#especially with hawkeye being as physically affectionate as he is
I'm going a little bit feral over the fact that Trapper left Hawkeye with a kiss.
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My M*A*S*H Fic Olympics Contributions
Hello!! I thought I’d link the pieces that I wrote for the M*A*S*H Fic Olympics that ended on Monday. I didn’t get to do all 7 days, but I got 5, so I’m super proud! Links and brief summaries below!
Day 2: Weather
Title: When It Rains, It Pours
Pairing: Gen, Hawkeye & BJ, Charles & BJ
Prominent Tag(s): hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1,129
Status: Complete
Day 3: Horror
Title: Blood in the Water
Pairing: Father Mulcahy & OC
Prominent Tag(s): hurt/comfort, trauma response, blood and gore
Word Count: 2,159
Status: 1/2 Chapters
Day 4: Orange
Title: Shades of Amber, Heart of Gold
Pairing: Gen, Max Klinger & Kellye
Prominent Tag(s): POV Max Klinger, One-sided Attraction, Colour Theory
Word Count: 362
Status: Complete
Day 6: Injury
Title: God, Keep My Head Above Water
Pairing: Father Mulcahy & OC
Prominent Tag(s): Deaf Character, Hearing Loss, Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship, Mutual Pining
Word Count: 3,766
Status: Chapter 1/?
Day 7: Secrets
Title: Halfway Between
Pairing: Gen, Radar O’Reilly & Max Klinger, Radar O’Reilly & Henry Blake
Prominent Tag(s): s03ep24 Abyssinia Henry, Episode Continuation, Max Klinger Sees Ghosts, Grieving Radar O’Reilly, Canonical Character Death, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1,868
Status: Complete
I had a lot of fun the past week writing all these pieces! It was definitely a challenge, especially being so new to the fandom and trying to gauge how my interpretations of the characters fit into the narratives. I’m typically an angst writer, so the short piece about Kellye was a challenge, but I ended up being really proud of it! Also, the OC in both the fics with Father Mulcahy are the same OC. I’ll put some details about her down below! Those fics were both floating around in my head before the fic olympics started so yeah, it was self-indulgent. Apologies, lol. If you give any of these a read, I’d love some feedback! Reblogs are welcome! :)
About my OC in the two Mulcahy fics:
Name: Della Woods
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: May 12th, 1922
Age: 29 (at the start of the war)
Hair Colour: Chocolate brown
Hair Style: curly, falls just below her jaw
Eye Colour: Light brown
Skin Tone: very pale
Height: 5′9″ (yes she’s tall for a woman, esp in the 50s)
Job: Nurse, has experience with psychiatric patients (though this doesn’t come through in the first fic, I hadn’t really thought about it yet)
Love Language (giving): Physical Touch (main), Words of Affirmation
Love Language (receiving): Quality Time, Words of Affirmation
Temperament: Energetic, Playful
Scars or markings: One above her left hip that curls around onto her stomach (from an accident many years ago), lots of freckles
Her relationship with Mulcahy: they’ve been really close friends/best friends pretty much since Della joined the 4077th, which was just after Mulcahy did. He got very comfortable with her over time because she never tried to pull anything on him, but she wasn’t cautious around him and actually called him by his name (which is John in these stories bc I can’t keep up with how many times it’s changed, but he tells the other nurse to call him that so idk that’s what I went with). She’s very physically affectionate and likes to tease him, and she’s pretty much the only one who can get away with that. Aside from Hawkeye, she’s the only one that Mulcahy will be vulnerable in front of. 
While he’s shy, Della is a social butterfly, and she’s kinda wild when she wants to be, which makes him worry. It’s warranted, she’s a bit of a daredevil, lol. But when the roles are reversed and he pulls something reckless, she’s all over him. And again, aside from Hawkeye, she’s the only one that’s comforted him/seen him cry, and also is the only one that knows how to handle him when he gets sorta panicky (I wrote in another post somewhere that I headcanon him as having terrible anxiety). They both love each other a lot and overall it’s a very playful relationship, but don’t mess with either of them because you will feel the other one’s wrath. 
When it comes to jealousy, Della knows she gets jealous and tries not to, but ultimately fails. Mulcahy on the other hand doesn’t understand why his chest feels so tight when he sees her off with some guy or hears the other men talking about her (she sometimes sleeps around and dates but it’s really only because she can’t have the person she really wants. Or at least she thinks she can’t). They both have rather intense feelings for each other, but Della never said anything because she figured she could never have him and he never said anything bc of his vows and also a lot of denial. TLDR; they’re chaotic and playful but also very emotionally close and care about each other a lot. Best friends fr. 
Other random facts about Della:
-she’s incredibly perceptive to subtle changes in people and their moods
-99% of the time is chaotic and playful but when something happens or someone is upset she immediately cools to like 1% and is incredibly gentle. It’s like whiplash, honestly. 
-she’s terrified of birds. Especially chickens. But somehow, hot chicken sandwiches are her favourite...
-she has a friend back home who is deaf and knows very basic ASL
-her mother died when she was a teenager
-she’s from Philadelphia, PA, just like Mulcahy, but they never met before the war
-she became a nurse and moved into an apartment with her best friend, but her friend moved out when she got married, and now Della just has a vacant room in her apartment back home
-she shares a tent with Nurses Kellye, Baker, and Able
-Klinger knows she has feelings for Mulcahy but never says anything about it. Just sort of gives her a knowing look
-Frank actually doesn’t bully her like he does with a lot of the others. He actually seems to like her. And everyone is bewildered by this. But Della is a little shit and will use it to her advantage to help the others
-Mulcahy may be camp therapist tm but Della is group therapist tm. She’s also the only one who knows how to calm Mulcahy when he’s anxious (I head canon that he has horrible anxiety but I’m likely just projecting but its fine) and is the only one (other than Margaret and BJ/Trapper) who can calm Hawkeye when he’s it one of his rants or is overstimulated (back on my ADHD/Autistic!Hawkeye bs)
-She used to play field hockey
-She finds her dress uniform too stuffy and would much rather wear her worn in fatigues instead
-She’s a night owl and goes on walks a lot at night after stressful days
Anyway yeah so that’s my M*A*S*H OC. I might make another who is closer to Radar’s age bc let’s be real, he needs a friend his own age. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I was brainrotting and needed to put all of this info somewhere so here it is!
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
the way it was - chapter 40
summary: what if riza never went to war? riza hawkeye has just married the man she loves. six months into their marriage, an unexpected surprise stops her from following roy to the military. a canon divergence au that explores what might have happened had riza been unable to join the military. there will be plenty of family fluff, angst, and royai.
rated: m | warnings: graphic depictions of violence (updated)
read on ao3
i'm not afraid of burning bridges
'cause i know they're gonna light my way
like a phoenix, from the ashes
welcome to the future it's a new day
The fight against Father was not what Riza had been expecting. Roy had briefly described the situation as they were lifted into the sky by his alchemy – that they needed to drain Father’s Philosopher’s Stone and the many lives contained within it in order to beat him. Numerous souls being trapped inside one man was unfathomable, however after learning about homunculi, “world ending” plots, and one being’s desire to become God – however briefly that had happened – Riza didn’t think it was too far out the realm of possibility at this point in the day.
Riza had been Roy’s eyes, guiding his attacks and gauging distances for their target. She let him know what was coming their way and when to defend against it. It had been difficult as her vision wavered with exhaustion, but Riza pushed through. With a quick slap to her cheeks to perk herself up, Riza forced herself to keep it together and continue fighting.
After a rather large stream of fire from Roy, Father sent it back their way with no mercy.
“Incoming attack, dead ahead!”
Roy clapped his hands and dropped like a stone, slamming them into the ground. Riza kept her grip on his shoulder, so her body jerked as he moved, but managed to maintain continuous contact. After the sharp movement her head spun, and a burst of light-headedness almost overwhelmed her. Through the fog in her vision Riza saw a wall of stone pop up from the ground as a shield. It sent the incoming flames off their path, dispersing them around and away from them.
“Nicely done,” Riza complimented, feeling relief relax her shoulders as the force of the flames stirred her hair and loose jacket. She hadn’t even had time to explain what was coming, but Roy had saved them both, as well as Major Armstrong, from being consumed by the fire.
Roy smirked and thanked her, remaining low. Once Father’s attention had been diverted away by someone else, Riza patted his shoulder twice, indicating they were about to move. Wearily, Riza steadied herself with a hand against Roy’s chest and one on his shoulder.
“You okay?” He picked up her slight sway before they started to move, as well as how hard she was gipping onto him. It was much needed to keep her upright. He was a pillar of support that kept her moving forward.
“Fine,” she nodded, starting to move.
Riza guided them around the wall of stone, so they’d have a clearer view of the fight. Roy’s arm slid around her back, holding on as tightly as he could. More support. As they walked, he assisted with keeping her upright while she assisted with keeping him on a safe path. They worked together fluidly ducking out of the way so Major Armstrong could demolish the wall with an enthusiastic yell and alchemise it himself, turning it into an attack.
“Are you really okay?” Roy prompted her again. It was not out of disbelief towards her, but probably fear of the unknown in his current state.
“Tried, but okay,” Riza reassured. “You don’t trust me?” She made sure to pat his chest affectionately and keep her voice light so Roy could hear she was only joking, as a means to lighten the mood.
“On the contrary, there’s no one I trust more.” He faltered as Riza tugged him gently to the side, prompting him to sidestep to avoid a large stone. “That’s why I asked you to be my eyes, after all.”
Riza angled her head to look at him, smiling.
“However, I know what you can be like, Mrs. Mustang,” he teased. The corners of his lips tugged upwards slightly in a smile.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Her quip was quickly forgotten and before Roy could open his mouth to reply, Riza pulled him up short.
“Debris, incoming! From the left. Fifty feet in the air.”
Roy clapped and dropped low again without missing a beat. Riza followed him, crashing painfully onto the concrete as her knees almost gave out. Both palms hit the gravel, scraping her skin roughly as it bit into her skin. Darkness consumed her as a sheet of stone rose up and covered their heads. It extended far over their bodies, much larger than was necessary, however, Riza appreciated it, nonetheless. There was the sound of gravel as it rained down upon their shelter, followed by a loud thud above them. Riza looked over, noticing Roy’s drawn expression and how he cringed at the loud noise. She tried not to think about how and where that could have hit them if she hadn’t noticed it in time.
“Are we okay?”
“Wait here.” She squeezed his shoulder as she passed by, crawling towards the edge of the shelter he’d made.
It was much larger than she realised, and it took a while to reach the edge, especially in her tired state. Her muscles protested and shook as she moved along the concrete. Sharp stones bit into her palms, irritating her skin.
“Riza?” Roy prompted her a second time, impatience and concern clouding his voice.
“I’m fine,” she called over her shoulder. “We’re fine. The shelter’s a lot larger than anticipated. I’m still crawling to the edge.”
Looking out, Riza found they were safe. Her tired legs quivered as she fell to the side and sat on the ground, before shuffling back over to Roy.
“I made it too large?”
“After that thud we heard, nothing could be too big,” she reassured.
“I suppose you’re right,” he chuckled.
“The expanse was much appreciated,” Riza reassured, placing a hand on his back. “Head straight forward. You’re safe and there’s nothing in the way. Just stay low so you don’t bang your head.” The ceiling above them wasn’t too low, however, she didn’t need to add a potential concussion onto their already too long list of injuries.
She eased herself out after Roy. A heavy hand was placed on the roof of the shelter to help Riza lift herself to her feet.
“What’s our next move?”
“Everyone’s attacking with alchemy,” Riza explained as she looked around the battlefield. “They’re draining Father’s power, but they need more.”
“Then let’s give them more,” Roy smirked.
She nodded. “I’ll give you the signal.” Riza grasped his elbow and turned Roy so he was facing Father directly. “He’s dead ahead and unmoving.”
“Do I need to hold back?”
“No,” she replied firmly, giving his elbow a squeeze. “Give the bastard all you’ve got.”
Roy snorted, muttering it would be his pleasure as he wrapped an arm around Riza’s waist. She rested her hand on his chest, moving the other to his lower back, sliding it underneath his uniform jacket, as she watched for an opening.
Another round of shells and a boulder hit Father’s shield but didn’t pierce through. Izumi transmuted the ground to rise up, high into the air, forming a cone around his body. Father didn’t move, didn’t react. He remained still.
“Now, Roy!”
The fire burned so hot and so bright that Riza took an instinctive step back. Her eyes screwed up after the blinding flash of flames. As the light eased the fire became a violent vortex inside Izumi’s transmuted cage, towering high into the sky. Embers fluttered on the wind across the battlefield as everyone cringed, taking brief cover from Roy’s alchemy.
It still hadn’t been enough. Riza’s stomach dropped.
Nothing was enough.
The attacks continued and Riza watched on as Edward approached, almost striking Father in the head with a well placed kick. However, Father had to block Edward’s leg physically, rather than using his shield.
“Anything?” He was hopeful, but Roy’s tone was still reserved as he asked for confirmation on his attack.
“It hasn’t been enough, but –”
Edward was thrown off to the side, landing in a heap painfully after he rolled to a stop. Riza’s heart jumped into her throat and her grip on Roy tightened as she feared for the teen and his safety. He’d already lost his automail arm, thanks to Father. She didn’t want him to lose anything else.
Black tendrils of smoke started to escape from Father’s mouth. He clutched his head, body bowing forward and writhing in pain.
“He can’t keep the power of God he claims to have in check anymore!” Hohenheim’s cry echoed around them as Father continued to struggle to keep a hold of his power. Red sparks jumped around his body as they all stared in disbelief and horror. An eye appeared inside Father’s mouth, staring out at them all.
Father screamed as the light reached a crescendo. A pulse of energy pushed out from his body, blasting back everything in its path. People went flying into the air with a cry and Riza didn’t even have time to warn Roy of what was coming when it hit. Their grip on each other loosened with the surprise of the sudden attack, as they were knocked back in the shockwave of energy.
Riza hit the ground painfully, landing on her back. The wind had been knocked out of her, causing her to gasp and desperately try to refill her lungs with air. Rolling onto her uninjured side as she coughed, Riza searched for Roy. He’d landed a few feet away from her.
“Riza?” Roy coughed as he lifted himself slowly to his knees with a groan. His expression was twisted into a grimace of pain and his back was hunched over, his body curling inwards as his arm clutched at his stomach. “Riza!”
She couldn’t even reply to him. She tried, but still felt like she couldn’t breathe. Roy started to crawl in her direction, following the sound of her heaving breaths. His arm never left his stomach as he moved and his shoulder dropped every so often, giving out underneath his weight.
“I’m okay,” she tried, but it was nothing more than a croak in between gasps.
Roy’s hand reached for her calf, which he clamped onto immediately. He ran it up to her hip, over her waist, then to her shoulder.
“Riza?” His hands fretted over her, his expression pulled into deep concern.
“I’m fine,” she finally managed.
Roy’s hand slid up to her neck, his touch gentle as his thumb stroked her cheek.
“The wind was knocked out of me.”
“Apart from that, are you all right?”
Riza grimaced as she assessed her injuries. Nothing felt too hurt or out of place. Her back hurt from the impact but that was it. “Sore back,” she revealed, “but it’ll be okay.”
“Do we have time to take a minute?”
Riza glanced around, noticing others rising to their feet slowly and nodded, a movement which Roy felt. “We do.”
“Easy,” he soothed.
Her elbow supported her weight as she shifted to a half-seated position. Roy’s hand moved to rest on her back, taking some of her weight, but the arm across his stomach remained in place.
“Are you okay?” Her breath left her in a wheeze as she tried to speak louder.
He grimaced. “My old wound is playing up. I think I landed on something, but I’m not entirely sure.”
“Let me see.” Riza shifted and sat up properly to take a look at him. Gently, she pried Roy’s fingers away. “There’s no blood.” She looked back in the direction of where he’d landed. There was some gravel littering the ground accompanied by some larger stones. “It looks like it might’ve been a stone. Something blunt, but solid.”
“It certainly felt that way,” Roy chuckled, but it was pained.
They helped each other to their feet before they were halted by a chilling call.
“Al, no!”
Riza’s head snapped up in alarm as she heard Edward’s cry.
Lying on his back, Alphonse’s arms were raised into the air, where he clapped. That one clap seemed to echo around the whole area, signalling a finality that Riza didn’t particularly understand but could definitely feel.
Blue light consumed Alphonse completely, expanding outwards, however, this was much gentler than Father’s had been.
Riza looked on in disbelief and with fear, after hearing Edward’s anguished cry.
“Was that –?” Roy never even finished his sentence and Riza didn’t think she’d be able to reply to him anyway, because Edward Elric miraculously had his arm back. The automail was gone. He surged forwards and ripped the rebar from his arm, attacking Father without mercy.
Everyone cheered him on, urging him to keep fighting. A true show of moral support for the teenager who was squaring up against the one person who had tried to kill every single one of them.
“Edward!” Riza offered her own cry, urging him onwards to beat Father. Her heart was in her throat, thinking that he finally had a chance to stop this, to put an end to Father and his scheme. Her pride for him surged inside her chest, wishing, and hoping that his alchemy attacks would be enough to stop him once and for all.
Riza turned to look at Roy. He was looking in the direction of the fight, but all he had to go on was the yells around him. She gently placed a hand in between his shoulder blades, rubbing his back slowly.
“Riza, what is it?” His head briefly turned to acknowledge her presence but returned to face ahead, towards the battle. “What’s happening to Fullmetal?”
“He’s fighting Father,” she relayed. “It’s a fist fight. Everyone’s cheering him on.”
“Is… Is he winning?”
“Looks that way,” she confirmed, almost hesitantly, in fear of jinxing Edward’s chances.
“Do we need to assist?”
“Not right now. But we’ll stand by.” Riza stepped closer to him, moving her hand to his shoulder as Roy wrapped an arm around her waist. She leaned on him for the moment, giving herself a brief moment of rest.
Riza watched as Edward Elric struck Father again and again, until finally, Father was beaten. After a powerful strike to his stomach, red streaks escaped from Father’s new body made of carbon - thanks to Greed’s sacrifice. What seemed like thousands of souls raced into the sky above, dissipating the higher they climbed, until they were gone. Father staggered before dark hands sprang forth from the hole in the centre of his torso. He screamed in desperation as he fought against their restraints, but there was nothing he could do. The small hands consumed his body whole, leaving nothing in their wake. He winked away into nothingness.
The world was silent as everyone basked in Father’s defeat.
“Did he beat him?” Roy’s voice was quiet as he voiced the question. The arm around Riza tightened its grip a fraction as he waited for an answer.
“Yes…” Wonder clouded Riza’s tone as she was suddenly flooded with relief.
It was finally over.
There was movement around Edward as people began to approach him. His father was speaking to him, but Riza didn’t know what about. With an anguished cry, Edward looked over towards her and Roy. Riza wasn’t sure what he was searching for in that moment – they were too far away to make out any distinct conversation – but Riza trusted him. She nodded once in encouragement.
Whatever he needed to do, she’d support it.
“What’s happening?”
Riza didn’t want to tell Roy, to reveal what sacrifices had been made in order to defeat Father, but she couldn’t keep the truth from him.
“Alphonse… Al is… gone.”
“Gone?” Roy was immediately alarmed. His body tensed.
“He – He sacrificed himself and returned to the gate. I don’t think he’s bonded to his armour anymore.” That thought terrified Riza, but she exhaled slowly, willing herself to remain calm. Alphonse was incredibly smart and would have known what he was doing. She placed her trust and faith in him, as well as his brother, knowing what they were capable of.
