#bc i think crooked teeth are very cool !
butchtoro · 2 years
Ok but can we talk about How small g’s Teeth are-
ABSOLUTELY !!!!! i positively LOVE teeth i will always be up for talking about teeth they're so !!!!!!
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OKAY SO !!!! gerard's teeth are quite short, as it's esp apparent in the top right corner, and that's usually called microdontia !!!! it's usually passed down via genetics n such (but many outlier things can cause it too) n is a very interesting happenstance- according to google/ncbi it has a one point five to two percent of happening, and it's found more in afab people than amab !!!! so it's quite neat that someone like gerard (theoretically) has it :D
Onward To The Fang,
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as you can see from my screencaps taken from the helena mv, gerard's far left (yellow) incisor is spaced out a little more and very sharp seeming, compared to the far right (blue) incisor that looks like a more typical one. your tooth can end up that way due to development or even chipping, but i don't think it's caused by chipping simply because of how it appears to be placed
and their two front incisors (grey) are very neat and tidily together, which is very interesting bc the rest of his teeth seem more spread out !!!! (also they are Very Square)
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you can see it a lot more here !!!!!!!!!!!! (the helena video is quite good for all your teeth screencapping needs🦷📸) also to be noted, gerard's right canine is very apparent as well, and while most canines are going to be sharp bc that is their purpose, i felt that gerard's always stuck out to me a lot more. similarly to mikey, they both have some fangs going on 🧛
Bonus Time !!!!!!!
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gerard has/had a missing tooth !!!!!! (as well as many fillings)
in lotms, it's mentioned (by both ray and gerard if i remember correctly) that gerard had a rotting tooth while recording for the bullets album !!! i myself haven't had one but with what tooth pain i do get, it's rather amazing they managed to do something like that with such a most likely intense jaw pain. apparently the dentists didn't know what was wrong with him or what to do for a while too, but i think it most likely ended with gerard getting said rotting tooth removed :D (plus if you look closely...a little grey-ish tooth :D)
i really love the first image because it's such a clear photo of their bottom teeth (as well as the third photo !!!) but unfortunately the magazine cover it was featured on photoshopped the fillings to be whiter >:[ which i dislike personally, imagine you're insecure about your fillings and you see the cool guy in that cool band you love has them too :0
anyway, that's what i have for now about g's teeth !!!! ive been highly interested in teeth since i was a kid, it's always fun being able to talk about very niche topics :D
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tryingtofindava · 7 months
eyeless jack dating headcanons pls :)
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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He broke into your apartment with the intentions of harvesting your organs.
When he held the scalpel to your hip, and you began to stir awake. Mf froze.
Oh shit.
“What the fuck?”
Now bro only kills to eat, and when he does, he make sure it’s as painless for the victim as possible (unless he’s in a frenzy).
And That so called victim being awake? That just makes it 100x harder to get the task done.
And when you wake up to see a 6’6 man with an oddly terrifying blue mask holding a scalpel to your hip?
You (rightfully) freak tf out.
He’s not a sadist like some ppl… (cough Jeff Cough) So he probably awkwardly retreated back out to your window.
To the actual dating headcanons now.
You guys probably had a longgggggg ass slow burn. (not the only thing that’s long…)
The two of you definitely acted like a couple, before you were ACTUALLY a couple iykwim.
You find it so cool that your bfs a demon. He doesn’t really understand your excitement about it, since it’s literally a curse for him.
This boy is a walking furnace, he’s so cozy. So lots of winter cuddle sessions. Also perfect for when you on your period.
He purrs in his sleep. You can’t change my mind. You guys be cuddling on the couch all cute n’ shit and then there’s this soft buzzing sound… You crack open your eyes to look at him. His head on your lap as he naps.
“Babe… Are you purring?”
You asked with the biggest grin ever.
He likes when you read to him, he struggles to see (ik ik, he’s eyeless n shit, but I like to think he can still see, it’s js rlly rlly blurry or he has that heat vision where he can see body temps.) So when you can’t read to him, he just listens to audio books.
He’s a gentle giant towards you, y’all literally so cute. AND A GENTLEMAN🤭 he’s the whole damn package (minus the whole… cannibal eating ppl thing.)
He has animalistic like senses. So he can hear, and smell very well. So he can smell when you change your perfume or shampoo.
Imagine him leaning down to hug you (since you’re prob shorter than this tall ahh mf, nah seriously use the Hikaku sitatter site) and his face is buried in the crook of your neck. He’ll say shit like-
“Did you change you’re perfume to Miss Dior Eau De Parfum 30ml?”
When he started getting comfortable taking his mask off around you, everytime he does you call him ‘Pretty boy’ 🤭.
HE WILL FOLD. Partially bcs he likes getting praised. Partially bcs he’s not a fan of the whole demon look.
His morning voice is literally so sexy help. Frothing at the mouth, on my knees barking.
Yk when you have like a sore head, and then you ask Google what’s up and Google’s all like ‘lol bitch you’re gonna die.’ You ask him about it obviously freaked out and he had to reassure your fine.
Walks in the rain at like 4am.
Every time he sees you, he’ll give you a quick forehead kiss.
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls, I’m begging you. On my knees and begging for you to not look inside his mini fridge he has sitting in your storage room. Thank u.
He’s got some pretty gnarly things in there. Just be thankful he has the decency to not cross contaminate that shit with your food.
You guys slow dance in the kitchen to Mitski. He spins you around and all that cute shit.
He’s overprotective of you, and when you do get him to come out in public with you, he will growl at anyone that gets a little too close for his likings.
Wearing his hoodie<3. It just makes his dead heart happy.
He may seem all quiet and sweet. But he’s sassy af. This. Dude. Has. Attitude.
When you’re telling him to do something in a tone, he’ll mouth you’re words with his hands.
When you guys are cuddling in your bed at night, he’ll randomly nibble on your neck to shoulder. He has sharp ass teeth so it’s a bit nippy, but he makes sure to be extra careful to not draw blood.
He smothers you when you’re under the weather. He’s literally so sweet omfg.
When you guys argue which is like 10% of the time, it takes awhile for him to get agitated. But even when he does he will NEVER raise his hands to you. Other than that he keeps calm.
He will though, get a bit mean, he probably doesn’t mean what he says it’s just a defence mechanism.
He makes it up to you with a cute little gift basket (he stole it.)
Y’all have probably kissed, and he still had the taste of blood in his mouth from eating someone’s kidneys<3
He can’t steal your organs but he can deffo rearrange them ;)
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kookiesbuckethat · 1 year
he makes you insecure
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Yoongi x f!reader
Genre: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort
WC: 3.5k
<series masterlist>
taglist: @awinkies @wedarkacademia @yiyi4657 @astralandcosmos @scuzmunkie @mooonlitstars @manchuria @joondiary @ygimsgw @royallyjjk @yoongititss @mwitsmejk @kitty-kair @blissedjoon @vrittivsanghavi @kimahnjung98​
tw: unhealthy eating habits, bad body image
nothing too detailed but just bc this can be a very sensitive topic to some!! that being said, im not trying to romanticize unhealthy eating habits or anything like that. as someone who has struggled with these things, fics like these hit a little close to home. but that’s what makes them all the more comforting to me and i hope this fic will have the same effect for anyone that also may also relate. plz be kind to yourself and your body, it’s beautiful and does so much for u!! lots of love, take care 💜💜
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Coming off the stage, the soreness of Yoongi’s shoulder becomes harder to ignore as the high of finishing yet another successful concert starts to wear off. After the long hours of practice and leaving it all on the stage, it all seems to catch up to him all at once as he keeps his head down to hide his grimace.
As soon as Yoongi steps foot backstage, he’s immediately knocked back a few steps as you run into his chest. “You were amazing!” you breathe out as you wrap your arms around his neck, engulfing him in a warm hug. Wrapping his good arm around your waist and hiding his face in the crook of your neck, Yoongi grits his teeth and breathes in your comforting scent to help him bear the pain.
Handing him a water bottle, you gently brush his sweaty hair away from his forehead as he gulps down the cool liquid. “You work so hard,” you tell him with a gentle smile, “I’m so proud of you.” For a while, the pain in Yoongi’s shoulder is pushed to the back of his mind in your presence. He practically purrs as you gently play with his hair, closing his eyes and subconsciously leaning into your hand.
Basking in your attention, Yoongi’s moment of peace is interrupted when the maknaes come running over, wanting your praise as well. Your attention is stolen away from Yoongi as you turn to the maknaes, showering them with compliments and giving all of them pats on the head. No longer having your touch to distract him from the pain, Yoongi brings a hand to his shoulder and rubs at it while nobody’s looking.
When you all arrive back at the hotel, you decide to get started on dinner while they go on V-live to talk to ARMY. Just as you set the last plate on the table, they all burst into your and Yoongi’s hotel room. “Mmmh!” Jungkook exclaims, “It smells good!” You giggle as his nose guides him to the food, his eyes going wide when they land on the table.
Taking a seat, Hoseok looks up at you in amazement, “Wah, it looks so delicious!” Laughing as you wave off all their compliments, you suddenly feel an arm wrap around you as Yoongi comes up behind you, giving you a slight squeeze in thanks before sitting down next to you. Thanking you one last time, they all dig in, moans of satisfaction filling the room. 
When everyone finishes up, you refuse all their help to wash the dishes. “You all worked so hard today, the least I could do is wash the dishes!” you insist. “But you already cooked-” Seokjin starts to argue but you interrupt him. “No buts! Out of the kitchen! You guys need to rest,” you stand your ground, pushing him out of the kitchen and towards the door.
Sighing in defeat, they thank you one last time before wishing you goodnight and heading back to their rooms. Closing the door behind them, you walk back into the kitchen only to find Yoongi by the sink. “And what do you think you’re doing?” you ask, an accusatory tone in your voice as you place your hands on your hips and frown at him. “Washing the dishes?” he answers as he reaches for the gloves.
You grab the gloves before Yoongi can, defensively holding them behind your back and out of his reach. “When I said you guys need to rest, that included you too,” you tell him, a slight pout to your lips and a small furrow in your brow that he found absolutely adorable. Knowing better than to argue with your stubborn nature, Yoongi raises his hands in defeat as he backs away from the sink.
Letting out a small “Hmph,” as you put the gloves on, you turn your back to him as you start washing the dishes. But you freeze when you feel his lips press a kiss to your temple. Yoongi’s not the most affectionate guy as he prefers to show his love in other, quieter ways, so moments like these always catch you off guard.
“Cute,” he breathes out as he chuckles at your blushing cheeks and ears. “Hurry up and go shower already,” you mumble, willing your face and ears to stop burning. With a grin on his face, Yoongi finally leaves you to wash the dishes. Listening to his retreating footsteps, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. No matter how long you’ve been together, Yoongi always manages to surprise you and make your heart flutter.
Flicking on the lights, Yoongi steps into the hotel bathroom, closing the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, he takes a moment to brace himself before attempting to undress. Letting out a hiss of pain as he raises his arm, a few curses escape Yoongi’s lips as he pulls his shirt over his head. Dropping it onto the floor, he lets out a breath of relief. The hardest part was over.
Discarding the rest of his clothes, Yoongi steps into the shower. He rolls his shoulder as the hot water streams down his body, relaxing all his muscles. He realizes that without your comforting presence, the pain in his shoulder is more apparent than ever, and he can only hope you finish doing the dishes soon so you can hold him in your arms.
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Your heart has calmed down by the time you dry the last plate, placing it back in the cupboards before hanging the towel back in its place. You enter the bedroom just as Yoongi exits the bathroom, lazily rubbing at his hair with a towel. You silently reach out to him, asking him for the towel. Placing it in your hand, his head drops forward to rest his forehead on your shoulder as you gently dry his hair.
Nearly falling asleep with how exhausted and relaxed he is, he lets out a whine and wraps his good arm around your waist when you start to pull away. “Yoongi,” you giggle when he pulls you flush against him, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He was being more affectionate than usual today, not that you were complaining, but you had to shower. 
“What’s with you today?” you ask curiously as you pull away enough to look at his face. A groan is the only answer you get, pulling a breathy laugh out of you. “I have to shower Yoongi,” you tell him as he reluctantly lets you go, “I’ll only be a few minutes.” Walking over to the bed, Yoongi closes his eyes as he lays down, counting the seconds until you return to him.
Coming out of the bathroom freshly showered, you spot Yoongi laying on the bed with an arm thrown over his eyes. A mischievous smile forms on your face as you quietly creep up to his side of the bed. Jumping onto his unsuspecting form, you giggle as you hear Yoongi let out an “oof,” at the impact. “You’re so heavy,” he groans, weakly trying to shove you off with one arm.
Your smile falters for a second at his comment, but you’re quick to brush it off. Yoongi’s always been a complainer, and you take his seemingly half-hearted attempt at pushing you off as a sign that he doesn’t really mean it. You laugh as you lay your head on his shoulder, wanting to indulge in the affectionate mood he seems to be in today. 
“Seriously, get off. You’re crushing me,” he says coldly, all the playfulness gone from his voice. It feels like you’re hit with a bucket of cold water, scrambling to get off of Yoongi as if his touch burned you. His eyes are shut tight as his face turns into a grimace, quickly turning away so you can’t see his pained expression. But he also misses the way your face crumples, tears quickly welling in your eyes.
You stare at him, wide-eyed as he leans on one elbow, turned away from you so all you can see is his back. You couldn’t see his face, but you could imagine the angry expression he must be wearing if he can’t even look at you. Yoongi was never the type to yell, so you know you must have really messed up to reach the end of Yoongi’s usually never-ending patience.
In reality, Yoongi is holding his shoulder with one hand, biting back a curse because of the shooting pain in his shoulder. He isn’t mad at you, he could never be. And he would never say such a thing so carelessly, he wasn’t even fully aware of what he said because, in the moment, the only thing he could focus on was the pain in his shoulder.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know-” you cut yourself off, not wanting to even finish the sentence. I didn’t know I was that heavy. You were comfortable in your own skin, especially because Yoongi never failed to make you feel loved. But body image is a fragile thing that can be broken just like that if you’re not careful with your words.
Suddenly feeling sick, you clamber off the bed and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you can’t stop the tears that start falling from your eyes as you suddenly see a million things you don’t like about the reflection in the mirror.
When the pain finally starts to subside, Yoongi rolls back onto his back, letting out a breath of relief. He patiently waits for you to return to him, snapping in and out of consciousness as he tries his best to stay awake and wait for you.
