#dude I figured out how to do animations and sounds in PowerPoint and I think it’s increased my swag by like at least 2.
pebblezone · 1 year
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I need more haters I need violence and fighting
#talkingcore#fun fact! ​the horse was the first horse webkinz!#this is false I don’t have the confrontational skills for haters or maybe they just don’t have enough swag to be confronted by me#dude I figured out how to do animations and sounds in PowerPoint and I think it’s increased my swag by like at least 2.#finished one but fuck it man I’m making more I had more thoughts I need to solidify more thoughts#I’ll scoop back to The Beach Boys eventually (probably not)#In The Meantime Though trying to decide if seras would’ve been an animal jam kid or club penguin kid (real answer is none she’s be idk 26?#also Kenny chesney let me down man was doing so well and Bam suddenly I’m faced with wannabe Jimmy buffet cowboy Christmas album#GIRL STOP SCREAMING IN THE HALL IT’S TUESDAY YOURE SOBER GOD DAMN anyway I just wanted the sad alcoholic tunes#thinking about that dude who was like I made this drink that smells like sunscreen it’s bad But like I want it. I want to consume sunscreen#oh yeah dining hall had matzo ball soup. would I ever seek her out? no but she doesn’t taste like dog water!#happy passover! I’m not missing out on the At Home family experience because my grandpa got Covid. thought it was a cold.#refused to wear a mask. got my mom and grandma sick. and they (grandparents) haven’t tested since so I guess they aren’t hosting!#dude I want to experience a corn pit so bad they’re like the pinacle of sensory good times Fuck it people other than babies deserve corn pit
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ghostly-cabbage · 4 years
Frigid (Chapter 2)
Genre: Horror, Angst
Chapter Rating: M (Language, gore)
Word count: 4,391
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Today is really stressful, but hopefully this makes someone out there feel better. Enjoy and tell me what you think!
Danny flew through every room in the school, even the basement, but the unidentified ghost was gone. He pushed a gloved hand through his hair and swore under his breath. Just his damn luck. At least he’d caught the mountain lion ghost in the thermos. At first glance he’d thought it was Bertrand and Spectra, but that theory had been dashed. The big cat had got him good but it didn’t seem to have any intelligence beyond a wild animal. 
He’d looked long enough that the ghost alarm had been turned off and people started heading back into the building. It was also long enough that his wound had melded together, and the stains on his gloves were the only evidence he’d sustained an injury in the first place. That too would be gone the next time we went ghost. 
He slipped through the wall of the bathroom and dropped down into a stall to transform back. He poked his head out through the door of the bathroom to make sure no one was paying attention. Everyone was too busy trying to figure who’d seen the ghost to care. It was normal for people to hide in the bathrooms during an attack anyway. Right. First things first, he had to put the thermos back in his locker. Classes would resume in a few minutes. 
Sam and Tucker were waiting at his locker when he got there. They perked up when they saw him. 
“Who was it this time?” Sam asked. 
“I don’t know, it was a new ghost,” he said, trying to seem less troubled than he was.
“Ghost Gage readings put it at a level six,” Tucker reported, turning his phone around to show Danny the readout graph that did in fact place its power level around a six.
“What was the reading on the other one?” 
“Let’s see…” Tuck fiddled with his phone for a second before finding it. “Four and a half? A five at first.” 
“A new ghost, huh? That hasn’t happened in awhile,” Sam pointed out. 
“Tell me about it,” Danny unlocked his locker and set the thermos on the top shelf, safe until after school when he could flush the ghost back into the Ghost Zone. “She didn’t seem to know who I was, which is a good thing I guess.” 
“Well, hopefully they won’t come back after you send ‘em back into the Ghost Zone.”
“Yeah…” He rubbed at the back of his neck as he closed his locker. “About that. I sorta only caught one. The level six hightailed it before I could get her pinned down.” Danny started to walk towards his next class. 
“So what’s her deal?” Sam fell into step on his left, and Tucker on his right. 
“I don’t know, I didn’t get much from her. She had one of those stick things that sheep farmers have though.” 
“A shepherd's crook?” Sam supplied.
“Yeah, that. She didn’t say anything to me either, just... screamed.” It wasn’t that odd that a ghost wasn’t very talkative, but something about her was rubbing Danny the wrong way. 
“Creepy,” Tucker said. “I’ll start a file on the ‘Shepherd’ then.” He tapped on his phone as they walked, not even bothering to watch where he was going. Danny reached out and grabbed Tucker’s elbow to phase him through a trash can just before he toppled into it. “Wait, was the scream anything like your wail?”
Danny shook his head. “No, that’s the thing guys, she didn’t directly attack me. Just her lackee mountain lion.”  
“Huh. Well, with any luck, the next encounter will get us some more solid data. Cause right now we’re lookin’ pretty sorry. She wasn’t around long enough to get a read on her core type either.” Tucker's face was wrinkled in concentration. 
“We’ll take what we can get, thanks Tuck.”
“I should really start charging you for my services. You know how much work all this is?” He waved his phone at them.
Danny laughed. “You wanna do my job instead?” Tucker was quiet for a second. 
“Yeah, not a chance.” 
“You sure? I could go find Desiree for old times sake,” Danny suggested with a shit eating grin. Tucker narrowed his eyes at him. 
“Dude. Low blow.” His tone was good humored and easy. One of the perks of being friends so long. They shared a smile and Tucker punched his shoulder. “Alright, I got History, see you guys,” he gave them a two finger salute and peeled off. 
“Did you do the algebra homework for today?” Sam asked as Tucker left. Danny felt his breath seize in his throat.
“There was algebra homework already?” He squawked. 
“Relax, I’m kidding,” she laughed. 
He put a hand over his heart and let out a huge breath. “Sam, don’t do that! Gave me a heart attack, are you trying to kill me again?” 
After algebra Danny had chemistry. He said goodbye to Sam in the hall and headed to the science lab. When Danny got to class Wesley was already there. He was sitting at their table staring a hole into the white board at the front of the room. 
Danny thought back to the last time he’d seen him, cornered against a locker and eyes filled with terror. He dropped his textbook on the table and Wes jumped so violently Danny was surprised he stayed on his stool. His expression morphed from fear to annoyance as he looked at Danny. 
“What’s wrong, man? You look like you saw a ghost,” Danny said. A part of him almost felt bad for going for such an obvious jab, but Wes had made it clear on day one that he didn’t like him. So why be nice? Danny used his foot to drag his stool out and he slumped onto his seat. 
“Ha ha,” Wes replied, voice brittle. He resumed his staring contest with the whiteboard. Danny shrugged, unbothered. Kids came in and took their seats in small groups. Valerie was in this class too, and came in two minutes to the bell. The two still had an unspoken truce that translated into mutual respect. It was pretty close to a friendship. At least when he was Fenton. She came up to stand next to his desk, books tucked in the crook of her arm.
“Hey, Danny. Did you see the ghost today?” From the corner of his eye he saw Wes glance towards them. Val seemed to notice the attention too. “Just curious, from what I can tell not many saw this one. Which is weird for us.” In his last class all the students had been buzzing about the ghost attack, it was the first one of the new school year after all. Everyone had been speculating on which ghost it was and whether Phantom had shown up. 
Danny shook his head. “Sorry, Val. I was on the other end of the building and evacuated with everyone.” 
“Hmm. Okay, thanks.” Danny could see the gears turning in her head, probably frustrated she didn’t get her hands on it /or/ him, but she didn’t say anything else, and went to sit down at her table. Danny could feel Wesley’s eyes on him, and he sighed, turning on his stool to look at him. He was probably going to regret this.
“Lemme guess, you have questions.” Wesley looked reluctant but no less pissed. 
“Everyone just… Accepts that ghosts are a thing here?” He said it in a low voice, like he was afraid of being overheard by someone. 
“Uh. Yeah? Pretty much. Most people anyway. It’s been like this for like two years so… Yeah, people are kinda used to it by now.” 
Wes looked confused and conflicted. He was silent for a beat, before he asked his next question. “What can you tell me about this Phantom guy?” If Danny had been drinking something he probably would have choked on it. 
“Uh. I don’t know, what do you want to know?” 
“Who is he? Why is he here? What’s so special about him?” 
Danny blinked at the barrage of questions and struggled to find words. “Well, he’s—” the last bell rang and Mrs. Merriweather stood up from her desk. Danny almost sighed with relief. She pushed her rounded glasses up, and soothed down her pencil skirt.
“Alright kids, find your seats and settle down. We’re going to review lab safety today, and tomorrow we’ll be starting our first lab. Also the scheduled ghost drill will still be taking place, and because I detest the regulations I’m going to go ahead and tell you it'll be around 2:15 during this class.” She walked across the classroom and flicked off the lights. The projector hummed from its place hanging from the ceiling and Mrs. Merriweather wasted no time hopping to her powerpoint presentation on proper lab etiquette. Danny took the opportunity to shoot a text to Sam and Tucker about the ghost drill. At least this way they didn’t need to be on high alert. Besides, Danny had practically grown up in a lab, he knew this stuff backwards and forwards.
Wes glanced sideways at him, but said nothing. Danny shoved his phone back in his pocket and slouched forward onto the table. He stifled a yawn and struggled to keep his eyes open. A nap sounded fantastic at the moment, he’d been up half the night trying to talk Kitty through her recent fight with Johnny. Jazz said he should try and be helpful and build trust so they were less likely to take out their lovers' quarrels on him. Not having to get smacked around was all well and good but he wasn’t a ghost therapist. That was way more Jazz’s wheelhouse. He’d never say it out loud, because he’d never hear the end of it, but he missed her.
“Mr. Fenton.” Mrs. Merriweather had her hands on her hips. Crap.
“What did I just go over?” 
“Uh… eye protection?” 
She sighed. “Danny, what part of this seems unimportant?” 
“None of it! Er, I mean, all of it? It is important, but I mean it’s not like I can even use any of this stuff anyways so…”
Mrs. Merriweather pinched the bridge of her nose. “And why do you think that is?” Annoyance squirmed in his stomach. “Not because I don’t know anything about lab safety. I know how to be safe in a lab, it’s not rocket science.” 
“Well, since you know everything there is to know, then you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve just decided to give the class a quiz tomorrow on this powerpoint.” There was a satisfied twinkle in her eyes, and Danny swore she loved to torture kids, and being a teacher was the only legal way she could do it. The class broke out into groans. 
“Nice going, Fenton!” Someone spat from behind him. He wanted to phase through the floor and just go home. 
“Pay attention or get detention everyone!” Mrs. Merriweather warned them. It was her favorite thing to say. She turned back to the slide show and continued her spiel. 
The ghost drill was nothing unusual. Despite knowing it was coming, most of the class still jumped when the alarm started, Danny and Wes included. They all evacuated the building and stood outside in the school yard the exact same way they would a fire drill. It was a waste of time, especially since they’d already had a ghost attack today. 
Thankfully, Wes had slipped off to stand with a guy that looked like his older brother, if the resemblance meant anything. Wes probably didn’t want to be seen talking to him if there was any other option. Danny had to hand it to him, he caught on fast. What that also meant was he didn’t have to try and fumble his way through an entire conversation answering questions about Phantom. Danny just hoped Wes ended up asking someone who had a more progressive opinion on him, someone like Paulina, or hell, even Dash. 
