say please?” he rasped, voice so quiet I nearly didn’t hear it.
I swallowed thickly, finding myself at a loss for words as I stared at the wretched boy in front of me. He was that; wretched. He was the most wretched person I had ever met, with his wretched smirk and wretched hair and wretched confidence as he talked to me, like he didn’t care that I hated him. Like he knew I didn’t really hate him at all.
“Well?” he prodded.
I stared at him, my eyes straying to his lips. They were parted, small pants coming out of them like Barty was feeling just as flustered as I was. I looked back into his eyes, and I think we both knew I wasn’t asking for the book when I breathed, “please.”
Barty’s lips crashed against mine as he got a fistful of my hair, tilting my head back to give himself better access to my mouth. I melted into the kiss, feeling my knees go weak as I returned the pressure, moving my mouth against his like it was the only thing I knew how to do.
My tongue swiped across his upper lip and Barty let out an appraising groan, his hold on me tightening as he tugged me even closer. There were fireworks everywhere as the kiss continued, my mind hazy.
When we finally pulled back, we were both panting, staring at each other with undisguised hunger.
Barty flashed that smug smirk and handed me the book, our fingers brushing. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
“You, Barty Crouch Jr, are wretched.”
Barty grinned. “I know.”
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chasingthestarss · 2 months
Jealousy Jealousy
Just a little short thing I wrote because I wanted jealous James. It's really just a bunch of dialogue but enjoy!
Words: 955
Barty Crouch Junior was a problem.
A big problem.
The biggest problem James had ever had.
He kind of wanted to kill the guy.
James had never felt so violent as he did watching Barty lean in and whisper into Regulus’ ear.
He wanted to rip out Barty’s throat when Regulus laughed at whatever Barty whispered into his ear.
James knew he had no right to feel that way. He had no reason to want Regulus to not go near Barty. They were friends and James didn’t have any claim to Regulus. It wasn’t like Regulus was his boyfriend. And if he was James’ boyfriend, James wouldn’t have the right to tell him how to act with his friends.
He was out of his seat in seconds when Barty's hand settled on Regulus’ waist, like it belonged there or something. James wanted to cut his fucking hand off. Maybe then he would quit touching Regulus. Maybe then he would leave Regulus the fuck alone.
“Something wrong, pretty boy?” Barty smirked when James reached them.
What was he gonna do? Tell Barty to stop talking to his friend? Really why did he even walk over? What could he do other than observe violently.
“I need to talk to Regulus,” James said shortly, not giving Barty any attention.
Barty smirked. Of course he did. When was he not smirking at James? Like he knew something that James didn’t. It pissed him off.
“We’re busy,” Barty smiled at James and waved him off like some sort of child.
James wanted Barty to never talk again. Maybe he just wanted to rip out the boys vocal chords so he couldn’t whisper things in Regulus’ ear. Speaking of, that is what Barty was doing now, once more.
“Do you have a problem, Potter?” Evan chimed in as he watched James silently seethe over Barty and Regulus’ closeness.
Evan Rosier was also a problem. He was always talking to Regulus. He was always with Regulus. Why did everyone always have to be with Regulus? Why couldn’t they just leave him alone.
“No, of course not,” James muttered and stormed off to go find Sirius. Sirius needed to get Regulus away from those fucking Slytherins or James was going to rip their heads off. He couldn’t risk getting expelled.
Sirius was found lounging in Remus’ lap, talking to Marlene about something that James didn’t care about. Right now he needed his best friends.
“You okay, Prongs? You look pissed,” Remus asked, then looked behind James and laughed. “Oh, I see. Sirius, you're needed for Regulus retrieval.”
“Oh my god, just tell him you're jealous and quit bringing me into this shit!” Sirius groaned.
James may have done this more than once. But Regulus’ friends were just so handsy. Sirius was always able to get Regulus away, so James just went to him.
“Pads, please!” James whined.
“No, figure it out. Moony time,” Sirius denied as he leaned forward to place kisses on Remus’ neck.
James grumbled but walked away and sat back in his old spot. Silently seething as he watched Regulus lean into Evan, while Barty talked about something.
He lasted longer than he thought he would.
Maybe five minutes. (thirty seconds)
But then Barty Crouch Junior leaned in and kissed Regulus’ cheek and James lost it.
James stormed over, definitely shoving people as he did so. He ripped Barty away and grabbed Regulus’ arm.
“Sirius needs you,” James spoke sharply, glaring at Barty.
“Does he? I don’t see him around,” Regulus smirked up at James, his eyes twinkling with something akin to mischief.
“He does, come on,” James tugged Regulus’ arm a little, trying to get the younger boy to stand.
“I’ll wait for him to come get me. You can go tell him that. I’ll just hang out here with my friends,” Regulus retorted, shoving James’ hand off him.
“No! You can’t stay with them,” James replied.
“Why's that?” Regulus asked.
James froze. He looked at Regulus, really looked at him and saw it. Regulus was going this on purpose. He was definitely doing this on purpose. There was no way he was just being this antagonizing and mischievous for no reason. How many times had he made James jealous on purpose.
James spun to Barty and saw that he was also smirking at James. Evan too. So they all knew what they were doing. They just didn’t care.
“You were doing it on purpose?” James asked.
“Doing what on purpose, Jaime?” Regulus tilted his head in mock confusion.
“I wanted to cut your buddies hand off. What would you have done if I had done it? Would you have felt guilty? Would you feel remorse?” James questioned, leaning close enough that his breath could probably be felt on Regulus’ cheek.
“I’d probably feel turned on, actually,” Regulus challenged
“Oh yeah?” James taunted.
“What can I say? You’re hot when you’re jealous. So are you going to act now or keep seething in your little chair? Because I’ve been waiting for you to do something. I'm tired of waiting for Jamie. I have other options, Barty for example," Regulus gestured vaguely in Barty’s direction.
“Hell yeah!” Barty agreed moving towards Regulus.
“No.” James snarled, turning to him furiously.
“I told you it was hot,” Regulus chimes. James is sure if he was talking to him or Barty but he doesn’t care.
“Come on, let me show you how hot jealousy can be,” James pulled Regulus a little gesturing toward his dorm room with his head.
“Jealousy sex! Jealousy sex! Jealousy sex!” Barty cheered in the background.
“Shut up Barty,” Evan groaned.
James may hate Barty Crouch Junior, but that was some of the best sex he had had.
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If Barty Crouch Jr had Twitter:
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not-rab · 5 months
Barty: Yeah I would drunk call you at like 3am
Regulus: I wouldn’t fucking call you sober
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miraclemeridian · 2 years
James: *who thought he was going to have a normal time studying with Regulus and his friends*
Regulus: Barty, can you promise something when I die?
James: Can we not talk about your death, love?
Barty: Sure anything
Evan: *Knows exactly what is about to happen*
Regulus: Put me in a trap door above my parents and release it mid funeral on top of them
James: What the fuck?
Barty: Done
James: WHAT?
Regulus: Be quiet, James, we are in a library
James: What? Why? You...
Evan: For Merlin's sake, tell him you're kidding
Regulus: I'm not
Evan: Of course you're not *sighs heavily*
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yourgalgremlin · 2 months
Regulus to Barty:
“What’s your name again? Beelzebub? Blasphemous Crotch Jr?”
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