#god can you imagine her chair it would be so fucking cool
abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Today on my brain: Ema who suffered long term physical damage from the car crash that killed her parents and Definitely needs a mobility aid but hates how the cane makes her feel old and like she isn't trying hard enough to get better.
Lana is Begging her to use it and not just ditch it in the car when she leaves for school because she can tell how much the constant pain is wearing on her baby sister.
Enter Edgeworth who was a part of the four year long endeavour to convince Von Karma to use a cane. "He was so excited and relieved after he took to using it i swear he'd have tapped danced if he could. Plus it makes him look more like a count and he adores that."
Just sitting down with her and discussing the issues she's having with it and why she doesn't like it and oh well this might work better and we could certainly customize it to suit you better - but It does sound like it's not providing adequate support. You may want to consider forearm crutches instead.
Lana is fighting the urge to jump for joy when Ema finally agrees to give them a shot. And they help So much. But...
"Oh. Miss Skye. How are the crutches working out for you? You look much more comfortable."
"There nice i guess... But using them feels like I'm giving up on ever getting better."
"... You're in far less pain when you move are you not? That sounds like improvement to me. I like the stickers. They look like their yours now." Paused. "They look good on you Miss Skye."
Ema goes home and screams for three hours. Hugs her crutches. Her crush complemented her!!! Oh she loves them she loves them she loves them!!!!
Lana makes him cookies. Thanks him. He has no idea why but they're very good cookies.
It still takes him almost a decade to admit he needs glasses.
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sytoran · 1 year
𝐌𝐘 𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒 | 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐧𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐭.𝟏
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you, a regular law-abiding citizen, saved the gods by accident. now, the goddess of lust, natasha, is going to grant you a wish. you could've had just about anything, but looking at the ethereal being before you, there's only one thing on your mind.
pairing: goddess!natasha x dom!fem!reader (G!P)
note: hello, folks! this is the long-awaited goddess!nat fic for the milestone event! i am quite proud of this fic, ngl... got a bit too carried away with some parts ;)
word count: 2.5k
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When you jumped in front of a speeding car to save a cat on the road, you had absolutely no clue that the cat was not, in fact, a cat.
This not-cat was a species of flerken, and it’s name was Goose. Flerkens were extremely dangerous alien creatures. At least, that’s what the Goddess of Galaxies, Carol Danvers, told you.
Trust me, meeting an intergalactic space goddess with a pet killing-machine (that looked awfully like a cat) was about as chaotic and unbelievable as you would imagine it to be.
“H-holy fuck!” you yelled, jumping in your seat, as a glowing woman materialised before your very eyes, in your shithole of an office. 
“I do not believe I am holy, even though I am a Goddess.” The woman stated, watching with curious eyes as you tittered over your split coffee. Lifting your laptop and muttering curses, then sifting through the messed up paperwork.
“You’re a what?” You asked distractedly, still panicking over the mess that is your desk. “My boss is actually going to murder me. Or maybe I’ll murder myself first. I am literally- Yeah, okay, how the fuck did you appear like that? And aren’t gods supposed to be like, really huge? You look kinda…… human.”
“I am a goddess.” Carol reiterated with slight annoyance. A literal extraterrestrial being was in front of your eyes, and the only thing you cared about was your damn coffee? 
“We are beings you could only ever fathom from the depths of your imagination, powerful beyond measure. Which is also why we can shapeshift to look like regular human beings, so we won’t scare the shit outta you. Which seems to have still happened.”
You let out a dry bark of laughter. Carol wasn’t sure if you thought she was funny or you were about to burst into tears.
“So, why did you decide to visit me, ever-powerful, omnipresent, all-mighty being?” You asked, half-sarcastically, half simply given up on life itself. The report you had been working on for nearly an hour had been ruined by the fiasco earlier. 
You dropped into your chair, kicking your feet up onto your desk. Loosening your black tie with a weary sigh, you looked at the Goddess’ eyes and continued. “I’m a nobody. I’m an overworked and underpaid attorney. I run on caffeine. I don’t know why or how you’re here, but I really–”
“You saved us. The Gods and Goddesses.” Carol interrupts, firm and unyielding. “We owe you, alright? You get one wish.”
“One wish, to get whatever it is you desire. Anything. Anything at all.”
Your story was absolutely one of zero to hero. From an ‘underpaid and overworked attorney’, to having the fucking gods of the multiverse indebted to you, it seemed like a rather unorthodox situation.
“So… what do you want?” Carol had asked you. 
“Uhm, I don’t need anything,” you mumbled, fiddling with your loosened tie. “Like, it’s totally chill between us even if I saved your cat.”
Great. Real cool, Y/N. The middle school boys could never compare to your level of failed attempts at being cool.
“Goose is not a cat, alright?” Carol commented, offended. You mutter an apology. 
“So, what do you want?” she continued impatiently. “Humans thrive off greed. You mortals always want something. What is it, money? A fancy car? A boyfr– okay, not to be stereotypical, but you’re definitely not straight. So, women on your mind?”
You splutter at her outright but nevertheless true allegation. Carol gives you this blank stare that makes you feel stupid. 
“Well, I guess, as a woman, there’s something I do want,” you speak up after a while. Carol raises her eyebrows in interest. “Something I have wanted to try, you know.”
Leaning closer to whisper your deepest desire in the goddess’ ear, Carol’s eyebrows disappear into her hairline. Her impressed, intrigued, embarrassed, and taken aback emotions all morphed into one expression, almost steals a laugh from your lips.
“You want me to grant you a cock.”
The Goddess of Lust sits in her throne, a picturesque image of perfection, the statement falling from her lips with such ease. There’s a lilt to her voice you can’t decipher. You just nod, looking unfalteringly at the goddess, as if it was the most normal request in the world. 
The Goddess was slightly perturbed by your lack of, well, awe. There you were, standing in her grand palace, unfazed by the multi-million dollar chandeliers and gold-framed pictures, unfazed by her.
Natasha was just about the most exquisite sight people would kill to lay their eyes upon. Soft curls framed her delicately sculpted face like curtains to a stage, magnificent deep eyes and a more than well-endowed body to complement her pretty face. Her rose-gold dress of satins and sequins dripped with money. There was the thrall she exuded, of seduction so strong that had men and women falling to their knees.
Natasha was the Goddess of Lust for sakes, and the only thing you cared about was redeeming your wish?
She would’ve been annoyed, if not for how unfairly charming you were, standing with your hands in your pockets, a charming gentlemanly smile on your face.
“What kind of cock do you want?” Natasha resorts to ask, a playful smirk on her features. “I’ve seen some interesting ones over the years, intergalactic sex is far crazier than you would imagine. Ooh, do you want tentacles to-”
“Uh, no thanks.” You say hurriedly, a hand going out of your pocket to rub at your nose. It’s the first sign of discomfort or embarrassment Natasha’s seen from you. She grins. 
“Just a regular human one?” She clarifies, pouting at you slightly. 
“That’d be great, yeah.” You respond, back to smiling brightly. Natasha frowns. She knows that there’s something under that stupid gentlemanly facade you’re putting on. She’s craving to get a taste of it.
“What size?” The Goddess asks bluntly, like a Starbucks barista asking for your order on a Monday morning.
“A regular size would be fine, I suppose.” You respond in kind, nodding to yourself assuredly. Natasha winks at you. “Ah, a regular size, I see.”
Before you can decipher that cryptic response, the Goddess stands up, a pillar of superiority and authority. She snaps her fingers, and you’re being pushed back into a fancy chair. Where did the chair come from, anyway?
You forgo the answer to that question as the Goddess begins what you would assume to be the procedure. “Sit tight.”
A surge of pain presses against your crotch area, and you almost keel forward in shock, but the pain goes as quickly as it comes. 
“Wait….. that’s it?” You ask, almost disbelievingly. Natasha nods proudly.
You look down, hands resting on your belt buckle. 
You look up at the Goddess, and she only smirks. 
You pull down your pants in swift fashion, letting out a quiet ‘whoa’ at the bulge in your boxers. It definitely feels bigger than would be regular, but then again you don’t have much knowledge of a man’s cock per se.
“Thank you,” You say, pleased with the results. Trying something new in the bedroom would definitely bring more life to your desolate days.
All too quick for the Goddess’ liking, you’re putting your clothes back on and getting ready to leave. “Thanks for your help,” You say calmly, turning to walk down the long passageway.
God, you just wanted to watch her fall apart.
As you walk, you feel Natasha’ eyes burning holes through your back. Oh, the tension was palpable, building with each step you took. It was getting harder to walk, with Natasha’s thrall like a heavyweight on your shoulders, willing you not to leave.
As you stand before the tall doors, you come to a standstill. Natasha waits in her throne with bated breath, so many words fighting to fall from the tip of her stubborn lips.
Your hand pushes down on the door handle, and that’s the last thing you can do before Natasha snaps her fingers again, and the tension is broken like a snapped coil. Suddenly, you’re pressed against her, looking into her dilated pupils.
“You’re so annoying, you know? I’ve been so fucking horny, looking at you this whole time, and you were about to get up leave?” Natasha asks, her tongue coming out to dart at her pink lips. Her hands have grasped your forearms, but your hands are cinched around her waist, disabling movement.
“No,” you breathe, head moving down to trail open-mouthed kisses along the column of her poised neck. “I was waiting for you.” The Goddess throws her head back under your fleeting touch. 
“Fuckin’ tease,” she mumbles, and you smirk against her skin. You’re rough with her, too, knowing that she isn’t made of glass, sucking purple marks into the pale skin of her neck, shoving your knee between her legs to spread them wider.
“Too much clothes,” Natasha breathes, and then with a burst of magic you’re stripped bare of any article of clothing. Her hands fly to your cock instantaneously, wrapping her delicate fingers around your semi-hard member.
You grunt against her skin, struggling to find a better position to properly have her. Since she’s sitting in the throne and you’re bent over above her, you can barely have her the way you want. Due to your lack of magical power, you resort to doing things the hard way.
Your hands slide under Goddess’ dress, going under her thighs, and then manhandling her up. Natasha’s whines of disapproval turn on deaf ears as you sit yourself in the grand chair, plopping her onto your lap. You don’t miss the way her thighs are already slightly damp.
“Need you inside now, fuck,” Natasha growls into your skin, climbing onto your cock as your hands squeeze at her thighs. You proceed to rip the fabric off her skin, deciding that there’s too much clothing restricting you from getting your hands on her.
And boy, was that a sight you’d never forget. 
“Oh!” The Goddess cries, when you lean forward to wrap your lips around her hardened bud. Your hands don’t rest for a moment, squeezing everywhere – hips, thighs, breasts, ass — whatever you can get your hands on. She’s fucking exquisite.
The stimulation seems to work wonders for Natasha’s pleasure, as she engulfs your cock in her warmth with fervour.
You gasp lowly, a throaty sound escaping your lips. Her hips and ass go up and down, working her cunt around the girth of your cock, wet and warm and slick. You can barely keep up with how desperate she is, and the fact that you have this wonder of a woman falling apart at your hands makes your heart soar.
Matching the rhythm of short upward thrusts with Natasha’s riding makes her moan out loud, a pretty melodious sound that imprints itself into your brain all at once. You wanna hear it a hundreds of times more.
Natasha gets more messy with her riding, as you suck hickeys, light ones and fierce ones, into her collarbone and her neck and breasts. You can’t resist the urge to slap her on the ass as she rides you like it’s the last day she’d be on this universe.
“Ah!” The Goddess moans, and you grip her thighs and push her down hilt deep, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. You feel her cum around your cock, so needy and desperate and mindless, and that triggers your own climax. 
Natasha hadn’t even begun to open her eyes again before she ends up on the floor and you hovering above her, your hands fervently spreading her cunt open. You duck your head down, licking a long stripe up her puffy clit. 
The Goddess writhes, unintelligible moans falling from her lips as you proceed to give her the best fucking cunnilingus of her life.
You’re more than determined to make this an unforgettable experience for the Goddess who probably had sex every other day. 
Natasha doesn’t know what the fuck you’re doing with your tongue, but you’re ravenous and your carnal desire makes her even wetter than before.
She’s slept with plenty of people, human or not, but none of them had ever been this uncouth about her pussy. Oh, it nearly drove her mad, but she was already seeing stars.
Before the Goddess registers what’s happening, your hardened cock slides into her cunt with a flippant ease once again. Natasha lets out a filthy moan as she feels it throb inside her, clenching around you hard.
You slap her thigh in retaliation, but feeling the sudden strike of pain only turns her on further. “Gonna fill you up so good,” you pant. “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” 
Natasha takes it as a promise, when you spread her thighs and line your cock up with her pussy. The Goddess of Lust doesn’t think she’s ever wanted anyone this bad.
You enter her roughly, your previously calm exterior completely faded away. You fuck her deeper with each thrust, opening the Goddess up. Pounding into the woman’s cunt like a woman starved, you hear her beg and cry with each thrust.
“Oh, please! More! More!” The Goddes cries, nearly screaming your name every time your blunt head pushes against her cervix. You only get spurred on further, going at a pace so painfully fast you don’t know if you’ll be able to walk tomorrow.
You swallow at the sight of this Goddess, completely breathtaking in her state of unravelling. 
“My divine Goddess,” You say, leaning down to press a kiss against the bulge of your cock at her lower stomach. 
Those words in itself have Natasha uncoiling before you, your name falling from her lips like a sacred mantra. Her walls are wrapped around your cock so tight, her nails digging into your back so hard it nearly draws blood.
“My divine Goddess,” you repeat, eyes glazed over, reaching your own climax inside her. Natasha lets out a filthy moan, feeling each throb of your cock in her as walls of cum pulse inside her, again and again. 
God, it feels so good, everything everywhere all at once, your world becoming Natasha, Natasha, Natasha. 
You think you could stay like this forever.
A long bath and a trip to the Goddess’ bedroom later, you’re laying on her expensive silk sheets, hair smelling like rosemilk or whatever that shampoo had been called.
You honestly don’t know how this gorgeous woman’s been charmed by your awkward humour and the coffee stain on your work shirt, but you’re definitely not complaining as she nuzzles into your neck, humming in satisfaction.
“You sure that’s the first time you’ve ever had a cock?”
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elsfairy · 9 months
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who clams up and starts to sweat when she spots you in the same room as her. tries to act like she’s all cool and hip, but how can she when you’re smiling at everyone, and making conversation while she’s just slumped in the corner of the room, blushing furiously because you’re here so close yet so far from her, and are oblivious to the fact she’s got a raging crush on you? and to make it even worse, for her . . you’re always catching her staring at you, and that fucking smile you offer her, makes her weak in the knees.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who fidgets relentlessly the first time you place your hand on her shoulder, as you try to move past a group of people. aware that it wasn’t intentional but she couldn’t stop the way her face flushed, hands began gripping her thighs tightly the longer you were touching her. thankful that her hair was covering the side of her face, so you couldn’t see how bright it became at the small touch. but god did you smell good. hints of flowers and something sweet that she couldn’t fully put her finger on. almost passing out when you whisper a small “hey” in her ear.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who shamelessly stutters the entire time when you finally sit down and talk to her. you though, being oblivious as usual, aren’t aware or noticing the way she’s got her fingernails digging into the chair or the way she has to stop looking at you and making a fool of herself as you talk about your day. It’s hard for her, you’re the prettiest thing she’s ever seen and she didn’t want to fuck it up by randomly blurting out you’re hot or fuck me. or simply has to bite down on her lip at the sound of your sweet, soft voice. she was utterly fucked.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who does indeed let her mouth get the better of her, and before she can stop herself she’s already rambling out “you’re just really pretty, why are you talking to me? There are more less awkward women here for you” and for a second, she’s scared you’re gonna up and leave her mid-conversation. instead, she’s blushing madly, bashfully nervous when you tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and a small “you’re more interesting than them, Pink” comes tumbling out your lips.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who ends up falling over a shipment of boxes at work when you surprise her, your hands barely doing any damage when placed on her shoulders, but you make her so nervous that she’s bound to fall over something and make it more embarrassing on her part. constantly and nervously chewing on her bottom lip the longer you just . . . stare at her with that fuckin’ pretty smile of yours. “was just wondering . . . do you wanna go on a date with me? that’s if you want to of course, Pink” to which she stutters a nervous “v..violet, my name . .” let’s just say it took her a solid 10 minutes to realize you were dead serious about a date.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who spends the entire first 30 minutes just gawking at you. she watches the way your fingers trace the wine glass, the way your nose crinkles up when you’re focused on reading the menu, and how the corner of your lips twitch upwards when spotting a group of dogs walking outside the restaurant. she still had no idea how to act cool around you, because watching, sitting there looking all elegant while she just stared like a damn perv, was nothing but cool. It’s your fault for being so pretty. pretty girls, especially you, are her weakness.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who outright almost whimpers and has to clench her thighs together tightly when you let out a soft moan, the taste of whatever food you ordered, she doesn’t remember honestly, hits your taste buds. how can someone even moan all pretty? she doesn’t fucking know but all she knows, is that she wants to hear it again, amongst other sounds, she’s dying to get you to make. she felt gross, thinking about you this way and imagining the way you would look, makeup ruined, tears staining your face as she buries her face between your thighs. would you run your fingers through her hair, tug and pull until she felt light-headed? would you damn near suffocate her with your legs? she would let you do anything, but if you keep moaning like that, she’s gonna burst.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who forgets how to speak or function the minute you somehow end up on her lap after eating. Shit, you aren’t really sure how you ended up sitting on her toned, hard thighs but you weren’t complaining. Violet, on the other hand, was panicking. her fingers were twitching, she could feel the sweat on her forehead trickling, and her throat was so dry because she you were so close to her, also didn’t know where to fucking put her hands. on your hips? on your neck? hell, in your hair? girl was so lost in her own gay panic that she didn’t feel your hands pulling her arms around your waist until you pat her on the head, placing your own on her shoulder. “you worry too much. you can touch me” don’t give her that fucking idea.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who for the first time in her life, is burnt like a tomato and insanely shy the minute you go down on her. she’s got one hand over her mouth trying to conceal the pathetic whimpers and moans, the other tangled in your hair. Your hands are gripping her hips for dear life, creating crescent moons in her soft skin, fucking hell— she doesn’t even know how long you’ve been between her legs, lapping up at her cunt like a starved woman. all she knows is that she’s on cloud nine. the feeling of your nose bumping against her clit, and the way your tongue feels between her folds is enough to have her panting like a dog. until of course, a sharp but gentle slap lands on her cunt, a needy whine slipping from her lips. “take your hand off your mouth, and let me fuckin’ hear you, yeah? can you be a good girl and let me hear you?”
