#but one of my friends sent me the picture and they found it on Pinterest
This one is called Spacey
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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Smitten Kittens
Genre: Eddie Munson x fem!reader; fluff
Summary: Eddie helps out a very special cat who turns out to be yours. 
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: light drug-use, swearing, illusions to bad parental relationships/toxic parents, reader is called ‘Ms. Y/L/N’ at one point, Eddie-centric, Eddie being a crazy cat lady
Author’s note: Loosely based off of me and my cat <3 ; pictures found on pinterest
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4:37. Every morning Eddie’s body wakes him up at 4:37 and no matter how long he lays in bed or how late he stays up he can’t go back to sleep. He could have his eyes closed, unmoving for hours and still his mind would not allow him anymore rest. 
That’s where his little friend Mary-Jane comes in handy.
His uncle, Wayne, is usually still at work at this time so Eddie doesn’t bother being gentle as he swung the front door open, a joint dangling from his chapped lips and a couple cans of tuna in his hand. 
Stepping out of his muggy trailer, he took a deep breath of fresh morning air as goosebumps emerged on his skin. In preparation for the sun to rise, the night sky became a dark blue mixing with the yellow street lamps, light enough for Eddie not to use a flashlight. He plopped himself down on his front steps, his sock covered feet avoiding the dewy grass below by setting them on the last wooden step.
He lit up his joint, taking a deep inhale and enjoying a short moment alone before gently tapping the tuna can with his lighter.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie clutched his chest before turning towards the noise, “Oh, there you are Ozzy.”
When Eddie started using weed to help him sleep in the middle of the night he slowly made some new furry friends. Once he set a precedent that the stray cats could come to him for a snack, he became the unofficial cat-guy of the trailer park. 
Something about taking care of the mangy little beasts of the neighborhood made him feel important. Knowing there were four starving cats out there that turned to him for comfort filled him with a sense of purpose. Something he doesn’t always get with the people in his life.
As he starts filling the large dog dish he leaves outside with the fishy treat, the rest of his cat gang arrives, greeting him with quiet chirps, excited purring, and vertical tails. 
Ozzy was the leader, a short-haired tabby that was pure muscle. He usually sported an intimidating glare as he watched over the other cats, keeping them protected and in line. His right-pawed man was a skinny gray cat Eddie named Dio. He was the only one who let Eddie hold him, never clawing to get away, but still preferring to keep all four paws on land. Then there was Dungeon and Dragon, two orange cats attached at the hip and always getting into trouble. Dungeon was very talkative while Dragon was the most affectionate. 
Eddie continued smoking his joint, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction of the eating cats. He listened as their loud smacking and happy purrs echoed in the dish.
Ozzy abruptly stopped eating, eyes zeroed in on something under Eddie’s trailer porch to his right. The cat’s back immediately puffed, fur standing up on its own. He let out an aggressive hiss followed by a yowl that sent a chill down Eddie’s spine. The rest of the cats perked up in curiosity. 
“Please don’t be a raccoon,” Eddie mumbled to himself as he leaned over to get a better look.
Suddenly, a tentative black paw emerged from the shadow of the porch. The most beautiful cat Eddie had ever seen revealed herself, delicately sniffing at the fishy morning air.
Ozzy was not about to share his food with this new cat, making it known through his loud yowling that Dio soon joined in on. Dungeon and Dragon’s ears were pulled back, hissing at the new arrival.
Eddie watched as the cat timidly backed up under the porch again, not wanting any trouble but still eyeing their leftover tuna. 
“Alright guys, that’s enough,” Eddie began gently shooing the clowder of cats away. They all snapped out of it and scampered off to do whatever it is they usually do when they’re done with their breakfast. Not before Ozzy could send one last hiss in the direction of the black cat.
 “Yeah, yeah, we get it. You’re a big tough guy. Go on.” 
Pleased with himself, Ozzy trotted away in the direction of his pack. Once they were gone, Eddie finally got a good look at black cat who, once again, was making her way out of hiding.
In comparison to the rest of the cats, this one stuck out like a sore thumb. While the others were matted flea-covered strays, this cat had perfectly groomed long hair that looked particularly soft and fluffy. Her neon green eyes were clear and bright and her ears remained pointed and intact. 
After she made sure all the other cats were gone, she immediately perked up and began approaching Eddie with her fluffy tail pointing towards the sky.
“Hi there,” Eddie said gently. “You’re new.”
Eddie slowly lifted his hand, pointer finger stretched out towards the feline. She sniffed at it attentively before dragging her cheek across his short nails repeatedly. Eddie got the hint and started scratching behind her ears and down her spine, watching happily as she leaned into his touch before getting distracted by the leftover fish. 
She was even softer than he imagined.
Eddie knew she didn’t belong out here, she’s too healthy and social to be an outdoor cat or a stray. His heart ached at the thought of someone out there looking for this sweet and loving companion. He knew he needed to help her find her home.
“In the meantime, I bestow upon you the title of ‘Sabbath’. Pretty metal, huh?”
Eddie cautiously scooped her up, pleasantly surprised by how easy this was for her. She immediately settled in his grip and turned to wrap her paws around his neck, nuzzling affectionately into his long hair. 
Eddie took a moment with her, enjoying the feeling of her vibrating purrs against his chest, before heading back inside and to bed. The purring heals his heart a bit, it’s nice having someone around who offers their love to him without needing anything in return.
As soon as Eddie sets her down on the comforter, she spins around a couple times before passing out, Eddie falling asleep not long after.
Eddie was sitting in class hunched over his notebook, planning out the next Dungeons and Dragons campaign for Hellfire. He was so focused he didn’t even realize the rest of the class packed up their things and left already.
“Mr. Munson, class is dismissed,” the teacher pointed out tiredly.
“You sure you want me to go, Mr. K?” Eddie said slyly, knowing Mr. Kowcheski hates the nickname, “we could talk about our feelings? Who have you been crushing on these days?”
Mr. Kowcheski deadpanned at the delinquent for a long moment before looking past him.
“You too, Ms. Y/L/N. Class is over.”
Eddie turned around, noticing you were still there for the first time. You sat slumped in your chair with a slack expression and wet dull eyes as you stared at the linoleum floor. You jumped slightly and blushed from the attention, eyes jumping around the room.
“S-sorry Mr. Kowcheski,” your voice wavered as you shakily gathered your things and made a break for it, Eddie following close behind.
He’s not sure what possessed him to approach you, but he knew he needed to make sure you were okay. 
 You never gave Eddie a reason to hate you, always sending him shy smiles and letting him borrow a pencil whenever he asked. You were a breath of fresh air in a school full of stale and rotten posers who made his life a living nightmare.
Everytime Eddie’s eyes wandered to you in class, you were always paying close attention and absorbing the lecture through taking notes and asking questions. He always admired that about you. That’s why it was so strange seeing you so zoned out that you didn’t even realize the bell had already rung.
“Hey, you okay?” Eddie said, catching up to you in the hallway.
“Huh? O-oh hi Eddie. What’s up?”
Now that Eddie was closer, he could see your red-trimmed eyes and dark bags as you avoided his gaze. Your usual up-beat tone of voice was now scratchy and tired. Eddie felt sadness and worry flip through his stomach at the sight.
“Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were okay,” he tilted his head, trying to catch your eye, “You don’t seem like your normal self.”
Eddie could tell by the way your eyes widened and your breathing stuttered that he caught you off guard. Once you gather your bearings, you offer him a shy smile that comes as quickly as it goes.
“Thanks, Eddie. I’m fine,” you looked down at your shoes, shaking your head solemnly. “It’s…it’s stupid. But thanks anyway,” you said, voice breaking along with Eddie’s heart.
You walked away before he could press any further. 
Now that school was out, Eddie could finally head home and brainstorm ideas on how to return Sabbath to her rightful home.
 Eddie sauntered through the trailer door, shopping bags full of canned cat food in tow, as he shook the rain from his wet hair like a dog. He turned to Wayne, lounging in his usual spot on the armchair, only this time he wasn’t alone.
“Boy, if you don’t get this damn cat off of me…”
Sabbath looked perfectly happy, stretched out on Wayne’s jean covered legs. Blissfully unaware that he wanted her off of him. Or maybe she just didn’t care. She sent Eddie, what could only be described as a smile as he walked over and delicately scooped her up. She protested a little with a long closed mouth “mew”, then settled into his arms, hugging him around the neck once more.
Wayne looked up at Eddie, ocean eyes flooded with disapproval.
“I know, I know. It’s the last time I swear,” Eddie defended.
His Uncle stayed silent.
“I couldn’t just leave the poor thing, she wouldn’t have survived. She’s a lover, not a fighter!”
Wayne's face stayed the same, only lifting the corner of his brow at him.
“I’m looking for her owner, I swear. She definitely belongs to someone.”
At that, Wayne lifted himself from his armchair with an “old man grunt”, as Eddie liked to call it. His Uncle gave him a loving pat on the shoulder as he walked past him, heading to the bathroom to get ready for his night shift at the plant. 
Eddie spent the rest of the evening making posters out of cheap printer paper, writing on them with a giant black magic marker. 
“Found Cat
Black, long hair, green eyes”
Eddie added his phone number and called it good. It wasn’t much to go off of, but he figured there couldn’t be too many missing black cats out there in Hawkins.
Eddie flicked the pen cap towards Sabbath, watching as she swatted it off the edge of the table and chased it around. Soon she riled herself up so much that the zoomies overcame her, running from one end of the trailer all the way into Eddie’s room and back again. He found himself completely entertained just by watching this cat do cat things that a couple hours went by without him even noticing.
Eddie was hoping the rain would subside but this was Indiana, the weather never did what you wanted it to do. He wanted to get the word out sooner, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Not that he was complaining. Fondness blossomed in his chest as Sabbath trotted over to him and rubbed the top of her soft head against his chin. Then she settled on his lap for the rest of the evening.
6:14. This morning, Eddie managed to sleep in. Although he would’ve much rather slept longer, he was pleasantly surprised to have a couple extra hours. 
That was until he realized why he had woken up. Sabbath was meowing continuously, barely stopping to breathe. Jumping back and forth from the pillow Eddie was resting his head on, to the top of his dresser that was set in front of his bedroom window. When she leaped up, sliding a bit on the smooth surface, she scratched at the window overlooking the front yard. Eddie sluggishly pulled himself up and out of bed to see what Sabbath was getting so worked up about.
You were riding your bike in the soft glow of the morning, tires crutching in protest as you slowly pedaled. You kept your eyes and head moving, scanning the area diligently. In one hand you gripped the handle bars, in the other you held a small bag of cat treats that you were shaking every few seconds. Hope lightens your eyes at the sound of Dungeon’s meows, but it dissolves instantly when he’s not the one you’re looking for.
Eddie watched as Sabbath propped herself up on her back legs and began scratching at the single paned glass window like she could dig her way through. When she looked back at Eddie, begging him to understand her pleas, he patted her head softly and moved towards the front door.
By the time Eddie stepped outside you had stopped your bike and were silently sobbing in the middle of the road. Your back was partially turned to him but he could tell by the quivering of your shoulders and the slouch of your neck that you were overwhelmed with emotion.
“Hey Y/N!” Eddie greeted, louder than he intended.
Eddie cringed slightly as you jumped three feet into the air, dropping the open bag of treats in the process. The clowder of strays devours the fallen snacks in seconds before running off into the woods. Not before Ozzy could send Eddie a look that portrayed his disappointment in him for not feeding them earlier in the morning.
“Ah, shit. Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, no it’s alright,” you sniffed hard and vigorously wiped your face before turning to Eddie, playing it off like you weren’t just weeping.
As Eddie got closer he noticed the plastic cat carrier zip tied to the back of your bike and the pile of clothes in the basket attached to your handlebars. You watched him scan your bike, his eyes sparkling with what you misinterpreted for judgment. 
“Sorry, I’m just looking for…for my cat,” you sent him a tightlipped smile and sniffed back your tears. 
“She must be some cat, huh?” Eddie couldn’t stand to leave you hanging for any longer, watching your face crumple as you nodded. He smiled softly, “she wouldn’t happen to be a fluffy black cat, would she?”
Your head snapped up, eyes wide and hopeful. The last remnants of your tears sliding down your cheeks as you blinked owlishly at him. Your mouth was agape in an attempt to respond, but all you could manage was a frantic nod.
Eddie walked backwards slowly and smiled playfully, dimples on full display as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. He swiftly spun around before jogging up his front steps to open his front door. You watched him curiously before you noticed what emerged from his trailer.
“KITTY!” a sob ripped through your throat as you lurched forward, bike clattering to the ground in the process.
“Kitty?” Eddie mumbled to himself incredulously.
He watched as the relief you were feeling had a physical effect on you. Your knees wobbled, feet crossing over each other as you ran forward. It would’ve taken you down had you not been so eager to reach the feline. Whimpers cracked through your chest when you finally met in the middle, ‘Kitty’ being just as excited to get to you. You expertly scooped her up and let her snuggle into your hair as you clung to each other. The way you held one another reminded Eddie of how a caring mother would hold her child.
Watching this reunion was something special. Seeing these two beings who were unconditionally in love, coming together after days apart sent a warmth through Eddie’s heart. He felt a bit selfish for being proud of himself for making this happen, but quickly shook it off. That cat definitely wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for him and you would still be heartbroken.
