#god of ice
bloodredx · 2 years
Day 8: Graceful
Ah, Water. What can be said of the fluid one? Seemingly the simplest and most beautiful of the Children. Do not stand too close, the ripples on the surface only lie. Falling inside might make one feel pleased, cradled, the weight of gravity long gone under buoyancy. Do not rest easy, for so quickly she will take the air from thine lungs, transient desire to be with and mingle with the fluid that creates thine own form, return what is rightfully hers back home. Deeper and deeper still she shall pull you, moving in ebb and flow with the sway of the world, dragging down to the depths of the infinite, the domain where only the moon can light the path. How quaint that Water is known for healing, for all other Children can heal the Precious Living, but not with the same credit, the gentle hands of all the wonderful concoctions that drive a quick repair to flesh and mind alike.
Quick do they forget, flow MUST follow ebb, and that the good given by Water must be returned, all must be made equal in the end. And drawing the ire, Water firms to Ice. Sharp. His rigidity, frozen touch has laid waste to the movements of the Precious Living; an impassible formidable foe. Necessary. Needed. The cold preserves, brings new, and allowing a moment. Expunging feared reflections. He is the much needed breath in a moment of calm, ice crisp stillness. Destruction and Preservation. In the same as Water is healing and harm.
Grace and elegance, slipping through all, a fantastic contributor to the Song, deep, brassy and powerful. To dance with Water is to know that the moves themselves are not as important as the eddy, should the current keep up, limitless. Approachable, but unknowable. Demanding, fair. Hum through the depths, love. Know the distance in your endless domain of night is only so far as believed. Come back to the beacon, the distance, the sea. Waves crash. Seafoam on sand. All touched. All part of the other. All to be whole.
Rhythmic, that was the only way to describe the continual, comforting clacking of the shafts as Icarus watched his mother work the pedals on her old jack loom. The ancient apparatus had been part of the house as long as he could remember, perhaps been here longer than his mother. She often noted how she learned the trade from her grandmother, who leaned it from hers. If they ever tried to move it, no doubt roots would have been drawn into the floorboards; one would burn this house before the loom would surrender it. Certainly he would stand in the way if nothing else.
Like a dance, he watched as her hands moved back and forth, passing the shuttle between the threads. If only he could hold the same grace. Klutzy was more apt for the likes of him, limbs too lanky without the muscle to support themselves. Years of experience was evident, his mother made the work look easy, moving weft and warp together into a sturdy, beautiful cloth, something as beautiful as her. Now greying red hair wrapped into a loose braid, normally slung over her shoulder now sat behind her back to avoid getting tangled in her craft. Blue eyes, focused, tired. Resurrection, hell, even just resuscitation was exhausting. Yet here she was tending a dying art.
Icarus dreaded interrupting her, knowing that his words wouldn’t be welcome. Picking at the flesh of his arm, he steeled his courage. “Hey mom?”
“Hmm?” Her fingers continued their cycle between the threads, eyes not looking up.
“So uh…” The points of his nails begun to dig into his skin, a distraction from distress. “University is starting soon.”
A deep breath left her lips as she laid her shuttle down. “Right, right. You’ll be leaving soon?”
“Yes.” He agreed a little too fast, words now fumbling out of his mouth. Some were laced with joy, others with hesitation. “Trying to get into an analytical research program on some of the local history in Pineridge! I’ve got my application all set, but I don’t know that I’ll make it.”
Penelope smiled back at him, that same warm one. It could wrap around him like a comforter, squeezing in the sides with the wait of hope. He prayed it wasn’t ill placed. “I know you’ll be a top pick, buddy. You’ve talked so long about it.”
Icarus smiled at that, he couldn’t fight it. “Yeah, I’ve got my fingers crossed.”
She looked knowingly back at him, gently raising a brow. “But?”
“But-“ A hard swallow followed. “I don’t know if it pays. And even if it doesn’t… I’ll still need money for books.”
Standing slowly from her seat, Penelope crossed the few feet of bare-wood floor to her song. Arms open, wrapping them tightly around his shoulders, pressing in to him. As if the action would directly pass her love through her skin. “Oh, baby. My dear Icarus. You speak as though I would throw you to the cold at the thought. You’re just asking for money, not the world at your feet.”
