#but some randos making posts like 'i think it kinda sucks when people do this' doesn't make you a victim of harassment or censorship
convolutedblasphemy · 2 months
It's always "You can't judge what people enjoy in fiction!" and never "Maybe being critical of what societal stereotypes and narratives we feed into with the content we make is a good thing, actually". Sometimes it's not about whether you're a bad person or not, sometimes it's about the giant pile of garbage propaganda you add onto. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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canmom · 3 months
a big mercy in the world is that it's actually much harder to hijack someone's behaviour with some kinda visual stimulus than capital would like.
so despite the constant semiotic fusillades of advertisers trying to 'shit in your brain' as the ad hacking slogan goes, you still get better at shutting it out. the advertisers have to resort to more and more desperate means to try to get you to buy product. of course they sell this to their clients as subtle behavioral modifications that manifest without the target even realising. but despite the occasional breakout viral success, it's mostly just a zero sum desperate battle to remind you that they exist at all. most ad exposures are wasted on people who either were never going to buy the thing or were already going to buy the thing. advertisers mostly just copy other advertisers and follow fads but present themselves as the key to success like a court alchemist to a king. overall it's a cancer swallowing up more and more of its host.
this does not make it any less annoying.
anyway, ads are only one part of marketing, and since they kind of suck, the modern method to promote your shit is to try to get 'organic' promotion through word of mouth, positive user reviews on a storefront, etc. so of course many companies cultivate 'influencers', post shill reviews, buy fake metrics, and all that. since all these mechanisms then become immediately less trustworthy, an arms race develops of trying to camouflage the fake marketing speech as 'genuine', 'honest', 'unbiased' etc. the result of this on communication is bad, there's chaff everywhere, but once again the effort of the marketer trying to control you bounces off the wall that people hate it and will not go along with it if they can help it.
a more subtle approach is to just try and cultivate people assigning themselves the role of reviewer. this can create something a bit more symbiotic. the reviewer gets to build an identity out of consuming product and being a discerning connoisseur, and the stuff they like gets free marketing written about it. hence sites like goodreads and letterboxd. not only that but when the thing they like does well, the reviewer gets to feel proud that they acted as a kingmaker.
one weird upshot of all this is that a small company will get really worked up about a negative review on a platform from some rando and go out of their way to placate them. i feel like we're going to see more people exploiting this - ig the gacha mra shit in korea is in part a ripple of that, though those cunts went a lot further than just review bombing.
anyway I've participated in this machine. arguably all the writing about fiction i do on this blog is feeding into it. when i think about it, i think it stinks, but I'm not sure what else to do. there are authors i admire, and who are my friends, i want them to be read by people and have bread on the table.
obviously just because there are powerful actors whose primary concern is moving product doesn't reduce all the discussion of art to elaborate games around moving product. in some sense the 'product review' form is an invading force, best disregarded. but i feel like it would be unwise to ignore the ecological mechanisms underlying what gets made and how and what makes its way to my eyeballs... and how my own behaviours belong to that ecosystem. even if it's depressing to think in those terms.
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catwalkvivi · 1 month
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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knifepatron · 2 years
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(reposting bc the last one got messed up) 
part 1 of some precanon changelily thoughts which i will try my best 2 explain under the cut
so basically copy-pasting what i said on twitter: (this isnt any kind of theory this is just headcanon stuff that spiraled into a whole thing i spent way too much time thinking about)
also everyone should read this thread from mr damato about travis and margaret and fate and luminaries first its rly tasty and i pulled a lot from it (not gonna link it bc tumblr will eat the whole post but heres the first twt in case yall wanna search for it which u should)
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and! this isnt necessarily taken directly from characterizations in the show as much as it is like, stuff i thought would be a fun precursor to the versions of them we have now
with what we know abt margarets view of fate as duty and travises view of it as loss of agency its fun 2 think the first time their story played out as margaret trying to live up to a kind of protagonist heroism and travis sorta stuck in the role of distressed love interest. we also know they both knew the changelings tale and were probably kind of aware of their own role in some iteration of it, but i think travis was genre savvy in a “i can understand the story conventions at play here and use them to my advantage” way and margaret was narrative aware like this
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more on the travis thing. a lot of his Deal has to do with a sense of narrative, cosmic powerlessness that he flips between broodingly resigning himself to, lashing out against by being impulsive and self destructive, and playing up around others when its useful
in the gencon eps he says since starfall hes gotten by getting people to help him out by lying and making up tragic backstories for himself but we learn in ngoni hes never even tried to learn anything abt his whole changeling situation. he’ll seek help from people but not for himself AS himself, only as whatever pitiable but charming role hes inhabiting at any given time because vulnerability sucks so much ass!!! and its easier and also very much safer to accept shelter from people while keeping them at arms length by making them think youre something youre not so you can cut when they stop being useful
so idk knowing even before margaret entered the picture he was always kinda Like That i have a hard time imagining hed just like, get a crush on some rando in the woods. also i think romances based in several layers of artifice and performance that accidentally develop something genuine are fun
and like, if morningstar saw enough in him as a child to decide he shouldve gotten sent to the shadow realm, we like 2 joke abt travis being the Worst Guy but in addition to puppeting the captains body around and rigging the crew vote what else is on the heavier side of the spectrum of shitty things he could do? find some kind snake-pitying mortal and use her willingness to help him and their shared knowledge of story conventions to pull her into a doomed fable just to spite tfq and test the limits of his own power as a/the Changeling? idk maybe. i think it was to orimar that travis said when youre alive for so long you have to make little games to keep yourself sharp
so at least at first he doesnt seek margarets help against tfq as himself, he does it as The Changeling, or as Tam Lin, or as William the mythological archetype, as someone who can be saved by The Maiden and play a part in her story to make her feel important and useful because he knows thats what she wants. like ig in a way trying to kickstart your own insisting-on-itself luminary myth in such a way that you can keep a certain level of self awareness and control over it. learning the rules to break them and all that
but genre savvy and wont save you!! you changeling in the game you changeling in real life!!!! and now youre in love love with the mark of your con because unfortunately part of her whole thing is being very easy to fall in love with
but then like. what if she only cares about you for the image of yourself youve tailored to her lure her into helping you? isnt that what you wanted? what if she realizes your deception and leaves? what if she doesnt and dies here?
and theres a bitterness with someone taking for granted freedoms you dont have, throwing them away to be with you and for what? because she pities you? because she thinks she can save you? because doing so would serve her own self image? how dare she. pictures unrelated (im sorry women specifically crane wives mabel podcast and mitski for taking contextless bits for scraps to apply to little podcast guys)
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so where does the tragic changeling performance as an emotional manipulation tactic end and the genuine cry for help self-justified as a narrative 4d chess power play begin? idk
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will get more into my thoughts abt margarets whole deal later but i have finals this week so that might not happen for a minute egehge 
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pacifymebby · 3 months
All those anons complaining about Sunday dinner for nothing lol
Did you see that TikTok of him on Raya and then a girl saying he’s in her DMs😭😭😂
Silly lads
The Raya drama sucks balls and whoever tagged the girl needs to give their head a wobble!
Reckon if he's in a serious relationship then whoever he's in a serious relationship with would have to get used to that kinda shit prettyyyy fast and learn to either take it with a pinch of salt or leave :/ the shit thing about relationships is that you have to extend trust and give people the benefit of the doubt until they really prove you wrong and then when they do it really hurts. But that's an unavoidable truth of relationships, trust is really hard and being under scrutiny makes that even harder. you kind of just have to hope you're not being lied to or strung along (not just with being cheated on potentially either, like ive had this in my current relationship in both directions, i was lying for a really long time about my ed relapse and my bf has lied or hidden things from me too and then we've found out and its hurt and weve had to decide whether to keep trying and ultimately part of deciding to keep trying is to agree ti keep trusting eachother regardless... It's really difficult!) Anyways the reason I've said this and the reason I'm posting this is that like, the Raya stuff all seems crazy spiteful to me and just deeply unpleasant/unhinged.
On the off chance that that tag came from a samblr lurker... You weren't being a girls girl (doubt that was your intention anyway) and also it would be pointless in terms of causing them drama too because ultimately in that situation you're giving some poor lass the choice between "believe rando ACC on tiktok that you don't know" or "trust your boyfriend who as far as you know cares about you and tells you the truth"
Maybe you'd call me naive but I know what I'd be doing haha. Gossip on here is one thing because it's a pretty closed circle, but trying to drag someone else into it is wildly cruel. Even if that tag was done with good intentions like, think for two seconds about the actual consequences you know? Why at any point to do you want to be causing some lass even the most temporary of heartbreaks that's so sad.
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missroserose · 3 years
Fic Writer Question Meme!
Thanks for the tag, @venhedish—I love stuff like this! I'd apologize in advance for how long this is likely to be, but I suspect we share that tendency, haha.
How many works do you have on AO3?
20 total. I've been publishing there since late 2018, so about three years now. That sounds right for me—I'm way too perfectionist to ever be prolific.
What's your total AO3 word count?
125,744! Apparently it takes me three years to write a novel's worth of words I feel are worth publishing...which also sounds right.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three, primarily: The Lost Boys, Stranger Things, and Supernatural. Mostly Stranger Things, since I was pretty enmeshed in the Harringrove community for about a year and a half, though these days I'm hanging out more with the SPN crowd. We'll see if that translates to more fics.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.) Sunflower (524) 2.) Quickly, look away (506) 3.) We'll Become Who We Meant To Be (383) 4.) Too Young To Fall In Love (333) 5.) When the Waters Start to Cross (283)
First, what's not surprising: all are Stranger Things/Harringrove works. I'm a little surprised to see that "Sunflower" had edged out "Quickly" as my most-kudosed story, for years it was the other way around—but maybe that's actually not that surprising—part of the reason I haven't been as active in the fandom is that I really love the darker and more complex renditions of Billy Hargrove's character (a la "Quickly") and since S3 aired it seems like the fashion has moved more towards more lighthearted fluff (a la "Sunflower"). Still, both are pretty undemanding smut, so it makes sense that they're on top; similarly, I'm not surprised to see "Too Young To Fall In Love" in the top five either.
I am a little surprised that "We'll Become Who We Meant To Be" is #3—it's honestly close to genfic, there's only the tiniest moment of hinted-at attraction in there. I'm not mad about it, I honestly feel like it's one of my better efforts; on the other hand, "Wake Me Up" was in a similar vein and it's close to the bottom. I guess there's just no telling what's going to catch on...in fairness, a 25K outsider POV novella is a much bigger ask than a 3K short story.
