#girl help i am physically incapable of flirting
infraredss · 8 months
im like "SLUT ERA‼️ I want to MAKE OUT with women!" and then experience debilitating levels of homosexuality if a woman leans in close to me for any reason
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g0dspeeed · 3 years
Liar, Liar
For @constantzeigarnik
"V unabashedly flirting with Viktor, just laying it on real thick for the ripperdoc, and Viktor just not being prepared for it in the slightest."
“Liar, liar.”
The words came out in a tired sigh with a voice that hopefully sounded as indifferent as V intended.
The pair was laid out on the hood of Panam’s latest wheels, eyes closed, and cold drinks in hand. After helping the Aldecaldo get the ride from a locked storage yard, V had offered to relax beneath the shade of a highway overpass while they waited for the client to arrive. Panam accepted without a second thought. Between the two of them, a break from daily survival in Night City seemed in order.
Supposed to be chill.
Just two friends sippin’ on a dry afternoon.
No worries.
No stress for an hour.
That was before their present conversation, one that V was trying desperately to avoid.
“Yeah, I’m the liar here,” returned Panam. “And Night City is family friendly. At least I’m not the one in denial that my ripperdoc has the hots for me.”
V turned to shoot her friend a dark look. The nomad smirked as the warning fell flat. Despite V’s best efforts, Panam could see right through her: She was absolutely fuckin’ right.
“Think ya’ got it all wrong,” V maintained in a cool tone.
“Oh, do I?”
V cringed.
“Only met the guy one time,” Panam said. “Felt like a third wheel between the two of you eye-fuckin’ each other. Almost walked outta there see what that psychic girl was sellin’.”
A new warmth began stinging V’s cheeks and Panam frowned at her friend’s lack of response.
This was new territory. Seeing V react this way was beyond strange. One of the most capable people Panam had ever met was turning red over a man. Borderline bizarre. Truly, the entire conversation was out of the norm.
“Shit,” muttered Panam. At her best efforts at being soft, she added, “Don’t feel bad, V. The guy’s stacked like a fucking truck.”
At that, V finally let her guard down. She grinned as Panam gently shoved her shoulder.
“There she is. Just let that denial fade away-”
“Fuck off.”
“What the hell are you afraid of?” asked Panam. “Rejection?”
V looked at her energy drink, swiveling the liquid around before relenting.
“I mean, yeah, kinda.”
An eye roll and a heavy groan came from the woman beside her.
“Yeah okay,” said Panam. “Like he’d reject a woman half his age, much less a badass like you. V, I saw it for myself. The guy thinks you’re hot. Caught ‘im lookin’ at your ass. Not only that, he cares, like genuinely cares about you, which says a lot for people like us. Next time you see him, just lay it on thick and be done.”
V scrunched her eyes shut at her friend’s advice. Just talking about openly pursuing Viktor Vector made V’s stomach twist into knots. As much as she was the badass that Panam knew her to be, for V to explore an actual romantic relationship outside of ‘eye-fucking’ and the occasional one-night stand with some rando from Afterlife was not something V was familiar with. Her days were chaotic. Her lifestyle was that of constant motion. Viktor, in all his edginess, was stable, consistent, and secure. Also, she enjoyed the subtly they shared, the skirting around the topic of their flirty friendship, or whatever it was, from the safety of fleeting looks, suggestive undertones, and the occasional wink.
Then again, if V were honest with herself, it never seemed to be enough. V couldn’t deny that each time she left his clinic she wanted more. Craved more. More time, more privacy, more touch. She was her own worst enemy in all of those categories, always the first to shy away, to change the subject, to wander off.
“Worst case scenario,” breathed Panam. “He’s not interested in dating someone younger. Or just wants to be friends. That’s fine. Whatever. Should that happen, you delta outta there, lay low for a few weeks, find a new doc, and move on.”
“I can’t just delta out of his life,” groaned V. “He’s been my ripperdoc since I came to Night City. He’s also one of my closest friends-”
“Ok, then suffer. Fuck! Just do something. You’re killing me with this in between bullshit.”
Hours later, their conversation from under the overpass played on repeat inside V’s head. Panam cannot sugar coat anything. She might be physically incapable of doing that. Her words came straight from the heart and that’s what made what she had to say so sincere.
That is at least what V was telling herself as she steadily made her way down the steps to Viktor’s clinic, hands clammy, and body keyed up.
Part of her hoped that he was out or tied up with a patient. Maybe he would tell her to come by later.
She scoffed.
What a stupid thought. She was too quick to forget how often he invited her to stick around if he were operating, how she would wait at his workbench or nap on his crusty couch in the back. Sure enough, she could hear the man whistling below, the cheery sound echoing to where she hesitated. She swallowed.
With a final deep breath, V summoned up the bravery to walk through the metal gate.
Hunched over his operating chair, Viktor appeared to be wiping down between appointments, his rich voice humming along to some song in his head. V watched for a moment, taking in the serene sight before approaching the ripperdoc.
“Surprised you’re not watching a match,” she said.
The humming stopped. His head cocked at hearing her voice.
Without turning he responded, “Aren’t any on right now or you know I would be.”
The rag was tossed down and Viktor shifted to look at her.
V’s stomach flipped. His blue button-up was stained with a dark, oily substance all over the front. The top buttons were either missing or dangling from bits of string, leaving the shirt partly undone and exposing his undershirt. V’s eyebrows furrowed as she noticed a small crack that cut in the corner of his glasses just above a small nick on his cheekbone.
“You look-”
“Like shit?” he finished with a grin.
Viktor crossed his arms, drawing V’s attention to his thick biceps in a knee-jerk reaction.
“Bet so,” he continued. “Someone brought in his friend after a run in with the Tyger Claws, all blood clots and broke teeth. The gonk was scared out of his goddamn mind. Took a toll just to sedate ‘im.”
His smile had turned into a smirk, something confident and full of swagger as he told his story. He wore it well, mastering the balance found only in seasoned residents of Night City, of those who earned their street cred by way of blood, grit, and never backing down. V’s lips pursed at how his eyes looked to hers past those dark lenses.
Here would be the part where V ran away, ran from opportunity, from her feelings. He dared to look at her the way he did in that moment, so smooth, so confident. The man had to know. Viktor had to recognize how he affected her, had to notice how her eyes appreciated his physique, how her complexion warmed when he touched her. His frame had turned to face hers, all broad shoulders and aftershave.
She could step back.
Look away.
This was where she could coolly suppress her attraction and change the subject.
But not today.
“Here,” she said warmly.
V stepped close to the ripperdoc, shrinking the gap between their bodies as her fingers gently plucked the man’s glasses from his face. Viktor blinked in surprise and swallowed as she studied the damaged lens with a critical eye, her own smirk pulling at her full lips.
“Gonna need new ones, doc,” she told him.
Next, V carefully folded the glasses and slid them onto the collar of her top. Viktor’s eyes tracked her movements before quickly glancing away. Ever the gentleman.
“But don’t worry,” continued V. “The rest of you I can remedy.”
He chuckled.
“The rest of me?”
V looked up. She nearly gasped. For Viktor to wear those damn shaded glasses was a sin. The bluest blue that V had ever seen, his eyes were deep like ocean water. There was longing in them. Desire. He adored V for standing so close and showing such concern for his wellbeing. Christ, she could get lost in those eyes if he kept looking at her like that.
To answer his question, V tugged at the hem of his soiled shirt. He stiffened.
“Are you tryin’ to say that you like being covered in… whatever this is?” she mused.
“Well, no-”
In a near whisper, V begged, “Then come on, Vik. Let me play doctor for once.”
The way she was looking up at him with that smile, those bedroom eyes, leaning close like that with her fingers tugging on his shirt and talkin’ in that sweet, sexy voice.
Who was Viktor to deny her?
He sighed out a ‘Fine’ and nodded in agreement. Consent confirmed, V went to work. V’s fingers moved to undo the remaining buttons of his shirt, but Viktor stopped her hands. His own hands were warm, a little rough with scars and callouses on the tips and knuckles. In response to V’s questioning look, Viktor grabbed his shirt and ripped the buttons loose with a jerk. They pattered at their feet.
“Trash,” he stated as he slid his arms free from his shirt. Like the buttons, it went airborne and landed in a nearby biohazard bin.
“Hey now,” warned V with mock annoyance. “I said let me play doctor.”
“Oh am I being a bad patient?” returned Viktor.
To his surprise, V placed her palm at the center of his chest. Her fingers flexed gently against his undershirt, making Viktor’s heart race. She then gave a gentle shove.
“The worst,” she teased as Viktor let her push him back into his own operating chair.
Even if he wanted to, there was no way that Viktor could hide his smile. He was at a loss. What in the world had gotten into V? Not that he was complaining of course, but he was so used to waiting. The flirting, the winks, all those playful innuendos had been going on for such a long time. By now, Viktor simply accepted that she wouldn’t push it further, that their friendship or whatever they had, consisted of only those teasing moments. Nothing more. In the end he believed that V didn’t want anything deeper with the ripperdoc. And that was fine. A bummer, but fine. Didn’t feel bad about it. Didn’t resent her. She was younger, a wild one who made a hobby out of recklessly injuring herself doing God knows what in the city. The man wasn’t new to women or intimacy, and with a woman like V he thought it best to let her set the terms, especially considering that she was after all his patient. A patient who ate his food, slept on his couch, completely ignored his work schedule, and called him ‘pretty boy’ on the regular. A patient no less.
So imagine how fast his heart was racing as her fingers softly cupped his cheek, at how her body leaned in close as she inspected the small cut beneath his eye. Viktor tried his hardest to look off into nothingness rather than at her breasts. Tried to ignore how delicious she smelled. Was she wearing perfume-
“Breathe, Vik,” she mumbled. “Can’t have my first patient black out on me.”
She fucking winked and that goddamn smirk of hers graced her lips.
“I, uh,” he began. He laughed, a bit too nervously for his liking. “I’m sorry, just, just distracted. It doesn’t hurt that much, ya know.”
“How’d he get ya?” asked V.
To Viktor’s disappointment, V stepped away from the chair and walked towards his workbench. He didn’t miss how her hips swayed or how she bent over to grab his medical kit in a nearly exaggerated manner. The way she looked into his eyes while she straightened, all slow and sensual with those curves of hers, went immediately to his dick. He swallowed.
“Um,” he said stupidly. “He, uh, headbutted me. With his head.”
“Ouch,” she replied.
Before she returned to the flustered ripperdoc, V shimmied out of her bomber jacket and tossed it on his workbench. A tattered crop top pulled against her skin as she shook out her dark hair.
Viktor had the decency to rest his hands in his lap to shield the effect that the merc had on him.
Her tongue wet her lips as she fished through the kit for what she wanted. The glance she shot in his direction proved that there was no innocence in the act.
What the fuck was happening?
That question repeated itself over and over again in his mind as she again bent closely towards his body to apply a Q-tip to the wound, offering another delicious view of her ample breasts.
“Can I get some feedback, doc?” she asked quietly.
Viktor swallowed, his mouth dry like sand.
“Yeah, kid,” he replied lowly.
V paused her work to truly look at him, to gaze into those gorgeous eyes of his. Then, all calm and collected, V perched herself next to him at the edge of the operating chair. Viktor allowed her some room as she cupped his cheek with her other hand, her breasts resting on his torso as she leaned into him. Her thumb ghosted his skin, tempting. Teasing. Viktor ignored the urge to press against the throbbing hardness in his pants. The cut long forgotten, his attention was caught up in V’s eyes, the warmth of her skin, her smell, the sultriness of her voice.
“Do you want me?”
Her mouth was so close to his. The warmth of her breath tickled his skin like static. Viktor’s eyes shut in anticipation as V slowly drew herself to his lips.
He felt nothing, but heard the soft tear of paper. Viktor’s eyes fluttered open, brow crinkling in confusion. V had sat up and was unwrapping a small bandage, her eyes fixated on the task while he gaped at her. When it was open, she reached out and carefully applied the bandage to the cut on Viktor’s cheek.
“All done,” she stated in a chipper tone, a wide smile stretched from ear to ear.
Viktor smirked.
“Oh yeah?” he questioned. “Think you’re hot shit giving this old man a heart attack?”
“Think I gave you more than that, pretty boy.”
Her eyes flickered to his lap and back to those ocean eyes. Viktor sat up in the chair, his hands not budging as if his life depended on it.
“You never answered me,” said V, the playfulness gone from her voice and replaced with a feeling that Viktor found it hard to describe.
There was no mystery, however, to how he felt in hearing it. His heart melted at her words, at how the game was finally over and that she, beautiful V, wanted to know if he wanted her. A stupid question, really, but an important one all the same.
“Ah V,” he said with a sigh.
Panic alit her eyes like fire, but it was quickly doused as Viktor took her by the hand.
“Of course I do,” Viktor replied earnestly. He gave her hand a small squeeze. “I’d be a fuckin’ liar if I didn’t.”
For whatever reason, Viktor saw V blink as if there was something odd in what he said. The moment was short and quickly forgotten as V embraced him so hard that the pair fell back in his operating chair, his arm wrapped around waist and his lips pressed into her hair.
