#cause he knew he’d be forever undone
darlingod · 11 months
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agoodroughandtumble · 4 months
Can You Be Good For Me? - Zoro x F!Reader Oneshot
Status: Complete
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
Summary: Drunken confessions
Warning(s): 18+ Language, alcohol
“Can you be good for me?” The words sloshed in your mouth just like the sake that had caused them to slur out. Half-lidded eyes searched Zoro’s, too drunk to care about the implications of the meaning but too sober to allow him to brush it off.
Zoro’s eyebrows furrowed, “I’m always good to you.”
You rolled your eyes and took another drink. That wasn’t what you were saying and he should know that. A frustrated groan left your lips. “You know what I mean.”
His look of confusion slowly melted into one of amused affection. It was obvious you were at least tipsy which usually meant this was one of the few times you not only acknowledged emotions but actively sought to discuss them. Perhaps some other man would be annoyed at the slightly inebriated confrontation and the fact you could never really day what was on your mind without the inhibition breaking alcohol. But Zoro welcomed it. He knew you well enough to know that this wasn’t malicious – keeping your guard up and youe emotions at bay had kept you safe. Allowing yourself to drop your guard, allowing yourself to be vulnerable only told him how much you trusted him, how much you trusted him to be your safeguard.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, thigh touching thigh. And although you were still annoyed at his lack of a solid answer you were quietly relishing in the close proximity and physical contact. You mentally stopped yourself. That was the entire problem. You were becoming far too comfortable and far too physically reliant on someone who your drunken state of mind would describe as having the emotional capacity of a brick. Maybe that was being too harsh, or maybe Zoro had been fucking you for a month without ever venturing further than “I like you, you know I do.”
the first two weeks had been fine. Just sex. Just really fucking good sex. Just scratching an itch and indulging the obvious tension between the pair of you. And then your stupid heart had to get involved. All of a sudden you were craving his attention, desperate to be near him, to understand him on na level no one else could. You got jealous and needy and fantasised about all of the things he could, should say to you. You were fucked.
So of course you had done what any sane person would have done – ignored, repressed, kept fucking him even though every time broke your heart but fuck the way he looked at you in those moments. The way his hands clung onto your hips, your waist, your thighs as he came inside you. The way he whispered into your ear, telling you to let go, he’s got you, just show me, as you came completely undone around him. The fucking eye contact, the fucking moans because you were so clearly made for his cock, and his alone. You let yourself endure the heartbreak. You let yourself fall completely in love with him if it meant those stolen, secret moments could last forever.
But, as there was always a but, the alcohol in your system was giving you a rare sense of confidence and you wriggled out of his grasp slightly – albeit not enough that your thigh no longer touched his – you would allow yourself that much. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Zoro wasn’t entirely sure what you getting at, “I said I’m always good to you.”
You let out a loud sigh, “Yes, but are you good for me?”
His hand cupped your jaw, feeling you automatically tense against his touch. His heart hurt at your reaction, even more so because he didn’t know what he’d done wrong. God, he fucking loved you but you weren’t half infuriating sometimes. “Y/N,” his voice softened as he tried to soothe the tension by caressing your jaw with his thumb, “Stop being cryptic and just tell me what’s wrong.”
You gulped. Selfishly you had been hoping Zoro would be annoyed. That he’d accuse you of being too drunk, too emotional, too hard to deal with and you’d talk about it tomorrow. You could deal with that. Arguing and confrontation would be a hell of a lot easier to deal with than actually saying what you meant – admitting it out loud, making all of the thoughts and feelings real. You could take anything over that. You could handle his rejection if it was because you were being an argumentative arsehole. You couldn’t handle the rejection if it was because he just didn’t love you back.
You bit your lip, the confidence the sake had given you long gone. If it wasn’t for his hand burning against your skin you would have run away but fuck when we was looking at you so fucking earnestly how could you say anything but the truth. “I want you to be good for me not to me because,” you screwed your eyes shut but delaying the inevitable was nigh on impossible, “Because I love you. I’m in love with you, Zoro.”
A pause. An agonizingly long, heart-breaking, soul-crushing pause. You clenched your fists trying to mentally prepare yourself for the “gentle” let down. And then … Zoro laughed. Laughed.
You jerked away from him. A rejection was expected but laughing at you was just fucking cruel. You felt sick. How had you let yourself be to stupid? How had you allowed yourself to fall in love with someone so heartless? You were such an idiot. You stood up to walk away but Zoro grabbed your wrist. Tears threatened to spill. What more could he want now? How much did he honestly want to humiliate you?
“Where are you going?” His voice sounded sincere but you weren’t blind to it any more.
“Away. Where do you think?”
Zoro pulled you back and infuriatingly you stumbled into him. His arms found your waist again to steady you. “You can’t say that and run away. Not to me.”
You wanted to hit him or the table or yourself, anything to get rid of even the smallest fraction of your anger. “You laughed, Zoro. You laughed at me so, and I mean this nicely – go fuck yourself.”
“Hey! Hey…” the hand on your waist started rubbing circles along your spine. Despite yourself the sensation was managing to calm you down. “You’re being an idiot and-”
You tensed again, “So I’m a joke and an idiot? Thanks.”
Zoro sighed and used his other hand to brush your hair behind your ear. “You’re not a joke.” His hand moved down to linger against your neck. “But you are an idiot if you think I laughed at you. I laughed at the ridiculousness of this situation.”
Against your better judgement you relaxed against him, knowing full well you were going to regret this in the morning.
“Y/N, look at me. I laughed because it’s …” he sighed and leant forward to press his forehead against yours, “It’s a cosmic fucking joke that everyone else can see how much I fucking love you except you.”
Another pause. Only this time the onus was on you. “Oh.”
Zoro’s eyebrows raised in amusement, “Oh? At least laughing is more than one syllable.”
A blush rushed across your cheeks and you pressed your lips together to keep from smiling too widely. “Maybe we should forget talking for now, lest it leads to any other misunderstandings.” With that you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. And didn’t stop kissing him.
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danikamariewrites · 7 months
could i request one with rhys x reader where he is so incredibly in love with her it’s ridiculous. He is such a simp for her, she literally only has to ask and he gets her anything she wants. one day she jokes about him being very generous and says
” i’m sure if i ask for a golden pony, you’ll find a way”
next day he’s visiting Helion and asks for a golden pony.
The ic even makes fun of how much he simps for reader. One day they’re all walking in velaris to go to ritas and readers strap on her heel slips. Rhys gets on his knees to fix it with no hesitation. The inner circle looks at him with incredible shock and their jaws are dropped. Bc in acomaf it says that he has sacred tattoos on his knees and will never bow for no one and nothing but his crown. it’s the first time they ever see rhys on his knees for someone. Reader doesn’t know ab it and just says thank you and they continue walking. After a while he confesses to her and she feels the same and live happy forever 😁😁
Only For You
Rhys x reader
A/n: this is so freakin cute and writing this had me kicking my feet giggling
Warnings: none
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You and Rhys had grown up together, so his kindness and generosity was nothing new to you. Whenever you needed or even just wanted something Rhys would get it for you. New shoes? Done, he knows what style you like. Need new clothes? He has your size and his tailor knows exactly what to make you.
You had always insisted on paying you back but he never let you. Rhys would always say, “Nonsense y/n. I like biting you things so please let me get this for you.” You’d breathe out a sigh of defeat and cup his cheek. “Thank you Rhys. I swear if I asked for a golden Pegasus you’d find me one.”
Rhys cherished your warm touch. He loved your soft skin and how gentle you are with him. The High Lord was so clearly in love with you but he was too afraid to admit it. If Rhys lost you as a friend because of his feelings he doesn’t know how he’d go on.
And he didn’t forget about that golden Pegasus. It was your 450th birthday present and you named her Sunny.
Tonight you were all headed to Rita’s to unwind after a busy work week. Mor had teased you about Rhys while you got ready together. “He’s completely and utterly in love with you! How can you not see he is wrapped around your finger.”
You had just rolled your eyes and laughed at your friend. “We’ve been friends for centuries Mor. Rhys would’ve said something by now. I just have to deal with that.” Deep down you were mad,y in love with Rhys. You just kept telling yourself he didn’t feel the same way. It made everything easier. You two were just friends after all.
Walking to Rita’s you and Cassian were hanging on each other crying laughing at something Mor said about Amren. Your heel caught in a crack of the cobblestone, causing the strap of your shoe to come undone. “Oops, hold on a second, my shoe.”
The group stopped as you lifted your dress a little to asses the damage. Before you could fix it, Rhys was on his knees looking up at you with a small smile. “I got it for you darling.”
His fingers gently grazed your ankle, sending a shiver up your body. You watched as Rhys carefully buckled the strap around your ankle again. Without thinking he caressed your calf and looked up at you. You swear you saw hearts in his eyes.
You run your fingers through his soft raven locks, bringing your hand down to caress his face, holding his chin. Giving it a small squeeze you say, “Thanks Rhys.” Mor giggles and takes your arm, pulling you ahead of the boys.
Cassian and Azriel stare at their brother with their jaws on the ground. Rhys stands, brushing off his pants. “I thought you said-“ Cassian started. Rhys cut him off, “Only for my equal.” Cassian didn’t think it was possible but he felt his jaw unhinge more at Rhys’s confession.
Rhys started to follow you and Mor while Cassian stood frozen. Azriel came up next to him closing his mouth and patting him on the back. “I can’t believe I knew before you.” He said with a smug look on his face.
When you woke up the next morning something felt different. You felt a light in your chest, pulling you out of your room.
Getting ready you follow that pull down the hall all the way to Rhys’s office. You find him sitting in his armchair, seemingly contemplating something. You felt nervousness radiating off him. Not only could you hear his heartbeat, but you swore you felt it in your own chest.
Pausing, you place your hand over your heart. You slowly approach him. Resting a hand on his shoulder Rhys leans back into the cushioned seat, placing his hand over yours. Rhys looked up at you with a hope on his beautiful face. The light of the fire in the hearth before him highlighting his high cheekbones and perfect jawline.
Closing your eyes you took a chance and reached out down that new glowing bond. Towards Rhys. Towards unconditional love. Rhys gripped your hand tighter as he let out a shaky breath.
Opening your eyes you found Rhys’s line with silver. You blinked your own tears away as you looked at him with adoration. “I’ve loved you for so long,” he whispered. “I said I’d never bow before anyone or anything but my crown. That changed when I found you, my equal in every sense of the word.”
Rhys pulled you onto his lap. “I love you too Rhys,” you whispered back, “I’ll share that crown with you for the rest of our lives.”
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taeskooksbin · 6 months
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→ 𝖲𝖴𝖬𝖬𝖠𝖱𝖸 . kim taehyung, your love interest has been cheating on you for so long and despite knowing it all, you're still somewhat not able to leave him, why?
→ 𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 . cheater!kim taehyung (male lead) × love interest!reader (female lead)
→ 𝖦𝖤𝖭𝖱𝖤 . cheating au.
→ 𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 . lowercase intended, heavy angst with shitty writing, the reader is kind of dumb, some filmy scenes that may give you the ick.
→ 𝖠𝖴𝖳𝖧𝖮𝖱'𝖲 𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖤 . to people who are reading this, can someone please give me a tut on how I add my masterlist to my account? lmao I'm so bad at this 😭
→ 𝖱𝖠𝖳𝖨𝖭𝖦 . none
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“You and me we made a vow
For better or for worse”
The memories, still fresh in my mind, the day we got married, room our vows to be wedded to each other our whole life with no uncertainty. I never knew we’d come to this point where the happily established relationship is at the verge of breaking off, I truly never did. But I suppose that's life, unexpected things?
“I can't believe you let me down
But the proof's in the way it hurts”
If it were a few months ago, I would've never believed, oh hell, who would've? we were so happy and content together then how? ‘you’re my only one’ ‘if I ever do something just slap me and remind me who was the one with me all along’ ‘i love you, forever and always’ I suppose they were just void words, nothing else.
“For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tear”
The memory is still as fresh as an undone bruise, in my mind. When he accidently left his phone at home and I found messages from an unknown woman, usually it would've been normal and I believe myself to be an understanding one.
However, you can't be really understanding if your husband gets a message somewhat like ‘thanks for the night, meet tomorrow again?’. I chuckled at my stupidity cause I still thought that it was a misunderstanding, every night slapping myself back to reality, whenever I’d cry over that.
“I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here”
I don't want to live like this anymore, not anymore. But can I really leave him? No. All the happy moments we shared together flood back in my mind whenever I’d think of leaving him, concerned about difficulties and troubles he’d face.
But is it really him who needs me? Not at all, it’s the other way around. At this point I’m way too dependent on him to leave him, way too used to seeing his face, making breakfast, sleeping together, referring to myself as his wife.
“You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done”
He cupped my face, “You’re behaving really crazily these days, what is happening?” I can't feel the concern, it's the annoyance which is lacing off his voice, covered up as a facade of ‘concern’. “You really don't know?” I smiled with moisture building up in my eyes while he looked at me in confusion.
“But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one”
He frowned, “What are you talking about, baby?” I could hear myself chuckling bitterly internally, but I did not dare to do this infront of him, I shook my head lightly with a smile, “Nothing” I smiled, like always.
“You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why”
“I was calling you the whole day, why were you not picking up? what if it was something important?” I yelled, “I was busy” Busy sure, perhaps busy giving company to her? I could laugh at my misery at this point, however I'm way too exhausted to even do that, the after effects of crying myself to sleep every night I suppose?
“Your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows you kept mine”
I smiled gleamingly as soon as he stepped foot in the house, running over to him and holding his wrist while dragging him to the kitchen, “What is happening?” He spoke with confusion and gasped at all the dishes in the house; however, as soon as he was about to speak, he got a call.
He excused himself and walked to the corner and then swiftly made another excuse and walked out of the house. What he didn't know was how I was following him, after hearing the faint ‘Happy Anniversary’ through the call.
“You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done”
I saw him walking inside a house, I knew who lived there and not wanting to hurt myself anymore, I walked to move out until I saw the two silhouettes, the guy keeping an arm around the girl’s waist and the girl wrapping her arms around his neck, they both swayed to the music elegantly and finally my tears made an appearance on my face, finally.
“But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one”
The way back home, it was getting hard not to earn judgmental stares from everyone. When I reached back home, I broke down after trying too hard to hold the sobs. Even choking on my own tears many times, I threw every picture of ours, shattering them all in pieces.
“I have loved you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough”
I walked to the kitchen and saw the pleasant dishes, all decorated with love and walked to the fridge, I opened and saw a homemade cake, ‘Happy Fifth Anniversary’ was written on the vanilla cake.
I smiled bitterly, my salty tears falling on it, ruining the whole taste and it was getting harder to breathe now, I kept the cake on the kitchen top and walked upstairs to find my inhaler.
“You've made me realise my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up”
I opened every cupboard and then when I found none, I opened our cabinet which was locked, I opened it only to find my unused inhaler which was beside the divorce papers with his part already signed, and that was enough for me to break now.
“You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done”
Taehyung walked inside the house only to find the horrendous view, shattered pictures, the house all messy, blood drops all over the floor. He ran inside the kitchen only to find his wife sitting on the dining table with an emotionless face, she looked crazy to him.
“But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one”
I looked up only to find him standing with a shocked expression and smiled, walking towards him I held his hand, “What is all thi—” He started but I cut him off, “I hate you” I whispered, he frowned,
“What are you talking—” He started as his voice rose but I smiled and pulled him closer, the music was playing and soon enough the same song was playing while he and she were dancing.
I chuckled, finally he knows that I know. I forcefully made him reenact the same dance steps they did while I was watching, keeping his hand on my waist, I wrapped mine around his neck and started swaying while looking at him with a sad smile.
This was it, this is the end now. He walked to the living room and saw the divorce papers lying on the table with her sign, and soon enough she walked out of the room with a suitcase in her hand. He realised now, what role she played- fuck that, what huge role she played in his life. But would she stop to give him a chance now? Never.