“Come on,” she encouraged, sensing Roy’s anxiety. “Let’s go over and see them.”
Roy’s feet were moving immediately, walking forwards with purpose and confidence. Once Riza had caught up she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder before sliding it down to his elbow. Carefully, she guided him around the debris and breaks in the concrete.
Edward was sketching something on the ground by the time they arrived. The piece of rebar scraped along the stone, sometimes catching, and squeaking horribly enough to make Riza wince.
They were both silent as Edward drew a transmutation circle.
She didn’t particularly want him to go ahead with it. After hearing Edward being referred to a sacrifice and his disappearance, she just wanted him to be safe… But Riza trusted Edward and his abilities. He knew more about alchemy than she did, and knew his ultimate goal was to get his and Alphonse’s bodies back. Whatever he had planned, it would work towards achieving that, Riza was sure.
After a flash of light, Edward was gone. Riza tried her hardest not to panic. This was the second time Edward had gone to the gate and with Riza’s own personal experience of someone going to the gate, it was not one she wanted to witness again or wish on anyone else.
The payoff, despite Riza’s fears, was certainly worth it.
Another flash had her shielding her eyes, but when they opened, Edward, and his brother Alphonse – not in a suit of armour, but in a real, human body – were sitting before them.
“What happened?”
“It’s… It’s Alphonse. He’s…” Riza blinked at the grinning face of the young man before her.
“He’s what?”
“He’s back in his body.” The smile that spread across Riza’s face almost split it in two. Slightly dazed still that she was finally looking upon Alphonse Elric in the flesh, Riza slid her hands underneath Roy’s black overcoat. His arms lowered from her body automatically so she could remove the piece of clothing from his shoulders. “I need your jacket.”
Roy didn’t protest and proceeded to shrug himself out of it.
She stepped forward and held it out to Edward. He paused as he gazed upon his brother’s face and turned, showing Riza everything she needed to know about how elated he was to see Alphonse in the flesh again. His eyes were filled with tears, but they never fell. His grin wobbled on his face as emotion overwhelmed him, but when he set eyes on Riza he inhaled sharply, sucking in a breath as he tried to compose himself.
“Here,” she offered warmly. Riza gave Edward a proud smile, handing over Roy’s jacket.
Edward took it gratefully and wrapped it around Alphonse’s small form. It dwarfed him, but it was him. It was Alphonse.
They’d done it.
Those two kids had really done it.
Riza laughed quietly to herself as she slipped her arm around Roy’s back. She placed her head on his shoulder as she held him, blinking away tears.
Roy pressed a kissed to the top of her head “Is everyone safe?” His question was quiet, spoken in a breath so only she could hear him.
Riza nodded against him. “They’re okay.”
Alphonse laughed and Riza felt Roy’s head jerk up as he listened carefully, recognising the sound and noticing how it wasn’t distorted by hollow metal.
“They’re both back.”
*      *       *      *      *      *      *      *       *      *       *      *      *
In the aftermath of the battle, those who were well enough to keep working assisted with assessing and moving the injured. Both Roy and Riza were ushered into a hastily thrown up medical tent so they could finally be seen to about their injuries.
Roy sat on a chair by her bedside. Both of his elbows rested upon his knees and his head was down, facing the floor, as they waited for a medic.
She’d been given priority status. Being a civilian was a pain because Roy could pull that excuse and get Riza help faster than anyone else. No one wanted to argue with the man who’d successfully staged a coup either, so the urgent request was undisputed. Riza huffed quietly to herself. There was no doubt in Riza’s mind that her injuries were serious - she was well aware of the fact she’d almost died today - however there must have been others who needed immediate medical attention before her. She’d seen the result of the fight with her own eyes, seen the bodies. Riza would feel guilty taking up a space in place of someone who needed it more.
There was no use in arguing with Roy though. Once sitting on the cot assigned to her, Riza had removed her jacket as instructed by the trainee medic and pulled aside her shirt as best she could, exposing her injured neck to the world. Roy had fumbled to find her shoulders once she was settled and gently pushed, urging her to lie down. Automatically her mouth had opened to fight it, to insist she was okay and could manage, but his brow had been furrowed with such deep concentration as he felt out the dimensions of the bed with his foot – probably worrying he’d push her off the edge – that Riza just situated herself on it comfortably and lay down.
Lying there, her head spun often. The blood loss was hitting her in waves and hard enough sometimes that it made her whole world blur. However, she fought the urge to let her eyes droop closed like they so desperately wanted to. Roy had asked her to be his eyes and losing consciousness would mean that would disappear for him. She didn’t want him to be left alone.
A sigh left her husband making Riza’s head turn on the bed. It didn’t move far. There was the distinctive feeling of her flesh moving that made Riza pause and bite her teeth in discomfort. It felt like the skin of her neck was moving against itself in a way that was not natural. As though the wound was open and gaping, open to the elements and the dusty air of Central. Forcing the thought from her mind, Riza let out a slow, quiet breath to calm herself. The urge to reach up and touch her skin, just to make sure it was still stitched together, made Riza’s fingers twitch. Casting the disconcerting feeling aside, Riza tried to think about anything else. 
Remembering his sigh, Riza tried to watch Roy out the corner of her eye as best she could. She was worried about him. He would be just as battered and bruised as she was. Not to mention he’d been stabbed through both of his hands. Physically, there were no issues with his eyes. Truth had taken his vision away. That was it. Riza’s heart sank as she realised that he’d never be able to set his eyes on their children again. He wouldn’t physically get to see Mia or Maes grow up, grow taller, or witness them succeeding in anything with his own two eyes. The thought was sudden and unbidden, bringing along with it a wave of tears that made her nose run as one escaped her lids and fell into her hair. She tried to remain quiet. Roy would only worry if she didn’t, and she had no way of articulating any of her emotions after the day they’d had.
However, she failed. At the sound of a sniff, Roy’s head jerked up. He searched in her direction with concerned eyes as he tried to determine what was the cause of her upset.
“I’m fine,” she reassured, breathing out slowly as she got a hold of herself. Being so exhausted was wearing her thin. It was breaking her down.
His hand reached over for her, searching for contact. Riza grasped it, feeling him holding on for dear life.
“Please tell me what’s wrong,” he begged her quietly. His voice caught in his throat as he spoke.
It broke her heart. He’d always been very attentive and noticed a lot about her, even the minute changes in her mood or expression. They’d been together for so long that Riza found herself feeling the same way as him, easily picking out his moments of stress or worry. Now that was all gone for him.
“I’m all right, I promise. I’ve just been doing some thinking.”
“About the kids?”
Riza froze, and Roy noticed. Shifting in his seat, he moved closer and swiped his thumb over the top of her hand. The bandages across his palms were coarse against her skin, but his fingers were the touch she remembered.
“I was thinking about them too,” Roy admitted.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine –”
“I would always want to talk about it with you, Riza,” he interrupted softly. “No matter how hard it may be. I…” He coughed, then swallowed thickly. “I keep thinking about Mia’s smile,” he frowned, “Maes’ too, as well as yours. I keep trying to picture them in my head, but it doesn’t seem right. It feels like a figment of my imagination, like a false picture. And I… I want to see them again. Just to check.”
Sorrow engulfed her. Tears collected in the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry, Roy.”
It surprised Riza to see him shrug. “It is what it is, I suppose,” he stated grimly. His expression was pulled tight though, indicating he was lying. The muscles of his brow trembled before relaxing with a heavy sigh.
“I should’ve gotten so much worse in this life,” he scoffed. “This,” he gestured to his eyes, “is a punishment, I suppose.”
“It still wasn’t right for them to force you to open the gate so Father could try and kill everyone,” Riza reminded him. “Plus, you’re still needed in this country.”
His blind eyes lifted to meet hers, but they weren’t on her face. They were looking just above her head on the bed.
“You successfully staged a coup and took down a corrupt power, one that was trying to kill all of this country’s citizens. You had a dream, remember? We’re not there yet. This was only the beginning.”
“I don’t know if I can get there blind,” Roy replied gently, trying to soften the blow for her - or for himself. “I had a vision,” he chuckled darkly, “and now it has been taken away. Quite literally. How kind of Truth,” he scoffed, casting his eyes down to the floor.
Riza struggled to sit up in the bed. Her neck ached, the muscles shaking with fatigue, and her head grew woozy as blood rushed there.
“What are you doing?” He’d sensed and heard her movements. Roy’s brows pulled together in disapproval.
“Come here,” she commanded.
“Riza –”
“Come here,” she repeated calmly, tugging him towards her gently by his hand.
Huffing, Roy stood and took a tentative step. Patiently, Riza guided him over to the cot, making sure he was sitting comfortably by her side. Her weight leaned heavily against his side as he snaked an arm around her back.
“We’re both alive,” Riza stated, eyes fluttering closed to relish in the warmth he provided. “We’re both physically able to walk and talk.”
“Except you shouldn’t be,” he muttered, referencing her insistence that she was all right.
She nudged him gently with her weight, a slow smile spreading across her face. “No, I shouldn’t be. Not anymore, anyway. But I couldn’t let the team down,” she smirked.
“You were extremely helpful in that final fight against Father. I feared I would’ve hit our own soldiers if it had just been myself.”
“Happy to be of assistance, Colonel.”
“I ought to promote you to a Lieutenant,” he added thoughtfully, angling his head so his cheek came to rest upon it. “Make you my aide full time. And Hayate too. That pup was invaluable today. He has a nose for homunculi, who knew?”
“I bet that would’ve been useful to discover beforehand,” Riza snickered.
“Oh, absolutely! I would’ve taken him to the office and let him loose to see if he could sniff them out for me,” Roy joked. “It would’ve saved me so much time and effort.”
“You’re just lazy.”
“… Maybe.”
Riza snorted, enjoying hearing his amusement as well. They laughed quietly together on that bed, both alive. Knowing that everything he’d work towards over the past year was over… It was surreal. Despite the tumultuous storm of emotions and fatigue brewing inside of her, one emotion that stuck out the most in that moment was relief. They were alive. They’d won. The plan to stop Father had succeeded and they were both still here to see through the aftermath.
“It’s all over…”
“I know,” Roy agreed. “It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?”
“I’m proud of all you’ve accomplished, Roy.”
“Most of it is thanks to you.”
A proud smile fought its way onto her face.
“I just listened.”
“And that help was invaluable. Your input has always been a massive help to me, and I want to hear it every time I come up with a plan. It kept me on the right path and kept me moving forward.” His head cocked to the side in thought. “I really should enlist you. You’d be a big help at the office. I could probably promote you straight to a Lieutenant too after all your help today,” he tempted.
Riza hummed tiredly to herself.
“Get some rest, Riza.” Roy’s body turned slightly and a hand ran up her arm slowly to find her face. Once he did so, a kiss was pressed against her forehead.
“I will,” she reassured, feeling a wave of exhaustion roll over her entire being, now that her eyes were finally closed, and the adrenaline had worn off.
 “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
The wound on her neck was throbbing in time with her pulse and it would be so easy just to stop fighting and let go, give into her fatigue, and let sleep claim her.
“Sleep.” Roy’s command was soothing, lulling her further into unconsciousness while reassuring that he would be right there beside her, every step of the way.
*      *       *      *      *      *      *      *       *      *       *      *      *
Reality returned to Riza slowly. She didn’t remember dreaming of much. There were fleeting memories of Mia and Maes’ faces as she slept peacefully, but not enough for her to grab onto and remember why they were there. It was a comfort, seeing them again. Now, in the land of waking, that comfort was replaced by longing. She wanted to see them. Riza wanted to hear Mia’s tales from her holiday with her grandmother and see Maes’ little hands reach for her with a grin, begging to be held close.
Her entire body ached. That was the first thing she noticed. Every muscle felt like it had been through the wringer and then some more. They protested as she tried to shift on the hard mattress below her back, a light grunt erupting from her throat.
It took a moment to realise someone was calling to her. Her head turned to the side automatically and Riza instantly regretted it. A sharp pain suddenly flared there, making her hiss loudly. She gasped, squeezing her eyes tightly closed as a hand clumsily lifted to protect the area of injury.
“What’s wrong?”
Roy was fretting. Slowly, Riza turned her whole torso to look over at him, grimacing at her aches and pains, and opened her eyes. His hands were ringing together in his lap. His eyes were wide and staring in her direction, flicking back and forth.
“I’m all right,” she soothed, but it didn’t lessen the nervous energy so apparent within him. “I turned my head too quickly.”
“The doctor said you have to keep it as still as possible,” he admonished firmly.
Riza almost nodded, then realised that probably wouldn’t be the best idea. “All right.”
“But are you okay?” He was stressed, still worrying over her.
“Roy?” She called to him, waiting for a response to try and slow down his mind that was probably picturing the worst, given his expression. It worked because his head perked up immediately and his hands still in his lap. “I’m all right.”
It took a moment, but slowly his shoulders relaxed. His posture slumped slightly.
“I promise,” she replied sincerely.
It couldn’t have been easy for him to be unable to verify it for himself. He trusted her implicitly, Riza knew this, but still, suddenly becoming blind would be difficult to adjust to. He’d always been so good at picking up how she was feeling from micro expressions alone, so the sudden lack of it would be frustrating. Not to mention the fact she’d probably been out of it for a while. It certainly felt like it, despite still feeling exhausted upon waking.
Before anything else could be said, there was a knock at the door and Breda entered. Riza watched as he and Fuery piled into the room with grins on their faces. They stared at her, ecstatic to see she was awake.
“Hello,” she greeted warmly, extremely pleased to see them all.
Before anyone could reply, Rebecca Catalina stole all of Riza’s attention, just like always. She butted past them both hurriedly, stopping as she zeroed in on Riza.
“Riza!” The volume of her cry made her wince. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” Riza’s vision was filled with the black hair of Rebecca’s ponytail while she was enveloped in her best friend’s arms.
Riza patted her friend on the back gently. “Hey, Becca.”
“How are you doing?” She wasted no time pulling away to examine Riza’s face with a critical eye.
“I don’t know,” was Riza’s honest reply, “other than I feel okay. I just woke up.”
“Any pain? Any discomfort? Do you need to… go?”
While her questions were short and sharp, Riza still appreciated her friend’s concern.
“Fine, Becca,” she soothed, patting her forearm. “It’s just sore when I move my head.”
“You keep it still then. Do you hear me?” A finger was shoved into Riza’s face. “Don’t go messing up the good work the hot doctors did on you.”
“Hot doctors?” Riza raised an eyebrow at her.
Rebecca’s face lit up in glee. “You were so lucky,” she snickered.
Roy cleared his throat from his bed, unamused.
“I’m kidding, Mustang,” Rebecca stressed, but still loudly whispered, “no, I’m not,” before slipping off the bed, walking over to Roy’s. “And how are you doing Colonel?”
“Ready for the day,” he nodded, very matter of fact in the way he spoke.
“Good. We have a lot to cover,” Rebecca announced, taking a seat by his bedside. Her legs were lifted, propped up on the edge of his bed. Feeling the dip, Roy turned his head downwards towards them, but said nothing.
“She’s right, boss,” Breda interjected. He pulled a book out from underneath his arm and flipped it open. “Good to see you awake, Riza,” he grinned before continuing.
“It’s so good to see you, Ma’am,” Fuery gushed, eyes twinkling with joy behind his glasses.
“You too,” she replied. During the Promised Day, she’d lost sight of them and was glad to discover they were safe and visibly unharmed.
“Before we get into it, could we get a minute?” Roy’s question had no room for argument as he gestured between himself and her.
“Uh, yeah, of course,” Rebecca hastily reassured. Her feet hit the linoleum floor with a thud before standing.
“Of course, boss. We’ll be back…” Breda shot Fuery an uncertain look. “We’ll give you guys some time. We’ll be back in an hour.”
“Thank you.”
The three of them filed out, leaving Roy and Riza alone. She felt exhausted, feeling it creep up into her head and take residence behind her eyes, forming a dull pain, after only a few minutes of conversation. Just what she needed on top of the slowly receding pain in her neck. A headache.
“Do you need anything?” Roy’s tone was asking her for the truth. Pleading with her for it. He couldn’t see it for himself so needed her to be honest with him and give more than an ‘I’m fine.’
During the Promised Day there had been so many bigger things at stake than her. Riza had kept focussed and kept moving forward, to do the right thing and put an end to those that had wronged her, her friends and family, and the entire nation with their lies and schemes.  She had to be there to assist Roy and help the Elric brothers fight Father. Looking at the bigger picture, it was absolute top priority that they succeed on that day. So, her own health and wellbeing were pushed aside for the greater good. She was filled with dismay to realise that her insistence of being ‘okay’ had resulted in Roy pleading with her for the truth. He shouldn’t have to, but now that they were safe and unknown danger no longer lurked around every corner, Riza knew what she had to do.
“I don’t feel like I need anything at the moment,” Riza answered. “My neck hurts a little bit,” she added quietly, “and it really hurt after I moved my head too quickly.”
Roy’s fingers dug into the sheet over his legs.
“So I’m staying as still as possible. It was an automatic reaction to turn my head. I need to remember not to do that.”
“Like I said, the doctor said you have to keep it still.” His voice was authoritative, betraying his worry and concern for her. “They said the morphine will probably wear off soon, so if it does, we have to let a nurse know. Has it started to wear off yet?”
Riza paused to assess how she was feeling. “I’m okay for now. The pain from before is already fading after I moved too quickly.”
Roy’s lips pursed. “If you need more, we will get you some –”
“I’ll let them know if I do need more, I promise.”
Roy nodded, but Riza could still see the tension in his body. He would never fully relax, Riza was sure.
One idea to assist and make things easier on him popped into Riza’s mind.
Throwing the sheet off her body, Riza slowly swung her legs out of the bed. Every muscle protested and she groaned quietly.
“What are you doing?”
“Just… Give me a second.”
“Are you getting out of bed?” He asked as if it were the most ridiculous course of action she could have taken. “Riza –”
“I’m fine. I can walk okay.” Her feet were sore as they contacted the floor and the muscles in her legs were aching, but that was just from overexertion.
“Get back into bed,” he growled at her. “You shouldn’t be up –”
“This will help us both,” she interrupted him. There was a brief feeling of light-headedness as she stood, but it passed quickly.
Riza didn’t answer. She shuffled over, movements stiff after being still for so long, but she managed it.
“Move over,” she commanded, nudging his shoulder gently with the back of her hand.
Roy was unimpressed, but did as she asked. Riza slipped into the bed next to him with slow and careful movements. As much as she would have loved to curl up against his side, she couldn’t with her neck, so opted to remain on her back. However, Roy took up the mantle for her. He rolled onto his side and immediately latched onto her. His arms pulled her into a tight embrace, one that told Riza she’d have great difficulty removing herself from his hold. Not that she minded at all.
“You will be the death of me, woman,” he muttered. Immediately his head was by hers, his breath warming the skin of her face. His forehead came to rest upon her temple.
“You love me for it though,” Riza countered with a smile.
“I do.” Roy lifted his fingers carefully towards her face, contacting her skin gently. He caressed her cheek with his thumb before cupping her chin and moving forwards to kiss her cheek.
He placed his head on the pillow and adjusted the arm that lay across her stomach. With his bandaged palms he couldn’t grip onto her completely, but his fingers did as best they could. His hold was still weak – a detail Riza noted and shelved for later. If he pressed too hard with his fingers, from the direction his palms had been sliced into, too much pressure may aggravate and reopen his wounds.