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dwellordream · 4 years
If you could rewrite Alysanne and J****erys’ daughters to make them fully-fledged characters instead of paper-thin stereotypes, what would you change? (Censored you-know-who’s name because we don’t acknowledge him in my house 🙅🏿‍♀️)
Lmfao at you-know-who.  Daenerys: I actually think Fire and Blood does an okay job of building up Daenerys’ character (though of course it’s pretty obvious from her very first appearance she’s going to die tragically young, forever the ‘darling of the realm’). I don’t know, maybe we could have had a scene of her interacting with Aerea or Rhaena or something to get their reactions to her being heir for the first two years of her life before Aemon’s birth. Alyssa: My problem with Alyssa is not that she’s a tomboy. My problem with Alysaa is that she is a generic trope of ‘not like other girls!’ with no actual development. Unlike Arya’s very well-written arc in canon, Alyssa’s failure to conform to her society’s rigid gender roles and her interest in more traditionally masculine Westerosi pursuits like dueling, riding, climbing, etc is never examined in terms of how it effects her relationships with her family members and her thoughts about her future. There’s no scene like the one between Arya and Ned where Arya questions why she can’t be rule in her own right or build castles or advise kings, etc. There’s no detail given to how she got along with her mother and if Alysanne encouraged her ‘wild’ behavior or was more disapproving of it, etc.  Despite all this attention paid to how Alyssa refuses to conform to the expected role of a ladylike and demure princess, she seemingly has no problems with being married off at 15 and being expected to stick to being a wife and mother? There’s absolutely no conflict there, and there should be. Even if she was really in love with Baelon and had no issues marrying him, I find it hard to believe that she would pivot from wanting to spar with her brothers in the training yard to telling Baelon, totally seriously, “You were made for battles, and I was made for this. ...As soon as I am well, let’s make another. An army of your own!”  That seems like a pretty drastic shift in personality, and it’s never explained. Maegelle: Maegelle just needs more development, in general. She’s not this offensive character archetype, she’s just incredibly barebones, the barest outline of a character. Only one line is spared to her relationship with Alyssa, who was only two years older, and that is ‘Alyssa bristled at the baby at her skirts’. It would have been nice to see some interaction between them, any at all; they were close in age growing up, surely they spent time together, even if they had very different interests, and they must have been educated together by a septa. There’s also barely anything devoted to how Maegelle viewed Daella beyond being her ‘guiding star’. What does that mean? Was she protective of Daella? Did she spend more time with her little sister than the rest of the family? Was she upset when Daella was married off? How did she and Daella react to Alyssa’s untimely death?  What about Maegelle’s ‘gift for healing’? When did that show up? When did she begin to study healing? What motherhouse did she go to? She was very bright, so what else did she like to study? Did she ever wish she could study at the Citadel? Did she correspond with Vaegon? Did she do any writing of her own? How did she help her parents resolve their conflicts? Did she help resolve any other political or familial strife? Did she wish for Viserys or Daemon to join the Faith as boys? Daella: Daella seems to have been intellectually disabled in some way. How did that affect her everyday life? To what extent was she aware of this? How did it affect the way her siblings treated her? Was she scared of her father, who she seemed incapable of pleasing, no matter what she did? She liked flowers, did she like to spend a lot of time in the gardens, or did she have a personal flower garden of her own that she tended to, like Myrcella in canon? What caused her to be scared of gardens? Was she bullied in one by her siblings?  Daella didn’t speak until she was almost two. Was this scene as a cause for concern at the time? What did the maesters think? Did Maegelle teach her to read, and praise her when she was able to read aloud, albeit haltingly? Who were her other tutors? What did Alysanne and Jaehaerys think of her being known as ‘simple’? Why was she scared of Alyssa?  Was Saera punished for her cruel pranks on Daella? Did Saera single her out because Daella annoyed her or because she felt Daella took up attention from their parents that Saera did not get? How much did Saera and Vaegon’s bullying contribute to Daella’s obvious anxiety and many phobias? Why was someone asking the 9 year old Daella when she would marry Vaegon?  Why did Alysanne and Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be wed at all? At the time they had plenty of healthy children who would presumably have multiple grandchildren to continue the Targaryen line. The overwhelming pressure for Daella to marry does not make sense when the family tree was still fairly vast in 77 AC. Why was Daella left alone with for young squires seemingly encouraged to flirt with and pursue her, a frightened teenage girl with a child-like mentality? Why was there no uproar over Simon trying to get her drunk, and Ellard forcing a kiss on her? Why was this incident seen as ‘Daella being picky’ and not an assault on a royal princess? What drew Daella to Royce Blackwood? Was he kind to her? Why did no one consider that Daella’s strong religious faith in the Seven might pose an obstacle to this marriage? Why could Daella not be permitted to wed in a sept and raise her children in an interfaith marriage, as Catelyn and Ned do in canon?  Why did Jaehaerys feel Daella needed to be married off by the end of her sixteenth year seemingly for no reason other than annoyance? Why would the marriage of a royal princess be treated so lightly? Why did Jaehaerys then threaten to send Daella to the Silent Sisters when Alysanne asked why Daella could not wait to be married? Why did Jaehaerys hold such animosity towards his 16 year old daughter that he would rather her be forced into a severe religious order where she would likely never see her family again, rather than simply let her wait to marry or not marry at all? Why were two of the men Daella was then ordered to choose between old enough to be her father? Why was she not offered the choice of Rodrik’s sons or Boremund’s son? What was to be gained from wedding her to Rodrik, since her children by him would never inherit the Eyrie? Jaehaerys just decided to chuck politics out the window in order to be rid of her? He loathed his daughter that much at that point? Daella is given no voice following her marriage to Rodrik, nor is there any interrogation of his frankly disturbing interest in a 16 year old girl he’d known since birth and watched grow up over the years, calling her his ‘precious princess’ and seemingly fetishizing her naive, child-like innocence and fragile physical state? To add onto this, there is then zero outcry towards Rodrik himself when he proceeds to impregnate Daella, leading to her horrible death in childbirth. Why do we not even get Jaehaerys’ reaction to the realization that he essentially pushed his daughter into an early, agonizing death?  Saera and Viserra: Saera is brave and clever but that gets one brief mention, and then the rest of the narrative spends all its time harping on how she’s an evil, sexy, manipulative teenage girl. Viserra is just a slightly watered down version of her. They don’t just need to be rewritten, they need actual personalities to work with, because they have none, they’re just plot devices with names designed to make their parents fight with each other.  The same goes for Gael, who seems to just be ‘Daella 2.0′ in terms of being regarded as ‘simple-minded but sweet’, and then being raped (I don’t think Gael was capable of giving proper consent to sex or understood what that meant) and left to commit suicide after her stillborn son.
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alexhogh7137 · 3 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three: The Midday Vision
Word Count 2.9k
Warnings: angst, mentions of physical harm
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A week has gone by and you have been watching Daario's movements like a dragon stalking its prey. Hvitserk laughs at you for it but this is your people's lives at stake here, and you will watch him until you leave Wessex. Until that day, he will be under your radar. Ivar has been sending letters back and forth since the day you got to England, but you have only written him twice. So that is what you will do today, write to your beloved while Hvitserk takes on your responsibilities for an hour or so. 
Hvitserk "He is probably worried sick-"
"I know, I know. It just has slipped my mind. I feel horrible!"
Hvitserk "I am sure that he is fine, kitten. I will watch Daario while you write your letters. Come find me when you are done, yes?"
"Of course."
Hvitserk "Good," he kisses your lips before taking a step back, "I love you." 
"I love you too." And then he shut the door behind him and left you to your thoughts. 
You gathered your writing instruments and sat down at your table. You thought of what to say and how to say it for a good while before you actually put your pen to the parchment. Eventually, you took a deep breath and began to write:
Dear Ivar, 
Please forgive me for not writing back sooner, my priorities have been taking up my time and writing has just left my mind. I have taken your advice and have been watching Daario's every move and as of now, he has been staying true to his word. He has been kind and gentle to my people, he has been teaching the young to fight, and has been guiding people in my village. Hvitserk has changed his opinion on the man, which puts my mind at ease quite a bit. I hope that you have been well, my love. I miss you dearly. I plan to be home by the weeks end, if not sooner. I love you Ivar, see you soon my king.
Yours, Y/n.
You hurried your way down the stairs to reach your letter carrier and he left with great haste. You smile as you look behind you to see your dragon's. You walk your way to Ryuu, Neith and Eldr, and you sit down beside them all.
"I miss your daddy, y'know." Eldr scuffs some heat out of his mouth. "What?! I do. This is the longest I have ever gone without seeing Ivar." Eldr places his head down by your feet, for you to feel some comfort. "We will go home soon, my loves. Just one more day or so, I just need to make absolutely sure-"
Daario "That what..?" You jolt up and look behind you, "that I won't burn this place to the ground."
"I'm sorry-"
Daario "No, don't be. If you weren't watching me like a hawk, then you would not be a good queen. I respect you Y/n."
"Thank you."
Daario "So, you really talk to them do you?"
"Of course I do. They understand me and I understand them."
Daario "Oh yeah? Are they talking now-"
"I know that you must find it absurd but-"
Daario "Not at all. I am just trying to understand this whole dragon thing. Before I met you, I thought that dragon's were a myth."
You giggle, "Well as you can see, they are very much real."
Daario chuckles, "Yes they are."
"So mainly it is all psychological. When I look into their eyes, I can tell what they are saying."
Daario "That is a true gift."
"Mmm," you look up at Neith, "I got to raise them, that is the true gift."
Daario "I swear, you are the most selfless person I have ever met. Especially given the fact that you rule over two kingdoms."
"Thank you, but I only rule over Wessex. My husband rules Kattegat."
Daario "I am confused."
"I only feel that I rule over England, I do not feel like I rule over Kattegat."
Daario "Well in that case, I am more than grateful to lead by your side in England, my queen."
"Well technically-"
Daario "I know, you won't be here.." you nod, "but it's still a nice thought to think about." You pause but you feel a pair of familiar hands grab the small of your back.
Hvitserk "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for the two of you."
"Sorry Hvitserk, Daario was just asking me about my dragon's."
Hvitserk "Oh yeah? They are incredible aren't they?"
Daario "Truly. I guess I should go and check on everyone. It was lovely talking to you."
"You as well Naharis.." you watch him walk away and join your people at one of your homes. 
Hvitserk "He got a little too close there..for my liking."
"Flirting, but he is a man Hvitserk. He can't help himself."
Hvitserk "I warned him not to ever-"
"I believe you. But look at me," he looks away from Daario and down into your eyes, "We are going home soon, and he will be far away from all of us, okay?"
Hvitserk sighs, "Fine."
"I don't wish for your day to be ruined over a little flirt."
Hvitserk "It's not, kit..I just don't like when people look at you like you are a meal. It infuriates me. After all you've been through, I find it my life's duty to protect you." You pull him in for a warm yet hard embrace and hold him close for a while.
"You do protect me Hvitserk. You keep me safe and warm..and loved." He smiles, "Ever since the day we met, you've kept me safe. But once our daughter is here, I need you to protect her more than me."
Hvitserk "I-"
"Promise me Hvitserk." He loses eye contact, "Our daughter's life comes first. No matter what, you keep our daughter safe."
Hvitserk "I swear it, Y/n. But that does not mean that I won't not protect you."
"Of course it doesn't. But if there ever comes a day where it is between me or our daughter to save, save our little girl." Hvitserk looks away to hide his tear that was falling from his eyelid. He quickly wipes it away and clears his throat before looking back at you. 
Hvitserk "I will." You smile and nod, "But let us pray to the gods that there will never come a day where I have to save only one of you.."
"Yes. Now, let us have a good day today."
Hvitserk "With you, it's always a good day."
Back in Kattegat:
Ivar has been having sleepless nights without you in his arms. He has been worrying nonstop, waiting for you to write back to him. He has gone to Ubbe, asking for his guidance but he has been brushing him off and telling him, "she's with Hvitserk, she is fine." He knows that is a fact, but he also knows that something could have happened to the both of you. So he waits and waits for your letter to arrive. As he waits, he sits on his throne, motionless. When all of a sudden, he hears none other than his own brother scream out his name from outside those double doors. He is in a panic that he crawls his way to the doors instead of walking to them. He looks around and does not see his brother so to save time, he gets into his carriage and commands his horse to ride to the noise. When he finds Ubbe, he is sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes.
Ivar "Ubbe, what is it?!"
Ubbe "It is Y/n. Something is going to happen to her-"
Ivar "What are you talking about?"
Ubbe "A vision Ivar. I had a vision-"
Ivar "A vision..during the day?"
Ubbe "Yes, brother. We both know that that has never happened to us before."
Ivar "Tell me.."
Ubbe "There is this woman. I could see her like I am seeing you right now. She goes into their chambers Ivar.." Ivar's eyes start to water as he anticipates what he is about to say next. "She takes Hvitserk's dagger and.." Torvi's eyes are red from crying, as she looks up at Ivar.
Ivar "And what?"
Ubbe "She kills them both." Ivar's tears overflow now. "She goes to the extent of slitting her belly..Ivar. She kills all of them."
Ivar "I, how..what?" He is in shock and he cannot truly make out what to say.
Ubbe "We need to go Ivar, we are losing the sun!"
Ivar "Did you see her face?"
Ubbe "Wha-yes! Ivar we need to go! If we wait any longer, we won't make it by nightfall!" Ivar does not waste anymore time before he rides out of Kattegat, heading straight to you. Ubbe hurries his men to join him while Torvi takes over Kattegat. 
Torvi "Come on boys..please save them..please save them." She says over and over as she cries, fearing that they will not make it to England in time.
Ivar looks up at the sky as he forces his horse to run like the wind, seeing the sun fade away and into the horizon. He fears that he will be too late and he would see his family gone, right in front of his eyes. He knew by the sound of his brother's screams that it had to deal with his wife. Why else would he scream? Why else would he be on his knees, crying? You are loved, Hvitserk is loved, and your unborn child is loved so much that the thought of losing you three is bone chilling. 
Ivar "Come on...COME ON!" He continues to hit his horse but the horse is physically incapable of going any faster but he cannot help himself. He is out of breath, even though he is not the one running. His heart is already in pain with the picture in his mind of how horrible it would be to witness such a scene. 
Ubbe "We're not going to make it, brother!" He shouted from his horse that is racing beside his carriage.
Ivar "We are going to make it!" He shouted back at him. His voice cracking from the sadness he is trying to hide. If anyone has to be strong, it is him. And he will be strong, and he will make it. He has too.
Wessex England:
As the sun settled behind your kingdom and below the hills surrounding it, you felt the sense of unease. So as a gut instinct, you stay very close to Hvitserk. Practically joint at his hip. Daario notices your change in behavior and immediately goes on high alert. 
Hvitserk "Y/n, are you alright? You seem frightened."
"I have this unnerving feeling."
Hvitserk "Tell me what you are feeling."
"I have this sickening feeling and almost an electrical pain going across my belly.."
Hvitserk "What?!"
"I already looked, there is nothing there."
Hvitserk "Is sh-"
"She's still kicking..yes."
Hvitserk "Then why are you feeling this?"
"I am not sure. I just feel like something is coming. I just don't know what."
Hvitserk "I don't want you out of my sight, do you hear me?"
"I'm not going anywhere, you asked what was wrong so I was not going to hide what I have been feeling since the sun went down." 
Hvitserk "Well, I believe you Y/n. I'm not going to let anything happen to you-"
Hvitserk "What?"
"I was just telling you if it ever came down to me or our daughter, save our daughter."
Hvitserk "She is still in your womb, kitten...so right now, I am watching over you."
"What did I ever do to deserve such a protector?"
Hvitserk "Just you being you. Anyone who meets you loves you Y/n. Everyone who meets you wishes to protect you."
"Why? I don't understand that. I am just an normal person-"
Hvitserk "It is because you have been through so much trauma that you did not deserve, everyone is aware and wishes to give you a new and safe life. And you are far from normal Y/n. You are a mother of dragons, how is that normal?" He bursts out laughing and so do you.
"I guess you are right. I love you, you know that."
Hvitserk "Of course I do."
"Good." You rest your head on his shoulder and rest your mind. That is until you hear a woman shout behind you. Hvitserk takes out his sword and so do the guards that are around you at all times. You find Daario holding a woman by her mouth, keeping her silent. 
"Daario! What is the meaning of this!?"
Daario "She was going to kill you!" He holds up the dagger that she had in her hand. You walk up to her, to conform Daario's own words.
"Is this true?" She does not answer at first, but she nods because her mouth is still covered by Daario's large hand. You look up at him, confused. "But why did you wish to harm your queen?" She forces Daario's hand off of her mouth and Hvitserk holds his sword up to her throat.
Hvitserk "Try anything, and you'll meet your precious God in the matter of seconds."
"I am unarmed-" she said.
Daario "Yeah, you are now-"
"What was your reason?!"
"You should not be queen! Any spawn of your fathers will destroy this kingdom and its people. This kingdom needs new blood, new reigns..not you." She said with a straight face. 
"I am sorry that you feel that way. But I am nothing like my father. I love my people and I love my kingdom, I would never do anything to put it in jeopardy."
