#did i pop this out in 37 minutes?
darlighl · 1 year
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I’m so honored to have witnessed the unholy matrimony of The Beast and The Red Zephyr today I really am.
Zephyr design based on this pic. Marriage officiated by @fictional-train-fight
image description under cut
ID: a grayscale drawing of the Red Zephyr and the Beast of the Rails turned to face each other, with steam coming off them to form the shape of a heart. "Just Married" is written above them, also in steam. end ID
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sanjisprincesswifey · 3 months
loves embrace ⋆ sanji x reader
summary: all sanji needed was a little bit of love to open up to you
notes: this was a modified request that takes place post whole cake, i suppose, so spoilers! angsty, sad sanji (sadji) x gender neutral reader! lots of comforting! no cw warnings! around 1,300+ words!
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every morning sanji had a routine. he’d wake up fifteen minutes before his alarm, making sure to turn it off so as to not wake you. spending this allotted time drowning in your smell; he tangled his long limbs within yours and held you tightly to him.
he’d depart with a few too many kisses, surely bringing you out from your slumber, neatly fixing his side of the bed, and beginning his day with a spring in his step.
today was an anomaly of days, your eyes slowly blinking open, the room swallowed by a dim light. the overcast in the sky seemed to cause you to wake later than you anticipated, the clock on your wall reading 11:37 am.
the sheets beside you, usually folded over as pristinely as sanji could make them, sat in disarray. had it been anyone else, you’d disregard the notion; perhaps he had run too far behind schedule this morning.
but it was unlike sanji, even in a time crunch, to leave a mess in his absence. he was incredibly anal with situations like these, you knew him too well to brush the idea off as forgetfulness as you approach him in the kitchen.
the creaky door that franky keeps forgetting to fix would normally signal your entrance and cue your boyfriend to fawn all over you, but he remains behind the kitchen sink, not budging an inch.
his blonde hair hangs low, hiding his expression from you as he gingerly places the wet plates on the drying rack.
“sanji?” you question, investigating his face once he notices you’re there.
your brows furrow upon further examination; his blue eyes are accompanied by dark under eye bags and his milky skin is dull, the loss of color noticeable, even for his complexion.
“oh, my swan, how’re you? you missed breakfast.” he smiles, but the way his lips loosely hug, you know it’s purely a facade so as to not draw attention from you.
though you had only been dating for a few months, you knew you had to plan out your next moves carefully and approach the situation with caution. sanji would “i’m fine” himself death had he got the chance.
“was dreaming of you, so i didn’t really want to wake up,” you tease, earning a light laugh from him.
from this point on, he’d usually take the opportunity to discuss his night and what his dreams consisted of, but silence then falls over you two.
“did you eat?” you speak up.
he pulls his hands out of the water, drying them off on a nearby dish towel. “wasn’t hungry.”
as soon as he moves around the counter, you step in front of him.
you tsk in response, blocking him from exiting the area with arms crossed over your chest. “well, i’d like for you to eat something. you didn’t eat dinner last night either,” you reply.
sanji stares down at you, a melancholy look in his eye, but he obliges, dropping two slices of bread into the toaster.
“that’s it?” you argue, a mused smile curling his lips.
“i’m really not that hungry today, my darling,” he assures, leaning against the counter.
you know better than to accept that justification, arms reaching out to cage him between the kitchen and your body. “and why is that?” you ask, pressing yourself against his chest, eyes boring right back into his.
he flicks his gaze between your eyes, then your lips, and then your eyes, once again. he knows what you’re doing, but he bites anyway, strong arms hugging you snug against him.
“i’ve been a little sad these past couple of days,” he explains, another forged grin coaxing his features. it was the one of the first signs that he was asking you to dismiss this conversation.
the toast pops from the toaster, causing the both of you to release your grip as he refocuses his attention on his unwanted meal.
with his back turned to you, you take it upon yourself to latch onto him again. “i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me sanji. i’m here. i want to help,” you whisper, a shaky breath escaping your throat right after. “please, let me help.”
your eyes shut tightly as the only response you receive is silence. sanji was never one to discuss his own feelings freely, it was something he had always deemed a luxury for a reason you hated reminding yourself of.
a shaky whimper reverberates against your body and you take the cue to release your grip, turning him around so that you can see him again.
his hand grips tightly onto his face, though it proves futile as a tear streams down his cheek; then another, and another, and another. his fingers twitch as they reach out for you, desperately seeking your warmth and comfort as his body slumps into yours.
sanji’s frame is much larger than your own, his strength of his weight was much stronger when he didn’t remember to hold back.
but you’re greedy for this vulnerability, soaking in every ounce that he’d offer as you wrap your arms around his neck.
his tears slowly seep into the fabric of your shirt, while he lets out a few more choked cries before confessing. “have i ever told you about my mother?” he finally speaks.
when he pulls away you shake your head, reaching up to wipe away the tears that stain his face. your gentle expression urges, pleads, for him to continue, an act that melts his heart.
“she was so kind,” he explains, a sad smile grazing him. more tears fall before he says anything, but you allow him that grace which gives him the time to finally gather himself. “she’s the reason i wanted to be a cook.”
the burning sadness that bites at your heart leaves you speechless, unable to fathom how he could’ve kept this inside for so long.
“i know she would’ve loved you.”
now, you have to bite back your own tears, the agony that accompanies his words hangs on to each sentence that tears at your heart.
“she passed fourteen years ago today,” he admits, a shaky sigh heaving from his chest.
as you watch his lip quiver, you pull him flush against you again, unsure if it was for his benefit or that he wouldn’t see the heartbreak that washed over your face.
“i’m so sorry,” is all you can mutter before the both of you sink to the floor, sobs now emanating from the both of you. “she would be so proud of you, sanj,” you murmur, a light cry echoing throughout the room.
sanji perches himself against the closed cupboards, his head rests against the wood as he wraps an arm around you.
“i miss her,” he admits, lying his head against yours.
you nod, only able to physically act in fear a verbal response would elicit more of your tears.
he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a worn, folded up picture.
the woman on the paper is stunning; her porcelain features mirror sanji’s, the resemblance being uncanny. “she’s so pretty,” you say.
sanji chuckles, nodding along, “yeah, she was.”
the both of you stare at the image for a couple of minutes, basking in the beauty that sanji’s mother had. you can’t help but admire the curvature of her lips, the shape of nose and eyes, all qualities that your boyfriend possesses.
“you look just like her,” you comment, reaching to grab his hand.
“so i’ve been told,” he breathes, finally able to catch his breath. “thank you, by the way.”
with a puzzled expression, you glance up at him. “for what?”
sanji shrugs, squeezing your hand within his. “listening to me. feels good to talk about her,” he confesses.
the air in the room eases, it hangs lighter over the both of you; rather than an all consuming fog, it sits delicately upon the both of you like a warm blanket on a cold day.
“that’s what i’m here for,” you emphasize, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
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ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated !
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sassycheesecake · 5 months
Iwaizumi returns to the locker room, after having forgotten his textbooks in his gym locker of the Aoba Johsai volleyball club.
As he enters the club room, he hears a shower running.
Frowning in confusion, he thought that his team members have already left after practice.
"Is anyone still here?" He calls out.
"Uh… yeah, it’s me Iwa-chan." Oikawa, the Setter of Aoba Johsai’s volleyball club answers back.
But his voice sounds a little shaken up, like he is scared or hurt.
"You good? Did you overdo it again after practice? And what are you still doing here? I thought you hated the gym showers." The Ace raises an eyebrow in suspicion and walks towards the shower stall.
The sliding door of the shower opens up a bit and Oikawa partly pops his head out, the shower still running and flattening his usual fluffy brown hair to his head.
Another thing Iwaizumi also notices, is that his best friend is panting a little bit and his cheeks are glowing in a reddish color.
"I uh… have a date… yeah a date! You know, just wanted to smell fresh for them!" The Setter grins awkwardly.
"Uh huh. Well, hurry up I need to lock up. I'll give you two minutes to be out of here."
Oikawa, who looks a bit panicked, quickly glances to his right in the shower before he flinches in pain about something.
"Is it your knee again?"
"Yeah, it’s been bothering me again. A real pain in the ass sometimes. Ouch! Why don’t you leave the keys on the bench? I’ll lock up when I am out." Oikawa offers with a tight smile as he hopes his teammate will do as he says.
Iwaizumi looks at him for a moment, sighing heavily and leaving the keys on the bench. He’s tired and just wants to go home.
"Fine Trashykawa, it better not be messy when we get here tomorrow morning." Stuffing the books in his bag, the spiky-haired brunette leaves without another look back, closing the door behind him.
Oikawa closes the door again and starts giggling like crazy as he stares down at you, who is leaning against the shower wall, equally as wet as your lover.
"A date? Who do you have a date with?" You wrap your arms around his neck and the Setter grins down at you mischievously, pressing wet kisses against your neck.
"Oh, no one you need to worry about. They’re in my health class and sit right behind me. When they lent me their pen three weeks ago, I just had to ask them out. They go by the name (Y/N)." Oikawa leans his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose affectionately against your own.
You lean forward catch his lips with yours and it quickly turns into a heated make-out session again, which was interrupted earlier when Iwaizumi walked in.
The sound of smacking lips echo in the shower, one of Oikawa’s hands is grabbing your neck while the other wanders all over your wet body, grabbing your ass and squeezing it occasionally.
You on the other hand have to stand a bit on your toes to be able to reach him, wrapping your arms around his neck, while your hands scratch a bit against his skull, making the brunette moan in delight.
Later on, when you both exit the shower, Oikawa sees a few missed texts from Iwaizumi.
He sits down on the bench, a towel wrapped around his waist as he unlocks his phone.
And after each text, Oikawa pales a little bit more.
'Do you really think I am that stupid?!' Sent 16:36
'I know you were having company in that shower. Next time, I am kicking BOTH OF YOU OUT!' Sent 16:37
Before he can read the next text though, he feels your head leaning on his shoulder and the Setter smiles at the action.
"Iwa-chan knows that I wasn’t alone in the shower." He snickers and you nearly pass out at what he said.
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earth2rin · 5 months
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bakugo x fem!reader college au
2.1k words
warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use
friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.
“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.
you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.
you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.
so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!
then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!
biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.
“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.
“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.
“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.
“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.
“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.
“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.
“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up
even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.
your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.
“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.
“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.
he stares at you and sighs
“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.
“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.
he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.
“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.
“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.
rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”
you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.
you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.
“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.
“give me your foot” he mumbles.
you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.
he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.
you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?
closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.
“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.
you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.
“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.
the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.
you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.
“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.
“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.
“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”
your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.
“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.
you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.
“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.
shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.
“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.
“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.
he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.
“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”
he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”
you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“
“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.
once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.
“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.
you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.
“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.
“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.
after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.
he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.
“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.
“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.
“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.
he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.
“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.
“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.
“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.
“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.
“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”
he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.
“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.
“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.
“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.
“anything you’d like.”
“i’ll call you then.”
you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.
“night.” you say as he slips through your door.
the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.
for the hangover. call you tonight?
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usedpidemo · 8 months
Acquainted (Red Velvet Yeri)
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(Thank you for the commission! I hope it's to your liking.)
You’re just about ready to head off to sleep when you check the group chat. This is your nightly tradition. These strangers, now your closest friends despite the anonymity, are active and in good spirits, as usual. Outside of your weekday 9-to-5, these few moments are the most interesting parts of your day, and you just so happen to join during a particularly lively conversation:
> [22:48:01] yerimiese: (posts a link to a red velvet album article)
> [22:48:14] flutter mane: :sanapog:
> [22:48:23] silksong sulker: k-pop is saved
> [22:48:33] wonyoung cockjuicer: ew red velvet
> [22:48:37] wonyoung cockjuicer: wonyoung can peg me tbh
> [22:48:39] irene’s tokki: Bae J:floshedjiggle::floshedjiggle:hyun
> [22:49:06] milf hunter: :floshed:
> [22:49:11] milf hunter: gape sugalo
So of course, you chime in as well.
> [22:50:12] You: lets get it, new rv fancams
You’re in no mood to chat for longer than five minutes, but before you head offline, you receive a private message from your closest friend:
> yerimiese: so when are you in korea again?
> You: Next week, why?
> yerimiese: nice. why don’t we meet up, that would be dope as fuck
> You: You’re in Korea? 
> yerimiese: yeaaaah? why wouldn’t i be? 
> You: I thought you’d be doing other schedules abroad
> yerimiese: nah sm definitely won’t fly us out to film an mv. cheap ass bastards ㅋㅋㅋ
Yerimiese then sends you a video link. It’s a Yeri fancam, her weapon of choice. Your conversations began with small, intimate talks about your personal life, soon transpiring into open fapping, degrading, and casual lewdness with each other. Despite the usually depraved nature of your messages, you both continued sharing snippets of your day to day lives. That’s how close you’ve grown as friends.
> You: Well i’m very tired, today was a long day at work, had to work overtime. No time to lewd, sorry
> yerimiese: it's alright. you did well today
Yerimiese sends you a pic this time. It’s an event; the internet can’t load any quicker. You’re hungry, impatient, dying. Whether it’s intentional or not, the photos she sends whenever you’re tired or stressed out are hotter than her usual swimsuit or photoshoot reel. You’ve shared enough about your daily routine to her that a camera crew might as well be recording you.
It’s nothing out of the ordinary; a simple candid pic of herself lying in bed, her face perfectly cropped out of the background, showing nothing but her body on full display in front of the huge mirror, dressed in skimpy black panties and a white shirt  that accentuates her shapely breasts. As usual, she’s not wearing a bra; you can clearly see her hard nipples demanding all of your attention.
> yerimiese: no need to send a dick pic tonight if you don’t feel like doing it 
You can’t help it. Tired as you are, you feel obligated to send her one. Luckily, every pic she sends is more than enough to make you instantly hard. It feels more guilty not to be turned on, rather. 
It’s a mostly quick and painless affair, powerful enough to put you out of commission within minutes. Even though you’re mentally checked out, Yerimiese’s sexy body is too hot not to crank one out. Taking a pic of your erect cock as you pump yourself to her is second nature; sending it on sticky fingers after you’ve spurted all over your phone and blankets is a different story. There’s no other way to put it, she was the perfect reprieve from the day’s exhaustions—a perfect high note to go out on.
> yerimiese: fuck you’re THROBBING THROBBING tonight :ningasm: your dick looks so damn nice. i can taste your cum through the screen
> You: Happy now? 
> yerimiese: more than, and then some. I wish you were here right now so you could feel how wet I am
> You: Just wait. I can’t wait to fuck you hard. Goodnight
> yerimiese: goodnight
> yerimiese: :tukkwithkiss:
The next time you’re able to communicate with her, you’re one day away from being in Korea. In that period, you’ve been inactive in the group chat because work. What welcomes you back is a barrage of lewd photos and Yeri fancams.
> yerimiese: see you tomorrow :chuupeek:
It’s an open secret that you know she’s Kim Yerim. Yes, that Kim Yerim of Red Velvet fame. It was a giveaway right from the first explicit photo she sent you; those tits in a tight, petite package couldn’t have belonged to anyone other than hers. That, and the fact that her username is the same as her Instagram handle, and that she has a photo of herself in the group as a display pic. How she would end up stumbling into your private K-pop server objectifying her body and her profession is one of life’s biggest mysteries, yet here she is, giving you a very personal look into her shapely figure, better than any fancam and photoshoot could ever provide. To others, she’s merely a casual acquaintance, but to you, she can freely open up herself.
Mainly because you’re one of three people in the group chat that still cares about Red Velvet.
Her latest sent photo is relatively tame; a tight fitting white silk sundress, and the skirt is virtually nonexistent, her panties practically out in the open. Luckily for you, she seems to be sitting down, but not in her usual living room. The notion that this is what welcomes you to Korea, that you’ll be balls deep inside an idol’s pussy right when you land—it ruins you. 
An airport guard manages to break your deep train of thought. “Sir! No phones please,” he sternly commands, saving you from total disaster; you’re inches away from walking straight through a metal detector with your phone in hand, the belt around your pants, and some spare coins lying deep in your pocket after you bought some traditionally expensive bottled water. Luckily, no one manages to see the photo—and even if they did, she’s still smart enough to cut out her face, leaving nothing else to your imagination. 
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about immigration and airport security, it’s that there’s little need for repetition. You go through security four times. At the entrance, after the check-in counter, then within your departure gate, and even before boarding your flight—repetitive. It’s frustrating enough to tell Yerim, to which she responds with more lewd photos of herself. 
> yerimiese: yeah ive been there before ㅋㅋㅋ
> yerimiese: how long’s ur flight?
> You: About 13 hours
> yerimiese: cali?
> You: Yes
> yerimiese: kinda random, but seulgi misses los angeles
> You: How come? 
