#but sorry it still looks like a downgrade to me lol
supersunshine10 · 4 months
Im not the biggest Mlp fan as much as I used to, and I do like G5 and thinks it’s cute,
but Ngl whenever I check out the new stuff I still think this is still a downgrade IMO
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Happy with the staff content this year but am I the only one who is disappointed with the PV we got? It's basically a slideshow of art we've already seen, major downgrade from the year 1 PV that had literally all the events. There was a drop in quality of the anniversary PVs over the years and it really shows this year. Sorry if you find this too negative I don't mean to hate I just wish Twst would do better for it's ANNIVERSARY.
[For everyone's reference, here are the anniversary PVs in order of release: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024]
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Mmm, now that you mention it, I noticed this trend with the Halloween PVs 🤔 For year 1, there was a video that showed all members of the NRC casy, even those that did not receive cards at that time. There were then several short variants of the PV released for year 2/Endless Halloween Night (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4). Altogether, they feature all of the characters, including the students from year 1 but heavily shadowed and with glowing eyes to indicate ghostly possession. Even Glorious Masquerade features all of the students that get new cards for the event plus Rollo, although there are notably more still shots here. The Stage in Playful Land CM, by comparison, is significantly shorter and only shows us the three SSRs (Ace, Ortho, and Kalim) as well as the two new characters (Fellow and Gidel).
As this anon has said, the anniversary PVs have changed a lot over time too. The first one was the most animated and integrated several event outfits. The second one was also animated a fair amount, but you can tell corners were cut in some places where they transition to photographs/still images. This alone works thematically given that the player is a photographer, but you can still catch dips in quality when it comes to the art style. I remember finding Deuce running and the Kalim + Silver flying scene odd, as well as Jade and Trein's faces strange in general. Then the third PV rolls around and it only features the third years; the animation also seems to be much more sluggish (although this could be a stylistic choice; not sure). A friend actually recently pointed out to me that Lilia's pose looks like he was pulled straight from other assets; his artwork in the animation is almost the exact same as his smiling expression in the game. This year's is the most different (+ most static) and, like year 3's PV, only provides "new" content for a select few characters (the dorm leaders). They also reuse pre-existing illustrations already found in the game that don't seem to be picked for any particular reason (like, there are random Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles groovies in there). This direction, I'm guessing, is less costly and more efficient than making an entirely original animation, which is what was done in previous years. (Not that Disney or Aniplex is hurting for money to fund this, lol) Would I have preferred another PV in the style of year 1's? Yeah, for sure. I want to see other events and their outfits animated! Was what we got this year bad? Not necessarily; I think the production and editing was very technically impressive, but I'm still sad we didn't get anything substantially "new" to chew on (as someone who isn't a fan of most third years or the dorm leaders). Maybe it's just something we perceive as a deficit only because year 1 set the bar so high. It is what it is; whoever was in charge of the anniversary PV was probably doing the best they could with whatever budget they were given 😔 Let's hope that next year's will be a return to form, or that at least the money/effort is being redirected to other bigger projects (maybe the anime?).
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sdfgderp · 5 months
a/n: ARGENTIIIIIIIIIIII ARGENTIIIIIIIIIII AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH screaming aside, i believe he is the type to compliment even the features you don’t really like about yourself 🥹 this beauty recognizing beauty in others no matter how they look… peak gentleman also notice how my word count on my posts are inconsistent, sometimes i don’t put them, sometimes i do… sorry!!! also this is obviously longer than the gepard one, so guess who’s my favorite 🤭
argenti x gn! reader
cw: insecurities, gardening with argenti, brutish planting (the plants are fine, dw), cheesy argenti, subtle pining…, you aren’t together in this one lol u just got friendzoned!!! (he didn’t mean it), reader is an unreliable narrator
word count: 800+
sanguine locks covered your peripheral vision as argenti bent down just above you. you were crouching down to dig dirt for the roses he nursed in nursery pots, and it was time to plant them down on the ground. you look up and meet argenti’s curious green eyes.
“do you not stick your spear to the ground, kick it to get soil out, drop the seedling, and stomp dirt on it, my muse?”
his question, though harmless, stuck a spear through your plant-loving heart. in what world do you plant roses that way?!
“no? argenti, is what i’m doing not the universal way of planting things?” you counter, gently taking out a seedling out of its seedling bag. “yours is… kind of sad and brutish.”
the knight crouches down beside you, pulling back the sleeves of his turtleneck. you loosen up the soil the seedling was clinging to and bury it in the hole you made, spraying it with water infused in fertilizer. you turn to your left and dig another hole for another rose bush seedling to plant. argenti observes your way of planting, his gaze following your hands.
you break the silence as you take out another seedling from its bag and put it down on the ground. “i’m curious though, do your plants live using that method, argenti?”
he nods, “yes they do. they grow up to be fruitful plants that grow beautiful flowers, fruits, or leaves.”
“again with the compliments on plants,” you sigh. you thought, do i have to turn into a plant to get praises…
“no you do not need to!” argenti replies immediately. you realized you spoke your words out loud and dismissed it. however, the knight was faster in talking than you. seeing your hands were busy, he started showering you compliments.
“beauty is everywhere, my muse, and that includes you! you need not to turn into a photosynthesizing creature for me to compliment you! are you not aware on how your hair is just right, even when you’re under the blazing heat of the star of your home planet system? do you fail to notice how gentle you’re holding that plant? or how you look in this posture, although it could use some work…”
argenti goes on and on, complimenting the features you usually scrutinize when he catches you checking yourself out in the mirror. the shape of your nose, your uneven skin tone, your body shape, even the hair on your toes… all while you were “busy” planting when you were just busying yourself to hide the massive blush raging on your face. the nerve of this guy to catch on to your insecurities and shower them with praises. beautiful, just what is beautiful for a knight of the beauty?
“…indeed, it is a blessing for the universe to have me here with you, friend. it is a pity you downgrade your perfectly arranged body just because it doesn’t fit this planet’s standards.” him saying friend for you sounded sour. “you were once like the roses you’re planting now, devoid of flowers but still pretty, your first leaves of development adorning juvenile features you now don’t have. and i think,” he pauses, tucking hair behind your ear to clear your vision. “you’ve grown to host a lot of roses.”
in your mind, fireworks shot through the sky at the last compliment argenti dropped. your face stoic, yet your mind had gremlins scampering around, yelling “oh great heavens! this guy is going to kill me!”, and “how dare he shower us in compliments! i love it! i’m going to explode!”
“hello? did the heat get you already?” argenti snaps you out of your daze. you shake your head.
“y-yeah, i think. let’s plant these later in the afternoon.” you plant the last seedling for the morning and put back the remaining seedlings in a cool area of your garden. argenti kept the gardening tools used before sitting down with you in the makeshift tent you two made. you took off your gloves and throw it aside, sitting down and wiping your sweat. argenti crouched down and passed you a waterbottle.
“i’ll do the planting later, my dear. now that i know the beauty of your way of planting, i can perfectly recreate it and grow rose bushes whose leaves that under that star’s light, and whose roses rival the color of my hair.”
argenti goes on for another ramble about beauty, fixated on roses. meanwhile, your mind began to wander in dangerous territory. for someone who’s not used to receiving meaningful compliments, argenti is starting to look like a potential crush for you. unbeknownst to you, the knight is waiting for you to take the hint already. as you debate your tiny crush on him, argenti is praying that the beauty that sits before him will grace him their company, to be his lifelong friend partner in searching for his aeon. that is to say, if he doesn’t believe his aeon is in fact, right beside him.