Honestly, I'm probably most surprised at "When the Waters Start to Cross" cracking the top five—it's a 52K+ WIP and a profoundly complex atmospheric existential horror/romance, which is, like, five strikes against it. I'm not mad about it, though—I love that fic, even if it is a huge time and energy suck, and it definitely contains some of my best writing.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Sometimes it takes me a while, but I genuinely appreciate people taking the time to leave feedback (even if it's just a string of emoji!). And every once in a while I'll get really thoughtful or incisive comments that spark whole conversations—that's one of the best reasons to write fic!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm...to be honest, nothing immediately comes to mind; I love angst but tend to want it to serve a purpose, i.e. it gets a character closer to who they want to be. So most of my endings are at least hopeful. *checks list* It looks like probably my angstiest ending is also my first fic posted, "Blue Masquerade". Poor Michael.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I don't currently write crossovers; I wouldn't rule it out, but frankly I haven't come across an idea that appeals to me. Waaaaaay back in the mists of time I had a Daria/Harry Potter crossover that I was actually pretty proud of, but I got about as far as getting them to Hogwarts and then kinda ran out of ideas, so I never posted it.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I can think of? I'm not big-time enough to get hate, haha. Worst I ever got was some rando asking for top or bottom tags, which I just ignored, and one person on "We'll Become" who was like "I don't like this pairing but you did a good job", which kinda had me like ??? thanks, I guess? I did get one comment on "Quickly, look away" from someone who felt like it was in a different headspace from the fic I wrote it as a sequel to, but that didn't strike me as hate, it's a perfectly fair observation.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
So first off, yes, and second...I recently came across this great Garth Greenwell quote that really gets at what I'm trying to do when I write smut:
In America in 2019 we are inundated with images of bodies to an absolutely unprecedented degree—images of eroticized bodies, images of sexual bodies; the Internet makes all our fantasies visible, and it trains us in new fantasies. And yet it also seems to me that our culture suffers from a dearth of representations of embodiedness, by which I mean of bodies imbued with consciousness. I’m not at all antiporn, but sometimes pornography (maybe especially Internet pornography, with its arms race of extremity) seems to want to evacuate bodies of personhood, to present them as objects. I think literature is the best technology we have for representing consciousness, and so I think there’s a kind of intervention that literature can perform in representing sex explicitly: it can reclaim the sexual body as a site of consciousness.
"Embodied porn" is probably the best description I can come up with—I love writing sex precisely because it's such a charged form of communication (Greenwell's words again), because there are things a character can do and say in that context that they never would normally. Like, sex acts are great and all, but what really does it for me is what's going on in their head, what's the history that brought the character to this point, how're they handling the inherent vulnerability and intimacy of this incredibly risky but potentially rewarding moment. Kink (whether through roleplaying, props, costumes, or whatever) is really just another way of adding to that personal meaning, since without the characters' reactions any trappings are meaningless.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, although I'd love to work with a translator someday (whether with fic or another context)—I'm fascinated by the inherent puzzles in translating between languages, especially with informal speech and its many idioms and cultural references.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I'd be open to the idea, but it definitely has to be with the right person...
What's your all time favorite ship?
Isn't that basically like asking a mom to choose her favorite kid? Seriously, I like different things about all of them...which one's getting the most attention depends entirely on mood and headspace and other effectively random variables.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I don't have any I've given up on entirely, yet. Even Waters, as beastly complicated as it is, I've been ruminating on and adding to and arranging in my head lately...
What are your writing strengths?
Atmosphere, character, dialogue. I've said it before, I'm a capital-R Romantic at heart: I love writing settings that reflect and reinforce a character's headspace—while also implying what said character might be missing in their viewpoint.
Something I've noticed—my husband worked for years as a penetration tester, which meant he would regularly have to talk his way past people on a moment's notice. So, unsurprisingly, we both notice people, but he tends to observe their presentation (clothing, accessories, especially ones that're markers of social class and group belonging that allow him to tailor his approach), whereas I notice what they say and how they say it—and, often, what they don't say.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I suddenly feel like I'm in a job interview, haha. Perfectionism is a big one—I have a tendency to feel hopeless and quit if something's taking too long, rather than persisting until I get it sorted, even though some of my best work is stuff where I persisted. Also, I'm big on emotional intensity—which isn't a bad thing, necessarily, but I sometimes read back over my stuff and I'm like "geez, Ambrosia, ease up a bit"...I could definitely use some comic relief in my writing sometimes, but I think I'm often too insecure to try it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't have any in particular—I rarely do it myself, because I don't trust myself to do it properly. (Perfectionism again!)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Daria, way back in the day. My work is still up on FF.net...sometimes I wonder if anyone's ever going to dig it up and confront me with it, haha. (I doubt anyone will ever care that much...I guess I'm more just curious if my style from twenty years ago is recognizably me.)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
If we're talking about finished fics, probably either "Wake Me Up" or "Young At Heart"—they're both pretty oddball, but both required a fuckton of work and both came out pretty close to what I wanted. But "Waters" is my biggest baby...maybe I'll open up Act III to work on today...
Thanks again for the tag, Ven! I'm going to tag @ihni, @redmyeyes, @twobrokenwyngs, @skybound2, @sambrosia, @shewritesdirty, @introvertia, @coffeeandchemicals, and @anarchist-billy—if you're up for some rumination, I'd love to hear your thoughts on your writing!
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fierceawakening · 2 years
Like, that post about what it's like to worry about maybe needing a trach reminds me SO MUCH of living through the whole Terry Schiavo thing.
Like, at the time I was just getting into transfeminism and surrounded by people who were very into the whole progressive stacking thing, and I was so convinced they were better leftists than me, as I was probably trans but not transitioning and therefore had cis privilege, and wasn't sure yet if I was queer... and and and...
...but whenever they talked about Schiavo, they just kept CONSTANTLY making weird jokes, not about how creepy it was that her religious family seemed to be overriding her stated wishes or that we had as clear evidence as anyone ever does of lack of consciousness or... anything like that, but about her... feeding tube.
I couldn't figure it out. I mean, not being able to taste stuff sounds like it sucks (and honestly having had COVID yeah it kinda DOES suck) but like... people seemed so obsessed with the idea that once you had to eat a certain unusual way you MUST be too far gone and you'd NEVER WANT to live.
I remember there were these comics about it that everyone who wasn't me just LOVED, where her feeding tube was a character, and it would show up to sarcastically talk to these other characters (who as far as I could tell were nondisabled leftist randos explaining leftiness) about how awful needing a feeding tube was, and every time it appeared they'd shout
and everyone who wasn't me apparently thought this was hilarious because the disgustingness was obvious, while I just sat there like "I... thought the problem was she's almost certainly not conscious, not that she... doesn't eat. what the fuck."
And I was so uncomfortable with this (the word for what they were doing is "failing at intersectionality" now I think) that I went looking for what other disabled people had to say.
And I found a bunch of fully conscious happy enough seeming feeding tube users organizing protests named things like "this is how I eat," to show people that they... actually don't want to die because they don't eat the usual way, why would anyone conflate those things, what.
When I think of who cripple is aimed at I think stuff like that. I think the presumption that if your body fails to function to a certain degree you deserve to die, or even in some weird way are mostly dead. And people don't bother to ask you.
Do people think autistic people should want to die? I mean, I guess so, so if you want to explain to me it's the same... eh, okay, whatever, but I feel a little confused, because that's not what I thought you were saying before???
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
I hope your not feeling down on your writing skills because I haven't caught up and commented on your latest releases. It's not you it's that I pick too many fanfics to follow and they all update a lot and I've been so busy and I've fallen behind on so many fics from various authors and sometimes my depression just makes me want to lie in bed all day doing nothing and it doesn't help I have to spend my limited spoons helping family everyday. I know these aren't good excuses, but I do sympathize with the lack of energy feeling at least. But your work really does bring a lot of joy to my life. It's so fun keeping up with your various AUs, and your latest one that features Kaya as Spider King has me really hyped because I want to learn more about Kaya, she's so fun! And Ruclipse is such a good comfort ship that just hits all the things I like seeing in a ship. You're so amazing and creative and it's awful that anyone would try to make you feel otherwise! Like your newest OC, Justin Tyme seems like such a lovable dumbass bastard. I love his wild, curly hair and his dapper outfit. I can't wait to see what dumb shit he gets himself into! I know this is really long and rambly, but I hope you know you have fans who genuinely love your work. I don't know if you're still thinking about that one comment you mentioned that got you really down, but honestly, fuck that guy. I don't know what they said but it must have been pure BS to have you doubting your hard earned art skills. I wish I could do more to prove you're awesome and that your fans really admire you, I just hope you don't stop sharing what you love because some rando was nasty for no good reason. Because we love what you do!
It's not like anyone one person nonny so please don't blame yourself. This has been an ongoing thing for a few months actually...
it's just a general thing over all lately like. I mentioned this in dm's with a friend but overall past few months I've had lower engagement overall with my works and it really does a number on my confidence. More so because like your latter point.
yes, I am still very much thinking about that one negative comment. Because that person also has the need to comment on other things and I even had a thing asking why I took a few weeks to update (when reality I posted to another ongoing fic and my TLC chapters are long chapters) and just the fact they could tear into a character (yes it was a comment on a character specifically and not even a main character it's a side character who has an important role for Snatcher's growth as a person down the line) then go saying "why didn't you update" when I posted a double update that week---
Like it lives in my head rent free and I want to literally cry because like the character is a focal in an upcoming chapter and I can't deal with another "why are they back" type thing. because "everyone finds them annoying"
And I'll be honest. it was Kaya. Like I've been trying to have fun with my BCU stuff with her as Spiderking because it's engaging for me and me and @/doodleimprovement even came up with a b-plot involving Kaya and Hattie trying to hook Nell and Marcus together and it's one of the best things as well as Kaya and Nell having a really good relationship.
but because of that one comment it makes me hesitant to do anything with Kaya despite she's one of my oldest ocs, my most thought out ocs and I adore her beyond anything. Like yes she's over powered and such and in TLC rn she comes off as a know it all, but upcoming chapters will show she's just a spacey kid who's trying to fit into a role others decided for her and isn't really as all mighty as she seems. Snatcher even ends up thinking of her as a little sister more than anything. Like fuck I'm even hesitant to share anything on her actual story despite how much work is in it. Like she's my favorite Oc (that's why shes my discord icon, and I'm pretty sure she's my twitter icon as well)
And like the points in the comment just. IDK they didn't fit to her, if anything the points are more suited to be shot at Eclipse.
Which is another thing I just get iffy on. I love RuClipse and everything with it. I love writing and drawing the dorks. But I'm now so afraid if Kaya could be attacked for only showing in a handful of chapters that don't even touch on who she is, when is someone going to finally tell me off on my wolf? who's going to tear into a character I pour a lot of personal shit into to try and comfort myself?
I use Ruclipse to deal with my own romantic heart, they are what I wish I could have so I love to write them, I hurt them but i like to make them happy in the end. Someone who can deal with your highs and lows. No ones perfect but you can still figure it out and love even the negative parts (I am a heavy romantic OTL)
he is in fact a lovable bastard. i have fun plans and he gives me an excuse for why Cel is so tired and having to be the brain cell and how she even wound up working with the time kids when she's so much older than they are. Currently I'm trying to think of how to use him and honestly I think he's gonna wind up hella comic relief fun guy who's just making a mess and do his own side story while Hat and Bow are busy in subcon----
thank you, I don't mind the rambly it kinda gave me a chance to get this off my chest... like I've typed this kinda response up time and time again and I always delete. I feel like I'm whining because I get upset but it's just, I spend so much time making things, I use all my spoons on either working or creating, I just want to know if it means anything but then negativity lives in my head because what's a functioning meat cube??? I try to stay positive but it's hard. Like another thing is Moon Guardian; the reason I haven't updated? because I have had someone bothering me about it. weekly I get asked about how I'm doing on it but it's not from a place of "want to read it" it's because I told them they couldn't post a certain thing until the chapter is done so it feels pressuring to constantly get asked because I feel the only reason they want to post is to boost their thing and I'm just the machine to boost it with my characters and comic.... like it feels they've taken the comic from me and it sucks because I have so many fun things planned. Like I accidentally went off on Nina about a thing with Alpine skyline and Eclipse as well as a thing with a Time Rift and a Jelly ghost.
