#gay people and sandwiches...
homosexualcitron · 2 months
Happy birthday Citron !!! Wishing you 10000 yummy sandwiches and more gay people kissing in your brain forever
THANK YOU!!!!!!!! <3333333333333
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humanblt · 11 months
i feel like i’m being dealt white damage every time i talk to non-pm fans and they use any variation/the original ayin grip meme bc it gets me like this and i’m trying so so so hard not to be annoying but also like,,,, DO THEY KNOW??? DO THEY KNOW?.????
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
one of the WORST things i see in fandom/ship discourse is when people say "straight ships just dont sit right with me.." like hey.. what do u mean by that.
ESPECIALLY if we're talking about GIRLS who EXCLUSIVELY like mlm ships... i dont care what you say, i think youre fetishizing gay men and youre weird for this. (same thing with guys who exclusively ship wlw but i see that less in fandoms.)
but then, on the other side of this we get people calling them "heterophobic.." NOOOO THAT ISNT REAL IM LITERALLY RIPPING MY HAIR OUT THAT IS NOT A THING.
its not "straightphobic," in fact its literally more homophobic than anything (do not deny that its super fetishy, we all know that its fetishization so dont play dumb..)
(im not saying u have to ship straight ships btw i literally dont care, ship what u want, im SPECIFICALLY talking about people who hate on them, call them toxic because theyre straight, comment on every post that their gay ship is better, etc.. generally just people who are super annoying and fetishy about it. not just people who ship what they ship.. the thing im talking about is basically watered down fujoshis..)
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yadernbyy · 1 year
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hussyknee · 14 hours
What would it be like to be hyperfixate on a piece of media whose fandom isn't horribly triggering I wonder.
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paystery · 5 months
gay people really like chic fil a 🤔 i wonder how chic fil a feels about it. i mean im sure the cows appreciate it but the chickens are probably homophobic
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ratislatis · 1 year
I need everyone to know that when I heard the first note to s2 ep21. I was like "oh my fucking god are they actually playing mcr on this podcast" forgetting that they always do covers??
and then scary marlowe's voice sailed through my car speakers
and I fucking SCREAMED
besties I screamed for THREE straight minutes I was in HYSTERICS. can you imagine being one of those other cars on the highway and just seeing this scrawny teenage girl with possum memorabilia all over the place. and her jaw is just on the floor. and you can't hear anything but you can physically see that she is expending all the air in her lungs
she is yelling "NO WAY. NO FUCKING WAY" with dumbfounded hilarity unparalleled by god
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rotisseries · 1 year
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Ur so new to this its making me giggle. also you should share more I need to Know
gloomy I can't stress enough how bad I am at this. once we got past stats and I had to actually come up with real character things it was awful. dragged kicking and screaming through character creation. also I'm realizing as I type this how little I still have in mind for this character bc I never even decided what gender they are. we've been referring to them interchangeably as "my new cringfail losergirl oc" and "my new weird little guy"
#gonna be real though it’s probably a girl. and she'll be a lesbian. why would I ever choose anything else#ok but she doesn't even have a name yet. idk how to name things that is gonna suck#she's a blacksmith though. and a tiefling druid but I think you saw me tell theo that already in the replies of the other post#and she has a fascination with fire bc I got in a projecting mood#and that sounds stupid as hell I hate saying that actually bc it makes me think of that very annoying internet time#where every single gay person on tiktok was like “ooh be gay do crime!! arson!! mother mother!!”#but I cannot stress enough this is a genuine trait of mine if you leave me with a lighter and something flammable#I will set it on fire just to watch it burn#my family won't let me light birthday candles because they don't like giving me lighters#I set a paper towel on fire in our camper once when no one was in there#and then they went in later and were like “why does it smell like smoke in here?”#and I had to admit I lit a paper towel on fire#AND THEY WOULD NOT LET IT GO!!#they rag on me about it all the time like “rori you were gonna light our camper on fire!!”#and I have to be like “NO I PUT IT IN THE SINK”#but yeah saying oh here's my lesbian who likes fire sounds stupid and annoying but that's. that's a genuine trait of mine#anyway also as for the oc creation taking 5 hours. I will say I was doing this on discord call with several people#and only ONE of them was actually helping me in character creation. so the conversation kept getting sidetracked by everyone#we debated on if a hotdog was a sandwich at some point (it is)#ask#gloomybirdie#hi gloomy!
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zisgarbage · 1 year
AOS cadet-era Kirk and Bones just, naturally close. It causes elders to see them as brothers and peers to raise their eyebrows and fall into hushed whispers when the two are in a room together. They lean into each other as if they’ll die if they’re not constantly making physical contact, they refer to the other with nicknames “corn-fed idiot” “grumpy doctor” “bones” “Jim-boy” and they’re SO domestic that it makes one dizzy this is right I’m actually JJ Abrams and I was too much of a coward to give the people Starfleet Academy McKirk
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cctinsleybaxter · 11 months
eating a bad sandwich and reading a scathing review of the new kim petras album that i haven’t even listened to yet highlight of my day so far
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wall-e-gorl · 2 years
Very excited for once upon a crime. To prepare for it I think I'm gonna watch leverage over again
#unprepared casters#once upon a crime#'vic whats lever-' IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED#its a show about a group of criminals (hitter hacker theif grifter mastermind) who hit the jackpot and never have to steal again#but they quickly get bored and decide to work together and get revenge on corrupt billionaires for people wronged by them (for free)#its kinda like cop shows in the constant predictable format but a thousand times better cause leverage is not copaganda#its great. there are some moments that you go uhhhhh at cause it is from 2008#but other than those few and far between bits its great#its great#theres a poly couple as canon as 2008 could allow. theres so much growth in all of the characters. everyone is like so pretty#in the human way not the everything-photoshoped-perfect way#they steal a mountain twice. different mountains.#they do a bank heist WHILE its being stood up AND frame the bad guy they had alreadly did a con on for it and also for doing meth as bonus#they land a hacked plane while 4/5 of the team is on the plane and the 5th fixes it while pretending to be an office worker so convincingly#that the office throws him a birthday party#they do a The Office themed epsiode and the subplot of the hacker eating the hitter sandwich is a metaphor for their relationship#the asshole on the team gets forcibly adopted AND shot several times. about once a season.#its a great fun time. the reboot is great too its very gay in the 2021 way#also if you need anything else to convince you that its good#i stayed up for like 3 days straight only watching it start to finish all 5 seasons and started hearing the background music while paused#and do not regret it#pretty sure i started a rewatch later that same week
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lost-sandwich · 2 years
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Spacemans boyfriend Mariner! His real name is Ian.
