#been a ... mixed bag of a year for me but ending on a high note!
sil3ntm0thart · 5 months
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All you gotta do is not open this bag
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ataraxiaspainting · 4 months
Cherry Wine.
Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: It is your last day of actual freedom, and Chrollo intends to have it end with a mix of your design and his own. Everything is perfectly set. All he has to do now is wait for you to come into the web.
Warnings: Yandere themes, a wild Feitan appears, stalking, drugging/restraining (chloroform/handcuffs), and kidnapping.
Word Count: 1k.
A familiar jingle accompanies the turntable’s rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers. It is your keychain, moving with your key as you unlock your apartment door, moving as your feet shuffle on your doormat to get rid of the dirt the soles had acquired from walking. The sounds of tired sighs, your headphones being placed beside the rack where your jackets and umbrellas and shoes are placed. Chrollo knows all of these melodies by heart because those notes make up the beautiful orchestra that is you. 
He hears the little creaking noise of the door closing, along with the lock being turned, sealing your fate. A small sound of the closet you keep near the entrance, which holds your bags and fancier footwear like high heels. Chrollo respected the silent rule of never wearing shoes inside, something that is out of character for him whenever he breaks into other peoples’ homes, and had placed his own black loafers behind that one expensive purse you only used one time for a presentation you had to make for your professors and peers. 
He had Shalnark record the entire thing and has rewatched it multiple times, each one seeming better than the last.
Everything about you, from how you walked, how you were so expressive with your facial expressions, how you seemed to be able to befriend anyone, everything about you felt like it came from another world. Or perhaps he is the one who came from another world, metaphorically? Chrollo chuckles at the thought. It would make sense, really, Meteor City felt like another world, that is for certain.
One of your cats meows loudly, the larger but older one from the way the meow was scratchy like nails on a blackboard, most likely being right next to you. He is distressed, perhaps. Chrollo is an unwanted visitor, after all, and despite being more of a cat person, he had to deal with your cats more than your dog, oddly enough. While your dog cowered and hid under the table, whining like she had been reduced to that of the small puppy she was when you first adopted her, your cats teamed up to attempt to scratch his eyes out whenever they jumped on the kitchen table or couch, hissing and possibly screaming bloody murder. Somewhere deep within Chrollo’s heart, it hurts a bit.
He knows that because of your naivety, you will just pet the cat, take off your coat, and your boots, and go upstairs, where your dining table has been set by Chrollo. It’s a welcome gift, in Chrollo’s opinion, but also perhaps an apology one as well.
As soon as you walk into the kitchen, your fate is as doomed as a little fly caught in a spider’s web.
“Come on,” You grumble. “Already? Geez. I just got that bag too…” Are you talking to your cat? “What the hell? I know you have stomach problems but… gosh.”
Ah. Do you plan on switching out the brand of cat food again?
“I guess that’s my own fault though for getting a cat I knew has digestive issues, huh? I can’t be mad at you. You’re almost the same age as me and… that’s a lot in cat years.” Chrollo hears the sound of a yawn as he presumes you are stretching. You must be tired, you have been on your feet all day today helping out your peers with their assignments, as usual. “It’s just now I have to clean up all this puke… argh.”
Should I speed things along? 
A text message from Feitan, who has been outside your apartment door, though you didn’t see him, unsurprisingly. He is most likely getting annoyed, from the tone of the writing, because Feitan can be doing much more important things for the Troupe instead of helping you “settle in” as Chrollo put it.
That won’t be necessary. Trust me. Everything is going as planned so far, even if this is a minor setback.
The reason why Chrollo didn’t choose someone like Phinks or Nobunaga to help him with this task is because Feitan is the most silent. He can easily imagine the other two scaring you away accidentally if they accidentally lose their cover.
The table is set, with flowers and books and other things you love. All he has to do is wait.
You should have just brought Machi.
Chrollo sighs at that, just barely audible. But he knows Feitan is nothing but loyal to him, so he knows that he will not try anything that he does not like.
Machi is busy shopping with Paku and Shizuku for the other things I need for [First], it would be rude to ruin their own task, Fei.
With that, Chrollo’s message is left on read.
Everything is going according to plan, and Feitan will not ruin it, even if he had wanted to.
All that is left is to wait. You’ll come on your own.
Feitan is only here if you attempt to run afterward, after you see your gifts, after all.
He hears footsteps, coming up the stairs, at long last.
A large meal is placed on the side of the table that has an empty chair. Chrollo sits across, smiling. Plates and bowls filled with things that are sweet, savory, and everything else in between. They are all your favorites, Chrollo double-checked with Shalnark before he had left. Other items are placed on the table as well, like that jewelry set you were eyeing last week but unfortunately was too expensive for you. You were trying to limit how much you spend, a good habit to build surely. It is a shame you will never get to use that skill, though. Unless Chrollo gives you an allowance each week based on how well you behave, an entertaining concept in his opinion, but if it ever becomes reality it will have to wait a few weeks at the very least.
Chrollo also had Feitan carry handcuffs, in case the chloroform does not work as it was intended to.
But that is after you two talk, it would be rude to not introduce himself and show off everything he has bought for you.
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slytherheign · 1 year
FEARLESS | tasm!peter parker
PAIRING: high school senior!tasm!peter parker x high school senior!fem!reader
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SUMMARY: loving peter in secret for far too long becomes exhausting for you when you think he will never love you back. in order to distract yourself from your growing feelings, you start to follow a friend’s suggestion—not knowing that it will only cause you harm.
WARNINGS: cursing/swearing, manipulation, fire, unhealthy obsession/toxic ex, and canon-typical violence. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: 16+]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title + i mixed it with a plot from this request sent by @willowhaired (thanks for requesting! hope it’s okay that i didn’t follow some things in your request. i changed some parts in order to match with taylor’s song). btw, this is angst with happy ending. enjoy reading!
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DESTINATION: Sweet Street | GO BACK TO THE STATION. CLICK HERE FOR ALL THINGS FEARLESS (reviews, commentary, etc. about this fic).
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“Class dismissed!” you heard your teacher announce. The rain that was pouring down outside was heavy and your eyes widened when you realized that you forgot to bring an umbrella. Your seatmate, Peter Parker, who just happened to be your neighbor and your biggest crush, turned to look at you. He seemed to notice the slight panic in your eyes. “Come with me,” he offered.
“Really?” you asked.
“Well, I have an umbrella and a car. You don’t…” he paused. “Unless you want to walk in the rain by yourself. It’s your choice,” he teased. 
“Oh no–please,” you laughed. “I’ll go with you.”
“Come on then,” he said, putting your notebooks in your bag and then picking it up before he stood up. There he was again, being the gentleman that he was, doing the exact same things that made you fall in love with him. 
You and Peter weren’t best friends, but you two were close. Being neighbors since you were children played a huge part in that. You would never tell him, but he was actually your first crush. The first boy who made your heart jump since then and until now. When you were 6 years old, you told him you loved him while you two were playing, you were too young to know the deep meaning of the word “love” back then. In response, he told you that he loved you too because you were like a little sister he never had.
You remembered that response as you grew up, always reminding yourself that he would never love you back in the same way you loved him. And because you were too scared to risk and lose the relationship you two had, you were fine with being his little sister as long as it meant getting to be close to him.
It hurt you. Being close to him but never close enough to touch him in the ways you wanted to. You have seen him get in and out of relationships, let him cry on your shoulders when someone broke his heart. You have always been there through ups and downs, offering advice to him for his relationships to work. Little did he know, your heart shattered each and every time.
You had a couple of ex-boyfriends, both of them breaking up with you before the relationship could even last a year. One of those men was Harry Osborn, who just happened to be Peter’s best friend. You were sad, of course, but it was probably better because you knew that you couldn’t give your all to those relationships. You tried to find Peter in those men you dated, and it was probably why those relationships didn’t work out. 
Peter opened the umbrella in one hand while his other carried your bag; his bag was on his back. He made a gesture for you to come closer and you did. The rain was harsh but you paid it no mind, there was a glow off the pavement as he walked you to the car. He opened the door for you when he reached the car, and you went in immediately.
The close distance between the two of you and the confined space of the car made the smell of him strongly enter your senses. The sensation of his presence made the hair on your skin stand up unsolicitedly. As you drove down the road, you wondered if he knew just how you were trying so hard not to get caught up with your feelings and just kiss him. He was just so cool, he didn’t even realize how he absentmindedly made you want him when he ran his hands through his hair. God, how could a man be this beautiful?
It could get better than this, you knew that. It could get better than you longing for him behind the curtains. But you were terrified. You were deeply in love with him, but you could never imagine him loving you back. 
After that rainy day, Peter offered to drive you home from school daily. You were hesitant, scared that the more time you’d spend with him, the more you’d hurt your heart. But before you could say no, your mouth muttered the opposite of what you wanted to say. You agreed.
You wished for more than the road trips, but for now, you would settle for the slow drives from the school to your home, capturing and remembering every moment you were in his passenger seat.
You knew you could always tell him what you truly felt, but it was always a matter of fear.
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If there was one thing Peter knew about his enemies, it was that they always come for the ones he loved the most. That was why he didn’t tell anyone yet that he was in love with you. The only person who knew except himself was his best friend, Harry. He liked to believe that no secrets existed between the two of them. They were inseparable since the first year of high school when they first met each other. Right now, they were seniors and everything remained the same.
He could not be any more wrong. See, Harry was madly in love with you. When you dated him, he felt like the happiest man in the world but he always noticed that you loved another man. And when he saw the way you looked at Peter, he knew. He made plans in secret to hurt the two of you. If he couldn’t have you, then Peter couldn’t have you either.
For a while, he was skeptical of his plan. He didn’t want to do it anymore. He loved you and Peter was his best friend, he didn’t want to continue his plan any longer. Besides, the only thing he knew was that you were in love with Peter, his best friend probably didn’t feel the same towards you…
But then Peter decided to tell him that he was in love with you, and… well, that made him angry. 
He decided his plan would continue.
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You remained friends with Harry even after breaking up with him. The breakup was mutual and there were no hard feelings. Just yesterday, he made a joke that you have been single for a long time and that you should download a dating app. You disagreed immediately, telling him that you were never a fan of dating apps. But then he said something that changed your mind.
“You should at least try. Surely, you can’t wait for that person forever?” 
He definitely knew you were in love with his best friend. And with the tone in his voice when he said that suggestion, it made you think that Peter didn’t feel the same. If there was someone who would know if Peter was in love with someone, it would be Harry. You knew they never kept secrets from each other. 
So you did what he suggested. You downloaded a dating app, and in an instant, you were already matched with someone named Nick. You talked to him for months, pretending to be interested in every conversation he tried to start. Nick was nice, you shared a few hobbies and interests but he wasn’t Peter. It was hard to find someone when the only one your heart wanted was Peter. 
And then Nick asked to meet up with you. You didn’t want to. You told Harry about it and he said to give it a go. “If you never try, you never know, right? Just wear your best dress and imagine it was Peter,” he advised. You smiled in return, before texting Nick to accept his offer.
A week prior to your meetup, you found yourself constantly texting Nick, just talking about each other’s lives casually.
Can’t wait to see you next week 😉
You chuckled a little bit as you entered Peter’s car. Another school day has ended. Peter entered the car next. You put your phone in your lap as you adjusted your seatbelt.
Just wear your best dress, and I’ll take care of the rest ❤️
Unbeknownst to you, Peter got a glimpse of your text messages. He felt his mood change in an instant, but he tried not to show it to you. However, it was very obvious because he did not talk to you for the whole ride home. He would glance at you every once and a while but you were too busy exchanging messages with Nick on your phone to notice. 
“We’re here,” he said with no enthusiasm in his voice. He got out of the car before making his way to your side and opening the door for you. You quickly shut your phone off and got out of the car. “Thank you,” you smiled at him but he just nodded. He didn’t even look into your eyes. Maybe he was just having a bad day, you thought.
You knew something was off when he didn’t walk you up to your door. “Pete, is everything okay?” you asked.
“Huh? uh–yeah. Just having a bad day. Don’t wanna talk about it,” he answered simply.
“Oh okay…” you proceeded to go into your house. Something inside you wanted to go back to him but you stopped yourself before you could even run to where he was standing and hug him right there. He didn’t want to talk about it, he probably wanted to be alone at the moment.
“Thank you!” you yelled, smiling as you waved him goodbye from the door of your house. Peter met your eyes for the first time that day, he smiled a little before waving in return. He left as soon as you closed the door.
“How’s your day?” your mom asked you the moment you closed the door. “All fine,” you smiled, walking towards her before hugging her. “That was Peter again, right? What’s going on between you two?” she teased. You didn’t answer, and instead ran up the stairs and went straight to your room. Your mother laughed at your reaction.
You locked your room and changed into a more comfortable outfit. You repeated your mother’s question in your head as you sat on your bed. What really was going on between you and Peter? To be honest, you didn’t know. You still loved him. Your heart still called his name. Nick was just a distraction—a distraction you hoped would be enough to stop your growing feelings towards Peter.
Suddenly, a notification popped on your phone. A new message from Nick and Harry. You first opened Nick’s message, it was just the location for your meetup next week. The next one you opened was Harry’s.
Did Nick send you an address yet for next week? Can you update me?
You quickly typed a reply.
What a coincidence. He actually just sent me the address but it’s unfamiliar to me. Why do you want to know?
You saw the three dots on your phone that told you he was typing. It stopped for a long while, it was almost like he was contemplating what he was going to send. The dots showed up again after some time until he sent a message.
I think I know where that address is. Should I take you there?
He didn’t answer your question. Nonetheless, you were glad for his offer.
Really, you would do that? Thank you! ❤️
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Peter was doing what he always did, sitting on a rooftop ledge as Spider-Man, looking at the city as he waited for someone who needed his help. Everything was peaceful for a while, it was just him, the wind, and the buzzing noises from cars and people. His eyes caught something familiar. A car heading into a part of New York where not many people went. It didn’t take him a long time to realize that it was Harry’s car. He swung quietly through buildings, settling on one where he could see the car more properly. 
There you were, sitting in the passenger seat of a car heading into an almost abandoned part of the town. His senses immediately alerted him of danger. He watched as the car stopped in front of an abandoned house. He saw Harry guiding you into the house and he sneakily entered it from one of the windows. He settled behind a table, a place where he could observe you without you noticing.
You were wearing a black dress that highlighted the shape of your body. You already were beautiful for him, but seeing you in that dress made him aware that you were the most beautiful girl in the world. He could spend his day just staring lovingly at you if it wasn’t for the current situation. 
He saw the confusion on your face as you looked around the empty building. It was then the moment Peter realized that today was the day you were meeting up with Nick. The only problem was Nick wasn’t here and it was just an empty building, and he could tell by the look of your face that you were close to panicking. 
Just as Peter started to stand up and walk towards you, Harry entered the building with a wide smirk plastered on his face. Peter quickly returned to his hiding position.
You pulled out your phone from your purse and called the number Nick gave you. At the exact same time, you heard someone’s phone ringing in the building. You turned to where the sound was. It came from Harry, he was laughing. And then he showed you a phone in his hand with your name on it as the caller. You ended the phone call, and the ringing on Harry’s phone also stopped.
“Harry, what’s going on?” you started to take a few steps back. “Where’s Nick?”
“There’s no Nick,” he admitted, a sly smile showing on his face. “I made it all up.”
“But–why?” you were starting to tear up. This place was not familiar to you. The more you looked around, the more you realized that escaping was not an option. There was one open window but it was far from your position. There was also a huge fallen table blocking it.
Peter stood up from his position and silently moved closer to where you were. He took advantage of the shadows and his spider-like abilities to move without having any of you notice it. Suddenly, he felt his foot touch a liquid substance. It was gasoline, it came from a hose that was close to his hiding spot. His eyes tried to trace where the hose came from but his spot gave him a limited view. He knew it was from outside the house but he didn’t know exactly where.   
In just seconds, the house smelled like gasoline, and the floor was flooded with it. Apparently, the hose that Peter discovered wasn’t the only one. There were a lot scattered around the house and they released the liquid substance at the same time.
“Do you smell that?” Harry snickered. “I know you do. It’s pretty cool, isn’t it? I planned this all by myself. I even installed the hoses.”
“Harry, what the fuck are you doing?” you questioned.
“Taking back what’s mine,” he replied. “I love you, Y/N. I never stopped.”
He stepped closer. “Take me back. Be with me again,” he demanded.
“You’re fucking insane. Get away from me.”
“And if I don’t want to?” he mockingly asked.
“Harry–stop. Please. We’re still friends, right? W-we can still be f-friends,” you shakingly tried to reason out. He only shook his head. 
“Say you love me and you can still leave this house breathing,” he warned.
“Say it.”
You shook your head, frustrated tears were coming out of your eyes.
“Say. It.”
“No–” you whispered.
“No?” he asked.
“No,” you answered sternly. You would rather die than spend your life stuck with him.
“Then you leave me with no choice but to–” he pulled out a lighter from his jacket. Your eyes widened. 
Someone from the shadows shot out a web to Harry’s hand, preventing him to move his hand and light the object he held. Spider-Man soon stepped out of the shadows. “Get out, Y/N,” you heard Spider-Man demand you and you instantly ran straight to the door. You didn’t even dare to question how he knew your name.
The door was locked as expected. While Spider-Man and Harry fought, you tried to look around for something that would help you destroy the handle. Your eyes caught a crowbar covered in gasoline laying on the floor close to a wall. You made your way to it cautiously, careful not to let yourself get caught up with Harry and Spider-Man. For a moment, you saw the lighter escape Harry’s hand as Spider-Man punched his face but your focus was on the crowbar so you just let them deal with themselves.
You did your best to hit the door forcefully with the tool when you returned, but it was hard to break since the crowbar was covered in gasoline which made it slip from your hand almost every time. All of a sudden, Harry was able to retrieve the lighter and flicked it. As soon as the fire showed itself, he threw it on the floor.
The next thing you knew, the house was on fire and smoke filled the air. It was getting hard to breathe, even Harry was coughing weakly. You tried to shift your attention to the door again. This time, trying even harder to open it. You kicked, threw your body weight on it, and hit it with the crowbar again, but it only managed to do little to the door. 
When the smoke increasingly spread in the house, Spider-Man felt that his mask was suffocating him. To be able to breathe more properly, Peter decided to remove the mask from his face. He wasn’t worried about showing his face, Harry was already passed out, and you were busy breaking down the door. Besides, he was already planning on telling you he was Spider-Man some of these days, he might as well do it now.
After a more few tries, you eventually managed to break the door handle and kick the door open. You were about to call Spider-Man to alert him but the words got stuck in your throat upon seeing his face.
Peter looked up as he felt you staring at him. “Get out of here, Y/N!” he yelled.
It seemed that your feet were stuck on the floor and your mind stopped making rational decisions because you stayed there in shock. “Peter?” you spoke.
“Y/N, GET OUT! LEAVE!” he yelled again. His voice made you jump and you instantly followed his demand. You left the house still thinking of him. You were already starting to walk to your house when your heart ached out of being worried for Peter. “Fuck it,” you whispered under your breath. You turned back, making your way back to the burning house. You called the authorities on the way.
Peter was still inside when you returned. You squinted your eyes, hoping to see more of him through the fire. He was carrying Harry, trying to get him out of the house but he was struggling because of the fire that surrounded him. 
This was the part where the brain fought with the heart. Your mind was pleading for you to go home, save yourself, and get a good night’s sleep. But your heart insisted on staying, helping Peter, and putting yourself in danger.
Your heart only needed to softly whisper Peter’s name, and you were already all in.  
And so, you entered the house fearlessly.
You used your arms to cover your head from the falling debris as you made your way to Peter. His eyes did a double take as soon as he saw you. “What the fuck are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to leave?!” he questioned, worry and stress showing through his voice.
You ignored his questions and instead insisted on helping him carry Harry out of the house. You were both silent even after the job was done. For a while, it was just you, Peter, a passed-out Harry, the house that was on fire, and the sky that decided to rain.
After a few minutes, you heard the sirens that alerted you that the authorities were arriving at the scene. Peter looked at you as if to ask if you called them, and you nodded in response. He put on his mask again.
You watched as the firemen dealt with the burning house. Peter, now back to being Spider-Man, talked with the authorities about Harry and what happened. Harry was still passed out and being carried to an ambulance that would direct him to the hospital to get treated before he would face the consequences of his actions. As for you, you sat in the ambulance getting checked by the medics. You didn’t have any major injuries, just minor ones. When they offered to get you to the hospital just to be sure, you politely declined them and insisted on staying with Spider-Man.
It was as if the universe decided to help with the burning house because the rain decided to turn into a storm. You found a bench close to the house for you to sit on. The storm was getting harsher, but you refused to leave the place without Peter. You just crossed your arms to cope with the growing cold the wind delivered.