Sorry kinda went off, just I've sat on this thought train since like early april. I've done my best to ignore it and just keep going but it's gotten really hard with the fact my health hasn't been really great. I've spent a lot of time lately bed bound because I just hurt so badly. if I'm not resting, I'm at my day job which is incredibly stressful rn as I only really work mornings and I see things that are being missed so then i report it and it still gets missed and i can't get it fixed after a point cuz we're back to full service and need the people so I can't nitpick but just.... I'm bitter okay like if I left this shit when I worked I would have gotten yelled at but now we just let it slide??? and this stresses me out which then causes my body to freak out because I'm stressed which puts me in more pain. and then like at work have people acting shocked I have my cane or soemthing and just skfdslkfksdf
so my energy is so tanked. and then the negative comment in my head, no idea if people like things cuz I have no idea if I hear nothing, just has had me doubting why post. Like I should go back to just not posting my stories and sketches or w/e and slink back to my hole like I was before.
idk Its just. a bad night in the house of bun. I've had these thoughts festering and I guess today was the dam breaking. It's probs cuz I'm nervous posting Chimeras because it's a very dark au.
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aracaeli · 3 years
The Sign of Three
NOTE: Merry Christmas @elfchensdcartblog from your DCMK secret santa!! I’m sorry for posting it at the last minute possible, I should probably have said Happy New Year instead. Here is my humble gift to you. Also, I’m sorry for not writing it with the accent. Regular english still gives me trouble and I’m not sure I’m capable of writing it right. Big thanks to @dcmksecretsanta for hosting he event.
I’m really rusty, but actually making this gift is more fun than I imagined. I forgot how soothing writing can be. Please forgive any mistake I made, happy reading! ^^
----The Sign of Three----
“You know, this is a very bad idea.” Heiji said to Kazuha for the sixth time that day. He’s practically sulking by now. On default, Heiji is not a big fan of malls. Much less going to a mall two days before Christmas. Suffice to say, the place was packed. People are everywhere. There’s people who are getting their christmas shopping late, young couples celebrating christmas together, or just some rando who had the bright idea to come to the mall near christmas. The mall even blasted out “We Wish You a Merry Christmas'' in every speaker on loop. Heiji swears if he finds the person responsible for that song that guy will have to answer to him.
Kazuha however is chipper as ever. She ignored his comment and instead was busy looking at toy displays in front of her while whistling along on the christmas song. Heiji wouldn’t even be here if Kazuha had not dragged him out. Heck, he wouldn’t even leave the house if it weren’t for her. His plan is to stay at home and do some reading, maybe go out for a bit to get food, but that’s it.
Kazuha apparently had other plans for him. She insisted on making him come with her to her class christmas event today and accompany her to do last minute shopping for the kids. Apparently the school wanted the students to celebrate Christmas by making a christmas event where the kids can play and exchange gifts. Only, the actual event is two days early from christmas because the kids will be celebrating with their own family on the actual christmas.
The idea is stupid. Heiji said as much.
He gets smacked in the head for that. Heiji had tried to lie his way out, but Kazuha immediately saw through him.
And that’s another weird thing about Kazuha lately. They had been married a while, but Heiji was sure that her changes only occurred recently.
Lately, she seems to become more observant. She often notices small things that she didn't notice before. Normally if someone moved her pen when she was away, she wouldn’t notice, but now she was able to tell the exact distance of the pen’s displacement. 
Another weirdness is, she woke up by the slightest noise. Before when Heiji had to stay late because of work, he was able to get to their bed without waking her. Now Kazuha is awake when he cracks the door open. If Heiji made a noise, she was able to tell exactly what was causing the noise, even if she was two rooms away. Heiji didn’t know what was the cause, it’s not like it’s the first time he saw that kind of ability. He had good ears, so does his father. What’s weird is that Kazuha suddenly developed one, too.
Maybe it was contagious?
Heiji shakes his head, chasing the ridiculous thoughts away. Despite Kazuha being weirdly observant, Heiji managed to secure an awesome gift for her, in his humble opinion. The subject of his musings is still shopping happily, uncharacteristically unaware of his thoughts. 
Kazuha is still looking at the display. But now she has already moved to the far end of the store. She picks up the toys one by one and assesses them carefully, as if it was important evidence on a crime scene. After a while, she held up a toy truck in front of him.
“Do you think Mikoto-kun would like this one?” Kazuha asked, holding a red toy car that resembles a fire truck. 
Mikoto is one of Kazuha's students in elementary school, who Heiji really doesn’t like. Mikoto, like most the boys in her class, had a crush on Kazuha-sensei and wanted to marry her when they grow up. Nevermind that Heiji visited the class and told them that Kazuha was already married to him.
In response to that information, Mikoto--who had the smuggest face for someone barely older than a toddler-- just looked at him from top to bottom, face clearly displaying unimpressed. “Oh well, we’ll see about that.”
The audacity.
Not caring what the brat would get for Christmas, Heiji answered shortly, “He’s a kid, that’s a toy. The math suggests that he would be thrilled.” 
He thought she would get annoyed with him, but his wife just shrugged and went back to shopping. In the end, she made a decision and took the toy to the counter to pay for it and told him to wait for her. Heiji watched her with a suspicious gaze, wondering if what meets the eye is really the truth. 
Heiji thinks it’s weird that Kazuha invited him to the event. While it’s not the first time he has come to her class and participated, it was always such a disaster. Considering what happened when he was present, he should be banned.
In his defense, it was the brat’s fault. Everytime Heiji comes to pick Kazuha up, he will ‘accidentally’ step on his foot. Kazuha makes Mikoto apologize to him of course, but the boy apologizes with a sleazy grin not fit for a child. One time, when he visited Kazuha during class, the brat ‘accidentally’ poured paint all over his shirt. Heiji tried to get back at the kid, but as if sensing his petty intention, Mikoto immediately cried.
Worse, Kazuha never sided with him. She came and comforted the kid while Heiji had to watch the kid buried his face in Kazuha’s chest while giving him the smuggest smile known to humankind. He had to bite back a curse. 
Another incident that popped in his mind is when Heiji cursed in her class, in front of the children. It was actually quite comical, the children had simultaneously stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shellshock, Heiji stood awkwardly for a minute. He was about to make a run for it. When one of the kids decided that what he had done was unacceptable on so many levels and tattled on him to Kazuha.
Kazuha had put him on time-out as if he was five despite his protest to her.
“I can’t play favour, Heiji. It’s not a good example for the kids” Kazuha said sternly while putting her hands at her hips. Long story short, he lost the debate.
He had to sit in the hallway to think about what he did while the other children peeked at him curiously from the window.
One kid even booed at him.
Yeah, it was not his proudest moment.
While he was reminiscing, Kazuha came back from the cashier, carrying one more bag in her hand. She didn’t have any trouble carrying it, but he decided to perform his duty as a good husband and took the bag from her hand. Beside, this way her hand would be free for him to hold.
Chiding himself for being sappy, Heiji linked their fingers together in a loose grip, suppressing the blush that always comes despite already being married to her. But Kazuha was having none of it today as she tightened her hand.
Kazuha leaned closer on him. Their arms linked together and her nose almost brushed his shoulder. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” Kazuha said, leading the way. As they walked side by side, she broke the silence.
“Did you finish your christmas shopping?” Kazuha asked. The mall was crowded and loud, so Heiji really had to pay attention to hear her. 
“I did. Finished it weeks ago.”
“Including my gift?”
“Is it a living thing?”
“Is it a nonliving thing?”
“We’re not playing 20 questions!”
Kazuha pouted. She bit the inside of her cheeks and turned her face away from him. Giving Heiji her side-view. And suddenly he finds himself resisting the irrational urge to kiss that protruding lips in public. Fortunately, unlike with the case of  Fairy’s lips, he still had common sense left.
“I think I know what you get me.” Kazuha said suddenly. 
Heiji gave his wife a skeptical stare, surely she was just bluffing, afterall he went through a painstaking measure to make it a surprise. He even draws a murderboard, which he hides in Kudo’s house, much to the latter dismay.
“No you don’t.” Heiji sneered.
“Hmm let’s see now,” Kazuha put her hand to her chin, mimicking his favorite pose when solving a case, complete with a smile, which may appear innocent at first but completely devious. 
“I know that you suck at handcraft. And I don’t see you working at anything, so it can’t be handmade. You said it was a non-living thing, so it can’t be a pet. Judging by how quick you are in answering my question earlier and the fact we have a joint account, it’s unlikely to be a trip or a dinner.”
Heiji started to sweat. Is this what the suspect always felt whenever he made a show of his deductions? Still, Kazuha is not done yet.
“The fact that you finished weeks ago means you had planned it for awhile. You’ve gone to Tokyo for a suspicious amount of time, it can be unrelated to gift-buying, but my instinct said it was very related. But it’s weird that you go so far just to shop, there’s plenty of places here where you can hide your gift. That suggests the involvement of an outside party. Probably a delivery. Which means…”
Kazuha added a dramatic pause.
“....it was custom-made.”
Damn. What’s gotten into her?
Still, Kazuha went for the kill, “The fact that you’re giving it to me, big chance it was a jewelry. Probably a necklace. Since you had no sense when it comes to women’s fashion, the one you custom it’s not probably the design. If my deduction is correct, that necklace would have my initial.”
Heiji completely avoided looking at her. Somehow his pride is trampled over her deductions. He had plans after all. The only solace he had was Kazuha doing all of that is kinda hot. So he let it pass.
“Am I right?”
Heiji shrugged. “I don’t know, you had to wait.”
Kazuha gives a little happy jump, almost knocking a lady that was passing by them.
“I can’t wait for a necklace with a ‘K’ pendant to come.”
Heiji nodded along with her statement. The pendant that he ordered is actually spelled ‘K.H’, since Kazuha had officially become a Hattori now. He decided to let her little mistake in detail be left uncorrected and changed the subject.
“Can we go now? I think this place is getting more packed.” Heiji said, and true to his word, someone bumped into him. Said person didn’t even apologize and just walked. 
“Hold on, I still need to buy one more for Chika-chan.”
“Huh? I thought it was a secret santa.”
“It is, but I’m buying a present for all of my students in the class.”
Heiji frowned. “Why? Isn’t that a bit much even for you? You’ll see them again next year.”
He felt her getting tense. She was looking straight ahead but he can tell that she was carefully masking her face as casual indifference.
Shrugging her shoulder, Kazuha answered, “I just want to make this year memorable.”
