#but since i don't have answers i keep thinking of how horrible it might become and everything it might take away
i'm just like ugh i gotta figure out where to get this x ray and when i should do it this week and i'm just worried about walking in without an appointment even though it says you can and like them not having the machine or a person to do it or whatever since i went into one place on the list already and they did not have x-rays
and then i've got this birthday thing which idk where it's going to be so idk if i should take a lyft or not and then i'll have to either exercise in the morning or choose that as my skip day
and then i'll just be worrying about my test results and not knowing if the doctor is going to call before my follow up or WHAT is going to happen and i just. cannot relax.
i just want to be done with doctors i really fucking do like just tell me what's wrong and let me be DONE like this follow up is gonna be the eighth fucking time i've seen a doctor in some form since all this weird shit started and if i don't get any answers i'm gonna be mad. i mean i'd rather not get bad news of course but i figure things are already mildly crappy in my body so like it's not like i can't get used to that i just can't stand the idea of it getting worse
#personal#like it'll be nice to see my friends but idk i'm just like too stressed#i thought it would be okay to say yes bc i hadn't gotten horrible news yet#but i just have that ugh i don't feel like being social rn especially bc i know people are gonna be asking what's going on#and i really don't like talking about it bc if i DID have answers it might just be like ah well it's not that bad#but since i don't have answers i keep thinking of how horrible it might become and everything it might take away#including my ability to say yes to plans every time they come around which already is a rarity#like how much less could i end up seeing my friends when this is the only person who ever actually asks to see me#i feel so bratty but like. why does no one else include me in anything except for their birthdays if that#this one friendship that i kind of assume is over doesn't really bother me but at least i sometimes got invited to hers with everyone else#though there were plenty of hangouts that i knew happened seemingly often without me#but yeah at least when she was in the mix i had a chance even if they weren't hangouts i particularly enjoyed#like it was better than nothing#and this year has already been so hard that feeling like i'm even more isolated than i was the couple years before#just makes it all that much more impossible#i just want to be thought of and like i know i do plenty of thinking about loved ones without reaching out#so it stands to reason it works the other way around#but the thing is i very rarely initiate plans so i know i'm not like inviting one person and never another or whatever#whereas SOMEONE has to be making the plans and i'm virtually never invited#i used to have the luxury of being invited often enough that i didn't have to go to a random hangout if i wasn't up for it#and now it's not like that and i have to say yes when i'm too mentally exhausted. who knows what the physical limitations are gonna be now
0 notes
dotster001 · 12 days
Hey! I don't know if this will be too much of a bother to ignore this if you want.
I was wondering if I could request the first years with a crush on their classmate who is also Malleus Draconia’s younger brother, similar to what you did with the second years.
I hope you have a good day 🫶
Summary: First years x masc Malleus' Brother reader
A/N: So, I've been horribly burnt out, and I looked through my drafts because hey if I finish something that's almost done I can feel a sense of accomplishment....tell me why I only had two paragraphs left of this? Why didn't I finish this before?!?! Dot's brain is truly something else 😭
Second Years
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I'd like to think you still meet at the statues of the seven. You're staring up at the Thorn Fairy, and he sees you. And damn does he think you're hot. Ace is blunt. Life's too short for him to not hit on the hot Diasomnia student.
His idea is to try and hit on you with his extensive (bullshit) knowledge on the thorn fairy, since you seem so fascinated with her. You let most of his lies go, holding back the laugh that lies in your mouth, but when he says, “The Thorn Fairy's favorite food is pineapple.” You laugh quite loudly, and say, “I didn't think that was grandmother's favorite food. I shall have to ask her.” It's only then the idiot puts together the horns, and the Diasomnia uniform, and the regal aura, and realizes he might have fucked up. Luckily for him, a green haired student comes storming over to you, shouting about not wandering off, so he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
You joined his table at lunch, and that startled him. He expects you to say something but you never do. You just chat politely, answering questions asked of you, and posturing your own queries in return. For a moment, he forgets that you're the fae brother of a prince, and that both you and your brother could set him ablaze if you wanted to. You're just one of the boys. Until you make direct eye contact, and delicately nibble a piece of pineapple. He burst into laughter, but your poker face wins, and he can't explain the joke to the confused people at the table because he keeps laughing too hard.
You become one of his best friends, but he never gets past his initial thoughts that you're hot as hell. And the closer he gets to you, it only gets worse. You're the total package and he wants to be your pathetic mortal boyfriend, who sometimes gets to show off by dedicating his play of the game to you, while you pretend you understand the appeal of basketball. 
But he's realistic. A prince could never have a basic peasant as a boyfriend. A fae could never date a human. So he's willing to just be your friend.
“Would you be my escort at my brother's coronation?” As much as you were easier to approach than your brother, you could still be just as blunt, and not very good at social cues. So you just came up to him in the middle of the hall and asked, literally, out of nowhere. He's startled and laughs it off with something stupid, and then makes a hasty escape, but not before seeing your vicious pout.
He shouldn't be surprised when you appear in his room in a flurry of fireflies, the pout still on your face.
“You brushed me off, child of man.” At the start of the friendship, he'd be scared that you, your brother, or Sebek, would kill him. But he doesn't mind fighting back now, exploiting how you think he's fragile. “So what? I had stuff to do.” This just makes you glare at him. 
You continued to glare at him, and silence filled the room. You break the silence first. “Well?” “Well what?” “Will you be my escort to my brother's coronation?” He should say no, and he almost does. You probably just want a friend to support you at a long party, and Sebek would be busy doing knight stuff, so you came to him. That's how he rationalizes it. You want a friend, and he'd think too deeply into it the closer it got to the event. Yeah. That's it. 
Instead of saying no, he just keeps staring, and you sigh. “Was Lilia wrong? He said you felt the same way.” You just look so sad. “Feel the same about what?” “He said you were head over heels for me, too.” 
Too? Too! He's reeling, and you must see it because suddenly you look less sad. In fact, you look downright predatory as you grin. “You do feel the same, don't you? You humans are so silly.” You push him back so he's laying down, then hover over him, giving him a soft kiss. He groans and runs his hands in your hair. You pull away far too soon for him, and he whines as he grabs your horns and tries to drag you back to him. He's no match for your strength, and you effortlessly pull away from him with a laugh. You hover over him and give him an evil grin.
“Poor child of man. You look so sad. Tell you what, I'll kiss you all you want if you are my escort.”
He wants to be snarky and refuse, at least until you give him what he wants now, but he's weak. So he finds himself nodding, breathing heavily as you trace his lips with a perfectly manicured finger, and he gets very distracted by the fact that you aren't wearing your uniform gloves. 
“Good boy,” you purr, and Ace reels from the attention as you lean in to kiss him again.
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You meet because you see Deuce going for a run on his first day of school. You don't understand what's happening, and when you ask Malleus, his explanation seems…..lacking. So you decide to ask the human himself why he is running in circles. You poof next to him, scare the shit out of him, and feel only a little bit bad as he falls on his ass.
He immediately picks a fight with you. Who do ya think you are! What kinda uncultured swine picks a fight with a man while he's running? By the time Silver and Sebek find you, (Malleus used you to make his own escape, he'll apologize later) the boy is swinging, and you're laughing so hard your insides hurt.
You start joining him on his runs, not actually running, but floating alongside him, asking him questions. In your mind, if you can understand what he's running from, then you'll understand the human race. (Pun intended)
Meanwhile, Deuce still thinks you're making fun of him, but after about a month of this, he starts to realize that if it really is a bit, then you are very dedicated. So he finally starts actually answering questions, and after a month of that starts asking you his own. Which is when he realizes you are a fae prince. Cool! You should join the track team with him! Even though he's only seen you float, he's heard your brother is a beast, so you'd definitely dominate the competition. And how can you say no to that determined face?
I've said this before, but Deuce will fall in love with his best friend. And he only realizes he's fallen, when, after a meet against RSA, you come up to him ecstatic about how well he did, your eyes glinting with an innocent wonder that even you weren't sure you were capable of anymore. And, suddenly, Deuce is red and sweaty, and side stepping the “bro hug” he taught you. He's able to play it off as after effects of his run, and you still haven't quite gotten the handle on humans, so he's able to get away with it. But he knows his excuses won't work a second time. And the cat’s out of the bag. Now that Deuce recognizes his feelings, it's too late.
Ace is useless as always. So he calls the one person he can always go to.
“So there's this guy I like, but he's out of my league in every single way,” Deuce begins, but his mom quickly cuts him off. “Life is too short to not be with someone you love.” He thinks about cutting her off and mentioning that for this guy's life was far from short, but he got the idea. “You're a good boy, Deuce. You're sweet, handsome, and so protective of those you love. If he thinks you're out of his league, he doesn't deserve you. So you can move on, and find someone who does.”
He knows mama Spade is right. If you don't feel the same way, it's better to find out so that he can move on.
Life works in his favor. You've been proofing into his path to try and hang out with him, and he keeps running away. So the next time you poof in, he gives you a challenge. If you win a race against him, he'll tell you what's wrong. It's no contest. You annihilate him.
Deuce heaves a big breath, channeling delinquent Deuce’s confidence, and blurts out, “I'm in love with you!”
You stare for a moment, then smile wickedly.
“If  you can beat me in a race, child of man, I'll tell you how I feel.”
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You're his lab partner. And you don't always show up for class. But your grade is dependent on both of your work. You just give him the potions of the day in passing, and you're both still getting A’s, but it strikes Jack as a wrong that you don't always show up for class.
When he stalks you down one day, in the Diasomnia common room, and demands you go to class, you furrow your brow and tell him you already know all the first year stuff. You'll show up consistently next year. Both Sebek and Malleus are agreeing with you, when Lilia walks in and asks about your friend.
“He's not my friend. He's my lab partner.” Jack's blunt about it, but that never deterred Lilia. Now he's involved. And he loves the idea of you having a friend. Even though Jack's tone made it clear he wanted nothing to do with you. It doesn't take long for Lilia to excitedly say that you would not only have to attend class, but all of your classes were going to be switched so that you were always with Jack. Jack quickly began to recant his statements, saying it was fine, don't worry about it, but it's too late. And Jack is already tired.
Luckily, you don't talk much. You just pout as you follow Jack from class to class. He catches you dozing off in most of the classes, and when he asks you why, you same the same thing as before. You know all of this already.
One day Lilia asks for an update on your progress, and he's very scared to tell him, but he's too honest. Lilia snickers, and tells Jack that you probably already know EVERYTHING YOU COULD POSSIBLY KNOW OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS. After all, Malleus does. Jack stares at Lilia, suddenly furious that he's been dragged into whatever game the ex general has decided to play with him. And it gets worse, because the next day you're sulking as Lilia drags you to track practice, and informs the coach that you will be joining the track club. And then he tells Jack that he will be the one to catch you up. Neither of you is happy.
