#but once you do it is devestating and it feels amazing
bipidin · 11 months
The Barbie movie hits you in waves
A lot of us have been that girl who comes to hate Barbie, and like America there comes a point where you see the faults but love the idea of Barbie and what she can be but also despair because no it's not that easy its a dream Barbieland is a dreamland and is it not enough to just be nothing more than ordinary because sometimes thats enough.
But sometimes it isn't. Sometimes that isn't enough and the world is set up to hold you back and Barbieland is a dreamland like you childhood but as soon as you hit adulthood that dreamland falls apart and it hurts like hell. Change hurts like hell and its devestating fighting for what is right and the Kens deserve better just like women deserve better and that happens slowly and that is frustrating and its not a happy ending but its not a sad ending because life isn't fully sad or happy and it doesn't end because there will always be another little girl
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polyamorouspunk · 3 months
hii taking you up on your advice offer 😭 ur poly so maybe u have more experience with this than me, how would i break up with my longterm partner?
we’ve been dating for 2 years, it really has seemed perfect but lately idk its just felt wrong. we’ve kinda planned our lives around eachother and moving in together once we graduate, but i cant make myself want to kiss them or be romantic anymore, i dont want to respond to their texts, i get annoyed at them for no reason. they havent done anything wrong theyre wonderful its a “its not you its me” situation to a T.
all of our friends are mutual friends, but most of them were technically my friends first (all the people they used to hang out with sucked) so im scared if we break up they wont have anyone to talk to about it. i really dont want to hurt them.
i honestly might realize this is just me being dumb and all of this will pass and ill want to be with them still once it does, but since i have no clue how id break it off i feel so trapped. i want to know i have a way out if things dont get better, i want to stay with them because i truly changed my mind not because i didnt have a choice.
Not in a poly sense but just a “have had a few relationships” sense I guess I can offer advice.
So I’ve never actually broken up with anyone before, except for the last guy I was messing around with (Catboy) just because as much as I had sooo much feelings for him it was like the most unhealthy “relationship” for me. Like I finally realized like “oh I’m actually NOT better off seeing him, my mental health is ACTUALLY worse” because of his shenanigans.
However, I did have a long term partner who I dated for 6 years who we had plans to move in together and get married etc. same kind of deal, all their friends were my friends. And they dumped me, and yeah, it was really fucking hard even though I knew everyone was going to take my side. And the one person who didn’t I ended up not speaking to anymore because I was like if you’re not going to realize that I’m the only one whose going to keep talking to you because my ex doesn’t give a shit about keeping in contact with people, then that’s on you.
I was devestated. This was like 3 years ago at this point and pretty much right up until about this year I felt like I was somehow “living in the wrong timeline” and like my entire life’s trajectory had been pulled out from underneath me. Not from the breakup so much as them just deciding they never wanted to speak to me again, that I was bad for their mental health, etc. which I always told them if I’m ever bad for your mental health then break up with me, and I meant it and stand by that and their decision, but it still fucking hurt.
Like if that’s what they had to do that’s what they had to do. If that’s what you have to do then that’s what you have to do. While I am of course resentful to my ex, and I hope they get hit by a car or something sometimes, I do stand by their decision that if I wasn’t good for them then I’m happy they left me behind. I don’t know if other people are going to have that same view upon being dumped. I mean like I said I still hate them. But to say that they should have stayed with me for my sake is hypocritical.
Not only that, but an issue of intimacy was occurring between us during the lead-up to the breakup. And as soon as I wasn’t with them anymore and I was able to be with Catboy instead I got a taste of what I had been missing and GOD it felt so good. For the first time ever I felt like someone actually wanted to be intimate with me. It was an amazing feeling. My ex dumping me opened up the door for me to have things I was missing in that relationship. So it wasn’t all bad, for sure.
You have to do what you have to do for yourself. You come first. If you need to break up with your partner, or take space, or whatever, you just have to go for it if you really think it’s what’s best for you.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
I know you talked about Sandy and Debbie before; but I avoided it because I didn't want to be spoiled too much; but I finally got to that and!! I don't really like Sandy?? I have abandonment issues too so I totally get Debbie and am on her side so maybe I'm biased but like Sandy's lack of communication really frustrated me + then her response to Debbie's emotions and insecurities being "you're a psycho" also frustrated me and overall I feel like Debbie deserves someone better than Sandy; fuck what Frank said
but I know you like Sandy and Debbie together so do you mind explaining why? maybe im missing something; and if youve talked about this before, you can just link me to that!
wow i love this ask so much
so i like them together, but once 11x05-11x08 hit i don’t really. i’m surprised i havent talked about this more, and if anyone wants me to i will, but sebbie and gallavich have so many parallels so i think that a part of why i liked them was because they’re very similar to gallavich.
^ and much like gallavich, they SERIOUSLY struggle with miscommunication. this is what ruins them, and this is what nearly ruined gallavich. one thing about them is that the way they were raised fucks with a lot of it. i think this applies to every single relationship every gallagher has been in (especially gallagher x milkovich ships, like gallavich and whatever lip x mandy was called) struggles with miscommunication because the way milkoviches are vs how gallagher’s are is very different. debbie was raised by frank, monica, and fiona. her perspective on what love was was seriously warped because she saw frank and monica’s love which was… well, you know, and then fiona and her many boyfriends who treated her like shit. on top of this, she has serious abandonment issues and is still yet to learn how to cope with them. in sandy’s case, we don’t know much about her childhood other than the fact that she was basically raised as mickey’s sister and got into a serious relationship with an adult at fifteen, so i don’t think it’s too absurd to assume that she didn’t have a great childhood.
sandy is more comfortable with leaving and has a hard time expressing her emotions. debbie doesn’t want anyone to leave her, ever, and can express her emotions but probably not in the most “healthy” way.
i think that i’m biased too because i also have abandonment issues so i get it. but idk.
they had potential, for sure, i think that the mere possibility that debbie could have a girlfriend who validated her emotions and stayed with her was great but unfortunately, it didn’t work out. that devestates me because i’ve talked about this many times, but i’ll say it again, debbie’s trapped in this endless cycle of attaching herself then being left, over and over again. it is literally her entire storyline.
i think that debbie’s feelings about not knowing a lot about sandy’s life were valid, i don’t know if i’d fully defend tracking her but hey, gallagher’s have done much worse- i don’t really blame her for wanting to know if her girlfriend was cheating on her or living a double life or what (*cough* jimmy-steve *cough*). but also, if i were sandy, i would be pretty pissed about that! regardless, why didn’t she tell debbie (her girlfriend of like, nine months at that point) where she worked or where she lived? i get that she was embarrassed but that’s your girlfriend, man. invalidating her feelings on that and calling her a pyscho wasn’t cool, but again, i’m biased and if i were her i wouldn’t be very happy. we have to remember the severity of debbie’s abandonment/attachment issues and how she thinks that’s okay and normal. she reached this point of feeling dependent on sandy and it makes sense that she freaked out the way she did.
but god, i hated 11x07. i mean, i loved it, but i hated it. i think it was a really realistic depiction of abandonment issues, and it was amazing for it’s awknolegment of debbie’s trauma (i wish we got more of that and i wish that people fucking listened to that part). overall, that was a very debbie-centric episode so i loved that, but god, the fight they had.
i have more to say but idk how to say it here, but i really liked sebbie in the sense that i thought they had potential, more potential than anyone else debbie had been with, but their ending was bullshit and i really don’t like the things that went down.
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Had a thought about Gai and Dai in GOS, was curious on your thoughts on it (I made myself cry again). Sorry for the fanfiction length.
But, what if for a while, Gai wasn't sure if he wanted to go back for reincarnation after his second life. Like no offense to Obito but... THAT LIFE WAS AWEFUL. It had some amazing highs. But the lows were so deep it was a miracle he clawed out of them. He lost his humanity. His family hated him. He had to fight Fucking uh..... That guy!!!
(Madara: I swear to me if you forget one more time-)
It was terrifying. And depressing! He never got to be with the man he loved in a way he wanted because he was a fucking dragon!!! He couldn't even bring himself to confess! Was not a fun time!!! He's almost happy to be dead because at least now he can see his hands again. His human hands...he hadn't seen them in centuries.
And Obito feels a little bad but he also struck a deal with Hashirama that Gai's next life would be amazing! Absolutely stunning. If Gai wants to move on to the next part of death, of course, he wouldn't stop him but... that would devestate his brother... so before Gai made a final choices, he asked him to see one person who wanted to see him first.
And Gai of course thinks it will be Kakashi but...its Dai. Its his original papa...
And of course the two break down seeing each other and holding each other in the classic Maito hug (can't not have it happen.) And after catching up and informing Dai about his new life, Dai listens and takes it all in stride...but very much wishes to meet Gai's so-called "father" and get him very aquainted, with his fists!!!
But after they get reaquainted and calm down, Obito tells him the plan. That when the time is right, he'd like to not only send Gai back...but send them back together, as father and son again. In a world less unforgiving (their tribe originally predated farming before the godly intervention. It was VERY hard life), full of "modern" comforts. In a time of peace. They both might need to wait a while, and he might need to practice this whole reincarnation thing because well...he's new at it and its a little hard. But he could give them an amazing shared life together if they trust them.
And they do.
Which results in King Dai, and Prince Gai. And true to his word it was an amazing life. For both of them. To the point that every time Gai would die and meet Obito again he really was all "When can I go back again?!" All enthusiastically!
But after Dai meets Gai again after the third life ends and upon hearing his story, it turns out...Dai won't be coming back again. Not ever. This was his last life.
Not because he didn't love both lives. He's not giving up on his youth...but he knows the next life has no guarantee that Gai would be his son again. Or a life after that, and he is happy just to have had the opportunity to raise Gai not only once, but twice. To hold his sweet baby son once again and then see him grow into a noble man which he might not have been able to see in his first life... all that was more than he ever wanted. He is at peace, completely fulfilled and ready to move on to the next part.
But he insists Gai should stay. Gai should be reborn as many times as he likes, forever if possible, because Dai can see the world is a better place when his son is in it. And he wants Gai to know that no matter how bad things get, or how hard they are, how old or young Gai ends up becoming, even if he becomes a dragon again or a tiny worm in the future... that Dai is always will watch over him in his own way.
No matter how the world shapes Gai's life, and who or what he becomes... Dai will always love him, and his eternally youthful spirit.
There's probably more Maito crying (because THEY NEED TO FEEL) I could even see Gai's spirit becoming a child for a bit as his papa hugs him, but they both accept each other's choice.
I'm not sure what becomes of the dead when they move on in this world. Or if Dai could have become something akin to Kakashi's lightning after his human die and their spirits mingle with his power forever (as Gai and Dai are both mortals). But I like to imagine some part of Dai is always with Gai in his heart/ spirit from there on out. No matter the lifetime or what happens, the voice of Dai cheers his heart on, and Gai keeps the spirit of youth alive with his papa in that way. Even if he can't remeber him in life, he feels his warmth in some way, always. And he gets to remwmber his papa and his kind words every time he dies.
Also Hashirama is watching ALL of this to the side with Obito (both times). He's outwardly bawling and Obito is subtly crying- ("NO I'M NOT! I HAVE SOMETHING IN HIS EYES, OKAY?! ITS DUSTY IN THE UNDERWORLD!!!"), and both go see their dads afterwards for....reasons!!!
(Hogoromo: Its been almost been a million years. Why are you visiting me?
Hashirama: Because you're my dad... 🥲
Obito: *tea day with Sakumo.*)
Just... I'm sorry. I love Dai and Gai so much. Sorry if none of that is true/ even slightly what you invisioned. I just like the idea of them having their own little story in this grand universe.
Ohhh all of this is beautiful and i really love the moment when the two choose their paths going forward, knowing full well they may never interact again but also getting the opportunity to tell each other how much they love each other.
It’s Definitly an emotional time for everyone who’s there to witness it
I wouldn’t have Dai mingling with Kakashi’s lightning, but death in this world is very… interesting. There are spirits (like Hiroki’s daughter who hangs with Nakano) and the actual domains for dead people, but i think Dai would be one of the special few
A star that Obito places in the sky so he can watch over the world, and Gai, at all times. Dai has always wondered how things would progress and he gets to see it for himself for all of eternity. He even gets to watch as Kakashi turns into a mortal and finds Gai all over again, just to fall in love with him again.
And every-time Gai dies he gets to remember not just his parents love from that last lifetime, but all his parents love. Especially the love he gets to remember that Dai had for him.
But also, as a star Dai gets to have visitors and you bet your butt Kakashi’s going up there once in a while to make sure he’s doing ok. Gai even gets to start visiting his papa in the sky once he becomes a god 🥰🥰🥰
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practickles · 8 months
Haruka Kiritani Tickle HCs
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Obligatory Warning: This post is entirely focused on SFW fluffy tickles.
She is a full on pure switch.
Very very (canonically) casual about it, Painful Hope event my beloved.
She just sees it as silly fun and an easy way of getting people to smile.
Obviously not with strangers of course, but she doesn't need to be particularly close or best friends with anyone to enjoy tickling/being tickled. If everyone involved is comfortable, then she is too.
As a ler, she is an absolute menace to all lees everywhere
What makes her so bad is the fact that she doesn't necessarily go for worst spots per sae.
Instead, she will quickly and methodically figure out what teases get to her lee and then proceed to exploit those weaknesses for all they're worth.
Her "it's tickle time" line in Painful Hope kills me
She will sit there and try every. little. thing. until she can figure out what exactly is the most effective.
She's also the perceptive type, so don't even try to hide your reactions unless you want to be at her mercy for much much longer.
Of course she has the capacity to be gentle, and can and will do so at the slightest request/sign of discomfort, it's just not her go to.
Though gentle tickles with her are so. good.
Again, perceptive, so she can tell exactly how happy her lee is and how gentle they want.
Just because she knows though, doesn't mean she won't ask. One of her favorite teases is trying to get a lee to admit exactly what they want in heavy detail.
Most often, she tickles all of MMJ and An, and will sometimes also go for Saki, Ichika, Miku or Rin, but most of her friends have experienced it at least once.
Now just because she knows what she's doing doesn't mean she's always confident and mean.
And yeah, cocky ler Haruka can be devestating but I also raise you (vaguely inspired by something Atti said once) giddy ler Haruka
Haruka who just gets so happy to be able to let loose with her loved ones that she can't stop smiling and blushing watching them fall for pieces under her touch
She gets so much pure amazement from the fact that she made them smile like that. They're laughing because of her.
Sometimes, she'll think so much about it that she'll just stop tickling entirely.
Leaving her lee with either confusion and worry (in the cases of Minori, Shizuku, and Miku) or a perfect opportunity to tease her (An, Airi, and Rin)
She is surprisingly far easier to tease as a ler than a lee.
To her, it's far more embarrassing to be making someone else laugh than laughing herself.
If she's the one laughing, she can hide behind the fact that she can't control it. Her reactions are due to the fact that the ler wants to see them. But when she's doing the tickling, it's all on her. Like a big neom sign pointed right at her saying she loves tickling.
Though there's not much of that she can hide anymore.
BEAUTIFUL lee. Yk that idol sparkle thing she does? Yeah.
Her tickle laugh is nothing less than enchanting.
Her worst spot by a mile is her belly. Poor girl can't take it at all.
She learned at a young age not to wear crop tops or anything that remotely shows her stomach around An unless she wants to get wrecked to bits.
She very frequently wears crop tops around An
The only people that ever regularly try to get her back are Saki, Rin, An, and Airi.
Minori in particular feels a little shy and intimidated by going up to her idol and doing something as childish as tickling her despite the fact that not two days ago, said idol pinned her to the ground and tickled her to oblivion.
Miku, Luka, and especially Rin like to offer to tickle her when she's feeling down.
Ever since finding out how much she likes it, it has become Rin's go to for cheering up Haruka.
When she gets too in her own head, sometimes before she even notices it herself, she'll find herself in a spontaneous hug from Rin and a few moments later, doubled over in laughter.
She's about average in terms of general ticklishness and doesn't have a whole lot of weird spots but is pretty ticklish in most common places, (sides, feet, armpits, neck, etc.)
She is not at all embarrassed about being tickled, maybe gets a little pink over her more extreme reactions, but other than that is pretty much unshakable.
That does not keep her from hiding/controlling her laugh. She's not embarrassed about being tickled, but she is VERY embarrassed about her natural tickle laugh.
It takes a certain stubbornness and preserverance to get her to finally stop manufacturing her laughter. She is very well practiced in that regard.
Verbal teasing to the tune of "Aw, does that tickle?" or "What's so funny? Why are you laughing?" doesn't do a whole lot in terms of flustering her.
She's also very used to being called pretty/affirmations in her general appearance so for the most part, complements don't get her very bad.
Even if she gets insecure, she's still used to hearing it so it doesn't have much of an effect.