Danny spent the last of the drill hanging with Sam and Tucker. The obnoxious sirens had shut off at least. Danny hated those things, his parents had recommended and got approval for the installation at the start of school last year, along with a state of the art ghost detection gadget. After the third “false alarm”, courtesy of him, they got rid of the ghost detection in favor of the manual alarm buttons. That had been a rough week. Danny hadn’t known a peaceful ghost fight at Casper since. 
Eventually the drill was over, and the teachers started ushering kids back into school for the last period.    
“So, what’s going on after school?” Sam asked as they were funneled into the entrance.  
“I’ll probably swing by my house to drop my stuff off, then I’m gonna look around town, see if I can’t find that new ghost hanging around anywhere.”
“Pizza at my place after?” 
“Aw hell yeah, Sam! Wings too?” 
Sam rolled her eyes. “Yeah sure, Tucker, you can order wings. Just keep them away from me, will ya?” 
Danny snorted. “Sounds like a plan, I’ll text when I’m on my way.”
“Or if you need help with that ghost?” she added sternly. 
“Yeah yeah, fine. That too.” He waved a hand dismissively at her. 
Tucker and Sam walked home with him like they normally did, exchanging goodbyes and “see you later”’s at his front steps. They continued down the street as Danny pushed into his house. He took a deep breath, relaxing into the familiar smells of home. It was weird, not seeing Jazz on the couch with twelve open textbooks taking up all the space on the coffee table. He headed for the kitchen, his empty stomach not willing to wait for pizza later. He dropped his bag by the banister so he could pick it back up on his way to his room later. 
When he walked into the kitchen, his mom looked up and brightened. She had a bunch of papers all laying out on the dining table, some in piles and some splayed out in an order that probably made sense to her at least. She didn’t have her goggles on, instead she had them pushed back like a headband.
“Hi, sweetie! I didn’t even hear you come in. How was your day at school?” 
 “Fine,” he said with a noncommittal shrug. Danny walked past the table to the fridge. As he passed he noticed that the papers were readouts and raw data sheets. Some looked like her own notes which featured the words “ghosts”, “core”, “ecto-signature” and the like about a dozen times. It wasn’t exactly abnormal for his parents, but it did peak his interest.  
He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of strawberry soda and an apple, enjoying the feeling of the cool air on his face. He nudged the fridge door closed with his foot and turned towards his mom. 
“So,” he took a bite of his apple, “what’re you workin’ on?” Normally his parents kept all the research down in the lab, unless of course they were close to figuring something out, and were running out of counter space down there. He walked back over and pulled out a chair to sit.
Over the years he’d gotten somewhat closer to his parents. Well, he was more confident in his secret keeping ability now, which was what it boiled down to. Plus, it was advantageous to try and keep track of whatever ghost obliterating tech his parents had come up with this time, which was easier to do if he acted interested in their work. Especially now that Jazz was gone.
His mom’s grin got even wider at his question and he could tell she was bursting at the seams to talk about it. She put her pencil down, and swept up her mug to take a quick sip. It was white with Fenton Works plastered across the side.
“Ghost cores!” She set her mug back down, and pulled her goggles off her head. It let loose a few locks of her red hair that she quickly tucked behind her ear. “So, as you know all ghosts have power cores,” she shuffled around in her research, looking for something in particular. “Except, all ghosts have different power core ‘types’.” 
“Uh-huh,” he nodded along as if it was all new information. He took another bite of his apple. 
“So! Your father and I are working on not only a better method of categorizing ghosts that takes into account their power level but also the type of elemental core they possess. We think if we can find more commonalities and differences it will help find more exploitable weaknesses.” She found the page she was looking for and offered it to him, standing to lean over the table. Danny set his snack down and took the page to skim over it. It looked like a bunch of data on ghost’s with their power measurement, core type, temperature, ectoplasmic density, each a value that was plugged into an algorithm that spat out a number for a final threat level. 
“See, before, we would base an ecto-entities power level solely on the output of the ectoplasmic energy, but with this algorithm, we can have a more in depth understanding of the possible damage a ghost could do and how to counter it.” 
“Hence the ‘threat level’ rather than just ‘power level’?” he said glancing up at her.
“Exactly sweetie!” Her eyes softened as she looked at him. “Oh, you and your sister, you’re both so smart.” She came around the table to brush his bangs out of his face, and squish him in a one armed hug. “I couldn’t have asked for more perfect kids,” she said and kissed the top of his head before releasing him. He forced a smile. She said that now, but she didn’t know what he was. Who he was.
“Now, the issue is trying to find all the core types.” She leaned a hand on the table to look over his shoulder at the paper he was holding. “So far we know about fire, electricity, ice…” She held her chin thoughtfully. “And despite what the core may be, that doesn’t always mean their powers are a direct derivative, the applications of a core type can be extremely varied with only a thin connecting thread,” she muttered. Danny almost didn’t know if she was still talking to him, or just thinking out loud. “I’m doing research on what determines a ghost's core type. So far the leading theory is based on how they died. We think it’s the main contributing factor but I need more subjects to find anything conclusive.” 
If that were true, he’d have an electricity core. The thought made his breath stick in his throat and a cold sweat break on his forehead. Danny went to open his soda— or he would have, had it still been liquid. Instead there was a thick layer of frost on the outside of the aluminum where he’d been holding it, and the contents were frozen solid, bulging the top and bottom of the can. Yikes. He shot his Mom a panicked look, but she was thankfully too absorbed in her thoughts to notice. He handed her back the paper before he froze that too. 
“Sounds pretty cool, Mom. Welp, I gotta go do some reading for class so—” 
“Danny-boy!” Boomed his dad’s voice. He winced and turned to see his Dad coming up from the lab. 
“Hey, Dad.” 
“Helpin’ your Mom with some good ol’ fashioned ghost research are we?” 
“Actually I was—” 
“Maddie, I did what you asked! I tore the whole lab apart, but I still didn’t find the Fenton Ghost Gage anywhere.” Uh-oh. Danny slowly got up from the table and went to make for the door. 
“That’s odd, I swear I left it by the control panel a few weeks ago...” It was quiet for a moment. “Danny—” he turned back around, feigning ignorance with every ghostly molecule of himself. “—have you seen the Ghost Gage sitting around anywhere?” 
The New and Improved Fenton Ghost Gage was a relatively new invention, which actually worked pretty well. Except of course for the glitch that registered a level ten plus ghost in the house. His Mom had theorized that it was because of the proximity to the Ghost Zone that it was giving the off the charts false reads, and left it sitting in a tub of inventions to be tweaked. It was now safely placed between the drywall and plumbing of Casper High, sending it’s readings directly to Tucker's phone. Of course they’d already made the modifications for it to read core types, thanks to Tucker.  
“Nope, sorry. Have you checked the couch cushions? Or the fridge?” he suggested. 
“Of course! The couch! Good thinking, Dannio!” His Dad clapped him on the back with so much force the soda can flew from his grasp, and promptly exploded on contact with the tile floor. Right. Frozen soda explodes. Idiot. 
The outside had been completely frozen, but apparently on the inside it was slush, which was now all over the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and the three of them. It looked like a sugary crime scene. He quirked a nervous smile.
Thankfully the soda caused only minimal damage to his parents research papers, but by the time he was done helping clean, the soda on his clothes had dried and gone sticky. Looked like there was no easy phase clean for him. He excused himself upstairs under the false pretense of doing homework and was gone the next minute. 
Time to find that ghost. 
The wind whipped through his hair and whistled past his ears. It was getting colder by the day and he loved it. The leaves on the trees would start turning soon, turning Amity into a collage of colors. If it weren’t for school, he’d love fall. 
He made it to Casper in a minute flat, and started his search there. The weight of the thermos was a constant reassuring weight on his hip as he circled outward. If she was lurking anywhere, his ghost sense would let him know. He flew up and down streets, block after block, but he was getting nothing. Well, unless he counted the people on the street that whooped and pointed at him as he flew past. 
He’d just gone by the Nasty Burger when a crackling bolt of energy zipped past him and punched a hole through a billboard. He recoiled and adrenaline flared through him; or whatever the ectoplasmic equivalent was. He flipped around to see a familiar ghost hunter. 
“You never learn your lesson, do you, ghost?” Valerie growled. 
“I’ve never been the best in school, so I’m gonna say no,” he said with a grin. Another blast shot past him, but he didn’t give her the satisfaction of flinching. 
“Shut up, I know you were at Casper today. What can you tell me about the new ghost?” Danny huffed. He and his friends weren’t the only ones that had the school bugged. 
“You probably know about as much as I do, Red. She was gone almost as soon as I got there.” 
“Like, I’d buy that!” Despite her helmet he could tell she was just as pissed as ever. He splayed his hands in a placating manner. 
“Honest, why else would I be out here combing the city?” 
“How should I know what you’re planning? You’re probably out here waiting for the opportunity to ruin someone else’s life.” 
Danny groaned. “Seriously Red, I said I was sorry like two years ago, you need to learn to let stuff go.” Danny liked to think that deep down she knew he wasn’t there to hurt anyone. She certainly didn’t like him, but she had at least started giving him an opportunity to explain himself before trying to waste him. Baby steps he supposed. 
“Back at’cha, ghost.” She lifted her blaster and it whined as it charged. Welp, decorum was over for the day. He went intangible and rocketed through the billboard. Once on the other side he went invisible and tore off in a different direction. He knew she could track him, but it was worth the few seconds it bought him. The sound of her jet sled roared as she gave chase. 
Pink charges of ecto-blasts peppered his flight path, near misses and wildly inaccurate alike. He zig-zagged, holding onto his invisibility and intangibility as he slipped through buildings. This was the easiest way to lose her, she had to take the time to skirt around huge objects, or waste the time to go straight up allowing him to widen the gap. Not to mention, while intangible the lack of wind resistance put his speed at around 130 Mph. Last time they’d checked at least. 
Once he was sure he was far enough away from Val to have dropped off her radar, he turned and headed for home. He phased through his window and transformed back, flopping onto his bed. He’d been all over town and hadn’t got a single whiff of the new ghost. At least Valerie was on it too. Still, it didn’t make it any less frustrating. 
He glanced at the clock on his nightstand which read 5:10. He’d check for the ghost again after dinner with Sam and Tuck, maybe then he’d at least be able to avoid Valerie. For now, he could really use a break.      
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withyounct · 5 years
What’s wrong kid?
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Reader x Single dad!Jaehyun
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2.7k
Prompt: You notice a child crying at a school playground. You decide to see what’s up and meet an extremely stressed/extremely handsome father.
A/n: This is my first long story on this site. It’ll be in parts. Please let me know what you think of it. ^~^
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“If I have to look at another PowerPoint slide, I’m going to fucking scream.” You groaned banging your head on the table, hoping if you hit hard enough, you’ll pass out. You were on the fifth bang in when you felt a hand stop you.
“I don’t want to carry your dead body anywhere, so please stop.” Lucas pleaded while he gently pushed you to a sitting position. Looking up at your group of friends you saw a range of expressions, but the most prominent one was ‘done’. So, you take one last look at your laptop screen and decide you weren’t even retaining anything at that point. You shut your laptop and began to pack up, which caused eyes to trail your way.
“Where are you going?” Renjun asked looking up from his textbook for the first time that hour.