But Lilia makes sure you go every single day, and waits until he sees Jack talking to you. So you come up with an idea. You and Jack will pretend to be paramours. You will be the most in love paramours that time has ever seen. You will be so in love, that it will “drive you both to distraction” making both of you worse at your lessons. Which would mean Lilia tries to separate you, and things will go back to normal. Jack hates the idea at first, but after another three days, he decides, fuck it.
If you've been in the fanfiction community long enough, you know this backfires. Lilia just pushes harder, and Jack ends up falling for you. *The crowd gasps* I know, I know, it's such a shock, but we fast forward a couple months to when you tell Jack that this obviously isn't working, you should just call things off. He stares at you, unsure how to respond. He…he doesn't want to. But he slowly nods. What else can he say? You want to stage a nasty break up, which will get Lilia off of your back “for certain”.
You begin the exchange for the break up, during lunch. “We have to end our relationship. I am being stifled with you!” It builds higher and higher as planned, drawing a crowd around you. You reach the climax of your scene, and you turn to storm off, when Jack goes off script.
“Don't go.” It's a soft whisper, like he almost doesn't want you to hear it. But you do, and you freeze. “What was that?” “Don't go.” You turn, and he's looking at you with pleading eyes. The both of you forget the scene, forget everything but the moment. You just stare at each other. Then you smile softly. 
“I am not going anywhere.”
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The Draconia family is one known for grace and elegance. So when Vil has had it with Epel's toxic masculinity streak, he literally shoves him into your chest, telling you to fix him. Then he storms off. That's how you and Epel became temporary roommates.
Sebek and Silver had both protested. How could they be sure Epel wasn't an assassin sent to kill you? But Lilia thought this would be good for both of you, you could learn about humans, teaching, and empathy, and Lilia could scratch his dadly itch and train Epel how to use his build to his advantage. It was a win for all!
Those first few days were rough. Epel cares 0% about what some weak princely dude has to teach him. He pays attention to Lilia's lessons, but ignores you. That is until group training day, when he has to spar with you, and you pin him to the ground in two seconds flat. Suddenly, he's taking notes.
“If what my brother says is true, what Schoenheit is trying to teach you, is that elegance is a weapon in itself. It's better if people underestimate you, because that means you'll have the advantage in a fight.” That's how you phrase it. Which is only half true, but hey, Vil isn't around to correct you, and Malleus could never be wrong, right? Whether that's the goal or not, it gets through to Epel, and that's what matters. Both of you are very sad when Vil welcomes him back to Pomefiore, after he's calmed down. But Vil is impressed with the impact you all had on him, so Epel is welcome to visit Diasomnia whenever he has free time.
One day when he comes over, you excitedly bring him to your room, and show him the outfits you have laying out. “I think you would look wonderful in Valley of Thorns attire” you say absentmindedly as you begin holding things up to him, deciding what colors you think would look best. You pick an outfit, then send him to get changed. He has difficulty tying some laces, and arranging jewels and robes. So now you stood behind him, your breath on his neck as you finished off helping him dress. You turn the both of you to the mirror, snap your fingers to change your own clothes, then smile brightly.
“Look how well we compliment each other!” Epel looks at the mirror, then looks at you, then says, “I gotta go.” Then he leaves, outfit still on. Not that you mind, it was meant for him anyway.
Everytime he sees you, he gets an unmanly flutter in his stomach. But he's the very image of cool. Nothing is wrong. His cheeks are not pink. He is not avoiding eye contact. Meanwhile, you're trying to figure out what boundary you crossed, and Lilia clearly knows what's wrong, but refuses to tell you.
So one day, in the middle of a crowd of students trying to get their lunch, you kneel before him, hand to your heart, and give a heartfelt apology that doesn't actually apologize for anything considering you don't know what you did. He stares for a moment, his heart racing, then runs out of the room. Vil nearly has a heart attack.
Epel runs straight into you, since you are able to teleport anywhere, and falls flat on his ass. And then he starts yelling. The conversation goes as follows.
“it’s all your fault!”
“I know, that's why I apologized.”
“Ya don't know nothing!”
“My apology was all encompassing.”
“All yer damn fault!”
“But I did apologize”
This goes on for a while. At some point, he pushes you so that you'll be out of his way so he can run, and, on instinct, you pin him down again. Your brow furrows, and you order him to tell you what's wrong.
“I like ya.” “But aren't you yelling at me?” “Cause I like ya!” “Why are you so angry with me, if you like me?” “Cause yer so damn dense!”
By then, Sebek and Silver have found the two of you, as well as Malleus, and all three are worried that Epel has made an attempt on your life. But once you've hastily cleared everything up, you'll be able to tell Epel if you reciprocate his feelings. Vil and Rook are so proud to raise a son who is dating a prince.
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Is he obsessed with Malleus because he can't cope with his crush on you, or does he have a crush on you because he is obsessed with Malleus? The world will never know. But Lilia and Silver are going to use it to their advantage.
He ends up guarding you a lot. They say it's because he is in your classes and therefore he can be your protector. But it's really just so Malleus can get a break when he's starting to feel suffocated. All the other first years make fun of him for tailing you like a puppy, but he can't help it! He has to protect you! Loudly!
Proximity makes the heart fonder, and you really notice your feelings when he has to escort Malleus on a school field trip. You feel…empty. Alone. You spend the next week being mopey, which upsets Sebek. He swears he'll find who did this to you!
He becomes an absolute menace, interrogating anyone who might have come into contact with you while he was gone. Eventually, Lilia confronts you about your behavior.
“It's wrong for a prince to let some hurt feelings affect the way you treat your subjects.”
“It's not like they're actually my subjects. Malleus is the only one who matters-”
Lilia already had his suspicions, but this just confirms it. He calls you out on your jealousy over Malleus and Sebek spending time together, which you initially deny. But the harder he pushes, the more you relent. You're so used to Sebek in your life, that his absence hurt. You…you love him.
But you're certain he can't love you. Still, you agree to tell him you are okay so he can stop harassing random students. Lilia urges you to share your true feelings, claiming Sebek feels the same. But how can he? You see the way he treats Malleus. You've heard how he speaks about him. That's love. It has to be! 
Once you tell Sebek that no one hurt you, you just were in a mood, he calms down. He gives you a whole speech about how he'd never forgive himself if you got hurt when he was away. It would bring shame to his glorious king! And it just makes everything hurt worse.
And now you're pouty again. You may not be as powerful as your brother (Sebek speaks of your brother's power constantly) but you're still very strong. Your emotions, the worse they get, make the weather stormy. So now, not only are you mopey, and Sebek is harassing students, but the weather is absolutely awful. Lilia, again, pulls you to the side and gives you a much sterner talk, you tell Sebek you're fine, he says something something Malleus something something perfect king, and you're pouting again. 
Eventually, Lilia has had enough. With Malleus and your grandmother's permission (that's how you know you're in trouble) he sits both you and Sebek down for a chat. You get your lecture first. You are a Prince. You are expected to rise above foolish emotions, in order to better serve the people. When a Prince's actions begin to negatively affect their people, they no longer deserve their power.
Sebek stands up in a fury! He's shouting at Lilia (something you've never seen before), defending your honor. Surely whatever has upset you is not your fault! It's his for not slaying whatever pesky human tried to hurt you! In fact-! He's drawing his sword and preparing to storm out of the room when Lilia sternly tells him to sit down. He's getting a lecture as well. The idea of being lectured seems to soothe Sebek, though he still grumbles about how you were being wrongfully detained.
Then Lilia begins Sebek’s lecture. And it's not what you were expecting.
“I have told you many times that you need to be clear about how you feel about people.”
“A true knight doesn't shy away from his feelings. He understands that existence is fleeting, and that the one he loves may not be there to love tomorrow.”
You're confused. But Sebek is standing there red faced and speechless. He simply says Lilia 's name, and Lilia seems to understand. He leaves, and Sebek turns to you, kneeling low and bowing his head.
“Long have my feelings for you been stronger than that of a knight and his charge. But as I am unworthy of my Lord's affections, I have been loath to share them. But General Lilia is correct. There may not be a tomorrow. So I can no longer hide my love for you. I ask for nothing, only that I remain by your side, and continue to worship you.”
His head remains bowed, and, for the first time in many many years, you find yourself caught off guard. The man you have found yourself pining for for quite some time is kneeling before you and offering his heart. You slip a finger below his chin, raising his gaze to meet yours. His eyes betray his nervousness, but your soft lovesick smile eases his soul, as you tell him just how much the feeling is returned.
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kamariya · 4 months
i know the fandom loves to pretend that xie lian doesn't take care of himself but let's really think about it for a second. he doesn't have a penny to his name, he has no luck, no spiritual powers and no friends and family left in the mortal realm. how exactly should he take care of himself?
he eats food off the floor because it's better than going hungry. that's how many people in poverty live. he doesn't think twice before touching something that might poison him because when you don't receive medical attention for centuries, you're naturally going to adopt an "it is what it is" mentality about your health. he probably didn't get treated by a healer the first few times he got corpse poisoning because he didn't have enough (or any) money to pay them with. he's humble and ignores however which way he's slandered because what can he do? he's heard things like that and worse before.
800 years of poverty will teach anyone humility as well as strip them of it. 800 years of poverty and solitude can make anyone into a complete cynic, an abuser and/or worse.
but xie lian didnt break, not permanently. what jun wu put him through is nothing compared to what the world put him through. tell me this: is jun wu truly the real villain of the story? or is he a micro manifestation of all the other systematic issues in the TGCF universe, wrapped up into a shiny, evil package that's easier to hate, easier to digest and easier to fall for?
know that even though jun wu "set up" the fall of xianle, it was corruption and imperialism that truly brought the kingdom to its knees. know that teen xie lian truly fought for his people, be they patriots or rebels, and that the reason his efforts could never come to fruition was the corruption of the royals and the nobles.
in a world as systematically corrupt as that (much like our own), how easy do you think it would have been for a poor, homeless and friendless man to live a happy, fulfilling life (which he never lived)? and how much easier would it have been for him to gradually give away his morals and principles in favour of a better meal for once, for a better bed for the night? considering his martial skills and vast knowledge of cultivation, would it not have been easy for him to take a path like jun wu himself? like xue yang, even?
and do you think that xie lian did *not* do all these things just because he had "self-sacrificial" tendencies? after centuries of being only a little better than a beggar, do you think the reason he wants to help the common people is because he feels Rich Prince Guilt?
don't you think that the act of preserving oneself here, the act of not sacrificing onself for a cause, is actually whenever xie lian decides to keep following the path of justice, his Third Path? does self preservation only count when it's your body you're preserving, or your material wealth, or your name? surely your own principles matter more. surely you mean more than a fancy title on a tyrant's mouth.
place yourself in xie lian's shoes, and answer this: if you were to go through all that, even if you were to not become a horrible person, would have found and maintained the courage, time and time again, to keep being kind, to keep taking care of yourself, to not become heedlessly reckless, to not become a walking corpse with a noose (ruoye) wrapped around your neck?
