#family crisis
without-ado · 2 years
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Surviving in 2022
l art: BomboTimmy l title: _figensezgin
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pebblefanposting · 5 months
The new Philosophy Tube video is out )
A Man Plagiarised My Work: Women, Money, and the Nation
P.S. I have copied some of the first comments from this video that I have found interesting in one way or another. If you want to read them, here is the end of the chain:
I felt it would be a shame to let them dissapear in the pool of thirst over a sertain character and some minor notes about the actor themselves.
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douglasfirry · 8 months
hello everyone! one of my good friends is moving near me to take a new opportunity with USPS due to his current location cutting her hours and making life generally suck. this transfer and move will mean she can get her family out of a really hard situation and help guarantee his kids can grow up in a better environment. any help is extremely appreciated and will mean the world to both Chay and myself as it will help him be able to stay afloat while getting settled here. thank you to anyone reading and anyone who is able to donate at all 💕
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moonlightpastime · 2 years
Edit: A lawyer is willing to try and help us in extremely short notice. But we need 2000$ for retainer fee. Friends have helped, but I need another 500$ at least by August 2nd. Please, every bit helps.
Been trying to share this around Twitter but it's gotten next to no traction so.
Tldr of this is that my mother is stuck in an awful divorce situation and in order to have a hope in hell of getting through it at this point is both financial and legal aid. So if anyone who sees this could donate or spread it around in the hopes of it being seen by those who can, it would mean the world and more. We're desperate and only have a few days.
I also trying to set up an ability to sell a few belongings online without paypal. If anyone has alternatives they know of, to make doing so easier, information would be appreciated. I love in Canada so Venmo doesn't work here.
More information found on my page.
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goldrushreads · 2 months
A Book-ish Round Up: Part 3
Continuing my book-ish round up, in case you are looking for some recs! This time, I'm highlighting two books, both literary fiction!
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Death Valley, by Melissa Broder
A woman seeks refuge in the California high desert amidst personal turmoil involving her father's critical condition and her husband's worsening illness. Seeking solace, she embarks on a recommended hike from a motel receptionist. Along the trail, she encounters an improbable, massive cactus with a peculiar opening. Curiosity leads her inside, where she discovers a mystical journey filled with a mix of desolation, richness, humor, and poignancy.
You can run but only so far, I guess. Read this book if you want to read about finding solace online, about a woman who has to be a caretaker, who feels helpless but still is trying her best, and older women!
2. Bright Young Women, by Jessica Knoll.
This book delves into the horrors of America's first celebrity serial killer's final murderous spree targeting a sorority. In January 1978, amidst the Pacific Northwest's terror, the vibrant women of a Florida State University sorority are oblivious until a fateful night of violence alters their lives. Pamela Schumacher's (protagonist #1) decision to stay home saves her from the killer's rampage, thrusting her into a terrifying mystery. Meanwhile, Tina Cannon (protagonist #2) in Seattle forms a bond with Ruth Wachowsky, who goes missing under suspicious circumstances. As Tina investigates, she uncovers connections to the Florida tragedy and sets on a collision course with Pamela, driven by a determination to hold the killer accountable. Bright Young Women presents a new perspective on the case, highlighting the exceptional lives of the victims and challenging the sensationalized narrative surrounding the killer.
I liked it just okay but I see why people might love it. You'll love it if you like true crime, alternating perspectives, and books set in college. It also highlights the victims of serial killers and their family, rather than the serial killer himself!
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professorgtnt · 3 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"NEGLECT OF CHILDREN SAID NEVER WORSE IN 50 YEARS," Toronto Star. May 13, 1943. Page 8. --- Parents Lack Sense of Responsibility, Says J. C. Driscoll ---- "HOUSING IS FACTOR" ---- At no time during the 50 years of Children's Aid society development has reglect of children been more flagrant, reported Jule C. Driscoll, executive director of the York County Children's Aid society at the eighth annual meeting at Forest Hill village school.
"Employment and adequate wages have added to our problem in many instances. More and ever more fathers are serving in the armed forces and mothers are working, leaving children in need of our protection," he reported.
"Unaccustomed luxuries, unwise expenditures, self-indulgences and the absence of any sense of responsibility on the part of some parents, are exacting a heavy toll in both physical and moral neglect of children."
Mr. Driscoll added that 1,140 families involving 2.745 children have been the responsibility of the York county society during the past year.
"The increasing shortage of living accommodation has also added to our problems," he continued. "Children admitted to our care following eviction, remain for a much longer period than either we, or their parents, foresaw at the outset."