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
Hear me out: micro-penis!Soap
Almost nothing changes, he is still extremely confident and cocky. But now he's even more focused on getting Ghosts dick bc it's not like he can fuck anyone with that tiny thing and masturbating when your pinky is thicker than your length is really fucking difficult.
It makes it possible for him to wear the tightest pants imaginable though. After all, it doesn't hurt his crotch area. He prefers shopping in the women's clothing section because they have the best pants to make his ass look good and there is so much variation.
He can't pee while standing - hard to direct the stream when the one finger you are holding your dick with is covering your pee hole (also ideal for puppy!Soap) - and there are no condoms that he can use - there is simply not enough length for it to hold on (which means his puppycunt is always leaking).
Makes it real easy to hide when he's aroused in public. Makes it even easier to hide when Ghost makes him cum in his pants with a (purposeful) touch or that look he gets when Soap has been a good boy. Not that it takes much, his tight pants have enough pressure on his small dick to make him cum just from walking around.
Has turned him into a pro in taking humiliation. Is used to the ribbing to downright abuse he gets from other soldiers once they've seen him in the showers. (As the FNG Soap has gone through too many hazings to count, distracting them with his small dick ensures that most of the hazing concentrates on that).
Is so attuned to getting humiliated for it that he is confused when he doesn't get it. Starts prompting for it, continues to desperately downgrade himself.
(Everyone on base knows that Soap has the smallest cock in the country. It's almost synonymous with his name. Soap likes it that way. Likes that everyone knows that for all his cockiness he could never fuck anyone. Loves that every soldier on base knows that he is just a hole waiting to be used. That if they approach him for a hook-up it's no question who is gonna be the bitch)
tbh i LIVE for any kind of dick humiliation - small dick humiliation, big dick humiliation, it's all fun and kinky. but sdh really lends itself to feminization, which is also hot
you made this Consensual (by nature of soap being a freak) which is great & super hot in it's own right and i love to read it, but i am unfortunately sick and nasty and have a bit more fun with this if soap's... not so into it. sorry to take it in that direction!
there's no way soap could hide his dick in the military, it's just not possible. so we are acknowledging it as fact, and disregarding it entirely so we can pretend that ghost wouldn't find out through other soldiers. also everything after this point is super scatterbrained and im so sorry for that lol
(btw.... soap having to sit down to piss... should not be as hot to me as it is, but something about that has me literally shivering)
thinking about ghost finding out about soap's tiny cock and kinda like... blackmailing him with it :/ threatens to tell everyone, both of them knowing that he'd lose so much respect from other soldiers. tells him he might even whore him out if soap can't behave
ghost fucking soap and holding a hand over his cock cause there's nothing to jack off, maybe he's nice and rubs a little like you might a clit, but usually doesn't even bother to give something so little any pleasure :/
ghost putting him in tight tight pants, so tight that it's impossible not to notice that he's either got no dick or a tiny dick. soap whines a little, squirms because the pants are pushing on his dick and he's so fucking hard, and the little tent in his pants just looks like another fold in the leather :/
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kayentokk · 1 year
|Calling the JJK men “dude”|
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✭ Suguru Geto ✭
Prolly would be a little shocked/confused on the inside
Shrugs it off
“Hey man”
Replies with the same energy you give
Figured it’s just the mood today
his pride is a bit hurt so he’s gonna act like he doesn’t care that much
Continues doing what he’s doing
You call him that throughout the day
Gets irritated with you and ignored you
Eventually asks you why
Super petty about it later
✭Your day started with your friend sending you a funny video, this lady had called her husband dude. The man in the video You replied ‘lol 😂 poor guy’ but on the inside you were pretty curious how Suguru would act.
When you got to your apartment Suguru wasn’t there so you just lounged out on your couch. A few minutes later you heard the door opening, Suguru coming in with a slight grin on his face, “hey man!” You greeted him nonchalantly.
It took him a few seconds to answer as he was processing in his head the unusual greeting you just met him with. “Hey…man?” Not the reaction you were looking for.
Throughout the rest of the evening you when you would randomly show him something on your phone, call him over, or even ask him a question, you greeted him that way.
“Oh my gosh bro!”
“Hey man…”
He finally got sick of it and asked, “y/n, are you okay?”
“Yeah man, what would be wrong?”
He’s sighs exasperated, “you keep calling me “man,” dude,” and “bro” you never do that. It’s weird.”
“Oh…I thought you didn’t notice, I just wanted to see what you’d say but I thought you didn’t care….”
“That’s stupid, don’t talk to me”
“Wait Sugu-“
“Oh now I’m Sugu again, no more “bro?”
He didn’t talk to you…for like 10 minutes he eventually gave into your antics after you apologized for like the hundredth time. After he was super pettily nonchalant about it. He just casually addresses you as “girl,” or “woman” to get on your nerves. ✭
✭ Satoru Gojo ✭
Completely overly exaggeratedly hurt
Fakes getting shot in the chest and falls out of his chair
He is so baffled that you just called him dude
“Baby?! Do you not love me anymore?!”
He’s so distraught that it’s hilarious
When you finaly get him to calm down so you can explain his undies are in a bunch
He’s all pouty and gives you the cold shoulder for like 2 seconds
He gives in for your kisses
✭ You were in a playful mood your friends had been addressing you as ‘bro’ and ‘broski’. So when you went home you automatically greeted your boyfriend like that without thought, it also didn’t help that you were kinda tipsy.
“Suuup brrooski!” You said in a chill tone, walking past Satoru making your way to the kitchen.
“Ugh!” You heard a soft ‘thump’ and turned around to see your goofy, appalled boyfriend on the floor.
“What are ya doin silly?” You giggled.
“My heart…how could you? Am I nothing to you anymore? Have I been demoted? Downgraded? Are you falling for someone else?!”
He’s so dramatic he knows you’re not falling for anyone but him, but you’re still confused. What is he talking about?
“What are you talking about?”
“Wooow! You- you don’t even notice the pain you’ve just struck me with. How could you call me broski? Is that what I am to tou now? A broski?”
“Awwww baby, I’m sorry, it’s just a habit,” you say as you walk over and pull him up off of the floor.
“Hmph!” He says crossing his arms into a pout.
“‘Cmonnn, I’m reaaaly sorry, mkay?”
He turns his head to the side ignoring your apology. You stand on your tippy-toes and peck his right cheek, “better now?”
He enwraps you in a warm hug and giggles, “better.”
✭ Itadori Yuji ✭
Poor bby:(
He’s tryna think of every possible thing he could have done to make you mad
Did something during your day bother you?
Was it him?
Literally almost cries before he can even form a single sentence to answer you
Doesn’t know how to respond
Should he call you dude too?
Is this a new cute couple thing?
Or will you get mad?
Should he do the normal and call you “baby” and “love of my life?”
Really lost
Also kinda hurt
✭Yuji was beyond happy! You texted and asked him if he wanted to hang out with you today, his answer of course being ‘yes!’ He wondered what you guys were gonna do, watch a movie? Play video games? Bake?! He could hardly wait.
He rang the doorbell anxiously awaiting your response.
“Hey dude, so today I have planned….”
He paused, tuning out whatever else you were saying. Did you- did you just call him dude?
What did he do?! Did he upset you? Was this the end? Is that why you wanted to “hang out” to slowly break it to him? Was is something that happened during your day? What did he text you? Did he forget to respond?! If none of that was it, then how should he respond?!
“Huh?” He said snapping out of his overthinking.
“You okay man? You kinda got lost there,” you say chuckling.