He was sent to a moon to scout out the ocean and see what there could be in it. Instead, he missed his target and eventually came to the one Spaceman crashed on, a bit before him though. While out to get samples, a large fish/shark alien with glowing bones and a second jaw slammed into him, shining a spot light-like light on his face, and ended up biting into his leg.
After a couple weeks or months or something (not sure yet), he spotted Spaceman wandering by the coast and was incredibly excited to find another person, and was like him! The rest is history and now little nervous Spaceman has a beeg stronk fish bf.
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gatsby-system-folks · 9 months
Halloween is on a Tuesday
Venting in tags, be aware.
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keyrousse · 1 year
Chapter 10 (the last!!!) of "Identity" is out!
Fly, little bird! Be free!
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
a long time ago, my roommates had an argument over whether or not hamburgers are sandwiches. this actually got heated to the point of one of the guys having to get upset and walk away because he was convinced that hamburgers are not sandwich, but instead their own classification of food.
people will pick any hill to die on- we as a species cannot 100% all agree on the definition of anything. that's why we can't agree on the definition of gay, queer, lesbian, trans, bi, pan, aromantic, asexual, etc. because we as a species just can't do that. we all have a unique perspective on what concepts are and what they mean.
if we can't agree on whether or not a hamburger is a sandwich or not, i think it's best if we learn to agree to disagree on what the "true" meaning of gay, lesbian, trans, queer, etc. are and just let people live their version of that identity in peace. at the end of the day it literally doesn't matter if you don't know if a hamburger is a sandwich or just a hamburger- you're still going to eat it and gain nutrients from it.
a trans person having a different definition of trans than you, or a lesbian defining lesbianism differently than what they've been told, or any other type of queer person defining their identity in their own way isn't a threat to you- at the end of the day, it doesn't stop them from being trans, a lesbian, queer, or whatever. disagreeing on the definition won't stop it from happening; it's just petty. not every hill is meant for someone to die on. let go
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hotvintagepoll · 3 days
What are some screwball comedy pairings you wish had been a thing? Can definitely be gay ones :)
Okay finally!
One of the reasons I made this blog in the first place is that few things bring me as much blinding rage as imagining the movies we could have gotten, if old Hollywood had stopped being racist/homophobic/anti-everyone for ten fucking seconds. There were so many talented hotties working through our tournament era who only got cameo spots or no-budget movies! for no reason beyond white supremacy! there were so many stories that didn't get told because heaven forbid we acknowledge gay people! If this blog has a mission statement, a big chunk of it would be about highlighting all the amazing hotties who never got what they deserved in their heyday.
So! Let's tear Louis B. Mayer a new one and make some better movies.
Diamond Eyes (1946)
Harold Nicholas, the bored but fabulous son of a Manhattan millionaire, decides to take himself off on a transatlantic cruise to recover from the boredoms of socialites, constant martinis, and west side glamor. When working girl Rita Hayworth snags him into a fake dating scheme to throw off a jealous ex (Cesar Romero), he doesn't mean to fall in love with his false fiancé—or to set the ex up with his scheming accountant (Tyrone Power).
To the Tune of Millions (1945)
Ann Miller and Lena Horne are conwomen besties who use a fake dance act to get into casinos, which they then promptly rob. Unfortunately, an over-enthusiastic talent agent (Gene Kelly) sees the act and thinks they're legitimate, hiring them on the spot as the lead number in a newly opened but already failing musicale review. Who can they hustle at a theater that's barely bringing in a dime? The two ex-cons fall in love with show business, Kelly and Horne smooch at the grand finale, and Miller has an intense will-they-or-won't-they sparring relationship with the hot stage manager (Ethel Waters—and they will).
Untitled Three's-a-Crowd Film (1942)
Cary Grant, Jean Arthur, and Ronald Colman are running interference on a corrupt justice system while trying to keep up the act that they are all simply cohabitating in a shared AirBnB and definitely not falling in love with each other. Wait. This is actually The Talk of the Town. This movie actually exists and does veer this hard into polyamorous romance.
Tomatoes and Toast (1928)
Anna May Wong and Greta Garbo eat sandwiches for three hours. It's riveting.
One Soul, Two Bodies (1948)
Farley Granger and Vincent Price star as Alexander the Great and Hephaestion in this sword-and-sandals period piece. Though clearly made on a studio backlot with a budget of $3, the dashing romance grounds the chariot races and cardboard sword battle sequences.
Grand Central Station (1931)
Interconnected narratives of Josephine Baker, Joan Blondell, Dolores del Río, and Fredric March all vying for the last seat on the 5:45 train out to Poughkeepsie. When they realize they're jostling to sit next to the same sugar daddy who's been stringing all of them along, the four decide to unionize. Pre-code thrills; the four-in-a-bunk Pullman car scene remains notable for a reason.
I have more but I think I've gone a bit delirious.
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