“Now I feel much better,” Riza sighed happily.
Roy hummed in agreement. “I must admit, I do prefer having you by my side.”
Riza ran her hand up his bare arm, noticing him shiver. “I can’t imagine it’s been easy.”
“It's hard being unable to see you for myself.”
“How long was I asleep?”
“It’s been about two days. It’s hard to grasp time and keep track, but that’s what the doctor said when they came in this morning. So probably just over that.”
“I’m sorry I was away for so long.” He’d asked her to be his eyes, and she’d left him.
“It’s hardly your fault,” he scoffed lightly. “You sustained life-threatening injuries and needed to be cared for too, as well as rest.”
“I know.” She swallowed. There was a twinge in her throat as she did so, and Riza silently hoped the injury wouldn’t affect that action too much.
“You getting the help you needed was my top priority. I’m just glad to finally be able to feel and hear that you’re up and awake.”
“I love you.” Her hand stopped on his bicep and gave it a quick squeeze.
“I love you too, Riza.” A kiss was pressed against her shoulder just below her bandages.
“How are you feeling?”
Roy shrugged. “Sore and tired. They performed surgery on my hands. There was enough to work with to repair some of the damage but they won’t be perfect. However, the correct care and physical therapy will help. And my vision… I’m completely blind. I won’t recover from it.”
Riza nodded in acceptance. She always thought that would be the case. Hearing it confirmed wasn’t easy, but she’d support him through it. They would adapt and adjust.
“We both went through a lot on the Promised Day.”
Roy nodded. “We did. And you…” He swallowed. “Helping me with Envy…”
“I would do it again in a heartbeat, you know that.”
“I almost lost it all.” His voice was hoarse.
“You stepped back from it though. Being subjected to torment like you were over the murder of someone you loved… How could anyone not be upset over that?”
“I yelled at you too. That was undeserving when you were only trying to help.” Roy snorted, his face twisting in disgust. “It seems I have a track record of that,” he added bitterly.
He moved to pull away from her, but Riza didn’t let him. She held on tight. “You were upset.”
“That’s not an excuse.”
“No, it’s not. But you were upset and teetering on the edge. They were trying to goad you over the edge, but you didn’t let them.”
His head bowed so his forehead came to rest upon her shoulder.
“You won that battle. Remember that.”
Roy was silent as they lay there. As they did so, Riza’s mind wandered towards her own wrongdoings on the Promised Day.
“Besides,” she swallowed, “I’m not completely innocent in all of this either. I killed someone.”
Roy’s hand moved from her stomach. He rubbed her upper arm gently in comfort. The bandages scratched her skin slightly, but not uncomfortably. “I can’t tell you that guilt and regret will ever go away, because it doesn’t.”
Riza clutched at his shirt tighter, scrunching it as she realised his meaning.
“But you’re not alone in this,” Roy reassured her. A kiss was pressed against her shoulder. “I’m right here.”
“I know you are.”
“You saved my life, and I’ll be forever grateful to you for that, however, I’m aware it comes at a price. I’m sorry you have to pay it.”
“I vowed to myself that I would do anything to protect my family.” Riza swallowed. “And I meant it.”
“It still doesn’t make it easy, does it?”
Riza shook her head. “No.”
“Talk to me whenever you need. Although it was incredibly difficult, sometimes impossible, I wish I had opened up more after Ishval. If I had, I could’ve maybe spared us some heartache.”
“We were both still young,” she reminded him. “Your world had been cruelly turned on its head and you’d been turned into a weapon, so, on an emotional level, I don’t blame you for wanting to briefly shut it out.”
“I could’ve been better, though.”
Riza sighed. “We learned from it though.”
“Sometimes I didn’t,” Roy grimaced. “What I would give to take back how I handled Hughes’ death.”
Riza patted his shoulder in comfort. “I think we were both at fault. Grief isn’t easy and it can be unfair. Especially when forced upon us so suddenly and,” Riza swallowed, “so violently.”
Roy repositioned his arm across her stomach, giving her body a tight squeeze. “We made it through in the end.”
“We did,” she confirmed.
Silence descended over them as Riza struggled to try and find the right words she needed to voice her thoughts.
“How… How do you deal with it, day-to-day? The memories of what you’ve done?”
“Before the Promised Day it was by working towards the coup. By taking down Bradley and the corrupt powers, I was working towards stopping something like Ishval from happening again. Now that’s over with… I want to rebuild Ishval. That’s the next project on the agenda. That’s why the team has been coming here every day, so I can learn about their customs and practices. I took part in taking that away from them, so I’ll work to give it back. Then…” He exhaled a long breath. “After that, I will continue to try and make up for all that I did until my last breath.”
“After Ishval?”
Roy nodded. “If I become Fuhrer I can enforce laws that ensure nothing like Bradley and Father will ever happen again. By devolving power and turning the system into a democracy, it removes it. And then, those who were involved with Ishval will be punished for their war crimes.”
On instinct, Riza’s body stiffened. They’d been over this. They’d discussed this outcome plenty of times and she’d somewhat made her peace with it, however, it didn’t mean it was easy. However, she’d respect his wishes, as well as the Ishvalan’s.
“Sorry,” he added quietly, noticing how she tensed underneath his hands.
“No. No, it’s okay. We have to talk about it.”
“If my execution is called for by the elders, then I won’t fight it. I have no right to deny them of how they judge me.”
Riza swallowed. “Obviously, I don’t want to lose you. I love you. However, I want you to know I would never fight it either.”
Her shoulder was squeezed tightly.
“It… It hurts to think about and talk about. It always has, throughout the years, but…” Riza sighed, the weight of the conversation settling heavily on her heart and her mind. “I agree. We can’t take that away from them. Not after what you did.” Riza almost cringed at the bluntness of her words, but she shouldn’t shy away from what happened. Roy wouldn’t, so she shouldn’t either.
“You’re right,” he agreed.
“I helped put that out into the world, so I always felt partly responsible. I suppose that will be my punishment for it.”
“It may not even come to that. If they don’t choose that avenue for me, then I keep on working as best I can. Whatever happens though, we will deal with it.”
“Yes,” Riza agreed, “and I will be with you every step of the way.”
His fingers lowered to entwine with hers. The digits were stiff and couldn’t move too far, which made Riza think back to her concern about how much pressure he could apply with his hands. Riza curled her fingers around his carefully.
“We can work to redeem ourselves together.”
“Until the very end,” Riza vowed.
Roy’s head cocked to the side when she let go of his hand. Riza shifted on the bed, rolling into her side. It wasn’t painful like she imagined it would be. Her neck showed no signs of discomfort as she lay down on the soft pillow.
“You okay?”
“Perfect,” she smiled. She brushed his fringe off his face.
Roy lowered from his elbow to lie next to her. His hand found her lower back and he shuffled in closer to her body. Gently, she cupped his cheek, but noticed how he flinched slightly at the sudden contact.
“Sorry,” she murmured, alleviating the pressure she’d placed on his face.
“No, I didn’t realise what you were doing.”
“I’ll need to be slower and more careful in the future,” she scolded herself lightly.
Roy lifted his bandaged hand to place it on her wrist. He pressed her hand back against his cheek, back to where it had been when he’d flinched. “You don’t need to do anything. You’re perfect. It's… jarring. Being in such inky blackness and feeling something so suddenly, not knowing where it came from. Especially after everything we went through that day.”
Riza studied his face as she tried to rack her brain for a way to announce herself before touching him. Her thumb stroked his face lightly and he sighed into her touch, his body relaxing underneath it.
“What is it like?” She hated to ask, but she wanted to know, so she could find or work out some way to help Roy ease into his new condition.
“It’s terrifying. I hate it.”
Hearing that was like a punch to the stomach.
“And I want to see you again. I so desperately wish I could.” His breath hitched and as Riza blinked, tears appeared in her eyes. “I miss you,” he admitted hoarsely. “I miss your beautiful face and your gorgeous eyes,” he grinned as a tear tracked down his cheek. “And your winning smile.” His hand lifted to cup her face, and he made contact with no issues whatsoever. He didn’t bump into her or end up off target.
Riza smiled. “You did that without thinking,” she praised. Her fingers trailed from his temple to chin, stroking the skin lovingly as she smiled. “You knew where I was.”
His mouth opened then promptly closed again.
“We’ll work through it,” Riza whispered, closing her eyes as their foreheads moved to rest together. “I promise. You won’t go through this alone.”
“I know.” Roy inhaled sharply before letting it out slowly. The hand on her cheek moved to rest on the back of her neck. “I know I won’t.”
She kissed his cheek, pulling him into a tight embrace. The two of them remained there, holding each other, finally able to do so and rest properly after all they’d experienced on the Promised Day. For Riza, she finally felt at peace laying there in Roy’s arm.
Two hours passed before Rebecca knocked on the door, apologising, but asking if they were ready to get to work.
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cautious-creation · 3 years
Steve plays guitar and only Bucky knows
Fandom & Character: Marvel (MCU); Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), Hawkeye/Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)
Pairing(s): (suggested) Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) x 1st person reader; Clintasha (non-romantic)
Word/page count: 1200+ words
CW/TW: none I noticed
Summary: Reader hears Steve playing guitar and offers to be his vocalist ft. an Ed Sheeran song.
Author’s note: This is based on an imagine / headcanon type thing I’ve lost in the internet over time. I wrote this when I was in grade...9?...ish. I mention it because I don’t like it much in hindsight.
It'd been yet another day of intense training. Natasha and Clint were in charge of planning and coaching the torturous activities for me. Target practice, boxing, sparring and flexibility training were included in my morning 'workout'. I walked through the tower, past the living quarters of the avengers, who I looked up to and aspired to be like. As I turned a corner, I almost bumped into an, unusually cheerful, James Barnes.
"Hey." He acknowledged.
"Hi" I gave him a tired smile.
"How's the training going?" He must be in a pretty good mood, he usually doesn't seek conversation, specifically with me.
"I know I shouldn't complain about having such an awesome opportunity, I mean; I'm training, and living with the Avengers, but Lord knows this is draining me." I stretched my back sideways, I was sure to be hella stiff the next day. James chuckled. Okay, he's probably the happiest he's been since he returned from that mission where they destroyed a HYDRA based he'd been trained in. I'd have to bring it up with Steve.
"I assume you're referring to training with a couple ex-assassins." He smirked.
"I swear, Clintasha are going to kill me in the gym downstairs before I see my first mission with either S.H.I.E.L.D or you guys."
"Clintasha?" He looked at me quizzically. Had I said that aloud?
"Ugh, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Please don't tell them about that nickname. I find it easier to refer to them like that considering they're pretty much always together." He smiled.
"Sure, I'd prefer to postpone your apparent inevitable doom. You make good food." He walked off chuckling and shaking his head then saying ‘Clintasha’ and laughing louder.
I continued my journey to the destination shower when I heard a familiar set of chords being played on an acoustic guitar. It definitely wasn't the original song, or any other recorded version of it for that matter, based on the pauses between strums and small mistakes that appeared occasionally.
G, C, G, G, C and C. The appropriate rests were in between each strum which were each their specific length to play the fun, quick paced song that Ed Sheeran gave to the world. It was being played slowly, as if the musician was unfamiliar with the song.
A couple of repetitions of the first verse later and the soft hum of the melody could be heard as the guitarist added sound to where the lyrics would be sung. I quietly sang the lyrics as I neared the source of the music.
"It's late in the evening, glass on the side, I've been sat with you for most of the night." I reached the closed door separating the world from the beautiful sound resonating from inside the room.
"I need you darling, come on set the tone, if you feel you're falling won't you let me know."
I took the chance and knocked on the door to the room of one of the Avengers, I was about to find out who.
The song stopped, I could hear some shuffling, then footsteps on the wooden floor approaching the door.
It opened to a slightly flustered Steve Rogers, probably a bit embarrassed by the possibility of him being caught playing an Ed Sheeran song.
"Oh, I was expecting...never mind. How can I help you?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could help you, sir." I suddenly became incredibly shy, fiddling with my fingers and lowering my head in the presence of the beautiful piece of man in front of me. My role model and superior.
"I believe you may want a vocalist? Quality playing deserves to have a melody accompany it, don't you think?" I was certain to be blushing by now.
"You sing?" He smiled. I nodded.
"I took lessons before I got involved with S.H.I.E.L.D, participated in a few national competitions actually, I was asked to be the lead vocalist when my friend started a band too. I'd be glad to practice with you if you'll take me." I shrugged.
"You know, I'd really appreciate the help." He started heading back into his room before turning back to me.
"On one condition." His face was stern.
"Name it." I smiled.
"No one finds out. Neither of us would ever be able to live it down if anyone finds out, especially Tony." He picked up a classic wooden acoustic guitar.
"I assume we won't be performing for anyone then." I smirked.
"Absolutely not." He chuckled.
We'd gone through the song about five times when the door flew open revealing an otherwise occupied James Barnes.
"There's this song I thought you'd....oh." He looked up to see Steve holding his guitar and me holding a Stark-Pad for the both of us to see.
"I see you finally took my advice, Stevie." He smirked placing his hand on his hip almost sassily.
"No one finds out, huh?" I quipped, surprised.
"Only Bucky knows." He shrugged questioning whether or not I'd accept that as a reasonable excuse.
"Okay." I shrugged.
"What advice?" I asked James.
"To get someone to teach him how to really play."
"Really?  You think I know how to play guitar, actually, more importantly: you think Captain Rogers needs a teacher." I was baffled, he got that song down in under ten repetitions.
"Omg, please don't call me that. It makes me feel old." I laughed. They looked at each other confused, which only made me laugh harder.
"Really?" I managed to stop laughing.
"Modern acronyms don't suit you, first off; and secondly, it makes you feel old? Seriously?" I looked between the 90 something year olds, the one desperately trying to stifle his laughter while waiting for the other to understand.
"Oh, you mean because I am old." James sighed and covered his face with his hands. I just smiled and shook my head.
"This is why you fail so miserably at communicating with Tony, buddy." Bucky walked off chuckling and muttering ‘old man’ to himself.
"From the top?" I asked, walking back to where the lyrics were being displayed from the tablet at the foot of Steve's bed.
"Miss Y/L/N? I believe you are due for another round of training." J.A.R.V.I.S.' voice sounded, causing me to groan.
"Can you let Miss Romanoff and Mr Barton that I'll be down once I've returned from the physio therapist, chiropractor and spa. Just make sure they know that was sarcasm."
"Last thing I need is for a couple of ex assassins to have reason to torture me further than what they already do." I muttered.
"I could train you if you'd like. I have a feeling we'll work better when it comes to communication and knowing physical limits. You do need to be able to walk tomorrow." Steve suggested.
"That's allowed?" I asked hopefully. He nodded.
"Oh please! Please, please, please!" I begged. I grabbed onto his shirt, genuinely desperate.
"Okay, if you're done being weirdly affectionate with our boss, I believe we have some training to get done." Clint smirked as he entered the doorway.
I dropped my head awkwardly, stood up slowly and smiled through my intense blush, hoping that my expression was as innocent as I needed it to be.
"um...I'll just...head down so long. I'll see you there." I started walking.
"Preferably the hottest of you three." I muttered, looking back to see Steve discussing (intensely) with Clintasha.
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All We Are Thankful For (Broken Wings Verse)
A commission for @korrababy​ who wanted an extension of our Broken Wings verse full of fluff and domestic family goodness. Thor comes back to the compound and reunites with our favorite family, and this time he brings nb!Omega!Loki as well. 
The Bifrost burned a pattern into the snow outside the compound, and when the noise ceased and the wind settled, Thor stood there with golden wings stretched wide, deep brown primaries fluttering in the frigid air and his head tipped back, a grin nearly splitting his face. 
“You look like a fool.” An Omega with coal black wings stepped from behind Thor and sniffed, turning his nose up at the snow. “I am freezing and you are standing here smiling like a buffoon. Why are you smiling? Earth is disgusting.” 
“Tis good to be home!” Thor ignored the annoyed Omega and took a purposefully loud inhale, breathing out on a loud, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” and shaking his feathers until they smacked the Omega in the face. “Can’t you feel it, Loki?” 
“What is the matter with you?” Loki snarled, baring a set of pointed fangs and shoving at Thor’s wings to get them out of the way. “What is the matter with you? This isn’t home, home is--” 
They stopped abruptly, biting at their lip hard enough to pierce tender skin and draw blood. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter where home is. You’re still being a damn fool.” 
“Loki.” Thor gentled his tone, lowered his feathers so they weren’t so purposefully encroaching on his sibling’s space. “Ever since learning of your heritage you’ve become cold and withdrawn. You changed your wings and refuse to call Frigga mother, I bother you and you never laugh--” 
“--I have never laughed when you bother me.” 
“--categorically untrue, you laugh every time.” Thor maintained. “It is time to bring this to an end, Loki. You’ve grieved long enough, you’ve punished Frigga and Odin for keeping secrets, you’ve taken your anger out on me for all the times I made you play the Frost Giant in our war games. Enough is enough, Loki. It is time to move on.” 
“...and your grand idea of moving on is to bring me to the wilds of Midgard to freeze in the snow.” Loki said flatly. “Bra-vo, Thor. Your intelligence astounds me.” 
Thor only swept his arm out wide to encompass the view in front of them, the compound rising abruptly from the snowy plain and the forest that lay thick on every side. “I didn’t bring you to the wilds of Earth, I brought you home to meet this family, my family. You will find a place here, Loki.”
“Ah. Because my place is no longer in Asgard and certainly not in Jotunn. Why not give Earth a try?” Loki didn’t even sound bitter, more heartbroken than anything. Asgard as a whole had turned it’s back on Loki after news of their adoption and Jotunn birth had spread, and when the Omega had gone to the Frost Giants for answers, they had been cast out from there as well. 
Loki was an Omega without a home, without a place to call their own anymore and seeing the pain in his siblings green eyes every day had driven Thor to such sorry that he had done something wildly impetuous and all but kidnapped Loki from their chambers and brought to Earth unannounced. 
“You may not feel your place is Asgard any longer.” Thor said carefully. “But there is room for you here, Loki.”
“And why would you think I’d find a place here on Earth with strangers?” Loki spread their hands towards the compound. “This Alpha Anthony you speak so highly of, his birds and his Omegas and the warriors he calls his own? How exactly is there room for someone like me in a family like that?” 
“Birds. You speak of Falcon and Hawkeye.” Thor corrected with a muffled grin. “But by all means, do call them Anthony’s birds when you meet them.” 
“Thor!” Loki’s matte black feathers flickered green and then brightened almost to silver as the Omega’s emotions rose. “This is not a joke.” 
“And I am not making fun.” The Alpha settled his tone immediately, holding out comforting hand and letting it fall after a moment when Loki only glanced at it, then glanced away. “Being here with this family will heal your heart if you let it, especially if you keep your schemes and mischief to a minimum. I love everyone in this compound and I want you to love them too.” 
The Omega was quiet for a moment, and then, “I cannot promise no schemes. I am the god of Mischief, you know.”  
“God of Mischief.” Thor snorted, flicking his wings out to mingle with Loki’s for a brief, affectionate touch. “At best you are a curator of card tricks.” 
“Thor.” Loki reached for Thor’s arm and squeezed hard, their slim fingers digging into the demi god’s sleeve. “Are you sure about this?” 
“As sure as I’ve ever been of anything, Loki.” Thor wrapped a thick arm and heavy wing around his sibling. “There is room in this family for you, I promise. Come in and meet them.” 
