#colors appear au
bigfatbreak · 6 months
Must be insane for Adrien to be living with a murderer and what is essentially a walking talking corpse lol
Sorry if you've already answered this but is the reason Adrian remembers everything because he's a creation of the miraculous?
If so does Felix remember everything? How is Felix in this au by the way?
Sentimonsters remember the last timeline for the most part~ and Felix is doing fine, doing his... best?
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Kagami is around too, she's just trapped by circumstance.
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sandflakedraws · 2 months
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actually y'all can have the bounty hunter design i came up with for the winged AU too.
shoutout to orville peck for bringing awareness to one of the best mask designs on the planet
small flickory bonus under the cut
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ronkoza · 9 months
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more merfolk au
Tor belongs to @littleulvar
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
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Ninjavember Days 6-12
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Somehow I feel like wild would be an avid snowboarder
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notsomeloncholy · 6 months
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Imperial Gala fits except one is the reality and one is the fantasy 💀
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h-didanart · 17 days
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Join me as I stuff every single member of the Celestials into formal wear
Things are gonna get fun :)
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kheprriverse · 6 months
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Sneak peek at another cover 👁
This one’s for the main story and I’m reaaaallly really liking it rn. It’s the third(?) cover idea I’ve had for the main au, or at least for part one. But if this version doesn’t end up working out for whatever reason then I’m sure I’ll be able to eventually feature it somewhere 🤷‍♂️
There was actually a blending mode mistake when putting the colors in for the background that I ended up liking over the original idea. Hence the soft pinks and purples :)!
The previous one I posted about, though, is for FD’s backstory specifically. In case there’s any sort of confusion.
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ex-january · 3 months
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june and roxy for the open up your heart au/angel jake au. roxygen moment!!
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
I’ve noticed Twig’s tail flame changes color- Is it emotion based? Or purely for aesthetic reasons? Either way, it’s a fun detail and I love her design as a whole.,,,,
Short answer: Yes! It is emotion based, and thanks so much for liking my little litzard’s design!
Long answer: Oh man do I ever have a tangent to go off on.
Originally, I couldn’t decide what color I wanted Twig’s tail flame to be. The Pokédex states that charmeleons will spew blue-white fire when excitedly going after opponents, which I thought about making her tail flame, but I just couldn’t commit to one color. It was a struggle and I was starting to decide to just give up and give her a standard yellow-ish orange flame… but then I remembered @modmad, the creator of a webcomic that has greatly influenced my creativity throughout the years, and a major character in said webcomic, RGB.
RGB is a man with a television set for a head and a color bar for a mouth, and the colors are constantly bleeding off of his screen. Already a neat design, but here’s the kicker: all those colors mean something. Yellow is fear, cyan is sadness, green is happiness, magenta is curiosity, and red is anger.
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This character can only emote so much using his “face”, but Modmad hacked the system and basically made an emotion percentage bar which people can use to judge what exactly RGB is feeling at any given time. It’s pretty simple to grasp what his main emotion is based on which color is bleeding the most, but it gets super fun to dig into the implications of any other colors that are bleeding as well.
It’s similar for Twig, though I’ve only recently outlined the complete meanings of her tail flames and haven’t drawn them in action very much! You may have noticed that her tail flame’s color tend to lean towards a magenta / fuchsia when she’s having unpleasant flashbacks. That’s because that shade of fire indicates fear!
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I really didn’t have too much of a personal guide to the flame colors before now— my guiding principles were “fuchsia = scared beyond all belief, neon colors = stressed / excited, softer colors = chill / tired”, but with this handy dandy lil chart I recently made, I’ll be able to be a lot more consistent going forward :>
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Thanks for being interested in this little detail! I didn’t think anyone would notice, so it’s super fun to get to talk about it in-depth! Enjoy a happy lil etymology geek Twig admiring a dictionary Celebi gifted her as my thanks :>
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chandralia · 2 years
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#resisting the urge to tell people I just met that Hori drew them as Godzilla and Mothra who are canonly the King and Queen of the Monsters#that the tarot cards for vol 33 have bkdk standing in The Lovers position#that Deku’s favorite meal is katsudon.. like KATSUKI’S NAME#and that their eyes are complementary colors#Toga’s words of ‘You wanna be the person you love’ when Ochako is asking ‘what would Deku do?’#ONLY FOR DEKU TO ASK ‘WHAT WOULD KACCHAN DO?’ and constantly mimic him#that the 2nd User used ‘hokan’ when saying ‘The one who can complete Midoriya Izuku now is…’ THEN BAKUGO APPEARING IN THE SKY LIKE AN ANGEL#those official rings that have quotes from characters saying things to Deku but DEKU’S RINGS are something said to Bakugo only#’You looked like you needed saving’ and ‘I spent my life chasing after you’#that Deku said ‘I can’t imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn’t exist’ in a light novel#and Deku KNOWING Bakugo had a fever just by how he acted and checked by touching his forehead-#only for Bakugo to angrily check DEKU’S forehead later with ‘You’re burning up too idiot’ IN THE TENT FROM ANOTHER LIGHT NOVEL#AND THE FACT THAT couples in mha LOOK LIKE bkdk… Bakugo’s parents resemble them- Shindo and his GF look identical to them-#Toga and Ochako have the sharp eyes/round eyes thing too !!#the fantasy au ending song was WRITTEN for them as said by LiSA herself#‘I imagined what it would be like if Izuku were singing his honest feelings to Katsuki. This is a song dedicated to Katsuki from Izuku’#and in all the official art from Hori for that au Deku and Bakugo are wielding the same sword from All Might broken right down the middle#*out of breath* ​there’s a million more but bkdk are always shown side-by-side drawn as equals two halves of the same whole#’win to save save to win’ you know???#I’ve said this already but this story started with them and it will END with them#bkdk#dkbk#bakudeku#dekubaku#:’)
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souldtraid-au · 2 months
How would Justin React To Luke?
