#but i only finished DJs team
tdjustess · 1 year
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thursdayygrrrl · 6 months
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inevitably, inetivably, inebivatly
⌦ .。.:*♡
characters: actress!wanda maximoff x gn!reader 
genre: fluff, slightly suggestive
summary: After Wanda finishes filming a day drinking segment on Seth Meyers’ show to promote her current project, you take care of her.
word count: 2,061
a/n: i was watching random yt vids and came across the day drinking with seth meyers segments (the lorde and the dua lipa ones) and i just thought to write something short and sweet about it. i have not written in a while and english is not my first language, so please bear with me. this is also my first time writing for wanda. you can read it on ao3 (here) or under the cut. regardless, i hope u enjoy it !!
Your phone tells you it’s currently 3:46 PM, but the way Wanda is absolutely wasted makes it seem like 4 AM after a wild night out. She agreed to go on Late Night with Seth Meyers and participate in the day drinking segment. When the offer first came up, mentioned by her team, you were both apprehensive. But after some talk about it, guaranteeing her safety on set and the fan reception it would bring in, she ultimately agreed to it. Also, seeing your wife have some fun and let loose is one of the best sights ever. So here you were, hand on her waist, guiding her to your car after the shoot. 
“Okay, Wands, we’re almost there,” you say gently.
She mumbles something. “Hm?” You ask her, wanting not to miss anything.
“Don’t wanna…”
You suddenly remember that she’s wearing shoes which, honestly, looked painful to wear. You take this as a cue and carry her bridal style the rest of the way to the car. A little yelp escapes her in surprise when you lift her with ease.
“Better?” You ask her. She hums happily and buries her head into the crook of your neck. You kiss the top of her head as you walk nearer to the vehicle. Once you’re there, you bend down slightly to open the passenger door. 
Wanda removes her head from its former position once she hears the door open. She furrows her brow in that adorable manner you can never seem to get over. “Seth’s like… scary good at making people drink a lot a lot,” She slurs as you help her onto the seat and put her seatbelt on. “Yeah?” you try to keep her engaged.
“Mhm. Did you see me with those crazy cocktails? And those shots too?” Wanda rambles, emoting and gesturing without abandon, while you get behind the wheel. You chuckle, “Yeah, you took them like a champ, honey.”
“I sure did, Y/N,” She nods to herself proudly. You prep for the drive, making sure the temperature is comfortable and your phone is connected to the Bluetooth system. 
You open Spotify on your phone and gesture it towards her, “Any requests?”
She shakes her head, “Whatever DJ Y/N wants!” She giggles at the impromptu nickname she calls you. Her laugh is like music to your ears, you smile along with her.
“Alright, alright, alright!” You put your joint playlist on shuffle and start driving. One of your favorite songs comes on and Wanda starts dancing along, at least as much as the seatbelt allows. You join in by tapping your finger on the wheel and lipsyncing exaggeratedly. “I love this one!” She speaks loudly, still dancing, unaware of her voice modulation.
You match her energy, “I can tell!” This drive-turned-dance party continues for a few more songs until a slower one starts playing. She runs a hand through her hair and settles into the seat with a content sigh.
“Now that was fun, Y/N. We need to do that more.”
She nods with an air of authority, “Absolutely.”
“Noted, darling,” You flash her a smug smile and she blushes.
She slumps in her seat and covers her face with her hands. “God, Y/N, that petname is so corny. And old-fashioned.”
You shrug and keep driving. “Sure, but you know you like it.”
She giggles, conceding, “Yeah, yeah. I do.”
You let the music take over as you make your way home. After a while, you look over to check on Wanda only to find that she’s blissfully asleep. Her copper waves are splayed across her shoulder. You smile to yourself as you park on the driveway. You take a moment to just admire her, to be enchanted by the curve of her cheek, the slope of her nose, and the peaceful expression on her face.
You leave the car and walk to her side, opening the passenger door as quietly as you can. Wanda stirs anyway. She whines softly when her sleep is interrupted.
“It’s okay, sweet girl, we’re home now. Okay? Just let me take care of you.”
She nods as you unbuckle the seatbelt and carry her again, this time into your home. She holds you as if her life depended on it. 
It was a challenge to get the front door open, but when you do, you immediately close it with your hip. You kick your shoes off and make your way to the bedroom. You lay her gently on the bed, which she immediately curls up in, then help take her heels off and pick out a change of clothes for her. The noise of clothes ruffling alerts Wanda. Her voice is muffled by the pillows and sheets surrounding her.
“May I wear one of your hoodies tonight? Pretty please?”
“You don’t have to ask, Wands. The answer is yes every time.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” she says, a wide smile on her face while she drags out the last syllable of your name.
You look through your closet for some random sleep shorts and the exact hoodie you know she’s referring to. You also know how diligent she is with skincare, so you take the essentials with you too. Once you’ve got them, you go over to the bed again and bend so you’re at eye level with her.
“Sit up and let’s get you into something cozier, hon. Yeah?”
She wiggles her eyebrows playfully while following your instructions. “Ooooo, you wanna see me naked, huh?”
You try to suppress the growing smile on your face as you unzip the back of her dress. A blush creeps up on your face despite wanting to keep it at bay. Wanda teases you, “You totally do, Y/N! Look at you!”
The dress falls off her shoulders, revealing her upper body. She makes an excited noise. You take the dress and toss it on the floor, leaving it a problem for later, already coming up with an apology for her meticulous stylist. You sit in front of her and press a kiss on her shoulder as you unhook her bra. “I do, but I want you to be comfortable above all,” You whisper into her smooth skin.
“Boo, you’re no fun,” She pouts like a petulant child, but you know she would never mean anything bad by it. You help her slip into the shorts and the oversized hoodie. When her head pops out, a goofy smile is on her face. “I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you too, Wanda.”
Now, you take her preferred cleansing balm and warm it in your hands. She closes her eyes as you massage it gently all over her face, to remove the makeup she’s wearing. Then, you take a damp cloth to rinse away the milky residue. She moans quietly at your touch.
Her eyes are still closed as you prepare to finish her routine with her favorite cleanser. “You’re so good with your hands, Y/N.” You chuckle at her comment, unsure if she meant the double entendre.
“I mean it,” She says sincerely as you keep working on her skincare, first with the cleanser then a clean washcloth to dry off. You cradle her face with your hand. She moves slightly to kiss your palm.
“I’m glad to be of service then.” 
Your hand moves to rest on her thigh instead. Her face gradually gets closer and her lips meet yours. It’s surprisingly gentle and tender, especially for someone so drunk and usually so eager. You let her deepen it, let her tongue venture into the familiar environment of your mouth, until she pulls away to catch her breath. You smile and give her one last peck before standing up and gathering the stuff up off the bed.
“I’m gonna get some water and some painkillers too. You’re gonna need it.”
Wanda scoffs and clumsily tilts her head upward to maintain eye contact with you. She takes her pointer finger and pokes your chest. “Please. Judging from a while ago, I could outdrink you, Natasha, and Yelena. Combined!”
You shoot her a questioning look, stifling a smile. “Sure, honey.” With that, you leave the room briefly and she lays back down. She lands on her back with a soft thud and stretches her arms and legs out like a starfish. “Y/N,” she calls out. “I am so grateful for this bed.”
With a bottle of water and a small dish containing some pills in hand, you enter again. “The bed is pretty great. It’s done us a lot of good.” You place the dish on the bedside table and open the water bottle, urging her to sit up again. “Here, Wands, drink up.”
She closes her eyes tightly and shakes her head. She makes a noise of disapproval that is not missed by your attentive ears. You tilt your head to the side, thinking of ways to try and persuade her. Wanda is stubborn, you knew that from years of experience, but you also knew that she would always fold at your actions if you played your cards just right.
Mustering up your best acting skills, you flash her your best wide-eyed, puppy-like gaze. Her eyes unscrew the tiniest bit, but it’s not enough. So you place the opened water bottle on the side table and move on to the next course of action.
Laying down and nuzzling into her side. A hum, much like a cat’s satisfied purr, leaves her lips.
“You like that?”
Wanda nods. “Yeah. A lot.” You then subtly move to sit up, leaning your back against the headboard. She whines at the gradual loss of contact. You can’t help but giggle softly as you pat the spot beside you. 
“Come up here, then. Sit up with me. I’m all yours.”
She begrudgingly does so, this time settling into your side and leaning most of her weight on you. You take this moment to brush some of the stray hairs away from her face and kiss her temple. She practically melts under your fawning.
You take your chance, continuing to play sweetly with her hair. “Now that you’re up, how about that water?”
A beat, a pause, until she yields.
“Okay, okay. Fine.”
A proud squeal you were trying to suppress escapes you. Wanda shoots you a knowing look, “Such a dork.” You quickly hand her the bottle, which she accepts and drinks from gratefully.
“Yeah, but this dork is just happy to get you hydrated before you inevitably fall asleep.”
“In-ev-it-ab-ly. Inetivably.” She sounds the word out and scrunches her nose when she mispronounces it. “That word is funny, Y/N. Inebivatly!” Both of you explode into laughter. She continues rambling about etymology and phonetics, gesturing wildly with the half-empty water bottle. "Woah!" You take it back before any of its contents threaten to spill.
“Hey! I was drinking that.” She pouts. You do your best to stay firm and mature, to resist your instinctual response to give in.
“Or were you using it as a prop?” 
“Mmmh, you got me there.”
Both of you settle back on the bed. Wanda takes her arm and wraps it around your midsection. Her head rests on your chest and your steady heartbeat grounds her. You alternate between caressing her hair and languidly stroking her side. The setting sun’s golden light creeps into the windows, bathing everything in a warm tone. After a comfortable silence, she speaks softly.
“Go ahead and rest, darling. I’ll be right here.”
“But there’s so many hours left in the day. Only old people sleep this early,” She drags the last word out in a whine.
“That’s okay, we have tomorrow.” You assure her like you unfailingly do.
Wanda hums in contemplation before nodding approvingly, “Yeah, tomorrow.” 
You keep soothing her until her eyelids eventually close, to hide those gorgeous eyes you could get lost in forever, and her breathing steadies and turns into quiet snores.
It is a guarantee that Wanda’s hangover tomorrow will be rough, but you don’t mind at all. It just gives you more permission to give her extra affection, attention, love, and care. Even in her messiest and most raw moments, there is nowhere in the world you would rather be than with her. This, you know, is certain. It is fated. It is inevitable.
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prickly-paprikash · 29 days
Feels like the beef is over. Possible Kendrick album drop on the horizon. He even went and lifted copyright claims over any video that uses his four diss tracks since him and his team knew the fire they started over the weekend and that this would go a long way in helping out reactors, edit channels, dissection channels and more.
