#but I keep flip flopping between two different ways of going about it
genericdre · 11 months
I have this hainana fanfic idea that I really like but Idek how to figure out the logistics and execution and I hate it here
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justalia · 1 year
fall in love with the new state
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this one is for the peeps manifesting a relationship (especially with an ex).
“forever in love with ideals, it is the ideal state that captures the mind.”
- neville goddard
these words are truly amazing because they capture what it means to fall in love with your new state.
the only way to actually let the old state die completely is to fall in love with your new state.
you may think: duh? i want it so bad ofc i am in love with it.
but wanting it deeply and actually falling in love with your new reality are two very different things.
why are you flip flopping between states?
why are you letting the 3d affect you so bad?
why are you molding your state to your 3D?
why are you letting physical limitations come into your own wonderful imagination?
there is something keeping you from completely letting go of the old state.
there is something that’s fulfilling you from this old state. what is it?
assuming you are manifesting a text instead of the full relationship that you want. is it the instant gratification you are getting?
assuming you are okay with not having a relationship even if you want it, you still consider the possibility of not having it. is it being comfortable in it?
assuming you are scared of fully trusting imagination. is it the fact that you know what to expect now and you have learned to feel okay with feeling shitty? is it the fact that you see manifestation as a chore and it’s tiring to try?
what exactly is it that’s keeping you from fully accepting your new state?
neville talks about having a secret love affair with our old state. you may have a love-hate relationship with your current state, you are getting something from it and you are fulfilling yourself with it.
personal experience:
all of this happened BEFORE i had a deep and true understanding of the law.
backstory: me and my now gf were a situationship before actually being in a relationship, it was a toxic situation cause i had commitment issues and a whole bunch of other problems but i don’t want to go into details. we were basically together but without a label and we were both “keeping our options open” without really pursuing other people.
we had a falling out due to me not feeling enough even if she has always been very sweet to me and has always treated me like a queen. i had severe jealousy issues and when she was telling me she was simply studying with one of her uni friends i was assuming she (the friend) would find my sp attractive (cause she’s smoking hot) and try to hit on her. i was going crazy over this shit even when i had no actual reason to because even if we weren’t officially together she was showing me loyalty and needing it from me, and i thought we were heading towards an actual relationship (spoiler: i thought/hoped we were heading there but i was still in the state of being in a situationship).
this being said i had severe jealousy issues, i’m not even kidding. i’ve always been a very passionate person and territorial and i started to embody the version of me that found that side of me to be fun and quirky until it became an actual problem because i was feeling physically sick from jealousy.
she would tell me she was on facetime with this friend to study together and i internally i would go feral, i felt sick to my stomach to the point i couldn’t keep my food down.
mind you i had NO FACTUAL PROOF OF ANYTHING. i was assuming this friend would find her attractive and have a crush on her and i felt deeply threatened in my position (which tbh wasn’t very stable because again we weren’t officially together in theory, but in practice we were).
long story short the day of reaping my harvest comes and my sp tells me that this friend has a big fat crush on her.
i started going crazy inside, she knew i was insanely jealous and was reassuring me telling me that she absolutely did not feel the same for her friend and that she was going to tell her.
that’s what happened, she did tell the friend she was not interested but i still didn’t let go of my assumption of feeling threatened, i felt it was going to end for some reason, i expected it and i felt sick because i was truly in love with her.
every moment she was not texting me i felt awful, i wanted to believe she wanted to be with me and i constantly asked for reassurance from her which she gave by saying she had eyes only for me but i did not believe it.
i felt it, it was going to end.
what happened? we ended our relationship for other reasons that i don’t want to go into but basically she started acting cold towards me “out of nowhere” (💀) and i ended it before she could end it because i expected it to happen anyway.
i continued to persist in my assumption that this girl wanted to be with her and i “naturally” assumed that now that i was out of the picture they would end up together.
guess what happened?
they ended up together 💀
this took a bit longer to materialize simply bc i was under the assumption she wanted me but i wasn’t enough for commitment and continued to assume they would end up together. they were together in my imagination, i felt insanely threatened and i accepted it as fact.
well, it did happened.
the day of reaping my harvest came and i found through social media they were hanging out romantically.
i don’t need to tell you that i felt absolutely devastated.
during all of this i was testing the law and studying it but i wasn’t internalizing it fully and this is why i ended up being the mistress of my ex. 😭💀
i made mistakes during my early days of applying the law, i did the whole affirm the 3p away shit and ended up with my sp obsessed with me but not leaving the 3p.
yes, i consciously manifested my sp cheating on her former partner. at first it was a mistake because i was deeply satisfied with the fact that I KNEW she wanted me and i just KNEW there was nobody better than me and i thought that was enough to manifest her coming back to me because that’s all that took me when i manifested her back in the past without wanting a relationship.
i was keeping the circumstance alive in my own imagination by trusting the fact that she hated the 3p and wanted me and that manifested perfectly in the form of her cheating on 3p.
all of my efforts to try and change my sp instead of selecting my ideal state resulted in several “mistakes” which led me to manifesting more of what i didn’t want: being a side chick.
now i ask you not to judge me because i am human like you and i genuinely made a mistake but i was so incredibly attached to the instant gratification i got from being in the state of her wanting me that i kept on consciously being there because it fed my ego.
i was getting somewhat what i wanted, i was being pursued because she was all over me but she was still in a relationship and i was the side chick.
i had a secret love affair with this state because it provided me instant gratification from the 3D and i could not let go of it for the longest time because i was still trying to manifest commitment from her, i was looking for the perfect emotion, the perfect feeling that implied commitment, still acknowledging my manifestation to be real only if it was physical and taking the 3D as fact.
one day i felt miserable, not chosen nor loved and got no movement, the other i felt it (me and her together) to be true, persisted, got movement but still expected the 3p to be there by saying in my mind “what if the 3p is still there?” whenever i got “positive movement” because i truly had not sat with the idea that imagination is the only reality and still believed the 3D and the 4D to be separate, this led to more manifestation of the state i didn’t want to experience.
• first mistake
i wanted a relationship, i wanted love now but i hadn’t moved states at all, i didn’t realize that i returned back to the state where me and her where in a situationship and her wanting me was satisfying enough (or so i thought).
i was manifesting “her back”, i was bringing my awareness back to a former state (us in a situationship) and i was being that version of myself.
• second mistake
i had a secret love affair with the state i didn’t want to experience because it gave me instant gratification, i wasn’t accepting the relationship to be a fact in imagination and i was flip flopping between states and the 3D was simply showing me that.
i kept on unconsciously going back to that state because since “i couldn’t manifest commitment” at least i knew that in this reality she wants me no matter what and says that i’m unforgettable and irreplaceable.
i was accepting that as fact while gaslighting myself into thinking i was in the state of being in a relationship, i was sabotaging myself, i was anxious and stressed all the time, i reacted to what the 3D was showing me but i was truly miserable.
STILL i didn’t let go of it because instant gratification was greater to me in that moment than a relationship because i had not fallen in love with the new state.
forever in love with ideals, it’s the ideal state that captures the mind.
i told you my experience because it’s the perfect example of why you may not be able to fully let go of your old state, why you can’t accept your new state as true in imagination and why your imagination may be still infected with the old state.
the ideal state is far better than any instant gratification you may be getting from your current situation. the ideal state is better than any comfort you may find in your old state.
the ideal is better than anything because it is ideal.
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it’s perfect. it’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
you are not changing your sp’s behaviors!!
if they have treated you poorly, if they broke up with you, if you don’t know them well but believe rumors about them to be true, if you have assumptions about them and can’t imagine a state where that specific person is acting in the way your ideal partner would, STOP immediately in your tracks.
you are not changing anybody, you are choosing to experience the perfect situation, your heaven within you is limitless. you can imagine your ideal partner’s attributes and give them to your sp.
let’s say you have assumptions about them, for whatever reason you believe they are too prideful to reach out, they are not affectionate and would never do what your dream partner does, they are not the relationship type or for some reason you believe them to be extremely forgetful and have other priorities.
you are not changing ANYBODY!
you are choosing to experience the perfect ideal situation in your imagination. why would you put on yourself limits based on what you heard?
you want your sp to be extremely affectionate and always bring you flowers but then you go “oh but that’s so not them.. they would never do that”.
why would you limit what you can experience in imagination?
okay, who cares if they are not affectionate? who cares if that’s not in their character?
those are your assumptions!!!
if imagination is limitless and you can experience WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT why would you limit yourself?
i’m not gonna dive too much into the topic of free will because my friend @stateswscarlet made an amazing thread on twitter touching on this and she talked about that whether or not free will is a thing you should give zero fucks because you are never changing anybody.
let me repeat.
in a way yes, there is no free will but if to manifest something you’re never changing anybody but only imagination why would you even consider bringing up the concept of free will?
you think your sp can choose not to want you?
you think your sp can realize you’re manifesting them?
you think your sp can meet someone else?
you think your sp won’t change?
if you just said you have the relationship in imagination why the fuck would you even think:
“what if they reject me?”
“what if they meet someone else while i’m manifesting them?”
“what if they don’t wanna be with me?”
the only reason why these questions even pop up in your mind is because you are still identifying with the version of yourself who is manifestING them, the version of you who is trying, instead of identifying with having it in imagination and being content with that.
stop making it complicated.
all you need to do is imagine being it, realizing you literally cannot deny it exists in imagination because you can see it and trust imagination to put roads in deserts and bring you to your materialized desire.
be it NOW!
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littledemondani · 6 months
Miss ma'am your most recent smutty blurb for my last jealous fuckboy!Eddie thought has absolutely WRECKED ME!!! Why is he not real!!! I need him so bad this is driving me insane oh my god
But I'm DYINGGG to hear more of your thoughts too! Like how do you think would he react or like how is he gonna try to shrug off the jealousy when you tell him that you wanna stop hooking up and fooling around because you kinda wanna go back to the dating scene......
But like not in a way where you're implying that you wanna date him (because duh he's the resident fuckboy!!! And also because it's kind of your own way of burying down your budding feelings for him because you think he's not the type to settle down)
Is he gonna agree??? Is he gonna think about actually asking you to be official??? How is he gonna react??? I WANNA KNOWWW
(is it too obvious that i'm in WAYYY too deep in the jealous fuckboy!Eddie lore lmaoooooo)
i’ve talked with @andvys about this exact idea!! i have a few scenarios that i keep flip flopping between. (also, i love that you’re wanting his lore! he’s got lots of it lmao)
first scenario is eddie not giving a shit about it. he treats you bringing up wanting to date like it isn’t a big deal. he’s in denial about his feelings, so while he is disappointed, he just sees it as good pussy he can’t fuck anymore. brutal, i know, but he is a fuckboy after all. 🤷🏻‍♀️ during the time away from eddie, you end up dating this really nice guy but you find yourself not being as into him as you thought you’d be. he doesn’t kiss you, fuck you, treat you, or understand you the way eddie does. you’re constantly comparing the two. because you are also in denial about your feelings for him.
second scenario is him questioning why you want to start dating. from the very beginning, you have told eddie dating isn’t your thing, it isn’t something you want right now, you just want to fuck without strings attached. he does this in a teasing way, because you don’t talk to him about anything. you keep most things to yourself so he begins to wonder if you met someone that may have changed your mind. when you tell him that yeah, you did, and he’s really sweet and different from the others, his jealousy shows.
i see fboy eddie being so damn stubborn that he wouldn’t ask you right away to be official. he is struggling with his own beliefs and attitude towards being in a relationship that it keeps him from all of that. he doesn’t feel like he’d be a good enough boyfriend, he has been hurt one too many times in his past to believe that a relationship with not just you, but anyone, would be long lasting and not end in fucking disaster.
so a definite break from him does happen in his lore, and during that time he buries his feelings in pussy. you don’t talk to him the way you used to and only see him at parties or bars that the both of you happen to be at. you see him with different girls each time and hear about them from your friends who run in the same social circle as him.
there’s so much more i could go on and on about, but i haven’t fully finished deciding on what to keep and change and add.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Hey , how would Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack react to a Albino reader ?
Jeff the killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless jack w/ an albino!reader !
jeff and toby are the only two characters strictly written as platonic as per admins personal boundaries, but the others can be seen as either way YAHOO playing TLTs new fnaf song on loop while writing this its so mf good got my bones getting in a twist YIPEE did some research on albinism since i didnt want this to be the characters simply reacting to the surface level stuff so thats why it took a little longer to get to this ! hope thats okay!
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sticking true to my personal headcanon that outside of feeding and running people out of his forest, he doesnt actually interact much with humans... asides from the additional torment he puts potential proxies through but hush hush thats a whole different can of worms. point is, i think its unlikely that he would meet someone with albinism. sure, hes probably seen albino animals now and then, but a person? new experience for him, but i dont think he would be treating you like a spectacle. puts two and two together not long after meeting you... though even if hes accepting of it, he doesnt know of the extra precautions you need to take (to protect your eyes and skin from the sun, for example) but hes pretty receptive i think... notices youre having a hard time on days where its sunnier out so he either keeps you inside or keeps you in the shade. doesnt like giving you things from victims, so hes going to find other means to get you what you need (sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, ect). generally very accommodating, has a soft spot for you. i mean of course he does, you managed to win over this ancient forest demon thing
already knows what it is, down to common traits and the different types since i personally hc that before he became this silly man eating demon he was studying in medicine + generally had an interest in this sort of thing. doesnt bat an eye to the way your eyes sometimes twitch or drift off, helps you to the best of his ability when the strain gives you headaches. very good at reminding you to reapply your sunscreen and to remember to wear a sunhat when you go outside. if he has to, hes going to give you his jacket just so you can protect your upper body long enough to get back to your place/// just please give it back when you see him again..
"has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation" has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation", but unlike slenderman hes kind of... an ass about it... like hes generally an arrogant asshole, so it may take a while for him to pick up on things to make things a little easier for you. seems like hes annoyed with helping you remember to pack your sunglasses and other necessities, or when giving you something to help with any headaches caused by any strain... but let it be known that if he truly didnt care he wouldnt even bother to pipe up and drag you out into the shade when the sun starts beating down on you two.. he simply shows his care for you differently, you know?
he gets it, he does. maybe this is because he relates to having to just. deal with stuff that makes you different from others. or because admin is on the fence of headcannoning toby with poliosis... which while not albinism, visually he can relate and also relate to some of the other symptoms of it (namely the eye issues). flip flops between reminding you to pack stuff you need and forgetting.. but when he does remember hes very pushy about it, so much so that you might need to tell him to tone it down. you guys tend to vent to one another about things since theres some relatability between the two of you. as mentioned in my previous post hes prooooooobalby going to steal things for you to help you feel better; from things that will physically help you to things that will emotionally help you
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weebsinstash · 1 year
For real though I am lost in the Miguelverse rn bc the whole you know, concept and setting in general gives so much opportunity for so many different things and he's such a tasty intimidating juicy specimen of a man
Like for starters I keep flip-flopping between concepts of Reader being the Spider of their universe, BUT I also like the idea of Reader being an anomaly, because then you get that torturous pain of like... godDAMN the scene with Miguel and Miles on top of the train was hard to watch, you know? So take that and you've got Miguel trying his hardest to stop you and losing his temper and screaming at you that you're a mistake, you were never supposed to be here, all of those things, and then afterwards he has to try and put all your broken pieces back together after everything you had experienced completely breaks you, like you go from trying to escape him in Nueva York to just going limp in his hold and letting them take you into custody, constantly crying or being completely despodent and literally no longer caring about going home anymore because you feel trapped by being a Spider and feel like your choices are no longer your own. He didn't have any hard feelings against you but you have to follow the canon! And while he's you know keeping a watchful eye on you and making sure you don't kill yourself, he becomes a little too personally invested in your well being, making sure you've eaten, have you slept well, until he realizes too late that he's ATTACHED
Spinoff of this where he accidentally makes Reader kill themselves which also destroys their entire universe and like a few months later Miguel gets another ping in the system and, oh look a new Spiderman, not an anomaly this time, but still... you? Or, A you, maybe not THE same you he had known but, it just tears at his heart as he meets you again and youre so happy and bouncy and charismatic and he knows he has to keep you safe this time, that he cant let you completely fall apart this time. That's kind of getting your cake and eating it too huh? Having the first you be the anomaly and the second you is a true Spider who gets to deal with all his grief and obsession and guilt and all those feelings he never got to address or act on "the first time around"
Ideas of Reader not even being a Spider and just minding their own gd business and a disheveled Miguel from another universe who just lost his own version of you and hasn't slept for shit shows up all of a sudden and corners you because he just HAS to see and hear and touch you again and he's basically lost himself with grief
Ideas where Reader loses their home universe but instead of disappearing with it they just become an anomaly and now you're a Spider without a set destiny who technically shouldn't still exist and Miguel has to keep an eye on you as he watches you gradually sink deeper into the mire of grief and depression because, "does your life even have a purpose now?"
