#damn Daniel
star-ts-farts · 2 months
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5th picture draw is based off this text post https://www.tumblr.com/brianimusprime/733012816867540992/behold-my-first-post-on-tumblr
(EDIT: I FUCKING WROTE WHAT CHUCK IS WRONG ?!??! HOW i was looking at the post as i was drawing it, im gonna implode)
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daniel coming back to redbull is no excuse for you to call your ex, do not take his example
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npdflowey · 2 years
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idk he just sits there
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bat-bytes-back · 1 year
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american-boyboss · 1 year
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deltapeanoots · 4 months
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Robo-Ky when he
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glitch-the-artist · 6 months
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Host is owned by @ne0nwithazero
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neongreensyrup · 5 months
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 15/02/2024
Corridors of Vine
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by Heboyi
Right, okay, we've had a good streak recently of covering more "traditionally good" rips for the blog - arrangements and remixes like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), genuinely good arrangements like mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange), even the premiere of a new Season with the Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab. I think its about high time we change the clock to something "stupider" - the kind of rip that reminds you just how much SiIva is driven by the wild imagination, skill, and commitment-to-the-bit of its contributors. Only within a community like SiIvaGunner's will you get something like Corridors of Vine.
With memes as a whole, there seems to exist some sort of...invisible hierarchy that defines their public perception, that I've always found really fascinating. It's not impossible to understand why this hierarchy exists: Memes like the Hampsterdance in Wario's Hampster Mine, the Sparta Remix in THIS. IS. SOLEANNA. and more call back to a different, more innocent time in internet history, wheras memes like Despacito in Plains of Des-passing-to and It's Everyday Bro in It's Everyday Lake are oft met with comments like "I hate that I love this", or other similar sentiments. Memes generally follow a trend where, once one has worn out its period of inferred relevance - typically once it stops being a niche internet activity and spreads to marketing teams and unfunny people in general - its labeled as "dead" and unwanted, left as a relic of a smaller period of internet activity. That is, of course, unless it gets brought back into fashion by virtue of nostalgia and given some sort of new spin, as we've seen happen with Doge as of late - until that then too becomes co-opted by unfunny people (this time crypto-grifters) and the cycle begins anew. Yet part of what makes SiIvaGunner as a channel so great, is that very few of the memes it uses ever reach that state of abandonment: the team is so good at finding new, inventive ways to use memes as old as from Season 1, to where they rarely feel stale. And if they do feel stale - well, then that can ironically become part of the joke, playing into just how samey and played-out the joke is for a sort of ironic appeal.
All of this is to say, that I always find it immensely funny whenever the team decides - seemingly at the drop of a hat - to begin using memes that have been thoroughly labeled as dead for years by that point. A meme like the Harlem Shake didn't have so much as a pulse by the time Season 6 rolled around even past its sole revival to relevancy a few years back from being attached to Ajit Pai - yet The Harlem Shakeover of that very season was one containing over THREE HUNDRED rips utilizing the joke, next to none of which were made with the intention of sounding bad. Funny enough, then, that one of the first events we'd see during that same Season would be doing the exact same thing to a meme that's likely far more loathed than the Harlem Shake ever was - Damn Daniel, the core joke to Corridors of Vine.
Damn Daniel is perhaps the closest we've ever gotten to having a meme that felt like a social experiment - a complete non-sequitor of a joke starring an average, marketable teen and his immaculate footwear. At the peak of Vine's age of randomness humor, the series of various videos on Daniel's Vans absolutely blew up - and immediately, there were cynics from outside of Vine, older internet dwellers mainly, who made a big point about how lacking-in-funny the videos were. Yet the guy, Daniel, made it onto the damn Ellen Show of all things within mere weeks after his debut, and in a way it kind of made Damn Daniel a symbol for everything considered wrong about Vine: its mainstream appeal and focus on short, memeable videos had created a form of shitposting that...no longer felt like they were part of a community.
That is, of course, just my summary of the opinions I gathered from all the way back in 2016 - back when SiIvaGunner itself was first revving up into gear. And I find it so incredibly befitting that it was during Season 6 that the Damn Daniel event occurred on SiIvaGunner - the Season all about letting go of the past. To have it begin with SiIvaGunner, itself a 2016 meme, acknowledging its near polar opposite made around the same time: A meme that was, for a solid while, one of the most wanted-dead memes of all, one that the internet as a whole frankly felt a kind of hatred toward during what would come to be a rather cynical, hateful year in general.
There's definitely an overarching aura of irony applied to the anniversary celebration's rips regardless, of course - part of the joke with Corridors of Vine is that its using a song otherwise so closely enveloped in emotion and vulnerability (one SiIva itself used to similar effect with 時の回廊 <ver. CCC>), alongside a joke that's so bitterly remembered that its mere inclusion makes it difficult to take seriously. Yet Corridors of Vine takes itself as seriously as the concept could be, it is a genuinely fantastic YTPMV using several of the famous Damn Daniel Vines in conjunction with one another, resulting in an infectiously catchy combination of lead- and backing melody instrumentation. I do think the commitment to the bit worked excellently, and the comments of the video itself appear to agree with me - despite how beloathed Damn Daniel itself was, the time to properly acknowledge and accept it had arrived, and we were for once actually...enjoying the meme?