“Alright.” Loki took a deep breath, made a concentrated effort to control their glamour, and smoothed the lines of their black suit. “Lead on.” 
“Thor!” Sam was crossing into the common area with a plate of dessert when Thor and Loki came in from outside, and his red wings opened wide in welcome. “You’re home again! Welcome back!” 
“Samuel!” Thor boomed, and crossed the room in a few giant steps, snatching the Beta up into a hug, ignoring Sam’s startled ack! and squeezing him tight. “I’ve missed you! How are things!” 
“Things would be better if I could breathe!” Sam wheezed and pounded at Thor’s back good naturedly. “Let me down, big guy. You’ll break all my feathers like this.” 
“Ah, of course. I forget you are only mortal and not near as strong as I.” Thor teased and Sam punched at his shoulder harmlessly. “Come, meet my sibling Loki. Loki, this is Samuel, our Falcon.” 
“Samuel.” Almost floored by the wash of contentment and family heavy in the air, Loki extended their hand hesitantly, black wings tucked back as far out of view as he could manage. “One of Anthony’s birds, isn’t that right?” 
Sam’s brows lowered, eyes narrowed and he swiveled to stare at Thor, whose face was nearly splitting in an attempt to hide a gleeful smile. “You told your brother to call me one of Tony’s birds? Thor, I swear to God--” 
“Loki is my sibling.” Thor corrected quickly, meaningfully, and Sam didn’t skip a beat when he said, “You told your sibling to call me one of Tony’s birds? It’s gonna be like that? Remember Valentines Day when you messed with my baking and I got back at you by putting food coloring in your shampoo so you were pink for a week? We gonna start pranking each other again?” 
“I remember putting Asgardian adhesive down on the toilet and you waddling for several days.” Thor returned, thunder rolling in the pitch of his laughter. “Samuel! Do not start a war you cannot win!” 
“No no, I’m not worried about that this time.” Sam let his feathers fluff up in a show of mock aggression. “Loki is here this time and since no pretty Omega can resist my charm, I’ll have them sharing all your secrets but the end of the day!” 
Loki made a shocked sort of sound when Sam called them pretty, but it was lost beneath an excited whoop as an Omega with rich brown wings launched himself over the couch and right onto Thor.
“Hey look!” The Omega laughed out loud when Thor caught him easily. “It’s my favorite Chippendale’s dancer! What’s up Thunder from Down Under? Welcome home!” 
“Clint.” Thor’s hug for the boisterous Omega was quite a bit gentler but no less enthusiastic than his one for Sam had been. “It’s good to be home again. I’ve been away too long and I missed your sweet sass.”
“Of course you did.” Clint agreed easily, wriggling out of Thor’s arms to smack a loud kiss onto Sam’s cheek. “By the way, you were definitely gone too long. What is this, eight months away from home? Way too long. You’re lucky Pep didn’t send a strongly worded letter to Asgard demanding your immediate return.” 
“I can assure you, the letter is sitting on my desk.” The aforementioned Pep came in behind Loki and Thor, discarding her purse and kicking out of sky high heels before kissing first Sam, then Clint, and finally lifting pale pink wings and arms to wrap around Thor’s shoulders for a hug. “Welcome home, Thor. We’ve missed you.”
“Ms. Potts.” Thor picked up Pepper’s dainty hand and lay a kiss on her palm. “You are more beautiful every time I see you.”
“Oh I know, I know.” The lovely Omega waved off Thor’s praise and turned with an expectant smile towards Loki. “Welcome to the compound Mr. Laufeyson. My name is Pepper Potts and I keep our family carefully corralled into well orchestrated chaos--” 
“S’just Loki, Pep.” Sam, quietly. “Not mister.” and Pepper’s smile brightened a little as she smoothly corrected, “Welcome to the compound, Loki. Forgive my slip there. Has Thor shown you to your rooms yet? Our Alpha went all out trying to decorate for you two, Thor you remember how Tony is around this time of year.” 
“I have a room here?” Loki asked in obvious surprise. “A personal room specifically for me? Why?” 
“It’s sort of a tradition.” Pepper explained with a long suffering sigh. “I think it physically pains Tony to not design special living spaces for everyone in our family and when he found out Thor was bringing you for the holidays, his wings fluffed out at least twice their size in excitement. Be sure and tell him if you don’t like it though, or if you’d rather sleep in the same room as Thor. Steve and Bucky share a room when they aren’t with our Alpha, they don’t like being apart for very long. It’s fine if we need to do a little rearranging.” 
“Oh.” Loki hesitated, and behind Pepper’s shoulder Thor raised his eyebrows hopefully, offering Loki a thumbs up. “...Thank you.” 
“It’s no trouble.” Pepper brushed her pink feathers against Loki’s wings, but before he could be surprised by the affectionate touch, Pepper had turned to blow Thor a kiss, smile at both Sam and Clint and then nearly ran from the room heading on her way to do whatever it was she did to keep their family corralled. 
Loki surreptitiously sniffed the air after the Omega and when Sam caught the motion, he explained, “Pep scents different because she wears suppressants. That’s what you’re noticing.” 
Loki’s eyes widened over the blase way the Beta announced such private information and Clint winked, throwing an arm around the Omega, “Don’t look so surprised, Lo. We’re a touchy-feely, no secrets sort of family. You’ll get used to us.” 
“Ah.” Loki cleared their throat. “I see.” 
“You don’t yet.” Sam said confidently. “But you will.” His red feathers swept up to gather Clint into a hug and Loki startled when the easy contentment in the air spiked with arousal, the Omega turning in Sam’s arms and laying a heated kiss on his lips. “Uh Thor, why don’t you head down to the gym and find our Alpha. He’ll be excited to see you.” 
“An excellent idea.” Thor cleared his throat to distract Loki from outright staring as Clint and Sam shared another kiss. “Let’s find our Alpha and my Steven and leave these two to wrestle like seals over a fish.”
“Wrestle like a seal? Is that what he just said?!” A shoe came winging towards Thor courtesy of Clint, and the Alpha practically rolled with laughter as it bounced harmlessly off his head. 
“Why do you call Anthony your Alpha?” Loki wanted to know as Thor guided him down the hall towards the stairs. “Surely the human isn’t more of an Alpha than you are.” 
“Anthony is Alpha of this family, so the title is one of respect.” Thor nearly ran down the stairs to the gym, thumping down them two and three at a time. “And he prefers to be called Tony to Anthony, but he allows me the formality of his full name and I’m sure he’ll grant you the same. You certainly don’t have to call him Alpha, but everyone else does.” 
“Everyone else.” Loki picked at a piece of lint on their suit absentmindedly. “And does everyone ac like Samuel and Clint do? They both refer to Anthony as Alpha yet they kiss? And what about announcing the Omega Pepper uses suppressants? An Omega’s biology is a private thing, why would he say it so carelessly? What sort of family is this, Thor?” 
“One where they know and accept each other so thoroughly there is not room for jealousy or misunderstandings.” Thor stepped into the gym and breathed deep, tasting the mixed Alpha and Omega hormones and the tang of sweat, and when he spied two figures in the wrestling ring, he clapped his hands together and called, “Anthony! I’ve come home again!”
“Thor!” An Alpha with gorgeous, multi colored feathers looked up with an excited grin, and then was taken to the mat with a grunt as a big Omega flipped him over and pinned him with a thump. “Oh--” Tony wheezed and the Omega laughed in delight, curling close and nuzzling at Tony’s neck. “Oh sweetheart, you are amazing at that, almost killed me that time. Wonderful.” 
“I’d never hurt you, Alpha.” the blond Omega murmured, and pursed his lips for a kiss Tony willingly gave, lingering over the moment until the Omega was satisfied. 
Only after the Omega pulled away did Tony stand and jump right over the ropes of the ring, crashing into Thor and wrapping arms and wings around the other Alpha in a near desperate hug, then tipping his head up for a bruising kiss. 
“Anthony.” Thor hummed as Tony sighed, “Thor. Welcome home.” 
“Tis good to be home, Alpha.” Thor put Tony down gently, then backed up a few steps and spread his golden wings wide before dropping them submissively in a show of respect for the family’s Alpha. “I’ve missed you.” 
Tony massive wings opened to a span that rivaled Thor's, and his dark eyes shifting red in dominance for a moment before he dropped his wings too and whispered, “I missed you too.” 
This time when Thor moved forward, the kiss was slow and sweet and Tony pulled his feathers back so Thor could surround him, melting into the bigger Alpha’s arms. When Thor spread his palm over the arc reactor in Tony’s chest and pressed carefully, the other Alpha rumbled in contentment and leaned into the touch, covering Thor’s hand with his own. 
“Have you been well?” Thor asked quietly, meaningfully. “Your mates and the new child? Our Bruce? Where is Natasha? Pepper is so beautiful she nearly brings me to my knees and Samuel and Clint are gorgeous together. How is the Colonel? Steven?” 
“Everyone is fine.” Tony loved that Thor was so in tune to their family, and he let himself sink a bit closer to the Alpha until Thor rumbled and held him tighter. “The last few months have been an adjustment, but we are all managing.” 
Thor frowned, reading the tension and sadness in Tony’s scent. “What do you mean, managing. How is your Omega Bucky? The last I was home he was only barely--” Thor made a general motion over his stomach. “Is he alright? Is he--?” 
“Bucky is...well he’s adjusting. We all are.” Tony’s whiskey warm eyes dimmed a little. “But that’s a conversation for another time. You should go see Steve, he’s been about climbing out of his skin the last few days waiting for you to get here. Go and see him and I’ll spend some time getting to know your brother.” 
“Loki is my sibling.” Thor corrected automatically and Tony smiled in understanding. “And I’d enjoy more time with you, Alpha, before seeing anyone else.” 
“I’d enjoy more time with you too, Alpha.” Tony growled playfully and nipped at Thor’s bottom lip. “But if our Omega needs your attention…” he inclined his head towards the wrestling ring to where Steve was standing and staring, beautiful wings trembling in anticipation, eyes wide and fists clenched. “Go on. You and I will have time later but Steve might actually faint if you don’t talk to him soon.”
“Bruce?” Thor hesitated again, not because he didn't want desperately want to get his arms and wings around the gorgeous Omega, but because he couldn’t stand the thought of ignoring a single one of the people he loved. “Is he home in the compound?” 
“Bruce is out with Bucky and won’t be home for a few hours.” Tony opened his wings wider and wider until Thor was forced to let go of him or risk damaging his feathers. “Go spend time with Steve, go on.” 
“Tonight, perhaps?” Thor brushed his knuckles over Tony’s cheek and the Alpha nodded in agreement. “Till then, my love.” 
Thor left one last kiss on Tony’s mouth, then turned and strode purposefully towards Steve, letting his wings burst open and spread to their furthest points in front of the Omega, brilliant golden feathers glowing in the lights, darker brown primaries gleaming and glossy. 
Steve fell to his knees with an audible whimper, instinctively baring his throat for the Alpha and Thor went to his knees in front of the Omega with a low growl, burying his hands in Steven’s hair and bringing their mouths together in a hard kiss. 
“Al-Alpha.” Steve whispered, and the gym shook with the force of Thor’s thunder as he rumbled, “Omega.” 
Tony watched the scene for only a few seconds before turning his attention to Loki, his multicolored wings lifting in welcome and interest as he approached the Omega. 
“Loki.” the Alpha offered his hand palm up, for the Omega to take. “Welcome to the compound. We’ve waited a long time to meet you.” 
“You allow another Alpha to claim your Omega?” Loki blinked down at Tony’s hand, then up at the Alpha. “Thor assured me Steven was your mate and I assumed my brother simply coveted the Omega, not that they engaged in this--” he gestured towards the scene. “--this--whatever this is.”
“Steve is my mate.” Tony touched the overlapping circles of three mating bites on the side of his throat, one for Clint, one for Bucky, one for Steven. “But he and Thor are very well suited. Why wouldn’t I acknowledge their bond, and encourage them to be happy together?” 
“Because that’s not normal.” Loki narrowed their eyes.“You’re telling me you feel no jealousy watching another Alpha with your mate. No irritation at all that upstairs a Beta is intimate with another of your Omegas. Honestly?” 
“Thor told me once that in Asgard there are a thousand ways to love someone.” Tony said thoughtfully. “I consider myself a lucky Alpha to have so many of those ways right here in my own home, with my family. Not all of our relationships are the same, not all make sense to people standing on the outside looking in. But in the end, the only thing that matters is knowing my family is safe and loved, and I don’t care how that plays out.” 
“Even those that don’t belong in acceptable society.” Loki pressed and when Tony shrugged as if he didn’t know which of his family might not belong in acceptable society, Loki blurted--
“I’ve heard stories about the Soldier and about the Hulk and the Widow.You mean to tell me even they find a place in here? No one looks at them sideways for their past and their actions and the blood on their hands?” The words came  harsher than Loki intended, the concept of outright acceptance so outright confusing that the Omega felt like they were spinning. “They are practically monsters and yet you pretend they aren’t?”
“First of all.” Tony’s wings flared in warning, the bronze and dark red looking especially menacing and Loki backed up a step, taken by surprise by the change in temperament, by the sudden danger rolling off the Alpha. “First of all Bucky, Bruce and Tasha are more than their pasts, more than who or what the outside world thinks they are. You will call them by name, not by the reputation forced on them by other people. 
“...I meant no disrespect.” Loki said slowly, stunned by the show of protectiveness. “My apologies, Anthony.” 
“All of us have something in our past we are running from.” Tony calmed a little, tapping at the reactor casing on his chest. “But here at home, we don’t have to run anymore. We don’t have to pretend. We’re all a little bit broken, but our broken edges fit together to make something beautiful. So yes, even those of us called monsters, even those of us with nightmares and PTSD and enough guilt to last a lifetime--” 
The Alpha turned to look at Steve, his feathers fluttering as something unreadable crossed his face. “Even those of us who have lived more lifetimes than seems fair and lost out on everything we thought we wanted-- there’s a place for everyone here. Bloody hands or not.” 
Tony held out his hand again for Loki, and tried for a smile. “On a lighter note though, would you like to see your room? I tried to decorate it for you but I might have gotten it all wrong. Feel free to tell me if you hate it, we’ll get it fixed.” 
“You designed a room for me.” Something cold seemed to crack in Loki’s chest, the warmth in the Alpha’s eyes and the way he kept waiting for Loki to take his hand speaking of such immediate welcome that it nearly sent the Omega to their knees.
Apparently Tony’s acceptance extended past his family and even to Loki and it was almost overwhelming. “I’d-- I’d very much like to see it.” 
“Well come here then.” Tony curled his fingers coaxingly and Loki took a deep breath before finally reaching out and laying their fingers against the Alpha’s palm. “There you are, lovely Omega. That’s perfect.” Tony dropped a kiss on Loki’s knuckles and then wove their fingers together as they left the gym. “JARVIS? The doors please.” 
“Of course, sir.” came the smooth reply from the ceiling, but Loki was too transfixed by the feel of Tony’s calloused hand against their own to notice. It had been ages since anyone had tried to touch them, even Thor had respected Loki’s need for distance and had tempered his usual jovial hugs. But Anthony held Loki’s hand as if it were the most natural thing in the world and chattered easily about the compound and whatever a JARVIS was and how he’d picked out the colors for Loki’s room without having the chance to ask about a preference and he hoped green and silver were alright but now he wondered--
“You chose green and silver for my room?” Loki interrupted. “Why those colors?” 
“I tried to do some research before meeting you.” The Alpha admitted.“You and Thor are literal gods, you know. And while there are some less than accurate comic book accounts of your exploits and a few truly awful movies--” he winked and Loki fought an unexpected smile. “-- I was trying to find reputable sources to learn about you. Thor wasn’t here so I had to resort to old books and paintings. Almost everything showed you with green wings.” 
“Then why did you add silver?” Loki held his breath, hoping beyond hope that Thor hadn’t told the Alpha of their Jotunn heritage, of the silver feathers that matched the dark blue skin of Frost Giants. 
Tony chuckled a little. “Honestly? I just thought you’d look pretty in green and silver. Now that I’ve met you in person, I know I was right.” 
“...oh.” Another unexpected smile, Loki’s cheeks flushing at the compliment from the Alpha. “Thank you.” 
“Anyway, I hope it’s not terrible.” Tony stopped in front of a bedroom door and motioned for Loki to place their palm in a biometric reader. “We can change everything about the room if you want, my feelings won’t be hurt. I just want you to be comfortable, Lo. Tell me what you need and I’ll make sure it happens.” 
Loki hadn’t known what to expect, but painted walls in soothing shades of different greens and blankets with silver threads running through them certainly wasn’t it. They weren’t prepared for the four poster bed with curtains that could be drawn for privacy or the beautifully carved antique desk with a stack of books or a carpet plush enough to sink their toes in at least a couple inches. 
“The only thing Thor told me was that you were always cold.” The Alpha rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. “He said you were always covered up and preferred mounds of blankets, so I bought some heated ones and then the comforter itself is extra warm and I know the curtains are a little ridiculous, but I’ve never designed a room for an Omega Royal before so--” 
“--Why are you treating me like I’m already part of your family?” Loki interrupted and Tony’s brows lowered in confusion. “Why did you go out of your way to do all this for me, when for all you know I could be petty and vindictive and-- and--” they cast about for one of the adjectives the Asgardians loved to throw around. “--and spoiled.” 
“Well now you’re just a little bit more spoiled, aren’t you?” Tony teased, his eyes warming in open affection. “I’ll let you get settled and if you need anything, ask JARVIS. I’ve got a date with the prettiest girl in the universe so I’ll have my hands full for a while, but you can come find me if you want. Natasha said she would show you around but I’m not sure where she is at the moment. If you go looking, she’s the terrifying redhead with white wings--” 
“Terrifying, Alpha?” Natasha spoke from the door, her arms full of a polka dotted wrapped bundle, snow white wings fluffed up and hovering protectively. “Is that the rumors you spread about me?” 
“Tasha.” Tony’s huge wings opened in happiness and Loki didn’t quite know what to think when the Alpha leaned in and kissed the pretty Beta full on the mouth. “How are you? And hows the most prettiest girl in the world?” 
“I’m fine, but she wants her Papa.” Natasha handed over the blankets and Tony all but melted, rumbling deep in his chest and clicking his tongue until a tiny hand reached up from the blanket to pat at his chin. “Told you. She needs a nap but apparently I don’t cut it. We tried snuggling, we tried rocking, she fussed and fussed until she heard your voice and now she’s calm again.”
“You do wonderful with her.” Tony soothed and kissed Natasha one more time before turning round to Loki again. “Loki, this is Maria Elizabeth Barnes Stark, almost four months old and the most important person in any room at any time.” 
“Oh.” Loki blinked down at the baby, eyeing the fluffy dark hair and bright blue eyes. “Oh, she is… well, she is something, isn’t she?” 
“Say she is beautiful and mean it, or I will drop you out a window.” Natasha threatened and Tony laughed, interjecting, “Settle, Tasha. Loki doesn’t mean any harm. No one finds strangers babies immediately adorable, especially when the kiddo is barely old enough to be more than a sack of wrinkles.” 
“Talk about my niece like that again and I’ll drop you out a window.” Natasha retorted, her green eyes tracking over Loki with a hint of curiosity. “Another Omega, Tony? I think you’ve collected enough, don’t you?” 
“Play nice, Tasha.” Tony stared down at his daughter in delight as she grabbed at his finger. “Loki is Thor’s sibling and welcome here, do you understand? I know you don’t like new people in the compound, but make an exception.”
