#bc i couldn’t find it on the high seas
winchesternova-k · 10 months
finally watched texas chainsaw massacre tonight
i rlly liked it but i think the part that i found most interesting was it’s impact on horror. the influence on aesthetics in particular rlly stood out to me (different shots made me think of outlast, spn, resident evil, nbc hannibal and other things i couldn’t rlly place)
the cinematography was gorgeous tbh tho the dinner table scene was so hard for me to watch. the constant screaming and the way the shots bounced around with such intensity was a lot on a sensory level but sally’s terror was rlly palpable
i have Thoughts abt franklin from a disabled perspective (particularly the way his opinion was overlooked constantly as Just Being Crazy bc he was disabled filled the same role more recent horror has women in and that they experience misogyny for instead of ableism) but i’m too tired to rlly articulate them
i’m also fascinated that texas chainsaw massacre was considered super gory at the time but tbh i barely noticed it in comparison to the horror media im more familiar with (and is more modern) i think it’s interesting that it originally had an r rating when i found the gore more comparable to an m movie (by australian classification) idk i just think it’s interesting how much what goes on screen has changed and what that means for horror (also the fact that what i would consider minimal gore was equally terrifying to say outlast)
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elliespeach · 1 year
no chances part three | ellie williams
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˗ˏˋ"and what is it that you think you do to me?" ´ˎ˗
pairing: ellie x afab reader synopsis: you and ellie are on rival volleyball teams and after letting your competitive nature get the better of both of you, tensions are high on the court. warnings: 18+ foul langauge, sexual decriptions, (eventual) smut between ellie n reader, ellie n reader smoke (thanks anon for the idea) an: U GUYSSSSS i adore that u all love this series so much thank u sm for the support its been overwhelming!! i appreciate everything sm :)) i hope u guys like this part, part four should be out later this week as well bc the tension is too high w these two buttt yahhhh ily guys enjoy
it had been nearly three weeks since the night in the hotel. the morning after had been awkward, after you both were fully awake and aware of your actions you didn’t speak of it, getting in your respective cabs and finally going home. you exchanged awkward byes, dreading the games to come in the upcoming weeks. 
the first game a week after was barely tolerable and ellie thought she was going to explode. she didn’t dare to make eye contact with you across the court in fear she would see the sleepy eyes that had looked at her so softly that morning and not be able to play right. your team won that week and you hadn’t teased ellie the whole game. you caught quick glances, seeing if she would look back at you but she never did, her hands firm on her hips and staring into the ceiling every free second she had. this carried on to the next game a week later and with every look not returned from her the hatred in your chest would grow.
you couldn’t place how you felt about it, the kiss, her hands on you and the very intimate cuddling in the small bed. how she is capable of actually being kind and you wondered what it would be like if circumstances were different. if she wasn’t someone who raised so much anger inside of you you never thought possible, but despite everything inside of you telling you to stop your mind always wandered to her. on the contrary, ellie knew how she felt. somewhere deep down she knew, but her pride was in the forefront of her mind and she didn’t allow herself to remember how sweet you smelled and how cute her sweats looked on you. ellie dismissed the thoughts every time, trying to remember just how angry you made her and for the most part it always worked. 
now it was the third game, three weeks after that night and ellie was desperately trying not to search for you in the clump that was your team on the sidelines. but her eyes darted, trying to see the black libero shirt in the sea of white ones. the game was nearly about to start and for a second she was disappointed she couldn’t find you but the gym doors burst open just as she was about to look away. you came in, hastily running over to your team and wiping your cheeks free of tears. 
ellie’s eyebrows furrowed as she watched you, even from far away she could see your eyes were puffy, your breathing slightly heavier than normal and she straightened her posture. it’s as if your team didn’t even notice your state and as your coach dismissed everyone to take their places on the court you took your spot in the back row, using your hand to wipe away the final tears that had fallen. 
for the first time in weeks ellie caught your eyes, tilting her head ever so slightly and raising her eyebrows. unlike her soft demeanor, you shot back daggers at her, your face resting in a grimace before refocusing your eyes elsewhere. maybe if she had acted like you existed before now your reaction would be different, but all you saw was the girl who had made your life in volleyball harder than it needed to be and in this moment you hated her for it. you hated her for kissing you, for giving you her own sweatpants, for cuddling with you. for everything. ellie was so caught up with you now that she finally allowed herself to look at you that she barely noticed when her team sent the first serve over the net. 
your outside hitter set the ball up to you and usually ellie’s eyes would remain on the ball but all she could see was you and your puffy eyes. something was obviously bothering you and ellie worried it was her who had caused this but quickly shook the thought from her head. she glared while you jumped up, stretching your hand and sending the ball back to her side with a hard smack. with all the rage inside of you from the day you had and now ellie, the ball went hurdling at her head and she couldn’t manage to hit it back up and it ricocheted out of bounds. 
the whistle blew indicating a point for your team and ellie’s eyes found yours again. this time your usual teasing expression was back while ellie’s mouth hung open in shock, her arms extending as if to say, what the fuck? “sorry,” you mouthed across the net, making sure she understood you perfectly. ellie bit down on her lips and decided to ignore you while the competitive nature in her stirred. somehow this felt more personal, like it wasn’t just a game anymore. 
your team served flawlessly, aiming the ball to the back left corner of ellie’s side. her team was able to get it over the net without her help but it was seconds before it was back in her court and she had to splat onto the ground to save it from touching the floor. her stomach skidded, her shirt doing little to protect her skin and it burned as she stood up. she barely registered it, the ball was moving too fast for her to notice and now she was determined to win this game. her scholarship the furthest from her mind, it was only to spite you. 
the white ball was passed between you and your team, your opposite hitter smashing it over the net but ellie’s own middle blocker sprung up and deflected the ball back into your court. you sprinted, falling to your knees as you hit it back up and over the net somehow. ellie huffed, feeling the adrenaline of the game as the ball came to her and her team expected a normal set from her but she had other plans. with you flustered from saving the ball, ellie took this as her opportunity and spiked the ball as hard as she could towards you. her own aim never being as precise as yours but this time the odds were in her favor and it came barreling towards you. 
you tried to save it but you fell short and the ball came to the ground harshly. you groaned as the whistle blew, picking yourself up and placing your hands on your knees to catch your breath, and your aggravation. feeling proud of herself, ellie took the praise from her teammates, high fiving those who offered and redirected her eyes to you shortly after. she had forgotten about her feelings in the rush of the unspoken competition between the two of you and a smirk formed on her lips. she dramatically lowered her hands to her knees, copying your stance, breathing extra heavy to mock you. there was a nagging voice in her head telling her to stop but she didn’t stop herself from mouthing clearly, “whose fault is that?”
you straightened, balling your fists at your sides as the referee blew his whistle and ellie’s team served the ball. it went back and forth and inevitably resulted in a point for your team when ellie’s middle blocker couldn’t stop the ball in time. ellie tried to meet your gaze but you didn’t dare, staring at the back of your teammates legs instead. you knew she would get you sat on the bench if she angered you anymore and you were desperate to win this game. ellie’s tongue pierced her cheeks when you didn’t. unlike the last two games, ellie spent the rest of the match trying to get you to look at her while you did everything not to. 
nearing the end of the match during a brief break, your coach pulled you to the side and ellie saw this as she sipped on her water. the two of you exchanged words and she couldn’t hear what you were saying but it was obvious you were angry, thrashing your arms around like you had at the lady in the hotel. while your coach was trying to calmly ration with you, you pushed past him bumping his shoulder and storming out of the gym. she looked back at her team and then to the doors that shut behind you. “fuck,” she whispered to herself, not believing what she was about to do. placing her water down on the bench, her feet started towards the exit to the gym. 
“williams, were about to start!” her coach hollered behind her and ellie barely turned around, not stopping. 
“not feeling well! send in someone else!” her words rushed out of her as she pushed open the double doors. her coach tried to respond but ellie was already out of the gym and he had no choice but to replace her as the game started. ellie heard the muffled whistle in the halls as she searched for you, her eyes moving to every corner you could possibly be hiding in but coming up short. 
her body led her to the bathroom and she cracked the door open just a bit to see you standing in front of the sink, your hands placed on the rims for balance. you hadn’t noticed and she shut the door again, standing outside of it contemplating her next course of action. what the fuck am i doing? and before she could come up with a good reason to go back into the gym, she opened the door and slowly entered the bathroom, the door swinging shut behind her. your head turned, seeing her and you scoffed bringing your head back down and wiping away the wetness on your cheeks. “the hell do you want?” you snarled, not looking at her.  
ellie blinked, stunned by your words and she fiddled with her hands. “okay then–” she muttered, turning on her heel and reaching for the handle to the door. usually she wouldn’t be so shocked by your hostility and she wasn’t sure why she expected you to be kind, but it tugged at her heart more than she would like to ever admit.
she had just grazed it when you spoke again, this time much softer. “i didn’t mean– fuck. i’m sorry,” you turned your body towards her and she did the same, her hand leaving the handle to the bathroom. “my coach is a dick.” you admitted, sniffing the tears back and letting your hands go up and crash down at your sides. 
“is that what’s actually bothering you?” ellie asked, unsure if she wanted to know the real answer but she could feel it was something more. she feared it was her and she wouldn’t blame you if it was. 
you laughed at the thought, looking back down at your hands. “aren’t you missing the game?” you asked her, avoiding her question and she sighed, dropping her shoulders. 
“if this is about me i–” 
“not everything is about you, ellie,” you lied to her, rolling your eyes in the process. your parents had spoken to you before the game, telling you how disappointed they were with how you’ve been playing recently. they were always nit-picky, usually it didn’t bother you, but when they mentioned how your eyes were always glued to the opposing libero instead of the ball it sent you overboard. you hadn’t even realized how distracted ellie made you the past couple weeks with her staring up at the ceiling and not returning the usual teases across the court. it infuriated you how clueless she was, even if she was acting. you sighed, “go back to the game.” 
“i don’t believe you,” she shook her head, annoyed with your blatant attempt to dismiss her. “if it’s about me just tell m–” 
“god, why do you even care?” you exclaimed harshly, you had spun back around to face her, your hands motioning with your words. “you couldn’t even look at me for weeks! you obviously don’t like me, so why are you here?” 
“i couldn’t look at you because i need my scholarship!” she shouted back, dropping the softness that she had entered the room with. “the one fucking game i do and look where i am!” her hands motioned to you and you scoffed as the words left her mouth. 
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” your arms crossed over your chest, staring at the girl in front of you. 
she blinked at you, contemplating her words until she let out a low sarcastic chuckle, “you know what? i don’t fucking care–” she turned, pulling open the door with such force it bounced off the wall behind it. she left the bathroom in a hurry and you were quick to follow her into the hallway. she did care but faced with admitting that to you made her stomach turn and she was determined to avoid it, and you. she stomped through the hallway, hearing you storm after her. she was nearing the exit doors when you finally spoke up. 
“it’s about you!” your voice reverberated off the empty hallway walls. you both could hear the game still being played in the distance, the muffled sound of the whistle made it’s way to the secluded hallway but it was ignored. ellie stopped in her tracks, her hand just on the handle to the exit. “you kissing me, you holding me!” your shouts were loud but your voice seemed sad almost, and ellie turned around. “then you just fucking avoid me like it was nothing?” 
“it was nothing–” she huffed, trying to convince herself of her own words. 
“i don’t believe you,” you repeated the phrase she used on you and took a risky step forward. “if it was nothing you’d be playing right now.” 
she sighed and her voice dropped to a quiet one, “whatever,” she knew you were right, that if it had truly meant nothing to her she wouldn’t have followed you into the bathroom. she wouldn’t have even cared if you were upset, but she did. and misplaced her anger for herself onto you because of it. she shoved open the exit door and let it slam behind her. you just watched her through the small slit windows in the door as she descended the steps and walked into the parking lot. 
ellie wasn’t sure why she couldn’t just admit to it; how often she replayed that night in her head. how it distracted her even in the most mundane of tasks. studying for an exam and the image of you sleeping on top of her clouded anything else in her mind. it overwhelmed her on the daily and during the games it felt almost unbearable, trying to focus on homework and all she could think about was your hands wrapped around her to pull her closer. how easily she had made you moan into her mouth, why kissing you felt like the most exciting thing she has done in the whole world. 
it’s like she couldn’t accept defeat, even though defeat looked like the most prized possession in the whole world. 
you sat in the hallway for a few moments after she disappeared from view. you bit down on your lip as her words echoed in your head. after expelling most of your anger out to her you were left with an unfamiliar feeling in your chest. it was similar to how you felt in the bathroom with her three weeks ago, only now it felt heavier. more unbalanced. you had started walking back towards the gym and as you got closer to the doors, the feeling that plagued you pulled you back.
taking in a deep breath you spun around, walking back towards the door she had left out of. you weren’t sure if continuing the conversation would make it go away, but as you pushed open the doors it felt less overwhelming. the cold air hitting you in the face as you did and your eyes scanned the parking lot. it was a lot colder than it was a few weeks ago, snow covered the ground lightly which somehow almost made it bright outside despite the dark sky above you. your eyes landed on the only figure in the lot, leaned up against a car in the far left. you crossed your arms, the cold already bothering you and you started to move towards her. her back was to you while she stared into the abyss that was the woods beside the lonely parked car. as you approached her, smoke was circling the air above her before dissipating with the wind. 
you stopped a few feet from the car, watching for a moment while she sucked on the blunt in her fingers, she hadn’t noticed you and you almost felt guilty about interrupting her thoughts. “thats illegal, you know,” you breathed out, keeping your voice soft in an attempt to actually talk to her. her head snapped back, her eyes rolling as soon as she saw who stood behind her. 
“you gonna tattle on me?” she questioned coldly, returning her focus to the woods and shifting her weight to the other foot. 
“not if you share, at least.” you moved so you were next to her, leaning against the back of what you assumed to be her car. she sighed, passing over the tightly wound blunt. “this your car?” 
she nodded, “i don’t trust the bus anymore,” there was a beat of silence before she continued, “i don’t get you.” she muttered, looking down at her feet. 
“well, that we can agree on,” you inhaled the smoke, “because i don’t get you either.” 
it was quiet like it had been on the walk that night, only now you two weren’t forced to be in each others presence, but neither of you made any attempt to leave. you inhaled again before passing it back to her and she immediately reached for it. her fingers lingered above yours before being yanked back and she took her own drag, exhaling the smoke into the air once again. 
“i never intended for this, you know,” she spoke beside you while handing you the blunt. her eyes didn’t meet yours as she did, they remained firm facing forward. 
“for what?” you asked innocently, feeling the high creeping up on you while you inhaled again, pushing the smoke back out to be swallowed by the wind. 
ellie was high herself, feeling relaxed even with you by her side and her words came easy to her, despite the small sober part of her brain begging her to stop talking. “i don’t like you on the court, but that doesn’t mean i wanna see you upset.” 
your head turned to face her at her confession, if you weren’t inebriated you probably would have shot back a gloating comment but this didn’t feel like the time. before you could respond, she kept going, “i couldn’t look at you because… you just don’t know what you do to me.” 
your eyes soften at her words and she finally looks at you, her red eyes squinty but filled with an emotion you couldn’t recognize, similar to the one in your chest that has been throbbing with every moment in her presence. “and what is it that you think you do to me?” you asked her quietly, your eyes going back and forth between hers. 
her eyes left yours to find your lips and you found yourself leaning into her. she did the same, pulling herself closer to you to connect your lips. your faces were inches apart, eyes fluttering closed when you two heard the front doors to the building opening, and both teams spilled out in chatter. it had pulled your focus, and your head swiveled to the doors but ellie’s eyes remained on you.
the crowd split into two, forcing their way onto the buses that sat outside the doors. you turned back to ellie, whose eyes never left you and she was still inches from your face. “i should go,” you spoke, a twinge of sadness lacing your tone, but following it up with a joke to suppress it, “don’t wanna miss the bus again.” 
you turned to leave, barely making it one step before her hand wrapped around your wrist. butterflies erupted in your stomach at her touch and you spun back around. “let me drive you back?” you had never seen her this way, her whole demeanor was the complete opposite of her usual hardness and it almost stunned you. 
“ellie you don’t hav–” 
“it’s the least i can do.” without so much of a second thought, you nodded. ellie gently took the blunt back from you, putting it out on the pavement. as you climbed into her car, the smell reminded you of her sweatpants. as her car warmed up, you watched as the buses left the parking lot leaving you two behind yet again. without knowing, you both were thinking the same thing: what am i doing?
part four
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fyodior · 1 year
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✰ pairing: chuuya x fem reader
✰ cw: cheating, alcohol, drunk reader, vaginal sex, semi-public. 18+, minors DNI!
✰ notes: continuing my tradition of writing lil blurbs for my boy's birthdays but being such a horrible procrastinator its always posted like hours too late :) anyway this is a bit angsty! hope u enjoy. and everyone blow a birthday kiss for the birthday boy chuuya. based off high infidelity by taylor swift, bc it's too fucking perfect how could i not. lyrics in red :)
✰ wc: 900 words
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Do you really want to know where I was April 29th?
Chuuya’s birthday. The music was too loud, the room was too crowded, the drinks were too strong, but the grip he had on your waist was just right. He smirked as your hips swayed to the music and you giggled at nothing, throwing your arms around his neck. The two of you had never really spoken before, only brief conversations in passing - but right now his hand was drifting down past your hips, and you weren’t stopping it.
Your invitation to this party was very intentional. The sole reason Chuuya agreed to this whole bullshit celebration, anyway – if it were up to him, he’d be on his couch alone, shitfaced on a bottle of 1947 Château Lafite Rothschild and watching chick flicks no one else was allowed to know he enjoyed. But right now, Chuuya was stone cold sober. He needed to be of the soundest mind to obtain the only thing he wanted for his birthday: you.
He had to approach this situation very carefully, without a drop of alcohol in his system. Why? Because you had a boyfriend. But the candles had already been blown out, the birthday wish sent to the heavens – he couldn’t help what the universe put into place at this point. And he had touched himself too many times to the thought of you underneath him to give up now.
Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
Your head swam and body floated as you fell against Chuuya’s chest on the dance floor, the stuffy air and uncontrollable giggling making it hard to breathe. You pulled back so you could properly take in the man you were dancing with. The man who wasn’t your boyfriend. The man who wasn’t Dazai.
His red hair resembled fire, glowing from the blinding lights littered throughout the house, and his charming smile made your insides turn. He was a beautiful, beautiful man, one who had always caught your attention. You never let your gaze linger for too long, knowing Dazai was waiting at home for you.
