#doctor cossack
I've not fully read the Megaman IDW comics but i really really liked how much spotlight and personality they gave Cossack, i wish that the mainline games also gave some attention to Cossack properly (other than mentioning him by name for creating Tundra Man and other stuff)
What's your take on Cossack?
cossack owns, he's my favorite of the classic trio of doctors.
out of the three, we know the absolute least about him for the reasons you already mentioned--most of what we know is from the expanded verse in the Archie/Megamix comics. but it's clear he's a decent guy.
a lot of his appeal for me lies in the fact that he's clearly coded as a villainous mad scientist archetype. there's a lot of things to be said as for why the bad guys tend to be more appealing to fans than good guys. there's a frequent psychological pull towards the antagonists or edgy rivals as opposed to the straight-laced heroes.
meanwhile, right in the middle of the 90s, Russia and Russian characters were pretty clearly the designated go-to antagonists of choice for the yanks, and everything about Cossack plays into that archetype. his castle is an onion dome, the C logo is reminiscent of a star-and-sickle, his design is based on the revolutionist Trotsky, his music is stylized after traditional Russian music emphasizing the staccato notes interspersed between mournful melodies, and his fortress is set in the grim deathly russian snow. he clearly is designed after every single stereotypical antagonistic beat possible, the eeeeeeevil Russian bad enemy guy. hell, his original name was apparently going to fucking be Dr. Vice.
and yet, he's a hero. not just that, he's a personable hero. he loves his family. he loves his daughter. he wants to do right by her and take care of her. he's clearly just as into design as Wily is, but without the copy-paste of other people's robots. he's a self-made man, a man's man, who worked to get to his position and now works for his family. he's had tragedy befall him and yet pushes on through and helps Light.
having someone clearly leaning into the villain #aesthetic but still be a stalwart good guy is 2000% my jelly and i am all here for it. i'll take five with a side of pirozhki and vodka.
oh yeah and megaman 4 was a good game
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mergedau · 2 months
What if Shadow still falls from the Ark but instead of Eggman finding him it's the Cossacks.
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sminny-wew · 20 days
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Icarus rising
Nothing will stop him
So fly high, to the light
Me n Dune were talkin a while back about Bass and he came up with a rough concept for a form for him inspired by future bass that was shoujo as hell and I finally got around to drawing it
Bonus b/c even Cyberworld gods of destruction have loved ones:
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Clara: Doctor, where've you been? It's been hours!
The Doctor: Uh, helping a few people write a letter.
Clara: What people? And what sort of letter takes hours to write?
The Doctor: If you must know, it was the Zaporozhian Cossacks. And it's the sort of letter you send to a sultan.
Clara: Oh, so it was a diplomatic letter, or something?
The Doctor, sweating: Er, yes.
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bowsnbots · 3 months
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—"I will not be contained much longer."
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Question that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a week: which famous occultist/esotericist was a born and bred Poster before their time. Who was made for the forums
Easily Paracelsus. My man would be an INCREDIBLE poster.
Paracelsus was kinda the first person to think that a real doctor ought to actually have boots on the ground, and treat patients in person. He traveled a TON, and kept getting himself into Scenarios like getting kidnapped by cossacks and charming his way out.
He regularly says shit like "there is more wisdom in my shoelaces than the entirety of Galen, more knowledge in my beard than the whole of Avicenna." Which is the equivalent of saying "The STREETS taught me more than your "Plato" ever could." But the thing is that he was RIGHT. He was a supreme shit talker, but he completely revolutionized medicine. Meaning he talked shit with the confidence of someone who knew he was right.
Legend has it that at the university of Württemberg, they would kick off every school year with a big bonfire and a feast to "burn away the old year." And Paracelsus was such a showboat that he started burning old medical texts to demonstrate his distaste for the medical establishment. The man would just do shit.
As a poster, I think he would be an early renaissance combination of Skweezy Jibbs and Trump.
