#ended up with such bad heart anxiety that my wrists were constantly bruised from checking my pulse
danielnelsen · 3 months
a week ago i might have said i feel mostly ok, just a little off, but i am Suffering now. why can’t graves’ disease have fun symptoms like……………idk i can’t think of anything.
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Kakyoin - Fateful Day
Kakyoin x Jotaro's sister reader
I freaking love the Joot-sister prompt
You were always used to Jotaro and you walking separatedly from and to school. The guy had way longer legs than you and would rather not be seen with you in public and near school, for reasons mysterious to you.
At first you felt offended that he would be ashamed of you, or just not bear your presence.
You did not know, in fact, that the reasons he kept his distance from you as much as he could when on schoolgrounds or when going to school, was to protect you from danger.
Not only was Jotaro constantly surrounded by crazy girls who would probably harass you for existing in his world, but he also had troubles, to understate, with local delinquents and other gangsters who wanted to throw some hands at him.
Furthermore, with the new discovery of that bizarre, seemingly evil spirit that started following him around, you were really the last person he wanted to hurt.
Unfortunately, being distant from his little sister wasn't near enough to protect her this time.
One fateful day, soon after your grandfather arrived in Japan and Jotaro got out of holding, you were walking home from school as usual.
Jotaro was already a solid five minutes away in front of you, which meant you were all alone.
You didn't mind the lone walk, the town was peaceful and you were used to it. But something irked you when you felt an insistant presence behind you.
You turned around, checking, but no one was there. You shrugged the feeling off, feeling a bit stupid for thinking the worse and kept walking, telling yourself it must have been a cat or an innocent someone who got home.
"Jotaro~! Welcome back- hm? Where is your sister?" Holly asked as she welcomed her son who just came home.
The boy grunted, reluctantly accepting his 'welcome home' smooch. "She's coming. She's just slow."
After a long while of waiting for your return, Holly started to worry, stress and anxiety clouding her mind. Panicked, she barged in Jotaro's bedroom. You weren't usually this late.
"Jotaro, are you sure Y/N was behind you? It's been almost thirty minutes and she's still not back…"
Jotaro huffed in annoyance as he got up from his laid down position on his bed.
"Yare yare daze, quit worrying over nothing, she's probably fine."
" 'Probably'?!"
"What's going on, Holly?" Joseph joined in after hearing the commotion.
"Y/N's not back from school yet… I'm scared something might have happened to her…" Holly explained to her father, dread even more evident in her voice as she worded her worries.
Joseph rubbed her shoulder in reassurance, "It's okay, Holly, I'm sure she's not that far. Jotaro! Get up and go look for your sister! You're supposed to keep an eye on her, that's your role as a big brother!"
The old man scolded as the teenager stood up and got on his way, as if he had been asked an annoying chore.
"Yare yare, you're all so noisy over nothing." He put his shoes back on and took his leave.
Stopping every once in a while and unable to shake off your uneasy feeling truly delayed you. You were sure you'd never hear the end of this if your father knew how late you were today.
"Kujo..." A sudden deep voice called right behind you, and you turned around, meeting with a complete stranger. "…Am I correct?"
"Yes?" You replied a bit shyly as you turned fully to him. "And you are...?"
As you now had a better look at him, you realised how handsome he actually looked. Not at all how you imagined a potential creep following you.
He wore your school's uniform but you didn't recognize his face. He must be a new student, you told yourself. He had beautiful red hair and a white shawl that flew gracefully in the wind. He was also strongly and elegantly built. Just who was he?
But all that charm quickly shifted as he smirked eerily in response. He approached you, his eyes glaring into your soul and you stepped backwards as fear built up inside you. Why was he looking at you like that so suddenly?
The uneasiness from before came up tenfold, this time completely justified. You spoke up as he came uncomfortably close to you, towering over your much smaller form.
"U-um… Did you need something…?" You hesitantly stuttered as he now stood arm-length away from you.
"Yes I do." He spoke confidently, his goal like set in stone. "I need you to lead me to your brother."
"What? My brother? If it's a fight you want with him, I won't let you." You protested with more confidence, now that you started to understand where he came from.
You were used to people trying to pick fights with Jotaro. You knew your brother had way too many enemies for his own good, and surely you wouldn't let anyone get to him and filter them out if you had the occasion.
"Who even are you? I don't recognize you from school…" You squinted your eyes warily. This boy arised too many questions in your mind.
Kakyoin smiled softly at you, which you didn't trust at all. He was fishy and there was something in his eyes that you quite couldn't put you finger on.
"My name is Kakyoin Noriaki." He sighed. "I didn't want to use force on a lady, but you don't leave me any choices..."
Before you could even react, green tentacle-like appendices appeared from behind him and lunged at you. You gasped and bolted away as fast as you could.
You knew it. It was bad. Real bad. You had no chance against a Stand user like him, you couldn't manage your own newly found Stand just yet. It was exactly like your grandfather said.
You tried to run, but not even 2 meters far and his green vectors wrapped around your ankles.
As you were about to trip and land on the floor, more of the tentacles wrapped around your legs, waist, arms and wrists, preventing you from falling, keeping you still in mid-air.
You couldn't move. Kakyoin came up behind you as you struggled in Hierophant Green's grip.
"Well that was easy." He snickered over your tied up and desperate form.
"LET ME GO!! LET ME- HMMFF!" He put a large hand over your mouth, effectively silencing your now muffled screams.
"Shhh! Don't make this harder for us, I'll just borrow your body real quick. It'll be over before you even know it. I'll make this painless, I'm a gentleman."
He released your mouth and Hierophant green squeezed itself around your neck, choking you, your mouth agape for you desperately needed air.
He took this advantage to grab your wrists and lock you against his chest as his Stand released you to nest itself inside your opened mouth.
Your body tensed up at the foreign and disgusting feeling of the spirit slipping down your throat and you violently squirmed in Kakyoin's grip as he forced your mouth closed, keeping the Stand inside to own your will and possess you. Just as Dio had taught him.
"Good. That's good. Jotaro would never kill his own sister, now would he? Even though his own sister will kill him. How tragically ironic."
He wrapped his arms back to your midsection as you stopped squirming, tired and breathless from fighting against him in vain. He held you against him as he knew you would surely collapse if he let go.
"Haaah… Ahh… Haaaa… Haaahh…" You panted shakily, scared and exhausted as your head hung low and your cold hands rested upon his own, barely able to swat them away from you with how shakey you were.
You were weak and alone, which was perfect for him to use. He chuckled and you felt the rumble of his chest against your back as he did. You felt like crying.
"It's too bad that you have to die. You're so cute, I would have loved to bring you to Master Dio with me."
You suddenly felt nauseous. You felt his stand inside you, trying to slide itself into every part of you and take control of your body.
You tried to resist, your arms and legs were shaking, your arched your back and writhed in pain, you knew your own Stand was fighting against it.
To Kakyoin's utter shock, Hierophant Green was violently pushed out of you by your own Stand as you let out lung-piercing coughs. Spitting the enemy out like some flesh-eating parasyte.
"WHAT-?!" Kakyoin yelped at the scene, but was then forced to let go of you as your Stand punched Hierophant Green in the face, the red-head owner feeling the hit full-force as well.
Kakyoin fell down, knocked down by the impact as you collapsed to your knees, coughing up and vomiting spit and blood.
Adrenaline pushing you through, you didn't let yourself any time to recover and took this chance to run away as fast as you could, taking sharp turns and passing through narrow paths that you prayed he wouldn't fit through or have the idea of searching.
You eventually lost track of him, gasping desperately for air as your lungs hurt in a dry and sharp pain, fed by the ceaseless pounding of your heart. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, you couldn't take it anymore.
Right as you passed the Torii gate of the temple nearest to your neighborhood, one you walked through every day, you passed out cold onto the paved holy ground.
Jotaro slowly walked his way back to the path you usually both took to come home after school. He walked and walked, but still no trace of you on the way.
Although he would never admit it, his anxiety grew inside him and his heartbeat quickened as he realised that you were way too far from home for his own liking. You were right behind him, how could this happen?
He started to feel guilty that he didn't even check if you were still following him or not. Especially when he realized that so many people, people who yearned to get under Jotaro Kujo's skin, could easily do so by taking you down and harming you, his own sister.
His train of thoughts were interrupted when he found something, or rather someone on the stoned floor of the local temple. And as he approached the figure, sure enough, his eyes widened and his heart jumped in his chest. No...
He immediately kneeled down next to you and lifted you to his lap. He checked you up and down for injuries and noticed you had fresh bruises forming on your wrists and neck and you were bleeding from your mouth. He could not believe what he was seeing.
"Aah… Jojo…" you whimpered in a wheeze as you recognized your brother's voice and his smokey scent.
"Who did this to you? What's the name of that fucking asshole?!" He growled, his gruff voice contrasting with the care he held you with.
"H-he's a stand user like you… Kakyoin… He's after you, don't go to school tomorrow…" You croaked and coughed out while looking up at his worried eyes and your brother scoffed.
"Yare yare, you're stupid to think I won't go to school and drum his ass."
He lifted you up and carried you back home to get your injuries treated. As to be expected, Holly freaked out at your state and Jotaro received a earful from Joseph who told him to never let a young girl walk all by herself, let alone his little sister and especially with all the trouble he gets into.
The next day, you stayed home to rest for the day, making you feel much better. Thankfully you had no major injuries and the Speedwagon foundation doctors knew about Stand inflicted wounds.
You had interesting chats with the guest Abdul and Joseph spoiled you all day like you were his baby which, to be fair, you were in his eyes.
In the mean time, Jotaro had met with Kakyoin and had an inevitable fight. Unfortunately, what Kakyoin had going on was much deeper than just wanted to bully Jotaro. When Jotaro came back home, he brought Kakyoin's unconscious body and you learned about what happened to him, about Dio, the fleshbud, and why he aimed at killing Jotaro.
Knowing what had transpired and with you doing much better, you decided to go check on the boy. You felt it was important to start allover with him.
You knocked gently on the guest room's door and slid it open, revealing Kakyoin in his injured state. Your brother truly did not hold back, you thought.
"Hello Kakyoin…" You greeted a bit shyly as you walked through the door. The red head looked at you with wide eyes as he recognized you.
"Y-...you're the girl I attacked yesterday?" You nodded and he sighed sadly. "I'm deeply sorry for what I did… That was.... Despicable of me..."
