#cringe af
arthotsglasses 2 years
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Daily life with the Sakamaki bois... (cringe ass self insert sketches cuz I had some free time
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cheesyjokei 3 months
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tumblrign... here r some draws how tf do i use tumbrlrrr.... :sob: SHIT HELP 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
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catnipfarm 1 year
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when ur both inventors and dating
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siriuslydandy 17 days
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Liking & reblogging a post doesn't mean I want a sexual conversation or things sent to me. Fucking yikes.
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dearnasa 2 years
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jase-is-ace 2 years
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Taya and Shadow
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bluegreysilkie 2 years
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rayllum couple photos!
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loviisafederacija 6 months
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sibling moment <33
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CHAPTER 1: The Greenie Named Thomas
SUMMARY -聽All the boys in the Maze thought that Alby, the Leader of the Gladers, was the first ever to come up in the box into the Glade. But what if they were wrong? What if there was another Glader who arrived before him, someone who had been there since day one, someone who suffered with her friends and struggled to find a way out of the dreadful Maze that has trapped them for three years? But none of them knew for sure and the only clues they had to this person's existence was bright coloured paint that splattered the walls of the Maze and bark of the forest trees. Perhaps there were a certain few Gladers that still made contact with her during their days in the Maze. And perhaps one of them visited her more than the others. But when a Greenie enters the Glade and everything starts to change, will this mystery Glader reveal herself to help escape the Maze for good, or will she continue to hide from them all and risk both her freedom, friendships and a possible relationship?
WARNINGS - trauma, physical violence, blood, i don鈥檛 think i got that far in this fic and i can鈥檛 remember what i wrote in it so let me know if i missed any warnings, i don鈥檛 think this fic was too bad tho in terms of tws, cringe af聽
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Lydia's POV
It's been just over three years since I had arrived in the glade, it's been three years since I had watched my friends die and kill each other because of fear and panic, it's been three years since I thought I lost the person I cared about the most, it's been three years since I abandoned the Gladers to hide within the Maze to let my heart turn to stone and rid myself of almost all emotion, only relying on my physical and mental strength to survive the dangers of the maze. It's been three years since I was forgotten by most of my friends.
But there's plenty of time to retell my tragic tale of woe in detail later, for I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is Lydia, and just like all the boys that I've been trapped with, I have no memory of the outside world or anything besides the last three years that I have spent inside the Glade. Although most of them don't even know I actually exist, all they know is that there's someone or something that roams around the forest past the Deadheads and in the Maze, painting the trees and stone walls with bright colours and pictures during the night. They think I'm like some kind of spirit or legend that lives in the Maze and I have to say, it's pretty funny to listen to some of the things the newer Gladers come up with about me when they gossip with each other.
But I do more than just sneak around during the night painting trees, I sit on the walls of the maze and high up in the trees, watching and waiting for anything suspicious or potentially dangerous to happen around the Glade or in the Maze, and if I do spot something I report it right away to the leader of the Gladers; Alby.
After I had entered the Glade he had come up in the box a month later and we had become very good friends. We had spent many years together in the Glade trying to figure out how to survive the Maze and its threatening features with the gradual help of the other boys that had each come into the Glade month after month. We had been through hell together and it had caused a bond to form over the two of us. We trusted each other with our lives, and when I decided to go into hiding within the Glade and Maze, he had been kind enough to respect my wishes but still remain in contact with me when things got troublesome.
But he wasn't the only Glader that knew who I was. Minho: the keeper of the Runners, he knew I was alive because of the maze. During the days and nights when the Runner's aren't in certain parts of the maze, I would seek through them with my many jars of different coloured paint and paint the walls, covering their surfaces in a large variety of colours that I had made, and designing patterns and images of our dead friends faces. I had painted millions of images that covered entire walls from top to bottom, with both dark and vibrant colours, which in a way was me making my mark in the maze so as not just the Runners and Gladers knew who I was but the people that created this place and the people to arrive after my time, that is of we didn't escape this place first.
Although painting the Maze walls during the night was not a simple or easy task, the Grievers made sure of that. The Grievers were annoying little buggers that liked to chase me for hours on end throughout the always changing Maze pathways, occasionally catching me and giving my arms and legs a few scratches before I fought them off and got away. I had learnt to avoid and fight them during my time of secrecy over the past two years I had spent in the Maze and in a way I'm grateful for that. It gave me the chance to learn how to properly defend and protect myself and it allows me to watch over the Runners without worrying greatly if I have to step in and help them, which most of the time I don't.