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lunarlicorice · 6 months
weekly mourning of archie mega man time. if they only could have done 4 & 5 i would have lost my mind
introducing cossack and his robots early was such a good idea compared to "btw here's this other doctor guy he's evil" bc you actually have a little bit of doubt as to why cossack would suddenly be so hostile (light already having his doubts by the intro). he is a little bit of a shithead in archie which also preserves the "well maybe he did just decide to be evil" side too.
meeting kalinka before she becomes a plot device makes her kidnapping actually distressing. i think most of what i got from 4 was "oh no, this kid's been kidnapped, that's bad" but seeing her actually scared out of her mind was heartbreaking (i feel like this version of kalinka would probably try to break herself out if given enough time alone... this is her second hostage situation)
blues deciding to do good going into 4 was definitely a "oh my god finally" moment and it kinda just gets cut off. i think him getting to do one good thing by saving kalinka to make up for some stuff and then immediately getting framed by wily would be so interesting because. well he's kinda done some shitty stuff the whole time, similar to cossack it's more believable he might do that in the eyes of other characters beyond "well idk anything about this guy to disprove it". trying to clear his name and no one believes him etc.
with rock's constant dilemma of not wanting to hurt anyone, also getting to know and fight alongside pharaoh man was sure to have hurt much more going into 4 than it usually would had they not met.
and tempo... she was just getting her memories back. it would have been so cool to see her become her own person again. her story was basically only getting started alongside blues' and it just got canned.
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
Hi, Hope you are well. Regarding the Batman/Daredevil conversation, you mentioned that there was a difference between jewish and catholic guilt and that Batman had more of the former. Would you mind elaborating?
I'm doing fine, thanks. So I was talking about this with a friend, and I think the specific elements of Batman's guilt that make it vibe to me more as Jewish guilt than Catholic guilt is the strong element of survivor's guilt, the cossacks-are-coming always anticipating/planning for worst-case scenarios, the sense that you always could be doing more. (Also, he could have been a doctor.)
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By contrast, Daredevil's guilt is usually about him feeling that he's committed a sin he needs to expiate, or that he/the people he loves are being punished because of his sins, and there's also elements of original sin in the idea that Murdocks have "the devil in them."
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Volnutt explaining the Family tree to his friends is so fucking funny. Like I just know the look of their faces would be from extremely morbid confusion and horror. While volnutt does this Pepe Silvia thing by linking of the relationship possibly connected the wish’s and Cossack families. The reveal that Volnutt has a MASSIVE Family, filled with Uncles and Aunts in the form of the Robot masters and The light Sibling trio.
Some Dialog to accommodate it cause trash
Barret: Fuckin sparks Vol how far the tree even goes!? I mean how did you even know your relatives there!?
Volnutt: Well okay so…there’s this weird thing
thing that robots have in that era to be their identifiers like these numbers thing they have going on
Roll: So like IDs then? Kinda sounds like what Tron does with her Servbots, she gives them numbers to identify them.
Volnutt: Yeah! Something like that Dad said that ours is “DLN” standing…ummmm…Doctor Light Number.
Aero: “Doctor Light Number” that's a weird thing but makes sense since back in their Era. Back then Robots…didn’t have much freedom…especially the ones with sentience till Reploids where a thing
Barrett: Pretty messed up to begin with but hey it was wayyy before everything happened so can’t blame the humans tho.
Roll: Actually, I wonder if your dad has a number ID like the rest of the Robot Masters before becoming a carbon. Since he was the last creation of your grandfather.
Volnutt: Well…I did ask him but he went quiet…he just says that it doesn’t matter cause at the end of the day we’re still family so we don’t think about that much…plus we share the last name so I guess it makes sense. Plus it’s been thousands of years so it doesn’t make sense for him and us to have our Numbers.
Barret: Like Volnutt don’t wanna sound over dramatic, but your family is low key wild. Especially your old man cause by the sounds of it he’s REALLY OLD LIKE EVEN OLDER THAN OUR POPS! I mean learning history is great and all but doesn’t that mess you up considering how far back that lineage dates back? How do you think your Dad feels about this? Sheesh talk about the worlds oldest fossil-
Aero whacks Barrett upside the head: Hey! It’s rude to say that to Volty you Тупица! Our Папа is also just as old as him! And Uncle Zero too!
Barrett: Hey! Hey! Ow!! I know I know but Uncle X and Z is older than him ya know!!
Roll: It’s still rude!!
Volnutt: It’s fine guys, I mean it’s pretty overwhelming genuinely it’s okay! I get to learn so much and the Guardians always learn this stuff too. The stories and history lessons are pretty fun plus Dad doesn’t seem to mind it…kinda wonder if he misses them now that no one remembers them. But it’s our job to honor them at least! Plus Roll we do share the same name as Uncle Rock and Auntie Roll! So that means something!!
