#cliff (voltron)
lorillee · 10 months
to be honest its very funny to me when like a character goes out of their way to help another character and then the ship fans are like "omggg there is NO heterosexual explanation for this" and its like um ................ do you not care about your friends at all. or what
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chibi-pix · 5 months
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Time for a few new character revamps. Including a majour design change to Marvin. There are a couple of reasons behind Marvin's change. There's a screenshot of Marvin's character, but he was given Zandee's colours instead. Which is sad and amusing at the same time. The next reason was because while drawing Cliff, I was listening to Jacksepticeye play The Mortuary with the Game Grumps and hearing of Danny hiding in his helmet of hair, or hairarium as he put it as well, I just went "Marvin would do that at times if he had long enough hair". And thus. The long haired, Dan Avidan looking Marvin. And I am pleased. I also got the idea of giving Hutch some facial fuzz from @t1koy-roll.
As for Marvin pointing out that Ginger's gonna kill them, the idea for the au is that Marvin, Hutch, Rocky, Zandee, and Ginger are friends before becoming pilots of the vehicle force team. But that won't be seen in the blind twinverse au for some time yet.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy these ones! Until next time!
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Posting some old silly sketches of Cliff and Krik from Vehicle Voltron because Im hopeless
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
When the paladins were hearing “the song of the void”, it was pidge and hunk who didn’t hear it (i think). However, in s1 ep1, Keith arguably almost killed the paladins by doing a nosedive on other his hover bike (which I thought was hilarious), Or maybe he’s just that skilled that they were no where near death
((as a quick refresher to save anyone who sees this from having to re-read the entire druidic lab arc, Lotor, Shiro, Keith, & Lance all heard the not-rhyahl's cry, while Allura, Hunk, Matt, & Pidge did not))
“I couldn’t see it before- the common thread, I mean. Only half our party heard that creature’s cry, and though it was no true rhyahl, I suppose it must have been rhyahl enough to possess Sa’s tongue… Sa Kyl, the druids call it: the Song of the Void. While named for the catatonic state induced by that creature which once walked Daibazaal’s scorched earth, the term was extended to include those unseen battles fought by warriors from all walks of life; though the particulars of that which one fights may vary, the aftereffects are not dissimilar. [...] The ancients believed that once Sa has had a taste of you, she never quite forgets.” - Lotor, Little Blade, chapter 22
I,,, really don't equate that s01ep01 jump with anything even remotely close to the severity of Naxzela. While it was certainly something that scared the hell out of Pidge/Lance/Hunk in the moment, it was still a far cry from being a near-death experience; Keith really is, as you say, "that good" and it's evident from the confidence with which he executes the maneuver.
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[[ Hunk: "Guys? Is that a cliff up ahead?" / Keith: "Yup." / Hunk, Lance, Pidge: "Nononono-!" ]]
Look at that face?? That little smirk as he accelerates?? Keith has every confidence in his skill as a pilot, and that jump (as we later learn, when we see his pre-Kerberos memories of Shiro) isn't something he did because he'd run out of options and had no other way to escape his pursuers, but rather a move taught to him years ago by the Garrison's golden-boy himself, and therefore likely something he's practiced and perfected ever since.
But think of it this way: you've probably had a handful of theoretical close calls in your life yourself—perhaps you stepped out into the road when you shouldn't have and almost got clipped by a car, for example—and while those situations in all likelihood had your heart beating a mile a minute, they don't necessarily traumatise you in the way that it would were you actually hit by the car,,,,,, or, say, seconds away from flying into a magical space-barrier with the intention of turning both your ship and yourself into a bomb all to prevent a substantially bigger bomb plated by your enemy from detonating and blowing up everyone you love.
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seldomscilence16 · 6 months
Whumptober day 29:
"I only sink deeper the deeper I think."
Scented candles | troubled past resurfacing | "What happened to me?"
Fandom: Voltron
Prompts used: all
Oof so this ones a little rough, but it was what I could come up with. Yell at me if you will :)
TW for implied abuse, injuries, blood mentions but not major.