Oh no-not again. You did it again! He must’ve really done something now, but what? He just got here and-
“Yes?” He says tears swelling up in his eyes.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”
“You- you, called me dude, twice….did,” he sniffled, “did I do something?”
“No! Oh my gosh no baby. I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize.”
You pulled him in a tight hug and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Sorry again.”
“No it’s okay, I was just a little lost,” he says almost embarrassed.
“I love you sooo much Yuji!”
“I love you too Y/n”✭
✭Nanami Kento✭
He’s just a little caught off guard
Mostly confused
Was about to say his usual “Hey sweetheart”
Stopped himself in his tracks
Tried to analyze the whole day and think what he could have done wrong
He’s pretty straightforward when he thinks there’s a problem
Asks you why you just called him dude
Asked you to never ever do it again please
Went on with his day
✭You walk into your shared apartment really frustrated. Today Nanami had off so it was nice to just rant to him as soon as you came home. The first thing out of your mouth after seeing your stoic husband was, “dude! People were seriously all up on my dick today! Like I wish they would have just backed the fuck off, my last nerve was literally strangled to death!”
People normally questioned how you and Nanami got together in the first place, with you being so hot-headed and him cool and collected, but that was the balance that you needed. Especially when you were mad.
Nanami understood you were upset, but he thought he did something considering the fact that you called him dude. He’s never gotten that before, even when you were mad. He analyzed the entire day and couldn’t find anything, so he figured it just came out because you were mad. He still didn’t like it though.
He cleared his throat, “first, I’m sorry that you had an unpleasant day, I wish I could make it better. Second, please don’t address me as “dude” again.”
“Aww I’m sorry ken, my sweetest honey ever,” you say walking over to him where he was on the couch and sitting on his lap.
The corners of his lips lifted a bit at your response, “it’s okay my darling y/n.”✭
✭Fushiguro Toji✭
Lowkey but highkey mad
He’s kinda bitchy about it
He’s gonna settle it right there right now
He’s thinking on the inside wtf is wrong with you
Like “why tf you callin me dude?”
His prides hurt cuz like is he just a dude to you?
You have to calm him down and he’s still not fully calm
He makes sure you know to never call him dude again
✭Toji had been purposely irritating you all day, he knew you had homework and a test to study for but he insisted on coming over anyway. claiming that he ‘won’t bother you’ yeah won’t bother you your ass. He complained about it being a mess, then he started hugging you from behind and touching you. You were getting really frustrated.
“Seriously dude, you’re getting on my last nerve,” you chastely said as you removed his arms from your waist and turned back around to do your work.
That stopped him dead in his tracks. He didn’t give not one fuck if he was bothering you, but the fact that you called him dude, that bothered him. No, it’s irked his entire being.
Your poor, poor choice of words lead to you panting and being denied to come for the third or was it fourth time already?
“Say it again kid, what did you call me?”
Safe to say you never called Toji that again.
✭Fushiguro Megumi✭
Definitely caught him off guard
Doesn’t show it though
His feelings hurt deep down inside
Still doesn’t show it
Feels like he’s being downgraded/demoted
Outright asks you why
Politely tells you not to do it again
Is clingy with you afterwards because deep down he needs reassurance
✭You busted into the Satoru residence knowing that’s where your helpful tutor boyfriend was. Satoru greeted you with you guys’ super secret handshake and a, “heyy bro!” And you in return did the same. “Heyy man!” You said giggling at the comedic greeting.
“Megs is in his room, as always.”
“Thanks,” you said walking towards Megumi’s room.
“Wassup bro!” You said peaking your head in from the corner with a smile.
Gosh Megumi loved your smile, it brought him inner joy, but he did not love that greeting. He knows about you and Satorus’ greeting, but he’d prefer if you left that for Satoru and not him.
“Why what?” You ask confused.
“Why’d you call me ‘bro’?”
“Oh, did I? Sorry,” you chuckled awkwardly.
“It’s fine, don’t do it again please,” he cleared his throat, “ready to start?”
You knew your boyfriend in and out, you’d have to since he seems irritated and tired all the time. So you knew him right now, he didn’t seem sad, more like disappointed.
You were pretty sure he was gonna ask you to sit across from him so that it would be easier to write, because elbow space. Instead though, he patted the spot right next to him.
You gladly took it and began working, but he was touching you more when he was showing you things.
“Alright, thanks for the lesson Megs!”
“Wait, Y/n you should stay a little longer…”
“But it’s almost 6 and I don’t all home…it’s gonna take me a while to get there,” you said sadly.
“I’ll walk with you, or get Gojo to take you.”
“Why do you want me to stay?”
“…Gojo‘s cooking dinner and I can’t be the only one to stomach that alone.”
“Oh,” you replied giggling, “okay, sure I’ll stay.”
“Hey!” Satoru shouts popping into the room, “I heard that!”
A/N:First time doing headcannons it was actually pretty fun, how did I do?
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I'm happy Breakdown at least got an episode with some screen time. A few things I noticed in the show was how much the animation changed, like, it got downgraded? Some parts were pretty good, but others were lacking detail and movements. Not sure what happened there, or simply budgets were cut, but I still casually enjoyed the show because it's Transformers. Anyway, here's the handsome con speeder. 😍
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Couldn't help but make some little randons. The height difference, the way he's grabbed, how he scolds his son, and what looks like him getting caught lol
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Oh, and this dumb scene. Of course! Ugh makes me so mad! Like...that's it?! When the hell did they break up? Who was in charge of the animation, because I'm sorry, but that was bad. Also just noticed while making this, is that fricken Grimlock in the background?! I'm so confused....
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olibheare · 12 days
What’s your preference or advice on buying drawing tablets?
I made the mistake of buying a 24 inch xppen as a graduation gift, for some reason I thought jumping to that from an ipad was reasonable? Lol. I’m looking to downgrade after a year because I’m still not used to it. I’ve also been looking at screenless just to save money (and space LOL) but Im unsure.
I don't like screen tablets for drawing on a monitor because they're bulky and messed up my upper back/posture. When I was working on Lackadaisy I used a Gaomon PD1560 screen tablet and would sit for hours with a seemingly perfect 90-degree angle to my neck and it would hurt so bad the next day I couldn't draw. I've used a super beat-up medium Wacom Intuos Pro for 6 years (experimenting here and there with Cintiqs) all through college and it's served me just fine. Honestly, if you liked your iPad just keep using that. They're kind of becoming the standard at the moment, even studio TRIGGER uses them to animate a huge portion of stuff you're seeing right now.
But since you mentioned that you want to go screenless I'd rec the tablet I have rn. (Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-660) They're sturdy and easy to transport without worry of a glass screen. Don't pay more than like $65 though they're not worth $200+ pre-owned. You can opt for the small one, but that will prompt using your wrist a little bit more for drawing (bad) because of its size. Extremely portable though. If you're looking for stuff on ebay or other secondhand web bays make sure THAT THE CONDITION DOESN'T SAY FOR PARTS OR NOT WORKING!!!! Sorry I was remembering something Hope that helps! good luck
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Sorry, same anon with the Alastor having Vox's old tv head hc. Just wanted to add this on and then I promise I'll stop lol.
To me it's even better paired with any au where Vox needs to stay at the hotel for whatever reason usually after being injured. Because just imagine, his current monitor is broken beyond repair and the gang need to find a replacement quick, and then Alastor just sighs in the corner. "I....may have a suitable replacement for our dear guest." Summons it and everyone's just like "Wait, you actually OWN a TV....also why is there a mocking cartoon moustache drawn on the front-"
"Questions later!"
