#but seriously.... the day i where i understood that i loved being alone was the best day ever
ayo-edebiri · 10 months
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mrssabinecallas · 10 months
Self Love Day
Pairing: Miguel O’hara / wife!reader
in which your husband is confused by your “self love” evenings, but doesn’t hesitate to join in on the festivities
CW! flufffff, mentions of alcohol (wine LMAO), lowercase intended, miguel being a bimbo husband and just loving you 🥹
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gif creds to owner mentioned here ^^
ever since you were a teenager, you’ve always had a dedicated “self love” day, where you just take a day to yourself and unwind from all the stress in your life. they usually were a couple months apart as you never had time anymore, being co-leader of a multi-dimensional society of mutant spider people.
even as you were dating, your husband miguel never understood the importance of these nights in, and just left you in peace. it was none of his business, so he left it alone. but when you got married and lived together? boy was he in for a treat.
it had been a particularly rough week in nueva york, and it had been a while since you took a night for yourself, so you though, you know what? i deserve a break. as you poured yourself a nice glass of expensive wine, a gift from your cousin from your wedding two months ago, you exhaled a breath of relief to a nice quiet apartment.
as miguel entered the calm atmosphere, he sought out for you, calling out your name in the empty home. he saw the wine bottle on the counter, next to your favorite candle, lit. he slipped into your shared bedroom, the smell of your candles growing stronger. as he pushed open the door to your on suite, he saw your figure, back turned, getting things out of the bathroom cabinet.
“hola, amor,” he spoke into the warm silence. he was captivated by you as you turned around, sheer love in his eyes.
“hi, baby!” he noticed you had some skincare items in your hands, and your makeup was removed. he loved when you didn’t wear makeup. you looked so beautiful, he could just stare at your face for hours. “it’s self love day, you wanna join me?”
“sure, cariño, give me a minute, i’m going to put on something more comfortable,” he gestured to his suit, dirtied from a long day’s work. you nodded at him, and returned your attention to the cabinet, getting two of each now that your husband was joining.
returning to the bathroom, miguel was adorned in a tee shirt and grey sweats (to your liking). you handed him a fluffy makeup headband and he stared at you like you had three heads.
“¿qué demonios es esto?(what the hell is this?)” he questioned, taking note of the softness of the material and the light baby-blue color.
“a headband? to hold back your hair?” you weren’t sure why he was confused, but you would consider it a win if you could get him to wear it. shrugging his broad shoulders, he pulled it over his head, and tried to put all his hair behind it with his hands.
“no, no… hun.. that’s the hard way to put it on..” you tried to explain, but gave up and just walked over to him. reaching up, you pulled the headband down his head to rest on his collarbone, and then pulled it back up. “there.”
he looked over to the mirror, making a face when he saw the small bunny ears peeking over the top of his head, and looked at you with a ‘seriously?’ expression. you giggled at him, and turned to run the bath.
as you stripped of your clothes to get in the back, miguel made a different face at you, and looked you up and down. you shook your head at him with a teasing smile.
he frowned at you, before taking off his clothes and stepping into the bath with you. as the hot water lapped at the exposed skin of your legs, the familiar smell of your essential oils you had put in the bath wafts up to your nose. you sink back into miguel’s large figure as he sits down, releasing a content sigh.
you stayed there, laying against one another for another half hour, your husband caressing your waist under the water. the smells we’re wearing off, and the water started to cool, and it was time for the next phase of self love day. stepping out of the bath and drying off, you and miguel both put on a bathrobe.
pulling back your own hair into a headband, you pulled the back into a clip and opened a face mask for both of you. as you pulled the cold paper mask out of its foil and lifted it to your husbands face, he bent down so you could apply it for him. he cringed at the cold feeling of the moisturizer, but relaxed as you massaged the muscles in his face. you then pulled the other face mask out of the package and smoothed it onto your own skin.
grabbing your wine glass and your husband by the hand, you led him into the kitchen to pour him a drink. you got another glass out of the cabinet and poured two servings of wine, handing the second glass to miguel. he thanked you and swirled the class, then took a small sip.
you tread back into your shared bedroom, adjusting the slippery mask on your face.
“do you want to help me with my nails?” you asked over your shoulder to miguel, who nodded slightly and moved closer toward you.
“what are we doing to them today, mrs. o’hara?” he asked with a smirk on his face, in a mocking tone. “do you have an appointment? you know i’m booked full…” you rolled your eyes at his antics and lightly smacked his arm, walking into the bathroom to grab the polish.
returning to the bedroom, you held two colors in each of your hands.
“red or white?” you inquired to your husband, who began to study each color intently. it was cute, how he cared about the smallest little things.
“red,” he said, with a small confident smile on his face. you smiles back at him, returning to the bathroom to set the white on the counter.
as you filed your nails down, miguel began to take your hand and applied the polish. he grumbled as he got some on your finger, and wiped it away before setting down the brush and your hand to retrieve his glasses. (old man 🥹)
he re-entered the on-suite, small metal glasses situated on the bridge of his nose, and started to paint your nails again. he was making his “focused face,” you liked to call it, where his eyebrows scrunched together and his lips drew into a puckered state. it brought a small smile to your face as you, unknown to miguel, admired his features.
he dropped your right hand, and signaled for you to hand him your left, however you didn’t catch on.
“ahem..” he cleared his throat and cocked his eyebrow, waving for your hand to be place into his. “i am very busy ma’am, do not waste my time.” you scoffed at his antics, and placed your smaller hand into his much larger one.
“how many clients are you seeing today, ‘best nail artist in the multiverse?’” you played along with his little game, making him smile and reply, “too many, dear. now, let me in on all the juicy gossip. what’s goin’ on?”
“oh you don’t even want to know! turns out amanda has been sleeping with her ex again, after me and charlotte told her not to! now she’s upset about him cheating again when they’re not even really together anymore!” you put on your fake gossip voice and make up a story for your “nail stylist.” he nods along and gasps at your fake drama, totally invested in the story.
“no way! did he cheat on her with the same girl or some new hussy he picked up?” he fed into your story as he finished your left hand, blowing gently on your nails to speed up the drying process.
“yes! i don’t know how she didn’t learn. i mean come on! he’s a terrible person! a literal walking red flag!” you laughed at his “hussy” comment and his fake girl voice. as your nails finished, miguel twisted the brush top back into the polish bottle and placed it on the countertop.
you both just smiled at each other, happy to be in each others presence. how did you get so lucky with a guy who cared so much about the small things? i mean, cmon! he just pretended to gossip with you while he did your nails!
you reached up to your face, and gently rolled off the paper mask that had begun to dry on your face, miguel following suit. you threw them in the small trash bin beside the toilet and returned to take a sip of wine.
suddenly, as your set your glass back down with a small clink, miguel pulled you in for a light kiss to your lips. he pulled away smiling, and held you close to his chest.
“te quiero mucho, mi amor.”
“gracias para este, mi vida. te amo.”
A/N: thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed please show this some love, and my inbox is open if you have any ideas you want to send my way!
have a good day/night and stay hydrated! much love!
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soap-ify · 6 months
nsfw , minors dni.
☆ : lonely is a man without love — kyle 'gaz' garrick x reader
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kyle's lonely life experiences a change when he moves into a new place — ♡
. . 11.1k words.
tags and cw : neighbors to lovers, angst but LOTS of comfort, hurt/comfort, canon typical violence (briefly mentioned), hush if you see any military inaccuracies, reader is struggling and kyle too, reader is somewhat shy, mentions and descriptions of anxiety and depression, reader is afab and therefore the smut contains afab anatomy but other than that gender neutral terms have been used, smut, p in v, missionary position, fingering, cum eating, body worship i think, LOTS of kisses this man is insane about you, LOTS of consent check-ins because he is amazing, some laughing during sex, use of alcohol, kyle smokes, kissing in the rain.
notes : this is very self-indulgent and probably horribly written i am sorry . . went overboard with the word limit too i didn't think it would be long. this is for the gaz likers, eat your dinner up!
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Kyle sometimes felt like he was doomed to be alone forever. So much love floated around him yet not a single bit was directed at him.
It’s a good thing. He would reassure himself. Will help me focus on my work. Though that wouldn’t explain the gnawing feeling in his heart, the loneliness that just spread within him like a virus while he would curl up in his bed, arms wrapped around himself while his fingers would caress his shoulders, pretending that it was someone else.
It wasn’t that he was bad. He was far from it. Handsome with a nice husky voice and a fairly athletic build. Not only that, he had a great personality too — loyal and determined. Still not fucking enough though, it seemed. People did like him, just not in the way his heart desired to be liked. At some points, it was as if no one ever took him seriously, making him feel like the odd one out. The leftover.
Kyle is a sweetheart — heart full of love that was aching to be given to someone, aching to be understood and embraced for once.
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A few days ago, Kyle had rented a new apartment on impulse. Not that he regretted it though, it was clearly better than the current apartment he was living in — more spacious and closer to the base.
He was moving in today, cardboard boxes scattered on the floor as he stood in front of the door of his apartment, fiddling with his keys. He was about to open the door when he felt someone tap on his shoulder, causing him to abruptly turn around to face the culprit, senses on alert.
“Sorry!” A warm voice squeaked out, instantly catching Kyle’s attention. It was you, a friendly yet surprised smile adorning your lips as you angled your head to look at him. “Didn’t mean to surprise you.” You laughed sheepishly, fingers fidgeting with the fabric of your shirt as you gestured to the door beside his door. “I’m your neighbor.”
Kyle would relax a bit, her dark eyes flickering towards the door you had gestured at before landing back at you, a soft smile slowly gracing his lips. “Nah, s’fine. Don’t be sorry.” He chuckled warmly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. He was used to being hyper aware all the time due to his work, so that sudden touch on his shoulder had nearly made him have a heart-attack. “...And I’m Kyle.” He added after a while.
Silence would soon take over as you two looked at one another, thinking over what to say next. “Well…” You would trail off, not wanting to disturb this new neighbor of yours any longer. Your eyes would glance down at those plump lips for him for a second before you snapped out of your thoughts, offering him a smile. “I’ll see you around then… Don’t be afraid to ask for anything at all.” You mumbled quickly, feeling like a damn bother already, turning around on your feet before jogging back into your apartment, gently shutting the door behind you.
Kyle would stare at the spot where you stood with a dazed look in his eyes, his lips parted slightly as he let out a shaky breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding until you went away. Fuck, that was awkward, he internally thought, yet unable to shake off this warm feeling that was spreading through his heart. Typical Kyle, always being left shocked and giddy after anyone would show interest in him. You are a weirdo, Garrick.
Now he had another mini goal in his life — to get to know you. You were his neighbor after all so it was only polite for him to at least know you, right? And with that, he resumed moving the packed boxes into his apartment, blood rushing to his cheeks.
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The following weeks were very much uneventful — simple greetings exchanged whenever you passed by Kyle, little waves here and there alongside the sweet smiles you would give him that would just melt his heart. Yet still, there wasn’t any real interaction. He didn’t know anything about you, and at this point, he felt like he had read too much into the time he first met you a few weeks ago.
It wasn’t as if he himself was making any effort. He was too caught up in work, coming home late at nights, barely having any time for himself or others.
Tonight was different though. He had come early. Well, not really — it was 11:00 PM, but still earlier than usual though he was just as tired as every time. As he made his way towards the door of his apartment, he felt a familiar figure next to him. You. His head was quick to turn to the side, brown eyes instantly meeting yours as you looked at him as well, the time suddenly slowing down. There you were outside your apartment’s door, in your work clothes and a bit of disheveled appearance, highlighting just how exhausted you were after work. Just like him.
For a moment, you both just stared at each other tiredly before he managed to gather up some courage, his hand holding the door knob. “Drinks?” He asked, internally cringing at how hoarse his voice sounded due to his throat randomly going dry at the sight of you. Though you were quick to nod, causing a familiar warmth to spread in his chest.
That’s how you found yourself in Kyle’s apartment, your eyes taking in the details. It was quite warm and cozy, not overly decorated but having little things like books, certificates and pictures around that made the apartment his.
You settled down on the couch, sinking into the softness while your fingers absent-mindedly played with the sleeve of your shirt, eyes watching Kyle as he came towards you with two bottles of bourbon. “Sorry that I look like a disaster.” You mumbled quietly, earning a soft chuckle from him.
“Nah. You don’t. And even if ya do, I do too. That'd mean we're matching.” He grinned and sat beside you, passing you one bottle of bourbon before opening up his own, taking a swig of it, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He would lean his head back, and you couldn’t help but look at the way the bulge in his throat moved as he gulped down the alcohol.
Kyle looked pretty. He always looked good-looking in your eyes ever since you had first met him, but right now, something made him look even better. Maybe it was the dim yellow light from the lamp on a nearby stand that fell onto his face, creating a soft glow around the face of his shape from the angle you were seated on. His eyes were closed while the bourbon relaxed his nerves, his plump lips parted slightly. You couldn’t help but admire his lashes, the mild stubble that adorned his jaw and the mustache that neatly rested above his upper lips — and that small scar on his cheek, your fingers aching to caress the rough surface. You silently took a sip from your own bourbon bottle, your eyes traveling down to his neck, the sight of skin making your insides feel weird, in a good way. You would soon find yourself in awe of his arms, the way his shirt was rolled up to rest on his elbows, and fuck, those hands. Your throat went dry as you mindlessly stared at the veins on his hand, and those long fingers of his. Get your head out of the gutter, you reminded yourself.
You weren’t usually like this. Yes, you had a fair share of people you have had a crush upon, but they were never a person that you sat with and drank a bourbon with, someone who also happened to be your neighbor. This all felt too weird, too real. It was maybe also the fact that you weren't so used to all this — this level of calmness and almost sickening domesticity. You don't even remember the last time you had let someone see you being vulnerable, open around them or anything. You were mostly alone.
Failing to rip your eyes away from Kyle, you silently continued to stare at him while drinking the bourbon until his eyes fluttered open and met yours, catching you staring at him. Shit. You went still, feeling your blood rush to your cheeks.
He went still too, his brows raising in curiosity and subtle amusement, his lips twitching a bit — as if contemplating on whether to smile or not. Why am I so awkward?, he internally scolded himself, his fingers tightening around the bottle of bourbon.
A part of him felt proud that you found him attractive. He wanted you to find him attractive. He silently took one last swig of the bourbon before putting the bottle aside, turning over to him. His cheeks felt warm, and he didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or this situation — or both. Sensing your embarrassment, he decided to let this little action of yours slide and change the topic.
“Hey, you wanna hear somethin’ funny?” He asked, his elbow gently nudging your arm. You nodded curiously, fingers tapping against the glass of the bottle.
He would shuffle a bit closer to you, your shoulders brushing against one another. It didn’t feel odd this time, or creepy even — it felt just right. The type of right where the time seemingly slows down and the room grows warmer, the type of right where everything blurs around the person your eyes are focused on — Kyle. The type of right where your breathing gets slower in contentment and tranquility, an odd sense of serenity flowing through your veins, making it impossible for you to not lean into him.
He began talking, his tone not slurred at all but seemingly more confident now, and you couldn’t pinpoint whether it was because of the alcohol or just him warming up to you. He talked about his job, how he was an operator in the Special Forces, not disclosing much more than that because apparently, that information was classified. He subtly talked about some fucked up moments that he had to face, that he found funny even, despite it being somewhat horrific actually.
“There was this one time when I had to rescue a friend of mine. I was in the heli with Nik — he’s a nice man. Anyways, some stuff happened and I slipped off the heli, but hey, I didn’t hit the ground. I was danglin’ by a fuckin' rope, and my cap'n kept tryin’ to talk to me through the earpiece. It was hell, he couldn’t believe it.” Kyle chuckled, voice a bit raspy while his eyes were focused on you, eager to see your reaction.
You would have normally been weirded out by something like that, something that just seemed so dangerous. But the way he had described it, the way he had chuckled even — it made your lips twitch into a bright smile, a soft giggle leaving your lips that soon turned into full blown laughter. “Dangling by a rope?!” You try to mutter in between your laughs, hands clutching your sides as you try to regain your composure. Your reaction made him burst into laughter too, and now you both were just a mess, tearing up. At this point, it didn’t even seem to be about Kyle’s experience anymore. It was a sweet, genuine laugh — evidence of how you had gotten so comfortable with your neighbor, how you had started to feel this odd sense of affection towards him.
Kyle was no better, his heart drumming like crazy against his chest. You are an angel, he internally thought, so enamored by the sound of your laughter. It didn’t matter what you thought of your laughter or how much you tried to keep it quiet, he absolutely loved it. He began feeling that familiar ache in his heart, the emotions that begged to be spilled out, to be directed towards someone, anyone — you. But he was going to hold it in like every time, like all the times he had to keep his emotions bottled up, knowing that they wouldn’t be reciprocated. They never were reciprocated, and it made him into this — a love-starved fool.
The laughter eventually dissolved into muffled giggles and shaky breaths, your hands loosening around your sides while your glassy eyes looked over at Kyle, who was also looking at you. Both of you were panting softly, eyes locked on one another. You could feel your heartbeat picking up its pace, your lips parted slightly while your cheeks were all warm. God, he is gorgeous, you wondered in awe, feeling an oddly fuzzy feeling clouding your brain.
You two were so close, and you could just kiss him. You wanted to. But wouldn’t he find it weird, being kissed by his neighbor? You felt skeptical, but seeing the way his eyes just didn’t seem to move away from yours, you found yourself leaning forward. And he did too. He actually leaned forward!
Closer, and a bit more, and more—
Until his phone rang. Fucking hell. Kyle audibly groaned, looking at you with a collectively embarrassed and apologetic look. You backed away, cheeks burning up while your eyes darted away shyly, nibbling on your bottom lip.
He mumbled something inaudible under his breath, getting up from the couch so he could accept the call, pressing his phone against his ear. “Yes, Cap’n? Yeah… Oh, alright... On Friday? Yeah, okay.” He whispered, soon enough ending the call before turning back to you, clearing his throat sheepishly. “Uh— Sorry. Work call.” He grumbled, brows knitting.
You shook your head, still in a bit of haze after how you almost kissed him. Or maybe you weren’t going to. Maybe you were just overthinking the whole situation, clinging onto some false hope because fuck, your neighbour was gorgeously enticing. You pushed those thoughts away quickly, not willing to fall into another delusion, just like you had with your past crushes. “S’fine, Kyle. Need to go anyway. Too late now.” You mumbled softly, looking over at the watch on your wrist that read 12:45 AM now. You hadn’t realized how much time you had spent with him already. It was as if time seemed to melt away around you, just like the way he seemed to melt your heart.
But there was no time to think about that. You had work tomorrow. It was already too late. Kyle looked over at the clock hung on the wall, a soft sigh leaving his lips before his brown eyes looked back at you. “Thanks for keepin’ me company, mate.” He spoke, internally cringing at calling you ‘mate’ though he didn’t know what else to call you. Love? Sweetie? I will freak her out, he internally thought, you think too much, Garrick.
You made your way towards the front door of his apartment, glancing at him one last time. “Goodnight, Kyle…” You whispered, a soft smile adoring your lips, senses a bit clouded due to the alcohol though you knew that your smile was sincere — full of warmth that you had shown multiple, but managed to seem different when shown to him — more genuine.
When you stepped out into the corridor, your eyes caught a glimpse of his expression, a hint of disappointment and loneliness lingering behind the warm smile he wore on his plump lips. Maybe you were imagining it, maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you knew that you wanted to be there for him more and more. He was like a painting, placed in the far corner of the museum where no one would see him, but you were the visitor who had coincidentally stumbled upon the isolated area, now in awe of this painting.
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It was just one of those days for you today, brows knitted in frustration as you went over the paperwork of your job, not understanding a single word written there. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep you had gotten the past few days, or the boisterous laugh of your fellow colleagues that roared in the workplace, overstimulating your senses. Or maybe it was your annoying boss, slamming loads and loads of papers on your desk and you just silently accepted them because, well, you couldn’t afford angering your boss. Or maybe it was just Kyle who had been stuck in your brain ever since that little experience you had with him a few days ago.
You didn’t have the luxury of having a pleasant lifestyle. It was monotonous more than anything — most days passed with you absolutely drowning in your work, giving you barely any time to take care of yourself. You were horribly burnt out, exhausted with the same old stuff going on. Maybe that’s why you were so drawn to Kyle in the first place. He was new, fresh like the spring breeze, his smile enough to kindle a strange warmth in your chest.
Whatever it was, you knew that you wanted to get to know him better, even though you weren’t the best at making connections — or even maintaining them. The thought made you wince, mind drifting away from the paperwork.
Your phone hadn’t pinged with a new message for a few days. You knew it, they had grown tired of you. Your friends — everyone. It was your fault, right? It was always your fault. Pushing people away, not letting them see past your mask, to see the real you that yearned to be understood, to fit in. If it weren’t for your depressive episodes, you would still have managed to maintain some relationship. But no. You just had to push them away. Now hopelessly sitting on your bed, dark circles adorning your under eyes while you gazed at your silent phone, a familiar emptiness lingering in your heart that just never seemed to go away. Your room was a mess, neither your body nor mind having any energy to get up. You needed help, you needed someone — anyone. But you didn’t want to be a burden, you didn’t—
You were snapped out of your memories at the sound of the glass shattering and some yells, your head snapping up to see that one of your colleagues had managed to break a glass, now getting yelled by the boss. Fucking great. You bitterly groaned silently, eyes looking over at the clock. Just a few more hours, you could do this.
Once the time was up, you were quick to grab your things and scurry out of the office, too exhausted to deal with anyone. 6:30 PM — you had actually managed to leave early today. You followed along your usual path, taking the crowded bus and then having a small walk along the street until you reached the small apartment complex.
About an hour passed and you had properly freshened up with a nice shower, now cladded in one of your pajamas. The fatigue still lingered in your muscles, refusing to go away. You frowned silently, eyes darting over to the balcony door. Putting on some slippers, you walked over to the balcony door and opened it, stepping into the cool, chilly evening air — the sky having mostly darkened up. You breathed in the fresh air, feeling a sense of ease clouding your senses. Though your moment of peace was interrupted by the smell of cigarettes. Wait, what?
Your head turned to the side, catching the sight of your neighbor on his balcony. Fuck, you had forgotten that your balcony was connected with Kyle’s.
Your brows rose in surprise, eyes carefully looking over at him. He looked, well, like a wreck. You felt your heart sink as you looked at him, taking in his appearance. He wore a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, the hood covering his head up, restricting you from the view of his short curly hair. His eyes looked tired, dark circles visible under his eyes, his brows knitted while his eyes were focused on the sky, gaze distant. A lit cigarette was snug in between his fingers, connecting with his lips as he exhaled some smoke. You wondered what happened, what caused him to look so… dejected. Though you resisted from asking him that directly, not wanting to pry into something you clearly didn’t belong in.
“Smoker?” Your voice cut through the silence, causing him to look over at you in surprise.
Kyle hadn’t expected to see you here. There you were, in your balcony, staring at him with concern that was masked behind nonchalance, though he could easily spot it. “Sometimes.” He replied, voice hoarse as his eyes looked away, staring back at the sky. He wanted to talk to you, had missed you so much, but this really wasn’t the best time. He didn’t mean it, but his voice sounded uncharacteristically annoyed.
You winced at his lack of reaction and the subtle show of annoyance, swallowing the strange lump in your throat as you silently stepped forward, leaning against the barrier of your balconies. “What’s wrong?” You finally decided to hit the sore spot, eyeing the change in his expression.
“Nothing.” He replied gruffly.
“Well there’s clearly something wro—”
“It’s none of your business. You don’t wanna hear it, trust me.”
“You won’t know unless you—”
“I told you, it’s nothing!”
“Stop fucking talking over me!” Your voice raised unintentionally alongside his. For a second, you just stared at him with wife eyes, panting softly as he looked back at you with an equally surprised reaction. This was such a stupid thing to argue on, and for a moment, you thought that maybe he was right. Maybe it really wasn’t any of your business. You were just his neighbor, right? Good job, ruining everything once again, you internally scolded yourself, a groan leaving your lips. If only you could control your goddamn temper.
Kyle was stunned, your voice pulling him out of his depressed haze. He huffed, brows knitting in embarrassment as he walked over to the barrier that separated the balconies, getting in front of you. “Fuck, sorry. It’s just…” He hesitated, taking another drag from his cigarette, exhaling the smoke aside. “I am tired, y’know. Working’ so hard every day and for what? I got no one to be proud of me. Fuck, even my own cap’n doesn’t give me the validation I want…” His voice cracked at the end, nose scrunching as he looked away, as if ashamed by his own vulnerability.
Fuck, you froze, You knew this feeling too well.
“And now look at me… Talkin’ to my neighbor about it. I am supposed to be protecting people, n-not be the fucking weak one.” He sniffled irritably, forcing out an insincere chuckle. Self deprecating thoughts, typical for Kyle. Though you were clearly unaware of it.
Kyle’s mind was a mess right now. Do better, do better, do better. Ever since he had joined the taskforce, he had this itchy feeling in his heart that urged him to prove himself. To make everyone sure that he was worthy enough to deal with the horrors of the world. But no amount of training or missions gave him the satisfaction he desired. There was always someone better than him. Who even was he anymore? He had molded himself so much for others, and now he couldn’t recognise himself.
You had noticed how Kyle had suddenly gone quiet, the connected balconies now surrounded by a thick layer of silence, sparking a familiar sense of anxiety in you. You wanted to say something to him, something you longed to listen to when you were struggling a few years ago. But what could you even say without properly knowing his situation? You knew nothing about what actually even goes on in his job despite the little things he had told you that wouldn’t really be considered classified.
So you simply reached your hand forward, grabbing his free one. You felt him stiffen up for a split second before relaxing again, his eyes moving back to you. You took this time to silently admire his hands, your fingers lacing with his as your thumb rubbed gently circles on his skin. His hand was so fucking pretty, the type you’d want after a manicure. His nails were nicely cut, and his skin was clean and only mildly callused. You were surprised that his hands weren’t so madly roughened up in the way you would normally expect a soldier to have.
“I have a hand care routine.” Kyle blurted out sheepishly, probably having sensed your fascination. You couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh, causing his eyes to soften up. Your laugh. It reminded him of how you gave him company alongside drinking some bourbon a few nights ago. It was his favorite night in his damn life already.
“I don’t know what's going on in your head, Kyle. But…” You trailed off, giving his hands a gentle squeeze while your eyes darted away in an almost shy manner. “You can always rely on me. I swear.”
Kyle could have sworn that he heard his heart explode in his chest.
There was no way you weren't an angel. The familiar painful warmth made its appearance into his heart and this time, he didn’t push it away. He was smitten. You, sweet you. His lovely name. Not emphasis on his yet, because well— yeah.
