#ella enchanted fanfiction
bi-bard · 2 years
You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood - Prince Charmont Imagine (Ella Enchanted)
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Title: You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood
Pairing: Prince Charmont X Reader
Word Count: 1,608 words
Warning(s): none
Summary: (Inspired by "Greater Than Gatsby" by Elizabeth Gerardi) (Y/n) has trouble faulting Char for how hopeful and determined he can be at times. They just never thought that such hope and determination would be aimed at them.
Author's Note: Someone on my post about Hugh Dancy characters that I wanted to write about asked for a Prince Charmont imagine. I listen to my readers. (And if there are any other Hugh Dancy characters that you'd like me to write about... let me know)
Charmont and I had been friends for as long as I could remember.
My family had worked for his before either one of us were even thoughts in their minds. My father in particular had grown close to Char's father before his death.
Now, I was grown and still working in the castle. Char was a prince being looked after by his uncle.
We were still close. Probably closer than we should've been. I had a theory that his uncle really didn't like me due to how close Char and I were.
Char would usually spend his free time with me. He would just be around me and talk to me. Sometimes he would help me with whatever I was working on. Granted that was incredibly rare because it was in fact my job and I didn't want to get caught forcing the prince to help clean.
Being close to Char was nice.
He was kind and funny and smart. It felt so natural being around him. I could only hope that he saw it the same way.
We went through years like that. Just friends. Friends that would talk and be together almost every day.
That never changed. Not until there was a ball held at the castle one night.
I was standing off to the side, waiting for something to need to be done.
I watched the people all dance together. It looked like fun. The joy in the room was almost infectious, causing a grin to form on my face as I watched them.
I spotted Char as he walked away from a dance. Our eyes met and a smile formed on his face as his steps sped up. I smiled back.
"Dance with me," he said when he made his way over.
"I cannot," I replied. "I am on the job."
"Then, count this as one of your duties."
"I do believe that your uncle defines what I am meant to do," I chuckled. "Thank you for the offer."
"Please, I am bored out of my mind," he sounded like a toddler. He leaned against the wall next to me. "At least conversations with you can go beyond giggling and poorly planned flirting."
"Is the poor flirting on their part or yours?"
He scoffed. "Excuse me?"
"An honest question," I shrugged, smirking a bit at him. I let my eyes scan the room to see if anything needed to be done.
"Why won't you dance with me," he asked after a moment.
"Because I am on the job," I repeated. "If your uncle saw me, I would either be out of a job or beheaded. Which one would purely depend on his mood."
"So, you're scared of my uncle spotting us?"
"To put it simply."
"I can work around that," he shrugged.
"Excuse me- Char!"
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the door next to us. I tried to keep up with him as he guided us through the halls. I stumbled a few times, but he didn't seem to notice.
"I swear, you are going to get me killed," I muttered as he stopped moving.
"Oh, you know that I would never let that happen," he replied as he let go of my arm. "You're too important."
I scoffed. "Ah, yes, the very important castle servant."
His hand was on the door next to us but stopped when he heard me speak. I didn't see anything wrong with what I had said, but the way he looked at me made me pause. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, his eyes jumping all around my face. It was like he was trying to see if I was being serious or not. I forced a grin at him, suddenly much more nervous than I had been.
Char shook his head before pushing the door open. He nodded for me to walk inside before him.
I had never been in this room. I had been told to avoid it. In all honesty, I don't know if I was meant to know what the room was. My father had told me about it when I was younger, but I had never found it on my own. The room alone was a small piece of history. The hall of mirrors.
"I cannot be here," I said as the door closed behind us. "I know what this room is."
"You can be here," Char replied. "I invited you here. Who is going to argue with my wishes?"
I paused. He had a point.
"Now, dance with me," he held his hand out.
"You don't think your uncle will look for you here," I asked.
It was his turn to pause for a moment. "In all honesty, I was more focused on getting to dance somewhere beautiful with you than I was on complete privacy."
"I say again, you are going to get me killed," I chuckled.