"Funny, that is what your father used to say-"
"I burned my father alive." She takes a step back. "I am not my father. I got rid of my father. I am aware of what he has done, who he has killed..I am also aware of everything that he has done to me, to which I think that you have no idea about." She does not respond, "So do not kill someone who is trying to save her kingdom. Do not kill someone who loves her people."
"..I..I am sorry." She finally said, but before you could answer, you hear horses coming from behind you and by your gate. 
Hvitserk "Get behind me." Daario lets go of the girl and gets beside Hvitserk to guard you. Your dragon's fly to the top of your palace to get a clear shot if you demand them to kill. 
"Wh-is that..Ivar!?" Hvitserk puts away his sword and sighs out of relief to see his brother's instead of a whole unexpected army. "What is he doing here?" You walk up to your husbands carriage, confused.
"Ivar, what are you-" he pulls you into his chest, stopping you from talking. He is shaking and he is sobbing. 
Ivar "I made it..oh gods, I made it."
"You knew?..How did you-"
Ubbe "Hey sis." And then it clicked, he must have had a vision. 
"What did you see Ubbe?"
Ubbe "I saw that woman," he points to the woman that is being held back by Daario, "come into your chambers and kill the three of you."
"Our chambers..but it just happened?"
Ubbe nods, "Sometimes visions are not exact, but they show the true fate of the one's that you love."
Ivar "So this is the woman."
"Ivar-" He does not listen to you. He makes his way passing his brother and grabbing the woman by her throat, shoving her up against the wall of your palace.
"..please..don't kill me.." she tries to get out. 
Ivar "If you ever try to kill my wife, my brother..and my unborn child again, I will crucify you..do you understand me?" She cries out, agreeing and pleading for her life. "The only reason why your neck is not broken is because my wife is behind me. And I know that she would not wish to see you die. She has too good of a heart."
"I am so sorry, my queen." You do not respond, only stare. "Please forgive me. I was not thinking, I was only remembering all that your father put my family through!"
"Understood, Ivar..let her go." He lets go over her throat and she runs to you, kneeling her your feet. 
"Please..forgive me. I am truly sorry!" She said, crying and shouting for forgiveness.
"Please stand." She does so and you take her hands in yours, "I forgive you. But I need you to think before you act. If Daario was not here to stop you, me and my child would be dead by your impulse. Think before you act and only act if you have facts and knowledge on the person you wish to kill."
"My queen, I am so-"
"I have already told you that you have been forgiven. I will give you a second chance, please do not fail me."
"Yes, my queen."
"Go to your mother." She runs away and rejoins her mother and siblings. You look in front of you and see Ivar, Hvitserk and Daario shocked but proud. 
"Hello..my beloved." He couldn't help himself from giggling.
Ivar "Hello, my sweetheart."
@hvitserkmarcosource @heavenly1927 @saldelys @youbloodymadgenius @ivarsgoddess @conaionaru @readsalot73 @a-mess-of-fandoms @houseoftoomanyfandoms @dreamycream17 @nevlahhh @krissydclayton93
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
ok, so runaan told me to ask you on how not to act like a total disaster in front of the person you have a serious crush on (since flirting casually doesn't seem to be a skill he has), i probably am going to see the girl i like for the first time in months this weekend and i need some help on how to act A LITTLE composed. help me out moon dad please and thank you 😰
Runaan is physically incapable of doing anything casually, love. Flirting ain’t special. *chuckles* Let’s see if I can help you out a bit, hmm?
First of all, I’m so excited that you get to see your crush again! You two are going to have so much to talk about! A lot has happened for you both, and talking and sharing is a great way to begin to reconnect.
When she talks to you, make sure you listen well. If she’s important to you, then so is what she tells you. It may help your nerves to focus on her instead of yourself, too. Spending time with her in order to be with her has a whole different feel to it than spending time with her in order to make the “right” impression. Just be with her, and give her your dedicated attention when she interacts with you. She’ll notice, on some level. 
Checking in to make sure she’s comfortable with topics or activities is a very sweet show of affection, too. If you’ve been apart for a long time, boundaries may not be exactly where they used to be, and despite your enthusiasm to reconnect, it’s always important to make sure you’re both enjoying whatever it is you’re doing together. Long term stress can change how people react to things. Just go slow and pay attention. If she feels comfortable with you and knows she can trust you, that’s a wonderful base for any kind of relationship to flourish.
I hope this eases your mind a bit about your upcoming visit. I wish you the very best!
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fragment-lunaire · 4 years
Some quotes from Ethan
I found a site in Polish (if I'm not mistaken ?) where there are quotes spoken by Ethan during the various Routes. I found it interesting to share them with you. The translation is rather rough (sorry).
"Hey, who do we have here?" 
Beliath’s Route 
"So, now you want to rip a bookworm, but you're not curious enough to immerse yourself in great vintage classics? You know, if you don't have muscles or brains, things can get complicated."
"You have a sharp tongue, but weak nerves, huh?"
"I admit that I would have liked to show my amazing creativity, but Beliath never liked poaching his game. And stop talking to me so bloated, I'm not as old as Vladimir."
"Oh, you say that because I look too cool to bother opening books? That's my strength, baby. I have muscles AND a brain."
"Stupid, not necessarily, but undoubtedly not very bright. But go ahead, amaze me with your masterly Croatian, outstanding Polish accent or your knowledge of Greek philosophers, feel free ..."
"Come on, since I'm nice and I feel there will be a lot of laughter from it, then you come with me today. I want to see how brave you are."
"So, now smile and look excited to be with me, okay?"
"Rule of thumb: if you have a weak head, don't overdo it."
"You're right. I couldn't stand you when you came. If it was up to me, I'd be for kicking you out and let you die."
"If you want to look at it like that, okay. That doesn't mean I'll be nice to you at the mansion after all, do you get it? My name is not Raphael and I'm not your friend. But I'm not going to keep you locked up."
"Who am I to stop a young woman on the way to drunkenness? Okay, I'll buy you another one, but then be careful. Not being embarrassed about anything is fun, but you'd better not end up with your head in the toilet bowl."
"Wow, when you're a guy that's exactly what to say, if you want to score a score with someone, you know that? Nothing works better than letting someone else talk to a person. Seriously, is that me you want to flirt with?”
"It's not like that. Vampires have a" passive "ability to attract human attention. We are designed to charm and attract humans because they are the source of our vitality and power."
"Maybe my heart beats because of the blood of others, but that doesn't make him insensitive. I'd have to be a bloody bastard not to understand what it's like to be ... disappointed when you hoped for something."
"Probably like all the poor mortals in the world. But anyway, even though I've become a real asshole since then, I never got over it."
"Okay, I admit I like this approach. But you'll have to stick with me. You think you're ready for this?"
"Stop wondering, Eloise, lower your barriers and start living for once!"
"Hey, hey, and it's not just a little, but unfortunately I know it's doomed to fail." (In answer to Eloise's question if he was attracted to her)
"That big idiot doesn't know what he's losing ..."
"And you're not as tense and annoying as I thought. You see, this night is not so bad."
"Take care on the way back. It's safe, but you never know."
"Relax, do you think they can do anything? Hold on to me and you'll be fine"
"Good god, it's a ghost! I was starting to wonder if we might end up breaking down your room door just to see if you were there at all."
"Hey baby, it could have been worse. Maybe Beliath only thinks about one thing, but he's far from being a loser. You could have been less fortunate. You could have hit me."
"Yes, that's the way it is ... once a year the planets will align properly, and then I sometimes think of someone other than myself."
"And think about what I told you. Go and see Beliath before he wears out and goes on all fours because of hunger. I like this view only under certain circumstances ..."
"That said, we'd understand you're the chick who thinks hot water with grass is tasty. I can make an effort to get drunk, but this stuff is no fun at all."
"Oh, something like when Eloise flew out of a second-floor window because of Ivan's enthusiasm, whom we also saved after joint" consultation "? That bodes well."
"A girl knows where to punch to make it hurt ... I'm starting to like her."
"There are always the same ones who have to do the dirty work ..."
"Better to be a coward for a minute than to be dead forever. Soldiers have always been told so."
Ivan’s Route
"Please, please. How aggressive. What a pity you didn't choose me. I'd love to give you a lesson or two .."
"Vladimir would ask us to stop breathing if the sound disturbed him. He is physically incapable of playing. In turn, she ... I feel like we will have fun with her!"
"I didn't do anything. Neither did Raph. You chose us. You must be really in your head if you chose a madman who ..."
"Yeah, okay, I'll take care of it. Hi there, baby. If you need any help ... don't look for me."
"Face it, baby: you are dinner. Get used to it."
"And for God's sake calm down. I feel sick to see how tense you are."
Vladimir’s Route
"Do you have a sensitive stomach, my dear?"
"Shit, Raph, you are such a nuisance with your quick blind guy habits"
If you want the site, tell me, I will comment it out :) 
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astxroiid · 4 years
hi angel!! just found your blog and Im so excited to read more of your work, you are so unbelievably talented!! I saw your ship requests were open, and I was wondering if I could maybe get a ship with a Harry Potter character? my name’s Heather, Im a Hufflepuff, 5’0” tall (so...the furthest thing from tall lmao), a scatter brain, a hopeless romantic who blushes at the slightest thing, very easily embarrassed/flustered, but outspoken and feircely protective of those I care about. basically, I make up for my lack of height by having an obnoxiously big personality, I guess?? I love learning, and I’ve always been a good student who got good grades, but I am physically incapable of studying bc I have the attention span of a tea-spoon lmao. oh, also, I am VERY easily scared, jumpy like a mouse bc Im the size of one, and got mad anxiety from past trauma so if anyone (particularly a male) raises their voice at me I’ll be a timid mess ✌🏻😙 sorry for writing so much, not used to this lack of a character limit in asks haha. feel free to take as long as you need with this haha, there’s no rush! thank you so much 🥰
Hey! Thank you so much!! 💕💕 and Thanks for requesting !! Sorry it took and ungodly amount of time to get to this lol
Masterlist // Read Before Requesting
Marauders Playlist
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✩ I ship you with: [young] Sirius Black
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Sirius would think your shyness is super cute.
You’d be friends with the Marauders before being in a relationship with Sirius. You’d both be great friends before hand, only later finding out your real feelings.
He’d love to jump scare you all the time. Just little poke outs grime behind corners.
He’d definitely nag you all the time about “comparing answers” on your homework.
You’d definitely get Head Girl and be forced to choose between your Hogwarts duties and your boyfriend. You’d always choose him though. He knew you would.
Sirius would also love flirting with you and complementing you just to watch your face heat up and you get even more bashful.
Sirius is secretly a big softie, coming to hold and comfort you when your anxiety got too bad.
Over all you and Sirius would be a totally good couple - also adding another kick on the ass to his parents for dating a non-Slytherin.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✩ I also ship you with: [young] Remus Lupin
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Remus and you match up almost perfectly. While you and Sirius would be the whole “opposites attract” - you and Remus would meld so well it’d be hard to tell you two apart.
You’d both be prefects and Head Boy and Girl together. Having cute little secret dates instead of doing your duties, especially on nights you both new the rest of the Marauders were sneaking out.
You’d both be too shy to ask the other out, needing Sirius and James’ help with that.
Remus would also try his best to help you study, to no avail though, you’d be too busy checking him out.
Remus would totally comfort you when your anxiety got too bad or any other time you needed to me comforted by him.
It’d also probably take you both until sixth or seventh year to actually start dating.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Thanks again for requesting! Also sorry again this took me so long to get to!!
- ships are currently closed -
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
23, from the smut list with benny😭😭
23. “Wider, baby. I said wider.”
(This got a little long because I am physically incapable of writing a Ben fic without some sort of fluffy nonsense, but for some reason the read more thing isn’t working so apologies to anyone on mobile!)
Nights out with Ben were never boring. Sober he was a complete sweetheart, looking out for you and always trying to make you laugh, your best friend in the world. But the tipsier he got the flirtier he became. You were sure it was the reason for his high success rate, having spent countless nights watching him flirt his way into other women’s beds, or at the very least a quick handy in the bathroom. Not that you were jealous or anything. Definitely not. Not jealous enough to admit it anyway.
You glanced down the bar to where he was chatting up some other chick, trying to keep your envy in check by downing another shot. Suddenly he was beside you, pulling out a stool and signalling to the bar tender. “Did I tell you how fucking stunning you look tonight?” he asked softly, eyes flicking up and down over you. “Think you got me confused with someone else Ben,” you laughed, pushing aside anything else you might currently be feeling. “Who would I possibly have confused you with Y/N?” “The bird you were just chatting up maybe?” “Nah, I set her loose. Not my type.” He shrugged as he picked up his new drink. “Are you kidding? She’s stunning! Thought for sure you’d leave with her.” “She wasn’t my type,” he repeated glancing at you before quickly looking away. “But what about you? You’re a cute girl in a short skirt, can’t believe none of these guys have tried picking you up yet.” “Oh a fair few of them have tried. I’ve been called a frigid bitch no less than 5 times tonight.” “Wankers. You’re not a bitch.” “No, I was definitely a bitch. More upset about the frigid part actually,” “Well I wouldn’t know anything about that.” Ben’s cheeks seemed a little more flushed than they had been a moment ago and you couldn’t help but notice just how close he was to you. You cleared your throat and leaned away from him. “Need a piss,” He said quickly slipping off his seat. You just nodded trying to slow your heartbeat again.
