#bepo totally helped his case
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pre timeskip law had no rizz just dubious morals and a bucket hat
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 month
Regretful Actions Option B: Unforgivable
Option B (or 2, whatever) to the Law HCs about him accidentally hitting the reader. Sad ending
Warnings: talks of abuse, toxic relationships, my personal opinions, break ups, angst, violence, hitting
Word Count: 920
Once more, a healthy relationship with Law is difficult. He doesn’t open up easily, he’s standoffish, etc, etc.
It can still be healthy if you work at it, but the man doesn’t strike me as the type to be terribly open about his feelings or past.
So it’s going to take some time for him to open up to you.
He also strikes me as the type to waaaay overwork himself. (I don’t remember them outright stating that he overworks himself, but I can totally see him being a workaholic).
The beginning of your relationship was… bumpy.
Frequent arguments about him overworking.
Frequent arguments about how he never talked to you about anything.
You got through to him eventually, but it took quite a bit of time.
We’ve seen Law fight, we know he’s not exactly a pacifist.
That being said, he’s not particularly violent either.
He’s also usually pretty calm and level headed (Doflamingo excluded)
So for him to hit you, holy shit!
It’s not that either of you was being particularly unreasonable, just that things got a little too heated.
We know he cares, we see it all the time with his crew, but his kind of caring might not be your kind of caring (ah love languages)
Even still, most of the time (when he’s not around Kid and Luffy) he’s fairly level-headed.
He can usually handle this kind of thing, but, well….
Yeah, he hits you.
Still instant regret, like, sooo much regret.
You just… walk away, no words, just walk away. 
Law feels terrible!
Just because this isn’t the happy ending doesn’t mean he’s some malicious guy who likes hurting people (he’s not Doffy)
Even still, it has you evaluating your entire relationship.
Every. Little. Thing! 
And your friends and family don’t exactly help him.
They urge you to leave him.
First he’s cold and now he’s hit you? How dare he!
Okay, so they don’t know Law’s love languages, which makes them think he’s kind of a dick.
But they really do just want the best for you.
It takes you quite some time to think.
Once again, you do talk to the Heart Pirate crew.
With, again, Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo being Law’s biggest supporters.
While you’re evaluating your relationship, you take note of every single red flag.
Big or small, you take everything into account.
I mean, nobody’s perfect, he’s going to have both good and bad points, but you’re weighing whether or not to stay with him. 
Him hitting you is, obviously, a pretty big red flag, even if he didn’t mean to.
Like, what if things get out of control again? Will he hit you again?
What if your relationship isn’t as healthy as you thought it was?
Has he been manipulating you this entire time?
Have there been things you just haven’t noticed?
Not to mention, he hit you over something simple.
All you were doing was caring for his well-being.
You don’t deserve to be hit over worrying about him!
Well, okay, you don’t deserve to be hit at all! (I’m a big supporter of the only good reason to hit/hurt somebody is in self-defense/defending others)
So if he hit you over something like this, what else will he potentially hit you over?
After a while, you go home to think.
You just need some time away from him, time where you aren’t around him or his biggest supporters.
Okay, yes, you’re going home where his biggest haters are, but avoiding people in town is easier than avoiding people you live with/are visiting.
Eventually, you do decide to leave him.
What you realized after evaluating your entire relationship… wasn’t good.
It either wasn’t as healthy as you thought or it was starting to become toxic, or even you maybe just decided to make your friends and family happy (I hope this isn’t the case, please don’t leave a good relationship because your family says so)
Seriously, if it’s a truly healthy relationship don’t leave it because that’s what other people want. 
Leave a relationship because it’s toxic, unhealthy, or that’s what you want.
There are people out there (myself included) who would kill for a healthy, loving relationship. (Sorry I got off topic)
For the sake of this, let’s assume you found enough evidence that the relationship wasn’t as healthy as you thought.
So you leave him, him striking you was kind of the last straw (hat, lol 😆).
It forced you to evaluate everything and in the end it wasn’t actually as healthy as you thought it was. 
It’s true that your family and friends are happy about you leaving him.
They’re also sad though because, obviously, something like this is heartbreaking.
They don’t want to see you miserable, they just think that you needed to leave him because he hit you.
You’re super careful with relationships after that.
You take care to notice anything that might be particularly toxic.
You also weigh out every red flag.
Like, is this a negative trait I can deal with (a weird laugh, avoids eye contact, annoying slurping) or should I run as far and fast as I can (any sort of abuse (verbal, physical, emotional, etc), alcoholism, manipulation)?
All of the sad pandas! Law is heartbroken, you’re heartbroken, the Heart Pirate crew is sad you’re gone. Sad pandas everywhere! 
But it’s healthier if you’re with someone who doesn’t hit you, isn’t toxic, loves you, etc.
Provided they actually love you and what not.
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haikyuu-sins · 2 years
K!! I hope it's okay to ask for some Law headcanons with an s/o who had to make a tough decision and is feeling guilty? I just feel an overwhelmed amount of guilt for putting Snoopy down. If not it's totally okay!! I love you!!💗💗
Of course it’s okay! I’m so sorry for your loss Purple :( My heart goes out to you because I know how hard it is to lose your dog and that you had to make that decision because it’s not easy. I know you’ve probably heard this a lot, but just know that she isn’t in any pain anymore and you did the right thing, okay? Just remember all of the happy memories that you had with her and know that she loved you with all her heart! I’ll always be here to talk to when you need it! I love you so much Purple! ❤️❤️
Law might give you a little time to yourself just in case you’d want it. But if you tell him that you want his company then he’d be more than happy to give that to you because he doesn’t like seeing you distraught over anything.
He knows what it’s like to make tough decisions and he’s felt guilty about them as well. I think he may feel guilty about not dying with his family, and also not being able to help Corazon when he was younger, so he understands.
Law is mostly quiet but he’ll offer advice to you if you want that. He mostly doesn’t want you to feel guilty about your decision though. You did what you thought was best and he tells you that it’s important not to second guess yourself. He doesn’t want you to be hard on yourself about it either.
Will bring you tea along with your favorite snacks and foods that make you feel better. As much as he absolutely despises it, he’ll even let you eat in his bed so the two of you can be close while you talk to him.
He strokes your hair while you talk to him, lets you play with his fingers, or trace his tattoos in hopes it’ll help you stay calm. -Honestly he loves when you trace his tattoos, that’s always his favorite-
Will also ask if you need a hug from Bepo because Bepo hugs are so soft and squishy and who wouldn’t want a hug from Bepo?
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Okay but the niave/impressionable reader with Ace/Sabo got me thinking. How would Doflamingo and Law handle a darling like that?
Thanks! I love your views on the yandere OP boys x)
Doflamingo is a man with a corruption kink as large as his list of crimes, so having a naive and innocent reader would turn him on SO much. He's so manipulative and sickeningly sweet to them when he is, and the little pout of their lower lip when they're surprised or confused as to why someone would lie to them just makes him smile so much.
He's wary of who they interact with though since they're so naive. He can't have the wrong person getting his Darling to spill all sorts of secrets about the Family and his personal history, after all. He instructs then to only trust HIM unconditionally, and tries his best to teach them how to tell when someone is taking advantage of them. It has...varied results.
He doesn't tell them about his plans in much detail because he knows they could accidentally say too much to the wrong person, but he does tell them about his past. He tells them that nobody else should know about it, since that's something he revealed to them as a lover. And nobody else is close with him the way they are, right? That's something that stays between them.
Every time they insist to others or even to him that he's not a bad person, it gives him a sick feeling of happiness. Even if he does bad things, they say that if he were totally evil then they wouldn't be so kind to his Family and to them, right? He knows damn well that he's awful, he just doesn't give a fuck. But hearing his sweet naive Darling defending him so earnestly makes him want to hold them close. He's a Heavenly Demon that wants to keep his angel right by his side...and also to fucking spear them on his cock whenever they act so adorably and pure and stupidly naive.
Law would be extremely protective of his naive Darling. He loves them, EVERY part of them, but they're too trustworthy for their own good. He'd be very reluctant to leave them behind somewhere, only being ok with it if someone else in the crew was there to watch out for them in his absence.
Sometimes he wishes he was like them. As smart/cunning as he is, he's seen the darker parts of the world enough to know what they look like. The sweet angelic way his Darling looks at the world makes him wonder if ignorance really is bliss.
He'd try to encourage them to not be so gullible, but it may not work all that well. They still insist on seeing the good in everyone, and as frustrating as that may be sometimes, Law can't help but admire how strong their will is when it comes to thinking that way. It weirdly reminds him of Straw Hat and how he thinks that a pirate alliance means you're friends.
Sometimes he can't handle how kind they are, similar to how he couldn't deal with Bepo being so damn cute in Wano. Instead of snapping at them to stop being so sweet though, he'd just bury his face against his Darling to hide any trace of a blush or warmth on his cheeks.
Uses their naivete to justify keeping them hidden and isolated from people outside of the crew most of the time. He explains that it's for their own good, to keep them and the rest of the crew safe in case someone tries to take advantage of them. The crew feels bad for ____ sometimes since they don't get as much freedom as the rest of Law's nakama, but Law insists that the crew (and him especially) are the only ones he can trust to be around them. He feels at ease just laying with his Darling, seeing that sweet smile on their face when they look up at him with those innocent eyes.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Vampire!Law or werewolf!Law?
Hi, hi! I used to be obsessed with vampires back then. Never seen/read Twilight, though. But still. I didn't know if you wanted something NSFW, so I included some, not that explicit just in case. I hope you like it ♥. I loved the prompt so I'd probably be extending this story, perhaps with more OS someday!.
Vampire! Law x Reader.
Countryside town AU. No gender description. Everybody is 18+. No spoilers. TW: Blood. Slightly hurted animals. Kind of blood play. Soft NSFW. WC: 4.4K AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31552169
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Drawing done using a base from: deviantart.com/shadow-bases
It’s a cold night, puffs of steamy air coming out from your mouth as you quickly walk to your parents’ house. The moon shines in between foggy clouds that cover a dark sky. You regret the moment when you accepted going out, plus everything around seems a little threatening. You are used to the city you were living in until now, and somehow forgot the feeling of living in your hometown. But, your old friends wanted to see you, and you couldn’t just say no.
The old town you were born in seemed to have never evolved. Since the day you left your parents’ house and moved to campus in the big city, the town has preserved its own style, the same houses, the same old shops.
Reddish dried leaves crunches under your feet, and some crickets sing in the dark. You grab your phone just to check the hour. 00:00. You are a little bit tired; you’ve been driving the whole day to get there, but even though you were exhausted your old friends insisted on celebrating your comeback to the nest.
You are about to get to your house, when a sudden noise creeps the hell out of you, but you realize it’s just a cute white cat. “Hello kitty, you scared me!”, you say as the little cat comes purring. You crouch and pet it, after all it was too cute to not play with it.
“Bepo… Bepo… where the hell are you?”, you hear a man’s voice that comes closer. “Are you Bepo?”, you ask the little kitten and try to see what his collar says. “Bepo!!, there you are!”, a young man says with a gravelly voice.
“Oh, excuse me!”, you tell him as he comes closer to grab the white ball of fur. “Oh no, it's ok! I was about to go to sleep and I was looking for him. Did you scare her/him/they, Bepo?”, he says, approaching you, bending down and petting the kitten’s head.
The clouds move allowing the moonshine to bathe his face, revealing refined face features. A straight but snub nose, white pale skin, black spiky hair that ends up with sideburns, a goatee, and intense grey eyes with very dark circles were his main features. He was the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life so you stay caught on his face for a little while.
A cold breeze blows your hair and somehow a chill runs through your spine, as you hear the sound of wind chimes dancing along on the front porch of a wooden house. “Do you live in this town? I haven’t seen you before… I mean, I’m kind of new into town though…” he says to you with a smile while lifting the cat on his slender, pale and tattooed hands.
You stand up and say “Oh, uhm...I’ve recently graduated so I came back to my parents’ house to work with them, I used to live here, though”. “Oh, I see! Nice to meet you! My name is Law”, he says while extending his hand to you. You hesitate for a second, but then you say “Nice to meet you Law, I’m Y/n”. You shake hands, and realize how cold his skin is, almost as if he was somehow… dead?.
The encounter is disrupted by your dad, who got worried of you not arriving at home and opened the door to see if you were coming. “Y/n! there you are!. Oh, hello young man!, How are you?”, your father says from the front porch. “Goodnight Mr. Y/sn, everything alright! What about you and your wife?” Law says waving at your dad. “She’s inside a little worried for her pancake, that I see you’ve already met!”, your dad tells him while laughing. “Dad… I’m ok, go inside, I’ll be there in a minute”, you say to him, embarrassed.
“Nice to meet you, Law. Have a good night”, you say petting the little cat. “Have a goodnight too, Y/n-ya. I hope I could see you again”, Law says, giving you a side smirk. You nod and walk away.
You flop onto your bed, tired, exhausted. You close your eyes, total darkness until… his eyes… Those crystal grey eyes are the only thing you can see, and then they turn to yellow. And you wake up with a big gasp to the smell of blood.
“What the fuck was that?”, you say, agitated. An orangey sun ray filters from the windows of your teenage years room and hits directly your face. You block the sun with your arm realizing soon it was already morning and today you start working on your old family farm as a vet.
“Good morning little pancakes!!”, your dad greets you, as well as your little brother. Your mum is cooking those delicious breakfasts you used to have when you were younger and you sit on the table, pleased and filled with your family’s love.
The day passes with you meeting all the animals on the farm, you even have to take care of a wounded horse. “Don’t worry Violet, it’s just a little blood, but your leg will be fine”, you say to a black spotted mare that has been jumping on the field and somehow hurt his leg.
At noon, your childhood best friend sends a text telling you that tonight you two should go to “Shambles Bar'' - the one and only bar that has ever been there since you were born - to have fun since it’s Friday. You agree, not because you were a fan of partying but because you missed those old days before you left for uni.
“Leeeeet’s go party like the old timeeees, babeee” your best friend shouts at you while jumping on your bed. “hahaha stop it, you are going to break the bed!!”. You both laugh, get ready and head out.
You pass next to Law’s house and try to see if he is at home, but it seems as if no one is there. “Oi, do you know Law?” you say pointing with your thumb to his house. “Law?”, your best friend asks confused, and continues, “You mean the vampire guy who lives there?, yeah. Why?”. “Vampire guy? what do you mean?” you ask, half confused, half curious. “Haha, the guys call him like this. I mean, have you seen how pale he is? and those dark circles? He looks like he is dead. Plus no one has seen him during the daytime. Ever. But how do you know him?”, she tells you. “Oh, yesterday, his cat, Bepo, came to me. He was looking for the kitty and we happened to talk”, you tell her with a tone that tries to downplay the topic. “Oh, I see. To be honest I don’t even know what he does for a living so I don’t have any more info. Maybe Luffy or Zoro know him, you can ask them tonight”, she says. “Yeah, maybe”, you say and change the topic.
A few drinks after and you and your friends are already dancing to the sound of country music and the humble light system of the old bar, when the same image of those eyes of your dreams flashes before your eyes and a sudden smell of blood hits your nose. You stand still for a moment, scared. “Babe, what is it?”, asks Nami, one of your friends there. “Uh.. n- nothing”, you say confused and keep dancing.
A few seconds later, someone is touching your shoulder from behind. Your friends stand still for a moment with a subtle scared expression, but the touch of that hand felt warm for you, even as if some type of power was running through all of your body.
“Y/n-ya?”, a well-known voice calls you, and you turn around. There he was, Law, “the vampire guy” as your friends call him. “L-Law?”, you say slowly smiling when you see his pale face. “What a coincidence, huh?. I mean the town is not that big…”, he says, and you finish his sentence with a “yeah, and this is the only bar…”. You both laugh and for some seconds your eyes are fixed onto each other’s.
