#but it also made me realise how they all look upto him and want to become like him :’)
hobismilitarywife · 2 years
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witchthewriter · 4 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 & 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swearing, nsfw included (no one under 18 please).
a/n: ghoap is my favourite ship but I always want to be involved so this is fanservice and ... self insert. Anyway, enjoy!
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
God there is so much I want to say!!! I want to read more ghoap x reader. It's so funnnnn. Anyway, please enjoy - if you have any suggestions or prompts I would be more than happy to answer them <3
・You were in a relationship with Johnny long before Simon entered the picture
・Johnny had made you absolutely swoon for months, but you were too hesitant to do anything about it. Your insecurities held you back.
・How could someone as gorgeous as this man, nay, god, even look your way.
・But he was looking your way, and crushing so bad that you were all he could think about.
・You found a lot of solace in each other, swapping phone numbers and texting constantly. Johnny's first message was: "heyy bonnie, how'd ye day go? ❤️"
・It took you nearly an hour to reply because all your brain could do was short circuit
・But over the years you became friends, then lovers, moving in together. All while he was still going on missions.
・He took you to meet his family after 3 months of proper dating, and he was so proud to show you off.
"Aye this is she!," he said (yelled) presenting you to his large family. (They didn't believe you existed).
・Your relationship with Johnny has always been based on honesty and humour. You know you can rely on him for anything, even if he can be a bit fookin' cheeky.
・Johnny had told you about his teammates (once he realised you were the person for him).
・And you quickly noticed the way he would speak different about his Lieutenant. Simon Riley.
・A crush...
・You had no issue with it. Crushes were normal, and you knew Johnny was faithful. You also knew Johnny was much to apprehensive to do anything with Simon.
・But one day, when you were picking Johnny up on the tarmac, after a grueling 3 months away. Simon watched as you ran into Johnny's arms. Kept watching as he spun you around, buring his face in your neck.
"Johnny..." you whimpered, pressing soft kisses all over his face.
"Aye, it's me bonnie. Couldn't get rid of me if you tried."
・Tears were in both of your eyes and Simon had to close his own. Swallowing a lump down his throat.
・After you and Johnny had left, Simon stayed in his car for upto 2 hours. Staring out the frontshield window. Confused as fuck.
・How could he fall in love with a person he'd never spoken to? In his deeper, most inner self, he knew he loved Johnny too.
・And when he arrived 'home,' he shucked off his clothes and stayed in the shower. Sitting, letting the water mix with his tears. He would give anything. Anything, to be with you both. But he knew that was ridiculous.
・Surprise. It wasn't ridiculous.
・When you got home, instantly you brought up Johnny's superior.
"Eh, wha' about him, bonnie?" Johnny asked suspiciously, opening the fridge door.
"He likes you."
All you got in response was an eye roll.
"Johnny," there was something in your voice which made him look at you.
"As a ... teammate. As a friend, aye. Yes. Not as anything more."
"I like him too," you cooed. Walking over to the blue-eyed Scotsman.
・He smirked, grabbed your waist and pulled you close, "don't go pryin'."
・You went prying.
・But didn't have to go too far, because Simon was never too far away.
・You bumped into him many times, both with and without Johnny.
・It all came to a head, when your car stopped working and you needed a ride home.
・Simon was more than happy to help.
・Johnny nearly fainted when he opened the door. His partner and his teammate stood in the doorway, a cheeky - almost sheepish smile on yours.
・No matter how hard Simon tried to leave, you made him stay ... and stay he did. You made his tea perfect on the first try.
・Always a dog pile when it's time to go to bed. Arms and legs are splayed over whoever. You might start in the middle but by the morning you're completely on top of Simon while Johnny uses your bum as a pillow
・It took 6 months for Simon to move in. And he brought Riley with him as well. Your cats weren't too happy about that ...
・It's a silent agreement that no one uses the boys' call signs. It's always their real names or pet names.
・Simon and Johnny like to keep their work away from their home life as much as possible.
・On deployment, Johnny and Simon have both agreed that home with you is their solace. You are their person.
・And speaking of being on the same task force; you made Johnny and Simon sit down (with their favourite beverages) to talk it out. Sometimes they wanted you there, other times you knew they needed to be alone.
・But encouraging communication made both men a lot less scared to express their feelings. Even if you could be quite ... aggressive.
"Look, Johnny...it's uh, hard to say... but-"
"No, no, I ken what ye mean-"
"Ah! Let him say it Johnny!" You yelled from another room.
Johnny sighed, blushed and sat straighter in his chair.
"Uh. Yeah well," Simon started to sweat. This was worse than an interrogation.
But before Simon could finish, Johnny just bellowed out in a very gruff Scottish accent, "I love ye Simon Riley!"
And Simon never thought he would feel as elated as he did in that moment.
Until you rounded the corner, sat on Johnny's lap and blushed. "We, love you Simon Riley."
・And you pushed a black box over to him.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Would Die For One Other
You (And Johnny) Fell First, But Simon Fell Harder
"Hey can I have a…" (You) x "Yes. Whatever it is. Yes." (Johnny)
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (Simon)
The Moon (Simon) and His Star (Johnny)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Soulmates Sometimes Come In Threes
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
The Tour by James Newton Howard
Skyfall by the Midnite String Quartet
Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon
(yes there are multiple songs because this relationship deserves it)
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Might be a bit of a shock, but Johnny loves to dominate Simon. Especially when they're deployed.
・You gave them the green light to be intimate whenever they wanted, especially when on deploment. But both Simon and Johnny agreed it wasn't the same without you. (Actually makes them feel sad and guilty.)
・Trying new things in the bedroom is something that you and Johnny really enjoy. Simon is more of a calmer, more sensual lover. He doesn't like anything too hardcore.
・He wants to make love, not fuck goddamit!
・You know how couples love going to the farmer's markets on the weekend? Yeah well you and Johnny love going to sex shops.
・Dildos, vibrators, strap ons, nipple clamps, different types of lube...
・Both Johnny and Simon like to be pegged.
・And Simon likes eating ass
・Simon isn't very comfortable with public sex, so you never push him to. But Johnny is all for it.
・You and Johnny love riling Simon up. His stoic demeanour almost triggers you two to make him blush.
・No one can remember how this started, but when both men are at home and it's night ... you start a stripping party. But whatever song it lands on; you HAVE to strip/dance/perform to it.
・It took a while for Simon to even participate, but once he saw how open Johnny and you were, he couldn't resist.
・The first time he joined, the song that he had to strip to was, "Say My Name" by Destiny's Child
・He wasn't so enthusiastic but with a bit of encouragement, he blew your minds'.
・Simon ended it by throwing Johnny and yourself over his shoulders and marching you up to the bedroom. Both you and Johnny laughing your assess off, and pinching Simon's backside.
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wonderlandhatter · 6 months
Snapchats from frat Aaron Hotchner
These are before you start dating, he's deff trying to earn some trust. He's only has hookups before and he wants more with you and so is deff trying to do this "the right way"
I have posts edited and done for right before you start dating, like you both know you both like eachother and is deff getting very flirty, so if anyone likes these and would like me to share those let me know.
This is also not edited lol so sorry.
I feel like this would be one of the firsts he sends you. You two have been chatting in class and when he comes in to your coffee shop. The friendship is growing.
He always invites you to his frats weekly party but honestly it's scary, he has no obligation to stay with you the whole night (he would let's be honest) so there's just too many variables.
So when he starts sending you little updates during the parties about how he's just tried the most disgusting drink he might die, or how he made a drink he thinks you'd like, or how a game would be more fun with you "I'm loosing angel, I need you on my team". He just has you blushing and kicking your feet.
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Ok so you're still too anxious/nervous for a frat party (rightfully so those things look awful imo) but that's ok he just thought that would be the easiest way to spend time with you outside of school but he failed to realise that upto this point he's only gone after hookups but this is different, he wants you all the time for everything.
So he took a different approach, more one on one time. It starts when he invited you to. Afrat party and instead of your usual answer of "you know that's not my thing Aaron" you said "I have plans" which he very quickly jumped in to ask if he could join. This boy all but squealed when you happily agreed.
He did expect this to be a social thing but he quickly learned that your plans were a movie about an odd wizard and old woman playing while you painted/coloured and ate snacks.
That was his favourite night in a very long time, he internally prayed it wouldn't be a one time thing, specially after you admitted to these being your set Saturday night plans. He hopes he can become part of your set plans.
(he deff sends this to his best friend when he asks where he is, friend is equally as thrilled for his bud)
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His presence in your life has now become a constant and you couldn't be happier. You're all but fully comfortable with him letting yourself be you around him and he couldn't be happier.
You're not as reserved, jocking with him even picking fun at him which he is eating up.
He comes to your job every Friday to "do schoolwork" which tbf he is but also just admiring you.
You make fun of his boring order everytime he orders his "large black coffee" with no sugar. But the last couple of visits he's let you make up his order as whatever you want knowing it would make you happy to as you say "make his life better through caffeinated joy".
They do tend to be your favourite orders given the next picture which he 100% put on his story which you begged him to change to his private story.
This is one of his favourite pictures and 100% becomes his phone background when you start dating.
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Your cat is his nemesis.
You cuddles and love that cat all the time and it's 100% jealousy he wishes you were hugging and kissing him.
He's also convinced that the cat is looking at him smugly while you kiss him.
Cat deff also hissed at him when he comes into your apartment, it's a love triangle lol
He's told you the looks your cat gives him which you obviously thinks it's ridiculous so he sends you this as "proof"
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Hey!! Hope you're doing great💗 so here's my request; college lovers get apart and meet again after years only to realise that they never truly move on from each other. Love was still there, even years apart. Something like that (intense love, romantic) with Steve pleaseee (I'm a sucker for romance)
And, its totally upto you if you want to write it or not.❤💖
Love and hugs❤😘
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Pairing: Steve x female Reader   
Summary: When Steve and you see each other again after years apart the question is – will you get a second chance at love? 
Warnings: mentions of throwing up, a little bit of angst, so much fluff and a happy end! 
Word Count: ~2.9k 
A/N: It doesn’t have a lot of college Steve in it, but I still hope you enjoy it. I had fun writing it, so thank you for trusting me with that request 
“I’ll just use the bathroom real quick,” your date excused himself and you nodded and smiled at him. It was your second date and he was nice. But that was all there was. He was nice and asked about you, told you about himself. And as the first date had not been excited or anything there was no reason for you to say no to a second one. There doesn’t have to be sparks or anything. That has only happened once. 
While you were picking at something on the tablecloth a shadow fell over you and you heard your name. When you looked up you saw someone you hadn’t seen in a long time. “Bucky! What are you doing here?” You got up on your feet and wrapped him in a hug immediately. It had been years since you saw him last and while he looked older, he also kind of looked the same. You wondered if he thought the same.  
“How are you?” you asked and took a step back to get a better look at him. 
“I’m good, I’m good,” his warm voice assured you. “You here on a date?” His head made a mention towards the table where he spotted the second plate that was still displayed on the table. 
Before you could reply someone else came closer. “Ugh someone stole my parking spot, I had to take an extra tu...” The last word never left his lips as the newcomer spotted you. Again you asked yourself if you looked okay, but this time for totally different reasons. 
“Steve?” you asked almost breathless while he did the same with your name. “Wow, it’s been a while.” That was all you could say. If Steve wouldn’t have been standing next to Bucky you wouldn’t have made the connection that quickly. The Steve you knew had been skinny with paint all over his fingers, sometimes behind his ear and in his hair. In his pockets were often pencils and the shirts he decided to wear were too big. Some people said he was lacking; they didn’t even spare him a second glance but to you he had always been beautiful.  
They had never seen the passion in his eyes when he talked about his art or specific colors. They had never seen how he looked at you, how beautiful he looked when he was asleep. They had never looked close enough. But now you were sure that no one would overlook him anymore.  