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who is so loser by her 3rd orgasm that she’s touching you every with such a need. gripping your tits, pinching your nipples, kissing and sucking your neck. occasionally switching to your jaw, but always coming back to your neck, leaving pretty purple marks as she goes. hearing those moans and whimpers in her ear is another plus.if she could record every sound you’ve made tonight and make it on a loop, she would have done that hours ago because to her, you sound so angelic that she needs to hear it more.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who is obsessive when she hands her hand in your back pocket, keeping you close to her when someone gets too close and personal with you. she’s really not afraid to show people you are hers, and no one else’s. although she does panic a little at the thoughts of maybe she’s being too clingy or being way too possessive towards you, but it’s when you hold her free hand tighter, damn near breaking her fingers, that she calms down and can finally breathe.
꒰ ♡ ꒱ loser!violet who finally without a doubt, will steal your underwear, no matter if it's before or after sex or you are getting ready for the day. she will with no shame just take them out of your hand after you just picked out which pair you want to wear, and stuff them into her pocket. that smug grin on her lips when you looked at her, mouth open and eyes wide, hair still unbrushed and sticking out in different directions. “what? I’m taking these because you’ll be working and now i won’t miss you as much, if i have something to remind me of you, Sweetness”
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Imagines: You Make Loving Fun*
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summary: you and joe are taking your first weekend trip away after having your twin boys. you two take the private jet and alone time to your advantage.
warnings: smut
pairing: joe burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
(y/n’s pov)
October 15th, 2023
“oh my god, i’m so fucking excited!!” - you grinned
joe’s big hand on my lower back was leading me towards the steps to the private jet he had rented for this special occasion.
i turned to face joe, wanting to see his reaction to the jet but he was too busy slipping money to the guy that had loaded our bags into the plane.
after joe thanked him one last time, his blue eyes locked with my eyes and a large smile spread on his lips.
“you like it?” - joe smiled
“it’s so damn cool! that things awfully big for just me and you, was there no smaller options?” - you
“there were, but i kinda just wanted to impress you.” - joe
“joseph. we’ve been together too long for you to think you have to impress me.” - you
“i don’t think i have to, i wanted to. now let’s get inside, there’s something i wanna show you.” - joe
joe moved in front of me and took my hand, practically yanking me up the stairs since his long legs allowed him to take them two at a time.
“joe! slow down! i don’t have long ass legs like you.” - you
“oh shit sorry, baby. i got excited.” - joe
i had to giggle at that, his childlike wonder always coming off so adorable.
when joe and i stepped through the plane door hand in hand, the flight attendant was there pouring red wine into two glasses.
the plane was actually more roomy than expected, there were a couple different places to sit but joe opted for the two chairs that faced each other with a small table between them.
“mr. and mrs. burrow, welcome aboard! it’s lovely to have you! can i interest you in some of our red wine?” - flight attendant
“that’d be great, thank you.” - joe
she placed the glasses in front of us, making sure not to spill anything.
“10 minutes after we take off i’ll be back to take your dinner order. also, after we take off feel free to roam around. there’s the bedroom in the back that you guys can take a nap in, or just sprawl out to get comfortable.” - flight attendant
joe and i thanked her before she retreated to the cabin.
“there’s a bed on this thing?” - you
“yup. that’s what i wanted to show you.” - joe winked
“you trynna get me going, burrow?” - you
“i’d never, burrow.” - joe
even after being married for over a year, hearing joe call me by his- our last name never failed to make me blush.
joe referring to me as his wife or calling himself my husband would never ever get old.
“seriously though, this is gonna be a long ass flight even on the jet. i’m prob gonna knock out at some point.” - joe
“sounds fine with me, we can head back there after dinner and cuddle.” - you
joe nodded with a smile on his face. he was so happy when i finally agreed to go on the trip. since the twins had been born joe and i have had 0 alone time together, so he really wanted to have a getaway just the two of us. it came as a surprise to you since joe was no doubt a homebody that hated leaving the house.
i took a long look at joe while he was busy looking out the window, the stubble he’d recently grown out giving him a sexy af dad look that made me want to pounce on him.
joe and i still haven’t had sex since i gave birth to the twins 3 months ago, but i was growing super impatient. this is the most built joe’s physique has ever been and he drove me literally insane.
“god, you’re such a dilf.” - you
“excuse me?” - joe’s stare left the window and found you while he chuckled
“you’re a straight up dilf.” - you
when joe stayed staring at me like i was a crazy person, i started to explain what the acronym stood for.
“joseph, it means dad i’d like to fu-” - you
“i know what it means!” - joe cut you off
“then why’d you say excuse me?” - you
“you said it out of nowhere, you caught me off guard!” - joe
joe and i laughed for a few moments before we were interrupted by the flight attendant walking over to take our order.
our time waiting for our food was spent by talking about what we wanted to do on the trip, what we were looking forward to seeing the most, and honestly how much we missed the twins.
not even 15 minutes had passed and our food was being brought out to us. joe opted for soup while i got the salad.
there was a comfortable silence that fell over us due to the fact we were eating, but joe broke it.
“that dressing looks weird as hell.” - joe
“it’s good. wanna try?” - you
“eh, sure i guess.” - joe
i user my fork to make sure to get one of every piece of the salad in one bite, along with the dressing. when i handed the fork over to joe, some of the dressing dropped into his finger and his face showed a look of disgust.
at first i was just gonna let him cringe till he wiped it off on his napkin, but this seemed to be a perfect opportunity to tease him.
i leaned across the table and grabbed his hand. he was confused at first but when i sucked his finger into my mouth and licked the dressing off, his mouth hung open.
pulling off his finger with an audible pop sound, when my eyes met his i recognized those wide pupils that only seemed to darken his baby blues with pure lust.
“fuck.” - joe mumbled
“taste the dressing, baby.” - you
a smirk formed on joe’s face, a telltale sign he has just come up with an idea.
“here.” - joe handed you the fork
“c’mon! you gotta try it!” - you
“i’m going too, just eat it first.” - joe gestures towards the spoon in your hand
i put it to my lips, chewed, and swallowed all while still being confused to what joe was up to.
opening my mouth to ask joe what he was up to, he leaned across the table and captured my mouth with his. his tongue on my bottom lip asking to enter, and when i opened my mouth just a little bit his tongue was circling around the roof of my mouth.
“damn.” - you mumbled
when joe pulled away, that smirk was still on his face and the lust still shined in his eyes.
“it’s not bad.” - joe shrugged
“boy please.” - you roll your eyes
joe laughed and continued to eat. there were times i’d catch him staring, or his gaze would linger on my chest for a few seconds before looking away.
“you’re zoning out on me.” - you
“am not. i’m admiring you, you look ridiculously gorgeous today.” - joe
“thank you, joey.” - you smiled
joe’s eyes flicked down to my salad bowl and when he saw that it was empty, his excitement only grew more.
“wanna head back to the bedroom?” - joe
“i could def take a nap!” - you
“def not what i meant.” - joe winked
“maybe later? i need a nap first.” - you
“you can’t just suck my finger like that and then reject me.” - joe
“i’m not rejecting you, you goof. lemme get a 30 minute power nap in before we do anything like that.” - you
joe rolled his eyes but eventually got out of his seat, he walked over to where i was sitting and put his hand out to help me up. it was a habit he’d made during my pregnancy since it was hard for me to get up with my big bump.
“c’mon, momma.” - joe
we walked hand in hand through the small hallway of the jet, joe opened the door in the very back where the small bedroom was revealed.
joe led me over to the bed after shutting the door behind us, tripple checking that he locked the door.
the bed definitely wasn’t the ideal size, way smaller than the one we have at home. that was evident when i laid down and was the full length of it.
“babe, i think you’re gonna be bigger than the bed.” - you laughed
“calling me fat?” - joe gasped
“no! you’re 6’4, baby. if i’m the length of the bed, your feet are definitely gonna dangle.” - you
joe plopped down onto the bed and laid flat on his back, i had to laugh when his feet hovered in the air at the end of the bed.
“joey, your feet!” - you laughed
my laughing muffled when joe pulled me into his chest, his own laughter filling the room.
“roll over. if we spoon i can curl up and fit.” - joe
“yes sir.” - you teasingly bit your lower lip before following orders
“stop that! god, i hope this fuckin nap goes by quickly.” - joe
once joe seemed to be comfortable, and completely on the bed, i shut my eyes and drifted to sleep.
*time skip*
(joe’s pov)
i wasn’t that tired, so i just cuddled up to y/n and let her sleep. it was 15 minutes in when she started moving around. i just thought she was stirring in her sleep, but when she started grinding her ass against my crotch i knew this wasn’t just restless sleeping.
“baby?” - joe whispered
pushing myself up on my elbow to see her, i was met with a peacefully asleep y/n. the room in my pants was starting to get tight, and i really didn’t want to wait 15 minutes till her 30 minutes would be up.
this one particular time where she ground into me a little too hard, a groan escaped my lips and in return she moaned my name.
“y/n? are you awake?” - joe
“joey…” - you whimpered
fuck it.
i gently shook her shoulder and when her eyes opened she was gasping for breath.
she looked at me like she embarrassed, her cheeks flashing red. i hadn’t even asked her about her dream, but i’m guessing the grin on my lips and my erection pushed against her behind was enough clues.
“so, how was your dream?” - joe
“oh no. please tell me i didn’t do anything stupid.” - you
“i wouldn’t say moaning my name and grinding on me in your sleep is stupid.” - joe smirked
“oh my god! im so sorry!” - you
“no reason to be sorry, baby. it’s super fucking hot that i can make you moan even in your sleep.” - joe smiled smugly
“your ego is huge, joey b.” - you
“not the only thing about me that’s huge, wanna see what else is?” - joe
she hesitated for a second, so i let my hand roam from her waist down to her ass. when she instinctively pushed into me more i moved forward and pressed my lips onto hers.
“i thought that having sex on a plane was illegal..” - you
“they just gonna put a bed back here and expect us not to fuck?” - joe
“joe!” - you laughed
“i’m being serious, y/n.” - joe
“sorry.. what’s the game plan?” - you
i took one of her hands and placed it on my bulge before continuing, her eyes shined with lust.
“you practically tortured me in your sleep, i want your pretty lips around my cock.” - joe
a smug smirk formed on her lips, she loved hearing me talk about how i wanted her.
in a matter of minutes we were heavily making out, clothes flying across the room till we were both completely naked.
y/n maneuvered me to where i was sitting at the edge of the bed, and she lowered onto her knees between my spread legs.
i tilted my head to the side as i watched her examine my hard dick, not in a weird way, she was more admiring it than anything.
(y/n’s pov)
“you’re perfect.” - you reached forward and wrapped your hand around his length, giving him slow pumps
“i- i don’t know about that.” - joe
i looked up at him through my lashes to maintain eye contact as i licked over his tip. the groan that left his mouth hitting me straight in the crotch.
“oh god-” - joe groaned
removing my hand from his length, i licked the underside of his cock and took him in my mouth.
i had dropped my eyes from his since my nose was met with his happy trail, but occasionally i’d look up at him just to see his perfect top teeth sunk into his plump bottom lip.
he moved one of the arms that was holding himself up and laced his fingers into my hair to help guide me to his standards.
“holy- shit!” - joe
joe wasn’t loud in bed. praise, mumbled curses, and groans being his go-to’s, but due to the fact it had been over a year since we’ve done this i wasn’t at all surprised when he let out a louder moan.
i pulled off of his dick for a moment to lick and suck on his balls. ghosting my fingertips over the veins in his cock, i knew he was close by how his hips were bucking up.
“please- baby, i’m so close. i wanna cum down your throat..” - joe
still massaging his balls with my hand, i closed my lips around him and he pushed my head down to where his tip hit the back of my throat. a loud moan left his lips and i felt the hot spurts of his climax in the back of my throat.
“fucking hell-” - joe groaned
joe was still breathing heavy when i pulled off of him completely, he fell back against the bed as his chest heaved.
“you good, baby?” - you
“better than good.. that was insane.” - joe
i laid down next to him and he immediately pulled my head onto his chest, peppering kisses on my forehead.
“you ready for a nap now?” - you giggled
“oh hell no! this isn’t over.” - joe
“oh?” - you
i could barely finish my word when joe flipped us over to where he was leaning over me.
“you think i’d pass up getting inside you? absolutely the fuck not.” - joe
“then get inside me, joe.” - you
joe looked down at me with lust blown eyes, they were scanning my face till he leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine.
i was expecting his cock, so when he ran two fingers through my folds, i gasped out.
“you’re so wet, mama” - joe kissed you and entered in his fingers
“all for you-” - you moaned
a moment later, he disengaged his lips from mine and moved to where he was between my legs. joe moved to prop my knees up and pulled his fingers out of me, quickly replacing them with his tongue.
“oh god, joe!” - you moaned
i clenched around his tongue making him moan, the vibrations only making the experience better.
“i’m close!” - you
joe picked up the pace and it wasn’t long till i was screaming his name while wrapping my legs around his neck.
there was a few seconds of silence before joe unwrapped my legs from his neck and leaned over me again.
“you okay? it wasn’t too much right?” - joe
it was so sweet for him to check up on me, this was our first time since i gave birth and joe just wanted to make sure it was a pleasurable experience for me.
“it was perfect, really perfect. i think i passed out for a second.” - you laughed
joe laughed before placing a sweet kiss on my lips.
“grand finale time?” - you
“grand finale time.” - joe confirmed with a wink
i watched joe slowly stroke himself before he was lining his tip up with my entrance.
“listen. if it starts to hurt, you want me to stop, slow down, or if you want to do something different just tell me okay?” - joe
“okay, joey. i love you.” - you
“i love you too, honey.” - joe kissed your cheek
my arms wrapped around his neck as joe slowly entered me, once he started moving i realized something. this wasn’t fucking.. this was making love.
it was different from the sex we had before the twins, but it definitely wasn’t bad- it was more intimate in a way.
“god, i missed you so much.” - joe
“i missed you too…” - you moaned into his neck
joe started to pick up the pace, he was beginning to overcome his fear of hurting me.
“you feel so good, baby.” - joe
finding myself starting to get lost in the feeling of him, i couldn’t even form a response.
“i’m not gonna last very long!” - you
“that’s okay. this is about you, my love.” - joe
after a few more steady thrusts, that unmistakable feeling swarmed in my stomach.
“joe- joey.. i’m gonna cum!” - you
“cum, baby. let go for me.” - joe grunted
second later, my orgasm washed over me and the way my walls were fluttering around joe’s dick had him not far off either.
“don’t you dare fucking stop.” - you
“you sure?” - joe
“don’t stop till you cum too.” - you
joe resumed thrusting and a minute later his moans were getting more frequent.
“gonna- cum!” - joe
i grabbed his face and pulled him down to me, put lips engaging in a kiss that was nothing but filthy as he stilled inside me before finishing.
joe collapsed on top of me and i immediately wrapped my arms around him to start rubbing his back.
“i love you, joe.” - you
“i love you too.” - joe mumbled into your neck
i continued to hold him till he eventually pulled out and rolled off of me, he almost immediately pulled me into his chest and kissed my head.