Alby usually makes me kill the banished or stung Gladers once the Maze doors close, just so they don't have to suffer a night with the Grieves and a painful death. But I don't usually help the Runners or other Gladers without order from Alby, I only ever willingly help Minho, whether it was directing him in a certain direction in the Maze even though he already knew exactly where to go, or discussing the changes in the maze even though he already knew every exact change, or just chatting with him in general. Unlike my bond with Alby, I had a somewhat less formal and more carefree friendship with Minho. When I'm with Alby I would be discussing urgent matters with him about the Maze and the Glade, but when I'm with Minho I'll be cracking jokes and messing around with him in the Maze. In a way I thought of Minho as my best friend and thought of Alby as a the brother I never had, that is if I ever even had a brother before I came into the Maze, and although it was risky to interact with the two of them because I didn't want to be exposed to the rest of the Glade, I enjoyed talking to them immensely. It could get really lonely hiding from everyone sometimes and when I took the opportunity to talk to them, even if it was only for e second, I instantly felt less lonely then I did before.
But talking to Alby or Minho wasn't as good as talking to Newt. No one could ever make me feel less lonely or happy than Newt could. In all honesty I think he's the love of my life and I couldn't be more thankful to have him here with me. He was one of the first few Gladers that entered the Maze after me, and when we met I was sure that there was an instant connection between the two of us and I knew for sure that I wouldn't be able to survive this place without him. So, I protected him with everything I had, he was my one priority at the time, and I had promised myself that I wasn't going to leave the Maze without him. When everyone started going rabid during the first year I had protected him and he had protected me, making sure each other were safe and able to survive that faze of our friends panic before we found peace with each other. But when that one morning came and I found Minho carrying Newt covered in blood through the Maze and Glade, I swear I felt my heart stop and my whole world come crashing down on me. That day I thought I had lost him, and I was ready to join him any second, but then he woke up and I found out what he had done.
That day was the day I broke. Newt had broken me, caused my last sliver of sanity to slither out of me and disappear forever. The boy I loved had driven me insane and caused me to hit my breaking point. And that was the day I had disappeared, the day I ran away into the depths of the Maze, the day I abandoned my remaining friends to destroy each other while I destroyed myself from the inside out.
I had forgiven Newt not long after I had left and the pain I had felt from his attempted suicide had turned to guilt for abandoning him at the time he needed me the most. So as a way of communicating with him and telling him that I was alive and well and that I still loved him while he was healing, I left him things to find, little things like tiny flowers and bits of tree bark that I had painted. When he had fully healed and was walking again I started painting the trees of the woods as a sign of my existence, because I knew he wouldn't go back in the Maze again to look for me, not after what he tried to do and the paint marks I left on the trees were easy enough for him to find anyway.
I only started actually talking to him again over half a year ago. He had walked into the forest and accidentally found Alby and I discussing a recent banishment of a stung Glader while he was looking for some kind of plant or fertilizer for the Track Hoes crops. At first he was angry at the both of us for hiding my presence from him, then he was angry at me for leaving which also caused me to get angry at him just because he was angry. But that anger had turned to sadness and relief over next few days and once he had accepted the position I had put myself in and we had slowly rebuilt our friendship over time. We both knew that our relationship and friendship would never be the same as it was before, but we were surprisingly okay with that, and to be honest I think we were both just happy to be together again.
But I still loved him, and I knew he didn't love me anymore for what I did, and I didn't blame him. But I wanted to love him so bad and it broke me even more with every passing day as the realisation grew and my emotions faded further away inside me. But I've learned to live with it, and I have accepted that this is how I am now, and that Newt doesn't want me anymore and that it's all my fault.
And now I'm here, living in solitude as the Glade stays peaceful and grows every day, having the Maze fully mapped and a new Greenie and supplies each month to help us survive they hell the creators have put us in'.
Today was Greenie Day, the day when the Box comes up to the surface to deliver its monthly load of supplies and another Glader. So far I was the only girl in the Glade and having to listen and watch all the retarded things those shanks do can get very tiresome, so every month when that Box comes up, I hope and pray to whatever god that was out there, that there's a girl sitting inside the metal meshed cage instead of a boy. But I'm never lucky enough, and today was just the same as any other day.
