#frig's favorite films
silver-wield · 3 months
least favorite chapter of rebirth so far?
14. I'm not even done with it, but 30 minutes on some slow arse cut scene date was the most boring stupid idea and whoever suggested it should be fired.
It was sooooo boring! Where's the gameplay?! It's not a frigging short film!
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damnprecious · 1 year
What's your favorite animated film??
We all know I'm incapable of giving just a simple answer of one film so have four instead:
Toy Story 2 - if I really had to pick just one it'd probably be Toy Story 2 but since I make the rules I won't pick just one. Rise of the Guardians - I will admit I don't think I have rewatched it since I did my thesis on it? I really should rewatch it I love that film so much Treasure Planet - The animation is gorgeous and !!! space !!! pirates !!! and the song !!! the frigging song, man!!! A Bug's Life - I don't really have a good explanation for this one but I absolutely adore the film, I just like unionizing okay?? I honestly don't even remember when I actually saw the film for the first time and I'm pretty sure it was already my fave film even before I saw it - I remember listening to the story on one of those story casette tapes and also playing the shit out of the PC game based on it (the tunnel level was so pretty, all hail glow mushrooms) which did have clips of the film as cut scenes but who the heck knows when I actually first watched the film, certainly not me.
*Gollum Voice* Ask Us
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ducky-died-inside · 2 years
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why: This frigging huge duck stuffed animal I got from a family friend like 3 years ago. I use it as a pillow, and my favorite animal is a duck so...
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🎥 Fave film: Alice in Wonderland
💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other: Phone
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legolasghosty · 1 year
Hellooo for the soft asks I have a few for you☆
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
Also: cuddles - do you have any pets?
Love youu <3 (/p)
Hellooooo!!! Thanks for sending these!!!
Watermelon - do films ever make you cry? Sometimes, if I get really emotionally invested in the story/characters. It's pretty rare though, I don't really cry much in general. But it does happen every once in a while!
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own? Well, technically a lot cause there's a lot from when I was younger in my closet at my parents' house. But here at school, I have... 4? A shark I sorta use as a pillow sometimes, 3 huggable kitty faces, and one of those little reversible octopuses!
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor? Hmmm, good question. Eva Noblezada maybe? She's a Broadway actor, original Broadway Euridice in Hadestown. She's frigging incredible, I admire her so much.
cuddles - do you have any pets? Kinda, my family has 2 cats named Delta and Epsilon! I don't get to see them much when I'm at school, but they are my babies! Delta is a little chaos gremlin who likes plastic bags and meowing at us to throw hairbands for her to chase. Epsilon is a sunbeam-loving mob boss who glares at anyone and everyone and demands attention. They are my babies and I love them both so much! They're very sweet once they warm up to a person!
Thank youuuu, I love you too! <3 /p
(Send me soft asks <3)
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laueana · 6 years
The Man Who Fell to Earth was released in the United States in May of 1976. The film tells the story of an alien who comes to Earth in order to find water for his drought-stricken planet. He sets out to build a spaceship to ferry his people to Earth and save them in the process. To finance this enormous venture, he takes on the guise of an Englishman and begins selling consumer devices based on his slightly advanced technology. 
The film was the acting debut of musician David Bowie and, in the role of Thomas Jerome Newton, served to forever cement Bowie’s image as the alien outsider, perhaps even more so than one of his earlier incarnations, Ziggy Stardust. The film itself is noted for an advanced shooting/editing style, with overlapping montages, flashbacks and sound cues sometimes being used to convey the narrative as well as the emotional state of the characters. 
The film is today heralded not only as David Bowie’s defining onscreen performance, but also as a prescient landmark film, whose criticisms of consumer culture, media overload, and increasing corporate-government entanglement are as relevant as ever.
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dreki · 2 years
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reposting old art from 20-frigging-14 because one of my favorite webseries ever just released a movie trailer and i’m so proud of them 😭
je reposte ces deux machins de 2014 (wow, coup de vieux) parce que le trailer du film vient de sortir et que ça me fout le sourire de ouf (et j’ai besoin de le crier à peu près partout hnghgujiee)
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What is your top 5 Destiel fics?