After waiting for a few more moments, the house wasn’t on fire anymore and the authorities left the scene for the day. As soon as they left, Peter removed the mask and walked towards the bench you were silently sitting on. “I would offer you a coat, but I don’t have one,” he stopped in front of you. 
You looked up at him, standing up so you could look at him properly. “You okay?” you asked, noticing a few bruises on his face. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Are you?” he asked softly.
“I’m fine… still kind of shocked though. Didn’t expect my day to turn out like this,” you told him.
“Why were you using a dating app in the first place?” he asked jokingly.
You knew he was only teasing, but his question struck a nerve in you. To forget you, you wanted to say. Sorry for the mess, I only wanted to fucking forget you. Sorry for trying to move on. Sorry because I fucking love you.        
Instead, you answered with another question. “Why didn’t you fucking tell me you’re Spider-Man?” your voice raised unintentionally.
His eyebrows furrowed with the tone of your voice. He tried to get closer to you but you stepped back, rolling your eyes. “Why is your ex fucking insane?!” he matched your attitude.
You scoffed. “Why is your best friend fucking insane?!”
“I–stop. Y/N,” he said softly. He realized from the way you were shaking that you were probably stressed and traumatized because of what happened. His suspicions were confirmed when you suddenly broke down crying. He instantly covered your fragile body with his frame. He hugged you tightly, letting you sob all the stress and frustration away. It was still storming, but none of you cared. 
“Shhh,” Peter cooed. When your crying stopped, he held your face with his hands. “Why did you go back?” he asked, looking into your eyes.
“Because I wanted to help you,” you answered.
“And? I know that’s not the only reason you did it.”
You debated on whether to tell him the truth or lie your way out of the conversation. But after the stunt you pulled earlier, you knew Peter wasn’t stupid and would realize the truth sooner.
“Because I care for you. In ways I cannot describe,” you answered truthfully.
“Why do you care for me?” he asked.
“I need you to say it,” he whispered close to your face. Your nose was close to touching his.
“I won’t because I know you don’t feel the same,” you closed your eyes.
“Open your eyes.”
You opened your eyes.
“Look at me.”
You did what he said.
“Say it.”
It was time to tell him, without fear.
“I love you.”
Peter smiled, before pulling your face closer to him and kissing you hard. Your eyes widened, not expecting him to kiss you. All along, you thought your love was one-sided, but the kiss you were sharing right now proved otherwise. It was your first kiss with him and it was flawless. You closed your eyes and deepened the kiss, you only pulled away when you needed to catch your breath.
“How are you feeling right now?” he smirked. “Did I kiss all your worries away?” he teased.
“I don’t think there’s a word that could do justice to what I’m feeling right now,” you chuckled. “I’m so happy–I feel like my heart is dancing. I could dance right now.”
“Really?” he asked, a clever smile showing up on his face. Suddenly, he offered a hand in front of you. “May I ask you for a dance?”
You accepted his offer. The only music was the storm as it loudly poured on the pavement, but none of you minded it. You swayed with him, giggling as you stared fondly at each other. 
You were wearing your best dress, dancing with Peter in a harsh cruel storm, taking each other’s hands as you both drag yourselves head first into your lives and hearts. To be honest, you didn’t how it would get better than this.  
“Can I tell you something, Y/N?” he asked, gracefully turning you.
“Of course,” you smiled.
“My heart races for you so fast that I just need to let this out–I love you. I love you so much. I want to spend every day with you. When you’re sad, I want to be the one you run to. When you’re happy, I want to be the reason why. When you’re sick, I want to be the one who takes care of you. When you’re in trouble, I want to be the one who saves you.”
You stroked his cheek lovingly. “I love you too, Peter. I’ve admired you ever since we were children and up until now. When I think of my future and who I want to spend it with–it’s you. It’s always been you. I’m afraid of rejection, that was why I didn’t tell you the moment I knew I have feelings for you. I was always scared that you would turn me down. That’s why all these years I chose to love you behind your back. But now… now that all’s been said and done, I’m not afraid anymore. If what you’re asking me is to enter your life as your partner, then I’ll do it fearlessly.”
He turned you one last time, before putting a hand on your back and on the back of your thigh, gently bending you backwards so he could kiss you deeply once again. Each time he pulled you in his arms, you got a little more brave. As it turned out, all it took for your heart to not be fearful was Peter.
Love really was fearless.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
TASM!PETER PARKER TAGLIST: @mymilkducts @i-am-woman-strong @lauraneedstochill @jeanettexkillian @ms-mandalore @enaraism @alessandralol @sad-darksoul @sincericida @mentallystablepotato @mich0731 @logolepsic-insomniac @k0miiki @dreamsarecloserwithyou @jumilzzz @primroseparker @preciousbabypeter @myheartonthemove @rebecca-johnson-28 @silkholland @ellievickstar @okkulta @geekygamerchick @starqwerty20 ​ @the-quiet-observer @softiepeterpan @willowhaired @sflame15-blog @pompeygirl89 @remuslupinsdocs
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ayufufu · 2 months
OnionThief x Rival!MC
Word Count: 4368
Summary:  In which OnionThief and his rival get paired up for a project.  But for the first time, he gets to see what it’s like for them behind the scenes of their bratty know-it-all personality (basically academic burnout).
Author’s Note:  Started sometime in 2020, finished April 5th, 2024.  I present the sassy, probably out-of-character, OnionThief and his little rival.  Trust, it’s been like 3 years since I’ve played this game.  Oh lord am I out of touch with this fandom.  It is buried within me right now.  But hey, finished writing.  I am proud of the beginning half, the ending might not be it though. 
“Eat shit and die.”
“Yes, fuck you.”  These whispers flew past surrounding peers, already used to overhearing this type of bickering between the pair.  It was never truly clear how it began.  They tested each other’s knowledge, butting heads every year since high school.  Y/N and Onionthief simply found each other insufferable, their hostility seemed to intensify when they found out they applied to the same college.  It was as though they were water and oil, never being able to mix well.  The professors chose to pay no mind since both were still excelling.  Their grades were incredibly high, scores screaming in pain at the height they were reaching, extra credit opportunities never wasted.
“You’re all dismissed, please remember to review pages 556 to 590 for next week.”  The class let out dim cheers, the sounds of paper rustling, bags zipping, and peers exchanging words filling the large room.  As Y/N finished packing their last item away, they rushed straight to the door.  Walking to the outside of campus, they made a mental to-do list.  Assignments were beginning to pile up, but Winter break was right there.  Couldn’t stop now.
“Move,” Onion’s voice rang out as he shoved his shoulder into theirs harshly, a scoff coming from them as they’re broken from their thoughts.
“I wasn’t aware the 15 feet of space around me was nonexistent,” Y/N spat.  Their eyes followed his back as he continued his fast pace without a word.  Unbelievable.  Turning to walk the other direction, the sounds of their peers filled their ears.  Silently restarting their to-do list, the sounds became a blur.  The walk to their apartment was a routine, passing the different trees and couples before reaching the bridge.  Rushing across, the sounds of another pair of footsteps flooded their ears.  
“So you’ve resorted to stalking me,” Onion sneered.  Y/N turned around, head flooded with annoyance.
“I live here, you’re aware of that.” “Right.”  He walked over to the bridge pulling a small bottle from his pocket.  Y/N watched curiously as he tipped it over the edge and shook it a bit.  Realizing he was feeding the fish, Y/N walked off, bag bouncing with each step.  The eyes following them were left unnoticed, the sounds of class echoing in their mind all the way to their desk.
“I mentioned at the beginning of the year that there will be one major partner assignment in this class, serving as our midterm final.”  Groans and whispers of cheers filled the room, peers feeling dreadful while others spotted friends across the room.  Y/N sighed, head resting in their arms.  Glad he’s at least sitting somewhere else.  
“Alright, settle down.  These partners will be assigned by your latest test scores.”  Right...  Y/N clicked their pen impatiently, feeling the metal between their fingers, more sounds of displeasure filling the room.  The teacher droned on about the details of the project, explaining how lower scores would be assigned tutors for their projects.
“Let’s start with the highest scores shall we?”  They sat up.
“Y/N and—” Clack.  The sound of the pen hitting the table drew the attention of a few surrounding classmates, but Y/N didn’t even take notice.
“You two don’t need a tutor so you’ll be able to view the project details online. Now for…”  He was their partner.  For once, a teacher decided to pair them up.  They sat through the rest of the class, every word flowing through their ears and out the other.  Nothing was staying put into their mind.  I just had to be paired with such an insufferable… Shaking their head, they heard the professor dismiss them.
“Well, I guess I’m ready to fail this assignment.” And there he is.  They began packing their stuff, shoving the items in the bag messily.
“Same here, you’ll just drag down my grade even if we did try.”
“Right, what was this worth again, 50%?”  Y/N stopped their aggressive packing at this.
“Where did you get that this was 50%?” “Read the details dumbass,” he passed his phone to them.  Their eyes skimmed over the details, the 50 percent and “due in 10 days” standing out from everything else.  The phone was plucked out of their hands as he smirked, tucking it away.  He left the room, Y/N trailing behind.  They couldn’t just skip the assignment, their hard-earned A+ would easily drop in just one month.  Onion tried his best not to notice the footsteps behind him, knowing it was them.  He held back chuckles as he wondered how long they’d follow him.
“Hey shallot-head,” Y/N called.  He hummed in acknowledgment, but he still didn’t change pace or look their way.  Y/N was starting to struggle to keep up the pace, always one step or two behind from walking next to him, not noticing the smirk he was hiding.  They finally huffed before grabbing the back of his shirt to stop him completely.  He halted at the sudden pressure, a smirk forming a look of surprise while Y/N rushed to face him.
“Listen shallot, I can’t afford to skip this assignment.”  He cocked an eyebrow at this.
“The Y/N cannot afford to skip this assignment?  I’m sure you can lose half of your grade, still pass, and I would be able to avoid your ridiculously low IQ.”  Their head felt hot at the sound of his ridiculing.
“I need to pass this assignment.  I can do the work, but you just need to revise some parts to look like it’s yours,”  Y/N pleaded.  He seemed to ponder the options, putting his chin between his fingers.
“No.”  He turned to leave. “Wait– I offer instant miso!”  His head perked up.
“Green onions too, plus I’ll throw in extra tofu.”  He grabbed Y/N’s wrist roughly before beginning to drag them to the apartment in a rush, Y/N struggling once more to keep up, relief washing their body.
“I need to stop here for a moment.”  He approached the bridge again, the same bottle as before in his hand.  Y/N watched him shake the bottle once more, fish crowding the area again.  He turned back to them before nodding and walking to the complex, Y/N tailing after.  Once they called the elevator, awkward silence surrounded them.  For the first time since they began their walk (run) back, tension swallowed them whole, arms and legs aching from arduous journeys across campus and poor posture in class.
Y/N stepped into the elevator first, clicking the third-floor button once Onion stepped in.  They side-eyed him, taking in his tense yet relaxed state.  Y/N willed themselves to relax their stiff body while the elevator doors spread open.
“Do you need anything from your room or are you good to go,” Y/N asked, adjusting the bag on their back.  
“I don’t need anything else.  I bring all my work necessities with me”  They nodded at his response before putting in their pin and unlocking the door.  They walked straight in, putting away their necessities, shoes by the door, and water bottle on the table.
“Right, um, you could set up in the kitchen while I make your miso?”  Onion nodded and began to set his stuff on the chair next to Y/N’s stuff while they began putting a pot of water on the stove.  As Onion began pulling out his laptop and notes, he stared at Y/N’s back while they shuffled around the kitchen grabbing things out of cabinets and drawers.  His brows furrowed in annoyance at the unwanted presence, punching his laptop code in with more pressure.
“Don’t you have a desk?”  Onion sighed at the environment.  
“I do, but it only fits me.  I didn’t plan on having anyone study at my apartment until now.”  The instant miso powder hit the boiling water, the aroma filling the room, the silence of their voices following.  Bubbling water and mouse clicks were the only things heard for a few more minutes, the atmosphere stiff.  Eventually, two bowls of miso, two laptops, two notebooks, and two comp sci students were positioned at the table.  
“So, let’s test the limits of your stupidity.” “...I literally have a higher score than you.”
“Ok, and?” Y/N leaned back in their chair.  They barely even started, the soup still steaming, but their bickering was starting up once more.
“I’m just saying, that B in algorithms seems to say something about you.”  Harshly sighing, Y/N tipped their head back to the ceiling, their eyes tracing the patterns in the material.
“If you don’t pay attention I will chug this miso and leave.”  They snapped their head towards him.  They sat up and positioned their arms to type before realizing they hadn’t even read all of the assignment details yet.  This was going to be a long month.
10 days.
“No dumbass, this is supposed to be–” “No it isn’t, what the hell?”
“Are you denying the truth? “I am denying what is clearly wrong.” “Look at my notes, it’s right!”  Y/N shoved their notes in Onion’s face.  Pushing his glasses further up his nose, his eyes scanned the text.  After a minute or so, he sighed.
“Your notes are wrong.”  Their eyes widened when Onion handed his own notes to them before rereading their notes with a confused expression.  Onion had wanted to work on homework before continuing the project to make sure their (mostly his) grades didn’t drop.  Upon looking at their notes from the day, their professor's words filled their brain again.  They couldn’t stop the disappointment from filling their face, a frown settling on their features.  Since they were so sure they were right, they didn’t think their understanding of the topic was off.  Onionthief observed their down face, an expression he seldom saw.
8 days.
“I couldn’t grab extra tofu last time I went out for groceries.”  Y/N set the bowls down carefully, taking their seat right after.  Onion didn’t budge, opting to continue typing away at his laptop.  At the lack of response, they cocked an eyebrow.  They thought he’d throw a fit, but surprisingly he stayed put.  Y/N sighed before opening up their work yet again, shoulders aching.  Onion stayed true to the deal, opting to revise the parts Y/N laid out for him while continuing his homework from other classes.  At the lack of help and the burden of other classes on their mind, Y/N could feel the shadows of burnout waiting to envelop them.  After this, they were prepared to let their bed swallow them whole.
6 days.
“Hey, this is still wrong.”  Y/N’s head jerked up from the part of the project they were currently typing out.  Onion observed them as they rapidly scrolled to where he was viewing.  It was an entry from the beginning of the project.  A part that affected the rest of the work.  Deeply sighing, the monotone voice in their head began reading again.  Despite rereading it constantly, nothing was sticking.  It was as though the words didn’t exist.  At the lack of response from Y/N after a good few minutes, Onion huffed before highlighting the mistake in the text.
“Oh.”  It was all they could let out at the moment.  Despite the sentence highlighted, the information wasn’t processed in their head.  Their face scrunched up at the hotness filling their head.  The sight made an unfamiliar feeling rise in Onion.  He breathed out harshly before deleting the sentence, correcting it himself.  If it wasn’t for the silence in the kitchen, he doubted he’d ever hear the quiet ‘thanks’ they let out.  He froze at the appreciation, the sound of it unfamiliar from them.  The hell do they mean ‘thanks’?
5 days.
The project was still unfinished, the amount of work left taunting Y/N as they were left staring at the blank screen yet again.  The homework had already seemed to have drained them, but they refused to call it a night yet.  Their miso bowl was cold, the ingredients settling to the bottom.  Onion had already finished his homework and revised the parts of the project he was given.  Now, he seemed to be collecting data on some fantasy web novel.  Rubbing their temple, Y/N shut their laptop despite having never even opened the project yet.  Their brain was on overdrive, the workload invading their mind and trying to push them to work.  Despite their efforts, Y/N just couldn’t bring themself to even pretend they could work, their gaze burning holes in the back of Onion’s laptop.
“Are you finally done with the project,” Onion blurted out, eyes not leaving his screen.  No answer.  Glancing over the top of his laptop, his eyes were met with Y/N’s drained demeanor.  As his gaze wandered over their face, it soon traveled to the untouched bowl on the side.  Adjusting his glasses, he shut down his laptop after saving his work, the sudden movement making Y/N jump.  He leaned forward, chin resting against the back of his hands.
“Do you need help?” “Why the fuck are you asking like that–” “I’m just asking.” “Yes, but what’s with that pose, you look dramatic.”  Onion’s confused face became deadpan at the comment.  He opened his mouth to let out a snarky remark before Y/N got up abruptly.  He watched as they trudged over to their room, the door shutting softly behind them as a muffled thud was heard.
3 days.
Y/N hasn’t emerged from their room since yesterday, the silence in class left everyone dumbfounded as Onion continued on with his day-to-day classes in silence.  Yet as the day came to an end, he found himself in front of the same door he’s gone to for the past 19 days.  What do I even say?  Why am I here? They didn’t say they’d work on the project today.  His hand raised for the buzzer.  
“Coming…”  Dull. A very dull voice.  “Come on in, miso’s in the pot.  I’ll be in my room laying down, we can just do it tomorrow or something.”
“But that would put us–”
“Behind schedule I know, shut up.  Please.”  He frowned at their small pleading.  I don’t like that they have to plead.  “If you want to you can work on it yourself…”
“But that wasn’t-”
“A part of the deal I know, it’s just a suggestion.  Take it or leave it, miso’s still yours.”
“Oh.. okay then.”  As they left, Onion felt bitter guilt rising in him.  He looked at the miso and sighed before pulling out his laptop and getting to work.  Might as well as payment for the miso.  He swiftly got to work as Y/N stayed silent in their room.
2 days.
Onion finished the last of his typing, the kitchen was oddly silent as there was no miso being cooked and no Y/N to bother him.  Y/N just let Onion in, apologizing for the lack of miso or food, and tried to turn him away, but Onion persisted that it didn’t matter.  They let Onion do what he wanted as they did the same as they did before, retreating back to their room in silence.  Yet Onion completed the project yesterday.  It was a minor error that needed to be corrected, one colon needed to make the code work.  When he found the error, all he could do was chuckle a bit before staring at Y/N’s room.  
“Why can’t I just leave,” Onion whispered to himself as he stared at his laptop in frustration.
“No one said you can’t,” Y/N muttered, walking over to the fridge to get water.
“I know,” Onion spat. “I don’t know shallot, doesn’t seem like it,” Y/N spoke in a flat sing-song tone.
“Could you just, shut up already, damn,” he spat.  Y/N carried no response.  They stood in place, the chill of the open fridge numb to their body as they stared into the light illuminating the numerous food products inside.  “Y/N…?”  They closed the fridge as if on autopilot and made their way back into their room, their heart weighing heavy as an ache formed in their chest, their cheeks damp.  Damn it.
24 hours.
No knock today.  The miso sat on the stove for 3 hours, cold, and untouched.  Y/N waited hours, even after they poured the miso down the drain.  Part of them laughed at themselves for waiting, yet the other part made them ache.  Of course, he got tired of me like everyone else.  The silence of their apartment bothered them, the lights and blinds all dimmed.  They stared at the freshly bought miso packets, the weight of their assignments and lectures missing pushed on their heart and crushed it as their tears fell.
22 hours.
“Oh,” was all Y/N could muster when they received an email from Onion telling them to get on the link to the project presentation.  Not a single “sorry” or “Are you okay” was typed out.  They grabbed their laptop and moved it from their bed to their desk as they prepared for another night in bed alone again.  Their assignments could wait just a bit longer.
21 hours, 3AM.
Three knocks.  
“Hey, sorry I was finishing up the work in the library.”  Oh?  Y/N could smell the bullshit coming from him.
“Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry,” was all they could muster in response.
“Okay, here I’ll make miso.  I don’t smell miso, so I guess it’s safe to assume you haven’t been making any.  I’m sorry for ghosting,” Onion gave a sheepish smile.  What the hell do you mean sorry?  Their chest aches even more at the sight of his small smile.
They talked for a while on the couch about the assignments Y/N had been missing while the TV ran some background noise for them.  Turns out Onion and Y/N were excused from some extra tutoring that other students were given in the class, so it wasn’t too bad.  Y/N still had some work to do, but Onion mentioned how he finished the assignment way before, hence the email to check on the file.  Y/N breathed a sigh of relief.
“Why don’t I make us some miso soup for once,” Onion asked.  Y/N raised a brow at this in mocking offense.
“You, my guest, cooking?  Hell no.”  Onion scoffed.
“Just rest.”
“No I’ll make it–”
“Literally shut the fuck up and go.”
“Fine.”  Y/N pushed themselves off of the couch and semi-stopped over to their bed before plopping on it dramatically.  Onion walked in to make sure they were actually in bed before grabbing an extra blanket that sat on their chair and layering it on them.  Y/N side-eyed his every move the entire time as he did.  Their heart had a warm ache this time while Onion shut the door.
