#earlier today i looked out my window and i saw cars and things and Not the pretty nature of sweden and it was such a dissapointmant
trafficpan-ic · 7 months
In a few days I will be back in my old routine and forget about so many beautiful things, but for today im just gonna miss Sweden
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 8 months
Happy Birthday!
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Pairings: Larissa Weems x witch!reader
Warning: Fluff
Summary: Its Larissa's birthday so you decide to surprise her
Author's not: Just a quick early birthday piece in honor of Gwen's birthday!
I woke up at 4 am. Seeing Larissa still sleeping, I got ready for my eventful day. I hastily grab my phone, keys, and wallet and left the room but not before kissing her on the cheek.
Once I got in my car I started driving to Jericho where I had ordered Larissa a bunch of small gifts to put everywhere in our shared room and office.
An hour later when I have gathered all my gifts I wanted for Larissa to have I started to make my way back to Nevermore. I look out the window into the sky seeing the sun start to rise meaning Larissa would be up soon since she has to work. I doubt that women even remembered her birthday is today.
After a quick 10 mins, I flicked my wrist causing all of the gifts to float and follow me. When I got to Larissa's office I saw on the clock I still had 30 mins before she woke up. So I quickly started to use my magic to hide the small gifts I got for her in her office and then would hide some others were we usually go to regularly or somewhere that means a lot to her.
Twenty minutes later I have finished hiding half of the gifts in her office and decided to write a little note, letting her know that there were more for her in some special places. Making it like a scavenger hunt for her. Which I thought was fun.
I looked at the time and saw that it was 6 am. Letting me know that it was time for Larissa too wake up so I quickly left her office and went to go and place the other gifts I bought in its places. And decided to hide the last ones in the bedroom during lunch so she wouldn't see me putting them in.
Larissa's pov:
My eyes slowly flutter open, my body instinctively trying to snuggle into Y/n. But she wasn't there. All I felt were cold sheets letting me know that they woke up a lot earlier then me which was strange because they always woke up late.
I then started to worry if something bad happened to them since they never wake up this early at all, but it also confused me deeply.
I then just sighed a got up out of bed and started to get ready for the day. I walked over to the closet and saw the cream color dress that Y/n loved to see me in. Since they said it makes my look beautiful. I decided to wear it since their compliments always made me feel so confident throughout the whole day.
Then I slipped into the dress, feeling very confident. I went over to my vanity and started doing my makeup and putting my hair in its signature updo.
Once I finished getting ready I saw it was 7:15 am. I then got up from up from my vanity chair and sighed. Still wondering where Y/n is since they never just disappear in the mornings. They aren't an early bird either.
I stood up and put on some cream color kitten heels and headed out of my office, knowing that I don't have a lot of work today so I can finish early and spend a lot of time with Y/n once I find them/
I stride out of my shared bedroom that is connected to my office. When I entered I immediately notice something different about my office. I then saw a letter that was written by Y/n. Instantly know thing that was their neat cursive hand writing.
I opened the letter and started to read what the contents said.
Dear Rissa,
I know you must be wondering where I am since I wasn't there when you woke up, but I had a few matters to take care of and just wanted to let you know. There is also something different about the office, and our special spots. Do not worry about working today since I have already done everything that you have needed to take care of today.
I hope you will have fun!
Your Darling
When I have finished reading the letter I felt myself starting to smile like an idiot. They have planned something for me and I don't know what. They also did all my work which is oddly suspicious since they always complain about working.
I tried to rack my brain of why they would do this but nothing came to me, so I just decided to play their little game so I started looking around my office. Immediately noticing on my chairs in-front of my desk.
It was a perfume I have always wanted but it just kept selling out and I now had five of them. I then pondered how Y/n was able to get this since they were always sold out but I decided to ask them later.
On the other chair I saw some books that I have always wanted because they were from my favorite author. It only has been published yesterday and yet again. I pondered how they were able to get this. I picked up one of the books and opened it, seeing that it was signed by the author herself. I then checked the other books seeing that they were also signed as well.
I started to smile once again at their gestures that they have showed me today and its only 8 am in the morning. I then started to look around my office more, looking for some more gifts from Y/n.
Our pov:
"Ok! So today is Principal Weems's birthday. As you all may know, so in honor of her birthday I have decided to throw her a surprise party. I know this is last minute but we have seven hours to decorate and I have told all the teachers and we all agreed to do this. So in order to finish the surprise party in time we decided to have no classes today!" I said to the students which made them cheer and start to chant my name. Putting a smile on my face. I then quickly shushed them, worried that Larissa would hear them.
They then quieted down, also expressing their concerns on getting caught. I then started telling everyone the plan.
Hours later and everyone already had lunch. Larissa had just went back into her office. I was sad that I couldn't eat dinner, breakfast, and lunch with her since I've been organizing stuff for her birthday. It is now currently 8 pm. So in two hours the students would have to go back to their dorms since they would be passing their curfews.
Once we made sure that everything was in place I went to go get Larissa. I knocked on her office doors. I opened the doors once I heard her yell a soft, "get in!"
"Rissa!" I squealed a bit. She looked up at me once she heard her nickname that I call her.
"Hey my darling, where have you been I've been worried sick about you since I haven't seen you for almost 14 hours. Which is too long being away from you!" She grumbled and outed slightly towards the end of her rambling.
"Im sorry Rissa, but did you like my little scavenger hunt for you?" I asked excitedly.
"Oh darling they were wonderful! And I love them all so much! But what is with all these gifts? Because I don't think its a special occasion since I usually remember these types of things." Said Larissa in a confused tone.
"Yes, but I do have one more surprise for you!" I said excitedly, before dragging her out to the quad where it was pitch dark.
"There is nothing here but darkness dear?" Larissa softly said to me.
All of a sudden lights were flipped on and there was a huge banner saying;
"Happy Birthday Principal Weems!"
Students and teachers were singing happy birthday to Rissa. I looked over at her and I can see her overcome her shock and started to smile widely.
"Happy Birthday," I whispered softly before kissing her.
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smilesstyless · 1 year
Birthday show with surprises
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Summary: it’s Harry’s birthday show and you find out you’re pregnant. Harry is starting a conversation with you
Pairing: singer!harry x fem!reader
Wordcount: 793
Trigger warnings: a bit angst at the end
Inspired by this
You are nervous you got the results of your pregnancy test back and today was also Harry’s birthday and you’re supposed to go.
You slowly open the letter and look at the results. You couldn’t believe what stands there. You’re pregnant. She can’t believe that.
You spend too much money on this ticket, you can’t stay home. Y/n is still shocked, she cried a bit and then she made a sign, I found out I’m pregnant.
Harry is looking through the crowd, he was asking if everyone is okay and the crowd said no. He was making sure everyone was having a good time.
Harry is looking through the crowd, he was asking if everyone is okay and the crowd said no. He was making sure everyone was having a good time.
He already sang a few songs like cinema, keep driving, and canyon moon. then he got back to reading the signs. He looked at the crowd, some of them said, shaved for Harry or sing grape juice but he didn’t care about them. His eyes stopped at your sign.
“You found out today?” Harry asks you.
“Yes, I’m three months pregnant,” you say a bit shyly. Today is Harry’s day and you make it about yourself but Harry doesn’t think like that he thinks it’s wonderful.
“Three months, congrats. Are you excited? Are you terrified? It’s gonna be fine,” he smiles friendly at her.
“I am terrified, I’m on my own,” she looks at Harry. She still is shocked he’s talking to her.
“Is it the first one? I know you will be a great mum,” he smiles. “I wish you luck,” he added.
“I can tell from looking from the window of my soul into the window of your soul,” Harry first points at his eyes and then he points at y/n her eyes. “Through those beautiful windows, that you’re gonna be great you seem like a great person. You’re gonna be great,” you blush at the statement from Harry, that your eyes are beautiful. She’s still shocked that Harry talked to her. The crowd is cheering.
During the rest of the show Harry checked on you a few times, he makes sure everything is alright. “I wish I could hug you,” He saw her crying and said it right after Matilda.
One of the security guards stopped her, “H wants to talk to you,” she follows the guards backstage. She stands in front of Harry’s dressing room. She was about to knock, he opens the door. He isn’t wearing a shirt, just the pants from earlier. He lets her go inside.
“May I hug you?” She nodded her head. Harry wraps his arms around her body. He puts his hands into fits and touches her back. His hug is warm and comforting.
“You will do great, don’t be scared,” he whispers into her neck.
“I’m alone, I have nobody,” she sobs. Harry noticed she started crying. He slowly rocked them both back and forth. Y/n hides her face in his chest.
“You’re not alone,” he coos.
“I am, you wouldn’t understand. So many people support you and I have nobody’s support with the baby,” she sobs out.
“You have mine,” y/n looks up at Harry who is smiling at the thought of babysitting them. "I can babysit," he smiled.
“You don’t mean that, you are famous,” she mumbles to herself. She can’t even afford some things a baby needs, like a crib.
“And that doesn’t mean I’m no human. I care about so much and let me care about you,” he wipes her tears away.
“H, we are celebrating. Are you coming out?” Mitch asked.
“One minute,” he says.
“What’s your name? I forgot to ask you earlier,” he puts a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“It’s y/n,” she smiled shyly. “I need to go home now,” she told Harry. He lets go of the hug and grabs himself a sweater and some sweatpants, he puts the sparkly pants off and the gray sweatpants on.
“I’ll bring you to the car,” he offers her his hand.
“But your party—” she mumbles. She grabs Harry’s hand and he interlocks his fingers with hers. “Can wait, first I need to bring you safely to your car,” he says.
Outside are a few cars left, Harry pulled his hood up, he doesn’t want to be seen.
Y/n and Harry arrive at the car, she opens it and slides in the driver's seat, and Harry opens the door to the passenger's side.
“Enter your number, and I’ll call you okay?” He’s kind of scared she will give it away. “Don’t give this number to anyone else. I’ve never done this before,” he admits.
“I won’t,” Harry gets out of the car and was about to close the door. “I wish you a happy rest birthday,” Harry’s smile brightens.
“Thanks, get home safely,” he added.
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worseforwords · 1 year
The Last Wrapper
Leah Williamson x Reader
Chapter 2: Blankets & Bitterness
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Link to Chapter 1
Leah looked up at you, her eyes red and puffy. “What are you doing here?” she slurred, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. You shook your head. “I could ask you the same thing,” you replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of your voice. No matter how much you hated her, you knew you couldn’t leave her there. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.” you said, holding out your hand. 
“Leave me alone! I don’t need your help, I’m fine.” she blurted out, removing your hand with a weakened push. “Leah,” you said with a stern tone and a matching look, “you know I hate this just as much as you do, but you have to let me help you. You’re not safe here and no one should see you like this.” She looked up at you with a dazed look you couldn’t quite place, before eventually reluctantly accepting the hand you once again held out.
You helped Leah to her feet, and she leaned heavily against you as you made your way out of the bathroom. The stranger from earlier was waiting outside, looking concerned. “Is she okay?” she asked you. You nodded, not wanting to go into any details. “Yeah, she’s just had a bit too much to drink. I’ll make sure she gets home safe. Thanks for letting me know.”
You ordered an Uber and turned to Leah, asking for her address. However, she was in no state to answer, mumbling incoherently and unable to focus. Everyone you knew who might know her address was probably asleep at this hour, so you had no other option than to take Leah back to your place. It wasn’t too far away and you knew that it was the safest option. 
You helped her into the car once it arrived and the Uber driver started the short journey. Leah immediately passed out in the seat next to you, her head lolling to the side, onto your shoulder. The smell of her hair and the soft snores in your ear made a chill crawl up your back, but still you couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for her.
When you arrived at your apartment, you carried Leah inside and laid her down on the sofa. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, hoping that it would help to sober her up a little. When you returned to the living room, you saw that Leah had started to stir.
“Where am I?” she groaned, rubbing her forehead. You handed her the glass of water and she took a sip. “You’re at my place,” you told her. “Do you remember anything from tonight?” Leah shook her head. “Not really. I just remember feeling really upset and then everything’s a blur.” she still looked confused, frantically looking around trying to gather information about her situation from her surroundings. “Why am I here?”
You sighed, not sure what to do next. You didn’t want her to stay, but you couldn’t just leave her to her own devices either. You didn’t want to deal with her in the morning, especially if she was going to be hungover, but you knew that you had to do something.
“I’m sorry I hurt you,” Leah suddenly blurted out, making you turn your head and look at her confused. “Your knee I mean, I’m sorry I kicked it today.” she explained. “Sure.” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. “I mean it. It was an accident, I swear.” 
“Look,” you said, sitting down next to her, “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you need to get yourself together. You can’t get drunk in public like this. You are a professional footballer now, you have an image to maintain.” Leah looked at you, tears forming in her eyes. “I know,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry.” “Besides, it’s not safe for you out there on your own like this.” you continued, ignoring her apology and the current apologetic glare she was sending your way, probably because you actually said something considerably nice.
You stood up from the sofa again and walked over to the window, looking out into the darkness of the night. You knew you had to make a decision about what to do with Leah. On one hand, you wanted to just leave her there and let her deal with the consequences of her actions. On the other hand, you couldn’t bring yourself to abandon her in her time of need.
After a few minutes of silence, you turned back to Leah. “Look, you can stay here tonight,” you said, “but you need to promise me that you’ll start fixing whatever caused you to act like this tomorrow. This can’t happen again.” Leah nodded, eyes still filled with tears. “I promise.” she said, her voice hoarse.
You nodded, feeling like you made the right call, even though you had no idea if she’d remember any of it in the morning. At least she wasn’t going to be wandering the streets alone tonight. “Okay then,” you said, “let me get you something to sleep in.” You walked over to your bedroom and pulled a t-shirt and a pair of shorts out of the closet. “These should fit,” you said, handing them to her. “There’s an unused toothbrush in the bathroom cupboard if you want to brush your teeth too.”
Leah took the clothes from you and went to the bathroom to change. You took the opportunity to tidy up a little and collect some blankets and pillows for Leah to sleep on your couch.
When Leah emerged from the bathroom, she looked a little more composed. “Thanks,” she said, smiling weakly at you as she moved towards her previous spot on the sofa. “For everything.” You nodded, not sure what to say in response. The silence was awkward. Her mind was clearly occupied with something, but you didn’t want to push her to talk about anything she didn’t want to.
Instead, you sat down on the other end of the sofa and turned on the TV. You flipped through the channels until you found something mindless to watch, hoping that it would help both of you to relax, as you knew you had no chance at getting any sleep yet. 