But Chuuya’s most mesmerizing feature was his eyes. The flecks of gold hidden within the sea of blue resembled stars, and you found yourself webbing them together. To Chuuya, it just looked like you staring at him blankly, glossy-eyed and mouth slightly open.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, love?”
“I found the Taurus in your eyes,” you responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world, your smile lopsided.
Chuuya just chuckled and smoothly slid your drink out of your hands, figuring you had had enough for the night. Then he leaned in close to whisper something in your ear.
“Follow me, won’t you?”
He intertwined his fingers with yours before leading you out onto the secluded balcony he knew was attached to the second floor. The cool night air that hit your face was sobering, but not enough to resist the way Chuuya backed you against the rail. The metal dug into your back as he pressed his lips against yours, tangling his slender fingers into your hair. It was bad how easily you melted into the kiss, how little of a fight you put up against this man kissing you who wasn’t Dazai, but somehow, you couldn’t find it in you to care. Not with how electrifying his touch felt against your skin.
The moon was nothing but a sliver that night, the only light illuminating your sins coming from the stars above. But somehow, that felt right.
Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
“Bet he never fucks you this good, huh?” Chuuya groaned into your ear, voice deep and raspy.
You could only moan in response, your grip on the cold railing tightening as he takes you from the back. Your dress had been pulled up and panties tugged to the ground to allow for his cock to bully its way into your all too welcoming cunt. Silent prayers and wishes for forgiveness left your lips as he pushed past your tight ring of muscle, but soon were forgotten as he bottomed out.
The music and chaos of the party below you were barely audible anymore, drowned out by the sounds of skin on skin, and the feeling of Chuuya’s cock rubbing against your sweet spot again and again. He had one hand on the railing for leverage, the other leaving bruises on your hip as he pounded into you.
“Please, more,” you found yourself whining, saliva gathering at the corners of your lips. Chuuya smirked.
“Of course, baby.”
Soon his hand was underneath your knee to hike your leg up, allowing for him to fuck you at an even better angle, and you were putty in his hands. Chuuya was almost holding you up at this point, so overwhelmed and so full your body was about to give out.
All too soon you were left empty, save for the sticky white that trickled down your inner thighs and onto the hardwood of the balcony. Chuuya squatted down to help you pull up your underwear and adjust your dress, before trapping you against the metal rail once more, arms closing around you and teeth finding your earlobe.
“Come home with me, darling.”
I didn’t know you were keeping count.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Little secrets
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 3 800 Summary: Zoro always insists a little too much that they stop by a specific island then disappears until they need to leave again. What's going on? Tags: Sub! zoro, dom! reader, embarrassed zoro, pet names, very fluffy Somewhat inspired by @sinsterdarling 's fanfic Not proofread Probably ooc characters, bc im also very dumb MASTERLIST
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          Zoro's eyes narrowed a little as he finally saw the island in the distance and, as much as he could feel certain relief, something also twisted inside his chest because the ship just couldn’t meet the shore soon enough. His grip around his swords was almost too tight, hurting his palm a little until he was forced to let go and find something to do until they reached the island, but it still felt like an eternity until it was finally time to toss the anchor down in the water.
It felt good to finally be on land for once in a while, to have firm ground under your feet. A quiet sigh of relief escaped Zoro's nose as he looked around, tucking his hands into his pockets.
Zoro yawned, watching the others stretch, and check their surroundings. It wasn't much different than the last time they'd been there. The stands near the shore sold fresh seafood, the reason of the incessant shouting of prices and products to attract the high volume of people that walked by. The island wasn't just the Strawhat's usual destination. A few other ships had docked there, being loaded or already leaving to the open sea without the worry of being stopped by the marine. Truly a paradise if it weren't so offhand because of their new routes. Zoro almost had to insist a suspicious amount for them to make a stop there.
The weather was quite nice. It was hot enough to take a bath in the warm sea water, but not too hot that you'd feel like in hell after standing under the sun for longer than five minutes, with a heat that was soothed by the soft breeze. Soft white clouds adorned the blue sky, once in a while blocking the sunlight for a few minutes. It felt perfect. Almost like a home.
"Hey." Zoro attracted their attention. "We are leaving just tomorrow, right?"
"Most likely." Robin hummed and nodded along with Luffy after the two shared a look.
"Right," Zoro exhaled. "I'll meet you tomorrow. Don't bother looking for me or anything, I know my way around."
“Are you sure? You don’t even know left from right.” Sanji clicked his tongue as he shook his head.
“And you don’t even know your own name the moment you see a woman!” Zoto shouted, his hands balling into fists by his sides.
Sanji groaned, eye twitching, and sucked in a breath just to interrupt himself the moment Luffy steps in between the two. “Ohh, look at that! Sanji, do you think you can prepare me something with that?” Everyone followed the direction he pointed at to see a proud man selling octopus that looked better than most of what they saw around.
“Tch.” Sanji sighed. “Of course. Let’s go.”
Zoro turned on his heels to start his own little journey, but stopped when he heard his name being called. Nami stood there with some papers in hands, raising an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure you’ll be fine, Zoro? Where are you even going?”
He rolled his eyes with a soft sigh, though all he bothered doing was to glance back at her. “I will be fine. Let me go, I don’t want to lose any more time.” 
“Ohh, Zoro is full of secrets!” Usopp told Chopper, who giggled along with him. As much as these comments had Zoro’s muscles twitching for him to hit their heads so they’d shut up already, he didn’t want to waste more of his precious time on the island. He closed his eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath so he could focus again.
Right. He was supposed to walk to the right until he saw a sorta alligator–shaped rock, then turn left and follow up to the woods. There was a red ribbon attached to the tree next to the way he should follow—a red ribbon along with some carvings, which sight already almost had him blushing. Swallowing thickly, he glanced around to make sure no one had followed him. There truly wasn’t anyone, but he still held his breath as making his way further down the trail into the woods.
Everything was fine until the way divided itself in two. Zoro didn’t remember whether he was told to go down the way with the tall tree or to avoid it. He stood there for a long moment, just staring at the tree while trying to remember what he had been told. First, alligator rock, then red ribbon, then... tall tree or not tall tree? Fuck off, why was it so difficult to remember? Well, it must’ve been tall tree, right? Or else he would’ve been told to follow the pebbles’ side.
With a shrug, Zoro took the right side and just kept walking, but... Something felt a little off. The ground was muddy, and he was sure it wasn’t supposed to be like that.
“Fuck...” Zoro clicked his tongue, turning around to follow the way back to that intersection. Maybe it really was about avoiding the tall tree direction. Who knew, huh. Now, he just needed to find that intersection and... No way he had walked that much away from it, so why did it never come?
Okay, it didn't seem good. Zoro stopped and scratched the back of his neck as he observed his surroundings. He couldn't see anything after a certain distance because of how the trees embraced the area, so returning to his starting point seemed a little out of question at the moment. The view was beautiful, either way, with the sun poking in through the leaves of the trees, but it was difficult to appreciate it with all the thoughts rushing through his head. Maybe he could set a direction and just walk because he would certainly reach somewhere at some point. Either way, he continued looking for something familiar on his way, walking a little slower than the last time, paying attention to every single sound and detail.
"Oh, what a good surprise!" The sudden voice had Zoro jumping, turning around abruptly, just for the tension to wear out at the moment he saw a familiar face there, giving place to a nice sensation as he felt his heart flutter. It was as if his body had its own mind, taking Zoro to them in swift steps. "Hi! How are you?"
No response came, instead only a warm hug that had both of them content. The world seemed to fall quieter once Zoro found them. His cheeks felt warm when he pulled away and looked at you, eyes flickering over each inch of your figure to take in the sight he had missed so much. His hands held onto your upper arms maybe a little tighter than needed, but he couldn’t risk letting any second near you go unused.
“How are you doing, pretty boy?” You repeated yourself with a soft smile as you gazed at Zoro—he always loved the way you looked at him, as if he was worth something. “I missed you.”
Zoro hummed almost inaudibly, finally nodding. “Doing well, yes. What about you?” As much as you knew it, he wanted to say that he missed you as well, to tell how much he had insisted for his friends to stop by at the island again, but the words just stopped at his throat and left him with an embarrassment and guilt that barely let Zoro look at you in the eyes.
“Fine, yes, but better now that my pretty boy is here with me.” You had a soft smile on your features. Your hand cupped Zoro's cheek softly so you could press a kiss to his face, which made him press his eyes shut for a moment as his cheeks burned hotter. "Come on, I will prepare you something to eat. You must be tired." Your hand fit just right around Zoro's, warm and protective.
Zoro hummed softly, ignoring the fact he had been walking in a completely different direction the whole time. His eyes fell to your other hand, seeing a large shopping bag. "Do you want help?"
"No, darling, it's fine." You smiled softly. "We're almost there, either way."
The place you lived in wasn't too modest nor too luxurious, with enough space for your whims and very well kept. It was almost a cottage, both for its aesthetic and also the way it was situated in a nice clearing with a lake near it, in the middle of the woods, a good distance away from anyone else. You also cultivated a few plants, so there was a beautiful flower garden by the front and a small vegetable one by the back. It was one of the most beautiful sightings for Zoro.
The house still smelled just like he remembered. Not much had changed either since the last time he'd been there, saving for a few of the furniture that changed place and the new decoration.
Inside that bag, you had food, which you carefully put away while Zoro made himself home. He couldn't help but to spot some ingredients for his favorite dish. It was almost as if you knew he was coming, and he wouldn't be surprised if you really did.
There, surprisingly, was a place where he could feel comfortable without his swords hanging from his waist. Not only did he know that you were strong enough to face any threat that attacked the island, but he was also sure he would be one of your priorities when it came to protection.
Zoro didn't really know what to do with his hands as he sat on the kitchen table, watching you assemble ingredients and stir pans until a few plates were set in front of him. There were pancakes, toasts, fruits, honey, hot chocolate, coffee, milk...
"Thank you." His voice was small and quiet, but still made it to your ears and snatched a soft smile from you that made something bubble up inside his chest. Zoro was quick to start eating, balancing it between eating it all at once because of how hungry he was and savoring each bit because he didn’t have the opportunity of eating your food everyday. Fingers touched the hair on the base of his neck, running through the short green strands in a soothing motion that had him closing his eyes for a moment whilst leaning into the touch. His eyes parted open to meet yours—you had a cup in hand while observing him quite adoringly. It somehow made him feel small, though not small as in when he met with an enemy who was resistant to his swords, but as in a way he could be held in someone’s palm knowing he wouldn’t be crushed.
“Is it good, honey?”
He swallowed. “Yes. Thank you so much.”
The constant rush Zoro’s life was in seemed to take an eventual pause when he was there, that small house in a little island making him feel so loved and protected as if it were a palace filled with gold and protected by a thousand gods; so being with you was something like finally allowing himself to rest and feel the weight on his back and chest without feeling guilty that he was somehow losing time.
A soft crack came from Zoro’s back as he groaned while throwing his intertwined hands above his head to stretch. The couch was way too comfortable, but he couldn’t sleep, not right now. He wanted to enjoy every little second with you, more and more, and just being pressed to you didn’t work. A whine almost escaped his throat with it. Almost. Instead, it was a soft him of appreciation because of how your lips met his.
The kiss was slow, but still very intense; the reason and the reward for escaping every adventure alive and in a whole piece, even if the times Zoro showed up to see you had more and more time between each other. He deepened the kiss at that thought, feeling a shiver run down his spine at how your hand met the side of his neck, letting your thumb run against his jaw soothingly.
“Tell me, honey,” you whispered against his lips before kissing your way down to his jaw. “Tell me where you’ve been and what you’ve done.”
A breath caught in his throat until he could finally get used to the soft touches. “I’ve been to somewhere called Skypiea and— And we met another god,” he told.
          “I don’t know if you have ever noticed this...” Usopp attracted everyone’s attention, or at least had Nami, Robin, Sanji, and Chopper looking at him while Luffy wolfed down all the food they’d ordered from a local restaurant. “...but Zoro disappears every single time we come here. What do you think he is up to?”
Because Nami had insisted they ate some of the local cuisine, they ended up looking for a restaurant where they could take a break from their shopping and goods-hunting and sit down to eat, checking what they’d gotten already and what was still to be found. Sanji didn’t seem exactly pleased with it, but ended up going along with it. 
“He is running away from working! He didn’t even take the list of stuff we need to find!” Nami slammed a fist against the table, having Chopper lean away a little with wide eyes, an opposite to how Robin just chuckled.
“Secret mission!” Chopper spoke up, raising an arm. “Or he just goes off somewhere to sleep!”
“Or maybe he sees someone. Or avoids someone.” Robin smiled. “He wouldn’t insist for us to come here just so he could sleep, don’t you think?”
Chopper gasped. “You’re smart, Robin!” He snatched another chuckle from her.
“Of course she is! Only she could think so reasonably!” Sanji nodded frantically.
“I suggest we confirm it,” Usopp chuckled as he rubbed his palms together. “We should follow him!”
“I’m in!” Chopper raised an arm again, almost jumping on the chair, whilst Sanji shrugged.
Nami stared at Usopp for a moment, lips pressed together as she contemplated whether she agreed with it or not. It wasn’t much of her interest what Zoro was doing since he always came back when it was time to leave, but now that Usopp had brought it up and they started making theories... She would be pleased to kick his ass once she found him sleeping somewhere to avoid the job all of them had to do. Or even annoy him for any embarrassing hobby.
“Okay...” Nami nodded.
They had to find Zoro first, that was the hard part. He didn’t come back to the ship at night, so maybe he would come back the following day to make sure they’d leave or stay for a little longer. They needed to keep their eyes wide open for any moss-head.
Luffy was intrigued, an arm over his chest and a finger under his chin while observing whatever food some random old man prepared in front of him, promising it was the best meal in the world. Maybe Sanji could do it if Luffy memorized all of the steps. There were tomatoes, a random fruit, some seasoning...
"Hey, Luffy."
"Hi, Zoro," he replied, voice distant.
"Are we returning today for real?" Usually, they never returned on the day they decided at first because there was always something missing, but Zoro better confirm if he didn't want Nami complaining the whole time and intereupting his precious naps.
"Hmmm... no," Luffy mumbled, "Usopp mentioned something about finding someone..."
Zoro raised an eyebrow, but settled down for not asking anything, only humming with a nod. Luffy barely paid attention to anything normally, so now it would be impossible—he gasped as the man finally handed him the food and started wolfing it down immediately, so Zoro just didn’t even try and started walking away. He wouldn't get lost his time, hopefully. You had given him a paper with the directions.
Luffy had finished eating when Nami approached him, sighing. "Hey, did you see anything?"
"Uh, yeah. Zoro was just here asking if we will really leave today, but I told him not yet," Luffy explained with his hands on his hips.
"Zoro?!!" Nami gasped as she threw her hands in the air, frantically waving for the rest of the group to come by. "And you didn't even call us?! How long has it been?!"
Luffy shrugged. "A couple of minutes."
"There's still time!"
The group left, ignoring the old man madly shouting at Luffy for not paying a thing, but they were already too far and too worried to care about it. The shouting mess tudned quiet at the moment they caught on Zoro's track, standing all together and following him in small steps to make sure he didn't notice he was being followed. Either way, it didn't seem like he would notice them that easily, no—he would eventually pause and rub the back of his neck, muttering to himself and the piece of paper that he held in hand.
"Why does he have that bag? Where did it even come from?" Nami narrowed her eyes, balancing on her toes with Chopper on her back. The six of them crouched behind a bush in a poor excuse of hiding.
A light brown bag hung from Zoro’s back, one that couldn't be theirs. They'd never bought that thing.
"He has a map in hand, I believe," Usopp hummed, rubbing his chin. "Do you think he is delivering something?"
"Looks like it," Chopper muttered, and looked at the others. Robin just gazed at each of them with a light entertained smile on her lips. Sanji, on the other hand, never let his gaze leave Zoro; Chopper could faintly hear him grumbling under his breath about how Zoro preferred to work for others rather than helping them and not even share the berries he earned.
Robin chuckled a little. “Well, let’s hope he really doesn’t lose himself, don’t you think?”
“He must be already lost!” Sanji clicked his tongue.
The way was a little agonizing. The destination never came and they almost had heart attacks whenever Zoro turned around to remake his way because he’d taken a wrong turn—it was hard to know if he even knew where he was going.
Now, Zoro had been stopped for over five minutes already and had no sign of going anywhere so soon. Nami broke the silence with a groan, “we should just confront him already! Z—”
“Zoro!” A voice called, having the six of them jumping and shutting up while they looked around for its source in the direction Zoro turned to. “Over here, honey! I knew you’d get lost!”
“Sorry!” Zoro clicked his tongue, folding the map to shove it in his pocket as he finally started walking again. “I did get everything, though! Check if it’s exactly what you wanted, or else I’ll go back!”
“I knew it!” Sanji shook his head, exhaling.
Once Zoro was a good distance away, they decided to follow him, stopping by the last bushes and trees around the clearing. Their chins fell simultaneously at the sight of the cottage—vines with light purple flowers crawled up the creamy walls, but the ones on the garden could almost be found in all colors, and Luffy already licked his lips at the sight of watermelons growing strong around the side of the cottage.
“Wait... who is that?” Usopp narrowed his eyes as he lowered his binocles, taking a closer look at you. He pressed his lips together, trying to figure out whether you were someone familiar or not.
All of them gasped in unison, however, at the sight of Zoro throwing his arms around your neck while you held onto his hips, pressing a kiss to his cheek before your lips met in a soft kiss. “Thank you,” you said softly. “Do you wish to prepare a cake with me? I would appreciate your help, it seems like we are going to need more food today.”
Zoro furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you, pulling away a little. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it seems like your friends have found their way after you.” You smiled, tilting your head so you could look past Zoro at the group poorly hidden there. Zoro’s eyes widened at the same moment he whipped his head around, cheeks burning crimson at the sight of his six followers, who sweatdropped, mumbling incoherent excuses.
“What the fuck are you doing here, you idiots?!” He shouted, making you laugh.
“Aw, c’mon, it’s not bad to have visits once in a while!” You pressed a soothing kiss to Zoro’s cheek. “C’mon! Don’t be ashamed, come in!” Waving, you invited them to approach so you could make it into your place.
Weird was an understatement. Who could even imagine they would see Zoro stand there in an apron with you standing behind him, guiding his hands through kneading the dough. Whatever was going on among the others, was just white noise in the back of his mind since time with you was more worth it than whatever the six idiots would tease him for, he could deal with that later.