“Home. You guys have fun, I’ll happily take this F I'm about to get on my quiz.” You declared. You were graced with a variety of side eyes given the fact you’ve never failed anything regardless if you’ve studied or not. After sending a flurry of kisses, you left the library and started your walk home. The university was a good 20-minute walk from your place, but you enjoyed it. You had a car, but there was something calming about walking through the streets and parks especially after a long day like this. The music you were playing suddenly stopped and you realized that you accidentally pulled out the headphone jack. That’s when you noticed the crying.
Across the street you were on was an elementary school. There was a little girl sitting on one of the school park benches crying her little heart out. You scan the area and couldn’t spot any teachers. Biting your lip, you across the street and up to the girl.
“Hey. Are you okay?” You asked softly as you slowly sat by her. She looked up and pouted. Your heart swelled; she was a real cute kid. She took some time wiping her tears and nodded.
“My dad is late again.” She whispered looking down at the little pink watch on her wrist. You look back at the school and figured the teachers assumed she was already picked up since it was so late in the day.
“My name is Y/n. What’s yours?”
“Hyunjin.” She extended a handshake. You chuckle at how cute the gesture was.
“What a pretty name.” You smile. “Okay Hyunjin if you want, I can wait with you until your dad gets here.” You offered shaking her hand. Hyunjin smiled and nodded her head vigorously. She began to tell you all about school, her friends, her dad, and her really funny uncles. You found yourself laughing at her stories and how animated she was when she told them. You asked her about her dad, and she told you that he works in a really big building and he draws other buildings. You figured he was an architect of some sort. You noticed that she never brought up her mom, so you decide not too either. About an hour and a half, you noticed her start to fall asleep and at this point she was completely leaning on you. The sun started to set and no sign of her father. You pondered on if you should ask her where she lives, but you also thought that would be a bit weird since you’re a stranger.
You were about to wake her up when a car pulled up and out popped out a man who looked not much older than you. He quickly made his way over and your first two thoughts were Man he's handsome and Holy fuck he looks stressed.
“Hyunjin.” He called out when he got close enough. The said child, who was now laying her head on your lap, woke up and dashed into her father’s arms. He scooped her up and apologized for being so late. She told him at it was okay because she met a new friend and she stayed with her. You got up, dusting off your jeans and smiled at the duo. The man placed Hyunjin down and the two walked over to you.
“I’m so sorry for all this. Works been so hectic, and I’ve been trying to make it to pick Hyunjin on time and then I got stuck in traffic. I haven’t even introduced myself yet. What am I doing? I'm Jung Jaehyun, Hyunjin’s father. Thank you so much for staying with my daughter.” He spilled in one breath while extending a hand. You laughed at his frantic manner and shook his hand.
“Y/n. It’s fine, really. She’s the cutest thing on this planet, and we had a lot of fun talking.” You confessed and Hyunjin was all smiles. “I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but if you want, I wouldn’t mind watching her until you get off work. My classes are finished before Hyunjin gets out of school.”
Hyunjin’s excited shriek could have been heard on the next street over. She grabbed her father’s hand and nodded vigorously. Jaehyun on the other hand pondered on the idea.
“I'm not sure. I’ll have to think about it” He said with uncertainty. Hyunjin’s face immediately fell.
“I totally understand. I’m a stranger after all.” You reassured.
You both exchange numbers and Hyunjin gave you a goodbye hug, which melted your heart. Jaehyun thanked you once more and the father-daughter pair drove off. You smile at how weird all that was and continued your walk home. When you entered your apartment, you were immediately berated by your roommates.
“So, where have you been?” Ten asked from his place on the sofa.
“Out.” You replied simply.
“I made dinner for everyone tonight. Your share is in the microwave.” Kun added. You looked up at the heavens and thanked every deity out there for giving you amazing roommates.
“I love you both. I'm gonna eat and pass out. Goodnight.”
“Love you too.” Ten chimed.
“Sleep well.” Kun smiled.
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The next day was normal. You went to class and passed your quiz, much to Yangyang’s dismay.
“Dude. I studied all night and failed, and you barely studied for an hour and passed. Give me your brain.” He whined as the both of you walked to the café that your friend group hung out at for lunch.
“How about I give you my notes instead?” You offered leading Yangyang into the café. Your other friends Lucas, Haechan, Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin were already seated talking over various foods and drinks.
“Where’s Mark?” You asked, sliding into the seat next to Haechan.
“Probably dead under a piled of music theory textbooks somewhere.” He replied amused.
“Damn rip.”
Normal college talks ensued about hating everything and how inconveniencing Mark was for probably dying before they could as well. A small food fight was about to break out when Jaemin mentioned a party that was going to happen the following week.
“Y/n I'm requesting your presence at the party.”
“Request denied.” You answered stealing one of Jeno’s fries. A chorus of complaints emerged from the group, but you didn’t care. Just when you were about to steal another fry, you felt your phone vibrate. You looked down and Jaehyun’s name was displayed. You got up and was greeted with screams of ‘You can’t run away’.
“Shut up, I’ll be right back.” You yelled walking out of ear shot.
“Y/n. I'm really sorry to ask this last minute, but can you please pick up Hyunjin for me? I'm stuck in a meeting and I completely forgot I have another scheduled after this one.” He pleaded and you could hear the desperation in his voice.
“Yeah. Of course.” You heard him let out a sigh of relief.
“God you're a saint. I’ll text you the address and notify the school.” He explained. He thanked you again and hung up. You walked back over to your friends and packed up your stuff.
“Alright bitches I gotta go.” You threw down your part of the bill and hightailed it out before anyone could ask you anything.
You walked back over to the university science building where your car was parked and drove over to Hyunjin’s school. You arrived a bit early, so you were scrolling through the messages in your group chat. You were laughing at the number of confused memes your friends where sending you when you heard the school bell rang. Kids were running out of the double door and you spotted Hyunjin. You exited the car and walked onto the playground. She was busy talking to another girl, so you just watched her for a bit. You noticed she looked a lot like her father and wondered what her mother looked like.
“You must be Y/n?” An older lady asked, taking you out of your daze. You nodded and she told you that she was informed that you were here to pick Hyunjin up. You both talk about her for a second and agree that she is indeed the cutest five-year-old ever. Hyunjin saw her teacher talking to you and screamed your name. She quickly said bye to her friends and ran to hug you.
“We get to hang out today!” You half-yelled trying to match her excited disposition. You both said bye to her teacher and hopped in your car. On the drive she told you all about her day and how she’s sad because her dad will come home late, but she's happy to see you again.
You pulled up at the given address and gawked at how nice the house was. It had a modern and contemporary feel to it and that was just from the outside. While you were dumbly staring, Hyunjin got out the car and opened your door for you. She bounced enthusiastically saying how excited she was to show you around. You hurriedly grabbed your bag and was dragged into the house.
The inside was even more impressive. The kitchen was the size of your living room and was filled with the latest appliances. The living room was huge and there was even a beautiful garden that Hyunjin said she and her dad had worked on from time to time. As Hyunjin pulled you around you found yourself wondering why she didn’t have a babysitter. Jaehyun was obviously well-off.
Hyunjin asked if you could help her with her homework, so she can get it out the way and you guys could play. You commented on how mature that was and that you would be honored to help.
After an hour of homework, you both were free to play. Hyunjin told you about how one of her friends taught her how to braid. You offered up your hair and she gleefully braided it all the while telling you more about her amazing uncles.
“From what you're tell me Johnny is hilarious.” You laughed. She agrees and asks you not to tell anyone because she loves all her uncles, but Taeyong is her favorite because he’s sweet and acts like a kid sometimes.
You guys play for a while and decide to make dinner together.
“Okay Chef Hyunjin what are we having tonight?” You asked carrying her to the kitchen.
“Umm… chicken pasta!” She yelled after giving it some thought. You compliment her choice and began to prepare dinner. You had to admit she was the cutest help you could have ever asked for. She knew where exactly everything was and was great at setting the table. After dinner you helped her bathe and dried her hair when she was done. It was getting late, so you decided it was bedtime. She took it like a trooper and passed out after you read some of her favorite stories.
You wandered back into the living room after making sure she was asleep. Pulling out your laptop, you worked on a few assignments. You sent a message to both Ten and Kun telling them that you would be coming home later than usual and to not send a search party. Their replies hadn’t come yet when you heard the front door open and close.
Jaehyun walked into the living room looking like the handsome version of the walking dead.
“Y/n. How are you? How was Hyunjin?” He asked undoing his tie and tossing his keys in a bowl.
“Great. Hyunjin was an angel.” You informed with only smiles. You both reconvened in the kitchen and you recounted the day you’ve spent with his daughter.
“Then she made this braid, which is pretty impressive for her age. Dinner was fun. I didn’t know if you’ve eaten or not, but I made a plate for you as well.” You said. His face lit up and it reminded you of how Hyunjin’s face did the same when she’s happy.
“I haven’t. Thank you, you goddess.” He rushed over to the conventional oven where his plate was and smiled. “Chicken pasta?”
“Yeah Hyunjin said it’s one of your favorites.” You both decide to get to know each other. He learned that you were a sophomore in college majoring in Biology.
“That just sounds terrifying. Science was never my strong suit.” He shuddered as he placed a cup of coffee in front of you. You learned that he was indeed an architect and was a really successful one at that. He owned his own company and the ‘uncles’ Hyunjin referred to were his friends and partners. You also learned that he was only 26.
“I aspire to be that successful at 26.” You stated jokingly. “So that means you had Hyunjin when you were only 21. That must have been stressful on you and her mom.”
As soon as the words left your mouth you cringed. Hyunjin, who was a child, never talked about her mother and it was in your opinion a little tactless to bring her up with Jaehyun. You were about to apologize for being rude and nosy when Jaehyun spoke.
“It was.” He smiled at you, calming your panic heart. “But Hyunjin was the light of our lives. Her mom decided to put college on hold and stay at home while I finished. She died three years ago, car accident. Hyunjin was in the car and survived.” He finished sadly.
“Oh god. Jaehyun I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay. I have Hyunjin.” He smiled and you noticed his dimples. A smile made its way on your face as well. “You know you’re the first person that Hyunjin has taking a liking to other than her uncles. All the babysitter I’ve hired she hated them.”
“You mean to tell me that angel has the capacity to hate!?” You yelled a bit louder than you meant to. Jaehyun busted out a laugh and you shushed each other, not wanting to wake Hyunjin up.
“Yes. It seems so.” Jaehyun said coming down from his laughing high. You looked down at your watch and decided it was time to leave.
“I should get going and you need to get to bed. No offense, but you look like you’re about to die from sleep deprivation.” You walked over and placed your mug in the sink. You turned back around and saw him go into his pocket.
“Here let m-”
“No. Your daughter is the cutest thing on this planet and I gladly did this for free.” You stated.
“I recall you saying that yesterday.” He laughed. “But please I would feel a lot better if I pay you.” You both went back in forth for a few minutes and then he pouted. This grown man pouted and you gave in.
“Fine. You win.” You murmured childishly. You heard him call you cute as you passed him, money in hand.
“Would you be interested in sitting Hyunjin? I'm working a huge project right now and I would be less stressed and worried if someone like you were watching her.” He confessed to your back as you packed up your things. You smiled and turned around.
“Jaehyun, your daughter is the cutes-”
“the cutest thing on this planet, is that a yes?” He bit his lip worriedly.
