#could be a sign?
doegirly · 3 months
Hello! I saw the tarot activity u posted about and i had one question: will i get into a relationship this year?
I am a Leo rising and my initials are IW.
the password is cervidae
Thank u so so much!
READING FOR A LEO RISING, IW! 🧡⭐️ want a free reading?
disclaimer: i’ve only ever done future readings in terms of “in the next month” or “in the next week” so this may not apply to your year as a whole, it may just apply to the next month or so! please send any feedback, thoughts, or follow up questions you may have and i will work hard to answer appropriately :)
onto the reading. .
first off, i got the knight of wands reversed which stands out to me as a probable no or at most, a yes with extreme reflection, planning, and patience
seeing as though you’re a leo rising & wands is the fire suit, i feel that this card is specifically speaking to your more fiery nature
it could be that you’re coming off too strong on this specific topic
when reversed the knight of wands can represent impulsivity, rashness, recklessness, impatience, + the superficial. in a similar but not altogether the same vein it can also represent creative blocks, delay, + cockiness
in terms of the first set of key words, ask yourself why specifically you feel the craving for a relationship, especially one that i’m assuming is romantic. have you nurtured your family and friend relationships enough? it may be that you’re jumping to the conclusion of a romantic relationship when stronger friendships can provide what you’re wanting. keep in mind that you can’t want a relationship just to receive love, you also have to give it; it’s a two way street
in terms of the secondary set, it may be that your own energy or life is blocking the possibility of romance right now. things might be too busy or too slow; neither are good placements for building a serious love connection. you can’t successfully be with a lover when you’re overwhelmed with work or school! likewise, you can’t successfully be with a lover if you’re with them to escape boredom or mundanity
my ultimate advice is to take a step back from all possible desire and reflect. the knight of wands is the air of fire, so try to approach this as an air-like conversation with yourself. invoke sentiments of rationality and understanding. why exactly do i want a romantic relationship? it’s always hard to hear but self love may be what you need, not love from another. or, just mental stimulation in other forms, like a hobby
if you’re 100% certain in your heart that you’re ready for a relationship then take slow, planned steps to accomplish this task. not to plan out a whole meeting between you and this stranger but try to let things come to you naturally. a first step could be focusing on hair or clothing to seem more appealing. something small but valued to potential partners
don’t rush, don’t overreact. do try to stay cool about the matter. as a leo rising, you are bound to be viewed as a bright and creative person
leo is ruled by the sun after all; there’s no need to oversell yourself!
another thing to consider is the existence of energy vampires. it may not be the right time because you’ve got someone sapping your energy. people with strong leo placements tend to run into this problem ^^;
🧡⭐️ thank you for requesting, thank you for reading, and thank you for existing, above all else. hope this reading resonates with you iw <3
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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supertaliart · 6 days
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More Skywalker Sibling time!
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nazumichi · 2 years
neurotypicals are so funny sometimes. “well, just don’t forget it next time.” holy shit. you’ve done it. you’ve fixed me. who knew memory problems could be solved so simply? i am no longer autistic, i am ready to join you at the social function. by god.
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statisticallyimmortal · 8 months
I don't remember how i found it but there's this website that lets you make your own safety signs and I showed it to my friends and we made a ton of them. here are some of my favourites
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(2 of those friends are @ant-bunny and @dawnpstrat)
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taichouu · 29 days
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Old Yami warm up that I wanted to finish. Might go back one day and paint a background, but I dont have time for all dat right now goku
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slytherinslut0 · 10 days
“i’m not a 🚩— i’m more of a ⚠️— because i warned you, i didn’t even try to hide it, you just chose to ignore.”
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- these mfs
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coralsnake · 4 months
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We mustn’t give up on him.