“I was s-so w-worried about you, Kitty,” you blubbered as you pressed kiss after kiss on her soft little head. Your happy tear-filled eyes blinked up at Eddie, “t-thank you so much, Eddie. You have no idea what this means to me, thank you-” before you could back out you gently held Eddie’s face and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. 
Eddie’s face tingled with heat as a blush crept up his neck. He was just standing there, dumbfounded, not expecting the affection but not hating it either. He moved to touch his burning cheek to savor the feeling, but it made you cringe seeing the moisture you left behind.
“S-sorry,” you said with a wet laugh.
“Don’t apologize. I should be thanking you,” Eddie said, still in a lovesick daze.
“What? You’re the one that saved my cat!”
“Yeah, but you’re the one that kissed me!” Eddie would like to say that his flirting was smooth and intentional, but really he was just flabbergasted that someone as sweet and pretty as you would give him any sort of attention. 
You barked out a surprised laugh as Kitty moved to nuzzle her face into the other side of your neck. You wiped at the tears and snot still caked on your face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your emotional outburst.
“Sorry,” you apologized again, “I feel kinda stupid for crying so hard over a cat.”
“You keep saying that,” Eddie said with a smile and a soft head shake that made his curly hair float around his shoulders.
You sniffed, “saying what?”
“That your emotions are stupid. Like it’s some offense to be sad and worried about the greatest cat in the world.”
Eddie’s words surprised you. You scanned his face, looking for anything that would suggest he’s teasing or making fun of you. Luckily, it wasn’t there.
“You…you think she’s the great cat in the world?”
“Yeah! What’s not to like? She’s affectionate, entertaining, and really fucking cute. I’d probably lose my mind if I was the one to lose her. I mean, she’s a cat that hugs. What’s better than that?”
You gasped dramatically, turning to look at the cat still in your arms, “you hugged him? What a little traitor! She usually only hugs me,” you giggled.
Eddie was shocked, yet flattered. “She must be a good judge of character,” he said with a smug grin.
“Yeah, that explains why she hates my parents.”
Eddie erupted in laughter, catching you off guard. You didn’t mean to make a joke but it was kind of funny. Your chortles mixing together and echoing throughout the quiet trailer park. 
Your cat pulled back from your neck so she could look back at Eddie and send him a grateful “meow” and a slow blink. Eddie reached out to stroke behind her ears lovingly. It made you tense for a second, scared she’d take a swipe at the metal-head but instead she leaned into his touch.
“You like that, don’t you Sabbath?” he cooed, the pitch to his voice raising an octave.
“You named her Sabbath?”
“Oh, uhh y-yeah,” Eddie said, scratching the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, it was just a placeholder name until I found her owner.”
You nodded slowly as a knowing smile slithered across your lips, “Black Sabbath. Very clever.”
Eddie could have proposed to you right then and there. Instead, he would have to settle for dinner and a movie.
Thanks for reading!
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 11
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Social media is going crazy over every minimum interaction between Yn and Mick, they are ready to take anything the shipper gives.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
a/n2: I'm sorry for taking forever to update, I was a bit busy lately, and also kinda unmotivated :(
a/n3: I tried something new this time by adding three different races (Baku, Miami, and Imola), I don't know if the time lapse was easy to grasp, or if it got confused, and I think maybe Tumblr took a bit of the quality of the pictures, but nothing much (but lmk if you felt like it was much). Please, let me know your thoughts so I can post the next chapter sooner <;3
a/n4 (last one, I promise!!): My message app was not working properly and I just wanted to post this as fast as possible, so I used the Twitter dm thingy, did not really like it, but it is what it is sometimes. Sorry, y'all.
part. 10 | series masterlist | part 12 | taglist
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theofficialyn added to her story
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liked by user55, hamilton8_, and others
paddockgossip Apparently the pilots and families are enjoying the Florida weather together. The first pic was sent by a follower, rumor has it that it’s Yn Hamilton and Mick Schumacher. The second is a screenshot of her story which confirms to us that she is indeed in Miami and at the beach or at least was. 😏
view all 398 comments
smtimesadness the second pic is Lando Norris, not Mick Schumacher 😂😂
mickynshipper I love them, but I feel better consuming the crumbs they give us them invading their private life like this.
⤷ user90 Idc, they’re both public persons
popyn1 ok but can we talk about Yn friendship with the grid?? She’s casually in a yacht with Lando, gets sugar for Charles, Pierre always comments funny stuff on her posts, and then there’s Mick too (this one Idk if it’s just another good friend and we are projecting, or they’re really dating)
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liked by alex_albon, susiewolff, and others
theofficialyn week’s vibe
view all 6.223 comments
juridicohamiltons who gave you the flowers on the sixth slide?
⤷ theofficialyn a fan :)
⤷ pierregasly 🤣🤣🤣
⤷ girlbossgasly PIERRE SPILL THE TEA!
fan16_ I know y’all into mickyn train, but I cant stop thinking about how she always posts charles 😭😭😭😭 what if…..? 👁️👄👁️
gina_schumacher 💖💖💖💖 love youuu
⤷ lewisncharles their content is my fav, just two besties vibing
vroom_44 is that you revealing the song Lewis was listening to?
⤷ theofficialyn yes hahah 😝
charles_leclerc I am pretty sure you have better photos of me, yn…..
⤷ theofficialyn 😇💋
⤷ leclercmonza SEE??? ITS TOO SUS
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(open the dms pics for better quality)
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @dalsuwaha (it says no blogger found 😭)
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m00nlight-ramblings · 7 months
Me and the Devil
While in the upside down, Eddie and the crew meet Death herself.
Pairings: Eddie x female (even though she's ethereal?) character
Warnings: talks of death, general spooky gothic stuff?, swearing. MINORS DNI
Requested: yes
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: The entire crew is in the Upside Down for this one, let's bend the canon a little lol. Graphic and story made my by me. I do not give permission for my work to shared or re-posted. Pictures in graphic found on Pinterest, I do not own them. Thank you!
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Eddie's chest heaved as the final bat (hell-bat? What the hell even were these things?) slammed into the ground, a high-pitched squeal escaping its body before he met it with his wooden bat, blood spilling on the ground.
"Oh god, Steve! Steve are you okay?" Nancy rushed to his side as he gently laid his back on the ground, his open wounds noticeable from multiple feet away. The sound of Nancy yelling Steve's name sent Dustin and Mike running to him to inspect. Eddie dropped his bat and ran walked over, almost afraid to get too close.
"Yeah, I'm...fine? No, I mean I'm not but, I-"
"Shut up for a second. Here, let's help. Will someone help him up with me?" Robin said, slinging one of his arms over her shoulder. Nancy took the other, propping him up gently as Steve groaned in pain.
Everyone seemingly sprang into action at the same time - trying to clear and clean an area for Steve, squawking over what we could do to help, ripping of clothes to create makeshift wrappings.
Eddie's head began to spin, sending a dizzy spell through him. So, just to get it straight, not only did the entire town of Hawkins hate him and want him dead for something he didn't even do, but now he was in Hell (sorry, the "Upside Down"), and was fighting a supernatural entity in order to save the planet - no, the universe? And on top of that, one of his friends almost met his end right in front of him?
Okay...so, this was overwhelming.
The voices from the group barking over each other made sweat break out on Eddie's forehead, and Steve's groaning wasn't making it any better. Panic started to rise in Eddie's stomach as his heart raced and wait a minute, when did he start pacing? Ringing his hands to try and expunge some of his excess anxiety, Eddie's mouth couldn't stop from moving:
"Oh god, oh god, oh fuck, oh Jesus Christ! Oh shit, okay, oh shit-"
And suddenly, a whistle.
A whistle so clear, and so loud, it silenced the group instantly. Eddie's anxiety ceased at once as he met the faces of the others - everyone's brows an identical shade of furrowed and confused.
"What the hell is that?" Dustin murmured, staying completely still. His eyes shifted around him, trying to find the source of the whistle. The whistle, that, somehow, had shushed the thunder and lightning of the Upside Down.
As the whistle grew louder, the group knitted closer around Steve (and each other) - even though they didn't know who or what it was, somehow the closeness made them feel more secure. Eddie's eyes met Steve's, which were unreadable.
Suddenly, a woman stepped out from a cluster of rocks a few feet away. As she stepped out, the air seemed to get sucked out from under them, and a bolt of lightening struck ways away; lighting up the sky, but having no noise.
The woman, dressed in an all black - perhaps a shroud that was tightly wrapped around her body - was the source of the whistling. As she stepped out and closer to the group, the sound got louder, sending shivers down Eddie's back. Her dark eyes danced and she smirked.
A hunter playing with their prey.
The group collectively stepped back as she moved forward.
"Well, hello." She purred, stopping and scanning the group. She removed the hood that encapsulated her face, sliding it down to her shoulders, revealing a swath of dark hair. “It seems I’ve been...called.”
“No!” Robin immediately shouted, unable to keep her mouth shut, “No calling done here! No one here called you, you must have the wrong number! A-a-actually, we don’t even have a phone down here!”
“Robin shut up.” Mike hissed, keeping his eyes on the woman and not moving her lips.
The woman laughed, which sent another shiver down Eddie’s spine. He eyed the wooden bat that he had left on the ground, a mere inches away from this woman’s foot.
Fuck, he thought, I’m such a fucking idiot. The woman took another step forward and smiled fully now, showing her impeccably white teeth. Whoever this woman was, she wasn't good news.
"No, no no..." She started to circle the group slowly, eyeing each one of us individually. The pause she was taking in her speech made us all even more uneasy. Finally, she looked at Steve, "A phone, dear, is not how I'm called. Think of it as..." She breathed in deeply, as if we were in some beautiful wildflower field and not the hellscape of the Upside Down, "A universal call. Psychic or..." She waved a hand in the air, "Whatever. Anyway-"
She took a large step in to Steve and looked at him, starting at his feet, "The universe called, and I answered."
"And what...exactly are you here to do?" Nancy protectively stepped out from under Steve's arm, earning a muted groan from him, "Who even are you?"
The woman made a small O with her mouth, nodding her head slowly, "Oh well, I'm Death, darling."
"WHAT?!" Dustin, Robin, Mike, and Eddie screamed out, taking a comically large step back from her.
"Oh come now, friends, it's just my job. And everyone's gotta work, right? So...just let me do my job and I'll be on my way and -" Suddenly, Death stopped. She tilted her head and bit the inside of her cheek, examining something.
Eddie couldn't help but follow her gaze, straight to El.
"My, my, my..." She finally spoke. She waved a finger, pushing Mike to the side without even touching them. "Do my eyes deceive me, or are you who I think you are?"
El, obviously terrified, stayed still as a statue as Death examined her. Eddie couldn't help but move closer, almost involuntarily.
"My, yes, I think you are," Death extended a finger (with a long, black-painted nail) and brushed a piece of El's hair behind her ear, "It is an honor to meet you. Forgive me but, you are a bit of a...legend...in these parts. You have been the talk of the town for quite some time, you know." Death clicked behind her teeth and smiled, "I was sent here for one person, but if my boss knows of your presence, well then-"
"Absolutely not," Eddie said, stepping in between Death and El, "Like fuck you are. You aren't taking anyone today. Move the fuck along, or we'll make you."
"Eds, you're literally talking to Death herself. I don't know if you'd be able to take her." Robin grumbled, "I certainly can't..."
"Oh, my love, I'm so sorry. But if I turned my back on every single person that their friend told me not to take, I wouldn't have a job!" Death chuckled a bit, eyeing Eddie. As Eddie looked at her, he realized she looked about their age. A...teenager? Was Death? Was it a trick of the mind, or did she just present herself that way?
Eddie shook his head at this ridiculous thought - how did he get to the point where he was trying to figure the schematics of Death's age...DEATH?!
"I do admit though," Death said, smiling at Eddie, "Most people go running for the hills once they figure out who I am. It's nice to have a proper conversation every once and a while," She turned and went back to circling the group again, "So thanks, for that."
"Well - well how about we continue the...fun? Conversation!" Argyle offered, "Right? Because you...lack...stimulating conversation so much..." Argyle's voice wavered as Death turned back and started to make her way towards him. Once they were eye to eye, Argyle let out a shaky breath, "Okay, yeah. I can see why people go running for the hills. You're terrifying."
Every head in the group turned to Argyle and Nancy hissed, "Argyle!" The air was still as no one moved. Suddenly, Death laughed.
"Holy shit, you're funny!" She pointed at Argyle, "You're very funny! Oh fuck, I wish all my clients were like you all!" She turned to the group and smiled again, "It really is a shame I'll have to take Steve and El back with me, because you seem to all have a...good dynamic going on."
"Wait, you're here for me?" Steve suddenly asked, his eyes half open.
"Yeah you idiot, you're just realizing this?" Dustin looked at him, incredulous.
"Holy shit, that is terrifying." Steve spoke again.
"Dude, she's literally Death, what do you think she's here for?!"
"Hi, sorry to break this up," Death spoke again, interrupting Dustin and Steve's banter, "But can we wrap this up? I have a job to do."
"No! You can't!" Nancy shrieked, turning to Death as if she was an annoying sibling rather than, well...Death.
"Listen, Vecna isn't going to be too pleased when I don't return with at least ONE of the people I was called for, so-"
"Sorry, did you just say Vecna?! Your boss is Vecna?!" Mike hollered.
"Oh my god, we are so fucked." Dustin finished.