(Unless they are from a romantic interest OR happen to be when she's already feeling down about herself and then they're pretty decent at making butterflies)
The real big ones though are the holy grails of both physical teasing and baby talk.
Slowly pushing up her shirt and "accidentally" brushing against her stomach actually kills her.
And "Kitchi kitchi coo!" Makes her lose her mind.
She's just so so so soft and I adore her. Live laugh lee ler Haruka
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willel · 2 years
Tumblr poofed my post before I finished it 😢 All my excitement has been ever so slightly dulled. I have to type this out in a text editor first in case it happens again. I'll make the intro briefer than I originally did.
My rating for the season are: Season 1 > 2 > 4 >>> 3
Still not entirely happy with some plot distribution, but overall I like where the supernatural plot is going and I liked how certain relationships finally got something.
More below!
I guess I'll start again with the WillEl scenes. Especially the hug. I shit you not, that is the first time I've ever cried about Stranger Things ever. I say cried but I was smiling and giggling like a mad woman as tears ran down my face. I rewinded it a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
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Only thing that made me mad is Jonathan didn't join. What the heck big bro, stop trying to be cool!!!! HUG THEM
Well, he does hug Will at least.
I didn't really say much because I suspected this would happen, but once again Will is trying to set his feelings aside for the sake of other people. And well, what can he really do? He loves Mike. But he also loves El. She saved his life, and they welcomed her into their home. He is her sister and he truly feels that way, you can tell. So he wasn't going to do anything even though he technically did confess and then slapped El's name on it.
That poor kid, it's unfair. 😔 Stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wonder if he truly feels fulfilled this way. Probably not. I wonder where this plot thread will go.
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I would've loved if Will managed to say more, but maybe Jonathan knows that he couldn't, therefore, didn't ask. Jonathan allowed Will to come out without saying anything. Just, "Absolutely nothing will change that. Ok?"
I love the Byers + El. I truly truly do. My angels.
Ok ok, next thing popping out in my mind! LUCAS AND MAX! OH MY GOSH!!! That note passing thing was so sweet 😥😥 Sadly I was partially spoiled on this bit because everyone was saying Max would end up in a coma and I couldn't avoid it. I didn't know how it would happen of course. Poor Max. And Lucas oh my gosh, that fight? I'm glad he won out in the end. He saw someone he loved was in danger and kicked his ass into gear. Sadly it was too late. Lucas crying???? Definitely the second time I cried. I say cried, but I was still smiling and giggling even though it was devestating. Maybe I'm a crazy person.
If I had to guess what's happening to Max, I'd say Vecna did manage to get her soul. But her body is still in tact so maybe upon defeating them Max will be freed. That's my guess. But this post isn't for plot guessing!
Next we have Joyce and Hopper! An expected outcome for sure, though I guess I didn't expect they'd make out. How gross are their mouths exactly? It's all I could think about. Disgusting. But hey, I guess after everything that happened they don't care about a little plagque squapping.
JOYCE SAVED HIM MORE THAN ONCE! She wasn't gonna stand by and let what happened to Bob happen to him!
I'm shocked that their Russian pals and everyone got out of there alive! Especially Murray, I was real worried so I'm glad he's ok tbh.
Eddie! Once again, another spoiler I couldn't avoid. I didn't know how it would happen, but I kinda expected it somehow. It was sadder than I thought it'd be. I wasn't attached to Eddie exactly, but I felt really bad for Dustin. And I did feel bad that Eddie never got to clear his name and for his uncle. His uncle clearly loved him SO MUCH, it's so sad they didn't get to reunite. This is the first time Dustin and Lucas are facing a real loss close to them.
I'm glad the jock is dead. Jason was it? It was terrifying seeing him dissentigrate though. I'm guessing that's what happened to all the people who got in the path of the big gate. But why??? Why did they dissentigrate and not just fall through? Isn't that kinda weird?
I'm mad I didn't get my "See? We're gonna fix it" line from Will but whatever >:C Hopper reunion! I guess they really want to make sure season 5 is all set up.
JOYCE HUGGING HER BOYS HGNOEGNRJHHNRHHF JOYCE HUGGING EL RGHWSNROUJWRSNHOWRHNWIRHNIWORKHNWHNRRG Fucking finally. I get to drop the fbomb. It's about damn time. I'm giffing EVERYTHING after I reblog everyone else's gifs.
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Ok ok, anymore thoughts up in this noggin?
I am VERY disappointed in what the did with the Jonathan and Nancy situation. I mentioned how in my lost post that they were setting up plot threads for season 5 and this is one of them. They didn't let Jonathan come clean and once again they seemingly have Nancy questioning things. :/ I feel like there's so much they could do with Jonathan and Nancy that isn't this. Even if their relationship was on the rocks again, why do you need to include Steve? I hate it. I'm not a super big shipper or anything but I … hate it. Love triangles are annoying, especially when they've already be buried.
I like what they did with Robin and Vickie. I assume by next season it'll be more than just flirting.
Also what the hell, why is anyone gonna stay in Hawkins after that huh????? Everyone needs to evacuate.
Also where the hell is Owens huh? They all just abandoned him there but I guess he was on a time crunch. I guess that woman is gonna take over for Owens and Owens is probably being detained.
Oh right! Hopper and El's ruinion! That was really cute how they commented on the matching hair. Aw, he's so happy and she is too. The whole family is finally here~
Anything else anything else……..
Oh right! I did sorta predict it would end on a Will cliffhanger and it certainly did. I'll save my thoughts on Will, El, and the supernatural for later.
I think that covers all my initial thoughts! More posts will definitely follow with more defined things to say.
I did like it, I am way more satisfied by this ending that I was by the entirety of season 3. I don't feel like I'm in a limbo of did I like it or did I hate it. I firmly liked it. For that, I am grateful. I'm sure I'll pick it apart and find issues later but I don't immediately feels like there's a dictionary full like there was for season 3. I got lots of character interactions (like Will and El hugging Dustin and Lucas. Felt so satsifying). So yeah. Cheers!
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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juke | spiderman au | tw: violence | title: motion // luke hemmings
"Hey, Julie," Luke greets, walking into Molina's Flowers & Gifts.
It's quiet in the store. An abundance of flowers packed together winking at him, corners stuffed with candles, books, vases and picture frames. It's a well-loved shop, within the Molina family for decades, their youngest daughter and his classmate now meandering behind the counter.
She smiles, "Hey, Luke. How are your aunt's tulips?"
"Uh," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck, "very... tulip-y."
"Yeah. Anyway—" he points at her "—about the assignment. I can't do it with you."
She frowns. "Why?"
Because at night, he has to patrol the city! Who else is going to protect and serve New York — or Queens, specifically! They need him! Sure, they don't appreciate him or, y'know, know who he is, but...
As much as he wants to work with Julie — and really, he does, she's amazing — he simply can't. That's the responsibility he's taken upon himself as Spiderman and he has to honour that.
"Family commitment," he lies with a grimace. "I can do some research in the library this week, but—"
"Forget it," she mutters. "I'll do it. But you present, okay? I hate public speaking."
He sighs in relief. "Thank you! Yes, you got it!"
"You owe me now, you know that?" she asks, peering. It reminds him how she, unlike him, is a full-blooded New Yorker. She has bark and bite, while he has that Los Angeles softness buffing the edges of his actions.
Unless he's Spiderman. Then there's no stopping him.
Leaning against the counter, he tries dazzling her with a charming smile. "Like what?"
She thinks for a moment, face twisting up in that cute, pensive face she has; always crossing her features during calculus or physics. Another reason why he hates bailing on her: she's mad cute — and one of the few people at school that doesn't regard his music mania as geeky.
"Every weekend, me and my dad go to the flower market and get our batch. It's at four am. My dad's sick, so you're joining me this Saturday."
He grimaces. "Four? Really?"
"I know you're not Jewish. You're free."
"I could be!"
Her head tilts, amused. "Are you, Patterson?"
Sighing, his head drops along with his resolve. She has him. "Fine. Yes, I'll help you. Don't blame me if I fall asleep with my eyes open!"
Julie giggles at his remark and it makes him look up, a giddy feeling spreading in his chest. Her face is close to his, the colours of the flowers glimmering in her eyes, and he's kind of taken by her. Wow.
"Great. Now get out of my store!" she commands, grabbing the broom beside her. "I need to sweep the floors."
Pushing himself off from the counter, he cheekily salutes at her and bids goodbye, bouncing outside mere seconds later. That went better than expected — he even made her laugh!
Reggie sends him a text. I updated your suit. Good to go for tonight with zero malfunctions!
His grin widens. This Tuesday afternoon could not have gone better!
Fuck. He should've known those words were gonna jinx him.
Luke slings from skyscraper to skyscraper after a gang of armed criminals, failing to capture them with his webs and almost being shot himself just ten minutes ago!
Yeah, sneezing loudly during their very creepy gang meeting in a quiet Queens alleyway was not his proudest moment. Fucking hay fever.
It's even worse that they're fighting in his neighborhood, the streets familiar and well-trodden by him, his friends, his family. His stomach twists up with dread, but he has to keep going. He almost has them!
There's six of them, so he's sure he can get a few from a distance. Quickly mapping out his strategy from the ledge of a building, bug eyes gleaming in the street lights, he launches into action.
(There are police sirens in the distance, likely being called after the thugs broke into that bank, but Luke can't wait. This is his time.)
Webbing two against the brick walls of a bodega, he throws a joke alongside it too and adds extra webbing to their mouths. No need to hear their response!
A third thug gets lassoed towards him, dizzying the man, and a simple swing of the fists knocks him out cold.
The other three keep sprinting, shooting over their shoulder all precariously. If Luke wasn't running on adrenaline and fright, he'd scoff at their mindless use of bullets. One hits a lamppost, a mailbox, a tree.
(On that tree, a “who is spiderman?” poster, something he'd get excited over if, again, there wasn't a crime to be solved. Damn it, thugs!)
He manages to shoot a gun out of one man's hand and then web him down on the pavement, but the last two outsmart him. Exhaustion weighs his bones down — it's one am, school starts at eight, he has to pretend to be all normal and cool — and the police still hasn't arrived.
Any nagging thought gets knocked out of his mind the second he sees them crashing the windows of the Molina's, barelling into their store. His gut plummets while anger rises, reaching a fever pitch shaped in an angry cry and a boost of energy. Screw, strategy! He needs to fix this!
Zooming into the store after them, more bullets hurl by, shattering glass and vases and flying past their faces. It works to his advantage, the criminals trying to shield themselves with their hands, a sudden weak spot. Luke webs one to the ground, extra hard.
But then two arms curl around his neck from behind.
"Whoa!" he chokes out, flailing to be released. "C'mon, man!"
"Time to sleep, Spiderman!" the criminal snarls with a thick east coast accent, tightening his iron hold.
Luke helplessly tries hitting him with his feet and elbows, but the man is rock solid and his spidey system malfunctions again from the high levels of stress. Shit!
Just as he feels lightheaded, a resounding clang! makes the arms slacken, the man slumping on the ground like a heavy sack of potatoes. Staggering away, he whirls around, only to come face to face with an enraged Julie Molina.
She squeaks out an undignified warrior cry, raising her baseball bat once more to knock him out.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he yells, grabbing onto the end of the stick before she gives him a concussion. "I'm the good guy! I'm—" he lowers his voice "—I'm Spiderman!"
The bat clatters to the ground. Her eyes slowly drift to the webbed man and the man's ass she whooped. And then, when he thinks she'll start crying from shock, she looks back at him in confusion.
"Why did you lower your voice like that?"
He blinks. Not what he expected. "Wha-? No, I didn't."
"You did. You sounded like a boy and now you don't."
He groans, stomping his foot. "I didn't! Anyway, Ju- miss. Girl. Thanks for the help. The police is on their way."
Her shoulder sag, now seemingly registering what just transpired. Her eyes, previously so pretty in daylight, well up with tears as she takes stock of her ruined family establishment. Luke swallows back the guilt, the immense urge to comfort her.
If he had just been faster... none of this would've happened.
A sob wracks her body. "My- my store. My dad. The flowers. We- we-" Her gaze locks on his, furiously devestated. "Why did you lead them here?!"
He raises his hands in defense. "I didn't! They trespassed! I- I'm so sorry, miss."
Her head shakes, more tears slipping down her cheeks. "That's not... good enough. Please go."
"Go!" she shouts, pointing at the broken window.
He nods, obliging, utters once more the police is coming, and flies out the window. His mask rubs uncomfortably against his skin, cold sweat and tears pricking like needles.
When the next day at school Julie is nowhere to be found, he's not surprised.
@blush-and-books @bluefirewrites @thedeathdeelers @unsaid-emily @willexx @ourstarscollided @pink-flame @constantly-singing
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createandconstruct · 3 years
My fav scene in FF9, is right at the end of burmecia when Beatrix party wipes you. Up until that point you felt like a hero (through Zidane generally) who is galavanting through a fantasy world. Yeah there are dark aspects like in the village of Dali, the war, and why the black waltz exist. But they are all things you could overcome with enough grit, can do attitude, and a bit of luck. But in Burmecia things are different, the devestation already happened, the heroes weren't there. And throughout this Freya is struggling between her guilt and pain at leaving to chase after her love, only to come back to the place she once protected covered in death and destruction. Even Zidane can't pull a brave face, its bleak and clearly so.
And then we finally see Beatrix, the woman who stole Fratley from Freya, standing and taking orders from the queen and her assistany as if she was some common knave. And I think that thought is what spurred Freya on, the fact the woman who turned Freya's world grey was just a lapdog to the queen.
During the fight proper, I imagine Freya being filled with too much fury to think logically. Zidane knows Beatrix, everyone does, and he's only fighting to stop his friend from killing herself upon Beatrix's sword. And then, all of that didn't matter.
Thats the most amazing, and horrific part. None of it mattered to Kuja, Brahne, or Beatrix, just another interruption (obviously Kuja was enjoying the show, but it wasn't pivotal to him.) And we as the player feel just as helpless, as powerless, and in some cases just as weak was Freya was feeling. It is such a good and poignant way to get the players to emphasize with the characters and doesn't feel heavy handed/forced.
This is such an absolutely perfect analysis of why Burmecia is such a potent part of FFIX. The only thing I can add to this phenomenal breakdown is my own experience which I think reflects how well the game forces the player to feel the tonal shift that comes from Burmecia. And how it does so using Garnet and Zidane's argument after the Harvest Festival.
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I remember playing the game for the first time and during Disc 1, when the Burmecia soldier crawls his way into the royal chambers to inform Cid and Lindblum of the attack on Burmeica, and absolutely not jiving with Zidane's perspective and attitude towards Garnet. Garnet demands to come with him and Freya to Burmecia so that she can confront her mother and hopefully stop the war that has already begun. We've been given small hints that Brahne's plans for Garnet are maybe not entirely good-natured and motherly (calling her 'wretched girl' not great mothering) but there isn't any true evidence of malice, yet. The Black Waltzes that came before also all spared Garnet of any harm and so as a player (at least for me) its possible to think that Garnet could be the one person to stop Brahne.
Also, at this point, Garnet has been an integral member of the party as a healer and she's been struggling with her own shortcomings that you want to see her overcome. Despite her work and effort, her own planning and consideration for Alexandria and her mother weren't as original as she thought. Cid was steps ahead of her, already planning to evacuate her from Alexandria (and it was not for plans of collaboration with her on how to stop war but instead to keep her safe from it). And so Garnet argues to come along so she doesn't get left behind and anyone who doesn't want to lose their healer would agree. As Brahne's daughter she could be the one person who can talk sense into the war-bound woman. The tone of the game at this point makes it seem like a possible card that could be played.
Yet for the first time Zidane says no. And as the player I found the way he spoke to her condensing and his argument lacking. And you're exactly right: with enough grit what can't the party face? They've done it thus far after all. That's what's running through the players ahead. Instead Zidane doesn't exude that confidence. He simply asks Garnet how she felt seeing the soldier die and questions her attitude in the face of war, which she has never experienced. Even freaking Steiner agrees with Zidane, after Garnet has knocked out the party, telling her its not her battle to join, and one he would never wish her to. Without Ultimania's added info to Steiner's character you could interpret it that Steiner once served as a solider for Alexandria in the previous Gaian wars however it makes sense that now (with Ultimania) he was speaking of his experience as a child orphaned by war. We later see that Garnet does take some of this heart as she doesn't venture to Burmecia but instead to Alexandira so she can directly face the source of the problem and avoid the battlefield.
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During this whole scene I was on Garnet's side and I think the game intends you to be. At this point Zidane has been swinging and missing with her because of his own developing feelings and insecurities (he pulls a line on her that he used on another girl, uses a date with her as a reward for Vivi, and then seemingly looks down on her) all while Garnet has been faced with the limits of her title and her own power as person. By the start of the war, Garnet and Zidane aren't on the same page and as a player you can feel that, it just depends on who you side with. Though tonally, it feels right to side with Garnet. Her view of war (or specifically her mother) and your ability to overcome it as the player are in tune.
