#but the classic one really got those soft vibes
rykundsz-art · 8 months
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Just some trio pics
Based on this twt post
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Also the full of this one because I very much love them
They hold a special place for me cuz i've been loving them before Super was even a thing
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More of my favorite Prudes <3
Alright, left to right, top to bottom:
1. I just get the vibe that Grace has beef with Richie specifically but for no discernable reason ("Richie, the whole point is that it's in the dark!" + "No, this is where you GROW UP!") and the second the sentence popped into my head I had to draw it. Also consider how goddamn funny the image of Grace pulling bleach and gloves and a bone saw out of her backpack is because holy shit did she have a contingency plan
2. I think that Pete saw Ted as the coolest big brother in the world right up until the exact minute he introduced him to Steph and suddenly Ted had the power to be very embarrassing in front of Pete's friends. (He would be used to this, as this is standard older sibling shithead behavior, but he's never had friends for Ted to tease him in front of.) I do think the Spankoffski brothers are really interesting, especially with what an asshole Ted is. In Abstinence Camp Pete does seem to really look up to him. Ted does not hide the fact that he's a massive prick, so the fact that Pete sees him as a positive figure implies that he's one of the very few people that Ted actually tries to be a good person for. Makes a lot of sense too, the age gap between them is massive, so Pete has no way of knowing the kind of sleazy shit Ted does, he's just the cool older brother to him. Also heheheh I did the funny meme
3. All her brothers got one so I gave Webby a humansona. I don't know why she ended up looking like 90s Gwen Stacy but I kinda like it? I was going for classic straight-a student, not quite as frilly as Grace, but very academic and cute. I also think that Webby should be allowed to be a little cosmically horrifying as a treat (watching her casually fucking evaporate Willabella was so unnerving and cool, I would love more of that.) She lets herself be soft and gentle for Hannah's benefit, don't want to scare a little kid after all, but she exists far beyond those... Limitations.
4. Ok this one is highly inspired by a series of drawings by @samglyph , the concept of Ghost Ruth and Richie took my brain captive. So go show them some love!!!!!
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signedmio · 4 months
What the Hazbin Hotel gang would call their s/o !!
Including: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Sir Pentious, Husk, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Adam
Warnings: I was going to have Niffty and Lute in this mix but ultimately had no ideas so I replaced them with Vox and Velvette instead, Not proofread
Charlie Morningstar
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Sweetie, Sunshine, Baby:
Charlie is more often to address you by your name, or a nickname of your name, but in the more soft and meaningful moments she’ll whip out a petname or two
Sunshine is definitely used the most, as cheesy as it is, you’re HER sunshine, and she wants you to know that!
Then sweetie comes in second, as I don’t see her using baby a lot, it just feels too… I don’t know, I just don’t see her using it a lot, she may or may not throw in an occasional ‘love’ though
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Hon, Babe, Sweetie:
I don’t think this list is very debatable, as it’s seen in the show
In my mind, Vaggie’s not a huge fan of most petnames, so her preference leans towards the more casual ones
She doesn’t really save a specific time to use them, she kinda just uses them whenever she feels like it
Also, definitely hon and babe are the ones she uses most, she doesn’t use sweetie as much as the others
Angel Dust
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Sugar, Baby, Handsome:
Now THIS is a list I think may possibly be debated, cause it’s not directly based off of the show
REASON BEING, is because his more well known names (Snookums, Toots, etc) I feel, in my personal opinion are more used in platonic settings for his female friends
I can see him using petnames personal to his significant other, but ‘baby’ is his most used, just cause it’s a classic, with handsome following in second
Obviously, he uses ‘sugar’, I just think he uses the others more, simply because they roll off the tongue for him easier
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My dear, Lovely, Darling:
‘My dear’ and ‘Darling’ I think are quite obvious as to why haha
‘Lovely’ gives me very old fashioned vibes and I just see him using it, not too sure why
I could also see him using ‘small one’ if you’re shorter than him
Sir Pentious
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Beloved, Sweetheart, Dear:
‘Dear’ I think is a bit obvious, cause he used it once or twice in the show, correct me if I’m wrong, I know he used it with Niffty in S1E6
And I can easily see him using ‘Beloved’ - he’s this dorky little man, and you ARE his beloved, so it’s just fitting haha
‘Sweetheart’, I don’t have a reason to be honest, I just don’t know
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Doll, Sweetheart, Hon:
‘Doll’ gives me vibes from the time period he died for some reason, and it kinda just fits his theme, so, no exact explanation for this one haha
Like Vaggie, he’s casual with his petnames, doesn’t use ‘em a whole lot, but ‘Hon’ has a tendency to roll of the tongue
For ‘Sweetheart’ it’s kinda for the more tender moments you two share, like in the moments when he looks at you thinks ‘Damn, I got so lucky with them’ and pulls you in for a soft kiss as he tucks your hair behind your ear and mutters ‘I love you so much, sweetheart..’ into your lips … Yeah those moments !
Other than that, he just usually calls you by your name, again, petnames aren’t usually just something that pop outta him a lot haha
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Sweetie, Angel, Lovey:
No offense to the people who headcanon this, but I’ve seen a few people think Lucifer would call his s/o ‘Duckling’ (like in x reader fics) and I’m so sorry but it’s not my thing, I just don’t think that😭😭
‘Sweetie’ is the one he uses the most but ‘Lovey’ tends to spill out of him the easiest
He tends to call you ‘Angel’ or ‘My Angel’ when you’re upset and he’s comforting you, no reason in specific, that’s just kinda how he does things haha
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My dear, My love, Baby/Babycakes:
‘Babycakes’ is definitely used in a more joking manner, other than that, Vox is a classy pet names kinda guy haha
‘My dear’ is his default but ‘My love’ definitely slips out from time to time
I think an honorable mention is just straight-up ‘Love’ — I can also see him using that one a lot
Ultimately it depends on the day with him tbh
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Baby, Sugar, Darling:
‘Sugar’ is kinda just a whenever per name, while ‘Baby’ is most likely used during sex, they both just kinda fit her atttitude yk? haha
As for ‘Darling’, it’s more often that not used in a more soft setting, but not always
I can also see her using ‘Honey’ every once in awhile, but it’s mostly mood based
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Babe, Sugartits (or Hunk for M!readers), Sexy:
‘Babe’ is his go to, no questions asked, it kinda just fits him and his ego personality, ya know?
But ‘Sugartits’ is more so used in a joking manner, although ‘Hunk’ isn’t as much
‘Sexy’ …? I don’t even have an explanation for LMAO
Sometimes, maybe just MAYBE Adam will slip out a ‘Honey’ when he’s feeling soft :)
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grugruel · 5 months
Pairings: mob!bucky x undercover!f!reader
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Summary: Working undercover wasn't what you had expected. Dancing at events was, privately entertaining the boss wasn't. Your story climaxes tonight, leaving Bucky cuffed to a bed and you bent over a windowsill.
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: pinv sex, rough sex, semi-public sex, voyeurism ish?, choking, edging, creampie, thigh-riding ish, fingering.
AN: Not edited yet! Got a dirty dancing vibe from nowhere, so I ran with it. Yall will notice. Please do comment your thoughts! It really motivates me :)
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I look around me, gaze drifting over the crowd. My eyes meeting a particular set, catching him staring. I turn my head away, and all of a sudden. Everything, was for him.
Every move, every sway, every sweep of my arms and rock of my hips. I did to his liking, for his approval.
The music blurred around me, so lost in the moment. . .
A soft purple light shone down upon me, giving everything an intimate glow. Illuminating my body and making my long dark dress sparkle, while casting shadows around me. Bulging and dipping, the candlelit chandelier had the darkness join me in dance. So private, yet so open. The hundreds of people slowly whirling over the dancefloor disappeared from my mind, and in its stead, only he was left. My eyes locked with his as a slim path cleared between us, the bodies of couples molding to eachother incidentally moved out of the way.
I smiled, daring him. Curling my finger, motioning for him to join me. Like a bird of paradise, I moved to impress. I moved with the rhythm of the music, brushing my knuckles over my abdomen, trailing all the way up along my torso, over the tip of my breasts and dip of my neck. My fingers messily burrying themselves in my hair, running along my scalp, hair matching the movement of my body.
Hungry eyes devouvered me, but his was the only ones I cared for. Transfixed, he moved forward, pushing people out of the way. Shouldering them to the side as he walked toward the stage, toward me. Theres was no time for curtesy, no time for clients or associates stopping to shake his hand. He waved them away, eyes never leaving me.
This had been our routine since he hired me a few months back, and unfortunately. I'd lie if I said I didn't like it, it had become personal. Even though I told myself it was just for the mission.
But this was not a game I'd let him win. Stepping off of the stage, I dove into the masses. Blending in, and dissapearing.
I, along with some other girls were the entertainment for the night. A ball James hosted every year, in attendance was only the richest and dirtiest.
Static crackled on my ear, 'Back-up on standby. .' The voice spoke as I walked toward the bar.
I was about to answer, when somebody grabbed me–
A yelp esacped me as a hand enveloped my bicep. Gripping it tightly, immidietly pulling me backward. I didnt have to look to know who it was. He'd caught me, but I couldn't avoid those beautiful blues. My eyes meet with the familiarity, they smile, and I mimic.
'Just say the word. . .' The voice came stressed, their eyes on the unfolding scene.
But I carefully raised my shoulder to my ear, playing it off as a scratch, and turned the device off. In the same moment, the music swithces from classical to something more intimate, and the room heats. Couples move from swaying together to moving against eachother, grinding smoothly to the body of the other.
With a smile, his hand slides from my bicep into my own and he pulls me back onto the grand, marbled dance floor. In a flurry of bodies, he yanks me against him. I collide with his chest and throw my arms around his shoulders in the motion. We match our movements to the others as his thigh slides between my legs, supporting me as I grind onto him. The slit in my dress exposing my thinly clothed core to his thick thigh, I bite my lip at the feeling.
Our acts disguised as nothing more than intimate dance.
The music thumps lowly, the vibrations caressing my skin deliciously as he ruts his hips against my own. My hands intertwine behind his neck and our faces come an inch apart, our heavy breaths symphonising with eachother. 'Missed you. . .' He murmurs against me.
I hum, biting my lip as a smile tugs on the corner of my mouth, 'Prove it to me, James.' And a particularly good grind treats me well, making a whimper leave me.
He grunts, capturing my bottom lip in a bite, gently tugging on it.Then speaks through clenched teeth, 'It'd be my pleasure doll.' And grabs my hand again, pulling me into the massive halls of his manor.
A few minuters later, after following dimly lit, large wood paneled walls, we arrive at his room. Like so may times before, his guards stop by the door, standing by.
Kissing we stumbled inside, the guards didnt even bat an eye, so used to this by now. The music from the ballroom dampened as the door slammed shut behind us and Buckys dark, big bedroom welcomed us. His hand glide from my hand to my waist, holding me as he backed up toward the bed. Falling back, he circled his arms around my back. Pulling me closer, he rested his chin against my abdomen, never taking his eyes from mine, big and wanting. He kissed me up my stumache to center of my chest, I sighed happily as my knuckles caressed his cheek. Eventually coming to rest in his hair, combing through it gently. Appreciatively, he hummed, kissing me more. I leaned down, met his lips– and pushed him backward.
With a swift thud and the sound of springing feathers, he hit the mattress, his body shifting back and up against the headboard. Prowling, I crawled on top of him. Stradeling his lap, I unbuttoned his blazer and shirt while sitting on his hard member. I took his hands in mine and led them to the headboard. Meanwhile, I leaned into him, my lips brushing over his. A millisecond before they met, my hands slid to his wrists and–
Doubble "Click"s sounded out.
Opening his eyes, 'Tell me this is a part of it.' He whispered against my lips, the slightest growl to the voice. I shook my head, and sat back on his lap before he lunged for me. But as predicted- he didnt get far. Hands locked in cuffs around two bars of his headboard. I laughed, 'I could lie, but it wouldn't be the first time.' And rocked my hips against his clothed member, humming from the friction his pants and my dress created. He hissed, eyes boring into mine, filled with a burning hatred as his breathing turned heavy, burdened with a long-standing lust.
Sighing mournfully, 'We could continue this thing of ours you know, still have some fun.' I hummed, taking his chin between my fingers to look at him. But he jerked his face from my grup, hands straining against the cuffs, rattling them, then lunged forward again.
I pulled back, 'Ooh-' and mocked, pretence fear lining my body language as I crawled backward and slipped to my feet at the foot of the bed. 'I can still take care of that for ya'.' I nodded toward his erection, a huge hill bulging in his pants.
He huffed and looked away.
I cocked an eyebrow and turned around, walking toward his desk, 'You underestimate me James, I've had you fooled for a long time.'
