#female tattoo artist pacific northwest
resonanteye · 3 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/august/
  It’s been a good time working again. I missed it so much. My August books are open right now- I will book Sept later.
I’m still nervous about possibly exposing my partner to covid, but with most all of my clients vaccinated and everyone masked it’s a little less worrying. People have been getting fun stuff, too! And I’ve been doing a lot of catch-up drawing.
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edcn911 · 4 years
chicago’s very own  eden harvey  has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 1969 chevrolet camero , welcome ! your resemblance to taylor hill is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your  twenty fifth birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re  maligned , but being liberated  might help you . i think being an  aquarius  explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a deep red lip stain , scattered polaroids depicting hazy memories , conversations with strangers at 3 am . ( i’ve been to prison . none of my family knows that , though . ) &( cis female + she / her  ) +  ( emily , 25 , she / her , pst )
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❤️ hi friends and loved ones , this is eden , east’s problematic older sister . she’s a fucking train wreck so i already apologize for the shit she is bound to cause . please hit the like if ur into plotting with me ! ur all cute af , xoxo .
biography .
name : eden harvey
age : twenty five
gender : cis female
zodiac : aquarius
sexuality : bisexual
profession : artist / sculptor 
hair color : brown
eye color : blue
piercings : both lobes
tattoos : none
born in london , eden is the first child of her parents , the budding family welcoming in easy two years after eden’s birth . there’s not much to note in the early years of her childhood other than the family relocated to chicago when she was six . she was never an easy child to deal with . she was constantly getting in trouble at school and at home . she just didn’t want to listen to anyone and had a very strong disdain toward authority . the first american school she was sent to she was quickly expelled from for her behavior and this caused an immense rift to form in the family . eden’s reckless antics was enough to suck the life from her parents . literally . when it came to her younger brother , east , they were burnt out . they kept him in one place and were abusive . it was easier to exert control over east than it was for them to manage eden . she protected her brother fiercely from the mistreatment of her parents , but this toxic family dynamic only encouraged eden to act out further . she became accustomed to sneaking out at night , sleeping around , and doing drugs . eden contemplated running away from home multiple times during her youth ; the only thing that kept her in one place was her brother , east . her lowest point was when east tried to take his life when he was 15 . it was probably one of the most traumatic events of her life and while she served as her brother’s emotional support and rock , it rattled her to the point where eden began to drink consistently . this started a habit that she still partakes in to this day .when she turned eighteen and was more assured of her brother’s wellbeing , it was time to flee the nest . she spent a few months in new york on her own , working on her art . eden always had been compelled toward the arts . painting , sculpting , and other physical art forms really drew her in as a means to get out of the negativity in a way that’s healthy and not self destructive which is basically her brand anyways . she met someone who owned several art galleries around the pacific northwest , so by age twenty , she had relocated to seattle and was getting her work put in galleries and other art exhibits . she never really stayed in one place for long , though . eden is a notorious nomad and she often moves around a lot . she doesn’t really ever ‘ get comfortable ’ anywhere . despite traveling around america , eden always made it her first priority to look after her younger brother . she kept in contact with her circle back from chicago as well just to keep an eye on him and make sure that he is safe , happy , and healthy . she blames herself a lot for the way his childhood turned out . her relationship with their parents was deplorable and eden was 100% the instigator in it all . she feels like if she was a better person , her parents would’ve taken a different approach in raising east . more recently , she has moved back to the east coast to be closer to her little brother . this action was inspired by actually spending three and a half months in prison in oregon . eden was arrested for driving without a license and driving while intoxicated . she also tried to resist arrest , but managed to get that charge dropped in court . eden managed to keep this entire thing from her family . she didn’t want to see the disappointment in her brother’s eyes , so she excused her absence as ‘ soul searching ’ and filled his head with false tales of self improvement . currently , she is trying desperately to adjust back to normal life after her brief prison stint and put the pieces of her life back together . bet .
personality .