Story ideas where having a darling/obsession is a spidey canon event and Miguel thought he had already gone through his but he stumbles upon you and he starts losing it and getting real freaky obsessed with you and he doesn't exactly stop himself because he thinks it's normal and supposed to happen, and if you resist him in any way he won't let you get away because in his mind if he doesn't have you, not only will he completely fall apart, but what if it causes another universe to collapse?
Stories where you're a Spider and his "coworker" and you two have tension but respect each other and have never really acted on it and suddenly here's another Miguel who isn't quite nearly as reserved or shy as the first and suddenly "your original" has to 'defend his territory' as he knows enough about his own behavior to realize that this other version of him has his sights set on you and, well, your Miguel can't have that
Stories where having a kid is a canon event and Miguel realizes Reader is a grown woman who is actively avoiding relationships altogether and is also on birth control and he realizes "oh shit if she doesn't have a kid will she disappear?" And he's like trying to sabotage your attempts to stay single until eventually he decides, fuck it, maybe it's HIM who has to give you that baby. You know, just a little mating press and some noncon breeding that he swears is to save your life, it *definitely* isn't that he's totally crazy about you and this just gives him the excuse
You know just totally normal ideas about a totally normal totally sane dude
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chapter 8.
Note: as I needed a break from writing the Dead Man fic yesterday and today, I was in need of my silly little fighter!Sihtric, because his story isn't over yet. Other Fighter chapters are in my masterlist.
Warnings: fluff, suggestive, little bit of angst. mention of alcohol/getting drunk, Sihtric's breeding kink.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric became a whole different man after his retirement, and not in a way you had expected.
wordcount: 4,1k
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'I think I need to remind you who I am.'
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'Gods,' Sihtric groaned.
You looked up from your book, annoyed, having read the same page five times already, as your man kept distracting you. Sihtric leaned with both hands against the glass window of your hotel room, shirtless while wearing black swimming trunks, overlooking Bondi beach. Him being constantly shirtless has been the only pleasant thing so far, ever since you arrived at the hotel room yesterday morning, which you had only left for breakfast, lunch and dinner… in the hotel itself.
'It's so fucking hot,' he whined.
'What did you expect?' you glared at your husband from the bed, 'it's Australia.' 
You rolled your eyes just before Sihtric turned to face you.
'Yeah, well, I thought everyone always exaggerated,' Sihtric huffed.
It was only two in the afternoon, and Sihtric had been getting on your nerves for hours already. You loved your husband, more than anything, but ever since he retired from his fighting career about a month ago, he had changed. Sihtric clearly always used his job as a way to channel his bloodlust, so to speak, but since he had given it up for you, not even punching a bag or a sparring partner anymore, he had been incredibly hard to be around. He was constantly complaining about everything and he was even more hot headed than ever before. Sihtric was also much hornier than ever before, which you didn't even know was possible and hadn't been a problem back home, but it is a problem now. He had been so determined to go to Australia with you, where the heat was unbearable this time of year, so it was even too hot to have sex. And when your already short fused husband couldn't get it on with you, because the weather made you both feel slow and lightheaded, he became even more insufferable to be around, you found out.
'Look,' you said, taking a deep breath as you closed your book, 'you were so pushy about going here, and now we're here. Will you at least pretend to enjoy it?'
Sihtric stared at you, with dark eyes and his jaw clenched, which told you he felt provoked by you. Which also meant he was getting turned on, while you started to lose your patience with him and his behaviour.
'I didn't even want to go here,' you sighed, 'I'm here for you, Siht, okay? If we're going to sit on our fucking asses all day in a hotel room, because it's so fucking hot,' you mocked Sihtric's voice, 'then what the hell are we doing here in the first place?! Such a waste of money,' you muttered.
'You're mocking me?' Sihtric asked, his voice low and calm, but the fire in his eyes burned heavily as his mismatched pair were still locked on you.
'God!' you yelled and jumped up, 'you're absolutely unbelievable lately! You keep complaining about the heat, in fucking Australia! So, yeah, maybe I am mocking you!' you hissed.
You walked into the hallway of your hotel suite and grabbed your flip flops, as well as your bag, wanting to leave the room before you'd climb the walls, or worse; hear another dumb complaint coming out of your man's mouth. But Sihtric was quick to corner you, like he had done that very first time you ever met, during his intake at your office. His chest heaved up and down steadily, with big breaths, and he stared down at you with his silly intimidation tactic.
'You raise your voice at me?' Sihtric breathed as you rolled your eyes.
His eyes darted between your lips and your eyes, before he eyed you up and down completely. He liked that little summer dress you had on. And he had definitely loved the sight of you bending over in it to pick a pen up from the floor, which he deliberately dropped before he had leaned back on the bed about an hour ago, waiting for you to notice the seemingly innocent pen, that had probably rolled off the desk. Unaware of Sihtric's trick, you had picked up the pen before you went to read your book, not long after he set his plan in motion, and he had been horny ever since, but even the airco didn't cool off your room, he thought, which left him frustrated.
'Hm?' Sihtric hummed and took your chin, firm but gentle, forcing you to look up at him, 'you mock me and raise your voice at me?'
'And?' you shrugged, feeling a cheeky grin tug at your lips.
'And?' Sihtric repeated, 'do I need to remind you who I am?' he cockily held his chin up high as he looked down at you, and he licked his lips.
You provoked him on purpose by rolling your eyes once more. Sihtric may be behaving incredibly boyish as of late, but you still enjoyed riling him up, as you thought he was so hot and sexy when he felt he had to be dominant towards you. And riling him up also meant he wouldn't complain for at least a few minutes.
'Yeah, I think I do,' he said, then hummed again, 'I think I need to remind you who I am,' he kept holding your chin as his free hand moved up your thigh, sliding underneath your short, floral dress.
Your breath hitched as his hand moved up towards your bare buttocks, and he squeezed your ass hard.
'I already thought you weren't wearing any panties,' Sihtric chuckled mischievously and bit down on his lip for a moment, 'yeah, you definitely need to be reminded who you belong to, and who you are talking to with that little attitude of yours.'
'Let us not speak about attitudes in this room, Sihtric Kjartansson,' you taunted.
'So you do know who you're talking to?' Sihtric husked, rubbing his big, warm hand over your ass before he bruisingly squeezed the skin again, making you squirm slightly as he still had you backed into a corner. 'You need to be taught a lesson about the way you speak to your husband, little miss,' he smirked, knowing you were getting aroused too.
'Sure,' you feigned a yawn.
'You're asking for a good spanking,' Sihtric murmured.
'Am I?' you asked innocently.
'Mhm,' he hummed and rolled his hips against yours, his hard cock pleasantly putting pressure onto your wet folds, 'you need a hard lesson, it seems. But don't worry,' your husband chuckled, 'I will teach you some manners.'
Sihtric moved his hand from your chin down to your throat, wrapping around you with the exact amount of intensity you enjoy, while he started to tease your core with his fingertips.
'When I'm using that tight pussy of yours,' his voice raspy, 'you will say "yes, sir", "no, sir", and "sorry, sir",' Sihtric hummed at the arousing thought, 'you will say "more, sir", "harder, sir", and most of all,' he smiled, 'you will say "please, sir, fuck me a little deeper, sir".'
'You think I will?'
'Oh, you will, baby girl,' he whispered.
'Well, I think you need a cold shower,' you shrugged.
'I think we both do,' Sihtric smiled, 'I think you need to rid me of some anger,' he said, then threw you over his shoulder and carried you into the large bathroom.
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After you had dinner in the hotel, you struggled to walk down the stairs of the main entrance, while Sihtric held you close, his hand placed on your lower back. Your husband had a lot of built up anger in him lately, and by the time he was done with you in that shower, you were sore and numb at the same time. Sihtric seemed fine, albeit a little on edge and still complaining, but at least less horny and rather satisfied, for now.
Since Bondi beach was packed with tourists, you both agreed to take a cab to Maroubra beach, which was rather empty when you arrived, about an hour before sunset. Sihtric held your hand as he walked you up to the sandy beach, where he picked you up in his strong arms to carry you closer to the water, then onto a large rock that gave you the perfect view of the setting sun. You spread out the towel you had packed and before you could even blink, Sihtric pulled you down with him and held you in his arms, lovingly pecking your cheek and neck.
'I love you, bunny,' he whispered.
'I love you too, tiger,' you smiled.
God, you thought, how handsome Sihtric looked right now. His hair braided and tied back into a short ponytail, the setting sun casting an orange glow on his beautifully scarred face, while his big eyes looked at you in awe. His white, thin sleeveless shirt showed off his biceps while his swimming trunks showed off his muscular legs, and a part of his deadly thighs.
'You think you're pregnant already?' he suddenly asked.
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'stop being so obsessed with getting me pregnant.'
'Well, how many more times do we need to try?'
'Babe, I don't know,' you sighed softly, 'but… I guess if it doesn't happen soon we should go to a doctor,' you said softly.
'What do you mean?'
'Maybe, you know,' you said hesitantly, 'maybe I can't get pregnant the usual way… I mean, it's not like we're not trying, but,' you sighed again, 'no luck so far.'
You looked down at your feet while Sihtric studied your frown.
'Hey,' he whispered, then kissed your cheek, 'we'll keep trying, okay? It will be fine. And if you want to go see a doctor in a few weeks or months, then we will. We'll find a way.'
'But… what if I… what if I can't get pregnant?' you whispered.
'We will find a way, bunny,' Sihtric kissed your lips softly as he held your chin, 'I promise we'll find a way. Don't worry about that, my love. No need to stress about any of that.'
Sihtric held you as you sat in silence for a while, gazing at the view.
'You know,' he said after a while, 'I always thought Australia had more… mountains. You know, that scenery from those movies you like so much. Lord of the… Kings?'
'Do you mean Lord of the Rings?' you frowned, offended.
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric smiled, proud he almost got the title right despite him falling asleep before Frodo even showed up.
'Honey, that's New Zealand. Not Australia.'
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The next day kind of went the same as the day before. It was too hot, Sihtric was constantly complaining about literally everything, and when you had enough and wanted to go for a walk, Sihtric got you in the bathroom again. After another hour of sex in the shower, you went for dinner again and back to the same beach as yesterday, as it was a quiet and beautiful place. At least, it was until your loving husband opened his mouth again.
'The food here could've been a little better,' Sihtric complained, remembering dinner.
'You seemed to like that steak just fine.'
'It was okay,' he shrugged and looked around, 'why don't they have lounge chairs here?'
'Sihtric, please-'
'Or a bar or something. I'm hungry,' he mumbled, 'if that restaurant wasn't so slow with their service I would've ordered a dessert.'
'Siht,' you sighed.
'Of course,' your husband hissed as he slapped a bug which had landed on his leg, 'fucking bugs here. The fuck is with this place?'
'I can't believe I'm saying this,' you finally snapped, 'but will you please, please pick up boxing again. I am begging you.'
'What?' Sihtric looked surprised and confused.
'You're driving me nuts, babe,' you groaned, 'please.'
'What are you talking about?' Sihtric frowned.
'Honey, you're constantly whining. You get annoyed at every little thing possible, you have absolutely zero patience and you're constantly horny,' you said, 'you really need to find something to keep yourself busy. Nitpicking is not a hobby.'
'I don't nitpick-'
'I don't!'
'It's too hot,' you mocked him, 'the food is too bland. I don't like this beach. Where are the mountains? There are too many bugs. The bed is too soft, the pillow is too hard, and the shower is too small. I'm hungry, I had too much to eat. I'm tired. Baby, I can't sleep. Sweetie, will you rub my back? Please don't rub my back, honeybun, I got a sunburn. I also have a headache. Bunny, I'm horny, but it's too hot to have sex. Bunny, I'm so hard right now, but-'
'Okay, okay,' Sihtric snarled, 'fine. I see what you mean,' he sighed, 'but I just don't understand what me being horny has to do with all this.'
'Because you have all this build up anger and tension inside, you're getting rough, Sihtric.'
'I… I thought you liked that,' he said, suddenly clearly upset.
'I do, but not to the point where I can barely walk afterwards,' you chuckled lightly, 'like today.'
Sihtric looked down at his feet, and you could tell he was fighting to keep his bottom lip from trembling as he clenched his jaw.
'I'm sorry,' he barely whispered, avoiding eye contact.
'You don't have to say sorry, even though I appreciate it,' you said, 'sure, a little rough is fine, as we used to do. But you need to understand that I am so small in your arms, which I love, don't get me wrong,' you smiled softly, 'but earlier today it really seemed like you forgot how strong you are.'
'I'm sorry,' Sihtric whispered again, and tried to get up on his feet, but you stopped him.
'No, honey,' you said and held his hand, 'don't try to leave now. We have to talk about this right now. I'm not mad, I'm not rejecting you, you didn't hurt me, not the way you think at least. We're good, I promise.'
Sihtric looked a little insecure but sat back next to you again, keeping his head down. Like a puppy who got told off, while it was nothing like that.
'Like I said, sweetheart,' you cupped his cheeks, 'you have to find something you can put your energy in. Something that will take your mind off the little things that get you so worked up. I mean, we never really discussed it much, but do you even have a plan? For the future I mean?'
Sihtric shrugged lightly, trying to regain his confidence again.
'I just want a family with you,' he said softly, still looking down.
'And I want a family with you,' you squeezed his hands, 'but even if I were to get pregnant soon, it will still take a while before I'd give birth,' you chuckled, 'I mean what future plan do you have for yourself?'
'I don't know,' Sihtric said, and finally looked into your eyes again, 'I also notice I'm not myself lately. And I miss the fights, of course I do. But I know you don't want me to fight again, so I didn't mention it.'
'Yes, but you can still keep up with boxing or kickboxing, whatever, without participating in professional fights. Have you thought about that?'
'But that's not fun for me, you know that. It's too easy,' he said, 'but… I guess I've been thinking of either opening a new gym or moving locations to a bigger building.'
You smiled at Sihtric, relieved that he actually had been thinking about picking up some kind of work again, instead of constantly coming to you for his entertainment or complaining.
'That's really good,' you said, 'you want to expand then?'
'I guess,' he said, 'maybe get into coaching or just be a sparring partner. In between my own workouts of course. And,' he smiled shyly, 'I was also thinking that… maybe you could work at the gym too. Since I retired I don't need much physio anymore. And I know you won't say it, but I can tell you really want to get back to work too.'
'I do,' you agreed, 'I'm not made to go on holiday all the time and do nothing.'
'I know, baby,' Sihtric chuckled and traced his fingertips over your hand.
'But… you mean you'd become like my boss then?' you furrowed your brow, 'because I'm not sure if I like that idea. That usually goes wrong…'
'Oh, no, no,' Sihtric said, 'no, bunny. I don't want some strange power play like that. I don't want to be your boss. At least, not at work,' his cheeky grin appeared again, 'I just thought maybe you could rent a space in the building I'd buy. You'd be your own boss, you'd just pay me a fair rent and that's it. You'll still have me as your client too whenever I need it.'
