#eren is so hot holy shit
truerhearts · 11 months
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Envy - Eren Jaeger
Eren x fem!reader, pt 1/2 (pt2 in progress)
3.2k words
tw - slight sexual assault/mentions of assault 
Eren and (y/n) have had a confusing, game-playing relationship for a while now. All that changes when he sees Floch getting a bit too close to the reader.
.・。.・゜✭ .・。.・゜✭ .・。.・゜✭
Emotions were something that never came easily to Eren. His head and his heart constantly at war, and he was caught in the crossfire.
He knew he loved her. He knew he loved her from the moment he laid eyes on her. From their short interactions to him lying awake in his bed, thinking about their future together once the war was over, he was in love.
But he’d never dare admit it. He needed to remain cold, stoic. He had priorities. And he wouldn’t allow himself to get close to anyone anymore, lest they perish. He couldn’t go through that again. The pain of losing so many of those close around him was unbearable. But this meant he did get good at shutting his feelings away. The only way to get by was to numb the pain. There was no time to mourn anymore, there were more important things at hand.
And with that, he had to make a choice. He always kept her at arms length, being curt in his responses and limiting contact.
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t steal looks from her whenever she wasn’t looking. Quite frequently. He was smart about it though. He got caught only when he wanted her to catch him. And when she did catch him, time would stop as they gazed at each other. This was just one of his ways of dropping a hint. Others would include brushing against her while walking by, or helping her with the many impossible buckles of their uniforms. The latter was one he particularly enjoyed - it would make her flustered, his touch while innocent in the moment sent her mind running wild at other time he’d be fiddling with her uniform buckles. Eren would walk away from the encounter triumphant, though he wouldn’t let her see it. His heart wanted her, but his mind wouldn’t let him, to protect himself.
She admired Eren, much more than Eren would ever think she did. His willpower and strength were something she appreciated. And, he was quite easy on the eyes, watching him during his training ignited a fire inside her. His toned body glistening with moisture from his hard work, his hair in a messy half up half down bun with the strands sticking carelessly to his forehead. The sight of him in that state almost felt illegal to gaze at. Chest heaving, mouth ajar, skin flushed, veins protruding. Whenever she knew he was training she’d conveniently be hanging around, just to catch a few glimpses that sent her imagination running wild.
She thought she was being sneaky, but Eren always knew she was there watching him the whole time. He’d embellish a bit sometimes, putting on a good show for her, but he always acted like he couldn’t see her. He didn’t want her to stop coming to watch, it inflated his ego and gave him a bit of a rush.
Despite her strong feelings and undeniable attraction towards Eren, she was frustrated with him. Whenever she tried to speak with him, he would cut things short and move on. He had changed over the years, understandably so. But she wanted to be his shoulder to lean on when things got dark. She truly imagined she could help him with whatever he needed. If only he would let her in.
All of this would change one fateful night. The scouts had a collective day off the next day, which were far and few between. No responsibilities early the next morning meant celebrations in the evening. Most of the soldiers were in the mess hall drinking their sorrows away. It was loud and rowdy, but such distractions were much needed in such dire times.
Eren was sitting with his usual crowd, his face slightly more red than usual. He felt laid back and relaxed, swirling the alcohol in his cup as Armin was reminiscing with him and Mikasa. Though Eren wasn’t paying attention. His gaze was set on her. She was across the room, but he had the perfect view of her.
The only problem?
She and Floch looked like they were getting just a bit too friendly for Eren’s liking.
This was all part of her plan though. She wanted Eren to get jealous. Test the waters a bit, just to see if he did have any sort of feelings for her. But little did she know that Eren was a lot more possessive of her than he ever let on.
She quickly glanced over, making direct eye contact with his striking green eyes. Butterflies rapidly filled her stomach and time came to a stop as she took in the sight of him. He was sitting in his chair sideways, back resting against the wall, his body facing hers. His aura radiated confidence and a bit of desire, a dangerous combination. One arm resting on the back of his chair, the other on the table, gripping his empty cup. A strand of his hair gracefully falling out of place as she noticed the light blush on his cheeks.
Again, illegal. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks as Eren refused to be the first one to break eye contact. They sat there gazing at one another for what felt like an eternity before (much to her dismay) Floch brought her back to reality.
“(Y/n)?” Floch asked. “Everything okay?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” She turned back to Floch, giving him a slight smile.
“Okay, good, so anyways…” Floch continued, but his words were drowned out in her mind that was plagued with thoughts of Eren. She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Floch inch his chair closer.
“Floch, “she began. “What are you- “
He placed his hand on her thigh and gripped it. “Is something the matter?”
She didn’t know what to say. She immediately looked to Eren, who had never taken his eyes off of them. It now looked like he was going to crush the glass with his bare hand. Though she could see his anger in his strained hand, he remained expressionless, other than a slight twitch in his eyebrow. Seeing Floch that close to her triggered something inside him. He watched them intently, rage igniting inside him, waiting for what would happen next.
She didn’t know whether to stop Floch or let him proceed. She didn’t necessarily dislike him, but out of most of the cadets he definitely wasn’t her first choice. She felt bad for using him to provoke Eren’s jealousy, but she needed to get some sort of reaction out of the stoic boy. She couldn’t stand his indifference towards her anymore and she thought this was the best way to do it. And, while perhaps it wasn’t the best way to get his attention, she was right, rage was building inside of Eren.
He kept a cool exterior, but he watched intently, pondering his options, and waiting for their next move. But at this rate he knew he had to act. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Eren’s inhibitions were washing away that evening, and though she hadn’t done anything different to her appearance, Eren craved her more than he usually did, and he didn’t think he’d be able to hold himself back tonight.
Floch leaned in closely, his warm breath hitting her ear, the smell of alcohol that was radiating off of him was quite potent. “I’m not getting the wrong impression, am I?” He questioned innocently, his hand moving up her thigh, dangerously close to her core. Floch blocked her view of Eren, and she didn’t know how to respond. His hot breath bathed her neck and she decided he was going too far. She placed her hand on top of his to move it off.
That was it. Eren took the last swig of his alcohol before placing glass down forcefully. He stood up from his chair, almost tipping it over.
Armin paused his story as he watched Eren walk away. “Eren, where are you going?” Armin asked. Eren didn’t reply. He made his way over to her and Floch, trying his hardest to contain himself and his anger.
“Floch.” Eren said lowly. “What do you think you’re doing?” His words sharp like the blades they used to slay titans.
Floch pulled away from her and scoffed. “What is it to you?” He looked up at Eren and was met with the most jarring expression on his face. Eren’s face was blank, but it was in his eyes. The look in his eyes was indescribable, being only comparable to what one would describe as mad, unhinged, deranged. He managed to intimidate Floch with only one look. Floch was about to speak again but Eren made a move. He slammed his hand between them on the table, making Floch back fully away from her. The slam was loud enough to make her flinch, and to gather the attention of those in close vicinity.
“What’s your problem, Eren?” Floch asked in a condescending tone, rising to his feet, trying his best to stand up to Eren.
“You.” Eren leered, inching closer to Floch. They were so close they could feel their breath on each others faces.
(Y/n) felt like she had to do something before this escalated, she could feel the rage radiating off Eren and she didn’t know what he would be capable of, especially if he was a little tipsy.
“Eren, please,” she whispered, placing a hand in his shoulder, “Stop.”
“You heard her, Eren. Back off.” Floch threatened.
He shrugged her off, maintaining eye contact with Floch, not faltering one bit. Floch was about to push Eren, but Eren was the superior soldier (what with all his extra training and all.) Before anyone could realize what was happening, Eren had Floch on the table, gripping his wrists behind his back with one hand, the other holding his head. The room went silent, those who weren’t already watching turned their heads, their drunken gazes fixed situation.
(Y/n) tugged his arm. “Eren, please!” She said through gritted teeth. He listened this time, but he wouldn’t leave without saying a final few words to Floch. He leaned down and spoke in the struggling boy’s ear.
“You better stay away from her.” He said, his words tinged with venom.
He shrugged her off again but then grabbed her wrist tightly, dragging her out of the mess hall, their comrades silent as they watched (Y/n) and Eren exit. The door closed behind them with a slam, and they were alone in the hallway together. She tried to free herself from his grip, but Eren wasn’t letting up.
“Eren… let go.” She struggled. He wasn’t listening, he was too angry about what just happened. He was angry with himself, letting Floch (of all people) get so close to her like that. If he just would have said something sooner, she would have been around him tonight. Maybe it’s time to stop playing games…
“You’re hurting me…” She pleaded. He finally realized and let go.
He turned to face her, brows furrowed, an exhausted expression on his flushed face. “Sorry…” He mumbled.
She rubbed her wrist as she gazed at him. She sighed. “I think we need to talk,”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Eren said, shoving his hands in his pockets and starting off in the other direction. He had enough of the evening. He thought it best to head to bed before he did something else he’d regret in the morning.