Splashing your face with cold water and taking a few breaths to calm yourself down, you do your best to avoid looking in the mirror as you make your way out of the washroom. When you climb back into bed, Yoongi already has his arms open, waiting for you to snuggle into his chest like you always do. But this time, you don’t. You lay about an arm’s distance away-which is much too far for Yoongi’s liking-with your knees pulled to your chest. 
Yoongi’s brows furrow in confusion at your strange behaviour and he can’t shake the feeling deep in his gut that something is wrong. But he’s exhausted from the concert and knowing that he has another one to perform the next day, Yoongi decides to leave you be for now, not because he doesn’t care enough but because that’s simply his nature. He never makes you feel rushed or pressured with his infinite patience, always willing to wait as long as you need. 
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As the days go on and the concerts continue, it’s become routine for everyone to crash at your room for dinner, not that you minded. They never failed to make sure you knew how much they love and appreciate your cooking, and watching them enjoy your food just warms your heart.
Yoongi takes his usual seat next to you at the dining table, grabbing some food and cutting it up for you before placing it in your bowl. It was his was one of his silent forms of love to make sure you’re eating well. But your appetite has been lost ever since Yoongi made that comment about your weight, and suddenly the food doesn’t look that good to you anymore.
Yoongi’s hurt and a little offended when you take the pieces of meat he cut up for you and place them into Jungkook’s bowl. But he’s more concerned about how much of it you’re actually eating compared to how much you’re giving to Jungkook. Yoongi’s very attentive to you and your needs and he has a pretty good idea of how much you usually eat, but you haven’t even eaten half of what you usually do.
Yoongi watches you out of the corner of his eye as you place your chopsticks down, signifying that you were done eating even though there was still food left in your bowl. “Not hungry?” he mumbles as he raises his eyebrows in question. You shake your head as you give him a small smile. “I was snaking while making dinner,” you lie smoothly, chucking sheepishly to make the act convincing.
But your answer doesn’t ease Yoongi as much as it should because he can feel that something is off. Not wanting to press in front of everyone, he accepts your answer for now but he takes note of how the amount of food you eat becomes less and less.
Arriving at the hotel after the final concert, you all head up to your room as usual where the guys will crash in the living room while you head into the kitchen to start cooking. But you’re pleasantly surprised to find the table already filled with food-you’re favourite food-when you walk in through the door. “You’ve worked hard too and we wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” Namjoon explains.
“You guys didn’t have to,” you tell them, touched by their actions. “But we wanted to!” Hoseok insists. “Now come on,” Seokjin says as guides you to the table, pulling out a chair and gently pushing down on your shoulders to make you sit down, “Let’s eat. Yoongi got all your favourites.”
Jungkook and Jimin run to get the kitchen to grab plates and utensils while the rest open all the food on the table. You excitedly kick your legs under the table, your eyes practically sparkling as you excitedly look at all the food. Pulling out the chair next to you, a small smile appears on Yoongi’s face as he watches you fondly.
But his expression melts into one of confusion when your face suddenly seems to fall and all your excitement comes to a halt. “Is something wrong?” he asks gently as he accepts a bowl from Jungkook and places it in front of you. Your head snaps up to meet his eyes, not realizing that he was watching you. “Oh, no, everything’s great! Thank you for this!” you shake his worries off, plastering a smile on your face.
The food smelled and looked so delicious and you were just so excited to eat all of it. But then you remembered that you were trying to lose some weight and you couldn’t eat as much as you wanted to. And of course, Yoongi noticed that one moment you let your expression fall.
You begin to sweat under Yoongi’s intense stare, feeling like he can read you like an open book. But then he’s suddenly looking away, reaching for your favourite foods and placing them in your bowl. “Eat, you must be hungry,” he says simply. Picking up your chopsticks, you bring a piece up to your mouth, chewing slowly and making sure to savour each bite as a lone tear escapes your eye, but you’re quick to wipe it away before anyone can see.
“I’m so full,” Hoseok says as he leans back in his chair, patting his stomach. “Me too, Hyung,” Jimin agrees, pushing his bowl away because he can’t eat anymore. Jungkook happily takes Jimin’s bowl and finishes what he couldn’t, making sure no food goes to waste. You all watch fondly as the maknae eats to his heart’s content, making an angry face because of how good the food is. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your loved ones eating well.
“We better start packing, we have an early flight tomorrow,” Seokjin says as he stands from his chair, starting to gather all the plates and bowls. “Don’t worry about that,” you say as you stand from your chair as well, holding your hand out to take the plates from Seokjin, “You guys go pack, I’ll clean the dishes.” 
But he holds the plates up and out of your reach as he shakes his head at you, “You’ve done the dishes every time, let us do it for once.” You’re about to protest when Hoseok takes the dishes from Seokjin and heads for the kitchen, “It’ll be done faster if we all help anyway.” Pouting in defeat, you’re about to follow them into the kitchen when Yoongi gently grabs your hand and pulls you away into the living room.
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Wordlessly, he lays on the couch before pulling you down to lie on his chest. Panic washes over you as you try to keep your weight off of him but your arms start to grow tired so you attempt to get off of him. But this only causes Yoongi to wrap his arms around you tighter, pulling you close until there’s not a centimetre of space left between you two. “Relax,” he tells you, gently stroking your back to try and help you calm down.
Reluctantly laying your head on his chest, your heartbeat slows as your heart starts to beat in sync with Yoongi’s calm one. You listen to his heartbeat in one ear and the chaos going on in the kitchen with the other. You can hear Seokjin and Hoseok yelling as the maknaes laugh, no doubt starting a water fight while washing the dishes. “Come on! How old are you?” you can’t help but giggle when you hear Namjoon whine. When they finally finish, they let you know the dishes are done and that they’re leaving, wishing you two goodnight before you hear the door shut. 
You and Yoongi lay in peaceful silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence after such a busy time. Suddenly, Yoongi’s deep voice rumbles through his chest. “You’ve gotten lighter,” he simply observes, giving you an opening to let out whatever’s on your mind, but only if you want to. It’s a simple but caring gesture and before you know it, your eyes are brimming with tears.
Hiding your face in his chest, you let your tears fall and soak into his shirt as he simply holds you. “I just wanted to lose some weight,” you admit, voice watery. You hadn’t realized how much it was taking a toll on you until it all became too much for you to hold in. “Why would you want to do that?” he asks gently, not in a way of judgment, but simply wanting to understand you.
You shrug your shoulders at his question, “You said I was heavy.” Yoongi’s heart clenches at how small you sound and he curses himself for being so careless with his words. You were his light on his darkest days, his safe space, and just your comforting touch could wash all his pains away. You were his everything, and Yoongi will never forgive himself for making you feel like anything less, for letting you forget just how much he loves you; all of you.
He tightens his hold around you, hoping the action will help you understand just how precious you are to him. “I’m sorry,” he whispers into your hair, “I never meant it like that and I shouldn’t have been so insensitive.” You shake your head at his apology as you snuggle further into him to communicate your forgiveness. Yoongi was the softest and gentlest person you’ve ever met. He’s never once raised his voice at you and you know he would never say anything with malicious intent. 
“Don’t go on a diet. I don’t want a single gram of you leaving this Earth,” he says gently. “So cheesy,” you mumble into his chest. “Whatever,” he grumbles as he sits up to hide his burning cheeks, “Come on, I was able to grab some of your favourites before Jungkook could eat them.”
And you can’t say no as he secures his hands underneath you before standing up and carrying you to the kitchen where he places you on the counter. A fond smile forms on your face as you watch Yoongi move around the kitchen, silently heating up and plating your food with care. He may not be a man of many words, but you’ve always believed that actions speak louder than words and Yoongi’s actions spoke volumes.
You’re so enamoured by him that you only snap out of your trance when Yoongi comes to stand between your legs, his large, warm hands gently rubbing up and down the tops of your thighs. When Yoongi sees that you’re back with him, he picks up a piece of food with some chopsticks, holding his hand underneath as he lightly blows on it. 
You accept the piece he holds out for you, letting out a sound of contentment and happily kicking your legs as you finally allow yourself to really enjoy it.  Yoongi’s heart is full as you happily eat every bite he holds out for you until the bowl is empty. “I’m so full,” you breathe out as he places the bowl down. “Good,” he says as he once again wraps your legs around his waist and lifts you off the counter, “The best time to go to sleep is when you’re full.” 
Carried back to the bedroom by Yoongi, you quickly fall asleep with your heart and stomach full, and Yoongi’s arms full of you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
soooo, who do you think among the hq boys with their son would be like thiisss??
*anywaayyss, i personally think that this would be rin and atsumu 😁
AHHHHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE- but this got suggestive bc I needed it for the content minors pls skip this one 😭
also cheating a lil bc in my dad au Rin has a son so… sue me BDJSBSOSN-
But if this ISNT suna, I’ll eat my hat.
Bc I just KNOW that Rintaro is the worst instigator in the damn world, and because his dad is so cOoL or something, Akito wants to be just like him too. He’s very much a daddy’s boy, has been since he was a new born, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, the sight is damn cute.
Until it’s not.
Rin’s always been… open, with his affections, everything from cute to suggestive, but thankfully he tries to do the former more than the latter. Things like holding your hand, you soon feel Akito’s tiny fingers grip yours. A kiss to your cheek, Akito wants to do the same thing to your other cheek. Feeding you a bite of food, a chubby hand brings a fistful of food to your lips.
What yourself and Rin forget to remember is that he does pick up so easily. And sometimes that does more harm than good.
Making dinner tonight was supposed to be fine. Until Rintaro slinks up behind you with other intentions.
“Smells great in here,” he purrs, still gripping the meat of your ass in his fingers, and you sink your teeth into your lip as you bite back a breathless scold. “Always can’t wait to have a taste, momma.”
“You’re feral,” You say, but he leans in for a kiss that you happily give him, giving you one more small smack that has you smirking softly.
“Just lookin’ so good doing basic things… so glad you decided to wife me up.”
You roll your eyes with a small laugh, “you practically begged me to do it, I- AIYE!”
A small, open palmed hand smacks against your ass, making you reel away in shock, your knees folding slightly as you try to keep yourself away from the now tiny offending hand. Both of your faces drop before you both lean over to look at your son, who’s smiling up at you.
“AKITO!” You yell in shock.
“Hedo, mumma!”
Doesn’t hold quite the same emotions as when Rintaro purred it.
You see your husband snort loudly in his palm, which is of course followed by your son’s chubby hand doing a similar action, and you give Rintaro a look of pure rage when he’s now fully laughing, gripping his sides as he gawfs. “Can I get some help here, Rintaro!”
“Oof, full name huh?” He says, finally catching his breath. He gets down on one knee and playfully beckons Akito with crooking fingers, the three year old toddling over giggly. “Now why’d you do that, dude?”
“Watch do, dadda!”
You groan aloud in the air, knowing this will only spark a new game between them because Rintaro takes everything to a next step before he steps in and says “hey, just so you know, we don’t smack other people’s asses.”
Instead, it becomes to your two children dashing around you as you chop vegetables on the counter- your eldest, being of 25 years old, doing one thing, then your two year old copying him.
Kissing you, once again patting your butt, feeding you a bit of your chopped vegetables, all until Rin tries to pick you up, and when Akito cannot succeed, he decides to plant a surprisingly hearty smack on your leg. 
“Ow!” You whine, your hand coming down to rub at your leg. This, apparently, snaps Akito out of his game, turning to face you with wide eyes that watch you gently try to sooth the stinging.
“Hurt mumma?”
You look at him softly through your lashes, “a little bit, bud,” you smile. “This is why we don’t hit people. It can hurt them sometimes.”
“I sorry, mumma,” he mumbles, placing an open mouthed kiss to your stinging thigh. You giggle and lean down to scoop him in your arms, hoisting him up onto your hip and kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, handsome,” you assure, resting your head against his for eye contact, which he delivers. “Just want to be like daddy, huh?”
He nods eagerly, whole body jouncing happily, “wanna gib mumma dadda love!” Rintaro opens his mouth, but you shut him up with a glare. “Daddy love mumma, I wanna love mumma!” You chuckle and plant a kiss to his nose, then quick pressed all over his face which had him giggling and writhing softly. “Mummaaaa!”
“Hey, gettin’ a little jealous over here!” Rin teases with a pout. You give him another playful glare, which is then copied by Akito, and you chuckle softly as Rin flashes you his biggest set of puppy eyes. You stalk over to him and lean in, and when he leans forward too, you blow him a huge raspberry which has him reeling back. “You’re such a shit!”
His eyes fly open and widen once he realizes. Your jaw slacks again as you try to ignore the fact that in your peripheral, you see your son trying to articulate the word.
It flies from his lips soon after, and you wince at the new letter in his vocabulary. You drop your head in defeat before turning back towards the vegetables, “here baby, help me with dinner okay?” You say to your boy, which has him bouncing excitedly. “Daddy’s going to be sleeping on the couch tonight, isn’t he?”
“Yeah!” He chirps. Rintaro bites his lip, trying to think of damage control. When he can’t think of any, he cowers to the living room, invisible tail tucked between his legs.
Were you really that mad? No, you’re more impressed it took you both three years to finally say a curse word.
Would you have immense joy watching Rintaro paw for your forgiveness?
Hell yeah.
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crowned-aeris · 3 months
WIP | Timkon sicfic ft. damian
This takes place in the Benign feathers verse, bcs i’m absolutely normal about my own au 👍🏼
He gasped, clenching his teeth as his dislocated wing was jostled. Tim limped along, forcing open the window to his safehouse before slipping inside.
A low whimper of pain stuttered through his throat as sweat beaded along his skin. His claws dug into the thick material of his pants, and he pressed his forehead against the cool, wooden floor. A feverish haze flitted through his mind, and Tim cursed himself for going while sick. Duke had said he'd take over for Tim, but past-Tim had been an idiot and insisted on going out as Wraith.
The falcon whimpered again, the pain throbbing uncomfortably in time with his heartbeat.
"Wraith!" someone's voice filtered through Tim's ears. Did he forget to disconnect his comm? "Wraith, what's wrong? What happened? Where are you?"
He quivered weakly. Pained chirps and calls for help escaped his lips as his trembling fingers refused to detach from his pants. Tim could hear the voice continue to call for him, but none of the words seemed to register.
There was a whooshing sound followed by something opening and closing. Tim twitched, but he couldn't lift his head from the floor. His chest felt tight, but the falcon couldn't breathe. Where did all the oxygen go?