You chewed your lip as you waited for him to return, trying to keep your eyes away from the bathroom doorway. You couldn’t have been the only one to feel whatever the fuck that was. The energy between you. It had definitely been different to the normal best friend feeling. Just as you were starting to entertain the idea of contemplating thinking about telling Ben how you felt, he returned. “Hey,” he said softly, taking up his spot beside you again, the back of his hand resting against yours. “No pick up line this time?” “That wasn’t a pick up line before,” “I’m teasing Ben, I know you weren’t hitting on me,” “No, I just mean, I wouldn’t bother you with a pick up line, you deserve better than that. And you do look fucking gorgeous.” “Alright charmer, turn it down.” God what is wrong with me? Ben shifted his hand away from you, ordering another round, leaving your skin feeling noticeably colder. You each picked up a shot glass clinking them together before throwing them back. “So,” you said, trying to make everything go back to the way it normally was, “if you’re not hitting on me, and you’ve blown off missy down the bar, who’re you gonna have a crack at next?” “Actually I was thinking of calling it a night.” “Really? How come?” “The girl I was after wasn’t interested,” He was staring at you again, making your chest feel tight and god you could almost believe he meant you. “Her loss, you’re a catch.” “You think so?” he seemed confused, looking like he couldn’t quite believe what you were saying. “Course I thin-” he cut you off with a kiss, chaste and fast like he was afraid you’d push him away. You brought your fingers to your mouth, touching your lips with shaking fingers, “Me?” “You didn’t realise?” “Ben, I’m a fucking dumbass, you know this about me. You need to spell these things out for me,” He laughed, “Sorry, forgot who I was dealing with. I’ll try again,” He pulled you into another kiss, fiercer and deeper than the first. You could taste the remnants of his last drink on his tongue as you melted into him. It felt like you belonged here, like you fit together perfectly, and you wanted more, wanted to know if it’d feel like this all the time. “You wanna get out of here?” You asked when he finally let you up for air, “Come back to mine?” “God you’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
After Ben paid for your drinks you left to wave down a cab. His hand was on your back as you climbed into the backseat, giving the driver your address, swiftly moving it to your knee as he leaned back in to you. “Kinda don’t wanna stop kissing you, now that I know I can,” he said softly. “Kinda just wanna get home so we can do a little more than kiss,” you giggled “That so? Didn’t realise I got you so hot,” his hand slipped from your knee towards the inside of your thigh, “open your legs wider for me.” “Ben, the driver,” you whispered, “what if he sees. Hears.” “I’m sure he’s seen it all before, he spends all night driving drunk horny people around. C’mon Y/N, wanna make you feel good.” You let your legs fall open slightly. “Wider, baby,” You bit your lip as you opened your legs a fraction more. “I said, wider,” his voice sent a shiver through you that had you giving in and spreading your legs the way he wanted. “Good girl.” He trailed his hand higher, slipping under the hem of your dress to tease you over your underwear, “Gonna make you cum before we get to yours, you just gotta be quiet.” You held back a whine as he wiggled his fingers into your underpants, coating them in your wetness as they slid along your slit. You leaned back, shifting your hips to give him better access, swallowing hard as he briefly came into contact with your clit. “Want me to do that again, baby?” “Please,” you breathed out. Ben chuckled as he kissed you again, pressing his thumb against your clit until you were whimpering. “As soon as we get to your place, I’m going to fuck you, make you scream my name.” His thumb was relentless on your clit, pulling you closer and closer to the release you craved. The very small part of your brain that wasn’t completely focused on your impending orgasm revelled in how natural this felt, how not awkward it was. “Ben, please don’t stop,” you whispered. “Don’t worry Y/N, I’m not going to.” “Call me baby again,” His eyes met yours as he softly said, “Cum for me baby,” and you fell into your orgasm, shuddering as it rolled over you. Ben’s fingers didn’t leave you, stretching it out, as he kissed along your jaw. As he finally removed his hand from under your dress he made eye contact with you again, brining his fingers up to his mouth and licking them clean. “Jesus Christ Ben,�� “Just wanted to know if you taste as delicious as you looked while you came for me.”
As the cab pulled up outside of your house you leaned in to whisper in Ben’s ear, “You’re going to pay the fare and then meet me in my bedroom. Need to be full of your cock in the next ten minutes or I’m going to lose it.” “Good thing I know the way then,” he said with a wink as you got out of the car, practically running to unlock the door.
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theshipsociety · 5 years
I’m drunk, ILY (Levihan)
((Just a little fanfic owo)) My first attempt of writing!
Today is one of their occasional “happy hour” in Survey Corps, spending their time drinking alcohol to the only bar they had. Hange’s being the usual bartender because she doesn’t want to be drunk. She doesn’t entirely hate alcohol, she is just afraid whatever it does in her body. Those drunk memories still gives her embarrassment.
Nonstop, she is refilling the mug of a certain soldier, sitting in front of the counter. She can tell he is so wasted, drinking the alcohol for the possibility that it can heal his broken heart, from the maiden who didn’t accepted his proposal. She was so eager to listen to every wasted people, even helping them to their problems. But to this man, she can’t helped but to say “there are still beautiful women out there” for the nth time. Of course, she herself realized that she is not with that league.
Her train of thoughts were distracted when the only captain in Survey Corps went to their direction. He told the drunken  to go home (he purposely taking the man out of his seat, because it was his “spot”) but the drunk man still wants to drink and to talk. Levi would use physical force to him, but the man stood so vicious, forgetting the man who wants his seat.
“Ohh, Levi the strongest human! I wonder how many girls would want to marry you!”
An awkward seconds just filled the room. The drunk soldier purposely looking at the space, realizing that there is no one would flirt this captain.
“Soldier, the best advice you can do now is just don’t tell whatever you were thinking right now”, Hange cautioned the drunk man to follow Levi’s wish and to go home. The soldier didn’t let himself be controlled by the higher ups and he placed his arm onto Levi’s shoulder.
“How sad the humanity’s strongest is not popular with the girls. That’s such shame to his popularity”
“I already warned you soldier if you wished to live for tomorrow, run!” it was already an order when Hange is now pulling the drunk man out of the room.
The drunk man’s words had an effect on him, Hange told herself as she can see Levi’s stared harder than the usual way, without doing something. He even stopped threatening the man.
“Am I right, Captain Levi? It must be so sad!”
“Will you shut your stinking mouth with those nonsense?”
“Do your pride hurt when every time you go here, nobody flirts you?”
This man will pulled straight to hell if he didn’t shut up Hange assures it. She immediately prepared drink for Levi as she saw his gestures. She didn’t know Levi’s now staring hard to her.
“Soldier, I don’t care and want people flirt to me.” From Hange’s previously pulling the man a while ago, is now Levi’s holding the man’s shoulders, forcibly pushing him down to seat. Hange gave Levi his glass of alcohol.
“Because there’s someone already in my life you missed to know.” Levi sipped his alcohol after he whispered those words to the man.
He finished all the contents in the glass in one go. He gestured Hange to fill up his drink again, and to fast paced movement, he tucked Hange’s collar, and yet he kissed her. He also separates her lips with his thumb to open, telling her to drink the alcohol from his mouth. Hange didn’t even have the second to respond to his unexpected rough kiss, though she drank little amounts of Levi’s alcohol. This clean freak even forgot the rules of hygiene! Some alcohol spilled in their mouth as they both devoured each other’s mouth. Hange can already feel the effects of the alcohol she ingested, she can feel the heat of their sudden PDA. They both forgot that people were all starting at them and they both didn’t cared what’s happening.
Their lips parted but Levi’s licked Hange’s lips for the spilled alcohol. He smiled for a second and kissed her again. They parted for the second time but Hange just left out of blue, still registering the kissing scenario.
“I don’t flirt. I love.” Levi whispered to the drunk man again, like he was lecturing him what to do. The soldier, in fear of whatever daring scence captain and the squad leader will do, ran out of the bar. The man must be so horribly regretting what he said a while ago.
Back to the bar, Levi was still looking at the door after the drunk man’s farewell. Hange is back to her senses, but still in the influence of the alcohol. She has to control herself right now that she has the bartender job this night, her mood is now starting to change for the worst. So she called Moblit to go out, who is in the back room behind the counter, for he was the cook for the side dishes.
“Moblit, my head hurts just now, let Nifa do that job. Just for this night please.” He probably didn’t saw what happened earlier, she was worried what might Moblit would do to her if he saw all of those. He followed her orders without a second thought and wondering why the room became quiet.
She let seconds to pass in order to let the everyone’s mood into normal so that she can go out. Just a small amount of alcohol can make her body to move uncontrolled. She may be that crazy always, but it could be worst with alcohol. With her last duty before she goes out, she again refilled Levi’s glass. She caught Levi’s eyes looking at her, taking her eyes off and move away in a swift movement so that he can’t see her blushing. Levi is now left in the air, he already realized he’d done wrong. He knew Hange was taking off her service, but he didn’t go with her pace so that people won’t think he made Hange mad. Just a few drinks, he also went outside.
He can’t find her, even in her laboratory, offices and her bedroom. He passed across other’s rooms, even to his room. He latter remembered what his bedroom door look like when he last went out. Crossing to his door for second time, he is right that someone’s in his room. And it was Hange.
“Hange, I’m so—”
“Levi, I’m sorry but, could you take this responsibility? I don’t know if the alcohol’s talking, but could you, please don’t be an asshole. GO FUCK SAY IT TO ME YOU REALLY FEEL TO ME AND DON’T FUCKASS KISS ME TO PROVE YOURSELF A MAN!”
“I’m not drunk. I would like to be drunk with those affection you gave to me. I wanted to kiss you before, but now I licked those lips and it tasted alcohol. It was bitter but your lips tasted sweeter. I don’t know either if this alcohol made me so stupid and do whatever I can’t do to you usually. Am I coward? I don’t know. But someone who told me I wasn’t incapable of loving other people made me mad. I’m so unlovable, I know. Should I stick to that reason not to love someone?” Hange was surprised Levi can speak coherent sentences to more than 20 words if drunk.
“But Levi, he said that you aren’t popular with girls, not with you incapable of loving someone. It’s so different! And do you think I’m that woman?”
“You are Hange and you are what you wanted to act. I don’t care what it means to be a man. My attraction to you is because you act yourself and so natural. Hange, just be yourself and I had to be that person capable of loving you.”
Silence dominated the room and their eyes glued to each other. Hange still dumbfounded to the sudden confession of the Captain.
“If you are not drunk tomorrow, do you think you can still say those words to me again?”
“I’ll remember this moment and prove it that it is true. I won’t promise, I’ll fucking do. I could be drunk but still love you..”
Hope you like it! Please tell me how it went!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Bad Girls Club (Branjie) Chapter 2 - Joley
a/n: you can also read on AO3
“Why am I keeping watch, again?” Brooke Lynn asked in an anxious whisper, looking over her shoulder every few seconds as they walked, as if she sincerely expected someone to jump out of the bushes and catch them.
A’keria rolled her eyes. “Because you’ll take the least heat if you get caught,” she explained, murmuring to herself that letting her tag along was a bad idea and, “If Vanjie wasn’t so horny, we wouldn’t be stuck with her…”
“Both of you shut up, we’re almost there,” Vanessa snapped, the group of five pushing forward until they reached their destination.
Under the moonlight, the lake was beautifully illuminated, bringing a calm, picturesque frame around it. At the right angle, it could’ve been the stock image for a postcard. And it was quiet – a drastic contrast from every other moment of the program – only the sound of crickets and frogs filled the air. Truly, it felt like the only good and pure location they could reach for miles.
Then the girls began stripping and ‘pure’ was promptly removed from the descriptors. That had been the plan – sneak out after dinner for a late-night skinny dip, an act of rebellion both towards the program and the societal constraints that led them there in the first place. It was a moment to be fun and free – they would be damned if they didn’t jump on the chance.
“Hey Vanj, do you think the water’s clean? I bet it’s full of—Vanj? Vanjie?” Yvie made a couple of attempts to get the other girl’s attention, waving her hand in front of her face, before realizing why she didn’t stand a chance.
As soon as Brooke Lynn started undressing, Vanessa was a goner. Her gaze instantly fixated on the statuesque silhouette, watching the way the moonlight bounced off her porcelain skin, the way her toned muscles flexed as she moved. It almost felt too good to be true to be able to get to see her naked like this, so open and exposed.
“Would you like a bucket for your drool?” Scarlet teased, bumping shoulders with Vanessa and bringing her back to Earth, reluctant as she may be.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and shoved her away. “Eat me, bitch.”
“Uh-uh, you’ve got the wrong white girl.” She smirked before following Yvie and A’keria down the dock, a blissfully oblivious Brooke Lynn following the three of them with Vanessa on their tails.
Splash after splash, each girl descended into the freezing lake water, all of them doing their best not to squeal at the jarring temperature change. They all swam to the edge, giggling and catching their breath.
“Why does swimming naked feel so good anyway? Like, I feel like that’s objectively weird, but it’s nice,” Brooke mused, propping her arms up on the grass and looking back towards the main grounds.
“Freedom,” Vanessa offered as an answer. “We got full control of our bodies, choices, it’s like sticking it to the man and shit.“
The other girls nodded in agreement. “That’s so profound, Vanjie.” Yvie toed the line of sincerity. “But we better wrap this up fast if we wanna escape with our lives.” And with that, they all pushed themselves out of the water and towards the pile of their clothes. The fabric clung to their wet bodies, but nobody seemed to mind, still reveling in the experiences all the way back to their respective rooms.
“You know,” Brooke started as she changed into her pajamas. “I felt like I got a lot closer to everyone. It felt like a summer camp moment.” She smiled as she towel-dried her still damp hair. “Is that lame?”
Vanessa chuckled fondly. “Nah, that’s sweet. Don’t tell no one I said that though,” she told her as she got into bed. Honestly, she kind of loved that cheesy holding hands around the campfire bonding she was talking about. “You feeling less boring now, at least?”
Brooke Lynn beamed proudly as she tucked herself in. “I do! And I’m gonna help you too next time. You know, with getting authority figures on your side.”
“We make a good team.” She hummed sleepily before her eyes shut.
“I’ve seen you staring at me, Vanjie,” Brooke Lynn cooed as she sauntered towards her. “You like what you see, baby?” She had Vanessa trapped on the bed, hovering over her with a wide smirk.
And Vanessa was helpless, frozen with no desire to move. She gazed up at Brooke with wide eyes, her heart racing. “Yes” was all she had managed to get out before Brooke’s lips were on her neck, hands roaming up and down her body. She shuddered as her smooth, slender fingers trailed down her torso until they hooked into the waistband of her pajama shorts, starting to tug them down and—
That fucking alarm. Vanessa groaned into her pillow, her arm flapping around blindly until it landed on her phone to shut it off. It was as bad a punishment as everything else in this goddamn program. She rolled onto her back reluctantly and noticed that Brooke Lynn wasn’t even in the room, let alone her bed. And, considering the wetness that had pooled between her thighs overnight, she was more than a little relieved.
“Oh good, you’re up,” Brooke chirped as she returned to the room – hair in a high ponytail and dressed in a sweat-stained tank top and shorts. “I just went for a jog. I would’ve invited you, but you looked so cute and peaceful.” She hummed as she got changed. Truth be told, she would have been far too distracted to get any actual exercise in had Vanessa accompanied her. Being around Vanessa in general was distracting if she thought about it – not that she would ever allow herself to.
Vanessa put on her most convincingly nonchalant smile as she swung her legs over to dangle off the side of the bed, toes just grazing the wooden floor. “Yeah, set my alarm like you been telling me, thank god.” She confirmed as she did her hair. “Did you do any of the assignments for today?” she asked offhandedly – anything to distract herself from that dream.
“I did and you can copy whatever you need to.” Brooke shrugged.“Yeah? You don’t have some sort of fuckin’… moral issue with it or whatever?” Vanessa asked with a laugh as they headed towards the other building.
Brooke shook her head. “Listen, I know we’re all here for the same reason, to stay out of trouble. No one gives a fuck if we actually learn anything as long as we don’t make any fuss,” she explained. “Everyone cheats to get ahead in private schools. Better grades get bigger grants, it’s the name of the game, babe.” Not leaving room for a rebuttal, she made her way into the classroom with her breakfast bag in hand.
Vanessa had to consciously close her mouth as she stared after Brooke Lynn. She blinked rapidly and pattered after her. Was that side of her there the whole time? Suffice it to say, more than her interest was piqued.
“How have you been holding up, honey?” Nina asked as Brooke perched herself on her desk. “I can only imagine this has been a bit of a roller coaster for you.”
Brooke laughed dryly, staring off in front of her. Roller coaster was one way of putting it, sure, but a tornado might be more accurate. “That’s one way of putting it.” She sighed, then looked towards her. “Can I ask you something?” After the teacher nodded, she continued. “How do you feel about summer flings?”
“Why, what have you heard?” Nina’s eyes darted back and forth anxiously.
While Brooke did often confide in Nina, the opportunity to deflect and distract was just too good to pass up. “Oh my god, do you have a crush on someone? Here? Who? You have to tell me,” she insisted, bouncing excitedly.