“Where the fuck do they put the pots.”  Now that Onion was tasked with “taking care” of Y/N, he realized he had no idea where anything was.  He sighed before going through each cabinet one by one.  Y/N heard the cabinets opening and closing before smiling softly to themselves.  Wait, what.
The weight lifted from their shoulder.  The heaviness of the world had gone.  They took a deep breath, sinking back into the soft blankets once more.
20 hours, 4AM.
“Damn this is good, what kind of crack did you put,” Y/N enthused.
“Just some extra ingredients I brought,” Onion replied.  Y/N froze.  “I didn’t fucking poison it dumbass.”
“Well how am I supposed to know, hm?”  Y/N spat.
“We’re eating food… from the same pot.”
“Oh yeah huh.”  Y/N hastily resumed their eating as Onion shook his head.  Y/N pondered as they ate.  “Hey… you’ve been acting different lately.  You’re less…”
“Less what?”
“Less annoying,” Y/N deadpanned.
“You’re more… enjoyable to be around I guess.”  Onion felt his face go a bit warm, having never heard those from their voice.  He stared down at his bowl as he felt it go to his ears.  “Woah,” he heard Y/N say.  “You’re red as fuck.”
“Yeah, wonder who’s fault that is,” Onion retorted.  Y/N chuckled at that as they stood up to grab more soup.  The TV was all that filled the room as Onion felt his brain restarting.  Rain began to patter against the windows.  “I guess you’re not that annoying too, enjoyable, even…”  Y/N froze up too, almost dropping the soup filled ladle.  They quickly shook their head as they put the bowl back on the table, mimicking what Onion had just done.  Shyness is cute on them…?  Onion was considering things immensely now.
With the change in attitude from his supposed academic rival, his emotions have been askew these past days.  The lack of brattiness left a hole.  Something, such as a shift in the force, had changed his whole routine entirely.
“Fuck off,” Y/N spat.
“Eat shit and die,” Onion smirked.
“That’s my fucking line,” Y/N gasped dramatically at their own words being used against them.
“Oh whatever,” Onion chuckled fondly.
19 hours, 5AM.
The two sat in Y/N’s living room now as they chatted and argued about anything they could find.  During Onion’s dramatic listing of every time he’s won against Y/N, he noticed them staring long and hard at their bedroom door.
“Earth to dumbass, what’s up?”
“I should get a start on some of my other assignments.  So close to finishing yet...” Y/N let out a harsh sigh.  “You probably want to head back to yours anyways.”  Onion sat upright at this.  “See, like a fucking dog–”
“No.”  Y/N raised an eyebrow?
“Fuck you mean, no?”  Onion himself didn’t even know what he meant.
“No as in… I’m not going home?”
“Suit yourself.”  Y/N got up and went to their bedroom, leaving Onion dumbfounded on the couch.
No?  What am I even going to do here…  He took a deep breath before walking over to Y/N’s bedroom.  They were already at work on their laptop.
“Hey, I’m gonna go,” Onion muttered.
“Figured, I’ll see you out then.”  Y/N led the way to the door while Onion trudged along behind them with his work bag.  
“Are you actually showing up tomorrow,” Onion snickered.  His face turned to an unreadable expression the second he noticed Y/N look away silently with a stone face as they pondered it.
“Nah, fuck that,” Y/N chuckled dryly.  An idea popped into Onion’s mind.
“Burned out?”
“What?”  Y/N knew what he was talking about of course, but the fact that Onion even questioned it felt out of character for him.  “So what if I am,” Y/N snapped.
“Well… you know that’s not healthy…”  Onion started.
“Yes, but it got everything done so I don’t see why—”
“Because you worried me.”  Y/N’s eyes widened.
“I worried you?”  
“Yes.”  By now the both of them were staring at each other in the entrance to Y/N’s apartment, neither of them moving and the silence filled with their heavy breaths.  Onion stepped forth and held out both of his hands.  Y/N gave a sharp look at him as he gestured towards them, keeping them outstretched.  Y/N hesitantly put their hands in his.
“You can’t just say that…” 
“I can’t?”  They dropped his hands.
“No, it.. It’s confusing for me.”  Onion leaned against the wall, shoving his hands in his jacket pocket.
“It’s confusing for me too, you know,” Onion whispers, averting his gaze to the ground.  Perhaps if he stared hard enough, the wall and him would combine as one and he’d be able to leave.  Taking care of his little siblings was one thing, comforting someone his age was another.  There was a reason he resorted to talking to his friends online.
“Hey…”  Y/N stepped forward, their hand twitching.  “What’s on your mind, if you don’t mind my asking?”  A faint smile was painted on his face.  After all this, they’re still so kind.
“I.. don’t mind per say.”  His bag weighed heavily on his shoulder, pulling his heart to the ground in ache.  “I’m just not sure I know how exactly to say,” he sighed.  A gentle finger laced with one of his own as Y/N hooked them together.  Looking up in confusion, they dragged him over to the sofa.  
“Let’s start from the beginning shall we?”
After a couple hours, the two had made up that night, and with help from Y/N’s visitor and a sleepover numerous late assignments were turned in.  Now, it’s been a whole week since that night.
“Hey, you know you don’t have to keep coming over,” Y/N laughed as they stirred the miso in the pot as normal.  This routine came back immediately.  Onion coming over to Y/N’s, the smell of miso soup filling the apartment after settling down for a few minutes.  A chat about interests along with plenty of time for assignments.
“Yeah well, you make my day plenty more interesting, ‘you know,’” Onion mocked.  Feigning offense, the miso soup pot was set in the middle of the counter with a cork mat underneath.  As Onion grabbed himself a portion, Y/N strolled over to the TV and turned it on for background noise.  
“Yeah yeah, oh how I must brighten your oh so, dark, dreadful, drowsy days.”  Laughter filled the apartment, almost drowning out the TV noise.
“...festival lasts for a few days, but, due to fortunate circumstances, will be held during local schools' vacation days.”  The TV listed the dates as the two college students looked at each other.  “Not to mention, the Winter Festival is known for the competitive nature that it brings to it’s attendees with the plethora of games, contests, and more, only here at…”  
“That’s our Winter break dates huh…” Onion smirked. 
Y/N cleared their throat.  “Would you care to join me to this, uh, ‘friendly’ festival?”
“Oh,” Onion leaned forward.  “It’s on.”
70 notes · View notes
unholyhelbig · 9 months
How about a bartender!Kate in which Kate is a new employee of the bar that reader frequents on bad days and Kate is one of the first people not to sympathize with her and just full of banter. I just think a cocky bartender Kate would be … neat
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[This is 18+, if you are a minor DO NOT INTERACT]
Title: Two Fingers of Whiskey
Ship: Female!Reader x Bartender!Kate Bishop
Warnings: Top!Kate, Bottom!reader, Dom!Kate, Sub!reader, light dom/sub, finger sucking, Fingering (r receiving), Hate fuck (?) yeah, this is a hate fuck.
[A/n: Go easy on me, I haven't written smut since my Pitch Perfect days & I've been under quarantine for the last five days, I've got brain rot & did not proofread.]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Kate began to expect your visits. Her eyes would drift to the novelty Miller High Life clock that was hanging on the wall. Six pm. Twice a week you’d wander into the bar and let out the haze of smoke and Dior Fahrenheit. Your eyes would search for hers with the same amount of ferocity, and Kate would try to swallow back the pride that was resulted by your hatred.
It started out as hatred, anyway.
Kate Bishop had made it a point to listen to people and their problems. Being a bartender at a seedy basement establishment was more than mixing drinks and cracking open frothy beers. She’d been told her first week that she was a half-bit therapist, and had laughed it off until she was listening to stories of corporate drabble, sudden deaths, and quiet loveless frustrations.
It had been two years since she started the nightshift at Copper’s, and she could spot the sadness from miles away. She could spot that frustration too. Kate became admittedly bored with the way her life had fallen into routine, so when a certain energy presented itself, she pushed.
Kate loved to push with you.
You’d looked tentative when you’d first entered Copper’s, your gaze moving across the dark green paint, the booths that were sticky. Your nice shoes had crunched over broken peanut shells and a certain film covered the walls, the stained-glass lamps over each table. Your hand tightened on your bag, and that gave Kate a sick sort of satisfaction. You took note of her nametag, not customed, a small label being printed and taped over an existing name.  
She admired the way you carried yourself with such assuredness after allowing for one moment of doubt. Instead of turning around and going back out onto the busy city streets, you took the two steps down and carefully sat yourself at the far end of the bar.
“We don’t have anything fancier than a house white.”
“Boston Lager?”
You’d lifted a perfect eyebrow and Kate nodded stuffing the rag she’d been using into her back pocket before reaching into the cooler and pulling out the dark amber bottle. She used the edge of the counter to pop the cap off, not caring where it landed. Foam dripped across her fingertips, and she forbade a coaster when she set it down in front of you.
Two sips before you spoke. The first was tentative, and the second was assured. Kate watched carefully as your throat worked at the drink. She frowned in the dark light, trying to rush away any inappropriate thoughts of her lips against an expanse of skin.
“I’m not pretentious.” You said, setting the bottle down.
Kate hummed. It was a non-committal noise. She picked up one of the glasses, still warm from going through the dishwasher, and went on wiping the detergent spots from the clear surface. Though, she saw you frown out of the corner of her eye and bit back her reaction.
“Seriously. You offered me wine.”
“You don’t like wine?”
“No. I like wine; I just don’t like when strangers presume that I like wine.”
Kate couldn’t help but smile at this. She replaced a glass and grabbed another one. The frustration on your face was admirable, and you seemed to balk at Kate’s direct attention. You fidgeted and began to peel the edges of the dark blue label on your drink, only where the condensation had allowed easy removal.
“We have house white, darling.”
“White Horse, then. Straight.”
Kate scoffed and set her second glass down. If she had been worried, truly worried, that you were going to do something stupid she would give you a few more watered down beers and send you on your way. But she liked the way you wanted to spite her. It made her fingers twitch. She pulled the bottle from the second shelf and counted two fingers of whiskey.
You took it back in one gulp, breathing through your nose before taking a tiny sip of your beer to quell the burn. Kate was infatuated with the way you sat straighter, the way you flashed her a small cocky smile. I can take the hard stuff.
“Rough day, then?” Kate sighed and filled your glass again, calling your bluff.
She leaned against the counter and watched you watching her. It gave her a sick pleasure, nudging you like this. She wouldn’t’ go far, really, she just needed to have some break in her normal routine, and you seemed like you needed a few things to forget yourself.
“The roughest.” You leveled her with an apprehensive stare. “You care?”
“Not particularly. But I’ll listen.”
“You’re an ass.”
“I’m an ear.” Kate made a sweeping motion with her hand “be my guest, sweetheart. You can vent to anyone in here.”
It was just the two of them. Sure, in about an hour, her usual crowd would rear its head. There were only three others that frequented, and they lingered by the one pool table and ordered two pitchers of the cheapest beer. They left Kate alone and she left them alone.
You contemplated her offer for a brief moment, letting out a labored breath as if Kate was burdening you instead of offering relief. “I have a shitty client. Very demanding.”
“What do you do?” Kate tried.
“I’m an archivist for the city of New York. Cold Cases mainly. There are hundreds of thousands of physical case boxes that reside in basements and closets just waiting to be digitally entered.” You threw back your drink and tapped the side of the glass. Kate took the hint and poured until the buttery liquid coated the bottom.
Kate had to admit; that was quite the job. It sounded like a lot of sadness, however, that wasn’t what you carried on your shoulders tonight. Annoyance was the overarching emotion that was expressed on your delicate features.
So, the bartender did what she did best, she didn’t’ ask about what was in the boxes. She wasn’t privy to know. She wanted to know what about the boxes bothered you to the point of drinking close to a handle of liquor in a seedy bar.
You answered before she could ask “corporate bullshit. They want us to enter all of these cases for the pure purpose of shelving them electronically. I mean, we don’t even have a cold case unit anymore. But some of these… you can tell the leg work wasn’t done. The boyfriend did it. The jealous co-worker, it’s all written so plainly that I stupid archivist that should be working at a museum can see it!”
“Wow.” Kate said.
She hummed again, this time after you swallowed your drink, she took the glass and threw it into the plastic tub. It made an empty hollow sound. Kate grinned at you in this infuriating type of way that made you want to kiss her or slap her. Either way, you shifted uncomfortably.
“What do you want me to say, sweetheart? That’s a shit situation, yeah. But there are shittier ones.”
“You are such an ass.” You repeated your earlier sentiment. She smiled brighter.
“That’ll be $15.00 even.”
Despite her difficulty, you dug through your bag until you threw a twenty on the counter and mumbled that she keep the change. Kate watched as you left that day and the smile never left her face. She liked you, she thought. And more than anything, she knew that you would be back. There was something about Kate’s lack of caring that got to people. There was no sympathy, only agreement.
 Two days later you were back inside the grimy interior of Copper’s. It took Kate a second to recognize you. Instead of nicely pressed clothing, you were in a pair of gray sweatpants and a t-shirt that had the band ‘Rush’ scrawled across your chest. Kate didn’t’ let her stare linger. You sat in the same stool, and Kate felt your eyes rake her up and down.
“Have you lodged a formal complaint against me?” Kate asked.
“Good. Then what can I get for you, darling?”
You ordered the same Boston Loger as before and Kate complied, not even offering the cheap box-wine they served in a chilled glass just to make it taste a little more worth-it. Strands of hair fell into your eyes and Kate clenched the dishtowel in her hands a little harder to keep herself from reaching forward and brushing them from your stare.
Kate couldn’t hold her tongue, and that annoyed her. The first time she saw you, it was so easy to grate on your nerves. This time, you looked slightly broken, and even Kate had her limits when it came to bothering the patrons.
“What’s wrong?” Kate asked.
“Do you care what’s wrong?”
“If I’m honest, not in the slightest. But you seem bothered, and I’m the only one around the listen.”
“How long?”
Kate raised both of her eyebrows and lilted her head to the side like a confused animal. She had both of her palms pushed up against the bar, a tank-top with the logo of the establishment stretched across her chest. Your mouth was dry, but you didn’t take a sip of your drink. Kate watched as your fingers delicately circled the opening of the amber bottle. You blinked at her, eyelids heavy.
“Excuse me?”
“How long are you going to be alone here?”
She blinked to make sure she heard you right. She had someone coming in to relive her in about an hour but was more than happy to sit here and talk with you until that time. It seemed like you had other ideas, and part of her was curious about that. It shot straight to her core and warmed her cheeks.
“You’re not going to murder me, are you?” Kate teased.
“And add to all those boxes I have to archive? Please.”
Kate cleared her throat and started to work at the back of the apron at her waist. It seemed frantic and you finally lifted your drink, downing it in a few gulps. You needed to let off some steam, it seemed, and Kate was more than happy to provide. After-all, she was a bartender and her job was to listen- to provide. Kate rationalized all of this before she had her apron off.
“Would you look at the time?” you stood, reaching into your pocket and pulling out a ten. “I’m running late. Keep the change, darling.”
Kate paced back and forth along the length of the bar, muttering things to herself. She deserved that, really- she did, but it had been three whole days and she was still sufficiently pissed off that you had thrown her attitude right back at her. That wasn’t allowed.
No one had ever done that to her before and you’d made her stomach roll with attraction and even anticipation with just a few simple words and insinuations. Sure, you tipped well, and you drank and then left, but she didn’t actually want to admit that she was having fun talking to you.
And more than anything, she didn’t want to admit that she was flicking her eyes to the clock on the wall, getting only a slight bit of relief when it passed your usual time. Today, however, you did show up.
Kate could feel the tension in her jaw as she watched you walk through the doors. The scent had become familiar to you, something she could tell by the way you breathed in deeply, grounding yourself.
You wore tighter clothes, and Kate struggled not to rake her eyes up and down your figure, the way the fabric hugged every inch of you. The sweatpants and t-shirt were gone, instead you had on a dress with a long slit running up the side, exposing tanned skin.  She focused on the way you walked, the way you leaned forward on the bar, pressing your cleavage forward.
“This isn’t going to work twice.” Kate said, crossing her arms over her chest.
She was admittedly sore over your teasing, despite how well-earned it was. And that tight dress did look stunning on you. Even the low smoggy haze of Coppers she shivered at the thought of tearing it off of you, of moving the zipper down the small of your back and kissing up your spine.
You cleared your throat. “I actually came here to apologize.”
“Did you, now?”
“Yes,” You said through gritted teeth as if it physically pained you to say the words. “You were right… the first time we met. My problems seem big, but compared to other things, they’re not detrimental. Even though I was mad, teasing you like that was below me.”
“Oh, I’m not so sure much is below you.”
Kate raked her eyes up and down your body. Your cheeks heated and you let out a groan. Because damn-it, she was so infuriating, and though you’d come back to the bar a second time to drive her crazy, it seemed to have the opposite effect.
“I have the keys to the boss’s office.” Kate offered deviously “No windows and a desk.”
Kate watched you swallow hard, contemplating her offer. She twirled the keys around her ring finger expertly and when you finally nodded she felt herself lean against the counter, close enough to where her lips brushed yours, the warmth was all encompassing, electrifying.
“I need to hear you say it, sweetheart. What exactly do you want?”
With hesitation you forced the words through your lips. This was wildly out of character for you, usually prim and proper and not demanding things from a strange bartender with ghostly blue eyes and expert fingers. “I want you to take me into that office and fuck me until I can’t walk.”
Kate smiled, closing the gap between the both of you with a breathless kiss, her tongue invading your mouth. You moaned into the simple gesture before she pulled away. “All you had to do was ask.”
With a chivalrous gesture, Kate took your hand and guided you easily down a large step behind the bar. You’d never seen this side of things, and though you hadn’t expected anything breathtaking, it gave you a better view of the empty establishment.
You didn’t have much time to contemplate as you were guided through a narrow hallway that had an employee schedule posted on the wall, and a few boxes of unopened liquor. There was a citrus scent that invaded your senses and soon you were out of the cold and in a small office that looked as if it hadn’t been touched in months.
The hum of the cooling units was drowned out and a warmth caused bumps to rise against your skin. Kate had you pushed against the door in a matter of seconds, her mouth back on yours, a knee between your legs, shoving them open. Desperately, you tried to grind down, alleviating some of the heat in your core.
Kate’s hand came up to grip your chin, disconnecting her lips from yours “We’re impatient, aren’t we?”
You could only whimper in response, the corner of Kate’s mouth lilted up into a semi smile, too much like a smirk for your liking. The expression did things to you. Here was this cocky bartender that was too content for her own good- yet, in this moment, you would let her have you in any way she wanted.
“I’ll fuck you senseless on the desk, but only if you can be patient. Can you do that for me? Can you be a good girl?”
“I… yes.”
“What was that? I thought we talked about you using your words, sweetheart.”
“Can you please fuck me on the desk? I’ll be a good girl.”
That seemed to be enough. Kate slid her hands around to the back of your thighs and lifted you with an unnatural bout of strength, a noise of surprise escaping your lips. You had seen her arms a few days earlier when she was in that tank-top, but she had settled you on the desk effortlessly, standing between your legs.
Kate’s mouth nipped at your jawline, sucking perfect bruised circles against your skin that she soon soothed with her tongue. You didn’t mind her marking you, though you mentally made a note to pick up some concealer on the way home. She made quick work with the zipper at your spine, pulling it down to the warm air. She slid your sleeves down your shoulders, exposing your breasts to her prying eyes.
She took a moment to admire you, giving your hip a small squeeze. You took the hint and lifted off the desk just enough for her to pull the rest of the fabric away. It dropped to the floor. Kate smiled at you, drinking you in. “Wow”
Kate hummed and returned to working at your chest. This time she went lower, nipping at the sensitive skin around your nipple. You dug your fingers into the fabric of her shirt, letting out a groan of pleasure. Her fingers were testing at the waistline of your underwear, not quite dipping past the elastic.
Kate’s tongue was so warm, so encompassing. You arched your back, not denying her access to any part of you. Her expert hands finally pushed past the barrier of fabric, running up your entrance.
“Oh, shit, darling. You’re so worked up.”  Her words vibrated against you, and you struggled not to buck forward, to press into her lingering touch. Kate seemed to sense your frustration. “uh-uh, we’re being patient, remember? If you want release, you’ll have to beg for it.”
Beg? You weren’t the begging type. Unfortunately, you weren’t in the position to do anything but what she demanded. The thought of Kate inside of you, even in the smallest capacity, was driving you insane.
“Kate,” You hummed her name.
A sound got stuck in her throat at the sound of her name pushing through your kiss-bruised lips. She edged the end of the noise, almost phrasing it like a question. She didn’t want to give herself away, how much seeing you like this got her wet.
“Please, I need you inside me. I need to feel you.”