To circle back to the point made in the second paragraph here - the truth is, there are very few memes that wind up actually full-on dead for long. Dead memes as a concept are a label we put upon jokes we feel have ran their course, yet especially in the world of YTPMV there will always be people out there able to prove the naysayers wrong, even if the intentions are purely ironic. Ironic or affectionate, the end result is the same, isn't it? You've got a smile out of your audience through your work in adapting the meme! And through all the comments expressing their concerns over returning to the hellscape that was 2016s meme culture, those smiles - even through the barrier of the internet, felt as if they were shared by all of us. The entire event - and Corridors of Vine in particular - showed Damn Daniel a sense of affection it likely hasn't had since the days when the SiIvaGunner channel's name began with a G.
Here's to 8 years, Daniel.
...Stussy man, Damn.
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indigostreaking · 1 year
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Daniel in purple
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pairing - Julius x m!reader
fic type - fluff/angst
word count: 720
requested by @rainycyclekingdom (thank you!)
notes - I'm glad I got the request for this one because making things like art or fanfics helps me cope, and my pet frog, wasabi, recently passed away and im doing a little better when i make these. enjoy!
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You were talking with Julius in his room when suddenly, he clutches his chest and starts to panic.
"J-Julius, baby, what's wrong?!" you ask him, slightly panicked, trying to support his body in your arms. you sit on the bed, hugging him and rubbing his back. you feel his tears soaking your shirt.
"Y/N..." Julius whimpers, trying his best to calm down.
"It's going to be ok... try to tell me what's wrong..." you whisper to him, trying to keep him calm. You help Julius feel comfortable in your arms as you lean back into a pillow, still sitting up.
"Y/N, c-can I tell you something?" Julius asks, still trembling in your arms.
"Yes, honey, of course, you can, what's wrong?" you ask comfortingly, making sure he feels safe and comfortable talking to you.
"I... I remember... that I killed someone... during a battle... I-- I didn't mean to... I could have saved him... I-" Julius breaks down into tears again and starts practically wailing into your shoulder. You can tell that he was distressed, so you hug him tighter to try and calm him a little.
"It's all my fault..." he cries as you continue to console him and kiss him on the forehead.
"It's not your fault... Don't worry... when did this happen?" you ask, softly petting his hair and kissing his neck.
"A-about 10 years ago... it was a large-scale battle... one of my attacks accidentally hit my comrade... I couldn't heal him in time..." Julius sobbed into your neck.
"Honey... It's not your fault, you couldn't have saved him," you assure him while rocking Julius in your arms.
"R-Really...?" he asks, looking into your eyes. You can't help but smile at how pretty he looks when he cries.
"Of course, baby, I love you," you purr, kissing him on the cheek.
"You're so handsome, you know that?" Julius asks you while you kiss the tears off his face.
"You're so sweet... I love you, Julius," you sigh, helping him lay down in bed with you as he continues to clutch your shirt and kiss you. You rub his back as he lays next to you and you feel him sigh against your neck. you put a blanket over Julius's body, trying to make him feel safe.
"Thank you for being here for me, Y/N..." he whispers, his voice still shaky from crying.
"Of course, darling, I'll do anything for you," you mumble, kissing Julius on the lips.
"I shouldn't be acting like this... I'm a king... I'm supposed to be strong for everyone, I'm supposed to be strong for you..." Julius whimpers, touching your face. You notice his hand trembling. You cup his face in your hands.
"Julius." You stare into his eyes, a serious look on your face. He gulps, slightly nervous.
"You're a person too. You need to let out your emotions sometimes, you need to let out your tears when you need to. You don't always have to be strong for everyone else, Julius," you assure him as he starts to tear up.
"T-Thank you, Y/N..." Julius softly cries, trembling and shuddering. You kiss him again and gently wipe the tears off his long eyelashes.
"You're so pretty, my king..." you purr, softly petting his hair. You make sure he feels warm and safe in the blankets.
"What happened that day was not your fault, honey," you keep assuring him and making sure he understands. You continue to kiss his face as he blushes, and he starts kissing back. You can't help but chuckle at how adorable he is.
"You're so strong, darling, I'm so proud of you," you whisper in his ear while twirling his soft messy hair. Julius can't hide how flustered he is, softly whimpering as you keep showing love to him.
"I-is it okay if I go to sleep soon?" he asks, looking into your eyes tiredly.
"Of course, baby... your eyes are so beautiful..." you mumble, also feeling tired. Julius starts to drift off to sleep as you lay on top of him and play with his hair.
"Goodnight, Y/N..." he murmurs as he shuts his eyes.
"Goodnight, my love," you sigh, noticing how handsome Julius is when he's asleep. You kiss his neck again before falling asleep on his chest.
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gyozumaki · 1 year
Aye @motherarts get fanart'd, whore
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sacredjake · 8 months
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teres major/minor go craaaaaazyyyyyy, okay daniel
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justplainmels · 2 years
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5.16 | Proving Ground
“She’s the Tok’ra. I’m the Goa’uld.”
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dreemurrsightings · 1 year
Damn Daniel!
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