#frankly this is a question for Future Editing Me but i should probably be thinking about it now or future me is gonna be pissed
queerpyracy · 2 months
the main problem with referring to real world history things in your alt world fantasy is having to ask yourself "if i make intentional changes or take artistic license, is some loser who doesn't know what the words 'alt world fantasy' mean gonna write a pseudo intellectual little internet essay about how fantasy writers are bad historians"
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groven4 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos with an Aromantic DA / Viewer
a/n: I randomly decided I really wanna get something out for aro week, so I've got a oneshot mayhaps involving a certain adventurer in the works, but knowing me that might take a while (if I even finish it all) and these tend to be easier for me. So, that's why this exists...not that you asked.
(edit: made one for Ace hcs.)
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He wouldn't really care, but in like a supportive way.
He may not look like it, but the guy's got some common sense.
I can't see him as the type to ask a lot of questions especially if you're visibly uncomfortable around the topic. (tho ig he might if it's for an interview, not sure)
A big part of Wil's character is just accepting shit as it is and not questioning what you can't understand because falling down that spiral is ultimately unhealthy; so if you were to come out to him as any sexuality/gender identity, he'd most likely just accept you immediately and move one.
Expect to receive a lot of aro themed stickers on pride month though.
Also doesn't care, but it's less him being supportive (tho he is) and more: it doesn't affect him, so why should he care?
Like you do you. Your love life is none of his business.
Quite frankly, he couldn't give a shit.
Though, he might find some relatability with you.
Despite how one might interpret ADWM, I cannot see Dark as an entity with the capability to feel much of anything. (other than rage, vengefulness, etc.)
There are some vague memories of past feelings from both Celine and Damien (and possibly the house entity, idk) mostly shown through his clear favoritism for Wil.
However, I don't think he really can feel romantic feelings, nor does he want to.
Being loved sounds nice, but ultimately it would just get in the way.
So having someone around that's kind of like him in that regard is almost nice...cathartic even.
You both like to watch 'marriage gameshows' (the bachelor, love is blind, etc.) over wine and laugh about how you'll never have to deal with relationship problems. (idc if that one's ooc)
He can't really feel romantic attraction himself, yk being a robot and all.
If you tried explaining aromanticism to him he'd probably just be like: "Yeah, and??".
He's supportive in a sense, that sense being: you not having a partner would mean one less meat sack he has to deal with once he manages to get admin privileges.
Kinda stumped on this one ngl.
I just can't find a reason why he'd care whatsoever.
He'd just be like: "Oh...siiiick, brah." with total Bill and Ted energy.
(edit: this is pre-wkm btw. idk why I did that, it doesn't really fit with the others that way. so I probably won't do it again in future hcs. sorry ig.)
I imagine it comes up at a party.
He starts asking you about your love life.
You tell him that you've never really been interested in that kind of stuff, and you probably never will.
What does he do?
He calls you boring.
In all seriousness, he's mostly chill about it throughout your friendship, but it's hard for me not to picture him as the type to think you're just being naive and that 'everyone has to find someone someday'. (I believe WKM takes place in the 1920s, so like, what were you expecting?)
That is until Celine cheats on him.
It was just such a world shattering thing for him, he genuinely loved her more than anything.
It's not a complete 180°, he doesn't suddenly understand your lack of attraction from this, but one night you check in with him to find him wasted in his wine cellar and he's basically like: "You had it right all along, my friend. Love...Love is not for everyone. ...Certainly not the faint of heart."
Which like, you didn't choose this, but you were more focused on making sure he was okay at the time to care.
A part of me wants to think he'd be a little confused at first just cause the idea of having to explain aromanticism and/or asexuality to him because he's just genuinely curious is really adorable to me.
However, the rest of me refuses to believe his friend group isn't entirely comprised of both people in the lgbtq+ community and hardcore allies who would happily beat the shit out of aphobes on a daily basis.
Not to say that they think of you as child-like because of your sexuality, but it's a prison family and you're 'fresh meat' so you're their little aro-bean now whether you like it or not.
Yancy especially is protective of you in an almost older brother type way.
So if after/during coming out to them (or just him) you mention how scared you were/are because you've had a lot of bad experiences or something, he's like constantly ready to sucker punch and/or ballerina kick anyone giving you flack over just being who you are.
He's always willing to tell you how valid you are when you need to hear it, and overall is just a really great friend.
...Even with the stabbing.
In an odd way, he almost feels...relieved?
Call it a humble brag, but literally all of his past work partners had fallen in love with him at some point, and while the attention certainly feeds his ego, that kinda thing just gets tired and even annoying after a while.
So knowing that'll never happen with you is actually a nice break from what he's grown so used to.
He's never had someone around who genuinely enjoys adventuring as much as he does.
And who isn't like constantly ogling him. (I mean probably anyway, idk what it's like to be aroallo)
Having you around may also cause him to start questioning some things about himself, particularly when you're explaining your orientation.
But that's a topic we'll be getting into at another time! (*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *stares at empty draft*)
He's still used to trying to fluster people cause he finds it funny and in general is just the kind of person to be a bit touchy with his friends (meaning: platonic hand holding, hugs, head/back pats, standing weirdly close a lot of the time just naturally, etc.), so if you're ever uncomfortable just tell him and he'll cut it out straight away.
You're both just kinda really good friends, and he's not at all weird about it like you thought he might be.
Supportive Pirate Dad! 10/10!
You definitely have to explain what it means to him, but he verbally accepted you before he even asked.
Kinda like: "That's great!...What is it?-"
Would have the crew sew you a flag if it would make you happy.
They are still pirates who have been sailing across the deep blue their whole lives with presumably no contact with the mainland however.
So unless you for some fuckin reason told them what it looks like, you can expect to receive a relatively small, plain black flag with the word 'Arrowmantik.' spelled incorrectly and somehow sewn on in perfect white Helvetica.
You hung the flag right above your hammock.
It is your most prized possession.
Might be a little discouraged at first. His crush on you was a tad obvious.
But he figures it's for the best. You are the captain after all. Pursuing that relationship wouldn't have been professional in the slightest.
It does take a bit but he gets over it eventually.
He still genuinely loves you platonically/as a person, so things don't really change all that much.
You still have a strong friendship and work really well together.
He tends to go a bit overboard now about giving you personal space cause he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. So you may have to reassure him multiple times if it wasn't an issue.
During when pride month would be on earth he might gift you little aro themed stuff, like a patch you can't actually add to your uniform for work reasons but love and appreciate anyway.
He may not fully understand how you feel, but he never stops trying to, and either way he's always gonna support you no matter what.
Your orientation could never change how much he loves and trusts you both as a captain and as his friend.
He doesn't really care since it doesn't affect what you guys do, though he is openly accepting, especially if it seemed like you needed to hear that it wasn't something that bothered him.
In a similar vein to Illinois, he's strangely grateful.
He's not sure how he would've dealt with the situation had you developed a crush on him. Such emotions tend to get in the way more often than not in his line of work.
He didn't wanna have to kill you just to make his life easier. Taking a life out of necessity isn't as much fun, plus he'd grown a tad fond of you.
I like to think he cares quite a bit about your mental health, it would make sense given the whole murder thing.
So if you often go through periods of doubt or even internalized self hatred regarding being aromantic, he's gonna be there to help you through it.
He goes with you to pride parades and if anyone tries to tell you that you don't belong there, they're immediately getting put on a black list.
He got you a nifty little keychain once while you were there.
Overall, surprisingly wholesome.
a/n: I went back and forth on whether or not I was gonna use the pronouns I hc them all as using, but in the end I just said 'fuck it, appeal to general audiences, why not at this point'. I'm really fuckin' tired, dude. Just- HAPPY ARO WEEK! ig.
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tarysande · 3 years
Oh no, I've been thinking.
Okay, I can't stop thinking about something ending-related. I don't know this for certain, but based on previous statements and such, it feels like the writers were always aiming for a bittersweet ending. Like, no matter what else happened or how the story evolved, come hell (lol) or high water, that ending couldn't just be happy. For reasons. I guess.
Now, I don't mind a bittersweet ending ... if it makes sense for the ending to be bittersweet.
I critique stories for a living. I'm literally taking a break from the developmental edit of someone's novel to write this post. And the persistent thought that bugs me about the Rory setup is that it is so artificial. Time travel is a pain in the narrative ass. Time travel suddenly introduced in the sixth season of a show that has never touched on time travel? As an editor, I probably would've pointed out that time travel for the purpose of angst, especially time travel without rules that make sense ("I don't know anything about time travel! Except I do know you have to take the most painful path!"), seemingly introduced as a final ploy to make that bittersweet ending work ... well, to me, it breaks the narrative contract they established with the audience. Your audience is going to be confused. An editor's job is to alert the writer to any potential confusion so it can be fixed before the story goes to print, etc. Confused audiences get mad, annoyed, frustrated. They feel hurt. They put down the book and don't pick it up again. Usually, writers don't want that. But they're so close to their work that they need a completely outside perspective to say, "Hey, I'm not sure you realize this, but..."
I mean, I keep referring to Rory as "deus ex daughter" because in literary terms, she is a blatant deus ex machina. Rory is the god in the machine of the Bittersweet Ending.
Now, I loved a lot of S6. I did. My overall feeling about the season is not negative. But ... I can't stop thinking about why the things I didn't like REALLY didn't work for me.
I loved the emotional growth we saw in Lucifer and Chloe facilitated by the question of parenting and parental love. I did. And I would have loved to see a lot of those notes hit not with an angel kid out of nowhere ... but with the daughter already in the picture. Especially because it would have circumvented the icky idea that a child has to be one's flesh and blood to induce such feelings. I also understand that coronavirus and Scarlett's age and schedule made this difficult. But I just can't swallow that the only way to wrap up the story of this show--a show about found family, non-traditional family, friendship, connection, FREE WILL, love in all its many shapes and forms and colors ... was to introduce a brand new character via a device (time travel) that fails to make sense almost every time it's used, no matter the medium. (And then had only that brand new character be there when her mother died. Don't even get me started. Ugh.)
If time travel was always going to be on the table, couldn't we have found a more plausible way to use it with the characters we already knew, loved, and had spent four or five seasons with? A time-travelling older Trixie, say? If you're going to use the impossible device, just ... twist it another way to make it work.
Okay. Okay. So, leaving Trixie aside for now just like the show did, let's say we leave everything about the season the same, even Rory. Do you know what ending makes more narrative sense?
Future Rory sacrificing herself by NOT forcing Lucifer to make a cruel and impossible "choice" so the baby that might have been her grows up with a family that loves her. Chloe's already pregnant. That's not going to be undone. And this nonsense of a "closed time loop" falls apart if you side-eye it for even a few seconds. The Rory who came from the future never exists except in the memories of those she met when she came back from that future. Chloe and Lucifer lose that daughter even as they gain the new one whose existence is not a tool of unrelenting fate because wow this show has always been about free will what the heck happened there yikes. And a choice made under the duress Chloe and Lucifer were under, forced out of them, and forcing them to "choose" a life apart for *handwave* Reasons has nothing to do with free will. A "choice" made at gunpoint is not a real choice. Future Rory basically bullied them into ensuring she got to exist--something, quite frankly, neither her parents would have done.
Instead, how much more appropriately bittersweet is it if Chloe and Lucifer lose that child while gaining one who, because of that angry time-travelling version, will never suffer as she did.
Also as an editor: the groundwork for my version is already laid, by the way. It should have been Rory learning about the importance of free will over fate. The importance of personal sacrifice. The importance of not thinking your young self knows best ... because experience and therapy will help rid you of that self-centered world view. That's the contract the writers made with us with this show. And Chloe and Lucifer have already BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. (See: the end of S4.)
Furthermore, this season finally HAD Chloe and Lucifer DEAL WITH the only thing that actually would have contributed to a narrative, characterization-based reason for Lucifer to disappear: His history of running and his putting Chloe on a pedestal. Once they really talked that out, his "disappearance" became a Rory-induced trauma of inexplicable fate that flies in the face of all the progress Lucifer made over six seasons. (I would rather have had more of that and less of mysterious disappearing oh no plot.)
And I'm sorry, the "Once you get to Hell you're going to work 24/7" excuse given for why Lucifer won't be around and why he can't make time for Chloe until she's DEAD(????!???) is ... it's lame. If AMENADIEL AS GOD can make time for his kid's birthday party, I refuse to believe Lucifer can't work out some Hell/Earth-work/life balance. Never mind that in the show about partnerships, the Bittersweet Ending just ... destroyed it. Chloe was planning on being God's consultant; she could have helped Lucifer solve Hell's Trauma Mysteries (it's what she did with Jimmy, setting up that yeah, Lucifer could do it alone like he accidentally did with Lee, but doing it with HIS TRUTHSEEKING PARTNER would be more effective). Just as Lucifer could have continued helping HER solve some of the problems within "that corrupt little organization" of hers.
tl;dr: I think the writers fixated so completely on their version of Bittersweet that they missed all the foreshadowing, groundwork, and clues that were right there, already built into the story, poised for a different kind of ending than the one they once imagined. That's why so many parts of it feel almost-but-not-quite right and why these aspects are so off-putting. That's why it's just not ... organic. It's something squeezed into a box it grew out of ages ago.
Ironically, certain elements of this season involved the writers insisting on the FATE they decided long ago instead of letting the story and the characters have the FREE WILL to choose a different, more fitting, more organic ending--one that had long-since evolved past that original flavor of Bittersweet.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter two.
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⇥ pairing: namjoon x reader; eventual bts/ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, chaotic namjoon, power tools, hints of poly relationships, overall pretty smut free (who AM i???)
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Two
Habitat for Humanity Worksite – 9:26am
When I signed up to volunteer Saturday morning of syllabus week, I should have known I would end up regretting it. I almost punted my alarm clock out of the apartment window this morning, but instead settled a slightly more civil action – punching the shit out of the ‘off’ button.
Don’t get me wrong: I love volunteering. It’s been part of my routine since sophomore year when I was recruited for the all-women’s service society on campus – the Alphites. As a society, us Alphites volunteer around campus and in our local community each week. There’s something about doing service together that really creates bonds, and the girls in the society have quickly become some of my closest friends.
We sign up to volunteer for a variety of different service projects each week, and Habitat is my current favorite project to sign up for. As a nonprofit organization, Habitat for Humanity helps families build and improve places to call home. Currently, our regional Habitat is working on building a house from the ground up for a local family in need.
Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form a very ‘handy’ person. Luckily for me, there are always a couple volunteers with construction or engineering backgrounds who are willing to teach other volunteers with less experience – or none, like me.
Since beginning to volunteer at the site last year, I have learned how to use a power saw, how to fasten siding, and how to mix, pour and level cement. It’s definitely empowering to learn new skills and also to see how my handiwork contributes to someone’s future home. I also feel lowkey badass when I get to use the power drill for anything.
Pulling up to the worksite, I clutch my cherished 24oz. Wawa coffee. I finally feel somewhat human as I park my beat-up Jeep Wrangler and hop out to meet the other volunteers for our task assignments.
The site leader Eddie – a burly retiree with a background in construction management – greets me with a huge grin, “(y/n)-doll, we missed you this summer! I can’t believe you abandoned us during the hottest months of the year.”
I roll my eyes, smiling at his teasing. Eddie’s like a teddy bear disguised as a grizzly – all rough edges and a heart of gold. “Missed you, too, Eddie.”
“Look at our progress now,” he continues, “Pretty impressive, yeah?” Nodding, I greet some regular volunteers I recognize as Eddie leads me around the house. He proceeds to show me what they had done over the summer in my absence – and they had done a lot. The house now had its full foundation and wooden framing with most of the doors and windows installed.
As we walk back to the front of the house to the main area, I sip my coffee and turn to Eddie, “So, what can I work on today, fearless leader?”
Letting out a patented ‘Eddie belly-laugh’, he replies, “I know you worked on the siding at our last site so I'm gonna have you work on where we started the siding on the right side of the house.”
Sweet, I could work with that. “Aye, aye, captain,” I respond with a lazy salute of my coffee cup. Before I can turn to start towards the scaffolding to begin, Eddie stops me.
“Oh, one more thing. I’m gonna need you to orient our new volunteer and let him shadow you today. Kid’s from the same school as you, I think… Mandatory service. Anyway, he should be here any minute.”
Shit, I know what ‘mandatory service’ means. It’s the first form of disciplinary action that the college issues and is usually the only form of disciplinary action for our athletes or for Greek life – a fact I actively resent. During my time in the Alphites, I have had to deal with some of these ‘mandatory service’ characters and they’ve never been much fun to be around.
“Ah, that’s probably him now,” Eddie startles me out of my thoughts of dread and doom as a black gleaming Tesla practically purrs down the block, swinging into the spot next to my Wrangler. Scowling, I cross my arms as I survey the stark contrast between this person’s shiny-ass luxury car and my dirty-ass well-loved Jeep.
The Tesla door opens. A Timberland booted foot emerges followed by a thick leg encased in light jeans, a tanned well-muscled arm…
No. Nope, it couldn’t be— Please, not today, Satan.
He stands with his back to us now, stretching out his large body. In only a cutoff t-shirt, his rippling back muscles might be enough to send me into an early grave.
I sigh in bitter defeat of the inevitable. Seriously, the fucking universe must have it out for me because I can’t seem to shake this stupid fucking fraternity.
As if the boy feels my eyes on him, he turns. His eyes immediately clash with mine as he slams his car door, clicking the lock over his shoulder. Those eyes – golden brown beneath dark brows and a wave of bleached blonde hair. Their focus is absolute – hard – as he strolls towards us. It’s almost as if he knows the maddening effect that he has on me.
I think Eddie is speaking, but my senses are on lockdown, his words muted. My thighs tighten as my pulse picks up. Get a fucking grip, (y/n). I can’t let him know that just one look from him has me thirsty and oxygen-deprived. I can’t look away – that would be succumbing to weakness.
Instead, I hold his heated gaze as best I can as his confident gait brings him closer. God, he’s got to be at least 6 foot...
The goddamn president of BTS Kim Namjoon is getting closer and I can’t help running my eyes over him.
His thighs flex and shift beneath his jeans with every calculated step. His abs are apparent under his tight cutoff shirt emblazoned with his fraternity letters.
Namjoon stops in front of us, hands stuffed into his back pockets, biceps flexing. “Nice to finally meet you, Eddie,” Namjoon takes his eyes off me long enough to greet Eddie and shake his hand, but then they’re right back on me, “Hi, (y/n).”
He drags out my name in a such a sinful way that even old Eddie does a slight doubletake. Clearing his throat unnecessarily loudly, Eddie booms, “You two know each other?”
Our differing replies sound at the same time.
“Yes,” Namjoon repeats, lips turning up in an infuriating smile, “We have several mutual friends that she’s met a couple times now. Want me to jog your memory? I’d be more than happy to do so.”
Eddie takes one look at my face and hustles off, mumbling something about support beams. I guess my inner thoughts of ‘kill, maim, slaughter’ could easily be read from my facial expression.
Namjoon opens his mouth to speak again, but I’m faster, “Listen, Kim, I don’t know who you think you are, and, quite frankly, I don’t care. What I do care about is this house and these people working on it. Don’t fuck this up for me, okay? Let’s just get through today and then you can go back to ordering around your brothers and causing general mayhem.”
I’m feeling pretty proud of my little soliloquy until I realize he’s still smiling with those blasted dimples out in full display. No, his smile has grown even wider now as he simply answers, “The semester.”
My nose crinkles in confusion, “What?”
“The semester,” he repeats, “I’m assigned here every Saturday for the rest of the semester.”
I stare at him.
He smirks back.
I stare.
His smirk begins to fade, “Uh, did you hear me?”
I stare.
“Okay, you’re creeping me out now, (y/n),” Namjoon waves his giant paw of a hand in front of my face, “How many fingers?”
I break out of my trance of denial and hiss, “What did you do? Double homicide? Serial arson? Oh my god, you were the one who blew up the science lab!”
His hand covers my mouth – it’s rough and warm and entirely disarming.
“You have quite the imagination, jagi. I’ll keep that in mind,” Namjoon chuckles, “To answer your question, I did none of the above. Now, answer a couple questions of mine: what did you do to get here and – more importantly – why did you distract Jungkook from doing his fucking job on Monday?”
I glare in response, waiting for him to remove his hand from my mouth. He takes too long, and I lick his palm. It works. He removes his hand, but from the look on his face it seems like he liked my tongue on his skin entirely too much.
Thankfully, Eddie chooses the perfect moment to yell across the site, “What are you doing just standing there, (y/n)-doll? I don’t pay you to just loiter around all day!”
“You don’t pay me at all!” I yell back, already moving towards the trailer with all the supplies to get started. Namjoon follows.
“(y/n)-doll?” his eyebrows are raised as I hand him a pair of the biggest gloves I could find, “What’s up with that?”
Taking a pair of smaller gloves for myself, I turn to look for some hammers and nails as I respond, “I’ve been here a while. He’s like my honorary grandfather at this point.”
I spot the hammers and nails tucked away on the highest corner shelf and I huff. Namjoon follows my gaze, “Need a strong, intelligent, tall young man to grab those for you?”
He’s impossible, but for some reason it draws a small smile to my face, “Yes, that’d be great.”
The smile I receive in response is so bright I wonder if it could make flowers grow, “Okay, but only if answer my questions, (y/n).”
I shrug, trying not to notice how his cutoff shirt rises as he stretches to reach the upper shelf. I catch a sudden glimpse of his abs, and I praise every god out there that hot weather can be blamed for my sudden onset of sweat. 
Clearing my throat, I laugh lightly, “Fine, first of all, I didn’t ‘distract’ Jeon. I just had a temporary lapse in judgement. Besides, he came to me all on his own.” His back muscles tense up at my words, but I continue, “And second of all, there’s no juicy story of how I got here. I just volunteer here every Saturday for the Alphites.”
The sound of a hammer hitting the floor startles me as he whirls around, “You’re an Alphite?”
Namjoon’s tone is one of disbelief and it’s a tone I do not appreciate, “Yes, why is that so hard to believe?” My arms cross defensively, “I’ve been a sister since my sophomore year...”
I trail off. He’s still gawking at me ridiculously. Narrowing my eyes, I stride across the trailer and grab his chin, closing his mouth for him, “Watch out, Kim, you’re gonna catch flies.”
Spinning on my heels, I sashay out of the trailer, nose held high in the air and satisfaction held even higher. He’ll catch up. After all, he’s basically supposed to be my bitch today.
I climb up the scaffolding next to the house’s right side and assess the siding work that has already been started. It looks pretty solid and level. I should have no issue with continuing without having to make any initial corrections.
The sound of a bucket of nails hitting the top platform I’m sitting on alerts me of Namjoon’s impending presence. Saving the bucket from teetering over the edge – a safety hazard for sure – I watch amusedly as Namjoon struggles stay upright and climb up to where I am on the scaffolding. Finally, he plops down next to me – entirely too close. I can feel his stare on my skin as I steadfastly ignore him.
“Hey, jagi,” he pokes my arm, “(y/n), listen, you just caught me off guard. I mean, you don’t seem like the type to be an Alphite – that’s all.”
Fury curls up inside me for the umpteenth time that morning, as I turn to face Namjoon with a sickly-sweet smile that has him flinching back, “Then do tell, Namjoon, what type I seem to be?”
I pick up the hammer closest to me and dip a hand into the nail bucket. The sooner this siding got done, the sooner I could haul ass out of here.
“I feel like that’s a trick question,” Namjoon sighs, rubbing a hand over his chin, “I didn’t mean anything bad by it, okay? I guess I just have always thought that your society was a bunch of mom-types—”
I cut him off with a swing of my hammer in the air, “What’s wrong with mom-types, you uncultured swine? And is serving your community really such a ‘mom’ thing to do? I’m sorry. I must have missed that memo. Here I was thinking that it was public service but go off I guess.”
He blinks, “Did you just call me an ‘uncultured swine’?”
I sniff in indignation, “Get with the times, Kim. I just roasted your ass. Now hand me that piece of siding and make yourself useful.”
“You’re so weird,” Namjoon mutters, sliding my request over to me.
“So what?” I shrug, “All the best people are weird. Now, do me a solid and explain to me why you and your ‘brothers’ keep suspiciously popping up everywhere I go.”
“Haven’t you figured it out yet?” he grins, “We’re interested.”
“What does that even mean? That you’re interested?” I wrack my brain, “As in all seven of you fuckers?”
“It means, jagi,” Namjoon pauses, leaning closer, “It means that we’re going to date the shit out of you.”
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a/n: i love namjoon. that is all. 
taglist (message me to be added):
@catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @bewitch3dforivar @honeyspillings @xxonyxpearlxx​  @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang 
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jacksgreysays · 4 years
Hi yes mix-and-match anon so if you're still interested in the asofterworld version of the prompt when I said 31 I meant 31 off of your old asw promptlist which translates to asw 621. If not interested this is just a hi glad you're active on tumblr again! I still love your writing!
A/N: Hello, mix-and-match anon! :D
I’ll be honest, I’m kinda cheating here because I’ve been kinda wanting to write this particular fic (or some iteration of this particular fic) for a while but I didn’t quite know how to construct it. However your prompt finally launched me in a direction even though it’s definitely drifted away from the prompt itself so thank you! I hope you enjoy even though it’s still kinda rough and I’ll probably be editing it over the next couple of days to make it more coherent and less of a bloated run on mess.
meeting and incidents unraveled
Haruno Sakura is not oblivious to the blessings and advantages she has in life. 
Caring and supportive parents, a stable home life with all of her needs and a majority of her wants met. Tuition at a good school with an intellect and self-discipline to make the most of it. Pretty enough looks to be, if not popular, then well liked among her peers.
She also is not oblivious to the sort of future all of that will give her.
Acceptance at whichever university she chooses, leading to a solid, successful career in whatever field she chooses. Kind and caring relationships paving their way to a kind and caring marriage. A caring, supportive, stable future just as caring, supportive, and stable as her past.
How boring.
But she doesn't have it in her to rebel and break away, grateful for those blessings and advantages for all that they keep her on a track. There's nothing wrong with success and stability. She's not oblivious to that, at least.
She just wishes for something a little bit... more.
I love the way your face lights up
when someone says,
"It might be dangerous."
(I am glad we are friends.)
(it could have gone like this)
"Do you think she's lost?" Sakura asks her classmates, bringing their attention to the window. Clean up duties after school are hardly fun, so any distraction is a welcome one.
There's a girl standing in the shadow of the tree in the courtyard. About their age, maybe, but the school uniform doesn't match theirs at all. Almost as if she feels Sakura's gaze, the girl meets her eyes and smiles--but surely that's not right. Sakura is up on the third floor.
"What are you talking about?" Tanaka-kun asks, looking out the window and somehow failing to see. Their other classmates on clean up duty also look, but none of them spot the girl either.
"Oh, nothing," Sakura says, dropping the matter immediately. She doesn't want to be known as the weirdo who sees things that aren't there. "I can't believe Honda-sensei assigned so much homework over the weekend!" She deflects and her classmates follow the prompt easily, the new topic of conversation out of her hands.
When Sakura looks back out the window, the girl in the shadow of the tree waves.
Magic is better with three.
This is what Sakura learns after discovering magic is real, after discovering that she herself has magic.
Magic is better with three and magic has different Aspects and the different Aspects of magic resonate with different people.
Sakura's magic, she learns, has Aspects of Earth and Healing and Growth. Those are powerful Aspects, she's been told, she can do a lot of good with that even on her own.
But young magicians are put in teams for a reason. Magic seeks balance. The consequences of misusing magic--of overreaching with magic--are extreme at best and horrifying at worst. 
Some lessons are learned the hard way.
(it could have gone like this)
"Oh, that's Shikako," Ino answers when Sakura finally brings it up weeks after the fact. Ino's magic has the Aspects of Mind and Flora and Adaptation which resonates nicely with Sakura's--perhaps in another world, they might have ended up on the same team, but in this particular world, well. Naruto and Sasuke are powerful magicians, but they're not very good at answering her questions...
"Shikamaru is one of my teammates," Ino continues, easily, "Shikako is his twin sister." Then her voice drops, tone a little more serious, a little more secretive. "Her Aspects never manifested." 
Sakura hasn't fully absorbed all the nuances of magical culture, but this at least she can understand: without Aspects, Shikako can never use active magic.  
"But she's absolutely brilliant with the academic side and she already has some research projects from the council," Ino says, quick to balance her words, and that along with the thinly veiled guilt is enough for Sakura to put the matter aside, moving on to other questions.
Still, though, it haunts her; somehow, simultaneously, in two different ways:
Shikako had been the one to find her. The girl in the shadow of the tree following a prototype magic seeker and finding a different girl who had never heard of magic, would never have known of the magic within her. Without Shikako, would she still be that magic-less boring girl destined for that magic-less boring life?
Alternatively, if Shikako had manifested her Aspects, would there even be a space for Sakura in this world of magic?
Uzumaki Naruto's Aspects are Sun and Belief and Present. Uchiha Sasuke's Aspects are Moon and Ambition and Past.
There was no doubt that they would be put on the same team.
Frankly, the only question was who could possibly match?
(it should have gone like this)
"Do you think she's lost?" Sakura asks her classmates. There's a girl standing in the shadow of the tree in the courtyard; about their age, maybe, but the school uniform doesn't match theirs at all. Almost as if she feels Sakura's gaze, the girl meets her eyes and smiles.
When it seems like none of her classmates can spot the girl in the shadow of the tree, Sakura drops the matter immediately. She doesn't want to be known as the weirdo who sees things that aren't there. She deflects and the new topic of conversation swiftly moves out of her hands.
Sakura looks back out the window, the girl in the shadow of the tree waves. Sakura exits the building, the girl in the shadow of the tree looks at her expectantly.
Sakura could ignore her and keep going--she has homework, after all--but even if she doesn't want to be known as a weirdo amongst her classmates, that doesn't mean she wants nothing interesting to happen in her life ever.
She already knows what will happen if she keeps on walking, ignoring the girl in the shadow of the tree. Sakura will go home, maybe stopping by a store or a cafe on the way. She will do her homework and do her chores and take a bath and eat dinner and sleep and do absolutely nothing out of the ordinary because her life is predictable and that's just a synonym for boring.
So Sakura goes to the tree instead.
"Hello," Sakura says, because even if this girl is merely lost and not some guide to a more exciting world surely there's no harm in being polite. "Can I help you?"
"Maybe," says the girl in the shadow of the tree, lifting one hand palm up. Preemptively, she makes her hand glow with a pale, almost distant light. "Haruno Sakura, do you believe in magic?"
Nobody is born with fully manifested magic.
Active magic requires agency, will power and vision. Those are shaped by a magician's sense of self, their personality and convictions. Their Aspects.
There's more, of course. But sometimes more can lead to decisions a little riskier than predicted.
(it should have gone like this)
At first there is no team for Sakura which is a little disheartening but also, simultaneously, a relief. Almost all of the other magicians her age have been raised around magic, she already has so much to learn and catch up on that it's almost overwhelming! She can't possibly imagine what it would be like being introduced to a new world and then immediately thrown onto a team with strangers.
But her magical peers are supportive in their own way--most of them friendly, all of them definitely interesting. Their teams are well chosen, Aspects resonating beautifully, and whenever she has the free time in between diving headfirst into her magical studies and maintaining her grades at school she wonders what her teammates will be like. If they'll match her just as nicely. If she'll even have teammates.
"Don't worry," Shikako says with a smile, supportive and kind and definitely interesting. Behind her, her teammates bicker as ever--and while Sakura will admit, blushingly, that she was a little infatuated with Sasuke in the beginning, she would go mad if she had to put up with him and Naruto for too long--but Shikako appears as calm and as fond of them as ever.
"I found you didn't I?"
She did, yes. How she found the time in between her own magical research, high-octane team, and normal schoolwork of her own is baffling to Sakura. She's grateful, of course, but still. Sakura isn't even doing half as much and she's barely keeping up!
"Don't worry," Shikako says again, and if her tone turns a little vague, her gaze going beyond Sakura, well. Shikako is a very powerful magician...
"... you belong in this world. Magic seeks balance."
And Sakura nods, because that is one of the earlier lessons she was taught upon joining the magical world. For all the strangeness of Shikako's tone, it is reassuring. So Sakura nods and continues to voraciously consume all she can about this new world she belongs to so that when her teammates do appear she'll be prepared.
Shikako finds Yakumo first--her Aspects of Sky and Art and Acceptance--then comes Isaribi with the Aspects of Sea and Transformation and Trust. And Sakura finally feels like she actually belongs.
Magic is not completely a science, for all that there is cause and effect. It's not entirely an art, either, though some talented magicians make it seem that way. There are some parts of it that are understandable, quantifiable and predicable, but there is so much more that is beyond human comprehension. Even active magic which requires, in essence, humanity, can be beyond explanation. 
Aspects are an attempt at doing so, but for all that they determine the futures of most magicians, they can't perfectly encompass the whole of a magician's power. Because magic exists beyond words and definitions. Even abstract concepts can fail. Trying to apply terminology to magic? Might as well punch a god in the face.
And so when a girl born to the magical world, even if her Aspects manifest a little late, if there already exists a place for her on a team where she resonates so powerfully, well.