With the (likely) end of this feud, investigations need to begin. If Kendrick has proper receipts over his allegations, it needs to see the light of day and I hope it's soon. Rap disses is one thing—these are predator accusations that need to be met with the proper gravity. Given his relations with Baka and the stories in Toronto cropping up of his activities, I feel at the very least confident that there will be things Drake needs to address. And address them soon.
But I also want to discuss the (possible) last diss. The Heart Part 6.
A pathetic attempt to steal a title from Kendrick's own series of singles "The Heart Parts I-V". Songs that Kendrick has utilized to give introspection regarding the industry, his masculinity, depression, his savior complex and so much more. And Drake uses that title for what exactly?
Not a brutal response. Not a catchy summer bop.
He sounds defeated. His lyrics are incoherent, going from saying he planted that false information, to also saying that those who planted it are clowns and fakes. He dismisses and ridicules Kendrick's "Mother, I Sober" song, a story about Kendrick being harassed and SA. Except, as I have since corrected myself over thanks to others on here, that the entire song is him saying the assault never happened and no one believes him. So not only did Drake contradict his claims in one song, he showed his illiteracy.
And Kendrick doesn't respond like he does with Family Matters. When Drake dropped FM, Kendrick immediately invalidated an entire seven minute track by dropping his own response, a haunting meet the grahams, within thirty minutes. A malicious dissection and mock therapy session between him and every member of the Grahams, including Drake's alleged hidden daughter. And finishes the blow by dropping Not Like Us in less than a day, a certified summer hit that has already been played over and over again across the world. When Drake stans accused him of making boring, sleep-causing disses because they were too deep and complex, Kendrick dropped all pretense and released a song produced by DJ Mustard himself to bluntly call Drake and his posse predators while making everyone, including Drake's own base, to dance to the beat.
And we return to Drake's last response. More dislikes than likes. Boring. Lacking the pettiness and replayability that previous disses possessed. A sad, final attempt at a defense and Kendrick doesn't seem to bother responding.
Instead, it seems he leaves it up to the public now. Let them do the rest of the work.
I have to ask one final time.
What made Drake think it was a smart idea to go bar for bar in a lyrical war against a man who won a Pulitzer and has more than three times the amount of Grammy's he does?
RIP Drake, I guess. Didn't realize your entire legacy would be destroyed on a club beat. Ironic, actually.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
04/01/2024 Daily Ricky Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew; ErrollShand; KristianNairn; Rhys Darby; Fan Spotlight; Crew Cards; Stede Bonnet as Faberge Eggs; Ricky Roll'd; Ricky's Reels;
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Erroll Shand =
Today's main man is out here loving all the Ricky memes yall have been busy with!
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= Rhys Darby =
I've run out of videos I can add so I'm going to link to @mon-ster-chen here on tumblr for the Rhysie video for today! Thanks hon!
= Kristian Nairn =
Just a selfie of our lovely Kristian on Wonday. No news yet on when WJW will be back, but at least we get to see our favorite dj! Source: Kristian's IG
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's cast card is Stede and Pete's guard, from episode 2 of season 1, Jamie Nations-- as well as the man who Gut Stabbed Stede, Carlos Arellano! Thank you @melvisik, you really are finding everybody!!
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== Stede Bonnet as Fabergé Eggs ==
One of our delightful crewmates over on twitter @ofmdframes put together quite an assortment of Stede Bonnet comparisons to a variety of Fabergé Eggs for Easter yesterday! Please check out their twitter thread if you have access!
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== In Soup Now ==
InSoupNow: In Aid of Team HAVEN for WeeJohnWonday has now closed! Thank you to @ForceMonument on Twitter for organizing this, and thank you so much to every person who donated or shared! You helped raise £3,298.75 for people in need!
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= Ricky Rolled =
First up is our darling @blueberreads and their contribution to today's fun! Tumblr / IG
Next is our friend @ofmdframes again on twitter really giving us a heart attack. Src: Twitter, they have so many more please check them out if you have twitter.
More from @ofmdframes
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And the lovely @emcolbs made a an amazing animation of their Ricky art as well. Please visit Em's post here
I know there's more! Been working my way through, but I'm running out of image space! Happy April Fool's day all!
== Love Notes ==
Y'all are wild, you know that? I saw the Ricky stuff this morning and everyone kinda just rolled with it and doubled down everywhere. It was a lovely beam of sunlight today.
Add to that, the boops? My goodness Tumblr knows how to induce dopamine a little bit at a time. It was so fun booping people today! I hope folks got a chance to-- sounds like there was some goofy glitches throughout the day.
I hope you all had a wonderful day. The love notes are shorter tonight because finishing off 2 recaps in one night was fun but I'm a bit sleepy. I hope you all had such an amazing time today, and if not, I hope tomorrow goes better. So much love your way m'dears <3 A little love note from @thelatestkate tonight. If I've already posted this I apologize, but it's always applicable!
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== Ricky's Reels ==
Tonight's regularly scheduled gifs have been replaced by a one night only special! Gif courtesy of @samuelroukin
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octo-in-the-mainframe · 3 months
Side Order Spoilers!!!
Okay does anyone else find it weird that Smollusk and Pearl referred to both DJ Octavio and Agent 4 as "big shots"?
And that Pearl says Agent 4 "was supposed to be such a big shot"??
And that even though pieces of their souls got sucked into the Memverse they canonically have not been seen after the events of Splatoon 2 and 3 respectively???
Knowing that characters were added to Tableturf after the DLC, namely, Pearl, Marina and Acht, I wouldn't be surprised if more characters are added later.
"But Octo, didn't Nintendo say there would only be two waves of DLC?"
Well, yes...but I have reason to believe otherwise.
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First, when announcing the two waves of DLC, yellow and blue were used for the first and second waves, but despite there being four colors used for the announcement, red and green made no further appearance.
I'm sure if Nintendo really wanted to, they could have found a way to make just the yellow and blue look nice, but they specifically added those two colors. Red, I get, that's Big Man's color, even if they don't use it much in promotional material, but GREEN?
If Nintendo were to make more DLC, three waves WOULD make sense, considering the leitmotif of threes throughout the game. It's the third game, there's 3 idols, 3 forces united as one, 3 Splatfest teams to choose from, etc.
But that still doesn't explain the fourth color. It breaks the pattern of threes and uses a color that is barely anywhere among our cast of characters, besides Marie, DJ Octavio, and maybe Callie.
And then I thought...what if it's to give us a taste of the next game? Next IS Splatoon 4, so I wouldn't put it past them for a sneak peek.
My other, and more likely idea was that it would center around Agent 4, which kind of ties in with the weird wording used for both Octavio and them. Perhaps we'll finally get to see what they've been up to, maybe even teaming up with a certain DJ?
As for the third wave...I'm not too sure. I think it might have to do with Lil' Judd and Marigold, though.
As we collect scrolls in Alterna, we get tidbits of the other characters' lives and some info on the Splatoon world itself.
But something that stood out to me is when we get to Pearl and Marina's scroll.
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It's their outfits from the DLC, clearly meant to foreshadow their next appearance. And right before that was a scroll for the Squid Sister's podcast (and that dried up squid), which lines up since their hub world was brought to the game in the first wave of DLC.
But after Pearl and Marina, it's Lil' Judd.
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Lil' Judd planning for Judd's demise.
Which has not been brought up seriously in the main game.
That...that means nothing, right? I mean, more DLC hasn't even been announced, ha-ha!!
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But then the next page is Marigold, with her many pictures crossed out, with multiple names to the same-ish face. It's secretive; does she have various clones, multiple siblings? What is she?
And then, there's also the concerning connection between her and Lil' Judd.
Marigold works at Grizzco, evidenced by her voice at the counter and her vocabulary. Lil' Judd...is in CHARGE of Grizzco now, majorly implied by the new inclusion of a headpiece on him after you finish fighting Mr. Grizz.
I think the third wave of DLC will be focusing on Lil' Judd's plans to get rid of Judd and will involve a further look into Marigold and how Grizzco operates.
I mean, we can't keep stealing Salmonid eggs forever, can we? Eventually they'll run out. This endless back and forth has resulted in Big Run's happening, so it's not out of the question that we get a resolution to this.
(I personally think Big Run will have its own version of an ending, one where whenever you play Salmon Run after it it's "in the past," so that it doesn't affect whatever the conclusion was. Otherwise, the Big Runs would likely just get worse.)
Maybe we'll get to be Neo 3 this time and learn more Salmonid lore with our Smallfry friend!!
Of course, most of these concepts are speculation, but I do want to show off one last piece of evidence that I think can be rather damning.
The roped off barrier by the Metro. (Sorry I don't have an image of it, and I don't want to use anyone else's footage.)
Only removed once the DLC trailer was shown.
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And look what we have here, as far back as the original Splatoon 3 Direct...
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Another roped off barrier in front of the arch. Not just construction, like how Splatoon always sets up new places for the next game, no. It's a barrier, with a big empty space behind it.
I always thought it was so weird we weren't allowed to go over there, and now it seems so obvious to me what Splatoon has been implying.
I don't want to get my hopes up, or anyone else's, but I'm finding it exceedingly difficult to just move past these details and pretend like they're nothing.
What about you guys? Do you also think all of this is mighty suspicious? Do you have any theories regarding more waves of DLC, and what they could possibly be? Oh, and if you have more evidence for there being four waves, please feel free to tell me in the comments or through message. (I might not see the messages, though, because mine haven't been working that well, so mostly stick to comments and reblogs.)
Lastly, I did want to ask if anyone knows what the European version of the shop for the DLC means by “It’s possible that additional DLC, not listed above will also be distributed with the Expansion Pass.” I saw somebody mention it, I don't remember what post, but I was wondering if that was just a standard description for the European page or if it was just for this DLC. I'm in the US, and mine doesn't say that. If I'm completely wrong about this fact please tell me,,,
That's all I got though!! So, buh-bye!!!!
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: NeymarJr x Female Reader
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 4.4k
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: You have been hired as a model to appear in a promotional photo session for a lingerie company. You don't find out who your companion is until you arrive at the shoot and encounter Neymar, a boy you despise as he once played with your heart.