Kyle had started feeling hopeful all over again, blood rushing to his cheeks and lips parting breathlessly. He didn’t know what exactly he was feeling towards you. Maybe a silly crush like many others wherein his feelings were never reciprocated. But he instantly pushed that thought away. He knew that you were different. Unlike others who had made him into this anxious, perfectionist mess — you didn’t put any burdens on him, simply made him feel safe and seen. Safe. He had never felt safe with any person before, maybe with his task force but that was really different from what he felt right now. He didn’t feel unlovable for once, despite the self-loathing thoughts scratching on the back of his mind, making him struggle to think straight.
He simply wanted to fall in your arms and cry. Cry about how it was just too much for him now, the sheer immorality of his work that he had promised himself that he would face. Cry about how no one ever wanted him, how he was always left out. Cry about being the second option. Cry about feeling like a fucking outsider. Cry about never being perfect. Cry about everything.
He would have actually made his way into your arms if it wasn’t for the little barrier in between your balcony and his. And the barrier between you both — the invisible one. You were still just a neighbor, and maybe a friend. He didn’t want to overthink this, to give himself hope like every time.
Once his cigarette had run out, he sighed softly and kept it tucked in between his fingers, his lips forming a soft smile — the one that you were so familiar with. “You’re a special one, lovie.” He said, before pausing, lips twitching a bit. Going all out now with the nicknames.
Your eyes lightened up under the faint, dim light of the balcony, lips forming a sweetly goofy smile. Lovie. That just sounded so… Kyle. You liked it, this new little change in your relationship. You never let go of his hand, your body pressing up against the barrier of the balconies. “C’mon. Wanna hang out again? My apartment this time.” You offered, gently nudging him.
And oh boy, he was embarrassingly quick to agree.
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You had put down fluffy pillows in front of the couch, Kyle seated on them alongside you with your backs pressed against the couch. You had bought a bowl of popcorns, which was now settled in between the little distance you two had. The light from your TV illuminated your face, and he couldn’t help but silently stare at you.
“I’m going to put on a rom-com.” You mumbled softly, hands fiddling with the remote of the TV as you scrolled through the lists of movies, until random on a recently added rom-com movie you don't recall ever watching.
Kyle’s eyes drifted over to the TV screen and then back to you, a cheeky grin soon adorning his lips. ”I feel like this is a trap.” He chuckled under his breath, playfully nudging you with his elbow.
“Oh yeah? Why would it be?” You couldn’t help but giggle, eyes squinting.
“Well, I dunno! Didn’t know that lovie here was into rom-coms.”
“You don’t know much about me then, Kyle.”
The banter between you both went on for a few seconds until the opening credit song of the movie started playing, causing you to immediately hush him, focusing fully onto the movie. Kyle went quiet, pulling the hood of his head, finally. Those short curls of his were visible once again.
He was definitely more relaxed than before. He had even sprayed himself with your perfume so the smell of cigarettes goes away. His mind felt a bit clearer too, albeit a weird dull ache still present in his heart. The usual emptiness, the ache for you. He ignored those feelings for now though, trying to properly focus on the movie.
Easier said than done. You were so close to him, warmth basically radiating off you while your eyes were fixed onto the screen, mouth silently chewing onto the popcorns. He sneakily shuffled a bit closer, his shoulder gently brushing with yours. You didn’t flinch away at all, making his heart warm up even more.
He wanted, no, needed to hold you. His arms were aching to embrace you, and as much as the rational part of his mind would have normally stopped him, this time it didn’t. He gently leaned his head a bit close, lips a few inches away from your ears. “Can I hold you…?” He asked, voice soft and a bit raspy.
Your breath hitched at the sudden proximity, your head tilting to the side to face him, only for your noses to almost be pressed together. Warmth bloomed in your chest and you couldn’t help but nod, lips forming a sweet smile. “Yes…” You whispered. You wouldn’t have let anyone else hold you. You trusted him.
Kyle was overjoyed, but he managed to hide it well. His arms, firm with muscles, slowly around you and scooped you towards him until your back was nicely snuggled into his chest, seated between his legs. You could almost feel his heartbeat against your back — rapid and loud with soft thumps. you found yourself relaxing in his arms, leaning more into him as a soft sigh escaped your lips.
You picked the bowl of popcorns and gently placed it back on your lap, resuming to eat it. Kyle took this time to place his chin on the top of your head, happy that you couldn’t see the absolutely goofy grin that adorned his lips, his heart practically jumping up and down in his chest. He had never felt so connected with someone, your warmth seeping into the sheer loneliness that engulfed his heart. He wasn’t alone.
“Crappy guy.” He commented on the love interest of the female lead, some tall and cold man — very much typical in romance movies. You hummed in agreement, your hand grazing him as he put his hand alongside yours into the bowl, picking up some popcorn.
The movie wasn’t even good at this point. Mostly because all of your mind was solely focused on how nice and warm he felt behind you, making you feel so relaxed. You could basically fall asleep on him if you wanted to, but you restrained yourself mentally, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. What even were the boundaries now?
You closed your eyes momentarily, curling up against him after you put the popcorn bowl aside, your cheek pressed against his neck. “Bored?” He asked quietly, his hand rubbing up and down your arm in a gentle manner, earning a silent nod from you. He sighed softly and nuzzled his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent.
“About earlier…” You trailed off, brows knitting in confusion. What were you doing? It was as if you wanted to comfort him as much as you could, your heart speaking instead of your mind. It was like an itch, one that wouldn’t go away unless you talked to him. You shifted in his arms so you could face him, comfortable in between his legs, not caring about the movie anymore. “I…” You sheepishly cleared your throat, hands hesitantly twitching before grasping onto his shoulders. “I… I was struggling real bad a few years ago. Still am, but… Just wanted to tell you that you aren’t alone…” You nervously looked away, chewing on your bottom lip.
You had never opened up to anyone before. It was basically written all over your face.
Kyle’s brows furrowed momentarily, going quiet after your words. It explained a lot actually, the subtle dark circles under your eyes and the absent-minded fidgeting you always did. Though it wasn’t really noticeable, he noticed. Perks of having a job that required high attention.
“Lovie… You don’t gotta say anythin’ you don’t wanna.” He spoke after a while, his arms tightening around you as he pulled you in just a bit more closer, the tip of his nose almost touching yours. “But thank you… Really. And I am also here for you, always” His voice softened up even more at the end, so quiet and warm.
You scoffed softly, but nodded, your hands shyly caressing up his shoulders, fingers trailing up his neck, face before eventually reaching his scalp. Your fingers soothingly ran through his short, nicely cut hair, a soft sigh escaping your lips. You had been waiting for this. And the way Kyle’s eyes closed relaxed encouraged you even more to gently scratch his scalp.
Kyle leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttered shut and lips parted slightly, relishing your touch. It was achingly comforting, and he could feel the noises in his head becoming inaudible, his heart rate relaxing and his nerves calming down.
You, you, you, you.
That’s what rang in his head, blood rushing to his cheeks and ears as he felt himself get all giddy over his neighbor — sweet neighbor.
The movie was long forgotten in the background, the only trace of it being the muffled sounds and the light from the screen that fell onto you both. Kyle slowly opened his eyes again, his hands reaching up to gently cup your face, fingertips pressing against the back of your ears. His eyes looked all over your face, from the fond look in your eyes to your lips. Lips he wanted to kiss so bad.
“Can I kiss you?”
His own words surprised him, but he didn’t back away. Not now, not ever. He gently pressed his forehead against yours, his breathing syncing with yours as he felt your hands slide down to gently hold onto his shoulders again, your lips forming an adorable smile.
“Yes… Okay.”
He slowly closed the distance between you both, pressing his lips against yours. His lips felt soft, moving with your lips delicatel — a chaste kiss. The kiss didn’t seem inexperienced by any means. He knew what he was doing, holding your face so tenderly in his hands as if you were the most precious thing ever, breath hitching subtly as he parted from the kiss, looking at you with half-open eyes. Holy shit, he actually kissed you. If he were to die this very moment, he would die a happy man.
“Am I going too fast, lovie…?” He asked, his hands slowly easing their way down to your waist, helping you up to sit on his lips before he wrapped his arms around your waist one again, a blissful smile on his lips.
You shook your head lazily, arms wrapping around his neck as you comfortably sat on his lap, blood rushing to your cheeks while your heart thumped fast in your chest. You actually kissed him. “I liked it… You can do more, Kyle.”
God, you were perfect, he thought to himself, brain buzzing with glee while his hands gently caressed your lower back, fingers applying some pressure to your hip bone, earning a relaxed sigh from you. “I told ya I felt like this was going to a trap.” He chuckled in amusement under his breath before pressing his lips against yours once more.
Your mind felt fuzzy as you responded back to his kiss, soft smooching sounds lingering in the air. It felt nice. Too nice. Your brain wanted to somehow disconnect from the feeling of the kiss. Memories of you isolating yourself from everyone made their way into your mind once again like a fly that never went away, scratching at your head. Fuck. What if you pushed him away too? This felt impossibly good, and you didn’t know if you could handle it.
Still, you didn’t pull away from the kiss. You couldn’t. You still wanted this.
You felt his tongue gently caressing your bottom lip, poking it as if requesting entrance. You could almost feel him unable to hold in his grin in the middle of the kiss when you complied, gently parting your lips. He coaxed you closer and closer, the tip of his tongue gently caressing yours. A muffled whimper left your lips as you tightened your fingers around his shoulders, brows furrowing as you tried to keep your mind clear. This time, you properly felt his light stubble and mustache graze against your soft skin, heightening up your senses.
Once the kiss ended, Kyle pressed some more quick pecks on your cheek before burying his face in the crook of your neck, his stubble tickling your skin. You were breathless, clinging onto him tight, not wanting this moment to end at all as you leaned into him, fingernails gently scratching against his nape. “Bloody gorgeous you are…” He croaked out against your neck, gently pressing soft kisses on your skin.
Warmth pooled in your stomach, your hips twitching unconsciously. He was so sickeningly sweet —you felt your heart growing more and more fond of him. Your body shuddered once he began lightly nipping on your skin with his teeth, testing the water and bloody hell, it was working. You didn’t even know you were sensitive in that area until now. “K-Kyle…” His name left your lips in the form of a shaky giggle, a bashful smile playing on your lips as you gently tugged on his hair with his fingers, earning a groan from him.
“Fucking hell, lovie…” He huffed, playfully yet lightly biting on your neck, eliciting a surprised squeak from you.
“Hush.” He peppered sweet licks on the place he had given you a bite. He pulled his head back slightly, eyes meeting yours once again.
He could feel the subtle tension in your muscles, the mild hesitation that seemed too familiar to him. Maybe you were scared of this softness just as much as he craved it. It wasn’t a bad kind of scared though, he knew that much.
“I have really bad luck with… all this.” He blurted out after a few seconds of silence, brown eyes fixed on yours, filled with vulnerability that he wasn’t reluctant on showing you anymore. He trusted you anyways. “I dunno, lovie. I have been goin’ on with my life thinking that I was just… not lovable at all. Got sick of being so alone all the time, of being left out a-and—” His voice cracked, his lips quickly pursing shut with a subtle hint of embarrassment. Not now, Garrick.
He cleared his throat, licking his bottom lip that suddenly felt dry. “You are the only one who makes me forget about the emptiness in my heart. I mean it. You are the only one who doesn’t make me feel like a fool, lovie… Ever since I met you, ever since we drank a few nights ago, every greeting of yours every morning— Fuck, makes me so warm.”
This was the real Kyle in front of you. You could finally see him beneath the flesh and bones. His words made your heart ache. Him? Unlovable? He was surrounded by the wrong people then because nothing in him could ever make him unlovable.
“It’s okay. I am also… not very good at all this.” You mumbled, unable to suppress a soft giggle from escaping your lips. Idiots, you both were. “And… don’t think that you are unlovable.”
Kyle nodded and pressed one more quick kiss on your lips, his heart hammering against his chest fast at your words, his hands fiddled with the hem of your pajama shirt, his fingers aching to lift it up. “Can I…?” He asked, his eyes focused on you so intently, as if trying to memorize your very soul.
With a nod from you, he gently eased your shirt off you, sliding it up your head before putting it on the couch behind you. His breath hitched once his eyes landed on your bare torso, lips parted in awe. Pretty. Prettiest.
You looked away in embarrassment, realizing that you weren’t wearing a bra. You didn’t know that someone would be there in the balcony when you had gone out for fresh air — that someone being Kyle. You wanted to say something, but your thoughts were cut off when you felt both of his hands gently caressing your breasts, sizing them up while his fingers dug in your soft flesh, causing your breath to hitch and body to tense up.
“Relax, lovie… Tell me if you don’t want it.” He pressed a kiss on your cheek, smiling warmly at you. Kisses, kisses, kisses — he had given you so many kisses already, made you feel so special. And now this. All the earlier stress from work today, all the bad memories just seemed to wash away as his hands lovingly fondled your breasts.
You took a few deep breaths, feeling your muscles relax. “Okay… Okay.” You nodded, nibbling on your bottom lip as your eyes watched him, his thumbs gently brushing against your nipples that had begun to harden up under the sweet attention that he was giving to your chest. A little squeak left your lips when his thumb pressed against your right nipple gently, your sensitivity causing you to accidentally buck your hips forward.
“Woah there…” He chuckled teasingly, pulling his hands away from your chest before he held onto your hips gently, keeping them still. You grumbled at how he was getting amused at every embarrassing thing your body was doing.
Kyle was truly taking pleasure at the little twitches in your body, and as much as he wanted to take you right this very second, he wanted to be patient, to gently coax you into fully relaxing. Only then was he going to fuck you. He gently lowered his head, ignoring the way his back was leaning forward in a somewhat awkward manner, his lips gently brushing against your right nipple.
“Can I?” He whispered, looking up at you from this angle, watching the way your brows were furrowed and lips were slightly parted, your head nodding too quickly. He slowly latched his mouth to your nipple, his tongue caressing the soft bud with care. You moaned softly, your fingers going to his head once again, clinging onto his hair.
He took his time sucking on both of your nipples, hands never leaving your hips. Each swirl of his tongue around on your sensitive skin caused you to shiver, chest rising and falling with each breath you took. Once your nipples were all wet and swollen, he began peppering gentle kisses on the softness of your breasts before eventually pulling his head back, licking his bottom lip in delight.
“You have no idea what you're doin’ to me, lovie…”
He slowly eased you off his lap before laying you down on the ground, making sure that the fluffy pillows you both were seated on earlier were now resting underneath you. Once he got on top of you, kneeling in between your legs, he slowly began to press soft kisses on your belly, his hands holding onto your hands. He smiled against your skin once he felt your fingers lacing with his, his lips trailing a line of kiss down to your belly button before resting on top of them hem of your pajama trousers.
“Can I, lovie?” He groaned softly while pressing kisses on your waist line, wanting to make sure that you wanted this as much as he did. He was kissing on a particular ticklish spot of yours, causing you to squirm and laugh shyly.
“Fuck— yes. Yes, Kyle…” You whimpered out in between your soft giggles, your fingers slowly leaving him once he pulled his hands back. He slowly tugged your pajamas down, sliding them off your ankles and socks-cladded feet. His eyes fell onto the pair of panties you wore, a wet patch visible on them. His heart bloomed with fondness at how adorable you looked like this, all flushed and squirmy, visibly needy.
His thumb brushed over the wet spot, gently outlining your folds from the fabric of your dampening panties. Your hips twitched, your hands desperately holding onto your breasts since they didn’t know what else to hold onto. His other hand gently fondled your thighs before reaching to slide your panties down, tossing them aside.
“Holy fuck…” He breathed out in awe once his eyes fell onto your glistening cunt. It was so fucking gorgeous, his lips trembling a bit. Fuck, how did he get so lucky? He looked at you to make sure you were okay, noticing how you looked so fuzzy with pleasure, an excited smile adorning your lips.
“Kiss…” You whined out softly, hands reaching forward, aching to hold his face. He chuckled under his breath and nodded, gently leaning down to press his lips against yours while your hands cupped his face, his tongue finding yours. While he kissed you passionately, his fingers reached down to gently caress your wet folds, sliding his fingers up and down your cunt. Your whimpers were sucked in by his mouth, your eyes fluttering shut as your hands held onto his face dearly, your hips bucking forward to somehow get more contact with his hand.
He slowly pulled away from the kiss, his other hand going in between your legs too. His thumb cautiously brushed over your clit, feeling it pulsate and twitch underneath. God, just how needy were you? It was adorable, causing him to smile affectionately, his thumb beginning to rub your clit in circular motions. A breathy moan left your lips, your hand coming to cover your mouth because what if your noises are just so damn annoying to him? But the glare he shot you after that made you uncover your mouth once again. “No need to hold in your noises.” He grumbled softly.
You nodded sheepishly, your body struggling to stay still as his thumb continued to rub your sensitive clit, his finger gently coming to circle your entrance, feeling how warm it was. “Can I push my fingers in?” He asked softly, leaning down to press a peck on your forehead. You nodded, taking a few deep breaths to relax your muscles.
He started with one finger, gently sliding it into your tight entrance with surprising ease, probably due to how wet you were. Your walls tightened around his fingers as he gently began to rub it inside you, his thumb continuing to mindlessly fondle with your clit.
“Mmh… Kyle…” You let out a soft moan, eyes glossy due to how good it felt, your nerves feeling tingly — in a good way.
“Want more?”
Kyle slowly eased in another finger inside you, and soon one more. He couldn’t help it, you were being so good for him. He gently began thrusting his three fingers in and out of your tight cunt, stretching you nicely, his thumb never stopping from giving your needy clit some attention.
Your eyes rolled back, lips parted as your hips gently bucked back and forth in sync with his fingers. His fingers were rubbing against the sweet spongy spots inside you, causing your face to contort in pleasure. Even your own fingers couldn’t make you feel so good.
It wasn’t long until you felt your walls tightening up around his fingers, breathing getting shaky as your mind became blurry. “S-So close…! P-Please— Need it, need it.” You mindlessly babbled, almost sobbing out once the wave of pleasure hit you hard, warmth bursting in your stomach as your climax hit you hard, your body squirming. Kyle’s eyes were wide with adoration, his fingers slowly down but never stopping, letting you ride your orgasm out while his eyes looked down at the sweet, sticky white cum on the base of his fingers — your cum.
“Fuck… You are so good f’me, lovie.” He eased his fingers out of your pretty cunt, leaning down to gently kiss your chin, your teary eyes fluttering open to look at him. He smiled at you before gently putting his wet fingers in his mouth, lips nicely closing around his fingers as his tongue licked your cum off them. Your eyes widened in a mixture of surprise, arousal and embarrassment. He was actually licking your cum.
He savored the bittersweet taste before pulling his fingers out of his mouth, grinning cheekily at you. “Tastiest thing I ever tasted.” He commented, earning a gentle swat on his arm from you.
“Cheeky bastard…”
“You know I am.” He cooed before slowly sliding his hoodie off his head, revealing his nicely muscular torso.
You gawked at him, a tiny gasp leaving your lips as your eyes roamed over his upper half, looking at his smooth skin that was adorned with some little scars here and there, a bigger one staring from his waist and probably leading to his back. He's pretty.
He noticed your reaction, the cheeky grin never leaving his lips. He knew that he was good looking enough, and the fact that you find him attractive as well somewhat boosted his confidence even more — in a very good way.
Your hands gently reached up, caressing along the small scars on his shoulders before moving to rest against his muscular chest. “You look nice…” You finally managed to gather some courage to compliment him, all the anxiety just melting from your body. Your thighs were still trembling, the wetness continuing to pool in between your legs. Your eyes looked down, catching a glimpse of light happy trail leading down to his sweatpants and them— Holy fuck. You felt your mouth water once your eyes landed on his sweatpants, a visible erection visible there that you seemingly hadn’t noticed before. Your mind blanked out for a few seconds before you quickly looked back at his face, catching him staring at you with a knowing gaze.
“Do you want me, lovie? Want me in you?” He asked, tone a bit firm yet gentle at the same time — highlighting how he truly cared about you. He didn’t want to fuck you if you didn’t want it. You nibbled on your bottom lip for a few seconds, staring at him with a hazy gaze as you thought over his question.
Did you want him? Oh fuck. So much.
“Yes… But I-I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” You responded in a meek voice, causing his eyes to soften up.
“Trust me. Gonna take ya out on lots of dates after this, I promise.” He whispered, words full of sincerity. With one final kiss on your lips, he slowly tugged his sweatpants down alongside his briefs, not bothering to keep them. He tossed them aside before gently resting back in between your legs.
His cock was so hard, precum already sliding down his length. He was nicely sized with a big length and an even better girth. It would probably destroy you if you weren’t so wet right now.
He paused for a while, brows furrowing as he looked around. “Don’t have a condom, fuck.”
“I’m on pills.” You reassured him. It was true that you were on pills, despite having barely anyone to hook up with. Maybe you were just waiting for someone, someone like him — someone that reminded you of the sunset with how warm they were, somehow who eased the storm inside your head. He was just so perfect in every way, and he didn’t even know it. Fucking evil.
Kyle nodded, gently spreading your legs apart with his hands, his fingers kneading into the soft flesh of your thighs, massaging your muscles. “Gonna fuck you so nicely, lovie. I promise I will.” He said, words dripping with genuine warmth. He slowly pressed the tip of his cock in front of your swollen clit, nudging it — like a kiss. He began rubbing your clit with the tip of his cock, his hand gripping the shaft to keep his throbbing erection still. You let out a breathy sigh, melting into the pillows beneath you while he continued to tease you.
“Kyle, please…” You groaned shyly, voice laced with mild frustration and overwhelming need. You needed him in you, to feel his skin against yours so you could assure him of how lovely and special he truly is — a fucking gem in the rough battleground he had to face so much.
Kyle nodded, eyes glinting at amusement at your pleas as his hands moved up to gently hold onto your waist, aligning his cock in front of your entrance. “Ready?”
With one final nod from you, he gently began pushing the tip of his cock in your tightness, a blissful groan leaving his lips as he wetness engulfed him slowly. He made sure to look at your face for any signs of discomfort from the stretch, because fuck it was a lot. He found none and that was the green light for him to slowly push his cock in, inch by inch, until it was nice and snug in your tight cunt, some of his public hair tickling your skin.
“You okay?” He asked, one hand reaching up to gently brush some of your hair off your forehead which was a bit wet from sweat now, placing a kiss in between your brows while you nodded.
“Mmph—… So good…” You slurred out, feeling so full with his cock all stuffed in you. Your hands made their way to rest on his back as he leaned down on you, your fingers rubbing gently on his nape. “L-Like you a lot, Kyle. Don’t want you to think that you are not loveable… O-Or that you are a fool. You are so perfect in my eyes…” You fumbled on your words in the midst of the pleasurable haze, though your words were as genuine as they could — your heart speaking to him.
Kyle’s heart skipped a beat at your words, his brown eyes softening up. Fuck, you’re just so sweet, filling his empty heart. He smiled to himself and nodded, pressing soft kisses on the tip of your nose, causing you to let out a heartful giggle. He chuckled alongside you, rubbing his nose against yours affectionately before he slowly began to thrust his cock in and out of your tightness, his right hand clasping onto your waist again while his other hand moved in between your legs, thumb resuming to gently play with your sensitive clit.
His thrusts were gentle and paced nicely, not too agonizingly slow and not too fast. This was all to give you pleasure, to show how you had made your way into his heart so easily. He rested his head in the crook of your neck while your fingers gently dug into his back, not too hard to leave any marks. Breathy, blissful moans left your lips while a smile adorned your lips — just refusing to go away.
You could hear his soft groans echoing in your ears, his lips peppering kisses on your earlobe and down your jaw. Your skins were pressed together, making everything so humid as he kept a steady pace, the tip of his cock gently slamming against your cervix, causing your toes to curl up. His girth rubbed against your spongy sweet spots just perfectly, making you literally swoon while your eyes struggled to keep open, mind fogged with this feeling that was making you melt into mush.
“So tight— lovie. So perfect and warm f’me…” He breathed out, thumb sliding up and down your sweet clit as he hips moved alongside yours, skin gently slapping with one another. His musk mixed with yours, alongside the perfume that he had worn earlier, making his head spin.
You couldn’t stop a tear from escaping your eyes, your sniffle catching Kyle’s attention as he pulled his head back from your neck to look at you, your eyes all teary. “Feels too good?” He asked, kissing the tear away as you nodded, whimpering softly as your lips quivered.
“Never felt so good before…”
“Me too.”
A familiar pressure began building up in your lower abdomen once again as he continued playing with your bundle of nerves, cock continuing to thrust in and out of your cunt, balls smacking against your skin. “Close…” You mewled out, the pressure feeling stronger than before as your fingernails dug into his back, your legs wrapping around his waist, pulling him as close as you could, your movement causing the swollen tip of his cock to hit your cervix once again, causing your mind to go all white as your orgasm hit you once again, your body convulsing in pleasure as you cried out meekly, his cock coaxing you to ride your pleasure out while your folds fluttered around him. a white creamy ring made its way on his shaft, which was your doing. Your brain felt so foggy, body lightheaded and relaxed as he pressed soft kisses on your cheeks.
“Good God… Such a perfect thing ya are, cummin’ on my cock. Can I cum in you, lovie?” He grunted, his own orgasm approaching as his thrusts got a bit sloppy from the wet mess you created, his cock throbbing inside your tight walls. You nodded breathlessly and his balls tightened almost immediately, his orgasm hitting him in waves as thick ropes of cum spurted out of his cock, painting your insides white.
He didn’t pull his cock out once his thrusts slowed down before coming to a stop, his hands sliding up to cup your face lovingly, looking at how pretty you looked after being fucked, letting himself relish the way you were wrapped around his cock. An adorable mess actually.
“Kyle…” You shyly smiled at him, eyes half open while your hands moved to hold onto his shoulders, your body feeling so damn sensitive.
After a few more minutes of just basking in your warmth, Kyle slowly pulled his cock out of you, some drops of thick cum sliding down your cunt. It made him want to fuck you again, but he didn’t want to tire you any more than you already were.
“Let’s get you cleaned up…” He slowly got up on his feet and searched for your bathroom in the apartment, coming back after a few minutes with a pair of wet towels. He began cleaning your body, which was still trembling in pleasure — the towel gently gliding against the skin and in between your legs, cautiously cleaning your inner thighs.
“Pillows got dirty.” He cheekily mumbled, causing you to pout and look at him lazily.
“You will clean it… S’your fault.”
After he was done cleaning you up, he gently eased you up on your feet, leading you into your bedroom, his hands carrying both of your clothes and putting them to the side, tossing the towel in the laundry — already memorizing each corner of your apartment.