"Don't worry," You approached him and knelt down at his side. "My grandfather explained what happened to you. I'm not mad. You weren't yourself."
Kakyoin then glanced at your bruised neck and looked away in shame.
"I can't believe I harmed a girl… in such a low, awful way…" You chuckled lightly at his exaggerated worry.
"Hey, I'm fine! Look, you're in an even worse state than I am. Stop fretting and let us take care of you, okay?" You gently smiled at him.
He looked at you with a soft gaze. He bit his lip and blinked back the tears that prickled in his eyes. Were all members of this family pure redempting angels of sympathy and goodness?
"Thank you, Kujo, you're very kind..."
"Just call me Y/N." You smiled as you leaned in to move out some hairs that were stuck to his frontal bandage.
"Y/N…" He softly repeated, a blush rising to his face. Even your name was beautiful, he thought to himself, never daring to say it out loud.
His heart fluttered in his chest at your feathery touch and he felt suddenly much shier. He wanted to hold that soft hand in his own, but before he could even do anything, Holly called your name from afar.
"Y/N! Can you please come here for a second?"
"I'm coming!" You replied before looking back at the boy. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll let you rest until dinner is ready."
Kakyoin nodded and laid back down on the mattress. He let out a soft 'oh' of surprise when you gripped the blanket and tucked him in sweetly before getting up and leaving, sliding the door close behind you.
He sighed, unable to fight his little goofy grin.
"Damn it… I'm falling in love…"
Old writing again. I'm really just putting the dusty stuff I should have posted a year ago. I apologize for the poor litterature.
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
New chapter, yay! Didn't I tell you I'd be faster?
Thanks for all of the lovely comments and interest, it really motivates me to write more.
Word count: 3041 | AO3 | <<Previous
Summary: Roman gets to work. Wooing Virgil will be a piece of cake!
CW: Swearing, anxiety, mild angst, maybe unsympathetic Janus (I don't really think so but it could somehow be interpreted as such because of Virgil and Roman talking about him, so I might as well give a warning). I don't think there's anything else, but, if you spot it, do tell.
Be yourself and let things develop naturally... that's just boring
Once he returned to the main living area, the noises of arguing and Logan’s screams could not be heard anymore. They were instead replaced by the clicking of spoons against teacups and mugs.
The moment the three noticed him they looked upwards at the same time. Patton, Logan and Janus were sitting at the table, drinking hot chocolate, coffee and tea respectively. The lights in the kitchen were on, illuminating them partially.
Logan nodded at him.
“How did it go?” he asked.
Meanwhile, Patton smiled and Janus stared at him inquisitively.
Roman went fully downstairs, hurrying to move a chair back. With his hands still on the backrest, he began to speak.
“Haha… I actually wanted to ask you…”
“Did something happen?” Virgil held his breath. “Is it about me?”
Roman could not stand the tension emanating from every pore of Virgil’s body. Thinking optimistically, he probably had no idea about his real motivations to come there, still, the thought of it eliciting such a reaction made Roman feel even more frozen in place.
“No!” he answered all too fast.
His body language went even stiffer with worry, to the point where he raised a hand to his mouth and began to nibble on the sides of the tip of his thumb.
“Everything is fine, Pierce the Nerves, I promise”.
“Okay… hmm what’s up with the rose?”
“It’s… uh…” Roman looked at it and began to felt ridiculous. ���I just picked it up and it’s the same red as my sash!” he laughed as he placed it on the lapel of his suit.
“No comments. What did you want to ask me?”
Janus looked at him with a mix of horror and disbelief as Roman finished his recollection of the events.
“So I panicked and then I said that you had decided to help Patton bake something and now we need to make cookies this instant because Virgil will suspect something if we don’t!”
For a moment there was silence. Then, Janus ran his hands over his face.
“Roman, please take a seat already or put the chair back in place”, said Logan.
“Yeah, right” Roman sat down.
“Brilliant idea, Roman, there’s no way Virgil won’t buy that I’m making cookies and, of all things, invited him to try them. Why would you get me directly involved in it?”
Roman stood up, earning an exasperated eye roll from Logan.
“I drew a blank! I cannot come up with perfect stories on the spot while under pressure!”
“So you thought putting me in it would just magically fix how terrible you are at talking to your crush?”
“He’s not my--” Roman went deadly quiet, rethinking his life in a matter of microseconds. “Look, if I can trust you to do something is lie. So when Virgil comes down those stairs you need to help me fix this! You were the one who insisted I talk to him, so it’s your problem too”.
“Can I trust YOU not to mess up any of my--”
“Aaaah!” Roman and Janus screamed in unison.
One sigh later, Virgil added:
“You invited me to have cookies”.
“Oh, yeah, well… about that…” Roman began saying. “Patton and Janus haven’t started--”
“Kiddo, we already got them ready while you went to call Virgil” Patton interrupted him. “They’re cooling in the kitchen” he pointed.
“If you had paid attention you would have noticed the bowls in the sink” Logan added without bothering to look at him.
“Roman, close your mouth, you’ll catch flies” Janus finished the series of comments directed at him.
Virgil’s chair moved back as he stood up.
“Well, uh…” he said. “Thanks for the cookies. Hmm…”
A frown appeared on Virgil’s face as he was leaving. His feet stopped all of a sudden and he turned around.
“Janus?” it sounded like saying the name itself pained him.
The side in question raised his head, looking openly confused. Or was it an act?
“Hmm… Roman told me you invited me. And that’s… em…” he bought time, wondering what to say. Whether to lie or not. “Suspicious. So, a word?”
Janus raised his eyebrows, not buying it, but he followed him nonetheless.
They left the room, both walking at a distance from each other. For a second, Roman thought he saw worry in Janus’ face.
“What the hell was that?” Roman asked no one in particular.
“He’s trying to be nice” Patton smiled. “I’m so proud of him!” his tone was ecstatic.
“I guess… hey, padre, how did you know I’d ask you for the cookies?”
“Patton anticipated a few outcomes from your confession attempt and decided cookies would serve as a suitable response for either” Logan replied matter-of-factly.
“Yes…” he grimaced apologetically. “I thought that if everything went well we could celebrate, and if it didn’t… well, we’d be there for you, so the cookies might cheer you up”.
A few days after the confession fiasco, Roman decided to try again and woo him a little before pouring his heart out.
He popped into the living room, only to find Virgil and Janus sitting six feet apart. One was listening to music and, presumably, checking out Tumblr, while the other read a thick book.
With the volume of the music, Virgil didn’t notice him, Janus on the other hand…
His face stopped being obscured by the wing of his hat as he looked up at him.
Janus shook his wrist, making Logan’s watch appear on it. The other side wouldn’t be happy about that, but if Janus had survived stealing his crofters, Roman figured he could get away with pretty much anything.
“Well, look at the time!” he said theatrically as he stared at the watch. “I need to take care of other things, pitty to miss out on your company”.
Virgil moved his headphone to the side, managing to listen to the last part of what Janus had said.
“At least he doesn’t make it awkward”.
“What?” Roman asked.
“Yeah, you’re still angry with each other, right? I can ignore him, but having the two of us in the same room with him would be like asking for an argument”.
One short stare later, Virgil spoke again, a bit unsure.
“Do you want me to move so you can sit here too?”
“Oh, okay”
“I mean, I didn’t come here to be on the couch, actually I came to see you”.
“Miss me that much?” he teased.
And it was too good of a bait to just let go without reply.
“Terribly, I’ve been swooning and mopping because I didn’t have someone blasting Paramore around me!” Roman answered draping a hand over his forehead.
“Truly tragic”.
“I know. Anyhow, I was wondering…”
Virgil raised one of his hands to stop him right there.
“If you want me to do something stupid and dangerous in the imagination with you, I’ll pass”.
“Afraid you won’t be able to keep up?”
“No, it’s more like I don’t want to have to drag your ass back here when you get hurt”.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I’m the best swordsman in there”.
“So is it like, empty then?”
Roman gasped.
“Tss. It seems like it is”.
“No it’s not!”
“Well, if you keep inviting me, I guess it isn’t, even if we are the only people in there”.
“Virgil, you have seen my servants”.
“Hmm… yeah” he looked to the ceiling playfully, then back at Roman,
“I don’t seem to remember about it”.
“Okay, well, I guess I won’t ask the royal artisans to frame your painting, since they don’t exist”.
“What painting? Are you also hallucinating art?”
“No. I was about to ask you if I could paint you!”
“Wha-- really? You want to paint ME?” Virgil pointed at himself as if to make it somehow clearer.
“If you’re willing”.
The whole painting idea had gone well. Still, Roman wasn’t able to get the right atmosphere to confess with Virgil constantly teasing them. To be honest, he ended up forgetting about it once they began to get caught up in the conversation.
He had tried other things, of course.
None had gone as planned.
Writing poems would just make Virgil uncomfortable or even correct him, because, apparently, listening to all of those lyrics from obscure indie bands had made him a better poet than him.
Then there was the whole incident with the ukelele.
Roman had been trying to play something to catch his attention, set the tone and just tell him, but the string snapped and hit him in the face. Now he had an ugly cut and some bruising on his cheek.
He felt stuck.
Worse than all of that, Janus kept lurking around Virgil. Pretending to be nice and reformed.
But never mind about everything else. He needed to keep trying.
Eventually, Roman would manage to get it right.
Finally, he had a plan!
The last time Roman had gone to Virgil’s room to confess, he had panicked and let the effect of the room get to him. But, none of that could happen if he didn’t speak.
This would be perfect because Virgil would love it. Roman had recorded a playlist of their favourite songs into a vinyl record, just to make it a bit fancier. He’ll gift it to him and Virgil would understand.
Maybe he’d even ask him to dance to it!
Roman crossed the darkness of the entrance almost running.
This could work!
His mood deflated instantly when he emerged into the room.
Virgil was sitting on his bed, knees to his chest, hiding all of his upper body inside his hoodie. He left the vinyl on Virgil’s desk and walked up to the bed, making sure to be a bit noisy so Virgil wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
The other let a long breath out in some kind of acknowledgement.
Eventually, Roman sat next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
Virgil sighed and let his face come out of the cocoon of his hood.
“It’s not that something’s wrong per se. I…”
Without thinking, Roman placed his hand on top of Virgil’s. The contact made him feel like nothing bad could happen to Virgil as long as he held onto him.