Chuckling, he answered 'Fooled? I've had you on your knees for just as long, doll.' He worked the cuffs, testing the strength of the bars.
Annoyance bubbled up inside me, 'And what about all the times you've begged me for a taste? Its laughable.'
'Yeah?' He laughed, 'And you begging me to fuck you isnt?'
My cheeks burned hot, needles of irritation pricking my skin. When I got an idea, something to. . . Give back, or get back. Whichever. 'We both knew this wouldnt last.' I said curtly, walking around his desk, riffling through it.
He nodded slowly, 'Didn't think you'd have the stumache to turn me in, still think you don't.'
I huffed, 'Yeah?' Pulling out a particular set of documents, the ones I needed to put him in his place, and held them up for him to see.
'Yeah.' His eyes narrowed on the papers.
I browsed through it, then met his eyes with a smirk, 'Fascinating.' I jerked my eyebrows upward in challenge.
'You wouldnt.'
'I would.' And nudged my earpiece again, 'I got them.'
He shook his head, dissapointment ruining his beautiful features. It stung, It really did. I didn't want to hurt him. Fuck, I really did care for him.
Static, 'Copy, extraction team will meet you at the edge of the property.' At that I turned it off again, everything wasn't for them to hear.
I walked up to him, his gaze followed my every step. Although mad, he didnt want to forget me. Furiously, he studied my curves, intent on not forgetting.
'How come you've not called your guards?' I asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to him, tracing a finger along his abs, observing the way his skin grew goosebumps.
'I wouldnt stoop that low.' He jabbed, the pain in my chest might as well have come from the tip of a knife, his knife.
I cleared my throat, 'Well. . . As I said–' my hand slipped downward, '–I could do you a kindness, and take care of this for you.' I whispered, cupping his bulge, 'Maybe set a start to my making up to you.'
'Fuck.' He groaned, bucking into my touch. Closing his eyes, he shook his head again.
'No?' I retracted my hand, my dress strap slipping as I did so. Revealing a tad more of my chest, his eyes opened, and stared. I quirked an eyebrow, and he met my eyes. Pleading. Silently, we understood eachother. We felt what we could not say because of who we were.
I smiled, working my shoulder to let the strap slip further. Revealing my breast, nipple turning hard from the cool air. He sighed, eyes turning soft with adoration. I stood and backed up, and he leaned forward to follow me. But cuffs yanked him back, resteaining him. A glint of annoyance sparked in his admiring eyes. At this, I smiled again. Wicked this time. I walked over to the desk, jumping up on it with a hop and crossing my legs.
'How often will you think back on our memories together?' I ask coyly, a finger trailing up my leg through the slit of my dress.
'More than I do now.' He answered, voice gruff. Pain and lust adorning it.
His response pleased me deeply, I uncrossed my legs and spread them wider. Wide enough to catch a glimpse of my lingerie. At the sight, he yanked the cuffs, desperation taking hold of him. His breathing turning heavy, his eyes on the prize. My fingers slide under the skirt of my dress, folding it over my other leg. Hands moving toward my core. He grunts, spurring me on. The sight of him making my core ache, cuffed, animalistic and depraved. For a second, I toyed with the thought of releasing him. Closing my eyes, I imagined the way he would make my body ache in all the ways it craved. I hummed as a finger reached my panties, sliding up and down my clothed slit. All the while Bucky huffed and puffed, only contributing to my illusions. His member was probably straining uncomfortably against his pants by now. I bit my lip, a finger slipping under the fabric, into my core. Instantly drenched in my juices, I heard a whimper, and opened my eyes.
On the bed infront of me, he'd managed to get onto his knees, arms extended behind him, held by the cuffs, keeping him from falling face first. His mouth agape, panting desperatley as he watched me.
I pushed another finger inside, then another. He bit his lip to muffle another whimper, licking them furiously.
Thrusting gently, I curled them into my special spot. Moaning, as his whimpers spurred me on. Pushing me over the edge in a few short moments, I hummed. Trying to stay relatively quiet.
'Gonna beg me for a taste again?' I asked, and he nodded enthusiastically, 'I could sit on your face for you.' And at that, his eyes filled with hope, but my wicked smile returned, letting him know he would't get that lucky.
I stood, dress falling back into place, breast still exposed. Sautering over to him, then got on my kneeson the bed infront of him. Holding my fingers out to him, slick with my arousal. Greedily, he took them into his mouth, lapping and sucking at every ounce of my juice, hungrily moaning all the while. I pulled my fingers back, and he whimpered at the loss. Seding pulses through my body, his eyes roamed over me as I kneeled infront of him, gaze landing on my breast, 'Can I? Please?' He asked, eyebrows furrowing. I nodded, and in a second his mouth closed around my breast, sucking it into his mouth. Humming, I sighed, enjoying it while it lasted. With one hand holding the folder, I ran the other through his hair, scratching his scalp, 'Such a good boy.' I whispered, and he moaned a hot breath against me, 'The great James Barnes, falling apart by a woman's–' I began, but suddenly, he bit my nipple, making me yelp and pull back.
'Youre not just any woman.' He said, a devilish quirk to his lips.
I sighed, but the lip of my corner tugged as I turned around. Pulling my strap up, I made my way toward the fogged up window and opened it. Cool, damp air flooded inside, chilling me pleasantly as I wathched the view overlooking the gardens.
Before I could make my escape, I turned around to look at him one last time. However, not liking what I was met with.
Pulling himself back, he wrapped his hands around the bars and yanked–
To my horror, one of the two came loose with a worrying clang, making him fall forward.
I'd teased him to much for my own good. 'James, lets just-' I began, and his eyes snapped to mine, then he began yanking on the other. Hunger melting together with anger in his features.
A chill ran down my spine as I threw one leg over the windowsill in a hurried motion, then the sound of a second clang rang out.
Terror grabbed hold of me as I threw my other leg over the sill and jumped–
Bit his hands grabbed my waist, lifting me back inside and pulling me to his chest. The warmth against my back contrasting the cool of my front, horror and excitement washed over me, anticipation leading.
One arm squeezed me as the other slid downward, then he leveled his head with mine, his nose nuzzling my temple, and lips gracing my cheekbone as he spoke, 'How about we make a new memory?' He breathed, I could hear the smile shaping his lips. The hand headed downward slipped through the slit of my dress and cupped my cunt, making a pained moan escape me.
He kissed my cheekbone and bit my earlobe, tugging on it slightly. Then put pressure on my mound with a harsh yank, pulling me even closer against him. A mix of a hiss and a whimper leave my lips as my ass tucks snuggly into his crotch, his hard member pressing up against me. His mouth slips to my neck, 'Your fault.' voice muffled by skin, 'You fix it.'
A shattered hum in agreement came from my lips as he began rubbing his hand up and down in rough movements, the warmth from the friction was enough to send pulses of heat through every nerve in my body. He walked us forward as his fingers coverd every inch of my cunt, teasing my core, digits sliding between my slits, and palm rubbing into my clit, his hand getting more and more slick by the second. As if locked in dance, our hips move together, matching rythms. I grind against his hand as he ruts his crotch against my ass, the very hard member recieving long anticipated friction.
We collpase as he slips to his knees, pulling me down with him.
Suddenly, two of his fingers slip inside of me, setting a quick thrusting pace. He sinks his teeth into my neck, biting and sucking, and a scream threaten me as the coil tightens in the pit of my stumache. His other hand move to my back and bends me over the windowsill.
I rest my forearms against the hard wood for support, and just as the blinding pleasure is about to unfold, his fingers retreat. Pulling out of me with a slick sound, I release a painful groan as my walls ache and clench around nothing. 'Fuck you.' I hiss, shutting my watering eyes tightly against the pain of his absence.
I heard movement behind me, then feel his hands pull my dress straps down, making my dress fall to the floor. His touch leaves me again, then I hear a zipper, Thats right.' He said, pulling my panties to the side, 'Fuck me.' And he rams his member into me. All air expells out of my body, my breath lost somewhere to the cool summer night. My fingers curl around the sill, gripling it tightly as the stinging, filling sensation settles in my bones.
He hums and leans over my back as he gathers my hair in one hand, and his mouth levels with my ear, 'You wont be walking out of here with those papers doll, In fact, I doubt you'll be walking at all.' He chuckles, and lays his cheek against mine, looking out through the window. 'So tell those men of yours that they'll have to carry you once the show is over.' And nods toward the edge of his property before leaning back.
I follow his gaze, and a slight movement catches my eye.
The back-up. . . No doubt watching the scene unfold.
But before I got to much time to ponder, his left hand grabbed my right hip, and his other hand gathered a fistful of my hair.
Then, he pulls. Yanking me upward so that my arms stretch, and my hands support me against the sill instead. My entire, naked body on full display to the outside. Asshole.
He begins thrusting, gruesome, hard thrusts. The hand fisting my hair let's go, and circles around my torso instead, folding over my chest, and grabbing the breast furthest away to knead and squeeze. Covering me up in the process.
Apparently, he didnt want them to see it all. Some was just for him.
He rests his forehead against my shoulder, planting sweet, soft kisses against the blade of it, 'Sorry.' He whispers, all the while his thrusts rock my body into oblivion. 'Needed to teach them a lesson.' He says between panting.
The coil began tightening once again, and I smile. Feeling this good, I honestly couldnt care less. Even so, my team had seen me naked before. We shower together, share rooms even, and they know im in it to win it. My only wish was that they'd have the decency to look away, but knowing they're men, It'd be too high a wish.
Nothing could be heard but the muffled music, slapping skin, laboring vocal cords, and the nature at night. Bird song and nocturnal insects filled the calm night, ever so rudely disturbed by our moaning, and– static?
Oh. . .
'Agent, I repeat– "Do you need extraction?"' The voice was uncertain, uncomfortable even.
Fuck, it must've clicked on when he yanked me by the hair. Embaressment filled me, they'd heard much more than they should've. But even so, irritation took the lead. Annoyed that they were interrupting me, I rolled my eyes, 'I'm fine, I'll be right there.' I stuttered out, doing my best to hide my moans. The slapping however, could not be hindered. I reached for my earpiece, the stuttering of his hips against my body gave me great difficulty. But managed to grab it despite being violently rocked back and forth, and threw it far into the gardens.
'Finally alone?' He breathed against me, warming my shoulder, temporarily keeping the goosebumps at bay.
'Define alone.' I scoffed, biting back a whimper. The pressure in me building to a climax, the sounds of nature and our loving dulled. Replaced by a ringing as my vision grows spotty and a faint feeling comes over me. 'Close, so– So, close.' I manage, my words stumbling out of me. He hums, moaning in my ear as his thrusts frenzies. The hand kneading my breast moves upward, grabbing my throat, squeezing lightly as we tumble into our orgasm. Collapsing onto the windowsill.
'Fuck. . .' He breathes, pulling out off me with a wet plop. His seed seaping out off my entrance now that nothing stood in its way. He rolled off of me and leaned against the sill, elbow supporting him as he observed me intently.
I pull my dress back on, then cross my arms on the sill, resting my chin upon them, 'What now?'
'You'll see me again.'
I huff, 'Yeah? How?'
He shrugs, 'Tell them we have a deal, or that I think were involved. Tell them your cover wasn't broken.'
'Think that'd work?' I ask, unconvinced. However, wishing desperately it would.
'It might, if it doesn't. You come right back here and start over with me. I'll protect you.'
I nod, 'Go to bed, so I at least can pretend to slip out.' And smile, believing him.
Not protesting, he kisses my cheek. 'Good night.' He whisperes.
I stay for a few more minutes, then grab my heels and jump out of the window. Closing it behind me. Silently, in the bright blue night, I walk barefoot in dew covered grass.
Eventually met by familiar voices, 'Not a word I say.' Interrupting them before they can comment, 'He thinks I want him.' I raise my brows and chuckle, the team snickers.
'Sure sounded like it.' One of them jokes, and they all abrupt into laughter.
I roll my eyes, 'Ha, ha. Very funny. Dont pretend you werent watching us half hard, palming yourself.' I bite back. Causing "oooohs" to abrupt, and the guy going pale.
At least they seem to believe it.
I gift myself a hopeful smile, I'll be seeing him again. One way or another.
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thedensworld · 8 months
Post Magazine | K.Mg
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Pairing: Photograper!Mingyu x Actress!Reader
Genre: fluff
Words Count: ±700
Summary: It was an honor for Mingyu to collaborate with a well-known magazine. But this job made him realize that love at first sight is real.
Mingyu's got a face that screams "bad boy," and he's given up trying to argue otherwise. He's got that classic playboy look, and an occupation of playboy, a photographer, no less! So, when he tries to convince people he's got an old soul and a sentimental side, they just give him the side-eye. Mingyu's decided to let his looks do the talking, after all, it's all about that first impression, right?