Heiji observed her face carefully for any clue, but sensing his curiosity, Kazuha looked back at him and feigned a smile. Deciding to not pursue it further, he noted this exchange and kept it in Kazuha’s folder, a place in his mind palace where he keeps anything related to Kazuha that he finds odd or weird. That folder had recently become thicker and thicker.
“Let’s go up one more floor, I think I see a store selling hair accessories.” Kazuha said quickly as she pulled him along by his hand to the elevator direction. Heiji followed along.
She accidentally stumbled on her steps. Delaying them for a few seconds. In consequence of that, they missed the elevator. As the door closed with a resounding ding sound. It was like a butterfly effect, the world just decide what he needs today is a murder.
If only they got on that elevator, they would have missed the shrill scream of a person discovering a dead body.
But unfortunately they did.
Knowing that scream everywhere, Heiji felt his detective sense alert in an instant. But before running off to the source of the commotion, he looked at Kazuha first, wordlessly asking for her permission.
Kazuha sighed, smiling softly, “Go”.
Heiji gave her a cheeky grin. He  handed her the shopping bags to her. Since both his hands are free, he had the chance to strike a cool pose before running off by gripping the edge of his hat and pulling the cap to the front.
“I’ll be back.”
In the span of time for one call to the police, five interrogations, and one person broke down crying later, Heiji managed to gather the suspects in the back of the store. The body is found in a clothing changing room. A man in his late thirties, wearing casual jeans and polo shirt. The corpse had been found laying on his back, half his body leaned on the mirror. Eyes wide and mouth wide open. Although there is no blood. 
The store owner had been very helpful in aiding his investigations. She closed the crime perimeter and helped gather witnesses. Even though she initially insisted that the man just had a heart attack, until Heiji pointed out the signs that he clearly is poisoned.
Heiji was busy doing his usual detective work that he didn’t really notice that Kazuha hadn't shown up even after thirty minutes had passed since they heard the scream.
Heiji was about to search for her, already worried that something happened to his wife. But as he was about to walk away from the crime scene, Kazuha catches up with him, completely unaware of his worry. She even brought a drink in hand  and casually sip the cold liquid from the straw while looking around the crime scene curiously. 
“Solved it yet?” She asked. Slurping the boba tea. 
Heiji was momentarily distracted by the movement of her lips. Shaking the unwanted thoughts away, he looked back at the corpse.
“Not yet. So far, here’s the situation. Someone is found dead in the changing room of this store.” Heiji gestured towards the corpse.
“No blood.” Kazuha remarked.
Heiji nodded. He feels weirdly proud that she participated in the case. He resisted the urge to pat her head, “Exactly. Death by poison.”
“No, arsenic.”
“Who do you think did it?”
“Well, I figured out the trick, But I’m still not sure who did it.”
Kazuha nodded solemnly. Still slurping her drink. Her gaze turned towards the three people standing behind the store owner who were looking at them the whole time. The three men are the main suspects for the case. Heiji told them to stand far enough so they can’t overhear his conversation. Heiji was sure the culprit was between the man with glasses and the tall one. Although he had no evidence or any defining clue.
“The guy with the glasses seems suspicious.” Kazuha said. Leaning close to whisper in his ears. He instinctively take a step back. Typical of Kazuha to annoy him with her stupid breath and her slurping when he was in the middle of a case. 
Heiji snatched the drink from her hand. 
“How is he suspicious?” He asked, only half-interested in her answer.
“Look at the inside of his wrist.” Kazuha said confidently at first, but she suddenly turned hesitant and quickly shrugged “But, I don’t know though, you’re the Detective.”
Reluctantly, Heiji followed Kazuha's advice and focused on the man in glasses hands. 
Wait….that mark…
“I know who the killer is.”
An hour and half later, they finally manage to get out of the mall. Heiji was sure that they were already late to the event. Thankfully, there was no traffic on the way, so they made it to the school ground less than ten minute later. The event hasn't started yet. Most of the kids were still playing around, although Kazuha’s coworkers had pulled out various games and an assortment of christmas themed sweets out.
When Heiji and Kazuha enter the classroom. The children cheered. Immediately, she was surrounded by her students. They formed a circle around her and tried to get her attention. Looking at the spectacle before him, Heiji can’t help but note that Kazuha is really good with kids. 
Heiji put their bag on the gifts table. He searched for an empty chair to sit on. Heiji found one in the back of the room. He sits down on one of the chairs beside the low round table. Heiji was so focused that he didn’t notice someone approaching him.
“So you came.”
Heiji turned to the source of the voice. But he didn’t see anyone.
“Down here”
He looked down and his stare met with Mikoto’s gaze.
Mikoto only grunted. The kid pulled the chair across him and sat down. He slouched on the chair while looking around the room with bored eyes. Heiji noticed that his eyes landed on a little girl with a pigtail who was excitedly chatting with Kazuha. He looked back at the kid and the girl.
Heiji was a very observant Detective. The best in Japan. Despite what neechan said. That’s why the blush on Mikoto’s face didn’t go unnoticed by Heiji. He gave a small sigh. Kids these days, so easy to move on from one crush to another.
“Do you like that girl?” Heiji asked. One eyebrow raised suggestively. He deliberately didn’t gesture on the little girl across the room.
Mikoto looked scandalized, suddenly sitting straight with face flushed red. “What! No! Who likes Chika!?”
Heiji grinned. “I didn’t say anything about Chika-chan.”
Mikoto was about to defend himself. But no words come out. All of his face was flaming red to the tip of his ear. The blush even went up to his ears. In the end, he settled to look away instead. Sulking.
“So…” Heiji began, finding the opportunity to tease the kid highly amusing. “Do you think Chika-chan cute? What’s her deal?’
Mikoto crossed his hand in front of his chest, “She’s not cute! She’s stupid!” he stated, too loud and too defensive to be true. Some of the kids and one teacher had looked their way due to commotion. 
“Hey, stupid is a bad word.” Heiji chided. 
Mikoto was about to protest. But somehow decided against it and mumbled a low “Sorry.”
Seeing the kid actually reminded him a lot of someone. Although Heiji can’t quite recall who. “Here’s an advice, if you like her, don’t pull her pigtails.”
Mikoto, once again, flushed red. As if he was just caugh red-handed. “I don’t need your advice, I bet you also pulled Kazuha-sensei’s ponytail.”
Heiji laughed. It’s actually happened. The scene of their younger years flashed before his eyes. Kazuha used to have pigtails too when she was young and the sight of her hair swinging around as she walked always seems cute and endearing to him. Although back then he had no idea what the feeling blossomed in his chest was. 
Young Heiji never made the connection between the flutter of his heart and Kazuha’s presence. Once Heiji even thought he had heart problems. His mother laughed when he brought his concerns to her. Shizuka had said that he was healthy as a clamp and had nothing to worry about. To his embarrassment, it took him ten more years to finally understand he was in love with Kazuha.
“What are you boys talking about?”
Both of them turned around simultaneously, only to find Kazuha standing behind.
“Nothing,” Mikoto said. Kazuha looked at the two of them suspiciously. “Mikoto-kun, you should join the others. The game is about to start.”
Mikoto sends Heiji a distress signal to help him get away. But Heiji feels no remorse as he shrugged his shoulders in total betrayal.
“Mikoto-kun.” Kazuha said again, voice more stern. In the end, Mikoto sighed and walked away from the couple. Joining the merry and fun of his friends in the center of the room.
Kazuha sat on the empty chair that Mikoto left, staring at the crowd in a somewhat somber gaze, “He reminds me a lot of you.”
Heiji immediately defended himself, “What! I am nothing like that brat.”
“You two seemed to get along, though” Kazuha said.
“No, we’re not. He hates my gut. Apparently he used to have a crush on you.” Heiji added, “And just so you know, those little accidents that he did, are not an ‘accident’.”
Kazuha laughed. “I know. I just wanna show how ridiculous you are, getting jealous of kids.” Heiji opened his mouth, but she cut him off, “Don’t even try to deny it.”
Heiji blew a harsh breath. Looking around at the happy kids around him, the christmas decoration is exquisite, and the cookies smelled delicious, even from when he was sitting.
“Why do you insist I come anyway?” Heiji asked. Although he probably knows the answer. With how observant Kazuha is lately, maybe she noticed that he’s not having such a great time at work. 
But his wife is always able to surprise him. “I’m pregnant.”
Heiji gaped at her as the world turned into a standstill. Voices become mute and he swears the earth stop spinning.
Kazuha...is pregnant…
Kazuha is pregnant.
He heard the words clearly. But the meaning didn’t actually register in his head. Kazuha is pregnant? With his child….
There’s another human being that he will be responsible to. Someone who looks like him. Or maybe Kazuha. Maybe a well-behaved kid like Chika-chan or a brat like Mikoto.
What would he do if his kid makes bad choices? Or become too reckless like him?
He could feel his panic rapidly growing by the second. The thought of bringing a human life in this world is downright overwhelming. Kazuha might be good with kids, but he is not. What would he do with one? That’s easy, he should feed it. Oh God, what did you feed a kid? What does a kid even eat??
As if sensing his rapidly growing panic, Kazuha called his name. “Heiji,”
When there was no response, Kazuha grabbed his hand that was laying on the table. The contact startled him. His eyes turned to her.
“We’re gonna be fine, Heiji.” Kazuha added, “Beside, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I want to focus on raising our family.” 
Suddenly, it made sense. Why she wants to make this year christmas with her class so memorable. The way she is acting so weird recently. There’s only one thing he can’t figure out, thought….
“I don’t get why you suddenly become so observant, is that another side effect of pregnancy?”
Kazuha stared at him in bewilderment, “What are you talking about?”
“You! You were suddenly very observant. Like a detect--” Heiji stopped mid-sentence, he abruptly stood up from the chair, knocking it backwards. As if he just received the meaning of the universe, he exclaimed:
“Oh God, our child is gonna be a detective!!”
A/N: And thus, Heisuke is doomed since he was a literal fetus to be a detective by his father. 
There’s a local belief in my area that when a mother is pregnant, how she behaves is influenced by the child’s personality. So if a woman often gets angry during pregnancy, that means the child is temperamental, so on. Halfway writing this, I realized that it might be too weird and specific, so I ended up rewriting it into a more general trope. Although dumbass me misread the fact that Kazuha is elementary teacher-to-be, not elementary teacher. Still, I hope you accept this as a humble sort-of-headcanon to your Heisuke AU.
I actually really like the concept of the AU, I had to refrain myself from liking and reblogging all the posts because then you would have easily figured out that I’m your Secret Santa (lol). Can’t wait to see your next works. Good luck and Merry Christmas! ^^
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insidious-apple · 3 years
Last night, my gf and I were discussing shipping in fandoms (specifically mcyts) and it got me thinking so I’d like to present my fully awake thoughts on the matter.
okay so!
Shipping isn’t new. shipping has been around since fandoms have been around and fandoms have been around a long time. but with how expansive and connective the internet is, fandoms have become way more of a thing and so has shipping and ship art and parasocial relationships and all that jazz. parasocial relationships are actually completely normal because as humans, we seek to form social connections with people, so when we hear or see them (i.e. on TV or on youtube), we seek to establish a friendship bond with them. This is why celebrity crushes are a thing. The problem with that is that these celebrities are people too and they can be completely overwhelmed by all the attention, especially if it’s sexual in nature. None of this is new information.