“Oi, Torao! you wanna drink with us?” says Zoro, inviting Law to our table. “Yeah, thanks, Zoro-ya”, he tells him. You all sit and ask waiter Beca to bring you another round of drinks. Law sits next to you.
Sanji, another friend of yours, asks you “You two already know each other?”. “Kind of”, you say laughing a little blushed. “Y/n-ya met Bepo, first!” Law tells your blond friend, laughing.
An old song you and your friends used to dance as “your song” starts playing on the jukebox and you run to the dance floor. You can’t help but gaze at where Law is just to see if he is watching you dance. And he does, he is looking at you, with a smile on his pretty face. Your cheeks turn to red, but you are way grown up to act like a teenager, and decide to invite him to dance. You are driven somehow to him, you don’t really know why, but you are.
“Law, do you wanna dance?”, you tell him, extending your arm as you were calling him to the dancefloor. “You too guys, come here!!” Nami shouts to your friends.
Law stands up and walks to you. Smiling, he incorporates to the circle and starts dancing. He doesn’t dance well, but you just don’t care, you either after all.
A slow song starts to play, romantic also. Robin, another of your friends, tells you that the song is called “I Hear a Symphony”, and that Law should dance with you. You look at her, widening your eyes trying to tell her to stop, but Law grabs one of your hands and tells you “May I have this dance?”. You giggle a little, I mean why is he talking like a prince?, but then you just let yourself go and accept his offer.
The pale guy puts his other hand over your waist and you two start dancing to that pretty melody. For a moment you feel as if you were dancing into a castle, like in another century.
Interlocking your eyes, you start to think that coming back to your hometown wasn’t that bad and somehow you feel as if everything around you disappears. For an instant you believe to see his eyes change colors, from that crystalline grey to an intense brilliant yellowish color, but this time you don’t get scared. You feel attracted more and more to him, as if something invisible was pulling you towards him.
The touch of his hands feels cold, really cold, just like the first time… “is it because it’s almost winter?”, you think. Law is looking at your lips, neck, and something on his expression shows as if he was willing to devour you. And frankly, you too… you lost yourself looking at his mouth, he has it barely open. He has prominent canines that show through the little space in between his lips, and you remember your friend's words “the vampire guy” ...
The slow music is over, and now pop blasts on the bar. The couples part and you all come back to your table. It’s already 2 am, and you all feel exhausted from working all day - except Law, who seems to be really energetic -.
“Well, my dear friends, I’m not a teenager anymore, I think I’m coming back home now”, you inform your friends, to which some of them reply protesting and the others supporting the motion.
“If you want to, I can walk you home. I mean, we are neighbors”, tells you Law. Something inside you says “oh no darling, you are going fast”, but your mouth simply slips a “Oh, thank you, that’d be fine”.
You grab your coat, and head to the door followed by your deadly crush. None of you two say a word the first few steps. Tonight, is even colder than yesterday, but your cheeks are so red, full of blood that you don’t seem to notice the freezing breeze. “He is going to think I’m desperate, like he is the hottest guy I’ve ever met, but still… calm down Y/N”, you say to yourself, while walking thinking about what to say to break the ice.
“The moon looks pretty tonight, doesn’t it?”, he says to you, timidly. You look up to the sky and contemplate a big full moon with reddish tints on its hue. “Oh, I think it is the eclipse they were talking about on tv last night… the “red moon” ...”, you say, but got interrupted by Law, “Yeah, a “blood moon””. The way he said that, felt almost as threatening, but you look at him, and there he is, smiling at you with a friendly face.
You remember you still don’t know shit about him, so you ask him, “Oi, Nami told me you moved into town a few months ago, what did it bring you here?”. He stops for a moment, looking at the ground, but then sketching out a fake smile he tells you, “I got bored from the city, so I moved into the countryside… but to be honest I came mainly because I heard that pumpkin pies here are delicious”. You look at him, because that sounded like a terrible lie but you chose to believe it and when you were about to ask him about what he does for a living, he interrupts you, “Well, it looks like we are already home”. “Oh, yeah, I haven’t noticed, ha-ha”, you say, a little bit annoyed because you wanted to ask him more questions, but mainly sad because the walk was over.
“So… goodnight”, you say to him while fidgeting back and forth with your feet. “Goodnight…” he says. You are both facing each other, and you nor Law are moving. He got his eyes fixed on your lips, and you wish he would just kiss you.
Slowly, little by little, Law approaches his face to yours, closer, closer, until... he stops himself violently. You get scared, but you don’t move a single muscle. “Why… why you… why do you smell like blood?”, he says gasping.
“W-What?”, you ask him confusedly backing up. “You, you smell like blood… have you… your arm…”, he says, snatching your forearm. Suddenly, you remember this morning, you cured Violet, and some blood got spilled on your forearm but you washed the area and took a bath right before going out. “How did you know?”, you ask him.
He remains silent, trying to calm down. “I’m… I’m sorry I have a really sensitive nose”, he says and continues, “Why don’t you go to sleep, we can talk tomorrow, it’s pretty late now. Goodnight”. He says and runs to his house.
You are left there, and for a moment you just can’t process what just happened. “What the fuck, Law?”, you think. A cold shiver on your back announces to you, you should go back home and go to bed. There was no point in staying there.
You snuggle on your bed, still trying to understand but the exhaustion your body felt wins and you fall asleep. Again, those eyes, the smell of blood, the cold touch, you can see, smell, feel it all… “Y/n! pancake!!! wake up!!!”, you hear your dad shouting at you. You open your eyes violently, “What??? What happened dad??”. “The cattle, some… something attacked them…”, he says horrified. “What?” ...
You get dressed and run to the cowshed. A poor steer lays there, he has been attacked by some kind of animal… with fangs, and the poor thing looks like he has lost some blood. Luckily he was still alive, so you helped him instantly.
“Pancakes, what are those wounds on the neck the animal has?”, your dad asks. “To be honest, dad, I don’t know. It looks like some kind of animal has bitten the steer, but didn’t eat it… it looks like… has drunk some of his blood…”, you say to your dad astonished even more than him. “But, what kind of animal could do such a thing?”, he inquiries. “The only ones that could do it are the Desmodontinae, or vampire bats… but they are not typical in this hemisphere…
The incident quickly spread and everyone in town was talking about it. Luckily the animal recovered in a few hours, as the wounds weren’t that bad.
You can’t stop thinking about Law, and quickly you forget about the animal incident. He has been on your mind all morning, “why did he run away?” ... That afternoon you decide to go see if Law is at home, you really need to ask him about last night… Plus, deep inside you are a little bit annoyed, you wanted him to kiss you…
You ring the bell of the wooden house, but there is no answer. Since the blinds were all shut down, you think that he must be at work.
Suddenly little Bepo appears meowing from the backyard. “Hi Bepo!! Is your daddy at home?”, you ask the little cat while ruffling his head fur. The cat rubs on your leg and then walks back to the backyard, so you decide to follow him.
If Law isn’t at home you could perhaps take a look at his patio. You are curious and he represented a mystery you wanted to decode, really bad.
At first you think you’ve seen someone looking at you from one of the windows of the house, but you thought it was just your imagination. You trespass private property.
The patio showed nothing but a bucket on one of the corners, next to an old mossy bench. You follow Bepo, and as you are approaching the metal pail that has something red inside, your phone rings. “God damn!!”, you jump scared. The phone screen shows an unknown number calling, “That’s weird”, you say and pick up. “Hello?”, “Hi!, Y/n-ya, it’s me, Law. I’m sorry to bother you but I wanted to apologize about last night”. Law… LAW! You realize you are still in his yard so you quickly leave the place and start walking home. “Don’t worry, I guess it must be a little intimidating to be with someone that smells like… blood”, you say. A silence takes the call but then Law simply laughs -again, a fake laugh- and tells you that he will call you later to compensate you for last night. You agree and say goodbye.
You close the door behind you leaning over it, gasping. Your heart races. What if he knows you’ve been stalking his house…? “I’m such a creep”, you say to yourself, and go to your room.
You spend the afternoon in your backyard with your mum, October is about to end so the fall season is at its peak. Maple leaves fall from a big tree next to your porch and garnish the patio with its coppery colors.
That night, your parents and brother were invited to a party in the next town, so they won’t come back until the next day. After a hot meal you go to sleep. You haven’t received any messages from Law yet and you wonder if you should text him or just let him do it first. You finally decide that he should be texting you first, so you snuggle in bed and close your eyes. For the third night in a row, you dream with those eyes, with the smell of blood. But, this time it's so intense that you awake instantly in the middle of the night. “Again?”, you say while brushing your hand over your eyes.
Suddenly you hear something knocking on your window… “Law?!”, you say, gasping. He mimics something similar to an “open please”. Your bed is next to the window so you are still sitting there in your pjs, so you stretch to open the window.
“What are you doing here?”, you ask him while helping him to enter. Law sits on the bed and tells you, whispering “I’m sorry, I was missing you, I really, really needed to see you… plus I told you I wanted to compensate for yesterday”.
A subtle light from the moon illuminates half of your faces, and you are speechless. “So, this is how he plans to compensate for running away last night? He is on my bed… he looks so sexy… damn”, you think. But Law starts acting innocently, and begins to ask you about the trophies on your shelves.
You tell him about how good you were at volleyball when you were in high school, and he tells you that he was too. “Where did you take that picture?”, he asks, pointing to an old photo you had pinned on the cork board. “This one?” you say, and when you grab it the side of the paper cuts your finger softly but enough to make some blood sprout. “Ouch!”, you say and you are about to take your finger to your mouth when Law grabs your wrist violently. “L-Law?!! What are you doing?”, you tell him, scared trying to unfasten from his hand. Law doesn’t speak, he starts to tremble, he is breathing fast, he is squeezing your wrist.
“Let me go, Law!” you say, but he doesn’t hear. He is somehow focused on perhaps staying still, trying to avoid something. He suddenly looks at you, his expression resembles a beast, beads of sweat run through his temples. His eyes change from grey to a bright yellow, his pupils dilate. His prominent canines are now true fangs.
Law is salivating, his veins are now visible on his forehead, you can see how his blood pumps faster. You can’t understand what the hell is going on, but for some reason you don’t scream. You concentrate on his eyes, you are able to see a remaining humanity in them, so you are far from scared.
He lets go of your hand, and kneels on the floor. Law is panting soundly; he is fighting against himself. “Calm down”, you say to him. He looks up to you, with tears in his eyes, still emitting guttural sounds. He is surprised to see how your face doesn’t show terror, nor contempt. You don’t know why, but you are even more attracted to him, dangerously attracted. You were willing to let him drink your blood if he wanted to…
With a smirk on your face, you say to him, “Blood is what you want, huh?”. He opens his mouth, and a pair of sharp fangs are shown. He shakes his head, he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he needs you. “I trust you; I know you won’t hurt me. You can drink from me”, you offer him. You know he is able to stop, and somehow everything makes sense. The poor animal this morning, he has just drunk a little blood but didn’t inflict mortal wounds to it. If he was that considerate to an animal, he will probably be with you too. -Or that is what you wanted to believe-.
He swallows, and still trembles and without any warning he pounces on you. Your back hits your bed and he's over you. He fixes his eyes on yours and asks you, "are you sure about this?". "Uhum", you nod. You are so desperate for him, that you probably consider yourself a beast more than him.
Law buries his fingers on your cheeks, and violently moves your head to the side, exposing your neck. You feel a few drops of saliva that falls into your skin from his mouth, and see how he approaches your neck.
He bites you, but even if it hurts, he is drinking your blood from your carotid so subtly, so carefully. A few seconds later, he stops. Some of your warm blood runs from the wound onto your bed.
"T-Thank you…" he says, planting a soft kiss over the little holes on your skin, caressing your hair. "You are welcome", you say, almost naturally as if being bitten by some kind of beast was something you always do.
But suddenly, you start to experience some kind of pressure on your chest, and breathing becomes difficult. Your eyes roll back, and you feel different. You look at him, trying to understand what is going on, and he simply brushes his tattooed hands over your face. "Don't worry, it's normal. You are not going to turn into… me. But, a little bit of me runs through your veins now…". He says, brushing his hand over his mouth trying to clean the mess your vital fluid has left on his lips.
You are not worried about becoming into a vampire or whatever the hell he is, but because you are experiencing a strong need to touch him, to kiss him, to fuck him. "Kiss me", you command him.
He looks at you, still settled over your body and your lips meet. His tongue invades your mouth, and you can taste the metallic rests of your blood on his mouth.
Without separating your mouths helps you take off your white -blood stained- shirt and then you do the same with him. His torso shows a big design inked on his skin, and a few wounds.
His fangs subtly scrape your skin, from your neck, to your chest, lower through your stomach. He spreads your legs with his strong arms, and softly but enough to leave some marks, bites the skin of your inner thighs. The feeling of those fangs softly ripping the first layers of your skin made yourself squirm in pleasure.
His yellow eyes fix on yours, and now he is devouring your sex. You throw your head back and surrender to his skilled tongue movements. What follows next is an extremely hard pounding session, that leaves you trembling, exhausted, sore… but satisfied.
Since then, every night you let him slowly drink you up, drop by drop, giving to him a bit of your life every time. Your eyes slowly changed colors, first a little patch of yellow, then half of your right iris…
A deadly, dangerous attraction, that won’t last forever… or maybe, if you decide to let everything aside and turn into a full vampire like him… who knows? maybe your obsessive love for him would end up changing your life… forever. ♥
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myonepiece · 3 years
Hello~! I was wondering if you can do some headcanons for Sanji, Law, and Ace with an fem!s/o who's a deadly assassin? She has no connection to Germa but knows of the Vinsmokes except for Sanji. She's has a hard and aloof exterior but is secretly very loving and touch I starved edge isn't used to love or affection. I hope this makes sense; thank you~🖤
I hope this is what you were asking for!
Sanji, Law, Ace headcanon- Headcanons with touch starved assassin fem!s/o
Warnings: none
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•At first Sanji was worried you were like teaming up with his brothers and sister, but when he found out you just knew about them he was relieved. He told you about his connection to them and was happy that you didn’t really care.
•Was surprised but also really happy when he noticed you aren’t as tough or heartless as your reputation said you were.
•He would so pack lunches for your missions. Before you leave he’ll come running up to you like “Y/N-swaaan! Don’t forget your lunch my love!”
•He always worries when you go on missions because he’s not there to look after you, he knows you can totally take care of yourself but he can’t help it.
•Thinks you’re so frickin badass. He always has stars/hearts in his eyes. Brags to Zoro a lot “Hey mosshead I bet my girlfriend can kick your ass”. Lots of smug looks towards him
•Clings to you a lot more than usual before and after you leave him to go on missions. “Let me love youuuu, I won’t be able to do this for 4 daaaays~” *puppy eyes*
•Will literally hug you anytime anywhere. He makes it his mission to make up for all the affection you haven’t had. He’ll deffinetly make sure to not jump right into his extreme affection just in case it makes you uncomfortable because you’ve never experienced it before
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•First time you guys met he put on his best I-don’t-give-a-fuck-I-have-no-emotions-don’t-mess-with-me attitude because he didn’t want you to think you could walk all over him.
•Very curious about your missions. He’ll ask about the rules for being an assassin, as well as your opinion on the rules. While he’s eating, or before be, or really just in his spare time, he’ll ask you to tell him some stories about your missions. You also tell the crew stories
•Really respects you, he knows it takes a lot to survive in your line of work. Whenever you tell him about it he just looks at you with stars in his eyes. He gets an ego boost knowing that you’re with him.
•Before you leave for a mission he gives you a little first aid kit he packed, also makes sure you know how to use everything in it properly. The day you’re coming back he’ll be waiting ready to check for any injuries because even though you’re known as a deadly assassin you’re still his baby.