He's snapped shots of so many celebrities, and they all ooze glamour and charisma. Last time, he was working with Cha Eunwoo, an idol-actor who's now a buddy thanks to being the same age. But there's been zero post-work chit-chat with any of his models, except for Eunwoo. So, it raised an eyebrow when he waltzed up to the editor asking for your digits.
"I'll pass along her management's info," the editor said, conveniently hiding the fact that he's got a bit of a soft spot for you after that last shoot. Okay, maybe it's not just a "bit" anymore, it's a full-blown crush.
It started when Mingyu gets the call that he's in charge of the photo shoot for a rising starlet, Jang Y/n. It's your first time gracing a big-time magazine, so Mingyu tries to do some sleuthing about you. Mostly cast as a villain or a bit unhinged, your online pics aren't exactly flattering. Mingyu's scratching his head trying to figure out what style you'd vibe with.
When the big day approached, Mingyu's armed with a couple of style ideas for your shoot, hoping they'll match your vibe and brand. He's deep in discussion with the editor when your manager shows up.
"Y/n has those magnetic and charismatic aura that makes people think she's a tough . But she's really a soft and timid person," your manager spills the beans, enlightening Mingyu and the editor.
"It'll be good to show the side that people hasn't known about. Let's roll with these," the editor picks out two mood boards, going for dark academia and chic stylings.
And your manager wasn't kidding. You're like a total 180 from the roles you usually play. You're not some evil assassin, psycho girlfriend, or creepy stalker. If Mingyu could describe it, you're just radiant. You step into the studio with a grin plastered on your face, and your hair's practically glowing. Mingyu swears, your eyes are like a novel waiting to be read, and he's itching to turn the pages.
Just the night before, Mingyu decided to check out one of your films - the one where you played the mad stalker. He was blown away by your acting skills, even if you looked more like a scruffy vagabond. And now here you are, dressed to the nines, portraying a powerhouse career woman in front of him. As soon as Mingyu looks through the viewfinder, he sees his future. Love at first sight might be pushing it, but let's just say he's smitten.
"Could you lean in a bit, Y/n?" Mingyu asks, second-guessing if that was the smartest move ever. You lean towards the camera with this sly grin, and Mingyu's heart does somersaults.
Mingyu lets out a dramatic sigh, "Let's call it a wrap." He mumbles and dashes over to the monitor, trying to cool off his racing heart. And this is just the first outfit; there are four more to go.
"Is everything alright?" You ask the crew as you step onto the set with your last outfit. "I've never worn something like this before," you admit. Mingyu shoots you a reassuring smile, "You look stunning, absolutely stunning," he assures you.
The rest of the crew is in awe, and you playfully cover your face as if you're blushing. But Mingyu, with his photographer's eye, spots a genuine flush of pink on your cheeks and ears. Maybe he's got a touch of it too, but he's too busy being in awe of your beauty to care.
"It would be amazing if you could strike a pose like Ma Jooahn," the assistant director suggests, referring to one of your past roles as a ruthless assassin. You slip right into character. Your eyes shoot daggers, your smile vanishes, and you look ready to take on the world.
"I'll just pretend there's a pesky fly to squash right here," you mutter while turning to your right, earning a laugh from the crew.
"I wanna be that fly," one of the crew members chimes in, making you burst into laughter and breaking character. Mingyu shakes his head, looking at the monitor beside him; his weakness is a woman with wit and grace. You seem to have both in spades.
"You're absolutely smitten, buddy." Eunwoo clinked his can against Mingyu's, chuckling at his friend's infatuation with you. For almost an hour, Mingyu's gaze hadn't strayed from your portrait.
"Come on, focus on your work," Eunwoo urged, playfully nudging Mingyu, who seemed a bit unsteady.
"I am!" Mingyu retorted, gesturing to his laptop, where he was diligently editing photos from your previous shoot. "Staring is also part of my job," he added with a smirk.
Eunwoo let out a dramatic sigh. "There's something you should know about her," he began, catching Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu's brow raised, then quickly furrowed. "What?" he inquired.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Mingyu interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.
Eunwoo shrugged. "I'm not certain," he admitted. "But there's some gossip that floating around the actors."
Mingyu fixed Eunwoo with a steady gaze, silently urging him to continue.
"She's a mom," Eunwoo dropped the bombshell.
Mingyu's head drooped, disappointment evident on his face. "So what if she's a mom? Is she a widow? That just makes her even hotter, honestly! Ack—" Mingyu began to enthuse before Eunwoo playfully smacked his head.
"Come on! Seriously! I personally haven't worked with her, but some actors say she has a kid, or that she's often busy taking care of them, which might be why she hasn't taken on lead roles. But, i'm not sure either," Eunwoo explained, offering the tidbits he'd gathered.
Mingyu scoffed, "If you're not sure, don't spread it around."
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, a little surprised by Mingyu's strong reaction.
"You've got it bad, my friend," he teased, shaking his head.
After a few weeks, what was once a rumor turned into a nightmare for Kim Mingyu. Dispatch, a popular Korean media outlet, released photos of you with your daughter. Some of the pictures were taken in front of a daycare, park, and even a hospital. Mingyu isn't happy seeing your privacy violated by the media, especially as you're gaining more fame. But what Mingyu despises the most is that the pictures are real, with zero editing.
There are two possibilities:
1. You have a secret husband.
2. You're a widow with a child.
Mingyu is perfectly fine with the second possibility. He believes he's good with kids and loves the idea of being around them. But the first possibility? Dang, It hits Mingyu like a punch in the gut. After nearly a month of being your biggest fan, he can't believe he has to remain just a fan. He hasn't even mustered the courage to call you. His heart shattered before he could offer it to you.
Didn't Mingyu mention he's a very sentimental person? Oh yes, he certainly did.
"I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly?" Mingyu asked during a phone call to the other person.
"We noticed you worked with Y/n on her last photoshoot sessions, so she might be comfortable with you," the other person, a representative from your management, explained to him.
Mingyu shook his head, "No, I mean... Did I hear... So, Y/n wants me to be the photographer for her release?"
"Yes, Mingyu. She believes in you for this release, and we want the best for her and her daughter."
Mingyu was left speechless after receiving the phone call. He immediately cleared his schedule for you after the call ended. He still remembered the tone of your management team as they stated, "We want to release a statement regarding the spreading rumors about our artist, Jang Y/n. She personally recommended you as the photographer. You know, the rumor is pretty sensitive for her, and the last thing we want is to make her uncomfortable during the photoshoot."
Mingyu couldn't stop smiling once he saw you arrive at the studio with your daughter in your arms. Mingyu guessed she might be 3 to 4 years old. Putting the rumor aside, your daughter is the cutest little human in the world.
"Thank you so much for accepting the request. It means a lot to me, Mr. Kim," you approached Mingyu after putting Jihan, your daughter's name, down.
Mingyu bowed, "No, it's an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me. And you can call me Mingyu, please be casual with me. No formality needed," he said to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Deep inside, he was the one who needed reassurance here, as his heart pounded like crazy.
"We're here today to shoot a beautiful portrait and video for our release. Be careful not to hurt yourself, let's work together for us," the director gave a brief direction before the photoshoot started.
Mingyu took beautiful pictures of you and Jihan. He stood behind the camera as they shot a video of you talking about Jihan, clearing up the misunderstandings.
"Jihan was almost three years old when I adopted her. I used to volunteer at the foster home when I met her, and she was so little. I found out that she's suffering from a physical disability due to harmful substances during her pregnancy."
"There's a long process in adopting her. I had to run a few tests to make sure I was an appropriate adopter, and I was so grateful that it didn't take longer time for me to finally have her."
"I actually didn't want to break this news, but the news broke itself, right? I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with having a kid, whether you're married or not. Everyone has a reason. Doing this interview is also hard for me, but I want to encourage all parents, single parents out there, that having a kid is not a sin but a blessing. And I'm very blessed to have Jihan."
Mingyu smiled as he saw Jihan, who was sitting behind you, playing with Legos. She now approached you to show you her Lego creation. "That's amazing, baby." His heart melted once he heard you compliment your daughter, completely distracted from the shoot and focusing on Jihan, which spoke volumes about your personality.
Maybe Mingyu's weaknesses boil down to three things: witty women, graceful women, and you.
He'll start by making a move toward Jihan. She mentioned his height earlier, expressing a desire to be held by him. He's all in! If Jihan wants to call him "dad" immediately, he's a goner.
He's definitely going to ask you out after this.
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spxcefarer · 3 months
Starfield Radio Stations (a collection of Spotify playlists)
Sooo I got super bored yesterday and made 11 (yes, eleven) Spotify playlists for radio stations I made up for the Starfield universe. There's a huge mix of genres, so I thought maybe some of you guys might like to listen too. I've aimed for around 50 tracks each but total lengths vary a little. You can also click here to see all the tracklists.
Red Rock Radio - "martian radio for all your heavy listening needs" - perfect for dogfights and shootouts. Heavy, rhythmic, lots of classic and contemporary hard rock. Probably something the Red Devils would listen to, and a personal favourite of mine.
Space-DST Radio - "classical rock to ease you through the spacelanes" - recently taken up space-trucking? Got you covered. Road-trip bangers and dad-rock in this one.
Asteroid FM - "ambient tracks for when you're lost in space" - think lots of instrumental mountain banjo and some psychedelic rock themes. Some vocal tracks but not many, very mellow in general.
Atlantic FM - "feel-good indie for drowning out the corporate drones" - what it says on the tin really. New Atlantis vibes - up-beat, jazzy, designed to make you feel better.
Radio Cheyenne - "music to awaken your inner space cowboy" - Akila City vibes at their finest. Country, blues and soft rock, very frontier-esque.
RADIONEON - "electronica for those neon-lit nights" - upbeat synth and punchy drums to vibe/dance/astral project/kill bad guys to. Some indie and some more mainstream tracks in here.
RADIONEON ASTRAL FM - "entrancing electronic beats" - made to fit with the air of the Astral Lounge, lots of trancey EDM and house.
Stargazer Radio - "melancholy music found in someone's ancestor's collection" - for when you just need to drift through space and ponder life's troubles. Sad vibes, with modern and old stuff.
Planet Pop! - "a mix of popular music from old earth" - only stuff released before Y2K here, contains lots of 80s in this one.
Planet Pop! 2K - "pop music from after the turn of the millennium" - a mix of dance and classic pop tracks released after Y2K. Tried to keep it space-themed but got carried away lol.
FM Voyager - "moog-ish music to drift in space to" - think 60s space music, and then multiply by 200. Not as many tracks on this one, probably the weirdest out of the lot.
Please let me know what you think!!
I've been so excited to share this I'd love to know if you have any favourites!
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sansxfuckyou · 1 month
nowhere to hide out in the open
summary: the one good thing about these 'Genre Peace' meetings, it would be that Delta Dawn has an excuse to be next to Queen Essence
warnings: its just fluff
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To be frank, Delta Dawn didn't necessarily enjoy the fact that the genre leaders had to meet up in Funk's spaceship of sorts; they called it Vibe City. The deck may have been solid beneath her hooves and the air perfectly metered in temperature, but it still felt wrong. Just something made her feel off about living up here, especially when they used to inhabit the deserts and oasis's below.
The only plus was the fact that she was allowed a seat next to Queen Essence, Funk's co-ruler. Pale blue fur and glistening silver tinsel littered across her form and like necklaces on her neck. A spattering of glitter on her face and golden adornments in her hair, voice a gentle timbre and comfy pace-
Delta Dawn definitely enjoyed her, and the fact that she was married with children.
"Now, Queen Poppy, are you sure we really need to unite geographically as well?" Trollzart asked, and the annoying sound of his voice snapped Delta out of it. He sounded like a 'woodwind,' as the Classical's called those instruments.
"Yeah, Popseed, I quite like Volcano Rock City. The Rocker's need some heat to keep us going," Barb tacked on, voice sharp as always with a blunt edge that Delta respected. Even if the gal tried to destroy all music, she had good work ethic.
Poppy gave a nervous laugh, "Well we could at least try making a place where the cross-genre's and genrefluid Trolls could exist in peace?"
"A utopia," King Quincy supplies.
"A Trollstopia, if you will," Queen Essence adds on.
"The only problem with that is the Techno's, they can't be out of water for prolonged periods of time," Branch said. He was already splaying out blueprints, "I'll work on a fix."
"I can help manufacture it," Trollex said and his voice also had an annoying sting too it out of water, oddly synthetic but natural to their speciation.
"Dawn," Queen Essence said, and it took Delta a moment to realize she was referring to her.
The sheriff of Country nodded, "Yes, miss Essence?" Country sensibilities sneaking into her speech again, she really hopes that isn't an offence in Funk.
Instead it makes Queen Essence smile, "Do you have any objections to this Trollstopia?" There's a softness to her tone, a calm that Delta doesn't know too well. Everyone's much gruffer in Country, more to the point and strict about it. Working together is loving each other and tussling in a rodeo is a love language.