After only about 5 minutes, you looked to your right to see Leah sound asleep. However, she lay in such an awkward position, her body twisted and contorted, that it seemed as if she had bent herself into a pretzel. You cursed under your breath as you got up and turned off the tv. You knew you couldn’t leave her like that so you reluctantly put your arms under her folded body and you gently laid her down on her side, putting a pillow under her head in the process.
You put a blanket over Leah and then you did wat might be the most immature thing you’ve ever done: you retreated to the bathroom to cleanse yourself of the Leah-ness that seemed to cling to you. As you washed your face and hands, you couldn’t help but shake your head at your own childishness, suddenly feeling the need to “wash off all the Leah” or something.
Eventually, you made your way to bed yourself, but your mind was still racing with thoughts and questions about the events of the night. After three hours of stirring, you gave up on the idea of sleep and got up to make yourself some tea. As you waited for the kettle to boil, you couldn’t help but think about Leah and what had caused her to act the way she did.
Just as you were about to pour the hot water over your teabag, you heard a noise coming from the living room. It was Leah, who had woken up and was now sitting on the couch, looking at you with bleary eyes. “You okay?” you asked, setting the kettle down and walking over to her.
She nodded, rubbing her eyes. “Yeah, I think so,” she said, her voice still a little foggy. “What time is it?” “Almost 4 AM,” you replied, glancing at the clock on the microwave. “Tea?” Leah nodded before letting out a groan. “I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at her lap. “I didn’t mean to keep you up all night.” “It’s fine,” you said, taking a seat next to her. “I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
Leah sighed and leaned back against the couch. “I just feel so stupid,” she said, her voice tinged with frustration. “I should know better than to let myself go like that.” You nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, it wasn’t the smartest move.” you said, trying to be supportive. Leah sighed again. “It’s just- there’s a lot going on right now,” she said, trailing off. You waited for her to continue, sensing that there was more she wanted to say.
“I- I lost someone close to me," she said, her voice catching. “And even though it’s been a long time since their gone and I thought I left it behind, I’ve recently come to realise that I am not over it. And it's been really hard to deal with. I thought I could handle it, but I guess I can’t.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Leah,” you said, “but it’s okay. Losing someone close to you isn’t something you can just get over, or leave behind, trust me.” She glared at you with a look you couldn’t quite place. It held a combination of pain, sadness but also sympathy. It was like she was looking for something in your eyes.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping your calming camomile tea and digesting the short conversation. Eventually, you stood up and stretched. “I should probably try to get some sleep now.” you said. “Right, yeah, me too.” she said blinking multiple times as she got up to put both your mugs in the sink. “Good night Leah.” “Good night.”
The next morning, after managing to get about four hours of sleep thanks to your camomile tea, you woke up to find an empty couch, except for a pile of neatly folded blankets and the shorts and shirt you’d given Leah the night before. As you went through the motions of getting dressed and doing your morning routine, there was a gnawing feeling in your stomach that you couldn’t quite put a finger on. The idea of her being in your house had been quite overwhelming, but now that she was gone, you couldn’t shake off the sadness that lingered. It confused you because over the past few years you had trained every fiber of your body to hate Leah, but something about last night’s conversation had left you feeling sympathetic towards her.
As you sat down to have breakfast, you found yourself conflicted about whether or not to reach out to her. On one hand, you didn’t want to have anything to do with her, but on the other hand, she had opened up about some personal issues and despite everything, you still wanted her to be okay.
You decided to give it some time and think it over before making any decisions. You went about your day, trying to push away any thoughts of Leah, but they kept creeping back into your mind and you kept checking your phone, secretly hoping she had reached out. Finally, realising you weren’t going to be able to put this aside, you made a decision. You picked up your phone and sent her a short message: “Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing.”
As you waited for a reply, you felt a sense of anxiety wash over you. What if she didn’t respond? What if she did, and you had to deal with her again? But before you could overthink it any further, your phone buzzed with a response from Leah. “Thanks for checking in, and thanks again for last night. I’m doing okay. How about you, did you end up getting any sleep?”
You sighed with relief, happy that she had responded. You sent a brief reply, telling her that you were fine and that you hoped she was taking good care of herself. As you were putting your phone away you noticed another incoming message from Leah: “Good, I’m glad. I’m really sorry I ruined your night, I won’t bother you again, I promise.”
Great, amazing. She was okay and she wouldn’t bother you again. Perfect. “This is good.” you said aloud to no one in particular, thinking saying it might make you believe it. But as the words left your lips, an uneasiness settled in your gut, conveying a very different message.
You couldn’t believe it. After years of holding grudges and wanting nothing to do with Leah, why did finding her a drunk, lonely mess suddenly make you want to see her again? Yesterday’s loss had left you feeling low, but this was a whole new level of frustration. You were pacing back and forth, trying to figure out why you were feeling this way. 
As you were about to resort to hitting walls again, you noticed the bruises from yesterday were still present on your fist, and you settled for a defeated sigh. This was a new kind of frustration. It consumed you, gnawing at your mind and heart, leaving you feeling lost and unsure. You had no idea what to do with yourself, and the confusion only grew stronger with each passing moment.
You despised yourself for it, yet it was like your fingers moved on their own accord, reaching for your phone once again to message Leah. You typed out several messages, before ultimately settling for a simple, friendly text: “It’s okay, really. Let me know if you need anything.”
A wave of anger surged through you as you hit send. Why did you feel obligated to help her? Wasn’t yesterday’s display of concern enough? You wanted to scream at yourself for your weakness, for your sudden inability to stay away from someone you loathed. But as much as your mind raged against you, your body seemed to relax, as if sending that message had eased some unknown tension within you. You were left feeling frustrated and confused, wondering why you couldn’t seem to stay true to your own feelings. You hated her, right?
The next few days went by in a blur of training and gym sessions, but despite being physically present, your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t quite get Leah out of your head, and it was starting to affect your focus on the field. Millie noticed something was off and asked you about it during a break in practice.
At first, you tried to brush it off, telling her that everything was fine, but Millie persisted. She had been so nice to you so far, and you didn’t want to lie to her. However, you also didn’t want to put Leah in a bad light by telling her everything that had happened, which was a confusing sensation for you, as a week earlier, you would’ve probably jumped at the chance to put Leah in bad light.
In the end, you settled for a half-truth, telling Millie that you had a personal issue that was distracting you but that you were working on it. Millie nodded sympathetically, giving you a reassuring pat on the back. “Just remember, we’re all here for you.” she said before heading back onto the field.
For a few days, there was no reply from Leah, and you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t care. But deep down, you couldn’t help feeling anxious and worried about her, and about the message you had sent. You kept checking your phone, hoping for a response, until finally, a few days later, she messaged back: “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
You were surprised to feel a sense of relief wash over you. The two of you exchanged a few more brief messages, just checking in on each other, before the conversation came to a natural end.
You thought that would be it, but the days passed, you found yourself exchanging occasional messages with Leah. It felt strange to be communicating with her in such a formal and distant way, especially after all the resentment that had built up between you two over the years. And yet, there was something comforting about the exchange, like a small flicker of light in the darkness.
You were both polite and civil, asking each other about training and mutual friends, but avoiding any deep conversations. There were moments where you thought about bringing up the past, but you always held yourself back, afraid of what might happen. You couldn’t deny that it was frustrating, the way you tiptoed around each other, but at the same time, it felt like a relief not to have to deal with the tension and drama that had plagued your relationship in the past.
However, with each message you sent, you couldn’t help but feel that something had shifted between you and Leah. There was a new, unspoken understanding that had formed, one that made you feel uneasy and exposed. You tried to push it to the back of your mind and focus on your training, but the conflicting emotions inside you were becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.
During the following week, as you were about to leave the gym after practice, your phone buzzed. It was Leah. “Hey, can we talk?” was all the message said. You panicked at the thought of it, your mind racing with worst-case scenarios. But despite your reservations, you replied with a tentative “Yes.”
Chapter 3
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writersdare · 11 months
Two Gummy Worms | Luke Hemmings
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Luke was determined to take Y/N on a night drive. Some things, though, didn't want to go according to his perfect plan.
Warning: friends to lovers, fluff, mentioning of food
Word Count: 1 503
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: Honestly I enjoyed writing it so much, it gave me some sense of comfort, and I really hope you'll feel it as well once you read it ♡ Also, yes, I am obsessed with Luke's blue eyes, you can't take it from me...
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A calm evening was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Y/N lazily got up from a couch and wandered into the hall, feeling tiredness with her whole body. Someone celebrated Fridays with friends in local bars, Y/N, though, preferred to spent it quietly that time. Watching a silly show on Netflix, she’s been wrapping herself up in an old blanket, which was given by her friend Luke few years ago. Maybe – only maybe – it was fair to correct that the poor blanket was actually stolen from him, however, in Y/N’s defence, Luke didn’t use it much anyway, so the girl only borrowed something he never needed. 
Possibly, the stolen blanket made the guy to come over uninvited; in any case, once Y/N opened the door, she saw the friend on the threshold of her apartment.
“Let’s go,” without a proper greeting, Luke grabbed Y/N’s hand and dragged her out of the house.
“Where?” the girl stumbled, trying her best to stay where she was. Y/N was in her PJs, the hair was carelessly tide up in something close to a ponytail — the look that simply screamed “I’m staying in today”.
“For a drive. I’ll bring you back in few hours,” he promised, sounding both calm and determined.
“I warned you hours ago that I’m not going!” Y/N outraged, ignoring the fact that her friend drove all the way out there. The girl made it clear in her message that even though his adventitious idea sounded nice, she simply did not have any powers left for the trip. The tiredness was the size of the passing week, which fell on her shoulders sharply once Y/N entered home that evening.  
“It’s just few hours!” he whined and suddenly lifted the friend from the ground to bring her to the car himself. It was almost ten o’clock in the evening, and Y/N was getting cold. 
“Gosh, wait! Let me get changed at least,” the girl rolled the eyes, smiling a bit and still trying to set herself free. 
“Five minutes,” Luke warned, and once he put her on the ground, Y/N hurried up inside. She hoped to shut the door in his face, however, the guy foresaw it well, so he managed to slip through the door quicker. A wide smile appeared on his face. 
Even though the whole idea of going somewhere so late didn’t really excite Y/N, once she was in the car, checking all the snacks Luke bought them for the little trip, the girl thought that, perhaps, it was a nice distraction from her exhaustion for an hour or so. 
“You didn’t need to change, you looked pretty earlier, too,” Luke spoke up, glancing at Y/N who was chewing gummy worms and time to time placing few in his mouth as well.  
“That’s sudden,” the girl chuckled, trying to ignore a quick shutter of her heart. The girl fancied her friend for quite some time, but it was not as scary as dangerous to reveal her feelings. Y/N didn’t want to ruin their friendship. “Be honest, you just wanted me to get sick. I was freezing cold, by the way!”
“Well, if you didn’t hesitate for so long, you would be in the car a while ago, enjoying my company and food.”
“Thank you for mentioning food, I’d put it on the first place, though,” Y/N laughed shortly, looking at the window. Even though it was late, the lights were illuminating the road, and quite soon she started to see untouched fields, passing by. “Also, I wasn’t hesitant, I told you right away I wasn’t going.”
“Here you are with an urge to reply on everything,” Luke rolled his eyes jokingly and glanced at Y/N again. He liked how cozy and comfortable she looked at that moment. It was actually rather precious to know that a person he cared about so much trusted him, fully.
“You are the same,” the girl reminded and, giggling, put another gummy worm, a blue one, in his mouth. “Suits your eyes.”
The musician chuckled, barely being able to chew the marmalade.
“A worm?”
“Yeah,” Y/N laughed back and smiled vividly. “I like your eyes,” she mumbled and looked away, feeling too overwhelmed. If only he could be hers, and she could be his…
“So, we have a problem,” Luke announced, when about thirty minutes were left from the final destination. The guy was planning to show Y/N a sunflower field, but GPS suddenly stopped working properly. However, the guy was sure he remembered the way there so didn’t worry too much. Until…
Y/N turned her head towards a friend and frowned a little.
“Are you going to keep holding the dramatic pause or will just tell me?” she smiled, though, not even thinking there could be something serious.  
“Yeah, well,” Luke hesitated and glanced at a dashboard of the car. He still couldn’t believe what he saw. “Apparently, I forgot to refuel and noticed only now…”
“You are joking,” Y/N raised up in a seat to check it herself. “How could you forget?”
“I don’t know!” Luke outraged, slowing down the speed of the car. “I was in a hurry cause I wanted to make a good surprise for you!”
“Well, it is a good surprise after all, Luke!” Y/N giggled, not being mad for some reason. “Let me find the closest gas station,” she mumbled and opened her phone to check a map. The girl didn’t hear how her friend mumbled quietly “go for it”, as he already knew that GPS stopped working twenty minutes ago.
“Okay, so… we’re in the middle of nowhere,” she announced dramatically, zooming in and out on the map. “It doesn’t work. How much gas is left? Maybe we should go back,” Y/N sighed, once Luke stopped the car on the side of the road. He was upset. “Hey, that’s alright,” the girl smiled and unfastened her seat belt to sit sideways to the windshield, facing the musician. The girl gently placed her palms on his cheeks and nodded. “I’m not mad, it’s still a fun trip. After all, it wouldn’t be us if it didn’t end up like this, don’t you think?” she chuckled kindly.
Luke hurried up to cover her palms with his, being scared she’d break the touch too soon.
“We still can stay here for some time? Before going back?” he suggested carefully.
Y/N nodded, feeling the pulsation of her heartbeat almost in a throat. If only she could kiss him, and he could kiss her…
“Y/N,” Luke spoke up, and the voice was hoarse. 
“I… I guess there is something I needed to tell you,” he started, immediately regretting it, though. How was he supposed to tell her that? Was it a bad timing? It probably was. There was no where to go, and if… if Y/N didn’t feel the same way it’d be hell awkward. He really didn’t think it through…
“You need to tell me something else? I thought we’re done with surprises,” she giggled, fooling around a bit, as Y/N could see how anxious Luke started to look all of a sudden.
“Oh, no, that’s the main surprise, I guess,” the guy chuckled and looked down only for a moment. The fear took him over, though, and he rested his palms on the knees, so Y/N pulled away from him. “No, actually, forget about it.”
Luke looked up at the friend, being surprised.
“What do you mean “no"?…”
“That’s exactly what I mean. I waited for too long to allow you to step back once again,” Y/N shook her head, getting annoyed. Why was he so uncertain sometimes? She was sitting there, next to him, worrying that her heart would break the chest, and he couldn’t say few simple words?… “Would you finally acknowledge my feelings for you if I kiss you right now? You’re so bad at taking hints! How can you keep doubting if I feel the same way you do?”