He went to the bathroom momentarily to quickly clean himself up before he came back, guiding you to gently lay on your bed, your hand grabbing his wrist. “Stay with me…” You tiredly giggled, mustering up as much strength as you had to pull him on the bed too.
Kyle’s heart almost exploded in his chest at your words, his breath hitching as he looked at you in awe before nodding. Not bothering to wear any clothes, you both slid into the covers, his arms wrapping around you while your head neatly tucked into your neck, one leg hooking around his waist. “Sleep well, lovie… Gonna be here with ya when ya wake up.” He promised, placing a soft kiss on the side of your head as he felt your breathing calming down, your body and mind soon entering a state of peaceful slumber — probably the best sleep you had in months.
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You never put a label on your relationship with Gaz. It was definitely not casual — something more for sure, especially with the blossoming feelings in your heart that could be described as nothing but romantic. Love, even. You didn't know what properly being in love felt like, maybe whatever this was that you felt towards him. He had taken you out for a date to an amusement park before he had to go for his deployment. A date. It meant something to both of you, right?
“Only three weeks, lovie. Promise I’ll be back soon.” He said softly while standing in front of your front door as he prepared to leave, reassuring you even though he had spent the whole last weeks cuddling you and trying to tell you that it will be quick. Your eyes were all teary, mind overwhelmed with anxiety because you had no idea how the whole thing even works. You just prayed that he would come back safe.
You nodded at him, handing him a box of cookies you had baked for him after hours of watching tutorials. “For you…” You sheepishly mumbled, wiping the tears that had formed in your eyes.
Kyle gratefully accepted the box before pulling you in a tight hug, smothering your face up with kisses. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Fuck three weeks. It had been five. You had stopped receiving messages from him after the two week mark, and all you felt was nauseous from how anxious you felt, hearing the loud beating of blood in your ears while your stomach uncomfortably twisted.
It wasn't until this morning that Kyle had finally texted you with a “Coming today.” — so painfully dry in comparison to his other messages but you could only rationally conclude that something must have happened in the mission. You were frustrated, yes, but that was just a result of being so overwhelmed for the past five weeks.
It was raining heavily today, the sounds of the rain sliding against the glass of your window alongside the muffled thunder somewhat soothing your nerves.
Though for Kyle, the rain was a mess. His flight had just landed an hour or two ago, and now he was at the base. The traffic was fucking jammed around the area, and his teammates couldn’t give him a ride home too because one of the SUVs had to go for repairing. Just his bloody luck. He didn’t want to keep you waiting anymore, he couldn’t. Not after everything he had gone through in this mission.
Blood was dripping down Kyle’s forehead as he struggled to maintain his vision, hiding behind a wall while gunshots roared behind him. The enemies had outnumbered them badly, and he had to hide here until more of the team arrived.
He didn’t want to die. God, not here, not now. Not after just figuring out so much about himself, not after just meeting you. Oh, you. You were there, waiting in your apartment. And fuck, he was so late. He had said three weeks, but it had been four starting today.
Wasn’t his fault though, even though it felt like one. They had gained new intel on the enemy last minute after what felt like a failed mission, and they knew that they couldn’t leave it.
God, he was terrified. It wasn’t often that he felt true fear. But he felt it now, only because he didn’t want to leave you alone, not at least without telling you how he felt about you. To expressing his undying feelings for you, to—
His thoughts were interrupted by the loud thunderclap, a groan leaving his lips. Slowly but surely, he made up his mind. He was going to run over to the apartment complex. It wasn’t that far away from here and he had enough stamina, plus he didn’t give a fuck about the heavy rain.
With his duffel bag in his hand, he sprinted out of the base, legs carrying him towards the streets. His blue cap was soaking, barely covering his face or providing him some sort of cover as he ran and ran through the slipper pavement, ignoring the ache in his head that was a result from the wound he gad gotten, although not fatal but still painful, a bandage now place on the sidre of his forehead.
Eventually reaching the apartment complex you both lived in, he breathed heavily, standing outside the building, not caring about being all wet. Still, hopefully nothing inside the duffel bag was ruined. He sent you a quick text, asking you to meet him outside.
You had rushed out of the apartment building as soon as you got his text, heart beating fast due to the sudden rush of adrenaline, a jacket hastily put on you while you held an umbrella. Your eyes looked around the foggy street before you spotted him, a big smile coming on your lips.
“Kyle!” You gasped in pure excitement, carefully making your way over to him. Though as soon as he saw you, he dropped his duffel back and rushed over to you, his arms pulling you in fast and tight, causing the umbrella to drop from your hand and fall onto the ground.
“Lovie! G-God, fuck… So sorry for leaving you… So sorry—” His voice cracked as he fumbled out every explanation he could form, his mind already overwhelmed at the sight of you. God, he missed you so much. His arms were wrapped around you tight, facing burying into the crook of your neck, feeling the familiar scent cloud his senses and calm him down.
“Kyle… It’s okay. Hey, s’okay…” You mumbled softly, still a bit confused though he could explain it all later. Right now, all that mattered was him. “We are gettin’ wet, we should— Wait, is that a bandage? Are you ok—”
But before you could finish your sentence, his mouth had already found its way to yours, kissing you gently. Your eyes immediately fluttered shut, your hand reaching up to gently take his cap off his head and hold it as you kissed him back, both of your arms wrapping around his neck while his hands held your waist.
The rain fell on both of you, your clothes clinging to your skin while a cool breeze brushed past you both. But he was already lost in the taste of your lips, and the feel of you in his arms. For the first time, Kyle felt like he was worth something, like he was not alone anymore. That he's loved.
He gently parted from the kiss, whispering gently into your ear, words that made your heart swell up in affection that you didn���t know you were capable of feeling.
“I love you, lovie.”
And God, you loved him too. More than anything.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
Hey love I seen your request opened and I was wondering could I request a wenclair x reader where the reader is welcome into their relationship romantically and unfortunately the get hurt by one of the students at nevermore and they are being overprotective I really just wants some fluff and a small bit of Wednesday and enid getting mad if you don’t mind please have a great day and don’t forget to drink some water❤️❤️❤️
Oh could you tag me also when you make it thx💛
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wenclair x harpy!reader (poly)
warnings: gender neutral terms for reader, bullying, physical assault, (do not read if theme is triggering)
a/n: I hope this is to your liking lovie<3 @hadespleasesteponmyneck
There were many times you'd lay awake wishing you were different, a more subtle species. It wasn't a surprise normies had treated you badly since you were a kid, most outcasts can pretend to be normies to fit in.
But you could be spotted even in a mile away as an outcast with your big flappy wings attached to your arms, and your long talon nails.
You thanked god daily he hadn't gave you a beak at this point.
Arriving at Nevermore gave you bigger hopes then any other schools has before, a chance to finally fit in, to have friends amongst people who understood what it was like to be different.
What you didn't expect was to be made a joke for being an outcast, amongst outcasts.
It wasn't all bad, you'd tell yourself daily.
You were warmly welcomed by the infamous Enid Sinclair and her not so welcoming girlfriend,
You avoided them at first, keeping to yourself and the comfort of the library most of your time. Your roommate Yoko is rarely in your shared dorm, often sleeping in her girlfriend's dorm instead.
But Enid had took matters in her own hands, refusing to let you be alone. As much as you pretend not to care much about it, you were grateful for her and Wednesday. It was the first time you felt wanted.
"So, [name.]" Enid starts, waking by your side with her arm linked with yours. "Have you decided who your date to the Rave'n will be?" She asks, wiggling her brows at you.
You feel your face turns red before shaking your head. "Decide? I'll be lucky if someone even asks me."
Her grin slowly drops at your word and you see her turn her head at Wednesday. The two having an unspoken conversation with eachother.
You raise your eyebrows at them in question and Enid turns back to you. "Maybe you should go with us!" She suggests.
You turn silent in suprise. "Oh? oh-I mean I couldn't-"
"[Name], if you're worried you'd be third wheeling, I assure you that it won't be happening, our affections with eachother are as equal as is to you-" Enid curses and glares at her girlfriend, throwing both hands up in frustration.
"Wha- I- I'm not following.." You look at them in confusion before Enid sighs loudly.
"I thought you said we can tell them together!" She scolds Wednesday, who only shrugs. "Both of you were taking too long."
"Tell me what?" You ask again, this time finally getting their attention.
They turn to you and Enid takes a deep breath before she attempts to speak, being cut off by Wednesday again.
"We would like to invite you into our romantic relationship -"
"Jesus Wednesday-" "You take too long-"
"Invite you to our rela- What is this an interview?"
"Oh you'd rather I ask for their Snapchat then like you did to me-"
You take in her words as they argue.
"You want to be with me?" You try, your voice slowing down their banter as they both look back at you and Enid replies before anyone can interrupt her again. "Yes. Yes we do."
Why? was the first thing that came to mind.
Not realizing you've spoken the question out loud, You were met with a frown from the blond.
"What do you mean why? Because you're amazing, [name]. Look- You seriously can't tell that we've been pulling our asses off to get you to notice us?"
Wednesday snorts and interjects, "You've been pulling your ass off, I've already had their attention-" "Wednesday." Enid sighs, earning a rare smirk from the raven haired.
Your mind was swirling with all this new information. Unable to give any answer, you simply run away without looking back, hearing Enid call after you.
Your room was no longer your own. And it was a big discomfort to find your space intruded by not even your roommate, but someone who didn't even belong in your dorm.
"What the hell are you doing with my stuff?!" Your eyes widen at the sight of your small nest of blankets all over the room.
"Proving everyone that you're a freak.", There were three of them, and by their looks you knew they were fairies.
And despite harpies often being described as mythical monsters, it's the pointy eared creatures that have devils in them.
"Look at this shit, what is this, your nest? I told you, They're basically just a giant bird-"
"I'm not-"
Your trinkets and rock collection's were being thrown and smashed on walls. You scream and shove the red haired girl againts the wall, your talons scratching through her arms.
"You bird bitch." She snapped bitterly.
"They used their claws on me! Did you guys see that? You guys saw that right?" They all agreed againts you
She was stronger than you thought, or perhaps you weren't as strong as you wanted to be. She pushed you back and your back fell on the floor. Her two friends gripped your hands and held you from moving, you wings flapping againts the floor.
You struggle to against them as the red haired punched you in the face. It was a weak blow but a punch nonetheless .
"You're nothing but a monster, thorough, and thorough." She seethes at your face.
"Not so scary now though are you?"
The sounds of knocking on your door was muffled by your pillow againts your face.
When the banging fists became louder you pull away and manage to shout at the uninvited visitor to leave you alone.
Silence swallowed your room once more.
Burying your face back in the pillow, you continue your hour long breakdown.
You don't hear the door open at first, but when Enid's fast footsteps reach closer, you flinch and pull back to look behind you.
You couldn't tell what emotions coated their expressions, but what you did know that you're more embarrassed than upset now.
It was bad enough that everyone saw you as a freak, you didn't want the only two people you liked to see you like this.
You had no chance to come up with a story as Wednesday crosses the gap between the tow of you, her hands instantly holding up your face to her, eyes inspection the bruise.
"Who did this to you." She demanded. Her monotonous voice laced with a subtle but noticable anger.
You shook your head and started crying again before you could help it.
Enid wordlessly pulled you in her chest.
You were taken aback by the comfort of her warmth, you can't remember the last time you were held by anyone.
Still sobbing in her arms, Wednesday pulled your chin towards her and asked again, "I need names, dove."
"I-she didn't tell me-" Enid interjects your stuttering. "It's that fairy girl, Aliyah." You looked at her confused.
"It's the wolf scent thing, this room reeks of her fake dior." She explains,
Wednesday wordlessly walks to the door and Enid's arms release you as she runs to her.
"Wednesday no. We need to tell Weems about this, nothing more-"
"Nothing more? She assaulted [name]. You think whatever lame punishment Weems give them will make them stop? No. The stupid elf and whoever involved needs to know this will be the last time they even look at them."
Enid stared at her, mouth agape and then sighed.
"Fairy, not elf." She mumbled and shakes her head.
"Imbecile, is the right term. I won't have either of you in trouble with me. So you stay here and be there for them in ways I can't. I'll handle that wretched mushroom eater." Was the last words she speaks before slamming the door on Enid's face.
Enid groans and looks back at you, confused and sniffing. "She's not going to...kill her, is she?" You asks worriedly.
She walks towards you and crawls in the bed to your side, pulling you back to her. "She's not a murderer, but I can't say she doesn't have a penchant for inflicting pain."
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vainilla-milk · 1 year
your little sister's first love feat. oikawa, atsumu, osamu, kuroo
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tags: headcanons, established relationship, fem! reader, reader's sister is six years old
sinopsis: your younger sister finds her first love in your boyfriend after introducing him to your family and he started hanging around your home you try to spend time together without breaking her heart.
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When she saw your boyfriend for the first time she got hearts in her eyes, Oikawa has quite an affinity with children, only that your sister was too affected by his sympathy.
He likes to play with your little sister for a while to tire her out and then have the whole afternoon for you, after all there are few afternoons he has free from training.
She fervently believes that Oikawa is her destined prince and Oikawa believes that he is YOUR destined prince.
You love your sister very much even though you get to a point where it stresses you out too much that she is so invasive when he comes to see you.
One day Oikawa came up with the idea of introducing you to his nephew, the plan worked like a charm.
Now you can say that you finally have Oikawa all to yourself.
Ok, Atsumu is undeniably handsome and unintentionally also captivated your sister the day you introduced him to your family.
He is not so patient with children although there are exceptions, with your sister he was quite gentlemanly but that only generated more attachment from her towards him.
During a dinner you invited Atsumu to, he almost choked on his tea when your sister suddenly shouts that she was going to marry your boyfriend.
"I want to sleep with him!" she whined several times where he went to sleep over with you.
You were tired of his attachment until it occurred to you to ask Atsumu if he knew of any children's sports clubs.
He quickly understood your idea and came up with nothing more creative than signing her up for a volleyball club for girls.
Ding dong
Your sister went from being in love with the blonde Miya to asking him to please teach her how to get better at volleyball.
How could he refuse that? At the end of the little practice he would lock you in his arms all night in your room.
Well, unlike Atsumu, Osamu does have patience with children.
He is so calm and gentle that even your mother encourages you to bring him home more often.
Osamu can better master the situation of your little sister's crush, distracting her by making cooking evenings which he also loves to do with you.
It turns out that cooking onigiris drained all her energy and consequently in the evening Osamu had all the time in the world to devote to you.
Although your sister was a bit more stubborn and tried to sneak in between the two of you.
Osamu remembered those classic legends his grandmother used to tell him and his brother and decided to tell them to your sister to see if he could get anywhere.
She was intrigued to learn about the famous red thread of destiny, although you also saw the bewilderment in her eyes when she learned that her first love already had his betrothed partner by his side.
Your little sister didn't fall in love at first sight when you brought your boyfriend to the apartment where you live with your family.
The thing is, Kuroo was so nice and friendly to her that she gradually developed a crush on him. 
He didn't take her seriously, he even liked to be openly affectionate with you because he feels this need to show you off to the world.
Your sister didn't take it well at all that Kuroo had a preference for you....
Whenever he came to see you she insisted on being the first to greet him, she also intruded on your hugs because she was jealous of the attention he gave you.
It wasn't long before you were feeling frustration at not being able to spend time alone together.
Your mother decided to intervene when your sister made a move to kiss Kuroo making him quite uncomfortable.
"My boyfriend, not yours" you tell her jokingly trying to hide your discomfort.
One night you were both quietly cuddling in your bed when you heard your sister crying inconsolably, after your mother calmed her down and left her sleeping in her room she confessed to you that she lied to her and told her you were getting married.
Apparently the lie worked, she didn't even want to see Kuroo again.
"It's not that much of a lie though" you hear the black-haired man say. "Someday you'll be my wife."
You smile shaking your head slightly, Kuroo kisses your forehead and you both go back to your room.
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silver springs - carmy berzatto x fem!reader
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a/n: this is a part 2 for casual (read before continuing this for context). the live performance of this song changed my life tbh. as a little gift, a third and final part is in the works so stay tuneddd 👀
warnings: angst, slow burn, cameos from syd and richie (we love them in this household), mentions of claire (again, my apologies, ms. girl)
summary: after you found out that carmy had a girlfriend, claire. tension between you two grew intense as you rarely talked to him unless it involved work while he tried everything possible in order to talk you about what happened. it wasn’t until a former classmate of yours came in and asked you out while working, making him come to a sudden realization.
disclaimer: i do not own characters mentioned in this story. this is for fictional purposes only. do not copy or claim my work as your own. comments, reblogs and constructive feedback are appreciated!!
here are resources for supporting palestine and gaza 🇵🇸
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you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you
ever since you found out that carmy was dating claire, the past three months felt as if it had been a year. the tension in the restaurant was so thick that you can slice through it with a knife. while carmy was trying everything to get you to speak to him, you did your best to avoid him except if it involved work. as much as you thought about putting in your two weeks, you simply couldn’t afford to.
you look into the mirror in your locker as you inspect your hair, being pinned back by a red claw clip. the hair accessory coordinated with the outfit you decided to wear today, which consists of a cropped red cardigan, black dress and doc martens. you reach for the makeup bag you keep so you can freshen up before your shift, unzipping it and pulling out a tube of clear mascara.
you twist the wand out of the tube and apply a layer of mascara on your upper eyelashes when syd walks in the locker room, just arriving for her shift. you both smiled at each other as you thanked god that it wasn’t carmy who walked through the door. she walked up to her locker next to yours, “hey, how did your night go?”
you shrugged as you applied a layer to your lower lashes, “not too bad, just watched a couple of episodes of sex and the city, took an edible then went to bed.” she laughed, “you seriously like that show?” she set her belongings in the locker as she left out her apron and head scarf, placing them both on the bench next to where you both stood.
you joked, “whenever anything goes wrong in my life, i do ask myself about what would carrie bradshaw do?” she rolled her eyes playfully as she laughed. she styled her hair with the scarf as you moved to putting on a soft pink lip liner over the outline of your lips. as syd put on her apron, she asked, “hey, can you tie the back for me?”
you nodded, setting your lip liner down and helping her tie the back strings of the apron in a comfortable, secure knot. as soon as you finished, carmy walked into the room, him and syd greeted each other while you and him made awkward eye contact but not saying anything to each other. syd sensed the unease in the room, deciding to go in the kitchen and see what they needed help with preparing for the day ahead.
this left you and carmy alone for the first time in a while. you felt his eyes on you as you continued putting on a light pink lipstick. he took off his jacket and placed in his locker as he finally decided to make another attempt at breaking the ice. “i think we need to talk.” you avoided him as if he was a ghost trying to make contact with a human.
he let out a sigh, growing more frustrated at the silent treatment you were giving him. he thought things between you both was supposed to be casual, no strings attached. while he understood why you were hurt, he also felt that he didn’t do anything wrong by not telling you about claire. he asked, “are you seriously going to ignore me?”
you pushed your bag back into the locker, slamming the door. the impact of the metal door made carmy startled, not being used to seeing you this angry. you snapped, “there is absolutely nothing we need to discuss.” as you try to walk out of the room, he gently grabs your wrist, turning you around to face him. “please, just talk to me.”
you groaned, “i don’t want to fucking talk to you, carm. just leave me alone.” you pulled out of his grasp and walked out of the room as he watched you leave. he felt this physical pain in his chest, sitting down on the bench as he ran his hand through his hair. he couldn’t help but wonder what went wrong and how could he make things right with you.
a couple of hours into your shift, the lunch rush was starting up as the restaurant was filled with people and you were on your feet, doing your best to keep with your section. you bring a drink to one of your tables, being one man who looked like they were in their early twenties. you placed his drink on the table and asked, “is there anything else you need?”
he shook his head and spoke, “no, i’m good. do you mind if i ask you a question though?” you politely nodded, “yeah, sure!” he continued, “this may sound a little weird but weren’t you in ms. klein’s homeroom?” you then remembered your freshman year homeroom teacher who had a whole wardrobe consisting of cat sweaters.
you nod, a bit confused at specificity of the question, “yeah i did actually..” you internally cringed at the person you were back then, wearing band merch and constantly straightening your hair to the point it was fried. he then explained, “i don’t know if you remember me but i’m dominic. i used to sit behind you.”
you suddenly remembered him, realizing you had a short lived crush on him until he moved schools after the first semester. you gasped, “oh my god, i thought you looked familiar! how’ve you been?” he had gotten a lot better looking than the last time you saw him, looking more taller and lean. his blonde hair was styled in a slightly disheveled wavy mullet and wore a white long sleeved shirt with blue jeans.
he grinned at you, his arctic blue eyes looking into your honey brown ones. “i’ve been good. i’m in town for a couple of days so i decided to explore what’s new here. enough about me though, how are you?” you smiled, feeling heat flush against your cheeks. “i’m doing good, life hasn’t been too bad.”
as you caught up with dominic, you began to realize why you had a crush on him in the first place. he was charming, make you blush as if you were a fifteen year old girl again. he admitted, “to be honest, i did like you but i never got the chance to tell you before i moved.” you laughed in disbelief, thinking it was a lie.
you shook your head, “that’s bullshit.” he insisted, “oh, it’s not bullshit. i regret not asking you out a lot sooner.”
carmy was on his smoke break outside the restaurant, he kept his eye on how you and dominic were interacting with each other. he felt himself growing more irritated at the sight of him making you laugh and smile. he broke up with claire a few weeks ago while he was locked inside the walk-in. he had feelings for her when he was in high school so of course, he thought it was something he wanted still but whenever he was with her, visions of you would cloud his mind.
you shrugged, “i mean.. i think you still have a chance.” dominic smirked, “oh really?” you nodded, “i definitely think so.” he replied, “well, we can go grab drinks after you get off work.. if you’re down.” you blinked, not knowing what to say. he was the first guy who asked you out since your situationship with carmy.
you made your choice on a whim, smiling at him. “i’m down.” he smiled back at you, “cool, can i get your number so i can text you where to meet at?”
he never viewed himself valuable to be loved by anyone, not by claire and especially not by you. his stomach churned and nausea set in when he looked over again, seeing you texting something onto dominic’s phone. he couldn’t bare to see the sight anymore, flicking the remains of his cigarette onto the ground.
he decided to walk around and enter through back of the restaurant, not wanting to see you. as he walked up to the back entrance, he sees richie, taking his own smoking break. “how’s your day going, cousin?” he shrugged, “i don’t know.. kinda shitty.” richie looked at him with concern but knew him well enough to know why he was upset.
he asked knowingly, “you’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” he sighed, “i broke up with claire weeks ago, man.” richie scoffed then responded, “i’m not talking about her, dipshit.” he swallowed the lump in his throat as he knew his cousin was right. “some dude came in and he asked for her number..”
richie’s eyes widened slightly, “oh shit, did she give it to him?” he reluctantly nodded. richie winced, “damn, dude. what are you going to do about it?” he laughed sarcastically, “what do you want me to do? it’s not like she wants to talk to me.” richie sighed, “look, you really like her right?”
carmy nodded, “i think like is an understatement for how i feel about her.” his eyes widened as he never thought he would genuinely be in love with someone but was glad that the person he loves was you. he asked, “what if i’m too late to tell her? i don’t know what i’d do if i was..”
richie shook his head, “i don’t think you’re too late, cousin. if she was getting married or some shit, that’s different. you still have a chance… go make things right with her.” he questioned, “but what if she still doesn’t want to talk to me?” richie shrugged, “then at least you tried. that’s better than putting in no effort at all.”
carmy nodded, taking in everything that his cousin had said. he knew that he had to talk to you and attempt to make things right again. he took in a deep inhale then let the air exhale through his mouth. he looked over at his cousin and said, “thank you.” richie nodded, “no problem.. now, go get your girl back.”
as you got ready to go out with dominic, butterflies fluttered around in your stomach while you looked through your closet to find the perfect outfit. you threw your clothes around as you looked in the mirror, holding them in front of you seeing what looked good or not. you tossed them to the side as you didn’t like how you looked.
your hair was wrapped in a towel while you wore an oversized shirt with shorts underneath to lounge around in before actually getting dressed and ready for the night. you were interrupted when you heard an urgent knock on your front door. you checked your phone and see no texts from dominic that indicated that he was here when another knock on the door rang through the house.
you walked out of your room through the small living room area to the front door and reluctantly opened it. to your surprise, carmy was standing there. you rolled your eyes and sighed, “what do you want?” he looked and stared at you in awe, seeing you in the t-shirt he gave you.
he then blurted out, “i don’t want you to go with him.”
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soapyghostie · 1 year
I love Pyramid Head a whole lot, and i think he deserves all the kisses, he literally has to suffer because of other people sins, so i was thinking, there's this big teory that Pyramid Head uses this Pyramid in his head as a punishment, so he has to walk around with it all the time, but Masahiro Ito said he had a face, his words were:
"I didn't design & make Pyramid Head face, but have a image of inside of helmet in those days. It's a binded someone's head with many frames.", soo i was thinking about a very fluffy comfort fic, where after muchhh time convincing Pyramid its ok to talk his helmet off for some time, him and reader can finally cuddle in a completely comfortable way. Please feel free to deny, i love your work and i know this request may be a bit bad, lol! Thank you
Hey! Thank you Anon! I’m so glad you love my work! Plus, this was a great request! There is no such thing as a bad request on my blog. 😊 Hope you enjoy!
Pyramid Head
Unlike all the other monsters in Silent Hill, Pyramid Head was manifested from the guilt and sorrow of the ones who needed to be punished; to remind them of their sins. Moreover, Pyramid Head was never one of the humans that got turned into a monster from Silent Hill’s curse, but was created from a person’s imagination. He pretty much was born with his helmet. 
Pyramid Head has never taken his helmet off before, let alone has seen his actual face. He doesn’t need to. Him being the executioner, his job is to inflict pain on his victims for their wrongdoing. In wearing the helmet, it reminds others of the pain they’ve caused others and the pain that is about to be brought upon them. He loves his job and he’s proud to represent it by wearing his helmet.
It’ll take a lot of convincing for him to take his helmet off. To him, it feels like his actual face; it helps him feel like he belongs; it makes him feel strong, powerful, and masculine. Yes, he knows he has a human body and face; however, it makes him feel insecure to think about it. All the other monsters look nothing like humans, but he is the only monster who does. The helmet makes him less of a human and more of a monster, the scariest one at that. All fear him: monsters and humans alike. He has all the power and control in Silent Hill so why take his helmet off, you know? 🤷‍♀️ 
You have to reassure him. Trust me, it does the trick. You have to remind him that he is no less of a strong, powerful being with his helmet off than with it on. Then again, he’ll still hesitate to take it off. This his is first time taking it off since he’s existed so he is quite nervous. Nevertheless, he’ll do it for you. 🙂 
The day he finally takes his helmet off, praise him. Tell him how handsome he looks. Kiss him all over his face. Pyramid Head will get so flustered: it’s cute. He appreciates that you see him for no less than who he is without his helmet then with it on. He might take it off more often now. Seriously, he didn’t realize how the weight of his helmet was killing his shoulders. 