Stars and Determination and Future are close enough...
... for a human, that is.
(but it actually went like this)
A few months after an ordinary day in which no interesting strangers showed up to derail Sakura's life, she is on her way home from school. She's thinking about maybe stopping by a store or a cafe on the way, but maybe not. She still has to do her homework and chores before she can take a bath and eat dinner and sleep and do absolutely nothing out of the ordinary because her life is predictable and that's just a synonym for boring.
A pair of boys--about her age, maybe, but in school uniforms different from hers--stop her. They've been looking for her, they say, and while the dark-haired one is handsome enough that she'd normally blush and think it romantic first words, his tone and the fact that his blonde friend is also there ruins that theory.
Also, they know her name and that's weird. She says as much, which causes them to start bickering, and in their distracted state she takes the opportunity to escape.
The next day, on her way home from school--along the same, predictable path, of course--she is stopped by a strange man. Both unfamiliar and unusual. Almost his entire face is covered and his hair is grey and he slouches as if in apology for his height. He asks her if she believes in magic. 
She knows a creep when she sees one and runs in the opposite direction. She'll take the long way home.
The next few days she changes up her route going home because, yes, sometimes she's naïve but she's not completely oblivious. It still doesn't really help though, because this time its a trio of strangers--thankfully around her age--but still not great.
"Those idiots," the girl says, flicking her long blonde ponytail in fashionable irritation, "I can't believe they messed up this bad. What an awful first impression, she's already spooked."
One of the boys, dark hair and sleepy eyes, just shrugs and responds, "Well if she's really going to end up on their team, it's not like her second impression is going to be much better."
If they're talking about who she thinks she's talking about she's not exactly pleased with them either.
The other boy, reddish hair and round cheeks, looks her in the eye and gives a friendly smile. Despite the situation, something within Sakura relaxes a little. "Would you like to try out that cafe? Our treat," he says, and its not an entirely unwanted offer. She doesn't have too much work waiting for her at home and she deserves something nice.
"Okay," she says, and lets them pay for her anmitsu while they tell her about magic, the magical world, and how she fits into all of it.
Humans are not the only beings capable of magic.
(but it actually went like this)
Sakura is worried and overwhelmed and frustrated and she knows she shouldn't complain because she does honestly enjoy magic and the world its brought her into and she wouldn't dare go back to that ordinary, predictable, boring life.
But she wishes that her teammates weren't so abrasive and prickly, that her teacher were a little more engaged. It's been months already since she joined Naruto and Sasuke's team. She doesn't know why they're being so difficult when she hasn't even done anything wrong!
She's headed to the training grounds but in a wandering path, if she's honest. She's normally a punctual person, but Kakashi-sensei has never once been on time and she can just as easily not talk to her teammates here as she can at the training grounds.
The part of the city she's in isn't so urban as to have skyscrapers, but in this district the buildings are all at least several stories and practical, blocky metal and cement. The looming structure made of curving wood and stone looks more like a tree than anything else.
There is a girl standing in the shadow of the tree that isn’t. She meets Sakura's eyes, smiles, and waves.
Sakura has been studying the magical world. Knows about the dangers young magicians can face in a world that wants to eat them alive. Knows that nice exteriors don't necessarily mean kind hearts.
But she also knows, somehow, that if she walks away now she will never see this girl again.
"Hello," Sakura says, because there's no harm in being polite, "Can I help you?"
"Maybe," says the girl in the shadow of the tree that isn't. "Haruno Sakura, do you believe in destiny?"
Gelel: Light, Unity, Creation.
Jashin: Void, Suffering, Destruction.
Magic seeks balance.
Magic is better with three.
"If you could," the girl begins, a wistful sort of smile on her face, "tell them I said its not their fault. It was entirely on me. I overreached and had to face the consequences."
"What did you do?" Sakura asks before she can swallow down her curiosity
Shikako says, "Some lessons are learned the hard way..."
At first, Sakura thinks that's all she will say, a dismissive sort of answer, but then Shikako continues:
"...but perhaps not all of them. Hopefully you’ll learn from my mistakes," she says with a small bitter smile, gaze going beyond Sakura.
"I foresaw danger and thought I could prevent it,” Shikako says, almost a confession. “But the more magic I had, the more danger arose, until I found myself trying to make a deal with the Shinigami."
If any of the horror Sakura feels is showing on her face, Shikako doesn't let that deter her.
"Unsurprisingly, the Shinigami is very good at making deals and somewhat overworked." Shikako's smile is wider now, more real. "I asked him for the world where all of my friends and family lived. He said I should make it myself."
"So now I'm Death's apprentice," she shrugs, almost casual about it even though the very concept is giving Sakura a headache. "Shikabane-hime, the Lady Cosmos, the Space-Time Witch, whatever," she lists, rolling her eyes, impossibly blasé about her various titles.
"It's not so bad, I guess. But I do miss my friends and family."
Finally, something Sakura can wrap her brain around! "Do you want me to tell them that, too?"
Shikako blinks, almost surprised, before she tilts her head. "Maybe? I mostly meant that, well... I know in this timeline I’m just a stranger, but it's nice to see you again, Sakura. And just in case you had any doubts: you were always destined for greatness."
A/N: If you couldn’t tell from this mess, it was supposed to be more xxxholic/CLAMP than Madoka Magica (which I haven’t actually watched) but from what little I know of the latter, I wouldn’t blame anyone for getting that sort of vibe. Don’t worry, it’s kinda a good ending. I mean, Shikako literally made a deal with multiple gods in order to make it so.
edit: I have come up with a title/tag for this
“meeting and incidents unraveled”
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
I read the recent post about divination, and now I have some serious doubts. Like did I misunderstood entirely what the whole divination thing canonically is? I’ve read books couple of times, seen movies once, but it’s been awhile. I’ve read a small library of fanfics (99% Dramione), so I am no way a HP canon-lore expert. But that post left genuinely puzzled, like how does it go canonically? Was Hermione basically right or not? I would be grateful, if someone could either correct or confirm, whether my understanding of HP canon is true or not, please! As I understood it, divination sort of is “real”, but in a quite nuanced way, and that Trelawney’s class didn’t (and probably couldn’t) teach “true divination”, and it was a waste of time for students wishing to learn that skill. Certain people simple are “true seers”, and this clairvoyance ability cannot be acquired or learned (at least in a controlled or widely understood way). It was heavily hinted at, that the talent is in-born, and possibly entirely hereditary, or at least considerably so (the reason for Trelawney’s job interview was that she was related to a famous seer). Although, it’s also implied that astromancy is an exception, and via astronomy even those who are not seers can foresee future events to some degree (though it seems there’s large qualitative difference between these predictions and those made by “true seers”. Astromancy seems to be predicting very generalized trends, instead of specific events or happenings of individual people). However, this is more an impression one gets by the gravitas and dignity granted to Firenze and centaurs contra Trelawney (I think, Firenze did make accurate predictions, but they were so board and vague, thus is not clear whether they were just educated guesses or true foresight). If I recall no true predictions are made by any other method (Trelawney taught and practiced at least cartomancy, tasseomancy, and crystallomancy. Maybe also chiromancy and some others, which I don’t remember atm). More than that, it seems that true prophecies are not produced via any method, but rather received uncontrollably and involuntarily without any conscious effort or will. All this leaves many open questions and a lot of room for quite different interpretations. The only seer we see in a great detail is Trelawney, and it’s not clear whether her circumstances were universally applicable or just particular to her. Like, do all true seers make their predictions by falling into an uncontrollable trance, or do some of those methods work for some other seers at least? Can this talent be cultivated or honed in any way? Can one manipulate circumstances for receiving these predictions? At least some portion of the wizarding world seems to believe, that divination is accessible to basically anybody, because the ministry approves teaching of it, and there’s learning material and curriculum beyond Trelawney. Though, the ministry seems to treat reading tealeaves different from true seers’ predictions, which are gathered and organized in by the department of mysteries, unlike Harry’s or Ron’s schoolwork. There’s also a faint possibility that some form of milder divination is possible (something like predicting whether you will have a good day at the work by reading tarot cards), and Trelawney was just incompetent at teaching it. Existence of true seers doesn’t exactly logically contradict existence of lesser divination by non-seers. Still, the view that the only real divination is by done true seers (and possibly astromancy) seems to be canonically most likely, or the one JKR tried to convey. These other forms of divinations and omens are just wizarding superstitions some believe, including at least partly the ministry itself (like do the wizengamot or ministers consult diviners before making decisions. Or is it taught simply due a political inertia, like some atavistic custom or tradition from the past. Or perhaps divination is not there to teach the art, but to screen for potential seers from the youth). I think, Hermione did acknowledge fairly early that there are true predictions, by true seers (at least I don’t think she ever objected when the whole chosen one prophecy was brought up, and she seemed to treat the affair with a total sincerity). Even if Trelawney was mostly a fraud, and her class a waste of time (my canonical understanding), and she was right in her criticism. It might not still be the real reason she quit the class, or it could’ve been at least only partial reason. If we imagine a different turn of events, and let’s say that Trelawney would’ve taken an instant liking to her, and praised her efforts and rewarded her with approval and good grades. Would’ve she dropped the course anyway, or rationalized herself believing truthiness and benefits of Trelawney’s class? Would her general opinion about divination change, if she was admired and accepted by her female peers, instead of ignored and shunned? As I interpret Hermione’s character, it’s impossible to give a good answer to that, because in the canonical version the truth about Trelawney and divination in general is also both socially and emotionally convenient to Hermione. Being a multidimensional character, it’s very hard to say, how she would act in different circumstances, or what are all factors, which possibly influence her behavior and choices. I think, it’s a fair characterization to say that she clearly prices truth and objectivity in knowledge, beyond simple social or emotional utility. She pursues knowledge and truth at least partly for her own curiosity, pleasure and integrity. In the other hand, it’s also true that she places a great importance and trust on authorities and she can be extremely authoritarian in knowledge (though her hierarchy is not exactly the official authority like the ministry, or the Daily Prophet, but this informal community of wizarding experts and academics who produce the books she loves, relies and trusts so much. And of course Dumbledore and Mcgonagall, and other exemplary Light side wizards and witches). She craves attention, praise and acceptance and recognition of not only authorities and the wider wizarding world, but also those around her. I don’t think, there’s plausible answer for that, if she had a serious internal conflict between those two different sides of her personality. Canonically there’s no conflict, and her course is relatively clear on the matter. I would rate both outcomes in the case of conflict equally likely. That she would’ve continued divination, if she was “good” at it, and also that she would’ve dropped it, because her academic integrity. There are situations in which, she socially and personally inconveniences herself greatly, like telling Mcgonagall about the Firebolt, but it’s not exactly comparable, because she also believed that Harry could’ve been in a mortal danger. Besides, even if there was exactly comparable situation canonically, people are not always consistent on their priorities, and they might sometimes act quite differently in almost exactly similar situations. Personally I am quite conflicted about JKR’s whole “Hermione is not like the other simpering girls”-bit. In most situations, when it raises its head, I find it quite infuriating (especially with her appearance). Often it is just a desperate and egotistical way to promote oneself, and denigrate feminine traits and behavior. In the other hand, I’ve witnessed this happening in my own life (not to myself, but to people around me). Not a gender dysphoria or anything, but more like tomboys and girls who simply were not interested in things almost all other girls in their age-group were, and they got heavily ostracized and bullied for that by majority of girls. I can understand that certain women genuinely feel like that, and kind of objectively are not like other girls (in good and ill), and have issues with female friendships and female peer-groups. It’s hard to say how common that is, but also I don’t like this idea of trying meme into reality that all women are automatically natural friends and allies with each other, and that the fiction should also reflect this. Or that only reason why this isn’t so, is some outdated beliefs or cultural practices, which can be easily remedied by simple education. Frankly, I don’t think it’s real to that extent, and trying to pretend it is, will lead to harmful outcomes for women, who will go in their lives trusting in it. Women do have shared interests as women, and there’s shared commonalities with other women, which are not shared by men. There’s kind of a sisterhood of mutual understanding and joy in friendships and kinship with other women as women. But in the other hand, there’s also a lot of rivalries and conflicts within the same sisterhood.    Still, the way she disparagingly frames Lavender’s and Parvati’s interest in a divination, as silly, superfluous and fake, is more in line with the former approach. It’s rather cheap jab towards astrology and women who enjoy or practice it. It’s hard to know even where to start with that, because women basically never base serious decisions in it. Mostly it provides them a framework and starting point to discuss different temperaments and personality types in people. Also, it’s just a little (harmless) excitement and bringing some enchantment back to the dreary and banal world and mundane routines most people suffer through. Nobody lost their house because of astrology, unlike men’s many astrologies, like cryptocurrency and “beating the markets” investment models and schemes. Besides, interestingly enough there’s some truth to astrology. unlike I-LOVE-SCIENCE midwit sceptic-bros believe :P
According to the HP WIKIA:
Divination is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things is a branch of magic referred to as "divination."
So basically, while yes you have to possess the ability to "see", you as a regular witch or wizard can learn certain skills for divining. (Divining is an actual thing; To divine is the discover something by guesswork or intuition).
The WIKIA also says:
Divination is an elective subject available beginning in a student's third year. Students study a myriad of ways to scry information about the future, including tea dregs, crystal balls, visions, and Astrology and horoscope charts. Other methods of divining the future include smoke patterns, dreams, tarot cards, and the interpretation of prophecies, though the latter is quite rare. Guides and textbooks allow students of Divination to discern or translate what observed symbols intend to mean.
It's like here in the real world, some people believe in these things, others don't. But I think in the magical world, I'll personally will be more likely to believe in these things. And they seem like something kids should be exposed to a bit.
I think the problem was with the teacher. She probably wasn't the best person to teach and introduce these ancient and maybe not so widely used methods to the children. She is seen in the books/movies as bit of a nutjob, but she made that predicition about Voldy and Harry and so Dumbledore hired her to keep close incase she made probably more prophecies. It's funny though, everyone laughs about this subject and mocks it's teacher, but they whole heartedly believe the prophecy because Dumbledore says he believes it. Harry and his friends even broke into the Ministry to find it. So they take his word, but completely disrespects the actual person who made the prophecy in the first place. Makes sense -_-.
Hermione, she is a muggleborn, so of course she immdiately goes with logic and reasoning and science. It must have been hard for her to learn that magic is real and learn about this new world (even if she was excited about it). The thing with other subjects is that the results are immediate. When she casts a spell, it works automatically, it does what she told it to do. When she makes a potion, it looks/smells they way the books said it would and after using it, she sees/feels the effects. Divination isn't like that, you cannot get immediate results. You have to wait years for some things to happen but it may not always since other factors can influence it and completely change it.
So even in this magical world, she still operates with logic and facts and immediate results, just like in the muggle world. That's why it was difficult for her to "get" divination. Add on a rather incompetant teacher, a stressful third year where she overloads herself; it makes sense for her to just call it bullshit and quit. Maybe if the teacher did indeed like her and gave her praises, she may have not left so easily; she gets praises in other subjects and yes it does seem like she craves it. Hermione is incredibly Type A!
JKR admitted to basically modelling Hermione as herself. So if you think that Hermione's character was unnecessarily mean to Lavender and Parvati, JKR wrote it that way, maybe because she herself feels that way about women/girls like that. Should she have done that? No. Many girls loved Hermione, many saw themselves as her. There isn’t many nerdy girls who save the day in movies and shows and books. So reading about Hermione being popular and smart and liked and having awesome friends and saving the world, defeating evil, was amazing! But as an adult, looking back on things, you realise that Hermione is very much a  "not like other girls" girl, and not in a good way. She is very condesending especially to other girls or people who are not as smart as her. And that isn't a good message to send to girls who relate to this character. And it tells you a lot about JKR herself (if her twitter didn't already)!
- Lisa
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dovechim · 5 years
a remedy for mondays 01 (m)
Tumblr media
➾ 11.2k
➾ summary: all you wanted was just one day off work. but for that to happen, you need to invent a plausible reason. and then somehow, somewhere along the way, things get out of hand, and now people think you’re having a baby with your co-worker Park Jimin after a one-night stand. confused? join the club.
➾ warnings: impregnation kink (all that jazz, u guys should know by now), brief mention of pregnancy termination, future smut 
➾ a/n: this is written purely for fun & i hope you can understand my humour!!! please don’t go having babies just for some time off work. by the time i post this, it will be monday where i live. i hope this brings you all some joy :-) 
ps: thank you to @jimlingss, who always hears my crazy ideas out and encourages me to go for them. heck, sometimes she even brings it out of me. idk where i would be without you :”D
You hate this.
The saying goes: work to live, not live to work. But at this rate, you’d rather just not exist at all if you have to continue work at this god.darn.fucking.job.
All around you, people are huddled into their seats, heads bowed below the partition that separates the desks. Frankly, you think this whole open-plan office thing is just bullshit. Who the fuck wants to make eye contact with Jeon Jeongguk when he’s picking his nose in the middle of editing a spreadsheet?
Not you, that’s who.
You sink even lower down in your seat as you continue to stare your screen with a pounding headache. The numerous open windows on your desktop are just mocking you at this point. The morning seems to be crawling by. Usually, you ration out your morning coffee and breakfast to keep you going; so your morning goes a little something like this: arrive 8.30am, check emails, get water from the pantry and fuck about while your bosses aren’t here yet till 9.15am. Reply to some emails till about 9.45am, then sit in a daze till it’s 10am and time for you to drink your morning espresso and nibble at the small bun you bought from the bakery nearby.
This usually gets you to about 11am, only an hour more to go till lunch.
A job in the public service is perceived to be prestigious by most; so you suppose you should be thankful for your job dealing with family policy. But what outsiders don’t realise is that working in a governmental organisation as the utmost bottom rung absolutely sucks. There are so many standard operation procedures for nearly every single fucking thing, even emails to senior management needs to be vetted by someone in a higher position than you. As a result, things get done very slowly and even if they do get through to senior management, it might just get rejected because they decide that it’s not good enough. Then the work comes all the way back to you, and the whole dreary process starts again.
Not to mention your asshole boss. Bae Joohyun. Senior Director. She has a notorious reputation throughout the entire department for being a hell witch from Satan’s posse. In her meetings she demands utter silence from everyone other than the presenter; sneezes and coughs or pen clicks and typing are strictly forbidden.
Technically, she isn’t your direct superior, and you don’t work super closely with her, but she has this mandate that all leave requests for the entire department have to be approved by her. You’ve submitted requests 5 times in the past year, none of which have gone through. As a result you haven’t taken a day off in a good three years since you started working here. You still remember that one time she rejected your medical leave and called you to her desk. You’d been nursing a terrible flu, your complexion washed out and almost falling off your feet. Looking in the mirror that morning had been a complete shock. You thought a zombie was staring back at you.
Bae Joohyun had narrowed her eyes at you. “What’s wrong with you that you need to take emergency medical leave, _____?”
“I-it’s this cold, ma’am,” your voice was nasal and stuck in your throat.
Bae Joohyun had rolled her eyes and motioned for you to speak up. “I can’t hear you, stop mumbling for heaven’s sake!”
“I have a cold, ma’am! Has been so for the past three days,” you sniffled and pressed a tissue to your nose.
“A cold?” Bae Joohyun raised an eyebrow sceptically. “You seem fine to me. You look the same as you usually do. Get back to work.”
Sometimes you feel like this company, in all its pro-family views, treats married employees with children better.
The resentment grows inside you as you tap on your keyboard harder and harder, earning you a timid glance from Jeon Jeongguk opposite you. But you ignore him, continuing to type out a reply to someone who somehow failed to read your previous email and continued to ask the exact same questions.
You absolutely hate it when someone approaches you from the back in your blind spot and startles you like this. Forcing a smile on your face, you sit up straighter in your chair and turn around. It’s Taehyung from the Baby Bonus Team, and he’s holding a folder with a smile on his face.
“Morning, ______!” He chirps with a sunny expression, and you can barely muster enough energy to greet him back, let alone match his level of enthusiasm on a Monday morning. “Could I just trouble you to update this for me? It’s just our operations manual for the Baby Bonus Team that hasn’t been touched in like… ages. I just need the HR section updated. Is that ok?”
Before you can even reply, Taehyung places a folder on your desk and his email appears on your screen, and he’s off. It’s not a secret that Taehyung loves his job to pieces. He loves children, loves babies, and loves it that he’s doing his part to contribute to the nation’s falling birth rate.
Well, not likethat,since you’re pretty sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend.
But everyone else here seems to love children. Over lunch with your team, all they do is exchange pictures of their children, their friends’ children, or some random baby from Facebook and coo over how chubby and cute they are. You stopped going to lunch with them after Mingyu from Pre-Schools team showed everyone a picture of his niece in a soiled diaper.
Most of your older coworkers who are married with their own families have pictures of their children on their desks. You’re forced to stare at these pictures with the resentment bubbling up inside you as you listen to their latest rant about how your proposal is too skimpy, lacks real research, that email of yours is poorly worded, needs to be recalled etc; so can anyone really blame you when you’re unable to dredge up even the slightest bit of adoration for those grubby faced gremlins?
Clicking open Taehyung’s email and finding the document he attached, you scroll down to the section he mentioned. You realise that he was being modest when he said that it needed an update. The whole fucking section comprises of just a single sentence, and you’ll probably have to write it from scratch.
Sighing through your nose, you click open an internet browser and do a quick google search for the general HR benefits for expecting women and their partners. You also open up the intranet to take a look at your own company’s mandates, which seem to be quite a whole lot more substantial than the general ones (which is only natural since your organisation is so pro-family in its viewpoints).  16 weeks of paid maternity leave, for a start.
Good god. 16 whole weeks? That’s practically 4 months. That’s almost half a year!!!
Obviously you know that having a baby wrecks the mother’s body, and is a major life change; that’s why they need that much leave time. But right now the concept of not having to go to work for that amount of time is simply blowing your mind. Especially since it feels as if you’ve been working non-stop for as long as you can remember.
On top of the 16 weeks is increased medical leave that can be taken any time before the baby is born. Your company is incredibly sympathetic towards pregnant women, which is only natural considering the line of work that you do in family planning. In fact, you know of a few colleagues from the Baby Bonus Team who took almost a whole month of medical leave, spread out, before they had their babies.
Not to mention the actual baby bonus itself.
Curious, you click back to Taehyung’s document and scroll up to the section on Baby Bonus. You scan through and gather that it comprises of a cash gift of $8,000 to $10,000, on top of several other schemes such as a savings account with the amount matched by the government. The total amount of cash receivable just for having one child is listed at the bottom of the page.
You sit back in your chair with a sharp breath. You never realised it was this lucrative to have a baby. Imagine receiving free money from the government, and having all that paid time off. All you need to do is just pop out one (1) baby, and that’s it. You can suck the government dry if you devote the rest of your life to being a baby making machine. See what Bae Joohyun has to say when you slam your maternity leave application on her desk.
The thought makes you smirk triumphantly.
But a moment later, the triumph fades as you remember your very, very single self. Without a boyfriend to knock you up, there’s no way this scheme would work.
Sighing, you shake your head to get rid of all the useless fantasies as you get back to work.
“Hey, _____. Meet our new joiner,” Jeongguk’s voice stirs you from the zoned out state you’re in, frantically typing away.
It’s well after lunch now; somehow the time had flown past while you were working on Taehyung’s document.
You look up to meet Jeongguk’s eyes, and then your gaze shifts to the slightly shorter man beside him. He is wearing a large pair of black glasses that cover nearly half his face; his blonde hair is parted down the middle and neatly slicked back. This man can’t even meet your eyes; he gives you a nervous little smile but his gaze is off, fixed somewhere on your shoulder. His white dress shirt is tucked in neatly to his black dress pants, but he is constantly fidgeting.
“Park Jimin. Welcome to the team, buddy,” Jeongguk slaps Jimin on the shoulder with a grin. “You’re sitting beside me.”
“Welcome, nice to meet you,” you smile and nod at him, but otherwise remain seated. No one can or will distract you from this document. You need to finish this by today, or else you’ll have to bring it home to work on it.
Park Jimin nods shyly as Jeongguk shows him to his seat. With this current arrangement, it means that the three of you are all facing each other in this cluster of desks. Sighing internally, you watch Jimin take his seat and arrange his things, see him glance shyly at you from behind his enormous glasses before his eyes dart away and he hides behind his desktop.
What a weird guy. He hasn’t said a single thing. Whatever. You turn back and resume typing, but then your phone chimes with an email notification.
Your heart skips a beat and you abandon typing just to open the email. You bid for these meet and greet passes months ago when you bought tickets to see your favourite rapper in concert. No news had resulted in you concluding that you hadn’t won after all, and you were contented with the chance just to see agust d in real life.
But now…
You scroll down to look at the details of the meet and greet.
24 September 2019, from 4pm (please see your specific timeslot on your attached passes)
Each meet and greet session comprises of: an up close, INTIMATE, one on one opportunity to chat and take photos with agust d, lasting for 15 minutes
Your heart sinks as you check the time on your pass. You end work only at 6pm, and when you’d bought the tickets you thought it’d be fine for you to go straight after work since the concert only starts at 7pm. There’s no way you’ll be able to take half day leave to attend the meet and greet. There’s no way Bae Joohyun would let you.
Sitting back in your seat in despair, feeling the angry tears well up in your eyes and the frustration cloud your chest, you don’t notice a pair of meek eyes behind black glasses peek out behind the desktop.
All that’s going through your head is: there has to be a way, there has to be a way.
There’s no way you’re letting these passes go to waste just like that. There’s no way you’re not meeting agust d just because Bae Joohyun has a stick up her ass.
Tuesday morning finds you at Bae Joohyun’s desk with a leave application filled out. You carefully set it on her desk, knowing full well that she comes in at 9.30am on the dot every day.
Rumour has it that she colour codes her outfits based on her mood that day. As you slink back to your desk, you catch a glance of her clad fully in black, striding powerfully into the office in her black pumps.
Your heart sinks as Jeongguk sings out a cheerful good morning to you and Park Jimin, whom you hadn’t even noticed was already at his desk.
“Morning, Jeongguk,” you mutter under your breath. “Morning to you too, Jimin.”
The newcomer does nothing more than nod at you as he ducks back behind his computer. But today you don’t have the bandwidth to wonder about him as you click over to Taehyung’s email about the document from yesterday.
“Hey, aren’t you going to see agust d tonight?” Jeongguk sits up straighter.
“Yeah, why?” Your reply comes clipped, already in a bad mood just from anticipating your rejected leave application.
“I heard the results of the balloting for the meet and greet passes came out yesterday,” Jeongguk’s bright eyes are on your face. “Do you know agust d, Jimin?”
The blonde haired man shrugs as part of his face appears from behind his computer.
“Anyway, I think only like five people got the passes, and as of yesterday night, there are already bidders on the black market willing to pay almost a thousand just for one pass,” Jeongguk continues on.
“Huh, really? Who’d be that crazy to pay that much money?” You muse, looking at your phone.
“Right?” Jeongguk sighs dramatically. You know he’d be extra salty if you told him you won passes to the meet and greet. You’d already made the mistake of letting slip that you managed to get a VIP ticket, and Jeongguk had sulked for an entire week after that. “I mean, what are the chances anyway? If you think about it, those people who won the passes must be die-hard fans, since you can only win one if you managed to get a VIP ticket. Which die-hard fan would sell their hard won passes like that?”
The conversation tapers off as you reply to some emails, but you can’t help but glance back at your phone. A thousand dollars just for a meet and greet pass. That’s just crazy. The amount of money some people are willing to spend… it almost makes you wonder if you could… sell it since you can’t make it anyway…
No. No. You can’t sell agust d’s love just for a thousand dollars. You wouldn’t even sell it for a million dollars. Shame on you.
Hushed whispers suddenly erupt around you, and Jeongguk hisses like a startled cat.
“Shit, SD’s coming! Fuck, I was in the middle of a game,” Jeongguk scrambles to turn off his phone, muttering under his breath that his teammates are going to kick him off the team next time.
You sit straighter in your seat and turn your head towards the aisle. Sure enough, Bae Joohyun is fast approaching like a hurricane bent on destruction. Her face is as black as her outfit.
“Jimin, since you’re new, just copy what I do. Look at your computer and don’t speak unless spoken to,” Jeongguk’s eyes are wide with fear, but he is frantically typing away on his keyboard, turning to glance at the timid man beside him. “Got it? Don’t show any fear, she can scent it like a shark with blood in the water. No matter what you do, don’t make eye contact with her if she isn’t talking to you.”
When Jimin doesn’t respond, Jeongguk glances hurriedly to the younger man. “Did you hear me?!”
“Y-yes.” It’s the first word you’ve heard this man utter, and it is somewhat strangled and you barely catch it over the rising panic that unfolds around you.
“Who d’you think she’s here for?” Jeongguk whispers to you.
“No idea,” you choke out with a closed throat, even though you have a very good idea who she’s here for.
As Bae Joohyun nears your cluster of desks, she slows down. Her eagle eyes scan the floor where all the employees are huddled at their seats, typing away with hunched shoulders. You can feel her gaze land on you, and you close your eyes briefly to say a prayer for mercy.
Your name is uttered into the silence, and Jeongguk’s eyes shift just a fraction to glance at you. They are wide with fear. Beside him, Park Jimin’s eyes dart to yours from behind his thick black glasses. But none of them move.
“Y-yes?” You turn in your chair to face Bae Joohyun.
“You applied for emergency half day leave this pm, am I correct?” The witch herself holds up your leave application form. “Seeing as it’s this last minute, it must be urgent. What’s wrong with you this time?”  
It’s dead silent. Everyone is pretending to work at their desks, but you know all too well that what they’re really doing is eavesdropping on this conversation. Well, eavesdropping is too generous a term, considering that this conversation is made fully public.
“I… I’m…” You stutter and stumble over your words, struggling to think of a plausible excuse. Some part of you had hoped for a miracle, prayed to the gods eight times last night that Bae Joohyun would be in a merciful mood this morning and grant you the leave without asking.
You glance at Jeongguk, and by now he’s worked everything out silently in his head. His expression says everything. But he doesn’t dare to even look you in the eye.
Instead of him, you realise that another pair of eyes are watching you instead. Park Jimin’s head is tilted to the side, his eyes are observing your mini panic attack without darting away for once.
“Well? What’s wrong with you, I asked,” Bae Joohyun demands.
You can practically hear the clock ticking off the seconds till her patience runs out. Between that and Park Jimin’s persistent stare, your mind just goes blank, and you utter the first words that come to mind.
“I… I’m having morning sickness!”
“What?” Bae Joohyun’s tone is, for the first time, one of shock. “What did you just say?”
Despite Bae Joohyun’s presence, Taehyung from Baby Bonus has turned around in his seat. “Morning sickness? You don’t mean to say you’re…”
Your eyes dart around wildly all over the place in response to what you think Taehyung is implying. God dammit, if not for his fucking comment, you could have diverted it down a less conspicuous path.
“Pregnant?” Namjoon from HR pipes up. “______, are you pregnant? When were you planning on notifying HR?”
Oh god. Things are moving too fast. Slowly, people are turning around in their chairs and inviting themselves into what should be a private conversation between you and Bae Joohyun. Curious looks are directed your way, and you are tongue tied.
“______, I didn’t know you were married! You’ve been keeping it from us this whole time?” Someone from Pre-Schools, you think his name is Seokjin, exclaims in a chiding tone.
“No!” Your voice bursts out from somewhere. It sounds far away to your ears. “No, I’m not married!! I just had a… a… a one night stand.”
Fuck. You’re digging yourself into a deeper hole.
“A one-night stand?” Bae Joohyun narrows her eyes. Somehow you can see that she doesn’t really buy it. She is scanning your face intently, and if there’s even a shred of uncertainty, she will catch it.
“With him!” Pointing at the one person who’s been silent all this time, you can feel the gazes shift from you. You know what they say about a liar. They always have this compulsive need to supplement their lies with arbitrary details.
But it works, and everyone’s attention is now on Park Jimin. You can see his eyes dart around briefly for a moment before they return to yours. But they don’t seem any more panicked or surprised than they usually do. He is as cool and collected as he always is, and he doesn’t say a word, as usual.
“Damn, you and Park Jimin?” It’s Jeongguk who speaks up this time. “Who would have thought? I mean, the guy just started yesterday, that must have been hell of a welcome party you gave him.”
Several giggles and snickers break out in response to his lewd joke.
“Shut up Jeon, that’s not how pregnancy works,” Namjoon rolls his eyes. “They must have met each other months ago. Is this going to be another HR concern though? Inter-departmental relationships?”
Bae Joohyun glances down her nose at you derisively. “I have no wish to know what you do in your free time. But I must ask, Ms _____, that you inform HR immediately of any condition you have that might affect your ability to work.”
The intimidation wrought by Bae Joohyun is replaced by anger at her words. No wish to know about your personal matters, when she was the one who decided it was appropriate to ask why you need to take leave in front of the whole department? What if this was a real situation and you were facing an unplanned pregnancy? Instead of being offered sympathy and support, you’re faced with judgement. This woman is entirely heartless and should not be the head of a pro-family planning division. Not to mention that discussing your leave application publicly is utterly inappropriate. It’s this thought that gives you the courage to speak.