in my opinion, xie lian is a hell of a lot positive for a man who's been through so much and never heard a "it's okay, you can rest now" once (until hua cheng came along, at least).
do you think xie lian doesn't feel bitterness towards lang qianqiu, who buried him with a stake through his heart for gods know how many years, because he just... hates himself? or do you think it's because he helped raise lang qianqiu since childhood and earned real respect and admiration from him, after so many years of being spat on, cursed and ultimately turned invisible? do you think he begged to be banished once again only because he felt guilty (although yes, he did feel very guilty) for the terrible fate that befell lqq's family, or because he also genuinely cares about what happens to his people --- he protected the xianle remnants by setting himself up as a cold-hearted murderer, and he protected lqq by refusing to fight him.
do you think that being so old and having seen so much, xie Lian can't tell danger when it's looking him in the eye? he's not stupid. he doesn't neglect his safety until and unless it's to protect someone he cares about. e.g., when he tried his level best to protect shi qingxuan during the Blackwater arc, knowing that he's fighting things and people beyond his control. my point: it didn't matter if he failed. he had to try, just like he tried with his kingdom, and the kingdom that came next. sqx was the first person after hua cheng to befriend and defend him in a long time, and he wanted to show him the same courtesy. can this be reduced to "self-sacrificing" tendencies or "playing the hero", too?
when xie lian stepped out of that bridal sedan, he knew he was playing with fire, but he's not stupid. if he hadn't stepped out, who is to say that crimson rain sought flower wouldn't have entered on his own, or dragged him out forcefully? xie lian isn't a "you only live once, let's make bad decisions" person. xie lian is a "no matter how many lives i live, i will not change" person.
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ad-hawkeye · 4 months
a big list of my favorite little alkaid moments
[modern] being found absolutely conked out in the snow on the mountain. that's one way to have a meet cute i guess.
[modern] alkaid's "morning call service" where he calls mc each morning pretending to be a hotel help desk staff member reminding her to wake up... only to keep it short sometimes because he can't bring himself to wake her up
[modern] whatever sort of Beep inside joke they have going on where they pretend to make a reservation or selection for each other
[modern] alkaid requesting to do the ET finger touch thing when talking about aliens with mc
[modern] mc claiming that she's the dangerous one of the two when it comes to her and alkaid.
[modern] beanie and sparkles having cat play dates. alkaid also using "sparkles would like to see beanie" as an excuse to see mc.
[modern] the only time this alkaid had a murderous look in his eyes was when someone tried to hurt sparkles.
[modern] "hey don't feel down! as long as you try your best, you can definitely become a horrible person!" "......! well if you really think so, then i'll give it a try."
[modern] alkaid being a natural flirt to the point where he doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, but being unable to take what he dishes by getting blushy or bashful when mc flirts with him instead.
[modern, halloween] alkaid absolutely struggling to put on the angel wings for his costume and needing mc to help him get the second wing on.
[modern, halloween] mc lamenting that she can't resist eating some of the candy she makes and alkaid being like. oh no. no, that's not falling to temptation, that's just taste testing. and it is Totally your duty.
[modern, halloween] alkaid apologizing for being too forward even though all he did was say he liked mc's bouquet for him the most. someone lock this man up, we are NOT safe with him on the streets.
[modern, princess day] alkaid being "deathly terrified of screwing up" bartending for princess day for mc so he practices.. for hours…. and hours…
[modern, love day] if mc chooses to look at the scenic photos alkaid took at the carnival, alkaid will jokingly claim the ones of him and her are now his and yoink them away from her
[modern, love day] alkaid saying mc can act like a cat when she visits his place, only for her to meow at him and step on his foot
[godheim] alkaid asking for a hug before he overexerts his magic and then goofily proclaiming that he's "so scandalous!" before giving mc another side hug.
[godheim] mc and alkaid's banter where alkaid initially says "good girl" to her for keeping her eyes closed during his magical overexertion, only for mc to say "you're being such a good boy" to his frozen body in the carriage, where his eyelids just barely twitch in vague annoyance.
[godheim] speaking of being frozen. he heard and saw everything mc did while he was in that state. so that was definitely him responding to her. he also remembered her kissing him. he refuses to answer mc when she asks if he was conscious.
[godheim] zack calling alkaid out on wearing his old mage outfit simply bc mc likes it. alkaid just smiles and is like hey. quiet. you might wake her up and she'll hear. that's not how you treat the guy who saved your life 🥺🥺
[godheim] alkaid's support for ayn and mc during ayn's route and helping the two of them escape.
[godheim] during the hunting event, alkaid has to be forced into participating by lars' orders. even then he still doesn't participate and proceeds to buy all of the meat at the market place with the money he and mc made off of his magic tricks. he claims this is definitely not cheating. mc agrees.
[eden] there's not a ton for eden since that world's alkaid is the equivalent of a sopping wet pitiful cat, but there's something endearing about alkaid learning all of his social graces and dating etiquette from old books. the prefect had to sit and watch all of this like some sort of long suffering older brother forced to play dolls or whatever
[eden] alkaid panicking and running off when mc asked him to find the missing boy who called for help.
[eden] out of all of the things he could have chosen to wear, alkaid picks out this like. coquette?? pretty boy tuxedo? WITH a cunty little earring? good for him... good for him!
[eden] he also makes a bunch of little model dioramas with houses, gardens and people in them. if he ever went to the modern world he would LOVE michael's.
[eden] in his epilogue, alkaid remade his little lantern with him and mc in it because she was the only one who could stir any kind of feeling in him after losing his emotions. he gets very embarrassed if she finds this out.
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therealvinelle · 5 months
Do you think there needs to be a minimal amount of venom or a specific concentration of it to turn someone?
My thought was that a single bite is enough to turn an adult and since Twilight vampires don't have fangs that directly inject the venom it must be the little amount of saliva that's on their teeth that does it. So you dont need much but could one vampire spit into a town's water supply and turn a bunch of people that way?
Granted, it'd be a horribly inefficient way of doing it IF it works in the first place (the person needs a cut or other small injury for the venom to enter the bloodstream, no control over who turns and who doesn't, you might end up with 20 newborns at once and have the volturi come after you etc.) but the potential for chaos is so delicious. Also it'd be really funny if that inspired another law: 1. keep the secret 2. no immortal children 3. don't spit into a town's water supply, you nasty people.
Partially answered: less venom injected simply means longer incubation time. This is the case with real life viruses too, and where it entered the body can also impact incubation period.
I think, judging by the fact that this hasn't happened in canon, there are no records of people turning into vampires without being bitten, venom probably doesn't survive very long on its own or when exposed to elements that are not a human.
Carlisle did invent syringes for Breaking Dawn, but we don't know what material those were made of, how long they'd been sitting when Edward used them nor, crucially, if they actually worked. Edward bit Bella everywhere he could manage in addition to using the syringes, it could be the venom in the syringes had already died or lost potency by that time and Bella was turned from the bites alone. Carlisle, who was on a time crunch with limited resources, would not have had an opportunity to test these.
In other words, we know from people only becoming vampires in canon from direct exposure that venom can't survive on its own, and the syringes don't prove that venom could survive under certain conditions because we don't actually know that those syringes were potent.
Fascinating question, anon! Know that there was a lot of virology babble in this post that I had to delete upon remembering I had no idea what I was talking about.
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after-witch · 2 years
"KUNIKUZUSHI! Don't you dare ignore me, I don't care if your henchmen hear me yelling!"
notes: yandere, forced marriage, some misogny and classism
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You would never claim that your husband was known for his delicacy, yet the word delicate is what comes to mind as his entire being immediately pivots and begins stepping towards you in one fluid, horribly graceful motion. His steps are light; almost a mimicry of ordinary steps, doll-like, and if it weren’t for the bells on his hat, no one would hear him coming. You aren’t the only one who has been surprised on occasion by his sudden appearances.
Yet the delicacy of his movements are utterly betrayed by the ugly frown twisted on his beautiful face. You only have the luxury of focusing on it for a few moments before he grips the collar of your dressing gown and yanks you toward him in one harsh, swift movement.
“Have you lost your senses, woman?” The words are hissed low. “I did not give you my name so you could shriek it out like some ragged pauper screaming at her chickens.”
Your lips press together in a grim line. Oh, yes, you were used to his insults about your heritage, all wrapped in his unfortunate desire to present you to the world--but mostly to himself--as some sort of ethereal noblewoman’s wife. All quiet grace and charm.
Yet it wasn’t the life you were born into, nor did such lofty manners come easily to you. They seemed rather pointless at times, especially since you eventually realized that he liked you best when you were at ease in private, eager to engage with him on a more intimate level than any noblewoman would ordinarily do for her dear husband. It was all a show, one you both put on to different degrees.
“Yet you did give me your name to use,” and the small dip of your head as you speak is both a mockery of the manners he’s instilled in you and a gesture ingrained through months of tedious, irritating training. “And I saw fit to use it thus, since I was speaking to you as my husband, and not my lord.”
“Am I not both?” He muses, and his voice is tight, but the fingers gripping the fabric of your gown loosen anyway. “You certainly know better than to raise your voice to your lord and husband. Are you so ill-trained?” He lifts your chin with a finger, chiding, but there’s a bit of warm teasing in his voice that contrasts against the  coolness of his skin.
You know enough about Scaramouche to know that the situation is on its way to defusing significantly, if not entirely, and you know exactly how to present yourself to soothe the electric irritation you’ve sparked with your outburst.
You lean your chin forward, guiding him to take your face in his hand, and he does. Your eyelashes flutter and you look at him with as much pleading as you can summon.
“Will you answer the question I asked, then, instead of leaving me without another word?” And if your tone becomes softer, if your voice is tinged with something akin to neediness and loneliness, it’s not entirely for show. “Please, my lord, my husband…” 
You wait, for effect, before dealing your finishing blow in a tone far sweeter than the one you used to keep him here earlier. “Kunikuzushi?”
He regards you with eyes that have taken in every inch of your body a thousand times. Sometimes you wonder if he has the power to read minds or to see inside souls. You don’t ask, because the answer might just frighten you.
“All right. We’ll pass through your village once. I expect there to be tributes. And don’t imagine that you’ll be staying for more than an hour or so.”
Your smile is far more gracious than the limitations he’s placed on you, but you don’t mind. Perhaps you can talk him into more later.
“Thank you, my lord.”
He gives your chin a harsh squeeze before letting it drop.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. I’m not a fool. I agreed only to spare myself more of your shrewish behavior.”
“Of course, husband,” you say, watching him leave.
He is not a fool, it’s true. But neither are you.
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actual-changeling · 3 months
Hey there Alex! So, I've loved your content for a bit of a while now and your explanations/insight really gives a lot of clarity to people who either might not understand certain points about Good Omens, need a reality check, or may have missed something. You've also really helped me stop being so shy about my love and defense for Crowley in response to Azi apologists weaponizing his trauma as excuses for the way he treats him.