In his hair were little droplets of rain that started to fall on the cloak he was wearing. The jacket was open and under his blue shirt were muscles that you could clearly see. His face was sporting a short beard and his beautiful eyes were still framed by his long lashes. And the way he looked at you, like he couldn’t believe that you were standing in front of him. 
You were pulled from your bubble when another person came back towards the table. You introduced your date to Bucky and Steve and while you called them friends from college it felt more than wrong. The both of them excused themselves and you couldn’t help but to follow them with your eyes when they walked towards a table. 
The rest of your date you couldn’t concentrate on the man in front of you. When you asked for the check the waiter informed you that it had already been taken care of. You date looked as surprised as you so you asked who did it. “Mr. Barnes took care of it. He said he hoped that you enjoyed your dinner and evening.” 
Before you grabbed your jacket you told your date you would go over and say a quick thank you. 
“You didn’t have to pay for anything,” you told Bucky once you reached his table. 
“I know I didn’t, but I wanted to,” he replied. 
“Why?” You were confused. 
“This is my restaurant, doll.” Bucky's confidence was rolling off of him.  
“So you made it? Buck, I’m so proud of you!” You meant every word you said! “I, uh... I actually have to go, but I would love to catch up.” There was a reason for you to focus on Bucky and not the man in front of him, although you felt his gaze linger on you. A minute later Bucky added you on Instagram and you wished both men a nice night before you joined the man you came with at the door and left the restaurant. You couldn’t help but look back and catch the gaze of Steve. 
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“Who would have guessed,” Bucky said after a while when he and Steve had watched you leaving. “She looks good.” Bucky and Steve had been friends since they were children. Sometimes it felt as if they didn’t even need words to get the other.  
“She always has,” Steve agreed, his voice still quiet as he was still processing that he had seen you again. “She was on a date though.” He finally looked at his friend and wondered why he was smirking. 
“She was,” he agreed. “But she looked over here so often I bet she forgot who was sitting in front of her. And I took care of the check, so another thing where he couldn’t get plus points. And she didn’t introduce him as her boyfriend, there is still hope.” A notification on his phone was shown. “My friend request was also just accepted. I’ll check out her pictures then.” Suddenly his eyes widened. 
“What is it? Oh come let me see,” Steve said and tried to grab the phone from Bucky's hands, but the brunette held it out of his reach. 
“Well don’t be a coward and send her a request too! I promise you it won’t take more than 10 seconds for her to accept it.” 
What other choice did Steve have than to send you one, because he did want to see what you were up to and what made his friend react in that way. After checking in with the other man that he had the right username, he would never tell that it did take only 8 seconds for you to accept and that you followed him back immediately. 
“Was she in Paris last month?” Steve gasps once he saw the last photo you posted. It was a typical picture taken in front of the Eifel tower. On his page was the matching picture, taken two days before the date on your picture. He was still staring at you, your smile still captured him the way it used to years ago. HIs heart was beating fast and he felt like he couldn’t take a bite of the food that was just delivered to their table. When he saw your name pop up, he looked nervous. “I think I need to throw up,” he confided. 
“Don’t do it here, people will think it’s the food and the restaurant is still new. I don’t need rumors of people throwing up here.” Bucky brought him a water from the bar and in the end the food was wasted as Steve couldn’t stomach much. But on the bright side he started chatting with you. 
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Commenting on each other's pictures lead to conversations via direct messages until you finally exchanged numbers and started writing there. You mornings were now filled with good morning messages, updates around your day and many more. It didn’t take long until you decided to meet each other – under the disguise as catching up with Bucky. Your talks didn’t include mentions about how fast your heart was beating when you talked or the smile that took over your face once you saw his name on your device, or how close you once were and how you should act now. 
You were trying to calm down before you pressed the doorbell when you heard your name being called. Bucky walked towards you and you took one bag from his hand as he was holding three of them. “So glad you could make it! Steve wouldn’t stop talking about you, just like old times, huh?” He tried to nudge you with his elbow but you stepped aside and he almost lost one bag, before he gave up and rang the doorbell himself. 
An elevator took the both of you upstairs and the Bucky lead you towards an apartment. Steve greeted you at the door. He took you into his arms and it was the first physical touch you had in years. And as cliché as it sounded: you felt at home. You always had that feeling with Steve. It didn’t matter that his appearance had changed. You had felt safe and cared for when his thin arms were around you and you felt it now. Unwillingly you stepped back when you knew you had overstayed your welcome and you followed Bucky inside. Steves apartment was bright. Bright almost white walls with huge windows in it. A few canvases were in front of the window, a lot of them were standing against the wall. On the other side of the room was an open kitchen where Bucky was making himself at home. In the last corner of the room was Steves bed (neatly made, which shocked you as it had been always a mess in college!) almost hiding behind a shelf that was full of books. Some of the covers you recognized immediately and it made you smirk until your gaze landed on one painting at the wall. 
“You still have that?” you asked confused. Why would he still have that painting here?  
“Of course, this is one of my favorites,” Steve answered from behind you. 
“I bet the ladies aren't fond of it once you tell them that you have a painting of your college girlfriend in here,” you muttered. Steve had asked you to paint you. This was the first time you had said yes. It wasn’t like someone would recognize you as he had painted your side when you had sat in front of a window. The painting was beautiful and had so many memories – that was also the reason why Steve had it always hung up in his places. 
Bucky interrupted the moment and you helped prepare something while he did the cooking. 
“Who would have guessed that we would be here together after all this time. Steve told me you’re an author. This has always been your dream. Steve really is a painter and I’m owning a restaurant. The only person who believed in everything was you.” He stopped chopping and went towards you. “If you wouldn’t have pushed me, I would have listened to everyone else and would have tried sports. I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now, so thanks doll.” He kissed the side of your head. 
“What kind of books did you write?” Steve asked and Bucky took it as his sign to move away. You had always been Steves girl, there had been no doubt about it and he would have never made a move on you. Bucky had always been protective about his then smaller friend and when Steve told him he had met someone he had been skeptical. But then he met you and saw the connection between the two of you. He saw how much you cared for Steve and the other way around. You were over at their place so often you felt like you lived there too and you always encouraged the boys to pursue their dream. That was also the reason why you told Steve he should go once he got the opportunity to get a scholarship at one of the best school of arts. It broke your heart, it broke Steves heart and it broke also Bucky's heart - who had to watch both of his friends in so much pain. When he and Steve stayed in contact, they never talked about you, but once Steve moved back you came up once in a while and he just knew his friend never really moved on. He had been in relationships, but Bucky could tell they wouldn’t last of the way Steve would talk about them. 
Bucky had stayed in contact with you when Steve moved for a while, but then life came in the way and then you just lost touch. But he saw how Steve was still looking at you and the daggers he threw his way when his lips had touched your skin. He knew it was time to step away. Steve’s voice pulled him back to the present. “I would have picked it up if I would have seen your name. Where can I get it?” 
Your laughter filled the room. “Oh, you already have my books,” you laughed and Bucky and Steve shared a confused look. “I see them standing on your shelf,” you pointed out and when Steve still looked confused you walked towards it and pulled a book out of it. “This is mine. I just don’t write under my name, I have a pseudonym.” 
“No way that this is yours! I have the first book since it came out and I’m hooked! It actually inspired a painting of mine,” Steve exclaimed and it made you laugh again, only quieter this time. 
“Guess I’ve always been your muse then.” The thing with Steve was he always made you feel confident and this was the only explanation you had for your bold statement. 
“That’s true,” Steve confirmed and you didn’t know where to look at anymore.  
“So, want me to sign it?” you offered. The tension left after that and just when Bucky placed the plates on the table and you complimented how good it looked, he took a look at his phone and said there was an emergency at the restaurant and he had to leave. He told you to enjoy the meal and left the apartment in a rush. It wasn’t until later that you’d notice that he had only prepared 2 plates anyway. 
Talking to Steve was like... there wasn’t a way to describe it. You felt comfortable, like you could tell him anything you wanted and you knew he wouldn’t judge you. “Oh and remember the night we went to Bucky's game and he ditched us? We had to walk back home and it poured. You were so mad at him,” he laughed when he thought back at the time, but then stopped. Because you were sure you both remembered the same thing then. Both of you had been cold when you had arrived at Steve’s and Bucky’s place and Steve had forced you to take a hot shower first. You had argued until you decided you’d just go in together. It had also been the first time that Steve had felt comfortable enough to show you himself and in the end the both of you shared so much intimacy.  
Your relationship grew after that and when Steve left it felt he took a part of you with him. But you couldn’t tell him to stay, it would have made you a hypocrite as you were always telling him he should follow his dreams. 
“Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and stay, but then again, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. And maybe this was supposed to be this way, finding you again. I mean if you’re up for it, we could try,” he wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as you interrupted him with a yes. 
“It’s always been you, Steve! Every relationship I compared to ours and it never felt that way, there was always something missing and I would be more than happy to see where this goes. If it still feels that way.” 
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A few months later you grabbed Steve’s hand nervously. You were travelling on your book tour and Steve accompanied you because he rarely left your side anyway. It was not clingy, but the both of you felt the need to make up for the time you lost. Steve was also invited as your book got a new cover – made by your boyfriend. 
Steve who had never done anything like that before was almost offended that someone other than him would do the art for your book. He had been there when you were plotting, he had offered an ear when you were stuck and in his mind a cover was already created. And so you were surprised when he showed you what he had thought of one day. It was brilliant, you were in love and touched and so no one had a chance to decline the change in the style. Steve even offered that he would do some for the first books too so they would match as he had fun creating it. It was a different kind of pressure and it made him even better. 
Maybe it was also because he made it for you. You had inspired so much of his art without knowing it. One day he would show it to you, but for now he was content standing next to you, holding your hand and waiting for the bookseller to announce your name (or more like your pseudonym) and watching you on the stage, reading one of your favorite passages. 
It felt like his heart grew twice the size to stuff his love for you in it. Somehow having you around the second time felt even better and Steve knew he would never let you go again. 
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If you made it this far: comments, asks, reblogs mean the world <3
Masterlist | Library Blog
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Mistletoe Magic
Book : Open Heart
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : Three years, three Christmases and three mistletoes.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 1377
A/N : Look who could finally complete her holiday WIP? I know it's immensely late but it's here and that's what matters. 🥺 Submitting this for @choicesjanuarychallenge Day 6 : Always and @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday Event. Happy Reading. ♥️
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Intern Year
Ethan Ramsey walked into the secluded new wing of the hospital, where he kept one of his biggest secrets under covers. From the far end of the corridor, he could see his patient X struggling to put something on the doorway.
"Naveen," his deep baritone voice cut through the silence.
"Oh didn't see you there," the older doctor replied.
"What are you upto?"
"You know, just trying to get some holiday cheer in here. It gets terribly lonely sometimes," Naveen smiled but Ethan could see the sadness behind his brown orbs.
Ethan looked around the rather small hospital room. 'Holiday Cheer' in forms of red, green and golden had taken over quite well.
"Wow, did you do all this by yourself?"
"Well, I have had some help."
Ethan then looked down at the green bunch in his hand as realisation dawned upon him.
"Mistletoe? Really Naveen?" he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You very well know me and Dr. Bose are the only people who come through these doors."
"Hey don't shout at an old-sick man trying to decorate for Christmas. And also, I have seen the way you look at her. Why beat…" Naveen doubled down coughing, cutting off his own words.
Ethan catches hold of him helping him onto the bed, bringing the oxygen mask near his face.
"Oh my God!" Meera exclaimed. "How did this happen? We were just decorating for Christmas sometime back!"
"I think we are past the point of hows and whys," Ethan's voice stern and cold. "Please prepare a shot of Nitroglycerine and I need a full workup to know what went wrong."
"Yes, doctor," Meera said timidly before scurrying off to get to work.
Both the doctors worked in sync putting all they had in them to get their patient to stabilize. While reaching for the needles Meera's foot collided with something. She looked down to see the mistletoe, forgotten and abandoned on the floor. Confused and slightly hopeful she looked upto her mentor, only to find him barking another order at her. She gulped down her emotions, shoving the mistletoe under the bed, into the darkness where it belongs.