Before you could get out another word, she pushed a single, teasing finger inside. You fell forward, pressing your nose against the small of her neck with an exasperated breath. Kate painstakingly added another finger, pumping in and out of you with a method to her madness. You bit into her shoulder, not enough to hurt, but enough to muffle your noises of satisfaction as she swiped her thumb against your clit.
Kate’s other hand returned to your breast, squeezing and toying. It sent pleasure straight to your core, and Kate could feel you begin to tighten around her. She slowed her movements. “Beg,” She commanded.
“I’m going to cum,” you whispered into her shoulder, grasping fruitlessly at the fabric of her shirt, trying to pull her as close to you as possible.
“Are you?��� She asked, slowing her pace.
“I… Kate please let me cum, I can’t hold on much longer I-“ another moan escaped you, and it took you a few breathes to compose yourself to some sort of semblance. “please”.
“That’s a good girl,” Kate praised, returning the circular motions to your clit. “Cum for me, sweetheart.”
That’s all you needed to hear to unwind for her. You clenched around her fingers, chills running from your core to every inch of your exposed body. A guttural noise of pleasure was silenced by Kate’s lips against yours, her throat silencing you as much as she could. Satisfaction rushed through you, aftershocks of her movements twitching through you. Kate withdrew herself from you, a self-assured smile on her lips as she moved them up to her lips and sucked them clean, never breaking eye contact with you.
“I need a drink,” You breathed out, words trembling. Your forehead pressed against hers, still panting, still recovering from her expert touch.
Kate scoffed, shaking her head “We don’t have anything fancier than a house white.”
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scarvain · 2 months
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✶ surprise — hamzahthefantastic x reader
SUMMARY: hamzah attempts to surprise you on your birthday
A/N: an irl gave this idea after they told me they surprised their partner this way and i thought it was the cutest ever
your birthday hasn't been something you planned on celebrating each year. you thought it wasn't as big of a deal to consider each year as a milestone in your life and for you, it was also a waste of money and time planning a party, and sending invites, and overall it was just tiring.
but this year, your boyfriend, hamzah wanted that to change.
he was currently in your shared apartment, a baking video in the background while he had all the ingredients out with an apron tied around his body.
"hamzah, how many of these do you need?" martin asks as he pumps air into the balloon.
he thinks for a while, opening the cake mix's box. "maybe... about 8 or 10?"
after a while, martin had 5 balloons with air, and all that was left were the strings and the cake. hamzah on the other hand had replayed the video three times already with only the cake mix in his bowl, afraid to mess up the cake he was making for you.
"how many times are you gonna repeat this bro?" his friend teased as he tied the end of the balloon.
hamzah just rolled his eyes before cracking the eggs and pouring them into the bowl.
you'd be coming home soon and he was trying to rush the process of making the cake, the powdered batter scattering everywhere as he quickly mixed.
"fuck," he muttered to himself but still proceeded with baking the cake.
when martin finished with the balloon — even tying ribbons at where he tied them, hamzah was still mixing the cake batter.
"hamzah," martin called out for the curly-haired boy who was adding ingredients to the bowl. "i'm gonna go now, have to fetch mandy from work." he nodded at him.
"thanks for the help dude, seriously thank you." hamzah said with a genuine smile. when his friend left, he mixed the batter more before transferring it to a pan.
as soon as the cake was finished baking, he immediately took out the tray from the oven but with the temperature still being high, he burnt himself although he was wearing mittens.
he thought decorating the cake was going to be the easy part, considering the fact that he was just meant to spread icing and pour sprinkles but he still thought of writing a short note on the cake but as he was getting to the third letter, your keys were already jammed into the keyhole, opening the door to your apartment.
the counter was still messy with the spillage from earlier and the bowls and utensils he used, were scattered all over.
"shit, shit, shit!" he said as tried to tidy up the place but you've already stepped inside.
"hamzah is something," your head turns to where he was standing after you've taken off your shoes. your eyes fall on the cake that's on the counter and the piping bag in his hands. "oh my god." you try to hide your smile but with your boyfriend standing in front of you, with a horrified expression and a messy apron, you couldn't help it.
it was an image you wish you could've taken a photo off. he places the piping bag down the counter and tries his best to hide the cake by walking closer to you.
"okay, i know you hate birthdays but i wanted to surprise you this year. we've been together for uh... 3 years now? and take it as a gesture of love, please." he pleaded, eyes looking deeply into yours.
you step closer to him and place a hand on his cheek before pecking his lips. there's a smile on your face when you pull away which makes him less nervous. "this might just be the best birthday ever, hamzah." you tell him and his eyes widen in excitement.
you untie his apron, throwing it on the counter before wrapping your arms around him. the two of you hold each other for a while before he places a kiss on your temple and then speaks again.
"you also have balloons, martin blew them for me oh and, your cake only has the letters h and b because you arrived when i was starting on d."
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @kingvioleta @tumb1rgir1z @mfcherry @ldrvinyl @certainfestivalnerdshepherd @seasidelily @jisyng @brucewaynegfreal LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD!!!
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lotties-ashwagandha · 10 months
pairing: lottie matthews x fem!reader
word count: 705
notes: this ended rlly abruptly and is short but ive been sick and im on my period so im a bit out of it rn . also not proofread
summary: you find old pictures of you and lottie when you were in high school, and she reminds you of how bad you played the long game with her. requested by @may-z3 <333
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You sat on the floor, next to where the spilled pile of pictures laid, and dug through them. There were years worth of them, most of them random shots you’d taken during Lottie’s soccer games but many of them also pictures with each other that you’d made Shauna and Jackie take during sleepovers or when you went out for pizza after games. There were also a few candids of Lottie that you’d snuck, and looking back at them you resisted a laugh — if only you’d known then that all these years later you’d still be with her, that you would wake up with her every morning and go to bed with her each night.
There were even a few pictures of the two of you post-crash. There were less of them than the ones before, and it was obvious how much the two of you had been struggling when you took them, but they were beautiful nonetheless.
A knock at the open door caught your attention, and you turned to see Lottie leaning against the doorframe, watching you with a soft smile. She was radiant, as she always was, clad in her dark blue caftan, her dark hair hanging over her shoulders and down her back in heavenly waves.
“What are you looking at?” She asked, her voice like honey as she approached you and sat on her knees on the floor at your side.
“I was trying to clean the closet for once, and all of these fell out,” you said, and handed her a few pictures of the two of you by the field at one of her soccer games. “Most of them are before the crash, and they’re so…” you trailed off, nostalgia overcoming you, and you reached for her hand.
Lottie picked up another picture and giggled, and when you reached for it she hid it to her chest, shaking her head. “No, you can’t have this one.”
“Why not? What is it?”
“I took it,” she said, but she wouldn’t provide any explanation.
“Lottie,” you asked suspiciously, failing to suppress a smile, “what is the picture?”
She didn’t respond, and your jaw dropped.
“Is it dirty?” You asked, and her eyes widened.
“No!” She urged, shaking her head. “God, your mind is horrible, no, it’s not dirty. I got pissed at you one night when we were at a sleepover at Shauna’s and I… I painted your face while you were asleep. Just a little. But then Lara Lee made me take it off.”
“What the fuck?” You asked, your tone light, and you snatched the picture. In it you were laying in a sleeping bag in Shauna’s room, and the words I LOVE STINKY ASSHOLES had been painted on your face in what appeared to be red lipstick. “Oh my god,” you breathed, not sure whether you were going to laugh or cry, and beside you Lottie turned red.
“I was mad because you weren’t going to prom, and I didn’t have the courage to ask you to go with me,” Lottie explained, her embarrassment obvious. “But in my defense, I was getting incredibly mixed signals with you long gaming me.”
“Oh, I was not long gaming you!” You laughed, shaking your head. “I was just terrified that you’d reject me.”
She gave you a dubious look, raising her eyebrows. “It’s the same thing.”
“In any case, I won in the end,” you said. “So even if I was playing the long game with you, it worked out pretty well.”
“Don’t make me paint your face again in your sleep.”
“I feel like that’s an empty threat,” you decided, handing her back the picture of you with your face painted. “You can keep that picture, though, if you want to reflect on your past victory.”
“Oh, I’ll be framing it,” she smirked. “I’ll put it on the dresser so you can see it every morning.”
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mightymizora · 4 months
The Library
1300 words, Rated E, Enver Gortash/Ffion Goldgrind CW: Ropes and suspension, BDSM, Piss :)
Read on Ao3
He’s an easy client, but it doesn’t make him a good one, and her feet are already sore in her boots and her corset is chafing with the sweat of the hot summer. This time of year is always a foul sort of time to work; tempers are high after taxes have been collected, those with money are flush, those without are demanding. At least her job allows her to keep a part of herself away, unlike some of the other workers. She notes the precious flower of young Sadrine is wilting, the poor halfling half full of seed and half empty of sweat and tears. At least she does not have that to deal with.
He is an easy client, but that doesn’t make him a good one, but at least he is direct with what he wants. As soon as he enters, shrugs off his heavy coat and gently unlaces his breeches, he is already setting his expectations silently, pointing out his preferred methods and tastes for the day.
“It has been a busy week in the Upper City,” he tells her in that jovial tone of his, placing the gold on the table by the door. The bag is heavy; he will be expecting to be here all afternoon. “As I’m sure you’ve heard many times today. I’m certain you will have seen some of my colleagues through your doors. Young Bormul perhaps? Glitterbeard, almost certainly. You seem the type they might enjoy.”
“Quiet,” she warns him in her strictest tone. He knows she can’t and won’t talk about other clients, and he does not want her to point out that he is here, just as they are. That’s not the game, and he wants the fantasy from the moment he crosses the threshold into the library.
Once his shirt is off and he is down to his smalls he puts his hands in front of him, slipping into the cuffs with a smirk on his face. She hates this moment, where they are so pleased with themselves, but normally it does not last long before they start to stink of fear.
Enver Gortash takes a little longer. He is, after all, here to be taken apart by an expert.
She checks in briefly for his word (arbalest, as usual) before guiding him to the pulley. She clips him in, checks the tension through the dual anchors on the ceiling and the floor, and then pulls until he is dragged to the tip of his toes. His strong arms flex, hold his weight, and that smirk is still there as she pulls the last of his clothes from him roughly and squeezes his half-hard cock. As expected.
“You have been caught, rat,” she tells him. This is the script, this is what he wants. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Simple this time. He must be tired. She pulls sharply and ties it twice around the floor hook, leaving him squirming on the ropes as she pulls up a seat, far away enough to be out of reach of his squirming legs.
That is one thing she can say about her time with Gortash. She at least gets some time to take the pressure off her feet. Though there are other things she likes less, she thinks, as she parts her legs wide and is met by the stink of two days without washing.
“Poisonous… disgusting cunt,” he continues, fighting against the strain. “I’ll kill you.”
“You have been caught,” she repeats, leaning across to select a crop from her selection. “Is that really all you have to say, worm?”
He spits at her, and she taps the end against the straining tip of his cock, just hard enough for him to hiss in pain.
“You have been caught,” she says again. “Do not make me call the Master.”
There is a shudder that goes through his body at that. These men are always a mix of issues, and Gortash wears them on his sleeve. Little megalomaniac.
“I’ll kill you before you can speak.”
“You try and take from my library,” she replies, “and you expect there to be no consequence? Little wretch. Foolish boy.”
She stands and pulls the ropes again and he groans with the strain, his eyes squeezed shut for just a moment before he fixes her with that dark stare again. Those eyes, set in the deep black rings of a boy who was beaten black and blue, the eyes of somebody who could indeed kill her, should he wish it. There is something about him that makes her want to hurt him, something that pushes her beyond the lure of coin.
She raps the crop against his nipples, once, twice. His breath is ragged, but he does not slip. 
“Your defiance will not save you, Enver.”
“You will not break me.”
“I do not need to. Apologise.”
“Apologise, Enver.”
She lets the rope slack only slightly, tying it off again and taking the paper from her desk as she goes back to sit, reminding herself to part her legs as she flips open to the latest financial news. Glitterbeard has indeed been in, spilling his financial secrets in his love of indiscretion, and it serves her well to check his information against the latest trades. Gortash gives her a good few minutes before he finds his voice again, darker now.
“When I am free,” he tells her, “I shall string you up like you have me. I will string you up for the people to peck at like ravenous beasts. They will rip your flesh from your bones, whore, and I will laugh.”
She does not move, but twists the rope in her hand and tugs sharply, revelling in him losing his breath for just a moment. But he does not stop. “I will let you beg-”
“You take from my library,” she says, “You will stay here until you apologise.”
“I will let you beg for your life. I will string you up and let you beg me to kill you.”
She strikes him on his cock once, twice, harder this time, and he finally loses his footing and slips.
“Quiet in the library,” she tells him, and he finally says nothing.
She has time to read the whole paper. She has time to hold his gaze. She has time to hear him spill a dozen more insults, each slightly wavering as his fatigue set in. He is getting older, she notices it in his stamina first, his head drooping, his eyes becoming unfocused.
“Apologise,” she tells him again. “Or I will hand you to the Master.”
“Never, Korilla.”
That name only comes out occasionally, and she pretends she does not hear it, covering his slip with three heavy strikes on his cock that make his legs fall from him. A trickle of urine drips down his legs, and she cannot resist pulling on the rope hard to let the stream drip down from his toes. He still does not reach for his word, even as it starts to cool. Stubborn.
She catches his gaze, and he sneers at her, eyes blown open. “I will catch you, take you from here. I’ll bind you to metal and you will be my slave.”
This is new. She strikes his sodden balls hard three times, and he cries out with abandon. She says nothing, running the crop along his heavy, purple cock as he thrusts against nothing.
“I will bind you and I will have you, you will belong to me and me alone, you will be mine, you will be mine and all of your power-”
“And I will own…you. M…ma… Mine. You will be mine. You will-”
She taps against his cock softly as his seed dribbles from him, his voice tapering off to a whimper as she watches him collapse in on himself.
“The bath is extra,” she tells him as she releases him gently to the floor.
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loveronlineee · 2 years
Us Weirdos Chapter 1 (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Eddie Munson x Byers! Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: none
Synopsis: Y/N picks up her little brother’s friends from their after school club and bumps into an old classmate
Y/N notes: none
Wanna request something? Look here!
Y/N kept her hands on the wheel as she drove towards her old high school, Queen blasting from the cassette player. Her head bobbed to the music as she pulled into the parking lot.
A weird nostalgic feeling filling her as memories from the old building came flooding back. A mix of good and bad. Y/N wasn’t popular, but she certainly wasn’t bullied. She kept to herself and did what she was told, managing to scrape through the four years just fine. No major problems. No… drama.
Damn I was a boring teenager.
The 20 year old thought to herself as she parked the car at the front. She was on the lookout for three familiar faces; Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson. She used to see them on an almost daily basis, being her littlest brother’s best friends. But since she graduated and moved out of her Mom’s house, there weren’t really any times they would bump into each other.
Y/N took out the tape just as the song was ending and took a different one from her glove box. The Clash. She put it in, knowing one of her favourites was gonna start.
Darlin’ you got to let me know,
should I stay or should I go?
She looked back at the building, still nothing. The music continued to fill the car as Y/N tapped on the wheel in time.
If you say that you are mine,
I'll be here 'til the end of time
She decided to get out and stand, leaning on her now open car door. The song just loud enough that she could still hear it.
So you got to let me know,
should I stay or should I go?
Finally, a group of boys burst open the double doors. Y/N spotted the three youngest and gave them a wave. The boys waved back and jogged over to her car. Y/N folded her arms, smiling at them.
“Hey guys! Been a while. You guys look so different!” Y/N remarked. She scanned each boy. “Mike you’re so tall now! Lucas I like the hair and Dustin nice braces.”
“Ugh you sound like my Mom’s friends.” Mike pulled a disgusted face as Dustin and Lucas smiled at her.
“Oh really?” Y/N grabbed Mike and ruffled the boy’s hair comically. “Mikey you’ve become such a handsome young man! Come give me a smooch!” She wrapped him up in a restricting hug whilst making over the top kissing noises. The other boys just laughed as he watched his friend struggle to escape the embrace.
“Ugh I forgot how annoying you are!’’ Y/N let him go after a couple seconds, chuckling. “I’m starting to regret asking you to pick us up.”
“I’m not.” Dustin opposed.
“Me neither.” Lucas added.
“Oh that’s two v one Mike.” Y/N stated. “Looks like you’ll have to endure a car ride home with me instead of walking back in the cold and the dark. Don’t worry, you’ll manage.” She joked.
“Yeah yeah I get it.” Mike huffed.
“Uh Mike, would anyone else buy you guys snacks for the ride home? I don’t think so.” The younger boys’ eyes lit up as they flung open the back seat to see bags of chips and cans of soda.
Y/N watched with a smile as they climbed inside and started on the snacks. That’s when she felt another pair of eyes on her.
‘‘Y/N?’’ A vaguely familiar voice called out to her. She spun around to see an old classmate from school. “Y/N Byers?’’
‘’Holy shit. Eddie Munson?’’ She said with a surprised smile. She took a couple steps closer to him. “Dude I almost didn’t recognise you. Your hair is so long now!’’ Eddie looked taken aback at her reaction, loosing his cool for a moment.
“Ha yeah I’ve been growing it out.’’ He smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Why are you here?’’
“Uh I… I’m repeating senior year again.” Eddie explained, looking down to the ground and taking a hand out to rub the back of his neck.
“Oh dude no judgement. I still have no idea how I graduated in 84.” Y/N joked to ease the tension. It seemed to work as Eddie looked back up at her.
“So what have you been up to since then?”
“I work at Family Video. Got promoted to assistant manager a month ago.”
“Wow going up in the world.” Eddie said, half joking. Y/N chuckled, making him smile wider.
‘‘You guys know each other?’’ Dustin asked, stuffing his face. Mike and Lucas looked at the two older kids as well, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah we were in the same grade at school.’’ Y/N explained. The younger ones nodded, realising that they were the same age. “We had homeroom together, senior year.’’
“Yeah I sat behind you.’’ Eddie added. Y/N turned back to him with a smile.
“Oh yeah you did! You used to drum on the back of my chair and drive me CRAZY.’’
‘‘Wh- that was annoying you?! You never said anything!” Eddie chuckled, taking a step closer to her.
“Of course that was annoying me! I was just too shy back then to speak up.” Y/N shook her head at herself.
“Well I apologise. ‘twas not my intention m’lady.” Eddie bowed his head dramatically, hand movements to match. Y/N folded her arms.
“I accept your apology good sir, even if it is two years too late.” Y/N joked. Eddie pretended to be offended, standing back up straight and putting his hand to his chest which made Y/N laugh. She sighed and looked back at the boys. “Well I better get these three home so their Mom’s don’t kill me. It was good to see you Eddie.”
“Yeah, you too Y/N.” He walked to his van as Y/N got back in her car.
“Okay you guys ready to go?” The boys nodded. Y/N drove out of the school, giving Eddie a little wave on the way out.
“So were you and Eddie…friends?” Mike asked, sceptical. He tried to think of any instance where he saw Eddie even talk to a girl, let alone be friends with one. Y/N shook her head.
“Oh no I barely knew him.” Mike frowned.
“Well you seemed pretty excited to see him?” Y/N shrugged.
“I think it’s just that feeling when you see someone you knew from high school and realising how much time has passed. Maybe you’ll get it after you graduate.” The boys nodded. The tape ended. Y/N began playing it from the beginning again.
She tapped the steering wheel along to the beat, then sighed. “I miss Will.” She whined.
It had been a couple months since her Mom and brothers had moved to California. She had had the choice to go with them but decided to stay in Hawkins. She already had her own place and a stable job and moving somewhere else would do a number on her savings.
“What about Johnathan?” Lucas asked. Y/N pulled a face.
“Yeah I guess him too.” The boys laughed at the oldest sibling playing obvious favourite. No she loved Johnathan too but Will was the baby, and he’d always be the baby. “You boys aren’t making too much mess back there are you?” The rustling immediately stopped, making Y/N laugh. “I’m just kidding. I’m getting the car cleaned tomorrow you guys can go crazy.”
“Chores day?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah. Gotta go grocery shopping, tidy the house, do laundry, drop something off at work and get the car cleaned.” Y/N listed off. “Oh the joys of adulthood that await you boys.”
She joked, making the boys smile. “So you guys are friends with Eddie?”
“Yeah he runs the D&D club.” Mike answered.
“Oh right yeah! I totally forgot he did that.” Y/N commented. She looked at them through the rear view mirror. “So you guys tell Will that you don’t wanna play anymore but as soon as you get to High School-“
“I-It’s just because we wanted to make friends!” Mike interjected, feeling a twinge of guilt. Y/N laughed and shook her head.
“I’m kidding guys. As long as you’re having fun.” She brushed off.