So I abandoned this blog years ago because the show was pissing me off and i had to take a step back. But, I’m feeling the vibe of the fandom again so I’ll give give it the old college try again. Anyway, here are some favorites. They’re all E or M because I’m a thirsty bitch.
My Top Five Destiel Fics 
a turn of the earth by microcomets (M)
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
There’s Only One Sure Thing I Know by blinkiesays (E)
Dean doesn’t even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby’s point: he’s faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he’s been defeated by the God damn Midwest. 
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo (E)
This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.
The Most Important Thing by  NorthernSparrow (E)
Jimmy Novak remembers nothing of the last six years. Reunited with his troubled daughter Claire, he’s struggling to raise her on his own. The most important thing is to make Claire happy. But why does he keep having these dreams of wings, and of two men in a black car? (Canon-divergent from S10E11, when we first met Claire again and Dean was still struggling with the Mark of Cain. Takes places several months later).
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord (E)
A week ago, Dean was pulled out of Hell. Now, he’s apparently woken up in 2018, and the angel that a mere twenty-four hours beforehand had threatened to chuck him back into the pit is sleepily pouring himself coffee and wearing Dean’s second-favourite Zeppelin shirt. It all seems like a perfect happy ending, but with Hell’s scars still so fresh, Dean can’t imagine how he could have possibly gotten there.
At the same time, the Dean who went to sleep in the bunker, right next to Cas, wakes up on Bobby’s couch in 2008. He’s instantly bombarded with questions by a Lilith-obsessed brother and a man who’s been dead for years, and must decide between keeping his finally-perfect life intact, and the lives he could save by re-writing history.
Regardless of these choices, both Deans are trapped in the wrong decade, and their only way back lies with a Castiel still very much under Heaven’s thumb – one who might find the future Dean describes difficult to believe.
Bonus: Two Favorite Finale Fix-its
Nothing Equals the Splendor by RurouniHime (E)
(The other fic written by this author is amazing too and we should all bully them into writing more for destiel)
Maybe it’s the cynic in him. The hunter, always under the surface of any quietude he ever found. Or maybe it’s just that he has always had trouble with blind faith. But after a while (a blink? A decade? A century?), Dean raises his eyebrows, looks around, and says—“Uh. No.”It’s so close. Just so slightly imperfect. And maybe, he analyzes, maybe that’s the final knell of this bell called contentment. Dean’s experience with happiness has always been that last rise in the road, right before it turns. Right before fate comes barreling around the corner head on.He turns in his spot on the bridge, and suddenly Sam is like a cellophane film through which he can see the light streaming, and the taste of cheap beer on his tongue is much, much older a memory than it should be.
“Oh, you’re good,” he says, and means it.
Under the Same Sun by prosopopeya (E)
In which time is infinite, and so is the list of people willing to help Dean figure out what to do about Cas.
A fix-it for a lot of things: Dean’s repressed bisexuality, Dean’s utterly inexplicable failure to realize what Cas meant, the Charlie & Dean brother/sister content I crave, among others.
Bonus x2: A Shameless Plug for my own Romantic Comedy A/U Series
Ignore the Butterflies: Best Friend Advice from Dean Winchester by impatient14
What do you get when you add Firefighter!Dean to standoffish-Doctor!Castiel?
A thousand other fics, you say? Aaaand what’s your point exactly??!?!
Dean likes his doctor, but his doctor doesn’t like him. Accidental friendship ensues, heartwarming bonding type moments occur, and oops!friends become best!friends. But best friends aren’t supposed to feel the way Dean feels about Castiel. He knows this. So he ignores all the things that he can’t help feeling. When he sits and watches a movie with his best friend or when they are arguing about which method of coffee brewing is best, he pointedly doesn’t look at his friends lips, or the adorable way he tilts his head when he doesn’t understand.
Dean ignores his feelings. That’s the way he knows how to keep his best friend. Just ignore the butterflies.
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dragonkeeper19600 · 2 years
Okay, I'm gonna sound like a total killjoy here but I sometimes feel like the only person in the world who frigging hated some things about the Invader Zim comics. Particularly the beginning where the setup was just "LOL, Dib gets shit on again, let's laugh at what a fat ugly loser he is". I don't want to say "fat-shaming" but that particular bit felt excessively meanspirited even by IZ standards. You'd honestly think the writers hate Dib sometimes when he gets crap like this. It also kind of ruins Florpus for me a bit, because while there he gets a break, here just gets humiliated harder than ever.