> yerimiese: something about an ex-boyfriend that i didn’t know about until the other day ㅋㅋㅋ i bet she’ll be jealous when she hears about you coming over just to clap my cheeks ㅋㅋㅋ she’d wish it was her bf instead of you
> You: does she know about this?
> yerimiese: of course not LOL i bet you’d rather fuck her instead of me, so she’ll never know. smh.
> You: That’s not true ur my RV bias since day one!
> yerimiese: stop lying LMAO i don’t blame you tho seulgi has some really toned legs and a nice slappable ass XD anyway, i’m gonna send you something to pass the time while ur onboard
> You: If it’s a masturbating clip i swear to god
> yerimiese: fuck you got me LOL
> You: Goddamit if anyone finds out on a plane of all places…
> yerimiese: i still can’t get over your clip of you jerking to me. i can taste your dick. you’re depriving me by leaving me out to dry for a week ㅋㅋㅋ
> You: You’ve been touching yourself to that clip for a week??
> yerimiese: can’t help myself, album prep has been tiring and i haven’t really found any opportunity to relax in the meantime
> You: I’ll be there soon, just wait a bit longer
> yerimiese: can’t trust me with that, i’m very close to making a huge mess of my hotel room ㅋㅋㅋ
> You: You’re in a hotel?
> yerimiese: just to meet you! I won’t be able to meet you at the airport (duh, idol dating shit), so this is the next best thing. just message me when you’ve landed here, okay?
> You: Sure
It’s ingrained deep within Yerim’s mind. A core memory. If her phone could present count how many times she’s played the clip, it would be over a thousand. 
It’s very straightforward. A 45 second clip of someone masturbating between the sheets, pressing their erect cock against their phone with a brightened image of a scantily clad woman on the screen. But it’s not just any woman, it’s her. She’s pleasuring herself to the idea of a man jerking off to her. She’s following his rhythm, timing the pace her fingers rub her clit to the tempo of the man’s cock pumping to her zoomed-in breasts. 
And she’s mere minutes removed from a conversation with that exact same person.
Slumped against the hotel room walls, her bliss spirals out of control rapidly. Her legs are instinctively spread wide, juices already leaking through her panties and spilling to the floor; that’s how used they are to Yerim’s impulses to pleasure herself. In those brief moments, she imagines how the next few days play out, skipping past the formalities and pleasantries and going straight to the fucking. She moans and shouts as if that very man’s cock is penetrating her pussy hard at this very moment. Her other hand bashes the wall, tongue screaming streams of profanities, as if he’s manhandling her, using her to his personal delight.
“Fuck! Suck those fucking tits!” she screams, slipping one strap of her sundress down to pinch her own tit, enhancing the illusion. Her phone rings; in her mind it's functionally a vibrator. He’s come fully prepared, and she’s riding high knowing that this person is doing exactly what he said in their private messages from the very start.
Yerim drags her fingers along her clit violently, desperate to reach climax, the realization that this is her third orgasm of the day way beyond her. The evidence can be found everywhere: on the soiled bed sheets and in the smell of the shower; she envisions herself getting railed in those parts of the room, and then some—essentially turning the entire hotel room into the backdrop for all of the things he’d do to her: fingers around her throat, sunk into her ass, until it’s red and hurting, the way she’d quiver and cream all over his throbbing cock. Her neediness has no limits; it even breaks past her very own personal quarters, the loudness of her own self-induced pleasure drawing concern from occupants nearby.
Only after the blissful haze of orgasm does everything fall back in place. That repetitive knock on the door is a huge wake up call. Yerim’s eyes widen. 
She checks her fingers—they’re coated in copious amounts of slick—and after a little further inspection, she realizes the aftermath.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Being honest about yourself, you couldn’t have asked to feel hornier at a worse time than this. Thirty thousand feet high up in the air, stuck in economy class because you don’t get paid enough to deal with the bullshit back in the office. Using your one of two allowed leaves in the year for a trip to see a girl you’ve mostly known online, and it isn’t even paid. To make things worse, there’s no layovers—just a point-to-point flight from San Francisco to Seoul. 13 hours.
And boy, is the ride absolutely miserable.
By what you might as well call divine intervention, you’re conveniently seated between a nun and a little girl—the two worst kinds of people to be alongside with. No, not because they’re annoying or anything like that; aside from the girl getting up every thirty minutes from her window seat to get something from her parents across the aisle, you’re practically barred access to your glorified archive of lewd Yerim pics. Opening them up with a kid barely in the first grade beside you is openly asking for trouble.
And the few times you get up for a lavatory break, you can’t get yourself going. There’s always someone at the door every five minutes. 
Eight hours deep into the flight, you look over your shoulder, catch one of the male flight attendants sneak inside one of the vacant lavatories with a fellow stewardess while everyone’s fast asleep. Fucking sickening. That should be you with Yerim right now.
When you arrive on the other side of the planet, you’ve gotten only a couple hours’ worth of sleep. You almost fumble your passport at immigration, getting them mixed up with a slew of business and membership cards. Then there’s your forgetfulness working against you, remembering you need some kind of pocket Wi-Fi, and now you have to spend a little more to get back online. It’s a mess, and it wasn’t that long since you were in Europe for a seminar, where these things were merely second nature to you.
At least you remembered that VPNs exist. You message Yerim on the taxi ride out of the airport, unsure of where to begin.
> You: Just got out of immigration
> yerimiese: fuckin finally! 
> yerimiese: you got a place to stay here?
> You: Not yet
> yerimiese: don’t bother, lemme send you my hotel address, you can stay here
Of course you don’t know Korean, despite the constant back and forth with Yerim for months. Learning’s been on the backend of your itinerary, and has never been your top priority, even now. You show the cab driver the address, who merely looks at you and the phone with a particularly vacant and dumbfounded expression, as if you’re stupid for not planning this out—which, in that regard, he’d be correct.
When you finally arrive at the hotel, only one message stands between you and finally meeting Yerimiese, once and for all.
> yerimiese: I’ll be at the poolside, third floor. can’t wait to meet you :P
And that’s exactly where you end up going. Forget that you’re lugging two whole bags and a traveler’s backpack on your shoulders; you drop them off at the front desk, expecting the staff to have a clue of what’s going on and what’s about to happen.
Stepping out into the poolside, it’s a completely barren sight. It’s three in the afternoon on a Tuesday; most people probably aren’t even booked, let alone in this supposed five-star hotel. You don’t really question whether she’s being serious or not, the evidence was in the previously sent photos; you’re dying to meet her at this point. 
And as if perfectly timed for dramatic effect, a woman emerges from beneath the waters, shaking off the wetness from her damp hair.
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Yerim casually swims over the deep waters’ edge, without a care in the world, let alone your presence quietly shadowing over the large pool. Even halfway submerged, you can make out the outline of her shapely bust and hourglass figure, tightly hugged by a pink swimsuit. She was sultry and intoxicating to gawk at from candid photos, but seeing Yerimiese herself in the flesh, that’s when the realization hits you: this is happening.
And you can’t move a muscle, let alone react from the actualization that you’re right in front of her. Even as the waves of water splash on your new loafers, you simply observe. It’s creepy, it’s morally dubious, but it’s one in a million. You’re taking in every moment, every second; soak it all in, you’ll never get an experience like this ever again. 
You should be friends by now, if your definition of friendship means sharing explicit body photos and exchanging devious intentions about how you’ll fuck each other online or how much cum you’ve given to each other. But when she turns in your direction—catching you casually observing her, your hands tucked away in your coat’s pocket, grinning like a little kid— it’s back to square one.
Like the very first time.
Yerim takes all the time in the world to wade over from the other side of the pool, her smile growing closer as she approaches you. She lifts her eyebrows, expecting you to make a first move, to which you barely open your mouth, and ultimately only a deep breath, a stilted sigh, comes out.
Well, this is awkward.
Yerim giggles. You’ve previously heard her loud moans and cries, but a genuine laugh—this was your first. She never hops on calls in your group chat, most likely because idol shit, as she often refers to her line of work. Her laughter, her energetic expression—it’s as perfect of a translation to real life as it is online, and embodies the idol Yeri you know on screen. 
“How long have you been standing there?” she asks, trying—and failing—to suppress more of her laughter.
Your answer is concise, but doesn’t seem quite right. “A while.”
In reality, about five minutes. You probably won’t be there any longer when she props herself out of the water with her strong elbows. Water cascades down her shapely figure, thicker and meatier than it's ever been, more than what the cameras and pictures present. She’s truly the entire package, through and through. 
She walks over to her sunlounger, granting you a nice peek of her ass peeking through her skimpy swimsuit before she wraps herself with a towel. Apart from that, your only other notable observation is that she’s soaking wet, even bundled up. That, and also: she’s barefoot. No sign of slippers or any footwear—she willingly walked on what appears to be scorching cobbled floors.
“I would give you a big hug right now, but you know—” she comments, looking down at her drenched self, pool water endlessly dripping down to her feet. Even if she isn’t soaking wet, you’d still be frozen in place, or even worse, some eagle-eyed stranger or Dispatch reporter catch you in secret and you both end up on national news the very next day.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s fine,” you say, trying to dodge Yerim’s eyes. “I left my stuff at the front desk. I should probably go and grab them.”
“Smart.” Yerim sizes you up, nodding in amazement at how you’ve managed to get yourself past the entrance. “See you upstairs, then? Room 1015.”
The difference between you and Yerim couldn’t be any more obvious.
Granted, you’re fresh off a 13 hour flight, followed by an hour's travel from the airport to a five-star hotel in the heart of Seoul. Yerim had all the time in the world to prepare, and yet when she emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a modest bathrobe and her dark hair bundled up, she’s never looked better. 
Facing an idol in such a haggard condition, it gives you an underlying feeling of shame. And if you’re being completely honest, if not for your cock, she’d probably be repulsed and call security on you.
But there's no security in sight. Just you, just yeri, the two of you standing in this room - which is, for the most part, quite nice. Multiple bedrooms, a lovely view of the city beneath you, and all sorts of amenities and features you’ll never get to use—you half expect her members to come in later, but perhaps for your sake, you’re better off with just her and her alone.
When Yerim begins to talk, she rambles. She goes on about the status of the next album, discussions about a possible solo debut, her relationships with her members—conversations about topics that you never really had online. It was mostly dirty talk and lewd captions. At best, you knew each other at a surface level, but here she is, sharing everything from her heart like you’ve been lifelong friends since day one.
You let her. She’s as charismatic as what she portrays on screen, and her sass is no different than the private messages she sends you. There’s not a single dull moment whenever Yerim speaks. Though you know her mostly for her body, her personality is what has you sticking around.
You wonder if she feels the same way about you.
“So, how’d you find out about us?” Yerim asks, after blabbering for a while, and you genuinely believe she’d keep going till nightfall. Close enough. Five minutes away from five in the afternoon, and you’d already spent the last hour and a half listening to a personalized podcast from her. You hope she doesn’t notice the plate of bulgogi on the table now completely empty.
“Well, a friend was a K-pop fan and had an extra ticket when you toured here,” you say, casually, slumped on the sofa. “Forgot how long that was—” you pause, “five years ago?”
“Five years? Five years since we went to America?” Yerim appears flabbergasted, face in utter disbelief at the passage of time. The realization causes her to stand from her chair. You’d be too after listening to her drone on endlessly. “Fuck.”
“SM! Give us a fucking world tour already!” she screams, pretending she’s inside the company building and you’re an executive in the room. Watching her snarkiness come to life never ceases to amuse you. You’ll let her go on for as long as she needs to; she’s entertaining in such a unique and charming way that it disarms you.
“Argh, sorry, you know me.” She suddenly stops, faces you, arms crossed, mocking up a pout. “Look at me suddenly losing my shit for no good reason.”
“Are your members used to this?”
That didn’t come out right.
She bats an eyelid. On her face is a mild, blank look of displeasure. That didn’t come out right. 
“Used to what?”
“Well, uh, I—I mean—”
You gulp your throat.
Then, an air of awkward silence. Her eyes quickly scan you, lazing on the sofa.
“Let’s just get to fucking each other right now.”
It isn’t that you’ve forgotten the one purpose you’re there to begin with, it’s that Yerim is very, very impulsive. One moment, upset at her company for doing the bare minimum for her group and her career, the next she’s using you as an outlet to release her frustrations. It’s a good thing your first impression of her was that she was very busty, because otherwise, the other description you had of her was—simply put—bratty.
You’re on your back, plopped against one of the beds, completely caught off-guard by her show of strength. Eyes rolled to the back of your head, you find Yerim already at the bed’s edge, loosening the belt around her waist, quickly disrobing herself within seconds. It’s nothing new; you’ve seen glimpses of her nude figure in pictures, imagined many scenarios where you’ve got your hands on her, but this—to see her completely bare in the flesh—is new. 
This is different. 
“Just so you know,” you mutter, frantically panting, your heart jumping, as Yerim undresses in front of you, “I haven’t actually had sex before.”
Just like that, the mood instantly changes. She stops. Abruptly.
Her mouth drops—again. Might as well stay agape. 
You consider retracting your statement. It was a joke, you’d say, something to get her even more aroused, fired up. The sex would be wilder, hotter than anything your fantasies would conjure. Then again, you wouldn’t be in this exact situation if you weren’t so chronically online, simping over pop idols like a kid about to enter puberty.
“I guess that’s to be expected,” she comments, snarkily, grabbing the edges of your pants, daring to rip them off you. “That’s fucking life, baby!” 
If you were in her shoes, obsessively waiting for someone with equally unhinged horniness, expressing precisely how you’d get fucked every single time you’d send a remotely lewd photo, you’d feel just as disappointed. You can tell by her partially scornful expression: she’s been fantasizing this moment as much as you have, too. You can’t blame her, but you kind of expected her to anticipate this; after all, you connected in a private group chat that’s been sexualizing her, of all places. 
Surely the signs of virginity were right there.
“At least this is real,” she says, leaning her head forward while cupping your growing bulge poking through your trousers. Your tip, at full mast, mere inches away from her chin, instead of a little phone screen. She’s pushing you around, growing slightly more mischievous and uncontrollable with the prospect of throwing someone like you around instead of the opposite. Something her members may have taught and ingrained in her. 
It isn’t quite the picture you expected from all the erotic snapshots and clips she’s been sending you. Every photo and video, designed to rouse the filthiest and wildest of your thoughts, was an act, a ruse to let your guard down, to give you this fixed headcanon that you can toss her around like she’s your personal plaything and object of pleasure. Instead, she’s using you for her own desires and wants.
It’s not that you don’t want her to use you and fuck you like this, it’s how completely in control she is that has you reeling, leaves you in a dizzy spell.
“I was gonna let you use my pussy and fuck me to ruin,” she says, playfully rolling her eyes, teasing and mocking. Her hand grips around the denim of your bulge, and it fucking stings. You’re sucking on loose air. “But since we have a virgin over here, I’m gonna do whatever I want.”
The implied connotation is what terrifies you, and no, it isn’t the revelation that Yerim isn’t a virgin—you assumed that much—but the notion that you were gonna have free reign over her cunt that has you contemplating some deep, long forgotten life decisions that set you back years. Their consequences are now starting to show.
She releases her ironclad grip on your pants, frees you of your obstructive clothing, both trousers and boxers down to the floor. Your hard cock springs free, terribly aching, already red and sore from her suffocating clench, and already leaking bursts of precum. The last day and a half hasn’t been kind to your cock.
To add insult to injury, she makes this licking motion with her tongue, aimed at your tip, but relents at the last minute. It leaves your throbbing cock aching harder, without any point of relief. The teasing sight almost renders you unconscious, and sends Yerim into a laughing frenzy. 
“Remember when I said I could taste your cock?” she says, chuckling. It’s not playful in the slightest—quite the opposite, in fact. It’s sinister. “I’ll wait a little longer to taste it. Don’t worry.”
Not the most reassuring of words, especially when you’ve got your hands tied—at least, not yet. Actually, you appreciate that she isn’t going to milk your cock dry just yet; when you finally look past the situation at hand, you come to treasure her chest. Her shapely chest, freely bouncing while she bounces her thick body on your lap—keep doing that, you say inside your mind, letting your wandering gaze soak in the unreal scene. 
She notices your intrigued eyes, rising and falling in rhythm with her tits. Subtlety was never your intention, and she probably knows from experience, as she says she does. Fixated attention is how she gets herself off, based on how she seems to respond to the lewd messages you’ve sent her in the past, and it shows when she repeats some choice remarks back to your face:
“I’d kill my boss to fuck those tits right now, you’re so goddamn sexy.”
She grips a hand around your throat, another down to the buttons of your shirt, pulling them apart. 
“Let me be your personal titty towel.”
Halfway there.
“I’d suck on your tits first, go down on your delicious pussy, then fuck that wet hole of yours three times straight.”
Just like that, you’re both even. Equal in nakedness.
