#christmas art gifts
bryan360 · 5 months
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No “On This Day” posting for today, but I’m taking a day off from the program due some headaches that I needed resting. I’ll be alright, though. Anyways, what you see is one of my handmade Christmas art gifts from last year (with a help from one of friends at the program). I didn’t get a chance to show you this before it’s over.
Nonetheless, I’d give to my family and mom of what I’d made. From the painted wooden elf to some Christmas tree cards, my mom is very happy and pleased of my work. I even did creatively with the elf’s hat that kinda looks like a watermelon piece for some reason. At least my mom sure like it either way.
Note: I’d crossed my name off for prevention. Just before I even give to my mom from last year’s Christmas.
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
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magnificentmicrowave · 5 months
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the fogs!
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yourlocalabomination · 5 months
Giving the people what they demanded
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thelibraryloser · 5 months
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i hope you've all been good this year!
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joonsbubu · 5 months
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christmas party
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inkly-heart · 5 months
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theroundbartable · 6 months
Arthur is bad at gift giving. Like, no, he isn't, not normally. He's just bad at giving gifts to MERLIN.
Because everyone else appreciates the thought or the worth of the gift. But usually, Merlin is the one send out to buy them or even come up with the idea or reminding Arthur of the birthdays.
So, it's just Merlin that Arthur can't find gifts for.
Every time he gives him something expensive, Merlin just sells it and gives the money away. Buys herbs with it or anything else.
The clothes Arthur gives him, Merlin never wears unless he forces him to wear them in formal settings.
A day off is accepted with suspicion and a full day of Merlin trying to figure out what's wrong with Arthur.
One Christmas, Arthur decides to try something new. He draws Merlin a picture. It's not a good drawing, it's just put on old parchment he can't use for speeches anyway, it's not a painted one from the royal painter as Merlin wouldn't know where to put a huge framed picture.
It's just a sketch really about Merlin and Gwen talking animately in Arthur's chambers because Arthur loved the sight and hasn't actually been able to work that day, when the people he wanted to be with were right there.
Arthur doesn't sign the picture, too scared of Merlin's response. He gifts him a new scarf alongside it because he's insecure.
Merlin cries when he finds it.
Like, he walks around and shows everyone and praises how much effort and skill had gone into it. He keeps it in a drawer and looks at it every day and never shuts up about it.
Arthur feels so encouraged, he starts drawing something for Merlin every day. And the next christmas, he looks Merlin straight in the eyes and gives him the whole folder.
Merlin, who hadn't known it was a gift from Arthur, nearly melts. And then he looks through the paintings and finds one of himself using magic. He doesn't say anything. He's too speechless to talk. He grabs Arthur and hugs him.
Arthur becomes really good at art after that.
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zu-is-here · 5 months
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A gift for @inkz123 by your Secret Santa ♪( ´▽`)
˚✧₊⁎Merry Christmas!⁎⁺˳✧༚
And a big thank you to @gyftmas2023 for hosting the event ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Ink by comyet
Error by loverofpiggies
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channnel · 5 months
MDHM au where everything is the same, but mc stepped on an anthill before meeting Alan.
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darqx · 5 months
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Upgrading the 'polaroid magnet' idea of 2019 for 2023's Xmas card trades, these ones are made from wood and use actual magnets! Luxurious! |D All the poses are also referenced from actual party photos i've taken of other people, to add to the candid vibe lol.
The dreamcatcher is kind of a gag gift (yes the craft project i reffed here) for some friends. Since they don't have the ability to fight their nightmares i have offered to [try and] do it for them XD
Made from: Wooden craft polaroid (plus some backing MDF pieces), magnet, misc decorating items (glitter, wooden shapes, gel pens, paint etc). The dreamcatcher is just a storebought one with laminated paper mes wired to it
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rechicken-and-waffles · 5 months
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Mistletoe 🌿💕
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Bonus: They kissed >:3
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bryan360 · 1 year
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
What’s up to my good friends and OCs alike? It’s finally time for a very 🎄🎅🏻Merry Christmas of 2022 something to give; including at DA that I posted in the morning. Link Here
Now that’s settled though, it time I’ve promised to one of my closest friends after making such Christmas gifts to their beloved OCs. Thankfully one of my OCs got them delivered just in time for the holidays, but hoping this is far I’m going for of making it through. What that being said, let’s get started for the Speedster family as giving by the Rabbits family and Mikey.
🐰🖌Maxwell: For Spot and Riya, an each Nintendo Switch OLED systems for the first time you two earned. This is our idea after knowing your creator friend really hopes if he can get his own system.