“So can I be approved?” You look her directly in the eye, throwing your shame out the window. What’s done is done. Since the whole department thinks you got knocked up from a one-night stand with a colleague, you might as well use it to your advantage. “For my half day leave. Can it be approved?”
A few beats of silence follow as Bae Joohyun looks cornered for the first time. There is an unspoken pressure even as people turn back to their desks to continue working. If she turns you down in front of everyone like this, she could quite possibly get reported for discrimination against pregnant women. Though it is unspoken, your shoulders relax as you realise you have the upper hand in this situation.
Bae Joohyun takes a deep breath.
“Fine. Approved.”
Wednesday morning, Jeongguk is an eager puppy trailing after you, begging for pictures and a blow by blow account of the concert.
“Just watch my Instagram story or something, I literally have no voice to talk to you right now,” you roll your eyes. Truth be told, your voice isn’t that bad off, but you just want to bask in that post concert afterglow for a moment.
“What was he like in person? Did you pass him my fan letter?” Jeongguk is relentless this morning, and his never ending chatter makes Park Jimin peek out curiously from behind his computer.
When your eyes meet, you freeze on the spot like a deer in the headlights. On Tuesday you left right after Bae Joohyun approved you, seeing as it was almost lunch time anyway. You decided that after winning a war, one rightly deserves to enjoy a stress free, worryless night out before returning to the battlegrounds once more.
But now that you’re here, it is a whole different story. Park Jimin glances at you wordlessly before resuming typing, and the awkwardness is killing you. You feel bad enough that you implicated him in this whole mess, probably ruined his reputation around here and maybe even giving HR a reason to keep a closer eye on him. But regardless, you probably should talk to the man and attempt to explain things, and at the very least, apologise.
“…ask him when his next mixtape is dropping?” Jeongguk is still at it.
“Hey, um, Jimin? If you have a moment this morning, can I speak to you in private?” You lean to the side to attempt to catch a glimpse of Park Jimin.
There is a slight pause before Jimin’s head appears, and he meets your eye for a moment before looking away again. He nods once before turning his head in the direction of an empty meeting room.
“Woah, should you be doing that in your condition, though?” Jeongguk comments with a lewd smirk even as his eyes lower to your mid-section, and you give him a scathing glare in response as you close your laptop.
“Shut up, Jeon. Just for the record, I ripped up and threw your letter in the trash,” you hiss at him, eliciting a horrified gasp as you follow Jimin to the meeting room.
“So, um…” You start off awkwardly once the door is closed.
Park Jimin is twiddling his thumbs, head bowed shyly and he refuses to make eye contact with you. Now that you think of it, his nerd glasses actually suit him quite well, but it’s just a shame that he’s too painfully shy to actually look anyone in the eye. He is quite a good looking guy, but maybe he has issues with his self-esteem is all.
“I wanted to apologise, first of all. And also explain myself,” you take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you into my mess. It’s just that- I… I just haven’t had a fucking break from Bae Joohyun ever since I started working in this fucking place.”
All the resentment just pours right out, and you’d be ashamed of yourself for using vulgarities at the workplace were it not for Park Jimin finally glancing up at you with a tiny smile on his face.
“I heard the rumours about her. So they’re true.” Jimin’s voice is still a little hesitant, wondering how much he should be gossiping about Bae Joohyun with another co-worker who could so easily rat him out and get him in trouble. But then, seeing as you’ve already managed to implicate him within a day of knowing him, how much dirtier can you do him, really? The thought brings a wry smile to his face once more. But then again, it seems like everyone here is more or less united by their intense dislike for Bae Joohyun. You of all people probably dislike her the most.
“True? What kind of rumours did you hear? And from where?” Intrigued by the man whom you’ve exchanged less than two words with before claiming to have had a one-night stand and a resulting pregnancy with, you lean forward in your seat.
Jimin shrugs. “Glassdoor.”
His response catches you off guard, and you are laughing with your hands over your mouth. “Oh my god. Please tell me you read the one where someone spit in her coffee. That was me.”
Jimin raises an eyebrow. “Really? I thought that was by a 54 year old IT engineer.”
“I can’t be putting my real age and designation on there, can I?” You point out.
“Were you the one who bagged dog shit and hid it in her office?” Jimin has that tiny smile again, and you have to admit it’s sort of cute when he comes out of his shell. He is even more handsome when he smiles, brighter and somewhat infectious.
“19 year old marketing intern? Yep, that was me,” you sigh in contentment as you remember rage writing all those Glassdoor reviews after a particularly bad meeting that one week. You didn’t actually do all of those things, but just imagining it and writing public reviews was enough for you to get your imagined revenge.
“ ‘Hid some dog shit in her office so she can be reminded of how shitty her management style is’,” Jimin recites from memory. “You know, I almost withdrew my application because of that review.”
Jimin’s dead serious tone makes you laugh again. The sound of your laughter fills the empty meeting room, and you have to admit that this is the most relaxed and carefree you’ve felt while working here.
But belatedly you realise that you’ve gone very off topic, so you sober up and attempt to try to get things back on track again. “So anyway, about the um… one-night stand thing. We can just lie low for a while and make up some shit later. Tell them the baby didn’t make it or something.”
Jimin nods thoughtfully, tapping his chin. “Or we can say it was a false positive. Less for you to go through since people would be all over you with pity and sympathy if we said that. I don’t think you’d wanna be pretend to be distraught over an imaginary baby.”
“That’s right, you’re a genius!” You marvel the way he just comes up with these ideas so easily. “How did you know about false positives?”
Jimin only shrugs, pushes his glasses up on his nose a little and he seems to be blushing. “I studied biology as an elective back in university.”
There’s a pause of silence before you look him in the eye again. “I really am sorry, you know. For making you go through all this. I kind of just panicked and didn’t think before speaking.”
But Jimin doesn’t seem to be making as big of a deal of it as you are. “Y’know, it’s fine. It ispretty exciting to be accused of having a one-night stand on my very first day. Aside from that, things can only go up, right?’
It takes you a moment or two to realise that he’s making a joke, delivered in that deadpan way of his that betrays his sweet, innocent face. At your harried expression, Jimin breaks the act and giggles, and you nearly slump over with relief.
“So, I guess we have to act like we’re in a relationship too?” Jimin adds as an afterthought.
“It’s up to you, we don’t really have to make it that obvious,” you shrug as you get up from your seat and push the chair back to its original position. “I’m fine with being an unwed mother for a bit. I wouldn’t wanna trouble you any more than I already have. You don’t have to do anything else for me.”
Jimin is silent as he follows your lead toward the door. When the both of you are almost halfway back to your seats, he stops you with a brief clearing of his throat. “It wouldn’t bother me at all.”
You look back at him for a moment, and he just gives you another one of those shy little smiles as he goes back to his desk. For the rest of the afternoon, you find that you don’t really mind having an open office policy, not if it allows you glimpses of cute Park Jimin in his nerd glasses sitting opposite you.
The ruse goes on without a hitch for at least a few weeks. Here and there you get the odd look of curiosity and perhaps a little judgement from a few of the older ladies who tsk behind your back about you being a single unwed mother, but otherwise, things are better than ever. Just knowing that you have the freedom to take medical leave whenever you feel like it has improved your mood greatly, and the other day Namjoon from HR even came to tell you that you can come into work later if the morning sickness is really bothering you.
Most of all, people are also curious about the relationship between you and Park Jimin. Word has spread that he is the father of your pseudo baby by now, but thankfully no one is tactless enough to outright ask if you and Park Jimin are a couple now. Not even Namjoon from HR.
Monday morning comes, and you drag yourself into work, feeling slightly more worse for wear than usual. Every Monday, you have a progress meeting with your immediate superior that always leaves you in a bad mood after. It’s the same old tirade; getting piled with things that others have no time for, having previously submitted proposals rejected and being asked to redo them.
Today after the meeting, Jimin comes up to you just as you’re downing your fourth cup of coffee before 10am. He has a slightly anxious look on his face, one that’s out of place on his usual calm and composed self.
“Do you have a minute? We need to talk. Now.” Jimin turns immediately and starts walking towards the nearest meeting room, and in spite of yourself, your eyes are drawn to his ass in those pants. It almost makes up for the earful you got from your manager this morning. Almost.
“We’re in trouble,” Jimin says once you close the door to the meeting room. He is seated with his laptop open in front of him.
“What happened? Is it Taehyung from Baby Bonus again? I swear, if he accidentally deleted the whole archive, I’m going to shove a chair up his ass-“
“No, no it’s not about work,” Jimin swallows hard as he types something and turns his laptop to face you. “Over the weekend, someone wrote on my wall. They said- they wrote- just… just see for yourself.”
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“Oh my god.” You hand flies to your mouth as horror slams into your gut. “I’ll kill him. I’ll kill that stupid punk with my own two hands. Delete it now!!!”
“That’s not the point,” Jimin’s voice sounds strangled as he directs your attention to the comments. “That’s my Granny. She saw it.”
The full extent of the damage done doesn’t hit you until you read Park JungMin’s comment.
“What was your granny doing up at freaking 5am???” You hiss in anger, poking Jimin’s shoulder.
“I don’t know- she’s an old person! She probably couldn’t sleep!” Jimin snaps back.
“Why didn’t you delete it immediately after you saw it!?” You accuse Jimin, pointing a finger at him. “None of this would have happened if you just deleted the post!!!”
“I only saw it this morning, for your information,” Jimin turns his head away from you and crosses his arms. “Forgive me for having a normal sleep schedule.”
“Fucking Jeon Jeongguk, I’ll kill him, I really will,” you mutter as you start to pace back and forth, already contemplating the numerous ways in which you can torture him.
“What are we going to do?” Jimin’s hands hover nervously over his laptop. “Granny will be so disappointed if she finds out it’s a lie. Maybe we should just come clean.”
You whirl around in indignance. “We can’t do that!!! It’s far too soon, if the truth comes out now, everyone will know I was just faking it. We need to wait at least three months. I researched, that’s the most likely time for a woman to have a miscarriage. Why did you have to add your grandmother on Facebook??”
“Hey-! She just wants updates on my life because she lives all the way in Busan!!” Jimin looks affronted when you mention his granny like that. “And if we’re playing the blame game here, if it weren’t for your concert, none of this would have happened in the first place.”
“That was agust d,” you say simply, as if it explains everything. “And that’s not the point. You have to tell your granny that it’s all a lie and tell her to keep it to herself.”
“But what am I supposed to say?” Jimin whines, his bottom lip jutting out and you swear you almost see him stamp his foot like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
“I don’t know, anything! Make something up!” You throw your hands up in exasperation.
“She has a weak heart, she can’t take it,” Jimin insists as he stands up and crosses his arms. “She’ll keel over in shock if I tell her there’s no baby. And she told me she’s already booked on the first flight to Seoul. You have to take responsibility.”
The absurdity of this situation means that you can’t decide if you should laugh or cry. “Well what do you want me to do? I can’t just magic a baby into my stomach like that!”
Jimin stays silent, and the implication dawns on you.
“No way. You’re insane. You can’t possibly mean that we should-“
“She wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow night.” Jimin says finally, his eyes now pleading. “She just wants to meet you. We don’t have to tell her that there’s no baby yet. Please?”
Oh. Well, for a second there, you thought Park Jimin was about to suggest something else entirely.
“It’s just one dinner,” Park Jimin pleads eagerly.
Your head is pounding, and the stress of the entire morning has caught up with you. Everything is too overwhelming, things are moving too fast and you’re too tired to argue with him any longer.
“Fine. Just one dinner. After that, we’re coming clean with Granny.” You fix him with a meaningful stare as his face lights up in glee.
“I promise!” Park Jimin grins as he claps his hands together. “Oh and ______... you might want to go easy on the coffee there. Pregnant women can’t have too much caffeine.”
This is ridiculous.
Just thinking that you could be curled up at home with a nice glass of wine in bed, instead of standing nervously outside some stranger’s house makes you more huffy and annoyed than usual.
Jimin beside you shoots you a look, and you roll your eyes.
“Did you hear me? Or do I have to repeat the entire story of how we met and ended up secretly dating for five months again?” Jimin nudges you in the ribs with his elbow.
“When I said make something up, I didn’t think you were going to become a scriptwriter for Marvel,” you roll your eyes back at him. “I’m just gonna let you do the talking. Ok? If they direct any tricky questions my way, I’ll just pretend I need to puke.”
Jimin sighs a long suffering sigh as he reaches for his keys. He always envisioned the first time he brought a girl home to meet his family as a wholesome affair. He imagined himself to be feeling over the moon, a little nervous but that was to be expected, and most of all, irrevocably in love with the woman standing at his side. Taking a glance at you now, Jimin can’t say this situation is ideal.
But hey, when life gives you lemons, right?
He opens the door and leads the way in, only to be accosted by a hug from his Granny having made it only about five steps in. Her comforting embrace and familiarity makes him relax again, and he hugs her back tightly.
“Granny! I missed you! How was the flight? Does your back hurt? You should have rested more! You should have let me pick you up at the airport,” Jimin says in a chiding tone as he places an arm around her, trying to steer her towards the living room area to take a seat.
But the stubborn old woman refuses with a smile that lights up her entire face when she catches a glimpse of you. “Ah, this must be ______! She looks so pretty! Too good for our little Jimin, I must say. Come in, come in!!! Take a seat and take a load off!!! You must be tired after working the entire day, and with the baby too.”
You can barely keep yourself from wincing when she mentions the baby, but otherwise, Jimin’s Granny is a very pleasant person. She exudes an aura of warmth and you feel at home with her immediately. Her compliments make you soft; and she seems to be incredibly genuine about them too. For the next five minutes, all she does is admire you; how smooth your hands are, how good your complexion is, how smart, kind and gentle you look, and also my oh my our little Park Jimin has managed to snag such a professional for a girlfriend.
“Granny, you’re embarrassing her,” Jimin mutters with a rosy blush spread across his cheeks as he stands beside the old woman. “And me as well.”
“Nonsense,” Granny chides Jimin as she turns to you with a smile that wrinkles at the corners of her mouth. “This is the first time our little Jimin has brought a girl home, you see. We were all worried that he was… you know, batting for the other team, which would be perfectly fine, but…”
“Granny!!!” Jimin actually does stomp his foot and cross his arms. The tips of his ears are red, the blush on his cheeks is prominent. “Granny, I’m hungry. Can we eat?”
It seems like Jimin knows exactly what works on Granny, because she turns around immediately and pats Jimin’s cheek. “Alright, alright puppy. We can eat now. Come, _____, you must be hungry too now that you’re eating for two. I asked Jimin about your favourites, I hope you like them.”
You glance questioningly at Jimin for a moment over Granny’s head as the two of you follow her to the dining table and have a seat opposite each other. While Granny’s warmth is nothing but welcoming, you can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. This, at least, is not what you were expecting. Granny seems perfectly fine with the notion of you being pregnant with Jimin’s child without getting married first. Perhaps society is shedding its traditionalist viewpoints and you just hadn’t realised it.
“You know dear, when Jimin told me the news, I was so overjoyed,” Granny says with a wistful smile on her face. “It’s one of my wishes to see Jimin happy with a girl he loves. And looking at the two of you now, even if I die tomorrow, I’ll be content.”
“Granny!” Jimin admonishes sharply. “You can’t say that! Your health has been getting better, hasn’t it? Are you taking your medicines? Three times a day, like the doctor said!”
Granny pats her grandson’s hand. “I am, puppy, I am. What does an old woman like me have to live for if her only grandson doesn’t even visit her anymore? At least now I’ll have the baby to look forward to. You’ll let me take care of it for you, won’t you?”
This last part she directs to you, and you glance nervously at Jimin. This is most definitely not what you signed up for when you agreed to this dinner. With every passing second, the guilt just piles higher and higher, till you feel like you might have trouble swallowing your food.
“Mrs… Mrs Park,” you say hesitantly, speaking for the first time since you set foot in this house. Pseudo baby or not, it just wouldn’t do to hurt this kind old woman, especially since she seems so excited and happy to meet you.
“Call me Granny, please,” she says as she pushes an extra bowl of rice towards you. “You should have this too.”
“Oh no,” you say automatically. “I’m watching my weight, so I shouldn’t…”
But it was the wrong thing to say. Granny immediately perks up, sitting straight in her seat, her eagle eyes on you. “Watching your weight, dear? Why would you be doing that now? You should be eating well for the baby! Is it this little punk who’s making comments about your weight?”
Granny seizes hold of Jimin’s ear and pulls, and he whimpers in the midst of spooning a giant bite of rice into his mouth.
“NO!” You blurt out in a panic, seeing your coworker’s face screw up in pain. You have to admit that you’ve been in a number of interesting situations with Park Jimin thus far, but something tells you that this isn’t the worst of it just yet. “No, Granny! I- I take it back. I’ll eat.”
Granny lets out a hmph as she releases Jimin’s ear with a warning glance towards her grandson. As Jimin reaches for a juicy looking sparerib, Granny’s chopsticks dart out and intercept him, causing the piece of meat to fall back onto the plate. She then expertly picks it up with her own chopsticks and drops it on top of your rice with a satisfied smile.
Jimin turns to Granny with a pout on his lips, and when your heart skips a tiny, little beat, you know you’re in trouble.
Somehow, bad news always comes on Monday mornings.
Today it comes in the form of Park Jimin, again, as he drags you into a meeting room the moment you finish your meeting with your manager.
“What is it now?” You hiss at him as he locks the door suspiciously. “Do you really need to do that? You know people think we’re like, fucking in here, don’t you? Thanks to your buddy Jeon Jeongguk.”
“Wait, what?” Jimin does a double take. “No, that doesn’t matter. My parents. They want me to marry you.”
“WHAT?” You screech so loudly that Jimin winces and covers his ears. “Tell them no, for fuck’s sake!”
“They already apparently bought an entire plot of land in the baby’s name,” Jimin goes on adding to the bad news as if he were adding fuel to the fire. “It’s in Baby Park’s name.”
“Oh my god.” Your head swirls and you wobble on your feet, and Jimin reaches out to steady you as if you were actually pregnant. You push his hand away with an irritated glare to remind him that all this is just a ruse. One that you’re beginning to seriously regret having cooked up all those weeks ago.
“What are we going to do?” Jimin sighs as he runs a hand through his hair, taking off his glasses for a moment to rub at his temples.
“We?” You exclaim. “What do you mean, we? Why are you talking as if we’re already married? You need to resolve this situation on your own, buddy. It’s not my fault your family likes to jump the gun!”
“What about you then?” Jimin snaps back with a raised eyebrow. “Look, it’s been two months, almost three, and I don’t see you making any plans to hide a watermelon under your clothes or tell people that it’s all just a scheme you cooked up.”
You gasp indignantly. “I was- I was working up to that! You know, coming up with my cover story, setting the stage, all that!”
Park Jimin crosses his arms in disbelief. “Oh really? So you’re planning on coming clean with everyone and telling them you’re not actually pregnant? Is that why you’ve been taking medical leave every week, running to the bathroom to ‘throw up’ every morning that you’re noton leave?”
“Have you been watching me?”
“A little hard not to, considering you sit right opposite me!”
The two of you are panting and staring hard at each other, both wrapped up in your own anger.
“Look, I’ll forget everything else. Just tell your parents to sell the land or something. The price of land has gone up recently, I’m sure they can still make a valuable profit if they sell now…”
Jimin’s eyebrow twitches. “Sell the land? When they think it’s for their precious grandchild?”
“There. Is. No. Grandchild,” you spit back at him. “Oh my god. We’re just going in circles here. I need to get back to work. My manager already gave me hell this morning, and I don’t need this from you too.”
You leave him in the meeting room and make your way swiftly back your desk, waking your laptop and checking your emails. A few minutes pass before you can fully calm yourself down and reorientate to what needs to be done. First, you redo that spreadsheet, feeling slightly better once you drown out the entire world and just focus on the numbers and cells in front of you. In fact, you forget about this whole terrible mess for a moment or two.
“Hey, _______?” There is a tap on your shoulder, and you turn around to see your manager hovering behind you. She bends down to squint at your screen, “You’re not still redoing the spreadsheet, are you? Our meeting ended an hour ago, you should be done with that by now!”
“I-I’m sorry, something came up, and I…” your voice is weak compared to hers, and vaguely you can see Park Jimin lean over slightly in his seat. “I’m done with it now. I’ll send it over.”
“Good. And get started on the operations manual. I need it all by 5pm today.” Your manager gives you a pat on the back, starts to walk off, and then hesitates. “I know you’re in a rather… delicate situation, but that shouldn’t affect your ability to work. It’s a busy period of time, _____, and I expect nothing but the best from my team. Got it?”
You swallow hard as you try and return her smile. “Got, it, Manager.”
Turning back to your screen, tears are blurring your vision as you attach the document to an email and send it off. You can feel the curious stares of your coworkers all on you, and you feel more self-conscious than ever. Never mind that pretending to be pregnant is all a ruse. It was supposed to make your life better, give you some breathing space, but you feel more suffocated than ever.
You need some air. Now.
Standing up, you grab your phone and dip your head, striding for the exit quickly so that no one catches the expression on your face. Hopefully, they’ll think you need to puke or something, and not pathetically hide in a corner and cry your eyes out. Thankfully, this morning you had the foresight not to apply any eye makeup, so you can rub your eyes as much as you want.
This corner is actually pretty nice. It’s secluded that no one would accidentally wander in and find a hysterically sobbing woman, yet it’s not too far that you can’t make it back to your desk within five minutes if your manager calls. You wipe your face with the back of your sleeve, taking a deep breath and getting ready to go back and face everything once more, when you notice a pair of loafers standing a few steps away.
“Are you okay?” Park Jimin’s voice is familiar. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… intrude, but you just looked so upset and… she was totally unreasonable. Using that as an excuse to comment on your work ethic. Just unacceptable.”
He is shaking his head with a serious expression on his face, and it makes you laugh suddenly. Jimin looks up in surprise, eyes wide, but then a small smile spreads across his face as well as he tucks his hands into his pockets. It occurs to you that if Park Jimin weren’t here, no one else would have come to check up on you.
“I’m used to it,” you shrug as you check your reflection in your phone screen. “It’s just… I just need to cry once and I’m fine. You weren’t supposed to see this side of me,” you attempt a weak laugh. “You’re only supposed to know the bad bitch side of me.”
“You can still be a bad bitch even if you cry every now and then,” Jimin shrugs as if it’s obvious. “If you’re done crying, can we go for lunch? I’m starving.”
You make Jimin buy you some meat and you wolf it down in front of him as if you really were eating for two. To his benefit, Jimin says nothing and only takes out his wallet when it’s time to pay.
On the way back to the office, feeling decently satisfied and absolutely sure that you have a tiny little food baby (with today’s dress being particularly unforgiving around the midsection), you can’t help but feel a little bit better. Maybe Park Jimin isn’t so bad after all.
“______? Oh my god, ______? Is that you?” A far off voice calls, and you turn back.
And you wish you hadn’t.
Min Yoongi comes striding towards you with a huge grin on his face, waving as if he can’t believe it’s really you.
“Shit shit shit,” you swear under your breath. How much unluckier can this day get?
Jimin looks at you quizzically.
“It’s my bastard ex who cheated on me by getting another girl pregnant,” you whisper to him by way of explanation. “They got married last month but I never responded to their invitation.”
“Oh,” Jimin says, immediately grasping the situation. “I got it. Don’t worry.”
“What?” You look at him in panic, seeing the expression on his face and not liking it one bit. “What are you gonna-“
But it’s too late now for any further conversation, since Min Yoongi is now in earshot. He grins again as he looks you up and down. “_____! What a surprise! Do you work around here?”
“Y-yeah, what a surprise too,” you say weakly.
“I haven’t seen you in ages!” Yoongi’s eyes dart to Jimin standing beside you for a moment, before they fall to your midsection. “But might as well. I wanted to congratulate you on the baby, because what a coincidence, right?”
He hands you a beautifully embossed invitation card with the words ‘Baby Shower’ on it, and you can feel your face draining of all colour. You swear under your breath.
“Oh! And this must be… the father-to-be?” Yoongi somehow doesn’t pick up on the escalating horror on your face, because he turns to Jimin and extends a hand of congratulations. “Congrats, man! How’s it feel? Excited to become a dad?”
Jimin sneaks a quick peek at your horrified expression. “Y-yes! Absolutely…. Um, thrilled, we are.”
At Jimin’s confirmation, Yoongi’s face seems to fall a little, and seeing it makes your heart clench in vindication. Serves that cheating little bastard right.
“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone, ______... let alone serious enough to… have a baby and all that,” Yoongi’s voice mellows a little as he directs his gaze back to you. “I thought you didn’t want to have children… for a while, at least.”
You detect a little bit of regret in Yoongi’s voice, and maybe a little bit of something you can’t quite put your finger on right now. In your five-year long relationship with him, Yoongi always made it clear that he wanted to have children as soon as possible. It was one of the major roadblocks in your relationship, and eventually it became the tipping point that drove him into the arms of another woman who was desperate enough to pop out his babies for him.
Wait a minute. It almost sounds as if Min Yoongi is trying to blame you for making him cheat. All of a sudden, you want to show him how you’ve been living all these months. Completely fine and happy without him. Better off, even. You want to make this cheating bastard realise that you’re not pathetic. You open your mouth in indignation, but before you can say anything, you hear Jimin’s voice.
“It all happened so fast, really,” Jimin shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “When I saw her I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, and you know how life is… We aren’t getting any younger either, so we thought why not try for a baby while we’re at it? She’s perfect for me, and we’re very happy together.”
Jimin does it better than you ever would have been able to. His words are so smooth that even you are convinced that the two of you are in a stable relationship together. Glancing at him, Jimin looks so self-assured and confident that he puts Min Yoongi to shame.
Min Yoongi looks shell shocked. “R-right. Th-that’s really nice, I’m ha-happy for you guys. Congratulations again.”  
You have no idea how Jimin is making all of this up, but the look on Min Yoongi’s face is enough. It almost makes up for when you found out about the breakup through the pre-wedding invitations he sent you.
“But we- we haven’t really told anyone yet, so how did you find out?” A frown creases your brow as you mentally run through a list of people who know about this pseudo pregnancy. The whole company, for one. Jimin’s Granny. Jimin’s family. And now Min Yoongi. But the question is, who told Min Yoongi? It’s not like he has any links with Jimin’s family.
“I mean… I saw the bump,” Yoongi scratches the back of his neck as his eyes drop briefly to your waist. “And um… I know you blocked me on social media a while ago. But I just wanted to check in on you and see how you’re doing. And I saw someone post on Jimin’s wall about the baby. So I kind of put two and two together.”  
There’s an awkward silence as your hands immediately fold over your waist, your cheeks heating up self-consciously. You can feel Jimin struggle not to burst into laughter beside you, and you surreptitiously elbow him hard in the ribs.
“Anyway, um… I hope you’ll come to the shower,” Yoongi nods at the invitation again. “It’s on Sunday, and feel free to bring Jimin too. I uh… invited your mom too. I mean, it’s just… Your family wanted to know how Yeji and I were getting along with the baby and… we were so close so I figured…”
At this point the humiliation can’t get any worse. So you decide to just cut him off with a formal smile that you hope doesn’t look too forced.
“We’ll be there, Yoongi. See you.”
It’s fine. It’s all fine. Even if Min Yoongi knows, it’s all fine. You can just attend this baby shower, just show your face for about an hour or so and then disappear from his life altogether. And then he won’t even know that you didn’t have a baby.
The very definition of co-workers means that you only see each other on weekdays from 9am to 6pm. But if that’s true, then somehow along the way, you and Jimin had progressed far beyond the point of just being co-workers, to the point that you’re somehow spending half of your weekend with him.
You sigh to yourself as you watch all your friends’ kids run about screaming at the top of your lungs. You’re already beginning to get a headache from all these irritating little gremlins making so much noise. At least you’re not being asked to play with or look after any of the children. Seeing that you and Yoongi had dated for a substantial amount of time, most of the attendees at this baby shower are your mutual friends, and it’s awkward to say the least.
At least you have Park Jimin with you to be your pretend boyfriend slash husband so you won’t seem like the pathetic ex-girlfriend attending her cheater ex-boyfriend’s baby shower for his new wife. So far there haven’t been any difficult questions, just curious looks from your friends whom you haven’t seen in a really long time because you’re just so tied up with work.
“Hey babe, come here! This is really fun,” Jimin shouts to you from one of the game stations, and you have no choice but to stop sulking in the corner like an evil brooding witch.
(One of your friend’s kids had pointed an accusing finger at you the moment you arrived at the shower with a not so thrilled expression on your face.
“Mama, why is the evil witch wearing yellow, mama? Is she here to curse Sleeping Beauty?”)
“This is really fun,” Jimin says again as he pulls the blindfold off with a grin on his face. “Pin the diaper on the baby poo.”
He points to a target board with a questionable looking substance smeared all over the centre of it. The person next in line is blindfolded and trying to pin the diaper in the centre of the board, and there are disappointed yells when he misses.
To his credit, Jimin really does look as if he’s having fun. He’s been the only person to score a point at this game, and he’s acing all the other games: guess the baby food, pin the sperm on the egg, etc etc.
“I’m notpinning the diaper on the baby poo,” you frown at him. Who the hell comes up with these games? “Is there any wine here? God, I need a drink.”
Before you can wander away, Jimin grasps your elbow. “You can’t drink,” he says with a serious, chiding look on his face. “You’re pregnant.”
“No one here knows that, do they?” You roll your eyes at him and sidestep a screaming toddler who is barrelling down the walkway. For someone who was present at the time of conception of this scheme, Park Jimin really is taking this way too seriously.
Jimin sighs and follows you to the beverages table in defeat. If he can’t stop you from drinking, the least he can do is hold up his jacket around you to make sure you don’t get caught. But then, a very rounded, glowing looking pregnant woman suddenly accosts you, and by the look on your face, Jimin surmises that this can only be Yeji, the woman Yoongi cheated on you with.
“Ye-Yeji, you look… um… wonderful!” Your strangled voice gets lost as Yeji envelopes you in a huge hug, forcing you to squeeze up against her bump. “Congratulations!”
The mother-to-be is all smiles, her makeup is perfectly done and there is an ever present glow on her face. She looks like an absolute goddess in her flowy white dress and wavy hair, and its moments like this that remind you that Yoongi left you for someone better.
“I feel wonderful, thank you!” She places a hand on her protruding belly. “Oh, I was just chatting with your mother over here, you haven’t said hi to her have you? She’s been complaining to me that you don’t have time for her anymore!”
Fuck. Your mother. You’ve been avoiding her calls and messages for the past few months, and you give her a weak smile as she comes over with a dark look on her face. It’s not that you’re doing this on purpose, it’s just that the breakup with Yoongi was beyond messy. Everyone’s parents are naturally on their side after a breakup, but somehow your parents remained on Yoongi’s. Every call would be about Yeji’s pregnancy, how their baby room was progressing, how many kicks she felt in a day, all those needless details that only felt like repeated stabs to the heart when you were trying to heal and get on with your life.
“…I’m so glad you could come. When Yoongi told me the news, I was so excited I thought my water was going to break!” Yeji is gesturing excitedly as she gushes to your mother, and you freeze in panic.
She couldn’t have…
“_____, I can’t believe you’re pregnant too!”
Her exclamation has a few of your friends nearby turning around, and a few of them start to clap. Yoongi elbows his way through the crowd, his hair matted with sweat as he pants with exertion.
“Baby, you were supposed to wait for my cue!” He admonishes his wife with a slight frown, but then he kisses her lips when Yeji pouts.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t wait! It’s all just so exciting, I can’t believe _____ is going to have a baby too! I remember feeling so guilty in my first few months of pregnancy that I could barely sleep…”
“I know, I know, baby,” Yoongi shushes her with a kiss to her forehead. “Anyway, _____ and Jimin, we uh… we prepared something for you. We hope you like it, and uh… _____, I hope it can make up for all the shit I put you through in the past year.”
At this point, you don’t even dare to look at your mother. “Wh-what did you prepare?”
“It’s over there! In front of the photowall,” Yeji claps in excitement. “Go on! Everyone’s waiting!”
Everyone at the party clears a path for you and Jimin to make your way to the colourfully decorated photowall at the front of the party. On the floor in front of it sits a brown cardboard box.
With all eyes on you, you swallow hard and start to make your way to the photowall. Jimin follows behind you, whispering under his breath. “What the fuck is this?”
“Probably another lame party game or something… just play along,” you whisper back, your mind too preoccupied with thinking about how you’re going to explain your pseudo pregnancy to your mother. Knowing her disposition, it’s entirely possible that your father knows about it already, and maybe even your entire extended family, and… oh god-
The moment you step in front of the photowall, someone standing to the side of the box pulls something, and an explosion of balloons and streamers burst from the box. You are quite literally showered in confetti, and when you look up, there are four balloons spelling out the word ‘baby’, and another balloon with ‘congratulations’ on it.
“Congratulations on your baby!!!!” Someone shouts, and people are taking out their phones to take pictures of you and Jimin drenched in confetti. Someone claps, and soon, the entire party is clapping. There are hoots of congratulations, someone proposes a toast, your college friends are almost in tears, your sister is loudly announcing that this should go on Instagram, your mother is half crying and half glowering at you for not telling her sooner, and everyone is talking about you and your non-existent baby.