"Well, might as well get a dance in before your death then," he nodded toward his hand, which was still extended toward me.
I almost felt light-headed. I wasn't supposed to do this.
But still, I accepted, placing my hand in his. The smile that formed on his lips made it worth it.
He carefully intertwined our fingers before placing his free hand on my side. I tried my best to hide any nervousness as I rested my free hand on his shoulder.
"Um, is this a good time to mention that I have never danced with anyone before," I asked.
He let out a quiet laugh. "It will be alright. Just follow me."
I nodded, letting him guide us.
It felt strange at first. Dancing with no music, I mean. How we managed to fall into some natural rhythm, I would never know.
It was mostly light-hearted.
Laughing through spins and poorly calculated moves. Quiet conversations about people around the castle and things we had seen back at the ball. It was just normal. Calm.
At some point, there was a shift.
I didn't notice at first.
I was still talking about some incident during the castle tour a few days ago when Char had fallen silent. When I finished the story and he hadn't even chuckled, I noticed something was wrong. No. Wrong isn't the right word. Different.
He was just looking at me.
He didn't respond.
There was this soft look in his eyes that made my heart speed up a bit. Was that new? Had he looked at me like that before? I tried to think of any time I had seen that look.
They were all maybes.
Maybe I had seen it one morning when I dropped off his breakfast and opened the curtains in his room. I had assumed it was tiredness.
Maybe I saw it when I had to guide him away from the crowds touring through the castle. We had gotten backed into a small part of the hall as they walked through. All too close to be comfortable.
Maybe I saw it when he insisted on helping me organize a part of the archive room. Through all the books and papers.
I could remember jokes the most. Other people I worked with talking about how Char supposedly looked at me. How he treated me. I could vividly remember one of them laughing as he left the room that we had been in. They joked about how lucky I was to have the prince wrapped around my finger. I denied it.
I took a deep breath before going to step away. "I really should get back to work. I don't want both of us to get in trouble-"
"Don't," he stopped me before I could mutter any more of my excuse or leave. "Just stay."
I froze where I was.
His hand let go of mine and found its way to my side. Mine fell on his other shoulder.
There was a pause. A pause where all we did was look at each other.
I don't know what made Char move, but I saw the grin that formed on his lips before he did. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine.
My first thought was to pull away. But as he gently kissed me, I found myself dismissing that thought easily.
I had always wanted this. This gentleness. The way my heart sped up and my mind relaxed. I craved that feeling of being loved and cared for. I wanted that. I wanted that with Char, specifically.
I relaxed into the kiss, my body moving closer to his like it was the most natural thing I had ever done. I felt like I had wasted so much time. Like we should've done this a long time to go.
He pulled away first. He didn't move far, resting his forehead on mine, nudging my nose with his a few times. My eyes opened a few moments after his. He was still grinning at me. I smiled back at him.
"I love you," he whispered. "I have for as long as I can remember. Before I had the proper word for it."
"I love you too, Char," I mumbled back.
There was a pause between us. We just let the words hang in the air between us. Not tense or awkward, just there.
"I do need to go back," I muttered, chuckling a bit.
Char laughed back and shook his head. "Just stay a little while longer."
I almost refused. But I stopped myself. "Okay. A little while longer."
He hummed in approval. "I love you."
"I love you too."
It felt so good to say those words with no hesitation.
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freddiefredfive · 2 years
I am currently writing a slow burn King Triton AU story with lots of OCs!
It’s called…
A Part Of Your World
@inspectorgamache (Maria) and I have been collaborating not only on the plot but illustrations too! I’m so excited to share this with you all soon! 💕
A lovely friend of mine on Twitter slapped us with genius one day when she suggested the idea of ALFRED MOLINA AS KING TRITON and it honestly couldn’t have been more perfect.
Maria and I imagined my Triton to look like a beautiful mix of two of Fred characters:
Jim Bussey (from “The Waterman”)
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and Aubrey Feilds (from “Frankenstein’s Monster’s Monster, Frankenstein)
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When I say @inspectorgamache has made Triton look SO AMAZING in the drawings she’s made so far, I TRULY MEAN IT!