Cut to Vox waking up and he's honestly just more horrified at the idea of being technically 'downgraded'
"Fuck!!! At least tell me I still have technicolor!" Looks in the mirror "Shit!!"
Please never stop, this blog is built on amazing anons
I could absolutely see this happening, Vox would be so pissed but he can't complain
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Every time I look back at Star Vs. The Forces of Evil I just get so depressed because it was a show I actually loved only for it all to go to shit in the very end and that’s kinda all people will remember it as when time moves on. It was such a banger show in the beginning, with likable characters, good animation, and interesting villains and obstacles ect, season 1 and 2 was where the show peaked, season 3 was very flawed and wonky but it still kept me at the edge of my seat, and then season 4 was just a fucking disaster, with things that were drawn out, lore stuff that was never explained, zero buildup over most of the events going on, and of course the infamous shipping drama. It really felt like the writers dropped EVERYONE and everything all to make Starco happen, like it didn’t care if it would fuck up the world or characters around them, so long as the ship becomes canon everything is okay…..and like…no. As a past starco shipper myself, the way they executed it was just…..beyond bad, and this is the only SURFACE of issues the show had, like things ACTUALLY being built up but the climax being underwhelming, VERY important lore points that legit SHOULD have been in the show but instead got stuffed in a Disney book, Star as a main character just fucking downgrading and turning into a shallow teenage brat as the show progressed, there was honestly a LOT of issues I had with the show, even if I was young and naive when watching it. I still think in general the show is good, or WAS good at least. It was a huge part of my childhood and had the show gotten another season or two, and Daron wasn’t writing the damn script as the show progressed, it would have been better. There’s like…..a LOT of video essays on Star so like…I wouldn’t be able to go into detail in one post.
It’s honestly just sad that certain shows I grew up with that I loved the hell out of eventually just got either bad or underwhelming, like…Gravity Falls is STILL the only show from that cartoon era that managed to have an actually satisfying ending, and ended at the perfect moment. Shows like Regular Show and Adventure time were also shows I loved in the beginning, but Adventure time just dragged for WAAAY too long and started turning ridiculous in my opinion so I stopped watching, and Regular show I just grew out of. I remember coming back for both finales to pay respect to the shows even if I wasn’t caught up with either of them, and while I can say Regular Show’s finale was decent, I didn’t like Adventure Time’s. Then there’s Steven Universe, and we all know how THAT went. Why did these four shows that were famous for being actually good had to turn bleak for me? In my opinion, one of the main reasons is that when you’re making a show similar to the whole “This is a story driven show that has some filler but at the same time follows a story leading to something big” (Amphibia and The Owl House are also examples of these) the main important thing you have to make sure you’re able to do is perfectly balance filler episodes AND story driven episodes, (something that Steven Universe and Star Vs. The forces of evil SUCKED at I’m sorry) and you have to make sure the show doesn’t drag on for too long, which is what happened with Adventure Time, Regular Show, and even SU. Of course you also need to be a good writer and storyteller, but that’s a requirement lol. Keep in mind these are just my personal opinions, but I’m certainly going to miss the shows, mainly Star. Even if I haven’t seen The Owl House and Amphibia, I’m glad they’re both new shows of this era that have entertained others and seem to be VERY good. Oh…and there’s Infinity Train and Over the Garden Wall. Those were REALLY good.
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jotadoul · 5 months
🥰 anka and i are sharing a prion disease right now so we're rewatching the JJBA OVA. and okay. maybe it was the weed but i think it might be... i think it's my favourite thing ever made. that's ever existed. for all time. it's my favourite thing that exists. my favourite thing that Is. it really does makes me feel exactly like the ending of HEAT... LOL and i'm serious about this. it's like a stun gun or like being sandblasted where i'm shot outside of my body helpless to what's happening. horrible feeling and i love it very much.
and i feel soooooooo fucking VINDICATED because i dug deep into japanese forums + blogs and found people celebrating it ;__; there are discussions from this year (2024) even! people agree that it's gorgeous and that if you're going to watch (or even read) any version, it should be this one. that it rewards you on rewatches... which is true. every time i see it, i find something new, some extra bit of care that goes toward the structure of the mood. so many subtle movements in the acting, so much elegance to the balance of exposition in the dialogue. mainly in the japanese version, but it's not like it's lost in the english dub, just different. the voice actors did an amazing job with tone— notably there's this shaky tightness in Jotaro's voice during moments of fear/stress that enhances his expressions, actions.
i found people talking about the tension, acting, a wonderful review on the use of shifting, dynamic lighting throughout the OVA, the way the sound design— engineered by Skywalker Sound with score by a very young (~19) Marco D'Ambrosio— fills in SO MUCH for the animation with tasteful specificity in implying things like unique weight for footsteps, for Avdol's rings, or how the sound of Geb is like a strange layered scream. and fortunately found many people talking about being in awe of n'doul's humanity and how he has serious rizz lol and that he, in any version, is the only serious sobering moment of the glory gods... WAAAAH then i come on twitter or whatever and people are like "looks like shit, worst fight in the thing," and it's like jesus h. christ get a LIFE. i'm sorry you were tricked and lied to, but bad taste can be fixed if you just open your heart a little.
i do not feel moved whatsoever to watch the rest of the TV series (i made it up to the hunting episode of DIU.) something can be faithful and also a major downgrade, by intending to be as faithful as possible, misses the elements that make it what it is. besides, modern anime looks like real shit right now and i won't force myself through it solely because it exists. but i love this adaptation. i would rather see a beautiful interpretation that prioritises an effective, effecting mood, that tries to compromise with purpose and synthesise the source into what an animated version— the short film that this is— can do for it. what the form can heighten. there are little movements, upticks in speed or anxious stillness. the breathless timing and gravity of jotaro touching down and star platinum ripping right out of him like a major leaguer performing another major league hit. n'doul reacting to iggy, jumping slightly while kneeling. jotaro wiping off his fingers with a hanky and then rubbing them together. the entire scene with polnareff on the crates. oh GOD and the opening with the inverted sun... the cane... the cane scene cannot Not destroy you, be honest.
why did they include the red granite obelisk, notably from aswan, one of which was at one time commissioned by hadrian for his boyfriend antinous who drowned in the nile? that didn't have to be there, but isn't it beautiful? (and they put the eye hieroglyph right where we can see it... uuugh.) never mind the actual canonical content, with jotaro and n'doul mutually captivated, delighted, by each other's skill until the end. it's so painful knowing the inevitable outcome but it still somehow sneaks up on you with the way it's paced and i love to be rocked by it every time. the only guy ever to be spared on purpose— respecting him that much! and the respect is mutual! jesus, his monologue! he's the only one to be mourned. THE only one to be buried. by hand. alone. the fight begins under high noon sun and the burial completes at dusk. he's 17. fuck me.
i love when a story is never allowed to fully wrap up into the typical "and it was all worth it!" sort of vibe, which, in a way, is what happens, but it never rises to the point where... where that positivity matches the intensity of what was shown to you previously, or that those losses are meant to be forgotten in the wake of righteousness. and as far as i can recall, this is something araki has perfected over time. i'm thinking about the brutal bit in DIU with josuke carrying? dragging? okuyasu, and the particulars of kira's fate. but i'm REALLY thinking of VA, with giorno &co. in the office, and the epilogue. and then obviously SO. and then SBR. and JJL. this approach, the bittersweet heartache or outright mourning, has become a precise weapon and i can see the through-line from SDC. now that i've watched HEAT i can see why araki said that he cries every time he watches it. it's wrenching. and a big part of that is that you don't necessarily expect it because of genre or style flourishes, and that's really special. to be caught unawares, because you were already caught, you've been caught this whole time and now you have to take it.
i now know that yeah. yes. this is The definition of a special interest. because i have to, must, rotate this object in my head compulsively and purposefully so i can see every angle and crevice. i intuitively understand that i shouldn't be so bowled over and bitchy about it after so many years, sooo many years, but i can't help it! you like what you like and this is the benchmark. it pains me that it is so finite. that i've confusingly hung my heart on something that no one on earth could give one (1) solitary fuck about, and therefor there is an abrupt end to material. so i AM left rotating shapes in my head sussing out indentations in the form. kinda crazy. but fighting against it is maybe more punishing in a way.
this fight was chosen as the opening to the OVA because it's one where everyone is present. this fight was also going to be the entirety of the OVA, but araki liked it so much he requested more episodes 🥰💕
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lochness-art · 7 months
no one asked but here r my opinions on the new outfits since mayhaps they are the new Official Outfits??