You’re unsure whether it’s the sight of Yerim asserting her dominance over you, tits all up in your face with a devious smirk as she bares you down to your essentials that’s leaving you short on air, or if it’s the hand cautiously coiled around your neck. Either option seems sensible enough. This is how she lives in your head rent free, just being her sassy, sexy self. Even repeating some of the same particularly questionable lewd things you’ve written to her sounds hot with her brazen tone. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she raises an eyebrow, leaning her head close, as if demanding an answer. 
Really, there’s no multiple choice here. Of course you nod.
She rolls her hips upward, inches her body across yours little by little, til her dripping pussy completely shadows your view. Her hand grabs the back of your head, meaty thighs pressing between your face. Now you’re truly suffocating. Even with the rather shameful admission, she rolls her crotch on your lips, expecting you to know what to do. No words, just the expectant grind of her crotch on your face, her wet folds opening up for you to take them.
Then, she begins moaning. 
Admittedly, the closest you’ve had to trying out oral is using your phone as an outlet for your tongue whenever she sends a boob photo. Thankfully, your inexperience doesn’t show when you first dip your tongue inside her folds, getting your first taste of pussy. Saltier than you expected, but fuck, you’d be lying if you think it wasn’t completely intoxicating—everything you hoped for, and more. 
It incites a few expressive reactions from Yerim—some loud, others quieter—with the end result usually a sharper, deeper grind of her waist on your face, splaying her cunt for you to devour. You’ve got one hand pressed on her ass, holding her plump flesh down while the other is at her mercy, pulled by hers, forced to squeeze her breast. You won’t complain. Not when her cries of pleasure motivate you to push yourself harder.
You repeat this addictive cycle, stretch moments into minutes, minutes into hours. Even when you’ve drained her completely, you’ll still be craving for more of her; that’s how hungry she’s made you. Your tongue meets her clit, and it draws out this especially sharp whine that she’s never hit once. Not on a track. Not anywhere. She swears up a storm, juxtaposed between soft, gentle pleas of “yes, more, and you’re so good.” 
In return, you take more of her, soak yourself in the continuous downpour of her slick juices freely flowing all over your mouth and tongue. As her pleasure escalates, her fingers tighten their grasp on your head, grab your tousled hair. You add soft, intimate kisses between streaks of licking her folds, and they send the young idol writhing, shaking atop you. Her words have been reduced to nothing but short, needy bursts of “please.” Even in this uncontrollable state, she gyrates her hips around you, rhythm steady, but more determined than ever to let herself go.
By the way her pussy throbs, you’re certain she’s a few critical points away from climax. It doesn’t change your plans, not one bit. You continue to lap at her sensitive folds, bask in her intoxicating heat, purposefully teasing her clit. She won’t demand that you end her —not this quickly, not when you’ve magically learned the art of giving oral to a woman under short notice.
You slowly work her through it. Your tongue dives into her slick entrance, deeper than it's ever been so far. The overpowering sensations send ripples that reach even the foundations of the bed, unlike anything it’s ever felt. Even in the wild throes of bodily pleasure, Yerim has enough willpower to stay in character, delivering a demand in her usual playful, fast talking tone. “Please do it! I’m going to cum!”
You contemplate the thought, completely drunk in her divine taste yourself, but you oblige. 
Your tongue sticks to her bud, and it causes this instantaneous, elaborate chain reaction. Yerim cries a sharp cry, waves of orgasm washing down all over her body. She stops in her tracks, completely rigid, mouth wide open, and this torrential gush of slick and orgasm swamps you, drowning you so deep that it's nearly fatal. Her thighs involuntarily clench tighter, too, and you’re temporarily trapped in your own pocket dimension, impossible to clean with all the cum left behind, especially on the sheets.
The most surprising observation from her orgasm is how suddenly calm it becomes. Only the sound of your tongue licking her clean can be heard, and it’s nothing but a gentle rustle. She hangs her head up, face completely flushed, catching needed oxygen in her lungs, letting the aftermath of her climax pass over. 
While her breath normalizes, she lifts herself up, moves to the side of the bed. In her wake, she’s left behind a drenched lake of slick around your face, leaking down to the muddled sheets beneath you. 
“Well,” she says, panting and pausing for air. “There goes the other bed.”
It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out what she meant. Even when you’re still mindlessly occupied by the sticky residue around your lips. You let out this muffled exhale, designed to be a laugh, but it backfires in your face. Amused, she giggles on your behalf.
“Not bad.” Yerim smiles at you. Charming and cute, a contrast to what had just transpired. “I thought you said you never had sex?”
It takes you a moment before you answer back, “I haven’t. You just taste really good.”
“You still have some left on the edges of your face,” she comments, her eyes mesmerized by how much she’s cum all over you. “Let me help you clean that up.”
And she helps, but not in a conventional way. She lifts you from the bed by your torso, then submerges you again, this time at the mercy of her bosom. You’ve got your arms wrapped around her waist while you’re kissing and sucking on her Yerim’s  tits, not exactly tidying up, but creating a larger mess that no amount of tongue cleaning can resolve. 
In the meantime, she whispers in your ear some of your more—questionable—comments:
“They need to give her a solo debut with a very sexy concept and trust me, I’ll be the guy who breaks the world record for jerking off if they do that.”
“It must feel heavy to carry them all the time. Let me lend a hand to you.”
“The only thought I had inside my mind when I saw her is every member would milk her 3x a day so that they don’t have to go outside and buy milk to eat cereal to the point they would just drink it from the source.”
You stop. You give her this strange, confused look. Even you couldn’t believe you said that.
“Did I actually say that?”
“Yes!” she replies, quick and straightforward, unable to hide her enthusiasm, while brushing your hair. “Not gonna lie, that sent me to the floor. I was laughing so hard, Irene ran in to check up on me!”
To make things worse, she flashes this wide, toothy grin that makes you regret your life choices. 
“God. I don’t wanna drink anymore.”
“Hey, if there’s any consolation, you wouldn’t be sucking on my tits and eating me out now if you never made that comment,” she says, caressing your chin and giving you a peck on the lips. As if it’s still not one of the most out of pocket comments you’ve ever made about anyone, let alone a celebrity—and you weren’t fully yourself.
“Relax. Don’t think about it too much.” Yerim pushes you back down to the bed, crawls atop you, meeting your lips again for an intimate kiss. Your hard cock, which has been left unattended for quite a while, captures your attention—and especially hers. “Lean back for me, will you?”
You comply. Involuntarily, your legs straighten, but Yerim pushes them apart, places herself at center view, seemingly ready to take you in her mouth. It makes sense; a woman with a mouth that runs like hers probably only stops when there’s cock stuffed inside them. The theory proves to be plausible when she gives your sensitive tip a delicate, yet dangerous lick, her eyes glinting at you with renewed vigor and lust.
“I told you I’d have a taste of that cock,” she says, half smug, half seductive, gloating with her brows. Your tenseness slightly recedes—until you realize your cock’s moving past her lips, in the direction of the space between her cleavage. “I didn’t say I wanted to suck on it.”
And she was right—not once has she ever expressed her desire to choke, gag, deepthroat on it. 
You grit your teeth, watching your cock disappear between her shapely tits, with Yerim personally making sure you comfortably fit like a glove. You fold. It’s snug. Hot. Breathtaking.
“Fuck, Yeri,” you mutter, closing your eyes as her inviting warmth leaves you weak in the knees, trembling. You don’t realize you’ve used her stage name over her real name. “God—”
“Does this feel like everything you wanted?” she asks, tone sultry and triumphant. A little slide up sends you into a frenzy.
You nod—even though there’s no other available options. The erotic image in front of you is permanently seared into your head: Kim Yerim, popular idol and to an extend, your ‘friend with benefits,’ grinning like a maniac, slowly fucking your cock between her tits, coated with your saliva, sweat, and copious amounts of precum. To think your little crude messages on a random forum would have such long term and drastic consequences such as this.
Not that you’d want to make sense of it all, especially when she gets into a rhythm. Sliding her breasts up and down, she’s delicate, intentional, and masochistic; you’re on the receiving end of how she felt when you were slowly eating her out. She’s dangerous, teetering between the line where your cock can be safe between her bosom and where she can break you in half. You’re already falling apart—and fast.
“Holy shit, Yerim. Fuck.” 
Each word you deliver is long and drawn out, especially the profanities. Heavenly music to her ears. She’s out of reach where you can pull by her hair, so you settle for the sheets instead. Your gaze wanders, travels everywhere but in her direction, because you don’t need to see the tortuous scene happening between your legs. Looking at the descending sun, this is probably the last time you’ll see the sun set in your life.
Her eyes challenge you to look at anywhere from her. Panting frantically, you find yourself at the mercy of Yerim’s whims, your cock fading and swelling into view, sticky and wet, gushing cum all over her tits. The sight drives you further mad, has you making sounds that have never been recorded—ever. She takes you in, delights in your suffering, eager for you to say the magic words.
“Ready to cum? I know you want to cum.” 
Even under duress, you’re not ready to fold just yet. There’s a little stubbornness inside you fighting back, pulling all the stops to keep you from surrendering to Yerim’s demands. You close your eyes, grip on the sheets even tighter, control your breathing, but it’s too little too late. You can only do so much with two hands.
“Cum for me.”
You hold onto a particularly deep breath, desperate to cling to whatever dying vestiges of control there is left, but your fate has already been sealed from the moment you’ve allowed your cock to enter her chest.
“Yerim, I—”
The exhale you release is the most relieving and satisfying. With it, comes out a rope of thick, creamy cum splashed all over her neck and chest. The aching, violent sensation doesn’t stop; more seed spills between the warmth of her cleavage. In one fell swoop, you feel all of your energy sapped from you, leaving you completely weak and powerless. 
In the gap between your climax and post-orgasm haze, you wonder if she’ll take some of your cum in her mouth, with the way she looks at your cock as it throbs beneath her chin. No. She lets it drip down her perfect naked body with a sticky white sheen that glows under the natural light piercing through the hotel’s window. 
“Just like that, hm,” she comments, casually flicking the last of your withering orgasm and cum with her wrist. She lathers the slick on her fingers on her shoulder, then places some into her mouth for a taste. 
After you regain a semblance of normalcy—after Yerim’s finished entertaining herself with your cum, staring at her coated body and fingers with curious interest—she rests her elbows on your knees, in the process of relearning how to bend. You sink back against the headrest, watch as the fading sun glimmers on an idol like her, destined to shine for every occasion possible—on the stage and under the afterglow of sex. She smiles, bright and wide, taking you in, as you are.
There’s something brewing, especially in the tender few minutes that follow. Something special, something more than just a spark. 
“So—” Yerim runs a sticky finger on your knee, dangerously close to stirring up your cock again. “You wanna try anal with me next?”
You pause. Widening your eyes, staring back with a look of disbelief. Just when you’re about to open your mouth to reply, she adds:
“Kidding. You do know that you’re gonna have to delete those tweets and comments, right? If they find out you’re here, you’re fucked. And I mean, a thousand times worse than now.”
(A/N: This was an absolute joy to write. The nature of the request meant I could go very meta with it. About time we get a proper Red Velvet full album, so perfect timing! If you're able to figure out some of the references and easter eggs, then you, my friend, are too engrossed in the Tumblr K-pop male reader smut lore. Thank you for reading!)
(P.S. If you want to have your own story/idol written, you can ask for a commission :D)
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vsaintsin · 1 month
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due July '24, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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theshippirate22 · 11 months
I posted this and expected it to be a good ol’ two note post but it got a lot of love so I got brainworms. thanks to my personal cheerleader @your-stranger-halfblood-things you’re a dear my darling <33
Stacy really isn’t expecting anything.
To everyone else it’s just April 23rd. There might be a track meet tonight, but even then, it’s ridiculous to equate that to anyone actually thinking of today as a holiday.
Stacy is really, really hoping it can just be April 23rd for her today too.
For a minute, she just lays there on her stomach, face buried in the pillow, and imagines that it’s not normal, that it’ll be just like the days Lottie and Christina turned 17, with laughter and presents and phone calls from home….
It won’t be like that, and she’s knows that, and she knows Olivia is going to do her damned hardest to make it the best day ever, which probably means she’s going to be particularly sweet all day and then they’re gonna have crazy awesome sex tonight and that’ll be that, and it’ll be April 24th and Stacy will be 17.
“Stacyyyyyy…” Olivia sings as she comes in, practically pouncing on her and tickling her sides.
“Ah, God, Liv! It’s seven am!” She squirms away, laughing despite her best efforts. “Cut it out.”
“I’m like 90% sure you have to get tickled on your birthday or you don’t grow right.”
“Oh yeah? What’s your source on that one?”
Olivia climbs over her, settling in between her legs so she can pop her elbows up on either side of Stacy’s head and box her in. “Mm, probably that one medical journal we had to read in Luther’s class.”
“Oh? Conveniently the one I couldn’t read?”
“Mhm,” She nodded adamantly. “See, if you had powered through the frankly macabre and horrific descriptions of blood and boils, you too could know the dangers of birthday tickle deficiency.” She punctuates it with a swift kiss.
“Gross, stop it,” Stacy laughs, weakly pushing her away but not stopping her from nuzzling into her neck and biting softly along her throat.
“Now listen, Stace,” She says, moving up to kiss all of her face. “We’ve got a very strict schedule to keep to today. You’ve got ten minutes before Lottie is coming in here to do your makeup. I told her to keep her hands off your hair, but you know how she is, so I’m afraid that’s a battle you’ve got to fight for yourself.”
“Why’s she doing my makeup? Is something happening?”
“Um duh.” Olivia pulls back to stare at her like she’s stupid. “You’ve got to look fabulous. Because, if I’m not mistaken, you’re turning seventeen at exactly 8:37 this morning and that’s reason for celebration indeed.”
“Why are you talking like that?” Stacy laughs again. “You sound like a founding father. Wait!” She pushes Olivia’s face from hers to ensure she can look her in the eye. “You didn’t tell Lottie it was my birthday right? You didn’t go around telling everyone?”
“No!” Olivia cries, seemingly outraged. “No, I would never!”
“Why are you smiling like that? What did you do? Liv!”
“I didn’t tell Lottie or Christina.”
“But I may or may not have told Greg, who may or may not have told Lottie and Christina.”
“Oh my God, Olivia Nicole Moore, whyyyyyyy?”
“Because, Stacy Linda Harrington. I love you.” Another kiss, right on the lips. “And I am very stubborn and determined to show you that your family is full of asshats and you should forget about them and remember that you’ve got a family here. Who also loves you.”
Stacy wanted to argue more, but not really, because she was feeling particularly warm and happy in a way that she hadn’t felt for a long time, so she took the chance to kiss Olivia deeper.
Lottie came tumbling in not long after, and Stacy played beauty shop customer with her while Olivia watched smirking from where she sat on the bed. Stacy curled her hair and put on her uniform and Christina came to see what was taking them all so long before dragging them to breakfast.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the lady of the hour!”
“Hi, Greg,” Stacy grins, rolling her eyes.
“Happy Birthday, little missy,” He put his hands behind his back and stood on his toes, leaning toward her. “I know I’m supposed to remain impartial because I’m a TA and shit, but you do know you’re my favorite, right?”
“Impartial, my ass,” Olivia snorts. “Like you even try.”
He shushes her playfully then adds, “I have something for you, Stace.”
“Oh? What is it?”
He leads her back into the kitchens- just her; her friends wait patiently in the hall- and delivers a heaping stack of hot pancakes into her hands.
“It’s not Pancake Day?” Stacy says, trying to ignore the bubbling excitement in her stomach.
“Nah, but I know they’re you’re favorite, so I paid The Beast to make you some anyway.”
“Greg…” She wasn’t going to cry over this. That was ridiculous. God, no one had made her pancakes since she lived in Indiana and that was almost five years ago. “Thank you.”
She flings herself into his arms, holding out the plate to the side to preserve the gift and he rolls his eyes but hugs back nonetheless.
“Go eat with everybody else, I’ve gotta go get the mail, see if you have some birthday cards.”
She scoffs but doesn’t let it bring her down.
So that’s how she ends up in the lunch hall with her friends and her stack of pancakes. At one point, Miss Beastion (aka The Beast) comes to wipe down tables and breaks her glare for a moment to wish her a happy birthday and almost smiles.
Greg brings the mail around to their hall, all thirty of them, and there’s a box and a letter for Stacy.
She picks up the off white envelope first. “Here’s the card from my parents,” she explains. “Let’s put out bets now, yeah?”
“Dear Beloved Daughter,” Christina starts and Lottie bursts into laughter.
“It is your birthday,” Olivia continues.
“Hope to do business with you in the future, Richard Harrington,” Stacy finishes sardonically, slipping her nail under the adhesive and tearing it open.
Their jokes aren’t far from the truth. The card is completely white-except for the back side, which has the Harrington company logo on it- and inside all it says is “Happy Birthday! Love Mom and Dad” with three hundred dollars wedged in.