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# ask taehyung
# ask y/n
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beth--b · 2 years
It felt like he’s been running forever.
 It had only really been a few minutes, but time did strange things when running for your life.
 His lungs were beginning to ache, his legs were starting to slow.
 Each moment seemed to stretch for an eternity. He couldn’t stop though. If he stopped, he’d be dead.
A few hours earlier….
 “Geralt! Let’s take a break, it’s hot Geralt!” Jaskier was drenched in sweat, doublet undone, and sleeves rolled up to try and feel any small breeze that may come his way.
 The Witcher, who was also hot but would never admit it, simply shook his head and kept walking.
 Jaskier gave a dramatic groan and trudged on, muttering under his breath about ‘bloody Witcher’s not feeling the heat’, causing Geralt to roll his eyes at the ridiculous bard.
 As the sun reached its peak Geralt finally called them to a stop and moved off the path with Roach and followed a small trail into the nearby woods.
 “There is a lake nearby, we can refill our waterskins and take a break for the worst heat of the day. Don’t want Roach to overheat.”
 Jaskier snorted and shook his head. “Of course not, wouldn’t want Roach to get too hot, darling girl that she is.”
ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/39917292
They didn’t have to walk too far before they found the lake that Geralt remembered. It would be a good place to get some reprieve from the hottest part of the day lest Roach, or Jaskier, keel over from heat stroke.
 Before long Jaskier was stripped down to his braies and cooling off in the water. Geralt made sure Roach was settled before scanning the area to ensure there were no drowners or similar nearby before joining the bard.
 They enjoyed a few hours cooling down and washing away the sweat and grime of the road. Perhaps they were too relaxed. Geralt should have heard it coming but one moment they were sprawled out under a tree, Jaskier dozing while Geralt meditated, and the next a giant centipede was trying to eat them.
 Normally this wouldn’t have been such an issue, but they were unprepared and unarmed, Geralt’s armour lying beside him on the ground after their dip in the water, his swords sheathed with their gear.
 “Run Jaskier,” Geralt yelled, as Jaskier scrambled to his feet. For once realising that he needed to listen the bard took off running into the trees, Geralt diving for his sword the last thing he saw as he looked briefly over his shoulder.
 Then he ran, slowing after a few moments expecting the fight to be over quickly and Geralt call him back. And then another of the giant centipedes came rushing at him from the trees. He could still hear Geralt fighting with the first one, so he knew there were at least two, he hoped there were no more.
 “Fuck,” he muttered, taking off again.
 He could hear is behind him, its body making an awful clicking noise that he just knew would feature in his nightmares in the near future.
 It was gaining on him, and he was tiring.
 Jaskier’s foot caught on a tree root, he fell hard, biting back a curse at the sharp pain in his ankle and knees, hands scraping along the forest floor. Pushing the pain aside he got back to his feet as quickly as he could, but it was too late. The monster was on him and squeezing. Vision going grey at the edges he struggled at much as possible, but he couldn’t make the thing release him.
 He could feel his ribs creaking with the pressure and felt like he was going to pass out. Just as he felt like his lungs were going to burst the pressure began to lessen and finally was gone.
 He was vaguely aware of the sounds of fighting but before he could focus the sounds were gone. He felt a hand tapping his cheek, heard someone speaking to him, but he was too far gone to respond or even understand what was being said.
Jaskier woke with a groan, tried to sit up, then immediately regretted it when his ribs protested the movement.
 “Jaskier?” Geralt asked, leaning over the bard.
 “Hmm…Geralt? Wha’ happened?” he asked, feeling his lungs and ribs ache at the words.
 “Shh, you’ve got a few cracked ribs and almost had the life squeezed out of you. You’ll be sore for a while. Don’t push yourself. Try to breathe normally though. I’ve wrapped your ribs but you’re badly bruised and it will take time to heal.”
 “Alright. You ok?” he asked, reaching a hand out to Geralt who took it and pressed a kiss to the palm before holding on and giving a gentle squeeze.
 “I’m find Jask, just a few bumps and bruises. Have to say I haven’t seen those bloody beasts outside of Brokilon before. I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner,” the Witcher said before releasing the bard’s hand and moving to stand back up.
 Jaskier made a noise of protest, trying to grab hold of Geralt’s hand again, but was ignored for the time being. He watched as Geralt moved to their bags and pulled something out before moving back to the small fire he had going. Just as Jaskier felt sleep tugging him back down Geralt was back, lifting him up slowly and moving in behind him before passing Jaskier a cup filled with something warm.
 “Painkiller, should make thing more tolerable for you. If only you could take something of mine, but I think that you’d rather a little pain while healing than being dead.:
 Jaskier snorted a laugh and then moaned as the pain jostled his injured ribs. Deciding laughter was out, he just shook his head and took the cup from Geralt, sipping at the contents until it was gone. Geralt took the cup and set it aside before helping Jaskier ease back down onto the bedroll.
 “Stay?” The bard asked, tugging Geralt in closer.
 Geralt shifted so he could lay on his side, then helped the bard ease his head onto the arm that was beneath him. Jaskier settled in with a sigh, relaxing as the painkillers did their job and let himself fall asleep knowing that Geralt would be there beside him.
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amiramorozova · 2 years
Secret Penpal within the little palace pt. 9 Surrender pt.2
Pairing: Amira Silina x Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan  Warning: Smut pt.2 
I looked at him considering what he just said as he was still sheathed inside of me keeping his seed inside of me as we'd just came undone together and now he was offering to do it all over again. I debated it as I knew that we were not going to be disturbed by any means as I thought of it before I pushed him to lay on his back as I grinded my hips against his and we moaned from the friction. Not only that he was getting hard again by me doing that and I saw the desire in his eyes.
"I hear you're the big bad General..make the Druskelle quake in fear. Make a woman fall to her knees but right now you're on your back." I said as I was a bit too confident. I thought I had the advantage like this but then he gripped my hips and thrusted up inside of me making my knees weak as I moaned. "You forget who you're with Amira.." He said as he kept thrusting up inside of me.
I knew I thought I could take another round but he had me trembling already and I knew the risk with him not using any protection. My mind didn't care as he kept thrusting up inside of me hitting the special spot as I lifted my head back. I wanted nothing more than to have him at that moment and he seemed to be feeling the same way cause he wasn't giving me any time to have. See Amira. you are mine. Now and forever." Aleksander said
I thought he was going to keep me in this position until he pulled out and switched our position as he had me on my hands and knees before he slid back in and we were moaning. I realized he was fucking me senseless and when he'd pulled out that some of his seed had gotten out but he'd only replace it. I gripped the sheets as he thrusted deep and hard inside of me as I moaned. Feeling him pull out just to thrust back in completely made me feel so helpless and my mind blurred.
I could feel it building again and I could tell he was too cause he was starting to twitch inside of me that he put a hand on my shoulder as if he was going to be even rougher with me as we both stopped when there was a knock on the door. I felt him sheathed still inside of me but then I felt him use his shadows as his shadows were getting something only made me curious. Yet when he pulled out I whined but his shadows put something inside of me to clearly keep me from going anywhere as his Shadows also bind me in place.
He also had another thread of shadows get his cloak as he put it on and went to the door. I tried to get free wanting to be there by his side but his shadows held me in place good as I struggled against the shadows. She had no choice but to watch as he opened the door as he seemed to be intrigued in something but then she listened.
"General, you left the fete. Is everything alright?" Ivan asked as he seemed to retain his composure he had at the fete. "Yes, Ivan. Everything is fine but I'm dealing with some business..a meeting with the one I've been exchanging letters with." Aleksander said as his eyes went to me but then he seemed to give the look for me to be silent. I hated it already how he affected me but I did as he said. "Oh, I see. Pardon my disturbance." Ivan said and left.
Aleksander walked right back over to me as he climbed back on the bed and then had his shadows let me go and remove what the shadows had slid inside of me. I gasped as he watched me before he smacked my ass and I didn't expect that. "Ivan could have walked in and seen you like this all sprawled out for me." Aleksander said before he'd already lined up and thrusted back in as he chuckled "Now I think I had you on the edge."
I gripped the sheets as he was rough and he only got rougher as his hand went back to my shoulder and one on the bed frame as we moaned. I knew the risk since again he wasn't using protection but I didn't care. In that moment I only wanted him to keep going as he made me a moaning mess. His hand on my shoulder pulled me where my back was against his chest as he kept thrusting up inside of me.
My vision was becoming blurry from all the pleasure and my thoughts were clouded as I knew that it was only a matter of time before we came undone. "Feels good, doesn't it? You fucking feel perfect like you were made for me." Aleksander said in my ear while he kept going as I moaned. I was trying to hold on but he only smirked "Cum for me Amira."
I moaned as I felt my body react and once again my body was wrecked with pleasure as I felt him continue his rough thrusts as he came with me. Once again filling me as he kept thrusting into me as we moaned. When he was fully spent and so was I we collapsed as he stayed within me again adjusting me so he could let my legs rest on his.
I was coming down from my high as I looked at him wondering what was he really up to since he stayed within me. "Why are you keeping yourself within me?" I asked as I was catching my breath. He chuckled as he looked at me, his dark eyes seemed to mesmerize mine as he put his hand under my chin. "Maybe I'm hoping it'll take now..then you will remain mine." He said as he took my hand and kissed the top of my hand. "The ring marks you as mine already."
I wanted to get up but my legs did not give any sign of moving as we laid there. "I can hardly feel my legs..feels like their tingling." I said as he looked at me with a slight smirk. "Guess that means I've done well if you feel a tingle in your legs. Eventually you won't and you'll be able to leave..but tonight you can sleep here." Aleksander said
I eventually fell asleep as we laid like that for the rest of the night, so when I woke up the next morning I realized he'd slipped out and we had adjusted. I felt his arm around my waist and my back was against his chest.
Baghra will be livid if she thinks I slacked off or left the fete to be fucked by the General...he was right. I feel my legs now but damn..I already want him again.. I thought
I looked down and started to remove his arm as I knew if I didn't get free he'd have me again. He had work to do as the General and I was needing to go. Tidemakers didn't get luxury to lay around and if Ivan found me he would scold me good.
I can see it now, he's going to scold me for being fucked by the General..nah no one is going to know this happened. I thought
As I finally went to get up I felt my wrist be grabbed as I was pulled back down and met eyes with Aleksander. "Did I say you can go?" Aleksander asked as I shook my head. I knew he wouldn't really punish me but I needed to get away from him to keep people from suspecting anything. "Aleksander if they find us...they'll suspect." I said as he pulled me close to him and I felt weak to him.
Aleksander looked at me as he leaned close and kissed me. I kissed him back and before I realized what he was doing he grabbed my other wrist and pulled me back on top of him. I knew he had me as he started to kiss my neck again and I muffled a moan but he lightly bit down on my neck as I gasped. I realized he was marking me as his and yet I still didn't fight back cause I wanted him.
"Saints..Baghra is going to be mad at me." I said
He chuckled at that as he adjusted me and smirked "Once more then you can go." Aleksander said as I felt the throbbing in my core at the temptation and I nod eagerly. Aleksander kissed my neck as he lined up again to my entrance and then he thrusted inside of me. We moaned as that familiar feeling of him perfectly inside of me was brought back.
Aleksander knew exactly what he was up to as he started his harsh pace and I was powerless to do anything about it. I knew after last night he could push me to my limits and even past it as we were both moaning in pleasure. Till the knock interrupted and he stopped within me but the grip he had on me gentle but enough to keep me in the spot. He wasn't going to go anywhere since I was going to training once we were done.
"Sir, Amira Silina hasn't been seen this morning." Ivan said as Aleksander looked at me with a smirk. "No Ivan, Amira is right here having a meeting with me. She's fine." Aleksander said loud enough for Ivan to see. I looked at him knowing this wasn't no meeting with him but Ivan seemed to buy it. But when he kept going I didn't last much longer as we both moaned when we came undone.
After that I needed to catch my breath as he was getting his own breath under control as He wanted to make sure. When he pulled out I felt it trying to leak out but he seemed to wipe it up and push it back in me as I sighed a bit in pleasure. After that we got dressed and I went to leave but he pulled me back and kissed me. "Come back tonight.." Aleksander whispered as he kissed my cheek, the feeling of his beard scratching my cheek. "I'll think about it." I said then left.
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treatian · 2 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Fathers and Sons
Chapter 45: A False Start
One day, when he asked her to marry him, she'd say "yes." And with that thought in mind, he didn't think he'd ever slept better in all his life.
Oh, he was worried. Worrying was in his nature. And he knew that this future he saw, bright as it was, did have an ending. After a night of good sleep, he'd decided that while he wanted to believe in Bae's version of the Seer's prophecy, he couldn't. One day the prophecy would come true. One day Pan would come out of that box. One day he'd be undone and all because of his grandson. But he didn't want to spend the time that he had left dwelling on that fact. He didn't want to be consumed by it when there were so many other wonderful and lovely things that he could be consumed by. So, he'd made a deal with himself; until the day came that Pan did come out of the box, he'd accept that Bae's version of the truth was the truth itself.
After all, as the golden sun of a new day leaked into their room and Belle began to rouse, he was suddenly very aware of the fact that he'd never felt more undone in all his life.
"Last night was the first time I really slept since you left," she muttered against him as she tightened her grip and burrowed deeper into his side. "Rest is a beautiful thing."
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he corrected, kissing the top of her head.
"You only say that because it's first thing in the morning. You've nothing to compare me to yet."
Lies. But he found her humility a breath of fresh air after the time he'd spent on the island.
"I've seen thousands of mornings, millions of sunsets and sunrises, mountains and valleys, great kingdoms and small islands," he corrected again. "I have a lot to compare it to, and yet your beauty in the morning, just when you've woken up, is more stunning than anything I ever have seen in any realm or anything I ever will see for the rest of my life," he declared with absolute confidence. "It takes my breath away each and every time."
He felt her cheeks bunch in a smile before she turned her head to place a kiss over his heart that made him want to sing.
"Are you sure it's not just the fact that I'm naked?" she questioned suddenly, moving the sheet at his waist up over his chest.
Now it was his turn to smile. "It's not…but it certainly doesn't hurt your cause."
She laughed out loud and then pushed herself up so that she could kiss his mouth once before returning to where she was. He loved when she was like this, when they were like this. He'd never loved lazy days in all his life, not until there was her. If he had it his way, they'd be here for the next week together. But as it was, he didn't have that option. David's water wasn't going to last forever. He needed the cure. And he had promised Baelfire that it would be the first thing on his list this morning.
"We don't even get a day…" Belle muttered wistfully against him as if knowing where his own thoughts had gone. Hell, for all he knew, she did know. Sometimes it felt as though they were of one mind. He hoped that was true. If it was, then she might just understand.
"I know," he added sadly. "But someday we'll get a day, maybe we'll even get two."
"And there will always be something else!" she insisted.
"It won't always be that way."
"It seems like it will be," she sighed sadly.
He understood that feeling. He felt it himself. Regularly. But usually, Belle was the one convincing him that the sun was going to shine again at some point. Not the other way around. He was the pessimistic one. He was the one that should be thinking about how David needed a cure, about the fact that Pan was currently trapped in his shop with only minimal protection, about the fact that the shadow, was in Storybrooke attached to a sail only by Regina's magic and if anything went wrong the results could be disastrous.
He suppressed a shiver. He was pessimistic again.
"Belle, I need you to do something for me."
"Anything…" she muttered, stretching beside him and moving her foot over his shin in a way that threatened to drive him mad.
"I want you to come spend the day with me in the shop."
Suddenly the movement of her foot stopped. Instantly he knew that she suspected more than he'd meant her to. Sometimes he forgot just how smart she was.
"Why?" she asked suspiciously, raising herself up onto her elbow to look down at him. "What's wrong?"
Too damn smart.
"Maybe nothing."