The shortage of foster homes has been acute, he said. There were 214 replacements last year as compared with 122 during the previous year. The society has 897 children in foster homes in the county.
Adopted children number 104 compared with 79 the previous year. The society has supervised 90 British child war guests during the year.
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What’s William Afton’s problem in FNAF….
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sugas6thtooth · 3 months
Feel free to reblog and add more sources of Gazan families and individuals who could use the help.
Families In Gaza Who Need Your Help:
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lampstaketv · 1 year
View On WordPress
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myinnerzen · 1 year
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Here is a friend of mine that is chart board acoustic musician. He does many shows to help families in need. What more can you ask for? An amazing musician with such great talents that focuses not only on his music but also on families in need. Take a moment and visit his page. Listen to some tunes. Grab a free download. Everything is worth the time!
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I usually do not ask this but ots an emergency.
Thus past week my brother had a bad accident. His e cigarette battery blew up in his pocket causing 3rd degree burns to his thumb and legs. He has been treated and I'm currently staying with him at a special hospital for burns. He has had skin graphs and is simply waiting to heal now. We will be here for maybe 4 days more but with this accident we're having financial trouble now. We're unable to afford rent and any meds he will be prescribed to go home with. I tried setting up a go fund me account abd a Facebook fundraiser but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make them work. If anyone would like to help I'd grately appreciate even just a few dollars to help at least pay for my food while we're in the hospital I'd be so appreciative. Hopefully the skin graphs will take and heal with no problems. Prayers are also appreciated.
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wisnaa-ct · 2 years
Một cây câu chuyện rất nợ nần
Cái chuyện nợ nần của mình vừa thêm một cái tên, vì nhập khẩu phải đóng thêm thuế gần 30tr và T báo bữa chưa chuyển tiền tay vịn cầu thang gần 10tr nữa
Tất nhiên là sau khi xỉu ngang, thì vẫn phải tỉnh lại tính phương án, mình suy nghĩ cả chuyện k đi SG nữa dù đã đặt vé 2 chiều, xong cuối cùng vẫn phải mượn, và... sẽ phải cho bay mấy đồng USD
Người mà k sống được thì tiền cũng có để làm gì đúng k?
Quá trăn trở để suy nghĩ nói chuyện như sao, mình cuối cùng cũng mở lời và được đồng ý cái rụp, còn được bonus cho câu "chị có nhiều hơn chừng đó, nên nếu em mượn hơn chị vẫn có thể" "ít bữa có mượn nữa thì nói c", trời nghe xong mình cảm thấy rất ấm lòng luôn á huhu
Điều mình luôn cảm thấy may mắn và biết ăn là trong suốt thời gian qua khi nào mình mượn thì những người mình hỏi đều rất cởi mở và sẵn lòng với mình, còn gì đáng quý hơn việc họ tin tưởng và yêu thương mình như vậy đúng k?
Mình thanh toán tiền gỗ, chuyển cho mẹ hơn 1/2 tiền thuế (hôm trước mình nói mẹ lo, nhưng hôm nay nhiều quá)
Cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm, xuống nói chuyện vui vẻ, vì mình biết mẹ cũng sẽ loay hoay
Xong tưởng sau một chuỗi lầm lì của mình thì gd cũng có một ngày dễ thở
Nhưng không, mình ăn bánh xèo xong cái ba hỏi "ba hỏi thiệt là giờ con trả tiền vay con có cảm thấy áp lực quá k, có cảm thấy quá sức với con k... nếu có thì nói để ba tính"
Mình hơi bất ngờ vì ba trước giờ có vẻ cũng k quan tâm, hoặc giả vờ k để ý, k quan tâm tới vì k làm gì được, nhưng at the moment, mình cũng cảm thấy cảm động
Mình nói áp lực thì tất nhiên, nhưng ba tính làm gì?