eden is a very bullheaded individual --- meaning , she’s going to do whatever the fuck she wants , when she wants , how she wants it and there is nothing that anyone can say to sway her . it’s very much her way or the high way when it comes to eden ; she’s really unwilling to budge on mostly everything . while i wouldn’t go as far as to say that she has a temper , i would say that eden has a pretty bad attitude . she’s a pessimist at heart and it definitely speaks through her art . she never depicts anything too happy and one could argue that eden ha sonly experienced fleeting moments of happiness in her life . shifting to a different note , eden is passionate . she is akin to a wildfire . she’s intense and she stares people right in the eye when she speaks to them . as much as she loathes people , she’s also so deeply fascinated with them . she’s the type of girl who is sitting at the bar before last call , in deep conversation with someone she doesn’t even know the name of . there are some brighter points to eden’s persona that i would love to cover --- i promise she isn’t all doom and gloom ! aside from her fierce sense of loyalty , eden is very intuitive and empathetic . one wouldn’t really associate those traits with someone who is so rough on the exterior , but eden feels very deeply and she tends to take on the emotions of others around her . i would describe her as a chameleon in the sense of she can easily change her colors to fit in with those around her . if the mood is light and jovial , she can be that way . if the atmosphere is tense , then she is going to be apprehensive and trigger - happy . that’s just how she is . i would best describe eden as the type of girl who is akin to a breeze in the air . she just goes whichever way she pleases and where she lands is where she lands . deep down , she is an incredibly sad girl who struggles deeply with her past and who she is as a person . she lacks self - love . she knows she’s a lot to manage and doesn’t really see past that or why she would ever be worth anyone’s time of day beyond that . with that said , eden is very good at faking it . if she wants to portray herself a certain way , she will . for example , she wants east to believe that she is put together and has all of her ducks in a row -- so she goes above and beyond to make him believe that because she can’t handle him ever looking down on her . it’s a weird concept she has with mostly everyone who has made an impact on her life . she’s good at acting like she doesn’t give a fuck when in fact she really , really does . 
 plots .
while i would LOVE to write out a bunch of extensive plot ideas like i had for pavarti’s intro , i am lazy . like real fucking lazy , so i decided to list some plots that i would absolutely ❤️ to have for eden , separated into both platonic and romantic categories ! 
romantic : someone eden broke the heart of badly , hateship , friends with benefits , exes on bad terms , one night stand , mutual infatuation / one sided infatuation 
platonic :  roommates , childhood friends , good influence ( on eden ) , bad influence ( eden on your muse / your muse on eden ) , muse , art friends , party buddies , confidants , enemies , friends turned to enemies , fake friendship , sibling like friendships , platonic soulmate 
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kirstenmakestattoos · 7 years
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Wrapping rosa pisocarpa and deer ferns (plus ants!) for Alex. Thank you so much!
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radfempnw · 6 years
Stoner Babes Coloring Book
“Katie Guinn has given women an image of themselves, without apology… Stoner Babes is phenomenal. Enter with abandon.” —Lidia Yuknavitch
We are proud to present the dreamy, luminous, cannabis-inspired, feminist new adult coloring book: Katie Guinn’s The Stoner Babes Coloring Book. In its pages, over 60 gorgeous humans are ornately depicted in Guinn’s beautiful, revealing style.  
Each page depicts a beautiful woman or gender nonconforming babe savoring the effects of the cannabis plant.
The art is single-sided and perforated. On the back of each portrait, you can read about what empowerment means to each of them.
The word “stoner” gets a bad rap. But these portraits of accomplished weed lovers show that marijuana can instead be a creative muse, a quiet focus, powerful medicine, and a means of self-empowerment.
In the words of Genesy, the cover babe, “Empowerment means being celebrated and supported on your journey to becoming your highest self.”
Our campaign theme song is “High Road” by We Ain’t They (also featured in the video)!
About the Artist
Katie Guinn is a Portland-born artist, designer, writer, and mother who spent her adolescence in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. Katie’s inspired by her home in the Pacific Northwest, literature, music, art history, and the beautiful radiance of the empowered female being. Katie is a flower gardener, caretaker of fairies, moss, and rocks collector. She sometimes likes to partake in the transcendental qualities of cannabis when she makes art and appreciates its healing qualities. The Stoner Babes is Katie’s first publication. She is the head of neighborhood watch on her block in Portland, OR, where she lives with her husband and daughter.
About the Publisher
Microcosm Publishing is a diversified, independent publishing house and distributor in Portland, Oregon. Since 1996, our books and zines emphasize self-empowerment and skill-building, by showing hidden histories, fostering creativity, and equipping readers to make positive changes in their lives and in the world around them. In a world that is swinging to the right, we are carving out a place at the center with nonfiction offerings about DIY skills, punk music, bicycling, food, gender, self-care, and social justice.
About the Rewards
The book itself! The Stoner Babes Coloring Book has 128 single-sided, perforated pages full of colorable transcendence. It officially comes out in Fall, 2018, but we’re printing it early in time for 4/20.
Feminist Weed Farmer is Madrone Stewart’s guide to the zen of cultivating your own medicine. We’re publishing it at the same time as Stoner Babes and couldn’t be prouder of this duo of feminist cannabis books.