To be perfectly honest, I'm a bit puzzled by your implication that this is somehow unique to the comics. Dib was constantly getting shit on in the show. Like the time he had to scrub out the Shadow Hog's toilet with his head, or the time the bullying in Miss Bitters's classroom actually pushed him to tears, or the time he lived to a ripe old age after experiencing the life of his dreams only to find out it was all a simulation. Dib is treated harshly in the comics sure, but Jhonen came to recognize that having a character constantly suffer without a break is more draining than funny. So, to balance it out, the comics make an effort to portray Dib's family as more caring (Professor Membrane is around more, Gaz is shown to actually give a crap about his safety, etc.), all in the name of making his suffering funnier.
Second of all, it may surprise you to know that Dib is Jhonen's favorite character.
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This above drawing dates back to season 1 of the cartoon and marked an effort by the artists to make Dib more likeable by making him funnier. Rest assured, the writers aren't shitting on Dib in any media because they hate him. Quite the opposite. Dib just plain wouldn't be as funny or likeable if he wasn't the butt of so many jokes. In fact, he probably wouldn't even fit into the world of Invader ZIM. A lot of fans tend to forget that Invader ZIM is predominately a comedy. That Dib is so hapless and is constantly facing mistreatment and belittlement from the very people he's trying to help is a huge part of the show's satire. This isn't the tale of a brave hero standing up to a serious alien threat. This is the tale of a loser undergoing the thankless task of playing damage control for an alien moron.
The movie was kinder to Dib because Jhonen recognized the need for a movie to have a fulfilling story. It's okay for an eleven minute episode or a twenty page comic book to have no emotional arc or impact, but a movie needs to have more teeth than that. When you think of all the great comedic films, there are always moments where the film recognizes that the joke is over and that it's time to be sincere. Or, at the very least, they contain real stakes that mean something important has to be solved or faced without yucks. So, Dib's family actually rising to the occasion and having his back for once was born from the pragmatic need to give Enter the Florpus an emotional story arc.
As for the fat-shaming thing... Yeah, that's pretty hard to defend. Jhonen loves to portray the grotesque in his work, and, unfortunately, "grotesquely fat" is part of that category. That Dib turns into a sedentary lump without ZIM in his life pretty important to the dynamic between the characters, but I could see how someone could be troubled by substantial weight gain being used to illustrate his life going downhill.
However, when Invader ZIM draws an obese character for comedic effect, they're less concerned with drawing realistic proportions and more concerned with drawing a monstrous caricature. I'm not sure how many people could look at Bloaty, for example, and think, "Hey! That looks like me!" Due to the art style, most characters in the series are on the "beanpole" side of the scale, but there are background and secondary characters on the heavier side who are drawn with less exaggerated proportions. SKOODGE, in particular, in pretty heavyset, and that he's mistreated by his people for no other reason than his failure to meet their beauty standards is a source of both comedy and social commentary.
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tehcoop · 4 years
I am an old. I'm an old, old fandom lurker wandering from one fandom to the other for the past (oh God) two decades. I've read in everything from Gundam Wing in my (not that) delinquent high school years to Due South to Stargate Atlantis, Harry Potter, Star Wars, yadda yadda yadda, on and on up to The Witcher, most recently. 
And then The Old Guard.
Guys... Guys.
This movie smacked me in the face and shook me to my core. It was everything I've never known I wanted in an action movie because it just never occurred to me that it might exist. Two female leads! One of them is black! Eighty. Five. Percent female representation behind the scenes. 85%! Amazing character beats. Everyone has their own arc and motivations. No stereotyping. It's just beautiful.
And then there's Joe and Nicky. 
I have never related so hard to characters or to a relationship in my life. I love my badass immortal husbands so much. It's ridiculous. I could gush for hours. I'm nothing like them, of course. I identify as a mostly straight, mostly cis, so white I reflect sunlight (though I hope I'm at least an ally to BIPOC) woman. There's nothing particularly badass about me. But I still relate like hell to these characters. 