When I heard the alarm that signalled the Box's arrival, I was sitting high up on one of the Maze walls that fenced in the Glade, watching the Gladers go by their day doing their jobs, and thinking about Newt who very rarely ever left my thoughts. I sighed and slowly stood up, dusting off my pants and picking up my now empty water bottle that was sitting beside me on the wall. I put the bottle in my bag and turned towards the Maze taking a second to gaze out at the seemingly endless pattern of stone walls beneath me, I then began using those stone walls to climb my way down to the ground. Once my boot clad feet hit the stone ground I began walking throughout its walls, making my way to its exit that entered the Glade.
As I walked I watched as the sun's rays hit the stone walls, lighting up the vines of ivy and the occasional splatter of paint I had placed onto the thick stone. The sun's light seemed to make the plants and paint glow in an angelic way, adding to their beauty and contrasting to the parts of the Maze where the sun couldn't reach, making everything seem dim and dark, like a place where monsters would hide. I always thought the Maze had this kind of beauty to it, much unlike the other Gladers opinions. They all think it's some kind of death trap, a torture device designed to kill them slowly while the creators watch on in amusement, but I don't think that. Sure, it basically is a death trap with no way out that had terrifying monsters created to hunt and kill us all, but I never saw it as just that. To me the maze was a marvellous creation, a creation designed to test our strength and intelligence, a test to see just how far we will go to get out and although that may also seem cruel it is wondrous at the same time. The way the creators have made a maze that can move on its own, and the amount of intelligence, time and devotion that would have been needed to create such a thing seems completely impossible to me, so the fact that someone has actually done it impresses me greatly.
I turned right around a corner and found the entrance to the Glade, I slowed my pace and crept forward towards the end of the long passageway where the stone met grass. I stopped and stood once my feet hit the very edge of the stone just letting my feet miss the soft grass and dirt, turning my head towards the location of the box to see all the boys gathered around it, looking down at the most likely terrified Greenie inside. I watched as someone threw the Greenie out of the box and onto the ground at the feet of the Gladers, from this distance I could just make out a dark haired boy around the average size of the others thrashing around on the ground as the others torment and tease him. But then the Greenie shot up and started sprinting as fast as he could away from the Gladers and unknowingly towards the entrance of the Maze where I stood.
The Gladers started cheering him on watching him run from them in amusement not noticing my presence in his path, meanwhile I gripped the strap of my bag that hung on my shoulder and prepared to stop him and disappear into the Maze again before the others caught up.
But then he tripped.
The Greenie tripped over his own feet, just as he got halfway to the Maze entrance, and fell to the ground, rolling to a stop flat on his face as the other boys laughed heartily at him. A scowl pressed my lips as I listened to the boys laugh at the Greenie who was clearly scared out of his mind, and as I watch him slowly get to his feet and spin around in a slow circle looking at the massive walls that were trapping him in here with the rowdy boys, I suddenly caught his eye.
I stood there for a second, stunned slightly that he had spotted me so quickly, staring back at him with a scowl that hadn't left my lips since I first saw him. It was only when I heard the other boys irritating voices did I break the little staring contest we seemed to have been having, but when I looked towards the boys my hazel eyes instantly latched onto a pair of brown ones that I had seen too many times to count, already staring into mine. For a second the scowl on my face faltered and the corner of my lips turned upwards ever so slightly into the start of a smile. But I soon realised that the Greenie was starting to walk towards the maze entrance where I stood, and the group of joking boys were mindlessly following him.
So, with one last look at Newt, I sent him a wink and quickly turned around, dashing back into the Maze, away from the others to go find Minho.
鉁︹瓚Time Skip猸戔湨
Later that evening I had snuck back into the Glade before Minho and Ben got back and the doors closed without the Gladers knowing and watched from afar under a patch of ivy as the Greenie got tackled by Gally. Gally could be a very difficult person sometimes and to be perfectly honest I was not very fond of him at all, even when we first met in the Glade two or three years ago. Sure, he can be nice and a decent human being on the rare occasion where he's in a really good mood, but most of the time he's just cocky and rude, letting his ego take control of him and trying to show off as much as possible. He uses his slightly larger size and strength as an advantage to power over the other Gladers, he thinks he's better than most but really he's just as dumb as most of the other Gladers.