“joey?” - you
“mhm?” - joe
“it’s kinda cold.” - you
joe sighed and sat up, climbing out of bed to check the cabinet next to it.
when joe opened the cabinet doors, a neat stack of throw blankets were revealed.
“voila!” - joe grabbed a blanket and tossed it at you
he turned around to shut the doors and i quickly leaned up to playfully slap his bare ass, i only giggled louder when he glared at me.
“you’ve got a nice ass! i mean can you blame me?” - you laughed
joe laughed with me as he fell onto the bed and pulled me into him again.
“i feel like knocking out for a couple hours.” - joe
“we can do that, as long as we wake up early enough to get dressed before we land.” - you
“sounds good.” - joe yawned
I raked my fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek, life with Joe was crazy but he sure made loving fun.
authors note: might not be the only fic of mine coming out tonight 😏😏
here are the requests that made this fic;
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hope you enjoyed! 🫶
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
Thinking about Jim, do you think he also gets this good cop good father protection because of Barbara Gordon's admiration of him? Reading it from Barbara's perspective like all her stories have Jim Gordon as the best dad and her wanting to be a cop or as a child being the gcpd little cheerleader. Like trying to tie that with her role as Oracle but then even thinking of like The Hill where Jim shot and killed a teenager and his response to the mother was that the kid was armed like... it is hard to think that she would have that blind admiration of him. I also think she is more willing to work with morally questionable characters since she has a history of working with those types of characters. What do you think DC needs to do with Barbara Gordon to get actual interest in her again?
the solution for babs is simple — she needs to be oracle again.
no ifs whens or buts — babs being batgirl again is such a spectacular downgrade from her time as oracle it’s almost unreal. babs as a character, her growth after being shot, her rediscovery and pursuit of her own autonomy, her vindictiveness, her need for control, her relationships with the birds and wendy and cass and steph, make her an infinitely richer and more interesting character than when she wears the cowl. that’s even ignoring the ableist rhetoric behind her “reclaiming” her power by getting an implant and leaving her chair, which like, vom, because it’s a whole other can of worms.
unlike batwoman where there’s a completely different identity and mantle that’s seperate from bruce, batgirl is unequivocally the subordinate to batman. the girl denotes her lack of authority. cass and helena come the closest to shaking this off, but it’s still a very deliberate character dynamic that dc upholds. batgirl 2009 also successfully orients the mantle around babs and steph, but a large part of that is that bruce isn’t present in the story.
babs was at least two years older than dick in the original canon. she was a librarian who had a life outside of the community. she was a support for other disabled women. she’d tell bruce to shut the fuck up to his face. she was singularly the most important resource to the league and all other hero teams. she was a complicated person with a lot of trauma, not the cool girlfriend archetype. i also dislike that she’s dating dick while he’s nightwing and she’s still batgirl. imagine if they made dick robin again and had him date babs as oracle. it’d be so weird!
wrt jim gordon— a lot of babs’s unequivocal support of him comes from dc’s general inability to admit that he’s a deeply flawed human being in a position of power. the narrative rarely actually criticises him over his decisions. however, i also think people forget that like…. a lot of babs’s politics is tied up with the police. she’s essentially a one woman surveillance state, and she historically struggles with boundaries around the people she loves. she does work with people that the other bats wouldn’t — isley, waller, etc, but i don’t think that necessarily separates her from the police because often the police or armed forces do the same thing. her modus operandi is also very similar to bruce in a lot of ways too.
in saying that tho, i do appreciate that she’s willing to just say fuck it, full throttle and getting a god damned law degree to bust bruce out of a murder charge. she’s an icon. let her be cunty again!!
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Sugar Sugar 8
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Here we are… the first taste of sugar sugar smut 🫶 I’m sorry to have kept you waiting but it was for the world building 😭
Check out our Patreon!
Warnings: talk of body issues, internalized fat phobia, etc, smut 😁
It was that bad.
Sitting in her back office on the couch, their thighs touching, Y/N looked at him a bit slack jawed as she listened to him list off what he had.
“Harry… babe.” She whispered. “You have a bed… a dresser… a arm chair… a coffee table, maybe?” She shot him a look. “How does one maybe have a coffe table?”
“Cause it’s like… I think it’s supposed to be a entryway table.” The man scratched the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed. “I told you it wasn’t good! I didn’t have much.” He whined, looking down at the paper pad in her lap. It was cute, he noticed, with her shop’s logo on the top. “I need help. And who better than my pretty, creative, talented girl.” There was a bit of schmoozing going on, Y/N cutting him a look with a tiny smirk on her face as she scribbled down what he needed.
“So we need to get you night stands, a desk, a dining room table and chairs, a proper couch or love seat… a tv stand?” She looked at him but scribbled it out when he shook his head, clarifying his was mounted. At least that was done. “And bookshelves. Luckily with the look you're going for, it can be a bit mismatched. It’s easier to thrift.”
Harry and Y/N had sat on her couch with her laptop pulled up on Pinterest, beginning to make the board for his place. He was very 60s and 70s inspired, with the warm colors and round edges he seemed to like. Funky and cool but also grown. The color palette was her favorite part, considering she was on board with it too. There would be stuff they’d need to buy new, like paint and stuff like that, but it would be easy to get art and frames.
It was almost embarrassing to be this excited to decorate someone’s space- but it was Harry’s. Her lovers.
It still shocked her to think about. Her lover. He had his arm around her shoulders and his fingers absentmindedly fiddling with the ends of her hair, looking at her hand as she wrote things down. Clingy was a good word for him, physically, and Y/N had never imagined herself craving it just as much. But here she was. Eating up every single touch he gave her.
Delilah was manning the front of the store as Y/N took her break, sitting with Harry and getting a head star in it. “We can go thrifting this week when I’m off, and I know you’re letting Anika start her full time tomorrow yeah?” She placed the pen down, turning to look at him. What she hadn’t expected was his face to be so close, causing her to squeak a little as she jumped.
“Easy, darling.” He grinned at her reaction. There was no move made to go back. It was hard to keep his behavior good right now when she smelled so good and was so warm pressed against his side. Maybe it was partially how new the relationship was, but he was aching to get and keep his fingers on her. To be as close as physically possible. “I think we can do that. But you’re already stressin’ yourself out.”
The deep croon made her want to shiver. His voice was so close, and she could feel his body heat as he angled further towards her. His fingers tucked some of the stray hair from her face right behind her ear, leaning in slowly to kiss the underside of it. “You’re doing me a favor, Sugar. And m’so grateful for it, but you’ve got t’relax. Didn’t come to see you to get you all worked up. At least…” he chuckled against her skin, making the shiver she suppressed come to life. “Not like that.”
Her throat dried.
Holy fuck.
Harry was hot. He was attentive and smooth and sexy and his large hand held her thigh while his opposite fingers had moved now to trail down her neck. It wasn’t as if she was a blushing virgin with no idea how to handle a man- but god, this man was one that had her feeling frazzled.
“You’re a menace.” She huffed, squirming slightly in her seat as she felt the heat in her cheeks. “I just… I want to make it nice for you. Especially considering I think we should spend some time there ourselves. I can’t date you if you’ve got the whole lawn chair and TV set up, H. I can’t.” The tease made his mouth drop, a gentle smack given to her leg as he scoffed. Realistically though, he found it hot too. Knowing she could keep up with the banter. Enjoyed it.
“Okay? I have an arm chair. It’s upholstered and everything. Not a lawn chair. I am not a Reddit post.” He scoffed again, rolling his head back on the couch. “Jesus. What do you think I am? Hm? So rude t’me. Breaking my heart here, Sugar. Maybe I should start callin’ you salt.”
“Absolutely not.” Y/N quipped, scrolling through Pinterest with a chuckle. “I’ve got a sweet tooth and I’m dating a baker. A bakery owner, actually, so how could I be your Salt?” She nudged his knee with hers. “Blasphemy, actually. Can’t believe you’d even joke. I’m sweet as peach pie. I just don’t take your shit.”
Harry smirked. Oh, she set herself up good. The back and forth, the close proximity and in relative privacy, it was making him feel bolder and comfortable and his attraction to her feeling like it was bubbling over the pot… it was getting to him, really.
Cool fingers gently nudged her chin away from the laptop screen, Y/N jumping again slightly at how close his face was when she turned her eyes. Their noses almost brushed, a shaky breath exhaled over his lips. All the smart ass remarks dried up as he quite literally stole her breath, a slightly predatory glint in his eye. “Trust me… I know you’re sweet. Want t’find all the places you taste like peaches. Maybe strawberries..: though, I’ve got my money on my girl tasting like honey.” The drawl went straight to her chest, zapping her right between her legs.
Green glanced at her lips, back up at her eyes. She was so sweet, even with her salty moments. But never, ever bitter. Even then, he’s pretty positive she would find a way to make bitterness taste like citrus. “Lots of places M’gonna taste. You just got to let me.” He rubbed his thumb over her chin, leaning in to peck her lips with a quiet hum.
It lit her up. The nervous breath she released was covered again with another kiss, Harry taking his time with this one. His biggest addiction was her lips, feeling them press against his own. It was insane to him to think that so quickly in their relationship that he would be needy like this, that he felt like all he wanted to do was be around her. Yet here he was. Pressing slow kisses to her lips, warming her up a little bit. The warmth of her cheek bit into his fingers, caressing the smooth skin as he pulled back for a moment, letting the soft snap sound of their lips pulling apart fill the air.
Y/N swallowed the tiny bubble in her throat, making no move to pull away. It was hard because she had been thinking about his kisses since their date. He kissed her with a confident ease, a natural ability it almost made her jealous. She had found herself overthinking it a bit at first, but Harry was a natural leader, able to show her exactly how to follow him. She had the ability to lead, she had in most of her past relationships, but Harry gave her a bit of a choice. Letting a moment pass, she decided- fuck it.
Fingers curled into his shirt, shifting in her seat so she was facing him fully, she brought herself back to him. Kissing him again, there had been a weight lifted. Like Harry had been waiting for her to give him a signal, their undeniable tension cutting in as he mirrored her. He didn’t hesitate anymore, covering her lips with his. The buzzing she felt rang across her body, chills going over her arms as she leaned further into her and his hand went to her waist. There was no self conscious feeling, nothing but longing for his hands in more places.
The man could kiss. He could kiss and kiss and kiss and she would let him until her lungs gave out, a soft whimper leaving her throat as she felt him go ton pull away for a moment. His sticky lips pulled into a slight smirk against her swollen ones, nudging her nose with his own. “Shh. S’alright. Need you to breathe, sweetheart.” He teased, pecking her bottom lip and pulling back again. “Want you closer. C’mere.”
There was a slight hesitation in her as he tried to help pull her into his lap. Old Demons on her shoulders trying to pull her back as she took a breath, trying to move again only to be stopped by Harry’s lips pulling away from hers. “Shit. M’sorry.” He swallowed. He had felt her stop, her hesitancy and was acutely aware that they were in her place of business and the relationship was still new. His addiction to her had been clouding his mind but he hadn’t meant to push. “Don’t have to do that, got a bit carried away.” His fingers fluttered over her flushed cheek, feeling the heat he was quite fond of already. “It’s your pace.”
“No- no.” She squeaked. “Just- I want to. I really, really do. I love being close to you.” She reassured him. This was definitely not too fast, in fact she could go a few miles over his current speed limit- but the mental hang up was something she was trying to get over. “Just… don’t want to hurt you. I’m kind of heavy.” As muscular as he seemed, he was also not her size.
Harry felt a twinge of pain in his chest. Christ. It made him sad that she even had to think about that. That it was even a thought in her mind. That someone in the past had probably made her feel like she wasn’t able to do that to them. It was relieving to know he wasn’t the issue, but this was almost worse.
“Baby…” he coaxed. “I know that you’ve probably had these types of thoughts for a while, but it won’t hurt. Trust me.” He met her hesitant gaze. He didn’t like the nerves. Part of him wanted to get mad, wanted to feel insulted that maybe she would think he would be hurt by this or woulnd’t want it. But he remembered that she had mentioned being slow with it, to be cautious with her unlearning the things people had tried to hammer into her head. “Come sit on my lap. Been dying for it for ages. Want you on top of me… trust me.” He grinned lazily up at her, a dirty tinge to his words. “Love these hips,, your thighs. I’ve been thinking some dirty things about them.” He said bluntly. Hopefully it wasn’t too much.
“You have?” She whispered, looking down at his chest and back up to his eyes. All she had to do was look into them again to know he was telling the truth, but he nodded anyways. It had her flushing under her skin. Harry had thought dirty things about her, just as she had for him. “O-OKay. But you’ve got to promise to tell me if m’hurting you.”
His look was pointed. It wouldn’t hurt- but he sighed. “Yes. I’lll tell you. But you won’t hurt me, Sugar. Just get up here.” He tugged again, knowing she probably needed him to push her a bit to climb on. Her eyes avoided his for a moment as she finally gave in, straddling his thighs. It elevated her a bit, and she was extra cautious to not put too much weight on his body as she leaned back down to kiss him.
Harry, though? He wasn’t having any of that. His hands collared her hips, groaning into her mouth as he pulled her down to sit on his thighs. Y/N merely squeaked, being pressed into his body as he fully leaned back into the couch and pulled her with him. He had been dying to get his hands on her, but was something that the man had been hesitant about. Her comfort was key, though now he saw she needed a bit of a push. To be shown that it didn’t hurt. If anything, it turned him on to feel the heat, the weight, feeling her push forwards.
Y/N was shockingly aroused by his direction. How he took it without asking because she had been hesitant. Her kisses got a bit deeper, grabbing a soft handful of the couch behind him to keep balance as she sunk into the feeling. Harry felt so right, the fluttering in her stomach sinking lower to the hot place between her thighs. It wasn’t often that an actual man got her aroused, though harry never seemed to have that issue with her. The giddiness in her veins urged her forward, wanting to feel him squeezing something else. The languid stroking and squeezing of her hips and waist was amazing, but… she had a feeling he wanted more than just that.
Harry was curious when he felt her hand grab at his wrist, pulling it down slightly. If she wanted to have his hands somewhere else, he welcomed it, but when he realized the direction, he groaned. Her hand positioned his right on her ass, placing it directly where he had been thinking of grabbing. With the go ahead, he smirked a little against her lips and did as he pleased.
His hands were big, they knew where to touch, and it made her moan a little against his mouth. Cupping the bottom of her ass, he pushed her closer and squeezed. Fulfilling the dreams he’s been having every time he looks at her with her pretty dresses that clung to it, the jeans that accentuate it, he was in heaven. Feeling her warm, soft body leaning into his own, given the blessing to touch as he needed. “Fuck’s sake.” He whispered, awe in his tone as he pulled back for a moment. “You’re fucking amazing.”
Her flush felt hotter as she nervously giggled, looking down from his eyes to his lips. It was almost juvenile, their make out session on the couch, but she could feel her heartbeat in between her thighs and she wanted to feel more of it. “Shhh. I know.” Pulling from the confidence she had worked so hard to bring up, she pressed her ass back into his hand and gave him a smile that went straight to his damn dick. Nibbling lightly on her lip, she ran her fingers through the locks ahain and watched as he licked his own lips at the vision in front of him.
“Thank fuck. You should know.” His other hand came down and took hold of the other side of her ass, shaking his head in awe yet again. He hadn’t been able to touch her ass before and honestly, it was one that filled his palms and then some, which made him feel giddy. “If only you knew the things I’ve been thinking. You’d run far, far away.” The wolffish grin on his face made her brow raise. The half hard length she could feel on her thigh said otherwise.
“Try me.” It was a dangerous thing to ask perhaps, but Y/N was a glutton for punishment. She wanted to know exactly what it was that made his eyes darken like that, feeling the pride in her chest knowing she was the cause.
“Hmm.” He pretended to think about it. Of course, he knew he was taking a risk and it could be too much for her, but he wanted to see. Maybe she would like it. “Well…” he ran his palms over her ass, feeling the warmth through the fabric. “I’m thinking about how pretty my marks are going to be on this.” Starting a little tame for all intents and purposes, he watched her face and saw her tilt her chin a bit in interest. Not too much. “Want to feel it get hot from taking a few spanks, maybe even a bite. There’s plenty to play with.” A squeeze given made her exhale sharply, but she pressed back into it to show just how much she liked it. Still, no scaring her off.
“I’ve been looking at it since we met. I’d apologize but I think you like that I have been.” He murmured, leaning his head back on the couch. “Been thinking about how i moves when you walk, how perfectly shaped it is. There’s a lot for me to do with it. How I really want to see you in something short, see you bend over in it and give me a peek.” The experimental words had her attempting to clench her thighs, but he could feel it. Harry was well aware that she was liking this, liking the slight roughness in his grab. “And when you bend over t’tease me, how I’ll just…” he kept his eyes on hers as he pulled his hand back, giving the fullest part of her ass a swat. Her eyes widened for a second before hooding, a visible swallow as she shakily gripped his hair a bit harder.