Nina, of course, instantly regretted jumping to conclusions. In retrospect, it was glaringly obvious that the student had come to her to discuss her own matters of the heart. Great. Fantastic. Well, there was nothing else she could do but bite the bullet and confess. “Your home ec teacher, Monét. I don’t know how or why it happened but… Well, I guess it started over a group discussion over how we were going to structure our classes, and we both got mad about how some of the people in charge were talking about you guys. She’s so passionate about making sure you guys still get to be teenagers, it’s so sweet.”
This was thrilling for Brooke Lynn. Some high schoolers might find it weird or gross to know about their teachers’ love lives. There was always that moment when a teacher would come to class visibly pregnant and after the excitement died down, the class was left with the thought of someone fucking them raw. But she didn’t see Nina as a teacher, or any authority figure, really. She was more of an older sister or cousin, a friend with more life experience. So, to find out she was going through such a similar issue? It was nearly too perfect.
“That’s so cute, I’m gonna die. Does she know? Does she like you?”
“Oh, I regret this already.” Nina chuckled dryly and hid her face in her hands. “You know I have no idea when someone’s flirting with me, Brooke. I have no idea.” She lamented before bolting upright. “But don’t you dare try to meddle in this shit.” Her eyes narrowed at Brooke, trying her best to look stern and serious towards someone that was physically incapable of being intimidated by her.
Brooke Lynn gave an exaggerated roll of the eyes. “Fine, fine, I’ll be good. I promise.” She raised her hand to swear and hopped off the desk. “I’ll get out of your hair. I promised Vanessa I’d teach her how to skip stones by the lake during rec time anyway.”
Nina cocked her head to the side curiously. “Mateo? Your roommate?” She leaned forward. “Is that, perchance, who you were going to ask me about in regards to a summer fling?”
“Hey, don’t try to deflect onto me.” Brooke laughed despite how red her cheeks had turned. “Good luck with your teacher crush!” she called out, already halfway out the door.
“On Ms. Monét? Deadass?” Vanessa asked as she and Brooke Lynn walked towards the lake. Occasionally their hands would brush against each other, but they would always stop just shy of letting their fingers interlace. “That’s fuckin’ wild. You know, she and A’keria been real buddy-buddy, I could have her put in a good word if—”
“Don’t you dare!” Brooke laughed. “She’ll lose her shit if she finds out I told you, let alone have it spread around,” she explained, stopping when they reached their destination. “It feels different in the daytime, doesn’t it?”It was the same lake that they had all been naked in the night before, but it may as well have been another body of water entirely. It was still serene, but it had a vibrant hue and warmth that retreated into the shadows when the sun went down. Now, it’d feel wrong to interrupt that scene with nudity – not that either would be opposed to watching the other strip down in better lighting.
Brooke Lynn crouched down, picked up a smooth stone, and walked towards the edge, stopping about a foot before the land meets the sea and waited for Vanessa to join her. She handed her the rock with a smile. “I want you to give it a try on your own first,” she instructed, taking a few cautious steps back.
Vanessa hurled the stone into the water like it’d just catcalled her from across the street. It didn’t skip, instead crashing into the water with a splash. Even though she doubted that she did it right, she still turned to Brooke with a toothy grin. “How was that?”
“Angry,” she answered, giggling softly. “Like the lake owes you money.” It took a couple of moments to procure another stone that could get the job done, and Brooke placed it gingerly in her hand. “Okay, I’m going to get you in the right position.”
And Vanessa was about to make some sort of sexual innuendo, but then Brooke got behind her and wrapped her arms around her like the pottery scene in Ghost and words were suddenly unnecessary. She felt her hand move from her shoulder to her wrist, placing her arm just so. Vanessa bit her lip – Brooke’s body was pressed right against her from behind, the taller girl manipulating her stance and sending her heartbeat into overdrive.
Was it actually necessary for Brooke to be all up on her like that? No, but she wasn’t about to point that out any time soon. “Perfect.” She took a step to the side. “Try it now.”
To her pleasant surprise, Vanessa got the stone to skip four times before it was submerged under water. “I did it!” Her face lit up with excitement. She turned to Brooke, eyes wide and sparkling with joy. “That was so fucking cool!”
Brooke’s smile reached her eyes as she watched Vanessa bubble over with enthusiasm. “God, you’re so adorable.”
“I said… I think I heard the bell. We better head back inside.”
It was just past one in the morning and Brooke Lynn was wide awake, staring silently at the ceiling. She couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was preventing her from sleeping but avoiding talking about her growing feelings for the girl in the bed five feet from was probably playing a role in it. And normally she avoided staring at her for long, but her brows furrowed, and she rolled onto her side when she heard Vanessa mumbling because she swore, she heard her name somewhere in the otherwise unintelligible noises.
Vanessa lay with her head pushed back into her pillows and her back curved up, though being under her blanket it wasn’t fully visible. That was necessary, as she was doing more than just arching her back under the covers. Her hand was hidden inside her shorts, two fingers pressed against her clit and rubbing in increasingly fervent circles. The other hand moved up under her tank top, groping her breasts and tweaking her nipples, anything to get any more stimulation. Her eyes fluttered shut, letting her imagination take over and her hands do all the work.
For the most part, Vanessa was biting down on her lip, but whenever they parted, soft, breathy moans escaped. But that wasn’t all – when she tilted her head towards the wall, “Fuck, Brooke…” slipped out in a whimper. It devolved back to heavy breathing as her fingers moved down, pressing into her pussy as she only continued to work herself into a frenzy.
Brooke’s eyes shot wide as she flopped onto her back, feeling a blush spread across her face and down her chest. There was little room for misinterpretation – Vanessa was getting off and thinking of her. Her mind went wild with curiosity – was this the first time it happened? Or the more pressing question – what specifically was she imagining? She was hit with the intense desire to run over and act out whatever fantasy was eliciting those pretty moans from Vanessa.
Vanessa pushed her face into her pillows when she found it more difficult to stay quiet. Her hand left her breasts, allowing her to focus on pumping two fingers in and out, bucking into her own touch, chasing the sensation. Her hips started to jerk unsteadily and her teeth gnashing at the pillowcase just to keep herself quiet. And within a few minutes, she was still and silent. Her breathing evened out and she was out cold.
God, if Brooke was having trouble sleeping before, it would be impossible now. It didn’t seem real – maybe she was delirious from lack of sleep. Or maybe she was projecting, some wishful thinking perhaps. Either way, she was left with a hot, throbbing sensation that wasn’t about to go away any time soon.
“Fuck it,” she muttered, hand going into her pajama bottoms and eyes closing. Feelings could wait until the morning, she needed this now.
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Bad Girls Club (2/?)
Title: Bad Girls Club Summary:  Los Angeles’ new program, the Juvenile Female Rehabilitation Program (JFRP) was created with the purpose of taking at-risk girls in the county and send them to a summer-long program located where a sleepaway camp once stood. There, they will take classes in ethics, behavior, and other courses to help mold these young minds. Brooke Lynn and Vanessa have been sent there for wildly different reasons, but with the same result - a clean permanent record. Being roomed together, the pair might find an unlikely alliance (and maybe more) in each other. Word Count: ~2.7k (this chapter)/~5.2k (total) Relationship: Branjie (Brooke Lynn Hytes/Vanessa Vanjie Mateo) Rating: E
Read on AO3
“Why am I keeping watch, again?” Brooke Lynn asked in an anxious whisper, looking over her shoulder every few seconds as they walked, as if she sincerely expected someone to jump out of the bushes and catch them.
A’keria rolled her eyes. “Because you’ll take the least heat if you get caught,” she explained, murmuring to herself that letting her tag along was a bad idea and, “If Vanjie wasn’t so horny, we wouldn’t be stuck with her…”
“Both of you shut up, we’re almost there,” Vanessa snapped, the group of five pushing forward until they reached their destination.
Under the moonlight, the lake was beautifully illuminated, bringing a calm, picturesque frame around it. At the right angle, it could’ve been the stock image for a postcard. And it was quiet – a drastic contrast from every other moment of the program – only the sound of crickets and frogs filled the air. Truly, it felt like the only good and pure location they could reach for miles.
Then the girls began stripping and ‘pure’ was promptly removed from the descriptors. That had been the plan – sneak out after dinner for a late-night skinny dip, an act of rebellion both towards the program and the societal constraints that led them there in the first place. It was a moment to be fun and free – they would be damned if they didn’t jump on the chance.
“Hey Vanj, do you think the water’s clean? I bet it’s full of—Vanj? Vanjie?” Yvie made a couple of attempts to get the other girl’s attention, waving her hand in front of her face, before realizing why she didn’t stand a chance.
As soon as Brooke Lynn started undressing, Vanessa was a goner. Her gaze instantly fixated on the statuesque silhouette, watching the way the moonlight bounced off her porcelain skin, the way her toned muscles flexed as she moved. It almost felt too good to be true to be able to get to see her naked like this, so open and exposed.
“Would you like a bucket for your drool?” Scarlet teased, bumping shoulders with Vanessa and bringing her back to Earth, reluctant as she may be.
Vanessa rolled her eyes and shoved her away. “Eat me, bitch.”
“Uh-uh, you’ve got the wrong white girl.” She smirked before following Yvie and A’keria down the dock, a blissfully oblivious Brooke Lynn following the three of them with Vanessa on their tails.
Splash after splash, each girl descended into the freezing lake water, all of them doing their best not to squeal at the jarring temperature change. They all swam to the edge, giggling and catching their breath.
“Why does swimming naked feel so good anyway? Like, I feel like that’s objectively weird, but it’s nice,” Brooke mused, propping her arms up on the grass and looking back towards the main grounds.
“Freedom,” Vanessa offered as an answer. “We got full control of our bodies, choices, it’s like sticking it to the man and shit."
The other girls nodded in agreement. “That’s so profound, Vanjie.” Yvie toed the line of sincerity. “But we better wrap this up fast if we wanna escape with our lives.” And with that, they all pushed themselves out of the water and towards the pile of their clothes. The fabric clung to their wet bodies, but nobody seemed to mind, still reveling in the experiences all the way back to their respective rooms.
“You know,” Brooke started as she changed into her pajamas. “I felt like I got a lot closer to everyone. It felt like a summer camp moment.” She smiled as she towel-dried her still damp hair. “Is that lame?”
Vanessa chuckled fondly. “Nah, that’s sweet. Don’t tell no one I said that though,” she told her as she got into bed. Honestly, she kind of loved that cheesy holding hands around the campfire bonding she was talking about. “You feeling less boring now, at least?”
Brooke Lynn beamed proudly as she tucked herself in. “I do! And I’m gonna help you too next time. You know, with getting authority figures on your side.”
“We make a good team.” She hummed sleepily before her eyes shut.
“I’ve seen you staring at me, Vanjie,” Brooke Lynn cooed as she sauntered towards her. “You like what you see, baby?” She had Vanessa trapped on the bed, hovering over her with a wide smirk.
And Vanessa was helpless, frozen with no desire to move. She gazed up at Brooke with wide eyes, her heart racing. “Yes” was all she had managed to get out before Brooke’s lips were on her neck, hands roaming up and down her body. She shuddered as her smooth, slender fingers trailed down her torso until they hooked into the waistband of her pajama shorts, starting to tug them down and—
That fucking alarm. Vanessa groaned into her pillow, her arm flapping around blindly until it landed on her phone to shut it off. It was as bad a punishment as everything else in this goddamn program. She rolled onto her back reluctantly and noticed that Brooke Lynn wasn’t even in the room, let alone her bed. And, considering the wetness that had pooled between her thighs overnight, she was more than a little relieved.
“Oh good, you’re up,” Brooke chirped as she returned to the room – hair in a high ponytail and dressed in a sweat-stained tank top and shorts. “I just went for a jog. I would’ve invited you, but you looked so cute and peaceful.” She hummed as she got changed. Truth be told, she would have been far too distracted to get any actual exercise in had Vanessa accompanied her. Being around Vanessa in general was distracting if she thought about it – not that she would ever allow herself to.
Vanessa put on her most convincingly nonchalant smile as she swung her legs over to dangle off the side of the bed, toes just grazing the wooden floor. “Yeah, set my alarm like you been telling me, thank god.” She confirmed as she did her hair. “Did you do any of the assignments for today?” she asked offhandedly – anything to distract herself from that dream.
“I did and you can copy whatever you need to.” Brooke shrugged.“Yeah? You don’t have some sort of fuckin’… moral issue with it or whatever?” Vanessa asked with a laugh as they headed towards the other building.
Brooke shook her head. “Listen, I know we’re all here for the same reason, to stay out of trouble. No one gives a fuck if we actually learn anything as long as we don’t make any fuss,” she explained. “Everyone cheats to get ahead in private schools. Better grades get bigger grants, it’s the name of the game, babe.” Not leaving room for a rebuttal, she made her way into the classroom with her breakfast bag in hand.
Vanessa had to consciously close her mouth as she stared after Brooke Lynn. She blinked rapidly and pattered after her. Was that side of her there the whole time? Suffice it to say, more than her interest was piqued.
“How have you been holding up, honey?” Nina asked as Brooke perched herself on her desk. “I can only imagine this has been a bit of a roller coaster for you.”
Brooke laughed dryly, staring off in front of her. Roller coaster was one way of putting it, sure, but a tornado might be more accurate. “That’s one way of putting it.” She sighed, then looked towards her. “Can I ask you something?” After the teacher nodded, she continued. “How do you feel about summer flings?”
“Why, what have you heard?” Nina’s eyes darted back and forth anxiously.
While Brooke did often confide in Nina, the opportunity to deflect and distract was just too good to pass up. “Oh my god, do you have a crush on someone? Here? Who? You have to tell me,” she insisted, bouncing excitedly.
Nina, of course, instantly regretted jumping to conclusions. In retrospect, it was glaringly obvious that the student had come to her to discuss her own matters of the heart. Great. Fantastic. Well, there was nothing else she could do but bite the bullet and confess. “Your home ec teacher, Monét. I don’t know how or why it happened but… Well, I guess it started over a group discussion over how we were going to structure our classes, and we both got mad about how some of the people in charge were talking about you guys. She’s so passionate about making sure you guys still get to be teenagers, it’s so sweet.”
This was thrilling for Brooke Lynn. Some high schoolers might find it weird or gross to know about their teachers’ love lives. There was always that moment when a teacher would come to class visibly pregnant and after the excitement died down, the class was left with the thought of someone fucking them raw. But she didn’t see Nina as a teacher, or any authority figure, really. She was more of an older sister or cousin, a friend with more life experience. So, to find out she was going through such a similar issue? It was nearly too perfect.
“That’s so cute, I’m gonna die. Does she know? Does she like you?”
“Oh, I regret this already.” Nina chuckled dryly and hid her face in her hands. “You know I have no idea when someone’s flirting with me, Brooke. I have no idea.” She lamented before bolting upright. “But don’t you dare try to meddle in this shit.” Her eyes narrowed at Brooke, trying her best to look stern and serious towards someone that was physically incapable of being intimidated by her.