I love to laugh like Joe, and completely understand his protective instincts. And then there's Nicky. I relate to him more than any character I can think of currently. I'm introverted and can be kind of intense, but I'm also patient, kind, and nurturing. And if anyone does anything to hurt my family, especially my kids, I can rip you apart with just my words. (Seriously, I think my mother in law is afraid of me now after she got a talking to when I called her out for being shitty to my spouse. Our relationship is Much Better now). 
Most importantly, I am deeply in love with my wonderful spouse who happens to be a trans woman. 
And guys, I'm angry.
Remember, I'm an old. I've been searching for scraps hinting at any kind of queer love story in all kinds of media for decades. And I'm angry because I shouldn't have had to. 
I shouldn't have to read into a maybe not on purpose significant glance. I shouldn't have gotten excited when two characters grabbed each other in anger because clearly they're so in love. I shouldn't have been delighted when an actor bit his lip to hint at a love story in film, or that a writer said that a character was gay years after the books were written. I made myself believe that those little bits of subtext were enough and somehow better than getting it outright because then we can tell our own stories, right guys? I preferred reading fan fiction because I could think of the hot guys I wanted to pair up in the way I wanted. I even stopped watching a lot of gay movies because they were always so sad and full of strife, and I just couldn't relate to them. I just wanted my fluffy romantic comedies. Fan fiction was literally the only place that I could see any kind of healthy queer relationship.
Which is how I got to be almost forty and still identifying as mostly straight even though I'm in a queer as hell relationship. In each of these canon stories, the character's sexuality was part of the conflict, and I was never particularly conflicted about mine. I just liked who I liked and craved a healthy, stable relationship. Or when I did see characters like Klaus in Umbrella Academy (who I love) who is comfortable with their sexuality, he's also so fantastically ridiculous that I can only laugh or cringe at him. I enjoyed many of these stories, but still related more to the Jane Austen heroines I saw in straight stories even while I preferred to chill by reading about say... John and Rodney accidentally making a baby or something.
And then Joe and Nicky come along. And they're beautiful. They're a goddamn interracial, interfaith, committed, happy, unkillable gay couple. In canon. They are the most married. They're 900 plus years of married. Their sexuality and relationship are incredibly important to who they are and to the story without being the conflict of the story. Or without being a walking stereotype of one thing or other. Instead, you have two men casually stating their love for each other, blatantly declaring it, cuddling, and kissing all while they each have their own stories, skills, and motivations. 
I have literally never seen that before. Except at home, in my own house, where my spouse and I get to be our own people, but then support each other, tease each other, and cuddle at the end of the day. It was beautiful to see something that reflected the kind of love I always wanted and now get to have. In canon, on screen. Seeing Joe and Nicky's love makes me so deliriously happy that I'm incredibly angry I've never seen anything like that on screen before. Just imagine what it would have been like seeing that kiss in a crowded theater.
So why am I writing this? Because this movie is important. It's so goddamn important. I'm so happy it exists. And I want you all to know the actual weight of all the years of going without characters like this. What it means to say that I'm furious that I've never seen this before after decades of searching. How ridiculous it is that I still identify as mostly straight possibly because I've never really seen nuanced, flawed, real queer characters before. Instead, I've imagined and created evidence of gay relationships from nothing while ignoring the awful canon hetero relationships my favorite shows have forced on us. All while still unironically sighing over Mr Darcy and Clueless. I'm tired, y'all.
I want to see all the stories with all the people in various configurations. Romances, action, sci fi, fantasy, everything. The Old Guard did it. And they did it well. I'm done with the queer baiting. I don't think I can look at many of the fandoms I have loved throughout the years the same way again. I'm incredibly grateful to Gina Prince-Bythewood, Greg Rucka, Marwan Kanzari, Luca Marinelli, and the rest of the cast and crew for bringing me these already beloved characters. It's so refreshing to finally get what I've really wanted all these years. Representation absolutely fucking matters. 