Anyways! I don't know if you've talked about it before, I think you mentioned it briefly in passing but could you possibly go more in depth about the scene in s2 between them about the Bentley situation. The first time I watched the scene, I remember thinking it was so adorable how Crowley trusted Aziraphale enough with his car and how Azi changed the color of it. However, there was always.... something! Idk that struck me the wrong way and you realize upon watching it again that it wasn't as straight forward at at. I'd like your opinion, since I feel it really plays into that constant dynamic of Crowley being uncomfortable for Aziraphale's sake once again.
Do you think he was actually okay with it in the end?
Why did Azi choose this rather than by train?
Does the Bentley truly like the Angel?
If Crowley is connected to the Bentley, how come he doesn't seem to realize when Shax was in it with Aziraphale?
Thank you, that's really nice to hear! I'm glad that my posts have been helpful in a number of ways 💚
Now, I have THOUGHTS on the Bentley scene, excellent questions!
It is another one of those moments that seems sweet on the surface but is actually deeply uncomfortable to watch once you look past that. Let's start with the easy ones and then work our way through the scene in chronological order.
Why did Azi choose this rather than by train?
Aziraphale is basically roleplaying at this point. His weird obsession with his "Clue" has turned into a performance similar to his horrible magic acts; his facial expressions and body language change and become more theatrical when he talks to Crowley about it. At this point, he has probably already decided that he will pretend to be a journalist for no other reason than fun. Driving a car instead of going by train is presumably a part of that, it's an elaborate fantasy he's trying to live out—similar to the ball later on.
We have to keep in mind that while Crowley is aware of the gravity of the situation, Aziraphale is actively choosing to ignore it. Going to Edinburgh for fun is a horrible idea considering the danger they're in, but Aziraphale does not care.
Does the Bentley truly like the Angel?
I think the Bentley likes him exactly as much as Crowley likes him, simple answer but tbh that's really it.
Do you think he was actually okay with it in the end?
Now, the one million pound question: Did Crowley willingly give him the Bentley or did Aziraphale coerce him into doing so? Before we answer this one, there are some more things to consider.
Firstly, the circumstances.
With Shax in his flat and Jimbriel in the bookshop, Crowley has exactly one safe place left: the Bentley. It is HIS, it is mobile, it does not belong to anyone else, and he has a connection to it, meaning that he protects the Bentley but the Bentley also protects him.
We saw Crowley's intense reaction to Gabriel's presence, and it's not 'funny' or 'dramatic', it is Crowley being deeply traumatized by heaven, his fall, and the trial, and there's a very high chance Gabriel was involved in his fall, too. What Aziraphale is essentially demanding of him the entire season is that he locks himself in close quarters with his abuser, who can literally kill him on the spot.
Crowley is fucking terrified, he cannot sleep, he is hypervigilant and even more paranoid than usual, his mood swings get worse, he is a mess—and Aziraphale does not take any of his concerns, emotions, or needs seriously.
Secondly, past experiences and boundaries.
Whenever Aziraphale needs a lift, Crowley is happy to provide one, he enjoys driving him around. Emphasis on him being the driver. Aziraphale has not once driven the Bentley, and it is safe to assume that Crowley has never once OFFERED that he could drive it. That alone should be enough for Aziraphale to not ask that question in the first place, but it isn't.
It also means that Crowley does not expect the question and—when probably at some point asking himself the question whether he'd be okay with Aziraphale driving it—decided he does not want anyone but himself in the driver's seat.
So how does Crowley react when Aziraphale demands the keys to the Bentley?
Oh right, yeah, let's actually talk about that first. He does not ask.
Aziraphale does not ask. I cannot overstate how important it is that he does not ask Crowley if he can drive the Bentley. This is how their conversation goes:
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There is no question. "I will take the car" is Aziraphale informing Crowley of a decision he has already made without consulting him—wow, I wonder when that will become relevant again?
final fifteen *cough*
Before he asked, Crowley was rather relaxed (or as relaxed as he can possibly be in his situation), but that changes immediately.
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First picture is when he asks Aziraphale about what time his train is, the other two are when he says 'what car'.
His back straightens, his shoulders tighten and freeze, he snaps his jaw shut and grinds his teeth, chin up, mouth lips pressed together—I interpret this as initial panic plus a spark of anger over "our car".
Crowley denies Aziraphale ownership of the Bentley, saying that no, there is no "our" car, this is MY car. It is clear, simple boundary, but Aziraphale went into this conversation having already decided that he will take the car, no matter what Crowley thinks about it.
While he might sound all cheery and excited, look at his body and the expression on his face. That smile is fake, it's bordering on angry, and it is sending a very clear message to Crowley: I want this car and you will give it to me. Once again, my way or the highway.
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Bringing up the bookshop is him trying to "out-logic" Crowley, but it does not work because
a) Crowley very much does not consider the bookshop to be "theirs"
b) even if he had, the bookshop is no longer a safe place because of Jimbriel
c) Aziraphale KICKED HIM OUT of the bookshop in the first episode, establishing that Crowley is a guest and nothing more.
He then intentionally misinterprets Crowley saying that he "can't drive [his] Bentley" and mentions his license. Again, entirely irrelevant because that is not even remotely the problem.
Throughout their conversation, Crowley becomes more and more uncomfortable and panicked. This is not a squabble or banter, this is Crowley trying to protect the one thing he has left and Aziraphale not giving a fuck.
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Now, the REAL banger here is that after pushing Crowley this far, he then suddenly dumps the rest of his "decision" on him: stay with a person that has severely harmed you, alone, without a way of escaping. This is where Crowley grows from panicked and angry to genuinely frightened.
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He stops Aziraphale from touching it—rightfully so—and then reaches out himself to calm himself; it is right there, my car is right next to me, it's okay. Aziraphale ignored all of his attempts to set and enforce boundaries, ignored his panic and emotional state, ignored what Crowley was telling him, ignored everything Crowley told him BEFORE, and keeps pushing pushing pushing until the very end.
So to circle back to your question, no, Crowley is absolutely not fine with Aziraphale taking the car by the end; he fights him right up until the moment he begrudgingly gives him the keys.
It is a very good example of their current relationship dynamic, and personally it actually hurts to watch it happen. Anyone who has gone through trauma around privacy, safety, and personal effects knows how terrifying and traumatizing it is to have your boundaries repeatedly violated like that.
Aziraphale is being manipulative and coercing Crowley into doing what he wants; it's fucked up, and this doesn't even begin to deal with happens later.
If Crowley is connected to the Bentley, how come he doesn't seem to realize when Shax was in it with Aziraphale?
Maybe he did but did not really care because Shax has been in the Bentley before (just like Beez), maybe he is too distracted by Jimbriel and potentially being murdered in his sleep to pay much attention to Aziraphale on his way back.
Maybe he DID notice since he does ask Aziraphale if something happened, and then once again makes the mistake of trusting him when he denies it.
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Without more information I can only speculate, but, personally, I think Shax being in the Bentley was not too big of a deal for Crowley even if he noticed it.
As always, if anyone has follow-up question, feel free to ask!
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 month
FSR rambles 20
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If you go with the viz translation, Green might have considered he had to kill Vio in that fight lmfao.
I lean very much on he wasn't going to and wanted to just knock his ass out but the flicker of "Oh shit. I might have to do something horrible" is still a present thought added here.
Since we KNOW Vio has a scar from Blue tossing that rock, and Blue even brought up he wonders how bad Green's scar is Green clutching his stomach here is uhhhh. Concerning haha.
Not beating the "Vio fucked up your stomach" allegations there Green.
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Dark Link might have not really gotten the POINT of Green remembering this fight.
or maybe he's just too distracted to care.
Green's fucking face when Dark says "I LIKE VIO TOO!" gets a fucking laugh out of me because holy shit he looks pissed.
Like the audacity of that statement given everything is so funny.
Dark flipping hair colors depending on who he's imitating/talking about is just a fun visual detail and makes me very happy this comic is in color.
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Jealousy...It's best served with Depression From Dark Link.
Because dude just keeps sinking back into a depressive state. It's almost like Dark just, doesn't want to talk about himself at all with Green.
He'd rather Green talk about himself/his experiences.
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SOooo since I'm here to give all the answers:
"Why WAS Dark crying in this scene?"
Cause of Vio.
He was crying Vio's tears.
His hair has changed to vio's color, and he doesn't even realize he's crying till Green points it out.
There's also the idea he didn't realize Green was TALKING to him since he's not used to being noticed.
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Hehe flashback.
So something to note: Blue didn't talk to vio, but just came to sit with him...Weird.
I'm sure there will never be a follow up about that weird detail and it was thrown in for absolutely no reason. :D
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So to loop back in on why Dark Link was crying, Vio is just, busted up on the inside about all the bullshit with Shadow Link.
But isn't really allowing himself to express that in any real way.
I added this in cause I felt we didn't get much closure on all the bullshit Vio did in the OG manga due to time. So, here ya go haha.
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haha guts spilled.
Vio really sums it up though. He "did" a lot of things by taking NO action. The guilt of inaction is haunting him HARD right now and it's just eating him up inside.
A continuous motif is when shown anything involving what Vio did to Shadow his face is obscured or not detailed, pitch black in shadows.
In this scene it's goopy which just adds this suffocating feel to his actions and words.
Vio's literally drowning in regret over his actions and can't reconcile with what he did.
Smth I honestly think the all ages rating completely holds back on us in the OG. Like I don't need over the top "oh nooo what have I become" but a LITTLE acknowledgement that vio watched Shadow (or at least it's heavily implied) kill people and outright text that he watched Shadow burn a forest would be nice.
We didn't see much of the consequences of Vio's actions even in just a self reflective idea despite them being SO HEAVILY FEATURED in the og manga.
Like we see the actions. We get no real closure for how vio is feeling about it. It's so odd.
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Agh. So many emotions so hard to articulate the stuff behind them. XD
Green watching back on a past memory with just, a forlorn look on his face.
Dark is STILL crying and Green goes to wipe away his tears which just oomf.
Dark and Green's relationship is one I love VERY MUCH from a LOT of angles.
In a lot of ways in this scene specifically Dark is a stand in for Vio.
Green's wiping away Vio's tears from Dark. But it's still a sweet action regardless. He's showing kindness to an entity that hasn't been all that kind to him.
And on that note: Dark Link hasn't received much kindness from ANYONE.
Shadow's was basically entirely veiled in watching his own trauma from Vaati being thrown back in his face.
But there's not really strings attached to this action from Green. He's just wanting to comfort Dark, presumably as we'll see in a second BECAUSE he feels he failed when comforting Vio.
Anyway back to Vio and Green lmfao. I had too much to say about 2 panels of DarkGreen.
Vio questioning if Green hates him after this shit is a punch to the gut.
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Haha guilt.
Green in FS just kinda fucked off and said "Screw them I don't care" when he was split up from them. (A reasonable response after so much bullshit lmfao)
but in doing so it opened him up to feeling a LOT of guilt over what DID go horribly wrong.