Beside you, Jimin is equally stunned, but unlike you, he isn’t at a loss for words. He pulls you in close, pretending to pose for the cameras with a jovial smile on his face.
He still has the gall to joke around as he says, “maybe we should have that baby after all.”
In the blink of an eye, things just got very, very out of hand.
Number of people who know about pregnancy
Whole company: (estimated 200 people)
Jimin’s Granny
Jimin’s family
Min Yoongi and wife
Attendees of Yoongi’s baby shower (estimated 50 people)
Your family
Total: 265 people
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werevulvi · 3 years
This is a very long, ranty post that's only lightly edited. It's about me deciding to basically leave radfem, so I wanted to be thorough about explaining how and why. And this is mainly because my blog ended up existing in a radblr bubble, deemed as hostile by other ideologies/groups of people, and I need to break out of that bubble, because I feel trapped in it. I'm not sure how, as I may have to start over with a new blog entirely, but I'd hope to avoid that if at all possible (my blog is my baby.) So I'm thinking that making this kinda post is a good start in trying to change how my blog vibes and what kinda blogs I can interact with in a non-debate kinda sense. Basically, damage control.
A while ago, I made some post about how I wanted to move away from the worst rudefem stuff of radfem, for the sake of my mental health. Well, I've now hit a point of wanting to take further steps away from radfem, pretty much altogether. The main reason for this is that there's still too much focus on ragging on trans women, and trans people in general. It's suffocating me, because I'm not all that detrans and I'm not anti-male. I miss connecting with other trans people, and I miss being part of that community. Truth is I've become really fucking hateful towards my own kind and I've been in denial of it. This has been carving a hole in my heart that my radfem views have carved even deeper, and it has led me to become a quite lost soul.
Do I hate trans women? No, but I clearly act as if I do, and I don't feel comfortable with my own actions and thoughts towards/about them anymore. Are some of them cumbrains fetishising my oppression (misogyny) and/or predators? Yes, undoubtedly. But I am not a collectivist and I can't view all trans women like that. Nor does it sit right with me to treat them all as potential predators. I care about trans women in general, ultimately because I am trans too and their struggles reflect my own. I cannot shit on them without shitting on myself. But it's not just about me. I feel empathy for them, and I want to extend kindness and care towards them. I cannot with any goodness in my heart view them as men. Males, yes, but not men. More on that diffentiation later in this post.
I do not want to politisise their gender identities as women, because I don't want my own gender politisised, regardless if that is man, woman, or otherwise. (More on that later too.) I don't want to trap them in the category of "man" because I do not want to be trapped in the category of "woman" as if our transitions and gender incongruence meant nothing at all. Do our transitions change bio sex? No, and I'm not arguing that. I'm saying transition changes SOMETHING and that that something matters. And in a lot of contexts, it even matters more than bio sex.
But isn't that just an emotional argument, like boohoo, my/their feefees? YES, it's an emotional argument. But you know what: I believe that feelings matter, about as equally much as facts and logic matters. An argument being emotional does not make it necessarily useless or invalid. Grave robbery and necrophilia is illegal due to purely emotional arguments. Perhaps think about if that's useless.
I care about trans women's feelings and comfort, not just their rights, and I care about men's feelings and comfort too, because I do not think individual males' oppression being patriarchy's fault even remotely means that "men cause their own problems" because one male suffering at the hands of other men (patriarchy) is NOT his own fault. And him reaching out to women for help when other men fail him AGAIN shouldn't be hard to understand. Of course it's optional to help him or not then, but I feel like it is truly heartless not to, unless he is some kinda raging misogynist. I see that kinda vibe a lot in radfem circles and it honestly churns my stomach. That kinda man-hating is to me absolutely repugnant. You do you, but I will not support it.
Why do I care about males? Because they're human. They're the same species as me, and I care about them as one human to another. Because I don't believe there's any difference between males and females beyond the physical biology stuff. Socialisation varies from person to person. I've always been a person of principles, so I can't sit around and say I only care about fellow females and all females, because no one choses to be born female - and then in the same breath hate males for essentially having been born male, which they also did not choose. If I had been born male, I'd probably hate radfem, and that says something. It's very fucking lopsided, and barely even to my favour.
And I've been asking myself that a lot lately: Is radfem even to my (a bio female's) favour - or is it only the the favour of some kinda statistic average of a general female who doesn't even exist? I dunno, but it's an important question to ask.
This is getting ranty already, but hey I'm trying.
Trans women and males aside, radfem often has a kinda negative view of trans men (and any variety of dysphoric females) that I've always felt iffy about, but first thought I had been mistaken about. It seemed for a long while that radfem is totally supportive of transmascs/dysphoric females, but..... upon closer look, it appears a little bit rotten, sorry to say. Because lately I've come to realise maybe I was kinda right from the start that radfem really is not as supportive of transmascs/dysphoric females as it claims to be. This is probably not intentionally unsupportive, I'm aware, but some of the things that really stand out to me like sore thumbs:
1.) The idea that if gender abolishion happened, no one would be dysphoric or wish to transition medically, is frankly incredibly unfounded. Do you have ANY evidence for that dysphoria is ENTIRELY social, because I've yet to see any reliable study on this. As far as I'm concerned this is just a theory based on essentially the exclusion method that all the biology-based theories are incomplete. So this strong assertion that a genderless society would have no trans people (with sex dysphoria only) gives me this unsettling vibe that radfem is not at all supportive of transition, but would prooobably prefer it if no one was trans - even in a world where gender is abolished and transitioned females are masculine women who just like looking like males, and transitioned males are feminine men who just like looking like females, and I dunno dysphoric nonbinary people would just be men and women who transition in a variety of atypical ways.
Which was always what I envisioned. That no one would be FORCED to be feminine or masculine or anything, because of their sex - NOT that trans people would be forced or expected to accept their physical sex characteristics. Because I don't know about you, but I've personally never based my sex dysphoria on that it's too hard to live as a masculine woman, and I've met tons of other trans people who feel the same way about that. It's a myth about dysphoric trans people, and I think perpetuating it does more harm than good.
Feminism, gender abolishion, etc, probably can't cure anyone's sex dysphoria. And even just striving towards that is a little iffy. How about leave it up to the dysphorics if we wanna be cured? Because I bet most radfems would not wanna enforce a cure for autism if that became a thing, or strive towards curing the world of autism. So why do it with sex/gender dysphoria? Point is I'm just noticing these uncomfortable, kinda hidden anti-trans sentiments behind the gender abolishion idea. I'm FOR gender abolishion, but only if transition would still be available in such a future. But I'm sensing that's not what radfem is actually about, and I've been properly fucking fooled. If so... fuck you for that.
2.) Some of you operate on the false assumption that trans people never pass as the opposite sex. This level of intellectual dishonesty is skewing radfem certain arguments really badly, and makes them appear poorly thought-out at best, and impossible to implement in real life at worst.
3.) The idea that sex segregated spaces can be upheld in a world where some people pass as the opposite sex, is frankly ludicrous to me, if you think of how it would actually pan out in practice. If women's spaces became only ever available for bio women, and males spaces only available for bio men, I'd be banned from both, due to my own transition. (And why the flying fuck would I promote that? I'm not insane.) Because there is no way I can prove that my sex is female, most people do not even believe that my sex is female when I tell them, and I already get tossed out from women's spaces due to that I just look like a man.
People's failure to believe I'm THAT passable irl, is about as frustrating as people's failure to believe I'm actually female, and both those people's arguments on where I "should" go is entirely useless garbage. This doesn't only affect me, but a lot of trans people out there in the world. And then I'm probably more accommodating to this kinda drama, than what most trans people would even be willing to pretend to put up with. I am your faithful lapdog, yet I still get my teeth kicked in for being annoying. To which I have to ask myself: is this kinda martyrdom really worth it? Other trans people often see me as self-hating for being a radfem, and I'm sadly starting to see why.
And to then claim I could just use gender neutral spaces is frankly robbing me of MY female rights. To treat me as a threat to other women is very uncalled for, and yes... misogynistic. And to assume that male-passing females would be welcome in women's spaces in such a world is frankly laughable. Masculine women who have not even touched a vial of testosterone in their lives already have trouble being allowed in women only spaces that have harder rules on "no trans women allowed." This is anti-trans in a way which I cannot support.
If I am to be barred from women's spaces (which I am) because I look like a man, then I WILL use men's spaces. Because I refuse to be dehumanised and stuffed into a "trans toilet/locker room" for other people's convenience. The majority's comfort does NOT get to override my personal comfort. Especially considering men (in general) are not actually uncomfortable with my presense in their spaces, because I look like I belong there. So there is not even any damn argument to be made against me using male only space. This is not because of me wanting some kinda validation for how much of a "man" I "identify" as or whatever. This is about me not wanting to be dehumanised for my medical condition or for how I choose to treat it. Because yes, barring me from both men's and women's spaces does feel a lot like considering me sub-human, because my physical body is frightening, unsettling, gross, or otherwise inconvenient for "normal" men and women to be subjected to. Fuck that noise. I am just as much human and I deserve the same level of basic respect, and that should not be asking for too much. I will not sink below that bar. That's like telling a disabled person that they "have to" use the disabled space because their amputation (or whatever is their ailment) freaks people out, even if they're capable of using the regular men's/women's space despite their condition. So, I'd say barring trans people from both men's and women's spaces is actually rather ableist.
So how do I think that issue should be solved then? Honestly I do not have a solution. So I'd say skip the sex segregation of stuff like bathrooms and locker rooms completely (but keep it for stuff like sports and rape relief shelters) and let trans people themselves figure out which space suits them best, and only intervene in cases when they make a really poor judgement. The only other option would be allowing ALL females in women's spaces (yes, including fully passing trans men) and vice versa all males into men's spaces, but I'm extremely worried about how exactly passing trans people would be expected to go about proving they're going to the right spaces. So I'd say don't do shit until we have found a better (actually better) solution.
Because I can't sit here and say that trans women should never use the women's locker rooms, while I go showering butt naked in the men's locker room. That would be a very hypocritical double standard. Yes, I think passable and/or post-op trans women can and should be allowed to use women only spaces. Based on that I think passable and/or post-op trans men can and should be allowed to use men only spaces, but I do not think that is a perfect or ideal solution.
3.) There's just in general a lot of negativity towards medical transition and how trans people look; our desires, hopes, goals and our dysphoria. This feeds my self-hatred like fuck. Yeah I'd consider myself a rather strong person in general, but I'm not made of concrete, and I think radfem and gender critical thought has broken me down a lot, which took me a while to notice. I don't even know if the real reason I'm calling myself a woman nowadays is because my dream of being a man in ANY sorta sense (be it fantasy or reality) has become completely crushed. Yet I'm unable to truly be okay with being a woman.
Yes, I truly love my pussy, I'm fine with my reproductive ability (producing ova, chance at pregnancy) and in general I like that I started off on a female ground. I love that I have small hands and feet, and a relatively small frame. I really like my height, that I'm not very tall, but do tower most other females. So there's a lot I like about being bio female, and it's mostly things I can't change about my physique anyway. As for my curves, I seem to sometimes like it and sometimes not. I'm also okay with having cellulites and stretch marks. But what I'm NOT fine with about being female is being driven by estrogen, my body's natural gravitation and persistense towards re-feminising itself as soon as I went off of testosterone, having breasts, having less muscle mass than males, having a higher voice, having little to no body/facial hair, etc. I am not fine with being recognised as a woman, or having most female secondary sex characteristics, or lacking male secondary sex characteristics.
This does make me feel like although I'm actually fine with simply being bio female, I'm only fine with it on the condition that I get to look/sound/appear as close to male as medically possible. And does that make me a man in the bio male sorta sense? No, obviously not, but I'm starting to ask myself: Why the FUCK does it matter so goddamn much?! I am sick and tired of being a political pawn no matter where I go. I just wanna live my life.
And radfem discourse (as well as TRA discourse) is so goddamn far from real life it's honestly pathetic and destructive. Most people really don't give a fuck if I'm male or female, or if I have a dick or pussy. It's only really relevant for my doctors and my sex partners. But outside of those very specific contexts, I do like being open about my bio sex, because it just makes it easier to be open about my life, and I feel like that's a good reason to be open about it. However, being open about it solely because some people on the internet think people's bio sex is absolutely crucial info (outside of the context of sex/dating and docs) does not feel good.
I shouldn't feel pressured to be so open about myself, just to not feel guilty for how I choose to treat my dysphoria. I should not have to feel this guilty.
I think my opinions on gender are actually unhealthy for me. I understand more and more that people's opinions on gender are largely just based on their own personal experiences with whatever trans people they've stumbled across. There is no objective facts on what gender is and what it is not. If it's an internal identity or just social roles and clothing. If it's somewhat biological or entirely socially constructed. I feel like I've been arguing bullshit semantics that don't even hold water. I'm not saying that bio sex is changable or a spectrum or completely unimportant, or anything like that. When I say gender I don't mean biological sex.
I'm not saying that I'm not biogically female. I'm saying that just because I'm a female, doesn't mean I cannot also be a man - under, not another, but just slightly looser definition of man which is still connected to physical maleness - in contexts where it simply does not, and should not, matter if I do not fit someone else's definition of what a man or woman is. Because maybe semantics are killing discourse more than it's killing real life issues like human rights. Just saying.
But I dunno what I want with my gender or my label. But I think my realisation that I need to scrap my views and values in regards to gender altogether, and rebuild them from scratch... might actually quite likely change my sense of my gendered self (again.) Because you know what? My gender identity seems very highly influenced by my opinions of gender as a whole, and not just by my dysphoria. If I go by just my dysphoria, I think I would consider myself a trans man, which is why I guess I never truly stopped considering that... but my opinions on gender as a whole (women's rights, female liberation, gender abolishion, trans stuff, bio sex, etc) intervene and conflict with that, and makes me wanna be both a woman and a trans man at the same time, which I can't. So I end up being pulled in two opposing directions.
It's just that up until recently my opinions on gender used to matter more to me than tending to my dysphoria. And now I've come to a point where I don't think I wanna have that sorta prioritisation anymore, because it's having real bad effect on my mental health.
And I need to get very real with myself and ask myself if this really is the life I want. Upon knowing that I'm not actually comfortable with my own opinions, and their affects on my mental health is not actually worth advocating for female liberation, which I already know by now. Then my next step is to take a step back and try to consume less media from any and all sides of the discourse, and listen to my intuition again. Hear myself out. This might take a while, and in the meantime I'm just gonna have to say that my stance on feminism, trans stuff, women's rights, etc, is "under construction."
And as for my goddamn gender label... I'm half okay with pretty much anything right now. Transmasc, woman, ftm, trans man, dysphoric female, masculine/gnc/male-passing woman, etc, is all fine. It's not really about how other people label me anyway. How I label myself is the only thing that truly matters to me in that regard. That it's with self-respect, love and care... and not for political reasons.
I think that's just the thing. That I need to stop doing shit I'm not comfortable with just for political reasons.
With that said, I also wanna briefly touch upon other aspects of radfem that I find myself either no longer agreeing with, or just no longer caring about.
The sex work industry: I know it's bad. But I no longer care and I still might wanna become a sex worker one day. At least I wanna try it. Because no I don't want for sex to be personal, private or hidden. I feel like that's just not how I wanna express my sexuality. And sex is the ONLY of my passions I can in any way imagine turning into a job. Because it's the only one of my passions I never get tired of, and also never truly get obsessed with either. Sorry if the sex industry hurt you personally, but I kinda fail to see how that's my problem, or my responsibility, or how it would seal my fate. I don't wanna live my life after other people's problems, and I cannot learn from other people's mistakes (for those who chose it but still got burned.)
Watching porn, engaging in bdsm, etc: After having tried for a couple of years to heal my broken sexuality and to enjoy vanilla sex, I'm frankly giving up. Some say I'd have to go celibate and work really hard on my trauma for it to have effect, which... honestly I'd rather eat a bullet than do that. I saw a sexologist once last summer and oooooh BOY did that go badly! She basically told me I'm just kinky and need to work on accepting myself. That hurt a lot, and made me give up extra hard on psychiatry again (like it was the last drop again) but it made me realise that there just isn't any help for me out there. And that I'm also not willing to do anything drastic to change it on my own.
That what I want is to have a sex life that I enjoy. So... I'll go back to what simply works for me: bdsm sex. That's not entirely without some reluctance and hesitation, and I do plan on going about it in safer ways than I previously did. Like for example only doing it with people I trust and know well, use safety words, etc, as a bare minimum. I'm learning everything I can about safer bdsm practices, well before actually diving into it. But thing is that I like such extreme "kinks" that it's never gonna be entirely safe, and.... I guess I can't be fucked to care anymore, and I'm tired of even just hearing about the preachings of how bad hardcore bdsm is. Like yeah, I know it's bad, now shut up now and leave me the fuck alone to live/ruin my own damn life.
And as for porn: I never quite quit it, just reduced it by a lot. Again, not denying the harms about it, just not caring enough to change my habits.
Conclusions and wrapping it up: Basically, I've always been a Trauma Queen and I just wanna be myself again. I don't think my former views (more egalitarian/equality based rather than female liberation, and neither individualist nor collectivist) were bad or wrong, but rather that how I implemented them into my life and disregarded danger which was bad. Bio sex matters, but I think gender matters too, and the world is what it is. I have to accept that if I'm gonna have the slightest chance of living a happy life. I can't force myself to live according to feminist ideals for the sake of women in general, when those ideals smother my flame.
I cannot claim that either of the things radfem stand against are all inherently bad. I cannot claim that transitioning shouldn't be a thing, even in a perfect world, because I wanna bring my testosterone with me everywhere I go. I cannot claim that there's any "one road fits all" to happiness for all people, or all women. I cannot be a hypocrite who only values female lives when male lives are at core equally valuable. That has nothing to do with pandering to men. All it means is that I want a world where men and women can live in peace together, and if that's not possible, then at least I wanna live my own life in peace with myself, making whichever decisions I see fit for myself, and surround myself with both men and women who are respectful and decent people. I do not want to try to force my life to fit an ultimately flawed ideology. And all ideologies are flawed.
I'm flawed. We all are, and that is okay. Yes, I wanna strive towards happiness and some health and safety, but not ultimate health or 100% secure safety. Health and safety should not come at the expense of fun and happiness, if at all possible. Because I still need some amount of danger to find enjoyment in things, and I think having fun and getting bitter lessons is more important, than being healthy and safe. I've always thought that. It might just even be a core value of mine, and it does conflict with radfem values. What matters to me in life is in conflict with radfem values. I need to learn moderation and to balance fun with health, happiness with safety, and transitioning with reality. But what I do not need is to wingclip myself because of what matters to other people.
Radfem has taught me a lot of good stuff, it has made me aware of a lot of shit I didn't wanna know, but now it's time to move on and leave it behind me.
Please note that I do not mean to demonise radfem as inherently bad, fearmongering, transphobic, etc. It still has a lot of good points that I agree with. And I may still likely reblog and interact with radfem posts that I do feel are good and/or interesting. I just don't wanna lock myself to radfem as an ideology anymore. I do not think radfem is the ultimate truth, and I do not think there even is ANY ultimate truth to such things as gender.
I'm saying that I declare myself no longer a radical feminist because I am no longer dedicated to the cause as a whole. Not that it's suddenly all bad.
I wanna spread my wings and just be my problematic, true self... this sex-crazed, kinky tranny who deep down loves being a transitioned female, but also don't want for any female to suffer oppression simply because of how they were born, but also sees trans women as "women enough", values male lives and their opinions, etc! Whatever else I might think and feel which I haven't figured out yet. Instead of a forcing myself to become a perfect pawn for completely sex-based feminism.
I may adopt some of my old TRA views back, as well as some of my old libfem views. I will not limit myself to only one school of thought, ANY one school of thought. Please remember that if you're thinking I'm gonna go back to be a TRA libfem entirely, because that is NOT the case. What I'm breaking out of is the tribalism and extremism of radfem: the radical part of feminism. Because ultimately, that radical part of feminism, what I've been describing (perhaps poorly) throughout this post, is what's become suffocating for me.
I need to find myself again, beyond EVERY ideology that's telling me how I should think, feel and live my life. I've had enough of that shit. I need to think and feel freely, and live my life for myself.
Thank you all for your patience with me.
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seyche · 4 years
Adding source links to my themes
because i keep getting questions about this: if you’re using one of my themes and you want to add a source link to the posts, this will explain how to do so. please note that this is NOT a general tutorial on how to add source links into themes - this will ONLY work on my themes.
all of my themes already contain the required HTML for source links because of a quirk in how i coded my base code years ago* - it’s just hidden. the code is the exact same on all my themes, and getting it to show up is very simple.
explanation on how to do so under the cut:
use ctrl + f (or whatever the mac equivalent is) to find this line of code in the CSS:
.postsource {display: none;}
and delete it. 
all done! now you should have a source link at the bottom of every post that looks like this: 
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if you’re happy with the way it is, then you’re done! however, the link has no additional styling and is not coded to match the post info in the rest of the theme. if you want to edit it, use the selector .postsource in the CSS to style it.
in the HTML, you can find it under the heading  <!----- SOURCE ----->. the HTML for the source link looks like this:
<div class="postsource">    {block:ContentSource}<a href="{SourceURL}">{lang:Source}:{block:SourceLogo}<img src="{BlackLogoURL}" width="{LogoWidth}" height="{LogoHeight}" alt="{SourceTitle}" />{/block:SourceLogo}{block:NoSourceLogo}{SourceTitle}{/block:NoSourceLogo}</a>{/block:ContentSource} </div>
if you want to move its placement, this is the HTML you need to cut and paste. if you want to change the blocks, these are the blocks you have to change. if you want to have the post link only show up on the permalink page, wrap the above in {block:PermalinkPage}{/block:PermalinkPage}
i am not going to update my previous themes with source links, although i will probably add it in any themes in the future. nor will i help you custom-code the source link styling to match the styling in each of my themes, or help you move its placement. frankly, i’m getting really tired of bending over backwards every time tumblr makes some dumb change that makes this site more difficult to use and screws over theme makers. 
*yes, i realize this is a funny way to code it. no, i don’t know what 2016 me was thinking either. 
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kookscrescent · 5 years
Baby Fever │ pjm
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➤ pairing│Jimin x female reader ➤ summary│You have a bad case of baby fever, but every time you’ve tried talking to Jimin about it in the past he changes the topic, but not this time. This time you are determined to make him listen to you.  ➤ rating│R ➤ genre│marriage au ➤ warnings│a little sexiness and seduction lol, fluff, blond Jimin bc we all have a kink for that!, baby talk obviously, it’s a little dirty minded but there’s no actual sex involved, the word erection is mentioned ➤ word count│2k│semi edited ➤ release date│September 18th 2019 ➤ disclaimer│This is all fiction! Nothing mentioned/written are facts and/or real! So please just keep that in mind when reading and enjoy! Thank you ♡
⇥ Masterlist
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One thing is certain – you want a baby! And you want it with Jimin!
You and Jimin have been married for over a year now, you are committed to each other and you are pretty damn sure that you are going to spend the rest of your life with him, but it’s not a conversation you have ever really had before to a full extent, so you aren’t even sure what his thoughts are on the whole thing.
If you think back to the time before you got married, you can only remember less than a handful of times where you have tried to start the baby conversation, but somehow Jimin always ended up changing the subject rather quickly or decided to start taking his clothes of in the middle of it all – which quickly made you shut up and had you thinking other thoughts.
But this time you are determined!
Now is the time to have this conversation, whether Jimin wants to or not! You are going to make him – even if you have to tie him down to a chair and make him listen and talk with you, you’ll do it.
You have it all planned out. Jimin is at practice most of the day and won’t be home until after dinner, so the minute he steps foot inside the apartment, you will greet him by the front door wearing your white lingerie set – his personal favorite – and you will escort him to the bedroom, lay him down on the bed and straddle his hips.
You are hoping that this position will make things a little easier for you. He’s got a weakness for you being on top of him – also one of his personal favorites.
You will pretend to seduce him at first, but slowly you will make your way onto the topic of you having children, and hopefully he will cooperate with you. And with a little luck it might work, because if it doesn’t, you really don’t have a back up.
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You are ready!
Or, as ready as you will ever be in a situation like this. You have to admit that you are quite nervous at the moment. You are the type of person that likes to have full control in all situations, and not know how this will pan out and not really being able to control the outcome, makes you nervous and on edge.
You are almost sure that he’ll think he’s getting lucky when you start dragging him back to the bedroom wearing just lingerie…
When you hear the faint sound of the front door opening and keys being dropped on the entryway table, you make your way out of the bedroom. You deliberately take slow and sensual steps as you round the corner to the entry way, making sure that the silk robe you’re wearing is open and reveling your almost naked body underneath.
Jimin is in the process of removing his shoes and is not looking at you yet, but he hears you soft footsteps stopping right beside him. “Hey baby, how was-“
He stops mid-sentence when he finally looks up, coming eye to eye with your white lacey thong. He gulps, his head tilting back to take in the rest of your body, the task of removing his shoes long forgotten.
His blond hair is hanging down his forehead all messy and still a little damp from practice, his eyes bright and his mouth agape as he stares at you. You both love and hate that he is able to look this good coming home after a full day of intense dancing and singing. If it wasn’t for your other plans for tonight, you would probably have jumped him right then and there.
“Wh-What are you… What are you doing?” his small stutters makes your heart race even more than it already is, and you can’t help the small smirk that makes its way to your lips.
You reach your hand down for him to take and he does without asking questions as he stands. “Follow me.”
Those are the only words you speak before you drag him out of the entry way. He follows close behind you. You can feel the heat from his toned chest on your back and once in a while his hand will flex in yours.
In the bedroom you turn and face him and tell him to lay down on the bed. He complies in seconds and you chuckle at how eager he seems to be. It’s too bad that he won’t be getting what he thinks he is.
“What did I do to deserve this treatment tonight?” he asks as you crawl towards him on the bed, straddling his hips when you reach them.
You can already feel him getting hard underneath you, and maybe, just maybe, it will actually be to your advantage that he’s in a bit of sexually frustrated state. It could make the whole conversation run much more smoothly, meaning that he would just want to get it over with and willingly talk about this, but you also don’t want to torture the poor man.
“I have something to tell you,” You slowly tell him, making sure that you are using your most sugar sweet voice – the one you usually use when you want something. “or actually, I have something I wanna talk to you about.”
On his chest, you’re drawing small lazy circles making sure to brush the skin on his exposed collarbones once in a while. You can see the goosebumps rising there with every pass of your finger.
“What did you do?” Jimin asks you warily, his eyes narrowing as he rests his hands on your bare thighs.
This time you are the one getting goosebumps.
You shake your head. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Then what is it?”
You are hesitant for a moment, suddenly feeling overly nervous – more so than you were before. What if he says no? What if he doesn’t want kids right now? Oh god, what if he doesn’t want kids at all, like ever?
“Baby, what is it?” he urges you giving your thighs a gentle squeeze.
You accidentally rock your hips against him and he twitches beneath you, his head tilting back into the pillow and a small strangled moan rushing past his lips in into the bedroom.
You give him an apologetic look before you scoot a little back to not sit directly over his already hard erection. You bite your lips when you notice how surprisingly visible it is under his sweatpants and it briefly distracts you from what you initially wanted to say to him.
Damn him! You think! You haven’t even told him anything yet and already he is distracting you and he doesn’t even know he’s doing it or what he is distracting you from.
“Uh… I want to talk about…” you fiddle with your fingers, not looking him in the eyes.
This is all a very weird scenario for you. You have never been this shy and timid around him before! This is not like you, and Jimin is starting to get a tad bit worried that something might be wrong.
“____ just tell me what’s on your mind baby.” His calm and tender voice does wonders in soothing your nerves and you decide to just blurt it out.
“I want a baby!”
The silence becomes thick between you as your words simmer in the air. Jimin’s eyes have gone wide and his face slightly shocked at your sudden outburst. This was clearly not what he had expected you to say.
He blinks his eyes rapidly. “What?”
“I want a baby.” You repeat, this time more confident.
The grip on your thighs get stronger, as Jimin maneuvers himself further up the bed in a more upright position, with you still sitting on top of him.
“Baby let’s not talk about this right now,” his hands start traveling further up your bare legs and to your inner thigh. “let’s do som-“
You squirm away from his wandering hands, slapping them away when they reach the white lace. “No Jimin! We should talk about this! And we are talking about it now!”
He tries again, his voice flirty and suggestive. “Come on baby.”
“Jimin, no!” You fold your arms over your chest, you boobs being squished together and giving him a great view.
“You always do this when I start talking about wanting kids. It’s not fair!” You tell him. “We are married for god’s sake! This is something we should talk about – frankly this is something we should have talked about before we got married!”
“But why is it such a necessary thing to talk about right now? We’re still young! We have plenty of time. This is just a phase you’re going through.”
“Jimin,” you sigh, frustratingly running your hands over your face. “This isn’t a phase I’m just casually going through. No, I don’t want to wait till I’m in my thirties to have kids. I wanna be a young mom.”
Getting off his lap, you sit beside him with your legs tugged under you. You suddenly feel overly exposed like this and you tug your robe across your body.
You can clearly see on his face that this is a topic he’s not familiar or too comfortable with, but it’s something you really need to talk about. You need to plan for your future.
“Do you even want children?”
His brows pull together in a frown and he looks offended. “Of course I want children ____!”
“Then why are you being like this right now? Why do you always shy away from talking about it?”
Sitting upright on the bed, Jimin tirelessly runs his hands through his hair, the blond lock laying messily across his head.
“It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it baby, it’s just… you… I can see how excited you get every time, and for me, I just don’t think right now is the right time for us to start having kids.” He looks at you with wary. “I completely get what you’re saying about wanting to be a young mom, I get it! I want to be a young dad too! But we’ve only been married for a little over a year babe and I just want to enjoy us, you know? I want us to enjoy us, to enjoy being just the two of us for a little while longer before we bring a mini me or a mini you into the world.”
As Jimin speaks, his words process in your brain. You get what he’s saying and where he’s coming from. He was only holding out on talking because he didn’t want to hurt you.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?” he asks you as he reaches for your hands. His palm covers both of yours hands, and the warmth from it travels through your arms.
You nod. “I do.” You whisper.
“We will have children, I promise! But let’s just wait a year or so more, before we really start trying, okay?”
A year? You can agree to that! A year will probably even pass by quickly!
“Deal!” you eagerly agree, making Jimin laugh.
“But, in the meantime,” Jimin purrs. “It doesn’t hurt to keep practicing.”
He lets go of your hands, his fingers playfully making their way under your robe and towards the material between your legs.
“Besides, you look awfully irresistible right now.”
“Don’t I always look irresistible?” you ask him teasingly.
The bulge beneath his sweatpants is visibly getting harder by the second and his eyes are glossed over with lust – the same look he always gets when he’s horny.
“You do! But you also know what you in this particular lingerie set does to me.”
By now, his fingers are fully toying with the sides of your thong, and putting silent words on your own lust, you gently begin laying down on the bed. It doesn’t take Jimin more than a couple of seconds before he hovers above you, on hand supporting his weight and the other still toying between your legs.
“Let’s start practicing then.” you purr as your lips crash together. 
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Thank you so much for reading! Remember to like or reblog if you enjoyed it! 
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Could I get a yandere Sebastian Michaelis trying to comfort the reader after something sad happened, please?
Reason Why
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Sebastian Michaelis x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,2k
✂ Trigger Warnings: Mention of kidnapping, killing, possessive behavior, yandere theme.
I was planning this to be a fluff, but I thought something darker would fit the whole yandere Sebastian theme more.
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“Oh, my love. Please, don’t cry. I’ll wash my bloody hands and we’ll start a new life.” - My Bloody Valentine [Good Charlotte]
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“You killed her, didn’t you?”
The question left your dry mouth in a hoarse whisper; the effect of crying for who knows how long. It was certainly weaker and more rhetorical than you’d expected – less than what you’d thought would be a yelling match between the two of you. Though, you figured even if you were to ask it in a stronger and harsher tone, it didn’t necessarily need a reply. His silence was an answer in itself. And besides, he was definitely calmer than you. You were already aware of the result, the outcome, the consequence whom she had no idea what and why it existed in the first place.
Because all she knew was saving you, and you didn’t blame her. How could you? She was your sister, after all. And as annoying as she could be sometimes, she still cared about your wellbeing and – most of all – your whereabouts.
But he didn’t care. Despite his efforts, you weren’t and could never be convinced of his so-called ‘sincere affection’. Because if he truly loved you, and sincerely cared about you, he would’ve released you a long time ago. He wouldn’t have kidnapped you to some cabin in the middle of God knows where and left you during the day to do whatever job he had.
How he had one was beyond your knowledge. Yet it wasn’t as if you were concerned with his life, either. To inquire meant that you cared about him in some way – enough to start showing a tinge of curiosity – and you refused to hear a single teasing left that damned mouth of his.