And now? I'm gonna go back to being a lurker. I'll read all the Old Guard fanfiction I can. I'll watch all the movies, read all the comics because I want more stories like this, dammit. I'll probably go back to giggling over and overanalyzing little character moments in all kinds of fandoms again. Mostly, I'll just go back to quietly taking care of my little family. And I might post something again in another couple of decades when my kids are off to college. And God, do I hope it doesn't take another couple decades to get more characters like this. I hope that my kids get all kinds of stories I never did growing up so that they can figure out who they are and who they relate to before they're almost forty frigging years old. It's about goddamn time.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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moonykat · 3 years
Okay okay but I just finished Luca and I'm just???? in??? complete awe????? It was so friggin beautiful and my god, I'll be talking about this from a queer's pov because my heart broke so many times and I related to so many things in this film. Starting by Luca's parents trying to send him down because "they love him" and of course him being scared and running away. His grandma being the only supportive person in his life about him discovering who he is and exploring the world. Then it's Alberto finally having someone and clinging to that relationship so hard because it's the only thing he thinks he's got left. Him trying to impress Luca, showing off but also being so scared to lose him, god I want to cry just writing about it. Then, it's Alberto being jelaous of Julia, of course he has abandonment issues, and it was so real. Him blaming this situation on no other but himself I just-. When he and Luca were fighting I thought he was going to out Luca but instead he just showed his true self but of course Luca was terrified of showing himself so he panicked and then that scene happened and my heart absolutely broke. Luca and Alberto finally getting a family, Luca going to school and Alberto with a father that loves him for who he is and protects him. Their final hug but of course it's not a final hug because they're friends, and they love each other so much, and they will see each other again and I'm so emotional about this because I truly feel how extremely queer coded this whole film is and what it represents, a strong friendship and an innocent kid's crush. Being called "monster" for being different but finally finding people that love you, care about you, and accept you for who you are. When Luca stepped on the rain and helped Alberto up, both of them riding their bike, I mean. I was crying big fat tears. Them wanting to run away just the two of them and probably actually doing it when older, but not escaping from anyone and rather just doing it because they want to, in the credits you could see how that dream is still present. And of course the two lesbian grandmas straight up looking at each other before coming out too, because of the brave kids and them being supporting now able to show who they really are. I'm not making any sense I just love this film so so much, it's definitely an absolute favorite. I love it love it love it so frigging much. Such a great film specially during pride month I'm in love oh god.
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screen-queen · 2 years
No Way Home Spoilers but one of my favorite scenes in this beautiful film is when Tom's spiderman said about been in the avengers and the other two are so frigging supportive to it despite having no idea what it is!
Everything about this film is perfection
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sullustangin · 3 years
Fan Fic Writers Meme
I remembered one of the memes I wanted to do!  I saw this one on @walk-ng-d-saster‘s blog, so I’m doing it. 
How many works do you have on AO3?  26 (for some reason tumblr is making this answer huge in font size)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
492,356 (CHRIST)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Things I have completed and posted:  SWTOR (AO3), DC Animated (Bruce Timm/Paul Dini productions from the 90s and early 2000s) (AO3 and FF.Net),  FF7 (FF.net), Doctor Who (FF.NET), House (frigging forgot about that one until I saw it in my files, yikes)
Things I have completed but not posted:  Star Trek
Things I have not completed nor posted:  Law and Order: SVU, West Wing, FF6, Highlander, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes (ACD), the Mandalorian (now totally out of canon, thanks Luke), Tombstone, and Sin Takes a Holiday (a random Basil Rathbone 1930s film I latched onto like a leech for a few weeks and this mangled file is all that remains)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parthenos, In Theory, and The Slow Road from DCAU (Wonderbat ship), then The Grand Reveal (Rishi fic, my latest complete multi-chapter), A Shan Family Tradition (possibly canon Baby!Shan fic), and Who She is In the Dark (the first fic in the SWTOR series I have running.
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I don’t when I feel guilty because nothing is in the chute. (Hi, Slow Road people.  I know. That whole kerfuffle about Batman earlier this summer took the wind out of my sails because I didn’t want it to come off as a Bat Stan... because if you read the series, you know what’s happening soonish and now I’m waiting for that to die off.)