“No.” she said, running in front of him, blocking him from proceeding. She took in the sight of him, his messy hair, his flushed face, his green eyes, illuminated by a torch burning in the hall, and the moonlight coming in from the adjacent windows. Her mind went back to just a few moments ago, when she met Eren’s gaze from across the room, and then his display possessiveness over her. It was probably quite excessive in the moment, but the thought of it did something to her. She remained composed even though those fiery little butterflies were creeping back in again. “We need to talk.”
He grumbled. “Fine, but we’re not doing it here.” He said, walking past her. She followed him, walking through the dark corridors of the castle they were calling HQ. He finally made it to the meeting room. No one would be in here this late, it was the perfect place to talk.
He took a seat on the ledge by the window, arms crossed, gazing out into the night. She sat on the table facing him. They sat in silence for a while, Eren appearing more interested with whatever he was looking at outside. Some trees maybe.
She huffed, knowing she’d have to carry this conversation. “What was that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said flatly.
“Don’t be an idiot. Why did you do that to Floch?”
“You know why.”
“I’m afraid I don’t.”
He was confusing her. The games he would play would frustrate her to no end. Helping her with her buckles, making and holding eye contact, his lingering touch. But then countering it with limited interactions, short, indifferent responses, brushing her off. She wanted him to say it plainly for her, that way she could know for sure.
Eren, though keeping his cool on the exterior, was having a battle inside his head. Mulling over the outcomes and consequences if he came out and told her how he truly felt right then and there. Did he dare get close and end up possibly losing her down the line? Maybe that was the unfortunate part that comes with the beauty of love. Like many things in this world, it must balance. Night and day, hot and cold… love and loss.
In any other situation, Eren probably would have shrugged her off like he normally did, but tonight he had some liquid courage in his system, making his better judgement take a step back for one night.
Eren turned his head to look at her, the moonlight that crept in through the window illuminated her beautifully, making her look angelic.
He pushed himself off the ledge of the window. He walked towards her at a painfully slow pace, eventually stopping almost on top of her so that she needed to crane her neck to look up at him. He stood between her legs; his gaze slightly softened but he wouldn’t allow her to see anything more emotional than that. “Do you really need me to spell it out for you?”
He breath caught in her throat as he placed a strong hand on her waist, another on her thigh, almost cupping her ass. She was speechless.
“I’m sure you can conclude why I did what I did to him.” He said, maintaining eye contact.  
He managed to take a step even closer to her. “I don’t ever want to see anyone get that close to you again.” He said firmly.
Hearing those swords stirred up a twisted sense of joy inside her. She wanted nothing more than to be his, but she didn’t want Eren to think she’d fall into his clutches so easily.
“I don’t really think you have the right to say that.” She spoke. “I’m not your property, I can talk to whoever I like.”
“Yeah?” Eren questioned. He got even closer to her, their noses almost touching. She grasped his upper arm, feeling how toned he was through his loose shirt. He tightened the grip he had on her waist slightly as he spoke: “That’s not really what you want though, is it. You wanted me to come over there and do something.” She could faintly smell alcohol on his breath. “Admit it. You feel the same for me as I do for you.” The tension between them was so thick, hearts beating rapidly, their need for each other growing exponentially with every passing moment.
“And what feeling is that?” She questioned without hesitation, wanting so badly, so desperately to hear him say it. Just once was all she needed to satisfy herself.
This sent Eren over the edge, frustrated that he actually needed to say it to her. He suddenly pulled her even closer to him, his hands gripping her tightly. “I want you all to myself.” He spoke, the words dripping off his tongue like sweet, sweet honey. “You’re mine. I don’t care about anything else. Just you.” He didn’t loosen his grip on her, the fire of desire burning so bright inside of him as he looked down at her. He admired her features, the way she gazed up at him with innocent, doe-like eyes, the need to possess and protect growing within him.
She placed a hand gingerly on his chest, gripping his shirt tightly and pulling him closer to her.  “I’m all yours, Eren.” She said, barely above a whisper, fully submitting to him.
That’s all he needed to hear before moving his hand from her thigh to her arm, tracing a slow, deliberate path that sent shivers cascading through her body.  His touch ignited an even stronger primal fire within her, and her body now demanded fulfillment. His fingers moved from her arm to the back of her head, tangling them in her hair, grasping it gently while pushing her face towards his.  
His touch was much gentler than she anticipated, but still strong and commanding. Their lips finally met in a searing kiss, a messy amalgamation of heat, urgency, and desire that set their souls ablaze. Their tongues and teeth clashed, her hands reaching up to play with the hair at the back of his head that never made it into his lazy, messy bun. As she pulled him in slightly closer, Eren’s need for her became much more evident. He pushed his body against hers, moving one of his hands to the small of her back, further pushing her into his body.
Her hands never rested, moving from his back to his waist, lingering on his abdomen and chest, then up his neck finally resting on his shoulders. But they wouldn’t stay there for long as she repeated the process again, never getting tired of the feeling of him under her touch.
He didn’t want the moment to end. The feeling of her dragging her fingers up and down his body drove him wild and had him craving even more from her. An ache that demanded satiation. He deepened the kiss, making it evident that he craved and needed more of her.
He reluctantly pulled away from her, his eyes lingering on her lips as if unwilling to let go. He removed his shirt, carelessly tossing it to the side, revealing his sculpted physique. The soft light accentuated the contours of his body, which further captivated her gaze. He stepped forward again. “Do you want this?”
She gazed up at him again with her doe-like eyes and nodded. He leaned in, his lips connecting with the taut skin of her neck before growling in her ear. “Then say it.” His hands reached for her belt, which he then slowly began unbuckling at a painful pace. She stayed silent until Eren looked into her eyes again, silently urging her to say what he wanted to hear.
“I-I want this.” She whispered. “I want you.” She gazed into those green eyes she was so familiar with, desire burning in her own. Despite everything they had put each other through, the toxic games they played with each other, they were here, right now, together. Eren stood up and smiled slightly at her as the words fell from her lips into the thickened air around them.
“Much better.”
a/n: I had a lot of fun writing this ngl... the TENSION, and just picturing eren getting all jealous just really got me goin ya know... I debated taking it further but I wasn’t sure if I should have lol
Edit: part 2 is now posted!!
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gojosprettyprincess · 4 months
A/n repost from my account that got terminated.
"T-too much p-please slow down t'much" you cried out, face buried into the wet pillow beneath you mixed with tears and spit as he's slamming into you, his balls slapping against your clit with each harsh thrusts. A dull ache appearing between your legs because of how big he's stretching you.
"Come on princess your a big girl right? You can take it" he chuckled, landing a harsh slap on your already bruised ass, before repositioning himself, lifting up one leg to plant his heel on the bed to aim himself deeper into your poor cunt.
He continues pounding you at the new angle, thick veins from his cock now dragging deeper inside your walls, it's was too much you couldn't speak or even think properly all you could do is scream and cry into the stained pillow.
"Holy shit- hah fuck, tight little cunt sucking me in so well",
"like it's made for me yeah? All fucking mine" he moans, panting above you, sweat dripping from his chest onto your back.
You felt his cock twitching inside of you as he increases his pace, placing his hand on your lower back to arch your back farther.
"Fuck baby m'gonna cum, gonna stuff you full with my seed and make you a mommy", "bet you'd like that yeah?".
His thrusts became harder and sloppier, not following any sort of rhythm he's just drilling his cock into you like he's trying to mold a hole into your insides, before you knew it hot ropes of cum start spurting out filling your tight cunt, he kept fucking you through it, pushing his cum deeper and deeper inside of you before stilling himself inside of you, Cock buried inside you to the hilt as his tip kisses your cervix. He slowly pulled out of you, watching how his cum drips out of you. He used his fingers to fuck the cum leaking out of you back inside before slapping your cunt. He picked you up and placed your back against the bed then got up and went to the bathroom to run you a warm bath.
Gojo, Toji, Nanami, Yuuta, Eren, Armin, Megumi, Bakugou, Kirishima, Geto, Sukuna.
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fqiryspit · 1 year
ahh congratulations on the milestone!!! you truly deserve it 💗 this is such a cool idea, i’m so excited to see what you write 💗
can i request smut 3, 22 and 27 pls? :) i really hope i did that right lol
hii babes! thank you so much! and yes you did it perfectly!
3, 22, and 27 = please kiss me, show me how much you need me, and do you think you deserve this?
bully!eren x nerd!reader
cw: dom!reader, pussy eating, sex in a classroom, squirting, whiny eren, and eren has a weird way of showing his feelings, reader wears glasses
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leaning against the cold locker you picked at your nails, bored as ever.
as your glasses slid and halt at the end of your nose, you shake them back up just to see a face not inches away from yours
"shit!" you gasp, sliding up on the locker you were leaning on as he corners you in
"what the fuck are you doing?" he snarls, your features twist as you try and remember a time you pissed off eren intentionally
"what do you mean?" you relax, feeling angrier than frightened until he slams a hand onto the locker next to you, successfully closing you in
"last weeks quiz" he answers simply. you feel your shoulders tense as you recall him cheating off you, it's nothing new, except...well...you failed.
"you don't flunk quizzes, y/n." his jaw clenches down, eyes burning wholes straight through your frames
"well thank you" you chuckle, hiding how you desperately want to get out of this situation with humor
"don't try and be a smart ass now."