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Second Year
The sound of an ongoing party welcomed Ethan as he parked his car opposite the brownstone building. He turned off the ignition and got out, looking around to make sure his presence remained as discreet as possible.
He shot a silent text, waiting on the doorstep.
"Hi!" his favourite voice in the entire world greeted him.
He looked up to see Meera, clad in a red and green holiday pajama. It astonished him that she could wear the most ridiculous of outfits and even then she'll always remain the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on.
"Hey, you look …," he trailed off searching his brain for the perfect word, "... nice."
Meera chuckled, such a vast vocabulary and that's what he finds to compliment her.
"You know you are not supposed to be here right? My roommates are just upstairs."
"I know. But I just wanted to see you and…," he hands her a wrapped package.
"Oh my God! Is this a Christmas present from the great Ethan Ramsey?!" Meera teased.
"Okay, I regret it already."
"Don't worry babe, this is a step in the right direction," Meera assured.
"Oh! What a lovely couple!" Mrs. Burton, Meera's elderly neighbour exclaimed. "and look," she pointed upwards, "a mistletoe! Hope you kids can keep up with Christmas traditions."
The couple put on polite smiles as Mrs. Burton made her way up the stairs and moved out of earshot.
"So, what do you say Ramsey? You up for this?" Meera winked.
"Come here," Ethan leaned in close, cupping Meera's face in his hand, lips merely a breath away, when… "Meera! Are you done there? We are about to start the movie," the voice of her roomate along with heavy footsteps echoed around the stairwell.
"I'm sorry," Meera mouthed before breaking away from his embrace and closing the door shut. She heaved a sigh of relief before shouting, "yes I'm almost there."
"Who was it?"
"Just an Amazon package."
As the sounds of Meera and her roommate's conversation faded away, Ethan Ramsey couldn't help but smile to himself. He felt like a teenager all over again with this secret relationship. No, he felt younger, livelier when he was with Meera.
He looked back one last time before making his way back to his car when he noticed the mistletoe on the ground. Must've fallen down when Meera hurriedly shut the door he thought, picking it up and putting it inside his coat right over his heart where it belonged.
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Third Year
"Are you almost done with it?' Sarah shouts at Marlene as she holds onto the stool Marlene is currently standing upon trying her best to stick the mistletoe onto the ceiling.
"Will you just be patient? This has to go perfectly!" Marlene says climbing down and standing back to admire her handiwork.
"Girl, you are way too invested in this."
"Duh! Did you even see their kiss at the hopeful hearts gala?! It was to die for! And since then there wasn't even an ounce of PDA between them, like how is that even possible? So excuse me if I try to recreate it with a little Christmas cheer." Marlene explained breathlessly.
"Geez!" Sarah retorted.
"Okay, Marc! Is everything going according to plan? Is the intel we collected earlier still true?"
"Absolutely!" another nurse joined the conversation. "As per our plan Dr. Bose is scheduled to pick up labs for patient 1973 in about seven minutes, whereas Dr. Ramsey will be done with his consult in room 6204 around the same time. Therefore according to my calculation they are supposed to cross path in about 4 minutes and 17 seconds right here," Marc looks up mischievously at the mistletoe.
"Amazing!" Marlene claps him in the back. "Okay everyone, I want all of you in your respective positions, cameras in hand. But pretend to be busy, this is Ramsey we are talking about if he smells even something in the slightest, this can take a disastrous turn."
The nurses make themselves busy, keeping an eye on the lookout for Edenbrook's most famous couple.
In about a little over three minutes Ethan Ramsey marches down the corridor, eyes glued to a patient chart. Meera Bose on the other hand is looking down at her phone making her way from the opposite direction. Their eyes lay on each other, exchanging a small smile they quicken their pace to reach each other faster. Until they walk right into the trap.
"Look at the holiday miracle!" Marlene exclaims, looking at the mistletoe, "I hope you both can bring in a little Christmas cheer, for us working on this glorious holiday." She bats her eyes.
"Absolutely not!" Ethan declares and Meera finds herself too surprised to talk.
"Come on Dr. Ramsey for the Christmas spirit!" one of the nurses shouted.
"You have to!"
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
More and more nurses join in.
Ethan looks at Meera, half helpless and half confused.
"Okay! Everyone stop!" Ethan's voice changing to Dr. Terminator's. "What is wrong with you people? This is a hospital!"
"What he means to say is," Meera says. "We are happy to get into the Christmas spirit!"
The nurses start clapping, a ripple of excitement going among them.
"Seriously Meera?" Ethan rolls his eyes.
Meera reaches for his hands, "it's okay babe, it's just a kiss."
Shaking his head Ethan leans in determined to just place a quick peck and then admonish the nursing staff for inappropriate workplace behaviour. But when Meera met him halfway, he was in for a surprise. Meera went deep, cupping his face and pulling him close until she was out of breath. They break apart to the cheers of the nurses.
"Meera! What the hell?" he said in a whisper, face almost scarlet.
"We have to give people what they want," she winked.
Ethan cleared his throat when the cheers died down. "Well… that's enough holiday cheer for one day, now get back to work everyone." With that he turned on his heels and made his way out.
"You heard the man," Meera said. "Get back to work people!"
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Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya26 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @openheartfanfics , @choicesficwriterscreations , @choicesjanuarychallenge
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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snowfalllll · 2 months
Me to Him
( Things which maybe said or remained unsaid)
Everything was a mess, literal mess.... and then I met you.
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My most beloved. My dearest. A place where my heart resides. I hope you know my life has been a million times better since ever you came in. It's even and easy.
Since ever you stepped in you made me realise that it's not always the major things but the small things that can make you happy as well and life started seeming meaningful and better having you besides me.
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All I ever wanted or desired was a good friendship. Right from the beginning I was afraid from falling for you cause I was afraid to left alone again, with a feeling that how unlovable I actually am. Even I don't know when I started falling for you, maybe you knew it all since from the beginning and ofcourse how wouldn't you. You know every inch of me maybe you know me more than I know myself.
I still remember the day when I realised you could make my heartbeat skip, you could take my breathe away within an instant, you could make me smile even when I didn't want to. I didn't know how to feel about it. All I could hear inside my head were your words, "I'll never be able to love you." Maybe these were the words which held me back from accepting that I actually started loving you and I was afraid it might shred my heart into a million pieces. I'm still glad you didn't push me away. You didn't punish me for loving you. You didn't pretend that I don't exist after that night. Maybe you were always like this , kind, caring, calm, reassuring. Alas all considered I'm lucky you like me enough to want to be my friend atleast.
Not that people's words had any effect on me ever but there's one question that lingered in everyone's mind some of them even asked me, "Why him? Why you look upto him as if he's the only man on earth? Why he means so much to you? Why he has so much effect on you? Why you never let anyone else make you feel the same? Why?" I was never answerable to them but I wonder if you ever asked me this, So here's the answer of why you?
Because you made me feel human again. Your kindness, gentleness, care everything showed me how it is like to be a person, a living person.
You came into my life when I was on a verge where I thought everything would kill me.
You showed me everything I had to live for. You felt like sunshine when I thought darkness would engulf me.
After ages I saw a person like you, who only know how to spread happiness and smiles everywhere you go.
Cause I know I'll probably never meet someone like you again. An angel in human form, most magnificent human I came across.
Cause you never treated me as per your convenience or mood. You made my life worth living.
You never regretted me. Maybe not for a mere second. While I thought I was never worth of all the love, care, affection which humans showed.
Maybe it was you who taught me how it actually feels to be kind to others.
This world started seeming beautiful just because of your presence. Just because your presence makes my life a hundred times more better and a life I would love to live simply because you're in it.
Even if I didn't have all of these reasons I would've still love you. It's always been you. You. Since ever you came in it was never about anyone else but , You.
I would've lost myself if it wasn't you who held me when I was about to doom in darkness.
(No. I don't count all of these as any signs. You have been you. And you've always been like this. Kind, caring, helping, making others smile, a shoulder anyone could rely on. As I always say it's fine if it's not mutual. Since it's the best thing maybe best feeling I experienced for anyone. Thank you for your presence.)
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I don't know exactly when? where? how? why? I started loving you. Also you're not the first person I loved but I'm sure you're the last person I'll ever love. You'll always reside in my heart, Tangled in my soul, somewhere lost yet memorized in my mind, engraved in my diary, present in the letters I couldn't send you, somewhere present in my smile whenever I'll be happy, deep inside my eyes whenever people would try to read them. You'll always be a part of me. Before you love was just a phrase to me, you gave it meaning. You make me feel how's it to be in love in true sense. How love can make you feel alive inspite of all deadly world things. Whenever I read or hear the word LOVE all I can think is YOU as it still manages to put a smile on my face. A genuine smile.
I might not be the one you love or you ever will. But it's okay nothing to feel guilty about it. You succeeded in making me happy and giving me a bunch of memories to cherish. I'll still love you with every ounce of me. There's no particular reason of loving you. Maybe I never had one. It's just that there's something in you, something which draws me closer to you no matter how much I try to resist it. Loving you is something I can't control. With you I feel alive, better, and that's something nobody will ever understand. I may not be the first woman in your life to make you feel loved but I want to be the only one to make you feel loved to the core. You are special to me. I hate it when you are hard on yourself because you don't deserve that kind of negativity. You deserve to be loved. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. I'm not perfect by any means but I want to be perfect for you. I want to support you as long as you let me.
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If nothing else I hope I really hope you know that I love you with every ounce of my being. I hope you realise your importance, not only to me, but to everyone who has been lucky enough to know you. I hope you remember that no matter what, I'm here for you and I always will be. I won't leave you not even if the whole world stands up against you. I'm in your life-forever. I'm not going anywhere and even you know I've got good amount of patience. I hope you're aware of the fact that I appreciate you and adore you, and that will never change. I love you. Forevermore. Unconditionally.
I really hope we last together. I hope we do.
But if we don't, I still want you to remember me,
Remember me laughing at your jokes, Remember me brave, the time you held me when I thought I was going to die. Remember me scared, gentle, delicate, breakable - Tho only for you, only for you. Remember me happy, giggling, and all the ridiculous ways I tried to get your attention. Remember me crying over silliest stuff, just so that you would laugh on me and I could finally pretend that I'm mad just to have you pacifying me in the best possible way. Remember me Stupid, when I didn't know meanings of half of the words you used in your sentences which were a ton heavier than my vocabulary. Remember the way I used to show tantrums when you tried to speak in between of me. Remember the way I would rant about my day in spare details.
Even when I'm gone I want you to be happy whenever my thoughts will cross your mind.
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Well also I want you to know as for now I'm not going anywhere. I'll be stuck around you as long as you'll not take me to the dates you said you would. As long as maybe every star vanishes from the sky. As long as maybe every drop of ocean dries, every single drop. Or maybe as long as this world comes to an end. I'll still follow you even if the world was ending. I'm not leaving you. Not as long as you want me to leave. I'll never. Maybe it was a myth that I thought this feeling might fade by time, but here after all these months I'm still into you, It was always you. I know nothing else will ever feel like love again after you. I'm attracted to you in ways I can't explain.
I love you. It has always been you. And the longing to love, to love you, more. I love you. Without an end. Every inch of me belongs to you. I think we both know, I'm yours in every life.
-Yours Snowfall
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thoughtsaladblog · 4 months
Here's an update
From crying in a cafe to hooking up with the wrong guys, to flirting with the wrong guys- the spiral continues.