•He’ll be more touchy with you before you leave, he’ll definitely miss you. Makes sure to tell you he loves you multiple times before you leave.
•Sometimes asks if he can go with you on a mission. Whenever you have one that’s not too serious and he’s not busy, you let him come with you and he watches you the whole time like you’re THE most amazing thing he’s ever seems. The star eyes are huuuuge.
•Feels bad that you’ve never had a lot of physical affection, so he tries to make up for it. Also always loves to see you and the crew having a group hug or when you and Bepo fall asleep on each other because he knows that he’s not the most affectionate person so he likes that his crew are helping you feel more loved.
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•Thinks you’re so frikin awsome. Total fangirl. He’ll brag about you to the crew. “Guys! Guys! Guess who Y/N killed!”
•Asks for stories about all your missions. You always have to plan which one you’ll tell him about because it’s like a daily thing you two. “Oi Y/N, it’s storytime! :D”
•Clings to you more before you leave for a mission and after. Makes sure you have everything you need. He worries about you when you’re gone and as soon as you get back he checks for injuries and if you have any he picks you up takes you straight to Marco
•Begs you to take him with you and whenever you take him he’ll be serious until you finish then he’s all squeals and praises “Y/N IT WAS SO AWSOME WHEN YOU SHOT HIM FROM THE TOP OF THAT CLOCKTOWER”
•He has a bunch of your wanted posters
•He’s very cuddly with you, he feels really sad that you’ve barely had any physical affection. Always holds you while you sleep and makes sure to be more touchy when you’re feeling down. Won’t push you to do anything if you’re not comfortable with his affections
•Loves to see your collection of weapons and stuff you took from your targets as “trophies”. He’ll ask to see your special attacks and all your skills that you use.
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softrozene · 3 years
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@luna-hatake-uchiha​ requested: Hi. First of all, I want to wish you a happy new year. I read on Archiv of your Own that your request box is open... Soo could you please write a scenario where Law and his s/o are having a daughter and after a few years their daughter shows symptoms of the Amber Lead poisoning? And Law doing everything he can to heal her? (This is my first time doing this and I'm sorry if I sound rude somewhere.)
You were perfect in requesting Hon! Apologies for how late this is (I hope you had a good start to the new year!) but omg- That would be so heartbreaking ahhhhh. This came out pretty angsty but I tried to give it a neutral ending! I hope you enjoy it!
This turned into a one-shot oops.
Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff/Angst- Spoilers of Law’s past. Can be considered a good or sad ending! Uhh Post-Pirating au? Law is retired from the pirate life lol, grammar
*Instead of 2nd pov I wrote this in 3rd pov for a change. : )
Also, yeah- I am pretty sure that Law would be able to cure his daughter of this because of his Devil Fruit and it’s “Miraculous” abilities but I went for the more angsty side, so I made it more complicated than that lol. I just love the idea of protective dad Law.
Words: 1983
The smell of coffee is usually a scent that brings the pregnant woman, (Name), a comfort since that means she can sneak a sip from her husband’s cup but right now… It is too early for coffee. He should be in bed with her, but the sun is not even up. With exhaustion evident on her face and the goal of finding Law and bringing him back to bed- She regretfully leaves the warm bed.
The house they have is a decent-sized home. Two bedrooms- The one they share together, and the guest room, a nursery that Law and (Name) have been working on and of course, Law’s office to store his medical books and journals, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small cozy living room.
It felt like bliss living here.
Even more so with the bun in the oven. Law was in shock when he realized his wife was indeed pregnant, but it made the joy of retiring from piracy to enjoy a domestic life with her all the better. It most certainly eases his thoughts that most of his crew also retired here on this peaceful island.
Things could not have turned out more perfect for them.
Though… That was about to change as (Name) walks into his office- The light from it leaking out into the hallway. The smell of coffee gets stronger, and she smiles upon seeing how serious her husband is looking through some of his books.
No matter what he is doing, he looks so handsome.
Something he got used to arguing with her saying how she is crazy for thinking his eyebags are attractive. It was all jokes sure but (Name) was serious and proud to say he was handsome. His personality definitely that too. She can rely on him and him on her and that is something hard to do for the both of them.
Law is too in the zone in the book so (Name) uses that to her advantage. She sneaks up behind him and is quick to wrap her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. His tense body immediately relaxes within her hold and he turns to offer her a tired smile.
“Did I wake you?” He asks softly as a hand comes up to meet her swollen belly.
(Name) laughs and holds his hand to her stomach. “Yes, but it is fine. I just got cold without your warmth. That and the beautiful smell of coffee. I think our daughter wants a sip.”
Law’s face turns into a scolding one immediately making his wife laugh as she continues, “Hey! You said I could have some in moderation! I think a tiny sip is less than that and yes, I know we do not know if our child will be a girl, but I just have this feeling…”
Law sighs but… Then smiles as he just shakes his head. He gives in knowing full well that his wife’s point was mainly about getting her daily sip of coffee in. He pulls away from his wife’s loving hand to reach for his mug of coffee. Being careful of the still-hot contents in it. He hands it to her and watches as she smiles and takes her desired sip. Handing it back to him he puts it on the desk and immediately pulls the pregnant woman onto his lap earning himself a giggle from her.
“Anyway, what are you doing up, my love?” She asks as she nuzzles her face into his neck the best she can.
At this question, Law turns tense. His sigh comes out stressed as he hesitates to speak. He thinks it would be better now to share his concern, especially when it is such a valid one.
“I… Fear that our child may get Amber Lead Poising. It is a hereditary disease,” Law mumbles.
This makes his wife freeze up. She knows his pain with that. The fear of it. He must have been bottling it up until he just could not ignore the possibility. With a gentle sigh, (Name) places a tender kiss on his lips, momentarily distracting him from his painful thoughts.
“My love, please come back to bed. After a few more hours of sleep, you can come back in here… And no matter what happens with our child- I have faith that you will find a cure. Until then, try not to worry. Otherwise, you are going to send yourself into an early grave by putting all that stress on your heart,” (Name) says as a yawn escapes her.
Law can only smile now. She truly is his best friend. His other half. She knows how to ease his worries even if it is temporarily, but what she said… It also rings true. He vows to find a cure in the case that their child will get that stupid disease.
The rest of the pregnancy goes by quickly and as soon as the baby, a girl, is in their arms it feels like total bliss for them. It is everything they never imagined having but makes their lives totally complete. Her middle name is in memory of Law’s younger sister. The full name being Trafalgar Lami Lin.
“She looks like you already- Look at those wide (eye color) eyes,” Law says with a gentle smile on his face.
He never imagined he could allow himself to be this soft and vulnerable. To share it with (Name). His wife laughs as she leans against his arm as he holds their little girl in his arms. Both (Name) and the baby are exhausted.
“Thank the gods she does not look like a mini sleep-deprived version of you. Well, if she takes my looks, I only hope she gains your intelligence,” (Name) jokes.
Law smirks at the playful tone and as if he remembers sighs- “I forgot to tell you. What is left of the crew will be coming here tomorrow. They were even more excited than us combined.”
“Looks like we got a couple of free babysitters… I trust Bepo with her. Sachi and Penguin might drop her.”
Law sweatdrops at this and wishes he could argue back but… His wife is right. He makes a mental note to have Bepo be their go-to babysitter.
Days pass by fast when you feel joy and they pass even faster when you feel like the world suddenly has a time limit on it. Law promised his wife to enjoy the days with them and he did, but he spent countless nights trying to find a cure- Getting so close to finding something that can help in the case his daughter gets the disease.
The baby grows quickly into a child, but it was the age of five when Law realizes that she has those stupid white spots on her skin- Meaning she has Amber Lead Poisoning. He felt like he was suffocating. She was not supposed to get it. He paid his dues during his piracy. His loss of Rosinante. His loss of family. He paid whatever the hell life thought he owed it, so she was supposed to be in the clear.
She was not.
He knows that is just wishful thinking. His whole family got it and Amber Lead is a hereditary disease. He was supposed to die at age thirteen. He did not all because he ate a fruit thanks to Rosinante. Just because he ate a fruit and cured himself does not mean he could actually cure Amber Lead with his fruit.
He could try and cure Lin as he did himself. Using the fruit’s "miraculous" properties which is having the ability to cure any kind of illness. However, this requires some extent of medical knowledge in order to be utilized effectively. He has that knowledge, but he does not have the full knowledge to cure others of this disease. He cured himself because he ate the fruit.
He needs a real cure. One to ensure that this disease does not follow into the genes anymore. He wants to ensure that if his daughter wants a family of her own- If she makes it to that age, he wants her to be able to not have to think about her own children having the disease.
He estimated she would only have a few years left. Until those white spots grow big enough to almost devour her. His blissful life turned into a nightmare for him. He always could not stand the thought of losing (Name) and the feeling was deeper with their daughter Lin since she was only a child.
She deserved a long and happy life.
He was going to sacrifice his time to ensure that.
It was during one of these nights when he cursed out life for being cruel that Law had an epiphany. Something in his research began to make sense for a cure- It was uncertain, but it was something and it was this night that his wife was woken up when he got up out of excitement to begin writing on a large board he put together. He accidentally dropped a book nothing too alarming, so he was surprised to see his wife checking on him.
Her large eyes watching the board- Trying to decipher his valid obsession of finding a cure. He could not contain his excitement as he pauses briefly to place a kiss on his wife’s lips.
“Whoa. You are super cheery for once,” She notes.
Law can only smile. “I think I am close to finding something. A cure. It would still be a while before I have something solid but… This is it. It has to be it.”
Hearing this fills (Name) up with excitement too. Only to see Law experience a crash. He is at his limit for tonight since he spent all day shopping with his daughter and wife to go to Penguin’s birthday (definitely an alcohol) party. He should be totally spent after today.
(Name) only hugs him feeling his body immediately relax into hers and he freezes upon remembering something. Pulling back slightly he looks at his darling wife and places a kiss on her forehead.
“Hey… I do need to tell you something. If this lead goes nowhere. I am going to use the Ope Ope no Mi fruit on her,” Law states.
(Name) freezes in his grip. Understanding these words. That means he is going to sacrifice his life for their daughter if he can’t make a cure. He is willing to use the fruit’s powers for what others have wanted it for. Immortality.
He is willing to grant their daughter “eternal youth” if it means she can experience life without the disease affecting her.
His mind is dead set on that backup plan so all (Name) Can do is nod. He smiles at her though as to reassure her.
“That is just a backup plan. We still have a few years left but as of now, I do believe it is time to get in contact with that crazy pirate- Luffy. I need him to bring Chopper here. With Chopper’s help this should work,” Law murmurs more to himself.
He is exhausted.
“Alright Love- I will go get in contact with them. I will send a letter. Though… I think you should head to bed. You did well. You are such a good father,” (Name) murmurs.
Hearing this��� Law really feels like he might break. All of these restless nights are going to be worth something. He is going to do what his dad almost did for his younger sister. He will cure his daughter and be able to watch her grow.
“Law… You are getting my hair wet with your snot and tears.”
“Shut up,” He mumbles as he holds his partner.
She laughs and the two stay like that- Content that there is hope for their daughter.
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Cuddling hcs for Kid and Law?
Eutass Kid is a strong captain, and as well definitely a strong man.
He's fought countless marines, countless of rival pirates, fought against Yonko Big Mom's (now ex) Sweet Commanders, and lost his own arm in a clash with the Red Haired Yonko bastard himself.
Eutass Kid doesn't 'cuddle'.
No he just likes to hold your body with his arm and lay his face on your chest (especially if you have tits) and sleep with a safety hold around you.
Not 'cuddling', body holding.
(Kid...that's like...the definition of cuddling)
In the beginning of your relationship, sharing a bed with him is kind of hard. He's a big guy standing at 6'8½ (205 cm) he tends to take up most bed space.
But eventually the two of you find your respective places where you're both comfortable.
One of his favorite cuddling body holding positions, besides just laying of top of you, is where you lay on his chest and and trace his scars, it gives him a sense of manly pride when you do this (and this way he has better access to one: grope your ass and two: if any moron (Heat, multiple times) decides to barge in on the two of you he has better access to use his devil fruit and fling his safety precaution scrap metal at them.
(Killer has had to scold him countless of times because if this)
But cuddling body holding is a really risky thing to do with Kid, he tends to fall asleep fairly quickly, probably something to do with feeling so relaxed next to you, so make sure that your in a comfortable position and you have your necessary supplies near just in case because when he falls asleep he can be really heavy to move.
The first time he fell asleep on you like that and trapped you underneath him so, to say the least, you weren't expecting it and it took countless of tries to get someone's help on the ship (Kid is also a heavy sleeper) Killer had to come to your rescue to push the captain off you.
So now one of your necessary supplies is a den den mushi on your nightstand.
On days that are really tough for the Kid pirates (most notably the day Kid lost his arm) does Kid drop the whole tough strong guy act and these are the moments where he drops his pride and tells you he just wants to stay in bed and hold you. In these rare moments that he sincerely holds onto and in a low voice he tells you:
"I don't care what fucking shitstorm we're going to go through as a crew, I'm making damn sure nothing happens to any of you. That doubles for you, (Name)."
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Law is...actually okay with cuddling.
Like, sure not out in public but in the private of your own shared quarters he's perfectly fine with it.
But the catch is getting him to stop his work to come fucking cuddle you.
You'll find yourself a lot of times sitting in your shared bed in the early hours of the morning, watching him from across the room at his desk scribbling away at his work knowing damn well the next time you ask him to come on to bed you'll get one of two answers.
One: "I'm not tired, go on to sleep."
Two: "This is a very important plan, (Name). If I'm going to take down a Yonko, I need to focus."
The man can be really difficult most times.
So it's up to you, a responsible human being, to drag him away from his work. Whether this be by giving him your best set of puppy dog eyes that he finds so adorable he can't say no to or having to physically pulling him by his arm out off of his office chair and drag him to the bed, him complaining the entire time you drag him across the floor but the moment his body hits that mattress, all arguments from him leave as overwhelming sense tiredness succumbs him and he feels himself relax.
Law is a traditional cuddler, he likes most positions where he can be the big spoon, where he can have a safety hold around your waist and rest his head against the back of your neck, the hairs of his goatee tickling your skin with every breath he takes.
However that doesn't mean he isn't against being the little spoon, he finds it oddly relaxing with you being behind him with your arms reached around him and your forehead being pressed against his back as your fingertips tap and trace at his tattoos on his chest.
Bepo sometimes has recurring nightmares about not being able to find his brother Zepo and usually when this happens he goes to Law's room for  comfort to sleep. So when the polar bear mink comes politely to you and Law's door with tears in his eyes to ask if he could sleep with the two of you, gladly expect for you, Bepo, and Law (who most likely abandoned working on whatever he was doing because the critical power of the cuteness of the two of you is too much to handle) to all become a big cuddle pile either on the bed or on the floor with many blankets and pillows.
There are nights shortly after Dressrosa where even when you have to drag him to bed and he's totally exhausted, it takes him a long time to exactly fall asleep. He lays beside you with a hundred different thoughts dashing through his mind as he watches you softly drift in your sleep.
In his mind he dreads all the ways he could mess up the plans to take down Kaido, all the outcomes that could put your life at risk and it didn't exactly help that Strawhat-ya was really reckless.
But somehow in your unconscious state you can feel his distress and in your sleep you flip around and tuck your arms underneath his and pull yourself close to him, every time without fail this manages to take him by surprise and feeling your security hold around him does he slowly start to feel himself breathing easier.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (The Last Moments Before War)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard: The Alliance (A)__(B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>
After Jack’s attack, Zonesha required medical attention (chapter 822). Anime extended that by showing how various members of the alliance worked together to help the injured elephant and even included a scene between Zoro (who again was lost) and Law asking him about his awful sense of direction.
