#demon sorcerers
guardianofnightmares · 4 months
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Chinese Lantern Festival
I thought of participating (at least in some way) in a well known Chinese tradition - celebration of the beginning of a New Year with lanterns of different shapes and forms (hanging, flying and floating ones, you name it). And since it is a Year of a Dragon and I'm in a JCA fanart era,.. you knew I had to draw my beloved Shendu)).
It is said that some lanterns bear symbols of good fortune on them while others may have riddles being hidden in their design.
"As a tradition of Chinese Lantern Festival, guessing lantern riddles is as important as eating dumplings on the day. The custom is a unique form of Chinese folk culture, showcasing people's good wishes for the new year and inspiring wisdom."
So, I had an idea to use a Sign of Fire from the second season of a show instead of traditional symbols, since Pan'ku Box was a puzzle to be solved and fire is an essential part of any existing lantern (and it is Shendu's elemental power, after all) )).
Hope you'll enjoy this picture, I had lots of fun working on it.
This is a mixed media art, you will find the part I drew in a traditional way under the cut. You can actually see how huge my eraser looks next to it, haha, but damn, do I love drawing miniatures.
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mask131 · 5 months
This probably won't speak to many people... But when the Overlords gathered for the reunion, I immediately had such a flashback to the group scenes of the Demon Sorcerers, from the Jackie Chan cartoons.
I blame the giant dinosaur lady for this
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lastarkhorror · 9 months
Jackie Chan Adventures: Demons Familiar
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I greet you all. And this is the idea for the JCA AU. Those who want can take it, I allow it.
So - demon familiars, or as they are also called Demon sorcerers. Usually I imagined the main eight demons as the children of the progenitor of dark chi, but I came up with the idea that sorcerer demons are the name of special servant demons. Each of them has their own rank, from beginner, to elites and even gods. Their affiliation and meaning can vary, from a simple servant, guide and right-hand man, to a warrior, personal bodyguard and martial artist. Also, each of them has its own mark or sign denoting this or that demon, especially for the highest and elite.I think eye color can also depend, but not on the level, but on the group of demon sorcerers. The main ones are yellow, red, blue, green and in rare cases purple. But at the same time, hostility usually did not arise between groups of demon sorcerers.
One more thing, about their owners. Usually, the master, the master, the owner most often becomes a magician, no matter dark or light, but ordinary people and other demons can also become them. Thanks to a collar or mark, the owner himself can determine whether the familiar will be free or forever servants whose orders must be carried out without question.
The lore of this AU is as follows. One day, 8 representatives of the elite demon sorcerers - Tso-Lan, Po-Kong, Xiao-Fung, Dai-Gui, Tchang-Zu, Shendu, Bai-Tsa and Hsi-Wu decided to rebel and become not just servants, but higher demons that could dominate mortals. As soon as they were able to free themselves from shackles and go free, they began to jointly conquer lands and the state, destroying enemies along the way. It all ended in defeat for ordinary people. For several centuries and generations they ruled the world, creating their own laws and state, but one day they were overthrown and expelled by eight immortals, and imprisoned forever in oblivion. The demons tried in every possible way to get out, but everything ended in defeat and return expulsion. One day, they decided to give them a chance for the right to freedom if they returned to who they originally were - familiars. Most of them were against it, but they understood that there was no choice and they agreed.
Something like this... I hope you liked it. I know both English and Russian text here, but just in case someone is interested in what I originally wrote.
Я вас всех приветствую. И это идея для АУ по ПДЧ. Те кто хотят могут брать я разрешаю
Итак - демоны фамилияры или как их еще называют Демоны колдуны. Обычно я представляла ну основную восьмерку демонов как дети прородителя тёмной ци, но у меня в голову пришла идея о том что демоны колдуны это название особых демонов слуг. У каждого из них есть свой ранг, от новичка, до элит и даже богов. Принадлежность их значение могут быть разными, от простой слуги, проводника и правой руки, до воина, личного телохранителя и мастера боевых искусств. Так же каждый из них имеет свою метку или знак обозначающий тот или иной демон, особенно это касается высших и элит. Цвет глаз думаю так же может зависеть, но уже не уровень а группу демонов колдунов. Основные это желтый, красный, синий, зелёный и в редких случаях фиолетовый. Но при этом обычно не возникало вражда между группами демонов колдунов.