The spank had gone straight to her cunt. Making her even more wet than she already had been, it was a miracle he couldn’t feel it. At least she hoped he couldnt. There wasn’t a man before who handled her this way, not in the fearless way she had wanted. “Shit.” He breathed, breathing getting heavier as the tighter grip in his hair had extrabated the arousal. She liked it. And he liked her. “Y’like that?” His hoarse voice was quiet, but Y/N heard him loud and clear, licking her lip before nodding quickly. “The spank, the image? Which one, sweet girl?” He wasn’t satisfied with just a nod.
“Both.” Her voice was weak, feeling hotter in the cheeks as he examined her every expression. Somehow it wasn’t too scary now, being under his scrutiny. He wanted to know what she liked, where to go from there. “Both, a lot.”
“Good.” His face became a bit more relax, a bit more cocky, and she found it to be extremely hot. “S’good. Cause I’d love to do more of that. It’s hot. You’re so fuckin’ hot, Sugar. Even more than you know.” Rubbing circles around where he had spanked, he continued. “You’re good for me. Haven’t scared y’off, cause that’s the tip of the iceberg. There’s lots more I’ve been thinking of, but you’re already makin’ me hard and aching. Just sitting here and kissing on you like a damn teenager, gonna make a mess of my pants. You’re amazing.”
The confirmation it wasn’t just her made her feel even better. He was hard against her thigh, she was getting sticky in her panties and honestly she was wondering how worth the risk it would be to just beg for him to fuck her. She wanted to melt and beg for him to turn them over and slip into her. That was too soon, but it didn’t have to be too soon to do anything, right?
In relative terms, maybe. They’d hung out quite often but gone on two dates. They were officially boyfriend and girlfriend but when was the definitive time when it started being okay? Y/N always thought it was silly, these unspoken rules of society. How time dictated what was appropriate even if both parties wanted it… maybe it was okay, if he wanted it, to touch.
“H…” she whispered, smoothing her hands over his shirt and placing them around his face, cupping the sharp jaw in her palms while the fingers curled around her cheeks. “I don’t think you could scare me off when I’ve been having dirty thoughts about you since we met.” Shuffling slightly in his lap, she sat herself fully on top of him. It took a bit of mental prep but his eyes gave her all the answers she needed. He was genuinely attracted to her, really going wild just by having her in the palm of his hands. The confidence boost was major.
“What if I want you to make a mess of them?” The words hung in the air for a moment as she watched him absorb them. “What if…” she released one hand from his face to hold the couch behind him. “I want you to feel good? Because I’ve been making a mess of myself since we’ve been kissing. Probably before that.” Her lips brushed his with every word she whispered. “You look so good today. It’s almost offensive. To come into my shop and be so.. beautiful.” She shook her head as she rubbed their noses together just a little in affection. “Made me want to get on my knees right then.”
The whispery tone of her words had him shuddering. Harry had been trying to be good with how far he took things. He really had only meant to kiss her, to make out like they had done since they’d first kissed, but she had the effect on him that made him feel like he was going out of his mind. “You did?” He hoarsely replied, sliding his hand up her back. “You’re just as bad as me, hm? What a perfect match we are.” The tease wasn’t much of a tease, though. It was the truth.
“Suppose I am.” She mumbled, lifting herself off of him a bit as she gave him a look. His face fell to confusion as he mourned the warmth of her body from his own, but froze as he watched as she sunk to her knees right between his parted thighs.
“Baby- y’don’t have to if you don’t want to, I’m fine.” The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel obligated, but she cut him off with fingers tugging at his belt. There was this look on her face, this mix of arousal, nerves and cockiness. Need. He wanted her to be sure, but Y/N simply shook her head as the belt was slid through the loops, clanging to the floor. Warm palms met his thighs as she teased, throwing her hair over her shoulders as she gave him a soft pout. Barely there, but he could see it.
“I want to. I’ve wanted to since you’ve stepped in here, and you said such dirty things about what you wanted to do.. I figured I may as well show you what I want to do with mine.” Their locked gazes fed reassurance to him, and she felt comfortable. He did too. There was no pressure. He had made her feel confident today, made her feel even more at ease with him, and she wanted to express her gratitude.
“I could feel you.” She rested her cheek upon his thigh, trailing a finger over the bulge in his jeans. “Against my thigh. I could feel it pulsing a bit. You really liked having your hands on me. Made me feel… so sexy. Adored. Haven’t felt that so strongly, let alone so soon.” You could hear a pin drop as he stayed quiet, his heavier breathing the only interruption to her words. He was full of anticipation, seeing her lay her head so close to his covered cock driving him mad. She was a tease, but in the best damn way.
“I love your body.” He replied. “It’s… you’re incredible. Of course m’hard. Been hard for ages. Since I’ve met you, never gotten off as much as now.” His knuckle brushed her cheek as she continued laying on his thigh, adding another finger in her stroking of him over the material of his pants. “You’re making me crazy, baby. Just looking at you like that. Can’t wait to get my hands back on you.”
“Mm… not today.” She mumbled. Before he could retort, she popped the button of his pants. “You’re going to wait to touch me, and just know what when I’m all alone, I’m thinking about this.” Fingers slowly undid the zipper. “Right now, it’s about you. I want to get you off. Want to feel you in my mouth, give you a taste of what I can be like for you. And then maybe… when you’ve got proper furniture in your place… I’ll let you touch me on it.”
The wicked smile grew as her cheek left his thigh, tapping it to lift up as she began to tug down the pants. “How can someone be so utterly sweet, but so cruel?” He croaked. “I’m not selfish. I want to return the favor. But I can wait… if that’s what you want.”
“It is. You’re good for me, Harry.” She cooed back, pleased with how he gave her the reply she had been hoping for. The pants down left him with a pair of briefs, a slight stain from his own arousal making her smug as she tugged at the waistband. Her hand slipped inside, preening at the gasp turned groan that left his mouth as she fished him from the fabric and exposed him to her eyes for the first time.
He was beautiful. As beautiful as cocks could be, anyways. Neatly trimmed hair met a smooth shaft, large vein going up the side that made her mouth water. A ruddy pink tip, wet from the slit. Weighted in her hands, she could feel him twitch as she dragged her hand up him and closed her fingers around the tip with a hum, fully freeing him from the confines.
“Such a pretty boy.” She praised, taking him back in her fist before looking up at him. “May I?” The softness of her voice seemed to do something for him. He looked pliant and soft, but his eyes were heated. His hand went to her hair, gently pulling it from her face.
“You can do whatever you want to me, darling. I know you’ll be sweet. I’m not going to last very long at all, though.” It had his cheeks flushing to admit it but she had to be warned. Simply seeing her hold him in her hand was making his head a bit light. It had been quite a while. Before he had even left his old town, it had been a while because casual sex wasn’t his thing. Even still, he never felt the attraction quite like this beforehand.
“That’s okay.” She soothed, leaning her head down and pressing a kiss to the wet tip. “You’re quite big. Don’t want my jaw to be too sore tomorrow anyways, hm? Though I don’t know if that’s an option.” Her words caused hot breath to wash over the length, his body shivering again. Lips pursed as she spit thickly over him, using it as lubrication to stroke. Slow, tight, Harry’s mouth opened in a soft moan as she did so.
“Damn it.”
“Damn what?” She laughed under her breath, moving her hand so she could take a lick. Starting straight from the base, the hot tongue ran slowly from bottom to top, eyes locking with his as she did so. There was slight disbelief in them as she rubbed the head over the tip of her tongue while her hand returned it’s languid strokes. “Does it feel good?”
“It does. Feels fucking incredible.” He swallowed, spreading his legs further so she could get closer. “You look… perfect. Like you’re the only one meant to be there.” Any other fantasy he’s had about anyone else was suddenly null and void. No way would anyone else look as right sitting between his legs like this.
“Maybe I am.” Lips wrapped around the sensitive head of him, making him bite down on his own lip to keep from being too loud. He could feel her sucking him slowly into her mouth, tongue flicking right against the slit as she sunk down just a bit. The wet stroke of her fist was steady and firm, just the way he wanted it right now.
“You are, you are.” His breathing picked up as he cautiously wrapped the gathered hair around his fist. “Just like that, Sugar. Bein’ so sweet to me. My sweetest girl.” He praised, watching her pop off of him to spit again. It was a bit of a sloppier blowie but fuck, did he prefer it this way. Slow, wet, her eyes doing their best to keep on his. This was intimate. Hot. Of course she knew. Somehow, she had known what he needed since they met.
“Want to me your sweetest girl. Hope I’m the only one.” The tiny bit of possessive edge to her words was amplified as she took him into her mouth again, sucking a bit harder. Harry moaned in surprise, hips jerking slightly and making her take more- but she took it in stride, gagging a bit but pushing herself further. Trying to prove a point.
“Oh- f-fuck, you are. The only one, the only- shit, baby.” He gasped as he felt her gag again. This time though, she did it to herself. Stroking him slow and tight but feeling her contract around his cock with her mouth, it was bringing him close quicker than he wanted to. “I’m not going to l-last long if you do that. It feels too good. Been waiting so long for you.” Their natural chemistry had made the sexual one even better, Harry panting heavily as she paid attention to exactly how he liked it. Replicating the things that were making his breathing hitch or deepen. He couldn’t wait until he could do the same for her.
The mere sight was enough to bring him to the edge. Wet hand stroking up and down, lips stretched around as she lazily sucked before pushing deeper to make herself gag a little because she knew he liked it now, teary eyes and a few stains when she did it too hard and made herself cry a bit. It was a filthy painting come to life.
“You’re so beautiful. A fucking vision, Y/N. Been imagining it for ages but it’s even better.” His praises continued as she pulled off for a breath, a smile on those pretty swollen lips. Somehow, that made him throb. Her smile itself. It made him horny. As soon as her mouth went back down on him again, he knew. It was almost over. “M’gonna cum so soon, darling. So fucking soon, you’ve made me feel so good.”
The wet sound of her hand pumping him was dirty and hot, her other hand cupping his balls delicately as she brought him further down her throat again. He hated that it was so close to the end because it felt so good; this entire thing did, and he wanted to last longer. “Could spend hours in this pretty little mouth, down your throat. Feels like heaven, baby. Fuck, just keep doing that. I’m almost there. That’s good, good fuckin’ girl.” The depth of his voice changed, and Y/N knew. She could feel him pulsing, twitching as she continues the pace just as he had liked it. She only pulled off once more to speak to him in a slightly wrecked voice.
“Give it to me. Cum for me, I want all of it. Please.” She didn’t waist for his reply before going back, tightening her hand and sucking a bit harder, trying to coax it from him. It didn’t take much more at all before he was tensing, a groan that was a bit too loud of her name leaving him as he began his orgasm. The load spilling inside of her mouth which she swallowed promptly, stroking until he placed his hand over hers and used the grip on her hair to pull her off and back on top of him.
Hungrily, his mouth descended on hers, licking into it and getting a taste. It was then mixed together, her sweet mouth and his slightly bitter cum that she had taken from him without complaint. He was dazed and hot, pulling some more wet kisses from her before pulling back to breathe, her forehead resting on his as she tucked him back into his briefs.
“Fucks sake.” He exhaled in a puff, shaking his head with a laugh of disbelief. “Where did you come from, hm? How did you do that so easily?” His hands gripped her thighs and pulled her to lay on top of him, Y/N following with the newfound sense of comfort.
“Hm. Some say heaven, some say hell. I’d like to think I grew from the flowers.” The voice she gave was hoarse, a bit wrecked from the gagging she had inflicted in order to give him pleasure, but she would be fine tomorrow.
“Hm. I’d agree. Beautiful flower you are.” His heart was going a kilometer a minute which she could feel as she placed her head on his chest for a moment. Hers matched the pace, all for a different reason. “Wish I could I could be returning the favor but… you’ll give me what I want soon, yeah?” The words were playful but she knew he genuinely meant them. It kind of made her giddy, if she was being honest. No one had ever been this impatient to pleasure her, so part of her didn’t want to believe it but… Harry wasn’t lying. She knew that. Y/N had a good radar for that.
“I will. I’m not going to hold out too much. I don’t think I could take it, honestly.” Her poor cunt. It had its own heartbeat and her panties were wrecked, but she had perfect material to get off to later. “But thank you. For being so… you. I’ve never felt more comfortable doing stuff like this and… I dont know.”’she flushed, hiding her face back in his shirt. “Just.. know that I’m really comfortable and happy with you. And it means a lot that you aren’t truly upset I’m making us wait to do more.”
Harry sighed. It made him angry that he could feel that other people had most likely done that to her in the past. Sex and pleasure was all about consent. With no consent, no mutual understanding, there was no point. Harry wouldn’t do it. It was his most serious rule. “Sugar, I want more than sex from you, just to be clear. And consent is serious with me. You said not today, regardless of the reason, that’s good with me. Besides… I’m perfectly happy right now. A bit tired though.” The yawn ripped through him without meaning to.
“Sorry, sorry. You sucked the soul out of me. Literally.” The pair giggled, the giddiness of post sex catching up to them. Before the reality sunk into Y/N.
“Fuck. We definitely took longer than an hour. She’s going to kick my ass!” Y/N squeaked, sitting up from Harry’s lap and adjusting her clothes. “We got to go, I owe her an hour break too.” Delilah’s glare was no joke. Y/N did not want to be on the receiving end of it. She may be her best friend but even Y/N was secretly a bit intimidated by the power she held.
“Oh, oops.” Harry’s lazy smile was not understanding the magnitude of Delilah, but he zipped his pants back up as she tried to fix her hair. “Hey, relax. It’s okay. I’m going to run to the bakery and grab some more muffins and fix it.” No one could resist muffins, let alone the blueberry crunch. Right?
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jamneuromain · 5 months
Obviously 🤤 + 😳 with Ari Levinson dear Jam.
HOE-KAY! So I'm picturing you and your friend thirsting over this hunk of a man...
Ari Levinson x Reader (You)
Warning: Diving Coach!Ari, Tourist!Reader, getting caught... sort of?), sentences in Italic is spoken in another language.
Summary: You are sure you can't be heard, or at least, understood when you thirst over a man in your native language.
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"I can't believe you decided to spend our vacation on another beach." Your friend Asteria sighs, lying back under the warm sunlight, "Still, this resort is not half bad, where did you find it?"
You push the sunglasses over your head, turning lazily in her direction, smirking, "Not many results left after I type in Egypt+beach," reaching a hand to the small table between the two chairs, you grab your drink and sip the cool coconut water, "Plus, you had your share of camels and pyramids and sand in the first three days."
Asteria is a huge fan of ancient history. She selected Latin and Culture and History of Ancient Egypt in her undergraduate years, even if her major was East Asia Studies. While you got bored of this elective focusing on pharaohs and zig-zaw drawings on ancient stones quickly, Asteria followed the whole course and took another elective on Mayan civilization.
This is why when you ought to settle on a destination for your vacation, Asteria booked the first three days of a trip in and out of the desert, when you booked the next three days of one Red Sea Diving Resort.
Which accidentally comes with the hottest diving instructor you have ever met in your entire life.
"Psst, incoming alert." Asteria clutches your arm and shakes so violently, that your drink almost spills from the glass, her eyes rounding like a light bulb, "Hot coach at ten o'clock."
Coming from one of the smallest countries on the planet, you know that your native language is spoken by a small number of people. And at special circumstances, for instance, this hot coach named Ari, you naturally speak your mother tongue so that you could thirst over him with the benefit of no one could ever find out - except for Asteria, who spent four years studying it.
Sharing the same awe-struck expression as Asteria, you lower your sunglasses to have a better look at this brunette Adonis out of the water. He pushes his hair back, with the water beads falling from his chiseled chin and his large hand, dripping wet, not to mention the chest peeking from his diving suit -
"Oh my fucking God, he's looking this way." You squeal so high that you are close to out of air. Even using your native language, you can feel the shyness and nervousness bubbling from your heart and surfacing on your skin. Your face aflame by a simple look he delivers in your direction.
"Oh my - holy fuck, he's coming this way!" Asteria raises her glass to her lips, just to cover the huge grin on her face, "He's so fucking hot. Coach BDE."
"Fuck me." You exclaim, blocking your sight with the local newspaper you took on the way to the beach, because you damn well know that your heart is practically jumping out of your throat if you spare one more glance at the sex god.
"You really should." Asteria tempts you like a rightful friend would, "And tell me if his dick is actually as big as we imagined."
You hiss at her, seeing Coach Ari approaching your direction, "You are a horrible influence - not that he looks unfuckable. Hell, he looks so fuckable with the broad shoulders and the long hair." You whine in the most pathetic voice as he walks past you, "Fuck, I think I'm more soaked than he is."