"That also means maybe something," she challenged.
"It's just a precaution," he reasoned, doing his best to move his hand along her back and return to some of the calm they'd shared a few minutes before he'd opened his mouth. "It'll put my mind at ease."
But as he ran his fingers through her hair, she grabbed his hand. She pressed her thumb into his palm and moved it outward before she closed her eyes and kissed it. When she opened her eyes, she was looking down at him, her gaze resolved.
"Tell me what happened in Neverland."
And here they were. At the part he very much so did not want to be in. At the part where he didn't want to consider but knew that he had to for her sake. Only…not here. Not like this. It wasn't because he didn't want to tell her about it; it was only for the same reason he hadn't wanted to talk about Milah or Margery or Cora while they were together in their bed like this. He wanted their bed to be about just the pair of them. The rest of the world could hold everyone else. But this place was sacred.
"There's too much to tell it all in one morning," he explained, reaching up and pulling her down to his chest again, thrilled at the lack of fight that she put up to it. "But if you come with me for the day, I'll tell you all I can."
He felt her nod in acceptance of his proposal, and he sighed in relief. Relief and maybe something else. It had been a long time since he felt it, but he was fairly sure this was what it felt like to be relaxed. It wouldn't last. The world would come pressing in any moment now, he was sure, but after the time he'd spent in Neverland, not knowing one hour from one day or what was going on or constantly thinking up plans of action and fending off games of mental torture…it was nice to simply lay here, to hold the woman he loved, to know that his grandson was safe and that his son loved him. Other than the potential impending doom outside their bedroom door, it was perfect.
"Next time…I'm going with you on the adventure…"
It would have been perfect, outside of that comment that she'd just made. He felt his insides clench as he lay beside her. She'd said it almost wistfully. As if going on an adventure with him would be something romantic that she dreamed about. But when he remembered what happened in Neverland, the hell that so-called "adventure" had been…
Oh, yes…he'd wanted her there, almost as much as he was glad she hadn't been there and was instead safe and sound back in Storybrooke.
He hadn't meant to say it so harshly. And, in fact, he'd meant to say it with an explanation, but just the thought of Belle being in Neverland, of facing Peter Pan, of being helpless before villains so much stronger and more powerful than she was…it put the fear of the gods into him. But not Belle, apparently.
"No?" she snapped automatically, pulling away from him to glare down at him. "Why not?! Why no?!"
"Because I won't knowingly put you in danger like that. Never. Not again."
The first time with Regina…he still couldn't forgive himself for what she'd endured by putting her in a compromising situation, and he had no intention of ever forgiving himself or ever putting her in that position again. If he'd let her come with them to Neverland, she might have been confronted by Pan, held captive, hurt, or worse, killed. He'd never willingly put her in that position. Hell, he'd never willingly put Bae in that position. If he could have stopped him from going to Neverland, he would have. And that was what he intended to do from now on. He intended to-
Kiss her.
Be kissed by her.
Be captivated by her.
One minute they were fighting about something or other, and the next, she was kissing him. She was moving over top of him, silencing every thought he had and every action he'd prepared for in favor of seeking out her hands to hold and sighing into her mouth. Kissing was so much better than fighting! Fuck, what had they been talking about?
"You don't need to worry about that, Rumple," she muttered as she kissed him. Worry…what wasn't he supposed to worry about? "I get into danger quite well all on my own."
They all came flooding back into him the second she stopped kissing him and said those words. She got into danger on her own. Ariel…she'd said that they'd run into complications getting the box despite it just being a hole in the floor. And somehow, John and Michael were in town despite the fact that he couldn't remember them being here before. Danger...
"Now, just let me take a shower, and we'll go to the store for the day." She tried to roll away, but he gripped her hand too tight for her to go. The words she'd said were echoing in his head worse than any Dark One or Seer ever had. "Rumple," she laughed his name as if it was a joke, but he wasn't laughing, and he couldn't release her. He was too panicked to let her go.
That wasn't trouble she found on her own that was trouble he put her into.
It was his fault she endangered herself. How could she not see it? How could she not be bothered by it?!
"Rumple, what? What's wrong?"
He was suddenly aware that she was a weight on top of him again, that her hand was on his cheek, and she was trying to make eye contact, but he'd been seeing through her into a past that he desperately rebelled against being his future. The world came into clearer focus again. The present. He was where she was again.
He held her hand tight in his own, kissed her knuckles, and closed his eyes to the torment his mind had conjured. What was wrong? How could she so flippantly treat the idea of danger after everything they'd been through, after how often they'd been parted? How could she not understand?!
"I can't…I can't lose you…not again, not in any way, not ever," he stressed, hoping she wouldn't just know, but that she'd take his plea seriously. He'd lost too many people in his life, some of them multiple times. Darkness, evil, death, danger…the idea of losing her, or Bae, or Henry to any of it was the most painful thing he could imagine. He didn't think he'd live through another loss.
Oh, he prayed she'd understand that. For a moment, the seriousness of her face reflected the possibility that she'd understood what he'd been getting at. And then she softened over him once more. Leaned her head close and kissed him. Again. Then again. Then again, until he was helpless against her once more, until he simply had to put his arms around her waist and pull her closer, until his desire for her overwhelmed every sense of panic and worry that had been there a second ago, and there was nothing but the two of them, here in this room, with each other. Even when she stopped kissing him and just laid there, her forehead against his own, breathing into him, and him breathing into her, he felt peace and calm and rest.
"We're strong when we're together," she whispered suddenly. "We're safer when we're side by side. And we're happier than most people ever will be when it's just the two of us. If we stay together, then the word doesn't stand a chance, and if we work together, then we'll never be apart again."
Oh, those were some very, very sweet words. And he wanted them to be true, truly he did. But he could think of about half a dozen reasons for why it was untrue, how sweet words didn't translate well to reality, and why words like that whispered between lovers didn't hold up in a court of law. He could think of all that…but he preferred not to. Not now.
So, he flung his arms around her waist and rolled her beneath him, making her shriek with surprise and joy as her legs parted to accommodate his own.
"What are you doing?" she questioned with a laugh, only to have it suppressed as he kissed her again. As if she didn't know.
"Working together," he explained quickly before he returned to kissing her and tracing her body with his hands. He would have thought that what they were doing was obvious. If it wasn't, he was confident that she'd understand soon enough. She was a smart woman. And yet…
He felt pressure against his chest rather than his back, a gentle push for him to back away, which he yielded to. There was a noise in the room, the clock from downstairs, chiming the hour. The sound forced its way past the bedroom door, and she was focused on it.
"We don't get a day," she reminded him sadly.
No, no, they did not. And they both knew it. But he'd just come from reality, from a place without respect for the promises they made each other. Soon enough, he'd be back in that world, and he'd have to deal with the consequences of that when they were. And so, for now, he wanted to be in this world just a bit longer. He wanted to be in this world of sweet words and tempting thoughts just a little bit longer. They could both afford that much.
"Maybe not…but we deserve an hour or two," he whispered before leaning back down and capturing her mouth once more. This time she let him.
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huenjin · 3 years
don't wanna be friends.
pairing: hyunjin x reader | bff2l!au, pornstar!au
word count: 3.705 words
tw: pornstar!hyunjin, nsfw content — dick piercing!hyunjin, multiple orgasms, breast play, breath play, fingering, cunnilingus, marking, penetration, unprotected sex, dumbification, slight overstimulation, creampie, mentions of reader masturbating to hyunjin's porn and the porn explained in detail.
music rec: damage is done | devin hoffman.
note: this was an nsfw ask originally but it got way past the limit, so tada, made it into a oneshot. if anyone was wondering why it's in this format/theme. unedited, like every other work of mine.
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you gulp down the next shot under hyunjin's watchful supervision. you've lost count of the shots you have taken and hyunjin has lost count of how many times he has told you to stop, that you are drinking too much.
"he told me that i can't fuck right. that i should at least pretend to fake it to satiate him," you scoff, another tear rolling down from the brim of your eyes and hyunjin wraps his arms around you, pulling into him to comfort you. "i can't— jinnie, i just don't come when he fucks me. i— maybe something is wrong with me. maybe i just can't orgasm when someone—"
"hush," hyunjin slowly taps your back to keep your thoughts shut. "there's nothing wrong with you, minion. you're fine." he pushes your big round spectacles up, calling you by the name he's always teased you with.
you slam the shot glass down, eyes groggy and head woozy from all the drinks you've gulped down. you lean forward, eyes wide open, glasses sliding down as you look closely at your best friend.
hwang hyunjin is attractive. you've always known your best friend is attractive. his bright eyes that light up at the sight of his dog, kkami, running to him right after you cuddled kkami forever. or the way his face morphs into one of disgust when you threaten to put eggplants into his plate. or the way he'd cuddle you when the weather gets too cold. hyunjin is attractive, both in looks and behaviour.
beyond this, your best friend, hwang hyunjin, is insatiable in the eyes of many women and men, including yours. a pornstar by profession, he knows the ways around women, having them come undone in his hold in minutes — you refuse to believe it's orchestrated. you know how he is in bed or at least what the biz wants him to exhibit and that alone has you trembling.
and to make matters worse in your end, you've orgasmed only once your whole life and that was during the time when you played with yourself while stumbling upon his porn (you were randomly searching for one and the temptation to watch your best friend just exceeded everything).
you knew his profession for so long — hyunjin told it to you over a glass of wine that you spat onto his white shirt the minute he told you about it. the conversation was never spoken about after that.
until today.
"what are you doing, minion? damn," he chuckles, "you really look like a minion with those glasses."
you still once you close in on hyunjin. hands on his chest, eyes fixated on his, you lick your lips and hyunjin's eyes widen, eyes unknowingly trailing downwards till he has to tear his gaze away, reminding himself that it's you, that it's his best friend.
"do you want to fuck me?" liquid courage, indeed.
"you must be kidding me?"
"why? you do this regularly."
hyunjin shoves you away, pushing you back against the couch. his eyes narrows on your figure and you fold your arms. he huffs, eyes glaring at you before looking away. he stretches his arm to take a glass and pour himself a drink, gulping it down and feeling the much needed burn in his throat.
"why?" you whine. "jinnie, that's your job. fuck me. you don't mind it. i'll just be one of those girls."
"i do mind it," he raises his voice. "you're not just one of those girls. fuck, y/n, you're the only constant in my life. why would i fuck that up?"
you bite your lower lip, eyes watering at the rejection suddenly. your drunkenness is what stirs the emotional side in you and your heart is heavy. you just want to be able to fuck like everyone else, just want to feel the bliss your friends talk about, the euphoria they reach.
"wait, are you going to cry?"
"no," you bite your tongue from letting out the sob. "i won't cry. you're not the first guy to reject me. this is normal. no one wants to—"
"—fuck me. who would want to fuck the girl that can't orgasm, let alone fake one?" you let out a fake laugh, tears finally rolling down your eyes.
"oh goodness," hyunjin sighs. he pulls you into him for a hug, rubbing your back soothingly. "you're my best friend, y/n. i shouldn't—"
"i want you to," you look up at him. hyunjin heaves in a huge breath. it catches in his throat as he looks down at you. god, he loves you. he has loved you for years now but who would want to be in a relationship with a guy who fucks girls for a living? not anyone sane. you deserve better. fuck, you deserved so much better than him.
yet, his heart won't stay still. his mind won't stop racing with thoughts he shouldn't normally have about his best friend. heavens, you have hyunjin wrapped around your finger and you don't even know it.
"y/n, don't—"
hyunjin loses his last bit of control over your proposition the minute you place your lips over his. it's exactly as he has envisioned. soft, delicate and everything that kept him away from breaking. you capture his bottom lip, kissing him softly, hands trailing under his sweater. hyunjin feels the goosebumps rising up, your warmth seeping into his. it takes everything in hyunjin to keep his hands away.
you pull away, catching your lower lip with your teeth before letting go and looking away, "you won't even kiss me back. am i that worse? do i kiss bad? jinnie, i just want to be—"
hyunjin has his hands on your face, turning it for you to look at him before he has his lips crashing down on yours, taking your breath away. you heave, breath hitching and you gasp.
hyunjin is aphrodite. the very reincarnation of sin. he creeps into you just as you expected, crawling into your mind and captivating every single sense of yours. your hands are in his hair, tugging at the roots and moving against his body. his hand sprawls over your neck and his thumb presses into the neck, rubbing slow circles. he kisses the top of your lips, your hands tugging at his sweater and you are moaning into his mouth.
you pull away for a second, fingers digging into his clothes, tugging at it to be thrown away and hyunjin obliges. helping you out of yours too, the two of you face each other stark naked. you take him in for the divinity he is in your head, eyes trailing down to his slightly erect dick and you gasp.
it's true. the videos don't lie. he is bigger than you had seen, girth firmer than you had envisioned and the frenum piercing has you salivating. it shines under the lighting, your eyes unable to drift away from it, lips parted slightly and heavens, hyunjin can't take his eyes away from you either. was this what he was missing out all this while in the name of friendship?
his lips are back on yours, your breasts firm against his chest as his cock rubs against your inner thigh. it's messy, heavy and has you panting for breath, chasing after his tongue, wrapped around yours like they never want to let go.
quicksand. this is quicksand. you're falling in too quick; falling into everything hyunjin has to offer way too quickly. and you love it. your mind is rid of thoughts. just hyunjin, hyunjin, hwang hyunjin. he pushes back, still kissing you heavily, till your back hits the soft covers of the couch and he's hovering over you.
hyunjin's tongue licks your lower lip, causing you to moan and he's groaning at the sensation, pulling apart for air few minutes later. he cups your face, thumb brushing the side and you lean into his palm.
"i— we should—"
"no, please don't stop," you beg. "not now. please. we're in too deep to stop."
"but y/n—"
"please fuck me, jinnie. fuck me like you fucked soojin."
hyunjin's eyes widens and he pulls away from you. looking at you as if he's staring into your soul, he gulps. "how did you—" his cheeks redden. "wait—" you bite your lower lip. hyunjin pulls the rubber band that holds his hair up, causing the silver strands to fall forward. he runs his finger through it, pushing it back as he holds it tightly to focus. "you watched my porn."
you gulp, lips drying up and you nod, running your mouth quickly to justify yourself. "i did. it was supposed to be a one time thing but—" you look away. "—i touched myself to that. i fingered myself to you fucking soojin and it's the only time i came."
if hyunjin has been just losing it all this while, now, he has lost it completely. his eyes darken, a light growl leaving his lips as he holds your legs and pulls you closer into his kneeling self. you groan slightly in his grip.
"you want me to fuck you like i fucked soojin?"
"want me to fuck you like some doll, huh?" he bends forward, kissing your neck, sucking at the skin till they stain purple to his pleasure. hyunjin marks you all the way to your breasts, covering your skin with both dark and light marks as you repeatedly confirm, "yes, yes, yes."
hyunjin pulls away, staring at you almost tauntingly, licking his lips and running his hand through his hair. he drops the words like they are heavy. "tell me then. tell me what i did and i'll do the same to you, just like you wished."
"you fuck—"
"no," he shakes his head. "in detail. from the very first scene. you'll get only what you ask for. nothing more. nothing less. so, go on, doll. tell me."
the power you hold is insane. you do not know how to use it, however. having never been given this much power, you look at your best friend for a while before slowly telling him. the words seem foreign to you but if this is how it is going to be, and if this helps you come, you're doing it.
"y-you kissed her first." your voice is barely audible. like you're telling hyunjin a secret. hyunjin catches your lips yet again, tongue presses against your lower lip before he slips it in, tangling it with yours as he kisses you. you moan, eyes closing as your hand wrap around his axle, hands pressed on his back. your fingers plays with the few strands of his silver dyed hair at the nape. he pulls back, waiting for you to continue.
with a little more confidence and the huge amount of liquid courage in you, you demand, "you marked her up like you just did to me. i hate that you marked her up. i hated it so much but turned me on."
hyunjin sucks a hickey right above your breast, speaking into your skin, "you hated it, doll?"