Here’s a little synopsis of the plot:
Setting: Modern Day
A fair and compassionate, but mournful merman King Triton of Atlantis has shut out his kingdom to the rest of the world for the past 15 years. Since his wife’s death, he has been incredibly cautious about humans and their inability to stop destroying the world around them. However, Triton rediscovers humanly compassion and new-found love after encountering Cordelia Easton, a tough environmental activist fighting to stop a notorious waste disposal company from polluting the beaches of NYC. To get a better perspective of the human world and to pursue his new love, Triton becomes human! Through sorcery, adventure, romance, and even a little bit of music, Triton and Cordelia come to learn that real life can be just as magical as seen in fairytales!
Side note: My main OC, Cordelia, is plus size! I really wanted to see more inclusion in the fanfiction world. I mention it briefly in the book but I didn’t want to harp on it too much because a good plus size character’s plot does not need to revolve around them being plus size! Cordelia is pretty badass, in my opinion, so I hope you love her as much as I do! 🥺
So far, I’ve written the first two chapters and once I write more, I will start posting a chapter a week. I really hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I have writing it with @inspectorgamache’s help! 🥰
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
Destiel fairy tale AU casting confuses me so deeply. Like, I don't really do much fic reading (mainly because I write instead and I'm paranoid about accidental cross-contamination), but I've seen enough to have a sense and just... Sure, some of them make sense. Cas as Snow White works because of the whole came-from-a-position-of-power-but-then-got-kicked-out thing, as well as his tendency to be tricked by the story's villains (affectionate but true). Cas as the Quasimodo in Hunchback of Notre Dame works for so many reasons that I don't have space to type them out.
But Cas as Cinderella??? Bonkers. Absolutely confusing. He's definitely the prince from the apathetic ruling family who's expected to fall in line even though he doesn't want to, whereas Dean is definitely the less-favored son of John, taking care of the household after Mary's death while Sam and half-brother Adam are more favored. Bonus points because the end of the story would literally have Cas raising him from Perdition.
Cas as Belle? I mean, I guess it can go both directions, but I can't help but find this one equally confusing. I mean, you've got Cas, cursed until he learns how to love humanity. You've got Sam, who would wander into the castle accidentally and get stuck, up until Dean goes to get him out/trade himself for Sam. Gabriel would absolutely enchant dishes to talk, sing, and dance.
I mean, we all have our own interpretations, and I respect that... but also... no.
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annesurelyblythe · 3 months
top 5 books?
Ooooo, sorry I never answered this from yesterday! Top 5 books is so hard but it goes something like this, thinking about some of my favorite books of all time mixed with some that I've read recently:
Pride and Prejudice
Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Little Women
Ella Enchanted
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arcielee · 6 months
Thank you for the tags to my darlings: @sylasthegrim @paintb0x @jacevelaryonswife & @hoosbandewan💜 Here is some Arcie lore 💜
Nickname: Arcie or Robby.
Sign: Capricorn.
Height: 5'9 / 175 cm
The last thing I Googled: Life's riveting questions.
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Amount of sleep: We dabble between 6 to 9 hours, depending if the muses let me rest.
Dream job: I really enjoy the umbrella of IT and would love a role like quality analyst. Or I would love to write a book some day. I would be content with either.
Favorite song: In this moment, perhaps Strawberry Swing by Coldplay. I actually got into Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends again because of @inthedayswhenlandswerefew brilliant story Comet Donati.
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: For books: Ella Enchanted as a kid, Gone With the Wind as an adult. For movies: Heathers probably cemented my sense of humor, probably Sense and Sensibility now.
Favorite instrument: Anything with strings. 🎻
Aesthetic: I was once told 90s lesbian grunge? Regardless, I'm very comfortable.
Favorite authors: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Margaret Mitchell, Patricia Highsmith, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Random fun fact: I started to learning coding when I was 12/13(?) because FF.net deleted my account and all my stories. As you can imagine, I was devastated and focused on learning anything and everything about coding to create and host my own little fanfiction website. This actually helped me get the current position I am working now. Oh! And I just started to relearn how to drive stick.