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I don't know why I put so much effort into it, help.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
Does Donnie have ideas and plans to help Leo so he doesn’t always need to be bandages up 24/7? Obviously, the wounds and scars can never physically heal, that much is clear, but I’d like to think Donnie would still try to help
He does in fact try to find out how to, at the very least, make it so that Leo isn’t like. Half a mummy.
For a while, he cycles through some prototypes that in the beginning just amount to different colors of bandages (mainly black and blue) that are sleeker and longer lasting. Different armors are discussed, though it’s hard to make ones that won’t hinder Leo’s speed too much.
It’s…a slow going process. And it gets to the point where Leo is so used to wearing bandages all the time that he’d feel weird without them.
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thegreenhordes · 1 month
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The aching in Null's head throbs as he struggles with consciousness. He feels his spell wane further and further- he knows his end has come. So. Null lies there in agony, waiting for the shield to drop and the horde to swarm him like vultures to carrion. The only hope that remains is that he dies quick.
???: Hey! Don't die on us, Null!
Null's drooping eyes pop open and tilt towards the sky. Vague, dark shapes invade his vision overhead.
Null: Gh... Huh? Who...
???: Shit- he's out. -Firestorm, you and the others take to distracting the infected, so I can grab him!
Null: Is.. That..?
Firestorm: Yes, Ma'am!
A pegasus with flaming hair and the tail of a unicorn bolts down and away from view, making loud noises in their wake and trying to draw the attention of the Horde surrounding him. Other pegasi join in soon after.
???: Stay with us, c'mon...
He hears her speak. His suspicions grow as fuzzy shapes slowly take form, and his mind catches up to him. From beyond his sight he hears others speak.
??: There's too many!
Firestorm: Draw them this way!
Null: My fucking head...
A moment passes, and finally his sight stabilizes. And he sees her high above- Rainbow Dash. For a moment he feels relief knowing that somepony has come to his rescue- until the shield finally breaks, crumbling away to nothing. Fear grips his chest as the infected begin to surge forward. He can smell the gristle and blood on their breath when suddenly he is whisked into the air with ease. Rainbow Dash may be small, but she is not in the slightest weak.
He can focus now, but the aching is still there. Being jostled makes it so, so much worse. Rainbow: You're okay, Null.
Null: Uuuuegh... Everything Hurts..
Rainbow: Heh- Twi warned you, she said your magic could backfire-
Sudden irritation and plain anger strike him.
Null: I know.
Rainbow: Fair enough.
There is a long pause, Null just watching the scenery pass below. Then, he sees the Friendship Castle growing closer. He doesn't want to go there.
Null: ... Take me to the rendezvous location.
For a moment, he wonders if she heard him. Silence drags on, then-
Rainbow: WHAT?!
R: Take you to the Rendezvous point!? Are you NUTS? You almost died, overworked your magic, and you just- I swear, you're worse than Twilight when it comes to personal safety.
Null: I have things to do.
Rainbow: Can't you let the Med Squad look you over at least? Twi's been worried since you haven't shown up in a while.
Null: Rainbow Dash.
He tilts his head to look at her from below. Her eyes gaze down and lock with his. Based on her sudden expression of discomfort he assumes he looks a bit deranged.
Null: Leave me. At. The. Rendezvous. Point. I'M FINE.
Rainbow Dash's feathers fluff for a moment in alarm before they smooth out again. She looks uncomfortable and disturbed.
Rainbow: ... ...Ok.
And she did, turning gently away from the direction of the castle. There was noticeable hesitance in her movement, but she did not voice any more concern as he was airlifted towards the point. One that he had chosen when he approached the Princess with his research after all had fallen to shambles. Closest to his home, closest to that which he held most dear.
Rainbow Dash sets him gently to the ground. Though he wobbles, Null keeps from falling.
Rainbow: There... A street down from the Rendezvous point... The others should have the Green Horde led further away by now..
Null: Thank you.
Rainbow: Just- *sigh* -Be careful. Your Field studies have helped a lot. And Twilight considers you a friend now... So do I.
Null pauses for a moment, pondering what he hears. He does not look at her when he responds, gaze pointed in the direction of home.
Null: 'Friend'... hm...
N: I'll be careful.
[Danger Abated, Homeward homeward? home is gone- Bound]
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houndfaker · 4 months
Something with Monster!Au Kotone and Makoto?
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being formless is kinda silly
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the-haunted-prince-au · 4 months
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