"yes. wanted it to be me." hyunjin's teeth grazes your skin and you moan, "fuck." your fingers pull his hair lightly and hyunjin grunts, teeth biting into your skin, making a dark mark that has you arch your back and your thigh to rub against his cock.
"what else did you see me do, doll?" his mouth trails further down to your breast and you gasp.
"you sucked on her breasts. played with it harshly." hyunjin abides by it, sucking on your breasts, tongue lapping around your nipples and drawing out circles by it. "yes, yes— fuck, jinnie, oh my—" hyunjin finds it seductive as fuck that you never complete your sentences as you moan. and he wants you like that — barely being able to say words besides his name. that's all he needed to hear.
"you played with soojin's other breast at the same time like—" his hand is already on your right breast. it pinched the nipple, twisting it between his thumb and forefinger. the pain shoots up and it clouds your senses, causing you to grind on his cock. your arousal leaks through you, and you feel yourself grow wetter with every single flick of hyunjin's tongue.
his right hand is still on your breast, his lips trail downward. your breath hitches in your throat and you let out a shortened sigh as he breathes lowly against your skin, kissing it before landing right in front of your core, wet with want for the man before you.
"so fucking wet and what for, doll?"
"your cock, oh my god. jinnie, want your cock in me. please." you beg, writhing in his hold as he grabs your breast, fondling it in his hold.
"that's not what i did in that video. go on, continue." it's stern with command and has you spitting out the next in sequence instantly.
"you—" hyunjin is playing with your nipples as he waits for you to speak. his finger twist and turn your nipples and you're squeezing your thighs together in this intense pleasure. "fuck, can't think, jinnie. i don't know. i—"
"no, no," he hushes. kissing your pubic mound and licking small stripes, he mumbles, "you have to remember the only porno that had you come, right?"
"you—" you feel his warm breath all over your core and a gush of arousal oozes out. "you had your mouth on her pussy. you ate her out till she came, oh my god. you ate her out—"
"well done, doll." and his lips are on your wet ones. he licks at the lips, pushing it apart as he takes in your arousal, lapping in to take it all. it's merciless. and if you thought his porn was intense, you forgot all about how hyunjin himself was a walking pornography. the way his tongue licks your lips, tip teasing your entrance as he rubs your clit, slowly. he draws small circles over it, tapping at the engorged button till your toes curl in, knees lift up to bend for your feet to press down. your eyes are squeezed shut and your fingers pull at his hair every time you feel the knot tightening.
the room is filled with lewd noises and your moans, resonating through the whole area for you to hear it out in the silence. it's pornographic. the voices you make resemble those that you heard. hyunjin licks another stripe up your sodden lips before wrapping the plump pair around your clit and sucking on it, loud noise of suckle resonating and causing you to move your hips slightly.
his teeth grazes over your clit, nibbling slightly till you feel the knot clench in your stomach. it's a vortex forming deep within and from the one time experience you have, you know. it's coming. you're so close. hyunjin rubs your clit furiously, mouth moving back your lip as he eats you out. he pulls apart right when he knows you're soon to come and in a second, two of his fingers are deep within you, rubbing against your inner walls and you're crying out his name just like he wanted.
it's hyunjin, hyunjin, hyunjin. that's all he can hear — his name dripping in saccharine from your mouth, topped with all those insatiable moans that leave your lips and hyunjin quickens his pace. the two fingers thrust in and out of you, finding the spot and rubbing at the walls to elicit a particular reaction — hyunjin is searching. searching for that one spot that will have you ruined for him.
"fuck, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, what—"
the minute he touches a particularly soft area, he has you grinding down on him, chanting his name like a mantra and he knows — hyunjin's found your spot. he rubs it as he curves his fingers, having you arch further into him. he sucks on your clit, fingers thrusting in you relentlessly.
and you come undone so easily that it's a surprise how your ex couldn't do this for you. you see the white under your eyelids as you come undone. hyunjin helps you ride it out. he removes his fingers and licks you clean, taking in every single drop of your orgasm.
"told you that you were perfect," he says, looking at you and smiling. he kisses your mound as he lifts your hips up. "you're the most perfect human being ever. so how in the world could anything be wrong with you?" he wipes away the tears rolling down your eyes, as an effect from the intensity of the orgasm you went through. "so, doll, now tell me what else did i do?"
your mind is blank. you can't think of anything. your mind is filled with just the man before you in all his naked glory and how you just want him. "want you, jinnie. please. i want your dick. please want that."
"that's not the answer to my question," he huffs. "did i not lift her legs up like this?" he lifts your legs and places it over his shoulders. his erect cock is angled right and he rubs the head all over your wetness. you hitch and whine, stuttering how much you want him. "did i fuck my doll dumb? did i fuck out all your brains, baby? oh no. should i fuck you more? can you answer that, doll?"
you nod, lips parting. "want jinnie's dick. want it. want it in me."
"as you wish, doll," and he inserts it into you, pushing your walls apart with his fingers till he thrusts completely into you. his piercing underneath his shaft drags against your walls, the cold metal adding the extra sensation that tingles your nerves. his large hands hold your hips up, your ankles hitting his back bone everytime he thrusts into you. he uses his one hand to hold your wrists together above you as he hits your spot over and over again. the friction of his big cock and the frenum piercing is all too much right after one orgasm. the stimulation is over bearing and you know why the girl in the video has her eyes roll up, tongue out and lips swollen.
hyunjin plunges into you and you gush all over his cock, coating almost all of his length with your arousal. hyunjin is barely in but he is already hitting your spot, hot tip brushing against it vicariously and the frenum piercing cold against it. the friction is enough to have the knot tighten so fast and hard that you know this is going to overpower you. hyunjin lets go of you wrists but you hold them above you obediently. his hand trails to hold your breast, squeezing it and fondling with it; the other holding your legs up securely.
with every thrust, his piercing drags against your walls and his balls slap against your cheeks. tears spill down your face as you scream loudly, "jin-ah, fuck. jinnie, jinnie, jinnie. it's too much, oh my god. i can feel it. oh—"
"you're taking it like a good, good doll for me. you can take more. i know you can." he takes his cock out. he wraps his fingers around it and dragging it across your slit and your core, the frenum piercing rubbing against it and you're ready to snap again.
and without any warning, he enters into you again, this time harshly and with a quicker pace. it is fast and hard and has you gripping onto him for the life of yours, your hands moving to hold his biceps, fingers digging into it. hyunjin fucks you like he wants to take you to heaven and back. like he wants to show you everything you are missing out and that there's nothing wrong with you. it's the men. always the men.
"going to fuck you and show you how you should be fucked. how you should be getting it. going to fuck you dumb, doll and have you be mine."
he doesn't stop. hyunjin is grunting and huffing as he thrusts repeatedly in you, his pubic bone hitting your clit and causing short sorts of heightened sensations.
"jinnie! i'm coming. i'm coming. oh fuck, i'm—"
second one in a span of few hours. if you could think properly, you would be surprised at how you came twice. it's surprising that you've come thrice so far in your whole life and all three times were to be credited to hwang hyunjin, your best friend.
you come around his cock, the white flash spreading under your eyelids and you are weeping. you feel the rushing oxytocin clouding your brain as you clench tightly on his cock. hyunjin doesn't stop however, as he chases after his own high, thrusting even faster if it were possible and overstimulating you. in a few minutes, hyunjin is coming in you. hot white spurts of his cum coating your insides as he thrusts his orgasm out, only to pull it out eventually and have his white come and yours poze out and stain the couch.
your eyes are shut and you are panting heavily, chests rising and hyunjin brushes your hair away from your face, wiping the sweat that has accumulated by your forehead. he places your legs down and mumbles, "you okay, minion?"
"hm," you respond. that's all you can say. you were too fucked out to think or do anything. hyunjin chuckles and slowly getting off the couch, he carefully lifts you up into his arms. you snuggle into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. "where are we going?"
hyunjin barely hears you question with how soft it was. you repeat and it is the second time that he hears it perfectly.
"going to clean you up and rest you in bed. you need to sleep well now." you nod, snuggling further into his chest as he carries you into his bedroom.
hyunjin's wrong, though. when he wondered how in the world anything could be wrong with you, he clearly knew there is something wrong with you.
you are too dense to ever realise how deep his feelings are for you.
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pairing: mob!tom holland x reader
request: okok i have a mob!tom idea... what about tom having to work until veeeryyyy late at night cause he’s like drowning in paperwork and all that mob crap i wouldn’t know about... and when he finally stops he comes to your room to find you asleep and he’s like instantly relieved to see his princess after all that stress (can involve some smutty smut or else what’s the point). by anonymous
warnings: smut but it’s soft
word count: 1.7k
notes: ok i love this concept + this has been a wip for a while now and i’m honestly not sure how i like it, i kinda struggled for some reason but i hope you enjoy. this wasn’t rly what i wanted to post first and i’m kinda nervous tbh but here you go! just a short, sweet smut to get back in the groove <3
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There was something reassuring and almost soothing to Tom about coming home to you after a long day at work. His days were sometimes filled with blood, betrayal, violence, frustrations, and nothing good––but none of that would matter when he stepped into the comfort of your bedroom, the warmth of your embrace, basked in the light of your presence. 
He would often feel the tension rolling off of his shoulders as soon as he set his eyes on you, the light of his life. No matter how dark his days would get, how brutal his job forced him to become, you would always bring him back to you, with your words, your company. 
Tonight, was luckily not bloody, but rather boring and exhausting. Tom spent hours in a room with dozens of other men, bosses, associates of other mobs writing up agreements, making deals, negotiations over territories, clubs, money. He was done with them all the minute he stepped foot at the designated meetup location and even texted you throughout the meeting to get through it. As soon as everything was done he was the first one out of the door. 
You often tried to stay up and wait for him on long nights like these, but sometimes, you couldn’t overcome the fatigue, and Tom couldn’t blame you. As he stepped into your bedroom quietly, he perked up when he noticed the light was still on but smiled softly when he noticed your figure curled up on the bed. You were dressed in your pajamas, since it was technically early in the morning now, but you were lying on top of the covers, meaning you had tried to stay up but ultimately failed. 
Tom slowly closed the door, careful not to make too much noise and put his cufflinks away first, in the dish on the dresser, then he went into the walk-in closet and put his shoes away before undressing down to his boxers. It wasn’t until he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up before bed that you woke up, the sound of running water stirring you awake. 
“Tommy?” Your voice was sleepy and saccharine, luring him to bed like a siren. “Is that you?” 
“Yeah baby, I’m here.” He dried off and shut off the bathroom light before making his way over to your side. He bent down and brought a hand to your cheek, gently holding your face as he looked at you with tired eyes. 
You cleared your throat, your eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Did you just get here?” 
He nodded, his thumb caressing your cheek, this close to lulling you back to sleep. “Meeting went on for ages. They just would not stop talking.” You knew he was honestly irritated, but the frown on his face and the furrow between his brows was nothing but cute to you and you couldn’t help but let out a quiet breath of laughter, making him smile down at you. 
“Get in bed with me?” 
“Of course.” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and climbed over you, pulling the covers out from under you and tucking the both of you in. You turned in his arms and placed a hand on his neck, looking up at him fondly. He looked at you for a moment before leaning in and pressing his lips against yours gently, leaving a few small pecks that got longer and longer until you were pulling each other closer, desperate to feel one another. You were breathing slowly and deeply, in sync, your arms wrapped around each other tightly.
You rubbed your thighs together, suddenly remembering how needy you had gotten when he was gone before you had fallen asleep. You took a deep breath and sighed at the feeling and Tom quirked a brow, immediately recognizing the sound. 
He pulled away slightly and brought his hand back up to your cheek, taking note of the glint in your gaze. “I know that look in your eye, darling.” He smirked softly. “Someone feeling a bit needy?” 
“Please.” You pouted, mind too tired to let out full sentences and Tom was quick to indulge you.
His hand trailed down between your legs and raised his brows when he felt the wetness on your panties. “See you kept busy while I was gone, hm darling?” You nodded innocently and he growled, capturing your lips with his, his voice hot and heavy with need as he whispered against your mouth. “Yeah? You touched your pretty pussy thinking about me while I was away? Such a naughty little thing.” He quickly slipped your panties off and out of the way and bit his lip at how you purred and arched under his touch, your body practically melting from the touch it was desperately aching for. 
You rolled your hips as his fingers swiped between your folds, spreading your mess around almost lovingly. Tom slipped a finger inside you and kissed down to your neck, making sure to leave a few bold marks just the way he liked. You felt him smirk against your skin before his tongue swiped against it, a second finger making its way into you. It didn’t take long for him to find and tease your spot with his fingertips––the feeling making you gasp and writhe under him, your hands desperately reaching to grab his hair in one and his arm in the other.
He pumped his digits in and out of you at a teasing pace until your skin felt hot and you could barely breathe, until he could see from the look in your eye and the way your lips parted, unable to let words pass through them, that you needed more. Soon enough, his fingers were quickly pounding into you, the sound of your wetness against his hand almost deafening in the quiet room. 
He nuzzled against your cheek adoringly as if he wasn’t touching your most sensitive parts. His voice was as soft as his lips as they grazed against your skin. “Come on lovie, fall apart on my fingers. Wanna feel you make a mess in my palm.” He pressed his thumb against your bundle of nerves and your fingers dug further into him, your mouth dropping open as you finally reached your peak. 
Your back arched slowly and you swore you could feel every muscle in your body from your head to your toes as the pleasure spread through your core, your stomach, and down your thighs. The world went silent for a few seconds until you came to again, the feeling of Tom’s lips against your cheek and his fingers soothingly rubbing between your legs bringing you back.
You blinked slowly a few times before turning to look at him, a lazy smile on your face. You slid a hand up to his jaw and closed the distance between you, thanking him through a passionate kiss. You tried to pull him on top of you and he obliged, sliding between your legs without pulling away from your lips. He pressed his hips down against yours and you gasped into the kiss from the feeling of the fabric against your sensitive core. 
Tom sucked on your bottom lip and pulled away teasingly slowly to look in your eyes, one of his hands caressing your cheek, the other holding him up. “Are you sure you’re not too tired, love?” 
You shook your head immediately, “Just want you. Need you.” 
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Well my girl always gets what she wants, doesn’t she?” You bit your lip and nodded up at him cheekily, prompting him to kiss you again, this time on the lips. He pulled his member out and lined up at your entrance, swallowing your moans as he slid into you. He bottomed out and ground his hips against yours, relishing in the gasp you let out. He took both of your hands and pinned them on either side of you head, his fingers interlocked with yours as he started to thrust into you, his eyes watching you fondly and lustfully.
You whined and looked up at him, “Missed you Tommy.” 
“Yeah baby?” He moved closer and let his lips graze yours. “Well I missed this tight cunt too.” You moaned loudly, your head tilting back and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you, leaning down to thrust deeper and slower, letting you feel every inch of him inside of you, all of his warmth on top of you. 
The two of you were holding on to each other, almost merging with how close you were––moaning and panting as you raced towards your highs. Your lips slotted together messily and desperately but still lovingly as you got closer and closer. 
“Can feel you clenching baby. Shit––You gonna come on my cock?” 
You wrapped your arms and legs around him tight and nodded, “Yes, please Tommy make me come––”
He slid his hand down to play with your clit the way you needed and groaned as his pace got sloppier, his thrusts deep and hard. “Fuck, come on darling, let go. Wanna feel you drip down my cock, that’s it––”
Your fingertips dug into his back and he buried his face into the crook of your neck as your back arched again, a sharp moan ripping from your throat as your body shuddered under his before he came undone soon after, biting your shoulder as he filled you up. 
You stayed like that, holding each other for a while before Tom started to get up slowly, kissing every inch of skin he could until he reached your lips, making you smile giddily. Though he wanted to stay in your arms forever if he could, he knew it was only right that he get up to clean you up. 