Brooke Lynn gave an exaggerated roll of the eyes. “Fine, fine, I’ll be good. I promise.” She raised her hand to swear and hopped off the desk. “I’ll get out of your hair. I promised Vanessa I’d teach her how to skip stones by the lake during rec time anyway.”
Nina cocked her head to the side curiously. “Mateo? Your roommate?” She leaned forward. “Is that, perchance, who you were going to ask me about in regards to a summer fling?”
“Hey, don’t try to deflect onto me.” Brooke laughed despite how red her cheeks had turned. “Good luck with your teacher crush!” she called out, already halfway out the door.
“On Ms. Monét? Deadass?” Vanessa asked as she and Brooke Lynn walked towards the lake. Occasionally their hands would brush against each other, but they would always stop just shy of letting their fingers interlace. “That’s fuckin’ wild. You know, she and A’keria been real buddy-buddy, I could have her put in a good word if—”
“Don’t you dare!” Brooke laughed. “She’ll lose her shit if she finds out I told you, let alone have it spread around,” she explained, stopping when they reached their destination. “It feels different in the daytime, doesn’t it?”It was the same lake that they had all been naked in the night before, but it may as well have been another body of water entirely. It was still serene, but it had a vibrant hue and warmth that retreated into the shadows when the sun went down. Now, it’d feel wrong to interrupt that scene with nudity – not that either would be opposed to watching the other strip down in better lighting.
Brooke Lynn crouched down, picked up a smooth stone, and walked towards the edge, stopping about a foot before the land meets the sea and waited for Vanessa to join her. She handed her the rock with a smile. “I want you to give it a try on your own first,” she instructed, taking a few cautious steps back.
Vanessa hurled the stone into the water like it’d just catcalled her from across the street. It didn’t skip, instead crashing into the water with a splash. Even though she doubted that she did it right, she still turned to Brooke with a toothy grin. “How was that?”
“Angry,” she answered, giggling softly. “Like the lake owes you money.” It took a couple of moments to procure another stone that could get the job done, and Brooke placed it gingerly in her hand. “Okay, I’m going to get you in the right position.”
And Vanessa was about to make some sort of sexual innuendo, but then Brooke got behind her and wrapped her arms around her like the pottery scene in Ghost and words were suddenly unnecessary. She felt her hand move from her shoulder to her wrist, placing her arm just so. Vanessa bit her lip – Brooke’s body was pressed right against her from behind, the taller girl manipulating her stance and sending her heartbeat into overdrive.
Was it actually necessary for Brooke to be all up on her like that? No, but she wasn’t about to point that out any time soon. “Perfect.” She took a step to the side. “Try it now.”
To her pleasant surprise, Vanessa got the stone to skip four times before it was submerged under water. “I did it!” Her face lit up with excitement. She turned to Brooke, eyes wide and sparkling with joy. “That was so fucking cool!”
Brooke’s smile reached her eyes as she watched Vanessa bubble over with enthusiasm. “God, you’re so adorable.”
“I said… I think I heard the bell. We better head back inside.”
It was just past one in the morning and Brooke Lynn was wide awake, staring silently at the ceiling. She couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was preventing her from sleeping but avoiding talking about her growing feelings for the girl in the bed five feet from was probably playing a role in it. And normally she avoided staring at her for long, but her brows furrowed, and she rolled onto her side when she heard Vanessa mumbling because she swore, she heard her name somewhere in the otherwise unintelligible noises.
Vanessa lay with her head pushed back into her pillows and her back curved up, though being under her blanket it wasn’t fully visible. That was necessary, as she was doing more than just arching her back under the covers. Her hand was hidden inside her shorts, two fingers pressed against her clit and rubbing in increasingly fervent circles. The other hand moved up under her tank top, groping her breasts and tweaking her nipples, anything to get any more stimulation. Her eyes fluttered shut, letting her imagination take over and her hands do all the work.
For the most part, Vanessa was biting down on her lip, but whenever they parted, soft, breathy moans escaped. But that wasn’t all – when she tilted her head towards the wall, “Fuck, Brooke…” slipped out in a whimper. It devolved back to heavy breathing as her fingers moved down, pressing into her pussy as she only continued to work herself into a frenzy.
Brooke’s eyes shot wide as she flopped onto her back, feeling a blush spread across her face and down her chest. There was little room for misinterpretation – Vanessa was getting off and thinking of her. Her mind went wild with curiosity – was this the first time it happened? Or the more pressing question – what specifically was she imagining? She was hit with the intense desire to run over and act out whatever fantasy was eliciting those pretty moans from Vanessa.
Vanessa pushed her face into her pillows when she found it more difficult to stay quiet. Her hand left her breasts, allowing her to focus on pumping two fingers in and out, bucking into her own touch, chasing the sensation. Her hips started to jerk unsteadily and her teeth gnashing at the pillowcase just to keep herself quiet. And within a few minutes, she was still and silent. Her breathing evened out and she was out cold.
God, if Brooke was having trouble sleeping before, it would be impossible now. It didn’t seem real – maybe she was delirious from lack of sleep. Or maybe she was projecting, some wishful thinking perhaps. Either way, she was left with a hot, throbbing sensation that wasn’t about to go away any time soon.
“Fuck it,” she muttered, hand going into her pajama bottoms and eyes closing. Feelings could wait until the morning, she needed this now.
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pffbts · 5 years
ooooh what about a scene that's more grungy and dark. That would be really interesting in your style of writing.
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―genre: fluff; angst; crack.
―characters: park jimin x female reader | no supporting character.
―w.c: 1.8K
―author`s note: this is nowhere near ‘grungy’ or ‘dark’ but i guess there are some deep, underlying pent up frustration and anger in the reader which makes the core point of this little (who am i kidding? it`s almost 2K lol.) fiction. i hope you enjoy it and if it wasn`t up to your expectation then i`m sorry. maybe i`m incapable of writing something like your request. i`m really sorry. but if you like it, please leave a comment letting me know if you`re at least okay with it. thank you, baby. much love
―suggestion: listen to ‘song request’ by lee sora ft. suga of bts while reading this.
[00:10 AM] [smell of machines, a fleeting calming wind from the room heater and the voice of a winner of someone`s love]
― “hey rj, play a song to make me cry smile.” the chit of paper that was in front of his door and in his hand right now lost the confinement of his grip as he reads the words all over again.
park jimin had a fascination for the girl who lived next door, who also as the class arrangement came down with it sits in front of him. it was very laughable – the strings of coincident that occurred from the day he came across you. this girl never gave him a second glance, even if he wasn`t paying enough attention to her. it was just the nape of your neck. the way your hair ended just top of your baby spine hairs.
he was almost caught once when the teacher was passing out the school festival leaflet to the class. he was almost caught pressing that little, tantalizing spot where your hair ends.
it took him exactly two weeks and when he slumped against the window during a free period, staring at your stoic side profile to realize what he was getting himself into. not being a big talk of the class, jimin has always kept himself to his own world where somehow you existed unconsciously.
he felt like a new doctor in the town when he first discovered his feelings for you, a silent romance blooming along with the new flowers of the early spring. he felt like this operation with you would take a while. but time doesn`t listen to anyone`s bidding and soon came the end of middle school. high school came and the girl inside his mind town left him, all alone with his feelings.
it`s been four years and falling out of love has always been tough as he sits in front of his part-time job, in front of the radio mechanics and feels the edges of his round rim glasses.
you have heard this a couple of times – the local new late night radio jockey and the girls who whisper about him every day at the back of your class. being not a big fan of radio and their new ways of working, you didn`t spare a free glance to the radio standing on the cupboard in the corridor of your house.
every last year of school days went like this – in the middle of every lesson, there were some girls giggling in their high pitch voice and whisper squeal once in a while when someone said something evidently new about the radio jockey. curiosity got the best of you these days and when you came home two months ago on such afternoon, you told your mother that you`re going to borrow the radio that night.
“really? did your love for radio got revived, hmm?” your mother teased that night during dinner time. all you could do was let a single laugh slip out from your mouth as the chicken melted inside your mouth.
when you lay down after an orgasmic dinner, you stared back at the night-like ceiling of your room. with quiet little steps, you went back to those days when radio was the only thing you would think about. the songs, the names of all the radio jockeys of each station. you turned the tape a little further to the day when your father left both your mother and you in this home. with that went away your first hero and soon came your first love – the radio.
it was your mother`s way of keeping you occupied and not let you cry over your abandoned father. it was raining that night and when the young radio jockey asked for requests, your mother collected you in her arms making you sit on her lap and pulled the radio close to both of you. she came close to your ears and whispered, “hey rj play me a song to make me smile.” you remembered looking at your mother and letting out a stream of a giggle with her. “mummy!” “why? don`t you want to be mummy`s rj?”
you laughed at the sudden memory and when you opened your eyes, your eyebrows shot up. turning your head to your sides, you glanced the clock which read 11:57 PM. oh no, you jumped from your bed and almost ran to pick up the novel sized radio and put it on your bed. you searched your memory for the name of the station. picking it up, you let it play on its own. it was some random local song.
laying back again, you turned over facing the radio, the speaker at your eye level and a voice spoke all of a sudden almost coordinating with the widening of your eyes.
the current silver-blue coloured boy with round rim glass caught you staring at him with squinting eyes, looking almost like a funny character from some comic book he can`t remember the title. he waved his hand at you but you remained there, in front of your window – the curtains finally thrown apart – like a statue. jimin stared behind him, and pain suddenly shot through his neck. ugh, these late night shift really was taking a toll on his physical health.
anyway, he turned just to search for anything that you might be glaring at and not him. he really didn`t want it to be him. wait, did you actually recognized him? do you really know that he now works as a late night jockey at the local radio station? fuck.
park jimin could flirt with anyone, literally anyone. even the local dogs know only honey leaks out of his eyes. literally, everyone in the town was whipped with his very voice. all you could hear in your brain was how does this boy who sat behind you all throughout the middle school without any group of friends, without any girlfriend suddenly has a degree on how to voice fuck the whole town. you really stopped yourself from falling in that deep pit hole last night.
but it was not just that – you pulled the curtains together and fell over your bed again after that staring contest – it was that he made you remind of your first love. the way you picked out all the memorandum of emotions behind these closed doors of your head. you felt for the first time, after a really long time that somehow a ray of sun ray has entered into your room lighting up that polaroid of you sleeping by the radio as a simple, a very regular three years old.
park jimin – his voice, his little giggles and his stupid nickname for his show – what was it again? – oh yes, “an ode to the girl in front of me.” and not just that – he always asks his request callers to help him find a song for this girl he can`t fall out of love just to make her smile. you rolled over your bed and just as your face came in contact with your pillow, your eyes went wide again.
jumping from your bed and accidentally hitting your ankle you limped to the window again. the wave of scream that started building its speed up to your throat met with a red light when you saw the curtains of jimin`s room drawn in – indicating that he might be sleeping after staying up late at the radio station. hmm, acceptable, you said to yourself.
the show never starts until 12:00 A.M strikes. so you considered yourself that you had enough time. putting on your snapback hat, a loose white t-shirt and home shorts, you walked towards the house next door around 10:00 P.M. even though the door was lock and the only voice you could hear was the television playing some random Korean drama, you couldn`t help but put up a little smile across the corner of your lips.
completing your so-called job, you turned your back to the door and came home jogging as silently as possible. your mother asked you if she would call for takeout tonight instead of homemade food. you nodded your head, giving a soft once-over. the hard working woman in your house sometimes needed her much deserved rest, right?
then you remembered what you had to ask her. going down the stairs again, you saw your mother already on her phone. she looked up at you wiggling her brows. you sniffled a laugh and point at the radio that sat silently beside the home phone. she closed her eyes and motioned her head to let you take it with you.
smiling ear to ear, you carried it to your room. placing it on your bed, you waited for a sudden breeze of air to fill up this dry void of your heart.
park jimin took a deep breath and calmed down his highly active heart. the digital clock beside his microphone said 00:05 AM – he was five minutes late to the show but he felt like a winner at this moment.
clearing his throat, he spoke into the mic, the little chit of paper inside his grip –
“to the ones listening, this is finally the night of the much-waited ode. this is to the girl who is in front of me. this is to the girl who is there finally on the other line.”
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kmp78 · 6 years
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“Are you okay down there?!,” a female voice boomed from above. “Don´t move! I called 911, help is on the way!”
Jared looked up but the darkness which had fallen over the Malibu hills shielded the owner of the voice from his gaze. Thank god she was there tho, whoever this saving angel was!
“Thanks,” he replied with a huff.
“Are you badly hurt? Can you move?,” the voice inquired. He could just about make out her shape hovering somewhere in the distance above him.
“Yeah I´m okay, but I think my ankle is broken.”
“Okay don´t move around, you´ll only make it worse. The medics will know what to do!”
“Thanks,” Jared sighed quietly from the pit.
Great. A broken ankle...
There goes that tour then.
How could he have been so careless?! He had been so deep in thought, so angry over Alice´s baby bombshell that he simply failed to notice that massive hole in his path before it was too late.
Before he now found himself sitting in a dark pit with a shattered ankle.😭
“Wow you really took a tumble, didn´t you?!”, the voice from above quizzed, snapping Jared back to reality.
"Yeah... I got distracted I guess...”
“Well don´t you worry, dude. You´ll be good as new in no time,” she continued as she laid down on the ground next to the hole.
“I´ll be up here keeping you company until the medics get here.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” Jared answered back, feeling gratitude that this saving angel happened to be near in his time of need. Without her, this thing could have ended pretty badly!
“So what got you so distracted that you didn´t spot a huge hole in the ground, dude?” 
"Eh... Nothing... Just preoccupied, I guess...”
“I get that,” the angel replied. “I sometimes come here too, to get away from... well, “nothing””.
“Yeah...,” Jared chuckled.
She seems cool.
“What’s your name?”
Ah… the dreaded question rang from above.
He didn’t want to tell her the truth.
What if she’s some crazy echelon psycho who loses her shit and jumps in the pit too? No room for heifers down here! 🐴
Or she could be a fame-hungry LA pap chaser who sells this story to the TMZ for 20 bucks… 😒💰
No, better play it safe and keep it neutral.
“I’m… uhm… Joseph.”
“You don’t sound sure, Joseph.”
She was very quick and alert, he noticed. Damn.
Maybe play it cool. She seems like she could take a joke.
“Well… I figured since we don’t know each other and I’m kinda at your mercy here… what if you’re like Kathy Bates in Misery and I gotta make a run for it?!”
“Oh… Well would be a kind of a sllllooooow run for it tho,” she quipped back with a giggle.
Phew! She got it.
She’s cool. She’s very cool.
“It’s actually my middle name. I sometimes use it when I wanna escape real life,” he continued.
“That’s smart, Joseph. I might start doing that too!,” the voice from above yelped excitedly.
“In fact: imma start right now!”
She rolled on her stomach and peeked her head in the pit, but in the pitch blackness there was no seeing her face from below ground. Only a few blonde-ish locks waving in the soft evening breeze.
“Hi, Joseph. I’m Michelle.”
Lovely name.
“Hi, Michelle.”
“Hi.” 😊
They both giggled and then fell silent. Michelle’s head disappeared from above as she retreated back to lie on her back next to the pit.
“Sooo… Did you just make up that name, Michelle?”
“It’s my middle name. I figured that was our thing, "Joseph”,“ she laughed.