"We were so fucked before we found out her boss is Vecna, Dustin, WE ARE LITERALLY TALKING TO DEATH!" Eddie yelled, taking Dustin's shoulders and shaking them.
"Oh my god." Death rolled her eyes and walked away, sitting on a nearby rock. If they needed time to argue, then fine. She could let them argue. She had all the time in the world - she was Death, after all. As she watched a giant argument unfold between all members of the party, the feeling of annoyance that was once blooming in her chest was replaced by something else.
...sadness, was it?
No, that couldn't be. She hadn't felt sad in years...decades, centuries.
She had seen hundreds of thousands of groups of friends in the last moments of their lives - the crying, the screaming, the anger, the frightened feelings in their hearts. And the memories - the joy, the laughter, the happiness...she had experienced all the emotions with her clients. And 99.99% of the time, she was unaffected, just there to do her job.
So why was this group of seemingly giant bratty babies tugging at her heartstrings?
As she eyed the one with curly brown hair - Eddie, she remembers - she cocks her head to the side. The group's gravitational pull seemed to be much more than just this particular earthly plane - something about their dynamic, their love (and seemingly, anger) for one another made Death realize that this group was a group of soulmates. Destined to be in one another's lives in every lifetime, every dimension. And the fact that they were so young...
She had seen a few soulmate groups over her career, but never this young.
When she died (well, technically reborn as Death, according to the Devil himself) at 18-years-old, she had never had friends. Or love. Jealousy and loneliness weren't emotions that she necessarily felt from that point forward, but seeing this group together...something stirred within her.
What was it like to feel love? To feel...happy? To feel anything at all?
"Oh, fuck..." Death murmured, the pang in her heart growing. Her brain started to repeat the gnawing thought that had sparked inside of her years ago. Usually, she could shoo it away. But seeing this group...she couldn't help it.
What would life be like if she could start all over? Be normal again?
She stood, crossing her arms. "Hey," She spoke to the group.
They kept arguing.
"Hey..." She raised her voice a little louder.
"HEY. ASSHOLES." She shouted, silencing them. They all turned at once. "I'm going to make a deal with you," Getting up from the rock, she strode over to them, "I...will not take Steve. Or her." She pointed to El. The group all collectively sighed in relief.
"Oh, thank god." Nancy said. Death put a finger up to Nancy's face to quiet her.
"But...you have to do something for me."
"Of course..." Eddie murmured, looking at the ground.
Ignoring him, Death continued, "I became the collector of souls by a contract. Life-binding, in a sense. But..." Her voice trailed off, trying to find the right words to speak, "I...know I can leave this life behind. Get a second chance. I can become...well, not Death anymore. And I think if anyone can help me do it, it will be you all."
The group was silent. Finally, Dustin spoke, "So, like...take away all your hellish Death powers and you'd just be...human again?"
She nods, "Yes. We just need to kill Vecna, for the contract states I am indebted to him for as long as he is alive. If we kill him, and complete the ritual needed to turn me - I can handle the ritual part, don't worry - I can become human again and will start right back at my 18-year-old self."
"Oh that's it?" Dustin retorted sarcastically, "Just a simple 'kill Vecna' and boom we're good?"
"Well, I mean...we were already going to do that...so it doesn't seem like too far of a stretch..." Jonathan considered it for a moment.
"Dude are you really suggesting we let a she-devil into our group? You're suggesting we just let DEATH waltz into our group like she didn't come here to kill Steve?!" Robin shouted.
"To be fair, I could have easily killed all of you by this point if I wanted to." Death offered.
"NOT HELPING!" Robin and Will shouted to Death.
"O...kay..." Death huffed, shutting up.
"I say we do it. We don't have anything else to lose. I mean, we're in the Upside Down for fuck's sake. We're already going to kill Vecna so why not?" Eddie offered, shrugging. Death smiled at him.
She was starting to like him.
"Because this could be a trick!" Robin yelled, causing Eddie to jump, "She could be lying!"
"Um, actually, I can't lie. Since death in itself is an absolute truth, I therefore, literally cannot lie. I have to tell the truth at all times. Like...it's in my other-worldly make-up, or something." Death put a finger up to interrupt Robin.
Everyone stopped and stared at Death. There was silence for a moment, and then everyone looked at Robin. Robin made eye contact with everyone before she groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Fine. Whatever."
"Oh, yay. Thank you so much, you won't regret it!" Death purred. She sighed happily and shrugged expectantly. She spoke again, unable to contain her smile,
"So, what do we do now?"
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An hour later, with the group travelling the Upside Down, Death had fallen in line with Eddie.
"So...what's your real name? You couldn't have been born Death, right?" He asked, thinking about actually, how metal would it be if she was born "Death"?
Death shrugged, "I don't remember. I honestly don't remember much about my old life since I was turned."
She nodded, "Into Death. I was just a normal, boring girl. I got into an accident - I was attacked by wolves outside of my village. I was so scared...so terrified of what had happened, and of dying, that when my soul was to be collected, the Devil made a deal with me. I became Death - I was to collect the souls of those about to die, do his dirty work - and I would never have to experience death. Eventually I was passed to many different masters - 'bosses', if you will - until I landed with Vecna. That I do remember."
Eddie whistled, "That sounds...intense."
"it was. If i knew the things I know about death now, back then, I would've died. It's a much better situation than...whatever mess I've gotten myself into."
"What are the secrets of death?"
"Ah..." Death laughed, "That's for me to know. I don't want to spoil the fun."
Eddie smiled at her and looked down at his feet. You know, for a she-devil, she wasn't so bad. "How old were you when you turned?"
"18," Death said, "For a long time, I was okay with what I was doing. I felt nothing, I had a higher purpose. Get in, collect, get out. But..." Her voice trailed off, looking into the distance in front of them, "I started to observe people in their final moments. I was able to see the memories of their life, of their family, of their relationships...and I realized I would never have that," She shook her head, "Which for a while was fine. But...centuries of never feeling can take a toll on you, I guess."
"So when you turn back..." Eddie said after a moment, "Like, when we kill Vecna and you do your ritual and whatever...what happens?"
"I turn back to a human. I start at 18 again. I get a second chance. I scoured that contract for a loophole, and when I found it...I felt the first glimmer of hope I had felt in forever. It would be re-written every time I changed masters...Vecna thinks he can never be killed. But I know he can," Death looked at Eddie with...softness in her eyes? "And whatever is happening in your world will restore itself, and I can get a second chance."
"Why the change of heart?" Eddie's voice was soft, barely above a whisper. He had stopped walking, causing Death to pause. When their eyes met again, his were filled with sadness, she noticed.
"I saw all of your arguing..." She stopped to laugh to herself, "And realized I wanted the chance to argue with friends. I wanted friends again. I want...to fall in love. Once, I had to find the soul of someone who died at a rock concert because he had overdosed. And even though that is of course, incredibly sad...it made me realize I want to experience a rock concert. Stupid, silly things like that."
Eddie blushed and started walking again, "I'm in a band. I play concerts."
Death smiled, "Do you now?"
He nodded, "Yep. I play guitar. And it's rock...well, metal. But...once this all gets squared away and you're human again, you should come to one of our shows."
Death giggled, a blush rising on her cheeks. (A blush?! Since when did she blush?) "I'd love that."
A moment of silence passed between them as the air felt hot. "Won't...your bosses be mad that you just...leave? Like, who else is gonna be Death? That's a pretty important role."
"Think of it as me quitting, without putting my two weeks in...they'll find someone else, quickly. The fear of death is not uncommon, by any means. Someone will want to 'live' forever, no matter the cost. The poor soul..." Death's voice trailed off as she thought about the person who would be replacing her.
"I'm...sorry...by the way..." Eddie started, his voice low. He looked Death in her eyes as she scrunched her face, "I'm sorry that this entire thing happened to you. It doesn't sound...fun. By any means," He sighed, one of his hands reaching to scratch the back of his head, "Actually, it sucks. But...we'll get him. And you'll be able to go back to normal. And you'll be able to go to a rock concert. I promise." He offered a smile, causing Death to smile as well.
Another blush rose on her cheeks.
"I hope so."
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*3 Months After the Saving of Hawkins*
"If you guys don't hurry up now, I'm leaving you home and you won't be able to get a ride with me, so move it!" Steve shouted into the Wheeler's house, leaning on the doorframe of their front door. He sighed and checked his watch and yep, just like he thought - 15 minutes behind schedule.
Dustin, Mike, Will, and Lucas were the first to scamper out of basement, yelling and shouting about their current D&D campaign. Steve ushered them into the car with a smattering of "go, go, go!" Before Mike got into the car, Steve grabbed him by his collar.
"Do we have to wait for your sister or is she taking her own car?"
Mike shook his head, "No, she's taking the girls, so Max, El and Jennifer are going with her. Something about 'No Boys Allowed' when they were doing their hair and makeup or something?"
Steve rolled his eyes, "Ugh okay fine. Let's go. We're gonna be late - I don't even want to go to this show and here I am, driving you guys around AGAIN."
Steve shut the Wheeler's door just as Nancy was opening her bedroom door, the girls spilling out, giggling. Max fluffed El's hair as she walked behind her, and Nancy was re-applying her lipgloss.
"So, are you just so excited to see Eddie play tonight, Jen?" Nancy asked, teasing her innocently, "Rockstar boyfriend and all?"
Jennifer - formally "Death" - giggled and could feel the blush rising to her cheeks. "Enouuggghhh...of course I am," She giggled again, but it turned into a sigh, "Except I got a pimple for the first time in like, literally 350 years last night, like, of course the night before Eddie's big show."
"Yeah, well, you wanted to be human. Welcome to womanhood, toots!" Max said, slinging an arm around Jennifer.
As the group made their way and enjoyed Corroded Coffin's first concert since Hawkins (and the world) was saved (Steve enjoyed it, he just didn't want to admit it), they found their way over to the band at the bar. Eddie couldn't have taken his eyes off of Jennifer the entire time, no matter how hard he tried. And as he watched her walk over to him, it wasn't every different. Immediately he hopped off of his stool and wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent.
"Hi babe," He murmured into her ear, placing a kiss on her temple. Jennifer couldn't help by smile.
"Hi, babe. You were so good. I loved it!" She pulled away and looked at the rest of the band to compliment them. The group started to intermingle and Eddie took her hand, leading her a little bit away from the group.
"So...enjoy your first rock concert?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. She smiled and nodded, hooking one of her fingers into his jean's belt loop.
"I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." She leaned in to kiss him, the butterflies fluttering in her chest. After killing Vecna, when she had completed the ritual and saw Eddie for the first time after, she had experience butterflies for the first time in 350 years.
And since them, they didn't seem to stop.
Eddie smiled into the kiss and strengthened it, cupping her cheeks with feverish hands, "I'm so happy you're here."
Jennifer nodded. It had been 3 months since she was able to turn back to a human, leaving the life of Death behind her. And with it came emotions, and schoolwork, and navigating human life...pimples, periods, sad songs, even being made fun of.
But there was also love, and her new friends, and her new "family" (being "adopted" by Hopper and pretending to be a high school student again), kissing Eddie, passing notes to Nancy in classes, popcorn, going to the mall, watching movies on the couch, the promise of a rollercoaster of a normal, human life.
She looked Eddie in the eyes, grabbing his hands again. "I'm happy I'm here, too."
Will I ever be able to write a short oneshot again? Who knows. But I had so much fun writing this one! What did you guys think?!
Reminder: my inbox is open for requests to head over there and fill it, I'm itching to write!
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
Moment of Weakness-nineteen
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Author's Note: I'm sorry for the typical, cliche story line but it's the only thing I could think of when creating ideas for this story. Last one for tonight so you will have to suffer until the next update. 😉
Tags(closed): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013 @subwaysurf45 @arsonfrogger @yoruse @5moremin @lipstickandtanqueray @mandijo17 @joannaromanoff @justsebstan @winters1917 @elizacusi-blog @football1921
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I walked into the building, smiling bright as the morning sun, ready to finish this work day already. After he left last night, Bucky promised that when he would come by tonight, he would stay the night. He had planned on telling Natasha that he had to go out of town for something mob related. 
There was already a list of things I had planned; dinner at home, a movie cuddled together on my couch, and a warm bath to end the night. It was something that we had yet to do, a proper at home date. 
My body jumped with excitement every time I thought about it. 
A frown pulled at my lips when I noticed that Bucky’s door had been closed. He didn’t have any meetings planned so there was no need for it to be shut. Bucky also always took his phone calls with the door opened. 
I placed my things on my desk and softly knocked on the door, only to be met with silence. The thought of if he was coming in today or not crossed my mind so I sent him a quick text. 
Are you not coming in today? 
Some time would pass before I would even get a response. Three hours to be exact. 
By the time Bucky had decided to text back, it was nearing lunch hour and I was busying myself to run to the deli across the road to pick us all up something. Steve and Sam were playing a card game on the couch that sat across from my desk and Steve noticed the worried look on my face. 
“Everything alright?” 
By the mere tone in his voice, I could tell that the relationship we shared was not the same anymore. 
“Yeah,” I mumbled, not bothering to take my eyes away from the text on my phone. 
I’m held up in my office all day, sorry.
It was short, to the point. No sweet names or cringey emojis that Bucky had just found out of. This wasn’t like him, something being different; off. 
Steve stood to walk over to me. “Bucky?” 
I peered over his shoulder to make sure Sam wasn't paying attention and nodded. 