Funk Trolls are so... Different, in a refreshing way of course. It's confusing too, Delta never took herself for a romantic, but the Queen is doing something to her. And it's just how she exists too, even when they aren't interacting she's just like this. Smooth and calm and with an amount of allure that Delta is sure must be practiced in advance.
"I got no objections to it, I think it's a great idea," Delta said before standing up and pushing aside the cushion she sat upon. At the slightest hint of Poppy going to speak up, she waved it off, "I'm fine, Queen Poppy, I just need to stretch my legs, get some water."
Her hooves clicked uncomfortably against the metal-adjacent platforms below her. She rubbed her temples as she walked, taking long, deep breaths to try and compose herself. How on earth do they expect her to keep it together when they put her beside Queen Essence? She shouldn't be getting this worked up over a married Troll.
"Dawn, you're probably gonna need some help finding the vending machines," Came a gentle voice from behind her and all she could do was freeze up.
"Naw, I'll be fine, Queen Essence," Delta said, turning to give her an affirming smile. It looked kind of forced.
"Please, just call me Essence," She said before leading Delta along and the sheriff followed without questioning her own actions despite her previous defiance.
Delta gives a huffing sort of sound, it earns her a perplexed look before she remembers that the Funk Trolls don't have that in their lexicon, "Then I have ta ask that you call me Delta."
Essence gives a long hum as she pads down the halls, her paws are near silent against the flooring. A stark contrast to the clip-clop of Delta's hooves, "I'll see what I can do for you."
The slight teasing lilt coupled with a small chuckle has Delta going mad. She trots up closer to the queen of Funk and follows her obediently down the halls. The swirled design of Funk architecture matches the consistent beat thrumming below them in the main corridors. It pulses with a faint glow, so subtle it's almost unnoticable unless you really look close- and Delta needs something to stare at that isn't her guide.
When they come to a stop Essence grabs her a bottle of water, gifted in return for a small melody in a genre Delta doesn't know well. It's interesting technology really, maybe Country is outdated after all. Then she remembers that Pop still lives in the woods and hasn't rebuilt after they had their empire swept out from under their feet by the Bergens. Her genre isn't too far behind, and Funk is highly advanced anyways.
"So, Delta, what's got you down?" Essence asked, dropping down to sit with folded legs on a cushion. Delta followed suit, a low table between them, and she didn't quite sit the same way Funk Trolls did but she made it happen.
"Nothin's got me down," Delta said, twisting the cap off the bottle, "Don't know what gave you that idea."
Essence's brows furrowed, but she didn't narrow her gaze much. She just sighed, "I can't be offended that you don't want to tell me, but I can be offended that you think I can't see what's right in front of me."
That shakes Delta down to her core, she didn't expect Essence to have such keen observations as well. She nearly chokes on her water which has a tang too it, a hint of citrus flavouring perhaps? She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, "I suppose I shouldn't treat ya like an idiot cause you're different than me."
"Some signs are universal," Essence said, "And your vibes aren't exactly feeling on point."
Delta gives a low laugh, "You have a point there, Queen Essence. You're mighty smart, mighty tenacious for waiting so long for your son to show up."
Essence smiles a smile that's so warm it contradicts the soothing frosted hue of her form. She tilts her head a bit as she smiles, a small laugh arising and she brings a paw to hide it. "I'm flattered, Dawn."
"Essence, you seem like the loving type," Delta begins, "Happily married and whatnot."
"So it's a romance problem you have."
She nods, "Yeah, that. What would you say is the best action for loving someone whose already set for life?"
That gives Essence pause, and she's more than clever enough to piece it together right then and there, but she still takes a moment. "In Funk we're usually pretty open, most relations are fluid and shifting states frequently."
"They are?" Delta asked a bit too fast.
"Of course they are, Delta. Are they not in other genres?" Essence asked, a genuine curiosity lacing her voice.
Delta shakes her head, "We're rather monogamous in Country."
"Tell me, Delta," Essence begins, a type of smile on her face that makes Delta shiver. Essence leans a little bit closer, "Is it me?"
"What gave it away, your majesty?" Delta asked.
"Country Trolls are very up front, it translates to the way you act," Essence explained before pressing a kiss to Delta's cheek. It left a silvery, snowy mark in its wake and Delta was too stunned to move. It made Essence giggle a bit.
"But, but you're royalty!" Delta managed to get out, "Doesn't royalty have ta keep a closed relationship?"
Essence shrugged and the tinsel shifted and coat the technicolor glow of Vibe City. "Quincy is understanding, I doubt he'd mind if we let you in for a bit."
"Well alright then." She's not in a cohesive enough mindset to get anything else out of her mouth. She's wearing this dumb grin on her face that's quick to fall.
Essence brings a paw to Delta's face, "What's wrong, darling?"
"Nothin' that needs to be worried about now," Delta brings her hand to rest on Essence's wrist, or ankle maybe? Delta isn't too sure of the proper terminology to use.
"You got your legs stretched out enough to head back, Dawn? They can't make much progress without Country," Essence asked.
"I'm ready," Delta said before standing up, she traced a digit across the lipstick mark on her cheek, "Say, won't this be incriminating evidence?"
"Quincy won't mind," Essence assured with a hum.
"The others?"
"They're in our home, we can evict them."
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mrzombielover · 2 years
Omg I NEED a Price nsfw alphabet PLEASEEEE😭😭
price is soo daddy lana del rey coded i love him
nsfw warning (obviously) also this is not edited and probably incoherent
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
classic cigarettes after sex (well- cigars in his case)
will light up and softly hold you close to him, mindlessly drawing shapes into your skin while you talk. loooves pillow talk
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on him, it’s his torso. he’s in pretty great shape and proud of himself, especially considering his age. (he’s only 37 in the reboot but i’m pretty sure he’s older in the OG- ehhhh either way i’m ignoring it)
for you, it’s your mouth/lips. they’re so pretty. he goes feral when you wear lipgloss/lipstick, especially if it leaves stains on things like a straw or glass
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
prefers to cum inside. not that he wants to be a father anytime soon, but he loves the thought of filling you up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
still has most of- if not all- his old dirty magazines/pinups from when he was younger. he can’t let them go.
Gaz found them one time while they were inbetween missions, and Price let everybody think they were Soap’s. soap got clowned on but he got to keep (most of) his magazines
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
oh he def knows what he’s doing. he doesn’t have the most time for relationships but he’s got plenty of experience
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
classic missionary. he gets a good look at your body and face, it feels great for the both of you, and doesn’t strain either of your muscles. it lets him be close to you, too.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
other than a little teasing i imagine him pretty serious. sex with him isn’t usually casual or goofy, its pretty passionate and he’d hate to kill the mood
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
trims but like occasionally so they’re on the longer side, along with his happy trail
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
so very. he’s usually very passionate and intimate, and on special occasions- very romantic. type of guy to pull out the rose petals and candles on your anniversary
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
doesn’t do it very often. he doesn’t really have a need for release, and enjoys sex with his partner more as a way to be close and vulnerable with them.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
i imagine him more on the soft dom side, thinks it’s so hot when you can’t really answer his questions, and likes embarrassing you a little too. maybe a little dacryphilia too. he feels so proud when you feel so good tears form in your eyes and you struggle to speak, all because of him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
prefers the bed, it’s comfortable and reliable, but also enjoys his office or a desk, especially on late nights. he doesn’t like having to rush and usually his office is private enough that he can take his time.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
domestic and soft shit. waking up next to you and seeing you vulnerable, without makeup on and hair all messy. trust is a big thing for him, it just gets him going.
also seeing you wear things he bought for you, like jewelry or maybe a nice dress. it’s another subtle sign of trust and ownership. he can be a little possessive and likes showing you off.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he’s much closer to the vanilla side. he’s willing to try some stuff, but certain extreme kinks he just won’t be able to do. it’ll feel too weird for him, like really heavy bdsm
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers giving. he just gives those vibes. enjoys receiving, too, but loves watching you come undone and your mind going blank from the pleasure.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
prefers to go slowly. as stated previously he loves intimacy and teasing you, will fuck you deeply and sensually
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not really a big fan. if you’re needy and desperate he’ll happily finger you real quick or while doing paperwork, he likes having this affect on you, but likes privacy and time when fucking you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
game to experiment with whatever kinks you might have, at least once. while he prefers to be more dominant, he’d still indulge you occasionally.
prefers not to take risks in public places, he could probably get in trouble for sleeping with you as your captain. not that the idea isn’t exciting- maybe in some foreign country where nobody knows you guys though, but not as a common thing.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
usually only 1-2 rounds but he takes a while to cum, and likes to make you cum at least a few times before he does. big on foreplay too.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
doesn’t really own any but he’s not against them. would quite enjoy using a remote controlled vibe during meetings/in the office
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
much prefers teasing to being teased. he likes teasing you lightheartedly and taking his sweet time with you. you’ll be whimpering and sobbing before he even puts his dick in you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not super loud in terms of groaning or moans but he’s never quiet. talks so insanely dirty he’s always whispering or cursing in your ear. when you whine or moan, too fucked out to even think, he’ll chuckle and tease you, “aw, i know baby, feels good, huh?”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
loves to spoil you. even if you tell him that something is too expensive or you don’t need it he loves to buy things for you. always paying attention to where your eyes longer on products and what style of clothes you compliment on others. love languages are def acts of service and gift giving. it also drives him crazy when you wear the stuff he buys you, an expensive watch or necklace when you go out just to show everyone that you’re taken care of.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
solid ~6-6.5 in, girthy, a pretty muted pink and it hangs heavy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
pretty standard, ideally you’d probably have sex a few times a week (3-5) but between your schedules and days you might have off it’s subject to change.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he could fall asleep pretty easily, after all he’s content and comfortable and likes to snuggle up with you but it’s not a given. likes to hold you if you fall asleep against him. in an ideal world he has the time to but usually there’s stuff that needs to get done.
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daiseukiis · 1 year
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FEAT. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ chigiri hyouma, yukimiya kenyu, nagi seishiro, alexis ness, bachira meguru, hiori yo, kurona ranze
A/ N. when i tell you i went to sephora to smell at least 15 scents and had employees ask me how i was doing five times is a mf understatement. i stood in front of that fragrance wall, sniffed and labeled the smells. srsly 5/10 would not go back unless i gotta, so mf crowded for what. again, i work as a cosmetician and these are opinions i think they would smell like. but definitely if you guys ever has a whiff of these scents let me know what you think!
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༊*·˚ CHIGIRI HYOMA is 100% going to wear YSL LA NUIT DE HOMME EAU DE TOILETTE. this fragrance starts off very subtle, which is exactly what he's going for! super aromatic, and despite it supposedly being a spicy hot fragrance ( as in when you smell it, it's kinda warm ) there's this woodsy and slightly citrus smell that gaslights into making you smell this sweet note that pops up once it fully develops on him!! chigiri was definitely surprised at the warmth and kinda sweet smell it had, also his sister helped him chose it.
༊*·˚ YUKIMIYA KENYU with his sponsor BURBERRY HERO EAU DE PARFUM.  this guy is into some of the classics! despite how strong the scent comes off at first, it dials down to this spicy fresh scent. you'd be surprised how the spiciness isn't overwhelming and aromatic as well. there's an amazing cedar and citrus scent that makes it worth while! it really suits him as he goes with it since its long lasting and when he models it gives him a fresh and woody smell. he most like started wearing it after modelling with burberry and just stuck to it.
༊*·˚ NAGI SEISHIRO wears VALENTINO UMONO BORN IN ROMA EAU DE TOILETTE. this scent it is a nice woody but mineral like smell. a spicy hot middle note that gives you that warmth and comfiness when you smell it. very aromatic and slightly aquatic due to the salt and sage! just giving lots of at home and comfy vibes. he wants to go with something that he can wear on an everyday thing, and something that isn't to overpowering. he also doesn't give a shit if its a men or womens fragrance because his parents probably just bought it for him.
༊*·˚ ALEXIS NESS of course wears VERSACE DYLAN BLUE. this is very citrusy and very amber smelling when you spray it for the first time, but when it starts to dry down the scent will not be as strong and it's subtle! doesn't want to put kaiser's eros to shame. when it dries you'll be surprised to smell that fresh but also warm spicy ( like his mf personality ). hint of woodsy and musk that blends together to very subtle sweet aromatic smell. obviously, he would be a frequent versace buyer because of kaiser but doesn't wanna wear the same thing as him! .
༊*·˚ BACHIRA MEGURU surprisingly wears TOM FORD COSTA AZZURA EAU DE PARFUM. this aromatic smell is definitely unique... it has woody and citrus top notes when first sprayed, but there's a marine like scent after due to the seaweed!! this scent is enhanced due to the lavender, lemon and mandarin but what makes it super interesting is this herbaceous!! the vanilla gives you that warm, kinda spicy with an odd sweet smell? honestly when i smelt it i was like wtf is this bc its so different. bachira's mom bought for him 100%.