Three Rad Coloring Books
Stoner Babes
The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book
The Beard Coloring Book
Coloring Books Galore
Stoner Babes
The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book
The Beard Coloring Book
The Classic Bicycle Coloring Book is great for kids and adults
The Henry & Glenn Adult Activity & Coloring Book allows you to interact with the romance of two lovable, tough guys that strongly resemble Messieurs Rollins and Danzig
Empowered Babes Bookshelf
Stoner Babes
The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book deconstructs all your ideas about gender and bodies
The Beard Coloring Book pays homage to the beauty and weirdness of all kinds of facial hair
Mama Tried: Classic Italian Cooking for the Screwed, Crude, Vegan, & Tattooed translates classic italian cooking into veganism with gorgeous flash art
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Sick is C. Road’s feminist art
Manspressions: Decoding Men’s Behavior humorously names inappropriate behavior
The Velocipede Races is a novel about a bicycle racing teen
Bikes in Space collects feminist bicycle science fiction stories
Xtra Tuf contains scenes from the life of a commercial fisherwoman off the coast of Alaska during a strike
Aftermath of Forever tells all about a young woman’s post-divorce dating spree and finding herself amidst the wreckage
Risks and challenges
It’s within the realm of possibility that our patriarchal federal government will make cannabis *and* empowered femininity entirely illegal. In which case, books like these will be even more meaningful and poignant.
Thank you! Never stop believing.
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houseofvans · 7 years
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SKETCHY BEHAVIORS | Jennifer Parks (Portland, OR)
We’ve been following the magical and mystical artwork of Portland artist Jennifer Parks whose drawings of witches, women, and woodland creatures bring a dark delight to our sensibilities.  Not only does Jennifer create these fantastical illustrations and ceramics, but also helps to curate and organize shows at the artist run space, Pony Club in Portland.  We’re excited to feature Jennifer’s art and talk to her about her influences, artistic process, and find out more what she’s up too in the rest of 2017! 
Artist portrait by Richard Darbonne | Images courtesy of the artist
Who are you and what do you do?  
My name is Jennifer Parks and I make drawings and ceramic things. I’m also a gallery owner, cat mama, part-time bartender, and believer of ghosts and magic.
When did you first come across art or find yourself making stuff? What it something your parents encouraged or were you always a doodler type of person?
I was always a doodler. I started drawing as soon as I could pick up a crayon. I think pre-school was when I realized I was sort of good at it and started to get encouragement from my parents and other adults.
Did you go to art school or take classes for illustration? What’s your art background?
I took art classes in high school, and junior college and that led me to the Pacific Northwest College of Art here in Portland. I majored in illustration with a focus on storytelling.
Your artwork has a distinct flavor to it that we love–not only is it filled with fauna, nature, but a female character often surrounded by magical and mystical elements.  Can you tell us a little bit about how your illustration and artwork reached this point?  
It was a natural evolution I think. I learned to draw girls by drawing my mother’s porcelain doll collection. She had a lot of these dolls which were pretty but also kind of creepy. They all had on fancy victorian dresses with lace and floral patterns. I think that led to my interest in old black and white victorian photos which then led to my interest that dark era of witchcraft, seances, and ghosts.
Ive always had a fascination with death and the idea that its not the end, so it just felt natural to start adding those elements to my drawings. Plus, at some point I got tired of people telling me my drawings were “pretty’ and “cute”. Adding some dark and mysterious elements to them made me feel more comfortable.
When I moved to the Pacific Northwest about 13 years ago, which is just surrounded by lush wilderness, I started including those elements as well. I think its hard to live here and not be inspired by our surroundings. They are pretty magical.
What inspires the imagery and symbolism that we find throughout your illustrations?  
I am totally fascinated by death, the afterlife, and anything supernatural. Ghosts, aliens, magic, etc.  I think there are so many things around us that we can’t see and I like to include some of that magic and mystery in my drawings. The world is kind of boring without them.
We’re always curious about an artists’ process. What’s your process like? Sketchbook, night owl, or scheduled drawing time?
I’m such a night owl. Its sad really. My best drawing hours are somewhere between 8pm and 3am. I will sit at a desk all day with coffee, listening to podcasts, trying to draw, but I really don’t get started until the sun goes down.  
What’s a medium you’ve yet to try and want to start dabbling in?  Any specific reasons?
I really want to learn how to do intaglio or lithography. I love printmaking and how involved the process can be. Intaglio has been around since the mid 1400’s and lithography since the late 1700’s… It would be amazing to learn such an old process.