You looked at Sihtric, thoughtful. You liked his idea. You never thought about an option like this, but it would be perfect for both of you. He could still go around and punch bags, and sometimes people, while you could go back to helping other people with physio exercises.
'A fair rent, huh?' you gave him a suspicious look.
'Yeah,' Sihtric said, 'we'd have to look into a property and determine a decent price. And if you're a little short on rent sometimes, you know, I'm sure we could fix that,' he winked.
'You mean like a blowjob could fix that?' 
You rolled your eyes when Sihtric feigned innocence, and then you both laughed. You wrapped your arms around Sihtric and pulled him in for a kiss.
'See,' you smiled, 'all good. Sometimes we just have to have conversations that aren't always pleasant. But that's life too.'
'I know,' Sihtric said, stealing another kiss, 'I just didn't know I've been such a bother to you lately. I never wanted that.'
'I know, sweetheart,' you kissed his cheek, 'I know everything's been rough for you too. And I hoped this trip would give you some peace of mind, to find yourself back again. But it only seemed to get worse. I couldn't bite my tongue anymore just now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out.'
'I don't want you to bite your tongue around me, bunny, that's not right,' Sihtric cupped your cheeks, 'you know you can talk to me.'
'I know, but I didn't want to upset you either,' you sighed, 'but, okay, this is dealt with. I told you my issues, you told me your issues. Let's solve them together and move on now.'
'I like that idea,' Sihtric smiled and nuzzled your nose.
'Speaking about ideas,' you perked up, 'I know we're both not the biggest party people, but there's a beach party tomorrow evening at Bondi. I thought, why the hell should we not go? Have a few drinks, have some fun. People seem to not recognise you much here so far, or they just leave you alone. We should try it.'
'Hm, I don't know, bunny,' Sihtric said, a little unsure.
'Come on, honey,' you pouted, 'remember how much fun we had at that bar in Hawaii?'
Sihtric smiled at the fond memory, but his smile faded when he remembered what had happened afterwards, and you knew what went through his head.
'Don't think about what happened at the hotel,' you said and took his hands again, 'I just want to dance with you again, love. I miss seeing you smile like that. We'll have fun, I promise. And you can safely drink some alcohol again now that you're not taking any medication anymore.'
'Yeah, I guess that's true,' Sihtric said, 'but I'll probably be drunk in no time,' he grimaced.
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Sihtric wasn't wrong. You had been at the beach party for only an hour and half, and Sihtric was completely wasted after two cocktails already. He was handsy, clingy and most of all; horny. He was slurring his words heavily, his mismatched eyes glossy and droopy, cheeks flushed red and he had a satisfied smile on his face. His hands kept grabbing your hips, pulling your ass against his crotch as he wanted to dance with you. You couldn't even call it dancing, Sihtric wasn't even aware of the music anymore, he was basically just dry humping you at this point. Luckily, there was a lot of that going on at that event, so no one even batted an eye at you and Sihtric. But you were too sober and felt a little ashamed, because you were in public.
'Siht,' you chuckled, blushing heavily at his cheeky behaviour while your back was pressed against his chest, 'calm down, love.'
'I am… calm,' Sihtric slurred, his hands moving under your thin skirt. He nuzzled your neck and giggled drunkenly in your ear. 
'Gods, I want to fuck my wife,' he breathed, and suddenly spun your around.
Sihtric cupped your cheek and brought his other hand to your waist, pulling you flush against his body again.
'You're so f-fucking b… beautiful,' he smiled with heavy eyes, 'I want to make babies,' he hummed, then stumbled a step back over his own feet as he lost his balance, pulling you with him.
'Sihtric!' you giggled, desperately keeping the beast of man up on his feet, 'you're too drunk, we should get back to the hotel.'
'No, no,' he shook his head, 'I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine,' he laughed and took your face in his warm hands again, 'let's m-make babies on the,' he took a deep breath, 'the sand… that's near the- the water,' he frowned, 'or is the, the water near the ssssand?' he hiccuped and got distracted when someone walked by, offering shots.
'Honey, you had enough to…' you stopped talking when Sihtric downed the shot and quickly grabbed another, but not before he accidentally knocked over five full glasses.
'Oh,' he chuckled, 'oops. Why are these little things so little?' he asked, looking at the shot glass.
You apologised to the employee and they tried to explain it was okay, but Sihtric interrupted.
'Hey…hhhey,' Sihtric smiled at the stranger, 'I… this is my w-w-wife,' he said and gave the employee a mean look, but quickly giggled again, 'I'm going to get h-her pergnan… pren… pregan… I… I'm going to b-breed her,' he eventually nodded proudly.
'Oh my god,' you said with wide eyes, 'I'm so sorry,' you told the employee who smiled awkwardly at you, 'he's… he's clearly drunk. I'm taking him to the hotel now. Sorry for this mess.'
'Not a problem, miss,' the employee said and snorted, 'it's not every day you hear a retired boxing champion say he wants to breed his wife. Have a good night.'
'Thanks,' you said, embarrassed, and you pulled Sihtric with you over the beach, who was quick to grab another fruity cocktail with a little pink straw before he left the party.
'Heeeeey,' your husband slurred and he wrapped his arms around you, causing you to trip over his feet, and you fell onto the darkened side of the beach, 'where are you going? Oh- Oh… baby,' he murmured when he realised you had fallen down, and he crouched down next to you, spilling half of his drink over your dress.
'Honey where did you get that drink?' you scoffed, 'did you pay for that?'
 'No,' Sihtric confessed, 'mmmmmmaybe. N… no, I s-s-stole it,' he gasped, 'am I… am I going to jail again?'
'We,' you huffed, 'are going to sober you up at the hotel.'
You tried to get back up on your feet, but Sihtric was all over you, leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses wherever he could while his hand squeezed your flesh with lust.
'Sihtric,' you chuckled, 'come on, not here,' you said and tried to escape his strong arms.
'Why not,' he hummed, 'w-wifey,' Sihtric smiled, then laid back on the sand, keeping you in his arms while he refused to let go of his drink. 'I want to… fffuck,' he sighed.
'Honey,' you clicked your tongue, 'I'm sure you do, but you can't even keep your eyes open. Come on now,' you managed to stand up while he held your hand.
'Hm, baby, it's not fair,' he whined, tugging your hand like a spoiled brat, 'I want youuuu…'
'When you sober up,' you said, 'let's go now, love.'
'No!' Sihtric pouted and crossed his arms.
'God, you're such a child,' you muttered, but had to admit you thought he was still adorable, 'okay, well, fine. You stay here, darling. I'll see you back at the hotel I guess,' you said and turned to walk away.
'No, no!' Sihtric yelled, hoarsely, 'baby… I…' he suddenly groaned, and you froze at the sound of his trembling voice, 'I- I don't feel… well,' he said.
You turned back to Sihtric and ran up to him.
'Honey?' you asked, worried, 'are you okay?'
'I feel… feel dizzy,' he struggled to speak and grabbed your arm.
Fuck,' you hissed, terrified he had a sudden episode that was the aftermath of his concussion somehow.
But then Sihtric suddenly pushed you away as he leaned in, closer to the ground, and he threw up; the aftermath of getting drunk so suddenly. You grimaced and took another step back, giving him his space to be sick without him vomiting over your feet. After about a minute, Sihtric wiped his mouth and sat back.
'I… I'm never drinking a-a-again,' he mumbled, and then gulped down the half spilled cocktail he had managed to keep safe during this entire adventure.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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celabi · 1 year
this a a fact.
scummy scara has no fashion taste other than hoodies and what ever clean pants he can find on his floor. Read: a hoodie he hasn’t washed in six months and a pair of pants that don’t he hasn’t busted a nut in.
he just doesn’t wash clothes. so he just uses foul axe body spray to hide his scummy scent.
like after you start to show interest he washes his clothes now and stopped using axe after he heard you talking shit ab it. now he uses one that by the grace of the gods you love.
you have to dress that motherfucker he couldn’t put together a good outfit if eating you out for as long as he wanted was on the line.
you pick out what he wears bc he asked you to bc “he wants to look nicer” truthfully he just wanted to see what you found attractive. and to get you in his room, in his closet where you might find that little black box with your dirty panties in it.
write a drabble maybe 👉👈
also when i talk ab scummy scara i mean snake bite having wolf cut rocking looks clean on the outside but does the filthiest shit on the inside. fucking cooking for you with his cum. cumming on your toothbrush.
but thats for a different time. any way this is the style i picture him in. he only wears platforms bc he has this need for height.
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Jsnsnsnsn omg pls just scara sitting on the foot of his bed while you rummage through his closet, trying to pick out an outfit for him to wear for your date, knowing that if you didn’t, he would show up to the fancy restaurant in a baggy hoodie, sweats, and a pair of flip flops. His knee bounces faster as you get deeper into the closet. There’s clothes thrown messily onto his bedroom floor, all of his shoes (there’s two pairs) are lost somewhere in between the mix as well, and you keep finding some ‘random junk’ just carelessly shoved behind everything, like loose fake nails who you’re sure aren’t his because he shows up to class with badly painted, short black nails, there’s hair ties that have no purpose to him because his hair is too short, and occasionally you’d pull out some loose Pokémon cards.
“Scara… you’re not really giving me anything to work with here.” You mumble, lifting up a band t shirt that has holes ripped on all sides. He slightly leans to the side and views over your shoulder, he gulps. “Uh, yeah sorry, I don’t do much clothes shopping…” ‘she’s getting closer.’ He can feel his heart racing in his chest as you kneel forward and reach for anything else that might be hiding at the back, and he gulps when you quietly murmur a small ‘what’s this?’ as your hand grabs onto something. Oh this is it, you’re gonna see them, he thought he had hid them well, but you’re not even searching for them and you’ve managed to find them already. Oh god, will you scream at him for stealing them? You’re gonna leave him aren’t you. His eyes start to sting, and his hand reaches down to scratch at his leg in fear. This is it, it’s all over, everything he worked so hard for is abo—
“Oh, this shirt looks okay. Here, show me what it looks like on.” You stand up, pat the dust off your knees and hand him a surprisingly clean shirt that you had pulled out from the closet. He blinks, and slowly reaches out to grab it from you. So you didn’t see—? He so thought that his life was over, but maybe you had missed the small box hidden away in the corner, and he’s glad you did. “Yeah o-okay.” His cheeks redden when you watch him pull off the shirt he was already wearing and replace it with the one you gave him, before he tugs at hem and nervously shuffles his feet. “Uh.. so, do you think I look… good?”
“Yeah, you look cute. Come on, let’s go.” You reach for his hand and pull him along, which he makes no complaints about, a wonky smile on his lips while his eyes follow your move, before switching off his bedroom light and walking to the door. Maybe he was so distracted by your complaint that he failed to notice the very box he was dreading you to find opened, with a little pair off panties peeking out from inside. 😱 spoiler u found them whatttt
scara with band tee shirts and chains mwah I love
Anyways he’s so cute I’ll put him in some pink panties and eat him out thanks 🥺
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thosewildcharms · 2 months
Knowing rick's admission that he already knew he was in love with michonne why did he get close to jessie?
hey anon! well, as i kinda briefly talked about in a previous ask i think rick's whole thing with jessie was really about her at all - rather it was his way of subconsciously trying to process his unresolved guilt, grief, and sense of failure regarding lori, which i think was triggered by being in alexandria. i can go into why i think that is but that would honestly be its own post, but to keep it brief i'll just say i don't think it's a coincidence that she dressed like lori and had sons or that he started acting more like shane than himself. the Jessie Thing was something rick needed to go through in order to resolve his lori baggage, and i personally think it's better that he went through it before he started anything with michonne.
with that out of the way/to answer your actual question about why rick would do that, subconsciously or not, while clearly being in love with michonne, i think there are two possibilities.
in the post i linked above i also said speculated that he possibly became aware of his feelings for michonne sometime during the two month time jump between jessie dying and the beginning of 6x10, which opens with him not wearing his wedding ring for the first time. this could still be true - rick didn't specify when he became aware he was in love with his son's best friend, only that he was aware of it at least by that day he left the house determined to get her the toothpaste she wanted. if this is true, the Jessie Thing could have happened before he was consciously aware of his feelings for michonne.
the other way to think about it is that he knew he was in love with her well before that, well before they even got to alexandria even, but between clearly having PTSD when they got to alexandria (or at the very least, being in a really unstable headspace) and not knowing how to navigate his feelings for her when she was so important to carl, and/or possibly feeling like she just might not feel the same way, he subconsciously redirected himself towards jessie not just because of the lori baggage but because it was just easier. because if he couldn't have who he really wanted, maybe he should go after the thing he thinks he's supposed to want - a chance to do things differently with a proxy for the dead wife he could never fix things with.
i honestly flip flop between those two options myself, but either way, the Jessie Thing ends with him literally cutting her away from his family, picking up his kid, and running after michonne as she leads them all to safety so i think that says everything.
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vilevenom · 2 months
Part five of the ficlet collection for "Hello My Old Heart"!~
Wedding vows are hard to write. I'm just gonna say that much. I also won't lie - I struggled a bit with this one, for some reason. Hope y'all enjoy it, anyway! Previous parts: Let's Be Us Again | Suddenly, Everything Has Changed | Sleeping In | Early Birdie | Smother Me | Marry You
((Hopefully the links work. I will be forever sad if they don't))
Wedding planning should not be difficult. Mind, wedding planning was not John Dory's forte. He and Hickory had discussed a couple of ideas; primarily wanting a smaller guest list and how they would write their own vows, but that was about it. He truly had no idea how to go about inviting the guests, book a venue, arrange food…none of it. But then Poppy had caught wind of how abysmally his planning had been going, and it had been taken right out of his hands completely. He was infinitely grateful to her, really. However, Poppy's idea of what his wedding should be like and his own were quite different.
"Honestly, Popstar, it's fine. Hickory and I are good even just standing in the middle of a field and saying our vows, if it comes down to it. We don't need all this fan fare," John said quickly, watching as Poppy flipped through several wedding scrapbooks, going back and forth between them all while making notes. She looked up at him with a little frown.
"No way. You're Branch's oldest brother, and you were a member of BroZone! This is going to be big, and amazing! Trust me," Poppy said, waving a dismissive hand through the air.
John frowned and glanced at Branch, who was busy fiddling with some new invention of his off to the side. "Branch! Tell her to stop."
Branch spared John a short glance, only to roll his eyes and go back to his tools. "You're a big troll now, John Dory. Use your words."
John huffed out a breath, turning back to Poppy. She had color swatches out now and was holding them up near John's face to compare to his fur color. He grimaced, gently pushing her hands away. "Look, Poppy," he sighed, trying to put as much sincerity into his tone as he could muster, "I appreciate what you want to do. Really, I do. But Hickory and I just don't want a huge event made of this. Neither of us really like a big crowd, and we don't want some massive ragger of a party. And, before you say it, I know how that sounds coming from me. Please. If you want to plan our wedding, I won't stop you, because I really appreciate you taking all of this over for me. But can we keep it small?"
Poppy made a couple of abortive motions with the swatches in her hands, before finally deflating and nodding slightly. "Okay, fine. Family and close friends, only. But I will be making the flower arrangements as big as I want!"
"Deal," John snorted, holding out his hand, Poppy grinning widely as she shook it.
John had been ready to say his vows to Hickory withing a week of Hickory's awkward half-proposal. However, Poppy apparently needed at least three months to make the arrangements for everything she had planned. She told him, at one point, that what she had originally wanted to do would've taken six months, but after John's haggling she knocked her plans down to something she could put together in three. Plus, she had pointed out, John and Hickory's guests would need time to make appropriate travel plans and arrangements.
Needless to say, John was getting restless waiting. Two months into it, and even Sky was getting agitated.
"Why can't you do it now?" the trolling whined, flopping himself dramatically onto the ground. He kicked his little feet into the floor, his face smushed into the carpet, "Waiting feels like forever."
John snorted, elbow deep in the sink as he washed dishes, glancing over his shoulder to watch Sky briefly. "Because your aunt Poppy wants everything to be special. Plus, it hasn't been that long since your uncle Bruce visited. He's gotta make sure the restaurant is gonna be okay if he leaves again."