༊*·˚ HIORI YO wears MONT BLANC LEGEND SPIRIT FRESH. this screams him and i cannot be convinced otherwise ! this scent is something super freshly light, nothing overbearing due to the aquatic scents because of the grapefruit! theres a hint of spiciness but its super fresh because of the cardamom. the lavender and woody scent is giving a nice soft powdery feel. this has a hint of sweetness, you can't really smell it unless you concentrate to smell it but it hides just a bit behind those wood notes. hiori got this one because when he went out one of the salesperson suggested it to him and he likes how it makes him feel like he's not in his home.
༊*·˚ KURUNA RANZE is giving PRADA LUNA ROSA OCEAN. it’s nice fresh scent that has very mild woodsy notes!! reminds you as if you went to the ocean on a sunny day. it's powdery and aromatic and the musky note it has is super subtle! has that hint citrus scent with a slightly spicy note with it but what makes it an aromatic is the lavender. kuruna at first only smelt this because it said ocean, but he ended up actually liking it so he can feel like an on land shark boy.
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© daiseukiis 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
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omiiomiaaus · 1 year
Toji’s music taste
Headcanons on what songs or music i think toji would like but it’s really just what i like bc i’m lazy and don’t wanna look up new songs.
warnings: none??? some mentions of sex but no details, not proofread, literally none??
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☆ Just gotta say one thing… this man was in his prime life in the 2000s…. He was listening to songs that are older than me 🥸
☆ okay Megumi canonically listens to weezer so i think he got some of his music taste from Toji. (i think almost everyone that develops a liking for rock gets it from childhood roadtrips with their dad)
☆ Toji only plays his music in the car.. he can’t stand the radio. …100% played buddy holly and meg picked up on it
☆ it’s mostly alternative and rock with the occasional hip/hop songs but he doesn’t really like new music, he’s an oldie after all
☆ he definitely listens to Coldplay oh my god i think that would probably be one of his favorite bands bc their songs are soft and helps him fall asleep (literally me)
☆ his favorite coldplay song is clocks bc he’s a little basic but it’s the most classic song like??
☆ he taps to the beat of any song on the steering wheel and only mouths the lyrics bc he doesn’t like his singing voice.
☆Toji and deftones >>>>>>> he definitely went to their concerts (his favorite songs are birthmark and rosemary)
☆ Is the type to act surprised when a good song comes on and put the volume on blast while saying “Oh shit” even though it’s his own playlists
☆ his gym playlist consists of heavy metal or rock songs that get him in the mood to use all his strength. (and some phonk songs bc he likes to pretend he’s in a movie but he’d never admit that.) so a lot of Metallica, Type O negative, Pantera, and Slipknot
☆ as for hip/hop he likes in da club by 50 cent and and without me by Eminem. those real 2000s vibe songs. none of the new stuff. He actually really does like Eminem.
☆ like??? 3am by Eminem just sounds like him… real villain shit
☆ he also really likes outcast. so fresh so clean is his songgggg. He holds his fist up like a fake mic and says “don’t you think i’m so sexy i’m just so fresh so clean” then holds it up to your lips for you to say “so fresh and so clean clean” and he won’t move his hand until you say it. also quotes “the coolest motherfuckers on the planet” randomly.
☆ he prefers r&b songs for his sex playlist. slow and sensual songs. and one joke song that he plays Russian roulette with when he presses shuffle. It absolutely kills your mood but he laughs his ass off when you’re in the middle of fucking and all of a sudden the speakers are blaring “you get the limo out front… hottest styles, every shoe, every color.”
☆ This mf got a Hanna Montana song from your nostalgia playlist and thought it would be funny to include in the sex playlist…
☆ Okay Toji is the type of guy to not play music in the shower bc he’s a psycho and just takes 3 minute showers (we all know he doesn’t wanna rack up that water bill) BUT when he does.. it’s a quick playlist filled with songs he doesn’t really like so he can hurry up and get out.
☆ Okay the songs I feel like he’d actually listen to are way different than songs for the vibes he gives off…
☆ He gives off major ‘she knows’ vibes by Ne-Yo, and it’s because of that one edit on tiktok… lord bless those editors for taking two second clips of Toji and making it something so scrumptious
☆ ‘monster’ by lady Gaga is another vibe bc “he ate my heart” that part reminds me of him for some reason… he can eat more than just my heart :)))))))
☆ also ‘lights down low’ by maejor and ‘no hands’ by waka flocka.. literally frat boy vibes but its so fanon him right???
☆ any phonk song reminds me of him because tell me he wouldn’t listen to that shit just to get in the zone????
☆ the lost soul down (specifically the sped up version) is just so himmmmmm <33… again it’s probably because of all the edits but still!!
☆ shine dreams (also the sped up version) idk who it’s by there’s so many versions lol but just any song like that >>>
☆ I also think of him when I listen to ‘level7’ by OSAKA… idk something about it…
That’s all I have for now :)
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
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"Picture of your face in an invisible locket... I had a bad feeling. But we were dancin'... swaying as the room burned down." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 32 - “Starve (Etho, Scott)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
I am once again bringing you scenes of Etho cuddling up to SnifferMyFeet while Sniff growls reminders that even though he has Joel's memories and misses being Boat Boys, he wants Etho to treat him as a separate person.
If I had a nickel for every chapter Etho's touched this man and thought of Joel, I would have 8 nickels. I'd have 40 cents. That's as much as 1/4 of our story. And that's terrible.
#smalletho - Etho once again working through his touch starvation and Boat Boys Issues™ Many references to Joel, but he doesn't appear. Large flashbacks of him and Etho in next week's chapter, though! <3
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
This preview section jumps into shippy vibes- Proceed at own discretion.
Etho - Fox
Status: Holding out a hand
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  🧡  💚
So, uh. That string tidying, huh? You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you want to do that with an endermite hybrid. They're the best in the business and they'll mock you the whole time you set up. Sniff's smug and giggly about it, too, as Etho pushes him down on the bed and hangs back to study him. He's really tattered the code on the bottoms of his bare feet. I mean, shoe code gets tattered too, but usually those soft parts of a skin design hurt more.
"You gonna use your mouth?" Sniff asks, eyeing him up.
"In a shocking turn of events, the programmer has tools for fixing loose code. They're in the other room." Etho takes Sniff's wrists and pins them above his head for a second, then takes his ankles and stretches them out. Classic textbook pose for the work, even though they'll probably move to the carpet for obvious reasons before they start; he doesn't need weak pixels dropped all over his bed. "Stay," he commands, and Sniff sticks out his tongue and double flips him off without moving his arms. So Etho can't be mad.
But he does lean over, sliding one hand beneath Sniff's cheek, easing it behind his head. He curls it back around and lifts it just enough to scrape his palm across Sniff's brow, beneath his floppy dark brown hair. It's thick and feels like swamp plants in his hands. He still smells like well-treated water. Chlorine. Like one of Gluon's hotel builds with the fancy pools. Or the waterpark server. Never did find out why. Etho breathes against him without pulling back. Despite the wet scents, Sniff's warm soul's like fresh-baked bread against his hand.
"Oh my goodness… You're so pretty. You are so pretty…"
The metaphorical light fades from Sniff's mismatched eyes. Etho pulls back, waiting for a pinch or slap. Sniff turns his face away. Only his Joel side's visible at this angle as he squirms. "Get your eyes checked, Eefo… I saw my reflection when I got my water. I'm stitched together with hand-me-down parts. You don't mean that."
"What if I do, though?" He crouches lower by the bed, bringing a hovering thumb to Sniff's scalp. Sniff glances at him, then away. So Etho breaks that barrier. Slowly, the thick part of his hand eases down to touch Sniff's head. Sniff scrunches up his eyes again, giving the faintest little nod. Etho holds very still a few seconds (Sniff's pixels are so loose on his skin, which was the whole point of this cleaning project anyway) before he speaks again. "I'm sorry you can't see that yet. Body issues are tough; I've got issues too. Sometimes my fox traits get away from me… Been thinking about modding out, but it takes centuries of paperwork." His next stroke of hand (a circle on his head) is firmer, sharper, and Sniff mutters something under his breath as his cheeks freckle up with blue again. Cute. "If it were legal, I'd probably just unthread. I'd miss the bullet paths, but you make vex life look so easy. So good." He draws his hand around in one last loop, then eases it down Sniff's cheek (on his Grian side) to his neck. "Hey, take a closer look next time you're out. There's a lot of interesting people out there. Some wear faces that aren't even humanoid. Have you met MumboDrone or iCam? … And you know, it's just a skin."
Sniff putters his lips, staring towards the ceiling. His fingers lift, dancing across the backs of Etho's knuckles. "You just want me to stay late again. Gods, you're so lonely… Listen, fella- I know my strings are a wreck. I was an endermite before a vex; be pretty messed up if I couldn't tell. I'll let you clean me up, but I'm not playing sleepover. You can't make me."
"Mmhm." Oh man, I want to press my head on yours. He really wants to, noses brushing, hair tufts scraping, but he refrains, you know. He's kneeling, balanced on his heels, and Sniff's saying 'Yes' to the hand but looking unsure. So he won't. "Stay as long as you want to. Just let me clean your code and then you can leave. I promise I won't be mad."
"You smell like bread dough…"
"Yeah? My code wouldn't taste too good right now. Squeaky clean."
"Oh, that's too bad." Absentminded. Distracted. Etho eases back his fingers.
"Are you okay?"
Sniff clicks into focus again and then swishes up, sitting on the bed instead of lying down. "Yeah, thanks. I'm good, actually. The water helped."
"All right. I'll be right back with the cleaning stuff." He leaves without another touch, pausing only to switch off the portal still glowing in the corner. He leaves the desk lantern glowing like it is. It's fun, in the dark. The light's so low, it's like a fox's den in here.
The nice thing about being a programmer? He has no end of scrapers and combs to choose from. He pays the living room a visit to get the tray from the coding desk's drawer and some rolled-up pieces of carpet (ignoring the less than subtle smirks Beef and Pause give him as he strolls by). Etho brings the whole tray to his room and sits on the bed with Sniff, just talking to him and explaining how effective these tools are for different things. Sniff seems to recognize a lot of them, which is no surprise, honestly. Since Joel doesn't do logouts, he has a whole cleaning routine. It takes him forever.
"You know," Sniff says, digging through the tray, "using combs is cheating, actually. I can do the cleaning with my teeth still attached. I bet foxes can too. I mean, it's code work; all the code-eating species can do it." He flicks his gaze to Etho, who kneels across from him, tail waving in the air. Etho doesn't answer, so Sniff goes on. "You know what's fun? 'mite bundles."
"'mite bundles,'" Etho repeats. "Like… Endermites inside a bundle? Is that fun? That's a new one to me." Where is he going with this?
"Yeah, it's when you put endermites in with some of your supplies and go out on adventures. When you want your supplies, you have to dump everything on the ground and try to use your stuff without getting bit. If you get bit, you have to send your coords to server chat. Easy way to get killed, so you'd better not. You can play it in Between, too. Pig has an endermite living in his studio. For every time it bites him, he has to keep his weapons in a chest for an hour when he gets home. It means I can do whatever I want to him, really. Usually he just runs. Sometimes we duke it out bare-fisted. Have you ever seen him with a black eye and a tooth knocked out? Just me, I guess- It probably doesn't carry when he leaves the server. He looks so goofy when he smiles; I'm chuffed to bits with that. Gods, you wouldn't believe the bruise he left on me this one time he pushed me off an end ship. He smirked about it for days, no joke. No, actually. Can't believe his head even fit outside the server."
Etho smirks back, hidden in the mask and hidden by his fingertips. His chin rests against his hand. "What'd you do to him? You didn't let him get away with that, did you?"
"Hell no! I picked up a shulker and I slammed him on the head with it. I bet you didn't even know you can peel 'em off the wall- they're so clingy. What'd he do then? I think he put down a bed and blew himself up trying to get me with it. Oh, he's so lame. I like him so much."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
tldr: bitches want gay shit, not het shit, with data and numbers to back it up; bonus Bible’s booty
so thinking about @discluded​‘s essay on Mile and Apo’s upcoming historical drama, and Thailand’s bid for soft power got my brain thinking thoughts. I’ve talked about Thailand noticing the soft power of their BL media before along with why I think Chinese, South Korean, and other East Asian media (from television to novels, etc) are popping off in popularity in the last 5 years or so. Idk where those posts are and I’m to lazy to link them thus is life
The point! The point is tho reading discluded’s post made me think about F4 Thailand. Ironic, I know, since F4 is a het drama based off Boys Over Flowers a shojo manga from Japan that was released in 1992 and ended serialization in 2008. 