I believe nearly everyone has done this? I have seen it a lot on my dash and I read through them all because I think my Tumblr kindred spirits are nifty. 🥰
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lewis-winters · 4 months
3, 9, 16, & 21 for the writer asks!!!
3. What was your first fandom?
if "first fandom" you mean first piece of media I went crazy for? a toss between Ella Enchanted (the novel) and A Series of Unfortunate Events (the book series)
if you mean baby's first fanfiction? 39 Clues!!
9. What's the best title you've come up with?
answered this over here!
16. What are you favorite characters to write?
OH I LOVE THIS QUESTION self destructive and self sabotaging characters are up there (lewis, of course, and maybe a bit of web and arthur); characters who think they're sane but are actually insane (kitty, natalie, and pasiphaë); chaotic characters (amabeal); and of course, the characters who dare to love them (or as i like to call them, covert insane characters, because you won't know when you look at them that they're actually freaks-- dick winters falls in this category).
i also tend to write lots of queer characters. not a straight among them, your honor. if i am writing a character, know i have rubbed my grubby lil LGBT+ hands all over them.
21. Do you have an abandoned WIP?
i have a veritable graveyard of abandoned WIPs. who doesn't?
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crosswise · 1 year
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▸ about;
hello! my name is Billie Delacroix, also known as crosswise. I'm in my early thirties, a college student, and a writer. I live in the midwest with my family and my cat, I'm addicted to caffeine, and I don't have enough hours in the day to write. I also have chronic pain and adhd. I'm also non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them.
My favorite genres to write are romance, fantasy, and science fiction. I also dabble in writing fanfiction, especially when I have writer's block with my original work.
I hope to find more writers on tumblr to chat with and even more stories to read, as well as accountability for my own writing.
my stories often involve 18+ content. please be an adult to follow and/or interact.
▸ links;
about page // wips // twitter // wattpad // archive of our own // spotify
▸ works in progress;
summaries under the cut.
Amelise Hale is no one special. She's just another human pipe rat — small, slim, and able to slip in and out of the ducts of Yggdrasil, the massive space station she calls home. It's dirty work, but vital, and more importantly, it gets her three meals a day and a warm place to sleep.
But when she stumbles upon a mysterious server room in the middle of Yggdrasil, hidden away for centuries, she discovers an Artificial Intelligence, LOKI, which has been dormant for years. AI are commonplace, so she thinks nothing of stealing it for herself and installing it on her own hardware.
But LOKI is nothing like the shackled, limited AI she has encountered before. He is fully sentient and autonomous — and he will have his vengeance.
Amelise soon finds herself entangled in a dark, ancient conspiracy, with LOKI as her only ally.
lunar shadow.
Over a hundred years into the future, vampires have taken over the earth. With ever changing temperatures and darkening skies, they're the only ones who are thriving in this new world. In their high-tech cities, they keep humans as servants and blood bags.
Maire has never set foot in one of the vampiric cities, and she would rather die than serve a vampire. Instead, she lives free and wild, in a walled settlement along with her werewolf partner, Oisin. Together, they guard the city and hunt the vampires who dare to venture too close.
But when they find a lone vampire, injured and alone and begging for mercy, they can't bring themselves to kill it.
He tells a tale of unrest and rebellion, so in exchange for information, they allow him to live. And with Rhazyn, they discover a whole new world.
the shutterbug and the ceo.
Ella Monroe has been stuck working at her controlling stepmother's photography studio for the past five years, unable to pursue her passion. So when she's sent to photograph Kaidan Holloway at his new headquarters, she doesn't expect much. She's heard stories about the CEO and his infamous temper, not to mention his impatience with photographers.
She certainly doesn't expect to find him so attractive. Or for his gaze to keep meeting hers. Or for him to give her his card.
Kaidan, for his part, is enchanted by this photographer, something he never thought would happen. He offers her his personal number, not really expecting her to call him.