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ichiro - an improvement. i like that it's very true to his og outfit and i think it looks better with just red (rather than the red + blue), plus that weird white undershirt that i always hated is gone <3
jiro - BB YOU LOOK SOOO GOOD it's a p small change but i like it, i like the hoodie more than his prev jacket and i love that they kept his stupid nonfunctional flannel <3 but most importantly the HAIR AHHHH im OBSESSED WITH PONYTAIL JIRO. the only small thing i dislike is the lack of hat </3 rip jiros hat (2017-2023) you will always be remembered
saburo - i liked his overcoat from his prev outfit so this fit is a bit of a downgrade for me :[[ he still looks good though and v true to his character so i dont mind too much
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samatoki - oh thank fucking god, an outfit worthy of his hotness. ive been mourning tdd samatoki ever since i knew of him and this blue leather jacket is SUCH a good look, and we didnt even have to sacrifice his tits out shirt. it's perfect
jyuto - good!! he looks hot as he should. the red gloves were iconic and will be missed but overall i think i like his new outfit better, it's a little less stuffy looking
rio - an upgrade bc he looks somewhat more like an integrated member of society and less like a permanent navy seal. i like that he got to keep his camo but also wear some normal-ish clothes
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ramuda - this seems...p much the same except the jacket changed and he has a hat now? i think its a hat? i dont like the hat. the jacket looks good and i understand why its yellow but... i miss the turquoise... the turquoise and pink was iconic... :[ overall not bad but miss the old 'fit for sure
gentaro - idk i dont look at gentaro enough to know what exactly changed but he looks fancier. i guess he looks better? idk and idrc sorry
dice - SOOOO GOOD. like took all the essence of his og design but makes him look less homeless bc what was that trench coat. he looks so stylish im obsessed
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jakurai - idrc about him but i think this outfit is def an improvement bc theres a bit more flair beyond just 'i am a doctor'
hifumi - i like it! white is a good colour on him
doppo - i think its an upgrade!! he looks a bit more loose and comfortable which i think is like...symbolic maybe. and he just looks better. good for him.
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sasara - FUCK THIS WHERE IS HIS HOUNDSTOOTH. IT WAS ICONIC???? give him his full suit back cowards. also the bowtie is not giving. im sorry i just do not like this outfit. only good part is that he matches w rosho (they r in love)
rosho - again. i do not like this pattern. his old pattern was better. also he managed to look nerdy but still hot in his old fit now he kinda leans too much into nerdiness??? idk i just do not like it 😭
rei - i mean...it's okay but he looks so. neutralized. like he got an office job or smth. where's the dramatic fur coat and gold accessories and white pants and the red shirt and-- it's an ok outfit but as an official outfit i feel this is definitely a downgrade
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kuko - i really like his new outfit, i LOVE the hoodie thing? i like how it keeps his casual yet buddhist look. his og outfit is also rly good tho and a bit more colourful so...idk, im torn on which i like better
jyushi - it is ... ok. it's pretty similar to his og outfit but i feel the execution is just...slightly worse. i prefer the original :[
hitoya - good! keeps the essence of his character, i mean i feel like it's p much the same except slightly diff jacket and he's draping it over his shoulders now lol. which is definitely a look and further increases his sex appeal-- imo--
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releasemefromthevoid · 4 months
Alright guys, this is the end of it. Not gonna lie, I thought this was a little… underwhelming. They’re focusing a lot on the aftermath of a battle, which could be cool if done correctly. I wasn’t that into it.
At the very least, this episode, the visuals went crazy! We had the red color grading when Tui was captured, and the monochrome gray with the specific highlights when she was dead. La’s possession of the Avatar looked incredible as well. They sold it as a fairly awe-inspiring moment, but I think this moment was undermined a little in other ways.
I think there are a lot of little inconsistencies throughout the show that really culminated here. Some of my worries were resolved, but some of them really weren’t. 
In any case, I think this was fine for a season finale. It fit the tone of the show and went harder than the other episodes to end things off. 
I’ll write a full series review tomorrow, I’m trying to go to sleep.
Live reactions under the cut
well i do love seeing strategy sokka
disappointed by the lack of catapults on the ships so aang couldn’t creatively use them to destroy the ship
did iroh just tell zuko to swim in freezing waters? lol
wait we already did koh, so what’s up with tui and la? how are we gonna figure out where they are? are we even gonna see the spirit oasis? 
oh so. we’re introducing the war balloons now? early for the fire nation? with a vague reference to the mechanist? how’d they even get the plans? sure do wish we’d seen more about those before, besides just making them. maybe used one to take down the firebenders invading the northern air temple? maybe a fire nation soldier could’ve found the remains of a balloon. just a thought
the. ice moon?
so tui and la only take physical form once a year in this version? huh
and he’s gonna kill tui with KURUK’s spirit knife. interesting macguffin
okay so there is the spirit oasis. and they’re using it to bring back momo
sorry that was actually genuinely deeply upsetting. they just did something illegal i swear to god. don’t fuck with the animals
i am Not believing that katara is skilled enough to fight zuko. sorry but it’s not happening. she hasn’t even been trained. “you found a master haven’t you”. no zuko, she hasn’t. NO ONE HAS TRAINED HER. “yes, you’re looking at her.” katara, someone called you a master once, girl, that doesn’t mean you Are one
good lord that’s so red. i like that they kept that visual cue though
tui: dea. the color grading on this is still good too. the only colors we really see are the flashes of yellow and red with the fire balls being thrown around. theoretically, everything else should be grayscale/monotone, with the exception of yue’s blue eyes (which i don’t believe are blue in this adaptation). i don’t really have complaints about the look of things
okay la, your turn
do we need a “reality of war” moment again? tbh i feel nothing for these people. 
oh yue’s eyes ARE blue. chill
hey what do you mean “you’ll be lost forever”. something something killed in the avatar state killed forever can’t reincarnate
okay la possession looks cool as hell. obsessed with these visuals
though idk if it’s just me, but people are really trying to get the “avatar is gone”, “there’s no more avatar”, “you’ll be lost forever” thing across huh. i feel like that kind of undersells the moment when seemingly everyone knows what’s going on. 
zuko’s gonna fight zhao now why? purely so zhao can give zuko a moment of realization, got it
and then he tries to kill zhao. i still think zuko would never.
