#but I think this gets the point across
A text post? From me? How strange... TW before you go ahead: This is a long rant. I swear a bit, and talk about some toxic stuff in the TSP fandom, and touch on some sensitive topics.
But no, really, I want to say this because I feel like it's getting more and more prevalent and I just feel like garbage every time I see stuff about it.
And first, let me preface that I understand where a lot of these people are coming from, I really really do, but honestly I think this is the shittest way to go about things.
What is this thing I am talking about? It's the "Yaoi" "Old man" "Clock 0ut ruined TSP" bullshit. Honestly it's got me so fucking irritated because this fandom has become one of very few things that brings me comfort lately.
And like I said I understand that representation in media is essential - skinny, white, attractive characters are literally what 90% of media is, we know this. So representation is important, essential, and everything when it comes to creators adding their stuff in. But that's where my agreement with that part of the argument stops.
90% of people are entitled to their ideas, their creations, their thoughts, all of it. They are an individual who absolutely deserves to express themselves and how they feel about something in whatever way they see fit.
Which is why we need to boost the ones who are showing minorities, who are showing a side that you enjoy - not just fucking shitting on the people who do the things that you don't like or who follow the majority.
You can bitch and complain all you want about the "twinks" and the "skinny white dudes" of the fandom, but you aren't going to stop it. Frankly all you're doing is making amazing artists and creators feel bad about the things they've done for no reason. You're bullying people who genuinely enjoy some media. Hell you're making me feel bad. And I won't say I'm not guilty of the "skinny handsome person" aesthetic or whatever, but:
Being in this fandom has genuinely improved my ability to draw more diverse and older individuals and has pushed me to improve on that.
What is making me not want to do art as a whole anymore are these fucking people constantly shitting on the other people in the fandom. It makes me not want to interact with their stuff, and I admire their things! I love them! But I don't want to see that shit, I don't need to see that shit. It makes me want to unfollow artists who create some wonderful things. Just because you have a certain take on media does not mean it is right nor does it mean that you are the only one who deserves to have any say in how things are made. You can be angry, you can not like media, it's okay to not like Clock 0ut and how it goes, but to suggest that someone shouldn't have made something that is arguably a pretty neat creation is ... sickening. You're literally gatekeeping what people can do because you don't like it.
You can argue that it hurts a fandom but honestly, other than the insane things I see on tiktok (Some of it IS horrifying, don't get me wrong) I have met many amazing creators that joined because of Clock 0ut who have the ability to analyze the depth of this game more than some of the people who claim that Clock 0ut has ruined it.
Not only that but they are wildly kinder people than those who constantly shit on others, people I'd rather be around.
Don't get me wrong I know Clock 0ut has spawned a lot of people who do a bit of harm to the fandom, but frankly that's going to happen with anything that becomes popular, it's just the way things are Look at Undertale...
I joined before I even knew what Clock 0ut was because of the dialogue and in depth nature of the media. I stayed because there are people who have encouraged me to be better, do better, and have become good friends of mine. I just think it's awful that this is becoming even more prevalent, and honestly I really just want to stop seeing it. TL;DR:
Fuck you and stop following me if you're just going to shit on people for enjoying media in the way that they do. There are bad people in every fandom, but just because someone doesn't do something the way you want them to does not mean that it is bad. Promote people who are doing what you want, and stop shitting on people doing nothing but enjoying something. Thank you if you read this far - I can't not say anything about it, especially when it's from people I respect or used to respect, and especially when it runs the risk of hurting people I care for or respect.
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cemeterything · 3 months
anyone who thinks dostoevsky's writing is dry and humourless is missing out on passages like this
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renaissanceousia · 4 months
i think poseidon surrendering the war for percy explains why percy choose the gods' side in the future. because percy actually saw that his father is willing to give up glory for him, and he knows that glory is a big deal for the greeks. that's why despite understanding that luke's argument makes sense to some extent, he's still on the gods' side. his father's side.
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rocketbirdie · 2 months
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i feel like i failed you.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Miguel is Fine, Actually (Being Spider-Man's Just Toxic As Hell)
Before I watched ATSV I said that I would defend my man Miguel O'Hara's actions no matter what, because he's always valid and I support women's wrongs. I was joking, and I did not actually expect to start defending him on Tumblr.edu. But I'm seeing a lot of commentary that's super reductive, so I do want to bring up another perspective on his character.