And so you have the original core party splitting in half. It's awesome to watch Garnet declare and fight for her own agency in this conflict, doing all she can to save her mother, kingdom, and others from this brewing war. It's refreshing to see a female character fight back when male characters stress her naivety and ignorance, and there's expectation that the characters will all reach Burmecia together and Garnet will prove Zidane and the others wrong.
But... then you reach Gizmaluke's Grotto. Bodies litter the entrance and your path. You make your way through and hit Disc 2 and after we learn that Garnet and Steiner have aimed their path towards Alexandria (unbeknownst to Zidane and co.) the fun lighthearted fantasy world ends. The battles you could take single-handedly are over. You find North Gate which Freya declares smells of blood and smoke and you walk your way to the gates of Burmecia....
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...and you understand Zidane's words. When that soldier crawled his way to Lindblum, only to die at everyone's feet, war had already begun. While the party waits for the gate of Burmecia to open innocent people have already been killed and are being killed. When you visit North Gate before the Ice Cavern Alexandria has raised its war banner, and now they have attacked. There is no matter of convincing Brahne of anything, at this point, she must be stopped. Yet when you arrive at Burmecia you're already far too late. A kingdom and its people have been decimated. The corpses of citizens are strewn about in the city streets. Zidane only prays Garnet hadn't come this way.
At some point when reflecting on the game I realized the weight behind Zidane's original words I had found condescending towards Garnet. He questions her feeling of sadness towards war because he knows his own. He's afraid. At the prospect of war even Zidane is scared and by walking through the ruins of Freya's home, you know why. Watching Beatrix, Brahne, and Kuja think nothing of the loss and destruction they've caused you know why. The game shows you the true colors of war and while Garnet knows the significance she does not know (or rather cannot yet remember) the experience of it which is why she can still face her mother, the perpetrator, with hope of change and pacifism. Such a realization hit me hard. Add it to the list of why FFIX is incredible.
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‘Til I Forget About You | Reggie Peters
JATP x BTR Week - Day 2: BTR
Song used: ‘Til I Forget About You - Big Time Rush 
Pairing: Modern Day!Reggie x Reader
Summary: When Reggie’s girlfriend breaks up with  him, he’s completely devestated. Now it’s up to y/n, Luke, Alex and Julie to cheer him up again. With the help of parties, movie nights and just overall fun things, Reggie completely forgets about Lisa. 
A/N: Thanks @jatp-btr, @meangirlsx and @darlingsteveharrington for this amazing idea! Honored to be a part of this! Extra special shoutout to @darlingsteveharrington​ for making me these amazing time jump headers!! I am forever grateful and appreaciate you so so so much! 💕
Warnings: Underage drinking, party, alcohol, heartbreak
Words:  5,880
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Reggie sat by himself in the garage one afternoon, plucking the strings of his bass guitar soothingly as he tried to forget about the screams and clatter of plates breaking at his house. Things had gotten heated again when his father came home drunk for the nth time that week. He didn’t blame his mother for slowly losing her patience with her husband. Sure, he couldn’t help it if his boss fired him instantly and he couldn’t find a new job. Albeit he didn’t search for one either. 
His thoughts were thankfully interrupted by his phone buzzing on the coffee table in front of him. He halted his fingers before leaning over to see if he could ignore whoever needed him at this moment. 
Confusion rose within him as his girlfriend, Lisa, smiled back at him on the picture that had appeared on screen. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said upon picking up, a smile playing on his lips. A smile that faltered as soon as it appeared when he heard sniffles coming from the other side. “Are you okay, Lis?” he asked, worry lacing in his voice. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Reggie. I… It’s over. We’re done.” 
With those simple words, Lisa hung up, leaving Reggie frozen in place. He couldn’t move his muscles, let alone feel them. His mind had blanked. His eyes focused on the closed white doors in front of him.   
He didn’t even know what he’d done wrong for Lisa to suddenly break up with him. It wasn’t like anything had happened between them. In fact, last time they saw each other, everything still seemed peachy. More than peachy. They’d spent the night together, which seemed to have been the very last one at that too. 
“Oh, hey, Reg,” a voice made him jump out of his trance. He finally dropped the phone in his lap and stared at the girl that had entered the garage. “Are you okay?” she asked, growing worried for her friend. He almost seemed catatonic. 
“No,” he muttered, and finally remembered to blink. “Lisa.... I think Lisa just broke up with me?” Tears pooled his eyes as everything dawned on him, the words repeating in his head. Over and over again. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. “Lisa just dumped me…” y/n’s heart broke at the sight of the confused and broken-hearted bass player. 
“What?!” y/n exclaimed as she moved over towards the boy. She grabbed his bass and gently placed it on its stand again before pulling him to his feet and wrapping her arms around him. As he cried, y/n rubbed circles on his back, trying to soothe him a little. “I’m so sorry, Reg.” 
He sniffled once more before gently pushing the girl off him. “I-I think I’m gonna go for a walk,” he said and made a beeline out the door as Luke and Alex walked in together with furrowed eyebrows at the haste their friend just left in. 
“Is he okay?” Alex asked y/n, pointing back to where the other boy had just left. 
“He will be, I think… Lisa just broke up with him.” Y/N’s forehead creased as she frowned, concerned for her friend’s broken heart. “Before you ask me, I don’t know why, I don’t know how. I just know she dumped him and that he’s pretty distraught.” 
Luke only moved one muscle, intending to follow behind Reggie, but y/n stopped him. “Let him be. For now. He’ll come back when he needs us.” 
He did come back that night, but only for band practice and only because he knew he needed the music to numb his brain that was overflowing with thoughts about his now-ex-girlfriend. 
He’d been breaking his head over the reasons why Lisa would ever break up with him. They were doing so well. What changed that she ultimately decided to break it off. Has he done something wrong? 
For days, he’d tried to call her, went to her house, tried something to get her to talk to him. But it was all in vain. Lisa cut off all communication. She blocked his number, told her mother that if he ever came to their house, she’d have to send him away, … She didn’t even grant him one glance when they passed each other in the hallways at Los Feliz High. 
His friends were at a loss. Reggie was so disconnected from the real world, he didn’t even care if he missed a few chords during rehearsals or his notes sounded flat. He didn’t care anymore. He just wanted Lisa back. 
For days they tried to patch him up. They’d talk to him about the most random stuff they could think of that wouldn’t remind him of Lisa. None of which seemed to have an effect. Even at the boys’ banter Reggie just chuckled half-heartedly. Even when y/n made him a peppermint hot chocolate, he shot her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
Nothing worked. 
“I’m at a loss, you guys,” y/n mumbled as she got up from the couch after the Julie and The Phantoms band rehearsal that night. 
Reggie had just left the garage to go for another ‘walk’, which they knew by now just meant going places that reminded him of her, and left his friends with a sour and tense feeling lingering in the air. 
Julie nodded her head as she turned her keyboard off, but stayed put on the stool behind it. Luke placed his guitar on its stand while Alex came out from behind his drum set, leaving the sticks behind. Julie then said, “I really wanna help him, but I don’t know what to say to him anymore… I’m so scared I’ll say the wrong thing.” 
“We can’t just keep tiptoeing around him though,” Alex chimed in as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket. 
Y/N started pacing the floor nervously whilst going over some ideas in her mind that could possibly help out her friend. 
Reggie had been there for her so many times whenever she’d gotten her heart broken by someone. He’d cuddle her, make her peppermint hot chocolate, let her cry for a while and watch 10 Things I Hate About You with her as it was her favorite movie. It gave her the opportunity to open up the floodgates without having to feel guilty about crying her eyes out. 
Luke grabbed her by the shoulders, stopping her from making him so nervous. “This is not a runway, angel,” he told her before turning to the others. “We need an intervention.” 
Alex pointed a finger to his friend in agreement. “Yes! Any ideas?” 
Y/N’s brain immediately went to one occurrence during one of her very many heartbreaks. Reggie’s very own intervention to the road to happiness. She remembered his words to a t, “The only cure to a mended heart is a party and alcohol.” 
Her friends’ heads whipped around to face her after her mumbling. 
“I know what we need to do.” 
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Reggie plopped down on the armchair after yet another failed band rehearsal. He pulled at the fabric of the piece of furniture, silently cursing at himself and Lisa for letting him fall down this far. 
With one collective glance, the boys, y/n and Julie turned towards the brunette bass player. All four of them crossed their arms and glared at him sternly. Reggie felt their eyes burn on the side of his face and he already knew what was going to happen. 
“Don’t even try,” he warned. 
Y/N uncrossed her arms in defeat and went to kneel down in front of him, placing her hand on his to make him stop tearing the chair apart. “Yes, try. Reggie, we’ve let you be miserable for an entire week. It’s time for an intervention.” 
“Guys…” Reggie sighed, shaking his head in objection. 
“Reggie,” Julie stated sternly, capturing the boy’s attention. “We’re gonna help you forget all about her. Okay? We’re gonna party, we’re gonna spend so much time together to the point you’ll be focusing on how sick you are of us and you’ll have forgotten all about her.”
The dark-haired boy glanced at the boys first before his eyes landed on y/n’s, who was still crouched down in front of him. She nodded her head encouragingly. Then finally, a soft smile fell to his lips before he got up from the chair slowly as if moving was against his own will. 
That night, they all got ready together for the night ahead. While y/n and Julie were doing their makeup and jamming to all the tunes that were bursting out of the speakers, the boys were chilling on Julie’s bed. Neither of them were ready yet, but they said they were going to bequeath the girls their precious time in front of the vanity mirror. 
“The mirror is all yours, pretty boys!” Julie sang as she pressed her glossed lips together and popped them before getting up from the stool. 
Luke and Alex both whistled as the two girls stood in front of them in their party outfits. Julie opted for a tight purple dress from her mother’s chest of fashion treasures while y/n was wearing a black mesh top and a pleather skirt, paired with black over-the-knee boots.
The two girls striked a pose, both pouting their lips simultaneously. Their giggles filled up the room until y/n’s eyes landed on Reggie, who was just staring at her with a bright pink dusting his cheeks. Her giggle faded and changed into a simple smile. A smile that said ‘I see you’. A smile that caused Reggie’s heart to skip a beat. 
Julie had picked up on the change of vibe that exuded from the interaction between her two best friends, and a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “Get ready quickly, boys. We wanna partyyyyy!” she dragged out the last word and threw her hands up in the air, clearly ready for letting loose on this wonderful Friday night.  
The gang arrived at the Wilson estate an hour later than the party actually kicked off. “Being fashionably late” Luke had called it, though that was just an excuse so the girls wouldn’t complain about him taking so long to style his hair. 
“You took longer than we did and we’ve done a full face of makeup!” y/n had teased him which had earned her a glare from the perfectly coiffed guitarist. 
They stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at the grinding bodies in the middle of the living room as the music thumped through the speakers and the stench of alcohol filled up their nostrils. It was an overwhelming feeling to arrive at a party that was already in full swing, and y/n could tell Reggie was somewhat agitated. 
To ease the tension in his shoulders, she reached for his hand and squeezed it, saying, “The only cure for a broken heart…” She didn’t even need to finish her sentence for he already had a smile climbing up his cheeks. 
“Let’s start with shots!” Alex suggested excitedly and skipped through to the set-up bar in the kitchen. The remaining four glanced at one another and collectively chuckled at the drummer’s eagerness before following behind. 
The blondie stood shoulder-to-shoulder with a pretty long-haired boy the gang knew as Willie, Alex’s long-time crush. Nobody was really sure what was happening between the two, but they did find them sneaking off at every party they went to together. 
They were lining up six shots of Tequila, ready for their friends to shoot back. Every party the group attended, these two took care of every beverage. Whether it was lining up shots for their friends or shaking up a good cocktail. They were the pros out of all of them. The self-proclaimed Liquor Kings.   
“Tequila for the pretty lady,” Alex handed the small cup to y/n, sending a blush straight up to her cheeks, but Alex was too busy handing out the drinks to even notice the effect his flattery had on her. Y/N always blushed whenever somebody complimented her, even if it were the people she had been friends with for a long old time. 
Willie handed her a lime slice, which she held between the fingers of the hand her shot was in as he needed her other hand to line up the salt in the crook between her thumb and index finger. She shot him a quick thank-you wink before turning to the rest of the group who’d been equipped with all the ingredients for the perfect tequila shot. 
“Ready?” Willie asked as a wide smile lit up his face. The group nodded, one a little more excited than the other, and Willie started the countdown. On three, the entire group licked the line of salt off their hand, threw back the shot and then sucked the lime. 
Y/N’s face scrunched up as the three tastes mingled on her taste buds and the burning sensation of the liquor slithered down her throat. Reggie was mirroring her expression with the slice of green between his lips. 
She giggled at him as he groaned, throwing the sucked-dry lime on the counter. “Feels great, doesn’t it?” Reggie coughed and reached for the two cups their Liquor Kings handed over. 
“Amazing,” Reggie mumbled with a chuckle, though his smile fell almost immediately as he brought the red cup to his lips. Y/N knew Lisa was still on his mind and she’d have to do a lot more than just have him drink a shot of Tequila. 
Determinedly, she grabbed his hand and led him towards the living room where all party attendees were dancing. Reggie looked scared for his life as y/n started to move to the music, coaxing him to follow her lead. 
“Come on, Reg! The best cure to a broken heart is a party!” She tried again when he didn’t even move a muscle. “And at a party, you dance!” Next thing he knew, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip while her hand sneaked up to the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards her until their chests were pressed together. Slowly but determinedly, she started to sway her hips to the music, automatically forcing him to move along with her.  
Reggie moved along absentmindedly as his cheeks heated up at the close proximity in which they were dancing. He had never seen his best friend in any different way. Y/N had always been there and she’d always been just a friend in his eyes, but dancing so close to her gave him a whole different perspective. 
He blamed it on being vulnerable post heartbreak. 
After a refill on behalf of the Liquor Kings and a few songs dancing together, y/n was suddenly being pulled away by Julie and Flynn as they shouted, “Come on, Bitch! This is our song!” Y/N mouthed an apology to Reggie and joined her two best friends in their dance circle. 
With his support system gone, the dark-haired boy had fallen still. He didn’t have another move inside him, not without her, at least. It was like y/n was the battery and now that she wasn’t empowering him to dance, there was no energy left inside him. So, instead of standing in the middle of the dance floor like an absolute loser, he shuffled into the kitchen to get something else to drink. He was in need of something stronger. 
Luke had been chatting up a girl when he saw his buddy walking in, looking solemn for someone who loved going to parties. He excused himself and walked over to where Reggie was pouring himself a glass of whiskey. 
“You okay, buddy?” he asked with worry laced into his voice. Reggie offered him an unconvincing smile as he poured the liquor into the empty red cup. 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Luke sighed and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the boy’s hands. He poured some into his own cup before placing it a little out of reach from the sad bass player next to him, who glared at him. 
“I’m sorry, bro. But you’ve been sad for an entire week. We let you be miserable but it’s gotta stop at some point.” Reggie scoffed as he stared at the brown liquid in his cup. “Listen, I know Lisa meant a lot to you and she was amazing and everything but you gotta let go. I know it’s hard, but you gotta forget about her.” 
“How can I forget about her when she’s literally everywhere I go?” He nodded to somewhere behind Luke and when he turned his head, he saw the auburn haired girl talking to Carrie on the patio outside. “She’s doing this on purpose,” Reggie said through gritted teeth before chugging the 5 ounces of whiskey. 
The guitarist blinked a couple of times, impressed at how Reggie could just throw that back without even flinching the tiniest bit. His ear suddenly picked up at the beginning notes of a song the bassist would always go crazy on at parties. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as an idea popped into his head. 
Reaching over the counter, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey again, poured a bit into Reggie’s cup and guided his hand towards his mouth, demanding him to drink it. Confused, but obedient, Reggie threw back the bit of liquor. The burn in his throat felt right. Numbing. 
As if on cue, three girls waltzed into the kitchen, singing along loudly to the first verse of the song as they approached the two boys at the counter. A smile befell on Luke’s lips as y/n tapped Reggie’s shoulder and beckoned him towards the dancefloor as Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA blared through the house. 
Chuckling, and mostly because the alcohol was forcing him to, he obeyed to y/n’s rules. Luke, Flynn and Julie followed behind them, shouting along to the lyrics. The commotion lured the Liquor Kings to the dancefloor as well. This was the song Reggie needed all along. 
“Come on, Reg!” Julie demanded as he was moving now, but not belting along to the words like he normally would. 
As the chorus floated through the speakers, the magical powers of the ABBA song finally reached his brain and he started to shout the lyrics. The rest of the group threw their hands in the air, cheering the still brokenhearted boy on. 