and now zhao is almost certainly dead, because iroh pushed him off. and zuko didn’t have that moment of offering mercy, and zhao didn’t have the moment of rejecting that mercy. this IS a downgrade
woahhh hahn dead confirmed. wish i could celebrate, but he’s nice now
so pakku is NOT becoming katara and sokka’s grandfather in this one. i bet we won’t even learn the significance of katara’s necklace
sorry are you relying on bumi for earthbending training? you haven’t even started waterbending. this bumi is barely reliable from your interactions with him
oop there goes omashu. weird that we’re seeing the takeover
okay. sozin’s comet. i thought you were taking that out? was that just a lie then? shouldn’t aang know about that? might actually make him learn waterbending. considering the series just ended. and he HASN’T EVEN LEARNED WATERBENDING YET
liked: the visuals went so hard, no kataang romance
worried about for potential season 2: zuko's arc
disliked: zuko and zhao's fight, katara "mastering" waterbending despite never having trained with a master, aang literally not even once showing that he was the avatar outside of the avatar state (not learning ANY waterbending)
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I'm sorry but JE is the same guy that said this,
“Someone said that every human being is capable of murder, and I like to think of that a lot when I’m acting. It’s always there, it’s in your bones, it’s just figuring out how to get to it.”
so I'm glad z got away from him the moment covid hit and they were put in different continents! I mean, look at her now! I've never in my life seen Z look so happy and content. EVER. And she's said it herself, Tom is THE ONE who makes her THE HAPPIEST. And this makes me so happy for her, cause from what we know she got cheated on during her first relationship, and her relationship with JE was just off from the start. I think she wanted to believe she loved him, but in her heart she knew she still loved Tom. So much so that they're over 2 years into 2.0 and happier than ever. JE didn't give a shit about Z. Idk how much clearer that could've been. Now she has someone who loves her utterly and completely. Who literally worships her and treats her like a queen. And even from the tiny parts of their lives we've seen, he's so so protective over her. You can tell he loves her more than anything. He's loyal, he's gentle, he's mystified by this woman as she is with him. And most importantly he respects her so much.
now the "fan" who loves TomDaya but thinks Z n JE look better together, maybe you can take another look at the craigslist Billy goat on LSD and cheat on every partner serum and change your mind 😌
I'm sorry but JE is the same guy that said this,
“Someone said that every human being is capable of murder, and I like to think of that a lot when I’m acting. It’s always there, it’s in your bones, it’s just figuring out how to get to it.”
Oh GOSH.... Don't remind me...
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I remember that interview. What a WEIRDO!!!! 🥴 That is the strangest thing I've ever heard an actor say about their work. Can you just imagine what types of conversations Z and JE must have been having? My gosh lol. No wonder she never wanted to actually "pick up the phone" with him during long-distance and just sent him memes ROTFL. 🤣 Dude was probably boring and crazy-sounding over the phone lol. Who talks like that??? 🤣 That's so scary... I'd be afraid to sleep with him at night. Are you gonna murder me?? 😱👀
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so I'm glad z got away from him the moment covid hit and they were put in different continents! I mean, look at her now! I've never in my life seen Z look so happy and content. EVER. And she's said it herself, Tom is THE ONE who makes her THE HAPPIEST. And this makes me so happy for her, cause from what we know she got cheated on during her first relationship, and her relationship with JE was just off from the start. I think she wanted to believe she loved him, but in her heart she knew she still loved Tom. So much so that they're over 2 years into 2.0 and happier than ever.
THANK YOU!!! 👏🏾 💯👏🏾 💯
JE didn't give a shit about Z. Idk how much clearer that could've been.
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EXACTLY!!! Honestly, this was one of the biggest reasons why I didn't like them together! I NEVER got the impression that JE was "in love" with Z. Nope....not ever. I don't even know if he's even capable of REALLY loving a woman tbh lol. 😅🤣 He looked so BORED when he was with Z most of the time. He would look moody asl lol, and not only that, but he would be more engrossed in his phone than paying any attention to her while they were out. It was just a huge turn OFF. I kept wondering: "Zendaya....seriously?? You went from TOM HOLLAND to THIS dude who doesn't even seem like he's all that into you?? Seriously girl????"🥴
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Like, I know it's hard and you're rebounding and stuff, but c'mon...If you're gonna rebound, at least get yourself an UPGRADE from your ex lol. 😅
JE was a DOWNgrade on SO many levels, and I'm not even just talking financially-speaking lol. 😅
Now she has someone who loves her utterly and completely. Who literally worships her and treats her like a queen. And even from the tiny parts of their lives we've seen, he's so so protective over her. You can tell he loves her more than anything. He's loyal, he's gentle, he's mystified by this woman as she is with him. And most importantly he respects her so much.
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EXACTLY girl.... Exactly. 👏🏾👏🏾 Tom treats Z like a queen.
Why settle for anything less?? AT the very least, get yourself a guy who actually LIKES you.... (maybe even a little bit more than you like him tbh lol. 👀).
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cupcakes-and-pain · 2 years
Woohoo double update! Don’t get used to it tho lol sorry
CW: vampire caretaker, multiple whumpees, institutionalized slavery, caretaker new master, selective mutism, fear of punishment, panic attack, Roy being big of heart but dumb of ass,
The ride back was unsettling, but at least Master allowed them to sit in the seats. It was senseless kindness, one that they will have to repay, but at least it was comfortable. Dew hated punishment, but at least she could curl up on a cushy seat in a beautiful car beforehand.
The first thing Dew noticed when they arrived was that Master’s house was tiny for a vampire. She originally was astonished that he had such a huge building all to himself until he mentioned a landlady. Drop elbowed her in the ribs, wanting to ask a question. She tried to subtly shake her head “no” but he just. Would not listen. Typical.
“So, master, you have a landlady? What is that?”
“Oh! Yeah, you’ve probably only ever lived in mansions. Well, my place might be a little bit of a downgrade, but it’s still pretty big. It’s the penthouse suite and the biggest space of this entire apartment complex. It takes up most of the top floor.”
Master showed them around, but Dew started to worry. It didn’t even take up the last floor completely. Master would be able to hear them constantly and know what they messed and or spoke out of turn. They were totally exposed.
A quick glance at Drop told her that he knew it too. This house was much smaller than any other vampire, but perhaps Master knew that. He realized that his super hearing had limits and chose a house according. So sneaky. So cruel. Dew’s breathing began to pick up again, but she forced herself to stay calm. She couldn’t start freaking out, not right now! Not with so much at stake.
“So this is the kitchen, but it’s hardly been used. Oh, um, can you guys make food for yourselves?”
Dew nodded, and he moved on.
“Here’s your room. I hope only one bed is alright. Your bathroom is just down the hall. Any questions?”
“Yes Master. Firstly, may we enter the library? Also, where would you like to be fed? I noticed there is no dining room.”
“You can go pretty much anywhere in here. I’m not too big on rules. The only place that’s restricted is my room, I guess. And there was a dining room. It is what is now my library that I showed you. Heh, um, yeah.” Master seemed agitated. Plus, he had dodged her second question. Dew shuffled her feet nervously.
“I don’t know how to tell you, but I’m not hungry right now. Really, I’m not! There was a lot of, uh, stuff at the party. So you can just, like, chill I guess. Hang out. I’m going to be in my room. Call me if you need me.”
And then he was gone, briskly walking away. Just like that. Like he hadn’t left to terrified blood bags in his wake.
Dew took a deep breath, keeping the constant fear away, and lead Drop to the library. She had seen lose paper and pens in there.
They sat on the plush carpet. Drop looked around, but Dew was focused on writing down a note. She’d been caught with a note only once before, but vampires often underestimated how quickly a human could chew and swallow something. They’d be safe to communicate like this.
She handed Drop the note and he read,
This house is small, so he’ll hear us talking. You already know that though. If he comes to check what we’re writing, I’ll eat the paper. Nod to show you read it.
He nodded and she wrote on the back.