“I would love to.” You watched him raise a fist in victory and laughed. He walked you to your car and stood there waving until you were out of sight.
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tessmontyart · 3 years
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Gorillaz (2001)
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The history of my relationship is a long one...but I don’t like explaining stuff so I’ll keep it brief. I became a fan of the band when I saw a premiere of the “Clint Eastwood” video on Toonami. This could be attributed to the fact that I loved cartoons and I didn’t know there was a bunch of animated music videos back then. But there are. There are a like a ton of animated music videos. Even back then. Even before back then. Did you know one won an Oscar? It was by Tom Waits. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. We’ll get to him later. Anyway, I heard a couple more songs from them around this era but I couldn’t get into them because I was young, stupid and had no money. It actually wasn’t till around the Demon Days era (Phase 2 for us in the know) that I managed to get a hold of this album. My dad is also a fan of this band and gave a special edition version of this album. Thanks to that gesture, I really got back into Gorillaz in a huge way. Looking up lyrics, lore and cameos (these guys did a song with D12. For 9/11. Is The Rap Critic’s Patreon still open? I got a request to make...). 
We can get into more details later. Right now, I am going to rate every single song on Gorillaz (2001) US Deluxe Edition. 1. Rehash A nice breezy way to start off the album. Although, to be honest, if you picked this CD up and put it in a player after seeing of Gorillaz’ released singles, you’ll most likely be going, “Did I get the right disc?”. Still, that’s the reason I love the band. They can go into any genre and there is still something there that sounds like them. This song is pretty cool. 
Song Score: 8/10
2. 5/4
Now this is what I’m talking about. Classic British Alternative: Uncommon time, indecipherable lyrics, disgust when you figure out what the lyrics are actually saying and a sick bass. This song right here? It justifies the purchase of the whole album. It’s nasty and it’s cool, like Peanut Butter water ice.
Song Score: 10/10
3. Tomorrow Comes Today
Oh my lord, this song. I always have a soft spot for songs that I can pretend I was deep to back in the day. Very slow, very contemplative, very moody...just like a young me. It’s good that they made this their first single because it really showed up what they were capable of.
Song Score: 9/10
4. New Genius (Brother)
Ooooo...spooky. This song is pretty nice for a dark atmosphere and recommended for singing in a bar by with smoking patrons. Also nice of Gorillaz to give us the Stranger Danger spiel without sounding completely lame about it.
Song Score: 8/10
5. Clint Eastwood
AWWW SHIT MUTHAFUCKERS, HERE WE GO! This is the song that I obsessed over for a decade of my life. I sucked the entire life out of this song to the point that I skip over it in some playlists because it has nothing left to offer me. Still, I objectively love this song and I appreciate it for introducing to this band and for introducing me to Del Tha Funkee Homosapien. Seriously, how was I supposed to live the rest of my life without knowing a guy was capable of bars like that? This song fucks.
Song Score: 10/10
6. Man Research (Clapper)
I think I can blame this song for me getting into Electronica at a later age. High-pitched voices, nice beats, the feeling that I’m in a lab watching people being experimented on...everything a good track needs. This song was really fun to sing out loud to myself when I was younger. Probably one of the things that made my neighbors call my sanity into question.
Song Score: 10/10
7. Punk
Fuck yeah. Gorillaz was slaughtering some bands before they even got of their crib with tribute to the genre. Don’t bother with the lyrics because the words just basically become another instrument on this track and boy are the instruments on their loudest display here. I can only hear a dude telling his mom to shut up on it anyway.
Song Score: 9/10
8. Sound Check (Gravity)
Gotta admit, didn’t really appreciate this song when I was younger. It felt like the pieces were there but it didn’t come together into something of substance. Now that I’m older, I...am still of the same opinion. I like the breakdown but I feel like the high-pitched voice has been played out at this point in the album.
Song Score 7/10
9. Double Bass
Ah, an instrumental. Probably one of the first ones I listened to on repeat. I love the string work on this and the accompanying beats. Really good music to chill to...if you ignore that one line.
Song Score: 9/10
10. Rock The House
Hey, it’s our old friend Del! I was pleasantly surprised to see him on another track, kicking ass to a set of nice pan flutes. Man, this song ruled. But I can only listen to the album version. The music video version censors ass crack. Ass crack! How conservative can you get?! Luckily, Gorillaz never ran into this problem again.
Song Score: 10/10
11. 19-2000
I remember this album being the first time I heard the original version of this song instead of the Soulchild Remix. Obviously, I had to prefer this version because the original version is always the best. At least, that’s the way I thought back then. Nowadays...
But I do have a special place in my heart for this song. I like the woman in the background. Adds an ethereal quality to the song.
Song Score: 9/10
12. Latin Simone (Que Pasa Condigo?)
The first time I heard this, I was like, “Why is this song in Spanish?” This is because I listened to the G Sides album first (more on that next week). But the more I listened, the more I preferred it to the English version. This guy sings like he’s before an auditorium and he wants the people outside to hear him. Funny story: I tried to play this song for my Spanish class but my speakers didn’t work for them to hear it. Sucks for them.
Song Score: 11/10
13. Starshine
This is probably my least favorite song on the album. Just melancholy for the sake of melancholy. Kind of bothers me how there’s no substance to it I can find...nice instrumental though.
Song Score: 6/10
14. Slow Country
My second least favorite song on the album. Usually I like discordant noises in a song but the amateur piano with the honks...don’t really do it for me. Nice mumbling at the end though. Never change, Damon.
Song Score: 7/10
15. M1A1
I remember the first time I watched Day of the Dead and during the beginning I kept going, “WHEN THE GUITAR COME IN?!”. I know, I know, I’m hilarious. Especially when I’m by myself. But seriously, not even factoring in nostalgia, this is the best track on the album. Great song, great singing, awesome fucking solo. The only thing better than M1A1 on this album is M1A1 live.
Song Score: 12/10
16. Dracula
You know that when I heard the sound bite from this track, I thought it was from the original movie? It’s not. It’s from fucking Looney Tunes. Damn. Egg on my face. Anyway, I love the goofiness of this track. It tries to sound dark and scary but it’s like that nice goth kid in your class who always pick Edgar Allan Poe as his Powerpoint topic. Good kid, great song.
Song Score: 8/10
17. Left Hand Suzuki Method
And I did. Like a wise man once said, I don’t need drugs to enjoy this track, just to enhance my enjoyment of it. And you know what? I don’t want to enhance it. This shit sounds good by itself. See, Slow Country? This is how you mix in things that don’t sound good together and make them sound good together. You know what that track needs? Japanese children talking. That improves everything.
Song Score: 9/10
18. 19-2000 (Soulchild remix)
And the head honcho themself, one of the first Gorillaz songs I listened to. Man, this shit slaps like Dave Grohl in a Michael Gondry video. Whenever I heard this song when I was a kid, I was thinking about it all week. It just sounds so sunny, so uplifting, like something you should be listening to on an amusement park ride. Fuck, this track is tight.
Song Score: 10/10
19. Clint Eastwood (Ed Case and Sweetie Irie remix)
...Is it too late to change my least favorite track on the album choice yet?
Okay, Slow Country was on the original album so it can keep its title. This track is the worst track of all the bonus ones. It’s just...they were onto something with the breakdown but the goofy reggae singing and the way too fast to enjoy beat? Just rubs me the wrong way. Ugh, and now I’m thinking of Laika already...
Song Score: 5/10
Album Score: 8.8/10
Join me next week as I review G-Sides. It’s gonna resemble fun!
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south-park-boyos · 4 years
hi again. curious as to if you have any personal south park headcanons?? (or if youd like to possibly be friends 😐)
Of course we can be friends, all SP pals are welcomed! 
I realised I’d never really sat down to think about these so this got long pretty quickly. Also, this is kind of all over the place and some of these are less headcanons and more things I like to think about.
He’s pretty booksmart and likes to write short stories, which are closely guarded. He does share them with Stan and Ike, sometimes making them little characters in the stories.
Can play the violin. He learnt using online videos and mostly uses it to play meme songs and megalovania.
Sings really well but is ridiculously shy about it.
Makes PowerPoints for anyone who gets confused on certain subjects and sits through it with them.
Has naturally sharp teeth, nothing too dramatic but it’s fun to think about.
Learns a lot of languages in his free time and teaches Stan what he knows.
He’s dyslexic? I don’t know, it just seems like a fun thing to explore with him.
He’s really good with video editing software and likes to make stupid videos to laugh about.
Has sound knowledge on cars and can fix basic problems with them pretty easily.
Knows a lot about animals and really likes whales.
Uses open natural spaces to clear his head, often sitting in low tree branches.
Starts going on jogs to improve his stamina (which people call sprints because why does he have to move so fast?!?!).
Is really good at skateboard tricks with his great balance.
Likes to do make-up for the girls and Karen, often getting tips from Bebe.
Takes freestyle dance classes and is pretty damn good at it.
Helps Karen make animal shelters for creatures in the area.
Everyone finds it easy to confide in Kenny.
Eventually, people get fed up of him and leave him alone. He figures he has to be less of an asshole when even Butters cuts off contact.
He mellows out quite a bit and people often forget he’s listening until he chimes in with how much of an idiot they are.
When he puts his mind to it (which is rare) he’s really good at comforting people.
He makes really cool origami.
He starts spending a lot of time reading, favouring detective mysteries.
Keeps a diar- sorry journal to note down things he feels are important.
I like the idea that he and Clyde become step-brothers and he’s a passive but super protective brother!
When he gets older, he comes out of his shell and is actually really daring (likes skydiving and paragliding).
He can hold his own in a fight, despite his small stature.
Likes that Kenny calls him Leo and other pet names.
Gives ridiculously great advice but only when directly asked for it.
Has a bit of a mean streak to him (from years of being around Cartman). Push him too far and he’ll bring up secrets he has no right to know about you.
He’s a vegetarian but not very strictly, more for the health benefits than anything else. If he wants bacon, he’ll eat bacon.
He doesn’t like people to know when he’s upset, playing the “don’t care” card hard. He’s not fooling anyone.
Makes DIY guinea pig playhouses with Tweek.
He’s a ridiculously good artist and sketches his friends when they’re all in one place.
When he laughs, like really laughs, it’s a godsend and ridiculously contagious.
When left alone with Stan, they have a pretty playful relationship. A bit of roughhousing and bonding over small things.
Runs a small D&D campaign with the guys. Mostly consists of “CLYDE! NO!” and “Those aren’t yours Tweek”.
He has a small garden and likes to grow fruit and veg to use when he’s cooking. Craig keeps eating all the tomatoes.
Can’t be beaten at chess. Not even Kyle can best him. He has fun trying though.
Is fantastic as a strategist for group games.
He always seems to know when something is up with one of the other guys.
Can draw in perfect calligraphy and having something to focus on calms his twitches.
Can drink you under the table. This man is a beast and holds liquor like a keg.
He sings when drunk and is known to hate Katy Perry songs but somehow knows all the words to them. Guess what people get him to sing when he’s fully out of it?
Rarely makes puns but, when he does, they’re golden.
He really likes cats. If he finds a stray, he brings it home and cleans them up before introducing them to the horde in his backyard, that he feeds every morning.
He likes to stay healthy, often going to the gym, so he’s pretty well-built.