"What happened, Birdie?" a familiar voice sighed. Dry hands gently lifted Tim's face from the floor and brushed back the sweat-slick hair that clung to his face. The cool skin pressed against his forehead, draining away the heat and peeling off the damp and uncomfortable mask.
Tim chirped weakly, his eyes still closed as he leaned into the person's touch. His claws remain fisted in his pants, and Tim doesn't think he'll be able to let go soon.
"Yeah, his right wing is dislocated, and he's running a pretty high fever," the person said. Tim whimpered at their disapproving tone, tears springing to his eyes as his grip tightened. "No, sweetheart, I'm not mad at you."
Careful fingers tugged through Tim's hair, brushing the strands, untangling the knots, and lightly scratching his scalp.
"Yeah, he's really out of it. I don't think I'll be able to pop his wing back in while he's like this. Can you send Seraph? Yeah, he'll be fine- I need whoever's closest... Okay, thank you," the hands shifted, and Tim was pulled closer into the person's embrace. The movement jostled his wing, and Tim couldn't help the pained gasp.
"I'm sorry. I know it hurts, Tim, I know. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be alright. Your brother's coming over to help pop your wing in, and you'll be all better. I know you hate it when he finds your safehouses, but I can't fix you up like this. Honestly, this is your fault. Why did you have to go out?" the person sighed, their tone incredibly fond yet equally exasperated. Tim burrowed his face into the crook of their neck, the words passing through his ears like salt through a net.
"You just had to go out patrolling today, didn't you? You know, when we first met, I thought you were gonna be an asshole like all of those other rich Gotham people. You already knew who I was back then, didn't you?
If someone had told little me that I would fall for you of all people, then I would've called them crazy! But... when you died, when I heard your heart stop... God, I think a part of me died with you. Bart just... stopped, and Cassie didn't speak at all afterward. I'm so glad you're back, Tim, and I know I don't tell you this enough, but-"
"... Reaper," the person's tone shifted, and Tim whined and pressed his cheek against the person's.
"Hand him over."
"I… don't think he'd like that very much."
"...Fine. Hold Timothy steady, I don't want him to jerk around and make things worse."
"Will do," they said, and Tim felt a familiar sensation spread across him. It felt similar to a comforting blanket.
Hands grabbed onto his wing, sending a shock of pain through his entire body. But before Tim could react, his wing was popped back into his socket, and he screamed.
"It's okay," the person breathed, their voice close to Tim's ear lips against the strands of his hair as the falcon sobbed, "You're okay, Tim, you're okay."
"Kon," he sobbed, "Conner, Kon- Kon."
The name tasted like a plea and a prayer on Tim's tongue as the tactile telekinesis faded from his skin.
"I'm here," The Kryptonian held him close, and Tim's talons reached up to cling to Kon's back. Tears ran rivers and trails down his face, dampening Kon's shoulders as Tim sobbed and blubbered, "I'm here- I'm here."
"He's running a fever," the other voice commented with disdain, "and delirious."
"You're just jealous that he's clinging onto me instead of you," Kon huffed, his voice bordering on smug under the worry.
"Silence yourself; you are the most inferior Kryptonian I have ever met."
"And you are the most jealous Bat I have ever met," Conner returned as he braced Tim against his hip; the alien was strong enough to carry the vigilante anyway.
Tim leaned back and rubbed his cheek against Kon's face, sighing as his feverish skin cooled slightly. A happy chirp fell from his lip as Kon pressed back, his instincts crowing in glee at the physical contact.
"You are so fortunate that I am susucceptible to diseases."
The vague cotton that stuffed his brain quickly cleared to reveal a bright recognition. Tim blinked open his eyes, wincing at the bright light before peering past Kon's shoulder to see Damian rummaging around the kitchen.
"Tt. Timothy's kitchen is so... bare."
"This isn't his main safe house," Kon said, "I'll try and get him to change into something else. Can you go and grab some medicine or something? Anything to lower his fever before it gets worse."
There was a vague hum before they were moving. Tim's eyes had slipped shut again, and he returned to his boneless state within Kon's arms.
"You're really out of it, aren't you?" Kon mused as he tried to peel a clingy Tim off of him.
He whined, pouting up at Kon when he finally managed to detangle Tim's limbs from his own, a fond smile on his face. "Come back."
"Wow, so demanding," Kon rolled his eyes, "not even a please?"
Tim pouted, "Please?"
"... Okay, that's not fair in the slightest........ Alright fine. C'mon, you shady bird, arms up!"
He grumbled but complied, sighing as Kon carefully tugged the suit off him, and the cool air graced his too-warm skin.
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balkanradfem · 11 months
I stumbled on your post on Harry Potter. And I want to say thank you, bc you are first person to explain to me why I do not like Hermione and Ron pairing. Well, I read books when young and I mostly was swayed by other works I had atm. But Hermione and Ron story always made me sad for reasons I could not explain, but it just had this bitter 'this is life and you accept that it's not like you wanted' feel to it. I could it explain it as the common trope of smart and great girl getting average guy who likes her and being happy bc he treats her nice. Which is trope I dislike too. I am not into fandom enough to go back and read the books again, I just vaguely remember what I read, and you explained it well by saying that both Ron and Harry actually did not care for her for a long time. I at that time could not relate to her exactly bc her struggle was not shown. So I took her as a bit of ideal Mary Sue character, but when reading it as quite a kid then, I remember thinking all kinds of things like: Hermione is one of a king, I can't be that smart, I can't study that much bc I can't focus, my teeth are crooked and I can't fix them like her, so I will stay uggling forever, I will cry and wipe and be upset and have trauma and insomnia, I will never be as confident.. and so on. What I mean is, it seemed like she just had inborn talent, and while it's great, my self esteem was terrible (greatly bc I am 'ugly' type, not pretty type, even if I don't agree with those qualifications, it's what other people would qualify me). I remember often feeling the same about other books with main female characters, I just felt like I can't never aspire to be like them, first bc about my looks and I don't know how to fix them. And also in personality and strength, bc in story it was often that they were kinda cool and strong, and just could do things. And I never was that resourceful. Even with romance, heroine either needed to be pretty to be saved by prince, or very good at being social and healing people with their warmth, and I was bad at both. Can't really be warm and healing when you are traumatized potato. Well, that ended up really long, but I relate to your post a lot as also a kid who mostly was learning of word via reading. I used to like sci-fi, but I read both classics as well as modern, and a lot of those books were so degrading to their female characters, and I remember how I was sometimes devastated, but accepted it as some real world truth.
Thank you for writing this message to me! It means a lot for me to know that I helped something to click, and you're right about Hermione, and about how books shape our views that we're either 'pretty' in conventional sense, or we just don't get to be heroines, regardless of talents.
I can relate so much to wanting to be like Hermione! She was incredibly smart and brilliant and she was allowed to have bushy hair and crooked teeth and she was still so important and vital to the story. It's a bit sad that her features change with time and she too changes them for a special occasion. We could have done with a heroine that looks a bit messy but it doesn't matter because nothing would ever get done without her!
And it's true that for the rest of the trio, she was just a nuisance except when they needed her to fix their homework or just as someone to lash out on. Sadly I believe for Ron she was just turned into romantic interest because he felt kind of an ownership of her, he bullied her relentlessly and was a complete nightmare before figuring out how to manipulate her into a relationship. I believe if we had grown Hermione more, and she found out about feminism, she would have dumped him.
The books do damage our view of ourselves if we're not conventionally pretty, warm and healing, helpful and brilliant, and if we instead need attention and help to overcome our own struggles. But this is why we're real people, we're not made to tell a story with our life, we're here and we're alive, and I don't believe appearance directs the course of our life, or our value. I don't believe any bit of my life would be different if I looked prettier, there are circumstances in reality like class, environment, patriarchy, financial resources, upbringing, trauma, and they often set our life path more than appearance ever could. Media sells us the story that we too can become problem-free, and ImportantTM if we're pretty, and all our circumstances would change then, but they wouldn't. Pretty doesn't work to our benefit more than getting us certain kinds of attention and maybe a pass at few non-important issues (tho m*n get extremely jealous so they blow these issues up like it's the pinnacle of life to get a free pass sometimes, losers).
But I agree with your point. Our heroines should get to be messy and 'ugly' with all their features crooked and weird, and they should get to be traumatized and help no one else, but be helped, be important, be vital, get attention, and get love.
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nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP: Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Ft: Shanks, Law, Ace, Sabo, Marco, Smoker, and princess Vivi
A/N: I love everyone on this list like for real come kiss me Vivi 🙁🙁 SHANKS TOO. HE IS SO FINE. SO IS ACE. LIKE GYYYYYAT!! Next part is Enel, Katakuri, Big Mom, Kidd, Arlong, and Yamato (last part)
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Loud ass snoring
Does not care
Aaabsolutley pulls bitches
Marines or not marines
Paints his nails the brightest most noticeable colors
Bright yellow
Hot pink
Neon green
Absolutely outstanding father
10/10 dad
The one you call to get drunk or high or cross faded with
Would deal his kids weed to make sure they stay safe
Would also give alcohol recommendations
all when they’re legally allowed ofc
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A lil fruitcake
Sorry to all Law simps but he is AroAce and atp it’s cannon
Would not be into romance at all
He would definitely read gay dirty books though
Boooo lame excuse
Ok gay ass 🥸
Would dress like a teen boy trying to be cool
Would be an outstanding father if he ever had kids
Would be so into Star Trek not even joking
Speaking Klingon and allat
Is a Math/Science kinda smart guy
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I do not give a single shit what this GIF looks like
Ace has a hooked nose
And crooked teeth
And heterochromia
One green eye one brown eye type shit
Is color blind
The green and red kind
Can not drive
Do not let him behind the wheel
Got that greasy hair
That unwashed stench
Overgrown armpit hair
Has a forest under there
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This motherfucker is inSANE
Bro needs to go back to the mental health institution
Has a gold tooth
Has cologne on always
And it smells so good
Doesn’t brush his hair
But its fine bc he really pulls off the messy look
Tried to grow a beard and it did not look good
Is very organized
Is insecure about his scars
(Secretly) looks at guys
Not so secretly looks at girls
Is definitely bisexual
Choked on the devil fruit when he ate it
Messy eater
It’s basically facts that the ASL brothers have crooked noses
Except for Ace with his hooked nose
Can speak Spanish but not Portuguese
Loser can’t speak the language he grew up around 💀💀
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At least get a fade
Has male pattern baldness
Knows his hair is bad (doesn’t care)
Has cavities
Doesn’t floss
Does not wear deodorant
would definitely dress grungy
And or punk
And have a mohawk sometimes ;p
And think he’s the shit
When he needs to fix that GODDAMN HAIR
He would be gay
Oh my god how gay he would be
This guy FUCKS
Idk how but I feel like he pulls some major bitches
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TBH I would fuck him and I’m literally asexual
So yk this dude is getting it on
Has tried to smoke 20 cigars at once
Succeeded somehow
Type of guy to say “I bet five dollars that___” and always lose
But does it anyways
GOD at rock paper scissors
You may win the first time you play him, but that’s because he’s watching your tactics
Sneaky little bastard
Straight and Cis but fully supports the LGBTQIA+
“They don’t bother me, and even if a queer person did bother me, it would only be that specific one. Not all of them.”
It makes no sense how people get bullied for things they can’t control
Very stand up kinda guy
Beats up bullies type of fella
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Princess Vivi
She is so fine istg
She would for sure pull
Would have an unbelievably dark past by age 30
God of never have I ever
Would just own everyone in it
The coolest backstory
Paints her nails to match her hair
Looks really good in modest dresses
She’s Hispanic
Not sorry
For real she is
I think she would really like cats
Keeps in contact with the strawhats
Buys them things and all that
Gives them supply crates like food and fresh ingredients
Really likes working with kids
Would be an amazing and patient teacher
Would have a really good singing voice
Looks absolutely amazing in white
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bkoolerifudid · 7 months
(it's a monster factory tool, dw!)
It's just mine, if u don't feel comfortable with some just get em out or change em
Anyway, it helped me a lot bc I don't have to think of it for hours
Also i can draw all the little guys in my head easier
Well, for my monster lover and moster fucker out here, i present you:
My Make A Monster Factory!
What u need?
Dices, even informatic ones are cool!
Paper! Or anything to draw!
Pencils! Or anything to draw ×2
How does it work??
You throw the die and pick the number it fell on!
As easy as that!
Categories and everything!
Number of parts by parts!
Teeth row
1D20 <-→ 2/3D20
Type of?
1 human
2 canine
3 monstrous
4 chtonic
1 muscle
2 long'n'thin
3 tentacle
4 chitin
1 hounds
2 human
3 naga
4 monstrous
1 spiky!
2 putrid
3 human
4 wounded and fleshy
1 Madness
2 human
3 Outerworldy
4 demon
1 conjoined
2 separated
3 hydras
4 on-body
1 claws
2 blades/metal
3 human
4 long'n'thin
1 shark
2 canine
3 crooked
4 pointy
1 ethereal
2 chtonic
3 human
4 beast
Covered in??
1 blood
2 clean
3 mud
4 guts
5 sweat
6 dejection
1 wood
2 scaly
3 ethereal
4 furry
5 smooth
6 no skin
7 robot
1 naked (genitalia)
2 naked (no genitalia
3 fully clothed
4 destroyed/in bad shape
5 drapped
State= 1. Hard 2. Soft
1 human
2 beast
3 open wound
4 putrid
5 demon
5 tentacles
6 robot
7 otherworldly
1 small 1m20 -> 1m50
2 short 1m50 -> 1m75
3 middle 1m75 -> 1m90
4 tall 1m90 -> 2m30
5 very tall =/+ 2m30
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cheeseceli · 2 months
hii so i saw you were thinking abt doing a shipping game, even though it lost i thought i could ask for it !! just for funsies, u don't have to do if it's too much work!!
usually my friends say i'm a very sunshine person, even though i'd consider myself moon-coded; im very hyper, but i tend to pour that into things i like, such as art, poetry or creative processes in general!
i tend to like a lot of things at once, but my biggest interests rn are gaming, dancing and creating characters. i'm deep into music of almost any kind (i despise country, sadly) and i can talk for hours about videogames too??
im short (technically, since im 5'0), i have wavy hair, slight crooked teeth and dimples; i wear glasses, and prefer to wear loose clothing bc of thick thighs 💀
im a cat person no matter what but i only have a dog?? 😭 im also terrified of thunder and im bilingual, though im in a turbulent relationship with other 4 languages on duolingo 😔
i like nerd media - like lotr -, and i enjoy finding new things to like. my friends consider me cringe (positively), despite my futile attempts to be even cringier.
i think thats it? im sorry if i overstepped, i yap too much 😔 you can definitely ignore some of the things on this list!!!!
i originally thought abt ateez and txt, but u can write about whatever group u think fits best!! thank u <3
- 🦦
Hey! Dw because I'll probably make a shipping game eventually! And this was very fun to think of lmao, I hope this reached your expectations
I'd ship you with Seonghwa or Soobin (a very weird duo ik, but it makes sense)
As in Seonghwa, I think he'd appreciate the "moon disguised as sunshine" personality a lot, just like he could share interests with your artistic skills and nerd media (bonus if you like Lego). He seems to be someone who'd be attracted by someone's intelligence as well and the fact that you know/are learning so many languages would be a plus
I personally think Soobin would love to share your nerdy interests as well, mainly gaming! And your dynamic would be very very cool as well, especially the dog person + cat person duo. You're kinda opposites but not too much so you can't tolerate each other lmao, the difference between you guys is on point. Although I believe they wouldn't focus on appearances, you're somewhat close to what I believe would be his physical ideal type.