Not only do you make some amazing illustrations and murals, but your ceramic pieces are insanely cool and rad.  Tells us a little about how you got into ceramics? What do you love about that medium that maybe you can’t achieve or don’t necessarily get from illustration?
I had been collecting these vintage plates and painting faces and designs into them for awhile. It was a lot of fun, but I wanted to take it to the next level and actually make the plate as well. So I decided to take a ceramics course at my local community college. I immediately fell in love with it. I had dabbled in clay before but nothing felt like ceramic clay. Its so soft and easy to work with. I took a morning class because it was the only thing that worked with my schedule and even though its so hard for me to be awake and functioning that early I found it very calming and therapeutic. Now I have my own kiln. If I don’t feel like focusing on drawing, I will just grab my clay, make some shapes, and carve into them. I don’t have to think too hard about the imagery. Thats one of my favorite things about it. I feel like I can zone out and just carve anything into them and it looks cool. Working with ceramics has taught me to be less uptight and less attached to my work. Im clumsy and break so many pieces after hours of working on them. All I can do is shrug it off and start over.
What’s your studio or creative space like? What would we find in there–what do you keep around for inspiration or do you keep it minimal?
My studio space is pretty cluttered with things. I have so many art supplies, frames, paper, old drawings, prints, etc. I have a big drawing table and a big ceramic table. I have lots of art up for inspiration, some plants, and of course a few cats running around.
Does music play a role in your artistic process? Does it inspire you or is it more of something that keeps you company while you work?  Can you share with us what your top 5 songs/bands that you are currently into?
I do listen to music while I work, but honestly not very often. I find music very intense and very distracting when Im trying to focus. Im better off having a documentary of some sort playing in the background while I draw.
You also run a gallery space called Pony Club where you support and show artists!  How did this idea come about for Pony Club and when did you start it and how has that evolved?  What’s  been the most challenging part of running a space? What’s been the best part of it?
I got lucky enough to be invited to join the gallery in 2009. Its a collective of 6 artists that work out of the space, curate shows, and help run the shop. It started off as a gallery run by a group of cartoonists who catered heavily to that scene. It hasn’t changed too much, except that the members are different and we began to focus more on illustration.
I would say the most challenging part is trying to run/manage a small group of artists. We all have our own careers and ideas that we are trying to focus on. It can be challenging to find the time focus on the space, promoting other artists, and taking care of other business-related responsibilities.  
The most rewarding part is being able to provide a venue for young new illustrators, printmakers, and cartoonists.
Who are your top 5 favorite artists (past or contemporary?) that folks should check out.
Right now Ive been drooling over works by Alex Kuno, Andrea Wan, Tran Nguyen, Saddo, and Bill Crisafi.
Lots of times artists aren’t just one thing, what do you do when you’re not making art or helping out at Pony Club? How do you spend your free time?
Im usually practicing witchcraft or hanging out in the forest.
If folks wanted to follow in your footsteps, what advice or what would you tell folks?
Make sure your in love with what you do, and that your not doing it for the wrong reasons. If your stuck in a rut, go outside to find some inspiration or try a new medium.
Never stop creating.
Tell us about the art community in Portland? Seems like a tight community of talented folks.  Who are some of your local favorites?
The art community is pretty amazing here. It feels like we are all part of this very supportive, very talented and caring family. It can be a little overwhelming to have so many awesome artists around you, but it helps to keep you motivated and doing your best.
Some of my favorite local artists are Mark Rogers, Christina Mrozik, Lauren Gonsalves, Martin Ontiveros and Susannah Kelly.
What’s are your favorite Vans? How would you describe your personal style?
My favorite vans are the old school retro looking hi-tops. I wear a lot of black. My style is somewhere between artsy, witchy, and lazy.
What’s your favorite art secret that you’d like to share with folks?
Its not really a secret but artists are really magicians.
What’s coming up for you in the rest of the 2017 year that folks should stay tuned in for?
I will be painting a mural in August with my awesome buddy Meg Adamson for the Forest For The Trees Mural Fest. And hopefully, I will also be learning to tattoo!