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦:  I have been working on this in-between request and it is finally completed c': I Love writing about Neymar so its no surprise all of the NeyNey imagines I've written are so long LOL. MORE NEYMAR JR RECOGNITION RAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
Song that inspired this : You Know You Like It by DJ Snake, AlunaGeorge
Your hands are firmly holding the cup of coffee as you lean against the kitchen counter. Taking a short sip, you pay attention to Riley, your manager, as she speaks. "The next shoot will begin in around two hours. Together with another male model, you'll be modeling for a company named Super Dry. The company is seeking a sexual-romantic mood, therefore you two will be very close. While Olivia and Justin work on you, I'll head out to grab everyone Chinese," she says, looking down at her wristwatch. You think to yourself- Ugh, I hate late shoots so much.. Why the hell would they want to start a shoot at 10pm?  "Wait- Do you know who my partner will be?" you ask. "Not yet," she shrugs. 
"Y/N we are ready," Olivia calls out from a room down the hall. You hurriedly drink the remaining coffee since you will need it. “Coming!” You enter the room and immediately sit down in the chair as the process of getting ready begins. When Justin, your hairdresser, starts with your hair, Olivia, your makeup artist, starts with your face. Although they aim to achieve a "natural look," getting dressed shouldn't take too long considering this is just an undergarment shot. Justin starts to say, "Y/N, you are lucky I love you so much because it is past my bedtime,” he sprays some water on your hair to make it easier to brush. You reply, "Your bedtime is 8 o'clock," while laughing. He says, "Of course," and nods. “How else am I supposed to look this handsome?” 
Olivia glares at him and points the makeup brush towards his direction, saying, "By not getting her to talk! I'm making her foundation appear nonexistent at the moment so I need her to remain still,” She then looks down at you and winks, “ Your face will resemble a baby's butt in smoothness once I'm finished.” "Are you saying my child doesn't have a smooth face?" Justin gasps. She threatens him with the brush, making him jump. You laugh at the sight of the two of them bickering, which makes Olivia glare at you as well. You hurriedly close your eyes and stop laughing so she can go on. She murmurs, "That's what I thought." and goes on. You love your team, and the fact that you're all best friends just makes it better. A model will undoubtedly be friends with her crew, with whom she spends all of her time, but you guys are unique in that you have known each other since your first year of college. You are all the same age as you were born in the same year. 
Your desire of becoming a model was something you always had as a child, and in your second year of college, it finally came true in the most unexpected way. You offered to walk the runway in the fashion show that your college was presenting for students majoring in fashion design. A day after the runway show, your phone was flooded with notifications, and you were collecting dozens of followers by the minute. It turns out that some of the footage that students in the crowd recorded of you went viral. And after a week, you received calls from a lot of modeling agencies. You decide to sign up with one of the modeling agencies, but you only agreed to a 3-year contract because you thought it would be sufficient time for you to truly establish your reputation. And boy, did it work even though it was a long shot. As the contract expired, you made the decision that it would be best to start freelancing so you wouldn't have to worry about any hidden agendas. Fast forward to the present, and everything is still going great. And throughout the process you were able to hire your best friends, who have supported you through everything. 
Riley is delivering what she promised—food for everyone—while you are getting your hair done. As you entered the room to get ready, Riley placed an internet order because she knew what everyone would want and is now currently en route to pick it up. Her phone begins to ring as she enters the restaurant,
 “Hello, this is Riley speaking.”
“Hey Riley, it's Clark the photographer for SuperDry! I just wanted to call you to let you know that we changed the room where the shoot will be held, it will be on floor 50 room 202 instead of 48 room 102.” She makes a mental note of the new information.
“Okay thank you… Also, is there any word who the male model will be? Y/N was wondering.” She asks as she takes a seat close to the pickup area.
“Oh yeah! The male model will be Neymar Jr, you know him right?” Her mouth fell open at the sound of his name, and she silently vowed that you are going to kill her. 
She chuckles softly and says, "Well, of course! I'll let Y/N know about this. We will see you later.” She says goodbye and hangs up the phone after that.
There is a very tangled history between you and Neymar Jr., but only in secret. Of course, your closest friends Olivia, Justin, and Riley are the only ones who are aware of what transpired between you two. Until you learned through the paparazzi that Neymar was making out with another female, you and Neymar had been in the "talking stage" for approximately a month and had even discussed starting a relationship. Even though this incident occurred more than five years ago, it still lingers in your memory. You wouldn't describe your feelings as heartbroken; rather, you would describe them as disappointed that the rumors about his reputation as a "playboy" were accurate. Riley debates whether or not to be honest with you because she knows that if you find out who you will be with, you will decline going to the photoshoot, however she also knows that this partnership will be a great benefit to your career. "Riley, pick-up order!" She is pulled from her thoughts by the worker's call. She approaches, smiles and says "thanks" to the employee before hurriedly leaving the restaurant with the food bags in hand.  Y/N please forgive me for what i'm about to do, she thinks to herself.
"All right, that's finished." As you turn to face the mirror, Olivia says, turning the chair. Your hair was naturally down, but the materials he used to style it gave it a "wet" appearance. "Thanks guys, what would I do without you," you say with a smile. Riley's voice can be heard saying, "Foods here!" just as Justin was about to speak. “Ooooooo food!” Justin quickly exits the room, you and Olivia trailing behind him. Riley places the plastic bag on the kitchen counter as the three of you are moving down the hallway. "Y/N I got you veggie lo mein so you can have something light in your stomach, Justin sesame chicken with white rice, Olivia orange chicken with white rice.” Riley hands you your food with a set of chopsticks while Justin and Olivia eagerly take theirs. You thank her and take a seat.Everyone settles down and eats together like a big happy family, chit-chatting here and there until the moment comes when you and Riley have to depart. "You two can stay the night here if you don't want to go home," you tell Oliva and Justin because you don't want them driving home late. They both shake their heads, ”Dont worry about us Y/N, Justin and I don't live too far from here. We will text you when we make it home.” Olivia says as everyone starts gathering their belongings so that you can all depart together. Olivia and Justin merely need to take their personal items and leftover meals as your studio area is where you always get ready. They don't need to grab any of their makeup or hair products. "Just remember to put on additional lip gloss before the shot because it just brings everything together," Olivia advises as everyone walks out of your condo. Indeed, I definitely won't forget. While you lock the door with your other hand, you show her the lipgloss to indicate that you still have it. Together, you all descend the stairs, say your goodbyes, and split ways. You get into Riley's car and she drives to the location of the photoshoot. While you scroll through Instagram on your phone, you ask, "So, did they tell you who I am shooting with?". “Apparently it is going to be a surprise,” she casually says. As you stare out the window, you nod your head without giving it much thought. After a short while of traveling, you arrive at your destination and find a parking space in the garage. You two exit the vehicle and enter the building, Riley leading the way as she's aware of the location of the appropriate floor and room. 
Riley curses silently as she walks down the corridor, looking at her phone. You ask, "Everything okay?," as she sighs. "I forgot to deliver my mom a cake I picked up for her earlier today and she needs it by tomorrow morning for a fundraiser event," "I'll just wake up at 4am to bring it," she says while running her hand through her hair. "4 a.m.?" you ask, shaking your head. “I don’t have any issue with you bringing it to her now… I can handle the shoot by myself, I'm a big girl.”  Also, don't worry about how I'm going to get home- I got it.” She casts a worried glance your way as the two of you approach the door because she's unsure of what you meant by your words. “Just call me when you are done and I can send over a driver.” She hugs you tightly, which you happily return. You tease her, "Sure Mom," and she laughs. You take your lip gloss out of your pocket and spread a layer of it on your lips as she turns to leave. You then knock on the door, only to have someone answer a minute later."Welcome, Y/N! You're as stunning as ever!" You assume that the man speaking is the photographer because he is holding a camera. Currently, the moonlight is perfect, so if you don't mind rapidly changing, that'll be fantastic. "Percilla takes her to the changing room to change," he says, snapping his fingers. He quickly vanishes, leaving you perplexed as you enter the condo. Several models are roaming around, and every few minutes, you can see the flashing lights of a camera snapping pictures. You had expected to have the place to yourself for your photo session, but it appears to be much more crowded than you had anticipated.
"Follow me," a girl says as she rushes to your side. You follow her and when strolling by, you notice that the majority of the staff are packing up their equipment. You figured that the models you saw must have been their final shoot of the day. The young woman motions for you to enter as she opens what appears to be a guest bedroom. A lingerie robe and undergarments are spread out on top of the bed. “The red set will be used for the photos first, followed by the gray and the black. As your manager has most likely informed you, we are seeking for a romantic attraction, therefore your bodies will be intimate. We also apologize for the noise and crowdedness of the living room when you first walked in as we fell a bit behind schedule with our shots, but most of the employees are currently packing up their belongings to go home. The master bedroom, which is the room next to his one, will be the location of the first shot.” Before she shuts the door, she says, "Go to that room after you're changed.” After seeing the door close, you let out a small breath, “Alright, let's get this show on the road.” Of course you love your modeling job, but what no one tells you is that modeling is all theatrical. Right now, for example, you have to act as if you are in a loving relationship with some random person. Maybe you should give acting a try next. You take off your clothing and put on the matching crimson red push-up bra and thong on. You then put on the lingerie robe, which is a see-through, sheer gown with a red feather on the lining to give it a more seductive appearance. "Damn I look nice," you say as you spin around a little in the mirror and take a look at yourself.
Then, as directed, you exit the bedroom and enter the room to the right. You enter the room with confidence. You recognize the photographer who previously answered the door for you, and you hear him yell, "Y/N!" as he approaches you. "We are so happy to have you here! I am deeply sorry about not being able to properly greet myself earlier,” He extends his hand for you to shake, "My name is Maxwell, and I am the head photographer for Super Dry Corporation." You shake his hand and give him your iconic smile, you say, "No worries! I am aware that things happen in life. Nice to formally meet you!” He responds, “Thank you so much for understanding. Now let's get started shall we?” As he approaches the bed, he gestures with his arm, "We can perform your solo shoot now while your partner changes so he can match you. We have already finished the male solo shoots." You climb to the top of the king-sized bed, its white silk sheets remarkably different from what you are wearing. As more moonlight enters the room through the balcony doors, you see Maxwell move over to his studio light and turn it to low so that the light reflecting off of you appears more natural. Right now, there is only you and Maxwell in the room.  “Alright, baby show me something sexy!” He leans slightly over you while standing on a short stool step, bringing the camera up to his eye to achieve a bird's eye perspective. You start slowly removing your robe while hearing the camera click. When the robe is open, you slowly bend your knee up while biting your lower lip and staring straight at the camera. “Perfect!,” Maxwell says, hyping you up. Laying there, you continue to strike various stances until rising to your knees and closing your eyes while running your hands through your hair. This would have been extremely uncomfortable for you if you weren't a model, but fortunately, this isn't your first time in this situation. Once some more time has passed, Maxwell takes the camera off his face, gets off the stool, and browses the pictures he has taken. “These shots are golden… we are definitely ready for Neymar now…” As soon as you heard him say Neymar's name, the smile that had been on your face instantly turned into confusion.  What name did he say? I hope I heard him wrong, you think to yourself. On cue, the woman who had earlier taken you to your room enters holding a box, followed by Neymar, who is just wearing a pair of red boxers.