Roman got the sudden realisation that he would be willing to protect him from anything. Which wasn’t too groundbreaking of a concept. He’d try to save pretty much everyone if given the chance, but that was his need to be the hero, to be “good”, whatever that eventually entailed. With Virgil, though… he just didn’t know what he’d do without him.
“Whatever it is, I’m here and I’ll make sure you’re okay” Roman promised.
Virgil chuckled. It stung a little.
“You can’t just say those things so seriously when I’m feeling bad, Princey, I never know how to react when you’re being so…”
“Annoying?” Roman tried to complete the sentence.
His head turned to the other side. He still didn’t let go of Virgil’s hand, but he could afford to, at least, not let him see how self-conscious he felt right now.
“Princey, look at me”.
“I’m not sure I want to, Virge”.
“Hey, I’m the one who’s feeling low. Don’t try to steal the spotlight, it’s kind of an asshole move…”
Hearing that only made him feel worse, now adding guilt to the mix.
“Especially since”, Virgil continued, “I was about to say you’re nice”.
“I’m sorry I reacted poorly” Roman finally managed to stare at him, “here you are, feeling like crap and I’m only thinking about myself. I can be very selfish sometimes. I apologise”.
Virgil frowned.
“Okay. Fuck off”.
“Did I--”
“No. Listen to me. Whatever you’re thinking I’m thinking right now is wrong. I know what you’re doing because I do it all the time. I’m not mad. And you’re not selfish. Not one bit. You’re self-centred, very much so, but not selfish”.
“Virge, I’m pretty sure those are the same thing”.
Virgil shook his head.
“You can be annoying when you make everything about yourself and try to be the centre of attention. But you never ignore people when they need you, even if that doesn’t benefit you. You’re willing to give up things you want just to do what you think is right. Hell, Princey, you let go of your pride just to be friends with me. How could anyone think you’re selfish when you’re so stupidly wonderful?”
“Don’t get too smug about it” Virgil cut him.
It got quiet for a second. Roman savoured the moment and squeezed Virgil’s hand. His smile began to return to him a little bit.
“Thank you. It means a lot, you have no idea” Roman muttered.
Virgil visibly relaxed. He slumped a bit more, letting himself fall against Roman’s side. The dark hair tickled his collarbone, but Roman wouldn’t ever dream of complaining about it.
“Yeah I do” Virgil whispered, so quietly Roman could have imagined it.
Having Virgil’s head on his shoulder made sense. Like it was meant to be there all along.
“What were you sulking about?” Roman asked.
“Not sulking”.
“Sure thing, All the time low”.
He felt Virgil muffle a laugh against the shoulder pads of his suit.
The laugher died down soon after a long sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about doing something”.
Roman stayed quiet for once, leaving him room to breathe and let things out at his own pace.
“I… I am considering forgiving Janus”, Virgil paused, twisting his neck to see Roman’s expression. “Maybe be friends again if it comes to it”.
A sigh.
His thumb started to move in circles, caressing the back of Virgil’s hand. Roman swallowed.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asked tentatively.
“You’re not mad?”
“I don’t know. Should I be? It’s not like I’ve exactly forgotten about all of the bad blood between us. But… he makes Patton very happy and it seems like he’s trying to help, so I don’t know what to feel about it”.
“Roman, I know he hurt you”.
“Is that what you’re worried about?”
“In part. There’s more to it. But I can’t just go and bury the hatchet with him if that would hurt you again”.
A small part of Roman felt good knowing Virgil would keep on being angry with Janus if he wanted him to. In a way, it showed his willingness to stay by his side.
That’s why Roman couldn’t ask him that.
Besides, Janus had been helping him too. It wouldn’t be right for him either, as much as it stung to admit it.
“If that makes you happy, I will be happy too”.
“Yeah, but that’s not what I’m asking. I don’t want to know if you would ignore your issues with Janus for my sake”.
“I really don’t mind--”
“And I know that. But… fuck, Roman, you shouldn’t be constantly forced to put everyone first just to make things better for everybody else except you”.
That was… a lot to take in. Roman didn’t know very well what to respond. Eventually, Virgil must have interpreted his silence as him doing something wrong.
“You’re my friend. I… I care about you. I won’t do something you’re not okay with. You’re more important”.
“No need. It’s okay. Getting over my stuff with Janus is my own
problem. I also care about you, a lot. If you want to be friends with him I’ll support you, it has nothing to do with my problems. You won’t hurt me. I promise”.
“That’s good to hear. I mean, I’m still struggling with the decision and I don’t think I’ll be making up my mind anytime soon. But knowing that helps a lot”.
“Do you want to talk about it more?”
“Hmm. It’s… it’s so confusing. I thought nothing he did could rub off how angry I’ve been at him, make me want to trust him again. Before… well, no need to get into the specifics, but it made me feel very betrayed” his voice trembled a little. “The problem is, he didn’t exactly betray me, so I guess the doubts about whether or not things could go back to what they were, remained”.
Virgil swallowed, trying to compose himself.
“And it sucks because there’s a part of me that can’t tell if this is all part of a big scheme and he’s just trying so hard to be nice to me because he wants something, or because he actually cares. I’m scared of letting my guard down and have him ruin everything I’ve tried to achieve. What if I go back to how I used to be?”
“I won’t let that happen”.
“How can you be sure? How can we be sure of anything when it comes to him?”
“We can’t. But I have no doubts that, no matter what happens, we’ll figure it out. Even if it gets to the worst, you know me and I know you. Most importantly, I believe in you, Virge. I’m not going to tell you, of all people, that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But if you’re scared, know that you can trust me and you can trust who you’ve become. We’ll be fine”.
For a second, it seemed like Virgil was going to cry, or worse, do something like hug him AND cry.
“To be fair, though”, Roman went back to his usual self. Both would welcome the respite after… well, big conversation to unpack. “I honestly don’t think Janus is planning anything. He’s even trying to get on my good side just to make you happy. I’m not the best side for him to manipulate anymore, not after everything, and he isn’t that stupid. So I’d say the bitch is being sincere. That being clear, it would still be a pleasure to punch him if you asked”.
Virgil shifted a bit.
“Ouch!” Roman shouted after Virgil elbowed him. “What did I do now?”
“You’re dumb”.
“So are you, emo, what’s your excuse?”
“I’m friends with you and I think it might be starting to affect me”.
“Well, it’s about time. I knew even you weren’t impervious to my dashing good looks”.
Oh. Perhaps he had let on too much. Roman tensed up the slightest bit.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever lets you sleep at night, Princey”.
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Taglist: @itsjust-la-me , @bard-in-blue , @simplestoryteller , @winterwynd , @extraintrovertedalien , @some-fander , @the-sad-strawberry
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Let Your Hair Down (chapter xiv)
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Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: 1,638
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: Harry leaves and shit goes sideways.
warnings: language/abusive situations
a/n: This took a second to write. It was a bit tough for me. Hopefully you guys like it though. Please remember if you’re in a situation like this to not ignore it and reach out for help. xx
It was finally Monday and your morning was going great. You managed to get up and get ready way before Thea needed to get up, giving you enough time to enjoy your cup of morning coffee in silence. That was until there was a knock on your door. You huffed, placing your cup on the table in front of you. You were going to give Harry a key if he kept interrupting your mornings with your beloved caffeine.
You fluffed your hair, checking it one last time in the mirror by your front door before throwing it open. A smile on your face as Harry stood there with his bags sitting beside him.
"Came to say bye before I got on the plane." He said right as your neighbor came out of their door, making you pull Harry inside before he got recognized and you ended up with people constantly bothering you.
You shut the door quickly, locking it. Harry gave you a puzzle look but you just shook your head at him, you'd been on edge since reading all of Ryan's messages the other day. You wouldn't leave your door unlocked even for a second.
You wrapped your arms tightly around him, nuzzling into his chest when his own arms enveloped around you. You were going to miss him, miss the mornings he walked you to work, especially now that you were worried about Ryan showing up. You still hadn't brought it up to anyone, hoping if you didn't respond to him he'd leave you alone.
"I'm going to miss you." You mumbled into his chest before he pulled you back by your shoulders to look at him. His eyebrows knitted together in concern, biting the inside of his cheek. You could see the worry written all over his face but you quickly leaned forward to kiss him, hoping he'd not ask you what was wrong. You didn't want him to spend his whole time in California paranoid about you.
You heard the small footsteps of your daughter rounding the corner. You pulled back from the kiss quickly, not wanting to explain that to her just yet. She smiled brightly the second she saw Harry running up and hugging his legs.
"Hey sunshine." He pulled back from you leaning down to Thea's level and giving her a proper hug. You stood back, watching them. They were so cute together.
"I'm going to miss you." Thea said burying her head in Harry's neck. Her hands clamped together behind his neck. He was rubbing her back when you heard the small sniffles coming from her. Slowly turning to full on sobs.
Harry's own eyes starting to tear up as he looked at you. You gave him a small sad smile, bending down to their level. You laid your hand on her back as you shushed her, trying your best to comfort her.
"Hey, I'll be back and y'goin' to get on a plane to come see me Friday after school." He pulled her back from his shoulder, her eyes puffy and red from her crying. He wiped away her tears telling her he'd call her everyday.
She just nodded before turning to cling onto you. Harry looked absolutely crushed as you stood up with Thea, holding her as she continued her sniffling.
"It'll be okay." You reached your hand out, rubbing Harry's arm. You didn't want him to feel bad for having to go. He sighed pushing the hair out of his face and hugged you both one last time.
"I'll see y'soon." He mumbled into your hair, his arms around both of you. You nodded your head stepping away from him so he didn't stay any longer and miss his flight.
"Bye." You and Thea said at the same time. Him shutting the door behind him and you two standing there already missing him. You had no idea how you were going to cheer up your crying kid. Debating if having him in your life was worth this every time he would have to leave.
"Pancakes?" You asked as Thea lifted her head off your shoulder. She slowly nodded, not saying anything still. You gave her a kiss on the forehead before putting her down. Pancakes definitely solved all your problems.
"Go get ready for school and I'll make you some." She nodded again, dragging herself out of the foyer and to her room. You stood there staring after her, your heart breaking. You hated seeing her like this.
It only took two pancakes and a very unsettling amount of syrup before Thea perked right back up. Her hand in yours as you walked her to her school. Her smile back on her face and her bounce back in her step as she told you about all the things she loved about school.
"After the playground we get to color." Her hand swinging yours back and forth as you both walked.