“Have you talked to him at all? I feel as if he’s avoiding me,” I said. 
He hesitated, unsure if he should even say anything. I could see it in the way he avoided my gaze, rubbing at the back of his neck. 
Steve was hiding something from me. 
“What do you know?” I asked. 
“I can’t be the one to tell you, Y/N. Bucky has too.” 
With a gentle squeeze on my shoulder, he went back to his previous spot on the couch. 
I gnawed on my bottom lip while gazing at the still shut door to Bucky’s office and decided to give it one more try, seeing if he would talk to me. 
“Bucky, can I come in?” I asked after my knuckles rapped against the door. 
There was quite a bit of shuffling behind it and my heart hammered when the door opened, revealing a very stressed Bucky. 
My voice lowered. “Are you okay?” 
He nodded. “I’m going to skip lunch today.”
The door shut just as fast as it opened and I was left staring at it, tears brimming in my eyes. 
“Y/N,” Steve’s soft voice called from behind me. 
I blinked a few times, tears splattering over my cheeks, and quickly grabbed my things to head to lunch.
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I don’t know what I did to make you so upset with me but I don’t appreciate the cold shoulder all day. I’m about to leave for the day and you’ve barely come out of your office.
I hit send on the text while walking back to my desk from the bathroom. The day went on at a slow pace, my eyes darting from my computer to Bucky’s still shut door, not once seeing him come out of his office. That was the third text I sent him all day and with yet no response, I decided that tonight was officially off the table. He would not be rewarded with spending the night with me after ghosting me all day. 
As I returned back to my desk, I noticed that the door was wide open, and my feet practically dragged me across the threshold. Until I stopped myself when I saw that he made no effort to look away from his phone when he heard me walk up. Not even a quick glance my way. 
“Asshole,” I grumbled, plopping into my chair. 
Six minutes. That’s all I had left of my workday and I could go home to wallow in self-pity in private. 
I used that time to scroll through Instagram, not having the chance to be on it all day. My thumb froze over one post, almost unsure to like it or not, because everything around me faded to black. Ears rang loudly with white noise and my heart dropped to the depths of my stomach as it shattered. The pain caused a sob to leave my lips. 
Cannot wait to meet you baby Barnes. Coming in six months. 
My vision blurred from the tears that spilled everywhere but I still could see the picture Natasha had posted announcing her pregnancy. It was a picture of a positive pregnancy test with her and Bucky’s vibranium hand holding it. 
With a broken gaze, I looked over to him and was shocked that Bucky was already watching me. His own eyes were broken, tears pooling in the corners of them. 
“I’m so sorry, doll,” he mouthed. 
No words were able to form, my mouth had run dry. I didn’t know what to say, to be honest. All I could do was gather my things and storm out of the office, the door slamming behind me shaking the walls. 
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The persistent knocking on my front door was becoming too hard to ignore, it going on for the last five minutes. In tangent with my phone ringing, not stopping for a second. I did my best to tune it all out, staring off into the void of my living room wall, wishing it would stop; wishing everything would stop. 
“Doll, please open up.” 
“Go away,” I yelled, the anger suddenly bubbling to life. 
“Please let me explain!” 
I scoffed while shaking my head, even if Bucky couldn’t see. “Explain?!” 
Everything I had been avoiding came rushing to the forefront when I heard him begging me to let him in, to explain his actions. 
My feet dragged me to the door and I opened it with such force, it created a small wind tunnel. Bucky didn’t bother waiting for me to let him in, he pushed himself past me. 
“I’m so sorr-.” 
His apology was cut off by a hard slap to his face, my palm already stung with redness. 
Bucky rubbed at the raw spot where I had hit him and his jaw tensed. “You hit me.” 
“Trust me, I want to do a lot more!” I seethed. 
“Can you calm down so I can explain?” He begged. 
“Calm down?!” My voice bellowed. “You get your wife pregnant, hide it from me, then come here to explain yourself? How the fuck can I calm down?!” 
My shoulder rammed into his as I walked past him and down the hall towards my bedroom. His footsteps that echoed down the hall told me that he was following me close behind. 
“I wanted to tell you, Y/N. All day I tried to come up with the best way,” Bucky said. 
I spun on my heels and pushed him hard in his chest, my actions doing nothing to deter him. 
“Fuck you, Barnes! You’re such a liar!” 
I began beating his chest with my fist, pure hatred fueling my momentum. And he stood there, taking every hit. 
Out of breath, I let my fists fall to my side, and felt my chest rise and fall each time I swallowed a large amount of air. 
“Feel better?” Bucky asked. 
My eyes narrowed. “Go fuck yourself. I never want to see you again.” 
His shoulders dropped. “You don’t mean that.” 
I nodded, even if I didn’t believe it myself. “Get out.” 
Bucky didn’t move so I pushed him harder in his chest. “Leave. Now!” 
I smacked him yet again, this time with so much force he stumbled back onto my bed. 
“You lost the right to call me that the second you put your dick in her, Bucky! I can’t believe I fell for your lies again.” 
I ran a shaking hand through my hair. “I allowed myself to ignore the red flags because I cared that much for you. I believed that you wanted me, wanted a future with me. I bet the divorce was a lie too.” 
Bucky vigorously shook his head. “I promise you. That was all true. Matt finished the papers this afternoon.” 
“When did it happen?” I abruptly asked. 
He hesitated, unsure how to answer. “A few months ago. It was the night I drove you home from work and we had sex in the back seat.” 
If my heart wasn’t in a million pieces before, it for sure was now. 
“You’re such a dick!” I screamed while pushing him down on my bed. “I knew you were still screwing her.” 
Bucky leaned his elbows onto his knees and held his head in his hands. “You don’t understand how terrible I feel, Y/N. I wish I could take it back.” 
I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. “Are you still leaving her?” 
He gazed up at me, lips parting and eyes welling with tears. “I can’t. She’s having my child.” 
My eyes shut, his words giving me exactly what I needed to end this. 
I pointed towards the door. “We’re finished, Bucky. You need to leave.” 
He was fast on his feet to reach for me. “No, it doesn’t have either.” 
“Yes it does!” I wailed. “It’s one thing to break up a marriage but I refuse to break up a family.” 
Both of us were crying, not bothering to stop or hide the tears, and Bucky wanted to reach for me, fight for me, but knew that there was no changing my mind. 
“What about work?” He asked with a glimmer of hope. 
I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. “I can’t afford to quit. So I’ll see you next week. I need to take some time off.” 
Bucky nodded. “I didn’t want to hurt you, doll.” 
I grabbed my elbows, bringing my arms closer to my chest and avoiding his gaze, keeping my eyes trained to my feet. The only thing I could hear over his footsteps walking away from me was my broken cries, my body collapsing to the ground. 
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
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so a few select people know that i've been working on these bad boys for a few weeks now. this collection started because @mortimerlatrice had the audacity to try and tell me that fem!kinn wouldn't wear skirts and dresses and i pretty much broke my tablet pen in the rush to prove her wrong. also i felt like redesigning my fem!kinn and fem!porsche ideas. beneath the cut are my thoughts on these outfits plus the fashion collections they're inspired by/referencing.
fem!kinn businesswear looks
fem!kinn i feel like is the type of person who weaponises her gender expression. every part of how she presents herself is a carefully cultivated power play. she smokes cigars and drinks scotch and can talk at length about stocks and cryptocurrency, but she wears high heels even though she had to teach herself how to run in them, has long hair even though styling it is a nightmare, and is never seen without make-up, because every part of her must straddle a line of being masculine enough to be respected without being dismissed as butch, or a transgressor of gender norms. so: power suits and heels.
most of these are just riffs on the show's suits, so no real reference images, though hilarious @elnotwoods and i managed to parallel brain the exact same corset + suit look bc we are bloggers of TASTE.
fem!kinn occasionwear looks
the product launch -- upon rewatching clips from this episode i realised that the product launch apparently has a roaring 20s theme? which be wildin'. i spent so long looking at pictures of 20s style dresses until i found eliza jane howell who is a tiny british designer who has an entire collection of 20s inspired gowns. the inspo for kinn's dress was the miranda dress from her eveningwear collection.
the diamond auction -- i've drawn fem!kinn in this dress before, and i stand by it. this is a dress from ralph and russo's fall 2015 couture collection, specifically look 12. i first saw this dress months ago when i was looking for clothes for a project i was working on and it's lived in my brain rent free since.
date night i and date night ii -- both of these dresses i saw on pinterest somewhere and forget to save the link bc when i do art i usually have abt 50 billion tabs open. (i make firefox weep each time i open a new one.)
looks that almost made it in: michael cors rtw fall 2022 look 24; and schiaparelli couture spring 2022 look 24.
fem!kinn misc looks
okay so the theme for this one was actually "iconic kinn looks" and you know what? the towel was iconic. there i said it.
the sleepwear look -- *cries in detail work* yes all that lace is hand-drawn YES MY WRIST ACHED SO BAD AFTER FINISHING IT, this one is just conjured out of my head, no inspo look
the suspenders -- real ones know which kinn look this one is based off. just google kinn in suspenders or something i guess because we were ROBBED that it wasn't in the show. ROBBED.
the towel -- since drawing it multiple ppl have told me that they think fem!kinn would just wear the towel on her hips, tits out, no shame, and they are all so valid.
family portrait -- when i was drawing this, i got sent a look by siv that i initially discounted because it was a skirt suit and fem!kinn all about those power suits. and then i was looking for thai designers and i saw the same look and i was like, "okay but she'd only wear this in a family portrait," and then i was like hhrrrrnngngn family portrait outfits for all of them, so now it's a category. this is a recoloured version of poem bangkok's fall 2022 rtw collection look 19.
fem!porsche "pre-kinn" looks
okay so my thoughts on fem!porsche are as someone for whom gender is almost an afterthought, whose main friends are all guys, who drinks bear and kicks ass and cuts her own hair whenever it gets too annoying, who buys male toilettries because they're cheaper, who's made a career out of being rich girl's experimental whirl into lesbianism, and who can get them off real easy but isn't so good at getting herself off. she's hooked up with her fair share of guys, and considers herself more of a male-leaning bisexual. like, girls are fun and all, but she tends to have a better time when she hooks up with guys. (kinn's gonna blow that out of the water, hahaha.)
the fighter outfit -- originally this was going to be just a sports bra + jeans, but then i saw a pic of a cropped hoodie and my brain just sort of blanked out and when i was done the art was finished. porsche's abs are very important to me. as are her arms. and her thighs. she's an itty bitty titty committee member tho and i stand by that.
the bartender outfit -- i've drawn this one before, but yes! all the buttons undone! cheapest black shirt and slacks! converse!!! YESS
the casual outfit -- bike shorts, big t, big shirt? yes. fem!porsche sits somewhere between jock and gonna-fix-your-appliances on a fashion basis and i am here for it.
fem-porsche "kinn era" looks
one of the big ideas i had going into this project was the idea that porsche feels divorced from her femininity in a way that she's not altogether satisfied with and that kinn helps her reconnect with it. because, like, let's be real: porsche has no major feminine influences in her life growing up, and she's literally always got bigger concerns. she defo plays up the idea that she's above it all, whilst also completely lost as to how to get to there. kinn is probably both an object of envy and attraction for her.
(also i have in my head that the sauna conversation goes something like: porsche: do you have a boyfriend, then? kinn: i've never once found a man that truly wants a powerful woman. porsche: huh, that's weird. i've had no trouble finding guys who want me to hold the up against a wall.)
anyway it's important to me that kinn makes porsche feel dainty and feminine.
the bodyguard look -- hrrrrngngng waist. that is all.
clubbing with tankhun -- you know how i said somewhere between jock and owns a monkey wrench? meet porsche out clubbing. love it for her.
first public date with kinn -- so the background i had imagined for this outfit was that porsche and kinn are going public, and kinn sends her a box with a dress to wear plus heels, only porsche can literally not stand for more than two seconds in the heels and hates them, so she wears her converse instead. this is almost a direct copy of look 12 from monse's spring 2021 rtw collection.
black tie date with kinn -- obvs this is a dress that kinn picked out for her, so i thought long and hard about what kinn would choose. in the end, i figured kinn would probably want her to look regal. i looked at so many dresses for this one, esp bc there was a secret requirement where i wanted the skirt to be loose enough that kinn could eat her out in it. look, i just think it would be gender if kinn dressed porsche up in this dress and porsche felt all pretty and feminine and then kinn ate her out in the bathroom at the event or something. you know. girl things. this dress is look 6 from valdrin sahiti's spring 2022 bridal collection and i had to download a pdf to get a reference picture, so appreciate my work. also shoutout literally the only time porsche is wearing heels. kinn had to give her like three hours of walking lessons.
fem!porsche minor family head looks
michael kors collection saved my bacon here. i really struggled to figure out what fem!porsche's overall aesthetic would be for her minor family head position. i wanted something distinct from kinn, but didn't think she'd go full androgyny. in the end i settled on a well-tailored suits with a military flare in their cut.
first business look -- this one is based on look 19 from michael kors collection's fall 2022 rtw collection. dem arms.
second business look -- same song, different verse. same collection, but look 7. the thigh-high boots were added by me, though. i wasn't drawing lesbian kinnporsche without putting one of them in thigh-high boots.
visiting mum -- a couple of things. this one is based on this photo i found on pinterest, because i just really liked the neckline. details you might miss: this is arguably porsche's most femme outfit here, but she doesn't have the perfectly styled hair that she has when she's on mafia business, and she's still wearing her ratty beat-up converse. she's feminine, but trying to be authentic. it's a specific kind of messaging she's trying to get across to her mum. she probably agonised for hours over what to wear. kinn definitely really likes her in it.
family portrait -- again, plucked from my own imagination. the original inspiration for this look was look 9 from altuzarra pre-fall 2020 but if you click that link you'll probably be able to tell i went completely off-script. the more i drew it, basically, the more the altuzarra look looked too japanese, which is understandable, because that collection's whole thing was about blending modern and traditional japanese fashion. in the end, i pivoted, and brought it more in line with kinn's look, because i really did want them to have similar vibes. (couples outfits? couples outfits!!)
near misses -- these ones almost ended up involved: altuzarra pre-fall 2020 look 6 for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 60 also for the family portrait; michael kors fall 2020 look 30 for minor family mafia business; look 17 from alexander mcqueen's 2011 pre-fall collection also for mafia business; this look from pinterest for mafia business that got discounted bc i was going in a different direction; and this dress from rouba.g's spring 2019 rtw collection for the black tie dress which literally only avoided inclusion here because i couldn't make the sheer fabric look right.
anyway the takeaway here is don't get into an argument with me because i will bring receipts. mort learned their lesson, don't worry.
also @yeetlegay i gave you adequate warning. you knew it was coming.