All he needed was his ABBA song to get him loose, to get him to forget all about the girl with the auburn hair. All he needed was his friends and a good party to let loose of all the negative feelings that had been bottled up inside of his chest over the past week. 
By the end of the night, all six had to support Reggie as they walked to Julie’s house where they’d crash in the garage. He was singing a remix of all different ABBA songs whilst the others tried to quiet him down. Their giggles tangled up in the shushes and Reggie’s singing, carrying through the fresh, spring air. 
“I love you, guys,” he slurred as y/n tucked him on the mattress. “Gimme hug,” he pulled the girl on top of him and held a tight grip on her body as she giggled. His lips pressed a kiss to the crown of her hair whilst she tried to wriggle loose. 
“Reg, lemme go!” 
“No! It’s cuddle time!” He protested and didn’t let go of his best friend. 
“Fine, but at least allow me a bit more air.” Reggie’s arms loosened a little and y/n got situated properly. She laid on top of him, stomachs and chests pressed together, one hand tangled up into his dark hair while the other rested on his chest, next to her head. His arms were wrapped loosely around her. 
His eyes were fluttering shut as he mumbled, “Can you stop spinning us around, y/n?” She giggled at his drunken mutters and started drawing patterns on his T-shirt clad chest. It seemed to relax him a bit as a big sigh of contentment expanded his lungs, bringing y/n’s head up with it too. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
“Goodnight, Reginald.” 
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Saturday didn’t count. Everyone was hungover and didn’t want to move at all. So, they just watched movies together all day long in the garage, a tangled up heap of humans. But from Sunday onwards, Reggie was in a whole better mood. 
A mood where all he wanted to do was write songs and be productive. So, that’s what he did. Every day he worked on the song; after school, after band rehearsals, even during his free periods. The words, the melody, the beat, it all seemed to just float out of him.
On Friday, Reggie told everyone he’d written a song and wanted their opinion on it. He was both nervous and excited as Luke would never listen to any of the songs Reggie wrote by himself. Though all those songs had always been country songs and Luke didn’t think country fitted the image of the band. 
“No, Reggie, we’re not doing country,” Luke repeated for the nth time. 
Reggie was fed up with the guitarist’s neglect of his creativity. “Shut your mouth and listen for once, asshole.” His voice was strident and taut. A tone he’d never used. The rest of the group was a little taken aback and exchanged nervous glances while Reggie handed out a sheet of paper with the song worked out on it. He’d used the copier at school to copy the page in his notebook. 
They heavily discussed his idea for the melody and listened to his ideas for the beat he wanted until a song floated through the garage. Soon after, Reggie started singing the song too with Julie and Luke throwing in some harmonies that Reggie approved with a smile and a nod. 
By the last chorus, everyone had the lyrics down and sang along with the bassist.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
As the music stopped, everyone stayed silent, basking in the adrenaline and the amazement of the song. This was exactly what Julie and The Phantoms sounded like. This was a soon-to-be hit. 
“I think we’ve found ourselves our closing number for tomorrow night,” Alex said with a grin from behind his drum kit. The bassist was surprised to see Luke and Julie nod in agreement to the blondie’s statement. Reggie had finally written a song for the band they didn’t immediately dismiss.          
They rehearsed the song a couple more times on Friday, and some more on Saturday before their soundcheck to tweak it a little bit until it was perfect and everyone had it down. Now all they needed to do was perform it at the end of their set at The Mint, a gig they landed thanks to their amazing marketing team -- Flynn and y/n -- and the fact the owner was a family friend of y/n’s. 
It was a gig. And a gig meant exposure. And exposure meant the possibility of a manager noticing them increasing. 
“You guys ready?” y/n asked as she knocked on the door of their dressing room five minutes before kick off. Her eyes darted from an all dolled-up Julie to a shirtless Luke and then to a drumstick-twirling Alex, realizing they were a man short. “Where’s Reggie?” 
Luke shrugged as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. “He said he was going to the bathroom, but that was like half an hour ago.” Y/N pulled her mouth into a straight line before turning and leaving the room to find her friend. 
Cruising through hallways, she finally stumbled on a room that wasn’t being used by them until she noticed the door ajar. She carefully pushed the door open a little further to find Reggie on the red carpeted floor with his phone in his hands and a tear running down his cheek. 
“Hey,” she announced herself as she moved towards him. He looked up at her and offered her a half-hearted smile whilst wiping the tear away. “You’re on in five.” Even though the words screamed urgency, her tone didn’t and her actions didn’t either. She went over to sit next to him, shoulders touching. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to go,” he said, but didn’t move. 
Y/N’s eyes landed on the phone in his hands, a conversation blinking at her on the screen. At the very top of the conversation was her name and the only message she could read was “I miss you, please come back.” in a bright green. 
Her body heaved as she inhaled deeply, “You can do this without her, Reg.” The boy shook his head in objection. “I know you can. This girl is not worth your tears and frustration. She’s not worth anything if she can’t see how amazing you are.” Reggie looked up at y/n, his eyes gleaming with tears as he listened to her words. “If she doesn’t appreciate everything you do for her and how much you cherish her, she’s not worth it.” 
The girl fell silent for a moment, anticipating his reaction as their eyes were locked in an intense stare. What he did next was something she hadn’t calculated with the speech she’d prepared in  her mind on the spot. His hands lifted to her cheeks and his lips pressed against hers in a spontaneous passionate kiss. He pulled back hesitantly but when y/n kissed back, every doubt in his mind just washed away. 
Y/N couldn’t say she had ever thought of kissing her best friend, but at that moment it seemed so comfortable and familiar. Like she’d been doing it for years. Their lips just fit together so perfectly and moved in sync like a choreographed dance.  
When they pulled back for air, the back of y/n’s neck was aflame and her lips tingled. The flustered Reggie in front of her coughed as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I-I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that.” 
She knew the only reason this happened was because Reggie was so overwhelmed with this broken hearted feelings and she was just there. A smile formed on her lips as she patted his chest and while getting up, she said, “That’s cool, Reginald. Glad I could be of assistance to let go of your frustrations.” She reached out a hand for him. “Now, let’s go rock this place, yeah?” He placed his hand in hers and let her pull him up to his feet. Entangling their fingers, y/n guided him out of the secluded room and backstage to where the others were waiting for their bassist to start their show. 
“Sorry, guys!” Reggie said while the sound guy helped him out with his in-ears and another one handed him his bass. 
Luke patted him on the shoulder. “You okay, buddy?” 
“Yeah,” Reggie answered with a smile that for the first time in two weeks reached his eyes. He glanced over to y/n. “Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“Okay, ready to go!” Sound Guy 1 said. Y/N and Flynn put their thumbs up to wish them good luck before the band rushed onto the stage, an uproar of cheers erupting from the crowd. They were rowdy tonight. A good omen for an amazing show. 
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“We’ve got one last song for you guys,” Julie said into her mic with a smile bright enough to light up the whole room as she glanced at Reggie. “You wanna introduce this one, buddy?” 
He stepped closer to his mic, a nervous grin spread on his face as he spoke. “This last song is for everyone who has ever felt heartbroken before. Remember that even though it might seem dark and lonely without that one person there, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Follow that light because it will lead you to amazing things.” 
The other band members exchanged glances, all with proud smiles plastered on their faces. Reggie had come a long way from two weeks ago and he still had a long way to go, but he was on the right path. As long as he had his friends, his band, his family, by his side, he’d be good. Even better if the girl that stood in the wings on his right was at his side too. 
Alex counted them in and Luke and Julie began to play their instruments before Reggie’s voice floated through the venue along with the thumping beat of Alex’ drums. 
“Get a call on a random afternoon I pick it up and I see that it's you Like my heart, you were breaking the news, you say It's over, it's over, it's over.”
He looked over at Julie and Luke while his fingers were plucking at the strings of his bass. They shot him an encouraging smile, offering him a little boost of confidence as he continued the verse. 
“Heading out, cause I’m out of my mind All my friends are gonna see me tonight Stayin’ here until the sun starts the rise, And I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna…”
The beat went up a notch as confetti cannons went off, covering their entire view in purple butterfly confetti pieces as they slowly whirled onto the dancing and screaming audience. 
In the wing to Reggie’s right, Flynn and y/n stood, dancing and singing along to the music with the widest smiles on their faces. A big perk to being the band’s marketing team was definitely the free gigs they benefited from.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
Luke then takes the next verse, his growly tone sending some of the girls in the front row into a frenzy. A smirk tugged at his lips upon noticing but then he focused his gaze onto Julie as he sang with her harmonizing. 
“And you thought, I'd be here on my own Waiting for you to knock on my door Since you left I don't wait by the phone I'm moving, I'm moving, I'm moving”
Reggie walked over to Alex’s platform. The drummer shot him a toothy smile that could land him a spot in a toothpaste commercial. Reggie really appreciated the support his band gave during performances and with this song in particular. 
“Found a place where I can lose myself And just leave your memory on the shelf See I'm fine, no I don't need nobody else Cause I'm, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going…”
When Reggie turned back to his mic, his eyes landed on y/n, and he shot a quick wink her way. Unbeknownst to him, this sent her cheeks aflame and her stomach fluttering. That kiss about an hour ago really wasn’t just something that happened because he was overwhelmed. She actually felt something then. And she’s feeling it now too. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to ‘Til I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… ‘Til I forget about you!”
The bassist’s eyes now lock onto y/n’s as he sings the bridge towards her. She had barely even recovered from his wink and now he’s staring right through her soul while she had to act like it didn’t even affect her in any shape or form. 
“Spending money like you don't mean a thing Going crazy, now don't even think Losing my mind, is all I can do Till I forget about you”
He turned back to the frenzied crowd as he belted out the high note.
The band then played a musical intermezzo. Luke joined Alex at his platform and Reggie stepped up to Julie’s keyboard as she played the synth-sounding notes. The Latina girl was happy to see Reggie in his element again and actually have fun as they played their set. It was a nice change from the otherwise solemn and sad Reggie they were plagued with in the past weeks.  
For the first half of the last chorus, they all stopped playing their instruments except Alex. He went wild on the drum solo Reggie had blessed him with while the rest clapped their hands to the beat, getting the crowd to mirror them. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a what now? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about…”
They picked their instruments up again and continued singing. Even the crowd started to get a hang on the lyrics by now, which hyped Reggie up even more for the rest of the song.  
“Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to…”
“Till I forget about you!”
Reggie belted out a high note, which made y/n’s heart leap. His voice had always been her favorite sound in the whole entire world but hearing it so confidently coming out of him had her on her toes. 
“Till I forget about you”
“Till I forget about you”
He turned to y/n again as  he sang the very last line with a certain glint in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place. 
“I can’t forget about you!”
The band played their very last chords, notes or hit their last cymbals, and when the song rang out, the audience were applauding, cheering and whistling. But Reggie couldn’t bear tearing his eyes off of y/n. 
She was smiling at him and he was smiling at her. 
Both of them knew that he was okay. He was going to be okay with Lisa being gone because he had y/n by his side. She was the one who changed everything around. She was the one who made him go out to Carrie’s party. She was the one to remind him that he would be okay without the auburn haired girl. She was the one that helped him forget about her. She was the one.   
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  JATP Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody  @ifilwtmfc  @angryknightstatesmantrash  @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti @alexpjoyner @n0wornever @kaitieskidmore1 @tefilovesreading @happinessinthedarkesttimes
Names crossed out are the ones I couldn’t tag, sorry! 
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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angloie · 3 years
Rivals. Nothing more. (1/2)
> Percy is annoyed on how Annabeth always was. Her passion to win, to suceed, to be better than him. He hates that. It's totally not hot, or whatever.
> Warnings: swearing and kinda (?) suggestive undertones, my writing
> Genre: fluff, mutual pinning, Percy having a huge fat crush on Annabeth.
You can find the second part here!
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Percy wasn't very fond of smartasses who talked back.
I mean, who wouldn't? They were truly insufferable; acting like they knew everything and spat out facts here and there, all high and mighty.
Annabeth fit that description perfectly.
She's such a stuck up nerd; always beating his spot just opened place higher than him. When they spar, Percy can't help but feel a overwhelming urge pushing him to win. Annabeth struck back with the same passion, every strike, slash, push, thrust, holds her need for victory.
And when Percy does win after a long match? It feels amazing. The refreshing mood when you get exactly what you want- for once beating enemy number one. Annabeth shakes hands with him after and it infuriates him all over again. Why can't she feel more embarassed? Devestated? Shame? She walks away from the training arena calmly like she won over him.
Oh, Annabeth does feel embarassed. Devestated, too. But the look in Percy's eyes when she acts all stoic- seated stop her high horse- is simply electrifying. No better feeling than antagonizing your rivals, right?
They first meet at twelve. Both still young and insufferable, being the natural rivals they were. After all, their godly parents were two of the biggest rivals between one another: Athena and Posiedon.
Then they’re thirteen. Rivals, yes, but they can get along better now. Much better, in fact. Annabeth just feels the tiniest bit of attraction. It's just platonic. That's what she likes to tell herself, really.
Fourteen and Percy and her still bickering and arguing like usual. They can respect each other's boundaries still, all while they make crude jokes about the other. People say that they might be best friends, but the two of them shoot their ideas out of their heads. Who would wan't to be friends with that loser, anyways?
The ripe age of fifteen. Same old Percy, and same old Annabeth. They grow stronger together, and even more stronger as they progress. It's such a heartwarming thing to watch. Annabeth becomes more aware of how Percy looks. His apearance. Once a couple inches shorter than her becomes level-height. And then Percy has the audacity to grow taller than her. 
He likes to tease Annabeth about it. Holding books above her head, or anything he can grab that's hers. It's more blood-boiling when you remember the fact that people in ancient Greece associated height with power. Percy? Have more power than her? Unaceptable.
Percy on the flip side becomes more aware of how his endearing his rival becomes. Annabeth puts him in awe sometimes, incredibly witty and smart. But the snobbish attitude from her makes him want to gag. Maybe not as much as it did in the past other years. Annabeth, (as much as he hates to admit it) is someone he can trust. After years of being partners in both battle and else, that was expected. Percy still can't trust Annabeth with his blue cookies though.
Sixteen, finally. A confusing year for Percy. It becomes a growing problem for Percy when his heart beats erratically when Annabeth is near. Her shampoo smells so heavenly from where he's sitting, which is at the end of her bed. Annabeth sits crossed legged from him, flicking the pages of a book. Percy just saw the lights on from her cabin and crawled through the window. That would make her annoyed, right? No other reason; just to annoy her. Totally not because he wants to see her again.
Annabeth doesn't have the slightest clue in her mind about why she let him in. Or why he opted to sit on her bed directly, instead of sitting on one of the very comfortable seats in the large room. Annabeth doesn't complain. The cabin is empty; her other guests singing along at the campfire or elsewhere. 
Percy gets up wordlessly as Annabeth continues to stare at her book. Words are flowing through, forming, but she can't seem to focus to comprehend the book.
She notices his arrival when the bed dips with his weight. Percy has a blob of water in mid-air, floating just above the palm of his hand.
“You better not get that on my bed,” Annabeth chides, “Or I'll make sure to kill you.”
“Really now?” Percy makes the water floating towards her, threatening to soak her face. It stops inches before her- stopping from wetting her clothes along with it. She doesn't flinch.
Annabeth gives a sticky sweet smile, but her eyes say otherwise. Something along the lines of 'You better be digging up your grave now'. Percy flinches back in surprise, hands braced in a defensive position. The water shifts and floats back to him... to only float around the room aimlessly.
It's times like this when he feels truly at peace. The air is tense, sure, but he feels calmer than ever before. It's liberating.
The water leaks a bit from the moving. Annabeth is amazed how it moves so effortlessly. It's Percy moving it, but that didn't matter. Sometimes Annabeth wished she had powers... Her smarts and wits were amazing, but she felt that she could achieve even more if she had them. It's a painful thought.
Percy sits back on her bed, staring at the white celling. Different coloured sticky notes and red strings are hooked together by flimsy thumb tacks. Talk about being a nerd.
Both lost in their thoughts and a good book, the water comes back around the room to splash on-
Just fucking peachy.
On Annabeth.
“Percy!” She screeches, hair damp with liquid and some finding it's way on her white shirt. Due to the thin fabric and cool water, he shirt becomes a little more. How do you put it? transparent. Translucent.
“Oh shit-” Percy jerks upwards, moving his hands around frantically. If he stares any longer, he might become more aware of the now visible uhm- undergarments. He also might notice that they are blue, his favourite colour, and how it looks so fucking good on her. 
Okay, he's noticed all of that in a matter of seconds.
“Quit staring!” Annabeth protests more, as Percy gets up to face the wall and cover his eyes. 
“I didn't mean to!” He says, still facing away from her. “I-it was a accident!” I swear!”
“Quit you're blubbering and get out!”
“Sorry!” Percy says again, and again. “I’m really sorry!” Until he finds his way to the large mahogany door and steps out.