But Ella sees it as her chance to escape her oppressive family, a client of her own to start her own studio.
When she calls him back, though, Kaidan assumes it's for the date he offered her. Desperate, and hoping she can convince him to hire her during dinner, she agrees.
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gerardpilled · 1 year
Every day I open tumblr and learn things about mcr fanfiction that no one should ever have to know. Tbh that's a pretty creative fic idea tho. I'd love to know how the author came up with it.
Bro I must admit mcr fic used to be creative back in the day. A lot of it is gone bc it was written by 16 year olds which is completely understandable im not shaming them either way. I remember an Ella Enchanted au. I didn’t like it even back then but I remember it
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starwrittenfates · 2 months
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ALIAS / NAME: Serenity
BIRTHDAY: May 27th
ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini (Chinese zodiac is the Rat)
HEIGHT: 5'4"
HOBBIES: Writing fanfiction (and obviously rping on here), Cosplaying, Reading, acting in indie films or fan films, photography, photoshop, going to conventions
FAVOURITE COLOUR: It varies depending on my mood (but I usually love blue, purple and green.)
FAVOURITE BOOKS: Harry Potter (in Snape voice: obviously), Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine , The Goddess of Nothing At All by Cat Rector, Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, Sherwood by Meagan Spooner, Doctor Who: Divided Loyalties by Gary Russell just to name a few off the top of my head. I know there's plenty more. I'm like so behind on all my reading.... *cries*
LAST FILM / TV SHOW: Once Upon a Time (TV), The Secrets of Moonacre (Film) and Pixel Perfect (Film).
RECENT READS: I'm still currently on my readthrough of the Harry Potter books with Prisoner of Azkaban. It takes me awhile to get through reading books because of my cervical radiculopathy, but to make up for it I'm also reading a Snily fanfic called Sympathetic Magic and it's SOOOO GOOD!
INSPIRATION: Music, Sunlight, Friends, and also just giving all the obscure or underappreciated characters that authors didn't give love or development to the things they need. I love worldbuilding, character building and understanding what makes a character tic.
STORY BEHIND URL: I was looking for something that could fit a Multi-muse account. I've always had a fascination with astronomy and I love stories involving fate, destiny, soulmates, all that magical stuff, so this blog was made. I used to be known as @starwrittendestinies at one point, but of course I deleted it and then tried to remake it, but got locked out. I like starwrittenfates better anyway.
FUN FACT ABOUT ME: Misha Collins threw a cookie at me during Comic Con. It was awesome (and a really good cookie.)
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TAGGED BY: @victoriousfidelity (thank you so muchhhh!!!)
TAGGING: @pctentialbreakupsong, @luposcainus, @torxnn, @dcmoniism & @enchantedxhearts (and anyone else who would love to do the thingggg)
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bi-bard · 2 years
I Need to Save the Best for Last, I'm Serious - Prince Charmont Imagine (Ella Enchanted)
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Title: I Need to Save the Best for Last, I'm Serious
Pairing: Prince Charmont X Reader
Word Count: 1,196 words
Warning(s): insecurities
Summary: (Inspired by "Marriage Material" by Melina KB) After an incident that could change everything for them, (Y/n) finds themself running from the best thing in their life.
Author's Note: I have been thinking about this since this song was posted on TikTok. Prince Charmont was the first person I thought of (probably because I just rewatched this movie).
Also, shut the fuck up, he's so pretty.
It all felt so stupid when I looked back at it. But, in the moment, I was scared out of my mind.
Char and I had been friends for as long as either one of us could remember. Being friends with him was perfect. We went to each other for advice, we spent a lot of spare time together, we had interesting conversations, we had created escape plans to get away from his fan club. It was all just really, really nice.
I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment that I fell in love with him.
I just kind of knew that I had.
It was hard not to fall him, honestly.
I had always tried to ignore those feelings. There was no reason to ruin something that was already perfect. I was too happy being his best friend for me to risk not having him around at all.
I thought it had all been for the best.