Roll: Yeah it’s probably a coincidence but still it means something!! We’ll make them proud for sure!
Volnutt: Yeah!!
(They high five each other)
Barrett chuckles: Dorks ya gotta love them
Aero: Yeah…Значит, мы не рассказываем им о том, как твой отец убил свою приемную семью, верно?
Barrett: Абсолютно
Volnutt and Roll: What are you guys saying?
Barrett and Aero: Nothing!
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Differences between season one of Bungou Stray dogs and the first 16 chapters of the Manga.
Thinks it's neat seeing whats changed and I really like making lists.
Spoilers for the first season of the Anime and first 16 chapters of the Manga.
For context I watched the Anime subbed and read the Manga in English.
In the Anime Atsushi's flashbacks are usually the same one but in the Manga we see different ones of his time at the Orphanage. 
In the Anime the Orphanage has stain glass windows.
Akutagawa coughs a lot more in the Manga. 
(Also Bones did him dirty. 
And Yosano, her hair is so much better in the Manga. Chuuya looks okay but man he do be looking very gremlin like.)
The Azure Messenger stuff isn't in the Manga but is in the Anime. (I think it's taken from the light novel on Dazai's entrance exam.)
When Atsushi bumps into someone while shopping with Yosano who flips out at them and her when she apologises. 
In the Anime the guy tries to guess what her job is, she says she's a doctor. And that he has one arm to many, before breaking the one in her grasp.
In the Manga he calls her a bitch, she breaks his hand and says "then shall I xxx your puny xxx by stepping on them like a proper bitch."
Which he brings up on the train later, blushing and asking did she really mean she'd do, whatever that was.
She's disgusted and bashes his head against the wall.
In the Manga while captured, Dazai calls Chuuya paranoid and tells him his hair will fall out of he frets so much.
Implies it already is and Chuuya takes his hat off to show he's not hiding a bald spot. 
Also in his "you can fool Akutugawa but not me" bit. 
In the Anime Chuuya calls himself Dazai's old partner and in the Manga calls himself Dazai's old friend.
When rescuing Atsushi on the boat, Kunikida in the Anime says no ones getting paid for this rescue. 
And in the Manga says the entire agency is working to save you.
In the Manga Dazai puts on glasses and waves to a random Mafia member saying long time no see before going to archives. 
In the Anime we than see Fitzgerald commenting on the bounty plan being a failure.
But in the Manga we see that he's talking about it to Agatha Christy.
Who's listed as, the commander of the order of the clock tower. With the ability "And than there were none."
Before seeing Fyodor Dostoyevsky, head of the underground organisation, "Rats in the house of the head"with his ability "Crime and Punishment."
(Which I think is written in Russian.)
After Fukuzawa agrees to take Kyouka in.
Minoura, the police guy who had to arrest his own subordinate in that case Ranpo took over, comes in. Says he had a case.
In the Anime that's where the scene ends. 
But in the Manga it carries on, he spots Kyouka and mentions she looks like the orphan girl turned ruthless assassin who has a warrant for her arrest. 
He asks about her parents, if she has any legal documents. 
Atsushi cuts in saying he found her after receiving a request from the government to look for this child.
... Just as he was doing the cossack dance in a wheat field. 
(Which is apparently also known as the Hopak, a Ukrainian folk dance.... Which, is quite the story Atsushi.)
Junichiro internally says that it's a great improvisation while Kunikida internally calls him a moron.
Fukuzuwa than interjects and says she's his grand-daughter and seeing them both eye him, Minoura is just like... They're cut from the cloth and apologises for his rudeness.
In the Anime Junichiro tells them the case for the car being stuck in a building. 
In the Manga Kunikida asks for the present from the police and Kenji holds up a folder saying you mean work. 
In the Anime Kunikida says it'll be good for Atsushi to shadow other agents and quickly learn the ropes.
In the Manga he tells Atsushi he can't keep being pampered (weird thing to say to a guy who was just kidnapped) and needs to start working with his fellow agents to get used to his job.
But Kunikida does pat Atsushi's shoulder and says he should be alright.
In the Manga we see Higuichi find Akutugawa in the sea.