The candle is oddly shaped- though he couldn't tell you what he thought it was supposed to be shaped like- and sat innocently in the center of the dining table. It was a gift, for some reason, and Lance felt like it was a test of some kind. It wouldn't be first.
Lance doesn't lite it, not today, he'll wait until HE says it's okay. Just to be safe.
The candle is lit, HE is gone again, and Lance has just awoken, the smell is new and fills the space so fully it's suffocating. He feels a headache building and turns to bury his face in his pillow.
"Leandro! Don't go too far! Pequeño bribón, Lancito!" The voice is worried but fond. (Little rascal)
"I'm fine mama! I'm gonna-" a shriek, cuts off the sentence, blurred view of tumbling down a rocky hill.
Something snaps, and pain erupts up his arm, there's blood- his arm?
Lance wakes from the light doze confused, a phantom ache in his arm. He sits up, cautiously dragging his sleeve up, he stares like he'd never seen it before, and wonders if he had. Scars litter the tan skin, old and newer, healing bruises doing little to hide them.
He presses on one-
The boy beside him holds his arm tenderly beneath cool sink water,
"Hermano, it's not that big a deal, I burn myself all the time, so do you!"
"But I burned you! I didn't-"
"Didn't mean to? I know, I was in the way and the pan was bigger than I thought. Give me a cookie and we're all good."
He gasps, the teen burned into his eyelids. His heart aches and his head pounds, as he tries to place where he knows him from. He'd looked like Lance, not like HIM, or the weird people on TV, he looked like Lance-
He had been human, like Lance. Lance was a human, who knew other humans at some point. He stumbles to his feet, dizzy as he makes his way to the bathroom, he splashes water on his face and meets his own eyes in the mirror. One Brown, one Blue.
"Think the team will notice, beautiful?"
Perhaps, if they can look up for a moment.
"Ha! You are not wrong there… maybe I can find contacts, switch back and forth and see who notices first…"
Amusing, they do claim to be observant.
The mocking in her mental voice makes Lance chuckle again.
"Don't worry Blue, I'll always appreciate you even if they don't."
And I you.
He stumbles back, hands in his hair as his head seems fit to burst with how harshly it pounds-
Cub, breathe.
"I shouldn't be c-cold. Why is it s-so c-c-cold?"
I have raised the temperature, you are within the safety of my walls, I will not let any harm come.
"R-red, why m-me? W-why is i-it always m-me?"
I wish I knew cub… you do not deserve it. I am here.
Blue, Red, voices, presences in his mind, how could he forget about two whole presences in his MIND! What is going on?!
He struggles to dress himself, the clothes ill fitting- HE likes them loose- but he manages, he doesn't have shoes- he doesn't leave this place- but the cloth on his feet resembles socks. SOCKS how did he forget what SOCKS were!? He slides into the main part of the building, his eyes fall on the candle and the purple flame-
Seventh wheel.
Too many paladins.
Leave the math to Pidge.
Not now Lance!
I told you to stay out of this!
Lance! Don't ever scare me like that again!
Lance, I'm sure you can find something to do without getting into trouble hm?
Mighty paladin, fallen before my feet, mine I shall make you, my quite the feat!
"What happened to me?" He's curled up on the floor, tears tracking down his face.
His heart thumps heavily in his chest, longing for something, he needs to get out of here. He had a life before this- however complicated it seemed- but if he stayed, he may not have a life after.
The Alien that had been parading around here, talking about some life they had together, making up quiznaking BS about life long mates, was a phonier phony than he thought.
Lance had not lost his memory in some weird accident, it had been on purpose! Maybe…. he still didn't know, but HE would be back eventually, and HE would surely be mad again. Lance needed a way out.
"Alright memories… I only sink deeper the deeper I think. So chill out for a minute, bueno? Bueno…"
He drags himself over to the table, snuffing the candle-
Burned flesh.
It fills his nose.
Everything's bURNING!
"Mierda!" Blood dribbles down his chin, lip sore and throbbing where teeth had bitten through skin.