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demigods-posts · 4 months
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do you ever dream of mom? of me? of us? of a world where gods could coexist within the mortal realm free of consequence? with the exception that once you commit, the essence of your soul becomes intertwined with ours? so much so that you can't tell where you end and where we begin? but you couldn't care less as long as you have us? do you ever dream of the three of us being the family we all desperately needed? and if you don't, please tell me you haven't forgotten what could've been. dad, i came all this way.
edit: i found the photo haha
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tanjir0se · 1 year
Zelda having a secret room for when she "needs to concentrate" carries with it the implication that it's Link that makes it difficult to concentrate, since they pretty clearly lived together between BOTW and TOTK. A lesser zelink shipper would turn this into something romantic but I'm operating on a higher wavelength.
"Zelda Zelda Zelda look at this cool rock I found don't you think it looks like a frog? Hey Zelda do you think I could climb all the way to the ceiling without falling hey hey Zelda listen to this *makes horse noise* doesn't that sound just like Epona I'm really good at horse noises hey Zelda Zelda Ze-
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Owen Wilson! ♡ (November 18th, 1968)
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cemeterything · 2 months
New road sign just dropped (courtesy of my unconscious mind)
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this is a road sign that i would extend my commute to drive by
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ibtisams · 4 months
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not-quite-normal · 1 year
hi!!!! there been news articles saying that the working conditions of spiderverse were rlly rlly bad to the point of 100 ppl quitting or someting…. sorry to be liek an annoying reporter and b kinda invasive but is this tru D:
the big article that came out, for anyone curious: https://www.vulture.com/2023/06/spider-verse-animation-four-artists-on-making-the-sequel.html
there are some aspects about the article that i don't feel comfortable commenting on, but yes a lot of animators did quit. a lot of it had to do with the issues mentioned in the article, but a lot also left because disney opened a studio in vancouver (where sony imageworks is located) and had to hire an entire crew. i don't blame people for leaving spiderverse to get in on being a part of establishing the disney vancouver studio
i will also say that some of the information going around is incorrect; we did not work 11 hours a day, 7 days a week for over a year. working 7 days a week is illegal, and though some people worked sundays, they were clearly told that they could not work the next saturday if they worked a sunday. we encouraged people to not work ghost hours, and OT was always optional (except for saturday work towards the end, but nobody was punished or anything if they couldn't work a saturday). we also get paid for OT. i was on the movie for over a year but we certainly weren't crunching that whole time. like the article said, we were idle for a long time
it was undeniably a hard movie to work on and with such a large crew, everyone had a wide variety of experiences. the anonymous animators in the article aren't wrong, but i will say that there are people that felt differently, or not as strongly as them. it's a complicated issue that doesn't have a simple solution
i just hope this doesn't tarnish your view of the movie. we worked hard on it and everyone's immense celebration of the animation is making all that hard work very worth it!
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Danny got caught by the GIW, tortured, and managed to escape.
Unfortunately, he didn't escape without damage.
And he can't tell his parents or they'll get suspicious.
But the damage is....obvious. He always hurts, now. He can't feel his right pinky or move it. Walking for long stretches of time is impossible, and his legs physically won't hold him up if he tries. But he can't use a wheelchair, or his parents will find out. So he resorts to floating and pretending to walk. He can't bend over as much; his core muscles are too damaged to allow it. So he phases through himself to pretend he is, or lies and leaves before someone asks him to.
He definitely can't fight.
The other ghosts know this, and ease off so that he can recover. It's a respect thing; going after another ghost when they're weak and incapable of fighting is shameful.
So he and Jazz do some research, and make a list of the medical equipment he needs to start recovering. Jazz tries to teach herself how to be a physical therapist on top of everything else in her life; college, her job so she doesn't rely on their parents, etc.
But that medical equipment is so frickin expensive.
So Danny plans for being out of commission for a week or so, visits Jazz in Gotham indefinitely, and decides to rob one of the largest suppliers of medical equipment.
Drake Industries.
His first few heists go off pretty well, but then on the final one, he finds himself face to face with Red Robin.
A noise from behind him alerts him to Nightwing.
And, again; Danny cannot fight.
He's already shaky, using his powers so much. The pain that's always there has flared to levels he can't ignore, and he knows he needs to leave immediately.
He also can't afford to be chased.
"Please. I just want to get better, and it's too expensive otherwise."
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chamm0y · 3 days
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oooh i can hear the wedding bells
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