In the Anime during her conversation with Mori about Akutugawa's condition, Elise is drawing with crayons on the floor.  While in the Manga she's sat at Mori's side.
In the Manga while explaining the rules of Anne's game, Lucy says violence is prohibited in the room and they can't destroy anything in there.
In the Manga after Dazai returns and tries to get Atsushi to write his report, Kunikida ponders that Dazai is always messing with Atsushi.
But there's a note saying "and yet he doesn't stop him.” 
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You perfectly explained Dr wily! That being said...
What do you think about skullman in this equation?
I always liked headcannoning that Dr Cossack made *Skull* man to partially get back at Wily. Like: I took your aesthetic, now you can't use *Skull* for a robotmaster theme without being redundant!
But it's kinda funny to think that Wily could have been a really horrible commissioner. Since he forced Cossack to build Skullman.
Thank you for reading this.
i'd believe it! it makes a lot of sense! wily's kind of an asshole like that.
for context for those who may not be in the know:
cossack was very much into making RMs for working with humanity. love and peace, funny mascot robots, and perhaps a bit of h*ndh*lding in between. thing is, he only made 6. maybe he was a bit behind on corporate mandates, he was still stuck on megaman 1 while everyone else had moved on to megaman X12 or something idk.
in communist russia, however, Wily beats you. both Ring Man and Skull Man only came about after Kalinka was kidnapped and Wily forced him to make more robots to razdavit that little blue dweeb. making robots specifically to fight and destroy went against everything that Cossack stood for, and so he went with the image of a skull to signify the death of an ideal and also a ring to signify i don't know wth the hell. maybe a hole because he got fucked. the ariga megamix manga expanded on this and made it so that Ring Man was designed to be a law enforcer robot, who used his rings as cuffs to lock people down, which is pretty cool, and made Skull Man the sole harbinger of ouch because there's not much else you can do with a skull motif except perhaps piracy and high-stakes dentistry.
but i like the idea that Wily's specifically meddling in Cossack's shit because he's that much of a goddamn egotist and Cossack lashing back by specifically targeting Wily's theme.
"zdravstvuyte, bastard. check it out. i'm working on that fighting robot you wanted. you know what would make it better? skulls." "you wouldn't." "what are you going to do, comrade? there's not many other skeleton themes to use. there's a few, though. i've got a few words that come to mind. chto eto za slovo, how do you say it in english..." "don't say it." "would a boner help? do you want to be the boner man? are you going to be the guy who makes a boner man? or are you going to grab someone else's boner man?" "god DAMN YOU." "are you going to cry? piss your pants, maybe? maybe srat and konchit?" "shut the fuck up. i hate you so goddamn much."
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wearewilynumbers · 4 months
Wily stalked off to his quarters trailed by a myriad of his own creations urging, no badgering, him to take a rest. He had gone for months with little to no rest which while not an uncommon occurrence he wasn't getting any younger and that was a point many of them bluntly stated.
While not as vocal Shadow was also part of the crowd urging their creator to rest his mind and body. It was practically a miracle when the stubborn old man had relinquished.
It ended up being a double edged sword for the ninja. He was glad that Wily was finally taking care of himself but now that the doctor wouldn't need his services for a bit it left Shadow with is thoughts.
Had it really almost been a year since their fight?
He had not heard anything directly from Blues since that day. The most he had gotten was a confirmation that the eldest was still alive from Gemini but even now it had been a long time since even his brother had heard from him.
Desperately, he tried to push those thoughts away. Blues had made his feelings clear that day. Still, he felt a ping of worry that nagged and clawed at the back of his thoughts. None of the usual parts that went 'missing' from the store houses had been conveniently lost since their fight. He had been checking daily for any signs of number tampering or missing items and nothing. Perhaps that close call with Metal was too much for Blues in all his disrepair.
A sigh slipped past his lips. His mind was made up and later that night those key parts would once again no longer exist according to the ledgers.
Hours would pass as he carried the delicate packaged tucked in his arms. Each of Blues' hideaways was just as empty as the last. The search itself had started to become an ordeal in frustration. Daylight would break in a few hours which would delay his search further.
If Blues or Tango weren't found soon then he would have to relinquish and give the package to the young Cossack. There was enough time for him to investigate one more of Blues' main hiding spots.