"I'll draw Harry a picture. Then when I see him again I'll give it to him so he doesn't miss us when he's gone." You smiled down to her, biting your lip, she was such a sweetheart.
"That's a good idea." You agreed as you two approached the school. You made her go over your rules with you before she took off for the front door. Waving after her as you watched her walk in the front door.
You sighed as you made your way alone to work. You hated it. Maybe it was the fact Ryan hadn't left you alone all weekend, constantly texting you and calling, or just the fact you hadn't really had to walk alone with Harry almost always being with you. Either way you felt uncomfortable.
You tried your best to get your anxiety out of your head as you approached your work. You needed to get into work mode before you walked in there with your mind all clouded by worries. You weren't paying any attention to your surroundings when you felt the hand on your arm.
You instantly froze in fear, heart sinking, you didn't have to turn around to know who it was. You looked around to see if people were around you in case this got ugly. Luckily, it was morning and people were flooded in the street, a few stopping to look at you two.
"Let go of me." You said not turning around. A lump in your throat, all sense of confidence draining from your body.
"Not til you talk to me." He pulled your arm, turning you around to look at him. Your eyes instantly locking on the ones you used to love so much but were now dead and cold as they stared you down.
"I don't owe you shit Ryan." You sneered ripping your wrist out of his grasp, skin burning as his nails dragged across it.
"You're my fucking wife and your out whoring around with Harry." He stepped closer to you, making you step back. He was much taller than you and definitely stronger.
"Ex-wife." You clarified, turning your head to see if anyone was seeing this. Your heart dropping when you saw someone's phone out. The last thing you needed was this splashed all over the internet.
"He's my friend Y/N and you're fucking him." The volume of his voice made you cringe. His face red from how angry he was. If you were smart you would have shut up right then but you hated the way he made you feel, you hated him.
"Yeah I am. Better than you too if you cared to know." You scoffed arms crossed over your chest. Fuck him and him thinking he could still control you.
"You think you're so cute being a slut." He gritted his teeth, jaw twitching when his hand gripped your arm again. His fingers digging into your flesh causing you to flinch. Trying to jerk away from him but he forced you to stay in place.
Your heart rate picked up as you stared at him. He looked crazy, his blue eyes wide with anger. His once beautiful features twisted in pure hatred. You regretted provoking him and just wanted to get the fuck away from him.
"Hey." You heard from behind you, thanking the universe for something good happening for once. His grip on your arm loosened as you heard the footsteps from behind you get closer.
"This isn't over." He spoke slowly before turning around and taking off down the street. You were finally able to breath again when you looked up to see your manager come up and wrap his arm around you.
"Let's get you inside." He said quietly, pulling you in the front doors as you willed yourself to not end up in tears as you nodded your head.
You sucked in a deep breath as he helped you make your way to your office. You were shaking like a leaf but wanted so badly to just forget that ever happened. You sighed as you finally reached your chair, brushing your hair out of your face and finally catching the bruises already forming on your wrist.
"Can we just never talk about that again?" You asked, eyes refusing to meet his as you stared a hole into the floor. Blinking away a few tears.
"You shouldn't ignore that Y/N." Mack pulled up a chair beside you. His hands resting on his legs but leaning close to you.
"No it's fine. I can handle it." You shook your head but finally looked up and gave him a small smile. You could tell he didn't believe you, concern written all over his face. He started to argue with you but you quickly cut him off. Not needing the extra problems in your life right now.
"I'll tell you if it gets worse. Promise."
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Hello people who follow me
For people who haven’t been following my blog all that much, I have Dissociative Identity Disoder, more commonly known as Spilt Personality, or Multiple Personality Disoder (which it’s no longer called this, the shortened version is DID)
DID is a disordercharacterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. A reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories.
Symptoms are;
Behavioral: impulsivity, self-destructive behavior, or self-harm (check, check, and check)
Mood: anxiety, feeling detached from self, or mood swings (check, check, and check)
Psychological: altered consciousness, depression, or flashback (check, check, and check)
Also common: amnesia or blackout (huge check)
Let’s start this my early childhood-
I never had a dad, he was in and out of my life constantly. So I was always looking for a father figure.
It didn’t help my mom was hopping from man to man at the time.
However I had one man in my life that never left and loved me like his own. That man was my uncle. I loved him so much, I still do, but by no means was he a good role model. He was in to drugs, never took his medication, and I think was in a gang (that if he hung out with some really bad people). One memory I have of him is him letting me help him make a roll (weed roll) when I was three or four.
I had a been diagnosed with ADHD by the time I was five. It was severe when I was younger, I couldn’t sit still or focus on anything, including school.
Anyways, one day, I come home from school, like any other day. I was happy because my grandmother had picked me up and said she would be staying with me for a while. (Mind you, this is what I’ve been told, I have zero recollection of this month). I come home to strange people and cars around my home, but I go about my greetings as usual. My mom had a boyfriend at this point, his name was Angel, he was nice (we’ll get back to him later). I was told to stay in my room with my kitten, Ella (yes the same cat I talk about to this day) and my dog, Sassy. My grandmother would come in to make I was okay, which I was. The next day was even weirder, a lady in a police uniform watched me get dressed for the day. My teachers treated me differently and I had to leave school early. I was confused, I also hadn’t seen my uncle in two days without communication. I was asked multiple questions about my uncle and I answered them honestly. I later learned that he had buried a woman’s body, had he killed her or not is a mystery as there was someone else with him that day he buried her.
My uncle had schizophrenia, and he had just revealed to me that he had an episode when everything was happening and he was off his meds.
We had moved in December of that year due to people screaming slurs at me whenever I went outside. I don’t remember this, again I have no recollection of that month.
I developed severe emotional issues, including bottling things up and exploding in violent outburst. My ADHD made it hard to focus on schoolwork, specifically reading. I alway spaced out while reading, and heard a small distracting voice, telling me to play with my stuffed animals or watch TV (I didn’t tell my mom this and I still haven’t). My mom didn’t understand why I was like this. She thought I was acting out for attention. So first through third grade I suffered and started to hate school. I started to hate my classmates. So I started to let that little voice speak for me. Eventually I started blacking out during school.
I didn’t know this wasn’t normal.
I didn’t know that when my mom asked what did I do at school, she thought I just didn’t want to talk about school.
Time skip to sixth grade (the worst year of my entire life)-
I was eleven at the time. I had friends, I was a social butterfly. Yeah, sure I had people I didn’t like, but I didn’t let them effect me.
Until November 29, 2016 (yes I remember the exact date)
The weekend before I had slept over at my bestie’s house, then I went home because I had 4-H on Sunday. I got my phone taken away Sunday night because my ‘friend’ wouldn’t stop texting me. I saw on my google docs I had a new document, shared with my teachers. It was nice, complimenting them on their teaching skills. But I didn’t write it. It wasn’t my typing style.
I went to school on Monday like any other day, happy and cheerful. Around second period, I got called to the office. I was asked if I wrote the doc that was under my email. I said yes because it was nice, I didn’t think anything was wrong with it.
Boy, was I wrong... (holy shit I’m about to cry writing this)
I got called down a second time, this time my principal was saying I hacked into others school accounts and wrote a threatening letter on google docs under another student’s account. I started to deny that I wrote anything, that I thought the doc was written on a spur of the moment.
The third time I was called down, it was with my best friend, Angie. We both didn’t know what was going on and denied any and all accusations.
The fourth and final time I was called down was at the end of the day... my teachers were there. They wouldn’t listen... they didn’t care what I said... I was a sweet girl with dreams and passions. I loved my teachers with all my heart... it didn’t matter to them. Nothing mattered to them (here come the waterworks).
I said I did it to protect my friends from getting in trouble...
In the end, I got three days of in school suspension and a beating from my mom that I don’t remember.
The first day, they forgot I was there. I was in a little white room, with a chair and a desk. The social worker came in and asked me if I had really done it. I had a good relationship with her, I really liked her... I shouldn’t have trusted her.
The second day... the second day, the principal, vice principal, and social worker of the school came into the room and I was confused. Then the screaming started... the banging on the desk. They thought on Monday I had written another doc to my teachers, saying they didn’t scare me and they could go fuck themselves and I changed a student’s pfp to a bloody knife.
Then the principal came around behind me, still screaming her head off, and slammed her hands down on my shoulders and squeezed, hard, resulting in bruises later that day. After that, the little voice took over and started crying. Sobbing for them to leave us alone. They walked out leaving a broken child in their wake.
I had curled up under the desk and continued to cried, repeatedly saying, “I want to die, I don’t deserve to live...” the social worker came back in and tried to calm me down, but I looked at her and said I wanted to die. This was the first time of so many, that I had a suicidal thought.
211 services were called and I told them I felt bad about everything I’ve ever done, continuing the lie I’ve been dragged into. I can’t tell the truth... They wouldn’t believe me anyways... I had thought. I went home and stayed home for the rest of the week. That night I walked into my kitchen and opened my knife drawer and pulled out the biggest knife, mind completely blank. I gently slid it against my wrist, thinking about cutting. I didn’t. I put the knife away and went back to my room, empty. I felt lost, and like I was drowning.
A third voice slowly developed. It was a boy this time, he was sad and hated talking to others (I’ll get to my second voice development in a bit). He took over during school, all though I could think on my own and speak, he had main control. I had a mental breakdown later that week after my class had been too loud, I told my music teacher it was because I had sensitive hearing (which was part of the reason). I stayed hidden during recess, and I sat in the back of the lunchroom with people I didn’t like or know. My outbursts only got more violent and more frequent, to the point where I would push my mom and stepdad (remember Angel, yeah him), resulting in more beatings from my mom.
My aunt got a lawyer to extinguish the suspension from my permanent record. The lawyer didn’t want to help all that much because he thought I was hiding something, which I was, but I refused to tell. The suspension was extinguished and I was allowed to use the school computers again.
I went to a new school the next year and transferred to where I’m located now...
First-seventh grade (the second voice’s development)-
My stepdad (Angel) was nice the first year my mom dated him. Then everything started to change. He started coming home drunk. After my little brother was born, things only got worse (and no, I don’t blame my brother for the change, it was envitable). He started getting angry at my mom, and at me. He started calling me a bitch, a little shit, a mistake.