He’ll show a softer side of himself. You thought he already did have a soft spot for you, but just you wait! This is a side of him no one has ever seen before, not even you. 
Pyramid Head becomes a literal giant man child, always wanting to be held and kissed. He’ll follow you around like a lost puppy everywhere; he wants you to hold his hand and be near you all the time. 
He apologizes a lot for never trusting you with seeing his face. He was just so scared you’d turn him away and think of him as weak. He wants to be big and strong for you, to protect you. Not be weak. 
You have shown him what true love actually is. He never knew feelings until you came along, yet, he still struggled with showing them towards you. However, when you saw his face for the first time, you showed him kindness and love. He doesn’t know how it happened, but it just clicked. He actually felt something. He felt love and he understood it. He understood it was okay to be vulnerable around the ones that truly love you because they’d near judge you and loved you for you. 
You are the light in his dark world. You’ve taught him so much. Before you, all he knew was pain and suffering. Now, he knows kindness and love. He can’t thank you enough and he’ll never take it for granted. Bonus, he loves to take off his helmet now. He feels like he can be more himself than with it on. He sees there is much more to him than being the feared executioner of Silent Hill.
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cissy2004 · 7 months
When the Tokyo Revengers guys find out you're on your period/Part 1
Characters: Mitsuya, Draken , Chifuyu , Baji
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Mitsuya had his own calendar. He knew when to cum and how much.Every month he was ready to be with you to support you morally.Although he didn't understand why monthly bleeding was so bad for women, he tried to understand as best he could to help you as best he could.
On the first day of your period, no matter what she does, she will be at your door He will have a bag full of tampons, sweets and pills to reduce your pain.
When he will be free, and the schedule will allow him, he will come to you and sit in bed with you. His hand will rest on your stomach, or wherever you have pain, to warm your place.
Mitsuya is the best boyfriend you can have, being very caring towards you.He will do anything for his princess.
Draken realizes that something is wrong with you when he wants to take you in his arms and you refuse, something that was not in your nature.
After some research, in the first month, he realized that your period was to blame for your bad mood.With a bouquet of flowers, chocolate and a teddy bear, in the first month, he came to your door to try to make you feel good.
He takes you by the waist and leads you to your bedroom, where you lie on the bed, under the blanket.
After the first month, everything became easier for both of them. Draken knew roughly when to come, and knew how to prepare for your tantrums or crying spells He knows what to do and when, and most of the time, you end up either in your room or in his room, eating something sweet while watching a movie or a series.
Chifuyu can be so nice to you, but he can also be a total asshole.
The first time he found out you were on your period, he laughed at you, not understanding why you were acting so much, but the moment you started crying, he felt guilty.
Guilty of making you cry, when he got home he had a long talk with his mother about menstruation in women.He knew it was a sensitive but also normal subject, but he never understood why women were so agitated.
The next day, when you had to see each other, he didn't leave you alone for even a second and took care of you.You tried to make him understand that you weren't dying, and that you were just tired from the blood loss.
In your eyes, seeing him so agitated over such an insignificant topic to you was cute.It wasn't something new for you, you already had your period for three years, but for your boyfriend, it was something new.
You wouldn't want to go through this moment again.When I had to tell him the reason why I refused to wear the white dress because he likes it.
Baji knew about menstruation from his mother, he being the man in the family, and he knew how to manage everything. It was strange to see that he was the one giving you advice.It was strange to see him seriously for the first time in your life.
You loved Baji, but you had to admit that sometimes he was extremely stupid and careless, but you knew he wasn't like that.
When you are on your period, take care to drink something warm and to be well dressed if it is cold.Sometimes, when he wants to be romantic, he takes you in his arms like a bride, saying that "you're too weak to walk".
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luvtak · 1 year
Dating TXT
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❀ this is the fluffiest of fluffs i swear
❀ a/n i hope i was successful in making this super super gender neutral, but if anything needs to be changed lemme know!!!
❀ w/c 1414
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Yeonjun: Everything is fond and over the top. Everything is heightened. He squeezes so tight when he holds your hand—which he is always doing, and whenever he hugs you, he takes up every bit of breath in your lungs. He fusses over you like a mother hen, making sure you’re eating well, and your jewelry is placed right. Yeonjun always needs to be touching your skin, his hand on your thigh at restaurant, back hugs while you’re waiting in line at a café, arms wrapped around your shoulders or waist even if it inconveniences you both. So so so corny; sings love songs to you and whispers lines from romance movies, it makes you laugh but you can never tell if it’s because you actually like it, or you just love him. He is so in awe of you, sometimes the boys will catch him staring at you and whispering “wow” under his breath; he thinks you’re so beautiful and cute that when you wake up and your face is swollen and crusty he thinks you’re the most adorable thing. If he notices you’re even a little bit cold he’ll burrow you in all his warmest clothes and blankets until you are sweating and on the verge of heatstroke. When he kisses you it’s so sincere that you can feel every bit of love coming off him, even if you’ve just been fighting—especially if you’ve just been fighting. He always lets you pick the restaurant and never gets mad if you can’t make up your mind about where to go, in his mind he’ll take you anywhere as long as it makes you full. He is sweet and silly and never lets you think any less of yourself than he does, and he thinks a lot of you.
Soobin: The most domestic relationship ever. Seriously you guys are 20 going on 84, matching sweaters and in bed by 8. It’s a very earnest love—it’s maybe not overtly passionate or earthshattering, but it’s so fulfilling, and he makes you feel so safe. The kind of boyfriend to carry a picture of you in his wallet. Always so shy, whether you’re in front of a dozen people or it’s just you two alone, he will be timid about his actions—in a very sweet way. Hesitant to touch you, but when he does it’s so careful, like you might break. Learns how to do your hair: if it’s short he figures out how to clip fringe back so it stays out of your face… if its longer he tries his very hardest to learn to French braid, its always messy but done with love. Holds your hand while you cross the street to make sure your safe. Gets matching lanyards and phone cases, and takes dozens of pictures of you both with them. Making you bread and pastries on a free weekend fresh from the oven and telling you its only so good because he made it with you (though you didn’t do anything to help). Rides the train with you at night time so you don’t get scared, even if that means he has to get back on to go all the way back to the dorm. Sends pictures and funny stories every hour while he’s on tour. Tells you he loves you so much you need to adopt Odi. Cherishes and honors you like no one before, makes sure you never go a day without knowing he adores you.
Beomgyu: the silliest man you’ve ever come in contact with, and yet you’ve never felt more understood by anyone. Being with Beomgyu means you’ll never feel unwanted or alone. He has a way of knowing what you need before you do; texts you when he thinks something bad has happened, orders what you’re craving before you tell him, tells you he loves you too right before you say the words. Lays in bed with you at night joking but being so honest about all of his big feelings for you. Thinks you’re the most interesting person he’s ever met, is always telling the boys something he learned about you and saying “isn’t y/n so cool” when all it is an animal fact you learned from national geographic and told him about. Listens to every song you tell him you like. Starts wearing clothes that are your favorite color just so he can hear you say “you know Gyu, that shirts my favorite color.” Listens to everything you say and can recite it at a moment’s notice. Becomes friends with all your friends and all your family. Makes fun of you but never goes far enough that it hurts your feelings. Will watch movies and shows that he hates if you like them, while he can’t keep quiet about the complaints, he never actually turns it off. Will give you the most sincere and lovely compliments out of nowhere—he needs to make sure you know he appreciates you… he loves you so much he can’t contain it, and everyone who knows him knows.
Taehyun: the most charming boy you’ve ever met. Knows everything about you—from your favorite food to what you want your epitaph to be. Takes you on dates to science museums and 5 star restaurants. Comes with you to all your little appointments, you need a haircut? He’s sitting with you. You need to get a cavity filled? He’s in the waiting room. Cooks you dinner and makes you rate every bite, with threat of no dessert. Giggles with you over stupid things one of the boys said to him that afternoon. Wears the same outfit again and again because you complimented him on it once. Learns the words to your favorite songs so he can sing them to you like a lullaby. Always always always pulls out your chair and opens the door for you. Helps you study and grants you a kiss for every right answer. Wraps you up in his arms when you’re sad, whispers all the things he loves about you right in your ear. Charms your parents ten minutes into meeting them. Tells you he loves you at the end of every conversation. Buys couple rings and tells everyone about them. Kisses every one of your knuckles when he holds your hand. Stocks up the dorm with anything you might need—hair ties, your favorite snacks, the pain meds you prefer—he’s got it all. He never goes a day without telling you how happy he is you’re in his life <3
Kai:  Dating Kai is like being with your best friend every day, nothing is a big deal—it’s all easy peasy. He picks up habits from you sooo fast: sooner or later you’re saying the same phrases and telling the same jokes. Everything is cozy, it was at least 9 months in before he ever saw you in cute date clothes because you guys are always wearing pajamas. Perfect date for him is watching movies or playing games with good food. The easiest way for me to explain what loving him is like is listening to a pop song, while it may be repetitive and mindless it makes you so happy and feels so familiar. He brings you to lunches with his sisters where you all make fun of him  and he just cracks up because he’s so happy you all get along. You can tell him anything, and he’d never judge you: it could be the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done and he’d say “that’s cool dude, why were you so worried?” Also the boyfriend to never call you pet names, he’d think calling you babe or honey would be so cringe his mouth can’t even form the words. You leave a hair tie at the dorm once and now he never takes it off, it’s his favorite bracelet and you can’t have it back. Will not tell you he loves you if anyone is around, and if you tell him he will turn beet red. However, he is constantly draped over you and touching your skin, like you know he’s upset with you if he’s not literally on top you at every moment. With all of his awkward squabbling’s throughout the day, as soon as you’re laying in bed together he tells you how much he loves you and how good of a day he spent with you. Loves you so much even if can’t always find the words <3
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© luvtak
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lilithlinen · 2 months
Too Old, huh? - Keanu Reeves x You
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Requested by @sunnythebunny7 🙈❤️ I hope you like it!
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Summary: The story follows a romantic relationship between Keanu Reeves and a younger woman in her 20's. There's a sense of protectiveness from Keanu due to the age gap, which amuses his bandmates, Brett Domrose and Robb Mailhouse. But what happens when she calls him an "old man"?
One day, after wrapping up another successful show for Dogstar, you decided to head out with your friends to enjoy a night out. As you prepared to leave, Keanu noticed your excitement and playful attitude, but also felt a bit apprehensive. It warmed his heart to see how happy it made you, but as an older man, he couldn't help but worry about your safety.
As you went out, Keanu couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. His band mates and best friends, Brett Domrose & Robb mailhouse tried to keep his mind off. While he trusted you, he couldn't help but feel protective of you, especially given the age difference between you two. As the hours passed, he grew increasingly anxious, waiting for you to return home safely.
Finally, when you came back, he could see that you were tired and worn-out from all the dancing and partying. As soon as he saw you, he took you into his arms and hugged you tightly. "Are you alright? Did you have fun?" he asked in a concerned tone.
Brett and Robb laughed in silence at how he reacted.
You smiled softly, appreciating his concern but slightly annoyed by his overprotectiveness. You're an adult, and you wanted to have some freedom. Still, you understood where his worries came from, so you decided to make light of the situation.
"I had a blast, don't worry," you replied with a grin, trying to reassure him while rolling your eyes at the same time. Then you added, half jokingly, "But seriously, I'm not a fragile little girl you need to baby sit! I can take care of myself, old man."
Keanu chuckled softly, amused by your playful banter. Despite your words, he appreciated that you acknowledged his concerns. He decided to take this opportunity to remind you of just how strong and capable he still was, even though he was older than you.
"Old man, huh?" He raised an eyebrow, smirking as he gently pushed you towards your bedroom. He leaned close, whispering seductively into your ear. "Maybe it's time to show you what an old man like me can really do..."
You couldn't help but blush at his bold statement, but you followed him willingly into the room. Brett and Robb exchanged knowing glances, grinning widely as they left you two alone, leaving you both to figure things out.
Inside the room, Keanu closed the door behind you both and turned to face you. Your eyes met, sharing a moment of anticipation and desire. He pulled you closer, his hands finding their way to your waist, drawing you against his body. You could feel his strength and experience through every touch, despite his age.
"Remember, you asked for it," he murmured, "Your old man has to punish you."
His words sent shivers down your spine, a mix of naughty thrill and excitement coursed through you. Keanu's dark eyes held a fierce intensity, yet there was tenderness too, reflecting his love for you. He slowly lowered his lips to yours, kissing you deeply, taking control without being forceful. His stubble grazed your skin gently, sending more waves of pleasure throughout your body.
As the kiss deepened, you couldn't help but get lost in the moment. His taste, his touch - everything about him felt right. His hands moved skillfully, a testament to the passion he had for life and for you. He knew exactly how to make you feel desired, cherished, and safe all at once.
He slowly started to undress you, revealing your lingerie set - a soft pink color, matching your personality perfectly. Each piece removed revealed more of your beautiful body, causing butterflies to flutter in his stomach. He admired every inch, tracing his fingers lightly across your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
"You're mine, aren't you?" he whispered against your neck.
The way he said 'mine' sent a shiver down your spine, a mix of fear and lust intertwining. His possessiveness made your heart race faster. You nodded, unable to form words from the rush of emotions surging inside you.
A satisfied smile graced Keanu's face at your nod. He continued his trail of gentle touches, moving lower until he reached the waistband of your pink thong. With one swift move, he pulled down the last barrier between you two. His eyes lingered on your naked form, appreciating every curve and line.
"Mine," he repeated, this time with more authority. His hands roamed freely now, exploring every inch of your body. He paused at your most sensitive areas, teasing you delicately, building the tension between you two.
"Now, show your old man how much you want him," he challenged, his voice low and husky. He wanted to know that no matter his age, you desired him just as much as he did you.
As he stepped back, he gestured towards the bed. "Get on, baby."
You hesitated only for a moment before obeying, climbing onto the bed and lying down on your back, you move away your Sanrio Plushies, making room for you and him before you spread your legs invitingly.
Keanu watched as you positioned yourself on the bed, moving aside your beloved Sanrio plushies. This simple act added a layer of intimacy, reminding him once again of your youthfulness. You were a mixture of innocence and sensuality, making him even more eager to satisfy your needs.
He climbed onto the bed next to you, trailing kisses along your body. Starting from your toes, he worked his way up, paying special attention to your sensitive spots. Every caress felt magical, sending ripples of pleasure through you. He savored each moan you made, knowing he was responsible for it.
Once he reached your lips, he looked into your eyes, filled with desire and love. "You're going to remember who you belong to tonight, just like the first time." His voice rumbled, promising more pleasure ahead.
With a devilish smile playing on his lips, Keanu began kissing down your body with newfound fervor. His mouth lavished tender kisses over your breasts, his tongue swirling around your nipples, causing a gasp to escape from your lips. Each flick felt electrifying, stirring a fire within you.
He trailed lower, kissing your belly button, making you giggle. You squirmed beneath him, desperate for more. His fingers then brushed against your inner thighs, creating a tingling sensation that traveled straight to your core. He paused for effect, raising your anticipation.
Slowly, he dipped his head even further, kissing and nibbling on your sensitive skin until he reached the target of his affection. His breath tickled, setting off a symphony of sensations. The gentle nudges of his nose ultimately gave way to the sweetest torturous tease imaginable...his tongue. You moaned under his skilled movements, feeling your climax edging ever closer.
As he took you higher and higher, he muttered softly, "You're mine, and you'll come hard for me, baby."
Keanu didn't shy away from the task at hand, focusing on your engorged clit, licking and sucking it with an expert touch. His fingers massaged your outer folds, entering gently but surely into your wet heat. Simultaneously, he used his index finger to stimulate that sensitive spot again.
Your hips bucked involuntarily, pushing against his skilled mouth. A moan of pure lust escaped you, ratcheting up the sensual atmosphere. Keanu responded by increasing the pressure, knowing that he was bringing you close to that coveted release.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged, "let go for your old man." His fingers pumped rhythmically. "Let me hear you scream my name!"
Each thrust of his fingers, each flick of his tongue, brought you closer to ecstasy. And finally, you cried out his name with raw abandon, arching your back under his ministrations. "FUCK, FUCK FUUUCCKK! Keanu!"
As he felt you tremble under him, Keanu removed his hand and mouth, looking up at you with satisfaction. "Did I meet your expectations? Or maybe you want more?" Keanu queried, his own desire evident in his eyes. He wanted you to know he craved you just as much, if not more.
You nodded, panting heavily, your cheeks flushed. Even in your post-orgasmic haze, you couldn't stop staring at him; the man who owned your body and soul. He grinned, pleased at the sight of your submission.
Slowly, he climbed up your body, pressing kisses along the way. When your lips met, you tasted yourself on his lips, a delicious reminder of what he'd done. His erection throbbed against your thigh, proof of his hunger for you.
"Turn over," he commanded, shifting positions smoothly. He adjusted you comfortably, positioning himself behind you. His fingers traced your curves, finding their way between your legs.
At last, he claimed possession again. "This is how an old man treats his girl." Pushing into you fully, he started moving steadily, savoring the way your body responded to his.
Despite the intense pace, he maintained a steady rhythm, reaching around to stimulate your nub once more. Together, you worked in harmony, driving you both towards another peak.
He whispered into your ear, "Nothing wrong with being taken by an older man, right?"
Your back arched impossibly, your nails digging into the sheets as Keanu took charge. You moaned his name, words slipping between gasps, expressing your approval and satisfaction. Yet, there was something else too, some hidden desire.
"Oh god, Yes!" you panted, your voice hoarse with pleasure, "Take me rougher." Your words surprised even you, but it confirmed what you truly desired. Keanu picked up on this change immediately.
He increased the pace, pounding harder, deeper. His chuckle echoed in the room, accompanied by the slaps of flesh meeting flesh. Each thrust drove you wilder, pushing you closer to the edge.
"Say it," he demanded between heavy breaths, his gaze intense, "Tell me how good it feels to be taken by an old man, hmm?" He added teasingly.
In response, you turned your head towards him, meeting his gaze. An unspoken agreement passed between you, reinforcing the connection shared between you two.
"It feels amazing, Keanu," your breath hitched, giving in to his domination. "So good, take me rough...don't stop..." You repeated, urging him on.
Keanu felt the desperation in your voice, the hunger for more, and he obliged eagerly. His thrusts became fiercer, more demanding. Each stroke ignited pleasure throughout your entire body. He matched his movements with your own, knowing how close you were to losing control.
He grabbed your hips firmly, commanding, "Come on, baby, let go. Scream my name."
The combination of his words and actions proved too much. You cried out his name, the sound reverberating off the walls. Your body shook violently under him, pulsating around him. Keanu rode out your climax, refusing to give in until you begged him to.
Finally, spent, he collapsed onto you, still buried deep inside. He kissed the back of your neck tenderly, catching his breath. "You're beautiful" he murmured, holding you close.
After recovering, Keanu gently extracted himself, turning you over. He cuddled up next to you, running his fingers through your hair lovingly. His heart pounded against his chest, signaling satisfaction and happiness.
"That was epic, 'old man'," you admitted with a playful giggle, clinging to him happily. "But seriously, I love you so much...and you know how much I love teasing you."
Keanu chuckled, loving this banter as much as he enjoyed your playfulness. He cupped your face, pulling you into a deep kiss. He tasted your love, feeling it reciprocated tenfold. This connection, this bond, meant more to him than anything else in the world.
"I couldn't be happier," he confessed, as gently ran his hand down your arm, appreciating your strength and beauty.
"And yes, I do know how much you love teasing me. But we both know I can keep up." He added teasingly, nuzzling your hair affectionately.
You rolled your eyes at his words but didn't deny it. Instead, you nestled closer, basking in the afterglow of passion and love shared.
Outside the room, the other band members probably heard snippets of your passionate encounter. They grinned knowing full well that their buddy had found something special, something worth protecting.
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starstruckmoony · 2 years
forgive me, please?
pairing - james potter x muggle!reader
summary - you and james get into a fight over socks. yes, socks.
trope/tags - angst but not really angst, fluff
warnings - language
word count - 1.1k
things were not looking too cute.
james and you rarely ever fought. and when you did, it was never over anything major. sure, you had some arguments here and there (you weren't a perfect couple and you both knew it), but thankfully those little disagreements never spiraled into anything serious.
they would all play out similarly; whether it was you or james, one would have no choice but to surrender and quit acting like a petty little child. the discussion would usually become long forgotten within minutes and you'd go back to normal like nothing ever happened. you were unfortunate enough not to avoid one of those silly quarrels after coming home a little late one gloomy wednesday.
not only were you bloody exhausted, but you were irritated to the point where you wouldn't hesitate to strangle anything and anybody who'd try to get in your away. work was unpleasant as always, and since your boss happened to have a stick up his arse, he took it all out on you. again. so, coming home to a messy flat with stinky, dirty socks all over the damn floor was the last thing you wanted to see. you and james were polar opposites in that matter; you were too neat, and he was too messy.
you never understood it, really. he could do magic, he could get the whole flat cleaned just by waving that wand of his around, yet you always had to remind him to tidy up. he'd do it then, of course. he would never even think of asking you to clean up after him, but james was just a little bit forgetful sometimes.
"do you ever think to clean up after yourself?" you were pacing around your flat in distress, while he stood leaned against the kitchen counter with an expression you could not read, but one that was not the least bit serious.
"it's just dirty socks, love," he shrugged, unphased. 
"god, is flicking that stupid wand of yours that difficult? i- you're- i'm-" you practically stumbled  your words, furious at your boyfriend and his lack of care for cleanliness. you pinched the bridge of your nose in distress, exhaling in exasperation. such things weren't what you'd usually have that big of an outburst over.
"i think you're overreacting." he retorted. you laughed in disbelief.
"overreacting?! the flat looks like a bloody dumpster!" you shot back immediately. james groaned inwardly, running a hand through his hair frustration, "okay, i don't know if you've noticed, but i've got a job too," he took a bit of a jab at you. 
you didn't exactly take it too well, "what, did you expect me to clean all that rubbish up?" 
"oi! don't put words into my mouth," you scoffed, crossing your arms. he sighed, "i never said that, love, but you could have picked up your knickers the other day, you know? i'm not the only one who's being untidy," he argued.
"are you fucking with me?" you retorted.
"i think we both know the answer to that," his voice suddenly seemed a lot calmer, and you didn't fail to notice a hint of mischief in it. james was not taking you seriously at all and it felt like he wasn't even trying. his disinterest made you fume.
"oh, piss off," you spat, brushing past him and towards your bedroom.
"bloody hell, y/n, come on!" he groaned, following you in attempt to reason with you.
"leave me alone!" you slammed the door in his face, and then proceeded to lock it. that didn't quite do much, he opened it with a single flick of his wand and a quiet mutter of a spell.
"get out!" you screeched, pointing your finger towards the exit.
"this is my bedroom too!" he protested, standing at the door like an idiot waiting for something to happen.
you inhaled sharply. times like these were the ones when you wished that you could do magic just like james. as cruel as it sounded, you would have killed to be able to hex him whenever he poked your buttons like that.
"get out," you tried once more.
"no," but to no avail.
"fine!" you raised your hands up in defeat and slumped down onto your shared bed. he quietly took a seat next to you, reaching to take your hand, but you moved further away from him, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't panic for a second. that frown of yours didn't seem like it would be leaving anytime soon and it was seriously beginning to stress him out.
"i hate you," you muttered childishly, crossing your arms and not allowing yourself to look at him.
"no, you don't," you somehow expected your words to hurt him because you wanted to be anything but nice to your boyfriend at that moment. however, they did not. you loved him too much to hate him, and both of you knew that.
james only rolled his eyes at your immaturity, "look, i'm sorry, but when i get home from work, collecting smelly socks around our flat is the last thing on my list of worries."
"picking up your shit takes ten seconds," you were not going to give in. he pissed you off, and you weren't gonna forgive him so easily, not this time.
"if it means that much to you, i'll go pick them up now," he was persistent. you didn't respond, you only clenched your jaw and refused to look at him.
"i'm sorry," he kissed your shoulder, "i'll pick up all the dirty laundry i see on the floor next time, i'll wash it even. no magic. just don't be angry with me anymore," you saw him pouting in the corner of your eye, but you refused to make eye contact with him. if you did, he would have won that one.
"baby, come on. i'm sorry," you kept the frown on your face present, though you weren't even that angry anymore.
"love!" james was getting frustrated, so he resorted to touching you instead, since that always seemed to do the job better than words. he threw his arms around you, hugging you tightly. you turned your head to look at him, and when you finally met his eyes, you swore your heart broke a little bit. his face was painted with genuine regret.
"love, i'm sorry. forgive me? please?"
"come here," you sighed, laying down onto your bed and motioning for james to follow you. he buried his face into your neck, and your limbs were soon tangled up together.
"i forgive you," you said after a minute of resting in silence.
"really?" james' voice was a bit muffled, so you hummed in response and he moved to place a gentle kiss to your lips.
"i'm really sorry."
"stop apologizing," you chuckled, "i'm sorry too."
"i love you," he smiled, kissing you once more. you truly adored this boy despite all of his flaws, and you were ready to risk it all for him. and so was he, you were his muse, even though you drove him insane at times, "i love you too."
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Song: I will wait for you- mumford and sons
“After a long, hard and lonely day: he can finally be in your arms again.”
Reader x ….
Options: Nikolai, Matthias, Kaz, Tolya
Hear me out, Matthias and Kaz, one established relationship, one pining because apparently I want to feel pain. xoxo.
This Action Echos - Matthias Helvar , Kaz Brekker.
Content Warnings: Unrequited Love Trope. Not Beta/ Proof Read. Love Confessions At Inconvenient Times. Kaz Opening His Mouth. Explicit Language.
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Your legs are resting up beside you on the chaise longue in the back of the club, hiding away in the back room, awaiting for the crows to return.
Being benched wasn't something you were taking personally, you knew that Kaz had run the odds, and you were better suited to staying back, but it didn't stop you worrying about them all. Nothing could stop you worrying about them all.
The waiting is unbearable, and you have nothing that successfully fills your time, allowing you to stop yourself thinking about all the things that could be going wrong. You trusted them all implicitly, they've all gotten themselves out of situations they never should have survived, far too many times to think they were anything short of lucky. But you cannot help but linger on the way Matthias likes to suggest their luck will not last forever, that eventually it has to run out. But it has become easy to believe they were charmed, your little family of misfits and renegades. It would be easier for you all to go down together than believe any one of you could fall alone.