“How do you– How do you know?…” Luke mumbled, staring at Y/N. The guy couldn’t hide his terror. So she knew? All that time?!
“Honestly, it seems like it’s only you who is blind here,” the girl smiled sadly and looked down, feeling ridiculous.
Another second, though, she felt Luke’s hand on the chin. He carefully lifted her face so the girl could look at him before he covered Y/N’s lips with his. The kiss was tender and gentle, slowly changing into a more passionate one. They both just couldn’t believe it took them that long to confess. And honestly, who knew how long it’d have still taken if Y/N had kept silence. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” he whispered, touching her forehead with his.
“You already did,” the girl whispered back and, smiling, pressed the lips against his in another kiss.
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl, @yukichan67
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner – saw them here @calmfolklore & @kaleidoscopeminds –
Moodboard ♡
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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missgavi · 1 year
hi I know this is really specific lol but could you write something on reader and Gavi being 'just friends' and they are roommates, one day in the morning Pedri comes to drop something off at their house and looks through the window and Gavi is braiding readers hair for her before he goes to training. Then later when training ends reader goes to meet Gavi and another player comments on how her hair is nice today and Pedri spills the beans on how he saw them earlier and they all make fun of Gavi and he gets all embarrassed.
I love your writing thank you so much :)))
stop , this is so cute what ?? I don't know why but i see gavi being proud instead of embarrassed. he'd get all cocky about his skills
"all done bonita" Gavi says before pressing a kiss to your cheek and standing up from the bed.
You had to go out for some errands and a few months ago during a boring night you taught Gavi how to braid your hair. Now, anytime you wanted it braided you'd call out to him.
Both of you exit your bedroom, putting on your shoes before going downstairs. You said goodbye to your roommate, waving over at Pedri who was waiting for Gavi in the car so the two can go to practice and separated ways with the Spaniard.
Gavi greeted Pedri once he was in the Mini Cooper and the two players made their way over to Camp Nou.
However, unbeknownst to the two of you, Pedri saw through the window the way Gavi braided your hair and added to his mental list of reasons why you two would be perfect together.
Once training was over, the spaniard went into the locker room to shower and change, announcing Pedri that you'll meet him at the stadium and that he can go ahead and go home.
After getting ready, Pablo is met by your smiling face right outside the locker room. He comes over, kissing your cheek in greeting and burying his face in your neck, complaining about how tired he is.
At that moment Pedri, Alejandro and Araujo exited the locker room and spotted the two of you.
"hola y/n'' Ale greeted, followed by the other two. Pulling back from a whining Pablo, you greet the other three players, mussing about your plans for the rest of the day.
Out of nowhere Araujo says "Cool hairstyle y/n. You should teach me for my little one'' with his signature smile.
You smile at the Uruguayan but before you can say anything , Pablo and Pedri say at the same time.
''Pablo did it"
"I did it"
The two players share a strange look before Pedri explains seeing the two of you earlier in the window. After a few more minutes of chatting and laughing, you and Pablo part ways from the guys.
Falling into a slow pace, you giggle to yourself, catching Gavi attention. He threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him before asking "What's funny ninita ?''
"I should teach you more hairstyles, you know, in case the football thing doesn't work out. You could always work at the salon" you say, barely containing another giggle.
The boy laughed at your antics before blowing a teasing breath on your neck, knowing it would tickle you.
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suniix · 1 year
02 | miyamura x reader
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synopsis | moving to your grandma’s house is one step closer to helping you achieve your lifelong goal of having a normal high school year, but meeting a cute baker wasn’t part of the plan.
word count | 1k+
note | double posting today because why not. also, the show the reader’s grandma is watching is called la que no podía amar! i used that show because my grandma used to watch it and recently heard the intro song and it got stuck in my head lol
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You watched through the car window as buildings seemingly blurred together. Trees bloomed with bright flowers, a symbol that spring was here. The music playing in the car was drowned out by your own music playing. The low rumbling of the bumpy car was almost enough to lull you to sleep— almost.
The excitement of finally being able to live a normal high school life was enough to keep you awake.
Your mother shifted the rear view mirror to look at you through it. She saw you staring out the window with your earbuds in and lowered the volume of the music playing on the radio. She coughed twice which caught your attention. "So.. are you excited for the new school year?"
"Oh.. yea, I am."
Then there was silence.
You nervously tapped your foot, not liking the awkward atmosphere that now formed in the car. It was beginning to feel suffocating.
The relationship you had between your parents was complicated. You love them, truly, but their manner of parenting often left you wondering if they shared the same love for you. Their work had them constantly moving around and part of you hated them for not allowing you to make permanent friends. Sometimes it seemed as though you were never meant to fit into their busy lives.
The car slowly came to a stop in front of an unfamiliar yet familiar house. "Alright, we're here!" Your mom exclaimed, attempting to rid the awkward atmosphere.
You exited the car and took a moment to observe your grandma's house. You know you’ve seen this house before, but now the memory feels like a distant dream. The house was surprisingly big for someone who lived alone. The windows on the second floor were open and the curtains were drawn which allowed you to see a room's brown colored walls—a nice contrast to the cream color that decorated outside the house.
You heard your mother call and quickly turned your head to see her unloading your things from the trunk, motioning for you to come over and help. Grabbing a few of your bags you walk over to the front door and set them down on the floor.
You raise a hand to knock on the door but are disrupted by the sound of a wind chime ringing. It's a soft jingle, one that makes you stop to feel the breeze that comes with the sound. The colors of the wind chime are faded, most likely due to the sun's harsh rays, but the melody remains beautiful.
Your attention snaps back to the door once you hear it begin to creak open, revealing a familiar face you're happy to see. "Grandma!" You smile and reach out to hug her.
She chuckles and hugs back firmly. "Welcome home! You've grown so much over the years!" Simply hearing her voice made you feel at home.
She helped bring your bags inside despite you repeatedly telling her she didn't have to. She would just wave you off and respond with 'I know I'm old but my bones aren't made out of glass.'
You followed her up the stairs and she showed you your new room. The room had brown colored walls, a bed, and a drawer. You place your bags down and look out the window, noticing this was the same room you had been looking into earlier.
You walk out of the house to see if you forgot anything, only to see your mother closing the trunk of her car. She turned to look at you with a sad smile on her face. You both knew it was time.
You hated goodbyes. Despite you having to say goodbye many times you never got good at it.
She walked over to you and gently hugged you. "I'm sorry.. I know your dad and I haven't been the best of parents lately, but we still love you. I hope you enjoy this opportunity and make lots of friends."
You slowly wrapped your arms around her, returning the hug. It had been awhile since you'd hugged her, and now it'll be another awhile before you see her again.
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The day passes quickly as you settle into your new life.
Your grandma would occasionally pop in to offer you pieces of sliced fruit which you gratefully accepted. By the time you finish unpacking the sun had already set and your body ached, begging you to rest. You gave in and plopped onto your new bed.
It didn't take long for you to unpack since you didn't have many items, but organizing everything was a tedious task that quickly became tiring. Slowly your room was beginning to feel like home. You were sure the feeling would only grow with the new memories you'd make.
Right! You quickly sat up in your bed. I should start by getting to know my grandma more!
Upon exiting your room you found your grandma sitting on the couch alone while watching a show. A sense of pity befell you at the sight, how many years had she sat on that couch alone?
Shaking that sad thought you stepped forward and sat next to her. Your grandma turned to look at you and smiled, "How're feeling sweetie?"
Your heart swelled at the sweet nickname. "I'm doing alright, what show are you watching?"
"Ah, I have no idea what it's called since it's in another language, but right now the main girl just took a job to take care of some boss to help her aunt with money. The guy she's taking care of is so rude! If I were her, I would've thrown him off his wheelchair and left to find a new job!"
You held back a laugh. Despite her joking nature you had a feeling she wasn't lying— she didn't seem like the type to put up with someone's nasty attitude.
"Do you want some coffee? We can drink some together as we watch the show." Your grandma offered.
You nodded happily. The late night cold air was beginning to seep through the windows and a warm cup of coffee would be a great way to warm yourself up.
Your grandma rummaged around the kitchen before coming out with two warm cups of coffee. She placed them on the small table in front of the TV and went back to the kitchen to bring back something to snack on. "Ah, we're out of coffee cake.. could you run down to the bakery and grab some?"
A chance to explore the neighborhood! "Sure!" You answered and walked over to the door, quickly slipping on your shoes.
Your grandma walked outside with you and slipped a fluffy sweater over your shoulders. "The bakery is just about three blocks down that way, then you take a left and walk straight. There's a sign outside, you can't miss it." She pointed down the street.
You nodded and walked in the direction she pointed in. You decided to walk slowly to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood. The lights in most of the houses were turned off since it was late, but the street lamps lit the way to your destination.
The walk was mostly silent, except for the occasional meow from a stray cat. Several of them had walked up to you begging for pets. It seemed like the cats welcomed you to the neighborhood.
The breeze nipped at your cheeks and nose making them feel numb. Your grandma was right to lend you a sweater, it was a cold night.
Your grandma was also right about easily finding the shop. Outside was a colorful sign promoting their special of the day, cinnamon rolls. Mm.. sounds tempting.. you thought. The soft chime of a bell was heard once you opened the door, complimenting the sweet smell of baked goods. It was warm and welcoming, along with the cashier's smile.
“Hello,” He bowed, “welcome to Cake Shop Iori. Our special for today is cinnamon rolls, would you be interested in any?”
Walking up to the counter you quickly glanced at the menu behind him before making your choice. “Hello, and yes! I’ll have a cinnamon roll with two slices of coffee cake to go please.”
He nodded before pulling out two bags from behind the counter and picking out the baked goods. You took this moment to admire him. His long black hair was pulled back in a half ponytail, revealing several of his piercings. His eyes were a vibrant blue and his bottom lashes were long, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t jealous. This guy was on a whole another level of beautiful, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that you knew him from somewhere.
“Um, your order is ready..”
Crap! Your face flushed in embarrassment as you realized he caught you staring. How long was I staring for? This is so awkward! You quickly pulled out your wallet to pay.
“Sorry for staring, I’ve just.. never seen someone with so many piercings.” You apologized, coming up with an excuse in an attempt to save your dignity.
He chuckled, “It’s alright, I get that a lot when I go out.”
You hand him the money and he accepts it. You watch as he pushes some buttons on the register and begins pulling out your change. “This might sound like a stupid question, but.. did it hurt?” You asked.
He paused for a moment before looking up at you confused. “I’m sorry?”
You quickly point to his ears. “Your piercings! I mean obviously I know it hurt, but did it hurt like really really bad?”
He smiled and shook his head handing you for change. “Like you said, they did hurt a bit. The higher I went up on my eat the more it hurt.”
“Ohh, well they definitely suit you!” You smile and slip the change into your pocket, grabbing the two bags containing your food.
You wave at him goodbye and exit the store, not noticing the rosy tint on his cheeks. On your way back home you try and think if there was any possible way you’ve seen that cashier somewhere else before, only to come up with nothing. Your mind wanders back to his blue eyes and suddenly a memory hidden deep within the back of your mind resurfaces.
A lonely boy standing in the back of the class all alone.
You wonder what happened to him after you left.
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
taglist | @swtstrwbrri @aizawa-hatake
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yallfavblkgirl · 1 year
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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒, 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐱𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
𝐬𝐮𝗺𝗺𝐚𝐫𝐲 ➜ jack and you had something going on before he got fame and had to leave you because you just couldn’t leave your family and life in louisville kentucky.
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ➜ none but just a bit of smut.
𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒, jack was coming back to his home town for his new music video, they don’t love it. you didn’t know that he was but you been listening to his music, you kinda hated the way you listen to his music because he left you and you really didn’t know why but all you know is that you guys got into a fight before he left.
you walked around your house as you picked up your brothers and mother stuff they left behind since you were the youngest, you always had shit to do around the house. you heard a loud ass knock at the door that made you jump, you rushed over to the door only to see it was your bestie val, “why the fuck are you banging on this door!?” you yelled in whisper because your mom was sleeping.
you would have left but your dad died and now your mom is acting weird and can’t take of the kids by herself anymore. “bitch! did you hear??” she pushed you out the doorway and walked inside your house. “i’m guessing not.” you spoke as you rolled your eyes and closed the door. “jack harlow is coming back!!!!” she yelled and jumped up and down, immediately you felt your heart dropping as you took your hands off her. “you good?” she asked as she noticed your state, you just nodded.
“yeah i’m good.” you said in a soft tone, you walked val to the door and waved her goodbye. you rushed your room and you felt this lump in your throat and your vision got blurry, water drops rushed down your face. you gripped onto your shirt and hold on tight because you felt yourself getting over worked with the thought of him coming back.
‘what if he forgot me?’ you thought, your light crying turned into a big sob.
𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕, i stepped out the car as i breathed the air of my home town. “what you wanna do before the video?” urban asked him, “let’s go get something to eat!” i said as a big smile wiped on my face.
when we walked in, we immediately walked up to the counter but i wasn’t focus on the food because i was looking at this girl who was just looking at me so i smiled and waved. “jack you gone act like you don’t remember me?” the girl said and i just looked at her with a confused look. “it’s me!! val!” then it hit me and my smile grew bigger as i ran up to hug her.
“VAAAAALLL!!! girl you look goooddd!!” jack said with a little bit of sass. everyone in the restaurant knew who he was so everyone was talking pictures of him and he started taking pictures with people.
but the only thought that was in his head was…where were you?
you were sleeping when you heard a knock at your window, you opened your eyes. “val! i swear to go-” you stopped when you saw jack in some pajamas pants with a black t-shirt, “not val but i did see her earlier today.” jack said with his winning smile, you kinda just froze because it one thing to see him on instagram and it’s another to see him in person.
“you really grown.” he said as he looked at your body, you quickly covered yourself with your blanket. you weren’t naked but all you were wearing was a bra and pajama shorts, “i’m so glad you still live at the old crib because it would have been hard to find you.” jack said and sat by you in your bed. you rolled your eyes and smirked, “so mr. harlow what are you doing out of your bed it’s 1:00.” you said in a cocky tone.