Everything was already in the oven when you served them more of the tea and biscuits to distract their hunger while the food was still being prepared. “Make yourself home,” you reminded them while serving Robin.
“Your tea tastes very good, (y/n), thank you for it!” Robin smiled before she took another sip of it.
“Why, thank you!”
“But who are you?” Chopper still seemed a little scared, feeling extra small as he sat between Sanji and Usopp for safety reasons. “Wh—Why haven’t we seen you before?”
You shrugged a little, humming. “I’m not sure, but I remember meeting my pretty boy when he got lost around here.” Your fingers ran through the short green strands, worsening the almost permanent blush Zoro already had.
“Pretty boy, hm?” Sanji smirked.
“You’re just jealous you have no one, you perverted cook!” Zoro shouted, standing up and leaning across the table in Sanji’s direction.
“Jealous? With Nami and Robin?” Sanji shouted with a scoff, mirroring Zoro’s position.
Nami rolled her eyes, not even trying to say anything because she wasn’t the one embarrassing herself in someone else’s house, either way.
“Well, it is nice to meet all of you!” You smiled, pouring more tea into the cup that Luffy extended to you. “I have heard a lot.”
“I hope he actually said something good!” Nami gave Zoro a side eye, though it was more of a glare that had him growling.
“Of course!” You chuckled with a nod.
“Hey, Zoro,” Luffy spoke up, “what’s that on your neck? Did a mosquito bite you or something?”
Zoro seemed confused until his eyes widened and converted his neck immediately, blushing profusely. “You idiot!!!”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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nethhiri · 2 days
Marooned: Chapter 43
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Sex and violence (as always)
This one is a longer one bc I worked on it all week long. Hope y'all enjoy <3
Kidding Around
Killer helped you escape Kid's death grip in the morning so you could participate in the sunrise coffee ritual that you had established with him. It was clear that Killer was an expert after so long with Kid, switching you with a pillow that Kid then squeezed to himself. You stood on the bow with Killer, one of his arms casually around your waist. With him, silences weren't awkward. You watched together as the sun peeked over the horizon with its grapefruit-pink rays. They shifted orange then pale yellow as the dawn evolved. 
"What are your goals, Killer?"
"To make Kid king of the pirates."
"After that."
"I doubt Kid will want to stop pirating. Maybe we'll return to our hometown and turn it around. I could have a restaurant." Killer prompted, "And you?"
"I don't know anymore."
His hand squeezed your hip reassuringly. He had noticed that you stopped talking about your revenge as much and that you rarely checked your specialized log pose. He didn't think you had given up on it, just put it on the back burner. 
When the sun climbed high enough in the sky to clear the horizon, you squinted. There was a black shape. "Land ho!" You looked up to the crow's nest wondering who was up there. They weren't doing their job. You caught a glimpse of big, poofy, orange hair as Quincy darted away from the ladder, wearing just a robe, probably trying to avoid being seen before everyone woke up.
"That's odd. I thought Nu was on watch." 
"I think he had a visitor," you said with a cheeky inflection. That's cute. Quincy was with the other ginger on board, the one with the mohawk and tiny glasses. 
"Damn it. I told everyone to knock it off with that shit. They need to be alert."
"I would like to go on record to state I have never hooked up with anyone there."
"You haven't been up there with Wire then. He has a way of talking people out of their pants."
"It's his secret talent."
"Has he....done that to you?" You bit your lip, eyeing him with curiosity. 
"Decline to comment." He headed towards the galley to start breakfast. "Come on. Everyone will be eager to eat and get off the ship."
This island was essentially neutral. There were pirates and marines alike, though the marines were few. They were probably only there to restock supplies. You smirked as you went by a group of them atop Mini's back, daring them to engage you as they stared wide-eyed at your jacket. They decided that you were simply an imitation. The real Sea Snake was dead, obviously. It would be unwise to put them down in public anyway, so you let them be. 
You had left before anyone could stop you, not that they would, but you didn’t want to be burdened with being dragged around for errands. Kid was quite disappointed when he couldn’t find you. He had gone into his workshop to see if there was anything he needed more of, and had finally noticed the small renovation you had done. He had wanted to take you with him while he did business before that, with the intention of ending up conveniently together just in time for dinner, and he wanted that even more now. Kid didn’t want to ask you on a date per se. He did want to be alone with you in a context other than the bedroom, however. You had been showing him favor lately and with the new information that you were similar to him in more ways than he thought, Kid felt more comfortable with the idea of getting close to you. Of course he didn’t like you like that. He simply thought you had potential to graduate from fuck buddy to fuck close friend.  There were a few things you wanted to purchase. First, though, you had been waiting for a chance to be in a more open area. It was very difficult to train with Mini on the ship, both because she was enormous and because you would break the ship. Plus, Mini could use a bit of exercise. Being cramped on the ship for too long wasn’t good for her. Mini walked until you were both deep in the forested part of the island, in a clearing. For several hours, until you were both out of energy, you practiced new skills and techniques. You flopped on Mini as she laid down, both taking a quick rest. 
Hunger woke you from rest. The sun was much lower than it had been when you had closed your eyes. Your nap went longer than intended. You felt very refreshed afterwards though, so you didn’t mind one bit. The two of you headed back towards the ship, Mini split off from you to return, while you kept going to find a place to eat.
Kid was in a bad mood. How hard was it to find a huge raging monster and a boar? All while he was taking care of some errands, he was keeping an eye out for you, but failed to catch a glimpse. Even when he came across the other officers, none of them had seen you either. The thought had crossed his mind that maybe you dipped on them, or worse, maybe someone had taken you. That thought bothered him more than he thought it would. Actually, the longer the day went on without finding you, the more he dwelled on it. He growled to himself, frustrated that he couldn’t shake you from his mind.
You found yourself in a dimly lit, grungy bar. Every man who initially approached you turned tail as soon as they saw your face, whether it was from your stank eye or from your scars, you didn’t know. You were leaned back with your feet kicked up on the table and a beer in your hand, somewhat tucked in the corner of the bar. You liked privacy and you liked being able to see the entire room, no need to look over your shoulder. 
The door swung open, a big red ogre behind it. He looked pissed and stomped straight to the bar. You were surprised Killer wasn’t with him, or anyone for that matter. You called a waitress over and handed her a note to deliver to him. You were going to send him a beer but the bartender put one down in front of him before he even asked. The waitress handed the slip of paper to Kid and scampered away, which was probably for the best since he whipped around angrily to see who sent the note. His eyes didn’t soften, but they did brighten when he saw that it was you. 
“What crawled up my ass?” Kid crumpled the note and threw it at you. He grabbed a chair and dropped his body into it across from you. “YER the one who crawled up my ass.” He pointed in an accusatory way.  Your eyebrow twitched up. “Me?” You looked him up and down. “If I was in your ass, you wouldn’t look so mad. I promise you that.” 
“Shut up.” Kid rolled his eyes. “I’ve been lookin for ya all day. Thought ya might have got stolen.”
“Bet you would have loved if someone took me off your hands.” You have him a questioning look. “But why? Need me for something?”
Kid reached across the table and tugged your collar. “Nah, yer mine now, girlie. They would have ta take ya from my cold, dead hands.” He grinned so big it almost split his face in two. “And that’s not happenin.” 
That made your heart quicken. You looking into his amber eyes, hiding your soft spot for him. “You still didn’t answer the question.”
”Ah, well,” Kid didn’t have a great excuse. He wasn’t going to tell you the true reason. “Was gonna see if ya wanted to spar with me.” What a dumb fuckin lame-ass excuse. Idiot! 
You shrugged. “Sure.” Weird that something as small as simply wanting to spar upset him earlier. There was definitely more behind it. 
“Really? I mean good.” He swirled the beer around in his mug.  There was a bit of an awkward silence. 
Clearing your throat, you mentioned, “I have some things to do first. Didn’t get to em today.” You tapped your fingertips on the table. “Was gonna ask Heat to come with me cuz I need more clothes and he’s good at picking outfits, but I guess you could come.” You quickly added, “If you want. Because it’s just easier that way.” The dim lighting hid the blush on your face. 
“Ha! I’m way better at picking outfits than Heat.” Kid leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.
”Real outfits, Kid,” you warned, “Not lingerie.” 
“Yeah yeah. Real clothes. Whatever.” He waved you off, cursing you mentally for putting images of you in lingerie into his head.
You both sat and drank your beers, Kid propping his feet up on the table as well. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him stare at you a few times. What’s that about? Your ears perked up when some very drunk man was asking about how someone disabled could be a pirate, assuming they were talking about you with your missing eye. It was clear who they were talking about when he made a joke about an unarmed pirate captain.
It did tick you off when people talked about your imperfections, but fuck did it have you seeing red when you realized it was directed at Kid. You could tease him and make fun of him. You would NEVER bring his involuntary amputation into it, however. That was crossing a line. You don’t even think he heard it, judging from his lack of reaction and how he looked at you in confusion as you got up from the table. You didn’t feel like behaving tonight. There was an itch for violence that you needed to scratch. Maybe defending Kid was just an excuse to let some steam off. He certainly didn't need you to defend him.
”Wanna say that again?” You stood at the man’s table, palms resting flat against it.  The man grimaced when he saw your face. “What? You defending your cripple boyfriend? Seems about right an ugly cunt like you would be with him.” 
“It seems that you don’t know who either of us are.” You smiled at him and his companions. Anyone who had heard of Eustass Kid would know that he was far from incapable with one arm. “That’s cute. You must have been on the sea for what? Five minutes?”
The man’s companions laughed nervously as he kept up. “Bitch, if you’re not gonna take that prosthetic out and let me skull-fuck that butchered face, I would get lost.”
You reached up and pulled your log pose from your eye socket, rolling it around in your fingers. Faster than he could react, you grabbed his hair, slammed his face on the table, pulled it back up, and shoved your eye into his mouth as far back as you could push it. “Swallow it.” His eyes were wild and he clawed at the arm holding his hair. “I said SWALLOW IT.” 
He gagged and choked, holding his throat, before gasping for air. “WHAT THE FUCK?” His eyes were watery as he stared at you with bewilderment. 
“Actually, I’m gonna need that back.” You grabbed a steak knife from the table and grinned at him.
”No please…” The man was sweating, scared shitless.
“Apologize to him.” You pointed at Kid, who was still relaxed in his seat, enjoying the show. 
“I-I’m sorry, S-sir.”
”Eustass Kid,” you corrected.
The man’s eyes widened with realization, that he fucked up big time. He started to plead for his life almost immediately.
You thrusted the knife into his stomach and tore it open. “Unfortunately, I do still need that.” His hands tried to grab yours away but kept slipping from the blood. His screams were really fucking up the atmosphere of the bar. You pushed into the open wound with your hand, searching for your eye. “Skull-fuck, huh? You’re lucky I don’t have a dick or I’d fuck you right in this warm, wet hole of yours.” Your hand found what it was looking for and retrieved the small orb. Dunking it in his companion’s beer, you cleaned it off and stuck in right back where it belonged. 
His two companions, trembling and trying not to catch your eye, dragged him off, leaving a trail of blood behind. He might live. You thought about cutting his arm off since he had such nice things to say about Kid’s amputated limb, but what you did was much more satisfying and cruel. 
You felt a metallic arm pulling you into Kid’s lap. “Yer so fuckin hot when ya get like this,” Kid growled in your ear lowly.
You grabbed his beer, having finished your own, and chugged the rest of it. “This bar sucks. Let’s go somewhere else.” You trailed a finger down his exposed chest. “I feel like fucking some shit up.”
Kid’s signature laugh rang out through the bar. “Then let’s fuck some shit up.” He grabbed your chin. “How could I say no to a bonnie lass like yerself?” 
You made a fake retching noise. “Quit with that flattery bullshit.” Kid didn’t have to do any of that. If he wanted to fuck, you were down. “I’ll fuck you later.”
Kid frowned as you took his hand and dragged him out of his seat. He meant what he said. Of course, he wanted to fuck, too. Beside the point, you let Killer say nice things about you, but you didn’t take Kid seriously and that bothered him. 
You and Kid started a fight with anyone that looked at you sideways. Kid held someone still for you to beat up and you did the same for him, laughing maniacally as you did so. Alternating between knocking someone’s lights out, getting sloshed at different bars, and making out in dark corners, the two of you ended up walking to the very edge of the island. There wasn’t much else but beach here. You had no idea what time it was and no idea how you were still standing. Kid supported your weight as you walked through the sand in an incredibly unsteady gait. There was a piece of driftwood that was just big enough for you two to sit on. You leaned heavily against Kid and he put the excess fabric of his coat around your shoulders. 
For how drunk you were, Kid was impressed with how you deftly undid his belts and snuck your hand into his pants. It was known by now that arousal came as a package deal with your aggression. His thick shaft hardened quickly under your hand, happy to oblige whatever needs you had. Kid let his head fall back, enjoying the feeling of your small hand struggling to jerk him off. He let out an impatient huff when your hand started to slow, before stopping altogether. His amber eyes flicked to where your hand was limp around his cock and your head rested in his lap. “What the fuck?” That bitch fell asleep. Kid groaned. It was feeling so good too. He swallowed thickly. You clearly wanted to give him a handy, so there wasn’t anything wrong with helping you finish the job, right? He stuck his own hand down his pants and enveloped yours with his grip, tightening your hold on his cock. The feeling of doing something just a little bit wrong and in public to boot, sent a thrill right to his balls. He finished himself quickly with your hand, his pulsing cock emptying into it with a grunt. Kid snickered to himself with the thought of you waking up with your hand dried shut.
Kid had already pissed you off, not because your hand had been glued shut with his cum, which was admittedly funny, but because he had to put his two cents into every single thing you looked at. You wanted a second weapon to dual wield. You loved your gunblade and it was versatile though it still had limits. Every weapon you picked up, Kid chided you for picking something so low quality. You were deeply regretting inviting him along. You picked up a curved sword to inspect the blade.
”Shit metal. Shit craftsmanship.” Kid’s arms were folded and he looked just as annoyed as you did.
You finally stood toe to toe with him, pressing your finger to his sternum. “If you think everything in this town is shit, why don’t you make me something useful. Impress me, magnet boy.” 
“Magnet man.” Kid unfolded his arms. “Fine. I will. And it’ll be so good it’ll blow yer tits off.” He went to flick your nipple but you slapped his hand away.
After perusing possibly every weapon this town had to offer, you moved on to your next task: clothes shopping. Kid had actually picked out some tasteful outfits. He did manage to sneak a few, more risqué items in, though they were cute so you did entertain the idea of buying them. You also found a little outfit that Kid agreed Heat would be enamored with. You found a few more things, including some more bold choices, since you wouldn’t fit in without at least one pair of stupid ugly pants. You threw everything into a pile and returned with your normal clothes on. When you went to pay, the man behind the counter said that your boyfriend had already paid.
It shouldn’t piss you off but it did. “I told you to stop doing that shit.” You jabbed Kid’s side and grabbed the bag from his hands. 
“Doing what?” 
You couldn’t even say it without getting embarrassed. “You know.” You held the bag up. “The compliments and … nice gestures.” You huffed. “It’s weird. We’re not…anything.” Kid was just your fuck buddy, nothing more. No feelings were involved, or that’s what you told yourself. 
Kid knew that was true, though he thought he might want to be something to you. “Didn’t say we were. I can’t do something nice?”
”You’re Eustass Kid. You’re not nice.” 
“Whatever. Ungrateful hag.”  “Thank you. Much better.” You smiled at him.  Kid grumbled and complained for the rest of your shopping trip, eventually dragging you to a street vendor to eat since he was getting progressively more hangry. This time you paid, insisting on it to make yourself even with him. You both got some kind of saucy meat on a stick and found a tree to sit under. Kid wolfed his down in about a minute while you took a few more to finish yours. 
“What?” You said sharply, noticing Kid snickering at you.
”Yer a messy eater, ain’t ya?”
You froze as he used his thumb to wipe sauce from your cheek, popping it in his mouth. You huffed, mostly to avoid blushing. 
Kid seemed like he had something on his mind. “About the other night…”
”I won’t mention it. Don’t worry.” You knew he had a reputation to keep up.  “I was going to thank ya.”
”Oh. It’s not a big deal.” You sighed. “Listen I know what I just said, but it is refreshing to see that you’re not always a giant dickhead.”
He made a noise of acknowledgment. “We both loved her. Victoria. It was a child’s crush, but it was real enough to both of us at the time.” He had heard Killer explain some of it to you that night. 
”I never had anything like that.” 
“Would ya like to?” 
It was only human to crave affection, and you would be lying if you said you hadn't thought about it before. It would be easier not to have attachments holding you back. It may also make your life less depressing. There were pros and cons to each side. You never got far with the notion since there was no one you had been interested in on that level, or any level. 
Kid mistook your extended silence for offense. “In general. Ya know. Not … with me.” Unless she wants me like that. He let his voice trail off.
“That would complicate things.” You pulled your knees up and rested your head on them. 
“But it might be worth it.”
"Was it worth it to you?" 
Kid knew you were referring to their past with Victoria. "Aye." No matter how much it tore him up some days, he wouldn't trade it. As Killer said, you had to go through certain things to be who you were today, and Kid liked who he was and what he had in his life currently.
After dropping your bags at the ship, you walked with Kid towards the clearing that you and Mini found. A few minutes passed, filled only with the sound of chirping birds and leaves shifting against each other in the breeze. Your hands swung close enough to each other that you could feel the wind from Kid's hand. “I saw that ya missed me enough to connect our spaces again.” Kid teased. He couldn’t take the stretch of silence, not after the slightly down conversation from earlier, and he hadn’t yet gotten to mention that he noticed the change.
”Hypothetically, what if I were to say that I enjoy your company… occasionally.”
“I would say that of course ya do. Everyone enjoys me.” Kid had a smirk on his face, yet underneath, there was a big goofy grin threatening to break through ad your admission. 
“Mhm.”  “Hypothetically I enjoy starin at yer ass when yer workin,” Kid offered. 
”That’s not a hypothetical.”
The clearing was empty. It seemed as though no one else had found your spot. It felt odd to square up to Kid for a fight where you weren’t trying to kill each other for real. The agreed on rules were no use of devil fruit, but weapons were fair game. You could end the fight with one touch of your hand with your devil fruit, which is why you didn’t want to use it.
Standing across from Kid, you could appreciate his stature, broad shoulders, strong physique. He wasn’t cut like Killer was. There was a bit more meat to him, filling out his stomach in very pleasing way. You had to stop yourself from dwelling on it, or this was not going to be a fight at all. 
