#dceu headcanon
sylpheoftheforce · 1 year
Superman is Babygirl. I’m talking about true superman/Clark Kent, not “neglect my kid and name him a slur” superman. Babygirl would never ✋. He is a true gentleman and subtle menace to society. He is “kids, today you’re gonna learn to ride horses.” And “children, please be kind to Miss Lane, she’s a very special friend of mine and I’d like you to treat her with the same respect you show ma and pa.” He is “Miss Lane, I got you some flowers on the way to work, I hope you like them.” And he leaves a handwritten note in them giving her a lead on her current story. He is “Mr.Wayne, I don’t want to trouble you, but your boys seem to have disappeared from this event with my own. Would you like me to go check on them?” Bring back pure of heart superman,
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
The 11th Street Kids as Dogs
Team Headcannon (Fluff)
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Harcourt - German Sheppard: Trained to be a guard dog since she was a puppy. Has a large sense of duty and responsibility. Will bite at first sight. Takes some time to warm up to anyone, but very loyal when she does.
Leota - Labrador Retriever: Good, calm energy. Very unassuming and non threatening. A big people pleaser, wants to make everyone happy. Earns trust easily. Extremely Smart. Probably the smartest person on the team. Most likely to become your best friend.
John - Chihuahua: Not taken as seriously as he should be. Has been picked on most of his life by bigger dogs and has developed a defensive attitude. Bark is worse than his bite, but watch out when he actually does bite. Will absolutely have your back in a fight.
Chris - Pit Bull: Very misunderstood and definitely raised wrong. Rescued from an abusive home. Has a huge heart and is trying to break away from the bad behaviors ingrained in him since puppyhood. Extremely physically affectionate.
Adrian - Husky: Hyper and energetic, can even be spastic at times. Very opinionated and extremely intelligent, but confuses easily. Protective over the weirdest things. Absolutely the most dramatic.
Eagly - Eagle: Very confused, wondering how in the @#$% everyone is now a dog. Starts eyeing John since it’s almost dinner time.
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lady-murderess · 2 years
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June is the life of the party, of course. And Rick? Yeah, he’s not all that bothered... He would rather be asleep.
Not really being one for parties, Rick would very much prefer to stay in the house. He’s quite happy to hand out candy and leave it at that.
June is more than happy to stay at home, watch some movies with Rick and have a big night in cuddled up on the couch together, but a big part of her wants to be out celebrating with him and their friends.
Leading up to the day, June convinces her grump to help her put up the decorations. He secretly enjoys helping her out decorating the front yard because she makes sure to go all out each year with some sort of display and does a damn good job at it.
Turns out June's in some sort of competition with the neighbours to see who has the best displays. The neighbours ought to consider themselves lucky that Rick hasn't gotten involved in the competition... He's a whole lot more competitive than June.
Pumpkin carving? Definitely not for Colonel Flag. He can’t stand the smell of them, so there ain’t no way he’s going to carve any…
June likes to buy all the novelty Halloween stuff... So you can guarantee that she's bought Rick a good few pairs of underwear and socks with pumpkins, ghosts and other monsters on them.
“June, I’m not gonna dress up. I’m puttin’ my damn foot down.” He ends up dressed up anyway…
If he finds he has no choice, Rick will leave the costume choices up to June. it's just easier that way.
If they do go to any parties, Rick will complain like hell on the way there but once he's there, he's like a completely different person. With a beer bottle in hand, his friends and June by his side, he lets loose and allows himself to enjoy the night.
He tries to deny it, but he seems to end up enjoying himself a little more as each year goes by.
I know Halloween was a couple of days ago, but I've been a little too busy to upload this and I didn't fancy waiting until next year...
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Ok so ik the dc fandom is pretty big, but ykw i want to see more of? The Justice League Unlimited fandom. I adored it as a child and continue to love it going into my early adulthood. I need the fandom. Where is it at?
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waterdragon1995 · 2 years
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slevinfontaine · 2 years
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Watching Superman (1978)
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dceuheadcanons · 2 months
Eye colour headcanons for the main four Batboys but specifically in the format of that one meme.
