#creepy crawlies cw
messier51 · 10 months
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 9 months
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Guys look at this massive spider that webbed straight over my basement stairs. I think this is the underbelly side + the zoom is a bit blurry cause i didn't want to get too close but WOW
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inkdragon42 · 8 months
Did a fanart of drider!Virgil and adventurer!Roman from @delimeful s wonderful Sanders Sides fic "Helpless" on AO3 and Tumblr
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(twas for inktober day two: spider)
I have more arts on Instagram @/tanzidragondreamer <3
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pango-doots · 3 months
As a marine biology hobbyist I ADORE the fact that all the spire denizens are planktons. Please enjoy some funky fellows:
crab zoea
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young medusa-stage jellyfish (same life stage as the familiar jellies in Inkopolis and Splatsville, presumably fresh off the ephyra stage of growth)
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amphipod or lobster larva
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a young pteropod, most likely (sea angels are part of this group!)
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I think this weird-horse-looking one is supposed to be an oceanic water flea? I'm the most stumped on this dude
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And of course our lucifer shrimp Cipher!
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Now I can't find any photos online, but throughout various levels of Side Order I also noticed jellyfish ephyra and polyps, and nematodes or perhaps larval flatworms? Even baby cephalopods are considered plankton! (iykyk)
Plankton are often the most basic trophic level in marine environments, providing stability and order to the ecosystem; if there's an imbalance in their population, that causes a butterfly effect among many other types of sealife. They're the perfect choice for Marina's Memverse.
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indigopoptart · 1 year
As promised, my drawing of Frank!
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ignore the fact that this is a repost i hadda fix an anatomy flaw😭
I got the inspiration from this post by @qubelord ! They have super cool art and I totally recommend you check them out!
This was my first “full effort” piece I’ve made in a while and I absolutely love how it came out, and I hope you do too!
You can say he’s got a bit of a stomach bug… ;-)
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nervoussprite · 1 year
can you do a leech themed stimboard? If you don’t want to, it’s fine!!! Not everybody likes leeches!!!
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(。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。thank you for the request !
~ ✦ now that its spring im gonna be visiting forest ponds and marshes more often to find leeches :3 im hoping to get a pet one soon ✦
⌦ ok to tag as me/kin/id !! ~
꒷꒦︶︶꒷ CREDITS ! ꒷꒦︶︶꒷
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🦂🔹️~ Hadrurus arizonensis ~🔹️🦂 (NatGeo)
(Pls credit if you use ☕️)
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fili-oeuvre · 1 month
Can we know about your favorite(s) threat/creature(s) there in woodnote?
Hmmmm, hard to say, because I like all of the wildlife.
Though I do love the creepy crawlies who are just huge in size and can eat people, like the giant centipedes. Just the idea of huge carnivorous creatures that are small in real life are perfect for nightmarish scenarios.
And also the dragons and the rocs because I like big flying reptiles and big birds.
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the-withering-system · 6 months
I JUST FOUND A BIG BOY MANTIS!!! He was so cute!! I put him in a safer area cause he was about to get squished
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llitchilitchi · 9 months
i love your creeper csam design so much!!! i've been wondering, is there a specific real-life creature you were inspired by? the way you draw him feels very spider-like to me except spiders arent quadrupeds
thank you!
there wasn't really any conscious real-life inspiration going into the design as far as I remember, I just wanted to do a creeper design that wasn't a cat centaur cause those were becoming popular at the time and I thought to myself "hey, the warden is fucking terrifying, let's make him even more so"
the main influence on the design were some old concept sketches I did back before I even got into dsmp (back in 2020) when I was messing around with some creepy "biblically accurate" angel designs. this is one I was able to find
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codenamehazard · 5 months
.:In The Dark of the Night: Part 2:.
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Chapter 25: In The Dark of the Night: Part 2
Hey guys, I hope you all had a Happy New Year and I hope I didn't make you all wait too long on a cliffhanger. Things got a little insane between the holidays and life things turning everything upside down for a little bit, but the wait is over and the helicopter has come to free you from the cliffhanger.
Without delay, let's jump in.
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Panic… Pure panic and pandemonium breaks out as Pangolin falls: screaming, writhing and powerless. A cold sweat mixes with the sparking rain-water on my skin as I see what a single sting did to the Brick Spartan. He’s defenseless to the oncoming swarm.
In his fear, Dove calls forth a massive wind gust to blow the menaces back, protecting his eldest brother from being eaten. Mako rushes over to help the fallen leader as Kestrel fights off more bugs. I can see Dove trying to take the lead, but with how freaked out he is and the fear making his voice crack and squeak, his commands fall upon deaf ears.