They pulled into Mike’s driveway and he jumped out. His Mom opened the door and waved at Y/N, mouthing thanks as her son walked inside. “Well at least his Mom has manners.” Y/N mumbled, making Dustin and Lucas giggle.
Next was Lucas’ house. He jumped out and walked to the front passenger window.
“Thank you ever so much for driving me home Y/N. Do get home safe.” He said exaggeratively.
“You are very welcome Lucas. I will.” Lucas grinned and ran into his house. Y/N turned to look at the last boy. “You wanna jump in the front Dust?”
“Hell yeah!” The boy replied excitedly as he got out and swapped seats.
“Okay next stop, the Henderson residence.” The car started up again and they were back on the road.
“How’s work?” Dustin asked. Y/N shrugged.
“It’s work. Not much happens at Family Video so there’s not much to tell.”
“It must be cool to work with Steve and Robin.” The boy smiled.
“Yeah it’s cool, especially since they have to do everything I say.” Y/N said with mischief in her voice. “How’s high school going?”
“Alright I guess. Still getting bullied like in Middle School. Maybe a little better cause we’ve got Eddie looking out for us.” Y/N nodded sympathetically as she continued to listen. “This guy Jason is the worst-“
“Junior Jason Carver?!” Y/N loudly interrupted “Oh shit wait no he’ll be a senior now. WOW I’m old.”
“You know him?” Dustin questioned.
“I used to be his math tutor. He had a crush on me.” Y/N chuckled to herself.
“Wha- really?”
“Uh don’t sound so surprised Henderson! Yeah he did. His friends used to tease him about it when I was in earshot. I’d pretend not to hear but I did.” Y/N smile dropped. “But now he’s a bully? That’s so upsetting to hear. He seemed so sweet.”
“He mostly picks on Eddie. But then again, Eddie does kinda egg him on.”
“Well I’ll keep an eye out for him so I can give him a stern lecture.” Y/N said, her grip on the wheel tightening ever so slightly.
“Please make sure I’m around when you do, I can’t miss that.” The two laughed together as they stopped outside Dustin’s house. “Oh and the guys. Eddie especially. He’d love it.” Y/N nodded, an amused smile on her face.
“Well here we are.”
“Thanks Y/N.” Dustin said as he got out.
“No problem. Let me know if you guys need another lift.”
“We will! Bye!” Y/N watched him run into the house before looking away. She opened her glove box again to find something else to listen to. She frowned.
Why am I suddenly in the mood for something metal?
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twisted-turtels · 4 months
Crossed Paths (Pt.5)
Author's note: sike i ended up finishing part 5, but i will have to take a break. this fic literally consumes my mind (not joking. i was writing some of this in my histology class). i also have some of my first exams next week so...yeah
2131 words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
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Crossed Paths
It’s been a week since Jordan last saw Farleigh. She’s been studying for her exams, and as much as she likes Farleigh, he’s a distraction. They have obviously texted every now and then, but they have mostly been brief exchanges. She couldn’t help but feel guilty about neglecting Farleigh, wondering if he felt the same way. Jordan hangs up her steamed uniform on her bathroom door; why do we have to wear a uniform to take an exam?
As Jordan is washing her face, she hears her phone ringing. She looks down to see Farleigh calling. With a mixture of surprise and excitement, she answers the phone.
“Hey, Farleigh,” she says excitedly.
“Hi, Jordy. What are you doing right now,” Farleigh asks.
“I was just about to hop in the shower and lay in bed,” she looks at her clock, 8 pm. It’s kind of early to go to sleep.
“Oh well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to get something to eat,” Farleigh answers, “But seeing as you’ve already showered, I can bring some food instead?”
Jordan agrees, “That would be great, honestly. I’ve been so focused on studying that I haven’t eaten much.”
“I don’t think you’ve tried the chicken shop nearby. I’ll bring us some food from there. I’ll see you in 30 minutes, yeah?” Farleigh confirms and hangs up.
Jordan puts her phone down before giggling and washing her face off. 
Jordan is sitting on the couch watching Bad Girls Club when she hears a knock on her door. 
“Delivery,” a fake high-pitched voice says.
Jordan rolls her eyes before getting up and answering the door. On the other side of the door is Farleigh, standing with two bags in his hand.
“I have come with sustenance,” Farleigh says as he pushes past Jordan.
Jordan looks at him in disbelief, “Umm, excuse you,” she follows Farleigh into the apartment.
Farleigh places the food on her coffee table, “Girl, come sit down and eat this food.”
Jordan laughs at Farleigh's dramatic entrance and follows him to the couch, “Alright, I’m coming,” she says playfully before sitting next to him on the sofa.
Farleigh grins, pleased with himself. “What do we have here?” Jordan asks.
Farleigh opens the boxes of food to reveal an assortment of chicken wings, fries, and sauces.
“I got us a mix of everything,” Farleigh answers, “figured you’d want to try it all.” He looks up at the TV, “Bad Girls Club?”
“What? You’ve never watched it,” Jordan asked, mouth already stuffed with fries.
“I don’t really indulge much in American culture. I’m in England most of the time,” Farleigh explains.
Jordan nods her head in understanding, “How often do you go home?”
“Maybe twice a year, usually in the summer, I’m at Saltburn,” Farleigh mumbles.
“Saltburn,” Jordan looks at him in confusion.
Farleigh looks at her with a sly smile, “Yeah. It’s my aunt and uncle’s house, Felix and Venetia’s parents,” he puts his food down before wiping his hands with a napkin, “Do you wanna come?”
Jordan bites into a chicken wing as she gives Farleigh a side-eye. “Come where?”
“To Saltburn,” Farleigh continues.
“Am I allowed,” Jordan asks with more confusion evident in her voice.
“Of course you are. I invited you, plus Felix invites people every year, and my uncle doesn’t care,” Farleigh insists.
“I’ll think about it. I don’t want to intrude,” Jordan says nervously.
Farleigh reassures her, “I promise. You won’t. Plus, I’ll be there, as well as Felix and Venetia. It’ll be fun.”
Jordan contemplates. I have nothing else to do, “I’ll come. I’m not doing anything else this summer,” Jordan smiles reassuringly.
“Yes,” Farleigh claps his hands, “ Now that that's out the way, I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the pre-summer ball with me?”
“Don’t you only go if you pass your exams,” Jordan questions.
Farleigh rolls his eyes, “We both know you’ll pass.”
“I mean…I guess I’ll go with you,” Jordan teases.
“Who else were you gonna go with,” Farleigh sarcastically asks.
Jordan replies with a serious expression, “Oliver.”
“Be serious.”
“I am. Haven’t you seen him lately,” Jordan doubles down.
There’s a pause before Jordan laughs, “I’m kidding. I’m not going with that man,” Jordan grabs Farleigh’s hands and makes him stand up.
She looks Farleigh in his eyes, “Of course, I will go with you,” she says.
Farleigh's smile widens with Jordan’s acceptance, “Great! It’s a date then.”
Jordan grins at him excitedly, “I’m looking forward to it,” she says sincerely. 
They stand there for a moment, their hands still collapsed, before Farleigh clears his throat, gesturing to the half-eaten food on the table, “We should probably finish eating.”
Jordan laughs, realizing they’ve been standing still, lost in the moment, “Right. I can tell you more about Bad Girls Club.”
Amidst the jubilant chaos, Jordan and Farleigh emerge from the exam school together, hand in hand, cheering after successfully completing their exams, their faces flushed with excitement and relief. They’re greeted by a crowd of cheering friends, and sprays of champagne and silly string land on them from the crowd. They spot Felix on the crowd's edge and rush over to him. 
He greets them with a wide grin, “Congratulations, guys!” Felix yells while placing medals around their necks. 
Jordan hugs Felix with a beaming smile, “Thank you, Felix!” She turns to Farleigh and pulls him into a hug, “We did it,” she exclaims, her voice beaming with pride. 
They break the hug and notice Felix greeting Oliver and placing a medal around his neck. Jordan exchanges a glance with Farleigh, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. Farleigh gently pulls her in the opposite direction, “We gotta start getting ready for the ball, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I can’t wait until you see my dress. One of my mom’s friends is a seamstress, and she made the dress for me and sent it over just in time. It fits perfectly,” Jordan replies, her excitement evident in her voice. 
“I can’t wait to see it,” Farleigh says with a smile, his eyes twinkling in anticipation. The two come to a stop, and Farleigh leans in to give Jordan a quick peck on the cheek, “I’ll see you later,” he asks. Jordan nods with a small smile before the two part ways, each filled with anticipation for the night ahead. 
After parting ways with Farleigh, Jordan walks back to her apartment, her mind buzzing with excitement. As she entered her room, she was greeted with the sight of her dress hanging delicately on her closet door. She walks up to the dress and grazes her finger down it softly, taking note of the delicate lace.
The room is filled with soft music playing in the background as Jordan prepares for the evening. Her carefully selected jewelry lays on the bed, waiting as Jordan fits into her dress. As she slips into the dress, she feels a wave of confidence takes over her body.
As she takes a final look in the mirror, she takes note of how the dress accentuates her waist, how her makeup accentuates her features, and how her braids cascade down her back. With one last glance, she heads out the door, excited for the rest of her night. 
As the taxi comes to a halt, Jordan gracefully exits, her purse in tow. She takes a moment to adjust her dress, her anticipation palpable in the air. With a confident stride, she approached the entrance of the venue. As she’s walking, she notices a recognizable head of hair. It’s Farleigh!
As she quickens her pace slightly, she finally approaches the tall boy. Standing on her toes, she playfully covers his eyes with her manicured hands, “Guess who,” she questions with a playful grin. 
The hands grab her wrist and spin her around. Before she knows it, she’s twirling in Farleigh’s arms, a broad smile on her face as they share a moment of joy and excitement. Farleigh places her down, “You look beautiful, Jordan,” he exclaims warmly, admiration evident in his voice. 
“You clean up nicely, Farleigh. Are you ready to go-” Before she could continue her sentence, she noticed Oliver standing awkwardly in front of them.
“Oh. Didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation,” she apologizes.
“It’s no problem-” Oliver answers before Farleigh interrupts, “I was just telling him how I like his tux.”
Jordan looks at Farleigh in confusion before agreeing, “Yeah, it is nice,” she looks Oliver up and down, “You clean up nice as well, Oliver.”
“Thank you,” Oliver answers nervously.
Farleigh straightens out Oliver's tuxedo, “It’s a rental? Right?”
“Yeah,” Oliver answers.
Farleigh grabs his wrists before showing them to Jordan, “Yeah, the sleeves are too long.”
Jordan nods her head, “It’s important to always check the sleeves, Ollie,” she teasingly chastises him.
“Always check the sleeves,” Farleigh teases, almost condescendingly, “But not bad,” he taps Oliver’s chest, “You’re almost” tap “passing.”
Farleigh grabs Jordan’s hand before starting to walk away.
Oliver questions, “For what?”
Farleigh turns around briefly, “ A real human boy.” 
Jordan follows Farleigh, glancing over her shoulder at Oliver, shrugging her shoulders before pulling Farleigh into the event hall. 
They enter the elegantly decorated hall. The room is filled with glittering chandeliers, soft candlelight, and vibrating floral arrangements. The sound of soft music fills the air, adding to the calming atmosphere. Farleigh squeezes her hand, a reassuring gesture that brings a smile to her face.
“Shall we sit,” Farleigh says mockingly before pulling out a chair for Jordan.
“Stop being corny,” Jordan laughs before sitting down. Farleigh waves over a waiter and takes two drinks from their tray, “Here you go, beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” Jordan says before taking a sip.
“Drink as much as you want, but just to warn you, we have quite a drive tomorrow,” Farleigh states.
“How long,” Jordan questions.
“Six hours,” Fairleigh says. 
Jordan’s eyes widen as she almost chokes on her drink, “Six hours,” she whispers yells.
“It’s not that bad, and we won't be driving. My uncle is sending a driver for us. Including Felix and Vee.”
“Ugh,” she puts the drink down and stands up, “this ‘Saltburn’ better be worth it,” she complains. Farleigh follows her movements, “Oh, it will,” he confirms.
“Do you want to dance,” Farleigh holds his hand out. Jordan nods her head and grabs his hand. 
As they walk to the dance floor, Jordan mentions, “You know I’ve never slow danced before?”
“No,” Farleigh questions, “Not even at prom,” he asks in disbelief.
Jordan shakes her head, “Nope. Didn’t go to prom. I had no one to go with.”
Farleigh couldn’t believe what she was saying. “So you’re telling me that no one wanted to go with you? That doesn't make sense.”
“It’s a lot more that goes into it,” Jordan explains.
Farleigh nods, understanding that there might be more to Jordan’s story than she’s telling. As they position themselves for the slow dance, he gently places his hands on her waist while she places her hands on his shoulders. 
“Sorry if I pushed too much,” Farleigh says softly, his gaze meeting Jordan’s.
Jordan shakes her head reassuringly and smiles, “There’s nothing to be sorry about. You didn’t know.”
Jordan lays her head on his chest as they begin to sway to the music. Their movements synchronized as they lose themselves in the moment. Farleigh’s eyes focused solely on Jordan. 
As the night comes to an end, Farleigh and Jordan are in a taxi back to Jordan’s apartment. They share shy smiles as they bask in the quiet but comfortable ambiance of the taxi. Jordan leans her head on Farleigh’s shoulder, feeling the warmth of his presence beside her. Farleigh pulls her closer to his side as they share a comfortable silence, content in each other's company.
The taxi arrives at Jordan’s apartment. Jordan and Farleigh step out of the cab and walk up the steps to her apartment. They reach Jordan’s apartment door and stand in silence. Jordan speaks first, “I had a lot of fun tonight, Farleigh.”
Fareligh smiles warmly, “I’m glad I was able to make your night fun. I had a great time,” he pauses a moment before continuing, “Thanks for being my date.”
Jordan returns his smile, “Of course, Farleigh. Anytime.” She wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him, “I’ll see you tomorrow. 8am?”
“Yeah, 8 am,” Farleigh confirms before turning to walk down the stairs. Jordan stands partially in her apartment before yelling, “You better be up on time!”
Farleigh laughs before turning around, “I’ll set three alarms, just to be sure!” Jordan laughs before closing her door. As she leans against the door, she can’t help but smile. Can’t wait.
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Still Alive ~ Chapter Two
Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, Parent Issues, Some Angst but more Fluff, and Anxiety, and Mention of Nightmare. (Sorry if I forgot any)
Word Count: 2,263
Author’s Note: Hello, before I say anything I just want to say thank you so much to all of you for showing so much love on the first chapter of this book and thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me seeing so many people showing support for my writing! This chapter has a lot of Ethan in it so enjoy!! I hope you all like this chapter! Next chapter will be posted on Monday instead of Sunday since Sunday is Mother’s Day!🩵
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Y/N was sitting in her media art class taking notes for her next project for the class. She was taking notes on the theme of her next art project. Y/N is majoring in art and mixed media since her favorite thing to do ever since she was a child was to draw. Sometimes when she would get upset, she would lock herself in her room and just draw anything. Anytime she gets stressed or anxious about something she would color in one of her hundred of color books that she owns.
Y/N didn’t get into sculpting till she hit her junior year of high school. Most of her artwork is a sculpture made of clay since that’s her favorite form of art and also her strongest form as well.
 When the bell rang, signaling that class was over Y/N finished writing her last sentence and started to log out of her laptop shutting it down. “Have a nice day everyone!” The professor called out to everyone. “Ms. Riley, may I speak to you really quick?” Y/N heard the professor call out to her.  Y/N let out a sigh as she put her notebook and laptop in her book bag. She wrapped the straps of her book bag onto her shoulders and walked to her professor.
 “What’s up? Is something wrong?” Y/N asked her professor sounding a bit nervous. “Yes, you know about the art exhibit next month, right?” The professor said, which earned a nod of the head from Y/N. “I haven’t gotten your prompt on what you are making for the show.” The professor said to her. “Sorry, If I’m being completely honest, I have had so much going on and I just haven’t been thinking about what to make.” Y/N said being completely honest but not going into much detail.
 Of course, she isn’t going to tell her professor about the shit that is going on with her mom and the fucking nightmares about her killing the bitch that killed her father. That’s all she thinks about.
 “I’m sorry to hear that but Ms. Riley you are the only student in all my classes that hasn’t submitted anything. Half of the class is almost done.” The professor told her. “Okay um I promise I’ll give you some kind of idea by next week.” Y/N promised hoping her professor will ease the stern look she is getting. “Okay, I better have it before next weekend.” The professor told her in a strict tone. “Yes, I promise.” Y/N said again which earned a nod from the professor giving her permission to leave. After saying a quick goodbye Y/N walked out of the classroom.
As she walked down the hallway, she kept thinking about what the fuck she could make. She knew she wanted to make a sculpture, but she had no idea what she wanted to sculpt. She knew it was going to be a long week.
After Y/N’s last class of the day she decided to sit in the park under a tree and sketch some ideas for her project in her sketch book but of course, everything she had sketched so far was shit. Y/N stopped to see what she had drawn on the paper so far. “This looks like shit!” She hissed ripping the piece of paper out and crumbled it up. She tossed the paper into her growing pile of crumbled pieces of paper. She had to have at least ten in the pile. “What the fuck am I going to do!” She groaned in frustration.
 If she doesn’t have some kind of art in the show, she can end up failing the class. Y/N knew she needed a break, so she sat her book and pencil down beside her on the grass. She let out a sigh as she ran both of her hands through her hair. “Why is this so hard?” She whispered to herself. She’s never been out of inspiration like this. When she put her hands down, she heard a vibrating sound.
 When she looked at her phone that was lying on her book bag, she was getting a phone call. When she picked up her phone, she saw the called ID said unknown. She couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Her parents and Sidney always warned her about unknown callers because of Ghostface. She was just about to answer the call till someone said her name, which spooked her, but she relaxed when she saw it was just Ethan. Y/N quickly hit the decline button and put her phone back down onto her bag. “Who was calling you?” Ethan asked her in a curious tone. “Oh, um it was my mom.” Y/N answered with a lie. “I’m guessing she’s trying to talk to you again?” Ethan said as he leaned his shoulder on the tree.
 Ethan is the one that knows the most about the shit she goes through with her mom. When Y/N first met Ethan the thing they bonded together the most was the situation with their parents. Ethan lost his mom about five years ago, so he knows how it feels to lose a parent. Ethan has only confessed to her that he has issues with his father so right when he turned eighteen, he cut off all contact. He didn’t go into much detail which Y/N didn’t mind or pry at him to tell her more. He told her that she’s the only one that knows. He doesn’t like talking about it which of course, Y/N relates to. So, does Sam but Ethan is closer to Y/N than Sam.
“She wanted to know if we could do something tonight, but I told her that I already have plans.” Y/N told him. “So, you are coming to the Halloween party tonight.” Ethan said with a smile as he took off his bag and sat down next to her. Y/N’s heart fluttered when he smiled at her. That damn smile gets her every damn time. His smile was her favorite thing about him. “Yeah, Mindy and Anika talked me into going.” Y/N said as she fiddled with her fingers. She hates how nervous she gets when she’s around him. They have known each other for six months and see each other every single day. When will the nervousness finally go away?
 “Chad talked me into going.” Ethan told her. “He said he’s going to get me to hook up with a girl.” He added which did make Y/N’s heart hurt a little bit. Of course, Chad has no clue that she has something for his curly-haired roommate. Chad can be really oblivious which to be honest what boy isn’t. Sometimes Y/N thinks that Ethan feels the same way about her but that voice in the back of her head tells her otherwise.  
 “What costume are you wearing?” Ethan asked her in a curious tone. “Costume?” Y/N asked him as she looked at him with a confused look. “It’s a costume party.” Ethan told her. “Seriously! It would’ve been nice if Mindy or Anika told me.” Y/N said with frustration in her tone. But then again it is Halloween so she shouldn’t be that shocked but of course she still thinks they should’ve given her a heads up about it. “I guess I’ll have to pull something out of my ass.” she added with another sigh.
 This day is just full of surprises.
 “I’m sure whatever you wear will be better than my costume.” Ethan said as he looked down at the grass. “Why? What are you going as?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone. “Well, Chad decided to tell me that I needed a costume for the party last night, so I stayed up all night last night making something out of cardboard and a lot of tape.” Ethan answered still not looking at her gaze. “Can I see it?” Y/N asked him which made him look back up at her. “It looks stupid.” Ethan told her. “I bet it doesn’t.” she said with soft eyes trying to reassure him. Ethan just shook his head no. “Please Ethan! I can’t wait until the party.” Y/N said in a pleading tone giving him the puppy dog eyes which always work on him. “Okay, fine.” Ethan said in defeat. “Let’s go to my apartment.” Ethan added as he stood up from the ground. “Yes!” Y/N said as she started to put all her stuff into her bookbag.