Kid came at you first. Normally you used your speed to dodge and land an attack in an opening. This time you blocked him. He did the same thing to your punch. It filled you with a sense of pride that you could match him in strength like this. The hits from his metal arm hurt worse. It wasn’t a conscious choice, but both of you had started by holding back, not completely willing to hurt the other. The competitiveness between you, however, quickly caused you to start putting your full weight behind everything. You could hear Kid growl as you narrowly avoided his fist, which instead splintered a tree trunk. You used the opportunity to land a kick in his side. He wheezed for a second before coming after you again. A big sweeping motion with his metal arm took you by surprise, knocking you to the ground. Using the momentum from rolling, you hopped back up in time to miss another attack from Kid. 
The taste of blood was in your mouth. It seemed he had split your lip. You licked the red liquid decorating your mouth, steeling yourself to get more serious. Pulling out your gunblade, you shot several times in seemingly random directions. It was habit not to shoot at Kid since his devil fruit could deflect bullets. Large branches from the surrounding trees fell around him in a way that made it difficult to dodge them all and forced him to remain in one space.
You followed right behind the branches, taking a running leap at Kid’s back. Before you could press your blade to his throat, he shed his feathered coat that you were holding on to, causing you to fall in an ungraceful way. You had to quickly roll to dodge Kid’s next attack. He had taken out his own gun and sent a bullet into the ground you had just occupied. 
Kicking out forcefully in Kid’s direction, you connected with his leg, destabilizing him enough that you could launch yourself from the ground to tackle him. He was quick to prevent you from getting him into a grappling hold. Kid grabbed your wrist and slammed it on the ground, forcing you to release your grip on your gunblade. In a flash he had both your wrists caught and your legs pinned under his own. Kid held his head back, knowing that your counter would be to headbutt him. 
The afternoon angle of the sun bounced orange rays from your fiery eyes, the light glistened off the thin sheen of sweat on your Y/S/C skin, and it lit your hair up like a flame, the way it was wildly strewn behind you only enchanted the effect. Kid was entranced by the heave of your chest as you caught your breath and the playfully aggressive gaze fixed on his own face. Red caught his attention, blood spilling slowly from the cut in your lip. Suddenly, he was transfixed by the crimson bead, lowering his mouth to meet yours, sucking the iron-tinged from your lower lip. A silvery thread of saliva connected you as he pulled away. He searched your face for any sign to stop and found only molten desire. 
There was a tangle of limbs, hands weaving through hair, sloppy wet kisses, and indecent sounds. Kid's weight pressed against you and his grip keeping you in place had placed impure thoughts in your mind even before he tasted the blood on your lips. That served only to add fuel to the fire burning deep within your core. Deep down you were mad about this weakness, the intense sexual chemistry you had with Kid. In this moment, you were in thrall to it, insatiably grabbing any part of him you could reach. 
A nervous clearing of the throat alerted you both to the presence of Pomp and Reck. Kid grabbed the gun he had knocked from your grasp and you pulled his from his bandolier, both sending a warning shot in their direction. 
"FUCK OFF!" You roared in unison, sending them racing off toward town.
"Can't. Get. Any. Fuckin. Privacy." He said between shoving his tongue down your throat. 
You could feel Kid's cock grinding into your thigh as he hastily ripped your pants down to your knees. You spread your thighs apart as far as the restricting fabric allowed to give Kid's hand access. His flesh fingers wasted no time finding their home in your dripping core, one after the other were inserted impatiently. The stretch as his fingers scissored your opening wider had you groaning into his mouth. Kid eagerly devoured the intoxicating noises slipping from your lips, each one causing his tip to drool. 
"Kid, I ngh-need it. Now." You panted out. 
"Yer not ready yet." 
"I don't care." You grabbed his dick through his pants. "Give it to me before I take it myself." 
Kid slipped a third finger inside, earning another sweet set of sounds from you. "Look at ya, rotten brat. Givin orders to me." He thrusted his fingers a few more times before removing them completely. 
You whined at the empty feeling. "Please." Your thighs rubbed together for friction. 
"Ya want this fat cock?" Kid freed said beast from the confines of his pants, stroking it slowly to give you a show.
You nodded vigorously, freeing your legs from your pants.
Kid pulled your soggy panties to the side, lining himself up with your slit and pushing his dripping mushroom head between your glistening folds. You wrapped your legs over his hips and pulled him inside yourself until you were completely full. Truthfully, Kid would have loved to drag this out and tease you a little more, but your wanton craving for him was really turning him on and there was no doubt someone else from the crew would come interrupt again soon. Kid's metal hand was big enough to wrap under you, holding your body in the palm while the thumb rested over your pussy. The cold metal against your clit was electrifying and you hissed through your teeth when Kid applied pressure. 
"Ya like that?" Kid moved his hand, effectively using you as a human fleshlight. "Yer gonna love this."
A cry of pleasure was ripped from your throat as Kid continued this movement, grinding his cock into your cervix, and added a low vibration with his devil fruit directly above your clit. With barely a warning, an orgasm crashed over you, making you shriek even louder. Kid narrowly held his own release back feeling the gush and pulsation of your climax. He continued to move you up and down his shaft, increasing the vibration in his thumb. The first orgasm was barely over before the second one overcame you. 
"Oh f-uck yes." You moaned. "Use m-me!" 
Kid's pace was erratic. The way your cunt gripped him with its gushy walls was enough to milk his balls dry. "That's right," Kid growled. "Yer my personal cock sleeve. Ya can't get enough of my cum can ya?"
"F-fill me up, C-Captain." You hand pressed down on the thumb of his metal hand, feebly attempting to grind your clit against the vibrations. 
Kid snickered, helping you out by increasing the pressure. Purple energy crackled around your collar as he tightened it around your neck. Your moans were raspier now, though just as needy. "That cunny of yers is suckin me in. She wants my cum so badly, aye?" 
You nodded your head, saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth, unable to swallow. Black tinged the corners of your vision. Your mouth formed a silent cry as Kid tightened your collar further, using you to get off. You twitched and trembled, a final orgasm taking you over. The tingling warmth enveloping you in a bath of endorphins. You were fully caught in your own pleasure, so much so that you missed Kid doubling over you, releasing a cry of his own as he emptied himself into you. He used your body to pump every last drop from himself. 
You gasped as he released his power, sucking fresh air into your lungs to quell your burning muscles. Kid removed himself from you and laid you down flat, pushing your legs back to admire his seed dripping from your hole. He wiped the drips with his fingers and pushed it back inside you, pulling your panties back over your cunt and giving it a pat. 
"Keep it all in, bunny, or I'll have to fill ya up again."
"Yeah? Not much of a threat is it?" You found your pants and dusted yourself off.
As soon as you had your pants on, Kid slung you over his shoulder and cracked your ass with his hand. "No talkin back."
About halfway back to town, Kid let you walk on your own two feet. "Can ya walk or are yer legs still jelly?" He kept his hands hovered above your shoulders in case you fell over.
You grabbed his coat for support. "I'm good." You thought he had picked you up to be an asshole. Was he trying to be helpful? You didn't complain this time. Your legs had been jelly. 
Kid took note of your hand moving from his coat to hold onto his arm. He let it stay. You only removed it when Heat stared at it too long, not even aware that you had still been holding onto Kid. There was an immediately coolness where his warmth had been, and the urge to keep holding him close surfaced. Kid had been thinking the same thing. He liked feeling your weight on him, feeling you rely on him. He wanted you to rely on him more and trust him with yourself.  
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Love Like the Sea
Chapter 3: All Too Well
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a/n: the beginning is kinda mid. you can tell it was the last thing I wrote 😭 but I'm actually really happy with how the rest of this came out
pairing: Neteyam × Metkayina!Reader
important story info: no use of y/n, it was not working for the story. Neteyam, reader, and Ao'nung are 19. Kiri is 18. Loak and Tsireya are 17. Characters have been aged up for story purposes (not for smut, just easier to write them older)
warnings: none!
word count: 3.9k (we’ll just say 4k bc I was literally so close)
The Metkayina have their first breath days after birth. Not a literal first breath, but rather a baptism of sorts, where they are introduced to the sea, an integral part of their being and existence. The ocean breathes new life into the body, and they are reborn as one, united with its calamity.
Born to the sea, return to the sea.
The entire village stood in the shallow of the shore, glowing orange as the sun began to retreat, signaling the start of eclipse, gathered around you, Ronal, and the two parents carrying the three day old baby. You held your arms out as the infant was given to you, big, new eyes staring into your own, nineteen cycles old. She moved her small, chubby fingers, reaching to grab one of yours.
Holding her close, you stepped further out in the ocean, water sloshing against your hips.
“New day, new life,” you began, “Energy given, energy to return.”
You lowered the baby’s small body, resting her along the surface. She squirmed as the water touched her back.
“From the sea you will be reborn, a new breath of new life. The sea is your home, before birth, after death.”
You slowly brought her body under.
“Water connects all. Water guides the soul.”
You let go, allowing her natural instincts to kick in to find her way back to the surface. She wiggled around, feeling her limbs move against the pulsing water.
She kicked her little legs to bring her body back up for air and her head breached with a gasp.
You picked her up, turning towards the crowd behind you, and held her above your head.
“Ewya has given her first breath!” The village cheered and raised their palms up.
Bringing her back down, you return the baby to her parents so that they may announce her name to the people.
The father held her high, shouting, “Na’sari!”
“Na’sari!” The village shouted back.
Ronal held out a tray to the parents, displaying three varying colourful shells, one for birth, one for breath, and one for new life among the sea.
“With these, her songchord begins,” she stated.
“Irayo Ronal,” thanked the mother, grabbing the shells.
Tonowari then stepped forward, addressing his people, “Let us celebrate. New life has born!”
They cheered once more before retreating to the beach and heading to the clearing among the trees.
“You did well,” Ronal said to you, laying a hand on your shoulder.
You brought yours up, placing it over hers, “Thank you.”
The creeping ache at the bottoms of your feet was becoming hard to ignore, worn from constantly beating themselves against the gritty sand, bigger pieces digging into your heels. Eclipse had long passed, night taken over, and you found yourself lost, entrapped in multitudes of dance circles, bodies pushing and pulling you in every direction, much like an ocean current. Colours and lights blurred into streaks in your vision, sounds became muffled, only the beating of the drums distinct enough to hear clearly.
You adorned a new shell in your hair, one bigger than the pearl that used to be braided into your crown. This one was from a scallop, orange and striped, now sitting atop your head. It was meant to represent growing as tsakarem, closer to becoming tsahik. Despite being thin, it felt heavy, a pulsing reminder you couldn’t ignore, much like the pain in your feet.
Scanning the crowd, you easily spotted Ao’nung, sat on a low, thick tree branch, his moping figure and permanent scowl causing him to stick out.
“You won’t even dance at my first First Breath?” you teased, sitting beside him.
He grunted, scooching away from you. Your smile disappeared, replaced with a frown.
“What’s wrong?”
“The outsiders,” Ao’nung glanced in the direction of Tsireya, sat on the other side of the fire, animatedly talking to Lo’ak, pointing to various parts of the fish, charred on her plate.
It wasn’t difficult to tell that Tsireya had taken a liking to the youngest Sully son, one would have to be blind to not notice her seemingly always around him, especially assisting him in lessons.
“They are not a threat,” you reassured, holding his forearm, “you shouldn’t be so mean to them.”
He stayed silent.
You continued, “They learn quick.”
“They don’t belong here,” Ao’nung glared at you.
Pulling your hand away, you stood up, “You’re too stubborn, too judgemental.”
Ao’nung had always been a bit of a hothead, quick to jump to conclusions, often set in his ways, usually you were his voice of reason, the person that balanced him, reminding him to take a step back and think. It was unlike him to not even hear you out.
Attempting to put distance between you and him, you weren’t paying attention where you were walking and a small body collided with yours, pulling you out of your thoughts. The youngest of the Sullys stood in front of you, short braided hair and big yellow eyes beaming up at you.
“You’re very pretty!”
Your cheeks flushed purple, “Thank you little one,” shyly smiling.
The said girl turned towards the voice calling for her, a familiar face appearing through the crowd.
“Tuk, you can’t run off like that.”
She giggled, running to hide behind you.
“I’m sorry about her.” Neteyam sighed.
You shook your head, smiling, “It’s alright, she’s been no trouble.” Turning around, you crouched to Tuk’s height, “How are your feet? Do you want to dance with me?”
She lit up, eyes wider than ever, “Neteyam can I? Please, please, please-“
“Yes, yes!” he groaned, feigning annoyance, but winked at her.
Tuk gasped and grabbed your hand, eagerly pulling you into the sea of people dancing, you laughing.
“Slow down little one!”
“My name is Tuk!”
You held her arm up as she twirled, “My name is Mara.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“Neteyam told me!” Tuk giggled, swinging your arms back and forth.
You looked back at where he was, watching you both, smiling.
“Yeah! Said you helped him swim! Can you help me swim?”
“Of course,” you let her jump around you, “I can help you.”
“Do you dance a lot here?” Tuk pulled your body, making you spin with her.
“We dance at First Births, the Tulkuns’ return, and iknimaya ceremonies.”
“Wow,” she gasped, breathless, “I wish we danced a lot.”
You furrowed your brows, “You don’t have celebrations?”
She shook her head, “Not really. It’s always busy.”
Your lips were pursed, tight against each other, a contrast from your fluidly moving body.
You didn’t realize how much youth was taken away from her, how she didn’t even realize how much she lost. It was unfair, someone so young, so innocent, to know war as the normal, the everyday, being unable to experience clan traditions, the groundwork of culture. It wasn’t fair that the start of a “normal” life was far away from her people, amongst strangers who didn’t share her features.
“We will dance together at the Tulkun’s return, until our feet can’t carry us anymore.” You promised her and Tuk giggled once more.
You glanced over again at Neteyam, his eyes still locked onto you.
Crouching down, you whispered in her ear, “Your brother has yet to dance tonight.”
She recognized your insinuation, grinned and ran to him, pulling him into the crowd, ignoring his weak protests. You covered your mouth, hiding your growing smile at his stumbling before slipping away.
You didn’t feel like celebrating anymore, Tuk’s statement unnerved you, it sat unwell in your stomach, churning. You were sure her family did their best to shield her from the pain of war, but there was only so much that could be hidden and kept away. How could you let yourself dance knowing a group of your kind was fighting, wounded, dwindling.
You grabbed a basket of fish that went unused, deciding you’d let the ilu have an extra dinner so as not to waste the catch.
Carrying the basket against your hip, you pushed aside the giant leaves blocking your path and made your way to the beach. You called for the ilu and a small pod of three came chirping and splashing along the shore.
“I’ve brought you something, don’t let the others find out,” you playfully whispered, setting the basket down.
They squealed and circled each other, eager to be fed.
You reached down and pulled out a fish, tossing it to the ilu closest to you. It scarfed its meal down, thrumming contently.
Your ears perked at the sound of sand shuffling behind you, turning to see Neteyam come through the clearing.
“Not a partier?” he asked, approaching you.
“Just needed some space. Figured it was a good time to feed the leftover fish to the ilu.” You tossed another fish into the next ilu’s gaping mouth.
“Tuk had fun. She’s passed out in our Mauri, think it was all the dancing.” he chuckled.
“I’m glad she enjoyed it.”
There was silence, you both staring at each other.
You looked away, clearing your throat, “Were you able to dance a lot, in the forest? Before, you know?”
Neteyam’s ears folded slightly, “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry Tuk didn’t get to experience that.”
“Me too,” he sighed, “but I’m happy she can have some of it here.”
“She’s a sweet girl,” you fondly smiled.
“Remember that when she blackmails you.”
You laughed, it was the first time Neteyam really got to hear it, clear and soft in the quiet night, it reminded him of a song.
You handed Neteyam a fish, him gingerly holding it out for an ilu to take.
“So she’s a troublemaker?” You asked.
“Of sorts,” he grimaced, wiping his fingers on his loincloth, attempting to remove the fish slime, “depends who’s with her.”
“Ah, so only with you.”
Neteyam looked at you, seeing your teasing grin, “I’ve made that bad an impression?” He did his best to feign shock, but was unable to hide a small smile.
“Prove me wrong then,” you retorted.
You picked up the last fish, feeding it to the first ilu, caressing its cheek as it chirped and cooed.
There came a quick breeze, blowing through your thick hair, tickling your skin. You closed your eyes briefly, inhaling the salty scent the wind lifted into the air.
You looked behind Neteyam, towards the distant fire, shadows of dancing figures flickering, singing and cheering muffled. You had no particular urge to return to the festivities, and the ocean didn’t seem to want you to either, water rushing, pulling you, begging you.
Your eyes trailed back to the forest Na’vi, “Do you want to come with me?”
His ears jolted, caught by surprise, “What?”
“Do you want to come with me?” You repeated.
“Where?” He asked, head tilting slightly.
“You’ll have to find out. Come!”
You stepped into the ocean, water sloshing against your body, and swam up to the ilu you just fed. Pulling yourself onto its back, you brought your braid forward, connecting with it’s neural whip.
Neteyam hadn’t moved from his spot on the beach, unsure if he was to ride with you or mount his own, and if the latter, he was far from confident as he barely just learned to stay on yesterday.
Sensing his hesitancy, you patted the empty space behind you on the ilu’s back, signaling him to join.
He made his way into the water, tensing as it hit his skin, not quite as comfortable with the cold temperature as you were.
Once he was sat behind you, you said, “Don’t worry, I’ll stay above the surface. And hold on.”
Nodding, Neteyam snaked an arm around your waist, your breath hitched, stomach tensing at his touch. His hand was courser than you expected, fingers calloused but ever so gentle, feather like.
The ilu jolted, feeling your distraction through the bond. Recomposing yourself, you mentally told it to go. Neteyam wasn’t ready for the sudden surge forward, letting out a quick gasp and tightening his hold on your body. He wasn’t pressed up against your back, but still extremely close, able to feel each other’s skin tickle at any slight adjustment.
It was one of the quieter reef nights, ignoring the distant cheering and singing of your people. The waves were considerably small, barely breaking, glowing patterns rippling across the sea from its movement, painting in the night. Most of the ilu were gathered by the shore, playing around the mangrove roots, the ocean too calm for their spirited nature.
Neteyam spoke, “So, now can you tell me where we’re going?”
You rolled your eyes, not that he could see it, “You do know what a surprise is?”
“Really holding on to that. But are we almost there?”
“Yes,” you answered.