Aaaaaaah, we have a "thing” now…😏
Jared always enjoyed a bit of flirting with the fairer sex, and since he´s now stuck in this pit...
“So... eh... what do you do, Michelle?”
“I… uhm… I… I suppose you could say I’m a… housewife…”
“Well now YOU don’t sound sure!,” Jared picked up on her hesitation.
She chuckled.
“Oh you noticed that… Well it’s a relatively new thing so I’m still getting used to it, I guess! How about you?”
Another opportunity for exposure.
“Well… I work for a record company.”
Technically not a lie! 😁
“Aaaah so you’re in the music business?”
“A little bit yeah.”
“A musician?”
“Uh… part-time.”
Technically also not a lie! 😝
“Would I have ever heard any of your music, you think?”
Goooooooood, if only… 😞
“I… uh… probably not.”
His heart sniffled. 😔
“Oh… Well maybe one day, Joseph!”
“Yeah… maybe…”
Well now he wasn’t just lying to her… He was also lying to himself. 😶
They both fell silent, just laying there in the moonlight, one in a pit and one above ground, staring up at the starry sky. Jared felt oddly at peace, even tho he was stuck in a pit with just this one stranger keeping him attached to life outside his hole.
Their silence was peculiarly comfortable.
Just two strangers, sharing a moment in the wilderness.
“So what brought you up here this evening then?,” Jared finally decided to spark up their conversation again since the medics seemed to be taking their sweet time.
“Well… I was at this party with my husband and-”
“Oh… You’re married?”
“Yes. I’m a housewife, remember?”
For some reason Jared felt a little bit hurt by this news.
“Anyway, so tonight I’m at this party with my husband we got into an argument and I took off ‘cos otherwise I might have slapped him… So I just drove around and finally ended up here!”
“What’d he do?”
Michelle laughed.
She had a wonderful laughter. Warm, catchy, strangely familiar.
“What makes you think it was his fault?”
“Oh please, isn’t it always the dude’s fault?,” Jared snorted sarcastically.
His quip was met with more giggles.
Her giggles made him giggle under his breath as well.
“Well… yeah! Why is that tho?!,” she quipped. “Men are always stirring up shit!”
“Heeeeeey, that’s not true! Women are the nutters who constantly create drama and misunderstand everything! I swear women have some weird-ass gene that makes them incapable of letting shit go,” Jared protested.
Still more giggles from above.
Jared enjoyed knowing he could make her laugh so effortlessly.
“So what did this hubby of yours do then?”
Michelle described how they had gotten into an argument over her hubby’s upcoming work trips abroad, and how she jumped in her car to drive off for some alone cooling-off time. Jared listened quietly in his pit, soaking in her stories as her mesmerizing voice filled the air...
Her voice made him feel warm even tho temperatures in his little prison were slowly dropping.
She effortlessly moved on to chatting about her love of nature and surfing, and Jared entertained her with (partly truthful) tales from his rock climbing treks.
They shared giggles and witty back and forth banter as the minutes ticked by, and Michelle even playfully “scolded” Jared by throwing her Manolo Blahnik at him when he made yet another sarcastic remark about what bitches all women are.
He didn’t mind being shoe’d by her.
“You sound bitter, Joseph. Girl trouble?”
He hesitated with his reply.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
“It’s just… really complicated right now,” Jared sighed quietly. He wasn’t quite ready to get into that whole Alice/baby mess yet.
Michelle peeked her head through the hole again.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.”
Jared again tried to make out her face in the darkness but… nope.
But going by her dreamy, comforting voice and fun, sparkling personality, she no doubt was beautiful on the outside too.
A silence descended upon their little “campsite” again.
“Wanna know something funny, Joseph? Your voice sounds familiar.”
Jared still didn’t wanna explain to her why that might be…
“It’s… uh… it’s probably just a really common voice, I get that a lot,” he fibbed, hoping she wouldn’t probe more. For some reason he, a proud lifetime-long Liar Extraordinaire, felt bad about lying to her.
She was so nice and helpful and made him feel safe even tho he was sat almost 3 meters underground in a dirty pit in pitch blackness..
“Oh… Yeah that must be it,” she replied.
“In LA you meet so many people that names and faces and voices all start sounding the same.”
"Yeah,” Jared replied. On one hand his ego was nagging him to let her in on his real identity so he could get some much-needed fawning-over which would be more than welcome after the shitty day he had lived through, but still he held back.
“Your heel broke btw,” he said as he picked up her stray shoe and took a closer look.
“Damn... I just bought those last week!,” Michelle sighed.
“Don´t worry, I´ll buy you new ones if I ever get out.”
“Thanks but I don´t know if my husband would like it if strange men bought me shoes,” Michelle giggled.
“Ugh fine, coffee then! Surely this dude won´t mind if I treat you to a beverage?!”
“I´m sure coffee would be ok,” Michelle agreed.
“Okay good, it´s a date then,” Jared smirked in the darkness.
If this chick is even halfway decent in the looks department, and more importantly in the weight department, he knew once the secret of his identity was revealed, she´d be thanking HIM for... well, for whatever would happen after he invited her over for a... “cup of coffee”... ☕
“Shhh! Listen,” the angel interrupted his daydreams. “I think I hear the ambulance”. 🚑 
“Ah thank god,” Jared sighed in relief. Finally he could get out of this stinkin´ hole! 
Altho in all fairness this evening had not been a total disaster... This savior angel had not only physically helped him in his hour of need by calling for help and staying to make sure he was okay, but also helped him get his mind off that scandalous baby business back home...
Perhaps, since they now had this nice connection established, if there was trouble in her marriage and seeing as there definitely was trouble in his own little relationship, maybe... maybe... 😜
Jared heard a car approaching and a male voice joined Michelle.
"What´s your husband´s name, ma´am?”
“Oh no, that´s not my husband! I just happened to be nea-... actually I don´t even know his name!”
She peeked in again.
“Yo! What´s your name? Like... REAL name.”
Well, there was no use in hiding it anymore...
“I´m Jared,” he answered. “Jared Leto.”
A loooooong silence.
All Jared could hear were nasty ants scurrying around him in the pit and the medics shuffling around somewhere above him, but other than that... 
“Hello...?,” Jared hollered. “Are you still there?”
“Uh... Yeah... I´m here...,” Michelle answered. Her voice sounding unsure and a bit strained all of a sudden.
“So who´s this guy down there then?,” Jared heard a male voice coming closer and saw a dark figure appearing above. 
“He´s... eh... Jared Leto,” she replied with a slight stutter and a half-chuckle as she disappeared from Jared´s view.
“Right, okay. Well, let´s get him out then!”, the medic sounded unimpressed as he leaped into the pit, craftily maneuvering himself so he didn´t land on his patient. A quick check on the ankle revealed that luckily it indeed wasn´t broken but definitely severely twisted so a trip to the ER was still needed.
A second medic appeared above, and then a third. They lowered a few ropes down the pit and Jared sighed in relief as he was finally hoisted out of his underground prison, two men pulling from above and one pushing his ass from below.
Once he was safely back on solid ground, the three men helped him to a gurney.
"Did you wash your hands after your last patient?,” Jared asked as he was being strapped in.
“Sir, I´m wearing gloves,” the medic replied with a slight eye roll.
“Good! I´m very sensitive to germs.”
“Well you must have had fun down there in your hole then...,” the medic chuckled.
“Listen, Seinfeld. I´m not paying you to do stand-up over here. You better get me to a hospital asap before I have your license.”
The medic thought it best to not even respond, but rather just quietly rolled the gurney to the ambulance.
“WAIT!,” Jared yelped just as they reached the car.
“What, sir? Are you in pain?”
“Where´s that woman who called you?”
"I... I don´t know. I guess she left,” the medic replied.
“WHAT?! What do you mean she left?! She can´t just leave, I don´t even know her name!”
“Calm down, sir. Please, we need to get moving, we have a long wa-”
“No we can´t go! Go out and look if she´s still there!,” Jared demanded. “I need to see her again! We had this connection and-...”
“Sir, this is an ambulance. Not a tinderlance. We´re going now,” the medic calmly replied as he shoved the gurney inside and started filling his patient´s information on his clipboard form.
“Let´s go, Larry!,” the medic called out to the driver.
“YOU MOVE THIS FUCKING THING ONE INCH AND I SWEAR I´LL HAVE YOU ALL FIRED!,” Jared screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Wooooow... Talk about a blast from the past...” the familiar female voice suddenly sounded from somewhere off to the side just as the doors swung close.
“WAIT! That´s her!,” Jared yelped again. “Don´t go, I need your number!”
He didn´t get a reply but instead heard her giggling outside.
"Michelle! Can you hear me?! I don´t know your last name! Please!” 🙏🏻
No response, just giggles.
The ambulance driver slowly started backing away, despite Jared knocking on the side windows to grab Michelle´s attention.
There was no response coming, and in a last ditch effort Jared grabbed the medic´s clipboard.
“Hey, you can´t read that! It´s privileged information!”
“Oh shut up, that´s MY information!,” Jared barked. 
Her name has to be in there somewhere...
Jared glanced the clipboard up and down, looking for some clues to who had alerted the medics to save him, and finally at the bottom of the page...
“There it is!,” he shrieked.
“identity of 911 caller: Phone number 555-9227. Name: Cameron Di...”
He froze for a second and looked up at the window as the ambulance slowly pulled away, only to spot his saving angel waving him goodbye with a smile, the ambulance lights finally revealing her face... 😲
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(PS. Thanks for the vote and fic idea, anon! I took some liberties with the execution tho... hehe...)
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iamartemisday · 6 years
Love Connection- Bucky/Jane/Steve
08: Rivalry- Bucky/Jane/Steve
Jane knows she can’t compete with Steve. If only the lucky bastard would make a move already.
When Jane was in high school, she and her best friend fought over a boy. He was in their Intro to Physics class. He had a perfect jawline and could recite the entire periodic table of elements from memory. That was all Jane remembered about him fifteen years later. After months of tripping each other in the hallways and revealing each other’s deepest secrets to anyone who’d listen, the object of their affections refused both their prom invites and instead took his girlfriend, a girl from another district. At the ten year reunion, she was pregnant with their fifth child and they were just about the happiest couple Jane had ever seen. Meanwhile, she and her former best friend spent the night avoiding each other.
She learned a valuable lesson: never fight over a man. It would only lead to trouble, whether he was taken or not. For example, she could have made a move on Bucky Barnes any time she wanted while helping him recuperate from a broken leg, but she didn’t. In the two weeks it took his enhanced healing to fix the damage, she had been nothing but professional and friendly. She hadn’t flirted or checked him out while he was changing (okay one time but it was an accident). She’d been perfectly objective and the friend Bucky needed. Emphasis on ‘friend’.
Because no matter how much she wanted to rip his clothes off with her teeth and climb him like a tree, he already had the love of his life. He found him scruffed up on the playground when they were six years old, long before Jane was even born. Not like she could complete with that.
Steve helped Bucky walk across the room on his newly healed leg, fresh out of a cast. Two steps in and Bucky was pushing him away. “I got it. Back off.”
“You’re welcome,” Steve snorted.
Bucky sauntered from one side of the room to the other. Upon reaching Jane, he swept her into his arms and dipped her, making her squeal. “Gotcha!”
“Very funny,” Jane said, swatting his shoulder. “I think you’re all healed now.”
“Damn right, and thank God. I was about to go crazy if I had to spend one more day in that bed.” He spun Jane around and then smacked Steve’s backside to get him out of the doorway. “Move your ass. And hit the gym while you’re at it. You’re getting fat on me.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you!”
They shared a laugh as Bucky slipped out of the room. He could be heard rummaging through the refrigerator as Jane and Steve avoided each other’s eyes. This had been the norm since Bucky first introduced them. Even though he’d never called Steve his boyfriend, it was pretty obvious their bond went well beyond friendship. From the way Steve looked at her, it was equally obvious he knew how deep her feelings for Bucky ran. And he didn’t like it one bit.
“So,” Jane said, inching closer to the door.
“So,” Steve repeated, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Glad he’s better.”
“Me too.”
“He looked good just now.”
“Yeah, real good.”
They stood in silence as the microwave turned on. The smell of mini pizzas filled the air, but while the promise of melted cheese and empty calories would usually have Jane’s mouthwatering, her stomach was a brick today.
“I’d better go,” Jane said… as did Steve. “You’d better go?”
Jane didn’t speak again. She was afraid to open her mouth, so she just blinked stupidly at him.
“Don’t you guys want some privacy?” Steve asked, his cheeks beat red. “Since he’s better now, you two can…”
“Can what?” Jane demanded, more forcefully than necessary. “I mean, don’t you want to be alone with him?”
“Yes,” Steve answered quickly. “No! I didn’t mean… I know you guys have a thing and I don’t-”
“Bucky and I don’t have a thing! Why would you think that?”
“Jane I’m not blind, I see the way he looks at you,” Steve said, not even trying to hide the bitterness in his tone.
“You mean the way he looks at you. I wish he’d look at me like that, but he doesn’t.”
“Yes, he does! I’ve known him for years and I can tell he wants you way more than he’d ever want me!”
“Are you blind? He’s in love with you! I’m not going to fight you over this, Steve.”
“And you shouldn’t because you’re wrong. He loves you.”
“Okay, this is ridiculous.” Jane pulled her hair in frustration. “I’m trying to give you some space to make a move already. I know you want him.”
“So do you,” Steve snapped. “The difference is, he’d say yes to you.”
“No, he’d say yes to you! He wants you!”
“He wants you!”
Slow chewing diffused the argument. Bucky leaned against the wall, a half-eaten pizza bagel in his hand. He stared at them, expressionless, as he finished the bagel and wiped his hands off on his pants. Jane glanced at Steve, happy to find the same bugged out eyes and blanched skin she no doubt sported. Bucky walked slowly, each step deliberate, his once injured leg no longer wobbling with effort.
“So,” Bucky said, staring down at her, “you want me, but you think I only want Steve.”
Jane was too ashamed to speak or even gesture, and that was answer enough.
“And you,” Bucky shot at Steve, “also want me, but you think I only want Jane. Am I understanding this right?”
Steve mumbled something and so did Jane. It could’ve been the same something, but either way, it was a lot of nothing. So much for keeping things professional. Now Bucky and Steve would both hate her.
“Hmm,” Bucky rubbed his chin, “yeah, that’s a problem. Lucky for you two, I have the perfect solution. If you’ll just follow me into my office, I’ll explain.”
He led them down the hall to the very room he’d just triumphantly exited. This fact was not lost on anyone.
“That’s your bedroom,” Steve said.
Bucky grinned. “Uh huh.”
He let them go in first and locked the door behind them.
Seven hours later, Jane was a sweaty, panting mess clinging to Bucky’s shoulder for dear life. Steve, on Bucky’s other side, looked like he hadn’t gotten a workout this intense since the war. Bucky, head resting in his hands, wore the smirk of a man who truly believed he was all that and a bag of chips. It was for once not infuriating or douchey because after that display (Seven. Hours…) he’d more than earned the right to be cocky.
“Are we all in agreement that my way is the best way?” he asked.
Jane and Steve nodded, temporarily incapable of speech.