“Thanks, Donna,” Stacy murmurs.
“Wait, I thought Melanie was your dad’s secretary?” Lottie cuts in.
“Melanie is the one he’s fucking,” Stacy explains and Olivia laughs because she can’t help herself, adding “For now.”
“Donna is too old for him, thank God. She’s his real secretary, the one that used to babysit u- me. She’s been sending cards instead of them since I was like. Ten.”
“Fuck ‘em,” Olivia says suddenly. “Fuck them all! They’re such assholes, all of them!”
“Preach!” Christina whoops. “Fuck them!”
Greg looks up from the staff table, probably because one of the teachers told him to contain his hall, and he comes over for a minute, quickly realizing what’s going on. With a mouth full of blueberry muffin, he agrees, “Oh yeah, fuck the Harringtons.”
“Yeah, fuck ‘em,” Stacy repeats, with less conviction. “Come on, let’s see what this thing is.”
She pulls the box toward her. There’s no name on it besides her own, no return address, no nothing. Lottie takes out her hoop earring and hands it to her so she can use the point to slice open the tape, at which point she hands the earring back and rips the box entirely open.
She isn’t entirely sure what she’s expecting. Whatever it is, though, it’s not what she’s actively looking at.
“What is it?” Greg says through another bite of muffin, peering over her.
Inside the box, is a three inch stack of Bop magazines, undoubtedly issues from at least a couple years with the latest on top, some Wonder Woman comic books, an entire rainbow of nail polish, a new hairbrush, some of the soap you could only get from a shop on Main Street in Hawkins, six or seven 3 Musketeers bars (which happened to be her favorite since she was what? five?), an Agatha Christie book, and three cans of Farrah Fawcett hairspray.
“Is it from your parents?” Christina mumbles, lifting the box to check the bottom and sides for a name. She must find nothing, because she sets it back down dejectedly.
“I don’t… I don’t think so? They wouldn’t send stuff like this to me anyway… it’s too… fun.”
The girls dig into the magazines while they finish eating, and Lottie and Christina get in an argument over whether Matthew Broderick or Tom Cruise is objectively hotter and Greg decides for them, siding with both Lottie and Broderick, much to Christina’s dismay. Then bells are ringing and classes are starting, and the group gets separated.
It’s during third period that it happens. One moment she’s taking notes on symbolism in Macbeth, and the next Greg is leaning on the doorway with a satisfied- albeit surprised- smirk.
“Stacy’s call,” he offers in explanation.
It’s a thing at the school, the calls. A lot of kids are from out of state, some are out of country, so the rule is that every kid can get a call from their parents on their birthday during class. Otherwise, they’ve just got to wait until one of the school’s payphones is open to reach home.
The thing that has her staring at him in shock is the fact that her parents haven’t called in literal years. She gets her compulsory card from Donna and a fistful of cash to buy her satisfaction, and that’s the end of the birthday things.
Last year, she lied when Christina asked. Said she got it during chemistry, the only class she didn’t have any friends in. No one to verify or validate. Greg had covered for her when he overheard the lie.
The year before that, Donna had called instead, saying her Father wanted to call but he was in Taiwan and didn’t have any phone reception. Which was also a lie. But she appreciated it anyway. She cried in the shower that night and Olivia had found her She didn’t ask, for which Stacy was grateful, and they were good friends after that. Until they were girlfriends.
So Stacy is more confused than anything else while she follows Greg back to the office phone. She hadn’t really done anything particularly noteworthy in the last little bit; no reason for her parents to remember she was living and breathing, nothing deserving the call. Maybe they want to yell at her and this is the only chance they know for sure they’ll be able to talk to her.
Greg hands her the receiver and she holds it in her hand for a minute, taking a minute to compose herself for the beat down that’s about to come before she lifts it to her ear.
“Oh! Hi.”
“Dad?” she mutters in surprise.
“God, please don’t tell me I sound that much like him.”
“You don’t,” she assures suddenly, because it’s true that he really doesn’t sound like her father but she isn’t sure who else he could be.
“Um… It’s Steve…”
“What? Oh my God, why is your voice so deep?”
He laughs softly. “I’m nineteen, Stace.”
And isn’t that just wild. That snotty whiny kid that threw a fit when she was going to start middle school and refused to be seen in the same district as her is a grown man.
All she says is, “Oh wow.”
“Well, I’m calling to say happy birthday. Sorry they took you out of class… I… I didn’t have your schedule so I was trying to guess? Apparently I didn’t do as well as I thought.”
“Uh, that’s okay,” she murmurs. “It’s kind of a thing around here to be pulled out of class for this anyway.”
“Yeah, it’s your one call for the year, huh?” Suddenly he sounded very small. “I, uh, I tried to call dad. To remind him. But, uh, he changed personal lines and didn’t tell me the new number, and every time I called the company, they just kept rewiring me to Donna, so she gave me the number so I could just call myself. So, um, sorry. It’s just me.”
For just a second, Stacy has that fleeting warmth of being loved, but it’s paired with this agonizing, overwhelming desire. She doesn’t know what for; maybe for him to be like this all the time, maybe for things to be different with their parents, with everything else.
“That’s okay,” she says quickly, trying to sound indifferent. “Thanks for trying anyway.”
“Yeah.” There’s a lapse and he forces out quickly, “Did you get my present? I was trying to time it right so it would get there this morning-“
“That’s from you?”
“Uh, yeah. I hope it’s okay. I didn’t… didn’t really know what to get you, but, uh, the girls I babysit said it was a pretty standard teenage girl gift and they’re like the smartest people I know. But if you don’t like it you can sell the stuff or just give it away and I can send you something else! Just tell me and I’ll get it! I just… when I opened my cash Christmas present I kinda snapped and lost my shit and I figured you’d want something other than cash but I don’t-“
Stacy has about twenty five questions regarding this, starting with “You’re a babysitter?!” but instead she smiles softly at his awkwardness-also so weird for him- and murmurs, “It’s great, Steve. Me and my friends will have a blast.”
“Oh I’m glad. Max said stuff like that is the staple to any good sleepover and boarding school is like an infinite sleepover, right? So I thought I better up the quantity? I don’t know, it made sense to me…”
“Yeah, no, that makes perfect sense,” She agrees quickly. “That’s really… heartfelt.”
“Hopefully it’s better than The Card.”
“God, yeah, they aren’t even trying,” she relays the message from said card, and he snorts.
“You know it’s from Donna, then. Dad’s has never called himself anything other than Richard.”
They laugh about it darkly, and for an instant the solidarity between them is so strong it’s like they were borne from the same soul. Like they aren’t strangers who share a name.
“Hey, listen, Stace,” He adds slowly. “I know you usually go back to the Carolina house or something for summer break- you went to Cabo last year, right? But if… if you want, of course, you don’t have to, but you could come stay with me in Indiana. My friends would love you, you know? I think you’d have fun. It’s not Cabo, but… you know…”
The invitation is weird. Not entirely unwelcome, but bizarre, given that the last time they spoke to each other, they actually weren’t talking to each other.
“Are you dying, Steve?” And she’s only half joking.
He laughs once, awkwardly again. “No. I am very much alive. But, uh, a lot has changed. With everything. Hawkins. Me. You, probably. And it’s stupid that I’ve just been pretending you don’t exist. We don’t… we don’t have to be pitted against each other all the time, you know? We’ve got a common enemy here. And I’m… I’m so sorry about how I was. I’m not like that anymore. At least I’m really trying.”
She swallows back the soft hope building in her throat. “God, they’re such assholes, aren’t they?”
And that’s all it takes. The understanding is so profound it doesn’t need anymore explanation. Especially when Steve adds exhaustedly, “Yes. Yes, they are.”
The treaty is solidified. The olive branch taken.
He asks her a few more questions about her birthday, the standard things, and she tells him about her pancakes and the cupcake she’ll get at lunch and that Greg will probably make the whole cafeteria sing to her, and she pointedly leaves out the plans Olivia has for her tonight and the blunts she bought a few weeks ago for a special occasion. She writes down his number and she seriously considers snagging a payphone and calling him a few times before school gets out.
By the time she hangs up, she walks to fourth period, that she is significantly late for, and when she slides into her seat next to Olivia, she’s got a peculiar little smile that won’t seem to go away.
“Was that your call?” She whispers, even more shocked than Greg.
“Mhm,” She nods dazedly.
“It was your parents? Did they yell at you?”
“It was my brother,” Stacy says softly.
She didn’t think it was possible for Olivia to look more surprised but somehow she manages, eyebrows shooting up and eyes growing wide.
She doesn’t say anything else, instead turning her attention to Mr. Hansen’s lesson, until Olivia elbows her and mutters, “What are you thinking about?”
Stacy grins. “Do you wanna come to Indiana with me this summer?”
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happyunbday2u · 1 month
After finally watching season 2 of Monsters at Work (cause i ended up watching the first two movies before hand) there was one specific thing I wanted to actually talk about
One of my headcanons actually fricken came true
I dont know what powerful thing from the universe took pity on me BUT OMG IM SO HAPPY
Its not even some like big headcanon I spent days thinking about!
So basically you know how in Episode 9: Descent into Fear Tylor was freaking out cause he had to scare Ben and was just going through what seemed to me stress built up since episode 1 but mostly from what happened in episode 8 and how outside the door everyone was pressuring him until he actually did it and not even a minute later he looked like he was going through 37 stages of grief and ended up looking like he needed three bowls of ice cream
When I had first watched the series I made both big probably OOC headcanons and small random headcanons that would pop into my head and just added it onto whatever character it seemed best
So the headcanon I had for Tylor when I had first watched the series that whenever he felt too overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or just insanely upset over something he’d struggle to keep his emotions in check either by exploding on the spot or getting burned out
Let me tell you the second I saw him panicking and getting stressed the fuck out I felt like I was witnessing those moments where we talk about how much we want our favorite/comfort character to go through something but the second something bad happens to them we feel like our hearts are getting plucked out of our chests
Also I wanted to add it reminded me heavily from the scene in Monsters Inc where Sully was basically forced to do the scare machine causing Boo to be scared and slightly reminded me of the scene in Monsters University where Mike was getting ready to do his turn in the scare simulator near the end
If you actually read all of this I appreciate it and have cake
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strangerthingsn · 9 months
My evil dad
Summary: You’re Eddies pregnant girlfriend during season 4 of stranger things. Eddie is not gonna die at the end tho! a/n: I just came up with this idea a week ago so now I started writing it! (If you find any type faults or anything else please mention!) warning:kissing, make out,crying, angst, I think 18+, she/her reader, dad!eddie, if I missed something please let me know!
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Chapter two ~ Vecna’s curse
You woke up from a loud crying sound that came out of Alice her little mouth. You open you eyes and look around in the room. Maybe Eddie already arrived? He didn’t. The room was empty except for you and the little new born Alice. You look at the clock saying 10:37.
“You hungry.?” You already started taking off your shirt. You hold Alice in your arms to let her drink. You rub your eyes and study your room. You see a little plate with some breakfast standing for you.You grab it with the other hand holding Alice.
“Hmmm strawberries, I love them” you have actually no idea who you talking to right now but you feel like talking to Alice knowing damn well she doesn’t understand you.
“your dad buys them always for me” you smile as you lay the plate on the bed besides you. You look down at her with a smile.
“you’re gorgeous Alice.” You smile and kiss her cheek.
It takes not long before she’s done drinking. You put your shirt back on. Alice stays awake for a little before falling back to her little sleep. You start eating your breakfast than you hear a knock on the door.
“come in.” Maybe it’s Eddie!…or a doctor, could be anyone.
Then Wayne walks in. He tries to smile but you see tere is something wrong. But you smile. Cause you’re happy to see him.
“hey kid” he says with a soft voice.
“hey…” you are waiting for bad news.
“lemme see the lil girl” he sits down on the edge of your bed. You give Alice to him carefully.
“just Eddie.” He smiles and wiped a little tear off his cheek.
You sit up,”yes she is just Eddie…speaking of Ed-“ Wayne cuts you off a little.
“I don’t know we’re he is….if I knew I would force him to meet his kiddo. There happed something last night..”
“What happened.?” You asks carefully still looking at the little girl in Ways his arms.
“that girl… ugh what’s her name..a-a cheerleader f…found dead… in the trailer..” You look up at him in a shocked way.
“you not thinking-….”
“no no no. Eddie would never kill anyone like that… her eyes were popped back or somtin.. all her bones were broken. Eddie didn’t do that…”He looks still at the little kid in his arms.
“you’re right but the police will probably think he did that…”
“that’s why the ran away. Eddie is just like that… I hope we can find him and let him meet his kiddo.”Wayne says looking up at you.
You wanna cry. You wanna scream. You wanna do everything but you try to hold back. You decide just to nod.
“m sorry kid..” he pulls you closer into a hug.
You hug him back. In meanwhile Alice had woken up.
“mornin” Wayne takes a better look at her, “she even got Eddies eyes”.
“yes she does, I bet Eddie doesn’t like the fact she looks like him so much. He said I hope she looks like you” you smile a bit.
Wayne smiles and gives Alice back at you. You take her carefully and kisses her forehead.
“well I have to work… m sorry” Wayne looks at you.
“that’s okay!” You smile cause you know they absolutely need the money.
He gets up and waves, “bye lady’s” he smiles and walks out.
“Bye!”You lay back down, and lay Alice next to you on the mattress. She moves closer to you.
“Awh you love mommy so much?” You wrap an arm around her, “mommy loves u too sweetheart”
You gives some kisses on her face. Then you actually start falling asleep at the same time as Alice does.
You wake up after 20 minutes last night got you really tired. You look at the sleeping beauty next to you.
You smile at her, then your play with her hair. It really short, but long enough to play with it a bit. But suddenly the door opens.
“Where is the mini Munson?!” Gareth walks in with Jeff and they slam the door open.
“oh no there we have some trouble makers..” you giggle at them and you rub your eyes:
“freaks right?” Gareth laughs.
“We’re is she?” Jeff asks.
“right hire but she’s sleeping right now.” You look down at her again. They walk to her side of the bed to look at her.
“she’s so Eddie.” Jeff says.
“I feel like I’m an uncle now.”Gareth says random.
“ Sure Gareth you’re the uncle since me and Eddie have no siblings” you giggle again. Gareth was definitely one of your best friends.
“we’re is Eddie actually?” Jeff asks while looking around.
“I wanted to ask you guys the same.” You look up at them again.
“What did Eddie just disappear? Maybe he’s getting the milk” Gareth trys not to laugh.
“Do you fuckers even know the news? I think it’s literally all over the news by now” you look serious at them.
“what is it.?” Jeff asks.
“They think Eddie killed Chrissy Cunningham… she’s found dead in his trailer..” you bite your lip.
“fucking hell no. That’s not possible.” Gareth looks at you, “you’re joking aren’t you?”
“no no no I swear to god… but she was there for a drugs deal. The police probably thinks Eddie killed her…” you look down.
Gareth hugs you, “don’t worry about it Kay? I know Eddie he always runs from his problems so it isn’t much I promise.” You smile and hug him back. Jeff sits on the chair, but there is only one chair.
“Seriously Jeff?” Gareth puts his middle finger up to Jeff. “Come you can lay next to me” you move for him and hold Alice on your chest.Gareth smiles and lays down with his legs still off the bed.
“We had band practice” Jeff explains.
“without Eddie?”
“well yeah that happens pretty much he is mostly with you or making a campaign or doing a drugs deal” Gareth shrugs his shoulders.
“he has definitely adhd” you giggle a little.
“oh yes absolutely.” Gareth laughs.
“But when was the last time you saw him?” You look at them both.
“after hellfire. We won because of Erica. Then we all walked out and Eddie told us he had to wait for a drugs deal. So when we all leaved he was still on the parking lot in his van.”
”They always say Hawkins is cursed but now I’m gonna start thinking that’s true…” You mumble.
“I hope Eddie is not in big problems..” Jeff says. You hear a little jawn from the little girl on your chest.
“Well she woke up, who wanna hold her?” You pick her up.
“me!” They say both at the same time.
“Hire, if you’re done give her to Jeff” you give her carefully to Gareth.
“she’s pretty.”Gareth smiles while holding her.
“what’s her name.?” Jeff looks at Gareth holding her.
“well you remember with the champagne Eddie said Alice from Alice cooper? Well because Eddie is not hire I think he likes that name so I named her after that.”
“He’s gonna love the fact you actually named her that.” Jeff smiles.
“I- I just want him to meet her…”You look at Alice.
“He’s gonna meet her I promise.” Gareth looks at you.
You look back at him and whisper, “okay..”
You get in your moms car holding Alice in your jacket.
“let me see the pretty girl.” You mom says looking at your jacket.
You smile and sit down. It’s 3PM Gareth and Jeff leaved a while ago. Alice is healthy and so are you so the doctors told you you’re allowed to go. So you called ur mom.