“Yes Alpha.” Natasha said obediently, and didn’t look away from Loki until Tony had said his goodbyes and headed down the hall singing quietly to Maria. 
“He’s right you know.” she said firmly. “I don’t like new people in the compound. The last person to show up announced tried to drop Tony off the side the Tower in the city. I suggest you tread carefully until I decide I trust you or not.” 
“Did you threaten Thor when he came to your compound?” Loki returned, unable to help their wings ruffing up at the hostility from the Beta. They towered over Natasha by at least a foot and she was still glaring, posturing, lifting her snow white feathers as if she was ready to fight. 
“Thor wasn’t hiding knives on his person when he came to meet my Alpha.” the Beta snarled and Loki blinked a few times, surprised she had noticed. “One in your sleeve and another on your ankle? You might be magic, but there is no disguising the stance of anyone wearing a weapon.” 
“Right.” Loki let their glamour slip and lay the daggers out on the desk, softening their tone apologetically. “Just like Thor is never without Mjolnir, I am never without my knives. I mean neither you nor your niece any harm.”
“Thor wouldn’t have brought you here if you did.” Natasha made a visible effort to relax her shoulders. “And I promise I don’t make it a habit to threaten Omegas. Things are different now that our family is growing, you understand.” 
Loki didn’t answer, asking instead, “Your Alpha is smaller than I imagined he would be. Thor talks of Anthony as if he could challenge the gods but in reality, the Alpha is--”
“Pocket sized.” The Beta’s lips twisted in a smile. “Yes. Tony isn’t what you’d expect in an Alpha, but I think we love him all the more for it. Have you met the rest of our family?” 
“I’m not sure how many there are.” Loki admitted and Natasha snorted, “Then you haven’t met everyone. Come along, pretty Omega. I’ll take you to meet everyone else.” 
“Pretty Omega.” Loki raised their eyebrows. “A common term in your household? I’ve been called pretty or lovely at least three times since arriving.” 
“Well what else would we call all the lovely, pretty Omegas who live here?” Natasha held out her hand. “Come on. I’m not an Alpha panting after you and not one of the other perpetually horny Omegas trying to get into your shockingly well fitted pants. Your virtue is safe with me. Our Alpha asked that I show you around while he’s with Maria, so that’s what I’m going to do.” 
“Um.” Loki hesitated. “Perpetually horny Omegas?” 
“Clint.” the Beta said dryly and Loki actually laughed a little. “That phrase always means Clint.” 
Clint and Sam were slow dancing to something jazzy when Natasha popped her head in to show Loki the kitchen, the Beta wriggling in between them to claim kisses from both before wriggling back out and announcing, “Whatever you’re cooking is burning, Clint. Quit being sappy with Sam and cook me some damn food.” 
Clint squawked in embarrassment, Sam ran for the oven mitts and Natasha had a happy smile on her face as she led Loki away towards another part of the compound, their hands clasped loosely as they walked. 
Natasha was softer than Loki had assumed she’d be. The stories of the Black Widow were numerous and bloody and Loki knew the Beta currently explaining how to use JARVIS could hurt him in a very real way, but she was so soft right now that it was hard to reconcile this version of Natasha with the one thought to be a product of brainwashing and control methods bordering on inhumane. 
“Why are you looking at me?” Natasha wanted to know as she paused to show Loki the underground tunnel that led out to the pool complex. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m thinking you are very different than I assumed.” they said slowly. “But I think perhaps everyone in this family is--” 
“--different because we are allowed to be human here.” Natasha finished. “Out in the world we are considered monsters, even civilians avoid me because I scent of cruelty and danger. Not here. Here I don’t have to be that person.” 
“...I see.” 
“You don’t.” Natasha pushed open a door so Loki could peek in at a dance studio lined with mirror. “But stick around a little and you will.” 
Thor was still wrapped up in Steve so they avoided the gym, but Natasha stopped in to see Pepper where she was working in one of the offices, then took Loki to a different office to meet the Colonel James Rhodes. 
He wasn’t as big an Alpha as Thor, but the span of his dark blue wings as they lifted in greeting for Natasha was enormous and even though his smile was friendly enough, Loki knew the Colonel was thoroughly judging them and most likely finding them wanting. 
“Colonel.” Loki kept their own wings tucked back behind their shoulders in both an attempt at deference and perhaps even a little uncertainty. “I understand you are Anthony’s best friend.” 
“Best friend, confidant, official liaison for the United States Air Force and the very last person you want to find yourself dealing with if you bring trouble to this family.” Colonel Rhodes said flatly. “Do I make myself perfectly clear, Mr. Laufeyson? I wasn’t real thrilled about having a lightning throwing demi god in this house, not real thrilled about one that can magic himself into or out of whatever he damn well pleases.” 
“Whatever they damn well please.” Natasha said at a near whisper and the Colonel put a hand to his heart and dipped his head in apology. 
“--whatever they damn well please. Please forgive my blunder.” James pointed a finger at Loki all the same. “Keep the shenanigans to a minimum, I am stressed out enough dealing with this family.” 
“You know Pepper deals with everything. Natasha snorted, her full lips twisting in a smirk. “You only moved in because you got tired of knowing I was sharing her bed every time you were away.”
Rhodey huffed a little, but only asked,“Where’s my niecey, Tasha?” 
“With her Papa taking a nap.” Natasha answered promptly and James nodded as if that was exactly what he wanted to hear. “Clint’s making dinner so don’t be late.” 
“Yes ma’am.” The Colonel saluted and then nodded again to Loki. “Loki. Welcome to the compound. I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. Tones has knack for finding just the right fit for this chaos, and I’d be lying if I said he didn’t have a type tat you seem to fit perfectly.” 
“A type.” Loki repeated blankly and James clarified, “Pretty. Tony’s type is pretty and he doesn’t care which gender or biology that comes in.” 
“Oh.” Loki flushed an embarrassed red and Natasha dragged him away from Rhodey’s laughter. “Oh gods.” 
“Don’t worry about that, Rhodey is only teasing.” Natasha put her hand up to stop Loki as she ducked into her own room and reappeared with a candy bar that she pressed into the Omega’s hand. “Eat, Omega. Dinner isn’t for another couple of hours.” 
“Are you…” Loki turned the candy bar over a few times. “...are you taking care of me?” 
“Welcome to the family.” The Beta rolled her eyes as if she couldn't believe she was doing it either. “We all take care of the Omegas and the Omegas take care of us and Tony takes care of everyone… get used to it.” 
“And don’t worry about what Rhodey said.” Natasha spread her white wings up and out to shade the Omega from the sun as it streamed blindingly bright through the floor to ceiling windows in the atrium. “Tony does seem to think everyone is terribly pretty, but it’s not as if he has expectations for you while you’re here. Nothing like that, not our Alpha.” 
Loki hated to admit they were relieved, but they sighed gratefully as they took a tentative bite of the sweet treat.
“Rhodey was the first one, you know.” The Beta said then. “He was our Alpha’s first family back before Tony had even presented and he’s the one constant in Tony’s life all these years. No matter what happens or how crazy our family gets, Rhodey is always there with Tony, always has his side. Theirs is one of the only relationships in our family that isn’t romantic.” 
“I’ve… noticed.” Loki said slowly. “Everyone is in love with someone and everyone loves Tony?” 
“That’s exactly what it is.” Natasha ran her fingers through Loki’s feathers absentmindedly and they shivered under the unexpected touch. “We should go make sure Clint and Sam haven’t burned down the kitchen. Come on.” 
“...would you mind instead if I took a moment to myself?” Loki asked carefully. “If you trust me to wander your home alone, that is.” 
“Dinner is at seven, don’t be late.” Natasha’s sharp green eyes no doubt saw how close to overwhelmed Loki was, and knew exactly why they needed some time, but she didn’t comment. “Our Alpha likes the entire family to eat together.”
“I am not fami--” 
“I said what I said.” Natasha smiled a little and let their feathers mingle for a few seconds. “Don’t be late, Omega.” 
Thor found Bruce in the lab and the Alpha stood at the door for several minutes just watching his love, waiting for Bruce to give him permission to enter.
“You don’t have to ask.” Bruce finally said, a dull flush highlighting the scientist’s cheeks. “Our Alpha welcomes you to the lab, Bucky doesn’t mind you in here, and I’d certainly never tell you no. Just come in.” 
“I’d never disturb your work.” Thor murmured and Bruce set his pencil down, brushing at his messy hair self consciously. “Are you alright to take a moment? Is this a good time, or should I return after you have finished?” 
“Please.” Bruce pushed back from his desk and motioned for the Alpha to come closer. “Please um-- yes. This is a good time.” 
Thor dragged another chair over until he was sitting knee to knee with Bruce, and then he extended both his hands and waited for his love to take them. Out of everyone in the family Bruce was the least physically affectionate. His Hulk had stripped everything away of his secondary biology, including his wings and even his scent, and after years of battling for control, Bruce’s need for space had evolved into a near intolerance for anyone other than a select few to approach him. 
As Alpha of the family, Tony could hold hands with Bruce or even kiss him on the cheek and a few times after Tony had come home from Afghanistan, Bruce had even held the Alpha as they slept. Surprisingly enough, Bucky had bonded with Bruce after Steve had brought him home and now Thor counted himself lucky that Bruce trusted him as well. 
And now when the brunette took both Thor’s hands and clasped their fingers together, Thor breathed a quiet sigh of relief and leaned in until their foreheads touched as well. “Hello, my love.” 
“Thor.” Bruce closed his eyes and breathed out shakily, more than overwhelmed by the presence of the Alpha, both a little relieved and a little sad that he could not scent everything Thor was projecting. “I um-- I’m glad you’re back.” 
“I missed you.” Thor started to lift his golden wings and paused, checking in with Bruce like he did every time and when Bruce nodded, the Alpha let the feathers settle into a wall around them, protecting their moment from any prying eyes, surrounding his love in the virile, protective aura of Alpha. 
“I--” Bruce’s fingers tightened in Thor’s palm. “I missed you too.” 
Thor rumbled in contentment and closed his eyes to soak in the moment. What he had with Anthony was teasing and playful, Alpha on Alpha as they traded dominance and cracked bed frames. With Steven it was beautiful submission and pure bonding, their bodies melding in the way only an Alpha and Omega could. But with Bruce it was a sharing of minds and an awareness of every inch of each other, a beautiful give and take and step and dance. Bruce was so sure he was unloveable and Thor took so much pleasure in showing all the different ways their love didn’t have to include sex or too much romance or anything other than companionship and soul deep respect. 
It was beautiful and Thor was blessed to know such a perfect soul. “I missed you.” he said again, just to see Bruce smile. “I’m so happy to be home.” 
From outside the lab Loki watched in open shock as Thor was the most gentle they’d ever seen, for once in his life not being an obnoxious, rutting idiot of an Alpha. Loki was shocked and maybe even--
“That is not for you to see!” Loki barely had time to register the danger in the air before black and silver wings flared open wide to block their view, a sound like metal screeching terrible across the floor and gouging up the hallway walls. 
Then an impossibly solid hand planted into Loki’s chest and shoved them back into the wall as the intruder snarled, “JARVIS! The windows!”  
“Yes sir.”
Loki couldn’t see through the wings to know if the lab windows shaded dark, and it was only the height of self control that kept them from flashing a bolt of power into the interloper’s body and sending him flying. 
“Who the hell are you?” The Omega in Loki’s face was massive, every inch as big as Steven if not even bigger, pale eyes sparking in fury and an astonishingly silver hand raised as if ready to lay into Loki. “And why the hell are you staring at Bruce?”
“I think you should back away.” Loki said calmly, working to keep their own wings down so the situation wouldn’t escalate. “My name is Loki, I am Thor’s sibling and your Alpha has welcomed me into this—“
“Whoa whoa whoa.” A flurry of bronze and red feathers, and Tony skidded in between both Omegas, hands and wings raised. The Alpha kept his back to Loki and slid both hands into Bucky's hair, bringing the Omega down to eye level and trilling comfortingly. “Shhh, Omega, my Omega. My mate. Calm down. Calm down. There is no danger. No danger at all, we are all safe.”
“Who the hell is—“
“Loki came with Thor. No danger, none at all. I’ve already met them and so has Tasha and Steven-- it’s okay. It’s okay.” Tony bumped their noses together and crooned sweetly until the big Omegas wings started to lower. “There you are sweetheart, better?”
“Bruce wouldn’t like to be stared at.” Bucky cut his eyes at Loki over Tony’s shoulder. “Everyone knows that.”
“Well Loki didn’t, but they sure do now, don’t they?” Tony said mildly. “I love that you’re so protective over Bruce but it’s alright. Loki didn’t mean any harm.”
Loki held up their hands placatingly and Bucky's dangerous wings lowered a little bit more. 
“Lo, it’s about dinner time why don’t you go find some food?” Tony didn’t take his eyes off Bucky. The Omega needed more these days, more settling, more gentleness, more of everything and the Alpha was all too happy to give one of his Omegas everything. “We’ll catch up in a few minutes.” 
“I’m sorry to have disturbed you.” Loki said quietly, and it almost seemed like Bucky's big shoulders slumped in defeat, the Omega embarrassed and frustrated by his overreaction.
“There’s no harm done on either side” Tony sent Loki a quick, reassuring smile. “Find the rest of our family, alright? Me and Bucky will be up soon.”
Once Loki had gone, Tony turned back to Bucky and started to shake his head when he saw the tears in his mate’s eyes. “No no baby, none of that. What’s wrong?”
“M’sorry I got mad, but they’re a stranger in our home.” Bucky muttered. “Last time that happened we almost lost you, and this time it’s an Omega. I over reacted I know, and m’sorry.” 
“No harm done.” Tony repeated, and then, “But what else is wrong?” The Alpha brought his wings up high to cover he and Bucky, not shying away from the dangerous edges at Bucky's primaries and pulling his Omega close. “Something else is wrong, what’s the matter?”
“They look like me.” Bucky said in a near whisper. “But you know—“ a vague gesture. “Prettier.”
“Prettier.” Tony repeated blankly. “What—“
“Long dark hair and real bright eyes?” Bucky challenged. “Black wings and real tall and sorta mysterious? That’s everything you love about me except they... they are a god and I’m…”
“Don’t you dare say you’re broken.” Tony closed his eyes when Bucky bent and hid his face on the Alphas shoulder. The few months since Maria had arrived had been difficult for Bucky both mentally and physically, weeks spent in recovery with a body that had been forcefully modified to withstand anything but somehow was nearly ruined by birth, a mind that had only been his own for a year or so completely changed by the arrival of a child. 
Bucky had struggled to the point of tears and hopelessness and even though their entire family had stepped in to take turns with Maria and to trade off keeping Bucky company in his darker moments, it was still hard and it was still a struggle and it broke Tony’s heart every time he looked into Bucky's eyes and saw the lingering despair.
“Don’t you dare say you’re broken.” He said again, firmer this time. “My Omega, you are perfect. You are perfect, I’m not mad about what happened with Loki or that you and Bruce needed time away or anything. Please don’t worry, please don’t worry…”
“Hard to see you step between me and an Omega that looks like me. Sorta worried you’re gonna trade me in.” Bucky tried to laugh but it came out as a sob and Tony held him tighter. “Switch me out for a mate that isn’t such a mess?”
“I’d sooner rip my heart out.” Tony said honestly. “I love you with my entire soul, Buck. I’d never give you up, not even for an Omega with magic tricks.”
Bucky tried to smile and Tony hummed encouragingly. “Are you hungry, baby?”
“I should be.” Bucky mumbled. Sometimes he didn’t feel hungry for days and even though some of that might have been the super serum, more than likely it was depression and the Omega was trying so hard to not let it get the better of him. “Will you walk me to dinner? Stop and get Maria with me?”
“Of course I will.” Tony was small for an Alpha, but that didn’t stop him from standing on his toes to kiss his Omega for a long time. “Come on, pretty Omega, sweet perfect thing. Lets go get our girl.”
“I love you.” Bucky whispered and the Alpha growled, low and pleased. 
“I love you too.” 
Dinnertime in the compound was less of a structured meal and more about everyone cramming together on various surfaces to eat off each others plates and share drinks, to fight over who got the last piece of dessert only to end up sharing it, and drawing straws to see who had to do dishes. 
Tony had invested in a shocking amount of furniture to make sure everyone had a place to sit-- long couches and cozy sofas, over sized recliners and even a couple bean bags for those who wanted to sprawl out somewhere less structured. 
Tonight, Colonel Rhodes propped up on one of the sofas with Pepper curled into one side mingling her pink feathers with his dark blue, and Natasha on the other side, both redheads stealing bites from his plate and laughing over his faux grumbling. 
Bruce had a favorite recliner, the cushions worn into the proper shape for his wingless frame and Thor sat at his feet so they were close but not overwhelmingly close, with Steve plopped down next to Thor letting their nearly matching wings press together. The Alpha’s hand rested comfortably on the big Omega’s thigh, and unseen by most of the family, Bruce’s fingers lay just lightly on Thor’s shoulder. 
Usually Tony took up the huge sectional couch and welcomed anyone who wanted to sit with him, but tonight he picked a smaller sofa and spread his beautiful wings wide so there was plenty of room for Bucky to snuggle into his arms, baby Maria tucked safely between her Dads as they traded off eating and holding her bottle so she wasn’t hungry. Bucky looked exhausted and Tony kept checking on his mate, trilling into his ear and leaving kisses on Bucky’s temple. 
Clint had exactly zero issues with personal space, so when Sam flopped back onto an easy chair with his plate, the Beta had to quickly move it out of the way to make room for Clint as the Omega just flopped onto his lap and dug into his own food. Sam only sighed and rearranged his wings so the red feathers fell over Clint’s darker brown and they could both fit in the chair. 
The entire room scented of contentment and family, of laughter and comfort and happiness, and standing in the kitchen door with a plate of food, Loki had never felt so out of place in their entire life. 
No matter what Thor had said, no matter how nice everyone had been, no matter how stubbornly welcoming the family’s Alpha was, it was almost painful how obviously Loki did not fit in, and the flare of tentative hope that had been building in Loki’s chest all day flickered and--
--“Whoops! Sorry!” A flash of blue and silver and not even Loki’s godly reflexes could keep them from jumping in surprise, the plate dropping and spilling towards the floor. 
“Oh for heavens-- forgive my brother.” A flare of red light and the food froze just before it hit the ground, a beautiful girl reassembling the plate in midair before handing it back to Loki with a sheepish smile. “PIetro says sorry but he’s really not. In fact I can promise he’s probably laughing about scaring your right this minute.”
“Um--” Loki blinked in surprise as the red magic faded from the air and the girl offered them a smile, her oddly clawed wings fluttering in the air before she moved towards the living room. 
The Omega Clint jumped from his chair with a shout, brown wings flaring out in excitement and Loki’s jaw might have dislocated in sheer shock when the blue and silver flash slowed down enough to form into a young man with a huge smile and no wings at all. 
His hands moved almost impossibly fast as he signed a greeting to the Omega--huh, Loki hadn’t noticed Clint’s hearing aids before-- and then the boy rotated on his heel and waved something to Tony, and electric blue feathers burst from his shoulders into brilliantly colored wings, flaring out in a greeting for the family before disappearing again. 
“Tony.” the girl blew a kiss towards the Alpha before crossing to give Natasha a kiss on the cheek and murmur something in Russian. “Tasha. We have missed you.” 
“I forgot to mention the twins, didn’t I?” Pepper suddenly appeared at Loki’s side, a fond smile on her face as she watched the twins make their way around the room. “They are always a little unsettling if you aren’t prepared.” 