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This scene is funny on many levels, because:
anime didn’t show Law to be involved in any task like making bandages or preparing medicine or, like Zoro, cutting the wood 
which means either he wandered and just saw Zoro or went after him on purpose
the “you walked on your own, Zoro-ya” implies he was aware Zoro at some point disappeared which supports possibility Law searched him on his own
and thought Zoro’s sense of direction was ridiculously terrible which clearly made Pirate Hunter embarrassed. 
At least we know Law paid attention to Zoro in the Dressrosa arc, when he twice got lost on different occasions.
Then the whole interaction was related to Law invading Zoro’s personal space. Either it was his “revenge” for victory party on Dressrosa or he simply felt that comfortable around the other man. Whatever Law’s reason was, once Carrot and Luffy showed up out of nowhere, Law stepped back. Not too far away, but the distance between him and Pirate Hunter was more casual.
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Luffy and Carrot made fun of “stray swordsman”. Zoro retorted he will simply carry the wood into the right place and did not take kindly to Law’s comment about waste of time and that he may be lost again. Whatever Zoro wanted to say, Trafalgar without warning used shambles to send the other man into the right place. With wood. That fell from the sky with Zoro and almost killed some poor Minks. Zoro called Law “that bastard” but overall it didn’t change anything between them.
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That makes episode 775 one of the most direct interactions between these two Supernovas. Involving violating personal space, commenting on someone's flaw and a bit of arguing.
Once the Zunesha’s wound was dressed, the alliance split in four groups:
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The rescue mission for Sanji was carried by Luffy, Nami, Chopper and Brook, Pekom and Pedro. Heart Pirates (represented by Law) and remaining Straw Hats (represented by Zoro) were going to Wano as Kinemon’s group. 
While saying goodbye to Luffy’s team, Law and Zoro stayed far away from each other but close to their respective crewmembers. Then Luffy grabbed his people and simply jumped into an abyss, shocking and/or scaring his companions, samurais, minks and Law alike (chapter 822).
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Law definitely still wasn’t used to such a way of transport. And maybe seeing Luffy doing it again brought the not so happy memories of a similar jump on Dressrosa. In contrast Zor’s group was pretty much relaxed watching their companions fall down from such height.
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And so, the Zou arc ended.
Luffy’s group headed to Big Mom’s territory while Zoro’s group with samurais and Heart pirates will soon travel to Wano cramped in Law’s submarine.
Zou arc is set up for the upcoming fight against Kaido and Big Mom. One one hand, chapters 803 - 822 provided details and pieces of history needed for better understanding of the alliance situation and what will wait for them in future. On another, there were a few days of needed rest for characters during which the similarity between Law and Zoro could be seen. Both have marks of “dark characters” with specific sense of humor and/or logic. Both are cool-headed and while analyzing their situations often emotionless, if not to say clinical or even heartless. In dangerous situations they aren’t prone to panic or showing worries. Both have low tolerance for idiots (unless said idiots were their crewmembers). Both are introverted, quiet people who don’t talk much but observe their surroundings. Often keep some tangible distance from the large group and seem to like their own personal space. At the same time, through the arc Law could be seen in close range to Zoro - sometimes with little to no personal space between them. They may not talk much about personal matters and don’t hang like Luffy and Usopp do, but they definitely feel comfortable enough to stick so often close to each other and share observations. 
Zoro, as one of the quietest Straw Hats and less prone to being emotional (like crying after dying painted dragon) was still the safest person to stay around for Law. They understood each other without need of many words, had similar reactions to danger or shocking news and people saying idiotic things (Bartolomeo and Luffy) while not showing their own emotions - even when ninja picked their interest immediately. Which is why Zou arc was titled by me as “The Kindred Spirits” because finally manga presented their interactions in more detailed way and it is hard to miss how often those two decided to stay around the other, even if there wasn’t anything to talk about.
If I have to sum up the Zou arc in relation to the development of Law’s relationship with Zoro in one sentence, I think “Law hanging out with a fellow introvert when there are so many noisy extroverted people around” would do the work.
Here comes additional thoughts and details worth to consider:
↪ In theory, as non captain, Zoro is below Luffy and Law. Straw Hat and Surgeon of the Death are de facto leaders of alliance. But once Luffy went his way, Zoro led Straw Hat group (similar like Sanji led the separated part of crew to Zou). During that time, he and Law were on equal footing in the sense of leadership skills. Interestingly, the narrator called their group as “team Zoro”, totally ignoring Law’s status as captain or potential leader. Later on, when alliance split in four groups, the graphic illustrating the division showed Trafalgar and Zoro as equal leaders representing their respective crews while both were put into Kinemon’s team.
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↪ Thinking more about “team Zoro”, there is a possibility that Law temporary accepted Zoro’s leadership:
- it is clear he hates when people order him around (what was seen on Sabaody Archipelago with Eustass Kid) and Luffy, every time Straw Hats makes a decision ignoring Law’s opinion or outright ignoring him.
- Nami mentioned in Dressrosa Law was a lot like Luffy - giving orders to others without caring what they think. At the same time on Zou he did not boss anyone from Straw Hats. All major matters (not waiting for samurais and finding Bepo) were decided by Zoro. Everyone was allowed to express their concerns - what Robin and Usopp did - but once Roronoa made the final decision, no one questioned his judgment of the situation. Not even Law who, as captain himself, should be on equal ground. 
- Law said “we should head straight for [Bepo] if we want accurate intel” which sounded like a suggestion of best action instead of giving order. This adds to the impression Law was truly compliant through their journey into the unknown place.
- Considering that Zoro did not try to order Law around (like Kid) and listened to his observations and suggestions (unlike Luffy sometimes), there wasn’t any reason for conflict or power struggles between those two Supernovas. Trafalgar was treated well by Zoro and the group who asked about his opinion and respected him in the general sense of the word. 
↪ There is also the matter of Carrot’s attack. Zoro took on himself to fight the unknown enemy and Law did not protest. 
- Once again, Sabaody Archipelago showed Law did not take kindly to insinuation he needed protection of others when Kid insisted on fighting marines alone. 
- During Dressrosa, he didn’t fight unless he had to; to save as much energy as possible in case of a facing Doflamingo. We learned then that though Ope Ope no Mi was a powerful devil fruit, using its powers consumed a lot of energy. 
- It is hard to judge how much time Law needed to fully renew his strength but after three days of rest on Dressrosa and one week of journey, from the group that arrived to Zou, Law seemed to still be recovering from injuries. What the bandages on his arm implies. Not even Luffy or Usopp had any visible injury signs after so much time. 
- In all fairness, Zoro was the only one person in the group who wasn’t really damaged during the previous battle. The fight with Doflamingo left Luffy sleeping for three days after, Law and Usopp were mercilessly beaten down at some point, Franky had a manly fight against Senor Pink that left him injured and exhausted, Robin was hurt while protecting Rebecca from Diamente’s attack.
- Now, considering that Law could be not fully healed - and if that was true, Law and Zoro should be very aware of such a problem - letting Roronoa to deal personally with the danger makes sense. On one hand Zoro is always first to fight an enemy, because he likes fighting. On another, protecting others is his natural reflex. But in contrast to Kid, Zoro doesn’t make a big deal of that; he doesn’t ask for gratitude nor make fun of those who rely on him for being weak. The same as in Dressrosa, Law’s inability to fight at full capability was acknowledged but didn’t treat as personal weakness. Zoro simply protected the group because it is what he always does - put himself between danger and other people.
- Which could explain why Law didn’t protest and let the other Supernova deal with the enemy instead of proving his battle superiority or something like that. Law allowed himself to be protected - maybe because of injuries or because of trust in Zoro. Maybe for both of those reasons.
↪ During the joint trip to meet Raizo, Law always stayed at the end of the group, just after Zoro. Anime made it especially look like Trafalgar kept quite a large space between himself and Pirate Hunter, even though for most of time he didn’t mind staying close to the man. This actually made me think about author’s notes included in volume 76:
“This famous Japanese saying that can be taken as even sexist. "A wife must always walk three steps behind her husband."
This saying comes from ancient Japanese samurai culture. Let's say we were one of those samurai who constantly carried around those dangerous Japanese swords, not knowing when we'd need to pull them out and fight- if that were the case, would we really make our loved ones walk right next to us? Those "3 steps" are equivalent to the distance we must make to keep our ladies safe!! If you're a man, say this. "Take 3 steps back and follow me!!!" Take 3 steps back from volume 79, and this is "Volume 76"!!” [translation according to one piece wiki]
Putting aside the context of wife, the “safe distance” from someone who is carrying katanas actually could explain the change in range between Zoro and Law. When the group went to and came back from the hidden place, everyone was walking in line, one person after another. Since Law was a swordsman himself, he may follow some unspoken safety rules, like not going too close to armed swordmaster. Also, maybe he prefered to keep a distance between Zoro’s cursed sword and his own? The cursed blades like to cause problems and some, like Kitetsu, are bloodthirsty. So in general, the distance kept then most likely was less about liking or disliking each other and maybe about some rules of safety understandable to swordsmen?
↪ This seems to be more anime-thing, but Law addressed Roronoa as Zoro-ya. In the previous arc, most male Straw Hat pirates get their own nicknames (nose-ya for Usopp, Black Leg-ya for Sanji, Straw Hat-ya for Luffy). Law is on a first-name basis with Zoro. On the other hand, Roronoa used Luffy’s nickname Traffy..
↪ The interest in ninja is another thing they have in common albeit for different reasons. Law was mainly interested in clone jutsu which fits his medical skills - he can manipulate someone’s body while a ninja may multiply himself. Zoro’s interest was focused mainly on weapons and ninja’s endurance to pain/injury, because of course he wanted to see how strong the shinobi was.
↪ Law seems to not be a fan of partying, at least not in a big and noisy group. I’m not sure if we ever saw him actually drinking alcohol (don’t remember that personally) and who knows, he may not be fond of that too. This time Zoro didn’t drink with Law, so either he respected Trafalgar’s wish to be left alone or simply knew that Law was surrounded by his own crew, thus didn’t need his company. Last time, Law was a lonely Heart pirate between Straw Hats and the new Straw Hat Grand Fleet, now his own crew for sure wanted to spend some time with a long no see captain.
That is all for now for Zou arc. The alliance had a chance to relax and rest a bit before facing Kaido. With the help of new friends, Zoro and Law headed to land of samurais now occupied by one of Yonko. How their relationship will work under new level of pressure will verify the next part - Wano arc.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Thinking thoughts and wanted to know your opinion law went from this seemingly laid back almost easy going personality to this brooding serious man during the time skip do you think he’ll slowly ease back into his old personality once this emperor stuff is taken care of and do you think his crew miss his laid back ways?
Ooh, hello Anon!  This is an interesting question for sure, but honestly?  I don’t think Law’s personality really changed.  What changed is his situation (and two years of additional experience).
Aaaaand my explanation/character study got super long so it’s under a cut.  Oops.  Vague warning for Wano spoilers at some point (I give an actual warning when I get there but a few other things may have slipped in earlier so watch out if you’re anime-only, I guess?)
Okay, so: Sabaody.  Laid back, taunting so-and-so noted by Kid of all people to have zero manners and perfectly happy to poke fun at Drake (note: Drake is also former North Blue, we know their backstories intersected - although whether they know that is another matter entirely, although I headcanon that Drake knows and Law doesn’t but that’s a whole other thing, just like I headcanon that Drake, Penguin and Shachi totally knew each other as teenagers.  I mean, neighbouring islands?  Pirates?  Don’t try and tell me the Barrel Pirates never visited Swallow Island when it was literally right there, and what little we know of pre-Hearts Penguin and Shachi they would totally have been in the pirate kid’s face, but I’m getting off-track).
Law spends a lot of time in Sabaody watching.  When we first see him, he’s watching Killer and Urouge duke it out, and doesn’t do anything to influence what’s going on until Drake arrives (again: Drake, North Blue, a Known Quantity.  Killer?  South Blue.  Urouge?  Sky Islands.  Unknown Quantities, and possibly the first time he’s seen either of them in person).  Then we see him in the Auction House, and we all know he wasn’t there to make a purchase.  One of Oda’s brilliant tie-backs - the Auction House is one of Joker’s things.  Joker is Doffy.  Law is tracking Doffy.  It’s not rocket science that he’s there to get more info.
Then the Strawhats happen.  Law sits there amid all that carnage, seeing the entire crew reunite in the middle of the Biggest Thing Ever To Happen on Sabaody (I mean… punch a tenryubito, nice one Luffy).  Doesn’t join in, doesn’t try to leave.  Sits and watches.  His interaction with Luffy is more info-gathering: this guy just punched a tenryubito and now the Marines are here.  What next?
I love the Three Captains Beatdown.  (I am delighted we finally have the Part 2).  Luffy and Kid are being Luffy and Kid.  They’re crazy, they’re strong, they’re not backing down.  Law has his pride.  He’s the ‘weakest’ of the three (by which I mean he has the lowest bounty and in pirate-speak that means weaker) and both Kid and Luffy are completely not his type of pirate (again, revisited in current manga events and thank you, Oda).  If he doesn’t act then, he’ll lose a whole load of respect, and also put his crew in danger because, you know, the admiral is coming and Shachi already admitted Rayleigh’s haki nearly took him out.  So we have three of Law’s big traits coming out in Sabaody (imo): Protectiveness of his crew, Scheming, and being an Intentional Pain in the Ass (with a subsection of Pride but all pirates have that one so I’m not gonna focus on that too much).
As for Marineford, that’s really a case of sticking his tongue out at the World Government, let’s be honest (plus the whole Will of D schtick we still don’t know the full depth of).  What better way of saying ‘screw you’ to the WG than saving someone who just broke out of Impel Down and has made themselves out to be a royal nuisance but hey it’s okay because he’s dea- dammit Trafalgar came in and now he’s not dead?  Also really got his name on their radar for Shichibukai fun later. 
All three of these traits still show themselves post-timeskip, but up until Zou/Wano there is one big factor that’s changed.
Law is alone.
He’s sent his crew off somewhere safe (there is no other reason for ditching most of his fighting power all the way to Zou other than to just keep Doflamingo’s strings away), his scheming is reaching its peak, and then the Straw Hats come in and make a mess of everything.
I don’t know about you, but I’d be much more serious when I’m alone in a keystone of my greatest enemy’s lair with my nakama too far away to help, and then the Strawhats crash the party.
He’s met them once before, presumably also read about them in the News Coo, so he knows they do unpredictable things at the worst times.  He also knows they’re strong, so Scheming Law comes in again, allies with them to both try and stop them from messing everything up, and also get some additional firepower in to replace his crew’s strength (or at least a bit of it - considering the Strawhats are half the size of the Hearts and if anyone tries to tell me Law, Bepo and Jean Bart are the only powerhouses in that crew I will fight, how much exactly it compares is a grey area).
Too bad Luffy is, well, Luffy, and it doesn’t quiiite pan out the way Law planned (but he’s learning!  Latest chapter is gold).  But again, Punk Hazard: we see Pain in the Ass Law (vs Smoker), Scheming Law (basically main Law right now), and Protective Law (Heart Pirates hidden away safe).
And this continues into Dressrosa, with of course the addition of Tragic Backstory (it’s One Piece, he was going to have one.  Even if Law’s ends up particularly nasty).  Law is facing his greatest enemy, the one he swore to defeat after thirteen years, and then he gets outsmarted.  So we have out of his depth, defeated Law - although he’s still being a Smartass to Doffy because he can.  Again, I think being tense, snappy and generally not a happy guy is pretty fair in that situation.  Luffy simultaneously makes things better and worse - Law has to rely on him to get him out of there, and we know Law’s not one for trusting easily (Jean Bart’s recruitment is an interesting case and I wonder if he was planning on keeping him straight away or if it was another FU to the tenryubito plus ‘hey, fighting power’ moment but then Jean Bart was actually loyal and also a goof).  But Luffy does it, they win, hooray.