“you ready?” You grab the zipper.
“don’t tease me y/n!!” Your mom giggles.
You laugh and out the zipped down, “there she is”
The little girl is looking at your mom with her big cute eyes. “Awh no this is too cute. She’s so tiny!” She takes her out of your jacket.
“mommm you’re stealing my baby.” You smile proud.
“I’m her grandma remember?” She holds her in her arms.
“yeah duhhh” you look at them both.
“what’s your name young lady?”you watch Alice grab your mom her thump.
“Alice. Its Alice Munson”
“that’s a really pretty name Alice! And you’re a really strong girl.” Your mom holds her hand.
“you need to work today?” You look up at your mom again.
“yeah sorry… I don’t think you even mind being alone with her” you mom looks back at you.
“it’s kind of my own house now” you giggle.
“you don’t mind right?”
“no I don’t mom believe me” you really don’t mind about being home alone.
“hire” your mom gives Alice back. You hold her and lay her on your lap. You mom starts driving home and you just look outside. You thinking we’re Eddie could hide himself. The places he is really much is his trailer, the hellfire room, the garage for band practice or your home. But you already know he’s not hiding there. You know Eddie very well he never has secrets for you. You know that.
You drive your way over the road. Drive past lovers lake. Than suddenly you realize someting as you look at one of the houses.
Reefer Rick!
The guy Eddie got his drugs from. He’s out of town on a vacation or something. But that’s his house. Had he has a massive garage. Its in the middle of the woods and it’s obviously a good hiding place. You’re pretty tired from giving birth yesterday. But you really want Eddie to meet Alice. So if you’re home alone you gonna walk there to look if he’s there.
There are more places he possibly can be. Like maybe skull rock, that’s on the route anyways so you can also look there. Your mom parks the car infrond of your house. You kiss her cheek and get up.
“thanks mom. Have fun at work!” You get out of the car and holding Alice in one hand. You walk to the door and open it with the keys with your other hand. Your mom drives off as you open the door.
“Welcome home….well actually one of your homes your daddy has a home too.” You kiss Alice her cheek. You step inside and push the door close with your hip.
“Im gonna feed you after that you can do a sleepy and than I’ll get you new clothes. Oh and than we gonna look for daddy” You walk to your room. You lay Alice in her little black crib. “don’t fall asleep yet.” You kiss her nose and walk to your closet. You look through the little baby clothes you bought with Eddie last month. You get her a little bat onesie.
“Well I guess that will keep you warm outside. Ill get you some socks also.” You grab her socks and you lay it on your bed. You pick also a outfit for yourself. Just basic grey wide jeans and a oversized shirt. You walks over to your bed and you lay that also down.
Then you walk to pick Alice up, you pick her up and lay down on your bed. You take your shirt off and let her drink. As she starts drinking you look at the photos of you and Eddie all over your wall. You have also a couple of them on your night stand, you grab one from there and shows it to Alice. “that’s how ur daddy looks, pretty huh? Pretty like you.”
You put the photo back and start playing with her hair. “Your hair is so soft” you giggle, “I’m jalous.”
After a while Alice is full. You take her clothes off and change her diaper. Then you put her onesie on. “I’ll just put your socks on if we go outside”
You grab her pacifier and puts it in her mouth,”let’s see if you gonna use this…” she immediately sucks on it so, it works.
You lay her in her crib and put the blanket over her. then you give her the dragon plushie Eddie got for her a week ago.
“mommy is gonna take a quick shower. I really need it.” You giggle and kiss her head.
You get out of the shower and you wrap a towel around you. You walk to your room again silently. You put some panties on but no bra. That’s easier to feed Alice if she’s hungry. You look in the crib seeing her asleep. You smile, she’s so cute. With her little lips you wanna kiss. After you grab your clothes from the bed you put them on.
You go downstairs leaving the door open so you could hear if she woke up. It actually feels like you have a kid in forever. You already got a bit used to it and thats good.
You feel like eating. But it needs to be a little healthy. So you decided to make yourself some crackers with avocado and some other stuff. You also put some water in a glass and you sit down with it by the table.
You enjoyed your meal, after 10 minutes you finish everything so you got upstairs again. It pretty strange you still have your belly but it’s just kind of empty. You giggle at that thought.
You walk over to your mirror and your table with some skincare stuff, jewelry and make up.
Make up or not? That question is in your head for maybe 30 minutes now. You look pretty tired of yesterday. So you decided put some concealer, mascara and eyeliner on. You dry your hair and put it in a bun.
“I think it’s okay.” You whisper to yourself.
You lay on your bed. Thinking about some stuff. You miss Eddie so much. The moments you had with eacother were so sweet and lovely. You’re scared it’s never gonna happen again. What if the police are gonna kill them or something. And shit. What if Jason want him to pay for ‘killing Chrissy”? Are they gonna kill him?. But it’s not true. Eddie did nothing. He could never.
After minutes of over thinking you hear some baby noices.
“oh..hey” you whisper and you get up. You grab a black jacket and you put it on. You pick Alice up and lay her down on the bed. Alice has woken up so time to look for Eds.
“let’s put your socks on” you smile at her and put her little thick socks one.
After that you hold her against your chest then you put the zipper up. You leave it open enough for her to breathe ofcourse.
You put you converse on and walk off the stairs. You grab just a random chocolate bar and put it in your pocket, with your keys. “let’s find daddy!” You smile and walk out closing the door behind you.
After 20 minutes of walking you arrive by skull rock. You’re so tired already. You put the hood on from your jacket. You walk around there,
“Are you hire?”
No awnser. You starting to get worried. Only one place left…
“well I guess your dad is not hire..” You start walking to Rick his house. You look behind you just for one last time. You sigh. You miss Eddie so much.
Every step you take gets heavier. Your legs get weak. You look around you. You can already see his house. Its not that far but it feels like years.
The sun is shining, but it’s pretty cold. You hold Alice a little tighter against you. Just to keep her warm. The leafs making souds under your shoes. Then you arrive at the house you stand infrond of the frond door. You swallow.
You decide to knock on the door. But no one awnsers. You try it again. Still no one. The lights inside are off also. Looks empty. You look around again.
When you looks around you notice the big garage thing again. It rather looks like a second house it was so big. Still with your hood on you decided to walk over to there silently.
You notice it’s not locket so you open the door. It’s making a loud noise. Your heart was in your throat. You take a step inside and you close the door behind you.
But then…
Someone pushes you really hard against the wooden wall. Your head and back bang against it with a loud noice. You look up because you feel a sharp object against your throat. It felt like a knife. That moment you tought you were gonna die. You can’t see who’s holding you but that person is really fucking strong. But then you realize you have Alice in your jacket.
“s-stop….i… I have a baby with me..”You whisper out of breath silently. Your back and head hurt as hell. You feel a bit blood dripping down your neck.
Then suddenly you hear a similar voice but stil too stressed to notice it, “a .…b-..baby…?”
“Yeah….she’s a day old please let me go..” He let you go and you let yourself kinda fall back on the ground. Your breath is fast. Really fast. And your heart is going wild. You put the zipper down to look if she’s okay. And she is. Then you wipe the blood off.
“Jesus, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice it was you…” He sits down next to you. You look at him and now you notice it’s Eddie. But you’re not even happy to see him.
“Yeah I bet you are.” You talk in a mean tone and look down at Alice again.
“god. Is that ours.?” He looks at her.
“Well yeah shes supposed to but her dad wasn’t even with me by her birth.” You feel anger.
“Fucking hell. I hate this. Why it has to happen to me. You probably think I killed her her don’t you?” He looks sad. You see the pain in his eyes as you look up at him. Your heart breaks.
“Can you explain.?” Your tone soften.
“only if I can hold her...”he points at Alice
“oh- yeah…umhh.. sure.” You get her out of your jacket and give her carefully to him. He takes her so carefully.
“for god sake she’s so perfect.”He looks at her.
“yeah and the most important is she’s healthy, has 10 toes and 10 fingers.” You smile a little. You wait for him to explain but you give them some dad and kid time.
“that’s also good”He whispers. You tab your fingers on the floor.
“Uh..-..Well w-where to start…” he thinks for a second. And you see the tears appearing in his eyes already.
“I took Chrissy to my home because she needed something stronger so I was looking for it. I couldn’t find it in the kitchen so I went to my room….” You listen good to him but you can see he don’t like to talk about it. You wrap your arm around his shoulder to give him a little comfort.
“It’s okay..take your time” you kiss his cheek.
He nods, “I left her a-alone….just for a minute maybe….but when I c-ame back……”he swallows and starts crying.
“..s-she was in something like a….a t-trans… her eyes w-where…rolled back…” he grabs your hand.
“A-and…I tried to wake..h-her., but…she started….god damn it. I know it sounds stupid…”
“no no it don’t. tell me baby…” you rub your thumb over his hand.
“okay..we’ll..she started f-floating….like … I don’t know…then she like…g-got pulled at the celling ..fuck I know you not believing me” he’s so traumatized.
“I do baby. I do believe you.” He looks at you like you’re crazy.
“Umhh…then…h-her:.b-bones stared s-snapping…and her eyes….p-popped out…then she dropped on the floor…” he hides his face in your chest, “and i fucking ran…”
“Eddie I think every single person would ran.” The story is weird. But still you trying to comfort him.
“I gonna start thinking I’m cursed or something…”
“well than I’ll be cursed with you. I’ll never leave you.”
He sighs, “but now I can’t be home with you and her-….what’s her name actually…?”
“oh it’s Alice.” You kiss his head.
“you d-did name her that?” He looks up at you. You wipe some of his tears away.
“you did actually” you smile. Eddie looks down at Alice.
“she looks like me…”
“that’s what everyone is saying” you giggle.
“who has seen her already.?” Alice grabs Eddie his fingers.
“umh.. Wayne, Gareth, Jeff, my mom and the doctors ofcourse.”
“shit I’m really late. M sorry I wasn’t there for you two...”
“don’t worry about it I’m already happy I found you.” You play with his hair. Well atleast now he let you. He’s not frustrated just sad, worried and traumatized.
Eddie rubs her head, “well she also kinda looks like her mom.”
“just her nose and face a little.” You smile at him.
“She’s really pretty. Like you.”hes still looking at her.
“And also you.” He smiles and is busy with Alice again. It was silent for a maybe 10 minutes. But in a comfortable way.
Them suddenly Eddie asks random, “You have food?”
“I breastfeed her.?”
“No I mean for me” he looks like he already know you’re gonna say no.
“oh” you giggle, “I have a chocolate bar.?”
“Can I PLEASE have it Im starving.” you grab it out of you pocket ad give it to him,”there you go. All urs.”
“fuck, thank you.” He grabs it and opens it fast. Then he starts eating and well.. you can see he’s starving..
“You want a piece too?” He look at you.
“no it’s urs. I’m not hungry.” You are still playing with his hair. In meanwhile Alice falls asleep.
“she’s asleep.. what now.?”
“just let her sleep silly” you giggle a bit.
“shes pretty bald” Eddie looks at her. God that man is so random. You love him for that.
“Yeah but you can see her dark curls already.”
Eddie puts his hand on your leg, “when you going home.?”
“You want me gone already?” You laugh.
“No no no you know what I mean” he shakes his head.
“in maybe a hour? I need to cook dinner sooo” Eddie looks sad.
“I wish I could stay forever but I have a baby to take care of now…m sorry sweetheart..” you give him a pec.
“I wish I could help you with that…” He looks down at Alice.
“me too, but it’s just the situation now…I don’t think you can go to mine that’s too dangerous…”
Eddie nods, “can we atleast make out?”
“are you in the mood then..?” You look at him.
“god. I fucking missed you. Yes I am.”
“really.?”you look surprised.
“Yes ofcourse” you smile. You pick Alice up from his lap and you take off your jacket to put it on the ground. You place sleeping Alice in the jacket and you wrap it around her.
“Come hire” Eddie sits up against the wall and he tabs his finger on his lap.
“I’m still heavy, still have my belly.”
“I don’t care.” He grabs your hand and he pulls you on his lap. You giggle and sit on his lap. Immediately Eddies lips crash against yours. In a soft loving way. He puts his hand in your shirt and moves his hands up to your tits. He cups them a squeezes a bit.
“They are bigger” He talks with his lips against yours.
“no shit. Maybe cause there is milk in them.” Eddie shakes his head. You smile and continue kissing him again. Eddie licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth for him. He immediately take his change to kiss you with tongue. You kiss him back with your tongue in a perfect rhythm. He pulls your shirt a little up to see your boobs.
“so fucking perfect.” He looks at them and starts placing kisses there. You let out a little moan.
“baby…?” You look down at him.He gives one last pec on them and looks up at you.
“what if I go eat dinner and after that ill come back with also some for you?” You play with his hair.
“Okay..but please don’t tell anyone I’m hire…Kay.?”He kisses your cheek and puts your shirt down. You get of his lap and sits next to him.
“I will not even tell hellfire or my mom. Promise.”
“Can Alice stay with me?”
“yeah sure but let me feed her first” you pick her put carefully and starts trying to wake her up a bit.
“okay, but what if she’s crying?” He grabs her hand carefully.
“than you give her pacifier or her plushie and you just hold her close. You got it i promise you”you smile as Alice slowly stared to wake up.
“Where are they?”
“she has her pacifier in her mouth and her plushie is in my pocket I guess..” you grab your jacket and feel in your pockets.
“hire it is” you grab it and give it to Eddie. Alice is already shearing for your nipple with her mouth around your shirt.
You giggle and take your shirt off, “there you go.” She starts drinking while looking at Eddie with her adorable puppy eyes.
“Awhh the so cute”
“can you understand how cute you are?”
“I can do puppy eyes so does she” he grins
“We’re good in making babies that’s one thing.” You giggle again.
“maybe we can make her a sibling…”
“Who knows… maybe in the future.” You smile and kisses his cheek. Alice pulls away and looks a little allround. You wipe her mouth off and give her to Eddie. Then you get up to put ur shirt back on.
“alright what do you all need?”
“blanket, food, drugs and beer.” He holds Alice in his arms.
“hell no. No drinking or smoking. Just the blanket and the food is enough mr Munson.” You look down at him.
“Why you being so mean sweetheart” he acts like he’s offended and puts his hand on your leg.
You shake your head,”fine just one joint.” He blows you a kiss while you walk to the door.
“be careful baby.” He looks a little worried.
“As long you protect yourself and Alice Im okay.” You smile and open the door carefully. As you see no one around you run out closing the door behind you. As you can’t see the house anymore you walk. All the little smiles or laughs Eddie did were all fake. You noticed that. It makes you worried.
You close the door behind you. Eddie lays on the ground with sleeping Alice in his arms. You walk closer and you see Eddie is sleeping too. You put the bag down and you sit next to him. You already ate some spaghetti at home. You move his head carefully on your lap. You see he had wrapped his leather jacket around Alice. After a couple minutes Eddies eyes open.
“Hey” he whispers.
“hey sleepyhead” you smile, “I’ve got your food” Eddie smiles and sits up holding Alice. You get the bowl spaghetti out of the bag.
“let’s trade” You give him the bowl and Eddie gives Alice.
“oeh Its still warm” he smiles and starts eating.
“mhmm.” You take the blanket out and you put it over Eddie his legs.
“I even got a pillow.” You lay your head against his shoulder.
“you’re the best.” He kisses your cheek
“I know I am.” You laugh a little. Eddie shakes his head. You grab a beer out of your bag and put it next to Eddie.
“I thought maybe you can use one?” You smiles also Eddie smiles. He finally smiles.
“oh you just have to wait if I’m out of hire I’m gonna do so much back for you. I love you.” He gives you a pec. You smile and take some candy out for him.
“it’s my job ya know. You’re not only the dad of my kid but also my everything.” He smiles still and looks at Alice.
“And I love you more by the way.” You chuckle.
“I’m not gonna start this fight miss y/l/n.”He takes your hand. You smile and kiss his knuckles.
“I have to go in a little hour. I’ll come vist you tomorrow again kay?”
“Yeah sure.” He continues eating.
You get up and walk a little around, looking at the place and some stuff. Alice wakes up from the sunset in her face. She makes some noice, it sounds like whines. She’s probably irritated you woke her up.
“o well sorry missy.” You look down at her with a little giggle. You turn her around so her face is against your chest.
“better?” You kiss her head. Eddie looks at you being the best mom while eating. She grabs your shirt and moves her hand.
“you gonna play with my shirt now?” You smile.
“you mean my shirt princess.” Eddie corrects you.
“sorry” you chuckle.
“I like you wearing my clothes it’s cute” he eats again. Alice looks up at you. She makes some irritated moans. It makes you giggle.
“damn what do you want cutie?” You kiss her nose.
“maybe she wants me” He looks confident.