He has ADHD. Sitting still for a long time is a pain and he often feels a ridiculous urge to go and do something and can’t focus until its done.
Has a feel-good aura that improves everyone’s mood. Him just sitting there puts a smile on people’s faces.
Contrary to what people think, he has incredibly witty comebacks, often leaving you dumbfounded.
He’s great at bringing Token out of his shell. “You’re allowed to be stupid with us dude!”
He was chubby in childhood but never really grew out of it. More grows into it.
He’s good at convincing people not to do the stupid thing that will get them into a lot of trouble.
He can speak Welsh. He likes the accent and has a lot of good jokes to tell with it.
If you insult him, you will receive a crutch to the face. You were warned.
He’s a gaming maestro and mains druids in the best possible way.
Mistress of Mischief. (Her + Kenny and Clyde is an accident waiting to happen).
Will walk into your house, beeline for the kitchen and eat your food. Hellos come after.
If she sees you wearing a bad outfit she’ll give advice then bring you shopping for one that really shines on you.
She sings Broadway songs whilst cleaning. If you hear her belting out Waving Through a Window just put your head down and walk away.
Wanna ask her why she did that? Eyebrow Waggle™.
She’s great at dagger throwing, with a dead steady aim.
I like the AUs where she’s Craig’s cousin. It seems fitting.
She really likes chemistry. DIY smoke bombs are her speciality.
She can stare someone out of a room. Not even glaring, just a discomforting gaze.
If you need help, she’s there already and probably has a bag full of cookies.
She gets along really well with Clyde and finds it easy to find something to talk about (which is mostly just teasing Token).
She used to date Token but it became awkward and they broke up, both deciding it felt too much like dating a sibling.
You eat her Werther’s Originals, you taste her blade.
She lets Craig style and cut her hair. He has a whole set of hairstylist equipment but no one knows where he got it from or where he keeps it.
She likes to have friendly debates with Kyle, loving the new information she learns from him.
Goes to peaceful protests with Stan.
She has the Disapproving Frown™ which stops all schemes in their tracks.
Often seen chasing Bebe around to prevent her ridiculous plans.
Has long conversations with Cartman (post behaviour fix) and they’re really close friends.
I’ll probably come up with more in the future but this is it for now! Thanks for the ask, it was really fun to think about all this.
I have more headcanons for ships and such but those’ll just be for when I’m asked about the ship specifically, don’t wanna make these long posts a regular thing.
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battleofthebits · 7 years
Won’t You Get Me Bodied
Check, Please! and Yuri!!! on Ice crossover fic. 4.2 K, minor Jack/Bitty and Victor/Yuuri. I promise there’s YoI characters despite the opening scene being 100% Check Please. Read it on Ao3 here. 
“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh, my god.”
Jack stopped in the doorway and went through his mental tally of Reasons Bittle Is Having A Minor Breakdown. Bitty was hunched over his laptop, staring at it with awed disbelief, but — as Jack checked every month — there were no upcoming concerts or awards shows of the kind that usually merited this sort of a response. Bitty used his phone for email, so he couldn’t have gotten an offer to collab with anyone, and nobody had molested any of his pies recently.
That left only one tactic: direct questioning. “Is something wrong, Bits?” Jack asked, fully aware that if something important was going on, he would trigger another meltdown like the fiasco back in 2013.
“Wrong? Are you crazy?” Bittle said, catapulting up from the bed and shoving his laptop in Jack’s face.
The laptop, as far as Jack could tell, was showing nothing more important than some bird-boned ice dancers. “Uh?” Jack managed.
“Jack, Four Continents is in Boston this year!” Bitty said, in the exact same tone that he used when Beyonce did… well, anything… and the Great Phelps-Bittle Jam Feud was settled in Suzanne’s favor. Jack might have no idea what Four Continents was, or why it was so important to Bittle, but by God, he was going to learn.
“Sounds like it’s pretty important to you,” Jack said. Active listening; Lardo would be proud.
“It is, yeah. Do you know anybody who could get us tickets? I don’t wanna ask for much, but it used to be my dream to compete there, and it’s so close…”
“Yeah, definitely,” Jack said. “One of Dad’s friends’ wives is pretty pally with the ISU, and she should be able to hook us up.”
“And this friend’s wife wouldn’t happen to be an international figure skating champ you’ve never told me you know, would she?”
“A figure skating champion who can get you the tickets you want, Bits,” Jack said. “Maybe even rinkside.”
8:23 PM · Jan 14, 2016
8:24 PM · Jan 14, 2016
8:47 PM · Jan 14, 2016
I know, I have a French exam that Monday but WHATEVER I can do my homework in the Uber
8:47 PM · Jan 14, 2016
And congrats to @leodelhielo on making it in! Us Southern boys gotta stick together!
8:49 PM · Jan 14, 2016
Leo made a habit of keeping up with his old competitors. Some people just faded out of the sport and didn’t do anything of note, but others went to college or pursued interesting careers. He figured it was a good way to get a look at his options post-figure skating, and besides, some of those guys had been cool. It was nice to keep in touch, or at least stalk their social media. He hadn’t been expecting a nostalgia follow to @ him, though.
He remembered following this account. He’d been Googling a list of boys who’d made it to regionals, and found not only a college and major but a Twitter, attached to one Eric Bittle. Leo dimly remembered him: won Southern Junior Regionals 2010, peppy as anything. The guy had brought tiny pies to the party afterwards, pissed off at least three skaters’ nutritionists, and then vanished from the sport despite what every announcer had said was astounding potential. And had apparently ended up in Boston, attached to a hockey team.
It couldn’t hurt to acknowledge an old acquaintance, and Leo didn’t have anybody managing his social media anyway. He dashed off a quick tweet.
@omgcheckplease thanks! we should totally catch up sometime.
9:17 PM · Jan 14, 2016
Sweet! @leodelhielo I was actually planning a party that weekend, so…
9:21 PM · Jan 14, 2016
Jack heard a piercing screech from the kitchen and ran in to check that Bitty hadn’t gotten hurt and another surprise album hadn’t dropped. “What’s going on, bud?”
“Leo de la Iglesia just @-ed me. Leo de la Iglesia is in my DMs. Leo de la Iglesia thinks it would be totally swawesome to come to the Haus after Four Continents and bring his skater friends.” Bitty looked up from his phone with reverence in his eyes. “Jack. He used the word ‘swawesome.’”
“Sounds cool,” Jack offered.
“It is so not cool, Mister Zimmermann. I have to make plans! I have to figure out who all is coming, email their nutritionists so I can set up an appropriate menu, do a deep-clean of the Haus — what if one of them gets a virus from the couch? — and let the boys know to give them their privacy. There’s so much work to do, oh my god.”
“And you’ll love every minute of it.”
Agreeing to bring Leo’s friends to a college town forty minutes from the rink right after Four Continents was far more difficult than firing off a promise to do so. Seung-Gil hated loud noises, alcohol, and fun, so he was right out. Guang-hong might be down, but would be just about impossible to sneak into a frat party when he looked twelve on a good day. Otabek… was Otabek.  Leo was planning on asking JJ, because Leo was a nice person, dammit, but that invite might make the night sound more boring than JJ would ever stand for. Phichit would be much easier to lure in with the promise of a genuine American frat party. And if Leo played his cards right, and was very, very lucky, through persuading Phichit he might get to Yuuri.
Leo had seen rather too much of Yuuri with drunks, but he’d never actually seen Yuuri get hammered, and there were all kinds of rumors. Yuuri had reportedly barely touched the champagne at the GPF banquet this year, claiming he wanted to actually remember this night, thanks, which as far as Leo was concerned might as well be an invitation to get him blackout drunk. All he had to do was handle the situation with care.
hey, you doing anything after Four Continents?
not yet
you got any ideas?
yeah, this guy I know from juniors lives in a frat house and makes amazing pie
he invited us all to dinner and a frat party
You in?
you bet ur ass I am
sweet, can you bring yuuri with you?
think about it
this is a chance to get him totally wasted
see if the rumors are true
*and* get photographic evidence
all for the cost of an Uber to Samwell
well when you put it like that
I’ll see what I can do
Yuuri had no idea why he was here. Getting his first real gold of the year had felt pretty nice, but after the win all he’d wanted to do was cuddle with his fiancé. Instead, Hurricane Phichit had burst into his room, said only, “Yuuri! We’re headed out in ten minutes! Grab your best party outfit!” and dragged him into an Uber while Victor was distracted by a crowd of fans. Apparently there was some kind of party, somewhere, and Phichit’s radar for a good, Yuuri-embarrassing time was just as strong as it had been in Detroit.
“Don’t you have a leg injury?” Yuuri asked.
“A of all, this sprain has been healing for a week; second of B, I just won bronze with it; and thirdly, you don’t need your legs when you’re doing a kegstand,” Phichit grinned.
Yuuri was doomed.
The house was… well. Yuuri would have liked to say it was nice enough, but that would have been a lie against God and architecture. It looked, frankly, like a crack den. With very spiffy curtains. “You’re sure this is the place?”
“Yeah, number 151.” Phichit carefully did not hobble up to the door.
A tall guy with a bemused look on his face was sitting on a chair on the roof above the porch. “Bitty!” he yelled into the house. “There’s more short guys showing up! Did you invite a gymnastics team over?”
A blond a little taller than Phichit opened the door in oven mitts. “Hi there,” he said, “ignore Tango, he’s, uh, special. Everyone else is ready to eat, unless JJ shows up out of the blue, and I’ve been instructed not to tweet about this party until Uber rush pricing starts, so that’s not very likely.”
“Uh, thanks?” Yuuri said.
“No problem! We’ve had some problems in the past with big personalities ruining the ambience, and I wouldn’t want that to happen tonight. Now, I’ve stuck to healthier food than I normally would, so you don’t have to worry too much about portion control. After dinner, we’re going to be pre-gaming and setting up for about an hour, and then the full-on kegster starts. No judgement if either of you want to leave before then. Any questions?”
“You’re Eric, right?” Phichit asked. “The guy Leo knew from Juniors?”
“Oh, where are my manners?” said Eric. “Yeah, that’s my name, but you can call me Bitty; everyone does around here. Pleased to meet you two!”
Bitty led them inside to a veritable buffet line and half of the men’s singles competitors, along with a decent number of jocks and, inexplicably, a tiny Southeast Asian girl. He introduced Phichit and Yuuri to his teammates, but the names were indistinguishable: everyone was called something random like Birker or Dexy.
“I know,” said a tall Black guy with killer cheekbones, “we’ve all got weird nicknames. It’s all a long and storied hockey tradition, like weird pre-game superstitions or everyone hating the Flyers.” And then he and a loud, blond, giant white guy launched a full-on Powerpoint presentation about the history of hockey names and how to make your own.
“So my hockey name would be what, Chiter?” Phichit asked, when he thought he had the hang of it.
Some dude with a mustache stared into his soul for a second and said,“Bruh, no. Cheetah.”
“Yeah, figure skaters are speedy little fuckers, right?” Loud Guy said around a mouthful of chicken breast. “Bitty beats everyone in suicides. Now, the rest of you guys gotta make your own nicknames, Shitty’s genius won’t stick around. Do your names sound like anything cool in your own language? Animals or weapons or something?”