"what was so fucking fascinating you failed us both?" he asked, you were hoping he'd think you put the wrong answers on purpose and just erased them at the end. because that would've been a lot better from the truth.
"i-" you tuck your bottom lip in, fuck, you're probably so red right now
"holy shit" he remarks, you feel yourself sinking into the metal behind you as he barks laughter into your face "who was getting you so hot and bothered?" he asks, you turn away from him as you refuse to play into his torture
"oh, don't say it was-"
eren was obviously taken aback by your statement, thinking it was him you'd be so distracted by. he felt the warmth pool to his cheeks before he could even digest what you just said
"oh." he slips out, disappointment thick on his tongue as your head shoots up from the lack of teasing
"what's so good about armin?" his question shocks you but you scoff before crossing your arms and looking up at him
"okay, well, first of all, he's not a dick...he's extremely smart, handsome, and-" suddenly you're being pushed to the room next to you, stumbling into the vacant art class
"what the hell" another pull and you're against the wall with his lips on yours, once you process what's happening you push him off you immediately
"eren! what the fuck!" you snap, wiping your lips off as heat pools your cheeks
"fuck- I'm sorry I-" he stutters over his words, placing a hand over his eyes to delete himself from this conversation
"what's...wrong with you?" you say a little more genuinely, eren...just kissed you? and now is, what...embarrassed about it?
"y/n, please I'm just- youstartedgoingoffaboutarminandimsorry" he says in one breath as you stand there, shocked.
soon you spit out a laugh, not taking him seriously until you watch him stare at the floor with shame
"oh, you're- you're serious?" you say through tears while walking towards him.
"so you being an absolute dick to be for the past, what, four months was just an act?" you yell,
"I'm sorry" "do you know how much you embarrassed me? made me look like an idiot?"
"do you think you deserve this? me?" you coo, going up to him as you even notice tears forming in his eyes
"aw, now you're gonna fucking cry" you taunt at him and he looks up at you finally. your eyes moving to his red ones, glossy and plump from the kiss you shared not moments before
"no, I wouldn't deserve you" he chokes out, you feel warmth pool in your panties. uncomfortably shifting as you decide to take a turn with this altercation
"show me..." you whisper, he stares at you, confused as you speak up again with more force
"show me how much you need me" his eyes blow as you move to kiss him, hands cupping his tan cheeks as your glasses squish into his face, your lips lap together frantically as you move to undo the belt he has on
with that, he follows and strips you of your jeans and spins you around, laying on the desk
moving to your soaked panties he rips them off hurriedly and moves to lick up your pussy, you've always heard the tall tales of the monster cock and unworldly fucking but never gave it the time of day, now you're living it.
your back arches against the glossed desk as you feel yourself unwinding already.
"fuck, eren" you moan out, moving to grip your own tit through your shirt as he continues to suck your clit until your cream spills on his face
he laps at the essence until satisfied and moves up to your face where his pupils were spinning and his chin was shining
"please kiss me" he slurs, deep voice rasping against your face as he waits for your move
you move up and kiss him, teeth knocking together as you move your lips rapidly
you feel his head nudging your entrance as you buck your hips toward it, he slides it in bit by bit as you try to relax as you take in his (now proven) monster cock
"holy fuck" you whisper, he kisses your temple as he thrust the rest of himself in, you moan into his tee shirt as he snaps his hips into yours, reaching down and rubbing your clit as he moves toward your ear
"I'm gonna make you fucking squirt on my cock" he says as if it's already set in stone, and honestly, with how he's treating you right now, you're gonna say it is.
"you terrify me ya'know" a hard thrust. "talkin' about armin like that" another. "like you fucking like him" again. "I'll treat you so well, you deserve it, especially after everything I did"
"I'm so sorry" he says but it goes through one ear and out the other
"eren," you move to try and catch his eyes with the pace you're being fucked at
"this is the perfect apology" you moan, he moves to kiss your cheek as you daze out, he rubs your clit again, pressing on it from time to time to tease you slightly
"fuck fuck eren-" you whine, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly
"me too baby, fuck you keep sucking me the fuck in" he groans, speeding up his pace as he haphazardly rubs your clit
"fuck! fuck!" you can no longer control your moans, the bell rings out and you're forever grateful as you both scream freely when you cum
(as promised) you squirt everywhere, and you're laid limp on the desk as you feel a kiss on your head and the muffled chatter of students in the hall
he moves to kiss you again, finding your lips so addictive as he gets more before saying,
"c'mon, we gotta get to class"
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an: ahhh! I hope you liked this! also, thank you so so so much for requesting! I was so stoked to see your request and I'm already having a lot of fun writing these <33
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shawtuzi · 2 years
@sinssoul got me thinking about nerd!reader x eren HEAVILY like i have not known peace since that thought so u already know i had to write a lil sum about it
“f-faster eren faster!” you squealed digging your nails into eren’s bedsheets. eren had you folded in half the tip of his dick kissing your cervix with every thrust meanwhile the homework he’d asked you for help with was long forgotten. “quit squeezing me so fucking tight before i cum,” eren grunted smacking your thigh in annoyance. that only made you squeeze him impossibly tighter once again his hips stuttering at the feeling, “m’sorry ren i-i can’t help it,” you whimpered your hot tears beginning to fog up your glasses that eren insisted you keep on during the act.
you weren’t new to the whole sex thing but sex with eren was otherworldly holy shit. he knew exactly how fast and how hard his strokes should be in order to have you creaming around his dick and chanting his name like it was the only word you’d ever known. “you love this dick baby? huh? you love me and my dick? fucking say it,” he growled wrapping his right hand around your throat. you wrapped both your much smaller hands around his wrist as a silent plea for him to slow down so you could talk but ofc he didn’t- no he couldn’t not when you looked so deliciously fucked up. “i love- i love it! i love it so much eren p-please make me c-cum!” you cried the squelching of your abused pussy getting louder by the second.
eren pulled out quickly rubbing his tip against your sensitive clit until a little fountain of your own essence soaked his pelvis and the sheets below you. “atta fucking girl there you go mama just let go,” eren cooed caressing your violently shaking thighs. before you could even process an actual thought eren slipped back in burying his face in the crook of your neck licking a bead of sweat that was trailing down the side.
“wanna fuck you till the only thing you can think about is me and not that stupid fucking work okay? think you can handle that?” he whispered now resting his forehead against yours. his pace had changed to slow and steady but his thrusts were now so mind numbingly hard you swear he was in your stomach now. “y-yes, yes i can handle it please keep going.”
“that’s my girl.”
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laniluvsuu · 11 months
Do U Dirty prt2!! Did this while I was half asleep.
Prt1 is here!
“Nuh uh. None of that shy shit. You want me to prove it to you right? Take all that shit off.” He said lifting you off his lap to let you take your clothes off.
And you did just that. Stripping every piece of clothing you had on your body infront of his emerald colored eyes. The way he was watching you so intensely made it seem like they were almost glowing green.
“Good girl mama. Ass up face down for me.” He said while taking his eyes off of you to take off his clothes.
While you got in your position on the bed, it didn’t take long for you to feel Eren directly behind you. Gripping onto your ass, mumbling profanities at your body, and how wet your pretty pink pussy already is.
“Fuck baby. You’re gonna be a good girl for me and take this dick right?” He said while stroking his dick with his left hand moving it up and down your slit, making it stimulate your clit each time.
“Yes Eren, I’ll be good, just fuck me already.” You said jerking your body back into his pelvis for any kind of friction against his body.
Eren smirked at your antics before circling his pink tip around your puckering hole. “Tell daddy how bad you want this dick baby.”
“So fucking bad Ren. I need you.” You said whining out to him. Saying whatever just to get him to fuck you dumb.
“Good fucking girl.” He grunted out while sliding his dick inside your slick pussy. “Fuck ma.” You heard him groan out from behind you while he gripped onto your hips pushing into your pussy harder and faster.
“Mmphhh! f—uck” You slurred your words out in broken pieces. Crying out at how well his dick was stretching you out.
Eren watched the way your pussy was swallowing and sucking him back in each time he moved out. It felt like he was in a trance. Eren threw his head back at the feeling of your ass smacking back into his pelvis, it made him want to ruin your pussy and claim it as his.
“Oh s—hittt!, You’re fucking me so good daddy!” You moaned and dragged out your words at how well he was using your body for pleasure. Feeling that burning hot coil in your stomach building up, getting ready to release any minute now, with each deep and fast stroke he gave your pussy.
Your moans and words of praise bringing him out of his trance, leading him to realize you’re close by the way your pussy was tightening around his dick with each stroke he could feel it pulsating like your pussy had its own heartbeat.
“Yeah baby? I’m fucking you good? You’re being such a good girl, taking this dick so well for daddy.” Eren said while reaching his arm around to your neck to pull your back up to his front. Now thrusting up into your wet pussy, tightening his inked veiny hand around your throat. While reaching his other hand in the front your pussy to rub slow circles around your slick clit.
“Mhmm! Yes! O—oh fuck! Daddy please! m’gonna cum! Please let me cum.” You yelled out to Eren waiting for his approval on your release, feeling the hot coil in your stomach ready to buss from just the feeling his hand tightening around your throat between every stroke, and the slow circles around your clit.