Sick of their petty arguing, I used the chance of their distraction to move further through the ivy and towards the crops and trees of the forest where I'll hide for the rest of the night. Minho had told me earlier when I was wandering the Maze that they were having their annual Greenie celebration and that he thought it would be fun for me to come and join them this time, but I said no obviously. Just like Newt, Minho didn't approve of my choice to hide in the Maze like Alby did. He thought that I was just being stupid and that I should rejoin the Gladers so as we could hang out freely and even though I've told him that I wasn't going to change my mind, I had actually debated coming back many times when I was alone in the Maze and forest. My mind was uncertain about my choice and sometimes I regretted doing it often but in the end I did what needed to be done, I did what was best for myself and everyone else, even if my decision hurt the people I had cared about.
But usually when they had these celebrations I would hide in a tree on the edge of the forest and watch them joke around and have fun, and occasionally meet up with Newt and Minho secretly in the forest somewhere away from the others. I did miss hanging out with everyone and even though watching them all from afar wasn't very fun, it still made me happy to see them happy.
When I finally reached the trees of the forest and made sure that no one was around to see me, I dashed out from the ivy and jumped up onto a tree trunk where is quickly scrambled up to the top branches. I looked out through the tree's branches and leaves to check that no one saw me and when the coast was clear I turned around on the branch and started jumping and swinging from each tree branch, going past the Deadheads and getting further and further into the forest until I reached where the trees of the forest met the Maze walls.
Over the many months that I have been living in the forest and Maze, I had quickly learned that I needed more shelter than just a tree and its leaves when it came to sleeping and resting. So, I had cautiously begun to "borrow" some of the Glader's supplies and had built a somewhat makeshift treehouse shelter thingy. I had placed and tied down a bunch of thick enough logs across two thick branches that were high up in a tree that grew in the very corner of the Glade's forest against the Maze walls, which acted as a floor. I had gathered some more logs and placed them above on two more branches with a small thin tarp that I had "borrowed" from the supplies from the Box one time, spreading it out across the top of the logs and letting it hang down the side, having positioned it at an angle where it would stop the sun and rain from hitting the longs underneath. I had bits of rope tying down the corners of the tarp to other branches so as it wouldn't fly away from the wind. I had also "borrowed" a hammock from the boys and had tied it up so as when I was laying in it I was under the logs and tarp and just above the logs tied down underneath. Over time I had made other things that added onto the main part of the tree, small things like holes in the trunk that I used as shelves and bags that hung from branches containing food, water, paint and other supplies I had gathered.
It didn't seem like much and it really wasn't compared to what the boys had built but to me it was a home, it was a place to sleep and rest, and that's really all I needed. Newt, Alby and Minho didn't know about this place though and I intend on keeping it that way because if they knew where I was staying then they would try and visit me all the time which would risk my exposure even more and they would also probably use it against me to convince me to try and get me to come back to the others, and I couldn't have that.
I swung my body forward and let go of the branch I was holding, propelling myself forward to land swiftly onto the secure logs in my tree. I huffed out a relieved and exhausted sigh, chucking my bag off my shoulders and hooking it onto a branch beside me, I unstrapped the leather vest from my chest that held my knives and stuffed it into my bag. I grabbed an apple from the small pile sitting in a hole in the trunk of the tree I had made a while back and dropped down into my hammock, taking a large bite of the tasty fruit as I got into a comfortable position. I let my leg hang off the edge of the hammock and my arm come up to rest behind my head, letting my eyes close as the light breeze hit my face, drying the thin layer of sweat that stuck to my skin, making it feel slightly clammy and heavy from the dirt covering it. I took slowly took more bites of my apple as I listened silently to the branches and leaves of the trees around me shake and crunch in the wind, with the occasional faint bird whistle or the buzz of a bugs.
The evening was peaceful and quiet, but it wouldn't last long. Soon the boys will have finished building their massive bonfire and whatever else they set up in preparation for their Greenie celebration and then all hell will break loose. So once the sun had set and I could start to faintly hear the loud voices of the Gladers laughing and talking far too loudly, I knew the party had finally started and it would only get louder and wilder as the night continued on.