I suppose I'll need to give a nickname to this one too- because Lord knows we don't want ANYONE guessing this one. So let's call him Logan (iykyk). Alright well, Logan is not someone to be concerned about in "that" sense, but lately our friendship has played with the fringes of intimacy- only in conversation of course (for obvious reasons). And while it has been simply for the sake of humour and whatnot, I am fearful of how this could impact both of us and our friendship as time progresses (once he realises that was probably not acceptable). Needless to say, that type of playful banter is unacceptable within the confines of this type of friendship- even if it isss simply playful banter. And I've got to admit that sometimes, when my fucking hormones are raging I project those built up (ahem) "emotions" onto him- and it's not always meant in humour... Also, it has given way to a sense of closeness that my lonely ass seems to be using to fill up my empty life. And by that I mean I may be seeking consolation and time from someone out of my league (in a difference sense of the phrase, of course). I feel.. nay, I know, that it is unacceptable and wrong and unholy (even though the intentions are innocent and come from a place of loneliness and vulnerability and are in no way vulgar or corrupt). What I mean by unholy is- it's not the right kind of relationship, where I can seek that kind of closeness or bond from him- even in the form of a friendship. So I'm in a battle- a battle with myself to set down boundaries and distance myself from what he doesn't yet realise, but I know, is not acceptable.
It's innocent, yes. Well... except for those recent comments made in jest. But still innocent. I claim him as a brother but honestly love him like a friend. A best friend tbf. But my best friend can't be who he is- even if we do feel closely connected. Also given that I'm the more "experienced" one in this friendship, it is my responsibility to do the right thing- because he doesn't see it yet that I am putting him in a difficult position by depending on him and confiding in him. He in his state of inexperience, feels the need to be there for me and support me in some way- he feels responsible. It's the innocence of youth, I suppose. But I know that had he had my "experience" he would know that it's not upto him to be there for me in that sense. Therefore, it is my duty to free poor Logan from this friendship. It's not easy and that's what I need to project here.
I've come to enjoy his company- I wait for us to meet. I hug him harder than anyone else. I take a personal interest in his progress and success. I am invested in his well-being and I love him very much. Platonically... Well, most of the time... I mean.. Do I find him attractive? Yes. And I admire his good looks- not in a creepy perverted way, but more like a "damn, he's become quite attractive" or "damn he's pretty tall, and his physique looks good"...hmm.. is that creepy? I don't mean it to be...
Anyway, getting back to the point... I know I can't say goodbye without it drilling a hole in my heart. It's like losing a brother- but actually like losing a cherished best friend. I can't imagine my days without our calls. But I suppose given some time that would be inevitable... So do I wait for time to teach me to let go? Or do I let go first, and let time do the healing?
In the meantime let me fill that void by doing all the wrong things, that drive me away from the place I'm supposed to be, and seek temporary validation and attention, as I spiral towards rock bottom.
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yeahifoundthatblog · 9 months
Let me tell this world a story….there was this boy born in November….well being born in November itself brings a lot of things….like people will ask you did your parents had sex on valentine’s day….but leave it…when he was born no one liked him…idk why all of them wished him to be second to someone…he could do anything but should never get better than that someone….he didn’t use to realise all in the childhood…he was so naive he couldn’t see all this and used to enjoy the life…but yeah he start growing up…soon he start seeing the silent abuse….how desperately people are wanting him to fail…how they are trying to deceive him and cheat him…boy then went to school for the first time…..boy was not genius but yeah truly a hard working student…first year at school he won a medal….and he was so happy he came to home…he showed the medal to everyone like see what i got…but yeah instead of appreciating it they made him believe these medals are not anything in nursery…if he gets a medal in ukg then it will matter…well because that someone was in ukg….and to their surprise the boy medals in lkg and ukg as well…they were so devastated they chose not to talk to them…the boy realised the thing and yeah he hid away all the medals so that he could have someone to talk…the boy was soft reaching upto teenage…like he was a book worm…he didn’t like to play or do anything…all he ever wanted to sit and be in the books…but yeah his parents didn’t like that…cuz less studying makes you “lafua” and studying too much makes you “lothar”…well that’s the word his mother used to call him…so yeah boy started going out a bit playing with some children…there also…he was made fun of…he didn’t use to like those boys as well…cuz they used to make fun of him…cuz he couldn’t run fast…on one fine day…he got into a fight with those kids…well he couldn’t run how could he even fight…so they beat the shit out of him…and took of his pant and threw it onto a tree…the was left lying on the street…throwing stones on the tree to get his pant…well there was this person who eventually came and helped him bring down the pant…well at a cost…he wanted to touch his ass and play a little with his penis…well the boy had no option he got his pant back..came to home…all they asked “you look tired…looks like you played a lot…” he couldn’t tell well because he didn’t want another name like lothar…he didn’t go play for some days making excuses but being a boy he had to go out and face the world…face those kids again…boy was doing good at school…but one time during the exam he caught jaundice…he couldn’t take the whole exam…all they said…”now go eat more from outside”…you are doomed now…well he survived that as well…soon he was realising…he need to give them back…he was becoming a teenager now…he started becoming reserved and tough…hiding his emotions and feelings…by 14 he got into that bad boy image…where he felt bad hurting people but he knew he had to otherwise they will hurt him…boy was in 6th standard he started going to school via cycle…there was this girl…she used to like the boy…on one morning the boy was going to school…she stopped him in the way and out of the blue…she proposed him…they boy didn’t know what to say…so he said no…but then at the school…there came this rule that…writing names on the desk will be punishable…she wrote his and her name on the desk…well though he didn’t do that…but he was accused cuz heyy girls don’t write names…they are innocent…the teacher came with a stick…and threatend to beat…unless he accept that he did that…but that day boy stood for himself…got some much of beating in front of whole class…but he didn’t accept…and that day…a new personality was born in the boy…he got the attention of the whole school…as a real bad boy…girls started giving attention…started talking to him on facebook…but yeah…boy also started liking one girl…he didn’t know and never will know did he really liked her…but yeah…at that point he started working out in the home…started getting involved in fights and all…he was done being on the receiving end
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ssvas1966 · 1 year
Bike - an Insight into life
Oh Bike .. my beautiful bike 
Can’t tell you how much I do Like- 
Oh my beautiful bike, you are, in a way my LIFE.
Gave me insights into time and space.
Showed me places far and alike.
I was fond of riding bicycles and seen places which only reminds me of my deep urge to conquer time.  I must have extensively travelled all around Bangalore and many rural areas of those days on official duty.  
My tryst with vehicles began with Hero Puch in 1990s which I fondly remember as my biggest achievement / turning point.  
Then came my Suzuki Samurai, which I proudly brought from Hindupura with a dear colleague of mine.  This remained with me taking care travel needs of my family and kids till I came to Mysore in 2005.  
I have fond memories of travelling on Ghat roads, many week ends to Kanchana, having Chinmaya tucked in between. I also used to take him for night rides only to see that he fall asleep due to cool breze !!
After my transfer to Mysore, the Time was ripe to change over and I chose to buy Suzuki-Zeus and the reason being it sounded like a bullet, my child hood fascination.  
We did extraordinary trips in and around Mysore and climbed Chamundi Hills, MM Hills, Gopalaswamy betta several times.  
Even in Belgaum, I remember, I had gone upto Sholapur and attended a Vipassana course far ahead.   Our first Vipassana Course also had this Saarathy carrying ten days luggage of myself and Veenu from Srinagar to Bidadi at Bangalore.
Finally for my 55th birth day on 31-12-2021, I got a Royal Enfield as gift from Veenu to fulfil my childhood desire.  But I was more than happy to see Chinmaya ride this Royal Bike, than myself.  It suited him well and I lived my desires, through him and occasionally went on for long strides.
Today, I went for outing to get seat covers, box and a Royal Petrol tank cover and felt very happy to ride my own Suzuki Zeus.  It's just 16 and looked so well, fit and fine. I bought her from Mangalore to give company, in this lonely Kochi.   
I always felt a deep connect with the vehicle which I rode as if it is an extension of my body.  This feeling is all the more strong when I rode a bike.  Anything happening to bike touched me deep inside and I even felt elated when they got serviced and roared ahead with smoothness.
Incidentally, today being Krishna Janmashtami, I started reading "Uddava Geetha", being the Last message of Lord Krishna, an eye opener on many facets of life, particularly the last phase.  This is supposed to be a revisit of Bhagavad Geetha, which was delivered in his prime time. 
This was part of final message of Lord to his devotee Uddhava when the Dwapara ended giving raise to Kali yuga.  The devotee questions Krishna on the need of destruction of Dwaraka resulting in end of Yadava Clan. 
Krishna gives instructions for seeing the Lord in everything and living a life of perfect self-surrender and non attachment. Various chapters depict the need for renunciation and efforts for self realisation by giving life examples in a puranic way and a logical narrative. 
There is a narration of 24 kinds of Gurus being earth, air, sky, water fire, moon, sun, pigeon, pythan, sea, moth, bee, elephant, Honey gatherer, Deer, fish, Pingala, a concubine, child, maiden, arrow maker, snake, spider, bhramara keeta. 
It’s a lucid way of capturing the nature and essence of each guru to teach a particular concept and to turn our mind inwards for achieving Self realisation through non attachment, while being in the cycle of Life.
It intrigued me so much that I started comparing my present solitary confinement at Kochi and it made perfect sense as to where I am heading!!  
In this journey away from family life, bike & books,  made my life better giving me all the time and freedom which I wanted.  May be this is the beginning of a true Vanaprastha to come.
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mrcowboyhale · 3 years
୨୧ jasper hale x shy reader with anxiety ୨୧
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✿ ever since you first met jasper you guys had become attached hip-to-hip
✿ you were a very shy and cautious person. you had anxiety, so it was inevitable that you were a grade-a overthinker. having anxiety also made it hard for you to express your feelings most times but luckily jasper was always there for you, he understood what you were going through.
✿ when you would feel like hyperventilating jasper would use his powers to soothe your feelings, it always worked and you earnestly didn’t know what you would do without him
✿ you thought of jasper as your number one person vampire and you always expressed your love for him
✿ jasper loved you just as much. dont get him wrong, he wishes he could physically kill your anxiety with a wooden stake but he was happy that you always clung to him because of it
✿ jasper himself was an overprotective person. after what had happened with maria he had a very warped precision of love. he thought he wouldn’t ever be able to love again but it all changed after he had finally met his mate, you. – he realised there still was pure goodness in the world (you) and he became very protecting over you bc he just loved you sm and couldn’t bear the thought of losing you <3
✿ whenever you guys go out you would always either link arms or hold hands, when at home you guys would always be cuddling or you’d be sitting in his lap.
✿ sometimes you and jasper would be at the cullen house; reading a book together (as per your request) in the lounge-room as you sat on his lap while he had his arm around you.
✿ “you guys hold onto each-other as if the other one will disappear at any-moment” emmett would randomly interject walking into the lounge-room gazing at the two of you.
✿ jasper looks up, responding; “thats the point, I’m not lettin’ them disappear any time soon.” you giggled at this - kissing his cheek
✿ emmett rolled his eyes. yuck a happy couple
✿ most times you would be afraid of ordering food in public, fearing the workers would judge you for how you speak. obviously jasper told you that that wasn’t true at all but he would still always order your food for you.
✿ one time, you and jasper were at the mall and he had to go to the bathroom so he told you to wait in the hall for him and of course, you complied.
✿ you were scrolling through your phone absentmindedly as you waited for jasper until you noticed that someone else had come up-to you
✿ this stranger smiled down at you as he put a hand next to your head on the wall; “whats a pretty thing like you doing out here alone?”
✿ you stared at the stranger very nervously — you wanted to say all kinds of things to him, those along the lines of “im not alone you bastard, you can leave me alone now.” but it felt as if no words were coming through your throat and that it was slowly closing up.
✿ “no response? well i’ve always liked the silent types.” the creep continued on “how about you come home with me then baby? and let me take care of you.”
✿ he reached his hand out to touch you but then what happened next was a flash
✿ there was jasper!
✿ he held the stranger upto the wall by his throat - choking him. you stared at the scene shocked.
✿ “if you even dare to look at them one more time you will not see the light of dawn, are we clear?” jasper seethed out.
✿ you’ve never seen jasper this mad before.
✿ the stranger - still being practically strangled jasper nodded desperately, before jasper released him and he fell on the floor struggling for air.