Your heart jumps, threatening to push it's way out of your chest and greet them before your feet can pull you to the door, when it opens. Jesper is the first through the door, cracking the end of a joke. "You waited, that's sweet of you darling, were you worried about me?" he smirks.
"Always, what if you miss a shot?" you tease, pulling him into a hug.
"You wound me more than any enemy when you say things like that," he returns your hug, squeezing you that little bit tighter to let you know he missed you, and he was worried, even if he wouldn't admit it.
"No, you could never miss," Wylan quips. "You can shoot perfectly, but your timing, that could leave something to be desired." Wylan gives your arm a small squeeze as he passes, giving you time to pull away from the caring embrace of the now scowling Zemeni.
"Play nice lover boys," Nina says. She cups your face in two hands and plants a kiss on your nose. "We could've done with you on that one." She tells you, not to make you feel bad for your absence but to assure you of your presence, and you appreciate it. All the little ways Nina makes you feel loved, makes you feel like you belong, you appreciate them all.
You don't get a chance to turn around to see him before strong arms are engulfing you in a hug from behind. You lean back into it, the familiar smell, that reminds you of woodlands and fresh snow fall, filling your space. His coat is cold, but you can feel the warmth underneath it the tighter he holds you. "Matthias," you smile, tilting your head back to look up at him.
"Wild one," he replies, but there is a smile in the corner of his lips, not able to keep the stoic seriousness in his face.
"Did you miss me?" you ask.
"Every moment I was away," he tells you.
"I kind of miss when he didn't talk so much," Jesper says, pulling himself onto the desk to sit down.
You throw Jesper a warning look, it had taken far too long, and so much to get Matthias to where he was now, comfortable enough in his self and in the changes, in the challenges and the story that brought him here, to Ketterdam, to you, and always from a life he had always known and understood, for Jesper to make him doubt his progress for even a second. "Adawesi?" You challenge him.
Jesper laughs but backs down without a further comment.
Kaz looks less than pleased joins the gathering. "Inej decided to do some reconnaissance, and figure out where we are now in the situation," Kaz explains, not bothering to greet you.
He gives you a side glance, making his way to the back of the room. You're standing, Matthias's arms still around your body, laughing at something that Kaz does not understand or recognise as being funny at all.
You give him a small smile and he just eyes you before taking his seat.
"Jesper, as promised you can have your drinks, Nina, you can have your rest, Wylan, you can have your peace, and Matthias... what did you want again?" Kaz asks.
"I asked for nothing Demjin," Matthias says, finally taking his arms from around you, to stand taller. Of all the things that have changed, all the distance crossed, Matthias hasn't budged once in his dislike and distrust of Kaz Brekker. Matthias watches him, silent prayers to Djel that the demon in the suit across from him cannot sense his discomfort. He may have come to accept that his tricks are human, but he is yet to believe that Kaz himself is anything less than demonic.
"Right, it's all honour with you," Kaz says, looking down at some papers on the table. "Then I suppose you're all dismissed."
"Kaz I need a word," you remind him, you'd tried to ask him about a job before they left and Kaz had brushed you off, saying it could wait, you'd made him say he would speak to you as soon as he returned, that he understood this was important. He said he would. Now he was looking right through you.
"Right," he says, "can it wait?"
"It has waited," you tell him, "you don't scare me enough to be able to brush me off like that Brekker."
Nina, Wylan and Jesper make a quick exit at that statement, Wylan giving you a good luck nod as he ducks down and out of the room.
"So can I have your time or do I need to be a stolen painting?" you ask. You could fool yourself into thinking for a glimpse of a moment, Kaz almost smiles. He exhales and nods. You lean up on tiptoes and plant a kiss on Matthias's cheek. "I won't be long."
"Can I get you something?" he asks, not really wanting to leave you alone with Kaz but respecting that you can handle yourself well enough.
"I would love something sweet to eat," you tell him. His shoulders bump up slightly as he stifles a chuckle.
"I'll ask Nina," he says, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before leaving.
Kaz looks up at you, expectant. Waiting. His impatience clear on his tight lips. "What is it?"
"I want in on the job with Specht," you tell him. Something almost sets alight behind those dark eyes of his.
"No," he says plainly. You cross your arms, watching him but he goes back to his papers. "Is that all?"
"No," you tell him, "I want in on the job, he said himself he could use me."
"Then maybe I should have words with him about undermining me, I will tell him who is good for a job," Kaz spits.
"Boss, you keep side lining me," you say, "I thought maybe it was not a personal thing, but this is a piss easy job with the opportunity to work so much in the favour of The Dregs in Fifth Harbour, why won't you let me do this?"
"Go home," Kaz tells you, "go home, rest. Be comfortable in your safety, your friends made it home, your Fjerdan made it home, all is well," he sits up straighter in his chair. "So go home, enjoy your luxuries, convince Matthias that each day in Kerch is better than whatever life you could have in Fjerda, remind him of all the reasons not to miss his home, make him cheerful and fall asleep in his arms. If you really wish to do me a favour maybe convince him to stop looking at me like I might grow wings at any given point, or better yet, stop asking me about jobs, when I have one for you, you will have it."
You want nothing more than to go home to Matthias, to forget about everything that is needed and required from you, to simply curl up and be warm and happy with the man you love. But this was not about Matthias, this was not about your happiness, or your comfort, this was about Dirtyhands keeping you from your place. Besides you've never known Kaz to really care for your happiness in any regard, it took so much bargaining to get his help on the smallest of things, time and time again. Kaz was a business man before he was ever a friend to you. You knew that. He was your boss, and he rarely let there be moments when he felt like he was anything more. While the rest of the crows valued the companionship that came with this band of broken dolls, but Kaz, Kaz cannot help but keep everyone at arms length, in a metaphorical sense as much if not even more than the literal sense.
"You want me to leave," you state, eyeing him. "What is your problem with me... I thought... What is your problem?"
"I have no problem, except insubordination," he states. "How go on, hurry and catch up with your Drüskelle-,"
"Do not talk of Matthias in that tone," you snap, "he is more than you could ever hope to be Brekker and yet you talk of him with such dishonour, why because he has faith? Because he has purpose? Because he dares to love?"
“After a long, hard and lonely day: he can finally be in your arms again.” Kaz's words shouldn't strike you as so painful, and yet they do, it feels like he has pressed that oyster shucking knife from his sleeve right into your throat and was twisting it. "I can't give you that. And I doubt I ever will be able to."
"Kaz... what are you saying?" you ask. You'd expected anger, you'd been looking for a fight, but Kaz does not look like he wishes to fight, he doesn't even raise his voice, he takes a simple breath and then speaks.
"That if I was a different man, a better man, a man who had not been ruined and broken years before I ever got the chance to know you, I might just have been able to be the man that you need, the man I wish I was able to be, but know I will never become, even for you, I am not able, and I will not lie to either of us that I am. I am, and I can only ever be Dirtyhands, Bastard of The Barrel, and that is what you need of me more than you will ever need me to be the man I wish I was for you. So no, I do not... dislike Matthias, it is not that I dislike him, it is not that he is the enemy, Drüskelle, or Fjerdan. It is not that he does not deserve you, it is simply that I do not."
Kaz leaves without giving you a chance to respond. Not that you have a clue how to respond. You had never had the smallest inclination that Kaz had feelings for you at all. You were barely aware Kaz has feelings. Your mind is spinning. Unsure what you're supposed to do with this information.
You wait in the empty room, the door still open from his exit, the tapping of his cane disappearing into the noise of the club.
You take a moment, and you bring yourself back, to the moments before Kaz threw a match on everything. For all the shock, you remind yourself it doesn't matter. Kaz's reasonings for trying to keep you from your work were unspoken, he intended to spin you out with a confession that you did not need to hear. It had worked and that annoyed you most. You would not let him side line you for feelings he never deigned to suggest he ever had before. You would make him take you seriously, his feelings be damned. But you'd had a long day, and more prevalently, Matthias has had a long day, so you will find him, the man who you love, the man who would fight wars and change the world for. You were going to return to him, enjoy your treats and your calmness and his presence and force Brekker's words from your mind. Matthias who you had been waiting on all day, who kept your mind occupied with thoughts of him always. Matthias who you would always wait for, always go to. Your Matthias. You would not let Brekker ruin the calm, not for you, and not for Matthias, no matter his feelings. You couldn't let it.
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heyitsspiders · 2 months
Bitten Apple ~ AdamsApple Fic - CHAPTER 3
Adam is finally able to be decent!!! (kinda) (not really)
Ao3 Link
a/n: thank you all for the support thus far with the story, i love reading yall's comments and what yall enjoyed!
i hope yall have a nice day/night :D
Successful Meals
Adam debated not going to dinner but images of his face slamming into the carpeted floor flashed in his mind and decided he was a bit hungry – no other reason he wanted to go. He sat on the edge of his fucked up bed, the sheets were torn and barely hanging on, and eyed the closet he hadn’t looked in yet. He groaned, it was probably full of fancy shit. Heaven had a dress code too with the long ass dresses – which he didn’t mind, he wore them when he was alive, Hell, he created them! – but that prevented him from showing off his love of rock more. He got some spikes on the collar and his sick ass guitar, sure, but that was it. At least Hell understood his fashion sense, even if it did add unwanted features.
He pushed himself off the mattress and walked into what he thought was the closet, but apparently was a whole ass bathroom with a closet in it. So, he wasn’t wrong in thinking the clothes were in here, just misjudged the location. The bathroom wasn’t too much but it was clean and made him feel a little more at home – maybe he should stop throwing shit everywhere. Adam walked over to the actual closet and peered inside.
Yeah, he had been right. There were suits, vests, cuffed shirts, dress pants – it felt like a haberdashery threw up. At least some of it didn’t seem too horrible. Whatever, he could play Lucifer’s shit game for now, he really didn’t feel like seeing his damned blood anymore today. Adam shrugged off his sick ass clothes – aside from his ‘A’, that they completely ruined – and did his best to avoid looking at the mirror. However, he caught sight that he was much hairier – or well, furrier? – than before with thick dark fur replacing his chest hair and happy trail. Not to mention his legs were covered in the stuff, all the way down to his hooves. His hands too were different, not only did they end in claws but also were much darker than the rest of him. Another new addition had been made that he thought was just on his clothes – the ‘X’. It was on his skin too, right where the little bitch stabbed him over and over. 
Adam growled, oh Hell had a sick sense of humor. They ruined his body more than Lucifer did with the fucking apple. The shame of being naked was hitting harder than the first time in the garden and he quickly averted his gaze from both the mirror and himself – he couldn’t stand the sight. He shoved on black dress shirt that ended in cuffs with a dark crimson vest and cuffed black pants. Putting on pants was very weird with sheep legs, they curved in weird places and the clothes clung too close to Adam’s body for him to be comfortable but if it made Lucifer leave him the fuck alone then he’d deal with it. 
He exited the bathroom and his room and walked through the maze of hallways – seriously, what the fuck is up with all these hallways? Doesn’t he live alone? – and finally ended up at the damn dining room. Adam opened the door and shut it harshly behind him, which he had almost slammed but decided against it. 
“I see you listened this time!” Lucifer piped up from across the room, his eyes looking over Adam. This man was so gay it disgusted Adam.
Adam rolled his eyes, “yeah, didn’t feel like being dragged around again by some prick.”
Lucifer chuckled before motioning with his hand to the seat next to him. Adam huffed and walked over, pulled out the chair, and sat down. This was embarrassing. Lucifer looked over him with a facial expression he couldn’t quite make out but he knew he didn’t like it.
“Isn’t it nice to just do what you’re told?” Lucifer hummed, grabbing his fork and knife and cutting into the steak in front of him. 
Adam growled but kept his mouth shut, which felt weird. He could feel the words rising in his throat but none of them made sense so he just sat there, staring at his food. He appreciated that it was mostly meat, don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t picky. Humanity wouldn’t have even started if he was picky, but he always had liked meat more. Adam looked at the silverware that had been neatly placed beside his plate and considered using them.
He didn’t.
Adam reached a clawed hand over to the steak and grabbed it before bringing it up to his mouth and biting into it. It was a little tough but his sharp teeth had no problem cutting through it and ripping a piece off. He chewed the meat twice before swallowing and continuing the vicious process. Not only was this to piss off Lucifer but it also was just how he ate, utensils were made way after him and even in Heaven he never got used to them. He also purposely ate with his mouth slightly agar, making his eating so much more obnoxious. Adam internally grinned as he watched Lucifer try to keep his composure but slip up with an eye twitch.
Lucifer set his fork and knife to the side and dabbed his mouth with a napkin before looking at Adam and speaking. “Would you cut that out? Some of us are trying to eat,” he looked annoyed, just what Adam wanted.
Adam spoke with his mouth still full with the bit he was chewing, his words muffled, “yeah, I am too.”
Lucifer sighed deeply, “fucking eat normally, Adam. At least with your mouth closed, the smacking noise and seeing your chewed food is horrible.” He then motioned down to Adam stupid clothes, “not to mention the mess you are making.”
“Just don’t look,” Adam shrugged.
“Do we really have to go through this again?” Lucifer raised his hands to start yanking on the stupid fucking chain.
Adam quickly swallowed and raised his hands, “fine! Fuck! Don’t gotta tug me around for fucking everything!”
“Good,” Lucifer closed his mouth quickly, as if he was stopping himself from saying something. Adam didn’t care though, less nonsense for Adam to listen to. 
Adam continued eating – less loudly but still with his hands – and hated to admit it but fuck, it was really good. The steak was so juicy and seasoned to Hell, just the way he liked it. The sides were just as good, he couldn’t remember the names of them but shit they were just as good. He cleaned his plate fairly quickly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Lucifer on the other hand was taking his sweet ass time, he had barely eaten half of the steak. 
Adam groaned, leaning his head on his propped up hands, “do I have to wait for your slow ass to finish eating?”
Lucifer swallowed what was in his mouth, “yes, you do.” He shot a glare at Adam’s elbows as if they had offended him, “and take your elbows off the table, did they not teach you table manners in Heaven?”
Adam rolled his eyes and moved to his arms back to his sides, “they tried to.” He wasn’t sure why he was listening but rationed it as him not wanting to be beaten again – he wasn’t a pussy but the man literally owned him and Adam was powerless. He was biding his time. Yeah.
Lucifer chuckled, “they gave up on you?”
“They didn’t give up on me!” Adam snarled, his claws dipping into his chair. “They just realized it was useless because I was– am already perfect, I don’t need stupid ‘table manners’.” 
Lucifer laughed a bit harder, “oh? That’s why?” He cut off another small sliver of meat and put it in his mouth – probably something Lucifer was very used to – and swallowed before speaking again, “have you ever thought they just finally realized you were a waste of time?”
“Have you ever thought about shutting the fuck up? You haven’t been in Heaven for a millena, you don’t know what happened while I was there,” Adam glared. “You have no clue what you are talking about.”
“True,” Lucifer hummed. “I don’t know what happened while you were up there, but by your behavior I can definitely guess.”
“Well you’re guessing is fucking wrong.”
He smirked, “then why aren’t they here?”
Adam opened his mouth before shutting it, pausing. Why weren’t they here for him? Why hadn’t Heaven stormed Hell and punished the demons for killing him?
 “They- they just don’t know I’m here. Otherwise they would be,” he tried to sound sure of himself but cringed as it came out weak, like he was a lost child waiting for his parents.
“I’m sure they would be,” Lucifer continued to eat.
They sat in silence that was only broken up by the utensils cutting into the steak and other food that littered Lucifer’s plate and Lucifer’s near-silent chewing. Adam wanted to be mad, he wanted to rage and throw shit and break Lucifer’s stupid face. But, he didn’t. He just sat there, looking down at his lap, at his hands. Did… Did Lucifer have a point? He shook his head – no, Lucifer couldn’t be right. He was the Devil, the man who ruined and took everything from Adam. 
The gentle clanking of metal caused Adam to jerk his head up just to see Lucifer setting his fork and knife on the plate, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “Delicious, what a fantastic dinner.”
“I see you enjoyed it too,” Lucifer commented, looking at Adam’s empty plate.
“It was fine I guess, ‘just was hungry,” Adam lied.
“Either way, you may go back to your room,” He stood up and pushed in his chair, grabbing his cane. “I expect to see you at breakfast?” Adam was pretty sure it was supposed to be a statement but Lucifer had asked it like a question.
“Whatever,” Adam grumbled, standing up from the stupid chair and shoving his way out of the room. He just wanted to get out of these clothes, sleep forever and never see Lucifer’s face again. Never see the way Lucifer looked over his body. Never see the dumb fucking smile that took up so much of his face when he had successfully pissed off Adam. Never- 
God he must be really tired. He groaned and shook his head, trying to rid his mind of Lucifer, and reached a hand out for the doorknob to his room. He was just tired. 
Adam woke up to, who he assumed to be Lucifer, knocking. Again. He hoped this wouldn’t be a daily thing. Adam groaned, dragging a hand down his face – It was too early for Lucifer’s bullshit. As the knocking got louder Adam pushed himself off the mattress and stumbled over to the door.
“What,” Adam grunted.
“Finally,” Lucifer cleared his throat, “anyways, I will be out for the day and-”
“You woke me up just to tell me that you won’t be here?” Adam raised an eyebrow. “What, you gonna tell me there is a babysitter downstairs too?” He joked – Adam really hoped it stayed a joke.
“Let me finish,” He shot Adam a glare. “I wanted to let you know so you don’t try looking for me. Meals will still be served at the same time.” Adam laughed, as if he’d go looking for Lucifer. 
“I’ll be going, don’t fucking destroy my house,” and he left with a snap of his fingers. 
Adam sighed. Finally, he was gone. He contemplated going back to bed but decided against it – he was already awake – and chose to explore and learn the layout of this funhouse while he wasn’t being threatened. He walked out of his room into the hallway, every now and then there was a little table with either a lamp or small decorations on top of it to light up and decorate the hallway. He made his way down, avoiding the urge to knock everything over, and peered into the dozens of doors that littered the hallway. Some led to bathrooms, others guest rooms, some were even just random storage or kitchens. Adam grimaced, this whole place could be about fifty rooms smaller if they just stopped repeating so many fucking rooms.
However, one room caught his eyes; a room that looked like a bar. Finally, maybe he’d be able to drink alcohol down here after all. The bar counter was empty, showing off the pristine marble that it was made of, with plush red stools stationed in front of it. Behind the counter was the main attraction; the drinks. He walked in, eyes glued to the shelves of various drinks – who knew there was this many kinds of alcohol? There were so many neat shelves that were illuminated from a light behind which highlighted the drinks and only made them look more like a God-send. The whole room was dim aside from the bar, which is where almost all of the light came from. 
Adam walked behind the bar and looked up at all the bottles, all different colors. He grabbed the one closest to him, the glass was cool to the touch. It was clear, showing off the light yellow liquid inside of it. Adam squinted at the label, the bigger words were foreign to him but above it in a smaller font read ‘tequila’. It sounded good enough and he fumbled with the top before realizing it was a screwed cap – like a water bottle cap. Adam frowned, did that mean it would be weak or that it was cheap? 
He shrugged, just meant he could drink more of it, right? He lifted it to his lips and took a sip before harshly pulling the bottle away. He coughed as the liquid burned his throat as it went down. Adam glared at the bottle, people drank this shit? How did people stomach this? He swallowed hard, if other bitches could do it so could he.
He lifted the bottle back to his lips and turned it up, allowing the liquid fire to flow into his mouth. Tears pricked Adams eyes and he squeezed them shut and continued to try and drink. He very quickly had to stop and slammed the clear bottle on the smooth marble. It felt like a hundred fire ants were biting the inside of his throat and all he could do was swallow repeatedly, trying desperately to get the feeling to go away. His mouth felt dry and he was faintly sweating, a few tears falling down his cheeks. Fuck. That really fucking hurt.
Adam could feel his thoughts growing a bit fuzzy but he wanted more – there had to be another drink that didn’t feel like swallowing lava. He grabbed a few more bottles of varying sizes and shapes, one of these had to be good. 
He drank so many different kinds of alcohol, every single one leaving his mouth dryer and rawer. The one good thing about his continuous drinking is his tongue started to grow numb and his mind was growing fuzzy – he was barely recognizing the burning pain the drinks left in his throat. Adam had no idea how much time had passed, all he knew was that his stomach was so full yet so empty. He was starving. Lucifer said there were still meals right? He fumbled with the bottle that was in his hands and half-assed putting on the cap. Since when was the room spinning? Probably Lucifer, the fucking prick.
Adam stumbled over to the door, the spinning room really fucked with his balance – it felt like he was on a ship in the harshest storm ever. Is this what Noah’s Arc felt like? Poor fuckers, this sucks ass. He slammed face-first into the doorway.
“Ow! Fucking bitch,” Adam hissed in pain, punching the doorway. The doorway fucking punched back and it hurt his fist.
“Oh, that’s how it’s gonna be, prick?” Adam kicked, his new hooves were much more effective at kicking than his previous feet. 
Once he felt the wall had learnt its lesson he continued through the hallway. He searched his swimming mind for the location of the dining room but was only met with the buzzing that occupied his brain. He used the wall to support himself as he took careful steps – he wasn’t fully used to his hooves and everything moving in every direction wasn’t helping. Adam miscalculated how far out he was stepping and tripped, crashing onto the floor.
“Urrghh,” he groaned and continued laying on the floor for a little bit longer before trying to get back up. Adam kept falling back to the harsh floor as he would lean too far forward or to the side when trying to stand. 
“Stoppp” Adam whined to the gravity that kept knocking him down, he swore it was increased. 
Laughter broke through his buzzing thoughts and he looked up to the source of it. Oh it was pretty boy – pretty fucking annoying boy! Ohoho, Adam was hilarious. He was so funny. He should say it out loud.
“You’re fucking annoyingly pretty,” He slurred before laughing. Nailed it. Lucifer looked so surprised, he was probably thinking how badly Adam had roasted his dumb ass. The king would probably never recover.
“That so?” Lucifer crouched down – or shrunk, Adam wasn’t sure – and was eye level with Adam as he propped himself up. Lucifer seemed to sniff the air – which didn’t make sense, he didn’t have a nose. Did he breathe through his skin like some fucking weird frog? – and his face scrunched up. 
“You reek of alcohol, did you get into my personal bar?” Lucifer sounded annoyed but not to the point of beating the shit out of Adam.
“Yeah, it all tastes like shit,” Adam groaned, continuing to try and stand once more.
“Did you drink it neat?” Lucifer yelped, looking surprised. “Oh my golly, no wonder it tasted bad, you drank it right out of the fucking bottle!” 
“How else do you drink it? Why put it in the bottle thing if not to just drink it?” Adam questioned but most of his focus was trying to stand up – he was making more progress.
Lucifer cringed, “okay, it seems like you need to be treated to a proper drink.” Was this fag asking him out on a date?
“I ain’t fucking gay, you- you- uhh gay.. Bitch,” Oh yeah, Adam was on a roll tonight – tonight? This morning? He didn’t know nor did he care.
Lucifer rolled his eyes, “whatever you say. We can do that tomorrow.” He looked over Adam, “have you eaten?”
“I was tryin’ but someone decided to live in a fucking maze,” He grumbled, finally standing on his hooves. Lucifer grew to his normal height. He was so small, could be crushed like a soda can. 
Lucifer stared at Adam, “okay so we are getting you something to eat and then getting you to bed.” Lucifer grabbed Adam’s wrist and started to drag him, causing Adam to stumble and trip over himself.
“Fuck, bitch! Stop goin’ so fast!” Adam complained, trying to keep up with Lucifer’s break neck speed.
“I’m just walking..?” Lucifer raised a brow before shaking his head, “whatever, fuck it.”
“What- Wo-o-oah! What the fuck?” Adam was suddenly much shorter. What the fuck did Lucifer do to him? He turned his head and was met with Lucifer’s really close face. He looked down and realized that no he had not shrunk, he was being held. By Lucifer. 
“How- why- Put me down!” Adam kicked his feet.
“Hold still would you?” Lucifer sighed, “I don’t feel like dealing with you drunkenly stumbling through my house.”
Lucifer carried Adam like he weighed nothing – despite being much taller and bigger – and carried him through the spinning hallways. How was Lucifer walking so smoothly? He probably did this to Adam. Fucking bitch.
“You broke me,” Adam growled. Lucifer looked at him as he continued to walk impossibly straight.
“You made everything spin, asshole. Stop it,” Adam slurred, his brows furrowed.
Lucifer laughed, “that’s not me, it’s called you're drunk off your ass.”
Adam grumbled and crossed his arms, huffing. This was so unfair, wasn’t alcohol supposed to be fun? Instead he felt fuzzy, like he couldn’t hold onto any thought that entered his mind. Adam looked up as Lucifer opened a door with magic and walked into the dining room.
“What time is it?” Adam asked, looking around.
“It's around lunch, I left earlier than I originally thought.”
“So hungry,” Adam mumbled, his stomach aching. It faintly reminded him of being stabbed. 
Lucifer dropped Adam on a chair, his back and legs colliding with the arms of the chair. “Oops,” Lucifer said in a bored tone as he walked over to his chair.
Adam twisted until his ass was properly in the chair, a dull ache blooming in his lower back and legs, “asshole.”
Lucifer ignored him and sat down, leaning his old-man cane against his chair before grabbing his fork and getting ready to neatly eat… Whatever the fuck was in front of him. It looked like a weird sandwich. He held the fork so delicately in his long, dark, slender fingers as he tilted it to the side, cutting into the sandwich and letting what looked like the yolk of an egg spill out.
Lucifer looked over at Adam and raised an eyebrow, “are you going to keep looking at me or are you going to eat?”
Adam blinked hard, “uh- obviously I’m going to eat, just– just curious as to what the fuck that is.”
“It’s a ham and egg croissant sandwich,” he answered as he stabbed into the small piece he had separated and lifted it to his thin lips. 
Adam shook his head, what the fuck was happening? Why was Lucifer less hard to look at? Must be the alcohol – anyways, he was hungry as shit. Ditching the utensils once more he grabbed the sandwich whole – like a normal person, who the fuck cuts up a sandwich? – and bit into it. It was pretty good, the ham and egg worked well together with the swirly bread. It was also juicy from the yolk. 
As Adam chewed, with his mouth closed this time, his hunger really started to set in. Holy fuck it felt like he hated eaten in forever. It took him no time to chomp the whole thing down, licking the plate and his lips clean.
“Someone’s hungry.”
“Damn right, you got any more of these?” He drooled at the thought of more food, it was so fucking good, not to mention the room spun not as fast so that was a plus.