“Glad to hear it. Let’s get some sleep. I’m thinking tomorrow’ll be a late morning.”
“He’s going to kill us,” Jane whispered to Steve.
“Probably,” he answered.
But what a way to go.
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freedom-shamrock · 7 years
Someone Chatty This Way Comes
Also on AO3. Look, an actual one-shot!  This is the @miraculousfluffmonth  Aug 24 prompt, wrong number. Since I am incapable of true one-shots, part 2 is here and part 3 is here.
Once Marinette had gotten Tikki settled with a couple of warm cookies, still soft with melty chocolate, she picked up her cell phone.  "I'm just going to make sure Chat got home all right."
"He did get thrown pretty hard today," Tikki said.  "But the miraculous cure should have fixed everything."
Marinette shrugged.  "It may have fixed the physical bits, but there's still the memory of it."  She knew that first hand.  She knew she didn't have to be concerned about him developing a tolerance to the cure, and that it would work on him every time; she'd questioned her kwami after a particularly brutal attack on that particular topic.  She pulled up the messaging app they'd started using a few months ago.  She'd learned about it from Alya.  A lot of their classmates used it to keep in touch out of school, and to get homework help.  Ladybug and Chat used it to talk when they were out of their suits.
"It's nice that you worry about him," Tikki said, smiling happily as she took another bite of the cookie she was working on.
"Of course I do," Marinette said, indignant.  "He's my partner, and one of my closest friends."
"Any chance his persistence is paying off?" Tikki asked.
Marinette turned away, feeling the heat in her cheeks.  "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure you don't," Tikki agreed.  "You'd never blush over your partner."  She giggled.  "You're so cute, Marinette."
"Ugh!"  Marinette collapsed into her desk chair.  She didn't want to admit that it was nice how much attention he paid to her, that he noticed when she was happy or down from the tiniest cues.  And at some point, he'd scaled back his flirting to fun banter when it was appropriate.  He'd moved on to sweet and kind acts of appreciation, which touched her more than they embarrassed her.
Bugnette: @mon_chaton did you make it home okay?
Mon_Chaton: Yep.  And just before the final warning, too.
Bugnette: You worked so hard today.  Thank you for the save.
Bugnette: Saves.  I know those couldn't have felt very good at the time, even though you knew they'd heal up.
Mon_Chaton: It's an honor to serve as your shield.
Bugnette: You know that's not ALL you are, right?
Mon_Chaton : Yes, Bug.  I know.
He was probably smiling in that insufferably sweet way he did when he was agreeing, but had another motive or take on it.
Bugnette: I have to get started on my homework, but please do me a favor and be nice to yourself tonight.
Mon_Chaton: Is that a euphemism?  Because it sounds like one.
Bugnette: OMG Chat!  I just meant I wanted you to take it easy and maybe pamper yourself.  Like a bubble bath or your favorite treat or something.  I know you work hard in your civilian life too, and I was hoping you could step it down a notch because you deserve it.
Mon_Chaton: You're too easy.
Bugnette: Is THAT a euphemism?!
Mon_Chaton: Eh, no.  I meant easy to tease, not the other kind of easy, which I can firmly state you are not.  
Marinette giggled.  At some point, their partnership had truly become friendship, and he was as comfortable to talk to and joke with as Alya and Nino.  While she was no longer a stuttering mess around Adrien, it was still a lot of work to talk to him.
Mon_Chaton: I'm gonna let you get to that homework before I can accidentally say something too offensive.  And I'm going to be nice to myself and go to bed early.  I'm too tired for all this.
Bugnette: Did you just gesture to all of me?
Mon_Chaton : You bet your miraculous I did.
Marinette was staring at her physics homework.  It just didn't make sense.  She hadn't missed that class at all this week, but apparently today's lecture had evaporated out of her brain before she could commit the contents to long term memory.  She dialed Alya.
"Hey girl!" her best friend answered after the first ring.  "What's up?"
"Physics," Marinette replied, groaning.  "Did I fall asleep in class today?  I have no memory of that hour."
Alya's laugh was one of Marinette's favorite things about her best friend.  It could almost always make her smile.  "No you didn't.  But it was a tangled mess.  I've got Nino over here right now and we're trying to figure it out before we give up and call Adrien."
"Dang it," Marinette muttered.  "It's the last thing I have to do, and I really want to get this done so I can work on a project."
"Well, you could always ask Adrien for help yourself," Alya suggested.  "He's on the chat system right now."
"Adrien uses the chat system?"  She was surprised.  She'd never seen him in any of the groups she used.
"I half think he's addicted to chatting," Alya replied.  "I'll text you his contact info and you can add him, okay?"
"And you don't think he'll mind?"  He'd helped her with physics in class before, so she figured it would be okay, she just worried about coming off as needy and stalkerish, especially now that she could recognize how inappropriate her early crush behavior had been.
"The boy loves helping, and he's damn good at it," Alya said.  "If the modeling thing doesn't work out, he should consider teaching."
Marinette copied Adrien's chat details and opened the app.  She plugged him in, grinning in amusement when his screen name popped up.
Bugnette: @NerdAlert, hey Adrien.  This is Marinette.  Alya gave me your contact details, I hope it's OK.  I have some questions on today's physics homework and was wondering if you could help me out.
Immediately after hitting enter, she realized her mistake.  She'd forgotten to log out as Ladybug and log back in as herself.  She stared at her screen in horror for a moment, before trying to talk herself down.  "It's okay.  We picked screen names that wouldn't give us away.  I can work with this.  I can totally play it off as a gaming pseudonym or something and switch over to my regular account.  There's no way he'll know."
NerdAlert: My Lady?
"Oh shit."  Marinette pushed herself away from her desk hard enough to fall over.  She sprawled on her back, legs dangling over her upended chair, stuck in a mental feedback loop of Adrien is Chat.  Chat is Adrien.  A shadow loomed over her skylight and a polite tapping came from above.
Tikki who had gone to look at Marinette's computer after her intense reaction and withdrawal, hovered over her chosen's face.  "Chat's here."
Marinette covered her face with both hands, whining inarticulately.
"I'll just let him in, then," Tikki said brightly.
Not looking out from behind her fingers, Marinette heard a click of the latch, then quiet greetings.
"Welcome Chat Noir!" Tikki said cheerfully.  "It's so nice to finally meet you.  I'm Tikki."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Tikki."  There was a pause.  "Are you sure it's okay for me to come in?  She looks paralyzed."  How had she not recognized his voice?
Tikki giggled.  "It's just shock.  Stay Chat for just a bit, and I'm sure she'll come around.  Then I'd love to see Plagg.  It's been ages."
"Yeah, he mentioned that."  He chuckled, and though his feet made no noise, cat that he was, he was obviously getting closer.  There was a shuffling noise as he sat down near her head.  "Are you going to come out, My Lady?"
"You have reached the life model decoy of Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she said, keeping her face covered.  "Please leave a message after the beep.  Beeeeep."
He giggled.  
Oh god, it was such a sweet sound.  How had that not outed him?  Then she felt his familiar gloved hand on her forehead, gentle.  Groaning, she rolled toward him, flopping her legs onto the floor, and pressed his face against his shin.  "Oh gooood.  I'm so stupid."
His hand slid to her back.  "My Lady is definitely not stupid.  And my friend Marinette is one of the smartest people I know."
"I suck at physics," she pointed out.
"Nah.  You just don't have a great teacher for it."  He picked out her hair binder and pushed his free hand into her hair, massaging her scalp.  "You always pick it up quickly when I explain it to you.  And I'm only as good at it as I am because it's review for me.  I love physics and my summer tutor is amazing."
"Of course Chat Noir is a physics nerd," she muttered.
"What do you mean?" his fingers slowed.
"You do all that crazy, on-the-fly, applied physics in every akuma battle.  It's freaking brilliant, and you're obviously a genius."  Now that she knew both the boys she liked were the same person, she could stop pretending to not admire her partner as much as she did.
"Oh," he said softly.
She peeked up at him, surprised to see pink in Chat Noir's cheeks.  "Oh my god.  You're adorable."  She abruptly sat up catching his face between her hands.  "You need to keep your Adrien sweetness under wraps when you're Chat, I don't think Paris could handle that combination.  I, personally, would be completely unable to work under those conditions."  She let go of him and gave a sniff of mock disdain.
He stared at her a moment, his mouth hanging open.  Letting out a huff he said, "Right.  But you need to put Ladybug's sass away when you're Marinette, or I'm going to suffer cardiac Agreste."
"Did you just?"  Honestly, she wished she'd come up with that one first.  "No more puns," she said firmly.
"But you like puns," he said, surprised.
"True, but after that one, all others will be pale and inadequate."  She shrugged.  "You have attained pun perfection, may as well stop."
He giggled again.  "I'm so glad you're my Ladybug."
"Yeah, well I'm even more glad you're my Chat Noir… well that Adrien is my Chat Noir."  She shrugged.  "You can drop the transformation.  I won't scream now."
"Heh.  You should have heard me when I got your message."  He grinned.  "Plagg, claws in."  With a wave of green light, Chat Noir was replaced with Adrien.  He waved.  "See.  It's me."
She rolled her eyes.  "I do see.  And I'm wondering why I didn't see it before."  She looked at the tiny black cat hovering over Adrien's shoulder.  "Oh.  You must be Plagg.  I've heard so much about you."
"It's all true," Plagg said.  "Especially the really nasty bits."  He darted close enough to whisper in her ear.  "My kid is totally bonkers for you.  Be gentle with him, he's only tough on the outside."
"Plagg."  Adrien's voice held a firm cautionary tone.
"Plagg!" Tikki squealed.  "Come on let's catch up.  I bet you need tummy rubs."
"I'm roughly one hundred and eight years behind on them, so yes," Plagg agreed, allowing Tikki to drag him off to her hideout.
Marinette righted her chair, offering it to Adrien.
"Thanks.  Uhm…"  He rubbed the back of his head.  "I didn't really plan what I was going to do, here.  Once I realize you were… you, I sort of forgot everything else and rushed over."  He shrugged.
"I'm actually glad you did."  She settled into the other chair.  "You being here defused my freak out, so thanks."
He looked so much happier than he did in his professional photos.  "Still want help with physics?  I'm here, so I may as well."  He pointed to the tablet and open text book on the desk.
"Yeah.  Let's do that."  She moved closer to him.  "Wanna stay for dinner?  We can go for a rooftop run afterward," she suggested.
"You have the best ideas," he said with a sigh.
"Not sure about that," she teased.  "It was my idea for us to use a chat service."
"Yeah."  He leaned his chin on his hands and beamed at her.  "That was possibly your best idea ever."
Started as a 30 minute exercise but I was still kind of out of it from my diphenhydramine, and my brain was not at peak function.  I also realized it was insufficiently fluffy ending with the reveal, and we needed Chat to actually show up for maximum fluff.
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Cielizzy headcanons
1) Ciel has a tendency to spoil Lizzy with lavish gifts, such as exquisite jewelry, the latest Parisian fashions, and sweets from Belgium and Switzerland. He does this out of guilt since he and Lizzy rarely spend any time together. As a result, Sebastian now has a secondary job as a purveyor of women’s fashion. Packages show up at the Midford estate so often that half of them are still unopened.
2) Lizzy and Ciel sometimes spend their afternoons reading together. In the beginning, they sat next to each other on the library sofa until one day Lizzy decided to read The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire. This sparked a spirited debate between them on the abstract concepts of excess, decadence, and lust that eventually resulted in their first kiss—one that left Ciel stunned and Lizzy very, very embarrassed. 
3) Once, after returning from a mission for the queen, Ciel fell ill with pneumonia. Lizzy declared herself immune and sat by his bedside, putting cool washcloths on his forehead, making sure he drank enough water, and reading Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s epic poem Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie out loud to him. One of Ciel’s favorite lines from the poem is this: “Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven,/ Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.” To him, it represents a fleeting moment of tranquility, hope, and possibility. 
4) Ciel tolerates Lizzy’s hugs because he likes her strawberry-daisy fragrance.  
5) Lizzy remembers the birthdays of all the Phantomhive servants and always gives them a little present to commemorate the day. If she can’t stop by the manor, she sends them a postcard wishing them the very best followed by a cute little gift she hand wrapped herself. —> Since Sebastian doesn’t have a birthday, Lizzy celebrates his “birthday” on January 20th—the feast of Saint Sebastian, a martyr who was killed for his Christian beliefs by the emperor Diocletian.
6) Ciel and Lizzy like to play croquet together during the summer months. It’s one of the few physical activities that Ciel can play (and win) without Sebastian’s help.
7) While playing cards, Ciel’s respect for Lizzy increased exponentially after her slight of hand beat him in Schnapsen (a German point-trick game more commonly known as 66). Now, every Tuesday night, Lizzy comes over to Phantomhive Manor and they play cards until 11 (an indecently late hour, my goodness! So Ciel makes sure Sebastian escorts her back home safely). Sometimes they’ll invite Soma, Sieglinde, Joanne, and Cheslock but mainly, it’s just the two of them. 
8) Lizzy and Ciel chose to learn Russian together because it’s a language neither of them knew; it was also an opportunity for the two of them to spend more time with each other. Ciel corrects Lizzy’s grammar and phrasing while Lizzy helps Ciel with his pronunciation. Both of them read books to help practice their Russian—Ciel began by reading Fyodor Dostoyevsky (he took a particularly liking to Crime and Punishment) while Lizzy indulged in Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. —> After they got married, Lizzy and Ciel frequently spoke to each other in Russian, sometimes adding in a dash of French or Latin. As a result, Phantomhive Manor became quite the multicultural arena (and a place of great confusion for all the servants—except Sebastian).
9) Even though Ciel never became fond of dancing, he made an effort to escort Lizzy to more balls and parties after he learned that other noblemen had been flirting with her. Several of those hapless gentleman would wind up with serious injuries when leaving said party—such as one of them tripping over a misplaced bullet and tumbling down the stairs, breaking his arm, bruising his ribs, and suffering a concussion. Odd.
10) Sebastian wound up coordinating their wedding and was nicknamed “bridezilla” by everyone involved. Exhibit A:
“You call this Chantilly lace? This looks like a scrap of fabric with holes in it!”
“I knew humans were incapable of a great deal but never once have I ever encountered someone so constantly inept. I wanted gardenias with a hint of pink. A hint. Something that conjures up the image of a lady’s first blush. But this, this bouquet would be a disgrace even in hell!”
*Looks at violinists* “I’ve never been faced with a dilemma so difficult. You have all been hailed as the best violinists in Western Europe and yet here I stand, being forced to choose the least terrible amongst you inadequate, tone-deaf monarchs of the mediocre. In fact, leave. Just leave. I’ll play the bridal march myself.”
“Where is the wedding cake? Where is the—of all damnation, THAT’S the wedding cake? It looks like a sofa Baldroy set on fire.”
*Inspecting the flower girl* “No, no—her walk is pitiful and her gap-toothed smile ruins the atmosphere.”
“A church? You expect my young master to get married in a church? Well this is just preposterous—how am I, the wedding coordinator, supposed to supervise the event if he’s getting married in a church? Why wasn’t I informed of his radical venue choice? Was it my intern? Did my intern forget to inform me? A church?”
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