“well your majesty, i came to see you.” he said and you made a fake shock face. “and what is the reason behind this…visit?” you said in a fake british accent, he smirked and pulled you closer to him. “i was missin my favorite lady.” jack spoke and for a hot minute you almost forgot that he left you then your smile faded.
you pushed him off you, you got up from the bed and walked over to your little vanity. “yeah.” you let out as you cleared your throat, jack walked up and hugged you from behind as he looked at your reflection in the mirror as you looked at his reflection. “baby i’m sorry. do you hear me? i’m sorry.” jack said but the 2nd time he got closer to your ear.
he pushed your hair back a little and kissed your temple. “jack why did you leave me? i needed you.” you said and turned to him so that you were facing him. he put your hands around your waist, “bae i’m sorry, that night i never wanted to hurt you. i wanted nothing more than to be with you but i had to leave…i wanted you to be here with me but you had shit going on and i hate the fact that i even asked you to pack your stuff and come with me.” he said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
you started playing with his curls, “i forgive you j.” you whispered in his ear. you and jack held eye contact for a while before jack looked down at your lips, you smirked and pushed his head closer to you as he smashed his lips to yours. jack picked you up and walked over to the bed with your lips still touching his, jack softly placed you onto the bed as he took off your shorts.
he slowly kissed down your tummy to your pussy, you moaned as he sucked on your clit. you pushed his head down to make him go deeper in your pussy, making you moan even louder and eventually you came all over his beautiful face and curls.
𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒, i rushed that smut part 😭
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thefallennightmare · 1 year
Moment of Weakness-twenty two
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*credit to whoever created the gif. found on google/Pinterest *
Pairings: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: language, smut, angst, fluff, affair, cheating, violence.
Summary: Reader is the assistant to New York's most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can't he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?
Author's Note: I'm so, so, so, sorry 😩
Tags(closed): @splendidreads @sebsgirl71479 @mdpplgtz03 @pattiemac1 @unaxv @alana4610 @broadwaybabe18 @themayzittcha @playboystark @raajali3 @ozwriterchick @ragamuffin285 @screamingdying @themorningsunshine @kenziekugler22 @calwitch @sebastianstansqueen @stanaddict @stucky-simp03 @sleyeveryday @loustan90 @lyra-black13 @valsworldofcreativity @cjand10 @tesseract69 @batprincess1013 @subwaysurf45 @arsonfrogger @yoruse @5moremin @lipstickandtanqueray @mandijo17 @joannaromanoff @justsebstan @winters1917 @elizacusi-blog @football1921 @elxvrr
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The car door slammed behind me as I fumed with anger, the steam cascading over the windows. I tried to steady my breathing, deep breath in then deep breath out. I did this a few times until I felt all of my anger dissipate through my body. Being alone with Bucky had brought up so many past feelings that I knew if I didn’t force myself to leave, it would have ended with us naked on his couch. 
Not wanting to drive quite yet, I spent the last few minutes browsing my phone when a post from Natasha on instagram popped up. My breath caught in my throat, the ultrasound staring back into my face. 
Twelve weeks today!
I read the caption a few more times, something not quite sitting right in my gut about this whole thing. There was confusion on the dates; she told me almost two months ago that she was six weeks so shouldn’t she be at the very least 14 weeks? Also, the fact that I swore I saw her at Big Mike’s bar earlier today but couldn’t prove it, the lighting being too dark. 
Curiosity got the best of me and I took a screenshot of the picture, deciding to look it up online. I wanted to be completely sure with my assumption before making an ass out of myself in front of Bucky. 
“I fucking knew it!” I exclaimed, my voice echoing throughout my small car. 
The picture that Natasha posted had immediately shown up on google, at least thirty pictures, with the same position of the fetus and everything. The only difference, she must have photoshopped her info on the sonogram. A women's clinic in town had it posted on their website which must have been where Natasha found it. 
She was faking the pregnancy. But why? 
Unless she found out about the divorce and thought it would be the only way to keep Bucky? 
“Oh, fuck!” I cursed, the realization slamming into me like a freight train. 
Natasha knew about Bucky and I. 
I saw Bucky’s car was still in the parking lot so I bolted from my car back inside of the office, his name falling from my lips. 
He quickly came out of his office, eyes filled with worry. “What’s wrong?” 
“She knows.” 
Bucky raised a brow. “What?” 
I sighed while tossing my things back onto my desk. “Natasha knows about us.” 
His pupils went wide for a moment. “How do you know?” 
I gnawed on the inside of my cheek because I wasn’t entirely sure on how to bring this up without making him upset. 
“I can’t,” I shook my head. “I can’t tell you exactly how I know but trust me, Natasha knows about the affair.” 
Bucky ran a hand over his jaw and let out an annoyed breath. “You want me to trust you?” 
My head shook feverishly but did nothing to assure him. 
“You’re being ridiculous, Y/N,” Bucky turned his back to me and went back into his office. 
I scoffed loudly. “Excuse me?” 
He sat on his couch while I came to a halt in front of him, hands on my hips. 
“How well do you trust Natasha?” 
Bucky’s lips twitched. “She’s my wife.” 
“Seriously? This is why I can’t tell you!” I exasperated. 
He stretched his arms over the back of the couch. “You have this thought that Natasha knows about us but won’t tell me what makes you think that. 
I shifted on my feet. “Can you promise to listen to everything I have to say?” 
When he nodded, I took a deep breath in an effort to gain the courage I had been seeking. 
“I think she’s faking her pregnancy.” 
Bucky leaned his elbows on his knees, jaw clenching with anger. “What?” 
“Okay, so.” I began to pace around the office, unable to look him straight in the eyes; his piercing blue eyes. “Nothing about it makes sense. When you first told me about the pregnancy, you said she was a few months along but when I saw her a few days later, she said she’s only a few weeks along.” 
“Today, she posted a picture of her sonogram and said she was three months today but that doesn’t make sense, she should be almost five months.” 
I stopped in my tracks momentarily to look at Bucky, who simply watched me with a raised brow. 
“Then I swear I saw her at Big Mike’s bar drinking. Or, well it looked like it was her. It was too dark inside so I’m not one hundred percent sure.”
Bucky slowly raised to his feet while placing his hands on his hips. “Are you done?” 
I nodded while taking a breath, needing more oxygen after rambling for the last couple minutes. 
“You’re only saying this because you’re upset that I decided to stay with Natasha.” Bucky said.
I sneered with my top lip curled. “Did you forget that I was the one that decided to end things?” 
His brow raised at me. “So why are you even here, Y/N? To tell me lies in hopes I divorce Natasha so you can get what you want?” 
My eyes stung with his words, welling with tears. “That’s not why I brought this up. I thought you should know that she’s lying to you and it's because she knows about us. She’s trying to do whatever she can to keep you.” 
“The only proof you have is a gut feeling,” Bucky pinched his eyes shut with a sigh. “I can’t bring this up to her without it.” 
“Can’t you trust my word? I wouldn’t lie about something like this, Bucky.” I pleaded. 
He looked at his feet with his head hung low. “She doesn’t know about us. We were always so careful.” 
My fingers itched to reach for him, forcing him to look into my eyes to see that I was telling the truth. Our personal feelings aside, Bucky didn’t deserve to be lied to. I only wished I had some sort of proof. 
“Bucky,” I breathed while grabbing his hand to give it a squeeze. 
He finally looked up and my breath hitched when he stepped closer towards me, his body heat engulfing around us in our own personal bubble. 
“You don’t deserve this,” I told him. 
“Doll,” Bucky’s voice cracked. 
The magnetic pull between us had returned and With a quick low scoop of lips, he pressed them against mine and I froze for a second before melting into him, my hands quickly finding his hair. Bucky’s vibranium hand grasped my cheek to deepen the kiss; his tongue wrapped around my own. 
“No!” I pushed him away. “Why did you do that?!” 
Bucky reached for me but I responded by smacking him, hard, across his face. His eyes darted down to the ground while licking his lips, teeth digging into his bottom one.  
“Stop it!” 
The tears fell from my eyes as I ran a shaking hand through my hair. “I shouldn’t have come back inside.” 
“I’m sorry, doll. I know it’s wrong but it feels so right being with you.” 
I pushed his chest hard which made him stumble back onto his couch. “I don’t care! You can’t continue to have your wife and me on the side. I know she’s faking the pregnancy but that doesn't mean she continues to deserve this.” 
“For once in your life, Bucky. You don’t get whatever you want,” I cried while wiping the tears away. 
“If you bring me proof that she’s lying, I’ll go through with the divorce,” Bucky said. 
I stared at him, dumbfounded, and slowly shook my head. “I shouldn’t have to do that. If you loved me like I love you, you would trust what I’m saying.” 
Bucky blinked, my confession not going over his head like I wished it would. “Wh-what?” 
“I love you, Bucky even though I tried not to fall for you because I knew what it only meant in the end.” 
I motioned between us. “You said it yourself; you can’t love people easily.” 
“I’ll try-.” 
“Don’t you get it?!” I screamed, interrupting him. “I can’t keep doing this! I did my best to be strong around you, tried to go back to normal but the second I’m alone with you I throw everything out the window. All I want to do is kiss you, love you, but I can’t because you won’t leave her!” 
There were fresh tears streaming down my face as I choked out a sob. This was something I feared to do, not wanting to leave everyone I met here behind. But I knew, deep in my gut, that mentally I couldn't stay any longer. 
“I quit.” I managed to get out through the sobs. 
Bucky was fast on his feet. “You don’t have to leave, Y/N.” 
“I do,” I cried. “Because if I stay, it’s only going to bring me more pain and my heart can’t handle any more.” 
“Please,” he begged while reaching for me. 
I stepped away from him and with tears trailing into my mouth, bitter tears stinging my tongue, I gave him the best smile I could. 
“All I ask is that you don’t call me, begging to come back, when you find out she was lying to you. You could have been happy with me, Bucky. I could have loved you till my last breath.” 
Without looking back to see his own tears falling, I let the cries flow through me in waves finally saying goodbye to someone I should have a long time ago.
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malleux · 7 months
freedom. | quest for tyr [III]
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young adult!atreus x reader
-> synopsis: The only times you had ever experienced adventure was through your books. It was hard to live an exciting life while trapped in Alfheim.
You know you're meant for something greater than wasting away underground.
[loosely based on the events of Gow: Ragnarok]
-> chapter warnings: all chapters contain spoilers, cursing, anxiety, vomit mention, fighting, fight scene not accurate to canon, blood, injuries, trauma mention
The day before was nothing compared to the pain you were in today. 
Just opening your eyes was a task that seemed to take all of your energy, and your body was so stiff that the smallest movements hurt. Breathing, speaking, literally anything seemed impossible as you slowly sat up the next morning. 
Atreus was by your side the second he heard you curse under your breath, gently helping you up and handing you a plate of whatever leftovers were scavengable from the night before. You ate slowly, listening to him, Kratos, and Mimir formulate a plan for the day. 
"Earlier, I saw a mine down below, and Mimir saw tracks to another train we could take down there. Hopefully it'll be just as safe as the last one," Atreus smiled at you reassuringly during his last sentence, remembering how much you hated them.
You pursed your lips and side-eyed him. You were appreciative of the gesture, really, but heights just really weren't your thing and an old contraption that had your death written all over it didn't help.
You didn't take long to get back to traveling. You didn't feel like holding the trio back from anything they wanted to get done just because you were a little hurt. You could grin and bear it. 
The pain was almost worth it as you saw more pretty views on the mountain top. 
"Father..." Atreus interrupted the peaceful silence. "What if a war with Odin isn't just Tyr's to fight? What if it's ours too?" 
"War is not the only way." Kratos responded. 
"But we're gods. Better gods. We're trying to stop Ragnarok, to help people, and what if the only way to do that is war?" 
"I'm just not sure we should immediately jump to that conclusion." You said a bit nervously, "My home was— and still is— torn apart by war. It's not something you really want, especially when you've experienced it."
"Wh— I thought you were on my side!" Atreus whined, turning to you as he continued to walk backwards. 
"I'm on your side with stopping Ragnarok." You shrugged, "I just really, really want to look for any way that doesn't involve war. It's not fun." 
Atreus continued to argue with you as you came upon the rest of the train tracks, but you knew it wasn't a serious thing. He had a playful glint in his eyes— one he had often when he decided to mess around with people. 
You watched in almost awe as Kratos lifted the train and realigned it on the tracks. It amazed you how he barely broke a sweat— he must have been an incredibly strong god. 
Atreus was the first in. Then Kratos and Mimir. 
They looked at you expectantly and you shuffled your feet, looking to find a solid way up into the creaky, wooden cart. You really, really didn't want to go in. 
A hand appeared in front of your face. 
"Here," Atreus helped hoist you up, keeping you steady as the train car squeaked once more under the added weight. He remembered your apprehension and patted your shoulder. "We'll be fine. We don't have much farther to go now." 
"The Kraken hatchling gave you a stone." Kratos pointed out as the train began moving. His voice was a good distraction from your incessant urge to look out the window and scare yourself even more. 
"The Kraken...? Oh, Dinner. Yeah, it's covered in algae. I was thinking we could show it to Brok and Sindri when we got back. Here." Atreus tossed it to his father, who pocketed the stone. "Okay, we came looking for Tyr because we don't trust Odin, right? If you think about it, war could— uh oh—"
The train became shakier and shakier, it's noisy wheels creaking even louder. You stand up in a panic, frantically looking over at your companions, but they look just as confused. 
A creature— a Grim, you recalled— grabbed onto the window ledge closest to Kratos, trying to scratch its way inside. Kratos quickly punched it and sent it flying, but there wasn't much time until another Grim appeared in its place. 
You swallowed your nerves and raised your spear, using the butt of it to knock out a Grim from the window on the other side. 
"Skjalfa!" You cried, sending them out just as quickly as they were coming in. You wanted nothing more than to use your favorite little fire spell, but with a wooden train like this you knew you'd probably set it on fire too. 
"Atreus, look for a brake to stop the train!" Mimir called out, "Should be a lever of some sort!"
"I found it— but it's stuck!" 
"Try harder!" You shook out your hand as you hit a Grim that had actually made it through the window. You grabbed it and threw it back out, hitting two others that threatened to enter and sending them all back. 
"I'm trying! But— it's—" 
The lever broke in two. The handle flew out of the window you were guarding. 
You all could only stare at each other for a moment before the train began to fall— the one thing you prayed to the Nords wouldn't happen. 
"Shit." Atreus grabbed your arm and pulled you between him and Kratos, presumably to shield your fall or protect you from the rest of the Grim. "Shitshitshitshitshit—"
"Ow!" You yelped as you hit the ground. 
Kratos was up before you could even fathom what was going on. He pried at the opening at the top of the train, climbing out and yelling out a rough "Get up!" before taking out his axe and disappearing from your sight. 
He reached back down once he returned, grabbing both you and Atreus and setting you down on top of the cart. You were definitely put down more gently than Atreus, but you wouldn't point that out. 
