#dave fowler
lulu2992 · 4 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 3: Locations - Whitetail Mountains
PIN-K0 Radar Station
Part of the Pine Line early warning system, the K0 facility was shuttered in the early 90's and left to the elements.
Rattlesnake Trail Bridge
A footbridge along the Makwa Trail, it connects one side of the gorge to the other, like bridges are supposed to do.
Snowshoe Lake
A clear glacial lake high up in the Whitetail Mountains. The water is always near freezing which makes skinny dipping a terrible idea.
Hunter’s Pass Shelter
A remote cabin used as a place to warm up or stay the night by hunters.
Ozhigwan Falls
One of the highest in the area, Ozhigwan falls is one of the natural wonders of the Park.... just don't step too close.
Jefferson Lookout Tower
A watch tower in the middle of the forest, meant to keep an eye out for forest fires or bears... or bears on fire.
Whitetail Park Visitor Center
It's where you'd go to find out what's going on at Whitetail Park, back when it was operational.
Hawkeye Tunnel
A tunnel through the mountain that offers a bird's eye view of the valley below.
Whitetail Park Ranger Station
The Ranger Station that patrols the Whitetail Park to keep it safe back when it was still open.
McKinley Dam
Named after the 25th president of the United States, McKinley Dam is used to regulate water and supply power to the people of Hope County.
Jacob’s Armory
Jacob has converted part of the McKinley Dam power station to be used as sanctuary against the coming apocalypse.
Grand View Hotel
The historic hotel in the Whitetail Mountains it was once the crown jewel of the park. Financial problems shut it down in the 80's. It's been empty ever since.
North Park Entrance
The Northern most entrance to Whitetail Park, abandoned now that the park is closed.
Bo’s Cave
A renown survivalist, Bo lives deep in forest. He is completely off the grid with none of the comforts of modern life.
Cooper Cabin
Another cabin that can be rented at Whitetail Park. Lately has been used as a safe-house by the Whitetail Militia.
Red Tail Cabin
A cabin in Whitetail Park that Eli's Militia use to take refuge from the constant attacks from Jacob's patrols.
F.A.N.G. Center
Friends of the Animals Nursing Grounds is home to Cheeseburger the Bear. Feeding times are 12:00 and 6:00 daily.
St. Francis Veteran's Center
A medical center for returning veterans, St. Francis was shuttered in the 90's when a more modern facility was constructed in a nearby county. When Eden's Gate moved in, Jacob found use for it as a place to indoctrinate his new recruits.
Lansdowne Airstrip
A small airstrip used by the locals for shipping in supplies and sightseeing tours.
Elliot Residence
Home to Rick Elliot and his family, one of the last people to holdout against Jacob and his army.
The Grill Streak
When Chad's diner was burned to the ground he retreated to his food truck. He still works hard to find food for Eli and his Militia.
Breakthrough Camp
A camp where parents sent their rebellious youth in order to get a taste of clean, wholesome outdoor living.
Old Sun Outfitters
The main supply store for camping and survival gear in the area. Seeing the writing on the wall, the owners closed shop and left while they still could.
Baron Lumber Mill
The Baron family lumber mill was already failing financially when Eden's Gate moved in and bought it out.
McNeill Residence
This house once belonged to the McNeill family before they were deemed sinners in the eyes of the cult and were forced to flee.
Linero Building Supplies
A small building supply store that sold lumber and materials. The owners ended up joining Eden's Gate, though not all of them willingly.
Haskell Lookout Tower
A watch tower overlooking the north region of the Whitetail Park.
Fort Drubman
Pretty much all the Hurk Sr. has left after his divorce from Adelaide. It's from here he runs his senate campaign with the dubious help of his son, Hurk Jr.
MCA Mobile Lab
A mobile lab where the Montana Conservation Authority conducts research on the local flora and fauna.
Loresca Residence
Former residence of Jay Loresca, former Navy Seal. Rumor has it he joined the Whitetails, but it's certain that he’s long gone.
Whitetail Mountains Rail Bridge
A bridge connecting the Henbane River and the Whitetail Mountains. It's been out of use ever since the Copperhead Rail stopped running.
Elk Jaw Lodge
Part of the Whitetail Park the Elk Jaw Lodge was a nice place to relax near Silver Lake. Now... not so much.
Wolf’s Den
The secret bunker of the Whitetail Militia, home to Eli, their leader, as well as Tammy and Wheaty.
Oberlin Picnic Area
A nice place for a group to sit down, eat, and take in baseball game at the nearby diamond.
Osprey Cabin
One of the many cabins that visitors can rent at Whitetail Park. Named after birds of prey, thy are the perfect hiding places for Eli's Militia.
Kestrel Cabin
One of the handful of individual cabins available to rent at Whitetail Park.
Mansfield Lookout Tower
An abandoned fire watch tower overlooking the southern region of Whitetail Park.
Frank’s Cabin
A cabin owned by a recluse known as Lonely Frank. He seems to like it that way.
Dansky Cabin
This is where Dicky Dansky comes to write his books about Sasquatches, Bigfoot, and other cryptids.
Valley View Overlook
A place for visitors to stop and take in the view of the forest below.
Stone Ridge Chalet
High up on a rocky ridge is a Chalet where hunters and park visitors could come and warm up.
Silver Lake Parking Lot
A nice place to stop and take a refreshing dip in nearby Silver Lake.
Clagett Boathouse
A boathouse and docks maintained by the Old Sun Outfitters.
Salvage Camp
A small camp where a salvage company is attempting to recover items from the wreck of a sunken plane
Dylan’s Master Bait Shop
In case you needed some fishing pointers... Dylan will likely just point you somewhere else.
Langford Falls Parking Lot
A spot for visitors to pause and take in the beauty of the nearby Langford Falls.