You were far out, nothing around except for a couple rock stacks, peaking above the surface, and the sea wall ahead, bordering Awa’atlu, protecting it from the harsh waves and akula of the vast ocean beyond.
Creeping towards its lowest level, you arrived at the intended destination.
“Clearly, it’s not a secret place, but it’s best to see the stars here,” you slid off the ilu, Neteyam following, and climbed up the platforms of tide pools, bioluminescence lighting up each step, glowing fish and plants swimming in them.
“Ao’nung, Tsireya, and I used to come here all the time at night,” you continued as you sat down on the highest ledge, facing the significantly darker blue, outsiding ocean.
“Not anymore?” Neteyam asked, sitting beside you.
“There isn’t much time for it. Me and Ao’nung are older, we have a lot of responsibilities,” you paused, “Tsireya’s lucky, she doesn’t have to grow up as quick.”
Neteyam’s eyes softened, all too well understanding having to say goodbye to childhood earlier than others.
“I get it,” he whispered.
“Really? Anytime I’ve mentioned it, I’m told to be grateful Ewya has chosen me, that it’s an honour.”
“I definitely get being told to be happy about it, not so much the chosen by Ewya part,” he chuckled.
You smiled, glad to have someone else who understood, someone other than Ao’nung to relate to, someone who truly didn’t want the life thrusted upon them.
“You were to become Olo’eytkan,” it wasn’t a question, but rather a realization, one you didn’t think of when learning Jake Sully’s status that first day.
Neteyam nodded, tight lips, clouds of pain swirling with the amber of his eyes.
“I didn’t want it, but it was everything I knew. It was my everyday. Train, hunt, fight. But now it’s gone, the thing that had been forced to be my identity was stripped away. I only know how to be a warrior. If I’m not future Olo’eyktan, then who am I, you know?”
You let his words sink in, thinking of your own
situation. You had spent almost every morning and night, asking Ewya why you, begging her to take it away, to choose someone else. But it never occurred to you who you would be then; you couldn’t imagine a life where you were not tsakarem, where you were not at Ao’nung’s side, it was your place in the clan, the meaning of your life. Who would you be without it?
“But,” Neteyam continued, “I’m happy to be free of it, to be able to just live.”
“A life among just the sea, that would be enough,” you sighed, closing your eyes. “I’ve never not known that I would become Tsahik one day. Playing alongside Ao’nung as kids, I knew we had to become a mated pair one day. And now it’ll happen sooner than later, it just would’ve been nice to have had a choice,” you pulled one of your knees up against your body, resting your cheek on it.
“Do you see him?” He asked, eying you, curious.
You turned to him, mouth open, shocked he would ask that, especially so blunt, “That’s not appropriate.”
You look up at the sky, twinkling with stars, lit up by Polyphemus, “We balance, we understand. I’m lucky to have found a friend in him, not many in my position have that.”
Neteyam stayed silent, wondering if he would’ve been in the same spot if they had not left the forest. Would his parents have chosen someone for him, someone they saw fit to lead alongside him? He’d hoped not, but it was something he never thought of before. Despite having passed his rights, having become a man in his clan, the idea of a mate wasn’t even a spec in his mind. There was no room for it. There was war, duties as future chief, but how long would he have gone without thinking of it, would he have become too old, too late to find love?
You both were two sides of a similar story, having a life thrust upon you, having to sacrifice your rights to choose, but where as he had no mate due to his consumption of his responsibilities, you would be forced to have one by your responsibilities, forced to be bound forever loveless.
“Did you have someone?” You asked.
Neteyam shook his head, “No.”
“Yeah. To be honest, it never even crossed my mind. I didn’t have time for it,” he paused, “I didn’t make time for it.”
“Those poor girls,” you laughed.
“The girls? The ones trying to court you?”
Neteyam stared at you blankly, “There were no girls?”
“You didn’t even notice the girls,” your mouth was agape.
He stuttered, flustered trying to defend himself.
“I’m teasing,” you reassured, “but really, those poor girls.”
“Stop it,” he groaned, covering his face with his hand.
You both looked at each other, poorly attempting to stay serious but burst into a fit of giggles.
You had to admit, it was a good feeling, having a moment where the future wasn’t weighing as heavy, where you could pretend to be a giddy teenager, albeit on the older end, gossipping about absolute nonsense. You didn’t have many friends, Tsireya came by default, she was more a younger sister than anything, nor did you care for Ao’nung’s posse. You were okay with Roxto, though, he was kind, much like Tsireya, but a little quiet. Ronal and Tonowari believed he was good for Ao’nung, his only friend that seemed to have common sense, keeping him out of trouble.
Your laughing subsided, quiet taking over, listening to the roaring waves.
“Sometimes,” you began, “I wonder if mine and Ao’nung’s paths would’ve still crossed had it been different. Like you said, I don’t really know where I would be or who I am without my title. Who would my friends be, what place would I have among the people?”
“Well, what do you do when you’re not training?” Neteyam asked.
“I swim,” you answered.
“That’s it?”
Truth be told, everything you did tied back into being tsakarem, teaching children to ride ilu, weaving, making medicine, you had to be able to do it all, tsahik was the heart of the tribe.
“We are much like the mangrove that we live on. Tsahik and olo’eyktan at the center, the tree itself, the base. The people are the roots, but everything we do is for the good of all the people. We all weave, hunt, protect. Some excel in certain things more than others, but no job is secluded to just one. What I do when not training is still part of my role,” you explained to him, “Swimming is the only thing not tied to it.”
“I think you’d like flying,” Neteyam spoke, “that’s how I feel when I’m in the sky. It’s something I can do freely.”
You shook your head, “It seems scary, I might fall off!”
“I wouldn’t let you.”
It was like a knife sliced through the air, cutting off your breath, and there was that funny feeling again, that sinking and flutter in the pits of your stomach. You weren’t sure if it was what he said or how he said it, like there was something shrouded behind his words, but you knew it was wrong, so, so wrong. What were you even doing? You were out, alone, in the night, with a man, not the one you were promised to. You needed to leave, needed to get back before anyone caught you.
You turned behind you, looking towards the distant village, now dimly glowing, the bonfire having been long put out.
“We should head back, it’s late.”
You rode up to the large, winding mangrove roots, sturdy against the strength and unpredictability of the sea.
You let Neteyam get off the ilu first, pulling himself onto the woven path suspended above as you disconnected your queue and slid into the water. You pet the ilu’s head, showing your gratitude before it disappeared into the sea with a chirp.
You reached up to grab the side of the pathway, but strong cerulean hands wrapped around your forearms. You follow the dark blue, follow the dark stripes painted on night skin, and see bright gold looking at you, like the sun.
“Here,” Neteyam pulled you out of the water as you hoisted your legs up onto the suspended pathway, attempting to find footing on the elastic weaving. You stepped too firmly, losing your balance and tumbling forward with a yelp, further into the dark blue arms.
Neteyam stumbled back slightly as he caught you, your body now pressed against his, “Easy there.”
“I’m so sorry,” you rushed out, cheeks warm, flustered.
“It’s okay,” he whispered.
You realized how close you were, you could feel his breath tickle your face, his heartbeat thump against his chest.
You peeled yourself away from him, “I, uh, should go,” meekly gesturing towards the direction of your mauri.
Neteyam’s ears perked, “Right, yeah, I should too,” but neither of you moved to leave.
“Okay, goodnight,” you whispered and turned to walk away, body bouncing with each step.
He watched your figure disappear into the night, now alone with just the sound of the water below him. His skin burned where yours touched, like an open wound that only you could heal.
What am I doing? He asked himself. You had barely met a full day ago, he didn’t know you, besides the parts where you two were the same, but still; he didn’t know your favourite food, your happiest memory, your fears. Yet, the breeze that blew through his braids and through your curls was pushing him to you, like a whisper, telling him it was right.
Neteyam sighed and looked up at the sky, asking Ewya why she wanted to toy with him. Why allow him a new life of calm, peace, only to dangle something he couldn’t have before him.
“Bro, where’ve you been?” a voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Lo’ak stood underneath a glowing lantern, making him visible in the night.
“A swim?” While technically true, Neteyam sounded far from convincing.
Lo’ak raised his eyebrows, “Sure.”
Neteyam scoffed and lightly shoved his brother.
Lo’ak continued, “We gotta go before dad wakes up. Or else he’s gonna beat my ass.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Lo’ak began walking away, leading the way to their mauri. Neteyam took one last look at the sky, sending a final plea to Ewya, before turning and following his brother. If he stayed and looked a second longer, he would’ve seen that the stars twinkled back, Ewya’s presence closer than ever, starting a new chapter in his story.
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nebulous-library · 1 year
my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again
Series: Tokyo Revengers Pairing: Kokonoi Hajime x Reader Word count: 5.1k Genre/Content/Tags: Not Safe For Worms - violent themes bc part of this takes place in the Bonten timeline, so if you're not comfortable witnessing Bonten!Koko put a gun in someone's mouth, now it the time to close tab, heavy manga spoilers, do not read if you haven't finished the manga, this fic will not make sense to you, not quite a soulmate au, more of an interwoven destiny kinda love, finding each other in different timelines basically, you’ll see, trust me, i promise the only thing spicy in this fic is the one big Bonten flashback, which just has like standard high level organized crime and violence type shit, u get to see koko get hella businessy and rough with someone who deserved it, yw, anyway just read the summary
[Read on AO3]
**MINORS DNI || 18+ ONLY**
Summary: You were Koko’s girl in the Bonten timeline. However, when the timeline resets, neither of you have ever met. Are you still destined to be? On a chance encounter in the Good Timeline, you stumble upon each other. You feel a magnetic pull and can’t help feeling like you know each other somehow already. “Do you think love can transcend lifetimes?”  
A/N: ...I couldn't hold it back any longer, I wanted to release one of my Koko fics out into the world. This hasn't been beta-read either, I don't wanna burden my beta reader too much with all she has going on.
Once again though, if you're not cool reading about Bonten Timeline Koko blowing someone's brains out, like, literally not sexually, now is your chance to tap out.
If not, then Bone Apple Teeth, my friends.
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You didn’t want to do this. You didn’t even know these people. You were only going because Chiyo’s date bailed on her at the last minute. Flaky jackass, you thought to yourself, cursing him for inadvertently sticking you with the task of attending the wedding of a pair of strangers with your friend in his stead. 
Chiyo had told you all about her childhood friend and now-coworker Hina – how kind and friendly she was, how easily she lit up a room and drew people to her, how you’d absolutely love her and wouldn’t at all feel out of place at this wedding. Chiyo was right about all but one of those things. 
The ceremony itself was sweet. You almost felt like you, too, had grown up with this couple and watched their love blossom into what it was now. They cared for each other dearly and it showed. Chiyo introduced you to the bride as the couple made their rounds at the reception, and she had indeed been correct in her assessment – Hina truly was a delight. The only thing Chiyo had been wrong about, though, was your ability to feel at home in this sea of countless strangers. Each of them had something deep and personal to say about the ceremony, or a story to swap about Hina and her husband and the adventures of their youth. You felt like the token fish out of water. 
Your only friend in this foreign place was long gone, busy catching up with the other teachers from the elementary school, leaving you to your own devices. Rather than stand around and stick out like a sore thumb, you made your way to the open bar to busy yourself with a nice peach bellini to ease the anxiety. You sighed as you sat down on the barstool, pinching your temples as the bartender worked on your drink. 
It would have been one thing if you were just alone in an unfamiliar place, but it didn’t help that you were fucking exhausted. At this point, you couldn’t recall the last time you’d had a solid night’s rest. Every time you shut your eyes, no matter how tired you were, your slumber was interrupted by strange dreams that consistently jolted you awake. Most were in the form of blurry vignettes of scenes you didn’t recognize, but that felt like memories nonetheless – low-lit tables with briefcases of bills, long drives through the city at night, taking in the view from inside the confines of some foreign luxury car, what seemed like drug deals that had potential to turn violent at any moment, crime scenes you got the sense you probably shouldn’t be at… All these little snippets would flash through your mind. 
At first these visions didn’t faze you, and you’d wake up like you always did in the mornings. You chalked it up to an overly active imagination or eating too close to bedtime. You thought it was weird that you were seemingly having recurring dreams, and it frustrated you that you couldn’t pinpoint the source of them. You tried to let it go, thinking you were reading too much into it, but the dreams only got more vivid from there.
You soon became familiar with a cast of characters that would show up in these visions. You never saw exactly what they looked like, but you could tell their presences apart from one another by their mannerisms and voices – a strange sword-wielding eccentric who was all too eager for the chance to draw his blade, a duo that seemed to always at each other’s throats (probably brothers, you figured), their quiet and serious leader whose words sent a chill through your bones. These were undoubtedly dangerous men, but the strangest part was that in each of these dreams, you felt no fear. Like you belonged there. Like their presence didn’t faze you in the slightest. 
There was another, perhaps the most prominent, figure present in almost every one of your dreams as of late – a man with silver hair that fell straight at his shoulder, frequently dressed in red and gold silks. He was always there, and he always brought you a sense of calmness. His voice was buttery smooth and even playful at times, sending shivers down your spine.
Your visions of him were considerably more detailed than the rest, and frankly it alarmed you. As you “saw” him more and more regularly, the less convinced you were that these were just dreams. While the others came in flashes and vignettes, of him you could see whole scenarios play out.
In the most recent instance you’d seen him, you were seated beside him in the passenger seat of his Rolls-Royce, pulling up to a shady-looking building that you were almost certain was condemned. He clicked off the engine. 
“Just a quick stop. You stay here,” he’d said with a kiss to the side of your head as he gathered his things – a black folio and a revolver – and headed into the towering building that loomed over you. You got the sense that he tried his best to keep you as far out of harm’s way as he could. But that didn’t mean your curiosity didn’t get the better of you. 
In all fairness, you did try to be patient, but you hadn’t expected this “quick stop” to take quite so long. And to be perfectly honest, you were more unnerved by sitting alone in the alley than you were by whatever job he had gone off to take care of. You quietly unlocked the door, looking vigilantly at your surroundings, peeled yourself off the leather seat, and exited, lightly shutting the door behind you.
You removed your heels before proceeding into the building. It was dark inside, not a single soul in sight as you entered the dusty foyer. If this building was used at all, surely it wasn’t for anything that was able to operate in daylight hours. Your feet padded on the cool black and white tile as you approached the grand staircase at the center of the room. Your fingertips grazed the knob of the post at the base of the railing, and you paused, taking in your surroundings. You imagined this was once a place where important people gathered, judging by the ornate architecture and elegant mural-clad walls. The moonlight streaming in from the windows above caught each dust particle floating like feathers in the stale air, assuring you no one had congregated in this place in a good long while.
Just to be sure, you double checked that you had your knife in its holster at your thigh, before tiptoeing your way up the rich mahogany stairway. You passed the second floor, just as dead as the last, and continued on to the third, from which you swore you could hear some sort of commotion. You headed in the direction of the noise, eventually finding what appeared to be the sole lit room in the building.
You peered in the doorway.
Before you was a room with walls covered in clear plastic that was completely empty, save for an old couch pressed against the wall, and a singular chair in the center of the tarp-covered floor. Facing away from the door was a man strapped to the chair, thrashing against his restraints and trying desperately to cry out despite the gag in his mouth. 
The man in red slowly walked circles around him, like a shark with its prey. The heels of his shoes clacked authoritatively with each steady stride as he read off a list of amounts of money, each considerably more than the last. 
“….and finally, an ¥80,000,000 charge. Do you have any idea the kind of debt you’ve racked up, Mr. Yamada?” he interrogated, his folio snapping shut in his left hand before he tucked it gracefully under his arm. 
Muffled cries were the only response.
You heard the trill of the metal chamber of his freshly-loaded revolver spinning, stopping with a click. 
“Or with whom you’ve accrued it?” 
The barrel was pressed firmly to the side of the restrained man’s head, and he sobbed louder. 
“Bonten intends to collect. One payment method or another.” He pulled the gag out of his victim’s mouth. “Now then…any last words?”
Whatever Mr. Yamada said was barely coherent, some mixture of blubbering and pleading for his life and just a little more time. 
The man in red acted quickly, kicking square against Mr. Yamada’s chest, knocking him onto his back on the floor, floundering as he begged. Cries of “no” and “please” spilled from his lips as the man you’d arrived with crouched over him, one ornate stiletto on either side of his victim’s torso, and pressed the gun between his eyes. He raked his fingers through the man’s hair, yanking back to meet his own gaze as he trailed the barrel down Mr. Yamada’s cheek, slipping it between his lips as he screamed. 
“Time to pay the piper,” the gunman said teasingly, before his expression darkened in an instant. “Pick a god and pray.”
He sighed as he rose to his full stature, looking at the darkened red splotches on his clothing, resigned to the mess and wiping down his gun with a dry portion of his sleeve.
“I hate getting my hands dirty,” he complained.
The pink-haired man quietly seated on the sofa stood up. “You say that, but you sure looked like you were having fun with it. ‘Pick a god and pray’?” he asked mockingly.
“Oh, stuff it. I may get caught up in the moment but that doesn’t mean I enjoy the mess.”
The other man simply shrugged in response. “I’m just saying you’re not as big of a buzzkill as you let them think you are. You should take it as a compliment.” He strode closer, kicking at the soiled plastic tarp as he approached the deceased. “Even if you did have to go and be all uptight about putting all this crap down.” 
The silver-haired man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s because last time, somebody didn’t take precautions and it made cleanup a nightmare for everyone else,” he said pointedly. 
“I take back what I said before – you are a buzzkill.”
A hush fell over the room for a brief moment, and you leaned in further to try and get a better view. The men inside, however, reacted in an instant at the patter of your feet against the floor breaking the silence. Thinking they’d been followed at the sight of your shadow, the silver-haired man quickly pointed his firearm toward the doorway as his companion drew his katana from its sheath. 
“Who’s there?” he shouted, his voice more demanding than questioning, the echo hanging over you in the hall where you stood.
“It’s me!” you cried out quickly, before he had a chance to fire a warning shot in your direction.
“Princess?” his voice softened, sounding almost troubled. “What are you doing – Nevermind. Just…stay right there, okay? I don’t want you seeing this,” his voice called back to you. You thought it was sweet that he tried to preserve your innocence. It was like he didn’t know the way being near him while he worked thrilled you.
After some brief arguing with the other man over cleanup details, he emerged from the room, placing his palm on the small of your back and briskly escorting you out. 
“I thought I told you to stay out here,” he said, more concern in his voice than anger as you approached the car. 