“What made you think that, honey?” he asked, strolling towards you with his hands clasped behind him. A mysterious smile was etched on to his pale features like it always had. You might not be able to deduce what he was thinking, but you were certain that he felt amused by your question. It wasn’t a foolish assumption – you had every right to be cautious of him – yet his expression alone was enough to spark that self-disparaging voice inside your head. The one that told you how stupid you were for asking that in the first place when you already found the answer.
Still, you braved yourself to look at him in the eye. “I just knew it.”
It was certainly a feat – or perhaps an entertainment? You could never guess  – because seconds later, he smirked whilst cocking his head a little. “Oh?” Heavy sarcasm laced his deep voice. “I’m afraid that wasn’t a plausible response, dear.”
“Just answer me already!” you snapped, slamming your fists against the dirty mattress in an attempt to intimidate him into responding through impatient gesture.
Of course, it didn’t have the result you were hoping for.
Who were you kidding? He was a demon. It was no secret that he must have encountered and dealt with people scarier and smarter than you. Your action probably looked like a child throwing tantrums. Because that was what you were; a grown woman, being held captive by a strange man, throwing tantrums for her inability to change the predicament. To change her fate. And the helplessness morphed into anger because that was the only thing you knew. The only thing you could think of. The only thing you could do.
It wasn’t as though you could challenge him on a one-on-one, either. You didn’t need an ability to predict the future to know that you would lose against him.
“How cute.” he cooed after chuckling heartily. There was nothing you wished for at the moment than to tape his mouth so he wouldn’t be able to mock you. Possibly even slashing his throat in the process. That would be nice, indeed. Living with him had increased the violent thoughts in your brain somehow. Maybe this had something to do with him being a demon? “Are you angry, my dear?”
“Sebastian.” you hissed through gritted teeth.
“Well,” he simpered, flicking strands of ebony hair that blocked his vision. “I suppose you already know the answer, no? I’m sure you’re not entirely clueless, [Name].”
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the bedsheet. “Why did you do that?” You didn’t know why you kept asking these pointless inquiries. Maybe it was denial speaking. Maybe you were searching for a reason, an excuse, that you had already discerned. Maybe you wanted him to laugh and say that it was all just one cruel joke. You didn’t know.
Crimson eyes raked over your shivering body as he stood on the threshold of your shared room silently. Maybe it was time to bring some new dresses and coats to keep you warm. Wearing the same dress for the past three days could potentially irritate your beautiful skin. Or, perhaps, he could give you something better instead. “She wanted to take you away from me.”
“Then, let her be!” you lashed out and threw yourself to him, punching his chest relentlessly. “I was so close to freedom and I would've–”
Before you could utter another word, Sebastian pushed you to the ground. His palm prevented you from taking the brunt of the abrupt fall, yet it wasn’t enough to stop the breath from leaving your lungs. He propped his hands beside your head, staring down at your flushing face keenly.
“Don’t speak nonsense,” he said. Though, there was a hint of warning in his naturally seductive voice. The coldness of his tone prickled your skin and froze your bone, rendering you immobile temporarily. “I thought I have made it clear that you belong to me and me only. Everyone who tries to separate us shall suffer the consequences, regardless of their statuses. In short, it was her fault for being intrusive with our lives.”
“It was understandable!” Despite the fear and grief that shook your voice, there was still a sliver of courage within you. “She was my sister! She deserved to know where am I! Why can’t you understand that I don’t want to be with you?!”
“That’s quite alright,” he replied, caressing your temple affectionately with a gloved hand. He chose to ignore your protest over his atrocious decision, much to your dismay. “You might not love me now, but soon, you will have no option but to rely on me.”
“You wish!” You squirmed, desperate to avoid his disgusting touch. “I will never rely on a bastard like you!”
“Is that so?” Sebastian chuckled before withdrawing from the uncomfortably intimate position. “It seems I should escort you to your manor now, huh? Maybe then, you would learn how difficult it is to live alone.”
You ceased struggling, brows furrowed in confusion. You should’ve been happy with the opportunity – hell, you should’ve been smiling like crazy now – but you couldn’t get rid of the nagging feeling that something was wrong.
“What do you mean…?” You rose from the ground and shook his shoulders, tears gathering below your pupils. “Sebastian, what are you talking about? Did something happen to them? Answer me!”
“You mentioned that you wanted to meet your family, right?” He closed his eyes and beamed. “Well, I assume you have no problem visiting their resting place, right?”
You gaped, hands slowly slid down his lean arms and landed flat on the ground.
Sebastian stood and walked past you, observing the smoke that floated in the distance through the window. His smile was disarmingly content, almost peaceful. “Frankly, I’ve been meaning to do this. I only needed a reason to do it. An incentive, you could say. And now, I’ve finally found it.” He peered over his shoulder, the smile widened slightly. More menacing. More cryptic. And ultimately, darker. “Does that make you feel better, dear? I figure a reunion is what you need to alleviate your pain. You’ll like it, no?”
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nycjake · 3 years
No Strings Attached
TAGGING: Jake Puckerman and Santana Lopez WHEN: 20th of December WHERE: Santana’s apartment GENERAL NOTES: Jake and Santana watch a movie before getting a bit distracted WARNINGS: Implied sex
Jake had had a long day at work and was definitely ready to chill out. After having a shower and sitting in his room by himself for a while, he decided to go see if he could find anyone to hang out with. It was boring to be by himself and it would be a lot more fun to have some company. Finn was out, presumably at work, so he decided to go see if the girls were in. Jake grabbed the spare key they had for their apartment and headed across the hall. He let himself in, automatically heading for the lounge area. "Hey Berry, Lopez. Anyone wanna watch a movie?" He asked, picking up the tv remote as he dropped down onto the couch.
Santana was lounging in her bedroom when she heard the door open and close pretty quickly after. Relaxing a little when she heard Jake’s voice boom through the apartment, she got out of Instagram and locked her phone. Exiting her room, she walked into the living room and shook her head when she realized he was already on the couch. “Please, make yourself comfortable. Rachel isn’t home but I’m always down to watch a movie, pick something decent and I’ll get the wine. You’re cool with red, right?”
Jake looked up as Santana appeared, giving her a cheeky grin as she commented on him getting comfortable. He was actually quite pleased that it was Santana who was home and not Rachel. He had nothing against Rachel, she was nice (if a bit intense), but it was Santana who he really got along with. "Yeah red is fine." Jake nodded, turning on the TV and opening up the Netflix app. "What kinda thing are you in the mood for? Comedy? Thriller? Horror? Rom-com?" He asked, starting to flick through the options.
Pouring herself and Jake a glass of wine, she returned to the living room and handed her friend his drink. “Comedy, always.” Santana replied matter of factly as she took a seat beside him on the couch. Making herself comfortable, she crossed her legs and placed a cushion on her lap before taking a sip from her drink. “I’m surprised you’re here watching a movie with me on a Friday night. Don’t you have an innocent victim to wine and dine or something?”
"Thanks." Jake smiled as he took the glass from her, taking a sip of it before turning his attention back to his scrolling. He raised an eyebrow at her question, once again taking his eyes off the TV. "Innocent victim? You make it sound like I'm a serial killer." He laughed.  "But no, I didn't feel like going out tonight. I had a long day at work and it's just so much effort. Y'know? But what about you? You're not out on the prowl tonight?" He asked teasingly.
Smirking into her glass, she took another sip and shrugged her shoulders. “Work was crap today so I really don’t feel like dealing with people who are probably just going to be terrible in bed. My assistant didn’t order the right sample sizes for a photoshoot I’ve spent two months planning with the photographer and it was just a fucking disaster.” Turning her focus back on the TV, she gently hit Jake’s shoulder and pointed to the movie he had randomly landed on. “Let’s just watch a classic. White Chicks is always funny and at least we’ll know it will be good.”
"Fair enough, I get that." Jake nodded. He knew what it was like trying to pick up people in New York and the mixed results it could produce. "Honestly I went home with a girl a few weeks ago who gave the worst blowjob I've ever had, and that's saying something." He laughed. "That sucks about work though, I'm sorry your assistant screwed you over." He added before looking back at the TV as she hit his shoulder. "Sounds good to me." He agreed, happy to stop endlessly scrolling through the choices. Plus it meant they could talk over it without having to worry about missing anything since they'd both seen it before.
Santana scrunched her face up in confusion at Jake's admission. "How can you be bad at giving a blowjob? It's like the easiest thing to do, I certainly don't remember you complaining when I did it." She replied with a grin. "Maybe she was just nervous or something. You're attractive and not exactly small, maybe she didn't know how to handle it?"
"She just had no idea what she was doing." Jake laughed. "Of course I had no complaints, you were good at it." He added with a smile. He had fond memories of his night with Santana and he definitely hadn't had any complaints afterwards. "Like she got it in her mouth, right? And then she just stayed there holding it like that. Didn't move or anything. Just looked up at me with it in her mouth like I was gonna cum just from that." He added, clicking play on the movie before putting the remote on the coffee table.
Unable to stop the loud laugh that escaped her mouth as Jake explained what he meant by bad, Santana shook her head and turned her body so that she was facing her friend better than she had been. “That is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.” She admitted just as he hit play on the movie. “Poor girl.” Was all she offered up before her focus went to the TV screen.
"Right?!" Jake laughed along with Santana. "So I totally didn't feel like repeating that experience tonight." He chuckled, taking another sip of wine. "At least it gave me a funny story to tell even if it was at the price of mediocre sex." Jake joked as the opening credits started.
“At least you have a mediocre sex story to tell, I don’t even have that.” Santana replied, her eyes still focused on the opening credits. “I haven’t had an orgasm not given to me by myself in just over a month and I’m pretty sure I’m starting to lose it. I’ve just been so busy with work and the idea of finding a match on Tinder even seems like too much effort.”
Jake pulled out his phone and started looking for something. "She put her number in my phone, you can have it if you want." He laughed before opening the contact he'd renamed as "Bad BJ - Do Not Call", holding out his phone for Santana to take. "Then you can have all the mediocre sex and you'll start wishing it was just you getting yourself off again." He teased. "Tinder is garbage." He agreed easily. "So many people on there just ghost you and then the ones that do show up are normally freaks in the bedroom, and not in a good way."
Santana pushed Jake’s phone away and  narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re an idiot.” She said with a laugh before taking a sip from her wine. “My vibrator is pretty great so maybe that will be my thing for the foreseeable future. It will have to do until I can find someone worthy of my time, for a city as big as New York is it sure is difficult to find someone.”
Jake grinned at her, taking his phone back and putting it back in his pocket. "That's probably your best option." He agreed, humming in agreement at her last statement. He turned his attention back to the film as it started to get going. They were halfway through the film when he next spoke, and he'd gotten through a glass and a half of wine which was starting to take effect. He felt relaxed, slightly buzzed and like his filter had been very much removed. He looked over at Santana, unable to stop thinking about their earlier conversation. "You know." He spoke up randomly, now talking over the movie. "If you ever wanted a change from your vibrator, you can always use my dick. Like no strings attached, just sex, just something to get you off with." He offered.
Glancing over when Jake started speaking over the movie, Santana raised an eyebrow up at his suggestion. Even though her first instinct was to laugh and reject his offer, the more she thought about it the more it started to appeal to her. He had been the best person she had slept with in a really long time and getting a chance to do it again certainly wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Finishing the rest of her wine, she leaned forward and placed her empty glass on the coffee table and turned to look back over at her friend. “Casual, no strings attached sex?” She repeated, needing the clarification. “And we stay friends and nothing gets awkward between us? Because if it’s that's the offer, I wouldn’t be against it.”(edited)
Jake should really stop letting his mouth speak before he'd thought things through, but frankly he didn't see an issue with this so far. It was just sex, and it was something they were both good at. If it meant more time in bed having good sex and less time out in the city trying to pick up randoms then it seemed like a win-win. "Yeah." He nodded at her question. He knew Santana didn't want more, she'd made that perfectly clear by running out during the night the first time and then by her attitude towards him when they met again. "No dates, no commitment, no responsibilities. Just sex and a lot less time with your vibrator." He confirmed.
Remaining quiet as Jake promised that this would be casual, she reached in-between them for the remote and turned off the TV. “If we’re doing this, we’re doing it now.” She told him before she moved to straddle his lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her eyes locked with his for a few seconds before she dipped her head and pressed her lips against his.
Jake could see what was coming, putting his wine glass on the floor before Santana climbed into his lap. "Fine by me." He agreed quietly. The moment of eye contact between them seemed to last forever, building the tension between them. He leaned in to meet her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her back.
Santana whimpered against his mouth and she was unable to help the way her hips pressed down against his. Pulling away only when she needed to take a breath, she buried her face into the side of his neck and began pressing kisses to his skin. “Bedroom. Rachel would lose her mind if she ever found out we fucked on the couch.”
Between the time he'd spent thinking about sex with Santana before he even opened his mouth to offer this, and the way she was kissing him, Jake was already half-hard. "Sounds like a challenge to me." He commented playfully. However he would rather be in the bedroom so he gently eased himself off the couch, guiding Santana's legs to grip around his waist so he could carry her from the position they were in. He tightened his own arms around her waist, before standing up from the couch completely. One benefit from his job was definitely being in shape enough to use his muscles for things like this.
Smirking against his neck at his remark, her grip around him tightened when Jake stood up from the couch. Once they were finally in her bedroom, she let him place her down on the bed and within seconds she was taking off her shirt. Tossing it to the floor, she unclasped her bra and smirked as she propped herself up on her elbows. “Condoms are in the bedside table, what are you waiting for?”
Jake knew they'd said no strings and just sex, but it still surprised him just how quickly they'd gone from watching their movie to being here. He smirked at her question, ditching his clothes before joining her on the bed. Once they'd both finished, Jake rolled over, pulling the condom off before tossing it in the trash can by her bed. "So, better than your vibrator?" He asked, a small smirk playing on his lips. If anything the sex had been even better than he remembered it being before.
Covering herself with her blankets once Jake moved off of her, she stared up at the ceiling as she caught her breath and smirked at his comment. “Definitely better than my vibrator, was my blowjob satisfactory?” Turning onto her side, she glanced at the clock that was on the bedside table closest to Jake and she raised an eyebrow when she realized the time. “That was definitely took more time than my vibrator too. For once, you actually had a good idea. Who knew it was even possible?”
"Definitely." Jake nodded, returning her smirk. "I'll be changing your name in my phone to reflect that." He joked, getting up to retrieve his clothes from the floor. If there was one thing he knew about casual sex, it was not to get too clingy about it and that included staying around longer than needed. "I do have good ideas occasionally." He laughed as he pulled his boxers back on. "So do you wanna go finish the movie or shall I just go home?" He asked, happy to leave the ball in her court.
Even though she knew he would potentially bring this up whenever he could, she decided to be honest and direct. "You should go home, my legs still feel like jelly and I wouldn't trust myself to get up out of bed right now. But this was fun, we'll totally be doing this again."
"You're welcome." Jake grinned, throwing a playful wink at her before turning his attention to getting the rest of his clothes on. Once he was fully dressed, he checked he had his phone and stood up to leave. "Alright, I'll see ya later Lopez. Come find me when you want another round." He smiled, giving her one last look before heading out of her room and back to his apartment.
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turtle-paced · 5 years
GoT Re-Watch: Fine-Toothed Comb Edition
This post is also on my wordpress.
Well, this is it. The final push. The worst season of Game of Thrones.
Let’s get started.
8.01 – Winterfell
In one respect, this series has defeated me. No counting. I just want this done. God knows the problems got worse than nudity.
(0:09) It has to be said, the new opening credits are one of the best things about this season. Possibly the best thing about the season. However, we may all have been tipped off by how this was going to go in that we never see ice advance on King’s Landing, and the end of the credits focuses on the Iron Throne.
(2:26) So we start the season with a pretty good idea – a direct callback to the opening of season one when Robert Baratheon arrived at Winterfell, and watching this procession of relevant characters through Arya’s eyes again. I’m not entirely sold on the music cue, however, which is out and out the Baratheon leitmotif.
(3:08) Likewise, this landscape shot is also a good idea. Does some good showing. One, the snowy landscape. These are our conditions for the duration. Two, we see the amount of assistance Dany’s providing, as well as the discipline of the Unsullied.
(3:41) This is the first time Arya’s seen Jon in years and it’s a damn good thing the directors decided to let her show an emotion for it. Everyone suffers from the directors’ persistent idea that power = stoicism.
(4:17) Showing Arya’s got a reaction to Sandor and Gendry’s arrival in Winterfell gives us more than “these people are here now”. Which is why characters should be allowed to emote.
(4:32) First line of dialogue in s8 is a eunuch joke! Not even exposition. Eunuch joke. Like we’ve never heard one of them before.
(4:40) It’s not any funnier for Varys calling Tyrion out on this only to get another eunuch joke in reply.
(4:47) The juxtaposition of Missandei and Gray Worm here shows us another unpleasant thing that’s going to run throughout the season: the racism. This racism, here shown in the North being hostile to people of colour, contextualises the entire concept of Northern independence. This sort of juxtaposition undermines the argument that Northern independence is all about not being ruled from King’s Landing, and brings in a nasty undertone that the Northerners don’t want to be ruled by anyone who – gasp – includes people of colour in their cause. While I think it’s valid to depict the North as pretty well xenophobic, xenophobia and racism are not exactly appealing character traits.
Frankly, I don’t think the writers added it up when plotting out the ending. The North don’t look like they’ve been put upon by bad and unjust administration, they look like racist fuckheads complaining about rescues they don’t like. And yes, this impacts how Dany comes across – she’s the one with people of colour in her advisory team, and she never even mentions removing them to help the Northerners feel at ease. It’s hard not to see the implicit position as being “the North should get over this point.”
(5:12) “I warned you. Northerners don’t much trust outsiders.” In hindsight, this looks to me as the first set up for the idea that ‘Dany wants everyone to cheer her and is very sad then very insane when she does not receive the love to which she feels she’s entitled.’ See above re: complaining about rescues they don’t like. Is Dany so out of line for expecting a little gratitude?
(6:13) Speaking of no emotion. Oh boy. Poor Bran. This is the first time he’s seen his brother for years, and he gets to show mild curiosity. This is the character whose rule we’re supposed to leave off on, feeling good about the future of Westeros. But if he doesn’t care, why should we?
(7:35) Bran drops the bombshell that they’ll be dealing with a zombie dragon, that the Wall has fallen, and the dead are marching south. So there’s our context. Apocalyptic, imminent trouble. Everyone enjoy your episode of people not liking Daenerys against a backdrop of people preparing for apocalyptic, imminent trouble. I think these things probably should have been reversed.
(8:34) More preparing for a final showdown at Winterfell. Again, something else we should have take as a poor sign for the season’s structural integrity, as there was clearly no way they could drag out the build-up for four episodes.
(9:05) “It’s not important.” Ah yes, a great recommendation for this character’s political skills. Let’s just keep that in mind for the people who immediately think ‘oh yes Jon would be way better than Dany as ruler’.
(9:26) “When I left Winterfell I told you we need allies or we will die.” There is that. This is one thing we can get behind show!Jon for seeing better than the rest of the Northern cast. Jon will be proved correct on this count.
Though again, really, there is neither explanation nor excuse for the lack of discussion about a political marriage between Jon and Daenerys as a means of bringing the North into her realm in a position of greater strength and dignity. That’s just a gaping plothole, left unaddressed because otherwise the plot doesn’t work.
The plot didn’t even work anyway.
(9:32) Sansa stink-eye is most obvious here. Barely concealed hostillity to the people here to save you really is a good idea, isn’t it? Great politics.
(9:57) Tyrion gets up here to make a speech. While not being able to keep your mouth shut is endemic to the Lannister family as a whole and a valid character flaw, it’s not come out very intentionally in the last few seasons. Poor Tyrion has been pretty consistently inept from s6 onwards, and it doesn’t change here. Reading the room’s hostility to Jon’s bending the knee, he doesn’t let Jon and Dany speak for themselves, but stands up to speak. Him, a Lannister, i.e. a member of the family that were a huge part of why the North rebelled in the first place. An optics misread as bad as “It’s not important.”
(10:15) Possibly also the wrong way to bring up the fact that the Lannisters are expected.
(10:34) Back to the primary way the writers have to show that Sansa is smart. She’s the only one thinking about logistics. Which is a thing people need to think about – in a series that gives half a damn about this sort of thing.
However, Sansa is also bringing this up as part of the dialogue about whether Daenerys should be here, in the North, helping defend it. She is bringing this up in public (rather than taking strips off Jon in private for not thinking the supply chain through). It is clear from her tone and word choice that she is hostile to Daenerys’ forces being there. This is an open political statement as much as it is a logistical question. And they still have to fight off the ice zombies. This character is allowed to have political preferences, it’s better if she has political preferences, but she’s also supposed to be smart! And one of the things she was supposed to have learned in the first half the series was how to play nice in public and pick her moments!
On top of this, continuing to undermine the depiction of Sansa as intelligent, the logistical matters do not impact the story one little bit. Sansa’s objections are lip service to the idea that the army needs to be supplied.
(10:42) Sansa got enough supplies for Winterfell, but didn’t account for additional allies…when she knew her brother was heading out to get allies. Apparently didn’t even think to send over a raven asking whether Dany was getting the Unsullied to pack a bag lunch.
This is not entirely on Sansa. These are deeper communications problems which, to be fair, have been extremely well established. Whether it’s Jon and the army of the Vale, or Arya and the question of a coup, these problems just seem to feature Sansa disproportionately.
(11:04) Another establishing shot that, if linked to something more concretely, would have been an excellent idea – though having seen that Dany’s come with literal wagonloads of dragonglass, we’re also supposed to believe she brought no food?
(12:06) Sansa’s hostility to Daenerys is one of her overwhelming character traits in this episode. Her concern for the supply situation is expressed in hostility to Daenerys. The context for her confrontation with Tyrion is expressed in hostility to Daenerys. Sansa’s mistrust is not contextualised by any sort of historical reference to Rhaegar and Lyanna, nor Aerys’ murder of Rickard and Brandon, as you might expect if that was the actual motivation of the animus. On the contrary, we’ve got dialogue telling us that the mistrust is cultural and respect must be earned, and a chunk of showing us that Northerners are racist, establishing that this is Northern isolationism at work.
Whereas our establishing moment for Dany this episode was meant to show us how eager she was to make a good impression and to be on good terms with the Northerners.
(12:17) The ‘fixing’ of book!Sansa continues, as show!Sansa says that Joffrey’s wedding had its moments. One of the many, many ways the show is lesser than the books is because the books let characters actually differ. Everyone in this series has the exact same emotional reaction to revenge.
(13:09) Sansa gets to some of the wonky plotting behind season seven. Show!Cersei is not trustworthy! There’s no basis for a peace there. Tyrion, of all people, should have known this. Yet he bought it hook, line and sinker. He had to, because otherwise the plot the writers wanted didn’t work. And yet, Sansa calling it out doesn’t make the issue go away. It doesn’t reconcile anything. It just highlights that massive gap between how people talk about Tyrion, and what Tyrion’s actually shown to have achieved. And the plot hole.
(13:34) Here, have a shot of Bran sitting in the courtyard, watching people.
(14:02) A reference to Jon’s resurrection! Which…actually didn’t matter! So basically we’re bringing this up just to bring it up!
(14:10) Damn it’s so much better to see Arya and Jon both emoting!
(15:01) Similarly, as they compare their swords, it’s a nice little moment where we can see these two starting to negotiate a more adult relationship based on common interests and shared knowledge.
(15:17) “She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met.” Ow. That hurt. Sansa’s got the same problem as Tyrion, in many ways. We’re told she’s smart and shown that…actually, no, not really. To be fair, nobody in this show is smart anymore, but there are only a few characters where the other characters outright say that they’re smart. The writing’s got to back that up, and it doesn’t.
(15:26) Toot toot, all aboard the Daenerys hate train. Arya hasn’t even interacted with Dany, and yet Arya’s framing her backing up of Sansa and Sansa’s overt hostility to Daenerys as “defending our family.” Again without reference to Aerys or Rhaegar, and with the episode showing lots of Northerners glaring at all the people who came with Daenerys to fight the White Walkers.
How on earth did the writers think this would scan? One party’s shown up with her armies and her dragons ready to put herself and her ambitions on the line for the other, and the party getting its fat hauled out of the fire is going ‘ugh, fine, we’ll put up with you if we have to’. Dany’s not just going “I am Targaryen, bow to me,” here. This is a bit of a change from her father. She demonstrates that just by showing up.
(15:41) Capped off with a seriously nasty exchange. “I’m [Sansa’s] family too.” “Don’t forget that.” Just  – gross. What the fuck. Ups the framing as Jon’s love for Daenerys as something inherently anti-Stark. It’s so mean-spirited. Isntead of “you look happy, Jon” or  “do you love her, Jon?”  it’s “remember we come first, Jon.”
(16:33) Here we see the Golden Company. Not that they’re going to be playing a part in events. They’re just there to make up the numbers. Literally.
(16:38) Scene with Euron and Yara starts here. We establish that Yara is still alive.
(16:56) A second eunuch joke! Every bit as charming as the first.
(17:36) If Euron’s side loses, he’ll sail somewhere else. New information! Not in the realms of mind-bendingly plot twistingly important information, but at least it tells us a bit about Euron’s character.
(18:00) And end scene with Euron and Yara. Nothing was accomplished there that could not have been accomplished with an establishing shot of Yara tied up on one of Euron’s ships. The writers continue to use their screentime well.
(18:40) The number of troops Cersei hired, the number of horses they came with, and the lack of elephants would mean more if the show paid attention to detail. And, when Dany has dragons, it’s this sort of detail that might actually help build tension and give uncertainty as to the outcome in a conflict between the two. As things stand, this scene could just be “did you bring soldiers?” “Yes, many soldiers!” for exactly the same plot effect.
We’re long past the days where the show discussed the drawbacks of armour, and past the days where Robert analysed the strengths of the Dothraki in the field. We occasionally still get some great showing of the Dothraki, and for all it totally didn’t belong in the setting and required significant dumbassery on the protagonists’ part, the shield wall Ramsay used in the Battle of the Bastards got the effectiveness of the tactic across. This is just…making up the numbers.
(19:03) You know, one of the most devastating scenes in Cersei’s AFFC plot is where she has sex with Osney Kettleblack, not because she wants to (on the contrary, he reminds her of Robert), but because she feels it’s the only way she can keep him as a political tool. It’s tawdry and risky and emphasises how Cersei’s political method of operating actually reduces her agency.
This scene has some of that feeling to it, but without the book-long context examining what she can and can’t do, and how Cersei’s character and deep internalised misogyny affect her capacity to govern. Here, this scene of Euron pressuring Cersei into sex was preceded by a scene showing his feelings on the situation – a feeling remarkably reminiscent of Robert’s “making the eight” back in season one – rather than something like what we got in AFFC, which is about Cersei’sattitude to this sex she doesn’t want. It doesn’t provoke as much thought, and leaves me at least with just a thoroughgoing feeling of ick.
If there is any saving grace here, it’s Lena Headey, who actually has some acting to do.
(20:50) Oh joy, it’s Bronn. Who’s here for the fanservice. More than one sort of fanservice.
(21:14) Not keen on this, either. Here these characters mention how Ed Sheeran’s cameo character came back with his face burned off. It’s like a more throwaway version of how the Sand Snakes died gruesome deaths last season – this character irritated you? Enjoy their horrible demise! We meant to do it!
(22:45)  Now we get down to the meat of the scene. Cersei sends Bronn to assassinate Jaime and Tyrion. Now that we’ve seen the season, we know that this is absolutely pointless. Bronn does not assassinate Jaime or Tyrion. He doesn’t affect their behaviour in the slightest. Tyrion offers Bronn a good bribe, Bronn accepts despite having been screwed over by the Lannisters before, and everyone goes on their merry way. This character has nothing to do. He does not illustrate any  aspect of the world this story takes place in. He does not undergo any sort of internal journey. He has no reason to be in this story. He’s just here for the fanservice.
(24:32) One thing I do like about the scripting of the scene, combined with Lena Headey’s acting, is that it is crystal clear that Cersei did not enjoy the sex. Euron is obviously fishing for compliments and outright asking  for favourable comparisons to Cersei’s previous lovers, and Cersei phrases things so that Euron can read in favourable comparisons if he likes – but she doesn’t have to say it.
If only this was linked to some sort of ongoing thread about how a female political figure’s use of sex can be counterproductive politically and extremely emotionally damaging.
(24:48) “I’m going to put a prince in your belly.” It’s a double whammy for “the show has no sense of timeline.” One, please don’t draw attention to the fact that Cersei discovered she was pregnant who knows how long ago, and is somehow not showing. Two, Cersei should be 42 or 43! No, it’s not impossible that she’d still be able to have a child, but it’s said so freaking casually, like a woman of 42 or 43 in this medieval-like setting with pretty rudimentary medical care having a baby is no big deal. It’s not treated as unlikely, much less like a potentially serious risk to Cersei’s health and wellbeing. Not to mention the fact that Cersei had three children, and all three are dead – what’s her emotional reaction to a comment like that? That seems like it might strike a nerve, if the showrunners were thinking carefully about what Cersei experienced over the course of the series.
(25:07) Shot of Euron’s ship starts here.
(26:21) And the Greyjoy siblings are free and clear within ninety seconds. At least the writers didn’t waste much of our time, though on the whole this subplot has involved a lot of kicking Theon around the plot like a hackey sack, and a lot of putting Yara in storyline time out.
(27:02) Theon’s kicked over to a new plot once more, for old time’s sake.
(27:42) Another establishing shot of activity around Winterfell I like a lot.
(28:02) In the same vein of the writers forgetting that Cersei is expecting a fourth child late in life, having seen three children make it past the infant mortality stage only to die violently, the writers continue to forget that Tyrion gave the order that resulted in the death of Davos’ only son. We know Davos knows this, but giving Davos an emotional reaction would be too much like work. Plus it might impair the quipping.
(28:29) “You want their loyalty? You have to earn it.” We’re back to the characterisation of the Northerners as loyal, now that it’s convenient. And as we’ll see later, no, Dany cannot earn the loyalty of the Northerners no matter what she does.
(28:46) Finally! Someone brings it up! Dany isn’t spoken for, Jon isn’t spoken for, they can actually stand each other and work together, the match would take the edge off that ‘bend the knee’ thing and turn it into something closer to ‘partnership’, if they have children there’s the benefits of a ruler whose father was from the North – the advantages to Dany’s cause and Jon’s current political position are pretty obvious in this feudal society where marriage is an important tool in creating and maintaining political relationships!
(29:06) aaaaaaand it’s brushed off immediately because apparently Jon and Dany don’t want to listen to lonely old men? What? That is a bad reason for not approaching them and saying ‘hey guys, we’ve had this idea, we think it’s a good one.’
Not that anything’s stopping Jon and Dany themselves from thinking of it.
(29:28) Or is the real reason that Varys thinks that “nothing lasts”? That’s also a rubbish reason. His cyncism is poison, here, because it’s stopping him from making a move to strengthen Dany’s political standing. But never mind that, let’s just take that as a (thus far unfounded) indication that this is going to be a tragic romance.
(30:01) Dany points out that Sansa’s lack of respect is a genuine political issue.
(30:17) The fact that the dragons ate eighteen goats and eleven sheep, and Dany considers that to be barely eating does get across the fact that the dragons consume a lot in the way of resources. Unfortunately, lack of resources is never going to become a material issue.
(30:32) I like that we see the dragons have melted the snow cover.
(30:58) This is…not the best green screen work. Try to ignore it.
(31:02) “Go on.” Dany invites Jon up on one of her dragons. Just like that. This entire sequence is so anti-climactic. There’s no joy in Dany finding new family here, no thrill as Jon explores a new identity of his own. This is not any sort of culmination. This is a man riding on a dragon because that is a cool thing, without much thought as to why in-story dragons and dragonriders are special. It’s got all the narrative weight of Dany offering Jon a ride in her Ferrari – special, yes, but not in any way transcendent or emotionally significant.
(31:17) Especially as Jon’s hesitance to hop aboard is played as a joke.
(31:53) What this scene does have that I was asking for all last season was Jon and Daenerys enjoying each other’s company. They’re smiling, there’s some banter.
(33:54) “We could stay a thousand years.” This call-back to Jon’s romance with Ygritte would be a lot more meaningful if Jon didn’t kill Dany at the end of the season. Oh no, how tragic, how star crossed, their romance ended with Jon murdering her.
(34:41) Simiarly, the significant looks between Drogon and Jon just make me queasy after the finale. I have not rewatched earlier seasons after the finale. There was a time not all that long ago when I loved Game of Thrones, especially those earlier seasons. But this is the last time I’m going to be watching this show. And Lindsay Ellis was absolutely right that knowledge of a story’s ending shouldn’t ruin the experience of the story when you come back to it.
(35:07) Again, decent showing of preparations for the fight.
(35:17) “You know who makes weapons for the wildlings? Cripples and cocksuckers. Which one are you?” What a burn on Gendry. The Hound is likeable because he’s sassy, and he’s sassy because his jokes involve ableism and homophobia.
There is a difference between writing ableist and homophobic characters as part of an ableist and homophobic setting, and writing ableist and homophobic jokes as a reason we should feel good about characters.