I started to have out of body experiences, whenever I violent towards him. Pushing him, slapping him, punching him, scratching him. One time he slapped my mom and my mom’s therapist called DCF on her. I’ve been told I had walked into the kitchen right when he slapped her. However I don’t remember, I just remember the feeling of uncontrollable rage spreading through my body.
I don’t remember there being a voice in the beginning, I remember being one place or doing one thing, get angry, and suddenly being somewhere else. Especially when Angel started calling me names.
Another time, right after my mom had carpal tunnel surgery, he left suddenly. I was in the basement reading and playing with my bunny at the time. I came back up when my mom started screaming for me. The front door was left wide open and my brother left in the living room. We had Max and Ella, it was the summer of 2016. My mom was hysterical, screaming at me, saying it was my fault he left, that everything was my fault. I left the house and stayed with my neighbors for an hour, waiting for my mom to calm down. I went back and was sent straight to my room. I remember being angry, so mad at myself for no reason. I hated myself. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression the next year.
There’s a shit ton of stories I could tell about Angel getting drunk or leaving the house and coming back drunk. I won’t. I’m not here to tell a sob story, I never will ask for pity. I’m telling you how small things to certain people can be huge to another. My mom didn’t think it affected my all that much, my therapists thought I didn’t need intense therapy despite everything. All because I didn’t know that hearing voices other than your own wasn’t normal.
I started looking up depression and anxiety to help manage it better, and stumbled upon an article about schizophrenia. I looked more into it and found out about DID when I was thirteen, two years ago. However I still didn’t tell anyone... I was scared.
I was a freak
I was unnatural
I had three voices, three other people, inside of me. They wanted control, they wanted a voice too. They became unbearable, and when I started high school, I broke.
I tried to kill myself. I started starving myself the previous school year and started cutting over that summer... I finally told someone about the voices but no one believed me, and still no does. They think I’m lying...
So I’m not diagnosed, but I know I have DID.
Who’s who-
Little was voice one- she’s a little, under the age of ten. Little isn’t her real name but I don’t want her name out there on the internet where people can manipulate her. She has ADHD and is incredibly hyper. This body doesn’t get much rest, so after someone else fronts, we usually have to sleep. She’s also a trauma holder, knowing what happened that month blackout. She has no interest in people romantically (obviously, she’s a child)
Lilith is angry blackout/voice two- she’s ageless, a prosecutor, and a secret keeper. She’s a trauma holder to the verbal and physical abuse I suffered when I was younger, really up until last year I was verbally abused by my mom. She has anger issues and severe mood swings. She rarely fronts, but when she does, Levi or I have to co-con with her so she doesn’t murder someone. She’s angry and is always aggressive towards me and Little. She leaves Levs out of her aggression though. Lilith is bisexual (no, not pan like I identify).
Levin/Levi/Lev(he goes by all of them however I prefer calling him Levi)- he has insomnia and major social anxiety. (Also is co-conscious with me rn) He’s apathetic and very neutral when it comes to opinions, but he’s humorous and super sarcastic when he’s comfortable. He’s a gatekeeper and he’s 18. He as food related anxiety, but no major eating disorders. He’s has no sexual desires, but is romantically attracted to girls.
Lennox(the writer of this)- they age with the body, so 15, and host/often front. They have social anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, and is the first alter, or first recognized alter. They are nonbinary and pansexual.
I’m going to start labeling who your talking to, or who’s out at the time, like this
-Lennox (Kay?)
Thank you for reading!
I’mma tag some people I think should see this-
@one-pissed-off-child @madame-ree @queenzie-xo @anon-nom-nom95 @liveto-100 @aleiakit @gogetyoselfsomesoup @nadia-saaaaan @mai-ki-000 @martinidrinkingmartin @scalybunnypapi69 @pumpkineiji @cristinaweeb @pikaweebo @siyarduous-lazyaf @reijishiki
And to lighten my mood and for giggles-
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vampyrechick · 4 years
My Mental Health Story
*****WARNING: This post contains self harm and suicide attempts and ideation*****
When I finally accepted my diagnosis of bipolar II, it sounds cheesy, but my whole life made sense. Me as a little girl isolating, being paranoid, getting fixated on things, moods changing quick, the self harm. The self harm... first it was digging my long fingernails into the back of my hands till it bled, banging my head against the wall, pulling out my hair. Later as i grew up, the self harm turned into punching large bruises into my legs, raking my nails down my forehead, and eventually cutting my wrists. It was punishment. Punishment for being me.
I was picked on all through school- too fat, too skinny, fake boobs, etc. None of which was true. I was right in my BMI and there was nothing in my bras but my boobs. I got made fun of for having freckles and moles and I even got picked on for needing a rolling backpack when I broke my clavicle and was unable to lift heavy things.
I started college and started dating my now husband. I’d had a few huge panic attacks here and there, but never really knew what they were. He knew something was wrong with me, but didn’t quite know what. He had a suspicion on bipolar and after working with a bipolar person, so did my dad.
I’d been working at a well known lingerie store for 7 years when my boyfriend and I got married, had a kid, and bought a house with my brother. Having a baby was hard especially not knowing she was lactose intolerant so my moods were everywhere. We fixed up the house for a year and finally moved in in late 2013. I’d been getting mentally abused at that store the whole time- getting passed up for promotions, blamed for things getting stolen, yelled at, etc. It was time for a new job and more money. My brother was out a job for a while, so we needed to pay for the house somehow. I got a job at a well known insurance company. I didn’t know it, but I’d been having panic attacks all through 6 months of training. It felt like I was being crushed and I couldn’t breathe and I’d been throwing up every morning while getting ready. At the age of 4, my daughter even came in to comfort me while I was nauseous and said I’d be ok and just needed food and brought me a bucket to throw up in. Being on the phones was the worst for me. I did get my promotion and moved out of training though. I was there almost a whole year and almost to my next promotion and I had the biggest panic attack I’d ever had. It was the start of my shift and I couldn’t get on the phone. All those mornings of throwing up in the shower getting ready for this job blew up into this huge 2 hour long panic attack. My friend had to talk to managers over the phone after trying to calm me down, I had to talk to the nurse, my brother and husband had to come pick up me and my car. That was the last day in the office for me. HR was horrible. The lady I got didn’t care about mental heath and constantly needed dr notes. I eventually had to quit. A lot of people quit that job because of the stress.
I had been going to the dr while at the insurance job trying to find out why I was throwing up every morning and why I couldn’t breathe. I got checked for gall stone, ulcers, crohns, everything. Ultra sounds, endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. My dr finally told me it was mental. I refused to believe it, but I went up a floor to psych anyway. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I was put on so many different combinations and saw so many different doctors and none were working. After I quit, I of course lost health insurance and had to go through the state. Again many different pills, but less often as the dr wanted to slowly try combos. My husband somewhere in there lost his job, my brother got one, and then my husband found one making road signs. I got insurance again.
My friends mom got me a job filing paperwork at a well known car dealership. I did well filing, but I started having to greet customers in service and move cars into the smallest of parking spots. I started fixating on things, arguing with my boss, and getting lonely in the back room. I even tried to open a vein in my wrist in the bathroom at work with a wire hanger. I got really depressed in the back and the anxiety while moving cars was great. I crashed 1,2,3 cars and I was out. I was put on a 3 day suspension (which afterward turned into being fired). That day I went home and took over a full bottle of prescribed medication. I wanted to sleep. I didn’t want to exist. Just sleep forever. I was tired. Tired of my brain and stress and not knowing how to fix what i was going through. Just so tired. I text my husband to pick up our daughter from school and said goodbye. He called 911 and they came in and walked me downstairs, strapped me to the bed in the ambulance and took me to the nearest hospital in late September 2017.
They didn’t have to pump my stomach, but I did end up having a seizure. My husband, mom, and dad all came to see me and my aunt and uncle watched my daughter after school. I got put on a 5150 which is a 3 day hold in the psych ward of the hospital. I begged to be let out for the first two days. I was diagnosed bipolar II and placed on a handful of medication to take while there. I eventually gave in and participated so I could go home. The meds they gave me made me hungrier. I got out in 3 days time and still had to take those meds. and 3 months later on those meds I was 60 lbs heavier. I looked and looked for someone to help me lose the weight. Eventually I found a psych at the health insurance place that changed my medication, but after a little, they weren’t cutting it. I’ve changed meds and doses a bit. I kept asking my psych and my regular dr and my therapist for a way to help me lose weight. Nothing. I got into a bipolar group after taking IOP. A handful of them had to get surgery to lose the weight they gained on bipolar meds.
May 2019 I had an episode and landed back in the hospital under 5150 this time just for ideation. I begged again the first 2 days to be let out. My husband came every night to visit and my parents at least once since my dad works out of town. I participated when I could and got out in 3 days. I went into IOP again for 12 weeks. Then last 2 weeks of October come and I’m back in the ideation stage. I need the hospital, but the insurance policy changed and I don’t know if it’s covered. I go like that until mid November. I get put on new medications and have to cold turkey off one drug and slowly go on one and whatnot. In the beginning I can’t tell what’s real and what is a dream. For a week I live like that. Then I have a day or two of being ok, and switch to being angry. Cold turkeying that drug made me lose touch with reality for a whole week then adding that new drug made me angry. I had to stop one of the new drugs (the one that made me angry).
I’ve had trouble sleeping off and on my whole life probably due to episodes. It got worse when my grandma on my dads side passed away and lately seem to have trouble often even on meds to help.
My resting heart rate is always above 100. Often around 120 and has gotten as high as 153 (resting).
On the combo I’m on now I’ve thought about giving myself a labottomy when I used to want to drill open my head and try to fix whatever is wrong with me.
April 2020 and I haven’t had a job since about July of 2018. Before COVID-19, I was getting panic attacks every day having to take my daughter to school. In fact she missed the day school closed (March 16,2020). The panic was bad and I couldn’t get myself to drive. I’ve been fighting to get on social security disability and I have a lawyer. I had a hearing in January 2020, but needed a court ordered psych appt. The appt was scheduled for late March and was canceled because of COVID-19. Since we are a 1 income family in San Diego, it’s hard to afford our house.
I’ve had meds make me talk slow, think slow, fall fast asleep at work, hungry 24/7, thirsty 24/7, have to tinkle every 45 mins, make me tense all my muscles 24/7 for weeks. I’ve had them effect my memory. Even my memory of what everyday words are.
May 2020 I’m so stressed about everything that I’m getting massive heartburn again. I don’t know what medication to help aleviate it because lithium reacts with everything.