Then there’s a completely different thing, which is shipping. When fans ship a celeb or cc with one of their closest friends, that can make stuff a bit weird. Like, imagine if all the randos at your school thought (and told you) that you and your best friend would make a really good couple. Or even if they said that you and an acquaintance of yours would be really good friends. Kinda creepy, right? Because it’s none of their business who you date or who you’re friends with. Same concept, only it’s hundreds of thousands, or maybe even millions, of people telling two celebrities or content creators that they would be really good friends or make a really good couple. It’s creepy and it’s none of the fans’ business.
On one hand, fandoms should stop shipping altogether. It’s creepy and rude and it’s especially tolling for these celebs that can’t get out of the limelight, whether that be physically, mentally, or online. It’s got to be extremely difficult to just let all that stuff wash over them all day every day. This includes fanart and fanfiction (both sfw and nsfw), comments on videos, blogs, everything. Also, it’s kind of dehumanizing. When a person is famous, they get all these pictures painted of them, but the unknown gaps are always filled in, whether they want them to be or not. This turns the person into more of a brand or character that can be whatever the fans want them to be and that can pressure the person into trying to be more like that character instead of being more like themselves. Stuff like this can also violate boundaries as some people are just straight up not okay with seeing fanart or fics of themselves, to name a couple of things. And these celebs are people and their boundaries should be respected. If you draw a weird drawing of your friend that you know they wouldn’t be okay with, you wouldn’t post it on the internet for everyone to see because it would hurt their feelings. Same goes here, just on a much larger scale. This ESPECIALLY goes if the celebs or content creators are young and still mentally developing. And I don’t just mean young like under 18. I mean young like college age, like 25 and younger. These people are still developing in the world and the fact that they have to encounter all this stuff about them on a daily basis is just not good for their mental health and we should respect that. Like even if they said they’re completely fine with it, it still gives me weird vibes when I remember that the art or fic or whatever is about real people who are trying to live their lives without everyone knowing every little tiny detail about them, yet they still know that people are trying to find every detail about them. This sucks because fans aren’t entitled to every little detail. That’s just a fact, and always will be. And fandoms are kind of riddled with this. It almost looks like people trying to talk behind someone’s back, which always weird for they person they’re talking about, whether they’re talking shit or talking good.
On the other hand (especially with the dream smp), fanart and fics are so fucking cool! Being inspired and making art out of your inspiration will never not be one of the coolest things the human brain can do. And holy FUCK there are so many talented individuals out there who can do so much with so little information, it’s insane. And fandoms are the perfect place for these people because they have stuff to go off of, but they also have the freedom to express themselves. Especially when celebs say that they’re okay with stuff, it opens up a whole new world of expression and I think that’s super fucking cool.
Another note: the internet has free speech, which i think is pretty damn cool. However, this does not include freedom from consequences. If you say some dumb shit or some fucked up shit on the internet, I guarantee you there will be consequences. These can come in the form of your post getting taken down for violating community guidelines or someone calling you out in the comments. And I think that’s a good thing. Reporting and blocking are some of the best functions on the internet and i think that people should use them more often, especially in relation to aforementioned things that violate people’s boundaries. Often, people will just comment and share it saying “yo wtf this is gross” but that just draws more attention to the fucked up thing in question.
I didn’t really have a place I was going with this, but basically: - Don’t violate celebs/content creators’ boundaries. - Don’t dehumanize people just because you don’t know every little thing about them. - DON’T MAKE NSFW ART/FICS ABOUT MINORS. - Don’t push stuff on celebs/content creators. They’re people too. - Differentiate between characters and the people behind them in your works. The difference is VERY important. - If you do any of the above things, don’t be surprised if you get called out about it. - Most importantly, have fun! Don’t be afraid to put fanart or fanfic out there if the celeb/content creator is okay with it. The internet and fandoms are supposed to be fun for everybody, including the fans and the thing/people they are a fan of.
Okay that’s all I have to say about that for now. *steps off soapbox*
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goldenspence · 3 years
For ur talk about Reid v card post, I kinda think he lost it with a friend/rando at collage, just a one time thing and he probably had a awkward fumble sometime before that both in his 20’s (I saw a post that talked about him getting overly excited and finishing in his pants the first time he did anything and that’s basically cannon to me) I think he did something in college mainly just because he might be awkward but he’s still played by a model and I think someone would of hopped on that, I do think he might consider himself a virgin when he joined the bau because that once was so awkward and might of just be oral/unfinished that he feels other people would say it doesn’t count and he doesn’t want people to think he’s trying to come off more then he is
let me just say spencer cumming in his pants is something that is so personal to me.
but for sure I can totally see him being dragged out to a party by ethan and some pretty girl (or ethan👀) brings him upstairs and he’s just in shock and now a pretty girl is making out with him and he’s not entirely sure that he’s doing it right but it feels so good. she moves onto his lap and he’s like instantly hard and she pulls his dick out and starts to give him a handjob. she very quickly realises he’s inexperienced bc he was putty in her hands the second she touched his dick and he’s whining and whimpering and he cums with a shout. the poor kid is like completely spent by it and she leaves realising he’s probably too exhausted to have sex with him.
and then with a different girl he met in a study group, they’ve been friends for a while and spencer has a huge crush on her and she thinks he’s hot and nice so makes a move on him. one night they’re making out and she’s straddling him and they’re both fully under the impression that they’ll have sex tonight. but she’s grinding on him and sucking his neck while telling him how pretty he is and how sexy his moans are and then all off a sudden he grabs her hips, presses them down onto him and shoved his head onto her neck as he groans loudly having just cum in his pants. and the second he catches his breath his face is bright red and he’s so embarrassed bc this was the furtherest he’d gotten with a girl and he’d just blown it. she reassures him and he makes it up to her by eating her out and she cums twice 🥰🥰
so whilst he has done more stuff than derek thinks he has he’s still kinda embarrassed by them and still technically a virgin so he just lets derek poke fun at him bc it’s nice that derek is his friend
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angrydeobi42069 · 3 years
The hate Blackpink gets is driven by internalized misogyny and here’s why
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Blackpink. Basically the biggest girl group on the planet and one of the biggest groups in general, dominating the charts worldwide. Blackpink’s comeback, “How You Like That” broke world records for most viewed video in 24 hours and debuted no.2 on the Billboard charts. I’m sure “Lovesick Girls” charted as well or the same. The first kpop group to perform at Coachella, Blackpink have collabed with too many western artists for me to name (actually, I could probably name them but I could care less about some of these western artists so I’m not going to). I mean, not really a surprise, Blackpink has been breaking records since their debut in 2016. There’s not even really a point in introducing them to you since there’s literally no way you don’t know who they are. 
Now like many celebrities, the more famous you become the more hate you get. I hope everyone knows that this is just bound to happen regardless if your favorite celebrity has never done anything problematic and consistently produces bop after bop. However, BP get some of the worst hate I have seen towards a kpop group and most of it coming from kpop fans and blinks themselves. I’ve heard it from my close friends, from randos on stan twitter, and from locals. So, I have a bone to pick with y’all haters because I truly don't understand. 
Let me start with saying that I’m not a blink. I’m kinda far from it. I like bp and I will definitely click on their stuff when it comes out but I am in no way shape or form an actual stan. I wouldn’t buy their stuff or cry over their achievements, though it does make me somewhat proud. But even though I’m not a blink, I find myself defending these girls whenever someone tries to start shit. 
Ok, so from what I could gather from scouring the internet, harassing my friends, and looking through twitter, people hate bp for mainly these reasons: they hate Jennie, they think bp are overrated and overhyped, they “are not serving what they could serve” (yes, I quoted this from my friend), they’re basically models not idols, their fans suck, and BIG 3 privilege. There’s actually a lot more reasons that I found by looking at a “why do you hate blackpink?” quora thread but these are the easiest to tackle. I’m here to tell you that most of this hate if not all of it comes from misogyny. To be more specific, internalized misogyny because most of this hate comes from female kpop fans. 
Disclaimer: I did not research which demographic hates on bp the most but from personal experience, it has always been women who share their distaste for bp. Ok, moving on. 
I’m going to tackle the reasons I laid out one by one, hopefully well enough that you look back and see if the reason why you hate bp is out of just simple dislike for their music or because you hate women. There’s a big difference if you didn’t notice. If you get offended by this piece then that’s on you not me, just saying.  
Ok, first reason. You hate Jennie? Is that so? May I ask why you hate her so much? What exactly has she done to you that you have such a strong hatred for her? Is it because she’s lazy? Because she’s not doing what she’s capable of? I need reasons. I really do need some reasons before I label you off as someone struggling with internalized misogyny. Jokes aside, I don’t see how you can hate someone you’ve never met. I think most of the time we forget that you literally don’t know these people. I don’t know my favorite kpop boys and you definitely don’t know my good sis Jennie. I could make a whole other piece on the fake images and personalities these idols have and how we eat them up but whatever. 
Back to Jennie, you literally don’t know her. This whole Jennie is lazy argument is bs, pure shit if you ask me. You have no way of knowing what’s going on in her life. I’m pretty sure you’ve had bad days, bad weeks, maybe even bad months. You forget her job is draining, mentally and physically. She’s got dances to memorize, songs to memorize, fans to deal with and communicate with. She has a social media presence, she still has to practice and train (idols don’t just stop practicing once they debut). I know my body would not be able to withstand that no matter how long I trained; I’d drop dead immediately. The matter of fact is there are a ton of reasons why she wasn’t performing up to YOUR standards, which is a whole other can of worms since you’re probably on your bed doing nothing. It’s almost like y’all forgot sickness and fatigue is a thing. 
(this is just one of many videos where you can see jennie being “lazy”, let my girl live smh) 
And even if the reason wasn’t a medical reason, you can’t let my good sis be lazy for once??? The thing is everyone acts like they’ve never been lazy in their entire life. You’re telling me you’ve never not wanted to do nothing for no good reason? Lies, you’re fucking lying. Ok so what if she doesn’t feel like doing the move with that much energy. Let her live?? All I’m saying is you’d probably survive 5 days in the kpop industry with your lazy ass. And don’t try to hit me with the “but that’s her job she has to perform at 100% all the time” because I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to be failing your classes or pretending to be sick to get out of class. It’s the hypocrisy of it all. All if you had to perform the same song for a year, I’m sure you’d get sick of it too (fuck you YG). 
The reason why you hold Jennie to ridiculous standards is because of your ~ misogyny ~. Yes, it’s showing. Especially if you don’t hold male idols to the same level as Jennie. Female idols on the daily are held to ridiculous standards when it comes to their performances. One hair out of place and all of a sudden the knetz come holding their pitchforks. Gfriend slipping on the stage, something caused by literal rain, is still laughed at to this day and mocked. Jang Gyuri on Produce 48 had a voice crack that was edited and replayed to death on the show, ending in her elimination because she couldn’t recover from it. Meanwhile male idols make a mistake on stage and it’s like “Omg, a babie! Omg, that’s so funny!”. I don’t think I can think of any moment where male idols got shit because of a stage mistake. If anything he’s just babied and posted on twitter. My point is female idols are always shat on no matter what they do. Jennie is no exception. 