We present ourselves first thing tomorrow morning. Be sweet looking. Don’t grimace or snarl. Don’t go into any room other than ours, the bathroom, and the library but only when I tell you.
Drop rolled his eyes and did an eating motion.
We don’t know if we can go in the kitchen.
Drop glared at her. She glared right back. They had known each other long enough, it felt like an entire conversation was going on through their angry looks.
Drop: how are we supposed to eat, then?
Dew: how should I know? Just don’t go there until we’re sure.
Drop: why show us a kitchen if we can’t use it!
Dew: shut up!
Drop: you shut up!
Dew: fine.
Drop: fine.
Dew huffed and started to stand. Drop swatted at her legs playfully and she returned it by hitting his leg with her shoe. They couldn’t be mad at each other for long and both humans started to giggle.
They whipped around. Master had left his room and was coming there way. Dew ate the paper so fast that she honestly surprised herself.
“Hey, sorry, but I just remembered a few things. Sorry to interrupt.”
They almost forgot to bow when he came in. Dew felt the constant terror clawing at her throat, threatening to make her sob.
“You did not interrupt. We are yours, we are here to serve. It is our fault for being distracted. Punish us as you see fit.”
Again, Master seemed tense one moment and fine the next. Dew’s metaphorically knuckles were white with how desperately and tightly she held to her calm exterior, which threatened to slip right out of her grasp.
“It’s really alright. I don’t- you aren’t getting punished. I just wanted to clarify a few things.”
There was a pause, and Dew hesitantly nodded, not knowing what else to do.
“Um, can he talk?” Master asked, gesturing to Drop. “Like, physically talk.”
And just like that, everything came crashing down, including her knees as she fell into a mix of a bow and the fetal position.
“Please, d-don’t punish him! Don’t! He’s done- done nothing wrong. H-he’s good. He d-doesn’t, um, doesn’t talk. H-he could, but please don’t- don’t make him! He’ll be good! We’ll be good. L-let me me t-t-talk f-for him…” She tired to continue, but her sobs got in the way. Instead, she focused on catching her breath and not flinging herself over Drop to shield him.
Even though she couldn’t see him from her curled up position, she heard Drop holding back tears, dry sobs escaping every now and then. She looked up at her owner, the cruel man who may have purposefully owned a small house to keep slaves constantly feeling scared. She expected more of his signature, creative evilness and cunning. She expected hate and anger.
But instead, his eyes shone with tears, like a triplet to their twin despair. A thick strand of purple hair had fallen in Master’s face and he didn’t bother to push it away. He was uncomfortable and tense, just like she had thought she’d seen before. He looked about half as utterly miserable as Dew felt.
“Hey, i-it’s alright. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe. No one is in trouble.” He gave her a moment to collect herself and wipe her tears before crouching down to their level while maintaining a fair distance between them.
“No one is going to be hurt or punished. Neither of you, I swear. I just was wondering if there was an injury that I should know about. But it’s okay if he can’t or won’t talk, even if he could physically. I don’t mind. I swear. You’re good.” And then Master turned to Drop and slowly reached out a hand. The latter flinched away, but Master rested his palm gently on his slave’s knee.
“And you’re okay, Drop. If you ever want to talk again, that’s fine. I don’t mind either way. If you never talk, it’s all good. I swear. You are both good.”
And he stood, took a deep breath, and left. It was always the same. As Dew helped her friend up and they scurried away, she mulled this over. Perhaps their master enjoyed causing panic and confusion and then leaving. It was strange how completely upset he looked, but maybe it was an act. That’d be okay. They had dealt with worse in and outside of the farm. If this Master enjoyed playing with his food, that was fine. At least they had each other.
Drop hopped into bed and held his arms open. It wasn’t every day that they slept cuddled up and consoling each other all night long. But if they ever needed comfort, it was on the first day of a new, strange master. As Dew curled up in Drop’s arms, she thought about everything. They could face this new Master and any other. As long as they had each other, they would be okay in the end.
Tag list: @kim-poce @badluck990 @whumpy-writings @imagination1reality0 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @wolfeyedwitch @thecyrulik @nicolepascaline @whumpsday @whumpcreations
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german-garbage · 1 year
I wanna talk about spiderverse's Gwen's new suit. And why I don't like it.
Now, before I get into that more, I gotta confess that I'm a hardcore Spider-Gwen fan. I've read the Spider-Verse Event when it came out, I read her first solo run, basically if it's got "spider-gwen" or "ghost-spider" on it, i've read it.
When "Into the Spiderverse" revealed Gwen as a main character I wasn't myself for like a week. Sorry to all the people who had to experience me back then.
So now to the suit.
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It's not that it looks bad. It actually looks pretty cool. If that was her suit in the first movie instead of this
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I would've been fine with it.
But the new suit is objectivly a downgrade. Especially thanks to the converse and the pink fingerless gloves. It looks more homemade than the first suit. It looks like it should've come BEFORE.
And it doesn't make it better that first movie Gwen's suit is basically comic Gwen.
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Except for the shoes, this is exactly the same thing. And this Gwen is like 17+ years old.
So lemme get this straight, a 14/15 year old Spider-Gwen abandons her iconic main suit for something that looks like it was made well before said suit??
I wouldn't have had any problems if they would've made her suit a bit more different, modern looking, sure, but converse? That's such a "first suit"/"homemade suit" theme. And the gloves. Don't get me started on the fingerless gloves look.
Surprisingly, I don't really mind her pink hair tho, something that seems to bother many people lol.
EDIT (SPOILERS!): OKAY PEOPLE I TAKE IT BACK the fact that this suit was, atleast partly, influenced by Hobie Brown AND that the converse are actually his changes my opinion A LOT (i still like the og suit more, don't get me wrong, but all things considered, this suit makes a lot of sense for the situation)
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bluest-planet · 9 months
Language and Shape.
A bit taken out from this earlier part. Anyways onto cute, Flood Vanitas! Ft. Illiterate Yoruhua lol.
"Nothing's changed! I've done everything you've told me to do, and none of it works." Vanitas complains.
He pouts, arms crossed as he looks at them like they're some kind of traitor, which... Was technically true on multiple levels, but not here.
"This kind of thing takes time, Vanitas, you can't force something as personal as your body to shapeshift that easily."
A deep sigh escapes her, "Érebos, it might even take at the very least, a year. And that's looking on the extremely bright side, it took me years to properly develop a Clavat- eh, human, form- Over my years, I still am." Yoruhua replies, face still buried in their books and journals.
'Sol ardenti! Why does this have to be so hard?'
Why did language and writing have to become something barely unrecognizable? Thank Érebos, that Yoruhua was at least conscious and hearing enough within Void Gear to evolve and understand spoken speech over the eons. Enough time linked with their previous wielders was the only thing saving them now.
Trying to get back to their work- because if they were able to learn this, then Orichalchemi would have one less thing to worry about when they got her back- they paid no mind to Vanitas wandering around their space.
So Yoruhua buries himself in all kinds of syllables and scripts…
'So the characters are completely different here... And none of them are using glyphs anymore?! Until Ori can repair Quiet Regalia, I'll just have to learn this the hard way. Okay... This looks the closest to the descendant of my language…'
'The TL sound doesn't really exist anymore, I... Think. It's either a K or L…'
'This is.. entirely incomprehensible... Without glyphs they just use entirely different, unique words to describe something instead of adding suffixes and prefixes? Oh this'll take me centuries to understand-!'
She jumps in her seat, frantically trying to catch herself so she doesn't fall, "Ack-! What in Érebos' name, did something happen-?!"