Out. A way out. Come on Lance, you've been cleaning this place as long as you can remember- ha- there's gotta be a way out!
He starts with the front door; biometric lock, Lance can't find a panel to open.
The windows; thick, tinted, none openable, does not break with a chair, no ground in sight.
No back door. No laundry chute, no neighbors he can hear, no skylight, Garbage chut-
Garbage chute!
Disgusting, but his only option.
The thing is large, to fit the large bags he assumes, it does not smell, it seems pretty clean considering, but Lance can only assume what's at the bottom. Rotting food, alien bugs, an incinerator!? This could be a terrible idea.
But… it's his only one. He grabs the biggest knife from the kitchen, wraps it up to hopefully avoid stabbing himself, and stares at the chute. He sits in it awkwardly, his brain niggling on the idea of a 'slide' but Lance doubts this will be fun.
His scream is a squeaky breathy thing, to remain as quiet as possible and still release his terror as he goes down into the dark unknown. Falling for several long moments before a light appears and he slows his descent with protesting skin burning all the while.
His chest heaves as he stares at the opening, a pile of trash bags, no heat, he sends a prayer to whoever's listening, and falls.
He must look like a loonatic, running around as he is with no idea where he is or why. But he stops for no one, no rushing memories coming to him at anything he registers before him. He runs, he doesn't look back, everything aches, but he pushes, he's been through worse-
Gods he's been through worse.
He only slows as he reaches some sort of port, spaceships coming and going. He has no money, but he will be leaving this place, if it's the last thing he does.
He doesn't see the screen beside him light up with his face:
Paladin of Voltron
"What happened to me?"
Tips or info sent to xxxxx
He doesn't look back.
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starbooksye · 4 months
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I thought there shouldve been more VV pilots in the Kitty cat au so I drew some more I also want to add I've haven't really watch Vechile force other then some scenes and like 2 episodes
Have Cliff who is a cat I swear he just looks like a Taz tiger and can open there mouth like one but i swear he is a normal cat and Jeff
Fun cat taz tiger is not apart of the feline family or the canine ethier but the Thylacinidae family witch is extinct now and that they could open their mouths almost to 90°
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t1koy-roll · 2 years
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The Voltron Vehicle Force are underrated as hell and I will die on this hill 
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jalapenobee · 10 months
What if I took the bonding moment and made it bsd
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Another birthday this week!! Hbd to my beloved @reindeer-games-sven I always love talking to you and your art is ungodly, make this year a good one!
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Vehicle Voltron, but I do own Ruby Thompson, her mom, and the photographer. I also don't own the girl with the ducky earrings. She belongs to Queenscene2.
Summary: Ruby Thompson has been accepted into the Galaxy Garrison, and the first step is to get a Garrison issued picture ID.
Author Note: Ruby Thompson is Commander Richard Newley's estranged niece. The Thompson family does not get along with Newley at all.
"Garrison ID"
Don't take any shit from your Uncle Dick. Ruby's mother's words stayed with her from the first time she heard them when she was five and Uncle Dick came over to try to convince her to start grooming Ruby to enter the Garrison (under the surname of Newley). Ruby's mother covered her daughter's ears and proceeded to cuss Newley (her brother) out before kicking him out of her house.
"Next." The voice drew her out of her reverie.
She shook her head, her hair swishing behind her as it hung in loose waves, as she joined the line of new recruits. She was in the back of a long line, so she took the time to look at her peers.
There were several aliens, but there were also several humans. Her attention was drawn to a loud raven-haired boy who was bragging about his connections to a pair of boys (one raven-haired and one brunette). She rolled her eyes. He reminded her of her uncle. She moved on from the trio, and her eyes landed on a girl with ducky earrings who was accompanied by a blonde boy. This boy was clearly not happy with her as she didn't interact with him, preferring to converse with the pretty girl by her side, but the ducky earring girl was blushing.
The line was moving pretty quickly, about as quickly as it was growing. Though, soon enough, Ruby was stepping up to the lieutenant at the head of the line.
"Ruby Thompson."