(Edit: Also just clarifying, just because they have Lazarus Pit eyes doesn't mean they've died in my personal canon 😍 The only one that has is Jason.)
Pre Lazarus Pit shenanigans:
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Post Lazarus Pit:
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(They are in age order, oldest to youngest)
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kingofpeacows · 11 months
A lot of the time when people bring up Bart Allen as being super autistic coded, they're bringing it up in conjuction with the rest of YJ (which, yes, I love autistic friendship) but sometimes I just wanna talk about Bart Allen.
I wanna talk about the kid who doesn't understand he's getting bullied and managed to be friends with everyone because of it. I wanna talk about the kid who is so bad at holding a conversation everyone thinks he's some sort of brooding asshole. I wanna talk about the kid who KNOWS that the older, more popular kids talk to him and dare him to do stupid stuff because "of course Bart will do it" and does it anyway because he likes making people laugh. I wanna talk about the kid who knows he's doing something wrong socially but he doesn't know what and wants nothing more than to fix it. I wanna talk about the kid who knows he's different but still thinks the rest of the world is the problem. I wanna talk about the kid who's so smart and so brave but everyone only sees him as some mess-up idiot. I wanna talk about the emotional kid who got bullied for being robotic and unemotional because allistic people can't grasp what his world looks like. I wanna talk about the kid who wouldn't know sarcasm from truth. I wanna talk about the kid who's low-empathy but does everything he can to be compassionate. I wanna talk about the kid who's surrounded by people, but still feels so alone because no one else understands his world.
Sometimes I just wanna talk about Bart Allen.
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pinkhoodi · 3 months
kiss me baby !
✎ᝰ — types of kisses the young justice boys favor
♡⃕ — dick grayson, wally west, kaldur’ahm x reader
♡⃕ — genre + warnings: fluff + slightly suggestive, tried not to make dick a wh*re /aff
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꒰ DICK GRAYSON ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 any and every kiss
Ꮺ dick is quite affectionate but ofc that’s no surprised when he’s a proclaimed lover boy. however, he reserves certain kisses for certain people and certain times; simple cheek kisses for greeting the women he passes by during important events, hand kisses to greet women that he’s interested in, (before meeting you), and the rest just for you <3
Ꮺ kisses for dick is his way of communicating about half the time. times when he’s quiet, or isn’t in the mood to speak much, he gives you a forehead or cheek kiss to reassure you that he’s listening, just not communicative right now. moments where he’s being a tease, he would blow air kisses (especially upon getting to know you and during missions). intimate times, of course, would let him place mouth kisses, a lot of sloppy (or needy) ones if he’s feeling daring, and body kisses
Ꮺ out of all, dick favors to give you kisses on the lips. they either rile the both of you up or have a heartfelt way of saying, “I love you” to one another. especially times where the world feels like it’s at a standstill, no sense of danger to attend to but a quiet time of serenity. in moments where it’s just you and dick enjoying one another’s company, kisses make for the time that passes throughout the night
Ꮺ dick treats kisses either act an of intimacy or his way of getting something out of you. He doesn’t know what that “something” could be tbh; it could lead you to potentially talk to him after you got mad at him, you getting flustered at his cheek kisses, a look of shock on your face after he walks off from giving you a few passionate kisses, or even you becoming affectionate after those kisses. he enjoys the way your face contorts into looks of annoyance, passion, or a pout that rises from his teases
Ꮺ if you have fuller, or much plumper lips, dick will stay on them every. single. hour. he is a FEIN for how your fuller lips feel on his, it’s so soft, so plush, it’s like he’s on a cloud. he’s obsessed and it’s best that you hide before your lips become sore…again
꒰ WALLY WEST ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 forehead kisses
Ꮺ for wally, kisses are reserved for you and only you. wally takes intimacy very seriously, especially when it comes to kisses. unlike his best friend, wally doesn’t you kisses to his advantage (sometimes)
Ꮺ though, it wouldn’t be a lie that wally enjoys kissing you day and night. when the sun rises, when the sun sets, as you two settle into bed, as you two get ready for the morning, he’ll create a reason to kiss you