“Twins.” Loki said slowly and Pepper clarified, “Wanda and Pietro Maximoff Barton Stark. Clint rescued them from a war zone several years ago and Tony accepted them as family immediately. Just over a year ago we had paperwork drawn up to make them Clint and Tony’s legal children.” 
“They are adopted at this age?” Loki wrinkled his nose. “Why?” 
“Most of us don’t need to share the last same last name or anything to feel like family, but Wanda and Pietro were orphans. It was important to them to be family both in feeling and name so Tony made it happen. Officially our Alpha has three children-- Wanda and Pietro with Clint,  Maria with Bucky.”
“But only Maria is actually his child.” Loki pointed out. “Adopted children aren't actual children are they? Especially not when they are so obviously not family. They look entirely different from anyone else.” 
“Why on Earth would you say that?” Pepper actually laughed at them and Loki blinked down at her in surprise. “Why wouldn’t they be actual children, that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard!” 
“Wanda has magic.” Loki said plainly. “The boy has powers and his wings come and go as he pleases? I cannot imagine that is widely accepted here on Midgard.” 
“Why would it matter if it were widely accepted?” Pepper’s pink wings fluttered in annoyance. “It isn’t the children’s fault they are different. Magic and strange wings-- Bruce doesn’t have wings at all and Tony’s are a different color now than they were before Afghanistan. Bucky’s wings have knives on the edges and Sam is one of only a handful of people in the world to have red feathers. Mine used to be white and they faded to pink after I started taking suppressants and while Wanda’s aren’t like any we’ve seen before, they suit her perfectly. And to be honest, Pietro is so fast if his wings were out all the time he’d probably lose his feathers. We aren’t actually sure if it’s an original mutation that Hydra exploited, or one that was brought about by experimentation like Bruce’s Hulk, but it doesn’t matter. They are Clint and Tony’s children and that makes them family, weird wings or not.” 
She waited a beat and then looked up at Loki. “It's the same with you, isn’t it? You are Thor’s sibling even though you look nothing like him? Surely you don’t feel like less than family because you are different?” 
“I--” Loki’s mouth opened, but the words wouldn’t come, and Pepper’s lovely green eyes dimmed in sympathy when she saw their distress. 
“I’m very sorry to know that.” she said quietly. “But there is always room for one more in our family, if you want to be here.” 
“I um--” 
“Come on.” Pepper took Loki’s plate right from their hands and flicked her wings out to cover their shoulders and coax them further into the living room. “Come and eat with us, at least. No sense standing there lurking at the door, come on.” 
Thor looked up in surprise when Loki came to sit in the living room, and his grin was nothing short of thrilled when Sam popped his recliner and patted at the arm rest, clearly making room for Loki and spreading his red wings wide to help hold Loki steady as they sat and started to eat. 
“Is Loki actually a god?” Pietro whispered over loud and Clint answered, “They are as much a god as Thor.” 
“But isn’t Thor a Chippendale’s dancer?” Pietro wondered and Natasha snorted soda up her nose when she laughed, the entire section of the room dissolved into laughter. 
Loki sent Thor an uncertain look, but when big Alpha only nodded encouragingly, Loki made an effort to relax onto the chair a little more, taking the comfort and support from Sam’ wings with a hesitant smile. 
Tony and Bucky watched from across the way, both sets of eyes trained on Loki and Bucky whispered, “Sure looks lost, don’t they? Looks a lot like how I used to.” 
“Yeah, they do.” Tony shifted on the sofa so he could put Maria up over one shoulder and keep his other arm around his Omega. “It took you a while too, but you made it, right?” 
“Dunno if I made it yet.” Bucky reached carefully carefully with his left hand and lay it over Maria’s back, smiling when the baby only sighed in her sleep. “But I’m making it, I think.” 
“One day at a time, baby.” The Alpha planted a kiss on Bucky’s forehead. “You’re doing amazing.” 
“I think I should apologize to Loki for earlier.” Bucky confessed. “Wasn’t right of me to jump at them. You guys didn’t let Tasha do that to me when I first showed up and I’d tried to kill her a few times as the Soldier.” 
“I can talk to them if you want.” Tony offered. “Tasha already explained to him why our family is wary of newcomers, and I’m sure they know why a stranger hanging outside the lab raised alarms.” 
“I’ll do it.” Bucky said stubbornly and Tony kissed him again. “I remember what it’s like to feel like I’d never fit in, I can talk to them.” 
“Tony.” Rhodey came up to see them, patting at Maria’s diapered booty then crouching down so his dark wings weren’t looming over Bucky. “Pepper says we’re taking the entire family out shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and decorations tomorrow?” 
“I thought it sounded fun!” Tony defended and the other Alpha said flatly, “It sounds like a nightmare. It’s hard enough just getting the people who live here full time coordinated enough to do group activities, but now we’ve got four extra with Thor bringing Loki and the twins moving in for the season, not to mention my niecey.”
“Oh me and Maria are staying home.” Bucky said quickly and both Alphas turned to look at him in surprise. “I uh-- I don’t want to go out with everyone and I still sorta hate the city and she might get sick in the cold, you know?” 
“Are you sure, honey?” Tony waved Rhodey off and lowered his voice. “I’ll stay home with you if you want, just to help out.” 
“We’ll be fine.” Bucky said determinedly. “We’ve never been just me and her, someone else is always here and it’ll be good for me to know I can do it.” 
“Alpha.” The Omega’s pale eyes flashed in irritation, the dangerous edges of his wings clicking together. “We’ll be fine. It’s been almost four months and I’ve been getting a lot better and haven’t had a bad day in a while. We’re fine.” 
“Okay.” Tony finally agreed. “You let me know if you change your mind though?” 
“I won’t change my mind.” Bucky reached for the baby and tucked her close to his chest, purring low in his throat and cuddling her up over his heart. “It’ll be a nice quiet day. No Sam and Clint, no Stevie gettin’ horny with Thor--” Tony huffed a laugh. “--and I love Pep and Tasha but they only fight over who gets to hold Maria. We can snuggle up, watch a movie, have some peace and quiet.” 
“If that’s what you want.” The Alpha tipped his head as Clint passed, and his Omega obediently stopped to give him a kiss. “But you know you can call me and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and come and get you.” 
“I know Alpha.” Bucky motioned for a kiss as well and Clint murmured a soft ‘yay!’ before kissing Bucky too. “I know.” 
The compound was vacated by nine am the next morning and Bucky walked around the empty halls with a relieved smile on his face, his huge wings let out and relaxed since he didn’t have to worry about cutting anyone with the sharp edges as he wandered from room to room with Maria. 
The baby wanted down to the floor in the movie room so the Omega sprawled into one of the comfy chairs and watched her crawl around and explore, grinning at her gummy smiles, purring and trilling when she cooed at him. 
“Papa loves you.” he whispered and Maria clapped her little hands. “M’sorry it’s been hard for a while, but I promise I’m gettin’ better. Plus you’ve got this whole family that loves you more than anything else in the whole world, so even when I’m not doing okay, you’ll always have someone who wants to hold you.” 
Maria clapped her hands again and Bucky swooped her up and tossed her just barely into the air, chuckling quietly when she exploded into baby belly laughs. “Aw sugar, you are amazing.” 
Lunchtime found them in the kitchen, Maria sat on one of the counters with the Omega’s wing spread out to block her from crawling towards the edge while Bucky slapped together a quick sandwich and warmed a bottle up. Then it was to the living room to try and eat and that’s when their relatively peaceful morning started to fall apart .
First it was the formula that had been heated too hot and Maria burst into dismayed tears when it hurt her mouth. 
“Oh no no no.” Bucky hurried to cool her mouth with sips of water and ended up dropping his sandwich all over the floor as he tried to comfort the baby. “Sorry sweetie, Papa’s sorry, usually your Auntie does that and I forgot to check the temperature. Damn it. Sorry, hold on--” 
The Omega cracked the plate on the floor when he stood and slipped a little, wings flaring out and bladed primaries cutting into the sofa. Even though his dangerous feathers were no where near the baby, Maria screamed at the too loud schwing of metal and Bucky cursed again. 
“Damn it.” He picked Maria up, rocking her soothingly and trying to keep the panic out of his own voice when the baby’s screams only got louder because now she was scared and hungry and she could feel the unsteadiness in her Papa’s scent. 
“Please stop crying, sweetie.” Bucky pleaded, side stepping the mess on the floor and feeling around for the bottle on the couch. “Papa will get this cooled down and then we can get some num nums and you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine--” 
It was hard not to feel like an absolute failure as the baby sobbed into his shoulder and flailed at him with tiny fists, impatient as Bucky tried to get the bottle open with one hand so he could add a splash of colder water to the formula and cool it down. The bottle top finally wrenched off but te nipple tore in the process and formula went everywhere across the kitchen counters. 
Bucky stared at the mess with tears in his own eyes, trying and failing to comfort Maria, trying and failing to tell himself that it was okay, it was just a mess, it was doable. Right now it felt like too much and like he was the worst father and that this only proved he would never be fixed, he would always be broken--
“Bucky.” A voice from the doorway and Maria startled, screaming all over again as Bucky whirled around with dangerous wings raised high and fury leeching into his scent. He didn’t know who the hell had snuck up on them or why the hell they were in his house but he was gonna kill--
“Loki.” Bucky lowered his wings hastily when he saw the other Omega and tried to croon soothingly at Maria. “What-- what are you doing here?” 
“The thought of shopping made me break out in hives, so I stayed behind.” Loki said dryly, and when Bucky only looked at them, they clarified, “I’m joking. I um-- I just didn’t want to go, so I was in my rooms. I heard the baby and--” 
“--and what?” Bucky tensed and that only made Maria more agitated. “We’re fine. We’ve got it under control.” 
“Do you?” Loki didn’t mean to sound condescending, but it came across that way all the same and they swore quietly when Bucky’s wings lifted again. “What I mean to say is--” they held out their arms and motioned for the baby. “Would you like me to hold her so you can get cleaned up?” 
“...are you serious?” Bucky asked slowly and Loki nodded. “Why? I was so mean to you yesterday--” 
“Shhh.” Loki moved forward faster than Bucky was expecting, and both he and Maria gaped when Loki spread their coal black wings over both of them, the green eyed Omega humming something soft and echo-y as he took Maria right from Bucky’s arms and put her to their chest. 
“There’s a love.” they hummed and Maria blinked stunned blue eyes up at them. “You’re alright, little one. Bucky, why don't you prepare another bottle and I’ll take her back to the living room.” 
“I--” Bucky’s silver and black wings dropped in defeat. Even Loki was better at this than he was. “Sure.” 
Trudging back out to the living room a few minutes later, Bucky first noticed the sandwich mess was cleaned up, and then noticed that Maria wasn’t crying. In fact she was cooing in interest and excitement, staring up at Loki as the dark wings flickered silver and then jade green over and over, the colors cascading down their feathers in a nearly hypnotic show. 
“...what are you doing? What happened to the mess?” 
“I’m actually terrible with children.” Loki held out their hand for the bottle. “Or rather, terrible with babies. Teenagers I like very much, they want to cause so much mischief but usually it’s all in good fun. Babies frighten me.” 
“It’s my magic.” Loki spread the multi hued feathers wider in a clear invitation for Bucky to sit next to them. “A simple fix to clean up the mess, and Frigga taught me a calming spell to keep my own emotions in check years ago. It's useful with cranky little ones, nothing that alters their psyche, just enough to make them forget what they were upset about until we can fix it.” 
“And um--” Bucky hesitated, not sure if he wanted to sit next to the mercurial god. “Your wings?” 
The other Omega was quiet a moment, then in a very small voice, “My wings are actually silver but the glamour given to me as a child kept them green. I learned I was adopted, learned of my heritage only a year ago and since then, I’ve turned them black. I felt as if the green wings were a lie and in Asgard, silver wings belong to the Frost Giants, so black was neither of those colors and yet a clear warning for people to stay away.” 
Another moments hesitation and Loki admitted, “I never really fit into Thor’s world and now that I know I am not actually a part of his world, it all makes sense. I understand why it never felt like home.” 
“I know what it’s like to not fit in.” Bucky finally sat, tucking his wings behind his shoulders so he wouldn’t disrupt Loki’s feathers. “Took me a long time to feel like family here, and I was finally better when Maria came along and now sometimes I feel like I’ll never--” he shook his head and sighed wearily. “Anyway. I’m um-- I’m sorry about yesterday.” 
“There is no harm done.” Loki said quietly. “You reacted exactly as I would have in the same situation, and I have had worse done to me with no apology at all. Bruce is lucky to have many who guard his intimacy so closely.” 
“Bruce was the first person to make me realize I wasn’t ruined.” Bucky nearly whispered. “I didn’t think I’d ever fit into this family. Bruce told me that we are all a little broken, but when we’re together, we’re all a little less broken and that our Alpha has taken all our broken edges and molded them into something beautiful as family.” 
“You’re doing wonderful with this little one, I can’t imagine being responsible for something so precious. Even on the difficult days you love her and I think that’s all that matters, that a child grows up loved.” Loki matched the other Omega’s hushed tone, and added. “...I’d like to know what it feels like to be a little less broken.” 
Bucky gave him a tired sort of smile and nodded. “Welcome to the family, Lo.” 
When their family returned from shopping that night, Tony found Loki stretched out on the couch, black wings draped over Bucky and Maria who were lying over his heart. 
“Alpha?” Pepper came up behind. “What are you looking--oh.” 
“I want one.” Tony decided and Pepper laughed softly. “Tony, I don’t think you have a choice in the matter. Every one of us has brought someone else into the family, and I think Bucky and Maria have decided that Loki is staying.” 
“Tis good for my sibling to--” Thor came up on Tony’s other side, but he stopped mid step, the words failing when Loki’s feathers lost their matte color and shifted towards glossy black, green and silver primaries suddenly gleaming under the soft lights. “Loki.” 
The Omega opened bright green eyes and offered them a hesitant smile, and Tony put his hand to his heart as it clenched in happiness. 
“Another place at the Thanksgiving table.” he whispered and Pepper whispered back, “It’s already taken care of.” 
Thanksgiving came a week later and the entire family crowded around the table in the formal dining room of the compound for the feast they’d all worked to prepare for the last several days. 
There were five different turkeys-- one for Thor alone, one for Steve and Bucky to share, three for everyone else-- a spiral ham and a beautiful eggplant dish for Pepper. Enough sides to make the table groan including six types of potatoes, gallons of gravy and literal pounds of stuffing. Dessert after dessert after dessert on the side table and at least a dozen bottles of wine and it was all set with Tony’s mother’s best china and sparkling glasses. 
The Alpha stood at the head of the table and made a toast about the past year and how far their family had come, how wonderful it was to be all together this time of year and all the amazing things they could look forward to in the next few months. 
“I am very proud to be your Alpha.” Tony glanced round the table at every familiar face, smiling when he saw Yinsen who had come in on a very early flight just to be here for dinner, stopping to linger over where Bucky and Loki were tucked close together with Maria on their lap, fluttering his wings in happiness when he saw Steve and Thor tucked together. Bruce was holding onto Thor’s hand, Clint was squished between the twins, and Pepper was perched on Rhodey’s lap, Natasha snuggled in next to Sam. “I have a million things to be thankful for, but the ones that matter the most are gathered at the table tonight. Here’s to another year of family, and another year of happiness. Cheers.” 
“CHEERS!” The room burst into shouts and cheers, clapping and even a few whoops, everyone sharing kisses and hugs before the food was served. 
Tony stepped away from the table and went to start opening the wine, watching his family with a thoughtful expression on his face. 
“Tones?” Rhodey came over to help. “Everything alright? It’s not like you to not fight for the first helping of stuffing.” 
“Every Christmas I make some cheesy comment about how I never think I can get happier and then every year I get even more happy, you know?” Tony pulled the cork from a bottle and set it aside.
“Yep, I know.” Rhodey twisted another off and handed the bottle off to Pietro to pass down the table. “You gonna say it early this year?” 
“I was thinking about it.” Tony admitted and James laughed, pulling his oldest friend into a quick hug. 
“Go ahead Tones, I won't even tease you for it.” 
Tony smiled, a sheen of tears in his eyes as he looked out over his family and felt the merriment in the air. “Damn Rhodey, I just don’t know if I’ll ever be happier than this right here. Look at all I have to be thankful for, I have everything. What else could I possibly want?”
“Everything?” Rhodey watched closely as Steve politely turned down both the shot of tequila Clint pressed into his hand, and the wine Pietro offered and sipped at water instead. “You think so, huh?” 
“Pretty sure.” Tony smiled a little. “Pretty sure.” 
“We’ll see.” Rhodey patted Tony on the shoulder and motioned to the table. “Come on. Go get a plate. Our family loves you but I dunno if they love you enough to save you any food.” 
“Thankful for you, Rhodey.” Tony blew him a kiss and like an absolute idiot, Rhodey caught it and put it over his heart.
“Thankful for you too, Tony.” 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @desitonystark @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii
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morgen92 · 4 years
Under the heading of “I know it’s weird but consider this...”
Years ago, like, about ten, I wrote some random multi crossover just to entertain myself. 
Basically the plot was from episodes of M*A*S*H*, but the characters involved were Sokka from ATLA, Naruto and Sakura from Naruto, Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet, and a couple of characters from another anime I was stanning at the time. 
Long story short, I ended up writing myself into shipping Jim Hawkins with Sakura Haruno.  
And this ship WILL NOT let me go!
The kicker? There’s hardly any Naruto/Treasure Planet crossover works, aside from the “I’m still here” vids on YouTube. THere’s currently a handful of crossover fics on FF.net, but they’re... Not very good. 
Why had no one thought of this? There could be so much potential!  
Like, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the whole culture-clash humor of Jim coming from a scientific and highly technologically advanced culture and ending up in Konoha where people regularly shatter all the known laws of physics, and a few unheard of yet, and learn to do so at a very young age.
But, cutting to the chase... why do I ship Jim with Sakura. 
Good question. 
On the surface it seems weird. But when you look deeper they have more in common than you think, but at the same time they’ve got differences that I think help compliment each other.   
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THey’re both wicked smart kids who had to grow up quickly, experienced rejection from someone they loved (at around the same age, from the look of things)  
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They strike me as potential for tropes like “Belligerent Sexual Tension”, “the Affectionate Pickpocket”  “By-the-book-cop vs Cowboy Cop”, etc.  
Here are a few couples I think they would share similar dynamics with (dynamics, mind you, not necessarily personalities). 
Diana/Steve Trevor: Wonder Woman 2017  
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Chris Pine described it as, “Two people that don’t really bond well at first and they’re butting heads and just fun, witty banter.” This is kind of how I see them working out. I know I said personalities don’t necessarily count, but Steve is kinda’ how I see Jim turning out a few years down the road, with some maturity and experience under his belt. 
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Particularly the reaction to the whole “crazy origin story” (”... Well, that’s neat.”) And reacting to the weirdness of everything she considers normal.
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Also, just the Warrior woman and flyboy thing going on. 
Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde: Zootopia 
He’s savvy and bends the rules into pretzels. She’s by-the-book and eager to prove her worth, with some level of naiveté, but not as much as you’d think. 
Their begrudging partnership that turns into close friendship, and their different ways meshing together. 
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The way nick keeps messing with her, but gets taken off guard when she turns out to be surprisingly savvy herself in some ways.  
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 And that speech in the end. 
N: Come on, you know you love me. 
J: Do I know that? Yes I do.