“Yea baby. Oh s—shit! Cum on daddies dick. I’m right there with you baby.” Eren said letting his head fall into the crook of your neck while leaving wet, nasty, hot kisses on your neck. Feeling you finish on his dick, he thrusted rough and hard up into your pussy, the feeling of your wet pussy creaming on his dick led him to feel his release creeping up onto him, giving him chills up his spine.
“Holy s—shit! Mmph fuck! M’gonna cum baby. Where do you want daddies cum mama?” Eren said lifting his head from out the crook of your neck waiting for your response, but never stopping his fast and rough movements from up into your pussy.
“Inside of me daddy! Please Eren.” You babbled out to him, fucked dumb on his dick. Just waiting for him to paint your walls white with his seed.
“O—oh fuck!” Eren slurred out while his movements in your pussy stuttered and slowed down. You moaned out at the feeling of his warm strings of his cum shooting up into you.
“You did so good for me baby.” Eren said after catching his breath and changing your position so now you’re on your back, legs wide open. Watching him lean down so now he’s face to face with your pussy, eyes never leaving yours.
“Y’did so fuckin’ good for me. M’proud of you.” Eren said leaning his face into your pussy, moving his mouth to suck on your clit and let his fingers go in and out of your now sensitive hole.
“Oh—fuck Ren!” You yelled out in pleasure and overstimulation. Reaching your hand down to push his head further in between your legs.
Eren let his wet pink tongue explore your pussy. Spitting onto your wet pussy, moving his tongue up and down, in every slit, harshly sucking on your clit. Diving his tongue deep down into your puckering hole. Fully on making out with your dripping wet pussy until you came on his tongue.
After you finished on Eren’s tongue, he grabbed both of your pretty brown legs and placed them on top of his shoulders. Lining his pretty dick up with your tight sensitive hole. Before looking at you with pleading eyes and saying “You think you can go another round for me baby?”
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yoru-no-seiiki · 11 months
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TW/CW: mdni, yandere themes, masturbation.
Have some headcannons while I wait for my henna to dry/watch the first season with my cousin.
I wish there were more who wrote for Canon! Eren. Like don’t get me wrong, Modern AU Eren is hot but I mean, fuckboys can be seen everywhere.
But Canon! Eren is batshit insane and that’s exactly what I love about him. I wish they at least add that to his modern counterpart instead of making him a basic bad boy but I mean if that’s what they’re into 🤷‍♂️
Anyways Exhibit A of why Eren in all eras is my fave AOT character:
Like I said, he’s batshit insane.
He has directly killed 2 people by the age of nine, and assisted in killing the third. Although this is out of self defense it still can’t be denied HOW HE TReateD THE SECOND DUDE HOLY SHIT- THE AMOUNT OF TIMES HE STABBED HIM.
Normal kids would just be terrified, maybe be even fight blinding and/or cry, probably even run tf away. But ya boi brought a knife and even deceived the person at the door.
He’d be a great yandere.
Let’s say that we age up our cast and make 18 the minimum age of enlistment (making him 21 around the attack of Trost).
Trainee Eren has the will of fucking steel. He’ll do whatever it takes to wipe out titan-kind, to make the cruel world he lived in finally know true peace.
To be with you in that new world he’ll build.
You were one of his fellow trainees. Someone who unconditionally believed and supported his desire to see the outside world. You didn’t treat him like a child as Mikasa did, and you weren’t so oddly distant when it came to his help and presence like Armin.
At first it started as a crush. An infatuation towards your looks and kind demeanor which morphed into a twisted sense of love.
You were the only one that understood him, that resonated with his wavelength.
He definitely frequently masturbated to your image. Stress was a known issue amongst trainees and soldiers alike. Many drank to rid themselves of such a problem. But to him just the thought of you two becoming one gave him relief and pleasure that any form of alcohol could never give. In the aftermath of the Trost incident, when faced with your unconscious, battered body he pulls a Shinji and jerks one off. Covering you with his release.
You think you’ll leave his mind once he gets busy with being a titan-shifter and the future of Eldia and such but nope.
Eren only has you and the new world he promised in his heart, body and soul. And that’ll never change.
Eren believes in freedom first and foremost.
So none of that kidnapping. At least in earlier years. He just wants you to be happy and safe. He’s more of the type to hurt others for your sake rather than be abusive and take away your rights.
Eren in later seasons has the capacity to keep you isolated, and that he will.
Like in other (unfortunately rare) fics of him, he keeps you in a farm land with a bunch of loyalists. If reader is afab! or has the ability to bear a child (for those with abo ocs or something idk) he’ll tell them that you are bearing his child and the future inheritor of his powers.
Otherwise he’ll come up with other excuses like having you as a tactician or war-hero they have to pay respects to.
He’ll give you as much freedom as he can provide while keeping you away from danger.
Though one might argue that his version of freedom for you is just an illusion.
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xfgpng · 1 year
𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬
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— : [nsfw ] pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, overstimulation, love confessions
— : wc : 846
a/n : there is a 17 year age difference between reader and eren in this. however, they are both consenting adults.
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eren doesn’t do feelings and romance. he’s been married before and that failed so he isn’t interested in dating. he likes sex, who the hell doesn’t? and at the age of 42, he’s very experienced and he likes to get his dick wet.
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he had zero intentions of being in any type of serious relationship but he was bored of fucking different women every other night. he only signed up on this website out of curiosity. his older brother had met his current girlfriend on there and he knows jean has a profile too. he’s seen it despite the fucker being in denial about it. eren doesn’t get what’s the big deal about, it’s no different than any of dating app.
don’t they make you pay for premium?
he didn’t find it interesting, at least until he came across your page. you were a pretty little thing, 25 and career orientated. you expressed your desire to have a good time, no strings attached type of relationship. while you were working and had a good job, it wasn’t enough to sustain the lifestyle you really wanted and he admired your honesty.
he did love a women who wasn’t afraid to say what she wanted and god you were so fucking hot, he felt his dick twitch as he scrolled through your pictures. you were so pretty, painfully so and normally eren didn’t care for these things because he could have anyone he wanted but he had to have you. all of you.
it had been exactly 5 months since that day and now he had you all to himself, laid out so prettily on his expensive sheets as he kissed you all over your face. this is the longest eren has ever been with anyone romantically and he knows he doesn’t want to go back to casually fucking other people when you were all he needed.
“can’t” you whine, legs shaking from your first two orgasms but eren was rock hard, cock nestled deep inside your sensitive pussy and the older man showed no signs of being done with you just yet.
“yes you can baby” he grins, “you’re a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
“i am” you nod, gripping his biceps as he slowly thrusts into you. his lower half is wet and sticky and he knows he’ll be making a mess of you again so he wasn’t too concerned about cleaning up right now.
“god, look at you” he groans, reaching down between your legs to rub your sore and puffy clit, picking up his pace as he fucked you into the bed.
“fuck” you cry out, fingers digging into his arms hard enough to leave marks and he loved when you marked him up.
your orgasm takes you by surprise despite having cum twice before this and your legs wrap tightly around him, back arching off the bed as you cum.
it won’t stop and when he looks down, you’re squirting again, all over him and yourself and it’s the sexiest fucking thing he’s ever seen.
he has to hold your body down to help you relax and he would take pity on you but you could handle it, you had your safe word and he would never push you further than you could handle.
“holy shit baby, fuck” his hips come to a stop, his own hot cum filling you up so much that it leaks out the sides of his cock and down into the sheets underneath you.
he knows that if you weren’t on the pill, you’d definitely be pregnant by now with the amount of times he cums inside you. he’s never fucked anyone raw, never really cared to because sex was just sex and nothing more but it felt so good with you.
“i love you” he says, kissing your cheeks and your forehead and your eyes widen.
he freezes above you, realising what he just said. eren does his best to remain nonchalant. it was fine, he just confessed to you, the first woman he can honestly say he can see a future with and he knows it’s more than the sex, more than the fun dates. it’s everything about you and how you make him feel.
these feelings still very new but he wasn’t ashamed, only slightly embarrassed that he was the first to say it.
“i.. love you too” you whisper shyly, coming down from your high. you’re still catching your breath and it’s funny how after the intense sex you’ve just had, this is what makes you shy.
he looks down at you with wide eyes but he calms down when you reach up to pull him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around him.
“yeah?” he asks softly, kissing your again and you nod
“yeah” you say just as softly but it turns into a moan when you feel his cock twitch and throb inside you. you didn’t understand how the fuck he could have so much stamina but you were more surprised at the fact that you could keep up with him.
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akazzza · 8 months
« 𓆩♡𓆪 sub eren(?), use of toys, gen.neu reader, handjob/blowjob ig, kinda rusty rn ive barely been writing»
wc. 456 masterlist
━━━ ▹♥◃ ━━━
— waking up suddenly to the sight of the tent in his pants. sweat beading on his forehead.
oh shit.
"(name) mmh wake up.."
he shook you awake, feeling guilty for doing so.
you wanted to ignore him, you really did.
but when he says your name in a whiny voice you just can't.