Time seems to slow as I watch the once well-oil machine fall to shambles. With Pangolin on the ground howling in pure agony and mutant hellish bedbugs scattering around, the team had no rudder. They were all clueless and damn near helpless.
As I thin the swarm, thoughts rush through my head. A headless team is a dead team. I remember the promise I made to myself as I ran from the army I had once led. Never again would I let shackles hold me back, including the shackles of leadership. If they can’t hack it without my help, then so be it. I could bail and leave them to their fate. Steal a jeep and let them be the distraction. Easy as that.
Then the logical part of my brain kicks that impulse sharply in the head. The Amp is still in shambles and needs to be fixed and the one who’s willing to do that is part of this team. There’s also the fact that… As much as I hate to admit this… I’m starting to grow quite fond of this motley crew of outcasts and it wouldn’t kill me to help them just this–
“ALRIGHT FUCKERS, LISTEN UP!!!” I turn my head sharply as a cross between a metallic boom and a barking command cuts through my thoughts, drawing my eyes to the source of the sound: Kestrel. “The situation’s gone FUBAR, fall back! Mako, get Pangolin into the Medi-Trailer! Dove, get a grip and head to the lead HEMTT, we need to book it and fast!!” I can’t help but to gawk for a split second, both in shock and relief. Well I’ll be damned; for once in my life I don’t have to play babysitter when things went to shit.
I shake my head to get back in the game before I get stung. Kestrel takes charge, getting Mako to focus on Pangolin as she clears a path. I make my way towards the panicking chicken of a Dove who’s still acting like he’s trying to take command, even though Kes gave him his marching orders. With how out of it he is, I’m not surprised he didn’t hear a word she said.
“Dove!” I boom as I grab his shoulders and shake him. Not the best way to handle a kid freaking out, but there’s no time for sensitivities. “Pull yourself together!” The bird stammers nonsense and I bonk him on the forehead with the meat of my palm. He yelps before staring at me with a look that said “what was that for?!” I look him in the eyes. “Good, now that I got your attention. Kestrel gave an order, get to the HEMTT and get ready to floor it. We’re falling back!”
“What about Thom-” He starts to question before I give him a red-eyed glare.
“Don’t worry about him!” I growl, my impatience starting to bleed through. “Mako’s got him covered, now do as you’re told and MOVE YOUR ASS!!!” I watch him stammer out an affirmative before scrambling off to the Convoy. I’m half tempted to give him a zap for good measure, but with the rain and the fact he’s the get-away, I decide against it.
The sound of grunting catches my ears as I turn to see Mako and Kestrel trying to move Pangolin while fending off the scittering hellish things. I quickly run over so I can help Mako.
“You taking over?” Kes questions, I nod in confirmation before we trade places. Oh Jesus Christ, he’s heavy and it doesn’t help he’s still flailing about. Thinking fast, I arc-restrain the writhing spartan. Mako gives me a questioning look, but when I explain it’s to make it easier to carry the giant of a man, she doesn’t argue. Kes provides cover fire before throwing what looks like a blast-shard wired to an explosive away from the convoy.
The shard seems to draw the attention of the giant Hell-Spider, getting her off the trailers and allowing us to get in safely. The sound of an explosion and screaming ring out as we shut the door.
As Mako gets Pangolin stabilized in a transport cot and I release the restraints, Kes gets on the comms and barks a single phrase.
I can feel the trailer suddenly jerk as the HEMTT takes off, nearly taking all of us to the floor. The screech of the spider returns as she takes notice and gives chase.
The trailer rings out with the sounds of Warped and hellbabies being chucked onto the runaway caravan. A stark reminder that we’re not out of the woods yet. A Blink Scorpion almost slips in, but Kes is quick on the draw.
It's clear that without someone on the outside, the Convoy’s defenseless. With nothing but a quick glance and a nod exchanged between Kestrel and I, we know what needs to be done.
Though the emergency hatch on the top of the trailer, we climb out into the darkness to face the monsters.
The rain hisses and spits into steam on Kestrel’s skin as it makes black and red sparks arc off of mine. Bathing the hellish sight in a blood red hue. The scorpions scitter and screech as they charge towards us. Quick to react, we pop the bugs with slag and bolts, slashing them with blades and claws when they get too close.
As the air fills with soot, sparks and gore, I can see out of the corner of my eye something I hadn’t noticed before when the most that Big Momma would move was when she swung her stony arms around to swat at people who came near. Something that’s now plain as day with her running at ridiculous speeds for a creature her size.