But now?  Now we have Law alone with the Straw Hats forming a Grand Fleet and he’s really back-footed here in terms of power balance.  It is Not Smart to rib the pirates who a) outnumber you like hell and you have no hope of backup anywhere and b) are the ones that are going to get you back to your own crew.  This isn’t like Sabaody, where there’s Luffy and Kid and he needs to prove himself to them as well as keep his crew safe.  His crew are safe (he thinks… we’ll get to that in a minute), Luffy’s seen him at his absolute worst in the last 13 years, and all his scheming for the last 13 years has reached a conclusion.
He’s lost, he’s tired, and really he just wants to go home to his nakama now.  Can you blame him?
Then, we get Zou.
Zou is fun.  Zou is really, really fun.  We get the reunion!  Which we see literally 1% of and I’m mad because that would have been so good to see.  Bepo literally jumps on him and he lets him.  I bet the rest of the crew did, too.  We see Law with his crew of idiots and he loves them and there’s so much scope in there for Law finally being able to relax for the first time since Time Skip.  And the Hearts get on well with the Straw Hats.  We see Penguin and Usopp dancing together later on, we see Law teasing his crew (not introducing them?  Their reaction to that is the sort of thing we would see other pirate captains punish for mutiny but he just shrugs it off.  He knew they’d react like that).
But there are two big elephants in the room here (unintentional pun whoops).  Number one: Sanji’s disappearance and his ally’s reaction to that.  We see that covered pretty well in canon, Law realising that his ally is about to have two yonkou after his head at the same time and the problem that poses for him, Law getting dragged into a new alliance with the Minks and Samurai (Law being a total goof about Raizo but Keeping Up Appearances because Strawhats).  Law presumably making the executive decision that breaking his alliance now would be a bad idea (Kaido is still annoyed with him, the Minks adore the Strawhats, Luffy is a clingy rubbery bastard that won’t let him go anyway), and once more we have a back-footed Law.
The second elephant is fun for me.  It’s never fully stated in canon, but.  Jack attacked the Minks.  The Heart Pirates were living with the Minks.  The Heart Pirates fought with the Minks (we saw that).  Bepo was treated by Nami (we also saw that).  The Heart Pirates got caught up in that whole mess.  At the minimum, the whole crew got poisoned alongside the Minks.  I reckon some of them were probably tortured, too.  Law came home to his crew expecting them to have been safe and they weren’t.  And now he’s asking them to go straight to the lair of the crew that did that to them.  That’s not going to settle particularly well with him, either.
We don’t see the journey to Wano (disclaimer: I haven’t seen anything past WCI in the anime so I have no clue what fillers may have been added), but there’s still four Strawhats and the samurai on board, so even back in his own ship Law can’t fully relax, but I bet he’s still like Zou-Law.  A little peeved, trying to work out how the hell he’s going to deal with Kaido with or without Luffy and the half of the Strawhats that have gone on a suicide mission, but genuinely happy to see his crew again.
Then he manages to kick all the intruders once they arrive at Wano, and the first we see of him, he’s chilling out.  Watching.  He even has his crew on info-gathering/watching (we see Penguin, Shachi and Bepo but I bet they’re all doing it).  Hello, Sabaody!Law!  Chilled, keeping an eye on things, scheming (just no-one to irritate because they’re trying to keep a low profile).
And then Luffy returns and we’re back to Punk Hazard, except this time, Law’s crew are in the mess, too.  Law’s plans are crumbling, Luffy is being a royal nuisance, and then things go from Bad to Worse.
I don’t know how far the anime has got so vague blanket manga spoiler warning from here.
Luffy gets captured.  Kaido knows they’re there.  Kaido attacks his crew.  If it wasn’t for Shinobu having a devil fruit useful in that situation, that would have been bye-bye Penguin, Shachi and Bepo.  So there go Law’s plans and his crew are in danger.  Punk Hazard but worse.
Then, thanks to the traitor, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo get captured.  They’re also accused of being the traitor, and Protective Law rears his head big time.  The Heart Pirates in effect leave the alliance.  Not officially, because Law knows he’ll need them later even if it’s only as bait while he gets the hell out of there with his crew, if required, but he strikes out and they hear nothing from him until voila, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo are back!
And this was the return of Pain In The Ass Law.  He’s smirking at Hawkins, and someone else I’m currently running with the theory of Drake.  Oh look, North Blue buddies!  Known Quantities.  Some scheme is hatched (looking forwards to that one).  He’s also protecting the hell out of his crew, because Hawkins hit him where it hurts (North Blue not-so-buddies.  Known Quantities.  Works both ways).
Now?  Now, we’re looped right back to Sabaody again.  The Three Captains are back, Law is back to being surrounded by idiots but still proving himself whilst protecting his crew and scheming (and this time knows how to include Luffy and Kid into his schemes!  Character development!).
It’s been two years, he’s been through hell (again, Oda please give him a break), but the core things we saw back in Sabaody?  They’re still there, and the closer he is to his crew the clearer we see them.
So to answer the question will he go back to that?  No, because that’s not how character development works, but I do think we’ll see the Pain In The Ass Law more once Protective and Scheming Law aren’t needed in earnest (unfortunately, as long as the Strawhats are around, he’s always going to have some sort of guard up because he’s learnt and he’s not stupid.  As they’re our protags, that means we’re probably only going to see Law much while he’s with them).
As for his crew?  We know, thanks to the SBS, that Penguin, Shachi and Bepo have known him since basically the day he lost Rocinante.  Whatever hell of a mess he is at the moment, it’s not going to be anything like 13yo Law after his whole life crumbled again.  It’s not known exactly when he meets the rest of the crew (except Jean Bart), but it’s somewhere in those 11 years between Minion Island and Sabaody (and maybe some again in the time skip).
So some of his crew, at least, have seen him worse and basically learn to love again (as cheesy as that sounds).  They might not like the blip, but they’ve seen him worse, so they’ll know that it’ll pass.  And as I’ve been saying, we’ve seen him far more without his crew than with them.  There’s a high chance that how he acts with them hasn’t changed as much as the change we’ve seen as readers.
This basically turned into an Essay on Law oops.  But it was a very interesting question!
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onepiecereactions · 5 years
9 Dawn, part 2/3
Trafalgar Law, Tsuru and Hina little stories. 
Trafalgar Law
The surgeon was sitting on the edge of the bed, massaging his skull to try to remove this damn migraine
He thought about everything he has to do today.
Finish this file, train, check the anesthesia machines, clean his microsurgery instruments, study an escape route in case Akainu's ship stays on this itinerary and reaches them ...
A loud snoring from Bepo cut him off in his thoughts.
Law turned his head to look at the sleeping bear in his bed in a totally eccentric position.
He thought for a moment and sighed.
He dropped his labored back and lay down on his mate’s belly.
The white fur of a tiny sweetness of the polar bear warmed his heart.
He went back to sleep in an instant.
Like every Sunday morning, powerful screams took the vice-admiral off from Morpheus's arms.
She woke up in a hurry, angry, and almost demolish her office’s door, when she opened it with rage.
She was preparing herself to scream at the idiot who made such a mess so early on a Sunday morning.
But she closed the door hastily when she saw a sea of ​​lava pouring down the corridor.
She reopened the door after a few seconds and put her head out to try to figure out what was going on in that damn corridor.
A heavy silence reigned for a few seconds, freezing the blood of the high-ranking officer.
She suddenly felt a mass run in her direction from the opposite of the corridor and force the passage through the barely open door.
Garp turned to her, trying to find a hiding place in the woman's office while holding back without much success to burst out laughing at what his grandson had just done, and at the head of the admiral in Chief when he had learned it in the newspaper this morning.
Hina woke up quickly to try to switch off the damn alarm clock with a deafening scream.
She grumbled, looked at her watch and sighed.
She turned her head and found that she was alone in bed.
She looked down, but she seemed more resigned than surprised.
She sat in the middle of the sheets, looking for her cigarette in the bedside table.
She lit the cigarette with dexterity and quickly placed it on her lips, deeply inhaling the smell.
She decided to not open the window.
Maybe that will allow the smell of the cigarette to erase the smell of the old cigars he was always having between his lips.
Maybe that will help her forget him…
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saitamasgreencactus · 6 years
One thing I realized about Law is that he cares more about the Minks than about humans. First I thought he had changed after Dressrosa but this wasn’t the case when he was obviously displeased when Luffy and Zoro were helping the people in Okobore town. He doesn’t like people getting in his way and wasn’t affected by children being experimented on, a huge town being enslaved or starving people. I mean, I’m sure he didn’t like it but his plans were more important than the sufferings of strangers. Surprisingly, he seemingly cared about the Minks stating that they’d all die if Jack attacked them once again and that they shouldn’t leave the country to it’s faith. I don’t know if he acts like that because of his special bound with Bepo or if he likes the fact that Minks aren’t fond of humans either and are the kinder species. I mean, he survived a mass genocide and saw humans at their worst, so I totally get him. He isn’t like the Strawhats who are literally helping every single person in need, he just cares about his own circle and a few others Luffy, so his dynamic with them is kinda funny and entertaining. People who are saying Oda’s characters are one dimensional aren’t paying enough attention to little nuances. 
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bearxclaws-blog · 6 years
Arc Headcanons // POST-SKIP PT.2
Now that I’ve absolutely made her a Straw Hat, I need to do more of these. Reminder; might be mentions of Sanji x Anita.
— Arc Outfit ( when she’s subjected to the cold )
— Because she’s never met Laboon but knows of him, she’s convinced by Brook’s frantic shouting that one of the whales they run into while being swept away by the White Storm is him. When she learns it’s not, she’s bummed.
— Reaching the surface was exciting for her, until she saw the sea of flames. Immediately shrinks back and starts to sweat for reasons other than the heat. Luffy wanting to go to the flaming island only makes her want to panic more. Despite roasting himself, Chopper gives pats and gentle words.
— She is relieved when the straws they draw reveal she doesn’t have to go with. Almost weeps with joy. No fire, please.
— Is abducted with the remaining Straw Hats when they’re knocked out with sleeping gas. I feel like Chopper and Anita would be able to smell it ahead of time but not realize what it is if it isn’t odorless.
— Being the heavy sleeper that she is, she doesn’t wake up until the rest of the captured Straw Hats start talking to the disembodied and mismatched head in the corner. Half-asleep, she doesn’t notice that they’ve been captured. it eventually sinks in while she’s attempting to piece together the head. Fails utterly. Puzzles aren’t her thing.
— She isn’t the least bit pleased she’s on the island with flames, even if they’re on the colder side.
— Finding the children is a shock to her, but she’s on Nami’s side when it comes to saving the children. She’s spent too long entertaining and trying to make children happy that it hurts her to hear them wanting to be saved. Doesn’t know why they want to be saved, but she’s behind Nami with her support.
— Stays behind with Sanji and Franky to fight the guards in her bear form, helping tear into gas tanks and swatting masks away when she sees Sanji doing the same.
— Nami’s scream forced Sanji to encourage Anita in their direction, since he and Franky are still taking care of the guards. Totally misses Sanji’s hissy fit over Kin’emon’s head.
— Along the way, she scoops up as many of the smaller children as she can and lets them ride on her back. Still does the SUPER pose, even in that form and with children clinging to her. Can’t stop her.
— She didn’t care so much about Law and his crew at Sabaody, so she doesn’t recognize Law. Doesn’t recognize Smoker or Tashigi either, since she wasn’t recruited until after Alabasta. Asks Sanji who they are and he explains. She feels an immediate dislike because they’re with the government, but take her crew’s opinions of those two in particular into consideration. She won’t trust them at first, especially when they turn to run back inside and they order their men to take chase.
— Heart switching;                                 Sanji         >>     Nami                                 Nami         >>     Franky                                 Franky      >>      Anita                                 Anita         >>      Chopper                                 Chopper   >>      Sanji
— Anita being inside Chopper’s body feels strange. She doesn’t like being that small and switches into his Horn Point so that she’s at least taller than his Brain Point. His horns are heavy as heck, though, so it’s still a struggle. Franky inside Anita’s body isn’t any better. At least she has muscles he can use. Super muscles, even!!
— Once they’re together and vaguely safe, Anita does find amusement in trying Chopper’s different forms. Since she only has the two she’s comfortable with, she enjoys seeing what it feels like to be in the large and fluffy Defense Point. It’s harder for her than it is Chopper, since it’s not a concept she is familiar with. Has a new appreciation for all of his training and his abilities.
— Franky probably tried to turn into a bear and failed a few times. Comments on how short Anita is, causing her to ram into her own body while in Chopper’s Horn point out of anger. She hates being the second shortest member of the crew. Regrets doing harm to her own body, but revels in Franky groaning.
— Loves her little face button that Usopp sticks to Chopper’s head. She’s keeping it.
— Franky’s face in Anita’s body is still gross. 
— Franky can’t throw a rampage in Anita’s bear form for obvious reasons, but I’d like to think that Anita’s bear form is still hulking enough to have helped do some damage.
— She’s happy to be back in her own body, but it’s sore as all heck. Thanks, Franky.
— Anita’s included in the list of people that can use haki, but it’s only armament. She is capable of using it in her human form to protect herself, but she mainly uses it in her bear form to harden her claws and teeth. I know I’ve said this already, but just in case——
— She loathes Caesar’s powers because she can’t do jack-shit against gas no matter how hard she tries. Swatting paws ( even with armament haki on them ) are easy to dodge, and I can’t imagine for a second that biting a man made of gas would be a good idea. I can also see her hating his powers because of the explosions he can cause. Explosions almost always mean fire, and — y’know.
— Despite that, she sort of wants to keep the dragon clinging to Brownbeard’s tail. She’s dumb and thinks it’s cute, doesn’t consider it could very well burn her to a crisp.
— Except that when it does try to burn them, she is a screaming lil’ ninny and has to hide behind someone. Nope. No fire. But after Kin'emon and Brook take care of it, she’ll gnaw on it. >( Yeah, take that you dumb dragon.
— God, Anita hates this place. She would hate it so, so much. She’s rude and uncouth and just all sorts of awful at times, but she can’t stand seeing children behave this way because of an addiction that was forced on them. Straight up child abuse and manipulation. She’s gonna be so sick the whole time.
— Anita can at withstand some of the cold Monet can cause, at least on a temperature level. She doesn’t get cold as easily because she has fur. She doesn’t suddenly get the urge to hibernate when the temperature drops because she wasn’t born with those instincts. And even if she did hibernate, beats maintain a normal level of heat when they do so that they can react quickly to danger or food, which makes them different than other hibernating mammals.
— She can’t claw through Monet’s snow walls, but she can put sizable dents in them. I can see her being a perfect distraction / tank, smashing into walls and forcing Monet to build them up again.
— Seeing Mocha swallow all the candy and react poorly to it is going to make Anita feel even worse. She’s entirely too soft for children thanks to where she’s from and what she used to do. Children aren’t supposed to suffer. They’re supposed to be happy and healthy. Not crumpled over from a debilitating overdose. She’s going to force herself to help Sanji and G-5 take care of the other kids to stop herself from getting upset over Mocha.
— All I want are some of the smaller kids ( and maybe even one of the bigger ones ) riding on Anita’s back while they’re heading to building R.
— Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum. I totally forgot he had a move called that. Anita will either be super cocky and think it’s because of her, or she’ll be offended he’s using an attack with a bear in its name. Excuse, that’s her shtick, LOAFY. Nah, she’ll be giddy about it. Even if it has NOTHING to do with her. That’s if she ever witnesses it for herself or hears about it.
— Again, I just CAN’T not let Anita be impressed with the robot. I know it breaks the gag, but come on! Franky’s stuff is amazing!