Ꮺ forehead kisses give a set of reassurance for wally, a feeling that you are here to love him and cherish him, through the good, bad, and the ugly. it lets him that you care for wally, you wanna listen to wally, you want to be wally’s home, where he has comfort and fondness
Ꮺ during times of intimacy, it’s quiet, a few awkward moments, but then again it’s wally. when he stutters too much as he speaks or incompletes his thoughts, you place a forehead kiss to calm him. he’ll shyly smile and give one back, after restarting his fragmental sentence
Ꮺ he doesn’t wanna admit it but wally is an addict to your kisses :). It doesn’t always have to be on the lips but the way his body flutters and the bashfulness that displays on him makes him feel floaty, even on bad days where missions go awry, your kisses help ease his mood. though it is quite cute how shy wally can get when asking for a kiss
꒰ KALDUR’AHM ꒱ ᡣ𐭩 body kisses
Ꮺ I feel like all three boys would favor body kisses but kaldur might be the most down bad for body kisses, both giving and receiving. however, he knows how to hide it better than the other two, he would wait for times of privacy while wally is subtle and dick is….not so subtle !
Ꮺ just like dick, kaldur would enjoy all kisses but kisses to appreciate your bodies feels like the perfect way to adore you. don’t get me wrong, he does tend to words of affirmation and acts of service but he can’t help plastering sweet kisses to your collarbone, behind the ear, stomach, cheek, or thighs (his personal favorite <3)
Ꮺ since he was always required to greet and adore aquaman as his king, adoration would be second nature to kaldur. which would make it quite too often to give your body some love during times of privacy
Ꮺ he doesn’t mind kisses around on the lips or forehead, but he feels a deeper connection when his lips attend to your body
Ꮺ times when he’s becoming too much into his head and stress is slowly shattering him, he’ll lay on your stomach and plant small kisses there. if not your stomach, he’ll pull you into his lap and crane his neck, signaling that he wants kisses but isn’t really in the mood to be expressive right now
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♡⃕ heyyyyy, how yall doin 😋? listen….at least i wrote something for young justice !
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: psalm 147:3
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗂. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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gothamitelove · 10 months
Hey. Could I request a “dating joker would include…”? (Jared Leto’s joker)
hell yeah!! first im gonna send you over to this post if you haven't already seen it, but here are some other hcs i have for him:
dating leto!joker headcanons:
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this man is VERY touchy. he likes knowing you're nearby, and even more so than that, likes knowing you're his
will absolutely use that to scare away anybody he thinks is making eyes at you
also very fond of giving you stuff. part of it is a possessive thing (a lot of things are, with him), knowing that you're wearing things he gave you, but he also likes giving you things he knows you'll like so you wear that pretty smile for him
he does love it when you smile. he thinks your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world
when he's asleep, he looks... peaceful, actually. the most peaceful you've ever seen him.
he kind of attaches to you like a koala when you're in the same bed at night. you could be on opposite sides of the bed to start out with but you WILL wake up with him all over you
a HUGE fan of the holding your face in his hands thing
not above sitting in your lap! this is the joker we're talking about, he is nothing if not flexible (in a couple different ways, my friend)
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Some Orm Marius Headcanons Just Because
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Pairing: Orm Marius x reader
A/N: Orm headcanons because apparently why not. Orm is my new crush I guess? I don't know either. Wow this got really long. Not sorry. I haven't had inspiration in forever and it feels nice.
I imagine that if you're ever fancy enough to have a shower and tub separate from each other (which is my idea of fancy, I love giant bathtubs I'm a weirdo) he would chill in a full tub of water while you shower. The first time he does it he scares the crap out of you. Now it's kinda nice.
Also, taking baths together. He might scrunch up his nose and tell you he'll think about it when you first ask. Eventually he'll agree but fights you on the temperature of the water the whole time. You're better off just setting up camp next to the tub if you really want to hang out with him while he marinates.