“Selfish from you” you giggle and Eddie does too. You shake your head and give Alice to Eddie. She grabs his hair and pulls it pretty hard.
“ouch!!!” He grabs her hand and tries to make her let his hair go. It made you laugh. As she finally let go you take the rubberband out of your hair and give it to him.
“yeah thanks. She’s a pretty feisty lady.
“I see” you giggle still a little.
You start walking around again and you look what’s on table. Just some cigarettes and other shit. There also was a boat and definitely a lot of things everywhere. You look out of the window, the sunset was gorgeous above lovers lake.
You stare at the sunset for a couple minutes but you turn around cause you hear some baby giggles. You see Eddie tickeling Alice her little feet. Alice is not the only one laughing cause Eddie is too. You giggle a bit and walk over to them. It’s actually the first time you hear Alice laughing. Its a adorable sweet little laugh.
Eddie looks up at you, “you never heard her laughing, did you?” You shake your head no. Eddie smiles and looks down at her again then kisses her face. They are so lovely.
to be continued….
I’m not sure if I did the tag list correct, Im not a pro with tumblr (yet??) but hire it is ig!
@kellyxo1 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @notsobubblybaby @amira0303 (love you guys)
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topguncortez · 1 year
can i get 19 + 37 with jake from the sick prompt list? x
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Shy!Wifey prompts: 19. “Your fever hasn’t gone down.”, 37. “You fainted.”, and combined another request 38. “I feel like I was hit by a train.  Everything hurts.” prompts list Jake & Shy Wifey Masterlist
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If there was one thing about the Seresin children, is that they had their father's determination and stubbornness. Each of them were hard headed in their own way, especially Ella. She always felt like she had something to prove being the daughter of a famous naval aviator and being the only girl in a family of boys. Ella was on every committee and club chair that she could possibly be on, as well as doing sports nearly all year round. The girl didn't know what it meant to rest, which is why when she got sick, it hit her hard.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Jake asked, placing the back of his hand on his daughter's forehead and frowned. He grabbed the thermometer next to her, "Under your tongue."
"I feel like I was hit by a train," Ella mumbled, "Everything hurts."
"Well, you probably got whatever the twins had last week," Jake sighed. Both Jasper and Maxwell had the flu last week. Ella did her best to try and maintain a distance away from her younger brothers, but it seemed as though it failed. When the thermometer beeped, Jake took it out of her daughter's mouth.
"one oh two point three," Jake set the thermometer down and refolded the cool rag on Ella's forehead, "Your fever hasn't gone down. I'm gonna go get you some toast and Tylenol. If it doesn't break in an hour, I'm taking you to the hospital."
"But dad," Ella groaned. It was bad enough she had to miss school, she was not about to go to the hospital and possibly be committed and miss more school.
"Ella," Jake scolded lightly, "I know you want to go to school, but your health is more important," Ella nodded and he placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up from her bed, "I'll be back. Drink that gatorade please."
Ella nodded and watched her mom walk out of her bedroom. She sighed and checked her phone, waiting to her back from her boyfriend Luke on if he got her homework and notes from the student council meeting she was missing today. It also mad her made that her perfect attendance record since kindergarten was about to be ruined, but there was no arguing with one Jake Seresin when he gave you the "dad" look.
Y/N was sitting down in the kitchen, cutting up vegetables for a stew she was making for dinner. Jake greeted her with a kiss on her cheek before heading to the pantry and getting the bread out.
"Fever still high?" Y/N asked and Jake nodded.
"Hasn't budged," Jake said, and placed two slices of toast in the toaster, "She's worrying me. Can't believe she's still even lucid."
"Me either," Y/N said, "Val said that if it's stable that's a good thing, means her body is fighting off the illness. Just don't want it going on any longer."
Jake sighed and leaned against the counter, "I wish my kids never got sick. Remember when Alex was first born and he got really sick? I thought I was going to have a heart attack."
Y/N chuckled and set the knife down on the cutting board. Jake had always been the more empathetic parent when it came to the kids. Every bump, scrape, bruise, illness they got, Jake swore he could feel their pain. He always looked near tears whenever the kids got hurt. When Alex had been hospitalized as a baby, Jake hardly ever left his side, frightened that the worse would happen if he did. It took a doctor coming in and telling Jake that he needed to go for a walk for him to finally leave.
"Kids get sick," Y/N said, walking over to her husband and wrapping her arms around his neck, "It's a normal thing of growing up. At least we live in a place where we can drive five minutes to a hospital if we need one."
"You always find a brighter side to life," Jake smiled, "That's what I love about you," He kissed his wife quickly as the toast popped up, "That's for the princess."
Y/N giggled and moved back towards her cutting board. Jake smeared butter on the toast and grabbed two Tylenol pills and another gatorade before heading upstairs. He turned the corner into Ella's room but his eyebrows furrowed seeing her out of bed and standing in the middle of her room.
"Ella?" Jake asked.
"Dad? Why am I-" Her speech was slurred and Jake watched her knees buckle. He quickly threw down the items in his hands and ran to catch her before she could crash to the ground.
"I got you babygirl, I got you," Jake whispered running his hand over her hair, "Y/N!"
Hearing the commotion from downstairs, Y/N was already running up the stairs when Jake called. He looked like a frightened child as he held his unconscious one in his arms. Y/N kneeled down next to Ella, placing two cool rags underneath her arm pits.
"Keep her head level," Y/N said, and grabbed Ella's feet, propping them up against her bed, "Ella, sweetheart," Y/N rubbed her daughter's calf, watching as she slowly fluttered her eyes open and a whimper coming from her mouth.
"Mommy," She cried and Y/N smiled softly at her, "What-?"
"You fainted," Jake said and Ella looked up at her dad, tears in her eyes, "It's alright, babygirl."
"You got her? I'm gonna ring Val and have her come over," Y/N asked and Jake nodded, still holding his daughter in his arms.
Ella still had tears in her eyes, some threatening to spill as she looked at her dad, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Jake asked, and wiped a tear away with his thumb, "You're sick baby, there's nothing to apologize for." Ella nodded, "How about this, I put you back to bed, get you some snacks and we wait for Aunt Val to come by?"
Ella nodded again, and Jake picked her up in his arms. He gently laid her down, and tucked her back underneath the blankets. He kept the cold icepacks under her arms and the rag around her neck. Jake never left her side as they waited for Val and Y/N to come back.
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georgies-ftts · 3 months
my thoughts and opinions on this weeks episode as someone who didn’t have time to watch last weeks episode, has never watched live american telly before and has discovered a new found hatred for your adverts. Also i swear a lot.
let’s begin
(spoilers obviously don’t be a knob)
1. he cannae be captain he’s only got two stripes on his epilette why are we focusing so much on this man
2. Bobby eyeing up that gun I like that (the acting)
3. this guy is giving me uncanny valley and i don’t like it
4. hehe dongle
5. i mean fair enough… in and out just like he said
6. Hen love of my life where the hell have you been loca
7. “and you won’t be anymore either” that’s actually dead funny to me
8. husbands that saw together survive trauma together <3
9. “everyone survived” i know foreshadowing when i see it
10. there’s a lot of drunk driver hatred (as deserved) somethings gonna occurr
11. oh he’s dead… lol karma fuckhead
12. Hen, i love you but why can noone on telly give me actual realistic CPR… break them ribs girl
13. christ these american adverts are weird
14. let me tell you advertising prescription medicine isn’t actually a normal thing to do
15. I don’t know boss man am no a dr but that’s an awful lot of blood are you sure you should still be breathing????
16. “Are you happy” “Yeah, Yeah I am” i have a feeling that’s all about to change buddy
17. just me or can anyone else not see a fucking thing that’s going on this episode why’s everyone in the dark for?
18. moving on from that i love the lighting in the office scene… chefs kiss
20. Why do American comm’s systems always fail whenever you actually need them
21. They were axed to pieces. I will let you off -_- this time…
22. “I didn’t shoot him” honestly… same i hope you get yer pay out boss
23. Athena please for the love of god pop a paracetamol or a codeine and chill the fuck out
24. cause it has never been hard enough for them you just had to add a bastard bomb
27. The Rookie ad i love it carry on
28. If he wasn’t under the influence then he was just being a cunt and hen had every right to react as such thankyou very much
29. Oh my fuck what is happening - don’t tear them apart i’ll start crying
30. Bitch you’re taking on water stop being a pussy and help
31. “Don’t test me.” Queen, you rag his arse
32. “port stabilisers are gone” surely you should be tilting like a bitch right now or did i miss a frame
34. why’s that lizard from london?
36. “i didn’t save him either” he quite literally refused your help despite being detained
37. didn’t get that SS Menow reference… try the Mayflower next time
38. “Saving the ship” “course she is” GIVE THEM ONE MOMENT OF PEACE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU
39. okay good they are tilting like a bitch i will shut my mouth
42. i don’t know but all your meds just seem to be doing the opposite of.. you know… keeping you alive.
43. woah therapy flash back get me one of those
44. you forgot to mention imminent death in your therapy session Mr Sir
45. “We did what we had to do” YOU’RE ALLOWED TO LIVE TOO.
46. “I couldn’t save my first family and I can’t save you either” and what if that was my last straw Robert Nash
47. ABC you can tone down the writing now i’m fucking sobbing
49. glad the us also have those Haribo ads
50. first time in my almost 20 years of life where i’ve seen an ADVERT for ANTIDEPRESSANTS that also actively make you MORE DEPRESSED
51. Hen i knew you were slaying you’ve never not slayed <3
52. no need for it was there mr boss man? no didn’t think so
53. You have no jurisdiction past the Gulf of Mexico??? ummmm??? distressed cruise ship full of your citizens???? idk??? do something????
54. oh. welp. no surviving that one, have fun with poseidon my loves
55. i don’t know about you but once i’ve been capsized like that in anything bigger than a kayak im giving up…
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forsaire · 7 months
Meeting the family (Ghost x Soap)
Ghost learns more about the name "Johnny" when he finally visits Soap's family for Christmas.
Chapter 37 excerpt of Don't Let Me Go.
(context: Eileen - mum, Fiona - cousin)
Ghost spent the next few minutes watching everyone pass around the delicious smelling dishes, relieved that their attention was not on him for the moment. Unfortunately, Ghost should have expected that this would have been short lived.
After a few bites, Eileen leaned forward on her elbows and linked her fingers together. “So, Simon… how did you two meet?”
“He’s also a trainer on the base for new recruits,” Soap replied quickly.
Ghost looked over to Soap, trying to gauge what exactly he had told his family and how much of the truth they really knew about his job. Both their jobs. God, it was so dumb of him to just show up; they hadn’t discussed any of this.
Soap gave him a knowing look and a small nod, encouraging Ghost to play along.
“Well… yeah. We work together… at the base.”
“What do you teach?” Fiona asked.
“Hand-to-hand,” Ghost said, as it was the first thing that popped into his mind. It wasn’t technically a lie. He had taught hand-to-hand before.
“That’s cool. Any specialities? Karate? Jiu-jitsu?”
“A little bit of everything. Mostly self-defence.” 
“Have you known each other long?” Eileen asked, calm and pointed, her gaze unwavering from his face.
She really wasn’t pulling her punches.
“Well…” Ghost trailed off, stalling to consider what to say. “We met fairly recently I would say, Johnny and I.”
In an instant, Ghost could palpably feel the entire atmosphere in the room shift as everyone stopped eating to stare at him. Lorna shifted in her seat. Fiona whipped her head over to them, her fork still hanging in the air. Eileen tilted her head as she continued to watch Ghost with curious scrutiny.
Fuck. Ghost said something he shouldn’t have fucking said. Even Soap next to him was slightly more tense as he sat up straighter. What the fuck had he done? A million scenarios ran through Ghost’s head, each one worse than the last. His eyes flicked between everyone at the table, searching for an unspoken answer.
The one second of loud silence lasted an eternity.
“Sorry. Did I say something?” Ghost asked with uncertainty.
Eileen huffed out a short laugh and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, easing some of the tension that Ghost felt but he was still racked with confusion. “No, it’s just we haven’t heard that name in years.”
Ghost thought about what name she could be referring to.
Ghost looked back at Soap who glanced down at his plate and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
Eileen continued speaking. “When John was about… ten or eleven I want to say… he woke up one day having randomly decided that he no longer wanted to be called Johnny and started demanding that he be called John instead. It honestly took everyone by surprise, this sudden shift, and he would get very upset if anyone called him by Johnny. I got a few cold shoulders when I slipped up at the beginning of the switch over. He even got into a physical fight or two at school due to the whole thing.”
This recounting of events completely contradicted everything that Ghost had experienced. Although, looking back at it… Soap never let anyone call him Johnny. Not even Alejandro when they were still in Mexico. He’d never even heard the Captain use it. No one.
No one except for Ghost.
Eileen shrugged her shoulders. “I guess he decided to grow up. It’s interesting to hear again. That’s all. Very interesting…” She went back to eating and so did everyone else. Ghost felt Soap grab his hand from underneath the table and he gave Ghost an apologetic squeeze.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything?” Eileen asked, gesturing to the spread of food.
“No. No, thank you,” Ghost politely denied. “I look forward to when I’m hungry again so I can eat it. I’ll have some tomorrow morning.”
“You better,” she said jokingly.
Ghost turned around to face Soap who had just sat down on the bed with a light grunt. As he looked back at the trophy, he saw the engraving John MacTavish. A question suddenly popped into Ghost’s mind.
“Why did you let me call you Johnny this whole time if you never liked it?” he asked, looking over at Soap.
Soap shrugged casually. “It never bothered me when you said it.”
Soap could sense his doubt. “Okay, I mean maybe at the very beginning, but we had other things to deal with in Mexico that were more pressing at the time. I figured I’d eventually get around to it. But once we finally took down Hassan, I guess… I’d sort of gotten used to hearing it… ya know? And I started to realize that I did like it. From you at least.”
“So, I should keep calling you Johnny?”
“I like when you so, aye.”
Full chapter a03.
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katethevampire · 4 months
All right so the new episodes just came out like 20 minutes ago for me (oh yeah me from the future here it ended up taking me about 3 hours to finish watching the episodes cuz I kept pausing to write stuff in between so uh yeah lol) so everything under the cut will be my live reaction to everything. I'll add time stamps so you know where I'm at in the episodes. I can guarantee you that I will be sticking to my promise about potentially eating paper if I'm wrong about Sir Pentious not dying. Which honestly now I'm not sure if anyone will die, it was pretty much confirmed in a live stream that angel dust isn't going to be the one to die so my money is on one of the Angels. Also I'm using voice to text and while I'll try and fix any misspellings or wrong words I might miss them.
LOTS OF SWEARING PROBABLY also I very much abuse capslock
00:51- I love Sir Pentious looking at Keke I just thought I should mention that
01:10 aw Alastor was sleepy you guys woke him up!
01:29- he did the gay little hand thing
01:50- okay so I've already seen this part because of the small leak but I cannot get over the fact that Alastor has his shoes on the bed!! Like man take those off you're getting it dirty!!!!
01:59- mfs kicking his feet on the bed acting like a high school girl about to ask out her crush on the phone at a sleepover like dude you're a serial killer you can't do this to me 😭 also I should probably slow down cuz I'm making an update literally every 2 seconds
2:33- Alasto be like "it's called masking deary. Ever heard of it?"
2:44- if he wasn't saying this in such an evil manner right now I'd be saying he's so me frfr
3:07- what do I even say to that line. He popped off but also like respectfully I think I've heard a third grader say the exact same thing
3:53- OKAY SO I WAS GOING TO SAY SOMETHING BUT I'VE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN LOOK AT THIS FRAME, this could easily be the profile picture for someone's film review channel and I'm not 100% sure that people will understand what I mean by that unless you know a very specific person
04:38- Alastor is in his hat man era
4:33- okay so a few things, thank you subtitles for telling me that the music is edgy I feel like just the word tense would have worked on its own but I appreciate it nonetheless. Number two, I don't like seeing the girlies be mad at each other :(
05:34 I will support my boy Sir Pentious through and through he did nothing wrong!!
06:54- not the voice I was expecting for Rosie but pop up Queen she speaks the truth
07:24- ROSIE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ALASTOR. Also his confusion, I love him so much
11:04- she's kind of like that one Pokemon
11:13- catabettes! Cannibals and catabettes!!! This is going into my vocabulary from now on. Also this frame that I paused at I love her face.
11:57- ugh, susan. All my homies hate Susan
12:54- I have a dream, I'm here to cause a scandal in the cannibal square
13:37- :( well it wasn't obvious to me I just thought the x over the eye was to look cool :(
15:26 If this song came out years ago I know for a fact there would have been an undertale parody version of it. Also I just got a cosmic brownie and some chocolate milk let's go guys we're eating good tonight
16:30- therapist Rosie is not something I thought I'd be seeing today but honestly I love it. Also I don't think I'm going to be able to finish these episodes today because I'm only a little over 15 minutes through and I've been watching for like almost over half an hour and also I just realized that what if Lucifer is the one that dies?