I absolutely do when I’m still writing and creating content (Hi, SWTOR people)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t like ending my fics on an angsty note.  I like hope at the end, if there is nothing else left. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
When I was a young teenager, I plotted out an extensive FF6/FF7 crossover that paired Celes Chere and Vincent Valentine.  It never got written, but it was elaborately planned.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No.  I have received.... comments?  Statements? that could have been constructive and could have started a dialogue, but then the commenter’s follow-up behavior indicated they were not being sincere; they weren’t actually worried about the issues they presented, but rather, they were trying to get a reaction out of me. (They went on another platform and made snide remarks.)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut but it’s unpublished at the moment.  I fail utterly at writing PWP (so far), so I can’t just have them do the thing and leave it at that.  I think (hope?) I’ll be more comfortable publishing smut once I get to that point in my plotted Yavin fic. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had someone take my FF7 fic premise and poorly recycle it.  When I messaged them about it, I was then accused of stealing THEIR fic (somehow, in a time machine).
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be open to a collab with someone on a translation.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
In terms of what I write, there’s an ongoing thing of Relatively Orderly Guy/Relatively Chaotic Gal recurring.  
What are your writing strengths?
I can come up with an original plotline.  I do the research and I try to get things ‘right’ within a universe, so there are lots of details.  I have been told I can strike to the heart of a character’s dynamic with other people. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes worry the details can be too overwhelming for people and they tune out.  I think I sometimes have too many ‘talking heads’ chapters where there’s lots of exposition -- too much tell, and not enough show.  Per spouse, I also get reaaaaally defensive about my writing (particularly professionally, but even in fan fic ), so I have to have a policy of letting the comment sit for a certain period of time before I attend to it.  The interim time is spent woe’ing and beating myself up.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Minus a few words that are sprinkled in (like how Mandalorian is used), I tend to just say they’re speaking in that language.  I do read a few languages, but dialogue is so much more informal and less stiff than the written word.  Also, it’s easier on the reader.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I have affection for the pieces on the cutting room floor; things I cut out or have never published that sort of stay on the hard drive as a monument to the effort and also a little bit of a cheat when I need a scene for something else.  For example, parts of the casino scenes from The Cosmic Deck were cannibalized from the unfinished, now totally AU Mandalorian fic I have.  I’ve taken a bar scene from one fic and redone it as another universe’s party.
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queenofbaws · 3 years
Woo!!! Happy weekend! Hope you’re doing well! I’m gonna ask for a quick CREEP moment of our favorite idiots! You know you’re the bomb
To his credit, he had been on track with today’s filming (and God help anyone who said otherwise), and he would’ve continued to have been on track with today’s filming, had someone (coughcoughChriscoughcough) not insisted on taking a fifteen minute break so that the equipment didn’t (strong air-quotes on this one) overheat and plunge them all into a fiery inferno.
So really, none of them had a goddamn leg to stand on now that he was out of the groove, because if it was anyone’s fault they were running behind, well, it most certainly wasn’t his.
“Uh, okay, how about...this one....” he smirked, one arm flung across the back of the couch and perhaps one Miss Samantha Giddings’s shoulders while the other scrolled through his phone, “Hey baby, are you a ghost? Because you’ve been haunting my dreams all night.”
Sam wrinkled her nose at that chestnut, not answering precisely, but snatching his phone away and scrolling until she found one of her own: “You must be some kind of spirit...because you’re so boo-tiful to me.”
And some people just didn’t have any taste, because from the other side of the room Ashley called over “Even the frigging spirit board’s gagging over here, give it a rest, oh my God!” and that was just too, too bad - where Josh was from, that shit was ten times more encouraging than applause.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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nitrateglow · 3 years
Why? *rant dead ahead*
Why do people feel the need to heap ad hominem attacks upon people who don’t like the same movies they do? I genuinely do not get it. Especially in cases where someone is just expressing their opinion without attacking anyone?
No, someone is not a close-minded old school Star Wars fan because they dislike the writing of the sequel trilogy.
No, someone is not “too accustomed to mindless new comedies” because they don’t like Roman Holiday or Bringing Up Baby.
No, someone is not a braindead romantic with an unrealistic view of marriage because they didn’t like Two for the Road.
No, someone is not a moron if they think 2001: A Space Odyssey or Citizen Kane are overrated.
No, someone is not a killjoy because your favorite comfort film is something they’ve no use for.
Like-- let people like or dislike whatever they want! You disliking a popular movie does not make you a bad person. Not liking a popular actor or director does not make you evil. You could be all like “The General is boring” and while I might be like “how?” I’m never going to call you a jerk for not liking A. FRIGGING. MOVIE.