And that's my analysis lmao. Pls lemme know what you think!
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kimnjss · 3 years
keep going | jjk
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⤑  series: cherry pickers
⤑ pairing: gamer(fuckboi)!jungkook x video vixen(virgin)!reader
⤑ genre: smut!! (and the start of angst at the end...)
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 4.8K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: cursing, slight dirty talk, oral sex (m/f. receiving), handjob, cum shot, face sitting, spitting, grinding, (half-assed) 69-ing, nipple play, groping, dry humping, they’re both half drunk nd messy.
⤑ A/N: hiiii! how are you? sooo ., i decided to make the party two parts bc i had terrible time management today nd it’s getting late - buut i really wanted to post today. sooo part two up tomorrow!!
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MAY 8TH, 2020 | 23:30
Jungkook hears your squeal over the booming bass of the music, long before you're appearing through the crowd of drunk partygoers. Jimin is steps behind you, large black glasses resting on the tip of his nose. Eyes likely bloodshot underneath them obvious from the stumble in his walk. Your hair fans out behind you as you run, jumping with a shout onto your boyfriend. Who is more than ready to catch you. Hands splayed over the small of your back, while your legs wrap around his waist.
Giggling, even though nothing's really funny. Cold hands finding his cheeks as your hair creates a curtain on one side of his face. “My baby!” Speaking a bit too loud for how close you are, but he doesn't mind it. Especially since you're quick with covering his mouth with yours. The strong taste of alcohol hitting his tongue as if how drunk you were wasn't already obvious.
The kiss doesn't last long because you're being distracted by your thoughts, lips parting from his, you begin to bounce in his arms. Thighs brushing against his waist and the skirt of your dress riding up the swell of your ass. “Jimin said you got dressed up for me,” You're wearing this pretty smile on your face, cheeks tinted pink and he's not too convinced it's just from the alcohol.
He nods without a bit of hesitation because he had nothing to hide. Wouldn't even be stood here in this outfit if he didn't think you'd find him attractive in it. Another squeal is leaving your lips, legs leaving his body as you jump down out of his grasp. Taking a step back to fully take in his appearance.
“You look good enough to eat,” Moving in close to him, your arms lift to wrap around his neck. Tugging gently so his face is level with yours, the tip of his nose nudging against your cheek as you lean up to reach his ear. “We'll get to that later, though.” A gentle kiss pressed to the outside of it and you're sure you hear a moan leave his lips.
Not dwelling too much on the sound, you pull back, taking his hand in his, leading him into the kitchen where you swear you saw Jimin disappear. Probably in search of smoother drinks to accompany the numerous shots swimming in his stomach. Jimin was quite the drinker and a bit hard to keep up with, either way, you managed without falling over. That was definitely a plus.
Jungkook had been here an hour or two before you showed up. Found Taehyung in the crowd and Yoongi after that, the three of them spending time drinking and talking while he waited for you. Your friends were cool and he was enjoying the music and everything, but at the end of it, he was most looking forward to seeing you... even if he had been with you just the day before.
Shots were passed around and Yoongi had his mind set on getting absolutely trashed, him and everyone within a ten-foot radius. Which had him refilling every single empty glass in sight. Including Jungkook, despite the fact, he was on the far end of the couch. So yeah, not as drunk as you, but definitely heading in that direction.
Who cares, though? It was a party after all.
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MAY 9TH, 2020 | 00:19
Sat up on the kitchen counter with Jungkook beside you, quietly sipping from his cup while you talk a mile a minute with the guys in the room. Taehyung has taken an interest in Jimin who has made it his entire business to play hard to get. The whole nine yards, honestly, not looking directly at him while he spoke, acting aloof when it was clear to any of your close friends that Tae was enjoying the undivided attention.
Yoongi had gone somewhere a good half hour ago, nothing but a brief mumble of his departure which was drowned out by the music. Hoseok was leaving a few moments after him, loudly declaring he wanted to go dance. Yet, you have yet to see the inevitable circle form around him.
That left Joon and Jin with you and Jungkook, the four of you laughing and talking loudly about something that you'd no doubt forget in the morning. Well, three of you... Jungkook only half listened, the rest of his attention on you. Hadn't taken his eyes off you since he was setting you down on the counter and it was getting a little hard to ignore his stare.
Jungkook was always obvious, hardly ever beat around the bush... especially when it had anything to do with you. So just one look in his direction and you could tell that he was undressing you with his eyes, playing a dirty movie in his mind where the two of you were the stars.
Normally, you'd tease him. Get him all riled up until he was whining, basically begging for some type of release. It was always fun to see how far you could push him, how much you could get away with before he was becoming a mess of himself. 
Strangely tonight, though, you didn't feel like teasing. Wanted him just as much as he wanted you, if not more. And with this liquid courage cruising through your veins, you didn't care if he knew it. You didn't care who knew it. Jin has sparked Joon's argumentative spirit, claiming he was right about something that Joon literally based his entire life on.
It's not often you get to see Joon get riled up, especially in the face of a stranger. But the oddly sexy vein popping out at the side of his neck is very low on your list of concerns. No, your focus is on Jungkook and how you can get him from this room to upstairs a little more private.
“Koo,” His head snaps in your direction in an instant at the sound of your voice, cloudy eyes taking in your outstretched arms. Instantly putting together that you were beckoning him toward you, he doesn't waste a moment to stand in front of you. Palms settling down against the tops of your thighs, the coldness of them forcing goosebumps to rise on your warm skin.
Long legs stretching out to wrap around his hips, pulling him closer. You always wanted him closer. Fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him down closer to you. He kisses you immediately, hands wrapping around your thighs, using his grip to pull your body toward him. He's hard. Can feel it pressed right against your thigh, a curious hand dropping down his torso until you're able to reach him.
Jungkook flinches at the touch, hips jerking forward and teeth scraping against your lower lip. The subtle pain pulls a moan from your lips that's quickly muffled by the determined twist of his tongue. Hesitant fingers inch underneath the hem of your dress and then back down your thighs, up a little higher, and then back down. His fingers repeat their movement three times before you're pulling away from his lips.
“What are you doing?” Your words come out through a laugh, hands on either side of his face as you look down to watch his fingers on your skin. “I'm just checking...” All slurred and barely coherent, he's not looking at you instead he's tracking the movements of his fingers as if he was in the midst of creating a masterpiece on your legs.
You can't help the laugh that slips past your lips at his focus, fingers racking through his short hair. Pushing the fluffy strands out of the way so you can get a better peak at the look of concentration on his face. “Checking what?”
Dark eyes lift to find yours, teeth catching his lower lip as he searches your features. Looking for any hint that you were uncomfortable. That you wanted him to slow down. Something that you constantly caught him doing if the two of you were moving past a peck. It was sweet, nice of him to always be thinking of you. But it did make you feel fragile like you needed him to look out for you. Never did you like this feeling, but coming from him... it didn't feel so bad.
“How high up you'll let me go this time. Do you want me to stop?” There's a second question hidden in there. He wasn't just talking about his hands on his legs, but rather how far you were willing to go tonight. It's obvious because Jungkook was horrible at hiding what he was thinking, every thought written on his face at all times.
Which is why you're so quick to shake your head, using the hold you have around his waist to pull him further between his legs. His hardening length brushing against the crease of your thighs and you're humming at the feeling of warmth that spreads throughout your body. “Not yet. Keep going,”
That's all he needs to hear and it's like a switch has been flipped inside of him. Whatever restraint he had been using since you first jumped on him going out the window as his hands move higher up your legs, face nuzzling in the crook of your neck. His teeth catch your skin, blunt nails dragging their way to your ass and all you're left to do is whine and moan underneath him.
A hand running down the front of his pastel-colored pants to cover his crotch. Fingers flexing around his bulge, shamelessly palming him through his pants in the middle of Yoongi's kitchen. He's letting out a breathy groan, head falling back as his hips move in motion with your hand.
He looks so hot, it's almost unbelievable. Eyes squeeze shut, with his lower lip tucked between his teeth. Thick neck on full display, you can't help but lean up and kiss it. Sucking open-mouthed kisses into his skin, while your hand moves over him. 
“Fuck,” he groans, loud enough for just you to hear. The sound sending a pang of arousal pooling between your legs. “I want to fuck you so bad,” It's a drunken confession that he's barely aware of, his focus on his hands squeezing your ass over the fabric of your dress.
Leaning back enough so your eyes catch his, he's looking at you with such desire and want. A look that you're no stranger to, but it definitely has you feeling a little less out of control tonight. Tilting your head up, you press a soft kiss to his lips, pulling back just before his tongue is able to slither past your lips. 
“Wanna go upstairs?”
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MAY 9TH, 2020 | 00:57
Jungkook takes two steps toward you the moment Yoongi's bedroom door is secured shut. Hands on either side of your face, holding your head steady as he goes in for a kiss. A sloppy rushed kiss that pulls deep groans from his lips. Fingers curling in your hair while his hand drops low on your waist, pulling your body into his.
He's spent long enough holding on to restraint, not wanting to tip the scale in either direction in hopes to keep you from pulling back. Only going as far as you'd let him, but now you were giving him the green light for more. And although, he wasn't sure how much more you were willing to give... he was going to enjoy all he was able to take.
His mouth falls from yours, fingers moving toward the neckline of your dress. The same tiny dress you deemed too tight to wear anything underneath, besides the lace thong that does nothing but look pretty against your skin. With a fluid motion of his hands, your tits are spilling out the top of your dress, nipples peaking from the cool air circulating around the room.
His cock stiffens in his pants at the sight. Trying not to be obvious with the way the sight of your bare chest makes him drool. This was so far from being the first time he's seen boobs, but this was the first time he was seeing yours and that felt like the first time ever. He didn't know what to do with himself. Brain working overtime trying to figure out where to start. He wanted all of you, that much wasn't a secret. But he knew that he had to be careful, this was a privilege of course. A rarity. One wrong move and he fuck it all up for himself. 
The blank stare on his face does nothing for the pounding in your chest. Wishing that he'd just say something instead of staring the way he was. Not even looking directly at you. Did he think they were weird? Were you doing too much? Should you cover up?
Two strong hands wrap around your thighs, lifting your body off of the ground. Finally, finally looking up at you with those dark brown eyes of his. So easy to read, so filled with lust. For you. Long strides taken across the room and before you know it, your body is being surrounded by fluffy sheets and the smell of Yoongi.
“You're so perfect,” He sounds like he's in disbelief, shaking his head at his own words as he climbs onto the bed with you. Your head trapped on either side of his arms, hips pressed flush together. He fit so well between your legs.
Warm lips meet yours, tasting heavily of alcohol and his fruity lip balm. He's swallowing the moan that falls from your lips, tongue pushing against yours as his hips move in a slow rut. Kissing you breathless with his hand wrapped around one of your breasts, thumb flicking against your nipple. So easily pulling moans and whines from your lips with a simple flex of his muscles. “I can't believe I'm with you,” His words murmured against your lips, but your heart is standing at full attention, ready to swell in his favor.
Pulling back only to leave a trail of wet kisses down the length of his neck, mapping his way to your breasts. A breathy cry of his name falls from your lips when his teeth scrape against the hardened nub. Chuckling soft, his eyes lift to meet yours as he wraps his lips around it. Tongue moving just as it had been inside your mouth and you can't help but wonder how it'd feel in other places too.
Always ten steps ahead of you, Jungkook's hand outlines the curve of your breasts all the way down to the dip of your waist, passing your hips until the tips of his fingers catch the hem of your skirt.
He pulls off your chest with a pop, a thin line of spit connecting his lower lip to your skin. His tongue juts out to break it while his gaze lowers to watch himself reveal more and more of your skin with each movement of his hand. It's not long until your entire dress is bunched up at your waist, the maroon thong you had shimmied into on full display for his greedy eyes.
The growing wet patch between your legs is all he can seem to focus on. Jungkook startles you with his quickness, head dropping between your legs in an instant. Arms looping around your thighs to hold them apart, nose nudging against your covered clit as his tongue flattens against your slit.
“Holy fuck!” It's like someone has lit your entire body on fire. Back arched off the bed and toes pressed against the sheets. He's letting out a laugh, the prettiest sound you've ever heard paired with that toothy grin of his. Three gentle kisses are placed right on top where his tongue just had been.
Reaching down to find his soft head of hair, you gently drag his face up away from your sensitive pussy. His nose bumping against yours and his stiff cock resting just above your clit. Much harder than before and you can only guess why. Yet, despite his obvious arousal and his desperate want to continue, he's still able to compose himself enough to ask.
Pressing the softest of kisses to your lips, fingers pushing strands of your hair out of the way. “Keep going?” Silently hoping that you answer in his favor. Pretty much over the moon when you're nodding, hips lifting to meet his. It's his turn to curse, teeth cutting into his lip to keep from being too loud.
Kind of hard with the way you were grinding against him. Even through your useless panties, his boxers, and pants, he could feel you. How warm you were, wet too. So sure that his fingers would slip right in. How many would you actually be able to take? Just one? Two? Maybe three?
Had to be at least three if you expected to take his dick after. Never one to brag, but Jungkook was a decent size. Thick in the places that it mattered most, long enough to boost his confidence. Definitely took pride in the way your eyes would go wide when seeing it. Were you thinking about it too? Him fucking you.