I think that’s what appeals to me the most about pairing Jim with Sakura: the way I see it, it would start as a firm friendship with a whole lot of chemistry. 
which brings us to... 
Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce/Margaret Houlihan: M*A*S*H*  
Remember I said this all came from a fic with plotlines from MASH?
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I’m talking about from seasons 6 onward, after she opens up and is more willing to become friends with the others in the unit. 
Hawkeye is irreverent, devil-may-care, really cares about people but refuses to color in the lines. Margaret is definitely by-the-book, colors within the lines, and while they butt heads ultimately there ends up being a deep friendship built on mutual respect. 
(I couldn’t find a lot of gifs or caps for these two so bear with me) 
Moments to point out especially are when Hawkeye confronts Margaret about hiding her feelings after the stray puppy she and the rest of the camp have been feeding scraps to gets hit by a jeep. 
H: I’ve seen you sneaking scraps to that dog for over a week, you expect me to believe you don’t feel anything! 
M: I’ve got people dying all around me! Why should I lose it just because a... (voice starts cracking)... a little dog... (breaks down) 
H: (give her an unobtrusive hug and lets her cry)  
Also, just the levels they’ll go through to support each other, try to cheer each other up. Their interactions, their chemistry, the underlying attraction. The most important thing is each other’s happiness. 
And to some degree... 
Chandler/Monica: Friends. 
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Like so many of these, close friends who prioritize each other’s happiness over ending up together. The way they can make each other laugh, His wise cracking along with her meticulousness. 
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In conclusion: 
This crossover rare pair doesn’t get nearly enough attention and we need to spread awareness. 
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reconditarmonia · 5 years
Dear Equivalent Exchange Author
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’ve just completed my first watch of FMA:B and am obsessed, and very excited for the first single-fandom exchange I’ve done.
I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3 (and have been since LJ days, but my LJ is locked down and I only have a DW to see locked things). I have anon messaging off, but mods should be able to contact me if you have any questions.
Riza and Roy | Ishval | Briggs | Olivier/Izumi
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
– I have no idea how a Simoun AU/fusion would work for any of the (military-related, I guess) prompts, but if you know that anime, hell, go for it.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships.
A note: I’m generally fine with “/” ships where the fic doesn’t contain a kiss, overt declaration of love, etc. I’ll trust that you wrote it with shippy intent and don’t expect you to force in something that wouldn’t fit the story.
Female Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye; Riza Hawkeye & Roy Mustang
I love the loyalty kink in this ship - the trust and competence and stoically hidden but very very intense feelings, the willingness to risk oneself or the other person, or to stake a lot on the other person’s competence (and willingness to hurt or sacrifice the other person because their shared cause says it’s right, too, all the times that comes up), the fighting together in tandem. I have an unbelievable need for f!Roy fic that plays up all the dynamics I love in canon: a dangerous mission (or intelligence-collecting situation) where their deep familiarity/trust/awareness of each other’s presence and fighting style and communication come into play (god, that bit in canon where Hawkeye shoots two guys right over Mustang’s shoulder), or where they worry about each other’s safety? I love the intimacy of their work relationship and personal history, on levels from casual to very intense, and would love it with sexual tension in how they notice and appreciate each other's physicality and presence and competence (hands??? muscles?)
Also potentially interesting: some kind of document or documents (newspaper, history book) or other outsider perspective on President Mustang and her decades-long professional relationship with Riza Hawkeye, so close they even live together/travel together/entertain guests together, neither of them ever married, that sort of thing.
I’d also be up for canon-gendered fic with absurd levels of platonic smarm: cuddling (for warmth or otherwise), bed-sharing for plot reasons, helping with clothes due to injury or for a fancy event, quasi-domestic working together, etc. as well as with the said loyalty kink.
When reading genderswapped characters, I have no strong preference for character names, with a slight preference for sticking with their canon names; it’s up to you whether you want to justify any resulting names that would be unusual for women or just gloss over it.
in conclusion: loyalty kink.
DNW: unrequested ships for these characters, including passing mentions thereof.
Scar & Original Ishvalan Character(s); Miles & Original Ishvalan Character(s); Scar & Miles
One of the things that really hits close to home about canon, for me as a Jewish fan whose relatives went through the Holocaust, is the Ishval plot; I like that it’s important and not just backstory or setup for other stuff, and that there are multiple characters who are Ishvalan or of Ishvalan descent, rather than a genocide plot being a convenient reason to have one or no Ishvalan perspectives in the story. I’d really be interested in reading anything about, well, what do you do during or in the wake of a genocide: Miles’s seemingly increasing identification with his Ishvalan background; one or both of them in the post-canon rebuilding; what is is to be Amestrian *and* Ishvalan; what Scar (or OCs) are able to keep from their culture and community and what was lost (and what evolves), whether that’s in “Amestrian” cities and towns during or after canon, or in post-canon Ishval; saving the testimonies or the culture. Doesn’t need to be angsty if that’s not what you’re into; indeed, surviving/building a new life/finding joy/celebrating one’s culture and heritage after that kind of thing are meaningful too.
DNW: Please don’t give Scar a name; I personally am fine eliding any narration issues with “how would he refer to himself in his own POV?” in my brain. I would also prefer that Ishvalan culture be worldbuilt rather than borrowed wholesale from a real-life culture.
Briggs Soldiers & Officers; Olivier Mira Armstrong & Miles
I love the entire Briggs dynamic and its mix of heartwarming and id-satisfying loyalty kink. (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting) Any combination of Briggs characters (Olivier? Miles? Buccaneer? Falman? The doctor? Engineer Bobby? OCs?), whether in ordinary or extraordinary circumstances - daily life in the fort, a battle with Drachma where they work together seamlessly, surviving a storm or the typical winter cold - would make me happy, but I especially love those shows of loyalty. Entire Briggs Is Gay would also non-ironically be neat, as would other ways of exploring the idea of Briggs being a united wall made up of people with a lot of secrets and/or racial and gender differences. I’ve also requested Olivier & Miles specifically and am basically interested in the same sort of thing (feel free to pull ideas from my other Miles requests as well). Olivier has no patience for anyone’s shit and I adore her.
Olivier Mira Armstrong/Izumi Curtis
So competent! So angry! They hit it off as soon as they meet! (Olivier’s previously aware of that woman who stole from Briggs for a month before she took command, but not by name/face.) It’d be hot!
DNW: infidelity angst or poly negotiation; I'd rather just tacitly assume Izumi and Sig have an open relationship.
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lightsaberss · 7 years
The Wedding (Part One)
The list of things he would do for Winry was pages, and pages long. He'd tried to write it down once to prove a point - and win an argument - but she'd stopped him once he got onto the fourth page, and the list had gotten more and more ridiculous. However, on that list, the following things hadn't appeared:
1) Being a human dummy for her to plan, and also practice, Hawkeye's wedding hairdo.
2) Attending the wedding of President-Elect Fuckface and Shining Paragon of Duty Former Captain Riza Hawkeye, with his very, very, very pregnant wife.
If they managed to get through this weekend in Central without Winry giving birth, or anyone finding out about his own recent past as hair stylist mannequin it was going to be a miracle. He could put up with the latter, just about, but he was going to hover around Win just in case. The idea that she could just go into labour here, so far from home and their plan was terrifying, and there was no way in hell that he was letting her out of his sight for more time than it took for her to go to the bathroom, which she did all the time.
That's why he was one of only two men sitting in Rebecca Catalina-Havoc-Whatever's living room while the girls gushed over the bride. Al was with him, because Ed had given him no chance to refuse as he physically dragged him along with him and Winry from the hotel. However, he was being no help, as he was just talking about Alkahestry with Princess Mei. Usually Ed would've butted in, or at least listened with great interest (just because he couldn't perform Alchemy anymore, didn't mean he'd lost any academic interest he had in the subject), but he was worried about Winry, who kept rubbing the small of her back in between doing… whatever it was she was actually doing to Hawkeye's hair.
It felt like a victory when he managed to wait until Winry was done with Hawkeye's hair (it was now in some kind of ridiculous - but he had to admit - pretty updo. At least, he thought it was called an updo) before he went over and rubbed her lower back for her. He pointedly ignored CataHavoc's (Havolina? Fuck, he should just call her Rebecca, or it was going to get weird) 'awwww's' and comments about how adorable they were. He hoped that Al was proud that he was growing as a person.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, just everything aches today," Winry complained, but let him steer her to the chair he'd just vacated, and she flopped down as elegantly as any heavily pregnant woman could. "I can't wait until this kid's out and then you can carry it around for a change."
"As long as it's not today," Ed said. "And I'll carry her around all the time."
"Stop calling it a girl, we don't know that!" Winry argued. Not for the first time. Or the hundredth. It just felt weird to call his kid an it, and there was only a 50% chance he'd be wrong. He'd taken worse odds in the past.
"Fine. Him. Happy?" Ed asked.
"Oh, you know that's not what I meant at all!" Winry said, but she was amused rather than angry. Ed could tell by the fact that she had yet to actually threaten him with violence or anything other than a scolding.
Okay. So. Maybe he hadn't grown as a person that much, as he got embroiled in the stupid argument about what to call the baby before it was even out of the womb. It was the same argument they'd had almost weekly since they'd found out they were going to be parents. It was weirdly comforting, and it took his mind of the nightmare scenario that was Winry going into labour in the middle of the ceremony.
"Oh, wow!" It was Rebecca's exclamation that made them stop bickering. There was Hawkeye, in her wedding dress, and even Ed had to admit that she looked really nice. It was a high necked ivory gown, to cover her scars, Ed guessed, and while he didn't know enough about dresses to describe it more accurately than 'ivory, lace, and some sparkly bits', he thought she looked elegant. Beautiful and elegant.
Roy felt like he'd been waiting forever for this. Ever since he first kissed her, just after he figured out how to turn flame alchemy from a concept into a reality, through every little moment they'd shared together since then, he'd been waiting for this moment. The moment where he gets to scream to the world; Look, I'm hers, and she's mine! Only without any literal screaming, because he was certain that would make her walk out of the registry office before he could stumble over an apology.
This, for him, was the true beginning of the next part of their plans. It was also, he knew, incredibly selfish. He could be President without her as his wife, he could change Amestris with her as his adjutant, his bodyguard, and his assistant. Being married wasn't something that would help them reach their goals any quicker than staying as they were, it was just that doing this would make them happy.
For years, he'd thought - they'd both thought - that being happy was a sin, that they weren't worthy of it after everything they'd done, and maybe some people would agree with their past views. Maybe they would be right. Roy honestly didn't care. It had taken the almost destruction of Amestris at the hands of the Homunculi, and the rebuilding of Ishval to put things into perspective for him. That maybe in his personal life he could be selfish, they could both be selfish, and happy, and still work towards making this country a better place.
Today was the true, and honest, start of that happiness. Now, all he had to do was wait for her to show up.
"She'll be here soon, boss." Havoc said, catching him in the act of checking the time on his pocket watch. "I remember when me and Becca got married, this was the worst part. I could've sworn she wasn't gonna show, but she did."
"I remember, you almost threw up on my shoes." Roy reminded him. "Although that might've been the hangover, rather than nerves."
"I wasn't that hungover." Havoc said.
Roy's response was interrupted before it even begun, as the doors opened and the Elric's, and Princess Mei slipped inside to take their seats. A quiet fell over the guests as the music started, a quiet filled with anticipation that turned to wonder as Riza walked into the room, accompanied by her grandfather.
To him, she was a vision. Her dress clung to her curves alluringly, and she sparkled as she walked towards him, the light catching on the tiny gems that had been embroidered onto her dress. Her beauty had always been able to strike him dumb, and take away his ability to be charming and suave, and this was no exception. By the time she reached him, and he took her hand, he had just about regained enough speech to tell her how beautiful she looked. How he was going to manage his vows, he had no idea.
Rebecca was not going to cry. She was going to keep it together. The sight of her best friend marrying the Matchstick and being well and truly happy for the first time in for-fucking-ever was not going to make her tear up, god dammit.
She wiped at her eyes carefully, trying not to smudge her make up too much, because if she looked like a panda in the photos later then she'd just die. She was so focused on Riza that she almost didn't notice her husband staring at her instead of the happy couple. They'd only been married a year, and even if it was stupidly sappy to say, it didn't feel like long at all. Rebecca grinned at him, but nudged her head towards Riza and Roy to try to get him to pay attention to them.
Still, it was very sweet, and she'd kiss the hell out of him later as a reward.
It turned out, to no one's surprise, that Edward Elric actually cared very little about weddings that weren't his own. Even then, Winry had to explain to him using very small words (while holding a very big wrench) why he had to help plan the wedding and no, he couldn't just turn up, and no they were not just going to elope and get it over with.
Still, at least this wedding was quick and didn't involve any hokey religions.
It was that, and the way Mustang initially stumbled over his vows, that reminded him of his own wedding, and he slid an arm around Winry's shoulders and kissed her temple affectionately.
"Love you, Win." He whispered into her ear, and smiled.
"Love you too." She said, her voice strained.
Ed handed her a hanky. Freaking hormones.
Riza's heart was beating a million beats per minute, and she didn't think she'd smiled so much or so brightly in her life, especially not in front of so many people. She'd been nervous about today for weeks, not about getting married to Roy, but about standing up in front of everyone and being the centre of attention. It felt ridiculous now that Roy was the one staring at her, because no one else in the room mattered.
No one else in the room had mattered from the second she'd walked into it.
She'd spoken how vows clearly; to love him, support him, and to always watch his back. They were simple vows, but honest, and everything else had been promised a thousand times before in few words and many actions.
Embarrassingly, considering she was a sniper by trade, her hands trembled with excitement and nerves as she slipped the ring onto his finger. She had to stop herself from laughing happily, when his hands did the same.
This happiness was selfish, she knew that. These giddy moments of child like glee at the mere touch of his hand on hers in the middle of this ceremony was nothing more than self indulgent selfishness that she had struggled to believe she was allowed. She was allowed it, and she was going to indulge in it, and let herself be happy.
"You may now kiss the bride." The officiator announced.
Riza giggled quietly, so that only Roy could hear, before he took her in his arms and kissed her. The crowd cheered, and unable to resist showing off, Roy dipped her as he continued to kiss her. She clutched at his uniform jacket to stop herself falling to the floor, and happily returned the kiss.
Tomorrow they would go back to fixing their country. Today was just for them.
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reconditarmonia · 4 years
Dear Gen Freeform Writer
(Edit: I apologize for not coming back to fill out this placeholder. It’s unlike me and it’s negatively affected you. I hope this addition comes at a time when it’s still useful to you; it largely replicates my signup but expands on some things.)
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods should be able to contact me if you have any questions.
Fullmetal Alchemist | Machineries of Empire | Legend of Korra
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity; stories whose resolution isn’t the sex scene.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships.
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Group(s): Roy Mustang & Riza Hawkeye
Competence - highly effective teamwork
Intensely Important Nonsexual Nonromantic Relationship
Loyalty - Betraying Leader or Subordinate to Save Them
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Risking Self For Someone
Loyalty - Swearing
I love the loyalty kink in this canon, and in this duo specifically: the trust and competence and stoically hidden but very very intense feelings, the willingness to risk oneself or the other person, or to stake a lot on the other person’s competence (and willingness to hurt or sacrifice the other person because their shared cause says it’s right, too, all the times that comes up), the fighting together in tandem.
So - a dangerous mission (or intelligence-collecting situation) where their deep familiarity/trust/awareness of each other’s presence and fighting style and communication come into play (god, that bit in canon where Hawkeye shoots two guys right over Mustang’s shoulder), or where they worry about each other’s safety, or rescue each other? Or a more private scene? I love the intimacy of their work relationship and personal history, on levels from casual to very intense. I love the "protect my back" exchange so, so much (I'm particularly interested in fics set during a time when that is already part of their relationship history, rather than fics set in Ishval or shortly after, and I am not really interested in fics set when they were children or young adults at all) and the way that, eventually, ends up playing out with regard to Envy.
Group(s): Olivier Mira Armstrong & Briggs Soldiers, Olivier Mira Armstrong & Mile, Olivier Mira Armstrong & Miles & Briggs Soldiers
Competence - highly effective teamwork
FMA: Everyone at Briggs Is Gay
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Risking Self For Someone
I love the loyalty kink in this canon, and in Briggs specifically - both heartwarming and id-satisfying. (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting! And Olivier’s lack of patience for anyone’s shit.) Ordinary or extraordinary circumstances - daily life in the fort, a battle with Drachma where they work together seamlessly, surviving a storm or the typical winter cold? Entire Briggs Is Gay would also non-ironically be neat, as would other ways of exploring the idea of Briggs being a united wall made up of people with a lot of secrets and/or racial and gender differences. This of course can bring in Miles specifically - I love the scene where he recounts Olivier's explanation of why it's important to her to have him as her right-hand man.
Fandom: Machineries of Empire
Group(s): Ajewen Cheris & Shuos Jedao, Rhezny Brezan & Devenay Ragath & Neshte Khiruev, Shuos Mikodez & Shuos Zehun, Shuos Nija & Shuos Feiyed
Intensely Important Nonsexual Nonromantic Relationship
Loyalty - Betraying Leader or Subordinate to Save Them
Loyalty - Deferring To Leader or Subordinate's Judgment
Loyalty - Gestures of Loyalty
Loyalty - Swearing
No moral compass so I'll borrow yours instead
Platonic Kneeling
I love the loyalty kink in this canon and the various forms it takes - "I'm your gun" with the kneeling, Mikodez showing the contingency plans to Zehun to make a point, Ragath defecting from the Kel because of what they did to his soldiers - and the variety of important, intense platonic relationships. I don't have a lot of particular plot prompts (I'd just love to see more loyalty and trust, especially under strain - deferring to someone's competence or sense of ethics even though you don't know how it will turn out, making difficult choices, verbal or nonverbal displays of loyalty like the kneeling and swearing and the glove thing)...but for Cheris and Jedao I'm especially interested in a post-Glass Cannon timeframe. (Oh my god, they were roommates telepathically bonded. I quite like their Ninefox Gambit interactions as well when he's in her head, but the fallout of everything that happens in the series and how it creates that strong Jedao->Cheris loyalty is very good.) For Nija and Feiyed I reckon Feiyed mentors Nija after rescuing/recruiting her, and maybe they work together in future? Brezan, Khiruev and Ragath in the Revenant Gun timeline or after, trusting each other with the future of the former hexarchate and working together on an interpersonal level? Mikodez and Zehun at any time, oh my god. I also enjoy the faction loyalty within the Kel and within the Shuos in general, and seeing that play out in some proportion or other of ritualized and personal.
Fandom-Specific DNW: I'm aware that there's a lot of torture and dubcon in canon. I don't mind if you mention that they exist but I'd like to reiterate that I absolutely do not want any onscreen, or any details about torture even mentioned.
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Group(s): Korra & Kuvira, Korra & Zaheer
Learning from an Enemy
Mentor/Mentee Relationships
One thing I enjoyed about seasons 3 and 4 of Korra was the writing team’s attempt to write villains who were sincerely committed ideologues with valid points, even if they became evil in pursuit of their goals, and to figure out how Korra could relate to those villains as the Avatar and as the person that she is. I loved how Korra needed to seek help from Zaheer because as an anarchist he truly opposed what Kuvira was doing and wanted to help Korra, and how she was able to empathize with Kuvira at the end of s4 because the two have some big personality similarities. How might they continue to work together or influence each other after the end of s4? I don’t need a redemption arc if that’s not what you’re interested in writing - Zaheer and Kuvira can absolutely continue to believe that their ideals were correct and even that not all of their methods were wrong - but I would be interested in reading about Korra getting more mental/spiritual tutoring from her enemy Zaheer and deciding how much of that she wants to integrate into her practice, seeking Kuvira’s advice on how to handle ongoing developments in the Earth Kingdom as it transitions to a republic, sparring or practicing bending with Kuvira, Spirit World meditation adventures with Zaheer… (I haven’t read the comics, so you can either take or leave comics canon.)