Good GOD.
I need to just not go on message boards anymore. They’re making Tumblr look good!
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people really be out here on this hellsite not understanding that fictional characters, especially 'evil' ones can still be found intersting & loved by SOME fans (obviously looking through critical lens, or whatever). If R*kepick was a dude I'd bet my house she'd get the Snape treatment smh but go off I guess
But that’s just it! I firmly believe that Rakepick is the “Snape” of this game. An emotionally abrasive young adult with questionable loyalties who terrifies the most timid Gryffindor...which of them am I talking about? Could be either. Hell, that could go a ways to explaining why Snape hates her so much. She’s basically him, but cooler. And he knows it. And she knows it too. 😂
Thank you for saying this. Particularly the part about having a critical lens. Because which characters we like and dislike can have multiple contexts. Sometimes it means that you think of a character as being a good and likable person who you would be friends with in real life. Other times it means that you sincerely appreciate how three-dimensional and interesting they are, even if you would hate them as a person. I hate Snape with a passion, but he’s an incredibly written character. 
Here’s an example: You know who is one of my favorite characters from the original books? Barty Crouch Jr. I don’t care, that guy kicked ass. He spent over a decade enslaved under the Imperius Curse, nearly escaped, and the moment he was freed he got to work. Kidnapping and impersonating a well-known figure, rigging a government-sanctioned tournament, fooling not only the Goblet of Fire, but Albus frigging Dumbledore. He had the wool over Dumbledore’s eyes for ten months. Seriously, how many characters can say that? Barty Jr was awesome. Does that mean he was a good person? Hell no! Not only was he a devout Death Eater, he participated in the Longbottoms’ torture. He’s a despicable human being! But he’s also an amazing character. And the films completely ruined him but why am I surprised at this point.
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princesstadashi · 4 years
👉👈 all the barbie movie asks 🥺🥺
Ahhhh!!!!! Okay, y’all ready for this??? XD
Favorite Barbie film? Wait, I have to choose one of my babies??? Well 12 Dancing Princesses was my favorite growing up. Princess and the Pauper will always have a special place in my heart of course. I think Mermaid Tale is definitely up there, it’s really good, plus I just love mermaids! XD But recently my favorite is either Dolphin Magic or Rock n’ Royals, I keep rewatching them as comfort movies :) 
Favorite heroine/main character? More decisions?? I have anxiety, I can’t decide on things! XD But hm... I think surprisingly Alexa from Barbie and the Secret Door? I love so many of the Barbie characters but Alexa is just so relatable as an introvert who would rather just stay inside and read/write instead of dealing with being social! XD
Favorite Barbie film song? I mean, “To Be a Princess” (both from the original and from Princess and the Popstar) is always a classic--I mean, hell, all the songs from Princess and the Pauper are GOLD. “Life Is a Fairytale” from Fashion Fairytale is catchy as hell and will absolutely get stuck in my head for hours! “Gotta Get to Camp” and pretty much any song from Rock n’ Royals will always get me up and moving. Oh, and “What’s Gonna Happen” from Secret Door is probably why that movie is so high up on my list!
Favorite Barbie film dance scene? Anything from 12 Dancing Princesses but I love the fun camp aesthetic of “Got to Get to Camp”, gives me some very Camp Rock vibes which I love! :)
Favorite Barbie couple? I mean, to be fair I don’t think most of my ships are canon... ^^; Probably the closest thing I have is Ken and Barbie from the Dreamhouse Adventures series but technically they’re not a couple yet... Doesn’t mean I can’t dream! They just made Ken so damn adorable and likable--that man ain’t afraid to rock bright pink clothes and I RESPECT that! Plus he’s Barbie’s best friend first and they’re building up their relationship as solid bff’s before romance kinda starts happening which I am SOFT for. But in Dolphin Magic Barbie and Isla are clearly girlfriends by the end, so I’m down for a triad with all three of them :)
Favorite Barbie dress/outfit? ANY of the outfits from Swan Lake--regular gown and then the swan tutu, I DREAMED of having both of those outfits growing up! The peacock dress from Island Princess is a super close followup, though!