Call it his Marinating Time and you get The Frown™️. Arthur 100% looses his shit and wonders why he didn't think of it first the first time he hears it and it catches on like wildfire.
Have a campfire with Orm and he'll awkwardly stand 10 feet away while you try to lure him closer. Eventually he comes around to it but he likes it more because of how much you like it. S'mores are secretly his favorite though.
And once he cooks over the fire that's it. That's the only way you'll get him to cook. Why? Because of the taste🤌 that's why.
You two can look at the lobster tank at the grocery store together. Dare him to steal the lobsters and he'll give you The Frown™️ because that would be childish.
You always bring a water bottle with you when you go out anywhere on land together. Like one of those giant, metal, double walled monstrosities that are heavy as fuck and hold half a gallon. He thinks you're insane for lugging it around everywhere until he realizes one day that he drinks out of it more than you and that you're carrying it around for him. He's such an idiot I love him
Likes the feeling of you idly running your fingers through his hair. It kind of reminds him of being underwater, feeling the current.
You get along with Arthur in a way that almost worries Orm. In the sense that you will 100% charge at Arthur in a mock fight and try to wrestle him to the ground as a greeting after like, the second time you meet him. Arthur is absolutely siked to have you around, you lighten Orm up but don't take shit from Arthur.
Which makes Tom instantly happy you're around. You two often commiserate over having fallen in love with Atlanteans and what not. Lots of comfortable silences between you to.
And Junior. Orm has all kinds of feelings he does not want to think about when he first sees you holding Arthur and Mera's kid. Even if his Mother is giving him a knowing look as you spin the laughing kid around until you land safely on the couch.
You get along so well with Atlanna even if she's a little intimidating at first. She sees how much you care for her younger son, how you don't let him linger on the outside looking in because "this is your family too, Orm" and she he hugs you a little too tight after hearing that, after seeing small stolen moments between you and Orm. Her sons are happy.
If you want Orm to teach you how to fight he will say absolutely not and when you ask Arthur, who obviously says hell yeah, only then does Orm take over. But then you tell Atlanna one day that you think he's going easy on you so she lovingly starts training you to kick ass. She does not go easy on you. It's kind of awesome.
If you ever go to a museum and see a tylosaur fossil and Orm casually points out he use to ride one, you literally drag him to the nearest beach and demand he proves it because LOOK AT THAT? ⬇️ THAT'S COOL AS FUCK!
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So I went ice skating today and since I have Orm on my brain I was thinking about ice skating with Orm and he would be so very, very horrible when he first steps out on the ice. Thinks you are purposely trying to embarrass him. He's a baby deer on ice. The Frown™️ is impressive if you laugh at him falling because honestly the ice rink is in more trouble than Orm when he falls anyway.
I think (sometimes) he learns things through shear stubbornness. He doesn't want anyone's help. He can figure this out on his own thank you very much, no matter how many times he falls (literally or metaphorically) just to prove he can. But when it clicks and he gets it, man is graceful as hell. Does laps around you and gets brave enough to pick you up and zoom around with you yelling at him the whole time.
Also, he likes when you praise him praise kink? praise kink.
He gets snarky when he's upset and I imagine he can be pretty mean without thinking about it. Probably has a hard time apologizing when the relationship is still new.
So, so worried about seeming too vulnerable around you. Tell him directly that it is okay to be vulnerable, you love him, you trust him and you want him to trust you.
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veenus777 · 21 days
◜𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 & 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬◞
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          ┊ ᝰ﹕For a long time, I’ve had this playlist about Jason that I created based on some specific universes and scenarios, and now I associate all of them with him and specific situations. Anyway, I decided to share a little about it with you.
          ┊ ᝰ﹕The following words were written by a woman with insomnia during an anxiety-filled and obsessive night about Jason Todd.
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♧ Electric Love
This song makes me feel like I'm in a specific scenario where Jay and the reader are just riding a motorcycle on one of their outings through Gotham, without any specific destination. I imagine the sun setting and giving way to the city lights at night while they just speed off towards nowhere.