After gently dismissing your whines and pouts for him to stay in bed and kissing the back of your hand before promising to come back soon––it wasn’t long before he had tenderly cleaned you up with a soft washcloth and gotten back in bed with you.
He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you again, resuming the first position you’d been in when he’d first gotten home. You placed your head on his chest and looked up at him sleepily with a small smile which he returned. 
He pressed his lips against your forehead and swiped his thumb across your cheek, lulling you to sleep yet again. “You are the love, the light of my life.” 
You smiled and leaned up to kiss him softly. “And you’re my home.”
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ganseybois · 2 years
tommyalfie prompt for @giugiubees who requested: “tommy/alfie rough sexy times and then arthur walks in”. i hope you enjoy :) thanks for the prompt!
To tell the truth, Alfie had no idea how he had ended up in this situation.
Well, he knew how he had ended up in this particular situation, but not really how they had managed to start it all up. He could not remember who had flirted first, who had initiated what first. All he could remember was seeing Tommy walk into his bakery all those months ago and thinking, now that is one pretty man and then shortly after it had been followed up with Tommy Shelby is going to cause me a lifetime of trouble. Both of those things turned out to be true, the latter for more than one reason. And now here they were, years later, after Grace was long gone, after Alfie had beaten the shit out of Arthur, fucking in Tommy’s office like none of it had ever happened. They had fucked plenty of times before, when they first met, and right after Tommy got engaged—one last time, for both of them, they had said. And then Grace had died and where had Tommy found himself? Crawling back into the arms of Alfie Solomons.
“You’ll always come back Tom. Mark my words mate.”
And that had turned out to be true.
Alfie hadn’t wanted to go so rough (recent head injuries and all that) but Tommy had assured him that he was not only okay, but that he needed it. Poor boy had almost started to cry right in front of him, talking about how he’d need glasses. Alfie had only wanted to cheer him up, and now, here they were, Tommy trying to stay somewhat steady on his forearms as Alfie fucked into him from behind, his hands making bruises on Tommy’s hips, the Peaky fucking Blinders only a few rooms away. And god fucking damn, if that didn’t make Alfie feel like the most powerful person in the house.
Tommy’s pants were down at his ankles, as were Alfie’s, their shirts half undone, Tommy’s pushed up somewhat just so Alfie could keep getting his hands on more and more skin. It was so hot, with their clothes on, with the tight heat surrounding Alfie, it was taking everything in him not to be as loud as he wanted.
They had been fucking for a long while now, longer than they probably should, but Alfie couldn’t help himself really. How does one stop themselves when Tommy fucking Shelby sticks his tongue in your mouth and asks you, looking from underneath his long black lashes, if Alfie would be so inclined to fuck him as hard as he possibly could?
One does not say no to that kind of question.
He could stay here forever too, just inside of Tommy, fucking him over and over again. Sliding in and out of the tight heat that Tommy so willingly provided. He thought about that often, just tying Tommy down on the bed, taking whatever he wanted when he wanted it. But there would be time for that later. 
Alfie grunted, moving one of his hands from Tommy’s hips to his hair, tugging on it roughly so that his head would snap up. Alfie leaned forward so his front was pressed to Tommy’s back, slowing his thrusts.
Tommy reacted immediately, a sharp whine erupting from him, almost as though it was a mistake. His large, blue eyes were tightly shut, his neck still red from where Alfie bit him earlier. Tommy tried to roll his hips back, trying to fuck himself on Alfie (and jesus fuck, if that didn’t make Alfie nearly come right then and there), gritting out, “Alfie, come on.”
“What’s that darling?”
Tommy pounded his fist lightly on the desk, and his eagerness was rewarded with a sharp snap of Alfie’s hips. Hard enough that Tommy’s eyes snapped open, a sigh of relief falling from him. 
Alfie whispered in his ear, “I missed this.” It was a vulnerable thing to say, they never talked about their feelings. It was not allowed. But being here, fucking Tommy in his mansion on his desk, while his family was waiting for him to call a meeting made Alfie feel like a completely different person.
Alfie kissed the spot behind Tommy’s ear. “How does it feel Tommy boy?” he asked, leaning back, one hand unforgiving on Tommy’s hip, the other firmly planted in his hair, holding his head up. “Bet no one else was ever able to satisfy you like this, right mate?” When Tommy did not answer, Alfie stopped moving altogether. “Right, let me make something clear, yeah? You don’t answer me, Tommy, and I’ll pull out right now and fucking leave you here all hot and bothered.”
Tommy let out a moan. “Fucking hell, Alfie.”
“That turn you on too? Fuck Tommy, I really did ruin you, didn’t I?” Alfie chuckled. He pulled out almost all the way, a stretched out groan falling from Tommy, before he pounded back in ruthlessly, having to cover Tommy’s mouth to stop his shout from being heard all throughout the fucking house. “Say it Tommy.” Alfie snapped, doing the same motion again, moving his hand away from Tommy’s mouth. “Fucking say it.”
“You did.” Tommy breathed, and he was immediately rewarded with another thrust. “You ruined me. You did.” He hung his head, Alfie’s hands moving to his hips again, straightening himself properly now.
“Good boy.” Alfie grinned, and then he angled himself the way he knew that Tommy liked, and fucked him without a care. Hard. Fast. No room for any gentle motion to find its way between them. Tommy took it all, trying his hardest to stay silent, his knuckles white from the exertion, his panting breaths as much of a turn on as any other part of him. Alfie would never tire of this—how responsive Tommy was, how desperate he was for Alfie’s body, for his lips, for that feeling of fullness that only Alfie had been able to provide him. Alfie was just as desperate for it too. Entering anyone was always something that felt good, but finding his pleasure in Tommy Shelby? Nothing could ever quite compare. 
Tommy’s pale skin, the way he always ran colder than Alfie, the way his lips looked wrapped around Alfie’s dick, the way his blue eyes would flutter shut every time Alfie would push in that first time. The way his hands, when they were face to face, would move to Alfie’s shoulders, his face. The way Alfie himself felt like his entire body was coming undone, even know, as he fucked Tommy roughly. The desk moved under them, papers crushed underneath Tommy’s body, the sweet sound of skin slapping against skin doing more to either of them than they probably realized. 
Heat, sweat, spit, bruised lips and hungry hands. They were not gangsters here, they were not veterans, they were just two people who wanted this.
Two people who were, unfortunately, interrupted.
“Listen brother, we’re all getting really fucking—WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?”
Alfie looked over right away, but Tommy seemed to need a second to gather himself before his eyes widened in horror. Arthur fucking Shelby was standing there, his face as red as fucking blood as he watched Alfie still from fucking his brother. Tommy snapped hurriedly at Alfie to get off of him, at the same time that Arthur took out his gun.
“I’ll fucking kill you.”
Alfie rolled his eyes as he picked up his pants, wincing as they covered his very erect cock. Tommy moved to get in front of Alfie, struggling to pick up his own pants, flushed and fucked out. Alfie wanted to devour him. Wanted Arthur to watch that only Alfie fucking Solomons could bring the great Thomas Shelby to the flushed man they saw before them.
Very calmly, Tommy whispered, “Arthur, don’t fire.”
“What’s he have on you Tom?”
“What’s he fucking have on you?!” Arthur exclaimed, walking forward, gun still raised.
Alfie sighed dramatically. “Right mate, I don’t have time for this. Arthur, I truly wish we’d have met again under better circumstances...well, for you. I was quite enjoying myself with your brother before you decided to interrupt us.”
“Alfie, shut up.”
Arthur roared and walked right up to them, breathing like he had just run all the way from London, the gun inches from Alfie’s head. “What’s he done to make you do this Tommy?”
“Arthur, nothing.” Tommy slapped the gun away. “Put that fucking thing away.”
Alfie’s eyes were severe, but he allowed his mouth to tilt into a small smile. “He wants my big cock in him Arthur.”
“You piece of fucking shit.”
Tommy sighed angrily, running a hand through his short hair, trying to fix the mess that Alfie had made of it. “Alfie, shut up. Arthur, put your gun away. He’s not lying.” But he glared at Alfie anyway.
Arthur looked like he had just been shot. “Since...but...” Arthur stepped back pressing the heels of his hands to the side of his head, walking in circles a few times before looking back at them. “This ain’t right Tom.”
“Right,” Alfie leaned against the desk. “If this is going to be about some bullshit having to do with men who aren’t allowed to fancy other men, I’ll be the one to fire a shot in this room, yeah?”
Tommy sighed. “He’s saying it because it’s you, not because you’re a man.”
“That’s somehow worse, mate.”
Tommy shot him one of his looks before he walked over to Arthur, putting both of his hands on Arthur’s chest. “He didn’t blackmail me, he didn’t fucking force me, all right? I’ll explain it all to you later, okay?”
“Tommy, he’s a fucking—”
“A fucking what, mate?” Alfie roared.
“Enough!” Tommy raised his voice now, which meant, at least for Arthur, that the time for fighting was done. Say what you want about any of the Peaky Blinders, but when Tommy Shelby got angry, or even the tiniest bit frustrated, it meant that the time for voicing opinions was long gone. Only what he said mattered now. “Enough, both of you. Arthur, get out of here, I promise I’ll tell you everything. Let us...let us collect ourselves, and then I’ll come out to get you all.”
Arthur shot a glare to Alfie but nodded, leaving them, slamming the door as he went.
Tommy let out a long sigh, walking back over to Alfie, surprising him by putting his head on Alfie’s shoulder. They were taking chances with each other today, apparently.
Alfie huffed, patting the back of Tommy’s head, motioning for him to look at him. When he did, Alfie almost got lost in his wondrous blue eyes. “What’s going on in that scary head of yours?” he asked seriously.
Tommy smiled, but it did not quite reach his eyes. “Just that you haven’t finished fucking me.”
Alfie chuckled, his hand moving down to grasp Tommy’s groin. “Pants fucking off then mate.”
Tommy laughed, and they picked up from where they left off.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
could you do a blurb in fatws where bucky and the reader have feelings for each other and zemo is trying to flirt with the reader?
Warnings: use of pet name [bunny], mention of toys, references to sex, possessive!Bucky, language, minors dni
A/N: Yuh, I would love to have Bucky and Zemo fight over me so here we are 😇
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You looked at Bucky’s back, biting your lip as you contemplated your next actions. You know what Zemo was trying to do; his half-masked attempts at flirting were not exactly subtle. And for some reason...you weren’t totally abhorred by the thought of Helmut Zemo making a move on you. He was handsome, that was easy to see, and it had been a while since you’ve had...anyone. Quite frankly your hand and toys weren’t cutting it anymore.
It wasn’t like you could wait for Bucky for forever. At some point you’d have to accept that either he didn’t feel the same way or he just wasn’t ever going to make a move. Over the past year your little back and forth with him continued to grow but it never amounted to anything besides a lingering touch here and there or longing looks thrown in the other’s direction when you thought they weren’t looking, and very flirtatious banter. But still...you could make a move on your own, but you were too stubborn - just like him.
Maybe Zemo wasn’t a bad choice after all. He’d been more friendly lately, making his desire for you known to everyone. In some ways it was a little bold and exhilarating; to have someone be this brazen in their desire for you. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t warmed up to the possibility of having him.
“Tell me,” you accepted the drink he slid across the island at you, leaning over on your elbows so he could see down the front of your loose shirt. It wasn’t a subtle move, but at this point it didn’t matter, “when’s the last time you’ve been with anyone, Baron?”
Zemo almost looked startled by your question - almost. He kept his cool and took a long drag of his drink, finishing it off and setting it back down on the cool granite. The corners of his lips pulled into a wolfish smile as he studied you for a moment. You put on your best poker face as you tried not to let any of the cracks show, “it has been a while. Why little bunny? What’s got you so interested?”
“You look like you know how to touch a woman,” you threw back the rest of your drink, hoping it would work like liquid courage. Despite not being particularly loud, you could sense that Bucky heard you across the apartment, seeing his head turn slightly from the corner of your eye. This was a dangerous game indeed, and yet you were thrilled with it, “like you know just how to give me what I need.”
“Have you ever been with a man?” he asked suddenly as a tingle spread throughout your body. He took a step closer, slowly making his way over to you, “or have they all been boys?”
“Umm,” you were speechless as he leaned over and put his hand on your face, slowly stroking his thumb over your cheek. Your lips parted as you looked at him like a deer in headlights. He was close enough to where you could smell his aftershave and count every little freckle. He really was handsome, “n-no.”
“Are you scared little bunny?” he leaned in so his lips were just shy of yours and part of you was screaming to close the gap and kiss him, “you weren’t so shy before. Or are you afraid that you can’t handle it?”
“I-I can handle it,” you gasped as he ghosted his fingers along your jaw and down the column of your throat before lightly putting his whole hand around your throat. He was squeezing ever so slightly, but it was just enough to dizzy you and leave you wanting more, “please.”
While the two of you stared at each other, it was like the world had stopped existing and Bucky wasn’t in the adjacent room. He’d overheard every word, seen every little moment, attempting to compose himself, but it was getting harder with each passing second. You were his, not Zemo’s.
“You have such a smart little mouth,” he said slowly as he licked his lips, “I wonder if you’re able to put it to good use for something other than talking back. Are you going to let me-”
“Get your hands off of her,” the voice was cold as ice as the two of froze and slowly turned to find Bucky standing there, nothing but anger in his eyes. You swallowed the lump in your throat as Zemo removed his hand from your throat and crossed his arms over his chest, “she’s mine.”
“I wasn’t aware she belonged to anyone,” the two men stared at each other intently as you weren’t sure what to do, “I think the little bunny is free to do whatever she wants. Tell James what you want.”
“I…” you stared at the floor for a moment, studying your feet while you felt the two men studying you intently, “I...dunno.”
“Come on little bunny.”
“Umm…” you slowly looked up and then found your eyes wandering over to Bucky. He met yours with a steely gaze that caused a shiver to run down your spine and a tingling in your lower belly, “James.”
Zemo tuttled lightly, a small sound of disappointment as he looked between the two of you. He took a step back and nodded; the Baron was a lot of things, but he wasn’t about to impose or force himself on anyone. As soon as his name had left your lips, you seemed surprised that you’d said anything, a warm flush creeping into your neck and cheeks.
“And so she has made her choice,” Zemo said as he poured himself another drink, unfazed by the whole situation, “if you should ever choose to come to a different conclusion little bunny, do let me know.”
Without another word, he nodded at the two of you before clutching his drink and walking out of the kitchen, humming quietly under his breath. It was almost dead silent as he retreated and closed the door to his bedroom, leaving the two of you to stare silently at each other. Bucky’s gaze was unwavering and intense, and you felt as though you were slowly coming undone in front of him. When the silent became too great, you cleared your throat, ready to scramble away to your own quarters.
“Just where do you think you’re going?” Bucky reached out and grabbed your arm in gentle, but firm grip, effectively stopping you in your tracks. You swallowed thickly as you turned to look back at him with nervous eyes. When you didn’t say anything, he raised an eyebrow, “I asked you a question: where do you think you’re going?”
“I…” you trailed off as you watched him look at you with hungry, dark eyes, pupils completely blown with lust, “just leaving.”
“I’m not done with you yet,” he practically growled as you left all of that go directly to your already aching cunt, “I meant what I said - you’re mine.”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same,” you were looking at much with such surprised innocence that it was a miracle Bucky didn’t take you then and there, “you never-”
“Guess I jus’ needed that asshole to remind me of how much you mean to me,” he released his grasp on your arm and gently reached up to touch your face. After all this time - you’d never been reading the signs incorrectly at all, “just the idea of him touching you disgusts me.”
“What are you going to do about it then, Buck?” you gripped his wrist and pulled his hand away, a challenging look on your face as you tilted your head to the side, “so far you’ve been all talk.”