Miguel wasn't acting against the spirit of Spider-Man, or what being Spider-Man means. Miguel isn't meant to represent the antithesis of Spider-Man. Miles is the antithesis of Spider-Man. Miguel represents Spider-Man taken to its extreme.
Think about Miguel's actions from his perspective. If you were a hero who genuinely, legitimately, 100%, no doubt about it, believed that somebody is going to make a selfish decision that will destroy an entire universe and put the entire multiverse at severe risk - if you had an over-burdened sense of responsibility and believed in doing the right thing no matter what - you would also chase down the kid and put him in baby jail to try and prevent it. He believed that he was saving the multiverse, and that Miles was putting it in danger for selfish reasons. Which is completely unforgivable to him, because selfishness is what he hates the most. And then he goes completely out of pocket and starts beefing with a 15yo lmfaooo he's such a dick.
But why did Miguel believe that? Why did he believe that Miles choosing himself and his own happiness over the well-being of others was the worst possible thing? Why did he believe that tragedy was inevitable in their lives, and that without tragedy Spider-Man can't exist?
Because he's Spider-Man.
Peter Parker was once a fifteen year old who chose his own happiness over protecting others. It was the greatest regret of his life and he never forgave himself. Peter's ethos means that he will put himself last every time, and that he will sacrifice anything and everything in his life - his relationships, his health, his future - to protecting and helping others. Peter dropped out of college because it interfered with Spider-Man. He destroyed his own future for Spider-Man. He ruins friendships and romantic relationships because Spider-Man was more important. If Peter ever tries to protect himself and his own happiness, then he's a bad person.
That is intrinsic to Peter. Peter would not be Peter without it. A story that is not defined by Peter's unhappiness is not a Spider-Man story. If Peter doesn't make himself miserable, then he's just not Peter.
That is a Spider-Man story: that not only is tragedy inevitable, that if you don't allow yourself to be defined by your tragedy then you're a bad person. If you don't suffer, then you're a bad person. If you ever put anything above Spider-Man, then you're killing Uncle Ben all over again. Miguel isn't the only one that believes this - as we saw, every Spider-Man buys into what he's saying. There's no Spider-Man without these beliefs.
Miguel attempted to find his own happiness, and he was punished in the most extreme way. He got Uncle Ben'd x10000. He tried to be happy, and it literally destroyed his entire universe. It's the Spider-narrative taken to the extreme. Of course Miguel believes all of this. Of course he believes this so firmly. He's Spider-Man. That's his story. And the one time Miguel tried to fight against that story, he was punished. And like any Spider-Man, he'll slavishly obey that narrative no matter the evil it creates and perpetuates. Because if he doesn't, the narrative will punish him. The narrative will always punish him. It's a Spider-Man story.
I don't think the universal constant between Spider-Mans, the thing that makes them Spider-Man, is tragedy. I think it's the fact that they never forgive themselves. And Miguel is what that viewpoint creates. He doesn't believe this things because he's an awful, mean person. He believes them because he's a hero. He's a good person who hates himself.
Across the Spider-verse isn't really a Spider-Man story. It's a story about Spider-Man stories. Miguel's right: if this was a Spider-Man story, then Miles acting selfishly really would destroy the universe. But Miles' story isn't interested in punishing him. It pushes back against Peter's narrative that unhappiness is inevitable and that you have to suffer to be a good person. It says that sometimes we do the right thing from love and not fear, and that Peter's way of thinking is ultimately super toxic and unhappy. ITSV was about Miles deciding that he didn't need to be Peter Parker, that all he needed to be was Miles, and ATSV is about how being Peter Parker isn't such a good thing. Miguel shows that. Whatever toxic and unhealthy beliefs he holds - they're the exact same beliefs that any Spider-Man holds. He's a dick, but I don't think he's any more awful a person than Peter is.
TL;DR: Miguel isn't a bad person, he just has Spider-Man brainrot.
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paimt · 1 year
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The Frog Prince
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laylakeating · 10 months
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Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
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windowsloth · 8 days
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chimera falin should also have a mace. They should let her be a dark souls boss.
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hearties-circus · 11 months
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The day he was named Sissel
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deoidesign · 2 months
I've been told my comic feels like it was written by AI.
I suppose I'm not trying to be groundbreaking. I'm not interested in pioneering genres. I'm not writing for the purpose of literary analysis.