"Then go talk to him!"
"I can't!"
"Of course you can!" Asteria nudges you in a particularly ticklish spot on your waist, "Go before Coach BDE disappears!"
"What if he says no!"
"You don't know that!" Asteria turns to look at the hot coach, "Great. Now he's gone." As if he has just disappeared on plain sight.
The lingering feeling of your face heating reminds you of the fact that merely with Ari's presence, you are flushed from head to toe. You can't imagine talking to him without embarrassing yourself.
Asteria rolls her eyes and pokes the ticklish spot on your waist again, "I swear, if you don't fuck him, I will annoy you about this for the rest of our lives."
"It's not like I don't want to fuck him!" You huff out in annoyance. Although with Ari gone, for now, you are deep in your thoughts so that you are still talking in your native language, "You know I'm too scared to ask him. I can't exactly go and ask, ' Hi Ari, my friend Asteria said you could be great in bed. May I fuck you?' "
A shadow looms over you. By the looks and widening eyes of Asteria looking at someone behind you, her eyes nearly popping, and the faintest wiggle of her eyebrows, you turn your neck to see the hot coach TM standing behind you, getting a whiplash as a result.
"Yes, of course." Ari simply says. A small smile tugging the corner of his lips, making the fact that he has understood your thirsting conversation painfully obvious. Ari has changed into a blue shirt and shorts, leaving his veiny arm and thick thighs in plain sight. Even though he isn't dripping anymore, you sure as hell still do.
You stutter for a moment, before hastily apologizing, "I'm so sorry, my friends and I were just talking, we didn't mean-"
"Of course, she means that." Asteria doesn't even pretend that she wants to leave the place for you and Ari, "Oops, I've got something going on. Laters babe!" Blowing you a kiss, she snatches her purse and dashes out of sight.
There is nothing smug about Ari's posture as he sits down on Asteria's chair, watching you with his clear blue eyes as you nervously drape the thin bath towel over your bikini. "Sorry about barging in on your conversation. My apologies for eavesdropping." His sharp canines bite into his plump lower lip, those mesmerizing eyes search for any sign that you could've felt offended by his movements.
"No... I should be the one to say sorry." The blood rushes to your cheeks again, you could literally ignite a match with your burning face, "... about ... um, what I've said."
"Please. I'm flattered, if anything," Ari takes a deep breath. If you were looking closely enough, you would realize the tip of his ears is painted with a faint color of pink, "Have you had dinner yet? I know a great place that cooks squabs."
The refusal is almost on instinct, but you think of the encouragement (and the threat) Asteria made before her departure, and the words roll off your tongue, "I'd love to."
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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rowaelin // 4.9k words // ciwyw masterlist // masterlist
It was golden light that roused Aelin from sleep, sneaking in through gaps in the curtains and blinds. It took her a moment to remember that it was Rowan’s bed she was curled up in, completely wrapped in his cool pine scent. She inhaled deeply, ducking her nose down into the plush duvet and savored it. Part of her wished he was laying beside her, the sunlight casting soft shadows over his face. With her eyes closed she could imagine it. 
It was better that he wasn’t. She knew that. There was hurt on both sides. Words had been said that cut them both in sensitive places, and the wedge between them was starting to feel like an ocean. Yet being here, in his bed, his house, were the first steps toward reconciliation. They just had to get through the hard conversations first. 
The best part about Rowan not being in bed with her was the smell of bacon, eggs, and something sweet creeping up the stairs and beneath the door. For what felt like the first time in her pregnancy, her mind and body were in agreement: she was hungry. Though she was hesitant to believe her head wouldn’t be in the toilet immediately following breakfast, she slipped out of bed and padded her way downstairs. 
“How did you sleep?” He asked her, eyes roving over her head to toe before he turned back to the pan on the stove. Aelin wondered if it was because she was still in the clothes he’d given her to sleep in, or if it was some instinct of his to make sure she was in one piece. She slid onto one of the chairs at the bar, folding her arms atop it, and laid her head down.
“Like the dead.” A sleepy yawn escaped her before she could finish her response. One of these days, she really needed to take to the internet to see when, exactly, she would stop feeling so wholly exhausted all the time. “Did you sleep okay?”
“I did,” he confessed, the muscles in his back rippling beneath the simple gray t-shirt he wore. “Better than I have all week, actually.” 
Rowan was careful as he deposited an egg onto a plate next to a few pieces of bacon and a cinnamon roll. Aelin thanked him when he handed her the plate and a glass of orange juice. It was freshly squeezed if the notes of orange zest throughout the kitchen were any indicator, but when she lifted it to take a sip, her stomach turned violently in protest. 
“It’s freshly squeezed. No additives or anything.” Two strings pulled the corners of her lips toward the floor. The confirmation that he spent gods knew how long juicing oranges until she had a full glass worth made her feel guilty for the way her body was reacting.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she said as she put it back down on the bar, far enough away that her nose couldn’t smell it anymore. 
“It was nothing.” 
“No I mean…” She paused and took a deep breath, eyes closing at the nausea rising in the back of her throat. “Can you put that anywhere else please.”
“Shit. Fuck, Aelin, I’m so sorry.” Rowan was quick to swoop in and pour it directly down the kitchen sink, letting the water chase it down the drain. 
“You didn’t know. I didn’t either until I smelled it,” she admitted, finally opening her eyes and lifting her fork. 
The first bite of the cinnamon roll was heavenly. It was baked to perfection, the gooey texture nearly melting away on her tongue. It was exactly how she loved her cinnamon rolls, but couldn’t remember ever telling him that. Perhaps once in passing. The eggs were scrambled and in a neat pile of soft, pillowy clouds. None of it touched.
“Did your mom teach you to cook?”
“She did. I was hungry just about constantly growing up, especially after practice and games. It’s come in handy now that I follow such a strict meal plan.” Indeed, his plate didn’t have a cinnamon roll. Instead he had two pieces of toast, some bacon and sausage, and three eggs. When he slid into the seat beside her she noticed two bowls, one with oatmeal and the other full of fruit. 
“I was underfeeding you at my house,” she murmured, sitting back and resting her hands on her stomach. The baby, apparently, didn’t want her to enjoy breakfast. She took deep, steadying breaths to keep the food down even as a sheen of sweat started to coat her skin. 
“Are you sick a lot?” Concern swam in his gaze as looked her over head to toe, but she nodded her head.
“Lysandra made me go to the emergency room a few days after I found out, and—” Rowan’s head whipped around, eyes wide and full of concern. Aelin held up a hand for him to wait a moment and continued, “There are days I couldn’t keep water down. That’s what the blood test was from. They gave me some medication to help with the nausea.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Something like devastation flashed across his features, squeezing her heart like he’d squeezed those oranges. 
“Because I was still freaking out about being pregnant and how I was going to tell you, and I didn’t want you to find out because I was in the hospital over it. Imagine your reaction in an ER,  with nothing between us and strangers but—” Aelin was cut off by the all too familiar tell of her mouth watering, head becoming unclear and dizzy as she launched off the chair and sprinted to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before dropping onto her knees and emptying the little contents of her stomach into the bowl. 
Rowan was there, like he’d seen the color of her face drain to stark white. His hand was a steady weight on her back, moving slowly up and down her spine while he gathered up her hair in his other hand. 
By the time she was through, her throat burned from the pure bile that clawed its way out of her body. Aelin’s ribs and stomach ached from the force of it all and Rowan had to help her back onto her feet, gripping her shaky hands and grounded her to earth. 
“Do you want to lay back down?” he asked her, using his fingers to comb her hair up onto the top of her head. Goosebumps erupted over her body when he tugged the hair tie off her wrist and secured the bun into place. 
Aelin shook her head and gestured toward the kitchen where their breakfast grew colder by the second and said, “I’m going to shower while you finish eating. And don’t object to it. I know you’re hungry. So eat.” 
His eyes were wary as he appraised her. They scanned every feature from head to toe like he was cataloging every single thing about her. Deeming her well enough to manage on her own, he led her out of the bathroom and toward the stairs. Even when she protested, he followed her up and gathered towels and the small bucket of necessities that had everything she would need: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving gel. The little box of tampons almost made her laugh. She wouldn’t  be needing those for a while. 
When he finally left her alone, she stared at the bin full of everything she might need for her stay. Aelin didn’t question if it was meant for any female visitors he might have. She didn’t have to. Everything in it was smaller sizes of everything she had in her shower at home. Like he had made a list so he knew what to get. 
It almost made her angry, how thoughtful it was. Simply because it made it virtually impossible to be upset with him. All of her anger toward him was gradually slipping through her fingers, just like the water she gathered in her cupped hands. 
By the time she was done showering and walked back downstairs, Rowan had finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen. It was near pristine. The dirty dishes had vanished from the stove top and sink and an empty trash bag was in the garbage bin. One of his tattooed fingers was just about to mist the room with air freshener to cover the lingering scent of cinnamon and bacon when she stopped him. 
“That’s overkill. I’m fine.” Her polished fingers toyed with the ends of her damp hair as he looked up at her. 
Rowan’s eyes swept over her, lingering on her still flat stomach. There was nothing to see, not yet, not for several weeks, but he looked and looked like he could see the baby through her t-shirt, her skin. When he finally looked at her face again he simply nodded and put the can back under the sink. 
“Come on,” Aelin said after several heartbeats of silence, her head nodding toward the living room while he pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from the fridge. Once it was in her hands she glanced at the living room again. “We should talk.” 
When she turned her back she heard him sigh deeply. It was strained, like he wasn’t at all looking forward to what was coming, like he dreaded it. Almost like he was scared. She wondered if his heart was racing and pounding like hers as she walked across the room and tucked herself in the corner of the sofa. A blanket is pulled over her legs with hands that have a small tremor. Aelin tucked them between her thighs to make it stop. 
“At the time,” she said slowly, turning the words over in her mind before speaking them out loud, “I didn’t understand why you asked me if it was for money. But now, knowing what you actually do for a living, I understand why you felt the need to ask.”
“That isn’t what it was.” The words were clipped, his jaw clenching as he paced in front of her. Aelin watched him until he finally sat down on the edge of the couch, fingers drumming against his knees to quell his nervous energy. Confusion rose to the surface in her mind.
“Okay. Explain it to me then.” 
“I— fuck. I don’t like talking about this.” The second part seemed to be said more toward himself than to her, so she waited patiently while he sifted through letters and syllables to make words. 
Rowan looked over at her and chewed on his cheek. More than once, his lips parted to try to sew together his words, but closed again. Like he didn’t know how, when, or where to begin. Aelin wasn’t sure either. They both had a lot to say, had apologies to make. There was so much, though, that it was hard for her to find the words, too. 
“I don’t like talking about it because I don’t… I don’t want you to think I’m making excuses about how I treated you. I’m not. But it’s the truth. Any single one of my friends, my family, they can back it up.” 
“Rowan. It’s okay. Just talk to me.” The fingers in her lap ached to reach for him, twitching against her bare legs beneath the blanket. She wove them together to stay put. 
“I had been sleeping with a woman for a while. Nothing serious, just casual when I had the time. She ended up getting pregnant about six months or so into it. I didn’t want the relationship to get serious. She… Lyria and I weren’t really well matched. We didn’t know each other. I found it hard to open up to her. More than that, I didn’t want to open up to her. But I was more than willing to step up where the baby was concerned.” He paused, tongue swiping over his teeth. Aelin’s heart was trying to escape her ribcage. She took a steadying breath, telling herself to listen and not draw conclusions before he finished. Still, she wondered. Did he have a kid already?
“Lyria was pushing for a relationship, to marry eventually. I was 23, still pretty early in my career, nowhere near ready for marriage.  Especially not with a woman I barely knew . Every time it was brought up I shut it down. Not to break her heart,” he added with a swift glance at Aelin. “I don’t think she was ever in love with me. But because it wouldn’t have been a fruitful marriage, we would have been miserable, and I truly didn’t see the point.” 
Aelin nodded in understanding, “You didn’t want to settle.”
“I didn’t want her to settle either. It wouldn’t have been fair for anyone, especially not the baby in a few years time. I didn’t want to raise a child in a loveless home. But all of that isn’t why I reacted so… fucking horribly.” 
“Okay.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but loud enough to encourage him to keep going. After another steadying breath, he did. 
“One night I very firmly shut it down again. I told her it wasn’t on the table. I want to make it clear that she had a good job, she had really good health insurance. But she started asking me for money. Of course I wanted to give the support she needed, so I gave. And gave. And gave. I couldn’t not give her the money. We weren’t close enough for me to know the extent of her income, and I had money I could afford to lose. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t, but whenever I asked about it she would get cagey. Accuse me of accusing her. It was such a complicated web to unravel and the fighting was so tiring.”
Aelin was nothing more than a concrete statue, her limbs heavy at her sides. She was unable to move while he spoke, eyes focused on the frayed corner of the blanket in her lap. Every sentence was turned over in her mind carefully, knowing that the grief and frustration that marred his face and sharpened his words was absolutely true.
“One day she called me several times in a row. I didn’t answer because our flight got in really late and I was exhausted. There was no energy in my soul to argue with her about money, so I sent it to voicemail. Later she sent me a text that she miscarried and… I didn’t want the relationship with her but I was just getting used to the idea of being a dad. I have always wanted to have kids. The timing was off at the time, but I was excited about it. And then it was just… gone.”
“Rowan,” she started gently, desperate to offer him comfort of some sort. No words would be a balm to that wound, but she couldn’t bring herself to reach out and touch him. Instead of looking at her he held up a hand, silently asking her to wait. Gods, he wasn’t finished. How could it get worse?
“I found out a few weeks later through a mutual friend that she had miscarried nearly an entire month earlier. All through that month I was still sending her money for appointments, for nursery furniture, car seats…” Rowan shook his head, silver hair falling into his eyes. “We stopped talking after I told her I knew the truth. That she was using all the money I was giving her to fund her lifestyle, hardly any of it was going toward anything for the baby, and that she weaponized the miscarriage to hurt me. It was a massive fucking blow out, and we haven’t spoken since.” 
All the letters and words had evacuated her brain. The weight of his eyes trailing over her face made her finally meet his gaze. All the empathy she had in her heart was swimming in the ocean blue of her eyes that gleamed with unshed tears. In his, she saw that he knew the words she couldn’t find to speak out loud. 
“It makes me feel like a massive piece of shite, but sometimes I wonder if she was even pregnant at all or if the whole thing was just a way to get money from me.” His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, green eyes fluttering shut as he took a moment to just breathe. Aelin wondered if he had ever voiced that confession out loud before. 
“I can understand why you reacted the way that you did.” The words swept out of her mouth on a heavy exhale, hands flexing in her lap.
“I don’t fault you for the reasons behind your actions, Rowan. But I also can’t just freely let go with what you said and how you said it. I wish that I could, but I felt like we…” Aelin trailed off, eyes shifting around the room on a scavenger hunt for words she had lost. 
“Like we had something more than what I reflected in my reaction,” he finished. A hand dragged through his hair and down the back of his neck before settling over the mouth that had put him in so much trouble in the last eight days. 
“I thought you trusted and respected me more.”
“I do, Aelin. I– fuck. I do. I am so sorry for what I said, how I said it, what I accused you of, that I hurt you. For all of it, I’m so fucking sorry.” Rowan’s hands flexed against his thighs like he was dying to touch her almost as much as she was dying to be touched by him. They curled into fists so tight she could see his thumb nails turning white from the pressure. 
“I know,” she assured him. “I know that, I just–” 
Her hands moved restlessly in front of her, trying to pull her thoughts into coherent sentences. Trying to fully express how deeply it had cut her for him to react that way was difficult. The empty space in his arms where she had fit so perfectly had started to feel like home. It was the safest she had ever felt and following this path of life had felt so entirely right. But then he opened his stupid, perfect mouth. Those words had been dripping with such a sharp edge there wasn’t a way it wouldn’t have hurt. 
“I think I just need some time. I think we need to slow down. This wasn’t supposed to become anything. You know? It was just meant to be fun, but–” She cut herself off with a shrug, her fingers falling onto her flat stomach. Somewhere in there, a baby that was equal parts of her and Rowan was swimming around.  Those feelings threatened to undo her if she allowed herself to feel them. Instead of letting them bubble over, she shoved a cork deep down into that bottle to avoid it just a little while longer.
Rowan’s inhale was sharp, a blade against its scabbard. A chilly silence filled the room, faint buzzing in her ears like she was on the snowboarding slopes in the Staghorns after a heavy snowfall. His fingers drummed against his thighs, eyes staring straight ahead when he finally nodded in understanding. 
A relationship hadn’t been on her radar. It was why the long-distance nature of it worked out so well. With time between each visit, she wasn’t able to throw herself into his heart no matter how much she may have wanted to. Nevermind that the last time she had dived head first into something it had ended with her broken and bleeding. That relationship left scars that were still tender, still itching as they healed. 