With a simple snap of the shorter man’s fingers there was a whole ‘nother sandwich in front of Adam – which he quickly devoured as well. He ate another like, three or four of those sandwiches before stopping as his stomach was starting to become less welcoming to more food. He slouched down in his chair, hand on his full stomach. Despite his slouching, he could still clearly see Lucifer, who had just finished up eating his one sandwich. This man ate slow as fuck.
“Hopefully all that bread sobers you up, you haven’t stopped looking at me,” Lucifer said casually as he wiped his mouth with a napkin before magicking it away. 
Adam blinked hard. Had he been looking at Lucifer? Why? He was so ugly – well, Adam would usually say that. With the copious amount of alcohol he consumed, Lucifer looked at least decent to look at. Basically, Adam didn’t want to puke looking at the man. Even now he caught himself doing exactly what Lucifer said: staring. 
Obviously Adam was staring because he was looking for a moment to escape. Yeah. He was alert and looking for a way out of here and away from Lucifer’s freaky smile and swept back blonde hair and that stupid fucking suit he wore all the time. Not to mention that big ass hat with the mocking symbols of a snake and an apple.
Adam cleared his throat, “I wasn’t looking at you, I was more looking at how stupid you are.”
“Uhuh,” Lucifer squinted his eyes before speaking again, “anyways, you’re free to go back to your room. I suggest you get some sleep and get the hangover you will get over with faster.”
Adam grumbled something about ‘not being a fucking child’ before standing up and leaving, this time being able to walk and not trip over air – mostly. He walked down the hallways, up one of the thousands of staircases and finally found his room. He turned the knob and opened the door, promptly passing out – half way on the floor, half way on the bed.
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applejuicefruit · 1 year
i have a request! feel free to ignore if you don’t feel comfortable but i really love your angsts, you’re the best writing sad stories here
trigger warning : but can you write some very strong angst where kylian and reader met when she tried to k1ll herself? like maybe she was going to shoot herself or something (you can chose) and kylian saves her?
if you’re not comfortable it’s okay!! don’t worry! have a nice day!!
this was really hard to write but somehow i managed to write it
kylian mbappe x reader
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don’t read this if the topics in the description make you uncomfortable!
On the edge
The pain in your chest became unbearable to handle. Everytime you breathed you felt like the air couldn’t get through your lungs, your mind was spinning and you just wanted to end it all.
You were currently partying with your friends in one of the most exclusive club in Paris. It opened a few months ago and it was located in the highest skyscraper of the city.
“What a beautiful place to die” you thought.
You didn’t want to be there, no, but your friends dragged you out of your home and begged you to go with them. “Friends” or what you called friends were nothing but people who pretended to care about you. The signs of depression were clearly visible to anyone who talked to you, that was when you understood that they didn’t care. No one cared. Even if you asked for help, would someone care?
So that’s how you ended up in that situation. You, on the rooftop of the building, watching down the road. One jump and it would be over. The pain you were feeling. The anxiety. The depression. The constant fear of being rejected. Of being useless. You felt useless and you wanted everything to be over.
You looked down again, feeling the cold wind through your hair, making you shiver a little bit. The skirt and heels you were wearing weren’t it making simple for you, one false or wrong move and everything would be seriously over for you.
You stepped on the ledge of the rooftop, closing your eyes and letting the tears down on your face. You tried to block every sound coming from outside, the music from the dance floor, people laughing and cheering and you mentally cursed yourself, asking why couldn’t you be happy like them? Be normal like them? But no, you were this damaged girl and all you wanted was peace.
Tears kept running down your face while your eyes remained closed. You took a deep breath and took a step closer, too close to the edge. One jump. Just one jump.
But a voice came from behind you, trying to call you.
“Miss?” a man tried to call you but you tried to block him away.
Kylian got tired of staying in the club, everyone dancing around him. He enjoyed partying but in that moment he felt suffocating and he needed some air. So he went to the rooftop hoping people would leave him alone. He definitely didn’t expect to see a woman standing on the ledge of the rooftop ready to jump down. In that moment he froze, not knowing what to do. He knew that if he tried to call for help it might have been too late for you.
So he tried to take a few steps closer, ready to hold you in case you decided to come back down. He tried to call you but he couldn’t reach you, he knew you were able to hear him but you didn’t want to.
“Miss…” he whispered again, taking a few steps closer again to you.
“Don’t…” you said, your voice strained and your throat a bit sore.
“Miss…please come down…” he begged you. He was terrified. He had no idea of what to do or what to say. He never felt in such a position.
“Why?” you asked, not daring to look at him, still keeping your eyes shut.
“Don’t do this…people care for you…” he whispered again not knowing of what to say.
“No one does…it’s better if I end it all” you said sobbing.
“I bet that’s not true…” he took a few steps closer again.
“How do you know? You don’t even know me…just do me a favor and go back inside, it would be easier for the both of us” you said faking a sarcastic laugh.
“I’m not leaving you here…please, come down…” he begged once again, feeling a few tears fall from his eyes.
“Why do you care? You don’t know me” you asked him waiting for him to say how life is beautiful and worth to be live.
“It’s true I don’t know you…but I’m sure someone out there care for you, I care for you” he said and you could feel his honesty in his voice.
In that moment you turned your face to look at him and when your eyes met he could feel all the pain you were going through. He felt it just by looking into your eyes. He saw your expression, the sadness and the pain behind your eyes. All the wanted to do was to help you.
“Please miss…come down, I can help you” he said in all honey and you wanted to believe him but the pain was too strong.
You turned around once again ready to jump but Kylian moved faster than you and you felt his hands around your waist bringing you down.
“Why did you do it?” you asked him almost in a scream.
Kylian didn’t answer, he just held you close when you tried to break free from his hands. You felt one of his hand on the back of your neck keeping you close. You laid your head on you shoulder and began sobbing harder.
“You shouldn’t have done it…” you whispered.
“Shhh…it’s okay, you’re okay” he said not caring if in that moment you hated him, he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
“Just let me go please…” you sobbed again and he felt his heart breaking for you. He didn’t even know your name but somehow he felt connected with you. He really wanted to help you but he didn’t know how.
“Come home with me please…let me help you” he said but you were too tired to even fight so you simply said yes.
Once in his car he introduced himself, telling you that his name was Kylian and he was a football player. You told him that your name was y/n and that’s it. He was okay with that, at least he got your name.
When you got into his apartment you were speechless of how big it was. You thought he had to be very rich if he had a house like that.
He helped you sat on the couch and brought you a cup of tea.
“Here drink this…you’ll feel better” he said and you nodded.
After a few minutes you’ve spent in silence you decided to speak.
“Why are you doing this? You don’t even know me…” you asked him.
“I want to help you…I want to help you feel better, when-when I saw you standing there ready to jump down it felt like time stopped…nothing mattered anymore” he explained to you and you nodded.
“I just want it to be over…the pain, everything” you said and he gently smiled at you, almost in a comforting way, a way of telling you that he was there to help you.
“Why?” he simply asked.
“Because it hurts…it fucking hurts. No one cares. No one. And I’m all alone and I can’t do it, I really can’t” you cried again and he hugged you.
“If you let me, I wanna help you” he said honestly and you nodded.
“How?” you asked.
“You can spend the night here, take a shower and tomorrow we can talk about it okay?” you thought about his offer. Sleeping in a completely stranger house? Your mom would have scolded you for that but you thought you had nothing to lose. If he was a killer and he was going to kill you he would only do you a favor so you said yes.
“Perfect…I’ll set up the guest bedroom for you” he said leaving you for a few minutes alone.
Once everything was done he showed you the way and gave you some of his clothes so you could change.
You thanked him and went back to sleep.
That night Kylian didn’t sleep. He would check over you every hour scared that you might have done something irreparable. But he was relieved when he saw you awake in the morning, sitting on the couch once again.
You’ve spent hours and hours talking with him about your problems. For the first time you felt like you could trust him. He was there just listening to you and never judging you.
You didn’t know how but you trusted him like you’ve never trust anyone in your life before.
Maybe you were ready to start a new chapter of your life if he was by your side.
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haru-sen · 8 months
Through the Gates of Horn and Oak
Caught the BG3 Brain Rot AND a deep love of the tieflings, hithero referred to as "my cabbages!" No, seriously, I've been screaming about them like the guy from ATLA.
Anyway, WIP preview, playing with some Tav X Zevlor, which will eventually be some Zevlor X Halsin, and maybe some poly dynamics. Look, I just want to poke sad old men with a stick and then feed them cheese.
This preview has light spoilers for early Act I side quests. I have not beat the game, I'm still in Act 3, so please be mindful of spoilers. This is spicy but not explicit.
“How do you do it?” you grumbled, perched on a crate and resting your forehead on the cool stone table, your eyes closing as you reviewed your day. “From harpies, to bugbear assassins, to evil druid-controlled child-tormenting serpents, how do you keep these people alive? I mean, honestly, Zevlor, I’ve only been at it for like a day, and I’m exhausted.”
Zevlor, the tiefling-wrangler in question, gave a dry humorless laugh. “You assumed it was easy?”
“No,” you muttered. “I’m just gobsmacked by the sheer variety of ways they get into trouble. You have my deepest respect and my most heartfelt sympathies.” You stayed facedown while you spoke, which might have detracted from the authenticity of the delivery, but alas.
About a meter away, Tilses snorted. “Have you met Mol yet?”
“Have I met Mol?” you laughed, and it might have been a sob. “Have I met the future legendary patron of the Thieves Guild, you mean? Have I met a force of chaos constrained in a tiny tief package? Have I counted my purse half a dozen times today? Where do I even start?”
Zevlor groaned, clearly not interested in delving into that subject.
Tilses laughed. “You should have seen the time she-”
“Tilses, it’s getting late: you don’t have to stay,” Zevlor said.
“Tilses, it’s getting late: you’re dismissed.”
You didn’t need to use your illithid powers to read the subtext in the room. Small talk aside, Tilses didn’t want to leave Zevlor alone with an outsider. Zevlor, however, didn’t seem worried. It could be that he thought you were trustworthy, but it was more likely that he knew that it didn’t matter if she was here. If you decided to turn on him, her presence wouldn’t make a bit of difference.
You could picture his expression easily, that no-nonsense frown, accentuated by the severity of his hellfire eyes and sharp ridged bones. He wasn’t exactly scary, but he had a quiet dignified gravitas that you and Tilses lacked; the kind of man was used to being in charge. Still, Tilses wouldn’t argue, not with you here.
“Understood, sir.”
Military discipline was a hard habit to shake, or so you heard. You smiled as you as her steps faded in the distance and the stone door grinding open and shut. And then there were two.
“I don’t blame you for Mol,” you said. “Obviously, the circumstances are shaping that one, and it would take more resources than you, me, or the entire Grove has to alter her trajectory.”
Zevlor sighed. “...I don’t think I’m capable of discussing Mol’s future right now.” There came a soft grunt and you didn’t have to open your eyes to know that the tiefling was sitting on the table across from you, just a few handspans away. If you lifted your head, he would probably move away, so you stayed there, the slight dissonance of his aura making your ears ring. You didn’t mind though. Things that might have bothered you a week ago couldn’t really match up to a godsdamned mindflayer tadpole swimming through your brain.
Some tieflings possessed a discomforting presence, akin to knowing you were being stalked by an apex predator, or that feeling of something alien crawling across your skin, or that screaming gut instinct that warned you when truly dark magics were abound. It was an involuntary inheritance, a side effect of being part devil, or at least having their human bloodlines tainted by a Hellish pact. But you knew better than most that biology didn’t override character.
Zevlor was a striking model of an Asmodeus tiefling: deep red skin, sharp features, and a pair of thick black horns twisting out of his skull. From what you heard, that strain got well and truly screwed over by their progenitor devil lord’s plotting.
“Would you like something to drink?” A cork popped and there was the clink of metal cups sitting on the table.
“Is it poison?” you asked. “Because I’ve got some lovely wyvern poison of my own. No need to dip into your personal stores.”
“That would be a poor repayment for all the help you’ve given,” Zevlor said, his tone mild.
You didn’t think he was offended. Hard to say. He was difficult to read, unless you decided to use your illithid powers, but then- People didn’t like it when you did that. You didn’t always like it when you did that.
He poured the drinks, and you slowly raised your head, lured out by your own dry mouth.
Zevlor was standing now, he gestured to the uncorked bottle, which sat beside the cups in front of you, all of it available for your inspection.
“Ashaba Dusk?” you asked, sniffing the common wine.
“It’s not so bad,” he said.
It figured that he liked red wines. You wondered if he smoked a pipe too. “You seem like the type to prefer a Gulthmeran Reserve.” It was a dryer red, complex with stronger mineral taste. Something suited for the palate of a stoic older man.
Zevlor’s lips twitched. “Is that so?”
“Am I wrong?”
“I wouldn’t say “no” to a bottle. But finding one out here might prove difficult,” he said as you chose your cup, pretty certain that none of it was poisoned. After all, they still needed your help dealing with the goblins, defanging Kagha, and rescuing the Archdruid. Logic made rationalization easy, even though you had no logical reason to be here alone with this man.
The wine wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. You drank it though. Today had been long, and you weren't going to turn your nose up at his hospitality.
The two of you finished your cups and sat in an almost comfortable silence. Your shoulders lowered incrementally and you basked in his calm company. You were on your second round of refills before he spoke again. “Was there something you wished to discuss?” he asked, fixing that burning stare on you.
Your stomach flip-flopped, but you just raised your cup and took a drink, buying yourself a few seconds to compose your words. “Just enjoying the ambiance.”
His brow furrowed, and he looked around the cave, clearly trying to figure out what you were referring to. The air in the chamber was cool, there were a couple shelves lined with books, and the candlelight was warm and golden. There were no fleshpits, no bloodstains, and nothing was trying to kill you. Best of all, you could not hear Shadowheart and Lae’zel bickering. To be fair, Lae’zel sniped at everyone, but Shadowheart got so damn shrill about it.
“Look, my...friends are nice and all, but sometimes they’re a bit much,” you said. “I’m taking a break from being mediator.”
“Ah,” he said. He rested his chin in his hand, thoughtfully. “I can lend you the chamber. Would you like some privacy?”
You winced. “No, no, I’m enjoying the company too.”
“I see,” he said, brow furrowing momentarily. He refilled your cup, sitting on the edge of the table farthest from you.
You studied the map of Elturel on the desk, while sipping your unpoisoned wine. And then a thought occurred to you much too late. “Oh gods, I’m intruding, aren’t I?” you groaned. “Look, don’t feel obligated. I’ve found a ton of great hiding spots in the Grove. I can take a dip in the sacred pool. There are some very private corners in the library. Hell, I can even go camp out with Mol.”
“...Don’t do that,” Zevlor grimaced.
“You’re right. She absolutely doesn’t need access to wyvern poison. I’ll go sit with Dammon. Aside from the hammering and the smithing, he’s pretty quiet.”
You’re not intruding,” Zevlor said, forcefully. “My hosting skills are simply rusty. I...welcome the chance to practice.”
“Oh,” you said, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. It wasn’t a believable reason in the least, but it did seem that he wasn’t trying to shoo you out. At least, you felt more confident that you were not unwelcome.
Zevlor studied your face. “How do you find Dammon’s company?”
“He’s a good kid and so cheerful in the face of everything that’s happened. I’m impressed by his attitude and his skills,” you said. “He’s helping me keep my tiefling in good shape.” Karlach was a certified badass, but she still needed extra special care. Gods, now that you thought about it, tieflings were like exotic fish, it was a real struggle to keep them alive.
Zevlor nodded. “We’re lucky to have him.” He set the empty bottle down and looked over his shoulder at the worn down storage crates, clearly considering the state of his supplies. He was a lean man, and while the kids were small, it was clear that the adults weren’t letting them go hungry. He likely didn’t have a lot to spare.
“Oh! I’ve got a bottle of Ithbank in my pack – the good kind.” You quickly dug into your bag and pulled it out. You were considering trying to bribe Asterion with it, but honestly, he would probably just turn his nose up at the unimpressive offer. You rummaged around your supply pack and found some cheese wedges, ham, a loaf of sourdough bread, and the treasure you scored while exploring. Looking around furtively, you pulled a small ripe sunmelon out and winked. “I know everyone is eating apples, but I’m sick of things trying to poison me-”
“You’ve mentioned poison very frequently today. How often does this happen to you?” Zevlor asked, looking concerned.
“Well, just this week-” You tried to think back. “The bandits, the goblins, some traps, the swamp apples, Nettie-”
“The healer?” Zevlor sounded alarmed.
“Yeah, because of the whole parasite infection thing,” you muttered, the wine loosening your tongue. Only a select few knew that you were carrying mindflayer tadpoles, and he was one of them since you had to explain to him why you were able to just walk into the Absolute camp without raising the alarm. “Look, the point is, I’m put off apples for awhile.” You pulled out a clean food knife – not a dagger, people applied all sorts of deadly coatings to their weapons – and eyed the cheese.
Zevlor rose and brought over clean plates and more cutlery. There was an economy to his motions, a careful precision to everything, no wasted movement. No tells either. This man tried to keep his cards very close to his chest.
It was very different from the first time you met, when he was shouting orders and coming down from the post-battle fury and the loss of one of his charges. Rage uncoiled all those carefully suppressed feelings and destroyed self control: you understood that feeling all too well. The contrast was interesting, you liked watching him.
You made a nice little plate cubes of cheese and ham, slices of bread, and cut your half of the melon into long wedges. Zevlor made a neat sandwich and chopped his melon into bite-sized chunks. This time you poured the Ithbank while Zevlor watched.
He took a sip. “This is nice. Thank you,” he said quietly.
“It really is,” you smiled, biting into the melon and getting some down your chin. The flavor was honey sweet, the flesh luscious and crisp under your teeth. You happily licked your fingers, slurping down the juice. Fuck, these were so much better than apples, and absolutely worth fighting a bunch of bandits for.
When you looked up, Zevlor was staring down at the table.
“I’m being messy, aren't I?” you muttered, wiping your mouth off. The heady combination of too much wine, sweet melon, and the company was making you sloppy. “Sorry.”
“No, no, you’re fine,” Zevlor coughed and poured himself some more wine, averting his eyes. He carefully bit into his melon cubes. His tongue flicked out and he licked his lips, closing his eyes. “That is delicious,” he murmured, his voice a low rumble, his tail swishing behind him.
Satisfied that he was enjoying his fruit, you devoured your slices too quickly, eating them down to the rind. When you looked up, Zevlor was only half finished, clearly taking his time and really savoring the experience.
“These are better than apples,” he said, glancing down at your empty plate. He speared a chunk of melon and extended his fork. “I don’t know if I can finish all this though.”
A damned lie if you ever heard one, and between Wyll and Asterion, you heard a lot of creative truths. You took a swig of wine and met that burning gaze, your breath catching. “I’ll take a bite,” you said. “But you clearly aren’t eating enough. You really should take better care of yourself, Zevlor.”
You leaned forward, delicately took the melon between your teeth, and pulled it off the tines. You gave the utensil a light parting bite, never looking away from Zevlor’s face.
He swallowed audibly, but his hand did not shake and he did not draw back. He just watched you with narrowed eyes, his jaw clenched, those sharp nails digging into his palms, his tail snapping from side to side. That tension was familiar. You remembered a similar strained look back when he got into a confrontation with that asshole mercenary. Maybe you were pushing him too far.
“Have I offended you?” you asked a little sheepishly. You did just take his food from him while insinuating that he was bad at taking care of himself.
“No,” he said gruffly, his voice an octave lower. “But are you going to claim that you don’t know what you’re doing?”
You smiled, lowering your eyes in amusement. “I’m just enjoying the ambiance.”
Zevlor gave a low exhalation, those orange eyes burning intently as he regarded you. “The situation is difficult enough,” he said, his voice harsh. “Hells, teasing an old man is cruel.”
You blinked. “I’ve seen you fight, Zevlor. I’d hardly call you old.” You met his gaze. “And teasing is only cruel if one doesn’t intend to follow through.” You stood, the wine giving you a cocksure recklessness that you would not possess sober. You leaned over the table, nearly nose to nose with him, baring your teeth in a grin. “I’ll deal with Kagha tomorrow. We’ll figure out the goblins after that. And then, if you’re still interested, let’s do something about it.”
Zevlor stiffened, his eyes widening, his lips parting in shock.
You took a swig of the Ithbank, and slammed it down next to him, lifting one of those calloused hands to your lips. You brushed your mouth against the inside of his wrist and then caught his index finger between your teeth. You sucked it down to the knuckle, tasting the blended salt and sulfur of his skin and the sweet stickiness of the melon. The heat of the digit made you want more than this, but you had to be careful with those sharp nails.
Zevlor’s nostrils flared, those brimstone eyes burning as he gritted his teeth, your name a hoarse curse in his mouth.
“And if you’re not interested,” you said, lowering his hand gently. “That’s fine too. It’s entirely up to you. We can just blame the wine.”
And with that, you turned on your heel and left, before you did something really stupid. It didn’t matter though, the fire was already in your veins and the taste of him lingered on your tongue.
Fic posted on AO3 now.
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kitmoas · 1 year
Summary: How do you find your way to the light when you're under the rubble?
Genre Warnings: Mostly Angst, there is a smutty scene though SO 18+
Word Count: about 13k
ANGST warning: Fighting and Avenger work, and then verbal fights as well as, vague/brief mentions of Sexual Assault, Death, Suicide, and Self Harm
Smut Warnings: Mommy/Daddy kink, Puppy/Pup kink, strap on use (r and W receiving), strapwarming, a bit of humiliation, thigh riding, d/s power exchanges,
*as per usual lemme know if i missed anything important*
A/N: And this my loves, is the finale part of TGU S1 Finale. Hopefully it is everything that you guys wanted. Here's part one if you haven't read it! If there are any mistakes or anything, its cause i suck.
***Minors DNI** **Pay attention to the warnings tagged and only click the keep reading tab if you are okay with them and 18+*** ***18+ ONLY***
Training Grounds Master List
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Dropping a stack of papers on the table, the man sighs as he rubs his hand over his face. This wasn’t the conversation he wanted to have on everyone’s day off but the longer they wait the more difficult the situation will be to defuse. “This is serious now Wanda, don’t you understand that yet?” Steve just wanted her to agree, nod her head and let them help her figure something out. He didn’t want the young girl to ever be put in a situation where she may end up a public enemy again. 
Pouring a few fingers of whiskey, Tony’s nonchalant attitude would normally frustrate everyone but he is keeping the room calm at the moment. “It’s no longer a maybe, everyone can see the changes in you. It’s basically a flashing sign to the rest of the world that we’re losing control of a ticking time bomb.” His voice is already slurring a little, and you can tell that the surprise meeting took him by surprise but nothing would stop him from drinking in the moment. His family, the team, was falling apart in such a deep way and it was starting to affect him more than most understood. 
“I have it under control, I told you that.” Wanda was glaring at the table, practically refusing to look at anyone. She hated being surprised like this, it felt more like an interrogation or intervention more than a team meeting. 
“We can’t trust your judgment anymore, Maximoff.” Fury always has an air of authority to him, even to the witch who rarely interacted with him. She never liked him, for he had originally been part of the group that wanted to imprison her for her actions with Ultron. The man regardless demanded respect with each word he spoke, even gaining the brunette’s gaze. “Should have taken Hill’s word for it and kept you under lock and key from the moment we realized how dangerous you could end up.” The sarcastic jab was unprofessional, but he didn’t take it back instead staring directly at Wanda. 
Glaring at the head of her girlfriend, the witch tries to prompt her into doing something. “Seriously Nat, you’re going to just sit back and let them speak to me and about me like this?” She knew that the two were having issues, but at the end of the day she knew she would never let someone else berate the ginger like this. 
The widow shrugs, helplessly shaking her head as she finally looks up. “What do you want me to say? I told you that we couldn’t handle this alone, though personally I think this is out of their control at this point but at least we’re finally stepping out of trying to deal with it without help.” It’s almost a slap to the face, a decision that makes it seem almost helpless that the two have been together for almost a full decade at this point. 
Tony sets his glass down, a clank sharp enough to pull everyone’s attention. “Earth can’t handle another eruption, and right now the cherry bomb over there is the biggest one on the radar. It isn’t about sides, we protect and right now I’m not any of us know where this is actually going to end up.” 
“At this point I think you guys just want to lock me back up, throw away the key and leave me to rot. Would that make you guys feel better?” Wanda’s anger could be felt throughout the room, even though her entire body was calm and relaxed. 
The widow in the room speaks slowly, under her breath, but in the dead silence no one could have missed it. “Might make the rest of the world feel better.” Even when she realizes that she said it out loud, you could tell there was no regret. 
“Classy Romanoff, real classy.” Rolling his eyes, Tony downs the rest of his drink as he tries to keep calm. The entire domestic situation was getting out of control and he had a feeling that it would cause the future to be even more rocky if they stayed divided. 
Finally moving to show her emotions, Wanda’s hand slams against the table. A loud resounding smack makes everyone flinch, sparks of scarlett magic flying into the air. “Your problems with me aren’t the boys’ business, so why do you constantly want to air it out in front of others?” The death glare shot towards Natasha would send anyone else to their knees, begging for forgiveness but not the widow. 
The assassin was used to the witch’s outbursts, though they were more frequent when she was younger they haven’t changed one bit. Rolling her eyes at the tantrum that she knows is brewing, she just blankly stares back at Wanda. “When have you ever been against showing off to others? Don’t you love when others watch, you get off on it.” 
Seething, the Sokovian bares her teeth at her girlfriend; furious that this entire thing is always being turned on her. “You’re the one that left our last conversation.” 
A mocking laugh breaks up the heavy breathing, baited silence as everyone waits for them to finish. “I left? Me? Miss Houdini over here thinks that I left! That’s real entertainment.” 
Wanda’s rings scrape against the table, a screech that has the men in the room grimacing, as she exhaustedly sighs. “Walking out after someone tells you what Bishop told us is not okay Natalia. No matter what your reaction is, that is not it.” 
“Get over that night, everyone else did.” A note of silence plants a seed of doubt, watered quickly from the diverted gazes and quiet throat clearing. “Didn’t they?” 
“You got over it. You put a fake bandaid over it. The gifts…I heard they were nice, and of course the suit we made turned out great but…even I know that gifts can only go so far.” Tony sort of shrugs, an attempt to not piss off the ginger. 
A loud scoff interrupts him, the witch stranding quickly as her chair falls behind her. Pushing into the widow’s personal space, Wanda leans down into her face. Her hands land on the armrests, blocking her partner from being able to get up. “Get it through your thick skull Romanoff, the world doesn’t just fall to their knees because you decide that you are ready to move on.” 