✿ “jas..thank you” you - still in shock - suddenly thanked him, hugging his side.
✿ it was as if hearing your voice pulled him out of this trance; full of pure rage
✿ jasper smiled down at you sadly “im so so sorry for leaving you like that, i wont do it again.”
✿”its alright jas, i love you, you know?” you shyly smiled up at him
✿ jasper smiled back cupping your face and bringing you in for a kiss. “i know love”
✿ after this fiasco, you didn’t even know if it was possible but jasper had become even more overprotective of you
✿ you guys would go everywhere together and when you weren’t together he would call you.
✿ you were eternally grateful you had someone like jasper as your mate <3
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
Office Wars
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Pairings: fem!reader x Jaemin
Theme: Fluff, Mild Jealousy, playful arguments, light crack, humour, protective.
Word count:2.2k
Gist: You were always at each others throats at work and everyone knew that and was used to that but maybe there was more than just the arguments on the surface.
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"Ms. Y/l/n you're typing too loudly" Na Jaemin said with his infamous smirk plastered on his face.
A collective sigh was heard across the office. Your colleagues were all used to the usual banter that took place between you and Jaemin, easily being able to tune the noise that followed.
You however found it particularly difficult to avoid the banter when Jaemin picked at you for the most ridiculous of things.
"Oh I'm sorry Supervisor Na I didn't realise your hearing aid was on" You replied, the snark to your tone didn't go unnoticed as Jaemin scoffed but you couldn't be bothered to look away from your work.
"I don't need hearing aid to hear your keyboard being murdered, the poor thing has to recieve the brunt of your anger caused by Writer Kim"
You slammed your hands onto your table and angrily spun your swirling chair in the direction in which Na Jaemin sat.
Your anger doubled as you saw him proudly smirking from his position, knowing you just gave into his taunts but you couldn't care enough since he was the one that made the low blow.
"Don't you ever get tired idoling around and causing your co-workers headaches?" You said to the smug looking boy before getting on your feet and waking to the pantry.
Jaemin smiled as he watched you dissapeare behind the wall that separates the office and the pantry.
You made two cups of coffee, calming yourself before you walked out placing one on Jaemins table and carried the other to yours and got back to your work. At this point the office was slightly accustomed to your dynamics but it still baffled them. No one understood how the two of you worked, one minute you were at eachother throats the next second you were on the same team. And they didn't even try to understand, they just went along with it.
Like right now,
"You're going to be late for the briefing if you don't hurry your pretty little fingers up" you mocked, the cheeky grin plastered on your face clearly showed how amused you were by the fact that Na Jaemin had FORGOTTEN to prepare for today's briefing as your teams supervisors in this small publishing company.
The furiously typying man let go of his lip that was trapped between his teeth to grind them together, eyes wavering for a second to glare at you before focusing on his task at hand.
You cheerily walked away, a skip in your step as you reached the meeting room waiting for your supervisor and CEO to enter, happily chattering with your colleague Joy about the small queer owned business the two of you came across on instagram because of this month.
Soon the CEO stepped in and the room fell quite, Jaemin was still not on his seat but a minute later he walked in apologising for the delay.
A rather short and surprisingly sucessful briefing later you walked back to your desk to finish of what little work you had left before you streched, slightly pushing your chair away from your desk.
"Ready to go y/n?" Joy asked coming upto you and you grinned at her, nodding.
"Don't waste time then c'mon" you heard the annoying voice of Na Jaemin say from behind you and then saw the man in question walk past you. You glared holes into his back and Joy chuckled.
You and Joy continued to chater as you made your way to the restaurant your team always eats at, to find that your entire team was already sitting there.
"I ordered what you asked me to" Your colleague Suho said to Joy who thanked him.
You took your seat inbetween Crystal and Yangyang, which also happened to be directly opposite Jaemin.
"I ordered (insert dosh of your choice) for you" Jaemin told you and the two of your stared at eachother for a few seconds and then you smiled at him thanking him.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding at that, expecting you to get mad at him for ordering for you without you asking him to.
The wait for the food to arrive was peaceful, except for the few snark remarks you and Jaemin exchanged but it wasn't something that people weren't used to.
Upon the arrival of your food your eyes lit up. Ever since you were a kid you loved to eat, in fact you were the biggest foodie in your family.
You excitedly picked up your chop sticks ready to dig in before a voice interrupted you.
"Your food isn't going anywhere slow down or you'll burn your tongue." Jaemin said nonchalantly and you ignored him poking out your tongue at him and immediately digging in for a big bite.
As soon as the food touched your tongue you're eyes widened at the sharp sensation caused by the heat immediately dropping the serving back onto your plate as you started to pant like a dog because of the heat.
Yangyang who was next to you noticed, placing a hand on your shoulder and picking up your glass of water with his other hand.
"Careful Y/n" he warend rather uselessly after the deed was done, bringing the cup of water to your lips so that you could wash down the heat with the cooling water.
You drank the water, hands reaching out the hold the cup on your own. Once the burning sensation cooled down, you turned to Yangyang offering him a smile while thanking him.
You're attention then turned to Jaemin who sat infront of you glaring at no one in particular, expecting him to be looking smug.
You shrugged at the change in attitude as you continued your mean, this time blowing on your food before you took a bite.
Not even fifteen minutes later you felt a kick on you shin and then looked up to see Jaemin leaving, you sighed rolled your eyes and finished the food on your plate as fast as you could before dashing out back to the office. No you didn't forget to pay, the meals were handeled by the company.
You reached the office only to find Jaemin sitting on his seat pouting angrily as he typed away. You chuckled, deciding to not indulge him as you walked back to your seat and got on with your work and ignored the way Jaemin looked at you even poutier than before.
Ignoring him was a bad choice since after that he got even more annoying, dropping more files on your desk for you to deal with, making random comments about your corrections, complaining about anything and everything and you just ignored the fussy manchild with an eye roll.
"Y/n we have to go for the mandatory company diner now." Joy said to you and you looked out the window at the end of the office to see the sky becoming a dark orange hue, it was late evening.
"I still have so much to do" you whined, letting your head fall onto your desk with a thud and Joy winced, not knowing what to say.
"Stop whining y/n and just come back and get it done. I have work to do to so I can walk with you back to the office after dinner." Jaemin said walking upto your desk.
You lifted your head sligtly to look at the tall male who was looking at you, waiting for a reply to his question and you sighed head falling between your arms again.
"We have to leave now we don't have forever y/n make a choice" Jaemin said impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.
"Okay let's go!" You said suddenly jumping up and marching towards the exit. Jaemin chuckled and Joy looked at you as if you had grown two heads but then the two of them immediately followed behind you.
The company diner was uneventful. Mr. Choi on of your clients was making what he though to be flirtatious eyes at you again but you only saw it as creepy. But you were still able to enjoy you meal, sitting between Jaemin and Joy, happily chattering away.
After everyone was done eating you knew you couldn't stay to chat and you lifted you phone off the table checking the time and signalling Jaemin who nodded and the two of you bid your goodbyes.
"I can walk you if you want y/n-shi" a rosy cheek and very drunk Mr.Choi said and you gagged.
"It's Ms.y/l/n to you Mr.Choi and there's no need I'm walking her there, making sure our employee feels safe by making sure you're not around them." Jaemin said, eyes glaring daggers and the now offended drunk man.
"You" Mr.Choi yelled pointing his finger and an unimpressed Jaemin "How dare you talk to me like that! Don't you know how important I am to this company" the angry drunk man yelled.
"Mr Choil please stay professional because it isn't that hard to find good writers, especially on to replace you." Your CEO spoke up and you had to hold back a chuckle at Mr.Chois flustered face as his mouth opened and closed not able to form any words.
"If that all we'll be taking out leave." Jaemin said grabbing onto you hand and bowing at your CEO who nodded and quickly dragged you away. You quickly bowed in respects to you CEO too before you were dragged away by Jaemin.
"I felt like punching him" Jaemin said on your walk to the office, hand still holding yours.
"Me too" you chuckled at the fuming male as you walked the rest of the way in silence, hand in hand.
You immediately rushed to you desk upon reaching your office and started typing away and Jaemin lazily strolled to his seat, doing whatever he had to do.
Half an hour later and all you had to do was send out two mails and save the document you were working on, so you let yourself relax alittle slumping back onto your chair. You peaked at what jaemin was doing and smiled. "That's a good score, must have been alot of WORK" you teased and Jaemin looked embarrassed at getting caught.
"I-i was bored okay" he said avoiding your gaze and you smiled.
You crossed one leg over the other, leaning over your desk to send the last two e-mails and save the document you were busy correcting.
Just as you finished with your work and sat up straight Jaemin spoke "You know when a person sits with crossed legs and their legs are pointing towards you that means they like you" he said pointing at your position and you looked down to see your leg was indeed pointing at him.
"That means you like me y/n." Jaemin said cheekily wiggling his eyebrows.
And you looked at him eyes screwed as if you were judging his entire existence, which you were "Jaemin" he hummed in reply still grining, "We're engaged it would be really weird if I didn't like you" You said and Jaemins grin grew even wider and you sighed chuckling at your happy fiance.
"Yea it would be weird" he said sliding his chair towards you, crashing into you slightly and you steadied him.
"Ahh your so cute my y/n" he said pulling you into his arms and plukering his his lips trying to kiss you but you leaned away from him just to annoy him.
"Don't avoid my kisses" he huffed pouting as he tried again but you teased him again avoiding him.
"Yah! You brat give me a kiss!" he yelled and you chuckled turning you head to give him a small peck on his nose but he had other plans immediately moving his face and his lips met yours in a sweet kiss in which you felt yourself melting into. Kissing Jaemin was always calming and he always tasted sweet even thought he drank that disgustingly bitter coffee.
You slowly felt his hands snake behind your head pulling you closer lips moving in sync as he deepend the kiss, your breaths mingled as both of you felt lightweight. You got lost in eachother for a second before you slowly pulled away resting your forehead against his. He smiled at you eyes sparkling in the dim lit room.
"If someone walked in on us right now they'd have a heart attack" Jaemin joked and you chuckled. It was an unspoken rule between the two of you to keep your relationship a secret in the office and you did that by bickering. "We should tell them now though shouldn't we?" You asked and Jaemin pecked you cheek sitting up staright, "Yea and hand them the wedding invites" and you grinned, heat rushing to your cheeks, you never got used to the fact that you were to get married to Na Jaemin, your soulmate.
Needless to say when the two of you told everyone at the office the next day you were pretty sure some of them were this close to having a heart attack. But most of them Congratulated you as you stood hand in hand with Jaemin, grinning like an idiot.
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Hello what are you doing? I am wondering what Mikey is doing now? Is he mourning Draken?? Lost in the old memories of everyone he's lost? Has he realised he murdered someone?? Does he regret it?? Is he scared of himself?? Is he still under the impulsivity?? Has he locked himself up in a room so he doesn't hurt anyone else or is he in a "Let It Go" mood?? I miss him. I miss when all we knew about baby Mikey was him and baji naming themselves Mikey and Edward to cheer up Emma
Hmmm Koko must be walking on eggshells. Poor guy probably feels like he is stuck in a horror movie and he can't even call Inupi now to ward of the demon
Where are our Haitani "awkward pose" brothers and dear kakucho?? This reminds me what happened to South after the fight?? Did someone pick him or everyone just left?? Who did the clean up??? Does anyone care???
Sanzu?? What is this guy upto?? Planning how to reach greater heights (or lows 👀) with Mikey. Is he scared (probably not lol)? Looked like he was proud of Mikey beating the shit out of South so he's probably just singing praises of Mikey to the new members?? Giving loyalty lessons??
The first bit legit made me tear up a little, I don't think I realised just how much I missed the old Mikey.
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Unfortunately my current guess is that Mikey feels no remorse for his actions. I don't think he's completely gone yet but I think it's going to take something big to help him recover from this. Someone will have to intervene, most likely Takemichi. That is if he can be saved (hopefully he can).