The lieutenant checked his list for her name before giving her a computer print out with her name on it and directing her to the open photographer.
Ruby made her way over to the photographer and handed him the paper. He looked it over and nodded, taking the paper. He typed the information into his computer and walked over to the girl. "Stand on this white X, and I'll take your picture."
Ruby saw the masking taped X on the floor and proceeded to stand on it as the photographer went back to her computer and camera. Both Ruby and the photographer saw and heard Newley at the same time.
"Why is her information wrong?"
Ruby scowled at the sound of her uncle's voice.
"What do you mean, sir?"
"Her surname is supposed to be on record as Newley."
The photographer looked at the paper file with Ruby's details to the computer then over to the girl in question, who shook her head, and finally at the commander. "I'm sorry, sir. Her last name is listed as 'Thompson,' and I can't change it."
Newley bristled but calmed himself down with the knowledge that he could still work with the situation. "Fine." He turned to face his niece. "Remember, Ruby. Don't smile. This card is to represent the image you wish to project at the Garrison."
Ruby gritted her teeth. She hated how he was under the assumption she wanted *anything* to do with him. Her anger grew with every order whether directed at her or the photographer.
"Tilt your head up."
"Photograph her at an angle."
"Glare at the camera."
"Make sure you capture how serious she is."
Newley's next comment was not directed at the photographer or his niece and was said under his breath. "The commanders are going to love this."
Ruby heard the comment and knew what he meant by it. Newley was going to use Ruby's entrance and serious nature to boost his career (and standing in the Garrison). His intention made her blood boil. She planted one hand on her hip and shook the index finger of the opposite hand at her uncle.
"How dare you! My admission into the Garrison has nothing to do with you, and neither do I! I will climb the ranks on my own, and you will do well to distance yourself from me or I will do it myself!"
Unbeknownst to the uncle/niece duo, the photographer took the opportunity to take a unique but fitting picture for the young lady in front of him. He was able to capture her mid rant and used that picture for her ID. He grinned as he printed out the card. He had a feeling this young lady was going to do great things during her career at the Galaxy Garrison.
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atsualek · 4 months
i am ever so sorry to bring up voltron in the year of our lord 2024 but. listen. im so sure this wasnt even done on purpose but i cant stop thinking. abt. it.
the symbolism of lance's first moment related to keith being him recognizing his mullet, (ignoring the fact of how gay it is to recognize your ""rival"" from his back alone when youre up on a cliff but,,,) when you think about it? its the perfect introduction to their dynamic - lance easily recognizes keith from afar, but even after talking to him, keith doesn't even remember they were on the same class. because of course he'd recognize keith's back, thats all he ever saw of keith- always behind him in everything. always second to him, but then ! as their dynamic shifts (back when voltron writers still cared abt giving them consistent character arcs-) and when shiro goes missing, lance becomes keith's second, but only because he now sees them as equals.
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neurotic-sinkhole · 4 months
absolutely going coo-coo bonkers banana pants thinking about the young justice series.
the first season is ABSOLUTELY perfect, NO NOTES. the team dynamics. the b plot storylines that ended up being SO critical. the betrayals. the cameos from other young superheros. batman!!!!!!!
season two, also pretty good! starts off hot with introductions of new characters, building off of last season's cliff hanger plot lines. gives us that juicy juicy wally-artemis relationship stuff. good leadership and team decision making. but then- like halfway throughout the season, it starts feeling... rushed? like the plot just starts tumbling down a hill. then the season finale is just... sad. its sad and you don't feel like the team saved anything because so much is lost.
season 3 begins and it really doesn't circle back to the loss and the absolute turmoil the ending of season 2 caused. the team makes references to it every now and then, but the actual justice league? not at all.
season 4 just digs up old wounds for no reason. i totally get revisiting old missed plot bits, but when you're not actually filling in those plot holes you're just deepening them.
it really sucks that the pinicle of writing and animation in season one just crashed and burned.
might be where voltron learned that trick.