This one was promising. Disturbed dirt around the door was enough to conclude someone had entered the abandoned building fairly recently. Slipping through the shadows to enter was child's play as per usual for someone with his skills. If it was anyone else he was searching for they wouldn't know he was coming.
Blues though, he was frustratingly different.
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cak3o · 5 months
Need to draw the doctors more. Also the cossack bots. That skull man brought me so much joy to draw
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sminny-wew · 20 days
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Related to this
Original meme:
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mmkin · 6 months
Forever Clockwork
I know there's been a lot of Arlong simping on my Tumblr lately (and that is continuing!) but in the meantime I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you some Dr. Wily simping. Arlong x Reader was the first reader fic I wrote, and now I wanna write about another villain getting some love. Link to AO3 as well as the story itself available under the cut. Please enjoy this beautiful Wily picture from @jennoirwolf and some beautiful Gigamix Wily. And yes, the second image is the same picture as referenced in the first chapter of the story.
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Forever Clockwork
Dr. Wily x Reader
I used multiple sources of canon for this – the games, comics, anime, TV series, and manga, so you can imagine whatever version you like, though my favorite visual of Wily is from the Mega/Gigamix manga (now that’s a silver fox!)
This story is set after the Stardroids arc (after Megaman 7 video game-wise)
Megaman does not belong to me and is the property of Capcom, Archie Comics, Hitoshi Ariga, other license holders/copyright holders, etc. Feedback is much welcome and appreciated.
You were one of Wily's students when you were at university. You considered yourself blessed that your last few years of pursuing your degree placed you under the tutelage of the illustrious Drs. Light and Wily. You were a great admirer of their work and ever since you were a kid, you'd always liked tinkering around with various machines, from helping your grandfather with his car to writing code for various projects.
You'd made your way through high school, winning several respectable scholarships that got you into the prestigious university that, at that time, had both of these famous doctors on their faculty, since the doctors had their lab not far from the school.
Dr. Wily was known to be the tougher of the two, but you still considered yourself lucky to be his student, and you’d learned so much from him. Already, even before the first line of Robot Masters was finished, Wily was known as a bit of a troublemaker, but you liked that.
However, you didn't think he would go so far as to steal a whole line of Robot Masters and let them go on a rampage. And then create his own lines of Robot Masters, and then steal them from others like Cossack. It seemed like Wily had a one-track mind as you watched him from afar while advancing through your career. Sometimes though, you wish he hadn't disappeared like he did. He'd gone rogue not long before you graduated with your master's degree.
You'd tried a few different fields before settling in your current one, but you were feeling increasingly dissatisfied with your work for a company that specialized in private, personalized robots. And as you'd come to see, a big part of that was essentially companion bots. Specs would be customized depending on the type of companionship the client was seeking. Sometimes you rolled your eyes when you went over an order, but a job was a job. As much of what you did involved putting together hardware, you could spend long days – or nights – at the company lab. Then you'd drag yourself home. You've tried having a social life, but you have a pretty low social battery.
You plopped down on your armchair after a particularly stressful week. Perhaps it was time to consider a job change. You already had a solid resume, so you were confident you could find a job elsewhere Stretching out your arms, you see a shadow move, and give out a yelp, thinking you’ve surprised a burglar.
It reveals itself to be a robot – no, a Robot Master. Given that you study the Robot Masters others make, you quickly recognize a Wily number – DWN-024. Shadow Man. You stare at him as he inclines his head in a bow, the shuriken on his forehead flashing for a brief moment as it reflected your lamp.
“Doctor Y/n Lastname?" he asks. You're certain he knows perfectly well who you are, but this is a gesture of politeness. Already you find this robot charming. You nod in affirmation, your interest piqued. "I have been sent by Dr. Wily to offer you a job."
Holy fuck. You’d been seriously considering a job change, and one just fell in your lap! And from Dr. Albert Wily, of all people! You didn’t admit it to others, but you continued to follow his career even after he went rogue. And you most certainly didn’t admit that you had a crush on him back then, and still did. He had that silver fox appeal, after all. You stare blankly for a few seconds.
“Are you all right?” you hear the robot ask, and you turn your focus back to him.