Koko is probably highly stressed right now, you can tell from his reactions during the fight, this isn't what he signed up for.
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But he likely has no way out at this moment and that's if he even wants an out. Although he doesn't seem to condone Mikey's actions, he definitely seems to somewhat enjoy the gang lifestyle.
As for Kakucho and the Haitani brothers i would guess that they've joined the Kantou manji gang. It seems to be custom in TR for defeated gang members to join the winning gang. And even if they weren't forced i think they would join anyway.
The Haitani brothers generally seem to enjoy fighting so I think they would want to stay where the action is. I would say Kakucho also enjoys fighting but maybe to a lesser degree then the brothers. I think they would also all join because they likely have nothing else going to them. I get the feeling that the Haitani brothers never really bothered with school while Kakucho was probably too busy with Izana.
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As for South well I'm pretty sure they just left him there, none of his own gang tried to help him and it doesn't make sense for any of the others to get involved. A body is really hard to properly dispose of in a big city with lots of people around so the best thing to do would've been to leave him for the police to deal with. Now Koko is implied to have organised the "clean up".
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Judging from experience what he's saying here is for everyone to get out of there and take any evidence with them. Anything that can identify any of them to the scene and murder has to be disposed of. That way the police will find the body and have to deal with the proper clean up but won't be able to link any of them to the crime.
And I'm pretty sure Sanzu is looking after Mikey, probably getting him snacks and keeping an eye on him. He's probably also keeping an eye on the newer members, I get the feeling he's still focused on traitors. So maybe he's testing their loyalty? Or just explaining how the kantou manji gang operate in general?
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themoonmunchkin · 3 years
Don't look!
Pairing : Bakugo katsuki x gn!reader, Midoriya Izuku x gn!reader, Todoroki Shoto x gn!reader.
Genre : fluff
Warnings : insecure reader, cussing, savage deku?, kinda angsty but overall super fluffy ^3^
Synopsis : you're insecure about your side profile but they're having none of it.
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Not gonna lie, he probably wouldn't even have known that this was an insecurity that people had.
So when you first start dating he wouldn't think much of it when you cover your nose while laughing or when you contour your jawline extra hard.
Until one day you start letting your thoughts get to you again, you think about how everyone around you have such a beautiful side profile.
You start wondering why Katsuki even bothers to be with someone as "ugly" as yourself, I mean has he seen his face.
But anyways you start distancing yourself from the world again, start hiding your face with your hair, have mental break downs in the night, refuse to take pictures and completely shut him out while thinking you're being subtle.
But no, no, no- my mans noticed...and he's currently having a full blown panic attack on the inside.
He's really worried at this point and starts thinking about what he's done wrong, he tries to talk to you but you're always making excuses and running away from him.
Now, he's had enough and so he quite literally barges into your dorm room and demands an explanation as he keeps shouting at you until....
.....he takes in your tear stained face with fresh tears forming at the corner of your eyes.
You were seated on the floor with a hand mirror clutched to your chest, the same one that you use to point out all your insecurities in, your phone is on the ground next to you with a picture of a model, her perfect side profile on display...the same one that you always compare yourself to.
Cue in a confused, angry and sad boom boom boy 😔.
Who the fuck had the audacity to make his baby cry hmm 🤬.
But then his anger vanishes just as it comes and before you knew it, he's shut the door behind him, quickly walks upto you, swoops you into his arms and cradles you in his lap.
"Ssshhh....its ok baby, I'm right here". Bakugo softly coos in your ear while running his fingers through your hair and letting his other hand rub your back. "Talk to me honey, what's wrong?"
You pull back a little and look up at him into his pain filled eyes that still hold so much love for you and that's when you tell him everything.
You tell him about how you've always hated your nose, how you've always wished you'd had a more chiseled jawline, how you've been bullied about your side profile by your peers and how you've never felt good enough.
He still doesn't get it because you're genuinely the most stunning person he's ever laid his eyes on, but understands how this is something that seriously bothers you and so he's gonna do everything in his powers to yeet those insecurities out.
Now Bakugo isn't one to lie or sugarcoat something, but he's also not someone who'll let you sit and hurt yourself like that.
He takes a deep breath, cups your cheeks in his hands and looks at you with the most earnest look on his face.
"Listen here baby, you're right maybe you don't have the most chiseled jawline or the sharpest nose out there-"
You winced at that a little but he was quick to speak again.
"I'm not done yet-" he closes his eyes and thinks for a second, words have never been his thing as he's someone who prefers actions instead but right now you needed more than just a kiss or a hug, you needed security and reassurance, so he takes in another deep breath and opens his eyes to look at you again.
"-just because you don't have those doesn't mean you're any less beautiful." He said with a smile as you curiously looked at him. You looked so damn cute to him all he wanted to do was pounce on you right then and there, but he held himself back for your sake and the next things he said made you fall in love with him even more.
"What you have suits your gorgeous fucking face, you don't have to change for any stupid extra and no one's opinion, not even yours is going to make me view you any differently or make me love you any less." He leaned in and gave you a chaste kiss on your lips that pretty much took your breath away and then he pulled back with a cute blush on his face.
"So from now on only listen to me okay and no matter what-" he kisses you again and pulls back a second time "-I will make you look at yourself the way I and so many other people look at you".
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Now he's had his fair share of insecurities and he's had a lot of people call him "plain looking" (which I still don't understand how when he's got some of the rarest and most beautiful features) even then those words about his looks have never really got to him.
But when it comes to you, he immediately knows something's up with all those self-deprecating jokes you apparently find to be funny.
Doesn't question you cause he doesn't want to scare you away, also because he trusts you to come to him if something is wrong.
But alas you and your stubborn ass refused to seek help from anyone and instead you chose to cope with yourself by putting yourself down in the form of those awful "jokes".
You've always tried to get yourself to stop this, but it soon became more than a coping mechanism, it was the only way you could hold yourself up without wanting breaking into peices.
That was dangerous.
But it's ok! It's still all fine and dandy until one day everything changes and you realise that all that self-deprecation didn't do shit.
Its Sunday today and you and your boyfriend Izuku have been walking around the shopping plaza for a while now.
The two of you were on a date, but you were also on a hunt for the new all might merch that your boyfriend has been fangirling about since forever. So far there was no luck on your end but y'all weren't about to give up just yet.
"OMG! I think I see it in there!" Izuku squeals cutely while pointing at what looks like a moderately big comic store that had an emo cyber punk looking aesthetic to it.
*Gasp*..."OMG! I think I see it too!! Let's go!!" and with that you grabbed his hand and were dragging your blushy stuttering mess of a boyfriend towards the store. It was adorable how easily he got flustered even after how the two of you were almost half a year into dating.
The two of you finally reached the store and stepped in, there it was the brand new neon tinted holographic Allmight figuring with working layers. Izuku's eyes sparkled as he ran towards it and immediately snatched it off the shelf.
"Yay we finally got it!" You cheered as you walked over to him and gave him a high five. The two of you had bright smiles on your faces as you talked about the figuring and walked towards the counter to pay for it.
You looked towards the counter where a young girl who looked about your age was working as a cashier, she had this bored expression on her face until she saw your boyfriend and it immediately changed into something you could only call as a flirty expression.
"Hey there handsome~ what can I help you with today~" she said in a sultry tone and gave him a wink. You and izuku were both puzzled at the fact that she not only just openly flirted with your boyfriend but also completely ignored your existence.
"U-um....er....we just need this figuring please". Izuku placed the box covered figuring on the counter and was about to pull his hands back when she quickly grabbed them and cupped them with her own hands.
"You sure, how about I give you my number and we ditch this place to go get coffee."
"Um -uh no thank you, I have a s/o!"
"Hmm...I don't see them."
"Well I'm right here and maybe you'd have seen me if you'd stop flirting with your customers and did your job properly." You said and at this point you were seething because even though she knew you were right there, she hadn't spared you a glance and pretend like you were completely invisible.
"Oh, so that's who you are....I was wondering why such an ugly person would be hanging out with someone like him-" she pauses and looks into Izuku's eyes with a bored expression "-you need to raise your standards, I mean have you looked at how hideous their nose is or how ugly their face is."
The two of you froze. Sure You've always made fun of yourself before but this was the exact reason why. You've always told yourself that if you'd make fun of yourself, you'd be desensitized to what others say to you but it's only now you realize that no amount of preparation would ever be enough to handle the real thing.
Shame. Humiliation. Pain. Fear.....This is what you felt at the momen-
"How. Dare. You." You turned towards Izuku and for the first time ever you were met with the most terrifying expression on his face. His eyes were dark and he looked...mad....like really really mad and you froze, the cashier looked like she was about to cry with the look he was giving her.
"I don't know who you think you are but you had no need to say whatever you just said and you are wrong because they have the most gorgeous facial features ever." at this he turned to you and softened his eyes a bit, he reached for your hand and gave you a gentle squeeze.
"I promise you sweetheart, you will always be the most beautiful person in my life and no one can tell you otherwise-" he looked at the slack jawed cashier with disgust and pointed towards her "-not stupid people like her-" he looked back into your eyes like you were the only two people in the store and pointed towards himself "-not me and lastly never will you ever tell yourself those kinds of words again even as a joke, got it."
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Always openly staring at you in the most respectful way ✨.
Even before y'all started dating he would always stare at you in secret, but hey! it's not his fault you were so irresistibly attractive all the time.
Uhm...so moving on, he is observant as heck especially when it comes to you but unfortunately he's just as oblivious T_T.
He's always noticed how you'd get shy and walk away whenever he'd stare at you for too long and genuinely thinks it's adorable at how bashful you get.
But truthfully.....you're mortified, paranoid even at how much he stares at you.
I mean yeah it's adorable to see him so whipped for you but you're always wondering if he's secretly bashing your side profile in his head and the thought makes you wince ever single time.
But you always tell yourself to not let your insecurities define Shoto or effect your relationship and besides Shoto isn't a cruel person, he'd never think of you that way.....right...?
Oh God, he's doing it again, he's staring at you and this time it truly is terrible because he is seated right beside you. The two of you are seated wooden chairs, side by side in the U.A. library.
Your textbooks and notebooks are spread out on the table in front of you. You're in a more secluded part of the library opting to study in a more private area and boy oh boy did Shoto take advantage of that.
"Shoto, could you please stop staring at me like that". You held your textbook upto your face and looked the other way.
"But I want to look at you". Shoto pouted slightly and furrowed his brows at your actions, he reached for your wrists and tried to pull them down and to much to your inconvenience, he succeeded.
You see, while you still had a bunch of work left to do, Shoto had finished about 15 minutes ago. You told him to go back to the dorms but instead of listening to you, he denied your offer and has been staring at you with the most unreadable expression on his face.
"Why can't I admire the one that I love the most". He slightly tilted his head towards the side and flashed you the most genuine smile. Damn him for being so adorable but that's not enough for your insecurities to go away.
"Because I'm ugly". You finally said softly with your head hung low and tears threatening to fall. You wanted to shrivel up in a corner and fade away for sounding so vulnerable but at the same time it felt so good to let your thoughts out.
"You're....what..." His eyes were wide and his jaw was set a slack. Now this took him by surprise, he had expected a lot of things but never once had he expected....that. He gently grabbed your chin and tilted your face to meet his. "Love, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, why would you ever say that."
"Because I'm not beautiful, everyone has such a gorgeous face especially from their side. I don't and you don't have to lie to me to make feel better about myself. I know I'm ugly and I'll always be that....just let me accept that and be Shoto." You said with your voice slightly raised and shaky from the lump in your throat.
Shoto's eyes darkened a little and his grip on you tightened a little but not enough to hurt you. To even think that someone as precious as yourself could ever have such awful thoughts about yourself- how long have you been silently suffering like this all by yourself.
He cupped your cheeks with his hands and met your eyes with the most determined look on his face. "Darling, I don't know who said that to you or even if that's an inside voice but, I will absolutely never let you accept yourself this way."