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fluffyspaceball · 11 months
👉👈Ok I am madly in love with the headcannon of Keith knowing Spanish but Lance and the other members of Voltron don't know this .👉👈
So whenever Lance says something to the team only Kieth understood what he was saying but stays quiet cause this is his only source of amusement . Like imagine
P:Lance get out of my room you drama queen
L: callate enano(shut up you midget)
P:what does that even mean !!
//Keith in the background eternally signing//
L: cásate conmigo allura(marry me allura)
A:pardon me?
H:oh don't worry it's just Lance speaking Spanish
A:Yes Lance I do now see
S:I'm pretty sure that sì means yes
L:crees que sabes español shiro el héroe (you think you know Spanish Shiro the hero!?)
//keith in his head:Lance needs to calm down//
But sometimes when Lance get extra annoying he buts in.
C:ok you qizsnaps this training routine will be very challenging and if will force you to work together. Speaking of working together,I recall one certain time when me and a couple of space piratea to team up to try find the beard of atla-
L:Coran! ¡Amigo! Te juro por Dios que te calles con las historias tontas solo por un rato(Coran!Buddy!I swear to God shut up with the dumb stories just for a bit!)
S:Lance!English so the rest of us can understand.
S:that one I understood!
P:what is happening !?
L:*aggressive Latino noises*
A:can we all calm down
C:oh this reminds me of a time whe-
L:Iré Keith Iduna Su segundo nombre en ti(I will go Keith Idunohissecondnam on you-)
K:shut up Lance!
P:yea Lance
L:what why just me?
S:everyone calm down
A:why couldn't I get more organized paladins?
And I know for a fact that Lance complements Keith under his breath in Spanish and Keith doesn't know whether or not Lance is being sarcastic or not.
L: stupid mullet head
K:what have I done to you now??
L:mira como te ves(look the way you look)
K: what?
L:shut up!
A:we need someone to watch guard
K:I volunteer
L:por supuesto, Keith se ofrece como voluntario.(of course Keith volunteers )
//k:what is his problem?//
L:Tan fresco y desinteresado(so cool and selfless)
H:Lance buddy we talked about this.No insulting people in Spanish.
L:w-well he deserved it.
K:Lance why are you in my room?
L:ok byeee
//k:what just happened//
This also probably when on for a while to until Kieth got annoyed and decided to do something .
P:I believe full heartedly that boys are dumb and illogical
A:this I too believe
L:Creo que Keith se ve atractivo.(I think Keith looks hot)
H: did you just insult Keith again
L: mabye
L:quiero salir con el(I wanna date him)
P:no one knows what you're saying
K:I do
K:I know Spanish and Japanese.My dad spoke them both.
L:esto es una broma no?(this is a joke isn't it)
K:nope it's all true
P: so you could understand what Lance has been saying this whol time ??
L:I feel like jumping of a cliff right now
K:¿Ya no quieres salir conmigo~(you don't want to date me anymore~)
L:yep definitely jumping of a cliff.
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Made a drawing of Krik and a flustered land team captain
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callmelyc · 10 months
Written for Twitter julance:
Week 1: Sharpshooter, Part 1- The Birth of a Name
If anyone on this planet had looked up they'd think lance was a shooting star. Blue lighting up the night as she hurled down to the planets surface to crash-land like a meteor in the night
And now here lance was hiding in the desert rock formations watching galra swarm the wreckage. It's just his luck to not only be separated from the others but to also have fallen smack dab into the center of a galra invaded planet.
"Shit-" lance curses watching them poke and prod at his baby blue from a safe distance but he knew he wasn't in any shape to fight right now and he sure as hell didn't want to be a prisoner. He'd barely spotted them to begin with with his head injury and all making his vision spin.
Just when he thinks the soldiers might turn to come his direction lance feels a small hand touch his own. It takes everything in him to not full body flinch and risk blowing his cover so he holds his breath.
He glances down slowly.
And is surprised to come face to face with a small....gecko?...looking closer lance thinks they remind him a lot of the Geico mascot but large enough to be a small child. They're about three feet tall, pastel yet colored like an oil spil when the sunlight bounces off their scales. It's honestly pretty mesmerizing to look at he could admit, if only his head wasn't swimming and everything hurt-
Stop it lance ur getting off track!