“Yn, fuck.” He's hissing through clenched teeth, only now noticing the work you've done at the front of his pants. Buttons undone and fly wide open, your warm hand down the front of his briefs to fish out his throbbing length. It only grows harder in your soft grip, twitching at the brush of cool air.
It takes two of your small hands to cover him, the pink mushroom tip peaking out from your closed fists. Hands twisting in opposite directions and he doesn't even hesitate to fuck into the hole you've created. Eyes fluttering as breathy moans fall from his lips, heavy balls slapping against your covered pussy.
Jungkook's got a firm grip on your breast, the other hand clutching the bunched up fabric of your dress. Head bowed as he watches his cock disappear and reappear between your hands. He has no shame in the fact he's imagining it's you he's fucking. That he's being squeezed by the tightness of your walls. Imagining that you're reaching your limit too, instead of him selfishly getting his release. Every single time.
He loses it when you're sitting up, spitting into the palm of your hand to create a much wetter slip for his cock. Hands tightening around him and moving at a much faster pace. He's gasping and groaning, fucking forward as if he's buried inside of you. And you're close too, it makes him feel a lot better about the loud way he spills his load onto your stomach.
Warm and sticky against your clammy skin, you're lifting a hand off of him to dip your fingers into the mess. He watches the way you drag through it, bringing your index finger up to your mouth. “Oh, God.” He groans, earning a pretty giggle from you. His mouth is on yours again within an instant, fingers tangling in your hair as his tongue rolls around the inside of your mouth.
Tasting himself on your tongue and that just makes him want you more. “Please let me taste you.” His eyes still feel heavy and his body too, but that's the least bit of his concern. He wants to make you feel good. It's only fair, with the way you're constantly catering to him. You deserved it. “Please,”
Not even worried about sounding desperate or even whiny, he just wants you. He wants you to want him. And you do. Have wanted him since the first time you met him if you're honest. Tonight all of that was only amplified, a mixture of the alcohol and the realization of how quickly you had fallen for him.
Didn't even realize it was happening until it was done. Jungkook was quickly becoming it for you. Not a day went by where he wasn't on your mind, yearning to see him, to talk to him, to kiss him. Needy in ways that were nearly foreign to you. Always so good at keeping it together, but when it came to him you just couldn't.
And you didn't really want to either.
“Okay,” His face breaks into this huge smile and you can't help the laugh that falls from your lips. “Okay?” He has to check, make sure that he's hearing you right. And when the sound of your laugh fills his ears, followed by another confirmation he's almost ready to jump for joy.
Springing up, he's shrugging his shirt off. Wiping the drying cum from your stomach as a true gentleman would. Tossing the dirty fabric to the side, he's shifting to lay on his back before you're stopping him. “Take this one off too,” Reaching for the sleeve of his undershirt and he doesn't waste a moment before tugging it over his head and tossing it to the side.
He's moving to lay on his back before you're allowed the proper time to admire his well worked on chest. The ripples in his stomach that can only be accomplished with hours upon hours in the gym. His head lifts to find you sat up in the same spot, this quizzical look on his face which you return with a laugh.
“Come sit on my face,” He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, reaching out for your wrist, to gently drag you toward him. Your eyes are saucers, cheeks flushed at the thought of being sat up on him like that. “Why?” It's obvious to the both of you why, but you wait for his answer anyway.
His shoulders lift in a slight shrug, lips stretching into a slow sexy smile. “I've always wanted you to sit on my face,” He's so calm about it too as if he didn't just admit to the dirty secret thoughts that bounce around his head when the two of you are alone. You're so inclined to give this man whatever he wants that you don't bother to fight it anymore, simply lifting yourself up to stand over his head.
Taking in the way he's smiling up at you like a kid on Christmas, arms looped around your legs to help you lower yourself onto him. The tips of his fingers latch onto the waistband of your panties, tugging them far enough down your legs so he's getting a good look at your bare pussy.
Lips glistening with your arousal, slightly puffy from the bit of stimulation. There's a small patch a hair above it, trimmed into a neat triangle. Almost like an arrow saying: Jungkook's mouth goes here. And he's forever one to follow a sign. With his arms looped around your thighs, he's lowering you comfortably over him. He lands an open-mouthed kiss on your clit, using the grip he holds on your thighs to hold your body still.
Gasping, your hips jerk, body lunging forward to brace yourself on his stomach. “Fucking cute,” He murmurs into your pussy, head tilting to the side so his tongue can reach deeper inside of you. Paying close attention to the sounds of your whines to make sure that you're enjoying yourself just as much as he was.
Much sweeter than he had thought, arousal dripping down the sides of his lips. You've got a tight grip in his hair, hips moving in stuttered thrusts against his mouth. A hand pressed onto his stomach, nails scraping against the skin. He's cautious with introducing his fingers to the mix, teasing your hole slowly before he's pushing one in. Cock stiffening at the loud wail that leaves your lips, legs spreading wider for him.
It's never felt this good. Not when you're alone with your own hand down there. His is much longer, thicker. Reaching deeper inside than you ever could. With lips latched around your clit and a single finger fucking inside of you, Jungkook's pretty sure he's died and gone to heaven. The sounds of your moans being the welcome bell.
His tongue moving around your clit in quick circles and he swears he feels your walls clench around his fingers. So wound up, it's not long before you're nearing your end. And he takes the chance by pushing another finger alongside the first one, much tighter and harder to move but the sound that leaves your lips eggs him on.
“Shit, baby...” He pants against you, the warmth of your hand around his shaft making him lose focus. You stroke him lazily, barely able to keep your head up with the way he's making you feel. But you manage, tongue poking out to roll against the tip. His whines vibrate against your pussy and throughout your entire body, forcing an involuntary roll of your hips.
Fingers plunging deeper inside of you as his hips lift, cock brushing against your lips at the same time he's curling his fingers. Pressing against the rough patch that has you spiraling out of control, hips bucking against his face and grip tightening in his hair. “Jungkook, fuck! I'm...” Pretty much delirious at this point because he has no interest in letting up, determined to knock you over the edge if it's the last thing he does.
A string of curses leaves your lips. Sloppy kisses landing on his length, a failed attempt to muffle them. All at once you're feeling pressure build and snap in the pit of your stomach, a wave of heat washing over you. Your legs shake on either side of his head, loud cries of his name and incoherent sentences falling from your lips.
Jungkook holds you steady through all of it, the movement of his tongue slowly as you come down. Lips puckering to plant a gentle kiss to your lips, just as your body is falling limp against his. Slowly pulling his fingers from inside of you, he doesn't waste a moment with sucking your juices from them, humming contently at the taste.
“So sweet,”
Shifting in his hold, you move to sit on his lap. His nose, mouth, and chin are shiny with your arousal, cheeks flushed and eyes hooded, hair a knotted mess. He looks absolutely fucked out and it's so hot. Lowering yourself, your mouth is finding his, tongue plunging into his mouth as you lower your body. The tip of his cock nudging against your clit, forcing a moan from your lips.
All it would take is a certain angle of your hips and he'd be sinking inside of you. Stealing away your virginity with a single thrust of his hips. You wanted that so bad. With him. Only him. “Jungkook.” Sighing his name out, his cock twitches between your legs. And from the way his eyes go wide, you can tell he's just noticed how close you actually were. 
“I want you to fuck me. Please, Kookie,” There's slight whine in your voice, but you don't care how desperate you sound. You've never wanted something this bad. Felt it in your chest, your stomach, your core. You wanted him.
He doesn't say anything for a while, eyes scanning over your features for a little longer than you'd like. Before he's letting out a soft sigh, his hand reaching up to push his hair back on his head. Sitting up with you in his lap, his hand lifting to wipe at the wetness around his lips. “Fuck, princess. Not tonight. Not yet,” Two large hands set on your shoulders, he's offering up an apologetic smile.
A pout is already forming on your lips. You can't help it, your brows just seem to automatically furrow and your lip pushes out. “Why not?” His hand is lifting to pat your hair, head tilting up to press a soft kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Because, when I fuck you... I'm gonna fuck you.” You'd think he was explaining the cuteness of puppies with the way he was looking at you. The tone he was using. “And you've been drinking. I need to make sure you remember every second,” His fingers rub against your scalp lightly before he's going in for another kiss.
Not even a moment is granted for the sting of rejection to settle in. The moment he's pulling away and gently nudging you off of his lap to redress, there's a loud knock on the door and you're becoming all too aware of the party that was still going on downstairs. A loud crash follows the knock and you can hear shouts from two very familiar voices.
And then another, much harder knock. Joon's voice sounding from the other side. Hurriedly explaining all the commotion going on downstairs. 
“Hoseok and Yoongi are fighting!”
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— known for your body and surrounded by rumors about your sex life… rumors that he doesn’t think to doubt. until he’s meeting you… forced to realize there’s much more to you then the thonged shorts and lacy costumes.
⤪ masterlist ⤨
 taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @houseofarmanto @preciouschimine @chocobetterknot @kookiesjoonies @ashleyjoyx @thia-aep @jinhitwhore @silentlyimpractical @acc3ssdenied @triviasjms @joonies-babyy @bangtansonyeondayyyum @bangtan-noona @mipetronella @lilacdreams-00 @strawberryforever25 @tae165 @jikooksgirl19 @dee-ehn @butterflylion @alterlovess @joontopia @my-odd-mix @yeontanie21 @sw33tnight @kookiesdoe @daydreambrliever @elliemeetsevil​ @hellotherehoneybee @bangtansbun @taefect94 @tricethecharm​ @pjmcth​ @0xmysticx0​ @samros95​ @codeinebelle​ @vmin-soulmate​ @bluewhale52​ @thecityrain​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @diminieshoe​ @kelitt​ @soulstaes​ @ayyyocee​ @betysotelo18​
taglist: @elephantdoors @ratking101 @amour-quinn @gemad08 @yoooonie @ughtear @ambersaesthetics @peachy-tata @moonlitmyg @trinityxsope @diorhobii @miagracegrande @tom-hollands-wife @loveyoongles @seokjinslittledumpling @kerikaaria @ggukkieland @gwsyoongi @salty-for-suga @beeeb05 @dionysusrage @jungkookspromise @princecalpal @agustneeds @neverthefirstchoice  @agustdakasuga @veronawrites @omot7 @agirlintheparkjimin @wildly-lost-lantern @goldenkookietae @ephyraaaa @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @sungieshines @embrace-themagic @kim-ji-hyeons-world  @mrksmrks @hyunjinhasmyheart @paddingtonrue @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @veryuniquenamegoeshere @niieceyy @lowlifeoeuvre @lee-karliah​ @angiexyoung @marifujioka @softlyjins @mochibabycakes @producerjk​ @hqtetsurou​
taglist: @heyitsbreeeeee​ @munkey888​ @bbyjoonies​ @prdshobi​ @myworldisgone11​ @kthvol6​ @soloikeadates​ @illwritetomorrow​ @jiminbabyluv​ @parkjammys​ @mypurplelamp​ @hansolsrightnut​ @vanillabrightlightning​ @huhuehuey​ @jiminshibaby​ @rjsmochii​ @certifiedcrazycatlady​ @jayyayyy17​ @my-current-mood-is​ @bangpink123​ @btsbed​ @definitely-not-tina​ @jeonsbae01​ @metaethically​ @kb-bangtanenthusiast​ @ardenlovesyou​ @simplymemyself​ @jin-from-the-block​ @janieooo​ @xxstrangegirlxxx​ @pastelbleuet​ @pxjiminsi​ @ruinsofangels​ @ladyarmanto​ @bloopkook​ @hopiebabie​ @bigimpression​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @hisunshiine​ @uxwi​ @yayo-kittty​ @taejinminsu​ @miss-jupiter​ @btsbangtanbois​ @sugalou​ @pjminmin​ @yoongiofmine​ @94ser0da​ @kim-jias-den​
taglist: @imezz​ @itookallthejamsbruh​ @kimsouthjoon​ @ephyra1230​ @awhnamjoon​ @jkismyasmr​ @eyereen​ @gldnrecs​ @jiminddaeng​ @morndas​ @daebakrex​ @getmemyfries​ @v3nti​ @drippingguk​ @iridescentstories​ @cheesecakes-randomshitz​ @jakiki94​ @tatiquichi​ @tatajoonie​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​ @shadowhale​ @kuggnuj​ @cynicalitys​ @saymynamewithluv​ @kooafraid​ @milkteade​ @revehosh​
taglist: @squirrelandcrafts​ @sweetnight​ @trynavibewhileicry​ @eatjeanjin​ @nightapple4jk​ @localjisung​ @aureumjeon​ @kooknova​ @ardoren​ @diamonddia-mond​ @dammit-jjk​ @jwlmnbt​ @jiminsreads​ @poisoneveyyy​ @girlontheblock​ @bunny-on-crack​ @sweetestdreamssuga​ @tommasauras​ @cecedrake2217​ @bangtan-ology​ @hobiismyhopeu​ @subtlepjiminie​ @bangtangrl​ @kooks3uphoria​ @vampgguk​ @alpaca1612​ @gukkiecuddles​ @hazefilter​ @nochujjk97​ @smol1​ @mama-m0chi​ @blue1928​ @babelleerr​ @rlynotme​ @jaywalksalloverme​ @bansheehunteremissary​ @justmythings16​ @giadalin​ @ladyartemesia​ @xxunmeixsenpaixx​ @ot7always-main​ @msunnsstuff​ @tew-atx​ @lierr007​ @bishuthot​ @jaebeomsblackgf​ @taexmichi​ @patpus​
taglist: @anothershorthuman​ @izzyexe​ @letmebreathepls​ @okaysoplshelpme​ @chogiyeol-utopia​ @iforgotthemelody​ @kookiepout​ @sunshine-ybba​ @lovelyseomin​ @super-btstrash-posts​ @calikoocat​  @richkookie​ @yoong-i​ @koochiekoo​ @thephotoend​ @heavenspidey​ @perseephony​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @mina-bear​ @holdinbacksecrets​ @drumsofheaven​ @na-na-na-nanna​ @sunset-and-daydreams​ @luvtaeha​ @yoongipsychic​ @bipolarbeyotch​ @fanfics-for-fun​ @anoncutiw​ @stillphoria​ @lomeinchicks​ @anjcia​ @keenmedstudent​ @xtrataerrestrial​
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
2K notes · View notes
oftenderweapons · 3 years
hello 👀 first of all i love your writing. second of all idk if you saw joon’s make up artist reaching up to him to fix his makeup on set but i could think about vixen bc we all know how volatile and jealous she may get.... so may i suggest a joon x vixen jealous sex drabble??? thank u!!!