Follow Jennifer Parks Website: www.spectralgardens.com Instagram: @spectralgardens
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alyindies · 7 years
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previously: ( stellaweston )
nickname(s): STELLS, STELL
birth day/sign: AUGUST 1ST, LEO
ethnicity: UNAVAILABLE
hometown: SEATTLE, WA  
current location: BOSTON, MA
gender: FEMALE
preferred pronouns: SHE/HER
parents: CAROLINE WESTON ( mother ), RICHARD WESTON ( father )
sibling(s): BRODY WESTON ( twin brother )
significant other(s): SINGLE
children: NONE
pet(s): NONE
best friends: DEPENDENT ON VERSE
eye color: GREEN
hair color: BROWN
height: 5′5″
weight: 130 - 140 LBS
body build: ECTOMORPH
notable physical traits: SLIM FIGURE, DIMPLES, FRECKLES
phobia(s): N/A
mental disease(s): ANXIETY
physical disease(s): ASTHMA
when was this diagnosed?: ANXIETY ( 17 ), ASTHMA ( 5 )
*all information is relative to the verse, including significant other(s), children, best friends, enemies, occupation, hometown, and phobias & diseases & addictions. most of the physical traits will remain the same and will be altered if the face claim is changed. personality is also relative to the verse, though less likely to change.
Growing up in the Weston household had been like growing up in a royal English court. The rules were tight and restricting, expectant that the children of Richard and Caroline Weston would be of the utmost importance in their small society. As much as you could call the Medina neighborhood of Seattle high society. It wasn’t the Upper East Side, but it liked to think that it had enough merit to be compared to America’s prized piece of land. The Weston children were groomed  to rise above their small segment of the Pacific Northwest and take on the world with the kind of business sense that had put Richard Weston at the top of not only Seattle’s social ladder, but the company that his father had built before him. It was a big investment for a business that didn’t sit inside of one of the country’s largest business hubs, but it thrived regardless.
Something about this way of growing up never sat well with Stella, the youngest of the Weston twins. She would put on the pretty dresses and flowers for parties to appease her mother’s judgmental glares - but there were always high tops hidden under hems, boys boxer briefs under the mini skirts, and smudges of dirt under the fingernails that were always painted and kept in shape. There was nothing about Stella Weston that screamed she wanted to be a part of the family fortune or an heir to the throne of a company that she couldn’t believe in. She’d rather spend her days outside on a skateboard with her friends from Beacon Hill and West Seattle. Or curled up in bed reading comic books, star charts, and Hawking’s Grand Design or the science of black holes. The parties with boys that stared at her chest and girls looking to be her friend for her name bored Stella out of her mind. It just wasn’t a lifestyle that she ever wanted.
As a child and as she grew older, Stella loved music and the piano. It was a love that her parents couldn’t understand, as they believed in the work of a business and not that of an artist. They appeased her with a keyboard on her twelfth birthday, though she knew it was mostly to keep her dirty hands off of their prized grand piano in the foyer. It become one of the most used objects in the house and one that annoyed her family when she decided to pull out the headphones and grace the halls of their large home with her musical tracks. For the most part, she’d taught herself how to navigate the keyboard but extracurricular music classes at her school helped her hone the skill beyond what she could do without help.
Another one of the loves Stella had come upon early was a passion for outer space, the stars, and the science of their lifespans. She’d spent more time climbing out of the window of her third story bedroom to sit on the roof and look at the stars than in meetings with her father or going to high end shops with her mother. She made telescopes out of leftover cardboard rolls as a child, laying back on the roof and gazing through the tubes covered with glitter and markers that smelled like bananas and strawberries. To her surprise, this interest was something that her parents encouraged. Not only did they consider this a sign of intelligence, but something that could be turned into a business venture in the future. This was a thought they’d had in mind even when she was a young child - she could be an asset to the family name.
At the thought of college and her future, Stella considered both of her great loves to take the lead for her future. Her parents pushed for schooling astronomy and physics, encouraging her to go into something that would be worth their time and money - something that could become an eventual asset to their family name. The Weston’s could be known as affiliates to a future scientist and merge business with NASA. So, with her acceptance into Boston University, Stella moved across the country at eighteen into a dorm room with girls that didn’t know who she was and the support of her parents in a career that she could actually love. Four years went by much faster than she would have liked - gaining and losing friends, learning what it took to work in the field, and spending part of her Junior year in Washington D.C. working in an intern position under a scientist at NASA that she’d only just managed to get into. She did it all without the presence of her parents but their money and support to become the best in her chosen field.
With graduation came the decision on where she would go - back to D.C. to continue her work there? Back to Seattle under the reign of her parents? Or staying in Boston, a city that she had grown to truly love with the promise of a job at the Museum of Science and an acceptance letter to enter into the Graduate program at her alma mater. Stella could no longer live under the influence of people that could only see her as a business transaction. She didn’t want to live in the house she grew up in, forced to attend parties and marry a boy of her father’s choosing. Stella wanted to be independent, graceful, and loved on all of her own terms. The thought of taking her own time, saving up her own money, and working outside of her parents control was exactly what Stella wanted for her life.