Maybe the alcohol was suddenly working as a confidence boost. Normally you would have shied away or let him take full control but today you were feeling...confident. The fact that two grown men had all but fought over you didn’t hurt either.
“You want this?” he licked his lips as his eyes instinctively fell to yours. Of course you wanted this; you’d practically been throwing yourself at him for the last year. You nodded slightly and his smile just grew, stretching from ear to ear, “you better be real sure sweetheart. I won’t be gentle and I won’t be nice. You are mine in every way and you will do what I say. Understood?”
Your jaw was clutched in his hand and his grip was practically bruising. Your whole body was burning with lust and desire, wanting him to use you and mark you up as his, “I’m yours, Bucky. Use me as you please.”
“I’m going to like this,” this was a side you’d never seen before of him and you suddenly wondered why you’d never tapped into it before. Despite his words, you knew he would never truly hurt you, “you’re such a good little bunny, aren’t you?”
“Mhmm,” you sighed, head already empty except for thoughts of him and what you wanted him to do to you, “I’ll be good.”
“Then on your knees,” he insisted as you readily complied, letting your knees hit the cool tile of the floor, “and do as I say.”
“Good girl.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)(strike-through means I couldn’t tag you - please check your settings!)
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Talk Dirty to Me
Summary: You and Dean test pickup lines on each other, taking the sexual tension between you to a new level.
WC: 1,610
Warnings: smut-adjacent? Not exactly explicit, but definitely mature content. Dirty pickup lines and thoughts, sexual tension, smidge of sexy touching, playful banter and fluff
A/N: A submission for #AmandasFlirtyDirty30 (using prompts 5, 42, 46, 55, 58, & 60 I think? I lost count!) I was initially trying to squeeze in as many pickup lines as I could (courtesy of Google), and I kind of love that it got away from me. Credit to New Girl and Nick Miller for the last line. Gif by @dancingalone21 
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"Nice dress, sweetheart.”
You turned to smile at Dean, surprised at the compliment. “Thanks, Dean—”
“Can I talk you out of it? ‘Cause I bet you’d look even better without your clothes on.”
Narrowing your eyes, you shook your head and scoffed.
The two of you had stayed up late one night, falling down a rabbit hole of looking up cheesy pickup lines that soon grew raunchy. It had started out harmless, as most things do. A playful challenge that had become a game of sorts—each of you striving to find a line that would make the other crack. You’d memorized as many as you could, trying to slip them into conversation without warning so you could boast when the other cracked a smile. The game had taken a turn somewhere along the way, and you were slowly losing your mind from the sexual tension emanating between you and Dean.
But you weren’t about to be the first one to crack.
You tilted your head and sauntered toward him, noticing the way his eyes shamelessly raked over your figure and lingered on the sway of your hips. An impish smirk played on his lips as he waited for you to retaliate.
“That shirt looks great on you. As a matter of fact...” You paused, voice soft and sultry as you skimmed your fingers over his broad chest. “So would I.” 
“I bet you would. Y’know, if you’re ever feeling down...I’d be happy to feel you up.”
“Well, Dean, I know you’re busy today, but can you add me to your to-do list?”
“You’re in luck, sweetheart. I don’t feel like doing anything today—except you. I’d do you.”
“I might just have to take you up on that. So, is that a mirror in your pants?” You snaked your arms around his waist, slipping your hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “Because I can see myself in them.”
“Were you gonna send me an invitation for the party between your legs in the mail, or are you gonna give it to me in person?”
You tossed your head back, bursting into a sudden fit of laughter. “That one was kind of terrible.”
“Yeah, well—if you could read my mind, you’d need a shower and a cigarette. Sometimes things get a little jumbled when, you know...”
“You’re too busy daydreaming about bending me over every piece of furniture in this place?”
“Exactly. It’s like you can read my mind.” His forest green eyes glided to your lips, lingering briefly before he gazed at you from beneath his long lashes. “Now, what’s a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?”
“Maybe I’m not as nice as you think. Life is always a little more fun when you’re a little more...naughty.”
His smug attitude softened as he pulled you closer, playfully squeezing your hips with his large hands. He traced his fingertips along the edge of your jaw, gazing at you thoughtfully as his thumb caressed your chin. Each action was gentle and unhurried, conveying a deep sense of adoration. 
“Can I borrow a kiss?” he murmured. “I promise I’ll give it back.”
You swallowed thickly, captivated by his gravelly voice. You could just imagine the obscene noises he’d make if the two of you just...gave in. The sincere praises he’d whisper in your ear with each languid roll of his hips, while the weight of his robust frame pinned you to the mattress. The guttural sounds that would surely spill from his lips if you asked him to fuck you against the wall—rough and animalistic. The strangled moans you might hear if you dropped to your knees and sucked his cock like the good girl you desperately wanted to be for him. Not to mention the tantalizing ways he could call out your name...
Husky. Dripping with so much lust, it could make your toes curl before his calloused hands even grazed your skin.
A breathless plea. Soft and rich with devotion. A longing sigh that tickled your skin.
Firm and authoritative. Something that made you crumple to your knees, eager to obey his every command...
Dean curled a finger under your chin, tilting your face up as he raised an eyebrow. “Bowing out already? ‘Cause I was just getting started.”
“Not a chance.” Wracking your brain for another line, you ghosted your fingertips up and down his bicep, noticing the way he shuddered. “You know, I might not go down in history, but I’ll definitely go down on you.”
“In that case, I’ll kiss you in the rain so you get twice as wet.”
Realizing the bar had been raised a notch, you bit your lip and decided to push the conversation a step further. You carded your fingers through his hair, tugging on his locks and massaging his scalp every so often. His eyes fluttered closed and you continued the ministrations a little longer, feeling a twinge of pride at having the brave and mighty Dean Winchester melt beneath your touch.
“Hey, Dean...” He hummed lazily in response. “I have 206 bones in my body. Want to give me another one?”
His eyes snapped open, making the suggestive smile you wore twitch in amusement. His gaze was slightly unfocused, but it grew darker as he considered the idea.
“Well, are you a doctor? ‘Cause I’ve got a bone for you to examine—a big one I might add. Maybe it’s exactly what you’re looking for.”
“Maybe. I was feeling pretty off today, but you turned me on.”
“I’ve got a dirty mind. And, right now, you’re running through it...naked.”
“Running’s not really my style. Are you a trampoline, though? Because I wanna bounce on you.”
His lips parted as he gazed down at you, undoubtedly imagining the same scenario as you. His breath trembled, erratic puffs tickling your skin as he exhaled. You could feel the warmth of his body, your torso now flush with his, not realizing the two of you had continued gravitating toward each other. 
Before you could get too caught up in the moment, Dean let out a low whistle. “I gotta be honest, Y/N—I love the sound of that.”
“Yeah,” he rasped. “So, uh...i-is your name Medusa? Because you’re making me rock hard.”
You shivered involuntarily, deeply affected by the gritty edge in his tone. You clenched at his words and pressed your thighs together, unable to mask how much you enjoyed his dirty line. How much it turned you on, pretending you were the reason he was “rock hard.” 
Knowing the two of you were dangerously close to crossing the line you’d been flirting with, you squirmed out of his arms and took a step back.
Dean cleared his throat, glancing at his crotch before briefly meeting your eyes again. “I’m officially uncomfortable now. Thank you.” 
“I guess that’s a sign I’m winning.”
“Not a chance, sweetheart.”  
He focused his attention on a nearby chair, trying to appear nonchalant as he shoved a brazen hand down his pants to adjust himself. When his hand reemerged, you licked your lips upon seeing the large bulge in jeans.
“Are you sure about that?” You inched forward, standing toe-to-toe with him as you slowly dragged your hand down his chest and stomach. “Because it looks you’ve got a situation going on. Maybe you should admit I’m right so you can go take care of it.”
“He may have a mind of his own, but my dick and my willpower are two entirely different things. Besides...you’re the one staring. Maybe you should admit I’m winning so you can help me take care of it.”
Although you had expected a cheeky comeback, his words didn’t match his constrained demeanor. There was an air of submission in his tone—like he was secretly leaving it up to you to end all of this. To make the first move and put you both out of your misery.
He was putty in your hands, and both of you knew it.
You leaned into him, briefly nuzzling his neck as you molded your body against his. While holding his gaze, you traced the outline of his erection with your finger and firmly palmed it through his jeans. His knees buckled and he let out a strangled moan, leaning heavily against the wall behind him for support. His lashes fluttered, struggling to stay open as his carnal eyes swept over your face. You couldn’t help but smirk, relishing the way his tongue wet his lips before he captured the bottom one between his teeth. What you wouldn’t give to have his mouth lavish your skin with any act of passion he saw fit…
Warm, needy open-mouthed kisses that could make you arch against him. Gentle, featherlight kisses that would surely give you chills. Sharp, playful nips with his teeth that made you shiver with anticipation, just thinking about how he could mark you. And his tongue—oh, the ways he’d make you come undone with his tongue alone. 
“Hey, Dean...” you whispered, leaning forward to suck his earlobe between your teeth. He groaned softly, chest heaving with each ragged breath he took.
“Even though you’re not a dentist...I bet you could give me a filling.”
“Fuck,” he breathed. Dean tipped his head back, a faint thud making him flinch when he bumped the wall.
“Oh!” You automatically reached out to rub his head, and began cackling with guilt. “Crap, Dean, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he panted as he hungrily surveyed you with a grin. “This game isn’t gonna end well for either of us...but the whole middle part is gonna be awesome.”
For the TALK 30 TO ME CELEBRATION: @atc74 @alleiradayne
CarryOnCap Crew (Forevers):
@abswritesfandoms  @amanda-teaches  @cosicas-cuquis  @crist1216  @droidyouseek  @emoryhemsworth  @ericaprice2008  @flawless-disaster  @janeyboo  @jenn0755  @ksgeekgirl  @maresmiley  @memyselfandmaddox  @notyourtypicalrose  @randomparanoid  @sandlee44  @scarletsoldierrr  @shann-the-artist-moon​  @sheerioasteroidpanda  @shynara51​  @someday-when-you-leave-me​ @tatted-trina6​  @thisismysecrethappyplace​  @torntaltos​  @waywardbaby​  @waywardrose13​  @weebid​  @whimsicalrobots​  @wintersoldierbaby​  @yesfanficsaremylife​
Cap’s SPN Crew:
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dreamteamspace · 3 years
They really went there huh
/rp (good lord I rly hyperfixated on this essay huh)
torture tw, abuse tw, manipulation tw, gaslighting tw
So the Dream SMP built a character, once maybe morally gray, who slipped straight into villany with little to no desire to change, and willing to cause a LOT of pain to get his way. Despite this, he doesn’t question what he does enough to stop, justifying his actions with a good intent that doesn’t come close to justifying what he’s done.
C!Dream is unremorseful of what he’s done, he’s quite literally manipulated and gaslit (like actually, not in the way everyone keeps throwing the word around) c!Tommy, almost drove him to take his last life- like, jesus christ. That’s not even to mention blowing up L’Manburg three times, encouraging c!Wilbur, wanting the discs JUST to have power over c!Tommy, etc.
SO, he gets thrown in a box for it so he doesn’t hurt anybody anymore, making his own hubris his downfall (narrative consequence my beloved). This leads us to a good finale - the bad guy, the person who’s caused objectively the most pain and destruction, is now unable to do so anymore, taken down by the person whom he tried to weaken. It is also revealed he was planning on blackmailing and threatening pretty much everyone, but now everyone gets their stuff back.
Good, right?
Especially for the finale, yeah! The message of the finale is good, c!Tommy manages to escape his abuser with nothing more but his clothes on his back and fights his way back to c!Tubbo and his home.
He doesn’t let his trauma (which is still very present!) let him become a terrible person (arguably the way that c!Dream DID let his frustrations make him a terrible person, c!Tommy, despite bearing quite a heavy weight, recognizes when he begins to turn that way and actively works against it).
It shows that while alone, c!Tubbo and c!Tommy were outfought by Dream, but because c!Tommy went the length to ask for help (which he didn’t even really seem to be relying on actually showing up), he wins! It truly is a good message.
C!Tommy escapes his abuser and manipulator, refuses and fights his trauma to not become someone he doesn’t want to be, and defeats his abuser by asking for help and receiving it, even more than he thought he’d get. He refuses to play c!Dream’s “game”, refuses till the very last moment to let c!Tubbo die, to surrender and say goodbye to him.
So, great! Good finale! C!Dream The Villain is boxed like a fish in a prison of, quite literally, his own making. It sent a good message to people. C!Tommy wasn’t expected to forgive him and did, in fact, axe him down twice, causing c!Dream to finally fall from his high horse.
Most media would stop at this point, say the villain is now defeated and never show them again, or have them come back another one or two seasons later, escaped and seemingly unharmed and worse than ever.
Alternatively, there’s a throwaway line, (or, in good media, a genuine, reasonable backstory, complete with remorse and bad role models and complicated situations), that allows the villain to be redeemed.
In GOOD redemption arcs (See: Zuko from avatar tbh), the villain was already never quite as heartless, or stressed their good intent, or felt remorse for what they felt they “had to do”. Then, ideally, the villain takes a looooong time adjusting their habits, regretting their actions and changing until they’re considered redeemed.
Not on the Dream SMP, though.
They don’t stop at c!Dream’s defeat.
He doesn’t dissapear off-screen and is never spoken of again. His life continues on, everyone’s does, just like it would in reality. He doesn’t magically want to become a better person, far from it. So no redemption. But he doesn’t dissapear, either.
They go on to, slowly, stress how awful the conditions in Pandora’s Vault are. c!Bad says c!Dream should be imprisoned, but at least at slightly better conditions. We’re in very VERY morally gray territorry here. Nobody says c!Dream is a good person, of course not, but even c!Bad - who knows Dream was planning on keeping c!Skeppy in a cage to control him with - goes, “yeah, he should stay boxed, but does he really need to like... suffer suffer?”
Still, c!Dream seems to be kindof inconsistent in his behavior. Is he faking his pain? Is he not? His actions don’t fully make sense for either take. He acts differently to each person, but at the same time some things he does don’t make sense if he were just fishing for pity.
Then c!Sam admits to trying (and thinking he succeeded) to “break Dream’s will”, to quite literally starving him for weeks.
Okay, so now we’re a step further. C!Dream is now suffering even more, although already boxed and unable to hurt anyone. Pandora’s Vault is one thing, but now c!Sam just seems to be out for revenge and nothing more. Instead of spending his time with c!Tommy, he spends his time pickaxing(?) c!Dream.
C!Sam isn’t an angel, and we should all know that by now. He does what he thinks is right, but he’s deeper than that, all characters on the DSMP are.
He cares deeply for the Badlands, and would always choose them above anybody else. He’s a capitalist. He built the prison because it would benefit the Badlands resource-wise, despite knowing Dream would probably use it on his enemies, and it was no secret that ALL members of L’Manburg, especially c!Tommy, are his enemies. C!Sam, undoubtedly, knew that. He still built it.
Arguably, he didn’t know about c!Dream’s attachment obsession at the time, but the point still stands.
People have already latched onto the untold story happening between c!Dream and c!Sam, and frankly, we barely know enough about it. Does c!Sam torture him regularly? Do they talk? Does c!Dream try to verbally fight back? CAN he fight back? We don’t know! We’ve gotten proof for both, between c!Sam saying that c!Dream is terrifying even in prison and c!Dream going silent to go on strike. We don’t have enough of an idea how bad or how good it truly is.
So the people who prefer to humanize c!Dream and explore morality imagine c!Sam to downright torture him, people that prefer to see c!Dream as nothing but evil due to his actions imagine prison on the DSMP to not be equivalent to real life prison, and thus nowhere near as torturous as people are making it out to be.
Now all that is thrown out the window as c!Quackity quite literally tortures him.
So now the internet is faced with a question that, judging by some of the impulsive reactions *cough cough* celebrating torture *cough*, it didn’t turn out to be ready for.