19:38 I'm going crazy I'm going insane right now bro literally what how I don't know what to say I love this act I don't know, it's just really good I don't know what to say like this is cool I don't I DON'T KNOW! IT'S I I LIKE IT everybody in cannibal town is cool and I like them and it's like 10 seconds later now and they're literally So based like free food like so me I don't know I'm just rambling at this point
21:06- alastor, you know it's not right to make someone your political puppet. Your little dances are cute though so I'll allow it for now.
I don't know why it thought I was speaking Spanish for a second but anyways that episode was really cute and good and I liked it but I'm also scared for the next episode cuz like now I'm wondering is someone actually going to die or were people just lying. I feel like either Adam is going to be the one to die or it's going to be Lucifer cuz they mentioned a lot in the previous episode about how Charlie needs to take up the throne and get ready to take her place on the throne like why does she need to take her place on the throne? Isn't that her dad's job??? Please don't kill Lucifer off please please please 🙏 also I'm still not on board and probably will never will be on the whole political puppet thing. Like I just know I just have a feeling in my bones that alastor's favor is going to be something like "Let me be the ruler of hell lololol" or something anyways
01:01-Why are you watching other men get fucked?🤨 (/j)
01:19 🥺 I love 🥺 I oove him so 🥺 so much 🥺🥺🥺 does he have a spatula like spongebob
02:02- wait so how is Vox watching them like does he have bug cameras in the air like those little guys in v3 (woah now I have to put a Danganronpa spoiler on this)
04:18- I'm not even the biggest huskerdust shipper but awwwww also I don't ship him with anyone but I just want to see Sir Pentious happy pleaseeee also the little Melody of loser baby in the background
04:48- ugh I am clutching my heart right now Sir Pentious is my SON and I LOVE HIM
04:58- what the fuck that ao3 tag was canon this WHOLE TIME???? WHEN DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THIS?????
05:05- I told you angel dust wasn't going to die
05:38- it's like the song but different! Reprise it's called a reprise also is Mimzy gonna come back
07:15- Vox, you know that you guys are going to die if they lose too right?
Okay I can't timestamp this cuz I'll just be pausing every 2 seconds but just know that everything I'm saying after this is from 07:52 to whatever number I put after later right here->09:47
Okay, so this might be a weird comparison but you know like My Little pony Battle scenes? This feels like that in the very best way possible where they have the scenes with all the different characters fighting with the different music.
Oh my God yes Cherry bomb and angel dust I love them also that was a fire transition also I JUST NOTICED THAT SIR PENTIOUS HAT ALSO HAS THE EYE DOES HE JUST HAVE I HATS FOR EVERY OCCASION
Uh oh Adams angry he's going to do a my hero academia
Oh shit it actually worked that's not good.
Oh my God that is such a cool shot guys someone should make that frame of Alastor their computer background
Guys I think Adam's going to die
😨 okay so Alastor's microphone just broke and I paused it to add that emoji but as I did the people I live with got home so I'm going to have to pause it for there? I'll update if I get prime working on my phone. Also isn't alastor's microphone alive? Maybe that's the character that died.
Update: all right I got it set up on my phone about 30 minutes later now we're resuming
09:47- okay so I think it's interesting that Alastor pretty much lost all his powers as soon as his microphone broke, my guess is probably that whoever has his soul (lilith, eve, or anyone else) gave the mic to him.
09:53- I like the detail that Alastor is still smiling even though he literally just got slammed against the wall, also Vox has the biggest hate boner for Alastor like
10:02- Alastor: "Have to disagree with you there, radio's not dead." Hun you are bleeding out I'm sorry but I don't think you can gaslight girlboss your way out of this one, also I'm sorry to tell you but the only thing they play on my local radio station now besides music is like, a show that's only on at like 7 in the morning where people call to complain about how their husband wraps Christmas presents
10:38- haha silly also EGGS!!
11:12- no no no Sir Pentious you better not I don't want to eat paper
11:21- good for him
12:03- okay this is really cool but is he actually dead cuz I'll legitimately be really sad if so
12:50- *that one vine* "*gasp* Adam."
14:12 yes Vaggie, queen shit
14:44- gasp! His face!
15:00- he is, so stupid. I love him.
15:51-okay I went quiet for a minute cuz there were so much happening but oh my God what do I even say this is just so cool also I don't know if this is intentional or not but the blood stain on Charlie's hair is shaped like an apple
17:08- wait okay I had a brief thought that maybe lute was actually Eve but I think I'm wrong on that
17:13- Sir Pentious would've liked pancakes :((((((
Ad Time! I don't care about hard Rock Cafe I just want to know whether or not Sir Pentious is actually dead please I'm going through all the stages of grief right now and Brandan Rogers just came on my screen as Katie killjoy please
18:04- Keke :(
Oh my God they're going to find him in the rubble right? ... Right?? Right guys right???????
18:10- fat nuggets survived that's good I see a rock that looks suspiciously shaped like Sir Pentious military hat whoa guys I wonder if that means anything and it looks like it's up like someone is standing? Whoa I wonder if they'll check behind that rock please
18:16- wait is he actually dead I'm genuinely about to cry
19:16- I am not crying about his death until the episode ends I am not crying until it is 100% CONFIRMED that he died
20:50- omg alastor's alive, he's in his Jack's skeleton era that means that maybe Sir Pentious is also-
21:08- friends :) he said friends just saying
22:34- you're telling me Lilith was just doing hot girl shit on the beach for 7 years.
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waratah-moon · 1 year
Stan Behaviour
Tom and Y/n do an interview reacting to fan edits of themselves; most of which prove that Tom is the ultimate Y/n stan. masterlist / requests / another Tom fic
Pairing: Tom Holland x famous!reader
Warnings: lots of flirting
Tumblr media
Tom and Y/n never did interviews together. Their schedules rarely lined up, and they were almost never promoting something at the same time. But they both had new projects out, and were miraculously in the same city at the same time, so when their publicists pitched the idea, Buzzfeed jumped at the chance to interview the internet’s favourite couple.
To be fair, reacting to fan edits wasn’t an inventive idea. But both their publicists and Buzzfeed figured they’d get some wholesome content out of it, and who were Tom and Y/n to argue; it sounded like fun.
They were sitting next to each other behind a small table on an incredibly nondescript set. People milled about behind the camera; both their teams off to the side and busy on their phones. Y/n’s makeup artist had just finished touching up her makeup, and Tom straightened the collar of his jumper. Y/n looked at her boyfriend beside her, twisting a strand of his hair around her finger to exaggerate his curls.
“You look good,” she said, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek, pulling back to make sure she didn’t get any lipstick on his face.
“Says you,” he countered, his hand squeezing her thigh beneath the table.
“Roll sound, roll camera!” A voice called from the crowd of people off camera.
“So we’re going to watch videos about ourselves?” Tom looked at the director, who was holding a clipboard.
“Exactly,” the director responded with a nod. “You can start whenever you’re ready.”
“I’ll let you navigate then since you’re so much better at technology than me,” he slid the iPad across to Y/n. The iPad was open to the photos gallery; an album had been selected which had five saved videos already lined up.
“Ooh, this first one looks like you,” she clicked the first thumbnail. An Instagram reel popped up that showed clips from Tom’s Prada campaign set to some Tiktok popular sound. Y/n looked at her boyfriend, “you know what I love about this video?”
“That one close up shot of your nipple.”
“Oh yeah,” Tom laughed as Y/n zoomed into the offending shot.
“Like I’m so sorry, it’s such a beautifully shot video and you look great in it, it’s just your nipple, man, it takes me out every time.”
Tom pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s wrong with my nipples?”
“Nothing. Babe, you know I love your nipples.”
His brows furrowed, but the tell tale sign of his reddening ears gave him away. “Can you please never say that again?”
“What, that I love your nipples?” She grinned as Tom groaned, scrunching up his nose, begging her to stop.
“This is a great start. Let’s move on,” he mumbled, the tips of his ears still bright red, swiping to the next video.
The words “Tom obsessing over Y/n for 8 minutes and 37 seconds” flashed on the screen.
“8 minutes?” Tom looked at the crew behind the camera. “You want us to watch 8 minutes of me talking about Y/n?”
“And 37 seconds,” Y/n added. “Can’t forget the 37 seconds, love.”
“We cut it done,” the director said from behind the camera.
They had cut it done, but even for a two minute video, Tom talked about his girlfriend in a lot of different interviews. Y/n paused on about the fifth clip; him talking to Seth Meyers about filming Uncharted.
“It’s kind of impressive that you manage to bring me up when you’re talking about a movie that I’m not in, let alone a movie that I didn’t even manage to visit the set of.”
“You’re just always on my mind, darling.”
Y/n laughed, but she felt her heart flutter as someone from the crew aww’ed in the background.
The next video, like the first one of Tom, was an edit of a perfume campaign Y/n had done earlier in the year. She looked gorgeous with smokey eyes and dressed in flowing fabric that flattered her body. Waves crashed against the rocky shoreline as she dramatically posed with the glass bottle.
“Geez,” Tom pretended to fan himself, pulling his collar as if he was burning up. “Look at you!”
“Stop it,” Y/n rolled her eyes, bumping her shoulder into his.
“C’mon, love. You look stunning! I mean you look hot in whatever you're wearing, but seriously. I’d buy that perfume.” He looked directly into the camera, “I actually would, the perfume does smell really nice, Y/n wears it all the time.”
Successful by Ariana Grande started playing when Y/n pressed start on the next video. A compilation of red carpet clips of the two of them, each clip overlayed with headlines that spelled out their accomplishments. Y/n couldn't stop smiling as the video played, she glanced over at Tom who seemed just as enthralled in the edit as she was.
"Those are some pretty impressive things we've done, huh? A Guinness world record, multiple billion dollar movies, TIME100. Does this make us a power couple?” Tom asked, his elbow resting on the table, his chin in the palm of his hand, gazing lovingly at his girlfriend.
Y/n laughed, “When I think power couple, I think the Obamas. What even defines a power couple?"
"I would say us both being on Forbes 30 under 30 and raising millions of dollars for charity makes us a power couple, my love."
"You looked so hot in that tuxedo, by the way,” Y/n looked at Tom, squeezing his knee below the table.
“We just watched a video that showed all these amazing achievements we've both made, and you're focused on a two second clip of me in a tux?"
"I’m sorry I can't help it!”
"Is that the one from Ballon d’Or?” He grinned when she nodded. “I think it’s somewhere in my wardrobe.”
“Oh I know exactly where it is,” she whispers under her breath. Swiping to the last video.
If anyone needed proof that Tom and Y/n were in love, they didn’t need to look further than the last video. Or the pair’s reaction to it. Clips from Y/n’s Instagram stories interspersed with red carpet videos and times that the paparazzi had caught them holding hands. Even if it was arguably an invasion of privacy, Tom couldn’t help but find it adorable to see a compilation of their public life together. If only the internet had access to the private moments they shared; Twitter would explode.
“What’s this video called?” Y/n asked the crew at large.
“Proof Y/n and Tom are secretly married, part 2.”
“That’s the title?” Y/n cocked her eyebrow. The crew member who responded to her nodded.
“So there’s a part one that we need to watch,” Tom said, making a mental note to YouTube it later.
Y/n looked into the camera lens, “just for the record, we’re not secretly married, nor are we secretly engaged.” She held up her left hand, tapping on her ring-less finger. She looked over at her boyfriend, encouraging him to add something to dispel the rumours.
“Y/n’s right. Sorry guys but we’re not married or engaged.” Tom nodded, taking Y/n’s hand and intertwining their fingers. “Yet!” Tom added, “I’m working on it, lads.”
“Unbelievable,” Y/n sighed, but she couldn’t stop the butterflies from erupting in her stomach.
The internet was about to have a field day.
Tagging the people who liked my famous!reader x Tom post @sweetpeterparker @originalchildwinner @multi-fandom31 @soullessbabee @anadicttoreading0 @kindaawhoreforholland @blk-silk @jhiddles03 @fangirlfree @euphoricdreamsidreamabout @bookluversposts
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rosemaidenvixen · 7 months
A Secret's Worth
Chapter 37: Barbara
“Did you remember to pack extra socks and underwear?”
“Mo-om!” Jim’s face turned lobster red as he descended the stairs to the main floor.
Barbara chuckled as she picked up the cooler, holding Jim’s contribution to the potluck, from the dining room table “Sorry sorry I know I’m hovering,” she fell in step behind him once he reach the floor, the two of them heading out the front door “I just worry about you,”
And she was worried. 
It wasn’t like this came out of nowhere, she’d known for over a month this was coming. But the summer had flown by, June and the first chunk of July passing in a flurry of therapy appointments carpools and outings and texts with other parents. And now here they were, Bon Voyage only minutes away. 
The two of them headed down the porch, Barbara’s throat tightening when she saw the van idling by the curb. She was so so worried about Jim going through with this. But she knew that most of her worries were anchored in her own paranoia rather than reality. 
This was perfectly safe, they had a plan in place and Jim was a responsible young man who could take care of himself.
That didn’t make it any easier to let him go.
“I promise it’ll all go ok,” Jim hefted his bag higher over his shoulder “We’ve got a game plan, and I packed four pairs of underwear,”
He flashed her a reassuring smile, making her heart clench in a way that both stung and relieved “I know I know, now let’s not keep Mary’s moms waiting,”
The two of them approached the van. Darci’s grinning head poking out an open window “About time, we were considering leaving without you,”
“No don’t!” Toby’s voice rang out from inside the car “He needs to come with us so I can smoke him at horseshoes!”
Barbara left the kids to it and stepped towards the driver's window, nodding at the two women in the front seat “Julie, Amy, good to see you,”.
“Barbara, good to see you to,” Julie repiled with her own nod “You need a hand?”
“Nope I’ve got it,” Barabra stepped around to the back of the car, popping the trunk with her foot and sliding the cooler inside before shutting it again. Around the side of the car Jim had already placed his overnight bag inside and was about to step in himself.
A surge of emotion overcame her and before she knew what she was doing Barbara darted towards him and snagged Jim in a tight hug.
“Love you kiddo, have fun and stay safe,”
Jim was stiff for a few seconds before he softened into her embrace, returning her hug with one of his own “Love you to mom, I promise I’ll be fine,”
Her heart swelled, Jim nestled snug against her. In that moment Barbara wanted more than anything to hold Jim close and never let him go.
But she let him go, stepping back onto the sidewalk while Jim climbed inside the van. Flashing one final smile towards her before shutting the door. Less than a second later the van pulled away from the curb. Through the open window she could see Jim waving at her as they went.
Barbara tugged her lips up into what she hoped resembled a grin, giving a jerky wave back.
Then the van rounded the corner past a grove of trees, both it and Jim vanishing from sight.
Now it was just Barbara, standing all alone on the side of the road.
Jim was gone, heading the furthest he’d ever been from her reach, and he wouldn’t be coming back for two days.
Stomach going tight and eyes starting to water, Barbara forced herself to pick up her feet and move back towards the house.
This was perfectly safe, Jim was a teenager, a smart mature responsible teenager, he could look after himself.
He wouldn’t be alone, he’d have his friends, and responsible adult supervision.
This was fine. This was necessary. She and Jim needed to learn how to function separately from each other.
But god was it hard.
Jim was far away and if anything changed or something happened and he needed help she wouldn’t be there and she was so so worried.
Barbara stepped through the front door, shutting it behind her and leaning back against the wood. Closing her eyes and pulling in a deep breath.
And that was ok.
She was worried about Jim, and that was ok. It didn’t make her smothering or overbearing or paranoid. It was ok to worry about her son while he was away on an overnight trip. Now what was she going to do with that worry?
Realistically if something did happen she would get a call from Jim or one of his friends or another adult. She should keep her phone fully charged and on her person at all times in case of an emergency, and unless something did happen that was all she could do. But she shouldn’t just sit and stare at the phone all day waiting for it to ring, that would change nothing and help no one.
Fortunately she’d planned ahead on a distraction.
Pushing off the door and striding into the kitchen, Barbara grabbed the spiral notebook and pen off the counter and the totebags off the floor before heading back outside.
Running errands, and not just the grocery store.
First she’d run by the hardware store to pick up spare home repair supplies, then hit the department store for new clothes and sheets, and finally the grocery store to stock up.
With all Barbara had planned she should well and truly be able to distract herself from Jim’s absence for the rest of the day. Of course after she was done….
Well by then enough time should have passed to take the edge off.
Despite these rationalizations, Barbara still felt dark clouds lurking at the edge of her thoughts as she hopped inside the car, tossing her items onto the passenger seat. Visions of all the ways Jim’s little trip could go horribly wrong. Fighting the knee-jerk urge to shove the thoughts away, Barbara tried to address them as she pulled out onto the street.