“I- uh-" He tries to reasonate, tries to make up with her. But it's quickly shut off when Annabeth slams the door in his face. Leaving a very stuttering and blushing Percy.
Seventeen. It's a dreadful year for the two of them.
It becomes painfully clear why Percy had been a blushing, embarrassing mess around Annabeth. Clear on why he feels like he's on cloud nine when she pins him down in the sparing arena. And incredibly clear why Percy thinks about her eyes, her smile, her everything. Even the random facts he always thought was annoying and stupid leave marks on his brain. 
The oblivious son of Poseidon denies his feelings. Just some rivalry feelings! Some of which include him wanting to kiss Annabeth so bad sometimes, or even wanting to hold hands while walking along the sand. Maybe he does have the occasional dream of some less than appropriate things. Percy's rather embarassed about that.
It's when Grover, his reliable and trustworthy best friend finally makes him realize his true feelings. Ones hidden layers of sarcasm and sharp jokes.
“You think about her twenty four seven,” Grover starts, leaning back on the thick trunk of the oak tree. Percy had just came to him mid-spar to tell him how Annabeth was absolutely destroying him.
“And you also blab about her nonstop. I dunno dude, that sounds like a crush to me.” Grover sighs heavily. Percy blinks once. Then twice. And then three times.
“Do you get jealous when you see her with someone else?”
“Yeah! It's sickening! I feel all weird and stuff, so I-”
“You have a crush~” Grover teases.
“No? I think it's just-"
“Its a crush, Percy. You're so oblivious that it'll never progress more than that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Percy scowls at him. A bead of sweat trails down his forehead, caused from the hours of training.
“It means you have to confess.” Grover simply states, getting up. His hooves clomp down on the hard-packed earth as he trails away. “You gotta do it sooner or later, before someone else does it!”
That thought makes bile rise in his stomach. Annabeth? Go out with someone's else? Other than him? No way. Negatory.
But what if she declines? Annabeth is completely free to do that; but Percy would probably die of heartbreak. And if she started to date someone? Percy would explode.
It's settled, then.
He's going to confess.
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- a/n:
(re-uploaded to fix some mistakes, lol)
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j-casper · 3 years
Emily Prentiss x Alex Blake x Jennifer Jareau
alternate au: emily comes from Interpol to help the BAU with another case, and, along the way, the team learn something new about Emily and Emily learns something new about two of the members
note: for this, we shall pretend that JJ and Will + Alex and James were never a couple
many thanks to @criminalrainyxx for the help :D
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“Statistically, only seven out of every 100 students get into Yale. That’s roughly less than 6.5% of applicants every year.” Spencer’s voice droned on, excitedly informing the team about Ivy League schools due to the victims all having attended one.
“I attended Yale,” Emily mentioned offhandly to them as she read the file carefully, not even realizing what she said until silence overtook the room and she froze, looking up to see everyone staring at her, different expressions of shock on their faces.
Morgan blinked, “you attended Yale?”
“For what degree?” Spencer blurted out, wide eyed.
Emily faltered, eyes shifting from each of her team members before finally sighing as she realized that there was no taking back what she said and they wouldn’t drop it anytime soon.
She cleared her throat, smiling nervously, “I went there for my doctorate in Criminal Psychology.”
“Prentiss, you have a doctorate?” Rossi’s eyebrow raised, impressed and Emily nodded shyly, ducking her head to avoid their gazes.
“Yeah, it was after I got my bachelor’s and master’s in Criminal Justice at Chesapeake Bay University.”
“Why don’t you make us call you doctor, like pretty boy over here?” Morgan asked confused, slight hurt on his face showing from not knowing this about his (ex)partner.
Emily sighed softly, “because, I don’t want my education to speak for my worth. I’m just Emily Prentiss guys and a degree won’t change that.” She ran her fingers through her hair frustratingly.
“Still,” Blake interrupted, piercing dark eyes meeting Emily’s own and causing the younger woman to shift in her seat, “it’s something to be proud about.”
Her voice was soft, careful, as if Emily was a timid deer that would take off at any moment at even the slightest moment, and with the way Emily had been acting around the older woman and JJ, it wasn’t far from the truth.
Emily had been devestated when visiting from London and discovering that JJ had entered a relationship with the professor / new team member on the BAU.
That was until Emily met Alex Blake and realized she was utterly screwed when she found herself falling for the older woman’s charming wit and spark of sass.
She fell for a couple—two people unattainable and together with each other.
Needless to say, Emily grew even more devestated and resolved herself to never confess her feelings.
In her mind, she didn’t stand a chance with the two people that clearly were so into each other that they didn’t see anyone else.
So, she resigned herself to acting much like the timid deer Alex was speaking to her like: shy and withdrawn around the couple, and running off at the first instance she’s able to get away once they try engaging her in conversation together.
“I guess,” Emily murmured, eyes meeting the table as she shrugged. Then, she shook her head and looked up before clearing her throat, “we should worry about our unsub though.”
The BAU team was smart enough to take the hint and left her alone, them quickly falling into discussing the case and victims.
Emily never did notice the two sets of eyes watching her as she fidgeted with her pen.
Nor did Emily notice the soft and awe-filled look in said eyes.
Like always, Emily Prentiss remained oblivious.
“So a doctorate, huh?” JJ said out of nowhere, breaking Emily’s concentration on the book in front of her, “fancy.”
Emily looked up from her book, watching as JJ and Alex took a seat across from her on the plane.
She smiled nervously, “I mean, yeah.”
“Much have been a lot of work, Dr. Prentiss,” Alex comments, small smile on her face as she teased.
Emily ducked her head, feeling her face briefly heat up. She tried willing her blush to go away, eyes carefully avoiding the other women’s eyes when she finally looked up.
“A little bit,” Emily admitted at last, remembering the long nights in the library to study and the times that she almost quit and gave up from the pressure.
“My mother wasn’t very happy when I admitted to wanting to go into Criminal Justice, much less a doctorate in Criminal Psychology,” Emily muses, shrugging her shoulders casually as if her mother’s opinion didn’t matter. A small smile curled on her face though as she answered a few seconds later, voice full of fondness, “my old nanny, Carla, was so proud though. She called practically all of her family to announce that I was getting a doctorate.” She recalled the cake that Carla made for her in congratulations and the celebration dinner with Carla’s family she attended, the playful jokes exchanged in between everyone and the teasing she was on the end of about whether or not she finally had a girlfriend. She chuckled quietly at the thought and shook her head, looking up as her smile widened.
“She sounds amazing,” JJ told her softly, smiling back.
Emily gently set aside her book, “yeah, she is. I still attend most Christmas dinners with her and her family actually, and I send a bunch of letters and post cards.”
“She raised you,” Alex guessed, eyebrow arching.
Emily nodded, “more so then my actual parents. Mother was too busy being a diplomat and Father was...” She trailed off, eyebrows furrowing before eventually just shaking her head in an attempt to shake away the thoughts of her father. She didn’t comment or think further on him, instead quickly looking over to the case file beside her.
“So, what do you think about our unsub?” She asked, trying to change the subject and eventually relaxing when Alex and JJ didn’t question her further.
“Well, he seems to—”
“—and this is Agent Prentiss from Interpol, who has agreed to help us out for the case.”
“It’s a pleasure,” Emily responded, shaking the lead detective’s hand firmly. The man smiled.
“Pleasure is all mine, Agent.”
He turned towards the others, “I really hope you can catch the son of a bitch that did this.”
Hotch nodded, “well, that’s why we’re here. Tell us what you know.”
“So, Interpol is in London, right?” The lead detective asked curiously.
Emily kept flipping through the file as she answered offhandly, “yeah.”
“Must be interesting. Do you enjoy it?”
Emily paused, thinking carefully, “it’s not too bad.”
He smiled, “I bet.”
Emily hummed, eyes scanning the file.
“Is there much dating in London?” He asked and Emily paused, feeling his eyes on her.
“Not much. I don’t really date,” she admitted, looking up.
“A shame, but maybe I can take you out sometime?” He flashed her a crooked grin and Emily shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“Emily, there you are,” JJ interrupted, walking in with Alex trailing behind her, “we need your help.”
Emily barely managed to hold in her grateful sigh, and quickly gathered up the files in front of her, not noticing Alex’s silent stare towards the detective causing him to look away quickly.
“So, what do you guys need?” Emily asked as soon as the door behind her was shut, files piled in her hand.
“You looked like you could use saving,” Alex told her bluntly, amusement written across her face.
Emily flushed and quietly grumbled, “I would say.”
“So, you don’t really date?” JJ asked curiously and Emily stiffened.
They must have heard her exchange with the detective.
“Not really,” Emily admitted before pausing and deciding to be truthful, “I try but then it usually goes wrong.”
She recalls the multiple dates in the past with several women where she tried to make it work but something always went wrong: they cheated on her, they couldn’t deal with her job’s long hours, or even that they just couldn’t work out.
It probably didn’t help that Emily had hopelessly been in love with JJ for years, and now Alex.
“That’s a shame. I’m sure anyone would be lucky to have you,” Alex commented and Emily flushed at JJ’s nod of agreement.
“Yeah, I guess,” she admits at last quietly and thoughtfully, clutching the files in her hands closer to her body.
Morgan’s eyes silently met Emily’s own and she nodded, gun ready as they split ways.
Carefully she walked around the downstairs part of the house, flashlight assisting her vision.
She entered each room after the next until arriving in front of the shut bedroom door and paused, hand quietly turning the knob and pushing the door open.
“Chris Anderson?” She spoke, gun aimed towards the back of the figure facing the bedroom window as she entered, “turn around, slowly.”
The figure spun around.
Emily stumbled back, a searing pain shooting through her leg as she crumbled to the ground.
She had never even seen the bullet coming.
Emily groaned quietly, eyes fluttering open and immediately squinting at the bright white ceiling of her hospital room. She winced, arm coming up to cover her eyes.
“Emily?” A soft, familiar voice filled her eyes and her head lolled to the side, blinking.
Her voice came out, soft and croaky, “J-Jayje? A-Alex?” Her throat was dry, scratchy, and she barely resisted the urge to wince as sat up in the hospital bed.
In the next instance, Alex held out a cup of water, guiding the straw towards Emily to allow her to drink from it. She took a few sips, sighing in relief at the cool sensation going through her sore throat.
“What happened?” She asked finally, looking up from the drink.
“Unsub shot you in the leg. By the time the paramedics arrived, you had lost a lot of blood,” JJ told her quietly.
“Oh?” JJ spoke, eyes narrowing, voice rising slightly in pitch, “you get shot and all you have to say is oh?” Her voice sounded distraught and angry, and Emily barely resisted the urge to flinch.
Alex’s hand gently laid itself on JJ’s shoulder and the blonde visibly relaxed, and Emily shifted then in the bed nervously. Her shoulders fell at the look the two women exchanged, full of love for the other.
It was bad enough that she had been shot, but now she had to watch the two people she had feelings for practically, and unknowingly, flaunt their relationship in front of her.
“—Emily?” Alex’s voice broke her out of her thoughts and she shook her head, not meeting either of their eyes.
“I’m fine,” she muttered half-heartedly.
Yet, she was anything but.
She’s been ignoring the team.
It’s three days after the case ended and Emily had been shot in the leg, that Emily decides to go back to London despite having a few weeks off due to her injury.
Slowly, she packed everything away into her suitcase on her hotel bed before carefully zipping it up. She stepped back and sighed softly, taking a quick glance at her watch.
“Two hours. I have time,” she mumbled to herself, hand reaching towards the remote and flipping through the channels before stopping on the first thing that remotely interested her.
For an hour, she got lost in the world of Tom and Jerry, laughing softly everytime Tom was thwarted from catching Jerry.
A knock on her hotel door bought her out of her show however, eyebrows furrowing as she stood up and walked to the door. She leaned in, cautiously looking through the peep hole and sighing softly at the image of the people on the other side.
She stepped back, turning the knob.
“Hi,” she gave a timid smile and JJ sighed.
“Hi. Can we come in?” JJ asked her softly and Emily hesitated before finally nodding, opening the door and allowing them to enter.
“Is everything okay? Is there a new case or...” she trailed off, cocern sprawled across her face at the indecipherable look written across their faces.
“You’ve been ignoring us,” Alex interjected, eyebrow arched and Emily barely resisted the urge to flinch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t been—”
“Emily,” JJ interrupted, eyes cutting to hers and Emily immediately looked away, quieting.
“And you’re about to leave without saying goodbye too,” Alex commented, eyes taking in the packed suitcase on Emily’s bed.
Emily shrugged, “missing my apartment.”
JJ scoffed, “more like ignoring us and running away like always.”
Emily flinched, throat tightening as she tried to answer.
JJ’s eyes shun with anger and sadness as she met Emily’s own, “why?” She mumbled softly, voice almost begging for an answer.
Emily shook her head. “I can’t,” she said, half-heartedly.
“Can’t,” Alex asked, “or won’t?”
Emily winced.
“Come on, Em, this isn’t like you,” JJ whispered, “what’s going on?”
Alex’s and JJ’s eyes carefully bored into Emily’s own and Emily couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“I—I love you guys, okay, and I can’t,” she choked out finally, the truth spilling out as tears gathered in her eyes, “I can’t pretend that it doesn’t hurt seeing you guys together because I know I would never have a chance with either of you, much less both of you. I thought that seeing others would help but it doesn’t and I don’t want to ruin my friendship with either of you. I have to leave.” Her voice caught at the end as a choked sob burst out of her throat and she blinked rapidly, willing the tears to go away as she tries desperately to compose herself.
“Emily,” JJ’s soft voice interjected and Emily shook her head rapidly, backing away when both women stepped foward to approach her.
“No,” Emily stated, eyes lowering to stare at the floor so she can’t see their reactions, “you should both leave.”
“For a profiler, you sure are oblivious,” Alex stated and Emily blinked, shock and confusion filling her as she titled her head up slightly, still not meeting their eyes but listening closely.
A hand met her chin, tilting her head up. Her wide eyes met Alex’s and she blinked in confusion and her eyebrows furrowed, “What—”
Before she could finish, warm and soft lips met her own and before she could think further, her eyes fluttered shut, gently leaning her body into Alex’s as she returned the kiss.
Careful hands settled on her waist from behind and Emily squeaked softly in Alex’s mouth as JJ pressed up against her behind, before the blonde’s soft humming lulled her to slowly relax.
She breathed heavily when the kiss ended, chest heaving and hair mussed as she tried catching her breath. Her mind racing as she tried registered what had just happened.
She licked her lips, “W-what was that?” Her voice came out soft and timid. JJ’s soft laugh sounded in her ear.
“It means, we like you too, Em,” JJ told her warmly into her ear and Emily’s eyes widened.
“Really?” She squeaked, and Alex hummed.
“Like I said, for a profiler, you are very oblivious, sweetheart.” Alex’s fingers carefully tucked a strand of hair behind Emily’s ear and the younger brunette melted.
“Oh,” she breathed out softly.
“Yeah, idiot,” JJ teased, before her voice lowered, full of warmth, “now, it isn’t fair that Alex got a kiss and I didn’t.” Even without looking at her, Emily could tell the blonde was playfully pouting and she laughed.
She turned around in their arms to face the blonde and grinned, hands coming up to loop around the back of JJ’s neck.
She leaned in. “Now, we can’t have that, can we?” she whispered fondly and amused before closing her eyes, lips meeting the blonde’s at last.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
talk to me
fem!reader x kyle o’reilly
Kyle is upset after he loses his Takeover 31 match against Finn Balor. He refuses to talk to anyone, including the reader ... “please kyle, talk to me”
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word count: 1.5k+
warnings: sad!kyle, fluff, implied sex, kind of NSWF (little touches here and there)
— kyle looked so sad in the promo the ue did the wednesday after takeover 31 and it made me sad. i wanted to write something with sad!kyle since he lost at takeover 31. i was gonna write something if he won too —
You, Bobby, and Roddy all stand backstage watching the monitor while Kyle is in the ring with Finn Balor. Adam went off to the bathroom.
Kyle is in the most important match of his career, and he looks like he’s struggling.
He’s been struggling since Finn kicked his liver earlier in the match. He knees Finn in the jaw and Finn grabs at his mouth. Both him and Kyle are now bleeding from the mouth.
Finn hits his finisher, the Coup de Grace. He goes in for the pin and Kyle doesn’t move. His eyes are closed and he’s not moving. Your eyes widen a bit.
As soon as the ref gets the three count and Finn retains his title, you take off to the ring. Bobby and Roddy right behind you. You have no idea where Adam is but you assume he’ll be running out behind you three soon.
Kyle lays in the ring as Finn’s music blares. His eyes are open now but he looks really out of it. You kneel beside him and your hand is on his arm. “Kyle,” you say. “Kyle, are you okay?”
He doesn’t talk to you. He barely even looks at you.