"Uh...hello?" Lance whispers warily only earning a smile from the little creature.
"Hello! I am selkie!" They say brightly "please follow me"
"W-wait I don't even kno-" but his protest fall quiet as his hand is taken in a surprisingly strong grip and he's pulled through tunnels that exist through the cliff sides. Selkie stays quiet throughout their trek and though lance had the second thought to fight the alien off he felt it was safer to trust this geico mascot over the galra anyday.
So here he is in a tightly fitted cave following behind someone smaller than pidge noting that every change in lighting causes selkies skin to shift both in pattern and color. It's....very distracting and it's not until they come to a stop that lance realized he didn't watch their path here.
"You are safe here!" Selkie says proudly looking up at lance with the cutest smile drawing him out of his own head and back to attention.
He glances up to take survey of the location only to find them still inside the cave system it's just a dead end "where are we?"
"The caverns" a new voice announces causing lance to finally be more on edge yet turns to see another small gecko alien of the same height as selkie "it is the only place the galra cannot navigate. Their large stature causes them to get stuck in the tunnel systems."
Oh. Well that makes sense lance thinks "and you are...?"
"I am Lorix, I am the leader of the Gekkota people." Lorix squints at lance taking in his stature "are you of the crashed vessel?"
"Oh you mean Blue? Yeah a mission gone wrong I was separated from my team and crashed here" lance watches how Lorix reacts to this for a moment deeming him a little trustworthy "My name is Lance, I'm the Blue Paladin of Voltron"
Lorixs eyes widen just a fraction "Voltron is real?"
"Yep! And it's our job to help where we can so-" lance kneels down to be eye level with the two "why don't ya tell me a bit about your galra problem."
As it turns out the skin shift wasn't just for show nor their small stature. The Gekkota people are known to be able blend into their surroundings through color reflection off their scales. That paired with their ability to fit into small tight spaces meant they could be practically invisible intruders and the galra wanted them for forced spy work.
"When they overtook the planet most fled into these caverns to hide-" selkie added before turning somber "they have started to flush us out through poisons, we fear they may result to other means soon"
As he watched these two share their story lance had already known hed help them but looking at them now only solidified his resolve.
"Hey-" he says into the silence gaining both their attention "how far up do these tunnels go?"
Lance finds himself learning the cave tunnels over the next day and a half because if his plan was gonna work he needed all the pieces in place perfectly. As it turns out the tunnel systems go all the way to the top and deep into the ground below the base surface level. It reminded him a lot of how ant farms or burrow systems might look: tight passageways, circular dead ends, and hundreds of interconnected pathways.
The point is it's easy to get lost and he doesn't wanna die down here especially if he's aiming to help these people by fending off the galra as they come.
So he's memorized the paths he needs, he knows the positions he'll switch between like the back of his hand. The galra won't ever spot him and they'll be falling before they get the chance. It's more ruthless than he's used to being, but lance was alone here and he had an entire planet of innocent people to help. you can bet your ass he was gonna do it by any means necessary.
Lance sit here now waiting for his moment to act. There's specific times the galra will send out people to do the rounds in an attempt to capture more of the people here and with blue close by they might even be looking for him. Little do they know lance won't let them get that far.
He's crouching in his first position atop the left cliffside just out of sight, Bayard drawn and formed into a sniper rifle. When the first galra patrol comes into view he lets them get a little too close just to make sure they don't catch on too quickly.
A deep breath
In and out
Three shots fired in quick succession followed by three bodies hitting the ground. The bombs they'd had in their hands go off but this time no one in the caverns is fighting the poison.
Score 1 for Lance and 0 for the Galra.
This continues over the course of the next three days, galra appear each group growing larger than the previous and lance strikes them down one by one from altering positions so they never spot him.
He rotates the choices, ya know to spice things up a bit, really lay on the confusion and he knows he's winning because they've grown increasingly more frustrated.