Firstly, Boys Over Flowers FACINATES me b/c the god damn chokehold this series has on various Asian countries. I told a friend it’s comparable to like, Romeo and Juliet, in that it’s been adapted, remade, re-adapted, re-booted, re-imagined, and so on over and over and over again. Like there’s audio dramas, there’s films, there’s multiple live action TV shows, there’s an anime. Japan’s made two feature films, and two seasons of a TV. Taiwan had two seasons of a TV show, Korea had a tv show, China had two versions of the same show (one was a remake), Indonesia had two tv shows, India had a tv show, and finally Thailand was the latest to adapt it into a TV show in 2021 - 2022. The legacy of this story can’t be denied. 
Now, my point? Okay so my point is I witnessed online the marketing for F4 Thailand in real time. It was interesting to me b/c I very rarely - and have not since - seen a ton of talk about a Thai drama that wasn’t BL or a horror or action film. 
When it comes to the Thai film industry, the three genres I see discussed are: BL, Action, Horror. You can see this in what Netflix (America) offers in regards to Thai series specifically what ones they dub which shows like: Girl From Nowhere (which Netflix invested in a s2 and is a thriller/horror drama), The Whole Truth (a horror film), and Thai Cave Rescue (which they also have a documentary based on). Netflix is still (STUPIDLY) reluctant to purchase a license for any SK or Thai BL content (I know Semantic Error would blow the FUCK up on Netflix you idiots!!!) probably b/c investors are like, hmmmm but would gays of color sell? I would say they also have Your Name Engraved Herein but that’s an easier sell b/c its a drama and has more of that classic gay Oscars vibe (this isn’t an inherent bad thing don’t come for me). 
Okay back to my point I s2g I have one. 
So marketing for F4 Thailand was interesting b/c I actually saw it. I don’t see marketing cross over into my international waters for Thai het dramas. What helped this, and I fully believe this was done purposely, is the casting of Bright and Win who gained international popularity from 2Gether. Like, it seemed pretty obvious to me that casting Bright and Win was a bid to peak the interest of the international market, combined with casting them specifically in an adaption of one of the most famous and well known Asian romantic dramas of the last 30 years or so. This show was set-up to be A Hit. 
But I don’t think it really worked internationally; bare with me, numbers time. 
Now, ratings for F4 averaged at .441% on Thai TV, higher than Bad Buddy (which aired on the same network) which averaged at .121% and Kinnporsche which averaged at .314%. 
I compared F4 to these two shows specifically b/c they aired in a similar timeframe (all three shows aired over the course of 2021 - 2022 except KP which only aired in 2022) and arguably Bad Buddy and Kinnporsche were the biggest BL shows in Thailand in those respective years. 
F4 also did well in the Philippines, and ended up dubbed into Filipino, and it’s scheduled for re-broadcast in 2023. Honestly, it’s difficult to see how well F4 did internationally as there’s not a ton of information available on it. When I google “F4 Thailand reception” there’s not a lot of results, if I google “boys over flowers Thailand reception” I get this: 
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ngl I think it’s pretty funny that one of the top four most asked questions is if F4 is BL and again, it’s def b/c of Bright and Win’s casting. But given that there’s not a ton of information available, I glean that F4 didn’t do great in the western (American/Latin American/European) market. Not to say it didn’t do well. 
On Google ratings: F4 Thailand lands at a 4.9 rating with 2619 reviews/ratings and Bad Buddy stands at a 5.0 with 1085 reviews/ratings
On MyDramaList F4 has a rating of 8.5/10 from 11,982 users, and Bad Buddy has a 8.5/10 from 26,445 users
On IMDb: F4 has a rating of 7.8/10 from 2.3k users, and Bad Buddy has 8.8/10 rating from 5k users
This isn’t a comparison about quality, but activity. I’m not here to make judgements on either shows quality, but rather international impact and relevancy. Outside of Google, Bad Buddy has more active users who left a rating or review on the website than F4, almost double in fact. 
If you go to GMMTV’s official Youtube page and look at the most popular videos on the channel it’s majority....2Gether. Like my god so much 2Gether the CHOKEHOLD this show had on y’all:
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More date and a comparison of F4 and Bad Buddy’s international numbers below, we’re getting into the meat now. 
Now the actual F4 official trailer has 3.7 million views on GMMTV’s channel. Bad Buddy official trailer, also on GMMTV’s official channel, has 2.7 million views. Both are set at 1 year ago so they’re within the same or similar time frames for comparison. 
To throw in there, the Kinnporsche official trailer was released 10 months ago and has clocked 7.1 million views total on Be On Cloud’s official channel. To keep up with the comparison, F4′s OST Who Am I clocked 21 million views at 1 year, while KP/Jeff Satur’s OST Why Don’t You Stay has clocked 36 million views at 8 months. 
(completely unrelated sidenote but Vegas/Bible’s ass has 3.4 million views and I just find that fucking hilarious, the man’s booty got more youtube views than other studios episodes. The power of Bible booty) 
You can watch episode 1 of F4 on GMMTV’s official youtube channel, but only episode 1 the rest are just previews for other episodes. Idk why, other series whether het or BL they have all the episodes available. There’s apparently 80 videos that are hidden, I’m wondering if you have to pay Youtube premium to access those. Since I only have episode 1 to compare, for comparisons sake, we can look at those numbers of F4′s ep01 and Bad Buddy’s, both of which are clocked at 1 year each, are as follows:
Bad Buddy ep01 [1/4]: 9.6 million
Bad Buddy ep01 [2/4]: 5.4 million 
Bad Buddy ep01 [3/4]: 4.9 million
Bad Buddy ep01 [4/4]: 5 million
F4 Thailand Begins ep01 [1/4]: 1.7 million
F4 Thailand Begins ep01 [2/4]: 848k 
F4 Thailand Begins ep01 [3/4]: 3.3 million 
F4 Thailand Begins ep01 [4/4]: 747k 
If you crunch these numbers, Bad Buddy’s total view count for episode 1 is around 25 million views. F4′s total view count is around 7 million views (if I’m doing my math correctly a bitch doesn’t work in maths). 
Now, I don’t know what the premiere numbers for either of these series was. BUT, this shows that one series, Bad Buddy, has legs and the other, F4, didn’t. 
Either way that’s a pretty sizable gap and a lot of international fans use Youtube as a means to legally watch and support these shows as shown in the availability of subtitles.
F4 has subtitle options in: English, Korean, Chinese (Taiwan), Portuguese, Turkish and Spanish
Bad Buddy has subtitle options in: English, Turkish, French, Indonesian, Spanish, Chinese (Hong Kong), Korean, Chinese (Taiwan), Vietnamese, Arabic, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Burmese, Chinese (Simplified) and Bulgarian.
As far as I can tell, IQIYI doesn’t release streaming data that I could find, so idk what the numbers are for Kinnporsche. I do know that Kinnporsche, since airing, has never let the sites Top 10 list which is an impressive feat after ending months ago. 
So like, what does all this information mean~ exactly? Am I saying F4 Thailand was a flop? No, not even a little bit lol I don’t have enough data to really say definitively F4 was a flop nor is that really the point here. 
The point here is about international impact, and the fact that in my humble ass opinion, Thailand’s het shows ain’t hitting internationally all THAT much. Not as much as their BL shows are and have been. 
Objectively, going by Thai ratings, F4 did a lot better than Bad Buddy, but internationally? Internationally there’s a pretty visible gap from everything I’ve seen. 
I think what GMMTV was hoping was by casting Bright and Win they’re pull in that international audience they had cultivated with the 2gether series. But het dramas are high key a dime a dozen in American/European/Latin American audiences. Folks go to Kdramas or Cdramas for het dramas (and I have theories on why those hit, namely Cdramas for the high fantasy aspects that Europe and America doesn’t deliver on and kdramas for being unashamedly high quality produced romances. Also the one-and-done factor). 
Given the juggernaut success of Kinnporsche, not just in the west but also in other Asian countries I imagine that’ll influence other studios to try to follow suit even more to gain even a half-slice of that visibility and profitability. Kinnporsche, imo, is an outlier, it’s success is sorta like 2gether and TharnType in that there were a lot of factors outside of the show itself that led to it’s individual success. 
Like, flat, argue with the wall, 2gether is NOT a good series. But, it was released right when lockdown began (literally, ep01 aired Feb 21, 2020), in a way 2gether was like Animal Crossing, GMMTV didn’t expect it to do THAT well especially internationally but it did partially b/c what the fuck else we people gonna do in lockdown? Watch a simple but cute gay romcom which there was a gap for - Love, Victor wouldn’t air it’s first episode until June 17th, 2020, and that was marketed less as a queer romcom and more as a queer coming of age story. There’s also the factor of The Untamed having ended - final episode August 20th, 2019 - and folks catching on to the growing and active existence of international queer media that wasn’t boxed in and tied down by American conventions. 
I think what we’re going to see is the “next era” of BL. We saw the uptick in overall content post 2019/2020 with the success of 2Gether and TharnType, following the success of series like Why R U, Love By Chance, 1000 Stars, Lovely Writer, etc along with other countries getting in more on the game (namely South Korea) and the overall uptick in the amount of BL (and now GL!) shows across the board. 
After 2gether we saw more BL shows, I think after Kinnporsche we’re going to see higher quality BL/GL shows. And I think we’re already seeing that. Semantic Error was a nice change of pace for SK b/c it was longer than 15mins, I think going forward given the success of SE we’re going to see SK branch out slowly into developing longer shows (no longer than 30 to 35mins tho to keep costs down) and better workshopping (some kisses in KBLs...my guys). While for Thailand I think we’re gonna see better quality shows. Not Me dropped the ball in some regards but visually the show was great. Cutie Pie’s story was incoherent sure but visually? Hot damn that was a good looking show. We’re also getting more interesting concepts out of Thailand too; like that Prince/bodyguard show coming out, the fact Kinnporsche did eventually get made and MileApo’s upcoming historical film. 
this all got away from me but whatever, bitches want gay shit, peace
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amazingmsme · 7 months
your lib hcs were so good omg, do you have any for them as lees? i so need wiggly to be absolutely WRECKED, he’s so cocky and self important all the time, he needs to be taken down a peg fr. plus the fact that he made tickling his whole thing is so perfect for teasing.. “if you don’t enjoy this, why did you make it a part of your brand? it’s like you were thinking about it, like you wanted it!”
…we need the lee! Hcs now 👁👁 /j/nf
Do you have any lee headcanons for the Lords in Black?
Back by popular demand, it’s the lords lees in black! You’ve heard of tickle monsters, now get ready for tickled monsters! Again, this got p long so gonna put it under the cut
All the libs blush their respective colors
Based off the doll designs, all of their tummies are fuzzy & a different color than the rest of their fur, so they’re all pretty ticklish there, some more than others 😉
He’s one of the more fun & “chill” lords, so it’s not much of a surprise that he just kinda rolls over & lets his bros wreck his shit
He thinks it’s fun & enjoys the feeling itself as well as the feeling of laughing freely
He has deep, rich laugh that sounds like pure joy itself. If you get him really laughing it can legit shake the room
Because the hivemind is tuned in to him, they know exactly when he’s in a lee mood. They coordinate their attack & take turns tickling him & he lets it happen because he promised them happiness & world peace & if this is what they wanna do he won’t stop them!
His most ticklish spots are his neck & belly because those muscles are most associated with singing (vocal cords & diaphragm) & ribs since they cage the lungs. Oh, & ears. I may be tickle trash, but I try to have some kind of reasoning behind why I headcanon characters as being ticklish certain places
I think Tinky & Wiggly are the ones who tickle him the most because they both have bully energy
Funny how they just love watching other people get their shit wrecked but when it’s HIS turn he’s covering his face out of embarrassment
Arguably the most flustered, but Wiggly gives him a run for his money, he’s just more angy about it
Absolutely no idea why, but I’m getting ticklish hands vibes. Probably the long sleeves over the hands
Watcher with a thousand eyes=eyes in the back of his head=ticklish scalp? 👀👀👀
Has a really cute high pitched giggle that’s very bubbly
The shiny leggings & boots draw a lot of attention to the lower body, & it makes me think his worst spots are his hips, knees & feet. & the baggy hoodie makes me feel like his armpits are also up there
This unhinged goatman constantly has to be put in his place by his brothers & tickling is the best (& easiest) way to do so
He absolutely provokes them to wreck his shit because he thinks it’s so much fun & he loves to laugh & be silly & make. & he always feels so proud of himself to dragging the rest of them down to “his level” but then they immediately make him regret it… then he does it again an hour later
Very open about how much he loves it, but still gets embarrassed when his brothers tease him about it
He has hooves instead of feet, & if you were to try to buff them up or polish them he’d be such a giggly snorting mess
He has a shrill, hysterical cackle like how he laughs in The Summoning
He has a lil goat tail & if you scratch at the small of his back he arches away with the loudest screech you’ve ever heard
His most ticklish spots are his ears/neck, thighs & knees, & hooves if you use a rough enough touch
His ears are super soft & velvety & if you rub them between your fingers he can’t stop snorting between giggles
Tickling makes him so hyper & excited & his bros have to work extra hard to tide him out
Besides Tinky, he is the happiest & most playful of the lib & always has that classic wide grin plastered on his face. & he has a bright, joyous laugh to match!