“Adam!” Roderick shouts. You look over to see Ridge Holland holding Adam over his shoulder. Kyle sits up as Ridge throws Adam over the barricade. Roddy and Bobby run over to Adam.
Bobby asks Finn if he saw anything and he shakes his head. Roddy and Bobby help Adam to the back and you help Kyle. Bobby and Roderick ask Adam what happened but he still seems kind of out of it. He’s holding his ribs.
Kyle looks so upset that he lost. He looks like he’s about to start crying. It breaks your heart. You use part of your shirt to wipe away some blood that’s rolling down his chin.
Adam and Kyle are both assessed by the medical team. Adam has broken ribs and Kyle’s lip is all cut up, plus a bruised liver. Besides that, they’re both okay. No major injuries that will keep them out of the ring for an extended period of time.
Bobby, Adam, and Bobby are all talking about what happened after the match since he’s come to a little bit. You walk beside Kyle. He’s not talking, or looking at anyone.
The boys walk into their shared locker room. Kyle gets changed quickly and quietly.
“Kyle, you good bro?” Roderick asks.
He nods, not talking. You look at Roddy, concerned. Kyle’s not talking, not to you and not to the boys. He’s always so chatty, even after a loss.
This one must be hitting him kind of hard. Of course it is, he lost one of the most important matches in his career. He’s probably devestated.
Once Kyle’s changed, you say, “I think I’m going to get him home so he can rest.”
Bobby says, “Alright, sounds good.”
You hug all the boys. When you hug Adam goodbye, he says in your ear, “Make sure he’s okay and take good care of him. He’s hurting, physically and mentally. I know he’s probably being extremely critical of himself right now.”
You nod and say quietly, “I’ll call you if I need anything.”
Adam nods his head in response, letting you go.
You walk over to Kyle, who looks deep in thought. “Hey,” you say, grabbing his attention. “Let’s head home.” He looks down at you and nods. You lace your fingers with his and head out to your car.
Kyle is quiet the entire ride home. You occasionally glance over at him to see his face lit up by his phone light.
At a red light, you finally see what he’s looking at. He’s looking at clips from his match, he reading reactions.
“It was a very good match,” you say, trying to make him feel better. “Finn killed it, you killed it. I’m especially proud of you for winning the gauntlet match to make it to Takeover.”
Kyle just sighs softly and you pull up to your house that you live in with Kyle. Both of you get out. Kyle walks inside. You peddle right behind him, closing the front door. You hear footsteps up the stairs and a door shut upstairs as you kick off your sneakers by the front door.
You pout. You hate seeing Kyle like this. It breaks your heart seeing him upset about a loss. You almost wish you could go back in time and maybe even help Kyle get the win.
An idea pops into your head and you go into the kitchen. You grab a tub of Kyle’s favorite ice cream, which is vanilla and chocolate swirl, and two spoons. You walk up the stairs and down the little hallway to yours and Kyle’s shared room.
You walk in, opening the door quietly. Kyle is laying on the bed on his side, facing away from you. You notice that he’s breathing a little heavily and your heart falls into your stomach as you realize he’s crying.
After you put the tub of ice cream on your bedside table, you crawl into bed behind Kyle.
Soft sobs come from Kyle and you wrap your arm around his waist.
“Please Kyle, talk to me,” you say. “I hate seeing you like this.”
Kyle cries, “I feel like I failed you and that I failed the guys. I injured Finn on accident in the process. Tonight was supposed to be my night, Y/N.”
Your heart breaks even more as Kyle cries to you. You hold Kyle in your arms.
You say, “You didn’t fail anyone, Kyle. If anything, you made me and the boys proud tonight. You main evented Takeover for the first time in your career. That’s such an incredible achievement. As for injuring Finn, he’ll be okay. He’ll recover and be back in no time. Injuries in this line of work happen all the time.”
Kyle turns in your arms and looks at you. Tears run down his face and you wipe them away.
He says, “I’m sorry I couldn’t win the title. That was supposed to be for you.”
You hug Kyle as the two of you lay in bed as you say, “Title or no title, you’re my champion.” You smile at Kyle. “You’re NXT Champion Kyle O’Reilly to me.”
He gives you a breathy laugh and hold him in your arms.
You keep talking as you say, “I love you, Kyle. I’ll forever love you. No matter if you hold a title or not. That’s not why I fell in love with you. I didn’t fall in love with you because of the gold around your waist. I fell in love with you because you’re the funniest, coolest, and overall most amazing person I know.”
Kyle sniffs and smiles at you as you talk to him, trying to make him smile and feel better.
When you’re done talking, Kyle says, “I’m sorry I acted like this after the match. I was just upset that I lost. It was my first opportunity at a singles title in NXT and everything that went wrong did.”
You rest your hands on Kyle’s face when you see the tears falling down his cheeks again. You wipe the tears away as you say, “You did so well for your first singles title opportunity in NXT. I’m so proud of you, and I know the guys are proud of you too. Especially Adam. You’re allowed to be bummed after losing an important match. You’re allowed to act like this, but know that I’m right here to make you feel better.”
Kyle puts a hand on your waist and pulls you close to him, kissing you softly. His hand dips down to your butt, squeezing it softly. That’s when you know exactly what he wants.
“You can make me feel better by distracting me,” he mumbles against your lips. You were waiting for that statement before you did anything.
You giggle against his lips and move so you’re straddling his waist so he’s laying on his back on the bed.
You sit up and say, “You lay back and relax. I was told to take very good care of you so that is exactly what I’m going to do.” Your hands run gently up and down his chest, eventually slipping up the button of his shirt, pushing the black fabric up.
As soon as you’re done speaking, you and Kyle spend all night in bed. Once the clothes come off, which they do almost immediately after the conversation, you and Kyle are always either tangled up in each other or making love to each other.
You haven’t seen this side of Kyle since the two of you got married. He hasn’t made love to you in a while. He also wants to make sure that he doesn’t move too rough because of his liver injury.
Kyle made sure to take little breaks, especially for ice cream to keep his blood sugar at a level where he can keep going and to make sure that you’re okay.
The morning brings nothing but smiles and little kisses. You make Kyle breakfast in bed so he can rest. Of course, he’s interested in eating something else for breakfast. So you let it happen, leading to spending all day in bed.
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ziracona · 4 years
Do you have any tips for people who want to start writing? Specifically dialogue or how to research thoroughly?
Sure! For starting writing in general, the best advice to start with is look at the stories you yourself love, and identify what you love most in them. Relationships of a certain kind, high-stakes fight scenes, murder mysteries and scenes where people have to choose under pressure who they’re going to trust, redemption arcs, someone ending up adopting a child more or less because the kid has no one else to look after them? If there are scenarios you daydream about writing stories in your head, what are the common themes? No matter how oddly specific that gets or how often or scarcely you see it in fiction, I garuntee you you’re not the only one who likes it, and it’s good to base writing ideas around whatever you want to see more of yourself. You’ll be happy writing it, and the other people who yearn for it too, once they find you, will be very happy to see some as well! For me, I’ve always really enjoyed stories where someone who has no connection to the action ends up choosing to do the right thing and gets pulled into dangerous scenarios, found family, hope punk, and scenes where someone is injured/sick/drugged/unconscious/trapped and ends up at the mercy of someone they expect to hurt them, but who chooses to do absolutely nothing bad to them and saves/helps/looks after them instead (to name a few of many, many faves, haha). Some of those are pretty broad and some are wildly specific, but I love writing them all, and I’m not the only person who enjoys reading them either, so it’s a great kind of springboard to work with. : ) —Ok, for the specific questions though—I’ll do them in two parts to go with the two questions.
For writing dialogue, the biggest thing is to establish distinctive voices for all your cast. That sounds a lot harder than it is. The first real step is just to have some idea who they are as a person. Now, I know you probably don’t have time to be Bleach and have a sidebar backstory that goes for eleven pages about every guard who gets knocked out (and tbh I wouldn’t recommend it either haha), but don’t worry—you don’t need to. A lot of the time, I know very little about characters who aren’t primary cast when I write them first, and only during writing really get to know them either. Think of it a little as improv acting. If you ever have like, done bits with your friends, you actually know how to do this whether you’ve acted a day in your life or not. Friend greeting you on the phone with a fake accent & pretending to be an interviewer & you responding in kind & being like “Well yes, in my best selling novel How to Kill your Ex-Boss” and just running with it totally counts. You have no idea who the person you’re pretending to be is. You don’t know their favorite food or where they went to school. But you do know what they’re going to say next, because you’ve tapped into the person you’re running, and that’s the only thing you need to know. Same if you have ever given yourself fake interviews in your head. You’re playing both interviewer, fiction self (for whom you are for SURE making up details on the fly) & anyone else involved in that scene simultaneously. Writing can be pretty similar. Now, I do this to a bigger extent then most people, because I method-write (which uhhhh, I cant completely recommend, as it is devestating on the emotions :’-] ), but it works used less extremely too.
The idea, really, is to give characters a voice in your head, and have that voice not be the same for any two characters. And I mean voice literally. What do they sound like. Do they talk fast, get excited & into topics easily? Always sound mildly done with everyone else? If it helps, pick the voice of an actor or a friend or different tones you can use yourself speaking outloud—just give them voices. A lot of it will start flowing pretty naturally once the character is created. Writing has a lot of overlap with acting, in that you really need to grasp and be able to kind of jump around in a lot of different types of peoples’ heads. Most people have significantly different ways of speaking, even if they don’t have different accents than your other characters. Some people cuss more, some never do, you get varried vocabulary sizes, and just word choice and tone. I’m probably making this sound a little hard and overwhelming, but trust me, it’s not so bad. Mostly it will come naturally once you get a mental idea of what your character is like, sounds like, and the vibes they give off.
From a more technical standpoint, a couple of really good suggestions are to run dialogue in your head before writing it, and to read your written dialogue out loud. No matter how well you write, you will think dialogue better most of the time. This is just how it goes, because writing is a different process. So something that helps is to mentally “play” a scene out, and jot down some of the dialogue as you hear it, or to pause in writing to run some of the scene mentally, then pick back up again. Another big one is that almost all people, when writing dialogue, will start out writing too formally. Now, that’s totally fine if your character actually just speaks very formally, but most people 80% of the time speak using contractions. Like, you’d probably say, “Hey! How’re you doing? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” and not “Hey! How are you doing? It has been a while, has it not?” (And obviously, most people aren’t going to actually write out “has it not,” but simpler ones like “How are” vs “How’re” or “It is” vs “It’s” are super common to write. Try to keep that in mind writing dialogue, and also try reading your dialogue out loud verbatim. A lot of the time, something will read totally normal to you, but the second you hear it out loud, you’ll go “Oh. Oh, no. No one speaks like this.” It is SUPER helpful, and kind of funny too. Also, don’t be afraid to use verbal interrupters like “Uh” or “Uhm” or substitues for them like “Well” and “Like” —people use ‘em when they speak. We also tend to interrupt our friends to agree when talking about stuff, because the way language is set up a lot of the time you know the end of a sentence before it is said.
Other things that govern how characters speak a lot are their comfort level in a scene and what they want, how open or closed off they are about themselves in general, and their personal ways of thinking in general. For example, Joey Harmin and Quentin Smith are extremely fun to write in scenes together for me, because they both follow fairly understandable and clear logical thought paths, but those paths are completely different. Like they could not be operating on less similar wavelengths half the time, which is hilarious. There’s an exchange I haven’t uploaded for New Dawn Fades where they’re talking for the first time, and Joey is operating nearly 100% on small-picture context (But since you woke up, I have been very nice to you. Why don’t you trust me?) and Quentin is operating at nearly 100% big-picture context (You have killed me before—I have literally no reason to think you won’t any second now once again. I have no idea why you have not already). And both thought lines make total sense for the character to be following, but they could not be more confused by each others’ response. People think super weirdly and super different from each other, and that’s amazing, and some times you legit wont totally get what wild shit your own character is on, but that’s fine. You don’t need to—you just need to know it makes sense to them, and be able to understand it on some logic level, even if you could never really get it emotionally or more really than ‘in theory’ on a personal level. Also, side note—sometimes people speak super differently when in a professional setting vs relaxed, or with different friends, and that’s totally fine. Also-also, you might notice that if some characters spend a lot of time together, they start to speak similarly—that’s super normal too—don’t worry. It’s not you doing a bad job. Friends tend to pick up each others’ mannerisms and speech to some extent, and this is wildly more apparent when they hang out together.
This was a very long and in-depth answer to writing dialogue, but really, don’t let it overwhelm you. The TLDR is more or less just give them different voices in your head, and listen to them, then write down what you hear. Read it out loud to make sure it sounds like them if you feel unsure about it. I personally get into character and try to really think as/become them a bit at least when writing, because I approach writing from a very acting-based standpoint becuase that’s just how I am wired, but even if that’s not how you vibe, just know them a little. Know once you’ve talked to someone for like, three minutes, you have some idea how they talk. The synonym they’d chose, if they’d agree, or disagree, or just give a judgy look, or stay quiet. Know them that well, and try to hear them in your head. Read everything you write for them in that voice, thinking that voice well you write, and it’ll do wonders.
Now, for research.
First up, research is FUN! It’s amazing. It’s so wild to learn things and dip into thousands of parts of human existence you had no idea about at all. Try to think of it as a plus, not a pain, because really, it should be. Now, to be fair, I lean heavy into research—I’ll do days of research to try to find something out if I have to, and I have. I’m learning some of how to write and conjugate an extremely dead language right now for a fanfic, I’ve done massive deep dives from everything to ancient cultures and religions, screen shotting films to zoom in on set detail to learn what artist or band a character is into, what they drink, what they own, to the appproximate timing from specific streets in New York I’ve never seen to each other by specific subway line, to a myriad of wounds and diseases, to mental illness, to historical events as insignificant as marsh draining in specific cities. But bro? It was fun. Sometimes it’s a lot, but the thrill of finding what you were looking for? It’s great.
Now, I’m not saying you need to be me if you don’t want to haha. But when it comes to researching whatever you want to research, here’s some tips: First up, if what you are researching has anything to do with a human experience? (Mental illness, physical illness or injury, sex, birthing, death, how it feels to shoot a gun, or fall from a great height, or have a PTSD episode, anything like that?) You really need to hear it from people, if at all possible. The good news? In this day and age? It super is, almost always! Even with death. You can find people describing death (body death, not complete brain death) experiences they went through, and it’s very cool. I definitely recommend discussion threads, like Reddit, and YouTube videos of people giving their personal accounts for this kind of thing. They’re amazing resources, and also usually surprisingly fast! This is especially important for stuff like neurodivergence, disorders, mental illness, drug experiences, or anything else that’s on a cognitive more than physical level, because if you look at just textbook explanations, they’re not only usually very incomplete, but sometimes even inaccurate. Listening to people can give the truth if it’s missing, and the majority of the time while that’s not the biggest issue—especially concerning like, wounds or freezing or a near drowning experience, etc—it gives it a completeness a medical account just can’t. Also, if you have got any personal experience to lean on? Go for it! I’ve never been electrocuted horribly really, but when researching for the torture sequence in Proven, I both looked up a ton of first-hand accounts and some science to better understand what was going on, and took my own experience of the electric shocks I have gotten as the first building block in making a mental picture of what it would feel like to go through that. Obviously, being shocked hard enough to be flung backwards from a cattle fence (my history) is a far cry from being subjected to parrilla torture, but having a small amount of basic knowledge of the kind of pain electricity causes was useful as a first block in translating the information I was reading into something I understood better.
For non human-experience based research, a lot of it is pretty easy to look up, even if you wouldn’t think so. For example, guessing at the time period for cars in Autohaven and searching different years + truck + brand names for American cars was actually a really short process for finding a match—same with the make of the metal gas cans, back when I was trying to determine when, exactly, Philip was from. Visual image searches are great when applicable, especially if you’re trying to figure out what something is, because chances are if you describe a plant you saw once as ‘Tall lake reed plant with hotdog bun looking top,’ someone else will have once used some of those words when searching for a cattail as well. Also, for non-human research, books and academic papers are great, but so are non-academic sources like videos and photos for locations or objects. Sometimes again though, human info will honestly be where it is at, like reading firsthand descriptions of specific places. For most things, just type what you’re looking for into a search engine honestly and start there. You can totally start on the Wikipedia page for a city or a Greek god or a type of bomb, and move on from there—people put references in wiki articles, and you can check the bottom of the page for the specific source too. You can go on from basic knowledge to add or subtract keywords and refine your search. It’s pretty simple once you get going. If you’re getting extraneous results because a film title shares the name of what you are looking for, or a song or whatever, try quotation marks for an exact match, or - and then quotation marks around what you see that you want gone from results. Pretty basic stuff. Tbh, a lot of the time, it’s all you’re gonna need. Want to write a Stranger Things fic, but you have no idea what movies or shows were popular in the US at the time and need to know what they’d be watching in a scene? Honestly, searching “1980s (or 1980whatever-more-specific year) popular shows” will probably get you what you need in like 4 minutes. Also, if you’ve got a parent who was alive at the time and lived in the place, or older friend (or younger, I don’t know you, maybe this one doesn’t apply to you because YOU were there, but you’d have to ask a teenager irl now what the kids are into for a 20teens story, haha), utilize that resource and just ask them. Discussion spaces again, a massively useful resource. You can find people talking about their shared experiences with almost anything, and hear it more or less first-hand.