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waywardcrow · 4 months
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Chapter VI.
Summary: 1943. 1975. 2024. Three different decades, three different lives, three different times your life and Bucky's interwined; he lost you twice, will he do it again?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
TW: It can change each chapter but themes of Bucky as soldier in WWII and as the Winter Soldier in general, talk about war, a hint of Sam’s love life, some cursing, kissing, lots of feelings, reader having strong "headaches", bad coworkers, some painful flashbacks and 40s mom of reader being not great, a protective Bucky, 40’s!reader is mentioned to be named Beth but that changes for 2024 version of her so I nicknamed her little bird for Bucky, Ace for everybody else, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: Please remember english is not my first language so if I make a mistake or forget something let me know.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
Previous chapter <<<
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You should have never been sent to Europe.
The only reason you were a nurse was because being a doctor was forbidden to you and then the war called at your country’s door. Alex enlisted, to your mother’s pain and you followed him, not allowed to do any less than he did. You couldn’t fight but you could serve as well.
Everything was going fine until a letter came and your mother started to be crueler with you. Alex was her perfect son, the only one she loved, why God took him and left you there with her?
After a life of being pushed aside, of feeling unloved by her and with your dear dad long gone, it wasn’t hard to write to Colonel Philips and ask him to help you but you didn’t expect to land right in Bucky’s unit right after Steve Rogers became Captain America and rescued his unit and your brother’s among several others.
Alex wasn’t happy you were there, he knew how vicious your mother could be and you were his little sister, he insisted on making you go back home with him.
“I can’t Alex, I made my choice” you had honor too, run and hide just because you didn’t need to be there anymore was a coward’s act.
“I can’t protect you, little sister, not like this” he was sent home after his left leg was heavily injured, his country found him not useful to them like that and he saw enough death in his time there to don’t want to leave you behind.
The only reason you were there was him and Colonel Philips’ help, your father fought with him before passing away, Alex could use that to convince him to send you to New York.
Before he could speak, Steve approached you both.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hear but I think I have a solution”
That’s how you stayed in Europe and your brother got to live his life.
Present day.
His little bird was avoiding him.
He couldn’t blame you, if he was honest, Bucky needed to be away from you too before he did something reckless like kissing you just as he wanted that night.
Then Sam came with the perfect way to ensure he would stay far from you.
“I’m telling you terminator, something is happening in Madripoor and I think the power broker it’s going to try to fuck with us”
Bucky trusted him; Sam’s instincts were as good as his, still he wanted to tease him.
“Are you sure it’s that? Maybe you’re really eager to leave the country after you messed your date with Harper” he shouldn’t laugh, really but Sam would get back at him eventually, it was only fair.
His friend let out a frustrated groan, reclining the seat of his chair to stare at the ceiling of his office.
“I don’t know why I tell you things, Barnes”
“Because you like me, not enough to have an allergy reaction just to make me smile but-“
“I didn’t know the freaking dessert had almonds, ok?” Captain America, the right, the just, the brave, yelled like a child in a tantrum and Bucky chuckled.
“You should sent her flowers and reschedule your date after we come back”
“Why should I listen to you, Buck? You have the love life of a two hundred years old man, wait” Sam made a dramatic pause “you are a two hundred years old man”
“Hundred and seven” Bucky correct him “and fine, don’t do it, I’m going to pack for Madripoor” with that he started walking to the door and when this closed, Sam yelled at him one last time.
“This time you are the one wearing heels!”
His smile lasted until the elevator, he had a reputation after all and people couldn’t see him smile. Then the doors opened and he saw you in the corner, focused on your planner, not paying attention to anyone around until someone said his name.
Bucky barely acknowledged the agent with a nod and went into the elevator, staying as far from you as he could but it wasn’t enough, he could hear your heart beating like a drum, he could smell you, if he closed his eyes, he could feel your skin.
He needed to control himself but how could he do it? Bucky was addicted to you since the first time he saw you and the only thing between you and him were two agents that when they got out, both sent a poisonous glance on your direction and that made him act without thinking.
The massive body of Sargent Barnes stood in front of you, shielding you from them until the doors closed. That didn’t went unnoticed by you when you reacted like if someone else directed your actions and touched his back to calm him down, making the muscles relax under your fingertips.
“I’m sorry” he was the first one to speak, turning around to face you, holding your hand between his. Three days without you and he was going insane, after decades being apart, having you back for a few days just to be separated from you was more of what his old heart could handle.
Maybe Sam should take someone else to Madripoor.
“What for?” was the only question that left your lips before he punched a button behind him to make the metal box stop and he took you in his arms to kiss you.
Bucky was weak but only when it came to you, he was powerless for you in 1943, in 1975, right now in the fucking elevator of the Avengers tower and he couldn’t give a damn about it.
The first touch of your lips on his got him hooked on you again, the way you hold on his shoulders to stay on your feet while you kissed him back with the same desperation, letting him in when Bucky’s tongue searched for yours, melting in his arms when you intertwined your fingers in his hair.
You missed his long hair.
A wave of pain dragged you away from him; one second Bucky was kissing you like the world would end and the next he was on his knees holding you close, afraid you were going to disappear right in front of him.
“Did I hurt you, little bird? Tell me, tell me how to fix it, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” the soldier mumbled against your hair while you tried to make sense of his words, gripping the material of his shirt with your fingers, fighting the pain that made you close your eyes.
“It’s my head, I’m fine Jamie, you did nothing wrong” his heart hurt in his chest hearing you call him Jamie again. Only you did that, in the 40s.
“I’m going take you to the medbay, little bird” he stood on his feet taking you in his arms like it was nothing and put the elevator in movement again but you shook your head, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I’m fine, I swear, put me down please”
He refused, something was happening and he would not stand there pretending everything was fine, besides the doors opened again and Yelena and Kate saw you being carried by Bucky. Your face felt so hot you could fry an egg on it for sure.
“Should we ask?” Kate looked very confused but Yelena just shook her head.
“Let them get out Bishop, is better if we don’t know”
Bucky didn’t spare them a look but you, oh, this day was getting more interesting every minute.
First Stephen Strange stopped canceling his meeting with Pepper and when you introduced yourself, he stared at you for a whole minute like you were in a zoo exhibit, then that two dumb agents followed you an entire floor whispering things about you, about your simple clothes and how you probably slept with someone to be there after what you did on the last gala, then Bucky Barnes kissed you.
He kissed you and it was enough to stop the world.
His lips were so gentle with you, coaxing you to let him in, to let him taste you. Bucky kissed you like you were something to be worshipped and only your stupid headache was strong enough to separate you from him.
“What happened?” was the first thing Dr. Banner said when he saw you both coming through the glass doors. He finished his work on Peter’s cut and Bucky placed you with gentleness on one of the beds.
“I’m fine” you started but were interrupted by blood coming out of your nose “oh no, I’m sorry, let me…” before you could move, Bucky was there holding a Kleenex box for you, making you curse in your head.
What was happening?
Dr. Banner narrowed his eyes, taking in your appearance.
“She had a strong headache that made her almost faint minutes ago”
“And it’s not the first time that happens as far as I know” Dr. Banner gave you a polite smile when you looked at him confused “I got your medical file when you started working here and we remember what happened at the gala”
That incident would haunt you forever.
Cleaning your nose again, you made your choice.
“It’s fine, the doctor in ER told me it was probably due to stress and lack of sleep, maybe my body is still catching up” trying to don’t make this bigger than it was, you made an effort to get up but your legs gave away and if not for Bucky and Peter you would have end up on the floor.
“You should stay miss” Peter’s eyebrows were furrowed in concern. He was so sweet.
“Please little bird, you can’t go around feeling bad” Bucky took your hand on his and started to rub circles on your skin, oblivious of the other two avengers’ presence.
It was true but you just started working with Pepper, people talked shit about you already, this would not help.
“Sorry, Ace but you need to stay for a few tests; if everything is in order you can go back to work” Dr. Banner promised. After you gave him a hesitant nod, he fixed his glasses on his nose “FRIDAY, please scan Ace’s vitals”
“On it, Dr. Banner” a red light covered you and then the whole room drowned on darkness “I detect something amiss, we should call Dr. Stephen Strange” were the last words FRIDAY spoke before she went completely silent.
Tag list: @cjand10 @bunnyforhim @cookingdancingchick @moon-light1928
If you want to be added or removed from the tag list feel free to let me know.
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Hello! I'm so sorry for leaving this long but a lot happened and the inspiration abandoned me, I didn't know what to do with this story so I just went to the point and made these two kiss haha and know we are back! Tell me what you think!
Love, Lily.
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black-moon-bunny · 2 years
Little Bunny, Jealous Bunny, Naughty Bunny. // Mob!Bucky x PlusSize!Reader
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Bucky wanted to be a good man, he wanted to take things slowly with her, getting to know her and don't make her feel like he just wants to use her. But when he sees her with another man at their bar, he loses completely and decides to punish his good little bunny girl.
Word Count: 2.547
Warnings: Pure filthy Smut! +18! Minors DNI. A little bit of degradation kink, and overstimulation, and also public sex on a parking lot because horny me. Use of pet names, dumbfucked. Oral Sex F receiving, also reader being insecure as fuck because i project my own feelings in this so excuse me.
A.N: Hi there, so I had this drabble that I worked on a long time ago and never finished it, but I decided to give it a go with my other fic. Im thinking of putting up the next part of this filthy thing at some point, let me know if you are interested in reading it. I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment or a reblog. Pictures taken from pinterest and edited by me. DO NOT REPOST OR TRANSLATE.
She was running from him directly to the parking lot, after he put her in the most embarrassing situation that she had ever lived. She was pissed off to a limit, and she was done with the mobster who was inside the bar creating trouble. She heard him calling for her at the backdoor of the bar, but she ignored him, this pissed him off even more than he already was after finding her sharing a drink with an unknown man at their spot.
—Doll, I just want to talk something with you... come here, let's talk. I just want to know why you were with him, drinking…in our bar, at our spot. —He seemed more and more threatening by the minute. Getting closer and closer to you at that dark parking lot.
—James I already told you, we are nothing more than friends for you to act like that, and I can talk who ever I want, and don't "doll" me. I just wanted to meet somebody, and maybe get laid who fucking knows.
The true was, that this cat and mouse game has been on since their first meeting at the local bar a couple of years ago, they were not friends at the time but had seen each other multiple times and each time since the first one it was the same type of interaction; he bought her drinks that she refused at first but seeing that he was very persistent and charming she started to accept. After a while he sent his business card as a way of introducing himself to her and they ended up talking until the bar closed about his life, her life and other things. With each conversation the sexual tension grew more and more but never reach anything, not a kiss not a desperate fucking in a bathroom, nothing so she assumed that it was pure friendship that he was looking for in her. It was not until a year after the two of them meet that she found out the truth about his business, he was fine with talking about the issue but he had to learn if she could keep it a secret. After that, they grew closer and closer, became really good friends and while there was some sort of sexual tension between them he never made any advance on her. So she gave up and decided to flirt with another guys, and then he caught her flirting and all of that lead to the mess that forced her out of the bar.  
—Are you trying to make me jealous? because if you are doll, you are doing a great fucking job. —He corner her between a wall and her car, getting each time closer and closer to her, he was losing his cool. He wanted to kill the guy and wanted to make her choke on her dick to shut her up because he was losing his patience. His voice was calm but full of a darkness that she couldn't understand, but that made her thigs clench with each well-spoken word.
- Jealous of what? We are nothing James! You walk around town with a different woman every night and when you are with me we just talk, I get it I'm not hot, not pretty and totally not your type so what's your fucking prob—He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, cutting her mid-sentence. Grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.
-Doll, were you jealous? ...So all of this was because you were jealous? Those ladies make my father company and I'm the one in charge of take them to her houses or to drink when they get bored. You know how this business works and that my father is not a patient man. I can't say no to his commands. But I can swear to you, that since we met I lost interest in those women…
-...You are a fucking liar...let me go, I want to go home and I don't want to see you. —She looked down, not able to sustain the stare that he was giving her because if she did, she was not going to be able to hide the fact that this little exchange was turning her on.