It didn’t matter how badly she was desperate to be curled up against him, feel his skin warm where they touched. How much she craved to taste his lips, to kiss the hollow of his throat and down his chest, to just feel his body splayed beneath her fingers. To know that things would be okay. There was so much more at play here than what she wanted. A little baby was caught in the crossfires, and she has to be sure that going forward their relationship was built on more than a whirlwind romance. 
Instead of reaching for his hand and continuing to let herself fall for him, she carefully constructed a wall around her heart and nodded in return. 
“About me lying to you about… everything,” she began, but was quickly cut off by Rowan shaking his head so rapidly it made her dizzy.
“There’s no need for you to explain that. I do not fault you for wanting to protect yourself, Aelin. I wish we had both been more honest with each other, but, no. You don’t need to explain or apologize. I understand. I did the same thing.” The tightness in her chest eased. For the first time since everything had come out, her ribs weren’t so tightly constricted when she took a steadying breath. They had both lied for similar reasons, and her secrets didn’t seem to change anything for him, at least. 
Rowan’s eyes seemed dark and distant, not at all what she was used to. But the conversation at hand was one of pain and hurt. It couldn’t be easy for him to lay this all at her feet, yet he had, and now they could move forward. He would give her the space she required and after that, they would figure things out. 
A kernel of hope nestled itself into her heart. Aelin just hoped she wouldn’t get hurt this time. 
White noise skittered along his skin, his nerves. The stifling sound of silence filled his ears like cotton as she finally stood and began to gather her things. The minutes ticked by like hours and Rowan hated every single drawn out second of it. He just wanted her to stay despite Aelin admitting that what they had between them wasn’t supposed to be anything. Those words were sure to echo between his ears during every hour he existed for the rest of his life.
Deep down in the trenches of his mind he was aware it was the best option for now. For them to pump the brakes, for him to make it up to her. Rowan understood why she needed time to process. He had assumed the worst of her when in reality, the truth of those pregnancy tests had shaken her to her core, just like they had him. 
Still, he couldn’t deny his excitement. While he had been wholly unprepared when Lyria was pregnant, he was ready this time. Ready in a way that only resulted in happiness buzzing through his bones when he imagined what the child would look like, what they would be like. And if he and Aelin could figure this out and work through the missteps…
Gods. He was going to be a dad. After she took the time she needed and he proved himself, they could be a family. A real family. It wasn’t going to be like last time because he was already tripping and stumbling over the edge of a cliff, his feelings rising as rapidly as the water. He was falling in love with her, and it terrified him. 
Rowan could wait. He would give her all the time she wanted, that she needed, and on the other side of it he would make sure that she was the happiest woman in the world. That their baby had the universe at their feet. Anything either of them wanted, he would ensure they had it. Nothing else mattered like this, not even football. 
A new determination had melded into his bones by the time Aelin came downstairs with her bag over one shoulder. He stood as she slipped on her shoes, then walked her out to her car. Apprehension was all over her face, evident in the way her fingers twisted together when she faced him after opening her door. 
“I’ll give back your clothes soon, I just felt gross putting the ones from yesterday back on.” Aelin gestured to the pair of boxers and t-shirt she wore. Rowan shook his head. 
“I’m not worried about that. Keep them if you wish.” A lock of hair blew into her face with the wind. Without thinking he caught it with his fingertips, grazing her cheekbone as he pushed it behind her ear. 
Aelin stiffened and took a single step back. The emotional distance was wider than the ocean when her head shook, brows meeting between her eyes that didn’t quite meet his. 
“Please don’t touch me like that,” she said quietly, but not weakly. Ice water had been dumped over his head despite the warmth in the air. His fingers clenched into a tight fist as they dropped to his side and he promptly shoved them into his pockets. Rowan took several steps back, jaw wired shut. Uncomfortable. Aelin looked uncomfortable at his touch, and he wanted to slam his fist into the concrete because of it. 
“I’ll text you soon,” she said, and he suddenly remembered  the question that had been floating around in the back of his mind for the last two days. Just as she was about to shut the door, he grabbed the top of it to keep it from closing. Aelin jolted a bit, her  eyebrows rising high as the clouds.
“How did you find out?” She looked at him for a second while she processed the question, and then laughed. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.
“My best friend, Lysandra. I hadn’t sent her very many good pictures of your face yet, so she just googled ‘Rowan’ along with soccer and Doranelle hoping for a team photo or something.” Rowan laughed, too. Some of the tension eased from his shoulders as she smiled at him in their truce. 
He nodded after a moment, a small smile still on his face. He stepped back to let her drive away, standing in the mid-afternoon silence while her tires kicked up clouds of dust. It would be a long road to win her trust back, but he wouldn’t stop until he had earned it. 
The car ride back to Varese was spent choking back tears and forcing air into her lungs to ground her. As soon as she was back in her apartment, however, the dam broke. A tidal wave of emotion crashed down upon her head, and the front door was barely closed before her thumbs were punching buttons on her phone. By the time Lysandra picked up there were sobs violently shaking her entire body. 
Before pregnancy, this wouldn’t have been anything to cry over. She still would have called Lysandra, of course, but it wasn’t something that would wreck her like this. Truthfully, Aelin didn’t even know why she was crying, other than the fact that she just felt alone. No universe existed where Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was alone in anything, much less a pregnancy. But she had nowhere to go to seek comfort in Varese. Two weeks ago it would have been to Rowan, but that was off the table. Now she just had an empty apartment and her thoughts. 
Lysandra listened while she cried and tried to get a deep breath down. Aelin hadn’t been so upset in years and was positive that if she wasn’t pregnant, everything wouldn’t feel quite so out of control. As it was, there were no handholds to grab onto, no footholds to keep her from sliding down the cliff. While her emotions waxed and waned, Lysandra was there to listen to it all, to soothe her anxiety when she started to spiral out of control. 
Part of her wished Aedion knew about the pregnancy because she needed him right now. But Lysandra filled his shoes almost well enough for everything to dwindle to a simmering calm. 
Though she was set to fly out next week, Lys managed to find a lone ticket that would put her in Varese early the next morning. They talked while she packed, the blonde managing to calm down enough to go over everything that had been said between her and Rowan earlier that morning. 
“I want to forgive him,” she said quietly a few hours later, curled up in her kleenex-covered bed. 
“Why can’t you?” 
“I–” Her lips twisted into a knot as she frowned at the floor. “I just need to be sure. You know? I need to… I don’t know.”
“You need to know that if this is going to be an actual relationship and not a co-parenting situation, that he isn’t going to hurt you again,” Lysandra offered, somehow seeing directly into Aelin’s mind and knowing the inner workings better than she did herself. 
“Yeah,” she sniffed, those emotions threatening to spill over once again despite how much she had already cried. Even though a relationship was the last thing she wanted. “I just need to be sure.”
An hour later, Lysandra was ready for her 6:30 AM flight, and Aelin was more than ready to not feel quite so alone. 
When she pulled up to the airport to pick up her best friend in the early hours of the morning, the sun just beginning to crest over the mountaintops to the east, it wasn’t the dark-haired beauty she was expecting. In fact, she almost drove right past the man that shared her eyes and golden hair. The man that could be her twin. 
It was Aedion. 
@elentiyawhitethorn @autumnbabylon @fancysludgeshoelamp  @wordsafterhours @live-the-fangirl-life @the-hospitality-of-knives @tangledraysofsunshine @readandlisten @westofmoon @rowanaelinn  @morganofthewildfire @writtenonreceipts @feynightlight @emster1622-blog @scarblx @secondstartorightand @thefaetrove @loveyatopluto @actuallybarb @peppermint-fae @the-devils-own @scottmcgivemeacall @livingmylifeforme  @wordsafterhours @foreverfallingforthestars @llyncooljones @emily-gsh @loosesimplicity @emilyrose111294  @charlizeed @aelinchocolatelover @cretaceous-therapod @sayosdreams @fireheart-violet @the-regal-warrior @backtobl4ck @shyvioletcat @autumnbabylon @bellasbookboyfriends
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
the damn ceo
pairings: ceo!natasha x reader
warnings: 18 minors dni anal sex, rough kissing, hair pulling, dirty talk, and pet names. 
notes: it’s a little short but i’ll make my other kinktober one-shots longer i promise. enjoy!
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Working for the CEO of Widow Industries was impeccable as it seemed. To my surprise, the woman who's in the big chair; Natasha Romanoff, was one of the most prominent CEOs in New York. I was pleased working with her; most especially since I'm her assistant. You'd say, well, everything seems swell! When it isn't. You might think Ms. Romanoff is some big meanie with no life when actually; she can be more than that. It's like whenever I'd come up to her and give her the papers that she needs, her mouth would be so close that I could tell we were going to kiss each other on the mouth.
She tends to be a big flirt; even though she doesn't mean to.
Now, alone in her office, I decided to let my imagination roam in my head as I think about Ms. Romanoff walking towards me with that sly grin of hers that gets me unaware of being aroused. Remember when I said she could be a flirt? Well, she does it with me a lot of times. There are remarks that she would give like, you're so pretty today or; am I dreaming? Because you look dazzling, my darling. Which gets my cheeks warmed up like a fire is through my bones. I imagine her hands–those damn warm hands–going slowly up inside my thigh as she kisses my neck with her dark red lips that taint my skin. My, have I gone insane? Maybe, I can't help it.
Just as I was about to touch my crotch to calm myself down, a sudden bang from the door swung open. I see Ms. Romanoff striding herself inside, giving me a quick smile, and sitting on her office chair; removing her dark brown coat. Perhaps she was out getting coffee? Her chest was slightly heaving, and her mouth was sort of gaping. I asked, "Were you outside, Ms. Romanoff?"
"I was," she said. "I had to buy myself a cup of coffee, I'm a little stressed out today." I was right. She continued, "Anyway, have you done the documents that I asked you to do?"
I nodded and approached her with a small stack of paper on top of my hands, placing it on her big black wooden desk. Ms. Romanoff reaches for my wrist and gently tugs at it, pulling me closer to her so that I almost stop breathing.
"You smell good today," she mentions slyly; I smiled.
"T-Thank you, Ms–"
"Why so modest? You've been my assistant for almost a year," she chuckles, rather deeply, and whispers close: "You can always call me Natasha, sweetheart. Won't you be a darling kitty?"
"I'm sorry?" I quirked an eyebrow, not too sure if this was work appropriate. She lets out another chuckle that rattles my bones and stands up, facing me as she cups my face; her hands were warm that mend with the coolness on my skin.
"Don't act like you don't want me, baby," she sighs in my ear and brings both of her hands down to my waist; groping my butt. "So tender, aren't ya? You're so pretty, so fucking pretty..."
"Oh my god–"
She interrupts me with a laugh, "Keep your voice down, little one. You don't want me punishing you, do you?" I felt her lips grazing on my neck and I knew that was it for me. I would give everything up, only to be kissed by Natasha Romanoff; who seemed like she couldn't keep her hands off of me, which I don't mind. I would let her touch me without my command or tell, I'd let her do anything despicable to me; I knew I'd never complain, so why would I complain such a thing?
Natasha lifts me up until I'm sitting on the edge of her desk and felt her hand massaging my left boob, bringing her mouth on my clothed shirt as she munches through my bra; I could feel her teeth touching my nipple, I could feel everything. I let my hand thread through her silk-red hair; grinding my hips on her pelvis for more friction until she pinned both of my wrists down on her desk hard – making me yelp.
"Shh," she grins like a devil and pushes my skirt up with her calloused hand trailing inside my thigh, almost touching my crotch. "Gonna do the most unspeakable things on you, kotenok. You have no idea how much I have desired for this moment."
I couldn't believe it; she desired this moment just as much as I did. I felt utterly speechless. Before I could say anything, her mouth was pressed against mine and I could feel her tongue slipping through my lips. We kissed each other hungrily; as if we couldn't waste this moment whatsoever. I grabbed her by the neck and tried humping my clothed cunt against hers, moaning her name in between her lips.
"Please," I whimpered; shutting my eyes tight. "F-Fuck me, I want you to touch me..."
"Do you want me to touch you?" she coaxed, which made me let out another whimper and watched her as she created a smirk. "Oh, baby... you're going to be the death of me."
She turned me around until my breasts were pressed against the cold desk. I felt her hands pulling up my skirt, making me squirm beneath the table when the cold air hits my ass. Natasha looks down at the sight and bites her own lip, trying to regain consciousness and not hurt me. But she did; oh, she did. The image of her hand smacking my ass gets her cunt clenching and wet, what would it feel like? She wonders. Her willpower must take her, she couldn't hurt me. She knows that she can't.
"I want to spank you so bad," she growls into my ear while palming my left cheek. "Do you know how much I want to spank my little girl?" Smack! "...This much. God, I want to put my cock up in your ass."
"W-what?" I looked from behind and saw a dildo hanging out from her pants, begging to be inside my tight ring. She groans loudly as she kisses the back of my neck while still squeezing my cheek; asking me: "Can I push in, sweetheart? 'M promise I'll take good care of you, please? Look what I can do for you, baby girl..."
She prides my ass open and spits on my ring, blowing into it as if tempting me to push my ass and let the tip of her faux cock rip inside of me like a virgin. I have never been fucked in the ass, and I dearly hope not to, but for her; some things can change. Natasha leaned again close to my ear and asked, "Can I push it inside of you? Please?"
It took me a bit of time to regain my thoughts and when I finally let her plead to sink into my brain; I nodded in a simple matter. She cracks up a vile smile and uses two fingers to push inside my asshole, making me shriek. Quickly enough, she covers my mouth as she whispers down on my head, "Baby, shh! Does it hurt? Come on, nod if it does." I nodded but moaned to give her a sign that I was merely enjoying the pain that is ravishing my veins.
"I think you'd like it better if I use my cock," she chuckles, giving open-mouth kisses on my bare shoulder; my blouse was loose. "Tell me, would you love it when I use my dick inside of your cute little asshole?"
"Words baby," she said. "Use your pretty mouth to speak up. Come on, don't be shy, let me use you."
"Please!" I moaned through my teeth as I gripped the edge of her desk so hard that white was showing up on my knuckles. "Please, f-fuck me in the ass Natty..."
Natasha didn't waste a second and pushed the tip of her strap inside my ring hole, which had that burning sensation that aroused my veins. I knew I was holding on for my dear life, I could hear her grunts and moans of pleasure while slowly – leisurely – pushing inside of my asshole while her other hand was palming my right cheek. She groans gutturally into my ear, kissing the shell of it.
"You're so fuckin' tight," she breathes hard into me; her hand still groping my ass. "I'm going to ruin this pretty little asshole until it's gaping for me."
It hurts, but my god – it felt amazing to be fucked in the ass.
Natasha runs her fingers through my hair and pulls back, making my scream that fills up her entire ginormous room. She pounds into my ass, watching closely as her cock begins to lubricate from her saliva just as much as my ass. She slaps my cheek hard, she breathes hard, and she fucks hard into me like there's no tomorrow. I squirmed beneath her, trying to get some relief; but it was complicated when my hair was being pulled back.
"Fuck..." she sighs loudly, kissing my neck. She continues to pound, but this time at a rather faster and harsher pace; you could hear the smack of our skin filling up the atmosphere. I whimpered quietly, "I'm your good girl, I promise I'll be your good girl."
"Mmph, you better..." she chuckles, grunting each time she thrusts inside of me. "Although I like little brats like you, you're so easy to manipulate."
I was no longer her assistant; I was more of her whore.
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asylum natasha one-shot will come soon...
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Loki & 'your eyes told me girl come ride me' (need to know by doja cat)
Love your writing ❤❤
a/n: Thank you for this request, nonnie and your kind words! I hope you like what I wrote! ❤
Warnings: this is quite a bit spicy, Loki thirst
Word Count: 932
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @theaudacitytowrite @lady-rose-moon @fictive-sl0th @aagn360 @mostclevermiss @linaax @peaches1958 @simping-for-marvel @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @eleniblue @loki-laufeyson-1054 @multifandom-worlds @coldnique
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song:
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One Look
You sat together with all the other Avengers around the big table in the meeting room on the thirtieth floor; listening to Steve's 'presentation'. Well... Everybody else did. You had tried to listen to him. You really did, but you couldn't help yourself... You got distracted very easily - by the handsome man – sorry, God, sitting across from you at the table. You stared at his side profile, watching the defined muscles in his jaw flex from time to time. Your eyes ran down the curves and edges of his razor-sharp cheekbone, biting your lip. Blue eyes were directed on the screen, which hung upon one of the white walls. He was visibly bored by Steve's performance. Well, you couldn't blame him. Loki's usual long, wild raven locks were now tamed by a manbun, holding his curls together. The black t-shirt he wore clung to his upper body like a second skin, leaving absolutely no imagination for the bulging muscles that hid beneath. Delicious, you thought, subtly licking your lips. Oh, what you would give to feel his strong body underneath your fingertips. To kiss every inch of his skin and to worship his godly man- "Y/N, do you think you can do that on your own, or do you need help?" Steve's words suddenly ripped your harshly out of your lusting state, causing you to blink slightly confused. You had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, so you decided to just play it cool. "Uh, I think a little help would be great." To your luck and sheer relief didn't seem Steve to notice, that you were mentally more than absent and nodded. "Alright. Wanda, you're going to accompany her. Is that okay for you?" You heard Wanda agreeing, audibly happy to be your partner in, well... whatever. "Now that this is settled, we need to talk about the distraction..." Steve continued to speak, while you swallowed hard. That was a close one, you thought. Almost got caught.