"UGH," Sky whined, rolling over to stare up at the ceiling. "Fine, I guess."
"Such a generous boy," Hickory laughed, taking a dish from John to dry and put away.
"Mmm. What's got your hair in a twist, anyway? It's not like anything will change around here after the wedding," John hummed, pulling the plug in the sink as he finished the last dish.
"No, I know," Sky sighed, tilting his head so he could watch his parents in the kitchen, "But, some of the kids at school were talking about aunt Poppy and uncle Branch's wedding, and some of them said only trolls in true love get married. And I know you and Papa are in true love, but a girl at school told me you couldn't be, 'cause you weren't married."
John snorted in mild offense, while Hickory simply frowned as he put the last of the dishes away.
"You tell that girl at school that anyone can be in true love, marriage or not," Hickory said as he turned to his son, hands on his hips, earning a surprised look from John, who'd had a snarky remark at the tip of his tongue. "As a matter of fact, sometimes true love just smacks ya right in the face, an' ya don't even realize it. Other times, it's real slow and creeps up on ya while yer not lookin'. True love can happen anytime, an' anywhere. You don't need no fancy ceremony an' a ring to show you've got true love."
Sky had sat up on the floor to pay better attention to his father while he spoke, little sparkles in his eyes at the impassioned speech. "Which one happened with you and Dad?"
"Well," Hickory chuckled, "The smack in the face sure happened to me." He glanced at John with a fond look on his face, "An' I'm pretty sure the slow creep happened to yer Dad."
"You big sap," John snorted, though he had to hide his face behind a hand to try and block the view of the dark flush that had spread across his cheeks.
"Muh?!" John jerked awake, blinking muzzily into the darkness as he sat up, looking around in a daze.
"Sorry, schatz," Hickory murmured, rubbing at John's shoulder to calm him down. John let out a little sigh, settling back down into the pillows.
"What's up?" John murmured, squinting through the dark at Hickory.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"…And it couldn't wait until morning?"
Hickory let out a breathy little laugh, petting at John's jaw gently. "I don't think so."
John waited for Hickory to speak, his brain slowly trying to pull him back down into sleep, before he forced himself into wakefulness again. "Well?" he grunted, rubbing at his face.
"Sorry. It's just…hard. It's hard to say," Hickory muttered. Another moment passed before Hickory sighed, shifting against the bed to lay flat on his back, his gaze focused on the ceiling. "I would like to extend an invitation to the wedding to Dickory."
John immediately sat up again, his mind now wide awake. "You what?"
Hickory sat up as well, holding his hands up in a placating gesture, although John could barely tell he was doing so. "I know! I know how that sounds, but…He's my brother."
"Yeah! Your brother who tried to-what was it he said? Oh, right. MAIM me? Because apparently, he wasn't actively trying to kill me. Just came real close," John seethed, trying to keep his voice quiet. "He called me a whore on multiple occasions!"
Hickory seemingly floundered for words for a few minutes as they sat in the dark in silence, while Hickory audibly fiddled with the blankets in his lap. "I'm sorry. I know he was terrible. To both of us, but especially you. But…he is the only family I have left, liebling. I want him to at least know that I'm happy. That we're happy, despite everything…This is why I wanted to talk to you now. I didn't want to argue in front of Sky."
"Oh, yes. Because waking me up in the middle of the night is going to lead to a really productive conversation," John groused, flopping back down into the pillows. He could hear Hickory continue to fiddle with the blankets for a long moment, before laying down next to him again. He groaned while throwing an arm over his eyes, already feeling the guilt welling up in his chest at Hickory's silence. "Okay, fine! You can send him an invitation. But you're going to need to talk to Poppy, since y'know…he got banished and all that."
John grunted as Hickory practically rolled on top of him and pulled his arm away from his face. "Thank you, schatz! If Poppy agrees, and he shows up, I will make sure to keep him on tight reins," Hickory hummed, pressing a smile into John's cheek.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm pretty great," John grumbled, wrapping his arms around Hickory. "Now, let me go back to sleep before our kid comes banging at our door to get up."
Finally, after months of waiting, the day of the wedding arrived.
John was nervous, to say the least. He and Hickory had agreed to Poppy's weird rule that the couple needed to spend the night before the wedding apart. It had been the first night in four years that John hadn't slept next to Hickory, and that alone had been enough to set him on edge for the day. And now, only a few scant hours before the wedding, he was stood in the little tent Poppy had had set up as a makeshift dressing room, in front of a mirror, staring at himself forlornly. His outfit was impeccable; a dark purple suit that Branch had, surprisingly, picked out with black and gold accents, and a black headband to replace his goggles. Certainly not his usual color scheme or style, but definitely complimentary to his natural colors. He knew he looked good (Poppy wouldn't let him walk out in something tacky. He hoped, anyway), but that didn't stop the thrill of nerves making him sweat.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon."
Bruce's voice startled John out of his silent revere, causing the teal troll to finally turn away from the mirror.
"And what if I did?" John tried to joke, but it fell flat as Bruce walked into the tent proper, a concerned little frown on his face. He shifted under his younger brothers scrutiny, before finally letting out a puff of air, while wiping his palms on the bottom of his suit jacket. "I'm just nervous."
"Whatever for?" Bruce chuckled, moving forward to fix the lapels of John's suit jacket.
"I genuinely have no idea," John laughed, already beginning to feel ridiculous as he thought about the conversation he'd had with Bruce previously, back when Sky's egg had first appeared in his hair. "I know he loves me, no matter what."
"And he's definitely in it for the long haul," Bruce agreed, stepping back from John with an easy smile. "You've got nothing to worry about. Today is really more of a formality, then anything else."
"I bet you were still nervous when you and Brandy got married, even if you knew she was in it for the long haul," John pointed out with a cheeky grin, laughing as Bruce flushed.
"Oh, I was a wreck," Bruce admitted with a little shrug and a nod, "I'm surprised I didn't trip over my own feet while walking up the aisle." He paused for a moment, fiddling with the bright orange rose bud on his lapel. "This probably isn't the best time to say this, but I wish you'd been there."
John chewed on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from starting to cry already, and gave a little nod. "I do, too."
Bruce nodded, clearing his throat as he not so subtly wiped at his eyes. "Right, well! Break a leg out there, Johnny," the purple troll declared, spinning on his heel to walk out of the tent.
"Bruce, wait!"
Bruce paused, turning to offer his brother a questioning glance.
"I know this is probably gonna sound weird, and Poppy might lose her marbles, because we didn't rehearse it, but, uhm," John cleared his throat, tugging at the hem of his jacket to straighten it, "Will you…walk me down the aisle?"
That was enough to get Bruce to burst into tears, his hands quickly shooting up to cover his face. "Oh my god, John!" he sniffed, shaking his head, "Right before the wedding?! I'm gonna be all blotchy."
"Oh, uh, sorry!" John scooped a tissue box up from his little vanity, offering it to Bruce, "Is that a 'no', then?"
"Is that a 'no'," Bruce mocked, snatching up tissues, "Of course it's a YES, you idiot. Glitter and cupcakes, you have the worst timing known to troll kind,"
"Ha, yeah…"
"You ready?"
"As I'll ever be, I guess."
The music queue began to play, notifying John that he should be walking down the aisle now. The teal troll turned to his brother, his smile crooked as they linked arms.
"It'll be great."
"I know."
"As I've been informed, the couple has written vows for each other. You may now recite them. Hickory, you may go first."
Hickory grinned brightly at John as the two stood at the alter, barely a foot apart but both feeling like they were still an ocean away, unable to reach out and touch. Sky was stood between them, just in front of the officiator, a little pillow that had previously held the rings they'd exchanged clutched in his hands as he watched his parents with stars in his eyes.
The country troll dug into the pocket of the black and gold floral pattern suit he wore, pulling a well worn, dog eared piece of paper out. He cleared his throat as he unfolded it carefully, glancing up at John with a smitten little smile, before he began to read.
"John Dory…I will never forget the day I first laid eyes on ya. Time felt like it stopped, an' my world suddenly felt like it could be so much bigger. Ya made me realize that I could be more than what other folks told me I should be, or what I should want. You gave me hope, an' I thought that was the most precious gift any troll had ever given me. But then ya gave me yer love, an' I realized that nothin' in this world or the next would ever compare. An' then you gave me a child…an' I don't think anythin' I can say or do will ever truly express just how grateful I am to receive all of the gifts you have given me, an' to have you in my life. I love you, with all a' my heart. An' I promise to keep tryin', every day of my life, to show ya just how much ya truly mean to me."
Hickory lifted his gaze from his speech, tears in his eyes, only to let out a wet laugh at the tears already streaking down John's cheeks.
"Oh, you're good," John whispered, sniffing loudly and wiping quickly at his eyes as Hickory chuckled. "I don't have proper vows written," he admitted, reaching out to take one of Hickory's hands, once the country troll had tucked his little piece of paper back into his pocket, "But, I thought I'd do something a little unconventional. Since we've always been a bit unconventional." He turned his head to nod at Branch, who quickly pulled a microphone out of his hair to hand over to John. "Hopefully my voice isn't too mucked up from crying," he added with a chuckle into the microphone, earning a smattering of laughter from the guests.
"There goes my heat beatin', cause you are the reason…" ((click here to listen to John's song))
Cheers broke out from the guests as John finished his song, a little grin on his face as Hickory openly wept in front of him. "Haha, I win," he said quickly into the microphone, before handing it back to Branch, earning a light punch in the arm from his youngest brother.
"And with that, I now pronounce you husband and husband," the officiator announced, with another round of cheering from the crowd as Hickory yanked John into a kiss.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
Love your blog! 🥹 Can you write some general Gun and Goo headcannons? They’re such a fun duo I can’t- 🤠
Thank you for being so sweet anon and again sorry for the looong delay. Take this complete and utter word vom. I.. I don't really know what this is apart from a ramble presented in bullet points.
Gun Park + Goo Kim: Duo headcanons
Fuck, I love these two.
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Let's start from the top.
Gun and Goo might not always get on, often behaving more like a bickering old married couple one step away from throttling each other, but they absolutely respect one another.
Begrudgingly so. Meeting someone that can go toe to toe with them does not happen every day.
Being secret friends or successor though, is completely out of the question. They never even considered it in the first place despite Gun ticking most of Goo's criteria and vice versa.
Both completely unhinged and chaotic in very different, often clashing, ways. Finding each other grating, fighting skills complementing each other due to circumstance rather than naturally.
Gun thinks of Goo as a disloyal, flighty and greedy maniac. Whereas Goo sees Gun as a dull stick-in-the-mud who only cares about fighting.
They're both right.
Gun doesn't care much for material goods. He will still buy the best of the best, because why the hell not. However, he does not form any sentimental attachment to it.
Goo is surprisingly similar. Often preferring shopping sprees as a form of a power trip and to show off how rich he is. There is a fleeting thrill of buying something he wants, but ultimately it gets discarded.
Stealing Gun's things, on the other hand, much more rewarding for Goo.
The first time he laid eyes on Gun wearing the striped yellow shirt and scarf combo, Goo knew he had to have it. Besides, it would look much nicer on him, dont you think? What the hell is Gun Park doing wearing such bright colours anyway.
In all honesty, Gun doesn't waste enough energy on clothing to say anything when he saw Goo in his outfit. Although he did roll his eyes and take an extra long drag of his cigarette.
(A/N: I love the idea of Goo stealing Gun's clothes. But I tend to flip flop between how private Gun is, keeping his work and personal life completely separate. )
If the outfit isn't stolen, then it would mean Goo went out and bought the exact same thing... Which is funnier if you think about it.
Because the sheer amount of effort that that takes, finding the same top, same scarf - because why the fuck would Gun tell him where he got it even if Goo did ask.
The fact that Goo takes a significant time out of his day just to fuck with Gun. Truly, what an idiot. Does he have nothing better to do?
Spending so much time together, they pick up naturally on each other's likes and dislikes. Well, Gun does anyway. Goo does most of the talking, and the few times Gun does talk - Goo doesn't even bother to listen.
Unfortunately, that means if someone asked Gun what happened on the latest episode of an anime series, he would be able to recite exactly what Goo has told him, and then afterwards beat them up for asking in the first place.
There's a closeness there that disgusts them both equally with how well they know each other. Music preferences, how they take their coffee. Knowing each other's mood like their own. Ugh.
Life carries on though and there's still shit to do. WIth most of their waking moments spent together, they weave in their own errands between jobs and missions.
At least Goo does. Gun's life is much more orderly instead of a whirlwind of chaos. He is proactive and reactive whereas it appears to him that Goo will just fulfil his own whims as they come up.
Either way, Goo is the one driving and it's his car so Gun has no choice but to go with.
Well. Gun can stay in the car like some sort of pitiful dog awaiting their master's return or join in with Goo.
He usually opts for the latter, and also regrets it too. For example, getting cookies together for fuck's sake. Grabbing ice cream. Ring shopping!
Really, don't let anyone tell you that Gun is impatient. He puts up with far too much from his blonde partner. He can be extremely level headed, often choosing to walk away from things not worth his time rather than waste his energy. There's a lot of hill where he would prefer not to die on where Goo Kim is concerned.
If you asked Goo what was the one thing he hated most about Gun, the ensuing silence would be the longest he has ever been quiet for. Because there really is so much he hates about that fucking guy.
Just one? Then Goo would likely say the smoking. Not only does it stink, but the smell seeps into the car interior and lingers on everything. Goo often likes to pretend he's choking when Gun lights up. Putting on a coughing fit and spraying spittle everywhere until Gun walks away in disgust.
If you asked Gun what he hated most about Goo Kim? Completely deadpan and straight faced, he would say 'everything'.
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love-byers · 2 years
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i fully believe the reason the final cut of this scene is so different is because they changed it to be more subtle. cause if you imagine it played out on screen, it's so unbelievably romantic. the final cut is also extremely romantic, but the og is just nuts to me. i'm also pretty sure the duffers said they change things and cut things out to make things less obvious, so take that as you will
1. will is still kneeling on the floor, but there's no direction for mike to sit on his bed. it says mike goes up to him, which could be a lot of things, but since will is still on the floor im guessing mike was meant to squat down to his level or kneel next to him. already way more intimate than the final cut where mike sits on his bed. so as we go through this, make sure you keep in mind they are sitting right next to each other
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i imagine he was supposed to be right there
2. 'you didn't have to' wasn't in the original script. originally, mike and will were supposed to let will's words hang in the air and smile at each other for a second or two (probably the same amount of time between 'you didn't have to' and 'hey, also-' in the final cut). they were supposed to smile at each other until mike says "Hey, listen [...]", then will looks away. a few uncut seconds of them....smiling at each other.....until one of them awkwardly breaks the silence.... y'all.
id also like to bring up what finn said about mike not knowing about will's feelings, but there also being a mutual understanding and acceptance. i think what he means is that they mutually understand how different and special their relationship is. "i didn't say it..." with no response but a shared smile implies the same thing the final cut does. will didn't have to, mike understood anyway. that shared smile is supposed to be them acknowledging that. they both know it, and i honestly don't know how finn and noah were supposed to act that out without it being so obviously flirty and blushy. hence why they most likely didn't keep it in. also remember that they're supposed to be right next to each other probably face to face. THE OG WOULDVE BEEN SO BLUSHY AND AWKWARD LIKE.......
3. "If we're....friends again. Best friends."
lord jesus
given that at this point in s4 the audience is meant to have already put it together that will likes mike, that line is crazy to me.
"If we're..."