But written by AI...?
I'm already someone who has my humanity questioned. My identity erased. My existence disrespected. It could be worse. Anything could be worse.
But AI?
I spend weeks writing single scenes, toiling over the implications of single lines. I have goals. My writing has intent.
If you cared to read deeper, perhaps you'd see the themes. Maybe then you'd see the value. If you tried to analyze it maybe you'd see something there.
Maybe you'd see me.
Someone told me my comic seemed like it was written by AI.
And my humanity was denied one step further in that my voice was not seen in the work I've poured years of my life into.
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thelilylav · 24 days
Hmmm... very interesting to me that Taylor Swift is trending rn and yet for some reason no one in that tag is complaining that her trending is taking away from what's going on in Palestine and what's happening in Rafah. And yet for some reason, people couldn't seem to shut up in the Kendrick Lamar tag when he was trending about how the whole beef was just two celebrities beef (it's much deeper than that) and were making up theories abt how the whole thing was taking attention away from Palestine and everyone talking about it should feel ashamed of themselves (every single account I saw in that tag was posting about Palestine too).
And the thing that's really getting me is that Taylor is trending bc of a change to the Eras tour. An objectively unimportant change to make, especially when compared to what's going on in Rafah. But that's not what gets hate, no, it's the predator getting called out in an industry known for exploitation by one of the biggest artists in said industry. The racism isn't even implicit atp...
Edit: ok so just to clarify no this wasn't meant to insinuate that Taylor trending was some setup of Israel (that's just... like objectively wrong lmao), it was to point out that when it comes to a black artist in hip hop (a predominantly non-white genre) people wouldn't let fans of said genre just enjoy the music and shenanigans happening in that genre and that's it's hypocritical to act like people can't care abt two things at once, but they can enjoy their white "feminist icon" pop star (a much whiter genre) without anyone bringing hate into that tag. like i put in the tags, the anti taylor tag is for filtering bc i honestly don't see this post as particularly negative for taylor swift, it's a critique of the fans. and i'm calling out swifties particularly bc the ones who were saying that the beef was manufactured to take eyes off of rafah were swifties, and the ones being racist in the kendrick tag were swifties. i'm not exaggerating like almost every hate post i saw mentioning the beef being manufactured was a swiftie account. it is weird to act like people caring about very serious allegations happening in a genre of music isn't reason enough to make a big deal of the situation and go INTO THE TAG and complain, but it is especially hypocritical and frankly quite infuriating to see the same people who complained about a big deal of a situation being a "distraction" from gaza and then blog abt taylor swift . it's fine if u want to blog abt music u like, honestly idc abt that, if that's all u do then this legit isn't targeted at u, this is targeted at the swifties who came into the kendrick tag to complain and then went back to talking abt swift two seconds later like they weren't doing the same thing they were complaining abt two minutes before. (sry for the long explanation, but i just don't want ppl taking my words out of context and i rlly tried to word this all clearly, but idk man sometimes u think u word something well and then nobody undrestands wtf u were on abt so i wanted to make sure it was clear) also, if you're a zionist or israel supporter, i will be blocking u if u interact with this post. ok ty bye bye
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unipacas · 11 months
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been thinking about them so much......divorced co-parents......
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cosmossystem · 19 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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pacifistcowboy · 10 months
some people think the awkwardness of how difficult espio’s horn makes it for him to kiss is unromantic, but i honestly can’t imagine anything more romantic than espio telling silver it’s impossible for him to kiss anyone due to his horn, so silver, determined as ever, grabs espio’s face with both hands and gently and contemplatively tilts it to the side, then thoughtfully tilts his own the opposite direction, then slowly leans closer until their lips are inches away from each other then stops, and softly says “see? it isn’t impossible.”
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freakurodani · 4 months
i think katara and her righteous fury is a beautiful beautiful thing
i think she should call out republic city council on some bullshit and aang should be behind her and when the council looks to him like "Avatar pls" he just shrugs
"my most applicable title right now is 'Katara of the Southern Water Tribe's Husband' actually "
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communistkenobi · 5 months
I don’t like when people ask how many books you plan to read/have read this year one because I think that’s a weird relationship to have to books and two because I think even reading a chapter or a portion of something is valuable. this is especially true with non-fiction but even with fiction I think any amount you read, even if you don’t read the entire thing, is not a failure or ‘incomplete’
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