(36:04) Man, Arya suffers almost as much as Bran and earlier-season Dany for being instructed to be emotionless. Think about it. If we were seeing this without the context of season two and three, would we be shipping it? Or would we be staring at our screens in befuddlement at the lack of chemistry? On Maisie Williams’ part, which has nothing to do with her acting ability (because as we have ample evidence in this show, she can act) and everything to do with the horrible, horrible idea percolating through this show that for the characters to show that they have toughened up and become strong people, they must be stoic.
(36:33) There we go! Arya cracks a smile, and instantly the interactions between these characters actually feel more natural.
(37:35) Now we’re back to showing the Northerners as disloyal.
(37:50) Here’s the setting for Jon and Sansa to actually have it out. In private. Where she can speak freely, as she does, about not cluing her in. Note, however, that this is the third instance this episode where Sansa’s going ‘ugh, Daenerys, I don’t like her’ either implicitly or explicitly.
Not helped in the least by the extra-textual comments that Sansa’s jealous of how pretty Dany is.
(38:15) But when it comes right down to it, Jon is right – everyone here needs Dany, her armies and her dragons both, and securing her assistance was not an optional perk. Sansa’s right that Jon went about it in a suboptimal way, both because show!Jon is written not that bright and because plot contrivance, but she’s real short on viable options to defeat the White Walkers.
(38:48) I have faith in you, Sansa says…then turns around and suggests that Jon only likes Dany because she’s pretty. Show!Sansa has not been treated well by the script at any point. In earlier seasons she was considerably less savvy than her book counterpart, and now she’s become ruthless and manipulative and often plain mean. (We were also supposed to believe she was undermining Jon in season seven, but that plot didn’t actually show that.)
(38:59) “Did you bend the knee to save the North, or because you love her?” And cut. I’ll get back to this issue next episode, because it’s a lot more prominent next episode with much more significant effects on the storytelling, but yeah, get used to the show posing questions to its characters and not bothering to answer them.
(39:37) Ah, a reminder of last season’s greyscale subplot. Criticise the maesters for not listening to pleas for help from the north, sure, but regarding greyscale…yeah, damn those maesters for forbidding a dangerous medical procedure that might save one patient, but only at great risk to the doctor (and any assistants, presumably) and thereby continue the spread of the disease. Those cowards.
(40:15) The Valyrian steel sword that’s been in Sam’s family for generations would have been his anyway, eventually. I see, I see. The writers kinda forgot about the Night’s Watch and their vows. Also, gross, I do hate this anti-Sam who’s so proud of having taken Heartsbane from his father.
(40:39) Bailed out by John Bradley’s acting. Bradley’s been great when it comes to depicting Sam’s mixed feelings about his abusive father. Get some lights in this scene so we can see John Bradley’s acting better!
(41:57) More wonderful shots of Bran waiting in the courtyard. Not showing any sort of emotion though.
(42:19) “It’s time to tell Jon the truth,” Bran says. No emotion there, either. Bran’s got nothing at the prospect of revealing one of the most explosive political secrets in Westerosi history, nothing at upending his brother’s sense of identity, and nothing over the complete reevaluation of Ned Stark that this information calls for. Nothing.
And again, we know this isn’t a problem with Isaac Hempstead-Wright’s acting, because of evidence provided to us earlier in the series.
(42:26) “I’m not his brother,” Bran says, completely without emotion. What is wrong with this direction? What is wrong with the writing for this character?
(42:45) I nevertheless like that the Starks head down to the crypts to pay their respects on a regular basis. That does show their love for Ned. What I wouldn’t have given to see the Stark siblings discussing Robb or Catelyn.
(43:32) More good writing, which I will take where I can get in season eight – Jon notices immediately that Sam’s upset and asks about Sam’s girlfriend and their son. Not only does this show that Jon knows the things that might be upsetting Sam, it lets the writers just briefly clue us in that Gilly and baby Sam are present and okay, just offscreen.
(43:55) Back to bad writing. Sam is understandably preoccupied with the fact that Dany exected his father and brother. What I don’t get is why Sam treats Dany’s failure to tell Jon as significant. Dany apparently has no idea that Jon and Sam are friends. From the way she greeted Sam in that previous scene, it looks like she only knows of Sam through Jorah.  If Dany concealed her actions from Jon out of shame, that’s contradicted by the fact she told Sam the truth. (Nor is it consistent with various other actions she’s taken.) If Dany just didn’t give a thorough account of her actions on the field to Jon, and the Tarlys should have been included as significant casualties, that failing is shared by a whole bunch of people who could have told Jon, and isn’t any sort of personal insult.
(44:29) It’s time! The R+L=J reveal we’ve been waiting for! It’s been a rocky journey, between the lack of early foreshadowing, the really obvious foreshadowing later, that misstep where people thought E+L=J, Lannister style, and HBO had to correct people, and most recently the very obvious setup for Sam to tell Jon this news in the worst way possible, for the worst reasons possible (not a bad idea, just shakier execution). But who cares, we’re here. This is going to have some impact.
(45:15) Okay, well, impact kind of blunted by the fact I can’t actually see much in this scene. Some lights, please?
(45:46) Finally! Someone reacts to what this meant! Yes, this is some drama, this is going to take some time and some fraught conversations to work through.
(46:24) And straight away we focus on what this means for the current fights over the Iron Throne. Blast. Jon bypasses denial, anger, bargaining and depression and gets straight to acceptance and dealing with the consequences of the reveal. There’s no “that can’t be true,” there’s no “why did you tell me this.” Luke Skywalker had the fucking Force confirming the parentage reveal and even then he didn’t accept it as easily as Jon does now.
(46:35) “You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same?” Except that’s not the question that the reveal of Jon’s parentage poses. Jon gave up his crown in trade for an alliance against a pressing military threat. What would Dany be saving people from, in abdicating in favour of Jon? Someone’s got to actually start a civil war over this for her to save people from that threat.
(46:42) In case you can’t see the scene, it involves Tormund and Beric investigating a castle that’s clearly been attacked.
(48:41) Just shy of two minutes before something was said, and even then it was screaming. That was a long time to squint at people walking through a scene so dark it’s hard to tell what they were reacting to. I need something to either listen to or watch, here.
(48:43) And Beric lights the scene as he and Tormund ambush some Night’s Watch refugees led by Dolorous Edd.
(49:30) So that’s Lord Umber dead. Which means presumably that we’re in Last Hearth right now. Establishing that Tormund, Beric and Edd will be coming back to Winterfell, blah blah, not sure that was worth two minutes of screentime when they could have just shown up and said “we passed Last Hearth and everyone was dead,” given the other plot points we could spend screentime on.
(49:49) It’s a good jump scare though.
(50:40) A mysterious hooded figure rides into Winterfell amongst a crowd of people also riding into Winterfell.
(51:09!) It’s Jaime! He looks around Winterfell’s courtyard.
(51:26) And spots Bran watching him. End episode on the held gaze. While Bran sitting in the courtyard waiting for Jaime is actually really funny, I do think this pretty much worked, setting up the idea that Jaime’s going to have to confront the attempted child murder from episode 1. It’s also a reminder of the conflict that’s involved with working with the Lannisters on that more personal level.
Next time – possibly the season’s best episode, and boy is that depressing.
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yoonjinkooked · 5 years
lockdown | (m) - Chapter 1
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moodboard by @flajka
pairing; jungkook/female OC genre; college au, strangers to lovers, smut and tiny bit of fluff too, humor ofc rating; explicit words; 4.900
— synopsis; Eunhee is in trouble and facing a deadline - in comes curly haired jungkook to save her life, make her laugh and maybe, just maybe, fuck her brains out. When the two end up locked in a building overnight, who knows what will happen?
warnings (for this chapter): cursing, OC really wants to murder Tae, banter, cute Kook, slightly cocky Kook, hints of sexual tension. Just an introduction chapter, really. 
A/N: I hope you enjoy the first part guys. I am now starting to work on Chapter 2 and will let you know when I plan on posting it.  Let me know what you think - I’m still a tumblr newbie and basically, I’m crappin my pants. 
With that being said, let’s start chapter 1 :)
In the life of a journalism major, there are a few life-changing, stress-inducing moments that essentially serve as a preview of what’s to come if you do decide stay on your chosen career path.
For me, a handful of these moments made me question anything and everything I have ever known about the career I’ve chosen to pursue back when I was 18 and frankly, a little bit stupid. One of these moments was back when I was doing an obligatory internship at a small, local newspaper, only to realize that the editors and big shots there expected me to do nothing more than to make them coffee and copy papers in their stead.
Another moment was when I attended my first murder trial, which probably would end up being a part of my future job, only to spend the entire afternoon wondering if this really is something I want to do for the rest of my life.
And the final moment, at least the final one that I can think of right now, is currently occurring, with me losing my shit as we are trying to get the final edition of this year’s university magazine ready for printing. And I, as one of two co-editors, will be the one to blame if anything goes wrong.
Half of my grade depends on this. My future job prospects depend on this. Whether or not the professor is happy can influence the direction of my masters’ next year. This is ride or die for me and I am losing it.
“Namjoon, where the hell is he?” I ask my co-editor, best friend and partner in crime. Who also happens to be the only person on this planet who is well equipped to deal with me losing my shit.
“I know as much as you do,” he reminds me, moving the phone away from his ear. “I am trying to reach him now. You panicking will not do us any good and it definitely won’t make Taehyung answer me sooner. So don’t panic and focus on the things we already have here and work with that. The photos aren’t the only thing we need to look over before it’s ready for print.”
I nod my head franticly, knowing deep down that he has a point but also knowing that won’t help me at all. It never does because whenever I am chasing a deadline, I follow the same line of action. Work, panic, panic some more, work, panic like the world is ending, forcefully calm down and then, finally, get shit done. I am not sure if I am on the ‘panic some more’ or ‘panic like the world is ending’ phase yet but as I run fingers through my hair, letting my nerves get the best of me, I am positive said hair is gray.
I hear Namjoon cursing under his breath but for the sake of getting things done, I ignore him for now and simply focus on the task at hand – proofreading. As long as I preoccupy myself with tasks that need to be done, I cannot focus on the fact that Taehyung is late, like he always is, despite it being the one time he truly needed to be on time.
So for the next few minutes, I go over several articles in the speed of light, once, twice, three times. No matter how much they’re using spell-check, our reporters still make mistakes and honestly, when I see my name below one title, I know I am not allowed to judge because I obviously do it too.
Campus activity, student achievements, published works and former alumni ‘look, they’re famous now’ column – all covered and grammatically perfect. And Namjoon is still trying to reach the one man we need the most right now. Slowly but surely, the other students are becoming less frantic and more calm and casual, because their tasks are all but finished. Namjoon, Hoseok and I? Not so much.
“Okay, what the hell?” Hoseok throws his pen rather violently on his desk. “He does this every time. Every damn time. I’m the designer – I need to go over everything and make sure the photos are put where they belong. How can I do that if I don’t have said photos?”
“Hoseok, I know I’m not the textbook definition of calm but we need to try to be,” I tell him, turning my chair to face him over our connected desks. “Try to design it somehow, leaving the space for the photos. Vertical or horizontal, I will find good photos to fit. And if I have to change something, I will.”
“Are you sure you can do that?” he looks doubtful, which is extremely insulting, since we have known each other for three years and have been working together for more than two.
“Basic editing? Yeah, I can do that,” I roll my eyes. “If you doubt my editing skills, you can stick around till midnight to check on me.”
“No way,” he shakes his head. “It’s Jimin’s birthday party tonight and you know I need to be there.”
“Are you serious?” I ask, not even sure why, since it’s absolutely obvious that he is dead serious. “This is the most important edition we’re going to release. We’ve been doing this for years and this is our grand exit, which we need to execute perfectly, and you’re telling me you want to go to a party?”
“I’ll be going too,” Namjoon covers the speaker of his phone to tell me. “Sure, this edition is a big deal and we want it done well but most is already done and this isn’t our entire life.”
“Oh please,” I reach for something, anything, and end up hitting him on the chest with a block of post-its. “You’re just going because you hope to hook up with Hyejin, even though we all know you will just end up drunk, alone and watching her from a distance.”
“How dare you?” Namjoon is flabbergasted.
“She isn’t wrong,” Hoseok chuckles, ignoring the glare Namjoon throws his way. “But he’s right about this not being our entire life. You will burn out, Eunhee. It’s been two weeks and you haven’t stopped thinking about this once,” he tells me, as if I needed to be reminded. “This is the final edition with you being the editor. You should celebrate, not stay here after hours and pulling the hair of your head.”
“With the two of you playing beer pong and complaining about girls ignoring you, someone has to be the responsible one,” I point out. “All of this is riding on the three of us and you’re just… gonna dump me?” the betrayal is evident in my voice and yet, neither one of them is bothered enough to look guilty. Before they’re co-editor and designer, they’re just stupid, horny students.
“It’s already done Eunhee,” Namjoon rolls his eyes. “The one doing the dumping here is Taehyung and you just told Hoseok you can handle the editing. If you’re not sure, you can send him your final version and he can fix it if it needs to be fixed.”
“I am not leaving that party to fix Taehyung’s mess,” Hoseok cuts in.
“Our mess,” I remind him. “We have until 4AM to send it. So long as you’re not wasted out of your mind, it’s doable. If you even need to fix anything. Taehyung is always late but he also always brings more than enough material for us to work with. He’s a jackass but a talented jackass.”
“And a jackass who can’t answer his phone,” Namjoon adds, throwing his phone on the desk, before sighing as he slumps down onto his chair. “I’m going to regret that,” he glares at his phone.
“I can’t force you to stay here and help me,” I mumble, watching as the student reporters casually leave our office space, not even bothering to say goodbye because it’s the final week – who cares, life goes on, we’re going to see each other eventually and our portion of work is done. “I can, however, remind you of this in the years to come, guilt tripping you into doing favors. Many, many favors.”
“You make it sound like you’re not already doing that half the time,” Hoseok points out.
“Not my problem you somehow always end up owing me one. Or two. Or five,” I shrug as I turn towards my laptop, planning on searching for some stock photos we might be able to use, if Taehyung doesn’t show up. I know that he always does, last minute or not, but I can’t leave anything to chance. While stock photos would be a cop-out of sorts, we need to have a plan B.
The next two hours pass in almost complete silence. An occasionally sigh would leave Hoseok and every now and then, Namjoon would curse under his breath as he tries to reach Taehyung for what has to be the hundredth time – so far, to no avail. The panic I felt earlier had already left my system so I was able to focus on other things, all the while ignoring what seems to be our pending doom.
The sun had set and the lights are now on and that son of a bitch is still not answering his phone.
“You know, at this point I’m starting to wonder if we have better chances of finding him at Jimin’s party,” Hoseok breaks the silence. “I’m done with all the pages, I left enough space for all kinds of photos and there’s literally nothing more that we need to do.”
“Speak for yourself,” I mumble as I open the email he just sent me, showing the draft for the final version of the magazine. It looks as amazing as possible, seeing as 98% of photos are missing – instead, white blocks serve as breaks between long rows of text. “You know what? You two go. Go and have fun and if you find him, kick his ass. There’s no way he’d ever miss Jimin’s party. I’ll stay here and finish this up and when you send him to me, I’ll kick his ass too,” I tell them.
“Eunhee, are you sure?” Namjoon walks over to my desks and leans on it, giving me what I can only describe as a look of pure and utter pity. “I don’t want to leave you hanging; you’re not the only one with the responsibility here.”
Seeing as I am the only one that will sit Jimin’s birthday party out, I kind of am, but I do not say it. “It’s okay Joon,” I reassure him. “Go. Have fun. Try to get some with Hyejin. I’ll take care of this, it’s not like it’ll be the first time I pull an all-nighter. Just find that bastard and get those photos to me.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Hoseok stands up and throws a bag over his shoulder. “We will find him and I will do my best to stay sufficiently sober if you need my help. Which, if you do, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?” I nod, knowing I would rather fix it myself than have drunk Hoseok ruin it. He’s majestic with the editing software but when drunk, he can’t even walk straight, much less edit.
“Just make sure to get his USB to me, even if you have to kill him to make it happen,” I remind them. Namjoon is still worried but I roll my eyes at him, which apparently is the sign he needed to get his things and leave. I wave them out, surprisingly relieved to have the office for myself.
I am a decent team player but the last couple of years have shown me that I do my best work when I do it alone. Not to say that I take all the credit – hell no. Joon is the editor as much as I am and half the work is done by him but at times like these, I just want him out and away, busy with Hyejin. This way, if it’s a mess – it’s my mess. If it’s a work of art – it’s my work of art.
With a coffee in one hand and glasses of my head, I go over last year’s photo folder – that’s a better plan B than some basic stock photos. Some of the photos look like a decent backup – our campus hasn’t changed much over the last couple of months, after all. As long as I avoid last year’s seniors, I might be able to pull off plan B without anyone except a handful of us knowing the truth.
Even the swimming team – they have won gold last year, they have won gold this year too. The members are all the same, no new freshmen, no seniors last year. If my memory serves me well, all of them kept their natural hair colors and I can totally use said photo in this month’s edition. Sure, Jimin and the rest of the team will probably know what’s up but that’s nothing a round of beer can’t fix.
Look at me – such a professional. Bribing my way to get the work done. Yay.
In the midst of scrolling, I pause to glance at the clock – it’s almost ten and still no sign of Taehyung. Stifling down the pending panic, I take a deep breath and decide to play some music, hoping to distract myself more. While 80s rock has its charms, I still fidget as I scroll through folders upon folders, grabbing hold of my favorite koala mug again and downing the rest of the coffee in one go. Needing something to distract me further, I open the top drawer of my desk, grabbing the emergency M&Ms I’ve kept there for a few weeks now, knowing I was bound to pull an all-nighter sooner or later.
Just as I down a handful of candy, someone knocks on the office door and I nearly choke. I cough, make sure a lone M&M is not going to kill me, take a deep breath and shout a ‘come in’.
The little hope I have deflates as I realize it’s not Taehyung, the bastard himself – instead, it’s a guy I know, but not really. Tall, wavy brown hair, wide brown eyes and a slightly dumbfounded look, hidden under the hood of his black sweatshirt as he barely steps inside the office, still with one foot out as if he is ready to run.  
I am positive I know him. I’m sure we have class together, or had the year before. Or perhaps we just have classes in the same building – I know I’ve seen him before, in the background, on the side, but for the life of me, I can’t put a face to the name.
“Can I help you?” I ask, once he doesn’t speak up for a few moments.
“Yeah,” he snaps out of his daze, tilting his head before reaching for his pocket – I keep my eye on his hands, half expecting him to draw a gun and shoot me in place. “Taehyung sent me to give you this,” he says as he pulls out a USB stick out of his pocket.
Finally, I can breathe. Finally, I know I will manage to get this done tonight. “Thank fuck,” I sigh, closing my eyes for a second before opening them up again and realizing I have just confused the shit out of him. “I was positive the jackass would leave me hanging. I would have murdered him in cold blood.”
“He’d never do that,” the guy smiles at me, a smile that evaporates as quickly as it appeared; making me wonder if I even imagined it. “If he had told me sooner, you wouldn’t have to wait. He texted me like 10 minutes ago, telling me that I need to bring this to the office.”
“He left the stick with you and didn’t tell you what it’s for?”
“No, he asked me to edit the photos,” he tells me. “Oh. You don’t… I’m the G.C.F guy. I’m the other photographer,” he explains and suddenly, the little boxes in my head fall into their designated place.
Taehyung had a photography partner. I’d say a solid half of the photos we’d print were Taehyung’s, and the others belong to the guy always signed as JJK, G.C. F; I have never met him, never asked for his name and before tonight, he had never showed up in the office.
And now I can remember the guy more clearly – he always had a camera, either hanging around his neck or covering his face as he would relentlessly take photos.
“Ah, now I get it,” I smile. “I’m Eunhee, the editor.”
“I know,” he tells me. “Jeongguk.”
Yep, I know the name. It’s all clicking now.
“Well don’t just stand there Jeongguk,” I tell him as I stand up; I walk around my desk and start Hoseok’s PC, knowing that he has a better editing software ready to go. “I’m going to need your help for this. Everyone else is getting shitfaced at Jimin’s so if you’re up for it, you’re going to be the one to help me get this edition ready by 4AM. You up for it?”
Honestly, I’m not particularly surprised when he doesn’t answer me straight away – it’s not like I’m offering him free food, drinks and a night he’ll remember – quite the opposite, I’m offering him a night full of work. Simply put, I’m begging him to help me, without actually openly begging.
“Sure,” I hear him shuffle around as he puts his backpack down on the ground. “Where do you need me?”
"Just get yourself a chair," I wave my hand around the room, staring at nothing as I try to figure out where should we start from. I suppose that from the beginning is the only real answer to that one. "Hobi had set it all up for me to finish but I think I need to see what you've brought me, see what i have to work with," I decide, turning to Jeongguk, just in time to see him drag Namjoon's desk chair from the corner of the office.
"All of them are edited and ready for use," he reassures me with a tight smile as he joins me behind the desk, a good foot between our chairs. Noticing that he still has his hood up and covering half of his face, I bite my tongue and decide not to wonder why - he has his reasons, I suppose.
"Then we just need to decide what goes where and that is where you come to my rescue."
"What makes you think that should be my call?" he asks, not bothering to hide his surprise.
"Well, you're a photographer," I announce, as if the guy is not aware of his profession. "Doesn't that officially make you a better judge when it comes to esthetic mumbo jumbo?" I ask, because I truly don’t know. I am not familiar with the job requirements a photographer needs to fulfill, other than to have a camera, of course. I simply imagine they have some sense of beautiful. Wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong about something and that is why I ask – there’s no shame in not knowing.
After a beat of silence Jeongguk looks at me, keeping direct eye contact for one whole second, which is time enough for me to conclude that he is cute, ridiculously so. Cute in a way that no man in his early 20s is allowed to be. Yet not cute enough to make me focus on him instead of the task before us.
"I guess so," he tilts his head as i force my jaw shut - now is not an appropriate moment for ogling. "Aren't you the boss lady though?"
"Boss lady," I test the nickname and roll my eyes. "Difficult to work with, perhaps. Bossy? Don’t think so. But I’m taking it because I obviously need your help tonight - I am good with words, not at making them look good on paper."
“What you need to do here is not that hard,” he waves at the monitor and I turn to look at him. “Deciding on which photo should go where depends on… the overall page. The colors, the neighboring photos and countless other things. There are no rules – just feeling. Photography is feeling,” he waves his hands about as he talks, completely immersed in his explanation and making me wonder if he’s talking about this particular problem or just photography and its misconceptions in general.
“No rules?” I ask through a chuckle. “That’s not what people told me when I took a selfie from a downward angle.”
To my shock and frankly, shame, he stares at me in silence, blinking once, twice, three times. I gulp. “That was supposed to be a joke,” I elaborate in a low voice, as I hope that the ground will split in two and just swallow me into a never-ending dark hole. Or that Hobi’s PC will finally be usable.  
“Oh. Okay.”
Well, this settles it then – absolutely no possibility of mild, harmless flirtation. That flat-lined reaction will end up being a source of trauma for me in the years to come – I just know I will end up awake at 3AM in like five years, thinking of how awkward this particular moment was.
“Finally,” I feel relieved now that I can actually work with Hobi’s PC – I slide the flash in, on the first go. I nearly celebrate the seemingly impossible victory but I decide to hold myself back. If Jeongguk can’t take a joke, he will probably think I am insane if I behave like I normally would. “Now let’s see what we have here,” I mumble, opening the pop up. One folder named 1 – I open it. I click on the first photo, of a group of students sitting on grass and talking (looks absolutely staged but based on what I know about Taehyung and his G.C.F partner, they don’t roll that way). I smile when I see a photo of our swimming team huddled up together, gold medals hanging around their necks – I won’t have to use last year’s photos after all. “These are really good. Perfectly edited too. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, it’s my job,” Jeongguk mumbles as he eyes the photos I scroll through. I can no longer tell if he’s serious or joking and I simply give it up altogether – who cares?
“This will fit perfectly,” I mumble as I finish going through the bunch of photos and end up on the first one – the one with a bunch of people that looks absolutely staged. I exit and go back to the folder, then back to the original one. It’s as if I could feel, actually physically feel, my heart slowly sliding down inside of my body. I go back and open the folder again, looking as the fear slowly grows in me. “Jeongguk, where are the other photos?” I somehow manage to utter.
“They’re all there,” he tells me, his eyes going wide when he notices the look of pure and utter horror on my face. “Taehyung told me you need 20 photos, no more, no less. There are 24, I added 4 more just in case, if you didn’t like some of them… Eunhee, what is going on?”
My chest goes up and down frantically as I try to calm the whole tornado of emotions that starts within me. Panic, worry, sadness and more than anything else, anger. Pure anger. “I will murder him.”
“What? Who will you… Taehyung?”
“I said,” I slowly speak, pausing for deep breaths. “200 photos. 200 photos, no more, no less. 200 from which we would end up using more than 100. I said 200, not 20.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah, oh shit.”
“What… where are you going?” Jeongguk asks as I jump off my chair and nearly fly over the desk to grab my handbag. I throw my phone inside of it and turn to look at him, only to find him flinching away from me. Apparently, I look as angry as I feel.
“I am going to Jimin’s birthday party,” I announce. “Where I will grab Kim Taehyung by the neck, drag him outside, throw him onto the ground and murder him in front of the entire student body. I’m thinking strangulation is the way to go. You should come too, take a few photos of it for the delayed magazine edition.”
“No!” Jeongguk snaps but I am already heading towards the door. His hand wraps around my wrist and he drags me back towards the desk.
I don’t know what else to say because why the hell did he pull me like that?! I wasn’t actually going to murder Taehyung, no matter how much I might want to do so.
Jeongguk rolls his eyes at me and I feel even more stupid than he made me feel minutes ago. The nerve. “If you go there and yell at Taehyung, or even kill him in cold blood, you’re just going to end up wasting valuable time,” he tells me. Okay, true, I can’t argue with him on that one. “Not to mention that you won’t get the photos. He doesn’t have them on him at all times and even if he did, they aren’t edited.”
“So what you’re trying to tell me is that I am fucked? Like, missionary, sideways, in the ass fucked?”
“I wouldn’t choose that particular wording, but yes,” he sighs. “If you stay here, you’re not fucked. Just… follow me. It’ll make sense soon,” he seems impatient as he grabs hold of my wrist again and this time, he drags me out the door. I actually stumble to keep up with him, too confused to even ask him what the flying fuck he is doing and where the hell we’re going. He walks fast and with him dragging me behind him, I have no choice but to break into a light jog to keep my arm attached to my body.
Down the hallway and to the left, Jeongguk drags me towards the last door, in front of which he finally stops. He starts fidgeting and feeling himself up and down. It takes me a moment to realize that he is looking for the keys. “What are we doing here, what is this place?”
“This,” he unlocks the door and smiles at me mischievously. “Is my office.”
As soon as he turns on the light, it all makes perfect sense – it’s a darkroom. A darkroom which I had no idea existed, even though I have spent a bigger part of my college education just down the hallway. “Don’t just stand there, come on in,” Jeongguk urges me but I do not move. The hood that still covers half of his face, paired with the room’s red light, is making him look pretty ominous.
“No thanks, these places are as creepy as they seem in movies.”
Jeongguk laughs and shakes his head. “They’re not creepy. Suit yourself.”
“What the hell are we doing here?” I ask, feeling my earlier agitation return. Fix the mess then kill Taehyung. Stopping by a darkroom was not on my to-do list. “How the hell can this help?”
“As I said, this is my office,” he tells me and I see him rummaging through the top drawer in one of the desks that are lined up against a wall. “I keep my work here. Some, not all. Useless work mostly. Random campus photos I take just because I think the moment is worth capturing.”
“While that is very poetic and deep, how the heck can that help us now?”
“Haven’t I just said I take random campus photos?” he asks in annoyance. “I have at least one flash drive with random photos like the ones you might need. I’m a good photographer and,” he waves his hand and I notice something black in it – he walks over to me, takes my hand and puts the flash into it. “I’m the one who will make your words look good on paper.”
It’s not what he said – it’s the way he said it. For the first time tonight, his hood did not block my view of his entire face. The way his eyebrows lifted, followed by a smug smile and head tilt, my heart went into overdrive. His expression and the fact that he is a solid foot taller than I am makes it so easy for me to feel tiny, irrelevant, overpowered.
Despite being the talkative one of the duo, I am speechless for a moment because good lord, does he look hot right now. Like… please slam me against the wall and leave hickeys down my neck hot.
“Come on boss lady,” he laughs down at me. “Work awaits.”
What the fuck happened to the shy guy who couldn’t keep eye contact for longer than a second?! He is giving me whiplash! I again have to run to catch up with him but I do it without complaining, realizing that for tonight, he is my lifeline. This random dude who’s good at photography is my only hope.
Tonight’s going to be a very long night.
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imaginaryelle · 4 years
Hi!! I've seen the untamed and A. I love your posts!! B. I was wondering if you'd read the book and maybe had any warnings to give for someone who is ace and would very much not like to read beyond kissing?? And C. Do you have a favorite episode of CQL? If yes then which and why??
Hello hello, I’m so glad you like my posts! I have indeed read MDZS and do indeed have warnings for it. I listed the major ones here in a post when someone asked for a link to the translation (I promise the link is there if you hover over it). I will add spoilery ace-specific warnings (basically a list of the very few chapters and sections to skip) at the end of this post because tumblr is inconvenient about spoiler cuts. But in the meantime, my favorite episode!
My favorite episode of CQL is ep 44 (with a possible option on the first ~24 minutes of ep 45 as well, but mostly ep 44). It has almost everything I love.Wangxian! Wangxian with kids! The kids themselves! Lan Wangji and WeiWuxian standing together! The inherent ridiculousness that is required to happen whenever Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning are within five feet of each other! And of course, Wei Wuxian finally gets to talk back at people for spreading malicious rumors about him and blaming him for every wrong in the world. This ask probably doesn’t require graphics, but staring at these pictures makes me happy so here we go. The highlights:
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Okay, on to the ace-friendly content guidelines:
You’re honestly good to go for quite a long time, though you should know that the dynamic is different. CQL has a lot more build-up and, frankly, pining going on that MDZS does. Some of this can be attributed to translation (there are references EN readers won’t catch), and some to the fact that Wei Wuxian is the POV character and he is undeniably an unreliable narrator who barely knows what he himself wants, let alone anyone else. He spends a long time thinking Lan Wangji dislikes him, and not realizing he himself is bi. He also… flirts in a way that is intended to offend, when he’s pretending to be Mo Xuanyu, and some of those situations involve innuendo. It’s just really different for a long time.
Okay, moving on. This story is not really about smut and sex at all. There is some kissing without explicit consent in chapter 69 (Wei Wuxian doesn’tknow who’s kissing him but the audience does). If you want to skip that section stop reading at “After the song finished, Wei Wuxian crossed his arms and leaned against the tree in a more comfortable position. The flute was between his arms, while the flower was still at his chest, emitting a crisp, quiet fragrance.” and skip to “He began to walk randomly around the forest.”(this is in the middle of a paragraph, but the start is just about giving up looking for the person who kissed him).
You might want to skip chapter 95 entirely, and definitely most of it. You maywant to stop reading at “After a hard struggle, Wei Wuxian finally dragged Lan Wangji back to the inn. When the owner saw that they caught two hens in the middle of the night and even gave them to her, her expression almostcouldn’t be put into words” in Chapter 94 (It’s the start of a bath scene that leads into the next chapter). There is one section at the end of chapter 95 where Wei Wuxian begins to confess his feelings after sex if you want to read that. It starts with “Wei Wuxian had buried the things he wanted to ask Lan Wangji inside of him for a long time, too afraid to ask” and does contain some situational references to the sex (they’re on the bed and Wei Wuxian is calming down), and goes through the end of the chapter. If you want to avoid it entirely you can skip straight from the start of the bath scene in 94 to chapter 96 and just know that they’re having major, major miscommunications about feelings.
You should be good from then on until chapter 111 in terms of actual sex taking place. Wei Wuxian references the sex and wanting to sleep with Lan Wangji in chapter 100 as part of the actual confession scene (“I want/wanted to sleep with you”). It never gets more explicit than that phrase, but it’s almost impossible to edit out by skipping text and there’s a lot of plot happening around it.
In Chapter 111, you have some choices. If you don’t want to read references to the kiss in chapter 69, stop at “As he wished, Wei Wuxian was pinned onto the ground and smooched for a long while.” If you don’t mind that reference, stop at “Only a lil’ fuddy-duddy like you would believe me hahahahahaha…” Then you can either skip rest of the chapter, or to “Carefully, Lan Wangji went to kiss him, his movements somewhat clumsy”and read through “Until now, it’d been thirteen years since scab grew over this wound” if you want the story of how Lan Wangji got a brand on his chest to match Wei Wuxian’s scar (this tangent is embedded within the sex scene).