July 2020 stress got to me. The stress of possibly not being able to stay in my house, the stress of my backyard being so full of weeds that my husky had to get fully shaved and get over 300 foxtails pulled from his skin (and of course the bill that came with it), the stress of my husband having a kidney stone in each kidney, the stress of my husbands car not having ac and his drive to and from work is 1 hour each way (and of course not being able to afford to fix it), the stress of my car leaking oil (and again not being able to afford fixing it), and I’m sure there is more. I went out with my parents and they asked me to be friends with someone who stopped being my friend because of my disorder in order to make my brother happy. That hurt. I texted them and wanted them to know how that made me feel especially while I’m dealing with all this other stuff and got some crappy replies. I then realized that I was being stigmatized by family and they weren’t the only ones and I lost it. I got put on another 5150 July 1st. I felt like I had lost a huge part of my support team. I wanted to stab myself in the throat and make a special note to my dad as to why he, my mom, and my brother made me kill myself. While in the hospital I realized that my husband and his father (when he is able to visit) are sympathetic to what I am going through and my husband does everything he can to make things easier on me. I am very lucky to have him. Later in July I had another instance where I couldn’t tell what was real and what was not. I hope that isn’t a regular thing again.
July still and I found out my brother had invited my bipolar best friend over for a bbq and made advances and was shut down. He text her dirty texts and she told me she still shut him down and I was upset because never once did anyone in my family reach out to see if I was ok after getting out of the hospital, but my brother would text my friend he’s hung out with less than 5 times? So I message him and he gets defensive and I decide to cut him from my life. I’m upset the couple days after and my husband tells me my daughter is showing more signs of bipolar (she’s 10 and there’s a 10% chance of passing it down). I get more upset and miscommunication leads to my husband calling my parents who I am still mad at for stigmatizing me. The first thing my dad does when he gets here? Tries to fix the door handle to the bathroom because my mom couldn’t open the door when there was another one she could have used instead of check on me like my husband had asked. Things get heated and I tell them they were the reason I was hospitalized on July 1st and they then said they were calling the police. More things were said about how upset and how they don’t even try to learn or read a book to learn and they said “no book can teach me about bipolar.” And I said the whole family stigmatizes me by not saying anything when I say I can babysit and my dad said “well no wonder they think they are a danger to their kids look at you!” I told them to get out and my mom had to be forced out due to refusing to leave without my child. She then called my daughters phone and tried to talk her into walking outside to them so they could take her from me. A therapist called and deemed me ok to not go to the hospital and wait until my regular appointment (in a few minutes from then). My regular therapist then called and talked to me and came to the same conclusion as the therapist before her. My husband came home to my parents on the porch. My father then told him that I was in rage and that it was just a seizure. I was not. I am hurt and sad and upset and misunderstood. I don’t understand why people don’t get that mental illness is a real thing. Why can’t you learn about bipolar from a book? How do doctors learn? You learn how it works and what the symptoms are and then you learn the specifics of the person you love. How is that a difficult concept?
I have been having seizures at night now though. Multiple a night. Just small few second ones. Haven’t been able to sleep for a few nights unless I get so tired I pass out.
As a kid I’ve never felt like I fit in with my family and it transferred into adulthood even before I found out I was bipolar. I didn’t feel happy when I felt I should have been. I felt left out from the girls group because I didn’t like the same things they did, but I didn’t fit into the boys group either. Then adulthood. I was the first out of all the cousins to have a child and get married and buy a house, but I’m not the oldest. I just never fit. I see how the oldest and second youngest (of the girl group) go out to bingo together and of course the oldest and youngest are sisters so they are close, but me? I had 2 brothers. Where did I fit? They hung with the boy cousins. I didn’t have anything in common with either group. Again adulthood I still don’t fit because I don’t have a job and my kid is over 5 years older than the age of the babies everyone else just had. Now we add bipolar to the group and no one else has a mental disorder. None diagnosed at least.
More about my childhood, but first I’ve been having trouble sleeping. Insomnia due to stress, seizures which I’ve never had before (due to stress), and things I should have grown out of (thanks genetics... due to stress). I’ve never been happy with myself because of it and I’ve always had trouble sleeping. Most of my sleeping issues came after my grandma died. All I could think about was death. Burning alive in a house fire, drowning, being creamated alive, being buried alive, etc. I got more depressed.
Growing up at family functions I would ask to “play in the car” which meant sit and wait to go home. Now looking back I know I was sad and overwhelmed with the loud noises and not fitting in. I’d throw up every Easter. I was told it was because I ate to much candy. Now I see it was anxiety. Anxiety to find all my eggs because my family is competitive. Anxiety because my family is loud. Anxiety because I didn’t fit in.
I didn’t fit in at school either. I said earlier I was always made fun of. I forgot about how the kids would always dare different boys to ask me out and then laugh about it. My husband has learned not to tell me I’m pretty or beautiful because it makes me cry. I don’t believe him. I don’t believe any compliments ever and never have. They upset me. I’ve taken lipstick or eyeliner and written “fat, ugly, useless” ect on my mirror. I gave up on wearing make up because to me, it’s not to make you look pretty, it’s to enhance your beauty and i don’t feel I have any. First it was my cystic acne and now it’s my weight. I’ll never be how I want to look again because doctors don’t care. I was literally told “would you rather be alive and fat or dead?” I want to be happy. What’s the point of a life if you aren’t happy?
Growing up I didn’t feel like I got much attention. I tried to come up with ways to break a bone at school 1-5 grade. Lotion on my hands then go on the monkey bars, play the tougher games like red rover where people did try to break your arms while running over, ect. Nothing worked.
It’s been a hell of a ride. Paranoia, obsession, fixation, anger, hypomania, depression. It’s hard. It’s really hard to live this way. I finally got someone to help me with my weight loss early April 2020 after getting to be 110lbs over what I was. I still struggle with mood swings because obviously there is no cure and I can’t remember things and often forget what everyday things are called. Some times I feel like I am putting on a face for others. Like a “happy face”, so they don’t have to ask “what’s wrong”. I do know (when I’m in my wise mind) that I have help and a small amount of people who love me who will be there for me when I need it.
It’s August now and my parents are lying to my husband about what happened just like they lied about why they asked me to be friends with someone for my brothers sake. First it was because the wedding. I pointed out they asked it was after they broke up. They stated it was just to be in the same room. I stated no that’s what was said after I told them why she didn’t want to be my friend anymore. Why am I wrong? Why lie? Why not admit it?! You fucked up! Just because my brain doesn’t produce chemicals to make me happy doesn’t mean it makes me stupid. “We called our granddaughter to come outside to the porch.” Ok. Then what? You were under the impression someone was going to take me away which in turn means you thought you would get my daughter. That’s stealing. I didn’t want her outside and you knew that.
Still beginning of August. I guess July was too rough with me not sleeping that since August came along and I fall asleep all the time and I can’t wake up. You’d think sleep would be a good thing, but the sleep I get is nothing but nightmares that I can’t wake up from. I went to the doctor the other day and found out that a small lump I’ve had on my shoulder since 4th grade is a cyst brought on by stress. I also have psoriasis... brought on by stress. I have been shaking a lot lately due to anxiety and money problems keep getting worse. My stomach won’t stop hurting.
Wow it’s the first Saturday in August. How much has happened. That girl my parents asked if I would be friend with for my brother btw is married. I had asked my friend of like 25 years when the incident happened if she would take her off things like Instagram and Facebook and stuff and she had a fit, but half took her off Instagram. You know where you unfollow them but they still follow you? So yea I was still mad but she claimed she didn’t know how to not have her on Instagram. You know that “block” button. Yea I guess that doesn’t exist. So recently after my parents thing I see she adds the new Facebook page (I blocked one so this is a new one) and I lose me shit). She text me asking me how I am doing and I not word for word say “don’t ask how I am if you don’t give a shit. I see you added that bitch recently and I don’t know if you’ve done reading or not on mental health, but triggers are things that set back forward progress. I don’t get why I fight for you to be in my life when you don’t fight for me to be in yours. Don’t text me again” and I blocked her. She then had her daughter (who’s always grounded from her phone) bombard my daughters phone with “can my brother and I sleep over? Auntie has to answer my moms texts though” like what the fuck?! She’s always been a “user.” And when I say “user” I mean “drive me here and I’ll ignore you the whole concert” “give me money and I’ll say I’ll pay you back and never actually will” “ watch my kids every weekend for like 2 months and I’ll never return the favor.” Shit like that. I’m out. Done. To quote my favorite movie in a time of pain this Katelynn “chick must have beer flavored nipples.”
August is the month that just keeps giving. I am non stop nauseous. I threw up the other day and it caused me to have a nose bleed. Mental health drug withdrawals are no joke. Hopefully I’m on a good mix again for another year or whatever. Once the withdrawals stop, I need to stop the stress and anxiety. My husband says my dad is trying to make an effort to learn now, but I don’t know if it’s too late. He and my mom have already triggered me many times by asking me to be friends with that girl who didn’t want to be my friend because my illness to make my brother happy. My dad also told me I’m a danger to children when I’ve only ever hurt myself whereas his oldest has gotten expelled from high school for fighting and has a track record for punching holes in walls and hitting cabinet doors off hinges, but because I have a label, I’m dangerous. There’s just some things you just can’t take back.
I don’t know if I’ve already stated, but I forget what things are called and the stress to get my thoughts and what I’m trying to say out is huge because I don’t want to hear “what?” “I missed that” “I didn’t hear what you said.” It’s cause I didn’t get to finish! I stopped to figure out what the word was now I forgot the whole sentence! Colored pencils are colored sticks. Elote is elbow. Ice is grass. Posture is prosper. I HATE this! I come up with ANY word that will come out to avoid a pause so I can avoid “what?” I truely cannot remember the word either until someone tells me.
It’s the end of August and my parents and I are slowly starting to talk. First about small things like video games, but yesterday I called my mom and told her I was sorry for how I expressed my feeling. I said I never should have acted out in anger and should have come to them calmly (though now thinking about it, I did and it didn’t work, but what’s done is done). My dad is reading the book and really taking it in. The book being from a bipolar persons perspective is nice for him. My mom is also doing internet research. My brother has been asking how I have been doing which is nice though I still don’t know how I feel about him and how he treated my friend. My oldest brother has been silent. We’ve never been close. It hurts, but he’s got two little girls to deal with I guess. I would have been asking about him, but oh well I’ll take what I get. I’ve did the distance thing I realized because I was afraid of losing them again. Afraid the anger and fighting would come back and it would just be a never ending cycle. I hope this book opens eyes. On other notes, I’ve upgraded to nocturnal panic disorder. I’ve been waking up in a panic from sleep. Still having nightmares, but the times I don’t, PANIC!