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Hello, dear reader. Thank you soooo much for the compliments. I couldn’t help but deliver, it literally wrote itself. There you go 💜✨
title: yours, truly
pairing: namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
wordcount: 2.7k
genre: smut, fluff, established relationship
rating: 18+, minors do not interact
synopsis: Vixen doesn't appreciate the imbalance between her belonging to Namjoon and his belonging to her, and although she understands the limits due to his job, at the same time she's uncomfortable about the way she feels. However, Namjoon is eager to reassure her.
trigger warnings: argument on jealousy and double standards. There is one very specific passage where Namjoon imposes himself physically on Vixen, grabbing her and pinning her while she's trying to get away from him. If this triggers you, please do not read further. On to sexual topics: mention of cunnilingus, masturbation (male and female receiving), unprotected sex (BE SMART!!!!!!), marking, power struggle, several occurrences of pinning and top-bottom shifts.
a/n: Hello people, here's the first of several drabbles I've been working on. Please, stay tuned cause HOPEFULLY Jimin and Princess should be next 💖
Here's my masterlist enjoy 💜✨
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You stormed into the apartment, Namjoon hot on your heels.
“Vixen,” he called, watching you take off your shoes with a frown on your face. “Babylove.”
You lifted a finger, inviting him to keep quiet before you stood and headed to your room.
“Vixen?” he called, once more. He knew what had happened, and he knew you didn't mean to act like that. He knew you didn't like feeling jealous or possessive, but the footage of him wrapping an arm around his makeup artist — even if it was just to keep her from falling — had unsettled you more than you wanted to admit.
There were women who dried his sweat and helped him change his clothes and saw him half naked regularly, and they were out there doing so publicly, while you didn't even own a picture of him kissing you. After being together for six months. After him asking you to be his wife.
To anyone except his friends and family, you were nothing but a stranger to him.
You were his. Always. All the time. You wore his clothes and had his marks on you from Monday to Sunday, twenty-four seven, uninterruptedly ever since he'd first told you he loves you — with an unintended pause because of the tour.
But what about him? Did he even belong to you?
He called your name shyly, fearsomely. “Look at me, please.”
“I'm going to take a bath,” you announced dryly.
“I'm coming with you,” he replied, already taking off his clothes.
“I want to be alone.”
He inhaled and did the crudest, most animalistic thing he could think of. He grabbed your waist and made you face him. “Vixen. Look at me.”
You shook your head and tutted.
“Say 'no' and I'll let you go,” he said, his voice booming like thunder.
You stayed silent.
“Look at me,” he repeated, an arm around your waist, his free one coming up so he could grip your chin and force your eyes to meet his. “Like this.”
“I hate this!” you spat, looking away right before he forced you to meet his eyes again. “It's not fair!” You snarled before angrily pushing the heel of your foot against his toes.
He hissed and let you go, only to catch you once more half a second later, pinning you against the wall. “Talk to me.”
Your brow furrowed, your eyes like a dark storm, you looked at the floor as you admitted, “I have no right to feel jealous. And I hate it. It’s not fair.”
Namjoon hugged you to him, kissing your head as you pressed your forehead to his chest.
“I’m so sorry, I just… hate that you make me feel like this. It’s not you, it’s how I feel about what you do. That is, the position you’re in.” You bit your lip nervously, gripping his shirt in your fists.
Namjoon didn’t quite understand what you meant by that, but reversing the situation gave him a quite poignant point of view. The idea of you being chaperoned by other men at all time, of you being in his shoes, with people drooling over you at all times, being backstage and having no privacy with or without your clothes on, people imagining you as their partner, as their hot one night stand, as their one true love.
The thought of having to share you the same way you had to share him all the time made a shiver run down his spine. He knew he would never be able to tolerate all the things you went through for him without batting an eye. “I’m so sorry, love.” He ran his hands to the back of your thighs lowering himself to pick you up, your arms latching behind his neck as he did so. “I’m so, so sorry, little fox,” he repeated, his voice so deep and soothing.
“I’m okay, it’s just that…”
He kissed your cheek as he sat on the bed, placing you on top of him, straddling his hips. “You’re not okay, and that’s alright.” He waited for you to oppose as he let his lips linger one millimeter from yours.
Shyly, almost as if reluctantly, you pressed your mouth to his, feeling his hand on your nape, tangling in your hair, the other one pressed to the small of your back. “Take off your clothes, please,” you whispered in between kisses. Unquestioningly, he took off his undershirt, your body still on top of his while you undid the buttons of your blouse — actually, only a couple of them before you slipped it off from over your head. Namjoon’s hands went around your waist, lifting the lace and satin top you were wearing underneath, pressing his nose to your sternum once your torso was so enticingly naked, your body rising to your knees so he could reach your breastbone more comfortably, your arms hugging his head.
“You’re so precious, my babylove. So strong,” he murmured, “You’re so understanding and I’m so glad when you open up to me.” He inhaled you as he confessed some more of his worries, “I always fear that someday it will feel too much and you’ll leave.”
You shook your head, squishing his face in your palms before standing before him, taking off your jeans lightning-fast, watching him quickly remove his slacks and underwear in one go.
“Come claim it, babe,” he growled, extending his hands to you, making a come-hither motion.
You wiggled out of your panties and smiled sweetly, joining him, sitting on his lap and batting your eyelashes with a cute pout, Namjoon shaking his head at you with a knowing grin. And at that, you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. “You really thought?”
He licked his lips and rolled his eyes. “I, at least, hoped.” His hands landed on your ass before you could grab his wrists and pin them above his head while you made your way up, your naked fold glistening with wetness already in the unforgivingly bright light of your bedroom.
You knew he had a thing for keeping the lights on anyways.
“Come on, sit,” he said, his arms fighting you only playfully as he ached to grab your ass and make you ride his face.
“No.” Your reply was lapidary as your free hand began to tease the skin around your sex — not yet your folds, nor your clit,
“Vixen.” Your name sounded like a warning.
“Maybe you’ll learn I can do without you.”
“Enough,” he growled before his arms escaped your weak excuse of a grip, his jaw locked and his eyes stern in what would be nothing but his hard dom look. “You think you’re funny?”
The way he pushed you with your back to the mattress, your arms trying to save you from losing your balance, made your heartbeat flutter.
“You think I don’t know that already? You think that doesn’t scare me to the bone?” He hissed as he laid on top of you, holding back his weight only slightly. “We know who can do without who here,” he said, his eyes so tormented you wanted to comfort him. “I’m half a soul without you.”
You wrapped your legs around him, rubbing your pelvis against his hardening cock. “Stay with me, then. Remind me.” You placed your lips against his neck, licking up the curve of his throat before bringing your lips to his ear. “Are you mine, Joonie?”
His eyes rolled shut, his head moving in a nodding motion. “I only want to be yours. All the time. I wish we could be naked and alone every single second.”
You giggled and moved your hand between your bodies. “Can I stretch a little? I need you inside.”
“Do you want me to do that?” He asked, right before you shook your head. “Fuck, ____, you're fucking perfect,” he murmured, kissing down your body, licking your nipple, sucking it briefly. “I'm so in love.”
“Do you remember what I told you that night?” you asked him, purring as you pushed two fingers inside you.
“That you're gonna be my wife, someday?”
You chuckled and nodded. Sometimes it felt unreal that he had proposed to you. Already.
And that the ring around your right fourth finger was not your family ring.
“I told you I'm dedicating my life to you. That I want to live by your side for as long as we can. That I believe in you.”
He found solace in the crook of your neck, his lips searching for your collarbone before his teeth nibbled at it gently. “Don't stop. Ever.”
A third finger entered your hole, stretching your inner walls until you were comfortable. Still, you were too impatient to wait any longer, grabbing his cock and placing its tip against your folds. “I won't,” you promised, a loud gasp leaving your mouth as he sank in. “Fuck, too big.”
Namjoon backtracked as quickly as possible, but your hands stopped him just in time. “No, no, stay inside, please. I can get used to it.” Your nails sunk into his ass. “Don't go. Please.”
Namjoon inhaled, trying to keep his cool as much as possible. “I should have prepped you.” He groaned and pressed your face into his neck. “Hold tight, love. I need to shift just a little.”
You loved when he pampered you like that, when he treated you like his delicate porcelain doll. With a loud exhale, he fixed his position until he could rest more easily and resist your tight squeezes as you adjusted to him filling you to the brim. In maybe a minute, you shifted your hips, whispering, “Okay, move, please.”
“That's my good girl,” he replied, smiling at you before giving one slow, smooth stroke that made you purr and throw your head back, his tongue drawing the arch of your throat. “My jealous little thing, mh? You're so adorable.” He gave another deep, slow thrust, watching you writhe below him, legs shaking as they tensed up in pleasure. And then again, pulling out and pushing in making your toes curl, your entire mind malfunctioning into bliss.
“I love it when you're jealous,” he taunted you. “Makes me feel so wanted.” He drew the shell of your ear with his lips, your body drowning in sensations, too small to handle all he had to offer. “Almost as sexy and as desirable as you are. My little fox.”
“Joonie…” you almost sobbed, clawing at his shoulders before remembering you must absolutely not, throwing your hands off him and tugging at the sheets.
Namjoon nuzzled his nose against the side of your face. “Scratch, mark, bite. I don't care. I'm yours, Vixen.”
You whimpered and forced yourself not to. Maybe you just wanted to see who would cave first, maybe you were still feeling too petty about all the times you had been denied.
“Do it. I know you want it,” he tempted you. “Take what you want, little fox.”
You shook your head and brought yourself not only to pin your hands in place, but also turn your face away.
Namjoon rammed into you aggressively at your act of defiance, causing you to gasp and flinch. “Claim me. Do it, ____. I belong to you. Won't you acknowledge that?”
Lips sealed, eyes closed, you fought him, knowing you were absolutely hopeless the moment he pulled you on top of him. “See. This is what you do to me. Look at me. Look at the mess I become for you. For you, alone. No one else in the whole world, Vixen. Only you.” He led his hand on your belly, rubbing at your clit with his thumb, letting you grind on him with your own pace. He only wanted to make you feel good. “Vixen, please, baby. Look at me.
Slowly, you opened your eyes, your hands on his pectorals, your hips moving on him so naturally, so comfortably. He looked beautiful. Grandiose. Magnificent.
He looked like the only man you would ever look at. You knew there was no way you would look at anyone else if he was in the room.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked fondly, placing his hand atop of yours, lacing your fingers together.
“That you're the only one for me. That I need something of you that belongs to me alone.”
He shifted your hands slightly, his engulfing your own on top of his beating heart. “Here. Yours. All yours. Take it.”
You started going faster, needing for the messy ordeal to come to an end so you could sleep the afternoon away wrapped up in his arms.
With quick swivels of your hips, you changed your angle, making sure that he rubbed against your sweet spot, deep inside you.
“Guess what else is yours?” he teased, looking down, keeping his finger steady against your sensitive nub.
“Your exceedingly large dick?” you suggested with a gleam in your voice, sending the both of you into a tumble of laughs.
“Exactly,” he replied playfully. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” you replied quickly, feeling your high spiral out of control. “Cumming.”
“Let go,” he reassured you, catching you with his arm once your body collapsed, his thumb still teasing you while he started thrusting from below, making sure that your orgasm peaked and extinguished in pleasure before he finally climaxed, knowing all too well that your final squeezes would trigger his own ecstasy.
“Doesn't it feel good to cum on your favourite dick, mh?”
“My one and only,” you stated openly, watching him get increasingly worked up. “Show me who you belong to, Joon. You say you're mine? Then cum inside me.”
He shut his eyes tight. “Come on. Gimme all you've got,” you taunted him.
He grit his teeth and shook his head. He needed better leverage to go harder.
You understood that immediately. “Wanna get on top?”
He was conflicted, but in the end you found yourself with your back once more to the mattress, his cock pushing inside you so hard and fast that you were ready to start all over again if it weren't for the numbing sleepiness pulling at your mind.
“I'm yours,” he gritted out, in between strokes, like a mantra. “Get it into your pretty head that I'm yours. That I only want you. For the rest of my life,” he breathed out the final part. “I'm gonna—” and with a wildly erotic growl you felt him swell inside you before his release flowed into you, his body too sensitive to handle the high for too long.
Once he was done, there was nothing but spent, panting bodies, your hand in his hair as you helped him calm down.
“Are you feeling better, little fox?” he asked, taking your joined hands and bringing your knuckles to his lips. “If we swapped roles for a day, you the idol and I the normal person, I don't think I would be able to face it like you do.”
With your eyes closed, you waited for him to pull the two of you on your sides, your head on his chest, legs tangled together as he rubbed his feet against yours lazily and lasciviously.
“I know you don't like feeling jealous and I'm sorry that I made you feel that. You always say it's part of my job and you're understanding, but we both know it's hard to stop these emotions from happening.”
You nodded, inhaling his scent, so deeply mixed with yours. “It's worth it though. Because of the man you are, and what you mean to me.”
He kissed your head.
“I need to clean up. I want to sleep with you.”
He nodded. You were both more than happy to cancel the date and just sleep in, wrapped up in light sheets on the late September day.
Once washed and ready for sleep, Namjoon found your perfect position, your right hand in his left one as he toyed with your ring, pushing it around. Even though he had proposed, he knew the wait would be long. Still, he tried. “How much time left?” he asked, the question a cliché between the two of you by now. You always knew what it meant to him.
“A while,” you replied — your usual answer.
He nodded and pulled you closer. “Sleep tight, baby fox.”
“Sleep tight, big bear.”
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smuggsy · 3 years
i would love to see #11 for the prompt thing (just want to say i adore ur current ed/oswald/omc series btw im excited for more! <3)
owww, thank you so much <3 it's nice to hear ppl are actually enjoying it bc i've got almost no feedback. another chapter is coming soon (;
but now onto the whump below the cut. #11 “Please, let me help you.” 
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Getting used to his impaired vision is no easy task, he'll admit. Now that the doctor's made a thorough job of cleaning the wound and administering antibiotics to prevent infection and prescribed him two different kinds of painkillers and now that the initial shock of it all has passed. Now it downs on Oswald that this is who he's going to be from now on, that watching his step carefully when he goes down the stairs and bumping into walls that are closer than they seem is something he's going to have to get used to. 
As if walking around with a limp and a cane wasn't demeaning enough already. He lets out a grunt as he finally makes it to the kitchen, everything is sunk in darkness and he fails to turn on the lights two times before he finally finds the switch.