Oh, youve got to be kidding me.
Neymar was engaging with her at the time and was not paying attention to you. He winks at her, and you cringe as you see her blush and smile. “Neymar you're just in time! I'm ready for you and Y/N to get some close ups.” Until your name is spoken, he doesn't even turn to look at Maxwell. For a split second, he fixes his gaze on Maxwell before turning to face you. His eyes briefly open when he recognizes your face, but as soon as he notices what you are wearing, his eyes quickly narrow and his lips curl into a smirk. Neymar had no idea you were going to be his shooting partner, but he can't say he's upset about it. Even though the two of you had a history, Neymar feels like you were the best partner he's ever had. Personality-wise and sexually-wise. The conclusion that you didn't like him was obvious given that you blocked him from all of your social media accounts. But, the fact that you were there gave him the opportunity to irritate you, and oh, did that idea thrill him. As you get up from the bed and start to move towards Neymar, you give him a fake smile. “Nice to meet you, Neymar.” You reach out your hand as if this is your first time meeting. Neymar participates in the act by reaching out to grab your hand and saying, "The pleasure is all mine, bonita (pretty)," as he elevates your hand to kiss the back of your palm.
You continue to smile at Neymar before turning your gaze to the girl walking over to Maxwell, both of them starting to talk about something. As you see they are not observing you two, you quickly yank your hand away from him and rub your hand against the robe to wipe away his germs. "I'd rather not feel the lips of someone who has kissed millions of people," you say in distaste. He replies, "But you were one of those millions of individuals, so what's the problem," with a slight chuckle. You mumble angrily, "Shut up, I don't even want to talk to you," and then stare at him, "We don't know one other. Play along.” "But my love, how can I forget how those lips felt around me?" he asks, gazing down at your lips. The steam pouring from your head would be visible in a cartoon version of this situation. Before you can react, Maxwell starts to approach you both and says, “Alright now that you two have been able to chat for a little bit- let's continue on shall we?” "Ladies first," Neymar says, winking at you. Seeing how phony your smile was toward him, he couldn't help but smile. You smile, "Oh such a gentleman," and turn to walk to the balcony. While walking, you could feel Neymar's eyes on your rear, so you move one hand behind your back and stick up your middle finger. 
Let the games begin, Neymar thinks to himself.
You and Neymar begin with straightforward poses while switching between several hues of the garments you were to market for the brand. Ney is first asked to sit on the edge of the bed by the photographer, who then instructs you to stand in front of him with one hand on his shoulder and the other reaching for the camera. Neymar gently places his hands on your waist as you two exchange confident looks. The photographer then instructs you both to lie down on the bed side by side with your knees crossed at the ankles and your heads supported by your hands. Ney comes out to shake your hand, and you do so while giving him a loving and secure expression. Of course you snuck in a few looks of displeasure here and there, and Neymar never took his smug expression off his face. 
The photographer also wanted pictures from the balcony. You are currently dressed in black underwear with a lace garter, and you can almost feel Neymar's eyes fixated on you.
The photographer instructs you to strike a pose outside on the balcony, with the lovely night sky and city lights behind you. You start with a basic standing pose, with one foot slightly in front of the other, and your arms resting gently at your sides.
Neymar approaches and stands behind you, and the photographer instructs you both to turn towards each other, one hand on your lower back and the other on Neymar's chest. Neymar grins down at you as you bite your lower lip. Neymar leans down to whisper in your ear as the camera starts to take pictures. You look at the camera and wink to make it seem like another natural pose so the photographer didn't speculate. “How could I not crave someone as gorgeous as you when you look at me like that?” You would be lying if you said you did not feel anything at that moment, and you hated that. You could feel your body temperature rising despite the minimal clothing you are wearing. As the photographer removes the camera from his eye to look at the pictures, you glare at Ney, “Can't you just be quiet?” Neymar's eyes are filled with amusement, “Can you make me?” As soon as you are about to respond, the photographer says, “Okay let's take a few more shots! I need you two to look seductive, you two can look at eachother or the camera.” He explains causing you to nod your head. It's time for you to trade roles because Neymar wants to tease you all the time. You push Neymar down so he can sit in the balcony chair and bend over so you're eye level with him, peering seductively into his eyes. You scan him up and down, almost as if you're examining him. Neymar's jaw tightens as he examines your body, his eyes now able to catch more of your cleavage. “Perfect Y/N!,” the photographer yells as shots are taken. Neymar smirks as he realizes what you are doing. He stands up and moves closer to you after a few more camera flashes. As you put your palm on his chest and fix your gaze on his green eyes, you are entranced by the scene in front of you. You couldn't help but feel aggravated by the situation you find yourself in right now. Only a few inches separate you two, which makes you heat up more. It's difficult to determine if you are burning up out of desire or just from the heat. You know the answer to that though.  You want him to give in and completely fill the space between you two. You want to caress his lips, stroke his hair with your palm, and breathe in his fragrance.
You feel tension between you and just want to give in. You do something you would never have imagined wanting to do again as the camera flashes, surprising not just Neymar but also the photographer. 
You kiss him.
Although surprised, Neymar gives you a kiss right away. As soon as you understand what you've done, you swiftly move away from him and ask, "Are we done for the night now?," behaving as if nothing had occurred. The photographer nods enthusiastically while gazing at his camera and enjoying the image he just captured. Who wouldn't, really? You recently received a picture of a notorious futebol player and a well-known model kissing while displaying your logo. Neymar is ready to speak, reaching out to hold your hand, but you hurriedly leave the balcony and enter the guest room you were in before the transformation.
Once you enter the room and lift your hands over your head, still in shock at what you just accomplished. Why on earth would you kiss someone so attractive? He is a jerk who messed with your heart in the past…….he has grown into  a very attractive jerk who is very kissable though. 
You grumble as you realize that your mind is tricking you and that you are not in control of the situation. You sigh and start to gather the clothes you were wearing when you arrived at the shoot. You hear a knock at the door as you are gathering your clothing. You don't give it much thought because you assume it is either the assistant or the photographer. You shout "Come in!" so they can hear you. You assume that the door is locked because no one enters the space after you said they could. When you have your clothes in your possession, you go to the door to open it, but the person behind it opens it before you get to the door. When Neymar emerges from the door, you give him a confused expression. e closes the door and moves towards you, "Neymar wha-," your sentence is cut short as he takes you by the waist and pulls you in for another kiss. As his tongue prods your mouth, he grunts against your lips. You want to feel his body heat against yours, so you pull him closer to you by wrapping your arms around his neck- dropping your clothes. Only the sounds of the two of you kissing each other and labored breathing can be heard. After pulling away, you ask him, "Why do you do this to me?" while panting heavily. Neymar licks his lips and quietly pant, ”Y/N. I want to get into contact with you again.” You continue gazing mesmerized into his eyes, unsure of how to respond, so you remain silent. “I'll think about it..” You mumble because you are unsure about the solution. Neymar gives you a lovely smile while starting to sing horribly knowing that Bad Bunny is your favorite artist, "As Bad Bunny said,
Contigo tengo que apretar  (I need to be careful with you)
Y en la calle ando suelto    (And in the streets I run free)
Pero por ti me quito          (But for you I stay in)
Si tú me lo pide'              (If you ask for it)
Yo me porto bonito            (I'll behave myself)”
"Sai do meu quarto, Neymar (Get out of my room, Neymar,)" you say, laughing at his ridiculous attempt to serenade you. "Would you unblock me so I don't have to constantly check your profiles from my private account?," he asks, causing your eyebrows to raise, "What?" 
"Nothing just unblock me Bonita (Beautiful), ," he says, smiling and waving as he walks out of the room.
You sigh as you see him leave the room. You can't let yourself be caught in his trap once more. You can't believe he even got you to laugh and that you kissed him twice tonight. You start mentally reciting a list of 100 reasons why you should despise him in order to avoid unblocking him and maintain your distance.
Later that night, you eventually unblocked him.
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undermycoat · 10 months
[dj khaled voice] anotha one (fic i might never finish)
Jamie was fucking tired of it. Roy was a fucking sight on the pitch, and Jamie knew he knew how to guide the team to greatness and had countless lessons in fame, but fuck if he wasn’t dull when it came to literally everything else.
“No,” he said, “I’m not dating your sister. I don’t even fucking want your sister!” He paused, then added, “She’s mad lovely, though. Nothing against her.”
“Last you said, she was fit,” Roy growled, because that’s the only way he's able to communicate.
Jamie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, ‘cause it’s true and ‘cause it’s fun winding you up. You really never realised?”
Roy glared, though it wasn’t that much different from his expression before.
Jamie sunk deeper into his chair, defeated, and sighed. “Look, mate, your sister is fit, but have you ever considered it’s ‘cause she’s a Kent? And — and you always think I’m trying to fucking... fuck the women close to you, if not her then it’s Keeley, and look, I like them, I love Keeley, but not like that, and have you ever considered that—.” Jamie swallowed, fingers curling into his palms, nails biting into the skin. This was it; the big reveal. He could just keep his mouth shut and nothing would have to change.
But Roy just kept looking at him, and Jamie said it anyway: “Have you ever considered that all I’ve ever fucking wanted is you?”
Finally, Roy glanced away, and Jamie took a breath, then Roy closed his eyes, and Jamie saw him count to three — fucking... anger? He was angry at Jamie for this? And Jamie prepared for a fight, a fist flying at his face, even though he thought they’d left that behind in the alleyway behind the club, mostly because they were fucking shit at fistfighting, and really Jamie had just wanted Roy’s hands on him and didn’t know what else to do and it’s like a fucking primal instinct, reacting to Roy’s fire with flames of his own, but instead of punching him, Roy just shook his head and asked, “You think I’m fit?”
Jamie couldn’t help it — he laughed, and it was slightly hysteric, slightly too bright and too sharp and too much, but it was just unbelievable. That’s what it was. “Fucking hell, Roy! Yes! I’ve just had your poster up on me wall for the past fucking thirteen years for shits and giggles, yeah.”
Roy scoffed but dipped his head. “Alright. Alright.” He took a swig from his bottle, and Jamie determinedly looked away but in a way that wasn’t obvious. Still, when his eyes went back to Roy, he found Roy to already be watching him. Jamie licked his lips. Roy’s gaze lowered and followed the movement.