Because he has such a big mouth, his laugh is really loud & bombastic. He also has a really cute giggle that’s sweet as honey
Gets really flustered if you use his own techniques & teases against him
Can’t stand tickle bites or raspberries despite how much he loves to dish them out
The fluffy arm sleeves really got me thinking about how it probably tickles him on accident when he moves, especially around his armpits
Even when he’s not tickled, he’s just very giggly
Since his whole thing is eating, his tummy is one of his worst spots. Also his thighs, sides & armpits
What you’ve all been waiting for tbh, am I right?
Biggest fucking lee out of all the lib but is in such hard denial mode. The Tickle Me Wiggly doll was the first step to acceptance & he keeps trying to make excuses for why he chose the name
Like it absolutely could’ve been just a Wiggly doll, no tickling required but he made his choice & stuck with it
Keeps insisting he had to make something unassuming & innocent & all his bros are just like mmmmhmmmm 😏
He’s sooo easy to fluster but be careful, he gets mad when he’s embarrassed. Not his usual scary levels of anger but def pissy
Even tho he loves it he will always try to run away. Gotta keep up appearances
His laugh is shrill & borders on cackling. Sometimes it’s giggly & bouncy & broken up by hiccups like in the middle of Made in America
A very jittery & nervous lee. He laughs in anticipation & curls in on himself & tries to talk himself out of the situation he absolutely put himself in
All of the lords wreck his shit on a regular basis because it’s the only way they can knock him down a peg
Most ticklish spots are of course his belly well, ribs, feet & knees, but he’s basically a walking tickle spot
Hands down the most ticklish out of all the lords in black
Swears up a storm & when tickled. Also some pretty severe sounding threats that he’d never actually carry out
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enigma-im · 8 months
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Vampire x F!Human Warning: blood phobia, vomiting, passing out, AA meeting for vampires, some sex
Word count: 2,762
a short story about a vampire with a blood phobia
"My name is Cecil, and I'm a vampire," I say into the circle. The crowd seems bored at my introduction but follow along.
"Hi, Cecil," the group answers back in unison.
"Where to begin," I rub my palms on my pants," I was bitten in 1943, a classic case of wrong place wrong time. Was bit at 21 and It has really been hell ever since."
"Why has it been hell," another- Barnabas, I believe- asks. He invited me to this gathering, I presume him to be the leader of this...event, as he was the one to greet everyone as we gathered in.
I take in a deep breath," well. It's mostly this crazy phobia I have, had it since I was small. It's called Hemophobia, or the fear of blood...
I watch intently as my date dances around with the others. Her dress sways and swings with the lively music. I truly try to enjoy myself, to ignore the intent nagging in my skull. Though it remains persistent. I just need to focus on the music or the way everyone is singing along with great big smiles. It's a great vibe, all the people on the dancefloor are hooting and hollering like drunk fools. Their hearts beat so quickly, pumping their blood throughout their bodies so they can jump around without a care. I find myself a little too focused on how that all works. How those soft veins can hold back rushing fluids that are so important.
I wonder what it would taste like?
"Cecil," my date plops down beside me with a huff," don’t feel like dancing tonight?"
I take a gulp, wiping the sweat from my brow," I can't say I'm feeling all too well."
"Still not feeling great after last week? I was sure you were in high spirits just yesterday," she leans over to touch my forehead," Oh dear, you are just freezing." I choke up on the smell that hits me, I find myself utterly focus at the moment. Transfixed even, driven.
"Let's get out of here," I say with a choked breath. My stomach tightens and rolls, I'm starving.
I lead her out into the cold air, holding her hand a bit too tight. I find myself needing somewhere private with my date. Taking her to the alleyway for some polite attention.
I can't even bother to pay a second thought to anything as I pull her close, backing her against the brick wall behind her. I'm enraptured by her scent, her heat. I press a simple kiss to her throat.
"Oh, Cecil," she coos," what has sprung this on?"
I can't even listen as I'm licking at her pulse. Just a little nibble, who would know? I take a timid bite, and she melts in my arms. I press a little harder, and she squirms. Before I can press a bit more she shouts.
"Ow," she pushes me a bit, " damn bottle."
An intoxicating smell takes me away from her neck, pointing me toward her coddled hand. Bright red pools at her palm as a piece of small glass sticks from her hand.
"Caught some shrapnel," she teases, but I hit with a rush of adrenaline. My head goes light, vision is fuzzy. I catch myself on the wall behind her as a wave of nausea threatens my well-being. An urge enters my head to drink said blood and that completely overwhelms me.
I vomit onto the floor, my date rubs my back before guiding me to the ground as I lose my balance. I catch another sight of her bleeding hand and I'm out like a light.
"Afraid of blood," someone- some lad with a newspaper cap- in the group chuckles," I don't mean to be rude but how the hell have you made it this long?"
Everyone looks to me expectant, it's a fair question.
"it was trouble at first, just the idea of it anywhere near me was torture. Then I got the genius idea of tricking myself into eating food that look like it. Kind of like feeding medicine to a child or dog," I answer.
"Like putting pills in rolled-up cheese," the same man scoffs.
"Yes," I answer embarrassed," but I do it with more subterfuge than a pill in cheese...
I set the plate of grilled cheese beside the bowl of tomato soup. Garnishing the dish with some basil. I sit, tucking a napkin into my collar. Ready to dig in.
I hold the spoon over the, darker than normal, tomato soup. My gut rolls.
"Let's start with the sandwich," I mumble as I set aside the spoon. I take a bite of the sliced grilled cheese, quite enjoying the flavors it provides. Though dulled with vampirism, it's still very yummy. I try to ride the high by encouraging myself to dip the sandwich into the soup for a nice combination of flavors. I tilt towards the bowl, hovering once again over it.
"It's just soup, delicious tomato soup," I grumble," Just take a dip, it's definitely not blood mixed with soup," I growl in frustration.
I toss the sandwich onto the plate before banging my head onto the table with an exaggerated groan.
I bolt upright with regained vigor," ok, ok, I got this. One more try! Easy-peasy" I snatch the bowl and slurp up a few gulps, eyes clenched shut as I focus on the tomato taste over anything else. I finish off the bowl, setting it down with a proud grin.
"I did it," I stand, fist in the air," I drank blood."
At the realization my stomach lurches, the contents falling out of my mouth and onto the floor. My throat burns and my eyes water. I see the blood-red liquid splattered on the ground and hurl again. I have to look away to stop the awful cycle. My legs give out as I fall to the floor near my mess. It takes a moment to collect my breath, rein in my thoughts, and center myself.
"That could have gone worse," I mumble.
"This is embarrassing," someone says under their breath.
"This is fascinating," Barnabas says," you just have to trick yourself every day?"
"Not every day," I correct," It's just once a week, thank Christ, so it's not awful. It's at a very minor detriment to some of my powers but I don't really need to be able to turn into a bat or hypnotize groups of people. I mean we only really need to do it once in a while anyway. Not an issue."
"What about the urges," the woman beside me asks," I know if I go just a few days I'm practically foaming at the mouth to bite my coworker." The group mumbles in agreement, a bit more engaged after the question.
"It's not a huge deal but it has come up," I rub the back of my neck," I can say it's easier with age....
Abagail is just amazing. She is so sweet, fun, smart, and downright hilarious. I can't help but watch her every time she enters a room. It's like she demands my attention. Like right now, just in her PJs and wet hair I can't stop staring.
"Hey, dork," she teases," you want some popcorn?"
I look at the bowl she offers as she plops down beside me. I shrug, grabbing a fist full. When in Rome, I'm just glad I had a plate of healthy "strawberry jam on toast" this morning. Totally 100% strawberry jam.
We sit on her couch for movie night, her cuddled up in my arms. This is bliss, this is what I truly crave. Speaking of cravings...
I slip a hand under her shirt, no longer interested in the movie she has put on. My fingers slide up her tummy, over her ribs, and cup her sweet breast.
"What are you doing," she asks without real concern. I ignore her in favor of massaging her chest, scooting down to kiss up on her neck. "You're missing the movie," she tries to complain. It's fought out when I tweak her nipple. I know I have her when she turns around to slap a fat kiss on my lips.
This woman.
I whisk her away to the bedroom, the movie forgotten as more- ahem- important tasks have popped up. She laughs as I toss her onto the bed, climbing in after to kiss up her body before taking her lips for mine. God, she tastes so good. She is as horny as I am as she tosses her shirt to the side, sneaking her pants off between us as I take her nipple into my mouth. I watch her squirm with delight.
Reaching down between her legs I slip a finger into her, finding her partially slick. She is so warm, so inviting. I stretch her with a second finger as I steal another kiss from her. That devious little tongue prods, I meet it with delight.
"Get in me," she gasps between kisses.
"With pleasure," I answer back. I throw my clothes off with amazing speed, grabbing her legs and spreading them wide for me. Looking over her brings a delicious tingle down my spine and up my cock. I grab myself and press into her. I hold my breath as the first prod is tight, her slick hole dragging me in so beautifully.
As I bottom out I fall to my arms and press sweet kisses around her face. I begin my slow gyration, utterly raptured by this woman. As I find my stride I pick up the speed, slamming into her hard enough for her tits to bounce around. I feel them brush against my chest before she wraps her arms around my back and presses me closer.
She nibbles and kisses up my neck and shoulder, scratching my back as she whimpers in my ear. How lucky I am. I wish to see her.
I pull away from her to sit upright, only faltering in my impetus for a moment. I watch her get fucked by me. Her hair is strewn across the pillow, mouth slightly agape. She smiles when I meet her eye, reaching out to hold my thigh though she just barely can. Her cheeks are flushed, so pink from the blood rising up.
Suddenly all I can hear is her heart. Time slows as I notice every detail of her, the sweat beginning to form on her skin, the way her breath hitches at every upthrust. I can hear her blood flowing through her veins, and see her pulse on her neck. I fall to my hands once more, my focus elsewhere. My teeth ache as I lower my mouth to her neck. I lick at the slightly salty skin. Just a bite? A quick nibble...
NO. I can't pull myself back, all the private sins of a man coming together into one intoxicating concoction made just for me. A little bite to finish off the bliss? It's no harm, I will only drink a little. Pump her full of me while I drown in her? A fair trade.
NO! Think of the blood! It will be everywhere, including your mouth! My stomach rolls at the thought. You want to drink that? Disgusting, blood is terrifying. How could you forget? I bite back bile, my throat burning.
I bolt up, pulling out of her and running for the bathroom. I slam the door shut before I can even hear any of Abigail's protest. I run to the shower, turning on the water, and dive into the cold. It's a shock to the system and enough to bring me back. I'm soft and disgusted with myself.
There is a knock at the door," are you ok?"
I groan, sitting down in the shower," Sorry, I'm not feeling well."
There is a short pause," That's ok. Do you need anything? Can I come in?"
Abigail, just too damn sweet for someone like me.
"You have a human girlfriend," the older woman in front of me exclaims," you really love torturing yourself."
"It's not like that," I defend," We've been together for a year now and things couldn't be better."
"So you haven't tried to bite her," she asks.
"I didn't say that," I object.
Another chap chimes in," Does she know?"
"Yes," I answer proudly.
"How'd you tell her," Barnabas asks.
"Funny story, I didn't have to...
I'm sitting across from Abigail in her apartment, enjoying a lovely meal she made for us. Though the red of the sauce gives me a bit of PTSD, it takes a bit to remind myself it isn't my cooking. I swirl up a bite for myself as Abigail stares. I look at her confused, slurping up the noodle before wiping my face.
"Something wrong," I ask around a mouthful.
"I think you're a vampire," she answers, resting her chin on her hand. I nearly choke.
"excuse me," I cough," what gives you that idea?"
She shrugs before eating," Minor things mixed with a gut feeling."
I try to put on a humored face to hide the utter terror hiding beneath," and what would those minor things be that turned you to the conclusion so preposterous as this?"
She ponders a bit, rocking her head back and forth," Well the first one was the garlic aversion."
"Because I'm allergic to garlic," I scoff," that's not really my fault."
"It was a joke but it led me on a path," she continues," then it was the sun stuff."
"I can go into the sun," I deadpan.