From her dormitory, she moved into Kings Terrace - all of the payments made with money she’d saved from her internship and the first paycheck she’d received working at the Museum of Science. Stella was six months into this living situation before she realized that the one big thing missing from her life, the one thing that she knew would make everything feel right, was music. She still played her keyboard; the one covered in Blink-182 stickers, rainbows, and nail polish that she’d prized since she was twelve. The audition for a position playing at the Ritz was much more difficult than she had thought, but she was lucky enough to snag the position with practice on a piece that she’d learned from videos online and music scores printed on colored paper. It was mostly an evening job at events and parties, working well with her early schedule at the museum.
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resonanteye · 3 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/time-to-make-the-donuts/
Time to make the donuts!
My books are now open for appointments through the end of July! FINALLY. Go to THIS link to get in. I’ll be reopening books again near the end of July to fill up August and September. If you’ve been waiting, it’s time! Let’s go. Portfolio HERE.
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/originals-paintings-from-quarantine/
Originals: Paintings from Quarantine
The entire series is now for sale HERE.
Prices go up after the 18th.  Thanks you for all the support this year so far, I hope to add a few massive paintings to this list before the year ends. Large-scale prints will be available at some time in December. If there’s a book, it will have to be next year.
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/virtual-gallery-tour-section-one/
virtual gallery tour, section one
paintings 1-6
all originals are for sale at this link.
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/originals-will-be-for-sale-nov-15/
Originals will be for sale, Nov 15
Two are spoken for.
All the local galleries are full of artists that they were showing last year, my kickstarter to get full scale prints made did not get funded (really bad timing). I’ll eventually be releasing a small art book containing all of these, I hope. I had wanted to show them as a group but I do not think I’ll be able to do that. so,
here are the originals I’ll be selling. There will be a second post with purchase links on the day, and you’ll be able to message me to purchase as well. Full sized prints will eventually be available but I don’t have a date for that.
Paintings from Quarantine, a series, 2020
all are watercolor paintings. charging by size and scope…
  12×16″ are 150$
18×24″ are 500$
22×30″ are 900$
36×50″ are 1500$
shipping to US/CAN included: all will be rolled for shipping, unframed. I’ll ship any country, but will have to calculate for anywhere but US/CAN. rush shipping on request at cost.
no. 1 – Milan (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Marcelo Natali 1963-3/25/20 “We certainly weren’t prepared to face such a situation. Especially those of our generation, that of the post-antibiotic era, who grew up thinking that a pill against the disease was enough.”
no. 2 – Northwestern United States (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Stephen M. Schwartz (January 1, 1942 – March 17, 2020) “There is no way to summarize a person as complex as Steve, but I’ll say this: I have never met a person with a finer mind, a greater passion for ideas, or who had a greater love for science,” Dr. Chuck Murry “This beer virus I call it — they call it a coronavirus, I call it a beer virus — how do you like that?” Rep. Don Young
no. 3 – Iran (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Shirin Rouhani (unknown- 3/19/20) “She treated patients at Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran while receiving IV therapy, because there were not enough doctors. Hospitals are faced with a lack of protective gear including medical gowns, N95 masks, gloves, and disinfectants.” -Javad Tavakoli ” Tell medècin sans frontiers that we do not need hospitals established by foreigners”. -Health Minister, Alireza Vahhabzadeh.
no. 17 (final) – New Orleans, LA, USA⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Ronald Lewis⁣ 7/17/1951-3/20/2020⁣ ⁣ “Right here in the Ninth Ward was where our people chased the American dream.”⁣ ~ Ronald Lewis⁣ ⁣ “The federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story and I think that that’s really what needs to be told.”⁣ ~Jared Kutchner
no. 4 – Rikers Island, New York (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated to Michael Tyson, 53 “Incredible anxiety and fear. You cannot implement effective social distancing in a room that sleeps forty men. You cannot implement effective social distancing when those forty men are using two or three sinks and one of them may be broken. You cannot implement effective social distancing when the staff interacts with all of them and has to touch all of them in the course of a day. They know that better than I know that. So when I was talking to them, I was sort of feebly saying, “We want to try to encourage people to be even more diligent about hand-washing, etc., etc.” They were, like, “O.K., we don’t have our own cleaning supplies.” They can’t wipe down their own surfaces. They have to wait for someone to come in and do that for them.” “The largest category of people in city jails are those awaiting trial — people who have not been charged but not convicted. In the ordinary course of events, getting someone in this position out of jail requires an application made in court before a judge.” -Dr. Bedard New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Monday that the state had found a way to counteract price gouging on hand sanitizer amid the COVID-19 outbreak: by deploying cheap prison labor. Incarcerated people will be producing the disinfectant… “This is a superior product to products now on the market,” Cuomo said in a briefing, adding that the state’s sanitizer has a “very nice floral bouquet” that includes hints of lilac, tulip, and hydrangea.