I rolled out of my hammock to my feet and threw my finished apple core down to the ground where I heard it crunch against the fallen leaves and twigs beside as I jumped down to the ground seconds later. It had gotten dark quickly in the little time I had laid in my hammock resting and if it wasn't for the massive bonfire the boys had made I probably wouldn't be able to see a single thing in front of me, but even if there was no large bonfire I was used to travelling in the dark and I had walked through this forest that many times I could weave through the trees with my eyes closed and still know where I was going and where I was.
I walked as quietly as I could, making my steps light so as the leaves and sticks I stood on wouldn't crunch too loudly or draw too much attention to my location even though they probably wouldn't hear me because of how noisy they were being. When I got close enough to the edge of the forest where I could see the other boys clear enough I climbed up another tree and swiftly jumped onto the branches of the closer trees. I took one last swing and landed on a branch that belonged to the tree I usually sat in during these celebrations. It was a tree that grew on the very edge of the forest beside a hut that the builders had built; it had thick enough branches for me to sit on up very high so as I couldn't be seen by the boys if they looked in the general direction of the tree and when I sat on a particular branch there was a gap in the leaves that allowed me to have a clear view of the whole area where they set up the bonfire where most of the boys hang around to keep warm and see through the light it provides, it also allowed me to see the tables and logs where they sat chatting away and eating and drinking the foul drink Gally makes, and where Gally spent most of his time showing off. So, I sat down with my back against the trunk and watched in amusement as the boys goofed around and made fools of themselves while my hands mindlessly fiddling with a tiny knife that I always kept in my right boot.
Obviously I had missed the start of the party where the bonfire was lit so all the boys currently had half empty drinks in their hands and food stuffed in their mouths and from the looks of all their faces as they ate, Frypan had really made an effort with the food tonight. It looked so good and my stomach growled at the sight of it, hungry for the delicious food that I couldn't have unless I stole it. But it isn't my party and I didn't need any food, I was just happy to sit and watch the others enjoy it without me.
As my eyes lazily scanned the crowd of boys, having already spotted Minho who was sitting with the runners quietly eating his food, Alby who was standing at the edge of the pit with some other boys watching Gally who was in wrestling someone, Frypan who was having a great time laughing with some of the Slicers and his fellow Cooks, and a few others that were scattered throughout the area, when they finally landed on the person I had subconsciously been looking for; Newt. He was currently sitting on the grass a little ways away from the others, holding a stick with meat on it which Frypan called a kebab, and a jar of Gally's drink in his other hand, looking out at the Glade and Maze walls in front of him. But he wasn't alone of course, sitting next to him on his right was the new Greenie that came in the box today, and from the looks of it they were having a very serious conversation, which was most likely Newt explaining things about the Glade and the Maze to the confused Greenie.
But suddenly, Newt turned his head around and looked straight at me, his face showing signs of worry and warning and it made my heart beat slightly faster. Newt knew exactly where I was since I always sat here when they had these celebrations just like Alby and Minho did, and usually when he looked over to me we would both end up in the forest somewhere and ditching the others to hang out by ourselves, having our own little party together.
But this time it was different.
The Greenie turned his head and looked in the general direction that Newt was, trying to find what he was looking at and when he finally spotted me his eyes widened in surprise and recognition and I knew exactly what look meant and what had happened. The Greenie had asked Newt who I was, he knew I was real instead of a hallucination he had from the amount of adrenaline and fear he was feeling when he arrived in the Glade. This had happened on a few occasions with the new Greenies; they would spot me somewhere in the Glade or Maze at least once or twice, but then I would take more caution and control over the situation and use more effort to hide myself from them, and over time they would just think they had imagined me and forget I even existed.
But that look that Newt gave me was one of the only looks that made me irritated with him. That was a look at said, "You dumb ass. How are you so bad at hiding yourself? You better get your ass back in that forest before I kick it there myself so he doesn't see you anymore." I was tempted to just stay put and see what his reaction would be, but I didn't want to ruin the party for him. So just like every other time Newt told me to do something, I obeyed obediently with and without question.
Sighing frustratingly, angry that I have to leave the party, I swing my legs over the side of the branch that faced away from the Gladers and jumped down onto another lower branch and swung away from the group, but I wasn't going far. Tonight, I didn't feel like going back to my hammock and sleeping through the sound of everyone's happy cheers and voices from the other side of the forest. Tonight, I was going to stay and watch them from another tree, one that didn't have as good a view as my original one but was still good enough and to be honest I'm glad I stayed, especially since I got to see what happened next in .