Icarus felt his shoulders tense. “I-I just know your store hasn’t been very busy lately. I didn’t want-“
A finger was pressed to his lips. “To be a burden? You would never be such a thing. I am your mother, Icarus. It’s my job to take care of you, not the other way around. Kind soul, too kind to me. Certainly her lady, Xer’hana, in all her wisdom gave me such a gift.”
Would it be worth the exchange for all you’ve lost? Icarus was glad she couldn’t read his thoughts.
“How much do you need dear?”
“One thousand glavi.” The amount tasted like filth in his mouth.
The crow’s feet on her eyes did tighten slightly, the smile not as wide in her mouth. But she took his hands in hers, squeezing them gently. “I’ll get it for you. I won’t have your education be hampered.”
“Mom. If it’s an issue-“ His protest was cut short. Other solutions were dead now that her mind was set.
“I know, dear. I know.” She brushed a stand of hair out of his eyes. “We’ll both work hard. We’ll get it done. And then we’ll laugh and grow from the memory of the struggle. You’ll see. It’ll work out for the better.” She planted a small kiss on his cheek and then returned to her loom, checking the apparatus to ensure all was in order and in part to remember just where she was in her work. “I’d best get on it then. You get a list of everything else you need for classes too. Let’s knock it out in one blow.”
Without waiting for more, Penelope again picked up her shuttle and pressed down on the pedals. Icarus tarried a bit longer just to watch the flow and dance start up again, though his heavy heartbeats only were in time to the guilt burrowing into his brain. You do work hard. Always did. I just wished above everything you’ve been through… I just wish you didn’t have to. His silent prayer faded in mind as he turned away, heading back to his room to dig through what supplies he could re-use from last semester. He doubted anyone was listening.
(OC-tober challenge by @oc-tober2022 can be found here.)
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dizzified · 2 months
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Meet Riller Ginaqon, God of Ice and heir to the Gelid Throne.
Ice god moment.
Is royalty.
Forgets he's royalty.
Money-wise, is an extremely possessive and greedy person.
Owns a castle that he refuses to live in and instead hoards money in.
Denies that he lives in his parents basement.
Lives in his parents basement.
Has quite literally died like 4 times.
Ironically died once in a blizzard along with his entire family.
Got dropkicked out of his body once by some fucked up dictator.
Proceeded to get blamed for horrible crimes he had no part in due to this.
Got thrown back into his body twice, both times to get beat the hell up and die.
Trying to restabilize himself and his life after finally getting his body back and having his parents revived.
Is focusing on rekindling his relationship with his emotionally and mentally fucked up bestfriend.
Has the ability to make his blood freeze, inside or out of his body.
Obviously, is cold to the touch.
Ironically is best friends with a literal fire god.
Is iced out.
Dislikes Siara with a passion.
She killed him once, he never forgave her for it.
Hasn't been relevant in months, kind of just showed up.
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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mushtoons · 8 months
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sorry this interaction wouldn't leave us alone
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kotzwinkled · 9 months
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that’d be unethical!
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egophiliac · 7 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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badkunz · 8 months
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I wanted to explore the idea that Marceline "accidentally" died by the hands of Winter King, perhaps trying to protect Bonnie, and how he dealt with the guilt by having her reborn as his daughter.
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isjasz · 9 months
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[Day 67]
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bloodybellycomb · 11 months
I genuinely mean it when I say that life becomes at least 30% more manageable whenever you allow yourself to become obsessed with something that is a little bit silly
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witch-among-stars · 9 months
This show is like a Tumblr sexymen-producing factory!
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obsob · 5 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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shima-draws · 8 months
IG algorithm has caught onto the fact that I’m watching One Piece anyway look at this reel I found of fuckign. One Piece on ICE??? I’d give anything to see this actually
Also I love Luffy skating over to grab Zoro. And Zoro and Sanji doing that face off forehead thing while they skate in circles. And Luffy throwing his arms around both their shoulders and skating off with them and doing a cute little run and
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pigeon-princess · 5 months
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Can I please talk about my weird little Warg from Lonely Light? My salt crusted Ironborn bastard whose definitely a Targaryen. Gwyndon "Gwyn" Pyke, my selkie boy.