-Oh doll...—He pulled her even closer to his face, almost brushing her lips. He took one hand of her wrist and caressed her cheek with it, slowly almost romantically, almost sweet but there was something else in that touch that was driving her mad —Oh my за́йка (little bunny, záî-ka] ) — He purr up her neck and stop at her ear— I wanted to be a good man, I wanted to take things step by step to show you that I'm serious about us...about my feelings for you—He grabbed her throat a little bit hard, but not making too much pressure— But you make me this…and I find you drinking in our spot with an asshole who does not deserves you…— His voice sounded like a growl of an animal in heat, and his eyes were dark with lust — And now I have to think to myself if I should punish you and show you how hard has been to me ...—She felt how his metal arm went down her back and above her ass and she let go a sight when she noticed how he was pulling her skirt up little by little — How fucking hard has been to me not eating you out every time we meet at our spot, how excruciating has been for me not to bend you down on the fucking V.I.P lounge and make you come in my face while I eat your delicious pussy over and over again—With almost no resistance from her, he placed himself behind her pressing her body to the door of his car, with one leg between hers and slowly pushing, while talking smoothly into her ear and lowering his hand under the skirt—...But you had to do this, and now I cannot give it to you without a punishment...—She was stunned, she was totally in shock but without any intention of stopping him, this was turning her on like a stove, she felt her legs trembling, such power dripping from the tip of his fingers lingering in each phrase, but also, the hidden love confession between his act and speech
She never picked up the sings, she just thought that they were only friends, that she was not his type. Not a sexy model, with a body not “pretty” in the standards of the type of girl he was expected to date, her chubby cheeks and thighs, his thick frame and hips did not look bad but surely were not the great thing, and after knowing him for a year and not notice any type of attraction from his part she resigned to being the cute friend, nothing more. But all this time he was controlling himself?
But truth be told, he was going feral for her. He was trying all days his best to not fuck her in every place of that bar; it was his so he could throw everyone out and do whatever he wanted of her in each and every room, sit and table but he didn't. He didn't because he was not only locking at her with lust and desire. It was true that he did at first when they first met, but who could blame him? Those thick hips moving to the rhythm of the music, that ass bouncing to the beat and that sexy waist that was begging to be grabbed. But after meeting her, he learned with each conversation they had that she was a wonderful person, she was sweet and caring and someone who deserved real love. Not just a fuck-toy. So after a year of knowing each other he decided that you were going to be his bride. His only love and he was dead serious about it. So he decided to take it slow, each date at the bar ended up in him reaffirming his statement. And he was planning on confessing soon, with the whole deal, roses a date under the stars in a private yate until he found her there in the bar, flirting with other asshole at their spot. He knew that there was a misunderstanding, and that he maybe should told her sooner but, at the time being he was enjoying every moment of the punishment, and he was going to make it last.
—B-Bucky…w-what are you doing? —She stuttered a bit, feeling the cold door of the car beneath her and the warmth of Bucky’s body over her, his metal hand ever so slightly caressing the skin of her thigh and threatening with go upwards to her soaked panties— Mnhg…Bucky not here…
—Why not my dear, no one is going to see us and besides that…—He moved his fingers up to her lacey underwear and touched right over her clothed clit, making pressure and feeling how wet her underwear was just by this little playing between them— Your body seems to be enjoying the attention it, and I know for a fact that you feel it…—He pulled down her panties with such care while kissing the back of her neck down the exposed skin of her neck— This are coming with me…—He tugged them inside of his pocket and winked at her, while she was looking through their reflection on the window of the car — And now beautiful, you are going to let me eat as much as I want of this gorgeous pussy but…you cannot come until I told you so, we agree on that?...
Before receiving an answer, he kneeled behind her and begging to devouring her as a depredator devours his prey, he was unleashed like a savage beast down her core, wet and sloppy kisses directly to her clit, his tongue playing with her desperate hole pocking it without entering and drawing circles around it, just to move up to her clit to mess with it again. This, over and over again. She was trying her best to keep it quiet but it was too much, the way that he kept pressure with one hand on her back pushing her towards the car and keeping her there while with the other he was pinching her nipples under her bra, all of this while giving her the best oral sex of her life. She was close to the edge, he couldn’t keep it quiet anymore and tried to move her hips away from his hungry mouth. Only to be held against his face.
—Oh my dear за́йка…you taste delicious; I’m going to become an addict to your flavor —He left her nipple and kept one of his fingers tracing circles around your throbbing hole. — You want this my sweet little disobedient girl? You want me to fuck you with my fingers like the dirty little girl you are?
—Please bucky…please I…I want to come, I need to….—She tried her best to articulate a coherent phrase, but her senses and mind went on overload with the amount of pleasure that she was feeling, each filthy rotten word that he said to her ear was like a knife to her core, she wanted more of that, her hips rocking almost for instinct
—Oh my dear…look at you... —He pushed two fingers inside of her, slowly moving them inside looking for the special part that was going to make you lose every piece of conscience that you had until that point— So wet and tight for me little doll…look at this gorgeous pussy eating my fingers, do you like that little bunny? Do you like being fingerfucked outside a bar like the dirty slut that you are? —He moved his fingers deeper inside, making her moan and gasp every time he push them. The way he was talking, his fingers inside of her, the possibility of being caught outside the bar, everything was too much for her brain who started to collapse and surrender to pleasure
—Mnhg oh fuck! Bucky! Please! Keep moving …mnghfuck! —She was blabbering an intelligible mess while he kept fucking her with his fingers stopping for a moment to feel her walls clenching begging for more and returning to his pace soon after. She felt so close to her orgasm, so close to making a mess outside a freaking bar.
—What’s wrong dear bunny…you cannot talk? Come on, use your big girl words…the same ones that you were using to scream at me that I was an asshole and to go fuck myself…—He kept going, he sucked at her clit while moving his fingers at the rhythm of the techno that sounded from inside the bar, keeping at steady pace but going as deep as he could with his fingers. He incorporated and let his free hand traveled to her throat and squeeze it, not to hard but still noticeable by her gasps — Look at you, a complete mess…do you see yourself…look right there —He pointed one of the lateral mirrors of the car, in which she could clearly see her face contracted in pleasure, and behind her face his face, his eyes full of lust and pleasure while her mouth was open moaning and gasping his name— Look at you…keep in mind that I’m the only one who is going to make you feel like that…the only one that is going to fuck that sweet pussy of yours. Do you like how I make you feel right bunny? How could you lie tho…just look at yourself completely fucked out just by my fingers…so cute all dumbfucked by me…Are you going to come little bunny?
—Y-Yes! Oh dear…. Bucky I’m so close please don’t stop!  — She moan triying to connect the words inside of her head, but that was the only coherent phrase that she could pull out of it. She was a complete mess under his fingers, she was so close to her smashing orgasm that she was rocking her hips on his fingers just to feel them more…
Until he stopped, all of the sudden. He moved backwards and looked at her, a total mess, wet and dripping, no panties and all trembling leaning on his car. She looked at him disoriented, and he flashed her the most sinful smile that she had ever seen on him
—I told you little bunny…this was a punishment, not a reward…now, you are going to get on my car, we are going to my loft and then…only then I will deliberate if you deserve to come…—He smiled at her, pulling her skirt down again and grabbing her closer for a deep kiss, letting her taste herself on his tongue—
—I cannot believe you….—He pulled her closer again and kissed once more, but more softly this time, in a more lovable way.
—Don’t look at me like that, bad girls deserve punishment…but don’t worry —He opened the door of the car for her while looking directly at her eyes— After this punishment you are going to feel me for weeks.
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art-estrange · 6 months
(AMAMOA) Chapter 2: People Are People
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Professor!Pedro Pascal x Teaching Assistant!Reader
Words: 1073
*All Pictures used (unless stated otherwise) will be found on my pinterest linked in the masterlist*
Story Warnings: MDNI 18+ (mostly in the off chance that I choose to explore heavy themes later on. This will obviously be updated at a later time) Crocs(yes that has a warning, i’m kind of obsessed with wearing crocs and currently own 2 pairs hopefully more in the future)
Story Content Tags (most of this is mentioned in later chapters.): Meet-Cute, First person perspective, Age-gap(F28/late 20s/early 30s x M40/late 30s/early 40s), Art references, new york nonsense written by a non-new yorker, spanish/spanglish, Lots of college technical talk, this was kinda based off a dream, crocs, College AU, AU where pedro isn't an actor/famous, slightly proofread… sorry for typos i'm trying guys😭😭😭
Chapter Summary: Reader comes to a possibly devastating realization on the way to the gallery, however Pedro remains his goofy-golden retriever self. Also Sarah Paulson is there, she’s a fellow professor at NYU and seems to be friends with Pedro… maybe more? 
With my outfit layed out, I slept like a baby with dreams of that sharp nose and bronze skin. The soft caress of his fingers against mine, those gentle puppy dog eyes like pools of warm cocoa. Pedro was in my dreams that night and the anticipation to see him again was almost palpable. I woke up that morning almost with a start, a jolt to rise from the sweetest slumber I had ever had. I got dressed and went about my day completing some lighter chores that I had left till the last minute. With a belly full of breakfast and a latte in hand, I slipped on some shoes at the door and went on my journey to see the man that’s invaded my dreams. On the way to the gallery I had a lot to think about, mostly the fact that when I looked at the fliers, both for the TA/Professor gallery and Pedro's…it was the same flier… I knew I had seen the flier before but I didn’t think it was the same flier I had seen earlier that day. In the back of my mind, despite having only thought about Pedro the whole morning, there was still a creeping feeling that the goofy loveable handsome Pedro I met yesterday…. Is my boss… or pseudo boss?? Or whatever, is the same Pedro that emailed me… the painting professor. It’s not exactly wrong if, per say in future, we were to pursue a relationship… IF that ever happened, not saying it would, but it wouldn't be bad if it did. He’s not my teacher… he’s a coworker… that’s higher up than me but he’s not the one ‘signing my checks’, sort-of-speak. The whole situation is conflicting, I mean there’s no denying that Peter/Pedro from the cafe is Peter/Pedro from my emails, he said it himself, his job has to do with painting and it's the same flier. There’s no way that they’re not the same person… there’s no way that there’s 2 Pedro’s/Peter’s both doing a job having to do with painting, having an art gallery AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME PLACE WITH THE SAME FLIER AREN'T THE SAME GUY. I worried about these intricate details, wringing my hands anxiously before texting him to ask if he wanted a coffee on the way there; just another way to delay the inevitable. I arrived with my watered down latte and his 6 shots of espresso over ice, still can’t believe he drinks this. The place was lively, there was light music playing in this brownstone walk-up that sat between an apartment and a warehouse turned studio. It wasn't too far from where campus resides, we were about a 10 minute walk in the direction of greenwich. I sent him a text letting him know I arrived and that I’d wait outside for him with his coffee.
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Out walked the man of the hour. He strutted out in a fuzzy cardigan, no shirt underneath, his messy mop of hair now a quaffed wave of tresses trickling down the back of his head like a soft waterfall. A gold chain adorned his neck surrounded by a light smattering of chest hair. His dress shoes clicked against the concrete as he lifted his sculpted arms, fingers decorated with rings, to pull me into a warm hug. “Oh my god! I’m so glad you could make it! AND you brought me coffee!?” He exclaimed holding me out at arms length, inspecting my outfit and face almost like he’s committing my look to memory. “I mean it was on the way and I wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to celebrate my new friend!” my worries were still in the back of my mind, but on the forefront was how good he looked and how I should be enjoying myself. “By the way I hope you don’t mind, but most of the people here are colleagues from work plus some grad students that’ll be working alongside us for the semester. I mentioned I’m a professor right?” He gestures to the people inside and then looks around as he speaks, ultimately stopping to stare at me as he says the words that I dreaded the most. “Um no, you didn’t! But… there’s actually something I wanted to-” As I get to the topic that’s been flooding my mind, we get interrupted. “Hey! Sorry to cut in! Pedro we’re ready to have like the speech thing, everyones mostly here. Except for your TA… she RSVP'd but like I dunno.” What I’m assuming is a fellow professor, mutters the last part as though thinking out loud. “Oh! Ok thanks! Um Y/N this is Sarah Paulson, a theatre professor at NYU and a super close friend of mine. Sarah, this is Y/N, we met a couple days ago, remember the girl I told you about?” He introduces us as he holds both our hands. They talked about me…wait..they talked about me? THEY’RE CLOSE FRIENDS AND THEY TALKED ABOUT ME?! “Oh yeah, THIS clumsy bitch loves to make people bust their asses! It’s like the spacial awareness isn’t there or something.” Sarah laughs, wrapping her arm around his shoulders, head leaning against his, as she busts his balls about his goofy behavior. “Why don’t we go inside so you can see some of the pieces, maybe you can make some more friends while I have a short convo with some of my coworkers and the grad students?” He leads me in, his large hand guiding me by my lower back as Sarah strides in front of us. The warmth from his hand spreads throughout my whole body just as he levels himself to whisper in my ear “Don’t worry about her, she loves to tell people how much of a mess I am, while being a mess herself…that’s probably why we’re soulmates in a sense” the last part is muttered in thought, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it. Soulmates? Well that complicates things...more so than they already were…
Now's the best time to tell him, otherwise I'll never get to say it. “Hey so before we walk in there’s something I need to tell you…” I pull him aside so as to not block the entrance. “Yeah? What’s up?” he says, those puppy dog eyes boring into my soul, concern written all over his face. “So..”
