#egotober pumpkin
innudoggy · 2 years
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Ego-Inktober 2022, 30: Pumpkin & Gear
JJ’s feeling fancy. 😁
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luxuriadanti · 8 months
Jack o'Lanterns
Pumpkin carving day at the Septics. Robbie gets a helping hand from Chase and Marvin.
Taking the marker into hand, he drew a face on the surface of the pumpkin. The eyes and mouth showing joy.
Read on AO3
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
Egotober, Day 30: Pumpkin
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I was thinking about what design Dark and I would carve into a pumpkin after being convinced into carving, and decided upon a rose! (It's meant to be carved all the way thru and glowing, I just didn't render it correctly and it's too small to fix without messing something up)
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chaseisglitched · 7 months
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Egotober/Septictober Day 29: Fright/Pumpkin Carving
moments before disaster YIPPEEE
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Egotober day(s) 29,30,31: Ghost, Pumpkin, Happy Halloween
No I'm not late shut up. ANYWAYS thats a wrap folks! I really enjoyed doing this this year and I hope y'all enjoyed seeing some of the stuff I've drawn!
Bonus sketches that didn't get used/finalized for any of the prompts under the cut!
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lostcybertronian · 8 months
Egotober - Day 4
Prompt: Happy
Prompts by @tracobuttons
A deathly quiet had fallen over the room, punctuated every few seconds by the impatient tap-tap-tap of Wilford’s high-heeled foot to the floor. He was dressed in a sexy nurse costume, complete with the little red-cross hat and too-tight garter belt.
“You gotta come out eventually,” he said when the silence continued, permeating every crook and cranny of the bedroom they shared. 
He could practically hear Dark scowling on the other side of the bathroom door. He smiled. “Don’t make me come in there. You won’t like what happens if I do.”
“Shut up!” Dark snapped, finally, finally emerging from the bathroom. He was dressed as the Headless Horseman, with a flared-collar cape settled snugly over his broad shoulders. A pumpkin mask was tucked under one arm. “Are you happy now?”
“Oh, Darkie!” Wilford danced over to him, ran one hand down his silky, black-frilled shirt while the other curled around his neck. “So handsome. You’ll win the costume contest for sure.”
“Why don’t you do it?” 
“Duh.” Wilford stepped back, gave a neat spin that made his tiny skirt flare and revealed way too much. His bright red high-heels clicked elegantly. “Sexy nurses never win contests. It’s always the truly scary motherfuckers.”
Dark frowned. Refrained from making a scathing comment about how Wilford looked truly scary in that idiotic costume. “And this is for… what purpose, exactly?”
Wilford beamed. “A twenty-five dollar gift card to Applebee’s.” One hand snapped out, palm up, acrylic nails jutting outward like spikes. “Now let’s go. If Trimmer gets there before us he’ll spoil my costume.”
Dark scoffed. Rolled his eyes. But nonetheless he took Wilford’s hand. “I’m going to kill you.”
“Oh, I know.” Wilford pulled him toward the door, his grin growing wider. “Just wait until after. I don’t want to rip my nylons.”
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nightly-productions · 2 years
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Egotober 2022 - Day 30 - Pumpkin Prompt list by - @tracobuttons
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ashtonisvibing · 8 months
Ego/Septictober Day 5 - Jar + Halloween Decoration
holy shit i actually managed to get this out- it's short but i hope y'all enjoy!
Fandom: Jacksepticeye Egos
Alternate Universe: Normalcy AU
Ship(s): Marvelsepticeye
Character(s): Jackieboy Man, Marvin the Magnificent
Warning(s): None
Author's Notes:
oooooooh jeez, big collection time! i am introducing y'all to, what i like to call, my normalcy au! :} as the summary says, this is just an au where all the egos (that i've chosen cuz they're the ones i like the most lol) are just... average people. cuz i like making my blorbos your average person, i'm a domestic lover. people doing the dishes together my beloved <3
this is also a prompt entry for egotober (hosted by @tracobuttons) and septictober (hosted by @jselorekeeper/@pagansheep). today's prompts are jar + halloween decoration, so why not a little blurb of marvin and jackie decorating their apartment together? :}
pronouns check:
marvin - they/them
jackie - he/him
if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!
[plain text: if you liked what you read, consider giving this a reblog, please! it'll let more people see my work!]
Full Story:
Halloween was only a week away, meaning that homes everywhere were decorating for the spooky holiday. Fake webs, plastic gravestones, and inflatable witches stood on lawns and windows were covered with sticky decal depicting skeletons and pumpkins. And that was ignoring any decorations that might have been set up inside. One such home was Marvin and Jackie's, who only really had the ability to decorate their small apartment. They hoped one day they'd have a full house with a yard to really go all out, they were both lovers of Halloween. There were cut out pumpkins and cats and all sorts of monsters taped to the walls, bats hung by nearly invisible string from the ceiling. There was even a table top cauldron placed on the shelf near the door, ready to be filled with candy and trinkets for when the big day came.
The couple had even more of a reason to decorate this year, as they were also hosting a Halloween party for their friends this year. It was a yearly thing among the friend group, in which a different person or couple hosting each year. Neither of them knew they couldn't top Anti and Jameson's horrifying haunted house theme from last year, possibly no one could. But they were both fine with sticking with a more cutesy and cartoonish theme for their turn. Marvin never liked jumpscares anyways.
Jackie was in the living room at the moment, tossing up sticky rubber bugs so they could stick to the ceiling. Chances are these would now stay up there for years if they were good quality, he was just mentally crossing his fingers that he wouldn't suddenly have a rubber centipede fall onto his head one day. But it wasn't long until his decorating was interrupted by his fiance coming out of their shared bedroom, a giddy smile on their face. A smile that Jackie always treasured when he saw it.