And it all sank in in this moment.
And current Green just watching back with sadness while giving Dark affection just aghhhh.
Pain. All I know is PAIN.
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Honesty, togetherness. Pls kiss-
But as morbid as Green's words are it's true. Whether they succeed or fail at least they're together now.
Doesn't mean he's not still scared as hell.
This is the kind of characterization I wish we got from green in the og.
Like his bad leadership skills aren't really addressed in an impactful way outside of him fucking off for a bit haha. Which is never really brought up again after the pyramid bit and it only does in relation to how it affected HIM and not his team as a whole.
Green being more open about how he's a flawed leader is just smth I enjoyed adding.
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*Laughs in Vioxgreen*
And I'm not sorry either.
Funny how HERE Vio is talking about the downside of being Link while in current day he's the one who wants to go back to that...
Just a fun food for thought thing.
The kiss is very much spurred from "Damn you're being nice to me rn."
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Think you broke him there Vio.
Vio's no fucks given attatude really does boil down to "I've made so many mistakes what's another one" when it came to kissing Green.
Not that Green minded much haha.
Also hilarious you make such a disgusted face at the notion of smooching Shadow Link when page 358 is a moment green-
but yeah Vio's self loathing is on full display here and green's just like "Nah bro. but...you're a good boy-"
Smth I enjoy about Vio is just how much ANY link could be like him if they had enough removed from them.
Vio as a character to me is very much a side of Link that is completely willing to do ANYTHING to succeed and has NOTHING holding him back. Resulting in a very "not like link" link character.
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The deadpan way Vio describes what he DID to Shadow Link.
Like in a lot of ways he's just. Numb. Like he's just dissociating with own actions.
It's less of a "Realization" that they're gonna have to deal with Shadow again at some point but the reminder still stings.
There's smth to be said on how I find a lot of people boil down the "Vidow is toxic thing" way to much and basically try to strip the convo of any nuance at ALL.
Here's an idea: They're both victims and perpetrators and they both care about each other but surprise surprise, being on two ends of the hero villain spectrum they were fucked from the start.
Vio lists what he did to Shadow here but Shadow was no fucking saint news flash: THEY TRIED TO KILL EACH OTHER. :D
They both did shitty as hell things to each other cause circumstances fucked them BOTH OVER.
Shadow: Pressured this bitch into joining him and DID NOT take NO for an answer and oh yeah tried to kill him when it turned out vio lied to him-
Literally wtf was Vio supposed to do when Shadow showed up in the woods. Pretending to be on his side just to not DIE if this massive lighting using man child decided to throw a fit if he kept saying no. Their entire team got wasted to shit by this guy and he tried to kill green at the start of the mangaaaaa.
it's almost like coercion is bad or smth...
Imo it's clear they care about each other it's freakin' circumstance that fucked them both over.
In terms of what they did to EACH OTHER I'd say Vidow is pretty even on that board. (If we don't count what Shadow did to other people in which, lmfao Shadow, the bad guy character is clearly more evil)
I have a lot of thoughts about Vidow lmfao.
I happen to like the fact they're a doomed romance I can give a happier and worse ending but that's just me-
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Green and Vio after kissing:
but yeah lol thanks for your input Green I'm sure Vio appreciates it. XD
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Haha very funny Vio.
Though there is smth to be said about how Vio spent who knows how long sleeping next to Shadow Link that sleeping alone after that would be weird.
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Oh Green. Sweet Sweet Green.
Thank you dark for telling him affectively to stfu.
Dark's eyes being white with Blue is very unnerving and I like it. XDD
I'm just gonna say it:
I am in love with the last panel for a LOT of reasons.
So many.
Like idk where to even start holy shit.
1st of all: Dark giving green the flower. I've shit posted he wanted Green to eat it but that's not a joke lmfao.
2nd of all: Dark Link being a sweetie not only in his actions but his words. It was very fun to write him with someone he truly deeply respects.
Vaati he considers too dumb to live and Shadow he straight up thinks is the evilest entity alive. Zelda he barely interacted with and I've given my thoughts on them I think but like, there's not enough there to really deeply dive into yet.
Green, GREEN IS SOMEONE HE OUTRIGHT LIKES! And we get to actually see Green and Dark interact for an extended period UNLIKE Dark and Zelda. (I will have a LOT to say about them later lmfao)
And what Dark is saying here just, is the truth. Green is downplaying what he did MAJORLY, and Dark getting him back into a realistic sense of what is even feasible for one person to do is a welcome thing.
Overall I'm very happy with the dialogue I ended up with being "You did what you could with what you knew, that's all anyone could ask of you."
It's words I think a lot of people need to hear at one point or another.
Also, Dark Link is in a very similar boat AS GREEN. Vaati puts insane expectations on him and acts like he's a failure for not meeting them. Dark hasn't quite been hit with the "i'm not good enough" stick yet to take any of that seriously but they are in a similar boat of having the weight of their own worlds on their shoulders.
This is an experience he can actually RELATE to Green on in his own way.
In a lot of ways, darks lack of insecurity, and him kind standing up for Green here is a reflection of how he doesn’t view himself as a failure despite being treated like one. He's seen failure and doesn't deem Green or himself failures and won't beat around the bush in saying as much.
Overall I think the point that Dark makes, that sometimes there is nothing else you can do. And digging yourself into a guilt hole is not helping. Reminding yourself "I did what I could with what I knew" is a good thing to keep close to your heart. I think that point feels very strong coming from him. XD
You as a single person can't fix everything and you shouldn't have to.
Dark's infamous bitching about Vaati doing NOTHING while he does all the work, and him saying to Green "Bro you did the best you can" feels so personal and well indented coming from him. Which ah, has been so lacking in someone who thus far has been around people like Shadow and Vaati. XD
3rd of all:
This highlights an aspect of Dark that has been, rather shrouded in a questionable variable.
If he can TRUELY be a helpful entity or if he's only really evil. Obviously there's clues that Dark is more than what he seemed at first since he uttered that he wanted kisses and cuddles lmfao.
But this highlights the "Dark is a fucked up therapist" angle.
Lastly this whole interaction just stands out as smth that doesn't benefit Dark in a single way. In fact it might actually be a detriment to him.
One of his self described tasks is to destroy their mentality so they can't do anything to Vaati. But respects Green too much to not say smth when Green is being an idiot towards himself. XD
Having Dark being a nuanced character is smth I enjoy a lot because he's just so complicated. Shadow's whole "I'm the hero link think" didn't go beyond basically just jabbing at Link there was a dude with his face running around being bad and reveled in being bad.
But I like exploring a character who TRUELY thinks they are like Link and not just doing it as a jab. Dark's delusions that he IS a good hero is what makes him so fun to me. (I do like Shadow's characterization but making Dark and Shadow substantially different from each other was the goal. XD)
Cause Dark Link's thoughts that he's a hero aren't skin deep or just him talking himself up vs Shadow. Dark's mind is constantly contradicting itself to what he's supposed to be doing.
His main goal often defaulting to just wanting connection with others even if it kinda bites his other goals in the ass. Cause dude is lonely as hell as well as depressed and connecting with others kind of becomes his main driving force vs his actual purpose. XD
Suffice to say: I like this one panel a lot and DarkGreen as a whole means a lot to me from a story standpoint not just pure shipping fodder. XD (Even though unironically I do think they're one of the best ships in the comic from a dynamic standpoint.)
I think Dark is an important character in EVERYONE progressing their development in FSR and I do like how he's so flexible as to be a good foil or nudge characters in certain directions.
Darkgreen as a dynamic specifically just hits good cause of how it feeds into Green's arc of accepting help and listening to the fact he's not a failure and that this time, he doesn't have to pile things on his own shoulders and he can rely on his team. (Which is similar to his arc from the manga but the twist here is that he feels he needs to bare the weight of being the team leader.)
Dark kind of ended up being a "Safe" person to talk about his anxieties about.
Which is very ironic.
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Lmfao. Green wasn't expecting that at ALL from this dude.
panel 2 is funny cause haha more funny out of pocket things Dark says involving "romance" (His urge to be close to people)
The "huh?" "Huh?" back and forth is inspired by smth in AOT lmfao go figure but two characters "huh?" ing at each other just gets a laugh out of me.
Like they're both confused to shit.
Green especially must have a ton of crap going on up there because this dude is ALL OVER THE PLACE during this conversation but admitting "Hey I'd want you to kiss me too" is probs the weirdest part lmfao.
The absurdity and audacity is just, laughable.
I don't remember who exactly Dark is quoting but I know SOMEONE said "Shadow link's a really bad guy" (I really wanna say it is green lol) and I thought it'd be funny if Dark repeated them here considering the circumstances. XD
It sounds childish as fuck but also cements WHY Dark doesn't like Shadow Link immediately at least in context to Green. Since Green doesn't know anything about their scuffle.
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Of course Green pries a bit because figuring out Dark and Shadow got beef is...interesting to say the least.
He saw Shadow shaking him like a magic 8 ball so he's not THAT surprised but still that's weird.
Dark fundamentally seems to not really understand why he pissed Shadow off or he's being obtuse on purpose. Take your pick. Either way he's very to the point on him perceiving Green as "Hating" Shadow Link.
When in reality it's a lot more complicated than that.
Green also catches Dark refers to himself as a hero here which, confuses him but also intrigues him a bit.
Since I'm pretty sure this is the first time Dark has proclaimed himself to be a hero in Green's presence. XD
And considering Green's context: That's a wild ass thing to say.
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I think it's interesting Green feels safe enough to confide in Dark at all...
Or you could take it how I kinda thought and by mere proxy of Dark not really being someone he can't afford to not let down, he can be honest about his feelings.
The other 3 colors and Shadow he has to have an heir of control and leadership around. Dark, doesn't expect squat from him, Dark is kinda their enemy...and he isn't someone Green needs to have a mask around.
Dark also giving him wiggle room to feel safe for that second I think Green just kinda, broke and wanted to talk about his feelings with SOMEONE and that SOMEONE just happens to be the nightmare monster that's a mental terror.
I think he's also lowkey defensive about why he's still a bit ehhhhh relationship wise with Shadow Link. XD
Because Green's wording here is WEIRD
"Nothing was the same after...ALL of it." - is more in reference to their entire journey and while Dark is the curse destroying their head Green can't blame him for shit that SHADOW did to make them mentally unwell as hell haha.
Like...Well the things Green describes above.
SPECIFICALLY the "You didn't laugh while me and Vio nearly killed each other" is...AMUSING because Dark did just watch kinda in surprise at that lmfao. His take away from that fight was "You like Vio? I like vio too. ^w^"
Green's not aware that Dark did uh, goofy things involving vio at the start of this comic haha.
Green's general bitterness towards Shadow makes a ton of sense. As Green puts it, Shadow put them through HELL. And he has every right to be pissed I think even if Shadow helped them in the end.