She also put the pile of crumbled up pieces of paper in her bag as well. She got on her knees so she could put her phone in her back pocket. When she looked back up at him, he had his hand out towards her to take. She smiled as she put her hand in his. Right when their hands met, they both felt sparks shoot up their bodies. Ethan helped her up from the grass. “Thanks.” She said with a warm smile on her face. “You’re welcome.” He said, returning the smile. Y/N had to let go of his hand to pick up her bag and wrap it around her back.
 When she let go of his hand the spark, she felt quickly went away which made her sad. It’s cheesy but when she’s around Ethan she feels things that she has never felt before. Yes, she has had a couple of boyfriends in high school but none of those boys made her feel the things she feels about Ethan.
 As they walked to the apartment, they would make small talk but when it was silent it wasn’t awkward, it was comfortable. When they walked down the sidewalk with a lot of people her hand would brush against his which would make the butterflies in her stomach go into a complete frenzy. Y/N followed him inside a familiar apartment building and up the steps. Ethan led her all the way to third floor and to the door of his and Chad’s apartment. Y/N watched him take his keys out from the front pocket of his jeans. He unlocked the door and opened the door. He let her go in first like he always does. He followed right behind her and shut the door.
 “Where is it?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone as she took off her bag and tossed it onto the couch. “It’s in my room.” Ethan answered her dropping his book bag down onto the floor. “Please promise me that you won’t laugh at it.” Ethan said to her with pleading eyes. “I promise.” Y/N said reassuring him. “Okay, I’ll go get it.” Ethan said and walked to his bedroom.
 Y/N sat down on the couch next to her bag and took out her phone to send a text to Mindy about not telling her that she needed to wear a costume to the party. After she hit the send button Ethan came back into the room holding a cardboard vest in one hand and a cardboard helmet in the other. Both items were covered in a lot of tape. “Wow, that looks um great.” Y/N told him with a small smile. She didn’t really know what to say. It wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t great. “Y/N, I know that you’re lying.” Ethan said with a stern look in his brown eyes. “No, I’m not.” Y/N said as she stood up.
“I just um, what is it supposed to be?” she asked as she walked closer to him. “A knight.” Ethan answered looking at the helmet then back at her. “Right a knight!” Y/N said with a snap of her fingers. “That’s what I thought it was.” She added but again he saw right through her lie. “Yeah, right.” Ethan hissed, tossing the trashy costume on the chair behind him. “Ethan, no I think it’s cool.” Y/N said trying to convince him that it's not a horrible costume. “Y/N, I know that you are just trying to make me feel better for making such a shitty costume.” Ethan told her with frustration in his tone. “It’s not a shitty costume.” She told him. “When you wear that tonight, those girls are going to be all over you.” she added, looking up into his big brown eyes. “Really?” He asked looking in her Y/E/C.
 As they stared deep into each other’s eyes they started to lean in but before their lips could touch the front door swung open. “Hey- woah.” Chad said as he walked into the apartment. “What’s going on in here?” Chad asked as his lips curved into a smirk. “Nothing!” Y/N said quickly taking a step back from Ethan who was just staring down at the floor. Y/N and Ethan’s cheeks were as red as an apple. “Yeah, I was just showing Y/N my costume for tonight.” Ethan said, trying to hide the nervousness in his tone but it didn’t work. “Yeah, okay.” Chad said knowing something was about to happen between the two of them.
 “Anyways.” Y/N said as she turned around to grab her bag off the couch. “I got to get back to my apartment, so I’ll see you two at the party.” Y/N said putting one of the straps on her shoulder. “See ya.” Ethan said looking at her with a smile that just melted her heart. Y/N shot him a smile back and walked out of the apartment.
 She knew that Chad was going to tell Mindy about what he just walked into. If Chad didn’t know about her crush on Ethan, he definitely knows now. She’s going to hear about this all-fucking night!
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@sweetirilly @aqellano @igotmajordaddyissues @athenalive @hotweeb @ghostlyboiii
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Opposite Ends
Chapter Thirteen | Together - (Pt 1)
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C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 | C11 | C12 | C13 pt 2 |
Chapter Thirteen part 2 is out now, enjoy Sunflowers x 🌻
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+. Steve x Robin x Female reader platonic friendship
Series summary | Dustins older sister got brought into the group during the events of Starcourt mall, 3 months on she's in her senior year and the kids are starting high school. After everything that went down she feels that she has to keep them safe at all costs, that includes keeping them way from the charismatic 'freak' Eddie Munson that runs a club based on their favourite game. They've both hated each other since freshman year -with good reason-, but when keeping distance between the kids and Eddie means putting herself in the firing line, boundaries get blurred, intentions get lost & the heart speaks louder than the brain.
The story is told from both Y/N & Eddies point of view.
What to expect | Slow burn enemies to lovers, Angst - with a happy ending (fix-it-fic if you will), fluff & smut (in the later chapters). 18+ to read this story.
Series Warnings | Mentions of abuse, drug use, 18+ smut content
Chapter word count | 6 K
Chapter warnings | Smut 18+ & drug use
Authors Note | IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - My laptop has still not been repaired & it has the other half of this chapter on it, I had hoped to have it back by now but its return date keeps getting extended, I didn't want to post only half of what I'd written but I'm not going to make you wait any longer. So, please enjoy what I can post, and forgive me for what I can't 😓🖤
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Thankyou, P. x 🌿
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Y/N | March 1986
“Are you kidding me Eddie?” I laughed, shaking my head as he pulled a crumpled Ziplock bag from the depths of his pocket. There were loose strings of tobacco at the bottom of it, pinned beneath a bag of weed mixed in with rolling papers and his favourite lighter. His hand froze in the air as he stared back at me confused, a playful grin spreading across his face as he jangled the bag in my direction.
“How the hell…” my face widened in disbelief “How did you manage, after fighting off supernatural creatures and angry assholes… to keep your bag on you Eddie?” I shouldn’t have been so surprised; nothing could come between him and his stash.
“You have your secrets, I have mine.” He winked at me as he set it to the side of the dirty mattress, smiling as he watched me stand up from where I crouched against the rock to walk over to him.
“Are you gonna complain or shut up and have some?” His wide, easy, cheek crinkling grin took the sting out of the insult as I hovered above him, eyeing the dirty, torn mattress he sat on. Without missing a beat, Eddie slid his jacket off, patting it down against the space next to him as he shuffled over to make room for me.
Warmth flooded my centre as I smiled, his selfless gesture made my eyes prick as I folded myself next to him, jolting as the broken springs in the mattress dipped under our combined weight.
“Definitely having some.” I grinned, holding the bag open for him as he flattened out a rolling paper.
Eddie nudged my shoulder as his smile dopped, sitting in silence as his deft fingers tightened the paper. The flickering shadows of flying birds overhead, flashed across us as a cold breeze blew through the cracks of Skull Rock, scaring me into the warmth of Eddie’s side. He shifted so that I was pressed against his chest, tilting his head into my hair as he sealed the joint.
“What are we going to do?” He breathed into the crown of my head. His voice was ladled with shivering fear, coated in worry and dripping in dread. It shot a string of panic through me as I blinked up at him through my lashes, watching his jaw tense as he avoided my eyes.
“I don’t know, but we’re going to do it together.” My hand found his as I laced our fingers together, Eddie cupped my chin as he placed the rolled paper between my lips, squeezing just tight enough that my mouth formed into a pout around it. His face pulled up in a half smirk as he brought the lighter up to my face, the orange flame burning between us for a moment before the joint puffed out in sparks.
I hissed through my teeth as I kept the smoke deep in my lungs for a second longer than I should have, coughing up as I passed it into Eddie’s laughing grip.
“Always could out smoke you.” He joked, taking a deep hit as he leant all of his weight on me. I spluttered as I shoved back at his shoulder, stealing it back from him as his second inhale burned it down to almost halfway.
“Sorry I don’t have years of experience.” I couldn’t keep up my sarcastic glare as he met it with a mischievous glint in his eyes, pinching at my rib cage as I giggled and twisted away from him.
“And don’t you forget it.” He relented his tickling assault as I squealed and swatted his hand away.
“I’m not as corrupted as you.” I teased, smiling as his eyes traced my face. As my words registered a beat too late, he threw his head back up to the sky, laughing my name as his deep voice echoed off the boulder behind us.
“You were corrupted long before you met me.” The way his eyes bore into mine brought up swirling feelings inside of me. I’d unintentionally started to shift closer to Eddie as the tips of my fingers brushed something satiny. I glanced down between us as a confused breath rushed past my lips, squinting at the glossy surface of the polaroid creeping out of the edge of Eddie’s jacket pocket. 
It was the same one I’d teased him months ago about when I saw it pinned to his ceiling, a photo illuminating our bodies coming together as one to make the sort of love I’d only ever dreamt about, that I didn’t truly believe in until I met Eddie. My eyes traced over the paintings of hickeys decorating my spine in the photograph, recognising it as one of our first times together in his bedroom. My hands shook as they curled around the polaroid, freezing around the edges as I tried not to crumple it. 
His gentle fingers tugged it from my grasp, resting it on his knee as he glanced away into the forest. 
“Sorry.” He muttered, busying himself by taking a deep drag of the rest of the joint. The haze of weed had calmed my nerves, making my voice smoother than it would have been under normal circumstances. 
“You don’t need to be.” I cracked a smile as his eyes shot up to meet mine, relief flooding them like he’d been worried about my reaction.
“Why do you have it?” I pushed, teasing him now as I watched him blush deeply, revelling in the way he couldn’t hold my gaze. 
“I uhh, I dunno. When I took Chrissy to my trailer to get the stuff, I went into my room alone. It was like the freaking moon was purposefully shining on it so I couldn’t avoid the damn thing. I didn’t want to look at it anymore, but as soon as I tore it off the ceiling… I couldn’t let it go.” His shoulders sunk like a great weight had been lifted from them, hanging his head between them as he heaved a sigh. 
I reached out with hesitant movements to take the picture back, tracing my fingertip around the sharp edge, unable to hold back the flood of emotions that floored me as the memories burst back into my mind like a dam. Eddie’s whisper in my ear about how good I felt, how pretty I looked and sounded as I moaned his name. 
I glanced up shyly at Eddie as my ears burned, he was twisting his watch around his wrist as he watched me from his peripheral vision, waiting for me to say something. The air between us was suddenly sweltering, the tension just as thick as the first time we made a move towards each other that was more than enemies, less than friends. The small photo fluttered to the ground as it twisted in the air, landing between us as I swung my leg over Eddie’s lap. 
His hands shot to my waist automatically, out of habit as he straightened up in surprise. His eyes were blown wide as I silenced his mutter of my name with an eager kiss, melting against him as I tried to force a reaction from him. 
I didn’t have to put up much of a fight. 
Eddie’s lips moved in synchronisation with mine, already knowing the pattern as I gave in with a groan against his mouth. His lips were soft, like butter as they devoured each short breath from me. I pulled back with a gasp as I felt us nearing the point of no return, tugging gently on Eddie’s knotted curls to pull my mouth from his. He relented with a frustrated growl, moving to my neck instead as his hands massaged circles into the sides of my thighs. 
“Eddie.” He humoured my curt tone by glancing up from where he worked away at the dip of my shirt, teasingly nibbling at my sensitive skin as his head dipped lower, I let mine roll back before I focused, jerking his face back to mine. 
“Do not. Let this mattress touch me.” Eddie’s throaty laugh vibrated throughout my entire body and the woods surrounding us. It warmed his face as his eyes melted, scrutinising every inch of my body as his cheeks bunched up from his smile. 
“I don’t think I can do what I need to do to you, and avoid that.” His bottom lip caught between his teeth as my breath stuck in my throat. 
I wasn’t sure how I ended up airborne, how Eddie could have the strength to lift both of us up from practically squatting against the ground, but suddenly my legs were wrapped around his hips, straddling him as he launched across the open space towards the bowed formation of rocks across from us. He headed around the curve of it, shielding us from the cold wind that blew through our loose clothes as he leant me against a flattened edge of it. It was caved in, forming a small ledge that almost sufficed as a seat. 
Eddie wrenched my legs apart as he slid between them, cupping the back of my neck as our tongues clashed together. I couldn’t tell whose hands where whose as we both fumbled to rip away the layers of fabric that separated our hot skin. Gasps turned to moans as our bodies found a way to be together, sighing in content as they slipped back into the one main piece that we belonged to. 
It wasn’t sweet, or soft, or patient or teasing. In that moment I needed Eddie more than I needed to breath, I felt like I would combust if he didn’t become a part of me. Eddie’s rings caught in my hair, tugging at the singular strands as he wrapped his hand in it, tilting my face up to the ominous rainclouds. Eddie’s hot lips left a wet trail of kisses as he moved along my jaw, humming a deep growl as my eyes closed and I sighed his name over and over, loosing myself in the feeling of his hands pressing me closer to him, his mouth exploring my body, leaving no inch undiscovered. 
“Eddie…” I pressed my face into his mess of curls, marvelling in their softness as he moved to bite at my nipples through my shirt, grunting in response as I squirmed beneath him. 
“Need you… now.” Eddie’s hands tightened on my hips at my words, pulling at the zipper of my jeans as I lifted myself up to help him as he shimmied them down my soft thighs. 
They swelled in size as I flattened myself back down against the rock, spreading my legs as I pouted for him to come closer. I could feel the air assaulting the warm wet patch in my panties, butterflies swirling in my stomach as Eddie’s eyes darkened at the sight. 
‘You’re so fucking pretty.” The slick between my thighs doubled at the reverent look in his face, they soaked up every piece of me like something he was trying to savour for a lifetime. The hastiness fled from Eddie’s body as he stepped back into me, his hands gripping the tops of my legs as his lips found mine again. 
I shivered under his touch, tears springing to my eyes as I pressed my fingertips to the side of his face, pushing him back a few spaces so I could see him, really see him for a moment. 
My heart ached at his beauty, his soft strands of natural curls that framed the soft lines of his face. His plump pink lips stretched across the sharp tips of his corner teeth as they spread in a wide, eye crinkling smile. Eddie’s dark brows narrowed over his honey pot eyes as his chest huffed in a low laugh, asking me what I was staring at. 
I smiled as my fingers traced over the outline of his mouth, returning his smile with a small one of my own. God didn’t value my sanity because he’d wrapped up the softest, kindest, charismatic, funny, caring and selfless creature in the most beautiful exterior it could have imagined. 
My heart clenched under the overwhelming surge of affection that literally knocked my breath away. 
Eddie was real, here in my arms and wanting me. For a second, just a split second, I wanted to live a normal life, enjoying the classic teenage fever of every girls right of passage. But I was a tormented fragment of supernatural trauma, and Eddie was an innocent life caught up in the consequences of that. 
The tears spilled over my cheeks this time as my lips trembled, forming around the words that stuck in my throat. 
“No my sweet girl, is it a headache!? Are you okay?” Eddie crushed me to his chest, the beginning of my favourite song starting low in his frame as he pressed his ear to the top of my head, his arms flexing around me in fear as he tried to keep the dangers at bay. 
“Eddie, no.” I sobbed and moved away so he was watched me with low eyes, his lashes brushing his cheeks as his thumb wiped the wetness away from my skin. 
“What’s wrong?” He begged, his own heart breaking in his voice. 
Just once, for this still moment in time that I wish I could freeze forever, I would pause this second, pretending that we both led normal lives, because we were both here in each other’s arms, safe and warm and wanting. 
I didn’t know how long that was going to last. 
“I love you.” 
Eddie’s face relaxed as he let it wash over him, his eyes flicking between mine as he searched for the truth. 
He found it. 
“I love you.” 
My fingers curled around his collar as I pulled him back into me, tasting the words in his mouth as we fell together hard like we were trying to become one. Both of our tears mixed in with the taste of each other as he leant over me, crushing me against the rock as the blinding heat throbbed harder than ever between my legs, my walls fluttered as I felt Eddie’s bulge straining under his jeans, rubbing against my clit as Eddie moaned into my mouth. 
“Stay?” I begged, tugging his jackets off his shoulders.
“Fucking always.” Eddie dropped his arms to let it slide off his arms, quickly fumbling with his belt as his nudged his jeans down a few inches. 
The sex was dirty, but so were we. After days of being on the run, flitting from one spot to another with our eyes looking over our shoulder every minuet, hiding from dangers both human and supernatural, both as sinister and dark as each other. We were drenched in dried sweat, covered in dirt that stuck to our skin and leaves and sticks that nested in our hair. 
My eyes rolled back at his taste, my lips gliding over Eddies shoulder as he pinched the fabric of my panties and buried himself inside of me with a deep, faltering groan. 
“Nothing feels fucking better than you.” I blushed at his compliment, letting my sweet moans grow louder with each timed, hard thrust he fucked into me. Nothing had ever felt more perfect than when Eddie’s body was inside of mine, he dulled an ache inside of me that never left, the warm tingling feeling shot up my spine with each rub of his cock against my spongy sensitive spot, the lining of his jeans rubbing against my clit perfectly. 
Eddie was everywhere, in my mouth, wrapped around my hips, twisted in my hands as I became cock drunk. The edge flew away beneath my feet faster than ever before, like it had been hesitating on the edge for an age as the mere feeling of Eddie’s soft touches was more than enough to send me hurtling over it. 
“Just like that Eddie, M’gonna cum.” I pressed my face against the crook of his neck, muting my final scream against the dark fabric of his shirt. His grunts sounded far away as I felt his hot seed fill me up entirely and drip down my thighs, spilling out from around Eddie’s cock as we stayed as one, tangled in each other’s embrace. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” I scrambled against Eddie’s shaking chest, pressing harder against his twitching length still inside of me. 
“I fucking love you.” His eyes glazed over as he pressed a hundred kisses into my hair, along my cheeks and across my nose.
“Eddie, no – can’t you hear that?” My eyes were blown wide in panic as I shoved at his chest, trying to get him to let me down as the growing sounds of something clunky and clumsy battled through the forest, kicking away stray rocks and crunching dead leaves as they swayed branches out of their way. 
“Ahh, bada bing, bada boom. There she is Henderson. Skull rock.” Steve’s sumg voice grew dangerously closer as Eddie’s grip dropped from me, reaching down to throw my jeans at me in our shared panic. 
“In your face man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” Steve grew clearer as a frustrated grunt followed closely after him. I huddled against the rock as Eddie fumbled with his belt, tearing the denim over my legs as I held my breath, jumping to get the material up my body quicker. 
“Doesn’t make sense.” A horrible mixture of embarrassment and nerves churned in my stomach as my brother’s voice loomed behind the rock we were scarcely hidden from. 
“Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can’t admit it.” I could picture the way Steve stood as he revelled in his rightness. Eddie successfully got his clothes on faster than I did, winking at me as he leant forward to jam his foot in the little indents of the rock, hauling himself over it as he landed with a light thud and I heard the movements of serval bodies jump in fright. 
“You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead-.” I stumbled around the corner as Steve spun around to face us, backing off as Eddie hooked his fingers in his jeans and puffed out his chest.
“I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a… total butthead.” I could feel the heat hadn’t left my cheeks yet and I was sure the guilt was plastered all over my face, so I was in complete awe – and a little pissed – that Eddie’s confident, bordering on cocky, façade was entirely solid. I swallowed hard as I watched Robin’s eyes flick between the two of us, growing wide as her face began to break out in a smile. Steve’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at the pair of us as Dustin flung himself into Eddie’s arms. 
“Jesus, we thought you were a goner.” I moved forward as he reached out for me, his pre-adolescent strength crushing me to his chest in surprise, I stroked his stray curls that escaped from underneath his cap as a broken sob cracked through him. 
“Yeah, me to man. Me to.” Eddie let go of my brother as he folded his arms around me completely, burying his face against my chest as he squeezed me tighter, murmuring against my shirt something along the lines of ‘never doing that again’, thick fear sat in my throat while the biological big sister instinct kicked in and I pulled him in tighter, fresh tears rushing to my eyes as the whole group watched us silently.
Max’s pale face shone beneath her pig tails, chewing on her lip as her eyes met mine. I sped across the layers of fallen leaves to cradle her to my chest, bunching up the corduroy jacket that matched her hair perfectly. 
“Are you okay?” I sniffed as I pulled back to cup her cheeks, rubbing my thumb across the thin membrane of skin over her cheekbones. The distorted mental image I’d stirred up when Steve had told Eddie and I what happened at Billy’s grave, made my stomach drop as her warmth seeped into me, imagining her cold, lifeless body only too clearly. 
“Yeah. I’m okay.” She glanced back at Lucas hovering behind her, and a small smile tugged at my lips as I watched the look shared between the two of them. “Lucas had a thought.” 
“Well actually it was really Max’s-“ My smile deepened as she cut him off, spinning back to face me with a huff of impatience. 