It wasn’t an answer, but Jamie felt confident. He leaned forward, and Roy didn’t stop him. Still, the first touch of their lips was soft and tentative and the most chaste first kiss Jamie’s ever had. He loved it, and he didn’t think about if it would happen again. He’d make sure it happens again.
When he pulled away, Roy’s eyes were still shut, and his brow was furrowed. Jamie just barely held back from tracing his tongue across his lips, curious if he’d be able to taste Roy, if there was anything in a kiss like that.
He felt like he was twelve again, sneaking around with one of the boys from the academy. But this was even more nerve-wracking because, well, it’s Roy fucking Kent, innit? National hero, Jamie’s first gay wank fantasy, probably Jamie’s greatest love after football and his mum. He’d been confident, but now he was readying for things to go tits up.
Roy opened his eyes. “You fucking mean it, then?”
Jamie blinked. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. ‘Course I mean it. I love you.” And he hadn’t meant to say that, and he for sure fucked it, but at the same time he felt lighter, like the full truth had finally been revealed.
And Roy didn’t look mad or disgusted or like he was going to up and leave Jamie there by himself at the bar, even though it was his own fucking house, and Jamie felt himself take a breath.
“Roy?” His voice was small. “You don’t have to say anything back, or, well, I’d like it if you did, but it doesn’t have to be that. Just. Just—”
“Yeah, coach?”
The glare he got in return for that was perfect, and he felt tingles all over. He smiled, hesitant. Roy rolled his eyes, grabbed the front of Jamie’s shirt, and pulled him into another kiss.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 4 months
iiiii think u should write smth heart wrenching. smth awfully sad. like idk. landoscar are robbing toto wolffs massive mansion and one of them get SHOT. but no dying ofc. thats too sad. but a normal level of heart wrenching.
the water sprinkler goes off with a boom. “NAUR!!!!” oscar screams. his crime partner falls to the floor with a shriek, dark brown curls already plastered flat against his forehead.
gold jewellery and a big tube of top secret papers labelled “how to make mercedes great again” rolls, clicky clacky along the tiles.
lando's always been scared of water. he makes an utter scene, spluttering and spitting on the floor and probably waking half the mansion. oscar thinks he has about 6 minutes before susie herself shows up with a f1 academy car and her immaculate bob to run them over. oscar refuses to be written up in the australian tabloids as “f1 driver whose cause of death was getting run over by toto’s wife” so he motivates himself to keep going and finish the job.
oscar uses magical plot-assisted powers to retrieve the jewellery and the papers and uses plot-necessary bluetooth technology (a pin shaped like a papaya) to turn off the water sprinklers.
oscar ignores lando’s vocal protests and fireman-carries lando out of the mansion. “NOOOOO” oscar hears toto shout, howling in an austrian accent to the moon.
later oscar passes lando a big orange towel. osc radios zak and says “i did it. i got us some additional sponsorship money.” osc is not sure how he is going to find a shop that will let him sell the austrian jewels without asking questions. he is pretty sure this is beyond his pay grade but it's fine because he wants to do well for the team. meanwhile zak says “good job im gonna keep sitting at my laptop and doing ceo things now.” osc says “cool please don’t send me on a mission with this lando idiot again.”
lando sits at the steps of their safehouse looking like a drowned cat. lando is smiling despite the chaotic AF events. osc doesn’t like that he finds this endearing.
later, osc asks lando: “why did you pull on the alarm that is clearly marked ALARM. i literally can’t take you anywhere.”
and lando replies “cos i knew you would rescue me of course 🥰🥰”
(sorry i massacred your prompt and made it a shitpost, but the idea of them tag teaming to rob toto and kind of failing was just too funny to pass up.)
and the only other heartwrenching options that came up in my head for this were (i) lando’s DJ console breaks (ii) oscar is told that due to scheduling issues he cannot go back to australia for five years (iii) neither of them wins the WDC for the next 10 years but somehow mazepin returns to haas and they watch him do so due to an unprecedented level of f1 bribery, bad luck, or some other related insane turn of events. but never say never 'cus the FIA is involved and all.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
“Hey, if we don’t find someone by midnight…you and me…maybe?” - “Ask me properly and I might consider it.” with stina blackstenius
New Years Eve is one of those celebrations where real life never quite matched up with the movies. Sure the big party happened and you were the life and soul of it every year but come midnight you always found yourself alone.
It wasn't that you didn't have anyone to kiss, no this wasn't the issue at all. The issue is that you didn’t like meaningless acts of affection. It is the reason why you didn't ask someone out of February 14th just so you wouldn't be alone on Valentine's day and you refused to kiss anyone under Mistletoe around Christmas time. Kisses were intimate and you wanted to make sure they stayed that way which is why you wouldn’t kiss a stranger just for the sake of it.
Stina Blackstenius wasn’t a stranger though. The blonde kept you up at night and not in the way you desired. You are known as the captain of Arsenal, confident and calm under pressure. Every opponent tried and fail to make you crack yet whenever you are around Stina it’s as if your brain fails to function. Viv likes to tell you that she makes you human.
“You’re nervous. I’ve never seen you nervous” Beth says as you begin pacing her and Viv’s home.
It was a last minute thing. The newly injured couple didn’t feel comfortable going out to celebrate New Year’s Eve so they offered to host a party at their place. A text was sent to the group chat and in the end only the UK born players replied saying they will come, them and a certain blond swede.
“I don’t get nervous, i’m just energetic” you didn’t believe what you were saying and when you see the look on your team mates faces it was clear they didn’t either.
“Just ask her to dance. I, as the DJ for the night, will play a slow sexy song just for you” Katie says finding it very easy to tease you in your current state.
“And I will put you together when we play games. You can impress her with you competitive nature” Jen suggests.
“Right because if seeing me compete every single week when we play football isn’t enough, seeing me play Jenga will” you point to the box on the table.
“It’s strip jenga” Beth corrects you making you eyes widen in shock.
“No it’s not” Viv comes to your rescue.
You don’t get to discuss your plans further because there is a knock on the door. Due to you being frozen in your spot, Katie answers the door revealing Stina and Lina.
As the night goes on more people arrive, some you know from the club and some you have never seen before but even when you are surrounded by people your gaze remains on Stina. Every so often she would catch you staring, only you turn away before seeing her blush.
You finish a conversation with one of Beth’s friends when you try to find the blonde forward. At first you cannot see her but then you hear her Swedish accent.
“Looking for me?” Stina asks from behind you making you jump.
“I, ermm, well” you panic slightly. Her question lets you know that she knows you have been watching her.
“I have seen looking at me but you haven’t spoken to me all night” you can tell that she is disappointed by your lack of interaction but you couldn’t help it.
Once again you are at a loss for words. The affect this woman had on you was terrifying.
“Close you eyes” Stina rests her hands on your shoulders smiling happily when you do as you are told “Take a deep breath and say what you want to say”
“I like you. More than I thought I would and more than I should” you don’t take breath in fear that if you did you wouldn’t finish your sentence. 
When you open you eyes you see Stina smiling ear to ear. 
“I like you too” She says no more as she walks away only she doesn’t get far as you pull her back towards you.
The rash action gains the attention of those around you but you don’t care.
“Hey, if we don’t find someone by midnight…you and me…maybe?” It wasn’t quite what you wanted to say but the point was the same.
Stina looks around when she feels eyes of her.
“Ask me properly and I might consider it.” 
It might not have been a yes but it certainly wasn’t a no.
A couple of hours later and everyone gathers in the garden as the countdown begins only you cannot find Stina.
Midnight is only seconds away when you finally find the woman you planned on ringing the new year in with.
“Kiss me” Stina wraps her arms around your neck.
You don’t have to be told twice. When you feel her warms lips on your own it’s as if everyone else disappears leaving only the two of you. Much to your surprise but also your enjoyment, Stina deepens the kiss and when you feel her tongue against your lips you allow entry. When you pull away you cannot help but laugh, there are literal fireworks going off mirroring what you felt when you kissed her.
“Happy New Year Stina” you pull her into your arms.
When you hear the cheers of your team mates Stina buries her face in the crook of your neck. You on the other hand couldn’t care less, the teasing that you are bound to receive will be worth it because you finally got to kiss your girl.
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aannonn · 6 months
A lil' fic I wrote on both my wattpad and ao3 account.. But wanted to post it here too, soooOooo let's go11!!
(aaand because i wanted to play around with Tumblr's colorful text once again xD)
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Fandom: Animator vs. Animation (Short Films - Becker)
Relationships: Can be considered as both platonic and romantic
Characters: Color Gang & Alan Becker & DJ (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hugs, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sleepy Cuddles, Cuddle Piles, Platonic Cuddling, Team as Family, Family Fluff, The Color Gang Needs a Hug (Animator vs. Animation), No Dialogue
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Free Hugs!
   Finishing the final touch with a small click, Orange stood back, silently admiring his work.
   What our dear friend Orange just did, my friends, is steal Minecraft's wooden sign and drag it into Alan's Adobe Flash, grabbing a pen and quickly scribbling some letters onto the previously clean wood.
   Earlier that day, Orange woke up, as usual, at noon, and quickly left his house, feeling strangely refreshed today.
   This strange renewal was quickly erased when he saw the state of his friends, however.
   His friends, his friends who are so stupid but also so loving that they are always there for him. His friends who are also his family, his main reason for living, the main reason why his days always seem to brighten considerably even more whenever they are close by. His small but wonderful family - along with Alan, their creator, of course.
   His friends- No. His little family has always been so energetic and enthusiastic, full of plans and just so.. lively. Looking so much like a big strong flame and tough and just so beautiful.
He wouldn't know what he would do if that flame faded.
   His light at the end of the tunnel, his sun on rainy days, the platonic, no homo loves of his life... It seemed to have suddenly faded.
   It was so all of sudden, so... disconcerting. Seeing his friends sitting on the couch looking like they're dying of some sorts - when, in fact, they're not - is just... disconcerting, to say the least.
   Dark circles in their eyes - or, well, whatever was in place of their eyes, - slow movements, becoming more easily distracted and looking like, with every minute that passes, they get even more tired than he is when he wakes up way too early to his liking. And that says a lot.
   Orange doesn't know why - none of them gave an exact explanation of the reason The only thing they told him was that it was a tiring day and nothing more than that.
ᅠ Which, was absurd. In Orange's personal opinion, at least. His friends were never tired - at least, not tired like him.
   While he feels sleepy and tired and with each passing day he feels even more disconnected from reality, his friends can spend a whole day awake and, even so, still not be tired.
   Quite the contrary, there is a strong possibility that they will feel even more energetic in the morning, much to Orange's jealousy exasperation.