“I tried, really! It was just…spooky all quiet,” you pouted, following him as he opened the trunk, going for the stash of sanitary wipes and a fresh suit from the cleaners. He looked down the alley toward the main road to be sure no one was coming before stripping and wiping himself down and changing into the clean clothing, shoving the sullied items into a black trash bag he tied off and stuck in the trunk to be disposed of later. 
As he pulled the lid down, you snaked your fingers up the pressed lapel, tracing the pinstripes up to his neck. “Besides,” you said, thumbing over the single speck of blood he’d missed, wiping it clean. “You’re sexy when you work.”
He caught your hand in his, holding it firmly against his chest. He looked calm, but you could feel his heart racing. Was it the adrenaline? Or was it just what you did to him?
The two of you stood there for a moment in silence before you piped up,”...Are you mad at me?”
The very thought was extinguished in an instant, his lips pressed firmly and tenderly against yours. They were soft and warm and full of love, leaving you breathless when he pulled away.
“How could I ever be mad?” 
And with that, he opened your door, ushering you into the vehicle, and climbing in the other side. If you hurried, you might still make your dinner reservations. 
As he put his hand on the gear shift, you playfully trailed your fingers up his wrist and the back of your hand. He smirked, slipping his hand atop yours, roughly gripping down, and pulling the gear shift into drive – and you were off. 
Even now, it was like you could still feel his lingering touch. his fingers interlocked with yours. You watched your own fingers as you drummed on the counter, envisioning his warm palm laid over the back of your hand and his finger – long and elegant but still strong and firm – interlocked with yours. You groaned, burrowing your face into the crook of your elbow. You were really losing sleep, losing your mind over someone whose face you’d never even seen before. Someone who didn’t even exist. 
You couldn’t help it, though. Once your head hit the pillow and consciousness left you, all it took was for one scene to play out, and your body’s reaction to it would yank you back to this plane of existence. It was forceful, like part of you was clinging with all its might, desperate for just a moment longer in this other land. Like that part of your soul was ripped away from where it knew it belonged.
Your mind drifted to him once again, to the moment you’d known that you must have loved him. It was late. There you were, with him in his bed, in a room several stories above the tops of other apartment buildings in the area, the only light in the room being that which filtered in through the floor-length windows from the vivacious night life of the city below. It was a lively area, but nowhere that anyone would come looking for him. The sirens that wailed in the distance were on the trail of another. This was your own personal oasis, hidden in plain sight. 
It was all a blur, though. There could have been nothing surrounding you, honestly. There was him, and only him. 
The taste of his kiss was fresh on your lips as he gathered you in his arms. You laid on your sides, facing each other, chests flush against one another. He clutched you tightly, like part of him thought you would vanish if he let go, and you buried your face against his collarbone, one hand pressed against his heart. 
You recalled the feeling of hot tears dripping onto your neck as he kissed up your jaw to your cheek, lingering upon reaching their destination. But what echoed in your mind even now were the words he muttered – “I wouldn’t know what to do if I ever lost you too.”
Even thinking about it now made your heart leap in your chest. Something deep within you so vehemently rebuked the thought that he could merely be a figment of your overactive imagination that you were almost constantly plagued with these memories. You really were just losing your mind, you thought to yourself.
You sighed, sitting up as the bartender slid you your beverage. You thanked him, sure that the relieved look in your eyes more than conveyed your gratitude. He offered a shallow bow in response as if to say, “Just doing my job.”
Oh, that sweet, sweet first sip. It wasn’t very strong, but nonetheless provided the brief reprieve from the swirling storm of your own thoughts that you needed. You took a deep breath, stretching your neck to either side and taking a moment to let the alcohol do its thing and bring you the relaxation you craved. 
You swiveled around in your seat and crossed your legs, surveying the crowded reception hall as you nursed your drink. 
The groom was being swarmed by a herd of gentlemen who looked as if they had almost nothing in common – like he was their uniting factor. You could tell from the way they fussed over and clung to him that he was without a doubt an important figure in all their lives. It was sweet. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of your mouth. 
Amidst the men was one in particular who looked to be having the time of his life. He couldn’t be much taller than 5’4”, and was currently dodging the grasp of a considerably taller man with his dark hair in a braided ponytail who was chasing him down. A handful of the others simply stood back and watched as the short one evaded capture. A tan man with glasses and slicked blonde hair pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, walking off somewhere to talk to one of the photographers. You kept your eyes on the chase, wondering just how long these two could keep at it.
That was when you heard it – that laugh. 
It came from somewhere across the room and made your ears burn. Your head jerked in the direction it came from, and there you saw him. 
He stood by the hors d’oeuvres fable, chatting with a hulking behemoth of a man wearing a paisley scarf and a wild grin. You could barely see him around the other man’s broad shoulders, but there he was. His dark hair was swept to the side, white streaks peppered in, adding to the shape and volume. His eyes twinkled with mirth and mischief as he spoke to who you assumed was his long-time friend. 
You studied him as he raised his beverage to his lips, fixating on the delicate way he wrapped his fingers around the glass. Those fingers. You knew those fingers.
You shook your head to yourself. What the hell are you thinking, projecting your imaginary boyfriend onto a stranger? Get a grip, you chided yourself. But you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. The way he carried himself, the whimsical glint in his eyes…this wasn’t anybody you’d ever seen before, but still, your soul was screaming. The tension within you felt like pulling magnets apart.
That was when he glanced your way, and your heart just about leapt out of your chest. It was only for a split second, but it felt like an eternity. His eyes absolutely and without a doubt landed on yours. 
“That’s him. That’s absolutely him,” said the burning sensation in your chest.
You were relieved the instant his glance passed over you, but it didn’t last long. You were about to get up and walk out before you made a complete idiot of yourself – Chiyo would understand if you explained to her later. You needed to not be here. But before you could make a single move, he did a double take, looking puzzled for a moment, as if he thought he’d spotted someone he knew.
His eyes widened when you made eye contact that second time. 
Quickly, he knocked back the rest of his drink, handing the empty glass to his friend and briskly walking in your direction. 
No, this is insane, you told yourself. I have to get out of here. You fumble in your purse, rummaging for your keys as you stand up.
But the instant you tried to take a step, his hand was on your bicep. 
“Excuse me,” he called, almost panicked.
You turned to him, and time stilled. As his face came into full view, you knew.
It was him.
“I swear this isn’t a pickup line, but do we know each other?”
The part of you that wanted to run and hide was at war with the part that wanted to throw yourself at him and say you’ve been searching for him, and the result was you simply standing there, floundering for words as your wide eyes met his. 
This couldn’t really be happening.
The name spilled from your lips before you realized it, like it had been on the tip of your tongue all this time. The name you’d never heard, but somehow you knew. It was him.
His breath hitched, the shock continuing to spread on his face. “You do know me, don’t we? And I know you…but I’ve never seen you before? This is insane, right? But you’ve been seeing it too, haven’t you? The visions?”
It was happening. 
“How did you –” you stammered.
“I don’t know, but it’s you, right? You’re the one who’s been in all those weird dreams with Mikey and the Haitanis and everyone in that organization? I mean, not that I knew what you looked like before or anything, but when I looked over here something just pulled me,” he rambled, sounding as insane as you felt. 
He takes both your hands in his and you respond with a small nod.
“I-I thought I was crazy,” you managed to stutter, squeezing his hands as if you still don’t believe he was right there in front of you. You wanted to cry, to throw yourself into his arms, but refrained, not wanting to cause a scene. 
“I thought I was crazy,” he repeated back.. “And they always feel so real, too. Shit…” He brought his hand to his forehead in disbelief. 
The two of you paused, letting everything sink in. You’d both been having these strange visions set in some other lifetime, each featuring one another. But what did it even mean?
The look on your face must have said it all. 
“...Let’s go talk somewhere a little more private,” he suggested. 
You nodded, and he laced his fingers in yours, leading you out to the gardens on the church’s second floor courtyard. 
Hajime led you to the bench, dusting it off with his handkerchief and offering you his hand as you sat down. You took it, not wanting to pass up another opportunity to check whether or not he was real. So far, all signs still pointed to yes.
He sat down beside you, still holding your hand, but leaning back, looking up at the sky, covered in sherbet-colored clouds and obscured by the foliage above. He gave your hand a squeeze.
You sat there in silence, examining him. It was evident on his face that he was processing everything. He would look at you, then back up, then glance back at you again, and look up again. His chest was heaving, and you couldn’t explain what possessed you to do this, but you let your free hand wander, trailing up his torso before landing above his heart. The same flutter, the same rhythm from your dreams. It really was him. 
As soon as you flinched to withdraw your hand, he caught it in his, holding you there, now looking directly into your eyes.
“Do you think love can transcend lifetimes?” he asks, catching you by surprise. 
“I…suppose I hadn’t really thought about it until recently…” you muttered, trailing off.
“...Yeah, me neither.” 
A beat.
“...And we’re sure that we’ve been seeing the same things?” you piped up.
He sat upright and turned to face you properly. 
“Did you see the tattoos?” he asked, motioning to where his had been on the side of his head.
You nodded.
“And the others had them too, right?” 
“Yeah, there were a couple with them like, on their throats? I think?” you replied.
He nodded. “Yeah! I think they had their hair the same as they do now, actually. And Mikey had his on the back of his neck?”
You nodded again. “You keep saying those names like I know them,” you said.
He tilted his head. “But you know mine –”
“I didn’t until a minute ago,” you said, cutting him off. “I don’t…I don’t even know how I knew. As soon as I saw you, it kind of just…came out of my mouth?” You shook your head, looking at him to see if any of this sounded less sane to him.
“Seriously?” he smiled, leaning back again. Dropping your hands, he brought both of his to his face, rubbing at his eyes and letting out a sigh. He leaned back again, letting his head drop as he laughed. 
He looked at you again, left forearm pressed against his head as he reached to take both your hands in his right. 
“Well, I’m convinced. Confused as hell, but convinced.”
“I think I’m in the same boat,” you said. “But wait, how come you know who the others are? I never saw anybody very clearly.”
“Really? …Well, it could also have to do with the fact that I’ve known those guys most of my life. You probably just met them tonight, too.”
“‘Met them tonight’?” you asked. “What do you mean I met them tonight?”
He sat up again, his salt and pepper hair bouncing as he looked toward you. “They’re all in there,” he said, jabbing his thumb in the direction of the reception hall.
“What? Really?” You sprang to your feet, trying to look into the window meters away. 
He stood up, resting a hand on your shoulder. “Wanna meet them?” he suggested, ushering you back that direction. 
“What? N-no, I couldn’t, I-I-,” you protested, digging in your heels.
“Fine, fine, you don’t have to go meet anybody,” he chuckled. Your shyness was endearing. “At least let me point them out to you, yeah?”
Cautiously, you followed along as he walked you to the window. 
He was right. The pair that you’d assumed were twins were Ran and Rindou Haitana, who owned a club in Roppongi, the man with the katana was Haruchiyo Akashi, who was at the wedding with his sister with whom he shared a Youtube channel, and that silent, mysterious leader was the short guy who was being chased around earlier. Hajime pointed out the others, and briefly told you about their collective history with the Tokyo Manji Gang in high school, and about the groom, Takemichi, who, alongside Mikey, had brought together so many people from different walks of life and made everyone feel like they had a true home and family to call their own. 
The way he smiled looking in at them made your heart melt. He wasn’t the same person he had been in your dreams, but he was still someone whose soul was etched into yours, and someone you could see yourself loving in this lifetime as well.
He turned to you, raising your hand to his lips. “And you already know me, but allow me to introduce myself formally. Hajime Kokonoi, co-president of TK&KO. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” His lips barely brushed against your knuckles, and you felt your face flush. 
The two of you stayed out there as the sun went down, spending heaven knows how long just talking and getting to know about each other – what types of things you’d seen in your dreams, what you liked and disliked, what your hopes for the future were. It was dark before either of you realized, and things were beginning to wind down inside. 
“...Guess we should probably go back in, huh?” you asked, shivering as the evening chill set in. 
Upon noticing, Hajime shucked his jacket, draping it over your shoulders.
“Aw, but we’re having so much fun out here,” he pouted, that mischivous look in his eyes once again. From where you were, you could still hear the DJ spinning tracks – this one was particularly slow. He bowed, extending his hand to you. The instant you took it, he pulled you in close, his left hand pressed flat against the middle of your back. 
You were interrupted, however, by a golden-haired man in a yellow suit.
“Koko, are you –? Oh,” he said, surprised to be catching the two of you in this position.
Hajime sighed, releasing you from his hold.
“One more person for you to meet,” he said, gesturing toward the intruder. “This is Inupi, we’ve known each other since we were children.” 
Inupi gave you a small wave and a nod before turning his attention back to Koko. “Mikey wants us to take a group photo with Takemicchi and sent me to find you.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
The look on Inupi’s face said, “You’d better be.” But when Hajime waved him off, he went back inside regardless. 
“Well, so much for our evening,”  he said. 
“It is getting pretty late. What time is it?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. You have my phone,” he nodded, gesturing at the jacket on your shoulders. 
“Oh, here, let me –” you started to shrug it off your shoulders, and he stopped you. 
“Ah, ah, I got it,” he said, reaching into the pocket on the side, taking a moment to feel around for his phone. “Got it. Oh, it’s only 10 o’clock,” he said, as if that wasn’t already most of the night.
He walked you back inside, and you saw Chiyo and one of her other friends having their last round at the bar. She noticed you and waved you over. You waved back and held up a finger, telling her you’d be just a minute. 
You and Hajime bade each other adieu, and as he walked over to his group, you realized you still had his coat. 
“Oh! Hajime, wait, your jacket!” you called after him.
He turned around and continued walking backwards. “Keep it safe for me until next time! Check the pocket,” he said, playfully sticking his tongue out at you. 
As you walked toward the bar, you stuck your hand into the pocket he’d fished his phone out of, finding nothing but a business card. His business card. You pulled it out and looked at it. 
“There you are! I was looking for you all night!” Chiyo said, bubbly and drunkenly. “Who’s that guy?” 
“Oh, y’know, a guy…” you said, only half paying attention as you examined the card. You flipped it over to reveal what you could only assume was Hajime’s cell number, and a message –
“Not losing you again. See you in my dreams.”
You decided to text him when you got home.
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xylomilo · 11 months
Ninja Headcannons
Any pronouns
Demiromantic Bisexual with male lean
Afro-Latino with a little bit of French from great-grandfather
NU Goth
Collects records
Short butterfly locs
Booba 🤲🤲🤲
Will eat anything and everything if it doesn’t leave his mouth
PTSD from the fall in March of the Oni 🥰
After DotD, the others (and him) kept forgetting Cole isn’t a ghost anymore so they kept hitting him and he kept bumping into walls for a while
His mother would make cake from him when younger, thus why he loves it so much
Releases stress by training, baking cakes, or listening to music
Likes to study the meaning behind song lyrics
3/4 Korean 1/4 White (Libber was half white half Korean)
Portable charger that never runs out
Southern accent that faded away over time
Scene kid in high school
Mythology nerd
Everyone bullies him for being part white
Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fan
Refuses to download Twitter bc his fans scare the shit out of him
Audhd(?) (Autistic ADHD)
Half Filipino Half Argentinian
Used to sacrifice a lot of things just to see Nya happy (cough cough Kenny McCormick cough cough)
Switched names with Nya one day and got hit by the transgender-fication ray
Constantly refers to Nya as “sis” because she used to be the only thing he had
Only good at forging magical weapons (the opposite of Karlof lmao)
Allergic to seafood but didn’t know until he was talking to the others like “yk it’s weird how fish makes my lips tingle” and they went 😟😟
Used to have nightmares the day his parents disappeared
Has accidentally made so many fires out the most random things
Every sea creature hates him
Dragons adore him and Oni loathe him
Trans, non-binary
Achillean AroAce spectrum
Japanese with a bit of Chinese from grandma
Has never seen any pictures of his grandmother, only heard vague stories
Lots of animals like him. Like a lot. Bro is followed by anything and everything when he goes to the park.
Seasonal allergies (FUCKING LOSER (im projecting))
Collector of books he will never read, physical and digital
Old dreamsmp fan- the others still make fun of him for it to this day
Sleeps in the most uncomfortable positions and places but is somehow fine
Lloyd wishes he had stayed in contact with Brad.
Had matching bracelets with Brad, but Lloyd doesn’t remember where he put it
Lloyd sometimes stalks Brad’s social media pages to see what he’s been up to, but is too scared to actually follow him back. When they do though, they find out Brad blocked them on everything the day after.
Post season 16, Lloyd became a pet sitter for a while. Imagine their surprise when the door opened and he was face-to-face with Brad. Lloyd quit the next day.
Half Filipino Half Argentinian
Really observant
Knows what Kai did for her when they were younger and she feels awful about it
Can manipulate water in people but it’s hard to do
Couldn’t remember what her parents looked or sounded like until Season 7
Used to steal a lot when she was younger to help her brother
Every sea creature likes her
Dragons are terrified of her
Wakes up in a cold sweat when her older middle-child senses start tingling (Red Green Blue Ghost by beloved 🙏🙏)
Her and Morro got intense beef like fist fighting type (middle child stuff)
“Babe why is your mom hot” “Nya istfsm”
Used to overheat a lot pre season 4 but his ice powers cancelled it out
“Oh this media is nice” proceeds to research it for the next twelve hours (me)
Gets treated like a brand new iPhone by Acronix 😭😭
Doesn’t need to charge, being near Jay Is enough 😭😭
Kenny McCormick by how many times he has died
“Don’t worry guys, I can fix this problem” pulls out gun
Their heart is made of ice, literally (their power core is made of blue crystal and chronosteel, which is how the old EM gave Zane their powers)
Collects everything and anything
“Aw, this is too expensive!” … “Wait I’m rich.”
Only wears turtlenecks and plaid pants/skirts
Small rivalry with Nya because everything PIXAL creates, Nya has created before
A little bit insane
Zane: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
PIXAL: You already are
“Woah, they’re laser focused!” and PIXAL is listening to celebrity drama videos
Likes watching people argue on Samurai X’s gender/pronouns (thinks its funny)
Acts like schlatt sometimes
Has a habit of speaking in a monotone voice and is genuinely surprised when people think it’s being rude
Brutally honest 😭😭 Kai will say “does this make my ass look fat?” and PIXAL will respond with “the opposite, actually.”
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cobaltaugustao3 · 10 months
2500 BC - Land of Uz
‘What am I?’ Aziraphale asked with a look that sent a pang of sorrow through Crowley.