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1 - It's called denial sweetheart they were both in it last night. XDDDD Vidow be complicated ya just gotta accept it.
2 - I fucking love Dark Link. He's just a treasure. Confused by Vio and Shadow's confusing ass relationship.
3 - Green's got that sexy self reflection to make his opinions nuanced.
4 - Truth.
5 - Dark Link's like "Damn I found a smart boy"
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I do love Green getting shy at Dark Link praising him haha.
The admittion Dark thinks Green is a good hero also gives insight into what Dark THINKS a good hero IS to begin with.
What's fun here is just how different of a character Green is to Vaati or Shadow. Dark Link (At this point) hasn't had anything to berate Green on being hypocritical or weird about. (That wasn't Green's direct insecurities that Dark was just parroting) When in comparison to Vaati or Shadow who are "lying idiots". XD
Green downplays any good things he does while wallowing in his mistakes And Dark's like "...What are you talking about???"
Also Green. That last statement. You shouldn't have said it haha.
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1 - That moment where Dark just, freezes and stops talking and STARES. Greens' like "Uh...you okay" wordlessly.
2. Creepy face.
3. Oh dear it's worse. XD I cannot remove the inflections from that one Lazy town meme "WOULD YOU LIKE TOO!?" and it makes me laugh but Dark's in general just, creepy as hell in these panels.
Also fun time into getting into Dark Link blushing since I don't know if I've gone into that:
Dark Link blushes for a lot of reasons but tends to do it when he's emotionally unstable. And he FOR SURE IS after Green made that throw away statement that he's unable to see into memories.
Dark Link is ALL too eager to share that experience though. For better or for worse.
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I call him a sweaty weirdo for a reason. Dude be sweaty. XD
This entire page is hilarious and horrible for Green but Dark having no emotional filters is the norm for him at this point hah.
The main take away here is that Dark wants a "yes" out of Green when it comes to letting Green see something.
Green's horrified "WHAAAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE!?" is the first time someone's ACTUALLY referenced verbally that Dark makes disturbing expressions. XD
Which is another thing Dark does involuntarily when over excited. Like it's obvious Dark's not a normal human and I don't exactly think the hylian-ish form we see of him is his natural state. I think it's the result of him mimicking Link's appearance.
I think the interesting take away is that Green kinda catches on imediately Dark isn't acting this way to scare or hurt him but just has zero emotional regulation. But who'd fault Green for being scared from this behavior. XD
Dark's dialogue is all sorts of concerning here. Saying "They can watch whatever Green would like", which is very much a push to get Green to watch SOMETHING with him to a point where he doesn't care WHAT it is as long as they do it. But describes the process as "Sickening" which... Seems to throw the idea it'd be "fun" out the window but he proceeds to say "It'll be SO fun we'll both THROW UP"
Which uhhh.
Okay then buddy.
The response Green gives, which is to just gently push Dark off him is a far cry from how Vaati and Shadow treat him physically.
Green's got insane patience.
Which speaking of that, if Dark is ONLY used to physically violent actions towards himself, him shoving Green on the ground and not really thinking about it makes a lot more sense.
I think the most gentle thing someone's done was Shadow and Vaati patting him on the head.
It's funny to me how Dark kind of realizes his behavior was inappropriate from Green's reaction and apologizes. Which, again is smth you wouldn't expect out of your casual evil villain man.
Green comes to the conclusion that Dark is nuttier than a squirrel which...took ya long enough bud XD
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Again Green kind of applies "This is a bad guy who's trying to trick me" logic. Which we know isn't really Dark's style.
Lying is what his DAD does after all-
Dark confusing the words "Catch" with like, the physical action of catching something which is just smth I find cute.
I'm sure I've touched on it before but Dark's conflation of "Fun" and "Pain" has been smth with him from the start of the comic. (Masochist much lmfao)
And on a level he kinda knows it'll make Green miserable to watch something with him but kinda doesn't care and just wants to do it WITH SOMEONE for once. Thus he doesn't want any payment because, well. Asking for payment would be rude.
I just like his completely broken logic on that because it shows how mangled Dark's idea of things like pleasurable and painful experiences are.
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Green's determination is a turn on for Dark apparently.
Just kidding but Green. Green. Awww Green.
That's such a bad idea to look into Vio's memories stop.
Slot machine Dark was just a fun visual I thought would be weird unnerving, kinda funny and match Zelda quirkiness.
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theheirofthesharingan · 10 months
I didn't knew you were pro-uchiha too, so I would love to deepen this discussion ahead. I stand corrected about the war thing. Well, I admit that coup would have started a war which makes choosing the village a safest option to guarantee the peace. But when I think about it, maybe Itachi might have played it out differently. Both Itachi and Shisui were prodigies who had prestigious powers and talent. Especially for Itachi, he was promoted to the Anbu at 11 years. Both had a lot of political influence. They could have used this to their advantage to stop the coup. In the novels, he did say that he understood the clan's predicament. But he could have asked the clan about their distress or could have tried to comfort them with lightening words. This might have ensured that the clan trusted him completely just like how they did for Shisui. It isn't like he didn't know how to sympathise or verbally comfort, since he did very much so with Sasuke. So, he would have been able to succeed gradually to convince the clan to not to launch a coup by slowing illustrating/explaning them why they were wrong, without having any harsh disagreements or critisms. This also would have been possible with Shisui too. It's just a alternative not sure if it would have worked.
Now that you mentioned about Madara(which I completely forgot about)now I think that his decision did made sense. Madara, a dangerous enemy for the village was better handled by Itachi. He successfully managed to keep Madara away from the village for more than 7+ years till strong Shinobi like Naruto and Sasuke was brought up who could save their people from him. The honour of the Uchihas, his little brother's life and the well being of the people of the village were shouldered upon him ultimately becoming a greatest victim. I never did disagreed on that. But I felt as if that would have been avoided but now I understand better.
I'm very much pro-Uchiha. Loving Itachi doesn't mean I don't love Sasuke or don't understand the clan's plight. They were all victims of Konoha and none of them deserve to be scorned for what happened to them.
You're mistaking Itachi's IQ with his EQ. He was a genius doesn't mean he was good with people. Him and Shisui are two very different people. Shisui was sociable and amiable kid and Itachi was reserved. He was also much younger than Shisui. Expressing himself in front of Sasuke and expressing himself in front of people are two different things too. Sasuke was a kid. The clan wasn't. You're expecting too much from a literal child here who was trying his own best to stop the destruction and was burdened with all the impossible things. From the moment he saw war and decided to change the system/world and make it a better place, he took this burden upon himself and he had no one to stand beside him. Shisui's death left him completely alone.
I'll be repeating myself because I'd already answered why there was no other way either for Itachi or the clan. Itachi would have done something else had there been any other way. If he were a little bit older, he'd be more mature and your suggestions might be executed, but you're talking about a kid who wasn't even a teen at that time. He had his own set of ideals and lack of any other options left him with what he did.
Yep. He knew the Akatsuki, Madara were upto no good. So he warned the village and even talked Kisame out of capturing Naruto when they captured the Four Tails.
Itachi is a tragic character not only because of all the horrible things that happened to him but also the things he did. He took their full responsibility instead of blaming others, and suffered enormously. Even if the clan forgave him, Sasuke forgave him, everyone else forgave him, he would never forgive himself. He knew killing people was wrong, destroying Sasuke's life was wrong, and in the hindsight he did see flaws in his original plan, but he couldn't have acted much differently while he made those decisions.
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meanbossart · 6 months
hi. I'm a huge fan of your work. I've been following you since before sad sack even came out. I was around for the very first teasers of it. I am very young... definitely i was too young to be reading sad sack when I was. but I'm an adult now so whatever, harm done. I'm a novelist. you are really one of my greatest artistic inspirations.
I guess my question that I want to say is... how do you finish stories? I have a million started but I always get this horrible voice in my head telling me that it's not worth it to finish, that the next project I do will be better, but I know I'm at the point in my journey where I need to just get something done. how do you do it? do I just need time? do I need to get a little older? do I need to keep failing until I succeed?
thank you so much for everything that you've done, your art brings me so much joy and comfort. many, many times your comics have made me feel like I wasn't alone. please keep doing what you're doing, because I love it, just for me lol.
Hey! This has sat in my inbox for a while i know, to be completely honest it just never feels great to know someone was exposed to my adult work before they should have been, and it can feel like im walking a tenuous line in acknowledging that it happens and not... Doing something about it? Though im not sure what that something would be. I will take your word for it that you are an adult now and as you said, the harm was already done. Im not happy about it but nothing can be done about it now i guess.
I do sincerely appreciate your kind words about mine and Nick's work and I'm glad it's brought you joy, and i hope you were always able to enjoy it with a critical eye too.
As for your question, there is truly no easy answer there or A to B guide that will get you past this hurdle - some people work on years and years on the same thing before releasing it, other's just pump their first work to get it out of the way and while it may not be great, at least its done. Regardless, once you get one thing finished, you will come to realize that its easy to finish others, too. I think regardless of what you do though, you will never look back on your very first work and be happy with it, so its my personal opinion that while you should do your best, you should make peace with the fact that it will not be your best, and that's okay.
As for what I would personally do? Pick something, something short, and something fresh, dont start with that massive story you've been workshopping for 15 years. Start with something you can whip up in a year at the VERY most, something you are currently passionate about, something that interests you right this second. Draft it as quick as you can so you know how it starts and how it ends, and then set yourself up with a schedule to finish it - you don't have to abide by it 100%, but if you give yourself all the time in the world to work on it, you might end up taking up your own offer. If you have a deadline, even if made up, you will have to force yourself to move on when you come across something you aren't entirely happy with instead of becoming stuck on it for days, frustrated, and then proceeding to abandon it as you might have done before. I repeat - you will never be entirely happy with how your first work turns out. So focus on being passionate, proud, and absolutely committed to making it happen at all, instead.
I hope this has helped you at all, im both sorry that you ended up looking at our nasty stuff before you should have and also, again, genuinely glad you find inspiration in it now as a grown person. I wish you the best of luck in your journey as a creator!
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sweetingseva · 9 months
I had this need to re-read a certain part of TBONA, the part where Eva dreams about the handsome stranger. When I did, it just got me thinking about what the guy said and I felt the need to try figure out who he was.
His description...
His back was to a post, hair tousled and dark brown. Evangeline’s steps faltered. From a distance, she’d thought Jacks had been cast in shadow, but now it was clear the young man at the end of the dock was not Jacks. “You’re a difficult one to track down.” The young man turned from the lake, and when she saw his face, her breath caught in her chest. She thought at first that he looked familiar, but it might just have been that he was incredibly handsome, clean-cut jaw, dark eyebrows over hypnotic eyes, and a charming smile that made her heart take an excited little tumble.
Now his description makes one think about this carefully. We can forget about Eva thinking this is Jacks because I doubt that is all too important. At most this character is of similar build and height of him. An important thing is that he knows Jacks though, so I'm guessing that he's definitely someone of Jacks' past.