WHY DID HE HAVE TO THINK??? WHY DID HE HESITATE???? the watcher already knows there is romance present in this dynamic, how fucking else is that meant to be taken?? this is also stranger things, the show where a staple in their romances is that they always claim they're just friends, when they're not. and it's MIKE saying this, not will.
and right after this, it says "Will finally looks at mike, emotional." so during mike's entire monologue, will isn't looking at him. to be honest i think them staring into each other's souls in the final cut it more romantic, but mike saying all this to a will who isn't looking at him adds a lot of depth. imagine mike saying all that and staring at will, who isn't looking back. it puts more romantic emphasis on mike. it's like mike wants will's approval.
smooth transition into—
4. "Yeah?" "Yeah."
good god it's so romantic
they swapped this for "Cool." "Cool." which can be interpreted as platonic a lot easier. and the time they did use "yeah?" "yeah." was during the van scene. it happens in the og script for the bedroom scene too, except it was WILL asking and MIKE confirming. they're flip flopped.
we can't know for sure what scene they filmed first, but i think it might've been van scene first and then the bedroom scene, cause i know the roller rink scenes and scenes in the house were filmed near the end of filming as a whole.
i probably sound crazy, but let's entertain that possibility for a second. cause one was filmed first, which means one was changed first.
the van scene lines were originally "You really think so?" "I know so." , but they changed it to "Yeah?" "Yeah." so what if they changed it so it would parallel the bedroom scene?
if they kept it as it was originally written, the scenes would be very obvious parallels. one talks and talks and talks about their feelings for the other. then the other asks for confirmation, and confirmation is given. it would've paralleled mike's monologue to will to a love confession, which is WAY too obvious
i cannot express to you how crazy this makes me 
5. "This intimate moment is shattered"
i don't even have to explain why this is a romantic trope, it just is
i'm gonna assume they were still supposed to have their gazes torn from each other like in the final cut, but imagine that happening while they're way closer. SO much more obviously romantic. they could've been in the same shot when it happens like in the other two scenes where they're interrupted, but in the final cut they aren't. and it's entirely possible they changed that cause the og is just WAY too romantic
i also want to highlight a couple parallels between this scene and the van scene cause this script pretty much confirmed they're connected and i honestly never thought about it until now
> "These past few months she's been so...lost without you."
> "Listen, the truth is, this last year has been weird, you know? And, you know, Max and Lucas and Dustin—they're great, they're great, it's just...it's Hawkins, it's not the same without you."
> "Mike takes this all in. Emotional now too."
"You really think so?"
"I know so."
and in the final cut
> "Will finally looks at mike, emotional."
and in the final cut
and of course, the painting. the bedroom scene is the set up for the painting. will grabs it before the shoot out happens. and the van scene is the pay off. idk how in the hell i never picked up on that, but i see it now
but yeah. i guess the duffers realized on set how obviously romantic the byler scenes play out and had to fix it so it'll still fly under the radar for most people
not me though y'all stay safe ❤️
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lunadragneel0928 · 9 months
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Izuku x Fem!OC
This is very different than anything else I've written, so be kind please!
Poly-relationship between Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Eijiro and OC, but this is centered on Shion and Izuku specifically.
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“What did you expect me to do, Shion? You were in danger!”
Shion slammed the front door open to their home, ignoring Izuku as he continued.
“Come on, talk to me. Please, Shion.”
Three sets of eyes tracked her progress as she stomped across the living area, not even stopping to take off her shoes, Izuku following right behind her. All three remained wisely silent as she made her way up the stairs to her room.
When she tried to slam her bedroom door closed Izuku stubbornly caught it, entering right after her before shutting the door quietly. 
“I want to be alone, Izuku.”
“No, I need you to talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong.”
Though she could have easily taken the words as an order or demand, the slight tremor in Izuku’s voice had her recognizing them for the plea they were. His scarred fingers running through his already messy curls, pulling just a little as he tried to keep calm, clenched his desperation.
“I’m angry right now.” she warned him, yanking off her boots and throwing them into her closet and leaning in the doorway facing away from him. 
“You think I’m not? You were in danger. YOU! The most amazing thing that has ever happened to me; more amazing than being gifted One For All or being Number One. You. The most important person in the world to me. The love of my life, my partner, my wife. You were in danger and I protected you. And for some inexplicable reason, you’re upset about it!”
He was right. She was upset. Inexplicably and unreasonably upset. And she was angry. Angry at Izuku. Angry at herself. And angry at that stupid villain that snuck up on her. 
She knew it wasn’t fair. Knew that she shouldn’t be taking it out on her kind, sweet husband, but she couldn’t let it go. Couldn’t deal with what was left behind if she did.
Blowing up on Izuku was the last thing she wanted to do though so she kept her mouth shut. Kept her back to him.
“Shion, Baby, please.” 
“No, Izuku!” she said sharply, perhaps more sharp than she intended. “Leave.”
Expecting to hear her soft-hearted lover shuffle out, it caught her off guard when he crossed the room and spun her around to face him.
“Not happening. I’m not going to leave you and let whatever this is fester. Talk to me.” 
Now he was starting to sound like Katsuki. Fine, she argued with her explosive husband all the time. Lashed out with her emotions because he could take it. If Izuku wanted to push her the way Katsuki did, he’d have to just accept whatever he got.
“You want me to talk? Fine. I didn’t need you to rescue me! It’s embarrassing! I may not be Number One, but Number Eight is nothing to sneeze at! I can protect myself! But no one believes that! All those reporters and civilians saw you rescue me. Pathetic, little Mizuchi. The only female in the Top 10 needed to be rescued again!”
“That’s not true! No one thinks you’re pathetic! You said it yourself, you’re the Number Eight hero!” 
“Who used to be Number Six! And now, every time I turn around I’m getting rescued or sent to the hospital!”
Izuku’s brows furrowed as his confusion mounted, pulling her in to comfort her. He didn’t even realize he was doing it, taking care of her was always his first instinct.
“That's Kacchan's aversion to getting help rubbing off on you. So I had to assist, so what? And shuffling in the ranks happens all the time. Even I-”
Shion cut him off with a scoff.
“Yes, flip-flopping with Katsuki for Numbers One and Two for years is awful. Or perhaps you meant how Ei and Sho switch Three and Four every so often?” 
“You’ll bounce back!” 
Shoving past him to walk over to her window, peering out at the dreary day, she felt the rage attempting to summon her lightning to the surface so she shoved it back down. When Izuku grabbed her hand though, a sharp spark released unbidden, shocking him, though he barely winced.
“What does this have to do with me protecting you?” he tried asking softly.
She could tell he was trying to defuse the situation but her unease and self doubt had built itself into a perfect little bonfire, set aflame by her anger and frustration.
“Everything! No one thinks I can do my job without someone watching over me! Like I need someone jumping in to protect me!” “You don’t need anyone to protect you, but today you were being reckless.”
“I would have been fine! All of us are reckless from time to time. It’s part of our job, but I was handling it myself! This is affecting my rank Izuku!”
“I’m not going to let you risk your life just because you’re worried about your hero ranking!” 
Shion ripped her hand free from his grasp, blinking rapidly at the sudden onslaught of furious tears. 
“Oh yes, big, strong Deku protecting poor, pitiful Mizuchi from her own stupidity.” she sneered.
“That isn’t what this is!”
“When it’s you or Katsuki running headlong into danger no one bats an eye. They don’t think twice about Eijiro or Shoto battling a tough villain. But I put myself in danger, because I’m a hero too, and everyone loses their minds! Everyone thinks I’m incapable of keeping myself safe. ‘If she can't do that how can she save anyone else?’ Relegating me to the sidelines so I don’t hurt myself or anyone else!”
“No!” Izuku vehemently denied, getting in her face, chasing her when she stepped back into the wall, his hands pressing flat on either side of her head. “I want you fighting next to me! You and you alone! Always! But there is a difference between being a hero and needlessly throwing yourself into situations in ways that put you at more risk than necessary! I would know. I’ve made that mistake too many times myself.”
She threw her fists into his chest, but without using her quirk to help it was pointless. Izuku barely swayed back at the blow.
“You don’t think I’m a good hero!”
“BULLSHIT!” he yelled, once more acting in opposition to her expectations. “You're an amazing hero! You know how much I believe in that; believe in you! But I cannot stand idly by and let you get yourself hurt! Not when I can stop it!”
“Yes you can!” she yelled back, clenching her hands in his shirt and shaking him. “I need you to! I need to prove that I can do this!”
“I can’t do that! You are too precious to me! To Kacchan, to Eijiro and Shoto! Do you realize what would happen, how we would feel, if something were to happen to you?! Don't you know how important you are to the people who love you?!”
“I don’t care!” she screamed, overwhelmed by the feelings of inadequacy tying her stomach in knots.
Even though she didn’t really mean the words she left them hanging heavily in the air between them. Refused to take them back even as something in Izuku’s gaze shifted. Hurt glimmered there for a moment before something more primal she usually only saw when he was in battle, came to life. But not even when he was using One For All at 100% did his eyes glow as they were in that moment.
“You don’t care?”
His tone dropped into something not quite menacing. Dark, but not dangerous, not to her. Though something icy licked up her spine as he continued, making her swallow hard. 
"Well, I guess I should remind you of the reasons you have to care then, huh? To realize what you're truly worth. What you mean to the people around you."
"Izuku, what - hmph!"
He cut her off with a bruising kiss, one that she never would have thought her normally gentle husband was capable of. Her head banged against the wall from the force of his lips on hers. 
Shifting one of her hands to his hair to tangle in his curls, she tried to fight the fuzziness his rough affection conjured up in her mind. She wasn't quite sure if she meant to push him away or pull him closer. 
It was so unlike Izuku, but she couldn't deny that the way she had to fight for dominance against his mouth satisfied the heat inside her the same way yelling at him before had. 
Nipping at his bottom lip had his hand fisting in her hair before he returned the favor. She moaned against her better judgment, and suddenly she was lifted off her feet. Izuku's effortless strength had her legs wrapped around his waist before she could truly comprehend what he was doing.
"How am I doing so far sweetheart? Is it starting to sink in, how much I care about you?" He murmured against her throat.
Before she could formulate a response he was sucking the skin just over her pulse into his mouth, nibbling there and making her cry out. 
"Izuku, talk to me please!"
He chuckled darkly against her collarbone before ripping both of them away from the wall. With his hands gripping her thighs like a vice she was left to latch onto his shoulders to keep from falling. It was pointless however as he made his way to the end of her bed, using his own weight to tip her back onto the mattress. He caught himself with one hand, the other still clinging to the plushest part of her leg.
"You want to talk now Baby? Too late for that." 
Laving his tongue up her throat, he stole her next thought, then his mouth was back on hers. For one moment of pure bliss she surrendered to the power of his kiss, bowed her head to lean into it. Usually with Izuku it was a give and take, neither of them holding more power than the other, but the way he was taking control this time had her yearning for more. She’d never gotten so turned on so quickly in the past. Gotten so lost in Izuku so thoroughly she could barely remember what they'd been talking about before. Or anything else that had happened that day.
Izuku leaned back for a breath and it cleared her mind just enough for her to come awake to something outside of him, making her unwrap her legs from his waist and scramble out from beneath him. 
Her chest heaved as she fought to get her thoughts back on track, her back pressed against her pillows, a hand raised as if that would actually stop him. He didn't give her much time to do anything though as he followed her, kicking off his shoes as he went.
"Izuku, what are you doing?" She demanded as he snatched her ankles, pulling her towards him until she laid flat on the bed.
Ignoring her, his fingers gripped the hem of her sweater, a big, loose, cozy thing, and yanked it over her head. The rush of cool air against her skin had her squeaking in surprise and then Izuku was wrapping the sweater tightly around her wrists. She uselessly pulled against him as he then attached it to the horizontal bar that made up the top of her headboard, her strength no match for his even when he wasn't using his quirk.
Her bra went next, but he didn't bother removing it properly. Green lightning flashed briefly as he tore the plain, everyday bra to shreds, tossing the remains to the floor.
"What the hell?! Izuku, answer me damn it!" She pushed, kicking her legs against his hard stomach.
At least until he settled his hips against hers, weighing down her lower half so that she was completely immobile.
"I told you, I'm reminding you of all the reasons you have to care about your well-being."
His answer barely preceded the rough swipe of his tongue against her nipple, causing her to bite back a moan. As much as she wanted to fight it, he knew that was one of her most sensitive places and he was eagerly taking advantage. She could already feel her body beginning to respond as he continued lavishing attention onto her breasts.
The need to arch into him, to meet him halfway, and the heat pooling between her legs nearly drove her insane. She was beyond turned on and needy, like she could combust at any moment, and she almost wished her pride wasn’t rearing its ugly head in order to keep her from allowing herself to.
Without warning he latched harshly onto the now very stiff peak, pulling a whimper from between her clenched teeth. He'd never been so unrelenting in his attention before and it sent pain along with the pleasure singing down her spine to her core. She couldn't help but cry out as he continued suckling then biting at the soft flesh of her breasts until she was sure she'd end up raw and aching later.
Calloused and scarred fingers drifted down her side to wrap around her thigh again, hoisting it back up around his waist. The movement forced her center up into the feeling of his hardening cock, wrenching out a sharp whine from deep within her chest.
His mouth released her nipple with a sharp *pop* at the noise she made, then he began pressing open mouthed kisses along her entire chest. 
Resistance crumbling, Shion felt herself sinking further and further into the haze her husband was creating around them.
Shion screamed as Izuku simultaneously spanked her and bit down on the inside of her left breast. The bastard hadn't lifted her leg to get closer to her, he'd done it to expose her ass cheek!
"You still don't believe me, Baby Girl. Refusing to accept the truth of what I'm saying." He muttered sensually as he lifted his head to her throat. "So, I'm going to mark you, claim every inch of your body, then I'm going to fuck you so hard you can't look in the mirror or even move without remembering this moment. Every bit of it, a reminder of what you mean to me; to us."
Rutting his hips against hers, he bit her again, this time just below the base of her skull and behind her ear, making her cry out again.
"Izuku." She keened, pulling ineffectually at the sweater binding her arms.
Even through her thick winter tights the blow stung. 
"No, no, Baby.” he admonished, lightly tonguing her new mark “What was it you called me earlier when you gave me grief because I want to keep you safe? Want to take care of you? Oh yeah, big, strong Deku. Why don’t you call me that? Or even better, how about Daddy Deku? Yeah, I think I like that, Daddy Deku is here to take care of his naughty Baby Girl."
The sinful tone and smirk he wore, both unlike anything she'd ever heard or seen from him, made the temperature beneath her skin skyrocket. If she hadn’t known any better she would have assumed she had a fever.
All of that fell away as Izuku's eyes lit up at her shock. It only made matters worse as she felt her panties sticking to her, she was already so turned on.
"You think your actions don't have consequences? You go around the city, acting like you don't care if you live or die, as if you don’t matter, because someone who knows nothing about you says you're not a great hero?" 
This time his hand meeting with her already warm ass cheek was accompanied by his teeth closing over her shoulder. She managed to rein in her reaction to arch against him, instead craning her neck around until she could reach where his met his shoulder, giving as good as she got. 
She felt him huff against her shoulder as he released her, so she let go as well, allowing him to look in her eyes again. 
"So that's how you want to play, Baby Girl?" He chuckled, low and rough, sending shivers shuddering down her spine. 
Working his way down her torso, Izuku took his time leaving hickies and love bites wherever he pleased, making her body shake in arousal. She wouldn't be able to wear just a sports bra or tank tops to the gym for weeks at this point and she didn't think he was done. Her whining and squirming did nothing to dissuade him, and she couldn’t say for sure that, that was what she was trying to do. The urge to fight was still there, so even if she was eager to continue, she couldn’t let herself just give in.
And yet, as much as her anger still simmered, as much as she bucked her hips in an attempt to move away, never once did she consider calling one of the others. This was between her and Izuku. A conflict that needed to be resolved with just the two of them. The others would probably weigh in later, but Izuku had been the only one with her in the fight against the villains, so he’d be the only one involved in the resolution as well.
When Izuku reached her stomach, his hands grasped tightly at her hips. For a single, hopeful moment she'd never admit to, she thought he would remove her tights and continue pressing kisses against the newly exposed skin. Instead she found herself roughly flipped over onto her knees. Ass now high in the air and forced to her elbows that barely reached the propped up pillows in order to support her. 