Tell me.
How far do we go?
C!Dream hurt a LOT of people. He did a lot of things that caused irreparable damage. Now what? Do we torture him forever? Why? Because he deserves it? How do we determine that without comparing one kind of pain to another?
It’s custom and kindof generally respectful not to compare people’s pain too accurately, because different things vary greatly in severity depending on the person that experiences them.
At what point do we say he’s suffered enough without comparing exile to the prison?
And if we DO compare, does that even make the question easier to answer?
And if he’s never suffered enough ever, killing them would be a mercy...
At what point has a person done enough damage that they “deserve” to die? What if someone only did half of the things c!Dream did. But if c!Dream gets infinite punishment, and half of infinity is still infinity, do they ALSO deserve endless suffering?
Do you think every person that did something you can’t emphasize with deserves to suffer for eternity and die?
I’m not saying we SHOULD emphasize with c!Dream. He did things we cannot justify, that NOTHING can justify. He did things that were, by their nature, unjustified.
I’m also not saying anybody should forgive him. I think it’s a GOOD thing that c!Tommy doesn’t want nor is narratively pushed to forgive c!Dream.
But c!Dream doesn’t need c!Tommy’s forgiveness to be... a person.
There’s a saying that I’m sure you know, that goes “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”, because there’s things you wouldn’t want any human being to experience. Not because you like them, not cause you think they’re right, but because they’re human.
And perhaps this is my personal opinion, but I don’t think c!Dream being a bad person justifies dehumanizing him, because then we get into an area where someone needs to meet criteria just to be human.
I met someone once, whom, because of outside circumstances I knew I probably wouldn’t meet again. We’d been getting along just fine for people who just met, and were both getting into an interesting discussion about morality. They kept insisting upon something I kept refuting, so they said they needed to get something off their chest.
They proceeded to tell me that they had, years ago, while a teen, manipulated someone in a relationship, pushed boundaries and tried to convince them to do things they didn’t really want to do to get what they wanted.
They cried, while telling me, too terrified to tell anybody they know, terrified nobody would ever speak to them again, insanely regretful of their actions. They didn’t know whether to go back and apologize or just stay as far away as humanly possible, didn’t know which one the right thing to do is.
It had been years, by then, and I talked them through it. I said that what they did was bad, and there’s no going around that. But I also said what I saw, which is someone who would never do something like that ever again. I saw a human being. Someone who regrets a mistake they did and now, after enough time has passed, would do anything to make it undone.
Someone who is too terrified to be close to anybody in fear that they would do it again. I don’t remember if they already went to therapy or not, but it was definitly on the table, or in the near future.
They asked me how I could possibly even keep talking to them after they told me all that. They implied they felt like some kind of monster despite literally chocking back tears, firmly convinced they don’t deserve to be close to anybody in their life ever again.
I never swerved from the fact that what they did was wrong, and harmful. But I also told them they’re human. The universe isn’t keeping score. They want to be a better person now, and they were never going to learn how if they never let themselves be close to anybody.
I told them to seek therapy, and to slowly, carefully, try. Assured them that the fact that they regret it so strongly will at least help them in not falling back into the same pattern, and if they do, they can learn to recognize that.
They thanked me after the conversation, genuinely, especially for the fact that I didn’t sugarcoat what happened, because I know otherwise it would’ve felt like I was lying, like I was just sparing their feelings. I wasn’t. I was thinking about how to make sure they get to live without hurting anybody.
As per the circumstances, we didn’t speak again after that, which we knew basicly from the very start.
I still think about that conversation a lot.
Do you think they should’ve been locked up for life after it happened, instead?
Do you think this real human being, that I spoke to, that took years to realize their mistake - and never would have realized it if they hadn’t had the time to, if they’d been killed right afterwards - deserves to suffer forever?
Let me tell you something, from someone who’s been in more than one abusive situation: People that hurt you are human.
That doesn’t mean you have to forgive them. That doesn’t mean you have to like them. That doesn’t mean you have to make an effort to understand them. That doesn’t mean you need to go anywhere near them ever again.
You can hate them. You can be angry at them. You can (and should) go as far away from them as possible, and/or defend yourself.
But that doesn’t mean you have to dehumanize them.
You’re allowed to hate and dislike people that are human, because you’re human, especially if they hurt you. That’s how life is.
And to go back to my original point - c!Quackity torturing c!Dream is not something that should be celebrated.
There’s a difference between necessary measures (locking c!Dream up so he doesn’t hurt anyone), and torturing people for fun.
It’s not right. It’s never going to be right, and do not justify literal torture on human beings, and do not make someone lower-than-human to justify torturing them.
Taking revenge on someone for what they did tenfold is romanticized, I know, but I promise you it’s not actually as cool as it sounds.
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unsteadyimagines · 3 years
Bittersweet Reunion - Anon Request (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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SUMMARY: “It’s when Spencer gets out of prison. Basically, it had been months and you both missed each other and you felt so bad about how beaten he had gotten so you go out of your way to take care of him.”
***Feedback is always welcome for future improvement!
Defeat. Drained. Utterly exhausted. All of those painted on Spencer’s face as he’s discharged from prison. His wrongful imprisonment has clearly taken a toll on him, and I couldn’t feel more guilty. Mexico has clearly not treated him very well.
Seeing him for the first time in god knows how many months felt surreal. Spencer never allowed me to visit him whilst he was imprisoned, in fear of hurting me even more then he thinks he had already done so. In some ways I felt hurt thinking he didn’t want to see me all those months, but I now understand that he was just trying to protect me. However, seeing him now, in his defeated state, it’s now my job to protect him. Care for him, love him. I’d do anything to make sure he’s safe.
As soon as his glassy eyes meet mine, I can feel sobs rake my body whilst my legs move as fast as they can in the direction of Spencer. His arms are already out by the time I reach him, jumping into his shaky arms and feeling his familiar warm touch. Something I hadn’t felt in what seemed like forever. I can feel his heart beating just as fast as mine, if not faster. I run my fingers through his unruly hair, that’s one of his favourite feelings. Neither of us had uttered a word, not just yet. We’re both silent, content in the stillness we both emitted in an otherwise chaotic and overwhelming environment. When I hear quiet sniffles drawn from Spencer, I decide to break the silence.
“I missed you so much.” I muttered into his warm chest, never wanting to let go.
“I missed you too, so much.” Spencer replies, pulling me into his chest tighter, which seems impossible as we’re already as close to one another as we possibly could. Both of our bodies pressed firmly against the other, the heat increasing.
Once I pull away, I look up to see Spencer’s face plastered with a smile, which automatically makes my smile grow bigger and bigger. Spencer suddenly grabs my face in his hands and places his lips on mine in a sweet and gentle kiss, reminding me that we are still in the presence of prison officers. I pull away only for him to pepper my cheeks with kisses, making me giggle and pull away slightly. I nod my head in the direction of the car, signalling to Spencer that we should leave. Gripping my left hand tightly, Spencer laces our fingers together as we make our way to the parking lot.
The entire journey home Spencer’s hand gripped my thigh firmly, not wanting to physically be apart ever again. During the car ride, Spencer tells me how prison was, the good parts, if you could even call it that, and the not so good parts. My heart hurt hearing Spencer as he details the fights he got into, the treatment he received from prison officers and how alone he felt.
Once we arrive home and walk into the front door, I turn around and see Spencer standing there, taking everything in. The all too familiar house, the smells… everything. Watching him look around makes me feel so content and safe. My baby is finally home.
“Good to be home, huh?” I rhetorically ask, my eyes feeling like they may tear up again. Spencer chuckles, his mouth quivering slightly, obviously just as emotional as I am.
“You could say that.” Spencer answers, closing the door behind him and making a beeline straight towards me. His arms enclose around my body once again, although this time we don’t have numerous prison officers observing our reunion. I let out a big sigh, finally feeling like things are starting to get better. I can tell Spencer feels the same, his head resting on top of mine, not once loosening his grip.
I could stay in this position all day, I really could. But I knew Spencer was probably desperate for a proper shower, a home cooked meal and his comfortable bed.
Lightly giving his neck a kiss, I whisper in his ear. “Why don’t you get settled back in, take a shower and I’ll start cooking dinner for you.” Feeling Spencer’s head nod on mine, he hesitantly releases his grip and makes his way upstairs. Walking into the kitchen, I begin preparing what I hope is a delicious meal for Spencer, god knows what the food is like in prison. I’m assuming it’s not exactly what someone would call a five-star meal, anyway.
Trying to make Spencer feel at home again, I decided on cooking some Indian food, one of Spencer’s favourite cuisines and also picked up some chocolate donuts with sprinkles from his favourite bakery. I felt giddy with excitement having Spencer home and being able to do things like this for him again.
Approximately 20 minutes had passed, and Spencer still hadn’t returned downstairs. Turning all the pots to a low heat, I hurriedly make my way upstairs to check on him. Slowly walking into the bathroom, the room is covered in a thin cloud of steam and the sound of the shower remains. Through the thick cloud of steam I can see into the shower, Spencer’s hair is slicked back away from his face, leaning his forehead on his arms which are leaning on the shower wall, his head held down. His previously tired eyes are now closed, his breathing deep. 
Quietly closing the door behind me, I begin removing my clothes one at a time until I’m completely naked. I open the shower door and am met with the hot water cascading down my hair and onto my body, my muscles instantly easing. Pressing my front against Spencer’s back and wrapping my arms around him from behind, he jumps slightly at the contact before relaxing once he realises it’s me.
I give him a kiss on his back, resting my head gently there. Kissing my way around both of his wet shoulders makes me question if he expects anything to happen tonight. It could go either way - he’d be pretty exhausted but we also haven’t been intimate in months. I suppose it might be better for me to wait and see if he initiates anything.
Spencer turns and spins me around so it’s now my head that’s under the showerhead. I gasp softly at the hot water trickling down, enveloping me. Pulling me in, Spencer kisses me sweetly, running his hands through my soaked hair. I hum in delight, my eyes fluttering shut at the physical closeness I so dearly missed.
“Can I?” Spencer quietly asks, staring deeply into my eyes. I can see how vulnerable he is, his eyes darting back and forth across mine while waiting for my answer. Giving him a confused expression, I question him.
“Can you what?”
Rather than answering my question, like before, Spencer slowly meets his lips with mine, pulling me closer to him than before, his wet skin pressed against mine softly. The droplets cover our bodies as his tongue meets mine, our breaths becoming more laboured and quick. The feeling of our wet skin meeting each other’s is a feeling I’m sure we both missed incredibly.
I begin trailing kisses down Spencers body, his chest and stomach inhaling and exhaling deeply, reacting to my touch. Slowly making my way down his body until I’m on my knees, I reach his lower abdomen. Looking up I can see Spencer’s head thrown back, his mouth open and eyebrows furrowed. My hands grip both of his hips before I kiss his inner thighs, watching his eyes flutter at the sensitive area. I take his cock in my hands, slowly pumping him up and down, watching his reaction in awe. It’s been so long since I’ve seen Spencer in this vulnerable trance, it encourages me to continue. 
I can tell he’s had enough teasing, so I take him in my mouth, and I’m consumed with a warmth spreading through the entirety of my body when Spencer lets out a grunt, biting his lip. I coat his cock with my spit, putting my hands on his hips once again and wrapping my lips around him even deeper, shaking my head from side to side.
“Ugh fuck!” Spencer groans, bucking his hips up, causing my eyes to roll back and squeeze my nails into his sides. I can feel myself get even more turned on seeing him in such a state. A state that I caused.
Pulling back for a second to give myself a moment to breathe, I look up at him through my lashes, smirking when I see utter pleasure painted on his face. Closing my mouth around his cock again, Spencer runs his fingers through my long, damp hair before bunching it up at the back and holding it in a ponytail. His left hand has a strong grip on my hair - every few seconds he grips tighter, causing my roots to slightly sting, but in the best possible way. His right hand is stroking my face, while he mutters words of encouragement to me which causes me to moan loudly against his cock as I lap my tongue around in circles.
  “Fuck yes baby, you take me so well.” Spencer mouths through hisses, his release approaching quicker and quicker. Wanting to see him come undone, I begin pushing his hips back and forth towards me, signalling for him to take control. Spencer understands as he’s now gripping my hair with both of his hands and thrusting himself faster and deeper into my mouth, fucking my face.
“Oh Y-Y/N, that f-feels so… so good.” He moans, his stomach muscles clenching. I slowly snake one of my hands down to my inner thighs, running my wet fingers over my pussy and begin rubbing my clit. My moans reverberate onto Spencer’s cock, drawing him closer and closer to his climax.
By this point, nothing can come out of his mouth other than rugged pants and deep sighs. I take him out of my mouth and begin pumping him with my wet hand, while the other still works on my clit. My legs begin shaking at the immense pleasure that I too can feel my release coming. Jerking him hastily, Spencer’s head hits the shower wall behind him, causing drops of hot water to dribble down his panting body.
“Are you going to cum for me baby?” I ask innocently, looking up at Spencer’s face with a smirk.
Spencer’s instinctual response is to shut me up by forcing his cock back passed my lips, thrusting once again. His hips buck up into my mouth and I’m determined to make him finish. I remove my hand from my pussy and push his hips back against the shower wall to prevent him from moving.
“Shit! Right there… right there baby – yes! I’m gonna cum” Spencer gasps, holding my hair back again.
This time, I wrap my mouth around Spencer’s cock so deep I can feel him hitting the back of my throat, bringing tears to my eyes. I flinch in surprise when I feel Spencer’s whole body convulse, his hands immediately holding the back of my head when I feel him release down my throat.
He lets out a massive groan of pleasure, his knees bucking slightly before letting go of my head. I swallow and leave one last deep kiss on his groin area, standing up to meet Spencer’s hazy eyes, his smile lazily plastered over his face.
“I want to fuck you so bad.” He admits, kissing me sloppily. I moan into his mouth and wrap my arms around his neck. Spencer grips my ass and hoists me up, now wrapping my legs around his waist and opens the shower door. We slowly make our way from the bathroom to the bedroom soaking wet, but neither of us could care.
As soon as my eyes flutter open, they’re met with a light mist of smoke entering through the bedroom door, making me fumble out of Spencer’s arms and run downstairs and into the kitchen, leaving Spencer confused and slightly concerned.
Tags: @emmalvei-blog​
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buckbanner · 3 years
𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 -- 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞.
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Bucky wants you to stay in bed with him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: soft sex, oral- woman receiving. 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: if you see this floating around, i posted it many different times with many different characters but it was originally written for bucky. this will now be it’s forever home. i’m a new marvel blog, so follow for more content and we can be pals! <3
The bright flash of lightning from the window hit his face perfectly. His bangs were pressed to his forehead, eyes fluttered closed and soft snores leaving his mouth. You moved your hand towards his face, pushing the hair out of the way to get a good look at him. Work days were the hardest, leaving the boy you loved for a shitty paying job. You pressed a soft kiss to his nose, sighing softly and placing an elbow down on the mattress to pick yourself up and get ready for the work day.
A squeal left your lips immediately, a strong pair of arms pulling you back into warmth, “Bucky, I thought you were sleeping!”
“‘m.” was all he could muster at first, getting his thoughts together before speaking, “I was, could sense you leaving. You have a calm aura, and you know it’s difficult to sleep without my Mrs.”
Bucky had terrible sleeping habits. Constant tossing and turnings, staying awake until the early morning. It was difficult for him to get to sleep, but as soon as he did, the cuddliest bug he was.
He hid himself in the crook of your neck, planting small kisses on your sweet spot to reel you back into him. You sighed softly, falling into his grasp, the both of you knowing who was going to win this round. “Please, darling? It’s my day off y’know? Why don’t you stay here with your favorite boy?”
Your eyes glided to the window, a gloomy rainy day. The ride to work wouldn’t be a quick one and it’s not like your colleagues would miss you too much anyway. The more you thought, the better of an idea it sounded.