This handsome stranger has dark brown hair. Which certain family that knows Jacks well has dark brown hair, the Valors. Now, we have all thrown away the possibility of Apollo being Lysander Valor but what if his importance comes in another form and that being the handsome stranger from Eva's dream. (I like how I'm just coming up with ideas while going along)
Lysander Valor's power is something "that involved memories", we all know that. But, since his powers are so ambiguous, it could also include him managing to force entry into someones dreams. (Now I don't remember if any other character has managed to do this, like Jacks and Lala, I feel like Lala has but I really don't remember much)
It's highly possible that it isn't Lysander since we don't have much of a description other than the fact that the handsome stranger has dark brown hair but it is a possibility.
Now for what he says...
“I can see why Jacks likes you. You’re a bit like her, you know?” “Like who?” Evangeline asked. The Handsome Stranger rubbed his jaw. “He wouldn’t be happy if he knew I said this, but if you’re not careful, you’ll end up like her as well.” “Like who?” Evangeline repeated. “His first fox.”
He first says that she's a bit like the first fox. I'm guessing he means features. This could pertain to her being the first fox reincarnate. If she has physical features like her, it could give us answers to why Jacks treats Eva differently to how he treated Tella. It's possible that Eva's nickname came directly from Jacks based on how there are hints of similarity between Eva and the first fox. Jacks treated Tella very horribly, often being rough and rash with her. Often kissing her without any care to her possibly dying from it (I think that with Legend's blood in her system she's safe but, otherwise, she was dying). With Eva he tries to put distance but keeps feeling a push towards her yet never tries to kiss her, does that not make you think? He cares too much for her to die, he saved her from death as well. But he's acting as he did with the Fox when he had the archer curse, not necessarily running away just for Eva to run after him but hes trying to keep away from her emotionally which is even harder... I think their saving grace from their doom could have been Apollo
The handsome stranger warned Eva, this was a warning so she felt compelled to find out what happened to the fox once and for all. Maybe he was trying to hint that the story curse could be involved and that she would be taken with death just like the first fox (which she was). Yes, Jacks had the stones and went back in time to rectify her death but that wasn't enough because something worse than death is losing track of what you have done and who you have become and Eva had memories from the past year taken away.
It was definitely a warning for her, there are many ways to interpret it as well so who genuinely knows what it means. Stephanie put this character in for a reason, maybe I went round in circles but I have a feeling that he is Lysander and he was warning Eva to be careful.
Hello, thank you so much for your theory! ☺️
As you have said, the Handsome Stranger was indeed warning Evangeline from to Jacks to save her life because he had noticed that Jacks wasn't acting like himself and it wasn't smart to get cozy with him.
His mention of the First Fox plays a huge role in all this and gives sense to the theory that Evangeline is the first Fox reincarnated. Jacks's relationship with Evangeline didn't start off romantic. They annoyed each other. But still their relationship changed when they started having repressed feelings for each other. Because of that, Jacks keeps his distance to keep her safe from him.
If he doesn't, she'll die.
The Handsome Stranger told her that her death would destroy him, and I'm sure he doesn't want to see his friend get heartbroken all over again.
However, the Handsome Stranger does have an identity we already know. Evangeline confirmed it to be Chaos.
From TBONA pg. 315 and 369:
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With all of the info we got from Jacks, it's safe to say that because Chaos went after Vengeance, life in the Magnificent North would be changed forever because of his new transformation as a vampire. Half of the reason. Evangeline recognizes Chaos in that scene with his mother, too 😊
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lake-cosay · 11 months
since yellow posted about it without my permission (/j) here's everything (literally i'm going to try and put everything in one post) i've got for my parasite au
(just a heads up, it gets a bit heavy, mainly bc lake contemplates saving jesse's life against his will or letting him die with his consent.)
it's a no-train, human lake au. jesse and lake are childhood friends, both with relatively normal lives until one day jesse disappears. seemingly vanished out of thin air in the middle of the night. lake, who whole-heartedly does not trust the cops to actually try to find jesse, let alone bring him home safe, takes matters into their own hands, and sets out to find him themself.
lake packs a bag and heads out. (but not before they're stopped by jesse's parents, who know they can't stop lake and give lake supplies to stay safe, including jesse's dad giving lake his pocket knife.) (yes this might be a bit careless on the parents' side but i just want an excuse for jesse's dad to give lake his pocket knife idk) lake is willing to camp out in the woods for as long as they need to to find him.
days go by, and lake combs the woods looking for any sign of him. they think they catch fleeting glimpses of him, but whenever they turn to look, there's no one there. they also keep seeing deer -- sometimes only breifly, other times, they're able to watch the deer long enough to determine it's real and they're not just hallucinating. (surprise! it's alan dracula)
as the days go on, these glimpses of both jesse and the deer become more freuqent, more clear, more obviously not just lake's imagination. when lake is finally able to recognize the person as jesse, he looks bad. covered in dirt, his braid a mess*, his skin red from frostbite. his eyes... glowing. some horrible looking mark on the back of his neck.
*i firmly believe that if jesse and lake grew up being friends, jesse would shed the toxic masculinity much easier/earlier in his life, so he'd end up having a long braid by the time they're in high school.
but every time lake tries to get his attention, he disappears. but when lake is calm and quiet, they can start to approach him without scaring him away. eventually, they finally get to him. here's a drabble about that:
"Fuck, Jess, you're freezing," Lake said as they tried to suppress a shiver. He wasn't acting like he was cold, but then again, nothing about the way he was acting was normal.  Lake started to dig through their backpack, eventually fishing out the blanket. "C'mere," Lake tucked the edges of the blanket around his shoulders, then knelt down a bit before pausing. "I'm gonna pick you up," they said, hoping for permission. They didn't get anything explicit, but they didn't get a no either. As much as they hated to touch him without consent, his feet would fall off from frostbite if they stood there much longer. Lake tucked one arm around the back of Jesse's shoulders, the other under his knees. They lifted, and his weight came off the ground with surprising ease. Both because he had seemingly let Lake pick him up, but also because he had definitely lost a bit of weight.  With all of his weight in Lake's arms, Jesse leaned into Lake's chest. Lake lent their back against a tree, before slowly sliding down to sit on the ground with Jesse in their lap. They fussed with the blanket, making sure all of his skin was covered, especially his feet. Lake guessed that the blinding redness in balls of his feet were frostbite.
lake discovers that jesse's memories are extremely fuzzy. he doesn't remember any names, not even his own, but he does mention that lake looks familiar. when lake asks why he's out here, how he got out here, how he's alive etc, all he can answer with is "i don't know"
(alan dracula is definitely involved in lots of scenes but i forget about him when writing for some reason. i'm sorry AD i love you)
with their reunion, jesse's memories slowly come back. not fully, but he starts to remember lake's name again, and that he loves them, and that they love him. he remembers that he has a younger brother and his parents but it takes a while before their names come back to him.
i don't really have many details for the rest of what i planned for this au. basically lake somehow figures out that the parasite is killing jesse and they need to get it fast. they have to resort to cutting it out with the pocket knife.
that was all i had for the au until one day i realized that i've never seen anybody do anything with the fact that jesse almost turned into a tree in canon, and yellow helped me decide to combine that idea with this au. so, the parasite's way of killing him is turning him into a tree. here's another drabble:
Jesse winced and whimpered as another branch sprouted from his skin. Lake rubbed Jesse’s cheek, watching the branch slowly grow outwards.  Lake wasn’t sure how long they’d sat there, watching this parasite take over their best friend. But neither of them could think of a solution, and Jesse was so scared he was already practically stiff as a board. Save for the sobs that shook his body. There were 10 of them. At least 10 separate branches Lake could make out from here. They looked like they had pierced his flesh, the base of each branch surrounded with blood. Lake would look away for a minute, and when they looked back, the branches had grown thicker or longer. 3 of them had sprouted leaves. Or, maybe it had been more, but Jesse’s shaking had caused them to join the other leaves on the forest floor. Even his hair was changing; it was starting to feel more like vines than hair. Like dry, wilted roots. The tears Lake wiped away felt thick and sticky, and when Lake would kiss them away, they tasted like sap. Another whimper. Lake scanned his body, and the next branch poked out of his forehead, on his right side just below the hairline. Jesse’s shaky hand clawed at it, as if that was enough to stop all this. “I’m not gonna let you die like this,” Lake stated, with seemingly no response from Jesse. “Please. Let me try,” Jesse tried to take a deep breath, but the exhale made him shake violently. “I-I’m scared… I don’t— I don’t wanna die,” He tried to crawl even farther into Lake’s lap, but the roots from his feet kept him firmly planted in the earth. “If— If you really just… want me to stay,” Lake began, choking down their own tears now. “Then I will. But—” Staying meant saying goodbye. It meant Lake would sit here and hold Jesse until this parasite consumed him and he died. It meant he would die here, suffering. Lake’s hands itched to cut away the branches and carry him home, but Jesse had begged them to just stay. And though Lake’s heart had burst at his pleas to die, if that was what he wanted… Then Lake would do it for him. But Lake had a feeling that wasn’t what he wanted. That he was too caught up in his fear to really consider his options. Not that Lake blamed him; they couldn’t imagine how he was feeling right now. “If I stay, you die. I— I won’t leave you but— If you let me try— Then there’s a chance you could go home—” “Cut it out. Please,” Jesse begged, gasping for air. He pulled at his hair, and half of it came out like it was nothing. His whole body shook with sobs. “I don’t wanna die,” he gasped. “I wanna go home.” His hands clawed their way back to Lake’s. “Take me home.”
jesse turning into a tree was definitely NOT where i expected this au to go and i almost feel like they might be better as separate aus but the ideas are similar and i wanted to post that drabble anyways, so
i was going for a kind of analogue horror/lost footage vibe with this, just like. spooky dark forests, unexplainable disappearances, strange infections, etc.
so yeah, there's that. lmk what you think :>
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delusinalandpassionate · 10 months
Sorry to bother you. I saw that you'd gone through 4.5 and couldn't help but try to make a plea to convince you to join in the boycott of the game going forward.
Project Moon hasn't made a single announcement since the Korean-only notice of the story illustrator's absurd(and certainly illegal) layoff. I'm thankful a lot of tumblr's been made aware, but. They're clearly hoping the situation will blow over with 4.5's release, possibly with many international fans never even hearing of this... this absolute idiocy they've commited. They won't post English or Japanese explanations, they didn't even include the Korean one in the in-game announcement. They know they're in the wrong. It's cowardly and their horrible treatment of their employees and contractors need to face justice. We have to make clear we don't approve of these practices, because if we let them get away with this, in the present, they'll be doing it forever. Their actions have shown all they care for is the capital they get from active users, directly and indirectly.