His secret being exposed, his friends would cover for him.
A medical emergency, those were just as likely to happen here.
Mauled by a bear…well  the bear might actually lose.
The thoughts acknowledged, Barbara now tried to let them flow away. It wasn’t easy but she was getting better. Like Rose said, there was a big difference between acknowledging and working herself into a lather. 
Jim was gone on a two day trip. He was as safe as reasonably possible but she was still worried. And that was ok. Learning to cope with her worries was an important step for both of them. It was still so so hard, but that was ok to.
Barbara found herself saying that a lot lately.
It had been a month and a half yet somehow felt like it happened both yesterday and centuries ago. A month and a half since James had blown everything she thought she knew out of the water, since she’d started seeing Rose, since her entire way of living for over a decade had been flipped on its head. Leaving her adrift in uncharted waters, unsure of where she was headed or what currents would pull her.
A month and a half and Barbara still hadn’t quite found her bearings.
The blue and white Lowes sign came into view as she pulled into the parking lot. Barbara parked at the far end, the walk would be good for her, and grabbed her notebook.
Alright, time to get out of her own head and be productive.
She hopped out of the car and strode into the store.
And her time in the store was very productive. She bought spare light bulbs, nails, and screws. Looked at the fridge and freezer units, they didn’t actively need one right now but it couldn’t hurt to get some ideas for the future, and had a lovely conversation with a man in the PPE section. 
His name was Mike, he was from Milwaukee and he was here for his son’s graduation from engineering school in Los Angeles.
So when Barbara got back in the car she checked her phone, finding no new messages from Jim or the others, and she was pleased to see the better part of two hours had gone by, and she was still more or less put together.
Next stop, Macys.
Macys proved to be much more hectic than Lowes, because apparently July was an appropriate time to start a back to school sale, but despite the crowds Barbara still managed to get everything she came for and a few sale items.
In fact the trip was so busy that it wasn’t until she got back to the car that Barbara realized she hadn’t thought about Jim once during her rush for sheets and sale price t-shirts.
And after checking her phone, seeing no new messages or texts, she realized she didn’t feel bad about that.
Barbara felt not good, but better than she thought she would as she pushed her cart down the aisle at the grocery store. Jim had gone away for the weekend, and while he wouldn’t be back for a while, so far the sky hadn’t fallen, no catastrophe had happened, and no one had called her with bad news. Barbara had been trying to convince herself all day that this was going to be fine, but only now was she really starting to believe tha–
Her cart rounded the corner and her good mood crashing down to the ground and her heart shooting straight up into her throat.
She hadn’t seen him since that awful night, so much time had passed she’d been starting to hope that he’d left town of his own volition, but here he was. Blinking back at her from across the soup aisle.
His nose had a crooked hunch to it that hadn’t been there before, he’d likely never gotten it properly set after it had been broken, but the man in front of her was still unmistakably James.
For the longest time neither one of them said anything, just staring at each other with the creaking of other shoppers' carts and the store’s radio droning around them.
James was gaping, his mouth flapping open and shut like a fish before he finally managed to get words out.
“Barb I…I’m sorry,”
That broke the spell, shattering the bubble that had formed around her mind and letting rationality crash back in.
Seeing him again brought up a whole storm of conflicting emotions, one that she was nowhere near prepared to untangle. But through all the chaos in her mind one thought was clear.
She didn’t want this man anywhere near herself or her child ever again.
Barbara pulled her cart back, turned on her heel, and immediately started walking the opposite direction. From behind she heard James’ shoes slapping against the linoleum as he struggled to catch up.
“Didn’t you hear me? I’m sorry.”
“That’s nice.” Barbara said, please at how sharp and clipped her tone came out, rounding her cart around the edge of the aisle.
“I messed up bad and let you and Jim down, and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make it up,”
“Good for you.”
This time she heard a falter in his steps, stopping for a few moments before continuing on after her “Look Barb, ever since I left, things have been hard,”
He darted around to the front of her cart, blocking her path and causing her to halt in her tracks “Will’s bar didn’t work out, for the past five years I’ve been working odd jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. And Heather….Heather cheated on me,”
Another step towards her “I need help getting back on my feet, if you could find it in your heart to just let me stay with you for a few months, six tops, I promise I’ll be there for you the way I should have been all this time,”
Barbara narrowed her eyes, staring at him for a few more seconds before steering the cart around him, walking further down the aisle, exiting it for one of the main corridors of the store. James still following on her heels.
“Barb look I’m pouring my soul out here,” a petulant edge crept into his voice “I’ve already apologized, what more do you want me to do?”
She didn’t slow down, or even turn her head “Go to Vegas, become a millionaire, or go to Hollywood and become an actor. Quite frankly I don’t care what you do, but there is no place for you with me or in my family,”
An abrupt shuffle and a rustle and suddenly James was kneeling on the floor in front of her cart, several other shoppers stopping and staring at the sight.
“Barb I…I fucked up real bad, there’s no way around that. But these past ten years have been so hard. It took me all that just to realize how much you and Jim mean to me. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness,”
No one moved, all the other shoppers staring at him in stunned silence, while James looked up at her, expression pleading.
For a moment Barbara was so taken aback all she could do was stare, mouth agape.
Then his laughter, cruel and mocking, from when he’d learned exactly what he’d done to Jim echoed in her mind and all shock vanished. Replaced with searing rage.
Barbara glared down at him, feeling her lips pull up into a snarl, cold fire smoldering in her chest.
“James let me make this clear. I don’t care about anything you have to say because your actions have proven that you don’t care about Jim and I,” her voice was icy and diamond hard “Whether or not you’re sorry is irrelevant, you’ve burned every bridge between us. And how dare you try to manipulate me by causing a scene in public.”
James flinched back at that, kneeling there on the floor face twisted up in a wince. Someone in the small crowd around them coughed.
“Dude, just get up,”
Not wasting a second, Barbara strode past James and pushed her cart to the front. She paid for and bagged her groceries without incident, all of them fitting in a single tote bag over her shoulder. For a moment she’d started to believe that she’d evaded James for good, but just when she was heading out the doors James darted in front of her again.
“Look Barbara I don’t want to do this, but if you don’t give me a hand I’ll take custody of Jim,”
Hearty laughter burst out of her, drawing stares from the other shoppers and employees around them entering and exiting the store “You’re going to try for custody after ten years of no contact and zero child support? Please do, let me know how that turns out,”
For a few moments James just stared at her, blinking in surprise, then the pleading look dropped off of his face in an instant, something dark taking its place “Don’t laugh Barb, I know your biggest secret. Now either you help me out or I’ll expose Little Jimmy’s ‘condition’ to the whole world,”
That threat sent a bolt of fear through her, heartbeat stuttering, but she dared not show it “You sure about that?” Barbara kept her shoulders square and voice steady, looking him dead in the eye and trying to project a confidence she didn’t feel “Because you have no proof and I’ve got five witnesses willing to say that Jim’s an average teenage boy. Not to mention with the trespassing and assault charges against you I don’t think anyone in Arcadia’s going to be inclined to believe you,”
James’ face darkened further, expression stony and all traces of remorse gone.
Or maybe they’d never been there in the first place. Maybe she was seeing James’ real face for the first time.
“You’re going to regret screwing me like this Barb,”
The cold certainty in his words chilled her to the bone, having to fight to maintain her poker face as she stepped around him and walked out the door “You did this to yourself James,”
Barbar headed out to her car, constantly glancing back to make sure James wasn’t following. Tossing her bag in the backseat before getting in herself and locking all the doors.
Then promptly burst into tears, fumbling for her phone with badly shaking hands. Somehow managing to pull up her contacts and bring it to her ear.
“Hello Rose?”
Barbara stepped through the front door, setting the last of her bags down on the floor while it swung shut behind her. She trudged over to the recliner and collapsed down in it, letting out a gusty breath. Today had been exhausting, in more ways than one, but at least it was over.
Sunlight streamed in through the windows, blinds open since Jim was on his trip, it set later this time of year. Nearly six o clock and it was still bright out. And it was just about time for…
Her phone chimed to life, Barbara fumbling to answer it, tapping the screen and holding it close to her ear.
“Hey mom,” Jim’s voice rang out
“Hi kiddo,” she replied, a soft grin spreading across her face
And just like that, hearing her son’s voice so bright and happy, all the stress and anxiety of the day melted away “It’s good to hear from you. How’s your party going?”
“Great!” Jim said with a deep laugh. Too deep…
“Wait Jim have you…changed already?”
“Yup, about fifteen minutes ago,”
Despite herself she shot forward in her seat “But it’s so early?”
“Up in the mountains the sun sets earlier I guess, but it’s fine. I’m out in the woods, tent’s all set up for the night, but the gang and I are going to meet up later for snacks and scary stories. Well they’ll have snacks, I’ll have the wrappers the snacks came in,”
A soft laugh escaped “I’m…I’m glad you’re having a good time,”
She was, she really really was. She was glad her worries were for nothing and everything was going ok and Jim was having a fun time without her.
But she’d be lying if she said it didn’t sting a little. Jim, her little boy, had outgrown her. Jim was off on his own and doing just fine without her.
Which was good. He was fifteen, it was only natural for him to be more or less independent. But knowing how right this was didn’t do anything to stop her from feeling left in the lurch.
“Yeah….hey mom?”
“Thanks for letting me come on this trip…I know it’s a big change,”
From out of nowhere a crippling ache struck through her chest, burning surging up behind her eyes “Of course sweetie,” Barbara was careful to not let the sudden wave of emotion color her words “I want you to have a good time with your friends,”
“It’s just, for so long thinking about the future, what I do with all this…it scared me, I didn’t think that there was any way I could be happy. But now when I think about what comes next and everything we’re going to do together, for the the first time ever I’m excited about it,”
Her glasses fogged “That’s great hon,”
“I mean…for years I thought I was trapped, with the way I was stuck in the house, but I guess in the end I wasn’t nearly as trapped as I thought I was. Does that make sense?”
“Y– yes, yes it does,” she tried but wasn’t quite able to keep the tremor out of her voice.
“Thanks mom, I hope you’re having a good time to,”
“You know it, alright I don’t want to keep you from your candy wrappers,” that was a lie, she could talk to Jim for hours, but the longer she stayed on the line the greater the risk of him hearing her cry “I’ll talk to you later kiddo,”
“Ok, bye mom, love you,”
“Bye sweetie, Love you to,”
A tap of the screen and she was alone again. For a few minutes she stayed where she was sitting back in the chair, blinking away the remains of tears with Jim’s words echoing in her skull, observing the empty house in a whole new light.
Jim wasn’t a little boy, he didn’t need her the way he did when he was five. That was good for him, he was old enough he should be independent and living his own life. At first she’d felt left behind, but maybe this was a good thing for her to.
Barbara didn’t have a young child with complex needs that had to be figured out as they went along. Her child was a teenager now; confident, self reliant, and had a rich social life with friends his age. He didn’t need her–
For the first time instead of bringing pain that thought made her feel so dizzyingly light.
She could get in the car right now, drive to Arcadia National park, paint the sunset, and drive back at midnight while hitting every roadside attraction on the way. And Jim would still be A-ok hanging out with his friends at their party. Right now Barbara could do anything she wanted and Jim would still be fine, the whole world seemed to be opening up to her. She could explore museums, pick up old hobbies, paint the town red with her fr–
Before she realized what she was doing Barbara was lifting up her phone again and pulling up her contacts, raising it to her ear as it rang. Only three rings and the other person picked up.
“Hello?” Nancy’s voice echoed out.
“Hi Nancy it’s Barbara, I was just wondering…” she trailed off, suddenly unsure.
“Wondering what?”
“I guess, I mean…it’s still early tonight,” Barbara stammered “And I was wondering if you wanted to go out and…I don’t know, maybe do something like hit up a restaurant or–”
“Count me in!” 
“Are you sure? I mean I don’t want to interrupt your evening–”
“Barbara reruns of Mistrial and Error are still going to be here tomorrow. Now you get your car started while I head over, we’re hitting the town!”
A smile tugging at the edges of her mouth and excitement she hadn’t felt in years bubbling up in her chest, Barbara stood and all but ran towards the door.
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markswify · 1 year
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𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞
☙Mark x Virgin F!reader
☙Warning: Praise k!nk,Degrading K!nk, Penetration K!nk,Oral Giving and Receiving,Daddy K!nk
☙Word count: 600-1k
It was March 27 the day before NCT DREAM’s Comeback GLITCH MODE. You normally wouldn’t care about mark not being home but today was special,It was your anniversary and mark has forgotten. You wait Hours for him to get home, You read the time it read 1:37 AM. You sigh sitting next to the food you had made for you and marks date, Cold and lonely just like you. As you sit at the table you start to doze after a couple hours have passed you read it read 2:19 AM.
☙Time skip- 3:53 AM
Mark finally walked though the door, He knew you would be up you normally stay up to see him walk in the house. “Hey babe” he said coming closer to you. “Hello mark.” You said coldly not sparing him a look, “What’s wrong” he asked confused. He was was also a little concerned because you almost never called Mark unless you were mad at him. “Oh nothing” You say storming off to your shared room. You get in your bed and pulls the blanket over you,After marks done changing he hops in bed with you and hugs your waist. “Baby what’s the matter?” He asks once again “So you really don’t know do you..” You start tearing. You sit up in your shared bed to talk better, “Today was our anniversary and you forgot” you say tearing up Marks heart drops to his stomach “I'm so sorry baby…” “I didn’t mean it. I’ll make it up to you”.
And as promised mark made it up to you. You went on date, went shopping, went to the beach. You finally made it home at 2:46 in the morning, “I had so much fun today mark!” “I’m glad you did” mark replied happily. You guys had to decided to watch a movie and chill. Mark slyly starts to slide his hand on your thigh “I love you Y/N and I’m sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday I j-” “Mark i already said I forgive so it no need to say this” You passionately kiss marks lips in a fast motion as your kiss kissing mark you decides to sits on his lap and start slowly grinding on his lap. “M-mh” you hear a moan of pleasure coming from marks mouth you two finally break the kiss after a couple seconds.
“You sure you wanna do this?” Mark asks. Yes I’m sure” As soon as you give mark the green flag he attacked your neck in almost in a hurrying motion “A-ah mark..” you moan you continue to grind on his lap your lips finds its way back to his. The kiss is filled with lust & hunger. You slowly fall down to your knees and start to unzip his pants. “Could you..hurry a little” as requested you take his dick out his boxers and as you’re undoing his boxers you stop to suck and kiss on the tip..he moans and gasps while you continue to undo his boxers. You then say “mark I've never did this before I'm not sure what to do..” mark looks you up and down and says “it’s okay baby just follow my lead“ he then gets up to get the lube out the drawer and then pulls you down on his lap and smiles at you then he kisses you. He starts to undress you from top to bottom as he kisses your neck you moan and whimper and start to squirm in his lap. “Mark..” “Hold on baby” as your sitting on his lap he starts to put the lube one the dildo “Here” He says “Practice on this” You put the dildo in your mouth and start to suck on the dildo. You start to bob your head on it and deepthoat it “Seems like it not your first time to me” you just hum as a response.
“You ready for the real thing?” You nod,Mark pulls out the dildo and it comes out following with a popping sound. Your mouth finally meets with marks penis and you start sucking just as you did the dildo. “Fuck..” Mark moans you continue to suck his dick you start to play with his balls earning a low groan from mark “Fuck Y/N your doing so well” after a couple minutes of sucking you feel that Markie close as he’s twitching in your mouth. “F-Fuck Y/N keep going just like that A-ah~” “Such a good little slut for daddy” a couple more thrust in your mouth and mark finally released with a loud groan “You still hard?” “Yeah,Since you did so well I’ll give my princess a little treat…” Mark pushed you on and pulls your shorts and panties off “You sure you wanna go through with this?” “Yes I do mark” That was all the consent mark needed.Following with that he puts his tongue on your clit and starts to flick it “A-Ah Mark..”
You moan as mark continues to eat you out. His tongue working on your pussy “I make you feel good baby?Does daddy make you feel good?” You start to feel a tightening in your stomach “M-Mark I might cvm!” Mark add 2 fingers in you and starts to thrust while sucking on your clit “A-Ah~” you moan as you cvm on his fingers “you were so good for me princess” Marks licks his lips “Are you ready baby?” “Yes mark..” Mark takes his penis and slowly puts his penis in your pussy. Once he fits in he slowly starts to thrust in your pussy “Fuck~ Your so wet” He starts to thrust faster “FUCK-SHIT MARK” you moan loudly “shh baby we may get a noise complaint” he says hoping that you quiet down. He continues to fuck you roughly, “Fuck..” mark moans with a low groan. You can tell mark is close because of his moves becoming sloppier and messier. “Fuck I’m close baby” you come and mark follows after
“You wanna go again” “Hell yeah”
The end
Big Jaedah
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