Ba bảo cần thì bà bán nhà ở quê, để trả bớt NH cho con đỡ áp lực (lúc đó mình mới nhận ra ba k hề biết con số nợ nần là bn và mẹ con mình đang mượn người khác bn) ba có tham khảo rồi, chỗ nhà mình cũng được ...(<1/3 nợ)
Nghe vậy nên mình nói thôi, áp lực nhưng chưa tới mức vậy, và thực sự mình k nghĩ ba sẽ cam tâm làm được chuyện đó, bán nơi ba sinh ra và lớn lên
Xong k muốn tiếp tục, nên mình đứng dậy rửa tay và nghe ba nói mẹ "hôm trước ông T cũng gợi ý, bé T hắn vay rứa cũng quá lực với hắn, nên anh xem trên quê có cần nữa k thì bán trả bớt cho hắn nhẹ gánh... Bữa giờ cũng k nghe nó nói, nên tui cũng k biết"
Chời, kiểu mình khựng lại
Khựng vì k biết sao ba có thể trả lời bình thản như vậy
Khựng vì hoá ra ba đột nhiên quan tâm vì có người khác nói chứ chẳng phải xuất phát từ ba quan tâm cho mình
Rất là đau
Chưa bao giờ mình muốn viết một cái gì nặng nề về gia đình như này, nhưng thực sự nó làm mình đau quá
Suốt hơn 2 tháng ở nhà mới, cố gắng enjoy nhưng mình chưa bao giờ cảm thấy có thể thoải mái vui vẻ 100%
Lúc nào mình cũng nghĩ tới món nợ lù lù trên đầu, nghĩ làm sao trả với món tiền lương ít ỏi, đều nhưng k có gì hơn. Liệu mình có trả đúng hẹn cho những người mình đã hứa? Tự dằn vặt vì hồi đó k kiên quyết xây đơn giản, k mày mò bóp chi phí hơn. Một ngàn thứ xoay trong đầu mình.
Nhìn ba vui vẻ, khoe này khoe kia, chọc giỡn trong group, tự thấy chạnh lòng nhưng nghĩ thôi vậy cũng được
Nhưng hôm nay thì, mình sẽ cố gắng nhưng với dự đoán ảm đạm về kinh tế, điều đó đáng lo nhưng cơ bản mình k cảm nhận được sự chia sẻ hỗ trợ tinh thần. Con gái người ta được chăm sóc, được nuông chiều nên họ yêu kiều, còn mình... mình thấy bản thân quá đàn ông trong tâm tưởng đi rồi
Mình nghĩ là, chắc phải tới lúc mình trả được 2/3 nợ thì mình mới dám suy nghĩ quen ai hay tiến tới với ai, mình k muốn chuyện của mình làm khổ ai
Mà tới lúc đó, thì chắc mình đã thành bà cô già, chắc ở vậy luôn rồi nhỉ?
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professorgtnt · 1 year
在杜艾頗與杜寶琳(Elton and Pauline Trueblood) 的著作中,有一章題目是「家庭的萎谢」。作者說:「在種種瓦解家庭的因素中,最主要的是人失去了家之所以爲家的意識。我們基本上的失敗,不在乎我們是否能夠達到某個概定的標準,而是摸不清楚那標準是怎樣的!」
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bixels · 8 months
Now that Ghibli's new movie is coming out soon, I've been thinking about anime films and wanna talk about my favorite animated movie ever, Tokyo Godfathers.
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TG is a 2003 tragicomedy by Satoshi Kon, following three unhoused people––an alcoholic, a runaway girl, an a trans woman––who find a baby in a dumpster and set off across Tokyo to reunite her with her parents.
If you like the sound of that, go watch it because the rest of this post is spoilers and I have FEELINGS about this movie.
URGHH, the fact that only two moments of true kindness, generosity, and care given to the three protagonists without any expectation of reciprocity are given by a Latin-American immigrant couple and a drag show club full of trans women. The fact that, despite her loud and dramatic personality, Hana is the glue that holds the team together and the heart of the whole movie. The fact that this movie pulls no punches at showing the violence and inhumanity committed by "civilized Japanese society" against the unhoused. The fact that Miyuki craves to be loved by her parents and ends up seeing Hana as her true mother. The fact that Miyuki starts off accidentally using transphobic language against Hana, but slowly begins calling her "Miss Hana" out of respect. The fact that, according to Kon, Hana's role in the story is as a mythological trickster god and "disturb the morality and order of society, but also play a role in revitalizing culture." The fact that Hana so desperately wants to be part of a true family, yet is willing to sacrifice her found family so they can be with their own, and is rewarded for her good deeds in the end by becoming a godmother. The fact that, throughout the movie, wind and light have been used to signify the presence of god's hand/influence (this movie's about nondenominational faith––faith in yourself, faith in others, faith in a higher power. Lots of religious are referenced, such as Buddhism/Hinduism, Christianity, and Shintoism), and in the climax of the film, as Hana jumps off a building to save a baby that isn't hers, a gust of wind and a shower of light save her from death. The fact that god saves a trans woman's life because she proved herself a mother, and that shit makes me CRY.
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