"I can't believe we surv— are you serious?" Atreus was frustrated now, more Grim coming from seemingly out of nowhere to attack you. 
You whipped around to survey your surroundings, choosing to stay further away from the heat of the fight. The headless troll that laid to your right told you what Kratos had done earlier, and you silently thanked him for making things easier. 
You pointed your spear at Grim that tried to tag-team Kratos or Atreus, choosing to save your magic energy and use some Dark Elf skills. An energy beam shot out from the tip of your spear, slicing the unsuspecting Grim in two. 
This continued for only a few moments longer, then you finally could drop your weapon. You still held onto it tightly, though, still on guard. You jumped down to rejoin everyone. 
"That was crazy." Atreus breathed out. 
"You said it, little brother." 
"That was awful." You shuddered. "I hate heights. I also now hate trains. I knew something was going to happen." 
"You jinxed us, then!" Atreus teased, "You can't sit there and think bad thoughts and then expect good things to come. You gotta look on the bright side." 
"I didn't jinx shit." You mumbled, watching as Kratos looked around for where to go next. "I was looking on the bright side. I felt like I was going to pass out, and if I was unconscious at least I wouldn't feel it when I died." 
"That's— that is not what I meant. Just, come on, I think Father found something." 
It was a small crawl space, which all things considered could be either better or worse than falling off of the side of a mountain on a train. 
Atreus went first, then you, followed by Kratos. You noticed he always took up the back— probably to protect you both from whatever may sneak up behind. Smart. 
"Quite the mouth you had back there, lad." Mimir broke the silence. 
"It's just a word." Atreus rolled his eyes. "I've heard way worse from Br-"
"The word does not matter. You lost control." Kratos reprimanded. His voice was always stern, but this held an even harsher tone. 
"We were falling. Through the air." Atreus defended, "I thought we were gonna die." He gestured to you, "She says it all the time!"
"She was not raised the same way you were. What is acceptable for her is different from you. Is that truly what you wish your last words to be?"
You were glad that was Kratos's view, because the second Atreus brought you into it your heart seized. You did not want to get scolded by Kratos. 
"No." Atreus gave up arguing. You thought that was a wise choice. 
"In moments of crisis, panic does nothing. Harness it. Let it serve you." 
You let his words sink in as you came across another area, this time finally in the open. You kind of wanted to laugh— Kratos wasn't even talking to you, and yet you held onto his words more than you'd ever held onto your own father's. Kratos had a lot of wisdom, but Atreus wouldn't heed it. 
You figured it just be a father-child thing for you and Atreus to never listen. 
"What is this?" You looked around the area in a bit of awe, taking in the wooden structures and water wheels around you. 
"The Jarnsmida Pitmines, lass." Mimir answered joyfully, as if he was reminiscing on something. Probably some memories that he has in that infinite brain of his. 
"Look on the ground. Tracks." Atreus pointed out, "They must lead into the mines." 
"And what exactly is in these mines?" You stood beside him, eyeing Kratos once more as he studied the area. It seemed like every place you went to had some gods-awful puzzle just to make it through and it made your brain hurt. 
"Hopefully Tyr." He smiled at you, and you pursed your lips into a half-smile in return. Your adrenaline was wearing off and the impact from the train crash made your injuries from the Dreki feel brand new again. 
You took a deep breath, only being able to inhale so deeply, and nodded. "Hopefully. I just want him to be here and us not just find another clue and be on a wild goose chase." 
"This is a super prominent mine, I'm pretty sure. If he's anywhere in Svartalfheim, he's gotta be here." 
Atreus's words did little to comfort you, but you couldn't say much as Kratos summoned him to help with a mechanism to open the mine. 
You reached into your pocket and toyed with a piece of paper— the one Sindri gave to you before you left. You didn't have time to read the rest of the spells he had written down for you, so you pulled it out to scan over it. 
You already knew the three first ones, even if you hadn't gotten to use most of them yet: 'Logi: fire. Sverð: sword. Verja: defend.'
Turning the paper over, you saw three more spells written down in neat handwriting— characteristic of Sindri. 
'Iss: ice. Kanna: search. Ausa: water.' 
You hummed. One of these spells was not like the other. Every one of them seemed self-explanatory, except for Kanna. What could it mean to search? Would it help you find something? 
Folding the paper back in your pocket, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You felt like you'd have to have an idea of what you were trying to search for, so you sent your intentions to something simple. 
You'd ask for it to find anything with magic in it. 
You waited for a second. You waited for something— a feeling, a voice, a tug, anything. Assuming nothing had changed or you'd done the spell wrong, you opened your eyes only to gasp out loud. 
Everything around you was covered in a very, very translucent light blue. You looked around— the weapons on Kratos's back glowed a bright blue, much more opaque and noticeable than the blue that spanned the rest of the terrain. Your own spear emitted the same light, as did the palms of your hands where you felt the burn when you did your fire spell. 
Atreus's bow was blue, and so was Mimir's head. Small rocks that blocked entrances glowed as well— rocks that you or Atreus could easily use Skjálfa to destroy.
Ah. Kanna did work.
And from the way Kratos, Mimir, nor Atreus said anything about the sudden shift in color from the original terrain, you could assume you were the only one seeing it. 
You whispered the spell under your breath again and slowly, the blue hue faded from your vision. The mines were restored to their normal, dull brown color. 
Your intention this time included living things— bugs, monsters, whatever. 
The blue crept back into your vision like a rapid flood, but this time the brights were different. You could see Kratos and Atreus shining brightly as they worked together. Mimir's blue flickered a bit, but it made sense. Was the decapitated cursed head really alive? 
You could see little glowing dots shining through rocks like x-rays, showing you where all the little bugs hid underneath. 
More brights caught your eye as they moved towards Kratos and Atreus. 
"Guys, watch out!" You called, "Logi!" 
Fire erupted from below the feet of the monsters. You were able to see them easily with how they shined against the rest of the area. 
You were aware of many more, but this was starting to hurt your eyes. You turned off the spell and rubbed your eyes. They felt sore— sunken in deep and dryer than usual. You'd definitely have to use this sparingly, or risk a massive headache.
Kratos and Atreus quickly took out the few Wretches that threatened them and as soon as it began, it was over. 
The three of you— plus Mimir, but you really couldn't figure out if he counted as a full person or not— stood in front of a crane, watching water flow through it. A large wooden box blocked your path to the next ledge of land. Your hands were on your hips and nobody spoke, trying to find something to help you get across. 
"Looks like the water powers the crane that's keeping the cargo up." Atreus pointed out. 
"Think freezing it could stop the water?" Mimir suggested. 
You quickly held out your hand, aiming it near the end of the crane where the water flowed out. "Iss!"
Ice crystallized in the middle of the flow, encompassing part of the crane in cold fractals. The water built up on the other side of the crane and began to pour out of one of the sides, effectively stopping the flow from hitting the water wheel that was beneath it. The cargo box lowered and you made your way across.
"When did you learn that trick?" Atreus asked as you continued to push forward, coming across the next stupid little platform of puzzles. 
You shrugged. "Just got a little help from some people." 
"Atreus, Y/n, come."
You headed towards Kratos, who assumed a squatting position near the next contraption you came across. Atreus automatically stepped into his hands and was hoisted up onto the wood, and then it was your turn. You assumed he wanted you to do the same, so you quickly followed and hoisted yourself the rest of the way up. 
You explored the area for a minute, Atreus straying away from you for a second before he spoke up. "Father, there's a gate up here heading towards the entrance to the mine. If you can get up here, we'll need your help lifting it." 
"If..." Kratos mumbled under his breath.
"Oh come on, you can jump that! Your knees aren't that bad."
"Atreus." Kratos warned. He used his axe to freeze a water flow that was causing a platform to move unstably and jumped across. 
"I hope you can make that jump!" Atreus joked again and you elbowed him in the side. "Hey!"
"Give the man a break." You laughed. 
Kratos soon joined you both and you headed towards the entrance of the mine. It was covered in debris and a gate that seemed quite heavy. Atreus was right about needing Kratos's help. 
"I sure hope Tyr is here..." He mumbled. 
"Atreus, we seek information." Kratos reminded him. Atreus rolled his eyes. 
"I know. Stop acting like I'm trying to start a war."
"Yet you do not say otherwise--"
"Brothers, maybe we can lay this to rest a bit, eh?"
You were thankful for Mimir's interjection. It was always awkward to be in a a group with two people arguing, but it felt a bit more powerful between Kratos and Atreus. They were both very prominent, strong presences and you knew enough about them already to know that neither of them were likely to back down should the conversation get more heated. 
Kratos was right-- you didn't want to start a war. Atreus had told you numerous times that war wasn't his intention, but once more Kratos seemed right to you. He wasn't denouncing it very hard. He may be against the idea of a war, but he wasn't taking many precautions to truly prevent it.
You continued on in silence, helping out if needed but mostly staying in the back. This wasn't your journey— you were just lucky enough to be allowed to tag along. You did what you were asked, including helping Atreus push back a cart that blocked the way to the mine, finally revealing the rest of the entrance and—
The dwarf waved awkwardly, as if he hadn't just appeared out of nowhere for the second time in Svartalfheim. "Got something else for you." He waited until you all were near to continue. "Since you're currently lacking a light source--sorry-- and have no way of seeing exactly what untold horrors lurk in the dark, these will help."
"Thanks for making me feel better." You mumbled under your breath. Sindri gave you an apologetic look before pulling out three... things. 
"Okay, back to your exploring now. Off with you."
"Thanks Sindri," Atreus commented, "What, uh, do you mean by untold horrors?"
You were wondering the same thing, but Sindri gave no answer. You all put away the light sources that he had given you and turned back to where the dwarf stood, but he was nowhere to be found. 
"How does he do that?" You tilted your head. 
"No idea." Atreus sighed, but then turned to you and grinned. "Let's get going. It looks like the actual entrance to the mine is blocked, but there's gotta be another away."
"This way." Kratos began moving. 
"Nice. Not a dead end. Let's see where this goes."
You jumped down from a ledge into a deep pit-like area. A few Wretches came from the shadows, but you all were able to quickly cut them down. They were nothing more than a nuisance now-- this weird lizard things were so annoying. 
Atreus used his bow's sonic vibrations to break a few rocks to reveal a crawlspace. You internally cringed at the tight quarters. After being locked up your whole life, you didn't necessarily want to be trapped again in something even smaller. Nevertheless, you followed after Atreus with Kratos once again taking up the back. 
"It certainly smells like we're headed into a mine." Mimir piped up. 
"I think I can hear the water too."
"Slow down, Atreus. Take care. Be ready."
If Kratos had a bad feeling, then you did too. Especially once you heard the loud, gurgling roar of a monster when you crawled out of the space. The area you were in now was rather open and spacious, save for the pillar in the middle, the numerous Wretches that seemed to swarm around your feet, and the giant... creature across the room that grew angrier by the second. 
"What the Hel that?" You grabbed your spear and held it across your front. 
"It's called a Bergsra." Mimir answered, his voice echoing through the cavern as Kratos took out a few Wretches. 
"Its like the Grim if Thor decided to procreate with them." You huffed, kicking a Wretch that decided to bite your ankle. "Ugly and huge."
The Bergsra did not like your analogy and yelled out loud enough to shake the cavern walls. You watched as Kratos landed his first hit against it, and decided to join in on the fun. You ran towards it while Kratos distracted it, but you must have severely pissed it off when you called it an offspring of Thor. The Bergsra turned toward you and knocked its head back, lurching a giant green blob out of its mouth in your direction. 
"Verja!" You quickly yelled out. Defend. 
Light emitted from your non-dominant arm-- the one that wasn't holding your spear-- and you instinctually held it up as the blob came closer. It didn't hit you, instead exploding across the large bronze shield you had managed to conjure. 
You looked at your arm in surprise. In hindsight, Verja was a lot more self-explanatory than you'd expected. Especially considering the spell next to it-- Sverð-- was literally sword. 
Another green blob was coming your way. Kratos had been knocked back for a second and Atreus was attacking from long distance, so the Bergsra's attention was once more turned towards you. In a split decision, you rushed towards the creature and it's blob, using your shield to hit the poison back at it. It hit the Bergsra in the face and it roared out in pain, clawing at its face. 
Kratos was back up and threw his blades towards the Bergsra's back. They latched on and he propelled himself forward, kicking it down and landing on top of it. Using his bare hands, Kratos grabbed the head of the monster and twisted. It came off in a loud, gruesome snap and you had to look away from the scene just to keep your breakfast. 
The Wretches stopped attacking as the Bergsra was killed and crawled back into the little nooks and crannies that they came from. And it was over. 
"Ugh, the smell these things leave behind is so gross." Atreus groaned.
"A small consequence for disturbing their home." Kratos replied. You tilted your head at how he almost  humanized them. 
"...Let's keep moving."
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Just A Friend
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Summary: You make the mistake of referring to Andy as “just a friend”. Takes place right after the events in Dessert Before Dinner. CLICK HERE to read Part Two. Andy Barber x Black!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Hurt Andy, Confused/Hurt Reader, Arguing, Cursing, Fluff, Smut (implied), Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading! Written on my phone. All mistakes my own.
The words had come out of your mouth before you could stop them. To be fair, it’d made sense. It’s not like the two of you had had the actual conversation or anything.
And the last thing you had wanted to do was just assume the two of you were a “thing”. For all you knew, you both were just having a good time.
Of course you thought it was more than that, but you also couldn’t read Andrew Barber’s mind. If anything, you were just learning how to read his facial expressions. The man was the friggin’ District Attorney, so he was adept at schooling his features by default.
Okay, let’s be rational and break this down…
One: You two hung out all of the time. You texted and called one another every day.
Two: He called you his baby girl.
Three: You’d given up the cookie. And he’d devoured said cookie.
Four: The whole Merry-Go-Round escapade. That had to mean something, right?
But when pressed, your mind had gone blank, and, well…
Two hours earlier…
You and Andy had been strolling hand in hand down the street, trying to figure out where you wanted to go lunch. Neither one of you could seem to make up your minds.
“Would you stop it already?” He playfully growled as he once again maneuvered your smaller body so that you were walking on the inside of his. “It’s safer for you here.”
You rolled your eyes and blew out of breath.
“And remind me again, why am I safer here?”
“Because if a car were to run off the road and onto the sidewalk right here, right now it would hit me and not you.” Andy responded as if it were obvious.
“Oh, right. Of course.”
“Hey, baby girl. My logic is sound.” He pressed a quick kiss to your hand.