I realize it might be hard to let go of the characters and the unique world of project moon that you've become fond of. Isn't it the same for us all? But I implore you to consider refraining from logging in, at least for a little while. The investments they get, that keep the company going smoothly, are tied closely to the number of active daily and monthly users, especially after a big update like now. If the international fandom could join in the boycott(not logging in, deleting the game or requesting refunds through the app store and steam if they've spent money on it), projmoon will eventually have to address the situation if they want to continue servicing limbus. I mean, there are other factors such as pressure from news media and the possiblity of a lawsuit from the illustrator, but this is the most definite way.
Projmoon's broken our faith in the worst way possible. They'd rather indulge the outrageous demands of a hate group that antagonised their employee over evidence of nothing and tanked their game's reviews for fun than show an ounce of sense, and personally? Those very employees and contractors seem to have been the heart and soul of the stories I fell in love with, and with kjh refusing to even pretend to understand the very themes his games have been built on, I can no longer take any of it seriously either.
Uh, well. The ask's become a bit of a slog to get through. If you have anything you want a clearer explanation on I'd gladly answer, and if you want to keep on playing I can't stop you. And I suppose it might not feel fair that you were the one I addressed, out of the many, many who are doing the same.
But thanks for reading anyway, because I loved their games, loved anticipating the future stories they'd tell, and kjh turned out to be the kind of asshole who fires a longtime employee over the phone at 11 pm over baseless claims with not a shred of regard for labor laws, and I am at a loss at the absurdity of this entire... thing. I had to say something. Hell world.
To my fault, I didn't think about boyscot as act of protest by myself, and saw people suggesting it on Twitter only when finished 4.5. It made me feel really stupid, especially when I saw graph showing how many people visited game. But now I'm not going to return to the game, at least until PMoon makes an announcement. I also feel horrible and confused, especially with the amount of false information around, which makes it extremely difficult to trust anyone right now. But I'm trying to stay optimistic.
Also hope that at least my mistake, will help people, satisfying their curiosity without need to read by themselves.
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chloearit · 3 days
// discussion of csa and other potentially distressing things
One day I'd found myself alone with nothing to do. I noticed my father's old piano, off in the corner of the living room. It hadn't been used in well over a year, not since I played for him when I turned 14 shortly before his death.
I pulled it out of the corner and sat down in front of it. Started pressing some keys. Memories flashed through my mind. I started playing. After a couple failed starts I managed to play one of the pieces I'd learned almost without error. Then another. Then I just started playing freely.
I almost didn't notice when Nikita walked in the room.
I trailed off and turned to them.
They looked surprised. "You play? ... It sounds good."
"Just messing around... my father made me learn it."
They smiled and walked up to me. "You just keep revealing new skills I never knew you had."
"I didn't get to do much as a kid other than study."
Nika pressed a key. Then a couple more.
I joined in. "Father would make me play for him." I scoffed. "Not to make things weird..."
"Don't ever worry about making things weird," they muttered, tapping away at the keys.
"He made me undress, and then play. I think he got off to it."
"People get off to all kinds of weird things."
That made me pause. I stayed their hands. "How do you know that?"
"Long story." They returned to pressing keys.
"You should get a chair." I looked around the room.
They nodded, and quickly left to get one from another room.
For a moment, there was silence again. I felt Father's hands on my body.
The sound of a chair being pulled up next to me got me out of it. I made room and looked Nikita up and down as they sat.
"Do you know how to play?"
"No," they answered with a smile.
"I'll teach you."
I showed them some chords to play. They learned quickly. After a couple of repetitions, they started speaking while continuing to practice: "I had to find ways to make money after I got away from my parents. You meet a lot of weird people like that, and you hear stories. Obviously I got a lot of the creepier weirdos, but there's a lot of people who are just freaks."
"Like who?"
"One guy I heard of apparently makes his 'partners' play out elaborate death scenes with him. He comes every time without ever once touching himself. And then he just leaves. He's not a pedo though, just a freak, so I've never met him."
"He... acts out killing his partners?"
"No, no, he has them act out killing him."
"I kinda get it though, to be honest."
"Have you never thought about what it would be like to get killed?"
I didn't respond. Of course I had, but... "Not like that."
They laughed. "You're so straightlaced."
"I don't think that's a word anyone's ever used to describe me."
"You're not a freak."
"You don't know that."
"What's your secret, then?"
"Huh?" I looked around the room, and paused. "Is anyone else here?"
"For real?" They smiled. "Just you and me."
I took a deep breath. "I get these intrusive... experiences sometimes. I don't know what to call them."
"No. They're not things that ever actually happened to me. Not like that." I shook my head.
"Weird ones. Scenes of being... raped. Being a little kid and having horrible things done to me. And. I don't know... sometimes they don't feel all that bad? They feel almost nice. I don't... like it but I do... I do get off on it... is that... wrong?"
"Well, if it is, we're both marked for damnation."
"Lu. You literally kill people for a living. I think that's more morally questionable than whatever you're worried about."
"But, I- I do it because-"
"Because of what they do, right? What they did to you, to me, to other children."
"Not because of whatever odd fantasies they might have. Because of what they chose to do."
"But what if I become like them-"
"You're stronger than that. That's what makes you different from them. You don't just give into your base urges. You care too much to ever hurt someone who's innocent."
"You don't know that."
"Using someone like that is an extremely callous, selfish thing to do. Every normal human recoils at the thought. That's why you're so ashamed of it. That's good. But you're not a bad person if you allow yourself to stop worrying so much about it. There's a big difference between an impure thought and an evil action. I think most people are very aware of where that line is, and they will never cross it, no matter how much they like to indulge in the fantasy. I've known you for a while now, believe me when I tell you, I don't think you would ever cross that line. But if you need my help to feel more secure, I'll help you with that."
"I think I'd appreciate that."
"It's your actions that define if you're a good person or not, and the impact you have on the world. You've helped a lot of people lead better lives. You're a good person, Lúcia."
// by Lúcia and Chloe
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technovillain · 9 months
i love jameela to death so here’s some questions:
-after “fuck giving rich people dangerous technology” does she distance herself from technology entirely or does she keep making personal stuff and/or stuff that’s much harder to exploit? i think she could make some fucking awesome animal monitoring tech (like keeping track of individuals of endangered species, citizen volunteer data collection on bird populations and stuff)
-what’s her flavors of queer and/or neurodivergent
-does she ever end up doing missions or is she not super duper into the agent stuff
-is her dad a rich asshole or just oblivious and ignorant or a mix of the two
-how do you think she’d get along with some of the junior agents, especially norma, gisu, and sam
After that, she pretty much makes a vow to herself to never make a psychic invention again!!!! (....) and then time passes and she goes "Well just one little thing for myself." (....) "Okay just another for just myself." (.....) "Okay it's fine if I'm only making things for myself, even if it's a lot of things. I need technology." What you said there is Exactly the kind of stuff she'd be making too! While she takes a very loud approach to her activism, her approach to saving the world by trying to prevent the horrible future she saw is much more under the radar...mostly because she's still using the psychic technology that she built for herself but pretends that she didn't build at all because she said she swore it off! (She is constantly fighting herself in her own head about this lol.)
I haven't fully decided on this! But I would say that she is asexual and has OCD.
She really kind of functionally.... leaves the Psychonauts after a certain point. Like in a "You're always welcome to come back" kind of way. This is something that I still need to do more thinking on because I need to decide how I think the Psychonauts, being a government funded organization, would feel about psychic activism entering the public sphere.... But anyways yeah I see her leaving for an extended period but coming back when there is suddenly a mission that requires her assistance specifically (one involving Gusty and Veranda.)
I'd have to say he's definitely a mix of the two, leaning more towards the second one. I can't remember exactly how much detail I went into on her story and how it might have changed since I last posted about it (bc tumblr's tag search feature is functionally useless rip) BUT Dallas Delmarro is indeed a tech guru so while his concepts were birthed from those "childhood dreamer with a lot of big ideas" mindsets you always see in people like him, he ended up really focused on his company's bottom line. Business school changed this dude. He is still a pretty good dad considering everything. But considering he's a single father and his job pretty much consumes his life it is pretty easy to see why Jameela felt a strong need to get good at inventing things from a young age (cough cough so she would feel more important to him)
I like to picture these characters existing at the Motherlobe a few years after the events of Psychonauts 2, just so I don't have to think too hard about where they're at in regards to the plot of PN2. Just assuming that most of the big things regarding that plot have died down at this point. So all of the interns/junior agents from the game would be a few years older than Jameela when she gets there. I think she would probably like Norma okay from afar, but not really have any desire to become friends with her...because she can see how she gets. I think she would not know anything at all about Sam and be a little put off by her and not able to read her at all. She would totally be jealous of Gisu though. Because I see Gisu in a few years as working alongside Otto. And in Jameela's story, she came to the Motherlobe to work with Otto but something urgent came up regarding developing some sort of technology, and Sasha and him and Gisu were all working together to develop it. So Jameela doesn't really care for Gisu or Sasha just because they're interfering with her track to success.
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loquaciousquark · 4 months
28 and 30 for the tav asks!
28. How well does your Tav function under pressure?
It totally depends on the kind of pressure! Something mechanical or deadly like disarming a trap or fighting an enemy to the death? I think she handles that quite well! The shorter the ramifications, the better she does; if she's one wrong step from death, she's cool as a cucumber.
However, for more social encounters where a wrong word might have gigantic ripple effects for both her and others, I think she's very uneasy. I'm still trying to get down the exact nuances of how she becomes party face, since for most of her adult life being seen meant she'd done something horribly wrong, but watching someone be actively terrible at it (Lae'zel) and admiring someone who's good at it (Wyll) both give her an idea of the kind of person she wants to become, and she grows into it by the end of the game. I think there's a moment when she's leaving Gortash's coronation, enraged almost beyond words, where she steps back from herself and realizes she's gone from fearing every Fist she sees to being a hairsbreadth from murdering a Grand Duke, and marvels a bit a who she used to be.
30 has already been answered here, so I'll go with 26! (29-27 are in the queue, lmao.)
26. Does your Tav have a treasured item with them? If yes, what is it and why is it special? If no, how do they feel about item sentimentality in general?
Not to spoil a future unwritten fic, but I'm pretty sure Tav has some small keepsakes of her parents. A locket, maybe some tiny vignettes. She doesn't keep them with her, though - they're in her den in Baldur's Gate, so she goes back to get them once they finally make it to the city. Everything else of worth was sold by her aunt or stolen.
I think Tav's actually very precious with junk and would be a borderline hoarder if she didn't have 8 strength. It's part of the reason I don't use any carry-weight mods with her - I want her to make that decision about what's worth saving EVERY TIME. Scratch's ball? MEANINGFUL WEIGHT, worth giving up some poisons for. Health potions? GOTTA HAVE 'EM, so time to let the twenty void bulbs and slime balls go to Dammon.
Astarion gives her a bag of holding for some holiday post-game and she legit cries out of happiness. (He also steals anything really junky and gets rid of it when needed, just to keep her from drowning.)
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