"Everything about you is perfect, from those gorgeous eyes that i always get lost in," he kisses your eyes.
"-to that perfect nose that helps you breath so you could live by my side another," he kisses your nose.
"-to those delicate beckoning lips that I wish to kiss forever." he finally captures your lips in a breath taking kiss just to slowly release them and look at you.
"And besides, you know better than to call me a liar baby, you know that I would never lie when it comes to you so let's pack up for today and let me show you how much I love you and how utterly enticing you are."
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kpopsnowball · 3 years
NCT127 Reaction:
NCT127 when their S/O is angry with them
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To be honest, after snapping at you, Taeil would feel a bit sad. He would not be able to exactly understand what does he feel but he’d feel really sad about it. After calming himself down, he would walk upto you and seeing you face away from him, he would understand that he had hurt your feelings. He would decide to make it up to you no matter what. He would be such a sweetheart and prepare you your favourite dish, set up the dinner table and prepare a perfect evening for you.
“I know just a sorry is not enough love, but I think that’s the only word which I can sincerely say to you. I am really sorry, please try to forgive me”
I think more than anger Johnny would always feel pissed off but snapping at you would really make him feel like crap. He just got angry at that moment but he would never really mean to hurt you. He would walk in the room and try to make a conversation with you but seeing you ignoring him would make him realise that this time he truly had hurt you. The moment you pass by his side, he would hold your wrist to make you stop. You would look in his eyes for the first time after the incident and you will know that he’s sorry. A small soft smile would be placed on his lips and he would nod a bit as if to ask you just for one chance to talk. Seeing his sad eyes would make you melt a bit isn’t it?
“Please talk to me baby. I am really sorry for what happened last time. I did not mean it. I was pissed off. But right now when you passed by my side without even sparing me a glance made me feel as if I am losing a huge part of myself. A wave of hurt settled in me and I could not even explain that feeling. Please forgive me. Please don’t walk away from me love”
If he had hurt you he would feel the pain too. When he’s angry, he really can be mad for hours but if somebody is disappointed or angry because of him, he would feel really bad about it. Seeing you being mad at him would break his heart. Trust me, he would be very harsh on himself for hurting you but wouldn’t let you see that. He would be stealing glances at you and would want to talk with you but seeing you ignoring him would make him feel sad. All his doubts and insecurities would rush in and he would close himself in his room. After few days he would come back to you to earn your forgiveness.
“I know it’s not easy to forgive me love and also I am not asking for your forgiveness, I am just requesting a chance from you love, please give me just one chance to earn your forgiveness because forgiveness cannot be granted but it should be earned and I am ready to do whatever you want me to do if it will lead you to accept my apology”
Yuta might be angry at you because of a misunderstanding but realising that it was none of your fault, he would feel bad and very frustrated. He would want to make it upto you but seeing you not even sparing him a glance would make him question as to what to do. For few days he would just observe you from afar and you would feel his stares from across the room. He would want just an opportunity to be alone with you but seeing you completely ignoring his existence would make it difficult. Finally grabbing a chance, when he would see you alone in the room, he would immediately give you a back hug and a breath of relief would escape through his lips.
“You have been ignoring me like a plague. I know I have hurt you but please don’t do this to me. I know you felt my stares all these days, but not even a glance at me love? Please don’t do this, I am really sorry, I really am..”
He actually have a very balanced personality, he’s strong but also a very soft boy. After snapping at you he would walk away and try to relax himself. Coming back, seeing that you are not replying to his words he would immediately know that he messed up. Seeing your sad eyes would make his heart hurt. He would just freeze and stand there for few moments, his eyes a bit watery. Immediately he would hug you. You would try to get out of his hold because you were mad at him but more than that hurt because of him but he would not let you go. He would bury his head in your neck and hold you a bit tighter and protectively.
“I messed it up isn’t it? I promised you that I will always protect you and never let anyone hurt you but when I saw your sad eyes, I just froze. I realised my promises but then this time it was me, It was me who had hurt you so tell me love, how would I protect you from me?”
You won’t hear from him for days after he snapped at you. You would just feel as if he vanished. You would be mad, angry and frustrated at him but you would just not know where did he go and why is he not taking any step towards you. But to be honest he would close himself off because he would’ve realised that he had hurt your heart. He would just close himself off completely. For days he would not face you, not because he’s scared that you would be mad at him but instead he would be scared of you walking away from him. Facing you after days, he would have a small smile on his face and even your anger would’ve died down to an extent. He would extend his hand towards you and he would be soo worried and afraid that you might not take it. You would turn to leave but immediately he would grab your arm and make you face him.
“Give me a chance please. Don’t walk away. Let’s just talk this out, okay? please. I am sorry”
Soft soft soft. Yes! Literally he’s a soft boy. But after getting angry at you just because of a misunderstanding he would be mad at himself. He would be like ‘why did I do that! I have hurt her, I am stupid! Just soo stupid!’ After taking few deep breaths he would come to you to apologise but seeing you giving him a cold shoulder would make him feel hurt and he would treat himself all the more badly. He would leave and immediately close himself in his room and would not see you for days. He would shout at himself and be disappointed in himself.
“Jungwoo you have hurt her, you are pathetic! Why did you do that?! Just a misunderstanding and you forgot what all the things she did for you! But no, I won’t let her walk away from me, I love her, I just can’t let her go. I would try my best to earn her forgiveness! Yes I would!”
He would be frustrated and pissed off at himself after snapping at you for no reason. He would be completely mad at himself. But being strong enough, he would dust his pants off and stand up to talk to you. While entering the room, when you just pass by him and give him a glare, it would be just a proof to his doubts and confirm that he messed up. He would take a deep breath and before you leave the room he would stand in front of you. You would try your best to walk past him but he would block your way completely. Getting tired, you would huff out in annoyance while trying to cover up the hurt you feel deep down. Mark’s eyes would soften and he would smile a bit expecting the same from you but when you don’t, a wave of pain would settle in those dark orbs.
“Will you please forgive me love? I know it’s not easy but actually I can explain. I was just caught up in the moment and I got angry at you. I am really sorry. I know I have hurt you but can you please give me one chance?”
It would not take much time for him to apologise to you because he truly knows when he messes up or hurts someone, especially his loved ones and he does not have any ego if he had hurt his special ones. He would be the type to apologise first or immediately if it’s his cherished ones who are hurt because of him. Seeing you giving him a cold shoulder would instantly make him realise that he had hurt your feelings. When you ignore him and not spare him a glance, he would immediately hug you tightly and shower your face with kisses. You would try to break out of his hold but he would continue doing that.
“I won’t leave you unless you forgive me. But, keeping this aside, I-I want to say that I am sorry love. I just wanted to lighten up your mood right now but i very well know the hurt that you feel. I know it’s because of me. I should not have been like that and be mad at you for a mere misunderstanding and so all I want to say is that please take your time to forgive me. I know it’s difficult but till then I would try my best to earn it and be the best man for you”
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✿ Requested by my very good friend @dundun-baby @aquamoonchaii I love you lots love!!
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @starrdustville @cupidluvstarrz @ex0tic-vgh @thechoppersan @urowngoddess @namjoons-wife98 @illusion-ships @vampirateking @rr0zu @najatheangel @julyemeralds-deactivated2021022 @astrorising @purplepsycho03 @himitsu-luna @emuava @tarotruself @mairah-shaikh @dundun-baby @aquamoonchaii @vera-liscious please send an ask or message if you would like to be removed or be added in the taglist💕
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
How would Henry react to you telling him you were pregnant on Christmas eve?
Hey, love. Written a small fic on this, more like a drabble probably. Hope you like it.
December To Remember
Pairing: Henry x Reader
Warning: None. Pure fluff.
"What are you upto?" Henry laughed as you made him wear a t-shirt you had especially gotten him for today. It was Christmas eve, your last day in London before both of you flew to Jersey for Christmas and New Year's. Despite it going to be empty for the holidays, you had decorated the house with a small tree, some tinsle and even a Mistletoe. Even Kal was wearing a red Christmas sweater because you had been taking pictures of him while Henry had gone out for some groceries. The tshirt you gave him was a plain white one with red piping on the neck and sleeves, "December to Remember" written in fancy font with a Christmas tree in the front.
You watched as he wore it, the fabric stretching to accommodate his size. His pecs bulged against the cloth and his biceps strained against the sleeves. You tried to not laugh realizing you had probably gotten him a size smaller than his, or he had bulked up even more.
Henry stood with wide arms, looking at himself in the mirror. A goofy grin spread on his face as he seemed to have realized your blunder. "Is this my Christmas present?"
"Yeah, that and," you held him by his shoulders and turned him to face the wall. "I have another one for you."
"What am I looking at here? Are you trying to tell me we need to repaint the house?" Henry tried to turn but you stopped him. You retrieved the blank paper and a marker and handed it to him.
"I'm going to write letters on your back, you just have to write it on the paper." You excitedly told him, nearly jumping in your place. You couldn't wait to see his expressions when he would finally figure it out.
"I don't know what you are getting at, love." He chuckled but obliged.
"Okay?" You asked, ready with the closed pen in your hand. You started writing on his back, tilting to the side to see if he was getting the letters right.
You spelled out, WE, which Henry was quick to figure out. It continued with the word, ARE, which was very funny to watch as Henry tried to figure out the R and the E separately.
But when he did, he glanced behind his shoulders to look at you, "We are... The Cavills?" His eyebrow arched up, incredulous at what you were making him write. "Is this going to be a hand written greeting card for my parents tomorrow?"
You rolled your eyes. This man was so handsome and knowledgeable, yet so innocent and oblivious. He hadn't even noticed that you had stopped drinking wine with him, even though he had offered one just this morning. You were also being extra careful around Kal since you didn't want to trip and fall while playfully chasing him around the house. Henry also seemed to have forgotten about the quickie in the studio bathroom more than a month ago, completely forgetting to use a condom in a rush.
"Henry, just write okay." You shook your head as he shrugged his shoulders.
You bit your lip. He was going to figure out now. As soon as you wrote the first letter and he penned it down on the paper, he turned swiftly to look at you. His mouth flew open, eyes blew wide and he was speechless.
You stood with a big grin on your face. Your hands still in air as he had turned while you were about to write the next letter.
"No." He asked slowly. His eyebrows raised, a tilt to his head. His mouth quivered, confused between forming a word, a smile or a frown.
"Yes." You said, barely containing the excitement but also loving the pure shock on his face.
"If you are playing with me, lady-" He started but you reached out in the back pocket of your jeans and pulled out a pregnancy stick. He stared at it, like it was some foreign object, unable to move or speak.
You waited for him to digest the news completely. You could imagine the shock because when you had taken the tests yourself, having missed your period for more than a week, you too had stared at the two pink lines in disbelief. Even with three more tests, all of them lined on the sink counter and showing the two lines on them, you had been shocked. But then you had tears in your eyes and had muffled your cries because Henry had been taking an afternoon nap in the bedroom.
Fresh tears began forming in your eyes as you saw Henry beginning to crumble as the realisation finally sunk in. His eyes started welling with tears and he pulled you in his arms.
"Oh God. I am so happy right now." He muttered in your neck, his voice breaking with the words. "Are we really...? Am I... Going to be a father?"
You wound your arms around his body, feeling the rush of emotions enveloping you. You nodded against his chest as he held you close to him, letting your own tears flow down your cheeks.
You both stood holding each other for a while before Henry pulled back and placed a soft kiss on your lips and kneeled in front of you. He placed a hand on your stomach, a bump barely visible, resting his head against you.
"I already can't wait to meet you, little one." He whispered as you watched him with a teary smile on your face. "I love you, baby." He said looking up at you. A soft smile on his lips, his hand still on your belly. "It certainly is going to be a december to remember."