Yet unbeknownst to you, you did get caught. Already a long time ago. Did you really think Loki wouldn't notice that you were staring holes into him? Literally drooling all over him? Of course, he noticed. A smirk tugged at the God's lips as you stammered for an answer to the Captain's question.
What you didn't know as well, was that Loki found it very flattering and quite sexy that you desired him so much. It massaged his ego - and above else finally told him that the feeling was mutual. He had laid his eyes upon you a long time ago. Something you failed to notice. How could he not? You were the most attractive mortal woman he had ever seen; the curves of your body positively calling out for him to worship them. He wanted you, and you wanted him - like the God knew now. The evidence was more than clear. Time to act, Loki thought. He turned his head into your direction, facing your flustered self.
Unaware, you turned your head away in embarrassment - only to look straight into Loki's face. And that look on his face caused you to almost fall off your chair. It wasn't the first time you made eye contact with the mischievous and devilishly handsome god, oh no, but the look he gave you now, was something else. A look he never ever gave you before. Something utterly erotic and raw sparkled in those blue orbs... Something primal and passionate. He was literally eye-fucking you. Slightly flustered, but undeniably turned on, you looked away, trying to focus on Steve again - which was a very hard thing to do. Not even after the meeting, when you were back in your room, weren't you able to focus on something else than him. You tried to distract yourself; listened to some music and watched TV. Hence, you even tried to sleep, but it was in vain. In the end, you'd always see Loki's face.
At some point, you had enough and made a decision. He obviously wanted you. You wanted him, so why hold back any longer?
On tiptoes, you sneaked to his room, three floors beneath yours - and knocked on his door. Hopefully he was still awake, you thought. He was. Not even ten seconds later sprung the door to his room open. As soon as his eyes landed on your frame, he started to smile that dangerously sexy smile - what was all you needed to get you going. "Well, hello Y/N. Did you finally make your way to my-" You didn't let him talk further. The fact that he literally awaited you, triggered something feral inside you. So, you didn't hesitate a second, grabbed him by the lapels of his ridiculously tight t-shirt and slammed your lips onto his, stealing his breath. Loki was surprised at first, but he quickly caught up, moving his lips in sync with yours. His hands found your hips, pulling you swiftly inside his room. You kicked the door shut with your foot and took over the control again, pushing him forwards, until the back of his knees hit the bed, causing him to fall backwards on the soft mattress. Panting and with dilated pupils, Loki looked up at you, witnessing how you climbed seductively on top of him. "Darling, what-" Once again you didn't let him finish his sentence. You licked your lips, smirking. "Your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me" - and that's exactly what I'm gonna do." You purred; hands already working to undo the belt of his black jeans.
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mslowlife · 1 year
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Pairings: Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Fem!Reader Warnings: Brief mentions of sex, yelling/arguing, swearing Summary: After miscommunication and mixed signals, you finally confront Soap about your feelings. Word Count: 998
A/N: I really didn't know how to end this ;-;
You weren’t mad, no, why would you be mad? The guys would say you are because of the way you cursed out soap, and the way you stormed out of the room. You were just confused, confused at every bit of attention that man gave you. Man? Why were you being so generous and calling him a man? No, he was acting like a boy, a boy who toys with a girl's feelings and pulls on her heartstrings. 
You threw open the door to your room, slamming it shut, stomping your feet with the utmost confusion and frustration. Was it all just meaningless flirting, was he just bored? I mean you were the only female on base, he was probably just bored and missed female attention. You stripped out of your gear, gosh it’s heavy, the massive weight off your body made you feel like you could breathe again. You scrounged through your bag, finding a pair of shorts and a shirt, something a mille more comfy than what you just had on. It didn’t help that it was hot and humid, which made you even more overworked, you fumbled at the fans controls until you finally found the janky dial, spinning it to the highest setting. The cool breeze made you relax slightly as you lowered your face closer to the spinning blades. You fell back on the springy bed frame, throwing your arms above your head as the breeze drifted over your body. You tried so hard to push the thoughts of Soap in the back of your head, but nothing worked. How could you though, he was so, so perfect? Gosh you hated yourself for even saying that. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
You jumped up, switching the lamp on and trudged to the door. You twisted the door knob, and peered your head out the door, where you saw Soap standing there, he was awfully close to the door, you could feel his breath.
“What?” You grilled, your voice monotone and firm.
“Can we talk?” He asked, ushering for you to open the door.
You bit the inside of your cheek, “Should I even let him in?” You asked yourself, was he really worth the time?
Reluctantly, you agreed, opening the door slightly, allowing him to slip into the room.
He sat on the metal chair that occupied the dark corner of the room. You sat in the middle of your bed, with your legs crossed as you picked at the fluff of the scraggy blanket. You glared at him in a way so that he’d start talking.
“What was that whole lil’ outburst about?” Soap probed, crossing his arms.
“God- Don’t act like you don’t know. You’ve been giving me mixed signals for months, you’ll flirt with me and then next minute you act like you don’t even know who I am! A-and last night, a-at the bar we were flirting all night, we were so f-fucking close I’m surprised we didn’t kiss or-or shit. But then you go off and fuck some other girl! You just left me there! You even had the audacity to brag to all the guys how you hooked up with someone, in front of me!” You chastised, your heart was pounding and tears rolled down your flushed hot cheeks, you never imagined in a million years you’d be screaming your heart out at Soap.
“I go off and fuck someone? What about you? Some guy was hitting on your ass all fucking night, and the moment he leaves the bar, you follow along? I only bloody did it because you did first” He snapped back, he was now standing up, his fists clenched on his side.
“I didn’t fuck anyone! I went to the goddamn bathroom you idiot. Maybe if you weren’t so fucking spiteful you would of waited to see me come back, unfucked!” Now you were mad, how dare he act like you were in the wrong? 
“Are you serious? What took you so goddamn long then?” He retorted, his fists relaxed and his tone was not so defensive now.
“It’s a female bathroom, at a bar, on a Friday night?! Of course I was going to take some time!” You yelled back. 
Soap scoffed, he leaned against the wall, throwing his head back, mumbling something to himself. 
“I can’t believe you hooked up with someone because you were jealous” You snorted, a small grim curling on your lips. 
“Says you, having a whole tantrum and shit” He challenged back, refusing any sort of eye contact 
“I mean you can’t just give a girl mixed signals for months, and not expect her to be jealous at some competition, c’mon” You remarked, scooting off the bed, with your feet dangling off the side.
“M’ sorry for yelling at you” Soap whispered, he stepped closer towards you, where he fumbled for your hands.
“Me too” You breathed back, Soap now stood above you as you sat patiently below him, his eyes fixed upon yours. His eyes look so different in moments like these, you’re so used to seeing a desperate, angry and violent pair of eyes, but now they’re so soft, trusting, and wow, blue. 
His body etched forward to yours, where your lips both touched, so naturally, like it was all meant to be. In that moment, all the confusion and frustration you had geared towards soap, melted away. You breathed in his hot breath long enough to feel the warmth of his skin, that would long linger after he left. Both your bodies loosened and relaxed, you let go of his hands, to cup his chin and bring the kiss in closer. The two of you worked at a synchronised pace, keeping the kiss alive, but slow, gentle, but heated. 
When both your lips parted, your glossy eyes looked into his, the room stayed silent, not exchanging any words, because you didn’t need to. All that needed to be said, was said.
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tinyfishtits · 3 days
Heat Wave
Micah Bell / Female Reader
Summary: A heat wave rolls through Rhodes and the reader decides to shave their head, much to Micahs surprise. Word Count: 2,222 Rating: Teen and Up ~ for foul language Author's Note: For all my bald and buzzed girlies out there, this fluffs for you! A pretty gn fic, though a more fem reader makes sense for the reaction their buzz gets.
✖︎ Read on AO3 ✖︎
“I think I’m dying.” I whined as Micah finally emerged from the general store. He leaned against an adjacent pillar, slowly looking me over as he stuffed his change into his pocket. 
“You look it.” He said, so matter of factly I could have slapped him if the thought of moving wasn't so abhorrent. The smug bastard must have walked straight out of the pits of hell to be so wholly unbothered by the heat. 
“Go… Fuck yourself.” I didn’t have the energy to go off on him like I really wanted. He had dragged me around the bayou all morning on some bogus treasure hunt that led to nothing but us trotting around in the sun for hours. And then the second we got back to camp Dutch just had to insist that he and I make a run into town for supplies. I could throttle them both. 
“How can you even stand it?” I lifted a hand, lazily gesturing to the leather jacket he wore. “I swear… You’re inhumane.” His lips twitched with a smirk.
“Here.” He flicked a few nickels into my lap. “Go get something to drink doll, I got one more thing to do.” I groaned, and he was off with no more than a chuckle. Building towns in the middle of this hellscape was a sick kind of torture. I never imagined I’d yearn for our time back in Colter, but getting stuck in a blizzard would be a godsend right about now. 
Every inch of my body was coated in sweat, my clothes sticking to me like I’d just crawled out of the swamp. I swear my feet even sloshed in my shoes as I finally got up and started walking across town to the saloon. I’d never felt so disgusting in my life. 
The worst of it though, by far, was my god damn hair. I could feel every fucking strand clinging to my skin, scratching my neck, getting stuck in my eyes and mouth… I wanted to rip it off my scalp. I wish I’d taken Mary Beth up on her offer to braid it this morning, if only so that it was out of my face. I’d never been one to put much effort into my hair or appearance, especially when compared to the other girls in camp.
“You look like ya could use a drink.” The bartender announced as I trudged into the saloon, face beet red and body drenched. What I really needed was a wash. “Y'all got a bath here?” I asked. The bartender just jerked his chin toward the door behind him and went on polishing the glasses. I didn’t take two steps before I saw it, a barber. 
“How much for a cut?” I demanded of the greying man that was half asleep in the barbers chair, a newspaper strewn out on his chest. “Wha- What? You want a… a haircut?” He slurred as he jumped out of the chair and looked me over, his expression less than amused. 
“Well you’re a barber aintchya?” The man just gawked at me. “How much?” I repeated, pulling the change out of my pockets and setting it on his work table. “I- Uh… Well-” He stuttered, obviously torn between the money and whatever misogynistic mindset kept him from seeing me as a worthy customer. 
“These your shears?” I asked, taking the cool metal clippers in my hand. His eyes widened as if I’d just picked up a gun. I rolled my eyes at him, Fragile fucking asshole, I murmured to myself as I brought the shears to my scalp and without a second thought, began cutting. 
My attempt at a shaved head was choppy at best, but boy… the relief! It was instantaneous. Every lock of hair that fell to the ground felt as if I was shedding layer after layer of clothes I didn’t even realize had been suffocating me until they were gone. By the time I was done I felt… Well, normal. I’d expected to feel weird at best, especially if the barber's horrified expression was anything to go off of. But I felt like me, just cooler and lighter and free . 
Knowing Micah, I had plenty of time to kill. So I indulged in a cool bath and even played some blackjack as I waited for him to finish whatever business he was up to. I’d turned two nickels into a few bucks by the time he sauntered into the saloon close to dusk. 
“Lookin’ for someone?” The bartender asked as Micah leaned against the bar, scanning the place for me. I watched from the balcony as he looked the room over, his eyes sweeping right over me without a second glance. He grunted, motioning for a beer. “A lady.” He answered, finally. “Ain't we all.” The barkeep replied with a laugh. 
“Micah.” I called as I made my way down the stairs. He locked eyes with me for a moment as he downed his beer and I saw the second the realization dawned on him. He almost choked, doubling over the bar as he violently coughed up his last swig of beer. 
“Holy-” He sputtered out between coughs, slamming his hand on the bar as he regained his composure.“Shit!” His eyes were wild the next time they met mine, scanning over my freshly shaved scalp in utter disbelief. “What the hell did you do?” Not feeling the need to state the obvious, I just smiled back at him as I joined him at the bar, rubbing a hand over my stubbly head. It was quickly becoming my favorite feeling. 
“I- I thought you was a man.” He said, eyes still fixed on my hair. “And I thought you were a lady…” I retorted, pulling on a strand of his long blonde hair. “Damn shame… Woulda made a sweet couple, you and I.” I teased, but he didn’t join in. “Oh come on, Micah. Big rough outlaw like you seen crazier things than a bald lady.” He just shook his head and ran a palm over his face. 
“I got you to thank, anyway.” I said and his eyes practically bulged out his head. “Probably wouldn’t have gone through with it if I wasn’t so damn hot and exhausted from our trek this morning.” He groaned. “Please… Don’t tell Dutch that. They’ll have my hide if they think I was behind…” He waved a hand at my head, “ this.” 
Silence dragged on between us, the bartender casting the occasional curious sidelong glance in our direction. “...Wanna touch it?” I asked, trying to keep things playful and light hearted. Micah in anything other than a cocky, sleazy, flirty mood always made me feel on edge, it wasn’t natural. So I fluttered my lashes at him for good measure.
“No.” He said gruffly. The pout I put on in response was only a smidge theatrical. He avoided looking at me, instead ordering another beer and thumbing through the newspaper he’d bought. I sighed, preparing myself for a long night of Micah getting piss drunk, at least maybe after a few drinks he’d be in a better mood. 
I debated ditching him and riding back to camp myself, but I didn’t want to face the gang just yet. I’d had time enough to prepare myself for Micah’s reaction, but I wasn’t ready for the barrage of questions from the girls and teasing remarks from others just yet. I felt… good. Better than I had in a long time. I didn’t want that soured so soon. 
A well dressed man at the piano began to play then, a jazzy, upbeat tune that brought the smile back to my face. The place was finally starting to liven up. Groups of men coming off work flooded in, the saloon’s working ladies quickly swarming around, bombarding them with promises of a good time. 
None of the men paid me any mind. Occasionally they’d do a double take in my direction, look me up and down with contempt clear on their face before seeking out the more feminine looking ladies. I was more than fine with this. Who knew all I had to do to avoid the unwanted advances from men my whole life was cut my hair off. Simple minded fools, I mumbled into my whiskey as I watched the couple dancing in the middle of the room.
Downing the last of my drink I jumped from my seat and started swaying to the music, letting the alcohol loosen my limbs and the music move them. Without a partner I mostly just twirled around, rolling my hips and shuffling my feet like I'd seen those belly dancers at the fair do. Though I was sure my interpretation was… underwhelming at best. 
Lost in music and whiskey, I didn’t notice until the fourth song that I was the only one left dancing. Most of the patrons ignored me, having moved on to gambling and securing someone to warm their bed for the night. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that a pair of eyes watched me. Still twirling, I scanned the bar's inhabitants for any prying eyes and found a familiar silvery blue pair watching me under the large, white brim of a hat. Micah sat facing me, his elbows perched on the bar, beer and newspaper forgotten. His attention solely on me as I danced, seemingly just for him. 
My movements stuttered a bit under his gaze and I started toward him, intent on asking him to dance when his head jerked up and he reached out to grab me by the arm. “Let's go.” He said curtly, not bothering to meet my confused stare before he pulled me with him toward the back door. A quick glance back at the bar was all I needed to understand, Lemoyne fucking raiders. 
We went on in silence down the dirt road, our horses a good ten minute walk away on the other side of town. The evening breeze blew over me and I jolted back, overcome with a full-body shiver. I could feel the wind in every single hair on my head. I’d never felt anything like it. Though he didn’t say anything, Micah kept turning to stare at me every few steps. His brows furrowed and lips pursed.
“Why do you keep lookin’ at me like that?” I finally asked and he stopped walking, his attention fully on me as I whirled around to meet his gaze. His eyes dragged slowly over my body, starting and stopping at my hair. I folded my arms on my chest, waiting for whatever bullshit he was about to spew at me. 
He took a step closer, his steely blue eyes locked on mine. “You’re bein’ so serious” I said, stifling the impulse to retreat a step as he closed the distance between us, “It’s… unnerving.” I finished and he huffed a breathy laugh, a crooked smile creeping at the corner of his lips. 