After I left, Newt must have changed the conversation subject and taken the Greenie on a mini tour to introduce him to some of the other Gladers, which somehow led to the Greenie getting dragged into by Gally who wanting to show off and boost his ever growing ego more. I sat down quickly as a large crowd gathered around the edge of the Circle, all of them excited to see how tough the Greenie was, and to be honest, after seeing him run across the Glade when he arrived I was pretty curious to see what he's made of.
"Alright, the rules are simple Greenie," Gally said as they both started circling each other inside of the Circle ring, "I try to push you outa the Circle, and you try to last more than five seconds."
Everyone laughed at that last part and just as the Greenie nodded his head in understanding, Gally shouted "Ready?" and instantly charged at him, not giving him any time to register what was happening or reply.
Gally grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him backwards into three guys on the outside of the Circle who caught him and pushed him straight back in unsteadying his balance, letting Gally grab him again and push the Greenie behind him where he fell face first into the sand.
"Come on Greenie," Gally said with a wide smile plastered on his ugly face, doing a weird walk backwards as the others chattered and laughing at the wrestling match taking place in front of them, "We're not done yet."
The Greenie stood up and shook the sand of his shirt in one swift motion, staring at Gally with an angry and frustrated glint in his gaze, "Stop calling me Greenie."
All the boys oohed, "Stop calling you that?" Gally said acting innocent even though everyone knew he definitely wasn't, "Well what do you want to be called? Shank?"
All the boys burst out in a fit of laughter, all of them agreeing to the new name Gally suggested for the Greenie, "What do you think boys? Does he look like a Shank?" Gally asked the others standing around the Circle, earning another round of laughter to break out.
I scowled at their reactions to Gally's teasing and scoffed when the smile on his face widened even more when the others laughed at his "joke". The Greenie suddenly ran at Gally full speed, going in to tackle him but Gally was stronger than him and his reflexes were sharper too, so he managed to stand his ground against the Greenie easily, throwing the Greenie around and pushing him back to the ground at the inside of the Circle's edge.
"You know what?" Gally said as the Greenie got back to his feet, "I think I've settled on Shank."
The Greenie ran at Gally again, getting closer to him this time and grabbed him by the waist and trying desperately to push him backwards, but Gally was still too strong for him and started to push him backwards instead, causing the Greenie's feet to dragging in the sand as he tried to dig his heels in it to gain some kind of leverage against Gally but it didn't work well enough and he was getting ever so close to the edge of the Circle. But just as everyone including Gally thought that he was going to finally push the Greenie fully out of the Circle ring, the Greenie quickly repositioned his arms and pulled Gally towards him while he twisted out of his grip, falling forward behind Gally who fell down in the sand with his head mere inches from the Circle border.
Both shocked and surprised, Gally sat on the ground slowly processing what had happened and letting an anger at being beaten and humiliated in front of the rest of the Gladers by a Greenie settle inside him as everyone cheered and oohed in at what had happened. A smile broke out on my face at the sight of Gally getting thrown on the ground like that and the Greenie was smart to have thought to do that, but my smile was instantly wiped away in a second at what I should have expected to happen.
The Greenie stood up quickly, letting a triumphant smile spread across his face at his achievement, "Not bad for a Greenie huh?" Thomas asked but his victory was very short lived.
Gally, still laying on the ground, threw his legs out and swung them against the Greenie's legs, sending him flying backwards ass over head and back to the ground where he hit his head hard. I cringed slightly with the others standing around the Circle who had all watched how hard he hit his head and felt sympathy for him. Gally shouldn't have done that even if the others thought it was kinda cool, but the Greenie didn't seem to care about his head or what Gally had done to him in their mini fight. He instead started mumbling to himself, mumbling incoherent words that I couldn't hear from this distance over the noise of the others, but once he stood up and spoke louder a large smile made its way onto my lips.
"I remember my name!" He shouted happily to the group who stood in complete silence watching him, "I'm Thomas!"
"Thomas!" Alby suddenly shouted, breaking the silence and causing a wave of cheers and chants of his name to make its way through the group of boys as they all ran forward to congratulate him.