♤ Go To Hell
This one is a bit more specific to the Vigilante universe. It happens right after they meet again following Jay’s death and all the drama of Red Hood vs. Batman. Jason rejoins the team, but the reader has already moved on or at least tries to, despite Jason's constant presence by their side. So, after a successful mission, they decide to have a happy hour with some of the older team members like Babs, Dick, Luke, and Kate. The reader ends up meeting one of their flings while Jason ends up drinking too much. I feel this song is exactly what’s going through his head the whole time.
♧ End Game
First of all, I’d like to make it clear that this song is definitely the song for Jason and Vigilante. There simply isn’t a better definition of them than this. Okay, just imagine Jay alongside another vigilante with a turbulent past and questionable morals, who is equal to or worse than him in ruthlessness. They simply become the royalty of Gotham’s underworld. Criminals would shudder just hearing about them because they know how bad they were separately, but together, they are completely unbeatable.
♤ Adiós
This one is short and quite similar to Electric Love, but different at the same time. In this, Jason and the vigilante are riding a motorcycle through Gotham, the reader on the back while Red Hood pops a wheelie on the wet asphalt of rainy Gotham. That night, there was a small breakout in one of the smaller prisons, nothing as serious as Arkham but still dangerous. So, the whole team spreads out across the city looking for the criminals. The adrenaline is strong while shooting at criminals at high speed, and Jason’s hand on your thigh to congratulate you on a job well done.
♧ Love Me Harder
This one is extremely specific and also takes place in the Vigilante universe. Jay and the reader were sent on a mission to Tokyo, which wasn’t uncommon as they had to travel frequently. They end up staying in a cheap hotel that served as a great hideout for them. By this point, they are already a couple. In fact, I feel this is where things change for both of them in their relationship. The mission ends well and ahead of schedule, but they decide to stay and enjoy the beauty of Tokyo, going out at night, trying foods, or buying silly things at fairs, just being young and in love on a trip without any external worries.
♤ Harleys In Hawaii
This story happens when Jason, finally, after much insistence from the reader, decides to take a vacation. And nothing is better than a hotel in Hawaii, in which Bruce is one of the partners, far away from Gotham and vigilantism. So, the next two weeks are summarized by boat rides along the coast, diving, hiking, and romantic seaside encounters with a tanned Jason, with his sculpted and tattooed body under the Hawaiian sun.
♤ Dark Paradise
This story takes place in two scenarios at the same time, where the reader is a classical dancer. The reader is in their dance studio, rehearsing late at night to relax and relieve the weight of their feelings. "Dark Paradise" plays on the sound system while they spin and leap around the mirrored room, but their mind travels to the previous night, where another Wayne gala took place. All the pomp and candlelight created an ethereal atmosphere with Jason there. He hated balls but knew the reader would be present. So, there he was, in a well-tailored suit, his eyes fixed on the reader as they entered the ballroom, almost hypnotically. The rest of the night was filled with tension and small "accidental" touches everywhere.
♧ Valentine
This is a simple yet extremely cute story, where Jay takes the reader to a carnival that was passing through Gotham that weekend. And it is nothing but intoxicatingly cute. They go through all the rides, and Jay makes sure to win the biggest teddy bear at the shooting gallery. They eat junk food and laugh idiotically as they walk, with Jay’s strong arms around the reader’s shoulders. They end the night on the Ferris wheel, having a perfect view of Gotham's lights. When they head back home, their hands are full of prizes and photos taken in photo booths.
♤ Marry You
This story came about because of a one-shot I read here once and simply could never get out of my head (I really don’t remember the author’s name, but if you know, please leave the name of this heaven-sent angel in the comments). The scenario is basically this: Jay and the vigilante are on a mission in Vegas, and things almost get out of control, but it ends with a "if we survive, will you marry me?". And they do survive. They look for a chapel the next day, wearing simple clothes and nothing but each other and an Elvis-dressed officiant. For them, it is simply perfect. Everything happens with lots of smiles and loving gazes. Afterward, they just enjoy the Vegas gambling and casinos (let’s completely ignore the song lyrics, okay? Just feel the vibe).