We've started playing a little ASOIAF tabletop game set during the Blackfyre Rebellions (around 90 years before Game of Thrones). Our travelling party consists of two Targaryen bastards from the opposite side of Westeros and the Hedge Knight holding them for ransom (or so we thought).
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bloodredx · 2 years
Canticle 15
The elemental four took hold of each soul all in their unique says, ceasing the conflict and lifting all apart, Vestige and human alike. Though frustration was apparent when none could hold the mysterious form of the stranger, their parent hidden from their own views in the way only The First God could manage. “Stranger, what foul acts have been caused? Told by Vestige and animal alike that no need for violence was met, and yet here thou stands at the center of it all.” All gods spoke in unity, each casting their own accusation. “Would it not be enough? Many miracles are granted in the flexibilities offered to those under the cloak of Humanity. Animals need not argue in such matter. Wolves have pecking orders, as do dolphins and hens. What purpose does it show now to develop something later than never at all?”
The First God merely smiled, their accusations were but soft blows. “Ah, without seeing, so led and blind. For what good are these souls if they are so accustomed to the word of gods that will not always be there?”
The elemental four bristled at this, accusingly coming back. “It is the duty of these forms to maintain these souls, the worlds, all elements in the domain. What boldness comes from the like of thine own lips to claim irresponsibility thusly? That abandonment of the post is the only option?”
“Of course not.” The First God in their human form waved a hand simply, as if gesturing to all the truths of the universe. “There will come many a day where one of none of the elemental gods are hear the heed the call to assistance that these humans need. They lack the instinct to follow and feel what is right in their souls that the rest of the animals do, left instead to wonder and question alone. This dependency on direct guidance, a fallacy. It should lead only to timely destruction.”
Wind was about to speak, seemingly come to a realization when Fire spouted forth ahead of her words. “And what magnitude should lead one as thee to guide the hand of our duties? Humans, though definite as described know nothing more than thee. What would make thine own insight more valuable?”
“Wait-“ Wind tried to get her words in, right as Moth leapt from the shoulder of The First One.
Their human form tearing apart bit by bit as they reassembled themselves into something more akin to the godly form expected, though it would be nothing like any of the souls there would remember, should they have been able to. No, the god was very different, but still bearing all marks of high Divinity that let these elemental four, the vestiges, and all the humans present know exactly the weight of consequences to be dealt with. Moth again landed on the outstretched hand of The First One as their words, Notes, and Song flew through the air around all. Only the humans were addressed directly at this point. “The errors made are in effort of growth. Though capable in all things, know that these four gods are just extensions of this form. They contain vast powers and knowledge sure, but they can never know what it means to be in the form of flesh. Even if they take the form this one just abandoned. There will come moments where answers will not flow from the mouths of Divinity, instead coming from within. That is the unique gift granted by the soul and its existence given, that Willpower known within can act miracles. Be sure to use it correctly, there are few opportunities for second chances.”
Turning to their own creations, The First One smiled once more, in spite of the four cowering in fear of their Divine parent. “Mistakes made here were not slight, and errors shall not be punished, dear Myseri. For the actions of this form cannot be known by thee, and there was no hope in winning a game one is unaware of being played. So take the lesson learned thusly, that the Song contains complexities not known even to thee. That all play important roles, and duties above all else should come forth.”
The god then turned to the Vestiges, who were ready and willing to listen to the words of their great one without remorse. “This form shall take these gods back with them for a brief moment. Certainly, there can be hope that the same care passed from the hands of this form prior can be expected?”
The Vestiges agreed quickly, for they knew better than to take advantage of the kindness of The First One. And with a flickering image, the great god clapped their hands, taking back their creations from Ha’venia, save for Moth who was left fluttering in the dull space once their Notes had left.
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hinamie · 2 months
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i have so much band!au content in the pipeline my brain is Rotting but enjoy these two for now
jjk band!au
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qu33rd0gs · 6 months
something something Ice Skating
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