“The only problem is, I don’t want to make my way to the phone.” you hummed, interlocking your fingers with his.
His thumb traced the back of your hand, and his soft smile soon turned into a smirk, a dark chuckle falling from his lips. This caused you to cock an eyebrow, turning to look at Bucky who’s eyes were still screwed shut, “What’s so funny?”
Bucky licked his lips, opening his eyes for the first time to take a good look at you, “What would you say if I already called in for you?”
A gasp fell from your lips, your tired hand smacking him lightly on the chest, “James!”
“Oh c’mon, doll.” He laughed at the sound of his first name, catching your hand and placing a soft kiss to it, “It’s pouring outside! Were you really gonna leave me here alone?”
The pout evident in his voice and placed upon his lips, you couldn’t be angry. A part of you remembers feeling an empty spot leaving your bed but an hour ago, thinking he went to get a drink from the kitchen, only now realizing that’s when he’d slipped in and played your boss for a fool. “If he asks, you have food poisoning.”
“Is that the only idea your little brain could come up with?”
“Actually,” He purred, hand trailing down your body causing you to shiver, “This little brain of mine couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything better, was too focused on my girl.”
You tried your best to ignore the daring look in his eyes, yours closing abruptly, head falling back into the pillow. Bucky’s hands fiddled with the hem of one of his old t-shirts that was hanging loosely off your figure. He couldn’t get enough of you. Most guys would drool over their girls in the sexiest lingerie, lace barely covering their bits. Bucky, however, thought the most beautiful site was you, laying here in one of the shirts you stole and a pair of panties begging to be ripped from your legs.
His intentions were extremely clear, slender fingers now making their way up your upper half, giving your boobs a little squeeze, “so gorgeous.” he mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your belly.
“Baby, not right now.” You whine, trying not too terribly hard to push him away, “‘m sleepy. Don’t think I have the energy.”
Taking a good look at him, you could feel the heat already forming between your thighs. Bed head still present, eyes glossed over, tongue darting out to lick his lips; the only thing you could think about was how he'd look even better in between your thighs, putting that mouth to better use.
“Don’t worry, darling. Don’t expect you to do a damn thing but sit here and look pretty for me, think you can do that?”
You stared at your boyfriend in awe, biting down on your own lips and giving him a reassuring nod, “I’ll be so good for you, promise.”
“That’s my girl.”
His fingers hooked around the front of your panties in an instant, taking his time to pull them off you. You tangled his hands in your hair, brushing it back with your fingers as you watched him in awe. Bucky’s mouth was all but hovering over you, even half asleep, the teasing was present.
Whining never did anything, but you couldn’t help it, a small one escaping you, lightly bucking your hips up to try and catch a feel of him. You were too slow. He pressed his left hand on your stomach, pushing you back down, a smile on those beautiful lips of his.
“Ah ah ah, what happened to just sitting there and being pretty for me?”
If it were any other time he would have slapped your clit, making you get off by that and that alone. He would make you count each and every one to see just how long it took you to get off without him putting in any work.
Due to the tone in his voice you could tell he wasn’t too keen on punishing, wanting nothing more than to take his time with you. He pressed a soft kiss to your thigh, giving a small suck before moving to the other, forming tiny love bites as he moved his way up.
You were throbbing at this point, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Once he dipped his tongue into your core you swear you felt fireworks fly, your head throwing itself back into the pillow once again.
A hiccup of moans were caught in your throat, your legs shaking at how good he was treating you. He was a god at this, eating you out like you were his last meal. He stopped for a moment, taking a hand of yours from his scalp. In one quick movement he takes his rings off, placing them on your fingers and continuing on with his task, this time adding a finger to the mix.
The sounds of the rain pattering against the window and your chorus of moans bouncing through your shared bedroom was music to his ears. You were so close to coming undone and he knew it. Maybe it was selfish of him, but all he desperately wanted was to feel you around him.
He pulled both his mouth and his fingers from you, causing you to cry out at the loss of contact. “‘s close.”
“I know darling, couldn’t help myself.”
Tugging down his own underwear, he put a hand on the pillow next to you to hold himself up. Your eyes connected for the first time that morning, hearts beating in sync with each other. A tired smile was on his lips, reaching down to give you a kiss.
“James,” You moaned against his lips, a hand wrapped over the back of his neck to bring him closer to you, “Please make love to me.”
His heart swelled, feeling nothing more in that moment than the love you radiated, all just for him. Once he lined himself to your entrance, he placed his hand in yours, interlocking his fingers with yours, the same ones that held his rings from moments earlier.
Kisses and small I love you’s filled the air, the utter bliss taking over your bodies. You wouldn’t tell anyone, but as the both of you hit your release you felt a small tear hit the side of a cheek, a pair of lips kissing it away.
“I love you, doll. More than anything.”
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haechanhues · 3 years
Drink Me
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pairing : niki x gn!reader
genre : bulleted. fluff. a bit of angst. inspired by alice in wonderland,  inside out and filter - jimin (all very loosely) 
warnings : swearing. niki’s character changes concept and/or characteristics (chameleonic).  this doesn’t necessarily have a plot. 
summary : niki drinks a potion that causes him to change every time he drinks. and of course, as his best friend, you are the one to get him out of trouble. always. 
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Niki is someone rather quiet 
But he can be rather impulsive 
Which explains why he even drank the potion in the first place 
It would’ve been normal to say he drank it once 
Or had a sip 
But guzzling it down six times was what he did 
Six times because lucky number seven is overrated 
His face screws up at the taste of it 
It’s a mixture of disgusting, sweet and with a little bit of spice 
It has Niki’s head going in circles 
Luckily for Niki, whenever he was always doing reckless things, he had one person that’d always be there for him in the end 
You pick up, a little tired 
‘So, I drank a potion...’ 
‘You... drank...a potion?’ 
‘Why do you say that so casually?’ 
‘Because it’s already happened...’ 
‘Well, do you feel anything change in you?’ 
‘Either it hasn’t happened yet...or nothing happens. Stop drinking potions and giving me heart attacks, Niki. Goodnight.’ 
The next morning you find that things are a little different 
You’re just finished talking to your teacher over assignments and little things you missed during your draft 
You sigh at the sheer amount of them all 
Too many mistakes 
You look at the entrance as Niki struts through the doors, or someone that definitely looks like Niki BUT ISN’T NIKI 
Your eyebrows lift at the oozing confidence this Niki has as he wears his leather jacket you never knew he owned with a lollipop in his mouth 
And this Niki walks right past you and you can’t help the scowl that comes across your face 
He dawdles down the hallway, uncaring of others and you follow him with the same frown on your face 
Your stride breaks almost into a run when you hear the shouts of a few boys and taunting from Niki 
In the doorway you see a boy, Jay have Niki against the wall by the collar 
Niki makes eye contact with you and his smirk widens 
Jay turns towards you with Niki’s collar still in his hands
That fucking idiot 
You walk in front of Niki, pulling Jay’s already softening grip away from the collar before softly putting them by his sides 
Jay stares at you in bewilderment before his eyes narrow as Niki decides to open his mouth 
‘I can take him.’ 
‘No you can’t.’ 
Jay goes to launch himself at Niki, trying to prevent himself from knocking you  
You can’t help the glower at Jay (it’s not truly directed at him either but he’s the sad collateral damage) 
‘Please don’t hit him. Because then I have to hit you back. And trust me, I will whack you....’ 
‘...No matter how hot or scary you are.’ 
Jay’s eyebrows lift as he stares you down in surprise and an increasing feeling of his ego being boosted 
But before he can say anything else, you already have Niki’s jacket in your hand, pulling him down the corridor 
Jay stares after the two of you, still slightly annoyed and interested 
‘Hey. Who was that?’ 
But with no help he’s left with a want to get to know you. 
The next day you see Niki seemingly back to normal 
But the look he passes over you when you go to check on him is not one of them 
He gives you harsh eyes as you take a look at him through the mirror next to Jungwon who fusses over the little cut you’ve managed to obtain 
Jungwon runs a smooth palm over the plaster before tapping your knee a little 
‘What did your clumsy ass do this time?’ 
Even though he’s currently going through a weird time and you understand him, you can’t help the sad frown that settles on your face 
Jungwon peeps at the tears growing in your eyes before turning to Niki 
He growls 
‘If you’re gonna be a dickhead all session then get the fuck out.’ 
Niki rolls his eyes before storming out 
You lift yourself up from the ground, needing to chase him 
‘You don’t have to chase him, Y/N.’ 
You sigh 
‘Thank you Jungwon,’ 
Before following Niki out of the room. 
Niki has his head on a locker, gripping it in his hands
You hurry worriedly towards him, patting his back 
The next day you find that Niki had already become another 
With his tie not on properly and his uniform unkempt 
You drag him into another classroom, sighing 
Only to be met by the surprised face of Park Sunghoon 
The ‘prince’ of the school so to speak 
‘Who are you?’ 
He says as he looks at Niki who looks down at his nose at Sunghoon 
‘Don’t worry about it.’ 
You waved him off so carelessly that Sunghoon can’t help the surprised expression across his face 
He thought you were quiet and tended to stick to yourself 
You button Niki’s shirt tying it securely 
Whilst you do that his attention is focused on you whilst Sunghoon finds he wants to ease the tension 
He goes to exit the classroom only to be stopped by you 
‘Do you perhaps know how to tie a tie?’ 
He says in an almost teasing tone 
You cast him a dark look which he grins at 
‘Yes, your highness  I do.’ 
Niki watches Sunghoon tie his tie around his neck with stiff shoulders before looking at you with much softer eyes 
‘You are to be my beloved?’
You stare at him 
And Sunghoon’s tries to focus on tying this tie for a boy he doesn’t know to stomp out the pure awkwardness and unnatural language of a teenage boy 
‘My royal beloved, that is?’ 
Niki asks, completely ignoring the boy in front of him. 
Sunghoon was a prince turned into a complete slave by a boy who looks like he barely celebrated his thirteenth birthday. 
You, however, are rendered speechless and currently don’t know how to function 
Sunghoon inhales in satisfaction as he perfects Niki’s tie and steps away
Niki, fortunately returns to normal 
He frowns at the boy in front of him before loosening the tie around his neck slightly 
Sunghoon can’t help the dark look that comes across his face 
‘Thank you Sunghoon. For tying his tie, only for it to become undone. Thank you.’ 
Your sarcastic tilt has Niki apologising to Sunghoon 
‘Prince Niki made an appearance.’ 
Niki screwed his face up before making eye contact with Sunghoon 
‘Who are you anyway?’ 
The ice prince is offended. And he makes no effort to hide how irritated and slightly interested he is. 
Sunghoon finds you both weird 
But he oddly fucks with that 
Which is why he invites you both to his party tomorrow night 
The party has you both drowsy. Throughout the whole night, your hand is clasped in NIki’s hand and you hope you don’t have clammy hands. 
That’s the least of your problems 
Rather than this crush on your best friend you have 
The ‘incoming’ Niki hasn’t happened yet and it freaks the both of you out a little bit 
Niki tries to focus on the fact that since the party has started, you haven’t let his hand go. 
You’re both seated and your fingers are interlocked 
An hour ago you had seen Sunghoon and waved hello. 
That was weird. 
You never thought you’d ever be one of the people he’d acknowledge 
Much rather Niki, who can’t even remember why he’s being acknowledged 
Twenty minutes ago it was even weirder 
Jay had appeared in front of the both of you, giving looks at your hands and even Jungwon had made eyes at them 
‘Wanna drink?’ Jay leaned into you which you denied. 
‘Since when were you two a thing?’ Jungwon asked 
‘We’re not.’ 
Niki can’t help the wolfish grin that appears on his face as he takes a look at Jay 
He doesn’t know where it comes from but he sends a wink his way which has Jay’s eyes narrowing 
He could hold your hand forever 
Unfortunately though, he doesn’t really want to hold your hand while he takes a piss 
So seeing that you’re currently in a conversation with Jungwon, he takes the opening to go and pee as quickly as he can 
(So he can return to you much faster) 
This, however seems to be the moment the new version of Niki appears 
Jake Sim finds Nishimura Riki in the bathroom applying glitter to his face 
‘Sorry man.’ 
‘Don’t worry about it,’ 
Niki waves off any apology with the flick of his hand 
‘That’s sick.’ 
Niki fixes his stare on Jake, ‘I know.’ 
Niki sarcastically welcomes him with the gesture of his hand, focusing on the pretty that adorns his face 
‘Who are you here with?’ 
Niki opens the door slightly, looking down the balcony to see you in the same spot as before with a lemonade in hand. 
He points down at you before smiling slightly, ‘Them.’ 
‘They’re cute’ 
Jake smiles 
‘I know they are.’ 
‘Are you dating?’ Jake says, eyeing at the way Sunghoon is talking to you 
‘Not yet.’ 
‘Are you done with your glitter?’ Jake wonders 
‘Cool- cause I gotta take a piss. Like now. Here’s my number.’ 
Jake’s fingers dance across Niki’s phone screen and Niki walks downstairs 
You stop your conversation with Sunghoon as you see Niki with his face prettily covered in glitter and confused as fuck 
Sunghoon turns to meet Niki’s eye and is like, ‘I like the glitter.’ 
The next morning when Niki changes, you don’t necessarily notice he’s changed 
Maybe other people have been suspicious over Niki’s change of character 
But not you 
You’re used to this Niki 
Even the victim, Kim Sunoo is used to it 
So when Niki giggles and pours water over Sunoo’s head and then a bucket of feathers 
You only muse to yourself that Niki has finally brought playful Niki to school 
Sunoo glares at Niki before chasing him down the hall 
You can hear Niki cackle as he runs from Sunoo, ‘THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR PUTTING A WATERMELON IN MY MAILBOX.’
Sunoo spits out a feather as he yells, ‘HOW IS THAT AS BAD AS THIS?’ 
And so the whole school watches as Sunoo tackles Niki down in an attempt to seriously injure the giggling boy 
Jungwon looks at you confused and with a hint of concern, ‘Shouldn’t you go help Niki?’ 
‘I think it’s deserved,’ You say and turn away, choosing to instead focus on your education. 
Every now and then you can’t help but peek over your book at the commotion 
Sunoo stands up with a huff, stomping down the hallway to make eye contact with you-
‘I hate your boyfriend.’ 
Before he stalks off 
When the bell rings, Niki remains on the floor, resembling a starfish or a snow angel with his legs wide apart and arms extended
When you reach him, he’s giggling with tears in his eyes 
You watch him from above, shaking your head 
‘I don’t know why I’m laughing,’ Niki giggles as he wipes a tear away, ‘What was this Niki like?’ 
‘Exactly like you.’ 
When Niki changes for the final time, it is not you who finds him 
But Sunoo and Heeseung 
Heeseung watches Niki cry on the floor with his head in between his hands whilst Sunoo runs off in search of you 
Heeseung slides down the wall to sit across from the crying younger boy 
‘Hey, you okay Niki?’ 
Now Niki feels sad. But he feels even sadder that the person who caught him blubbering and crying away is a crush of yours 
(A once upon a time crush but Niki doesn’t know that) 
Heeseung squeezes Niki’s shoulder without saying anything else before sliding forward to comfort him. 
Heeseung watches over Niki protectively, only letting his eyes wander when he hears hurried footsteps and finds himself a little speechless when he makes eye contact with you 
‘Hi Y/N.’ 
‘Hey Heeseung,’ You smile before placing your hands on each side of Niki’s face 
‘Look at me-’ 
And Heeseung can only watch your obvious crush on Niki shine 
‘Now what aren’t we going to do?’ 
Heeseung smiles but his eyes widen at the words pulled from your mouths 
‘No more drinking potions.’ 
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author’s note : cinematic parallels but my own writing version : putting jake in the bathroom and heeseung being an old crush of y/n’s. this was just a bit of fun and a little bit of a mess. i love this idea. 
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