The music from the saloon spilled out onto the path we walked and in an attempt to lighten the mood, I reached for his hands. He pulled away, seemingly on instinct, then cautiously relented his hands to me. I took them and began to sway them back and forth, as if coaxing a stubborn child to dance. A big, stupid smile grew on my face as the grumpy outlaw gave in and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me in closer and leading me in a proper dance. 
It was surprisingly… tender , the dance. Slow and intimate. Micah's strong, calloused hands didn’t restrain or force me, he just held me. I was fighting the urge to lay my head on his shoulder the whole time, all too aware of how close we were already. One hand occupied in his, I trailed the other up his arm, firm and muscled. I ran my fingers idly through his hair - the sensation already growing foreign to me - and he let out the softest moan. As if trying to conceal it he began to hum along with the music, his movements never faltering as he slowly twirled us around in the dirt. 
He was a rather good dancer, strong and confident in his steps. And for how grumpy he’d been at the saloon, dancing seemed to lighten his mood significantly. “You look… good.” He said suddenly and I stumbled, stepping on his foot. Pulling me back against him he continued, “Happy.” A bit shocked by his genuine compliment, I just repeated, “I look happy? ” He cleared his throat and hummed a response “Mmhm…” 
“So you’re not gonna start callin’ me sir or boy or nothin’?” I asked and his brows raised, “Tempting… But you already got a pet name, doll. ” I rolled my eyes, “I think I might prefer boy.” He laughed and this time, so did I. 
“Ready to head back?” He asked, our dancing slowing to a gentle sway. I hummed, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder in reply. Trailing a hand up to my scalp, he began to caress the short hair there. “So soft.” He murmured, and I just giggled into his shoulder. The feeling of his hand rubbing over my scalp was so heavenly, if I was a cat, I would have purred.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #20
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Diavolo: If it excites you and scared the crap out of you at the same time. You should probably do it.
Asmodeus: Time to fuck a blender
Diavolo: Wait no
Asmodeus: “Forgive me father for I have sinned” and “sorry daddy I’ve been bad” both mean very similar things but have wildly different connotations
Simeon: How do I delete someone else’s post
Mammon: Is masturbating while smoking weed called masturblazing
Satan: No it’s called highjacking
Belphegor: Guys no it’s weedwhacking
Raphael: No it’s called disappointing your father
Mammon: Imagine being stuck in a room with everyone you’ve ever had sex with
Leviathan: #empty chairs at empty tables
Satan: Imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you’ve ever thought about having sex with
MC: Oh god NO
Solomon: Oh god YES
Asmodeus: Imagine your cousin sitting there wondering what he has in common with these people
Simeon: What
Raphael: What
Lucifer: What
MC: I’ll speak French between you legs is the hottest thing I’ve ever been told
Asmodeus: I’m just picturing someone screaming “BONJOUR” at a penis
Lucifer: None of you should ever be having sex
Mammon: If she’s even able to walk after sex you didn’t do it right
Diavolo: Yeah you’re supposed to cut her legs off
Mammon: Today in biology the teacher asked “why do chromosomes have to stick together” and I whispered “because they’re bromosomes” and the guy next to me just about died laughing
Beelzebub: If you spell skeletons backwards it still spells skeletons
Satan: Man I can’t wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks
Diavolo: When I die I want that cool thing done where you take your ashes and pressurize them enough to turn them into a precious gem. I then want that gem forged into a sword’s hilt so my heir can avenge me because I’m not dying unless I’m killed I can assure you
Mammon: I heard my brother say he was going to Dairy Queen so I snuck into his car and he has no idea I’m in here
Mammon: He asked his friend what he wanted and I popped up from the floor “I was thinking about a milkshake” I have never heard two grown men scream louder
Asmodeus: I like wearing oversized sweaters. Not because they’re extremely cuddly and comfy but because whenever the sleeves are really big I get to flop them around and smack people
Leviathan: I love sleeve smacking people
Like flippity flip you need to stop
Mammon: Whippity whap don’t talk crap
Satan: In fifth grade we were making little clay statues and mine came out shitty so I left a big air pocket in it so it would explode when the teacher put it in the kiln and it exploded so hard it destroyed ten other kids’ statues and they were all on the verge of tears I thought it was really funny I still do
Barbatos: So you basically planted a bomb
Asmodeus: People who wear pants last 7 are not the kind of people I associate with
Asmodeus: I’m getting hate over this because people are putting the word ‘size’ in there when that’s nit what I was saying
7:00 PM
Simeon: I thought you meant past age 7 and I was rly confused
Diavolo: “Happy birthday son, since you’re eight now it’s time you learn about kilts”
Mammon: Shout out to girls who don’t mind being called dude and man casually
Asmodeus: Shout out to boys who don’t mind being called guuuurl
Mephistopheles: Shout out to humans who don’t mind being called dawg
Lucifer: Shout out to dogs who will let you call them anything so long as you say it in a happy, friendly tone
Satan: Shout out to Guinea Pigs which are neither pigs nor from Guinea
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thedawningofthehour · 7 months
Okay, first of making fun of rich people's houses on Zillow. This is actually the tamest house out of the three that made me want to do this.
This house was in Arizona and is like 15 mil and 13,000 square feet.
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Entertaining Room That We Absolute Use.
I'm guessing this is either for the two people that are still friends with them or for inviting over other rich couples to show off how rich they are. Look, we have this grand piano here. It has never been used and we have to pay a guy to tune it regularly, but one day little Susie will prove to be a musical prodigy and we can force her to play for people we don't like.
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Oh, this is the other side. I actually hate it more now. The other side wasn't my taste, but at least it was scenic. That flooring and those columns are literally just "look I have so much money." Also the effect of Fancy Chandelier is somewhat diluted if you put two of them in the same room.
Featuring Much Used Table and Chair in the background and...what is that supposed to be, like a secretary counter on the left? I can just imagine some lady in an office chair behind that answering the Very Busy house phone.
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"This is where Daddy loses his Christmas bonus on poker night."
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Okay, I-no, I hate this, I can't pretend not to. I hate the white kitchen trend, I hate marble countertops. They have...they look like brussel sprouts on a tray? As a decoration?
The dual fridges thing might have been cool if the execution was different, but for some reason the design and color just makes it look like it was tacked on, like if-wait. How many ovens are there?
So they have two stovetop ovens there
And what looks like two ovens in between the fridges? Four ovens?!
I mean, the top oven looks like it might be a microwave? I think the bottom might be a proofing drawer for bread, (lol like these people make their own bread) so many the middle is some specialty oven?
Still. A lot for a kitchen that's almost certainly never used.
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I don't really have anything to say about this one. I'm just confused as to what it's for.
I'm increasingly suspicious that rich people are just pretending to be human.
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Oh, finally, the living room people actually spend time in.
Featuring Exposed Beams That Are Totally Structurally Necessary.
And big TV you need binoculars to watch from the couch and can't be properly seen from a third of the sitting area. Much used dining table there. Bonus Dead Exotic Animal so you know they travel.
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"To show off that we have the money for a bar but we don't want to look like alcoholics."
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Deadass thought the back of the couch was stone for a minute.
This room isn't too bad-it's extra and they definitely don't need two sets of double doors right next to each other, but it does seem kind of cozy. I mostly left it in as a palate cleanser for what's to come.
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Is that...
Yes. Yes it is.
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Why would you put glass double doors on the bathroom?!
What is going on with that ceiling-oh god, someone is going to slip and crack their head right open on those stairs. Maybe this entire house is an elaborate life insurance plot. If you get bored of your fifth wife just tell her to go take a bath and then you're free to marry your mistress of the month.
This would be so goddamn COLD, guess it's a good thing they have that fireplace.
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WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHOWER?! Is it supposed to be a communal shower?!! Why is it so big?! WHY IS THERE A WINDOW?
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I will give them this, I do like how they rounded this out. This part isn't bad. I actually do like the tile design, I just...don't like how they used it.
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Just in case you're too befuddled by the actual bathing facilities and choose to go "fuck it" and shower outside.
Actually, the shower out here does make sense, they have a pool. If you're in and out of the water all day, do a quick rinse to get the chlorine off and put a coverup on to go eat lunch or whatever. That's reasonable.
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All I can think of here is someone trying to put their makeup and hair products down and accidentally knocking them to the floor because they forget that the counter gets thinner.
Also omg the duuuuuuuust.
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There's just something about those 'pretend cultured and fancy' columns against the stark white walls and ceilings that I hate. It's so pretentious and fake.
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Is it just me or does every single chair look photoshopped in? There's something weird going on with the lighting.
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"Do you hate being able to feel your toes? Do you love having cold feet? Then I have one hell of a basement to sell you!"
I feel like those chairs would actually be extremely uncomfortable and you know each one cost more than my car.
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No one has ever used this pool.
Seriously, you couldn't swim laps in it. You could only really swim around in the very deep end, kids wouldn't have a whole lot of space where they can touch to play around. Maybe they could take a little kid to the very edge and splash in the water. And by 'they' I mean the underpaid nanny the parents look down on for being Hispanic despite their ad requiring applicants to be bilingual.
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Totally Legit Well. Seriously, guys, this is an ancestral home.
Oh, but we're not done. They have like a guest house or pool house?
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Wait, why does this kitchen look better than the main house's kitchen? This one I can actually picture someone using.
Look at that sink! Actually made to wash dishes!
(idk what's up with the line of apples in the cabinet tho)
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Okay, the pool house is way cooler. I feel like the big house is literally just for show and this is where people actually spend their time. This looks far more comfortable.
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Car stables. "Daddy, why do you have so many cars you use twice a year and cost a quarter million each?"
"Well, sweetie, the short answer is your mother is cheating on me and this fills the void in my life."
Okay I'm gonna go make myself a grilled cheese now. Idk if I'll do another one tonight, but this was fun! I love roasting rich people.
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jennycalendar · 1 year
fuffy 22 for the prompt list maybe 😁😁
22. two miserable people meeting at a wedding au
"You're Buffy?" says Faith, and then immediately starts laughing. "Man! I didn't think for even half a fucking second that you'd show! Do you know how many times Angel cried over you and stalked your Instagram and shit? Guy pretty much spent all of college talking about how hard it had been to dump you, and how awful he felt about it--"
"Yeah, thanks," says Buffy through gritted teeth. "You done?"
"Shit, no," says Faith, pulling up a chair and straddling it from behind. She tilts the legs forward, looking intently at Buffy. Perfect golden hair, perfect little haute couture black dress, pretty much exactly what you'd imagine from the stories Angel was telling back in college. LA girl who moved to his small town, he was a total fuckup and fucked her over, she was way too good for him. Faith always thought he was just being his usual self-flagellating self about the whole thing, 'cause God knows Angel loves to get all weepy about how he doesn't deserve anything good, but this...
Well, she can kind of see how Angel would be all cut up about fucking a girl like this over. That's all.
"I'm his best man," says Faith, jerking her shoulder towards Angel, who's sitting miserably at a table surrounded by what looks like Cordelia's entire extended family. "Except I don't know most'a the people at this wedding, and I don't want to know 'em anyway, 'cause the last three folks I tried to talk to started talking shit about my kickass tux."
Buffy cracks a smile. "It is pretty kickass."
"Wasn't fishing, but thanks." (Faith totally was.) "And if we're giving compliments, you are wearing the hell out of that dress, sister."
"Well, when a girl gets invited to her ex's wedding and comes alone, she kind of has to look like human perfection to save face," says Buffy ruefully.
"You do, you know," says Faith, looking at the ceiling so it'll look like she's cool and aloof.
She can hear the slight giggle to Buffy's voice. "I do what?'
"You fuckin' heard me," says Faith. Buffy's smiling when she looks back down at her. "Don't fish."
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crockettmarcel · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where Sarah and Ava actually hate each other and Connor is stuck in the middle <3
sorry that this took me almost two years to write lol. better late than never though right? wc: 1076
“Connor, how many psychiatrists work at this hospital?” Ava asks, appearing out of nowhere next to him at his computer.
“I’m not sure,” he says, turning to look up at her. “Maybe ten? Give or take.”
“Uh-huh.” She nods, then pulls out the chair next to his and sits down. “So, more than one, you’d say?”
“That’s usually what ten means, yeah. Why, what’s going on?”
“Oh, I’m just wondering why, if we have so many different psychiatrists here, you’d page Dr Reese to consult on our patient. Surely there was someone else, perhaps with more experience, that would have been able to assess competency?”
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Honestly, Ava, I had no idea she’d be the one doing it. I asked Maggie to page psych and I guess she chose Sarah. Not my fault.”
She glares at him, then for added emphasis, crosses her arms against her chest. “Have you considered using your brain for once? Next time, tell her to page anyone but Dr Reese, okay? It’s not that hard to remember.”
“Yes ma’am.” He salutes her, earning himself an even fiercer look, and he’s certain that if he pushes her any further, she’ll burst a blood vessel. Or into flames. “What’s the big deal, anyway? You don’t have to be there while she does her assessment.”
“I know that, Connor. I’m not a complete idiot.” As soon as Sarah had appeared in the doorway of the treatment room, tablet in hand and that stupid sickly-sweet, over-sympathetic smile on her face, Ava had excused herself and spent the next fifteen minutes staring daggers at the room from the nurses’ station. “But she had to tell someone the results of her assessment, and since you’d fucked off up here to do God-knows-what, I got that privilege.”
“Okay, well I’m sorry about that, Ava. I’ll stick around next time so you don’t need to speak to her.”
“My knight in shining armour, thank you.” She grins at him, and suddenly that murderous look in her eyes from thirty seconds ago has disappeared. Connor can’t imagine the death stares she must have given Sarah, and he’s glad he wasn’t around for the immediate aftermath of their interaction. At least the couple of minutes in the elevator on the way up from the ED gave Ava a chance to calm down slightly.
He wonders if he should go and check on Sarah.
“You know, if you told me what this whole feud was about—”
She cuts him off almost instantly. “Not a chance in hell, Connor. Absolutely not.” With that, the murderous look is back, and it’s the last thing Connor sees before Ava stands up and storms off.
They have a valve repair together in the afternoon, and he hopes that she’ll have done something — most likely shout at a med student or drink a gallon of her “super cool” black coffee — to calm herself down by then. If not, he’ll have to start praying.
He spots Sarah an hour later in the cafeteria. As grateful as he is to see that she’s alive and unharmed after her time with Ava, he’s in no rush to make small talk in between mouthfuls of lunch; she has that same pissed-off look in her as Ava did, and he’s not in the mood to hear about why. (He’s sure he already knows.)
He does his best to avoid eye contact with her, keeping his head down as he shoves his slightly disappointing chicken sandwich into his mouth, but Sarah notices him anyway. A chair scrapes against the floor, and when he puts his sandwich down for a moment and looks up, Sarah’s sitting opposite him, setting out her fruit cup and bread roll on the table.
“Hey, Sarah.” He’s not entirely sure what he can say without upsetting her further, so he waits until she’s stopped staring at him to speak again. “That, uh, that fruit looks good. What is that, cantaloupe?”
“You know,” she says, ignoring his attempt to start a conversation, “I liked working here a lot more before Dr Bekker arrived.”
There’s nothing he can do to stop this from happening, so he just raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his coffee. “Is that so?”
“Oh, come on, Connor. Don’t act like your life wasn’t easier before she got here. We’ve all heard the way you two fight. You’re lucky you’re an excellent surgeon, because otherwise…” She lets her voice trail off, but the face she pulls is enough for Connor to know exactly what she means.
If he wasn’t such a good surgeon, he’d have been fired for his conduct.
“Look, I get that she can be difficult, but—”
Sarah scoffs. “She’s an absolute nightmare.”
He frowns. “What is going on with you two? She’s walking around looking like she wants to kill someone, and you’re like…” he gestures loosely at her, “...this. Can’t you just, I don’t know, talk it out?”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” 
She leans back in her chair and folds her arms, and Connor can’t get over how uncannily similar her movements are to Ava’s. Telling her would be a death sentence though, and he’s not that stupid, so he lets the thought go. Instead, he takes a moment to observe Sarah's defiant posture, her arms tightly crossed, and the determined look in her eyes. It's clear that whatever this is, it goes far beyond over-competitiveness or a disagreement about patient care. There’s something else entirely.
“And I take it you don’t want to tell me what the problem is?”
She sighs. “I got assigned to your patient today, and Ava was a complete bitch about it.”
“Yeah, I heard about that. I meant in general though. Do you want to tell me about what happened in the first place between you two?”
“I do not.” She rips a chunk off her bread roll, then breaks it up into smaller and smaller pieces until she’s left with nothing more than crumbs. Connor watches as she does it two, three more times, and it’s only when there’s less than half of the roll left that she speaks again. “I don’t know. Maybe. Not now, though.”
“Well, I’m here if you ever want to chat. And I promise I won’t tell Ava what you told me.”
Sarah smirks. “Good luck keeping a secret from her. She’ll figure it out, especially if it's about me.”
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