If you’re trying to learn about culture or history, again, first-person accounts are where it’s at. If you can’t find any, go for the next best thing, which is descendants or historians with a personal connection/interest. If you really, really can’t find much of that (as sadly has been the case for some cultures or religions I’ve researched in past, considering the lack of documentation period and/or intentional culture erasure going on), then read what you do find on it with a grain of salt. Who wrote it, and when? What biases did they bring? Also, often an old document like that might be the only first source you can find, but taking whatever badly documented info they have and trying new searches with the specific language you learned from them can yield new and much better results. Just do your level best. ^u^ Really, that’s all anyone can do. Sometimes there will be things without much out there period, and you don’t have to like, put 97 hours of research in combing your local library for any thing you may have missed for the fic you’re on right now or something. Just do your best, do what you can, and care, and you’ll be okay. It can seem daunting, but doing your sincere best is what anyone who does know the answer—living or dead—would care about, and it’s an important thing /to/ do, and also a pretty informative and fun one. Also, I swear it’s not as intimidating as I might make it seem. Pretty much always you’ll be able to find some decent chunks of solid and very useful information eventually, on anything. And most things actually do not at all take that long to research. I’m a monster, who likes to down research more and more each morning like I’m building up a resistance to iocaine powder to someday win a battle of wits, but you really don’t have to be me, and if you want to be, chances are that means you also just really heckin love learning new facts, so you’re gonna love the wild deep insanity of creating It’s Always Sunny Meme level conspiracy walls trying to track down ancient evil trees in mythology to figure out what in the goddamn the Entity really IS and you’ll adore it all. If you’re not, trust me—that’s completely fine. Most research is gonna take between 20 minutes and a few hours, depending on the level of complexity, and once you learn it, you have all this cool new knowledge! Like that you can fake a death with tetrodotoxin so well someone with a high but not fatal does in them could die undergoing an autopsy! Or how much opium kills someone, how it actually feels to black out, how hard it actually is to chloroform someone, or that wolves have been known to hold funerals for loved ones, or how to stitch a wound. It’s like, amazing. Join me, and become that thing from Adventure Time going “I have approximate knowledge of many things” while rubbing its grimy hands together with glee.
Uhhh haha, I made this one more concise wildly, but the TLDR version is just ask people or read or watch what people who have undergone X thing say it is like (oh, and make sure to read more than one account—big one with accuracy). For non-human research, start with just a basic search. If you’re a student and have access to academic searches more easily, totally use that. If not, don’t worry. Lots of academic search compilation sites are still open to you, and honestly, you’re only going to need to turn academic for highly specific and wildly rare information period. Most of the time, hear it from people who know the answer. Discussion forums and YouTube journal-type videos are fantastic resources. For what living in rural Wisconsin in the early 1980s was like for Philip, I searched about living in the early 1980s in rurual Wisconsin, found specific names in an article for the kinds of cheap apartments common, adjusted my search, and found a ton of good resources by people documenting the struggles and mistreatment of life there at the time, and also found out Milwaukee is surprisingly one of the most dangerous and racist cities in America, then and now, on the way. For Kate experiencing being forced to drink bleach, I watched seven different people on YouTube talk about their experiences drinking bleach, and read up on the medical side to understand the science of what happens to you, plus a few text descriptions as well. But really, both of those were pretty fun and fascinating and quick research stints. Most are. I super recommend trying some deepish dives out, even just for fun and not with writing planned in mind at all!
Anyway, I hope this helps! I wrote it at one in the morning & didn’t proof because I feel very bad and need to pass out to try and heal, so sorry if there are any errors that make this hard to read. Thanks for asking! This was fun to answer. Please feel free to ask any follow-ups if there’s something I didn’t seem to cover, or you want to know more about either of these or something else. I’m certainly not the world’s leading expert or something, but I got some fun methods and tips I’ve developed over the years I’m happy to share with a fellow writer (or bored or curious person just interested in the process, haha). Again, I gave long answers because I wanted to be thorough, but I promise neither dialogue nor research is a difficulty level reflected in the length of those answers—that’s just me being me. Don’t let it intimidate you! They’re both fun and actually not so hard things to do. You just kind of need to learn your starting off points and get your sea legs, and the rest mostly comes naturally and easily and is very fun. It’s super satisfying to read a line and be like “Only you, my dumb child” seeing the stupid crap they say, or “You’ve come so far” watching how they’re choosing to reach out to someone now vs as the story’s start; or to have needed a way to have a character pry open a wedged car door and find just exactly the perfect tool you could even have a logical reason for them to easily find in the scene and be able to sit back down thinking YES!!! I got it!! —it’s a rush, and very, very satisfying. I’m sure you can do it!! And I wish you the best of luck. I sadly made this on mobile because I forgot tumblr sucks and won’t let me retroactively add read mores on mobile now and it’s too late for me to change that, and I’m so sorry this is so long 😭😭😭, but I’m tagging it “long post” so hopefully tag blocks can still save people :’-] — anyway! Hope this helps and best of luck. Night! 💙
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
B, H, T, U?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
-You got me into Grimm/Herrah and now that pairing has been lurking in the back of my mind ever since because holy S H I T they would vibe so well. Both of them are scary powerful creatures with tiny little demon children that they love dearly and Herrah already has experience with, er, handling gods, so she’d adapt pretty quickly to Grimm’s antics, I think. Plus the idea of PK somehow hearing that his one ‘living’ child got adopted by the clown vulture because he hooked up with Herrah the Beast is HILARIOUS
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
-Oh jeez. I’d say that books, games, and anime are my current best sources rn?? In that order, too. Books are the easiest to justify having and I’m a super quick reader, I tend to watch game playthroughs before ever getting them and youtube is easy to watch on breaks, and then anime is usually broken up into manageable chunks. TV is inconvenient even when I’m allowed to watch it, movies are too long, and I don’t think I’ve ever watched any western animated shows that I actually really liked, so those are out of my books (granted, I’ve barely watched any at all, so bear that in mind)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
-YES and it is that Hollow is a sweetheart, Grimm is Good actually (y’all just assume gods of death are naturally evil), Herrah was a great mom in the time that she had, PK and WL were never intentionally cruel, just Out Of It and desperate, and Lurien was actually important to the city in some way shape or form (bc why the fuck else would he have a tower?? To paint??? Unless ‘Watcher’ always was a duty of sorts and he inherited it, but I feel like we’d have heard about his predecessors in the lore somewhere, at least via statues or something) 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
-Ough time to use ones other than Hollow Knight for once
The Silmarillion: Maedhros. Hands down Maedhros. Dude’s a classic example of ‘the road to hell was paved with good intentions’, and his story man,,,his story fucks me UP. He’s so goddamned tragic and it’s so devestating to see someone who was such a good person and princeling turn into a desperate mess forced to run a young mother off of a cliff because of an oath his father made him take in a moment of anger and grief. Falls from grace are amazing, but fuck, they h u r t
Bloodborne: Lady Maria. Not only is she really fuckin hot, she’s also a terrifying, capable fighter with a strong sense of morality and guilt at her war crimes, which is even sexier than her killing you with her flaming blood magic. Pair that with her being one of the first hunters, having a tragic failed redemption arc, and being essentially a vampire on top of it all, and whooo boy no one else in Bloodborne takes the cake. Her fight gave me legit goosebumps and is my favorite in the game with how much it feels like an honorable dance between two hunters; I just wish that we could have given her a kinder release than another death. Like knowing that she didn’t have to guard the clocktower from us and her failing in protecting the Orphan of Kos allowed the Nightmare to finally find peace, letting her fade away knowing that the damage she unknowingly brought to so many hunters was finally being undone.
Wings of Fire: Darkstalker. Tossup between him and Winter, really, but I think Darkstalker won out bc more people dislike him than they do with Winter. I think Darkstalker was a really interesting, fascinating character whose fall into becoming an antagonist primarily swung about due to him stubbornly refusing to get better coping mechanisms. He was an exceptionally powerful kid placed in a bad home who got no help until it was too late, and I really feel for him on that one. I do wish he got the chance to redeem himself with all the messy feelings and bitterness that came along with it, and I do think that people blew his crimes out of proportion (which. He did awful shit like mind-controlling but before it all went to hell, he was being used as a war weapon, so what do you expect), but he was also a delightfully intelligent dragon and I feel like he could have actually been a good king, if he was never trained to see total control over people as the only way to get things done
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happyshippingnoises · 4 years
Shuichi x Reader (ANGST) “The Girl Next Door”
The girl next door.  The girl who lived next to him. The girl who would wave at him and beam. The only sunlight in his life. Shuichi Saihara would do anything to be with you, even if he had to give up his own ultimate.
The boy didn't know much about love, only the simple complications of cheating and marriage.
He wouldn't go around calling himself detective, but he sure knew his way around the docks.
Least, thats what he thought about love. Truly, this dark haired boy knew nothing about it, not even how it works.
So when he felt his heart pumping when you knocked on the door, surely, he assumed the worst. Heaving out a sigh, he'd always head for the door with a small smile, when you suddenly burst inside to help his case, he never objected.
As the ultimate theorist, you always lent over a hand to spend time with the shy crush of yours. You didn't know. You just, felt drawn to him. Like a shoulder to always lean on, a shirt to always cry on, a memory that couldn't be erased.   Once again, you both sat down on the couch to discuss the case, or traveled around the city to find a lost animal. You'd twirl around on your sneakers and giggle under the city lights. Today was no exception, of course, you'd drag your fingers on the shallow water and scan your eyes around for the cat. Shuichi held his heart close, watching you enjoy yourself. He just had to ask. "Why do you hang out with me... y/n?" spoke the boy, avoiding her gaze and walking through the pavement, You of course, loved him. Sure he started out as eye candy for you, but you really began to enjoy his presense once you took it to mind. You didn't want to seem the least bit desperate, but replied "Because, you're amazing. Why else?" Shuichi felt like a dart hit through his chest. The poor boy couldn't help but feel a shameful blush wipe all over his face, and it didnt stop him from pulling his hat to lower his view. He already stopped walking to a halt, turning back to you. You watched- he suddenly ran towards you, his hat quickly getting pushed back from the gust of wind that pushed back.  He grabbed your hands tightly, leaning over your figure with pleading eyes  "But, You're so much more..! I.. I never deserved my title!" Your eyes widened. Its been forever since the boy put himself down, albiet with this much energy, it almost devestated you.  Instead, you decided to smile thoughtfully at him, wrapping your fingers and entertwining with his.  "What do you mean, silly? Of course you do, or else you wouldn't have it!" you giggled, spinning around with him. Both of your body weights keeping you steady, you spun him around with your hands, never keeping your gaze from him. Shuichi smiled, finally letting you go.    You yearned for his touch, but kept it quiet. You were the girl next door. You couldn't  love a boy, not one next door. The boy next door went to another school, and had a whole life ahead of him. You kept your title as the girl next door, the girl with unrequited love, the girl who stood by the blooming trees and watched the leaves rip off. You had to be there for him, no matter how much you cried. Finally, the dusk had settled and the stars illuminated throughout the city, of course, you and Shuichi knew it was that time to leave and look again the next day. Not that you complained, though.  Any moment with this boy before you move away was nice, even pleasant. He knew you were close to moving away as well, and dreaded it. He loved you, he really did. But nothing could stop him from the inivitable 'break-up' that would ensue. You'd stop being the girl next door, but only the girl far away. The girl out of your reach. The girl who stood in a flower field far off in the distance, the blooming sunflowers shifting from the wind, the white dress she wore flowing off her skin and the straw hat she'd wear, the girl you'd see in your dreams; and the girl you'd never see again. Surely, they'd meet again, neither knew when though. It stuck the boy by bullets, so he also held onto every single moment with you. Especially when it was your last day with him, him alone. You smiled at him, the smile recieving warmth from him all over, you finally began to speak now. "So, its our last day...huh?" the detective shut his eyes tight, wishing for this day to never end. He tried desperately to swallow the pit in his throat, to respond, to console you, all that came out was a shake of his head. You sighed in response, looking up at him.  "I love you." was what came from your mouth, never tearing your eyes away from him. Shuichi froze, only feeling his arms touch your face, he pressed his head against yours.  "I...I love you too." was his final response, feeling your arms wrap around his neck, he heard you slowly choke out a sob. His heart throbbed. You looked up at him, cheeks already drenched in tears, a faint blush spilling all over your features.  "I'm sorry I couldn't be the next door girl anymore."
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kpopfromtheblock · 5 years
a/n ⇾ so this ends pretty abruptly bc i’m not good at ending stories so boop… sorry! i hope that you guys enjoy it nonetheless. i might do a part two but it’s not set in stone as i have other stories i want to get out first. thank you guys so much for reading and for all your love and support! ✨
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genre ⇾ fluff, comedy, implied smut, bts crack?
pairing ⇾ bts x fem reader
summary ⇾ leave it to your seven boyfriends to have a full ass debate about who is the better kisser and leave it to them to make you decide.
warning ⇾ there is a lot of headass behavior going on in this. if you squint, there some dirty talk (talks of hard-ons, wetness, horniness) — usual warnings: cringy-ness and swearing.
words ⇾ 4,297
. *     ✦     .      ⁺   .  * ⁺        ⁺
“What is so important that you had to wake me up from a nap? An amazing one, might I add.” You say as you stroll into the living room with Jimin’s arm linked with your own.
Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook are scattered around the room when the pair of you step in.
You were peacefully asleep in Yoongi’s room, trying to catch up on the rest you missed the night before. Things were going well until Jimin came waltzing in the room, frantically shaking you awake. “I told you we have something to ask you.” He reminds, moving from beside you to join his members. 
“What is it?” You ask, sleepily rubbing your eyes as you stand behind the couch, waiting for an explanation. “Come sit Princess.” Jin says sweetly whilst patting on his lap.
You don’t hesitate to walk over to him. You lazily drag your feet across the floor, making your way over to the oldest member. You sit in his lap and he instantly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your closer to him and resting his cheek on your arm. You smile at the close contact and place your arm around his shoulder before bring your hand up to stroke your fingers through the hair at the back of his head. “Whats going on?” You question with a curious brow raised.
“They want you to pick who the better kisser is.” Jungkook who is immersed in a video game (like always), blurts out for the first time since you entered the room.
“I’m going back to sleep.” You say immediately after he finishes his sentence. You stand up to make your way back to Yoongi’s room, not wanting any part in the foolishness you know is about to take place but Jin isn’t having it.
The oldest member pulls you back down on his lap almost as fast as you stood up to exit.
“Not so fast.” He says.
“You guys can’t be serious.” You say in disbelief as you look at each of your boyfriends. They haven’t moved a muscle and are as calm as ever, making it seem as though what they are asking you is the most normal thing in the world... Truthfully, it isn't the the craziest thing you’ve heard them debate about but it sure as hell isn’t the most common either.
“We are very serious.”  Taehyung brings you out of your thoughts, He hasn’t glanced at you since you entered the room. Much like Jungkook he is far too occupied by the dark colors of whatever violent, intense video is on the TV screen.
“Baby, all you have to do is tell them that I’m the best kisser in the house and you can go right back to sleep.” Jimin is sitting on the couch, now giving you his undivided attention. The pout on his lips is hard to resist but you do your best. You will not entertain their fuckery… Not tonight anyway. Not when you are exhausted beyond belief and Jin should know… He’s the one who kept you up all night… 
He probably would’ve woken up this morning wanting more of you, if you hadn’t snuck away to cuddle with Yoongi at the crack of dawn.
“Why would you ask her to lie like that when we all know the truth.” Taehyung says.
“Which is that I give the best kisses.” Jin rebuttals.
“Let me go Jin.” Jin ignores your words and instead decides to grip your waist tighter, holding you in place so you are practically glued to his lap. You roll your eyes and sigh in frustration. 
“This is ridiculous.” You groan.
Leave it to your boyfriends to have a full ass debate about something so utterly dumb and leave it to them to put you right in the middle of said debate.
“I know, which is why you need to let these inexperienced fools know that I am in fact the champion of kissing. My lips were made for it. No one can ever deny me when their lips touch mine and that is a fact.” Jin says proudly. There is confidence dripping from his words and as much as you don’t want to giggle, you really can’t help it. 
Jin is hilarious, especially when he isn’t trying to be.