He sees the switch. He knows where it is. It's always been there, in that exact same spot, and he's walked into the kitchen in the middle of the night to fix himself some tea countless times before.
Now the switch has moved.
"Urrgh," he grunts one more time as he turns around and collides against the kitchen aisle. He nearly grabs one of the chairs and tosses it across the room, a sudden rush of adrenaline and fury coursing through his sleep-deprived mind.
There's a pang behind his eyepatch as if mocking his helplessness but he calms down soon enough, closing his good eye and taking a deep breath to brace himself against the counter. He manages to put the kettle on without any further incidents, but when he stands on his toes to reach the cabinet —how many times has he told Olga to keep that stupid tea-set at hand?!— he topples over and ends up sending two very nice cups to their deaths.
They crash on the floor with a piercing sound and Oswald startles and grits his teeth at the commotion. 
Deep breaths, deeeeeep breaths.
Choosing to ignore the incident he turns around to switch off the gas with trembling hands and pour the water into the one cup he did manage to obtain. 
Except, of course, his mind is still foggy from restless sleep and drugs so he misjudges the angle entirely and ends up pouring it all over his hand holding the teabag in place instead.
He lets out a yelp and drops the kettle instantly.
"Ow! Shit! Stupid little—!"
The water drips onto the floor unceremoniously as he tumbles over to reach the water tap and put his hand under it.
Ed barges into the place only half a minute later wielding a handgun, with hair sticking out and with his glasses askew. Oswald barely spares him a glance, blood boiling under his skin and dangerously close to the edge already.
"Oswald, what—"
"Nothing!" he blurts out almost immediately. Edward bearing witness to this mess is the last thing he needs right now, "just go away."
But, of course, he's Edward.
"What happened?" his friend asks, pistol forgotten on some nearby shelf and rushing over, words the slightest bit slurred by slumber and Oswald thinks lucky you, being able to get a wink of sleep, and takes another of those deep breaths that are doing a poor job of slowing down his heart rate. 
"What does it look like it happened, Ed?!"
Edward stares at him numbly and then his eyes dart around the place like he's only now taking it all in, seeing the shattered china on the floor and the pool of water by their feet. Immediately he brings both hands to Oswald's under the cold water from the tap and tugs at it.
"Let me see."
Oswald jerks him away.
"No— I'm fine!" he bites out, "go back to sleep."
Despite his ill-mannered humour, Edward doesn't move. Oswald doesn't look at him while he stands next to him in silence, letting the waters cool, clearly giving him a moment to backtrack on his request. And then, ever so softly, Ed's hands return, to his elbow this time. A touch too gentle it almost makes Oswald let out a whine — because he's tired, and aching, and sleepy and nothing turns out for him as of late.
"Please, let me help you."
His words are a caress in Oswald's ear. Barely there. Ed keeps his warm fingers on his arm and slowly brings the hand to his chest for inspection. Oswald lets him, this time. All energy seems to leave him with that puff of breath and he lets Ed guide him to one of those chairs he was contemplating taking all of his frustrations out on just a minute ago.
There's a slight hiss of sympathy.
"Should be alright with a little cream and a bandage," is Edward's assessment. 
Oswald rolls his eyes and fights down a sappy retort much like: yes, I know that, I'm not so incompetent that I need you here to issue an official diagnosis, just leave me to rage in peace. He nods tiredly instead, shoulders slumped and yawn unavoidable.
"I'll be right back," Ed says with a hoarse voice, moving around quickly despite his dishevelled appearance, looking perfectly awake now but sounding nothing like it. 
Oswald doesn't try to stop him. Because he knows it'll be a lost cause and because he's afraid if he starts poking too much at the situation he'll end up embarrassing himself and crying out his frustrations on Ed's shoulder.
Not ideal.
So he keeps silent instead, watching Ed's expert hands apply that cold salve on his knuckles and wrap his aching red-looking skin in a white bandage, giving up on not looking miserable because what's the point.
He is miserable.
"There, all done."
Ed pats him twice on the thigh as if comforting a hurting animal and Oswald can only offer a small scoff in return. He can smell Ed's shampoo from where he's standing so close and he keeps his eyes fixed on that loose crumpled white shirt he wears to sleep, afraid to look up into the gentle eyes he knows he'll find behind those glasses.
Because he might start blurting out stuff that shouldn't be blurt out if he does, as helpless and exhausted as he's beginning to feel.
"Now let's get you that cup of tea."
Ed turns around to make himself busy and Oswald takes the opportunity to scatter away.
"Sofa," he crooks out deadpan. 
That's where Ed finds him ten minutes later, staring at the unlit fireplace as if willing it to come to life on its own. Sitting on his usual spot with the lights off and a glassy look of resignation. 
"Chamomile," Ed says as he offers the steaming cup. Oswald doesn't have the heart to tell him he's changed his mind and would rather down a glass or two of that aged Scotch instead. He takes a sip without muttering out a word. Ed sits down just beside, clearly not taking the hint, "you're uncharacteristically quiet."
Oswald shrugs.
"Just tired," he offers, and then, only to put Ed's mind at ease, gives him a practised look of reassurance and a smile, "I didn't mean to wake you up."
Edward turns the attention back to him, ignoring the clear dismissal implicit in the words.
"Did you go to sleep at all?"
"Is your eye bothering you?"
And then the Oswald from the kitchen returns without a warning and he lashes out.
"Goodnight, Ed."
Edward goes to speak again but stops himself when Oswald sends him a sharp menacing look. He looks nothing short of a kicked puppy as he gets on his feet and turns around to leave.
And then he doesn't leave.
"I could start a fir—"
"Goddamn it, Ed! Just leave me alone!"
And just like that the fourth and last cup of that lovely set ceases to exist, turned into another pile of shattered porcelain on the floor. Because Edward Nygma is a pain in his fucking ass, and he doesn't know how to read an indirect and back down and just disappear. He pokes and pokes and pokes—
—and when Oswald turns to look at him with that murderous glare, he sees no reaction from him. Clearly, this was his intention all along, from the very first moment he walked into that kitchen, to see just how much he could take, to push until he broke, to make him talk about it.
Oswald should have learnt to read Edward Nygma by now. Should’ve seen it coming.
As Ed strides back to him with purpose and swiftly sits back down on the sofa and leans in to wrap him into an embrace, Oswald understands he definitely still hasn't learnt to read Edward Nygma. 
"What are you doing?" he pushes him away half-heartedly with his good hand. Edward doesn't let go, an unmovable brick wall that cannot be swayed.
"I'm hugging you."
"Let go—"
Oswald blinks. Then lets out a breathless laugh. He can't seem to fathom any other reaction to this — provided this is actually happening. Provided it isn't a secondary effect of being drugged up to his eyeballs for a whole week, now. 
He stops trying to tug Edward away and instead slumps against him, head resting on a slim shoulder and cold and runny nose poking Ed's neck as he keeps giggling at the unprecedented gesture. 
Edward's hug is implacable but awkward. He doesn't move, his broad hands against Oswald's back just pin him in place almost in a possessive fashion. He's clearly unskilled in the ways of physical reassurance.
Oswald realises those nervous giggles he's letting out are actually sobs.
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
One more bc I'm on a roll, lol: "was that your first kiss?" Peterpatterlina
Luke was wrong. If anyone’s a wrecking ball, it’s him. 
She’s so stupid! That fantasy she’d had? Luke’s nothing like that, with the fluffy hair and the button-up shirt and the gentle smile, floating with her all over the floor, lifting her to the heavens like he was made to hold her. Luke is a live wire, an electric guitar. He was made to hold music. 
He’s a wrecking ball only because she let him shatter her idea of him, of their interesting little relationship. That’s on her, and yet—
Julie furiously wipes at her eyes. She hugs her comfiest pillow to her chest, muffling her sobs. 
A gentle knock interrupts her pity party. “Julie? Can I come in?” 
Her stomach flips, a strange revival of the butterflies that were effectively squashed roughly ten minutes ago. That’s not entirely true, though, she supposes. She tells Reggie to come in.
He barely has his shoes off when she reaches for him. In a small voice, she asks, “Hold me?” 
Reggie gently moves her pillow, gathering her into his arms. She buries her face in his chest, somewhat soothed by the marvel of his heartbeat. His clothes carry the scent of cologne and some breezy detergent, now, and his hands are cool in her hair. He’s so real, and so kind, and she has no idea how she set herself up for heartbreak so hard when Reggie is right here. 
He rests his chin on top of her head, humming as he strokes her hair. He waits until her breathing evens out and she stops soaking his shirt quite so much. 
“Julie—you don’t have to answer. We don’t have to talk about it, but—was that your first kiss?” 
She cringes, bunching the back of his shirt between her fingers. “Was it that obvious?” 
"Not necessarily. I think most people would be upset, getting kissed out of the blue like that." He hesitates. "It was—I guessed." 
Julie bites her lip. There's more he hasn't said, but she might as well start. She exhales through her nose. 
"It's not even that I don't want to kiss him, you know? It's the way he kissed me. Even if it hadn't been my first—it was our first! Isn't it supposed to be—I'd hoped it’d be—more intimate, or—" 
"Yes!" She flushes. She hadn't meant for the admission to burst out of her, even smothered into his shirt. "I guess he's not a romantic guy, and I feel silly for thinking he might be. Am I crazy? For daydreaming about that stuff?” 
“You’re not crazy.” Reggie squeezes her tight, and she has the bizarre urge to climb through his ribs as she squeezes back. Anything to be closer. “A first kiss can be a big deal. Like—sure, Luke’s passionate, but he’s not the most romantic person. Even then—you wanted it to be special. I totally get it.” He swallows. “So did I.” 
She squirms in his hold, shifting until their faces are level. “Your first kiss was disappointing?” 
“Yeah, um.” His blush deepens. “It was also Luke, actually. He was just excited about some idea I’d had. A chord progression, or something. So he vaulted over the table and—well, he kissed me, but it was more like he punched me in the lips with his lips. It made my teeth hurt. And he probably doesn’t even remember. I never told him that it bothered me.” 
Oh, Luke. It makes sense, in hindsight. Luke is very passionate, especially about music, and she’d been flirting with him via potential song lyrics when he cut her off in a similar fashion. She can absolutely see Reggie swallowing his hurt feelings over such a thing, too, but she couldn’t. She’d snapped and stormed out of the studio. 
Julie touches Reggie’s cheek. “I’m sorry, Reggie. You deserved a better first kiss, too. I just hope he doesn’t write a song about mine.” 
Reggie’s forehead creases. A tiny frown plays on his mouth. “What?” 
“Crooked Teeth? Didn’t Alex say that song is about you?” 
He gasps, eyes wild and sufficiently rosy-cheeked with the realization. “Oh my god! Why can’t he just communicate like a normal person?” 
Julie snorts. “Says the guy who never told him how said kiss made him feel.” 
He lets out a nervous little laugh. “Point taken.” 
She sweeps her thumb over his cheek, swallowing as she searches his eyes. They’re so pretty, always brimming with vivid emotions, somewhere between green and blue. “Reggie?” 
He tucks her hair behind her ear. She shivers as his calloused fingers trace her skin. “Yeah?” 
“I like you too, and I really want you to kiss me. Is that okay?” 
“That depends.” He grins at her, and his eyes shine, which brings the butterflies back in full force. “Promise you won’t write a song about it?” 
“I won’t,” she murmurs. Her stomach flutters as he rubs their noses together. “This is ours.” 
Reggie kisses her softly, threading his hand into her hair, and it loosens something in her chest. Every brush of their lips is cautious and slow and sweet, and he holds her like he can’t believe she’s real. It’s the sort of kiss she’d dreamed about, and she melts into it with a small sigh. 
He looks as dazed as she feels when they finally part, rubbing his lips. “Wow.”
Julie giggles. “Come on. We should go talk to him. Maybe see if he’s willing to try that again.”
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usermischief · 3 years
Steo, established relationship. Stiles dresses up as werewolf for Halloween, so he can feel closer to Theo. Theo is thrown off at first, seeing him in his costume, bc am I just a joke to you? #hurt feelings but when stiles explain Theo loves it. And they go roam the streets to scare some kids off their candy, so they can eat it (it's harmless fun, they aren't mean, just want some candy and the kids share willingly :D) you asked for it :P
This is so cute, thank you! 💖 (I might make a whole fic out of this, but right now, I'll try to keep it short)
"That's not the reaction I expected."
Theo grimaces and folds his arms over his chest. "Are you serious?" The fact that Theo has the audacity to look annoyed when all he did was throw on fake glasses and a superman t-shirt under a partially opened button-down shirt.
"Dude," Stiles says, pushing Theo aside a little to step in front of the hallway mirror, "I watched YouTube videos galore for this." Granted, Theo's jacket is a little too big on him, and he's not really sure about the whole thing with the suspenders, but the SFX makeup? He looks amazing. Tilting his head to the side, he gestures in the direction of the crook of his neck. The bite could've looked better, but all in all, Stiles is very proud of himself. "I even made these myself." He wriggles his fingers at Theo, showing off his fake claws — which he's probably not going to wear all that long because they're hella annoying.
"A werewolf," Theo deadpans, still not looking particularly thrilled.
"Oh, before I forget." Stiles pulls a small box out of the pocket of Theo's jacket and plops it open. Grinning, he shows off two canines. "I made these as well."
Theo quirks a brow. "Is that why you didn't leave your office for almost ten hours?"
"Ten hours?" Shit.
"Yes, ten hours for a werewolf costume out of all things."
Stiles pulls a face. "Yeah... a werewolf." He didn't think Theo would be this annoyed by his choice. Actually, he really thought it would be the opposite. "I thought you'd be lazy with your costume which... clearly I'm right." Raising a brow, he gestures in Theo's general direction. Stiles was super pumped about Halloween. He's never been this excited to go Trick-or-treating with the neighbor's kids. "So, I thought you'd go as yourself, you know? Shifted, I mean." Stiles drops onto the stairs and tosses the box with the teeth next to him. "I just thought it would be cool if we both went as werewolves. We could pretend to be actual mates for one night."
"Babe." Theo sighs and crouches down in front of him. "We are real mates." Smiling, he curls his hand around Stiles' ankle and kisses his knee.
Stiles shrugs. "I can change costumes. I think I still have the—"
"No." Theo easily slips between his legs, propping his hands on the stairs. "No." Grinning, he pulls the glasses off. He brushes their noses together. "I think," Theo's voice drops to a low rumble, "I'm going to appreciate this costume a lot after we're done Trick-or-treating for the night." His eyes flash amber before he captures Stiles' lips for a kiss that tell him exactly how tonight is going to end.