"what is it eren?"
it was a rhetorical question, knowing he never woke you unless its for one thing.
"please..? im so hard."
you readjusted yourself, turning your back to him.
"go to the bathroom, hm?" your voice soothed his nerves.
but it wasnt enough. his dick throbbed as he palmed himself slowly, starting to look at the ceiling.
eren got up. wincing from the pain as he opened his drawer to get the fleshlight from inside.
he walks over to the bathroom, turning on the light and pulling down his pants.
he could see the wet spot on his boxers, growing with each second.
"mmnh ahh.."
he pulled himself out of the constricting underwear.
immediately putting himself to work.
it felt amazing.
but he needed more, low moans spilled from his lips.
speeding up and twitching in his hold.
he had a trembling hand on the sink counter.
obscene noises could be heard from the room, you couldn't go to back to sleep.
he needed you and you knew it. his desperate groans sent shivers down your spine, your mind began to wonder.
"(name) i know your awake.. please mmf"
the way he sounded so needy for you, your touch, your taste.
you decide to give him what he wanted. not because you wanted to, but because you wanted to see his hopeless face.
you went into the bathroom, the sight in front of you was unimaginable.
he was leaning onto the sink, the floor wet from his fluids. tip flushed as he continued to thrust into the toy.
“aah– nngh..”
you put your hands around him, turning him around, letting his back press against the sink.
getting on your knees, you looked straight at his tip as it poked out from the other side of the fleshlight.
His hands rested on the sink, letting you take the lead.
you kissed his tip, beginning to suckle on it.
a sharp inhale came from him, twitching as your warm mouth enveloped him.
you started rubbing his thigh with one hand.
"holy shiit.. im c-close"
he threw his head back, mouth agape as he kept thrusting into the toy.
sloppy thrusts as he felt his face get hot. you felt amazing.
his muscles tensed up as gorgeous moans came out of his mouth.
you pulled away, letting his mess spray all over his face.
smiling at him before rubbing his tip.
“one more?”
━━━ ▹♥◃ ━━━
wtf it's been 9 months since i last wrote. daddys home
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luvrrgirl444 · 2 years
chapter 1: the meeting
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“hi, my stars!” you say to the camera with a smile. “welcome to or welcome back to my channel! lowkey a bit scared for today’s video. today i’m gonna be going on omegle. i haven’t been on omegle since i was like, 12, so this will be fun.” you finished with a sarcastic smile.
you moved your mouse to the blue button and clicked.
the empty square was soon filled by two pretty girls, with a pinkpantheress song lightly playing in the background. one had burgundy curly hair, and the other had blonde hair.
you smiled. “you two are gorgeous. i love your hair!” you complemented, which made them both grin.
“what the fuck, so are you!” the blonde one said.
the burgundy haired girl looked at you confused. “hey, i know you from somewhere.��
you acted clueless. “really? from where.”
“dude, you’re y/n!” she finally realized and shouted, with wide eyes.
“no way! i follow your twitter, you’re fucking hilarious,” the blonde girl said.
“thanks, i’m flattered,” you responded, while smiling.
“holy shit, are you filming right now?”
“maybe. maybe not.” you replied.
“we’ll let you continue then, bye!” the burgundy haired girl said with a smile, before pressing the stop button.
you looked into the camera. “maybe omegle isn’t that bad. they were absolute angels.”
though, you quickly took your statement back after pressing the start button and seeing a dick.
“authorities!” you shouted in horror before clicking the stop button.
it went like that for about 20 minutes. meeting some cute fans, seeing exposed dicks and even running into the occasional southern racist.
“last one for today. please don’t be a fucking dick or i’ll scream.” you said and briefly closed your eyes, before opening them and pressing start.
“hi,” you greeted the person.
the person was hot. like really hot. he wore a black turtleneck with a small necklace that had a gold key pendant on it. his brown hair was pulled into a messy half-up, half-down hairstyle.
“hello, love.” he said with a smile. he had an accent, which made him 10x more attractive. the nickname honestly gave you butterflies and you were sure that if you were white, your cheeks would be red as fuck. thank god for melanin.
“i like your accent, where are you from?” you questioned.
“germany, but i moved to england when i was 4.” he paused. “what about you?”
“new york.” you told him, as you scanned his background. there was a shelf behind him that had a couple of cameras, along with some books and a little plant.
“you’re into photography?” you asked.
he looked at you, with a look that said ‘how do you know that?’ before he remembered the shelf behind him.
“yes. i’m in college for photography.” he was smiling. it was clear that he loved the activity.
you smiled back, with your head rested on your hand. “you’re gonna go professional?”
“hopefully. after college, yes.”
“maybe you should come take some pictures of me,” you joked.
“maybe i should. you’re very pretty.”
it was embarrassing, really. you grinning widely because of some british guy on omegle. but, he was just so, charming.
“thank you, uh,”
you checked the time on your macbook and realized that you had been talking to this guy for 25 minutes. way more than you had been intending.
“oh shit, eren i gotta go.” you said, sadly. “it was nice meeting you!” you smiled.
“likewise, darling.” he responded before you exited.
you looked at the camera. “why was he the hottest man i’ve ever met? anyways, that’s all for this video. hope you enjoyed! love you to the moon and back!” you finished and blew a kiss to the camera.
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- soooo excited for this
- i love british photographer eren
- the yt video is inspired by deb smikle !! <3
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Feminist Mikasa having a burner account to stalk Eren and make sure no other girl gets too close to him is so REAL lmfao I love her
“What is this account on your phone Mikasa?” Sasha asks curiously, holding up her phone, the instagram app open and Mikasa almost screams, throwing herself across the bed to snatch the phone away.
She’s unsuccessful.
“Mikasa,” Sasha gasps, “Is this a burner account?”
“No,” She lies from where she’s slumped, inches away from her prize, looking up at Sasha miserably as her best friend finds out her dirtiest secret.
“It is!” Sasha explores more, scrolling through the following list, and finding it barren save for one person.
“Eren Yeager!”
Mikasa buries her head in her comforter, willing herself to suffocate, anything to end it now.
“Your asshole neighbour, sexist frat bro Eren Yeager?”
Sasha lets out a high pitched scream, “I fucking knew it!”
Mikasa groans, “It’s not like that we just—“
“You’re fucking him, that’s why you always show up to class late and with him- oh my god IT’S A BOOTY CALL!”
Mikasa watches as Sasha processes it all in real time, brain short-circuiting, “Please don’t tell anyone, I would die.”
“How long has this been going on?” Sasha asks gravely, “How long have you kept it from me?”
“I don’t know since first semester.”
“This year?”
“First year,” Mikasa mumbles guiltily and Sasha screams again, “YOU’VE BEEN FUCKING EREN YEAGER FOR TWO YEARS?”
God has it really been two fucking years? She should really think about investing in someone new.
“Is the dick that good?”
Mikasa gives Sasha a look, one that conveys exactly how much she hates this, but then she nods solemnly, “It is.”
“Damn, if I were to like, measure it out with my fingers would you—“
Mikasa shakes her head, “Can’t wrap my hand around it.”
“Holy shit.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
“We have to! It’s your penance for keeping this from me for so long.”
“It wasn’t on purpose! I just can’t stand the embarrassment, it’s Eren,” Mikasa tells her with disgust.
“He’s so hot Mikasa, so, so hot, and you guys have like, this insane sexual tension, I swear every time you argue in class I get a little turned on.”
“We do NOT have sexual tension, I just hate him,” Mikasa tells her insistently, “It’s HATRED you’re sensing!”
“It’s not,” Sasha pats her head, before looking back to Mikasa’s phone, “So why the fuck are you stalking him?”
This is arguably more embarrassing than the fact that she’s sleeping with him, but the cat’s out of the bag now, no point in hiding anymore.
Mikasa lays her head on Sasha’s lap, a pout making it’s way to her lips, “There’s been a few times where he doesn’t text me, or sometimes we won’t talk for a while and I just umm, I like to keep an eye on his instagram followers, you know see what he’s doing.”
Sasha shoots her a dry look, “You mean like other girls? If he’s following anyone new?”
“NO! Just individuals, unspecified individuals.”
Sasha scoffs, scrolling through Eren’s follower list, “You’re so down bad for him.”
“I’m not!”
“You’re insane, you made a burner account just to stalk him, you’re not even pretending to stalk anyone else, be real with yourself Mikasa.”
“I’m hopeless.”
“You are, but it’s okay, Aunty Sasha is here for you,” Sasha pets her hair lovingly, continuing to scroll through Eren’s account, “He’s hardly following any girls anyway, it’s like you and a few sorority girls I’m sure he got talked into following.”
“What?” Mikasa hisses, head snapping up, “Yesterday it was just me!”
“Oh my god, what have I done.”
Mikasa snatches the phone, looking it over and sure enough there are three new girls he’s following, all pretty perfect blondes and brunettes and Mikasa sits up, enraged, “That asshole!”
“Mikasa!” Sasha steals the phone back like she can do anything too rash, and it is at precisely that moment that Mikasa’s phone chimes, an incoming text from Eren Yeager himself.