(tell me why the fancam of gfriend falling has 15M views... for what? FOR WHAT)
Now the second point, bp is overrated and overhyped. Umm, so this point is a little harder to flat out say you’re wrong, mostly because it depends on your own personal taste. If bp’s music is not for you then it might be easy to say that they’re overrated since they’re literally the biggest girl group in the world. The nuances come with the reasons behind this statement. I’m not going to address if you just dislike their music, I can’t really change your opinion on that. I will however, address if the reason behind you saying they’re overrated is because their music sounds “generic” and you don’t think they’re talented, or if you don’t think they deserve their fame because of their small discography and short promotion periods. 
The statement that all four of the bp members are untalented is just false. Wrong. W-R-O-N-G. Don’t mind me just spelling it out for you. Listen, to be able to debut you have to have some sort of talent. No one really debuts without any talent at all (for record yes I’m including visual as being a talent, sue me and leave hate idc). The only reason why someone with no talent would debut is if they had a HUGE fan base before debut and the company was trying to capitalize on it. I can name a few examples but I’m not trying to start shit. These fan bases could show up from predebut commercials, acting gigs, or reality shows. Blackpink had none of that, sure a few of them had appearances in other mv’s but I wouldn’t consider that abnormal in companies’ promotion tactics. Bp went through the typical trainee process. They passed the auditions, trained for a couple of years, and debuted. Now if you knew anything about the trainee process you would know that trainees have monthly evaluations. These monthly evaluations determine whether or not you can make it to debut. If you don’t show progress, then you’re getting the boot. So the fact that bp made it up to the final levels of evaluation and actually debuted indicates that these girls have talent, I’m sorry to say. Objectively, these girls can dance, sing, and rap. Maybe they’re not the best in the industry, I never said that but they are capable of doing all 3 things. Also they come from YG and as much as I hate YG, they’ve got trainees for dayssssss. YG’s status and income did not rely on these girls debuting, they could’ve picked anyone out of their 100 trainees they’ve got in the dungeon. If anything it’s way more competitive to debut in any of the Big 3 companies. It’s like picking the best of the best. If you’re saying these girls are not talented then maybe check yourself a little bit to see why you’re exactly saying that. I’m assuming you won’t be able to do anything better than them. 
The other three points were that their music is generic, their discography is small and their promotions are short. Well, in that case say fuck YG? You’re really acting like these girls produce their own music, make their own choreos and schedule their own promotions. Like wtf? That’s what their companies are for? The way that everyone chooses to ignore YG and their staff and immediately put blame on the girls like they get to choose what they do is ridiculous. Now I know not everyone does this, but the amount of people I’ve seen say bp is overrated because of their discography is a lot. But y’all really out here acting like they make their own discography smh. Yell at Teddy? Yell at YG? I’ve been yelling at those mfers because they’re not giving bp what they deserve. There’s no surprise when I say what they’ve been giving bp is subpar in terms of choreo and vocal ability in songs. I know those girls can do so much more. I don’t even wanna talk about the pretty savage choreo. I don’t. But this is no reason to hate on them? It’s like if I hated a starbucks barista for starbucks having a pumpkin spice latte. Like ???? 
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( i drew this myself :) )
Even the hate that they receive because they get sponsorships and ads makes no sense. You don’t want them to make coin? A huge part of what comes with being famous is brand sponsoring. Brands pay you to promote their stuff because hello, you’re famous. So the fact that you don’t want them to do this is first of all wack but also again you’re acting like these girls choose the sponsorships and choose when to go on these trips. YG. MFING YG. I don’t think y’all understand how much control these companies have over their idols. Company says drink water, you drink water. Company says stop breathing and you stop breathing. You do whatever your company says you have to do. That’s your boss. 
So why don’t y’all start hating the producers, choreographers, and management instead. Why focus your hate on these four girls? I won’t spell it out for you again but I hope you get the jist. Most of the time it’s way more easy to attack the woman when she has nothing to do with anything. Society tells you to direct your complaints to the girl involved. You see a male celebrity start dating and who gets attacked? The girl. A girl gets cheated on in a movie by her boyfriend and who does she attack? The girl he cheated with. It’s internalized misogyny luv, yes I ended up spelling it out for you. For real, the girls just breathe and y’all scream at them. 
Final point about the big 3 privilege and fanbase. You have every right to not stan a group because of their fanbase. What you don’t have a right to do is hate on them and leave nasty comments on their posts. First, that’s fan behavior. Second, if you’re gonna do this keep the same energy for people who want to do this with your group. I’m talking about every group because every idol group got some wack ass fans. You shouldn’t hate a group because their fanbase is annoying, they don’t get to pick and choose their fans. So, don’t be a hypocrite ok :) Now big 3 privilege. Ah big 3 privilege. Yes, it exists. There’s no denying it. Big 3 privilege doesn’t really die out in my opinion. For as long as they’re still active, bp will have big 3 privilege. But just with any other sort of privilege, if you have it might as well use it. Listen, if I was white you know I’d be eating up my white privilege I’m not gonna lie. Jokes aside, bp has worked extremely hard. Yes, they have the big 3 privilege but they still have to perform these concerts, shows, and go to these interviews and train. As much as you’d like to disagree with me, I think that it’s a very objective to say that they have worked hard. 
I think it’s important to acknowledge how hard it is to get into these companies in the first place. You’re not born into it like a lot of social privileges people have. You have to audition. There are so many idols that have tried to get into these big companies but have failed. Now I’m not saying that these idols are not as talented as the ones that get into these big companies. Most of the time, these idols aren’t ready at the time of their audition and work harder on their own before trying out other companies. The big 3 get their trainees at very young age, which means these kids have to be either geniuses or show an incredible amount of promise. They’re the big 3 for a reason, they’ve been around the longest and have the most experience. They can see a future idol in the making relatively quickly. So yeah bp have big 3 privilege but they’ve worked hard, sacrificed their childhood, and get shat on just as much as your kpop idols. They’ve just got a fancy name behind them that doesn’t even make good choices promoting them anyways. It’s not a valid reason to hate them because of this, just saying.
Most of the hate bp gets is brought upon by the idea that our patriarchal society has ingrained in us. Women = bad, yell at them vs. men = good, don’t yell at them. We hate seeing women succeed. It’s as simple as that. Seeing powerful women dominate the industry they’re in scares us to our core. We don’t like it. I’m just here to bring light to it.
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balkanradfem · 4 years
okay so the most garden ladies are nice but there's two women who just hate me because I'm a disobedient little goblin and I am kinda enjoying it bc it's nice to be hated without any real potential for harm.
The lady gardening right next to me, she has some very fixed ides about how things should be done and is sure that she Knows BestTM and gives me directions about how I HAVE TO garden, or else it will all fail for me, according to her. I come in that garden filled with ideas I found on youtube and online articles and literally do nothing the "right way".
Recently she's been criticizing my every move, apparently my idea to plant potatoes far apart to save them from bugs will actually cause my tomatoes to get eaten by potato bug, my soil is just "not good enough" and I'm doing it wrong by mulching so much (I'm the only one who mulches), I'm never throwing slugs away far enough (I walk like half a mile before throwing them in the wilderness but she wants me to kill them instead and I don't kill animals), and I'm wrong for making my own choices abt where to plant things.
We had a conversation about "no dig garden" a while ago and she heard about it and thought it was stupid and impossible. I shrugged and kept piling up composted leaves, straw, hay and mulch on my garden, until the first few level of topsoil was just compost I didn't need to dig thru it to plant anymore. She noticed and I think it rubbed her very wrong I just barged in there with zero experience, achieved good soil out of dense clay and don't even have to dig anymore, while doing the exact opposite of what she's been telling me to do. So she's trying to prove to me that it "actually sucks" because "there's still clay underneath" but every single plant has been doing well, I barely have any weeds to pull out and my top soil doesn't get damaged by sun, wind or any bad weather, actually it's insulated by straw so temperature changes wont affect roots.
She was also one of the people to tell me I "can't grow broccoli myself, I have to buy transplants" and said it over and over and then I grew them myself and they were big and fed me for months. My ego has been feeling very good about it. I think maybe hers isn't doing so well, but you know?? If your pride depends on a rando not doing as you say and succeeding... you gotta deal with that lmao. Kudos for sticking to tradition but I'm gonna use every new discovery about gardening to succeed and will ignore all of "advice" that is just a poorly disguised attempt to scare me into thinking I'm doing things wrong by refusing to obey. Had enough of that from abusive parents.
Another lady who hates me is an elderly lady with a weird vibe, literally tried to order me around the second she met me, and I was to assume it was "for my own good". My disobedient ass would die out of spite before being ordered around for anyone's good. I was sitting down in the grass as it's one of my happiness activities and she got behind me and went "Get up." And I play into assuming she means well and explain, No, this cannot harm me, I am perfectly content, did this all my life, wont get sick. And she wont accept it. She told me to get up 5 times, very aggressively, before I finally went "You're going to have to bring in 20 people to carry me. Nobody can force me." And the fact I had to go that far to get her off my case alarms me. What kind of self-justified do you have to be to insist on controlling a person you just met! She wouldn't even look at me after that. I am also enjoying that bc I managed to repel that particular bad vibe away from myself. I heard her ask crazy invasive questions to other ladies and they answer! What a crazy thing to do.
I still have to say, their conversation methods are far advanced to what m*n have been saying, apparently if they're walking by me working they expect a conversation and this is their starters: "Is it growing? What is that? Are you gardening? What are you doing? Is that doing well?" And I'm literally.. like what.. do you want me to say??? The plant is RIGHT THERE YOU CAN SEE ITS DOING WELL. IT IS OBVIOUSLY GROWING. ITS A FCKING SUNFLOWER. I AM OBVIOUSLY GARDENING. It's lower than toddler level communication. They will just throw the "blarafgbdsdfg tell me things like I'm a baby" and expect me to play along. THESE ARE ALL OLD CREEPS. And I just refuse to look at them until they go away. One of them dared to go "hey babe" at me and got the "we will not talk further" and withdrew.
I can't differentiate between them bc they all say equally idiotic shit so I have no clue how many are there. Some of them stare from a distance and I ignore them, then come closer and ask me shit, like I was just pulling up grass today and a creepy guy was like "are you pulling up grass?" like oh my god, I'm supposed to deal with that???? I'm supposed to act like this is a thing a person older than 2 can say to me??? and if I say "no, I'm cleaning the chimney" they think I'm making a joke and not telling them they're being stupid! god... it feels like being predated on every single time, thats the only reason why they don't feel like fucking idiots and don't care just how horrible they are at socialization or how much they're embarrassing themselves and obviously annoying me by saying stupid shit at me, it's only because they're never trying to start up a conversation, they're just there to force a prey to react to them, I'm the amusement, the fact that I have to listen to most idiotic shit said on earth is the amusement. I need the goddess of soil to open up the earth and swallow them whole every time they feel like opening their disgusting mouths in my direction.