“What did I just walk into?” Namjoon says as he walks back into the dorm with a few boxes of pizza in hand. Yoongi not far behind with a case of soju and a two liter bottle of cola.
You assume that Namjoon has heard the last bit of Jin’s sentence, the look of confusion on his face tells you so.
“Joon please save me.” You whine, reaching your hands out for him like a child would if they wanted to be picked up. “The guys are forcing me to choose who the better kisser is amongst the seven of you. Isn’t that ridiculous?” You ask, hoping he will validate what you know is true which is that, this whole conversation is indeed ridiculous.
“Seriously?” Yoongi says before shaking his head. With a sigh falling from his lips, he walks around Namjoon to put the drinks on the counter. He then walks over to the cabinet to pull out a shot glass. ‘Same Yoongs, same.’ You think to yourself, also feeling like you need a shot of soju after dealing with the other men around you.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous, especially when everyone knows that I have the best lips in the house.” Namjoon states, walking further into the kitchen to put the pizza boxes down.
Your mouth falls open slightly in shock. 
Is Namjoon really engaging in this nonsense? You must be hearing things.
“I BEG YOUR PARDON!” Jin shouts, almost blowing your ear off in the process. You squeal and hold your hand over your ear. The pain in your eardrum is evident. “Sorry Princess.” He says sweetly whilst rubbing your back to sooth you. “BUT I BEG YOUR PARDON!” He shouts again, just as loud as before.
“Hello?” You say out loud, more to yourself than to anyone else in the room... You just want to make sure you can still hear after having Jin yell in your ear not once, but twice in the span of two seconds…
You think your voice sounds a bit different, almost muffled but you don’t have time to dwell on the fact that you might, probably be deaf in one ear now.
“You heard me. Best. Lips. In. The. House.” Namjoon repeats and you sit there, on Jin lap, completely flabbergasted by what you are kind of hearing.
“He’s not lying.” Jimin responses, sending a wink in Namjoon’s direction. The older boy becomes fluster instantly. His ears turning a pretty shade of red.
Namjoon averts his gaze from Jimin to focus on the box of pizza in front of him. His dimples make an appearance when a shy smirk forms on his lips. It’s cute… ‘Namjoon is so cute.’ You think.
You look over at Jimin, to see a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he watches Namjoon’s boyish behaviors make an appearance… 
Jimin knows exactly what he’s doing and it amazes you… It amazes you how he has the ability to make anyone, literally anyone, flustered. He’s that charming.
“Ok but best lips doesn’t mean best kisser and I personally think Hobi Hyung has the best lips, just saying.” Jungkook mentions. You shake your head… As much as you try to fight it, there is a small smile starting to form on your lips. The conversation that is taking place in front of you is so incredibly stupid that all you can do smile and shake your head... This your life now... Arguing about who kisses the best.
The thought makes you roll your eyes for the thousand time tonight.
“Are you guys aware of how dumb this conversation is?” You finally say what you’ve been thinking.
“I know Princess so please tell them that this is pointless because I am actually the better kisser. Science has proven this already.” Jungkook scoffs at this before shaking his head in disapproval. “I’ve kissed you before Hyung…” Jungkook says. “And you’re not the good.” He blurts out. Jin gasps, placing his hand over his chest dramatically. “I’m devestated.” Jin starts, his voice is laced with disappointment. “I can’t believe that you can sit here and lie to my face like this.” He adds and you can’t hold your laughter in any longer.
You burst into fits of giggles and it is so infectious that Jin, Tae and Jimin can’t help but laugh along with you despite not knowing what is so funny.
“Why are you laughing?” Jin questions but before you can answer, you hear Hoseok’s voice come from around the corner. 
You are just now realizing that he hasn’t been in the room the whole time. You were so shocked by the idiots around you, that you hadn’t noticed he was missing.
“Ok so the store didn’t have any strawberry milk left...” Hobi begins as he walks into the living with two plastic bags in his hand. You assume he went to get a bunch of snacks from the convenient store that was conveniently placed just a block away from the dorm.
“What did I miss?” He asks after looking up to find everyone gathered in the living room/kitchen. “Finally, an intellectual.” You say in relief. “Babe, please tell your brothers that this…” You decide that you will no longer call it a debate as it is not serious enough (or at all for that matter) to be considered one. “This foolishness about who the better kiss is, is stupid.” You groan out. Hoseok chuckles. “Are you guys seriously arguing about that? How old are we? Ten?” He says mockingly, dropping the bag of snacks on the counter. 
“Thank you!” You say, removing yourself from Jin’s laugh to make your way over to Hobi.
You wrap your arms around his waist, embracing him in a warm back hug. You press your cheek against his back and breathe him in, admiring the smell of his cologne mixed with the fresh air from outside.
Being in Hoseok’s presence is like a breath of fresh air after sitting in a room with six guys who are apparently sharing one brain cell. You love them to death of course, but sometimes they can be quite the handful.
Hoseok chuckles and turns around in yours arms so that he can wrap his around you. “You guys are stressing my Angel out with your stupidity.” He says, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head whilst stroking your back softly. You nuzzle further into him and close your eyes. You could easily fall back asleep in his arms right now…
“She wouldn’t be stressed if she would just tell everyone that I am the better kisser.” Sassy Jin is in full effect and if you weren’t so nicely wrapped up in Hobi’s arms, you would’ve shot him a death glare but you are too pre-occupied with the warmth and comfort of the main dancer, to care.
“But thats not true.” Jungkook speaks up again. You sigh, having had enough of the idiocy happening around you. “Fine. You guys really want me to pick who I think the best kisser is?” You say, finally deciding to give in.
“Yes.” Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung say in unison. You remove your arms from around Hobi to walk back into the living room. You take a quick glance down the hallway… ‘I could just make a run for it and lock the door.’ You think but you know you wouldn’t make it very far. 
You’re fast but the guys are much faster.
“It’s Joonie.” You admit. Namjoon nearly chokes on his pizza, his eyes bulging out of his head at the sound of his name falling from your lips. “nAmJoOn?” Jungkook and Jin speak at the same time once again. You nod your head in response. “SERIOUSLY?” The look on Jin’s face is a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. “Yeah seriously?” Namjoon is in disbelief as well.
“Why do you sound so surprised Joonie? Didn’t you say you had the ‘Best. Lips. In. The House.’?” You question, mocking his tone from earlier.
“I was kidding…” He confesses.
“Well I think you’re an excellent kisser.” You inform him and once again he blushes.
“I would’ve understood, if you picked Suga Hyung but Namjoon Hyung?” Tae says as he puts down his game controller. He gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen to grab himself a slice of pizza. “Me too!” Jungkook says, wanting Taehyung to also bring him a slice.
“What’s that supposed mean?” Joon says defensively, referring to Tae’s statement. “What does Suga Hyung have that I don’t?” He adds.
Meanwhile Yoongi is sitting on a bar stool, pouring himself another shot of soju, looking completely unbothered, as always. “Please don’t involve me.” He says before throwing back the shot. 
It seems that he’s gotten halfway through the bottle in the short amount of time it has taken him to sit down on a stool and open the drink.
“He does that thing with his tongue.” Tae says smirking. You can tell by the look on his face that he is currently having a flashback of That Tongue Thing™ that Yoongi does.
A thing with which you happen to be very familiar with. “Oh yea..” You say, voice dream as you have a little flashback of your own of the last time you and Yoongi had a some alone time. The smirk on your face lets Taehyung know that you know exactly what he’s referring to. “You know what I’m talking about, don’t you Darling?” He asks you. Theres a mischievous glint in his eyes and for some reason it makes your face heat up. You nod your head in response, afraid your voice will embarrass you. You clear your throat before speaking again. “Yes… But I still choose Namjoon.” You stand by your decision. 
“Why though? What is so special about Joon’s kisses?” Jin ask curiously… 
“If I didn’t know any better Hyung, I’d say that you were jealous...” Jimin teases. 
“I am not. I just want to know what makes his kisses so much better than mine.” Jin admits. You can hear the bitterness in his voice but you won't call him out on it.
“Joonie’s lips are just really soft... And he’s always gentle...” You praise Namjoon and he smiles brightly at you, showcasing his beautiful dimples again. “I thought you liked my kisses…” Jin says solemnly. “I do… Just not all the time. Sometimes you’re a bit rough and you bite a little hard.” You say truthfully.
You didn’t want to hurt Jin’s feelings but you did want to honest. This isn’t to say that Jin is a terrible kiss because he isn’t but, he could be a little softer.
Jungkook snorts and Jin rolls his eyes at the younger member before bringing his attention back to you. “Remind me to never bless your lips with mine again.” Jin threatens and you pout. “C’mon Jinnie, don’t be like this.” You coo, walking back over to him to sit back in his lap. “Just be a little gentler.” You say, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll try.” He says, unable to stay mad at you.
“Thats all I’m asking for.”
He smiles at you whilst wrapping his arms back around your waist. “Now what is this Tongue Thing™ Yoongi does, that you and Tae seem to be so smitten with… He’s never done with it me.” Jin’s complains.
“Thats because I don’t like kissing you.” Yoongi tone is flat and uninterested.
“I don’t like kissing you either! You’re inexperienced and it shows!”
“A few people in this room would beg to differ.”
“Ok you two, no fighting.” You giggle. “The tongue thing… It’s hard to explain.” You say bringing the topic back up. You furrow your brows in confusion trying to figure out the best way to explain the way Yoongi kisses you when you hear Jin say “Show me then.” Your eyes widen in shock at his suddenness. “I’m eating.” Yoongi says from across the room before taking another huge bite of his pizza. “I wasn’t talking to you.” Jin says sharply, shooting a glare over at Yoongi before bringing his attention back to you. “Show me Princess. I must see what all the hype is about… What makes Yoongi such a great kisser?” Jin tone is a lot more serious than when the conversation first started but it’s serious in a way that sends a delicious shiver down your spine. 
You look up at him to fine that his eyes are trained on you. You take a second to glance at his lips. They look extremely soft today and are so beautifully plump.
Usually when Jin demands a kiss from you, you have no problem fulfilling his request but right now… You feel like a shy school girl, being put in front of the class to present a school project that is worth half your grade… You’re nervous.
When Jin catches your staring at his lips, he smirks and places his hand on your thigh, your body tenses slight and your face heats up even more. “Come on Princess. I’m waiting.” Jin impatiently taps his fingers against your thigh.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to do it as good as Yoongs does.” You confess, looking down at Jin’s hand on your thigh, desperately avoiding his gaze. “You can do it Baby.” Jimin encourages you. You look over to see a smug look plastered on his face. He wiggles his eye brows at you and you smile. “Show him what I taught you Kitten.” You hear Yoongi’s voice from across the room. You turn back to look at him and he sends a wink your way.
Namjoon is watching you intently as well… Come to think of it, all the guys seem to have their eyes focused on you and Jin. “Are you all just gonna stare?” You mumble, loud enough for only Jin to hear you. He chuckles at you and puts his hand under your chin, turning your head towards him so that you can meet his eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re shy about kissing me in front of the guys right now…” He says, raising a curious brow at you.
“Baby,” Jimin calls out. “We’ve seen you in much more… Risqué situations…” He reminds you.
“Kissing should be a breeze.”
“I’m not shy… I was just kinda put on the spot.” You lie. “I don’t want to disappoint.” You add some what jokingly, causing your boyfriends to chuckle. “I’ll be the judge.” Is the last thing your hear from Jin before his lips are being pressed against yours. Your eyes instantly flutter closed as the pillowy softness of his lips engulf you.
Jin moves the hand from under your chin and guides it down past your shoulder, finally deciding to rest it on your waist. He pulls you closer, pressing you further into him.
The kiss starts out soft, the two of you sweetly press your lips against each other for a few seconds before you decide to show Jin what Yoongi has taught you.
You push your tongue out and run it across Jin's bottom lip, asking for permission. The older boy grants you access immediately parting his lips for you. You slip your tongue into his mouth and are greeted by warmth and the subtle taste of coffee. You smile against his mouth, content with the taste of him. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss as you begin to swirl your wet muscle around his softly, this action causes Jin to groan against your mouth. He wants more but he remembers what you said about being too rough so he is holding back for your sake.
The sound of Jin's groan encourages you to keep going. You use your tongue to massage the top of Jin's, rolling the muscle around the top of his own. Jin slide his hand down to grip your thigh and you take the initiative to turn your body around and straddle his lap, feeling a lot more confident and comfortable about what you're doing since Jin's reaction is good.
The whole time you and Jin are making out, there is an audience gathered behind you.
Jungkook has abandon his third slice a pizza, the sight of you making out with his Hyung is way more intriguing.
Tae is sitting on his knees, watching intently with his mouth slightly agape. He can only see your back and the way your head slowly moves from side to side but that alone is enough to rile him up.
Jimin lays on the couch with a knee bent, as well as his elbow so he can rest his head on his palm. The smugness from before ever present on his face now as he watches the two of you.
Namjoon is watching with his arms crossed against his chest, wanting so badly to snatch you away from Jin but he isn't a selfish man so he will let Jin have you first.
Hoseok leans up against the counter, a small smirk on his lips as he drinks his soju straight from the bottle.
Yoongi is still seated on the bar stool with a proud smile on his face.
You and Jin are lost in your own little world. A whimper falls from your lips as Jin sucks your bottom lip between his own. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your fingers threading through the soft brown locks at the back of his head. You tug on them softly and the grunt that slips from his throat shoots right to your core.
Of course kissing Jin is enough to make you wet all on it's own but when you add in the fact that you can also feel six pairs of eyes on you, the tingly feeling in your crotch only intensifies. You never thought yourself to be someone who enjoys being watched during intimate situations but being in relationship with seven men all at once… It definitely brought the… Adventurous side out of you and your totally okay with that.
You flick your tongue back and forth against Jin's and he wraps his arms tightly around your middle, pulling you even closer to him than before. Your chest is pressed against his. You're sure he can feel the way your heart his pounding with excitement. You can feel the bulge in his pants pressed firmly against your thigh. You fix your body to position yourself directly on top of it causing another grunt to slip past Jin's lips. If you're being quite honest, it is one of the sexiest sound you've ever heard and you are eager to hear more.
You begin to grind your hips against Jin. He sucks in a breath and you smirk, loving the effect you have on him. "This is so hot." You can hear a voice from somewhere behind you. You can't make out which guy it is at the moment but you can definitely tell they are enjoying the show.
"I bet she's so wet right now." You know for sure, that it's Jungkook's voice your hear this time.
"I bet she is." Jimin agrees, you can hear the lust dripping from his words.
"Isn't he hogging her?" By the whiny tone, you know for fact that it's Tae who speaks.
After a few more minutes of making out with Jin, you decide it's time pull away. You realize that the two of you have barely come up for air since you started kissing and although you wouldn't mind dying from being smother by Jin's mouth, you know the both of you should catch a breath.
As you pull away, Jin greedily chases after your lips. He opts for kissing your neck and shoulder softly when you turn your head around to see the younger boys eyes are on you.
It's hard to miss the tent that has grown in Jimin's pants as his legs are spread widely on the couch. "Hello Beautiful." Jimin says teasingly and you blush. "I thought you two would never come up for air." You hear Namjoon say from the other side of you.
You try to come up with a response but the lips on your neck, the large hands on your thighs with long fingers pressed into your skin are distracting you. 
"Jinnie." You breath out and he hums in response against you, loving how needy you sound. "Hyung…" Tae whines for the second time tonight. "You're hogging her." He complains. The other members laugh at the cute pout forming on his lips.
Jin finally comes up from your neck, his lips even plumper now and tinted so prettily. "I'm sorry…" He sighs. "I couldn't help it…  That Tongue™" He says. His voice is hazy, almost like he’s coming down from a high.
"It's amazing, isn't it?" Tae enquires and Jin simply nods in response, keeping his hold on your thighs. "I'm glad you enjoyed it because thats all you'll get. I won't be sharing any more of my tricks." Yoongi informs you all. 
"Then it's only fair that the three of you show the rest of us that tongue thing, don't you think?" Jimin suggest. You can always count on him to make things a little bit more fun… 
"I think that's a brilliant idea Jiminie." Tae says enthusiastically.
"I mean it's not fair that only the three of you and now Jin know Yoongi’s trick..." Hoseok points out, falling into Jimin’s trap.
“What are we waiting for then?” You say with a smirk on your face, shamelessly falling into Jimin’s trap as well. 
Jimin is quick to get up from his spot on the couch. He walks over to you and Jin and doesn't think twice about pulling you off of the older guy’s lap. 
“I want you.” Jimin says to you. “Hey!” Jin whine in protest and you giggle. “You’ve had your turn Hyung.” Jimin reminds him before walking back over to the couch with your hand in his. 
He pulls you on his lap, making you straddle him in the same way you did Jin. 
You know for sure your lips will be swollen and your body will be sore by the end of the night and you’re more than okay with that.
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