— Party time means lots of snuggles from the kids and playing with them! She’s so different when she’s around children. She’s a literal ball of sunshine when she has someone to entertain. She does flips, bends over in odd ways, dances around as a bear. She almost seems to forget that she’s a pirate now and is 100% enthralled with the children and making sure they’re happy. Especially the ones in the infirmary, although I doubt Law would allow her in there if he’s taking care of them. Although although.  .  . he lets Bepo into the same room he’s in when he’s doing surgery. Hmm. No, I feel he’d still not allow her in, but I dunno! I’m not good at understanding Law ;;
— She’s gonna eat the hell out of Sanji’s food! It’s been too long since she had a real, cooked meal and she missed him his cooking.
— She will shed beary tears when the kids say goodbye to them. She can be a sensitive bean sometimes.
—  Anita’s going to give Caesar dirty looks and probably go out of her way to keep an eye on him. CONSTANT VIGILANCE.
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firefistlaw · 7 years
Hi there, can I have an imagine with Law, Zoro and maybe Sabo getting jealous over their crush being hit on and tried to pull them away?  Btw, I really love your imagines, they are really great! \*.*/   + Add Ace to the jealousy hc plz?
A/N: I have nothing to say. Thanks for requesting 💖
Trafalgar Law was not someone jealous. He was a mature man, a smart doctor who made mature decisions, based on logical thinking…  or at least that’s what he tells himself.
It was this foreign feeling that pulled his gaze towards you more often than usual, maybe even too often, but the man couldn’t help himself.
His fingertips tapped against the coffee table in annoyance, the vibration visibly shaking his navigators’ applejuice next to him. His tapping grew stronger with every second that passed, his scowl cutting deeper into his features. All of the heart pirates were staring at him curiously, wondering what made him act the way he did. After a few hushed whispers, they decided to follow his stare and when they found the reason for his emotions, Shachi and Penguin had to cover their mouth to not laugh out loud.
There you stood, a few meters away on the marketplace, smiling happily at the man in front of you. It was no secret that the man was interested in you; he kept touching your arm, leaned down to you a few times, a few times too often for Law, and all in all, his smile was happy. Maybe too happy.
Law couldn’t help himself and imagined beating up the guy, making him never talk to you again. But in the end you could talk to the stranger all you wanted; you were a free person, Law had nothing to do with your relationships and especially nothing with your potential lovers. He had a crush on you; not more.  Did that stop him from feeling the way he did? Definitely not.
He keeps glaring at the man, mood dropping more and more. “This guy…”, he mumbles lowly to himself, not leaving you both alone with his gaze. He starts to wonder; Do you like the guy back? Do you flirt back? Do you think he looks better than Law? The dark haired man huffs and leans back against his chair.
“Maybe you should go and talk to them, Captain.” Shachi, the man with the brown hair and turquoise hat speaks up, amused by his captains mood swings. “The guy looks so greasy. Y/N probably doesn’t want to talk to him.”
The dark haired captain nods once and takes a glance at his crew. All of them were happily eating their food, some were sharing ice cream with each other and some were staring at Law in expectation. He shifted in his seat, pulling his hat down to cover his eyes.
“Y/N just laughed at something.” Bepo mumbled and sipped on his almost empty applejuice. “The guy must be funny!”
“Shh!! What are you saying!” Penguin whisper- yelled at the bear. He shook his head.
“He looks stupid. Our captain looks way better, right?” He smiled proudly at the round of people, who cheered in delight. But Law? He only gritted his teeth in annoyance.
Not able to hold in any longer, he stands up, almost making the chair he previously sat on, fall down. “Let’s see if he’s really so funny.” He whispers to himself.
He takes quick, long steps towards you and your company and observes the man with cold eyes. He stops right in front of you, making sure to glare at the person, who seems to be interested in his crush. His.
“Oh, is this the captain you told me about?” The man with red hair says, not even bothering to look at Law more than one second. You feel the tension build between the two, making you gulp. John was a nice man, he was very easy- going and super helpful… but Law? You take a small glance at him.
“Yeah… This is Law. Law, this is John!” You introduce the both, a big smile on your face, trying to ease the situation.
“Nice to meet you.” John says and smiles at Law.
“Can’t say the same.” Your captain says, loud and clear. You almost choke on your spit, not expecting him to say something like this.
To your relief, John starts to laugh. “Funny. I like that!”
“Yeah.” Law mumbles and grabs your arm softly. “Y/N, I have to check your injury.”
You frown. What is he talking about? You don’t have any injuries. “What do you mean?”
John glances at your body in curiosity, searching for the injury Law was talking about, but found nothing. You stood in front of him in all your beauty; upright and not showing any hints of pain. He frowns.
“You know exactly what I mean.” Law says through gritted teeth, still glaring at the other male figure. “You have to be checked up by a doctor, someone who is useful and smart… and funny.”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, what was going on with him? You take a glance at John, then back to Law and suddenly, you understand. You bite your lip in concentration to hold in your facial expression.
“Ah, right! I forgot!” You smile innocently at John and lean your head against your captains arm, who visibly relaxes at the contact.  “Thank god you’re a useful and smart doctor, Law.”
“And funny.” Law mumbles, to which you nod your head in exagerration. “I am funny.”
“Of course.”
You both leave John confused in the middle on the marketplace and go back to the café, where your crew was waiting patiently for you. When you arrive, you notice how everyone smiles in secret and some even snickered behind their hands. You roll your eyes and sit down next to Law.
“You know,” You whisper and lean towards your captains face. “Next time, just say you want to talk to me when you’re jealous. I can totally work with that.”
The dark haired man stares in you in disbelief. “I wasn’t… I am not jealous.”
You just giggle and nod your head. “Of course not.” Then, you push your head a bit to the side, winking with your left eye.
“Just in case if ever happens, Captain.”
The sounds of people laughing, dancing and talking to each other happily echoed through the whole city. Bodies were pressed against each other, soft whispers travelled from one person to another and friendships started to bloom in every corner. Decorations were hanging around all over the town, giant flowers, many presents and a lot of overprized things that no one really cared about.
Zoro at least didn’t.
He leaned against a wall at the end of the street, arms crossed and expression rather tense. The swordsman would normally be in between everyone, sake in both of his hands and drinking until he couldn’t anymore, but something else caught his eyes this day. Something that made the blood in his veins boil.
It was your figure sitting with Nami at a table not too far away from him. You were sipping on your drink, eyes bright and smile on your face. From time to time, you would start to snicker and throw your head back at the words Nami whispered to you. In between all those lights and expensive things, you were the only thing Zoro wanted to call his own, a thought he wasn’t ready to say out loud. But there was one thing, one single thing that made him see red with anger.
It was the guy that sat next to you, head leaned against his arm and his eyes practically boring into your skin. There were plenty of other women around him, some even showed interest in him, but he still tried his best to get you to like him. Zoro gritted his teeth, the urge to pay the guy a visit too high.
It wasn’t like you and Zoro were in a relationship or anything, but at the same time… you both kind of were. Ever since you had joined Luffy’s crew, it was no secret that you both had a special kind of interest in each other. He found himself enjoying your company more than the others and you had to be honest too: you felt the same way. On some days you both didn’t even sleep, you would rather stay awake the whole night with each other and talk about everything and nothing. Zoro shifted from on foot to another. This had to mean something.
The green haired man took a glance at the swords on his side, then another glance at the guy.
Was he mad, because of the guy? Would he potentially start a fight? Was he jealous, because you didn’t seem to mind the guy? Yes, yes and again, yes.
Not able to hold it in any longer, Zoro grabs his swords and walks up to your group of people. It doesn’t take long for his figure to reach the table and soon, he is standing behind you and your new male friend, expression emotionless.
“Y/N.” Zoro says, voice deep, cutting through the conversation you and your friend had, with ease. You look up to him and not helping yourself, you start to smile.
“Hey Zoro.” You greet. You muster his figure and notice the missing alcohol, an uncommon sight that makes you raise your brows in surprise. You say nothing.
“Oh, you’re Zoro? My name is Stephen. Nice to meet you.” Your new friend says and puts his hand out, waiting for the green haired man to shake it. But, he doesn’t.
“I don’t care.” He says instead and before you or Stephen can say some more, he pushes the both of you away from each other and takes a seat in the middle, his swords pointing directly at the dark haired male, that now looks anything but comfortable. “You don’t mind?”
“O-of course not.” Stephen stutters and visibility gulps. You, on the other hand, think this whole situation is absolutely hilarious.
“So, Y/N.” Zoro says and takes a sip out of your glass. “What were you and your friend talking about before I came?”
With this question, an idea suddenly pops in your head and with a small smirk, you lean your head against your hand.
“We?” You ask innocently. “We were just talking about how strong Stephen is.”  
After the words leave your mouth, Stephen gives you a confused look, but it doesn’t matter, since your eyes are completely glued on your crew mate next to you.
Instantly, Zoro’s eyes start to glimmer dangerously. You can see his grip on the glass tightening and then, a second later, he suddenly relaxes and gives you a glance.
“I see.” Another big gulp from the sake. “Stephen, you in for a nice round of arm wrestling?”
Nami, who was listening to your conversation, starts to snort and you too have problems with the grin that tries to break out.
“I actually don't—” The poor man tries to get out, but Zoro is not letting him go anytime soon. He stands up and walks around the table, takes a seat on the opposite side— arm ready for a match.
More and more people start to gather around the two male figures and now Stephen has no choice, he has to play along. With a defeated sigh, he puts his hand in Zoro’s, the tension thick.
Nami is the one, who counts to three and then, the match starts. Loud cheers surround your figure.
Stephen tries his best, the muscles in his arm start to tense and his face twists in concentration as well— you can’t help and feel bad for the poor man. While he suffers and tries his best, Zoro doesn’t even twitch. He has a strong grip, body relaxed and he even has the audacity to take another sip of his alcohol. The thing that makes your heart flutter is his expression though.
His eyes are fixed on yours.
In one swift motion he pushes the hand down, the wood of the table cracking at the contact. The crowd that has formed around you starts to go crazy, everyone cheers and money flies left and right. But, you don’t see, nor do you care about it anymore.
Instead, you stand up and leave the crowd and seconds later, you feel the presence of Zoro behind you.
“I guess I’m stronger than him.” He just says and you can’t hold it back anymore as the laugh leaves your mouth. “What’s so funny? Y/N, didn’t you see? I crushed him! I even—”
And then you swing your arms around his shoulders and press your lips against his.
It was stupid, really.
Ace had no right to be jealous. He told himself over and over again, he had absolutely no right to be jealous at the guy sitting next to you.
He tried to concentrate on the warm food in front of him, but his gaze didn’t stop from wandering to where you were seated, way too close to the stranger.
It was a cold winter day and the Whitebeard crew was stopping at an island to grab some important things. While everyone was busy, you and a few other crew mates decided to visit a bar and warm yourself. As soon as you stepped inside the building though, Ace noticed how one pair of eyes was staying glued on your figure and when you sat down, it didn’t take long for the person to come and try his luck.
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” Ace could hear the guy ask you. “It’s really cold outside, maybe come closer to warm yourself?”
He wanted to puke.
He takes his fork in his hand and angrily stabs the potato on his plate. Warm yourself. Yeah sure.
Ace took another glance at you. He felt his heart jump in his chest at the sight of you.
You sat there, nose slightly red from the snow outside, a red scarf wrapped around your neck and your lovely body was hiding underneath a thick jacket. You couldn’t look any cuter, Ace thought, crushing extremely hard on you.
But Ace wasn’t the only one who thought that. The creepy man next to you started to grab your hand and put them in between his own, an attempt to warm you.
You were slightly uncomfortable in that situation, that was clear, but you didn’t say no to him. The stranger was nice, kinda cute and most importantly, he made Ace look at you for the fifth time in two minutes.
So, you tried to give him the best show.
“My hands are really freezing.” You say, loud enough for the freckled man to hear it and when he huffs quietly on the stool a meter away from you, you smirk. “Thank god, you’re so warm…?”
“Nice to meet you, Gido. I’m Y/N.” You say, voice thick with sugar. You smile cutely at him and notice from the corner of your eye how Ace bites his lip in frustration.
Maybe you were mean, but when you saw Gido walking up to you, clearly interested, you had to take the chance and make Ace as jealous possible. And, apparently, it worked.
“Y/N, what a beautiful name for a beautiful person like you.” Gido said. You almost snorted, but tried your best to stay in your role.
“Thank you.” You giggle and then, you try it. “How come you’re so… hot? Like, your hands are so warm.”
Gido laughs. “I’m known for having the warmest hands, my friends always—”
“You think this is warm? Try my hand, Y/N.”
There he was.
Freckled face red from anger, plate full of food clearly forgotten on his previous place and now right in front of you, frowning deeply at the man.
You could hear Izo snickering in the corner of the room.
Ace sat down next to you, grabbed your hand and pulled them out of Gido’s grip, into his own. Instantly, warmth flooded your whole system, making you gasp out in delight.
“Sorry, man. But I’m hotter than you.” The second division commander says and smirks at the confused male on the other side of you.
“Oh yeah?” Gido asks, up for a challenge. Only know you notice, he has absolutely no idea who you people are. Which means, he has no idea who Ace is either. “Your hands are a bit warmer than mine, so what?”
“A bit warmer?” Ace asks. He almost laughs.
Your grip on Ace tightens. “Gido is really warm though.” You lie. “Just sitting next to him warms me.” There, just a tiny bit of salt…
Gido smiles proudly. Ace is pissed off.
Before you or someone else can say some more,  he let go of your hands and throws an arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his chest. His body-temperature rises more and more and suddenly, you get so warm, you open your jacket to cool down.
“What the—” Gido says, who feels the rise of temperature. He looks at Ace in amazement, fear and somewhat confusion. “Who are you?”
You press your face closer to his chest and sigh in content, when the dark haired man softly strokes the back of your head.
“Like I said.” Ace starts, eyes stuck on you. “I’m hotter than you.” Ace raises his hand, a smirk on his face.
“I can give you one,” One of his fingers starts to erupt in flames. “Or two,” The second one burns as well. “Maybe three,“ Three fingers now dance with red flames. “Even five.” Now his whole hand burns with flames hotter than the sun. “Five reasons why you should leave Y/N alone, before my patience runs out and I burn you to a crisp.”
And just like that, Gido leaves the table and doesn’t dare to look at you or Ace again.
“I can’t believe you thought he had the warmest hands.” Ace mumbles after some time, still carefully stroking your hair. Now that you both were alone, his confidence started to leave. “I am made out of fire, Y/N.”
You giggle. “I know.”
Ace leans back. “Why did you say he has the warmest hands then? I feel personally attacked. I am hurt, Y/N. How could you say that, I really—”
“I knew you would react like this, that’s why I said it. I wanted you to come here and do exactly what you did.” Your heart was beating fast, the scent of him addictive.
Ace takes a strand of your hair in his hand. “You wanted me to do it?”
There’s silence. Then, Ace takes a deep breath, the closeness of your body giving him confidence.
“I hope you want me to do this as well.”
And then he kisses you in the middle of the bar with lips warm enough to make you melt.
It was like time was frozen still.
Sabo could hear angels sing, he could hear the sound of a thousand violins and he was sure, the world just froze at the sight of you.
It had been weeks since he saw you the last time and for the blonde man, it had felt like years. The days where he was on the mission and far away from you, from your laugh, from your smile and your jokes, were finally over.
You stood a few meters away from him, eyes bright as you walked up to him and Koala. He was sure, everyone could hear the loud beating of his heart.
“Sabo! Koala!” You say and hug your female friend first. “I missed you so much!”
“We missed you too, Y/N!” Kola says excitedly.
Now it was his turn. Finally, he thinks.
Your arms swing around his figure and not wasting any second, he hugs you back, raising you up and swings you around with a stupid smile on his face.
“Woah, Sabo.” You giggle after he puts you down again and pinch his cheek softly. “Always so extra.”
“Only for you.” He teases and softly pushes your side. His heart was still beating loudly.