"You wanna see the decorations I've been working on??" Marvin giggled, practically bouncing on their toes from their excitement. They didn't even give Jackie a moment to answer before they pulled him into the bedroom. Against one of the walls was a long desk that was always covered in containers full of clay and crafting related chemicals. It was a hobby of Marvin's, making various clay models of whatever gave them inspiration. It wouldn't be a lie to say that most of the inspiration came from their fiance. Along the light wooden table were several mason jars, filled with resin and containing small clay people. Upon closer inspection, Jackie noticed that the people were the couple and their friends that were coming to the party. Chase, Henrik, Anti, Jameson, Marvin, and Jackie suspended in the colored liquids, each resin colored to match each person's favorite color (or as close as Marv could get it). So this is why they were asking everyone what their favorite colors were.
"Woah, so this was why you bought all those mason jars..." The nerd laughed as he stood straight up again, looking at the person next to them, who was still giddy with excitement over their creations. "Is this why you've been cooped up in here every chance you got?"
"Mhm!" Marvin nodded, their lavender curls bouncing along with their head. They carefully picked up the purple tinted jar that contained their clay version, turning it around in their hands. "It nearly took all the clay and resin I had to make these. It doesn't help that I also messed up the resin for Chase's jar the first time, too many bubbles. I also tried getting a neat effect for Anti where blood would be coming out of xis neck, but I just couldn't get it right." They then looked over at Jackie. "I figured we could put these out on one of our shelves, and everyone can take their own jar home. Hopefully to just display and not try to break their mini counterparts out." They laughed softly and set the jar in their hands back on the table. Now that their hands were empty Jackie pulled Marvin into a hug.
"Sometimes I can't believe how talented you are." Jackie laughed softly, leaning up enough to leave a kiss on the other's lips. A wonderful bubblegum flavor, they must have had chap stick on. "Maybe I can try and get some wood and lights and make a custom display for these. It feels like they should be lit up instead of just standing on a shelf."
That thought only Made Marv's excitement grow, their dark brown eyes practically sparkling from joy. Oh, did they look so pretty when they got this happy. "I would literally love you for the rest of time if you did that." Jackie gave a laugh in response, returning the kiss he had been given a moment ago.
"Guess I've got my own crafting project to work on."
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parkswritessometimes · 8 months
Stones to the Heart
Egotober Day 2: Stones Egotober by: @tracobuttons
Uh just a heads up: This story is really sad. It made me cry.
“Hey, pumpkin,” Chase whispers to the pile of stones as he sits down in front of them. Chase’s fingertips brush up against the smooth tower, each ridge, and space sending a shiver down his arm. Flowers he planted months ago begin to sprout up from the ground. White petals with yellow centers crawled up the rocks, threatening to take over the entire sight. Chase sighs as he runs his fingers over the prickles of the pumpkin vines his daughter forced him to plant just weeks before her death.
She was only six years old when she died. Three weeks into first grade, she had just learned to count to a hundred. She was learning subtraction and proper writing sentences, and nothing would ever come of that. Anti took her life. Snuffed it out in an instant, while wearing the body of her father. Chase shakes off the thoughts, as he places another stone on top. She wouldn’t want him to be sad. She’d run up to him, place her favorite stuffed animal in his lap force his lips into a grin, and give him the biggest hug her tiny arms could muster until he laughed. He felt his heart cry out for one of those hugs. Tears rush to his eyes as his chest heaves with grief. Memories of tea parties, crowns, and fancy clothes caused his lips to curl into a small smile. Her laugh echoes through his ears, almost as if she was here now. Her bright sunny energy seemed to float to the air, urging Chase to get up and play. But he couldn’t. Grief pinned his body to the forest floor. Regret formed shackles around his ankles preventing him from moving. “You know I love you right? I didn’t- I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry, I love you so much.” Chase’s voice cracked. “And I hope you and Mommy are happy in heaven.” The sun peeks out from behind the clouds and shines down on the makeshift grave. He could feel her, almost as if she were alive, almost as if she were here right now. He could feel her crawling into his lap and resting her head against his chest. “Don’t be sad Daddy,” The wind seemed to carry her voice through the oak trees. “I forgive you.” “Thanks, Pumpkin.” “I love you.” “I love you too."
Today's weather
This made me cry, many a times.
You ever get that feeling where your loved ones talk to you from the great beyond? Yeah I do too. All the time. So that's what this fic is doing. -------- I take requests
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glitchyartist · 2 years
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A bit late since actual Halloween was busy and I lost service yesterday and couldn't post, but finally here's egotober days 30 and 31: pumpkin and happy Halloween! And a happy birthday to the little gentleman Jameson!
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spooky-draws-stuff · 2 years
Egotober day 15 plant
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He's happy because he gets to stab a pumpkin
Chilling in the basement where he keeps his knives
@n-anon @malaboos-bodacious-blog
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luverofsupernatural · 4 years
day 29: pumpkin
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The only ever on-time one this year.
But, I decided to draw the face of the pumpkins involved in our ego pumpkin videos
(top left is Gerald, top right is JJ’s little friend, bottom was in JJ’s video, and I believe was carved by Signe)
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saoirseuwu · 5 years
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Day 5: Umbrella
Hopya like et!
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chaseisglitched · 2 years
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Don’t worry he just murdered some pumpkins that’s all
Felt like I had to make something spooky scary related to the iris vid coming out on this spooky scary day rather than something chill :)
Anyways Happy Halloween everyone!
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callontheraven · 5 years
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Day 11- Swap
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demondark81 · 5 years
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So I missed day 6 but here it be
Egotober Day 6
Prompt: Coffee or Tea
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