“Oh my god,” Phichit said. “Yuuri. Katsudon. Plisetsky was right about you all along!” Yuuri was flailing and making the usual panicky noises that indicated Phichit was onto something.
“That’s not really—” Yuuri started to say, but Phichit interrupted him.
“Katsudon and Cheetah,” he mused. “Cheetah and Katsudon.” It was only natural at that point to force Yuuri into a selfie, captioned, “Me and katsukiyuuri at an #Epikegster pregame! #cheetah #katsudon #nameamoreepicduo #illwait #hockeynicknames #makeyourown!”  
After the last bite of souffle had been eaten — “don’t worry,” Eric had said, “they’re actually pretty low in sugar and you get a ton of protein!” ― and the dishes had been heaped in the sink to ignore, the older jocks and the tiny girl went out to grab beer and… well, nobody was sure what Tiny Girl was up to, but it had something to do with pregaming.
“Okay,” Loud Guy said, after Tiny Girl returned with a projector from somewhere and the skaters had been assembled on a revoltingly filthy green couch. “In honor of Cheetah, here, who says he’s seen every figure skating movie ever made but never fucking got to Blades of Glory—”
“Like you’ve ever seen Shall We Skate?” Phichit fired back.
“Dude,” said Cheekbones, “that movie’s in Thai and Holtzy can barely manage English.”
“What, and subtitles aren’t a thing in America?”
“We are doing a very special pregame today,” Mustache said, barrelling over the incipient movie argument. “The Blades of Glory drinking game: drink every time Chazz and Jimmy get in a fight, every time Chazz mentions his sex addiction, and every time figure skating just doesn’t work like that. Two drinks for every outdated cringey gay joke, and finish your drink every time the parents’ death gets mentioned. If we notice any slow-sipping, you’ll have to finish your drink on the spot. Ready?”
“How many lines am I gonna be able to quote out of context and embarrass Yuuri?” Phichit asked.
“He’s skating with another dude in exhibitions, right? Started in Detroit?” Loud Guy said.
“Oh, around half the movie.”
And Loud Guy was right. Phichit ended up elbowing Yuuri when the announcers talked about Chazz’ upbringing in Detroit’s sewer skating scene, groaning at the hideous excuses for choreography, and whispering, “Look, it’s you and Yurio! He’s even got the haircut!” every time Jimmy and Chazz laid into each other. By the time the Iron Lotus subplot came up, he was buzzed enough to genuinely consider the physics of a bullshit movie-magic pairs skating move.
“I don’t think they would actually have been able to cut her head off,” Phichit said to nobody in particular. “Cut her throat, yeah, but there’s not enough momentum to cut through the spine. What do you think, Yuuri?” he asked, and turned to his friend, who was looking a little green.
“I think I’m gonna help the jocks set up,” Yuuri said, and fled the room.
Different strokes for different folks, Phichit figured, and took another drink— Chazz and Jimmy were fighting again.
It didn’t take long after that for the kegster to start in earnest. Students filed into the house, Loud Guy and Cheekbones brought in a keg, and before Phichit knew it, D.R.A.M. was blaring at full volume. But as Phichit got his ass kicked at flip cup, he couldn’t help but wonder where Yuuri had gone off to.
It wasn’t that Yuuri was having a bad night. Everyone was incredibly friendly and it barely mattered that he couldn’t socialize when the entire point of the night was getting hammered in creative ways. He didn’t so much greet people as slide between different drinking games. But an hour or so later and five drinks in, he was beginning to question the contents of whatever “tub juice” was.
He shambled towards the kitchen — which was blocked off with CAUTION tape and a sign reading “absolutely NO puking on appliances- ERB” — and found that somebody else had had the same idea. Somebody else looked a little like a much taller and ripped JJ, and was sitting at the table contemplating a can of root beer. Yuuri took a sip of the tub juice and tried to look as if he were neither drunk off his ass nor interested in conversation.
A few moments passed in mutually-appreciated silence.
“It’s a lot sometimes, isn’t it?” Root Beer Guy said, finally. “All the people and the socializing, and the compulsory drinking.”
“It’s not like I mind all that much,” Yuuri said. “The drinking helps with the people.”
“You’re one of the figure skaters Bittle invited, right? Katsuki?”
“The captains told me I’m supposed to call myself Katsudon now, but yeah.”
“They would. Well, I heard from Bittle that one of the reasons your friends wanted you to come tonight is to get you black-out wasted. Apparently they want to take pictures, maybe put a video on Youtube. You weren’t in on this, I’m guessing?”
“Oh God no.”
Root Beer Guy sighed. “That’s what I thought. Well, Shits is always going on about how the Haus is supposed to be a safer space, and we have to be part of consent culture and everything. I guess part of that is not forcing booze down people’s throats. Anyone tries to get you to drink when you aren’t feeling it, I’ll be here with my root beer.”
“Thanks, I guess? But I’m pretty awful at interacting without getting drunk.”
“Fair. One thing, though. You might wanna lay off the tub juice, that stuff’s basically Hi-C and Everclear.”
Yuuri squinted at his cup’s contents. “Really? I’m on my third cup and it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything.”
“If tub juice doesn’t get you drunk, nothing will,” said Root Beer Guy. “Just keep it in mind, eh? I’d be a shitty ex-captain if I let guests get forced into situations they weren’t comfortable with.”
“I guess I will,” Yuuri said, and made his way out of the room. If tub juice wasn’t working for him, maybe beer would.
Phichit was having the time of his life. The music was pounding, his friends were dancing, and two gorgeous hockey players were helping him out of a kegstand. “Alright,” said Cheekbones, “pong table’s open! You got a partner?”
“Sure,” Phichit said. “Anybody know where Yuuri is?”
“Cute Japanese kid? Just came out of the kitchen with Jack,” Tiny Girl said from the table. “You sure you want to go with him? He looks pretty sloshed.”
“Dude, Yuuri is the best pong partner. He’s, like, a Hoover for booze and he never loses his coordination. He’s a freak of nature or something.”
“Your funeral,” said Tiny Girl. “Now, Haus rules are as follows. No smacking the ball away if it bounces, blowing and fingering are forbidden, and shots before the last cup are mandatory. Got it?”
“Yeah, but are we playing singles or doubles?” Phichit asked.
“Two of you, one of me,” Tiny Girl grinned. “If I can handle Kent Parson and half the Falconers, I can take a couple figure skaters.”
Yuuri wandered over, finished his cup of tub juice, and the game began. In short order, Tiny Girl had changed her tune.
“Aight, that’s a bounce off the ceiling, you drink four cups,” she said, and then, “The fuck, Katsuki? You’re allowed to alternate those, you’ve already been drinking half of Cheetah’s.”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Yuuri said, and chugged all of them. “Phichit’s got the alcohol tolerance of one of his hamsters, we’ve been playing pong like this for years. We end up equally wasted, so it’s not like I’m cheating.”
The game went on like that for a while, Yuuri and Tiny Girl landing all their shots, to the point where Phichit ducked out in favor of filming the legend unfolding in front of him. Finally, Tiny Girl and Yuuri had one cup left each. It was Yuuri’s turn. Somehow he managed to down the shot and bounce the ball into Tiny Girl's cup at the very edge of the table, and the room exploded.
“Holy shit!” Loud Guy said, “somebody just fucking beat Lardo at pong.”
“Barely,” Yuuri said, somehow managing to be self-defeating and plastered at the same time.
"Are you kidding me?" Mustache chipped in. "I never thought I'd see the goddamn day."
“His aim gets better when he gets drunker,” Phichit said. “I tried to warn you.”
“I’m still the undisputed Haus flip-cup champ,” said Tiny Girl.
“Really? Let’s see about that,” Yuuri said. Drunk Yuuri was finally coming out of his modest megane shell, and Phichit was going to be around to film every second.
“Hey,” Guang-hong asked Phichit around 1 AM, “has anybody seen Leo around?”
“I lost track of him after they started playing “Vivir Mi Vida” and he freaked out,” Phichit said. “How come?”
“Eric’s totally wasted and we need a translator.”
Phichit thought for a second. “From English? We’re using English right now.”
“No,” Guang-hong said, “from Southerner. He’s slurring all his words and allergic to consonants and the last phrase I heard from him was ‘Y’all boutta git sum.’ Leo’s from Houston, he knows that accent.”
“She like music, she from Houuu-ston, like Auntie Yonce,” a familiar voice warbled from Phichit’s seven. He reached out and grabbed Leo from the mass of partiers around them.
“Leo,” Guang-hong said with a valiant attempt at sobriety, “we need you to translate what Bitty’s saying. He’s getting up in Yuuri’s face and I just heard him saying everyone was gonna get something.”
“We don’t need to worry about a fight, Yuuri’s not a fighty drunk,” Phichit added, “but he might cry all over the host and that would just be embarrassing for everyone.”
Leo squinted at Phichit as if his eyes weren’t quite focusing right. “Wouldn’t you want that?” he asked. “You could film it and add it to your Yuuri Blackmail Stash.”
“It’s not a blackmail stash, it’s just a thing friends— look, we don’t have time for this!”
“Aight,” Leo said, “lemme at ‘im and I’ll do my best.”
They elbowed their way over to the circle of onlookers surrounding a slurring Bittle and confused Yuuri, both drunk off their asses. “Aintcha never done no dance-offs b’fore?” Eric said.
“Have you ever been in a dance-off?” Leo translated, enunciating carefully and swaying slightly.
“‘S rumors. Like, tons of ‘em, ‘n’ all of ‘em gotcha winnin’ ‘gainst some miiiiiiighty tough competition,” Eric continued.
“Many rumors claim that you’ve won previous dance-offs against very tough opponents,” said Leo, deadpan.
“An’ I’m thinkin’, how ‘bout it, huh? You an’ me, here ‘n’ now, mano a mano,” Eric concluded.
“And I think we should have a dance-off here and now,” Leo said.
Yuuri blinked. “Thass wha’ he’s sayin’?” he asked. Drunk Yuuri was its own dialect, heavy with slurs and sobbing and the Saga-Ben he never quite scrubbed from his accent. Luckily, Phichit was fluent.
“Yep,” he confirmed. “You down?”
It was a foregone conclusion; between the tub juice and the pong and the kegstands, Yuuri was a good eight drinks in, and eight-drinks Yuuri was a walking bad decision. “Am I down?” Yuuri said, looking like he was about to laugh, or maybe fall over. “Phichit, ‘m a gold medalist, gonna kick ass at Worlds. I think I can take an American who doesn’ even know how t’ breakdance.”
“Famous last words, buddy,” Phichit said, but he stepped back. If this disaster happened, somebody had better preserve it for posterity, and that somebody was going to be him.
“Hey, Cheetah!” Eric hollered, and hurled his phone at Phichit. “Use my phone, I gotta Youtube channel that’s gonna wanna see this.”
The phone was already set to record, so Phichit had nothing to do but stand in a clear spot, press a button, and hold on for the ride.
“Get Me Bodied” blasted through the speakers and Phichit had no adequate words to describe what came next. There was quite a bit of breakdancing on Yuuri’s part— Phichit thought he could recognize that K-kick from the banquet photos— and Eric was shaking his ass like the world was ending and twirling around like a bizarre headbanging ballerina. Between the two of them, Phichit thought they’d used a bit of every kind of dance Phichit knew, and a few he didn’t. As the music ended, Eric came out of a giant spin and… fell? On purpose? He didn’t look hurt, and it had been timed to the music, so probably it was deliberate.