That all changed one day.
I had offered to help with some organizing in the hall of records. You would be amazed at how fast everything can get messed up in a very small frame of time.
I popped my head out from around a bookshelf when I heard my name. Char was kind of spinning around in circles as he looked for me. I chuckled.
"Char," I said.
He stumbled a little as he turned to face me.
"Hi," I waved at him.
"Hey," he replied. "I was looking for you."
"Oh no, what did you do now," I asked.
"Why is your assumption that I did something bad?"
"Have I been wrong before?"
"Okay, rude," he pointed out. I chuckled. "I didn't do anything."
"Then why were you looking for me?"
"I... I need to talk to you," he seemed nervous now. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head slightly. "It's important."
"Okay," I nodded.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back in between the bookshelves.
"This does seem more and more like you're in trouble."
"Hush," he replied.
When he stopped, he grinned at me and grabbed my shoulders, kind of just making sure that I didn't move. He seemed even more nervous now.
"What's wrong," I asked.
"Nothing's wrong," he replied.
"You just seem... nervous."
Char chuckled, placing his hands on his hips. He looked down for a moment, seeming to try and calm himself down.
"Char, are you-"
I was caught off guard by him pulling me into a kiss. His hands barely brushed my waist before I frantically stepped away.
My back bumped one of the shelves, but I ignored it.
"I'm sorry," I said before going to walk out. "I-I'm sorry."
He stood there and watched me walk out.
I spent the next few weeks avoiding him. It felt so stupid, but it felt like the only option I had at the time. Avoid him until I can get away from it all. Until all of the feelings fade and the two of us can go back to the way that we had always been.
I thought it had been going pretty well. I had been going about my duties without much interruption, only having to make a few sharp changes to my patterns to avoid Char trying to strike up a conversation.
He caught up to me in the hall. The one place where I couldn't find an escape route. That little-
"Hey," he said as he jogged toward me. He put his arm in front of me, so I would stop and talk to him.
"Hey," I replied, nervously, turning my attention to anything other than him.
"It's been a while."
"I've been busy," I shrugged.
"You've been avoiding me," he said. I started walking down the hall again in the hopes of finding something else to focus on. Something to pull me away from the conversation.
"No, I haven't," I shook my head.
"Yes, you have," he scoffed. "We've been friends for years, (Y/n). I can tell when something's wrong. Is this about the kiss?"
I stopped again, going to face him, "Char-"
"I'm sorry for that."
"Char, I'm not upset about that kiss."
"You aren't?"
"No, not at all," I said. "It was... It was a nice kiss."
He grinned and grabbed my hand, pulling me close to him. I felt nervous as soon as he did. Every second-guess, every insecurity bubbled up to the surface.
"This is good then, right?"
I forced a chuckle, trying to not seem tremendously nervous.
"Even if I wanted to, now would be a terrible time," I tried to explain as I lightly hit his chest a few times. He let me step away from him.
"Terrible," he asked. "Ouch."
"No, no, no," I frantically corrected. "You're not terrible. You're actually quite nice. And funny. And kind. And..."
My rambling trailed off when I saw him actively fighting off a smirk.
"I meant," I cut myself off, "it would be a terrible time for me."
I froze up for a moment. There were a hundred ways to explain this and none of them felt like they explained well enough.
"I... well... God-"
"(Y/n)," Char grabbed my upper arms.
"I don't wanna mess it up," I said simply. I started walking away again.
"What," he followed me.
"I am not going to mess things up with you," I shrugged. "I just... I won't."
"You won't-"
"You don't know that!"
He took a few steps back when I stopped and turned to face him.
"I'm sorry, but you just don't know that," I muttered. "I... I have things that I need to work out. I am not going to ruin the best thing in my life while I do that. I... I won't do that to you. If I hurt you, I would never forgive myself. I'm sorry."
Char furrowed his eyebrows, "So, your genius plan for not hurting me... is hurting me?"
"I'm protecting you."
"From you?"
I nodded.