My parents and I are doing better since my dad is reading the book. I appologized for how I said things in anger to both of them because it wasn’t fair to them for my to have done that even if I did try calmly. I should have kept trying. My dad said the book is really eye opening and he didn’t need the apology, but appreciated it. He said reading it made him realize I couldn’t help it. I can’t explain right now what he meant, but it’s just like loss of control (I posted the book in another post). I text my brother to tell him I love him because I do and I understand why he would ask my friend out, but I’m still upset because I know I was a rebound and he didn’t have good thoughts. I know he knows it was a mistake and in time we will be ok. On another note, I found out why I was having nocturnal panic attacks. I stopped my sleeping pills that is also for anxiety. I started a medication that I haven’t been on for a little and I took my on the spot anxiety med the other day and i had a few psychotic breaks again (a few in one day). So now I won’t take my on the spots anymore.
My primary care doctor has put me on a medication to help with weight loss in addition to the others I am on. Its also supposed to help with full body pain and swelling which I have. In just three days I have already noticed reduced swelling and pain. Dieting is still hard, but less hard. I am couting calories safely to lose 1 pound a week and eating at least 80 grams of protein. Thats it. Thats my diet I am following. Nothing special or fancy or hard to do. Simple.
Took almost 2 years on the dot, but I finally got on SSDI as of early Sept. and early Oct. I got my award letter. I didnt fully win my case (only 16 months out of 2 years, but I will take it). Also, I don’t get paid for the first 5 months of that 16 months which I don’t fully understand, plus I have to pay the lawyers, but still, I won. We also got a notice saying that since I have a child, I can apply to get money to pay for her as well. That was easy to apply for and only takes a month to hear back for, so I should hear back early Nov.
0 notes
demonicheadcanons · 7 years
Hello Ms. Talented :D! I wanted to request you do the prompt “You make/made me so happy.” for Mc and Yoosung OR Mc and Saeran.
(I actually use Mx. as a title, rather than Ms/Mr/Etc. It’s pronounced Mix/Mux ^^ But don’t worry, it happens all the time!)
Unknown/Saeran and MC– Night Time Panic
Prompt: You make me sohappy
(AN: I felt thisfitted Saeran so well, thank you for the prompt! My apologies for how late thisis, I was reading (fanfiction, cough) and then I went to sleep so I’m onlygetting around to this now, and at the point I’m writing this, it has taken mea good two and a half hours to get through a bit over half of it even though it’s less than 2k words total ;;. Check thetags for potential triggers if you have any! Also, there will definitely bespoilers in this because it’s based around Saeran!
I’m still building upto the second secret ending, and so I haven’t actually played it. I’m goingfully on headcanons here as I delve in to Saeran’s past, and so this may beincredibly inaccurate. It was fun to write though. Sorry for always going waybeyond the prompt ;u; Enjoy!)
Saeran cuddles up to you, nuzzling his face in to your backsleepily. The two of you were exhausted after a long day dealing with Saeyoung’sshenanigans and constant teasing, which actually caused the two of you to justleave and go a walk together because Saeran was getting close to his breakingpoint, and you hated seeing him like that.
Now, as you both relax together, your breathing slowing asyou feel his steady breaths against your back, you feel your eyelids droopingclosed, so you shift yourself slightly to make yourself comfortable, feelingSaeran tighten his arms around you and bury his face deeper in to your back.You feel yourself smiling as you drift off to sleep.
It doesn’t take much longer for Saeran to fall asleep too;with your presence and warmth beside him, he has been finding it much easier tofight his anxiety and insomnia at night. His sleep, though, is plagued withnightmares.
He finds himself back in Mint Eye, before the brainwashing.He can almost feel them torturing him again, his body shivering and shaking.And then Rika enters, and he immediately drops to his knees and bows his head. Sherests her hand gently on his forehead, brushing his hair back away from hisface, causing him to look up at her.
“Never forget, Saeran.He abandoned you. He left you there to rot with her. I rescued you, and I will keepyou safe, but you must be completely and utterly loyal to me. And you mustnever forget what he did. Understood?”
He nods, lowering his head again as hate and betrayal flowedthrough his body. And then he felt the shock which began at his ankle andworked its way through his body, causing him to shake and grit his teeth. Heglares at the ground until the pain fades again, forcing himself to remaincomposed. This was just to help him learn.
He held up his arm, allowing them to slot the needle in tohis elbow. His head dizzied as the strange liquid entered his veins and madeits way to his heart. He felt himself tire immediately, weakened by the drug,and his body slumps forward. He lays there on the ground, waiting for them tomove him. But they don’t.
The scene then jumps, and he is back with his mother intheir small home. She is screaming about something or other, as she always haddone, and he was curled up in the corner of the basement, waiting for it tostop, waiting for Saeyoung to return and make it all better.
He rubbed the bruises on his arm, tears dripping down hisface as he tried his best to yank his sleeve down to cover the handprint shehad left when she had dragged him to the basement to lock him away. Hedesperately wiped at his eyes to remove any trace of the tears, but it washopeless. They kept pouring, and so he put his head down on his knees andwaited. And waited. And waited.
If he had known, then, that Saeyoung would never come back,he would have begged him to let him go too, or he would have lied and told hismother something, anything. His chest ached as the days passed. He passed out afew times, with his mother starving him until he told her where Saeyoung was.His mouth was dry and everything ached and he couldn’t bring himself to moveany more.
That was when she arrived. The Saviour opened the door, andSaeran was too weak to even look up at her. His body flinched and shook as shelifted him and carried him away, unused to the non-aggressive contact.
He remembers the hospital vaguely. She was always there byhis side, with tears in her eyes, stroking his hand or arm as he recovered,with food and water being pumped in to his body through tubes. It took weeksfor him to eat again normally, and she was there, with him. She fed him andlaughed as his eyes lit up again.
“What is this?”
She had laughed then, going back to the bowl to get anotherspoonful for him.
“It’s called icecream. You’ve not had it before?”
He shook his head and opened his mouth, finding a new foundtrust in this lady. After all, rather than starving him, she happily fed himthis amazing food.
But then she had locked him up too. He couldn’t understandit, as he sat in the corner of the cell and stared at the gates, waiting. Hewas fed regularly, as least, and had fresh water constantly, but they had alsoput something on his ankle which hurt him if he got too close to the gate.
She appeared one day, after goodness only knows how long ofhim being locked up, and he ran over to the gates and gripped on tight, cryingas the pain ran through his body.
“Why have you lockedme up? Why are you doing this to me?”
“I am taking care ofyou, dear Saeran. You will be free soon, I promise you, I just need to makesure you have fully accepted your role.”
“My role?”
“I am the Saviour, andI am here to make it so that the whole world is safe and happy, free from humanworry and pain. It is possible, and you and I can make it happen, but you mustbe willing to fully give yourself to the cause, to forget your past, to forget him.”
Saeran crawled back away from the gate, pushing his backagainst the wall at the other end of the cell. He glared at her as he screamed.
“He is coming for me!Saeyoung will save me, he will come back! Saeyoung is going to save me!”
Fear filled his body as her eyes darkened and she steppedforward, moving her hands from behind her back to grip the bars tightly, herfeatures filling with a dark anger.
“He will never return for you. He has abandoned you. Hehates you! Stop relying on him! I am your Saviour. I can be here for you, butyou just need to forget him. Forget him already!”
Saeran sat still with fear before his anklet zapped his skinagain and he let out a small shriek. His breath quickened as he began to panic.He looked up and she was gone and he was alone, all alone again, like he alwayswould be. He had been abandoned. Saeyoung was never coming back. He was alone.
Saeran sits up in bed, a whimper escaping his throat as hegasps for air. The sudden movement wakes you, and you sit up beside him and rubhis back.
“Saeran? Saeran, sweetheart, what happened?”
He jolts at the sound of your voice and turns to face you,his eyes wide open, and your heart drops when he pulls away from you in fear.You hold your hands up in front of you to show him you’re not trying to hurthim, you just want to help.
He sits and tries to catch his breath as he stares as you,knowing you’re not going to hurt him and feeling guilty for still being afraid.After a few minutes pass, he reaches out and gently holds your wrist, beforepulling you forward into a hug. Within seconds, his face is buried in your neckand he just whimpers and sobs and holds on to you tight.
You go back to gently rubbing his back as you hold on to him,letting him catch his breath and calm himself down. He pulls back after awhile, and leans his forehead against yours, staring in to your eyes. It breaksyour heart to see his eyes wide and red, tears saturating his cheeks, and soyou close your eyes and just wait until he is ready to talk.
“I’m so sorry...” is the first thing he is able to mumble.Saeran’s guilt is overwhelming and he breathes slowly and shakily. “I’m sorryfor waking you. I’m sorry for being like this. I’m sorry you have to deal withme when I’m so broken.”
“Saeran, love, I love you. I want to be here for you, tohelp you when this happens. I want you to be able to talk to me, or to let mehold on to you until it all passes. Until you can breathe again, and then wecan make sure you’re okay.
“Remember when this happened every night? And I would run inand just hold you in my arms until it passed? And you would try and push meaway and yell until it faded, and you would pick me up and apologise and holdme until we were both okay? You’ve gotten so, so much better since then. Youactually reached out and hugged methis time instead of it being the other way about. And this hasn’t happened in12 days up until tonight. I’m so proud of you, okay?” you reassure him,untangling your arms from him so you can run a hand through his hair. “I’m so,so proud of you. You’re doing great, and just because this happened today doesn’tmean you’ve undone anything. You had a bad day. I’ll deal with Saeyoungtomorrow, for being such an ass today, but please remember that this is notyour fault and that I love you, okay?”
He nods and chuckles, pressing his forehead against yourswith a bit more pressure now, sniffling and pulling back so he can wipe hisnose and cheeks, riding them of any trace of his breakdown.
“You... you make me so happy, MC. You help me so much. Thankyou,” he whispers, leaning in and giving you a quick kiss. “I don’t know what I’ddo without you.”