Suddenly, someone clears their throat. You turn around quickly and only now Sabo realizes, you’re not alone. There stands a guy, not older than him with dark hair and slightly red cheeks. He bows down quickly and introduces himself as Lingo.
“You didn’t tell me the chief of staff was your boyfriend, Y/N!” The new member of the revolutionary army says, taken aback. Your cheek turn bright red. Sabo feels the same.
“Sabo is not Y/N’s boyfriend.” Koala says, laughing loudly. She grabs her bags and starts to walk back home, her bed the only thing on her mind. She giggles quietly.
“Oh.” Lingo says and smiles, relieved.
Sabo feels a tug in his stomach.
It was true, you and Sabo were not in a relationship, but hearing it out loud that his crush and him were not together was too much for the man with blonde hair. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to— he just didn’t know how to change it.
“I’m glad you both don’t have anything going on. ” The newbie says after you go and talk to Koala. “Guess my chances with her aren’t gone then.” Sabo almost chokes.
Jealousy starts to grow in Sabo. He can’t help himself and wonders; Did something happen between you and him while he was gone?
He hates this Lingo guy. Who even calls himself Lingo? He can’t just arrive here and act like you were his! That’s not how things work! Sabo takes a glance at the guy next to him and kicks a stone on the ground, the mood suddenly down. But, of course, Lingo doesn’t stop talking.
“I mean, look at Y/N.” He continues. “I wouldn’t say no to a body like that. And when she laughs, man, makes me go—”
“I’m Y/N’s husband.”
Sabo panicked.
There is not much he can say, he simply panicked and wanted to stop Lingo from talking. But was that really the right way to end it? He looks at your figure two meters in front of him and feels bad for a split second.
“Holy shit—” Lingo stutters. “I’m sorry— I-I thought you both— And Koala said—”
It definitely was the right way.
Sabo feels some sort of relief washing over him— he feels proud.  He takes another glance at the dark haired man and bites his lip to stop himself from saying some more, even though Sabo really wants to. But he doesn’t have to, because Lingo is already asking question after question.
Sabo tells the newbie all about your wedding, about your honeymoon and about everything that never happened. He feels bad— he doesn’t like lying and especially not about you, but… but Lingo believes every single word and it makes him stop flirting with you, so Sabo is down for it.  Everything is going well, until you suddenly turn around and join the both men.
Sabo tenses.
He has to change the topic— quickly.
“So,” you start and grab Sabo’s arm in delight. “I already asked Koala, but I have to know your answer as well: how bad was it really without me?”
Please stay quiet, Lingo.
“Bad? It was a great time.” Sabo teases and again, his smile breaks out, more tense than usual. “The weather was great, food was good, fighting was easy, life was amazing—”
“You’re so stupid.” You giggle again and shake your head. You turn your head to the other male.  "I hope you weren’t so mean to our little newbie here?“
"Of course not.” Sabo quickly says and throws an arm around said man, stopping him from saying anything.
But, of course, Lingo starts to talk,  "Your husband is very nice, Y/N.“
Sabo wants to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
Embarrassment floods through his whole body and he is sure, panic is clear on his face.
Do you think he’s joking? No, Lingo was too serious for it to sound like a joke.
Do you hate Sabo now? Do you want to stop the contact with him? Never talk to him again? Leave the country? Should Sabo maybe leave the county himself and—
"That’s why he’s my husband.” You say, playing along just fine. Sabo chokes. Even though there is a slight bit of confusion on your face, you play the role perfectly.
“He told me everything about you wedding, you should have told me before.” Lingo continues and Sabo almost tackles him— why can’t he stop talking for once! “I wouldn’t have flirted with you so much if I knew.” He says sheepishly and then it makes sense for you.
You smile.
“Oh, that’s fine. It’s just—” you give Sabo a meaningful look. “It’s still so fresh and I feel like my heart bursts every time I talk about my handsome husband. I didn’t want to annoy you with it, that’s all.”
“Wow.” Lingo says, buying everything you two say. “That’s true love. I knew you both had something going on when I saw you earlier.”
“Yeah,” Sabo whispers. “Can you give me and Y/N a second, though?”
And then you’re both alone.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. I can explain! I really can— he was talking so weirdly about you and I.. I…”
You try to hide your smile. “You got jealous?”
He nods.
“Good.” And then you stop walking, step on your tiptoes and plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
“I only took him with me to make you jealous. I’m glad it worked.”
The angels start to sing again, the violins play their music again and this time, Sabo has the courage to grab your face and kiss you with everything he has to offer for you.
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petite-neko · 7 years
Survivor - 4
Fanfiction: Survivor Story Summary: Anything was better than that. Characters: Law, Luffy Pairing: Lawlu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Self-deprecating thoughts, Alcohol Usage. Day/Prompt: Day 9 : R - Reconciliation A/N: Wheeeee this guy’s looonnnggg. But finally got him donnee.
.xxx. - Scene jumps.
.+++. - PoV Switch
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter || Chapter 4: Reconciliation
Law heard ruckus outside his door. Feet shuffling around before there was a knock on his door.
Law groaned, running his hand through his hair.
“...What is it?”
“...Permission…” The voice was soft, uncertain. “...The Strawhats are nearby and under attack. May we assist them, or shall we continue on sailing Captain?”
Why the hell had they bumped into the Strawhats?
Law sighed. It, really, made no sense. But he supposed being followed in the New World made no sense either. Nor could his brain really make sense of anything accurately right now... Perhaps they got turned around somewhere?
(...Bepo wouldn’t make that mistake.)
“...Do whatever you want. Just don’t expect me to join the battle. Even to save your asses.”
As expected, they surfaced not long after. He had no qualms with his crew assisting them. They seemed to get along well enough. The only issue was…
(He recognised that flag… hadn’t they just routed them? They most definitely got turned around then. At least he could make sense enough of that. What the hell was Bepo doing?)
Lazily, he watched the battle unfold before him through his window.
The ‘monster trio’ had been wreaking havoc as usual. Doing the most damage and picking off the strongest enemies. Nami and Usopp stayed back with Franky to protect the Sunny, while the others moved back and fourth to eliminate the other threats.
He saw his own crew come into action - although not all of them. Jean Bart, for example, stayed back to protect the ship, and therefore him as well.
The one thing he noticed however, and the one thing he didn’t like was just how reckless Luffy was being…
(Jumping across distances with nothing but the sea below him… using his gear second and third intermittently. Thankfully, he hadn’t used the fourth.)
He attacked without abandon, left right and center. He was almost like a madman.
(And there was that pang. At seeing his old ally so close and yet so far. And Law found himself mesmerised. Focusing in on him, seeing nothing but Luffy.)
He attacked and attacked, getting injuries that even he should have been able to avoid.
(Just what was this idiot doing?)
And then, Law saw it. Saw an enemy coming in from behind.
That idiot!!
The next thing he knew was that he was on the battlefield, reeking of the stench of alcohol, his hair sticking out at all angles in a state of bad bed head, and eyes dark and bloodshot from the lack of sleep, and fending off a blow from the enemy that almost succeeded in impaling Mugiwara no Luffy. And hissing back at his old ally.
“If I can't die, neither can you Mugiwara-ya! So watch your damn back!”
“Shut up and defeat these bastards already!”
He only received laughter as a response.
After a battle that he had most definitely not been fit to participate in, he found his numerous injuries being treated by Chopper on the Sunny, and all eyes on him.
All minds thinking the same, unanswered question:
Even without his haki, Law would have been able to decipher the question being aimed at him. But with the haki had he had trouble turning off due to his level of intoxication, and that incessant buzzing in a head that most certainly didn’t need any assistance in that manner but did with foreign voices in his head...
He just decided to answer the god-damned question.
“This was my crew's decision.” He started, sighing in relief as the questions began to stop. “It was only when your idiotic captain would have otherwise been impaled did I decide that intervention was necessary.”
There was a collaborative sigh around him.
Well before said idiot had decided to just tackle him.
(The world spun. So much. Spun as they went hurtling to the ground. Spun as Law found himself cursing the alcohol in his system yet again, as it made the world spin that much more. And no – it wasn’t a concussion that made the world spin that much… maybe… Although he couldn’t entirely rule out the possibility that he had one or not. That wasn’t the point here. The world was fucking spinning because some damn idiot thought tackling an injured, intoxicated Law was perfectly an intellectual idea.)
“...Get. Off. Of. Me. Mugiwara-ya.”
(He could hear everybody backing away from them at his punctuated words.)
He pushed the other off of him when he decided to not listen to him, eyes narrowing at they looked into the other’s black depths.
“I’m glad you came Torao~”
Well… since the idiot wasn’t close to death anymore, he just flat out punched him. Right in the face. And, made sure that it would hurt the annoying ball of rubber. He couldn’t do it before. So why not now? When the idiot was right here and him just as angry.
“I’m not.”
(He found all that anger welling up again. And Luffy being even more reckless than before only spurred it on. Idiot. That mother fucking idiot!)
“I told you to leave me alone!”
Luffy was pouting up at him, rubbing at where he was punched.
“You don’t want that.”
His fists were balling up again – and honestly? An all out brawl was sounding quite appealing right now. Who cared if he just finished battling a pirate crew, or that he was sleep deprived and drunk to boot?
(No… not drunk, just heavily intoxicated. There was a difference. He still had some semblance of control…)
“Well you do!”
“What do you know what I want Torao!”
Oh, good. Looked like that idiot was getting angry too. Maybe a brawl was going to happen.
“I know that you’d rather leave me alone and stranded and broken!” His voice was raising, and he knew it but, quite frankly, he didn’t give a damn. He just didn’t care right now. Angry, he was so damn angry. “I know you’d rather die than let me die! That you’re so damned afraid of being alone that you’d rather others suffer it than to suffer it yourself!”
(Okay, maybe some of this was Luffy’s fault…)
But Law found himself trembling. In anger, yes, but also in fear.
“And I’m not going to let you sacrifice yourself on my behalf Mugiwara-ya!” (And now, all he could see was Cora-san. Cora-san and his smile. Cora-san and I love you. Cora-san and the bullets.) “I’m not going through that again!”
“Stop being stupid Torao.”
(Why? Why was Luffy so calm right now? What happened to that anger from before?)
“I’m not being stupid!” Law was surprised at how loud his voice was right now. “It’s you who is being stupid! Jumping in like that with no way to defend yourself? I make mistakes! That’s all I ever do!” (The fear was taking over now, not the anger.) “One day, I’m going to fuck up like always… and you’re going to pay the price. Just like everybody else.”
“Shut up Torao.”
“No you listen damn it! I’m going to be your downfall Mugiwara-ya! I’m cursed, damaged, poisonous and one day-”
But he couldn’t finish. Because Luffy had just walked up to him, looking intensely at him, repeating for him to shut up before just yanking him down and using his lips to shut them up.
Law fought, and managed to push him away slightly. “Mugiwara-ya! Wha-”
“I said shut up Torao.”
His grip was firmer this time – and Law knew that in a battle of pure strength he could never dream to best Luffy. And Luffy had one hand tightly grasping at his shirt, the other in his hair – just holding him there.
He struggled anyway. Because god damn Mugiwara! And the way his lips were moving against him – as if trying to provoke him to return it.
(This was not how he envisioned their first kiss…)
Still Law fought – although the battle was more internal than external. No. He told himself. You can’t allow yourself even this minor concession. And, he knew that he couldn’t. Because if he did… if he slipped up even just once the entire wall he had built would come tumbling down.
But Luffy’s lips felt so tantalising… What if… What if…
And the way Luffy continued to move his lips – with even more urgency and just… fervently…
(The alcohol was not helping. Most definitely not helping his case here…)
And the hand in his hair was gripping… tugging... the one at his shirt was grasping and pulling them closer.
Luffy felt so desperate.
(And of course, his muddled brain had interpreted desperate as needy and, that was far more than enough to tip him over and he slipped. He slipped. Deep… deeper…)
And he found himself gripping tightly onto Luffy’s vest and pulled them closer and his lips had responded with matching fervour.
Luffy… Luffy… Luffy…
Oh, god how he missed this man.
His smiles. His laughs. His mere presence.
How much of an idiot was he to try and separate himself from this?
He found the energy that had spurred him on suddenly whisked away from him. As his body just slumped against Luffy’s, and sobs escaping him.
Fear. That’s what. Fear and just an overload of emotions.
(God damned alcohol, a minor part of his brain cursed quietly.)
But Luffy was just stroking his hair and holding him gently. And they sat like that for awhile. As Law slowly regained control of his facilities.
“…Feeling better Torao?”
For some reason, Law found the irony in that question hilarious. And he barked out a laugh. Sarcastic? Yes. “No. I feel like shit.” And he did. His head was pounding behind his eyes. He felt nauseous and sick to his stomach. (Although, totally unrelated to the alcohol he consumed – being purely psychological.) The world was still spinning.
But at the very least, Luffy was here.
“…Less scared then?”
And, Law found that the fear wasn’t overwhelming now. It was still there – probably always would be but… He nodded. “Less, yes.”
Luffy leaned in and placed a soft kiss to his forehead. “…Good.” And he was quiet for a few moments before continuing. “I’m sorry Torao. I didn’t know you were as scared of being alone as I was.”
Law found himself shaking his head. “Ah… no. It’s not that Mugiwara-ya…” And he found himself biting his lip. “It’s not being alone that bothers me. It’s being left alone.” He found himself trembling again, but Luffy was quick to wrap his arms around him again.
“It’s being a survivor…”
(Lami. His parents. Cora-san…)
“So don’t do that shit again Mugiwara-ya. I said it before, and I’ll say it again: If you’re going down, I am too.”
He heard laughter above him.
“…Well you can’t go down with me if you’re not with me.”
…Luffy had a point there.
“…But…” He found himself going. Because he was… he was…
“I thought you said there is no but Torao.”
(Law couldn’t help it. A fit of giggles overcame him.)
(…Damn alcohol!)
…Did Luffy just nuzzle him?
“I don’t care if you say you’re cursed or poisonous or doomed. Torao is Torao and I like Torao! So you’re not going anywhere Torao. Okay? Your enemies are my enemies. And we’ll either win together or die together. Okay?”
That exhaustion was grasping more at him, and he found himself weakly nodding as a response. “…Remind me tomorrow…” He said – and the exhaustion was coming down even stronger now. “…I think… I’m gunna… pass out now…”
“Shishishi, I’ll remind you every day Torao. Every day until you forget that anything else is possible.”
And when he yawned, he weakly muttered thank you before darkness claimed him.
That would be nice…
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placetobenation · 6 years
Welcome back to the House Afire. If you haven’t read the first two installments you can find them here. This edition is a bit different as all the teams have a common theme I wanted to cover.
Earlier this summer, I heard a lot of baseball scouts talking about prospects they picked in the Major League Baseball amateur draft. Scouts rank position players based on their “tools,” which usually include hitting, hitting for power, arm strength, speed and fielding. The top prospects usually have multiple tools, which is why they tend to go high in the draft and are safer picks to make the big leagues. The tag teams at the top of my list are like the top prospects in that they likely score well in multiple categories (longevity, workrate, top-tier matches, title reigns.)
But as the baseball draft extends into later rounds, the five-tool players are long gone and teams are more willing to invest in players that are exceptionally talented in one skill. Scouts call this a “carrying tool.” An example of this would be the Royals selecting Jarrod Dyson in the 50th round because of his excellent speed with the hopes that he would learn other parts of the game. Another example would be Mark McGwire’s power “carrying” him into the top 10 of the 1984 draft, despite the fact that he was neither fleet of foot nor strong-armed (neither is particularly important for a first baseman anyway.)
Many of the tag teams to consider for this project have one, and sometimes only one, particularly strong quality to consider. One team might have enough longevity or one great match that is JUST enough to sneak them onto the list, like Dyson’s speed got him into pro baseball. Others might have a string of matches so great they vault them up the list, like McGwire’s power. For this edition of House Afire, I’m going to look at a few teams from throughout WWE history that I think have a “carrying tool” and where I think it could carry them on my list.