"(Y/n), I love you. I have for years now. And now that I know how you feel about me, I'm not going to just let you run away-"
'I am just trying to do the right thing-"
"You don't know that it's the right thing," he said. He let out a sigh before stepping forward and cupping the sides of my face. "If you have things you need to figure out, that's fine. But you can do those things with me by your side. I'm not going to run, and you can't 'ruin this'."
"Please," he begged quietly. "Please. I want to be with you. No matter what happens. I have for years. Please."
I studied his face as his thumb started running along my cheekbone.
I cut him off by leaning in to kiss him. It was short, only lasting a matter of seconds before I leaned back again. He rested his forehead on mine.
"I love you," I whispered, trying to ignore that nervousness sitting in my stomach again.
"I love you too," Char mumbled, grinning at me.
I felt that nervousness fade. It was only slightly but it happened, and that's what mattered.
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thesweetnessofspring · 2 months
🍭why did you start writing?
I've been writing since I was in second grade. I've just always had stories in my head to get out and as a bookworm, writing books/stories was the most natural thing to me.
In terms of fanfiction in particular, I did create "fanfiction" of Ella Enchanted in my mind when I would go to sleep as a kid, but I didn't know that was something people wrote until I was 12 and my cousin introduced me to fanfiction (Harry Potter, of course), which honestly, I did not get the appeal of until The Hunger Games. In waiting for Mockingjay to be released, I just wanted more of those characters and that world. Read people's version/predictions for Mockingjay and then also seeing the characters put in other situations fed my bottomless obsession with the series. As a writer, I got curious and started writing Hunger Games fanfiction because I was having a lot of fun imagining the series from other POVs, what had happened before and after the series, and different canon-divergent AUs. The Hunger Games is just my favorite playground.
💎why is writing important to you?
Writing is just fun to me, even when it's hard. And really, that's why I came back to fanfiction after years and years of trying to finish an original work and never being able to because of the pressure I put on myself. As soon as the fun is taken out, writing becomes a chore and loses its spark. I know why reading books is important. All of the perspectives you can take and lives you can learn about and themes to ponder on. And while I do try to include that in my writing, ultimately my writing process is just for me to have fun. Which is why I think fanfiction works so well for me at this moment.
From Let's Get Real Fic Writer Asks (send an ask or reblog to answer yourself!)
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thyla · 1 year
rules: tag nine people you want to know better
thanks for the tag @eddiemunsens 🖤
Last song: on and on- djo
Last show: ghost adventures ⇠ (omg ange are we the same person?! 👀)
Currently watching: rewatching mandalorian, rewatching old eps of ghost adventures, reactions to movies on youtube, and gameplays
Currently reading: monstrous series by lily mayne and fanfiction
Current obsession: peach fresher at dunkin donuts lol, but also steddie/eddie munson 🖤🤘🏻
tagging: @kkpwnall @dickgraaysons @monroe-marilyn @josephs-quinns @sunoficarus @robbiedaymonds @ella-enchanted @stormkpr @machine-slays-dragons
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bellthetinker · 1 year
shadow & bone is just objectively such a bad tv show! pained having to say so 🫡 but it's not even just how they spun up the grishaverse books in a blender and pasted together different exciting-sounding bits, it's like, as storytelling? it's so bad? they don't even name some of the characters until the 4th ep? there is no build to any relationship or plot point. (my poor father is so confused until i give him an extra 45 min rundown of what happened/what should have happened after each episode)
it just... hurts a little that somehow this is how they treat stories at big production companies? it reminds me of watching an adaptation of my favorite book as a girl (ella enchanted) and seeing them completely miss the heart of the tale.
yes, six of crows is by far the more popular duology. and, yes, Leigh Bardugo really grew and flourished as an author as the grishaverse went on. but there is still a touching, and exciting, and heart-wrenching story to experience in the shadow and bone trilogy.
what i truly don't understand is — an author already gave you an entire plot laid out, beats & twists & growth & everything? and you still mess it all around?