“Yeah, yeah. It's just… I mean, I didn't expect to come home to this, you know? I'm not trying to be rude, you just caught me off-guard…!" You let out a nervous laugh. You take a deep breath, collecting yourself. So Dr. Wily wants you to come to work for him. It wouldn't be the first time he's worked with other people, although that didn't always work out for the best. So there's a lot to think about. You haven't built your own Robot Masters like Dr. Cossack or others did, so you have no robots to steal.
You look at the robot. He is a sophisticated piece of work, and your experience tells you that if you were to open him up, you’d likely find a design more sophisticated than whatever your current employer could offer.
“Do you need more information?" Shadow Man asked. You shrugged and nodded, and he rattled off a few things such as labs and equipment, amenities, and such. It actually sounded pretty nice, and certainly didn't sound like an offer that would be made to someone Wily intended to kidnap. You stroke your chin… are you seriously fucking contemplating joining forces with a mad scientist who keeps trying to take over the world?
“How is he?” you ask the robot. It dawned upon you that Dr. Wily must be listening to this conversation. The robot is silent for a moment, almost as if he’s listening for something.
Aha. Wily old bastard.
“You may see for yourself in person. If you accept, of course.”
You're tempted to call out your old mentor. But you smile and shrug. "Well, I would like to see how my old teacher is doing," you say, offering no commitment to the mil ob proposal. You offer Shadow Man a smile, fairly certain that he's video-recording you too. The smile isn't fake, though. You're secretly thrilled at the idea of seeing him again.
The robot offers his hand, and you take it, wondering how much of a gamble you’ve just endeavored on. Fortune favors the bold… at least, you hope.
You blink as you enter a well-appointed lab, and for a moment panic as you wonder if you should have put on some fresh clothes, the robot did sort of ambush you when you'd just gotten home from work… Just as you think to run your finger through your hair to try to look a bit nicer, your heart skips a beat as you see your old mentor.
He looked a few years older, but he was still as much of a silver fox as ever, a handsome sight in his dark clothing that was contrasted by his white lab coat and skeleton-themed tie. He approaches you, arms spread out in a gesture of welcome, like a host receiving a guest. It almost looks like he’s offering a hug. You wish…
“Welcome to my humble abode, Y/n,” he says. “Or would you prefer Dr. Lastname now?” he adds with a small smirk before he offers his hand for you to shake. You take it quickly, feeling the wiry strength in his grip.
“I’m fine with Y/n, though considering this is a job offer perhaps I should go by my professional name…” you shrug. “I can't believe I'm here. After you disappeared…" You shake your head. "I didn't think I would see you again. And believe it or not, I was a little disappointed at that thought."
You try to not blush, hoping he doesn’t read too much in your slip.
“You missed me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Oh, crap. He read you like an open book. Play it cool, play it cool. You shrug and offer a small smile. “What can I say, you were my favorite teacher.”
He grins at that, and you feel your heart fluttering as if you were a silly little schoolgirl. Why the hell does this man have that effect on you? And despite the questionable morality of many of his actions, you do admire his moxie. He’s a stubborn old bastard, and you have to admit his plans for world domination suit him better than the standard mid-life crisis.
None of this means you’re not nervous around him. If you’d not wanted to come here, would he have kidnapped you?
That wouldn't be so bad if he treated you like a princess or something, right? Hah. Damn, you still do have that crush, huh?
“I know a lot of the students thought I was a bastard, so that’s refreshing to hear.”
“I don't know, many of the times you tore into someone, they deserved it, and it was entertaining to watch." Schadenfreude and all that. He laughs at that, and leads you down the building, passing a few robots at work and the like. The space has a lot of the things you'd imagine Wily to have, and you're not disappointed in the setup. It could be a lot of fun to work here… if you're willing to put yourself on the Most Wanted list.
Wily’s POV
It was nice seeing Y/n again. Y/n had been his favorite student and he had considered recruiting Y/n when he’d gone rogue back then. But she was so young and full of potential. He knew he was going on a risky path, and hadn’t wanted to drag her down with him. Oh, it was bloody tempting, though!
But now, she was old and experienced enough, and it seemed that one of his predictions about her had proven correct. She was bright and might not be satisfied in the usual industries that called for expertise in robotics, regardless of how well the job paid. If he was wrong and she eventually found something that made her happy, then good for her. But over the last decade, she'd bounced through several high-paying jobs. And well, he would be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive. She'd been pretty cute, in a nerdy chick way back then, and she still rocked the vibe pretty well. She trailed behind him, glancing over his projects and experiments with a knowing scientist's eye and curiosity.