The galra attacks grow more violent too, they've gone from smoke bowms filled with poison to flat out trying to crumble the caves themselves. Eventually they switch it up from simple small patrol groups to full on fleets of galra and sentry combined, both more heavily equipped.
So he switches his tactics too, lance doesn't let any get close if he can help it. He's shooting from further away now, further than he thought himself capable of hitting his mark, but with every shot fired he never fails to hit it like a bullseye. The moment he sees them in the distance, the moment he can tell it's an enemy and not an innocent bystander he lines his rifle and takes his shot.
His cover provided Selkie and Lorix with the time and safety to gather more of their people into the same tunnels as well as gather more needed provisions. It also allowed for Intel gathering.
"They have grown weary of you Paladin Lance" Lorix says one day during a down period "you have taken so much of their forces here they had to request for backup"
Lances alien sandwich falls from his hand "backup?"
"Yes! They seem to have contacted a secondary fleet in a neighboring galaxy-" he says between chews "we are a dead zone, the only life in this galaxy exist here so they did not think to send more aid until you arrived."
"Yes yes!" Selkie adds "there is much radio chatter about the missing blue paladin. They do not have the equipment to move your crashed vessel but with the backup they seem hopeful in gathering it"
Lance let's that information sinks in while continuing to eat his previously dropped sandwich-dont judge him!- before his mind zeros in on one part "did you say there was radio chatter about me?"
"That is correct, from various sources it seems" Lorix confirms with a nod "some galra some otherwise-"
Lance grips lorixs tiny shoulders "otherwise?? Did you happen to catch any names or descriptions? Do you know what they were saying?"
"Ah- well," he says seeming to think it over "there was a mention of a coalition? And a princess Allura looking for a blue paladin"
"Oh thank god-" he sighs "that's my team, if they can get a signal they can give us backup."
Selkie and Lorix exchange glances before frowning "how will we do that?"
Lance looks back at them pausing to think it over for a minute and smirks "actually....I have an idea"
It's nightfall when they choose to act, lance knows for a fact they've stationed a heavily armed set of guards around Blue and he also knows she has her particle varried up and loaded. So all he needs to do is get in just close enough to phase through it, run in, set off her emergency signal for his team and hightail it out of there.
First things first though, the guards.....
There's surprisingly only three sentries but for some reason this really sets lance on edge. Something doesn't feel right about this but he can't back out now. He takes his stance, sends a small hang signal to Lorix and Selkie who are on standby and runs out into the open guns ablaze.
It's the first sentry getting shot down that tells lance what's wrong. They were decoys, once shot they send off a visual signal while simultaneously blowing up, which lance found out the fun way.
Aka getting thrown back a few hundred feet and gaining yet another head injury.
Fighting to get back up he knows he has to work fast, that signal couldn't have been anything good, so lance runs. He runs as fast as he can dodging the best he can when the remaining sentries charge towards him because if he can just get to blue she'll let him in.
He feels her weak energy reach out to him and smiles.
He can do this.
Throwing himself into a clean slide he slips right under the final sentry and luckily right through blues partial barrier that flies back up the moment lance is safely inside.
"that's my girl!" Lance cheers climbing back into the safety of her hull.
"I know your hurt baby girl but don't worry-" he pats her side gently while sifting through things to get to the emergency panel "I'll get the team right on it"
Lance works the fastest he can through the dizziness, sets off the SOS signal and does a repeat of his initial fight only this time to leave. It's a narrow escape made possible only by the help of Selkie who manages to trip a sentry into another just long enough for them to get back into the underground.
They move quickly for a bit only deeming themselves safe once back to the center "what do we do now paladin?" Lorix ask worried "the beacon the sentry sent us worrisome-"
"I know" lance sighs "the only thing we can do now is wait. I'll take watch, hold em off as long as I can and hope my team catches the distress signal fast enough..."