“That’s a death drop, what Bittle ended with. Although I don’t know what you call the spin he did going into it,” said Otabek from behind Phichit’s shoulder, and since when had Otabek even been at this party?
“I’ve been here all night, you just haven’t noticed because I’m not a rowdy drunk like some people,” Otabek said. “I DJ on the side, and there’s always somebody asking for the latest American hits. I figured it would be field research.”
“Okay,” said Yuuri from where he was draped against the banister, “so who won?”
Phichit pressed STOP and the recording cut out. “Everybody who just witnessed that. Maaaybe Eric, by a tiny margin? But most of all, Eric’s twitter followers,” he said, and uploaded the video.
“I’m so gonna regret that tomorrow,” Eric said, accepting a bottle of water from his boyfriend.
“I’m regretting it already,” Yuuri said. As Yuuri was tragically boyfriend-less until Victor tracked them down, Phichit grabbed some water for him.
“But oh my god, Eric, that move you did at the end? You have to teach us!” Guang-hong piped up.
“Yeah,” Phichit chirped, “Yuuri can fall on purpose for once.”
“I really hate you sometimes, Phichit, “ said Yuuri.
“Hate me later, it’s time for a podium selfie!” Phichit said, throwing Eric’s phone back to him.
Eric carefully took a photo with Yuuri, and Phichit wrote the caption for him: “4CC gold medalist katsukiyuuri and the reigning Haus Dance-Off Champion! #Epikegster #danceoffroyalty #yourfavescouldnever” The party wound down after that, and around 2 AM everybody headed back to their hotels after extracting a deal: Eric would teach them how to do a death drop someday if Yuuri helped him land a quad loop.
Bitty woke up in the middle of the night with an enormous headache, aching joints, and several thousand new followers. His phone had apparently alerted him to all of them at once, and didn’t stop buzzing for the five minutes it took Bitty to scroll to the source of the problem. Sure, the dance-off video accounted for his new Twitter followers, but why on earth was his Instagram blowing up?
And then he saw the selfie, and more importantly, the top comment.
“Jack. Jack, if you love me at all, you have to see this.”
“Bits, it’s four in the morning.”
“Look at this. Look at it. Viktor. Nikiforov. Just. Liked. My. Photo. He complimented my selfie prowess, Jack!”
“I’m divorcing you.”
“We’re not even engaged!”
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the1997oppa · 7 years
Remember Me?
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader Warning(s): 3 tbs of Cliche ahead Genre: Romance, Fluff
The rain pelted against my window pane. I remember playing outside with Taehyung back when we were still adorable, young and naive. But now, we're just plane naive with a bit of dumbness added altogether. Earlier this morning, I thought today would be the day I'll leave a mark on this planet, with cloudy skies and sun rays skimming through, it was ideal. Then Taehyung happened. His phone call happened. The so called blind date that is about to happen added to the list. I mean, who sets up your own friend with your other friend just because you can? I tried my best to persuade him that it would be a bad idea since he knew how socially awkward I become around people. Heck, I even offered to make a PowerPoint presentation as to how his idea sounded like the dumbest essay paper you'd come across with. But he just laughed over the phone saying how silly I was. That twat. I am very much fine playing my role as the single fart in here but that alien of a friend of mine begged to differ.
My previous date had taught me well and left me traumatized for the rest of my life, not in a bad way but more in a hilariously epic one. I remember it as if it was yesterday.
"Don't worry he's a sweetheart. " Taehyung promised as he dragged my pastel-clad figure into a world of unknown which we prefer to call the homecoming dance. I was wearing a soft baby pink dress, like a unicorn just barfed on me. I was nervous and hopeful all at the same time. Taehyung hadn't mention a name but I didn't bother to ask either so when I was placed in front a lanky dude, I nervously searched for any sign of amusement in Taehyung's eyes followed by his boisterous laugh saying this was all just a joke, but unfortunately, there was none. I once again faced the noodle dude in front of me. Braces, check. Thick rimmed glasses, check. Horrible fashion sense, I'd give him an A plus for that. Don’t get me wrong though. I’m just not used to being the one in advantage when meeting strangers since I’m usually the awkward one.
I thought that that was the worst thing that could happen but apparently, as the night gets older, the more my unnamed date seems to be fidgety and awkward. At first, I tried to talk to him nicely. We danced for a bit even though he just kept on stepping on my toes, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Despite that, we continued dancing anyway but things went downhill when I suddenly found myself tripping over our feet as I fall and knocked over a waiter who successfully poured the mocktails over my head in accident, if you thought that's the worst then you're terrible wrong. After a few attempts of getting up and coming back to my senses, everyone around me seems to find something funny as they point fingers in my direction. Anxiously looking down, I found my self sitting over some sort of liquid that is definitely not a mocktail with my date puking his guts out.... Oh.
So that brings us back to the present. Where I'm currently watching the rain from inside my room praying to all Gods alive that a rainstorm occurs so I can Netflix my way out of the blind date. I mean my efforts of dressing up will be gone to waste but I really don't care since I didn't even bother smudging a bit of a BB cream onto my face. Deal with it whoever this as equally as stupid blind date was supposed to be. As I continued to mentally think of ways and excuses, the doorbell echoed throughout the house sounding very much like an audio from a horror movie. I am doomed. I know it.
I just do.
"Hey you! You... " I greeted even though my eyes were focused solely on the device on my hand which happened to be my phone. 
"Uh yeah, hi. " A smooth nasally voice replied. Is the news paper boy late or a little bit early? 8 hours early to be exact.
"Oh hi. Are you here with tomorrow's newspaper or are you lost or maybe a new neighbor or something because I really can't entertain any guest right now because I'm supposedly going in a date with someone in just about now... Oh." I paused as realization hit me like a bullet train, extra impact and damage, people.
"You must be jongkuk." I mumbled, a little bit hesitant. I regret not listening to Taehyung about who this other person was earlier. Now here I am contemplating and pondering about a couple of names that sound like Jong and Cook.
"Actually... It's Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." He smiled adorably.
Wait what?
"Hey, uh yeah Jungkook. I'm Sera and I bet you didn't want to get stuck in this date neither right? Especially with a boring nerdy plain Jane who reeks of cheetos and other things. How about we call this quits and proceed on our own ways? Let's just tell Taehyung we were chased by the neighborhood dogs and decided that today is just not our day. How about that? Sounds good yeah?" I'm just hoping that my persuasiveness works just this once on this boy. I really don't wanna get wet neither do I want to go out and waste such a rainy comfy day.
"I was hoping we could go and see a movie. " The guy mumbled while he fiddles with his umbrella. My shoulders sagged but I immediately composed myself once again then looked at him. For a moment I contemplated. Well, he made an effort to dress up nicely and not to mention he was here holding his polka dot printed umbrella. I guess I'd be considerate and nice this time since I'm also already dressed up albeit a little too casual for a date.
"Alright. Just lemme get my bag then we're good to go." I responded then went to fetch my belongings. As I reach for my coat, my black umbrella calls out my eyes. Seriously I'm even manlier than my date. Just where did Taehyung got this manchild of a friend? Not judging.
I smiled at Jungkook after locking my door. I thought we were going to trudge our way to the mall. But when we reached the neighborhood park, he tells me to wait for a bit. I pouted as I watched the raindrops ruin my boots. I mean, I love the rain but I hate being in the middle of it. A moment passed then a motorcycle zooms near my spot. I’d be lying if I say that didn't give me a heart attack. I gawked as I watched the driver remove his helmet. Then came Jungkook's smiley adorable face.
Wait what again.
Never mind. You know what, I take back calling him a manchild. He's smoking hot on that motor, minus the umbrella.
"Did I scare you? I saw you jumping for like a meter away. Sorry for that. " He rubs his nape sheepishly.
Maybe this isn't so bad after all.
When we arrived at the mall, Jungkook immediately bought movie tickets good for two while I was busy choosing over cheese flavored popcorn or the barbecue one. He smiled at my form seeing the popcorn bag almost falling off from my embrace. 
In the end I chose caramel.
As soon as the movie started rolling, I was pretty much fascinated by the animated characters than by my own date, even to the extent that I forgot I have one. I laughed at some scenes then threw some side comments along the way, I was just hoping I wasn't boring Jungkook out of his wits. Once the movie ended, it was already half past 9 so it was only as expected when we heard our stomachs grumble for food.
"I really want some pizza right now." I muttered mostly to myself but Jungkook seemed to hear me loud and clear as he started to drag me to the nearest pizzeria he saw. I smiled at him once we placed our orders. For a moment, it was really awkward between us which lead me to ponder over some things.
"Why were you determined to take me out earlier? I mean, I'm really not that attractive and I’m pretty sure Tae already told you I’m boring, which is kind of the truth. " I voiced out.
Jungkook seemed to be lost in his own thoughts for a while. I waited for his answer but there was none. He just smiled at me then leaned closer. I furrowed my brows at his actions but he just sent another charming smile on my way.
Charming? What?
He took a deep breath then tucked a loose hair strand behind my ear. I thought he was going to do something funny so I watched him with a pair of eyes that can match a hawk's.
"I really like you. A lot. " Jungkook uttered leaving me stunned. I laugh nervously summoning my wittiness and sassiness to say something funny about that. But my stupid brain chose to blank out.
"Why so sudden? You just met me today? You just can't like me easily? Am I... Do I look easy to you? " I scoffed in feigned ignorance as he leans back in his seat. But the nerve of him to smile that smile of his. We didn't talk for a while, only the clatters and soft murmurs of the people around us was heard. I was uneasy though because the guy left me hanging. You know how curiosity is sometimes. 
"Come on. I'm going to take you home now. It's late. " He then paid for our dinner then we walked out of the restaurant as he dragged a dazed me along the pavement of the sidewalk. I just let him be until we stopped in front of a mini park. He made me sit in one of the swings and I just obliged.
"This is actually not the first time we met. " Jungkook starts as he sits on the other swing.
"Back in freshmen year, we were classmates. I saw you during orientation and our lockers were next to each other. But you never really noticed any of that. " He mumbled the last part.
"Taehyung befriended me because I was quite the loner back then. He was nice and he kept talking about this also nice best friend he has. I knew it was you that time. I saw you two bickering." He continues.
I searched the back of my mind for any remarkable event back then. If I ever heard his name before. I remember Taehyung mentioning his name once but I just forgot the topic. So that means Jungkook is not lying. But I couldn't recall anymore information so that leaves me frustrated at the moment because how can I even not remember this guy?
"So Tae being the “good” friend he is did me a favor. He set me up on a date with you. " He said and by this time he stood up then kneeled in front of me, gripping my shoulders and sending me the softest look I had ever seen in someone's eyes.
"I was glad you agreed." Jungkook smiled. I don't know if it was just my eyes or Jungkook was really approaching my face. His breath tickled my face as I resisted the urge to giggle.
"Remember the dance?"
“Remember that weird dude who kept ignoring you and dodging your questions, who kept avoiding your eyes and kept stepping on your feet?”
I furrowed my brows at this. I remember the dress. I remember the lanky tall dude. I remember the incident. But...
"Remember me?" He whispered.
So with that, Jungkook presses his lips against mine. I slowly flutter my eyes shut with all my previous thoughts thrown out of the window because Goddamn, his lips are so soft and he kisses me like I'm the most fragile thing on earth. 