Gaps in the armor where the joints connect.
“Hey Kes!” I call out as I punt one of the stinging cockroaches into another. “Check it! The big bitch actually does have weak spots!” I fire a missile at one of the knee-joints to point it out. The impact on the sinewy flesh causes the monster to scream in pain and slow down some, but with seven more legs moving, the hit only staggered.
“Good eye!” The Gunsmith calls back as she starts to focus fire on the exposed targets. We work together, but with the sheer number of babies the spider-bitch is spitting out, it’s near impossible to do both. These babies have got to go.
“Damnit!” I hiss out as I narrowly avoid getting tagged in the ankle. “There’s too many of these things!”
“No shit, Sherlock!” Kes snips back as she nails one that was leaping towards my head. “This is getting us nowhere and we don’t have the right equipment to kill the mother monster.”
“Got any bright ideas, birdie?” I growl. I see Kestrel look at the Rock-Spider-Thing and I can see the gears turning in her head.
“I might.” She replies. “One of us pops a charge while the other coverfires. It won’t kill her, but it should slow her down and thin out the herd enough to break free.”
“It’s a start, but who’s doing what?” I question. “Because if you haven’t noticed, my powers are as useful as a damn ashtray on a motorcycle against that thing.” I hear Kestrel groan before I pop a bug near her foot.
“I don’t know if mine will be of any use either, but I’ll do it. Cover my ass!” She shouts as she starts to shake her head, eyes glowing iron-hot. Probably trying to fire herself up. I position myself behind her, but give her space so I’m not touching her back.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” I grunt as I launch a few shockwaves to send the horde flying.
The sound of rain sizzling off of her body cuts through the chaos as her body throws off heat, causing the air around her to ripple and warp into the familiar heat mirage. Thank God I gave her the space, I would have gotten burnt from the rapidly rising temperature of her body. Steam hisses and spits off of her skin as smoke bellows from her mouth and jets from her nose.
I watch as I keep the bugs off of her. The shimmering particulates in the smoke start to move and gather, merging to become an entire swarm of shards the size of razor sharp, white-hot hornets. Kestrel’s arms move back into an open position before swinging them forward, commanding the shards to fly off towards the enemy.
The shards almost seem to buzz as they cut through the air, burying into anything that’s in their way. The metal is hot enough to make the blink scorpions pop like ichor-filled balloons and cook the shamblers and runners that tried to climb up.
The metal-bees couldn’t penetrate the rock armor of the Momma Bitch, but to our relief, some of them hit their marks and bore into the exposed joints. The living boulder screams in agony as its joints seizes from the onslaught, causing it to stagger and tumble from the momentum. Anything unlucky enough to be under-foot gets turned into a glowing purple paste on the red dirt as HEMTT leaves the bastards in the dust.
“Take that, bitch.” The Gunsmith pants out with a snarl and a smirk before her eyes cool and her body starts to wobble. I move to catch her so she doesn’t fall off the HEMTT. Damn, the combination of expending a large burst of RFE and the rain rapidly cooling her must be sapping her strength like mad.
“Hey…” She pants out. “Thanks for the catch.” I grunt in acknowledgement as I let her use my body as a support. We watch the monster-mash of a road wreck grow smaller and smaller as we escape. Out of the corner of my eyes I can spot light starting to grow.
Turning my head to see the source of the light, I gawk at the sight that is rapidly approaching.
Bright spotlights, all forming a barrier that burned and scorched any Warped that dare stray too close. Within the safety of the perimeter lies a city that looked like the fucking carnival took it over. Rides made of metal and scrap tower like skyscrapers and roller coasters snake through any buildings in maddening twists and turns. The crowning jewel of the sight? A large red and yellow striped tent with three prominent points, the center its tallest.
I turn to Kestrel and I see her face relax into a smile, the smile of someone coming home.
“Cole, welcome to Tri-Point.”
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I'm spider friendly until one drops on my bed, then I pack my bags.
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 11 months
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Big spider immediately outside my door?? Glad to see but awkward to get in & out without disturbing this neighbor. Pics w flash on bc my camera wouldn't focus, not really this pale.
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the-worm-wiggles · 9 months
Spider in my room and girl I'm just as terrified as it is
Lil spiders I can- I Did deal with, I took one of those fuckers outside with my bare hands an hour ago
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thatsadguymochi · 8 months
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5il0 · 2 years
How do I make friends..?
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Woaw!! Now I can have as many friends as I want /ÔoÔ\
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