   So seeing his friends in such a depressing state broke his heart — literally? Metaphorically? Coded heart? Whatever kind of heart StickFigures like him have.
   So, Orange made it his personal goal to, at least, try to cheer up his friends.
   They always managed to brighten up his days, even unintentionally, so it's time for him to return the favor.
   Orange scribbled a few more minecraft drawing decorations into the empty corners of the wood, making sure they were some of his friends' favorites, before mentally patting himself on the back for his hard work.
   He sighed, nervous but hopeful. If that doesn't work... Well, he'll think of something eventually.
   The important thing is that his friends - his family, are happy and comfortable, and nothing else matters to him beyond that.
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   Walking slowly across the desktop towards the couch where his friends were still in the same state as before, lying down and sprawled out lazily.
   Which wouldn't be so unusual, almost making Orange think that his friends were happy again, if it weren't for the fact that they still had a, somewhat, depressing air around them.
   Sighing deeply, he walked in front of them, nervous, terribly embarrassed but most of all; Hopeful.
   He's usually not the one who initiates them, but...
   Red simply stares at him lazily, nodding his head in greeting. Blue raises his head a little to look at him, while Yellow and Green remain in the positions they were in, the only indication that they were listening is the small movement of their heads, although they still haven't given him a single look, very busy having a staring contest with the ceiling.
   Orange have a feeling that the ceiling is winning...
   Orange sighed again, his grip on the wooden handle tightening; Although it couldn't be seen, he could still feel himself blushing even without facial expressions.
   He slowly lifted the sign so the text could be read, shaking. - Not out of fear or nervousness, more like out of pure embarrasment because ohgodhesreallydoingitsomeonekillhimrightnowplease
   Orange simply stares at the ground, not making eye contact with any of them. - He can practically feel everyone's eyes on him, which leaves him a little overwhelmed, presumably reading the text over and over again to see if they're not reading it wrong.
   When a few moments pass without either of them making any kind of movement or noise or literally anything else, Orange slowly drops the sign, already feeling the regret and embarrasment growing even more, making him question why he even came up with this idea-
   He quickly broke out of his thoughts when he heard a small movement come from in front of him, making him tear his eyes away from the ground to look up, still slightly embarrassed about what he just did.
   ...Only to find a very excited Red doing little jumps of excitement, an equally excited Green although looking like as much as a smug, a shocked Yellow though looking grateful, and lastly Blue who, although he had no facial expression, seemed to be smiling softly at him, his head shaking in an fondly manner.
   Before Orange could literally do anything, Green slowly freed himself from the tangle of arms and legs on the couch, walking towards Orange in a certain way that would generate suspense, leaving the youngest of the five(5) extremely nervous and even more embarrassed.
   Green simply stood in front of him, staring at him for a long, unnecessary moment before finally leaning in to give Orange a hug, his gentle yet firm grip holding him gently and not looking like he wanted to let go.
   Orange stood stiffly for a few seconds, slightly surprised, before slowly trying to hug his friend back before he noticed Red jumping up from the couch - knocking Yellow and Blue over in the process, though none of them seemed to mind, not when the youngest of the four(4) jumped on the other two, giving them a tight hug that didn't hint like he would let go anytime soon.
   Red's sudden enthusiastic embrace threw him a little off balance, causing him to stumble backwards and, just like that, fall to the ground along with the other two StickFigures, the loud thud and Red's laughter echoing across the desktop as they all turned into one messy pile of hugs on the floor.
   He could distantly hear Yellow laughing too, before both he and Blue stood up to join the colorful pile, Yellow snuggling a little closer while Blue squeezed everyone in a soft, comforting grip, his signature bear hug.
   Well, great. Now Orange can't feel his legs with all of them on top of him!
   Not that he cares, though. Orange felt himself laughing, before, with some effort, he managed to free his arms from the deadly grip and hug his family with the same strength and softness, trying to convey the same comfort and happiness that everyone was providing each other.
   They were all happy and comfortable. Orange's mission was successful. And that was all that mattered.
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   At some point, they all fell asleep in the comfy pile, small soft snores coming from it.
   In that same place at some point, Alan eventually sat down back at his seat in front of the computer, only to find his little StickFigures friends all in a little tangle of hugs.
   Alan felt himself get a little worried when he saw that Orange seemed to be being slightly crushed by the others on top of him, although the latter didn't really seem to mind, not when he seemed to happily return the hug and snuggle even closer, their chests? Their bellies? rising and falling so smoothly and slowly that it made the animator quickly realize that they were all asleep.
   Alan smiled softly at the adorable sight, before quickly opening Adobe Flash - which, for some reason, was already open - and drawing a small blanket and some pillows, bringing them to the still sleeping color gang, carefully so as not to wake them up, lifting up their little heads to place the pillows beneath them, covering them with the blanket immediately afterwards.
   He could vaguely see the colorful gang huddling even closer, their presumably snores becoming softer by the second.
   Thinking for a second, he slowly moved the cursor down and, very pretty much carefully, stroked the StickFigures' heads, sighing in relief when he saw that they didn't wake up and, instead, simply leaned into his touch.
   The animator smiled again, before using his other computer so he could work on his programs without having to wake the little ones.
   Before that, however, he belatedly noticed the wooden sign from Minecraft thrown carelessly to the side, the text "FREE HUGS" written in large letters with small animal decorations, - most notably were the drawings of the pigs - redstone, noteblocks and.. NetherWarts? Drawn one in each corner.
   Huh. How convenient.
   Alan shook his head. Anyways, he has a video to finish with DJ. And with absolute certainty he will tell DJ about all of this.
   Ahh.. DJ will love hearing about this.
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AAand that's that! xD
also! some inspirations for this oneshot...
Inspired yea, but not entirely. xD
Pretty much the main inspo for this oneshot, although it is, in no way, meant to be related.
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
lil' edit; I edited it a lil'! I noticed I got some things wrong and forgor others, so I fixed it. ;') It's nothing too big, don't worry! Just some grammatical errors and that I forgor to put the second link to the main inspo for this oneshot.. welp-
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Eleven: Shoot me (Do it)
(I skipped 'Up the Creek' because it mostly focused on the Screaming Gophers, and when it did mention the Killer Bass Duncan barely was in it)
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All you know about today's challenge is that you are going to make it as dramatic as possible, is what you told yourself. Today was friday, and you were going to be on your medicine. So today's story will be told from Duncan's point of view.
Duncan always thought the way her body processed her meds was interesting, because her mood always changed right away.
He watched as Chris handed her the two tiny pills and she swallowed them quickly. Your teammates were looking at you both confused. Suddenly her body did this strange little shudder and she broke out into a smile.
"Today's challenge is all about survival." Chris explained. "We're going hunting." The man smiled cheerfully holding up a gun. "That's more like it." Duncan smirked and gave his (girl-) friend a fist bump.
"Isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked. "Why yes, Harold. It is." Chris shot him rather quickly. "So we're not killing anything." Bridgette asked sounding dissapointed.
"No. This is the first ever paintball dear game ever. So finish up breaky and I'll give out teams in the woods." Chris pointed at Owen who had finished off his teams can of beans.
When all of you guys finally got into the woods and Chris announced the game. There'd be 'hunters' and there'd be deer. Each team would be split of both. Duncan, Y/N, DJ, Courtney, and Sadie were deer.
Duncan complained but quickly shut up when she looked at him in his costume and giggled. "Looking cute, bambi." Her fingers booped him on the nose. "Cute to you, mean to anyone else." Duncan muttered a blush forming on his pale face as he pulled her in by the waist.
Chris gave the deers five minutes to hide from the hunters.
So everyone dispersed quickly.
Duncan had a realization as he and you both trudged through the woods. Chris had done this type of challenge on friday just to put the team at a disadvantage. Chris wanted her to be high as the clouds so she'd freak Duncan out.
But Duncan didn't scare easily.
"Hey, darling?" He asked as they both silently walked by a pond in the woods looking for any hunter. "What's up, cutie?" Her eyes flickered to look at him.
He didn't like it when she took her meds because he didn't know what was real and what was fake. But he wanted you to take your meds because you looked at peace for once.
"Real or not real: there's something between us?" He muttered. She gave him this smile and he wanted to hit her. "Whatever between us is realer then the sun shining on a sunday morning, baby." Her teeth shined as she laughed.
|Trending on X right now|
The day progressed pretty calmly to say the least which Duncan was thankful for. Almost no one shot at them, only Owen tried a few times but luckily for Duncan, his girl and him were a scary duo.
He and his girl sat on the grass, your back leaning against his chest as his arms slithered around your stomach.
Her voice was coming out but he wasn't even listening to the words, he was listening to the sound. Her voice sounded like a song he'd listen to every day if he could.
It tooks about two hours until he felt her body relax. Since everyone at camp was so loud he was keeping track of who was in the lead. So far, it looked like you guys were going to win... by a lot.
Duncan smiled to himself as he gently layed your head onto the grass. He remembered the first time he had played a game with guns, accept it was real guns.
Russian roulette was always fun.
Four years ago
Duncan was thirteen. He had been diagnosed with paranoia, anxiety, as well as DDD. He certainly was an interesting boy to say the least. The first juvie center he stayed at didn't give him his meds, so he acted insane.
"Alright new-blood, let's see if you've got what it takes." James threw the gun to the young boy who put it against his head without flinching. He clicked a bullet without blinking.
"My dad started me on russia roulette when I was five, try harder." Duncan smiled.
The game ended, the killer bass had won and Heather lost her shit on Beth. Duncan noticed that her meds were wearing off once he saw how drained she was acting.
She was quiet, and she nearly collapsed on her bunk when the team had finally returned back to the cabins. Courtney must've noticed the worried glance Duncan had given the girls side of the cabin because she whispered.
"We'll watch over her." She smiled kindly.
So that night, Courtney had directed a tired Y/N into the bathroom to change and wash your face, as Bridgette layed you on her cot putting a trash can beside you in case your body reacted poorly from your new change in your meds schedule.
Which it did.
The cameras caught Sadie holding your hair back as you dry heaved into the can. (#girlsprotectgirls was already trending on X)
"I hope you know how obvious you are, man." Geoff grumbled as he watched Duncan smoke from the window. Duncan smirked flipping the boy off. "I have no idea what your talking about." Duncan smiled.