“Alright, Big Man, alright. How about chicken and waffles?”
“Oooh! Now there’s an idea.”
“I know a spot a couple blocks from here that’s know for their -“
You were cut off by the sound of your name being called. Looking around, you saw your friend Samira and her husband Damian headed towards you.
“Hey, babe!” You had let go of Andy’s hand to wrap your arms around your girl, before doing the same to her husband.
“Good to see you, Y/N. It’s been a minute.” Damian was quick to note.
“Yeah, I know.” You laugh before turning to the man at your side. “These are my friends, Samira and Damian. We met back in college.” You told him.
He’d nodded and shook their hands. And then there was a few seconds of silence.
“Oh! Um, and this my, uh, friend, Andrew.” Almost immediately you felt him tense next you.
“Yeah. Y/N and I are friends.” He’d grunted.
“Well, we were on our way to lunch. But, um, let’s get together soon.”
After you’d parted ways, you had gone to grab his hand again, but it remained slack. So you had let it go.
“Andy?” You’d asked. “Are you…okay?”
“Your friend is fine, Y/N.” He’d grunted again. “Just fine. Let’s just get some lunch.”
Why did you get the feeling that you’d just fucked up?
You’re sitting across from each other, neither one of you truly touching your chicken and waffles.
Not to mention the fact that your lunch companion is barely speaking to you.
“Do you want some more sweet tea, Andy?”
“Don’t really feel like developing diabetes today.” He grumbles.
“How’s the food?” You try again.
“Not quite to my taste.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. Do you wanna go somewhere else?”
Instead of answering, he turns to stare out the window.
“Look, Andrew, I’m trying here. But you’ve go to give me something, honey…”
Your Big Man chuckles softly, sounding anything but amused. “Aww, don’t stop now, sweetheart. Not when you’re being such a good friend.”
You stare at him, trying to make sense of his words.
“Andy…if this is about what I said back there with Samira -“
One big hand waves you off. And then he asks for the check.
And you feel like crying.
You’re both silent on the walk back to your place, ignoring the smell of rain in the air and the boom of thunder in the distance.
“Andy, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” His voice hard. “Let’s just get you home.”
“Please stop for a second!” You tug on the crook of his arm. “C’mon!” You plead when you’re barely able to slow him down.
“Why, baby? I’m just trying to see you home like any good friend would.” This go round he has a hard time keeping the anger out of his voice.
“Why do keep saying it like that?” Your Big Man is making you want to pull your hair out. “Stop, damn you!”
A drop of rain hits your nose.
Andy turns on you, his jaw tensed. “Saying it like what? What am I saying it like, Y/N?”
Another drop. And then another.
“Like you’re upset.” Upset with me.
He folds is arms across his broad, muscled chest. “You know what? I’m not upset. I’m just - I’m just fucking disappointed.”
It’s drizzling now.
“Disappointed how?” You all but screech. “Give me something to work with!”
“You know why I’m disappointed, why?” Andy’s imposing form looms over you, but you weren’t afraid. “Because the girl I care about, the first woman I’ve allowed myself to develop feelings for since my goddamned wife died thinks of me as just a fucking friend!” He hisses angrily. “I don’t need anymore fucking friends, Y/N, and I don’t want any. I want you.”
You shake your head.
He steps back with a sigh. “But if you don’t want me, that’s fine. I know I can’t make you want me, even though I desperately wish I could.”
It’s raining now.
“Let’s just get you home.” Your Big Man turns his back on you. “I don’t even have an umbrella to offer you.” He mumbles.
“Andrew - Andrew! STOP!” You growl, finally finding some fire of your own. “I do want you.”
“We’re both adults, Y/N. No need to lie.” He grouses.
You jog to step in front of him, awkwardly brushing the wet hair out of your eyes.
Grabbing the front of his shirt, you use all of your strength to hold him in place. “Look at me. Please fucking look at me before I tackle you to the muddy ground and sit on you.”
His beautiful blue yes finally meet your own.
“I do want you. You are all I think about. I’m talking straight up corny shit. Like, you’re the last thing on my mind at night, and the first thing I think about in the morning. Okay?” You tug him closer to you.
“I am falling for you. Fuck! I am. You and I just hadn’t had this conversation yet and I was worried that we wouldn’t be on the same page. But you are more than just my friend. You’re my man.”
“I am?” He whispers, oblivious to his own drenched clothing. “That’s how you think of me?”
“I do. Be my boyfriend, buy me a promise ring. Let’s go steady, boo. Whatever it takes. I don’t care.”
Yeah, you were all about that corny life these days.
“You mean that? You really -“
“Oh, just shut up already.” You growl softly.
You let go of his shirt before pulling his head down to your own for a kiss. A kiss filled with so much passion and promise and emotion, it makes your knees weak. Andrew wraps his brawny arms around you, pulling you even closer as his tongue stakes it’s claim over yours.
Eventually you pull away from one another, your chests heaving.
“Take me home. Warm me up. And then let me make love to you.” You purr.
“Whatever you want, baby girl.”
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hauntedjohnny · 6 months
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julie crawford / danny gaines
wc: 2k synopsis: julie has some car troubles, who else would she call?
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The empty diner was her sanctuary, the rusty payphone her salvation. Julie had passed the quaint place many times, telling herself she had to check it out one day. Fate decided today was that day... just not in the way she expected. As the phone dialled in her ear, she stared at her beloved car smoking through the window, waiting for a gruff greeting.
"Oh God, Danny, Grumpy is dying, like, for real this time. He's wheezing and smoking more than my daddy and that’s saying something," Her accent grew stronger as her words fell faster. "I thought it was the end for us both, like, I saw my life flash before my eyes and I know you told me to get it looked at and you know I don't even want to tell you this right now because you get that stupid look on your face when you're right but it was really scary and I pulled over but I don't know what—"
"Woah, woah... Slow down, take a breath, you're talkin' nonsense," He lightly chuckled to mask his worry. They stayed silent for a moment as Julie caught her breath. He could understand her just fine but it was no use them both panicking. Her eyes flickered to the waitress, who witnessed her crazed dramatics.
"Will you come help me?" Julie mumbled sheepishly.
"Hmm... Only if you admit I was right," Danny offered, trying to lighten her mood. The worry was still tight in his chest but she sounded safe and that was enough for him.
The heaviness on her chest lifted slightly at his teasing tone. She feigned annoyance with a scoff and an eye roll, but the tight smirk on her lips gave her away. He was right. Not that she would tell him that. He gets that dopey grin and a glint in his eyes that pokes at her soul to make her flush. It's a feeling that makes her nervous. It was evident in her face as it flushed at the sound of his muffled voice through the telephone.
“Ya still there, sweetheart?”
Her soft inhale gave him the answer.
“Gonna need you to tell me where y’are if you want my saving.”
She could hear the grin she imagined growing wider. Unable to handle the teasing any longer, she quickly gave him the name of the diner, hoping he would know where she was. Danny knew where everything was around here.
“Don’t go prodding about under the hood now, knowing you it’ll explode” A final teasing joke slipped in before she heard the jingle of his keys.
“Yeah, yeah. Bye, Gaines.”
Julie’s sarcasm was bitter, but to Danny, any sound that came out of her mouth was sickly sweet. Her words dripped with sarcasm but her voice dripped in honey.
“See ya in a tick, darling.”
As her initial panic faded, she studied the quaint diner that sheltered her from the glaring sun. Giggles from a small family in the corner echo as she reflects on her time with Grumpy. It was the only real memory of home; her parents bought the car for her when she passed her test; it was where she and her dad would belt out tunes whilst driving to the beach; it was where she and her mom would gossip and cry while watching the sunset in the hills; it was where she lost her virginity; it was where she had her first major break-up; it was where Julie became Julie. Her lips formed a small pout at the thought of closing that chapter of life.
The clink of glass in front of her prevents her from spiraling. With a confused look, she meets the kind eyes of an elderly woman- the waitress from earlier.
Before she could speak, the woman held up her hand. "It's on the house. Looked like you could use it."
The dazed look on Julie's face made the woman chuckle.
"That yours?" She inquired, gesturing to the car croaking like a chain-smoker in the corner of the parking lot. Julie nodded with a slight grimace, expecting to get an earful for parking a potential explosive in this woman's diner. All she did was hum in reply.
"Good thing you got a nice boyfriend who'll come fix it up for ya... or at least I assume that's who you were flirtin' with on the phone..." she pried, needing some gossip to get her through the workday.
"Yeah," An unusually shy smile danced on Julie's lips. "Well... Sorta. Kinda. He's not my boyfriend, like, officially. We're mostly just friends, but that's not what our other friends think. It's just, uh, complicated, I guess?" She rambled, eyebrows furrowing the more she talks.
The woman gave a knowing hum, unable to hide the smirk on her plump lips. Before she can say another word, she catches sight of a tall scruffy man peering into the window of the wreckage outside.
"That yours?" She inquired again, smirk now fully formed.
Julie's head span round, a giddy beam radiating off her when she sees him. Without a second thought, she jumped from her seat, cola bottle in hand, and bolted towards the door. With a second thought, she turned around to thank the woman she momentarily forgot about.
"Go on, get outta here!" She heard as the door closes behind her.
A loud squeal caused Danny to look up from the car, hands still cupped from where he was inspecting the inside. His face reflected her own as the hurtling figure came into focus.
“Here comes trouble,” he remarked to himself before Julie wrapped her arms tight around his neck.
Putting on her serious face, she pulled away and held his head in her hands so he couldn't look away.
“Please dont break my heart. I don't think I can handle the news of her death.” She shook her head as she spoke, as if she were trying to rid the thought from her brain. He couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatic nature. Removing her hands from his face, he held them in front of their face, kissing her knuckles before he broke the news.
“M'afraid to say but Grumpy's been on death's door for months now,” he informed, swiping at the black mascara smudge below her waterline. “I’ll give 'er a once over and tell ya how fatal it is, alright?”
She nodded in reply, slowly coming to terms with the death of her baby.
The warm flush on her face contradicted the coldness she felt from his absent touch as he moved to open the hood of her car. He started digging around as Julie leant against it, staring as he worked. She couldn't help it. His sleeves were pushed to his elbows, exposing his flexing arms. With a furrowed brow, he tried to find the root of the problem, greasy fingers glistening with each movement. His murmured remarks were like a fresh breeze cutting through the suffocating summer, but his pained hiss cut Julie out of her daydream.
"Are you okay? What happened?" The panic in her voice was evident as Danny tried to shake the pain out of his hand.
"S'nothing. Just hotter than I thought it would be- my fault, it is smoking after all," He joked softly. “You got a dirty rag or something in there I can use?”
She took a quick glance at the backseat, weighing up her options. Danny had been fawning since she called, trying everything to lift her mood. So, naturally, she decided to push her luck. She hummed in consideration before popping out a nope. Her teeth grazed across her lower lip to prevent the hopeful grin from growing across her face.
There was definitely some dirty shirt back there he could use, but he didn't need to know that. Except Danny did know that. He could read Julie like a book; the mischief twinkling in her eyes exposed her little lie. Looking away from her, shy eyes scouted the parking lot; there wasn't a person in sight. He decided to bite his tongue and humour her. She’d had a bad day, after all. With a roll of his eyes, he stripped the shirt off his back, pretending that the red tint on his cheeks was due to the heat and not embarrassment. Not looking her in the eyes, he continued digging around, attempting to inspect and remove the source of the smoke.
Julie shifted the weight of her footing as warmth bubbled inside her — not a feeling of lust, but that of admiration. The redness creeping up his neck and ears spoke for itself; she expected some taunt about her being a horndog, not him putting himself in an uncomfortable position to make her smile. A dumbfounded look took place of the expected smile as she studied the man in front of her. He glowed even brighter than before, a golden halo surrounding him as if he were an angel assigned to her by the heavens. The aureate hues brought life to his freckles, speckled kisses on his broad shoulders she wished to replicate; his soft stomach like the beach dunes she used to lay her head on. Something hidden to herself awoke in Julie's soul. He reminded her of home. He was her home.
"M'sorry, baby, aint nothing to be done." He concluded with a pinched brow. "I'll call up my guy to take her to the boneyard. Maybe we can throw a party in her honour this weekend?"
Julie instinctively pouted at the outcome, but she couldn't find it in her to be distraught. A celebration sounded nice — not only to say goodbye to her old life, but to welcome her new revelation. Seeing the small pout on her lips, Danny made his way to her with an outstretched hand, but was blocked before he could make contact.
"Don't you dare come at me with those gnarly greasy hands," she lectured facetiously, a manicured finger pointing at him in accusation.
Danny raised his eyebrows in challenge, squinting to read her next move. She didn't have a next move. Before she knew it, she was pinned to her car, legs entangled together to prevent her from leaving. Airy laughs weaved with dying pleas as his hands made their way to her jaw, calloused thumbs tarnishing her skin with brown smears.
"A lil grease ain't stopping me from comfortin' my girl," He drawled lowly in her ear.
The warm metal on her back was nothing compared to the warmth dancing in her stomach as Danny held her head still, peppering kisses anywhere he could find — her cheeks, her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her neck. Giggles bubbled up her throat as stubble pricked at her skin, accentuating each peck. Kisses became sloppier as a lazy grin formed on his own lips. Her smudged eyes fluttered open when he pulled away slightly. The pounding in her chest grew heavier as the heat rolled off his naked torso; the playful glimmer in his eyes made her dizzy, drunker than at any party she's been to.
Looking into his amber eyes was the most natural thing in the world, she couldn't fathom looking away. Most cower from his scorching stares, as if he were the sun ready to burn and blister, but Julie was a sunflower; she thrived under his warm gaze, unknowingly searching for it in the darkest hours. What Julie didn't know was the light in Danny was a reflection of herself.
For a moment, all they did was stare at eachother. Danny's blackened thumb idly stroked her besmirched jaw while Julie's slender fingers pushed stray hairs away from his sticky forehead. A low sound vibrated through his chest as she tangled her fingers into the hair at his nape. Tenderness lay heavy between them as their noses nudged together. A silent confession, a silent promise. High on intimacy, the words tumbled out before she could catch them.
"I'm so in love with you."
He couldn't help but laugh, the corners of his eyes crinkling at her words. Despite never saying it, he knew. They both knew. It's why she called him. It's why he came. The love they shared was in every unspoken word. She could feel it as he pressed his chapped lips against her own, breathing the words into her. There was nothing complicated about it.
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writingplotbunnies · 4 months
Best Served Cold (3/?)
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Pairing: Jax Teller x OFC
Summary: After an eventful start to her day, Sophie meets more of Charming's residents and everyone wants to get to know her.