  no. 5 – Los Angeles, Mercy⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Francisco Garcia⁣ ⁣ “There’s a very limited supply, it’s a scary situation. Just going to work, driving to work, you’re worried you’re going to get something. It’s changing by the hour and by the day.” S. Beltran, ER nurse . ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials.” -Mike Pompeo, Feb 7 2020
⁣no. 6 – Wuhan (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Dr. Li Wenliang (1986-2/7/2020) “I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don’t approve of using public power for excessive interference.” -Dr. Li Wenliang “Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax.” -Donald Trump “Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic…classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic.” -Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist “You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment.” -Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020
no. 7 – Madrid (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Dr. Isabel Munoz ( 1961 -3/24/2020) “Her only obsession was not to infect anybody.” -Jesus Munoz “Even if we all get sick, I’d rather die than kill the country.” -Glenn Beck
⁣no. 8 – Johannesburg⁣ ⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Simon⁣ (unknown)⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “They put us here and now we are close to one another. This is why we will be vulnerable to catching Corona. Our government has failed us,” Simon, homeless man moved by police to stadium from the street.⁣ ⁣ “The lockdown has caused problems, but it is a necessary thing that South Africa had to do,” -Maider Mavi, Mozambique Health Ministry. “Anyone showing symptoms who goes to a state hospital will have their COVID-19 test for free.” ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “The goal here is to keep Covid out of this community,” says Sasha Lalla, a leader at COSUP, a city-supported substance abuse program.⁣ ⁣ “I think then we will be seeing a situation where people with compromised immune systems are not just at risk of Covid-19, they are at risk of death. We have a responsibility to keep our most vulnerable safe,” he said. “One case here, it would be like wildfire.”
no. 9 – New York City⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Father Antonio Checo⁣ May 6, 1952-April 1, 2020 ⁣ “Words cannot describe the sadness and hurt as well as the frustrations that this pandemic has brought about to our daily lives here and across the city…Effective today, all Episcopal churches have been ordered closed until May 17, 2020…we as your clergy are still accessible via phone as your pastors in these times. And since we cannot gather as a community until May, we want to begin to periodically send you the weekly bible readings as that you can use for private prayer worship.⁣ …take an hour each day to pray these prayers remembering those who have died because of this pandemic, as well as those who are sick and those “essential” workers on the frontlines who ensure we as citizens have access to life sustaining resources for day to day living. We ask for the blessing of peace and hope to you all, and that all are safe in this time of uncertainty and anxiety.”⁣ Rev. Antonio Checo and Rev. Jason Moskal, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “We brought in 13 machines that basically kill every virus in the place, and uh, if somebody walks through the door it’s like, it kills everything on them. If they sneeze, it shoots it down at like 100 mph. It’ll neutralize it in split seconds. We have the most sterile building in, I don’t know, all of America.”⁣ -Rodney Howard-Browne, River Tampa Bay Megachurch
no. 10 – Tokyo ⁣⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Ken Shimura (20 February 1950 – 29 March 2020) “I never feared getting an infection myself,” he said, because he knows “how infection control should be done.” But aboard the Diamond Princess, “I was so scared of getting COVID-19.” “The cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of the infection control.” -Kentaro Iwata, who has dealt with infectious outbreaks, including Ebola, cholera and SARS, for more than 20 years. “I’m choosing not to do it.” -donald trump, on masks
no. 12 – Washington, DC⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ ⁣ dedicated for ⁣⁣ Rabbi Romi Cohn⁣⁣ Holocaust survivor⁣⁣ March 10, 1929-March 24, 2020⁣ ⁣ “The crisis caused by the coronavirus may be the time to consider a universal basic wage.”⁣⁣ -Pope Francis ⁣ ⁣ “God will shield us from all harm and sickness. We are not afraid. We are called by God to stand against the Antichrist creeping into America’s borders.”⁣⁣ -Tony Spell3
no. 15 – Paris⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣⁣⁣ Dr. John F. Murray⁣ pulmonologist⁣ June 8, 1927 – March 24, 2020⁣ ⁣ “In all his dealings in the ICU, John treated every person with respect and held them to high standards, whether it was the intern just starting in the ICU or the fellow who was a much more senior trainee, or the nurses or the therapists. Everybody had something to offer and was treated as a member of this team.”⁣ -Courtney Broaddus⁣ ⁣ “You have to do what’s best for your business.”⁣ -Wayne Hoffman
“Audience Participation, London” 22×30″, watercolor
Houston has its Time 22×30″, watercolor
Calling in the Forces, Sunflowers 22×30″ watercolor
Skating in New York City watercolor, 22×30″
The Observers (Germany) watercolor on arches, 12×16″