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inchidentally · 5 months
truly is this what he is for DJs?? energy being so important for a DJ set and of course having beautiful Lando dancing around with the sheen of his perfectly toned skin reflecting every change of the lights right where they can grab at him and furtively smell where his cologne hasn't touched has got to be inspiration.
but god I want him to get really artsy friends who not only make him feel desired and loved but who can express how Lando makes them feel in photography, painting, sculpture, poetry, film, or making jewelry that specifically invokes Lando's eyes or the gradient of pinks in his lips or the way humidity clings to his curls like a coronet fashioned from the air of faraway places that smell like oudh incorporated in a fragrance made just for him.
a painter could express the textures and vibrating energy of Lando standing shirtless and shoeless on a balcony during torrential rain. a sculptor could transform pieces of old industrial iron into a lithe climbing shape to evoke Lando stretching himself up and awake after a nap on a sun-filled penthouse rug. photographers and visual artists would spend weeks just following him around cities he's never seen before, straining to capture the way his neck extends balletic and strong when his curiosity is piqued and the broken-open fragility of his verde gris eyes when he falls into a fleeting love affair with a stranger or a cramped side street or a little hint of the humdrum practicality of a Normal Life he's never known even in passing.
and if I let my brain go real nuts here maybe some rumpled wannabe documentary filmmaker-slash-nepo baby desperate to justify his place in filmmaking chooses to stumble after Lando during an entire F1 season. and maybe he brings a cumbersome setup of thin, patched screens covered in acoustic foam panels and an even more unwieldy vintage camera across oceans and continents so that he always records Lando in one familiar corner of space no matter where they are. maybe he's trying to settle Lando's too-trusting, frightened nature into a sense of habit so that he can finally record the way Lando looks and talks when everyone's phones are down and the early evening steals the hotel room's artificial light and makes reality feel thin and viscous. maybe after a few races he finally gets Lando to talk about The Ones Who Were Gone. the men who did what Lando had never known men could do to him: leave. he'd urge Lando past the "I know it's stupid" and "it's totally normal in racing" and "obviously we're still really good friends, it's not a big deal anymore". get him to revisit two, three, four years ago and the filmmaker would sit frozen as still as possible until Lando's face regresses into the softness and the bitterness of watching a supposed dear friend laughing big and loud while his child's heart was burning with hurt and sadness. perhaps it would feel too cruel to keep him there in that old sadness and the filmmaker's own voice would be left in the film when he brings up Piastri. good, steady, possibly boring Piastri who eagerly took two extra years before his first had even finished. the even-keeled wallflower who had endured resounding hatred from fans across everywhere Ricciardo had sown loyalty to himself and an entire team proclaiming Piastri an ungrateful turncoat, both to the public and to the court. the pale boy who pressed his pale lips together and turned his shoulders in and soldiered on through months of everyone crowing that he must already regret all he had thrown away, that he was getting what he deserved. all because the boy chose McLaren, chose the little live-wire changeling Lando, and whose steady brown eyes saw his future's glory clear and bright through the mess and the noise. the boy who was so unlike Lando in every superficial way, who Lando one day turned to look at in the eyes and thought 'you're the same as me'.
because it was worth the waiting through all of Lando's capricious sometimes frenetic moods during their hours of filming to capture the moment when Lando's smile untwists from wry and fond to bright and clear when he talks about his future with the boy who waits and watches - and sometimes turns serious - in exactly the way the one! and only! Lando Norris! deserves. whose eyes see just what Lando's see and the filmmaker thinks bang! got it! because that bright-eyed toothy smile looks just like the photo of tiny Lando holding a trophy nearly the size of his own body that he's absolutely going to cut into the end of the doc.
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foster-the-world · 2 months
Funny baby boy things
Baby boy loves learning Spanish words. I dont know Spanish so often look up words on my phone. This morning he was in my room while I was getting dressed. He says “Mom how do you say boobies in Spanish. Ask your phone.” Then proceeds to take my phone and ask Siri.
Last night at the schools monthly literacy night dinner they had Harlem Magic Masters - a DJ and three basketball players who do tricks and entertain the crowd. They were very good. The kids loved them. At the beginning they did a dance contest. Baby boy went up by himself and the crowd went wild because he’s perfect. If anyone ever questioned if he has ADHD (they don’t) his dancing would prove it. It’s rapid fire movement with some break dancing thrown in. When announcing the winners they called one older girl up to give her a hat. Quincy then walks himself right up there, stands in front of him and puts his hand up. So freakin cute. Not sure who the real winner was but they couldn’t really say no. He was very happy with his baseball hat. The third winner was his little best friend who was also thrilled beyond believe. Rebel also won a ball catching contest - along with her sweet classmate. Bee was not happy to be the only non winner but all of the kids got free books from scholastic book fair stock so she was appeased. She chose one of the Harry Potter books we haven’t gotten to, yet.
Need to get through PTA meeting tonight and then finish packing for our early flight to London.
Managed to secure 75 free chick-fil- meals for teacher appreciation week. Our local restaurant does not have any homophobic policies and we aren’t actually giving them any money - so I figure it’s okay. Also got about $250 in gift cards to stack a dessert/drink snack cart we will deliver to each class. And a local bagel shop gives 75 bagels every year. Starbucks donated coffee - so we will have a nice breakfast.
Yesterday the Principals friend told her about a 70k capital improvement grant due tmrw. At first I said I couldn’t get it together. Then started thinking about how we could make our family room/meeting classroom so much better. I managed to get the whole application done at work today. My husband checked for grammar and said you could not tell it was done in only 1-2 hours. It certainly wasn’t perfect but I’m glad I took the time. I felt kind of bad but did not have the time/energy to send around to other exec team members for feedback. I figure it was worse to ask for advice and then ignore it then to just not ask. I didn’t want it hanging over my head tonight. I did tell the other members I was applying. Now it’s submitted- worse they can do is say no.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Okay bestie I don't want to clog someone's dashboard so I'll do it here- BUT AHHHHHH YES!! HARLEY AND BRUCE AT GALAS!! Im dying at Harley in her Marilyn inspired outfit and Bruce for SURE matches it with a style class turtleneck and jeans
But they SO act like siblings would; Harley keeps stealing Bruce's food right from his hand, knowing all he can do is smile tightly and grit, " Don't fucking touch me" through his pearly teeth
Bruce absolutely flirts with any women Harley tries hooking up with and she makes SURE to call him a whore in a passing whisper, which Bruce meets with a " Skank" equally quiet so gothamites don't hear
When they fight it's always a " I don't know you and you don't know me'' scenario, but Bruce always gives Harley rides home. They DEFINETLY fight in the batmobile all the time because Harley plays the " I'm not touching you!" Game
Harley Def brings out a playful and immature side to Bruce that Alfred certainly missed; THEM WITH THE BATKIDS TOO!! I have a feeling Harley would be the fun wine aunt. She and Jason for sure have murder conspiracies and she " HEY DOLLSSS" all of them
I have only one sibling, but several cousins (we are 7 grandchildren on my mother's side alone, and even more if you count extended family as distant cousins on my grandmother's side) so you can imagine what big family reunions are like.
And therefore… Boring children at very elegant events.
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(graphic reresentation of Young Bruce and Harley, sahrin IceCream after they stole it from the Gala's kitchen)
Bruce and Harley, in short, would be whining because the suit they put on is itchy all over. Bruce, 13, trying not to rip off the turtleneck Alfred had to put on him; while Harley, endlessly scratching his hair, because the gel they put in for his curls is too thick and makes him feel weird.
Not to mention all the mischief they would get into, but they would come out perfectly victorious. I mean, who can justify a sweet little girl like Harley Sweetie, along with her equally sweet Brucie Dopsie? They're just too adorable and innocent to think that the chocolate fountain would overflow with too many strawberries.
(Bullshit, Alfred knew they did it on purpose, but he didn't punish them just because he was getting bored too).
At the gala they team up, so that they don't have to put up with the adults and old bores. But after that, it was every man for himself.
Did Harley get any ice cream? Too bad she won't tell Bruce, just because he didn't tell her where to get the limited edition Sailor Moon candy.
Bruce beat up a spoiled brat? Sure, no doubt about it. He did it because it occurred to him to judge Harley for being poor. Just don't tell Harley, he won't let him live with that for a few months.
Both kids, they'd play songs or do identical, simultaneous mimes, only to have adults give them candy and the occasional waiter tell them the secret stash of mini burgers and pizzas.
If it weren't for the fact that Harley is blonde and has just appeared in Gotham society, many would assume that she is Bruce's twin.
Harley would convince the DJ or the Fiddlers to play a more modern song, and then ask Bruce to dance. Both kids bouncing around the gala venue, not really dancing, just jumping, running and twirling to the beat. Since the child Bruce didn't know how to dance yet.
Bruce would get Harley to always have new music records and would annoy her when he sees her getting too comfortable with other kids. Just because he likes to watch her make faces.
But when they leave the gala, all that My Little Pny friendship comes to an end.
Once they're back at the mansion, with the uncomfortable outfits lying around and wearing comfy pyjamas; both kids are back to being themselves.
So Bruce would push Harley out of bed while they sleep, and Harley would steal his sheets.
He'd eat the last of Alfred's biscuit in the girl's face, and she'd finish the whole pot of ice cream without thinking about it.
They'd chase each other with bugs or pester each other for help with their homework.
Alfred is happy with that.
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Ian McDonald's "Hopeland"
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Tonight (May 30) at 6:30PM, I’m at the NOTTINGHAM Waterstones with my novel Red Team Blues, hosted by Christian Reilly (MMT Podcast).
Tomorrow (May 31) at 6:30PM, I’m at the MANCHESTER Waterstones, hosted by Ian Forrester.
Then it’s London, Edinburgh, and Berlin!
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Have you ever read a novel that was so good you almost felt angry at it? I mean, maybe that’s just me, but there is one author who consistently triggers my literary pleasure centers so hard that I get spillover into all my other senses, and that’s Ian McDonald, who has a new novel out: Hopeland:
Seriously what the fuck is this amazing, uncategorizable, unsummarizable, weird, sprawling, hairball of a novel? How the hell do you research — much less write — a novel this ambitious and wide-ranging? Why did I find myself weeping uncontrollably on a train yesterday as I finished it, literally squeezing my chest over my heart as it broke and sang at the same moment?
Hopeland is a climate novel, and it’s not McDonald’s first. Hearts, Hands and Voices (published in the US as The Broken Land) is a climate novel (that also happens to be about the Irish Troubles). So is his stunning debut, Desolation Road, which I picked up at a mall bookstore in 1988 and lost my mind over:
But those were climate novels written in the early stages of the discussion of the gravity of the anthropocene, and so climate change was more setting than anything else. In Hopeland, the climate is more of a character — not a protagonist, but also not a minor character.
The true stars of Hopeland are members of two ancient, secret societies. There’s Raisa Hopeland, who belongs to a globe-spanning, mystical “family,” that’s one part mutual aid, one part dance music subculture, and one part sorcerer (some Hopelanders are electromancers, making strange, powerful magic with Tesla coils).