“Holy fucking shit,” Sasha breathes to herself, eyes entranced by the screen and Mikasa bites her lip worriedly, is he breaking it off with her or something, telling her he wants to sleep with these new bitches, that their arrangement is over.
“It’s just, you were right Mikasa, no way your hand fits around that.”
Mikasa yelps, and sure enough as Sasha hands the phone back there is a dick pic, full colour HD of Eren’s very impressive length, accompanied by a cute little text.
wanna come over stalker?
think i need some help with my gender women’s studies homework, need a woman’s touch 😏
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melishade · 11 months
Crack question but is Optimus's holo-form considered a dilf to humans?
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Holy shit, I nearly choked on my breakfast when I read this!
...okay maybe to the civilians
Not many of the civilians would understand the nuances of like how holoforms even work. So when some of them see him, they think he's just some guy and whisper about how hot he looks. And the soldiers in the military would sometimes hear this and be like: What the fuck?
The Survey Corps do have a discussion about this and do admit that Optimus' holoform is appealing to look at. Hanji thinks they're all weak because they think Optimus is sexy as a titan-!
Levi: Hanji what the fuck?
Eren just wants this to stop. Stop talking about his mentor/father figure like this!
Eren: Can we please stop?! This is so weird!
Optimus: What is going on?
immediate panic
They all just scatter and Optimus is just confused and suspicious.
I talked to @justawannabearchaeologist and @legitconcrusher about it.
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strscrossed · 1 year
Hi! I've been quietly reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I never send any asks but the prompt of Eren being a ghost while in a threesome reminded me of an idea I had a long time ago. It doesn't really fit what you have, so sorry in advance
Basically after Eren's death, Mikasa becomes desperate and is willing to try anything to bring him back. Including necromancy. She picks up a Necronomicon and learns to summon Eren's ghost back, but she's not strong enough to actually bring him back to life. While she's training her necromancy, she has to content herself with Eren's ghost dick. I named this version of Mikasa as "Necrokasa" lol
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS IDEA. it’s insane and sad but also really hot? also ghost dicking might be a magical experience.
ghost eren and living mikasa just absolutely breaks my heart and mikasa’s desperation in this idea to the point where she’ll settle for even a ghost is so…AH! love it anon.
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teataglia · 2 years
and with that! ive finished season 2 holy shit guys what a whirlwind
some thoughts before i start season 3 (which i already watching in high school but only watched for levi and stopped paying attention to the plot):
armin protecting jean was actually the sweetest thing, like him jumping off his horse to cradle jean in his arms, desperately waving his blade at the titan, god it's so cute, thank you armin for protecting my man, truly doing the lords work
i now understand eremikasa, and eren saying he'll wrap the scarf around mikasa as many times as she wants in the future is GOALS tbh
levi is so hot and will continue to be one of my favorite characters of all time forever
erwin is also hot
bertholdt having to ask reiner "who are you?" when they saw the scouts approaching, praying that reiner would say "warrior" and not soldier, UGH heartbreaking
like just thinking about all the things they went through together, trusting someone entirely with your life and having faith that they'll always have your back, and then being completely and utterly betrayed by them in a way that you can never come back from, holy fuck
ymir and historia living for themselves (each other) is also very cute
sasha and connie continue to slay
sasha's dad moment was so cute, AND HER WITH THE KID UGH love love love
connie acknowledging and buying into everyone thinking he's dumb is so sad bc he's literally not and i love him
anyways that's all for now!
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bitterlikesweets · 2 years
Love Bites Ch 24
This is the twenty-fourth chapter of a modern/vampire AU riren fanfic. You can also read it on Ao3. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | Special | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 Next
The next time Eren spars with Shitty Brows (yes, Eren has decided he wants to use the insulting nickname now too, especially because the stupid vampire has decided he likes teasing Eren by wiggling those big dumb brows at him whenever Eren and Levi so much as stand close to each other or show any sign of affection) Levi stands behind Eren the whole time. At first, it's the same as last time—Levi’s hands on Eren's upper arms, close enough that Levi could lean forward and have his head rest against Eren's back. They practice that way a few more times to make sure it's not just a fluke. But sure enough, Eren panics and his powers activate against his will. Then, the moment he slams against Levi, Eren's Mark burns like someone's pressing white hot metal against his scars, and he snaps out of it. 
Next, they try it without Levi holding Eren’s arms, and then with Levi standing a few steps back. It’s partially to test the limits of Levi’s effect on Eren and partially to spare the poor man from getting slammed into the ground every time. But that's a bust; the Mark doesn't get hot just from Levi being in harm's way; it's only when Eren's about to make contact—or already making contact—that he's able to stop.
"We've made no progress," Erwin says. "There's no point to it if Eren can't keep his eyes open."
Eren clenches his hands into fists, digging his fingernails into his palms. This is useless. He thought they had improved, but really all they’ve done is make it so that Levi takes a beating from Eren's back instead of the walls and doors of the house getting hit. 
Levi stares at Eren for a long moment, deep in thought, before opening his mouth to say—
"I left my water bottle upstairs. In my room. Do you think you could grab it for me?"
Eren frowns at Levi, glancing at the stairs. 
"I mean," Eren says, looking back at Levi. "Yeah, I can? But..."
He hesitates to ask why Levi can't get it himself, not trusting his poor mood to allow the words to come out as anything other than an annoyed snap. And it's just a bottle. Eren can do that much. 
…But so can Levi, no?
"Erwin and I will stay here and brainstorm a little more," Levi says, and Eren thinks it's really just his own grumpy, tired brain that wants to start a fight over a water bottle, so Eren tells that part of his brain to shut up and goes to grab his boyfriend his drink. 
The water bottle is half-empty, and Eren decides that since he already has it, he'll fill it in the kitchen once he gets downstairs. He descends back to the first floor, thinking that the two men are being very quiet for people who are supposed to be brainstorming, and—
Eren sees a blur rushing at Levi in the living room and his mind goes blank. He forgets everything for a moment, forgets where he is, what they're doing, who they're with. He sees the blur of movement, he sees Levi not even attempting to block or dodge the violent mass launching itself at him, and he forgets everything. 
And as he forgets everything, the world slows down. The blur becomes Erwin, moving at a jog, turning his head to look at Eren with a confused frown. But Eren is not focused on Erwin. He's focused on Levi, standing so still it looks like he's not even breathing. Eren takes off at a dead sprint towards the man, tackling him onto the couch and out of harm's way—
"Holy shit—"
Eren hears Levi's voice and the world speeds up again. He's on the couch, on his hands and knees, Levi below him, gray eyes wide as he looks at Eren. Eren is practically vibrating all over. He feels shaky and his head is pounding and the blood is buzzing through his veins like thousands of little bees racing past each other, and he can't breathe .
"Eren," Levi says, blinking up at him, "what the fuck was that?"
Eren can't form words yet. His mind is struggling to catch up. Erwin was so fast and then he was so slow and now Eren and Levi are over here and how much time has passed? His blood is still roaring in his veins, like his body and his insides are operating at two different speeds. He can’t breathe. How does he breathe? His lungs are like rocks in his chest, stiff, unmoving.
"Eren," Erwin says, and Erwin is behind him— when did Erwin get behind him? "Calm down. Breathe. I think you've just consciously used your increased speed for the first time, and that's quite different than doing it purely by instinct."
Eren manages to take a ragged breath, rolling off of Levi, off the couch, and landing on his back on the floor with a thud. He feels nauseous. His blood is so fast, so loud he can hear it rushing by, assaulting his ears, fighting against his veins as if the blood wants to burst out of him. 
"Eren, listen to me," Erwin says and God, his words sound so slow , "you need to focus. Listen for the sound of Levi's heartbeat, alright?"
Levi's heartbeat? Eren closes his eyes, trying to hear over the sound of his own veins, over the rushing sound like the current of a river in his eardrums. He can hear his own staggered breathing, can hear clothes rustling as Levi shifts on the couch. Everything is so loud— fuck where is Levi’s heartbeat in this absolute mess of sound? Eren needs to focus. Focus.
After a moment, he finds what he's looking for. The steady thumping in Levi's chest, like a metronome—no, like the beating of a drum, heavy and firm. 
Eren latches onto it, that steady rhythm, the only sound in the house firmly anchoring Eren to a sense of time, real time, and the blood starts to slow, starts to flow in a way that doesn't make his internal organs feel at risk of exploding. Soon, he can breathe normally again, though his body aches with every rise and fall of his chest. 
"What..." is what Eren manages to croak out when he no longer feels like he's on the verge of a second death. "Why...."
"Well," Erwin says, "it's like breathing. Once you become conscious of doing it; it becomes an effort to maintain. Except in your case, you had no idea how to maintain what speed your body was operating on. It's like if you never learned how to swallow and suddenly someone shoved food in your mouth; of course, you'd choke."
"I..." Eren takes another steadying breath, body aching with the movement. "I hate that."
"You'll get used to it, I assure you."
Eren sincerely doubts that. Completely avoiding his powers is becoming more and more favorable the more he uses them. Fuck, is it going to hurt like this every time?
"Eren," Levi says, pushing himself up into a sitting position on the couch. "Why the hell did you do that anyway?"