Selkie puts a reassuring hand on his arm "you are not alone in this fight paladin lance, we can do what we are best at-" she smiles at him and it clicks "if you are a ghost to them, then so shall we be"
The battle that ensues is a tough one, lance positioned at the highest possible point sniping down enemy after enemy while the Gekkoas work from the ground camouflaging themselves so quickly it confuses the galra enough to be taken down by them. Together they make a deadly team, moving in silence and to the galra invisible the waves that hit them go down like rain.
By the time daylight has arrived on the final day, Voltron arrives and gives a helping hand. They're quick to pickup on lances strategy and in less than an hour they've finally freed the planet Euble and all it's people.
And with their victory lance can finally rest.
"Sir, we have a report" a large galran says to his commander.
The commander turns, his frown a permanent fixture yet he doesn't glance up from his small device "What is it Vox?"
"It's about Euble, the ghost won sir. They have been freed with the aid of Voltron."
The device in the commanders hand snaps in his crushing grip, the frown turning into a snarl "What?!"
Silence hangs heavy before the commander turns to hit his fist angrily on the nearest wall "we have to report this to the main fleet-"
A com system appears, a video transmission going through before a higher ranking officer picks up the call "what is it Commander Krox?"
"Euble has fallen, The Ghost Rite won"
An angry tsk can be heard through the screen "and who is this Ghost Rite that took down all your men?"
"The sniper of Voltron..... The Blue paladin"
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Voltron: The Series
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So I wanted to make a big post about all the animated Voltron's because I'm neck deep into this series and I must yell about it In total there's five (5) animated Voltron shows, technically four (4) since most focus on the lions. I tend to explain a lot so for my own sanity I'll be splitting this up into multiple posts which will all link back together Dotu/VV (here) - V3D - VF - VLD
Word vomit under the cut <3
In the 80s 1984 is when American audiences first said hello to Voltron! Originally it was an anime called Hyaku Jo Oh Goraion, or Beast King GoLion, from Toei which was mistakenly handed over to World Events Production (WEP) after they vaguely asked for the anime with the lions in it. Soon enough it was renamed Voltron: Defender of The Universe (dotu), dubbed and edited, and became immensely popular, giving us the legend we all know and love! Most iterations of Voltron after this follow the same plot, except for VLD which is a hard reboot and its own series that will be talked about later. In Dotu, the legend is of five (5) space explorers who crash-land onto planet Arus, find Voltron and use him to defeat the evils of the universe. Those five (5) being Keith in Black, Lance in Red, Pidge in Green, Sven in Blue, and Hunk in Yellow. The show is fairly episodic but as it's being adapted from an anime it has some story beats too it, like how Sven became critically injured which led to Princess Allura stepping up to take over blue lion, or the plot with her distant cousins Princess Romelle, Prince Bandor, and Prince Avok of Pollux. The show was so popular that WEP had eventually commissioned a season 2 to be animated from another company as Golion ended at only season 1. Which had some changes to color pallet, overall tones, and even relationships from season 1.
That same year Vehicle Voltron (VV) also came into existence! Also adapted from an anime called Kikou Kantai Dairugger XV or Armored Armada Dairugger XV which has no relation to the Golion anime at all! The gist of it is that a team of 15 pilots explore the edges of the universe to help find new habitable planets to curb the fast-growing population of planets part of the Galaxy Alliance. The group is split into three teams. The air team whose commanded by Jeff, the sea team whose leader is Krik, and the land them whose led by Cliff. They all report under Commander Hawkins who's leading the expedition and the explorer itself. As the anime isn't connected to Golion/Dotu, WEP found creative ways to show that relationships! The main way is that fans were introduced to Pidge's twin brother Chip, another scrappy young kid with glasses who happens to have anger issues, he mentions this connection in one of the episodes "Letters to Home" where Chip waits for Pidge's letter to get to him.
For the last little bit of this, Dotu and VV have got themselves a movie! This is a purely WEP/American creation so no ties to the animes anymore. It's called Fleet of Doom which brings the two Voltron together and explains their pilots' histories while having a side plot that is pure KA fodder. Unfortunately we haven't gotten anything big like this again but in Voltron Force specifically we did get a call back to Vehicle Voltron
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