To be continued…
Note: If you can’t find chapter 1 for whatever reason (it doesn’t wanna show ip in the pedro pascal x reader tag for some reason) you can find it on the masterlist linked above alongside the prologue and this chapter and any future chapters.
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emmyrosee · 8 months
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*me to you 🤭*
*me to any of the hq characters at any given time*
(while doing the mutual ask game thing I went on a Pinterest reaction meme deep dive and found so many gems like this)
more importantly tho, let’s talk about who would send this to YOU.
suna so would, you can’t change my mind about this. but he’d send it “ironically” cause he’s “cool” like that. would turn it into a battle if you send it back bc deep down he’s a dork with a meme collection and a dream who likes to hear you laughing from the other room when he sends more cheesy reaction pics.
atsumu would send this UNironically because he’s trying to be cool in the way he thinks suna is and I won’t comment on that further.
bokuto would also send it unironically but different from atsumu cause he just thinks it’s cute and sends it to you with a million heart emojis after and gets so incredibly happy if you send it back in return and he asks for cuddles when he gets home from practice.
ok now the reverse
you send this to kenma and he’s cackling cause he definitely sees this meme in his twitter replies a million times a day and you know it but he appreciates it from you the most.
iwa receives the picture but he doesn’t really get it. will probably flick you on the forehead and ask what a simp is.
oikawa sends it to himself from your phone when you’re not looking and will reply to the messages as if YOU sent it and you just shake your head (but that’s your cue that he needs some TLC so you don’t really mind, it’s just amusing at this point. give him a hug rn. do it.)
sakusa. yeah. I don’t really need to explain this one right?
kuroo!!! Like kenma, he’s seen it in his best friend’s replies, but he also has a ton of similar pictures saved just to fuck with him- and now you. they get progressively… worse? if you’ve seen others like this yk exactly what I mean by that. not cheesy in the way suna’s are. he thinks he’s hilarious. kenma disagrees.
bro. BRO. atsumu thinking suna is cool is the funniest thing youve ever said to me bc SUNA IS SO NOT COOL BUT I LOVE THE IDEA THAT EVERYONE THINKS HE IS FNFBDJNDJ
and like. i want to bite bokuto. is that too much to ask? just one chomp bro thats all i want-
iwa could flick me any day and id apologize tf. AND OIKAWA GET OVER HERE YOU BEAUTIFUL BABY I CANT DO THIS *head in hands, kicking a wall.*
and i want to send sakusa the most ferocious, annoying, cheesy, cavity inducing memes i can scower to find, and I DO IT AGAIN, BET ON IT.
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therealraeweber · 5 months
Hey Tumblr! It's been a hot minute, but I wanted to hop on today and share a project I just finished for my digital media class!
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Keep reading to see my process of making this dagger!
Our assignment was super open ended, with the prompt just being "Make a project that involves Blender in some way", so I thought doing something mixed media would be a lot of fun. I'm on a mission this semester to start making art for classes that I WANT TO MAKE, and not just tailor to what I think will get me a good grade and what my profs would like. Honestly, could make a whole post about that mission as it is actually more challenging than I had anticipated, but I digress.
For my dagger, I started by making a quick sketch in Procreate to get an idea of what I wanted my model to look like. I got some inspo off of Pinterest, but tired to make the design my own, and something I could feasibly make.
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Since I was making this project for a digital media class, and the assignment was supposed to revolve around using Blender, I made a base 3D model for the dagger, which I would then send off to get printed.
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I originally tried to model the vines and leaves in Blender, but I had a really hard time with it, since I am still re-learning how to use Blender (haven't used it since high school). So I decided to make it a mixed media project, since the prof said this assignment was very open ended. Plus, doing mixed media would give me a chance to try out foam clay, which I've been wanting to experiment with for a while.
I then sent my 3D model off to my good friend David, who 3D printed it for me. He was even kind enough to send me a time lapse of it printing!
After printing, David also assembled the base for me, but I put glue in all the seams, followed by filler once that dried, and sanded the whole thing down. It definitely could have used more sanding since you can still see print lines in some places, but I was on a strict time crunch to get this assignment in on time.
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Then I went in with my foam clay and started adding the leaves and vines on the handle, as well as the leaf details on the cross-guard. I had never used foam clay before (I know... what kind of cosplayer am I?), but I really enjoyed working with it. I had a bit of a hard time getting it to stick to the plastic, but I found that wetting it and then letting it get a bit tacky really helped with that.
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The foam clay I bought was from Michaels, and was technically labeled "Modelling Foam", so I have no idea how it compares to the nice foam clay that most cosplayers use. I would have ordered that, but I decided to do the modelling by hand rather last minute, so I needed to buy what was available in store. Overall I enjoyed working with it, but I would still be interested to try the real stuff some time (assuming it's actually different from this).
After letting the foam clay dry overnight, I started painting it. I primed everything with a silver spray primer, then went over just the blade, pommel, and cross-guard with a more metallic silver spray paint. Thankfully, I had enough paint and primer left over from the two angel blades I made in the summer, so I didn't need to buy more paint for this project. I then painted the handle by hand, which was one of the most tedious paint processes I've ever done, but I'm quite happy with the results.
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Last up was some clear coat, as I didn't want to risk any of the paint chipping off. I'm also hoping the clear coat will help seal the foam a bit, as I have no idea how foam clay holds up when used on props. I let the sealant dry overnight last night and this morning it was done! And today I took some pictures of it outside to submit to my prof for grading, and to use during our class critique tonight. Considering I was rushing these last steps after 3D printing, it is a miracle I got it done by the deadline. I'm quite happy with how it turned out!!!
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Now I'm just hoping that crit goes well tonight! We'll see if my prof thinks this is too much mixed media for a digital media class...
Anyways, hope you enjoyed seeing my process! I know I haven't posted in ages... I have done and made so many cool things this past month, but I've been too stressed and busy to make posts about them. Hopefully I'll have more time to share stuff with you guys soon!
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Picture from Pinterest | Dividers from @firefly-graphics
Summary: You were just helping a friend out.  Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader Squares: Sex Toys for @spnaubingo // Free Space for @supernatural-jackles' Tell Me A Story Bingo Warnings: Alternative Universe, Lingerie, Sex toys, Model, Self-love  Word Count: 773
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When your best friend offered you a job, you said yes without hesitation. You should’ve asked what it was before agreeing, but if you were being honest, you should’ve imagined the job. She owned a small lingerie business and was planning on opening a sex shop too, you should’ve known better.
So, when you got a package from her, you knew you were in a big mess. 
“What am I supposed to do with this?” you asked her over the phone looking at the set. “Model it, take some pictures, and share them with me.” You sighed, “I’ll do it only if the pictures are faceless”
“Whatever it works with you, I just need the set to be as visible as possible”
This was a big challenge for you, you’ve never loved your body, never felt comfortable with showing skin, and this was something that you’ve never in your life crossed your mind.
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The next day before taking the pictures, you decided it was the perfect chance to pamper yourself, taking a long relaxing bath, shaving the entirety of your body with that expensive shaving cream you really loved, using that hydrating creme that made your skin glow. You wanted to do this perfectly.
Once you had some pictures, you sent them to your friend. She was in love with them. They were exactly what they needed, were their words.
And that’s how you became a lingerie model.
Every week, your best friend gave you a new set for you to take pictures with it. You’d started to explore different poses and angles for the pictures. You really wanted the pictures to work out. 
With each picture, your best friend showered you with compliments; slowly you started to love yourself but especially, your body.
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One night you arrived at your apartment after your everyday job, and there was a huge black box waiting on your door.
”What did you send?” You asked your best friend, who you were talking to over the phone. “Uh, nothing? Why?”
“There is a huge black box on my front door” you explained, “Ok, no, it wasn’t me, but get inside and open it!” your best friend hurried, “Ok, give me a sec”
Once you were inside with the box, you proceed to open it, “Still there?” you asked and your best friend was heard through the speaker “you really think I’m gonna leave without knowing?”
“So, the inside box is pink and it’s covered with what it looks like to be velvet” you started to explain. “What’s underneath?” 
After removing that cover, the next item you found was lingerie, a lot of them. “Lingerie,” you said like it was obvious, “lots of them” you continued explaining while removing some of them from the box. “Wait, there’s another box inside and there’s a card on top of it”
You removed the rest of the lingerie and took the box out along with the card. The first thing you opened was the box, there were several devices in it and you were confused, so next, you opened the envelope with a card in it that read: 
I hope you are a playful princess and keep entertained with these toys.  PS: If you don’t know how to make them work, give me a call. I’ll gladly help. Dean Winchester, CEO of Baby
“Oh my god,” your best friend exclaimed, “Dean Winchester is our new investor for the sex shop, I didn’t have the time to talk to you about him” they explained. You were confused, how did he know who you were? How did he know where you live?
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Your brain was coming up with a lot of questions, but then, your friend interrupted your chain of thoughts, “Girl, call the man, even if you do know how that thing, whatever that is, works. He is interested in you” They admitted, you sighed, said your goodbyes, and ended the call.
You were intrigued about this man and this thing he sent you, but, after all the questions you had, this was part of your job. 
You kept looking at the box with your phone in hand, whatever this was, it didn’t sound like a creep. He was going to be working with you.
Next thing you knew, you were calling him, after the second ring, the call was picked up, “hey sweetheart, good to know you’re curious. There’s going to be a car waiting for you in fifteen minutes. Don’t worry about the box. I have more with me. Can’t wait to see you” and the call ended, you weren’t able to say anything. What the hell has just happened?
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kyskaisen · 2 years
1,000 Miles Away - Maki Zenin x Fem! Reader
a/n: hehe FINALLY decided to make a real post instead of those random ass thoughts that come up in my head💀
also this is based off the song i cant handle change by roar and drowning by vague003 (i think thats how u spell it lol)
because my best friend left me a few weeks ago and i've been rlly struggling a lot bcs of it and yeah🥲🥲🥲
a maki post bcs im literally in love with her<333
warning: some cursing idk depends on how this goes :/, maki may or may not be ooc here
synopsis: you and Maki were always best friends, since the very beginning. you two've been through thicc and thin together for 17 long years. what happens when all of that goes away so suddenly?
It was horrible. The text just sent to you left you in pieces. Billions of little pieces that nobody was able to pick up.
Not even Maki.
For the longest time, you and her have been the best of friends. Inseparable, even. It'd been on one sunny day in your Pre-K class when you'd been sitting on the swings by yourself when a girl with beautiful green hair and bangs came up to you with a simple,
"Hello" A girl said; holding her hands nervously. You looked up from the ground and up at her.
"Hi" You responded quietly. A couple more seconds of silence goes by, and neither of you say a word.
"...I'm Maki" The girl introduced herself. You blinked back in response.
"I'm Y/n. It's very nice to meet you, Maki" You finally said, cheerfully. Maki smiled back and got on the swing next to you.
"Do you wanna be friends?" You asked, turning your head next to her. A wide smile grew on her face and she nodded.
And that was how it started.
From the first meeting, to the last goodbye, and everything in between those 17 years all went by in the blink of an eye. And it hurt you.
It hurt you so bad to see her hanging out with someone else, looking at them the same way she'd been looking at you just some days ago. Full of joy and happiness.
Seeing her be happy with another person made your heart ache and shatter into a million little pieces. You hated yourself.
You hated yourself.
You hated yourself.
You hated yourself.
You'd been hating yourself for so long that you were afraid you'd never go back to being your old, cheery self. It killed you to see Maki laughing her ass off, hanging out together outside of school, doing all the other things you two did.
With someone else.
You hated yourself for making her leave you. You hated yourself for her not loving you anymore. You hated yourself for those mistakes you made in the past and you swore that if you could take all of that back, you could.
You hated yourself for being the way you are: Just an asshole who's been given the unfortunate ability to make everyone they love hate them.
You wanted to apologize to her in person, to make her see what the fuck she did to you. To see how fucked up you've gotten. To watch the look on her face when you break down crying right in front of her own eyes just so she could see the pain she fucking put you through.
You wanted to see her again. Not from afar, but up close. Shame washed over you when you would sometimes scroll by her contact, and notice that it's been 1..2...6 weeks since you've last spoken.
That time frame doesn't seem like a lot, but the lonely feeling that haunted you made it feel like 1,000 years; still being 1,000 miles away from Maki.
You wanted to take it back. You wanted to take back all your mistakes, but life has horribly shown you that there's no way of doing that.
You wanted it back. You wanted your old life back: You and Maki annoying each other, texting and facetiming till 3 am, sending each other stupid pictures y'all found on Pinterest, all of it.
You longed for it back. And no matter how much you pleaded to the Gods above you, they always turned a deaf ear to your cries.
Those 6 weeks turned into 6 months without Maki. Even though she never moved away, still went to the same school, you still saw her in the hallways,
She still felt 1,000 miles away.
a/n: bruh i think i went a little too far since i basically made this a vent post now🥲🥲🥲
yeah i added the 'still see her around' part cuz i wanted to at least let yall get a glance at her beautiful face<33 (irl i didnt get to see my ex best friend after we graduated middle school, and we go to a diff highschool now so the fact i'll never be able to see her again kills me inside cuz i'll never know how shes doing. though i did put the 'see her around' part cuz i drew experience from a recent ex gf where she had my friend text me saying 'hey ___'s breaking up with u bcs she thinks ur an annoying bitch and u make her uncomfortable' and then that ex never talked to me again :/ im sorry I talked too much lmaoo)
anyways i hoped u guys enjoyed !! if not thats fine too lmaoooo
have a good day/night and stay safe!!
wc: 656
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
Moment of Weakness-twenty four
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Author's Note: this one is kind of ehh, so apologies. I didn't want to leave you on a cliffhanger of the last chapter.
