honestly the worst thing about adhd for me is that a new hobby or hyperfixation is one of the greatest sources of joy, but its always haunted by the knowledge that it won’t last and i don’t get to decide or even know how long. I can’t count on being interested in anything long term.
it feels like theres a clock ticking above my head and i cant see how much longer i get to enjoy something. i can’t start big projects for fear of never finishing them. i have to hold myself back from anything that requires long-term commitments or consistency because i can’t rely on future-me to follow through.*
when i pace myself and try to casually keep up with something after the hyperfixation ends it just isn’t the same, the joy is gone. when i say fuck it and just let myself run, i end up trying to cram years of a hobby into weeks or months. i bite off way more than i can chew, burn out spectacularly, and spend the next month feeling guilty every time i look at the pile of expensive, unused materials that i sat down one day and never picked back up.
Theres a toll that years of it takes on your self-trust, it compromises your ability to make decisions without second guessing the most basic things. “What will I want?” and “what will I like?” aren’t any less opaque at six months from now than six years. I can’t count on what I want. In a way, I can’t count on myself and there’s a grief that comes along with that.
i see so much about dealing with adhd shame, but i dont think i’ve heard more than one person express the grief that comes with losing something you really love, not because it leaves you, but because your body simply decides without your permission to stop loving it.
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varilien · 2 years
he’s like if a rubber chicken were a person
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tangerinesteve · 2 years
one of my favorite things about season 4 is how Steve has NO IDEA how to handle or react to Eddie. Like, it doesn't help that eddie has no personal space. And yes eddie did shove a broken bottle into his neck, but steve forgave him for that I'm betting immediately after he heard Eddie's story and realized how fucking TERRIFIED he was. And this is like, shipping them aside. Steve has no idea how to handle this nerdy guy who is HIS age, and who is just... so fucking OPEN about how he's feeling, telling him he feels like a coward, and how he's jealous of steve cuz dustin talks about him so much and clearly cares so much about steve. And eddie like... JUST met steve, officially anyway, they clearly knew of each other before, but he JUST met and is just... telling him all this personal shit while swaying in and out of Steve's personal space, and Steve is in pain and is just like, who the fuck IS this guy. And then Eddie's like... the way you bit that bat was..... kinda cool as fuck my dude... kinda attractive... very very badass on the whole my guy. And steve just.... has no idea what's happening cuz this guy is A LOT.
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oxavane · 2 years
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this gorgeous ruby-eyed bastard <3
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sosaysdean · 2 years
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aimasup · 2 years
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Just some thoughts I had to combine one of my favourite holidays with a fandom I'm currently in.
Bonus abandoned moon sketch:
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I originally planned twin pieces for sun and moon, basically moon's one was going to be like the more calmer versions of the lion dance, with improvised softer music (courtesy of Music Man). It was also gonna be one of those costumes with LEDs that make it glow in the dark with sparkles and stuff twas gonna be dope af
Anyways Happy Lunar New Year/Chinese New Year to all who celebrate it! May your belly be full and the firecrackers/fireworks be set off far far away from you because those buggers are loud. So loud.
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sunnfish · 2 years
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Grooming! 🚂✨🪶
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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#growth™ (insp)
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boobchuy · 3 years
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hi yes hello i have a lot of feelings about this family
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repmet · 2 years
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The Pendragon Sword Twirl™
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aurosoul · 2 years
I feel like I’m at the stage where I need to start advertising this more but I have a webcomic!!!
it’s about cetacean sapience - the idea that dolphins and whales have the capacity for conscious thought and language. the link above goes to Webtoons, but you can also read it on Tumblr and on DeviantArt!
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(3D model and animation by The7thSea)
ps: reblogs appreciated to spread the word!! 🐬💙
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queenrisa14 · 2 years
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palipunk · 2 years
Religion does play a part in what’s happening in occupied Palestine, but we can be aware of this without framing what’s happening as a “religious conflict” - its an issue of settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing - its not a Islam vs Judaism issue, this type of rhetoric erases the very real experiences of Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Jews, and Palestinians of other minorities, religious or not.
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skellizo · 2 years
Dude not people turning against Marc because of this ep like my dudes…
This man is under high fucking stress like
not only is his wife back and now her lifes on the line again,
his big enemy is now a step closer to resurrecting Ammit, an egyptian goddess,
if he doesn’t fulfill Khonshus wishes, his wife is gonna be the next avatar and we don’t know if you have to be killed and resurrected for that to happen
and he had to watch from the sidelines how Steven almost got them killed and has put the whole operation/mission at risk
Mans allowed to be a bit on edge wouldn’t you think…?
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happy-xy · 2 years
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meggo-my-eggo · 3 years
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A short bob would look so cute on Marinette
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