"Someone is being a very bad girl, and I already warned you, there are consequences for your actions."
"Fuck you, Izuku!" She managed to snarl in a way she knew would have made Katsuki proud.
The viciousness of her words lost its edge though, as Izuku peeled her tights and panties down her legs, revealing the evidence of her traitorous body.
"I think you meant 'fuck me', if the way you're absolutely dripping is any indication." He chuckled, running his thumbs down either side of her slit, but not actually touching the aching flesh.
Her first instinct was to push her hips back further into his hands, but she clawed at the remaining shreds of her sanity and shifted away instead. Not that it made much of a difference since he easily caught her. 
"Ah, ah, ah, consequences, remember?" 
For a brief moment there was nothing but the sound of Izuku shifting in the bed. Just as she was about to turn her head to see what he was doing, he struck.
The sting of his palm was even sharper against her bare ass. Involuntarily, her hips jerked forward and her head flew back as she squealed.
This time her other cheek was the one to receive the attention.
"Try again Baby Girl."
Her shoulders began to ache as she pulled against her bonds. How had he done this with a sweater?
When she didn't respond he struck again, switching sides once more. 
The pattern continued, either because of her silence or because she refused to give him what he wanted, her stubbornness driving her to call him everything she could think of except what he wanted her to. Soon both sides of her ass throbbed in time with her pussy as she panted, sweat sliding across her forehead and her arousal leaking down her thighs. Still she mulishly held onto her pride, not willing to give it up, even if it was only hanging on by a very thin thread. 
"Had no idea you'd look so hot like this, Baby. Red may be Ei's color but it looks so good on you."
Shion whimpered. She had no idea how long they'd been at it, time had lost all meaning, but her anger was steadily slipping away no matter how much she tried to hold on. Lost in the lust and neediness that Izuku was dredging up within her. 
Though rougher than normal, every single one of the greenette's touches, every stroke of his hand or fingers on her back, every bite and spank, was making her desperate. 
Desperate to quench the flames of the inferno he'd stoked within her. Desperate for relief from the way her blood boiled in her veins. Desperate for him to fill her in the way only he could.
"Come on Baby Girl, you know what I want. You want it too. You're such a mess right now, I can tell that you do." 
Fingertips traced along her spine making her shiver before reaching around and pinching at her already bruised nipples. Just like that, the last thread of her anger snapped.
"Daddy." She whimpered, her core clenching on nothing, feeling as though it was gushing as he played with the overly sensitive skin of her breasts.
In a blink Izuku thrust into her, drawing out another scream. She hadn't even realized he'd gotten undressed but it was his naked chest that pressed against her back, his warmth only managing to further heat her already feverish skin. 
Never before had he been so forceful and unyielding as he’d entered her. Though she was more than wet enough, he still would have normally prepped her beforehand. It was a shock, but she couldn't say she minded. It had her fluttering around him as she adjusted to his size, feeling a little lightheaded as she had trouble catching her breath. Since he didn’t stretch her first he felt even bigger, forcing a moan out at the way he seemed to touch every inch of her walls.
"Oh, fuck." She gasped out.
"That's my good girl. Just let go." He whispered into her ear. "I'm going to fuck you until the only thought in your head is 'more'."
"Daddy!" She cried, resistance gone as he bucked his hips against her, his calloused fingers gently stroked over her breasts and down her sides.
"That what you want, Baby? Want me to fuck you so good your pussy molds to the shape of my cock?" 
He pulled out slowly as he spoke, punctuating the question by slamming his hips back into hers. 
"Yes, Daddy!" 
"Who knew, it just takes a little punishment to break that bad attitude of yours."
Every drive of Izuku’s hips into hers forced her further and further away from her regular frame of mind. All the emotions that had been choking her just a little while ago were insignificant in comparison to what he was making her feel now. This is what mattered, this moment with Izuku, her marriage with each of her husbands, everything else be damned. 
Somehow this new, rough and dominant Izuku made her feel soft and feminine as he manhandled her; as he gave her no other choice but to let him take charge. And as the realization crystallized, she could only think that she kind of liked it. Not being in control, trusting someone else to care for her for just a little while instead of worrying over everything herself. A habit she'd struggled with nearly her entire life. Even when she’d lived with Shota and Hizashi.
It was freeing, letting Izuku take over, trusting him with every part of her. Mind, body, and soul. She allowed herself to sink into it, letting go as he said, focusing on Izuku and him alone. 
For the first time, she didn't feel the need to plan everything out and ensure all aspects of her life went according to that plan. She could let Izuku handle it and just be. And doing it now didn’t mean she had to live her whole life that way.
Maybe he was right about how she'd been acting.
'Pro Hero Mizuchi, Nothing Without Her Harem?'
The nasty headline she'd read that morning intruded out of nowhere, shattering the peace she'd found only moments before. Setting her blood heating in a much more unpleasant way than her lover had.
He must have felt her tense, because a split second later his hands gripped her hips hard enough to bruise, using the extra leverage to pound even harder into her wanting slit.
"Whatever thought you just had, forget it. You are amazing, you are a great hero, you are precious, you are important!"
Tears pricked her eyes at Izuku's passionate outburst, words impossible as his hit their mark, gently slipping into her heart and soul in spite of the frustrated tone they were delivered in. Taking over and melting away her insecurities and doubts.
"You work so fucking hard and you deserve to take care of yourself the way you take care of everyone around you! You deserve to be protected and treasured!"
"I have to do better!" She sobbed.
Hands still squeezing her hips, Izuku pulled out, flipping her onto her back once more. What was left of her clothing was ripped from her body, then he was lifting her legs onto his shoulders and plunging back into her almost faster than she could register the brief emptiness she felt. 
"Fuck! Yes, Daddy! Please, more Daddy! Fill me please!" She cried, forgetting about her raw emotions momentarily as he hit something so deep within her that her vision whited out for a few seconds.
"That's it." He muttered, his tone briefly shifting into the soft one she heard him use when he'd finally found an answer to a problem he'd been struggling with.
He leaned over, practically folding her in half as he somehow managed to keep up the relentless pistoning of his hips. Keeping balance with one hand, he used the other to firmly grasp her chin, forcing her to look him in the eye.
"You want a reason to care about your safety? Something to show you how much you mean to us? That you're the only one we want? Prove to you that we would go to the ends of the earth and beyond for you?"
She waited for him to continue, moaning as he kept finding that sweet spot so deep within her it felt like he was going to tear her in half.
"Answer me." He demanded through gritted teeth.
"Yes, Daddy!" She panted, nearly lost in the glowing green of his eyes.
Releasing her chin he leaned in even more to whisper in her ear.
"You like me filling you up, Baby Girl?"
Shion whined at the change of subject, but answered anyway.
"Yes, Daddy. Feels so good." 
"What if I fill you up with something else? Want me to give you a baby? Make you my sweet little momma? So you'll have something to protect the way we want to protect you. Have a family with you? Because you're the only one we want that with, Baby Girl. Would that be enough to get you to finally understand? Show you that everything is meaningless for us without you?"
Slack jawed at Izuku's taunt, Shion floundered as she searched for a response. Luckily her body spoke for her as her pussy clenched down on him, as if begging for him to follow through on his offer. The feeling made Izuku stutter momentarily as he fought to maintain control. 
"Fuck, Baby Girl, I guess you like the sound of that, huh? Want me to get you big and round so you can show off to everyone? Prove to them you’re all we care about, so special to us that we want to start a family with you. So they'll be jealous that you've got the top four heroes in the palm of your hand? Each of us so fucking in love with you that we can't get enough?"
"Oh god, please Daddy!" 
The words burst out of her before she even made the conscious decision to say them. Izuku grunted in satisfaction, nipping at her ear and down her throat before pulling back just enough to meet her gaze.
"Do you get it now? How much you mean to so many? Your family? Your friends from school?"
He paused for a moment, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath without slowing his continued assault on her still fluttering core. She wasn't sure how much longer she was going to last.
"And to us, your husbands. You have four men who love you so fucking much we each let three other men be with you because we will do anything to make you happy. You're it for us! You've been our past, you are our present, and you will be our future! You’ve supported each of us through whatever we were going through, ever since we met you at school. You make our lives mean something, more than the hero work, we live our lives for you. And only you can bring us together the way that you do. You make us a family, you are our wife and the mother of whatever children we get blessed with. Nobody else can be or do any of that. Only you! You are irreplaceable!"
In the blink of an eye, it all made sense.
She had hated it when Katsuki and Izuku had done their level best to get themselves killed in the field. When Eijiro had been so badly hurt after the Shie Hissaikai raid. When Shoto had almost burned himself out fighting Dabi. When Katsuki had died in the fight against Shigaraki.
She'd thought them reckless and stupid. Risking themselves indiscriminately like they had nothing to lose, like it wouldn’t matter if something happened to them.
Now she was doing the same thing.
"I'm sorry!" She sobbed.
"I'm sure you are Baby. You see it now?"
Still Izuku's pace never wavered. His stamina was both awe inspiring and exhausting at the same time. 
"Yes, Daddy."
"Gonna be a good girl from now on?"
Rough fingers ghosted against her clit, making her whole body tremble violently.
"Oh god, yes! Yes, Daddy!"
"That's my good girl. You want to make me a real daddy, Baby? Want me to fill you nice and full?"
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, please Daddy!" 
With a groan of his own, Izuku's thumb pressed more firmly into her nub, drawing out a sharp keen.
"That's it Baby Girl. You're so close, I can already feel you clenching. So desperate to milk me."
She wasn't the only one who was close, his dick throbbing against her walls with every thrust. 
"Please, Daddy. Wanna cum with you."
"Such a good girl, asking permission. Alright, cum for Daddy."
Just as he slammed his hips into hers once more he pinched at her clit, rubbing it between his fingers just as he had her nipple earlier. The tension building in her gut broke at the sensation and she was falling over the edge. 
Electricity skittered through her veins as wave after wave of her orgasm violently crashed over her. It wouldn’t be the first time Izuku accidentally activated a little bit of One For All when he came, shocking her in the midst of her own ecstasy, but in that moment she couldn't have cared less. She didn't recognize her own squealing and babbling as Izuku worked her through it, even as he finished as well. 
When his hips finally stilled, pressed flush against hers, she couldn't contain the contented mewl that escaped her. An outward sign of the innate satisfaction that came from being so intimate with one of them. It had only gotten stronger the longer she was with the four of them, and was nearly overwhelming when she thought about the very real possibility of her getting pregnant. Carrying their children, being able to show the world how much she loved these men. The lengths she was willing to go to make them as happy as they made her; To the ends of the earth and back.
Izuku chuckled as he carefully lowered her legs to either side of himself. His arms shook from the exertion of holding himself up but he didn't pull out just yet, didn't break their connection. 
The soft look that was his norm returned to his eyes, breaking down the last of her walls with the love and awe she saw shining within them.
She let out a soft sob as her eyes filled and she pulled lightly at the sweater still restraining her. 
"Izu, my arms, please." She rasped, her voice weak after her screams. 
In a blink he had her released and she immediately pulled him in tight, pressing a desperate kiss to his mouth. 
"I'm so sorry, Izu, so, so sorry." She whispered to him between kisses, sprinkling them across his whole face, as if trying to press one to each of the freckles that she'd always loved. "I'm sorry. I wasn't mad at you, but I took it out on you. I'm so sorry. So sorry, Izu."
He immediately shushed her, gently returning her kiss and carefully lowering his weight onto her. Heavy as he was, she welcomed the warmth, the way it grounded her and made her feel protected. Safe enough to reveal anything and everything that might have been on her mind.
"I didn't understand at first" he admitted after she'd explained the articles she'd been seeing and all the twisted thoughts they'd produced, "but I knew I couldn't leave. Had to push to get you to admit what was going on."
Shion hummed against his lips, knowing he was right. Her emotions would have only soured further, turning poisonous inside of her if he'd listened to her when she'd told him to leave.
"Honestly, I was a little worried at the beginning. That I might push it too far and you'd end up hating me. Then I remembered all the times you and Kacchan have gotten in each other's faces about stuff and you still love him."
His nose drifted against hers for a moment as he searched her face.
"I wasn't intending for it to go like it did, I was just trying to get you to remember how much I love you. That what anyone else thinks doesn't matter when you have us. Then I grabbed your hair and you moaned, and I just couldn't stop myself."
Sniffling a little from the tears that still plagued her, she let her fingertips dance across the freckles on his shoulders.
"You did nothing wrong, Izu. Not with that villain and not here."
"You sure?" He asked, his raised eyebrow and tilted head highlighting the uncertainty in his voice. 
Smiling softly she nodded, her fingers slipping into his now sweaty green curls. 
"Anytime Daddy Deku wants to visit, he's more than welcome."
Even as his whole face turned red a grin broke out as well, obviously pleased with her appraisal of his uncharacteristic outburst. 
"I know we haven't been trying long, but I just want to say again how much I would love for you to have our kids. I didn't say all of that stuff just to convince you to be more careful on patrols."
"I know Izu." She chuckled. "Apparently I like that thought a lot more than I realized."
A bit of that same feral light from before turned his grin wolfish and the next moment he was capturing her lips in a passionate kiss that had her wiggling her hips against his again.
Izuku barely had time to moan into her mouth before there was a loud pounding on her door.
"If you two idiots are done with whatever the fuck that was, dinner is getting cold and Ei has to leave soon." 
Without waiting for a reply Katsuki loudly stomped his way across the balcony and down the stairs.
Laughing at the blonde's surly attitude, Shion slipped her arms from around Izuku's neck only to have him dive in for one more kiss.
"I love you, Shion." He murmured against her lips. 
"I love you too, Izuku."
Normally her green haired husband was the most predictable of the four, but he was quickly proving how capable he was of doing the unexpected. Instead of moving off of her and climbing off the bed, he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her along with him as he leaned back, making her squeak.
"Not ready to let you go just yet, Baby Girl." He admitted a bit sheepishly as he set her carefully onto the counter in her bathroom. 
She flinched against the coldness on her still stinging ass, but that only served to drive her closer to Izuku again. With a groan his hands came up to frame her face, another, more feverish kiss chasing away the chill of the countertop. 
"You are making this difficult, Baby."
"That's what I live for, Izu."
His rich laugh filled the bathroom for a moment before he braced himself. When he finally pulled out, she hissed out her displeasure at the empty feeling. Izuku pressed a kiss to her forehead as if he agreed with the sentiment, but clasped one of her hands in his to make up for it. He stayed close as he turned on the water to warm up while he found a washcloth. Shion stayed quiet as he took care of her, carving himself even deeper into her heart and soul with every gentle wipe and soft kiss. 
Once he was finished he wrapped his free arm around her, drawing her into his chest and filling her with warmth with just a look. Grasping his cheeks as he'd done hers before, she leaned in to press her forehead to his.
"I love you so much, Izuku Midoriya."
"I love you too, more than I know how to express, Shion Bakushima-Midorroki."
"Oh I think you expressed it just fine." She teased, making him laugh again. 
"Come on, we both know that if Kacchan has to come back for us, he's gonna be upset."
It only took minutes for them to get dressed and join everyone.
Not wanting to start anything, she let her hair down to cover her neck, found another pair of tights and one of the guy's hoodies to slip into, wanting all the marks Izuku left to be hidden.
"Fucking finally."
"Hello to you too, Suki." She purred into his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek as Izuku took his seat across from him.
"Hey brat." He grunted in return.
With a chuckle she turned to the redhead seated beside him, already dressed for going into the office. 
"Sorry I'm late Eiji. Do you have everything you need for patrol?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind.
"Yeah, Kats got me fixed up." 
"Good," she said with a kiss to his cheek as well, "go be someone's sunshine today, yeah?"
Reaching up, Eijiro pulled her around into his lap, drawing out an embarrassed squeak that luckily hid her wince when her sore ass hit his thighs.
"As long as I'm your sunshine I'll die a happy man."
No matter how many times he said that to her it still set her stomach fluttering.
"Love you Eiji." she told him, melting into his chest for a moment.