It’s silent for a long time, the two women glaring at one another with neither willing to budge. No one really wanted to interrupt, stupidly  hoping that one of them would give up, be willing to nudge at at least a little. When the staring contest goes on for almost ten minutes, the other men all look to one person to try and break it apart. “Even though this fight is incredibly sexy, a real treat ladies. This isn’t what we came to talk about.” Even as Steve and Nick sigh, cringing when they realize how Tony decided to ease tension, everyone is relieved when the two women finally separate. 
Straightening his posture, a very uncomfortable Steve clears his throat. “Yes, we need a game plan for whenever this…prophecy is fulfilled.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes, her face slowly becoming stoic as her mask falls into place. Deliberately ignoring Natasha when a noise of concern falls from her pursed lips, the witch turns to to the captain swiftly. “Here’s the plan Star Spangled Banner, I go away. That’s all. You won’t have to worry about me when I am gone, and I don’t need anyone to even be concerned with me.”
Before anyone can even reply, or try to stop her, the brunette disappears only leaving behind a puff of crimson. 
A hand tugs you back, and you almost chastise the blonde but she’s shushing you and pointing to the four men walking the path below you two. Floating above a balcony, you lower the two of you to a ceiling beam to try and help conceal your position. It’s mostly dark, just a few dim lights flickering. Thankful for your new technology, and watching as Yelena slips on her green goggles, the two of you take your time to scan the area. You know that this entire situation is no longer an offensive, a recovery mission on one of the highest protocols as not only a huge group of civilians but two of the most prominent heroes are incapacitated. 
Echoes of taunts and muffled whimpers reach the two of you, analyzing the possible route around becomes a breeze as you blink through the purple arrows showing you the best way. When the two of you hear an agonized scream it doesn’t take much more for you to drop down, ambushing the masked men below you. Working together you and the blonde almost move as if you are one, your connection truly shining through fighting for the first time. Even as you move farther into the building, separating as needed, it’s almost like you share the same brain. 
With each move you decide to make, your confidence never wavers as the comforting vibration of crimson mist moves along your body. Besides trying it on during the holidays, you had never worn the suit and the way it works with you is mind blowing. Any time you came face to face with one of the masked men it was like the suit knew what to do, the perfect weapon materializing out of chaos into your hand. 
Maroon blades and arrows glitching from their spots where they stick out of those you leave in your wake, anger from knowing they hurt people you loved making you not second guess your actions. Never running out of weapons coming in handy as the two of you work your way through the huge bank, before finally coming to a meeting point right in front of the main lobby. You take a moment to breathe as you sneak through the last hallway, assessing the situation, and realizing that Wanda made sure that no one could ever track you for everything you leave with them disappears. 
Yelena finally settles next to you, working on a small phone as she works to hack into the building’s alarm and security system. “The witch did good on your suit.” 
Nodding silently, you stand next to her with a shield of scarlet curving around the two of you as you focus on the small screen. “This is Katie’s code.” Your voice is hushed, though excited when you realize that you should be able to figure it out easily enough. “I recognize it from when I hang out at work with her. I think..if you switch the last two things and just rework that fourth line then it should work perfectly.” 
The blonde rolls her eyes at you, doing what you suggest and chuckling as it works perfectly. She easily begins to work through the system, setting up different triggers. “You know, I am shocked that you remember anything from your time at her company as you drool so much over her.” 
She interrupts you before you can chastise her, nodding as she slips the phone back into a pocket somewhere. Making note to giggle at her later, you let the mask show you where to go as the two of you scale the ceiling. The list of how many civilians to save growing with each second you crawl around, the center of the floor finally coming into view. You can see the faint purple electric forcefield first before the mess of people inside, the mask zooms in on the huddle for you. 
Almost immediately you divert your eyes, unable to fully see two of your favorite people in such a position. Instead you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for a fight of your life. You could recognize how outnumbered you were, especially with so many of the men in the middle of the floor. They were all heavily armed, and you knew that the two of you were already exhausted after taking so many people down alone. Unsure of how good the group of men were at wielding their overpowered weapons made this mission a bit more difficult, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle or so you were telling yourself that. 
Slowly your eyes slip shut, the blinking lights and distant screams overwhelming you. It wasn’t something you were used to, and you knew that it was something you would need to train to be better equipped to handle. You never thought when you got this suit a few months back for Christmas that it would be used this quick. 
You knew you didn’t have time to be scared, not a single moment to work through the fear that was starting to completely take over your system. It was no longer an option, not that it was one in the first place, instead you had to dig deep. Finding that little girl in you that desperately just wanted to save people, the one that would have grown up to be an agent if not for that tragic night. Maybe you weren’t focused on saving every single person in the bank, and maybe that was incredibly selfish, but thinking about letting two of the most important people in your life slip between your fingers was all it took for you to step off the beam. 
Eyes closing as you feel your body fly through the air, trusting the way the crimson mist moves along your skin and holds you so tenderly.  You can hear shouts and screams, people rushing around below you, but even as things go soaring past you the suit almost makes you feel like time is slowed down. Giving you energy and focus, you can hear the way the witch would speak to you. Encouragement and love filling each thought, leaking into your body and filling you with a confidence that can only come from someone as powerful as her believing wholeheartedly in you. 
Landing in the middle of the room should have scared you but truthfully you knew in the back of your mind, and at the center of your heart, that anything Wanda would ever give you would never allow you to be hurt. The mask covered your eyes, but it didn’t matter as your vision was just a huge screen of red and purple static, almost as if it was a glitching computer screen. 
All your senses, all of your nerves, your entire being filled with a warm radiating chaos all flooding from the gleaming mark along your ribs. The fight was no longer just yours, but you knew that your favorite witch was there too. Standing tall in the middle of a shocked group of people, your vision cleared and your goal was in sight.
You knew the moment that you came home that everything would explode. After pushing the suit to its limit, you had barely been able to teleport the four of you to the penthouse before passing out.  Happy that you were able to at the very least keep everyone safe, your body just wasn’t used to that amount of magic surging through your veins. 
Yelena had called upon her own people, a favor to get all of you back to Avengers campus. The two young heroes were immediately taken to medical, and you were brought to Kate’s room to rest. The doctors cleared you quickly, stating you just were exhausted and needed a good nap. Enlisting your best friend to make sure that for the next day or so, you would stay hydrated and fed; true rest. 
She as per usual took her orders seriously and monitored you closely as you slept, dreading the next unspoken part of her job; calling your two rage filled owners. The younger sister knew that she was practically dousing the flames with gasoline the longer that she procrastinated calling them, but even she was scared of them sometimes. 
By the time that they were called, you were happily walking around and feeling completely better but you knew that it was only a matter of time before the two showed up. Unsure of exactly how they would react, you decided to just try to prep for anything. Anger and intense fear was for sure, but you knew that even though the rules weren’t explicitly written out that you broke many. The suit wasn’t made for you to become a hero, or an agent. 
While you and Yelena were playing a casual round of Town of Salem, the door slammed open. Crimson magic practically crushing the metal, looming silhouettes of the two women scary even from a distance.  
It was the angry voice of the widow that breaks the volatile silence. “What do you mean you took her out on a mission?” It’s demeaning and directed at her younger sister, lunging towards her before stopping herself short. 
Wanda takes her time to walk towards you, her face void of any emotion as she scans your body. She takes her time to formulate a sentence, letting the two siblings squabble behind her as she takes the blonde’s spot next to you. Finally reaching out, she tangles her fingers with yours and the anger fueled fear shines through her emerald eyes. “That was for extreme emergencies only Detka, not for you to go out and find trouble!”  
You sigh, knowing that you were going to have to defend why you went with the white widow. “This was an emergency and look at me, I’m completely fine!” Gesturing to your body, you try to point out that you only have just a few small cuts and bruises. The suit that the witch had made you was extremely effective at protecting you from any harm.
Natasha’s head pops up, quickly scanning your body. Even though she can easily determine that you aren’t hurt, she still angrily flails her hand in your direction. “Yeah, you are but you could have not been. You should have never gone to get her Yelena, ever.” Shoving her sister to the ground, she looms over her and snarls whenever she tries to get up. 
Flopping dramatically back, rolling her eyes up at her older sister Yelena sighs. “Oh cool, am glad you seem so worried about my heath and safe being.” 
Kicking her side, huffing as Natasha watches the blonde roll uselessly around on the ground. “You are trained for this, you are THE white widow.” The ginger glares down at the girl when she laughs. 
“Kate Bishop is Hawkeye and Peter Parker is Spiderman. All trained and made for this job as well, and you see that they needed help.” The younger widow’s wiseacre tone just further pisses off her sister, but she can’t help but push her buttons. She knows you’re safe, that everyone is safe, and that’s all that matters. 
Nodding along, you perk up at your best friend standing up for you. “Don’t forget that in all technicality I have been trained to do this! Do you forget who I was raised by?” Cringing internally at the fact you brought up your lineage, the field that you were destined to be part of. 
Wanda sighs, knowing that you weren’t going to budge with Natasha’s angry outbursts. Cupping your chin, she gently turns your face to her. The soft emotional storm shaking the forest in her eyes makes you whimper, a small noise that falls from your lips involuntarily. “You may have been raised by them little one, but we all know you didn’t care for or want the lifestyle.” Even though she sounds much more gentle and loving, it still pisses you off. 
“That isn’t fair! I may not like the lifestyle but we all know I am damn good at it. It’s in my blood. S.H.I.E.L.D has been begging me to join the rankings since I could basically walk.” Natasha opens her mouth to interrupt you but you barrel on, despite cringing at the thought of being disrespectful. “I was born to do this and while I may not enjoy it, or have the will to do it daily, if it means saving or aiding any of you then you damn well know that I am going to don the suit and do whatever I need to.” 
Yelena is pushing her sister’s foot off of her, sitting up excitedly. “You should have seen her out there, you two need to set your fear aside and know that your little princess is amazing in the field. She knows what to do and honestly if she ever did want to join the agency, I would jump at having her as a partner.” 
Rolling your eyes, you reach down to shove the blonde. Knowing she’s just trying to take the heat off of you, a sigh leaves your lips because you can’t truly be angry at her. No regrets from going to save the two Younger Avenger captains, and nothing could change that; not even the two older women glaring down at you. If you ever did step foot in the field, you know that you would be more than thrilled to be partners with your best friend. 
Natasha shoves her way in between the two of you, stubborn as usual. The widow refused to budge on her way of speaking about the situation, anger completely over taking her entire mind. “I don’t care how amazing she was, and I know she was amazing. Personally I never wanted that suit to be anything but a defensive thing. It was never meant to go out into the field, nor was it ever meant for you to go wild and perform a retrieval mission.” 
You almost choke as you prepare yourself to do what you know needs to be done. Knowing that if anyone else says anything that neither of the older women would settle, the responsibility falls to you. Having spent the last almost five years obeying them almost completely you knew that this act would feel weird, never one to push back in this way. “Kate needed me. Peter needed me. They needed saving and obviously no one else was going to go, for whatever reason it fell to me and Yelena. We stepped up and saved them, and that’s all that should matter. No one else was harmed and we walked away safe. I have no plans to make a habit out of this before you ask. This isn’t something that I want to do a lot. Just drop this argument because at this point, I think we all need to realize that our emotions and feelings are being entirely redirected. I don’t know or understand what is happening, and it is frustrating as hell but I need everyone to figure themselves out.” 
Yelena’s eyes widen, never once hearing you stand up to the older women. A small smirk pulls at her lips as she watches her sister and the all knowing witch stumble back, jaws slack as they stare at you. She felt relief, hoping that this would be the beginning of the end of this entire situation. The blonde desperately wanted everything to progress and settle down, the tension was too much for her to deal with. 
“I’m going to go be with them while they wake up. I’m sorry for yelling and interrupting but I just need you guys to understand where I stand. This entire thing, whatever it is, is affecting us too. I’m not sure exactly what is going on with you two, but I’m not stupid. I will see you guys later.” You have to force yourself to immediately stand, storming out of the room before you looked into their eyes.
The white widow watches as you walk out of the room, chuckling silently before turning to see the other two struggling to mask their emotions. Wanda seemed to just be angry, eyes wet as she breathed deeply. Flickers of crimson could be seen sparking in the forest of her eyes, her nose twitching as she struggles to control herself. Natasha on the other hand almost drains of all humanity, her face pale and her eyes dim. It’s almost like the words and the venomous tone strikes her directly in the heart and she was losing all ability to live. The youngest wants to say something but she isn’t sure it would help, so instead she just shrugs sympathetically and follows you.
The gentle beeping is soothing as you stare out the window. Having spent the past few days in this room, you had your favorite spot and you knew the best times to see the best views. 
“You don’t have to hang out with me every day, you know.” Kate’s sleep filled voice catches your attention immediately. She’s pushing herself to sit up, rubbing at her eyes. She looks so young in the hospital gown, and it makes you aggressively protective over her. 
Sitting in the spot where she’s patting at, you take her hand when she reaches out for you. Kissing her cheek softly, you make sure to not move too quickly as you watch her reactions carefully. “Silly girl, I’ll always be at your side.” 
Her head falls back, an exasperated huff leaving her lips as she stares up at the ceiling. Flopping her arm, IV rattling about awkwardly, as she grunts annoyed. “I’m just here for one more day. Stark feels horrible and I think he’s just overeating at this point. Having the nurses keep us in this prison longer than necessary.” 
“I agree with him, I think you should stay here until your body is allll better.” You lean in giving her a gentle kiss on different parts of her face, scratches and stitches. 
Kate hums, a content sound as she lets her eyes slip closed. Basking in the love you give her, she tries her hardest to ignore the faces that she sees with her eyes shut. 
Reaching up, you cup her face and use your thumbs to smooth the worry between her eyebrows. “I’m here Kate, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” It didn’t take much more for the archer to break down, shoving her face into your palm as sobs shake her body. 
The two of you sit, curled up together now, unsure of how long the brunette cries into your neck. A sound that breaks your heart, but it needs to happen. 
Her voice is broken, scratching at her throat as she forces herself to speak the thoughts screaming inside of her brain. “I froze, in the moment that I needed to be the most brave I froze. Peter was behind me, screaming as his body shut down and I froze mid air. What kind of hero am I if I can’t even save my best friend?” 
“It’s not good, you’re right, but do you really think that he’s going to blame you? It didn’t get close enough but I don’t think you would have let him die.” The girl always begged you to rationalize the thoughts in her head, to help her see the real side of things when she no longer could but it hurt every single time to do it. “Things happen, my love, it doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad hero.” “You say that because you have faith in me, but seeing their faces again and hearing them talk to me like that…It..I felt like a little girl again. I didn’t feel like this trained archer or skilled fighter. I felt like I did whenever they walked into my bedroom.” She’s shoving at you, hands coming up to grip her head and shoving her the heels of her hands into her eyes. It’s almost like she is trying to shove the images out of her mind, but no matter how hard she pushes it never works. 
“Kate—“ You can’t even get a full sentence out, barely even her name, before she’s cutting you off. 
Her eyes are wide, red rimmed and filled with hot angry tears that almost seem painful to stop. “I couldn’t even stop them! I couldn’t even raise a hand to them or beg for them to stop. It almost felt… like a relief. Normalcy almost leaking into my body and I hate myself for it. I don’t even think I cared that it happened again. All the shit I talked about how I was so angry about it, and that I would hit them even kill them now. What good did it do if I just let it happen? I..just let it happen.” Kate deflates in on herself, almost like someone poked a hole and her rage leaked out of her. Staring blankly at the wall, zoning out, the girl just sits there. 
You gulp down your own emotions, a strong urge to puke or burn the entire world down. It isn’t what needs to happen and you know that you need to tread lightly, letting the archer talk as she needs. 
She doesn’t say anything, and when you open your mouth to try and fill the air nothing comes out. Instead you sit there, both of you, the sound of beeping the only thing that could be heard. It wasn’t awkward, or tense, but it made you want to cry either way. Her heavy head falling onto your shoulder, comforts the both of you, as thoughts fill the air. 
“I want to forget it or at least act like it didn’t happen.” Her voice is small, hesitant and a little strained as she tries to understand her own emotions. 
You immediately want to shut it down, knowing that she’s just going to internalize this again and it will ruin her mind. Trying to be gentle about your worries, you rub your thumb over her covered arm and try to look into her eyes. “Kate..is that really the best thing?” 
She refuses to meet your gaze, shrugging a bit helplessly. “No. I know it isn’t but that’s the issue. It’s not the best thing, but it’s the thing that will get me to survive this. I don’t want to break right now. I don’t ever want to break but I think my mind needs a minute to deal with everything by itself. I need a minute to not let this ruin everything. The world is bigger than those two, especially now.” 
Your heart stutters, dropping into your stomach. Nothing you did that day you regret, and you’re actually deep down proud of what you did to them, but taking lives isn’t something you ever thought you would have done. You did what you needed to, and you know that if you hadn’t that Peter would be dead right now. You aren’t sure what all would have happened to your girlfriend, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. Nodding, you leave a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
Her ocean eyes, filled with violent whirlpools and crashing waves, finally meet yours. “Please, just do this for me. Just for now. I’ll think about it, work on it, when everything feels less crumbly.” 
Finally you force a smile, cringing internally when she gives you a look. “Okay. I promise. Once everything else feels less crumbly, then we will work on this. We will work at your pace and I will make sure that everyone else does, as long as you can promise the same for me.” 
You see her go to argue that, but immediately snaps her jaw closed. Kate sighs and just nods her head slowly, “Fine we both agree.” A beat of silence before she’s pushing herself up. “Can..we talk about the other thing, so that we can think of something else. Something that maybe we can fix.” After you give her a look to continue she shakes her body as she tries to get her thoughts into order. 
The archer is glaring at the white blankets, rolling the scratchy plastic band around her wrist. “First…I don’t want to tell them what happened exactly. Natasha already reacted badly to the first time, I don’t want to cause anything else to happen like that. I don’t want to break the dynamic any more.” 
“Baby, I don’t think that is on you or your story. I think something else is going on, with both of them.” She gives you a curious look, but it just leaves you shrugging. “Honestly, I’m not sure. They haven’t told me anything either and it’s getting really frustrating.” 
“So, how do we fix it?” Kate’s voice is small and it makes you practically growl, annoyance and anger building in your body. 
“I’ll deal with it. I think I know how to get them to break.” She looks at you, wanting to complain that she doesn’t want you to do it alone but the look of determination on your face is a sign that you weren’t going to back down. 
“We can’t keep fighting.” The two were sitting across from each other, staring one another down as they met up to try and figure out how to fix the situation that they found themselves in. Natasha was unable to mask her anxiety, almost immediately trying to talk her partner out of fighting. 
A sharp nod, and a slightly sarcastic eye roll, confirms Wanda’s agreement. “Finally something we agree on.”  
The ginger is so frantic that she doesn’t even call the younger girl out on her attitude. “I’ve never seen her like that. Ever. Not even when we were leaving.” 
“Can we stop talking around what we need to do, please Natialia. It’s exhausting and at this point we’re both on the verge of losing everything. It’s been days, we can’t keep pushing everything off. Not everything is going to wait until you’re ready.” The Sokovian pinches her nose, trying to fight off the pending headache as she thinks about the next fight that she would endure. 
Sneering, Nat barely jabs back before deciding that it isn’t worth it right now to continue. “Sorry, your majesty. What exactly is it that you think we need to do? At this point I think we’ve gone past casually talking about it, haven’t we?” 
It’s almost like Wanda gives up, hands flopping uselessly to her sides as she just pleadingly looks at the other woman. “Why are you so angry? What about this entire thing is making you angry? Hmm? I just wanted you to let Kate in, that’s it. She opened up to us for the first time and you shut down. I understand you were scared of your reaction but Nat… you just have to deal with that.” 
“I’m angry at those guys. I’m angry at the fact that for four years that giggly silly girl was crushed every single day, her innocence and happiness ripped away from her like it was nothing. I’m angry because..I broke my own rules and now I have to deal with the aftermath.” The widow is gaping at Wanda as if she’s surprised she isn’t reacting this way. She doesn’t really understand how someone can act so calmly when it comes to the situation. 
The brunette pushes the subject just a bit more, nervous that the more she broaches the topic the faster the other one will shut down. “You don’t know it’ll turn out badly. Why are you thinking negatively? It’s just causing more issues.” 
“Are you not? If you didn’t have a bad feeling about everything, then why are you still hiding? When are you going to tell your precious detka how you truly feel?” Natasha laughs, a mocking sassy sound as she lets her eyes slip closed. She knew that Wanda was terrified but she was tired of being told that she was the only one scared of the outcome. 
“What does that mean?” Your quiet voice breaks the quiet sounds of the ginger’s laugh dying out, and it causes the two to spin around to look at you with doe eyed looks. 
“Oh, Makyshka. When did you get here?” The two share a panicked look, a dash of shame and guilt. 
Rubbing at your arms, you try to recoil into yourself as you realize that you were being impolite by listening to a conversation that you know was not meant for you. “I heard Daddy yelling, I’m sorry for eavesdropping but I just.. Please tell me what’s going on.”  
“Девочка, please..” Natasha tries to plead with you, but you’re past listening and being a quiet thing. 
You know she’s shocked when you interrupt her, but you have to keep your confidence and push on. “No, you guys always say that you’ll tell me when you’re ready but I’m ready. Doesn’t that matter? It’s been months like this. Months of tense situations that I don’t know how to defuse.” You know that you’re being unfair as you stare at them with your best pleading eyes, your body almost bending in on itself as you can feel the urge to kneel for them; your posture training pushing you into the best place to beg for something. 
Wanda speaks up, trying to ease your tension and your anxiety. She knew that it was getting frustrating, and that with everything going on you have been getting more impatient than ever. “Of course it matters Little One, we’re just trying to figure out our thoughts and feelings. We just want to be able to come to you when it’s all figured out.” 
“No. Okay. No. Delta, Red.” The two words feel foreign falling from your lips, something that you never took lightly. You knew that the two of them hadn’t heard you hard safe word in years, the three of you truly melding together so well that slowing down and having amazing aftercare helped any situation that any of you felt unsure about.  
The two freeze, the words sinking in as they stare at you. You haven’t used your safe word recently, especially not in a situation like this. This isn’t the normal break in conversation, but instead it’s tense and it’s almost like you paused a movie right at the climax. 
You’re shaking your head, jaw tense as you try to gather your emotions. This isn’t something you think you should go into irrationally, but it’s hard to keep control of everything when you don’t even know what you’re trying to control. “I can’t keep doing this on your schedule. Okay? This isn’t something that can just take a year or more. It’s tearing us apart and I can’t be the one that saves us, so talk. Talk or I’m walking out of here because I can’t handle this, and for once it’s going to be me who needs that break.” 
The silence screams out between the three of them, and you can feel your heart start racing. You never actually wanted to walk out, never wanted to take a break but you would if you had to. The stress of this situation, becoming the keeper of the dynamic, was all too much for you and you needed a solution. Leaving wasn’t your first choice but it was an option, and you would take it if you had to. 
It’s Natasha who speaks up, finally breaking the silence after what seems like an hour. You can tell she’s hesitant, and trying to prompt the witch into saying something but you no longer cared to be patient. “It’s complicated, detka, and we don’t want to say anything that we would regret. The situation can be really sensitive if we do things too early, or put things into existence that maybe we don’t actually feel. We just want to understand the things going on in our head before we start putting id–” 
“I love you Мой красивый ангел.” 
You freeze, watching the ginger’s eyes widen before both of you slowly turn to Wanda. The witch is staring determinedly at the floor, tugging at a stray string on the blanket. Her emerald eyes are distant, almost foggy as she avoids the two of you. It’s the first time that you’ve seen her like this, even the day that she left for her mission she wasn’t this nervous. It was more sad, and maybe a little panic the night before but nothing like this. 
Natasha gulps and for the first time in years the older widow sees the eighteen year old that sat in the back of the quinjet after the fight in Sokovia. The widow remembers it distinctly, watching the young girl protectively sit next to her brother’s body the entire flight to America. Steve had wanted to at the very least put him below deck so that she didn’t have to stare at him, unconcerned about anyone but Wanda’s feelings, but the young girl had growled out a sob every time anyone else even got close to him. 
It had been years since the witch showed such vulnerability, the mask she came to love left her stoic and in charge. She had felt lost and completely spiraling after her brother’s passing, and she had vowed to never be that again. While it was a fight for a bit, Wanda had quickly mastered that and no one ever saw her truly and transparently real. 
“I..I know you do..you always tell me th–” You were cut up, but it was probably for the better. The ability to form sentences was hard as your brain began to short circuit, really not understanding what was going on.  
Wanda sighs, fingers wiggling before she forms a fist. She’s trying to dig her nails into her palm, to calm herself as she prepares for rejection. “No, I love you. I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a really long time now and just ignored it because that’s not what you needed from me. It isn’t even what you need from me now, but after a year away from you my ability to hide it got worse. I know that you are with Kate, and I know that you two are dating but I just don’t think I can hide it effectively from you anymore. I don’t want this to change anything but if you’re not comfortable with this anymore then we can deal with that, find a solution even if that means me leaving.” 
Nodding, you take your time to absorb the information you just learned. It wasn’t something that necessarily surprised you. You had always dreamed of this day, a thing that you always thought was just slightly out of reach. The idea of someone like Wanda being in love with you was insane to you, this all powerful witch wanting to love a struggling college student. Unsure of what to say, you decide against saying anything. Instead you walk over to her on shaky legs, vision blurry and reach out to her. Taking her hand you lay it against your ribcage, the mark blazing beneath her touch. Uncertain forest eyes raise to meet yours, and your heart cracks a bit at the tears building. The bright red rim almost like a dam wall, refusing to break and let the flood of tears flow. 
What you don’t see is Natasha, awkward at her core, looking away so she doesn’t intrude. She lets her gaze settle on a few bunnies outside, playing before a flash of dark purple catches in her peripheral vision. There in the doorway stands a frozen, wide eyed Kate in a baggy sweat suit and bandages all over. A small twitch of the widow’s finger and the archer is silently crossing the room, just barely interrupting the scene in front of her before settling next to the ginger. 
It takes a moment, even after the archer enters the room, for the two of you to finally break apart. Your eyes immediately search for the only deep water that you find solace in, a fleeting moment between you all you need to comfortably dig yourself into Wanda’s side. Stretching out to get comfy, your feet end up in Kate’s lap and it almost feels like once again you are the bridge but it doesn’t feel horrible for the moment. 
The four of you sit in silence, all of you thinking and looking around avoiding gazes. It’s a beautiful day, a light snow is coming down even though it’s well into spring at this point. Irony in the weather matches the feeling inside the room. 
Kate is squirming as she finally breaks the silence, awkwardly spilling out her words quickly. “I’m sorry that I had to be saved last week. I shouldn’t have frozen like that. I could have taken them both out without any help, and I shouldn’t have gotten so cocky and vengeful.” 