‘You’re an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can.’
‘That sounds, um…’
Aziraphale didn’t reply, just nodded.
‘Yeah,’ Crowley said.
‘But you said it wasn’t.’
Oh, this sweet, naive angel. Thousands of years among the humans and he was still so ready to believe every word he heard.
‘I’m a demon,’ Crowley said. ‘I lied.’
They sat on the rock for a long time. So long, in fact, that day turned to night and night bled back into day before another word was spoken.
‘Where are you headed next?’ Aziraphale finally asked, eyes fixed on the shimmering sea, the soft pastels of dawn pinking the water.
‘I dunno, thought I might hang around here a little longer.’ Crowley rose to his feet and stretched, hands high above his head. Aziraphale turned to watch him. ‘I’ve a house here, a nice little one-bed with its own garden, just on the outskirts of the town. I think I can stay a few more years, enjoy the wine and good weather before reporting back to Hell.’ He looked down at Aziraphale and gave him a crooked grin. Azizaphale’s eyes darted away and Crowley’s grin only widened. ‘Where are you off to?’
‘I’m not sure. I should probably head back up, check that the reports on Job’s trials don’t mention anything too out of the ordinary.’
Crowley reached out a hand and Aziraphale took it, letting himself be hoisted to his feet. His hand was warm and soft in Crowley’s. They stayed holding hands for a long moment before Aziraphale pulled his hand free and smoothed down his robes.
‘I best be off, then.’ He took a deep breath and began to make a sign in the air.
Aziraphale’s hand froze.
Crowley swallowed. ‘What if you came over to my place, to, um, you know, celebrate a job well done.’ Aziraphale cocked an eyebrow and Crowley hurried on. ‘I could cook. Show you some of the finer things the humans have managed to whip up in their kitchens. Would be a shame if you went back to Heaven without trying something other than Ox.’
Aziraphale stared at Crowley for a long moment, lips pursed. Crowley shifted awkwardly, sandaled foot scraping across coarse sand.
‘Yeah?’ Crowley couldn’t fight the grin that spread across his face.
‘But no wine, you hear me, Demon?’
Crowley threw up his hands. ‘You have my word.’
Azriaphale rolled his eyes. ‘The word of a demon, I’m sure I can put my utmost trust in that.’
Crowley tilted his head and winked, a sliver of yellow iris and slitted pupil sliding over Aziraphale's face. ‘Be at mine by sundown.’ He turned and started to stroll away.
‘How will I find your house?’ Aziraphale called after him.
Crowley swivelled, walking backwards for a few steps. ‘Follow the snakes. I’ll tell them to point the way.’
He thought he heard a quiet ‘oh, good Lord’ as he turned away and continued his walk towards town.
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yooniesim · 1 year
Honestly, I feel like the reason these people get away with these poor quality meshes and shady tactics is because most people don’t realize that it’s not all that good in the first place. You sit there and think “WOW! Look at this person who made their own items for the game!” and since you don’t know how to do it yourself and you’re on the outside looking in, it all seems impressive. I can definitely pinpoint the moment I realized that it’s as good as it seems.
I was too poor to buy packs so I used CC to fill the gaps , but then I discovered the Seven Seas of the Internet. Suddenly, I had all the packs at my disposal and I was so excited going through all these CAS items that I only ever saw in pack reviews on YouTube. But, that feeling faded quickly because I realized that I had seen most of them already in the form of CC mesh edits. I think what really put the nail in the coffin was seeing the DHD Items and realizing how many creators made their mesh edits and put them under early access w/o mentioning that they were just barely tweaked versions of an EA item.
I definitely had to take a step back from downloading CC after that, because I couldn’t view the creators I had admired so much in the same light as I had previously. All their creations were just kinda meh now that I had realized that they didn’t really create them at all and had just chopped it up and sold it as theirs. It was like finding out an artist you liked was just tracing everything and presenting it as theirs just because they changed the hairstyle.
Anyways, thanks for letting me ramble and keep on being awesome!
Nonny, I agree with everything you said. I went through this same thing as I realized more about cc creating and really how simple and repetitive some of my favorite cc was. I would be thinking a creator had super high quality work and was good at replicating EA's style... just to find out it was literally EA's meshes & textures just slightly tweaked. Considering how EA is (justifiably) shit on and used to be considered worse than cc creators, the situation has really taken a turn with maxis match creators. I really feel sorry for people that started simblrs in the last few years bc they will never know how you used to have 10x more content for FREE after a pack would drop, there would be repeats bc everyone was scrambling to make these little edits. Now the same 4-5 creators horde them under "add on" packs for extra money after people already paid EA for the pack. It's really just more microtransactions but it's from people that used to (seem to) care about the community & having fun but now just see dollar signs. I really honestly think they take those preview pics we get of all the items in a pack and seriously plan what they're going to slice and dice before the pack even comes out. And I think it's funny to criticize EA's every move (which i agree with tbh) when you're pretty much just a leech grabbing the work of the devs and stretching it as far as you can for your own gain. And they KNOW it's shady, that's why they hide and only pop in to post their cc, that's why they're super defensive, why they only talk to each other and have their lil secret discords where they pass around peoples names and get them banned from all their patreons while immediately chain blocking the people that criticize them on tumblr. The first minute I criticized early access (before I ever mentioned anyone by name), I got chain blocked by 5-8 big creators within a day, and i'm even blocked by maxismatchccworld by the same exact reason. They 1000% block out anyone they can and just collect a check every month off their basically- let's call it what it is- stolen work.
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ventiswampwater · 8 months
find the word wip game
rules: search your wip(s) for the words given to you and share a sentence, then assign words for the people you tag
@visceravalentines MEG TYSM FOR THIS TAG this was so SO fckn fun. what an electric concept!! I shared more than a sentence for each bc I'm a fiend
my words were mouth, fall, dirt, teeth, and open!! cracking my knuckles like wooooooooo let's GOOOO
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from sacramentum (midnight mass // father paul hill x reader)
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What happened to Mary in that cave? Alone, having stripped herself of all other pleasures—nothing but her thoughts and the one book she’d allowed herself. Wandering the seaside and building crucifixes out of sticks and roots, tied together by some stray fishing line. Had she looked down on his face, whittled crudely out of stone, and wished for steadier hands to carve his likeness? How many times had she woken with the sound of the sea in her ears? Perched by the mouth of the cave, watching the sky turn from gray to blue to gold to black?
Did she ever see ships on the horizon? What did she think of them? Had she ever thought of flagging one down? And what was the punishment she’d given herself for that?
When did you stop feeling hungry? You couldn’t survive on tears alone.
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from dancing in the moonlight (an american werewolf in london // david kessler & jack goodman x reader)
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“We could’ve gotten frostbite.” Jack mutters.
“In the worst case scenario, yes, I suppose.” David replies, helping himself to a bagel.
“We almost got trench foot.”
“We did not!” David exclaims, laughing.
“That’s why I said almost, poindexter.” Jack counters. “One more night of wet socks and my toes would’ve fallen off. One by one—” He flicks his index finger three times, making a popping noise with his lips. “And it would’ve been all your fault. Good luck explaining that to my mother when we get back in the states. Oh, sorry Mrs. Goodman, I had Jack trekking through miles upon miles of soggy moorland and now he’s toeless. Those socks you knit him, forget about it. Maybe give it ‘til next Hanukkah and he’ll regrow his toes—oh, wait…”
“You’re ridiculous.” David shakes his head.
“Oh yeah? I’ll remember that when I’m decomposing next to you. Toes gone. Rotting.” Picking up the tongs, Jack wavers above the platter of croissants. “Sure you’ll find me real funny then, you schmuck.”
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from sometime after midnight (house of wax // bojangles sinclair x reader)
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The dull blue glow from the keypad barely illuminates the ground, but you can make out the unmistakable sign of cherry red fluid leaking onto the dirt. A steady trickle of it drips from the underside of the car—and it's not stopping anytime soon.
Your transmission is fucked.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” You exclaim.
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from serotonin (house of wax // carly jones x reader)
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She pictures her tank top, bloody and tattered, stuffed into a plastic bag labeled with EVIDENCE in bold letters. The prosecutor clicks to the next projection slide and there she is, another picture.
“Who are the women in the photographs? Are they still alive? It’s difficult." The detective on the screen grimaces. "We only have remnants of them. We’ve found teeth…clothes. The trophies they kept of these women will hopefully lead us to discovering their identities. I don’t know how long it’s going to take. But they deserve to have their names given back to them.”
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from a handful of bluebonnets (tcm // thomas hewitt x reader)
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He’d been young. Young enough to still show his face, but old enough to know that it was the reason people were staring. He didn’t remember much from that day, just open-mouthed stares and the cow at the county fair with big watery eyes. Black, shining irises eclipsing the thin white sclera, framed with long lashes. She was a regal old thing, standing with her neck held high, ears twitching.
He thought he saw her again once, years later.
Her coat was duller, her head dropping. She’d traded her blue ribbons for slippery red blood, splattered along the wall and running down the grate. You use up all your usefulness on pride and this is where you’re bound to end up.
Maybe she’d been the first one. Spoiled with the heartbreak of a life that never came to be.
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tagging @possumteeths, @f1nalboys, @pretty-possum, and aaaaaaa I'm blanking on who else might have wips fdjshjhfdsjhsdf
so!! whoever else wants to do this!!! pls consider urself tagged!!
your words are blood, eyes, sleep, skin, & break 👀👀👀
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mortallyatomicmoon · 1 year
Bcs name meanings!
So I did this with tf2 characters already but I figured I’d give it a go with Better call Saul characters, because Vince tends to put in a lot of detail. So i can imagine the names might be intentional. At least somewhat. Sorry if any of these are inaccurate- this is just what the internet is telling me. (if characters share last names I’ll only do them once)
JAMES: Replacer MORGAN: Sea-born MCGILL: Son of the lad
KIMBERLY: From the meadow of the royal fortress WEXLER: Changer
CHARLES: Free man
HOWARD: High guardian HAMLIN: Little home lover
IGNACIO: Fiery one VARGA: Shoe-maker
MICHAEL: Who is like god EHRMANTRAUT: (Werner said it was world+ strength if my memory serves which is kind of correct? There is a whole debate apparently)
EDUARDO: Wealthy guard SALAMANCA: (aaparently this is a city in western Spain?)
TUCO: The ugly one (poor tuco :((( not true he’s very handsome)
MARCO: Of mars (War-like)
LEONEL: Young lion
HECTOR: Stead-fast
GUSTAVO: Royal Staff FRING: (I couldn’t personally find anything for this)
Some of the names seem to be picked because they just liked the names. Some of them, if you reach I could see being intentional. I’ll leave that up to you to decide though
oh, and of course
SAUL: Prayed for GOODMAN: Good man
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quobber · 2 years
tattooed kiss (Gwen Stacy x Peter Parker)
sooooooooo this was supposed to be a halloween thing but i am about 15 days too late. bc i gave it up then started it again.
Gwen and Peter run into each other at a Halloween party. (18+)
Words: 3.2K
contents: academic rivals to lovers, college AU, halloween party
Gwen looked at herself in the mirror. God, had she really let herself become this cliche? Wearing a sexy cat costume to a halloween frat party? She examined herself in the mirror, nerves setting in. She’d never done something bold like this. She didn’t even know why she was doing it. There was no one she was trying to impress. Besides…
She was not doing this for any man, especially Peter Parker.
Peter was her lab partner, and a horrible one at that. He was always late or not even showing up to class. He didn’t pay attention, but somehow always aced tests. Gwen had to work her ass off for her GPA, and Peter was right behind her without even trying. He knew he got under her skin. He’d flash her a big, stupid grin whenever a test was passed back and he had an A+ on top of the paper. 
“Peter Parker: top of his class. It has a nice ring to it, I think.” Peter mumbled to Gwen, leaning back in his seat. Gwen huffed and looked away from him, heat rushing to her cheeks. She could barely stand to even be around him- he made her so angry that her stomach did flips and she couldn’t think straight.
The costume made her tits look good, though. She shrugged, grabbing her purse and heading towards the door.
She walked into the frat house, music immediately blaring in her ears. The walls seemed to shake with the bass boosted speakers. She looked out at the sea of people, most of them drunk or high or both. Why did she decide to come here in the first place?
As she weaved through people to try and find some quiet, she heard a whistle.
God, please, not him. “Gwendolyne Stacy, is that you?” Flash slurred, making his way over to her.
“It’s just Gwen.” “You look good. Best costume I’ve seen tonight.” He gave her a drunken grin and leaned against the wall next to her.
She’d briefly gone out with Flash Thompson in the beginning of the semester. But he made it very clear very quickly that the “nice guy” thing he’d used the first few weeks was an act.
“Fuck off, Flash.” She rolled her eyes.
Flash stood up straight, smile wiped clean off. 
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” He raised his voice. Several people turned. “You know whose fucking party this is? Mine. You’re lucky you’re even here. And then you have the nerve to show up like that and tell me to fuck off. News flash: only pretty girls can wear costumes like that. Stick to the books. And get the fuck out.” 
It seemed to go impossibly quiet. Even the white noise became silent. Everyone was staring. Tears welled up in Gwen’s eyes. She knew she would never recover from this. By the next day she’d be the biggest laughing stock on campus.
“What’s your problem, Eugene?” A voice spoke from behind several people. Eugene. Whoever it was clearly didn’t know Flash. He wouldn’t hesitate to punch anyone who used his real name. He’d done it many times before. 
Peter Parker stepped out of the crowd, and Gwen felt like she was going to throw up. 
“I know it's frustrating that no one wants to fuck you, but you shouldn’t take it out on other people.” 
Gwen’s jaw hung open slightly. She didn’t expect anyone to stand up to Flash, much less Peter Parker. And he was defending her.
She waited for Flash to lunge at Peter. She prepared herself to dive out of the way, to run out once everyone was distracted, but Flash didn’t move. No one did.
After a few moments Peter took Gwen’s hand, making goosebumps cover her whole body. “Let’s get outta here, alright?” Gwen just nodded, walking with him towards the door. Flash didn’t try to stop them. He just watched as they made their way out. It was almost more terrifying than actually getting hit.
Gwen was very aware that Peter’s hand hadn’t left hers as the pair walked out of the house and into the night air. They walked back onto campus, sitting on a bench. Both of them were silent, unsure of what to do next. Their hands stayed intertwined.
“Thank you.” Gwen whispered. It was the most reasonable first thing to say, although she really just wanted to know why he did it. He hated her. Didn’t he?
“You don’t have to thank me. Someone needed to stand up to him.” Peter spoke, looking away as he dropped Gwen’s hand. “Listen, about what he said-”
“Don’t.” Gwen shook her head. “I don’t care. Can you… just go back to hating me please? This is weird”
“Hating you?” Peter quickly looked at her, his brows furrowed. “I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you.”
A silence fell over the two of them. The words made Gwen’s heart race. This was it. This was why Peter Parker made her crazy. 
She couldn’t figure him out.
And just when she thought she might’ve, he’d done a complete 180.
“Do you think I hate you?” Peter whispered.
Gwen took a deep breath and turned so she was facing him. “What am I supposed to think? You’re always staring at me, and bragging about your grades, and you’re a horrible lab partner by the way, and you-”
Oh. This is nice, actually.
Peter had leaned down and gently placed his lips onto Gwen’s, cutting her off. He waited a moment for her reaction, and when she didn’t pull away he cupped her face. His free hands rested on her waist while he kissed her, ever so slightly pulling her closer.
To Gwen’s disappointment she had to breathe, and so her lips left his. She blinked up at him as her chest rose and fell. She studied his face in the low light, an epiphany falling over her.
God, she didn’t hate Peter Parker. She was in love with him.
The sweaty palms, the shaking, the heart rate, the stomach aches, it wasn’t because he made her angry. It was because he made her nervous.
“Sorry. You looked really pretty.” Peter broke the silence, rubbing the back of his neck. “And I’m sorry I’m a bad lab partner.”
“Do you want to go back to my dorm?” Gwen blurted out, not thinking it through fully. “To.. do homework.” She attempted to recover.
Peter cracked a grin, a slightly surprised look on his face. “Homework? On Halloween?”
“Well we got kicked out of the party.” Gwen laughed softly.
“You got kicked out.”
“Fine, I’ll do homework by myself.” Gwen stood and started walking towards the dorms, smiling to herself when she heard Peter follow. She looked over at him as they walked. Neither of them said anything for a while, but questions still buzzed in Gwen’s mind and she couldn’t take it any longer. “Why didn’t he hit you?”
“Flash?” Peter asked.
Gwen nodded, “Yeah. He just let you go after you embarrassed him like that. I thought someone was going to have to call an ambulance for you.”
Peter stared off into the distance as he walked, his hands in his pockets. Gwen wished she knew what he was thinking about. 
“We went to highschool together. Midtown.” Peter explained. “He’s always been a dick. So one day I.. fought back, I guess. And he hasn’t bothered me since.”
Gwen was now even more confused. How in the world was *Flash Thompson* afraid of Peter Parker? The thought made her crack a small smile.
“Are you laughing at me?” Peter grinned.
“No, I just..” Gwen rubbed her eyes. “You’re really machiavellian.”
Peter tilted his head.
“I don’t understand you. And I’ve tried to since I met you. But for some reason.. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care that you’re all mysterious and secretive. I think it’s kind of hot, actually.” Gwen admitted, regretting the words once they came out. “Sorry.”
“I’m Spider-Man.”
Gwen stopped in her tracks, slowly turning to Peter. “...what?”
“You said you don’t really care about figuring me out, but if we’re going to hook up I feel like you should know, because it would kind of be a dick move to tell you after.” He spoke as if this was the most normal conversation in the world, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his web shooters.
Gwen stepped closer, lowering her voice. “You want to hook up?” 
“Is that what you took away from that?”
“I’d prefer to worry about the rest another time.”
“Fine by me.” 
Gwen opened the door to her dorm and looked around before turning the lights on. 
“My roommate won't be back until tomorrow night.” She scanned the room, thankful that she’d decided to clean it before she left. She looked back at Peter, who was staring at her with a smile on his face. “What?”
“I’m a little nervous.” Peter admitted. 
Gwen tilted her head. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to fuck things up with you.” He sighed.
Gwen leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Peter’s lips, her hand ghosting across his cheek. “You won’t.”
“You thought I hated you for half of the semester.”
“And now I know you don’t. Things tend to work out the way they’re supposed to. I think we’re gonna be alright.” 