She points her fork at me," Not for very long. You burn up like a marshmallow in a fire! We can't even go play mini golf without your sun hat or umbrella."
I drop my fork with a huff, crossing my arms. "Farcical."
"Then sometimes when we make love you are a bit too jumpy, especially after that time you got sick."
"I'm sorry I'm more cautious. I nearly threw up on you. I can't imagine either of us find that too sexy," I try to convince. She is too smart for her own good, or maybe I'm too dumb?
"The final nail in the coffin- pun intended- is the fact you don't show up in mirrors," she adds so blasé.
Oh... I guess I am too dumb.
"You are an enigma I don't care to figure out," The woman beside me says. The group nods in agreement, having had enough of my turn for the group.
"Truly a hell of your own making," another man adds.
"But you seem happy," Barnabas smiles. I can't help but smile back.
The group goes around with their much less interesting stories of feeding frenzies and blood orgies. Perhaps I started with the wrong vibe.
Everyone disperses as Barnabas ends the meeting. I wait out front for Abigail, looking at my phone as people walk by.
"Great session," Barnabas clasps my shoulders from behind. I startle, twisting out of his grasp.
"Uh, yea," I answer only partially truthful.
"You think you will be back next week," he asks as he shoves his hands in his pockets," It's hard out there for us, I like making a little place to be able to vent and rely on others."
"Yea, yea," I answer noncommittally," it's great. That woman, Ta'tyana, seems to be making strides. I mean she used to be a leader of a cult? Now she runs a daycare, great stuff."
A car honks, grabbing our attention. A person waves towards Barnabas and I. I awkwardly wave back, unsure of the situation.
"Hey, that's me," he says as he taps my shoulder," hope to see you again."
"We will see," I wave as he trots off. He hops in and rides off, leaving me with the few stragglers left. Before I can grab my phone again a familiar car pulls up.
"Pick up for Cecil," Abigail calls out the window. I chuckle at the comment, getting into her car. I lean over and give her a quick kiss.
She drives off before asking," Did you have fun?"
I shrug," I don't think I'll be coming back but it was nice for the one time."
"Well there are always positives," she smiles at me. I watch her for a moment, taking in her lazy appearance on this fine Friday afternoon. Dressed to the 9s in her sweatpants stained with stubborn curry spots and an oversized t-shirt.
"That there is," I hum back.
Hello! Hope you enjoyed the first of my spooky month releases. I only have 3 total, so look out for the next two!
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
I hope you're doing well!! Would you be willing to do a nsfw piece (drabble, headcanon, longer work i have no preference) with a M!Fae and a post transition FtM!Reader? I love seeing representation but it can be really hard to find post transition pieces instead of pre-transitioned </333
Of course! Hope I was able to capture the right feeling for this piece. I eneded up implying that the reader just went through surgery and is in recovery, but it is up to y'all if it was their transition surgery or not!
(I based the few details about off of one of my family members transition surgery, but made a little easier through magic haha) But lemme know if y'all want a different vibe. I always want to write in a way that accurately portrays the readers experience, so feedback is greatly appreciated!
With that said, hope you enjoy ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Male! Fae x Post Transition! FtM! Reader
(NSFW Under the cut. 18+ ONLY)
For somewhere so far out in the boonies that it’s technically on another plane of existence, the Fae Wild has a really good plumbing system. It's why you're able to enjoy this long hot shower, surrounded by fancy soaps and lotions without worrying about hogging the heated water. It's the power of some magic bullshit rather than actual engineering, but it feels so nice you find it hard to care.
You sigh, anticipating what he wants. “Five more minutes?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Your lover says, pulling back the sheer, opalescent curtain. “I know it's relaxing but the doctor said-”
“I got it. Only 30 minutes on my feet.” You turn off the comically ornate faucet, gilded in gold and shining wet. Your boyfriend rubs your back as you step out, handing you a towel. You wrap it around your waist, tapping Adice’s chest, signaling him to lean down for a kiss.
He’s been a saving grace during your recovery period. Even though it’s been significantly shortened by the power of Fae medecine, you’re not sure how you would have survived the week of almost 24 hour bed rest in a plane with no bingeable TV if not for him. Instead its been books, classical music, and board games with Adice, your boyfriend.
(And the occasional movie. Adice had managed to sneak a Portable Video Player and some DVD’s into the plane, though he oftened had to return to the mortal world for batteries.)
Adice meets your lips, continuing the pecks onto your cheek and neck. You playfully scrunch up your face, moaning dramatically.
“Stooop, you’re going to give me your Fae cooties.”
“Sweetie, if I had cooties you’d already be infected.”
Adice snickers, pulling back up to his full 6’7 height.
“I guess I wouldn’t be able to resist your handsome face either way.”
He winks, blowing a dramatic kiss. You resist the urge to roll up and whip him with a towel, knowing it would start a play fight you would not win.
(You never do win them. Those fae instincts come out and he uses all manner of trickery to come out on top. That handsome bastard.)
“Could you get me that fancy lotion? I’m feeling a little dry from the hot water.”
“Of course, dear.” Adice says, striding over to the nearby cabinet.
Shaking out your wet hair, you take a look in the mirror, ornately designed with fragmented diamond and mother-of-pearl lining. But what catches your reflection is you. The real, new you.
“Admiring my boyfriend, are you?” Adice jokes, striding up behind you and placing a hand on your shoulder, lotion set aside. “I know he’s the most handsome man in the plane, but he’s all mine.” He pulls your chest to the back, craning his neck to pepper your cheek with kisses. His shaggy purple hair tickles your nose, making you giggle.
“You’re such a goofball.”
“You’re a goofball, mister.”
He chuckles, giving you another kiss while he nuzzles your neck. You reach a hand back and card your fingers through his hair. It's unfairly soft, but you’re hoping that stealing all his magic products will do the same to yours. His grip around your chest tightens as dances another hand across your chest. Hot breath blows over your wet shoulder as he lingers downward to the towel on your waist.
“I thought I couldn't be on my feet for more than 30 minutes.”
“Don’t worry about that, honey.” With a flick of his wrist a chair is pulled toward you both, Adice hoisting you up in the air before sitting down with you on his lap. “This should help you relax.”
Adice slides a hand up your thigh, coaxing your legs open and displayed on his lap. He presses a kiss against your pulse, licking his lips as he looks down at your covered crotch. A razor shaped nail teases circles on your inner thigh, pushing up your towel only an inch. “Such nice skin.” He mumbles, his other hand joining in massaging the meat of your thigh. “Just begging to be bruised.” His large palm squeezes your knee, sending a jolt to your spine. “But that's for another time. Now, I will treat you kindly, pet.”
You sink into his chest, feeling your cock begin to harden as he moves his left hand past your hip and under your towel. Adices voice was made for dirty talk, all smooth notes and seductive growls. You gasp out a moan when he grabs your cock abruptly, out of character for his slow burn method.
“Ahh, there's those handsome sounds. I was waiting for them.”
Adice pulls back his hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your slit before he leans back and squirts lotion in his hand. You lay your head back into his shoulder, pressing your face into the side of his neck. Goosebumps rise on his skin as your breath blows across it. You nip at the skin, though Adice barely reacts to the bite..
“Naughty boy, aren’t you?” He simpers, before capturing your lips in another kiss. A lotioned hand grabs your cock, jerking lazily as Adice’s tongue prods your mouth. You moan against his lips when he squeezes around your head, rubbing small circles before gliding back down your shaft. His slicked palm slides down your cock, stopping to squeeze and fondle your balls. It's then when his other hand crawls down as well, wandering past your cock and to your ass.
“Can you lift your legs up for me, darling?” He whispers, sultry but genuine, making sure he doesn’t strain your recovering body. You nod, giving him another peck to the neck and raising your legs up. Another hand wave and two magic hands hold up your legs by the bottom of your knees, letting your calves rest suspended in the air. With greater access, Adice’s long fingers slide and spread open your cheeks, already slicked with lube. His other hand begins to jerk you off more fervently, making your stomach clench.
“Look at yourself, my love. Look as I pleasure you.”
You glance at the mirror, all folded up in your giant man’s lap. Your cock leaks precum, hot with blood, the schlick of Adice’s lotioned palm echoing in the bathroom. The site has you moan, wanting to throw your head back, but a magic third hand grabs your jaw and keeps you in place.
“Uh-uh, sweetie, you’ll miss the show.”
Adice purrs, pushing the tips of two fingers against your tight muscle ring. The lube means little resistance, but you try your best to relax your lower half anyway.
Adice easily slides himself up to his knuckle, curling his fingers. Your hips jerk forward, almost pulling your cock away from his hand. But Adice keeps a firm grip, staring your reflection right in the eyes with a smirk.
“So naughty. Desperate for more huh?” You nod, still admiring the way his hand jerks up and down your dick. “Well, I’m not cruel.” Adice pulls out the fingers to the tip, before shoving it back deep inside you. You yelp.
Adice sets a steady pace. He times his fingers to be pulling out when his other hand rubs your cock head, thrusting back in when he pulls down your shaft. Slick, sweat, and lube paints your ass cheeks, glistening under the low light of the bathroom. Your disheveled figure looks debauched compared to Adice, downright pornographic in the mirror.
You can see your toes curl, feel your stomach clench as your orgasm approaches. Adice bites his lip, your moans music to his ears.
“That feel good? Are you gonna come, love?”
You nod, tongue lolling out of your mouth, only adding to your fucked-out expression. Adice increases his pace, putting extra force into his wrist to brutalize your ass. Your hips hump toward the feeling, craving the fire and tingles.
“Come for me, honey. Come.” He whispers, nipping at your ear. The magic releases around your jaw, letting you throw your head back with a heady moan. With another jerk and spasm, you orgasm. Cum shoots onto your stomach and sweat drips down your legs.
The magic keeping your legs up stays in place, letting you flop your upper half into Adice’s chest. The stretch feels nice, the faint buzz of your crotch need the burn.
Adice kisses your cheek, moving some sweaty strands out of your face.
“I’m going to need another shower.” You mutter, breathlessly. Adice chuckles.
“Don’t worry, love. I’ll hold you up so you can rest.”
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Scream Wardrobe HCs Pt 2- Billy Loomis
Billy wears a weird blend of prep and grunge in the movie, so I tried to work with that while also considering how his style would develop after high school, because I think going to college and having an ounce more self acceptance would lead to some new threads for him
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Tommy Hilfiger & Calvin Klien
This one seems obvious, I didn't put any polos here because we all know he wears them
He's got a bunch of their pullovers and button downs, they're simultaneously a prep brand but with looser fits and styles so they slide into the grunge vibe a little
definitely has one of the oversized horizontal stripe sweaters (a la kurt cobain)
He definitely has a pair of the CK cords (bottom row on the right) they've got that good soft/ridged texture, good for covert stiming
Also CK was controversial for putting up these massive homoerotic billboards and he doesn't even know but those pictures of marky mark grabbing his dick did some subliminal messaging
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2. Levis
Boy got the 501 jeans in a few colours (blue pictured here but I think he would have the black ones too)
obvious obligatory plaid shirts, mostly in blues and greys
DENIM JACKET. I refuse to believe this kid didn't do the incredibly 90s denim on denim look at some point. Its really, really gay and he has no idea
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3. Denim cut offs
This is his only pair of shorts, he almost never wears them
Stu keeps pulling at the loose threads at the bottom so they're slowly getting shorter and shorter
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4. The classic 90's white tank top
Starts wearing these as undershirts, slowly they turn into just shirts, he wears them under unbuttoned shirts and stuff
Makes Stu lose his mind a little (Sorry, the shirt is slightly see though, Stu needs help)
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5. Big fleece lined hoodies
Boy likes a hood, sometimes you gotta not show your face
Has a habit of pulling the sleeves over his hands, which he isn't actually aware he's doing but Stu thinks its cute
in high school he probably has a plain one(on the left), later gets the sick Nine Inch Nails one and Stu likes to steal it (also Stu calls the band Nine Inch Males and it makes Billy want to strangle him)
Edit: also he’s transmasc, every single one of us has a Big Hoodie™️
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6. Obligatory turtleneck
These were massively popular, Skeet Ulrich had one
I just think he's pretentious and he goes to film school, this bitch has a turtleneck idk what to tell you
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7. Dr Martens
Boy almost never wears sneakers, he likes the thick soles and the shit-kicking vibes
He gets a pair of the brogues (on the far right) in college during his turtleneck phase but still wears the ankle-high ones lots
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8. Obligatory 90's leather pants and jacket
He buys these in like 1998/99, its the gayest thing he's ever done and it's because Trent Reznor wears them
This is basically lingerie to Stu, he's a weak man
Bonus, cause I gave Stu underwear so Billy gets some too:
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He wears the ck boxer briefs (almost exclusively, you got sensory issues? You dont fuck around with underwear)
I told you this ad campaign was gay
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