Chapter 112 is really up to your taste, and there’s nothing super plot-relevant you’ll miss by skipping it. There’s no sex, but there are references to the fact that they’re having sex often, and there’s a bunch of teasing that leads tolight bondage and making out before they’re interrupted by the novel’s version of meeting Mianmian and her family. I think that if you want just the Mianmian scene without the references and teasing you can start at “The two parted at once” and end at “Lan Wangji plunged over and finally caught him, holding him tight in his arms as he protested, ‘We have [bowed as in a marriage ceremony], so we already are… [married].’”
Chapter 113 is the conclusion of the main text and is entirely ace-friendly. They’re married! And happy! Joy and looking to the future!
I have not read most of the extras. The last two (125: Lotus Seed Pod and 126: Dream Come True) are the only two I have read, and they are ace-friendly (there’s some pining and kissing and flirting and cuteness, but nothing beyond that).  I know that you definitely DO NOT want read the Incense Burner extras (117 and 119). They’re reportedly entirely dream/fantasy smut stuff.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions ^^
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hazelandglasz · 4 years
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Sweet, Sweet Temptation
Word count: 12.727
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Pairing(s): Arizaphale/Crowley (Ineffable Husbands) ; Hastur/Ligur ; Beelzebub/Gabriel (Ineffable Bureaucracy); Background Minor Relationships
Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel, Beelzebub, Hastur
Tags: Alternate Universe-Humans, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Food Porn, Bibliophile Aziraphale, Gourmet Aziraphale, Slow Burn, Awkward Flirting, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Anthony J. Crowley started working at Heavs and Hens, F.A., but they thought he asked too many questions, and frankly, he didn’t like his colleagues’ attitude. (Well. Except for one, but he never got the chance to get close to the blond cutie.) So he left. Now he’s working in a pastry shop and life is infinitely better. (Well. Most of the time, since neither his boss nor his colleagues are too often in the shop and he’s left to his own device, which is really for the best.) Baking is fun, tempting customers is even better, and if there is a certain blond who keeps on coming back to the shop, well, Anthony is not one to deny himself that pleasure.
A massive, massive thank you to the artists who managed to create such beautiful art for this fic, to the mods who set all this process up, and to my betas for blessing this mess!
Artist: IG Hufflepuffbetty (Art Post) / @hufflepuff-betty
Artist: @scribblemakes
They say they fired him, but if you were to ask him, Anthony J. Crowley would tell you that he quit before they could.
Or, more accurately, he would tell you to bugger off and leave him alone, but if he felt like giving you an answer, that is the one he would give you.
Joining the financial advising firm was never his idea of a good time, really, but he did because he could and that it made his mother happy. But as weeks went by, Crowley discovered some things.
About himself, and about the firm’s ways, and both were inextricably in opposite directions.
He discovered that the more answers he found, the more questions he got.
That questions were not exactly welcomed, at Heavs and Hens.
That asking questions was the equivalent of lighting yourself on fire in the middle of a family dinner--a sure way to get everybody’s attention, but at what cost?
That fairness and obeying to the idea of the law was not a top priority for the partners.
And that fairness was one of his major core value (along with curiosity, which, if you have paid attention, should tell you how bad an idea it was for Crowley to work there).
So he quit, not with a bang, but with a swagger.
(And a comfortable “keep your mouth shut” pocket money.)
Oh, Crowley doesn’t hold any lasting feeling toward his former colleagues--especially not for Gabriel, that pompous ass who kept on stealing all of Crowley’s ideas and notes for his own credit--but there is a, oh, how can he put it into words, a chance of something greater that was missed with one particular junior adviser.
The man must be approximately Crowley’s age--old enough to be an adult, young enough to still have hope and energy--, with curly hair so blond Crowley isn’t quite sure it is natural, blue eyes that remind Crowley of a Spring sky, and the perpetual shadow of a smile on his rosy lips.
Yes, Crowley could wax poetics about this angel of a man who passed his desk once, eyes on a pocket watch while Gabriel was berating him for being too soft with the clients.
Crowley also knows one thing about this former colleague of his, that could-have-been-something-more-but-wasn’t, one thing that nobody else knows--if they knew, Crowley has no doubt about whether the man would still be working at the company or not.
(The answer is a resounding “not”)
The man, Mr. Eastgate is all Crowley knows to call him, is not as robotic as the other employees and, behind his soft smile and perfect attire, hides just enough of a dark side to be interesting.
How does Crowley know this to be facts?
Crowley saw a memo that miraculously disappeared from the system the following day.
A memo stating that while Mr. and Mrs. Godson would have been very interesting clients for the firm to acquire--read, very profitable clients who would have ended up with the clothes on their backs, if at all--, Mr A. Eastgate thought it best to tell them to invest their savings in a more secure venture, such as Apple shares or any other investment they could actually profit from in the future.
Which, if you weren’t aware, goes against the grain for a financial advising firm.
Tells you a lot about the kind of ethic and the character of Mr. Eastgate, that’s for certain, but where Crowley wouldn’t have been able to resist the need to rub it in everybody’s face, Mr. Eastgate apparently possesses much more diplomatic talents and decided to just …
Swipe it under the proverbial carpet, and play dumb whenever asked about it.
Crowley has to admit it: he respects that.
In addition to his already unbearable crush on the guy for simply looking cute, that’s the only reason he has a pang of regret as he leaves the firm’s building with his potted plant and his severance check.
So long, Mr. Eastgate.
Aziraphale may not be the best financial advisor in the company, let alone in the world, if only because he doesn’t like putting people in harm’s way, and financial enterprises often lead to harmful conclusions.
But he’s good with numbers, and people listen to him, so, financial advisor it is.
When A.J. Crowley is summoned in the boss’s office and leaves with a smile on his (handsome, unusually handsome) face and a swagger to his walk, sunglasses firmly in place even indoors, Aziraphale feels something akin to regret to see him go--the man was probably the only of his colleagues Aziraphale could stand.
Sad to see him go, but delighted to watch him go, if you can catch his drift.
Good Heavens, what a sight.
Anywho, Aziraphale needs to get back to work, now, doesn’t he?
After all, collecting books is one pricey hobby.
Plant in hand , Crowley lets himself stroll the streets down to the parking garage where he left his beloved car.
As content as he may be to be done with all of those self-righteous lunatics, a question keeps on nagging him:
What is he to do with his life now? Pester his neighbors until they want him blown to smithereens?
Not that he would particularly mind, Crowley delights in being a bother to his admittedly boring neighbors.
But there is a limit to the amount of little offenses one can come up with on a daily basis, isn’t it? And staying idle is really not in his temperament; again, lounging in the sun and doing nothing is a fun past-time, but there always comes a time when his mind cannot stand the passivity.
No, there is no way around it: Crowley needs to find himself a new job, one that will not make him feel like needles are piercing his skin every time his values system is breached.
A quiet, nice job, with almost non-existent colleag--
Oh, look at that shop window.
All thoughts about his future, near and far, come to a standstill as Crowley pauses in front of a bakery.
“Tempting Bites”, an interesting name for sure, but it is the content of the window that really gets his interest.
The cakes are all, indeed, bite-sized, but elegantly decorated--if a little on the morbid side, if Crowley is actually seeing what he thinks he’s seeing.
Yep, that is a tombstone on that grey-glazed éclair.
The pastry cannot be bigger than Crowley’s index finger (sure, he has long, pianist hands, as his mother called it, but still, it is a size-reference) but the fondant is still delicately decorated to mimic granite, and the tombstone is engraved and, dare he say it, sculpted to perfection.
The woman behind the counter glares at him, raising one eyebrow when he replies with a smile.
Daring him to enter her queendom, no doubt, and Crowley has never been good at resisting a dare.
“Good morning,” she says in a deadpan tone, “may I tempt you with one of our delights?”
Crowley’s smile only widens. “I would love to try the éclair in the window,” he replies, eyes perusing the store’s shelves. “And may I get a bag of chouquettes?”
The puff pastries are just, well, too tempting to pass, what with the black and red pearls of sugar decorating them.
“Temptation accomplished,” the salesperson says in a monotone, ringing his purchase. As Crowley goes to pay, he spots a sheet of paper behind them.
“You are hiring?”
They blink at him before sighing. “Yes, we do. Do you have any experience in baking?”
“None whatsoever.”
“Do you mind if the hours are long and the pay minimal?”
Crowley beams at her, leaning over the counter. “Not at all.”
“Are you a felon?”
“Would that matter?”
For the first time since he entered the shop, the hint of a smile appears on the person’s face. “Not at all,” they reply, “but I have to ask.” They shrug, pulling a piece of paper from under the counter. “Here, fill this and send a picture of your I.D. to the number inscribed on top.”
“Right away, boss,” Crowley replies, giving them a jaunty salute with the piece of paper.
“Call me Beelzy.”
If we’re going to continue with this story, there are a couple of things you need to know about Aziraphale Eastgate.
First of all, as previously stated, he is quite the bibliophile, collecting all first editions of British children’s books.
(Yes, it is a collection that requires a lot of time, care, and money.)
(Yes, Mother, he’s aware that he is an adult and that there are better things he could do with his money than chase after kiddy books.)
(No, Mother, he has yet to find a woman to marry and carry on the Eastgate’s legacy.)
((If only she knew.))
Second of all, but perhaps not entirely unrelated to the first point, Aziraphale considers himself an epicurean. A lover of good and beautiful things. A man capable of appreciating the finest things in Life, from a good book to a good meal.
After all, C.S. Lewis said it quite eloquently, “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.”
Third of all, as brave and smart as he vows to be on a daily basis, Aziraphale hates being confronted.
All three are needed to understand how conflicted Aziraphale has always felt about the bakery around the corner near the office.
(All right, so maybe the fact that he is a bibliophile is not particularly relevant to this part of the story. But presenting Aziraphale without insisting upon his love for books would be criminal, criminal indeed.
Back to the point.)
Because on the one hand, bakery! Provider of scrumptious cakes and food!
But on the other hand, the person usually behind the counter makes him feel like he’s about to enter a ring just to prove himself worthy of the cakes.
Oh, he has seen many of his colleagues and many people coming out of the shop with little black bags, so the confrontational attitude may just be in his head, but still.
For now, he has only savored the pastries with his eyes, for their aesthetics and satisfies his need for sweet goodness in other places.
(No one needs to know about this, but his favorite place is a little, how should he say, hole-in-the-wall restaurant near the Theater district that serves the finest sushis in all of London and got him addicted to crepe cakes. Di-vine, to say the least.)
That being said, he’s reconsidering his avoidance of the bakery.
The sight of a certain shade of red hair behind the window is most definitely to be blamed for this change of mind, but Aziraphale would never admit it, even under threat.
(It depends on the kind of threat. Though he tends to avoid it if he can, Aziraphale is more than capable to handle a little brawl, shall the need arise. But threaten his books or his closet, and chances are Aziraphale will fold like a … well, like a crepe.
Oh, crepes.)
As it is, Aziraphale is not so easily tempted, so “Tempting Bites” and his possibly newly hired and very tempting salesman will have to work a little bit harder at convincing him.
Or, to be more truthful, Aziraphale will need to be sure that it is his infamous former colleague who is now behind the counter, in order to ensure a fruitful encounter.
Crowley is many things, but he is not a liar.
When Beelzy asked if he had any baking knowledge, he did not lie when he said none whatsoever. 
But. He is a very fast learner.
And. He has a lot of imagination.
Not necessarily a bad combination--he supposes it depends on who you asked.
“What. Is. That.”
Crowley beams at his boss and at his colleague.
“That, my Lord,” he replies with a small curtsey, “is a pumpkin brioche.”
“A … brioche.”
“A bit on the nose, Crowley,” Hastur drawls from behind him. “An orange brioche, shaped like a pumpkin, and you flavor it with pumpkins.”
“Try it, Hastur.”
“No thank you.”
“Try it before you ditch it.”
Hastur rolls his eyes at him but takes a knife from his pocket anyway, cutting two slices of the brioche.
Beelzy’s face barely shows any reaction, but then again, their face is usually expressionless. As it is, the slight uprising of their eyebrows is all Crowley needed from them.
Hastur’s reaction, in comparison, is far more immediate and satisfying. 
“Yes, Hastur?”
“But--! How--! Beelzebub, how did he do this?”
Beelzy takes another bite, waving the slice in the air. “Well, there are definitely spices in the dough of the brioche--you’ve been too generous with the cinnamon, Crowley, curb your enthusiasm there--reminiscent of the infamous pumpkin spice latte, and there is the matter of the gooey center … Citrus?”
“Lemon zest and orange compote.”
They nod, swallowing the remains of their slice of brioche in two bites. “Good product. We’ll get the high school population and the office population tempted in no time.”
“Only a matter of days until they’re ours.”
Hastur recovered from his shock--or from his distaste of cinnamon, whichever sounds best--and is now smiling like he came up with Crowley’s creation.
“I’m glad you approve of my idea, my Lord,” he simply says, pushing Hastur out of the way with a hip check. 
Beelzy leaves the kitchen as the bell above the door rings and Hastur comes far too close for comfort.
“One of these days, Crowley,” he croaks, “one of these days, you’re going to run out of ideas. And then--”
“And then we’ll be more alike than ever, Hastur! Won’t it be wonderful?”
Hastur snarls one more time before pulling his phone out of his pocket--to text his boyfriend about all the things he wishes he could do to Crowley to make him suffer, no doubt.
Crowley picks up the last piece of brioche from the plate and nods to himself. Indeed too much cinnamon, but he lost track of his spices while he was preparing his test batch.
See, a certain blond head happened to walk by the kitchen’s window when Crowley was seasoning his dough, and, well.
Crowley preferred to follow its tracks than to follow his idea.
That is most definitely Anthony J. Crowley arranging small brioches in a basket in the bakery’s window.
Aziraphale finds himself dry-mouthed at the sight of these long fingers carefully placing one delicate peachy confection after another on a checkered napkin, and he would have an awfully hard time telling you which of the two brings him to push the bakery’s door.
“Good afternoon, how may I tempt you--,” Crowley starts, spinning on his toes before coming to a stop as he sees Aziraphale.
The way he stops and the way he gawks at him from behind his tinted glasses makes Aziraphale blush and preen.
“--today,” Crowley finishes his welcome, a small smile appearing on his face. “Well, well, well. Welcome, Mr. Eastgate.”
He knows who I am.
He knows my name.
Say something, Aziraphale, before he thinks you are under the influence of something illegal.
“Hello, Crowley.”
There, short and to the point.
Oh, dear Lord, he’s leaning against the counter like some sort of Michelangelo’s sculpture.
“Tempted by something, Mr. Eastgate?”
“Oh please, call me Aziraphale, Mr. Eastgate is my brother Uriel.”
Crowley repeating his name should not awaken such warm tingles in his lower regions, and yet, here we are, aren’t we?
Maybe it’s the way his tongue seems to hiss on the ‘zee’ sound and curl around the last ‘el’, maybe it’s the way he says it like Aziraphale himself is the delicacy about to be devoured.
“Earth to Aziraphale?”
Oh, right. He didn’t enter the shop just to leer at his former colleague and ever-present fantasy-man.
“Forgive me, Crowley,” he manages without a stutter, “I was, um, that is to say,” so much for not stuttering, well done, “your buns caught my attention.”
An army of angels passes by, as Crowley’s smile widens into a smirk. “Did they now? Flatterer.”
Aziraphale blinks at him until the words that left his mouth fully register. “Oh! Not those buns! I--I mean! The edible buns! Brioches! In--in the window!” He groans, placing his hand over his face. “Can the floor swallow me now, please?”
“What a waste it would be,” Crowley says quietly, his smile less mocking and more … gentle. “Don’t worry, Aziraphale, your appreciation of all my kinds of buns will be my little secret.”
Aziraphale can literally feel the color of his face taking a turn for the crimson. “G-g-good to know.”
“Now, about the pastries in the window, would you care for one?”
Aziraphale relaxes with a deep breath. “That would be lovely, yes, please.”
Crowley nods and goes to pick a couple of perfectly round orange brioches to put in a paper bag, and Aziraphale watches him carefully.
There is clearly more to Mr Anthony J. Crowley than meets the eye (and a sight it is already, look at those lines, those curves!).
What a pity that he didn’t get closer to the man when they shared an office--now, if he wants to be better acquainted with him, Aziraphale will have to come to the bakery quite often, won’t he?
As he takes a bite of one pumpkin-flavored brioche at the bus stop, letting moans that scandalize and, or, amuse his fellow commuters, Aziraphale comes to realize that it won’t be much of a hardship to pursue a friendship with his former colleague, present favorite baker.
Crowley waits for Aziraphale to cross the street and turn toward the bus stop to fall to his knees behind the counter, one hand pressed against his heart.
So not only the man looks like an angel, but he decides to attack Crowley with puns, albeit unintended, and a delicious flush that Crowley wanted to follow under that crisp, white shirt?
Cruel, cruel, cruel.
Cruel and delicious torture.
As time goes by, Crowley comes to really appreciate his new job.
Sure the hours complicate his social life, but Crowley never really had a social life to begin with, and he’d rather be in the lab in the early morning to tend to his garden of herbs and berries and try new recipes than go out and, what, dance on a sticky dance floor in the hopes of finding someone who will only be second-best to the man he really yearns for ?
He’s not that much of a dancer anyway.
And he has standards.
“I’m warning you, you better do as I say or there will be consequences.”
Luckily for him, now that both Beelzy and Hastur know he can hold the fort alone, they tend to mysteriously disappear and leave him to his own device.
All the better for Crowley to experiment to his heart’s content.
All the better for Crowley to enjoy the company of one particularly faithful customer, too.
Aziraphale comes almost every day now, several times on particularly gruesome days in fact.
By some kind of magic, the shop manages to always be empty when Aziraphale enters it, allowing Crowley to take a break with a man who is slowly becoming a friend.
Crowley doesn’t talk much, not in his nature really, unless a bottle of strong alcohol is involved, but he is a good listener.
And there are very few things in this world as entertaining and satisfying as Aziraphale daintily devouring Crowley’s cakes while ranting about his colleagues.
The man is made of contrasts, and Crowley …
Well, Crowley loves it.
You’re not in his head.
So what if he made a detailed mental list of all of Aziraphale’s preferences in the matter of tastes, uh?
What about it?
So what if his heart tries to compete in the Gymnastics Olympics every time the doorbell rings?
What are you going to do about it? Mock him? Tell him that he is an idiot for pining after a man who, clearly, seeks his company?
(Well, you wouldn’t be completely wrong about that, even Crowley would admit it. Not out loud, never out loud, but he would admit it.)
Trust him, he knows that this is bordering on ridiculous, this pinning and sighing and burying his feelings in yeast and flour whenever Aziraphale leaves.
Ridiculous, yet productive. 
He just put a batch of his matcha, sesame and crushed hazelnut loaves out of the oven, right before the end of the working day, when Aziraphale comes in.
“Hmmm, that smells heavenly.”
“That’s the yeast fucking.”
The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them--he entirely blames Hastur for the phrasing (and his twisted mind for actually enjoying it)--and he looks up toward Aziraphale in alarm, with an apology on the edge of his lips.
Except that Aziraphale, while clearly startled by Crowley’s words, seems to be even more enthused by them, if the beaming smile on his face is to be trusted.
It’s blinding, truth be told, even with the protective sunglasses Crowley has to wear at all times to protect his sensitive eyes from any light.
“The yeast f--”
“I mean, it’s the dough,” Crowley interrupts. He’s not sure he would survive hearing Aziraphale actually curse.
He’s already as infatuated as can be, there is absolutely no need to add another layer of hidden bastardry into the mix.
Aziraphale hums, his amused smile hiding possibly jokes that would kill Crowley on the spot. 
“And what, pray tell my dear, did you do to make the dough rise so deliciously?”
A thousand arrows into the chest probably wouldn’t hurt as much as this.
Either Aziraphale has taken a secret vow to kill Crowley with innuendos while not doing anything about … whatever is brewing between them, or he is really that oblivious and Crowley’s mind just has a dirty filter.
Whatever explanation works, Crowley wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Green tea and roasted sesame seeds,” he replies before shimmying his shoulders. “And my personal touch.”
Aziraphale’s cheeks turn a delicious shade of pink. “As in …?”
“As in, that’s my secret and you won’t get it, as angelic as you may appear.”
Aziraphale looks surprised for a moment, before turning bashful. “An-angelic? Me? No, I’m not, I’m just... I’m just me.”
Crowley cocks his head to the side, mentally listing everything he would love to do to the people who ate this man’s self-esteem.
Then he starts mentally listing everything he could do to restore said self-esteem, and, folks, it takes a turn for the graphic with the speed of light.
“You are just you,” he finally says, leaning over the counter with his chin in his hand, “and that’s all it takes for you to be angelic.”
The blush on Aziraphale’s face darkens, but his smile is more assured already. “That’s … probably the nicest thing anyone has ever s--”
“Oh shut up,” Crowley sneers as he straightens up, “I’m not nice.”
Aziraphale makes a show of zipping his lips shut, but his shy smile is still there when he leaves.
When Crowley leaves the shop, not too long after Aziraphale, the skies have taken a turn for the gloomy and seem ready to open and throw a flood on them all.
Crowley allows himself a moment of self-pity. Even if he takes the bus instead of walking home like he intended to, there is no actual bus-stop.
Hence no shelter.
Hence his new boots getting soaked and his evening ruined.
Raising his head to the heavens just as the first drops fall, he mouths a heartfelt “why” before making his way to the aforementioned bus-stop.
Only to find a blonde head and a beige trenchcoat waiting under the most Aziraphale-Esque umbrella possibly conceived.
The man in question looks startled before beaming at him. “Crowley!”
Without another word, he lifts the umbrella higher, giving Crowley some room to shelter himself from the downpour.
“What are you doing here? I thought you had dinner plans for the evening,” Crowley says, digging his hands in his pockets to keep himself from doing something stupid.
Like, on the top of his head, snake his arm around Aziraphale’s waist.
That would be a terrible, awful idea.
A deliciously awful idea.
Aziraphale shrugs. “I did,” he replies, looking at Crowley from the corner of his eye, “and then decided I would rather be at home, with a nice cup of cocoa and a book--and some secret bread someone just created.”
His bus comes and leaves and Crowley cannot be bothered to leave the cocoon of warmth that the umbrella provides.
“Which bus are you taking?” Aziraphale’s voice is muted as if the umbrella really shelters them both, not only from the rain but from the rest of the world.
“I--I think it just drove away.”
Aziraphale looks at him more directly, a crooked smile on his face. Not mocking, no, just …
A smile that speaks a thousand words.
A smile that says, “I know what you did, and I know what it tells me about you and about us, but I won’t say it aloud. For now. Because this is comfortable and nice too.”
Or at least that’s how Crowley reads it.
“Looks like mine is delayed,” Aziraphale simply says. “How do you feel about breakfast for dinner?”
Crowley smiles, tired but content. “What do you have in mind, Mr. Eastgate?”
“If there is enough cocoa for one, there is enough for two, my dear Mr. Crowley.”
For the life of him, Aziraphale doesn’t know what he was thinking.
He entirely blames Crowley’s tight pants and warm smile and--and ...Well, he entirely blames Crowley for being Crowley for his enthusiastic yet unplanned invitation to go to his place.
If he has to be completely honest, Aziraphale’s place is … Not somewhere you invite someone without careful planning beforehand.
(Especially someone who could potentially see more of the place than any random guest, and is possibly someone Aziraphale would like to see in the said apartment more often than not.
As in, always and forever.)
Because, and not that it is a piece of information that is absolutely needed but it bares being told at least once, Aziraphale is messy.
“Ooooooh,” Crowley starts, low under his breath the moment Aziraphale lets him in, an amused look on his face. “You’re messy.”
It does bare being told twice, to be honest.
What puzzles Aziraphale is the sheer delight in Crowley’s voice. He glances around the living room, slash, kitchen, slash, dining room, slash, personal library, and tries to give it an objective look.
There are empty, dirty mugs in the sink, but otherwise, the kitchen area is clean-ish.
There are … oh dear Lord, there are dirty clothes on the couch where Aziraphale came home last night, too tired to get to his bed but not tired enough that he didn’t feel like indulging in a little one-on-one session with himself and his thoughts before succumbing to sleep.
(If said thoughts involved the very person now standing in said living room, well, that’s for Aziraphale’s shame to feed on.)
Three books are opened, stacked in a precarious pile on the coffee table.
At least Anathema is nowhere in sight. With any luck, she’s asleep on Aziraphale’s bed and won’t bother sniffing around.
(Aziraphale feels like introducing Crowley and Anathema would bare more consequences than introducing Crowley to his family.)
Some shoes and ties create a parkour-worthy arrangement around the room.
On his shelves, it’s not a mess. It’s the perfectly organized chaos Aziraphale has chosen as his way of putting his collection together.
All the editions of one book together, naturally, arranged per publication date, of course.
So it looks a bit in disarray in relation to the sizes and the conservation states.
That doesn’t bother him in the slightest, but he can see how, added to the rest of the room, his shelves give a distinctively chaotic vibe.
Still, Crowley is not running for the hills or making fun of him as some other people did in the past.
(Gabriel is a judgmental asshole who wouldn’t make the difference between a sketch by E.H. Shepard and a napkin at the bottom of a dump, and he can suck on his minimalistic design for all Aziraphale cares.
Still hurts when he makes fun of Aziraphale’s prized possessions.)
No, quite the contrary. Aziraphale can only gulp when he spots Crowley strutting, really, the man is strutting in his living room, caressing the back of Aziraphale’s chair or browsing the shelves, the same delighted look on his face softening as he goes.
“Oh, Aziraphale,” he says suddenly, voice barely above the sound of the rain hitting the window. “How did you get your hands on this one?”
Aziraphale forgets all of his embarrassment at the state of his home to see what caught Crowley’s attention.
“Not just any Sendak, you little minx. Quite the controversial item, isn’t it?”
“Oh!” Aziraphale can tell that his cheeks are now matching some of his books binding. “Well, no respectable collection--”
Crowley snorts and raises one eyebrow.
“No collection would be complete without Sendak’s entire body of work, now would it?”
“Dreaming about baking in the nude, Aziraphale?”
Aziraphale’s brain flies out the window and into the gutter. “I--you--but--”
Crowley snickers, reaching for the copy of “In the Night Kitchen”.
Aziraphale takes it first, clutching it to his chest. “You demon! Do you enjoy making fun of me?”
Crowley’s smile slowly melts away. “I am not making fun of you, honest. It’s just …” Crowley looks frustrated, searching for his words and that alone appeases Aziraphale. “I like finding out that there are more layers to you than what you usually let people know, okay?”
It’s raw and honest and, frankly, adorable.
If Aziraphale wasn’t so worried about losing Crowley’s friendship, he would jump in his arms right there and then kiss the sarcasm out of him.
(It would take a while. Maybe even a lifetime. That doesn’t bother him. He’s willing to spend that time on this task.)
As it is, Aziraphale simply puts the book back on its shelf before clasping his hands in front of him. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
Aziraphale chances a look at Crowley, who is busy pretending he finds the pattern on Aziraphale’s floor mind-riveting.
“How about that cocoa to go with your loaf?”
Crowley visibly chokes on air.
“Of bread! Your loaf of bread! That I bought!”
“... Right.”
Aziraphale all but runs to the safety of his kitchen where he gently smacks his head against a cupboard.
“Are you all right, Aziraphale?”
“Y-yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Aziraphale closes his eyes one moment before letting out a deep breath. “Do you have a milk preference? And do you want some sugar in your ….?”
Crowley appears next to him. “I wouldn’t mind if you have sheep milk--easier to digest.” Crowley takes a step that puts his hand almost on top of Aziraphale’s. “And I think I have all the sweetness I need.”
“Ah.” Aziraphale is absolutely not using his countertop as a crutch to keep himself upright while Crowley is standing so close to him.
Dear Lord, he smells like a cologne-scented pastry, and that is more appetizing than it should be.
“Perhaps if you mixed some honey in it, though …”
Aziraphale can’t help but beam at Crowley. “Now that’s an excellent idea, my dear! Go, sit, I’ll be with you in a jiffy.”
Crowley frowns at him, silently muttering “a jiffy?” but still complies with the command.
Aziraphale focuses on preparing their drinks, cutting slices of the delicious green tea loaf and putting them on a clean plate--more of a feat than you’d think--before joining Crowley.
And that’s when he almost drops the tray.
Because Crowley is not sitting on the couch, oh no Sir.
Crowley is sprawled on the couch, spread on the pleather like caramel on a crêpe.
“Com-comfortable, I believe?”
Aziraphale straightens up and bumps his hips against Crowley’s feet. “Leave some room for me, will you?”
Fussing over the cups and saucers, Aziraphale completely misses the fond look Crowley addresses in his direction as he sits more properly.
“What are your plans for the weekend?” Crowley asks, wondering if today is the day he’ll finally get brave enough to ask Aziraphale if he’d like to--
“Would you care to accompany me to the auction I texted you about? Afterward, we could go get some sushis ….”
“Why do you need me, exactly?” Crowley cuts in. “It’s not like I know anything about books.”
(This is a blatant lie, for once. Crowley knows it, you know it, his shelves of astronomical and botanical books and romance novels know it. Aziraphale, however, does not. This will have to wait for Aziraphale to actually come to Anthony’s place, and, well, sorry dears, but Crowley is not there yet.
Pace yourself and enjoy the moment, will you?)
Aziraphale toys with the paper napkin, wringing it into oblivion. “Well, if I remember our brief moment as colleagues, you always seemed to be the … responsible, shall we say, um, perhaps, the sensible kind of fellow.”
Crowley barely resists the need to bark a laugh at that. As it is, he keeps it to a smirk stretching his lips as he leans back in his chair.“Hardly.”
“Now come on, dear,” Aziraphale tuts, oblivious to the way Crowley’s eyes widen at the term of endearment, “you would do a fantastic wingman to contain my enthusiasm.”
Crowley briefly raises his eyes to the ceiling--dear God, there is no way his former-colleague-turned-friend-could-be-more is not doing it on purpose, is there?--before sighing. “Why is there a need to contain your enthusiasm?”
Aziraphale gives him a look. 
“No, seriously, Angel,” he continues, this time being the oblivious one to the stunned look on Aziraphale’s face at his choice of words, “you do make a decent living, working for those vampires, why would you need to, um, contain your enthusiasm?”
“Because that’s the … reasonable, err, thing to do?”
“Screw reasonable, Aziraphale!” Crowley exclaims. “You’re not harming everybody, you are not going to spend all of your money during an auction. After all, there is only one book fitting your collection--”
“Oh. You looked at the catalog I sent you?”
“Of course,” Crowley shrugs, mildly offended. “So if you’re only looking to buy one book, why not splurge a little?”
“When you put it that way …”
“Treat yourself, Angel!”
“Clever tempter.” Aziraphale tries to look angry, but it only comes out as unbearably cute.
Crowley lets himself smile as fondly as his heart desires at Aziraphale. “Not much to tempt when it’s already what you wanted to do.”
“So, will you come with me, Crowley?”
Oh, right, he never actually gave an answer did he? “I guess. If nothing else more interesting comes my way.”
“What? I may have hundreds of invitations waiting for me to give them a reply.”
“Dear,” Aziraphale says, his voice just lower enough to awaken an unidentified heat in Crowley’s stomach, “you’re the one who asked me if I had plans over the weekend.”
With a pat on Crowley’s knees, Aziraphale is up and already at the door with a wave. “See you Saturday on New Bond Street, Crowley!”
Crowley is left stunned in his chair, looking after the blond curls bobbing down the street.
The little devil.
To be completely honest, Aziraphale wasn’t sure Crowley would show up.
After all, it is his only day of freedom before going back to a job that is far more physically demanding than Aziraphale’s. Aziraphale would completely understand if Crowley decided to just sleep it away.
(He would understand. He would be disappointed and sad, but that would be for him and for his pet to know.)
But no.
Next to the entrance of the auction house, in all his glorious lankiness draped in black, stands the man starring in a lot of Aziraphale’s dreams lately.
Oh, kindly get your mind out of the gutter, not all those dreams are of the pornographic variety.
(The key-word here being “not all”.)
Crowley’s hair is out of his usual messy bun, flowing in crimson rivlets around his angular face. Sunglasses firmly in place even though it is a cloudy day in London.
As for the rest of his attire, one would call it “punk chic” if one even dared to try and qualify Crowley’s …
Crowley as a whole is inqualifiable, isn’t he? Almost …
And here he goes again, waxing poetic over Crowley while being too shy, awkward, afraid, to do something about it.
Would that be so hard? “Hey Crowley, thanks for coming, after the auction, would you fancy some dinner? No, not like the hundreds we already shared, no, this one would be special. A date. I’m asking you on a date. No? Preposterous? Oh, alright, back to business as usual then, see you Monday at the bakery.”
See? Not that hard. Hardly more than a band-aid ripped from one’s skin.
… Right. As if that simple mind simulation didn’t rip Aziraphale’s heart out of his chest, stomped on it before putting the beaten pulp back for him to heal.
“Right on time, Angel.”
The pet name never fails to cause more aortic gymnastics and Aziraphale beams at Crowley. “If right on time means half an hour before the auction, then, yes, right on time.”
Crowley digs his hands in his pockets, face turned to the ground. “I know you want to find a good spot to observe without being observed,” he mumbles as they enter the auction house and are directed toward the room. “Half an hour to do so sounds reasonable.”