The archer’s apology hangs in the air for a moment, an unspoken conversation happening between the older women before Wanda steps up and tries to calm the younger Avenger’s fears. “Malý kríženec, that wasn’t your fault. We’ve all had moments like that. I know it isn’t something that you want to hear, but as heroes we are in theory going to lose many more times than others. It’s about how we get back up and put ourselves back into the game.” 
Stubborn as usual, you watch your girlfriend shake her head aggressively. Refusing to believe it wasn’t her fault, she tries to argue the perfectly logical answer. “I caused issues and I know that, especially when I called Yelena. I don’t even know why I called her and I definitely didn’t know that she was going to go get back up, but it wasn’t my intention. I just panicked and I didn’t want to bother anyone, and she had told me she wasn’t doing anything. I think I just barely mumbled her name and the suit just took it upon itself to call her. I didn’t want her to bring anyone else, I promise.” 
You have to finally sit up a little, interrupting her anxiety filled ramble. “Once again, I can handle myself. I think I did just fine.” You know they mean the best, but you need them to realize that you can fight and do what is needed when you are called upon. 
Feeling Wanda physically sigh, before she’s tilting your head up to look at her. She has a forced smile on her face and you know that she’s trying to reign in her own emotions. “You did, but you’re our precious little thing and while we know you can tough it out with the best of us…we don’t want you to have to. “ The witch slowly moves your head to nod, a knowing look as she watches puff out your cheeks defiantly. 
The clock ticking, as the four of you go quiet grates your nerves but you know that there is something else going on. You aren’t sure what but you know that the tension between Wanda and Natasha still isn’t gone. 
“Can I ask…what I interrupted?” Your girlfriend’s voice is small, wary of overstepping. 
You look at Wanda, letting her decide when she would tell Kate. She’s not even looking at you though, glaring at a light’s reflection on the ground. It’s almost like you can see each brick of the wall the brunette is building, a protective barrier as she attempts to guard herself from the inevitable. 
It’s Natasha clearing her throat that makes the witch’s head snap up, glaring at the redhead. The assassin raises her eyebrow, a challenge between the two. You are looking out the window naively at the point, having grown bored of the silence. 
“This isn’t something that I want to cause any changes between us, and at the end of the day nothing has to happen.” Everyone’s eyes shift to look at the witch, but hers are shut as she keeps her head down. “I know that technically we opened our dynamic to you, not the other way around, and that it doesn’t mean you are open to anything else. I just…” 
You can almost see the chaos sparking off of her as she starts panicking, and you can see Kate sit up straighter. It’s the first time in a very long time that she’s starting to lose control, and you know that you have to do something, to settle the emotions within her. It’s simple, your hand on hers, but effective as her muscles start to relax. Everyone else in the room almost breathes a sigh of relief but not you, breath stuck in your throat as you wait for the witch to say what she needed to in front of the archer. 
It takes a few minutes for her to start speaking again, but when she does it’s rushed and the accent that she works so hard to conceal comes back in full force. “I love hračka. It isn’t the normal love that I think everyone always thought I had for them, but I’m in love with them. I know your relationship isn’t technically open, and I’m sorry that this is a thing that is even happening. I know that I broke multiple boundaries and at this point it is completely up to you two what you want.” 
Finally Wanda looks up, eye flickering between the two of you but ultimately lands on Kate. The archer almost zones out, a blank look on her face before she starts laughing. It’s light and it makes you roll your eyes, the girl can only stay serious for so long. “Wanda, I know.” 
The look of bewilderment on the witch’s face makes the rest of you break out in laughter as well, she’s stuttering and just speechless. “Look, you can’t look at someone like you look at them and not be in love with them.” Kate finally stops laughing, a soft smile on her face as she reaches out to poke playfully at the witch. “I for a long time would watch the way you talk to her, and look at her and think you were absolutely nuts for not falling in love. I thought it was absolutely insane that you hadn’t tried to become something more because I could tell almost from the beginning that you felt more than just ownership over them. When you look at them, I see what I feel and I knew that that could be dangerous. I knew that maybe when you figured out your feelings that it could mean the downfall of our relationship, but I don’t think that it has to.” 
The two of them stare at each as the younger brunette’s voice dies out. You aren’t sure what the two are waiting for, and for once you aren’t sure how to help. Thankfully Wanda breaks the silence quickly, a soft smile on her face as she reaches out to cup the archer’s cheek. 
Her thumb is rubbing along the blush that has made its way to her cheeks, “I want you to take some time kríženec. Now that I’ve said it, mull over it. Think about it, both of you. Talk about it, and see where you both would be comfortable. We’ll go from there okay?” She waits for both of you to nod before she settles back into her seat again. 
Blinking and watching as Kate giggles to herself a little, you finally bring up the next topic. “Is…that all you guys wanted to talk about?” You can’t help the apprehension in your voice, noticing how tense Nat is in the corner. 
A pointed cough shakes you as Wanda glares at the ginger, who just sighs and deverts her eyes. “Kate, I want to talk about everything.” 
“...Everything?” The young brunette has wide eyes, her mouth slightly hanging open as she just stares at the older woman. 
Natasha nods slowly, trying to roll her shoulders and prepare herself for everything that she needs to say. “I’ve been..dancing around this for months and I know that it’s caused a lot of issues but I want to say that it had nothing to do with you.”
Wanda can’t help the scoff that leaves her mouth, a fleeting interruption. “Okay.” 
Deciding to ignore the jab, the widow carries on. “I get it, that’s something a lot of people say and don’t mean but I mean it. I’ve been struggling a lot with my own emotions far before you were brave enough and strong enough to open up to Wanda and myself. I took that frustration out on you and that wasn’t fair. Seeing a weakness I thought that it was an easy way out, and honestly it might be one of the worst things I’ve ever done in my life.” 
You can already see the tears building up in the ocean eyes from where you are curled up, muscles tensing as you prepare yourself to comfort her. 
“I was mad. Mad that someone could get away with that with no real punishment. I was mad that someone touched you like that and I couldn’t do anything about it. I even tried but I knew that it wasn’t something I had the right to do without you telling me that you wanted me to, so I stopped. I just think I was so focused on the anger side that I forgot that there were other things that mattered.” Her hand halfway raises, almost reaching out to touch the archer before it falls back into her lap. “I let the easiest of emotions run rampant and then I tried to fix it with ridiculous Christmas gifts. That honestly was one of the worst things I’ve done, treating you like a little kid who doesn’t understand what I was doing or someone that could be swayed with shiny new things. I know you’re more than that. You mean more than that to me.” 
Kate’s breath hitches, warmth running through her as the person that she’s been the most afraid of for the past few months finally comes to light. She had begun to truly believe that she had messed everything up, and made the ginger disgusted with her. 
“I just want to apologize. I’m sorry. I know that those words mean nothing at the end of the day, but I will work on it. I will do whatever it takes for you to build that trust and belief in me again.” 
It almost feels weird as you watch the two talk this way. While they were always together for training, both in the dynamic and for the Avengers, this was different. Emotions were always a different type of feeling when scenes and headspaces were talked about, or even when you were just spending time getting to know each other. The way they were right now felt intense, but almost like it was missing something. 
The ginger is quick to clarify everything, her words are rushed and you’re surprised that she hasn’t switched languages yet. “I’m not asking for your forgiveness, but I will work for it. I will show you everything I have, and everything I bring for you, only then will I accept you saying that I deserve for you to accept my apology.” 
Kate is opening and closing her mouth, a slow but steady stream of tears running down her face. She’s laughing at herself, rolling her eyes at her inability to speak. You can see her frustration and anger at herself, the girl never liking when her emotions controlled her entire body. She hated losing control, a thing that only happened in a safe space. 
“You don’t have to talk, дворняга.” Wanda’s voice makes the archer’s head snap over to her. “If you aren’t ready to talk yet, that’s okay. It’s all about your own timing.” The older brunette’s words calm your girlfriend down almost immediately, and you can see her start to relax in her spot. 
Natasha’s head is nodding furiously, agreeing with the witch. “Yes, please take your time. I took mine and I shouldn’t have. You more than deserve to take as much time as you need to figure out everything, and even more to decide if you want to forgive me.” 
The CEO slowly nods her head, pulling her legs up onto her seat so that she can comfortably sit. Her silence effectively ends the conversation, and slowly over the next few hours the four of you go your separate ways. It’s soft and has the illusion of normal, as you kiss each other goodbye mumbling out what time you would be home and where you were going. Responsibilities never end, even as your world was working to build itself back up, and that was something that may have just actually saved the four of you more than you would realize. 
Wanda pulls away, a concerned look on her face but Kate just shakes her head and pulls her back. There’s no pleading, and no power, just a kiss to confirm that the younger girl wants this. It’s been a little bit since the four of you were together as a full group, and you knew that the archer had been working back up to this. Personally you thought it was too soon, the same concern echoed the first time she had begged you to touch her just days after everything, barely three months after everything but she just wanted to feel something else. You couldn’t fight her, wanting her to have anything that would help her feel comfortable and safe; anything to quiet the screaming voices in her head. 
Sitting between Natasha’s legs as you watch, your body leaning fully on hers as her mouth works against your neck. You are more worried about Kate though, eyes glued to her form watching for any sign of discomfort. “Toy, she came to us. If she wants this, and she did pass all three of our tests then maybe it’s time to let her do what she wants? The doctors medically cleared her.” The ginger’s voice is soft, spoken against the back of your neck. 
You want to agree, want to let your mind go blank and listen to her as you always do but you can’t. Unknown knowledge lingers in your mind and it skews your opinion drastically, but you nod anyway. 
The archer is kneeling, a thing that takes you by surprise for a moment, but a soft smile pulls at your lips when you see Wanda slip to her knees in front of her. You can’t quite hear what she says as she leans her forehead against the younger girl’s, waiting until she physically nods to let her magic wrap around her throat. A bright scarlet collar appearing as the mist fades out, a gold accented leash dangling from the D-Ring.  
Sharp nails scratching down your torso pull your attention back to the ginger, a faint stinging pain on your neck where you know her bite mark is prominent. “You ready to play девочка?” Her question is rhetorical at this point as the chaos that your crave engulfs your body and lifts you into the air, it’s moving you around and stripping you. A sense of roughness even in the gentle nature of the day, it’s nice and it’s exactly what you needed to start feeling the fog fill your brain. 
When your knees hit the wooden floor, slight sting makes you flinch, fingers almost immediately tangle in your hair. Pushing you downwards, your face coming to rest against the legs and your ass in the air. Wriggling excitedly, you can’t help but realize what’s happening. It’s a moment that you wished would come, and even with your reservations, this was the best of every scenario you could have thought of. You wait, with bated breath, for permission and when the fingers leave your hair with a sharp snap you rush forward. 
Lips immediately trailing along the legs, forehead affectionately rubbing when you need to breathe. You can hear movement around you, two people prepping and finding different things but all you cared about is how Kate’s quiet whimpers when you kiss along her thighs. Worshiping your girlfriend was always something you wanted to do, spend time just kissing and loving all over her, but even the most cocky of archers struggle with such attention. 
Hands on your hips make you jump, whining as they pull you back a little. You try to push your face forward, get your lips back onto smooth porcelain skin but you’re just out of reach. Natasha shushes you, pulling your body to mold against her. “I know you want to love your little mutt, but you have to pay attention to the rest of us, dove.” 
Grinding back, you happily feel the bulge that you’ve been craving. A tap on your forehead makes you look up, permission to raise your gaze to see Wanda makes your breath catch in your throat. For the first time in five years you see scarlet instead of emerald and it sinks deeply into your soul, a look that you’ll lust after for the rest of your life. “Don’t you want to please Mommy, Little One?” Her voice is so sweet, dripping with honey as the magic swirls around the shining rings on her fingers. It’s mystical and you can’t look away, shaking your head slowly almost as if you were in a daze. 
You can see her sadistic smirk, something that only shows up when she gets exactly what she wants from the trap she plants. Her thumb rubs along your bottom lip, watching as your eyes fog over and unfocus. Just as it did from the very beginning her voice, that name, is all it takes for you to slip under the warm mist in your brain; submerging comfortably knowing that everything will be alright. 
Even as your head slips, emptying quickly under the ministrations of the witch, you hand flails at your side searching. When your fingers hit soft skin, digging into the flexing abs, you begin to calm down knowing that your girlfriend is at your side. Sucking on the thumb pushing past your lips, settles your brain even more and you know the worry that you had is disappearing as well. 
The thing about soft moments like this is that you never really know how to react. Soft sex was common between you and Kate, the latter loving spending time spoiling you and just making sure you knew how much you were cherished. Natasha would sometimes be more gentle with you, but even then she was usually still throwing you around a good bit. Sweet times with Wanda were far and few in between, especially during sex. The witch preferred to take what she wanted, and give regardless of what you wanted. You knew that anytime things got too soft that the Sokovian would take a step back, usually to guide and watch instead but you weren’t sure if you wanted that today. 
You’re being pulled backwards, the burn as your skin is dragged against the waxed wood pulls a pathetic whimper from your throat but no one seems to care. Natasha's arms wrap around you and you’re suddenly up right. Your back against your front, her strap lazily thrusting between your thighs is a tease. Even as the whine tears through your gritted teeth, your blurry vision on your girlfriend. She has Wanda pinned against the wall, the two making out and for the first time it’s almost as though there is no real power difference. 
The two of them are desperately groping at once another, hands trailing along each other’s bodies as Kate’s mouth moves down the witch’s neck. You want to go and touch them, but the ginger’s grip on you keeps you in your spot. “Nuh uh pretty toy, you’re going to stay right here. Cockwarming me and watching your precious puppy fuck your mommy. Is that what you want to see?” 
The way “Puppy” falls from the assassin’s lips makes you whine loudly, the effect immediately as you feel yourself clenching around nothing. The arousal spreads across your body like a wildfire, a burn so quick that it almost is too much. You weren’t quite aware of how wet you were before, more focused on trying to keep the peace and serenity but you were no match for any of your owners. Squirming in Natasha’s hold, you aren’t even sure what you are searching for right now. 
Shushing you, the older woman pulls you back to fall into her lap, letting you mindlessly grind on her strap as she watches the other two. “Whenever you’re ready detka, you have all the power right now. Your Mommy is waiting for you to be filled until she tells the mutt to fuck her.” Her voice is soft, almost mumbled against your throat as she marks you even more. 
Your eyes are glued to the way Kate’s hand moves between the witch’s thigh, her teeth sinking into her collarbone over and over again. Even if it looks like the archer is in control you can see the way Wanda moves with her, directing her where she wants her. The rings tangled in the raven hair dragging her head across her own body, tightening whenever she bites too hard. The scene in front of you is intoxicating and you almost feel delirious as you finally start sinking down on the strap being pushed into you, a high pitched whine clawing its way there your teeth. 
The witch opens her eyes, the forest encased in night time as she watches your body stretch to take the ginger’s strap. Nodding she shoves Kate off of her, coming to kneel on the bed in front of you. She smiles, entirely too sweet, as she comes close to you. “Look at you, sweet little toy, all stretched out on your Daddy’s cock. I bet you feel so full right now, so wet dripping around her.” She barely makes a clicking sound, a quick indication to the young Avenger behind her. “Are you ready for your show, little one?” She barely waits for you to nod, the feeling of the archer rubbing her strap through her wet folds too enticing. 
You’re all too distracted, watching Wanda’s lips move as she speaks to you. You want nothing more than to kiss her, but your eyes go wide when her mouth drops open. A breathy moan tumbling from her o shaped mouth, and your mind catches up when you see Kate thrusting behind her. Struggling in Natasha’s lap, you want to push forward and kiss her but the ginger tightens her hold on you. “Nuh uh, you get to sit there and leak all over my strap while your Mommy gets fucked. Isn’t she so pretty, why don’t you open those legs a little bit and give her something to look at while your Mutt does all the work?” 
The way your mind swims should be enough for you to realize that you were too far gone to remember any of this later, but you were practically praying to any deity that would listen to let you dream about it every night. Watching how the archer ruts into the witch is making you drool, the coil in your stomach starts tightening each time you subconsciously clench around the strap stuffed inside you. Natasha is forcing your legs open, rose flush rushing up your neck at how exposed you are. 
Wanda’s voice is strong, though it cracks with each rough thrust from Kate. “Look at your pretty little cunt, all puffy and stretched around your Daddy’s cock.” Even as her eyes start to roll, a detail that Natasha takes note of irritably, the witch exudes haughtiness. A trait that you derisively find sexy, something that on most people you hate. 
Her moans are getting louder and with a shaky hand Wanda reaches out to you, swiping her thumb over your neglected clit she chuckles at how your hips jump. Dipping her finger into the wetness coating your thigh, she sucks it into her mouth and dramatically moans. It shouldn’t make you whine, but you can’t help yourself. You want to be the one who is sucking on her fingers, but when she reaches down to tilt your head up you wiggle excitedly. Wanda’s lips barely graze yours when her forehead falls forward, bonking into yours as her body tenses. 
Kate’s giggles, a sound too high pitched and almost innocent, as she watches the witch tighten around her and her wetness gush. She’s made the older brunette cum before but this, this way has given her so much confidence and she can watch as her entire back arches. 
By the time the archer pulls out of Wanda, scrambling to clean up so that she can continue, you’re squirming and begging Natasha to touch you. The ginger is almost bored, scrolling through her phone as Wanda pulls herself up to sit against the headboard of the bed. She’s slipping her legs open, a smirk tugging at her lips when she sees she’s caught your attention again. “I know you want to taste, little one, but you haven’t earned it yet.” 
Kate comes into your view, blocking where the witch is, but your mouth drops open instinctively as her strap slaps against your cheek. She hums and lets you suck on it as you want, “You’re so pretty baby, filled and still so desperate for cock. Maybe you should beg your Daddy to make you cum, think you can do that?” 
Her voice is so sweet, and light, a taunting tone following up and making you nod as you stare up at her. Tangling her fingers in your hair, pushing you forward just enough for you to gag before letting you go. “Cmon chew toy, I don’t hear you asking for anything.” The more she slowly thrusts into your mouth, the more the muffled begging gets lost and it makes all three of them laugh at you. 
Taking pity on you, Natasha drops her phone and finally grips your hips with both hands. Starting to move you, bouncing slowly, the ginger meets each movement with a small snap of her own hips. Already struggling to move, she rolls her eyes knowing that you were entirely too worked up for teasing or edging. “You know, I thought this was going to be a nice long little session toy but you’re already tight and dripping all over me. Making such a big mess for someone who wants to be used all night long.” 
Your pathetic whining just makes both the assassin and the archer snort at you, and you’re trying to shake your head. You don’t want to cum so quickly, the coil in your stomach is tight and the arousal is overloading your brain. This wasn’t what you were trained for, you could handle teasing and could go for hours. Your brain is too foggy and you just mumble around the strap fucking your throat, eyes fluttering shut as you try to ward off the orgasm that is rapidly being shoved your way. 
Each time the ginger snaps her hips into yours, you can feel yourself being pushed closer and closer to the edge but it isn’t her movements that make you lose control. Years of training and practice have caused you to be prideful in how well you could take whatever the two oldest women give you, but when Kate pulls out of your mouth to kneel in front of you something changes. The butterflies in your stomach start flying, fluttering around, as she reaches to wrap her hand around your throat. It’s tight and warm, but grounding as she pulls your face forward just enough to kiss you softly. A whispered declaration of love melting against your lips, and that’s all it takes for you to tumble over the edge clumsily; every ounce of control obliterated. 
You’re being laid out on the bed by the time you open your eyes again, the fog in your mind trying to to drag you back under. Wanda leans over you, a gentle smile on her face as she cups your cheek. “Did your puppy’s pretty words get to you, Мой красивый ангел?” She chuckles as she watches you nod, slapping your cheek gently to wake you up. “Stay awake a bit longer, little one. We aren’t quite done with you yet.” She pushes your chin so that you look over to where Natasha is straddling Kate, grinding on her thigh as the archer sucks on her neck. 
Whining you try to get up but scarlet mist wraps around you and drags you back, you settle your body into hers. A comfort that sinks deep into your bones as she wraps her arms around you, her head falling to your shoulder as she watches the two with you. “Our Pup has just too much energy, my toy, we gotta give her some toys to play with huh?” 
Hearing the sentence, something you had wished to hear for over a year now causes your entire body to turn a faint maroon color. It’s dark as it spreads across your torso and Wanda leaves a gentle kiss on your shoulder, a loving smile spreading across her face. Everything isn’t okay in the world, and maybe it never would be, but right now this is what you begged for every single night. It’s different, and it makes your mind swirl more aggressively than you ever felt. “I’m pretty glad you brought her home to us, the best puppy that we could have ever even dreamt of my little one. Thank you.” 
You know the night is nowhere near the end, but watching as the ginger and the archer roll around is something you would pause the entire world for. Giggles as the assassin calms down from her high, you see the two come together. Closing your eyes, you let the warmth of the witch pull you back under your fog. The worries of any issues would be for another day, instead you focus on the happiness of all your favorite people being truly home for the first time.
Shivers rack your body as you curl up in on yourself more, wrapping the blanket tighter around your shoulders. The cold is almost leaking from the window you’re sitting next to, thin glass the only thing separating you and the piles of pillowy snow. It’s almost like winter is staying around just because of everything happening, and it makes you a bit sad. Spring is about new beginnings but the four of you, even now, seem to be dragging your feet. 
“Shouldn’t you be asleep right now, silly girl?” Kate’s hand nudges you as she finishes slipping a hoodie on, her voice soft and sleep filled. 
Even if you weren’t necessarily happy with how she is handling things, you can’t help how your eyes shine when you see her lazy smile. “I could say the same to you, weren’t you just snoring your life away not even ten minutes ago?” Your heart flutters when she rolls her eyes at you, pouting dramatically as she flops down and wraps her arms around you.  
The silence settles on the two of you comfortably, curling around you as you two melt into each other. It’s an easy thing to do with her, get lost in thought when you are in the safety of one another. 
Kate leaves a few kisses on your forehead before letting her own lean gently against your temple, a shaky but almost relieved breath soft against your cheek. “You know, the world seems so big right now.”  
“For such a little pup?” It’s light and teasing, and your heart stutters when you see Kate bashfully turn her head. 
You reach up, gently touching her chin to turn her head back towards you. Before you even get to say something, the archer leans over and steals a quick kiss. “I just…it feels real now? Not trying to say this entire thing felt fake or anything before but something changed tonight.” 
Nodding along, you stay silent; emotion strangling you into submission. A violent storm brews within you, anxiety and fear trying to keep you under water. You hate this shaky feeling, thinking the worst of the worse but you can’t help it. The early morning wasn’t supposed to go like this, not when your girlfriend stumbled out of bed over to you, but instead you can’t help where your brain goes as per usual. The darkness always finds home within you and some days it’s harder to hide it than others, but you almost wish you could always hide it from the archer. She was too perfect, and you wanted to protect her from all the wicked gloom in the world; even if that meant from you. 
Kate sighs, knowing that you’re falling into the hole in your head. Trying to pull you back, explain herself and somehow create a new beginning for everyone. “I know it isn’t going to fix everything, or whatever issues everyone has, but it sort of feels like it’s at least all out on the table. Doesn’t it?” Ocean eyes raise to meet yours, hopeful and it crushes you to not agree. “What…what’s wrong?” 
“Something still feels off, something they aren’t telling us. Maybe it’s me and I’m just overthinking, but for whatever reason I feel like…” You pause, nervous to voice your absurd thoughts but when the archer’s calloused thumb rubs along your shin you take a deep breath. “I’m here for foundation, and glue, but what now? I’m thrilled that my favorite people are at least open to get along, and to learning each other in a better way but what happens when my primary job isn’t needed anymore?” 
You hate how young you sound, barely even being able to put together an intelligent sentence. The women around you could say the biggest words, most professional sounding things even when their anger blinds them but you could barely say your own emotions without feeling like crying. 
The brunette blinks at you, processing your words slowly. Her gaze wanders back out the window as she takes her time to think her next words through. “I never looked at you like the foundation. I may have leaned on you a bit, and maybe even hid behind you during some really emotional moments but I never wanted to put you in a situation like that. If I did, I deeply apologize. I would never want to do that to you, and thinking about it I can see times when I might have pushed how much I leaned on you. Making you become the center of the world, a have all or have none situation was not my intent. I will work on changing that, truly. I want you to know that growing and becoming what you need is all I care about, if that means I’m not what anyone else wants then I’ll learn to live with that.” Even when the girl tries to put her deepest thoughts into a well put together speech, she still somehow rambles and she knows it from the slight rose color making its way up her neck. 
The need to interrupt Kate is strong, guilt as you realize you pushed your insecurities on her. She never really made you feel like that, at least not a distinct moment. These feelings mostly are just in your head, but you’re struggling to breath and all you can do is nod. The thoughts in your head were fear, fear of losing Kate and the relationship you built because of a dynamic that you were the foundation for. 
She reaches up, a sullen sigh falling from her lips when you flinch, but it doesn’t deter her from gently turning your head. The knowing look in her eyes makes your own fill with tears. “I know you’re in your head, baby, but I love you. We’re two different people and we are trying to merge lives, but I will do anything and everything I can to make sure that your time with me isn’t too stressful. I aim to be a place of happiness and warmth for you, a place where you feel at home and safe. I want to be a place for you to rest, not a place for your brain to be overactive and horrible to you. I understand that I can’t prevent everything, nor can I shield you from life but what I can do is choose you every single day. Each moment that I am awake or asleep, busy or lounging, you are the one I pick. Sweet thing, everything about you is all I need and want. I will choose you, and your happiness, over everything. I love you now, then and forever….” 
You know she’s waiting for you to finish what she said, a tradition that started over a year ago, but something stops you. It’s almost like she knew that nothing you actually said out loud was the issue, seeing right past forcing your issues onto her and instead seeing the real fear underneath it all. The last pet name she used is one that you know she only uses in special moments, a thing that strikes deeper into your heart more than anything else. Staring up at her, you can’t even think of a response; at least not one worthy of her speech. This girl has truly changed your life, and you don’t care if your entire life is ruined as long as she is there. You know with her that the two of you will always find a way out of whatever issue you may find yourselves in. 
Tugging her forward, you practically sob into the kiss. Her lips molding against yours, taking over quickly when you can barely focus. It doesn’t last long, when she realizes you’ve fallen into giggling. Kate rolls her eyes good-naturedly, waiting for the inevitable. You wish you weren’t so predictable but your girlfriend doesn’t even flinch when your teeth sink into her shoulder. 
“I love you, pup.” 
“I love you too, brat.”
“Now, then, and forever.” 
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