“Vecna goes after people that have something in their life. Something that’s hurting them… haunting them.” My hold squeezed painfully around her shoulders as my gaze moved to the faces of the people I loved most in the world. 
Each one of them harbouring deep seeded trauma that they could be hunted to the ends of the earth for. Each of them being haunted in similar way to Max and I. 
My stomach clenched as my stare moved from Nancy’s doe-eyed face to Steve’s concerned one, Robin’s a mixture of them both until I settled on Eddie’s. It was harbouring real, genuine fear. The kind that made your hands sweat and your knees shake. He smiled at me, trying to cover it up as he caught my stare. 
I disentangled myself from Max, keeping her hand in mine as I directed my words at Steve and Nancy, falling back into the easy pattern of leading the group together. 
“Time to catch each other up, I think.” I nodded along with my words, narrowing my eyes as I finally noticed the ugly yellow sweater Steve was wearing as he ran his hands through his hair. 
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“When we got to shore, I’d lost the walkie. Wouldn’t have been able to call you guys anyway, walkie would have been drenched. So, I did the thing I do now apparently. I ran.” Eddie twisted off the cap of the water container that Dustin had supplied, drips of it sloshing down his front as he tossed his head back. We were both sitting in front of the mattress under skull rock itself, admist the dirt and littered trash. Eddie was crouched beside me as he dropped the cannister, swinging his hands as he grinned at the group curled around us in a half circle. 
“We ran.” I argued, tensing my shoulders as Eddie looked at me with a sad smile. I had my legs stretched out in front of me, rolling my head back as I closed my eyes and faced up to the warming sunlight that filtered through the swaying tree branches that tried to block it out over head. Soaking up the rays as I let Steve’s words about what they discovered at the Creel house, wash over me again. 
“Do you know what time this was? The attack?” Nancy’s voice was high and demanding, she crossed her arms over her chest as she shrunk a little away from my glare. 
We hadn’t spoken much since she crushed Steve’s heart to date Will’s brother, even though Steve and I hadn’t even been real friends at that point, only party buddies. But she’d still changed, just like the rest of us I guess, when we’d each been pulled into the world of the upside down. But we’d gotten pretty close when she started getting pulled into the party scene with Steve, back in our sophomore year. I’d kept the other cheerleaders in check when they gave her too much grief over being a goody two shoes, guiding her through the new found popularity that came with dating Harrington. She’d repaid that kindness with betrayal, deciding not to tell me about the supernatural forces that were stalking our town even though she knew my baby brother was involved. 
The others had kept me out of the loop as well until I got dragged into all of the shit with the Russians beneath Hawkins, Nancy had been involved with that time to, but between dodging Flayed people, flesh eating monsters and armed Russians, we hadn’t exactly had the chance for a heart-to-heart. But I’d considered her a true friend, and hated her for not telling me before I had to find out myself. I hadn’t forgiven her since, her breaking Steve’s heart mixed with my growing friendship with him, was just a bonus reason to stay mad. 
“Yeah no, I know exactly what time it was. My stuff all got soaked.” Eddie’s excited response broke through my mind as I snapped my eyes away from Nancy’s, looking back at him as he unlatched his wristwatch and tossed it lightly at her. 
I shot him a doubtful look as I pointedly glanced down at the remains of our shared joint between us.
“Well, almost everything.” He grinned. 
“09:27.” Nancy nodded, a mix of dread and pride over being right, flared on her face. 
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey.” Robin’s eyes met mine as we both looked over from where Dustin was pacing across from us, peering down intently into something clasped between his hands. 
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve shrugged his shoulders along with his brows, waiting for an explanation. 
“That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.” Nancy tossed his watch back into Eddie’s outstretched hands 
“Well, we’re one step closer. We know how Vecna attacks.” Robin’s frizzy curls bounced as she nodded. 
“And where he attacks from.” Lucas confirmed, tugging his sweatshirt as he placed his hands on his hips.
“So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the upside down and… drive a stake through his heart.” I smiled at Max’s enthusiasm, noticing how wide Eddie’s eyes went at her nonchalance over killing some unnatural creature, like we did this sort of stuff every day. 
Not every day, this just wasn’t our first time. My smile dropped as I watched the fear chip away from Eddie’s face, like the bravery and confidence from the group was slipping into him. 
“If he has heart.” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“A stake? Is he like a vamp…? Is he a vampire?” Steve’s face dropped in seriousness as he questioned Max. 
“It was a metaphor.” Max scoffed at him. 
“A bullet should work on him, right?” My neck snapped as I stared at Eddie’s side profile, hating that he was a part of this. I wanted to wrap him in his jacket and hide him away forever. The others were a part of this, not by their choice. But Eddie still had one, I didn’t want any of us to be the one to sway him. I tried to reach out to the chain at the end of his jacket sleeve, but I was frozen as I watched his eyes dart between the group. 
“I say we chop his head off.” Lucas countered. 
“Yeah I’d say all of the above, but we can’t do any of that, until we find a way into the Upside down.” Nancy piqued up, glancing away from Steve as he watched her. 
“We need El to get her powers back.” Max sighed. 
“Everything was way easier. We had this girl. She had superpowers-.” Steve scratched his chin as he glanced down at Eddie, helpfully filling him in on how we usually fought our battles before he cut him off. 
“Superpowers. Yeah, you mentioned her. Hey, uh, Little Henderson’s’ not uh, cursed, is he?” Everyone’s eyes flew to Dustin as his pacing increased, flipping back every few steps. 
“Cursed? No, no. He’s fine.” Steve nodded back at Eddie as he leaned up towards him. “Mental? Absolutely.” Steve’s eyes slid to mine with a grin before we all jumped in fright. 
“BOOOOM.” Dustin’s yell echoed around the empty forest, interrupting the chirping of hidden birds as he stopped walking and faced us. 
“Bada…Bada…boom.” He took a few steps forward with his finger pointing at Steve. 
“I was right.” He spat, smiling through his teeth. “Skull rock, was north.” Steve rolled his eyes as he groaned. 
“Seriously? You’re serious?” Steve yelled with frustration as Eddie and I looked between them in confusion. 
“Mm-Hmm.” Dustin grinned, ignoring the rest of us as we waited for an explanation. 
“This is Skull rock. Okay?” Steve’s voice rose as he waved angrily at the rock above us.
“Mhmm.” Dustin smiled, not put off by Steve’s shouting.
“You’re totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now.” Steve’s face crumpled up as he slammed his hands together, furthering his point as he waved at the ground.
“Yes. And no.” Dustin spoke slowly. 
“Oh my god.” Steve sighed as he rubbed his hands against his face.
I tried to keep up with his explanation as he held his compass up, I felt like I’d been transported back to the secret Russian elevator as I struggled to understand him and this was my first day dealing with the supernatural, his words made my head pound as I tuned him out. The rest of the group had mimicked expressions of confusion as they watched their feet shuffle, Dustin’s fast words rattling in our ears. 
“Okay so you’re using faulty equipment dude, you’re still wrong!” Steve shot back.
“Except it isn’t faulty. Lucas do you remember what can affect a compass?” Dustin held his finger up at Steve to tell him to wait. 
“An electromagnetic field.” Realisation dawned on Lucas’s face. 
“Yep.” Dustin grinned in triumph. 
“I’m sorry, I must have missed that class.” Robin grumbled as Eddie nodded in agreement. 
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So, either there’s some super big magnet around here, or…” Dustin’s words suddenly snapped into focus for me. 
“There’s a gate.” I gasped, feeling Eddie’s probing eyes on my face. 
“But we’re nowhere near the lab.” Nancy argued as Dustin pointed proudly at me.
“But what if, somehow, there’s another gate? A gate that we don’t know about? It’d have to be smaller. Way less powerful.” Dustin thought over the possibilities as he offered a reason as to how it was all working. 
“Snack size gate.” Robin muttered seriously. 
“How – Why?” Steve asked. 
“No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance and the last time we’ve seen anything like it, it was a gate. And I hope it is, because then we’d have a way to Vecna. And a shot at freeing Max from this curse.” Dustin’s face burned passionately as he spun on his heels. 
I glared up at Steve as his eyes flashed to my face, shaking his head too quickly that the others hadn’t noticed, silently answering my question. 
He hadn’t told them about Vecna going after me after what happened in the graveyard. I wasn’t sure if I was more relieved that Dustin and the others didn’t know, or riddled with guilt that I was lying to the only people that I could – and should – be telling. Eddie’s palm slid into mine as he offered a smile full of reassurance, letting me know that he knew what I was thinking. 
“Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, hey hey!” Steve shouted at Dustin’s retreating back, my brother turned to us with a sigh as Steve waved his arms around madly. 
“Eddie’s still a wanted man. We can’t just go for a hike in the woods.” I flexed my fingers around Eddie’s as Steve’s words made my stomach twist painfully. 
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving, Max and Eddie.” Dustin held up the swayed compass, pointing it at Eddie by my side. 
“What say you, Eddie the banished?” Dustin held up his hands towards us as I rolled my eyes. Even here, in the middle of the woods suffocating under too many threats towards our lives that I’d lost count, Eddie and Dustin could still bond over their nerd stuff. 
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea.” Steve nodded, even though he didn’t understand the reference. I smiled, even though I knew where he was going with it because his words had made me remember all the nights that I had laid pressed against his chest as he read aloud from his battered copy of “The Lord of the rings.”
“But uh, the shire, the shire is burning…” Eddie’s big eyes stared up at the canopy of tree tops above us as Dustin started jumping up and down excitedly. 
Eddie pushed off against his knees as he rose to his full height, towering over me as he held out a hand to help me up.
“So, Mordor it is.” Eddie cocked his head at Dustin as they shared a knowing grin and confusion blew across the rest of the group. 
“What is Mordor.” Steve muttered as everyone started to file out after Dustin. 
Everyone spun around in a panic as Steve’s scream burned through us. 
“What the fuck is that?” Unrelenting shame shot up my spine as Steve shook his hand like he’d burned it and the glossy edge of the polaroid photo disappeared beneath Eddie’s pocket. 
“Just the start of my collection Stevie, I’ll make you a scrapbook.” Eddie winked as a deep blush spread across Steve’s face, regret filling him that he had picked up the photo of us in the first place. I groaned as Eddie smirked at me, reaching out for my hand before he spun around to grab his walkie and the water canister. 
“Get your stuff dude. Let’s go.” Steve complained as he avoided my eyes, brushing past me as the others sped by us, watching their step over the muddied ground. 
Robin sneakily slowed down her footsteps until she was in line with me, falling behind the rest of the group until we were out of earshot if she whispered. 
“So, you and Eddie huh?” She smirked, nudging my shoulder as I flinched away from her teasing, keeping my eyes on the back of Steve and Eddie a few paces in front of us. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied, hating the blush that gave me away.
“I don’t know… you both seemed sort of… flustered when we got here.” Her light laugh was thankfully drowned out by a sudden gust of wind as I shook my head and sighed. 
“Robin-“ I warned, glaring at her for her to drop it. 
“Hey I’m happy about it, I wasn’t sure after everything that went down if-“ I practically ran as I sped away from her, shoving through Eddie and Steve, ignoring their questioning looks as I left her interrogating behind and accidently found myself besides Nancy. 
“Oh… hi.” I swallowed the awkward lump that sat in my throat as she glanced at me.
“…Hey.” She pressed her lips together in a small smile as we walked for a few minutes in silence, following Dustin’s lead as he kept his head down towards the broken compass.  
Our laughs mixed together as we both spoke up, accidently interrupting each other as she waved her hand for me to go first. 
“It’s been a long time.” I admitted, refusing to admit to myself that the anger I was holding on towards her, felt forced now. 
“Yeah, it has… look.” She turned to half face me as she glanced behind us to make sure no one was listening. 
“I’m sorry. That I didn’t tell you.” She clarified, like the guarded look on my face wasn’t enough to show that I understood what she meant.
“We had to sign a whole bunch of non-disclosures – just like the ones you had to after Starcourt.” Her eyes slid to mine with a hint of accusations behind them.
Maybe I had been too harsh, I didn’t know what I would have done if our roles had been reversed. My eyes moved to the blue shirt ducking and weaving between trees, Dustin and the others were okay, perhaps it was time to let the past go. 
“This is never going to be over, is it?” I hung my head abashedly, watching the wet mud mould beneath my sneakers. Nancy had been through this more times than I had and yet here I was, complaining to her. She slipped her hand into mine, squeezing my fingers as her big eyes softened. 
“Eventually, but until then we’ll face it together. Eddie will be safe, I promise.” Her fingers flexed as she smiled knowingly, glancing over her shoulder where Steve flinched away from something Eddie said as he laughed loudly. My brows creased as I watched Nancy’s stare linger on Steve for just a second too long. 
“Together.” I promised.
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Chapter 13 part 2 continued here. (26th October 9 am ASET)
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➢ Eddie Tag List } @dotslabyrinth @chanaaaannel @lem0nb0iii @xcarabear @projectcampbell @munchabunch @grungegrrrl @sammararaven @ches-86 @alinepichi @halbhohehalluzination @kalalikalas @thetrashqueen23 @bruh-tato-chap @sagittariughs @c0rroded-coffin @averagemisfit03 @eddiesgffff @churchmuffins @mrsdollardog @ms1oftheboys @pearlsyeaaa @hanahkatexo @bex-tk1 @thatonecluelessbitch @briasnow-blog @aftermidnightwriting @blue-eyed-lion @@figmentofquinn @brittanyyydamnit @edsforehead @ick90 @hesvoid34 @notyuralycat @nevermore66 @readsalot73
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Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann.
All Rights Reserved.
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no1frogfan · 1 year
Endings and beginnings, part 3
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Tsukishima Kei x gn reader
Chapter word count: ~2k
Chapter tags & warnings: alcohol (mixing drinks), angst, talking about having children, heavy emotional content, divorce, emotional abuse (not by Tsukishima or reader), gaslighting (not by Tsukishima or reader)
Note: Tumblr very much did NOT want me to upload this I guess because it’s taken me now SIX tries. Gods of tagging please stop eating my post
Series masterlist < part 2 | part 4 (wip) >
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3. June
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Business is slower than usual considering it’s a Friday night. The night is young though, not quite 5pm, plenty of time to organize the glasses and syrups and check the stock of mixers and garnishes ahead of the crowd.
Just in case, you decide to cut an extra container of lime wedges. Last weekend, everyone and their mothers wanted the cucumber melon gin spritz, and by the end of the night you’d run out of limes to garnish the glasses and the lemons you’d used as backup. It’s funny how popular the drink was considering you had to sell your boss on the idea. He was convinced that yubari melon would make the drink too sweet and mask the flavor of the cucumber. Trust me, you’d assured him. After testing a dozen different mixes, you finally hit upon the perfect one. If only you could’ve bottled the look on his face when he first tried it.
You cut into another lime, slicing off the top and bottom before neatly dividing it into wedges and tossing it into the container.
You cut into another.
And another, almost nicking yourself.
And another, because you’re thinking about him again.
Things have felt off between you since Sakusa’s party. You’ve met up with him and Yamaguchi a few times, but he’s been…distant. And even more so over text. Maybe Yamaguchi’s presence at the party lulled you into thinking Tsukishima still felt as comfortable around you as you did around him, comfortable enough to open up to both of you about his feelings, even if it meant yelling at you at first. And without Yamaguchi around — undoubtedly the one who’d kept in better touch over the years — you were merely an acquaintance.
Yamaguchi insisted you shouldn’t read into it, though it was difficult not to. “Tsukki probably just doesn’t want to burden you,” he said. But that’s just it. It meant you were no longer a person he could rely on.
When the three of you first met in middle school, you couldn’t understand why a sweet, bubbly person like Yamaguchi could be friends with an arrogant, sarcastic jerk like Tsukishima. You’d defended him against Tsukishima at first, not believing him when he laughingly informed you that he didn’t need defending. But at some point, over months and months, your opinion of Tsukishima shifted. Maybe you started to notice the near-imperceptible fondness and appreciation he had for Yamaguchi, and the way he supported Yamaguchi in quiet ways, even if he could never bring himself to say his feelings out loud.
Or maybe it was when he started to let you in too, letting you borrow his books, and sending you songs he thought you might like or new artists he came across.
That’s probably what fueled your crush on him, the feeling that you were special to him, in the way that close friends are and maybe hopefully a little bit more.
His words lost their bite over time, and by your second year of high school, Tsukishima seemed a totally different person — still snarky, sure, but more cheek than venom. Quick to tease, but also quick to console you whenever you were actually upset, making you laugh with some choice words about your ex or a bag of your favorite candy which was “coincidentally” in his backpack. The three of you were basically together 24/7, even during practice when you could always be found studying on the sidelines, often with their favorite snacks at hand.
That’s the year when Yamaguchi finally told you about what happened between Kei and his brother — the game that changed him so abruptly into the sullen boy you’d first met. Yamaguchi had constantly insisted that Tsukishima used to be gentler, but you never believed him until then. It was only afterward that you truly understood how hard Tsukishima worked on himself, to put himself out there, to take risks, and be a better person to those around him.
“He doesn’t think he’s good enough at volleyball to make an effort, and he doesn’t think he’s likeable enough to have friends,” Yamaguchi had observed once, surprising you with his teenage perceptiveness. Considering Tsukishima’s breakthroughs in volleyball in those short years, and how often you and Yamaguchi were accosted by classmates eager to date him, you were both convinced it’d only be a matter of time before he’d get overconfident and you’d have to knock him down a few pegs.
But, that’s not actually how self-esteem works.
You know that now.
Over the past few months, Yamaguchi filled you in just a little — maybe because he himself felt guilty for not realizing and intervening sooner — slowly revealing interactions he’d witnessed between Natsumi and Tsukishima that were painfully illuminating. The way Natsumi would condescend to Tsukishima behind closed doors, shout at him, goad him, and ultimately flip it on him, accusing him of being stupid, manipulative, and vindictive. Doing favors for him and then holding them over his head. Blatantly flirting with other people, then ridiculing him for feeling jealous. A million and one behaviors that were sickeningly familiar to you.
You know now that self-esteem can erode quickly, especially a newborn confidence as fragile and wobbly as Tsukishima’s. And to be treated like less than nothing for so long by someone so close to him… well, you suppose it’s not surprising that he’s hesitant to let you in again.
You don’t realize you’re just staring at an empty cutting board until something moves in the corner of your eye.
Looking up, you see Yamaguchi waving at you from the end of the bar. You hurriedly wipe your hands on the towel hanging from your waist. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“About time you noticed,” he grins, “Since you always come to one of our neighborhoods to hang out, Tsukki and I decided to make the trek out to you for once!”
You hold out a drink menu which he immediately waves off. “I feel like whiskey tonight.”
“Whiskey, hmm?” You turn to take stock of your bar, pulling out a clean single malt along with some smoky lapsang souchong syrup you’ve been dying to experiment with.
“How’s Yachi doing? And your kitten?”
“Yachi’s doing great! The kitten is too, but I think he likes her more than me,” he laughs, “though I can’t blame him.”
You pour some of the syrup and two shots of whiskey into the shaker over ice, eyeballing the amount. “Does he have a name yet?”
“Not yet! We’re going to wait and see what his personality is like first.” You taste it and crinkle your nose.
“And how’s Makoto-kun?” Yamaguchi follows.
You hesitate, brain simultaneously attempting to decipher what’s missing from the drink and answer the question delicately. “He’s fine.” Your eyes land on the house-made umeshu and you pour some in. “We had an argument.” You taste it again — a little sweet, a little tart.
“Oh. Do you want to talk about it?”
You squeeze in some lemon and give the drink a brief shake before straining it over ice with a grimace. “He wants kids as soon as possible.”
“Ah. And you don’t.”
“…I honestly don’t know if I want them at all. But if I did, it wouldn’t be any time soon.” You shrug. “We talked about this early on, but I don’t think he realized how much he wanted kids until all our friends started having them.”
You garnish the glass with a twist of lemon peel and slide it over. Yamaguchi takes a sip, eyes widening and snapping up to meet yours.
“Glad you like it.” You smile, happy to change the topic.
“Who wants kids?” Tsukishima appears next to Yamaguchi. Of course he overhears that part.
“Ah.” Thankfully, he doesn’t press you any further. Instead, he scans the drink menu. “Which of these red wines should I get?”
“Are you sure you want one of those?” You laugh.
His face immediately drops into a sneer. “Sorry I don't know what all of these are. Some of us have other jobs.”
“I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have teased you,” you hurry to apologize, “I wasn't implying that you should be familiar with those wines. It's just…I noticed that you always order red wine when we go out but you never seem to enjoy it. The reds we have here are great, and I’m happy to recommend one for you, but I was hoping I could convince you to try something else?”
“Do it, Tsukki! This drink is amazing and all I said was that I wanted whiskey!”