"I..." Eren rubs his eyes. "I don't know... I should've known it was Erwin.... but I just... I saw a vampire attacking you and freaked."
"Hmm..." Erwin places his hand beneath his chin. "I really thought you were being overprotective when you sent him away, Levi, but clearly you were correct."
Eren rubs his eyes again. He's way too exhausted for this no-context conversation. He can’t even bring himself to sit up.
"What're you talking about?"
"I wanted to have Erwin run at me like he did to you as a way to get more ideas,” Levi says. “I figured it might make you nervous, so I sent you up for a second."
"That fucking backfired," Eren grumbles, and Levi sighs.
"Next time, I'll be more direct."
Eren feels a hand on his head and reluctantly pulls his hands away from his eyes. Levi is kneeling over him, his gray eyes darker than usual.
"What am I going to do with you, brat?" he asks softly, running his fingers through Eren's hair. "If you're going to be like this just from watching me spar..."
Eren's lips twist into a frown, and he averts his gaze. 
"Sorry, Levi..."
"No," Levi says. "Don't apologize. I get that you worry, but..."
Erwin clears his throat, and Levi's fingers pause their motions through Eren's hair. 
"If I may pose a suggestion," Erwin says, "I have an idea that might get Eren used to seeing you in danger and get him to keep his eyes open."
"What's that?" Levi asks.
"Levi, instead of standing behind Eren, why don't you stand in front, as if you're blocking Eren from the path of danger? Making sure that Eren doesn’t move, of course."
Levi brightens up at this suggestion, but Eren just gets a sinking feeling at the pit of his stomach. 
"Something tells me you just want to see me suffer, Shitty Brows,” Eren grumbles. 
"Nothing of the sort, Eren. If it seems so, it's purely Hanji's influence."
"Not even Hanji would do this to me."
"Trust me, my friend," Erwin says with a grin, "I can only imagine that Hanji would conjure up an idea much, much worse."
Eren heaves a sigh, slowly pushing himself off the ground and onto his feet. He feels Levi's hand on the small of his back, easing him up.
“Don’t be a brat,” Levi says, though his touch is gentle at Eren’s waist. “You’ve got to be able to see me in danger, or this isn’t going to work.”
“I know, but—”
“No buts,” Levi says, pushing Eren into the center of the room before stepping in front of him. Erwin moves to his own spot across the room, stretching his arms in front of himself with a small smile. “I can’t have you trying to knock me out of the fight when I’m the one who’s supposed to be on the front lines.”
Eren sighs. Levi looks up at him over his shoulder, but the vampire doesn’t respond. What is Eren supposed to say? What can he say?
Levi looks forward again.
“Okay. Ten.”
Erwin crouches slightly, getting ready to move. Eren keeps his eyes wide, trying to be as alert as possible. He needs to keep his eyes open. He has to.
Eren hates the idea of not being able to go to this fight after everything. But he knows that Levi is right. Eren can’t be dead weight, and he definitely can’t be holding back the best fighter they have. He’s just going to get Levi hurt.
But being forced to watch Levi get attacked—Being forced not to move, not to attempt to help him—
It feels cruel even though it’s just practice. Even though Eren knows Erwin isn’t actually going to hurt Levi.
If knowing there was no danger was all that it took for Eren not to worry, he’d have been able to move on to the next part of their training already. But it’s not enough. That’s why he can never keep his fucking eyes open. 
Eren takes a deep breath.
He just needs to keep his eyes open. Keep his eyes on Erwin, who’s smiling at him over Levi’s head.
Something moves across the room. Eren just needs to—wait, what?
Levi hasn’t finished counting down yet, but there is a blur moving towards them, hurtling towards them, and immediately the breath floods out of Eren’s lungs, every muscle in his body tensing. His arms move to grab Levi before he can even think about it—
“Eren, don’t .”
Eren freezes, mouth open, arms half outstretched, hands hovering by Levi’s arms but not touching. Levi’s words ring clear through Eren’s ears even as he can’t tear his eyes from the blond blur that’s so close but not stopping—why isn’t Erwin stopping? Levi’s not ready—fuck, Levi didn’t even grab his practice blade before they started, he can’t defend—
There’s a slam, the sound of something hard hitting flesh, and Erwin becomes a solid being rather than a blur of movement. He’s looming over Levi, a stupid smile on his lips like always, one of his hands held in front of his chest, just over his heart.
Right where the flat end of a stake is pressed against Erwin’s palm. 
Everything’s fine. Levi blocked. Levi’s fine.
Eren sags all the way to the ground, letting loose a heavy sigh of relief he didn’t realize he was holding in. His hands are shaky. He really thought—Well, Eren doesn’t know what he thought because he should’ve known that Erwin wouldn’t actually attack Levi and that Levi would be prepared—
Eren buries his face into his hands, shoulders hunching as he kneels on the ground. Fuck . If he’s this stressed over something this small—over fucking nothing —how is he going to survive the battle against Zeke?
“Kind of you to use to blunt edge instead of killing me, Levi,” says Erwin.
“Yeah, and real shitty of you to not wait for the end of the countdown, Shitty Brows.”
Erwin laughs.
“I simply thought you needed a bit of training too.”
Levi scoffs.
“You’re a dick, Erwin,” Eren grumbles from his spot on the ground, earning him an unwanted laugh from the big blond vampire.
“Apologies, but I thought if I didn’t properly put Levi in danger, you might not keep your eyes open.”
“You’re a dick , Erwin,” Eren says again, pulling his hands away from his face to glare up at Erwin, but instead he sees Levi kneeling in front of him, his expression soft.
Eren’s frown deepens, adrenaline fading. His eyes feel heavy. His body feels heavy. 
“What?” he grumbles, and the corners of Levi’s lips twitch.
“Erwin,” Levi says, even though he’s looking at Eren. “Did Eren keep his eyes open?”
Eren’s mouth falls open, wide eyes shifting to the blond vampire standing nearby. Erwin smiles, thick eyebrows rising slightly.
“He did indeed.”
Eren blinks slowly, jaw still dropped.
Did he really? Eren didn’t even think about it. He was so focused on Erwin moving before he was supposed to—so worried about Levi not being able to block or get out of the way…
But Eren didn’t see blackness or red eyes lingering behind his closed eyelids. He saw Erwin and he saw Levi. He saw them.
“Holy shit,” Eren says, the corners of his lips slowly curving upwards. “Holy shit. ”
He shuffles closer to Levi across the carpet, eyes bright as a grin continues to spread across his face. 
“Levi!” he exclaims. “Holy shit!”
Levi snorts at his excitement, reaching out and pulling one of Eren’s hands into his own. 
“Holy shit,” Levi echoes with a tiny fraction of Eren’s energy, but for Eren that’s more than enough.
A giddy mix of pride and relief spill out of Eren’s lips in the form of a laugh, and he squeezes Levi’s hand with his own. 
“Holy shit,” Eren says again, grinning, and Levi rolls his eyes. 
“Shall we end today’s sparring session on a high note?” Erwin says, already heading towards the door. “Seems to me like we’ve cracked the code.”
“Not quite,” Levi says. “We’ve still got to make sure this brat will be able to fight without me in his sight.”
“ Levi ,” Erwin says, and the blond vampire’s smile drops, voice lowering. “We’ve made progress. Celebrate.”
Eren frowns at the change in mood. Erwin’s words are positive, encouraging, but… something doesn’t feel right. Why are Erwin and Levi exchanging somber glances? Eren kept his eyes open! That’s good, right? That’s progress, right?
“I’ll see myself out,” Erwin says, sending one last small smile in Eren’s direction before slipping out of the house, not waiting for goodbyes. 
The door closes quietly, but the click sounds loud to Eren’s sensitive ears. Levi’s thumb sweeps over the back of Eren’s hand, his gaze shifting to the ground. 
“We need to make sure you can fight even when you can’t see me, Eren,” Levi says, and Eren’s shoulders sag a bit. “But…”
Eren shifts a bit closer.
Levi’s gaze rises, gray eyes gentle. His other hand moves to rest against Eren’s cheek, pulling him closer until their foreheads touch.
“But you did well today.” Levi leans closer, his lips landing at the corner of Eren’s mouth before pulling back again. Eren’s cheeks warm, and the half-faded Mark on his neck tingles. 
“Do you think I’ll be ready in time?”
Levi frowns, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he lets out a deep sigh, his hand falling from Eren’s cheek.
“I don’t know, brat.”
Eren winces and ducks his face into the crook of Levi’s neck. If Eren can’t go… If he just has to sit at home, hoping that Levi and everyone else will be okay without him there…
It’s going to be torture. 
“Sorry,” Levi says, his fingers finding their place in Eren’s hair again, combing through. “But I’m not going to lie about your odds just to make you feel better.”
“I wouldn’t want you to,” Eren mumbles, his fingers curling into Levi’s shirt. “It’s just hard to hear it.”
Eren takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He has to work harder. Twice as hard. He has to improve before the month is over. He needs to be there for Levi. He promised. He’s not going to back out now. 