Word Count: ~3500
Warnings: angst, illegal activity, possessive behavior, sexual content, canon typical violence
A/N: This is my first SOA fic, so let me know what you think. This will be a multipart fic, so let me know if you want added to the taglist.
Walking into the station, Sophie felt a bit nervous because she might have fibbed a bit on her application. She’d filed paperwork before, answered a phone, but she’d never actually been a receptionist. Never worked in an office. Still, she figured in a small town like Charming, it wouldn’t be too difficult to engage in some on-the-job training. And she did possess the ability to fake it until she figured it all out. She hoped. No, what she needed was access. People who worked in buildings like this tended to believe in the system. Rarely did they go looking for a mole. They didn’t want to assume the worst, and most worked hard to ignore it even when they saw the signs because good people didn’t snitch. Good people followed the rules and allowed the laws to protect them. Until they didn’t. 
“You must be Sophie.” 
An older man with a mostly bald head and patchy grey hair on the sides came out of one of the offices. The weariness in his eyes reminded her of the base commander at her first station. He’d been counting the days until retirement, and always seemed lost in memories of earlier days. This man had that same distant gaze. 
She waved her hand. “Hi. That’s me.” 
“Wayne Unser. Thought I heard the sound of a bike.”
“You did,” Sophie said with a nod. “Jax gave me a ride. Had a bit of trouble with my car this morning. David told me to take it over to TM. It’s why I’m late.” 
“Hope it’s nothing serious.” 
Sophie shook her head. “Just a flat tire. Mostly just annoyed it happened today. Didn’t want my first impression to be showing up late.” 
Wayne made a dismissive hand gesture. “Don’t worry about that. Welcome to Charming. I’ll let David get you set up, but my door’s always open if you need anything.” 
David came out of a different office a bit further down the same hallway and offered Sophie a wide smile. 
“Glad you made it.” 
She followed him to a large horseshoe desk near the front of the building. The placement made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, but she figured most people thought having her back to a bunch of cops would be a safe place to be. Maybe she could shift the desk just a bit, enough to give her line of sight both out of the building and down the hallway. She did like the view offered by the large plateglass windows. 
“I wanted to go over a couple of things with you before you get started,” David said as he sat on the edge of her desk. 
Sophie put her purse in the bottom drawer of the desk and turned to face him. “Sure.” 
“San Bernardino transferred your CCW documents to us, and given your military background, I’m sure you’re probably the best shot in the whole office, but I can’t have you carrying a weapon on the job. Not in a police station. But, you shouldn’t need to worry about your safety here. There’s a silent alarm wired under the desk. You feel unsafe, press the button.” 
Sophie wanted to roll her eyes at his very afterschool special approach to this conversation. California law only allowed her three weapons on her CCW, so officially, she owned three. She scrubbed the serial numbers from the others and figured what the good deputy didn’t know…
Playing into his clear need to make her feel safe, she placed her hand on his forearm and prepared to lie through her teeth. “I appreciate it, and I understand the rule. Even the Corps had places you didn’t take your sidearm; I didn’t bring it here. I’m just so accustomed to being armed that I almost feel naked without it. It might seem silly to you, but it’s like leaving the house without shoes.” 
David smiled. He did that a lot and she wondered how much of it was cop training and how much was him. 
“You can keep it locked up in your car if that makes you feel more comfortable. Just can’t be in the building.” 
Nodding her head, Sophie didn’t say anything. If Sophie felt, truly felt, unsafe? She’d need a damn good lawyer because the bodies would litter the foyer. For everyone’s sake, she just hoped none of the good citizens of Charming made her feel unsafe . 
David placed a hand on her shoulder as he stood from the desk. “I’ll go get you that coffee I owe you. Cream? Sugar?”
She spent most of the morning filling out paperwork and sorting through the stacks of folders on the desk. It provided her the opportunity to learn more about the community, identify the players, and add some details to her still underdeveloped plan. Most of it was expected. Parking tickets, speeding tickets, a few notices about disturbing the peace. A lot of it was copies of permits for various things. California loved to create permits. It was when she was sorting through a stack of building permit copies that his name caught her eye. Ethan Zobelle planned to open another one of his fucking cigar shops on Main Street. As expected, the bastard had crossed every t and dotted every i . Her grip on the folder increased, she could see the way the papers warped around her fingers. He always appeared to be the perfect, upstanding businessman. No one cared that he associated with, supported, and endorsed neo-Nazi ways. Even fewer cared that he had strong ties to the Aryan Brotherhood, had killed or sanctioned the kill of many. The man was a murdering bastard. A criminal in a fancy suit. In the months following her sister’s death, Sophie hadn’t been able to figure out who kept protecting him, which left a short list of potentials that made her stomach roll. That’s why she’d followed him to Charming, why she’d gotten herself a job at the station. Something about him, about how he operated didn’t add up, and she needed answers before she blew his brains all over the pavement. 
The sound of someone snapping their fingers in her face drew her attention. Scowl on her face, she turned to see a blonde woman in a suit that screamed “I’m a federal agent, ask me how” standing over her desk. Sophie had worked enough operations with other agencies to recognize the scent of one. Not all of them were bad, but the ones that were always managed to cast a large shadow. 
“Can I help you?” 
Sophie couldn’t keep the irritation from her voice, but having someone she’d never met snap their fingers in her face didn’t make for a great first impression. 
“I’m sure it’s difficult to find the right pile in this game of Tetris you have going, but my team needs your help.” 
Sophie swung her chair around to face the woman, and crossed her arms across her chest. “Does your team sign my paycheck?” 
The woman rocked back a bit, as though surprised Sophie hadn’t been overcome with joy at being asked, rather rudely, to be a fetch and carry girl. 
“I haven’t seen you around here.” 
“I’m new in town. Just started today.” 
“June Stahl. ATF.” 
“Ah,” Sophie nodded. “Then you don’t sign my paycheck.” 
“Sophie,” Unser called as he came towards the front. He caught sight of Agent Stahl standing by her desk and his whole face changed. Giving the good agent a rather contemptuous look he said, “Oh, I see you’ve met Sophie.” 
Agent Stahl smiled, but it made Sophie want to press the panic button David had told her about earlier. She knew the type. Figured this woman was all about proving herself in a man's world. The type that figured the ends always justified the means, so long as she collected the acclaim along the way. 
“We’re getting acquainted.” 
“Yeah,” Sophie replied dryly. “We’re gonna weave friendship bracelets over lunch. Braid each other’s hair.” 
Unser made a sort of confused frown, shook his head. “Right, well, Sophie, I was going to tell you to head out early today. David told me you got into town yesterday. I doubt you’ve had a chance to unpack yet.” 
Sophie shrugged. “I’m used to living out of my pack, but I’m not gonna turn down an offer to get out of Dodge early.” 
Standing from her chair, Sophie reached for her purse before glancing over her shoulder at Agent Stahl. “Guess I’m gonna have to take a rain check on your offer, Agent Stahl.” 
The woman offered her a biting smile but didn’t say anything.
“Great,” Unser said. “I’ve gotta talk to Clay. I’ll give you a ride over to TM.” 
Like a dog who’d just caught the scent of a rabbit, Agent Stahl’s whole body perked up. “For someone who just came into town, you make friends quickly.”
The desire to roll her eyes nearly overwhelmed her, but she decided to feign confusion instead. “I guess? The mechanics were nice enough when I dropped my car off this morning, but other than telling them I caught a nail in my tire, we didn’t exactly exchange life stories.” 
She watched Stahl’s shoulders slump ever so slightly but also saw how her eyes narrowed. The woman had a hardon for the MC, and given the way Unser eyed her, Stahl had likely caused quite a stir when she and her team of suits rolled into town. 
Unser waved her towards the door, and she allowed herself to be escorted out of the station. They didn’t say anything as they walked over to his squad car, but once they’d both closed the doors, Unser tilted his head back against the headrest and let out a deep sigh. 
“She always that delightful, or is it just because I’m new around here?” 
Unser chuckled. “That was her being friendly and inviting.” 
“Can’t wait to see her again tomorrow.” 
Unser started the car, rolled down the window, and lit a joint. Sophie eyed him, a small smirk on her lips. He caught her gaze and held the joint out. 
“I’ve got cancer. It’s my medicine.” 
Sophie shrugged. “Hey, you’re the law around here. Ain’t none of my business how you spend your money.” 
“I haven’t figured you out yet.” 
At least he was being direct.
“Not sure what there is about me you need to figure out.” 
“A young, successful woman like you doesn’t just show up in Charming to be a receptionist.” 
“You don’t really need to talk to anyone at TM, do you?” 
Unser took a long drag. “Nah. But this way you and I get to have a chat. Exchange pleasantries.” 
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, Sheriff.” 
“I don’t suppose you’d just tell me what brought you to Charming?”
She took the joint from his fingers and took a drag before handing it back. “It’s always been my life’s ambition to work the reception desk at a small town police station. Wrote about it in my dream journal, too.” 
He gave her an unimpressed look. “Course not.” 
They pulled into the TM lot and Sophie hurried from the car. She rounded the front and leaned her arms across the open window. 
“If anything brought me here, you know there wouldn’t be a damn thing you or anyone in that office could do about it including that bitch from ATF. I know you’ve read my file, but I’m just here looking for a little peace.” 
“You picked a hell of a town for that.” 
The sound of footsteps coming up behind her halted the rest of their conversation. Unser looked almost relieved. 
“Everything okay? Thought you were gonna call when you were done.” 
Smile on her face, she turned to face Jax, honestly glad to see him. He had more grease across his forehead, and she wanted to reach up and wipe it off. He leaned across her and glanced into the cruiser.
“The Chief offered to give me a ride. Seemed silly to bother you when he was coming out here anyway. Said he needed to talk to someone named Clay.”
Jax nodded, turned his gaze back to Unser. “Clay’s in the clubhouse.” 
Sophie tried to cover her laugh with a cough. She could see Unser trying to come up with a reason he needed to talk to Clay. Jax wrapped an arm around her, gently moving her back from the car as Unser got out. The sheriff shot her a withering glance before heading towards the clubhouse. 
“Come on.” 
Jax led her over to the garage. Her car sat in one of the bays. Her lips turned down as she noticed the front passenger tire was still missing. Turning towards Jax, she glared as he held his hands out in front of her. 
“Why is my car still missing a wheel?” 
Sophie didn’t miss the twinkle in Jax’s eye, even as he took a small step back as she tried to close in on him. It had just been a hole in her tire. A tiny, little hole. She hated seeing her baby up on a lift all incomplete. 
“Is that the owner?” 
Seeking the voice, she looked over her shoulder, putting her back to Jax. A man with dark curly hair and a bit of a wild look in his eyes stood by one of the toolboxes, a rag in his hand. He reminded her of one of the demo experts she ran a couple of ops with. No matter the situation, he’d always seemed a heartbeat away from doing something reckless, but entertaining. The man hurrying towards her had an eerily familiar glint in his eyes. Maybe the two were related. Distant cousins or something.  
“Yeah. This is Sophie.” 
Unlike the other folks she’d been introduced to, this guy scooped her up into his arms and spun her around in a strange hug that had her throwing her arms around her neck for balance. A laugh tumbled past her lips as he spun a second time. 
“Tig! Put her down you horny bastard,” Jax growled. 
He set Sophie on her feet but didn’t let go of her right away. Before she could step back, or even really catch her breath, he pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek. 
“You’re beautiful. And your car is a fucking miracle. Marry me.” 
She laughed because what else was she supposed to do? “You can’t have my car.” 
He gave the best set of puppy eyes she’d seen in a long time. Before she could say anything else, Jax snaked his arms around her waist and tugged her solidly into his body. Everything about the move screamed “hands off” and she couldn’t quite find it in herself to hate it. The solid chest at her back felt warm and the hands wrapped around her waist found a small patch of exposed skin at her hips. 
“Aw, come on, Jax. She’s gonna be too much woman for you to handle. I mean, look at that car,” Tig whined as he pointed at the Charger. 
“Given that it’s still missing a tire, seems like the car’s too much for you, Tig,” Sophie sassed. 
Tig threw a hand against his chest as though he’d been shot. “Aw, sweetheart, you wound me.” 
“I’m going to wound someone if you don’t tell me why there’s still no tire on my car.” 
“Calm down, darlin’,” Jax said as he turned her around to face him. 
She noticed how he kept at least one hand on her at all times, how Tig now kept a semi-respectable distance from her. It reminded her of how the War Boys had acted around Olivia, how she only ever rode on the back of Drifter’s bike. There’d been a clear order to things. Sophie had noticed it the handful of times she’d been around their clubhouse. Given Jax’s behavior, Sophie thought maybe the Sons had a similar set of rules. If they’d been dogs, she wouldn’t have been surprised to see Jax lift leg and pee on her. She’d have to spend some time thinking about how she felt about being owned in that manner. Olivia had felt secure in her relationship, and had known her man had her back. She’d loved Drifter, and Drifter loved her more than anything in the world. They were beautiful together. 
“I sent the prospect out to Lodi to get a new tire for you. The one you had on was shredded. You shouldn’t have driven in on it if you wanted to save it.” 
Sophie scowled. Jax laughed. 
“You’re cute when you’re all irritated.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Look,” Jax said. “I’ll have it fixed up as soon as he’s back with the tire. Go wait in the office with Gemma.” 
She wanted to snap a sarcastic “yes, sir”, but she didn’t want to give him the mistaken impression that he could give her orders, or that she’d always follow them. Without a better option, she nodded her head. 
“Come on.” 
He once again rested his hand low on her back as he walked her over to the office. Part of her couldn’t help but wonder if it was a ploy to keep her from wandering into places she shouldn’t, or if he really just wanted to keep his hands on her. It might even be a bit of both. 
“Sack’s not back with the tire yet, so Sophie’s gonna wait in here until her car’s ready,” Jax said as he escorted her into the office. 
Gemma looked up from the pile of paperwork on her desk, glanced down to where Jax’s hand rested on the small of Sophie’s back, and raised an eyebrow. 
“Sure thing, baby,” Gemma answered, voice a bit gentle. “Give us girls a chance to get to know each other.” 
Jax’s arm slid from her body as he pointed a finger at his mother. “Be nice.” 
Gemma offered him a mock innocent smile before turning back to her paperwork. 
“I’ll come get you when it’s ready.” 
Sophie just nodded her head as Jax left the office, the door closing behind him with an audible click. Glancing over her shoulder, she found Gemma’s eyes already on her. Walking over to one of the chairs in front of the desk, Sophie took a seat. 