Fandom-Specific Exception: I've been a Korrasami shipper since s1, so if your vision for this fic includes a big part for Asami, consider that an exception to my unrequested-ships DNW.
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IronHawk (Twenty)
Tony didn't put any spray on when he got back to his room, but he didn't see Clint the rest of that day, so it didn't matter.
So Tony didn't put any on the next day either. Only Natasha commented on it, leaning in to scent him and sending him one of those half smiles. “Glad to have you back, Tony.”
The third day, he and Pepper were having coffee and going over paperwork for a new patent for some new technology when Hawkeye came out of his room.
“Oh Clint! I didn't even know you were home!” Pepper said, surprised. Tony looked up quickly, trying read the Alphas mood, which was shockingly easy without the hormone neutralizer muting everything. Clint seemed tired, but happy. Wary of being in the same room as Tony and...oh. Clint was interested.
Tony felt it like a physical charge when Clint zeroed in on him.
“Hey.” Clint said quietly, eyebrows going up, wings fluttering in curiosity. He had caught Tony's scent instantly, and it was already affecting him. He sent Tony a questioning look, and Tony nodded in answer.
“Hey.” Tony replied, and turned his head a little, tilting it just slightly in invitation. Yes Alpha.
Clint took several large steps, crowding into Tony's space, and gave a small sniff at the omegas neck, before groaning and breathing in deeper.
“Tony.” He whispered into his ear, the word filled with so much longing it made Tony's chest tight.
Tony rotated in his chair, parting his legs just enough for Clint to stand between them. “Tony.” He said again, coming closer, pressing his nose to the soft patch of skin behind Tony's ear, running down his neck and over the bonding mark. “I've missed you.”
Clint was in heaven, finally being able to scent his omega, to feel the emotion coming from him. “Can I hold you?” he asked carefully, and Tony nodded, his hands coming up to grip Clint’s strong arms. “Come on then.” Clint stepped back just far enough to pull Tony to his feet, cradling him in his arms and carrying him over to one of the recliners.
He stretched back, bringing Tony to lay nearly on top of him, close enough that Clint could still put his face into the omegas neck. His wings opened wide, then settled in a blanket over them, basically hiding them from view. Bending his knee so one leg lay between Tony's, Clint ran his fingers through his omegas hair, down his cheek, over his shoulders, anywhere he could touch. He stroked his thumb firmly over the bonding mark and Tony shivered, humming softly as he relaxed against him. “Does this mean…” Clint cleared his throat. “You aren't wearing the spray. Does this--- are we-”
“Yes.” Tony said. “That's what I was going for. I figured getting rid of my hormone neutralizer would get the message across.”
“Omega.” Clint murmured, and Tony started purring.
********** Completely forgotten in the kitchen, Pepper was smiling happily, wiping her own tears from her face. She gathered all the paperwork and her cup of coffee and left as quietly as she could.
When Steve wandered into the kitchen to make a sandwich, he did a double take, realizing what he thought was a blanket in a recliner was in fact wings. Wings wrapped around...two sets of legs? The answer occurred to him quickly, and he finished making his sandwich and snuck back out.
Both Bruce and Wilson came looking for dinner, and were quickly shushed by Natasha, who was perched on the counter, watching the pair still on the recliner.
“Is that Hawkeye and Tony?” Wilson asked, staring.
“Yeah. They've been like this for hours.” Natasha explained in a hushed voice.
“Hours?” Bruce asked, disbelieving.
“Pepper says they were having coffee this morning when Hawkeye came in, and they did this. So yes, hours. All day.”
“What changed?” Wilson asked again.
“Tony decided to be an omega again.” Natasha couldn't hide her smile, and Wilson, who was an omega himself, nodded in understanding.
Only Banner watched them, with something a lot like sadness on his face.
Tony had come to him the day before and cried, apologizing for using him, begging forgiveness for putting him in such a difficult place, and thanking him over and over for being there. Bruce couldn't do anything but hug Tony back, telling him over and over that it was fine, that he would always be there for him, that Tony hadn't asked too much of him.
“Are you sure? Because I feel terrible, Brucie-bear, I can't even---”
“Tony.” Bruce wiped tears from Tony's face. “I'm not going to lie, there was a few times there I thought maybe you and I…” he shook his head. “But it never would have worked. You are Clints, and he is yours, and you and I are--”
“Science bros for life?” Tony asked in a shaky voice and Bruce laughed, pulling him in for another hug.
“Science bros for life, Tony.”
So of course he was happy for Tony and Hawk. But he knew he had the same look on his face that Logan had had every time he looked Clint.
“Why did you decide to go off your neutralizer spray?” Clint asked softly, when he opened his eyes again and realized the tower was dark. Tony shifted against him, his entire right side was asleep, but loathe to leave the warm cocoon of wings.
“Because you didn't like it.”
“That has literally never stopped you a day in your life. In fact, if you know someone doesn't like something you usually go out of your way to do it.”
“Rude.” Tony snarked, and Clint kissed his head affectionately. After a beat of silence Tony continued. “And… I realized that what we had the other day isn't what I want from us.”
“Sex?” Clint asked, sounding more than a little panicked, and Tony's body shook in laughter.
“No, not that. I mean yes, I just dont want that kind of sex. While being inside you was,” a shudder ran through his body and Clint growled low, hips moving beneath him, “amazing, it was like… being with a stranger. I couldn't read you, or feel you, or connect with you. Not like when we bonded. Not like during heat. And I want that again.”
“I know what you mean.” Clint answered, hands tightening around Tony's waist. “It was like seeing you from a distance. It was good but it wasn't… us.”
“I hate being an omega, Clint.” Tony said, exhaustion in his tone. “Especially after so many years of not dealing with it. I hate it. But…” he curled his fingers into Hawks shirt. “ I loved being your omega. I miss being your omega.” He nearly whispered the last bit and Clint's arms and wings tightened around him.
“You're still my omega, Tony.” Clint murmured, nuzzling into his hair. “Still mine. Always mine, if you want to be.” Tony pushed away, sitting up a little.
“Of course.” Clint ran his thumb over the bonding mark on Tony's neck, smiling a little when Tony leaned into the touch. “Of course, Tony, I never gave you up. Always mine.”
“Prove it, then.” Tony said with a little wiggle of his hips, and Clints eyes flashed red.
“Show me I'm still you're Omega.” Tony leaned in close, his tongue flicking out over Clints ear, teeth scraping over his jaw. “Prove it to me, Alpha.”
****************** ******************
I'm not nervous. Tony told himself as he paced in front of his balcony doors.
Just a few minutes ago, Clint had nearly shoved Tony off his lap in his haste to stand up, and snapped to the omega to get upstairs and wait for him, because he had to get a few things. Tony had basically ran for his elevator, hearing the Alphas growl follow him across the room.
And now he was waiting patiently--yeah right-- for his mate to appear.
It had been nearly eight months now, nearly eight months since they had been together as bondmates, as Alpha and Omega, and Tony was ready. So ready. He was already damp, his body loosening in preparation, readying itself for his Alpha. My alpha.
He heard the clatter of Hawkeye landing on the balcony only a split second before his balcony doors flew open.
“Omega.” Clint stood tall in the doorway, legs spread, wings stretched out and high. “Come to me.”
Tony didn't even hesitate, taking sure steps towards Hawkeye, until a wave of Alpha pheromones hit him and his knees buckled, pitching him to the floor at Clints feet.
“Alpha.” He whined, and Clints eyes flashed red at him again. “My Alpha.” Tony dropped his gaze, tilting his head to present his neck, spreading his knees in a gesture of complete submission.
“Oh Tony.” Clint ran his hands through Tony's short hair, tugging gently until the omega whimpered. “Stand up love. You don't have to submit to me.
“I want to.” Tony said hastily, even as he stood to his feet, burying his face in Clints neck. “I want to submit. I want you to claim me. Make me your omega again.”
“Yes.”  The alpha answered. “Yes, my omega, but not like that. Like this.” Clint rumbled low in his chest, cupping Tony's jaw and sealing their lips together in a hard kiss.
Tony moaned into it, opening his mouth the instant Clint asked, the Alphas tongue flicking against the seam of his lips. Clint bit Tony's bottom lip hard, then growled in approval when his omegas mouth dropped open more. “Ah perfect omega, like that.”
Tony squirmed at the praise, curling closer into Clints hard body. “So many muscles.” He said appreciatively, running his nails up and down Clints arms and back. “Such a strong Alpha. Taking care of me.” His voice trailed off into a desperate pant, as Clint attacked his jaw and beneath his ear, nipping sharp bites down his neck, then soothing them with long warm licks. “God your tongue.” Tony shivered when the Alpha laughed, then without even hesitating, ripped Tony's shirt in half from top to bottom.
That magic tongue followed his fingers, and Clint licked and it his way down Tony's chest, pausing to lay a gentle kiss on the arc reactor. “I am so thankful for this.” He whispered, and Tony's throat tightened. He was distracted almost instantly, as Clint moved lower, raking  his nails down Tony's stomach, pressing hard over the vee of his hipbones, and with a sudden jerk, yanking Tony's pants down past his knees.
“Mmmm.” Clint made a low sound of appreciation, seeing how ready Tony was, how eager. He mouthed over the outline of Tony's cock in his briefs, while at the same time grabbing at Tony's ass, kneading and squeezing, fingers seeking out his dampness.
“Jesus I can't-! Clint mercy!” Tony groaned, his knees buckling when Clint finally took his cock in his mouth, lifting it from his briefs to lick and suck at the tip. With one hand he held Tony steady, the other hand pulling at the damp shorts until Tony could kick them off.
“God you're so wet.” Clint praised. “Perfect Omega, ready for me.” He hollowed his cheeks and swallowed Tony into his throat, moaning happily when his lover moved against him.
“Oh god, Clint I can't…” Tony was babbling, alternating between pulling Clints hair and trying to pull away to make it last longer. Clint didn't let him go far though, his fingers leaving bruises on Tony's waist to hold him there.
“Please I don't want to come like this.” Tony finally begged, and Clint pulled off with a pop.
“Why not?” His voice was hoarse, and he stared up at Tony even as he kept stroking him. “Let me taste you, love, it's been so long.”
“Too long without you inside me.” Tony grit out, and swallowed a moan when Clints eyes glazed over.
“I swear I'll make you come at least twice.” Clint promised, and took Tony all the way down his throat, slicking two fingers and plunging them into that tight hole without any warning. Tony cried out in surprise, body locking up as he came down his Alphas throat and Clint hummed contentedly, swallowing and slurping messily as Tony thrust helplessly into his mouth.
“God that's good.” Clint groaned, kissing Tony's slowly softening cock, and all over his body as he stood back up. “You taste so good.” He took Tony's lips in a loud, open mouthed kiss, and Tony shook in his afterglow, tasting himself on Clints tongue. “Bed.” Clint started pushing Tony backwards. “Bed, now.”
Tony backpedaled until he hit his mattress, falling into his back, scrambling over the covers until he was on the pillows.
Clint stalked closer, looking like a warrior, a predator. And damn if Tony didn't want to be his prey.
Clint started stripping, tugging his shirt up and over those broad shoulders, unbuckling his pants and letting them drop on the floor. Tony's mouth was dry, staring at that alpha cock, and he licked his lips, making Clint grin.
It felt good to see Tony want him, to be able to feel every spike of emotion coming from him. To be able to taste the lust dripping from his omega .
He stroked over himself once, twice, then climbed onto the bed with Tony, not stopping until he was lying close between his legs.
“Hi.” He whispered, and to his amazement, Tony blushed, looking away. “No no no. Don't look away. Why are you looking away?”
“It's been a long time.” Tony whispered back. “It just feels… new again. Between us.”
Clint let his wings settle around them, watching Tony visibly relax at the gesture. “It's me, Tony. I'm right here.” He waited as Tony's dark eyes searched his own pale blue ones, trying to project calm and love onto his omega, until Tony finally smiled a little.
“Hi.” Tony replied, voice still hushed. “I'm ready for you. Want you.” Even Tony's cock was filling out again, hardening, and Clint gave it a rough stroke.
“Let me open you up love.” Clint urged but Tony shook his head, his hair brushing against Clints forehead because they were so close.
“No, I want you now. I want to feel all of you.” Clint just watched him for a long moment, then moved forward slowly, so slowly, until Tony could feel the thick, blunt pressure at his entrance. “Yes.” Tony whimpered, pulling his legs up to wrap around Clints waist.
“You're sure?” Clint asked again, pressing forward just enough to make Tony hiss and arch into it.
“So sure. I need you. Alpha.”
Clint cursed softly, but wrapped a hand around Tony's slim hips and lifted them, holding him as he began to move again.
“Oh god. Oh godddddddd.” Tony tossed his head back and forth as Clint opened him up. “God I'd forgotten-- Clint I'd forgotten how big--”
“Tell me to stop.” Clint ordered through clenched teeth, holding himself as still as he could. “I'm not going to hurt you, Tony, tell me to stop.”
“No, I want all of you.” Tony arched his back and tightened his legs, forcing Clint all the way inside and they both shouted when their hips connected.
“Goddamnit!”  Clint growled, hands digging into Tony's lean body, praying for control. “Tony.”
“Alpha.” Tony gasped, trying to move, trying to make Clint move. “Please. Need you.”
Clint slid out, trying to be careful, watching Tony flinch with the movement, then sank back into that addicting heat. “You feel amazing.” He murmured. “So good, Omega. So good for me.”
“Yes, my Alpha. Mine.” Tony punctuated it with a sharp bite over Clints bondmark, and Clints hips snapped forward on instinct, drawing another cry from Tony's lips. “More, Alpha please.”
Clint sat up, running his hands down Tony's legs, before bringing them up from his waist to sit on his shoulders. Tony's eyes sparked like fire, and Clint knew his own were turning red.
“You're mine, Omega. Mine.”
“Show me.” Tony replied with a lazy shift of his hips. Clint didn't answer, just curled over his Omega, keeping his wings surrounding them protectively, pressing his forehead to Tony's, one hand over the arc reactor keeping the omega alive.
“I love you Tony.” When Tony tried to answer Clint just shook his head and kissed him. “I love you, Tony, my Omega. Always mine. Never gonna give you up.”
He moved then, long slow movements that had Tony arching his back and crying out for more. Then rolling his hips to find that perfect spot that had his Omega shaking and swearing, raking sharp nails down the Alphas back, lifting himself to deepen each stroke. And then thrusting harder, when Tony begged.
And oh god, how he begged.
“Please alpha please please I need you yesyesyesyes. My perfect alpha I've missed you. Missed you.”
“Omega.” Clint growled, eyes completely red now, and he shifted his hips enough to hammer into that sweet perfect body, every push sending jolts of heat winding up Tony's spine, pulling groans and pants and sighs from the Omegas lips, biting and licking into his mouth until Tony couldn't even breathe.
And when his omega screamed, Clint bit him, breaking through the original bond mark to make a new one, closing his eyes in bliss as the sweet blood filled his mouth.
Tony was coming, his entire body shaking as he howled through his orgasm, the pain in his neck twisting together with the pleasure.
But then oh Jesus Christ yes please Clints knot started to inflate, and the Alpha snapped his hips forward in a brutal thrust, pushing his knot through the resisting muscles, locking tight into Tony's body.
It just set him off again, and the omega panted through a second spike, jerking forward and burying his teeth in Clints neck, piercing the skin, wanting to scream all over again as he tasted his Alpha.
“Tony.” Clints voice was absolutely wrecked. “Oh baby you have the sweetest little bite. So good. I love it. I love you.”
Tony shuddered at the possessive tone, and bit down even harder, snarling little growls as he pulled at the mark, swallowing the pheromone laced blood as fast as he could.
And the Alpha stiffened, wings snapping back to present his back bowing as he lost himself, pouring into Tony's heat again and again, pulsing inside his mate, claiming him again and again.
Mine. My omega. My mate. Tony Tony Tony I love you.
“I love you too.” Tony was licking at the bite mark, helping it to heal, murmuring reassuringly to his Alpha. “I love you too. My alpha.”
“Tony.” Clint drew in a ragged breath, nosing over the fresh bite on his mates neck. “My omega. Beautiful omega. Sweet gorgeous omega. Lovely perfect thing….”
********** Epilogue ***********
Tony woke slowly, rolling his hips against Clints length without even thinking about it.
“Easy.” Clints laugh rumbled through his chest, and Tony grinned, feeling it under his cheek.
He had fallen asleep straddling the Alpha, waiting for his knot to go down. Clint had been surprised he'd knotted at all, since it wasn't heat and Tony had kissed him and told him that since it was a renewal of their bond it must count and Clint had agreed.
“How long have I been out?” Tony asked with a yawn, snuggling even closer, chuckling when Clint put a firm hand on his back to keep him from moving anymore.
“Just over an hour or so.” Clint answered, fingers carding through Tony's short hair. “But we’re fine love. No need to move.” Tony sat up a little, reaching up to trace over Clints cheeks and lips.
“My Alpha.” He breathed. “I love-” he stopped talking, when a flash on his hand caught his attention.
“Finish what you were saying Tony. I'm never gonna get tired of hearing that.” Clint coaxed with a soft smile.
“I--I…” Tony turned his hand over, staring at the ring on his fourth finger.
It was a simple band: wide, black, with a thin stripe of blue cutting through the middle in the same shade as Clints eyes.
“Clint?” He asked shakily, and the Alpha nodded slowly.
“I wasn't just… saying those things, Tony. You're mine. My omega. My mate. I love you. We are already bonded, but this is…. right, right?.” He watched Tony carefully, feeling the surprise and panic coming from his omega. “If it's too much--” Clint started to sit up, starting to worry, but Tony pushed him back down.
“Stay there.” Completely naked, Tony slipped out from the covers, off the bed to his dresser, mumbling about how he was supposed to ask and that Clint had ruined it. He grabbed something, and dashed back, straddling his mate low on his hips, pressing their groins together.
“Tony.” Clint shuddered at the contact. “Don't try to distract me with sex, this is --dammit omega-- this is real.”
“So real.” Tony nodded, even though he didn't stop moving, slotting their cocks together and rocking against his Alpha. “Clint.” He took a deep breath. “Clint, alpha. My alpha. Marry me.”
He held up a ring, a titanium band with red edges. Red like his iron man suit.
Clint just grinned, holding up his hand for Tony to put the ring in, and dragging his omega down for a long kiss. Tony whimpered into it, lacing their left hands together, and rocking faster, feeling his Alpha harden against him.
“I need you Alpha.” He gasped as a burst of slick drenched his legs.
“You didn't say yes yet though.” Clint argued teasingly.
“Neither did you.” Tony shot right back. “At least I actually asked, you just threw a ring on me and assumed I'd say yes.” He slid backwards until Clints cock was rubbing against his entrance.
“Omega!” Clint growled. “Marry me.”
“Yes Alpha.” Tony sat up, lining himself up and dropping down in one fluid motion, ripping another growl from his Mate.
“Yes omega.”
“YES.” *******************
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