Because if something were to happen to Levi without Eren there—if the ferals who killed Eren’s mom got to Levi—If Zeke ever hurt Levi because Eren was not there to protect him—
Eren would never be able to live with himself. 
Eren’s fingers curl tighter into the fabric of Levi’s clothes.
“You did make good progress today. Keeping your eyes open was a big step for you.”
One of Levi’s hands moves away from the soothing motions in Eren’s hair to brush against Eren’s neck. Eren shivers when Levi’s thumb slides across his Mark. 
“Thanks, Levi.”
Levi’s fingertips brush over Eren’s neck again.
“...Want a reward?”
Eren’s eyes fly open, his head lifting away from Levi’s shoulder to look the man in the eye.
“A reward? Like what?” 
Levi leans down, and Eren stiffens when he feels Levi’s breath on his collarbone, Eren’s lungs stuttering.
“Looks like this needs to be redone,” Levi says, his voice low, rough.
“Oh?” Eren asks, trying to keep his voice smooth and teasing, even as the blood in his veins starts to buzz in anticipation. “What does?”
“Don’t make me say it’s cheesy ass name,” Levi grumbles. His lips land on Eren’s skin, and Eren’s shoulders jolt. “Your… Love Bite.”
Eren laughs briefly in spite of himself, his head dropping onto Levi’s shoulder.
“It is cheesy when you say it.”
Levi’s heavy sigh is nearly like a growl, and it simultaneously makes Eren laugh and shudder.
“Shut the fuck up, Eren,” Levi snaps.
“You’re so s—”
Eren’s teasing words die on their way out the second Levi sinks his teeth into Eren’s throat, the sudden pain and burst of heat making his upper body jerk. Eren has to hold onto Levi’s waist to keep himself upright as he gasps, trembling as the tingling heat rushes out from the bite on his neck down his back, across his arms—everywhere, everywhere, he feels it so much , everywhere, all at once. 
And just like that, it’s over. Levi pulls back, the press of his short, human canines and his flat front teeth removed from Eren’s skin. Levi’s arms curl around Eren’s waist as the vampire sags against him, trembling. Still hot all over, so damn hot, fuck.
“I’m so what?” Levi asks, his lips against Eren’s ear, and even that small gesture makes Eren jolt again, breaths stuttering. 
“You were saying something,” Levi says, his voice still low, lips still lingering on Eren’s skin. “‘You’re so…’”
“Oh… I…” 
Eren swallows, trying to reorient himself, even as the now fresh Mark on his neck throbs. 
“I was…” Eren clears his throat. “I was going to say… You’re so sensitive…”
Levi chuckles, and Eren shivers again, his fingers digging into Levi’s waist.
“Something tells me you’re the sensitive one between the two of us.”
Eren works up just enough energy to raise his head and glare at Levi, though this just makes the pale man laugh again. Levi catches Eren’s chin before his head can loll forward onto Levi’s shoulder again, leaning in to press their lips together.
“Don’t even think about disagreeing with me, brat,” Levi says, a small smirk forming on his lips as he leans back, his hand still beneath Eren’s chin. “I have no problem proving you wrong.”
Eren groans, shaking his head free of Levi’s grasp to drop his head into the crook of Levi’s neck again, tiredness overcoming him as the heat fades and his Mark settles down. Eren closes his eyes.
“You’re the worst.”
Levi laughs again. It’s almost a little strange, how freely he’s able to do so these days.
God, Eren loves the sound so, so much. If only he could keep Levi laughing like this over and over again, for the rest of time. 
“You’re right, Eren,” Levi whispers, and Eren feels Levi’s fingers cradling his own, moving them up. He feels the press of the man’s lips against his knuckles, gentle yet firm. “I’m the worst.”
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for-fvckssake · 11 months
eren remains blinded by his own orgasm for a few short minutes, his vision shining white as he hears your voice distantly. his chest heaves up and down, pectoral bumping against yours every time a new puff of air fills his lungs back up.
a small 'hmmmf' is all he manages to say before his whole body deflates on top of you. he slumps forward, face buried on the crevice of your neck and shoulder, legs bent and arms feeling like jello as he slowly comes back to his body.
when he finally manages to open his eyes, the first instinct that takes over him is to look at your face, only to find out that you had beaten him to it. his stare is soft and tired, jade meeting dark brown before he offers you a tiny and equally tired smile. "asshole," his voice is hoarse, but the usual playful tone still lingers, "if you want me dead, you can just say so. can't even feel my legs yet…"
eren manages to hit your chest in a very light punch before he moves to kiss you, using his tongue to lick at the thin strip of blood running down your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth. "that was," his cheek plops down on your shoulder again, "fucking crazy- so fucking hot. never came that strong before, holy shit." he breathes out his last three words before kissing your neck.
the two of you stay like that for a few more minutes, the sound of your loud breaths finally quieting down while he slowly regains his movements. "that was just a ploy of my master plan to get you to cuddle me. now you're gonna have to cause i have whiny bottom privileges this time, " he chuckles before wincing as he feels the toy still inside of him.
-Rennie <33333
i let out a laugh, grinning while i shake my head. “don’t want you dead, who’s gonna pay for all the pretty clothes? although, i’m sure you’re leaving me stuff anyways.” i say in a teasing tone, fingers dancing over your sweat slicked back while i smile at you.
my eyes stay locked into yours before you cut it off with a kiss. “didn’t even realize i bled.” i muttered when we break away after, still holding you tight.
“yeah yeah, figured. ‘m alright with that, do you want me to stay in? or both me in the toy? or both pull out. up to you princess.” i say in a teasing tone, laughing while giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
0 notes
finecutvoidsalt · 1 year
reflecting on my education in middle and high school is fucking wild. like it's a miracle i didn't become some kind of fascist with how they were prepping me to fall down the far right pipeline. christian private schools will literally just teach you anything huh
like I just had a memory beam into my head of my history teacher teaching us that andrew jackson was actually totally cool and that he was only held back by those pesky laws that didn't let him genocide ALL the natives. like what the fuck is that. how did I hear that and think it was normal. trick question it's because i was a (undiagnosed autistic) child and my brain was squishy enough that I was still absorbing everything authority figures told me as absolute truth. even if something sounded wrong, everyone else around me says it's ok, so I guess it is?? type shit
thank fuck I had a genderfluid friend in high school. Eren if you're out there I need you to know you probably saved me from becoming an ultra far-right dumbass, you actually got me thinking about other groups of people as actually PEOPLE. we were already friends before they realized they were genderfluid and (very patiently) explained the concept to me. my autistic ass was like "wait people can feel like their gender? It's not just a label that's arbitrarily placed on you and you just accept it?" and THAT took me a hot minute to figure out (tbh I still don't really understand because I've never felt that strong of a connection to my own gender, but I understand enough that it is important to a lot of people and to be respectful and that's what matters most I think. so thank you for that eren)
but still, that was only my first, tiniest baby step out of the hyper-religious and conservative bubble I was raised in. i try not to be too angry at past-me for all the bullshit I believed in, I was very much a product of my environment and I did change once I was exposed to other people and religions, but. man. I was looking though old school assignments a while back (and yes I still have them because I have a weird fear of throwing away certain things like homework/paperwork, regardless of the fact that I'm no longer in school), and WOW that shit was racist as hell. holy fuck. WHY was I taught that the Catholic crusades were a good thing????
Also I was exclusively taught that Capitalism Good and Communism Evil. we read Ayn Rand and were told that the invisible hand was awesome and that all governmental regulations on economics are terrible. also taxes are bad. poor people deserve to live the way they do because they are just Bad With Money and the government shouldn't support them financially because uhhhhh reasons. If I was talking to a Church Person they would follow that up with "the church should be the ones supporting the poor, not the government" and I would be like "so why aren't churches supporting the poor" and they'd be like "well not all churches follow the bible like Us, The True Christians" and then I respond "so who is supporting the poor if the government shouldn't be allowed to and the churches won't?" and they would say "uhhhhh why don't you go hang out with the other teens ahaha"
huge shout out to this one girl I knew in my old church, who managed to see past all the bs and was a very staunch feminist. girl I am SO sorry for all the stupid shit I said to you. I my brain was poisoned from all the indoctrination and steven crowder I was watching on youtube. Society IS fucked and I'm sorry I was so annoying about being like "um well, acktually, statistically—" god I was so fucking stupid. She's still out there being a leftist/feminist icon somewhere cause I heard her family being like "she needs prayers for her to Return To God". although there's also the chance she's a terf now or something, can't discount the fact that she was also raised hyper religious and to hate trans people, that shit sticks in your brain if you don't take steps to address it
ANYWAY all this to say, thank FUCK I escaped that line of thinking. so thankful to all the online communities that opened me up to left leaning politics and supporting LGBTQ+ people, and even more thankful to all my LGBTQ+ friends who have been patient with me (and welcomed me into the community!! shout out to my other aroaces) and answered my questions in good faith over the years, I'm genuinely trying to be better <3 I'm under no illusions that I'm finished learning, I'm sure there's still plenty of shit beliefs hiding somewhere in my psyche that I haven't figured out yet, but I'm staying open to change and to listening to others' experiences and beliefs!!
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