“Oh hey, that’s neat that you have that picture,” she said as she gestured to a picture on the wall. Granted, it was a copy, but it was one of his favorite pictures, and added a nice touch to his workspace. She gave his tools a respectful berth as she approached the desk, looking at it. A young Dr. Light and Dr. Wily were standing with their first AI project, their arms crossed and up in the air in a symbol of triumph.
“It’s a pretty great picture, isn’t it?” he asked.
“Hell yeah.”
He laughed at that and continued along. He was not stupid enough to think there wasn't a possibility of her coming here just so she could try to steal something. She kept switching jobs, didn't she? Though he had to admit, if she turned out to be a thief, he'd be disappointed. No one was perfect, but surely she respected him too much to do that to him, right?
It was nice listening to her as she asked a question about this or that, and the way she asked seemed genuine, instead of someone digging around for information.
The picture you just commented on is a pretty famous one. It’s iconic in the robotics community given the work that Drs. Light and Wily did for science. Both of them were quite good-looking, but you think Albert has aged better than his old friend. And well, maybe that picture is what you use as the screen on your smartphone?
Are you going to change that before Wily notices? You're about to ask a question before Shadow Man approaches the two of you with tea. It honestly smelled pretty great, and you took the cup that was offered to you. The green tea is slightly bitter but has an edge of sweetness that balances it out nicely, making for a harmonious flavor.
“Oh, this is good,” you murmur as you finish it off. “Best cup I’ve had in a while, I think. You made this?” you ask the robot. He bows his head, and you smile. “My compliments to the chef.”
It seems like he’s genuinely happy at your compliment. He is an elegant robot, and maybe it’s because you’ve been more sympathetic to Wily than most – well, actually, pretty much anyone else – but you wonder about what he said in the past about robots having souls.
“So, how about it?" he asks as Shadow Man pours you another cup. You look down at the clear green liquid in your cup. You are well aware of his track record. He's more than just a man who marches to the beat of his drum. There's a chance this might not end well. But at the same time, he reached out to you. He has a bit more esteem for you than you had originally thought. You look up at him, taking in his lanky form.
Damn, but he really is a silver fox, isn’t he? Legal repercussions be damned – you tried to play it straight and narrow since you got your degree and look where that got you.
“What the hell. I’m in.”
His delighted laugh rings in your ears. And he does sound pleased as punch about it, as if you just made his day.
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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Above, is a photograph of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna (1882 - 1960) with her newborn son and her second husband cavalry officer Nikolai Kulikovsky shortly after the birth of the baby.
Olga was the youngest daughter of Tzar Alexander III. She adored her father but had an ambivalent relationship with her mother throughout their life. Olga Alexandrovna was first married for 15 years to Duke Peter Alexandrovich of Oldenburg, a marriage that was never consummated. The Duke used her money for gambling and would not divorce her when she met Kulikovsky and fell in love. His concession to her was to allow Kulikovsky to live in the same house with them until their marriage was annulled. Olga had always dreamed of having children and was always very close to all her young nieces and nephews.
Her first baby, Tikhon, was born while Olga and her husband Nikolai were under house arrest in Crimea with a number of other Romanovs. Olga's sister Xenia did not tell their mother Minnie that Olga had started laboring until she had given birth, knowing that the Dowager Empress would get too nervous.
This is the way Maria Feodorovna described the birth of Tikhon in her diary on 12 August 1917: “I felt enormous joy and sensed true bliss when I saw how happy Olga was at the birth of her baby... The doctor was delayed. Madame was pleased and proud that she had coped with everything alone. Poor Kulikovsky was not himself at all after all these horrific perturbations. We all embraced and congratulated one another.” She gave birth to her second son, Guri, while still in Russia, in a Cossack village (she left Russia after the other Romanovs.)
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Both sons married and raised families in Denmark and later Canada, where Grand Duchess Olga and her husband settled. Her grand and great-grandchildren survive today. They all choose to live as quietly as possible having no desire to attract attention to their Romanov bloodline.
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Tikhon Nikolayevich Kulikovsky and Guri Nikolayevich Kulikovsky
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Tikhon and Guri as painted by their mother Olga Alexandrovna
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