Buddy Rogers & Johnny Barend
Years Teamed in WWE: 1963
Total Matches: 15
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 245 (WWWF United States tag titles)
Match Suggestions: w/ Magnificent Maurice vs. Bobo Brazil & Sailor Art Thomas (3/15/63? 2/3 falls-  Chicago)
Thoughts: Rogers and Barend teamed for about 15 matches in the WWWF in 1963, and there is footage of one match available in the Facebook thread (which was a great find.) Neither the number of matches nor the footage would make a compelling case, so if you’re considering this team you’re looking at historical significance to carry them through. Rogers and Barend were NWA United States tag team champions from July 1962 to March 1963, around the time WWWF crowned their own champions, with Rogers being the first World champion. It’s been said that they were first tag team champions recognized by WWWF, but the information I found makes it look like Rogers and Barend lost the belts to Buddy Austin and the Great Scott on March 7, 1963, a month before the belts were renamed the WWWF United States Tag Team Championships. In addition, the NWA U.S. Tag belts had been defended in the territory since 1958, and the name change to WWWF may have been more akin to the change from WWF to WWE rather than the formation of a new territory. The April 1963 date does, however, mark the start of the consideration period for this project. Dates and details from that long ago are always a bit murky, I’m not a wrestling historian and wasn’t there, so maybe Barend and Rogers were the first recognized champs, but it’s not clear to me that’s the case. They certainly did face the top stars of the day, squaring off against Bruno Sammartino, Bobo Brazil and Pedro Morales multiple times in their limited matches in WWWF. The one match we have footage of is fine. It’s always hard for me to compare styles from that long ago, but the crowd was into it, it didn’t drag too much or have extensive restholds. You should definitely check it out if only to see the “back flip” that ends the first fall of the 2/3 falls match.
Placement Range: I can’t do it. The information I found had them losing the NWA U.S. tag titles a month before those belts were renamed the WWWF U.S. tag titles (and before the consideration period for this project.) Add to that only 15 matches with the company during the consideration period and footage of only one match, and that’s just not enough for me to say they’re one of the top 100 tag teams in company history.
Years Teamed in WWE: 1970-1971
Total Matches: 94
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 501 (International Tag Titles)
Match Suggestions: No footage found (the only Mongols footage I have found is of Bolo and Geeto, rather than Bepo and Geeto, which is the team nominated that appeared regularly in WWF in 1970-71)
Thoughts: I first selected the Mongols for this article, because I wanted to use their lengthy International Tag Title reign as an example of one lengthy reign carrying a team to consideration. After reading some comments and talking to some people about the International Titles, it appears they were more props to get the Rising Suns, and later the Mongols, over rather than prestigious titles. However, the Mongols are still cited as an important team credited with being an attraction that helped heat up the territory after a slump. Some have compared them to a 1970s version of the Road Warriors and fans that saw them live sing their praises, some of which can be read in the Facebook thread. Unfortunately, the Mongols peak was before televised MSG shows, so it appears there is no weekly TV footage featuring the team and if any handheld footage exists, I was unable to find it. This gives me the opportunity to talk a little about what to do with teams that have no footage available. My first instinct was to avoid ranking any team I couldn’t watch footage of, because it wouldn’t allow me to evaluate their match quality, my primary factor in ranking these teams. But I continue to struggle with this, as I know there will be teams with plenty of footage that I think suck, but will still rank due to longevity or title reigns (Money, Inc., Natural Disasters, Nasty Boys, Bushwhackers, etc.) So, is it fair to include teams that I dislike because I can see their crappy matches, but to exclude teams that I can’t watch at all? I’m still trying to decide how to handle this, but if I find a team with an impressive amount of matches or lengthy title reigns but no footage, I will consider them. I can’t make the assumption a team with no footage was good in the ring, but surely I can assume they are roughly as good as the teams I mentioned, so I’ll consider anyone with similar longevity or title reigns. It appears to me that few teams from the era before footage stayed in one territory long enough to accumulate hundreds of matches like later teams did. But enough fans of the day and those that study the history of the WWWF insist the Mongols were a very important team for the WWWF, and that merits some consideration.
Placement Range: As I mentioned, I can’t assume a team I’ve never watched was good in the ring (and Bepo’s later work as Nikolai Volkoff does nothing to bolster their in-ring case.) Without good matches, they can’t be high on my list, but I’m far from convinced I can find 100 teams that were good in the ring for the WWF. And again, the Mongols seem to have the historical significance to merit consideration, so I’m planning on putting them near the end of my list and moving them up or down as other teams impress me or fail to impress me. They’re probably borderline, but the Mongols are one of what I expect to be very few teams with no footage that I’ll consider.
Hulk Hogan & Mr. T
Years Teamed in WWE: 1985
Total Matches: 1
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 0
Match Suggestions: vs. Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff (WM)
Thoughts: Hulk Hogan and Mr. T teamed for only one match. And if you’re reading this, you know what match it is. That says something. The WWF had a lot riding on the inaugural WrestleMania, with some claiming the very existence of the company was on the line. I suspect the legend of how badly the company needed WrestleMania to succeed has been exaggerated over time like everything else in wrestling, but still was undoubtedly important. It was a time when wrestling was just beginning to infiltrate the mainstream. While Hulk Hogan would eventually become a pop culture icon synonymous with the 80’s Mr. T was already there having starred in Rocky III and the A-Team. The match itself used all the glitz, glamour and gaga to get to a fine, fun match, though nothing great. But that match was the biggest drawing point for the show, which was a financial success. WrestleMania continued the success that the Rock n’ Wrestling connection with MTV had started in getting new eyeballs on the product. If the first WrestleMania was a failure, does the WWF become what it is today and are we worrying about their greatest 100 tag teams? Maybe or maybe not. But because the combination of Hulk Hogan and Mr. T were a huge part of making the first WrestleMania a success we don’t have to worry about it.
Placement Range: There’s a great discussion about this team in the Facebook group. Some voters make the point that the team is so historically important to the health and future of the company that they earned inclusion with one match, workrate and longevity be damned, and could finish within the top 10 on their list. I think that is a very valid opinion and insight I hadn’t considered until I read the team thread. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment, though they won’t be in the top 10 of my list. I initially thought their historical significance might carry them into the top 25, but I think they’ll just miss out. Still, I expect they’ll make it into my top half, somewhere between 25 and 50, though that will be somewhat dependent on what I see from other teams.
Years Teamed in WWE: 1988-1996
Total Matches: 764
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 0
Match Suggestions: Oh, hell I don’t know. Let’s go with vs. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (WM V), w/Rockers vs. Beverly Brothers & Nasty Boys (Survivor Series ’91), w/ Men on a Mission vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger & Headshrinkers (Survivor Series ’93)
Thoughts: If you’re looking for hidden gem Bushwhacker matches to determine their placement on this list, you’re going to be highly disappointed. You’re also missing the point in trying to determine any value for the team, as the ‘Whackers had two carrying tools, and neither one of them have a damn thing to do with in-ring ability (at least based on what they showed in WWF.) The Bushwhackers had nearly unparalleled longevity with 764 matches with the company (more than the Hart Foundation or Dudley Boyz for reference) and were memorable characters. Now, I never enjoyed their act very much, and I haven’t heard many people offer praise to Luke and Butch and their head-lickin’ ways, but as I watch the matches, there are tons of people in the crowd doing the Bushwhacker strut arm motions. I’m not sure why, but maybe it’s therapeutic. In fact, I think I’ll do that on the way into my next work meeting (I’m stopping short of licking my boss’s head though.) Anyway, my point is they are memorable characters that were a part of the WWF forever. While those boys weren’t right, leaving them off the list wouldn’t feel right either. I should also mention the match recommendations were to point out both their high profile matches and their absurdity (hello Survivor Series ’93.)
Placement Range: My plan is to slot them at 100 and leave them there. I suppose they could move up if I just absolutely can’t find anybody to put in the 90s slots, but I doubt it. And I can’t imagine being able to justify leaving them off.
  Bret Hart & Owen Hart
Years Teamed in WWE: 1993-1994, 1997
Total Matches: 15
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 0
Match Suggestions: vs. Shawn Michaels and Knights (Survivor Series ’93), vs. Steiner Brothers (1/11/94), vs. Quebecers (Royal Rumble ’94), w/British Bulldog vs. Steve Austin & Dude Love & Undertaker (7/21/97 Raw; Flag Match
Thoughts: I selected the Bret and Owen team for this edition with the thought that the great Steiner Brothers match would be the determining factor to carry them on the list if they made it. While that match is indeed great and might be enough to get the Hart Brothers on the list, I think there is more to their case. The entirety of their tag team is telling the story and laying the foundation for their great feud in 1994, from Owen being the only elimination in the Survivor Series match to Bret being too damn selfish trying to hog all the glory and costing the team against the Quebecers at Rumble ’94, after a very good match. If I was Owen, I’d have kicked his leg out of his leg, too. Along the way they have the elite level match with the Steiners, and they supplement their case by teaming nine times in 1997 (I included a six-man flag match with Bulldog from Raw in match recommendations.) Those matches include tags and multi-men matches, including the main event of Canadian Stampede. (I’m not sure what to do with that match, as under the letter of the law, you could count it for Owen-Bret, Owen-Davey, the Hart Foundation and the New Foundation, just on the Canadian side. To me that’s a bridge too far, but technically you could do so.) Even without a boost from Stampede, Bret and Owen are an interesting short-term team that could squeeze onto the list.
Placement Range: They’re making my list, I’m just not sure where. The match against the Steiners is on par (or above) other teams with one big match to their credit (Austin & Michaels, Triple H & Austin.) At the same time the Austin & Michaels vs. Owen & Bulldog and Triple H & Austin vs. Benoit & Jericho matches are so well-regarded, in part, because they’re two of the best matches on Raw, making them a higher profile match than the Harts vs. Steiners. I’m not sure how that’ll all shake out, but I expect all three of these teams to appear somewhere in the bottom quarter of my list (though they may be a bit higher, the bottom part of the list is looking weak on in-ring ability.)
    Shawn Michaels & Steve Austin
Years Teamed in WWE: 1997
Total Matches: 7
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 49
Match Suggestions: vs. Owen Hart & British Bulldog (5/26/97- Raw), vs. LOD (6/2/97)
Thoughts: Michaels and Stone Cold were one of the first mismatched teams that hated each other and were the first tag team champions to face each other at a PPV, according to Good Ol’ JR. They became tag team champions in a fantastic match with Owen Hart and the British Bulldog in one of the best matches in Raw history. The next week they defended the titles against LOD, worked as heels (as opposed to the babyfaces they were against Owen and Bulldog the week before) and ended up brawling with each other for a schmoz ending. But the case for Michaels and Austin comes down to the Owen & Bulldog match. For one match to earn a team a spot on my list, that match has to be either an all-time great match, a historically significant match (the main event of the first WM, for example) or both. The match between Michaels & Austin and Owen & Bulldog was incredible and definitely qualifies as an all-time great match for me. Is it historically significant? Well, the fact that it still stands as one of the best matches ever on the flagship show 21 years later gives it a strong case for historical significance.
Placement Range: I think I like this match better than the Two-Man Power Trip vs. Benoit & Jericho, so I think Michaels & Austin will appear just ahead of Triple H & Austin on my list. I had originally said the Power Trip could make it or be just off, but firming up my list, I doubt there are 100 teams I’d put above them. So, I think both Triple H & Austin and Michaels & Austin will make the bottom quarter of my list.
  Edge & Rey Mysterio
Years Teamed in WWE: 2002, 2010-2011
Total Matches: 54
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 12
Match Suggestions: vs. Angle & Benoit (No Mercy ’02), vs. Angle & Benoit 2/3 falls (11/7/02- SD), vs. Los Guerreros (10/24/02 SD), vs. Tajiri & Brock Lesnar (10/10/02 SD), vs. Angle, Benoit & Los Guerreros (Survivor Series ’02 elimination match) vs. Kane & Del Rio (12/30/2010 SD)
Thoughts: Edge and Rey Mysterio teamed together 32 times in 2010 and 2011 in tags and multi-man matches, mostly as a result of both being in the main event scene. The magic from 2002 was not present against Alberto Del Rio and Kane in 2010, but I included a match in the recommendations so you can see for yourself.  Clearly, their best work came as 1/3 of the famed SmackDown Six in 2002. Their match against Angle and Benoit for the inaugural SmackDown tag titles at No Mercy ’02 is a classic, among the best straight tag matches in company history. That match was why they’re included in this edition, with me thinking that match alone could carry Edge and Mysterio onto the list. It could, but they have plenty of other great matches from the time to strengthen their case. The 2/3 falls rematch on SmackDown was f’n lit and Edge and Rey had excellent matches with Los Guerreros on TV, as well. If you just search the network and select any Rey-Edge tag match from ’02, it’s likely to be excellent, though the three-way elimination match at Survivor Series is strangely a step behind most of the other SmackDown Six matches, though still quite good. Rey and Edge worked extremely well together and all of their matches in 2002 were non-stop action. They really gelled as a team and developed tandem offense and good chemistry very quickly.
Placement Range: The more I rewatch their SmackDown Six tag matches, the stronger their case grows. They’ve got enough great matches to supplement the all-timer at No Mercy, that I think they are a middle-of-the-list, somewhere between 40 and 65.
Years Teamed in WWE: 2015-2017
Total Matches: 71
Combined Days of Tag Title Reigns: 70 (NXT Tag Titles)
Match Suggestions: vs. The Revival (NXT Takeover Toronto 2/3 falls 11/19/16), vs. Revival (NXT Takeover Brooklyn II 8/20/16), vs. Authors of Pain vs. Revival (NXT Takeover Orlando 4/1/17,), vs. Authors of Pain (NXT Takeover Chicago 5/20/17 ladder match), vs. Revival (NXT TV 1/11/17), vs. Tajiri & Akira Tozowa (NXT TV 12/28/16), vs. Noam Dar & Cedric Alexander (Cruiserweight Classic #10 9/14/16)
Thoughts: For match recommendations, I considered just saying all of them, because there aren’t really bad #DIY matches. Their top matches, include what many (myself included) consider to be the best tag team match in company history (2/3 falls vs. Revival at Takeover Toronto.) Their other Takeover matches against the Revival and Authors of Pain are not far behind. I really liked the three-way match with the Authors and Revival, and the story of #DIY and the Revival having to work together to battle the monster team of AOP. It fell off a bit after #DIY was eliminated. Their first Takeover match with the Revival is another all-timer, top-ten tag match in company history. Really, the only thing missing from their resume is longevity, with only 71 matches in the company. Their top-tier matches stack up with anyone (except perhaps the Revival) and they also had an epic break-up angle with Ciampa (or Chompy to some) turning on Gargano (we can only count the turn not the matches that gave us all the snowflakes in 2018, we have to give the other nominated teams a fighting chance in the voting.) They worked very well together, executing tandem offense like their kick-knee combo. #DIY matches always had good heat, as Gargano is one of the best babyfaces when it comes to generating sympathy from the crowd (hot take, I know) and the Psycho Killer held his own as well. If they had a longer run, it would be difficult to argue against them near the top of the list. As it is, their list of great matches, including a couple all-timers, does carry them to a spot of prominence on my list.
Placement Range: Those matches with the Revival were so fantastic that they’ll carry #DIY somewhere between 25 and 40 or so on my list. It’s hard for me to go much higher without more longevity, but the team that was half of what I consider the best tag match in company history has to be high on my list.
I really enjoyed doing this list, probably because I got to watch some of the best tag matches the WWE has ever put on. I’ll be back with more teams soon. Remember, you can join the discussion on the Facebook group here.
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