“I appreciate the effort,” Aziraphale says lightly, lighter than he really feels. “I thought reason was your kryptonite.”
A crooked smile appears on Crowley’s face, and he pulls his glasses down just enough for Aziraphale to see him wink. “Among other things, Angel.”
Crowley takes two strides as Aziraphale is glued on the spot.
That--that was flirting, wasn’t it?
It has to mean something, doesn’t it?
Aziraphale is going to lose his darn mind trying to read between Crowley’s lines.
(And he loves every second of it, don’t get him wrong.)
“Now, do you prefer to sit in the back, or somewhere in the middle? I’d prefer somewhere where we can talk without disturbing anybody, even if the walls have ears,” Crowley is rambling, strutting--there is really no other way to put it--strutting his stuff back and forth across the room where the auction will be held. “Do books have ears?” he mutters, to Aziraphale’s complete delight, before snickering in a way that can only be described as adorable, as much as Crowley denies being anything approaching “adorable”, “cute” ou even just “nice”. “Though I suppose they can be eared.”
It requires a lot of focus on their surroundings and a massive amount of self-control for Aziraphale to keep himself from throwing himself at Crowley and kiss the living daylights out of him right then and there.
“Get it?” Crowley insists, his smile far too much for Aziraphale to handle. “Dog-eared?”
“I get it, dear,” Aziraphale says, willing his cheeks to return to their normal, pale complexion. In a very satisfying turn of event, his blush seems to transfer to Crowley’s cheeks, too. “Very funny, and contextually appropriate. Kudos.”
Crowley gives him a little curtsey before pointing at different seats. “So? The choice is yours, Angel.”
Oh, Aziraphale knows that there is a slight percentage of Crowley’s choice of pet name which is vaguely mocking. He knows.
He does love being called “Angel” by a man who looks like one himself, only in a more lustful way.
(Can angels be lustful creatures? There is a probably a whole moral and theological debate to have there, but he’ll keep it in mind for their next date-not-a-date-God-he-wishes-it-was-a-date.)
“Right this way,” Aziraphale points to two seats in second to last row, somewhere around the middle. “Perfect view, perfect to bid.”
As if summoned by magic, a paddle seems to appear in Crowley’s hand. Aziraphale eyes it warily as Crowley twirls it in the air. “Planning on bidding, dear?”
“Yep. You should get yours too.”
Crowley looks over the rim of his sunglasses to look at Aziraphale. “Deadly.”
Aziraphale attempts to glare a him as he stands, taking a double take to make sure that his companion is not pulling his leg. When Crowley has the audacity to make a “go on” motion, Aziraphale huffs and puffs all the way to the paddle counter.
“And what, pray tell, do you plan on bidding on, exactly?”
“Something awfully overpriced, just to make some idiots pay more than they should.”
“Oh, be serious, Crowley.”
The room fills up one person at a time, but as far as Aziraphale is concerned, it’s just the two of them.
“If you must know,” Crowley replies, a faint blush appearing on the apple of his cheeks (and on the tip of his ears, that is just … Aziraphale has no words), “while browsing the catalogue you sent me, I spotted a copy of a book that could look good on my shelves.”
“As in …?”
“As in, wait and see, good things come to those who wait, for Pete’s sake!”
Aziraphale smiles crookedly at that, as discretely as he can manage.
If he had any doubts, they’re all gone now. There is definitely more to Crowley than meets the eye. The man is not as blasé as he would like to appear.
Or maybe, just maybe, he only lets Aziraphale sees under all that nonchalance to show his true self.
That possibility almost makes him faint.
“Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention,” the auctioneer calls with a too-white smile. “Let’s begin with the first lot of this English literature, History science and Children’s book auction, shall we?”
It’s not that Crowley is a bibliophile--far from it.
He simply has a profound respect for books and the answers they can provide to all the questions in the Universe.
And sometimes, just for the fun of it, he likes to splurge on books which show how far Humanity has come, in terms of knowledge.
The irony of it all, and, though he’ll never admit it, the hope that lies between those lines.
If humanity is capable of growing out of a pit of superstitions and darkness, the future cannot be as bleak as it looks, can it?
Which leads us to the present moment, to the book he spotted in the aforementioned catalogue and wishes to purchase if it fits his splurging budget.
Rachel Bell Maiden’s “The Canape Book”.
The small book doesn’t look like much, on its podium, barely held upright by the handler’s gloved hand.
And yet, Crowley wants it like he doesn’t often want for things.
(A look on his left tells a different story, but a, this is not the place nor the time, and b, Crowley himself doesn’t want to admit to himself that he yearns.
Humans can be stupid like that.)
The green binding is pretty unique, or so Crowley has learned online, and he really, really ...
“Starting the auction at 200 pounds, do we have a bidder, I have an offer at 250 pounds …”
Crowley raises his paddle like a sword in the air.
“300 pounds to paddle 666. I have an offer at 325?”
One more lift.
“350, 350 to paddle 666. What about you, Sir, care to raise the stakes? No? On the phone?”
The auctioneer looks around the room and Crowley starts sweating. As it is, with the fees, and everything, the book is going to be right on the verge of extravagant for his budget.
But it is a good purchase, if only to find recipes to try with Aziraphale, sandwiches and cocktails that will make for splendid afternoon and fantastic evenings, perhaps a prelude to more if they--if he ever gets himself together.
“Going once, going twice …”
“Come on,” Crowley mutters between gritted teeth.
“And sold to paddle 666, congratulations sir.”
“Yesss,” Crowley cannot help but hiss as he puts the paddle away.
Still in the rush of the auction--and yes, it was a rush, shut up--he slides his hand over Aziraphale’s next to him. 
And Aziraphale doesn’t move it away.
Oh, no, quite the opposite actually: he turns his hand to clasp Crowley’s firmly and doesn’t let go.
“Congratulations, dear,” he whispers, close enough for his breath to tickle Crowley’s skin. “I hope to be as successful in my own endeavor.”
Crowley smiles bashfully. “Thank you, Angel.”
The fifty or so lots after that go by without Crowley noticing them.
A not so small part of him wishfully thinks that Aziraphale doesn’t pay much attention to it either.
When Aziraphale straightens up in his chair, paddle at the ready, Crowley turns his attention back to the room.
The big lot of the sale isn’t up yet, but a few heads are turning toward the three tan-leather bound books.
“Now, lot 69, a 1840 printing of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, in 3 volumes, signed by the illustrator George Cruikshank, we have a lot of interest from buyers over the phone, let’s start this auction at 1200 pounds. 1200, 1300, thank you Sir, 1400 for you Emma, 1400 over the phone, 1500 for me, 1600 over the phone with Tang, 1650 for me, 1650, do I have more bidding?”
Aziraphale raises his paddle and Crowley can feel his heart beating faster in his friend’s behalf.
Well, “friend”.
Whatever they are.
“1700 pounds for the paddle 29472, thank you Sir. 1700 in the room, not with me, not on the phone.”
Aziraphale wiggles in his chair, a proud smirk on his face.
“And 1800 for the paddle 75005.”
Aziraphale and Crowley snap their head toward the part of the room pointed by the auctioneer’s hammer. A smug looking person raises one eyebrow at them.
Aziraphale scowls at them and lifts his hand.
“1900, paddle 29472.”
“2000, paddle 75005...”
Crowley glances back at the catalogue when Aziraphale reaches 3000.
“Angel,” he whispers, “you’re at the higher estimate.”
“These books are mine,” Aziraphale growls back, and while the sound goes straight to Crowley’s bloodstream, it may be time for this whole affair to end.
Glaring at the back of Mx. 75005’s head, Crowley waits for them to lift their paddle, again, and turn to smirk at them, again.
Which they do--so predictable.
Crowley discreetly brings his thumb to his throat and hisses.
The person seems appropriately taken aback.
Aziraphale lifts his paddle one more time, bringing the auction to 3500 pounds.
“3500 pounds for paddle 29742, do you wish to continue, Sir?”
The person hesitates, glancing at them one more time. Crowley lowers his glasses to glare them into submission.
And then they shake their head.
“We’re at 3500 pounds for the gentleman with the paddle 29742, do I have any more bidder? Going once, going twice…”
Aziraphale is the one reaching for Crowley’s hand this time around.
“And sold. Congratulations, Sir. Now, moving on to lot 70 …”
“Unless you wish to stay for what most of these people consider to be the important lot of this sale,” Aziraphale whispers, his hand still clasping Crowley’s, “we can take our leave.”
“Do you want to see how it goes?”
“Nah, I’ll check the final results online.”
“Sure. Let’s go. I feel peckish.”
“Indeed. How about some crepes?”
“Lead the way, Angel.”
“Well, wasn’t that fun?” Aziraphale says happily, hands clasped in his back as they walk down the street.
“It was fun,” Crowley replies, a crooked smile on his face. “Especially to see that side of you, Angel.”
“Which side, my dear?”
“The feisty, slightly bastardish side, of course.”
Aziraphale wants to protest, he does, but even if he felt like lying to Crowley, he couldn’t possibly procede. And he can admit that he did let out his … inner bastard.
“Right. Well. I’m glad you enjoyed that.”
“You have no idea.”
Crowley’s voice catches Aziraphale’s attention. It’s soft suddenly around the edges, almost tender, almost fond.
Almost smitten.
Aziraphale searches Crowley’s face for more clues, but beside this smirk that has indeed softened into a grin, his blasted sunglasses block Aziraphale’s “reading”.
“Crowley …”
“Angel …”
They both start at the same time but Crowley shakes his head before Aziraphale can tell him to go ahead. “Never mind that. Where are you taking us?”
Aziraphale considers pushing it, once and for all--speak your mind and heart, damn you, so I can snog you senseless in the middle of Oxford Circus--but Crowley is not the kind of man you can push into confession, that much Aziraphale knows now.
“To my secret spot.”
Crowley’s face instantly matches the crimson lining of his jacket. “Cool. Do you take all your dates there?”
“I never brought anyone there, I’ll have you know,” Aziraphale replies over the pitter patter of his heart at the mention of this afternoon being a date. “But I--I want you to be my guest there.”
They reach a crossroad and Aziraphale brings his hands in front of him, nervouser and nervouser as Crowley remains silent.
Until, that is, Crowley’s hand enters his line of vision.
Crowley is not looking at him, but he still wiggles his fingers, prompting Aziraphale to take it.
“I would love to see your secret spot, Angel,” Crowley finally says, voice barely covering the hubbub around them. “I am--I am honored.”
It’s only because he knows the way so well that Aziraphale doesn’t lose them both in the streets, floating as he is on his very own cloud.
“This,” Crowley says with as much doubt as he can put in a single syllable, “is where you take me to have crêpes?”
“Indeed it is.”
“This restaurant? Really?”
“Don’t pass on such a hasty judgment,” Aziraphale tutts. “‘For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned’.”
Crowley groans as he follows him inside the tiny Japanese restaurant. “Quoting scriptures at me now? Why, oh why would you do that?”
Aziraphale salutes the owner before taking “his” seat, inviting Crowley to join him. “If only to make you admit that you knew the source of my quote, you fallen soul. And to gently ask you not to say another word before you have a chance to try their desserts.”
“Fine, fine, I suppose I can put my judgmental side on hold for a moment with you.”
Oh. Wow. That’s too much, too fast, wow.
All Aziraphale can do on the outside is clearing his throat and pulling the menu in front of him.
“I mean--” Crowley starts, but Aziraphale cuts him short. 
“Should we split one plate of crêpes, or should we share two plates, I don’t know, I--I, um, I know I have built an appetite with the adrenaline and all, but how do you feel?”
Crowley shrugs, pulling off his glasses to clean them with his scarf. “You’re the connoisseur, you decide. I’m putting my faith in you, Angel.”
But all of Aziraphale’s knowledge and appreciation for the crêpe cakes on the menu flew out the window the moment Crowley’s eyes came into view.
They’re such a peculiar shade, a mesmerizing golden amber Aziraphale could bask in for all of Eternity.
“Uh? Sorry, my dear boy, I was--I was lost in thoughts.”
“Pure, happy thoughts?”
“Enough to make me fly if I had any fairy dust.”
Crowley opens and closes his mouth, the smile left behind enough for Aziraphale to gather that he has a joke on the tip of his tongue and is refraining out of the goodness of his heart.
“You were saying?” he asks instead, folding back the menu to focus on Crowley, now that those jewelled eyes are once again hidden.
(What a shame, but what a relief for his poor heart, too.)
“I was asking you what was your favorite cake?”
“Depends on my mood,” Aziraphale replies, more comfortable on the subject of food. “A good vanilla crêpe can do the trick but when I feel like treating myself properly …”
“Chestnut and chocolate is my go-to.”
“An interesting combination.”
“A scrumptious combination!” Aziraphale claps his hands. “Oh, that makes my decision easier. We must simply try that.”
Aziraphale’s favorite waiter approaches and they exchange a few words in Japanese before Aziraphale places his order.
As he leaves them to it, Aziraphale turns back to Crowley who is gawking at him.
Crowley clears his throat and chuckles awkwardly. “You--you speak Japanese?”
“Oh, yes, I do, don’t I?”
Crowley cocks his head to the side, fingers drumming on the tablecloth.
Aziraphale starts fidgeting under such intense scrutiny. “What’s so special about it, anyway? I’m sure you speak other languages, too.”
It comes out a bit more defensively than he really intended to. There is just something about Crowley that reveals his darker side.
Crowley smirks, still drumming on the table. “I speak Scottish, if that counts.”
“Of course it does.”
“And I suppose I can manage with French, but nothing as … exotic as Japanese.”
“Tout à fait.”
Isn’t it funny, how we sometimes discover things about ourselves late in life?
As it is, until this very moment, Aziraphale had no idea that a few words uttered in French could affect him as it does.
But affected he is, and to his core.
“Mighty useful, French, when you enjoy baking,” Crowley continues, seemingly unaware of the sudden heat threatening to consume his companion on the spot. “So many French words just to talk about ingredients. Beurre noisette, crème pâtissière, sucre boulé …”
“Would you teach me?”
Crowley stops in his tracks and looks at Aziraphale over the rim of his glasses. “French, or baking?”
Oh, it’s not that Aziraphale doesn’t see how either lesson could turn into an apocalyptic sort of disaster. He does, he absolutely, with great clarity, does.
But on the other hand, this kind of apocalypse would inevitably lead to him and Crowley spending more time together, getting closer, until Aziraphale would be able to whisper his freshly acquired vocabulary into the meat of Crowley’s skin.
So, yes, Aziraphale would take the risk of an apocalypse of embarrassment for the reward of successfully wooing Crowley.
“That could be fun,” Crowley replies just as the crêpes land on their table, his hand suddenly covering Aziraphale in a sneak attack. “If you teach me something in return.”
Oh, boy.
“What would you want me to teach you?” Aziraphale asks.
“You could teach me Japanese,” Crowley replies, taking his hand back--both a blessing and a curse. “Or fencing.”
Aziraphale freezes. “How do you know I fence?”
Crowley sits back in his chair, cup of tea in his hand as he slouches. “Something in your posture, Angel,” he replies, gesturing in Aziraphale’s direction. “It was either fencing or horse riding.”
“And how do you know it’s not horse riding?”
“Hard on the buttocks, horses. Bit of a flaw in the design, if you ask me. But you don’t strike me as someone who would inflict such pain on his buttocks.”
Such a sentence promptly produces images of Crowley thinking about the comfort of his buttocks, which, if you are in Aziraphale’s mind, doesn’t take too long before derailing into Crowley taking care of his ass.
Not that Aziraphale’s mind needs much prompting to go in that direction nowadays.
“Touché,” is all he can say without making a fool of himself in the middle of his favorite restaurant. To cover for his sudden silence, he picks up a fork to dig into the crêpes.
Ah, crêpes.
Even when they are average, they are the superior dessert, snack and culinary creation altogether.
Aziraphale takes a moment to enjoy his first bite. Much like a French philosopher, Aziraphale thinks that as enjoyable a thing may be, nothing can surpass the happiness brought by the first bite, first sip, first encounter.
The crêpes are thin yet soft, with a delicate crispy ring on the edges. In the center, the pieces of chocolate are on the verge of being completely melted, but not yet, while the crushed chestnuts are bringing some texture to the whole plate.
Aziraphale hums in his delight, before pushing the plate toward Crowley. “Where are my manners? You’re the one who has to try this for the first time.”
Crowley picks up a fork, turning the plate so he can face an untouched part of the crêpe. Aziraphale carefully watches his face for his reaction.
His mind takes another turn for the gutter at the way Crowley flicks his tongue at the fork before closing his lips around it, but then.
Crowley’s eyes widens, visible even from behind the tainted lenses and he lets out a soft, heartfelt moan that seems to fly directly through Aziraphale’s veins and straight to his heart.
“That’s--” Crowley starts, a pink flush appearing on his high cheeks. “It’s delicious!”
A small part of Aziraphale’s mind takes pride in making his … friend discover such a pleasure, but most of it is entirely consumed by the way Crowley looks at the moment.
Amazement colors his features, and the largest smile Aziraphale has ever seen on his face stretches his lips.
If Aziraphale thought he had a crush on the lanky man before, that is nothing compared to the rush of, well, Love he feels right now.
“I can understand why you kept this place a secret, Angel,” Crowley says, picking a second piece of the crêpe cake. “This is truly a slice of Heaven.”
Aziraphale lets out a short giggle before smothering it with a forkful of cake.
“Yes, dear?”
Crowley removes his glasses completely before cupping his face in his palm. The sight of those golden eyes, with their oh so particular shade, short-circuits Aziraphale’s brain.
Particularly because of the fondness warming them.
“May I tempt you for dinner?”
“T-tempt me?”
Crowley cocks one eyebrow at him. “Well, asking you for dinner on my terms means making you leave work early, thus tempting you away from them all.”
“The parasites who used to be my colleagues.”
And just like that, the warm feelings in Aziraphale’s chest melt away. “Parasites?”
Crowley must hear the change of tone in his voice. “Well,” he straightens up while managing to still slouch in his chair, “you know. Gabriel, Michael, all those who act all holier than thou.”
Aziraphale feels hurt--he isn’t quite sure if he feels attacked or if it’s just a sense of professional duty. “Aren’t I one of them too?”
Crowley puts his sunglasses back on. “You work there, yes, but you are not one of them,” he replies emphatically.
“How so?”
“I know so.”
Aziraphale swipes his face with his hand. “I know I should take your words as a compliment, but what makes you so sure that I’m not like them?!”
Crowley smiles at him, blinding and, and, loving, yes. “I know you would never take advantage of the people who have faith in you,” he replies simply. “And that you are more layered than any of those buffoons.”
“And given the chance, you wouldn’t work for them.”
It’s Aziraphale’s turn to raise an eyebrow at Crowley. “Oh really. And what would I rather do?”
“I think that you would be way happier if your job involved books and making people happy.”
Aziraphale blinks at the image those words paint.
Far too appealing an image. He needs to stir the conversation away from it.
“To answer your earlier proposal …”
“Hmm yes?”
“I would love to let you tempt me.”
“Great.” Crowley beams at him. “Meet me at the bakery around 5pm.”
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
The thing you need to know about Crowley is that he’s a perfectionnist.
Oh, maybe you already gathered as much about him from the rest of the story already.
But anyway, that is to say that in preparation for his date--because yes, this is officially a date, if the previous day wasn’t already one--, Crowley spends the night trying to figure out the best sweets to treat his angel to.
(Yes, his. Aziraphale is his. Move on.)
He considers making a decadent crepe cake, perhaps even on with a heart hidden in its center, cliché be damned, but does he really want to enter a competition with Aziraphale’s favorite dessert on their first date?
No, he doesn’t. Maybe later, once they will have dated for a while, for a special occasion perhaps.
No, for now, Crowley needs to blow Aziraphale’s mind and tastebuds.
(No, Crowley is absolutely not considering blowing anything else. Who do you take him for? 
… If the mood seems right.
The rest of the meny is fairly simple: Crowley knows Aziraphale’s tastes now. Fresh, quality ingredients, some fancy ones but nothing that can take him away from the ultimate prize that is the dessert.
So he decided to start with oysters (which doesn’t require a lot of preparation, juste the mignonette sauce).
Pros: it’s easy, fresh and aphrodisiac.
Cons: the shells. But Crowley will deal with them later.
For the main dish, Crowley goes with a pancetta and butternut squash risotto.
Pros: he can prepare it in advance and simply reheat it when needed (and he totally prepares it while considering his dessert options).
Cons: well, there are ways to fail at making a risotto, but this is not Crowley’s first risotto. He knows where the potential failure lies, and he sidesteps it like a pro.
And now back to the dessert.
If everything goes as well as Crowley wishes, thinks, hopes it will go, then by the time they get to dessert, they will both want to get closer.
Maybe kiss.
Maybe hold each other.
(Oh, to feel Aziraphale’s soft body pressed against his. Now that would be his treat.)
In order to to so, Crowley has two choices, really.
Either a dessert they can feed to each other, like an ice cream or a mousse of some sorts, or a dessert they can nibble on, like some kinds of biscuits or--
Hold that thought.
Crowley applauds himself before going through the pages of his book.
“Good Nommins: Agnes Nutter’s Nice and Accurate Recipes”, a book he got from his great-great-great-great aunt. All of Crowley’s recipes are a variation he played from those ancient recipes.
And there is something he thinks will do the trick.
So, yes, he spends the night trying recipes, finding ways to recycle what doesn’t make the cut (an unsuitable cookie is only a good cheesecake crust waiting to happen) until Crowley is sure he has the right treat.
And now he is.
At 5 a.m.
Which means that there is no point in going to bed now, is there, since he has to be at the bakery in one hour.
That’s alright, though. Crowley doesn’t really mind, especially considering the ultimate goal. Mission Woo Aziraphale Eastgate out of his waistcoat, dot dot dot, is a go.
Crowley is waiting for Aziraphale in front of the bakery and he does his best not to be nervous.
“Whatcha doin’?”
Crowley is too tired to hide that Beelzy managed to surprise him.
“I’m waiting. For my, um, my friend.”
“Right,” they drawl, fixing the brooch on their lapel. “Your … friend, the blondy from the vampire office.”
“You know them?”
“Got my loan from them.”
Crowley can’t help but pull a face.
“And my regular booty call.”
Crowley’s grimace takes a turn for the worse. “Isn’t that what people call a boyfriend?”
Beelzy makes a gagging sound. “Don’t be gross. Okay, I’m off. See you tomorrow? I’d like to talk to you about something.”
“Should I worry?”
“Do or do not, I don’t care. Bye!”
Crowley is still frowning after them when Aziraphale taps on his shoulder, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Good afternoon, dear!” Aziraphale says, rocking on his heels. “So, where are we going?”
Crowley leans in to kiss Aziraphale’s cheek, bringing the rocking to a stop. 
“Follow me.”
Aziraphale doesn’t quite know what makes him trust Crowley so much that he’s willing to follow him through the streets of London until they reach what looks like an old factory.
“What is--where are we, dear boy?”
“My place, Angel.”
(I told you it would come in the proper time, didn’t I, dear readers? Good things come to those who wait.)
“Your--your place?”
“I thought it would be better to have an intimate setting for our, err, first, you know,” Crowley says while opening his door.
Aziraphale’s brain has already melted at the word “intimate”, but the design of Crowley’s flat finishes the job.
Given the look of the building, Aziraphale expected something rough, somehow bohemian. The idea doesn’t quite fit Crowley’s general look, but what does he know, right?
But that flat!
Everything is sleek and modern, except for the kitchen which has a wooden counter, but even that part of the flat is in the darker shades, black wood and metal.
Though the space is not big, the whole space is tidy and sparkly clean, a complete opposite to the way Aziraphale himself keeps his own flat. Next to the windows, which could be seen from the outside, stand giant plants. Monstera, succulents and alocasia fill in the space, probably eating up the light during the day.
It’s the most luxurious private garden Aziraphale has ever seen. Next to them, in the biggest sunlight spot, stands a vivarium with a napping snake.
Now, that fits the picture of Crowley he has built in his mind.
“Welcome to my casa,” Crowley tells him, taking off his jacket and sending it with a scary accuracy onto the hook. Aziraphale doesn’t trust his own talent and goes to hang his own coat. “I hope you don’t mind Newt?”
“You have a lovely home, Anthony,” he replies instead, looking around. A door is closed, probably leading to Crowley’s private parts of the flat--and Aziraphale is now very intrigued to know more about the kind of bedding Crowley likes to sleep in, while the main room is split between the living room, where the plants are, and the kitchen, where Crowley is standing.
His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, good Lord.
“Thank you, Aziraphale,” Crowley replies softly, simultaneously opening the refrigerator and turning the fire on under a large pan.
For some reason, hearing his first name in Crowley’s mouth is even better than the pet name he got used to.
“Is there something I can do?”
“Make yourself comfortable, angel, and perhaps open a bottle of wine?”
Aziraphale works quickly to open the bottle of red wine in order to be able to return to his gawking at Crowley in action.
“This is a date, right?”
Crowley freezes before nodding.
“I’m really glad it is.”
Crowley comes to sit at the table too, a large plate covered in oysters and a light vinegary sauce. He has a small smile, almost shy. “I’m really glad too.”
“Oh, oysters,” Aziraphale can’t help but sigh happily. “How did you know that they are my “péché mignon”?”
“I had a hunch,” Crowley says, pushing the plate toward Aziraphale.
“You have a lot of them, about me?”
“Quite a few.” Here is that smile again, soft and warm and reaching into Aziraphale’s body to seize his heart in the most tender way.
Aziraphale tries to hide his blush by slurping on an oyster, the peppercorn and the vinegar heightening the ioded taste of the mollusk.
“That’s delicious.”
“I’m glad.”
“How are you so good at cooking?”
That, more than anything else, gets Crowley started, and the hours tick by as they devour the plate of oysters and then the entire pan of risotto, spoonful by spoonful, while Crowley talks about his childhood, his desire to cook and his incessant need to ask questions to understand, really, the why’s and how’s of the universe. Aziraphale interjects some questions, mostly savouring both the food and the way Crowley seems to lighten up from the inside as they move to the plush looking couch in the living room. Truth be told, he becomes more alive the emptier the bottle becomes, sure, and his speech makes less and less sense, but it only makes him more attractive in Aziraphale’s eyes.
“And then, then--” Crowley pauses, pouting. “What was I saying?”
Aziraphale blinks, and yes, he is quite inebriated himself. “Something about fish soup?”
“Bouillabaisse! Yes!”
“What about bulibaze?”
“... I don’t know. But it’s bloody good.”
Aziraphale starts giggling, and when he looks up again to pour himself another glass, Crowley is sitting far closer than he was just a moment ago.
Crowley’s hair is ruffled and soft-looking, begging for Aziraphale to pass his fingers through them. His eyes are dark, a golden circle surrounding his irises. And his mouth is …
It’s calling for Aziraphale’s touch, that’s what it is.
They both lean closer, and Aziraphale licks his lips the moment Crowley bites on his lower lip.
“I have dessert.”
Crowley leans back, still close enough that Aziraphale can feel his body heat radiating on his left side.
“I prepared a dessert. For you. A special dessert.”
I could be happy with you as my dessert, fleetingly crosses Aziraphale’s mind but in the ranking of his sins, gluttony must supersedes lust because he is immediately curious.
“A special dessert for me?”
Crowley winks, the devil, before jumping out of the couch and sautering to the kitchen.
While he waits, Aziraphale tries to compose himself. 
Oh, he has every intention of bringing what almost happened to something that definitely happened, but he doesn’t want it to be a drunken, or worse, rushed moment.
Hence the composing.
“Tadaaa,” Crowley singsongs as he brings a plate to his coffee table. The plate is covered in thin golden biscuits, as thin as paper, rolled up and folded.
“Oh, lovely!” Aziraphale picks up one of the biscuits. It’s amazingly light and buttery. “What are those?”
“They have two names,” Crowley explains, pushing forward Aziraphale’s glass. “They’re known as gavottes, or as crêpes dentelles.”
Aziraphale recognizes the first word. “Those are crêpe biscuits?”
“And you made them for me.”
“... Yes, angel.”
Aziraphale delicately puts the biscuit back on the plate.
“What are y--”
Crowley doesn’t get to finish his sentence, his lips otherwise occupied by Aziraphale’s.
After months of dreaming about it, picturing how it would be, the reality of kissing Crowley is even better than he imagined. It’s soft and passionate and clumsy and perfect, all at once.
Crowley wraps his arms around him, pulling him closer until Aziraphale is practically lying on top of Crowley on the couch.
Clumsy? Definitely.
Uncomfortable? Just a little bit.
Everything Aziraphale wished for? And more.
Crowley moans into the kiss, and it’s not necessarily the good kind of moans. Aziraphale pushes himself up. “Everything alright, my dear boy?”
“Hm-hm,” Crowley replies, looking a bit dizzy. “Just, let me--agh--” Crowley winces, reaching behind him and picking a book. He glares at it, putting it on the table, before returning his gaze to Aziraphale. The love and adoration in those golden eyes render Aziraphale silent. “Better. Now, where were we?”
Aziraphale smiles, caressing Crowley’s cheek. “At the beginning of forever, I believe,” he whispers, before diving in for another kiss.
(They do get to the gavottes, eventually, once Aziraphale is out of his waistcoat and his shirt is opened, and once Crowley’s pants have been opened.)
It’s a heartbreak to part, but on the other hand, they make the journey from Crowley’s flat to the street where they both work together, so Crowley counts that as a win.
He waits for Aziraphale to pause at the entrance of his building, smiling at him one more time before they meet again in the evening, before entering the bakery.
“Ah, just the man I wanted to see.” Beelzy’s words contrast with their tone, but Crowley is used to that by now.”
“What can I do for you, my Lord?”
“Do you enjoy your job?”
“I--I do. Did I give you the impression I wanted to leave?”
“No. Then again, I don’t usually care.”
“Oh. Then why--”
“I don’t want to work anymore. So. Are you interested?”
Crowley feels like he has entered the Twilight Zone. “Interested in?”
“In the shop, you imbecile. Wasn’t I clear?”
“Not really, no. But I could be interested.”
Beelzebub smiles at him. “Not so dumb after all then. Take your time, think about it, and come back tomorrow with your answer. I’m off now.”
With that, they walk out of the shop, leaving him alone with more to think about that he thought he would have on this day.
“Are you interested?”
Crowley walks back and forth in Aziraphale’s living room, after retelling him of his boss’s proposal.
“I am! Of course I am!” he exclaims. “Fancy me, business owner. In charge of …”
“Of everything.”
“Oh God.”
“I’m sure you could do it,” Aziraphale points out, before sipping out of his mug of tea. “You have all it takes to turn this business into a success.”
“Except for the will to be responsible for it.”
Crowley pauses. “Do you really think I could do it?”
“I do. You’re smart, creative, intuitive. You can do it.”
Crowley leans over the table to kiss Aziraphale before resuming his walking around. “But what of the money?”
“You have your severance money from Heavs.”
“And, um.”
Aziraphale wiggles on his spot. “I could, um, invest in it too?”
Crowley freezes. “You? What?”
Aziraphale stands to come in front of him. “I have money I could invest in your business.”
Crowley opens and closes his mouth like a fish; he’s sure it’s not attractive, but he can’t do anything else.
“Or better yet?”
Aziraphale nods. “I could … be a partner.”
Crowley feels his face heating up but he focuses. “A partner?”
“Care to develop on that idea, Angel?”
“I could--that is, I have been thinking.”
Aziraphale takes a deep breath and then unloads all of the following in seemingly one breath.
“I have been miserable at my job for a while now, even though I’m quite good at it. I just, just, have enough of it, and I don’t think my soul can take much more of it. Meanwhile, I can see myself having a library of sorts, making my books available for all to peruse and enjoy while, I don’t know, maybe, savor some mini pastries?”
Crowley stares at him.
That idea is crazy.
Completely out of this world.
Doesn’t make a lick of sense.
… Exactly what he wants, without ever knowing he did.
And yet, what comes out of his mouth next doesn’t make much sense either.
“You’d let people eat or drink near your books?”
Aziraphale had his mouth open to keep on babbling about his plans, but Crowley’s interjection brings him to a halt and he beams at him.
“I would. Would be rather hypocritical of me not to when I do it so often, wouldn’t it?”
“Ah. Right.”
Aziraphale takes Crowley’s hand and brings it to his lips to kiss his knuckles. “Was that your only objection, my dear, dear boy?”
Crowley’s brain fires up before he can get back to his senses. “I would love for us to be partners.”
“You would.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever had a better idea, Angel.”
Aziraphale pulls on Crowley’s hand, pulling him closer, pulling him to him so they can kiss. “I do have a lot of ideas, Anthony.”
“Can’t wait to test them all, Aziraphale.”
(It takes them a moment to get their shop running, but eventually, Londoners get to enter “Above and Below”, thus named for the nurturing of the mind, through the books-- above-- and the body, through the food--below.
Crowley finds a way to make one-bite delicacies that match some of the books and Aziraphale is the one making the match when it’s not obvious.
They work well together, what can we say?) 
~~ The End ~~
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