You wrap your arms around him and bury your face in thecrook of his neck, placing gentle kisses there as he holds you back. You bothsit like that until the sun begins to rise, and you hear him sigh as he sees it’slight shine through the curtains.
“Well, we’ve been up nearly all night. I think this means wedeserve to have a lazy day, right?” he asks, a hopeful but sheepish tone in hisvoice.
You giggle and kiss his cheek, and cherish the fact that youget to see him blush, seeing as it is not an incredibly common sight. You justnod and he moves to lie down, pulling you with him. Immediately he cuddles upto you, and he whispers his thanks once more before kissing you once more andclosing his eyes.
100 notes · View notes
This is another post where I just don’t know where to start.
I feel it is important to give you a little background so you can appreciate the enormity of what I’m about to share.
For those of you who don’t already know, I have acromegaly.  A rare pituitary tumour that causes all sorts of grief and problems (I’ll expand more on that in a later post).  I think it was about 2007 when my diagnoses was finally confirmed.  I say “I think”  because I have a dreadful memory. I like to blame the tumour for that one.
It was long before my diagnosis that I knew something was wrong. I don’t know how long the tumour had been living quite comfortably on my pituitary, some specialists believe it may have nested either after the birth of my first born or shortly after the birth of my second.  There’s no way to know for sure.  My first child was born in 1995 and my second was born in 1998 so it may have been around for some time.
I remember struggling terribly with depression and anxiety which really began or esculated after the birth of my first. It was really bad,  although there were extenuating circumstances,  every medical professional I sought help from told me to suck it up and be grateful for the beautiful little girl I held in my arms. Not even a mention of post natal depression. I can’t help but wonder now if that tumour may have been responsible to a small degree.
As the years ticked by,  the depression esculated exponentially and there didn’t seem to be much I could do to stop it or even ease it.
By the time I was working I had piled on a stupid amount of weight but I didn’t understand why.  My joints began to hurt, I ached all over and I was always tired. The job I had at the time was managing a not-for-profit that mainly provided free or low cost groceries to those who needed a hand up.  The store was located in an industrial building with concrete floors, tin roof, no heating,  no cooling and not much of anything else either.  Although I only worked two and a half days a week I was always exhausted, increasingly tired and so,  so sore.
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Me almost at my heaviest of 253kgs
I tried for years to tell my doctor there was something wrong with me but again,  I was told I was just too fat and needed to lose weight. Problem was, I couldn’t lose weight.  I tried everything, every diet and exercise known to man at that time.  Exercising became just too hard.  The pain of simply walking was unbearable.  I begged my doctor to help but again and again I was told I was just too fat.
I tried to continue living my life but I couldn’t.  I had to quit my job because I could no longer walk,  stand or get any relief from the pain.
I finally decided to see another doctor and I remember at one stage telling him that I’m not aching because I’m fat and weight bearing. If that were the case, why did my hands,  wrists, jaw,  neck ache and burn and hurt so much especially since they’re not weight bearing.
To cut a long story short, my doctor could see that I was very unwell, despite every test returning negative results.  It was so disheartening and depressing. Why was I like this? What on earth is wrong with me?  I began to think it was all in my head.  Was this something I’ve subconsciously created to overcome past hurts and failures?  Surely past stress couldn’t manifest into something this bad.
Finally,  in 2007 I received a diagnosis. Acromegaly.  I sat in my endocrinologist office and wept tears of relief.  To know that it was not in my head and there really is an illness was one of the biggest reliefs of my life.
I travelled from Lake Macquarie near Newcastle to Adelaide in September 2010 just one day before my 36th birthday to have the tumour removed.  It was such an adventure.  I loved seeing more of this beautiful land in which we live and although I was incredibly ill,  I remained wide eyed and completely enthralled on our journey.
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Here I am in Rundle Mall, Adelaide just one day before surgery to remove pituitary tumour.  I had a craving for fresh oranges at the time.
By the time I was ready for this surgery I was quite unwell. My weight had ballooned to over 200kgs (223kgs to be exact,  that’s 492lb or 35 stone). I had lost the feeling down my left side,  I could barely speak,  partly due to swelling of soft tissue and I could not walk unaided. My vision was deteriorating rapidly and I was struggling to see.  My hands stopped working and I could barely even feed myself. The tumour had wrapped around my carotid artery and invaded my cavernous sinus. The surgeon was convinced he would NOT be able to remove it entirely. I could no longer drive and I was forgetting everything.  I even forgot how to cook and I had almost no memory of my past. I used to spend evenings with my sister as she regaled me with tales of my children growing up because I just couldn’t remember.  My mind was empty.
By this stage I had been receiving monthly injections of Sandostatin LAR or Somatuline Autogel for the past three years (from the time of diagnosis until surgery). Gee did this stuff made me sick. My stomach hurt all the time,  I would spend a considerable amount of my day on the bathroom.  My hair fell out, my skin hurt,  and I had a collection of cricket ball sized lumps on my rump at injection site that would become very bruised,  itchy and lasted about three months each.
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I felt like crap constantly.
The tumour was removed successfully and entirely by Mr Santorenos.  Despite being told that I would not make it through surgery,  mainly due to my morbid obesity,  I’m still here to tell my tale.  We were told,  since I was so over weight and so ill,  I could expect to be in ICU for up to six weeks and another twelve on the ward and in rehabilitation – that is of I even survived surgery and didn’t have a heart attack or stroke.
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Here I am back on the ward after leaving ICU. You can clearly see the fashionable nasal tampon, vomit bag and towel to try to relieve my thumping migraine.
I was out of ICU within 12hrs and discharged from hospital five days later.
Then my challenges began. Again. My recovery was incredibly slow,  arduous and painful. Regrettably I thought that everything would just go back to how it was pre-tumour. Oh how wrong I was. Why didn’t someone tell me it would be so bloody hard?  I spent the next twelve months flat on my back in bed.  I put this down to over doing it after being discharged from hospital.  We traveled home via the Great Ocean Rd from Adelaide to Newcastle.  It was stunning, breath taking and totally divine, but I had diabetes insipidus as a result of surgery. Cerebral fluid was leaking from my nose and every time we climbed a small hill in our car my nose would bleed and leak fluid, not to mention my smell and taste had gone after my olfactory glands had been damaged during surgery. This meant I would never smell or taste again. Something that I would have appreciated being told about pre-surgery, even if just to psychologically prepare.
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The beautiful Loch Ard Gorge on the Great Ocean Road. I managed to kill my good DSLR on this trip. Just being sick and clumbsy.
Just at the end of my twelve months of being too ill to get out of bed, where my children had to feed me, toilet me, do all of the housework and everything in between, my husband left. At the time, I never saw it coming. I went into shock, my blood pressure went through the roof and as a result I lost my eyesight. Completely. No one knew if it would ever return. It did three months later. Not only did it return but some four years later, my eyesight (an astigmatism and shortsightedness) has improved so dramatically I need to get a new prescription every twelve months. My optometrist believes I will not need my glasses at all soon.
There has been so much that has happened between then and now. Challenges, crap, really tough times, including an horrific single car MVA just over twelve months ago in which I broke my neck in two places, my collarbone, five ribs and a bone in my ankle. I’ve struggled terribly with depression and anxiety and have found it very difficult to hold down a job with the chronic pain I experience.
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Me in hospital trying to walk again after my accident
I recently left the job of my dreams. I was so incredibly crushed. I loved the job, my work, the people, clients, my boss and my colleagues. Unfortunately the workload became just too much and my body and brain could no longer cope.  It just did not end well and I went into shock and commenced another cycle of grief. I am incredibly thankful that this cycle did not last long, thanks to my family and wonderfully amazing and supportive friends.
I can’t deny that my life has been pretty darn challenging but I am here to give you all hope and hopefully joy in your heart.
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You see, whilst I was laying in that hospital bed in Adelaide some five and a half years ago, I started a rather rudimentary bucket list. In all honesty I never, ever believed I would be able to check any items off my bucket list, given my health challenges and my lack of financial stability (due to being unable to work for so long and fork out on medical expenses).
A few weeks back, I experienced a few events and read some stuff that has really given me a kick in the pants. This was a culmination of events, including my beautiful boy being beaten by an unknown drugged young man, a friend posting an interesting letter written by an 18 year old to his father and a blog article that, along with a few other things have combined to change my life for the better.
As a result of these events and with enormous thanks to my amazing, supportive, encouraging friends and family, I am beginning to see my bucket list come to fruition. Please remember that I have been told time and time again that I would never walk again, by now I should have been confined to a wheelchair at best. I should not be able to talk and I would be incredibly lucky to have survived beyond my 38th birthday. This year I will celebrate my 42nd birthday and between you and me, I plan to celebrate many more.
Well, I am here to prove those doctors and specialists wrong and offer hope to my fellow Acromegaly sufferers, those who battle mental health, those who can’t find the strength to go on. You can do it. You really can. If I can negotiate my way through this thing we call life, so too can you. Please, I implore you, DO NOT GIVE UP, EVER!
So what is it that I can share here with you today that I have checked off my bucket list?
Wait for it….
My dear friend took me skydiving!
Yes, you heard right. Skydiving.
Now, to most of you this may not be such a big deal, but for someone with a chronic illness, someone who has battled anxiety, panic attacks, depression and bucket-loads of self doubt, Someone who is completely terrified of heights and even more so of flying, this is MASSIVE!
Check out that goofy grin that hardly ever leaves my face. My dive instructor was absolutely amazing and I cannot recommend the team at Skydive The Beach and Beyond, Newcastle highly enough. I cannot thank my dear friend Doug enough either. Without his constant support and belief in me, not to mention his spontaneous suggestion I attend with him the evening before over dinner with Bec, I would never have accomplished this dream. Heartfelt thanks to you Doug.
Yes it was raining, yes it was freezing but it was so flipping awesome I just can’t wait to do it again.
If I had listened to those most of those doctors, specialists and other naysayers, I would not have experienced one of the most amazing thrills of my life. I would not have checked another item off my bucket list, I would not have found the courage and strength to over come. I would not be here today offering encouragement and moral support to you.
Please do not ever give up on your dreams. I can completely understand that life can be one great big fat challenge, obstacle and barrier, but please try to not let it beat you.
This event took place just four weeks ago and I have so many other adventures to share with you since.
Stay tuned and find joy.
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Learning to Live Again – New Adventure #1 This is another post where I just don't know where to start. I feel it is important to give you a little background so you can appreciate the enormity of what I'm about to share.
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