Peter thought about her words and said a silent prayer asking for her to be right. Then he kissed her, hands trailing up and down her sides slowly. Gwen leaned into him as she kissed him back. Warmth grew in her stomach, even though Peter was being very gentle and kept his hands from going too far.
“You can touch me.” Gwen whispered between kisses, “If you want.”
Peter hummed in acknowledgement and slowly cupped her tits. He became flustered quickly, the kiss becoming more sloppy. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled, moving his lips to her neck. Gwen tilted her head to the side, her eyes fluttering shut while she sighed softly. The combination of his hands on her tits and his mouth on her neck made her even more turned on. She reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head, looking at his chest, and oh my god Peter Parker was jacked. She then looked at Peter, who had a small smirk on his face. She knew he was strong, she’d often find herself staring at his arms in class, but*holy shit.
“Now I’m nervous.” She giggled softly, her face heating up. 
“Perks of being bitten by a radioactive spider, I guess.”
“I’ll explain later.” Peter kissed her again, stumbling with her over to her bed. The two of them laughed as they fell into the mattress, bodies pressing close again. They laid on their sides as they kissed, hands exploring one another. Gwen couldn’t believe how much time she wasted pretending to hate Peter when she could’ve been making out with him. She felt like the world around her was melting away, like nothing else mattered. 
But while the kissing was nice, the ache in her core was growing. She pulled away and looked at Peter. “..this costume is really tight, and it’s not going to be very sexy to take off. Just forewarning you.”
Peter laughed and shook his head. “It’ll still be sexy, I bet. I don’t think you’re capable of not being sexy.”
Gwen covered her face to hide its redness and turned away from Peter. “Do you mind just- unzipping it for me?” 
Carefully, Peter slowly slid the zipper of her bodysuit down. Gwen slid it off of her shoulders and stood up, stepping out of it. Peter watched her, his breath hitching when he realised that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She turned back around and he gulped, mouth suddenly very dry. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the bed, flipping her onto her back. He kissed down her newly exposed chest, hands roaming what his mouth couldn’t. The kisses trailed down further and he very carefully slid her fishnets off. He sat back and looked at her, sprawled out in just her panties. 
“You’re staring at me?.” Gwen laughed, sitting up.
“‘Cause I can’t believe how lucky I am.” He met her eyes and they were silent for a few seconds before he spoke again. “I’m sorry I made you think I hated you. And I’m *never* going to pass you in grades, by the way. I promise. I just said that to mess with you. Which is dumb, and I’m sorry for that too.”
“I’d let you pass me.” Gwen nodded, placing a kiss on his forehead. She gave him a soft smile before laying back down, pulling him with her. Her finger slowly trailed down his v-line and she pulled on the waistband of his jeans. “Can I take these off?”
Peter nodded and she did, leaving him in his boxers. She grabbed Peter’s shoulders and pushed him onto his back, going to kneel between his legs. She palmed him through his boxers and then took them off. She took his cock in her hand, stroking him for a few moments. Peter watched her, chest heaving. Gwen’s eyes fluttered shut and she licked up his entire length, then carefully took him into her mouth. Peter let out a muffled groan and gripped the sheets. Gwen bobbed her head slowly, stroking what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. She breathed slowly and once she became more comfortable she moved her head slightly faster. She swirled her tongue around his tip and looked up at him every so often. Peter breathed her name and buried a hand in her hair, looking down at her. His hands trembled slightly and his breath was choppy, muttering under his breath how pretty she looked.
After a few minutes Gwen sat up, wiping her mouth. She closed her eyes as she caught her breath, jaw aching dully. 
Peter took her arm and gently pulled her back to him. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, kissing the top of her head.
“Are you really Spider-Man?” Gwen asked.
“I thought you wanted to worry about it later?” “Yeah, but it’s kind of sinking in that I just gave Spider-Man a blow job.”
Peter cracked a grin and helped her onto her back again, mumbling against her neck. “I’ll show you the suit sometime.”
Gwen smiled and felt Peter’s lips gently pressing kisses into her skin, each lower than the last. Her breath hitched once she felt his touch stop just above her panties. She looked down at him. Peter made sure her eyes were locked on his before he leaned down, hooking two fingers on the waistband of her panties. He pulled them down, his hand slowly moving between her legs. He teased her clit with his thumb briefly before he replaced his thumb with his lips. Gwen gasped softly, feeling his mouth praise every inch of her core. She buried both of her hands in his hair and arched her back, a moan escaping her lips. Peter brought his hand up again, teasing her with his middle and ring finger while his mouth worked her clit. He slid his fingers inside of her, pumping them at a steady pace.
Gwen’s legs shook and she felt herself becoming more and more sensitive, moaning louder. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to grind against Peter’s face. His free hand gripped her waist, holding her in place. She felt like she was going to snap- but just before she did everything stopped.
She opened her eyes and Peter was over her again, his lips crashing onto hers. Gwen’s stomach fluttered, feeling terribly empty at the loss of contact. It didn’t last long though, before she felt Peter’s tip rub against her. He broke away from the kiss and looked at Gwen.
“Please.” Gwen nodded, her arms wrapping around him and hands resting on his back. Peter kissed her one more time before slowly inching himself inside of her. He moaned her name, burying his head in her neck. Once he was all the way in he didn’t move, giving Gwen time to get comfortable.
“Okay.” She breathed, holding onto him tightly. Peter nodded and moved his hips back slowly, then forward again. He rested his forehead against Gwen’s and repeated the motion, gradually going faster. 
The light in the dorm was low, but enough moonlight shone in from the window that Gwen could see every muscle of Peter’s torso flex as he moved. She wrapped a leg around his waist and moaned his name, mind foggy with pleasure. She felt like she and Peter were the only two people in the world at that moment, heads pressed close and bodies together. She ground her hips in motion with his, every motion setting her body on fire.
Peter had to cover her mouth with his hand, barely able to form a sentence. “You… gotta be quieter… someone’s… gonna hear…” He panted between words.
Gwen moaned into his hand, eyes rolling back. One of her hands fell away from his back and she rubbed her clit, bringing herself closer to the edge. Peter’s pace faltered slightly, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He carefully moved his hand away from Gwen’s mouth and kissed her instead. Gwen desperately kissed him back, not even caring how messy it was. She struggled to keep up with his pace, her whole body now shaking. She was thankful Peter’s mouth was on hers, otherwise someone on the floor surely would have heard her. She moaned as she came, throbbing around Peter. He pulled away from the kiss.
“Where do you want me to- uh-” He panted.
“I’m on the pill.” Gwen responded, rubbing his back. 
“Are you sure?” 
Gwen nodded and Peter tried to keep his pace for as long as he could before he bottomed out, cumming inside of her. He stayed there for a moment, trying to catch his breath, before pulling out and laying next to her.
“Flash Thompson’s an idiot, Gwen. You’re the prettiest, coolest, funniest, most perfect person I know. And you looked fucking hot in that costume.” He looked over at her.
“I know you said you don’t care, and I can’t do anything to take back what he said, but I need you to know that he’s an idiot and he’s wrong.”
Gwen almost protested again, told him that she didn’t care, but they both knew it was a lie. She sighed and laid her head on his chest, closing her eyes. She listened to his heartbeat and felt his arms wrap around her tightly.
“Is that why you’re never in class? Because you’re Spider-Man?” Gwen spoke finally.
“You keep going back to that.”
“It’s almost as if I just found out you have a secret double life, or something.” She smiled, looking up at him. 
“Yeah. It’s why I’m never in class. But I’m gonna be a better lab partner. I promise.”
That was good enough for Gwen, and she closed her eyes. She drifted off to the slow rise and fall of his chest, to the gentle thumping of his heart.
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pyolyuja · 1 year
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hi again everybody !!  it’s admin ocha here with my 2nd child who is the epitome of tranquil surfer boy aesthetic~  i am wayyyy less prepared with him, so pretty much all his info barring his profile/stats page is under the cut , but i wanted to go ahead and post something for him 🧡 beyond the read more, you’ll find his bullet point origin story & some wanted connections so please do hit the heart if you would like to plot with yunseong !
grew up in the yangyang city area of gangwon district. his parents owned a bed & breakfast at jukdo beach, so the family spent quite a lot of time there.
the family dynamic was really tight-knit and was very reliant on humor to make it through difficult times, something that would have a lifelong effect on yunseong.
while their parents worked, yunseong and his older sister (wc!!) would kill time for hours on the beach. he loved being there, smelling the sea salt in the air, hearing the battling chirps of seagulls and the crashing of waves.
this was where he took his first surfing lesson. he saw them being given on the beach and begged his mother for the 26,000 won it cost to enter the class. he fell in love on the first wave, even though he fell into it within milliseconds. by the end of that day, he had enough muscle memory in his calves to withstand a good five or so seconds on the board.
the lessons became semi-regular and a few months later, he could surf bigger waves and his balance had been trained along quite nicely. he could officially consider it a hobby, and didn’t really need the input of an instructor anymore.
he used his newfound balance to also learn skateboarding, something that translated into a very specific friend group in school.
yunseong was fairly athletic, playing a few different sports in school, but never having any real aspirations to go pro at anything. still, the world of sports fascinated him, and he could definitely see himself doing something behind the scenes.
after graduating from high school, he admittedly slacked off quite a bit. all he really wanted to do that summer was hang out on the beach he grew up on and surf as much as he could. he didn’t really wanna accept that his childhood was over, and it was time to start taking responsibility for himself.
after a year of goofing off, his father scolded him about not taking his future seriously and pushed him to start thinking about what he wanted to do with his life.
he wound up getting accepted to meikyung university in daegu, and is currently pursuing his degree in sports marketing.
after moving to daegu, he got a job at xpixel in the mall to pay his bills and rent (he was insistent on moving out of the dorm and living off campus bc he just couldn’t take it anymore) and is about a year out from graduating.
he’s once again become unsure about his future, because he enjoys working at sunset galleria so much. he kinda just wants to stay at the hotel pool or hang out at the arcade with his friends for the rest of time.
some beachy surfer vibes; mostly he’s just an extremely calm, laidback individual. he’ll really only fight or argue if it means keeping the peace in the end, if that makes sense.
complete mama’s boy. his mom is his favorite person on the whole earth, whereas he wasn’t as close to his more stern father.
still uses humor to lighten the mood or deflect his true feelings. can be a little self-effacing sometimes in a humoristic way. doesn’t like to make other people the butt of his jokes unless he knows them and they have that type of comfort level.
he is the type to cover your shift to help out, but also, don’t expect him to do a good job rip
is slightly competitive due to his background in sports, but again, it’s more in a joke-y way
has a hard time taking anything seriously, and it can be to an annoying degree. it may sometimes feel irreverent, but just when you think he’s incapable of being genuine, he tells you something very real and you’re taken aback by it.
this communicates into how he loves quite a bit. you may sometimes feel like he doesn’t say the right words enough, but he always comes through in the end. he is also pretty big on romantic gestures, rather than using words to convey his feelings. catch him making u a mixtape of songs that remind him of you and planning you a poolside picnic 🧡
wanted connections
gamer friends
friends he hits up the pool with a lot
mutual crush / flirtationship
friends from college / study buddies
people who will actually eat his strange cooking
literally anything give me all the things
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rikyos · 1 year
i never ever have time to write info up in my carrd and now that i’m working on a second one for lore dumps i’m making even less progress so. releasing hc’s into the wild again, this time of the angsty pre-canon variety.
kazuha has moderate nerve damage affecting his palm and fingers. the injuries he suffered were severe and tomo’s vision, in it’s final moments, gave him an electrical burn as a parting gift.
he also definitely didn’t escape those soldiers unscathed. though incredibly skilled in evasion, he was in complete disarray. hyperventilating. terrified, and but one man against an army. none of those wounds come close to the burns though.
while he recuperated very briefly at a resistance camp, he did not let anyone near his hand or seek any immediate medical assistance that went further than trying to deal with the burns on his own. nobody looked at it until he was aboard the alcor (and scolded) but even then, there was only so much they could do for him, and his first stop in liyue was most certainly bubu pharmacy. he needed something to help him sleep too LMAO
the timeline on his escape is very unclear from canon dialogues considering he somehow spent time with the watatsumi resistance and had ayato’s help but ??? for the sake of tying those two together, ayato sent someone looking for him after the warrants for his arrest were spread. ofc you have to be something very, very special to go undetected by kazuha, so when they finally caught up to him at the camp, he cornered them immediately, listened to their plans, and acted entirely clueless while complying with them.
by that point of course the damage was done and kazuha had lost most sensation in his hand. he had to completely retrain himself. while he is not naturally ambidextrous he did have the ability to switch between hands in combat knocked into him growing up, which was a small mercy and a good starting point. he also taught himself to use every one of his heightened senses in order to find the balance and special awareness that he could not feel. through stubborn determination he comes as close as is likely possibly to his past proficiency, however it takes him well over a year. basically: kazuha during the archon quest is not kazuha at peak performance, but getting back in shape in the timeframe he did speaks volumes for his willpower.
he isn’t ashamed of the scarring and he doesn’t care if people ask. he only keeps it covered bc he knows it’s pretty gnarly looking to others. it doesn’t bother him.
kazuha is a known lightweight but that is not the reason he isn’t supplied drink one the alcor. beidou is not his mother. in reality he found himself staying dry because on the initial journey from inazuma to liyue he was… a mess. a mess that scared her, in the midst of a breakdown over details he had only barely begun to recount to her sober. he’s fine now but a joint decision was made on that front and he respects it.
he holds juza in just as high a regard as he does beidou. they both made equal effort in pulling kazuha from his thoughts turned inward. they saved him fr
beidou paid him more than enough to survive while not out at sea and so he has a very small apartment in liyue harbour. it’s really just a room to crash in, but it was the first thing he’d owned in a long time, and it has a nice view of the docks and the sea beyond. between his time with the crux and his personal travels he isn’t there often, but it’s special to him. it’s getting to be something like a home.
during the first few months in liyue, kazuha was extremely paranoid. he knew that the sakoku decree limited information passing between the two nations but… he was a fugitive, probably wanted for treason, and he couldn’t rid himself of the fear that this might have been somehow passed on to the milileth if there was any stirring suspicions that this is where he’d made for. the shogun he knew was ruthless and he wouldn’t put it past her to search beyond inazuma’s borders for him, so he was overly secretive. it took him a while to realise he was genuinely safe enough to lighten up.
he always planned to return when the time was right. the war in inazuma was not only a pressing, personal issue, but now unfinished business: he kept tabs as best he could while sailing and intended all along to return and carry the torch that tomo lit.
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buggyandthebartoclub · 8 months
**deep sigh** I’ve just been plagued with OC thoughts which also delved into a thought for a fic surrounding the heart pirates and specifically law which turns into more oc stuff djdnjfidjdnd.
This is all completely unhinged but if I get it out maybe it’ll stop playing on loop in my brain so I can finish my other writing also content warning for dark content/general OP canon dark ness but warning nonetheless
But imagine if there was a gaggle of marines that were either kicked out for reasons or they are still in but feel they’re not being recognized for their strength and talents and want to be higher up in the marines so their genius idea because one of them has medical experience and has heard of ceasar etc (I’m sure there’s other names I’m missing you could insert here liek Moria or somethinf I’m typing like the wind on my phone to get back to what I’m doing lol! I just really fucking hate ceasar so him okay) - but I digress- their genius idea is to raid a small island and capture the population and attempt to use them as experiments bc they want to create a fucking POISON from SEA PRISM STONE to use on LAW.
didn’t think we’d get there did you haha! But they want to do that bc they think capturing the surgeon of death would bring them enough recognition to be high up in the marines like they want, and found out from some intense paper rifling they shouldn’t have been doing etc about the stories of laws disease as a kid and figure, he has a devil fruit power, what if we could create a poison that would not only actually poison him in a way he can’t cure bc of the sea prism stone powder etc, and something that would give him effects similar to the one he had as a kid (imagining he doesn’t have scars - I like to pretend he does but for this we’ll say he doesn’t) giving him the white patches to hopefully trigger some ptsd and make him lose his will to fight even further (or just kill him either way works for them)
so these fucked up marines desiccate the island, they’re not geniuses by any means but they’re strong enough and there’s really not all THAT many inhabitants on the island especially not many that can fight and not a lot of transponder snails either so they manage to succeed in capturing the inhabitants and creating a base on the island for their experiments - they wanted this island specifically bc the tide is strong one side of the island draws in a lot of ships - used to they’d just turn around and leave bc there really wasn’t a lot there but now the marines would take over the ships/crews that couldn’t escape and use them as experiments- if they had devil fruit powers even better bc they could better test their poison on instead of just regular people as well as eating any devil fruits themselves they find as they do this to get stronger
cue/cut to where the fic would actually start w law and his crew needing to surface and get supplies etc, being close to the island deciding to see what’s there and get supplies since it did seem like there was a town there etc and have like maybe bepo Shachi peng ikkaku go looking into town for supplies and cue marine squirmishes and trying to capture them.
but my oc would enter and help them get back to their ship bc she sees bepo w them and wanted to take a chance seeing if they’d take another mink back to Zou.
My oc and 2 other girls were raised by a rabbit mink who found them on her travels when they were kids, and they happened to be on this island when the marines came some years later. They’d all been captured and experimented on at some point but all 4 (3 girls and the mink) managed to escape/ help each other escape over the years and they’ve trained and fought hard to try and help any ships that get pulled in to leave before they’re captured and won’t leave themselves till they get rid of the marines that poisoned them and the last couple prisoners are freed.
but the mink that raised them would be older and weaker now esp after being poisoned (thankfully w the test poison pre sea prism stone enhancements) and wanted to get back to Zou before she died.
ofc law would see their scars and be T R I G G E R E D lol but he would obviously panic and ask wtf and be given the brief downlow of what my OCs know, which is mainly that the marines wanna find some surgeon of death and poison him with sea prism stone so they’re marine heros, and they spend their time trying not to be poisoned and not let the marines find that fucking surgeon lol,
which obviously would do lots of mental gymnastics for law who also has a soft spot for bepo and bepo would also want to help the mink I believe esp after being helped back to their ship and shach and peng obviously would want to help the pretty girls (look I want them to have a w for once sue me) but also just to help and after hearing all that of course the crew has to get involved, and I think it would be a great opportunity to explore a lot w the heart pirates and laws backstory and afterwards I can shuck 3/4 OCs back where they came from and keep my best girl on the crew w peng and shach thank u for coming to my Ted talk I feel so much better I know this is total crack nonsense but I needed it OUT!!!! Now I can finally fucking focus on these Shachi fics
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