  no. 13 – Atlanta⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣ Rushia Johnson Stephens⁣ music teacher⁣ 1954-2020⁣ ⁣ “Given our population density, high rate of asthma, and various underlying health conditions found within our city’s populations, I am issuing a Stay at Home Order for Atlantans.”⁣ -Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “adding a public option to Obamacare is the best way to lower costs and cover everyone. 160 million people like their private insurance.”⁣ -Joe Biden
no. 11 – The Bronx⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ ⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for⁣ Rakkhon Kim, a member of Branch 36 in New York City⁣ 1970-March 25,2020⁣ ⁣ “It is not an exaggeration to say that our men and women in the Postal Service, who were already performing one of the most important jobs in America, are now literally putting their own lives on the line to deliver the food, medicine, and essential supplies that hundreds of millions of Americans depend on every single day during this pandemic.”⁣ -Senator Bernard Sanders⁣ ⁣ “It’s been losing billions of dollars a year for many, many years… this is the new one, I’m now the demise of the Postal Service. I’ll tell you who’s the demise of the Postal Service, are these internet companies that give their stuff to the Postal Service…They drop everything in the post office and they say, ‘You deliver it.’ “⁣ -president Donald Trump
no. 14 – Lansing⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for⁣⁣ Lisa Ewald⁣ nurse⁣ 1966-2020⁣⁣ ⁣ “COVID-19 has impacted the lives of so many citizens throughout the state of Michigan, and even more pronounced in the city of Detroit, as we are the fastest growing city nationally with casualties related to this deadly disease.”⁣ -Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo⁣ ⁣ “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”⁣ -Donald Trump⁣ ⁣⁣
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/paintings-from-quarantine-a-series-a-book/
paintings from quarantine- a series, a book
Kickstarter is up and going, more info soon.
  ⁣no. 6 – Wuhan (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣ ⁣ dedicated for Dr. Li Wenliang (1986-2/7/2020) “I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don’t approve of using public power for excessive interference.” -Dr. Li Wenliang “Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax.” -Donald Trump “Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic…classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic.” -Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist “You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment.” -Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020
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resonanteye · 5 years
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  witchery at large!
        Magritte tattoos: a pair
topple the crown
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/paintings-from-quarantine-prints/
paintings from quarantine: prints
available here.
They’ll all be loaded for sale by tomorrow.
12×16″ to 24×36″. They’re good quality, thick toothed, acid free paper.
Order by Dec 6 to get them in time for holidays.
no. 1 – Milan (quarantine paintings, 2020) watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″ dedicated for Dr. Marcelo Natali 1963-3/25/20 “We certainly weren’t prepared to face such a situation. Especially those of our generation, that of the post-antibiotic era, who grew up thinking that a pill against the disease was enough.”
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/live-paintings-two-streams/
live paintings: two streams
I’ll be doing this on Friday at 7 PST this week again, feel free to join in! If you have questions or suggestions, comment here or there. See you Friday!
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/things-change-fast/
things change fast
Hello from quarantine!
since my partner had a bone marrow transplant, we are in isolation at home.
I’m going to post the last few tattoos I did before the state shut down businesses, then I’ll make a separate post of the art I’ve done while at home.
I miss you, clients. I miss you so much right now. This feels endless. We will get through it
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resonanteye · 5 years
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updates 2019, October
I’ve been back at work for a little while now and I’m still on part time- Friday-Sunday. it’s working out well so far and I’m hoping to expand my hours again soon!
  recently I’ve been: tattooing of course, making tokens and proxies for MTG games, a(yes! I’m selling these), doing some painting. waiting until we clear some space for me to start working on skull mounts again, that may be a while. not having room is a major factor there. I’ve been doing some writing for the site, it may be next week I can get the new updated Horror Movies For You list put up! Plus as always- tattoo advice and questions answered.
  my partner had leukemia and it’s been a year of caregiving for me; so many people stepped forward to be there for us, and I’m so appreciative of that. it’s still a struggle (they’re in remission after a sct right now) but we are getting comfortable again. thank you everyone for waiting it out, offering support, and just listening.
  here’s some recent works to look at, until I update again.
    these are for sale! abug dual lands and token cards… email resonanteye@gmail. com and tell me what ya need
tattoos recently;
        my few inktober things:
 personal things:
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