Tags(closed): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013 @subwaysurf45 @arsonfrogger @yoruse @5moremin @lipstickandtanqueray @mandijo17 @joannaromanoff @justsebstan @winters1917 @elizacusi-blog @football1921 @elxvrr
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I opened the door to my apartment, letting the larger man walk in before me, and shut it quickly, locking it behind me. Bucky looked around the small space that was littered with boxes, some unpacked, some not even touched. He gave me a confused look. 
“I moved last month,” I informed while hanging up my purse and jacket. 
Bucky stood out of place so I offered the couch to him, which he accepted with a nod. 
“Why?” He asked while sitting down. 
I decided to sit on the single chair on the other side of the room. 
“It’s kind of a long story,” I said. 
Bucky leaned back into the couch. “You can start off by where the hell you’ve been the last eight months?” 
I quietly scoffed and did my best to keep my anger at bay. If I pissed him off, he wouldn't agree to help me. 
“I needed space from you, Bucky. It wasn’t healthy for either of us if we continued the way we were,” I defended. 
He shrugged. “So why did you come back?” 
My fingers began to fidget with the loose strand of fabric on the chair I was seated on and let out a deep breath. 
“I think I’m being followed again.” 
Bucky shoulders tensed as he sat up straighter. “Why do you think that?” 
I gave a half shrug. “It started a month ago. What started off as feeling someone watching me as I walked or through my windows became my car being broken into and stolen then my house was burglarized. Whoever did it destroyed almost everything and tore it apart, as if they were looking for something. 
“Were you hurt?” 
I smiled fondly at the concern in Bucky’s voice. 
“No, thankfully I wasn’t home. But after that night, I packed up my things and moved here,” I motioned towards my apartment. “Things were quiet for a few weeks until last night.” 
I handed Bucky a folded-up letter that I received in my mailbox yesterday. Bucky’s eyes scanned over the words a few times, the anger radiating off of him in waves. 
You’re going to get what you deserve. No one can keep you safe. Make sure to keep an eye open wherever you go. 
“Do you have any idea who sent this?” Bucky asked through gritted teeth. 
“There wasn’t a return address,” I shook my head. “But I have a feeling about who it could be.”
He sighed while pinching his eyes closed. “Yeah, me too.” 
I tilted my head in confusion. “You do?” 
“There’s been some talk on the streets about Clint’s original hit on you being reinstated,” Bucky said. 
To say I was shocked was a lie; that’s exactly who I thought was behind all of this. But my lips parted when something clicked into place about tonight.
“Is that what you were asking that guy about tonight?” I asked. 
“He was the last one to know about Clint’s whereabouts, but Budapest is broad. It could have been yesterday or six months ago.” 
My heart skipped a beat when I realized that Bucky was trying to fight this on his own for me. For my safety. 
“I would ask if you would help me but it seems like you’ve already been doing that,” I chewed on my lip.
“It’s you, Y/N. I would do anything to protect you,” he vowed without missing a beat. 
Silence fell between us for a few moments as I racked my brain for what to do next. I could either have him leave, only calling me when he found out some more information about the hit. Or, I could have him stay a bit longer to have us catch up. 
That was such a bad idea, I mentally smacked myself for even thinking that. 
“Aren’t you going to say I told you so?” 
Bucky’s sorrowful voice caused my eyes to land on him. “What?” 
“You were right.” 
I shook my head, confused. “About what?”  
“Natasha. She lied about the pregnancy,” Bucky rested his elbows on his knees, letting out a deep breath in order to keep his tears at bay. 
My heart ached for him, only slightly. I tried to tell him about it way before, so the pain he was feeling was his own fault. 
“Oh,” I muttered. 
“I asked her about it.” 
“Oh,” I said much louder. 
Bucky looked at his hands with heavy shoulders. “She denied it at first, said that she was pregnant and she had all the proof. But when I asked her to take another pregnancy test in front of me, she came clean.” 
I hummed while nodding, not entirely sure what to say. 
“I had her move out the next day and the divorce was finalized last month,” Bucky informed. 
“Oh,” I repeated yet again. 
He chuckled slightly. “Is that all you’re going to say?” 
I shrugged. “What else do you want me to say, Bucky? Good for you? It still doesn't change the fact that I tried to tell you and you blew me off.” 
“I went home that night and confronted her about it.” 
His face was set hard while breath was even and steady, meaning he was telling the truth, and leaned towards me to grab my hands. The warmness of his flesh and the coolness of the vibranium one made my heart flip a few times over. 
“This still doesn't change anything,” I said with stern eyes. “I’m not going to fall back into you because now you’re single.” 
Bucky nodded. “I know. So I’ll make you a promise.” 
My brows raised with interest. 
“When we’re finished figuring out how to end Clint and the hit on you, if you want me to, I'll stay away. Until you’re ready, if you’re ready, to give me another chance.” 
He brought my hand to his lips, ghosting a few kisses over my knuckles. No matter how hard I swooned over him, I continued to keep my stern posture, not wanting to let him know how bad he was affecting me. 
“I’ll wait as long as you need me too; years if I have too because heaven knows I’m not getting over you,” Bucky mused. 
I swallowed the large lump in my throat, my heart swelling double its size because of Bucky’s proclamation. All I could do was nod, unsure what words, if any, would come and make sense. 
Our eyes watched each other for a few beats and it wasn’t until I felt us slowly closing the space between us that I let out a small cough, sitting further back into my chair. 
“What time should I meet you tomorrow?” 
“For what?” Bucky asked. 
“Did you really think I would let you handle my problem by yourself?” I questioned. 
He was fast to disagree. “Not happening.  I’m not allowing you to get involved. This is some heavy shit, Y/N. You could get hurt.” 
I stood to my feet and placed my hands in the back pocket of my jeans. “You can say no all you want, Bucky. But we both know that I’ve never listened to you anyway.” 
Bucky’s jaw clenched before he let out a sigh. “We do things my way, understand?” 
With a hard squeeze on his shoulder, I nodded. “Sure.” 
Then, all of a sudden, something clicked in my brain and I sat back down in my chair. 
“What is it?” Bucky wondered. 
“You said that your divorce was finalized a month ago, right?” 
When he nodded, I continued. “Everything that’s been happening to me started about a month ago. So do you think it’s possible-.” 
“Natasha’s in on it,” Bucky finished my thought. “I had a feeling, that’s why I’ve been looking for both of them.” 
“Fantastic,” I grumbled. 
He reached for the letter, playing around with it between his fingers. “You said this letter got mailed to you, here at your new place, right?” 
I began to nod but stopped when I realized what he was getting at. 
“They have my new address.” 
Bucky motioned down the hall. “Go pack a couple of bags of things you might need. You’re staying with me until this is all finished.” 
“Uh, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Bucky.” I wavered. 
“There’s plenty of guest rooms you can stay in, some even on the far end of the house so you don’t have to be near me,” he said. 
I chewed roughly on my tongue and cheek, hoping the pain from it would be more intense than the way my heart was pounding, thoughts of Bucky and I spending however many nights together. 
“This should be fun,” I muttered to myself while rising to my feet, ready to pack up my life yet again.
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bubblep0ppy · 1 year
hello, i’m nine and i’m here to tell my truth, as ridiculous and stupid that sounds, because you people have been only reading one side of the situation and i don’t think that’s fair. 
i joined with nailea devora to a group recently after more than a year of not even getting near to groups in general because as a lot of us know, people can’t control themselves and the hate they throw on a daily basis is honestly gross and my mental health can’t deal with that, but alas i was back for something i thought was fun, playing a dumb nepo baby who gets whatever she wants and plays dumb about it but in reality she had her ups and downs. she took me a while to figure out because i do love my characters and writing them 
during the first party of said group, there was a mixup and characters had to dress up and poppy’s group (she was the manager) decided on cowboys, now tell me, what would you do? because i jumped onto pinterest and found several pictures of nailea wearing a cowboy hat and i picked the cutest ones i found
did i check her age at the moment? no, because nailea is 21 years old and my character as well... why would i (and i quote someone from said rp) carbon date the pictures of my character? 
so i posted it and kept the party, poppy was around all day and as of the day i dropped her, she had the most tweet count in the entire group (if that tells you anything) 
during the party she was flirting with another character she liked since day 1 and they’ve been talking and it wasn’t a sexual relationship, just flirting like literally everyone in that group or the entire rpc for that matters 
him qrt that picture and poppy jokingly said “you let a cowboy ride you” or something like that, she never said anything actually inappropriate on main because she didn’t even say it on dms. 
and this is when things get wild because the yuqi fc started fights with everyone and i get that some characters are just assholes, i love villains in media, but in my opinion, some kind of ooc talk must exist before you right on attack someone on main, out of good manners at least (but we all know not everyone has that privilege) 
poppy ended up blocking the yuqi fc out of principle, she wasn’t gonna let some biter bitch to ruin her night (which ended with her sleeping alone btw, seeing as how much they care about my character’s sexual life) 
after that, the yuqi fc kept posting indirects or very direct attacks to my character, at one point it was all they posted and ignored it, i don’t like to get into drama that way and if they couldn’t kept poppy out of their mind.. well everyone has haters, right? 
this went on for WEEKS and poppy only cared about it when her friends sent her ss of the post cai made, and she was annoyed because her friends used to confront xem only for cai to laugh about it and not even give a good explanation 
i talked to the admins about changing my fc or even drop the group but i was convinced to stay because i haven’t been done anything bad. 
guess what? the bullying kept going. 
when i dropped the group for a day, i was tired of it (and other problems my chara found herself into even though it wasn’t plotted, again) and as soon as i left, cai mun posted an “apology” to the tl saying how it was a ooc thing that went ic for some reason. 
now to clarify, i have no idea who this person is and honestly i don’t want to give them the privilege to meet me or talk to me because someone with that much hate in their person is just not someone i want in my life. 
they claimed that the picture with the cowboy hat was of nailea being underage, which i can’t say 100% sure, but nailea deleted all of her underage pictures from instagram and this one was posted 3 years ago, when she was 18/19 years old. 
yes, younger than the limit for the group, but that doesn’t mean she was underage or even that i was using that to “infantilize” her, poppy was a very complex character and i don’t see how someone who was blocked for 90% of the time could say something about the way i played her... 
and speaking about the “sexting on main” i never did that and feel free to stalk my old account, the only “racy” thing i posted was a tiktok and it wasn’t even that graphic and again, it was posted for another person poppy was talking (not in a romantic way) 
but i don’t know, let the person obsessed with mario bros and calling themselves a “princess” for the entirety of the group to tell you who’s being childish 
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I have come to clarify some false accusations that have been thrown at me. More specifically, why I know who Cyn really is.
I wasn't stalking her. I wasn't intending for it to sound that way either.
The reason I was looking for stuff about her is because I wanted to protect myself.
I thought that when I sent her a birthday gift with her age on it, that she would be fine because it was publicly posted on her Twitter, and yes she did remove it.
The same thing with her name. From what I know, Alyss isn't even her real name. It's just an AKA.
She also had pictures of her face and stuff on her Instas, which actually did make me mildly concerned, and yes, she did private both of them, I made sure of that.
I also found her Pinterest, and apparently her real name is her username.
I wanted to protect myself from her. The way I had found out the rest of the info was through Reverse Username search. I wasn't able to see the entire background report, I don't have a credit card. However, I was able to see some basic things. I honestly didn't need all THAT info, though.
All I basically needed was the real name. That's it.
What do I do? Well, with the help of magick, and a little help from other witches, I was able to cast a protection spell on myself. I was also able to cast a banishing spell to keep Cynder away from me.
Because I wasn't planning on using the info for anything else, I kinda went and put an anonymous ask in Cyn's box saying she should private her Instagram.
Cyn, if you don't want people finding out stuff about you, don't put it publicly where people can see. It was kind of on you. And you're an adult, you should be responsible for that, instead of letting it happen and then play victim afterwards. I'm a freakin' kid, and even I don't post selfies of myself or use my real name in any of my usernames.
You also might wanna remove your actual location from your old Twitter. I know you don't live there anymore, but it never hurts to protect yourself a little more, even if you have to block me like a million times.
If this doesn't clarify why I know who Cyn is, then I don't know what will, because this is about the most honest I can be.
I didn't even know about it! WTF!?! She never told me about these things! I only knew of one person who was Doxxing her online and tried to manipulate me! I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't care!! Just don't talk to me! And honestly, you're crazy stalking someone on the internet instead of just blocking them on all social media and staying away from them!
From what you've said, you seem to be a believer in witchcraft, which I deeply respect. But seriously, you already needed to do ALL of this just to protect yourself from my friend! I don't even understand why I needed to know this! But it's really good, because I at least may not want to know who you are and stay away from you! If you're capable of stalking her like that, I don't trust you!
Seriously, why the fuck did you send me this??? I have nothing to do with this and I don't even know what you're talking about!!
Arrg, just never interact with my blogs again!
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