Favorite Barbie film male secondary/side character?  Ken from Dreamhouse Adventures, that boy has ALL my love! He’s also pretty great in Life in the Dreamhouse but I’m sorry, Dreamhouse Adventures made me fall in love with that boy <3
Favorite Barbie female secondary/side character? Isla from Dolphin Magic, Erika from Rock n’ Royals (c’mon, she is CLEARLY queer af, have you seen her amazing hair?!!!), and Skipper from Dreamhouse Adventures.
Favorite Barbie film villain? Oh man... I mean. Preminger from Princess and the Popstar is fantastic--other villains WISH they could be as over dramatic and unashamedly villainous as him XD And Duchess Rowena from Twelve Dancing Princesses rivals Mother Gothel, she is just so wonderfully HATEABLE, and she was straight up POISONING the king and she tried to frame his daughters, she is so EVIL and I LOVE her for that!
Favorite Barbie film animal sidekick? Unfortunately I’m not really a fan of the animals in the Barbie movies--sticking fake eyelashes and makeup on every animal just isn’t my thing :/ But probably Wolfie. I love that cat, especially because “The Cat’s Meow” is totally a trans coded song, I stan one trans cat king <3 
Favorite Barbie film non dance scene? Ahhhh!!!! So many good choices!!! I think any scene where a character gets to meet a family member they were separated from (Merlia and Ro getting to meet their moms, Annika meeting her sister, Brietta) is a really good scene :) Oh! Also Blair straight up trashing gentrification in Princess Charm School, like Barbie WENT THERE and was not having it with capitalist bullshit!)
Favorite Barbie film quote? “If what you are is a strange you doesn't mean you should change you, only means you should change your point of view.”
Favorite Barbie film friendship? Barbie and Isla! :) But also Barbie and her sisters in Dreamhouse Adventures and in Life in the Dreamhouse.
Do you have any Barbie film ships? I will almost always ship Barbie with her female counterpart and that’s just a fact XD But I think we covered most of this in favorite couples :) OH! But I almost forgot! Frigging Mr. and Mrs. Roberts in Dreamhouse Adventures are GOALS. Like seriously probably the healthiest representation of a married couple I’ve seen in anything--and they’re not perfect, they’re super quirky and they have issues, but they still LOVE each other and COMMUNICATE and genuinely care about their kids and UGH, I could go ON for HOURS if I’m not stopped XD
Saddest Barbie film scene? Dang, I’m blanking on sad scenes but probably when Liana and Alex briefly break up in Diamond Castle. (C’mon, guys. We ALL know they’re totally a couple. They didn’t even try to hide it.)
Most romantic Barbie film scene? Isla and Barbie reuniting :) But I actually really love the dancing scene with Derek and Genevieve in Twelve Dancing Princesses where they have to dance together to get out of the secret world! Oh! And (spoilers alert for anyone who hasn’t watched Princess Adventure yet!) when Ken asks Barbie to dance with him at the end--wasn’t the confession I was hoping for, but still cute!
Funniest Barbie film scene? Anytime Preminger screams is gold XD
Favorite Barbie film blooper? My favorites are TOTALLY from Princess and the Pauper :) Poor Serafina watching the dummy cat getting absolutely trashed and being terrified for her life? Julian busting a move in the middle of “To Be a Princess”? AMAZING. 
Favorite Barbie film world? Ahhhh!!!! They’re all so good!!! But any of them with canon mermaids is a world I’d be happy to visit XD 
Favorite name? Anneliese, Merliah, Odette
Favorite parents/guardians? Definitely Mr. and Mrs. Roberts from Dreamhouse Adventures :) But Break from Mermaid Tale is totally awesome too, I’d love to have him as a grandfather!
Favorite kids? All of the sisters from Twelve Dancinc Princesses :)
Favorite siblings? Skipper from Life in the Dreamhouse will always be my fave :)
Favorite Barbie film soundtrack? Everything from Princess and the Pauper is a straight up banger, but I DO love the soundtrack of Twelve Dancing Princesses as well--the soundtrack is one of the reasons I love the movie so much! :D 
Favorite Barbie film happy ending? Oof, making me choose again! XD Endings of Dolphin Magic, Mermaid Tale, and Rock n’ Royals are my top three I think :)
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