He's a good kisser alright!
I wanted to push him away, really. But then he starts to caress my cheek and it was just so nice and warm in a chilly night so...
But wait what about the homecoming? What about..? No way.
I abruptly cut our make out session as I literally jumped away from Jungkook. He was surprised but nonetheless smiled at me despite the weird looks I was sending him.
"Who the heck are you? What the heck are you talking about and why are we kissing in this creepy park? " I said in one go. This is really romantic and all but I have no idea why I'm kissing this creep and cute of a date I have.
"Come on, you still don't remember me? " Jungkook asked then lightly chuckled. Why is he treating me like I'm a China doll when I am very much capable of kicking balls when provoked.
"Then you should answer me because I know for myself that I am very dense and dumb when it comes to things like this. " I admitted, still keeping my distance.
Jungkook sighed then sat on the grass. He patted the spot beside him so I obliged although we were still an arm's length.
"Once upon a time, there was this nerd who was very eager to enter high school despite his mediocre looks and poor social skills. He knew that it would be the start of something new so he welcomed everything, be it something bad or good, he went with the flow. Then he met this girl who just didn't give a what and walked around like a hermit. They were as equally as awkward so the boy found himself admiring her from afar everyday. In his eyes, the girl shone like she is the only being left in the world so he felt the need to protect her from all the evil of this world. He was contented with just looking at her but then this other boy befriended him. This other boy was like a ray of sunshine so they instantly clicked because well, socially awkward boy was in need of a company. This other boy then noticed socially awkward boy's behavior towards the girl so he offered to set them up on a date since apparently, sunshine boy was this girl's best friend. Without hesitation, socially awkward boy accepted. Then homecoming happened."
I suck in a breath as I tensed, remembering every bit of what happened 2 years ago. It can't be him. I mean, the dude back then was lanky and lame and very clumsy. That was Jungkook?
"I'm pretty sure by now you know what I'm talking about. " He added as I felt him avert his eyes over my stiff form.
"You were that dork? " I asked, my face shouting confusion all over the place.
"I'm actually thankful you didn't ditch me before and after the incident. Even after sitting on my puke, you still helped me clean up and didn't even laugh at me. I admire you for that." Then he tucked my hair behind my ear as his thumb caresses my cheek.
"Remember me now?"
The night ended nicely with Jungkook walking me home. As I lay still on my bed, I think back of my recent decisions in life and try to figure out just where I had gone wrong. 2 years ago? Wait, actually no. I made the wrong move when I had protected Taehyung from his bullies back in the first grade. Damn do I regret ever meeting that kid? To hell yes!
My phone suddenly rang cutting me out of my reverie. I glanced at the caller's ID then sighed.
"What? " I grumbled as I curled underneath my blankets.
"Woah there sweet cheeks. What's up with the snappy attitude? " Taehyung chuckled from the other line.
"You tell me captain obvious. " I retorted.
"I'm guessing the date didn't go well? " He asked.
"It actually did. Too well for my own comfort. How did he do that? " I asked in frustration. Those kinds of physical transformation only happen in movies. Now that I'm encountering a perfect example, you could only guess how crept out I am right now. And jealous.
"He's got a bunch of good friends that's how." The lad replied.
"I'm guessing you're not one of them right? " I remarked then heard him whine at the other end of the line.
"When will puberty hit you Tae? " Oh the joys of annoying him.
"Shut up. Did he confess? "
"Why? Are you jealous? " I teased.
"Dude I don't see you in that light so don't even bother. " He exclaimed out of frustration while I internally laugh at him.
"Maybe not me but Jungkook.. Oh I don't know..." I cackled mentally as I hear him hyperventilate out of anger and annoyance.
"PARK SERA I AM STRAIGHT YOU BRAT! " And so I doubled over as I listen to him rant his frustration about our friendship over the phone.
"Seriously though, the guy's been liking you for a while now. And for a while, I mean 2 years. " Taehyung stated after calming down from his outburst.
"He said that too. We actually came to an agreement to see where this date will take us. I just don't understand why it took him 2 years to be on a date with me again. " I wondered out loud.
"He needs time too you know. Look he’s not that lanky and clumsy and shy and awkward now. " Taehyung replied. Is that bitterness I hear? 
"Yeah you're- hold up, someone's calling me. " I informed then put our conversation on hold.
"Hello? " I inquisitively muttered, hearing soft puffs of breath from the other line.
"Hi Sera. "
And at that moment I knew I was damned.
"Heyyy Jungkook. So what made you call me at 12 in the midnight?" I asked.
"Actually, I'm still outside your house." He mumbles hesitantly. I jumped onto my feet at this then looked outside of my window, it was foggy so it's probably chilly outside. I don't even know if I should invite him in. Both my parents had gone to hike last last day so I was left alone in the house. But it would be rude if I just leave Jungkook standing outside. So with no contemplation, I ran towards our front door then opened it, revealing Jungkook's shaking figure.
"Why are you still here?" I asked. My question might have appeared a little too rude to him for he seemed abashed and taken aback, making me feel guilty.
"I mean, our date ended an hour ago, have you been sitting here for an hour too?" I asked,  softly this time.
"I was kind of thinking about confessing properly earlier but I guess I didn't notice the time. Calling you was just a spur of the moment decision. Go back inside now, it's freezing here. Sorry for bothering you." Jungkook shudders as he tries to hide his clattering teeth. 
"Oh. But... do you live nearby? There are no buses out this time and...forget it. If you want, you could stay the night." I offered as I noticed his eyes lightening up in hope. I can't even with this boy. I opened the door wider then gestured him to follow me inside. Once I hear him lock the door, I turned to face him. 
"My house is kind of small and since my parents are coming back home anytime tomorrow, I'd suggest you sleep in my room. I don't want them misunderstanding you as a burglar or a charity case. Don't worry, I can just crash down on my own couch." I bit my lip as the awkward atmosphere arise.
"It's okay, I'm grateful enough for letting me stay over. I'll just sleep on the couch.. or on the floor of your room. I'm really sorry for bothering you." He shyly says then I dragged him to my room by his sleeve.
"You can take a shower if you want. I'll just get some clothes from my dad. Maybe something will fit you but don't count on that, he dresses as if he's a hipster." I muttered as I reach for the extra comforter and duvet. I passed it to him then smiled.
"I'll come back and bring some snack from downstairs." I bade then closed my room's door. Heaving a sigh, I pressed my hand against my rapidly beating heart.
"This is unhealthy for you Sera." With a huff, I trudged my way to my parents' room then grabbed a shirt and sweatpants that will hopefully fit Jungkook. Once I was carrying a platter of cookies and a glass of milk, don't judge, I came back inside my room only to gape at the sight before me.
Forget about that forgotten call with Taehyung because what the heck!? 
Jeon Jungkook will be the death of me.
"Why are you wearing my pajamas?" I asked as my mouth remains ajar. Jungkook smiled sheepishly as he ruffles his hair using MY towel. MY PINK HELLO KITTY TOWEL. How manly. Oh yeah, and my OCD is striking in.
"I thought it was the clothes you spared so I wore it..." He innocently replied then glanced at the dangling set of plain clothes on my arms, his mouth rounding in understanding.
"I'm so sorry!" He apologizes then starts to lift the shirt over his head, momentarily scaring me.
"Woah woah woah! You are not going to strip in front of me Jeon! Put the darn shirt back on!" I cried out, trying to balance the platter I was carrying.
"I didn't know it was yours. These clothes look like they're triple sizes bigger than your frame." He hastily uttered. I furrowed my brows at him as we both momentarily stilled.
"Not that I saw your body... or I was hoping to see but seriously, You're petite and I didn't think these PJ's will fit to you.. No offence?" Jungkook rambles. I laughed at our situation as I set down the cookies.
"It's fine... I think. I just didn't expect you to wear my clothes. And yeah, they're sizes bigger than me since I too, like my dad, dresses like a hipster. You know, with the baggy pants and shirts." I said then handed him my dad's clothes.
"It's okay if you stay in those so reserve this set for tomorrow." I smiled.
"Here have some snacks. Our dinner had been hours ago so you might be hungry." I then handed him the cookies and a glass of milk.
"Thank you for your kindness." He mumbles as he bites onto a cookie. I patted his fluffy hair then realized my mistake after he stiffens.
"Okay.. Now, that, was a spur of the moment decision." I chuckled nervously then made my way to my bed as Jungkook made himself comfortable on the sofa bed.
"What made you stay outside my house for an hour again?" I asked, trying to ease the awkwardness surrounding us. The guy stiffens again then plopped down the plate of cookies as he sips the milk.
"Confession. A proper one." He answered without looking up. He fiddles with his fingers while I stayed static on my bed.
"Why?" I finally asked, tucking myself underneath the covers.
"I felt like I owe you one. Especially after the kiss. Oh and, you may have talked to Taehyung why it took me 2 years to be on a date with you again, I just wanted to personally answer you because that's how things should be and I'm a grown up now. I think." He replied then looked up at me with his piercing gaze. 
"Oh. Yeah, the kiss. So, what actually happened in those two years Jeon?" He smiles at my own nickname for him then find a comfortable position as he lies down on the couch, still facing me.
"I did some changes and learned some lessons, oh and gained some friends too. I thought that if I were to like someone, I should be able to like myself first. Two years back, I knew I didn't like myself for being me so I worked hard for my own and learned to socialize. Now I have a circle of trusty friends, I'm contented of what I am and... I think I'm ready to confess now." He states as he sends a smile on my way.
"And all along, even after having girls possibly dropping their panties because of you, you still like me?" I asked in confusion because who wouldn't? You guys have to understand that Jungkook is a very attractive young man so who wouldn't try to hook up with him?
"Nah, my feelings are mostly what motivated me to be the better me that I am now. Not only for my looks but also self confidence. I used to traipse around like I'm afraid of someone noticing me but now I can walk confidently as an individual, as me." He uttered.
"So... your feelings. I still really don't understand." I murmured.
"I really like you Sera." He confesses.
"What made you like me? Even after my obvious reluctance earlier?" I asked, sounding defensive and all but Jungkook just smiled at me.
"You still did went out on the date with me. Even two years ago, you still went through the dance after finding out how hideous I look back then, you even helped me with the mess I made. You didn't leave me alone in the middle of the crowd Sera, that's what I liked about you. You're considerate and selfless." He noted.
"You weren't hideous, you just looked funny." I muttered as I covered half of my face to hide my reddening cheeks.
"See what I'm talking about? Although you're kind of blunt, your honesty makes up for it." He added.
"I could go on and say a list of things I like about you but you seemed very sleepy so how about we call it a night and just go on another date tomorrow? If that's okay with you." Gone was the shy Jungkook.
So many things can happen in just six hours. Events like a spontaneous date, or a phone call or a heart to heart talk with someone who's been liking you for a couple of years. These are just part of the joys of youth. Some never want it to end and maybe, I'm one of those people.
I looked back at Jungkook then thought, two years were worth it for a lot of things happened and we matured over that span of time, helping him was worth it and being friends with Taehyung is also somehow worth it. If I were to date this adorable confident guy in front of me, what could go wrong? We're only teens. Just because we're going to date doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to be married to each other.
"I don't mind going out on a date with you Jungkook." 
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