Ещё кое что по поводу их хозяев. Обычно хозяином, мастером, владельцем чаще всего становится маги, неважно темные или светлые, но так же ими могут стать обычные люди и так же другие демоны. Благодаря ошейнику или метке, владелец сам может определить будет ли фамилияр свободными или вечно слугами чей приказ должен выполняться без прикословно.
Лор этого АУ тут таков. Однажды в один из дней, 8 представителей элит демонов колдунов - Тсо-Лан, По-Конг, Ксяо-Фанг, Даи-Гуи, Тчанг-Зу, Шенду, Бай-Тса и Хси-Ву решили восстать и стать не просто слугами, а высшими демонами, которыми могли бы властвовать над смертными. Как только смогли освободиться от оков и выйти на волю, они общими усилиями начали завоёвывать земли и государство, уничтожая врагов на своем пути. Все закончилось поражением для обычных людей. В течение нескольких веков и поколениями они правили миром, создавая свои законы и государство, но в один из дней их свергли и изгнали восемь бесмертных, и заточили навсегда в небытие. Демоны пытались вся чески выбраться, но все оканчивалось поражением и обратное изгнание. Однажды, им все таки решили дать шанс на право свободу, если они вернуться к тому кем они изначально были - фамилиярами. Большинство из них было против, но понимали что выбора нету и те согласились.
Как-то так.. надеюсь понравилось. Знаю тут и английский и русский текс, ну просто вдруг кому-то будет интересно что я изначально писала.
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mmkin · 1 year
Jackie Chan Adventures nostalgia
JCA came out when I was a teen and I loved the show - going so far as to do fanfic and fanart. I loved the art style, the fight scenes, the characters, etc etc. Recently I was able to marathon the series on streaming and oh my goodness. Even though I’m more mature and am more critical of plot holes or inconsistencies in the show/story, it’s still a great show with awesome fight scenes, humor, and characters. Valmont, the Enforcers (both sets), Tohru, Uncle, the Demon Sorcerers, Drago, Tarakudo, Daolon Wong... damn. It’s too bad that the writers weren’t as careful or attentive to details in later seasons.
The show had a lot of potential as far as character development went, and it’d have been nice if that had been explored more instead of using the same tropes/schtick over and over. I did like that the Enforcers made more than one attempt to be good, that is realistic for some people. But I’d have liked to explore Drago’s relationship with his dad, and Shendu’s relationship with his family, and how Uncle came to study chi magic after being an actor and a funky 70s music store man. And how did Tohru get into a life of crime to begin with? So many questions. I mean yeah I know it was a kid’s show but damn. And Tso Lan is fucking hot, and no one can convince me otherwise, no matter how weird the Moon Demon might look XD Though the show had its share of other hotties like Valmont, Hak Foo, Tarakudo, and Drago. Yum yum.
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leidensygdom · 3 days
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Osten, my beloved tiefling/aasimar drow cleric! (What a mouthful). I hadn't drawn him in a hot second but he's once again starring in my campaign, and who can I lie to, I really wanted to draw hair. His hair has this sort of permanent underwater floatiness! I made this one as an example for one of my portrait styles for my coming commission sheet, so keep an eye on that if you're interested~
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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shopwitchvamp · 1 month
Today's restock is live!
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We've got a lot of @vetiverfox designs returning this time along with some Witch Vamp staples. Come take a look before they're gone! 🖤witchvamp.com🖤
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by Abigail J Harding
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nocreativityfornames · 6 months
Solomon + Devildom lore ( An Ancient War )
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This sorcerer is confirmed to be Solomon by Barbatos at the end of the Devilgram.
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53v3nfrn5 · 13 days
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Yoshitaka Amano: 魔術師
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thesmartartslibrary · 21 days
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guardianofnightmares · 6 months
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Jiao: The baby is moving again.