We meet Raisa as she is racing across London in a bid to win a rare, open electromancer title. She is on the brink of losing, but then a passerby pitches in to help: Amon Brightborne, part of another mystical family whose stately, odd manor in the English countryside can only be reached by people who can work the “gateway,” which makes the road disappear and reappear. Amon is a composer and DJ who specializes in making music for very small groups of people — preferably just one person — that is so perfect for them that they are transformed by hearing it.
Amon’s intervention in Raisa’s bid for electromancy unites these two formerly disjoint families, entwining their destinies just as the world is forever changing, thanks to the decidedly un-magical buildup of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. They have a romance, a breakup, a child. They are scattered to opposite ends of the Earth — Iceland and a tiny Polynesian island.
Their lives are electrified. Literally. On her passage to Iceland, Raisa confronts a ship-destroying megastorm, speaks its true name, and sends it away before it can sink the container ship — captained by a Hopelander who gives her free passage — that she is sailing on. In Iceland, she falls in with more Hopelanders, tapping a thermal vent to create a greenhouse cannabis farm, which begets a luxury salad greens business, then an electricity plant that attracts cryptocurrency weirdos like shit draws flies.
Amon, meanwhile, is sinking into drunken ruin on his island paradise, where he becomes a kind of mascot for the locals, who respect his musical prowess. The island is sinking, both figuratively and literally, as its offshore king, hiding in a luxury mansion in Sydney, drains its aquifers for the luxury bottled water market and loots its treasuries to fund his own high lifestyle.
McDonald takes a long time getting to this point. This is a 500 page novel, and the build to this setup takes nearly 300 of them. Every word of that setup is gold. McDonald’s prose often veers into poetry, or at least poesie, and he has this knack for seemingly superfluous vignettes and detours that present as self-indulgences but then snap into place later as critical pieces of a superbly turned narrative. How the fuck does he do it?
How does he do it? How does he deliver a sense of such vastness, a world peopled by vastly different polities and populations, distinctly different without ever being exoticized, each clearly the hero of their own story, whether they live on a tiny island or captain an American battleship?
I mean, cyberpunk — the tradition McDonald most obviously belongs to — was always about a post-American future, but no one ever managed it the way McDonald did. He delivered a superb, complex, Indian future in 2004’s River of Gods:
And then did the same in Brazil with 2007’s Brasyl:
And Turkey in 2011’s Dervish House, a novel of mystical nanofuturism set in an Istanbul that is so vividly drawn that you feel like you can reach through the page and touch it:
Those were ambitious books, but Hopeland puts them to shame. It draws on so many threads — music and art, climate justice, mysticism, electrical engineering, economics, gender politics — and has such a huge cast of finely drawn characters. By all rights, it should collapse under its own weight. I mean, seriously — who can write multi-page passages describing imaginary music and make it riveting?
McDonald is just so damned good at writing love-letters to places that turn them into characters in their own right. The first third of Hopeland treats London that way, bringing it to gritty life in the manner of Michael de Larrabeiti’s classic Borribles trilogy:
Or, for that matter, China Miéville’s debut novel King Rat, itself out in a fancy new Tor Essentials edition with an introduction by Tim Maughan, who absolutely bullseyes the appeal of Miéville’s novel of underground music, mystical societies and urbanism:
(It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that Miéville is a giant Borribles fan:)
I have loved Ian McDonald’s work since I picked up Desolation Road in that mall bookstore when I was 17. One of the absolute highlights of my writing career was writing an introduction for the 2014 reissue of Out On Blue Six, a book that mashes up David Byrne’s solo projects, Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, Huxley’s Brave New World, and Dick’s Do Androids Dream in a madcap dystopian comedy:
I’ve read everything I could find about how he manages these giant, weird, intricately constructed novels, like this fascinating 2010 interview about his research process:
But despite it all, I find myself continuously baffled by how manages it, but each book just stabs me. For one thing, he’s such a good remix artist. His three-volume, essential retelling of Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress starts with Luna: New Moon (2015):
Which substantially out-Heinleins Heinlein, adding thickness and rigor to the tropes Heinlein tossed in as throwaways. Then, he topped himself with the sequel, Luna: Wolf Moon (2017):
Before bringing it all in for a screaming landing that tied up the hundreds of threads he pulled on in the course of the previous two volumes with the conclusion, Luna: Moon Rising (2019):
In each volume, McDonald proved — over and over — that he understood precisely what Heinlein was trying to do, then outdid him, and, in so doing, shredded Heinlein’s solipsitic, simplistic, seductive argument about a libertarian utopia.
Perhaps this is McDonald’s greatest gift: his ability to rework others’ ideas, tropes and tales, without ever trying to hide his influences, and then vastly outdoing them. That’s certainly what was going on with his wild-ass, deiselpunk YA trilogy, which started with 2011’s Planesrunner:
One important McDonaldism: being deadly serious about his whimsy. The books are all very whimsical, but never frivolous. To get a sense of what I mean here, consider his 1992 graphic novel Kling Klang Klatch, a deadly serious comic book about the Klu Klux Klan, told entirely through adorable teddybears in a noir cityscape, whose dialog is heavily salted with Tom Waits lyrics:
No, really. And it’s fantastic.
Back to Hopeland. It’s a climate novel, because what else could you write in this time of polycrisis? The book is vast enough to convey the scale of the crisis. The storms that ravage the world are both personified and realized, a terror to compare to any literary monster or Cthuhoid entity. But it’s called Hopeland for a reason, because it’s a book about hope, not nihilism, a book about confronting the crisis, a book about solidarity and love, about overcoming difference, about challenging the way things “just are.”
That’s why I was crying and holding my heart yesterday on the train. The hope. What a ride.
One of the reasons I was in such a hurry to read this novel now is that I’m appearing on a panel with McDonald this coming Saturday, June 3, at Edinburgh’s Cymera festival, along with Nina Allen, author of the new novel Conquest:
I’m so looking forward to it. I’ve written a couple dozen books since I read my first McDonald novel as a teenager, and while I still have no idea how McDonald does it, there’s something of his work in every one of my books.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Nottingham, Manchester, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: The cover for the Tor Books edition of 'Hopeland.']
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Everything Is Better With You (Mapi Leon x Reader)
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Happy belated birthday to the anons sister that requested this! I'm sorry I couldn't get it written in time for her birthday yesterday but I hope she had the best day.
It had been a long day, you were woken up this morning by Mapi placing one of the cats on you. This wasn’t unusual but today it was early. She placed a kiss you your lips and told you to get up and ready for practice whilst she finished up breakfast.
“Breakfast? We never eat breakfast on double training days.” The confused look on your face had Mapi melting.
“But today isn’t just any double training day mi amor, today is your birthday double training day so I’ve made your favourite.” The grin on her face was one of your favourites, so without another word you placed the cat on your lap down and got out of bed.
When you got through to the kitchen area you were faced with your 3 favourite foods for breakfast, eggs scrambled just how you like them, blueberries and strawberries in a little bowl and a couple of pancakes. You walked up to the woman you lived first and pressed a series of kisses to her lips before sitting down and eating.
“Te amo.”
Arriving at training, you were bombarded with shouts of happy birthday and multiple hugs. It was not surprising being as you were one of the favourites amongst the players, something Mapi was always quick to tease you about.
“Thanks guys. Now let’s get this training day done so we can celebrate at the pub later. Maps booked it out for us.” The cheer you got for your girlfriend was funny, any excuse to drink and these girls were happy.
You were tired, the morning weights session followed by the afternoon drill session had really taken it out of you. Mapi had driven you both home and was currently in the shower so you decided to just close your eyes for a brief moment.
“Hey pretty girl. You need to get showered and ready, Ale is picking us up in the taxi in 30 minutes.” Your bleary eyes picked up on your favourite woman as soon as they were open. Mapi had her hair down in the waves you loved, slight make up on and she had the necklace you gave her for your 3 year anniversary dangling around her neck.
“Wow” You didn’t have much more to say than that. You were a very lucky woman.
With a chuckle Mapi bent down and pressed a kiss to your lips, a kiss that took the last bit of breath you had left after looking at the beauty, away. Pulling back only enough to rest your forehead against hers you soaked up a little of the love radiating from her. “Te amo.”
Arriving at the pub you were pleasantly surprised to find all the girls already there, Mapi and you walked in hand in hand with Alexia trailing behind. You were dragged away by Patri and Claudia as soon as they spotted you, your two self proclaimed best friends stating they needed some birthday girl time.
A few beers later and you found yourself in a mass of Barca bodies dancing to the music playing, you had barely seen Mapi since you arrived. She was much more of a beer and bar chat kind of girl and whilst you were too, you lived your friends and were very much happy to go with the flow.
The latest song had just finished when a quiet settled around the bar, you turned to look at the small DJ stage only to find Mapi up there. You looked at Patri who shrugged her shoulders so you opted to find Alexia’s gaze, surely she would know what Mapi was up to.
When you spotted her, she was right next to the little stage looking at your girlfriend.
“So as you all know we are here celebrating my lovely girlfriend y/n. I think most of you will agree with me when I say she is one of the most kind and caring people on this planet. She takes time to listen and help anyone that asks her for it and it makes me fall in love with her more and more every day.” Mapi had moved down off the platform as she said this and was making her way to you as she spoke. “I knew from the moment you first joined the team that you were special. You were so shy and quiet but as soon as you were on that pitch you were unstoppable. You have a smile that lights up my days, your presence is all I need to make any day great and the love you show me has me on a high.”
You were starting to tear up now, you didn’t do public displays of affection so this was very surreal. Mapi was about a foot away from you now, you could see her perfect brown eyes staring at you as she got closer.
“You changed my life for the better the day you said yes to going out with me. I have never been one to be nervous for a date but even now I do with you because I just want to be what you want. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you and I don’t want to go a single day without you knowing how much better my life is now your in it.” She took a breath and turned to Alexia who you now noticed had been following after her. You saw her pass something to your love before Mapi was facing you again.
“I promise to love you every day you’ll have me. I promise to look after you on the days you need that extra bit. I promise to cherish the small moments as much as the big ones. I promise to love you till the day I die. With that being said y/n will you do me the greatest honour of this life and marry me?”
The woman you loved with all your being was on one knee in front of you, looking up at your with hope in her eyes. You lent forward and pressed you lips to hers in a bruising kiss.
“Si of course it’s a yes. I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else.” As she slipped the ring onto your finger and pulled you into another slightly less than pg kiss, the girls around you cheered.
You couldn’t think of better company to celebrate this occasion with.
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