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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mysadcorner · 2 months
Can you do headcanon of Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Dc Animated Movie Universe) x Fem s/o who is Raven's older half-sister; she is gentle, patient and soft spoken she is half Demon half Azarathian please?
Dick Grayson x Demon!Azarathian!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the images owners - Please be specific about characters wanted in headcanons and read request rules -
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• Dick would be a bit surprised to find out that Raven had a half-sister, especially one that was older whom he hadn’t met before. But like always, no matter your powers or abilities, he’s going to greet you and be just as friendly as he is to everyone else; this, of course, includes all of the sass he brings with him constantly.
• Dick would be very surprised and proud if he found out you were able to handle your abilities before he met you. There are a lot of risks in practicing your abilities and trying to keep them manageable, so he’s going to be curious as to how you have so much self control over them.
• If you can’t handle your abilities then he would always do his best to support you. He knows how hard it is to keep control over such things after seeing it so many times, so he would never be judgemental over any failures you might have as long as you’re trying your best.
• Since he knew Raven before he met you, it gives him a fee more things to bring up in conversation when he wants to talk to you. Almost like it’s an excuse to get to know you more. He would also find it quite nice to have a new person around who is closer to his own age.
• Dick isn’t usually that rowdy, but his sass and energy will be a clear difference to your own personality. But he likes that, your calmness keeps him grounded and lets him take his time while opening up to you or talk things out when something bad happens.
• The more people he has to fight along side in the chance of a serious threat coming around the better. He’s happy to train with you regardless of what you want to work on, and he’s usually great company when out on patrol.
• If there were any issues due to your ancestry then Dick would have no problems in defending you. He doesn’t care how big the threat may be or how much the danger is, even if the two of you aren’t necessarily closer he’d still try to defend you since it would be the right thing to do.
• Dick’s protection over you would also apply to just normal situations, such as people being hesitant about going near you because of your abilities or excluding you because of this. Dick would try to include you as much as possible, and he’d be very defensive about you towards the people who do try to cast you out.
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Dating Wonder Woman
Diana Prince x Reader Headcanons
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Dating the one and only Wonder Woman has been the greatest honor of your life
Her smiles and gentle touches always send a shiver down your spine.
Dates: Diana will settle for any and all little moments she can take with you. Coffee dates, lunch dates, dancing while listening to the same song even if you’re thousands of miles away from each other.
She’ll fly home at a moment’s notice just to be back in your arms.
Diana’s love language is physical touch. You are more than happy to oblige it. She’ll take any sort of physical touch. A hug, a touch on the shoulder, cuddling, a gentle caress of your hand across her cheek.
Diana loves being the big spoon when you cuddle but she loves being the small if you and her are sleeping, together.
Something about being in your arms, just makes everything feel alright in Diana’s mind.
Diana loves to straddle your lap and run her fingers through your hair as she kisses you. And she loves it when you rub her back and legs reassuringly.
Diana’s a warrior on the streets and a goddess in the…well you know. She loves taking it slow, staring into your eyes and worshipping every bit of you.
Of course you love to worship her equally back.
Secret: Diana loves using her lasso behind closed doors ;)
Diana dreams of a life outside of the Justice League with you. A life with a picket fence, a nice house and a little baby or two.
What Diana didn’t know was that was exactly the life you wanted to.
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willwriteforhugs · 1 year
obsessed with billy batson and captain marvel just like. conceptually. he's just a lil guy! in a big ol body! he's just a little dude!!
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manzkageking · 3 months
Jason Todd HC
Ok, so I have this headcanon that Jason's eyes were originally brown before he died, then when he was resurrected he's eyes turned green. A couple years later the green faded from one of his eyes, to where it turns back completely brown or a more hazel color. So what I'm saying is that Jason has heterochromia, one eye green the other brown/hazel.
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