🐰👊💥May: We know about that it’ll be a cost a lot to afford, but we actually did save a lot of money to order online….with our mom and dad’s help though. Hope you two enjoying your system, but make sure to take care of it.
🐰🎤Windy: Same goes for their parents as we giving their gifts as well. Don’t leave them hanging as I giving Rita her VR headset. That’s right, a VR headset that I originally saved it from few years ago than you think. You luckily that we still had some money to afford two Switch system this year.
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Not bad thinking, honey. As for mine when giving to Bonn though, it’s actually my DK boxing gloves that I previously own during school years. I do like this gloves as much for a video game fan, but I think it’ll fits on him when doing boxing practices. Hope he can take care of them.
🦊⚽️Sam: It’s okay, dad. At least giving your gift is better than to buying a new one sometimes. However me and Brown had something for Murukir and Cude to give.
🥜Brown: We went to a plushie store not while back if there any dolls for them to enjoy. So here they are holding Mario and Chowder plushies. Hope this is something to take care as well and during sleep time. It happens where I snuggle things. (In thoughts: with my tail at least.)
🐱Mikey: Cool, man. Though what they wanted really want to have; while snuggling around is have them to listen through chill vibes music. Thankfully for Miya that I’ve picked up ordered Brookstone Cat Ear Headphones. Same way from our creator friend if you remember back in 2017, but had some problems that show its age. Let’s see if her own headphones can hold it up well.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. Now as a continuation on giving gifts is Baco and his hamburger pillow; because why not? At least knowing he likes hamburgers, right? However is saving for Shadow R and Lisa that me and Emme can agree on….if it’s alright. 😅
🦌🌻Emme: Sure does! Thought that we can give away our clothes to them like the way you’ve do with your Speedster friends and so on. There’s plenty more inside their boxes to open up, but we would’ve brought our A/W clothes if I would to reveal mine. I’ll remember that the next time I can give you guys. It’s a promise. 👍
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. And finally goes for Alex (his OCself) and Sammir when giving away a PS5 from Jumbo and a soccer ball from Sam.
🐘🎮🧹Jumbo: That’s right; especially after working hard with my dad when getting such earnings. Though in Christmas time, I thought it’ll be okay if giving one of our friends as much I was. No worries. 👍
🦊⚽️Sam: Good for you, then. Hope he understand after receiving his gift from yours. As for mine is having our next HTF friend playing his soccer ball that themed colored of a Kickety-Kick Ball. Hope he like this gift I got for him; especially for being a “Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!” fan.
Looks like that all the gifts giving to our friends we’ve work hard saving and spending. Here’s to our closest creator friends have a good festive day of Christmas this year. However you may wait for a bit of revealing my own gifts because it didn’t arrived just yet. Sorry if it takes time after convincing my mom which gifts I’m getting this year. Hope everyone understand. Anyways, have a good Christmas Day of 2022 and ahead for new year!
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The Speedster Family, Cude, and Murukir created by my P-Pal; @murumokirby360
Shadow R created by @carmenramcat
Lisa created by LadyFeliz (formerly known as LisaDots123)
Alex (his OCself) and Baco created by @alexander1301
Sammir created by @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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cafemagie · 1 year
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“Oh, no! She’s hot…”
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canisalbus · 5 months
Machete and Vasco are so pomegranate-and-the-hand-that-slices coded. To me.
Pomegranates are seen as messy, bloody, inconvenient fruits. You slice or tear or bite and in return for your effort you come away underwhelmed, disgusted, and stained too deep to wash. The consumption of a pomegranate is a violent act of defilement, for both the fruit and the eater.
But that is because most do not understand how to open a pomegranate. They have little patience for the precise carving. They see no point in coreing the fruit gently, no reason to be reverent as they pull the quarters apart. When done correctly, opening a pomegranate leaves little mess. Your fingers will still stain, your knife will still slick, but there will be no pool of crimson drowning both you and the fruit.
The seeds are only sweet to those who understand the merit of a light hand and intricate slicing. Why put in so much effort for a food so bitter and clearly armored against consumption? Surely it must not yearn to be eaten.
(^insane about silly catholic dogs)
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evyltalks · 5 months
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“Regulus Black knows he’s dead.”
Commission for the lovely @vellichorbindery gifted by the sweet @archiveofathena_ , it was my absolute pleasure and an honor to be a part of this project !!
My love for the Black brothers knows no limit and I’m so excited for you to read the new WIP of Jules “Dear Brother” (on ao3 by vellichorwrites)
Enjoy your early (and angsty) Christmas present !
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jackshiccup · 5 months
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