"Love you too, Pebble." He replied with a kiss. 
He let her up after that, but when he playfully smacked her ass she let out an involuntary yelp of pain. All eyes fixed on her, she felt her cheeks warm even as she tried to brush it off.
"Nothing to worry about, carry on."
She was sure her face was probably as red as Izuku's was when the other three men turned their gazes on him, so she hurried around the table to finally greet Shoto.
"Hi Sho."
"Hello love." He answered absently, still looking at the green haired man, but when she leaned down to kiss his cheek he turned his head, insisting on a real kiss.
Before she could move away his right hand glided across both sides of her ass, soothing the sting there with his ice.
"Thank you Shoto, but you didn't have to do that. I'm fine." she insisted.
He just hummed, taking her hand when she took her place at the end between him and Eijiro.
If she were honest, at least with herself, it did feel a lot better when she sat down after his ministrations.
Eijiro smiled over at her for a moment but then his eyes widened and he reached over brushing her hair away from the back of her neck. 
"Holy shit, Pebble that looks like it hurts! It's already bruising! The hickey on the other side is one thing but shit!"
Confused, she ran her fingers over the spot he was staring at. The area didn't feel any different, but it did throb dully when she pressed, reminding her of the only bite mark left visible by her clothing.
"It's fine Eiji, it doesn't hurt, I forgot it was even there." She promised, covering the mark with her palm.
"Damn, nerd, didn't realize you had it in ya."
"Lay off, Kacchan." Izuku mumbled, pulling at the neck of his shirt to show the bite she'd left on him in return.
Katsuki shot her a proud grin.
"Atta girl, Puddles."
Shion rolled her eyes and pulled her hair back to the front to cover the bruise then pulled her hood so it bunched around her neck. 
"Can we change the subject, please?"
"Sure," Shoto agreed, "Do you have something you need to tell us, love?"
Brow furrowed, she studied his face, but there was nothing to even hint at what he was referring to.
"Have something in mind, Sho?"
"Well, it hasn't been that long since we started trying for kids, but you were calling Izuku 'daddy', so…"
Having already started on his dinner, Shoto's words had Izuku choking on the bite he'd just taken. Pounding at his chest, he reached blindly for his glass, watering eyes making it difficult to find until Katsuki finally shoved it at him.
"Fucking hell, Icy Hot!"
Though her cheeks warmed again, Shion still reached over and pinched Shoto's ear, making him wince even as he smirked.
"Everyone in this house knows you're no clueless innocent Shoto Todoroki, so I don't know why you bother trying to act like it "
"It's fun making Izuku blush."
Her other two husbands groaned as Izuku ducked his head and covered his face with his hands.
"Behave Shoto, or I'll let slip some of your embarrassing secrets." She warned, leaning back in her chair, taking a sip from her own cup, and meeting his stare head on.
"Go ahead." He challenged unabashedly. 
For a moment she stayed still, then she tilted her head, raised a suggestive eyebrow, and grinned at him. 
A flash of realization and fear flashed through his mismatched eyes and he was suddenly backpedaling.
"Alright, I'll stop."
"Ugh, this tension is so gross. Just go fuck already! Shion is obviously warmed up."
"Katsuki!" She admonished.
"Are we taking turns then?"
"Shoto, you just said – "
"Hey, what about me?"
The big redhead turned his pout her way, making her groan and look back and forth at Shoto and Katsuki. Even after what she and Izuku had already done, their heated stares had her clenching her thighs together when she realized they were serious.
Looking to Izuku didn't help because he just smiled a satisfied smile, his eyes sparkling and reminding her of the words he'd spoken to her earlier.
'Precious… Treasured... Important... Irreplaceable…'
With the words warm in her heart she turned back to Eijiro with a sigh.
"I'm off tomorrow, we can cuddle when you get home."
His triumphant grin had her shaking her head.
Izuku was right though. The only people that truly mattered were her dads, her brother and sister, and the four men at the table with her.
Fuck the rest of the world.
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I hope you enjoyed!
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necromaniackat · 1 year
Cruel Summer
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Chapter 1: So It Begins.
It was the morning you were leaving for Heelshire mansion to begin renovations. It was your dad’s dream to turn the mansion into a bed and breakfast. He said it’s seen enough tragedies for a lifetime, now it’s time for it to see community. Your dad told you that your grandparents would never allow it while alive. Your dad died when you were twelve. That was a brutal hit to you and your mum. Mainly because your dad was a handyman and the epitome of health, yet he dropped of a heart attack at thirty. Then your mum married Adam a couple years later.
This caused a sadness to settle in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t help but frown as you carried one your suitcases to your crappy little BMW. Hooked in your other arm was Brahms. Since you got the doll a couple days ago you haven’t paid any mind to the doll or the booklet of rules and regulations to follow when caring for Brahms. You were probably going to take it to an antique’s dealer at some point.
You put Brahms in the front seat and buckled him in. You didn’t want to send the doll flying if you slammed on the brakes. That’s at least a hundred pounds that you can put toward your next tattoo fund. Just as you closed the boot to your car a silver Audi pulled up behind you. You smiled when you realized it was your mum and stepdad. You stepped back around to the side of your car.
Your mum looked stunning in simple tie-dye summer dress and black flip-flops. Her bleached blonde hair was twisted up into a messy bun at the top of her head. Your mum always looked like a super model; she was a model at one point. That means growing up she was very much into healthy eating and exercising regularly. Just looking at you and your mum side by side, the regular person wouldn’t be able to tell you were mother daughter. You look more like your dad. You have his dark curly hair and his almost grey-blue eyes whereas your mum is a natural red head and has green eyes. You couldn’t get a tan to save your life, your mum looks like she’s mixed. You’re introverted but you become extraverted when you’re in your element which is usually by yourself while your mum was extraverted and couldn’t keep to herself to save her life. You were so unlike your mum. And sometimes that distance feels extra big.
“You alright, luv?” Your mum asked as she came up to you.
“Yeah, I was just putting my things in the car,” you replied with your hands on your hips.
“Do you have anymore upstairs?” Adam inquired with a smile.
“Of course. I always leave the heavy stuff for you,” you told him with an equally happy smile then tossed him the keys to lock up when he was done. Adam was the definition of golden retriever. He loves to be involved in your life. Which made the transition from mum’s boyfriend to stepdad all that much easier.
“I’ll go get the last of your stuff. You two…... –interact,” Adam said as he wandered up the path to your front door. You understood from his awkwardness your mum had some things to say to you that you’ll probably not like. But what else is new? Since your dad died you and your mum have had a rocky relationship.
You sighed and itched your brow.
“Listen, I know how you feel about them. I feel the same way. But this is a major opportunity for me. If this pans out, then I can quit my dead-end job. I can start living not just surviving paycheck to paycheck,” you argued before she could say anything.
“I don’t like it. That family is messed up, who knows what kinds of trouble you’ll get into because of them,” your mum posed a good point. The Heelshire side of your family are…...–different. Your great aunt was supposedly into the occult and witchcraft. There was a feud between her and your grandpa a long time ago that never got resolved.
“I know you don’t. I don’t either. But I want to do this, for dad,” you told her honestly. If it weren’t for your dad’s dream you’d put it up for sale. And maybe you will. Your memory of Heelshire mansion was a bit fuzzy.
“Jesus have mercy, Evelyn,” she muttered in defeat. Your mum sighed heavily and looked away, peering into the car. Her eyebrows rutted together.
“What’s that?” She questioned, pointing to something in your car. You instantly knew she was talking about Brahms. Your mum has a deep hatred for that doll. After the real Brahms died your grandparents doted on this doll instead of their remaining son. Your dad had to spend his late teens and early adult years living in the shadow of a doll.
“Is that Brahms?!” Your mum exclaimed looking at you like you had done something wrong. You held your hands out in front of you in defense as you tried to gather your words.
“Evelyn Elizabeth,” your mum warned coldly.
“Okay, okay! It is Brahms but I’m taking him to an antique’s dealer next week. He’s not staying,” you explained as though your life depended on it. With how angry your mum looked; it could very well be.
Your mum placed her hands on her lower back and scoffed, shaking her head.
“You’re not following those stupid rules, are you?” She asked, trying to figure out if she should just smash the doll into pieces now or allow you to prove to her that your grandparents hadn’t brainwashed you.
“I haven’t even looked at the terms and conditions book,” you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. This earned a snort from your mum as she broke out in a fit of giggles. Little to your knowledge this is exactly how your mum reacted when your dad wanted to bring her home for a few days and he had to go over the rules.
“Okay, this is the last of it.” Your stepdad, Adam, declared as he came walking down the small path with your duffle bag of power tools and your last suitcase. You opened the car door so he could unload in your backseat next to the cat carrier with Bandit, your cat, inside. The door closed and Adam handed your keys back to you before bringing you into one of his ‘dad hugs’. They weren’t the same hugs you got from your dad; they were different. But over time Adam’s hugs became something of a comfort to you.
“If you run into any problems at all, call me and I will drive out to help sort it out,” Adam told you as you two broke away from each other. You smiled and gave him a sure nod, telling him you’d do just that. Something you’ve always loved about Adam is he’s willing to help with problems, not solve them but assist. It always gave you a chance to fix it and then to reach out for help if you needed it.
“I guess I should get going,” you murmured. Your mum pursed her lips then opened her arms for a hug. You obliged. Your mum’s arms tightened around you. You can’t remember the last time she hugged you like this. It brought both comfort and a hint of dread.
“Call me when you get there,” she said, pulling away from you. You forced a smile to reassure her as you opened the driver’s side door. Your very full lanyard jingled as you waved awkwardly. Your mum and Adam stood on the sidewalk waving at you. You wondered if this is what it would’ve been like if you decided to go to university like the rest of your peers. That thought left a sour taste in your mouth.
You gave your parents one final wave before hopping into your crappy BMW. You turned the key to bring the car to life before putting on your playlist to listen to on the drive. You never really grew out of your alt phase, at least now you have more refined tastes, so your playlist shows that. And just like that, you were on your way to Heelshire mansion.
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7ndipity · 2 years
Sean-Norae (preview)
Selkie Taehyung x Reader
Summary: Selkies are shape-shifting beings from Celtic mythology, able to transform between seal and human by taking on and off their fur coat. Some legends say that if you find and return their coat to them, you're then bound together as mates.
Warnings: supernatural/fantasy themes, swearing, idk what else
A/N: Two Tae posts in one week? Yep! Here's a lil sneak peak at part 1 of another series I'm looking forward to beginning work on.(Supernatural soulmate academia cafe AU, Aka: How many favorite tropes/elements can I cram into one series? Idk, we'll find out I guess!) The full version of pt.1 will be out next month, let me know if you like it!
The song used toward the end is 'Where Love Is' by Kurt Elling.
(Sean-Norae is pronounced 'shan no-ray')
Spooktober m.list
It was a cold, drizzly November evening, the kind that reminded you that winter was looming ever nearer. Along the city's riverfront, all was quiet, the sidewalks empty, the water relatively calm until a small face with broke the surface, it's dark eyes peering about cautiously, making sure the coast was clear before flopping up onto the bank. Seals were not a normal sight in this area and the last thing Taehyung wanted was to draw any unnecessary attention to himself at this moment.
He squirmed uncomfortably as he began to shift forms, working carefully to wriggle free of his coat, the sleek fur begining to feel like a diving suit a size too small against his now human skin.
Stretching his limbs, he sucked in a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly to rid it of any clinging moisture.
He hadn't planned on going swimming today, but something in the weather had brought out a nostalgic note in him, reminding him of home, and he just couldn't help himself. Sometimes, being in the water wasn't so much a choice for him as a necessity or compulsion.
The cold air now pricking at his newly sensitive skin, he quickly redressed in his human clothes, still where he had left them earlier on the bank, continuing to keep a watchful eye out around him as he did.
'Such a hassle.' he thought to himself ruefully, as he yanked the thick brown sweater over his head. The amount of time and effort required to shift between forms irritated him greatly. It may have been considered one of the greatest abilities of the Selkies, but it was also one their biggest weaknesses.
The entire process of changing was an intense ordeal; it was not simply taking the coat on and off, his entire body had to completely restructure itself, bones and muscles twisting and dislocating to accommodate the new shape. It was painful and disorienting and took a toll, leaving him fatigued and queasy as he grumbled to himself while tying his shoes. 'What's the fun of it, if you can't just pop back and forth?'
Climbing to his feet, he picked up the now discarded 'coat' and flipped it inside-out, folding carefully it so that it resembled a soft leather jacket, at least so long as you didn't look too closely.
Deeming himself presentable again, he made his way back up to the main road and set off to what had been his original destination for the evening, a smile creeping across his face as the half moon sign came into view, Café Sean-Norae.
Sean-Norae was a artist's paradise. The owners were married musicians who had wanted to create a space where artists could mingle and find inspiration. And, in his opinion, they had more than achieved that goal.
The walls were covered with all different styles of photography and paintings. In the corner, there was a small stage setup for music. By the counter, there was small bookshelf of plainly packaged 'mystery envelopes' containing poems or short stories for purchase. Even the name itself was a combination of cultures. The owners, Song-hwa and Patrick, had used their Irish and Korean heritages to make up a word that meant 'old song'.
Tae knows he hangs out a little more often than he should, especially for someone who hates coffee, but it was such a relaxed, bohemian atmosphere and he adored it.
"You're late today."
He looked up at the familiar voice, smiling in greeting as you cleared the table next to him.
"I was on a secret mission." He said putting a finger to his lips. "Very hush-hush."
"Clandestine, I like it." You chuckled. "You want your usual?"
"Yes, please."
"Coming right up." You said, giving him a quick smile that made his heart do a little flip.
Okay, so maybe there was another reason he was so taken with the cafe.
From the first moment he'd spoken to you, he'd been absolutely smitten. You were bright and friendly and sharp witted. You had excellent taste in music, often recommending new songs or artists to him. The two of you seemed to have a fair bit in common, both having moved here on your own for university.
He grinned as you returned with his drink.
"So, you noticed I wasn't here." He smirked. "Does that mean you were worried about me?"
"Only that I might have to walk home alone." You replied dryly.
"C'mon, you can just say you missed me." He teased.
"Not happening." You turned your back on him, as he laughed under his breath.
By this point in the evening, the cafe almost empty. The last of the open mic singers had left, leaving the space uncharacteristically quiet, aside from you and one of the other waitresses, Sophie, arguing about some drama you'd been watching, as you and the others prepared for closing time.
"Hey, y/n, why don't you sing something?" Song-hwa asked.
You looked up uneasily. "uh, I don't know."
"Why not?" Sophie asked, "I don't think I've ever heard you sing."
"That's because I don't sing in front of people." You stated, but she persisted.
"Oh, come on, I bet you're great. Please?" She whined, hanging on your arm.
"Ok, fine! Just stop doing that!" You laughed, de-tangling yourself from the younger girl.
"Yay!" She cheered, making you roll your eyes.
You went and picked a song that Patrick could accompany you with on the piano before stepping awkwardly up to the mic.
There was a brief pause before the piano the first notes drifted together, and you began softly.
"Dear heart, why will you use me so?
Dear eyes, that gently me upbraid.
Still, are you beautiful,
Oh, but how your beauty is raimented."
He froze as a strange, dizzying sensation crept over him, slowly raising his gaze to you. Your eyes locked and it was like a shot of whiskey flooded through his veins. His thoughts seemed to slow, he couldn't focus. Something was wrong, he felt like he was under some sort of spell or-or...
Siren song?
No. No, that wasn't right, you couldn't be. Surely he would've noticed before, right? You didn't fit the descriptions from the stories at all.
He looked around, struggling to focus, but nobody else seemed to be bothered by your voice.
His mind was beginning to blur, as if he were drunk, his breaths coming unsteadily. He couldn't take it. He had to get out of here.
He managed to stagger out the door, catching a glimpse of your confused expression just before the it closed behind him.
Swaying slightly, he made his way down the street, trying to put as much distance between him and you as possible.