I wish you would write a fic where... | ask
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rosy-roulette · 4 years
Nighttime Routine
Pairing: Bang Chan (SKZ) x Fem Reader
Genre: FLUFF, absolutely teeth rotting FLUFF
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I’m back with another Channie fic!! BUT she’s soft and domestic af! I wrote this a little while ago when I first really started to wear makeup more and had to take it off after a gathering and really didn’t want to bc tired lmao. Hope you like it and don’t be afraid to reblog, like, and lmk what you think!!
You and Chan stumble into your shared apartment after coming home from a family party. This wasn’t the first time Chan has been around your extensive family but it’s been a long time since the last big gathering. Playing with your younger cousins and talking to your relatives for hours have left you completely drained. Peeling off your shoes by the front door you start for the kitchen with the bag of leftovers your mother insisted on bringing home to put away but Chan gently places his hand on your arm to stop you.
“I got these, you go get changed.” He said softly as he pressed his lips against your temple. You mumbled a ‘thank you’ as you handed the bag off to your boyfriend before separating.
Closing the door to your shared bedroom you slowly peeled off your clothes, careful to not get any of your makeup on them. You threw them in the direction of your hamper but didn’t bother to see if they made it in or not before tugging on your pajama shorts and a big t-shirt for bed. Flopping down on the bed with a huff, you’re about to forfeit your bedtime routine in favor of just passing out right then and there but the realization you have to take off the hour of hard work and precision off your face makes you grumble in frustration.
You know you have to take off your makeup to go to bed, especially since the thick black eyeliner you had on will definitely come off on the pillowcase with the rest of your makeup. But you’re just. Too tired to move from your spot on the bed. Your legs feel like jelly and your eyelids feel like they have weights attached to them. Feeling your eyes starting to droop close, the door opens. You peel your eyes back open to see Chan leaning against the door frame, a soft smile on his lips.
“You gotta take off your makeup, I know you don’t want to risk a breakout.” He says, almost to coax you out of bed. You pull your lips into a pout.
“I knoooow but I’m too tired.” You whine, turning on your side to face your boyfriend. He chuckles at your pouting, only to cause you to pout more.
“You’re so cute.” He coos, he’s smile growing wider. “Do you want me to take it off for you?”
You think for a moment. “Do you even know how?” You ask, pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
Chan scoffs “I’ve seen you do it enough times to get the gist of it baby. Lemme help you.” He walks over to stand in front of you now, hands out for you to take. You nod and take his hands as he leads you out of the bedroom, a soft smile plastering his face.
Walking into the bathroom, he pats the top of the toilet seat cover.
“Sit for me.” You do as he says, watching as he goes into the medicine cabinet to look for the things he needs. Resting the bottle of liquid and cotton pads in the counter, he turns back to you. He gently takes a hold of your chin and tilts your head slightly back to look up at him. You close your eyes expecting to feel the cool sensation of the makeup remover but instead something is put in your hair. Opening your eyes you give Chan a questioning look.
“What? I needed to get your hair out of your face.” Quickly getting up you look at yourself in the mirror. Your pink cat ear headband is indeed pushing your hair back yes, but at the same time pushing it in off different directions. You giggle at your reflection before sitting back down.
Chan smiled at you as he held your chin in his fingers again, a cotton pad with makeup remover on it in the other hand. Closing your eyes like before and this time you feel a cool sensation glide against your cheek. Chan drags the cotton pad around your face pulling off as much makeup as he can around the plains of your face. A comfortable silence settles between the two of you as he cleans your face.
Pausing to get another pad you open your eyes, Chan finally speaks.
“Sometimes I forget how big your family is until parties like these come around”
You laugh.
“I know. My uncles can’t seem to get enough of the "ultra talented musician” of a boyfriend I have.“ You tease, recalling some of your older family members who are musicians themselves talking to Chan for hours at the party. Chan giggles, seeming to be recalling the same thing as you. You open your eyes to see the faint shade of pink that dusted your boyfriend’s cheeks. "Cute” you thought as he resumed his hold on your chin to take off the rest of makeup on your cheeks and chin.
“I very much like talking to them. I also very much enjoy seeing you entertain your younger cousins.” Your lips form into a grin. You had spent a portion of the party entertaining your many kid cousins; from playing games on the trampoline in the yard, chasing them around in a game of tag, to participating in a braiding train with the younger girls.
“Really? What about it did you like?” You question as you open your eyes. Chan let out an over dramatic, thoughtful sigh.
“Well seeing you play with kids was one of the cutest things to see. You had this glow about you when you were with them. I don’t know if it’s weird, but you looked beautiful.” He ended softly. You felt your heart melt as you gazed up at him.
“Even when I was dog piled on by a bunch of elementary schoolers?” You raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend, who burst out laughing.
“Yes even then.” He giggled.
Taking a new pad he began to whip your lips. Throwing the used pad in the trash he got a new one and tapped the corner of his eye with his finger.
“Close your eyes for me.” As your eyes shut you felt Chan peck the tip of your nose before gently pressing the pad to your eyelid. You giggled at his display of affection as he rubbed away your eye makeup. It took a few more makeup remover soaked pads to get all of the eye makeup removed. But finally Chan threw the final pad away and stood back to let you get up and check yourself in the mirror. There were a few spots that were still clinging to your skin but you figured after doing your nightly face routine they would be gone. Turning to Chan you wrapped your arms around him, him embracing you in his own bear hug.
“Thank you, your too good to me.” You mumble into the crook of his neck.
“Anything for my babygirl.” He said, pressing his lips against your temple. You giggle as you pull away.
Chan leaves you to finish getting ready for bed, mentioning over his shoulder he will be in your shared room to change out of his own clothes. You finished washing your face, your thoughts from before being correct as the remaining makeup came off with the extra cleaning. As you brushed your teeth, Chan joined you once again to finish his own night time routine. The two of you stood side by side, the subtle smell of mint filling the air.
This whole night had been so domestic, hell this whole day was. It felt so natural for Chan to be with your family and to spend time with them with you. Him taking care of you in little ways like taking your makeup for you when you’re too tired didn’t feel awkward like you had thought it would. It felt normal. Like something you could let him do again. Or even have it be a normal occurrence. The thought alone made a small smile creep onto your lips.
Finishing up in the bathroom you both crawl into bed, Chan’s arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his chest. You let out a content sigh, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you” you hum, feeling sleep start to take over. “I love you too” Chan whispered as you both drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
concept: grayson completely falling for his friend sister who is very shy, quite and ‘innocent’ but hes kinda irritated bc his friend told him she’s off limits?
The first time Grayson saw Melrose Clarkson walk through the front door of his buddy Eli’s house six months ago, he had been taken immediately by her. Like, heart dropped to the floor, head in the clouds, rom-com level smitten. He doesn’t know what it is about her that he’s so drawn to right away, but off the bat he finds her outlandishly pretty. And, to be frank, for a young guy such as himself, that’s the only quality he really needs to be able to identify to have his interest piqued.
“Yo,” he muttered to his other friend (and Eli’s roommate) Brooks. The two of them decided to have a kickback, and there’s been a flow of people in an out of the house throughout the night. Grayson nudged him in the side and jerked his head conspicuously at the caramel-skinned beauty that had just floated in with a friend. “Who’s that?”
Brooks looked over and raised a dark blonde eyebrow in surprise. “Melrose? Dude, that’s Eli’s sister. You’ve never seen her?”
Grayson shook his head and sat back on the couch, trying not to look like an awkward creep as he admittedly eyed this girl up — from her white-painted toes in her flip-flops, up her legs to her curvaceous hips that were hugged perfectly in a pair of distressed cutoff denim shorts, over her torso that was hidden beneath an oversized band tee, and finally to a mass of long, wavy hair that flowed wild and free halfway down her back.
Her ultra-casual outfit was polar opposite to what he was used to seeing in the very few LA parties he’s attended. Even the friend that she came with was decked out in a tight-fitting body suit, tiny mini skirt, and the oh-so-predictable AF1’s. Grayson got the impression that Melrose wasn’t there to stand out or impress anyone... and he kind of liked that, too.
His feet were picking him up before his brain even realized what was happening, and he strode over to her with a pseudo-confidence that’s become his signature when approaching women lately. His sex life was fine, but he hasn’t had much luck in the dating department, unable to find someone he’s enticed by enough to spend time with in the light of day and not just in a bedroom.
There was no chance in hell he wasn’t going to take a chance with this girl, though. He’s drawn to her in a way he hasn’t experienced before.
And she’s standing alone now, filling up a red solo cup with a jug of iced tea. That always helps.
He picked a cup from the stack and cleared his throat a little, fixing a crooked smile to his lips even though she doesn’t look up. She’s even prettier up close, and his heart sped up a little.
Melrose’s eyes raised in surprise. “Oh, uh, hi,” she returned, doing a double-take when she observed the boy in front of her; he’s hot. So hot, she was thoroughly distracted long enough for her hand to shift some, resulting in a splash of tea landing on the countertop right next to her cup.
“Shit,” she mumbled, a pretty flush warming her cheeks that makes Grayson smile wider. She scrambled for the paper towel roll tucked a few feet away and swiped up the mess, blushing harder when she noticed Grayson still standing there. “Sorry, I’m such a fucking klutz. Did you want some of this?”
She scooted the giant bottle towards him, and Grayson wrapped his hand around the handle. He didn’t, really, but also he didn’t want to make her feel more awkward. And he was holding a cup, so who would really be the awkward one if he said no?
“Sure, thanks,” he said. He started to pour it, watching her out of the corner of his eye as she tossed the wet towel in the trash. He’s twisting the cap back on the bottle when she flashed him a small, shy smile behind the rim of her cup and started to pass by him to leave the kitchen.
Fuck. Words, Grayson — speak, use your words!
“I like your shirt,” he managed to blurt, swallowing down his embarrassment at how rushed that came out with a gulp of tea.
Melrose glanced down at the garment in question and gave him a genuine grin, her teeth pearly white behind full, pink lips. “Thanks. You like Cub Sport?”
Truthfully, Grayson hadn’t even read what was printed on her shirt, but his excitement picked up as soon as he matched her words with the image.
“I love them,” he said, and another realization hits him. “I actually have that shirt.”
Her chocolate eyes narrowed playfully, just in case he’s being slick. “Really? What’s your favorite song?”
Grayson pretended to consider her question, looking up to the ceiling and scrunching his nose a little. Melrose thought she had him for a moment, but he comes back with, “I’m partial to Hawaiian Party, I think. How about you?”
She nodded, admittedly impressed that he did, in fact, actually listen to the band. “Trees, for sure. But can you really have just one favorite?”
“I don’t think so,” he answered, holding out his hand. “I’m Grayson.”
It swamped her own petite hand when she grasped it in return, and his body warmed pleasantly at her touch. She bit her lip. “Melrose.”
“You’re Eli’s sister?” he questioned. He didn’t realize he’s still holding her hand until she looked down at them, and he dropped it at once. He could feel his cheeks turning pink again and wondered why he was so easily flustered by this girl.
“Yep,” she answered, ducking her head and tucking a curl behind her ear as she shifted on her feet. “You guys friends?”
“More acquaintances, but yeah. I was friends with Brooks first and got to know Eli through him.”
Melrose smiled and opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly someone is calling her name over the thud of the music and loud laughter of fellow partygoers.
“Melodie Rose! Get your ass over here, we’re playing flip cup and need one more!”
It’s her blonde friend she had walked in with, waving her over with an excited, tipsy grin. Melrose yells back to give her a second before turning back to Grayson with an apologetic expression on her face.
“Party duty calls,” she joked quietly, chuckling when he does. “It was nice to meet you, Grayson. I’ll see you around?”
“For sure,” he said, and follwed her with his eyes as she left the kitchen and wiggled through the increasingly crowded living room to the beer pong table set up in the center of the space. He shook his head a little and made his way to where Brooks was still seated on the couch, now joined by Ryan.
Brooks shook his head with a knowing grin. “Don’t even go there, bro,” he warned jokingly as Grayson plopped down next to him.
Grayson took a long sip of his tea, willing it to cool his overheated body. “What are you talking about?”
“Melrose,” he said. “First off — total prude.”
Grayson was a little taken aback by his friend’s brashness. Brooks talked like a douchebag sometimes, but for some reason it hit a new nerve to hear him say that about her. “So? You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“I mean, she’s a prude by LA standards; girls that hot are always the fastest to put out, and trust me, I tried a good long while to get in there.” Grayson shook his head, suddenly sick to his stomach. “Second, she’s off-limits. Eli will have your balls on a platter if he found out you were fucking with her.”
‘Fucking with her’ was hardly what Grayson had in mind with what he wanted to do with Melrose, but the former part of his sentence made him sit up a little. “Seriously?”
Brooks nodded. “I mean, it’s kinda part of bro code, I guess. Sisters are a no-go.”
Grayson considered that. Plenty of his friends over the years had had crushes on his sister, but it never bothered him too much. Then again, none of them that he knew of were as big of an asshole as Brooks, or he definitely would have intervened there, too.
He looked to Ryan, his older and wiser friend. “Is that bro code?”
Ryan shrugged. “I think it’s situational, to be honest.”
He shot Grayson a look, and Grayson hid his smirk into his cup; he and his best friend were definitely on the same page.
Just then, Eli strode into the living room, greeting people as he made his way to his roommate and friends.
“What’s up?” he said, leaning down to dap up all three of them.
“Yo,” Brooks greeted in return. “Mellie just got here a little bit ago.”
“Oh yeah?” Eli looked around the room and grinned when he spotted his sister. “Alright, imma go say hi to her. And you fuckers better stay away from her. Brooks, you know parties aren’t really her thing, and she gets touchy when she’s drunk. She’s too much of a lightweight for her own good.”
His tone was joking, but there was definitely some seriousness behind his threat. Sure enough, Brooks nudged him in the ribs and muttered “told you.”
Grayson sighed and took another drink as he watched Eli give his sister a quick hug before slinging his arm over her petite shoulders. He glared down the kid ogling her legs, until the guy shrunk back from intimidation.
A gap in the crowd suddenly formed, leaving a direct line of sight between the couch and the beer pong table. Melrose was bent over with laughter, the soft features of her face even more radiant now that she’s a little more relaxed and under the protective presence of her brother. By some miracle, her eyes catch Grayson’s looking at her softly, and she sends him a friendly little wave.
His breath hitched, and he waved back with his heart in his stomach.
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