It was always so exciting for everyone when the Greenies remembered their names, especially on their first day. The fact that Thomas remembered his name during such an intense moment of the night just made the adrenaline and mood of the group lift dramatically and it was so intoxicating and contagious that I had to stop myself from jumping down and join them all in their joy and excitement. And the fact that all it took for him to remember it was a simple hit to the head from Gally was kinda funny too.
But sadly, all good things must come to an end.
The sound of an ear piercing scream was suddenly heard throughout the Glade from inside the Maze, instantly shutting everyone up and drawing their full attention to the walls of the Maze that lay across the other side of the Glade. My head instantly shot up towards it just like the others but unlike them I had a job to do and that screech was my alarm to get going and start my work.
I looked down at the crowd of boys and spotted Alby looking my way with a familiar serious expression on his face; he must have spotted me during Gally and Thomas's Circle match. When I looked into his eyes I knew he was telling me to go and check it out and then report back to him immediately. So, I nodded my head giving him the signal that I understood what he was telling me and that I would do it.
I turned around, jumping from the tree branch and set out to go and find out what had made a Griever scream like that, hoping that it wasn't anything too serious. But little did I know that a certain pair of familiar brown eyes and another pair of unfamiliar eyes had both looked my way as well, watching me jump away into the night and right into the face of danger.
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8 notes View notes
bor0wik 2 years
I keep all my old art in my closet, only to get them out of it after 2 years and say "what the fuck i had in my mind then?"
5 notes View notes
dostarve 2 years
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This is the shittest thing ive ever made. Wes from Don鈥檛 Starve Togethers Pokemon Team!!
Mr. Mime, Luvdisc, Porygon2, Blacephalon, Driftloon, and Mime Jr,
legit wanna kill myself posting this
im not even joking i made this on Google Slides lmfao
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meowyoi 2 years
spent two hours making the presentation pretty. still have to add the like. information stuff 馃拃
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pissybitchboy 2 years
dnd is for fucking nerds are you kidding me all these numbers and papper and shit just for some stupid character that is cringe as fuck ill never understand why anyone other than a fucking stupid nerd would invest time into it but if i was a dnd character id be a goblin druid who can only turn into a possum because i can only turn into a creature when i have a refrence image of it and i only have an ultra realistic drawing of a possum that i hired the most revered artist in the land to make but i couldnt pay them so now they put a bounty on my head which lead me to fleeing to another country where i meet the rest of the party and ill be really short so i have to use 2 stilts to get around that look like chicken legs and i have horns but one of them broke off but i used it to make a rough flute that ill play to distract our enemies but with varying degree of success cause im not a bard and i can only turn into an animal when im covered in mud and i have bottles of mud strapped to me at all time and ill always be covered in mud anyway because it makes me comfortable cause also im like a frog but i dont have long tounge cause im saving that idea for another character who will be like a horny and flirty and suprisingly low charisma dragonborn warlock and also my goblin character doesnt like high tempature cause he loves being moistured and his name Sluhgo
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mcdolann 2 years
I can鈥檛 believe there鈥檚 people blazing their selfies
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cringelordofchaos 7 days
I think I watch this scene over n over again a lil bit too much cuz I'm starting to replay it in my head
Bu: and then he sent his only son(?) to be the satisfaction of our sins. neat-o! 馃榿
Br: butters I'm sorry for getting you into trouble
Bu: Aw, it's okay, Bradley馃
Br: i really want to get better, I try to do everything the counselors say but some how i still feel confused
Bu: well hopefully when we finish all these verses(?), we won't be bicurious no more, and then we can go home!
Br: you're really terrific butters. I mean, I think you're great. *Cuteass smile*馃檪 (he also looks to the left, then to the right, and then back at butters while saying this)
bu: what's the matter!?馃槯馃槦
Be: I think - 馃槪 I think I like you
Bu: well I like you too Bradley!馃槂
Br: YOU DO!?馃槰
Bu: yeah!馃槂
Br: you LIKE-LIKE ME?馃槰
Bu: sure, I "like-like" you a "lot-lot"! ahahaha馃槃
Bu: 馃槯
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arcticsloths 2 months
ultimo giorno da 25enne. la sto prendendo talmente male che per sentirmi meglio con me stessa ho guardato il fabbricante di lacrime
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