He turns to see what all the fuss is about, only to not see anyone.
"Vanitas? Vanitas, where did you go?" Yoruhua rises from their seat, but yelps when something pushes up against their shoe.
"Hey, watch it! I'm down here, ogre!" A familiar, muffled voice yells.
"Vanitas! I'm so sorry!" He quickly lifts his shoe and back away, only to see a small dark red flood skitter away from them.
He kneels down to meet him, but even then Yoruhua is a lot bigger than the tiny Vanitas. If anything, this only made their jarring height difference worse, like comparing a lion and a housecat, downgrading Vanitas from lynx.
"Yeah, you better be sorry! You almost crushed me, freak! Now help me up!" Little Flood Vanitas hisses.
Sheepishly, they reach out for him to hop onto their arm and get a better look at him. Carefully bringing him over their desk.
"oh wow... Look at you! You did it!!" Yoruhua broke into a wide smile, "this isn't what I imagined when I first brought it up shapeshifting, but this is fine! Certainly intriguing for a first shift..." She muses.
Vanitas stomps his little foot and grumbles, "are you done gawking?! This isn't what I wanted-why am I so small- Tell me how to undo this!"
She coos, enamored by his transformation and little tantrum. He reminded her of some of the younger homunculi she cared for in the past. "aw...but you’re so precious, so soon?"
Vanitas screeches, "YES!"
"Okay! Calm yourself!"
She smiles to herself wryly, "uh-huh... Of course you are. Ahem, just take a deep breath and blank your mind. Stop thinking so hard about what you look like." She tries to coach.
The little flood squirms under her gaze but eventually settles, "this better work."
Vanitas' chest rises and falls as his eyes close and he stills, Yoruhua intensely watching in bated anticipation.
They wait a few seconds, then about a minute before Vanitas growls and groans, "this is impossible! It didn't work, again, fix this!"
They shake their head, "it shouldn't be that hard to go back. Being calm and not worrying about appearances is key. Your body should just relax and go to the default you're used to. With the body you're most comfortable in."
"but mine never has been!" He yells.
Yoruhua's eyes widen, "what-"
"-my body has never been just mine! I don't..." Vanitas' tiny form crumbles, sinking into a pitiful puddle on the desk, "I don't- I've never had a body I was... Completely comfortable, in. I lost that a long time ago and I'm never getting it back."
They frown, "Vanitas…"
The puddle shrinks, "why did you think I wanted to learn in the first place...? This was stupid, and now I can't even go back. Nothing ever goes my way."
Yoruhua stays silent, unsure how to comfort him. Their own form was not one they were ever unsatisfied with, not when shapeshifting came so easily to them. And, despite the fact they technically shared and understood Orichalchemi's odd relationship with having an inorganic body- this was an entirely different issue.
Yoruhua, as a homunculus, going between a monstrous form and more 'human-like' appearance, not including sharing fusion with Ori, or even body swapping with her on one occasion... all were just him in the truest way possible. Just a reflection of who he's been since birth, changing with time. Unrestrained, chaotic, self expression, like any other form of Darkness.
How and why Vanitas didn't have a decent grasp on half of that as another homunculus-
"oh." She says audibly, hitting her palm with her fist when it hits her.
'He wasn't always made of Darkness, neither was he raised in the Realm of Dark for any of this to feel natural by Light's rules. That's a tricky one to handle...'
Red eyes open and peer at her from the puddle, "...what?"
He dips his hand into the puddle and dredges Vanitas up by the scruff.
He squawks, bunging around in her grasp, "what do you think you're doing?! Let me go!"
Yoruhua huffs, "oh relax, you used to toss me around like this all the time in Void Gear, actually, I'm sure you did worse than that on occasion." She cups him in her palms, scratching under his fuzzy, yet staticky chin with a thumb, "it's okay though, this makes it even."
He half-heartedly pushes it away, "I guess…"
"Listen, I honestly have no idea how to comfort you, nor do I know how to 'fix' you."
"Tsk, I don't need your pity-" Vanitas begins to argue, but Yoruhua cuts him off.
"-but! You're right, you don't need me to. If you were able to shapeshift in the first place, then I believe you'll be able to go back eventually. Let's just ride this out, don't give up yet and don't be so hard on yourself." They encourage.
He glares, "but I don't wanna to be stuck like this."
Yoruhua gently pets him with his fingertips again, soothingly tracing down his back, "I know, but trying to force yourself back will do more harm than good. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe and sound!"
Vanitas can't help but cringe as she babies him, but a small part of him embarrassingly rumbles at the nice petting.
His sister quietly laughs to herself, earning another glare, but she feigns ignorance, coughing behind her glove.
Vanitas crawls away from her hand, "Well, since I can't do anything-" and instead hops up onto her sleeve, till he reaches her shoulder.
He brushes up against her cheek and pushes past her surprisingly soft hair, drawing a ticklish snort out from her.
"-I guess I'll just have to help you with this, your handwriting is awful." He snaps, pointing a claw at her handiwork.
Yoruhua immediately frowns, "I'd like to see you try going from millennia old glyphs to modern written words! I'm doing my best, punk."
Flood Vanitas bristles, "oh I get it, think you're too good for my help?! I'm never offering to help you again, hag."
His sister's voice goes high with indignation, "hag? Hag?!"
Vanitas squeaks when he's pulled away from his comfy perch, immobile in her grasp, "H-Hey! Not again!"
Yoruhua flicks him upside his muzzle, looking very offended, "I'll have you know I was one of, if not the most sought after Prince of Night in my era!" She gestures at her hard work, "I was a master in calligraphy, languages, chaotics, and mathematics you couldn't even conceive of, zygote!"
Vanitas hisses, and manages to nip their bare arm and points at their journal, "you spelled 'realm' wrong right there, genius."
Yoruhua's face blanches at the mistake, "oh. Um. Right. Guess some help wouldn't be entirely unwanted. You know, because you're from this era, you're my best resource." And unceremoniously drops Vanitas back down again.
Flood Vanitas mentally rolls his eyes and skitters up to their head this time, nesting on her fluffy hair, "at least like this, I get a front row seat to your mistakes."
"Hey, rude."
He scoffs, "and you used a 'k' instead of a 'c'- stars, wait, this worse than I thought, how have you been navigating the maps if you're this bad?"
Yoruhua stays silent.
Vanitas stills, "Hold on- have we been running around blind this whole time?!"
"It's not blind if I'm following a trail! I, um, recognize most worlds from your travels anyways! You never said anything-!" She tries to defend,
He lets out a loud groan and leans over their head to berate them to their face, "STARS ABOVE, it's a miracle we haven't gotten lost- you suck at everything! Teaching, reading, explaining, and now directions?!"
She sheepishly tugs on her hair, "uhm. To be fair. Orichalchemi was always the better navigator… heh, ha, she was an actual caravaner, I only ever watched while I was in her shadow… or made plans on the map we had in the castle…"
Vanitas can't believe what he's hearing, "...I'm just going to pull a rat, and take the reins from here. I may not have my body back, but I can still tell you what's what if we're taking a break from shapeshifting."
She looks up at his beady, glowing red eyes and sighs, "alright, can you read over this for me?" Offering up their notes to him.
He perks up at the distraction and lays on his smug attitude, "of course, your majesty. Now, pay attention- time for the student to take the role of the master!"
Yoruhua hides a smile under the shadow of their head, letting Vanitas do exactly as he says.
'Let him have his fun, he can learn his lessons later.' He thinks. Unaware of his bad habit, indulgence, getting in the way of resolution.
But for now, he takes genuine joy in being taught something new for the first time in ages.
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