Shendu: Must've felt my presence.
Another post dedicated to JCA in a row, I am in a mood for creating stuff for this fandom (or, rather, posting works from my stash, heh).
Here you can see a Demon Sorcerer Shendu with his human spouse (my OC), known by the name Jiao Fenghu. Both are talking about their soon to be daughter Huahuo, who is present on couple of previous posts.
Daughter's design was created by my friend and I've suggested a name for a small green bean)
I will upload a couple more studies of Jiao in the future in order to properly introduce her to the audience. But for now - enjoy a rare moment, filled with peace and tranquility)
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mask131 · 1 day
Okay so I have a legitimate question. Do you think JCA was a visual inspiration for the Helluvaverse? Because either it is that, either there is some insane coincidences going on!
I might be very biased since I am a huge JCA fan, but I regularly keep thinking about JCA's Demon Sorcerers as I watch along Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
It first truly began with the Overlords reunion in Hazbin Hotel:
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Lots of powerful, high-ranking demons with each a unique design gathering toether to talk? I thought of the Demon Sorcerers gathering - ESPECIALLY since there is ONE member of the group who is just HUGELY disproportionat in size compared to the rest, in both cases.
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Then it was brought back to my attention as I watched the recent trailer for the rest of Helluva Boss. The gathering we see of the Ars Goetia demons...
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... You guessed it, also make me think of the Demon Sorcerers reunion - especially the little stalagmite of ice thing on which Andrealphus stands, which reminded me of the floating stones the Demon Sorcerers use.
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But more importantly, as I looked back at Stolas' design, I realized this was where I first got the Demon Sorcerers vibes. Because what is Stolas when you think about it?
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A "tall as shit" sorcerer-demon, humanoid but with strong animalistic traits, and completely red, glowing eyes... Yes, that's also all the design beats of the Demon Sorcerers.
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Even more! I realized Stolas directly made me think of Tso Lan, the Moon Demon. Not just because the names are similar, but because of how Tso Lan also is designed as looking like a "demonic noble", and also has a night-sky motif (stars vs moon).
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Is it just that, whenever artists have to design powerful magical high-ranking demons for animation, something in their subconscious mind clicks and the same design beats pop up? Or is it that JCA could ACTUALLY have been a design inspiration for the two shows? I guess we will never know but I thought I would point that out...
Especially since the parallels extend beyond just the powerful and high-ranking demons of the Helluvaverse... Hsi Wu, the Sky Demon? When you look at him, tell me you don't think of the imps? Minus the wings of course, but the same idea of a skinny horned demon with a tail and a huge creepy smile. The large bat ears can double as the horns, you have the same "thick forearm" thing going on with Blitzo's family, even a goatee reminding of Blitzo's father...
Again, probably a coincidence, as these are general design vibes when it comes to demons... But still, a fascinating coincidence.
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lastarkhorror · 4 months
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Art dedicated to the demoness of the mountains - Po-Kong, when she was still a young beauty and ruled Japan
That's all I can say
Арт посвященный демонессе гор - По-Конг, когда она была ещё юной красавицей и правила Японией
Это все что могу сказать
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sheepthatgobaa · 5 months
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Thought about the fabsnap profiles and an idea popped into my head
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leidensygdom · 1 month
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Serving looks is actually one of the most important things a tiefling should do- (Vyxander is my tiefling/earth genasi sorcerer, or kineticist in pf2e!)
I've been in an itch to give the characters some fun lil casual outfits and he's always a delight to dress~
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roseunspindle · 9 months
Alan Rickman: What I've Seen Him in
Die Hard - Hans Gruber
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Quigley Down Under - Elliot Marston
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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - Sheriff of Nottingham
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Sense and Sensibility - Colonel Brandon
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Galaxy Quest - Alexander Dane
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Severus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Sverus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Severus Snape/Boggart
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Severus Snape
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Marvin the Paranoid Android
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Severus Snape
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: Judge Turpin
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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Severus Snape
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2
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Alice in Wonderland - Absolem the Caterpillar
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