Tsukishima nods reluctantly.
“Coming right up!” You try to remember what Tsukishima drank the last few times you went out together. The first meet-up was at a wine and tapas place near the museum and he’d ordered a cabernet. You thought it tasted fine, but he really had to push himself through it, so when he went to order another glass, you’d suggested a pinot noir, a lighter, fruitier red that might be more to his liking. He did seem to like it better, but still didn’t appear to love it, all the while insisting he did.
At the time, you’d chalked it up to him having an off day.
Something similar happened the second time though. He’d ordered a black coffee, but could barely bring himself to drink it.
Then again, you don’t want to push him too far out of his comfort zone, so maybe…
You scan through the bottles in the refrigerator — “Here we go, try this” — and pull out a bottle of dry rosé. Not too sweet, not too floral, crisp and easy to drink. You pour him a mouthful to try.
He takes the glass skeptically, the corners of his lips pulling down just a fraction. “No offense, but—”
“Just try it,” you urge, “and if you don’t like it, I’ll find you something else.”
“…Fine.” He tosses it back in one smooth motion, head tilting back, emphasizing the single bob of his adam’s apple. He sets the glass back down on the bar. “That’s surprisingly good.”
You give him a smug grin as you fill the glass.
“Don’t get cocky, it’s probably a fluke,” he scolds, reaching over the bar to pinch your cheek harshly.
You reach up to swat his hand away only to accidentally knock over the wine bottle. “SHIT!” You scramble to right the bottle. Luckily, it was only half full so not much spills out.
You quickly wipe the bar down with your towel as Tsukishima laughs, a real one, deep and resonant, that rings out from his chest.
“Remind me why I’m friends with you again?” You glare at him as heat rushes up your neck. He’s laughing at you, they both are, but the fact that you’re also in on the joke makes you feel a sense of relief, like the tension has finally dissipated and you’re floating.
“Ok, ok it's not that funny,” Yamaguchi giggles to Tsukishima as much as himself.
A few customers make their way in and you walk over to serve them before returning to refill Tsukishima’s wine and making Yamaguchi a second drink. Before you finish, another three customers enter one behind the other. 6pm now, prime time for the after-work crowd. Within 45 minutes, you’re absolutely swamped with drink orders. It doesn’t help that the other bartender on shift is late today.
“We’re gonna go get dinner!” Yamaguchi informs you when you finally get a second to check up on them.
“Oh, ok! Thanks so much for coming!” You wave, and seeing them reach for their wallets you quickly add, “Don’t worry, it’s on me tonight. You can owe me a drink next time!”
“Oh, here. I almost forgot.” Tsukishima pulls a big square envelope out of his bag and hands it over.
You accept it with confusion, eyes widening as you pull out a record. “Where did you get this?!”
He shrugs. “Co-worker.”
“But I’ve been looking for this vinyl everywhere!”
“I know. You told me the other day.”
“Well…uh, thank you,” you mumble in disbelief. That floating feeling returns, and you recognize it now.
It’s not just relief.
Fuck, you wish it was just relief.
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aprincessnotaqueen · 11 months
A continuation of this snippet
The music room had not changed. Same hard, plastic chairs; same streaked whiteboard; same third-hand instruments. Courtney stood at the threshold, taking in the familiar site of her second home with butterflies in her stomach.
“It’s not the same, is it?” Came a voice behind her. She didn’t have to turn around to know who had snuck up on her moment.
“We’re not the same, you mean,” she replied, unable to face him.
His chuckled response was all the confirmation Courtney needed; Duncan felt it too, the shift between them and the room they had lived in their whole freshman year of high school.
Things had seemed so much simpler then; the inside jokes and stolen kisses. Music was their sole interest, before things got complicated. Before they got complicated.
Courtney knew better now. Business and pleasure do not mix, and she still could not meet Duncan’s eyes as she thought back to fond memories.
The first time she had sang piano in front of the boys they had stared at her in awe, unaware she was the missing piece to the band they were clinging to.
The first time she had played a piece of music that wasn’t classical, that was different to every recital she had practiced for, and how alive it had made her feel.
The first time Duncan had taught her to play his guitar, carefully showing her each note until she mastered it, until she was able to write music to it.
Finding her voice in her high school music room was the high Courtney had been chasing ever since, and so far nothing else had compared.
“I assume you’ve already planned our set list,” Duncan commented, taking a seat on the piano bench.
Courtney fought the urge not to watch him, a battle she had lost many times before. But he sat in her space at the piano, looking so much bigger than the last time she had seen him do so.
The last few years had been kind to him; his muscled flexing under the long sleeves of his shirt as he reached for the keys. Stubble graced his face, carving out his jaw. He wore a well-worn gray beanie, but Courtney knew he still had his signature green Mohawk tucked away.
Courtney had spent a lengthy amount of time covering the bags under her eyes with make up that morning before pulling on her comfiest capris and sweater. She hoped she looked as put together as she wanted the boys to see.
“Chris had some suggestions,” Courtney told him. “We’ve been emailing.”
Duncan chuckled again, the sound giving Courtney a twitch.
She thought four years apart would make it easier, but here she was staring at him across the room like she was sixteen years old again. The sight of him turned her stomach like it always had, but Courtney was still yet to figure out if that was a good or bad sign.
“The boys are late,” Courtney said, turning to the clock above the door.
Duncan chucked for a third time and Courtney resisted the urge to throw her shoe at him.
“You never change,” he mused, turning his blue eyes towards her, catching the glint off the yellow classroom lights.
Courtney hid her shiver, choosing to frown at him instead.
Time for a quick authors note, I think!
These are just snippets, not a whole story, so there are time jumps. I have not written the whole story out, I am writing these snippets as scenes come to mind and posting them immediately, so should I ever actually write the full story there may be some tweaks as we go.
They are written in my notes app and uploaded from my phone so I apologise for any weird formatting!
The first snippet got a lot of love and I’m so grateful to everyone who reblogged and favourited and left comments.
But I wanna give a specific shoutout to @the-type-a @xwhatababex @lotsofloveish for your continued support in everything I post, I haven’t shared my love for you as much as I should but I am so so grateful to all of you 💕
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sun-undone · 2 years
New canon obx details from the Pogue Life Scrapbook Hardcover (part 2)
(part 1)
During Kie's Kook Year, she performed at a "Rock the OBX" festival, but when she started singing a lyrically modified version of "Get Up Stand Up" that called out the kooks, she got booed offstage and her mom was PISSED. Sarah mentions that Rose had called Kie a bad influence and that she didn't want her around Tannyhill anymore, but Sarah was just super proud to have Kie as a friend in that moment
Kie's summer playlist (i see that Rudy namedrop, go ahead and break that fourth wall with the jiara agenda):
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The rest of the pogues' summer playlist, plus a really cute pic of Maddie Bailey cause let's be honest that is all her (and more breaking the fourth wall with the inclusion of Hot Stuff?? v cute):
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MORE FIC MATERIAL: During her Kook Year, Kie got really into witchcraft with Sarah, and they both tried to cast spells to make their crushes like them back.....Jarah B and Jiara hello???? They also apparently made a voodoo doll of some bitch from their algebra class and snuck into the cemetery to have a seance for Kie's dead pet hermit crab, Kingston. This is literal gold idc what anyone says
Kie assigns astrological signs to each of the pogues!!! Sarah is a Sagittarius, John B is a Leo, Kie is an Aquarius, Pope is a Virgo, and JJ is an Aries (astrology bitches how are we feeling about these placements) Also unclear whether these are supposed to line up with their birthdays
Anna dropped out of college to start the Wreck with Mike
One time, the pogues showed up to the Wreck high out of their minds after a crazy Saturday night and ended up eating every leftover in the kitchen
When Kie was helping out in the kitchen one day, she accidentally dumped a bowl of pimento cheese into a batch of shrimp and grits. Not wanting to piss off her dad, she just served the shrimp and grits as is, and a bunch of customers started complimenting the "spicy shrimp and grits". After coming clean about what had happened, Mike added it to the menu. (super important jiara note: according to 1x03, JJ's order at the Wreck is beer and shrimp and grits. just saying.)
Apparently Midsummers took place on Friday, July 19th, 2019 and this timeline makes me want to claw out my frontal lobe
Entries from Kie's diary documenting the beginning of her Kook Year (why is the first week of school for the Kook Academy in October?? does that actually happen in rich schools or did Kie maybe not transfer immediately??? weird weird idk):
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Denmark Tanny seems to have been a lot like Pope, which is a cool detail. He worked as a cook on the Royal Merchant and wrote in his diary about keeping a level, logical head despite his shipmates getting drunk and generally being wild
The Pogues' top 3 favorite movies and snacks:
Kie - The Outsiders, Heathers, and The Big Lebowski; Buncha Crunch, chili lime churros, and spiked agua fresca Pope - Jaws, The Goonies, and Weird Science; pizza, nachos, and veggies and dip (which Kie of all people makes fun of him for) John B - Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, and Stand By Me; hot dogs, Twinkies, and leftovers from the Wreck Sarah - The Breakfast Club, Romancing the Stone, and Dirty Dancing; Skinnypop, vodka soda hidden in a Nalgene bottle, and mint chocolate chip ice cream (why sarah why) JJ - C.H.U.D., They Live, and Up in Smoke; weed brownies, weed gummies, and beer
Heyward capitalized on the kooks' panic surrounding Hurricane Agatha and raised his delivery prices before the storm hit. Some things that the kooks considered "essential" in light of a hurricane were 10 bags of Skinnypop (assorted mix ONLY), 3 Bloody Mary mixes, 10 bottles of cocktail sauce, and 4 tins of Fancy Feast Gourmet cat food (organic ONLY)
Heyward always has a booth at the OBX Boardwalk Summer Festival, and during the summer when Kie and Sarah were mortal enemies, he happened to have a booth next to the Wreck's. When Sarah went to order something, Kie refused to serve her, saying that "traitors go hungry". Pope then told Sarah to spend her money at Heyward's instead, which pissed Kie off and made her tell the pogues that they were forbidden to talk to Sarah
While writing a physics paper about bottle rockets, Pope and the rest of the pogues set some off outside of Heywards and broke 3 windows
Pope has written practice college admission essays about the time he ran out of his scholarship interview to help his friends. I love this quote from one of the drafts: "Opportunities come and go, but there are precious few chances to be there for your friends when it really matters. In the end, I decided to be there for them." 🥹🥹
When Heyward was catering the Kildare County Sheriff's Department Annual Holiday Party, Pope witnessed Shoupe, very drunk on Moscow mules, slamming down oysters and singing a karaoke cover of "I Fought the Law"
When Heyward was catering the Vanderhorst Homeowners Association Annual Autumn Gala, a bunch of the kooks were super rude to Pope and Heyward and not tipping them, so Heyward left bags of empty shellfish and fish bones in their garbage cans, making the whole street reek for days
How each of the Pogues (minus John B apparently) would spend their shares of the money:
Pope: a submarine to research aquatic life, a new video camera, a mansion, a garage full of vintage cars, a vacation for his parents, a tutor to teach him Gullah, founding the Denmark and Cecilia Tanny Scholarship Foundation, and restoring the Freedman's Assembly Church
Kie: recording a double album in her mansion with a built-in studio, emancipation from her parents, a private chef, donating to a bunch of environmental charities to try to save every endangered species, and buying Kildare Island and kicking out the residents so the animals can take over again
Sarah: a wardrobe makeover for herself and John B, buying Tannyhill to kick out her family and give the keys to Pope, an international trip with Wheezie, and taking a private trip to space with the pogues
JJ: The Surf Trip (he says it's with all the pogues not just Kie, but i can absolutely ignore that), a surfboard for every day of the week, a new dirt bike, a marble statue of himself, an upgraded version of Topper's Malibu, a pet monkey, matching pogue jet skis, a $24K blunt, a private island, and private security to knock out any kooks that get too close to him
Pope likes collecting antique electronics because trying to repair them allows him to see the engineering on the inside. Aside from the retro 90's camcorder (RIP), he's collected a vintage iPod, a Gameboy (Tetris is his favorite game), and a Polaroid camera. He found the Gameboy when Kie dragged him to a thrift store on the mainland a few summers back
Pre-canon times when Rafe has been a piece of shit: he stole money from Ward and blamed it on Sarah, he killed a spider for Sarah but then left the dead carcass on her pillow, he ripped apart Sarah's dollhouse and decapitated the dolls, during a game of hide-and-seek, he locked Sarah in the cellar for 3 hours and told Rose that she had ran away, he hid his weed in Wheezie's room, AND he creeped on Kie (very vague very ew) during sleepovers
Ward was going to give Sarah his old car, but Rafe went for a joyride with Kelce and totaled it, so Ward used the insurance payout to lease Sarah a brand new car instead
Wheezie DEFINITELY had a crush on Topper. Sarah recounts a time when Wheezie had hidden in her car to try to sneak into a movie night. When Sarah caught her, she let her stick around for the date, and she sat between Sarah and Topper, blushing the whole time (ew girl raise your standards)
Ward didn't let Sarah host parties at Tannyhill, but her kook friends often let her host at their houses when their parents were on vacation. Sarah Cameron parties quickly became legendary on Figure 8
Sarah volunteered at the Kildare Humane Society, and German shepard-golden retriever mixes are her favorite breed (isn't that what Milo is?? more breaking the fourth wall i see you). She's also volunteered at the Shady Acres Nursing Home, the Kildare County Youth Arts Center, and the South Creek Food Pantry
Sarah mentions how Scarlett's "sleepovers" were code for parties, and that they were always wild (i'm only mentioning this because i really wanna see Scarlett in season 3 if we're getting Kook Academy stuff)
JJ worked as a caddy at the golf club 2 summers before the show starts, and since management were dicks to him, he and John B snuck onto the course and drew dicks in the sand traps
Topper is apparently very obsessive about working out
Sarah and Kie made a friendship bracelet together (i have no other details besides that, trust me i wish i did)
There's more confirmation that Kie has a hidden dolphin tattoo, but no hints as to where it is
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gracegrove · 2 years
Neil Simon's The Odd Couple AU but make it Harringrove
Billy Hargrove is a divorced dad and sports columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Living alone in his messy nest of a bachelor pad, Billy hosts weekly poker games with friends from the office. It's during one of these poker nights Billy hears from one of his pals that a mutual friend... more of an acquaintance really, has fallen on hard times.
Steve Harrington, a news columnist who works a few floors up from Billy's cubicle is going through a separation with his wife. He's been kicked out. Tossed to the curb. Nowhere to go.
Billy feels for the guy. Truly. His own divorce a few years back with his own old lady was damn messy. He still owes more than a few checks in alimony.
So Billy gives Steve a call.
"I know we've only met in passin' a couple times, but how bout you stay with me till you get your feet back under you?"
Steve moves in the next day with two suitcases, shaking Billy's hand furiously in gratitude.
Steve is on the verge of tears he's so happy.
"I can't begin to thank you! ...I'll stay out of your way. You won't even notice I'm here!"
"Nonsense. Make yourself at home..."
"But you'll tell me won't you?"
"You'll tell me if I get on your nerves?"
It's only been a week. A week. And Billy can hardly stand it.
It first started with the small things.
Things of his being moved. Items that he always left in the same place. That one Sports Illustrated from 1989 that was always on top of the 3rd shelf to the lefthand side. Now it's nowhere to be found.
Then his records. There was a system. Organized from best listening experience to least. Now they were alphabetized.
Then... oh then it upgraded.
Flowers in soft pinks and vibrant reds. In cut glass vases placed on end tables around the apartment.
And dinners. No more, quickly made sandwiches hurriedly eaten over the sink. Oh no no no! Plate settings and napkins and two forks for god only knows what reason!
But worst of all.
Was the notes.
The little notes. Left by Steve. All around the apartment.
On the bathroom mirror. On Billy's pillow. On the front doorknob. On the fridge handle.
"Out of toothpaste. - SHYTE ❤️"
"Gone to store. - SHYTE ❤️"
"Don't eat before dinner. I mean it. - SHYTE ❤️"
Billy crumpled yet another note in his fingers, toeing off his sneakers and chucking his bag against the hall closet.
"I can't take it anymore!" he yelled at the cieling.
"Can't take what?" Steve asked, poking his head out from the kitchen, whisking batter in the mixing bowl perched in his arm.
"This!" Billy yelled motioning at the flowers plucking the stems out furiously and tossing them before grabbing the vase and smashing it to the floor.
"That!" he groaned, snatching the doily off the top of his television set lassoing it above his head and chucking it away.
"All of this...." he complained, leveling his hand across his desk, knocking down all the organized and neatly stacked papers and magazines.
Steve stilled in the kitchen doorway watching.
"Has something happened?" Steve asked dumbly, stirring slowing.
Billy stiffened, side eyeing Steve from the living room.
"What's happened?" he regarded him.
"Is it my cooking? My cleaning?" Steve pressed anxiously, "The crying...?"
Steve looked away sheepishly, setting down the bowl and wiping his hands in his apron.
"I'll tell you exactly what it is..." Billy grumbled.
"It's the cooking... the cleaning... the crying."
Billy looked at him harshly, eyebrows high.
"It's the talking in your sleep. It's the operatic gargling and coughing that opens your throat at 2 o'clock in the morning."
Billy mimicked the most horrendous noises. Steve crossing his arms unamused.
"I can't take it anymore Steve. I'm going mental. Everything you do irritates me..." Billy huffed, shoulders hunched.
"And even when you're not here, the things I know you're gonna do irritate me..." he shifted his hands out side to side.
Steve rolled his eyes.
Billy strode across the room, closing the space between them.
"You leave me little notes on my pillow..." Billy accused, "I told you 158 times I can't stand little notes on my pillow!" he poked Steve hard in the chest.
"We are all out of Cornflakes, SHYTE.... took me three weeks to figure out that S H Y T E was Steve Harrington, Yours Truly Eternally."
Billy threw up his hands dramatically.
"Who the hell signs things like that?!"
Steve put his hands on his hips. "Me..."
Billy slapped a key down on the counter.
"What's this?" Steve questioned, eyeing it warily.
"A key to the back door" Billy stated.
"Stick to the hallway and you room and you won't get hurt..."
Steve looked at Billy with disbelief. "Meaning what?"
"Meaning that if you wanna live here, I don't wanna see you..." Billy listed on a finger, "I don't wanna hear you... and I don't wanna smell your cooking. All right?"
"Now kindly get that omelette off my poker table..." Billy pointed with a thick digit.
Steve laughed, waving a dismissive hand.
"The hell is so funny?" Billy charged.
"It's not an omelette it's a frittata" Steve giggled.
Billy walked over to the small dining area, picked up the plate and threw it against the wall.
"Now it's garbage." he stated simply.
Steve stared at him dumbfounded.
Walking over, Steve stared at the wall, then at Billy.
"You're crazy. I'm a neurotic nut. But you're crazy."
Billy crossed his arms smugly.
"I'm crazy huh? That's really funny coming from a fruitcake like you."
"Uh-huh" Steve nodded sarcastically.
"I'm not cleaning that up." he pointed sharply.
"Is that a promise?" Billy mused with hope.
"Did you hear what I said?" Steve's voice raised, "I'm not cleaning that up, that's your mess!"
Steve couldn't take his eyes off the wall.
"Look at it. Look at it! It's all over the wall!"
Billy nodded with approval.
"I like it..." he smirked.
Steve scoffed, "You'd just leave it there wouldn't you?"
Billy nodded along in mock agreement.
"Just leave it there until it got all hard and brown and..... accck! That's disgusting!"
Steve moved towards it.
"I'm cleaning it up!"
Billy lunged after him, "Leave that alone!"
"I've got it!" Steve reasoned reaching for a piece of oozy cheese stuck on the plaster.
"You leave that alone....!" Billy warned cutting around the corner of the table.
"You touch one piece of that frilly egg shit and I'll punch you right in your sinuses!" Billy threatened making a fist.
"Billy! Billy c'mon now!" Steve scurried away back towards the kitchen trying to shut the door.
"Now listen... why don't you just take a tranquilizer?" Steve muttered as calmly as possible through a crack in the door.
Billy walked around the hall and in through the second door to the kitchen behind Steve.
"Go to your room!" he stated firmly, making Steve jump.
Steve stood there mousily looking at Billy.
"Go to your room!" Billy yelled.
"Let's just all settle down huh?" Steve reasoned, as Billy started herding him down the hallway.
Steve hustled into his room, slamming the door.
Billy pointing a finger at the door, "I'm warning you Steve! You wanna live through this night you better keep this door locked! And your windows too!"
He slammed his palm on the door for emphasis, Steve jumping in response.
As Billy stalked off into his own bedroom, Steve peered out. A guilty expression on his face.
How was he going to make good with his roommate?
@every-dayiwakeup @ickypuppi3
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