i know if i were Leigh, i would feel pained watching them take some of my very beloved characters (the crows) and giving them "backstories" but just cheaply snatching important plots from future books and tossing them into a plot. i always think that leigh bardugo is a queen of plot twists, and they work because she has laid a groundwork! the tension builds to them, there are all these struggles and little hints that we receive, and then, wham, everything falls together. in the show, there is nothing behind them. maybe it seems like a nice little trick, but the weight of these choices isn't there. (for example, the crooked kingdom plotline?? like that "job"/"heist" grabs at you, because of all the strings that are being pulled, all the hurt and anger and persistence that these characters are working through and pursuing... and the show just completely takes away the chance to ever build towards that moment.)
the show doesn't let us sit with experience. it immediately wants us to like characters, to read into future romances (or just to be slapped with romance right off the bat), to think that it's an epic show. but part of the wonder of a good story is trudging along with the characters through every moment of growth and pain and joy. that's what makes those other moments impactful.
i was trying to explain to my dad that the end of the second book (siege and storm, which they seem to have crammed into the 4th episode) should hit you like losing Gandalf in the fellowship of the ring. like we've toiled and climbed towards success and then had to just watch as everything crumbled.
there is nuance, and fun, and dread in the trilogy. ravka and its politics are complicated and interesting. where is the apparat? sankta alina? there are discourses, moral considerations, the dichotomy of an old world struggling with old problems as a new world is breaking through that we could have explored. the spinning wheel? is that? these characters deserved more.
(there are so many smaller things I could pick at. there's something about both genya's and alina's choices being altered (lessened?)... in how genya acquires her scars and how alina is at her engagement party when the darkling's attack happens... it feels like something is taken away from them (like how Ella's agency and powerful choices are taken away from her in the movie Ella Enchanted) ... i have to sit with that thought more. sturmhond/nikolai and his wonderful character and mind and inventions. why they wrote a whole fanfiction for the darkling and his little group in the house, with him coughing blood like we're supposed to worry about him...)
with this story presented in this way, it is evident that the show's creators didn't take the journey of the books, didn't feel the emotions, didn't listen to the heart of the stories. a real story is not about clever fights, saucy winks, and incensed speeches. the real story is the trek, the series of choices, the ways characters must grow. and the way we grow & feel with them.
this started out as a silly little rant after finishing the 4th ep, oops. (& note, i also haven't finished the season yet.) i am just feeling so much and sense that maybe my thoughts are not coming out so clearly here, but sometimes you just gotta spill.
also my dad is most concerned about "the guy in the jail. is he going to get out? have they gotten him out?" (i think Matthias might be his favorite character)
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aliteraryprincess · 1 year
8 and 27✨
Thank you!
8. the best protagonist u have ever seen in a book and why?
Hmm...great question! Especially since it's worded as best rather than favorite. I think I'll go with Ella of Frell from Gail Carson Levine's Ella Enchanted. She's a great character with lots of personality, and she really grows as a person throughout the course of the book. I think that's a big part of what makes a good protagonist.
27. a 'fanfiction' trope that u like to see in books?
Enemies to lovers.
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tintedglasses · 2 years
also this may be controversial but im going to say it: there’s not enough ella enchanted fanfiction in this world
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
🏃‍♂️⏰ for the fandom history ask game!
🏃‍♂️ What/s your longest running fandom you still have interest in?
Rian: Pokemon! And I'm still very very into it.
⏰ How old were you when you discovered fanfiction, and what was your first impression?
Rian: I was a 9 year old, and the first "fanfic" site I got introduced to was actually Quizilla, of all things, I believe. I was left alone a lot and basically had full run of the internet, so I ended up roaming places I probably shouldn't have gone to. It was around the time I had also gotten into DBZ, and well... "Teen Gohan" wasn't that much older than me, so ratings like "T+" meant absolutely nothing. At that age I was inhaling books like Ella Enchanted and Tamora Pierce's Tortall novels in a matter of days, so teen topics weren't really new to me anyway. My first impression was just... How fun it all was. Not just the writing, but the medium of quizes was also interesting. I miss it.
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