#carpet shark
bethanythebogwitch · 18 days
Australian Pokemon - single stages
Another set of Fakemon for my Goorda region, based on a combination of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Previous posts: non-natives, regional standards, creepy lines, regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, variant starters, starters
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Wakaremai, the Transport Pokemon, water/dragon type. They have been used since ancient times as transportation, carrying humans between islands with the canoes growing from their backs. Some scientists believe ancient Goordan people created the species, but are not sure how. SOme legends say that people were first brought to Goorda on the back of a gigantic Wakaremai. While massive, Wakaremai are gentle giants who feed exclusively on plankton and are easily tamed by humans. Since the invention of motorboats, Wakaremai have become more common in the wild.
Wakaremai is a combination basking shark and waka, Maori canoes. I based the design on this reconstruction waka. It fills the same niche as Lapras in being a transport focused water type and Lapras are either not native to Goorda or where never used for transport. Real life basking sharks are plankton-eating gentle giants just like Wakaremai. The story of Wakaremai bringing people to Goorda is based on Maori stories of how they first came to Aotearoa on canoes. I did make two boat sharks in the same region, but Wakaremai is a gentle giant and defensively oriented while Davalossam (in a previous post) is very hostile and offensively oriented. Wakaremai's name comes from "waka" and "reremai", the Maori word for basking shark.
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Mimicrag, the Thin Pokemon, fairy/rock type. Their bodies are paper-thin, making them incredibly flexible, but they are so light that the wind will blow them away. They live inside cracks in rocks and only emerge on windless days. Mimicrag are intelligent and mischievous Pokemon that have been known to prank hikers, but they seem to mean no harm. Legends say that the Mimicrag taught the first humans in Goorda how to survive in their new homes.
Mimicrag is based on the mimi, mythical creatures from north Australia who had to live in cracks in rocks because their bodies were so thin wind could kill them. They were believed to have inhabited Australia before humanity and taught humans how to hunt and make rock art. Depictions of the mimi are found in a lot of petroglyphs, which inspired the rock typing. Mimicrag would be a very fast and lightweight, but defensively poor Pokemon, the opposite of most rock types. The name comes from "mimi" and "crag".
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Windipet, the Carpet Shark Pokemon, flying type. These airborne Pokemon normally dwell high in the sky and eat clouds, but they occasionally come low enough to encounter humans. They are strong enough to carry a human, but need training as their normal flying style would quickly send the rider falling. Windipet are know to be playful and will spend hours playing with each other when they meet.
Windipet is a flying carpet that is a carpet shark. Specifically, it's a tasseled wobbegong and a tasseled carpet. Them living in the atmosphere and rarely coming down is a reference to atmospheric beasts, cryptids that allegedly live their entire lives in the sky. Windipet comes from "windy" and "carpet" and I tried to mimic the word wobbegong.
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Didgeridoodlebug, the Noisy Pokemon, bug/normal type. It has eight horn-like organs on its back that it can move air through to create a very loud noise. Smaller, stick-like organs coating its back are banged together to make more noises. During mating season, Didgeridoodlebug create cacophonous symphonies to attract mates, much to the dismay of any nearby humans trying to sleep.
Didgeridoodlebug is based on two Australian musical instruments and Thopha saccata, a species of Australian cicada that is a contender for the loudest insect in the world. Much like real cicadas, their songs can be very frustrating for humans. The musical instruments are the didgeridoo and clapsticks, both of which are used by Aboriginal peoples. I made it part normal type both because we don't have a bug/normal yet and to give it STAB on moves like hyper voice and uproar. Its name comes from "didgeridoo" and "doodlebug". Cicadas aren't doodlebugs, but I just couldn't pass up on that pun.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 11 months
Daily fish fact #507
Genus Cirrhoscyllium!
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This genus of carpet sharks can be identified by the stringlike barbels on their throat, something no other shark has!
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🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
Spotted Wobbegong Shark- Wobbegong might sound like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, but it is a real word. It comes from a native Australian word that means “shaggy beard”. In Australia, wobbegong sharks are lovingly called “wobbies”.
"Shaggy beard" is an apt description because wobbegong sharks do look like they have a beard. They have whiskers (called barbels) around their noses, and flaps of skin that look like tiny fins around their mouths and eyes and on the sides of their heads.
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businesscatfelix · 1 year
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made a wobbegong sona on stream today. also learned that wobbegong is not a common name for them outside australia. he’s a carpet shark!
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Beautiful beautiful carpet sharks
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cherrio-krispz · 9 months
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This is Bonkers. He came to me in a dream. He is a shark oc I think
he ate my fucking homework in my dream btw
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hi so I drew him cuz he cute
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mustelavison · 2 years
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ferret collection
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gaylittleguys · 11 months
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look at these darlings from today they were posing so well while I drew them 💕💕💕
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polishwithpride · 1 year
Whats your favorite shark?
Loaded question
I think blue shark best shark, if I were a shark I’d probably do what they do, stay around friends, stay in the sun, be curious, etc.. certainly the most relatable
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I even have a blue shark tattoo!
But if you were to ask me face value the best shark I would probably say carpet shark, specifically epaulette. It’s so fascinating to me that they’ve started walking on land 🫢 I also think they’re nothing short of beautiful and I think smaller sharks like that often get overlooked
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My opinion on Great Whites:
I don’t think they’re overrated, definitely in my top 5, I would more say all the others are underrated and of course Deep Blue is a g
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my beloved nurse shark
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Wobbegong (Carpet shark)
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rollo-o-rollo · 7 months
I got one quick video of him in action 😁
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🦈 Daily Shark Fact: 🦈
The Bluegrey Carpetshark is a nocturnal species, which shelter on rocky reefs during the day and forages around the reef and surrounding substrates, including seagrass beds, during the night. This species receives refuge in marine national parks or sanctuary zones of marine protected areas that overlap with its distribution.
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
Chiloscyllium plagiosum, the whitespotted bamboo shark.
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pochqmqri · 10 months
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Zebra sharks at the Cairns Aquarium in Cairns, QLD, Australia
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