“Nice to see you again.” 
“You looked mighty comfortable in that squad car.” 
“No handcuffs.” Sophie held her arms out and shook her wrists a bit. “It’s why Unser had me in the front seat.” 
Gemma raised an eyebrow.
“But, I won’t pretend I don’t know what you’re asking. I’ve been in the backseat more than I’ve been in the front. Unser claimed he needed to talk to Clay, so he offered me a ride here. The good Sheriff really just wanted time away from the station to ask me a whole bunch of personal questions. The type of questions I figure you’ve got waiting on the tip of your tongue.” 
“You’re very direct.” 
Sophie shrugged. “Sometimes.”
“Jax seems to like you.”
“You noticed that too?” Sophie crossed her legs. “If he were a dog, he’d’ve peed on me by now.” 
That startled a laugh from Gemma. Sophie grinned. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen my son take to a woman like that.”
It was Sophie’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “A man who looks like your son in a town this size with that kutte on his back has probably taken to every woman in at least three counties. Nothing special about that.” 
Gemma lit a cigarette and held the pack out to her. Sophie took one and let Gemma light it for her. She dragged a lung full of nicotine into her lungs before slowly expelling the smoke through her lips.  
“Look, Jax has been nice to me. Gave me a ride to work this morning, said he’d get my car fixed. Even though it’s still sitting up on the jack,” Sophie paused. “But, I’m sure the car still being up there has more to do with Tig’s new love affair with it and so long as he cleans up after himself, I hope he enjoys himself.” 
“And none of that bothers you?”
Sophie chuckled. “Nah. Tig’s not the first, maybe not even the worst, sexual deviant I’ve been around. I’m sure a team of psychologists could make their careers working with someone like him, and then likely end up admitting themselves to the ward before it was done. Just makes life interesting. I do hate being bored.” 
“That why you came to Charming? Boredom?” 
She wanted to laugh at the derisive tone Gemma used. The woman was intimidating, and she knew the power she held in the town. A power she leaned into and owned.  
“Everyone’s so interested in why I came here.”
“You’re an interesting person.” 
“Only because your son has a thing for me, and you’re not sure if you’re going to allow that or not.” 
“My son’s a grown man. He makes his own decisions.” 
Sophie took another drag from her cigarette. “‘Course he is, but you’re close, and what you say means something to him. I respect that. But, I’m not going to sit here and tell you my deepest, darkest secrets just because you ask.”
Standing, Sophie bent across the desk and snubbed out the remnants of her cigarette. Meeting Gemma’s gaze, she said. “I will tell you this, I didn’t come here for the Sons.”
Part 4
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vidavbooks · 10 months
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Call it what you want to
warnings ⭐️ fluff
pairing ⭐️ spencer reid x female reader
authors note ⭐️ guys this is my first fic don’t judge
Me and Spencer have always been somewhat close, but for some reason there’s some tension that I can’t really read. I wonder if it’s because he’s antisocial? Is he scared of me? Does he think I’m mean? I don’t know, but we’ve been working on a case and we’ve had to work together a lot which means a lot more talking. I’m trying to get through to him but I just really can’t. I look out the window and see it’s a raining, my favorite weather. I get up out of bed after taking a second to think to myself, and I go into the kitchen of my apartment to start the coffee so it’s done when I’m ready.
I walk around my apartment starting to get ready while petting my cats along the way, and then I hear my phone ringing. I walk while trying to put on my shoes to answer, “Hello?” I say picking it up seeing it’s Hotch. “Hey we need you here a bit earlier than expected, Reid says he has some things he needs you to look into. If we look into them and get the answers we are thinking we might get then we might just get this guy today.”
I sigh gently and pour my coffee into my to go cup, “Alright I’ll be there in 10”
“Alright see you then” He says while hanging up, I rush out the house and go straight to my car.
I rush into work and everyone is waiting, I make eye contact with Reid but he looks away. I kinda frown but I get straight to work on getting the information, but every time I look up to explain I can’t help but look at him.
Throughout the day I keep looking over to him but he never looks back, I wasn’t expecting him to but it’s always upsetting. It comes to the end of the day and I start to pack up, but then I see Reid start to walk out so I hurry up my process and run after him while opening my umbrella.
“Hey Reid” He kinda seemed startled but then when he saw it was me he went back to normal “Hey” We continue walking then I sigh and stop “Reid,” I say looking at him, “do you have a problem with me?” He looks at me confused, “No wh-“ “Every time I look at you, speak to you, or do anything you brush it off. Now it’s either I did something or there’s something I dont know.”
He looked around a little and just sighed “I never look at you or talk to you because, just.” He sighs and looks me straight in the eyes, “I don’t talk to people I like, because I know I talk to much and I didn’t want you to think I’m annoying. Everyone else tends to be not interested on everything I say and just sigh then brush it off. You, you never do. You listen you understand and no one else does that. So when I realized I liked you I didn’t want to be that annoying guy who talks to much.”
My jaw slightly drops, and I stand tall again and hold his hand gently in a comforting way “Reid you could never annoy me, and when it comes to the team they are just very straight to the point people. I like to hear your little facts and stories, you will never be that annoying guy to me.” His eyes slightly widen at the touch but he slowly smiles at my words.
He’s a shy person so he would never just grab my face and kiss me right there, but I would. I feel the courage built up inside me and i take my chance and say, “I hope this is okay.” And I grab his face and kiss him, he kinda jumps in shock but slowly eases into it. When we separate I kiss his nose and move my head back to look at him. I can feel the blush growing on my face then I suddenly feel a wave of anxiety.
“I’m sorry that was super weird and i know you didn’t say I could I’m super-“ I get cut off by a kiss from Spencer and I smile as I kiss back. When we separate he slowly moves back, “I was wondering if..you would like to go out sometime?” I smile at him and nod. “That would be amazing, I’m free tomorrow after work.” He smiles back and says, “After work anywhere you want I’ll we you tomorrow”
He gently lets go of my hand and I kiss his cheek and swiftly walk away “See you tomorrow!” He stands there for a second smiling to himself, then walks to his car. I get in my car and sigh, then smile wondering how tomorrow will be.
xoxo, Vida💋
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sirtaehyunsalot · 1 year
What’s His Deal? (pt 1)
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pairing: Thomas Valles x fem!reader 💀
one-sidedish love, crack if you squint really hard
warnings: cursing, some racist remarks from white fam 🧍‍♀️, my horrible Spanish, lmk what else
word count: 988 💀💀
AN: im so embarrassed lmfao; i know this movie takes place in the 80s but i didn’t center it arnd that 1) bc i don't know shit about the 80s and 2) bc now u can visualize it in any time period you want. And if you’re not white then you can just act like you were adopted by the White family lmao
You reached into your locker and hung up your bag. Just when you were about to close your locker you heard 3 pairs of footsteps running in your direction. By the time you turned around to see what was happening, it was already too late as one of the boys plowed straight into you, causing you to fall backwards into your still open locker, dropping your things all over the floor and twisting your ankle in the process. Some people who witnessed the whole scene unfold were nearly peeing themselves laughing (you probably would have laughed too if it wasn't for the fact that you were the one experiencing this) and others were looking at you in surprise.
Today was your first day at school in McFarland, California. You already hated this place because it was hot, musty, dirty, noisy, and boring. You and your family had to move here after your dad lost his temper at one of his football players at your old school. Now here you were, in a town where almost everyone spoke Spanish, and roosters woke you up at the ass crack of dawn.
One of the running boys had stopped and turned around to see what had happened to you. When he saw you trying to get out of your locker he turned back around to push the guy that had bulldozed you into the locker.
“Look what you did, ese! Didn’t even bother to apologize” He exclaimed before walking towards you. “Here, lemme help you,” He pulled you up from your locker, closed the door, and started helping you pick up your things.
“Gracias,” You blurted out. You had no idea why you said “thank you” in Spanish, you already knew full well that he spoke English.
“You’re welcome,” He answered with a smile before walking away.
You thought that boy was kinda cute. But you knew a little bit better than to fall head over heels for a dude you had just met and didn't even know the name of just based on looks alone, but you still couldn't get your mind off of that boy. You thought about him so much that during first period you almost didn't hear the teacher telling you to introduce yourself as the new girl in class, which led to you standing in front of the classroom in silence for a good 10 seconds before you realized what you were supposed to be doing. You thought about him in class, at lunch, while you were waiting for your dad to pick you up from school, and even during the ride home.
“Hellooooo, (nameeee), earth to (nameeee),” your little sister Jamie called out to you from the backseat of your dad’s car.
“What do you want?” You sighed, slightly annoyed that she had interrupted your daydreaming session.
“Who’s that dude?”
“Why would I know anyone in McFarland? We’ve only been here for like 3 days”
“Because he’s really fast!”
You finally looked out of the window to see what this girl was talking about, and what you saw was honestly something out of a superhero movie. The guy that helped you earlier was running. Running as fast as the car you were in!
“But we’re going-” -you pause to check the speedometer- “12 miles an hour-! And he’s able to catch up to the car??”
“Like I said, really fast!”
“Oh, I know him! That’s Thomas Valles, he’s the one that gave me a tour around the school today,” said your other sister Julie, around the same age as you.
“Thomas?” you became flustered at the mention of his name.
“OOOO! (Name) likes him!! Dad!! Get closer, get closer! (Name) wants to be closer to her crush!!” Jamie screamed
“SHUT UP JAMIE! I don’t like him, it’s just that he helped me get myself together when I fell ass first into my locker after one of his ‘amigos’ mowed me down while running in the hallway,” you huffed in annoyance as you remembered all the people that were looking and laughing at you.
Unbeknownst to you however, Thomas had stopped running because he noticed your family stalking him and went to stand in front of your car (not the smartest move on his part.)
“Why are you following me, blanco.” he demanded rather than asked when your dad stopped the car.
“Do you know how fast you were going?” your dad questioned.
“What are you a cop?”
Your father was quite taken aback by Thomas’s reaction to this. The guy didn’t even seem fazed by the fact that he was going 12 miles an hour!
“You were running at 12mph, that's pretty fast, Valez,” your dad quipped
Thomas chose to ignore the fact that Mr. White had butchered his name. “Well I obviously don’t have a car, right?”
“Can I give you a ride..?”
“No, but you can stop following me.” Thomas replied before he turned around and continued running off to wherever he was going.
“What’s his deal?” Julie scoffed at the whole interaction. “We were only trying to be nice to him, is this how everyone acts in McFarland?”
“I know right?” Jamie agreed.
“In his defense, I think I would be pretty creeped out too if I was a Mexican boy being chased by a van full of random white people,” you half-joked.
Your family let out a loud laugh at your little joke and moved on to other topics soon after. Although, you on the other hand, were still thinking about Thomas for the rest of the way home. And during dinner. And while you were watching TV. And before bed. And even when you were in bed he still managed to creep back into your thoughts. You were also thinking about the question Julie asked during the ride home. “What’s his deal?” What was Thomas Valles’s deal? You had no idea, but you immediately knew that you wanted to find out.
This was wild 💀 lmao pt 2 will be coming soon shoot me an ask if you want to be in my taglist
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Me and My Husband
Written By: Mitski
Artist: Mitski
Released: 2018
“Me and My Husband” is the seventh track of Mitski’s fifth studio album Be The Cowboy released in August 2018. Like earlier tracks on the album such as ‘Nobody’, ‘Me and My Husband’ explores the loneliness Mitski felt while writing the album, although this time she takes on the persona of a suburban housewife. As she explained to GQ: “If you’re a suburban mom surrounded by family with a nice life you still feel alone. On tour, I’m surrounded by people all the time but it’s lonely.” Despite the song’s upbeat tone the lyrics portray a housewife stubbornly sticking by her husband even though she may not be happy. Mitski claims the song isn’t personal and isn’t meant to be reflection of her views on marriage or settling down as she told The Outline: “I try to keep a sense of humor about all this stuff. I’m not married, I don’t have a husband, but I was just thinking about being a woman with a man in a long term relationship. I used a stereotype of the suburban, old-fashioned housewife to kind of accentuate my point.”
[Verse 1] I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories And all of the things I have seen will be gone With my eyes, with my body, with me [Chorus] But me and my husband We are doing better It's always been just him and me Together So I bet all I have on that Furrowed brow And at least in this lifetime We're sticking together Me and my husband We're sticking together [Verse 2] And I'm the idiot with the painted face In the corner, taking up space But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved [Chorus] Me and my husband We are doing better It's always been just him and me Together So I bet all I have on that Furrowed brow And at least in this lifetime We're sticking together Me and my husband We're sticking together Me and my husband We are doing better
Our House
Written By: Graham Nash
Artist: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Released: 1970
Cover included: The Head and the Heart, 2021
“Our House” is a song written by British singer-songwriter Graham Nash and recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young on their album Déjà Vu. At the time Graham Nash & Joni Mitchell were dating and the time the two spent that particular day after purchasing a vase on Ventura Boulevard inspired this song. Nash has stated that he wrote this song in a hour. In October 2013, in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air, Nash elaborated: “Well, it’s an ordinary moment. What happened is that Joni [Mitchell] and I – I don’t know whether you know anything about Los Angeles, but on Ventura Boulevard in the Valley, there’s a very famous deli called Art’s Deli. And we’d been to breakfast there. We’re going to get into Joan’s car, and we pass an antique store. And we’re looking in the window, and she saw a very beautiful vase that she wanted to buy … I persuaded her to buy this vase. It wasn’t very expensive, and we took it home. It was a very grey, kind of sleety, drizzly L.A. morning. And we got to the house in Laurel Canyon, and I said – got through the front door and I said, you know what? I’ll light a fire. Why don’t you put some flowers in that vase that you just bought? Well, she was in the garden getting flowers. That meant she was not at her piano, but I was … And an hour later ‘Our House’ was born, out of an incredibly ordinary moment that many, many people have experienced.”
[Verse 1] I'll light the fire You place the flowers in the vase That you bought today [Verse 2] Staring at the fire For hours and hours while I listen to you Play your love songs all night long For me, only for me [Verse 3] Come to me now And rest your head for just five minutes Everything is done [Verse 4] Such a cozy room The windows are illuminated by the evening Sunshine through them, fiery gems For you, only for you [Chorus] Our house is a very, very, very fine house With two cats in the yard Life used to be so hard Now everything is easy cause of you And our [Interlude] La-la, la-la-la la la… [Chorus] Our house is a very, very, very fine house (fine house) With two cats in the yard Life used to be so hard Now everything is easy cause of you And our [Verse 1] I'll light the fire While you place the flowers in the vase That you bought today
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