Tagging: @henrythickcavill @madbaddic7ed @toomanyfandomsshreya @mary-ann84 @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @infinite-shite @geralt-of-baevia @littlefreya @dancingwendigo @viking-raider @thelastsock @the-soot-sprite @cavillsbestgal @luclittlepond @achaoticaugust @agniavateira @asyverson
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un2-verse · 3 years
BILLY — Kim Taehyung (2)
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pairing: taehyung x f reader
genre: horror au, yandere au, saw/john kramer au
synopsis: News of a Sadistic Serial Killer nicknamed “Jigsaw” is spreading around town like wildfire… the nickname stemming from the puzzle piece he cuts from every victim’s body. No one knows who he’ll trap next but in a town full of delinquents and criminals, it could never be you. Right?
warnings: mentions of suicidal thoughs, abusive relationships, stalking etc. dont read if triggered. there are some ?? fucked up things in this but idk what to word them. but also mentions of self harm/self hating thoughts.
wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: unedited so pls forgive me for any mistakes and lmk if u want to be added to a taglist^^
series masterlist
part one part three
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You’d spent a couple of hours in the café with Taehyung. Jimin popped over every now and then to talk with his best friend and to make sure you had everything you needed while there.
When you left, Jimin wrapped his arms around you as he bid his farewell, “It was lovely to meet you Y/N! Please, don’t be a stranger!” You simply nodded your head as you pulled away from the hug. You grinned back at him as he moved to Taehyung. You opened the door, carefully stepping outside to leave the boys with some privacy.
Once the door shut Jimin’s smile beamed, “so she’s the girl you’re always talking about, Flower? Right?”
“Yeah she is, thanks for that though man but, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you later?”
Taehyung smiled as he made his way towards you, you looked up and he swore, he saw a hint of nervousness in your eyes, probably because it’s dark, he thought to himself. “Come on then, let’s get you home.” He held out his hand, you were quick to grab a hold of it. Taehyung intertwined your fingers as he tugged you back across the road, “it’ll take about twenty minutes, you gonna be alright to walk?” he glanced down to you.
Your heart warmed at the way his eyes smiled with him, “I’ll be fine, thank you.” He seemed happy enough with your answer as you fell into a steady rhythm. You felt a little conflicted, you may not know Taehyung well but he had an energy about him that made you wanna spill every secret you knew, you’d shared pointless stories while you were at the café, having learnt Taehyung was a family oriented person, he loved art and he was passionate about little subjects other people would deem small. Yet he had a warmth that you’d not seen in anyone else.
Fuck it, you thought, he’s shown nothing but kindness, you may aswell open upto him… atleast.
“I was in an abusive relationship.” Taehyung felt himself smirk but quickly wiped it from his face, he arched an eyebrow as he looked down to you, “it was my first too. It left me, fucked up, in a way. Not that I wasn’t already fucked up.” Progress. He squeezed your hand in reassurance, go on… “I’ve always been insecure and uh, uncomfortable with the way I look. After that disaster of a relationship, it left me worse for wear.” you kept your eyes on the road, you didn’t want to see the judgement on his face yet it didn’t stop you from carrying on, “I never told my friends or family about it. None of them knew I was struggling before it anyway so I’ve been letting it tear me apart.”
“Why tell me then doll?”
You risked a glance at his face. There were no traces of judgement or pity. Swallowing down your nerves, you added softly, “I had to tell someone. Even if that someone is a random person— who showed me kindness when I needed it.”
Taehyung felt his heart clench, she’s already trusting me… this was easier than I thought. “Don’t feel like you need to tell me anything baby,” I already know it all.
You felt your cheeks burn from the pet name, how could something so simple, affect you this much? God, talk about a schoolgirl crush. “That’s the thing, I don’t feel like I need to. I just, I want to.”
Taehyung presented you with his boxy grin, “Then you can tell me anything you want, whether it's big or small.”
“Thank you Taehyung.” It was like the sun had shone down on you, the simplest gesture meant the world. Here you had a person willing to talk to you about your darkest secrets. A person willing to listen. Someone who had no ties to your family, which made it easier for the words to flow from you, “It’s like, I was this happy, care-free kid. I smiled without forcing it and when I laughed… I felt free. I didn’t feel like I was losing my breath. Not like I do now, everytime I do so much as breathe, it's like these roots have twisted around my lungs and everytime a breath escapes, they crush them tighter. It’s like a reminder. You’re never fully alive. You’re never fully happy. Pain overrides any other emotion. I’ve learned that, after all those years. I used to think, I’d never accept it.” A solemn silence fell over you. The roots squeezed your lungs even tighter as you whispered, “I’m scared of living.”
“Flower, some people are anchored to this world by their feet, others by their fears. You don’t have to voice it, I know you’re scared. You have your fears. Your demons. The thing you were doing at the cafe; is destructive. Anything that harms you, is destructive. Fuck, it may only be something as simple as picking your skin but that can lead into bigger things.”
It already has.
“Taehyung, I know that. I knew when it started but it helps, it lessens my anxiety. You’re the only one to have picked up on it. My friends… they don’t notice. If they do, they don’t mention it.”
Taehyung scoffed, “You really think anyone on this planet is your friend?”
Your mouth was sewn shut. You didn’t want to admit it but, there was some truth to his words.
You walked home in silence.
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That night haunted you. It forced its way into your dreams. It clouded your thoughts when Yoongi and Hoseok were with you. When you’d spent time together, you were vacant. A soulless body. It was like a poison had found its way into your brain, second guessing relationships and people’s motives.
‘You really think anyone on this planet is your friend?’
Why were you letting it get in your head so much? You knew your friends. They were the only ones you felt safe with. They were your friends for a reason, they supported you (albeit sometimes they had a sense of… tough love) but they always had your back.
You didn’t mention Taehyung to Yoongi or Hoseok. You felt as though that was something that should be kept between you and him. Plus, the duo would’ve felt betrayed and upset by the fact you had wandered into foreign territory alone and found company in a complete stranger-- especially after they’d warned you about the whole Jigsaw shit.
To save the arguments, you went about your life as usual. You helped out your Mum with the flower shop, the array of flowers made you realise how the simplest things were beautiful. That of course, didn’t include yourself. Rancid thoughts clouded what was once, a tranquil space. Those god forsaken roots hadn’t lessened. Breathing was still difficult— as was pretending that you were absolutely fine.
You avoided mirrors, a quick glance could wreck your entire mood. You hated people taking photos of you, it made you scrutinise every single thing.
My nose is too big.
My chin is too round.
My face just shouts ugly.
My legs are disgusting.
My stomach is embarrassing.
My boobs are weird.
Not to say, you didn’t have these thoughts on the regular. However, the more you eluded your appearance, the voices lessened. You could ignore the way you looked, forget it completely. Often convinced yourself you were a plain person. The stereotypical norm: someone that no one would look twice at. It helped you get on with everyday tasks, it helped you ease the anxiety.
After all, every flower must grow through dirt.
But how would you react? If you knew, he had all the pictures of you?
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Tuesdays you worked at your Dad’s garage. You didn’t know much about cars but you enjoyed his company. As well as spending time with Hobi and Yoongi. You often found yourself pranking the former with Yoongi, little jokes that luckily, didn’t piss Hobi off too much.
Today though, you were late. You’d had to spend more time trying to find the more appropriate clothing… you didn’t want people to see the slashed lines of red that littered your body.
After you messily threw an outfit together, you made your way down to the garage. You found your eyes trained on the silver Nissan Skyline, mouth agape as you collided into something.
You felt hands grab your shoulders, “Watch where you’re going,” Yoongi brought his hands to ruffle your hair, “gotta be careful while we’ve got that here kidda. That fuckers expensive.” He released a chuckle as you rolled your eyes, softly elbowing him out the way.
Your dad was under the bonnet, a box of tools were scattered around his feet. Organised mess, your Dad was infamous for it.
“Sorry I’m late Pops, what do you want me to do?”
Not even a second later, your Dad turned to face you, “Ah darling, not a lot while we’re working on this. Can you go make us some drinks?”
“Yeah course, I won’t be too long!”
You passed Hoseok on your way to the little kitchen situated at the back, he sent you a wink as he shouted across, “Coffee for me kidda!”
Three cups were spread in front of you. Americano for Yoongi, Coffee for Hobi and Cappuchino for Pops. Just as you were about to shout the guys, a presence had situated itself comfortably behind you. Before you had time to turn around, a deep baritone voice addressed you, “You not gonna ask me if I want a cup baby?”
You felt yourself still. You knew that voice. The voice that was haunting your dreams, even your wake.
You really think anyone on this planet is your friend?
Taehyung watched the way your body tensed, your shoulders stiffened, your breathing altered. Hm, she’s nervous. How cute.
“What are you doing here?” the words passed your lips, delivered as though they were encased in thorns.
A deep chuckle filled the room, “What do you think I’m doing here?” Taehyung inched closer, the atmosphere was almost palpable. You felt the way his chest brushed against your back, a sudden chill shot through you as he brought his hand up— which grazed against your skin whilst he moved your hair from your neck. His eyes turned hungry at the sight of your goosebumps. Your heart raced when he brought his head lower, lips next to your ear, “You think I’m here for you baby?” I am… but you don’t need to know that just yet.
You spun around, squashed between the table and Taehyung. Heat radiated off of him, how can he be so hot? It felt like you were in a furnace (while face to face with the Devil.)
Fear stricken, you tried to fight through it. Don’t show him. Don’t let him see. With a sarcastic smile plastered on your face you retorted, “Of course you are Taehyung. You tracked me down using the information I gave you and figured out which Garage is ours.”
The sarcasm was practically dripping from your tone like venom. Taehyung felt himself stifle a laugh.
You just didn’t know. In all fairness, you didn’t know anything. How would you know that Taehyung had done exactly that, except he’d done it months prior.
He lowered his head to yours, your hands raised to push him away but Taehyung wrapped his fingers around each wrist and tugged them to lay between you before you even had the chance to nudge him. You felt like you were stuck in a Venus fly trap.
“I’m not some type of sicko, doll.”
You were just a naive, misunderstood, little girl.
“I’m getting my car fixed. Your dad’s working on it right now.”
Your body visibly relaxed, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Oh, the Skyline? Wait, you have a car and made us walk back to mine the other week?”
“I didn’t make you walk for the fun of it baby, my car is literally in the shop so obviously it was broken.”
Only, the car was perfectly fine when you met him those weeks ago. He had made the pair of you walk so he’d have more of a chance to speak to you and to touch you. The only way he could follow you around without being suspicious, especially at your dads work, was to have a somewhat reasonable excuse (which resulted in him messing with the engine). He knew although you’d shied away from him that night, he could easily win you back around.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry Taehyung. I’m also uh, sorry about how that night ended.”
“Don’t sweat it, I know what I said came off a little... weird but I didn’t mean any harm.”
With an angelic smile on your face in return, Taehyung knew that soon, that smile would morph into a grateful one. After all, he was going to help you.
Until a person is faced with death, it’s impossible to tell whether they have what it takes to survive.
Live or Die.
Your choice.
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He had first seen you out and about last year. However, he had first heard of you when the guys working for him had slammed a file onto his desk, Subject #13 was scrawled on the top. Filled to the brim with pictures of you and everything about your life down to the littlest detail.
L/N Y/N— D.O.B 03.11.02— 19 years old.
Phone number: XXXXX.XXXXX
Female. Lives with parents at: 171 Norm Street, Falfield F91 7DW. Was outcasted at school but befriended a Jeon Jeongguk [19 years, male. 92 Carriers Road, Cressage CY5 3EA. XXXXX.XXXXX].
Ex partner is Kang Jaehyo. [23 years. Male. Abusive and manipulative, laid his hands on Y/N multiple times leaving bruises and scars. Sexual abuse was also discovered. Have been broken up for 4 months. 13 Walkers Drive, Falfield, F73 1DL XXXXX.XXXXX]
Y/N has suicidal ideations (as well as 7 attempts). Self harms by “cutting” “punching” and “scratching”. Diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety Disorder on May 13th 2016. Works at Toret Garage and Letty’s Floral. Both places owned by parents.
The web of lies and deceit had barely scraped the surface.
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