Widow’s Creek
One of Skylar's favorite fishing spots. She'll probably tell you where it got its name.
Fowler’s Retreat
A not-so-secret place where Dave keeps all of his extra Cheeseburger merchandise.
South Park Entrance
The southern enterance to Whitetail Park. Once the gem of Hope County, it has seen better days.
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shadow-draws-gta · 2 months
more Jarhead incorrect quotes because I am still consumed by this movie (in a good way) :)
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hirumi25 · 29 days
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My (late) logs for the RC9GN DTIYS event hosted by @evilspiritweek from week 1 to week 5! (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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so everyone loves this last dunce squad post apparently
i saw some tags on it today that made me boot up my old computer to draw this because i think it's VITAL that you understand that Dave WILL win in a fight. this is a group that operates on Murphy's Law to function and Dave is the most Murphy of them all. i don't know what enemy they had to face down, idk Terrorcons or something? scraplets? Megatron himself? it doesn't matter, because none of the three government agents nor the police captain who canonically carries a bazooka were the ones to claim victory in this fight
it was the wet sock of a mall cop
thank you for listening to my TEDtalk i will continue going insane over them
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evilspiritweek · 2 months
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Next prompt for #rc9gndtiys. thought it would be fun to draw a typical session for Der Monster Klub
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flightlessribbons · 4 days
Some lore based stuff coming up for Nine Gates! Figuring how I wanna present it is challenging, but the drafts are being made! In the mean time here's a doodle of some Klub guys ❤️
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lthasanlili666 · 2 months
That one rc9gn dtiys but different
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Basically everyone is gender swapped (except for theresa) because I can't draw men that well lol XD
Anyways the dtiys belongs to @evilspiritweek
Accordion davi (fem!dave) and junno (fem!juggo) belongs to @star-gureisu
And juliette (fem!Julian) belongs to @mgx0
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snuff--y · 10 months
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Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. -- Season 2, Episode 25
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Der Weezer Klub
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der-yuri-klub · 1 month
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Some rc9gn yuri related art I've made months ago
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man-of-nostalgia · 4 months
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Pictures from the cancelled comic adaptation of Meaning On Earth.
I drew this in November 2022.
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lulu2992 · 2 months
Exploration of the now-offline Far Cry 5 official websites
Part 24: Cheeseburger
Recovered content
According to the available archives, Cheeseburger had the same description on the American website for at least two years, from February 9th, 2018, to February 7th, 2020:
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FANGS FOR HIRE CHEESEBURGER Cheeseburger was found as a young cub, snacking on greasy leftovers in a dumpster behind The Grill Streak. He’d been left to fend for himself after his mother was shot by poachers. Wade Fowler found him and brought him back to the F.A.N.G. Center, an animal sanctuary, where he was bottle-fed and nurtured back to health. When the cult moved in, Wade quickly realized that Jacob wanted Cheeseburger for his experiments. Rather than letting that monster get his hands on his beloved bear, Wade decided to let him loose to fend for himself.
You could indeed “Learn More” if you clicked on these words and read “The Hope County Resistance”, a News article from February 8th, 2018:
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CHEESEBURGER - The Fearsome Grizzly - HEAVY Name: CHEESEBURGER Role: Fang for Hire Bio: Cheeseburger was found as a young cub, snacking on greasy leftovers in a dumpster behind The Grill Streak. He’d been left to fend for himself after his mother was shot by poachers. Wade Fowler found him and brought him back to the F.A.N.G. Center, an animal sanctuary, where he was bottle-fed and nurtured back to health. It turns out that a diet of burgers and fries does terrible things to a young bear’s body: Cheeseburger developed diabetes, which requires daily insulin injections. This, combined with his emotional attachment to Wade and his brother, meant that Cheeseburger could never return to the wild. Instead, the Fowler brothers built the bear his own home at the F.A.N.G. Center, making Cheeseburger the star attraction and a local celebrity. When the cult moved in, Wade quickly realized that Jacob wanted Cheeseburger for his experiments. Rather than letting that monster get his hands on his beloved bear, Wade decided to let him loose to fend for himself.
He was called The Bear on the European website, and his description said:
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CHEESEBURGER THE BEAR Hope County’s furry, hungry tank Cheeseburger. He got that name on account of it being his favorite food. He was found as a young cub in the dumpster behind The Grill Streak, snacking on greasy leftovers. When the cult moved in, Wade, his owner, quickly realized that Jacob wanted Cheeseburger for his experiments. Rather than letting that monster get his hands on his beloved bear, Wade decided to let him loose to fend for himself rather than be subject to Jacob’s tests.
There was (and still is) no trailer specifically dedicated to Cheeseburger to include on the websites.
As was the case for Peaches, the descriptions are consistent with what we learn about Cheeseburger in Far Cry 5... and I wish he had his own Character Spotlight trailer.
Under the cut are all the available source files, saved directly from the website, of the images you see in the screenshots:
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Fic Inspo
Which of my characters do you think this would be?
Feedback needed!
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innervoiceart · 10 months
The Fowler, Martin Carthy with Dave Swarbrick
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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i know there’s a lot of talk about mandroid/silas but please consider this law enforcement club/polycule
ultimately if it came down to it, Dave BotBots would win in a fight by sheer Rube Goldberg improbable bad luck looney toons shenanigans. Simmons would be fully capable of murdering TFP Megatron with his bare hands. Schloder would get along famously with Sumdac in oblivious solidarity. Fowler would have the BotBots mall packed up and moved to a secure location within like two hours. Fanzone would be the one stuck watching the collective of children and be miserable about it but he’s also the only one who would be even capable of babysitting the lot of them so he’s the best choice.
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evilspiritweek · 20 days
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Der Monster Klub while Julian's trapped in the Land of Shadows
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