I know I went against everyone in this post but listen, these two ladies, we hate each others as equals, there is no predator-prey stuff going around, there is no "me being afraid to retaliate" when they're telling me stuff I don't want to be hearing, I never  worry they'll trample my plants, I never have to be self-conscious of what I'm doing when they're watching me, I never once felt any danger or chance of violence while talking to them. I don't dislike their hatred because I'm still human in their eyes, and I can repel their entitlement with a bit of harsh words. For m*n tho? Nothing will ever repel their entitlement. Nothing will make them go after ther own business. Nothing they ever said to me regarded me as an equal or a human being. I was approached as a toy and nothing more. And even though all I want is for them to turn around, leave, and never look at me again, it's not safe to ask for it, nor would I get that. In fact, them knowing just how badly I want to be left alone will make it more amusing to invade in my presence, to rid me of pleasure of gardening in peace. It's not safe to do anything but pretend to be a boring rock they can't get any amusement from, and wait for them to leave. That's what you have to do when a goddamn bear attacks you. I hate it so much. I need to be growing my food in a space with no human predators. Mean ladies still invited. I will not listen to them tho.
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oubliette-od · 3 years
Okay...I'm not one to usually cause confrontation but I've had enough. I've seen a lot of negativity here on tumblr and Twitter, a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to give their opinion on something they know very little or nothing about. All these "hot takes" on how queer baity this is or how this is the fastest bury your gays or "oh so they sent him straight to hell for being gay lol typical cw, all you destiel shippers are crazy and are still waiting stupid" "f this show and the horse it rode in on, you people are stupid for feeling joy over this"....like get over yourselves. I get it, the show isnt perfect and kinda sucks sometimes. I completely agree on that. But you treat it like it's the worst show ever and it's really not. It's just easy to pick on because its popular and everyone knows it so to make yourselves feel better you trash on a show that people still get joy from. I was so excited last night until I checked the tags and Twitter and saw so many people being so mean and negative to those of us who were excited and happy this happened.
Like okay so 1. No they didnt kill Cas and send him to ultimate hell for being gay. F off. Hes still alive, he's just trapped in the empty forever (which yeah sounds not great but hes not dead and I know they will do something about this before the show ends.) 2. Dean loves Cas. Anybody who watches the show and isnt a cynical douche can see how much Dean cares for /loves cas. Heck he was supposed to say I love you to him back in season 8 but Jensen had them change it because he thought it wasnt the right time (which I agree with him but kind of wish they left it anyway). People say his reaction was flat but did you watch the scene? All the micro-expressions that swallow, the head tilt the furrowed brows. Dean is already in a bad head space, he was freaking out trying to find a way to save them. Then Cas drops the bomb of his empty deal, bookended by his confession. The poor man didn't have a second to breathe let alone process what was happening. From his reaction on the floor, sobbing, he finally understood what happened and was completely devastated in losing cas again, especially after realizing that Cas does love him back. Just give him time, I dont think he will disappoint in the coming episodes. He wont let this slide, hes going to save Cas and tell him he loves him back. I would be more skeptical if like it was just Cas and a few randos that were gone but its everyone so I believe they are going to bring everyone back, including Cas, Charlie, her girlfriend and Eileen. 3. Its not queerbaiting until the end of the show, and I can't believe they would just leave it like this. I will eat my words if it does happen but you can't tell me with all the evidence shown in previous episodes that Dean is not in love with Cas too. It just doesn't make sense if he isnt. Am I disappointed they waited till now to do it? Sure but I'm still happy they did.
Cas' confession is just the first piece of the puzzle. We still have three hours-ish of show left and a lot can happen within that time. I for one am still hopeful and look forward to where this goes. Yes I get and understand why people are upset and crap on the show. It has some definite issues which most stem from bucklemming being awful writers who unfortunately have written the next episode. Going by the promo, I'm very worried they will screw with the tone and Dean especially. But nothing can erase or take away the fact that Cas confessed to Dean, saved his life once again, left his handprint on THAT shoulder and left Dean a broken man once again. I have faith in the actors and the writers (besides bucklemming I dont trust them at all) when they say they are happy and that the ending is what they wanted to see so I am willing to just wait it out and see how it goes. I never thought we would ever get in show confirmation of destiel but here we are with half of it. And you cant tell me that dean wasnt trying to tell Cas his feelings. He says "Cas, I-" before Cas says goodbye and pushes him away so I feel confident he wanted to tell him something before disappearing forever. The guilt and devastation he must be feeling now, i can only imagine and i for one am very excited to see this play out.
In conclusion, don't spread your negativity and hot takes on something you know nothing or little about. I have seen so many posts from people like "I don't watch the show/never heard of spn/haven't watched in years" going off of what posts they may of seen without much context and I just want to say that yes, you are entitled to your opinions but maybe don't form your opinions on little information that may not be correct or on something you know little about. Like, when you are attacking or jeering at people for being happy or excited about this, maybe you need to step back or at least tag your posts accordingly so they stay out of the main tag.
And no, this is not up for debate and I will not answer any asks about this. You can send all your hate and "you're so delusional" asks to me if you want but it's not going to change my mind. Destiel is canon, confirmed by both Misha and Berens, and that's all I need to know that its true. I am going to stay happy about this and I am able to criticize this show while still enjoying it and that's what I'm going to do through the finale. As the Ghostfacers said, Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Dean will come through and save his angel.
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sofipasternack · 4 years
NaNoWriMo Preptober Checklist
Okie dokie artichokies, if you’re gonna do NaNo this year, listen up! Here’s my checklist I need to complete in order to have a great and successful time fast drafting. Disclaimer: This is just the way I plan and write. If it works for you, great! If it doesn’t, cool! There’s no wrong way to prep and write! You do you!
Okay here’s the checklist: (P.S. for some reason the formatting of this post is an entire mess, and I don’t know how to fix it. 😩It looks fine in the editor.)
Who the heck?
Protagonist: The mainest of the main characters.
Deuteragonist: The secondary main character. Best friend, love interest, wise-cracking animal sidekick...
Antagonist: Some jerk.
Rando NPCs: As you’re planning out your protagonist’s path, jot down any NPCs the might meet. This could include mom/dad, school bully, local wizard, innkeeper, space ship captain, etc. They don’t need arcs, just a couple traits that make them interesting!
Character Arc Formula
The Lie: The incorrect belief your character has about themselves, the world, or other people. This is enabled by the starting place in the story: the village, the orphanage, the abusive home, the dead-end job. The character puts up with a less-than-ideal environment or relationships because of this Lie.
The Want: The thing your character thinks they need in order to be happy. This is a Want that will further shore up the Lie. The Want is formed under the assumption that the Lie is true. For example, the character stays at a dead-end job because they think they're not good enough for their dream job. Their Want is to get promoted at this dead-end job because they think this will make them feel better.
The Truth: The thing your character needs to learn that will actually make them happy. The Truth can only be achieved once the Lie is identified as... a lie. In the above example, the Want is the get promoted at the dead-end job. But theTruth is for the character to realize they ARE good enough for their dream job, to quit the dead-end job completely, and go try to land their dream job.
The Wound: Optional! The thing that happened in the character's past that makes them buy fully into the Lie. In our example, the Wound could be a hyper-critical parent who always told the character they were never good enough.
Why the heck?
Who is your audience? I’m serious. Figure out who you’re writing this story for. No, you can’t say “everyone!” cuz, no offense, it’s impossible to create a story that everyone universally likes. Figuring out your audience early in the drafting process is going to help you later when you’re trying to choose between two plot paths, or determine character motivations, or deciding whether to include poodoo bad words. You can ask, “What would my target audience want?” If you know who you’re writing for, then you know who you’re NOT writing for, and you can dump their opinions and desires into the trash so you have more time and energy to focus on your actual audience! The narrower the better!
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What the heck? Develop your barebones outline!
The Hook: Okay, first, boop on down to the climax and figure out what’s going on down there. Then come back here. If your character ends happy, start them sad! If they end in a position of power, start them downtrodden. They're fully sold to the Lie here. No Truth in sight! The point of the hook is to, well, hook the reader so they can't walk away. Give them something to root for in your character. Even if they're sad and downtrodden, make them immediately interesting and endearing so the reader has no choice but to read on.
Plot Turn 1: If you're going by Acts, Plot Turn 1 gets your character into Act 2. This is the big upheaval, the call to adventure, the point of no return. The character moves out of their comfortable village into the great wilderness... AND IT SUCKS! They're trying to apply the Lie to a world that rejects it, so things keep going wrong and the character has no idea why.
Pinch 1: The antagonist is introduced. This forces the character into action. Remember, they were just thrust into their new world via Plot Turn 1, and it kinda sucks. They want to go back home--back somewhere the Lie makes sense--but the antagonist isn't going to let them.
Midpoint: Your character has been clinging to the Lie so far, but the midpoint is where they make a conscious mental shift from their starting state to their ending state. Now is where they start to realize, "Hey, maybe the Lie isn't so great after all." For pacing, this should happen approximately at the 50% mark of the book. If your character moves into their final state too early, you're going to have a draggy second half and the change is going to feel abrupt and unearned. If they move too late, they will be frustratingly inactive for way too long, and you may lose your reader.
Pinch 2: The jaws of defeat! The antagonist is back, meaner and more powerful than ever. Pinch 2 is the end of Act 2 and what will take us into Act 3, where the protagonist is at their lowest point and all seems lost. This is the dark night of the soul. This is the worst case scenario. How is the protagonist going to survive this? Make the reader doubt that the happy ending they want is possible. The character has been learning to accept the Truth and has been slowly rejecting the Lie, but at this point the Truth seems unattainable, ridiculous, unrealistic, or just plain impossible.
Plot Turn 2: Plot Turn 2 is the start of Act 3. The antagonist just swooped in and trashed the character's stuff, and your character is at their lowest point, barely hanging on to whatever they hold dear. Then suddenly... EUREKA! They get what they need to defeat the antagonist, because at this point they completely let go of the Lie and embrace the Truth. Embracing the Truth maybe entirely metaphorical, like Po realizing there is no secret ingredient, or represented by a physical object, like a weapon or piece of technology. Everything is now assembled for the final showdown!
Climax: This is when the character has fully rejected the Lie, and totally embraced the Truth! The climax is going to happen about 10% from the actual ending of the book. This is the completion of the character's arc, and the answer to the thematic question you posited in the first act of the story. There is a resolution after the climax, used to tie up loose subplot threads and show your character in their new world.
And that’s it, friends! Figure out and write down all that stuff, and you’ll have a basic road map to your story. This helps you sit down and draft your butt off without having to pause and think, “Wait, what’s the character’s motivation again?”
Obviously none of this is set in stone, and if you start writing and realize your story is going in a different direction (it happens!), adjust your map and sail full steam ahead!
Good luck during NaNo this year!
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1-800-seo · 5 years
domestic dad!kook
hi everyone I thought I’d post my crap here so here is my domestic dad!kook Drabble list thing?
involves: pregnancy, established relationship/marriage, kissing, hickies?, general tomfoolery, nothing major, dad!jungkook,
* those damned blue lines
* you thought you wouldn’t see them so soon
* after all you had only been married eighteen months
* old relatives have been asking since day 1 when they’re gonna he seeing some lil jeons running around smh aunty karen
* you wondered how he would react
* he’d never shown any adverse reaction to children before but he was practically still a child himself
* the spiderman onesie you washed yesterday attests to that
* you decided to tell him at dinner
* he’d just had his first bite of tagliatelle when you accidentally blurted it out
* “what?” he replied snapping his head up with wide doe eyes
* “I-I found out this morning...I’m definitely pregnant. I know it’s soon, but we can make this work.”