The cold air on his face helped clear his mind a bit, but he still felt too warm, his skin too dry. The familiar ache came back into his bones. He needed to get in the water, fast.
Ducking down the alley alongside one of the shops, he followed the familiar path down to the water wall and slipped over, ditching his coat on the riverbank in the process, too rushed to bother with changing and dove into the water, fully dressed.
He surfaced, spluttering from the shock of the cold water on his human limbs, but he didn't care, at least he could breathe again properly.
He stretched out, floated on his back, feeling his heartbeat beginning to calm as he breathed deeply.
Able to think more clearly now, dozens of questions began running through his mind. What the hell had happened? The memory of your voice was still echoing in his mind. Even just thinking about it brought back a faint buzzing in his ears. He shook his head in frustration, trying to clear it away.
What were you? Some sort of Witch? Siren? Other? Did you know what he was?
His thoughts darkened. What if you did know? What if you were just playing some twisted game with him?
"What the hell are you doing, the water's freezing!"
He started at the sudden voice that rang out from the shore. Ducking towards the bank, he looked up to see you scrambling over the wall to come to his aide.
Crap, why were you here?
"Are you okay? What were you doing?" You fussed, trying to brush his hair out of his eyes.
"Felt like going for a swim." He said blankly, pushing your hand away. He couldn't be around you right now.
"We need to get you dry."
"I'll be fine." He tried to assure you, but you weren't having it.
"You're gonna catch pneumonia, are you crazy?!" You said.
"I said I'm fine." He snapped, straightening abruptly and walking away.
He only made it a few yards before you called out again.
He turned around, freezing immediately as his eyes landed on you hurrying towards him, holding his coat in your outstretched hand.
"You forgot this" You said, offering it to him.
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 9
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It's time to get the knight ring from Naesala!
I love Ike's attitude here. That being said, I did make the decision to have Janaff talk to Naesala, because there's no way that I'm going to fight Naesala. I like to imagine that Janaff did it of his own volition.
This map took me waaaay too many tries, because I was determined not to kill any crows. The crows did not make this easy for me. Additionally, drawing Naesala out without him destroying any of my units proved to be... a bit of a challenge. Finally, I just used Tanith's recruitment skill to summon some nameless NPC's to do that job for me. Sorry, random pegasus knight! Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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A man with a killer axe attempted to attack Nephenee, but I gave her vantage, and she decided to one-shot him with a crit of her own. Oh, Nephenee, you absolute bloodthirsty menace you.
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Time for the big reveal! I forgot this happened so soon.
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Gosh, such a powerful visual. Poor Elena and Greil. They both deserved so much better.
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Some people typecast Titania as the team mom, and I have no objections against it, but I think her sass is terribly underappreciated. I love how often she beefs with Soren, who at this point in the story looks like a literal child.
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Two points here:
First, I (ironically) love how Mist's medallion is stolen the morning following Ike and Volke's conversation. If only Nasir had stolen it a little earlier, Ike would have had a very different reaction. Like, yes, family heirloom, it sucks that it's gone, but it's not the end of the world.
Second, I (sincerely) love how Ike is allowed to be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Like, when he gets stressed out, he lashes out at people. He gets cranky and irritable, like in that conversation with Jeorge about battle tactics. And it makes sense. He has a lot to shoulder during PoR, and he never asked to be put into any position of leadership in the first place. He's allowed to be angry and bitter about it.
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I always forget that, on top of their prejudice against laguz, Daein is also anti-immigrant. Really, the toxic patriotism of Daein feels so painfully familiar at times. I feel like someone could write an entire essay on this subject. Additionally, I wonder if Jill has experienced anything like this, or is it different because she was born in Daein?
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Man, I both do and don't feel for Shiharam. Like, okay, he's a good man. But he's also a man who allowed his daughter to participate in laguz hunts. I know it was all for the purpose of gaining the king's trust, but still. He kind of made this bed for himself. I don't know. It's such a complicated matter, and I like that he's a complicated character. My feelings about him just keep flip-flopping all over the place.
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Gotta love Soren's pragmatism! I love how he deeply understands how society functions, while also being critical of the systems in place. I feel like you usually see this sort of pragmatism from characters who are rich and full of themselves, blaming the underclass for their own misfortune. Soren knows why things are the way that they are, knows that, because the people rely on nobility for protection, there is a huge power imbalance between nobility and the common folk. As he says earlier in Begnion: "From the moment of our birth to our final dying gasp, we commoners know we are not allowed to defy the upper classes."
So while Soren's lecture here is extremely brutal, I don't think it comes from a place of bad intentions. In his eyes, Elincia is naive and inexperienced, and has thus far been ignorant of the true horrors that the average Crimean has had to endure. He is angry because he cares. He is angry because he's worried about the future of Crimea.
I'm just... I love Soren. As Ike says, deep down he's a big softie.
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And I finally got Mist to second tier! With this, I have officially gotten all of my main units to class up.
The Talrega map was a walk in the park compared to the previous one. I basically had a small group (which included Jill, Ilyana, Rolf, and Astrid) squat by the houses in the upper left section of the map, and their only job was to destroy as many wyvern riders as possible.
Everybody else just rushed towards the boss at top speed.
Next time: time to lay siege to Daein Keep!
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The Victorian Ghost
TW: NONE (if there are any triggers, I apologize, and just tell me and I'll fix the warnings)
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The drive took longer than expected. First, the car ran out of gas in the middle of the street, so a tow truck had to be called. Then the car was stuck in traffic for about two hours because of a bad car crash. After those hours the car was almost out of gas but it got to a gas station before it ran out of gas again. By then, the sun was starting to set, much to Joshua's dismay. He thought that he and his mother were going to get home before the sun set, but of course the world didn't let that happen. The world didn't want him to be happy and didn't want him to get his way for at least once. It was like he was born to have bad things happen to him. Of course, it was something that could happen to anyone; arriving at home much later than anticipated. Joshua sighed in relief as he saw the house come into view and his mother parked the bright red Honda in the driveway.
The house his parents bought was painted tan with a light brown roof; a lot of windows were there and there were a bunch of rose bushes in the front yard. Behind the house was a large forest filled with many different types of trees, including a large Weeping Willow in the backyard, which was rather big. There was neighbors, but there were a little bit far away. Mrs. Campbell, somewhere in her late forties or early fifties, turned the car off and looked at her son who was somewhere between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. She smiled at him and reached a hand out to push away any of his dark brown bangs out of his face.
"Ugh, mom!"
"Don't touch my hair!"
"Sorry, but it's so pretty and I want to see your face again. You've hand long bangs for about a year now."
"Whatever. Just...Don't touch it. It's my pride and joy."
Joshua glared at his mother and opened the door of the car, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket and shutting the door with his foot. Mrs. Campbell sighed and shook her head. Her and her son didn't have the best relationship and it didn't help that a lot of her focus was on either work or her five children; all younger than Joshua and all girls. She barely spent any time with him. Even with her time with him that day wasn't all that great, she was happy to be with him without having the girls around. Mrs. Campbell got out of her car and shut the door, locking the vehicle with her keys and went to the front door.
When Joshua arrived inside, he saw his father and two of his youngest sisters sitting on the floor watching T.V. His father was tapping his foot to the sound of the music playing from the children's show. Joshua tried his hardest to keep quiet but the sound of the door slamming shut made his father look at him and his mother.
"Hey, son."
Joshua kept quiet and stomped up the carpeted stairs and up to his room as grumbled something under his breath. Mr. Campbell shook his head and his wife ran her fingers through her dark hair, looking rather saddened.
“Sorry we’re so late.” She put her purse on top of a large box near a couch, "But the car ran out of gas and we had to call a tow truck, plus we were tuck in traffic. "She sat down next to her husband and smiled when her youngest child, Carly who was four, ran up to her and hugged her leg. She ruffled Carly's hair who started to climb up in the woman's lap.
"That's alright. Just as long as you're safe." Mr. Campbell smiled at his significant other who was now holding Carly in her arms.
Mrs. Campbell smiled at her husband and looked into his chocolate brown eyes, feeling her sorrows drift away.
Joshua slammed his room door shut and groaned as he flopped face first onto his bed; unmade with no sheets. He lied there for a moment until he rolled over and grabbed his Xbox controller and turned it on; he got up and turned the T.V on and lied down back in his bed. He went into Netflix and flipped through shows to see what he wanted to watch. When he finally found what he wanted, he put the controller down and rolled on his side, thinking. He thought about how unfair the world was and how much he didn't want to move. He was finally getting some friends and then he had to move far, far away. He knew that it was a little childish to blame the world for all his problems, but he was an upset teenager who wanted to blame something or someone.
About an hour later of watching T.V, he was called out for dinner and lazily rolled out of bed, turning his Xbox and T.V off. He stomped down the stairs in his hoodie, sweatpants and socks and jumped up on the couch.
"Hey I was there first!" The sixteen year old looked at his twelve year old sister Eva who he shoved out of the seat.
"You know this is my seat. This is where I always sit."
"But I was sitting there first!"
"I don't care!"
"Stop fighting!" Mrs. Campbell shouted. "Josh, please don't shove people out of seats you want to sit in."
Joshua glared daggers at his sisters and parents and took one of the rice containers containing fried rice and took a plastic fork, getting up from his spot and walking back to his room.
"God, why's he such a jerk!" Eva glared at him and sat back in her spot while her parents looked at each other sadly.
Allison, an eight year old and the third youngest and fourth oldest watched as her older brother left. She looked at her plate of sweet and sour chicken, white rice and spring rolls. She sighed sadly as she thought about how hard it must have been for him; he was just getting close with some people.
You sighed as you sat down on the old wooden bench in the backyard of the Campbell home. The bench looked to be a couple decades old with a bunch of grass and wildflowers growing around it, a perfect place for animals like snakes or bunnies to hide. You had one leg on top of another as a book was in your hands; Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. You recalled reading the book a few times back when you were alive; reading it as it rained and you were wrapped up in warm blankets as a candle lit the room. It gave you nostalgia and you weakly smiled at the memories you had. You bounced one leg up and down as you read and for some time, it was silent besides the crickets and the occasional sound of some sort of critter scuttering around in the bushes.
Although you still loved the forest, you did have bad memories from your death and how your once close friend murdered you and another friend, Fay Johnson. You always thought that you three would be friends forever; but of course it all came crashing down a month before your wedding. You shook your head, not wanting to remember those awful events.
After your murder, you decided to haunt your murderer Sarah and your anger turned to rage as you heard your fiancé John was going to marry her. You thought he loved you forever, but you thought that you guessed wrong. Ever since then, you have haunted their family for generations, always sticking with one family that seemed like the worst; The Dupont's, the Walker's, the Green's. And now, over a hundred years later, you're haunting the Campbell's. The Campbell's actually weren't all that bad and you chose to haunt them because they had the most kids in the family in the modern times and because you liked to mess with their son, Joshua.
Joshua was special and was gifted with the power to see and talk to ghosts. Even though you liked to scare him, he seemed really tired sometimes with a lot of different types of ghosts trying to contact him. You pitied him a little but liked to talk to him. When I mean talk to him, I mean talking French to him. You like to see his confused face whenever you speak French and like to see him get angry (he actually learned a couple words!). You would stop though, after a while, deciding that he needed a break.
Sighing, you slammed the book you were reading shut and took it in your hands as you got up. Before you walked away, your focus was on a little gray rabbit looking at you. You two looked in each other's eyes until the animal scampered away back into the forest. You then walked through the door and into the home, many boxes in the kitchen with kitchen supplies in them. As you looked around at the family's new home, you heard Mrs. Campbell, Eva, and Joshua stomp upstairs.
"God, why's he such a jerk!"
You shook your head and walked into the living room to see the Campbell's eating Chinese takeout for dinner and watching the 1991 Addams Family. You placed the book on the top of the couch, unnoticed, as the family started to shiver.
"Mommy, it's cold." Carly and Indigo got close to their parents and Eva and the eldest sister Beatrix continued to eat.
"It's probably the ghost, you know." Beatrix said as she stuffed her face with chicken.
"Don't scare her!" Allison lightly smacked her sister's arm.
You had a soft spot for kids and felt a little close to the Campbell's. The youngest three had your heart at the moment. You always wanted kids and enjoyed watching the children grow up. Even if you watched many kids grow and become adults, the Campbell's children just stole your heart. Allison especially since she reminded you of a friend you used to have.
"I'm done!" Allison put her greasy and stained paper plate on the coffee table and leaped off the couch, rushing upstairs. You followed, grabbing the book as you thought to put it in your room.
Allison ran up the staircase up to the top and looked at all the rooms, trying to remember which room was Joshua's. She knocked on every door until she heard a What? and knew that this was Joshua's room. 
"It's Allison! Can I come in?" She tapped her bare feet on the floor.
It was a bit quiet for a moment until Joshua shouted Come in! Allison smiled and turned the door knob and went into her older sibling's room where she found him lying on his back with the now empty plate sitting on a box. The eight year old walked to Joshua's bed and climbed up on it, Joshua making room for her.
"So, what do you want?" He asked.
"I just want to see if you're okay."
Joshua looked at Allison and rolled his eyes, ruffling her dark hair.
"I'm fine."
"But you never really seem fine."
Joshua frowned and looked away. Although he did help his parents with his younger sisters, he felt a little neglected but never spoke about it to anyone. He didn't want his family to worry. Ever since Eva was born, Joshua's parents have been swamped with trying to take care of everyone, and of course they had to have three more children, causing them to be even more stressed. Allison looked up at the ceiling and closed her bright blue eyes.
"I'm not fine." Joshua whispered. "I'm not."
Allison frowned at him and put one of her smaller hands on his forehead and patted it. Joshua looked at her and smiled a little. He didn't want to admit it to anyone, but Allison was probably his favorite sister. She may have been a little annoying but she was kind and was the least mean to him. She let him have tea parties with her, she let him help her with her homework, and she treated him with kindness. In return, Joshua would sometimes let her braid his hair and paint his nails.
"It's going to be okay." Allison tried to comfort her older brother the best she could and Joshua kept himself from crying. He didn't want to look weak in front of his sister.
"Thank you, Alice. I appreciate it."
Allison smiled and patted her brother's forehead once more, making him a little annoyed.
"You're welcome. I'm going to play with my dolls now."
With that, the eight year old jumped off the bed and waved her brother goodbye before rushing to her bedroom. In the house, there were seven rooms; a master bedroom for the parents, and a room for each of the kids. It took a while for them to save up money for the home, but it was worth it. Besides, Joshua and his two eldest sisters, Beatrix and Eva, were all tired of sharing a room. The house they used to live in had only three bed rooms.
After Allison left for her room, leaving Joshua by himself, you decided to check up on the teen. You listened to their conversation and wanted to make sure he was okay. You stepped into his room, making his heart start to beat fast. He looked in your direction and scowled.
You again? He thought.
Joshua always felt like he had some sort of power; the power to see spirits. He didn't like it. A lot of the ghosts he saw creeped him out but you freaked him out the most. It freaked him out with the way you breathed shallowly and slowly and the way you would occasionally cough up a large amount of blood, leaving the red liquid on the ground for someone to see and then to have to clean up. You were the first spirit he saw and ever since then, you were the spirit he saw the most. You would usually just look at him but sometimes you would talk to him. It pissed him off though, since you always spoke French to him. He even thought of taking French classes to learn the language (he was happy to pick up a few words like "pig", "bread", "okay", and the name "(Y/N)" He guessed that might be your name).
He watched as you looked at him.
"Est-ce que ça va?" You asked, your arms crossed as you leaned against the door frame.
Joshua had those words repeat in his head until he kind of figured out what you were asking him. He rolled to his side, his back facing you.
"I'm fine. Don't worry."
You sighed and shrugged as you turned away and started to leave Joshua alone with his thoughts.
"D'accord, peu importe, je te laisse tranquille."
[Sorry if the French translation isn't accurate, I used Google translate]
Est-ce que ça va? - Are you okay?
D'accord, peu importe, je te laiss tranquille. - Alright, whatever, I'll leave you alone.
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