* “What’re you on about? This is amazing baby, I finally get to be a dad!”
* “So you want this?”
* “Definitely, I’ve always imagined a family with you, it was just a matter of time. I’m so happy though baby, over the moon.”
* The smile on his face was beaming and the twinkle in his eye sparkled, he looked the epitome of happiness
* “I’m glad you want this then, it’ll be a wild ride but I’m glad it’s with you.”
* you reach out and squeeze his hand, as a fat tear of joy rolls down your cheek
* “I’m glad too, I know we’re young but it feels so right, so right with you.”
* he looks down, a tear dripping onto the table
* he wipes a few more and giggles
* “Tbh im surprised this didn’t happen earlier considering we go at it like rabbits”
* “KOOK” you cant help but laugh
* He is right lol
One month 🍼
* “Where is my wife and my spawn~~~~~~”
* Jeongguk loudly sang as he burst thru the front door, arriving home from work
* “Wym spawn???“ You say as he pulls you into a bear hug and flops both of you on the couch
* “You know,, spawn, this baby, it’s my spawn hence why I’m calling it spawn like the superhero,, duh”
* he drops his hands down to your stomach and rest them their, flat palmed
* bowing his head so he is closer he says
* “I can’t wait to meet you Spawnie”
* Immediately you burst into a fit of laughter at the outrageous name
* “we CANNOT nickname our baby SPAWN, JEONGGUK”
* “Why not I think it’s well cool”
* he calmly replies proud smirk on his face
* “Is Spawn even a good guy?”
* “ummm”
* “wym ummm??”
* “well he’s kind of ambiguous in the comics”
* at that comment you both fell about laughing, your sides beginning to hurt at it all
* and that was how your unborn baby was nicknamed Spawn
Three Months 🍼
* “I can’t push the trolley, I’m pregnant”
* you said matter of factly
* “oh you’re just being lazy,, I mean I’m not saying I won’t push the trolley, but you’re really pushing the boat out, baby”
* “hehehe my plan worked, you fool, you may have suspected me, however you still fell right into my trap muhahahaha”
* you dramatically laugh and put your hands on your hips like a comical villain
* so anyways you skrt skrt around the shop
* and right next to the book section is you know what
* so far you actually haven’t looked their yet because you don’t know the gender
* but curiosity brings you snooping in the aisles
* Jeongguk returns from the bakery section, carrying croissants and hair swept into a messy top knot
* you stare at the many many many racks of children’s clothes
* tiny baby booties
* hats that kook could only fit on his fist
* so so smol baby-grows
* “ngl I’m kinda overwhelmed”
* “how come?”
* he puts his hands round your waist and rests his head on your shoulders
* big soft comfy back hug
* “idk it’s a lot of responsibility, right? I can’t even begin to think about names never mind washing, clothing, feeding this tiny human being when it arrives”
* “baby, you have nothing to worry about, and I am positive you’re going to be the best most caring mother ever, and I have full trust in that.”
* He places a soft chaste kiss on the top of your head
* “thank you for always supporting me ggukie”
* “It’s my pleasure; we’re going to have the best baby ever, aren’t we Spawnie”
* You roll your eyes and kiss his cheek
Four Months 🍼
* you were sat on the couch in your small apartment, small but sufficient
* Jungkook was painting the spare room and deconstructing old furniture you were selling on eBay
* You’re job was to arrange the business dealings and to look for new kid-appropriate furniture to reoccupy the spaces now blank
* It was fine by you
* saves you from getting up off the couch and getting all sweaty
* after a good few hours JK came out from the room, sweat on his brow and hungry
* hungry for something else tho 👀
* he stalks over to where you are sitting and kneels on the floor in front of your knees
* he rests his head on your lap, arms folded underneath it
* his eyes were dark, full of want
* “How’s it going baby? You tired?”
* “hmmm”
* he just stares back
* brows slightly furrowed
* soon enough he was peppering your face in warm kisses
* he flipped you over and sat you on his lap, hands resting on your waist
* his lips latched onto your neck and he sucked a flourish of purple and blue flowers under your jaw
* his lips were warm and supple on your skin
* it sent a shiver down your spine and goosebumps to your skin
* you found the hem of his black T-shirt and slid your hands under the fray
* you’re hands met the toned muscle of his stomach and the soft honey skin
* “looks like I can’t knock you up since someone already has, oh well, more fun for me”
* his hands fiddled with the fabric of your top
* you obliged and pulled it over your head
* you were met with his mouth hungrily crashing into yours as he searched for more and soon enough you were underneath him
Six Months 🍼
* your belly was fairly noticeable by now and you couldn’t avoid the fact that you were pregnant
* people were starting to let you sit instead of them in public places
* you were getting more and more randos asking to touch your belly as well which wasn’t the greatest
* JK is always in protective dad mode™️ when this happens
* he’s ready to protect his babies
* one time when a sketchy looking old man asked to touch your belly JK immediately stood in between you and the guy
* he puffed out his chest and was hella macho
* Alpha Jungkook arises hehe
* ever since then he was more aware that people would be looking at you and more interested in you in general
* anyways
* he’s hella excited to be a dad
* his excitement is so pure and genuine it’s so sweet
* it’s like every day he gets more excited and you think by the full 9 months he’ll just be so excited he’ll be vibrating like a washing machine lol
* every night he kisses you and your baby good night
* “Night night baby jeon spawnie”
* without fail it makes you giggle
* his lil nose always brushes against your skin when he says it and it’s ticklish and comforting
* you can’t wait to meet your baby to see which of you they look like and in what ways
* will they have your double lidded eyes or his unique nose
* will they have his bunny teeth or your short stature
* either way they’ll be the most loved being in this world
Seven Months 🍼
* it was time for the long awaited gender reveal
* you and him had decided that you would go alone to the appointment since he had work and then you would surprise Ggukie when he gets back
* you decided the way you would tell him was by dressing in either blue or pink
* you know you know,, not really breaking gender stereotypes, but it gets the idea over
* so that’s what you do
* you wear you’re best maternity day dress and do your makeup all güd
* it’s 5:30pm and he’s so excited to know
* he barges thru the door and basically and sprints to you
* he’s met with a baby blue clad wife, her hair adorned with a periwinkle ribbon
* immediately he knows and swoops you up into a bear hug
* “Jungkook? We’re going to have a little baby boy!”
* “I’m so happy! I feel like I’ve drank five red bulls,, we’re going to have a boy”
* When you pull away from the hug his cheeks have tears dripping down them and his eyes are wet
* “aww baby why’re you crying?”
* “because I’m just so happy, I can’t wait to see him, he’s going to be perfect, we’ll all be perfect”
* “you’re right kook, we’ll be perfect”
* “You don’t know how much I love you, you know?”
* that was when you started crying tears of happiness too
* youd remember this moment forever
Eight Months 🍼
* “I think it’s time to think of some actual names”
* “yeahhh people at work keep thinking I’m actually calling the baby Spawnie and then I keep having to explain why it’s called Spawn and i don’t particularly like explaining that Spawn is a play on sperm and that’s my sperm”
* “What goes ON at your work”
* “you don’t even wanna know babygirl”
* “ummm so I was thinking, something familial, i don’t want a western name tho so that rules out my side,, unless you want to call him Barry”
* “uhh no thanks babes”
* “yeahh they’d sound like the flash lol”
* “I don’t want none of that DC propaganda in my household thanks”
* “tru tru”
* “so what about your side of family? Can you think of any family who have named you like?”
* “What about Junseok? My great uncle is called Junseok and I think that’s cool, also it kinda looks like a combination of Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung’s names.”
* “Wow they’d love that, that’s a good idea actually.”
* “Jeon Junseok, has a good ring to it”
* “I agree”
* “It’s settled then until further notice”
* “It seems it is Mr Jeon”
First Week Home 🍼
* The moment Junseok was in his little sunset coloured crib you burst into tears of relief
* you’d obviously been stressing post birth about the intricacies and once you’d got him home and settled it was like a weight of your shoulders
* he was home
* he was safe
* and you were both over the moon
* he had the smallest nose and the biggest doe eyes
* his dark hair swept across his delicate skin on his forehead
* you just knew he’d be the spitting image of his dad
* each following day with Junseok was amazing
* he was good for you
* slept so well
* settled into routine easily
* it’s as if you never had to worry
* and Jungkook was a life saver
* he was such an attentive father and husband
* always caring for you and Junseok
* every morning he’d bring you up a cup of herbal tea and bowl of granola
* and go check on the baby and if he’s awake change and feed him
* his paternity leave was a blessing
* it meant you actually got a lie in instead of Junseok waking you up
* “I can do the baby this morning, it’s ok”
* you say sitting up in bed
* “no no I’ll do it I’m used to getting up at this time for work anyway”
* “but you’ve been doing it all this week I feel bad”
* “Baby, rest, I want to do this, you deserve a rest after carrying the baby for nine months, I’m sure I can take care of him for a few mornings”
* then he gave u a sweet kiss and left to see his baby boy
Eighteen Months 🍼
* you pulled on Junseok’s tiny yellow wellies as Jungkook put on his coat
* “where are we going seokie?”
* “P-p-p” Junseok tried his best to get out the letters
* “Yayyy we’re going to the park”
* “Me and your mum are going to meet uncle Jimin too, and you know what that means? You’re going to get spoileddd”
* “V tru, but why does he always spoil him? I mean it’s not a problem he gets free things and stuff, but do you reckon he’s compensating for something?”
* “Yeah as nice as it is I think he might be compensating for not being around as often as he’d like to, solo career going strong as all, you know how he loves kids, in his head he probably thinks he’s an absent uncle but in reality he’s ever present just away for an odd weekend, which is normal”
* “yeah I get that”
* “But it’ll be nice to see him anyway, we can ask him about his new single”
* “Oh I’ve heard that it’s pretty good”
* Junseok pulled at the hem of your coat, indicating he wants to leave
* So off you went
* the day was filled with jumping in muddy puddles and Jimin nearly falling in said puddles
* Junseok got all dirty so you had to go find a bathroom to clean him up at
* hence why you ended up at an ice cream parlour in winter
* despite the cold weather you enjoyed the ice cream nonetheless
* JK teases Jimin a few times because apparently Jimin’s white blond hair was vanilla ice cream and his was chocolate
* Jimin insisted his was bingsu however JK refused
* Junseok had a great time fluffing up uncle Jimin’s hair after that
* and so the day drew to an end
* you headed home
* Seokie sleeping in the car all the way there
* you gently took him into the house and the pair of you collapsed on the couch and immediately fell asleep
* it was the cutest thing
* and when you woke up you saw your two boys asleep so soundly
* and you thought to yourself how content with your life you were
* how lucky you were
* how much you love those boys
* and you’d do anything for them
The End hehehe :)
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